Partial Index for The 27th Infantry Division in World War II By Capt. Edmund G. Love
Index Prepared by
June M. Hoyt
Posted Here with permission
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This does not list military units, as such. Places whose names are chapter headings are usually not listed in index. Some place names are listed the first time they appear, primarily for identification (e.g., Charan Kanoa, 115 ff).
This index was compiled for my personal use, to locate names of individuals. In this respect, I hope it is complete, but I have caught many errors. Undoubtedly there are more. If you find errors or omissions, I would be glad to hear from you, because they are easily corrected. (The information is stored in a computer.) Errors are most likely to appear in designating the unit to which a man belonged. As the combat situation became confused, I often got lost in Love's narrative, and could not tell who was in what unit. Sometimes I resolved it by showing only the battalion. (I hope I managed to get the right regiment, at least!) I would be glad to have clarification where possible.
Unfortunately, at the beginning of this project it did not occur to me to list military units as separate items. That is an omission which I regret—but not enough to start over!
June M. Hoyt October, 1990
Abilene, Pfc. Apollo (A Co., 165th), 248
Ackerman, Capt. Louis F. (CO, A Co., 105th), 161, 163-65, 183-84, 366-68, 372-73, 411-13, 424, 436, 438-40, 446, 451, 461-62, 465, 616-19, 624-26 Afetna Point, 127 ff.
Agawa, Col. (Japanese Commander, 136th Regiment), 371, 379
Agee, Lt. Raymond E. (Cannon Co., 105th), 206
Agingan Point, 127 ff.
Aiperspach, Pfc. Ruben (A Co., 105th), 368
Albanese, Lt. (S-4, 1st Bn., 105th), 451
Albertson, S/Sgt. Broadus L. (E Co., 105th), 211-12
Aliano, Sgt. Leon (C Co., 106th), 74-75
Allender, Sgt. William (B Co., 106th), 69, 275, 501
Allen, S/Sgt. Wm. H. (E Co., 105th), 215, 390
Alloco, Sgt. (Tank Bn.), 411
Amato, T/Sgt. Antonio (C Co., 106th), 74-75
Amy, S/Sgt. William A. (E Co., 106th), 284
Anderson, Brig. Gen. Alexander E. (54th Brigade), 19
Anderson, Lt. Col. Walter F. (CO, 193d Tank Bn.), 577
Anderson's Gulch, 565, ff.
Anderson, Pfc. John A. (G Co., 165th), 250
Anderson, S/Sgt. Clarence L. (A Co., 165th), 399-400
Andrews, Col. James, 8
Andrews, Lt. Albert H. (F. Co., 165th), 236-37, 251-52, 571
Antonacci, T/Sgt. (B Co., 165th), 505-06, 508
Appleman, Capt. Roy E. (Tank Bn.), 452, 488, 495
Arlberg, Pfc. Arvo (K Co., 106th), 256
Armstrong, Lt. John F. (Exec., Hq. Co., 1st Bn., 105th), 626
Armstrong, Pvt. James D. (E Co., 106th), 277-78
Arnold, Gen. Henry H., 112
Artessa, Pvt. Joseph G. (L Co., 106th), 99
Aslito Airfield, 116 ff.
Atsugi Airfield, 649
Aue, Lt. William A. (L Co., 106th), 99
Auzis, Sgt. Adolph A. (1st or 2d Bn,, 105th), 457-58
Ayers, Col. Russell G.(CO, 106th), 16, 56, 62-63, 86-87, 89, 92, 95-96, 102, 105, 224 -27, 242, 244, 254, 258, 263-64, 272, 276, 289-90, 297, Appendix I
Baack, Lt. Milton J. (Cannon Co., 106th), 86
Bailey bridges, 543, ff.
Baird, Pfc. J. C. (C Co., 105th), 447-48, 489-90
Baker, Sgt. Thomas C. (A Co., 105th), 166, 366, 453-54, Appendix V
Baker, Sgt. John C. (E Co., 106th), 277-78
Baker, Pfc. William (F Co., 106th), 492
Bales, Pfc. John L. (I Co., 106th), 103
Banaderu, 379
Banko, Pvt. William (B Co., 105th), 468
Bara, Pfc. Chester (G Co., 106th), 315-16
Baralis, Sgt. William (A Co., 105th), 464
Barbera, S/Sgt. Michael (G Co., 165th), 250
Barbour, Lt. William M. (B Co., 102d Engr.), 573, 576
Barnett, Lt. Audy (B Co., 165th), 348
Barnett, Lt. Paul W. (A Co., 106th), 71-72, 89-90, 92, 94, 329
Barrett, Sgt. Everett J. (E Co., 105th), 215-16
Bates, Lt. Robert T. (CO, C Co., later K Co., 106th), 73, 76, 79, 85, 88, 90-91, 97, 298, 629
Bator, S/Sgt. Frank (A Co., 106th), 330
Battle of the Clouds
Bean, T/Sgt. Richard J. (I Co., 105th), 620-21, 634
Becay, Pfc. Joseph (A Co., 165th), 400
Bendixen, Lt. Col. (Staff officer), 651
Benfer, Pvt. Spencer (G Co., 165th), 310
Berger, Capt., 49
Bernard, Pfc. Bruno C. (A Co., 106th), 93-94
Bernis, Pfc. Ben, Jr. (A Co., 106th), 94
Berry, Maj. Gen. Charles W. (Div. CO, 1922-26), 7
Betts, Capt. Howard, E., Jr. (CO, K Co, 165th), 170, 182, 261, 265, 268-71, 364, 382-85, 387, 397-98, 579, 580-81, 599-602, 651
Bidwell, Lt. Col. M. Oakley (G-l), 431, 466
Bigda, Sgt. Eugene (B Co., 106th), 360
Billings, Capt. Howard J. (108th Inf.), 17
Bishi Gawa, 533
Bishop, Col. Leonard A. (CO, 105th), 16, 160, 167, 176, 188-89, 191-92, 196, 331, 363, 365, 410, 426-28, 486, 493, 495, 497, 520, Appendix I
Blandy, Rear Adm. Wm. H. C. (USN), 128-29, 525-26, 528, 530
Bleau, S/Sgt. Edward (F Co., 105th), 205-06
Bloody Ridge (Saipan), 319 ff.
Bloody Run, 426, 446, ff.
Bodiford, S/Sgt. Earl T. (K Co., 106th), 101
Bogan, Sgt. Edward A. (A Co., 105th), 455
Bohling, Pfc. Clifford L. (B Co., 106th), 87
Bolger, Pvt. Peter (A Co., 165th), 401
Boiling, Sgt. (D Co., 165th), 507-08
Bonner, Lt. Robert J. (I Co., 106th), 258, 303-06, 321
Booth, Pfc. Elmer (F Co., 165th), 237
Bornick, Pfc. Elmer A. (G Co., 105th), 481
Boscarino, T/Sgt. (B Co., 165th), 505-06, 508
Bottke, Pfc. Elmer (A Co., 165th), 513
Bouchard, Capt. Alexander C. (CO, K Co., 105th), 332-33, 350-51, 353, 361-62, 380, 388
Bowsh, Cpl. William (B Co., 105th), 467-70, 492
Boyles, Pfc. James R. (L Co., 105th), 396
Boynton, Pvt. David M. (A Co., 105th), 454-55
Bradford, Brig. Gen. Wm. B. (new Asst. Div. CO), 520, 523, 537, 540, 544-46, 628-32, 646, 648
Bradley, Maj. Gen. James L. (CO, 96th Div.) 624, 628, 648
Bradt, Lt. Col. Edward T. (CO, 3d Bn., 105th), 50-51, 191-92, 349-50, 353, 356-57, 361, 363, 365, 387, 395, 419, 427, 475, 482-83, 488-89, 491, 520
Braly, Lt. James M. (I Co., 105th), 352, 530
Brandon, Lt. Orrin W. (B Co., 165th), 505-06, 508
Brennan, Lt. Howard V. (later Capt., B Co. 102d Engr.), 89, 562
Brennan, Sgt. (B Co., 165th), 265
Breron, S/Sgt. Christian F. (D Co., 106th), 80-81, 83
Brewer, Lt. Myron C. (S-2, later CO, B Co., 165th), 193, 504-06, 508
Brewer, Lt. Myron L. (CO, C Co. 165th), 583-84, 586, 605
Brewer's Hill, 565, ff.
Brewer, Pfc. Harold (A Co., 165th), 401
Brieling, Pfc. George (A Co., 165th), 400
Britt, Lt. Vincent D. (new CO, 27th Recon. Trp.), 627, 629
Brockett, Lt. Albert D. (A Co., 105th), 163-64
Broome, Pfc. Boyce O. (I Co., 105th), 352
Brousseau, Maj. Gregory (2nd Bn., 165th), 267-68, 289-92, 297, 299, 301, 308, 310, 312
Brown, Capt. Ashley (I Co., 105th), 351-53, 409, 477-78
Brown, Lt. (Cannon Co., 165th), 508
Brown, Lt. Col. William (new Exec, 105th), 520
Brown, Lt. Harry W. (F Co., 165th),267
Brown, Pfc. Bob T. (L Co., 106th), 253
Brown, Pfc. Kenneth H. (C Co., 106th), 90
Brown, Pvt. William H. (K Co., 165th), 381
Brown, Sgt. (3d Bn., 165th), 384
Browne, Col. William (Exec, Div. Arty.), 181
Buckner, Lt. Gen. Simon Bolivar, Jr. (CO, Tenth Army), 526, Appendix I
Bug, Pfc. Vernon (G Co., 105th), 419
Bullock, Lt. (Tank Bn.), 283, 386-87
Bunting, Pfc. Harold (A Co., 106th), 371
Burchill, Pfc. (B Co., 106th), 314
Buresk, Pvt. Jerome (102d Engr.), 79
Burgess, Pfc. (B Co., 165th), 506-07
Burks, Pfc. Herman L. (A Co., 105th), 164
Burnett, Pfc. Roy J. (K Co., 165th), 381-82
Burske, Capt. Frank D. (CO, D Co., 106th), 355
Burt, Pfc. Joseph (B Co., 106th), 275
Burton, Pfc Charles (B Co., 165th), 506-07
Bushemi, Sgt. John (Yank Correspondent), 100-01
Butaritari, map, 24
Butkas, CaptTTExec. , 1st Bn. , 105th), 462
Butler, Cpl. David (Tank Bn., 106th), 107-08
Butler, Pvt. Ernest J. (G Co., 165th), 238
Buzz Bomb Bowl, 535
Cahill, S/Sgt. James A. (B Co., 106th), 72-73, 85, 275
Callahan, Pvt. William C. (B Co., 105th), 341
Camelia Island, 61
Campanello, Pvt. Michael (A Co., 165th), 342
Campbell, Capt. (CO, C Co., 106th), 357, 359-60
Campbell, Lt. John (M Co., 105th), 32
Canna Island, 61
Cape Obiam, 137 ff.
Caputo, Sgt. Rocco P. (A Co., 106th), 94
Carlson, Lt. Col. Evans F. (USMC), 25
Carpenter, Pfc. Ralph J. (1st Bn., 105th), 347
carriers. See ships.
Carroll, Pfc. Daniel (A Co., 165th), 233
Carroll, S/Sgt. Thomas B. (A Co., 106th), 94
Carter, Capt. Shaw (CO, 27th Cav. Recon. Trp.), 544, 625, 627
Cassady, Lt. Elwin F. (E Co., 106th), 277-78, 280-81, 283
Catlin, Capt. Emmett (S-3, 1st Bn. , 105th), 413, 489
Chacha Village, 115 ff.
Chamberlain, Maj., USMC, 259, 286
Chamorros, 119 ff.
Chapa, Pfc. Thomas (E Co., 165th), 152
Chappeta, S/Sgt. Edward (A Co., 165th), 233
Charan Danshii, 339
Charan Kanoa, 115 ff.
Charlie Ridge, 563, ff.
Chase, Pfc. (B Co., 165th), 506-07
Chasmar, Capt. Paul (CO, G Co., 165th), 155, 171, 173, 230, 238, 251, 266, 268, 291-92, 295-96, 301-02, 308-10, 326, 339, 503
Chester, Lt. Robert D. (D Co., 165th), 141, 402 Chiaranti, Pfc. (B Co., 105th), 468
Chichi Jima, 122
Chinnici, S/Sgt. Stephen P. (B Co., 105th), 162
Claire, Maj. Denis E. (CO, 3rd Bn.; later CO, 2nd Bn., 165th), 130, 135, 139, 169-70, 174, 182-83, 192, 261, 287, 317, 325, 327-28, 332-33, 336, 339-40, 343-44, 377, 385-86, 407-08, 473-74, 502-03, 521, 576, 578-79, 584, 587-90
Claire, Maj. Dennis D. (same as Denis E.?), (Exec, 2nd Bn., 165th), 33, 40
Clark, Lt. Samuel M. (M Co., 106th), 254
Cleaver, Capt. Eugene (102d QM), 17
Clemper, Pvt. George (K Co., 165th), 383
Cloyd, Lt. Edward L. (CO, C Co., 165th), 230, 233-34, 248-49
Coates, Capt. Charles E. (CO, C Co., 165th), 39-40, 47
Coats, Pfc. Arthur (A Co., 165th), 399
Colangelo, T/Sgt. Atterigi (B Co., 105th), 375
Colishaw, Lt. James E., Jr. (C Co., 105th), 79, 88-91
Colvin, Pvt. Ben F., Jr. (K Co., 165th), 262
command changes, 16, 19-20, 22, 247, 289, 300, 520-21, 590, 612, 636, 642, 645, 651, Appendix I
Coniry, Pfc. Charles I. (A Co., 105th), 366
Connelly, Pvt. John (B Co., 165th), 249
Connolly, S/Sgt. James B. (K Co., 165th), 383
Conroy, Col. Gardiner (CO, 165th), 8, 30, 39
Conroy Field, 568
Constanza, Pfc. Vincent J. (C Co., 165th), 511
contact, problems of 241
Contreras, Pfc. Lawrence (E Co., 165th), 311-12
Conway, Cpl. Elmer F. (H Co., 165th), 47
Cook, Pfc. Paul R. (E Co., 165th), 572
Cooley, Pvt. Homer B. (E Co., 106th), 278
Cornett, Lt. Col. Winslow (CO, 1st Bn,, 106th), 65, 70, 73, 75, 78, 85-89, 92, 95, 97, 271-72, 276, 287, 290, 297-98, 300, 312, 331, 340, 355, 357, 359-60, 371, 395, 490-92, 496-98, 542, 556, 558-59, 614, 634
Costello, Pfc. John E. (H Co., 165th), 47
Cowboy (Code name), 551
Cowley, Pfc. James M. (G Co., 165th), 172, 296
Crimmins, Capt. Robert (Asst. Div. Engr.), 545, 573
Crocker, Lt. Col. David R. (CO, 3d Bn., 106th) (NOTE: Same as Wm. Crocker?), 532, 542, 548-49
Crocker, Lt. Col. William (CO, 3d Bn., 106th), 520, 558, 616, 628-30, 650
Crocker, Lt. Van M. (A Co., 105th), 161, 163
Crocker's Hill 532 ff., 615 ff.
Crump, Sgt. Joe L. (Tank Bn., 106th), 106-07
Cudlin, Capt. Louis F. (CO, G Co., 105th), 622, 636-41
Cunningham, Pfc. (C Co., 165th), 517-18
Custer's Last Stand, 638
Dacato, S/Sgt. Frank (A Co., 106th), 313, 330
Dalap Island, 57
Damon, Lt. Leland E. (G Co., 165th), 606-08
Danforth, S/Sgt. Glenn E. (I Co., 106th), 303, 305
Darritt Island, 57
Daurio, S/Sgt. Dominic (1st or 2d Bn., 105th), 459
David, Lt. Dell R.(G Co., 165th), 171-73, 177, 181, 291-92, 295,
308 Davis, Lt. Cleveland (Exec., K Co., 106th), 102
Davis, Pfc. Gustar (C Co., 106th), 75
Davis, Pfc. James J. (G Co., 105th), 480
Davis, Sgt. Edward (F Co., 165th), 337-38
Davis, T/Sgt. Thomas J. (G Co., 165th), 607-08
Dead Horse Gulch, 565, ff.
Death Valley, map, 226
Death Valley, terrain, 228-29
Dedell, Col. Thomas C. (previous CO, 106th), 16
DeFabees, S/Sgt. Emmanuel F. (C Co., 165th), 39, 47
Degenaar, Col. Christopher B. (CO, 105th), 8, 16
DeGroff, Maj. Charles E. (3d Bn., 105th), 520, 528-30, 559, 619- 24, 633-35, 641-42, 645-46
Delear, Major Ernest C. (Exec, 3d Bn., 106th), 104-05, 108
Delgarno, Lt. Alexander (E Co., 106th), Jr., 260, 281, 283-84
Denall, Pfc. Eugene J. (K Co., 165th), 270
Denis, Pfc. Carl (F Co., 165th), 594
Dennington, Lt. (L Co., 165th), 515-16
Deperri, Pfc. Michael N. (E Co., 165th), 334
Dermody, Pfc. Jack (B Co., 165th), 265
DeShazo, S/Sgt. Ralph (F Co., 105th), 207
DeVito, T/Sgt. Ralph (A Co., 106th), 73, 79, 81, 94, 96, 313
Devlin, Pfc. Matthew (K Co., 165th), 262
Diaz, Pfc. Antonio (1st Bn., 106th), 497
Dickey, S/Sgt. Cleo B. (A Co., 105th), 366, 412, 455
DiCurcio, Pvt. Michael (B Co., 106th), 314
Didrick, Sgt. (A Co., 165th), 233-34
Dingman, T/Sgt. Claude (G Co., 106th), 282
Distinguished Unit Citations, Appendix VI
Doddo, S/Sgt. Louis S. (C Co., 105th), 461
Dolliver, Lt. George B. (B Co., 105th), 184-85, 340, 460
Domanowski, Sgt. John (1st Bn.?, 105th), 460
Dominique, Sgt. Philip (1st or 2d Bn., 105th), 465
Donnay, 518
Donnelly, Lt. Thomas J. (L Co., 105th), 365-66
Donovan, Pvt. (3d Bn., 165th), 383
Dooley, Capt. James E. (2nd Bn., 165th), 317, 505-06
Dorey, Lt. Willis K. (Tank Bn.), 391, 393-94, 410-11, 414- 417, 432
Dorn, Sgt. Harold (B Co., 106th), 77, 79, 355
Doss, Lt. Albert (A Co., 165th), 348
Dougherty, S/Sgt. Thomas. J. (F Co., 165th), 236
Drenzek, Sgt. Benjamin J. (G Co., 105th), 419
Drew, Pfc. William (A Co., 165th), 401-03
Drovis, Lt. Seymour P. (1st or 2d Bn., 105th), 459
Drum, Lt. Gen. Hugh A. (CO, Second Corps Area and First Army), 8
Drummond, Sgt. Walter A. (I Co., 105th), 477-78
Dudey, Sgt. (A Co., 106th), 67, 69, 72, 85
Duffy, Father Francis, 2
Duffy, Pvt. Peter A. (K Co., 165th), 381-82
Duncan, Pfc. Michael F. (B Co., 106th), 80
Duncan, Pfc. Olin H. (A Co., 105th), 455
Dunfee, Pfc. Emil (B Co., 106th), 94, 500
Dunn, Pvt. George (B Co., 106th), 88
Durst, Pfc. Kenneth E. (E Co., 105th), 215
Dziekowicz, S/Sgt. Leonard A. (L Co., 106th), 99
Earlsby, Sgt. Curtis (A Co., 106th), 329
Ebersole, Lt. Robert E. (L Co., 106th), 254, 256
Edmondson, Lt. Col. Hugh L. (CO, 193d. Tank Bn.), 35, 45
Edson, Brig. Gen. Merritt A., USMC (2d Div.), 512
Elliot, Lt. Robert A. (Exec, F Co., 165th), 175, 177, 597-99
Ellis, Cpl. Oliver (B Co., 106th), 79
Emig, Pfc. Charles E. (A Co., 105th), 373, 465
Engebi Island, 60 ff.
engineer problems, 546 ff.
Enides, Pfc. Howard G. (D Co., 106th), 82-83
Eniwetok, 119
Eniwetok, map, 58
Ennis, Pfc. Howard W. (G Co., 165th), 250
Enstad, T/Sgt. Karl H. (E Co., 105th), 211
Erskine, Brig. Gen. Graves B., USMC, 194, 223-24, 227, Appendix I
Ernsthausen, Pfc. Clayton E. (1st or 2d Bn., 105th), 459
Evans-Smith, Capt. Wiliam (S-3, 2d Bn., 105th), 617
Faber, Pfc. Joaquin, 94
Fabieszewski, T/Sgt. Edward T. (B Co., 106th), 66, 273-75
Fallon, Lt. Joseph (54th Brigade), 17
Farley, Lt. Col. Joseph (Exec, 106th, later Asst. G-3), 289
Fasino, Pfc. Anthony J. (B Co., 106th), 67, 71, 501
Feichtmeier, Lt. Col. Armand C. (Div. Ord. Officer), 193
Felder, Lt. John H. (C Co., 165th), 404-06
Feller, Pfc. Robert E. (L Co., 106th), 291-92
Ferns, Capt. William (M Co., 105th), 31, 32, 35, 37, 48
Ferrens, Col. Charles S. (new CO, Div. Arty.), 520, 523
Ferris, Lt. Col. Charles B. (Div. G-4), 158
Fifth U. S. Fleet, 133
Finley, Pvt. George (A Co., 106th), 500-01
Fisezi, Pvt. John (G Co., 106th), 282
Fisher, Maj. Francis (Exec., 3d Bn., 106th), 320, 395, 409, 474- 75, 478
Fitzhugh, Pvt. Thomas L. (K Co., 165th), 383
Fleck, Lt. Louis W. (766th Tank Bn.), 234-35, 243, 248, 264
Fleming, Pfc. Edward J. (C Co., 106th), 74
Fleming, Capt. Ernest A. (Exec, 2d Bn., 105th), 619-23, 635-36,
642 Fleming, Lt. Thomas P. (CO, C Co., 165th), 568-69
Flesche, Lt. John M., Jr. (F Co., 165th), 327, 337-38, 593-95, 597, 600
Flessenkemper, Pvt. Paul A. (C Co., 105th), 416
Flores, Pvt. Celso (C Co., 105th), 471
Flores Point, 371, ff.
flying freight cars (See spigot-mortar shells.)
Flynn, Pfc. Lawrence D. (C Co., 105th), 341
Flynn, Pfc. (F Co., 106th), 354-55
Foery, Maj. Martin (CO, 3d Bn., 165th), 317, 345, 348, 364, 382, 385, 407, 473, 521
Font, Lt. Pierre (CO, I Co., 106th), 294, 300
Forlands, Lt. Arthur E. (B Co., 165th), 265
Forrestal, James, Appendix IV
Foster, Capt. Earl D. (102d Engr.), 17
Foster, Pfc. Dorth (F Co., 165th), 236
Fowler, Sgt. Dudley 0. (B Co., 165th), 143
Foxen, Maj. Wm. A. (Exec, 2d Bn., 106th), 540, (CO 1st Bn., 106th), 645
Franciavella, Pvt. Louis (I Co., 165th), 169
Frayer, Pfc James R. (K Co., 165th—same as James S.?), 270-71, 383-84
Freeman, Pfc. William (B Co., 106th), 275
French, Pfc Max 0. (C Co., 105th), 416
Fultz, Pvt. Glen (G Co., 106th), 298-99, 315
Funa-Susu Ridge, 134 ff.
Fusco, 1st Sgt. Pasquale J. (G Co., 165th), 34
Futema, 531
Gabi, Cpl. Steve (L. Co., 105th), 32
Gabrielson, Pfc. Arthur (G Co., 106th), 282
Gallagher, Lt. Edward J., 37, 47
Ganio, Lt. Gino (Tank Bn.), 344, 396-97, 417, 495
Gannaway, T/Sgt. Ralph N. (C Co., 105th), 414-16
Garapan, 115 ff.
Garber, Lt. Arthur (K Co, 165th), 269, 348
Garceau, S/Sgt. Francis A. (I Co., 105th), 352
Gardner, Pfc. Miner F. (I Co., 105th), 351
Garnett, Lt. Robert J., Jr. (K Co., 106th), 241, 255-56, 300
Garwol, S/Sgt. Edward A. (E Co., 106th), 284
Geiger, Maj Gen. Roy S., USMC, 114, Appendix I
George, Pfc. Irvin A. (C Co., 105th), 414
Gerdes, Pfc. David (G. Co., 106th), 282
Ghedozzi, Sgt. Walter E. (E Co., 105th), 215
Giano, Pvt. Mike (102d Medics), 89
Gibson, Sgt. Jack (Engr., 165th), 513
Gil, Lt. Jose H. (Later Capt.) (CO, B Co., 165th), 138, 140-45, 147-48, 154, 248-49, 341, 578, 606
Gilkes, Sgt. William (B Co., 105th), 162-63
Gilman, T/Sgt. Arthur A. (K Co., 105th), 392-95
Giuffre, Sgt. Felix M. (1st or 2d Bn., 105th), 458-59
Glasier, Pvt. Gilbert (104th Engr.), 89
Glaze, Pfc. John (E Co., 106th), 260
Goldberg, S/Sgt. Charles (C Co., 106th), 74
Golden, Lt. Irving S. (102d Engr. Bn.), 543, 555, 561, 576-77
Gomes, Pvt. Joseph (1st or 2d Bn., 105th), 458-59
Gooden, Pvt. Frank W. (A Co., 105th), 455
Gorman, Pfc. John P. (C Co., 106th), 74
Gormsen, Lt. Col. Harold F. (102d Engr.), 543, 545-47, 560, 573,
631 Graciock, S/Sgt. Michael T. (L Co., 106th), 99
Gracyalana, Pfc. George C. (E Co., 105th), 201 Grale, Lt. (K Co., 165th), 600
Grant, S/Sgt. James B., Jr. (I Co., 106th), 109
Grasz, S/Sgt. Giovanni (A Co., 106th), 313
Graziano, Sgt. Nicholas J. (G Co., 105th), 479-80
Green, Lt. John P. (G Co., 106th), 316, 321
Greenwell, Lt. Cecil A. (F Co., 105th), 197-99, 205-07, 208, 210-12, 214, 462
Gregory, Lt. Claude M. (H Co., 105th), 202-03
Grestini, Sgt. Attilio W. (1st or 2d Bn., 105th), 465-66
Gribbon, Sgt. (C Co., 102d Engrs.), 386
Grier, Col. (Staff officer), 651
Grigsby, Major Holman (new CO, 2d Bn., 105th), 520, 532, 617,
619-20 Griner, Maj. Gen. George W. (new Div. CO), 331, 339, 349, 356, 363-66, 371, 377, 410, 427, 431-32, 451, 475, 484, 488-91, 496- 98, 518, 520-23, 525-27, 535, 540, 542-46, 548, 560, 567, 577, 588, 611-12, 614, 616, 623, 625, 627-28, 630-31, 649-51, Appendices I, III
Grunninger, Pfc. George (G Co., 165th), 296
Guadalcanal, 117
Guam, 112, 114-15, 117, 122
Guffey, Lt. (Tank Bn.), 493-96
Guitterez, Pfc. Emil (B Co., 165th), 507
Guld, Pfc. (A Co., 165th), 513
Gumbrell, Lt. Arthur J. (C Co., 106th), 73-75, 79
Gusukuma Ridge, 563, ff.
Hadden, Pvt. William (C Co., 165th), 510-11
Haguchi beaches, 527
Hall, Sgt. Ernest (G Co., 165th), 171-72, 292
Hallden, Capt. Charles H. (CO, L Co., 106th), 98-100, 103-04, 227, 230-32, 240-43, 253-54, 277, 291-94, 301-02, 304-07, 317- 23, 325, 520, 548
Hallers, Pfc. Elly (B Co., 106th), 88
Halloran, Col. Michael E. (CO, 381st Inf., 96th Div.), 614-15
Halverson, Pfc. Efriem S. (I Co., 106th), 103
Hammond, Capt. Luther C. (B Co., 105th), 617-19, 623-24
Hansen, Lt. Arthur G. (G Co., 105th), 178-80, 208
Hara-Kiri Gulch, 382-85, ff.
Harjung, T/Sgt. Russel E. (L Co., 106th), 253
Harkbearth, S/Sgt. Harry (L Co., 165th), 515-17
Harlan, Pfc. Rayburn E. (K Co., 105th), 394-95
Harper, Pfc. Cecil R. (F Co., 165th), 598, 600
Harper's Magazine, Appendix I
Harris, Sgt. Carlos A. (E Co., 105th), 389, 391
Hart, Cpl. Albert (Tank Bn., 106th), 107
Hart, Lt. Col. Joseph T. (Exec., 165th; later CO), 31, 44, 50-52, 54-55, 129-133, 263, 287, 339, 346, 348, 356-57, 363, 370-71, 377, 395, 397, 407-10, 447, 474-75, 483, 502-03, 513, 568, 612, 651
Harvey, Lt. Holstein (27th Recon. Troop), 358
Haskell, Col. John H. F. (Div. CS until 1942), 22
Haskell, Maj. Gen. William N. (Div CO 1926-41), 7, 12-13
Hawrylak, Pfc. William (1st or 2d Bn., 105th), 459-60, 464-65
Hazard, Lt. Benjamin (Div. language officer), 435
Heaps, Pvt. Elmer L. (F Co., 165th), 237
Hedi Saki, 649
Heidelberger, T/Sgt. Siegbert S. (L Co., 105th), 396, 409, 474
Heikens, 1st Sgt. Edward (F Co., 165th), 267
Hell's Pocket, 231, ff.
Heminway, Capt. Wm. T. (CO, K Co., 106th) 70, 81, 98, 101-3, 227, 230, 236, 239-40, 243, 253-55, Appendix I
Henderson, Pfc. James F. (L Co., 106th), 99 Hendricks, Sgt. Oliver (Tank Bn.), 493-94
Herd, Pfc. Richard (B Co., 165th), 506-08
Herman, Sgt. (Cook, A Co., 105th), 412
Herring, Pvt. Alvin B. (G Co., 165th), 339
Herzog, Maj. Jacob H. (Asst. G-2), 47, 50
Hettie, T/Sgt. George (A Co., 106th), 315, 329-30, 355
Heyen, Lt. Commander (Royal Australian Navy), 25
Hill Able, 230 ff.
Hill Charlie, 233, ff.
Hill Love, 233, ff.
Hill Victor, 268
Hill 58 (Okinawa), 648
Hill, Rear Adm. H. W. (USN), 57, 59, 61-62
Hill, S/Sgt. Reginald F. (D Co., 106th), 82
Hill, Pfc. Cassie (A Co., 105th), 459-60, 465
Hill, Pfc. Perry (A Co., 165th), 513
Hills, Lt. Ralph W. (B Co., 106th), 65-71, 81, 83, 86-87, 90-93, 97, 101, 314, 358-60
Hitchner, Lt. Richard (Tank Bn.), 253-55
Hockensmith, S/Sgt. Kenneth (E Co., 165th), 297
Hodge, Maj. Gen. John R. (CO, XXIV Corps), 526-27, 532, 612, 625, 628, 631-32, Appendix I
Hogaboom, Col. R. C, USMC, 188
Hokoanna, Pfc. Willie (E Co., 105th), 463-64
Hollowiak, Pfc. William (B Co., 106th), 66-70, 101, 359-60
Honiski, S/Sgt. Frank (F Co., 106th), 354-55
Horton, Pfc. John R. (F Co., 165th), 252
Horvath, S/Sgt. George (G lCo., 165th), 173, 326
Hough, Lt. Charles (L Co., 105th), 32
How Position, 231, ff., 275
Hruby, Pfc. Charles (G Co., 105th), 480
Hughes, Lt. Richard M. (102d Engr.), 390, 410
Hyland, Lt. Robert J., Jr. (F Co., 106th), 556-60, 648
Hyland, Pvt. James W. (E Co, 165th), 334
Ie Shima, 525
Isaacson, Pfc. Charles E. (I Co., 106th), 104, 106-07
Ishikawa, 649
Itano, Pfc. Marcus (C Co., 105th), 470
Item Pocket, 559 ff.
Iwo Jima, 122
Jackson, Pfc. Wilburn (C Co., 165th), 404-05
Jacobson, Lt. (Royal Australian Navy), 25
Jameson, Maj. Malcolm M. (105th), 435
Jarman, Maj. Gen. Sanderford (CO, Army Garrison Force, Interim CO, 27th Div.), 246, 264, 278-79, 287-90, 297, 301, 317-18, 340, 343, Appendix I
Jarosewicz, Pfc. Joseph S. (A Co., 105th), 412
Jarrell, Pvt. Keith M. (E Co., 105th), 391
Jasinski, S/Sgt. Joseph A. (A Co., 106th), 71, 73
Jensen, Lt. Col. Leslie (Exec, CO, 2d Bn. 105th), 176-77, 179-80, 188-93, 196, 200, 209-210, 213, 219-20, 222, 436, 447-48, 451, 453, 470, 486-93, 496-97, 520, Appendix I
Johnson (Also, Johnston), Lt. George T. (I Co., 106th), 103-06, 108, 110, 241, 243, 257-58
Johnson, Lt. (B Co., 106th), 76-77, 79-81, 85-86, 90-92, 97
Johnson, Lt. Merle H. (C Co., 88th Chem. Mort. Bn.), 238
Johnson, Pfc. Dean A. (L Co., 106th), 98-99
Johnson, Pfc. Fred H. (E Co., 105th), 216
Johnson, Pvt. Raymond (A Co., 165th), 401-02
Johnston, S/Sgt. Nathan (C Co., 105th), 647
Johnston, S/Sgt. Owen H. (C Co., 106th), 75
Jones, Maj. Harry P. (53d Brigade), 17
Jones, Pfc. Arthur (E Co., 106th), 260, 307
Jones, Pfc. Robert L. (C Co., 105th), 414, 416
Jones, Sgt. (G Co., 165th), 301-02
Jwaya, Mamon, 4 42
Kadena Airfield, 527
Kaham Creek, 535
Kahoolawe, 117
Kakazu, 526, ff.
Kakazu Ridge, 532, ff.
Karaberra Pass, 378
Kaspar, Boatswain Joseph V. (USN), 33
Kazu-Saki (Saki=Point), 535, 601 ff.
129-30, 224-28, 345-46,
Kelley, Col. Gerard W.(CO, 165th), 15, 31, 38-39, 49-50, 132-35, 137-40, 150, 153, 155, 157, 159, 167, 176, 180, 236, 238, 240, 244, 249, 263-64, 287-88, 317, 340, 343, 350, 521, 542, 560, 567, 574, 576-78, 581-83, 587-91, 593, 601-02, 607, 611-12, Appendix I
Kemp, S/Sgt. Lawrence I.(E Co., 165th), 152-53, 311
Kendonca, Pfc. Anthony (A Co., 106th), 329
Kennedy, Capt. Joseph (CO, C Co., 165th), 403-06, 509-11
Kennedy, Pfc. Allen R. (G Co., 106th), 283-84
Kenney, Lt. Gen. George C. (Fifth Air Force), 122
Kepley, Pfc. Byron (F Co., 165th), 237
Kernan, Brig. Gen. Redmond F. (CO, Div. Arty.), 13, 16, 19, 128, 181, 224, 520, Appendix I
Kernoschak, Sgt. (Tank Bn.), 494
Kerama Retto (Retto=Group), 525, 527-28
Keuck, Pfc. Edward A. (K Co., 106th), 102
Kice, Sgt. (A Co., 165th), 399
Kidd, Capt. Edward C. (F Co., 105th), 636-37, 641
Kiley, Lt. Joseph W. (H Co., 165th), 267, 651
Kilmer, Joyce, 2
King, Lt. Hugh P. (CO, B Co., 105th), 413
King, Pfc. Richard (A Co., 165th), 513, 604
King, Sgt. Thomas L. (A Co., 105th), 368
Kingdon, Pfc. Keith (I co., 106th), 257
Kinyone, Pvt. Joseph F. (G Co., 105th), 419
Kish, S/Sgt. Daniel (B Co., 106th), 313-14
Klein, Lt. Arthur (B Co., 106th, Later Capt., CO), 67-72, 76-88, 90-94, 97, 101, 274, 558, 634, 644
Klein, T/Sgt. Lester (K Co., 106th), 256
Knight, T/Sgt. Oscar L. (E Co., 105th), 200-02, 204
Knouse, Pfc. Martin (K Co., 106th), 239
Koepp, Pfc. Elmer (I Co., 106th), 257
Kolling, Lt. John P. (I Co., 106th), 257
Kolodzeig, Pfc. Chester (G Co., 106th), 260
Konefal, T/Sgt. Lucas J. (F Co., 106th), 558-59
Koran, S/Sgt. Albert C. (B Co., 106th), 67
Kovocavich, Pvt. George (I Co., 105th), 352
Kraleman, Pfc. John (I Co., 106th), 257
Krathy, Pfc. (I Co., 105th), 352
Kreuger, Pfc. Martin J. (K Co., 106th), 241
Kuder, T/Sgt. John W. (F Co., 105th), 417
Kuhl, Lt. Cleo B. (A Co., 106th), 72-73, 81, 88-90, 92, 329-30
Kula, Pfc. Edwin J. (E Co., 105th), 390
Kuma Island, 26, 48, 50-51
Kunde, Pfc. Armin W. (A Co., 105th), 460
Kutch, Pfc. Herman C. (L Co., 105th), 409
Kvilhaugh, Sgt. Theodore (K Co., 165th), 55
Kwajalein, 57, 59-61, 63, 112, 114, 116-07
Lady Slipper Island, 111 Lake Susupe, 127 ff.
Lambruscetti, 1st Sgt. (M Co., 106th), 254
Lancaster, Pfc. Dennis M. (L Co., 165th), 515-16
Landers, Lt. Thomas (D Co., 165th), 507-08
Lane, Pfc. Michael E. (G Co., 105th), 199
Laney, Lt. (F Co., 165th), 337, 339
Langewisch, Pfc. Wm. (B Co., 165th), 144
Lanham, Pfc. Albert A. (B Co., 165th), 143
Lansford, Lt. Jack P. (Tank Bn.), 253-54, 256, 336, 338, 450, 493-96 Lantana Island, 97
Larsen (also Larson), Sgt. Robert (C Co., 165th), 510-11
LaRussa, S/Sgt. John P. (C Co., 106th), 75, 87
LaSorta, Pvt. Anthony (1st Bn., 105th), 461
Law, Capt. Clarence W. (CO, B Co., 106th), 65-68, 70, 76-78, 80, 83, 87-91, 97
Lawler, Sgt. (B Co,, 106th), 358
Lawlor, Lt. James (C Co., 165th), 586-87
Lear, Lt. Gen. Ben (Second Army), 13
Lee, Lt. Don F., Jr. (G Co., 105th), 178, 180
Leek, Pfc. (C Co., 165th), 510
Lees, Pfc. Harold (A Co., 165th), 400
Lefevre, T/Sgt. Raymond D. (1st Bn., 105th), 347
Lehman, Pvt. James E. (G Co., 105th), 480
Lehman, T/Sgt. (C Co., 165th), 517
Lemieux, Capt. Roderick V. (CO, F Co., 106th) , 242, 259-60
Leonard, Capt. Francis P. (CO, F Co., 165th), 34-37, 47, 230, 237-38, 251, 266-67
Lett, Pfc. James C. (K Co., 106th), 102
Levesque, T/Sgt. Raymond (F Co., 105th), 198
Levine, Pfc. Jack (E Co., 105th), 387
Leway, Sgt. Andrew (B Co., 106th), 359-60
Lewis, S/Sgt. Howard (I Co., 165th), 584-87, 589, 603, 606
Linder, Sgt. Henry B. (Tank Bn.), 386-87
Lindquist, Lt. Warren T. (C Co., 165th), 39-40
Little, Lt. Robert E. (CO, G Co., 165th), 570, 572-74, 608
Little Cassino Ridge, 534, ff.
Lopez, Pfc. John (E Co., 105th), 391
Liscombe Bay. See ships.
Lorenz, Pfc. George (102d Engr. Bn.), 79-81
Love, Sgt. Ernest J. (E Co., 106th), 277, 280-81, 307
Lowry, Pfc. Marvin L. (B Co., 165th), 143
Luigs, Pvt. (C Co., 165th), 517
Lukowski, Pfc. Stanley (I Co., 106th), 109
Lula, Cpl. Louis (Engr.), 52-53
Lund, Pfc. Leo (A Co., 105th), 373
Lusardi, T/4 Joseph J. (G Co., 106th), 282, 284
Luts, Sgt. James J. (I Co., 106th), 106, 108
Lutz, Maj. Herman M. (Exec., later CO, 2d Bn., 165th), 590-91, 596, 599, 601, 612, 651
Lynch, Pvt. Emytell (B Co., 105th), 456
Lyngard, Pvt. Paul J. (1st Bn., 106th), 80-81, 83
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 2, 650
MacCready, Maj. (Canadian Army, attached to 1st Bn., 106th), 328
Machinato, 526, ff.
Maclntyre, Cpl. Wilfred (Engr.), 369
Mack, Sgt. (B Co., 165th), 508
Madnich, T/5 Nathan (Tank Bn., 106th), 107-08
Magicienne Bay, 115 ff.
Magilto, Pfc. (Tank Bn.), 411
Magna, S/Sgt. John (K Co., 165th), 576
Magyar, Lt. Charles C. (F Co., 105th), 197-98, 206, 208, 621
Mahoney, Maj. James H. (CO, 1st Bn., 165th), 47, 131, 135, 138, 140, 142, 144, 150, 155, 225, 235, 249, 262-63, 287-88, 341-42, 344, 348, 356, 375, 377-78, 397, 407, 474-75, 503-04, 508, 512, 515, 567, 569, 577, 579, 604, 651
Mainard, S/Sgt. Burton H. (D Co., 106th), 80, 82, 83
Majuro, 113
Makin Mary, 26
Makunsha, 378, ff.
Malloy, Capt. John J. (Rgt. TQM; later CO, E Co., 165th), 339, 502
Malloy, Pfc. Henry L. (L Co., 165th), 516
Maloney, S/Sgt. Thomas J. (K Co., 165th), 262
Mangene, Pfc. Richard D. (D Co., 106th), 80, 82
MAPS: Butaritari, 24; Eniwetok, 58; Okinawa: 27th Div. Area, 550; Saipan; 664; Aslito to Magicienne Bay, 136; 105th at Nafutan, 186; Action at Death Valley, 226; Drive to the North, 376
maps, problems with, 118, 420, 636 Marechek, Pfc. Paul (I Co., 106th), 108
Marine, unidenitifed (incident near Paradise Valley), 509-10
Marine unit: 10th Marines, 427-29, 482-85, 489, 496-97
Markov, Sgt. Joseph (I Co., 165th), 370 Marpi Point, 379, ff.
Marshall, Gen. George C, 523, Appendix I
Marshall, Capt. Robert B. (Cannon Co., 165th), 448
Marshall, Pfc. Fred (L Co., 106th), 98-99
Martin, Lt. Ford E. (F Co. Exec., 165th), 237-38, 266-67
Martin, Lt. George E. (A Co. Exec, 165th), 138, 400
Martin, Pfc. Earvin C. (L Co., 106th), 293
Martin, T/Sgt. Frederick N. (I Co., 105th), 352
Masem, Lt. Matthew A. (Matthew C?) (A Co., 165th), 149, 399-400, 402, 610
Massineo, Sgt. Patrick F. (G Co., 106th), 298, 315
Matansa, 435
Matthews, Pfc. George M. (G Co., 165th), 250
Maui (practice landings), 117
Maziarz, S/Sgt. Joseph (L Co., 106th), 98
McAmick, Capt. Harry R. (CO, A Co., 193d Tank Bn.), 618-19
McBride, Lt. Sam A. (B Co., 165th), 248-49
McCabe, Capt. Warner, Appendix I
McCallum, Maj. Dwight D. (104th FA), 17
McCallum, Pfc. Clifford W. (E Co., 105th), 201-02
McCandless, S/Sgt. Eugene C. (E Co., 105th) (Also, "McAndless"?), 211, 216
McCarthy, Major Edward (Exec, later CO, 2d Bn., 105th), 219, 380, 389-90, 396, 411, 416-17, 420-25, 427, 436, 439-41, 443, 446-51, 462-63, 470, 490, 492, 496, 520
McCarthy, S/Sgt. John J. (F Co., 165th), 236
McClendon, Pfc. Jack W. (K Co., 165th), 270
McConnell, Ens. Andrew P., Jr., USN, 33
McCoy, Lt. Robert C. (A Co., 106th), 88-91, 94-96, 273
McCoy, Sgt. Robert L. (K Co., 165th), 55
McCullough, Pfc. Charles (C Co., 105th), 461
McDonnell, Lt. Henry E., Jr. (Exec., C Co., 165th), 568
McDonough, Lt. Col. John F.(CO, 2nd Bn, 165th), 32-36, 44, 47, 55, 130, 139, 153, 173, 177, 225, 227, 232, 236, 238, 241, 244, 249, 252, 263, 266-67, 301, 521, 567, 570, 574-75, 582, 593, 602, 612, 630-32, 646, 651
McDonough, Lt. Col. Joseph A. (CO, 1st Bn., 165th), 18
McGinley, Lt. Everett W. (C Co., 165th), 47, 146, 148, 341-42
McGregor, Lt. John J. (M Co., 106th), 325
McGuire, Lt. Robert J. (H Co., 105th), 457
Mclntyre, Sgt. Lonnie (D Co., 165th), 402-03
McKenna, Capt. William (CO, E Co., 105th), 636, 642
McKenna, Sgt. (E Co., 106th), 285
McLaughlin, Major (Div. Signal Officer), 651
McLean, Pfc. Donald J. (E Co., 165th), 335-36
McManus, Lt. Arthur H. (the stowaway, H Co., 165th), 251-52
McNichols, T/Sgt. Daniel (1st Bn., 106th), 80
McQuain, Lt. Gordon E. (3d Bn., 106th), 320
Meany, Col. Martin H. (108th), 16, 19
Meany, Father (Chaplain), 39
Medals of Honor (See Appendix V)
Medina, Pvt. Joseph (E Co., 106th), 282
Medina, T/Sgt. Manuel (A Co., 165th), 401, 511-13, 515
Medley, Pvt. Robert F. (D Co., 106th), 80, 82
Melgoza, Pfc. Frank (F Co., 165th), 266-67
Menafee, Pfc. Thomas (L Co., 106th), 253
Mencken, Pfc. Frederick (C Co., 165th), 405
Meserau, Sgt. Hoyl (E Co., 165th), 42-43
Messer, Pfc. James (G Co., 105th), 419
Miasco, Pfc. Frankie (C Co., 165th), 405
Mihalopoulus, S/Sgt. Thomas W. (C Co., 106th), 76-77, 80, 97
Mikeles, Pfc. Donald (G Co., 105th), 217
Militante, Pfc. Herman L. (E Co., 105th), 202
Miller, Pfc. James R. (K Co., 106th), 300-01
Miller, Lt. Col. Rayburn (new CO 1st Bn., 105th), 520, 528, 532, 534, 614-17, 619-20, 622-26, 629-30, 641, 643, 646-47
Mills, S/Sgt. Earl (I Co., 106th), 257
Mills, Sgt. (C Co., 165th), 405-06
Milton, Sgt. Lawrence (C Co., 165th), 511
Miner, Pvt. Frederick B. (G Co., 165th), 250
Minett, Lt. John J. (2d Bn., 106th), 259-60, 540-42, 546, 551-55
Mitscher, Adm. Marc (USN), 59
Mizony, Lt. Col. H. I. (CO, 3rd Bn., 106th), 63, 98, 103, 105-06, 109-10, 225, 240, 254-58, 276, 290, 292-94, 300-01, 303-06, 309, 320-21, 324-25, Appendix I
Mole, S/Sgt. George T. (G Co., 105th), 481
Monaco, Sgt. John A. (K Co., 105th), 392
Montgomery, Lt. Earl W. (G Co., 165th), 171-73, 249-50
Mooney, 1st Sgt. Bartholomew (B Co., 165th), 249
Mooneyham, Sgt. Richard E. (B Co. 165th), 144
Moore, Pfc. Roy P. (F Co., 165th), 252, 337
morale problems, 548-49
Morgan, Col. Charles N. (108th Inf.), 8
Morgan, Pfc. Standlee (A Co., 165th), 399-400
Morotti, Pfc. Jacob G. (B Co., 106th—Same as Moretti?), 88, 360
Morra, T/Sgt. Benjamin R. (I Co., 106th), 108, 110, 257
Morris, S/Sgt. Edward G. (B Co., 105th), 375
Morrow, Lt. Henry W. (Exec, F Co., 165th), 251-52
Morton, Lt. William H. (K Co., 105th), 350, 361
Mosier, Sgt. (C Co., 165th), 517
Mt. Marpi, 118 ff.
Mt. Tapotchau, terrain surrounding, 228
Mulhern (also, Mulhearn), Lt. John F. (B Co., 105th), 346-47, 440, 446, 461-62, (later Capt., CO C Co., 105th), 616-17, 619, 621-22, 624, 643, 646-47
Murphy, S/Sgt. J. R. (A Co., 165th), 400-02, 474
Murphy, S/Sgt. Joseph R. (A Co., 165th—Same as J. R.?), 399
Murray, T/Sgt. Thomas J. (F Co., 165th), 237
Muscenti, Pfc. Wm. F., (I Co., 106th), 103
Nafutan, 115 ff., 213-17, 431
Nafutan, map, 186
Nagle, Pfc. (F Co., 165th), 252
Nago, 649
Nagumo, Vice Adm. Chuichi (Japanese Navy), 379, 433-34, 438, 442
Napalm, 587, 632
Narruhn, Pvt. Freddie (1st Fiji Inf.), 25, 27
Nakagusuku Wan (Wan=Bay), 525, 527-28
Nakama Ridge, 531 ff,
Nansei Shoto (Shoto=Group), 528
Nast, Lt. Col. Charles C., Appendix IV
Nauru Island, 23
Neidt, S/Sgt. Carl A. (K Co., 105th), 333
Neuman, Capt. Donald M. (Asst. G-2), 25, 551
New Caledonia, 117
New Hebrides, 525
Newton, Lt. Kendrick (A Co., 105th), 346, 462
Nichols, Maj. John (Exec, 1st Bn. , 106th), 314-15, 328-30
Nicoletti, S/Sgt. Angelo D. (E Co., 105th), 201-03, 219-21, 390,
417 Nimitz, Adm. Chester W., 56, 112-14, 523, Appendices I and II
Nishibaru Ridge, 615
Noakes, Lt. Jefferson (K Co., 106th), 255-56, 300-01, 304-06, 321
Noch, Lt. Col. (Staff officer), 651
Noe, Pfc. Willis W. (L Co., 106th), 100
Nolan, Lt. Col. Daniel A. (381st Inf., 96th Div.), 626, 632
Noles, Pfc. Harry F. (K Co., 165th), 383
Norden, S/Sgt. Raymond G. (C Co., 105th), 415
Nunnery, Lt. Daniel T. (C Co., 165th), 38-39
O'Brien, Capt. Lawrence J. (CO, A Co., Later S-3, 1st Bn., 165th), 49-51, 131-32, 140-43, 145-50, 156, 230, 233, 235, 248-49, 262, 341-42, 348, 397-406, 408, 511-13, 515, 568, 651
O'Brien, Lt. Col. Wm. J. (CO, 1st Bn., 105th), 160-61, 165, 167-68, 174, 183-85, 193, 287-88, 340, 342, 344, 346-48, 363, 365-66, 368, 373-74, 378, 410-11, 413-15, 421, 423-25, 427, 436, 438, 444, 447, 453, 455, 461-62, 488, 490, 520, Appendix V
Occhinerio, 1st Sgt. Mario (A Co., 105th), 438, 454
Ochal, S/Sgt. Joseph (G Co., 105th), 178, 198, 203-204
O'Connell, Col. Geoffrey M. (Acting CO, Garrison Force), 209, 220, 222
O'Dea, Maj. Edward B. (106th FA), 17
O'Dell, Sgt. Herbert W. (G Co., 106th), 315
O'Donnell, Lt. George H. (Exec., later CO,G Co., 105th), 190, 199, 481
O'Donnell, Pfc. James F. (E Co., 105th), 212
O'Hara, Maj. (Later Lt. Col.) Almerin C. (CO 2nd Bn., 106th), 242, 258-60, 276-79, 284, 290, 294, 307-08, 322-25, 357, 489-92, 532, 539-43, 546, 551-52, 556-60, 633
O'Hara's Knob, 546, 552, ff. Oki, 526
Okinawa, terrain, 533-37, 615
Okonzack, T/Sgt. Harry E. (A Co., 105th), 368
Olander, Capt. Frank H. (CO, G Co., 105th), 177-81, 190, 192-93, 196, 198-200, 203-205, 208, 210, 212, 214, 216-18, 394-96, 410, 417-19, 436, 476, 478-81
Oliverieri, Pfc. Anthony J. (C Co.,165th), 511
Olsen, Lt. Martin L. (B Co., 105th), 162-65
Oltman, Pfc. Elton H. (L Co., 106th), 100
O'Neill, S/Sgt. Howard C. (G Co., 106th), 260
Onna, 649
Opalacz, Lt. Edward J. (S-4, 1st Bn., 105th), 626
Orote Peninsula (Guam), 117
O'Rourke, S/Sgt. James J. (K Co., 165th), 270-71
O'Ryan, Maj. Gen. John F. (Div. CO until 1922), 2, 4, 7
Orzechowski, S/Sgt. Edward (E Co., 105th), 215
Osipovich, Sgt. John (F Co., 106th), 242
Ostrum, Pfc. Gerald D. (C Co., 105th), 461
Ovenshine, Col. Richard P. (new Div. CS), 520, 527, 544, 651
Pagan Islands, 122
Palau, 117, 122-23
palletized supplies, 120
Pallister, Lt. Thomas C. (C Co., 102d Engr.), 36
Papacosta, S/Sgt. Vernon G. (C Co., 106th), 74
Paradise Valley, 379, 385-86, 407-08, ff., 473-74
Parry Island, 61, ff.
Parsley, S/Sgt. Allen D. (K Co., 105th), 350
Pasdertz, Sgt. Edward (Engr.), 52-53
Patricelli, Sgt. (Hq. Co., 1st Bn., 105th), 454
Patron, Pvt. Herman (K Co., 105th), 392
Patton, Brig. Gen. George S., 13
Pawlinga, 1st Sgt. Lewis W. (L Co., 106th), 100
Payne, Pfc. James R. (C Co., 165th), 517
Peacepipe (Code name), 551
Pearl, Lt. Henry G. (E Co., 165th), 151, 267, 335-36
Pearson, Sgt. Carle E. (G Co., 165th), 250
Pennell, Brig. Gen. Ralph McT. (Div. CO, 1941-42), 13-15, 17-19, 21
Penwell, Sgt. Russell (K Co., 165th), 268-69
Pequeen, Lt. Merritt L. (C Co., 165th), 145-46
Perkins, Pfc. Thomas Q. (F Co., 165th), 251
Pero, T/Sgt. Joseph E. (B Co., 106th), 70, 84
Perreria, Pfc. Ernest (F Co., 165th), 237, 252
Pershing, Brig. Gen. John J., 2
Peterson, Pfc. Clifford (1st Bn., 106th), 80
Peterson, Pvt. Harold L. (C Co., 105th), 414
Peyre, Lt. Roger (CO, K Co., 105th), 388, 391-96, 414
Phalen (also Phalon?), Lt. John B. (Tank Bn.), 207, 383-84, 493-95
Philippine Sea, First Battle of, 123
Pickering, Lt. Joe K. (B Co., 106th), 65-68, 70-71, 76, 80, 86, 90-92
Pimentel, Sgt. Walter M. (I Co., 105th), 635
Pincher, Sgt. Philip T. (G Co., 106th), 282
Pinnacle, The, 535
Pinson, Lt. Martin L. (F Co., 165th), 593-95, 597, 600
Pittman, Pfc. Leon B. (A Co., 105th), 455
Pitts, Lt. Spencer M. (I Co., 106th), 321, 552-54
Pitchford, Lt. Stanley A. (C Co., 106th), 73, 76-78, 80, 82, 85-87, 89-91
Poe, Lt. Harry A. (C Co., 106th), 73-74, 79, 84
Polasch, T/Sgt. John F. (E Co., 106th), 277-78
Polikowski, T/Sgt. John F. (G Co., 105th), 178, 204, 443, 480
Poore, Pfc. Wallace (G Co., 165th), 326
Porter, Col. Horace L. (CO, 1165th Engr.), 532-33
Potter, Capt. John J. (CO, I Co., 165th), 168-70, 175, 182, 261, 370, 563, 583-84, 586, 591-92, 596-99, 601, 605, 612
Potter's Ridge, 563, ff.
practice landings, 56, 117
Pressley, Pfc. Lucien (1st Bn., 106th), 80
Pritchard, Pfc. Harry R. (G Co., 105th), 179
Proctor, Sgt. Fred T. (I Co., 165th), 53
Produit, Pfc. John (B Co., 105th), 468
Pryor, Lt. Frank J. (CO, B Co., 106th), 274, 313-14
Purcell, Maj. John J. (Supply Officer, new CO, 2d Bn., 105th), 636, 640-42
Purcell, Pvt. John M. (E Co., 105th), 216
Purple Heart Ridge, 230 ff.
Purty, Pfc. D'Arcy (A Co., 165th), 513-14
Putnam, Pfc. Paul (A Co., 106th), 72
Queen Rock, 231, ff.
Quigg, Lt. Donald J. (104th FA), 318
Radar Hill, 363
Raleigh, Lt. John J. (Exec., later CO, E Co., 165th), 151-54, 297, 310-12, 332-36, 339
Rasmussen, S/Sgt. Douglas G. (F Co., 165th), 598-600, 610
Rayder, Pfc. Clifford P. (1st Bn., 106th), 80-81, 83
Reconnaissance Troop Gulch, 518
Rehm, S/Sgt. Harold M. (A Co., 105th), 366
Reidy, Sgt. (Tank Bn.), 352
Reilly, Sgt. James D. (K Co., 106th), 81, 84, 101
Renner, Lt. Max W. (106th, later Capt.), 65, 72, 355, 358-60, 488, 497, 523
Reutershan, Lt. Col. Alfred D. (G-2), 17
reverse-slope tactics, 137, 217
Reynolds, Pfc. Edward (F Co., 165th), 267
Rhodes, S/Sgt. James F. (B Co., 105th), 460
Richardson, Lt. Gen. Robert C, Jr., 22, 247, 521-23, Appendix I
Riordan, Sgt. Frank H. (L Co., 106th), 99, 305
Robara, Pfc. (E Co., 165th), 571-72
Robinson, Lt. Col. Dayton L. (Div. Hq.), 17
Robinson, S/Sgt. William C. (L Co., 106th), 293
Rock, Lt. Col. Leslie R., USMC (4th Div.), 412
Rock, Lt. Col. Lewis, USMC (4th Div.), 132
Rock, S/Sgt. Leslie (A Co., 106th), 328-29
Rogers, Col. William W. , USMC, 132-33
Rohner, Capt. Carl E. (new CO, 2d Bn., 105th), 642
Roi-Namur, 114
Rolfe, Lt. Aloysius T. (new CO, E Co., 165th), 612-13
Rosebeary, Pvt. Ray F. (E Co., 106th), 277
Roshan, S/Sgt. Nick J.(G Co., 106th), 283
Ross, Brig. Gen Ogden J. (Asst. Div. CO, acting CS), 8, 14-15, 19, 128-29, 131-32, 157, 244, 435, 451, 496, 498, 520, Appendix I
Ross, Cpl. Ralph T. (A Co., 105th), 455
Ross, Maj. Henry (Asst. G-3, later Exec, 106th), 289
Rosson, Pfc. John (F Co., 165th), 267
Rota, 122
Rotation Ridge, 535, ff.
Rothenberg, Lt. Frederick W. H. (L Co., 106th), 553-55
Rubin, Pfc. Edward (A Co., 106th), 328
Ruckman, Pvt. George O. (I Co., 165th), 370
Rueckert, Lt. Arthur J., Jr. (Cannon Co., 106th), 80-81, 83-84, 99, 105
Ruggerio, T/Sgt. Mario (1st Bn., 165th), 342, 405-06
Ruiz, Pfc. Alejandro C. (A Co., 165th), 610-11, Appendix V
Ruskowski, S/Sgt. Frank R. (also, Rushowski?) (G Co., 165th), 172, 296
Russell, Lt. James W. (Exec, 106th), 557
Russo, Pvt. George (102d Engr. Bn.), 79
Ryan's Ridge (Saipan), 137, ff.; (Okinawa), 563, ff.
Ryan, Capt. Bernard E. (Bernard F.?) (CO, E Co., later F Co., 165th), 33, 41-44, 48, 138, 151-54, 236, 238, 570, 574-76, 583, 587-603, 610, 651
Ryan, Capt. Paul (C Co., 165th), 135, 140, 145-48, 238
Ryan, Capt. Richard F. (B Co., 105th), 161-65, 173, 341, 374, 411, 413, 423
Ryan, Pfc. Thomas (F Co., 105th), 208
Rynearson, Pfc Fred (F Co., 106th), 354
Saetes, Pfc. Frank N. (A Co., 105th), 412
Saipan Channel, 137 ff.
Saipan, Aslito to Magicienne Bay, map, 136
Saipan, terrain; general, 115; Bloody Ridge, 319; command post 105th, July 6, 426; Gyokusai attack, 420-21; Hara-Kiri Gulch, 382, ff.; Hell's Pocket, 313, 315; Hill Able, 309, 334; Hill Victor, 268; Mt. Topatchau area, 228; Nafutan Peninsula, 213; S-Road, 272, 310; Tanapag area, 371, 378
Saito, Lt. Gen. (Japanese Commander), 230-31, 275, 290, 309, 339, 379, 382, 386, 430, 432-34; farewell message, 433-34; 473, Appendix I
saki night, 51
Salisbury, S/Sgt. Herman (G Co,, 106th), 282-83, 285, 298-99, 315-16
Salomon, Capt. Ben L. (Dentist, 105th), 457
Salvidge, Pfc. W. H. (C Co., 106th), 75
Sandoval, Pfc. Andrew (A Co., 105th), 373
Sara, Pfc. Rosario (I Co., 106th), 257
Sasaki, Captain (Japanese commander), 220
Savastano, Lt. Ferdinando (F Co., 105th), 389
Scarcerella, Pfc. (G Co., 106th), 315-16
Schaefer, S/Sgt. Charles G. (B Co., 106th), 69
Schmidt, Maj. Gen. Harry, USMC (4th Div.), 343, 345, 350, 357, 431, 433
Schmidt, Sgt. David C. (B Co., 165th), 348
Schmidt, T/Sgt. George (I Co., 106th), 109, 303
Schoeff, T/Sgt. Ernest L. (E Co., 165th), 571-72, 603
Schroeder, Lt. Herman (S-4, 2d Bn., 105th), 451, 459
Schuck, Pfc. Robert (K Co., 106th), 241
Schuerpf, Pfc. William (Medic), 163
Schuyler, Capt. John J. (A Co., 106th), 65, 71, 73, 79, 81, 87
Schwebel, Lt. Carroll (K Co., 106th), 255-56
Scott, Sgt. (B Co., 106th), 70, 80, 83
Sedmak, Lt. (L Co., 106th), 293
Sekula, Pfc. John (A Co., 165th), 399
Selby, Maj. Charles A. (105th FA), 17
Serafino, Pfc. Michael (K Co., 106th), 241
Sereda, Sgt. Peter (A Co., 106th), 492
Sergio, Lt. (A Co., 106th), 313, 328-30, 355, 491-92
Serwin, Sgt. Harold J.(G Co., 165th), 238
Shalae, Pfc. Ralph (B Co., 105th), 162
Sharkey, Pfc. (A Co., 165th), 402
Sheehy, S/Sgt. Roger J. (G Co., 165th), 250
Sheldon, Lt. Col Frederic H. (G-3), 56, 167, 223-25, 436-37, 527, 573, 628, Appendix I
Shellhammer, S/Sgt. Cyrus E. (L Co., 106th), 99-100
Sherman, S/Sgt. Robert G. (Robert J.?) (G Co., 165th), 292, 295-96, 608
Sherrod, Robert (war correspondent, Time magazine), 484, 522
SHIPS: Alcyone, 28; Aquitania, 18; Belle Grove, 28; Calvert, 28-29, 62, 130; Cambria, 57, 128-29, 157; Cavalier, 158; Cecil 525-27; Custer, 252; Eldorado, 526-27; Estes, 528; Fremont 129; Grant, 18; Harris, 129-30; Herald of the Morning, 130 Indiana, 57; Kane, 57; Leonard Wood, 28-29; Liscombe Bay, 55 Louisville, 140; Lurline, 18; Nautilus, 25; Neville, 28, 33 Pierce, 28; Republic, 17; Rutland, 528; Washington, 57 Wharton, 62
Shires, Pfc. Henry A. (A Co., 165th), 138, 399-400, 515-16
Shough, Pvt. Robert (I Co., 106th), 257
Shreve, S/Sgt. Berle (L Co., 106th), 293
Shuart, Pvt. John (A Co., 165th), 401
Shuri, 531, ff.
Shutzeer, Capt. Seymour (MD, 1st Bn., 105th), 468
Sidur, Sgt. John A. (B Co., 105th), 374
Siegrist, S/Sgt. Wm. (C Co., 165th), 146, 509
Sikes, Capt. Wayne C. (193d Tank Bn.), 36
Sillix, Lt. (Tank Bn.), 388
Sillman, Lt. Chester W. (E Co., 105th), 211-12
Silva, Pvt. Albert (F Co., 165th), 251
Simmons, Pfc. Charles (A Co., 165th), 342
Simmons, Pfc. Lathie (A Co., 165th), 513
Simmons, Pfc. Walter T. (G Co., 165th), 172, 296
Simmons, Sgt. Robert (F Co., 105th), 206
Sixkiller, Lt. William F. (K Co., 165th), 262, 381-82
Skuthan, Lt. Stephen R. (CO, A Co., 165th), 569, 578, 609
Skyline Ridge, 535
Slate, Lt. Herbert (same as Hubert?) N. (CO, F Co., 106th), 260, 323, 325, 353-55, 488, 556
Slatner, Pvt. (I Co., 165th), 53
Slingerland, S/Sgt. William L. (B Co., 106th), 77
Sluzas, Capt. Walter C. (F Co., 105th), 643 (Note: Name misspelled on p. 643), 646
Smith, Capt. Clinton C. (E Co., 105th), 192, 196, 199-201, 203, 210-12, 214-16, 386-87, 391, 410, 420
Smith, Capt. William J. (Rgt. Trans, officer; later CO, F Co., 165th), 339, 407-08, 473, 502, 504
Smith, Lt. Gen. Holland M., USMC (CO, NTLF), 25, 44, 114, 129, 187-89, 194-95, 223, 246-47, 263-64, 331, 362, 377, 395, 431-32, 498, Appendix I
Smith, Lt. Robert M. (S-2, later CO, I Co., 106th), 300, 303-05
Smith, Lt. Warren F. (F Co., 106th), 260
Smith, Maj. Frank C. (108th Inf.), 18
Smith, Maj. Gen. Ralph C. (Div. CO, 1942-44), 22-23, 27, 44-45, 50, 128-29, 131, 157, 167, 188-89, 194-95, 223-27, 244, 246-47, 249, 263-64, 522, Appendix I
Smith, Pfc. Edward R. (A Co., 165th), 138
Smith, Pfc. Leonard (A Co., 106th), 94
Smith, Pvt. Charles D. (1st Bn., 105th), 347
Smith, Pvt. Henry T. (F Co., 165th), 251
Smith, Pvt. John W. (102d Engr. Bn.), 79
Smith, S/Sgt. Frederick C. (B Co., 106th), 274
Sokal, Capt. Joseph E. (2nd Bn., 165th), 267
Spahn, Sgt. William (F Co., 106th), 354
Spaulding, Capt. Robert J. (CO, L Co., 105th), 362, 365, 387, 396, 409, 483, 529, 634, 641
Spears, Lt. Ralph W. (Tank Bn.), 493, 496
Speiring (aka Spiering), Lt. Donald P. (Exec, G Co., 105th), 639
Spiering - see Speiring
Spencer, Pvt. Edward J. (D Co., 106th), 80
Speracino, T/Sgt. Michael (I Co., 106th), 108-09
spiderholes, 398
spigot-mortar, 548, 561, 621, 633, 642, 645
Spreeman, Lt. Frederick C. (CO, I Co., 105th), 351, 620, 635, 641
Spruance, Vice Adm. Raymond A. (USN), 25, 59, 129, 189, 432, 484, 488, Appendix I
St. John, Sgt. (A Co., 165th), 401-02
Stabile, T/Sgt. John F. (B Co., 165th) (Same as John H.?), 144, 149, 265, 506-08
Stahl, Pfc. William L. (B Co., 105th), 162-63
Stampher, Capt. Joseph (CO, L Co., 165th), 170, 182, 185, 345
Stamzach, S/Sgt. William D. (B Co., 105th), 162-63
Stephani, Lt. Charles J., (I Co., 105th), 529
Stampher, Capt. Joseph P. (CO L Co., 165th), 579
Stark, Orville (G Co., 165th), 302
Stasilowicz, S/Sgt. Walter F. (A Co., 106th), 313
Staus, Pfc. Jack B. (E Co., 165th), 335
Stebbins, Col. Albert K.(Div. Chief of Staff, later CO, 106th), 22, 167, 188, 254, 289, 294, 301, 308, 317-18, 331, 358, 488-91, 497-98, 520, 532, 540, 542, 544, 548, 552, 558, 561, 643, 648, 650, Appendix I
Steen, Sgt. Conrad P. (I Co., 105th), 352
Stein, Pfc. John W., Jr. (L Co., 165th), 516-17
Stephenson, Pvt. Robert (I Co., 106th), 257
Stevening, Pfc. Edward L. (I Co., 105th), 352
Stevens, Pfc. Robert M. (I Co., 105th), 351
Stoeckley, Lt. Clarence F. (CO, G Co., 106th), 259-60, 552-56,
Stone, Pvt. (102d Medic), 89
Stopera, Sgt. Barney S. (B Co., 105th), 455
Story, Lt. John J. (CO, I Co., 105th), 529-30
stowaway, 251-52
Stremeyer, Pfc. Peter (I Co., 106th), 109
Strimel, Lt. Edmond C. (B Co., 106th), 81, 84, 87, 98, 102
Strong, Maj. Edward J. (Exec, 1st Bn., 165th), 609-11
Strubel, Pfc. Charles B. (B Co., 106th), 275
Suarez, Pfc. Jack (I Co., 106th), 303
Sudovich, Pfc. (Tank Bn.), 387
supply problems, 119-22, 136-37, 157-59, 192, 564, 573, ff., 600, ff., 643 ff.
Susoeff, Pfc. William F. ("Uncle Bill") (I Co., 165th), 584, 586
Swineford, Sgt. Carl P. (G Co., 106th), 285
Tagliafari, T/4 (aid, 3d Bn., 106th), 105
Tallman, S/Sgt. Clark W., Jr. (I Co., 106th), 305
Tanapag, 115 ff.
Tarawa, 44, 63
Tarrant, Capt. (CO, G Co., 106th), 259, 277, 279-80, 282-85, 307-08, 325
Task Force 58, 59, 122, 124
Tatelewas, T/Sgt. Charles R. (K Co., 165th), 269
Temme, Maj. George H., Jr. (S-3, 106th), 557-58
Teshon, Sgt. (K Co., 165th), 269-70
Thess, Pfc. Donald B. (I Co., 106th), 109
Thompson, Lt. Charles C. (G Co., 105th), 621-22
Thompson, S/Sgt. Michael (G Co., 165th), 35, 37
Thompson, Pfc. (F Co., 105th), 471
Tijorina, T/4 (Tank Bn.), 387
Time Magazine, 484, 488, 522, Appendices I and III
time, passage of, 607
Tinian, 114-17, 122, 362, 518
Titterington, Lt. Frank.(F Co., 105th), 387, 420, 456
tombs (Okinawa), 534, ff., 634
Toomey, T/Sgt. Raymond J. (C Co., 105th), 341
Toppin, Sgt. Thomas E. (I Co., 106th), 84
Toft, Capt. Bernard A. (artillery), 438-39, 454, 461-62
Toth, Pfc. Frank (B Co., 106th), 274
Tougaw, Lt. Bernard A. (CO, C Co., 105th), 183, 341, 366-67, 413, 415-16, 462, 467-68
Tracz, T/Sgt. Max J. (G Co., 105th), 179
transports. See ships.
Trigger, Pvt. Joseph (G Co., 106th), 282
Trommel, Lt. Joseph L. (F Co., 165th), 268, 310, 327-28, 336-37, 339
Truk, 112, 122-23
Tsugen Shima (Shima=Island), 526-27, ff., 620
Tucker, Pfc. Dewey F. (L Co., 106th), 305
Turner, V. Adm. Richmond Kelly, 114, 247, 431, Appendix I
Turpin, St. Wilbur (L Co., 106th), 292, 304-06
Uchitomari Village, 532 Ulithi, 525-26 Urasoe Hill, 637
Vallerio, Pvt. John (L Co, 106th), 554
Van Antwerp, Lt. Col. William M. (G-2), 435:37, 487, 525, 537, 651
Van Deusen, Pvt. Robert P. (F Co., 105th), 214
Van Iderstein, Sgt. William B. (C Co., 165th), 511
Van Wicklen, Pfc. William (I Co., 106th), 257
Van Wie, S/Sgt. Willard (A Co., 106th), 314
Vanderzanden - see Vanderzen
Vanderzen (aka Vanderzanden), Pfc. Herman C. (I Co., 105th), 478
Vandegrift, Lt. Col. A. A., Jr., USMC, 228
Varney, Pfc. Aubrey D. (E Co., 165th), 335
Volcano Islands, 122
Walker, Pfc. Wesley F. (F Co., 105th), 205-06
Walker, Pfc. William H. (F Co., 165th), 236
Walker, Sgt. (B Co., 106th), 86
Wallace, Lt. Col. (17th Inf., 7th Div.), 631-32
Walled City, 561
Walsh, Capt. John J. (CO, K Co., 165th), 55
Walters, Pfc. Luther (E Co., 165th), 311
war dogs, 547
Warga, Lt. Charles (CO, B Co., 106th), 314, 356-58
Warren, Pfc. Willie (F Co., 165th), 251, 575
Waterson, Capt. (later Major) David M. (CO, E Co., 106th), 260, 276, 278-84, 307-08, 323, 325, 355, 520, 642, 644-45
Watkins, T/Sgt. Walter J. (K Co., 165th), 270
Watson, Brig. Gen. Thomas, USMC, 117
Watts, Maj. (Canadian Army, attached to 3d Bn., 106th), 317, 320
Weaver, Pfc. Harrell L. (B Co., 105th), 162-63
Webb, S/Sgt. James L. (K Co., 105th), 361
Webster, Sgt. George J. (G Co., 165th), 608
Weeks, Lt. Harvey C, USMC, 57
Weigand, Capt. George R. J. (CO, E Co., 165th), 570-71, 574, 589, 591, 608
Welch, Lt. Lloyd (K Co., 165th—also Welsh), 55, 269, 384-85
Wells, Lt. Clarence A. (D Co., 106th), 65, 69-71, 80-82
Welsh, Lt. Lloyd. See Welch.
Westlake, S/Sgt. Frederick A. (C Co., 105th), 416
White, Capt. Earl L. (CO, F Co., 105th), 177, 181-82, 192-93, 196-99, 208, 214, 217-18, 446, 460
white phosphorus, 597
Widman, Pvt. Edward E. (E Co., 105th), 216
Wiegand, Lt. (L Co., 165th), 382
Williams, Pfc. Lyle (I Co., 106th), 106
Wilson, Pfc. Rodney G. (L Co., 106th), 99
Wilson, S/Sgt. Matthew (K Co., 165th), 262
Wilson, S/Sgt. Thomas L. (E Co., 105th), 210
Wilson, Sgt. Floyd J. (A Co., 102d Engr.), 163-64
Winn, Col. Walter S. (new CO 105th), 520, 527-28, 530, 543, 614-17, 619-25, 627-28, 630, 635-37, 640-43, 645-47, 648, 650
Winter, Pfc. Mark L. (1st or 2d Bn., 105th), 466
Wittke, Pfc. Marsden L. (K Co., 165th), 262
Wojcicki, T/Sgt. Edward (G Co., 105th), 418-19, 622
Wong, Pfc. (M Co., 105th), 394
Wooten, Pfc. Floyd (102d Engr.), 88
Workman, Pfc. Frederick (G Co., 105th), 216
Wright, Capt. Thew, Jr. (Asst. G-3), 525
Wright, Pfc. Wilbur V. (E Co., 165th), 608
Yancey, Lt. Col. Thomas, (USMC?), 246
Yank Magazine, 100
Yarborough, Lt. Charles L. (F Co., 165th), 473
Yelle, S/Sgt. Benjamin (I Co., 106th), 105-06
Yontan Airfield, 537
Yoshida, Maj. (Japanese officer), 434, 442
Young, Pfc. Peter G. (I Co., 105th), 477
Yusselman, S/Sgt. Max (E Co., 105th), 201
Zahodony, Pfc. Andrew (K Co., 165th), 262
Zielinski, Pfc. Frank P. (A Co., 105th), 454
Zimandel, Pfc. Emil S. (C Co., 105th), 415
Zlansky, Pfc. Vlade (E Co., 106th), 277-78