Queen's Fort
Queen's Fort (1): 1703, New York City, See Fort George (1). Queen's Fort (2): Schenectady. Constructed in 1705 as a triple stockade at Front, Ferry, and Green Streets. (now site of Lawrence the Indian statute). Rebuilt in 1735 of heavy timbers set on a 10 foot high stone wall. One hundred Square feet with blockhouses (24 SF & 20 Ft high) in each corner. Six cannon. Taken down during Revolutionary War. Queen's Fort (3): Reconstruction of Fort Schuyler (1) in 1711 by Col. Nicholson during Queen Anne's War, then renamed Fort Anne upon completion

Special Recognition

This section was made possible by the hard work and diligent research of Col. Michael J. Stenzel, NYG. Col. Stenzel spent many years compiling the information contained on these pages.