Chenango County, New York In The Civil War
The following is taken from Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Military Statistics of the State of New York, Albany: [The Bureau], (C. Wendell), 1866.
When the first bugle note of war sounded from the battered walls of Sumter, the inhabitants of Chenango were plying their peaceful avocations, and enjoying that repose which had so long reigned throughout the land. On the evening of April 13th a telegram startled the town from its propriety, announcing that a United States fortress had been attacked by Americans, led by officers in the livery of our own army. In a few days after, the call of the President for " seventy-five thousand men" was received.
The people of Chenango, with commendable zeal, set at work to fit out a company for the war. Enthusiastic meetings were held in Norwich, the county seat. They were, addressed by Hon. H. G. Prindle, E. H. Prindle, Esq., B. F. Rexford, Esq., Hon. Lewis Kingsley, J. F. Hubbard,, jr., J. O. Martin, and the several clergymen. It was proposed to organize a company, and $6,663 was subscribed to aid the families of those who should enlist. A recruiting office was opened, and in a few das fifty-four men were enrolled. A beautiful silk flag; inscribed "Chenango Volunteers," was presented them, the workmanship of the fair ladies of Nor-wich. A testament was also presented to each volunteer by the Sabbath schools of that village.
On the 29th day of April the company left Norwich, and it was expected that it would be assigned to the Fourteenth New York, Colonel James McQuade. The company proceeded to Albany, and went into quarters at 797 Broadway. Twenty men additional were sent from Chenango, and the several towns of the county were also represented. A company organization was effected by Gen. Rathbone, on the 10th of May, and the following named officers were elected: Captain—James Tyrell; First Lieutenant—Joel O. Martin; Ensign—Elias P. Pellet.
Colonel McQuade's regiment in the meantime having been filled up, this company was assigned to the Seventeenth regiment, Col. Henry S. Lansing, and lettered "H.'' It joined the regiment on the 12th of May.
Company " H" always served with credit to itself and honor to Chenango. It was the first company sent from the county, and its members were among the first in Central New York to offer their services to the Government. Of its original officers, Lieutenant Martin was afterwards colonel of the veteran Seventeenth, and its ensign a captain in the One hundred and Fourteenth. Among its heroic dead we now call to mind sergeant Thomas Clancy and private William H. Williams; the former killed at Fredericksburg, the latter at second, Bull Run. In this last named engagement seven of company H were slain. The people of Oxford donated to this company eighty India-rubber blankets, a comfort then almost unknown to soldiers. Not exceeding twelve of the entire company returned to Norwich. It is worthy of note that when these men entered the army the pay of a soldier was eleven dollars per month and no bounty.
The ladies of Chenango immediately organized " soldier's aid societies" in the several towns, and continued them with great success until the close of the war.
About the 28th of May the same year, some seventy men, mostly Chenango men, enlisted for the Fifth Excelsior regiment (afterwards changed to the Seventh-fourth New York); but a small portion of these were ever mustered into service. Among those of this detachment who served with credit was Robert A. Stanton, afterwards captain, and for a long time ordnance officer of the reserve artillery of the army of the Potomac.
Other men from Chenango were enrolled and joined the several arms of the service but no other organisation was formed until the One Hundred and Fourteenth regiment was raised in the summer of 1862.
See also: Units recruited in Chenango County during the Civil War
Civil War Newspapers
This is also available in PDF format. These are large files; however, they are exact images of the pages.
Pages 1 - 10
Pages 11 - 20
Pages 21 - 23
Pages 24
Chenango Civil War Newspaper Abstracts as compiled by David Moore (spreadsheet)