AA.2001.0034 Veteran Burial Locations
- La Flair, Andrew
- La Force, Jacob
- La Fountain, John
- La Mont, Thomas
- La Plant, Claude
- La Point, Lickerman
- La Point, Peter
- Lacey, Albert O.
- Lacey, Alfred D
- Lacey, James N
- Lacey, Phillip
- Lackey, Moses
- Laclair, Alex
- Laclar, Alvah
- Lacy, Thomas
- Lacy, William J
- Ladd, Aaron B
- Ladd, C.
- Ladoo, Alexander
- Ladue, James H
- Ladue, Lewis
- Lafferty, John
- Lagenbach, John
- Lagoy, Joseph
- Lagross, Geo.
- Lahah, Frank
- Laidlow, William G
- Laing, David
- Laing, William
- Laird, Alvah
- Lake, Geo. H
- Lake, William
- Lakin, John A
- Lamay, Geo.
- Lamay, William
- Lamb, Cyrus A
- Lamb, E.W.
- Lamb, Parde
- Lambert, Edw.
- Lambert, Frank
- Lambert, Geo. N
- Lambert, Wesley M
- Lambier, John L
- Laming, David
- Lammers, Elias
- Lamon, John
- Lamont, William J
- Lamos, Geo. S
- Lamoy, Henry
- Lamphere, Arnold
- Lamphere, Chas.
- Lamphere, Orin
- Lamphin, David S
- Lampkin, Gordon G
- Lamplins, Franklin D
- Lampman, A.D.
- Lamport, William
- Land, Joseph F
- Landers, Aaron
- Landers, Henry
- Landess, Oscar
- Landon, Suman
- Landphier, Chas. R
- Lane, James R
- Lane, John
- Lane, John
- Lane, John A
- Lang, John G
- Langer, Harry
- Langrebe, Henry
- Langworthy, Goe. L
- Langworthy, John F
- Lankhorst, Christopher
- Lanlandron, Melville D
- Lansing, Austin
- Lansing, Francis A
- Lantry, Francis
- Lape, Smith
- Lapham, Geo.
- Lapham, S.P.
- Lapolt, John
- Lappin, James
- Larabee, Cyrus R
- Larabee, Harlan C
- Laraby, William H
- Laraway, Abe
- Larcum, Oliver O
- Larkin, Edw.
- Larkin, Orvil F
- Larkin, Peter
- Larned, Benj. P
- Larney, Patrick
- Larue, John
- Larwood, Samuel
- Lashen, Geo.
- Lasher, Eugene F
- Lasher, Garrit
- Lasher, Harmon
- Lasher, John
- Lasher, Joseph
- Lasher, Leonard
- Lasher, Phillip
- Lasher, William A
- Lasselle, John
- Lasso, William
- Latham, Geo.
- Lathrop, Chas.
- Lathrop, Henry H
- Lathrop, Simon
- Lathrop, Sivilian
- Lathrop, William
- Latimer, Oliver C
- Latrace, Isaac
- Latrop, Albert E
- Latta, Geo. W
- Latta, Phillip
- Latterly, Chas. L
- Lattin, Wm
- Lauffer, Jacob
- Laughlin, James H
- Laur, Ruben B.
- Laurier, Theodore
- Lauterborn, Michael
- Lauvreck, Eugene
- Lavoice, Chas.
- Law, Chas.
- Law, Melvin
- Law, William
- Lawless, Thomas
- Lawrence, Oren J
- Lawrence, Oscar
- Lawson, Conrad J
- Lawson, Daniel
- Lawson, Jerome
- Lawton, Albert M
- Lawton, Chas.
- Lawton, Eldridge
- Lawton, Geo. W
- Lawton, Henry C
- Lawyer, David
- Layton, Chas. B
- Layton, Chas. E
- Layton, Edmond A
- Lazier, Joseph
- Le Barns, Roderick
- Le Barren, Lorenzo
- Le Boef, Joseph
- Le Bone, Alexander
- Le Faivre, Edwin
- Leach, Andrew J
- Leach, Horatio E
- Leahy, Patrick
- Leanord, Henry S
- Learned, John I.
- Leary, John
- Leaske, John
- Leate, Norris
- Leator, John
- Leator, Martin
- Leavitt, Chas. E
- Leck, Elias A
- Lee, Clarence
- Lee, Daniel B
- Lee, Edw. M
- Lee, Gabriel
- Lee, Geo. S
- Lee, Henry M
- Lee, Ira B
- Lee, John
- Lee, Lafayette
- Lee, M.
- Lee, Stephrn B
- Lee, Sylvester
- Lee, Thomas
- Lee, Truman
- Lee, William H
- Lee, William R
- Leeby, Chas. G
- Leehen, Dennis
- Leek, Geo.
- Leek, James H
- Leet, Timothy
- Lefler, Geo. W
- Leggett, Alex. B
- Lehmann, Arthur
- Leighton, Andrew
- Leinhardt, August
- Leiwig, Morris
- Leland, Lafayette
- Lellar, Andrew J
- Lemary, Sylvester
- Lemeree, Andrew
- Lemon, Chas. P
- Lems, James H
- Lemunyon, William F
- Lenahan, James
- Lennebacker, Geo. P
- Lennon, Edmund A
- Lent, Peter
- Lentz, Theodore
- Lenvirly, Geo.
- Leonard, Daniel
- Leonard, F.M.
- Leonard, J.
- Leonard, John
- Leonard, John H
- Leonard, Louis
- Leonard, Thomas
- Leonard, William
- Leonard, William
- Lepper, Thomas
- Lerbush, Abrom
- Lerks, J.O.
- Leroy, John
- Leroy, Sylvester
- Leroy, William
- Lescomb, Lewis W
- Leslie, Robt.
- Lester, Geo.
- Lester, Thomas
- Lethen, Peter
- Letson, August
- Letson, John
- Letson, Mark
- Letson, William
- Letter, Thomas H
- Letts, Chas. M
- Letts, David
- Levan, Louis
- Levine, Peter
- Leviness, A.
- Leviness, Geo.
- Levy, Bryant
- Lewis, Alfred O
- Lewis, Alfred S
- Lewis, Alonzo
- Lewis, Alonzo D
- Lewis, Alonzo E
- Lewis, Amos C
- Lewis, Byron F
- Lewis, Chas.
- Lewis, Chas.
- Lewis, Daniel
- Lewis, Davd E
- Lewis, Donald C
- Lewis, Edw. R
- Lewis, Ezra S
- Lewis, Geo.
- Lewis, Geo.
- Lewis, Geo. R
- Lewis, Henry
- Lewis, Henry B
- Lewis, Henry D
- Lewis, J.H.
- Lewis, Jacob B
- Lewis, James
- Lewis, James R
- Lewis, Jno.
- Lewis, John B
- Lewis, John F
- Lewis, Joseph
- Lewis, Jubez
- Lewis, Justice
- Lewis, Leonard
- Lewis, Leonard L
- Lewis, Lloyd
- Lewis, Lyndale T
- Lewis, M.C.
- Lewis, Mertille
- Lewis, Peter J
- Lewis, Porter A
- Lewis, William
- Lewis, William
- Liebertrut, Christopher
- Liebetraut, Fred A
- Lightfoot, Geo.
- Lightfoot, James
- Lighthart, Zifa
- Lilley, Chas.
- Lillibridge, Frank
- Lillotsen, Guy M
- Limbeck, Henry
- Lincoln, David
- Lincoln, William H
- Linderman, Alonzo
- Lindermann, Thomas
- Lindsay, James M
- Lindsay, W.P.
- Lindsay, William F
- Lindsey, Abiel
- Link, Phillip
- Linsbury, Marcus
- Linsley, Joel B
- Linton, James H
- Lippe, Martin
- Liscum, Joseph
- Lisk, Thomas
- Lisle, Henry M
- Little, Amos C
- Little, Michael
- Littlejohn, F. Dewitt
- Littler, Henry
- Littles, James F
- Livermare, W.B.
- Livermore, Ed.
- Livingston, A.C.
- Livingston, Chas.
- Livingston, Frank
- Livingston, Harry
- Livingston, Jas, H
- Livingston, Marcus
- Livingston, Peates
- Livingston, Robt. W
- Llawillin, De Witt
- Lloyd, Geo. W
- Lloyd, James
- Llyer, Aaron
- Lobdell, Britton
- Lobdell, James
- Lobdell, John A
- Lobdell, Josiah
- Lobdell, Seymour
- Lochren, James
- Lochren, William
- Lock, Alanson
- Locke, Andrew J
- Locke, Ethan
- Locklin, Geo. W
- Locklin, Isaac W
- Lockman, William S
- Lockwood, Edw. P
- Lockwood, William H
- Loder, Hiram
- Loeb, Abraham
- Loepere, Hugo
- Loftis, John
- Loftis, Martin
- Loftis, Peter
- Loftus, John
- Loftus, John
- Logel, Joseph
- Loges, Bernard
- Loll, David
- London, John
- Lone, Chauncy
- Long, Anson
- Long, Conrad J
- Long, William
- Longley, Richard H
- Longley, Richard H
- Longtin, Louis
- Longtin, Louis
- Lont, Tracy
- Lont, Tracy
- Loogood, Henry G
- Loogood, Henry G
- Loojins, William H
- Looker, John
- Looker, John
- Lookins, William H
- Looless, Silas
- Looless, Silas
- Looman, Garrett
- Looman, Garrett
- Loomer, James F
- Loomer, James F
- Loomis, Ellis
- Loomis, Ellis
- Loomis, Lyman
- Loomis, Lyman
- Looney, Thomas
- Looney, Thomas
- Loop, Geo. D
- Loop, Geo. D
- Loop, Henry A
- Loop, Henry A
- Loper, Geo. S
- Loper, Geo. S
- Lorch, Phillip
- Lorch, Phillip
- Lord, Albert
- Lord, Albert
- Lord, Daniel S
- Lord, Daniel S
- Lord, James A
- Lord, James A
- Lord, Rufus R
- Lord, Rufus R
- Lord, William D
- Lord, William D
- Lorden, Thomas P
- Lorden, Thos. P
- Lorrey, E.G.
- Lorrey, E.G.
- Lorrey, Urial
- Lorrey, Urial
- Lorsomer, Stephen
- Lorsomer, Stephen
- Lorton, John
- Lorton, John
- Losee, W. Edw.
- Losee, W. Edw.
- Lot, Herbert L
- Lot, Herbert L
- Lott, John
- Lott, John
- Louick, Phillip
- Louick, Phillip
- Lovejoy, Theron
- Lovejoy, Theron
- Lovelett, Geo. H
- Lovelett, Geo. H
- Lovelett, Henry
- Lovelett, Henry
- Lovely, Samuel
- Lovely, Samuel
- Loveridge, Smith J
- Loveridge, Smith J
- Low, William
- Low, Wm
- Lowan, Andrew J
- Lowan, Andrew J
- Lowden, James W
- Lowden, James W
- Lowdon, John
- Lowdon, John
- Lowe, Geo.
- Lowe, Geo.
- Lowe, Henry
- Lowe, Henry
- Lower, Geo. W
- Lower, Geo. W
- Lowery, Edw.
- Lowery, Edw.
- Lowey, Thomas H
- Lowey, Thos. H
- Lowicks, Rensselaer
- Lowicks, Rensselaer
- Lowrie, Daniel
- Lowrie, Daniel
- Lowry, Edw.
- Lowry, Edw.
- Lowry, John
- Lowry, John
- Lowry, Thomas
- Lowry, Thos.
- Lu, Mr
- Lu, Mr.
- Lucas, Geo. W
- Lucas, Geo. W
- Luce, Augustus
- Luce, Augustus
- Luckenbach, Adam
- Luckenbach, Adam
- Lucus, Chas.
- Lucus, Chas.
- Luddington [Ludington], Geo. (George W.)
- Luddington [Ludington], Geo. (George W.)
- Ludington, Albert
- Ludington, Albert
- Ludington, Murray
- Ludington, Murray
- Ludington, William T
- Ludington, William T
- Luke, Walter
- Luke, Walter
- Lukentery, Christopher
- Lukentery, Christopher
- Lung, Rev. A.H.
- Lung, Rev. A.H.
- Lusaw, Daniel
- Lusaw, Daniel
- Lusk, Geo. F
- Lusk, Geo. F
- Lusk, H.N.
- Lusk, H.N.
- Lusk, Samuel
- Lusk, Samuel
- Lutes, Robt.
- Lutes, Robt.
- Luther, Bruce
- Luther, Bruce
- Luther, Frank
- Luther, Frank
- Luther, Frank
- Luther, Frank
- Luther, Frank
- Luther, Frank
- Luther, Isaac
- Luther, Isaac
- Luther, Rank
- Luther, Rank
- Lutt, Chas. L
- Lutt, Chas. L
- Lux, Casper
- Lux, Casper
- Lye, Geo.
- Lye, Geo.
- Lyman, A.D.
- Lyman, A.D.
- Lyman, C.N.
- Lyman, C.N.
- Lyman, Elam S
- Lyman, Elam S
- Lyman, Harvey
- Lyman, Harvey
- Lyman, M.W.
- Lyman, M.W.
- Lyman, Stanton
- Lynch, Albert
- Lynch, Albert
- Lynch, John
- Lynch, John
- Lynch, Michael
- Lynch, Michael
- Lynch, Michael
- Lynch, Michael
- Lynch, N.J.
- Lynch, N.J.
- Lynd, John A
- Lynd, John A.
- Lyon, David
- Lyon, David
- Lyon, Geo. W.
- Lyon, Geo. W.
- Lyon, Joseph
- Lyon, Joseph
- Lyons, ?
- Lyons, ?
- Lyons, Geo.
- Lyons, Geo.
- Lyons, Geo.
- Lyons, Geo. W
- Lyons, Geo. W.
- Lyons, Monroe
- Lyons, Monroe
- Lyth, Alfred
- Lyth, Alfred
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