AA.2001.0034 Veteran Burial Locations
- Gabby, John
- Gaddis, Alexander
- Gaffey, Daniel
- Gaft, Adelbert
- Gage, Charles B
- Gage, Frank B
- Gage, George
- Gage, Sidney
- Gager, Andrew
- Gaggen, William
- Gail, Dr. William H
- Gaiser, Charles
- Gaity, Frank
- Galbraith, John H
- Gale, James
- Gale, John
- Gale, Richard
- Gallagher, Andrew J
- Gallagher, Francis
- Gallagher, John
- Gallagher, Mason
- Gallagher, Patrick
- Gallaher, James
- Gallow, Chas. W
- Galloway, John
- Galloway, Rufus P
- Galpin, Lyman C
- Galusha, James A
- Galvin, James
- Gamble, James Lee
- Gammer, Alfred
- Ganchle, David N
- Ganey, Jeremiah
- Gannon, Frank
- Ganz, Phillip
- Garcia, Joseph
- Gardiner, Addison A
- Gardiner, Artimus
- Gardiner, C.J.
- Gardiner, Chauncey
- Gardiner, Henry W
- Gardiner, Martin V
- Gardinier, J.D.
- Gardner,
- Gardner, Addison A
- Gardner, Andrew
- Gardner, Andrew J
- Gardner, Chas. W
- Gardner, John W
- Gardner, Michael
- Gardner, Mitchell
- Gardner, Schuyler
- Gardner, Thomas S
- Gardner, William W
- Garing, Gerthow
- Garland, Michael
- Garlick, Theodore L
- Garlock, Dwight
- Garner, Elijah H
- Garner, John
- Garno, George
- Garrett, Dack H
- Garrett, Evi
- Garrett, James M
- Gartin, David
- Garvin, F.
- Gary, John
- Gates, Abel
- Gates, George
- Gaton, James
- Gaut, Henry
- Gay, David S
- Gay, E.L.
- Gay, George
- Gaylord, David
- Gedney, Edwin Y
- Gee, William H
- Geer, Dwight
- Geer, James
- Geer, James M
- Geer, Myron T
- Geibig, Jacob
- Geibig, John
- Geier, Adam
- Geise, Philip J
- Genson, J. O.
- George, Edgar
- George, John B
- George, Nicholas
- George, Sanford
- George, Thomas C
- George, William T
- Geraghty, James
- Geraghty, Richard
- Geraghty, Thomas
- Gerard, Peter
- Gerber, John P
- Gerhardt, Louis
- Gerlach, Jacob
- Gernond, Gilbert
- Geron, Ferris H
- Gerow, James E
- Gerow, Wesley
- Gessner, Peter
- Getman, Charles
- Geyer, G.W.
- Geyer, Peter
- Gibbons, Austin
- Gibbs, J.M.
- Gibbs, Leonard
- Gibbs, Samuel
- Giblert, William
- Gibney, Thomas F
- Gibson, Charles B
- Gibson, Edward
- Gibson, Henry B
- Gibson, James
- Gibson, John
- Gibson, Richard R
- Gibson, Thomas W
- Gibson, William H
- Giddings, Wm
- Giddy, Richard
- Gilbert, Benjamin
- Gilbert, Charles B
- Gilbert, Charles W
- Gilbert, G.B.
- Gilbert, L.P.
- Gilbert, Louis P
- Gilbert, Wilder
- Gilbert, William J
- Gilbert, Wm S.
- Gilboy, Wm
- Gilchrist, ---
- Gilchrist, John
- Gilder, Jacob J
- Giles, Stephen
- Gilgan, James
- Gillen, P.H.
- Gilleo, Charles
- Gilleo, Henry
- Gillespie, John
- Gillespie, John S
- Gillespie, Sylvanus
- Gillespie, William B
- Gillett, Charles A
- Gillett, Harley H
- Gillett, W.H.
- Gillette, L.W.
- Gillette, Mark
- Gillette, Ormiel Jr.
- Gillette, Thomas
- Gilligan, Patrick
- Gillingham, Charles
- Gillingham, W.W.
- Gillis, William T.
- Gillman, William
- Gilmer, John
- Gilmer, Robert
- Gilmore, H.O.
- Gilroy, William
- Gilson, Edward C
- Gilson, Edwin M
- Gilson, H.H.
- Gimmer, Elihu P
- Giseo, Stephen S
- Gladwell, Robert
- Glasgow, James E
- Glasier, Joseph
- Glass, C.J.
- Glass, Charles D
- Glass, Peter
- Glasser, Frederick
- Glasser, John
- Glazier, Brayton
- Glazier, Samuel
- Gleary, Peter
- Gleason, Charles
- Gleason, Isaac
- Gleason, Joseph
- Gleason, Lafayette
- Gleason, W.S.
- Gleissner, Julius
- Glem, Edward
- Glenny, W.H.
- Glidden, John H
- Glisk, Albert
- Glisk, Charles
- Glove, L.H.
- Glover, H.L.
- Glover, James R
- Gluckauf, Levi
- Gluckner, John
- Goblee, Albert B
- Goddard, Austin W
- Godden, George
- Godden, Wm
- Godding, William W
- Godfrey, Charles
- Godfrey, Charles
- Godfrey, Daniel
- Godfrey, Nicholas
- Godfrey, Samuel
- Godfrey, Thomas
- Goeller, Augustus
- Goerge, Gilbert
- Goetz, Andrew
- Goff, Hiram S
- Goff, Isaac N
- Goff, Truman
- Gokey, Anthony
- Golden, Charles
- Golden, James
- Golden, John
- Golden, Reuber
- Golder, George
- Goldthwaite, Charles
- Golhoffer, C.J.
- Gonio, Francis
- Goodale, Charles S
- Goodale, Spencer
- Goodcourage, Edwin
- Goodell, Charles
- Goodell, George
- Gooding, Chester
- Gooding, Peter
- Goodmote, W.A.
- Goodness, Frank
- Goodno, Charles
- Goodno, Hiram J
- Goodno, Horatio G
- Goodrich, Alonzo B
- Goodrich, Asa L
- Goodrich, Augustus
- Goodrich, Christian
- Goodrich, Franklin
- Goodrich, Geo. H
- Goodrich, Germain
- Goodrich, John
- Goodrich, O.H.
- Goodrich, Ottis
- Goodrich, Peter
- Goodrich, Reuben
- Goodson, John
- Goodwin,
- Goodwin, Calvin
- Goodwin, Foster
- Goodwin, Jefferson
- Goodwin, John A
- Gordon, Dudley S
- Gordon, George
- Gordon, John M
- Gordon, Joshua
- Gordon, Rev. Henry
- Gordon, Schuyler
- Gordon, Thomas
- Gordon, William H
- Goreth, Joseph
- Gorham, Nathan M
- Gorman, Oliver
- Gorman, P.H.
- Gorman, William J
- Gorton, Joshua
- Gorton, Nathan
- Goslin, Alfred C
- Goslin, Henry
- Goss, Ichabod F
- Gotham, Brainard
- Gotham, James
- Gotham, Oscar
- Gotham, Sanford A
- Gotham, Wm
- Gough, Rich
- Gould, Asa L
- Gould, Benjamin F
- Gould, Hiram D
- Gould, Joseph M
- Gould, Reuben D
- Gould, S.R.
- Gould, William A
- Gould, William C.
- Gouzales, J.
- Gove, Joseph H
- Gowanlock, Frank
- Gowdy, James
- Gowin, Nelson L
- Goyon, Francis
- Grabner, George
- Gracey, Edward D
- Gracey, Holder
- Gracey, James
- Gracey, Robert
- Grady, James
- Grady, James H
- Grady, Michael
- Graff, Cornelius
- Graff, Philip
- Graft, Isaac
- Graham,
- Graham, Aaron
- Graham, Daniel P
- Graham, Darwin
- Graham, David
- Graham, Frank
- Graham, George
- Graham, Henry
- Graham, Henry Kirk
- Graham, James E
- Graham, James P
- Graham, Laurimore
- Graham, Robert
- Graham, Robert W
- Graham, Samuel
- Graham, Samuel
- Graham, Stephen R
- Graham, William
- Graham, William H
- Graham, Winfield
- Grames, James H
- Granerley, William
- Granger, Byron
- Granger, Lorenzo
- Grannis, James
- Grant, Edwin W
- Grant, Lester J
- Grant, Vincent
- Grant, William
- Grant, William
- Grassfield, Lewis
- Grassfield, Sardus W
- Gratters, Jacob
- Gravelier, Louis
- Graves, Charles
- Graves, George H
- Graves, John
- Graves, Norman
- Graves, Sheldon
- Graves, W.H.
- Gray, Benjamin
- Gray, Daniel
- Gray, Dr. Charles A
- Gray, Henry
- Gray, John K
- Gray, John W
- Gray, Nathaniel
- Gray, Richard
- Greek, William
- Greeman, George
- Green, Albert
- Green, Augustus
- Green, Augustus
- Green, Charles
- Green, Charles W
- Green, Christopher
- Green, D.J.
- Green, Dexter
- Green, Don D
- Green, Eglon L
- Green, Elias
- Green, Erastus H
- Green, H.V.
- Green, Halsey B
- Green, Harrison W
- Green, Henry C
- Green, Ira
- Green, James
- Green, James
- Green, James
- Green, James G
- Green, John
- Green, John E
- Green, John S
- Green, Joseph
- Green, Milo
- Green, Patrick
- Green, S.K.
- Green, Samuel S
- Green, Thomas
- Green, Tobias J
- Green, Wildredge R
- Green, William
- Green, William E.
- Green, William H
- Greene, --
- Greene, Albert
- Greene, Charles T
- Greene, David M
- Greene, Paul
- Greene, Philo
- Greene, Silas
- Greenlow, William
- Greenslete, William
- Gregg, Joseph W
- Gregory, Cornelius
- Gregory, George
- Gregory, Henry
- Gregros, James
- Grelick, W.H.
- Grenebell, Charles
- Grenell, James
- Grenell, Oren
- Gridley, James W
- Griffin, Allen
- Griffin, Archibald
- Griffin, Charles H
- Griffin, David H
- Griffin, George
- Griffin, George H
- Griffin, T.B.
- Griffin, Willis E
- Griffith, Isaac
- Griffith, Michael
- Griffith, Richard F
- Griffith, Thomas E
- Griggs, Alonzo B
- Griggs, William F
- Griggs, Woolsey
- Grimes, Hollister N
- Grimm, Christian
- Grimm, Louis
- Grinck, Harvey
- Grinnell, Griffin
- Gripman, ?
- Griswold, Nathan
- Groat, Esley
- Groat, Nelson L
- Groesbeck, William
- Groff, Dwella
- Grogan, William
- Groom, NYVIney
- Gross, S,S,
- Grove, George
- Grove, John N
- Grover, Adonrian
- Grover, Burton G
- Grover, Charles A
- Grover, Leonard
- Gruber, Charles
- Grunert, Gotlist
- Grunwell, John
- Grunwell, Joseph
- Guelf, Peter
- Guest, O.
- Gugerty, Henry
- Guile, Harvey
- Guiles, Edwin W
- Guilfoil, Frank
- Guin, Hiland
- Gumpel, Samuel
- Gumpel, Samuel
- Gumpel, Samuel
- Gunderman, William
- Gundlach, Frederick
- Gunsalus, Martin
- Gunter, August
- Gunther, Frank E
- Gunther, Peter
- Gur, Levi
- Guthrie, William R
- Guyette, Charles
- Guyette, Edward
- Gypson, Nelson N
DOB: |
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