Roll of honor : Citizens of the State of New York who died while in the service of the United States during the World war. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z Ubelecker, Lawrence Udelewitz, Don Uhlinger, James P Ulgren, Oscar L Ullman, Norbert Leon Ulmer, Julian F. Ulrich, Frederich Umbrino, James Jr Umiker, William J Umina, Gactano Umland, Albert Unbehaun, Harold F H Underhill, Frank R Underhill, James William Undreiner, Theodore Peter Unfur, William Jr Updike, Franklin Pettit Urbain, Ferdinand A Urbamski, Joseph Urban, Bernard F Urciuoli, Sam Urgo, John J Urnisz, Peter Urokfitz, Leland P Urys, John F. Uzzi, John × Soldier DOB: City of Birth: State of Birth: ID Number: Home City: Home State: Company: Regiment: Enlist Date: Separation Date: Rank: