Roll of honor : Citizens of the State of New York who died while in the service of the United States during the World war.
- Nabbruch, John
- Naboraky, Nikifore
- Naccarella, Antonio
- Nachabar, Gustaf A
- Nachant, Albert
- Nachman, Edwin
- Nachtigal, Morris
- Nadel, Abe
- Nadel, Leonard
- Nadler, Gustave W
- Naegely, Max O
- Nagel, John
- Nagele, Simon J.
- Nagele, William H.
- Nagle, Charles F.
- Nagy, Ali
- Nalevki, Joseph
- Nallin, John
- Nalty, Thomas F
- Nanoia, Eugene
- Napiorkowski, Felix
- Napodano, Luke
- Napoleon, Eli James
- Napolitan, Leonard
- Narbon, Joseph
- Nary, John Henry, Jr
- Nason, Harry L
- Nass, Clarence D.
- Nasta, Philip O
- Nathan, Alexander
- Natkin, Nathan
- Nattress, Douglas A
- Naughton, Harold L.
- Naughton, John Thomas
- Navitski, William F
- Nawrocky, Frank I
- Nazitto, Philip
- Nazzaro, Frank J
- Neal, Howard Bourne
- Nealy, Milo C
- Neary, Augustine J
- Neary, John Joseph Jr
- Neary, Michael W
- Neary, Patrick James
- Neary, Robert P
- Neary, Thomas F
- Nebel, Charles G
- Nebeling, George A
- Needleman, Irving
- Neelson, Charles E.
- Neff, George
- Nehring, Charles R
- Nehvadowich, Wasili
- Neichols, John J
- Neidrauer, Jerome E
- Neisel, John
- Nekola, Joseph Anthony
- Nelson, Arthur
- Nelson, Carl C.
- Nelson, Charles E
- Nelson, Charles Edward
- Nelson, Elmer A
- Nelson, Frank
- Nelson, Frank L
- Nelson, Holger C
- Nelson, Irving E.
- Nelson, Jacob
- Nelson, James J
- Nelson, Jno Carlisle
- Nelson, John
- Nelson, John A.
- Nelson, John J
- Nelson, John W
- Nelson, Kenneth O
- Nelson, Medos A
- Nelson, William H
- Nemeroff, Harry Lewis
- Nemeth, Tony S
- Nemi, Thomas
- Nero, Pasquale
- Nesbitt, Benjamin H
- Ness, Harry A
- Neuberger, Henry R.
- Neubert, Bedell M
- Neugebauer, Frank A
- Neumark, Frank K
- Neumeyer, Frederick
- Neville, Homer V.
- Neville, John
- Neville, John
- Neville, Joseph Nicholas
- Nevins, Jos B
- Nevitt, Ernest
- New, John F
- Newberry, Granville W
- Newby, Willard S.
- Newcomb, Ray William
- Newcomb, William W.
- Newcomb, William W.
- Newell, James H
- Newell, Karl H
- Newfang, Harry T.
- Newkirk, Harry Elijah
- Newman, Abraham
- Newman, Bernard
- Newman, Fred Armand
- Newman, Harold J
- Newman, John
- Newman, John C
- Newman, Joseph T
- Newsbaum, William
- Newton, Edward A.
- Newton, Frank
- Newton, Valentine Hallock
- Niccolls, Walter E
- Nicholas, Frank W
- Nicholas, Richard C
- Nichols, George Stevens
- Nichols, Howard
- Nichols, Irving J.
- Nichols, James M.
- Nichols, Joseph
- Nichols, Martin W
- Nichols, Shepley
- Nicholson, George R
- Nicholson, Michael J
- Nicholson, William H
- Nickel, Oscar W
- Nickerson, Alfred W.
- Nickerson, Winford T
- Nickles, William M.
- Nicolai, Edward Charles
- Nicoll, Francher
- Nicolosi, Anthony
- Nidd, Charles L
- Niebel, Raymond H
- Nielson, Axel J
- Nielson, Carl J
- Niemec, Andrew
- Nier, Theodore G
- Niespodziany, Kaiser
- Nieter, John Elliot
- Nietzbil, John
- Nigero, Michael F
- Nigra, Michael
- Nigro, Louis W
- Niles, Arthur Lucien, Jr
- Niles, Granville S
- Nilsen, Nils
- Nims, Henry S.
- Nirenberg, Sam
- Nissinan, William
- Nitchcock, Roger W
- Nix, Frederick A
- Nix, Frederick J
- Nixon, George P.
- Nobili, Joseph
- Noble, Bertram S
- Noble, Heath F
- Noble, Raymond E
- Noble, Rollo McD.
- Nodyne, Frank L
- Nolan, Edmond J.
- Nolan, Frank A.
- Nolan, George A.
- Nolan, James
- Nolan, John Joseph
- Nolan, Martin F.
- Nolan, William J
- Nonamaker, Fred J
- Noodovitz, Irving
- Noon, Alfred R.
- Noonan, John E.
- Noonan, Walter J
- Noonan, William J
- Noone, Harvet C
- Nord, Edward
- Norell, Johannes W
- Norelli, Michael
- Norman, Arthur Hiram
- Norman, William T
- Norris, David Peter
- Norris, Hubert C
- North, George W
- North, Lorenzo W
- Northing, George H.
- Northrup, Fred E
- Northrup, William H
- Norton, Allen Scott
- Norton, Grant Smith
- Norton, Herbert B
- Norton, Thomas
- Norwat, Arthur
- Notkowitz, Julius
- Notter, William F
- Novak, Anthony J
- Noveck, Harry
- Novick, Samuel
- Novocelsky, Sam
- Novy, William
- Novy, William J
- Nowacki, Jacob John
- Nowicki, Frank
- Nowicki, Joseph
- Noye, Raymond F.
- Nuccitelli, Antonio
- Nudo, James
- Nugent, Francis C
- Nugent, Francis Joseph, Jr
- Nulty, Thomas Raymond
- Nunn, Paul H.
- Nusebaum, Nathan
- Nussberger, George G
- Nutt, Mahlon J
- Nyhart, Herbert E
- Nyquist, Carl W
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