Chenango County, New York Civil War Newspaper Clippings

On Tuesday Evening, June 2d, pursuant to a public notice, there was gathered at Lewis' Hall a large and enthusiastic Meeting, to form a Loyal Union League for the Town of Oxford.
The Oxford Brass Band were present and discoursed patriotic and soul stirring airs to the audience while gathering. Dr. GEORGE DOUGLAS was chosen to preside, and E. A. Bundy appointed Secretary.
On motion, Calvin Cole, J. W. Glover, C. A. McNeil, O. M. Westover and S. Bundy were appointed a Committee to report the names of permanent officers of the League.
Committee appointed on Resolutions, W. H. Hyde, Joshua Root, W. W. Ingersoll, W. Fraser and D. D. McGeorge.
H. G. PRINDLE, Esq., of Norwich, was then introduced to the audience, and in a most able and eloquent appeal pointed out to the assembly the emergencies and the necessities of the times, and the importance of sustaining the administration in its efforts to put down the rebellion in order that we may preserve to ourselves and to posterity, our Country and those free institutions that have been handed down to us by our fathers; that an unconditional loyalty to the government and an unwavering support of its efforts to suppress the Rebellion is an indispensable and bounden duty of every citizen if we would maintain the power, glory and integrity of the Nation. The speech abounded with eloquence and witticism—hits at the Copperheads and outbursts of patriotic sentiment which were greeted by the audience with enthusiastic cheers.
After the address, J. W. Glover Esq., moved the following resolution:
Resolved, That we hereby organize a loyal Union League and hereby adopt without reservation the pledge which has been read here this evening.
This resolution was unanimously adopted.
The Chairman of the committee on permanent organization then reported the following officers of the League:
Vice Presidents—John B. Wheeler, Edward A. Bundy, Dan H. Robinson, Daniel Dudley, Alexander Tucker, Asa W. Rhodes, A. N. Bemiss.
Corresponding Secretary—Wm. H. Hyde.
Recording Secretary—W. W. Ingersoll.
Treasurer—John R. Wheeler.
The Committee on Resolutions then reported the following:
Resolved, That two years of armed rebellion against the Government of the U. States, which has cost their most precious blood, the lives of their heroic youth and brave men, and the treasures and tears of their patriotic manhood
and devoted women, furnishes a sufficient reason only for traitors and rebels to "pause," while it should nerve with new strength and the energy of an undying patriotism, every heart that loves country better than party, that prizes Republican government above despotism, liberty above tyranny, and in which the motto "the Union must and shall be preserved," is not simply an empty sound upon the lips, but an active and actuating principle of the life and conduct.
Resolved, That amid the permanent and overwhelming perils which beset the Republic, all questions of policy, and all differences of opinion upon matters of administration sink into insignificance, and should be postponed until the rebellion has been quelled and the nation saved, and that we who are here assembled, do therefore pledge ourselves, laying aside all such differences of political opinion, to give our cordial and effective practical support to the Government, in its efforts to maintain the territorial integrity of the Union and the permanent supremacy of the Constitution of the United States.
Resolved, That while every part of the nation and the people throughout its length and breadth, were in the full and perfect exercise and enjoyment of all the rights, immunities and privileges secured to them by the Union and Constitution, the present rebellion was originated in defiance of the duly elected and constitutional authority of the United States, in open insult and denial of the right of self government by the people in a wicked and preconcerted attack upon the principles which are the basis of our Republican institutions, and that in the entire and complete overthrow of that  rebellion can we only hope for the life of the nation, the salvation of the Republic, and the fulfilment [sic] of the duties which we owe to the world and coming generations.
Resolved, That we will consent to no peace which shall involve the separation of the American Union, a recognition of the right of secession or any change in the constitution of the United States, except such as may be made by the people in accordance with the forms and provisions which it prescribes.
Resolved, That to the gallant and heroic men who have willingly borne the hardships of the camp and braved the perils and sufferings of the battle field in defence of the life and liberties of the nation, we tender our cordial and heartfelt thanks and will hold their sacrifices and sufferings in the sacred cause of civil liberty in grateful and enduring rememberance [sic].
On motion the Resolutions were adopted with acclamation.
On motion of J. W. Glover, the following named gentleman were appointed a committee to circulate the pledge adopted this night for signatures: E. A. Bundy, C. A. McNeil, M. V. N. Brown, George Stratton, S. M. Robinson, S. A. Gifford, T. W. Shapley, A. N. Bemiss, George Symonds, W. S. Newton, Wheaten Loomis, J. H. Gifford, Joel Webb.
On motion, a vote of thanks was unanimously given Mr. Prindle for the favor of addressing the meeting, also a vote of thanks to the Oxford Band.
On motion, the League adjourned subject to the call of the President.
GEO. DOUGLAS, President.
E. A. Bundy, Secretary.

Oxford Items.—The news of the two last victories, the surrender of Vicksburg and the fight in Pennsylvania, were appropriately celebrated last Wednesday evening. The celebration commenced by the firing of Bennett's Battery and the 6 pounder manned by returned soldiers; a high bonfire was kindled on La Fayette Square, and the Band played national airs; speeches were made by Mr. W. W. Ingersoll and others. The celebration ended at a late hour by the throwing of a quantity of fireballs.

LECTURE AT NORWICH.—The Rev. C. E. Hewes, late Chaplain of the 14th Reg't, will deliver a Lecture on the "War in Virginia," especially the Campaign on the Peninsula, in Concert Hall, in Norwich, on Saturday Evening, July 11th. Tickets 15 cents; Lady and Gentleman 25 cents.
Doors open at 7; Lecture at 8 P. M.
Mr. Hewes will preach at __eston Corners on Sunday, the 12th, forenoon and afternoon.

Chenango has raised and sent to the war all but about one hundred and five men of the quota called for under the two last levies. The deficiency is divided between the towns of Columbus, German, Greene, Lincklaen, McDonough, New Berlin, North Norwich, Pitcher, Plymouth, Preston, Sherburne, and Smyrna. The largest deficiency is in the towns of Sherburne, Smyrna and Greene.

—E. P. Pellet writes from Albany that of the original members of the Norwich Company some have deserted, and that Wm. H. Harris, New Berlin, who agreed to meet them at Utica failed to make his appearance. One of the deserters he says, is Hiram J. Cain, of Plymouth. He adds that "it is a good thing for Cain that he keeps away, for two deserters have already been shot." Pellet may have written this to frighten deserters, or he may have supposed it to be true. The fact is, however, that no deserters have been shot at Albany.
The Chenago Volunteers complain most bitterly of the food furnished them at Albany, and of the red tapeism which encumbers a state action. A rifle company at Norwich has been disbanded in disgust because the State authorities would not accept them. The food at Albany made the men sick, and many of them swore they would desert if not better fed. It would be a fine thing if the rascally company and the officers who sanction their protest could be handed over to the tender n___ the secessionists.

The Soldiers' Festival.
The Soldiers' Festival of New Year's Eve was pronounced a complete success. It was decidedly a Democratic affair; everybody was there, and each enjoyed himself in his own peculiar manner. Juveniles whistled, sang, laughed and made merry generally, over the trophies of the grab-box; while the sound of their merriment made the air vibrate with a jingle of discords. Down in the "Old Folks' Room" "novel features" were truly presented. Days of forefather and pewter platters were lived over again, and an ancestral company had risen from their silent resting places to preside over a generous and well-spread board. Behold a veteran soldier in gilded epaulets, who seems resurrected from the fields of old Yorktown or Brandywine, just as he fell in battle—all crippled with rheumatism and deaf with the cannon's roar, to bring before us a reminder of the Revolution. He sits down at the board and, with a trembling a hand, lifts a cup of hard cider to drink health to the living. Another representative of the olden time appears in white-silk stockings and knee-buckles. He wears a heavy white overcoat with a round cape of many thicknesses, and flourishes the carving-knife over a well-browned turkey. A bustling old lady, wearing a blue dress and having her collar fastened with an American Eagle, pours coffee; occasionally cooling herself with a fan—which might have officiated to separate wheat from chaff in the days of Ruth and Naomi—which she earned in a calico receptacle suspended from her right shoulder. Opposite her is a lady in a white cap, who turns tea with a quiet dignity. She might have graced the White House at Washington in her day. Yonder, acting as waiter, is a sweet lady with dark hair, in a high blue checked apron and lace ruff pinned close to her throat, carrying a handkerchief on her arm. Another has her waist encircled by a broad pink belt, and her shoulders enveloped in a wide muslin collar. Several matrons wear large-figured calico gowns, with waists a finger long, and their hair curled at the side and fastened with combs, while in the rear the head is supported by another comb reaching halfway round. They move about, passing broad trays and pans of brown doughnuts, and seem to us like sainted mothers raised in their sleeping garments to minister to our caprice. A modest Quakeress, in the over-chaste white cap and neatly folded cape, serenely smiles on all as she replies to the "How does thee do?" for the fiftieth time.
Here comes a red-cloaked individual with a boa creeping over her shoulder, and her head overshadowed by a huge black bonnet trimmed in flowers gay. Following this is an automaton figure surmounted by a gigantic something, probably belonging to the period of the glyptodon, or some other one producing mammoth specimens. One or two young damsels complete the circle. They are in full dress, with high back-combs and flaunting ribbons and wide embroidered collars, striving to be coquettish with a peacock feather fan. These all discard hoops and seek for loftier spheres above their heads.
Another room furnished those who desired with oysters and coffee in the modern style; and still another with ice cream and cakes of various kinds in great profusion.
We know not which part of the evening's entertainment gave greatest satisfaction; but we do know that the Old Style People drew the crowd wherever they chanced to turn. True, the ladies who volunteered to serve their country in such a public capacity felt that they sacrificed some sense of propriety and fitness, but let them be comforted with the thought that they have been martyrs in a good cause, and did "what they could" for the sake of the soldiers.
We have heard of the man who would rather face a regiment of soldiers than half-a-dozen women. We are sure if the rebels be such men, a regiment like the Old Style People New Year's Eve, would like to see the whole army of the Confederates, and "Vive l' America" would shake the trees on every hill-top, and peace clasp freedom in a long embrace.

Loyal Union League.
We, the undersigned, Citizens of the United States, hereby unite in a call for a public meeting to be held at Lewis' Hall in the village of Oxford, on Tuesday Evening, the 2d day of June next, at 7 o'clock, to organize a Loyal Union League for the town of Oxford.
Dwight H. Clarke, Jabez Robinson, Samuel A. Gifford, Dan H. Robinson, Eli Willcox, Theodore Baker, Dolphus Burton, Alexander Tucker, Peter B. Padget. H. D. Fisk, S. H. Millard, Reuben Doty, H. W. Hall, Thomas Baldwin, C. M. Lathrop, R. E. Miller, Silas Maynard, C. M. Gray, T. S. Cone, M. V. N. Brown, Charles Holmes, Wm Haight, C. A. McNeil, John R. Clarke, J. C. Beardsley, Thos. Push, S. H. Farnham, S. F. Potter, John H. Phelps, Wheaten Loomis, Charles F. Horton, H. H. Cooke, S. H. Fish, D. L. Sherwood, Josiah Mayes, Michael Higgins, John S. White, C. A. McFarland, H. E. Lewis, C.E. Stratton, J. R. Weeks, H. L. Miller, S. M. Robinson, A. Sharp, George Davis. Andrew M. McNeil, John Lord, Philetus Monroe, Nelson Barstow, James Padget, James H. Root, William L. Beardsley, James A. Glover, J. B. Galpin, Charles L. Hunt, Calvin Cole, John B Wheeler, William H. Hyde, James W. Glover, William Fraser, William W. Ingersoll, George Rector, H. S. Knapp, G. H. Perkins, F. C. Towslee, Harvey Symonds, Munson Smith, John R. Wheeler, Edward A. Bundy, William Gillman, William T. Church, George McNeil, Jesse Barto, George Stratton, C. B. Eaton, William S. Newton, James Hartwell, Davy D. McGeorge, M. M. Holmes, J. B. Stone, S. F. McFarland, C. D. Sharpe, _uman McNeil, A. N. Bemis, Silas Seeley, Joseph _. Turner, Simeon Turner, Richard Turner, John M. Green, James M. Gifford, Nehemiah Smith, Russel W. Willoughby, J. B. Parsons, Ira Willoughby, C. K. Holmes, Rufus Wheeler, Charles Walker, E. M. Osborn, G. S. Rowley, T. W. Shapley, J. W. Shapley, B. H. Aylworth, Jesse H. Gifford, John Nickerson, L. B. Gleason, Thomas S. Purple, John B. Willoughby, Thomas J. Purple, Clark McNeil, William Willoughby, John K. Havens, Clark Lewis, Aaron _. Main, Samuel W. Kinney, David Dickinson, John _ordon, David Shapley, David Gordon, H. A. McFarland, Willis Walker, Francis E. Root, James Shapley.

—A Union meeting will he held at Preston Corners, on Wednesday, May 22d. J. F. Hubbard and H. G. Prindle of Norwich will do the speaking.
—The Norwich company, under Capt. Tyrell, which passed through this city a week or two since, has been attached to Col. Lansings' Regiment and sent to Governor's Island.

We, the undersigned, citizens of the United States, hereby associate ourselves under the name and title of the LOYAL NATIONAL LEAGUE.
We pledge ourselves to unconditional loyalty to the Government of the United States, to an unwavering support of its efforts to suppress the Rebellion, and to spare no endeavor to maintain unimpaired the National unity, both in principle and territorial boundary.
The primary object of this League is, and shall be, to bind together all loyal men, of all trades and professions, in a common union to maintain the power, glory, and integrity of the Nation.
The undersigned, subscribing to the above pledge, hereby unite in calling for a Meeting to be held at the
Wednesday Evening, April 22d, 1863, to organize a Loyal Union League for the town of Norwich.
D. L. Follett,
H. Phelps,
C. G. Sumner,
N. H. Button,
John G. Pike,
Robert Harkness,
John Mitchell,
E. B. Barnett,
David Maydole,
Daniel Wait,
Hiram Smith,
George Nagle,
George Bavin,
Abel Comstock,
Isaac Foote,
Daniel E. Teal,
S. S. Chapman, Jr.,
Stephen Smith,
Wm. H. Church,
Charles Rupe,
Charles Cox,
George Wetmore,
John Woods,
Volney Butts,
R. R. Avery,
Wm. H. Olin,
Harmon Bennett,
T. D. Miller,
P. W. Clarke,
Levi Harris,
Ambrose Card,
Jonathan Wells,
Lewis Kingsley,
B. B. Porter.
S. Chamberlin,
Geo. W. Marr,
W. H. Sternberg,
S. Brooks,
Edward Childs,
Jas. G. Thompson,
Geo. C. Rice,
B. Gage Berry,
S. S. Stevens,
Heinrich Hansen,
J. P. Hicks,
John Wait,
A. C. Latham,
J. R. Wheeler, Jr.,
Wm. P. Chapman,
John O. Hill,
B. Chapman,
E. D. Hollis,
E. L. Brown,
J. R. Edwards.
Chas. A. Church,
D. Bedford,
D. E. S. Bedford,
Geo. W. Marvin,
M. L. Ward,
H. C. Brown,
A. N. Benedict,
H. G. Prindle,
T. Rogers,
D. C. Rogers,
James Gartsee,
D. Phetteplace, Jr.,
A. Berry.
C. L. Tefft,
D. A. Jackson,
W. Thurston,
Stephen Winsor,
C. L. Crowell,
John W. Winsor,
William Griffin,
John Wilkinson.

"The Citadel Secure!"
The Charter Election for the Village of Norwich was held on Monday. The result is such as gives pleasure to the Union men here, and it cannot fail to gratify our friends in other sections of the State.
We have won a victory against odds this time. The Democracy had out their whole force and were confident of victory from the moment the polls were opened, while the Union men failed to show their usual spirit and determination. Our opponents took up a collection in the morning, and their readiness to pay as high as from two to five dollars for votes proved that they had cash and were using it freely. They took all the "floating capital." In spite of their efforts, however, they were beaten by majorities ranging from twenty-one to forty-eight.
The following is a summary of the result:
Union Men.                    Democrats.                    maj.
Matthew Ransford...277 Lewis A. Rhodes,.. 242.31
John P. Hicks...........275 Jas. H. Sinclair.......248.27
George Bavin..........275 Andrew J. Avery,.. 254..21
Silas Brooks,...........275 William Jones,.....246..29
__llings Wheeler,...277 Charles H. Fish,......246..31
Bradley P. Weed,.. .271 Lewis Nash,...........246..22
W. Porter Chapman,286 Dennis Conway,....238..48
The two candidates upon the Democratic ticket, having the lowest vote, have been in the habit of wearing Copperhead badges about the streets.
Our candidate for Treasurer has much the largest majority. His personal papularity [sic] is great, but this alone does not account for the result. His opponent is an Irishman, and some of his own party must have taken especial pains to strike off his name on that account. The men who joined teams with the remnant of the old Know Nothing party last fall would be quite likely to do a sneaking thing of this kind. The Democracy are very fond of using Irishmen to "rope in" voters, but when it comes to giving them an office they "don't see it."
Our readers will please recall the fact that at the Town meeting the Democracy of this town had a majority of sixty-seven. Our majority now, contrasted with our defeat then, shows that there is a great and gratifying change in the sentiment of our citizens taking place.

The Loyal League Meeting.
The meeting at Lewis Hall, Tuesday Evening of last week, for the purpose of organizing a town League, was a great success in every respect.
Although very short and imperfect notice had been given, the Hall was well filled, including a considerable number of ladies, and the proceedings throughout were conducted in the best spirit, and with great cordiality and unanimity. The address of H. G. PRINDLE, Esq., although necessarily lengthy, embodying as it did a faithful delineation of the origin, progress and present aspect of the rebellion, was a very eloquent and able effort, and was very acceptable to the large audience. The speaker was particularly happy in his appeal in favor of the union of all patriotic citizens in a loyal and hearty support of the Government, and deservedly severe in his condmnation [sic] of the partizan [sic] spirit of those who are attempting to divide and distract the loyal sentiment of the country, in opposition to the administration and its efforts to put down rebellion. The speaker was frequently applauded, and chained the attention of his audience from the beginning to the end of his speech. The proceedings will be found more at length in another column.

—There was a great Union meeting in Norwich, last Thursday, which was adjourned to Saturday. A company of volunteers (heretofore alluded to,) has been enlisted in Norwich, and $6,633 raised for their families. At the meeting, a handsome flag was presented to the volunteers.
—A Union meeting has been held in Sherburne.
—A Committee has been appointed "for the purpose of taking such measures as may be thought best to organize a regiment of volunteers for Otsego and Chenango counties." The following is the committee appointed:
Otsego—J. L. Gilbert, Butternuts; A. C. Church, Morris; A. Fergurson, Oneonta; N. R. Brown, Burlington. Chenango—A. L. Pritchard, New Berlin; Peter B. Rathbone, Greene; J. F. Hubbard, Jr., Norwich.
—One Union meeting was held at Oxford Tuesday evening, April 23d, and another Saturday evening the 27th.

A Beautiful Record.
At the late Peace Convention for this Assembly District, which met in this village, to appoint delegates to Fernando Wood's conclave of copperheads, the following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That in appointing delegates to the Peace Convention on the 3d of June, this Convention do not design to interfere with the regular Democratic or any other political organization, but pledge themselves to act with vigilance, as they always have done, to sustain the regular Democratic organization, and assist in electing the candidates that may be nominated by the Democracy at their regularly organized Conventions, with all their ability and power.
With the exception of a resolution naming the delegates, and another providing for publication in the 'Chenango Union,' this comprises the entire list of resolutions which appear in the published proceedings. What a magnificent record of overflowing patriotism is this to hand down to posterity. When the nation is in a struggle for its very existence, the most gallant and noble army that was ever gathered, are striving against a most atrocious and groundless conspiracy, to destroy the Union and subvert the Democratic principles which form the basis of our Government, while the Western army is pouring out its blood as free as water to destroy the last citadel of rebellion on the Mississippi, and while a prayer for victory is upon  the lips of every true patriot, these constipated and shameless partisans [sic], meet and adjourn without even expressing a desire for the preservation of the Union, a word of admiration or sympathy for our soldiers in the field, nor a wish even for the success of our Republican form of Gov­ernment. The entire sum and substance of their resolves is, that they will continue to be Democratic partizans [sic] whatever may betide the country, and here begins and ends their aspirations, their hopes, their endeavors, and their desires. What a magnificent record with which to greet their innocent children, when they shall advance to take their places on the stage of action. And yet the Chenango Union says, that this peace convention was con­ducted thoughout [sic] with judgment as well as patriotism. It must be so. The record shows it.

The Chenango Union of last week copied an article from the Freeman's Journal of Cooperstown, an equally reliable paper, which attempts to cast obloquy upon a worthy and upright officer connected with the Provost Marshal's department in this District, and by implication, upon the entire Board of Enrollment. We refer to the case of E. G. Waldo, Esq., one of the Deputy Provost Marshals of this District, residing at Edmeston, Otsego county, who, it is alleged, wrongfully altered the enrollment list for the said town by erasing his son's name therefrom. The statements are not worthy of notice coming from the source they do, but for fear the false coloring given to the matter by these papers may be believed by the people, and produce a wrong impression and injury to the service in this department, we propose to state the facts of the case, which are briefly as follows:
William E. Waldo, a young man of full age had left his home in Edmeston some weeks before the enrollment was commenced, for Oneida county, and was engaged as a laborer in the pistol factory at Utica. During the fore part of the enrollment he was at his father's residence on a visit, and was called upon by the enrolling officer, whom he informed he was a resident of Utica, and not of Edmeston. The enrolling officer called upon Deputy Waldo for information in regard to the matter, and was informed by him that his son was a resident of Utica and liable to be enrolled there, and that upon his next visit to Utica he would make enquiry and advise him further. In a few days he went to Utica and made enquiry at the boarding house of his son, and was informed that his son's name had been given to the enrolling officer there, and was, doubtless, enrolled. When he returned he advised the enrolling officer of the fact, and was informed by him that his son had been enrolled by him. Mr. W. protested against the enrollment in Edmeston. as his son was a resident of Utica, and the enrolling officer told him that he would erase his name. Some few days after this the rolls were sent to Mr. Waldo's house to be by him delivered to the Commissioner. Mr. Gorham. Mr. W. examined the rolls and found the erasure not made, and went at once to the house of the enrolling officer to see about it and found him absent for the day, and as the rolls were to be returned that day, Mr. W. drew his pencil over the name and delivered them to the Commissioner. Upon the return of the enrolling officer, Mr. Waldo informed him of what he had done, and that officer said it was all right, and that his failure to cross off the name was an oversight. In this condition the rolls were delivered at Headquar­ters at Norwich.
Young Waldo was not liable to be enrolled in this, being a resident of another District, and it was upon this ground that the name was erased. Subsequently at the request of Mr. Waldo, the father, and with the consent of Mr. York, the enrolling officer of Edmeston, eras­ed the pencil mark over the name, thus restor­ing the name as it was originally enrolled, in order that the son might have the right to lay the whole matter before the Board for adjudi­cation upon appeal. It is proper in this con­nection to state that the last paragraph of the article referred to, to wit;—"that the two gen­tlemen who went to Norwich found it necessa­ry to add to the second class the names of the Deputy and the town enrolling officer"—is simply a wilful [sic] and malicious falsehood.
This extent hath Mr. Waldo's offending, nothing more; and we believe that those gen­tlemen who have lent themselves to the base use of Copperhead politicians to bring into dis­repute a worthy officer, for sinister purposes, will see the day ere long that they will regret it. This is a last card of traitors. When the law is growing rapidly in the public favor they seek to restrain its operation by such means as is employed in this case. Verily, they have their reward.

PERSONAL.—Major James Grant Wilson, is making a brief sojourn in our village, after the exhausting campaign which ended so gloriously, in the capture of Vicksburg. The Major is from the army of the West, and is getting well again after a severe attack of fever. Like many in the land, the Major laid aside the pen to take the sword, and is proving that a graceful writer can also become a brave and skillful soldier.—He speaks most hopefully of affairs in the South-west, and it is right cheering to hear his patriotic words.
He has several trophies of war, among which is the last issue of the rebel paper at Vicksburg printed on wall paper, and proving that the rebels were literally "driven to the wall," by Grant and his noble army. The Major returns to his command in a few days, and hopes to be present at the capture of Mobile. May success, health and happiness attend him.
During his stay in our village, Major Wilson is the guest of Henry VanDerLyn, Esq.

Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson at Oxford.
The Hon. D. S. DICKINSON addressed an abolition meeting at Oxford, on Friday evening, the 7th inst., and was particularly harsh and severe upon his former Democratic friends. An "old-fashioned JEFFERSONIAN Democrat" of that town writes us on the subject as follows:
OXFORD, Aug. 8, 1863.

* * * * * * * * * * When such men as DANIEL S. DICKINSON, Who has, as he says, from his youth up to "hoary hairs of three score and ten been  honored by high governmental stations," carrying with them enormous salaries bestowed upon him by those he in former days hypocritically styled his "Democratic friends," shall disgrace those honors conferred, stations bestowed, and friends who bestowed them, by traversing this already distracted country, and preaching discord, strife, malice, envy, civil war, &c.,—when such men shall proclaim, in stentorian voices, at the highest key, from their speaking stands,—"Hang 'em—hang 'em—hang higher than Haman every Democrat in the land"—when they shall preach to anxious multitudes that "Constitutions don't make Governments—that Constitutions are like our public roads, to be followed when the pathway is smooth and easy, and to be departed from when it is rough,"—it is then high time for the people to awake from their legthargy [sic], and look upon these men as standing upon a powder magazine of vast dimensions, and filled to its utmost capacity, brandishing fire brands over their heads, the least spark from which may ignite a single kernel and set the whole mass in flames, producing such horrors as in comparison with which the present unhappy and deplorable civil war is but a pleasing pastime.
Differences of opinion as well in the management of national affairs as in other things do exist, always have existed, and always will exist, and will be expressed so long as this is claimed a free Government. Do away with that right, and let their edict, "Hang 'em higher than Haman," be put in execution, as is recommended by the present reigning dynastic orators, and you establish civil war and a despotism unknown for brutality in the darkest ages of heathen barbarism under the Kings and rulers of the most benighted pagan nations.
Any sane man or reflecting mind that will take one candid, dispassionate, cool, sober look into the past political history of this nation, cannot fail to discover that in the inflamatory [sic] speeches and false teachings of political demagogues and fanatics, both North and South, lies the seed of discord which has germinated into this ungodly rebellion and desolating civil war, and which has caused the public mind to become so highly excited that it is perfectly apparent to the eye of any careful observer, that a little further urging on by bad and inflamatory [sic] counsels, that excitement will burst into a flame on the one side, producing a counter flame on the other which water alone cannot quench.
An Old-Fashioned

ANOTHER SOLDIER AT REST.—Rev. WM. L. GILLMAN, formerly a native of Greene, in this county, and well known by many of our citizens, recently died near Gettysburg. He graduated at Canton, in the class of 1862, and soon enlisted as a private in the 32d Massachusetts Volunteers. At the battle of Gettysburg, while lying on the ground with his Regiment, he was struck near his left knee with a minnie ball which passed through the limb and would have entered his breast had it not came in contact with a Testament which he had in his pocket. The limb was amputated and for several days bade fair to heal successfully, but a hemorrhage set in which closed his career.
Thus has the life of another christian and patriot been sacrificed on the altar of our common country. He proved himself willing to support by his works, what he taught with his lips, and in defence of those principles he has given his life.
His memory will be sacred to all who knew him, especially to his brethren in the ministry. A christian, a soldier, and a patriot, has gone to rest. The Ruler of the nations of the earth has granted him a furlough from all earthly duty, and permitted him to enter into that rest which the bugle notes of war can never disturb.

Apportionment for the Draft.
The following is the apportionment among the various towns in this District for the draft, arranged by sub-districts and Counties. The draft will doubtless commence within a week, and will take place in the order of the subdistricts. Due notice will be given of the time when the draft will take place for each town. The numbers given include the fifty per cent added to each town:

Dist. TOWN. NO. with 50 Dist. TOWN. NO. WITH 50
                          pr ct. add.                              pr ct. add.
1 Afton,................ 51   13 Otselic,.....................32
2 Bainbridge,.... 38    14 Oxford,....................96
3 Columbus,..... 45    15 Pharsalia,.................37
4 Coventry,....41    16 Pitcher,.....................32
5 German,..... 17    17 Plymouth,..............41
6 Greene,..... . 87   18 Oreston,..............22
7 Guilford, ....73    19 Sherburne,.............70
8 Lincklaen,.......... 24     20 Smithville,....42
9 McDonough,... 36     21 Smyrna,.....53
10 New Berlin,.........65
11North Norwich,. 32     Total..............1057
12 Norwich,............122

22 Andes,.... 82    32 Masonville,................44
23 Bovina, .....35    33 Meredith,....................29
24 Colchester... 63    34 Middletown,.............95
25 Davenport,.. 64    35 Roxbury,...................75
26 Delhi,................ 75    36 Sidney,.....................53
27 Franklin, ...92    37 Stamford,...................34
28 Hamden, ...43    38 Tompkins,..................92
2 9 Hancock,.......... 91    39 Walton,.......................77
30 Harpersfield,..... 31
31 Kortright,.......... 48      Total...........1123

40 Burlington,.. 50     53 Oneonta,.............. 54
41 Butternuts, ...52    54 Otego,...... 48
42 Cherry Valley, 80    55 Otsego,...... 136
43 Decatur, ....20     56 Pittsfield, .....21
44 Edmeston,..52     57 Plainfield,.....31
45 Exeter, ...41     58 Richfield,.....................51
46 Hartwick,.. 65    59 Roseboone,..................56
47 Laurens, ......58     60 Springfield,............77
48 Maryland,..61    61 Unadilla,...................69
49 Middlefield,. 103     62 Westford,.................35
50 Milford, ...76     63 Worcester,................57
51 Morris, 59
52 New Lisbon, 40       Total.............................1402
Aggregate total of District, .......3588.

To ascertain the number of able bodied men which will be taken from any town, deduct one-third of the quota given above, and the remainder will give the actual quota.

Apportionment for the Draft.
The following is the apportionment among the various towns in this District for the draft, arranged by sub-districts and Counties. The draft will doubtless commence within a week, and will take place in the order of the
sub-districts. Due notice will be given of the time when the draft will take place for each town. The numbers given include the fifty per cent. added to each town:

Dist. TOWN. No. with Dist. TOWN. NO. with
                   pr. ct. add                  50 pr. ct. add.
1 Afton................ 51     13 Otselic...............32
2 Bainbridge ....... 38     14 Oxford...........96
3 Columbus......... 45     15 Pharsalia........37
4 Coventry.... 41     16 Pitcher..............32
5 German ...17     17 Plymouth..........41
6 Greene ....87     18 Preston..............22
7 Guilford.... 73      19 Sherburne.........70
8 Lincklaen.. 24     20 Smithville.........43
9 McDonough....36      21 Smyrna.............53
10 New Berlin. 65
11 North Norwich 32    Total.........1057
12 Norwich.. 122

Total .............1123

Total 1402
Aggregate total of District 3582
To ascertain the number of able bodied men which will be taken from any
town, deduct one-third of the quota given above, and the remainder will give the actual quota.

The Draft in the 19th District.
Town of Norwich.
410 names in wheel 122 to be drawn.
Dudley S Hall (cheers)                        James Noble
Wesley Moffatt                                   Haylon B Gibbs
Charles J Tucker (cheers)        James McDermott
Darwin Topman                                  Jeremiah E Tenbroeck
Harvey H Bloom                                 William Edwards
John W Aylesworth                George Per Lee (cheers)
Samuel R Hopkins                  Asahel Holcomb
Edwin Hewitt                                     Dennis Griffin
George Sanders                                   Clark J Smith
William H Snow                                 James P Smith
George W Nightingale                        Theron Lyon
William S Herrick                               Thomas J Bailey (cheers)
James H Stanton                                 Cornelius Vosburgh
Chauncey H Leach                 Orra M Hughson (cheers)
Byron S Terry                                     Lyman W Sperry
B Gage Berry (great cheers)   Stephen Curtis
Reuben Eyrich                                    John Wilkinson (cheers)
Milo McCarty                                     Charles B. Town (cheers)
Alvin Brewster (colored)        Dennis Conway (cheers)
John Phillips                            Edson G French
Joshua Winsor                                     Jas G Thompson (cheers)
Clinton Pierce                                     Patrick Curley
Darius Willcox                                    Norton S Hull
Isaac Hall                                            Arnold Graves
Charles Rich (cheers)              Isaac W Skinner
Calvin L Tefft (cheers)                       William Tobey
Martin W Murray                                Thomas R Rogers
J R Van Wagenen (cheers)      Hiram S Wait
Julius A Hoag                                     Abram S Aldrich
Edward Van Camp (color'd) Amander Chapman
Charles R Johnson (cheers)     Curtis Crain (cheers)
William Welch                                    Marshall Norton
Orris B Ogden                                    Uri Mallory
Charles Mallory                                   Chauncey L McIntyre
Otis B Stiles (cheers)              Stephen D. Hubbell
George L Sprague                               Ogden Brainerd
Freeman Burlingame               Henry S Miller
Elnathan K Terry (cheers)       Clifton R Sherwood
Charles E Peacock (cheers)     Joshua Reesley
Thomas Dailey                                    Noyes B Phetteplace
Ansel Merrill                           James S McNitt
George H Graves                                William H Wells
George Dexter                                    Otis Winsor
Francis N Hadlock                  Sylvester R Goodrich
John W Sanders                                  Le Roy Haynes
Omer J Wood (cheers)                        Horace Thompson (cheers)
George M Franklin                  Alfred K Pabodie
Clark S Bradley                                  Peter Baldwin
Osborn Harris                          William Card (cheers)
William Sage (cheers)                         Charles H Wheeler
James Peters                            Charles H Fish (cheers)
William KLoomis (cheers)      Leonard D Skinner
T De Witt Miller (cheers)        Henry R Breed (colored)
Daniel K Groff                                   David A Wycoff (colored)
Charles Curtis                                     Eddy Phetteplace
Wm P Chapman (cheers)        Charles Cox
Thompson G Fisher                 Samuel H Weeden (cheers)
Wm H Chapman (cheers)        John F Hubbard Jr (cheers)
James T Hutchins                                Josiah Gardner
Charles H McNitt                               Reynard C McGraff
H Ransford Jr (cheers)                        Jonathan D Johnson

Town of Afton.
178 names in wheel 51 to be drawn.
Alfred D Smith                                   Hiram B Cornwell
Enos M Johnston                                John U Burdick
Franklin J Mudge                                Eli Christian
George Taylor                                     Asahel Rathbone
Abel Briggs                                         Josephus Merritt
William T Bateman                 Joseph C Carpenter
Jared S Lyon                           Henry Barber
Edgar G Wood                                   Andrew J Johnston
George Pratt                            Austin R Cass
Edward Baxter                                   Wilson A Mudge
Emmett N Benton                               Richard Mead
Zacheus G Smith                    Cornelius C Nickerson
Lorenzo L Hopkins                 Elville Fairchild
James H Nickerson                 Barton W Walcott
Daniel Landers                        Edwin S McMaster
George Rait Jr                         David Grayhead
Alanson J Stewart                               John C Camberlin
Richard D Stow                      Ebenezer E Wildey
Henry O Padgett                                 Cyrus A Clapp
Sewell Burch                                       Zachariah Smith
Jared L Austin                        Samuel Armstrong
Isaac Pool                                            Theodore A Haskell
William S Bush                       Gilbert W Church
John Smith                                          Jerome Bartlett
Norman C Booth                    Andrew G Bunce
James M Olendorf

Town of Bainbridge.
135 names in wheel..............38 to be drawn.
Edwin Palmer
William Clark
Myron Vincent
Gideon Lobdell
George Corbin
Anson Van Zandt
James R Kelley
Martin Price
Joseph Clansman
Hascall Parker
Rush W Crandall
James McCutchin
Thomas Green
James Hyde
Isaac Newton
Hamilton Green
Alvah Lyon
Nelson Pettys
Franklin Shepherd
Weston Evans
Simeon Pettys
Benjamin Wilson
Martin Smith
Clark Northrup
Dan Post
Edward L Bennett
Samuel Loomis
Josiah Lyon
Willis Wheeler
Dennis W Hall
Rudolph Bass
George Button
Lawrence Newton
Frederick M Davis
William Douglas
Miles White
Joel Lyon
Thomas J Lyon

Town of Columbus.
159 names in wheel....45 to be drawn.
Alvin M Lamb
Samuel G Sexton
Levi Barber
Kinney Shawler
LeRoy H Hodges
William, Weaver
Horatio Babcock
Charles Perkins
Charles G Ames
Milo Bailey
Luman A Rice
Nelson A Thayer
Gilbert Powers
Almond Sewell
Michael Cahill
Henry A Holt
Freeman A Jackson
Albert Nichols
Eliery Cheesbro
Robert Rutherford
Charles C Lamb
Ransom Otis
Charles Howard
Colbert Davis
Nelson Button
Alonzo B Crandall
Frederick Herrick
Horace Sturges
Lewis D Hopson
Jared C Stonee
Nathaniel W Jaquary
William B Olney
De Mott Pope
William D Loomis
Henry M Olney
Edwin H Cady
Henry W Tlllotson
Isaac Holmes
Ray L Dehnison
George Brownwell
Norman Brown
Alphonzo Moore
Henry L Lothridge
Tillinghast S Spalding
Ira Button

Town of Coventry.
142 names in wheel...........41 to be drawn.
Hezekiah Knickerbocker
James Harrington
Chester L Jones
John Woods
Thompson Thomas
Thomas Tifft
John H. Garrett
William H Rounds
Malone E Scott
Isaiah Snell
Ira Stimpson
B F Beardsley
Martin Shaw
Albert H Seymour
William C Stork
Abjah S Parker
Edwin S Woodward
Chester Snook
Frank L Miles
William L Marcy
Burridge Martin
George Sperring
William Pittsley
Francis R Stork
De Witt Wakeman
Ranson Wright
Harry Mandeville
Spencer F Allis
Jesse Bostwick
LeRoy Pearce
David K Shaw
Eugene Conant
Richard Sage
Daniel Wylie
Russell D Newton
John Adams
Henry Smith
James Gilmore
Thomas W Carter
William A Wilbert
William H Webb

Town of German.
62 names in wheel 17 to be drawn.
John W Barr                            Leandor Tice
Charles Kenyon                                  William H Kites
John N Galt                                         Alonzo Adams
Salem Lewis                            Luzerne J Briggs
Silas B Morgan                                   Hiram Brown
Alexander Dillenback                         Rufus B Hakes
Drew Ferncll                           Jesse Ford
Oliver Griswold                                  La Fare Stewart
Alexander Levis

Town of Greene.
292 names in wheel..............87 to be drawn.
Lagrange Chamberlin
Joshua Cooper
Warren Salisbury
Woodruff Sweetland
George W. Duntley
James L Bly
William Dedrick
John R Juliand
John H Johnson
W M Horton
Charles D Foster
Ethan Race
Augustus Rose
George F Mathews
Nathan Gross
James W Smith
William English
Theodore J Cole
Levi Paddleford
Thomas Rush
William Close
Chauncey Page
Darius Cooper Jr
James Davis
Theodore Hill
Edgar L Preston
Chester Foster
Gilbert Utter
Morris Cahoon
William H Wilson
Frederick Fairchild
Henry L Farr
Ira W Day
James F Purdy
Marvin S Wells
Josiah P Brewer
Benj. F Cooper
Edmund D Freeman
Peter Wheeler
Robert Dudley
William Spencer
Philander Bixby
Francis Reynolds
Helon H Newton
William G Lawton
Ellis Spafford
Seber Whimarsh
William H. Owen
Andrew Upham
William H Wheeler
Eleazer Smith
Edwin G Northrup
Edward Randall
Harvey Gross
John A Benedict
Edwin C Adams
James Martin
John W Bennett
Asbell H Osborne
Eldridge Wm. Lewis
Elias B Jackson
Theodore Sharp
Alphonzo Bennett
Chester Bingham
William H Adams
Calvin A Lee
William B Purple
Darius H Allen
Elijah Cowen
James H Morse
John Burgess
Isaac Yager
Melvin Bates
Jasper G Reynolds
Richard R Winston
Frederick S Race
John A Squires
Edgcomb Elliot
Henry H Qwens
William Hoag
Delos H Towsley
Chauncey S Holcomb
Edward Randall
LeRoy Davis
Jacob Freer
William G Welch
Samuel H Willard.

Town of Guilford.
244 names in wheel...........73 to be drawn.
Herman D Cole
Andrew Dickinson
Charles H Miner
John A Day
Jonas Haynes
Lorenzo M Brant
Flavel Humphrey
Lewis Day
Franklin Robinson
Benjamin Beavan
Peter Smith
Henry Van Pelt
Chauncey Wade
Reuben Newton
Miles Hawk
Thomas Webb
Marshal D Spencer
George Davis
Sansom Gregory
William Sliter
Griswold Talcott
_vin Tompkins
_son Dingman
Martin V B Winsor
David Dorman
Franklin Morse
Frederick Shaver
Clark Jewell
Erastus Ives
Cornelius Jones
Osmer Sherwood
Le Grand Phelps
Francis Bowen
John Compton
Hezekiah Ensworth
James Devoe
George Peck
Charles E Brett
Avery J Bagg
Henry Ives
Thaddeus D Burrows
William L Skinner
Seymour Eaton
Martin Talcott
Marshall Burks
Hezekiah Stevens
Nathan L Hayes
William W Cone
De Witt C Crowell
Stephen Whitmore
Henry Bradley
Le Grand Parker
Rufus N Mills
Jay E Truesdell
Oliver Ferris
George Godfrey
Thomas Blinco
Jacob Haynes
Alfred Burton
Kay Olcott
Joel De Long
William W Day
Jefferson Graham
Henry Miles
George W Angell
Dana D Gilbert
Jeriah Wheeler
Zelotis Burton
William H Pratt
Lewis Woodruff
James Bowen
Benjamin F Smith
Alonzo Ingersoll

Town of Lincklaen.
92 names in wheel....24 to be drawn
Norman P Smith
Rouse S Dye
Welcome Burdick
Samuel Burdick
Adney Coon
Norman G Burdick
Ansel Curtis
John Ufford
William Watson
Horace L Pool
Thomas Barrett
Eli Preston
Almon D Bennett
Townsend M Gifford
Andrew J Willcox
William H Wilson
Osbone Sanders
De Forest Patterson
George Coy
Mathew Brown
Alpheus Hendee
John Baldwin
William Preston
John H Catlin

Town of McDonough.
128 names in wheel.......36 to be drawn.
Asa H Daniels
Albert H Black
Henry Brooks
Henry S Law
Dwight W Wales
Lawson P. Blackman
William M Nicholson
Benjamin Kenyon
Julius P Beardsley
Alonzo Leach
N B Norris
Augustus C Purple
William Nightengale
John H Leach
Thomas Dowd
William H Barnes
Washington W Beckwith
Warren Loomis
Myron L Morse
Timothy Willis
Lewis W Lamb
Horace Rathbone
S B Bachelor
Edwin P Caton
A B Root
Lewis A Rathbone
James M Campbell
George Wales
John T. Nicholson
Lee B Thompson
John Rathbone
Gilbert Randall
Charles E Curtis
William Dalton
Elmer Isbell
Thomas L Moore

Town of New Berlin.
218 names in wheel.........65 to be drawn.
Nathan Prentiss
Richard Musson
Sidney A Finch
Francis Eaton
James Mason
Nelson Button
Albert J Jackson
Edgar Phetteplace
William Arnold
Elias M Jenkins
John L. Jones
Thomas Gibson
William Armstrong
Loring Young
Luman Austin
Henry Peck
John O'Connell
Joseph Sage
James Warren
Ira K Ball
William A Smith
Daniel S Hoadley
Henry Sage
Chauncey Todd
Joseph B Gibbs
Menzo M Joslyn
Alfred Kinney
Oliver Arnold
Thomas Gardner
Henry L Haight
Andrew Heaton
Benjamin Nichols
Augustus Sage
Charles House
George Brooks
Andrew J Davis
Charles Prosser
George H O'Brien
Otis Mathewson
Daniel Irons
Andrew Burlingame
Augustus Edmonds
Cuyler Van Peet
Edward Hull
Warren A Lull
Asher Wetmore
Guiteau Babcock
Anthony Frank
Thomas Beatty
Joseph Thompson
Arnold G Crandall
Charles L Robinson
Charles Pendleton
James Silvernail
William Button
John Vivins
Oscar Bancroft
Hobart Babcock
Orville Sherman
Everett Curtiss
Eli Cole
Thomas Roney
Edwin C Henry
Henry D Cole
John Silvernail

Town of North Norwich.
105 names in wheel..........32 to be drawn.
Oscar F Loomis
Eli E Merrill
Milo J Brown
Henry C Hall
Randall Perry
Elisha S Brown
Edwin R Slater
Henry Titus
Alfred Chase
Ambrose Spencer
John H Church
John Wiswell
Stephen Titus
John Luscombe
James Cheesbro
Albert B King
Daniel Cole
Daniel W Dennis
Sylvanus W Barker
Samuel R Pike
Gerard C Mead
Reuben Sisson
John May hew
Benjamin Clark
Edwin B Paul
Edson French
Leander G French
Isaac Per Lee
Andrew Jones
Albertus A Adams
George S Gates
Harvey H Bloom

Town of Otselic.
103 names in wheel...........32 to be drawn.
Edward Stanton
Lucian Kinne
Elijah Welch
George Nagus
Lestum Wolcott
Benjamin Franklin
Daniel Webb
Henry Duncan
Jesse E Patterson
Sidney Lewis
Avery Palmer
Nicholas Young
William Calvert
Weaver W Calkins
Morris W Brown
John W Sturgess
Daniel Tallett
Chester Reynolds
Lorin Doing
Sylvester Truman
Amasa Soule
Andrew J Thompson
Hez M Fargo
Henry Miller
Leroy Paugh
Henry O Warren
Austin Sturgess
Russel Ward
B F Davenport
Gurlett Dutton
A A Warren
Joshua Mastin

Town of Oxford.
312 names in wheel..........96 to be drawn.
John E Church
Franklin G Greene
Zeba L Drake
James H Knight
Clark K Holmes
Timothy Conghlin
Abner E Randall
Robert J Davidson
Asa C Tyler
Charles Johnson
Israel Jacobs 2d
Ira Scott
Chandler P Hunt
Alton D Root
Jesse D Rogers
Lewis Cumber
Clarence D Walker
Henry Tew
Albert L Lathrop
Charles F Mead
Philip L Bartle
Erastus Ingraham
Josiah R Weeks
Charles H Stewart
George C Green
Dana Gibbs
Dennis Pittsley
James H Padgett
Francis G Clarke
Henry D Mead
Warren Simpson
William G Adams
Benjamin D Richards
Julius Wheeler
Patrick Callan
Willard Bentley
Smith Williams
Winfield S Ireland
William B Race
Ed Ogden
Warren B Rathbone
Lora Ward
Willis Loop
John E Miller
Delazon Shepard
Simcon Church
Chauncey A Barstow
George L McNeil
John K Havens
Dan Marshman
John C Webb
Sheldon F. Hopkins
Henry Peters
Daniel Merrill
Charles Brabazon
Patrick H Rogers
James E Fish
Andrew B. Olds
Martin Church
Nelston Barstow
Lester Winchester
Andrew J Root
Thomas H B Rogers
Darwin Jacobs
James h Brooks
Abner G Thurber
Richard Young
Henry O Brooks
George Parsons
James L Walker
Henry Hall
Frederick Thompson
James McIning
John Ingraham
Hinton D Bartle
Sylvester Meade
Aaron M Lathrop
Walter I Redmond
R D Bush
Alonzo Lee
James H Lobdell
Thomas Wheeler
Orange Leach
William S Thompson
George Davis
George W Brabazon
Willard R Hunt
William P Buckley
William Moon
Henry S Knapp
David Moon
Hiram King
L M Anderson
Andrew Fleming
James W Warn
Walter Young

Town of Pharsalia.
129 names in wheel........37 to be drawn.
Joshua Frink
Henry A Baxter
Moses Franklin
George W Crandall
Andrew Brown
Ezra B Brown
Oliver A Cook
Miles H Law
Benjamin F Wardwell
Edwin E Main
William H Mann
John E Poster
Henry S Angell
Russel W Coats
N C Huntley 1st
Levi H Chapman
Daniel P Law
Squire J Gladding
Halbert Grant
John M Waldron
Malbro Wells
John H Cooper
Leander S Law
Allen L Boswell
Alpheus M Totman
Abner Tucker Jr
Henry M Grant
Horace L Barnes
Charles S Marvin
Uysses Brown
Henry Breed
James H Bacon
John J Grant
Hiram H Woodin
Nathan C Huntley 2d
Merritt Breed
Marshall D Frink

Town of Pitcher.
115 names in wheel..........32 to be drawn.
Amos B Miner
Charles M White
James A Locke
William Smith
Edwin C Crosier
Isaac Cook
Nathan R Brown
Alanson Bolster
Leland S Kenyon
George Ensign
Jona Kenyan
John Wildman Jr
David Hyer
Asa Warner
Norton Blackman
John L Smith
Ralph Taylor
Roswell B Fuller
James T Sutton
Benson W. Wells
Geo. O Follett
Enos L Eldredge
Elber M Hyer
Seneca B Harrington
Geo Eldredge
Albert D Park
James Smith
Wilbur F Knowles
Alpheus Sanderson
Roswell Hakes
Henry Roberts
Wesley J Phillips

Town of Plymouth.
137 names in wheel....41 to be drawn.
Andrew J Inman
David K Evans
Austin D Sayles
Willis Dexter
John E. Foster
Timothy Hall
Henry Blackman
Washington J Frink
Charles E Stewart
John Carpenter
Charles M Dickinson
Philenus A Wilkes
James M Tyler
Jason J Belden
Otis L Freeman
Charles Jones
Francis U Garratt
William C Sexton
Thornas Baldwin
George W Stewart
Enos B Sayles
Breed Lewis
Lewis G Rider
Charles J Adams
William W Sackett
William H Stewart
Charles Tifft
Stephen G Trass
Luman W Aldrich
John P Fairbanks
Charles Daniels
Wm M Sabin
Milo B Hart
Seth I Lee
Isadore Develin
Wm B Inman
William B Crandall
Aaron B Fox
Andrew Jackson
Hiram Adams
Horace H. Jackson

Town of Preston.
79 names in wheel............22 to be drawn.
Stephen A Eccleston
Nathan D Lewis
Noah Wightman
Burton Westover
Devillo S Root
Simon W Turner
Martin Quinn
Aaron D Barr
Tracy Wightman
Joseph Miles
Colonel Nicholson
James Underwood
Ralph Bliven
Joseph S Tracy
William Daniels
William K Packer
Leander Rogers
William Tew
James J Noyes
Ralph Widger
Harvey M Surdam
Carlos Hall

Town of Sherburne.
233 names in wheel............70 to be drawn.
Zenas L Seymour
Thomas M Cash
Aaron Thompson
Marcus L Saley
AndrewB Kinney
George Jenks
Eli E Rowland
George Southworth
Charles S Ross
Horace M Crane
David Baker
Homer G Newton
Frank Bower
Bryan Garvin
John J Clark
Frederick A Beach
David Lawton
Andrew Davis
Valentine Champlin
William Corbin
John J Bennett
Perry C Finks
Albert Beebe
Wesley Peck
Warren Davis
William A Lyman
Samuel G Bentley
James Foster
Richard L Buell
Patrick Sullivan
Alonzo Burch
Lewis Porter
Dwight J Royce
Hascall G C.Reese
James A Whitford
Joseph C Mumbalo
Squire Fuller
Joseph Knapp
William Finks
Henry Kingsbury
Henry D White
Hiram Davidson
Aden B Wescott
Stark Chapman
Charles E Davidson
Ezra R Irons
Charles R White
Luther C Loomis
Oliver P Hall
Albert C Bisbee
William W Sheldon
William A Brooks
George W King
George W Rice
Albertus Jenks
Levi H Crumb
Smith R Rowland
Phillip D Harris
Samuel Rudd
Alfred Bentley
John M Reynolds
Lucius S Marble
Harrison Pudney
Charles S Waters
Perry H Rowland
Hezekiah K Dart
William Bateman
Horace R Palmer
William White
Theodore W Barber

Town of Smithville.
148 names in wheel...........43 to be drawn.
Charles Kinney
Horace Wade
Nathan A Willeox
Orlando P Cole
Lorin H Ketchum
Samuel Hayes
Lewis H Allen
A R Otis
Wesley Warner
John Cline
William D Benedict
Carlton Lathrop
Seely Merriam
George W Chinch
Henry P Brown
Amos A Wade
George Perkins
James Yarnes
John Finnegan
George S Hotchkiss
Andrew Bailey
Owen McEnany
H D Reed
George M Kinney
Henry A Reed
Willis Squires
Isaac L Edgerton
Norman Squires
Moses E Wooster
Hiram Rorapaugh
Alexander Loomis
Smith H Hotchkiss
John P Davis
Samuel H Ingersoll
Isaac Rorapaugh
Thomas Leach
Hermon Hoag
Theodore Schenck
George Henry
Albert Boyes
James Simons
Henry Whitmarsh
Norman Hall

Town of Smyrna.
184 names in wheel.............53 to be drawn.
Doane F Wood
John Card
Henry Holley
Hezekiah W Pentecost
Wright B Tinker
Pomeroy Wood
H A Robins
Palmer Kenyon
George Hartwell
Amos Peckham
J B Simons
Devillo P Brown
Robert B Knowles
Myron Collins
Samuel J Hopkins
William C Record
Sheron Humphrey
Charles C Wilbur
Albert N Webb
Delos Brooks
Noah D Keeler
Percival D Nearing
John W Lyon
Delos Dickinson
David R Pierce
Zubina Martin
Hendrick C Goodrich
James E McClellan
Silas Enos
Duane Dimmick
Floyd W Brooks
Edward H Partridge
A C Shaw
Levi G Stanbro
Edward Z Lawrence
George Hunt
Henry C Wilbur
Joseph Laplant
Harley Scarritt
Alonzo Scarritt
Warren Staunton
Dwight Blodgett
Silas R Geer
James Ferris
Orrin Card
Clinton Sherman
Le Roy German
Daniel O Manwaring
Jerome Simonds
Robert H Willcox
Erastus Allen
Dwight H Wilbur
Nathan J Brand

The Board of Enrollment request drafted men to report themselves on the day specified in the notices served upon them.
The following is a list of persons exempted prior to the draft, by the election of parents, in the towns named:

NORWICH.—Jesse W. Amsden, William H. Bishop, William Bowden, George H. Burdick, John E.Cole, John R. Edwards, George A. Harris, Root Hubbell, Gothard Margraff, Aaron McNitt, A. Smith Pierce, Osmos Randall, George C. Rice, Chas. Sanders, George S. Thompson.

AFTON.—Truman Cables, Charles L. Seeley David P. Stevens.

BAINRIDGE.—Burr B. Campbell, Luman B. Clark, John J. Green, Truman Higley, James M. Newton, Fred. T. Nichols.

COLUMBUS.—Richard Lloyd, Jr., Charles A. Crego, L. H. Whitmore, Byron Beebe.

COVENTRY.—James M. Keyes, Chester A. Packard, Oscar R. Beardsley, John C. Marcy, Seth Marvin.

GERMAN.—George Thomas, Jona. C. Jones, John Niles, Charles M. Watson, Timothy Stanley, Hanson Yosburgh, Elias Warren.

GREENE.—Robert Whitmarsh, Dwight R. Smith, Stephen Baxter, Jeremiah B. Salisbury.

GUILFORD.—Hiram Jewell, Francis Boyce, Henry E. Gregory, John C. Mudge, George W. Franklin, Marco E. Merchant, Russell Dibble, Jr., Thomas McClagan, Joseph A. Huntley.

LINCKLAEN.—Myron D. Lyon, Varnum Coon.

MCDONOUGH.—Chapman R. Gale, Hezekiah Simpson, Charles G. Beckwith, Jonas Randall, Alvin Barnes, George Lewis, Jr.

NEW BERLIN.—Clark Johnson, Wallace D. Medbury, George Sage, Jay Sage, Vernon Phelps, Edwin W. Butts, Timothy Gallavan.

NORTH NORWICH.—Ab. Eigler, Samuel Titus, Jr., Norman Thompson, R. W. Fisher, Thomas Gorton, Jr., William Bowers, Horace J. Hickok, William W. Brown, George A. Church, Darius E. Lyon, Riley M. Guile, Orrin Follett, Almon Janes, Devillo W. Waters.

OTSELIC.—Charles Duncan, Charles A. Rogers, Henry D. Robbins, W. A. Phillips, Wells Tallet, Ed. Stanton, Jeff. Havens, Ezra T. Webb, Ellery P. Negus, H. H. Crumb, A. D. Newton, Arton P. Ford.

OXFQRD.—Amos Hall, T. J. Purple, George Miller, O. Francisco, Irvin D. Bartle. F. L. Waterman, Heman Derrick, H. C. Rowland, Ira Miller, Willard Walker, Ed, Farrell, Jacob Marshman, J. Bartholomew, Andrew Buxton, Charles A. McFarland.

PHARSALIA.—Burton Frink, James D. Frank, James J. Coates, John Greenfield, Charles P.. Brown, Pike D. Bosworth, Horace B. Franklin.

PITCHER.—Robert B. Dickinson, Joseph Silvernail, A. P. Eldredge, Burditt Blackmail, Emory H. Rose, Milton P. Ufford.

PLYMOUTH.— Willard Tefft, Denslow Aldrich, Henry Jones, George Aldrich, Horace J. Newell, Devalson Fisher, Charles A. Aldrich, John R. Newton, Gurdon H. King.

PRESTON.—John Daniels, Richard W. Osgood, Horace E. Clark, Perez Packer, Augustus Ross, Jr., John Franklin, Emory S. Lewis.

SHERBURNE.—Daniel A. Moore, John W. Bryant, Alfred Willcox, Eli Eredenberg, Jeremiah Curtiss, Daniel T. Hiller, Charles M. Coates, James F. Ross, John F. Young, Christopher C. Champlin, Henry L. M. Isham, Christopher Ganes.

SMITHVILLE.—Jacob Cline, John A. Stratton, Horace Payn, James H. Yeomans, M. W. Hotchkiss, Con. McGown, Barney McGown, Ed. Harrison.

SMYRNA.—Wm. Z. Wood, Ben. F. Geer, Herbert M. Dixon, Fred. A. Morley, Martin V. Wade, Jacob W. Stalker, Alfred T. Bidwell.

A Screw Loose.
The following is from the Hamilton Republican. It shows that there is a large sized screw loose in the Republican organization for this Senatorial District; but of course it is no concern of ours:
We have received a call from Mr. Fisher of the Chenango American calling the Senatorial Convention for Sept. 24th. From his letter it appears the Senatorial Committee have not been consulted. We therefore regard the call unauthorized and do not publish it. It belongs to the Senatorial Committee, and not the newspapers to call this Convention; besides it has not been customary to publish this call until after the State Convention, where there is an opportunity for such of the Committee and others from counties composing the District to consult together as to the most convenient time to call it.

THAT $300.—We learn that Mr. G. W. ERNST, U. S. Collector for this District, is in town, and will remain for a few days, for the purpose of relieving conscripts who have it to pay of that "little $300" each. His fees are $12 in every case, and it is estimated that he will receive from twelve to fifteen thousand dollars for his services during the next few weeks.

Abstract of Exemptions.
Granted to Drafted persons by the Board of Enrollment, in the 24th District State of New York.
Jeff. J. Brown, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Inguinal Hernia.
Dorr Hamblin, Auburn, splay foot.
James B. Youngs, Aurelius, splay foot.
Wash. B. Branch, Waterloo, loss of teeth.
Sam'l R. Welles, Waterloo, over age.
Wm Woods, Waterloo, only son of widow, &c.
Michael Bricks, Auburn, support of aged parents.
Jas McAvoy, Tyre, varicose veins with ulcers.
Wm. W White, Ledyard, father of motherless child under 12 years of age.
John S Brown, Auburn, loose cartilage of knee.
Edward L Tremaine, Auburn, asthma, with deformity of chest.
Daniel Calahan, Owasco, loss of teeth.
Henry P Green, Auburn, Sarcocele.
John Bartholomew, Auburn, alien.
Jas W Vanderburg, Lyons, loss of teeth.
Geo Peet, Flaming, over age.
Andrew M Seymour, Auburn, over age and non-resident.
Jas B Case, Sodus, gun shot in hand.
Dan'l B Keyes, Jr., scrofula, ulcers and varicose veins.
Edward B Blanchard, Inguinal Hernia.
Geo W Elliott, Auburn, scrofula and atrophy of limb.
Archalus H Town, Auburn, spinal disease and deformity of chest.
Alex B Eliiott, Auburn, disease of the Periosteum.
Henry Hiltibdile, Lodi, retention testicle in inguinal canal.
John M Livingston, Ira, scrofula.
Joseph Blair, Auburn, permanent retraction of fingers.
August Hewel, West Payette, alien.
John G Fowler, Auburn, hypertrophy of heart.
John Keirnan, Aurelius, over 35 years of age and married.
Geo B Sanford, Auburn, chorea.
James Van Pelt, Victory, inguinal hernia.
Thos Burns, Auburn, varicose veins.
Alfred W Palmer, Ira, decided feebleness of constitution.
H G Post, Fleming, in service U S 3d March, 1863.
Francis France, Waterloo, over 35 years and married.
Alpheus Jaquett, Fleming, in U S service March 3d, 1863.
Chas H Ashley, Seneca Falls, under 20 years of age.
Thos Arundel, Auburn, over 35 years and married.
Reuben Henion, Romulus, atrophy of arm.
Henry Gregory, Waterloo, alien.
Adam Roth, do, ulcerated piles.
James Dwyer, Auburn, varicose veins.
James Sarr, Auburn, Periostitis.
Ambrose Shiel, Auburn, Alien.
Burton H. Hoxie, Scipio, amaurosis right eye.
John Grover, Auburn, disease of lungs, and pleura.
Francis M. Baker, Seneca Falls, hypertrophy of spleen.
William B. Walters, Seneca Falls, Varicocele and induration of chord.
Clark Saunders, Waterloo, in service U. S. 3d March, 1863.
George Perry, Auburn, over 35 years and married.
Gilbert S. Warn, Auburn, hypertrophy of leg.
John Swart, Auburn, wound of foot and varicose veins.
James Mann, Auburn, varicose vein and inquinal hernia.
Calvin N. Riggs, Auburn, inquiral hernia of both sides.
James Harris, Auburn, an alien.
Lawrence Burns, Auburn, chronic gastritis with hepalic derangement.
Thomas Lyon, Moravia, an alien.
William Byrne, Auburn, partial dislocation of tarsus bones of long standing, and joint distorted.
Maurice Kinney, Auburn, over 45 years of age.
Patrick Hanlin, Auburn, loose cartilage of knee.
William H. Slee, Auburn, gravel.
Wm G Merrell, Auburn, insanity.
John Schelly,         "       splay foot.
Lynds Newcomb, Waterloo, mental imbecility.
Geo. R. Winsor, Auburn, only son of aged parents dependent on him for support.
Henry Farrel, Auburn, an alien.
Patrick Credon, "     phthisis pulmonalis.
Henry C. Hall, Aurelius, mental derangement.
Peter Rogers, Auburn, hamaturia,
Rob't E. Walpole, "     only son not in military service of parents depending on him for support. Since cancelled.
John Nolan, Aurelius, over 35 years and married.
Peter McCartin, Auburn, over 35 years and married.
Geo. F. Whittock, Seneca Falls, loss of teeth.
Timothy Burns, only son of widow liable to do military service, dependent on him for support.
William Smith, Auburn, scrofula and varicose veins.
William Bench,    "         wound in leg
Edward Ryan,       "         in U. S. service M'ch 3, 1863.
Wm. S. Dagget,    "         decided feebleness of constitution.
William Fox,        "         chronic ulcers.
William Campbell, "      35 years of age and married.
Guernsey A Curtis "       loss of index finger.
Eugene Babbitt,     "        scrofula opthalmia.
Rufus H. Law,       "        hernia humoralis.
Mellen McFarland, Auburn, support widowed mother.
John O'Brien, Auburn, amaurosis.
Jas W Kemp,       "        alienage.
Andrew Rightmire, honorable discharge from U. S. service since March 3d.
Wm F Monroe, Auburn, loss of unequal phalanx of right thumb.
Edward H. Wilcox, Auburn, honorable discharge from U. S. military service since March 3, 1863.
William Tracy, Auburn, chronic pleuritis and hemorrhides.
William H. Boynton, Auburn, deafness.
John Murphy, Auburn, over 35 years and married.
Leroy Kimberly, Auburn, over 35 years and married.
Horace W. Taylor, Auburn, inquinal hernia.
Wm. H. Curtis, Auburn, non-resident.
Wm. Anderson, Auburn, support widowed mother.
John Hulbert, Auburn, malignant catarrh.
Wm. H. Bowntz,  "      over 35 and married.
Edward A. Thomas, "  in U. S. service, March 3, 1863.
Clements Costers,  "    alienage.
Abram Cronk,        "    support infirm father and mother.
Augustus Hockburn "  over 35 years and married.
John Murphy,          "  alienage.
Jacob Wride,           "        "
Herman Maner, Auburn, alienage.
Wm. H. Halstead, Auburn, support infirm parent.
Thos. Deering, Auburn, alienage.
Munson D Cronk, do, over 35 years, married.
Jacob Osborn, do. (Hauseman,) alienage.
Daniel S Williams, Auburn, 35 yrs of age, and married.
Fayette Hungerford, do, chronic pleuritis.
Wm. S. Slade, jr., do, non resident.
Fidel Furaey, Seneca Falls, alienage.
Wm. P Siddons, Auburn, in U. S. service March 3, 1863.
Joseph Deal, do. Chronic diarrhea.
Alfred H. Mead, do. only son support of infirm parent.

THE DRAFT.--The Chenango Union is informed by Capt. Gordon, Provost Marshal of this District that the draft will not commence before the latter part of the present week; and there are indications that it will not be begun before next week. The machinery, however is said to be all ready, and the board only waiting for an order from headquarters to proceed. The draft will commence with Chenango and close with Otsego, and will proceed in alphabetical order by towns. As the huddling together of masses of men at one time is injurious in policy the drafting will not take place at once, but will probably run through several weeks, to afford time for the notification, appearance, examination, and hearing excuses of the men.

Aggregate total of District, 3,582.
To ascertain the number of able-bodied men which will be taken from any town, deduct one-third of the quota given above, and the remainder will give the actual quota.
The per centage of men to be drafted in the county, (says the Norwich correspondent of the Utica Herald,) is 1 to about 3.60 of the first class. The basis of the apportionment is not apparent, but is presumed to be the total of enrolled men of all classes. Such a basis works injustice to this county, which filled its quota under the President's call of last year, while Delaware and Otsego were deficient more than 500 men. The draft will commence with Chenango and close with Otsego, and will proceed in alphabetical order. Towns will be notified of the times when they will be drafted. As the huddling together of masses of men at one time is injurious in policy, the drafting will not all take place at once, as was done in Broome county, but will probably run through several weeks, to afford time for the notification, appearance, examination, and hearing excuses of the men.

The Draft.
We are informed by Capt. GORDON, Provost Marshal of the District, that the Draft will not commence before the latter part of the present week. There are indications, we think, that it will not be begun before the first of next week. The machinery, however, is said to be all ready, and the Board only waiting for an order from headquarters to proceed.
There are a large number of applications by parents having two or more sons subject to draft for the exemption of one of such sons. There is a singular omission in the wording of the law with respect to this class of cases, by which it would seem that one of the sons of aged or infirm parents is entitled to exemption on the application of the parents, without regard to the fact whether the parents are dependent on the labor of such sons for support or not. The question as to how the law is to be construed on this point has, we understand, been referred to the Provost Marshal General, and we presume the numerous applications now pending will not be disposed of until he is heard from.
Another question, we also learn, has been submitted to the Provost Marshal General for decision, and that is whether the sons subject to draft of aged or infirm parents must all be enrolled in the first class, in order to entitle one of them to be elected by the parents for exemption from the present draft.

The draft presents some notable freaks of fortune in Oxford. There are no less than eleven duplicates of brothers in as many different families; three are drawn from the store of Clarke & Co., including F. G. Clarke of the firm; two from the Dentistry establishment of Eccleston & Parsons, including the latter; two colored men. The Times Office comes in for one representative. The professions escape the draft generally. More than one-half of the list are farmers, and the balance divided quite generally among the trades and business occupations. Even our friend Weeks of the News Depot, is among the favorites of fortune. We only wish that he could parcel out his patriotism to ten men of abler body and sounder limbs, he has energy for them all. We dropped in to congratulate him on having been selected to join the great army of the Republic, and found him smoking, his faithful crutch keeping him company. His entire coolness and self-possession called forcibly to mind the anecdote of old Put and the keg of onions. The following persons are drafted from the

1 John E. Church, farmer,
2 Franklin Green, farmer,
3 Zebra L. Drake, farmer,
4 James H. Knight, mechanic,
5 Clark K. Holmes, printer,
6 Timothy Coughlin, hostler,
7 Abner E. Randall, colored,
8 Robert T. Davidson, farmer,
9 Asa C. Tyler, farmer,
10 Charles Johnson, clerk,
11 Israel Jacobs, 2d, farmer,
12 Ira Scott, farmer,
13 Chandler P. Hunt, mechanic,
14 Alton D. Root, painter,
15 Jesse D. Rogers, farmer,
16 Lewis Cumber, farmer,
17 Clarence D. Walker, farmer,
18 Henry Tew, farmer,
19 Albert L. Lathrop, cooper,
20 Charles F. Mead, dentist,
21 Philip L. Bartle, farmer,
22 Erastus Ingraham, farmer,
23 J. R. Weeks, news depot,
24 Charles H. Stewart, farmer,
25 Geo. G. Green, carriage maker,
26 Dana Gibbs, farmer,
27 Dennis Pittsley, farmer,
28 James H. Padgett, farmer,
29 Francis G. Clarke, merchant,
30 Henry D. Mead, carriage maker,
31 Warren Simpson, farmer,
32 Wm D. Adams, bar tender,
33 Benj. D. Richards, farmer,
34 Julius Wheeler, farmer,
35 Patrick C. Cullen, farmer,
36 Willard Bently, farmer,
37 Smith Williams, farmer,
38 Winfield S. Ireland, farmer,
39 Wm. B. Race, Jr., clerk,
40 Edward Ogden, farmer,
41 Warren B. Rathbone, farmer,
42 Lora Ward, farmer,
43 Willis Loop, farmer,
44 John E. Miller, student,
45 Delazon D. Shepherd, butcher,
46 Lyman Church, farmer,
47 Chauncey A. Barstow, farmer,
48 George L. McNeil, clerk,
49 John K. Havens, farmer,
50 Daniel Marshman, farmer,
51 John C. Webb, farmer,
52 Sheldon S. Hopkins, farmer,
53 Henry Peters, farmer,
54 Daniel Merrill, farmer,
55 Charles Brabazon, farmer,
56 Patrick H. Rogers, farmer,
57 James E. Fisk, blacksmith,
58 Andrew B. Olds, farmer,
59 Martin Church, farmer,
60 Nelson Barstow, shoemaker,
61 Lester Winchester, farmer,
62 Andrew J. Root, engineer,
63 Thomas H. B. Rogers, farmer,
64 Darwin Jacobs, farmer,
65 James H. Brooks, carpenter,
66 Abner G. Thurber, farmer,
67 Richard Youngs, farmer,
68 Henry O. Brooks, blacksmith,
69 George Parsons, dentist,
70 James L Walker, farmer,
71 Henry Hall, cooper,
72 Frederick Thompson, colored,
73 James McEneny, farmer,
74 John Ingraham, farmer,
75 Newton D. Bartle, farmer,
76 Sylvester Mead, farmer,
77 Aaron Lathrop, cooper,
78 Walter J. Redmond, farmer,
79 Rossman D. Bush, farmer,
80 Alonzo Lee, mechanic,
81 James H. Lobdell, farmer,
82 Thomas Wheeler, farmer,
83 Orange Leach, farmer,
84 Wm. S. Thompson, clerk,
85 George Davis, farmer,
86 George W. Brabazon, farmer,
87 Willard R. Hunt, harness-maker,
88 Wm. P. Buckley, farmer,
89 Wm. Moore, farmer,
90 Henry S. Knapp, tel. operator,
91 David Moore, farmer,
92 Hiram King, farmer,
93 Leverett M. Anderson, farmer,
94 Andrew Fleming, farmer,
95 James W. Warn, farmer,
96 Walter Youngs, farmer.
Exempts—Amos Hall, T. J. Purple, Geo. Miller, O. Francisco, Irvin D. Bartle, F. L. Waterman, Heman Derrick, H. C. Howland, Ira Miller, Willard Walker, Ed. Farrell, Jacob Marshman, J. Bartholomew, Andrew Burton, Ch. A. McFarland.

The other towns drafted, as far as we have received them, are as follows:

AFTON.—A. D. Smith, Enos M. Johnson, F. I. Mudge, George Taylor, Abel Briggs, W. T. Beatman, Jared S. Lyon, Edgar G. Wood, George Pratt, Edward Baxter, E. M. Benton, Z. G. Smith, L. L. Hopkins, J. H. Nickerson, Daniel Land­ers, George Raitt, Jr., A. J. Stewart, R. D. Stone, Henry O, Padgett, Sewell   Burrch, Jared D. Austin, Isaac Pool, James M. Olendorf, Hiram D. Cornwell, John U. Burditt, Eli Christian, Asahel Rathbone, Josephus Merritt, J. C. Carpenter, Henry Barber, A. J. Johnston, Austin R. Cass, Wilson A. Mudge, Richard Mead, C. C. Nickerson, Elville Fairchild, Burton U. Alcott, E. S. McMasters, David Grayhead, J. C. Chamberlain, Ebevnzer E. Willey, Cyrus A. Clapp, Zachariah Smith, Samuel Armstrong, T. A. Hascall, Gilbert W. Church, Jerome Bartlett, Andrew G. Bunce.—51.
Exempts—Truman Cables, Charles L. Seeley, David P. Stevens.

BAINBERIDGE—Edwin Palmer, William Clark, Myron Vincent, Gideon Lobdell, George Corbin, Anson Van Zandt, James R. Kelly, Martin Price, Joseph Christman, Haskell Parker, Rush W. Crandall, James McCutchen, Thomas Green, James Hyde, Isaac Newton, Hamilton Green, Alvah Lyon, Nelson Pettis, Franklin Shepherd, Weston Evans, Simmons Pittys, Benjamin Willson, Martin Smith, Clark Northrop, Dan Post, Edward L. Bennett, Samuel Loomis, Josiah Lyon, Willis Wheeler, Dennis W. Hall, Rudolph Barr, George Burton, Lawrence Newton, Frederick M. Davis, William Douglas, Miles White, Joel Lyon, Thomas J. Lyon.—38.
Exempts.—Burr B. Campbell, Luman B. Clark, John J. Green, Truman Higley, James M. Newton, Frederick T. Nichols.

COLUMBUS.—Alvin H. Lamb, Samuel G. Sexton, Levi Barber, Kinney Shawler, LeRoy H. Hodges, William Weaver, Horatio Babcock, Charles Perkins, Charles G. Ames, Milo Bailey, Luman A. Rice, Nelson A. Thayer, Gilbert Powers, Almon Sewell, Michael Cahill, Henry A. Holt, Freerman A. Jackson, Albert Nichols, Ellery Cheesebro, Robert Rutherford, Chas. C. Lamb, Ransom Otis, Charles Howard, Colbert Davis, Nelson Button, Alonzo B. Crandall, Frederick Herrick, Horace Sturges, Lewis D. Hopson, Jared C. Stone, Nath'l W. Jaquary, Wm. B. Olney, DeMott Pope, Wm. D. Loomis, Henry M. Olney, Edwin H. Cady, Henry W. Tillotson, Isaac Holmes, Ray L. Dennison, George Brownwell, Norman Brown, Alphonzo Moore, Henry L. Lothridge, Tillinghast S. Spaulding, Ira Button—45.

COVENTRY.—H. Knickerbocker, James Harrington, Charles L. Jones, John Woods, Thompson Thomas, Thomas Tifft, John H. Garrett, Wm. H. Rounds, Malone E. Scott, Isaiah Snell, Ira Stimpson, B. F. Beardsley, Martin Shaw, Albert H. Seymour, Wm. C. Stork, Abijah S. Parker, Edwin S. Woodward, Chester Snook, Frank L. Miles, William L. Marcy, Burrage Martin, George Sperring, William Pittsley, Francis R. Stork, Dewitt Wakeman, Ransom Wright, Henry Mandeville, Spencer F. Allis, Jesse Bostwick, LeRoy Pierce, David K. Shaw, Eugene Conant, Richard Sage, Daniel Wylie, Russel D. Newton, John Adams, Henry Smith, Jas. Gilmore, Thomas W. Carter, William A. Wilbert, William H. Webb—41.

GERMAN.—John W. Barr, Charles Kinyon, John N. Galt, Salem Lewis, S. B. Morgan, Alex. Dillenbeck, Drew Fernell, Oliver Griswold, Alex. Lewis, Leander Tice, Wm. H. Niles, Alonzo Adams, Luzerne J. Briggs, Hiram Brown, Rufus B. Hakes, Jesse Ford, La Fair Stewart—17.

GREENE.—L. Chamberlain, J. Cooper. W. A. Salisbury, Woodruff Sweetland, Geo. Duntley, James L. Bly, W. H. Dedrick, J. R. Juliand, John H. Johnson, Wm. M. Horton, Chas. D. Foster, Ethan Race, Augustus Rose, Geo. F. Mathews, Nathan Gross, James W. Smith, William English, Theo J. Cole, Levi Paddleford, Rush Thomas, Wm. H. Close, Chauncey, Page D. Cooper, Jr., Seeber Whitmarsh, Wm. H. Owen, Andrew Upham, Wm. H. Wheeler, Eleazer Smith, E. D. Northrup, Edward Randall, Harvey Gross, John A. Benedict, Edwin C. Adams, J. Martin, John W. Bennett, A. H. Osborn, E. Wm. Lewis, E. B. Jackson, Theodore Sharp, A. Bennett, Chester Bingham, W. H. Adams, Calvin A. Lee, Wm. B. Purple, James Davis, Theodore Hill, Edgar L. Preston, Chester Foster, Gilbert Utter, Morris Cahoon, Wm. H. Wilson, Frederick Fairchild, Henry L. Farr, Ira W. Day, James F. Purdy, Rev. M. S. Wells, Josiah P. Brewer, Benjamin F. Cooper, Edmond D. Freeman, Peter Wheeler, Robt. Dudley, William Spencer, Philander Bixby, Francis Reynolds, Helam H. Newton, Wm. G. Lawton, Ellis Spafford, Darius H. Allen, Elijah Cowan, Samuel H. Morse, John Burgess, L Yager, Melvin Bates, Jasper G. Reynolds, Richard R. Winston, Frederick S. Race, John A. Squires, Egecomb, Elliott, Henry H. Owens, William Hoag, Delos H. Townsley, C. S. Holcomnb, Edward Randall, Le Roy Davis, Jacob Freer, Wm. G. Welch, Samuel A. Willard—87.

GUILFORD.—Herman D. Cole, Andrew Dickinson, Charles H. Miner, John A. Day, Jonas Haines, Lorenzo M. Brant, Flavel Humphrey, Lewis Day, Franklin Robinson, Benjamin Beavan, Peter Smith, Henry Van Pelt, Chauncey Wade, Reuben Newton, Miles Hawk, Thomas Webb, Marshal D. Spencer, George Davis, Ransom Gregory, Wm. Sliter, Griswold Talcott, Alvin Tompkins, Anson Dingman, Martin V. B. Winsor, David Dorman, Franklin Morse, Frederick Shaver, Clark Jewel, Erastus Ives, Cornelius Jones, Osmer Sherwood, Le Grand Phelps, Francis Bowen, John Compton, Hezekiah Ensworth, James Devoe, George Peek, C. E. Brett, Avery J. Bagg, Henry Ives, T. D. Burrows, Wm. L. Skinner, Seymore Eaton, Martin Talcott, Marshall Burke, H. Stevens, Nathan L. Haynes, William W. Cone, DeWitt C. Crowell, Stephen Whitmore, Henry Bradley, Le Grand Parker, Rufus N. Mills, Jay E. Trusdell, Oliver Ferris, George Godfrey, Thomas Blinco, Jacob Haynes, Alfred Burton, Ray Olcott, Joel DeLong, Wm. H. Day, Jefferson Graham, Henry Miles, George W. Angell, Dana D. Gilbert, Jeriah Wheeler, Zelotes Burton, Wm. H. Pratt, Lewis Woodruff, James Bowen, Benjamin F. Smith, Alonzo Ingersoll—73.
Exempts—Hiram Jewell, Francis Boyce.