44th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
The recent assassination of the gallant and lamented Ellsworth, and the barbarous manner in which the rebels have thus far conducted their hostilities against the government, has fired anew the zeal of our young men, until all are chafing with impatience to meet the foe.
The quota of New-York troops called for by the President is already organized; and if they were not too much time would be consumed in organizing under existing laws.
Under these circumstances, it has been deemed advisable to raise a regiment from among the people of this state; each town and ward to be represented by furnishing one man to be at once armed and equipped by voluntary subscription, and tendered to the general government, to serve during the war, as avengers of the noble blood, spilled on the soil of Virginia on the 24th inst.
To carry out this purpose, an organization was effected in Albany, Saturday evening, by the adoption of the following resolutions:
Resolved, That the undersigned immediately organize an association, to be called the "Ellsworth Association of the Slate of New-York," for the purpose of raising a regiment in honor of the lamented Col. Ellsworth.
That its officers be a president, treasurer and secretary, and an executive committee of five members.
That said officers serve during one year; and until others be chosen in their places.
That subscribers to the funds of this association be members thereof.
That it be proposed to each town and ward in the state to furnish one able-bodied man for this regiment; said person to be selected from those who shall offer to enlist in the same by a committee of three, to be chosen by the subscribers to the fund in said town or ward.
That in each town and ward in this state, subscriptions be solicited, not to exceed one dollar from each person, and that the same be immediately forwarded to the treasurer of this association at Albany.
That the soldier to be selected in each town and ward be an unmarried man, not less than five feet and eight inches in height, active, able-bodied, and not to exceed thirty years of age.
That as soon as may be, each town and ward report to the secretary the name and address of the soldier chosen by said town or ward, and that it be recommended to each to select men of moral worth, and as far as possible, those who have some knowledge of military evolutions.
That on notice each person chosen to said regiment report himself for duty, and rendezvous in the city of Albany.
That with the funds to be subscribed, the men so chosen be mustered into service and divided into companies, and officered by the executive committee and officers of this association, and a regiment formed and officered by the said committee and officers.
That the funds so subscribed and paid be faithfully applied to the mustering and complete equipment of said regiment, and when the same shall be ready for service it be tendered to the government, for active duty during the war, upon the same terms as other troops, and subject to all existing military regulations of the United States army.
That the sum required to be raised is about the sum of $150,000, which will fully fit said regiment for the field and furnish it with all necessary equipage.
That it be recommended to each town and ward in the state to immediately open a correspondence with the secretary at this city, and to circulate subscriptions at once, in order that the regiment may be organized, uniformed, and equipped during the month of June.
On motion, the following officers of this association were chosen:
President—Hon. Geo. H. Thacher, Mayor of Albany.
Treasurer—Hon. Erastus Corning, M. C.
Secretary—Charles Hughes, Clerk Court of Appeals.
The following executive committee was chosen:
Hon. James M. Cook, John K. Porter, Hon. Lyman Tremain, Jacob J. Werner, Henry A. Brigham.
On motion, resolved; That these proceedings be at once published in all the papers of this state, and active measures be taken for carrying out the purposes of this association; that the names of all subscribers to the fund be transmitted to the secretary at Albany for publication and record; that no funds be disbursed by the treasurer except on vouchers certified by a majority of the executive committee and countersigned by the secretary.
Albany, May 25, 1861.
GEO. H. THACHER, President.
JACOB I. Werner, Executive Committee.
HENRY A. Brigham,
THE ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—The Central Ellsworth Association issue the following: To the Town and Ward Ellsworth Associations of the State of New York:
The Executive Committee of the State Ellsworth Association, announces that the Central Government have accepted the "People's Ellsworth Regiment," but with the condition that the Regiment shall be ready for marching orders within twenty-one days from the 24th uitimo.— This condition the Committee find themselves unable to comply with in consequence of the towns of the State having failed as yet to respond to their call, and thus furnish the men and means to make-up the regiment. Under these circumstances, the Committee have resolved to call together the men already selected, and to allow the towns which have furnished men and means, to select as many more men, from any town in their several counties, as they shall choose, up to the number of five men each, without raising any additional funds, and to muster them into service under the call of the Governor for twenty five thousand men. (Provided, that each man selected shall come up to the standard of qualification, heretofore prescribed by the Committee.)
By availing themselves of this opportunity, the Government will clothe and arm the men, and thus relieve the Committee from that expanse; and the soldiers of this regiment can avail themselves of the provisions of General Older No. 15, which is as follows:
" Every volunteer non-commissioned officer, private, musician and artificer, who enters the service of the United States under this plan, shall be paid at the rate of 50 cents, and if a cavalry volunteer, 25cents additional, in lieu of forage, for every twenty miles of travel from his home to the place of muster, the distance to be measured by the shortest usually traveled route; and when honorably discharged, an allowance, at the same rate, from the place of his discharge to his home, and in addition thereto, the sum of one hundred dollars.
" Any volunteer who may be received into the service of the United States under this plan, and who may be wounded or otherwise disabled in the service, shall be entitled to the benefits which have been or may be conferred on persons disabled in the regular service, and the legal heirs of such as die or may be killed in service, in addition to all arrears of pay and allowances shall receive the sum of one hundred dollars."
With the money collected in the various towns and paid into the treasury of this Association, under our first plan of organization, the Executive Committee will purchase for the use of the regiment such additional articles of uniform, arms and wearing apparel as will add to the comfort and efficiency of the men of this regiment.
Any town desiring to be represented in this Regiment and not heretofore having taken action, can select a man, on raising the sum of twenty dollars or as many men as they choose at that rate, but all men selected must comply with our stand¬ard of qualifications, viz:
That the soldier to be selected in each town and ward be an unmarried man; not less than five feet eight inches in height, active, able bodied, and not to exceed thirty years of age, and of good moral character.
Arrangements have been made by which it is expected that the pay of the men will commence the day after their arrival in this city.
All men selected before the 8th day of August will report themselves for duly on that day, at the City Hall, in Albany.
All selected after that date will report themselves for duty at the camp of the regiment in Albany on the 20th of August.
We earnestly appeal to the patriotic citizens of every town in the State to furnish a representative for this regiment and ask our young men to come forward and give aid to the country in defense of its time-honored flag. We call upon the patriotic press of the State to give publicity to this circular.
By order of the Committee,
THE ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—Senator FERRY writes, apropos of the Ellsworth Regiment: CHICAGO, June 10, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
I have just received the enclosed circular, which is perhaps stale at your place. I hope our people are moving in the matter, and proper steps taken for a complete organization. I shall not be at home in time to take any part in it, but am good for my dollar, and should not only be very willing but very glad to take hold of a laboring oar to move it forward. I knew Ellsworth well, and was for many years very much attached to him. Such a regiment as is proposed, if property selected and officered, without any of the red tapism that has too frequently shown forth, would be very useful and effective. Their very name would carry a feeling of dread and apprehension to the contemptible wretches who look upon assassination and poisoning as the proper instruments of war, theft as honorable, high-minded chivalry.
Yours, truly, WM. H. FERRY.
The Ellsworth Regiment.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Several copies of the HERALD are taken in this town, and a good many in the county; possibly therefore through it, I may be able to reach some patriotic party, and cause a move in this and other towns, in behalf of the People's Ellsworth Regiment. Every patriot should feel humiliated at the thought that any town or ward in the State will neglect to choose and send a good man to take his place in the ranks of this most noble regiment, and especially that a town so rich as this in all the elements of material prosperity should be careless of such an enterprise at such a time. So far as I am aware, not a movement has been made in Otsego county—I am sure not in this town—to aid in filling this regiment. Men of Springfield, men of Otsego, shall this be? There is yet time. The men will be accepted, and the funds are wanted. Let a stand be taken at once, and let Springfield give the watchword, "Remember Ellsworth.
East Springfield, Otsego Co., July 31, 1861.
People's Ellsworth Regiment.
ALBANY BARRACKS, August 16, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
As a member of the People's Ellsworth Regiment, I wish the privilege of saying a few words through the columns of your paper to the loyal and patriotic citizens of Oneida and adjacent counties. The original design of the Committee was that this regiment should be raised, armed and equipped ready for duty by the people in the several towns and wards of the Empire State, that it might emphatically be the People's Regiment, by having one representative from each locality; but from some reason the towns were so slow to take action in the matter that the Committee were forced to change their original plan, by providing that towns which had selected a man and raised the requisite sum, viz.: $100, could send four more; and towns that have not taken action, by raising $20, can send a man. There are now about 180 men in the barracks, and I challenge any academy in the State to show as much talent and intellect as we have among these volunteers. Nearly all are from the best families of their respective towns, and of good moral character, and I can confidently say that never was there a regiment formed which had for its basis such good material. There is an erroneous sentiment that seems to prevail throughout Central New York that this regiment is got up for Albany favoritism; this is a mistake. There are many applicants for office from the said city, yet they stand no better chance than applicants from other portions of the State, nor, indeed, as good a chance as many from Erie county. One word for Erie county—she stands A No. 1 in this enterprise. There came from that county, on the 8th, thirty-five fine young men, who have elected for Captain and First Lieutenant Messrs. E. B. Chapin and Frank Sidway, both well versed in military tactics, and highly esteemed citizens of Buffalo; the other commissioned and non-commissioned officers will be chosen from Erie county and that vicinity, and the company will be filled up on the 20th with representatives who are from that part of the State. New York city sends a full company of one hundred men; we expect them every day. I am surprised that Oneida county is not more numerously represented—only two or three, and not one from the city of Utica; though I am most happy to state that the town of Vernon has the tallest representative, in the person of the well known Doctor Landon, who measures six feet six inches in his stockings, and held a Captain's commission in the Mexican war, acquitting himself with great credit. We hope neither the town nor county will think that because they have sent the tallest man that is all they can do, but there ought and indeed may be a full company officered by good, efficient and capable men from Central New York. Cannot some one move speedily in the matter; without action is taken immediately, it will be too late, for doubtless the regiment will be full before many days. Some four hundred additional men are expected here on the 20th.
Let Central New York be fully and faithfully represented in this regiment, which will without doubt be the best that enters the service. "A word to the wise is sufficient."
P.S.—Twenty-five men from Duchess county and vicinity have just arrived this, Friday, evening.
H. M. G.
August 21, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
I am anxious to have a few lines inserted in the HERALD, in regard to the "People's Ellsworth Regiment," of which I am proud to sat I am a member. Be it a shame to Oneida county that she only has three representatives in the Regiment, at the present writing, I will here say that Vernon has a "big thing." I allude to Dr. Landon, who is the tallest man in the regiment. He stands six feet six inches, and held a captain's commission in the Mexican War, in which he served with distinction. There should be at least one company composed of and officered by men from our county. Herkimer, Madison and Chenango, have responded nobly to the call. Members are arriving daily from different parts of the State, which is steadily filling up the regiment.
ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—This Regiment will be paid off to-morrow. ERASTUS CORNING will advance the money to Maj. RICHARDSON, in anticipation of its reception from Washington. It will require about $20,000.
THE ...TION TO THE GALLERY ... FOURTH REGIMENT.—The remnant of the original 44th (Ellsworth) Regiment, which left here in 1861 under Col. Stryker, reached their homes in this city yesterday. The ovation made on the occasion of their arrival was indeed a grand one. Long before the hour announced for their arrival, the people of our city began to assemble to welcome back the war-worn heroes. They were detained an hour on the road, owing to courtesies extended to them by the citizens of Hudson, where they were kindly cared for. The members of the 44th that have been discharged from service, owing to wounds and otherwise, paraded under command of Capt. Alex. McRoberts, and wore the badge of the corps, a red leaf. They were preceded by Schreiber's Brass Band, also wearing the badge, which Band, it will be remembered, left this city and proceeded to the front with the Ellsworths. The 22d Veteran Reserve Corps, and 16th Massachusetts Battery, from the Troy Road Barracks, were also out in full force, and acted as an escort to the heroes. Capt. Harris Parr announced the arrival of the veterans by firing & salute from the pier at the corner of the cut. On the arrival of the 44th upon this side, they were received with military honors by the escort, when the line was formed and a parade through our public streets took place. The appearance and looks of the brave fellows speak in terms stronger than we can write them of the hardships and service they have passed through in going up State street the Ellsworths halted in front of the residence of Erastus Corning, Esq., and saluted his lady. It will be remembered that this family presented the Ellsworths, on their departure, a suit of colors. The veterans were then escorted to the Capitol, where they were properly received by Gov. Seymour, who made a very happy speech, welcoming the brave heroes back home again. Col. Connor responded. Subsequently the Ellsworths were feasted with a dinner at the Congress Hall.—Those members of the Ellsworths who belonged out of town were furnished quarters at the City Hall, where Col. Connor's headquarters are for the present. (Knickerbocker, Sept. 30, '64)
Will not some of our patriotic young men, in the towns that have not taken action, be induced to make the effort immediately. Circulate your subscription in your respective towns. If you are not able to raise more than $20, do this and send your best man. Our regiment is composed of men representing nearly all the trades and professions, and many graduated from the best collages in the country. Many left good situations and made great sacrifices willingly, esteeming it a duty to serve the country in its hour of peril. Major Stryker is in temporary command of the regiment. We are under drill from four to six hours each day. All of our officers are experienced and competent men. Many of them formerly belonged to the celebrated Chicago Zouaves, and saw service with the Fire Zouaves at Bull's Run. Our leisure hours are devoted to ball playing, sparring, reading and writing &c. We while away the evenings in singing, dancing and the like. We have a Glee Club called the "Ellsworth Glee Club," who discourse splendid music accompanied by a melodeon. We have a temperance organization which boasts of 106 members, and still increasing. The pledge is that we abstain from the use of intoxicating Liquors, while we remain in the regiment, unless prescribed by the surgeon. I would say that our food is of the best quality in every respect, and we have all are want. We have excellent accomodations [sic] for washing, so none have an excuse for being unclean. Our uniform, which is to be the regular U. S., is expected this week. The fatigue suit, I understand will be a drab color, made up in Zouave style. The examining physician gave us a compliment by saying that we were the finest body of men that he ever examined. Many visitors are on the grounds each day. I heard one gentleman remark, that he would see the regiment leave, if he had to walk from Saratoga to do it. The father of the late Col. Ellsworth was on the grounds to-day, and was very enthusiastically received by the boys. The Colonel has not been chosen as yet, but we can rest assured that he will be the right man when found. The late Col. Farnham of the Fire Zouaves was to have been the Lieut. Colonel, but for his sudden and unexpected death, which was properly observed by the regiment. How can one think here of war, of strife and civil discord. We almost forget all these when we rasume our .... It seems more like a school, and in fact it is the "school of the soldier."—Would that our soldiers would remember that they are not only our country's defenders, but her pride. She points to them as did the noble Roman matron to her jewels. They are no mercenaries, no tools of a despot, but intelligent and manly citizens, who peril life for freedom and law, because they know their worth. They are the pride, too, of the loved ones at home. Many a mother speaks with tearful joy, of her "boy" in the army, many a sister tells of a noble-hearted brother. Let these dear ones have no cause to _lu_ for them when they shall return, as less _ure, less worthy of their love and pride, than when they went forth at the call of duty. Yours for the Union, D. S. Jr.
Utica Morning Herald
From the Ellsworth Regiment.
Headquarters People's Ellsworth Regiment,
Albany, Oct. 8, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Our regiment is now full to the maximum standard, and the "Boys" are anxiously awaiting marching orders. We shall remain here probably not longer than ten days at the most. We paraded for review by His Excellency Gov. Morgan, yesterday, and the people all say it was a fine affair. The Governor and staff came upon the parade ground, well mounted and dressed in the full military uniform, and were received by the firing of the proper salute. About 800 of our men were upon the ground with well filled knapsacks, which proved to be quite a load before the four hours were past, the time which we had to carry them. We marched before His Excellency, on common, quick and double quick time, went through various flanking, marching, and musket exercises; and the citizens say it was the best exhibition of the kind ever witnessed in Albany. There were probably from ten to fifteen thousand spectators present of both sexes who seemed much pleased with the performance.
We are using the Springfield musket now, but have the promise of soon exchanging them for the Minnie rifled musket. Our fatigue uniforms, which are not like any other Zouave cut, are making, and those that have seen them say they are very nice. We expect to receive some pay from Uncle Sam's servant, the paymaster, in a few days, as the pay rolls are nearly completed. We have a fully organized Christian Association which promises to be a nourishing and profitable affair; and have also a Literary Society well under way, the exercises of which will be of a miscellaneous character, consisting of debates, essays, orations, &c. If we can carry a library and we think we can, these institutions will be made of great use by way of guarding against the demoralizing influences of the camp, and keeping up a taste for literary pursuits. Health and hilarity pervade our ranks as much as ever, there being but one in the hospital. The officers still retain the most unshaken confidence of the soldiers, especially Col. Stryker commanding, who is loved and respected by the entire regiment and all who know him.
Undoubtedly all are aware that the people of the great Empire State are looking to this, their "pet regiment," expecting hard work, and fidelity to the glorious cause that has brought us together, and we trust that they will not be disappointed in their expectations. We have no sympathy with any "peace measure." All the peace, or compromise measure that our regiment will look at, is the unconditional surrender of the Confederate army, and the hanging of the secession leaders. Undoubtedly should these semi-secession editors, and perfidious civilians, visit our barracks to promulgate their pernicious peace doctrines, they would find themselves under "marching orders" with very short time to "pack up." And they would probably fare no better in any regiment in our army. For the same love of country—a country, the principles of which are the most pure ever witnessed by intelligent beings—that animated our fathers, pervades the breasts of our soldiers in this trying hour. Caesar aut nullus, cried the old Romans. So now our armies and patriotic men will shout, our country or nothing.
Yours for the Union.
M. Shaw.
The People's Ellsworth Regiment.
Albany, Oct. 16, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Our marching orders are at hand—we are ordered to leave our barracks next Monday at 1 p. m., for Washington. We are to be armed with the Minnie rifled muskets. The above orders were read on parade at 4 this P. M. The boys have been cheering incessantly nearly two hours, on the strength of this good news. I write you these few lines in addition, hoping that they may be somewhat interesting to the readers of the HERALD. The various rumors that have been circulated respecting our marching orders and destination, have kept the boys on the gui vive for the last fortnight. During this time Madam Rumor has appointed the day many times, and we have as often been disappointed. If some of these reports had been official, we should ere this have been encamped in the land of Secesh. Some would have located us in Missouri or Kentucky; others, Virginia. I must admit that the state of affairs looks quite "dusty" in each of these departments. I am sure our companions in arms would gladly welcome us wherever we might go. Our regiment, according to this morning's report puts our number 1,026 men. I think this report is not large enough by twenty-four men at least. Recruits continue to arrive daily. We will take them as long as we remain, Col. Stryker having the privilege to increase the regiment to 1,100 men. I am sorry there are not more Oneida county boys in this crack regiment. I am sure some will live to see the awful mistake they made in not coming here. The general health of the regiment is good, and we are comfortably located in the large and spacious brick barracks which are so well adapted for the use made of them. We find much better protection here from the chilly nights of autumn than we did in the wooden barracks. If we now and then have a chill, which is but momentary, we do not suffer from the pangs of hunger, as our commissary department is always well stocked. Several members of Company D received last week from their fair friends, the patriotic young ladies of Norwich, several large boxes, which looked quite suspicious owing to their great size, but when opened were found to contain a host of good things, such as an epicure might have envied. I, having a ticket for the collation, was able to judge of the goodness of the various edibles. If the fair donors had been present, they would have received many thanks for their kindness.
Our parade ground is visited by hundreds daily to witness the drill and martial appearance of the boys, and none seem to regret having made the visit. Yesterday, we were reviewed by Gen. Rathbone and staff, which attracted a crowd, as usual. We went through the manual exercise and various battalion movements. But the main feature of the day was the "charge" made on double quick, the whole regiment being drawn up in line of battle. The other was the presentation of a beautiful silk flag to Company F by the ladies of Albany. Presentations have been the order of the day for some time past. Many captains have received presents from their re¬spective companies and friends.
The Regiment formed a hollow square previ¬ous to dismissal, for the purpose of introducing to the boys Mr. Ellsworth, father of the late Col. Ellsworth. When introduced by the Colonel, every soldier's head was uncovered, and not a cheer was heard. We remained in this position some moments, expecting he would make some remarks. He seemed to take a careful survey of each man, and at the last seemed to be so much affected that he was unable to speak. Perhaps his silence and the emotions which caused it told more than language could express. The occa¬sion was truly a solemn one to all.
Rev. Mr. Pease, of Saratoga county, has been appointed Chaplain for the Regiment. We have needed one for some time, but I am confident we have the right man at last. Mr. Pease is a Presbyterian. He has traveled extensively in the Old World, and thus having an opportunity to store his mind well with the incidents of his travels, and having an opportunity to study well the character and habits of men, consequently is well fitted for the position he has been urged to accept. He gave his first discourse last Sabbath. He remarked that he was of Old Revolutionary stock, his grandfather having fought at the battle of Bennington, and the fire of old '76 burned in his breast. He came here not for pay or hoping to get office; all he wanted was his bread and butter. He now recognized no denomination, but was here as a Christian, hoping to do good among us, and to stand as an electric telegraph between the 44th and Heaven.
I have omitted much which is needless to repeat, as it was noticed in a letter of my comrades in last Saturday's HERALD.
I have been informed upon reliable authority that we are to have a grand reception in Washington, and, in fact, the whole route from here will be one continued ovation. In a few days, at least, we shall be near the scene of conflict, and if we are called upon we shall endeavor to do our duty. We go to sustain a government to which all alike owe allegiance. It is not a war of hate and rapine, but one in which our principles and honor are involved. God is on our side. The sense of right is plain to all. It has the approval of conscience. It exalts the struggle into the heroic. We are fighting for truth, (which is mighty and will prevail,) for freedom, for national existence, for the hopes of humanity in all the future. We should go forth into battle with this motto, "God and our country," inscribed on our banners. When our work is over, we hope to return to our homes with our country redeemed, united and saved.
Yours for the 44th,
D. S., Jr., Co. D.
Departure of the Ellsworth Regiment—A Great Time Expected.
The announcement made on Saturday that the People's Ellsworth Regiment would leave to-day for the seat of war, caused great excitement not only among the members of that body, but among citizens generally. At the barracks yesterday there was a constant stream of visitors, of both men and women, all anxious to see their friends and acquaintances. Numerous carriages from country towns were also present. It was indeed a day of much excitement. The Regiment was yesterday furnished with the leggins, which adds very much to their appearance, as it certainly does to their convenience. The articles were made by Ald. L. M. Rodgers, and it may be stated as a somewhat speakable fact that they were delivered two days before the agreed time. The dress parade yesterday afternoon was largely attended, and was gone through with to the entire satisfaction of all present. During the day Dr. Rogers, who is chaplain of Gen. Rathbone's staff, preached to the soldiers in the open air. It is gratifying to state that the greater portion of the Regiment were present, and listened with marked attention.
Col. Stryker yesterday morning issued orders to his Captains, that they must have their commands promptly in line at 1 o'clock to-day, as at that hour he should start. The Regiment will proceed to the residence of Hon. Erastus Corning, when his lady will formally present the Color to the Regiment. The presentation speech will be made by Charles Hughes, Esq., and Col. Stryker will reply. The Regiment will then proceed to the Steamboat Landing, where it will embark on board of barges. Mr. J. Austin has very kindly tendered the use of his steam-tug, the Austin, to draw the barges.
Company A Zouave Cadets, Capt. Van Vechten, and Company B, 10th Regiment, Capt. Ainsworth, will escort the Regiment to the boat. Chief of Police Adams has directed that a sufficient force of the police be employed in keeping State street and Broadway clear, so that the Regiment will have a fine opportunity of displaying itself and allowing our citizens to witness their evolutions. Should the day prove favorable we expect to see a greater sight than Albany or Albanians ever before witnessed.
Messrs. Taylor, Brayton & Co., the contractors, have made up seven thousand huge sandwiches with which to feed the regiment until it arrives in New York. Coffee will be made on board the barges, so that the soldiers will have a good time in getting to the metropolis.
Arrangements have been made to give the Ellsworth's a proper reception and entertainment in New York.
Their new uniform, of the Zouave pattern, is not all manufactured as yet; but it was said yesterday, that Col. Stryker would let such companies as could be uniformed complete, wear the new clothing to-day. This would let our citizens see how the regiment will look when completely uniformed. We are sorry to learn that Capt. Revere is quite sick from diptheria. He was able to be about yesterday, though not to take his company to the dress parade.
The Regiment will go direct from New York to Jersey City, and there take the cars for Washington; arrived there, Col. Stryker will report to the Secretary of War. What disposition will then be made of the Regiment is only known to the Secretary.
It is a matter of regret that the Ellsworth's go off without the Springfield Rifles. It has been found impossible to furnish them with this particular pattern of weapon, but those they have will answer until others are furnished.
Mayor Thacher has issued the following order to the Police Department:
1861.—In order to facilitate the passage of the Ellsworth Regiment and to promote the convenience of the public, the Police Force will be required to keep State street from the Capitol to the Exchange, and Broadway from the Exchange to the point of embarkation, free from obstructions of every kind from 3P. M. till the Regiment shall arrive at the boat. Drivers of hacks, carts and vehicles of every description will take notice and conform to the above requisition.
HALL'S HILL, Va., Nov. 5th, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Ten days' experience in camp has given us a little taste of the pleasures of a soldier's life. We are comfortably situated at present, and the only question that perplexes the mind of not a few is, can we winter comfortably with our present conveniences and clothing? Instead of leaving this question to the officers, who care as much for us as we for ourselves, it is thought proper to discuss it in every group that assembles upon the corners. Our friends may rest assured that when the "cold stormy winds of December" sound their doleful dirges over the whited hills of the North, we shall be cosily housed in some snug place in "Dixie."
There are more cases of sickness than usual at present. This might be expected on leaving the thick-walled barracks and elevated bunks for beds of boughs on the damp ground, protected from the cold and damp only by the thin covering of a canvas tent. There are quite a number of cases of the measles, and they are daily increasing. This epidemic is likely to visit all that have not had them. The officers look well to the cleanliness and healthy condition of the camp-ground, spending much time daily in sweeping and putting things in order. This is also true of the neighboring camps. Our regiment has been assigned to Gen. Butterfield's brigade—Gen. Porter's division. Gen. Butterfield spoke to us to-day in regard to the reputation that we had gained, and the pleasure that he had in knowing that we were to be placed in his brigade. He gave us timely warning against loosing our reputation by inattention or carelessness on our part, or by supposing that we knew it all. His remarks will undoubtedly be of great benefit to us.
Forty of our boys went on a foraging expedition one day last week, and succeeded in getting ten large loads of hay and a "secesher," who had wandered from his camp in search of some liquor. He expressed great confidence in his cause, and regretted that he could fight us no longer. He is represented as being poorly dressed and dirty.
Last Saturday, one hundred and forty of our men, and enough from the other regiments to increase the number to about two or three hundred, went on picket duty. The rain poured down all day and nearly all night without cessation, causing us to think of times of which we have read. Some of us, kept in reserve, spent the night shivering under the broad branches of the fruitless apple trees, while others fared but little better in the out-buildings and wagons of the farm. Quite a singular incident occurred during the first night that we were out. Lieut.-Col. Rice was taken prisoner by a Union picket. The sentinel did not have the right countersign. Each supposing the other to be an enemy, both made ready their revolvers, but fortunately neither attempted to fire. After the Colonel had satisfied himself that his captors were friends, he went back with them about three miles to headquarters, where it was shown that it was all right.
A scouting party, detailed from the reserve, searched the country several miles beyond our pickets, without finding any rebel camps or rebel pickets. It is generally believed that there are no rebels within ten or fifteen miles of us. Various opinions are entertained relative to an advanced position of the army, but undoubtedly the better conclusion is that there will be no advance movement made till Gen. McClellan is fully prepared to give rebellion the finishing stroke. This may be within a few days, and may be many weeks first. The army is increasing by thousands almost every day, and the most thorough and formidable preparations are being made for a decisive victory. This demonstration will be made at the right time and in the right place, for the responsibility rests upon the right men. But why need there be haste in this movement? So long as our army is daily stronger, and so long as the rebels are falling back, and so long as our troops are filing into their defenseless coast cities, capturing forts and confiscating property, why need there be a great sacrifice of life by a hasty attack on their fortified places. But there may be expected great results when the grand forward movement is made. Failure is not on our banner. The Richmond Whig may say, in despair of their cause: "The possibility of success is not within the range of accident;" but not so with our cause. We may safely say, in view of our superior financial and numerical strength, and in view of the righteousness of the cause in which we are engaged, if we keep in remembrance the Overruling Power that gave our fathers success in war, the possibility of failure is not within the range of accident. Dieu defend le droit, (God defend the right.) Yours for the Union,
November 28th, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
As your paper is taken by most of the citizens of Trenton and vicinity, I thought I would write a few lines to you to let you and my friends know how we are situated, and if you feel inclined you can publish them. We are encamped upon Hall's Hill, one and a half miles from Munson Hill, and three miles from Fall's Church. We arrived here the 28th of October, (just one week from the day we left Albany,) about 7 1/2 o'clock, after a tedious march of about, 10 hours and 18 miles travel, and were quite surprised to find that the 83d Pennsylvania regiment had pitched our tents and had a good warm supper ready for us, which we did ample justice to, I assure you.
We are in Gen. Butterfield's Brigade and Porter's Division. Our brigade is composed of the New York 17th and 44th regiments, and the Pennsylvania 83d and Michigan 2d regiments. We drill about six hours a day, so you see we don't have much time to ourselves. We have knapsack drill from 7 to 8 A. M.; battalion drill from 10 to 12; and brigade drill from 2 to 5 P. M. We drill mostly in skirmishing, bayonet exercise and target shooting. The measles have broken out in camp and most of the men have had them. We lost six men last week, whose names I here give: Company C, George W. Schermerhorn, of Albany county, and Nathan A. Wilson, of Salem, Washington county; Company D, Elias D. Gardner, of Burlington, Otsego county; Company E, Albert C. Belcher, of Newark Valley, Tioga county; Company F, Charles W. Chappel, of Schuyler Lake, Otsego county; Company I, John F. Hime, of Hamburgh, Erie county.
Last week Wednesday, our regiment, together with 71,000 more troops, were reviewed by General McClellan and President Lincoln, in a field of about 200 acres, near Bailey's Cross Roads. It was the largest number of troops ever reviewed at one time. There was a perfect sea of heads as far as the eye could reach. From 9 o'clock A. M. until 1 P. M. every road leading to the review ground was crowded as far as you could see. At 1 o'clock the President and General made their appearance on the ground. They were greeted with cheers from the men as they passed, and our band struck up "Hail to the Chief." A salute from the batteries was also fired as they came upon the ground.
Last Sunday, Gen. McClellan came to see us parade, and when we were done he told our Colonel that our regiment was the best drilled and finest looking regiment that he had ever reviewed. That was something big for the Commander-in-Chief of our army to say, when there are so many fine regiments in the field.
Last Tuesday night, a messenger came into camp post haste, with the report that our pickets had been attacked by the rebels and driven in two miles.—
Five regiments were sent out, but it was found to be the Pennsylvania 3d regiment of cavalry that had been attacked, about nine miles beyond our lines.—They were surrounded by the rebels and had to fight their way out. They lost 15 men, and a sorrier looking lot of men you never saw than they were when they came within our lines—some on foot—some on horse back—some minus hats, coats, &c., with their faces and arms scratched by the bushes. One lieutenant came in the next morning with his head cut by a sabre; he had lain out in the woods all night. Our pickets were advanced one mile yesterday; they are now about three miles from Fall's Church towards Centerville. We expect to move on in a few days, but in what direction we don't know; we hope it is South Carolina, for it is so cold here that we are willing to have a little fighting just for the sake of getting into a warmer climate.
Yours, for the country,
Company D, 44th Regiment, N. Y. S. V.
… and w... beneficial. The army is in much better condition for service than when it came into Maryland. The men have lost that haggard, despairing look and appear like themselves again. True, the old enthusiasm has not, and probably never can be aroused again, but there is an earnest wish to have the war ended at once and a willingness to do anything and every-thing to accomplish this, that perhaps will answer just as well. The common remark is, "we have seen enough of fighting, but we are willing to march and fight if we can only bring the war to a close." With such a spirit "the army" will make its mark in the coming campaign. Our regiment is now the second as regards numbers in the Brigade. Two of the old companies, E and C, have been consolidated with the others and two new ones take their places. These, with the recruits for the old companies, have increased our number up to four hundred and seventy-five. We begin to make a respectable appearance again when drawn up in line. Still, it is not the old 44th, and can never seem the same to the original members. A year ago yesterday we crossed into Virginia, a thousand strong. To-day, not two hundred of that number are in the ranks. Should the future prove as disastrous to us as the past, the number who see the end of their term of enlistment, will be fearfully small. We all hope for better things but fear the worse.
Gen. Butterfield reviewed us to day for the last time. He goes, as I understand, to take command of a division. A braver and better officer cannot be found in the army. Were all like him, the rebellion would soon be crushed. Col. Stockton of the 10th Michigan commands the brigade at present. We are under "marching orders" and expect every day to move. Whether we are to go to a new picket ground, cross the river, or go towards Washington we know not. It is something to know that there is a prospect of our moving. It does not seem possible that Government will keep the six hundred thousand new men idle all the fall and winter. I should think one such experience would suffice. But in these times we must be prepared to expect anything and it may be the old policy will be carried on still longer. The weather has been cod, very cold, for a few days past. Many of us left our knapsacks with our overcoats and extra clothing at Washington and, as a consequence, we suffer from the cold very much. This is one of the ills of a soldier's life, but we hope it will soon be rectified. The health of the regiment is unusually good, much better than at any time since we went to the Peninsula.
In my next I hope to be able to report some progress towards finishing up the War. It certainly is time and it must be done soon. Truly Yours,
M. H. B.
WOUNDED IN THE 44TH REGIMENT.—The Tribune gives the following list of the wounded in the 44th (Ellsworth) regiment in Thursday's battle.
The companies are not designated:
Lieut. B. Thomas, abdomen; Capt. B. Munger, groin; Lieut. Brickman, side; John Breckett, arm; Thompson Barrick, arm; John Bresler, slightly; V. U. Goderich, slightly; Samuel Risley, slightly; Aaron Esshond, arm; W. W. Smith, shoulder; G. W. Hobart, leg; Frank Scott, hand; Peter Hollawich, foot; M. F. Graham, breast; Delos Thomson, face; J. Hanney, leg.
COL. ROOT SAFE.—A telegram was received yesterday morning from Captain H. R. S. Colton, 94th Regiment N. Y. Vol., bringing the joyful intelligence that Col. A. R. Root had been paroled by the rebel Gen. A. P. Hill, and was in Washington, the guest of Col. Albert J. Meyers. No particulars with reference to his wound are given, but it is stated that he is doing well. May he soon be able to receive home care and the congratulations of his friends.
The funeral of Lieut. E. L. Dunham, late of the 44th Reg't N. Y. Vols., who was killed at the battle of Gettysburg, will be held at Hamilton Centre on Sunday next, at 1 o'clock P. M. Rev. C.E. Hewes, late Chaplain of the 14th, will officiate.
THE ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—Co. A, the Erie county company in the Ellsworth Regiment lost four killed and seventeen wounded in the last battle. Among the killed was Capt. Kraft, commanding the company. The Regiment lost 111 in all, more than one-third of the number it went in with.
THE 44TH (ELLSWORTH) REGIMENT.—Captain E. S. Johnson, of Schodack, has received a letter from his son, Lieut. Seth Johnson, of the gallant 4th Regiment, in which it is stated that the regiment had the extreme advance in the crossing of the army to attack the Rebels.
THE WOUNDED IN ALBANY REGIMENTS.—The following are reported among the wounded in the late battles. Those in the 44th are reported slightly wounded and in hospital at Washington:—
Asaph Holdridge, Co. G.
Sergt. W. Johnson, Co. G,
James Bauen, Co. C,
Andrew J. Taylor, Co. G,
James Hendrickson, Co. F,
Lieut. Huested, by a shell.
The 44th.
In the battle of Gettysburg, the 44th N. Y. ("Ellsworth") Regiment went in with three hundred men, and of that number one hundred and eleven were killed, wounded, and missing. DAVID DUNHAM, Jr., of this town, writes that the men on each side of him were killed and a ball passed through his own coat sleeve.
FROM THE 44TH (ELLSWORTH) REGIMENT.—The following extract of a letter from a member of the 44th will be found interesting by those having friends in that regiment:
PENN., July, 1863.
About half-past two we received orders to go the front, and about half-past three we took our position on a hill, and just in time to save our flank, for we had not more than got in position before a brigade of rebels charged upon us, but were handsomely repulsed. We either killed, wounded or took prisoners more than four-fifths of the 4th and 5th Texas regiments. The musketry fire was about the severest that we were ever under, and lasted till dark. In all, we had 111 killed and wounded—more than one-third of those we went in with—but night soon put an end to the firing. We lost more in this fight than we ever did in any other. Our brigade commander was wounded, so Col. Rice is in command of the brigade now. This fight is the first one in which we ever had any officers killed. Capt. Lorbey and Lieut. Dunham were shot dead, and one Captain and three Lieutenants wounded.
WOUNDED OF CO. A, 44TH REGIMENT.—The following wounded of Co. A, 44th Regiment, N. Y. V., are now in the hospital at Gettysburg: Joseph Harnagan, leg; Robt. Burns, thigh; Wm. M. Morris, knee; Henry C. Kenele, eye; Allen J. Herd, neck and breast; John Steele, thigh; S. Cheesman, foot; Thos. Hunt, leg; Lewis F. Ferram, face; Justan Bennett, back; Julian Rowlton, knee; Jacob Wagner, arm; Wm. Cunningham, shoulder.
APPOINTMENT.—Lieut. CHAS. E. PEASE, of this city, formerly of the Forty-fourth New York regiment, has been appointed Assistant Adjutant General, with the rank of Captain, and assigned to duty on Gen. VAN ALLEN'S Staff.
Wounded.—The only member of the 44th Regiment from this vicinity whose name appears among the wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, is Henry L. Todd. Mr. Todd is well remembered here as a steady and very intelligent young carpenter, who worked a year or two for the Waits.
PERSONAL.—Lieut. Col. Connor, of the 44th Regiment, is in town. He was wounded in the arm at the battle of Fredericksburg. Lieut. Col. Conner's name seldom appears in print, but he is nevertheless one of the best officers in that, or any other regiment.
THE FORTY-FOURTH.—In a letter to E. S. Johnson, Esq., of Schodack Landing, from his son, Lt. J., of the 44th, it is stated that the Regiment had the extreme advance in the crossing of the army to attack the Rebels.
FROM THE FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.—We make the following extract from a letter written by a member of Company F, 4th (Ellsworth) Regiment:
We left our new camp on the 28th of May, and are now at Banks's Ford, a very handsome place. Our brigade extends from Banks' Ford to Richard's Ford, a distance of about eight miles. There are four Regiments in this brigade, viz: the 83d Pennsylvania, 20th Maine, 16th Michigan, and 44th New York Volunteers. When we came here there was one company of cavalry doing picket, which we relieved. Our regiment is in two parts—the right wing at the right of the Ford, and the left wing at or near the centre—and the 1st Ohio battery of six brass twelve pounders—three guns with each wing.
The rebel pickets are on the other side of the river, and ours this side. They do not fire at each other. The pickets of both sides go in swimming. The rebel pickets are not permitted to converse with us. All they say is, if we don't fire they will not. To-day one of their pickets was sitting with his back turned toward us, and one of our boys, named Lynch, swam over before he was discovered by the "reb," and ejaculated, "Hallo, old boy, what are you doing there?" The fellow looked around apparently amazed at seeing the Union soldier in the water, and replied, "come over here quick." Lynch "couldn't see it," in that light, and immediately returned to his companions.
Another of the boys swam across and got a Richmond paper, and came back to camp "safe and sound."
As I remarked before, this is the nicest place I have ever seen since leaving home. I write this letter in an old house—or, at least, made old by the soldiers. It is pretty well gone to ruin. But I don’t think we can enjoy the pleasure of stopping here long, as, while I am writing, it is intimated by the "knowing ones" that we have received orders to move. If we stay I shall endeavor to give you a better idea of the place in my next. H. B.
ALBANY, Oct. 21.
The Ellsworth regiment, numbering 1,060 muskets, left this afternoon for Washington. There was a perfect ovation at the departure of this Regiment, whose members have won hosts of friends during their sojourn at this depot. They are decidedly the finest body of troops that have left the city since the war commenced. Prior to their departure, a handsome banner was presented to the regiment, by the wife of Hon. Erastus Corning, with appropriate ceremonies.
We see that our fellow townsman First Lieutenant Charles E. Pease, Forty-fourth New York, has been appointed Assistant Adjutant General, with the rank of captain, and assigned to duty with Brigadier General Van Allen.
The following parody on "Rock me to sleep, mother," was written by a member of Co. D, 44th Regiment, a resident of this city, and was recently read before the Debating Society of that Regiment:
Backward, roll backward, oh time, in your flight,
Make me a citizen just for a night;
Take me away from this valley of mud,
Bore me no more with powder and blood.
Bear me away from this fountain of tears,
Far from the sound of orders and jeers;
I have grown weary of Uncle Sam's work,
Weary of living on "hard tack" and pork.
Backward, roll backward, oh time, in my flight,
Make me a citizen just for a night;
Why did you torture me, Corporal, thus,
Why get me into this devilish muss;
Had you no heart in your bosom of clay,
Thus to entice me from freedom away;
Did you not know (that's where the shoe pinches)
That hanging is better than dying by inches?
Backward, turn backward, oh time, in thy flight,
Make me a citizen just for to-night;
I have grown tired of trouble and toil,
Tired of tramping on Chivalry's soil;
Tired of having no brandy or rum.
Do send me home, Doctor, do send me home.
Many the faces that wish I was there,
Many the creditors left in despair;
Many the bantlings that pray he will come,
De send me home, Doctor, do send me home.
Backward, roll backward, oh time, in thy flight,
Make me a citizen just for a night;
Let me a citizen gallant and gay be,
Send me back home to my w ife and my baby;
Le me go back to the Home Guards again,
Music of cannon oppresseth my brain;
Once I was brave and sound as a brick,
Whistling of bullets have rendered me sick.
Backward, roll backward, oh time, in thy flight,
Make me a citizen just for a night.
Once I was brave and still I am zealous,
Once I had lungs like a blacksmith's bellows;
But tell the plain truth, accursed be the pegs,
I put too much faith in my confounded legs;
My courage was good, but my legs had a tendency
Always to run, and they got the ascendancy;
Oh take me back where the bullets don't rustle
The hair of one's head, then feel of my muscle,
Take me where bullets and bombs don't come,
Do take me home, mother, do take me home.
Backward, roll backward, oh time, in thy flight,
Make me a citizen just for a night;
Hasten my pleasure, ye Gods, if ye can,
Make me once more a family man;
I will be brave—as brave as a lion,
Let me Old Albany once get my eye on;
I will cry "onward" and write editorial
Frigid or warm, Auroral or Boreal,
I will be bold to counsel and think,
Shed for my country my heart's rarest ink;
Stand at no work, however inglorious,
Foolish, fanatical—ever laborious;
If, oh sweet Doctor, thou picture of beauty,
Thou wilt discharge me from war and its duty.
Backward, roll backward, oh time, in thy flight,
Make me a citizen just for a night;
Take back the bounty, the golden advance
That were all the chains to my earlier glance;
Send me away to the land of white collars;
You bought me too cheap for three hundred dollars;
You told me also a beautiful story
Of honor and fame, soft bread and glory;
But send me back, Uncle Sam, do,
I will leave honor and glory to you.
FROM THE FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.—We make the following extract from a letter written by a member of Company F, 44th (Ellsworth) Regiment:
We left our new camp on the 28th of May, and are now at Banks's Ford, a very handsome place. Our brigade extends from Banks' Ford to Richards's Ford, a distance of about eight miles. There are four Regiments in this brigade, viz: the 83d Pennsylvania, 20th Maine, 16th Michigan, and 44th New York Volunteers. When we came here there was one company of cavalry doing picket, which we relieved. Our regiment is in two parts—the right wing at the right of the Ford, and the left wing at or near the centre—and the 1st Ohio battery of six brass twelve pounders—three guns with each wing.
The rebel pickets are on the other side of the river, and ours this side. They do not fire at each other. The pickets of both sides go in swimming. The rebel pickets are not permitted to converse with us. All they say is, if we don't fire they will not. To-day one of their pickets was sitting with his back turned toward us, and one of our boys, named Lynch, swam over before he was discovered by the "reb," and ejaculated, "Hallo, old boy, what are you doing there?" The fellow looked around apparently amazed at seeing the Union soldier in the water, and replied, "come over here quick." Lynch "couldn't see it," in that light, and immediately returned to his companions.
Another of the boys swam across and got a Richmond paper, and came back to camp "safe and sound."
As I remarked before, this is the nicest place I have ever seen since leaving home. I write this letter in an old house—or, at least, made old by the soldiers. It is pretty well gone to ruin. But I don't think we can enjoy the pleasure of stopping here long, as, while I am writing, it is intimated by the "knowing ones" that we have received orders to move. If we stay I shall endeavor to give you a better idea of the place in my next. H. B.
FROM THE 44TH REGIMENT.—We are permitted to publish the following letter from Sergt. Julius H. Hatch, Jr., Co. A, 44th Regt., N. Y. Vols., written to his relatives in this city:
July 5th, 1863—8 P. M.
I have only time to write you a few lines, to assure you that I am safe and well. Since I last wrote you we have marched about 200 miles in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, and were engaged in the battles of the 2d and 3d here. Our regiment lost many—one company more than half its number. I had my pants torn by a bullet, which grazed my leg, but did no injury; and of a group of eleven near me nine were hit. The enemy left our front this A. M., and are probably in full retreat for the Potomac. Our advance is after them. They left most of their dead and wounded on the field; and any quantity of arms and equipments. Our company alone has brought in over fifty rebel muskets. They lay scattered around the field in every direction. This has been the most destructive fight I ever saw.
— Elias B. Gardner, of West Burlington, a member of the Ellsworth Regiment, died last Tuesday week at Camp Butterfield, Va. He died of inflammation of the lungs, and was sick two weeks. He was highly esteemed as a good soldier and a loyal man. His body was sent to his friends. This, we believe, is the first death in the regiment.
—The winter term of Unadilla Academy begins December 4th, 1861.
From the Ellsworths.
October 28th, 1862.
Since my last letter to you everything has been so still and quiet in our camp that I could find nothing that I thought would be of interest to you and so have neglected to write till now. However, as there all the indications of a movement of our corps to be made very soon, the sluggish blood begins to quicken in the veins, the old patriotic fire to brighten again and I feel in the mood to write even if I can find nothing of interest to record.
Since the battle of Antietam we have been lying by, resting, if it can be called resting, where we have to go "on picket" three times a week and fill up the intervals with drilling. Still, we have but little reason to complain. Our picket duty is easy and the drill light; compared with that we performed at Hall's Hill last fall and winter. The result has been most ...
WOUNDED OF CO. A, 44TH REGIMENT.—The following wounded of Co. A, 44th Regiment N. Y. V., are now in the hospital at Gettysburg:
Joseph Harnagan, leg; Robt. Burns, thigh; Wm. M. Morris, knee; Henry C. Kenele, eye; Allen J. Herd, neck and breast; John Steel, thigh; S. Cheesman, foot; Thos Hunt, leg; Lewis F. Ferram, face; Justan Bennett, back; Julian Rowlton, knee; Jacob Wagner, arm; Wm, Cunningham, shoulder.
THE BATTLE-FLAG OF THE 44TH.—The torn and bullet-pierced flag of the 44th (Ellsworth). Regiment, which was presented to them before they left this city, yesterday morning adorned the front of Erastus Corning & Co.'s warehouse on Broadway, where it will remain for several days, to be seen by all who may be desirous of looking upon the emblem of many a battle, pierced with bullets and stained with blood.
THE ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—Co. A, the Erie county company in the Ellsworth Regiment lost four killed and seventeen wounded in the last battle. Among the killed was Capt. Kraft, commanding the company. The Regiment lost 111 in all, more than one-third of the number went in with.
We regret to learn that Webster Duryea, son of Alpheus Duryea of this town, member of the 44th N. Y. V. Volunteers, (Ellsworth Regiment,) was killed in the late battle near Gettysburg. He was wounded, and while his comrades were taking him off the field, a shell struck him and killed him instantly. This regiment, like the 124th, has seen hard service, and ranking among the bravest of the brave, its numbers are sadly reduced.—Goshen Democrat.
FROM THE ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—We are permitted to use for publication, a letter received by D. SHAPLEY, Esq., of New Hartford, from his son who represents that town most ably in New York's best regiment. Of late the regiment has been praised on all sides, and their course will be watched with great interest:
KALORAMA HEIGHTS, Oct. 26, 1861.
DEAR FATHER—We arrived here last night after a tedious journey, since last Monday. I expected we should remain here for some days, but to-night at _ o'clock P. M., we have orders to pack up and march over to Virginia. The order was received with cheers. I am writing this with my accoutrements on, all ready to march, not knowing the place of destination. As near as I can find out, we shall stop at Arlington Heights to act as reserve. Col. Stryker has received a second dispatch, saying we shall not march until Monday. We shall then be reviewed by Gen. McClellan, and be attached to the brigade of Gen. Howard, our regiment to have the right. I am well, but feel about worn out, having lost much rest the last week. Two Corporals in my tent are sick with the measles. I should not be surprised if it went through the regiment. I am somewhat pleased with camp life and the romance connected with it. It seems more like the 4th of July here; it is bung bang all the time. There are some 4000 or 5000 men within a few miles, who practice each day. Everything is quiet at present. Do not know how soon we shall have a fight. I shall write a more interesting letter in a few days, or as soon as we get settled. From your son,
On Furlough.—James E. Spry of this village and a member of the 44th Regt. N. Y. S. V., is home on a short furlough. We had the pleasure of a long talk with him on Monday. He represents the Army of the Potomac as in fine condition, and states that Hooker has the entire confidence of the army. Mr. S. is now a Clerk in the commissary Department in the army.—He says he is a Democrat still but not a Copperhead. This is his first visit home since his enlistment. Good for Jim.
PERSONAL—Dr. J. D. Steward, assistant surgeon in the 44th, having mostly recovered from his wounds received at the battle of Gettysburgh [sic] returned to the army on Monday last.
—EDWARD B. NORTHUP, the son of H. B. Northup of this village, and formerly of the 44th Regt., N. Y. S. V., has received a Lieutenants commission in the Invalid Corps.—Sandy Hill Herald.
LIEUTENANT VANDERZEE.—Lieut. John G. VANDERZEE went to the field as Color Sergeant of the 44th Regiment. A few months since he was promoted to the post of Second Lieutenant of the 25th, which immortalized itself at Hanover Court House. In that battle, he had command of Company A—its Captain and First Lieutenant being sick. He did his duty so well, that the General of the Brigade has transferred him to the command of Company F, whose Captain was taken prisoner, and whose First and Second Lieutenants were disabled. In a letter just received from him, he says: "I never felt better in my life than when it rained bullets around me at Hanover, and I am in perfect health now."
APPOINTMENT.—Lieut. CHAS. E. PEASE, of this city, formerly of the Forty-fourth New York regiment, has been appointed Assistant Adjutant General, with the rank of Captain, and assigned to duty on Gen. VAN ALLEN'S Staff.
—The Tribune's Washington dispatch, dated Friday, says:
The 44th New York (Ellsworths) was a wonder to us this afternoon. Hackneyed as we are in marching regiments, nothing in the army can compare with it. It is the finest body of men ever enlisted on this continent. Its march through the Avenue made a great sensation.
THE 44TH.—In a letter to E. S. JOHNSON, Esq., of Schodack Landing, from his son, Lieut. J., of the 44th, we learn that that Regiment had the extreme advance in the crossing of the army to attack the Rebels.
WOUNDED OF THE 44TH (ELLSWORTH) REGIMENT—Among the wounded soldiers who reached Washington, on Tuesday, from Fredericksburg, none of whom were very seriously hurt, were the following members of the 44th Regiment:
Asaph Holdridge, Co. G; Sergeant W. Johnson, Co. G; James Bauen, Co. C; Andrew J. Taylor, Co. G; Henry C. Dennis, Co. E.
THE LOSSES AT HANOVER.—The following has been received in Buffalo: HANOVER, 28th May.
To W. B. PECK: Major Chapin, of the 44th, was seriously wounded in our fight yesterday. Will get particulars and telegraph.
Forty-fourth New York: Sergeant Wm. Ellis, Co. E, top of right ear shot off. The truth about the Forty-fourth is that they had about twenty killed and forty wounded, among them the Major. The Forty-fourth is in the brigade of Gen. Dan Butterfield.
Edward B. Northup, the son of H. B. Northup of this village, and formerly of the 44th Regt., N. Y. S. V. has received a Lieutenants commission in the Invalid Corps.
Loss IN CO. A, ELLSWORTH REGIMENT—Captain Kimberly of Co. A, 44th Regiment, furnishes the following statement of the losses in his company in the late battles:—
Killed—Corporal Joseph Kraft, privates Chester Smith, John Zook, John Simons.
Wounded—Sergt. James B. Storm, wrist; Sergeant Allen J. Hurd, neck, badly; Corp. Wm. G. Cunningham, head and arm; Corp. Henry C. Kendall, eye, slight; privates Robt. C. Burns, thigh; Ferdinand Bennett, back; Louis Ferrand, face; John Steele, thigh; Henry Brehle, slight; Joseph Hannagan, leg; Thomas Hunt, leg (since amputated and is doing well); Jacob Wagner, slight; William Day, slight; Sherwood A. Cheeseman, slight, in foot; Sergeant E. L. Harris, privates Geo. D. Conger, Henry White (the last three very slight, not disabled for active duty).
Full List of the Killed and Wounded of the 44th Regiment N.Y. S. V.
Killed.—Corporal Joseph Kraft. Privates, Chester Smith, John Sook, John Simons.
Wounded.—Seargeants [sic], Allen J. Hurd, E. L. Harris and James Storms. Corporals, Wm. J. Cunningham and Henry C. Kendall. Privates John Knowlton, Jacob Wagoner, Henry White, Robert C. Burns, Henry Brail, William Day, Ferdinand Bennett, Lewis Ferrard, Thos. Hunt, John Steele, Geo. C. Conger and Sherwood Cheeseman.
Killed.—Capt. Lucius S. Larabee. Private Peter Beers.
Wounded.—Sergeant Jacob B. Blackman. Privates E. Easterbrook, Wm. R. Howland, Jerry Scott, Thomas Griffiths, Richard Ganley and Corporal H. Gallagher.
Missing.—Corporal J. T. Brooks. Privates Peter Sheffer and John Doring.
Killed—Corporal R. McElligott, Private Francis M. Griswold.
Wounded—Captain Bennett Munger, Sergt. Geo. W. Hobart, Privates James Dausenberg, H. Houghton, R. C. Phillips, M. F. Braham, Wm. W. Smith, W. N. Norris.
Killed—Lieut. E. L. Dunham, Sergt. S. S. Skinner, Private Daniel Casey.
Wounded—Corporal J. E. Barnaby, Privates Wm. G. Beach, John Butler, Joel Hays, H. L. Todd, James White, Alonzo Shepherd.
Killed—Privates Scott Munson, George B. Wolcott, Leander Burnham.
Wounded—Sergeant C. E. Sprague, Corp. T. Barrack, H. Thompson, Privates D. Thompson, Perry Thompson, E. Traver, Andrew J. Chaffer, Aaron Esmay.
Killed—Privates James McGee, David Nash, F. G. Leroy.
Wounded—Lieutenant Charles H. Zeilman, Sergeant John Downing, Privates H. E. Stevens, James Mallory, Jacob Kauscher, Rich' d A. Carey.
Killed—1st Sergeant E. A. Merchant, Corporal Jesse White, Private W. S. Dugan.
Wounded—Sergeant F. B. Schutt, Corporal H. D. Wigg, Privates P. Hallenbeck, E. H. Lee, W. P. Ingersoll, A. G. Sesford.
Killed—Corporal W. J. Goodman.
Wounded—Corporals W. L. Maxon, Chas. H. Blair, J. A. Brackett, Privates J. H. Schermerhorn, S. Risley, W. J. Goodrich, Edwin Ells, W. Morse.
Killed—Privates J. M. Jones, T. A. Byrne.
Wounded—Corporal C. F. Ballow, Privates C. H. Carpenter, S. T. Cole, W. Eckerson, J. Wagoner.
Killed—Privates Cornelius Storey, J. Lantz.
Wounded—Capt. W. R. Bourne, Lieut. B. N.Thomas, Corporal J. H. Krake, Privates G. Lutfin, George Green, A. J. Reed.
Missing—Privates John Groat, John Mastern, Anthony Baker, W. Lawrence.
NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS.—The Ellsworth Regiment were paid off Saturday. The money—$20,000—was advanced to Major Richardson by Erastus Corning, in anticipation of its reception from Washington.
Madison.—The citizens of this town met Monday evening at the Baptist Church, and organized an Ellsworth town association. Thirty-six volunteer subscriptions of $1 each were immediately made, and solicitors appointed to circulate subscriptions in the different parts of the town. An Executive Committee of five was appointed, and also a committee of three to select the volunteers. Speeches were made suitable to the occasion, by the Chairman, Dea. Brigham, Rev. Mr. Sharts and Rev. Mr. Swift.
The meeting adjourned to Friday evening this week, at this place, when we expect the association will number one hundred.
Dated Madison, Aug. 6, 1861.
NEW HARTFORD.—At a meeting held last Friday evening, a town organization to assist in raising the Ellsworth or People's Regiment was effected, and already the soldier to represent the town has been selected, and the money for his equipment raised. The man selected is DAVID SHAPLEY, Jr., of whom a correspondent writes viz: Mr. SHAPLEY is a young man who stands high in society, strictly moral and of true integrity. He is a graduate of Whitestown Seminary, and also of Bassett's Commercial College." He will soon make many friends in the regiment, I am confident."
—The Ellsworth Regiment will receive one month's pay this week. They will leave for Washington, probably, early next week.
PEOPLE'S ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—Charles C. La Grange, Guilderland, Albany county, and Albert Morgan, Dover Plains, Dutchess county, have been selected to represent said towns in this Regiment.
Hon. ERASTUS CORNING telegraphed last evening from Washington, that this regiment will be accepted by the Government.
CHAS. HUGHES, Secretary.
NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS.—Two skeleton regiments—the People's regiment and Col. Vinton's—were mustered into the United States service at the Albany barracks on Friday.
—The Peoples' Ellsworth Regiment, to the number of about 900, were reviewed by Major General Morgan and Staff, Monday afternoon. Between six and eight thousand persons witnessed the review, and the reputation of the Regiment as one of the best, if not the best Volunteer Regiment in the State, was fully established.
THE ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—The Albany Journal says the ranks are being rapidly filled up. Nearly 700 men are now enrolled. The committee have selected Maj. J. B. RICE, who served as Adjutant in the Garibaldi Guards, as Lieutenant Colonel. He is a gentleman of the highest character, tried bravery, and of conceded soldiery skill. He will be popular with the Regiment, as he is with all who have known him—as many of our citizens have—from boyhood up. Schreiber's Band is to be attached to the Regiment—one of the finest in the State.
—The Ellsworth Regiment is rapidly filling up. They spend six hours out of the twenty-four in drilling under experienced and competent officers, and devote their leisure time to athletic sports. The Regiment bids fair to be an honor to the State.
THE ELLSWORTHS.—This regiment is now practically full. The full quota has not yet been mustered in; but there are men enough on the rolls to bring it up to 1040.
Lieut. Munday, of Seneca county, has been appointed Quartermaster. He is a young gentleman of fine character and thorough business qualifications.
Rev. Mr. Pease, a Presbyterian clergyman of eminent fitness, of Saratoga county, has been appointed Chaplain.
The fatigue uniform of the Regiment—of Zouave cut—will be ready next week. It will be very neat. In ten days they will be ready to march.—Albany Journal, 5th.
THE ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—The Greene (Chenango county) American has a rumor that the Ellsworth People's Regiment is expected to be ordered to Missouri in about a week. There is no official announcement of the fact, but Chenango county has a considerable number of officers and men in the Regiment, and from some of them the information was probably obtained.
—On Monday morning, Messrs. W. E. Lewis and Paul B. Clark, of Preston, and Geo. Webb and C. Rorepough, of Smithville, left for Albany to join the Ellsworth Regiment.
THE ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—Mr. David SHAPLEY, JR., OF NEW Hartford, called on us yesterday, on his way to join his regiment at Albany.
Extract of a Letter from the 44th Reg't.
April 3d, 1862.
* * * * * *
Everything is quiet here. We had our inspection to-day by Lieut. Col. Webb, of Gen. Meade's Staff. The regiment was in splendid shape. The inspection was for the purpose of getting more furloughs granted, for both officers and men. I think it will be a success. It has been reported here that our corps (that is the 5th) is to go to Kentucky soon, but I think it is only a report. If we move I will let you know. Capt. Gibbs and all the officers are well.
Respectfully, S. F. J., 44th Reg't., N. Y. V.
WOUNDED OF Co. A, 44TH REGIMENT.—The following wounded of Co. A, 44th Regt., N. Y. Vols., are now in the hospital at Gettysburg:
Joseph Harnegan, leg; Robert Barnes, thigh; Wm. M. Morris, knee; Henry C. Kencle, eye; Allen J. Herd, neck and breast; John Steel, thigh; S. Cheeseman, foot; Thomas Hunt, leg; Lewis F. Ferram, face; Justan Bennett, back; Julian Rowlton, knee; Jacob Wagner, arm; Wm. Cunningham, shoulder.
ARRIVAL OF OFFICERS OF THE 44TH.—Capt. Charles W. Gibbs, Lieut. Graves and six Sergeants, of the 44th Regiment, arrived in town on Saturday. They go hence to Elmira to take charge of the conscripts at that depot. Major Knox, formerly of this city, proceeded direct from Harrisburg for the same purpose.
Personal.—Capt. Chas. W. Gibbs, Lieut. Anthony Graves, Jr. and Sergeant Bomus, of the 44th (Ellsworth) Regiment, arrived in town Saturday. They are en route for Elmira, having been detailed for special duty, the reception and charge of conscripts. Major Knox will meet them at the rendezvous with six privates from the 44th.
Our Albany friends are all well and hearty, having escaped injury during the recent severe battles in Pennsylvania. As might be expected they are all in excellent spirits, on account of the recent brilliant achivements [sic] of the glorious Army of the Potomac, with which they have been connected since its organization.
From the 44th Regiment—An Advance Movement Expected.
Correspondence of the Times & Courier.
Camp Near Falmouth, Va., April 14.
We have orders to be ready to move to-morrow. The men are to carry five days rations and the officers eight. All the Cavalry went yesterday and we must soon follow. We are all ready to go. The roads are in good order and the weather is splendid. I think we have any amount of hard work and fighting to do this month.
We received notice last night that Lieut. Col. Connor had been honorably discharged from the service. You know he was wounded at Fredericksburgh [sic] and has been home since that time, it being over sixty days, and I suppose he was discharged on that account. The men are in good spirits and ready to move. If we have any fighting to do, you will hear a good account from the 44th. Respectfully yours, J.
DEATH OF A SOLDIER.—At a meeting of the members of Company F, 44th (People's Ellsworth) Regiment, called in consequence of the death of their late esteemed comrade and fellow soldier, Charles Chappell, on motion, it was unanimously resolved that a series of resolutions be drawn as expressive of their sense at this bereavement, and to forward to his afflicted family a copy thereof.
In pursuance of the above, it is
Resolved, That in the death of our late brother soldier, Charles Chappell, we have lost a faithful comrade, the cause in which we are engaged an earnest supporter, and the service a young and promising soldier. Whatever may be our loss, or that of the army in the early decease of our comrade, it is our stern duty to bow to the mandate of an all-wise God, and in meek submission acknowleddge [sic] His right to rule among men, and feel that whatever He willeth is for our temporal and temporal good and welfare."
Resolved, That to the parents and family of our deceased comrade, we offer a soldier's heartfelt consolation and sympathy in this their hour of affliction. Though our own grief is keenly felt on this sad occasion, it must be as naught in comparison to that of an affectionate family. It is our fervent hope that the trial may be borne with resignation and fortitude, and we again ask them to accept our heartfelt sympathies in their bereavement.
Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the family of the deceased.
Camp Butterfield, Hall's Hill, Va., November 26, 1861.
Committee—John G. Vanderzee, Color-Sergeant, 44th Regiment; Robert H. McCormice, Sergeant, Company F, 44th Regiment; Samuel W. Chandler, Corporal, Company F, 44th Regiment; George W. B. Seely, Private, Company F, 44th Regiment.
GEORGE W. B. SEELY, Secretary.
A sketch of the Ellsworth Regiment, the part it has performed in the war and what has become of it, will be interesting to our readers. We are indebted for the following statement to Col. RICE:—
The Forty-fourth Regiment New York State Volunteers, was originally composed of 1028 men, rank and file, selected from the different towns and villages throughout the State of New York, and it entered the service of the United States on the 8th day of August, 1861.
The average height of the rank and file of this regiment was five feet ten and a half inches, and more than four hundred of the same averaged six feet.
The average age of the rank and file was twenty-two years.
On or about the 1st of November, 1861, the regiment marched into Virginia. Forming a part of the 3d Brigade, under the command of Gen. Butterfield, it became very proficient in the manual of arms and battalion drill, through the efficiency of that thorough disciplinarian and accomplished officer.
Since the 1st of November, 1861, this regiment has marched 713 miles, performed 103 days of picket and fatigue duty, and drilled 147 days on an average of five hours per day.
The regiment has been engaged in the following battles, viz: Seige [sic] of Yorktown, Hanover Court House, Gaines Mills, Turkey Bend, Malvern Hill, Groveton, Antietam and Fredericksburg.
In the battle of Hanover Court House the regiment lost, in killed and wounded, twenty-five per cent of its force engaged. In the battle of Gaines Mills the loss was twenty per cent, and in the battle of Malvern Hill the loss was forty-five per cent. At the latter battle the regiment charged, at a critical moment in the fortunes of the day, upon an entire brigade of the enemy, put it to flight and captured its stand of colors.
The total number, rank and file, of the original members of the regiment, killed and wounded, is 314; of deaths by disease, 67; discharged for disability, 207; detached from the regiment, 45; promoted to the rank of commissioned officers in this and other regiments, 32; discharged by order of the Secretary of War, including musicians, 50.
Of the original rank and file there are:—Present for duty at this date (Feb. 1st, 1863,) 229; present sick in camp, 9; absent sick, 125.
Recapitulation of the original members of the Regiment, rank and file.
Killed 113
Wounded 201
Died of disease 67
Discharged for disability 207
Detached from the regiment 45
Promoted 32
Discharged by order 50
Present for duty Feb. 1st, 1863 229
Present sick in camp 9
Absent sick 125
Total 1078
Less wounded returned to duty 55
Total enlisted 1023
The regiment has recruited since its organization 181, of which eight have been killed and wounded, five have died of disease, five have been discharged for disability, two detached from the regiment, one promoted to
the rank of commissioned officer in this regiment, present for duty 116, present sick 22, absent sick 22.
Recapitulation of Recruits Received.
Wounded 7
Died of disease 5
Discharged for disability 5
Detached 8
Promoted 1
Present for duty 116
Present sick 22
Absent sick 23
Total 181
Companies C and E are composed of the recruits above mentioned, and entered the service after the battle of Groveton.
Recapitulation of the total strength of the Regiment at this date, Feb. 1st, 1863.
Total killed 114
" wounded 208
" died 72
" discharged for disability 212
" discharged by order of Sec'y of War 50
" detached 47
" promoted 33
" for duty 345
" present sick 31
" absent sick 147
Total 1259
Original men enlisted 1023
Wounded returned to duty 55
Recruits received 181
No accurate account of the number of the wounded that have died from their wounds, or been discharged on account thereof has as yet been received by the Adjutant of the Regiment, and, therefore, all such of the rank and file have been included under the head of discharged for disability, and those of the wounded who are absent and unfit for duty are included among the absent sick.
The following officers of the regiment have been wounded in battle, namely:—Lieutenant Colonel Conner, Major Chapin, Adjutant Knox, Captains Larrabee, Nash, Van Derlip, Shaffer, Becker, Gibbs, McRoberts and Woodworth, Lieutenants Fox, Hardenburg, Kelley, Graves and Gaskill. Five officers were on detached service, three had resigned, and two had died before the first engagement.
In several battles not all of the regiment was engaged, a large number of soldiers having been left as camp guard.
From the 44th Regiment.
We are permitted to make the following extracts from a letter received by CHARLES R. JOHNSON, from GEORGE H. SPRY, of the 44th Regiment. We wish we had space to print the entire letter, but as it is must content ourselves with the following:
May 18, 1863.
Most of the two years and nine months men have already left the army. Every train that has passed towards Acqua Creek for the last two weeks has been loaded with discharged Regiments. I assure you they are all jolly over their home prospect.
George Pabodie was here last week. He will be home next month. He has been a good soldier and will come home with a clean record. Yesterday I was over to the 5th Excelsior, and saw Lieutenant Terry, and David Hetzel. Capt. R. A. Stanton is Ordnance Officer on the Staff of Gen. Graham, Commander of the 3d Division, 3d Corps. Stanton is a good soldier, and I am glad he is appreciated.
I presume you have read much of Hooker's late movements and are anxious to know how they are regarded in the army. My observation assures me that his plans and movements were admirable, and that but for certain events which no human being could foresee or avert, we should now be in Richmond. Every intelligent soldier in the Army of the Potomac admires
Gen. Hooker more than ever, for on the field he fully sustained his reputation as "Fighting Joe," and manifested that military skill and resource which should be expected of so grand an army. The battles which were fought across the Rappahannock were terribly desperate, and the enemy must have lost nearly twenty thousand in killed and wounded. I assure you Charley, the troops came off that blood-stained field feeling that they had whipped the enemy, and believing that our retrograde movement was expedient, and necessary to the future success of our arms. What army in the world, in the same length of time, ever did more or any better fighting than this army has done?
The Army of the Potomac has saved the Northern Border States from invasion, saved our Capitol, and given the "Home Guard," the pleasing assurance, that as yet the country is safe. The memorable battle-fields, almost within hearing distance of Washington, where bleach the bones of heroic soldiers should be sacred to the memory of the "Army of the Potomac," an army unequalled for its valor and discipline in the whole world. What though this war lasts ten years, should we be any the less certain of final victory? The spirits of our Revolutionary fathers, and of the illustrious dead of the campaign answer No! I want to see a certain class of people in Chenango County, who have been at their ease the last two years, double quicking with a knapsack on and going into a fight where they can taste of battle. There have been times heretofore when I felt blue, but those times are past. The prospects of the Government are encouraging, and already our national horizon brightens with the sunshine of foreshadowed victory. Tell the people of Norwich that "all is well" with our army. As I learn more of military, and more fully realize the necessities of our cause, I see how necessary it is that every man should stand firm by the Government, and crush every symptom of treason in the army, or at home. Everything looks cheering to me, and I am in earnest when I tell you that the army is in good spirits and has the utmost confidence in Gen. Hooker.
I send you a photograph of our flag, which has seen many hard fought battles. Its bullet holes and broken staff tell whether or not the 44th has done its duty. Yours ever,
From the 44th Regiment.
May 18th, 1863.
Mr. Editor. —I promised you a letter after the battle, if I did not get my head pushed off on the occasion, so I fulfill, and do so more willingly after reading the comments of the New York papers on this last great conflict. Never before have I seen such misrepresentations of any movement we have made. It seems to be a malicious attempt of reporters to vent their impotent rage upon Hooker, and Butterfield because they were kept from the usually cowardly enjoyment of seeing a terrific battle at a safe distance.
" You must keep this side of the river, Gentlemen, says Gen. Hooker to the sneaks. If you go over you must shoulder muskets, I'll have nothing but fighting man over there." This was a different business to any they had been accustomed to, yet they must send some report to the N. Y. papers, if they fabricated one, hence the infamous stories now afloat. Not wishing to take for soldiers more credit than truth will allow I wish the people of Oxford to have a correct version from one who was in all, and through all, from the 1st to the 6th of May, the first Division on the ground was ours. The simple gaining of the position unopposed by the enemy, which we held to the last at Chancellorville, the other side of the Rapidan, was a movement exhibiting more Generalship than has ever been displayed by any previous Generals of this army. It perfectly astounded the rebels, we dropped down in their midst so suddenly, it left doubtful the diection [sic] we came from. The river where we crossed was so desirably fitted by nature for a strong defence, it was estimated by the best judges, that had 5000 rebels opposed our crossing with thirty pieces of artillery, it would have been impossible for us to get over.
The old "44th" were on the lead that day, a mile ahead of the corps. We came to the river bank, on the other stood 20 rebel pickets, apparently lost in amazement our sudden appearance. Gen. Griffin came to the river, took one look at the frowning hill on the other side, turning around in his saddle said, "Forty-fourth, we must gain those hills with one Division, within an hour, or this river will run with blood. Every minute is worth the lives of 500 men. Will you lead?" "We will! we will!" shouted 300 strong voices. Taking off our cartridge boxes and rations, holding them high above our head in the left hand, our gun in our right, we plunged in. It was cold, and muddy, and rising fast from the rain of the day before, and wider than the Chenango at Oxford. We reached the opposite side safely, with our powder dry, taking a good position, stayed there that night. The next morning moved forward three miles and found we were in the vicinity of the entire Rebel army. Now came the manoevering, but three corps of ours, were then on the ground, that night the 2d and 3d Corps joined us, via of U. S. Ford. Friday in the forenoon our corps began to feel of the enemy, he seemed rather shy. In the afternoon, we had one short but severe collision. The 2d Division of our corps, (Gen. Sykes) suffered the most, the enemy had a good charge at him, with us, it was the other way, we lost few, and killed very many. Saturday we were assigned our position on the left centre, having time made a breast-work behind which we expected to stand, and if the rebels came give them a warm reception, about 4 P. M., were astonished by a discharge of musketry on our right, the like of which I never heard. Those heavy discharges from long lines at Antietam, and Malvern Hills, seemed but picket firing beside this. Cannon opened immediately, and with the musketry fairly shook the earth where we stood. In a few moments news came that the 11th corps had broke, and back they came upon us in the utmost confusion.—Our boys felt this state of things keenly, knowing too well what an advantage it gave the enemy. Conch's corps immediately filled the breach, being nearest we went on Conch's right, leaving our place since there was no probability of any fighting in the old quarter, collecting what they could of the scattered 11th it was nearly dark, but the real fighting of May 2d now began. Jackson's whole force, the flower of the rebel army were moving up, flushed with momentary success.—Hooker, rode down the lines, receive the enemy upon your bayonets, fire not a shot they cannot see you. We got down, in a moment they burst fro the woods, line after line, came steadily forward toward Berry's Division first to our left.—They thought there was nothing in the way, and an easy victory before them, but instantly a long dark line extending across the fields arose, presenting a glistening, they halted as quick as though shot in their track. In vain did their commanders urge them forward, they could not drive them on to the bayonets, they wavered for a moment, then the first line broke, at this we opened with musketry throughout the whole line, at the same time some 30 brass Napoleon guns 20 lbs. opened with canister, at the discharge of these pieces, so close were the enemy, that legs, arms, and huge pieces of bodies filled the air. They would totally demolish a line of battle at two or three discharges. They fell back in the wood and formed again, and then came forward as before, only again to be demolished. How many times this was done I cannot say, but as fast as the men could be got into line till midnight. The long sheets of fire from the infantry, the terrible flashes of the cannon, the bursting of shells, all together, made fireworks awfully grand, and cast Fourth of July operations into shade. When at last Jackson learned what he had to deal with, that it was impossible to break our lines he withdrew for the night. We laid down on our arms. As day broke Sunday morning the enemy came on. Deserters during the night, told us that Jackson had promised "to break our centre if it cost his life, and the lives of his entire army," and when line after line came out of the woods early in the morning, advancing across the fields steadily to the attack, it would seem to an observer, unused to such scenes, that no human power could withstand the onset. We were ready, and however determined Jackson might be, there was determination equally firm in our unwavering line, which stood with bayonets fixed for the foe. The scene which now ensued was similar to that of the night before, only the slaughter of the enemy was greater, if that was possible, although they hurled their entire force against two divisions for six hours, they never moved an inch, not a solitary inch from where we had set our line after the retreat of the 11th corps. At length they encumbered the ground, they could not move their lines over it. We lost heavily in two Divisions, of course we must in such fighting, but by the side of the enemies dead in front, piled up till nearly as high as the fences our loss was but a cypher. As they went down almost by battalions, I could hardly refrain from swinging my hat and crying out. "So much for Dec. 13th when they set us down so before Fredericksburg." The enemy left us, and went back on Sedgwick with their whole force and drove him from the height.—What then should keep us there? It would not do to drive Lee this side of the river, between us and Washington, there was nothing but to retire, as for being driven back by Lee's army, you may set this down that the whole population of the South, men, women, children, niggers and all, could not have driven us from that position.
The 17th N. Y. started for home to-day, you remember Capt. Tyrrell enlisting men in Oxford for that regiment, their time is out, we have been to see them off, for they belonged to our brigade. In kind regards,
Yours, J. E. B.
June 6, 1863.
To the Editor of the Springville Herald:
I herewith send you a photograph of the old flag of the FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, which has obtained some celebrity through the newspapers. The people of Springville have a heritage in this flag, for Springville valor has sustained it amid all the trying scenes through which it has passed, and its glory has been purchased with the blood of her noblest and truest sons. The names of MYERS, WALKER and HAMMOND should be cherished in lasting rembmbrance [sic] as long as valor and country are cherished among men. These young men yielded up their lives to vindicate the honor of this flag, and maintain the integrity of the Union; and their names should not be allowed to sink into oblivion. Deeds of valor and heroism should be regarded among the choicest treasures of a free people, and every town should see to it that the sacrifices and achievements of her Sons are not forgotten, but treasured up in grateful hearts, and transmitted as a priceless legacy to future generations.
Mr. Editor, will you put this photograph in a frame and hang it up in your office, and let it commemorate the heroic deeds of JEROME MYERS, who fought at Yorktown, Hanover and Gaines Hill, and who fell with his face to the foe on the bloody field of Malvern; and let it speak also of the indomitable courage and heroic endurance of EUGENE WALKER and HENRY Hammond, who followed its fortune all through the Peninsula campaign, and at last fell, amid gloom and defeat, on the sanguinary plains of Manassas. And if there be any among you who are praying and striving for an inglorious peace let this tattered banner appeal to what honor and manhood there is left in them, and say whether the blood of our martyred heroes shall have been shed in vain.
Let it be known that every man from the town of Concord in the Ellsworth Regiment, without an exception, has followed the fortunes of this ... without a murmur of discontent, and they are entitled to no insignificant share of its glory. There are but two of them left with us now, SPAULDING and STEARNS, tried veterans, than whom none braver or truer ever carried a musket.
The health of the army, so far as I am able to learn, is excellent, and their spirits undaunted, not over anxious, but always ready for a fight.
Yours for the war,
44th N. Y. V.
The Dunkirk Union.
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 5, 1863.
From the 44th Regiment.
We are permitted to make the following extracts from a late letter written by a member of Co. A, 44th Regiment, who was in the battle of Gettysburg.
July, 8th, 1863.
We came into this town this morning, having had a very hard march in the mud and rain. Most of the army is encamped near here. We are within eight miles of the old Antietam battle ground. It is now 3 P. M. Whether we shall move before morning, I cannot tell. We have just received news of the fall of Vicksburg. This morning we received another mail, I got for my share six letters and about as many papers. I assure you, I was glad to hear form home. I have read each letter over a half dozen times. The latest was June 30th. This is the second mail we have had since we left the Rapahannock [sic]. I wrote you immediately after the battle of Gettysburg. This campaign has been a hard one so far, but I stand it first rate. The day before the battle, we marched from 8 o'clock in the morning until 12 at night, moved again at 3 in the morning, (July 2d,) marched four miles to the battle field, maneuvered around until 4 P. M., when the rebels advanced, and from that time until dark we had hot work. Our corps was on the left of the centre, where the rebel Longstreet tried to break through and turn our lines. Our brigade lay on the side hill. It was covered with large stones. We threw up a small breastwork to protect us. I was where I could see nearly one-half of the field. At our right there were several battle fields. I could see the two armies advance. The lines would sway to and fro. The second and third corps were in these fields. The rebels drove our men across these fields twice; our men would fall back, reform, and then advance again. The second time our boys advanced, they held the field.—Firing ceased about 8 P. M. and then we went to work, caring for our wounded.—Our regiment lost very heavy; 111 out of 300. Our company lost more than any other company in the regiment, 22 out of 40, had 5 killed. Each company cared for their wounded. Knowlton, from Forestville, was badly wounded in the knee. I helped carry him off from the field. The last I heard from him, he was doing well. Both of my tent mates were wounded.—After we had carried our wounded of from the field, we then buried our dead. Three boys from our company together with myself, carried four of our dead comrades back. It seemed hard, I tell you. They had stood right beside us, in the ranks all through everything until now.
About 11 o'clock that night, our company went down to the front on picket.—Our lines were in the woods from where the rebels had advanced upon us. Their dead and wounded lay in every direction, the wounded were calling for water. Not 12 feet from my post, lay three wounded, and two dead rebels. One of the wounded died while I was on my post. I done all I could do for him, gave him some water from my canteen. The other two I made as comfortable as I could, wet their wounds, and covered them up with a blanket. They were not very badly wounded, having been shot in their legs, so that they could not walk. I had a long talk with them. They told me that they belonged to the Texas brigade, Hood's division, Longstreet's corps, and that they had never been repulsed before. They were large and noble looking men. They were the same brigade that advanced upon us at Gaines Mills, on the Chickahominy, one year ago. After a while one of them fell asleep. I tell you, that was the most lonesome picket duty I ever did. I got from the one that died while I was on my post, a body belt and a spoon with his name marked on it. I shall try and send them home.
The next day, (the 3d,) there was the heaviest cannonading I ever heard. There was but little infantry fighting. On the morning of the 4th I went over the battle field, and such sights I never saw before and never wish to again. In places our dead and theirs lay side by side. Dear artillery horses and broken artillery, lay in every direction. I n one place I saw six artillery horses, all harnessed and hitched to a timber. They had all been killed by a shell, and lay in their harness just where they stood. Our loss must be very heavy.
The battle of Gettysburg belongs to the rank and file of the Army of the Potomac. The battle was not won by any superior handling of the troops, after our lines were once formed, they stood so. It was by the stubborn bravery of the men that the battle was won for us. I never saw the troops behave better. There was no skedadling to the rear; every men done his duty, and when our men did fall back, it was done in order. On the morning of the 5th our brigade advanced over the field, but found no enemy. The six corps was ordered forward, and we joined our division and moved in this direction. Last night we encamped near Emmettsburg. Gen. Sykes commands our corps, (the 5th,) Gen. Griffin our division, (the 1st,) and our Colonel (Rice) our brigade.
Col. Vincent who has commanded our brigade for the past three months was badly wounded at Gettysburg. I have heard since that he was dead. We have three divisions in our corps: The 1st, ours; the 2d, a division of regulars; and the 3d, the Pennsylvania corps, that Gen. Meade used to command. I must be closing, as it is nearly time for me to be getting my supper. I shall have fresh beef, hard bread and coffee for my supper.
Write often, Good-bye, HENRY.
BANKS' FORD, VA., June 1st, '63.
Mr. EDITOR:—You can scarcely realize with what eagerness, pleasure and pride the soldier's eye, as it glances over the newspapers of the day, rests upon those paragraphs in which his own native state, county or town, is favorably compared with those of other parts of the Union. With how much joy have I seen the names of those in New York State, in the city of Buffalo and the county of Erie, appropriate the most liberal sums contributed to the Missionary cause, the Christian and Sanitary Commissions. With how much pleasure do I recollect that the Empire State has sent out a great volunteer army of herself! With how much interest have I perused accounts of the reception given the 21st Regiment at Buffalo. Those were noble speeches, and that was splendid poetry. How sweet those words must have been to the ears of those for whom they were intended. Those who do such things as encourage and cheer the right, are richly repaid by their own proud consciousness of doing well, and the hope of having, at the close of their career, the applaudit "well done." But what shall I say of that class of persons who have nothing cheerful to say, nothing need ul [sic] to give—no hope for the success of our arms and cause, but who do believe the Union cannot be restored, and hence go in "for a vigorous prosecution of peace;" who think that soldiers are meaner men than "stay-at-homes," and hence have no right to vote; who believe that the whole army is so demoralized as to be, or hope to be, "pensioned upon the treasury," as though the loss of limbs and life could be paid in dollars and cents.
For shame on the man, citizen or soldier who being in arms will not bear them faithfully to the end, that his opposer may beware of him forever after. For shame on the man whose Almighty is no bigger than a dollar or a nigger; who cannot see that in this contest are involved the principles which shall determine not merely the condition and character of the whites and the blacks, but of the rich and the poor of all nations, and that too, for all time to come.
Yours truly,
On the Battle Field, near Gettysburg, Pa., July 4th, 1863.
Editors of Buffalo Morning Express—Gentlemen:
Knowing that a brief account of our summer campaign (thus far) would be interesting to most of your readers, I send you this. Our regiment broke up camp near Falmouth, Va., May 28th, and moved up the Rappahannock, to Banks' Ford, where we did picket duty seven days. We then moved to Kemper's Ford, halting at Crittenden's Mills a day or two, and doing picket duty on our front and rear.
On the 13th of June we left Kemper's Ford and moved to Morrisville, where we joined out corps, and thence, via Catlett's and Bristow's Stations, to Manassas Junction. On the 17th we moved across Bull Run, passed to the north of Centreville, and halted at Gum Springs, having marched 21 miles during one of the hottest days of the season. Thence, on the 19th, to Aldie Gap. Here, after resting a day, we moved to Middleburg, supporting Pleasanton's cavalry and driving Stuart from his position; across Loudon Valley to Ashby's Gap, our brigade being actively engaged skirmishing the whole distance. Our regiment lost but two men. Returned to Aldie the next day. Left Aldie on the 28th, passed through Leesburg, crossed the Potomac at Edward's Ferry and halted near Poolesville, Md. Thence, next day, to Frederick. Left Frederick on the 29th and moved to Liberty. June 30th, marched to Union Mills, via Johnsville, Union Bridge, Union Town, Frizleburg and Devilbiss's Mills. Started about noon July 1st, halted at Hanover, Pa., took a hasty cup of coffee and resumed our march, moving towards Gettysburg, (our advance being already engaged). The people turned out en masse, cheering us on and offering food and water. After marching nearly all night we arrived on the field of action and took position (July 2d, 3 P. M.,) on a rocky knoll, our corps being the extreme left on our line. The enemy made desperate efforts to dislodge us, but were repulsed with fearful loss, leaving us in possession of the field and of many prisoners and small arms. Our regiment lost 111 killed and wounded. Co. A, out of 40 men, lost 4 killed, 10 seriously and 8 slightly wounded. Yesterday we changed position, and, being in reserve, were not engaged. To-day it is evident that we have driven the enemy. Everything looks favorable.
Killed—Corporal Joseph Kraft, privates Chester Smith, John Zook, John Simons.
Wounded—Sergt. James B. Storm, wrist; Sergt. Allen J. Hurd, neck, badly; Corp. Wm. G. Cunningham, head and arm; Corp. Henry C. Kendall, eye, slight; privates, Robt. C. Burns, thigh; Ferdinand Bennett, back; Louis Ferrand, face; John Steele, thigh; Henry Brehle, slight; Joseph Hannagan, leg; Thomas Hunt, leg, (since amputated and is doing well); Jacob Wagner, slight; William Day, slight; Sherwood A. Cheeseman, slight, in foot; Sergt. E. L. Harris, privates Geo. D. Conger, Henry White, (the last three very slight, not disabled for active duty.
After the engagement every man of my Company secured and brought a rebel musket from the field.
B. K. KIMBERLY, Capt. Co. A, 44th N. Y. V.
The following letter was handed us the other day by a friend and admirer of Lieut. E. L. Dunham, saying that the Lieutenant's father had cheerfully consented to its publication in the Republican, should its editor think proper to admit it. Lieutenant Dunham, our readers will recollect, went to the wars in the Peoples' Ellsworth Regiment, being appointed from Hamilton as her chosen soldier,—who, with one from every other town in the State—united to form a Regiment, in every soldierly requirement, superior to any that had been sent from the Empire State. Among the honored members of this gallant Regiment Lieut. Dunham early, took high rank, as his rapid promotion from a Sergeant's post to a Lieutenant's Commission, fully shows. Believing a perusal of the letter would be a pleasure to the Lieutenant's many friends, we accordingly publish it:
Camp of 44th Regt., near Emmetsburg
Pa., July 6th, 1863.
DEAR Sir:—Not knowing as you have learned the painful particulars of the late battle of Gettysburg, it seems a painful duty devolving upon me to inform you of your great loss, and of the deep gloom, and sadness, hanging over us as a regiment. Lieut. E. L. Dunham, Co. D., 44th Regt., was killed suddenly on Thursday evening, July 2d, at 6 o'clock, while nobly and gallantly urging his men on to duty. He was struck by a minnie ball under the right eye, and killed instantly. I suppose you, to be his father. On leaving camp he gave me your address, and told me I might have to tell you of his death—and dear sir, so it has proved.
Sad is the duty, yet I feel that you would thank me for the few particulars I can write you, and the deep, deep interest I have taken in such a noble man. He fell in our hands, and all his effects are safely in our possession, and when an opportunity is afforded us, will forward them to you, if you will give us the directions.
The dear fellow is respectfully buried in his blanket and Poncho, and his burial place plainly marked. Capt. Larrabee, of Co. B, lies by his side. His body fell into the hands of the enemy, and was rifled of everything—many articles of value—$90 in money, &c. He. was not found until the next day.
As we passed the grave of my loved friend, on our way to this place, I came ahead of the Regt. and halted a few minutes to look upon the spot. Freely did the tears course down my cheeks, to think that poor Dunham was never more to be with us; that his well loved form made to lie low by the hand of some cursed traitor.
For your information and my own satisfaction, I called at the house near by, and found the general directions as to the vicinity, when in some future time you may recover his remains. He lies in the corner of a fence joining the garden fence; property, owned by Leonard Brickest, two and one half miles from Gettysburg. Inclosed [sic] is a leaf of a peach tree under which his body rests.
Although my rank is nothing, yet I have always been his equal in appearance, and many a happy hour has been passed in his society. I have for a long time been clerking for the Quarter Master, and have given to and received many favors from him. He was highly appreciated by his Company, and all officers, particularly by the Colonel. Lieut. Grannis with myself, tender to you our heartfelt sympathy, at your great bereavement, but be assured, he fell in a noble cause, and God has called him home. Sad and lonely without our friends, we cannot but weep with you.
I am, respectfully, your o'b't serv't,
THE 44TII (ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—Captain E. S. Johnson, of Schodack, has received a letter from his son, Lieut. Seth Johnson, of the gallant 44th Regiment, in which it is stated that the regiment had the extreme advance in the crossing of the army to attack the Rebels.
AIR: Annie Lisle. — By A. L. HUDSON.
Down where the patriot army,
Near Potomac's side,
Guards the glorious cause of Freedom,
Gallant Ellsworth died.
Brave was the noble Chieftain,
At his country's call,
Hastened to the field of battle,
And was first to fall!
Chorus: Strike, Freemen, for the Union,
Sheath your swords no more,
While remains in arms a traitor.
On Columbia's shore!
Entering the traitor city,
With his soldiers true,
Leading up the Zouave columns,
Fixed became his view:
See: that rebel flag is floating
O'er yon building tall,
Spoke he, while his dark eye glistened:
Boys, that flag must fall! Chorus.
Quickly, from its proud position,
That base flag was torn,
Trampled 'neath the feet of Freemen,
Circling Ellsworth's form.
See him bear it down the landing,
Past the Traitor's door:
Hear him groan: Oh! God! they've shot him!
Ellsworth is no more! Chorus.
First to fall, thou youthful martyr!
Hapless was thy fate!
Hastened we, as thy avengers,
From thy native State;
Speed we on, from town and city,
Not for wealth or fame;
But because we love the Union,
And our Ellsworth's name! Chorus.
Traitor's hands shall never sunder
That for which you died!
Hear the oath our lips now utter,
Those out Nation's pride:
By our hopes of you, bright Heaven!
By the Land we love!
By the God who reigns above us!
We'll avenge thy blood!. Chorus.
H. De MARSAN, Publisher,
54 Chatham Street, New-York.
Middletown, Md., July 10, 1863.
I take this opportunity to write a few lines to you, and ask to be excused for not writing before, as we have been on the march for about forty days. We do not have much time to write.—We have had another hard fight since I last wrote to you, and I think it was the hardest fight that was ever known on this continent. I passed through the hottest fire of bullets and shells for four hours, but came out unscratched. We won the greatest victory of the war. It was a clear Union victory.—The enemy left their killed and wounded in our hands, but yet they tried to deceive us as to their loss by burying their dear in very deep holes. They dug holes 5 to 6 feet wide and 12 to 14 in depth and threw from 50 to 100 bodies in each hole.
Our little brigade did some of the hardest fighting of the day. Our loss was very heavy but we killed, wounded and took more prisoners than there was men in our brigade at the time of going into action. We lost no prisoners. The brigade lost about 350 killed and wounded. Our Regiment lost 25 killed and 84 wounded.
Where the Rebels are now I cannot tell, but I think our Generals know.—I think we are following them up as close as is comfortable for them. Our men are constantly picking up prisoners. The talk is here that the Rebels cannot get across the river, and if so, they will have to give us another fight, which, in my estimation, will nearly if not quite destroy their army.
We were looking for the militia to do something, but we have not heard a word from them. It seems that the old army of the Potomac did the whole work at Gettysburg, and fought greatly superior numbers. What is this militia for? To look at. Our old Regiment, with decimated ranks go in and fight with the desperation of demons. And there our little army of 70,000 veterans fighting against 130,000 drilled troops. The onslaught was terrible.
The Rebels hurled their troops, massed only to be repulsed, but they would rally and come again; and while we were thus pressed by greatly superior numbers, our militia were laying back in safety.
Were they tired and weary from long marches? If so, how must it have been with the Army of the Potomac, after a forced march of over 150 miles, to defend not only our homes, but the home of every man in the North from invasion. And yet, is there Indignation Meetings held, as I see by our Goshen papers, over the arrest of a deserter? Are those loyal men? If so, I do not understand the meaning of loyal. Such men are not fit to be citizens of any Republic. But I must bring my letter to a close for our bugle is sounding for us to strike our tents and pack up, and we shall be on the march again in an hour. I would write more if I had time. I remain as ever,
Army Correspondence.
Near Wheatland, Loudon Co., Va.,
8 miles South of the Potomac,
July 18, 1863.
Friend Crocker:--Agreeable to promise I write. I reached my Regt. Safely on the 17th, having been delayed by the break in Washington Branch R. R., caused by the late freshets. I found that the 44th had suffered much more severely in the recent battle than I had heard. One Captain and one Lieutenant killed in action, two Captains and several minor officers wounded. We lost in all over 100 in killed and wounded.
So far as I have heard, all speak highly of Gen. Meade. Considerable disappointment was expressed in not having another opportunity of a contest with the invading Rebels ere they escaped across the Potomac. But having rested a little the army is eager to follow and give battle to the fleeing enemy as soon as opportunity presents, We are as you see once more upon the "sacred soil," having crossed the river yesterday, and having the "inside track" Gen. Lee will have to "double quick" it, or give battle soon on ground of our own selection.
Immediately on rejoining my Regt. I was detached to take charge of a Regt. in our brigade, and consequently I am Acting Surgeon of the 16th Michigan Vols. More anon.
KILLED, WOUNDED AND MISSING IN THE FQRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.—By a letter from Captain Charles W. Gibbs, we obtain the following list of the killed, wounded and missing in the 44th (Ellsworth) Regiment, in the recent battle:
Co. A—Killed—Corporal Joseph Kraft, Privates Chester Smith, John Look, John Simons. Wounded—Sergeants Allen, J. Hard, E. L. Harris, James Storms, Corporals William G. Cunningham, Henry C. Kendall, Privates Julian Knowlton, Jacob Wagoner, Henry White, Robert B. Burnes, Henry Brail, William Day, Ferdinand Bennett, Lewis Ferrard, Thomas Hurst, John Steele, George G. Conger, Sherwood Cheeseman.
Co. B—KIlled—Captain Lucien S. Larrabee. Private Peter Burs. Wounded—Sergeant Isaac B. Blackman, Corporal Hugh Gallagher, Privates E. Eastbrooks, Wm. R. Howland, Jerry Scott, Thomas Griffiths, Richard Ganley,—Missing—Corporal Joel T. Brooks, Privates Peter Sheffer, John Doring. Co. C—Killed—Corporal Richard McElligott, Private Francis M. Griswold. Wounded—Captain Bennett Munger, Sergeant Geo. W. Hobert, Privates James Dausenbury, H. Houghton, R. C. Philips, M. F. Braham, Wm. W. Smith, Wm. N. Norris.
Co. D—Killed—Sergeants E. L. Dunham, S. S. Skinner, Private Daniel Casey. Wounded—Corporal John E. Bamby, Privates Wm. G. Beach, John Butler, Joel Hays, Henry L. Todd, Jas. White, Alonzo Shepherd.
Co. E—Killed—Privates Scott Munson, George B.Wolcott, Leander Burnham. Wounded—Sergeant Charles E. Sprague, Corporals Thompson Barrack, Helm Thompson, Privates Delos Thompson, Benjamin Thompson, Eliot Traver, Andrew J. Chaffe, Aaron Esmay.
Co. F—Killed—James McGee, David Nash, Francis G. Leroy. Wounded—Sergeant Charles H. Zeilman, Sergeant John Downing, Privates Junius Mallery, Henry E. Stevens, Jacob Rauscher, Richard A. Carey.
Co. G—Killed—1st Sergeant Edgar A. Merchant, Corporal Jesse White, Private Webster S. Dugan. Wounded—Sergeant F. B. Schutt, Corporal H. D. Wigg, Privates P. Hallenbeck, Enoch H. Lee, M. D. Ingersol, A. G. Sesford.
Co. H—Killed—Wm. I. Goodman. Wounded—Corporal W. L. Maxmon, Charles H. Blair and John H. Brackett, Privates John H. Schermerhorn, Samuel Risley, Wm. I. Goodrich, Edwin Ells, Willis Morse.
Co. I—Killed—Privates John M. Jones, Theodore A. Byrne. Wounded—Captain Charles F. Ballou, Privates Charles H. Carpenter, Seth T. Coles, Wm. Ekerson, John Wagoner.
Co. K—Killed—Cornelius Story, John Lanty. Wounded—Captain W. R. Bourne, Lieutenant B. N. Thomas, mortally, Corporal I. H. Rake, Privates George Green, Albert Reed. Missing—Privates John Groot, W. Lawrence, Anthony Baker, John Muskin.
The Recent Wounded of the 44th.
50 and 52 Howard street, New York city,
July 24, 1863.
Editors Evening Journal, Albany:
Sirs—Enclosed I send you a list of names of some of the wounded of the 44th New York State Volunteers, in hospital at Gettysburg; also, a memorandum of the lists on file here of patients in some of the different hospitals on the battle field.
If you will please publish we will give any information in our power. Communications should be addressed to D. S. LEVIEN, Corresponding
Secretary, &c.
Yours, very respectfully,
S. B. HUESTED, Ass't Sup't.
We have three couriers making their trips between here and Gettysburg, by whom in formation may be obtained or forwarded:—
Lewis F. Ferram, Co. A, face.
Wm. Lawrence, Co. K, eye.
Joel Hay, Co. D, hip.
Edgar Merchant, Co. G, chest.
Geo. Green, Co. K, elbow.
Thomas Hunt, Co. A, leg.
Albert Trevor, Co. E, leg.
Wm. R. Howland, Co. B, thigh.
Chas. H. Carpenter, Co. I, breast.
Peter Hollenbeck, Co. G, foot.
Richard Gandly, Co. B, leg.
Geo. H. Lutphen, Co. K, arm.
John Brackett, Co. H, shoulder.
J. B. Blackman, Co. B, hand.
Alonzo Shepard, Co. D, hand.
Charles H. Blair, Co. H, head.
John Butler, Co, B, head.
Justan Bennett, Co. A, back.
Julian Rowlton, Co. A, knee.
John Thompson, Co. F, neck and face.
Francis Madden, Co. H, neck and face.
George W. Hobart, Co. C, face.
James Daucenburg, Co. C, arm.
Richard C. Phillips, Co. C, breast and arm.
J. B. Schutt, Co. G, arm and hand.
A. H. Esmay, Co. E, arm.
1st Lieut. Charles H. Zeilman, Co. F, chest,
Capt. Wm. R. Bourn, Co. K, groin.
2d Lieut. Benj. L. Thomas, Co. K, groin.
Capt. B. Manger, Co. C, groin.
S. Cheeseman, Co. A, foot.
Wm. Eckerson, Co. I, scalp.
Delvis Thompson, Co. E, jaw.
W. C. Beach, Co. D, shoulder.
A. J. Schaffag, Co. C, legs.
Joseph Harnegan, Co. A, leg.
Robert Burnes, Co. A, thigh.
Wm. M. Morris, Co. A, knee.
Wm. W. Smith, Co. C, shoulder.
Henry C. Kendle, Co. A, eye.
Jas. E. Bumsby, Co. D, thigh.
Henry L. Todd, Co. D, hand.
Enoch H. Lee, Co. G, foot.
Allen J. Herd, Co. A. neck and breast.
John Steel, Co. A, thigh.
Henry E. Stephens, Co. F, arm.
Jeremiah Scott, Co. B, shoulder.
W. H. Goodrich, Co. H, shoulder.
Martin Ingersol, Co. C, hand.
W. Morse, Co. H, head.
Marion F. Graham, Co. C, abdomen.
Hugh Gallagher, Co. B, shoulder.
Jos. B. Lane, Co. K, arm.
Jos. Larking, Co. K, leg.
Henry Crawford, Co. E, neck.
Jacob Wagner, Co. A, arm.
Wm. Cunningham, Co. A, shoulder.
Chas. E. Sprague. Co. E, shoulder.
E. Easterbrooks, Co. B, leg.
Chas. F. Ballou, Co. I, groin.
John Brown, Co. F, arm.
W. S. Lawrence, Co. K, eye.
List of officers at Baltimore on way home and in Hospital.
Officer 3d Army Corps at Gettysburg.
List of wounded in the following Hospitals, and names of Surgeons in charge:—
1st Army Corps—1st, 2d and 3d Divisions.
3d Army Corps—1st and 2d Divisions.
5th Army Corps—1st and 3d Divisions (Pennsylvania Reserves.)
Cavalry Corps Hospital.
A Trip into Rebeldom.
PETER SCHAFFER, of the 44th N. Y. V., from this village, who was reported as missing after the battle of Gettysburg, finally turns up at Annapolis, Md., whence he writes under date of August 4th, to friends here who permit us to extract as follows:—
" The 44lh reached Hanover on the 1st day of July. We then marched all night and arrived at Gettysburg the next day.—They let us rest about three hours and then we went into the fight. This was about four o'clock and I was taken prisoner about half past five. Company B was out skirmishing and when I was taken the rebels flanked us and got in the rear of us.
The rebels kept us until the 5th of July and then started us for Stanton, a distance of 190 miles. This was indeed a hard and most tedious journey, abounding in incidents and privations which I have not time to relate now. They gave us a pint of flour and a half pound of fresh meat for three days' rations. I verily came "within one" of starving to death. We went from Stanton to Richmond in the cars 130 miles—reached Richmond on the 22d of July. We were there put on Bell Island and received a pint of bean-soup and a small piece of bread at night—the soup would sometimes have as many as nine or ten beans in it. In the morning we would get a small piece of bread. I never was so hungry before in my life; I thought of your well-filled table a good many times while I was a prisoner.
On the first day of August we started for City Point. After we got aboard the vessel we found plenty to eat. We arrived at this place (Annapolis) yesterday, the 3d, having been paroled.
William Nelson Norris.
A son of JOSHUA and SAMANTHA NORRIS, of Barrington, in this county, died in hospital at Gettysburg, Pa., July 22d, 1863, from the effects of wounds received in the battle at that place.
NELSON, as he was familiarly called, was a retired, sedate and peaceable young man, and was but little known out of the domestic circle in which he moved. In 1862, he was induced to enlist, at the call of the President, and enrolled his name among the defenders of his country's rights in a company of men raised in this county under command of Capt. Munger, of Penn Yan. This company was subsequently attached to the 44th Regiment, N. Y. V. and were soon sent to Virginia. Here NELSON remained and participated in the action at Fredericksburg under Burnside. During a part of the winter following he was confined to the Hospital by sickness. He recovered however, in time to bear his share of duty in the action of the army of Potomac under Hooker, and then marched with Meade to Pennsylvania, and took part in the action of Gettysburg. Here he was shot through the leg on the 2d of July, and subsequently suffered amputation above the knee of his right leg. Under date of July 14th, he wrote to his mother, acquainting her with his situation and seems to have been cheerful. On the 16th, he wrote again, saying, "he was in good spirits, had good attendance, and was doing well." Time rolled on with no tidings, finally a letter was received by the anxious ones at home, dated Philadelphia, July 28th, from Mr. GEORGE BRINGHURST, who had been his nurse, conveying the melancholy intelligence that NELSON had died on the 22d inst., in peaceful resignation to his lot, and did not regret his fate.
His comrades in the army, we learn by a letter to us, received news of his demise with sorrowful feelings. He had endeared himself to them. His officers give him the reputation of a good, faithful, and trusty soldier. Here is another life offered up on the altar of human rights. His age was 27 years. He was unmarried, but leaves a large circle of relatives in this region to mourn the sad cause which called him from his home and consigned him to the time honored grave of a soldier.
He rests in peace, and his humble name will be handed to posterity as one of the martyrs who fell a victim to the horrid and unnecessary war which has been forced upon this once happy country, by a rascally set of blacklegging, thieving politicians, who have been the cause of all the unnecessary bloodshed and sorrow which has spread so much gloom over the land. But these young men have died in a good cause. Let us cherish their memory.
NORMAN OTTTMAN IS DEAD:—We do not feel like writing a merited obituary. Our heart is too sad. He was an old school mate, a personal friend of many years, a pious, and ("one of the noblest works of God") an honest man. We loved him as a brother. As a School-Teacher; as a citizen; as a friend:—as a husband and as a father, he had no superiors in his town. He was beloved by all,—mourned by all. He was worthy of their love and is entitled to their tears to wet the sod that lies upon his bosom. He died a noble death—in the service of his country; in the 44th N. Y. S. V. at the battle of Fredericksburgh [sic] he recd. His death wound—a ball in the head.
Let us plant flowers upon his grave and water them with our tears. And may the Widow and the orphan who have given up their dearest treasure for the salvation of their country, be properly cherished by the friends of our country.
From the 44th Regiment.
We are permitted to take the following from a letter from one of the brave boys who "still live" under the banner of the glorious 44th Regiment:
Camp near Warrenton, Va.,
Tuesday, July 28, 1863.
When the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps crossed the Pennsylvania line the troops were halted and eloquently addressed by some patriotic speaker, and that night I passed them on the road to Hanover and they were all singing or whistling. At Getteysburgh [sic] many of the Pennsylvania troops fought on their own farms—in sight of their father's houses; some fell there—their blood mingling with soil which they had tilled in their youth. One boy fifteen years old, from near Gettysburgh [sic], went into the fight with his target rifle and fought until he was killed. Such heroism put to shame the cowardly conduct of men, who at home are evading or resisting the draft.
Now, when our successes foreshadow immediate peace honorably made, every man should stand firm by the Government and, if needs be, come down and share with our country's defenders their perils and privations and their immortal honor. The riots in New York City and State, are a disgrace which yet will be remembered with burning shame. Blank cartridges should have used after bullets, grape and canister had done their work and taught the rioters their just punishment and shown the danger of resisting the law. I hope that henceforth the draft will meet with no opposition, but if it does I wish that the 44th might be summoned to enforce it. I know how well it would do its duty. It would use no blank cartridges. Every regiment in the army is anxious to see some of the illustrious "home-guards" in the field, and every one of them would rejoice at the chance of quelling the riots at home and enforcing the conscription law at the point of the bayonet.
I believe, however, that after a few timely and lessons to the conscript opposers there will be no difficulty, and that soon our decimated regiments may be filled to their maximum number and our foreshadowed victories hastened, so the "olive branch" will supercede [sic] the sword, and the glorious "Stars and Stripes" BRIGHTER, PURER and PROUDER than ever continue to float
"O'er the land of the free
And the home of the brave."
God is on our side and sooner or later we shall triumph.
I learned with pain of the death of Col. E. B. Smith. Our County begins to feel its loss in its heroes who have honorably fallen. May their memory and good deeds be so cherished by the people of Chenango that the prestige she has already won shall not be lost by any disgraceful resistance of the draft or any cessation of her laudable support of soldiers now representing her in the field.
There are but few Norwich boys left in the 44th. Billy Lamb is in Fairfax Seminary Hospital, at Alexandria. Henry Dickson is in the Invalid Corps. Bill Lane is at Annapolis in the Dispensary. Henry Todd was wounded at
Gettysburgh[sic]—not dangerously—and is in some hospital, I know not what one. Gideon Evans, P. S. Frink, Jeff. Carr, George, James and my self still flourish. Everything looks more encouraging than ever before since the commencement of the war. Already the curtain of peace has commenced dropping on this scene of carnage and its golden fingers shine brighter than ever. In the army we feel joyous and sanguine of the speedy termination of the war, for we see ultimate victory close at hand. The rebellion is in its death throes and soon its epitaph will be written in letters of blood amongst the records of nations' crimes and follies.
I should be glad to hear from you often, though I know my letters hardly interest you or recompense you for your time and trouble.
G. H. S.
P. S. I saw Van Crain, James Emmonds, James Sheran, John Hopkins and several other Chenango boys in the 8th N. Y. Cavalry, a few days ago. They were well. * * The 44th lost 111 in killed and wounded, at Gettysburgh [sic]. Twenty-five, including Capt. Larrabee of Company B and Lieut. Dunham of Company D, were killed on the field. Lieut. Thomas of Company K and several men of the regiment have since died of their wounds. Our Company also lost one sergeant and one private. John Doing, of Plymouth, member of Company B, was killed; Todd, of Norwich, Barnaby and White, of Guilford, and William Beech, of Earlville, were slightly wounded.
G. H. S.
From the 44th.
August 15th, 1863.
Friend Stebbins:—
At length the Army of the Potomac appears to have settled down for a season of rest. For an entire week we have been permitted to remain in one camp. We have been so constantly on the move for two months past, that it seems odd enough to be quiet even for that length of time. It does not come unacceptably, however. Although in good spirits and willing to continue marching, we were nearly worn out. Our sleek and fleshy bodies and limbs of last spring had become lank and lean. Perhaps we had developed a larger quantity of muscle, but the fat had somehow disappeared. Bread may be the staff of life, but when it comes in the shape of hard tack for a couple of months or so, the staff may possibly begin to fail of doing what is required. We are now drawing soft bread and otherwise, full rations. The effect is almost marvelous. The wearisome, careworn look is succeeded by cheerful, gladsome smiles, and we are becoming like ourselves again. By the time our reinforcements arrive, the Army will be ready to commence another campaign with all the vigor and energy needful to make it a successful one. The glorious news from the South and South-west, not only gladdens our hearts, but makes us more anxious, if possible, to do something that will make us not ashamed of the Army of the Potomac." I believe the Army was never as ready and anxious to be at work against the enemy as now.—Somehow, we have got the idea that when the Army under Lee is conquered, the war will soon be over. That we consider our mission and are confident of accomplishing it. But while we expect to see the Rebel Army beaten, we do not expect to see it done by our Army, now in the field, alone. The conscripts are looked for anxiously, and woe be unto that man or that party that strives to hinder the draft. To us, it is a matter of the deepest interest. For months, and for many of us, I might say years, we have endured sufferings and privations: we have toiled and marched under the scorching sun or the falling rain, midst the suffocating dust or through mud and mire, have passed the chilly nights with the heavens for our covering, and mayhap standing the weary hours in the trenches or on picket, have faced death from shot and shell on the battle field, have seen our friends and companions fall by our side and have laid them in their gory graves; we have done this till our numbers are thinned and our armies decimated. And now when we find ourselves just ready to reap the rewards of our labor, and call for help to aid us in doing it, is it a wonder, that when we see bold copperheads and sneeking party politicians uniting against our call, is it a wonder I say, that our feelings are aroused and that we swear vengeance for it. A day of reckoning and retribution will surely come. We shall cease to be soldiers by and by, and as citizens no veto can deprive us of voting. Could some of the secessionists of the North, either copperheads or snakes, have been in our camps when we heard of the New York riots, their dastardly hearts would have failed them at the threats they would have heard. The general wish of every one was that their regiment had been there. No blank cartridges would have been used. We have learned the utility of hard bullets and the bayonet. One thing is certain, however "Unpopular" the draft may be in the North; it is very popular here and whoever opposes it may be certain of the lasting opposition of the soldier. I fancy our vote may possibly turn the scale in the balance between the political parties in the next Presidential election. Let politicians take heed and beware.
We are now encamped at Beverly's Ford on the Rappahannock, three miles above the crossing of the Orange and Alexandsia [sic] Rail Road. Our pickets are along the bank of the river. Occasionally a scouting party crosses and moves out towards Culpepper, but do not find the enemy in force. Everything is as quiet as at Falmouth last winter or at Hall's Hill the winter before. We have a pleasant camping ground, plenty of excellent water, and, on the whole, think we shall be able to pass the time pleasantly till the fall campaign commences.
Truly yours, M. H. B.
Near BEALTON, Va., Aug. 15, 1863.
FRIEND E.—This has been rather an eventful day in the 3rd Brigade—cause why, we have drawn soft bread, truly in our quiet, domestic lives, an event of interest. Think of it, ye dwellers in houses, and partakers of the "fat of the land," so small a thing as a loaf of dry bread causes the mouths of an army to water and their hearts to overflow with thankfulness. It is also rumored that we are each to receive a piece of dried apple—but that is too good to believe.
During the campaign just closed, it required much hard work to eke out our scanty supply of rations, and several times we went to bed supperless. To our shame, be it said, that out anxiety to bag the Rebel army was equally divided with our fears, that the "supply train" would fail to come up "on time"—and we thereby "lose our bacon." We scoured the Blue Ridge mountains, in Manasas [sic] Gap, with empty haversacks; and climbed mountains, such as we had never before encountered, with nothing to sustain us but the justice of our cause. We find ourselves once more near the Rappahannock, a name that is identified with many stirring and saddening experiences of the Army of the Potomac. The cavalry had quite a spicy time across the river yesterday—with what success I know not. Stuart's troopers are of a more re-__ring disposition, since our bold riders have proved their valor on so many fields.
The victory at Gettysburg, although a grand one, cost us many a noble fellow, among whom our gallant friend Capt. Baldwin, it seems, is numbered! I had hoped he was only a prisoner. He was truly a splendid fellow, his fine qualities of head and heart could not fail to endear him to all with whom he came in contact. As a soldier he was gallant, brave and true; but it was in the relations of friend and companion that his loss will most be felt. Having gone through several campaigns in Virginia and one in Maryland, and escaped uninjured, he at last met a soldier's fate in the fertile valley, and on the free soil of Pennsylvania. He fell in the very front, contesting his position against overwhelming numbers of the enemy. I saw him five days before in the flush of manhood; he was then expecting orders to go to the front. We had only time to each ask a few questions, and bid one another "God speed"—knowing full well that a battle would be fought ere we met again. His memory will be cherished warmly by all who knew him, and in his example we may find much to emulate. True to his country he has fallen in her defence, than which none can have a nobler record.
I suppose Henry Ford was in the skirmish at Manasas [sic] Gap on the 23d. I have not heard from him since. I think I never wrote you that I saw the 144th at Berlin, Md., where they were expecting to be assigned to the grand old Army of the Potomac. I had hoped to pay them quite a long visit; but Gen. Meade didn't see it and ordered Corps 5 across the river. As it was I saw quite a number of old friends, and asked and answered many questions.
Your celebration, over the recent victories, must have been an enthusiastic affair. The Copperheads will have to go in mourning in a few days, if our generals continue to wrest victories from their southern brethren. Put a copperhead in one scale, and an armed rebel in another, and for contemptible meanness, duplicity and treason, the northern reptile will outweigh the other. Them's my sentiments. For a nervous man, my tent might be in a peculiar and annoying place. At the northeast corner lives a flourishing hive of "yellow jackets," on the opposite side dwells a large and increas¬ing brood of "wasps," with an occasional arrival of "bumble bees," who make a noise not unlike a minie bullet; on the inside abbot a brigade of "animalacue," peculiar to "sacred soil," are charging in good order upon us, and the ground is covered with some reptiles and "animiles" (on a small scale) that would add much to the variety of Barnum's collection, but do not seem to facilitate "military housekeeping." I suppose the advice best I can give you is "keep out of the draft." I hope it will spot some of the copperheads. We are expecting conscripts to fill up our ranks. Believe me ever your true friend and brother "E.C."
The Voice of the Brave Soldiers.
From the New York Evening Post.
A letter to us, dates Army of the Potomac, March 9, says:—
" The most eloquent voice yet raised against a dishonorable peace and the machinations of traitors at home, is that of the Forty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteers, in the address sent herewith, which was this day adopted with startling unanimity, every officer and soldier present in the regiment subscribing his name with enthusiastic earnestness.
" The words are few but well chosen, vigorous, and pregnant with truth.—
These men have a right thus to speak—their battles, their bravery, their discipline and their honorable scars, entitle them to a hearing. Let no one fail to read this stirring appeal in favor of the war, by those who are fighting it, and let sympathetic traitors hang their heads for shame to be thus rebuked by patriots like these:"—
An Appeal to the People of the State of New York:
We can no longer keep silent. A sacred devotion to our country, an ardent love for our homes, and above all, an abiding faith in God, bids us speak. For nearly two years we have suffered all things, perilled [sic] all things, endured all things, for the sake of our common country. We have left our business, our kindred, our friends, the fireside of our youth, the sacred places of prayer, and all the nearest and dearest relations of life, to serve our country. We have endured hunger, thirst, cold and heat. By day and by night we have born the weight of our knapsacks and the weariness of the march. We have worked late and early in the trenches; we have bivouacked in the swamps; we have suffered sickness in the hospitals; we have not been spared from "the pestilence that walketh in darkness," nor from "the destruction that wasteth at noon-day. We have never shrunk from duty, but rather have again and again cheerfully sought death, even at the cannon's mouth, to save our Union from destruction, our homes from disgrace, and you and your children from eternal shame.
When we came to the field we came with your blessing. You told us to go— that God would be with us, and that your most fervent prayers should follow us. Encouraged by your words of patriotism, of hope, of faith, we came to the war. After suffering thus, much in behalf of you and your children, and the nation's honor, dear alike to us all, will you withhold from us now your sympathy and support? Will you join with those, worse than traitors, at the North who cry "Peace" when they know there is no peace, nor can be none till this unholy rebellion is crushed? Will you ally yourselves with those who by words of discouragement, are prolonging this war, and who are thus becoming, in the sight of both Heaven and earth, the insidious murderers of your sons and brothers here in the field? Why should you, who suffer none of the dangers, none of the privations of field or camp, be less patriotic, less faithful, less hopeful, less confident in God and the holy cause in which we are engaged, than we who endure all?
Shall the future historian, in writing the record of this great struggle, declare with truthfulness that the people of the North, having sent their sons to the field to peril their lives for the safety of their hordes, their property and the National Government; having poured out at the first flush of their patriotism their treasure and blood with the freeness of water at length, through indifference and apathy, and the love of case and luxury which the war endangered, sought the unstable of an inglorious peace, and finally became only subservient to those whom they attempted to subdue?
That this shall not be record of the Empire State, with your sympathy and hearty co-operation, we, the undersigned officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the Fourty-fourth [sic] regiment, New York State Volunteers, representing every county from Lake Erie to the ocean, here pledge anew our lives and our sacred honor. For we feel assured that if you seek peace upon any terms less than those of an entire submission on the part of the traitors in arms to the Government of the United States, that that peace will only be temporary, and that sooner or later you will be obliged to send your younger sons and brothers to enrich this soil, already fertile with the dead—younger and fresher blood, to re-crimson the streams already red with slaughter.
Headquarters Forty-fourth regiment, New York State Volunteers, Camp near Falmouth, March 9, 1863.
Signed, Col. James C. Rice, Major E. B. Knox, Surgeon W. W. Townsend, Adjutant Geo. B. Herendeen, Lieut. F. R. Mundy, Quartermaster; Assistant Surgeon, H. Fern, Capt. L. S. Larabee, Capt. W. N. Danks, Capt. E. A. Nash, Capt. Chas. W. Gibbs, Capt. W. R. Bourne, Capt. Jacob Fox, Capt. C. E. Royce, Assistant Surgeon D. C. Spencer, First Lieut. B. K. Kimberly, First Lieut. Chas. D. Grannis, First Lieut. Albert N. Nusted, First Lieut. R. H. McCormic, First Lieut. Charles Kelley, Second Lieut. James H. Russell, Second Lieut. John J. Hardenburgh, Second Lieut. Anthony G. Graves, Jr., Second Lieut. Benj. W. Thomas, Second Lieut. Henry J. Botchford, Second Lieut. E. L. Dunham, Second Lieut. F. M. Kelley, and every non-commissioned officer and private present in the regiment.
FROM THE 44TH.—We are permitted to publish the following extracts from a hastily written letter, from the 44th Regiment, dated Chancellorsville, Monday, May 4th. As it is the first letter received from the gallant Ellsworths, it will prove of great interest to those of our readers who have friends in the Buffalo company of that regiment:
" We lay in our rifle pits that we have built with logs, and dirt thrown against them. The whole army is strongly fortified from the Rapidan to the Rappahannock. Yesterday there was some hard fighting done. Old Stewart tried to break our centre, but it was no go. The night before he worked hard on our right, but met with no better success.
" Yesterday we held the second line of battle, and the rebs drove our first, but could not hold it, so they set the woods on fire before we could get our wounded out of them. The heat was so great that we had to take in the first line. I do not know what our loss is, but I don't think that it is very heavy. The 11th Army Corps lost a good many, and had their right turned, but Gen. Sickles came up with the 3d corps, and drove the enemy back.
" Last night our company was out on picket about 40 yards in front of our works, and about 12 we heard the rebs getting out, and on the retreat, and when it came morning we found it was so; but I think that they have only fell back to get a chance to fortify and have us advance. There has been a force out to see where and what position they are in. I think that they will not stop very near here. They have got a hard old chap to buck against.
Gen. Hooker passed the lines, and he was cheered by all, and while passing the centre a shell exploded and threw a splinter, hitting him on the head with such a force as to knock him from his horse.
" We expect to march soon, as orders have just come to that effect."
THE FORTY-FOURTH.—Capt. Gibbs, Lieutenant Graves and Sergeant Boomis, of the 44th, are going to Elmira to take on drafted men for the Regiment.
June 12th, 1862.
Editors Evening Journal:
GENTS—I notice a letter written by me to a friend in Albany soon after the battle of Hanover Court House, in print in your journal. The letter was written hastily and without revision, or a thought of its being published. Since writing it I find that I have made some mistakes, which ought to be corrected. I fine that the 25th Regiment bore the brunt of the first fight, (before the 44th were engaged) were again at it when we came up and only retired (as part of our regiment did) to reform and pitch in again. This much is due to those boys who saw the first fighting in Porter's corps. Please make the above corrections and oblige Yours, truly,
WM. L. VANDERLIP, Capt. 44th N. Y. Vols.
CASUALTIES IN THE 44TH REGIMENT.—The reenlisted members of the 44th Regiment, and those whose time had not expired, were engaged in the fight at People's Farm, on the 30th, and the following casualties are reported: Lieut. Ed. Bennett, thigh; Roger Earle, Co. I, concussion; W. H. Huns, Co. H., arm; A. Cranston, Co. I, cheek; A. Mevrill, Co. B, stomach; M. Rye, Co. C, thigh; F. Hisenturger, Co. C, arm; J. McGoff, Co. A, hand; Corp. C. H. Bleeker, Co. B, arm; Samuel E. Row, Co B, arm; F. Hummell, Co. A, wrist; John Petit, Co. C, neck; N. R. Ellen, Co. C, thigh; A. B. Hendrickson, Co D, side; W. Lowe, Co. A, foot; R. A. Hayard, Co. A, breast.
COL. RICE, OF THE 44TH PROMOTED TO A BRIGADIER GENERALSHIP.—The gallant and heroic Col. J. C. Rice, of our 44th (Ellsworth) Regiment, was on Thursday, presented with the commission of a Brigadier General. His host of friends in this city will rejoice at the advancement of this brave officer.
THE CORNING LIGHT INFANTRY.—S. W. Stryker has been appointed Lieut. Colonel of the Corning Light Infantry, headquarters at the Delavan House Block. Col. Stryker was formerly Colonel of the Ellsworth Regiment, and has seen service. He is universally admitted to be an excellent disciplinarian and thorough soldier. The Colonel of the Regiment is James J. Byrne, of New York. Here is an excellent opportunity to enlist in a fine regiment that will soon be filled to the maximum standard. The Captain who brings the first full company will be entitled to be appointed Major of the Regiment.
Col. JAMES C. RICE MADE A BRIGADIER GENERAL.—Our citizens will be pleased to learn that our former townsman, Col. JAMES C. RICE, has been made a Brigadier General. He has earned his honor by his long service, and by his gallantry in every battle fought by the Army of the Potomac. He originally went out as a subaltern in a New York Regiment, was engaged in the first battle of Bull Run, was subsequently promoted to the Lieut. Colonelcy of the 44th, of which, soon after going into active service, he was made Colonel, and of which, except when acting as Brigadier, he has had the immediate command through all its glorious history. We share fully in the general satisfaction with which this announcement will be received.
One more of the "bravest and best" of our young men has been stricken down in the deadly shock of battle. GEORGE B. WOLCOTT, of Co. K, 44th N. Y., was instantly killed in the battle at Gettysburg last week, by a rifle ball in the neck. He entered the service last summer with some of his fellow students of the Normal School at Albany, and has been a devoted, earnest and faithful Soldier of the Republic. He was a noble, Christian young man, and very many in this county learn the mournful news of his death with emotions of deep and sincere sorrow.
THE PENN YAN ____ records the death of Geo. B. Wolcott, of that village, a member of the 44th Regiment, who was instantly killed at the battle of Gettysburg. He entered the service last summer from the Normal School, at Albany, in company with quite a number from our county. A meeting will be held at the hotel of D. _mond in Poolville, on Monday evening, July _ at 7 o'clock P. M., to take measures for sending a representative from the town of Hamilton to the Ellsworth Regiment.
To the Town and Ward Ellsworth Association of the State of New York.
The Executive Committee of the State Ellsworth Association announces that the General Government have accepted the "People's Ellsworth Regiment," but with the condition that the Regiment shall be ready for marching orders within twenty one days from the 24th ultimo. This condition the Committee find themselves unable to comply with, in consequence of the towns of the State having failed as yet to respond to their call, and thus furnish the men and means to make up the Regiment. Under these circumstances, the Committee have resolved to call together the men already selected, and to allow the towns which have furnished men and means, to select as many more men, from any town in their several counties, as they shall choose, up to the number of five men each, without raising any additional funds, and to muster them into service under the call of the Governor for 25,000 men. (Provided, that each man selected shall come up to the standard of qualification, heretofore prescribed by the Committee.)
By availing themselves of this opportunity, the Government will clothe and arm the men, and thus relieve the Committee from that expense; and the soldiers of this regiment can avail themselves of the provisions of General Order No. 15, which is as follows:—
" Every volunteer, non-commissioned officer, private, musician and artificer, who enters the service of the United States under this plan, shall be paid at the rate of fifty cents, and if a Cavalry volunteer twenty-five cents additional, in lieu of forage for every twenty miles of travel from his home to the place of muster, the distance to be measured by the shortest usually traveled [sic] route; and when honorably discharged, an allowance, at the same rate, from the place of his discharge to his home and an addition thereto to the sum of one hundred dollars.
" Any volunteer who may be received into the service of the United States under this plan, and who may be wounded or otherwise disabled in the service, shall be entitled to the benefits which may have been or may be conferred on persons disabled in the regular service, and the legal heirs of such as die or may be killed in service, in addition to all arrears of pay and allowances, shall receive the sum of one hundred dollars.
With the money collected in the various towns and paid into the treasury of this Association, under our first plan of organization, the Executive Committee will purchase for the use of the regiment such additional articles of uniform, arms and wearing apparel, as will add to the comfort and efficiency of the men of this regiment.
Any town desiring to be represented in the regiment, and not heretofore having taken action, can select a man, on raising the sum of twenty dollars, or as many men as they chose at that rate, but all men selected must comply with our standard of qualifications, viz.:
That the soldier to be selected in each town and ward be an unmarried man; not less than five feet eight, inches in height, active, able-bodied, and not to exceed thirty years of age, and of good moral character.
Arrangements have been made by which it is expected that the pay of the men will commence the day after their arrival in this city.
All men selected before the 8th day of August will report themselves for duty on that day, at the City Hall, in Albany.
All selected after that date will report themselves for duty at the camp of the regiment, in Albany, on the 20th of August.
We earnestly appeal to the patriotic citizens of every town in the State to furnish a representative for this regiment, and ask our young men to come forward and give their aid to the country in defence of its time honored flag.
We call upon the patriotic press of the State to give publicity to this circular.
By order of the Committee,
The People’s Regiment in Honor of the late Col. Ellsworth.
From present appearances, this is likely to be in all respects, the best regiment that ever trod the soil of America. Its members are to be composed of young, unmarried men, one from each town and ward throughout the State. These men are to be not leas than five feet eight inches in hight [sic], under the age of thirty years, of moral worth, and, so far as possible, those who have some knowledge of military evolutions. They are selected by a committee of three, who are appointed by the subscribers to the fund from the several towns and wards. The subscription lists, as soon as completed, should be sent to Hon. Erastus CORNING, Treasurer of the Association, at Albany, and a duplicate list to CHAS. HUGHES, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, (for record and publication) who is the Secretary of the Association. The sum of $160,000 is to be used by subscription in sums not to exceed one dollar each, by means of which this Regiment will be armed with the most approved weapons, costume and tent equipage. It is to be accompanied with at least two howitzers.
We understand the Executive Committee have under consideration the most effective brass-mounted Enfield rifle at a cost of $40 a piece, and are hastening to conclude as to the uniform, and receiving propositions for the best camp equipage. We learn, also, that the Committee are in the daily receipt of over one hundred and fifty letters from different parts of the State, enclosing large subscriptions, offering to enlist, and making inquiries in reference to the project. Those who could not assuage their patriotic ardor by so limited subscriptions as one dollar, have added the names of their entire family, and then follows, "and twenty others"—subscribing one dollar for each.
The friends of our much-respected fellow-citizen, EDWARD P. CHAPIN, the present acting Assistant District Attorney, are pressing his name for a captaincy in the proposed regiment with every assurance of success, and if they succeed, as we are morally certain they will, Erie county will be honored with "the right of the regiment."
Subscriptions will be opened in every town and ward in Erie County, and the regiment is to be completed and mustered in Albany during the present month. The towns and wards in our county should not average less than one hundred dollars each, and before next Saturday night, if the call be promptly responded to, our subscription lists and money will be off for Albany. Erie county has no regiment yet in active service. The one in Elmira is not likely to go at present. Our people now have an opportunity to send a soldier from each ward and town to the best regiment the nation has ever seen, and we feel assured that they will gladly contribute their mite towards this noble and patriotic undertaking.
The People's Ellsworth Regiment. —Four of the companies belonging to this Regiment held an election yesterday, which resulted in the selection of Stryker, Revere, Chapin and Conner as Captains; and Larabee, McRoberts and Sidway as First Lieutentants. The proceedings were conducted with entire unanimity, and the very best feeling prevails among the men.
The Regiment is steadily filling up, every day bringing additional members from different quarters of the State, and those now assembled at the barracks come up fully to the standard originally adopted as the passport to admission. They possess all the physical qualifications that could be required, and are pronounced by all who have visited their quarters to be the genuine material for soldiers. They are under drill six hours during the day, instructed by experienced and competent officers, most of them having belonged to the original Chicago Zouaves. Their leisure hours are devoted in great part to athletic exercises—fencing, boxing, ball-playing—while their evenings are passed in singing, a glee club having been formed, in aid of which some tuneful citizen has furnished them with a melodeon and a hundred song books.
They all read the newspapers and keep posted up in the progress of the war. In the ranks are quite a number of graduates of Yale, Union and other colleges. Profanity and intemperance are utterly tabooed among them. Indeed, although they have been together but a week, a temperance organization has already been established. So far, the Regiment is all that can be desired, and bids fair to be an honor to themselves and the State. (Aug. 15, 1861)
THE PEOPLE'S ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—The following names have been selected to represent the towns and wards in this Regiment, not heretofore published:—
Merritt B. Miller, Wm. Berry, Erastus R. Goodrich, Hobert M. Walker, Buffalo.
Edward Bennett and Lewis Ferrard, Chictananga, Erie co.
Levi S. Jones, Winfield, Herkimer co.
Sylvester Delong, Danube, Herkimer co.
Lewis M. Baldwin, Frankfort, Herkimer co.
John Wallace, Cherry Valley, Otsego co.
Stimson Ellsworth, Schuylerville, Sar. co.
Eugene Dunham, Hamilton, Madison co.
Elam C. Beeman, Canandaigua, Ontario co.
John H. Esmey, Seward, Schoharie co.
John Curtis, Sparta, Livingston co.
A. A. Hill, Brutus, Cayuga co.
CHAS. HUGHES, Secretary.
Ellsworth Regiment.
At a meeting of the People's Ellsworth Regiment, held at the Barracks on Monday last, Messrs. I. Russel, S. W. Tanner and E. A. Nash were appointed a Committee to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. The following preamble and resolutions were presented and unanimously adopted:—We hold in grateful remembrance the late gallant ELLSWORTH, whose short eventful career had won the admiration of all—combining in his life the strictest habit, the highest military talent, the loftiest patriotism;
and, whereas, we deem all those acts commendable and useful, which have for their object to hold up before our soldiery his bright example as worthy of imitation; and, whereas, we deem that they not alone fight the battles of our country who enter the field and shoulder the musket, but also they who seek to cheer and elevate these—who seek to kindle anew in each bosom a purer patriotism, a higher aspiration, a nobler manhood; therefore,
1. Resolved, That we, the members of the People's Ellsworth Regiment, hereby express our approbation of the ballad entitled "Ellsworth's Avengers," and tender our sincere thanks to A. Laura Hudson, its talented authoress. The song finds a ready response in every heart, and is worthy of him of whom it is written.
2. Resolved, That we extend our thanks to George S. Dawson for his generous donation of a sufficient number of copies of the "Ellsworth's Avengers" for the Glee Club of this Regiment.
3. Resolved, That a copy of the above Resolutions be forwarded to A. Laura Hudson, and a copy of the same be published in the city papers.
ALBANY, August 15, 1861.
THE PEOPLES' ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—This Regiment has now about four hundred good men in camp and about two hundred more are being raised for it.
To fill up the Regiment, much exertion on the part of its friends will be required, and the Executive Committee earnestly urge every town in the State to send forward their representatives at once.
We shall receive daily all that are sent according to our last circular, until the regiment is full, which it probably will not be earlier than the 10th of September.
Will our friends in the counties of Wyoming, Steuben, Tompkins, Monroe, Onondoga [sic], Orleans, Oswego, Broome and Genesee take action to send forward their representatives at once?
Papers please copy. (Aug. 21, 1861)
Speech of Rev. A. D. Mayo.
At Tweddle Hall, Wednesday Even'g, Sept. 25, ON THE PRESENTATION OF UNIFORMS TO CAPT. ALLEN,
Of the People's Ellsworth Regiment.
CAPTAIN ALLEN—A number of your personal friends, in this city, desire to testify their interest in you by the gift of a suit of Military Clothes; and they have requested me to present this uniform to you to-night, with a few words of encouragement appropriate to the occasion.
It must be no common emergency which draws together so large an assembly to witness a ceremony of this kind; which commands the teacher to leave his school-room and lead men to the field of battle; and requests the clergyman to deliver to him the weapons and equipments appropriate to his martial calling. Nothing but a danger of the last magnitude could justify you in forsaking your noble occupation of instructor of the young for that of captain of soldiers; or excuse me for bidding you "God speed" in your new career. For the highest work in which man can be employed is the education of his fellow beings; and things must be in a desperate strait when a successful teacher has the right to change his occupation. But that emergency has arisen; that danger is upon us; we are just in that strait that every man who has the strength and ability to serve his country on the field of battle should become a soldier; and every man who has not this kind of ability should use that which he has to send him forth and sustain him with all his might.
For during the last year a power has risen up into armed revolt against the very existence of a Republican Government and the highest form of modern society in our beloved country. It would seem that our glorious Western Continent had been reserved to afford mankind a new opportunity to establish a form of human society which should secure the best welfare of the whole people. After four thousand years of almost perpetual war, the Eastern Continent lies still in the bonds of despotic governments, and a state of society constructed for the elevation of the few upon the oppression of the many. There is not a people on that entire Continent which choses [sic] its own rulers or guides its own destiny. But this is not the end of human affairs. Man is still young, and ready for new enterprise; and here, on this virgin continent, has the Creator opened a magnificent field for his future career. Here we have fondly hoped he might throw off the chains of old dynasties, casts and superstitions, and learn to live in the exercise of that spiritual and civil freedom, which is the crown of manhood, whereby he may reach the noblest ends of existence.
For two centuries that portion of the Continent included in the loyal States of our Union, has led all the people upon it in their march towards Liberty organised [sic] into a free society and a Republican Government. We have, one by one, put away from us every obstacle to success in this great experiment. We conquered the savage tribes that resisted our occupation of the Garden of the New World. We drove back the two leading powers of Europe, France and England, from their early attempts to keep us in a state of provincial dependence. We abolished a national church; a hereditary aristocracy; and set free every bondman on our soil. We invited the people of every nation and clime to abide with us. We have subdued nature and become prosperous, intelligent, powerful; and have now declared before God and man that these United States of America, as the leading civilization on this Continent, shall continue forever to be what our sainted fathers saw in vision, and wrote out for us in words little short of inspiration.
But now the leading class in eleven States of this Union have revolted against this. They declare that our idea of society, a Government of the whole people moulded [sic] by the highest influence of modern times, is a failure. They have formally and solemnly set themselves to destroy our nationality. Not in any hasty passion, but by long preparation, by elaborate conspiracy, by the forms of revolution, have they torn away from us, erected a hostile Government, and declared war against us. We forbore with them as long as we supposed they were madmen; now we see they are sane, determined in their preference for despotism. We know what they are about. We now see that the reigning class in these seceded States is only the old Satan of despotic society, which has crushed out the liberties of every people in the old world. What the Pharaoes were to the Hebrews; what Philip was to Greece; what the Caesars were to Rome; what the Bourbons were to France; and the Stuarts to England; and the Hapsburg to Hungary; and Bomba to Naples; what every tyrant in ancient or modern times has ever been to the mass of the people; that is the league or generals and politicians and priests which has elected itself into that portentous combination, the so-called Confederate States of America! It is no new thing that this Government proposes to do; its enterprise is as old as the world and dates back to that day when Satan erected the first despotism on the virgin soil of Eden. It is simply another attempt of the everlasting enemy of mankind to overthrow a nation that promises to become the leader of a Continent and the light of the world. Jefferson Davis and the men arrayed with him are not fighting for any such small game as to preserve their control over 4,000,000 of persecuted and enslaved Africans; but to put down the entire system of Republican Government on this Continent, and establish upon its ruins an aristocratical Government wherein the few shall forever rule the many. These men see that the like of them have succeeded in every age in subduing and governing the people. They see that every attempt on this Continent to found a Republic has failed. They have succeeded in conquering the people in eleven States of this Union, and throwing four other States into civil war. They have every despotic influence in the world on their side, from the oldest numbskull that wears a crown, down to the seediest penny-a-liner that disposes of the American Union over his chop and pot of beer in his thundering leader in the London Times. They have an army of 200,000 men beseiging [sic] the entire border of the loyal States; why should not they succeed?
My friends and fellow-citizens, they will succeed unless we, the entire people of the loyal States of this Union, unite at once, and concentrate every energy and appliance God has given us to put them down. They don't want negotiation; they don't want any compromise; they don't want peace; but before all other things they want victory. They want to subdue this entire Nation to their style of government. They want to brush away our whole order of society and establish in its place that which now curses the old world and has cursed it for four thousand years. They will try their uttermost to subdue our whole country. If they fail in this they will try as hard to sunder it, and carry off enough to make a new oligarchy; and failing in this, they will prolong the war and work all the mischief they can for us and our posterity. They are the strongest power on this continent to-day except one—that is, the Government of the United States; and that Government consists of the people of twenty-three loyal States, not yet half awake to the magnitude of their danger or the majestic proportions of the strife in which they are engaged.
My friends, officers and soldiers of the People's Ellsworth Regiment—You are marching along the only path to a settlement of this great conflict. Somebody must be utterly defeated beyond hope of a rally before there can be any peace in these United States. If you do your whole duty in the field; if we who stay behind do our whole duty at home; if every man who can swing a sword or shoulder a rifle, holds himself as a minute man for his country's call; if every rich man holds his money for the order of his Government; if every man of gifts and culture lays them all on the altar of his native land; if every woman leads man in this great work, as woman always has been the guiding angel to every achievement of humanity; if we can forget old enemies, old parties; forget the dear loaves and fishes, stale or new; forget our offices and our self-seeking, and close up as one heroic, invincible band of brothers, we shall conquer. We can have a complete victory—a victory that shall bury these satellites of despotism so deep that no son of theirs, to the remotest generation, will dare to ask, "where is their grave?" We can make the name of Jefferson Davis and his company of politicians and captains and parsons so infamous, that the name of Benedict Arnold will emerge into a sort of respectability. We can so effectually dispose of this last attempt to crush the people of the United States, that whoever henceforth desires to enter business in that line will turn his back even on the region of the border ruffian and the wilds of Texas in disgust and despair. We can bring every revolted State to submit to the Government, and obey whatever administration the people establish at Washington: and we can make that Government such an [sic] one as our blessed lathers foresaw—a government founded on the golden rule of equal justice to all mankind.
So, Captain, when any man, at home or abroad, asks you what you are fighting for, you can reply, What good thing am I not fighting for? You go to fight for modern society;—which means, the preservation of every thing which has been gained during the troubled centuries of the past. You fight that you can go to the ballot-box and vote for the man you choose, that I can preach the Gospel as I understand it; that these schoolmistresses who gave you your epauletts [sic] can teach the history of liberty to our children; that the poor man can own his wages and become independent by honorable toil; that our homes may be sacred, peaceful and secure; that all those numberless blessings which made us a free and happy people may be retained and given to our posterity. If ever a good man ought to fight now is the time. Nobler than the cause of Greece, when her little armies marched against the swarms of Xerxes; nobler than the cause of England, when Cromwell bent the handsome neck of Charles Stuart under the axe; nobler than the cause of America, when Washington drew his sword, is our cause to-day. There never was a time when there was half so much in the world worth preserving as is our Government and order of society to-day; and you are fighting to preserve it all. The freedom, progress, success of every class of men is involved in our success. If you conquer, every man, woman and child among all these 30,000,000 rises towards the light. If you are defeated, all of us go down towards that slavery which the new Tyranny declares its chief corner stone.
We send you forth to be fit soldiers of such a cause. We shall not be satisfied with mere physical bravery, or any animal courage. Your enemies have plenty of that; any well trained war horse has more than either of you. We shall demand of you the highest order of moral heroism, which includes all the courage of which intelligent and religious men are capable. First conquer your lower selves by discipline that places you beyond reach of panic on the field, or any evil course in camp. Be temperate; be patient; be cool; be enduring; be the last to hurry your comrades into any madness of attack, and the last to leave any post your country calls you to defend. Leave to your foes the luxury of riot and plunder, and insubordination, and profanity, and insane rashness of soul. They belong to the old order of things, and are going to their own place. But your columns face the Orient, your banners shine with the light of God's new day; your songs prophecy of the glorious ages to come. They are the soldiers of a hoary tyranny struggling against its fate. You are the People's regiment; the soldiers of modern ideas; the volunteers in a war for the regenerating of man. Fill your souls so full of the inspiration of your sacred cause that your weapons of war shall become instinct with the life that leads you on. Then your bullets will fly winged with a message of freedom to man kind. Then the line of fire that runs alone in your platoons shall flash a light down the vis... of the generations to come. Then your charge of bayonets shall be the rush of the irresistable [sic] future, before which all things decaying and detested of man and God goes down. March, officers, soldiers, of the People's Ellsworth Regiment! The spirit of our departed hero will shew [sic] you the foe; we, the people, are behind you to fill your broken ranks, and make your fate our own.
From the Albany Morning Express, 19th.
Elmer E. Ellsworth was born near Mechanicsville, in Saratoga county, N. Y., April 23, 1837, and was, therefore, at the time of his death only twenty-three years of age. In his early youth he manifested strong military inclinations. He lived at home until twelve or thirteen years of age, during which time he received a good common-school education. He was always a close and diligent student. On leaving home he went to Troy, and was employed for a number of years as clerk in a store in that city. But the narrow limits of the counter were not sufficient for the development of his talents and ambition and leaving his business, he went to New York, where he remained about two years. Some six years since he removed to Chicago, arriving there penniless, and without a profession or certain means of support; but by his industry, perseverance, and energy, he soon achieved an honorable position in that city. The exciting exploits of the French Zouaves at Sebastopol led him to investigate this description of drill. He was at this time connected with the National Guard Battalion of Chicago, and on the 19th of March, 1856, the Chicago Cadets were organized into a company, under the direction of the Battalion, the object being to secure the services of the very best members of the Battalion, and those most likely to enter into the spirit of the work, in order that the new organization might excel all others in the country in drilling in every branch of tactics. Capt. Ellsworth was chosen to the command, and he and the company were instructed in their duties by the present Rebel General of the Kentucky forces, Robert Buckner, who was then in command of the Battalion. After close attention to military study and drill, the Cadets made an excursion eastward in 1860. The novelty of their drill, their fantastic dress, and the precision of their evolutions, attracted universal attention, not only from military men, but the public generally; and Zouave military organizations sprung into life in nearly all the Northern, Eastern and Western States.
On the return of the Zouaves to Chicago, Ellsworth relinquished the command, and devoted himself to the study of law, in President Lincoln's office. He was very much beloved by the President, and accompanied him to Washington, and was one of the most active and attentive of Mr. Lincoln's traveling companions. It was expected that he would be placed in some important position in the War Department, but it is not probable that such a position would have been in accordance with his desires. Immediately upon the outbreak of the war he sought active service, and went forward to New York and commenced the organization of a Zouave Regiment from members of the Fire Department of that city. The freedom and dash of the Zouave drill exactly suited the spirit of the firemen, and in an incredibly short time a full regiment had been formed, and was ready for Washington. To aid him in the undertaking he called around him several of his old comrades in the Chicago Cadets, all of whom took charge of companies and labored diligently in perfecting the organization.
In due time the Regiment proceeded to Washington, and were assigned a position of great importance and danger at Alexandria. They entered the town on the morning of the 24th of May, and soon after landing Col. Ellsworth observed a secession flag waving over the Marshall House. He entered the hotel with a few men, and enquired of a person whom he met who put it up. The man replied he did not know, that he was only a boarder there. Col. Ellsworth, Lieut. Wisner, the Chaplain of the Regiment, Mr. House, a volunteer aid, and four privates, went up to the roof, when Col. Ellsworth cut down the flag. The party were returning down the stairs, proceeded by private Brownell. As they left the attic, the man who said he was a boarder, but who proved to be the landlord, Jackson, was met in the hall, having a double barrelled [sic] gun, which he levelled [sic] at Francis E.
Brownell, one of the Zouaves. The latter struck up the gun with his musket, when Jackson pulled both triggers, the contents lodging in the body of Ellsworth. Brownell, with the quickness of lightning, levelled [sic] his musket at Jackson and fired, the ball striking him on the bridge of the nose, cutting through the skull, killing him instantly. As he fell Brownell thrust him through with his bayonet, and the assassin immediately expired.
It is unnecessary we should refer to the deep sorrow and gloom which hung over the loyal States for weeks after this melancholy tragedy. It fired the blood of the North, and a cry for "Revenge!" went up from every city, town, village and hamlet. On the morning of the 25th of May the EXPRESS called for vengeance on the accursed traitors who were seeking to destroy the Government, not only, but to assassinate true and loyal citizens wherever they could be found. The feeling increased and became widespread, and the people resolved that the death of the gallant Ellsworth should be most terribly avenged.
On the afternoon of the 25th of May, the day succeeding the murder of Col. Ellsworth, a communication appeared in the Evening Journal, over the signature of "Retribution," from which we made the following extract:
Let the People of New fork, his native State mingle with their tears, practical plans for avenging his death. Let each town and ward, in every county and city in the State, provide by subscriptions of $1 or less, for the complete equipment of one man, to be selected from said town or ward, the men to rendezvous at Albany at as early a day as possible, and be organized in a Regiment or Regiments, to be called the "Ellsworth Avengers." Let the men be between the ages of 22 and 30, of undoubted courage, and models of physical development and endurance, to be enrolled for the war."
The author of these suggestions was CHARLES BELL, Esq., then an Alderman of the 9th Ward.
On the evening of the 25th of May, an organization was effected in this city to carry out the suggestions made by Ald. Bell, and the following gentlemen were elected officers of the "Ellsworth Association of the State of New York":—
President—Hon. Geo. H. Thacher, Mayor of Albany.
Treasurer—Hon. Erastus Corning, M. C.
Secretary—Charles Hughes, Clerk Court of Appeals.
Executive Committee—Hon. James M. Cook, John K. Porter, Hon. Lyman Tremain, Jacob I. Werner, Henry A. Brigham.
It is not necessary we should repeat the details of the proposed organization, as they are familiar to nearly every person.
The officers of the Association immediately set at work to carry out the plan proposed, and it met with great favor in nearly every section of the State. Our neighbors in Troy seemed to be disposed to find a great deal of fault at the time, and several very harsh and ungentlemanly articles appeared in the papers of that city, in some of which the motives of the officers of the Association were impugned, and in others they were charged with initiating the movement in order to secure positions for friends and favorites. To the credit of the State be it said, that this feeling of animosity—engendered wholly by prejudice and envy—did not extend beyond the limits of our sister city; and that it continued to exist, and still exists, we judge, from the fact that the city of Troy has not furnished a single member for the Regiment!
Spite of the opposition of our Trojan neighbors, the officers of the Association pressed forward in their great and good work, devoting their time and means to its advancement, fully resolved on carrying it on to success. Of the labor performed by the Secretary, Hon. Charles D. Hughes we desire to speak briefly. For months he has been almost constantly employed in the work, receiving and responding to hundreds of letters, besides attending to scores of matters which claimed the attention of the Executive Committee. In order to forward the movement, and to avoid any delay, he remained in town during all the summer months, and for no other purpose than to faithfully discharge the duties imposed upon him. This much we have deemed necessary to state as an act of simple justice to Mr. Hughes.
About the middle of August, the men who had been selected as members from different sections of the State were ordered to report for duty at Albany, which they did, and were quartered at the Barracks, under a General Order, which provided that all regiments or companies raised in the State should be under the direction and control of the Governor. To facilitate the work of organization, the Executive Committee modified their original requirements, which had the effect to cause renewed activity throughout the State, and in a short time men were sent forward from nearly every county in the State. The Executive Committee, who were permitted by the Governor to name the officers of the regiment, selected Capt. S. W. Stryker, of New York, to take command of the regiment, and he immediately reported himself for duty, and has been most untiring in his efforts to perfect the regiment in discipline and efficiency.
Colonel Stryker is quite a young man, but 26 years of age, and yet he is every inch a soldier and an officer. He was born in Harlington, Somerset Co., N. J. In 1854 he moved to Chicago, where he united himself with the National Guard Battalion, which gave life to the celebrated Cadets. He joined the Cadets with Colonel Ellsworth, and was one of his most devoted and warmest friends. He was for a time Captain of the Cadets, and when the Governor of Illinois called for volunteers to light the Mormons, he raised a company and tendered their services to go to Utah. When Colonel Ellsworth conceived the design of organizing the Fire Zouaves, he called about him several of his old comrades. Col. Stryker was among the first to respond; and he, together with others of the Cadets, accepted positions as Lieutenants for the express purpose of instructing the men in the school of the soldier, and perfecting them in drill and discipline. Col. S. was chosen 1st Lieutenant of Co. B, and besides was acting Adjutant of the regiment at the time of Ellsworth's death. He came on with the remains, and had charge of them until they were interred. As soon as he was informed of the proposed organization of the Ellsworth regiment, he resigned from the 1st Fire Zouaves and applied for an appointment in the new regiment. The Executive Committee, after very careful deliberation, unanimously resolved that the then Lieut. Stryker was just the man for the Colonelcy, and assigned him that position. The wisdom of the Committee has been most clearly demonstrated. They could not have found a man who could have given more general satisfaction to the members of the regiment, nor one better qualified for the highly responsible duties of commanding officer. Thoroughly skilled in military knowledge, a man of undoubted courage, and a rigid disciplinarian, he has succeeded in bringing his regiment, already, to a state of perfection that would hardly be looked for in an organization a year old. He has the faculty of making himself thoroughly understood by his men, and while he demands a most strict obedience to orders, he at the same time personally looks after the welfare of his men, and by his friendly intercourse with them wins their confidence and respects. It may well be said "he is the right man in the right place."
After Col. Stryker took command he immediately commenced drilling those at the Barracks, and perfecting the details, of companies, in order that every thing might move harmoniously, and result in the complete success of the undertaking. As recruits arrived daily they were assigned places, and at once began the study of a soldier. And so the work proceeded, day after day, until the ranks of the Regiment were filled up to the full number, ten hundred and forty-six men—men of character, standing and intelligence, such men as we might well believe to be the representatives of the people of the State of New York.
Albany, Erie, and Herkimer counties each furnished more members than any other single county in the State, the two former furnishing a full company each, and the latter the greater portion of a company. Nearly every County in the State is represented in the Regiment, by some of the very best young men of their respective localities—men who came up to the requirements of the Committee, and who have shown themselves to be gentlemen in every sense of the word. The rapid improvement of the Regiment we think can be easily accounted for. Each member felt that he was assigned to a proud and responsible position, that he was the representative of a constituency who would expect from him a faithful account of his stewardship, and that he could not be unmindful of his duty, without bringing reproach and discredit upon those who had conferred honor upon him. Actuated and prompted by such feelings each and every man devoted himself assiduously to his task, which was rendered pleasant by the care and attention of the officers, and their personal endeavors to instruct them. Thus the Regiment has been brought to its high standard, and thus it will become one of the best, if not the very best, organized in the State.
The officers of the Regiment are all excellent soldiers, as is evident from the excellent drill, and the discipline maintained. They are all young, active, energetic and intelligent, and endeared to their men. We venture the assertion, that in no Regiment can there be found such a cordiality of feeling as exists between the rank and file of this really crack organization.
The Lieutenant Colonel is James C. Rice, of New York, a brother-in-law of W. A. Rice, Esq., of the firm of McClure & Co., of this city. He was formerly a Captain in the Garibaldi Guards, and came from Virginia to enter the Ellsworth's. He is 30 years of age, and is well qualified for the position he holds.
The Major is James McKown of this city. When the Barracks were opened in this city, Brig. Gen. Rathbone assigned him a position on his Staff, and he acted as Major. He has seen service, having done duty during the Mexican war. Those who know him best, know him to be a good soldier and a competent officer.
The Adjutant is E. B. Knox. He was born in Eastport, Me., and is 25 years of age. He was one of the Chicago Cadets, and was known as the "Little Corporal." He joined the Fire Zouaves under Ellsworth, and acted as 1st Lieutenant of Co. A. He has seen service, and hard service too, as he was at the battle of Bull Run with the Zouaves. To speak of his qualifications for the position of Adjutant would be superfluous, as he is known to be as good a soldier as ever wore an epaulette.
The Quartermaster is Frederick R. Munday, of Seneca Falls. He was taken from the ranks and promoted to the position he now holds, on account of his peculiar fitness to discharge its duties.
The Surgeon is Dr. ___ Frothingham of New York, and the Assistant Surgeon Dr. ___ Bissell, of Erie county, both gentleman skilled in medicine, and enjoying the reputation of being at the head of their profession.
The Chaplain of the Regiment is Rev. Loomis H. Pease, of Saratoga. He is a man of very complete and thorough education, being a graduate of Williams College, receiving the highest honors of his class. He is an eloquent speaker, and several years traveled in Europe, where he visited the camps, and became quite conversant with the regime of the Continental and English Military Departments, peculiarly qualifying him for the position he holds. He is a man of very liberal views, and free from any secularism.
He is 35 years of age, very social in his disposition, and highly respected by the Regiment. His powers of endurance have been pretty well tested, as he traveled all over the Holy Land on foot, showing pretty conclusively that his marching capacity is of the first order.
The members of the Non-commissioned Staff are as follows.
Geo. B. Henderson, Sergt. Major; 24 years of age, of Utica.
Henry C. Howlett, Quartermaster's Sergeant; 28 years of age, of Mohawk, Herkimer co.
Samuel W. Tanner, Commissary Sergeant; 20 years of age, of Buffalo. Edward Frothingham, Hospital Steward; 21 years of age, of Johnstown.
The companies are officered as follows:
Co. A.—Captain, E. B. Chapin, of Buffalo; 1st Lieut., George M. Lobe, 2d do., Benjamin F. Kimberly. 1st Sergeant, Jacob B. Fox; 2d do., John B. Mason; 3d do., Junius H. Hatoh, Jr.; 4th do., W. A. Rogers; 5th do., A. B. Tinkham.
Capt. Chapin at the time he joined the Regiment was Assistant District Attorney of Erie county.
Co. B.—Captain, Lucius S. Larrabee, of Chicago; 1st Lieut., Harrison Kelly; 2d do., C. E. Royce. 1st Sergeant, M. Burns; 2d do., George P. Allen; 3d do., Henry M. Galpin; 4th do., E. C. Beman; 5th do., Elisha A. Cook.
Capt. Larrabee was one of the Chicago Cadets, and 1st Lieutenant, Co. F, Fire Zouaves. He was in the battle of Bull Run.
Co. C—Captain, Wm. H. Revere, Jr., of New York; 1st Lieut., Alexander McRoberts, of Albany; 2d do., Jacob W. Anthes. 1st Sergeant, Edward Easterbrook; 2d do., Seth F. Johnson; 3d do., Theo. Hoes; 4th do., Lansing Hollister; 5th do., Westel Hawkins.
Capt. Revere was also one of the Chicago Cadets, and 1st Lieutenant of Co. I, Fire Zouaves. He was also at the battle of Bull Rull [sic].
Co. D—Captain, Freeman Conner, of N. H.; Lieutenant, Reuben F. Lander; 2d do., Henry D. Burdick. 1st. Sergeant, Eugene L. Dunham; 2d do., Frederick A. Moak; 3d do., Gardner S. Parker; 4th do., Willie M. Rogers; 5th do., John B. Ten. Broeck.
Capt. Conner was also one of the Chicago Cadets, and 1st Lieutenant of Co. D, Fire Zouaves, and was in command at the battle of Bull Run.
2d Lieutenant Burdick is the tallest man in the Regiment, measuring six feet seven inches in his boots!
Co. E.—Captain, Michael McN. Walsh, of New Paltz; 1st Lieutenant, Bradford R. Wood, Jr., of Albany; 2d do. Myron H. Cole, of Albany; 1st Sergeant, Chas. H. Jackson; 2d, Simon P. Johnson; 3d do. H. M. Riggs; 4th do. George W. Maret; 5th do, Sherwood F. Carey.
At the time Capt. Walsh united with the Regiment he was proprietor of a flourishing Academy at New Paltz, which he closed in order to serve his country.
Co. F.—(This is the Albany company) Captain, Campbell Allen; 1st. Lieut., James McMillan; 2d do., Charles Gibbs. 1st Sergeant, Charles Zeilman; 2d do., R. H. McCormick; 3d do., Anthony G. Graves; 4th do., Andrew Love; 5th do., John Ramsay.
Capt. Allen, at the time of joining the regiment, was Principal of Public School No. 2, in this city.
Co. G.—Captain, Wm. Vanderlip, of Albany; 1st Lieutenant, Chas. E. Pease, of Albany; 2d do. Christopher R. Becker, of Albany; 1st Sergeant, Jerome Yates; 2d do. Peter Van Alstyne; 3d do. Chas. A. Webber; 4th do. Wm. Johnston; 5th do. vacant.
Co. H.—Captain, ____ Danks; 1st Lieutent [sic], Addison Woodworth; 2d do. E. A. Nash; 1st Sergeant, Chas. D. Granniss; 2d do. Frank Campbell; 3d do. Frank M. Kelly; 4th do. D. Worthley; 5th do. Wallace Gill.
Capt. Danks was likewise one of the Chicago Cadets.
Co. I.—Captain, A. W. Shafer; 1st. Lieutenant, E. B. Knox; 2d do. E. L. Spencer; 1st Sergeant, W. H. Greene; 2d do. H. M. Walker; 3d do. vacant; 4th do. G. S. Boyd; 5th do. Henry J. Bottsford.
Co. K.—Captain, Wm. H. Miller; 1st Lieutenant, ____ Jones; 2d do. F. R. Munday.
We have thus briefly sketched the origin, rise and progress of this splendid Regiment, which is to leave our city, for Washington, on Monday afternoon next. That it will do credit to the Empire State, will not be doubted by those who know the material of which it is composed. The Ellsworth's will make their mark wherever they may go, and their war cry will be "REMEMBER ELLSWORTH!"
The gentleman comprising the Executive Committee of the Ellsworth Association, to whom we are mainly indebted for this unexcelled military organization, are deserving of the highest praise for their energy and perseverance, and for the manner in which the entire work has been managed. The whole expense incurred by the committee, in perfecting the organization, will not reach one hundred and fifty dollars. With the money raised by subscriptions throughout the State, a complete fatigue uniform (Zouave style) has been purchased, as also many necessary articles of clothing. The Regiment will, therefore, leave the city as completely equipped as any that has gone from this State.
The citizens of the State of New York have every reason to feel proud of the Ellsworth's, as we have no doubt they are; and we know that we express the sentiment of the people when we say, that they have every confidence in their ability and willingness to maintain [sic] its honor, and fight manfully against all Rebels and traitors wherever they may find them.
The Muster Rolls of the Companies.
Names of the Officers and Men.
We subjoin a complete Roll of the Regiment
— Officers and Men:—
Colonel, Stephen W. Stryker, New York City.
Lieutenant-Col., James C. Rice, New York City.
Major, James McKoun, Albany.
Surgeon, William Frothingham, Scranton, Pa.
Assistant Surgeon, Elias S. Bissell, Buffalo.
Adjutant, Edward B. Knox, Chicago, Ill.
Quartermaster, Fred. R. Mundy, Seneca Falls.
Chaplain, Rev. Loomis H. Pease, Saratoga.
Sergeant-Major, George B. Herendeen, Utica.
Quartermaster-Serg., Henry C. Howlett, Mohawk.
Hospital Steward, Ed. Frothingham, Johnstown.
Commissary Serg., Samuel W. Tanner, Buffalo.
Drum-Major, Darius Taylor, Evans.
N. Y. V.
Captain, Edward P. Chapin, Buffalo.
1st Lieutenant, George M. Love, Buffalo.
2d Lieutenant, Benj. K. Kemberly, Brooklyn.
1st Sergeant, Jacob Fox, Buffalo.
2d Sergeant, John B. Mason, Buffalo.
3d Sergeant, Junius Hatch, Jr., Buffalo.
4th Sergeant, William Rogers, North Collins.
5th Sergeant, Albert B. Tinkham, Fredonia.
1st Corporal, Edward Bennet, Checktowaga.
2d Corporal, Robert Orr, Holland.
3d Corporal, Erastus S. Harris, Collins.
4th Corporal, Valora D. Eddy, Sardinia.
5th Corporal, Robert M. Skilley, Akron.
6th Corporal, John M. Siyer, Buffalo.
7th Corporal, John B. Webber, Buffalo.
8th Corporal, Allen J. Hurd, Elmira.
Drummer, Charles Fishbeck, Albany.
Privates, Henry H. Adsit, Silver Creek; Nelson Ames, North Evans; J. M. Anthony, Mayfield; Chapin Babcock, Eden; Ferdinand Bennet, N. Collins; George Ball, Alden Centre; George Baker, Holland; Orrel G. Brown, Ashvell; Joseph Brande, Buffalo; George D. Conger, N. Collins; William G. Cuningham, Grand Island; Peter Cadio, Marilla; William W. Cole, E. Hamburgh; Edward Culver, Suspension Bridge; Walter Chubbuck, Suspension Bridge; James H. Champlain, Yorkshire; William Cupp, Tonawanda; William H. Cochrane, Otte; James A. Claghorn, North Evans; William F. Craig, Pitman; Francis Decker, Collins; David Doane, Jr., Eden; Russell Doane, North Evans; James W. Dow, Buffalo; Augustus Eddy, Sardinia; Lewis Ferrand, Checktowaga; Henry Fields, Elma; Joseph Geiger, Buffalo; George T. Gates, Albany; Francis M. Gifford, Brant; Charles B. Gaskell, Suspension Bridge; Erastus. P. Goodrich, Buffalo; Henry C. Hammond, Springville; George F. Hill, Akron; Horace Hill, Eden; Henry V. Hill, Akron; Wallace Hill, Eden; Alonzo Hooper, Buffalo; Ovando Horton, Eden; Hamilton Ingalls, Niagara Falls; Oliver K. Irish, Chesterville; Asa Jennings, Jr., Shirley; William J. Johnson, Holland; James W. Jones, Springbrook; Henry C. Kendall, Batavia; Joseph Kraft, Buffalo; Julian Knowlton, Forestville; James Look, Akron; Jerome Myers, Springville; James McCutcheon, Yorkshire; William McMannis, Batavia; William McMahon, East Hamburgh; Thomas F. Parker, White's Corners; Harrison Parker, Shirley; George Persons, Concord; Irving Pike, Merton's Corners; Frank Putnam, Batavia; John C. Robbins, Gowanda; Ayum Roberts, Alden Centre; George H. Roberts, Akron; William H. Rockwood, Eden; J. Rosborough, Buffalo; I. H. Russell, N. Collins; William Saels, Akron; Alonzo M. Deverance, Amsterdam; Joseph Sandman, Alden Centre; David Shaffner, Ashford Cott; James M. Shepard, North Evans; George Seitz, Buffalo; Hosen Smith, Sardinia; John Steel, Buffalo; James B. Storm, Buffalo; Tyler B. Steams, Springville; Edward R. Dwitzer, White's Corners; Harlam Spaulding, Springville; Henry C. Smith, Mansfield; Daniel S. Taylor, Westfield; Garret Van Brocklin, Marilla; Eugene Walker; Springville; Jonathan W. Wickarie, Akron; William Woods, Angelica; David W. Woods, Angelica; Henry White, Evans Centre.
Captain, Lucius S. Larrabee, Albany.
1st Lieutenant, Harrison Kelley, New York.
2d Lieutenant, Clark E. Boyce, New Lebanon.
1st Sergeant, Martin Burns, Lewiston.
2d Sergeant, George P. Allen, Niagara.
3d Sergeant, Henry M. Galpin, Little Falls.
4th Sergeant, E. C. Beeman, Canandaigua.
5th Sergeant, Elisha A. Cook, Laurens.
1st Corporal, Isaac Quackenbush, Franklin.
2d Corporal, Adelbert D. Nellis, Mindon.
3d Corporal, Isaac B. Blackman, Cambria.
4th Corporal, James Brown, Nassau.
5th Corporal, Joel T. Brooks, Russell,
6th Corporal, Edward C. Parkinson, Saratoga.
7th Corporal, Daniel A. Burlingham, New Baltimore.
8th Corporal, Johnson French, Benton.
1st Musician, Calvin W. Preston, Galloway.
2d Musician, John A. Topf, Albany.
Wagoner, Almond M. Nicholds, New Baltimore.
Privates, Anning W. Arnold, Saratoga Spa; Arch. Anderson, Galoway; E. H. Aldrich, Schuylerville; Menzo W. Bowen, Fort Plain; Benj. F. Buckley, Summer Hill; J. Bedford, Johnstown; Erastus C. Brayton, Whitehall; Geo. F. Brayton, Whitehall; Gilbert T. Broadway, Litchfield; Peter Beers, New Lebanon; Jacob Blackmer, Russell; Esau Blackmer, Russell; John Burns, New Baltimore; Moses H. Bliss, Salisbury; William J. Borden, Fairfield; Charles E. Burfitt, New Lebanon; James H. Burnet, Ticonderoga; Charles A. Burns, New Baltimore; John. J. Curtiss, Sparta; James M. Coburn, Johnsburgh; John H. Cooper, Kingsbury; P. F. Clark, Unadilla Forks; Daniel G. Durkee, Plattsburgh; Guy C. Delong, Little Falls; Sylvester Delong, Danube; Adam B. Dockstader, Lansingburgh; James E. Dedrick, West Hurley; Flag Edson; Charles M. Esmond, Saratoga Spa; Edgar Fosmire, Galoway; Levi Fickett, Pittsburgh; Henry I. Fisher, Galoway; Hiram Fuller, Wilmington; William W. Grinnell, Summer Hill; Hugh Gallagher, Hume; James S. Goold, Steventown; Lewis Gibney, Kingsbury; George S. Groat, Wolcott; Edwin A. Hull, New Lebanon; William B. Horton, Ballston; John R. Harlow, Ballston; John M. Hammond, Hume; Lorenzo Herrick, Gorham; Hiram Hammond, Willmington; William R. Howland, Wilton; John J. Hardenburg, Little Falls; Thomas Howarth, Coxsackie; Henry C. Huckans, New Baltimore; William Hubbell; Isaac Isaacs, Nelson; Hiram A. Judson, Franklin; Luke Jones, Fairfield; James King, Pittsford; James F. Knowles, Greenville; John H. Lunt, Pittsburgh; P. Latham; William A. Miller, Hallsville; Lewis L. Miller, Cambria; Adam Miller, Mindon; Peter W. McCrea, Blackbrook; Alva C. Merrill, Franklin; William Moone, Cambia; Hugh McCotter, Whitehall; J. Mahan, New Lebanon; W. McClem, Eaton; M. Moss, Kingsbury; S. McClanathan, Ticonderoga; Amos Phillips, Plainfield; James H. Reese, Galoway; Adam Radley, New Lebanon; Charles Sherman, Chesterfield; Silas H. Switzer, Eden; Peter Shafer, Little Falls; Jeremiah Scott, Franklin; William A. Skinner, Ticonderoga; Horatio A. Smith, Hume; Abram H. Smithy, Starkville; Jerome B. Satterlee, Salisbury; E R. Stoddard, Little Falls; A. Vosburgh, Crown Point; J. H. Walrath, Mindon; S. A. Woodward, Warrensburg; S. A. Walker, Wilson; W. L. Wadsworth, Franklin; Thomas Wildey, Cortland; H. Wood, ____; E. B. Northup, Kingsbury.
Captain, William H. Revere, Jr., Albany.
1st Lieutenant, Alexander McRoberts, Albany.
2d Lieutenant, Jacob W. Anthes, Poughkeepsie.
1st Sergeant, Edward Easterbrooks, Herkimer.
2d Sergeant, Seth F. Johnson, Schodack.
3d Sergeant, Theodore Hoes, Stockport.
4th Sergeant, Lansing Hollister, Coxsackie.
6th Sergeant, Westel Hawkins, Newport.
1st Corporal, Charles La Grange, Guilderland.
2d Corporal, Jacob Hardenburgh, Princetown.
3d Corporal, W. B. Fairman, Cooperstown.
4th Corporal, James H. Russell, Rhinebeck.
5th Corporal, John H. Wagner, Canajoharie.
6th Corporal, Martin Sitterly, Guilderland.
7th Corporal, John W. Penny, Ilion.
8th Corporal, Parley Eaton, Herkimer.
Drummer, George Moore, Coxsackie.
Fifer, George W. Schimerhorn, Rensselaerville.
Privates, Jacob H. Asher, Rhinebeck; Leroy E. Baldwin, Utica; John A. Brackett, Greenwich; Edward Baker, Schuylerville; Major Brown, Saratoga Spa; John D. Brown, New York City; Henry N. Burhans, Cherry Valley; Cleaveland J. Campbell, Cherry Valley; Rienzi Coons, Nassau; John Crounse, Guilderland; Wm. Cornwell, Rensselaervilie; Dennis Cannady, Fonda; Jeffrey H. Champlin, Rhinebeck; James P. Curtis, Schuylerville; Wm. H. Cash, Auburn; Sanford Campbell, Albany; Henry Carter, Hebron; Amos Carter, Hebron; Marmaduke Cooper, Cooperstown; Wm. C. Crafts, Cherry Valley; James D. Clyde, Cherry Valley; Lewis W. Davis, Westerlo; Moses H. Dumass, Hannibal; David J. Davis, Jordanville; Samuel Dewint, Rhinebeck; Joseph Ferguson, Esopus; Charles W. Felt, Earlville; George T. Foster, Lyons; Morris C. Foot, Cooperstown; George Elliott, Ilion; John J. Gibbs, Hebron; Wm. H. Goodrich, Jordanville; George F. Hoyt, Lewisborough; Delavan W. Harrington, Richfield; Wm. W. Hull, South Westerlo; Salmon H. Hickok, Herkimer; Wm. J. Johnson, Columbia; Levi S. Jones, Winfield; Nathaniel King, Putnam; Edgar Keeler, ____; Frank E. Little, Herkimer; Sam'l McCormick, New Scotland; Harvey Miller, Schoharie; Geo. McCready, Victory Mills; H. B. McCready, Northumberland; J. McLaughlin, Putnam; Nelson H. Mead, ____; Alex. Newland, Stockport; Egbert Olcott, Cherry Valley; Henry Prindle, Hebron; J. H. Putnam, Greenwich; Eugene Partridge, Mohawk; David Pencock, Saratoga; Horace N. Rice, ____; Erastus C. Root, Cooperstown; Sam'l Riseley, Rhinebeck; Wm. Storrs, Hudson; John Strait, German Flats; Emory Slater, Esopus; Charles Sigourney, Watervliet; Martin Steuart, Duanesburgh; W. W. Sanford, Newport; Bernard Smith, Nassau; Wm. C. Searles, Hebron; Wm. D. Stillman, Winfield; Delos R. Thayer, Cooperstown; Benjamin N. Thomas, Herkimer; Chas. Van Volkenburgh, Greenwich; David Van Buren, Springfield; Martin Van Buren, Springfield; Richard Van Alstein, Chatham; Jesse White, Guilderland; John H. Wilcox, Auburn; Wm. Welton, East Avon; Nelson O. Wendell, Winfield; Nathan A. Wilson, Hebron; John H. Wilbur, Duanesburgh; John H. Yager, Nassau; Floyd D. Young, ____; Isaac Russell, Rhinebeck; Henry H. McCoon, ____.
Captain, Freeman Conner, Chicago.
1st Lieutenant, Reuben B. Landon, Vernon.
2d Lieutenant, Henry D. Burdick, Lincklaen.
1st Sergeant, Eugene L. Dunham, Hamilton.
2d Sergeant, Fred. A. Moak, Sherburne.
3d Sergeant, Gardner S. Parker, Trenton.
4th Sergeant, Willie M. Rexford, Norwich.
5th Sergeant, Jno. B. Ten Broeck, Waterford.
1st Corporal, Wm. H. Longwell, Norwich.
2d Corporal, Henry Dickson, Norwich.
3d Corporal, David Shapley, Jr., New Hartford.
4th Corporal, Alvin H. Tinker, Sherburn.
5th Corporal, Wm. W. Haver, East Schuyler.
6th Corporal, John R. Moore, Trenton.
7th Corporal, L. S. Hillabrandt, Sammonsville.
8th Corporal, Peleg A. Cranston, Poolville.
Musicians, John A. Flagg, Greene; Daniel J. Wilson, Greene.
Marker, Alexander Davis, Coeymans.
Wagoner, Steven V. Gray, Green.
Privates, George Aker, West Fulton; Lewis M. Baldwin, Frankfort; Wm. P. Beach, Smyrna; Chauncey H. Beale, Bainbridge; German L. Barnaby, Masonville; John E. Barnaby, Guilford; Geo. G. Beckwith, Cazenovia; Henry Bishop, Madison; Wolworth W. Boynton, Jay; Wm. H. Brown, Minden; Jefferson W. Corr, Norwich; Daniel Casey, Saratoga Springs; Wm. Caswell, Coeymans; John F. Chase, Cobleskill Center; James H. Clement, West Hebron; Bryant D. Crandall, Norway; Thos. S. Crumb, Preston; David Davies, Trenton; La Mott Day, Burlington; Stephen V. Delong, Danube; Duane D. Dimmick, Smyrna; Elihu Dennis, Columbus; Milo Eddy, Lakeville; David Edwards, Trenon; Anson Engram, Saratoga Springs; Gideon Evans, Plymouth; King D. Evans, Plymouth; Lanson S. Ferris, Guilford; Isaac P. Fitch, Greene; Prentiss S. Frink, Plymouth; Geo. A. Foster, Verona; Ellis D. Gardner, West Burlington; Geo. W. Gasner, Fulton; H. W. George, Jay; Dempster Grems, N. Y. Mills; Benj. E. Harrison, Stark; Joel Hays, Saratoga Springs; Nathaniel Hays, Saratoga Springs; Orrin Howes, Madison; Chas. Hoyland, Cold Springs; Edward S. Ireland, Fultonville; Albt. J. Jackson, New Berlin; Wm. H. Jones, Steuben; Lyman Judd, Fulton; Henry Keller, Manheim; Andrew J. Kimball, Burtonville; Wm. H. Lamb, Norwich; Wm. F. Lane, Bellevue; John H. Lewis, Salem; Benj. S. Marvin, Franklin; John M. Miller, Duanesburgh; Alexander Milroy, Florida; David McCullouch, Bethlehem; William McNiell, Greene; M. O. McNiff, Waterville; H. Montague, Henderson; H. C, Pabodie, Preston; Robert W. Parson, Bainbridge; John Parslow, Summit; George A. Perkins, Otselic; Sidney S. Skinner, Franklin; William Seeley, Sidney; Alonzo C. Shepard, Smyrna; McKendree Shaw, Sherburne; George F. Stevens, Norwich; John G. Stevens, Norwich; Willard Stevens, Madison; Edward G. Stevens, Henderson; George H. S___, Norwich; James E. Spry, Norwich; John E.
Stewart, Franklin; James Sweet, Madison; John H. Swertfager, Waterville; Orson Spickerman, Fulton; Henry Todd, Norwich; Oscar Thomas, Cold Springs; E. P. Tracey, Smyrna; Wm. H. Tompkins, Fulton; Joshua Tompkins, Fulton; William W. Vail, Hamilton; Jerome Van Antwerp, Sammonville; Albert C. Wilson, Greene; John L. Wallace, Cherry Valley; Spencer A. Wallace, Orwell; Wm. H. Weaver, Greene; Thos. Webb, Unadilla; Hiram Wood, Jay.
Captain, Michael McN. Walsh, New Paltz.
1st Lieutenant, Bradford R. Wood, Jr., Albany.
2d Lieutenant, Myron H. Cole, Albany.
1st Sergeant, Charles J. Jackson, Poughkeepsie
2d Sergeant, Simon P. Johnson, New Paltz.
3d Sergeant, Horace M. Riggs, Poughkeepsie.
4th Sergeant, Geo. M. Maret, Poughkeepsie.
5th Sergeant, Sherwood P. Cary, Owego.
1st Corporal, Thomas R. Depuy, Newburgh.
2d Corporal, Albert Morgan, Dover Plains.
3d Corporal, Silas Van Wagenen, Lloyd.
4th Corporal, Hiram S. Flynt, Franklin.
5th Corporal, John Ryan, Gardiner.
6th Corporal, Herman V. S. Haveley, Rotterdam.
7th Corporal, Henry Pitcher, Dover.
8th Corporal, Enoch J. Lewis, Newark Valley.
Musicians, James S. Down, Trenton; John Schligar, Albany.
Privates, Geo. W. Arnold, Pawling; Charles H. Bleeker, Lloyd; William Bragg, Lloyd; Charles H. Burhans, Pawling; Egbert H. Benson, Dover Plains; Jno. A. Blair, Dover, Kingsley Baker, Greenville; Isaac Bevier, New Paltz; Albert H. Betcher, Newark Valley; Oliver P. Carpenter, Lloyd; Franklin Carlow, Washington; Sherman Chapman, Dover; Ira Conklin, Goshen; Geo. W. Crist, Shawangunk; Jonas Crispell, New Paltz; Patrick Dowd, Dover; William J. Dougall, Rhotterdam [sic]; Ransford Densmore, Schuylerville; Ira F. Du Bois, New Paltz; Webster S. Duryea, Goshen; Charles R. French, Victory; Geo. W. Fradenburg, New Paltz; Luther P. Freer, New Paltz; David Gordon, Rotterdam; Andrew A. Hill, Weedsport; Edgar Hinchman, Hyde Park; Riley Hallock, Pawling; Norman Haskell, Cortland; Milton Hasbrouck, New Paltz; Ambrose Herbert, New Paltz; Martin Ingersoll, Pawling; Cyrus Ingersoil, Pawling; Frank M. Johnson, Lloyd; Benjamin Johnson, New Paltz; W. Christmas Jones, Floyd; Joseph L. King, Hebron; John H. Lawless, Clinton Hollow; Isaac Lawless, Clinton Hollow; Darius Lillie, Owego; Enoch H. Lee, Washington; Jno. H. Leonard, Schuylerville; Peter Mersereau, Owego; Isaac L. Morton, Owego; Edgar E. Merchant, Schuylerville; Jno. J. Malone, Jewett; William O'Banks, Pawling; George O'Banks, Pawling; Hiram S. O'Banks, Pawling; Joseph C. Palmatier, Lloyd; James S. Pierce, Pawling; James H. Palmer, New Paltz; Philip A. Purdy, Schuylerville; Andrew J. Phillips, Perth; Samuel E. Ramsey, Hamptonburg; Edward Rosenkrants, New Paltz; Geo. P. Read, Patterson, Henry H. Roe, Clintondale; James E. Roe, Clintondale; Alfred Rosenkrants, Gardiner; John Rogers, Florida; Truman Shearer, Cortland; Aaron Stockholm, Goshen; John Shove, Pawling; Peter Schryver, Rotterdam; John Slocum, Pawling; Matthew Simons, Victory; Henry G. Smith, Butternuts; Thurlow Weed Seward, Florida; Benjamin Starr, Homer; Emory A. Schaeffer, Seward; Andrew J. Taylor, New Paltz; Jacob Tobias, New Paltz; John M. Upright, Gardiner; William S. Vankeuren, Pleasant Plains; Henry Van Patten, Rotterdam; Peter Weinstein, Poughkeepsie; Henry D. Wigg, Clinton; Godfrey Woolven, Lloyd; Oscar Williams, Newark Valley; Charles H. Welch, Schuyleyville; Peter West, Clifton Park; Edward Wilkins, Cherry Valley; Alfred Williams, Hyde Park.
Captain, Campbell Allen, Albany.
1st Lieutenant, James McMillan, Albany.
2d Lieutenant, Charles W. Gibbs, Albany.
1st Sergeant, Charles H. Zielman, Albany.
2d Sergeant, Robert F. McCormic, Albany.
3d Sergeant, Anthony G. Graves, Jr., Albany.
4th Sergeant, Andrew Love, Albany.
5th Sergeant, John A. Ramsay, Clarksville.
1st Corporal, Isaac J. Roach, Berne.
2d Corporal, Robert F. Buchanan, Albany.
3d Corporal, Charles Wilber, Albany.
4th Corporal, James Young, Albany.
5th Corporal, Spencer Merchant, Albany.
6th Corporal, Samuel W. Chandler, Albany.
7th Corporal, Martin V. B. Wagoner, Albany,
8th Corporal, David S. Weaver, Albany.
Privates, John Burke, Albany; James Burnett Putnam; Nelson Best, Bethlehem; Van Zandt Bradt, New Scotland; Elisha Babcock, Albany; Edward Bennett, Albany; Benjamin Baze, Waterford; Hamilton Cotter, Albany; Richard Carkner, Bethlehem; John B. Chandler, Albany; Charles Chappell, Schuyler Lake; George N. Cozine, Albany; John C. Calverly, Albany; John Downing, Albany; Josiah Dunham, Albany; Sylvester Dearstyne, Bath; Jas. Delehanty, Albany; Geo. W. Evans, Albany; Perry Ewing, Jr., Albany; Orlando J. Forman, Coeymans; Benj. Fairbanks, Albany; J. J. Graves, Albany; Charles C. Gates, Albany; Geo. W. Gilkerson, Albany; Herbert A. Green, Trenton; Daniel W. Hubbell, Albany; M. S. Hill, Georgetown; Ebenezer Jones, Ballston Spa; James Jerome, Albany; J. W. Kemp, Guilderland; George W. Loomer, Trenton; Oscar Legg, Albany; Wm. Lavery, Greenbush; Lewis Leeland, Albany; John P. Loudon, Delhi; John McCormick, New Scotland; John Mitchell, Albany; William McClelland, Albany; Ralph McDougall, Albany; Wm. Murphy, Coeymans; Jas. McGee, Albany; Jas. Moffit, Albany; Daniel McEwing, Albany; Wm. Morris, Albany; W. V. R. Matoon, Albany; Abram Nelligar, Albany; David Nash, Greenbush; Philip Ostrander, Albany; Abram Osterhout, Duanesburgh; Job J. Pangburn, Bethlehem; Joseph G. Pangburn, Albany; William C. Roberts, Albany; Henry F. Real, Albany; John J. Robinson, Duanesburgh; Henry Shepherd, Albany; Geo. W. B. Seely, Schenectady; John Smith, West Troy; Henry Stevens; Levy Slater, Fulton; William Smith, Esmond; Thomas Skinner, Albany; Shadrick Tarpany, Dover Plains; Wm. Thompson, Schenectady; Thomas Thorn, Albany; John V. R. Visscher, Albany; John G. Vanderzee, Bethlehem; Sylvanus Van Valkenberg, Fulton; John J. Van Loon, Albany; Jacob Van Zandt, Bethlehem; Garrett Van Zandt, Amsterdam; William Van Tromp, Albany; Elias White, East Berne; John Wood, Bethlehem; Hosea C. Williams, Cooperstown; Charles Piepenbrink, Albany; Thomas Ward, Bridgewater; Sylvester Wright, Duanesburgh; George T. Williams, Albany; Wm. H. Webb, Albany; John G. Walley, Albany; George W. Zielman, Albany; David Zeh, Albany; Smith Zeiley, Middleburgh; Henry Wygant, Albany; James Hendrickson, Albany.
Captain, W. L. Van Derlip.
1st Lieutenant, Chas. E. Pease.
2d Lieutenant, C. R. Becker.
1st Sergeant, Jerome Yates.
2d Sergeant, Peter Van Alstyne.
3d Sergeant, Chas. A. Webber.
4th Sergeant, Wm. Johnstone.
1st Corporal, Chas. Bradford.
2d Corporal, Hastings Kellogg.
3d Corporal, Horace Peasley.
4th Corporal Wm. H. Woodbridge.
5th Corporal, Homer Brewer.
6th Corporal, John Heusted.
7th Corporal, Rufus A. Teeling.
8th Corporal, Lewis McKoe.
Privates, Wm. B. Allen, A. C. Adsett, Seward Brooks, A. Barnes, James A. Boardman, S. D. Brown, H. Brayton, J. H. Brown, Geo. H. Chapman, A. S. Clover, A. G. Cessford, Geo. Crandall, John Congden, George Coons, C. A. Cureton, Wm. H. Dack, Garrit Dack, James M. Davis, Janes Damms, Wm. Dollar, E. Fredricks, W. S. Faulkner, C. Ford. D. Frisbee, A. J. Fellows, John Bryton, W. Goffs, A. M. Griffing, J. W. Griswold, S. M. Hamilton, Geo. M. Holmes, L. Harrisson, P. Hallenbake, J. Hagemane, Geo. N. Hill, L. A. Halcomb, R. L. Johnson, James Lynch, James Lackey, J. H. Lester, J. B. Lake, Wm. Lasher, James Lacy, J. McKown, J. E. Morse, William Nolen, Dow B. Oakes, E. Olney, George W. Oliver, John Oudekitch, John B. Packer, Jr., M. L. Park, O. P. Perrin, L. Ripley, John D. Reynolds, J. A. Redue, George C. Rider, F. B. Scutt, P. R. Sylends, A. VanDerpool, Wm. H. Woodin, Geo. H. Whiteman, S. B. Wilcox, David Wilber, W. E. Luff, Chas. Luff, Peter Nor- ris, Norris Smith, David M. Long, E. C. Radley, Wm. Bartlett, Theo. Garnsey, J. Evans, Chauncey Garvey, Asaph Holdridge, John B. Holt, Ephraim C. Crocker, David Fikes, Hiram Zeah, John Butler, Daniel S. Van Vleck, John Thrall, Holmes, F. P. Ruggles, Henry Fellows.
Captain, William N. Danks, Albany.
1st Lieutenant, Charles Woodworth, Albany.
2d Lieutenant, Eugene A. Nash, Albany.
1st Sergeant, Charles Grannis, Albany.
2nd Sergeant, Frank Campbell, Albany.
3d Sergeant, Frank M. Kelley, Albany.
4th Sergeant, Wallace W. Gill,
5th Sergeant, Daniel Worthley,
1st Corporal, Warren L. Maxson, Albany.
2nd Corporal, Herman Blasdell, Albany.
3rd Corporal, Leonard Darling, Albany.
4th Corporal, F. Mdody, Albany.
5th Corporal, William W. Johnson, Albany.
6th Corporal, Jabesch Harris, Albany.
7th Corporal, Nahum Thompson, Albany.
8th Corporal, William J. Goodman, Albany.
Fifer, George W. Orr, Albany.
Drummer, Halsted Heemans, Albany.
Privates, Arthur J. Ayer, Albany; George Arvin, Albany; James Adams, Albany; Ansted, Albany; Charles H. Blair, Albany; Geo. Bump, Charles F. Brown, James M. Bly, Albany; William W. Boynton, Albany; John S. Cornwell, Albany; Adelbut Clapp, Albany; Warren D. Crook, Albany; Alonzo Cross, Albany; Thomas Crocker, Albany; William Campbell, Francis A. Coon, Albany; Alonzo Coppernoll, Albany; Joel T. Comstock, Albany; Augustus D. Clark, James S. Dougal, William J. Dailey, Albany; John Darbee, Albany; Edwin R. Fells, Albany; Reuben Fox, Delos W. Gurnsey, Albany; William F. Gardner, Louis P. Gilbert, Albany; Jas. T. Gail, Adgate T. Gregg, Hull Hooker, Albany; Marvin Hull, Albany; Henry Hotchkiss, Henry Hogan, Albany; Wyman Hall, Harvey C. Hall, Albany; Jacob Hoffman, Franklin Hickok, Albany; Leroy J. Hooker, Burt Inman, Ervin E. Johnson, Frank Jacquemin, Adam Kizer, Albany; William H. Klock, Albany; Albert M. Kelsey, Henry J. Kennedy, Israel Luce, Albany;
David D. Lander, Albany; Wilbur H. Merrills, Albany; Sylvanus Markham, John Moyer, Albany; Milton Moore, Joseph Mittnesser, Moore, Albany; Willis Morse, Albany; Perry Morse, Albany; Mead A. McKevet, Albany; Kinyon A. Muncy, Albany; Andrew J . Muncy, Albany; Reuben Nichols, AlbanY; Franklin Persons, Albany; Wm. H. Phillips, Geo. W. Phillips, Ross Reynolds, Albany; Henry T. Rice, Steven S. Smith, Smith, Albany; Franklin Smith, Frederick Silliman, Albany; Vernon L. Spring, Resell M. Starring, Samuel Steele, Smead, Albany; George W. Sanders, Albany; Benjamin P. Worden, Joseph B. Wasson, Corydon O. Warner, Albany; H. Wheeler, Daniel R. Wood, Albany; Hillock Williams, John C. Whitenack,
Captain, Webster Shaffer, Catskill.
1st Lieutenant Adjutant, Edward B. Knox, Chicago, Ill.
2nd Lieutenant, Edwin L. Spencer, Catskill.
1st Sergeant, William H. Greene, Albany.
2nd Sergeant, Hobart M. Walker, Buffalo.
3rd Sergeant, Geo. S. Boyel, Cairo.
4th Sergeant, Henry J. Botchford, Fonda.
1st Corporal, Wm. H. Comfort, Catskill.
2d Corporal, Wm. W. Delamater, Durham.
3d Corporal, Jno. B. Higham, Utica.
4th Corporal, Jno. A. Raymond, New York.
5th Corporal, Richard Whitbeck, Coxsackie.
6th Corporal, Hoadby Hosford, Big Hollow.
7th Corporal, Joseph E. St. John,
8th Corporal, James E. Shepard, Niagara Falls.
Privates, Jacob Bender, S. Durham; Charles Bates, Catskill; John Burdict, Claverack; Philo H. Backus, Coxsackie; Samuel C. Brown, N. Cortright; James W. Boomus, Albany; William Block, Springville; Charles Ballou, Springville; John W. Crayton, Buffalo; Peter Collier, Catskill; Charles H. Carpenter, Chatham; Seth T. Cole, Catskill; David B. Dunham, Catskill; Geo. Edwards, Coxsackie; Fred'k O. Friar, Catskill; Earl W. Fisher, Stuyvesant; John Gay, Coxsackie; John Huson, Windham; Martin L. Hathaway, Coxsackie; George Hallenbeck, Catskill; Robert Huyck, Exeter Center; Jno. F. Hine, Hamburgh; John Jape, Lancaster; Samuel Kenyon, Catskill; Michael Kinne, Catskill; Lewis Kern, Claverack; Alex. Lamond, Peekskill; Charles Morse, Java; Nathan P. Mead, Coxsackie; Jno. B. McWilliams, Catskill; Wm. N. McLarren, Buffalo; Charles McLarren, Buffalo; Silas W. Mansfield, New Baltimore; Henry W. Mead, New Baltimore; Fred'k A. Mead, New Baltimore; Henry McKoon, ____; Alex. Nichols, Cedarville; G. Nichols, Java; Edwin S. Nash, Buffalo; James W. Overpaugh, Catskill; Orrin Pangborn, Columbia; Wm. J. Parkinson, Ballston Springs; Theophilus Price, Little Valley; Nicholas Russell, Catskill; Cyrus L. Ripley, Cooperstown; John H. Russell, Saratoga; Charles J. Robson, Coxsackie; Lewis Simpson, Buffalo; William Signer, Coxsackie; Albert Sheffield, Windham; George R. Sheffield, Coxsackie; William H. Sphon, Coxsackie; George Spencer, Coxsackie; Sijmund Swerkart, Buffalo; John N. Sowles, Hobart; Simon Smith, Coxsackie; Salmon E. Tyler, South Durham; Peter Van Epps, Neustead; William Van Denbergh, Coxsackie; Warner Vandenbergh, Coxsackie; Sidney White, Durham; Homer Wilson, German Flats; Merenius Weist, Coxsackie; Theodore D. Weed, Catskill; Perry Wood, Columbia; Jas. Wilcox, Victory; Floyd D. Young, ____; William Russell, Catskill; William Eckerson, Seward; Michael Race, Durham; Joseph W. Hadley, Orange; Lorenzo D. Ladue, Copake; Theodore N. Perry, Cairo; John H. Hill, Catskill; Abram Eckler, Catskill; Eli Hunt, Westerlo; D. J. Pillsworth, New York; Emanuel House, Schuyler Lake; George H. Chapman, German Flats; John Wagoner, New Scotland; Nicholas Ruso, ____; Edward Low, ____; Frederick H. Ford, Catskill; Henry Poole, ____; F. Wood Willard, ____.
Captain, William H. Miller, Argyle.
1st Lieutenant, William W. Jones, Meridian.
1st Sergeant, William R. Bourne, Lyons.
2d Sergeant, Ashbel W. Burnham, Savannah.
3d Sergeant, John P. Willard, Fort Miller.
4th Sergeant, William H. Sentell, Sodus.
5th Sergeant, Darwin F. Godfrey, Batavia.
Fifer, Michael Hoskins, Meridian.
Drummer, William J. Ewing, Albany,
Drummer, John McGarvey, Albany.
Privates, William S. Angel, Jerusalem; John Axtell, Deposit; George H. Arnold, Tully; Samuel D. Badgley, Milan; Harvey D. Barnes, Rose; Charles L. Barrel, Savannah; William J. Bain, Argyle; Oliver Baxter, Masonville; George W. Baxter, Masonville; Edward B. Boss, Lyons; John Booth, Sodus; Henry H. Butts, Sodus; George Blackmer, Russell; Charles D. Bowen, Willett; Daniel W. Brunk, Duanesburgh; Halsey D. Buck, Fort Miller; Marcus Burk, Meridian; Marshall Burk, Meridian; James B. Case, Sodus; George L. Choate, Eaton; Paul B. Clark, Preston; Ezra Clark, Meridian; Sylvester A. Cook, Sodus; Edwin A. Culver, Goshen, Jesse H. Culver, Goshen; Theodore Culver, Chester; Asa J. Davis, Masonville; Henry Downs, Schuylerville; Sidnet Dowd, Huron; George P. Dodson, Russia; Jacob H. Dings, Lakeville; John H. Dora, Johnstown; Ellery Elms, Saratoga Sp'gs; Stenson Ellsworth, Victory Mills; Moses H. Esmay, Seward; Rufus Esmay, Seward; Charles Ferguson, Blooming Grove; Charles L. Farnham, Walworth; H. Milton Ford, Chatham Corners; George Green, Butler; James H. Harned, Fonda; Alvin L. Hempstreet, Schuylerville; James B. Hitchcock, Seneca Falls; Clark Hollenbeck, Seward Valley; Jacob N. Hyser, Masonville; John Johnson, Ohio; Edward Kinney, Green; James H. Krake, Cherry Valley; John A. Lockley, Albany; Philo W. Leighton, Sodus; William E. Lewis, Preston; Sherwood S. Mason, Delhi; Abram Miller, Florida; John L. Metcalf, Masonville; William Mosher, Savannah; Edmund W. Merrill, Huron; ____ McMurray, Victory Mills; Samuel McCreedy, Schuylerville; William McLean, Eaton; John R. McMillan, Argyle; Michael O'Neil, Victory Mills; James H. Parker, Masonville; John Post, Florida; James Peck, Florida; Peter L. Quant, Johnstown; Alexander J. Reed, Lake; James S. Richardson, Unadilla; Clark Rorapaugh, Smithville; Frasier Rosenkrans, Benton; Daniel H. Reno, Clarksville; ____ Sammons, Fonda; Charles S. T. Stanford, Ontario; Phineas W. Smith, Masonville; George G. Smith, Green; Henry T. Shufelt, Ohio; William J. Story, Cherry Valley; John Starkings, Fairfield; John A. Taylor, Benton; Judson P. Thomas, Afton; William W. Upson, Huron; John E. Van Patten, Huron; Edwin W. Viele, Seneca Falls; Bathue; R. Winters, Sodus; George Webb, Smithville; George W. Webster, Willett; Alton J. Whiting, Norwich; Loren A. Youngs, Sherburne.
Exciting Scene at the Barracks Reception of the Order to March by the Ellsworth Regiment.
Yesterday afternoon the Ellsworth Regiment had a parade on the Poor House farm, opposite the Barracks, and while manoeuvring, Colonel Stryker, who had been in the city during the day, arrived on the ground. He immediately took command of the Regiment, and after marching and wheeling in divisions for a short time, he halted the men in a ravine in the southeast corner of the field. He took position on an elevation to the right of the Regiment, while the Band was on the left. Every man seemed to anticipate what was coming. Perfect quiet prevailed as the Colonel pulled from his belt an official document which he proceeded to read, and which were the orders for the Regiment to march on Monday next. Before the reading had been concluded their [sic] arose such a shout from the eight hundred men on parade as made the very earth tremble. Cheer after cheer was given, caps were thrown heavenward, muskets followed, and even the men themselves jumped from the ground and leaped about, as if each and all had received news of being heir to princely fortunes. Such dancing, such pirouetting, such prancing, such hugging—in fact such an enthusiastic demonstration was never before witnessed in these parts. To say that the boys were wild with joy, but feebly describes their feelings and actions. It was a perfect delirium, and each man seemed to endeavor to excel his neighbor in giving vent to his feelings. As the cheering ceased a loud cry was given for "Dixie," and immediately the Band struck up that familiar and pleasant air. The sweet strains of the music aroused the enthusiasm of the boys again, and with their loud huzzas they fairly drowned the notes of Schreiber and his comrades. Even Charley Kane's terrific thumps on his favorite bass drum could not be heard.
As the Band ceased playing Col. Stryker waved his hand, commanding order and silence, and in much less time than could have been expected, considering the excited state of feeling of the men, quiet was restored, when the Colonel addressed them as follows:
" Boys! I will now give you the progeamme. To-morrow (Thursday) three companies (naming them) will be allowed their liberty until 2 o'clock in the afternoon,—[this elicited loud cheering from the companies named,]—at which time all the men must be at the Barracks. In the afternoon there will be a battalion drill. On Friday three other companies (naming them) will have their liberty until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. [Then came another outburst of cheering from these companies.] In the afternoon we will make a street parade. [Cries of, bully for that, and hearty cheering by all hands.] In the evening we intend to give our Band a complimentary concert at Tweddle Hall, and we wish you all to attend. [Loud cries of 'We will!' 'We will!'] You know you have all had uniforms furnished you, but the Band has not, and we desire to do something handsome for those who will add so much to our pleasure when away from here. [Rousing cheers were here given the Band, and a cry was made for music, but the Colonel said he wasn't through yet, and they'd have the music after awhile.] On Saturday the four remaining companies of the Regiment will be given their liberty until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. [This, of course, elicited more shouting, from these gentlemen.] Saturday afternoon we will be reviewed by the Executive Committee of the Ellsworth Association for the last time. [Hearty cheers for the Committee.] Now, boys, you are to be given your liberty, and I hope not a man of you will do anything that you will be ashamed of, or that you will be ashamed to tell me of. [Cries from hundreds of voices 'We won't!' 'We won't!'] I am satisfied you will not. You have read in the papers that I am proud of this Regiment, but they can't tell you half how proud I am of you. [This started the boys again, and away went caps, handkerchiefs, muskets, &c., &c., as they all shouted to the extent of their lungs for the gallant Colonel, while some of the more enthusiastic exclaimed, with great emphasis, 'Bully for Stryker!']
“ I desire to state to you that Gov. Morgan has telegraphed to New York for one thousand shirts, the best that can be procured for you. [At this announcement the Governor was most lustily cheered.] You have drawn all the clothing you are entitled to, but the Governor is determined that his pet Regiment shall not leave the city unless their every want is provided for. [This elicited another outburst of cheering for the Governor; and one of the men enquired "how about those new guns?"] Well, I'll tell you, the Governor did not want to promise you for fear he would disappoint you, but this afternoon he informs me that one thousand Minnie-rifle muskets are on their way from Springfield for you; and they are the best ever made." [This announcement appeared to set them all crazy again, as they evinced their unbounded satisfaction in every possible manner, and by almost every conceivable movement not laid down in Hardee.]
" The date of our departure will be known to all your friends to-night, as I have telegraphed it all over the State, and they will have permission to pass within the lines and see you. On Sunday morning you will be permitted to attend church in the city, and in the afternnon [sic] there will be services in Camp. At 5 o'clock there will be a dress parade. On Monday morning every man must be at his post, ["yes sir!" came from every man] and at 1 o'clock your friends will have to leave you. [Just then one of the boys shouted out "bully for that!" which created much merriment.] At 2 o'clock everything must be in readiness to leave that old place [pointing to the Barracks] for good. [The reminder that they were soon to enter the field was the signal for another rally of cheers from all hands.] And now boys I propose three cheers for the glorious Stars and Stripes, the flag that can never meet with dishonor or disgrace so long as a People's Ellsworth is left to defend it!"
The cheers were given, and three more, and three again, and three more still, winding up with a "three times three" and "a tiger as is a tiger." We think if people had been listening in Greenbush they might have heard those cheers, for we never heard such huzzas before; nor have we ever seen men more enthusiastic. It was a scene without a parallel, and showed that the Ellsworth's, to a man, are anxiously looking forward to the time when they may, by deeds of valor and courage, show that they are worthy the name they bear—worthy of being the representatives of the Empire State.
From the Morning Express, 21st.
On Saturday afternoon, according to announcement, the People's Ellsworth Regiment were reviewed by the Executive Committee of the "Ellsworth Association." A very large crowd of persons assembled to witness the review, and the last batallion [sic] drill prior to the departure of the Regiment for the seat of war. About four o'clock, Col. Stryker took command, and after the customary salute the Committee passed the Regiment in review, SCHREIBER'S Band discoursing most eloquent music during the ceremony.
After the Regiment had halted the officers proceeded to the front and paid their respects to the Committee. Hon. LYMAN TRENAIN briefly addressed them, expressing the gratification of the Committee at being permitted to review the Regiment, and paying a high compliment to the officers and members, assuring them that wherever they might go the prayers and sympathies of the People of the Empire State would go with them, and pledging them that the Committee would use every exertion on their part that could contribute to their comfort in future.
Col. STRYKER responded by saying he was not a speech-maker, and he would allow his men to express their thanks to the Committee in their peculiar way. The Regiment accordingly formed a hollow square, after which the Committee were escorted within the lines, when the Colonel proposed three cheers, which were given with right good will, followed up by the "seven and a tiger," which was a rouser.
Hon. CHARLES D. HUGHES, Secretary of the Committee, acknowledged the compliment, and referred briefly to the organization of the Regiment, the difficulties which had attended it, and the final triumphant success of the undertaking. He spoke in high terms of the character of the members of the Regiment, their soldierly bearing, their proficiency, and their discipline, concluding by saying that while the city of New York might be proud of its gallant 7th, the State of New York in the future might well be proud of its Ellsworth Regiment.
The boys cheered most lustily at the conclusion of Mr. H.'s remarks, and the Committee retired, after which the Regiment was drilled for an hour by the Colonel.
Yesterday afternoon Brig. Gen. RATHBONE promulgated the following special order:—
ALBANY, Oct. 20, 1861.
Special Order, No. 84.
The General commanding the depot cannot permit the "People's Ellsworth Regiment" to pass from his command without returning to all, officers and privates alike, his sincere thanks for the order and discipline which have been maintained during the difficult period of organization, for the promptness and alacrity with which they have obeyed every order, and for the uniform courtesy and soldierly bearing which have characterized them while they have been in this command. He feels that his own labors have been materially lessened by the entire and ready conformity of the Regiment to his wishes and directions. The example it has shown, enforced here and continued wherever it may go, cannot but prove most beneficial and useful throughout the struggle in which we are engaged. The General commanding would especially express his approbation of the entire absence of intemperance, and, commending the Regiment to more active scenes, would exhort it to maintain the character which it has already won, and to rely upon Him who alone can crown our arms with victory.
By order of
Brig. Gen. J. F. RATHBONE, Com'g.
CHAS. E. SMITH, Acting Aid-de-Camp.
The departure of the ELLSWORTHS was the grandest pageant ever witnessed in this city.
The Regiment moved promptly at the hour fixed upon, and were cheered in their march, from the Barracks to the steamboat landing, by more than twenty thousand men and women.
In spite of the human obstructions which met them at every step, the Regiment marched with remarkable precision and in perfect order.
The escort did their duty acceptably, and everything, including the Flag Presentation, passed off admirably.
The blessings and prayers of hundreds of thousands will follow them.
Its Presentation, and the Speeches.
When the centre of the Ellsworth Regiment was opposite the house of Hon. ERASTUS CORNING, the line was halted to receive the Regimental Banner from the hands of Mrs. CORNING. It is very elegant, and when put into the hands of the Standard Bearer, it was received with enthusiastic cheers by the Regiment. The ceremony was deeply interesting; but we have no time further to describe it. The speeches are subjoined:—
Mr. HUGHES, on behalf of Mrs. ERASTUS CORNING, being introduced by the Mayor, spoke as follows:—
COL. STRYKER:—You have been requested to halt your command at this point to enable me to present to you, and through you to your Regiment, in the name and in behalf of Mrs. ERASTUS CORNING, this stand of Regimental Colors. Its patriotic donor thus tenders, not only her individual sympathy and respect, but the good will and kindly feeling of all her sex throughout the Empire State. Herself a wife and mother, her gift symbalizes [sic] the deep interest which the wives and mothers of New York take in the great cause in which you and your companions in arms are now about to engage.
Your Regiment has sprung from the homes and firesides of the loyal and liberty loving people all over our great commonwealth, and bears a Hero's name, and this Standard is committed to their hands by a confiding woman, in the full assurance that it will be guarded as a sacred trust.
It is no "banner with a strange device." It is the National Flag, and bears emblazoned on its proud folds, thirty-four stars, representing all the confederated sovereignties which form our glorious Union—the United States of America. Traitor hands now seek to sever that Union, and you have been called to the battle field to defend and to protect it.
Soldiers! Yours is a noble mission. You go not forth at the behest of a Monarch. No fanatical war cry arouses your passions, but the tocsin has sounded the warning note of danger, and the Rebel guns, aimed at Sumter, have, like another Cadmus, sown dragon's teeth all over our fair land, until armed men have sprung up on every hill side and valley, where dwell a patriotic and a loyal people.
This banner is like the one our fathers bore when they won our liberties, and laid broad and deep the foundations of our Government. Let it remind you of their struggle, their sacrifices, and their victories. Its fluttering folds will speak to you of the sufferings and endurance of Washington's army at Valley Forge—of Schuyler's sacrifices, and Yates's valor at Saratoga—of the glorious victories at Monmouth and Trenton, and with mute but forcible appeal bid you imitate and emulate them.
Thus, as it flaunts in the breeze, your courage will be renewed and your patriotism revived to strike strong and willing blows to sustain a Government founded by Patriots on the immutable principles of right and justice. Go forth, then, at your country's call, assured of our prayers, that the God of hosts and the God of battles may be your buckler and your shield.
Bear this banner at the head of your Regiment to the seat of war, and there baptise [sic] it with your blood, if need be. Shun no danger when duty points the way. Defend it at all hazards with your lives, for it is your country's flag, and if any of your files shall live to bring it back to us with honor, torn and begrimed though it may be, we will scatter garlands in your paths for the living, weave cypress wreaths for the tombs of your dead, and crown every hero's brow with those laurels which so well become the brave. Go, with our blessing! and come not back until you come to announce the rebellion crushed and the traitors punished. Then, amid the plaudits of your grateful countrymen and the bright smiles of loving women, you may "beat your swords into ploughshares and your spears into pruning hooks, and every man under his vine and under his fig tree, become the honored recipient of a Nation's gratitude and care.
The MAYOR then took the Banner, and, presenting it to Col. STRYKER, said:—
COLONEL: Mrs. Corning desires me to say to you, that this Flag which she now confides to your protection, is the emblem of every blessing, political or religious, that man can enjoy. She bids you preserve it forever from the traitor's touch and to allow no coward to trail it in the dust. God speed you, farewell.
Col. STRYKER replied in a few feeling and appropriate words, which were received with cheers, when the Regiment moved forward.
Their March Through Broadway.
From the New York Herald of Wednesday.
The Ellsworth Regiment left Albany on Monday afternoon, on board the steamer Columbia, with two barges, and arrived at the foot of Fourteenth street, North river, at ten o'clock yesterday morning. A large crowd of persons were assembled on the pier and in the vicinity, in order to see the regiment land, and when the first man set his foot on shore he was greeted with cheers from the crowd.
After a delay of several hours the men were got in marching order, and proceeded up Fourteenth street to Broadway, and down Broadway to the City Hall Park, headed by a body of policemen under Sergeant Sutherland. The marching and appearance of the men were, perhaps, the most perfect and imposing of any volunteer corps that has left the State of New York since the commencement of the war. All the men are tall and well formed, with that intelligent look and bright eye which betoken that they understand and feel the duty which is before them. Their nimble step and fine development of muscular points were the universal theme in every mouth, and as they marched down Broadway, they were received with the highest enthusiasm and welcome. The piazzas, housetops and windows were filled with ladies, who cast down their bright smiles and wreaths of flowers upon that fine body of young men who were about to face the hot shot and cold steel to carry out one of the finest principles of humanity—retribution of a murderous wrong.
With their young and gallant Colonel at their head, and their steady, determined step bearing testimony to the valorous pulsations they felt in their hearts, the avengers of Ellsworth moved down Broadway to the music of the fine band which accompanies them to the war. The prayers and blessings of all who beheld those fine young fellows, the flower of our State, were freely uttered and well deserved. Several bouquets from fair hands were cast among the men, which they gallantly affixed to the ends of their bayonets.
On arriving at the Park they were conducted, by companies, to dinner. The regiment remained in New York last night, owing to a telegraphic despatch from Gov. Morgan, stating that their arms would be changed for the Springfield rifle this morning, when the same will arrive in this city. They will consequently be delayed here until this afternoon.
And now that the avengers of the dead Ellsworth are en route to a place where they will be led by their gallant Colonel against the traitorous Rebels who were the instigators of the murder, let the prayers of the patriotic ascend to the throne of the God of Battles, that He may shield the brave young soldiers from the perils of the carnage. The pang of anguish and horror that convulsed the entire North when the chivalrous Colonel of the New York First Fire Zouaves was shot dead at Alexandria, while tearing down the emblem of rebellion, still reverberates with double force in the hearts of those one thousand and forty-six men of the Ellsworth regiment; and let us consider that though the remembrance of that hour may have grown cold in the recollection of many, yet those men are ready to sacrifice their lives to avenge that murder, and vindicate the honor of the Union cause. With the battle cry of "Remember Ellsworth," they will deal death to their enemies, and he who falls in the struggle will have the consolation, as he expires, that he has sacrificed a young life in the defence of his country, and in avenging the murder of a patriot.
The Forty-fourth regiment, New York State Volunteers, otherwise called the "People's Ellsworth regiment," which arrived in our city from Albany on Tuesday morning, took their departure for Washington by the Camden and Amboy line yesterday evening. A history of the facts connected with the organization of this regiment has already been published in our issue of yesterday; so that it is unnecessary to go into any farther details.
The regiment was detained over night in New York, in consequence of their arms being changed, and about three o'clock yesterday they arrived, when they wore at once distributed among the men. These arms are the Springfield rifles, and are considered the best for military use. During their stay in New York the men of the Ellsworth regiment have maintained that character which preceded them, of respectable and temperate men. Not a man in the Park barracks, where they were quartered, was found to be under the influence of liquor, and no disturbance or wrangling of any description was prevalent among them. The City Hall Park was crowded during the day by an inquisitive crowd, who descanted flatteringly on the fine, soldierly appearance of the men. Ladies were on the ground in abundance, the men seeming to be great favorites with the fair sex in general. Colonel Stryker was in the Park during the entire day, busily engaged in personally superintending all the necessary movements incidental to the comfort of his men.
At five o'clock the men were ready to march, being formed in the Park. Broadway and Cortlandt street, the route through which they passed, were thronged with spectators, who cheered enthusiastically as the soldiers filed past. Their marching was also peculiarly remarked, and as the steady, determined tramp of the men down Broadway was distinctly heard, with their fine muscular bodies towering above, shouts of applause rent the air. Arriving at the foot of Cortlandt street, the men took leave of the city of New York, en route to the seat of war. The following are
Colonel Stryker, who commands the regiment, is in every way fitted to lead so efficient and hardy a body of men. Being a young man, only 26 years of age, he goes out nerved with all the enthusiasm and vigor of youth, as well as a large and practical experience of military affairs in general. He had personal acquaintance with Col. Ellsworth, having acted with him almost since he first entered upon the duties of a military career. Colonel Stryker first drew breath in Harlington, Somerset county, N. J., and resided in his native locality up to the year 1854, when he removed to Chicago, and shortly after joined the National Guard Battalion. This organization was subsequently transformed into the Chicago Zouaves, which attained such notoriety, and, together with Ellsworth, Stryker became a member of the corps. The acquaintance of those two young men soon after ripened into a warm personal attachment, which lasted until the death of Ellsworth. For a brief period Colonel Stryker was Captain of the Zouaves, and when the Mormon war threatened us he was the first to offer his services to the Governor of Illinois to put down the rebellion. When civil war then broke out and the New York Fire Zouaves were in course of organization, under command of Ellsworth, the Colonel was appointed Lieutenant, and went out with the regiment in that capacity. At the time of Ellsworth's death he held the post of Acting Adjutant, and came on with the remains of his deceased Colonel to New York. He stayed with the ___ until transferred to their last resting place. The proposed organization of the Ellsworth regiment was the signal for him to resign his command in the Fire Zouaves to join the men who were pledged to avenge the death of his former friend and commander. He was unanimously selected by the committee as the man to command this regiment, which he promptly accepted.
Lieutenant Colonel Rice is thirty years of age, and a brother-in-law of W. A. Rice, Esq., connected with the firm of McClure & Co., of Albany. He was a captain in the Garibaldi Guard, now at the seat of war in Virginia. Being tendered his present position, he willingly accepted it, and left the regiment with which he was connected in order to join this. He has had extensive experience in military matters, and no doubt will reflect credit upon himself and his position. The selection is a judicious one.
Major McKown is also a native of Albany, and served with distinction in the Mexican war. He is a good tactician, and competent in every way for the position he holds.
Adjutant Knox was born in Eastport, Maine, was a member of the Chicago Cadets, and is twenty-five years of age. He was out with the First Fire Zouaves as First Lieutenant of Company A, and smelled powder at the battle of Bull run. While connected with the Chicago Cadets he was known by the sobriquet of the "Little Corporal."
Quartermaster Munday hails from Seneca Falls, and was a private in the regiment, when his peculiar fitness for the position of Quartermaster induced his superiors to give him place.
Drs. Frothingham and Bissell belong to Erie county, and are medical men of proficiency.
Rev. Loomis H. Pease, who goes out as chaplain, is a graduate of Williams College, and comes from Saratoga. He is an extensive traveler [sic], having been through all parts of Europe and the Holy Land, and is stated to be a man of eloquent address and a high order of intellect.
Captains Larrabee, Conner and Revere were connected with the Chicago Cadets, and were all at the battle of Bull run.
THE REVIEW OF THE ELLSWORTHS.—Five or six thousand spectators witnessed the Governor's Review of the Ellsworth Regiment yesterday. On corning into the field, promptly at 3 o'clock, a salute was fired in honor of the Commander-in-Chief, who was accompanied by his Staff, and Brigadier General RATHBONE and his Staff—all elegantly mounted and equipped. The review commenced at 3 1/2 o'clock, and was followed by various evolutions, continuing until 5 o'clock, when the reviewing officers retired. The Regiment did admirably. It is composed of the right material—young, intelligent, active and athletic men. The officers know their business, and will very soon have the' best disciplined, as they already have the best looking Regiment in the service. The Regiment will probably leave for service next week. (Oct. 8, 1861)
A PRESENT TO AN ELLSWORTH LIEUTENANT—The following correspondence will explain itself:—
ALBANY, Sept. 15th, 1861.
Lieut. JAMES MCMILLAN—Dear Sir: We have long known you possessing those traits of sobriety, industry and enterprise that adorn the character of young men and that you have out of your hard earnings contributed to solace and support your mother (a widow) and large family.
That you have embraced the earliest opportunity to enroll your name as a volunteer in the Ellsworth Regiment to rally in defence of our country threatened with dissolution, and your comrades in arms have since elected you to the position of Lieutenant in your company.
We take the liberty of presenting you for acceptance a Military Suit and Sword, with full confidence that the Sword, when drawn in the field of battle, will not be stilled by cowardice nor returned to its scabbard until the Stars and Stripes, the flag of our country, waves again over these United States, the asylum of the oppressed of all nations, and the land of free men.
With the ardent wish that Heaven may preserve and protect you in health while performing the arduous duties and conflicts to preserve our Union, and that you may return in health to your widowed mother and family, We remain truly yours,
Albany, Sept. 20, 1861.
Hon. John Taylor and Wm. H. Taylor, Esq.:
Gentlemen:—It is not within my power to make a suitable acknowledgment for the beautiful and costly uniform and sword which the innate generosity and goodness of your noble hearts have prompted you to present me, nor do I know which most to admire, the elegance, richness and beauty of your welcome gifts, or the generous and patriotic tones of your highly complimentary and truly flattering letter accompanying the same.
In the fulness [sic] of my heart, I beg you accept my warmest thanks for this substantial endorsement of my conduct thus far, and of the cause in which I have embarked. Full well do I know the hazards of the contest in which we have engaged. Full well do I realize the bitterness of such a conflict. But these are in themselves, little and trifling matters in comparison with the irreparable evils that would inevitably flow from the dismemberment of our great Republic, and its con¬sequent division into innumerable petty and separate Republics and Governments, ever at war with each other, or distracted and panic stricken with fierce and barbarous internal dissensions and rebellion.
To avert these evils which are threatening our land, we must for a time forget the ties of kindred and our love of the quiet of home and peace for the discharge of those higher duties we owe ourselves, our country and our God, the maintenance of our Government, our institutions and laws, and the preservation of our Union, one and inseperable, now and forever.
With the encouragement, aid and support of the great and good men of our land, actuated by. that same enthusiastic and unswerving patriotism which fires your bosoms and adorns your lives, with their prayers and God's blessing in this greatest emergency, success must, and will, attend the efforts made, and making, to quell the bold and wicked attempt to subvert our Government.
Heaven grant that you, gentlemen, may live to witness this success, and again see us a happy, prosperous, and filial people, nestling beneath the folds of the Stars and Stripes, united by the same old bond which hath made us one of the foremost nations of the world.
With the highest assurances of my full appreciation of your kindest wishes in behalf of myself and those more dear to me, bespeaking for you and yours, individually and collectively the continuance of the bounties and blessings so richly and worthily bestowed upon you, I have the honor to remain, Your most humble and ob't servant,
JAMES MCMILLAN, 1st Lieut. Co. F,
People's Ellsworth Regiment.
The Ellsworths.
Extract from a letter dated
" After lunching we slung knapsacks, and took our march for Old Virginia, and how far do you think we plodded our way on Virginia's sacred soil? No less than eighteen miles did I carry my 'back sack' yesterday, and it was tough and no joking. The dust 'flewed' and 'blewed' until I almost thought that I could sup on the dust in my throat. It was after 1 o'clock when we started, and at 8 P. M. I was taking (I must say enjoying) a nice supper at the hands of the Pennsylvania 83d. It was the most acceptable feast I ever enjoyed. Our whole regiment was entertained. It was nothing less than an entertainment by the 83d boys, who kindly prepared an abundance of coffee and bread for us. It has caused a feeling to arise which can never be blotted out, for it was so like a finishing touch of Philadelphia love, that our boys discovered they were not too hoarse to cheer for their brother soldiers. We will stand by the Pennsylvania boys to the last.
" Our camp is on Hall's Hill, about five miles from the Rebels, and I presume the next time I write, if I do so again, I shall give you a full description of a live Rebel. Our camp was formerly occupied by the Rebels, and I feel that Little Mac is in a dusty place. You can rest assured that I slept well last night, and the ground seemed just the thing to sleep on after walking so great a distance upon it.
" Gen. MCCLELLAN is a splendid looking officer. His general appearance is fine. The air with which he carries himself is just the kind which every officer should imitate. The number of officers on horseback reminds me of the pictures of spirited horsemen dashing along regardless of life and limb.
" The boys did not all stand the march. A good many dropped out, and were picked up by the ambulances. Some of them were sick, and should not have started. Only two of Company C's boys fell out, and they were sick in the morning, but would not remain behind. I stood it 'like a book,' and did my best to cheer on the men in their long and weary march.
Yours, truly, A. McR."
Resignation of Major James McKown.
Correspondence of the Albany Evening Journal.
January 6th, 1862.
When it was definitely known that the resignation of Major MCKOWN had been accepted, last Saturday evening, and that it was his intention to leave for Albany in a very few days, the entire Regiment with its band assembled around his tent and gave him a parting serenade. After the music of the band had ceased, Major MCKOWN came from his tent and stated the reasons which had induced him to tender his resignation—which reasons were personal and intimately connected with the happiness of his family. While every officer and soldier deeply regretted the necessity which had caused him to leave a position which he has so well and honorably filled, yet no one who listened to the reasons of his resignation, which he eloquently and forcibly stated, could but admire the noble motives of filial duty which induced him to resign his commission. The address of the Major, who has ever had the respect and esteem of the entire Regiment, was received with great applause; yet the cheers were mingled with sadness and regret at the thought of his departure. After Major MCKOWN had retired, Colonel STRYKER feelingly expressed to the Regiment his deep regret at the loss of so valuable and experienced an officer, and was followed by Colonel MCLEAN, of the 83d Pennsylvania regiment, and other officers, all expressing their kindest regard towards the Major, and their sincere regret at the decision which he had made. Subsequently a letter, signed by every officer of the Regiment, was presented to Major MCKOWN, of which the following is a copy. The Major leaves for Albany to-day, and Captain E. L. CHAPIN, the senior Captain of the Regiment, will doubtless be appointed to fill the vacancy created by Major MCKOWN'S resignation. — R.
HALL'S HILL, Va., Jan. 4th, 1862.
Major James McKown:
DEAR SIR—We, the undersigned officers of the 44th Regiment N. Y. S. V., having learned with feelings of the sincerest regret that, for private reasons intimately connected with the happiness and comfort of your family, you have decided to resign your commission as Major of this Regiment, beg leave to express to you, before your departure from the camp, our high appreciation of your character as a faithful officer, a true gentleman, and a constant friend.
Fully recognising [sic] and appreciating those noble motives of patriotism which induced you to leave the peaceful pursuits of home, and the dearest relations and enjoyments of domestic life, to assume the responsible duties of that position which you have so well and honorably filled, we still more highly value those motives of filial duty which have pursuaded [sic] you to abandon the honor and rank of your office, that you might the better render protection and comfort to that one, who, like the Spartan mother, had given her every son for the preservation of her country. But while we so highly appreciate the motives which induce you to join your family, we yet deeply regret your intended departure, since, as an officer, you have been faithful to every duty, as a gentleman, forgetful of no courtesy, and as a friend, true to every obligation. Be assured, Sir, that when you leave our camp, you leave not one officer or soldier who is not your friend, and that you will carry with you the kindest wishes and sincerest prayers of all for your prosperity and happiness through life.
Field and Staff Officers.
S. W. STRYKER, Colonel Commanding,
JAMES C. RICE. Lieutenant Colonel,
E. B. KNOX. Adjutant,
E. L. BISSELL, Assistant Surgeon,
FRED. K. MUNDY, Quarter-Master.
Company Officers,
E. P. CHAPIN, Captain Company A.
G. M. LANE, 1st Lieutenant do.
B. K. KIMBERLY, 2d do. do.
W. H. REVERE, Captain Company C.
ALEX. M. McROBERTS, 1st Lieut. do.
J. W. ANTHES, 2d do. do.
F. CONNER, Captain Company D.
R. B. LANDON, 1st Lieutenant do.
H. D. BURDlCK,2d do. do.
M. McN. WALSH, Captain Company E.
B. R. WOOD, 1st Lieutenant do.
M. H. COLE, 2d do. do.
C. ALLEN, Captain Company F.
J. McMILLAN, 1st Lieutenant do.
C. W. GIBBS, 2d do. do.
L. S. LARRABEE, Captain Company B.
H. KELLY, 1st Lieutenant do.
C. E. ROYCE, 2d do. do.
W. N. DANKS, Captain Company H.
C. A. WOODWORTH, 1st Lieut. do.
E. A. NASH, do do. do.
W. L. VANDERLIP, Capt Company G.
C. E. PEASE, 1st Lieutenant do.
C. R. BECKER, 2d do. do.
W. H. MILLER, Captain Company K.
W. W. JONES, 1st Lieutenant do.
C. B. GASKILL, 2d do. do.
A. W. SHAFFER, Captain Company I.
E. L. SPENCER, 1st Lieutenant do.
The Ellsworth's—Their Vicissitudes.
Correspondence of the Democrat and American.
YORKTOWN, May 20, 1862.
As there have been many misstatements about this regiment, we beg to offer a few facts. It not only was, but still is one of the best regiments in service, notwithstanding the fact that the wholesome and regular habits of many of its members lessened the chances of health when compared with some others. The regiment suffered at its camp in Virginia from excessive drill, which like every other good thing can be overdone. Beside this, on one occasion they were over marched, and although the feat was a grand one, yet its injuries were subsequently felt. We refer to the forced march to Centreville in which five thousand cavalry followed close after at a rapid walk. We kept out of their way, but great as was the feat, it was hardly called for, while as for fame the newspapers made no note of the matter, nor recorded what we felt to be a splendid affair.
Again, before embarking for Yorktown we lay at Alexandria in the rain twenty-four hours—the ponchas [sic] being worthless, and as a result the health of the regiment suffered in the way of cold, and fever. It may be judged what was the condition of the camp when we state that the plank floor of the steamboat deck was counted a luxury. At Yorktown the regiment was put under very hard service and did its full share in the reduction of that place. Here again it was subject to the most fatal exposure. At one time, in the beginning of the siege [sic], it lay in a marsh five hours—each man flat on his stomach, as to rise would have been certain death. Five hours in water, breathing poison, and then to be followed up with tent life, add all the untold miseries of a camp, was sufficient to destroy every man in the ranks, and we wonder that it did not. That day of exposure at the beginning did much to fill our hospitals. However, the statements concerning the regiment are mainly incorrect, and often most absurdly so. Thus the correspondent of the Tribune say that its numbers are reduced to four hundred. This information he never got from one of its members, since they all know that it is nearly double that number. The simple truth is this. We are seven hundred strong, in good courage, and have no idea of delaying in this place any longer than we can help. Or in other words, it is only the command of our Division General which keeps us here, and we are anxious to advance with the assailants of Richmond.
Contrabands are still coming in, and do not complain at being set to hard work; they say they are used to it, and a better class of laborers one will not often meet. I have hired one to take care of my horse, and find him faithful and efficient; he has but one eye, and will never be hung for his beauty, but he sports the classic name of "Addison" and understands horse flesh, both of which are attractions. Wonder how much he knows of Sir Roger de Coverley, or the wits of Queen Anne's reign?— but never mind that, he knows something better; he was once a slave, but is now free. Being from a rebel owner, no fugitive slave law can touch him.
We have two fire engines here, and recently had occasion to use them—it was amusing to see New York firemen once more in their element, running "wid der machine." Large numbers of prisoners are coming in, and I am curiously examining their way of thinking;—one is from New Haven, and is still a rabid secessionist, another from North Virginia says he was forced into service, while he was a Union man at heart.
They say that their troops are allowed to wear any kind of clothing, having one suit of gray for dress parade. They bake saleratus cakes, or soda crackers, and this with hoe cake, is their chief food. Coffee is almost unknown in the Southern army. How different the treatment of these prisoners from that to which Union men have received at their hands—prisons, insult, neglect, and death. A system only worthy of the dark ages—but what can be expected in a country where they shoot schoolmasters and burn negroes alive? I have been out looking at our first parallels; they look almost insignificant compared with the enormous defences, but small as they were they did a great work. Coming back I find many of our boys when off duty carrying on an extensive traf¬fic as oystermen; two flour barrels, and a plank, crowned with two plates, a bushel of oysters, and a little dirty salt, being the stock in trade. Another has a miscellaneous as¬sortment of nick nacks, such as gingerbread, small beer and newspapers, of which it may be generally said that they are all equally stale, flat and unprofitable.
“ Macaulay.”
The Express of this morning publishes the following letter. It contains the only list we have seen of the missing:
WEDNESDAY, May 28, 1862.
MY DEAR PARENTS—We had a terrible battle yesterday. Our regiment is badly cut up. I am among the lucky ones, not even receiving a scratch. Our company suffered more than any other. We have six killed, nineteen wounded, and nine missing. I will give you the names:
Lieut. Col. Rice, injured in one of his eyes while firing a musket. He acted very courageously.
Major Chapin is severely wounded.
Adjutant Knox shot in the left arm.
We were under fire from about 7,000 Rebels, who had a cross-fire on us. Our color was shot down once, but was immediately replaced. We stood our ground bravely, and held our own. We were reinforced, and made the enemy fly before us.
Col. Stryker is all right.
Lieut. McRoberts acted bravely.
I fired seventy rounds. What do you think of that? It was awful hot, and the sun made the perspiration roll off me in streams. Our company lay in front of the colors. Our color is pierced with forty bullets.
Our Lieutenants are both right side up with care.
I think we will have another battle before to-morrow night; if so, may our Father above protect me as in yesterday's battle. The Rebels were in a thick woods and we lay in the road. The battle lasted from 5 p. m. until dark. We slept on the battle field. I never was so tired in my life.
Josiah Dunham is mortally wounded. He cannot live.
All of our wounded have been sent to the White House to be sent North. Our dead were all decently buried. We made sad havoc among the Rebels. Their wounded lay in piles. There are over four hundred prisoners taken. They are constantly coming in. Love to all—remember me to all. Young Bramhall, in Co. G., is killed. Chris. Becker is safe.
In great haste, DAVE.
James Young, Albany. He fell beside the colors.
Garret Van Zant, Montgomery county.
John Hagens, Albany.
Benjamin Bace, Waterford.
Wm. H. Van Tromp, Albany.
John Robison, Albany.
Lewis J. Leland, slightly, Albany.
Theodore Neligan, slightly, Albany.
Wm. C. Roberts, leg, badly, Albany.
Geo. Williams, shoulder and leg, badly, Albany.
G. W. Gilkerson, shoulder, badly, Albany.
S. W. Chandler, side, leg and arm, dangerously, Albany.
Sergeant J. A. Ramsey, foot, slightly, New Scotland.
Sergeant Anthony G. Graves, head, Albany.
Wm. Carey, badly, Albany.
James Moffat, thigh, badly, Albany.
John Wood, thigh, badly, Albany.
Josiah Dunham, mortally, Albany.
James Delehanty, head, badly, Albany.
W. H. McClellan, leg, badly, Albany.
O. J. Foreman, leg, badly, Coeymans.
Elisha Babcock, hand, Albany.
Phillip Ostrander, side, slightly, Albany.
This is as far as has been ascertained.
Lewis J. Leland fought bravely. Although he had two wounds in his head and one finger shot off, he continued to load and fire.
Sergeant Andrew Love, Albany.
Corporal R. F. Buchanan, Albany.
Corporal John Burke, Albany.
Millan S. Hill, Bethlehem.
Henry Shepherd, Albany.
William Morris, Albany.
John B. Chandler, Albany.
William Lowry, Greenbush.
W. H. Webb, Albany.
Silvester Dearstyne, Bath.
Daniel W. Hubbell, Albany.
Sergt. R. H. McCormic, Albany.
Private Robert Storey, Albany.
Private Joseph Kirwin, Albany.
Private J. J. Jerome, Albany.
Private John Smith, West Troy.
Private Levi Slater.
Private John H. McCormick, New Scotland.
Private John Downing, Albany.
Private Ebenezer Jones.
Private Hamilton Colter, Albany.
Private William Thompson, Albany.
Corp. C. W. Wilbur, Albany.
Corp. S. S. Merchant, Albany.
Private John J. Graves, Albany.
Private H. F. Real, Albany.
Private William Shulter, Albany.
Private William Murphy, Albany.
Private Van Zandt Bradt, Bethlehem,
Private W. V. R. Mattoon, Albany.
Private Charles Piepenbrink, Albany.
Private J. T. S. Visscher, Albany.
Private H. C. Wygant, Albany.
Private James H. Hendrickson, Albany.
Private C. C. Gates, Albany.
Private G. W. B. Seeley, Schenectady.
Private Shadrach Tanpenny, Dutchess Co.
Private Daniel McEwen, Albany.
Private John Van Loon, Albany.
Private George W. Cozine, Albany.
Corp. M. V. B. Wagoner, Albany.
Corp. D. S. Weaver, Albany.
Private Nelson Best, Bethlehem.
Private George Loomer, Bethlehem.
Private Smith Zeilie, Schoharie.
Private Jacob Wagoner, Bethlehem.
Private Thomas Spinner, Albany.
Private Abram Osterhout, New Scotland.
Private David Nash, Greenbush.
Perry H. Ewing, Jr, Albany, drummer.
Thomas Ward, wagoner.
Lieut James McMillan, Albany.
Lieut C. H. Gibbs, Albany.
Capt. Allen is well but being Provost Marshal, he was not with us.
Killed and Wounded in the 44th.
List of caualties [sic] in the Forty-fourth New York Volunteers from May 20th to June 25th:—
May 22—F. McDougal, A—slight.
" —E. A. Bennett, F—severe.
" —J. G. Gitien, F—arm, amputated.
“ —A. Mayer, F—severe.
May 23—A. G. Graves, Jr. 1st Lieut. F—arm, slight.
May 30—E. A. Nash, Capt. D—hip severe.
“ —A. H. Smith, B—wrist, severe.
June 1 —G. W. Baker, A—killed.
“ —M. Wilson, A—dangerous.
" —G. W. Wing, Corpl. C—leg, slight.
“ —Sam'l Covel, C—shoulder, slight.
June 2—L. L. Osgood, Corpl. C—thigh, severe.
June 3—Benj. K. Kimberly, Capt. A—arm, slight.
" —F. Bennett, A.—killed.
" —C. H. Beal, D—killed.
" — J. J Van Derheyden, F—killed.
" —Wm. Eckinson, I—killed.
" —E. J. Faner, A—hip, severe.
" —D. Davis, A—hip, severe.
" —Peter Shaffer, B—shoulder, severe.
" —Wm. Erwin, B—arm, slight.
" —R. G. Kinner, 1st Sergt. C—neck and shoulder, severe.
" —G. G. Beckwrith, Corpl. D— hip, slight.
" —C. E. Thorne, E—head, slight.
" —John Hocknell, E—mouth, slight.
" —Andrew Love, 1st Sergt. F—head, severe.
" —R Carknard, F—slight.
" —Isaac Bevier, G—foot, severe.
" —John B. Packer, G—head, slight.
" —Zavier Gamer, I—shoulder, severe.
" —James Smith, K—shoulder, slight.
“ — H. T. Shufelt, K—leg, slight.
" —E. A. Crane, Drummer, K—head. Since died in hospital.
" 5—R. Grumwell, D—leg, severe.
" 18—David Harris, E—thigh, severe.
" 19—E. H. Adsit, Sergt., A—arm, slight.
" —Edward Walsh, C—killed.
“ —R. E. Darling, Corp., E—killed.
" —Aaron Markham, H—killed.
" 20—J. Downing, F.—leg, severe.
" 21—Patrick Hines, I—leg, severe.
June 21—Walter E. Angus, Sergt., K—killed,
" —Patrick Costello, I—severe.
" 22 —Edgar Adams, Corp., I—leg, slight.
" —Peter Kemp, F—leg, slight.
" 23—Lewis Furand, A—hand and knee, severe.
" —Henry Down, K—leg, severe.
" 25—Sidney White, I—shoulder, slight.
Dalora D. Eddy, captured while on picket, June 5th.
We have already published as full lists as have reached us of the killed, wounded and missing of the Forty-fourth. We find the following fuller account than any we have seen of the wounded:—
Serg't A. B. Tinkham, Co. A—left arm, severe.
Corporal J. M. Siger, Co. A—head, severe.
Corporal R. M. Skillen, Co. A—hand, slight.
Private J. McCutcheon, Co. A—leg, slight.
Private J. M. Anthony, Co. A—leg, slight
Private Jas. E. Goold, Co. B—head, slight.
Private Horatio A. Smith, B—left arm, slight.
Sergeant Theo. Hoes, Co. C—right hand, slight.
Private Bernard Smith, C—head, dangerously.
Private Moses Dumass, Co. C—right leg.
Private Sam. McCormick, Co. C—left wrist.
Private Eugene Partridge, C—left leg, slight.
Private D. Cannady, C—left leg, dangerously.
Private Ransforn Densmore, Co. E—severe.
Private John H. Leonard, Co. B.
Private Thomas R. Depuy, Co. E.
Corporal Sam. W. Chandler, Co. F—severe.
Private Wm. C. Roberts, Co. F—severe.
Private Ja's. Delehanty, Co. F—severe.
Private Lewis J. Leland, Co. F—severe.
Private Elisha Babcock, Co. F—slight.
Private Wm. Carey, Co. E—slight.
Private Philip Ostrander, Co. F—slight.
Sergeant Anthony Graver, Co. I—slight.
Corporal John B. Holt Co. G—slight.
A. M. Griffin, Co. G—slight.
John Thrall, Co. G—slight.
George V. Hill, Co. G—slight.
Garrett Dack, Co. G—severe.
Addison Barnes, Co. G—slight.
Seward Brooks, Co. G—severe.
Jonas Evans, Co. G—slight.
Corporal J. Harris, Co. H—breast, severe.
W. Morse, Co. H—head.
T. H. Hickok, Co. H—head.
C. H. Blair, Co. H—breast.
K. A. Muncy, Co. H—thigh.
W. J. Daily, Co. H—leg.
F. O. Price, Co. I—abdomen, slight.
CAMP NO. 15, May 30, 1862.
I presume you have read, with interest, the newspaper accounts of the little brush we had Tuesday afternoon. I don't suppose I can better the reports, but I know I can give you a little of my own experience during the affair. We left our camp here, near New Bridge, at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning. We supposed from the order which was received that there was to be a general attack on Richmond. Of course we started in an awful rain storm, but about 10 o'clock it cleared off and the sun came out very hot. Soon after starting we found by the direction we were taking that we were not going to take Richmond. Knowing the positions of the two rail roads running north from Richmond, we began surmising that our destination was somewhere in their vicinity. After marching about twelve miles our regiment was ordered to halt. The remainder of the brigade went past us, turning to the right and going north. We were placed on picket, guarding the different approaches to this road and preventing a flask movement. After about an hour, orders came to us that the "Rebs" were attempting to turn our left flank, further up the road, where two pieces of Martin's battery and the New York 25th had been stationed. We were immediately called in and started up the road. About two miles up we came to an opening, in front of which we could see the 25th and the battery blazing away, and to the extreme right corner we could see the colors of a Rebel regiment.
We marched into the centre of the field, formed in column by company, and closed en masse in a Hollow. Very soon after, the left wing was ordered to go back down the road as a party of Rebs were attacking our Hospital and Ambulance Depot. We halted in the road and my company being the right, I was ordered to send out twenty men as skirmishers. Lieut. BECKER started to deploy the skirmishers by the right flank, and had proceeded fifty yards into the woods, when the rascals opened a tremendous fire on us. We replied, and for a few minutes it was pretty hot; but it soon ceased on their part. Word then came to us that they were coming around between us and the balance of the regiment. We recalled the skirmishers and returned to the field. I had one Corporal killed and a man wounded in that brush. The Corporal was Peaslee, the man we came down from Cooperstown with. When we reached the field we formed in line of battle and the right wing was sent into the woods as skirmishers. Before we could do anything, however, they appeared again on the rear of the field and we started for a position near the battery. We formed in line of battle, my company being on the right, at the top of a knoll, and within fifty feet of the battery. The skirmishers were recalled, and we awaited their coming. Just as they had come up, and while they were forming to our rear, fire was opened on us from the left and front.
Along the right of the field, and within a hundred yards of my company, was a dense woods, surrounded by a cedar hedge fence. Soon after we had directed our fire to the left, a tremendous fire was poured into us from this wood. The cannon were abandoned, and we were ordered to retire to the road, which we did. Here all the companies, save (G) my company and F and C were, in some measure protected by the broken down fence and a little cut in the road.
Here we fired away for two hours, keeping the rascals in check, and preventing them from taking the two pieces which were so temptingly before them. The 25th ran away, but the 2d Maine took their place and stood up like men. We prayed for reinforcements, and soon they came. Griffin's battery came flying up the road, followed by the 9th Massachusetts, and the battery fired half a dozen shell, the 9th struck into the woods, and away went Mr. Rebels, flying. Our work was over, as far as fighting was concerned, but we had to gather up the dead and wounded. It was a sickening task. I had eight poor fellows stretched out dead, and ten wounded. One of these has since died and another has lost his arm. My loss was heavier than any other company, on account of my exposed position. Besides, I carried the colors during the action, and twice they were raised by my men. They have forty-one holes through the flag and one through the staff. I have never been in a battle before, but I think our men did pretty well. After it was over, on calling my roll, all were present or accounted for, save one whom I heard had reached camp safe and sound by dark that night. It was late in the evening when we had all the men in ambulances and on their way to hospitals. I brought no baggage with me save my rubber coat, and that I lost, and had to lie down on the field and sleep.
The next day I buried the dead of our regiment, twenty six in all, and saw some 140 of the Rebels buried. We rested that day and night, and yesterday afternoon came back to camp. I had one Albany boy killed, WM. D. MARSHALL. He had been helping T_M HASTINGS' boy, CARY, who was wounded, our of the range of the enemy, and had just stepped out again to commence firing, when he was stricken in the jugular vein and died instantly; WM NOLAN was also killed. He was brought to me by Mr. Dunn, the tailor, in Green street. He was hit three times. Our Lieutenant Colonel behaved nobly, as did also the Major and Adjutant; both of the latter were wounded. While I have been writing this a tremendous thunder shower came up. A flash of lightning struck an officer's tent, the second from mine, killing our Quartermaster Sergeant, and badly stunning three others who were in the tent. HOWLETT was a splendid fellow, and his sudden death has saddened us all. My health is first rate. Lieut. BECKER is not very strong yet; but behaved nobly in the fight. I had not a mark on me save one scratch on my finger, which did not even draw blood. I think ...
The Forty-fourth Regiment in the Battle of Hanover Court House.
The Forty-fourth regiment New York state volunteers, like some others of New York, which we hope to notice when we shall receive authentic accounts, bore a conspicuous part in the action at Hanover Court House. For two hours the regiment stood its ground against an enemy four times its number. During the whole engagement every officer and man in the regiment did his whole duty, and some affecting incidents of bravery and devotion are recorded of many of the wounded.
The work given to the Forty-fourth was of such a kind as needed the utmost determination to achieve victory or die in their tracks. The regimental flag was pierced by more than forty balls. Four times the colors were struck down, but each time, as soon as they fell, a volunteer rushed to seize them and bear them aloft. The firing was so long continued that the supply of cartridges began to give out, and men were detailed to collect those of the dead and wounded, and thus a fresh supply was obtained.
The enemy were covered by fences and embankments. Several attempts on their part to advance beyond these were each repulsed by the steady fire of the gallant Forty-fourth. Most of the officers, following the example of the Lieutenant-Colonel, used the muskets of their dead comrades, and thus, by their spirited example, encouraged on their men. Many of the wounded, who could not be carried from the field, lay on the ground and loaded muskets, for men in the ranks to fire. Many of the arms were shattered in the hands of our men by a sweeping cross fire which the enemy opened upon them. When the ammunition was nearly out, the men fixed their bayonets and prepared to receive the charge which would have been made when they were forced to cease firing. They would not fall back.
At the close of the engagement, the wounded were gathered up for the surgeons by their comrades, and then the heroic dead were laid with their faces to the foe, ready for burial. The regiment lost over twenty per cent of the force it brought into action in killed and wounded—one fifth of its number.
The following instances of personal bravery and good conduct have been recorded for us by a correspondent: Adjutant Knox, while cheering on his men, was struck in the arm by a musket ball, which shattered both bones. He bound up the shattered limb with a handkerchief, and returned to his duty, till after some time he fainted from exhaustion. Not a man of Captain Larrabee's company left the ranks during the engagement. When this gallant officer was asked whether his company would join in a charge upon the enemy, he replied—"All will follow you, save the dead." Corporal Young, of Company F, fell pierced with balls, as he rushed to the front and raised the flag, which had just fallen to the ground. Private Frank B. Schutt twice raised the flag when it was shot down, declaring that while he lived he would never see it down. A wounded private would not suffer himself to be removed from the field, declaring that there was no time then to look after him.
Private Leland, Company F, fired more than twenty rounds after he had been twice wounded in the head, and after his finger hid been shot off. "Is the day ours?" asked a dying man of his officer, at the close of the engagement, who was stooping over him to catch some dying request; and receiving the answer "Yes," he replied, "Then I am ready to die!" and fell back on the field.
…we shall have a tough time getting to Richmond, and many more noble souls must go away from this world first. I hope I shall be spared to shake you by the hand; but time alone can decide that.
I am, as ever, your friend, VAN.
Correspondence of the Albany Evening Journal.
BIVOUAC, NEW BRIDGE, Va., June 9, 1862.
History will record the engagement of the 27th ult., at Hanover Court House, in which the Forty-fourth New York Volunteers acted so distinguished and gallant a part, as one of the most severe and brilliant contests of the war. The enemy's force, composed of seven regiments of North Carolina and Virginia troops, under command of General BRAGG, numbered at least, in the aggregate, forty-five hundred. Our force consisted of the Forty-fourth New York Volunteers, (450 men,) Second Maine, (310 men,) Twenty-fifth New York Volunteers, (250 men,) and a section of MARTIN'S battery from Massachusetts. The battle ground was a circular field, bounded almost entirely by woods.
The enemy were in front, and in the woods, on our right and left. At the enemy's first fire, many of the artillery horses were killed and wounded, the gunners driven from the artillery, and the pieces were obliged to be abandoned, under the murderous fire. The Twenty-fifth New York Volunteers, which had fought so gallantly, and had lost so many officers and men, in a previous engagement during the day, after sustaining the terrible fire of the enemy, with great firmness, for a few moments, was ordered to retire. The Second Maine and the Forty-fourth New York were now left alone to wage this unequal contest. Again and again, the enemy attempted to advance and charge on our small but gallant line, but in vain. The cross-fire of the enemy was terrible, but our ranks were invincible. The field was covered with our dead and wounded, yet to yield a foot was annihilation. It now became merely a question of life or death. To retreat would invite a charge upon our feeble line, from the entire force of the enemy, which would have cut into fragments our whole command. There was but one alternative, and that was, to die if need be, but never to retreat. For nearly two hours this terrible struggle lasted. Our muskets became so heated, by our rapid firing, that many of them discharged in the act of loading, and obliged us to cool them with water from our canteens. Our cartridges were fast being exhausted, although each man had sixty rounds, and amid the flying storm of balls, we emptied the cartridge boxes of the dead and dying. Frequently, the enemy now attempted to advance and charge upon us, but with balls and defiant cheers, we kept him at bay. At length our cartridges nearly failed. No reinforcements were in sight. It was a question of death or defeat; and, preferring the former to the latter, orders were given to fix bayonets and prepare for a charge. Just at this moment reinforcements broke through the woods and ended the contest. God only knows with what eager, anxious, grateful eyes we looked upon those advancing colors, as the different regiments came to our assistance. The struggle had lasted nearly two hours. We lost thirty killed and seventy wounded—over twenty per cent of the entire force of our regiment, engaged in the action. The enemy's loss was one hundred and seventy killed and four hundred wounded. Our flag was pierced with over forty balls. Torn and tattered, four times it was shot down, but willing, patriotic hands, now cold in death, quickly raised it, and those stars and stripes proudly, defiantly waved in the fact of the enemy, till he turned his back in retreat upon them. The victory was ours. The reinforcements pursued the routed enemy. We tenderly gathered up and cared for the wounded. The dead we collected, and fittingly laid out in the field, in line, with their faces looking towards the retreating foe. This last tender and beautiful act towards the dead, rendered by their surviving comrades, had scarcely been performed, when the curtain of night fell, and the fearful, truthful tragedy was ended. I am, respectfully yours,
JAMES C. RICE, Lieut. Col.
HARRISON'S LANDING, Va., July 4, 1862.
MY DEAR PARENTS—I have a few moments before the mail goes, and will improve them in writing you. I have been in two hard fought battles and one skirmish within the week past. In two of them I escaped without a scratch, but in the battle of July 1st I was slightly wounded in the right shoulder. In the battle of Tuesday last I had many narrow escapes. In it we were surrounded and had to retreat. Our regiment stood until the last, and our company, with three others, held our ground until all other troops had left. Our division lost almost all except what we had upon our backs—knapsacks, blankets, and everything, and suffered for the want of them for some days. Our Captain was sick, and so was not with us. Our Orderly Sergeant commanded us, who is a truly brave fellow.
In the battle of the 1st, our regiment's loss was very heavy—one hundred killed, wounded and missing. Our company lost just half the men they went in with. We had last a great many on Tuesday, so that we went in with only thirty and came out with fifteen. Our regiment made a bayonet charge and routed a whole brigade of gray jackets, when suddenly, as from the ground, arose another brigade and poured into us a murderous volley, by which we lost many men. We then marched back, after having taken a Rebel flag, formed a new line of battle, poured volley after volley into them, and held them back until reinforcements came; then, as our ammunition was out, we fell back and fresh troops took our place. We have only three staff and four line officers left in the regiment.
* * * I have seen plenty of fighting, just all I wish to see, and could I have my choice in the matter I would witness no more such scenes. The Rebel killed and wounded lay three and four deep, and when we charged bayonet we had to run over the bodies of the wounded. * * * Our company was again in command of our Orderly, who was wounded, and Lieut. WOODWARD, of Company H, was then put in command. He was shot through the head. Three files on each side of me were mowed down, and I am left to express my thankfulness to my kind Heavenly Father for his watchful care, and to-day (4th July) to rejoice over our success. My wound is slight and I shall not leave our mere skeleton regiment, but I think many have left who are less wounded than I am. G. T. G.
July 14th, 1862.
General Orders No. 207:
The Commanding Officer hereby orders all officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates of the 44th Regiment, New York State Volunteers, who are fit for duty, to report at once to Regimental Headquarters; if not fit for duty, but able to travel, to report to the United States General Hospital at Annapolis, Md. If not able to comply with either of the above orders, to forward to Headquarters a certificate from a United States Surgeon, stating that he has personally examined the case, and that rejoining his Regiment, at the present time, would endanger his life or render permanent disability liable; also, stating the probable time when he will be able (if at all) to rejoin his Regiment or report at the General Hospital at Annapolis, Md.
By order of JAMES C. RICE, Lieut. Col. Com'g.
All officers and men belonging to this regiment who will report to Major SPRAGUE, at 563 Broadway, Albany, on or before Wednesday, the 23d of July inst., will be furnished with transportation to Regimental Head Quarters.
Editors of the Evening Journal:
I desire to furnish the readers of your paper with an accurate description of the part taken by the 44th New York State Volunteers in the two late severe battles of Gaines' Mills and Malvern Hills; and especially to call the attentention [sic] of your readers to the gallant conduct displayed by the General commanding this Brigade, and the skillful disposition which he made of his troops on both of these fields:—
At daybreak the Brigade was under arms and in motion towards the field selected as the position of defence against the expected attack of the enemy. The natural character of this position is an extended field of high rolling ground, skirted in front and on the right by a thin copse of wood, and a small creek running through a deep ravine. On the left, a meadow extends along the Chickahominy as far as the eye can reach, while the rear is protected by the same river and the low marshy ground and the dense growth of forest through which it runs. The ground in front of this position, and which was taken by the enemy as his line of attack, is high and rolling, overlooking the meadow, and frequently furrowed by deep ravines and sluggish streams. Over these ravines and streams our forces had previously thrown strong-timbered bridges, to gain easy access to those which had been built across the Chickahominy. Early as eight o'clock in the morning the reserve, of which our Brigade formed a part, had taken its position, while the main force and rear guard were gradually, and in good order, falling back and joining it. The General had assigned to the Pioneers of the Brigade the duty of destroying these bridges, lying between the house of Doctor Gaines and the line of our defence, so soon as the rear guard had passed, and ordered Colonel RICE to take command of the same and see that the work should be faithfully and effectually accomplished, so as to check the advance of the enemy's artillery. In obedience to this order, the Colonel at once examined the construction of these bridges, and determined upon the most expeditious manner in which they could be destroyed. Having prepared every thing for the speedy destruction of the bridges, he rode forward to the rear guard, which was more vigorously pressed by the enemy, leaving the Pioneers, with axes and spades in their hands, ready to commence cutting away the same as soon as he should conduct the rear guard across. Although the enemy was in sight, he seemed to have mistaken the course taken by our forces, and pressed considerably beyond Doctor Gaines' house on the main road, before he truly apprehended our true position. This fortunate circumstance enabled the Colo¬nel to conduct the last of our artillery safely across the bridges, to effectually destroy them, and securely fall back with the Pioneers. (The bridges, having been destroyed between the rear guard and enemy, Colonel Rice reported the facts to the General, who immediately ordered him to superintend the felling of trees in front of his Brigade as an abattis, and the con¬struction of a dam on our extreme left, across the stream, to more effectually obstruct the approach of the enemy. This order of General Butterfield was indicative of that keen mili¬tary foresight and sagacity, of which he is in such an eminent degree possessed. The 44th New York State Volunteers holding the ex¬treme left of the line, had thrown up a tempo¬rary earthwork of considerable strength, by order of the General, in addition to the other defences he had ordered for the protection of the Brigade, and these speedily thrown up de¬fences eventually saved the left of the line from entire annihilation. Scarcely had these obstructions been thrown up, before the line of skirmishers in front of the Brigade gave evi¬dence of the approach of the enemy. For nearly two hours, while the enemy was mass¬ing his troops into position on our centre and right, the skirmishers and sharpshooters of the Brigade held in check the right of the enemy's forces, and frequently compelled entire regi¬ments to fall back under cover of the woods, to escape their deadly fire. This line of skir¬mishers and sharpshooters in front of our masked forces was of the greatest benefit. They constantly reported to the General the movements and disposition of the enemy's forces, and continually thinned his ranks by their unerring fire. The names of the officers of these skirmishers belonging to the 44th New York State Volunteers, who so often during the day exposed their lives to promptly inform the General of the movements of the enemy, are Captain Larrabee, Lieutenants Gaskill, Kelly, Webber, Becker, and Orderly Ser¬geant Grannis, of Co. H. Favorable mention should be made in this connection of the name of Acting Adjutant Lieut. E. A. Nash, who was with the skirmishers in front most of the day, and constantly communicated the various changes in position taken by the enemy. Nor should mention here be forgotten of the most gallant conduct of Major Barnum, of the 12th New York State Volunteers, who constantly exposed himself to the greatest danger to give information as to the enemy's position. This gallant officer now sleeps in death. He fell mortally wounded at the head of his regiment on the first instant. His last words were, "My Wife, My Boy, My Country's Flag!"
The thousand streams of the Peninsulas are red with the best blood of the North; but none are crimsoned with purer and nobler than that which flowed from his heart—a heart devoted to his country. Major Earnst Von Vegrasack, A. D. G, Major Welch and Capt. Hoyt, A. A. G., acted most gallantly;— their services during the day were invaluable to the General commanding. At thirty minutes past twelve o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy commenced, along our entire line, a most deter- mined attack. On the left of the line he was constantly repulsed, till six o'clock in the afternoon, when an entire brigade of his forces charged upon our lines, broke through the left of the forces on our right, and vigorously attacked the right flank of our brigade. Thus severely pressed on the right and in front by a superior force, the regiments which supported it were obliged to fall back. They were now quickly rallied by the General, and animated by his immediate presence and encouraging words, they sustained for a few moments a most murderous fire. It was but a short time ere the enemy had turned the right of our entire line of battle, closing upon our rear and right in overpowering numbers, and pouring into our ranks a most deadly fire. Not far from this time Col. MCLANE, of the 83d Pennsylvania volunteers, gallantly fell at the head of his regiment, the noblest soldier of all. Here, too, fell Major NAGLE and many other gallant officers of the same regiment, who gallant officers of the same regiment, who free¬ly gave their lives for their country. They all sleep well. Their names are immortal. The 44th, exposed to the deadly fire of the enemy, from our rear and right, leaped over the earth¬works, and poured its fire into the ranks of the enemy, now closing in upon them. At the same time the enemy had pushed forward a regiment, not more than one hundred yards to our front (now our rear.) The 83d Pennsylva¬nia and 16th Michigan had quickly changed front to meet the attack of this regiment. In¬formation was now brought to the Colonel, that this regiment desired to lay down their arms and surrender. This information, as to the desire of this regiment to surrender, in ad¬dition to the fact that our skirmishers had al¬ready taken twenty prisoners, and were just bringing in ten others from this very regiment, induced the Colonel to send out Capt. Conner, a trusty officer, to ascertain the facts. At the same time the Colonel was impressed with the apprehension that the reason why this regi¬ment so long withheld its fire, arose from the fact that it had mistaken us (from the opposite direction of our fire) for its friends. This apprehension soon proved true. In the mean¬time the 83d Pennsylvania and the 16th Mich¬igan, not being able to stand the deadly fire of the enemy from the right and rear, joined the 44th New York State volunteers. At this mo¬ment Major Von Vegersack, A. D. C., in¬formed the Colonel, that the General had ordered him to bring off from the field the remaining regiments of the brigade, but that he would be pleased to advise with the Colonel before he gave the order to retreat. The Colonel, seeing the utter hopelessness of the unequal contest, ordered a retreat. The column had scarcely passed by the right flank from the rear of the earthworks, and filed into the ravine running for a short distance in the direction of the river, before the regiment of the enemy in our rear discovered its mistake and opened upon us a severe fire, while along the entire right upon the crest of the hill the enemy poured into our ranks, from both artillery and musketry, a sheet of iron and lead. Still the column pressed forward across the long meadow, its ranks becoming thinner and thinner, till at length, through marsh and swamp, and tangled underwood, almost impassable, amid failing and bursting shells, it reached the river, and plunging in, waded to the opposite banks. In this retreat, not less than one hundred of this fragment of the brigade were either killed or wounded. Having crossed the river, the Colonel formed the fragment of the brigade in line, and commenced the line of march towards the headquarters of Gen. McCLELLAN. When opposite Gen. SMITH'S, his Assistant Adjutant General informed Col. RICE that the General desired the troops under his command, to support him against an expected attack of the enemy during the night, and desired that he should place his men in rifle pits to the left of the fort, for this purpose. Our men were exhausted, and without food and ammunition. The General at once ordered rations and ammunition to be dealt out to them in abundance, and soon made our wet and weary soldiers comfortable, by his soldier-like kindness. His command well quartered and supplied with food, the Colonel started at 11 o'clock at night, and walked, with Capt. CAMPBELL, of the 83d Pennsylvania, to Gen. MCCLELLEN'S headquarters, to report to Gen. BUTTERFIELD, where he received orders to bring up his command to that place, which he did on the morning of the 28th ult. The 44th New York State volunteers lost in this battle, five killed, twenty-two wounded, and twenty-nine missing. Most of the missing were killed or wounded in the retreat, and re¬mained in the hands of the enemy. Captains Vanderlip and McRoberts, and Lieutenants Gaskill and Becker, were wounded in this battle. The following named officers have been specially and favorably noticed for gallant and meritorious conduct:—
Captain—Conner, Larrabee, Shaffer, Van-derlip, Danks and McRoberts. Lieutenants—Nash, Gaskill, Webber, Kelly, Becker and Gibbs.
Sergeants—Mason, Dunham, Weaver, Bomas, Grannis, Campbell, Rexford, Godfrey, John¬son and Tenbroeck.
Corporals—Longwell, Buckman, Hillabrandt, Luff, Oliver and Samniss.
Privates—Foster, Ferguson, Risley, Downing and Case.
The most favorable notice was also taken of the fearless and faithful conduct of Surgeon Wm. Frothingham, who was continually under fire, attending to every wounded soldier.
On the night of the 30th ult., the 44th Regiment New York State Volunteers, with the other regiments of the brigade, wearied and exhausted by the unparalleled marches made by the Army of the Potomac during the previous three days, slept on the field upon its arms, awaiting with determined spirit the expected attack of the enemy, in the morning. The sound of the enemy's artillery aroused the weary soldiers from their deep slumbers, and at sunrise the brigade was under arms, and mov¬ing to the position in the order of battle, assigned to it by the General commanding. The character of the ground held by our forces is admirably adapted by nature for defence. It is a semi-circular field of considerable extent, of high undulating character, and rising to the nature of a bluff in the rear, marshy grounds lying between it and the James River. The left is protected by a low broad marsh, flanked by a dense growth of timber, while the front and right gently slope for a distance of a thousand yards, terminating at length in an extensive plain of woods. Partially and diagonally intersecting this field is a thin skirt woods, which leave an open space in passing to the front, of not more than two hundred and fifty yards, through which the main road runs. It was on the edge the left of this skirt of woods, and in their rear, that the Third Brigade was stationed, as a reserve, during the early part of the day, to support either the left or the right of our lines as the nature the attack of the enemy might require. During the forenoon the enemy shelled this skirt of woods quite vigorously from his right; but fortunately without injury to this brigade. Early in the afternoon the General received information that evident intention of the enemy was to attack our left, and breaking through our lines at that point, advance through the open space before referred to. He therefore ordered the brigade into single columns, by divisions, right in front, to take its position in this space, which was sufficiently wide to deploy two small regiments line of battle. The 83d Pennsylvania was stationed on the right, and 44th New York State Volunteers on left, supported by the 16th Michigan and the 12th New York State Volunteers, respectively. Directly front was General MARTINDALE'S Brigade, and between his and our own was a battery of artillery. For two hours the brigade calmly and firmly endured severest fire of shell, grape, canister [sic], shrapnel and round shot, without a man leaving the ranks, save those who were wounded. At about five o'clock in the afternoon the enemy attacked left our line with great vigor, and the General moved up 83d Pennsylvania and 16th Michigan, to support certain batteries in front, and soon after the 44th New York Volunteers was ordered to deploy prepare for action. At this time, while the musketry of enemy was terrific, and he seemed to be successfully advancing against all opposition, bugle sound of the Third Brigade to charge, was heard above din of battle. The Forty-fourth was ordered immediately to advance, although the General was far in front and beyond sight, leading on other regiments of the brigade. The 12th New York Volunteers followed. Passing line after line of our troops, who loudly cheered our bullet riddled flag, as we steadily firmly pressed on, till at length beyond the extreme front of our forces, and within one hundred yards the enemy, regiment was ordered to charge bayonets upon this line. Scarcely had the regiment charged fifty yards towards the enemy, before his lines broke and fell back, leaving his colors upon the field, some twenty or thirty yards in front of our regiment, which we captured, there being the name "Seven Pines" inscribed thereon, having belonged to some regiment of the enemy's forces, who had distinguished itself in that battle.
Another brigade of the enemy was now advancing towards us. Our regiment was ordered to halt and commence firing. For nearly half an hour the regiment held this brigade at bay, by their unerring fire, till the General commanding the corps—Gen. Fitz John Porter—personally led up reinforcements to our relief, whose valor turned the fortunes of the day, and ensured a most signal victory to our arms. The 44th entered this engagement with two hundred and twenty-five men. Its loss was eleven killed, eighty-four wounded, and four missing. Among the wounded were Captain Shaffer and Lieut. Woodworth, the latter mortally. At ten o'clock at night, the Colonel, in company with Surgeon Frothingham and Assistant Surgeon Bissell, with a detachment from the regiment, went over the field of battle, gathered together all of our wounded, many of whom were lying among the wounded of the enemy, and carried them over a mile by hand, in blankets, there being no ambulances in the field. The particular attention of Gen. Butterfield has been called to the gallant conduct of private James B. Hitchcock of Co. K, who after four color bearers had been shot down, asked permission to carry the colors and although subsequently twice severely wounded, he refused to resign the flag into any other hands than those of the commanding officer, who had entrusted it to him.
Hitchcock is from Seneca Falls, Seneca county, where his parents now reside. For his noble conduct on that field, he was, on the spot, promoted to a Sergeantcy in his company. Corporal Blasedell, of Co. H, was shot in the arm early in the action, and was urged by his Captain to go to the rear; but he preferred to remain, when he was again struck in the head and face by the enemy's balls, and fell, supposing himself mortally wounded. Lying upon the ground, he bade his captain farewell, and told him to say to his parents that he "died in a good cause." Afterwards recovering from the first shock, he walked from the field of battle during the night to Harrison's Landing carrying his musket and straps, and delivered them into the hands of his captain, with the request that he should preserve them until he should be able to return to duty. Corporal N. Thompson, of Co. H, by order of the commanding officer, was sent to the rear to bring up provisions for the regiment, and when he returned he found his regiment engaged in action. He immediately joined the regiment and remained with it until it was relieved by the Irish Brigade. Not having had time to exhaust his cartridges, he joined the 69th New York, and remained with it until his ammunition was expended, when he returned to his regiment The following officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers have been commended to the favorable notice of the General for good conduct, in addition to those whose names I have already mentioned:
Captains—Conner, Larrabee, Shaffer and Danks.
Lieutenants—Woodworth, Nash, Webber and Herndan.
Sergeants—Russell, Dunham, Rexford, Thomas Johnson, Sentell, Weaver, Campbell, Mason and Hatch.
Corporals—Hillabrandt, Wilber, Kinney, Longwell, Harris, Whitbeck and St. John. Privates—Watson, Ferris, Pabodie, Skinner, Wood, Burnett, Clanathan, Case, Buck, Argus, Ferguson, Seely, Oliver, Dauennes, Duff and
Surgeon Frothingham, as at the previous battles, was untiring in his attention to the wounded.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieut. FRED. R. MUNDY,
Quartermaster 44th Regt. N. Y. S. V.
Appointments in the Forty-Fourth New York Regiment.
It will be seen by the following special order from General Fitz-John Porter that several changes have been made in the list of officers of the Forty-fourth regiment of this State. The promotion of Lieutenant Colonel Rice to the Colonelcy of the regiment is a proper recognition of the gallant services of that officer:—
July 14, 1862.
" Special Orders, No. 75.
" The following named persons are hereby appointed to fill vacancies in their several regiments, occasioned by resignations, dismissals and losses in battle since July 26, 1862:—
" FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT N. Y. S. VOLS.—Lieutenant Colonel James C. Rice to be Colonel, vice Colonel S. W. Stryker, resigned
July 4th, 1862; Major Edward P. Chapin to be Lieutenant Colonel, vice Lieutenant Colonel James C. Rice, promoted July 4th, 1862; Captain Freeman Connor to be Major, vice Major Edward P. Chapin, promoted July 4th, 1862; First Lieutenant Edward B. Knox to be Captain, vice Captain Freeman Connor, promoted July 4th, 1862; Second Lieutenant C. D. Gaskill to be First Lieutenant, vice First Lieutenant Jones, died May 14th, 1862; First Sergeant William R. Bourne to be Second Lieutenant, vice Lieutenant C. D. Gaskill, promoted May 14th, 1862; First Sergeant James H. Russell to be Second Lieutenant, vice Second Lieutenant J. W. Anthes, promoted June 1st, 1862. * *
" These appointments are made for gallant and meritorious conduct on the field of battle, and are subject to the confirmation of the Governors of their respective Slates.
" By command of Brigadier General E. J. PORTER
“ FRED. F. LOCKE, Asst. Adjt. Gen.
" Official:
The following communication is sent us by Acting Adjutant NASH, of the 44th Regiment:
Editors of the Evening Journal:
The officers and privates of this regiment desire, through the columns of your extensively circulated paper, to call the attention of the friends of the Forty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteers to the condition and wants of the same. It is now about nine months since this regiment left its rendezvous, at Albany, to join the Army of the Potomac. Immediately on reaching Washington it was assigned to BUJTTERFIELD'S Brigade. This brigade was encamped in front of our National Capitol during the winter. Here, under command of Gen. BUTTERFIELD, it acquired that efficiency and discipline which has since enabled it to gain its worthiest laurels. This brigade has been among the foremost in the advance of the Army of the Potomac, sharing its duties, its fortunes and its victories. Prominent in every action of the brigade has been the Forty-fourth, mingling the blood of its officers and men upon every field, and adding new lustre to the arms of the Empire State. This regiment has won a reputation by its deeds. It has bought a name upon the battle field. The casualties of war have greatly reduced its numbers, but it has been an honorable reduction. Side by side with the Forty-fourth has been that excellent regiment, the Eighty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, commanded by the late gallant Col. MCLEAN, composed of like material, rivals only in high and soldierly conduct. There exists between the two regiments a mutual feeling of attachment. At all times placed under like circumstances, the present condition of the two regiments is similar.
The citizens of Pennsylvania, and especially the people of Erie, have taken measures to abundantly supply the wanting members of the 83d Pennsylvania. Will not the friends of the 44th and the citizens of the State of New York generously increase its numbers, that it may go on side by side with its comrades from the old Key Stone State, winning new victories for our country and our flag? Will not every town and ward, village and hamlet, throughout the great State of New York, send one good man from their midst to fill up our ranks? Are there not hundreds of young men throughout our State willing to make any sacrifice to preserve our country, when to outlive, that country's safety and glory is worse than a thousand deaths? Young men of New York, we welcome you to our ranks. We ask you to join us, determined never to leave the field until our arms shall be crowned with victory, and peace be restored throughout our whole land.
" Extract from a Latter to Prof. JEWELL, of the Normal School:—
DEAR SIR—To-day I am on my knapsack for a seat, on the brick sidewalk of Main street Fredericksburg. The batteries are playing around us, and the musketry occasionally throws in its war to make the din of war complete.
The boys of Co. E crossed the Rappahannock on Saturday at 3 p. m. We were marched directly through the town, along or near the rail road. As we reached the outskirts of the town, a destructive fire poured upon us. We were ordered to lie down, so as to get under cover of a small hill in front of us. I thought, then, that it was more galling to stand the enemy's fire after this fashion than to be actively engaged. We lay in the mud, however, when we were again ordered forward. We advanced in line pf battle up quite a steep hill, marching directly to the front of the enemy's fire, which was very severe, volley after volley thundering forth at the briefest possible intervals. Many of the 44th fell wounded, and our Color Sergeant was killed. Our Adjutant and Lieutenant Colonel were wounded in the arm,
The command devolved upon Major KNOX. The brigade was at the summit of the hill. The order to "lie down" was again given, and as soon countermanded; and we rushed on, to relieve others in front, who were sheltered by a little hill, and were without ammunition. The 13th New Hampshire broke under the severe fire, and ran back a few rods to the left of our regiment, crowding our company some but the regiment kept the line finely.
We were out from an hour before sunset on Saturday till 10 o'clock p. m. on Sunday; and we are expecting every minute to march into action.
I have to hurry off my letter, or I shall fail to send it, so excuse the tumble-down news that I throw together.
Two only of the Normal School company were hurt:—GEO. MCBLAIN, shot in the leg, and W. W. MUNSON, missing. Capt. KIMBALL was hit by two spent balls; but without resulting in serious injury. Of the regiment only one was killed—the color sergeant,—and about 40 were wounded.
We are having a terrible battle here, but we have high hopes in the Ruler of all things, that we shall ultimately succeed.
I am writing to you on a blank leaf from an old ledger of a Rebel merchant. My sheet must remain unfinished, as I am to send this by a sergeant across the river at once.
I remain as true and firm in battle, as I hope to be in the battle of life,
Yours, &c., C. H. W.
P. S.—In my other letter, which was lost, I mentioned the deaths of ALBERT SMITH and THOMPSON BARRICK. C. H. W.
List of Killed and Wounded up to Time of Leaving the Chickahominy.
COMPANY A.—Corporal George T. Gates Privates John Wagoner, Ferdinand Bennett, George W. Baker.
COMPANY B.—Sergeant L. Gibney, Corporal G. H. Blackman, Private Wm. Moore.
COMPANY C.—Corporal Thomas R. Southerly, Private George W. Francisco.
COMAPNY D.—Privates Charles Colt, Chauncey H. Beal.
COMPANY E.—Privates Sidney W. Burrows, J. A. Richards, H. Crawford, David Glaus.
COMPANY F.—Privates John Mitchell, John Vanderheyden.
COMPANY G.—Private William Lasher.
COMPANY I.—Capt. Seth F. Johnson, Privates Chas. Tyler, William Eckerson.
COMPANY K.—Corporal James H. Krake.
FIELD OFFICERS.—Lieut. Colonel Freeman Conner, Major E. B. Knox.
COMPANY A.—Capt. B. K. Kimberly, Sergts. Erastus B. Goodrich, Isaac Russell, Corporals Wm. G. Cunningham, Horace Hill, James McCutchin, Privates David Wood, Walter Chubback, James W. Jones, Joseph Sandman, Matthew Wilson, Elias Farrar, David Davis, Thos. Martin, Thos. McDoogle.
COMPANY B—Lieut. John Hardenburgh, Sergeant J. B. Blackman, Corporal James Lanegan, Privates Jas. Coburn, E. Blackmer, Simon Driscoll, Wm. R. Howland, C. Miller, A. Radley, J Russell, A. H. Smith, Peter Shaffer, Wm Erwin, J. Q. Stone.
COMPANY C—First Sergeant Royal G. Kinner, Sergeant G. Hobart, Corporals George R. Hunter, Emery C. Greer, Lucien L. Osgood, Color Corporal George W. Wing, Privates L. Martin Meade, Walter Ferner, John T. Johnson, Stephen I. Dye, Charles Ferner, O. E. Watkins, Andrew W. Giddings, Samuel Coral, Avery Herrick. John L. Tidd (since died), Peter Hains, Albert W. Worth, J. L. Field (since died).
COMPANY D—Sergeant S. Ferris, Corporal Charles Hoyland, Geo. G. Beckwith, Patrick Conlon, Privates Gideon Evans, George W. Stephens, Alexander Davis (since dead), David Edwards, David Banner, Henry George, Capt. Eugene A. Nash.
COMPANY E—Sergeant Nelson Thompson, Corporals Wm. Oliver, Wm. Swan, Privates Joseph H Rowe, Hicks Campbell, Moses S. Eldrich, Patrick Riley, Herman S. Rowley, John Madden, Perry Thompson, Charles E. Thorn.
COMPANY F—First Sergeant Andrew Love, Corporals Philip Ostrander, Elisha Babcock, Henry C. Wygant, Privates James Mallory (since dead), Theo. Nelligan, Joseph Kerwin, Oscar Legg, Van Zandt Bradt, Edward A. Bennett, Jas. Gillen, Richard Carkner, John J. Moreland, Menzie Moure, Lieut. Chas. Zielman.
COMPANY G—Capt. Jacob Fox, Lieut. Theodore Hoes, Sergeant Cyrus T. Ingersoll, Corporals Henry D. Wigg, Harvey Miller, Darius Lillie, Frandlin Carlow, Privates Ambrose Herbert, Joseph L. King, Albert S. Clover, Henry B. Illsley, Wm. Johnson, Chauncey D. Garvey, John McManus, David M. Long (since dead), Andrew G. Cessford, John B. Packer, Jr., Isaac Bevier.
COMPANY H—Lieut. Anthony G. Graves, Corporals Burt Inman, Jacob Hoffman, Privates Samuel Ricely, (since dead,) George Elliot, Wm. W. Allen, Lewis I. Gilbert, Henry B. McCready, Calvin B. Crandall, Henry C. Hall, John H. Wheeler, John Smith.
COMPANY I—First Sergeant Wm. W. Delamater, Sergeant David B Dunham, Corporal Seth Cole, Privates Allen De Freest, Joseph Graham, Henry Lampare, Ira Bancroft, Sidney White, Wm. Thrasher, Zavier Garner, Allen Barringer, Wm. Vandenburgh, William Gammell.
COMPANY K—Lieut. R. McCormick, Drummer Ethan Allen Crane, Corporal Anthony Baker, Privates George Green, Titus White, Jacob Tobias, Anson Senn, James Smith, Henry T. Shufelt, Frazer Rosenkrans, John Flanaburgh.
COMPANY A—Valora D. Eddy, Azle Jennings, Lieut. Edward Bennett.
COMPANY B—Corporals M. H. Bliss, S. Delong.
COMPANY C—Sergeant John Kimball, Privates Chauncey Beal, ____ Boynton.
COMPANY E—Captain Bradford R. Wood, Sergeant Chas. Prudem, Corporals John Hocknell, Robert M. Gardner, Tooker, Privates Roberr McDuffie, John Hocknell.
COMPANY F—Wm. Thompson.
COMPANY G—Lieut. O. L. Munger, Private Lewis McKoy.
COMPANY H—Charles McGregor.
COMPANY I—Privates Allen Lewis, Larry O'Leary, ____ Nash.
COMPANY K—Sergeant Walter Angus, Corporal Kyser, Private Ami Rankin.
A portion of the above prisoners were recaptured by Sheridan's Cavalry Corps in their celebrated raid in the rear of the Rebel army.
Total loss in killed, wounded and missing, one hundred and eighty-seven.
THE STORY OF A HERO.—During the late battle, in which the 44th Regiment participated, SAMUEL W. CHANDLER, of this city, fell mortally wounded under the following circumstances:—The color-sergeant, while holding the flag, had been shot through the head and instantly killed. The flag was then seized by a man named YOUNG, also of this city. No sooner had he raised it than he was shot, the ball severing his jugular vein. When he fell, young CHANDLER, who had been wounded in the leg and arm, and with his wounds bleeding, crept to the staff, and with great effort raised it the third time. In a moment he was shot in the breast, and also fell. After lingering a few days in intense agony, death came to his relief. His last words were:—"I regret that I have only one life to give to my country."
It is impossible to conceive of an act of nobler daring than that of young CHANDLER. His two comrades lay dead at his feet. He was himself badly wounded. The balls were whistling thick and fast over his head. Knowing that it was almost certain death to attempt to raise the flag, he did not hesitate a moment, preferring to die in its defence. Young CHANDLER leaves a wife and two children, who were dependent on him for support. We understand that they are in the most straitened circumstances. Would it not be well to testify our respect for the memory of this young hero by seeing to it that his family do not come to want?
ATTENTION FRIENDS OF THE FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.—All persons wishing to send letters or very small packages to their friends in the 4th Ellsworth Regiment, can send them directly leaving the same at Bow's Clothing Store, Post Office Building, or at McMurray's, North Albany, in care of John J. Moreland, who leaves direct for the regiment, June 27th.
RECRUITING FOR THE FORTY-FOURTH.—Major Chapin has been detailed to recruit for the Forty-fourth, whose gallantry has been fully tested on the field of battle. Corporal Wagoner, of Company F, of this city, is also detailed for the same service. An office will be opened in a few days, when those who wish to do service for their country in one of the best regiments in the field, will have an opportunity to enroll [sic] their names. (Alb. Jour., July 1, 1982)
THE DEAD OF THE ELLSWORTH'S.—At a meeting of the members of Company "F," 44th Regiment N. Y. S.V., at their Quarters, Camp Butterfield, Halls Hill, Va., January 3, 1862, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to remove from our ranks,, our esteemed comrades and fellow soldiers, Corporal Isaac J. Roach and Private Addison J. Fellow, by death, therefore,
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the respective families, relatives and friends of our deceased Brothers, and would offer them our warmest sympathies and most sincere consolations.
Resolved, That, though called away from the scene of active service, whilst in the discharge of a sacred duty,—though their dying pillows were smoothed by strangers, and the cooling draught held to their fevered lips by other than loving relatives, yet, their names are recorded in that hallowed list of Patriots that forms a glorious page in the stirring and eventful history of their country,—and the memory of their many virtues are embalmed in our hearts, second, only, in fervency, to that of doting parents and affectionate sisters and brothers.
Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be forwarded to the "Albany Evening Journal" and "Morning Express," and to the respective families of the deceased.
CHAS. H. ZEILMAN, Committee on Resolutions
GEORGE W. B. SEELY, Secretary.
ANOTHER OF THE ELLSWORTH BOYS TURNED UP.—Among the "killed, wounded or missing" in the Forty-Fourth Regiment after the late battles before Richmond, was DAVID MCCULLOCH, of Coeymens. His parents heard nothing of him since the "seven days' fight" and had almost given him up as dead, when, to their joyful surprise, they received a letter from him a day or two ago from Harrison's Landing. He writes that he was "taken prisoner the 2d of July, after six days' hard fighting," and adds:—"I stood up like a man, and never yielded until they took me by the point of the bayonet; so I was marched to Richmond that night, and I had a long march of about twenty miles. I have just been released, and am now back home with my regiment."
THE 44TH. (ELLSWORTH) PRISONERS AT RICHMOND—The following list of prisoners of the 44th (Ellsworth) Regiment, in the hospital on Main street, Richmond, is taken from a private letter recently received in this city:—John Smith, Co. F; Henry Shepard, Co. F; George Barnard, Co. I; James Dangle, Co. H ; ____ Warner, Co. H; Sergeant Grannie, Co. H; ___ Seilly, Co. I ; ___ Morgan, Co. E; H. C. Hammond, Co. A; W. J. Bain, Co. A ; Wm. Mahan, Co. __, (probably McMahon); Luther Frier, Co. E.
Sick and Wounded in Alexandria.
The following were among the sick and wounded brought to the Alexandria Hospital up to and including the 15th inst.:—
Charles E. Wood, M, 7th N. Y. A
James H. Paddock, L, 7th N. Y. A.
George Varian, H, 2d N. Y. A
John Connolly, F, 2d N. Y. A
Isreal E. Halleck, C, 2d N. Y. A.
Martin B. Adams, E, 2d N. Y. A.
David H. Rouse, A, 2d N. Y. A.
Alfred M. Warren, H, 2d N. Y. A.
James Rosa, B, 7th N. Y. A.
Nathaniel Roe, B, 7th N. Y. A.
Nicholas Hickey, C, 7th N. Y. A.
Charles Ducharme, 1st Lieut. H, 7th N. Y. A.
James Wiley, B, 1st U. S. S.
Bernard Lynch, 1st U. S. S.
Peter Fish, H, 44th N. Y.
Robert Granwell, D, 44th N. Y.
S. S. Osgood, corporal C, 44th N. Y.
John P. Packer, G, 44th N. Y.
Peter Shaffer, B, 44th N. Y.
Andrew Lore, 1st sergeant, F, 44th N. Y.
Ells J. Farrar, A, 44th N. Y.
W. H. Erwin, D, 44th N. Y.
Charles E. Thorn, E, 44th N. Y.
H. G. Tinner, 1st sergeant C, 44th N. Y.
James Smith, K, 44th N. Y.
The following is said to be the official list of the killed and wounded of the 44th, in the battles of Friday and Saturday of last week:
George Seitz, Co. A ; Eugene Walker, Co. A; Edward Fredericks, Co. G; Charles Luff, Co. G; Sergt, Darling, Co. H.
Co. A.—Corp. Harris, slightly; Jas. Brondall, Chapin Babcock, James Chawflin, leg; W. H. Cuff, legs; Jas. Dow, hand; O. Horton, leg; H. C. Hammond, arm and side; George Hill, leg; W. H. Rockwood, leg; Wm. Sales, neck; Wm. Wood, arm.
Co. B.—Capt. L. S. Larrabee, hip and finger; Second Lieut. J. Hardenburgh, head; James King, leg; Wm. B. Horton, leg; Jas. Gould, thigh; Jacob Blackman, leg; Peter Schofer, hand.
Co. C—Second Lieut Jas. H. Russell, thigh; Nathaniel King, arm.
Co. D—E. G. Stevens, leg, (prisoner); Oscar Thomas, back; J. W. White, shoulder; M. O. McNiff, side.
Co. E—Sergt. S. B. Johnson, hand; Isaac Bevier, hip; John Shore, ankle; D. Little, leg.
Co. F—Lieut. C. W. Gibb, arm; D. S. Weaver, hip; John Downing, leg; Wm. Leovary, leg; S. Dearstyne, neck and side; J. Mitchell, hip; Wm. Smith, foot, (missing.)
Co. G—H. A. Vischer, breast; David Fikes, side; Geo. Rider, knee.
Co. H—Second Lieut. E. A. Nash, leg; Jas. Doogal, leg.
Co. K—Wm. H. Sentell, hand; George W. Webster, arm; James B. Case, hand; H. D. Buck, thigh.
Co. A—A. J. Hand, prisoner; F. Bennett, A. Jennings.
Co. B—Hugh Gallager, H. A. Smith.
Co. D—M. Shaw, prisoner; L. Grain, prisoner; W. H. Tompkins, prisoner; P. Frink, prisoner; Geo. Spay.
Co. E—Ira Conkling, David H. Gordon,
Co. F—A. G. Graves, Ralph Dougal, M. S. Hill, L. D. Ladon, C. F. Balow, A. Nichols, Wm. Eckerson.
Total killed, 5; wounded, 40; missing, 19.
Army Correspondence.
Oct. 24th 1862.
ED. STATESMAN:—Knowing the deep interest manifested by the people of N. Y. State for the welfare and success of Co. E, of the 44th Reg't. (Ellsworths) I have thought I could employ the few moments I have this afternoon very profitably in giving you a brief account of our wanderings to and fro, since we left Albany and our prospective future. We received our arms (Springfield Rifle Musket,) and accoutrements at Jersey city, and were, therefore, prepared for any emergency which might occur. We reached Washington about noon on Saturday, the 19th inst., and remained here at the soldier's retreat until Monday eve, when we left that city and proceeded at once to join our Regiment, which is located 3 miles from Sharpsburgh, 8 miles from Harpers Ferry, and 1 mile from the Potomac.
This Brigade (Butterfield's) is encamped only about three miles from the ford where the rebels crossed when they succeeded in gaining an entrance into Maryland, a few weeks since, and have occupied this ground since they were driven out by our forces. A part of Porter's Division is how encamped 5 miles up the river, and may be seen distinctly in a clear day from our camp. The exact distance of the enemy from us at the present wrtiing [sic] is not known but our men reported this morning the rebel pickets were within a mile of our lines.
This afternoon our Brigade underwent a general inspection, to ascertain its exact strength. The result I have not been able to learn, but that you may form some idea of the sad havoc made in some of our best Regiments during the past year, I will cite you to one instance. The 44th Regiment, to which we are connected, and which one year ago last Wednesday, left your city 1040 strong, to-day when drawn up in company front, the largest Co. did not cover our centre and the remaining companies decreased in a fearful ratio, one numbering only 9 men. I do not wish to convey the idea that the remainder have been killed by the bullet, but those not killed are either wounded or prostrated by disease at home. Such is the fortune of war. It is pretty generally conceeded [sic] by the men here that there is about to be a grand advance of our forces. Last evening the orders were read forbidding the issuing of any more knapsacks to the soldiers, and only so much clothing as was actually needed, that they might not be burdened with it during the impending movement. It is expected we will be ordered to cross the river into Virginia and pitch our tents in a few days, perhaps, to-morrow.
Our boys are all well and in good spirits, and are anxiously awaiting the day when they will be permitted to aid in suppressing the rebellion, by meeting the enemy in mortal combat, if necessary, to which end they stand firmly resolved. B.
THE FORTY-FOURTH.—Capt. B. R. Wood, Jr., put down among the missing of the Forty-fourth New York Volunteers, is reported by Col. Conner as unhurt up to Sunday morning, (the 8th) when the Regiment, being in the extreme front, was suddenly flanked by a large body of Rebels and forced to fall back, leaving the Captain and a number of men, who were too far ahead to hear the order, and who were captured. But Capt. Wood, with others, had the good fortune to be rescued by Gen. Sheridan's cavalry. Col. Conner was shot at this time, probably by some of our own men in the second line. The ball struck him under the arm-pit and passed out over his left breast—fortunately not striking a bone. He is doing finely Lieut. Col. Knox was hit a few minutes after the Colonel, a piece of shell striking him in the back of the head, inflicting an ugly but not dangerous wound. The Regiment has lost ten officers—killed, wounded and missing—out of seventeen, and nearly two-thirds of its men.
Wounded of the Forty-Fourth Regiment.—The following is a list of the wounded in the 44th regiment, during the first and second day's fighting in June:
Capt. B. R. Kimberly, Capt. E. A. Nash. Privates E. J. Farrar, S. A. Love, E. A. Cram, R. Shaffer, W. H. Ervin, J. Smith, Sergt. R. S. Skinner, C. E. Thorn, Corp. Geo. S. Beckwith, of Cazenovia, J. B. Packer, D. Doner, J. Boown, W. T. Shufelt.
CASUALTIES IN THE 44TH REGIMENT.—The Albany Journal contains the following list of casualties in Co. "A." 44th, (Ellsworth) Regiment:
Killed—Corporal George T Gates; private John Wagoner, Ferdinand Bennett, George W Baker.
Wounded—Capt B K Kimberly, Sergents [sic] Erastus B Goodrich, Isaac Russell; Corporals Wm G Cunningham, Horace Hill, James McCutchin; Privates David Wood, Walter Chubbeck, James W Jones, Joseph Sandman, Matthew Wilson, Elias Farrar, David Davis, Thomas Martin, Thomas McDoogle.
Missing and Prisoners—Valora D Eddy, Azie Jennings, Lieut. Edward Bennett.
Wounded in the Forty-Fourth (Ellsworth) Regiment.
The following are reported wounded in the 44th (Ellsworth) Regiment, in the recent battles in Virginia: J. Ellendorf, thigh; H. T. Shufeld, J. Brown, D. Doner, E. J. Farrar, Sergeant A. Low, E. A. Cram, R. Schafer, W. H. Ervin, Jas Smith, Sergeant R. S. Kinner, C. E. Thorn, J. B. Packard.
Commercial Advertiser.
Friday Evening, September 4, 1863.
EXECUTION OF DESERTERS.—The following letter, written by a soldier from Buffalo, and giving an account of the recent execution of five deserters, will be found of melancholy interest:
Beverly Ford, Va., Aug. 31st, 1863.
EDS. COMMERCIAL:—Other and better pens will undoubtedly give you earlier accounts of the military execution which occurred in our Division on Saturday last; but knowing that no "special" occupied the "stand point" from which these "observations" were taken, and thinking some of them may not be altogether uninteresting to you and your readers, I subjoin the following account of the shooting of five deserters from the 118th Penn. Regiment, First Brigade, First Division and Fifth Army Corps.
About a week ago it was reported through all our camps here that five conscripts or their substitutes, from Pennsylvania, had deserted on their way to the regiment to which they had been assigned, had been apprehended, tried by a court-martial, sentenced to be shot, and that the sentence, approved by the President, was to be executed on Wednesday. But Tuesday evening it was rumored that their execution had been postponed till Saturday afternoon, to give them more time for preparation. Ours is a merciful Administration, surely; but let none, because of its lenity, contemplate or encourage desertion, for the wages of that sin in the army is death.
About noon on Saturday, the several Arum corps connected with our Brigade began beating a Dead March, for practice, in the woods near by, and so unconsciously gave to us a sense of sadness and solemnity, which ere long increased as flocks of soldiers from other Corps commenced passing through our camp, or were seen going along the various roads that led to the ground, or were already observed in groups collected there, reminding us painfully of the fact that we were on the eve of another occasion not soon to be forgotten.
Our regiment was ordered to be formed at half-past one P. M., as were the others of the Third Brigade, and the other Brigades must have had the same order, for scarcely had we formed on the color line when from beneath the while ponchos that crown nearly every hill-top in sight, and where but a short time before there were few soldiers to be seen, there merged long lines of blue, trimmed with rows of shining brass and gleaming steel glittering in the sunlight. Soon came the General's orders, repeated by a hundred voices along the lines, and followed by the heavy, regular tramp of armed men marching to the notes of martial music. Having reached the spot at which we were to report, there was the usual amount of halting and fronting, of right and left dressing, till the whole was in line, Division front, and closed in mass. There was now an opportunity to look about, which ... to us boys, perched in tree tops, men located upon old buildings of which there happened to be two or three remaining, and an immense number seated in saddles, or occupying, in one way or another, most places available for a good sight for a long way about.
The band has begun the sad notes that form the requiem it has selected. It is a touching strain, and as you look toward the spot whence the sounds come a sorrowful sight greets your steady gaze. The Division Provost Guard, with loaded pieces and bayonets fixed, follow in the footsteps of the buglers, and are in turn followed by the prisoners' spiritual advisors, who are apparently reading or reciting Scripture or prayers. In their rear are six men, the pall bearers, carrying a coffin, behind which there walks, with his hands pinioned and still closely guarded, the first victim, whose snow-white shirt is in striking contrast with the darker colored clothes of those about him. His heart is undoubtedly hopeless; his looks are downcast; and thus, one after another, the criminals follow their coffins to their graves. It is an impressive scene; the most impressive, I think, that I ever saw. Tears come stealthily, yet perceptibly and forcibly into your eyes as you look, while long-drawn breaths evince the deep and earnest thought of those about you. Seems to me that none there could suppress an appeal to Heaven for the Great God of mercy to save their souls and spare all others their fate. And thus, that all might see and take warning, were they marched the whole length of the Corps and about half way back, to their graves, before which that part of the guard whose duty it was to shoot them were halted, and faced toward the prisoners, who passed the length of their line and up to their posts of death—seats upon the ends of their coffins—placed along the sides of their graves, into which they must have looked as the soldiers seated them there. Ten or fifteen minutes, I should think, were now given the clergy in which to complete their admonitions, their counsels and their prayers for the doomed. To us, merely "quiet observers," the minutes seemed long. To them how brief, how momentous the last seconds of life ... prematurely by rashness and folly. In the meantime the meagre [sic] paces are measured off, and the marksmen are stationed. There are fifty of them, and in their guns are but five blank cartridges, and none of them know in which pieces they are, for their Sergeant loaded their guns for them, that they might never know that they had shot a man. The officers step forward to blindfold those seated. One of them rises, and walking past the one at his left, approaches the third, kisses him fondly as a brother, and returns to his seat. The last words are spoken, and the clergymen retire; the white cloths are bound before the eyes and about the heads of the prisoners; the guard at the grave is ordered away; the officer commands "ready," "take aim," "fire!" and when the smoke of the volley—as one gun—has passed away, four lifeless forms appear resting upon the coffins as they fell backward in death, the other, in a brief contraction of the muscles, had fallen to the ground; but his deeds were done and his life had departed. I believe "they shed no tears, they heaved no sighs, they uttered no groans," but perished thus—without a struggle—a fearful warning to all cowards or merely mercenary men in the service—the lives of five men who might have lived to do worthy work, to perform valiant deeds, and to win honor to themselves and their names.
Death of Thomas E. Carey.
Mr. Editor—Will you allow us permission through your excellent sheet to mourn the loss of one we dearly loved, and grant us the privilege of sharing the grief with the friends and comrades of our late companion, Thomas E. Carey, of Albany. At the early age of 19 he broke away from the endearments of home and affectionate friends and volunteered his services in the defence of his country in a company of sharpshooters who were led to the tented fields of the army by Capt. John Wilson. As a soldier he was bold and daring, ready for any emergency. He was a young man who feared God and by his Grace stood firm as a wall of adamant, offering up his daily prayer to God for his country's weal, which he loved more than his life. His motto ran thus: "I am going straightforward in the performance of my duty and leave the event to the Ruler of all things, and I believe all will be well." But on the 23d day of July, 1863, he fell while storming Wapping Heights in Manassas Gap, and was instantly killed. He leaves a fond mother and a brave father, who is a member of the 113th N. Y. V., to mourn an irreparable loss. We placed him in a soldier's grave, beneath the spreading branches of an apple tree. His brother Richard, a member of the 44th N. Y., was in attendance. When the grave was finished and closed over one of the bravest of the brave, his brother, with a heavy heart and slow tread went forth again to brave the dangers of the battle-field, perhaps never to see the spot where his once dear brother was left to rest. On his tombstone, made from a board, is the following inscription:
Age 21,
Killed July 23d, 1863.
Loved by all in his company, highly respected in the regiment, having been a faithful soldier and a good man.
At a meeting of his company the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God to take from among us our comrade in battle, Thomas E. Carey, from labor to reward; and whereas we, the faculty, by long and intimate associations have learned to love and to admire his noble spirit and to appreciate the distinguished qualities of his mind and heart; therefore,
Resolved, That we deeply mourn the less of our companion in arms, who was a congenial presiding soldier, a prudent counsellor [sic], a faithful and able co-laborer, and a warm and self-sacrificing supporter of his country in all his efforts.
Resolved, That we sincerely condole with the bereaved family and offer them our heartfelt sympathy in their deep affliction.
Resolved, That we furnish a copy of the above resolutions to his bereaved mother, and also one for publication in the Albany Morning Express.
The following Albanians, subscribing ourselves Co. B, 1st U. S. Sharpshooters:—Sergt. Charles E. Graves, Sergt. Thomas Smith, Sergt. John McCanly, Corporals Charles Donnelly, John McCaffry, James A. Byers, Wm. L. Sankey; Lawrence McGraw, Matthew Morgan, Lewis Eberhard,
James Feeley, Neil Carrier, John H. Tappan.
Remaining respectfully, your ob't serv'ts.
Approved: Lt. THEO. WILSON,
Commanding Co. B, 1st U. S. S. S.
Letter From Capt. Munger.—
December 20th, 1863.
S. Cleveland—Dear Sir:—I have this moment seen in the Chronicle of Dec. 17th, an extract from a private letter from a member of the 126th N. Y., in which the writer says: "Three Companies of the 125th N. Y. were not relieved because the 44th N. Y. could not encounter the fire which the Rebels opened on the ‘relief.’” I do not know what troops we relieved that morning, (Sunday, the 29th;) but I do know we arrived at the "Reserve," about five hundred yards in rear of the picket-line about 8 o'clock on that morning, and immediately sent seven Companies to relieve the troops on duty, which was done promptly, not withstanding the Rebels opened a fire upon us. My Company was not one of the seven sent out that morning, but I know this statement to be true. "Honor to whom honor,"
Yours, &c.,
B. Munger, Captain Co. C, 44th N. Y. S. Vols.
The 44th N. Y. S. Volunteers.
May 17, 1864.
FRIEND COLYER.—For the information of all those interested in the welfare of the 44th N. Y. S. Volunteers, I send you a complete list of casualties in the Regiment from the 5th inst. to the present date. The Regiment was under fire for eleven successive days:
Lieut. Col. Freeman Conner, wounded—in the arm.
Major Edward C. Knox, wounded—in the head.
Acting Adjutant Orea L. Munger, missing—supposed killed.
Captain Jacob L. Fox, wounded—thigh and testacies.
Captain Seth F. Johnson, killed—two shots in the body.
Captain Bradford R. Wood, missing—supposed killed.
Lieut. Charles H. Zeilman, wounded—in the wrist.
Lieut. John Hardenburg, wounded—arm.
Lieut. Edward A. Bennett, missing—supposed killed.
Lieut. Theodore Hoes, wounded—back.
Killed.— Corporal Geo. T. Gales, Private John H. Hagomer.
Wounded.—Corporal W. G. Cunningham, Private Walter L. Shubbuck, J, W. Jones, Joseph Sandman, Thomas Martin, Sergeants James Russell, E. R. Goodrich, Corporals James McCutcheon and Horace Hill.
Missing.—Private Frederick Bennett.
Killed.—Sergeant Louis Gibney, Corporal Geo. L. Blackmen, Private William Moore. Wounded.—Sergeant J. B. Blackmen, Corporal James Lonigan, Privates James M. Coburn, Wm. R. Howland, Simon Driscoll, Esaer Blackmer, Abram H. Smith, James Russell, Adam Radley.
Missing.—James H. Burnett, (wounded and left on the field), Corporals Moses H. Bliss, Sylvester De Long, Private Christopher D. Miller.
Wounded—Sergeant George W. Hobart, Corporal George R. Hunter, Corporal Emery C. Green; Privates J. L. Tidd, John T. Johnson, Foren E. Watkins, L. N. Meade, Peter Paynes, Stephen P. Dey, George Francisco (missing), Avery Herrick, Andrew Giddings, Charles Ferner, Walter Ferner, Albert W.Wirt.
Missing—Corporal Thomas R. Sutherby (killed).
Wounded—Sergeant L. S. Ferris, Corporal Charles Hoyland, Private Gidney Evans, David Davies, Alexadrin Davie, Charles Colt, David Edwards, Henry George, Daniel Banner, Patrick Conlin, Geo. Stevens, ___ O'Horg, N. B. Grumell.
Missing—Sergeant A. J. Kimball, Corporal W W. Boynton, Privates C. H. Peel, W. W. Haver.
Wounded—Corporal William Oliver, Corporal William Swan; Private Sydney W. Burrows (died), Hicks Campbell, Harvey Crawford (died), David Claus, Moses S. Eldred, John Madden, Hiram S. Rowley, Joseph H. Roe, Jasin Richards (died), Patrick Riley, Perry Thompson, Benj. Shurar.
Missing—Sergeant Charles Prudham, Corporal Robert W. Gardner, Corporal Oscar C. Tooker, Corporal James R. Wood worth, Private John Hocknell, Robert McDuffie (wounded and missing).
Killed—John Mitchell.
Wounded—Corporals Henry C. Wygant, Elisha Babcock, Philip Ostrander; Privates Joseph Kirwin, Theobald Neligan, John I. Morland, Van Zandt Bradt, Alfred Berrister, Oscar Legg.
Misting—Corporal Wm. Thompson.
Killed—William Lasher.
Wounded—Sergeant Cyrus T. Ingasoll; Corporals Henry D. Wigg, Harvey H. Miller, Derius Miller; Privates Albert S. Clover, Chauncey D. Garvey,
Ambrose Herbert, Martin V. Ingasall, John Ilsley, William Johnson, Joseph L. King, David M. Longe, Louis McCoy, John McMannus.
Wounded—Samuel Risley, Wm. H. Allen, Henry McCready, Israel Luce, Corporals Burt Inman, Jacob Hoffman; Privates Harvey C. Hall, John H. Wheeler, John Smith, George Elliott, C. B. Crandell (wounded and missing), Willis Morse (wounded and missing), Aarron E: Stockholm (wounded and missing), Chas. McGregor (wounded and missing), Louis G. Gilbert, Wm. Moore (slightly), Wm. F. Gardner (slightly.)
Missing—Joel Comstock.
Killed—Private Chas. Tyler.
Wounded—Sergt. Wm. W. De Lamater, David B.Dunham; Privates Seth T. Cole, W. S. White, Henry Lamfer, Joseph Graham, Wm. Gammel, Wm. H. Vandenburgh, Nelson Trasher, L. De Friest.
Missing—Privates James W. Bowers, E. S. Nash, Ira Bancroft, James E. Gould, Larry O'Leary.
Killed—Corporal Jas. H. Krake, Private Ami D. Rankin.
Wounded—Corporal Anthony Baker, Privates Titus White, George Green, Jacob Tobias, A. Flansburg, Fraser Rosenkrans, Anson Senn.
Missing—Sergt. Walter H. Angus, Corpl. Jacob N. Hyzer, Privates George H. Sutford, Henry T. Shoefelt, George Joslyn.
Which makes a total of one hundred and sixty-six—over one half of the regiment. Please make whatever remarks you please in regard to the doings of our regiment in the present campaign. Inform my friends, if you meet any, that I have escaped so far without a scratch.
Very respectfully, your ob't servant,
Lieut. 44th N. Y. S. Vols., Com'dg Co. H.
WASHINGTON, May 30, 1864.
To the Editor of the Seneca Co. Courier:
SIR:—Knowing the facts by observation, which may never be brought before the public, I ask permission for a little space in your valuable, and, I have no doubt, crowded paper, for something which may interest many of your readers, in relation to the doings of the 44th N. Y. V. during the recent battles, and the death of one of its members, who lived and fought like a soldier, and like a soldier he died, and was buried in the "Wilderness."
The march of the Army of the Potomac across the Rapidan, the manoeuvres and movements to gain an advantageous position, of this you know all. We will pass over the marches and counter marches, through mud and rain, night and day, to the morning of the 7th day of May, a day memorable in history and in the hearts of the American people, and by many of your own readers with mournful pride. The morning was gloomy, and fog hung like a pall over the "Wilderness."
The 44th expected; as they had a right to, that so small a regiment, thinned out as they had been in nearly every engagement in Virginia, and cut up as they were at Gettysburg, that if any were reserved, they surely would be. But General Grant asked for troops to open his campaign that could be relied on. General Warren selected the 44th among the first to answer that call, and with alacrity they did it, and marched gladly forward to take their place in the front line—glad for the honor conferred.
The lines were formed by three o'clock, P. M., and now the men had time, the first since daylight, to eat their rations. So there, 'neath the shade of the Wilderness, in the swamp, on logs, some in dry places, some in wet, the Army of the Potomac sat down to dinner, as gay and happy as they might be on a gunning excursion. But the picket line warn them of the advancing foe, for the occasional firing on the picket line had increased to the rapid firing of advancing skirmishers, and the return volley from our rallying pickets tells us that the ball is about to open. Now the quick and spiteful rattle of the "Picket Reserve," growing nearer each moment, calls the line to "Attention." We will listen to the last roll-call, before the enemy are uncovered by our skirmishers,—the last to so many. We hear the name, James Woodworth, Color-Bearer,—he answers, "here." S. W. Burroughs—"here." M. Yeckley,—"here." Wm. Oliver,—"here." C. Pruden, "here." J. Sperling,—"
here." H. Campbell,—"here." C. McDuffee,—"here." Oscar Tucker,—"here;" and many other familiar names. But the "Roll-Call" has ended, and the 44th are waiting. The "Picket Reserve" are filing to the rear, and we see the gray lines of skirmishers, like flitting shadows,—now you see him, and now you don't. At last, like a swarm of locusts, the gray line appears. It's gray to the right, and gray to the left, and a swarm of gray in front.
But few words are spoken. "Men of the 44th, remember 'Gettysburg,' 'Antietam,' 'Bristo Station,' 'Cedar Mountain,' and 'Bull Run;' your flag, your country, and your homes!" With one wild cheer for their gallant commander, and, at his command, "Ready," every hammer goes firmly back. "Steady, man. Aim! Fire low. Fire!" and the 44th, for the tenth time, is fairly launched upon a sea of blood. The galling fire of the 44th is returned, and it seems as though by the whole opposing line, for they go down like ripe wheat in a tempest. With bayonets fixed, the remainder brace themselves to receive the charge for the purpose of capturing the Colors. Dirty flag, ragged and blood-stained though it be, it is dearer to those men than their heart's blood. But see that "Color-Guard" go down! The gallant Color-Bearer more than once down, but up again and struggles with that flag to the front. With a yell like demons, they charge, but the 44th rally round their flag and save it, and at the point of the bayonet they drive them back; but alas! they take with them the firm old guard. S. W. Burroughs did not answer, like many others, to the next "Roll-Call." He died the next morn at daylight, from a wound received in the breast. Said he: "Boys, when you march home, tell them how we did this, and how I died. Tell them they asked us to bring that flag home, and we have done it; for, boys, you must remember!—and he was dead. H. J. E. C.
The Late Captain S. F. Johnson.
June 15, 1864.
Editor Times and Courier:
At a meeting of the officers of the Forty-Fourth New York Volunteers, held at the Camp, near Chickahominy, Va., on the 12th day of June, 1864, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That in the death of Captain Seth F. Johnson, killed in the battle of the Wilderness, on the 5th of May, 1864, we, as individuals, have lost a warm, true-hearted friend, the service a gallant and efficient officer, the country a true patriot, one whose conduct in camp and field has been such as to confer honor upon the regiment of which he was a member, and to entitle him to the gratitude of his countrymen.
Resolved, That while bowed with grief at the death of our esteemed friend and brother officer, we humbly submit to the overruling Providence which has seen fit to call him from us in the flower of his days, and find consolation in the manner in which he met a soldier's glorious death in his country's righteous cause.
Resolved, That his memory shall ever be green and his name revered among us, and that we hereby tender our most cordial sympathies to his bereaved family and friends.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased; also, that copies be furnished for publication in the Albany Evening Journal, Albany Morning Express and TIMES AND COURIER.
C. ALLEN, President.
CAMP OF 44TH N. Y. S. Volunteers.
August 28th, 1864.
Another week has passed very quickly, too. There has been no fighting and as we have been fixing up tents and been busy, time has passed very quickly. You begin at home to feel anxious about the draft; I should think it was time. I have been ashamed of our town (Java) ever since I came out. It is always behind in everything. * * * If the town had given with patriotism all that was needed, it would not come so like pulling teeth; they could then have felt some pride for what they had done. Now they have given only what they were compelled to, and that grudgingly. * * *
I don't like this complaining of high prices, taxes, &c. If the blessings of liberty and peace are worth anything, they are worth fighting for and sacrificing something for. If the people of the North would come up with more spirit—this war need not lest another year.
* * * * * *
Don't be thinking so much of my coming home, for you know "There's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip." What if I should re-enlist? There is a captain in the regiment offering fifteen hundred dollars for a substitute for his brother. I do not think of going into it, however.
With much love to all I close, O. C. W.
FROM THE FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.—The 44th Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, composed chiefly of Albanians, is attached to the fifth Army Corps, to which was entrusted the important duty of taking possession of the Weldon Railroad, a highly important strategic point, as it severs a portion of the enemy's communications. From a letter received here on Saturday from a member of Company F, 44th, who participated in the movement, we make the following extract. "We broke camp at 3 A. M. on the 18th, marched three miles, formed line of battle, and then marched one mile in line, struck the Weldon Railroad at 9 A. M., near the Yellow Tavern. Our Division having the lead, we halted on the Railroad, and allowed the Second, Third and Fourth Divisions to come up and take position on our right. All was quiet until 4 P. M., when the Rebels came out in good force, but were repulsed with heavy loss. The artillery on our side was used to good advantage, while the enemy had but one battery, and that was some distance off in a fort. The fight lasted about two hours. It rained a great deal during the day. On the 19th heavy cannonading was heard in the direction of our old works; all quiet again until 4 P. M., when the enemy made another attack and attempted to break our line, but met with the game defeat as the day previous. Our Division was dispatched on the "double-quick" to the right, but on reaching there our services were not needed. The mud was ankle deep, rendering it severe marching. The Second Division lost heavy. It rained some during the day. On the 20th nothing occurred but a little picket firing in our front. Another good shower in the afternoon. August 21st—I have not time to give an extended account of to-day's doings, but will say the "Johnnies" made another fruitless assault on our works—this time on the left of our line. They were so mistaken in our lines and force that the assault proved to be a complete victory for us. The engagement commenced about 9 A. M., and lasted two hours. We took between seven and eight hundred prisoners in front of the First and Fourth Divisions; also three new stand of colors from the 7th North Carolina battalion [sic]. August 22d. All quiet; weather very hot. We still hold possession of the Railroad, and the enemy cannot very easily dislodge us.
Justin R. Huntly, only son of W. D. Huntly, Superintendent of the Experimental Department of the State Norman School, died recently in the Hospital at Bristol, Pa. His remains reached this city yesterday morning. Mr. Huntly was a member of Company E, Forty-fourth Regiment, and was in all the battles after the Wilderness, serving on Gen. Bartlett's staff. He was attacked before Petersburg with an illness which has proved fatal. He was a young man of the highest promise, and beloved by a large circle of friends, upon whom this intelligence will fall with crushing weight.
RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE.—At a meeting of the soldier friends of J. R. Huntly, Co. E, 44th N. Y. Vol., the following preamble and resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, it has pleased the Almighty Ruler of the Universe to remove from our midst by the hand of death our beloved comrade, J. R. Huntly; and whereas, we have always found him during his stay a sincere friend and true patriot, as well as a brave and gallant soldier, therefore
Resolved, That in the death of J. R. Huntley we are called upon to sustain the loss of a dear friend and brother soldier, one who has commanded our admiration for his ability and integrity as a soldier, and our esteem as a gentleman for the uniform courtesy which marked his intercourse with all. Resolved, That while we deeply deplore his early death, we sympathise [sic] sincerely with his bereaved parents and friends, and we shall cherish the fond recollections of his many acts of kindness when living.
Resolved, That the above be published in the Albany Morning Express, and a copy be transmitted to the parents of deceased.
THE FORTY-FOURTH TO BE MUSTERED OUT. —The term of service of the Forty-fourth (Ellsworth) regiment, N. Y. Vols., is about expiring, and they will be mustered out of service at Albany to-morrow. [Utica Telegraph Friday.
The term of service of the glorious old 44th expired yesterday, and it is expected the members will reach this city on Wednesday next. Out of a regiment of one thousand men who marched forth to battle three years ago, about one hundred return to their families. War—fratricidal war—is a terrible. But the rebellion must be crushed out, cost what it may in men and money.
A meeting of the friends of the 44th Regiment, and of members thereof, was held at Col. McCardel's last evening, to consult together as to the reception of the regiment. Hon. Geo. H. Thacher presided, and Mr. J. C. Cuyler acted as Secretary.
A letter was read from one of the members, in which it was stated that the regiment would probably reach here the middle of the week.
A committee, consisting of the Chairman, Secretary, Messrs. Wm. Barnes, Alex. McRobers, Hon. George Wolford, Perry Ewing, William H. Greene, Paul Cushman, Wm. A. Rice, Teunis G. Visscher, Lieut. James McMillan, David Zeh, David Weaver, Archibald McClure and Jno. P. Rogers, was appointed to make the necessary arrangements for receiving the regiment.
The ex-members of the regiment are requested to meet at Col. McCardel's this evening at 7 1/2 o'clock, to make arragements [sic] for the reception.
Special Meeting of the Common Council.
There was a special meeting of the Common Council last evening to make arrangements for the reception of the 44th Regiment. The Mayor announced the object of the meeting, and stated that he deemed it highly proper that the city authorities should take the necessary steps to give them, on behalf of the city, a hearty welcome. As to when the regiment will arrive, it was stated that it arrived in New York yesterday, but could not leave for Albany during the day. It may possibly arrive to-day or this evening.
Messrs. Archibald McClure, Paul Cushman and J. C. Cuyler were appointed a committee to cooperate with the Common Council.
Mr. Cuyler stated that Major General Robinson had been waited on by them, and at their request said he would order out, from the Reserve Corps, at the Barracks, an escort to consist of a Regiment of Infantry and a full battery.
Ald. Judson said that it would undoubtedly be proper, on the occasion of the return of these war-worn veterans—the remnant of as gallant a regiment as ever left the State of New York, for the city to give them a reception that would evince the high estimation in which their services are held by all our citizens. He, therefore, moved the appointment of a committee of five to
co-operate with the citizens' committee to make the necessary arrangements on the part of the Common Council. Carried, and the Mayor appointed Aldermen Judson, Tracy, Amsdell, McIntyre and Bancroft.
The meeting then adjourned.
The Committee held a meeting subsequent to the adjournment of the Board, when it was resolved to give the regiment a dinner on their arrival, and to extend to them a hearty welcome to the city. Capt. Parr will fire a national salute on their arrival, and the troops from the barracks will parade. It is also hoped that the 25th Regiment may be able to parade. Schreiber's band will play for the gallant 44th. The Committees will meet at the City Hall, at 10 o'clock this morning to perfect the arrangements.
The New York Times.
The Ellsworth Avengers.
The Forty-fourth New-York Regiment, "People's Ellsworth Avengers," Col. CONNER, arrived here yesterday afternoon, having left the trenches across the Weldon Railroad on Saturday morning, and leaves here at 8:30 A. M. today by the Hudson River Railroad for Albany. They number 170, besides 14 officers, whose name's are as follows:
Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding, F. Conner; Major, E. B. Knox; Acting Adjutant, First Liet. H. J. Botchford; Surgeon, M. W. Townsend; Quartermaster, F. R. Munday; Captains, C. Allen, William N. Banks, E. A. Nash, B. K. Kimberlv, and C. D. Grannes; First Lieutenants, C. H. Zielman, R. H. McCormic and Charles.Kelly; Second Lietenant [sic], J. Van Ten Broeck.
This regiment has participated in all the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, and has taken part in some twenty general engagements. When it left New-York it was about 1,050 strong, and has since received some 700 recruits. For a long time it was commanded by the lamented Brig.-Gen. RICE, who fell at Spottsylvania [sic].
Three hundred men have been left in the field, two hundred of whom are new recruits. One hundred and forty men have been promoted from the ranks, and are mainly attached to other regiments.
Col. CONNER was a member of the ELLSWORTH Chicago Zouaves, also of the First New-York Fire Zouaves, and went to the field as Captain of Company D. of his present Regiment.
Forty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteers.
Few regiments were formed under circumstances attracting greater public interest, in its origin, than this. Soon after the death of Col. ELLSWORTH in May, 1861, an association of leading citizens was formed in this city for the purpose of organizing a regiment of picked men for the war. As first proposed, one man was to be chosen from each town in the State, but subsequently this rule was modified, and the city of Albany furnished more than any other locality.
Recruiting was begun August 8th, and on the 21st of October the regiment left the Albany Barracks, for the seat of war with 1,061 men, receiving on its way to the steamer upon which it was to embark an elegant flag, the gift of Mrs. ERASTUS CORNING. The first flag having been worn out was returned to the donor, and a new one given in exchange about the 1st of January, 1863.
The regiment remained at the Park Barracks, New York, until the evening of the 23d, and then proceeded to Washington, and was assigned to the Brigade commanded by Brig. Gen. BUTTERFIELD, in Gen. FITZ JOHN POSTER'S Corps. In the campaign of 1862-3 it formed a part of the Third Brigade, First Division, Fifth Corps.
The Forty-fourth participated in the advance towards Manassas in March, 1862, but soon returned to Alexandria, and on the 21st of March embarked for Fortress Monroe, to share the fortunes of Gen. McCLELLAN’S operations against Richmond by way of the Peninsula.
After several weeks spent in picket duties, in making roads and working in the trenches before Yorktown, the regiment went into garrison at that place after its evacuation, and remained until the 19th of May, when they embarked for the White House, and joined the brigade at Tunstal's Station. On the 22d they moved towards Cold Harbor, and on the 26th encamped at Gaines Mills. They moved the next day to Hanover Court House, falling in with a Rebel force, which, after a fight of several hours, was driven from the field. On the 31st they returned to Gaines Mills, and remained until the battle of June 27, when they participated in the engagement, forming the extreme left of the line. They fought nearly the whole of the afternoon, and lost 20 killed and 45 wounded.
In the subsequent retreat across the peninsula, they were not again engaged with loss, until in the battle of Malvern Hill, where they had 15 killed and 84 wounded. Here, in a charge on one of MAGRUDER'S brigades, they put two or three regiments to flight and captured the colors of the Seventh Alabama Regiment. This charge was led by Lieut. Col. RICE, who afterwards rose to the rank of Brigadier General, and gallantly fell in the discharge of duty during the last Spring's campaign.
The Forty-fourth was engaged in the second battle of Bull Run, near the centre of the front line, with a loss of 12 killed and 55 wounded, and when it reached Washington soon after, the casualties of war had reduced its numbers to 87 men. It was subsequently, at different times, replenished by recruits to the number of 700.
PORTER'S corps was held in reserve at the battle of Antietam, and this regiment was engaged at Shepardstown Ford but without loss. At the first battle of Frederickburg [sic] it lost 13 killed, 13 wounded. Lieut. Col. CONNER was wounded early in the fight, as was also Adjutant KELLEY. At Chancellersville it was not actively engaged, although with the advance.
In the action at Middleburg, June 21, 1863, the loss was 1 killed and 2 wounded.
At Gettysburg, July 2d, it lost 111 in killed and wounded, among the former were Capt. LARRABEE and Lieut. DUNHAM. The Third brigade, in this battle, formed the extreme left and fought HOOD'S entire division for two hours, repulsing them at every attack.
The regiment has since shared the fortunes of the Fifth corps, and in the heavy field service of the last summer's campaign, it has had its full share of duty, and has on every occasion fulfilled the expectations of the Generals commanding, and earned for itself a most honorable place in the memory of our citizens.
The veterans of this regiment, who are returning home, number one hundred and seventy men and fourteen officers, whose names are as follows: Lieut.-Col. commanding, F. CONNER; Major E. B. KNOX; Acting Adjutant,
Lieut. J. H. BOTHFORD; Surgeon, M. W. TOWNSEND; Quartermaster F. R. MUNDA, and Capts. N. S. CALEN, W. N. DANKS, E. A. NASH, B. K. KIMBERLY, and C. D. GRANNIS; First Lieuts. C. H. Selman, R. H. McCollie and CHARLES KELLY; Second Lieut. J. Van Ten Broeck.
The new recruits and re-enlisted veterans, to the number of 300, remain in the field. Nearly 150 of the original rank and file have been promoted into other regiments.
Reception of the 44th Regiment.
The Committee of the Common Council, together with representatives from the Citizens' Committee, met at the City Hall yesterday morning to complete the arrangements for the reception of the 44th Regiment. Owing to the absence of positive information as to the movements of the regiment, no definite arrangements could be concluded. The Common Council Committee, however, reported that they had ordered a dinner for the regiment at Congress Hall; that a national salute on their arrival had been ordered, and also carriages for the sick and wounded that might return with the regiment. The Committee intend to make the reception all that can be desired.
The kind offer of Major-General Robinson, in command of this military post, to detail a regiment of infantry and a battery to act as escort to the regiment on its arrival, will secure a fine military display. The 25th Regiment has been invited, and it is hoped they will unite with the troops from the barracks in the escort.
No definite information of the whereabouts of the regiment has been received up to present writing. We received a despatch from New York yesterday about 2 o'clock, announcing that they were expected to reach that city during the afternoon. The officer in charge of transportation telegraphed us about the same time that he had no information as to the arrival of the regiment, so that it is impossible to tell when they will arrive in this city.
P. S.—At 11 o'clock last evening we received a despatch from New York announcing the arrival of the regiment in that city at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. When they were to leave or by what route we were not informed. It is expected they will arrive home this afternoon. Should they do so their arrival will be announced by the firing of cannon. Or if any despatches are received this morning they will be posted on the bulletin-boards, so that our citizens may be informed of the movements of the regiment.
LATER.—At one o'clock this morning we received the following despatch:
The 44th New York regiment, People's Ellsworth Avengers, Col. Conner, arrived here this afternoon, having left the trenches across the Weldon Railroad on Saturday morning, and they will leave here at 8.30 to-morrow morning, by the Hudson River Railroad, for Albany. They number 170 men and 14 officers, whose names are as follows: Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding F. Conner, Major E. B. Knox, Acting Adjutant Lieutenant H. J. Botchford, Surgeon M. W. Townsend, Quartermaster F. R. Munda, and Captains N. S. Calen, Wm. N. Danks, E. A. Nash, B. K. Kimberly, C. D. Grannis, First Lieutenants C. H. Selman, R. H. McCollie and Charles Kelly, and Second Lieutenant J. Van Ten Broeck. This regiment has participated in all the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, and has taken part in some twenty general engagements. When it left New York it was 1050 strong, and has since received some 700 recruits; 300 men have been left in the field, 200 of whom are new recruits 140 men have been promoted from the ranks, and are mainly attached to other regiments. Colonel Conner was a member of the Ellsworth Chicago Zouaves, and of the New York Fire Zouaves, and went to the field as Captain of Company D of his present regiment.
The gallant Forty-fourth (Ellsworth's Avengers) regiment will reach this city to-day. Extensive arrangements are being made for their reception. The Committee of Citizens having the matter in charge have invited the troops now at the Troy Road Barracks to participate in the reception, and we understand that they will be present. The members of the old regiment who have been discharged from wounds and otherwise, and who number some one hundred and fifty, will take a prominent part in the ceremonies.
The regiment will leave New York at 8:30 this morning, by the Hudson River Railroad for Albany. They number 170 men and 14 officers, whose names are as follows: Lieut. Col. commanding, F. Conner; Major, E. B. Knox; Acting Adjutant, Lieut. J. H. Bothford; Surgeon, M. W. Townsend; Quartermaster, F. R. Munda, and Capts. N. S. Calen, W. N. Banks, E. A. Nash, B. K. Kimberly, and C. D. Grannis; First Lieuts. C. H. Selman, R. H. McCollie and Charles Kelly; Second Lieut. J. Van Ten Broeck. This regiment has participated in all the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, and has taken part in some twenty general engagements. When it left New York it was 1050 strong, and has since received some 700 recruits. Three hundred men have been left in the field, 200 of whom are new recruits. One hundred and forty men have been promoted from the ranks, and are mainly attached to other regiments. Col. Conner was a member of the Ellsworth Chicago Zouaves, and of the First New York Fire Zouaves, and went to the field as Captain of Company D, of his present regiment.
RETURN OF THE FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT—BRILLIANT RECEPTION.—The gallant Forty-fourth (Ellsworth) regiment, numbering about one hundred and seventy officers and men, whose terms of service have expired, reached this city via the Hudson River railroad about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The regiment was met at East Albany by the Common Council Committee and Committee of Citizens, and also about fifty former members of the regiment stopping in this city. As the war-worn veterans were crossing on the ferry boat they were greeted with a salvo of artillery, fired from the lower side cut by Harris Parr, keeper of the Arsenal. Reaching this side, they were received with hearty cheers by the assembled multitudes. Broadway, Maiden lane and the Quay were completely blocked up with human beings—all anxious to extend a hearty welcome to the returning veterans. The Twenty-second Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, and the Sixteenth Massachusetts Battery, having been detailed by Major General Robinson to act as escort, formed in line on Broadway, right resting on Steuben street. The Forty-fourth passed in review, each regiment giving the usual military salute. The Forty-fourth halted at the Delavan House, allowing the Twenty-second Regiment and Sixteenth Battery to pass. The line of march was then taken up, the procession moving in the following order:
Twenty-second Regiment, preceded by Regimental Band.
Sixteenth Massachusetts Battery.
Common Council Committee in carriages.
Mayor and Common Council in carriages.
Citizen Committee in Carriages.
J. C. Cuyler, Grand Marshal.
Schreiber's Cornet Band.
Former members of Forty-fourth Regiment.
Drum Corps.
Forty-fourth Regiment.
The procession moved through Broadway, Clinton Avenue, Pearl, Lydius and State streets, Washington Avenue, Lark, and State street to the Capitol, where the returning heroes were welcomed home, in behalf of the State, by His Excellency Governor Seymour. The Governor made a brief but happy speech, alluding in terms of praise to the valuable services rendered by the Forty-fourth, and he said that their diminished ranks was sufficient proof of the hardships they endured and what the regiment had passed through. The Governor was greeted with hearty cheers.
Col. Conner responded to the Governor, and made a very pertinent speech. He said that his regiment left this city three years ago, one thousand strong, and now returns with one-eighth that number. They were called upon to mourn the loss of a number of gallant officers and brave men who fell in battle. With considerable pride he was able to state that one hundred and forty members had been promoted and transferred to other regiments for meritorious conduct. At the conclusion of his remarks the regiment marched to Congress Hall, where dinner had been prepared for them under the direction of the Common Council Committee. Taking it all in all, the reception was well got up and admirably carried out, reflecting considerable credit upon the Committee.
Office, 373 Broadway.
GRAND DEMONSTRATION—ARRIVAL OF THE ELLSWORTH REGIMENT.—The 44th or Ellsworth Regiment reached home yesterday afternoon on the Hudson River Railroad, They were received by the Mayor and Common Council, and the Citizen's Committee, and under the escort of the 22d Veteran Corps and the 16th Massachusett's [sic] Battery, they marched through a number of the principal streets, exciting feelings of the warmest admiration among the thousands of citizens who crowded the walk.
Passing up State street they paid Mrs. Erastus Corning, Sr., the compliment of a marching salute. When, three year's ago, the regiment started for the seat of war, it was presnted with an elegant flag by Mrs. Corning. This flag having been worn out was returned to the donor, and a new one given in exchange about the 1st of January, 1863.
Arrived at the Capital Governor Seymour was introduced by Colonel Conner to the men who greeted his Excellency with a round of hearty cheers.
Governor Seymour addressed them briefly, alluding in feeling and eloquent terms to the brave departed comrades, and tendering to his hearers on behalf of the State, as well as for the city of Albany, the most earnest thanks. He spoke of their services and sacrifice, and assured them that their deeds of patriotism and heroism would ever be the theme of praise on the lips of their fellow citizens.
The Regiment then marched from the Capitol to Congress Hall, where, as the guests of the city, they partook of a substantial collation, after which they were surrounded by many old friends, with whom they passed a happy evening.
The Ellsworth Regiment is a fighting Regiment. It has been in over twenty battles and has always exhibited a bravery that reflected honor not only on the members but the State. I left Albany 1060 strong. During its service upwards of 700 recruits have joined its ranks, and now, when 170 veterans return to their homes, there are left in the field but 300.
The veterans of this regiment, who are returning home number 170 men and 14 officers, whose names are as follows: Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, F. Connor; Major E. E. B. Knox; Acting Adjutant Lieutenant J. H. Bothword; Surgeon, M. W. Townsend; Quartermaster E. R. Munda, and Captains N. S. Calen, W. Danks, E. A. Nash, B. K. Kimberly and C. D. Grannis; First Lieutenants, C. A. Selman, R. H. McCollie and Charles Kelly; Second Lieutenant J. Van Ten Broeck.
Atlas & Argus. (Sept. 30, 1864)
Return of the 44th Regiment.
Our streets were unusually lively yesterday afternoon, the citizens turning out in large numbers to witness the return of the veterans of this gallant Regiment—the Regiment in the raising of which our citizens took so much interest, and whose career they have watched with solicitude and pride. The welcome extended to them was as warm and generous as it was merited.
It will be remembered that but a few months after the commencement of hostilities, a number of our most prominent citizens resolved to unite their means and efforts to raise a Regiment that would, in every respect, be a model organization. The original plan was to accept a man from each town in the State, but unforseen [sic]difficulties arose under this plan, and it was abandoned; and although many parts of the State were represented in it, our own city and county furnished a larger number than any other locality. The Regiment was made up of picked men—men selected not only with a view to their own physical advantages, but also with regard to their moral worth; and we feel justified in saying that in these respects no finer Regiment ever entered the Army than was the Forty-fourth, when it left Albany nearly three years ago, (Oct. 21st, 1861)—they numbered ten hundred and sixty strong.
Since then it has participated in twelve general engagements, and in as many more skirmishes, and always with distinguished bravery. But fortunes of war have told fearfully upon its ranks. Brigadier General Rice and many others of the gentlemen who want out in its list of officers, gave up their lives for the cause in which they so cheerfully volunteered, fighting valiantly where the hardest and bravest blows were to be struck, and dying with their faces to the foe. Not less dauntless—not less self-sacrificing were the men, as the mournful record of the organization abundantly testifies. It left Albany 1060 strong. During its service upwards 700 recruits have joined its ranks, and now, when 170 of veterans return to their homes, there are left in the field but 300. As an evidence of the material of which it was originally composed, we may state that about 150 of the rank and file have been promoted into other Regiments.
The veterans of this Regiment, who are returning home, number 170 men and 14 officers, whose names are as follows: Lieut.-Col. Commanding, F. Conner; Major, E. B. Knox; Acting Adjutant, Lieut. J. H. Bothford; Surgeon, M. W. Townsend; Quartermaster F. R. Munda, and Capts. N. S. Calen, W. Danks, E. A. Nash, B. K. Kimberly, and C. D. Grannis; First Lieuts., C. A. Selman, R. H. McCollie and Charles Kelley; Second Lieut. J. Van Ten Broeck.
On their arrival here about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, they were received by the Mayor and Common Council, and the Citizen's Committee, and under escort of the 22d Veteran Corps, (a neat and fine looking body of men) and the 16th Massachusetts Battery, they marched through a number of principal streets, exciting feelings of the warmest admiration among the thousands of citizens who crowded the walk.
Passing up State street, they paid Mrs. Erastus Corning, Sr., the compliment of a marching salute. When, three years ago, the Regiment started for the seat of war, it was presented with an elegant flag by Mrs. Corning.—This flag having been worn out was returned to the donor, and a new one given in exchange about the 1st of January, 1863.
Arrived at the Capitol, Governor Seymour was introduced by Col. Conner to the men, who greeted his Excellency with a round of hearty cheers.
Governor Seymour addressed them briefly, alluding in feeling and eloquent terms to their brave departed comrades, and tendering to his hearers, on behalf of the State, as well as for the city of Albany, the most earnest thanks.—He spoke of their services and sacrifices, and assured them that their deeds of patriotism and heroism would ever be the theme of praise on the lips of their fellow citizens.
The Regiment then marched from the Capitol to Congress Hall, where, as the guests of the City, they partook of a substantial collation, after which they were surrounded by many old friends, with whom they passed a happy evening.
Morning Express.
Reception of the "Ellsworth Avengers."
The Forty-Fourth Regiment, N. Y. S. V., reached this city between 4 and 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. It was expected they would arrive at half-past two o'clock, but the train was delayed. The Regiment was met at East Albany by the Common Council and Citizen's Committees, and a detachment of ex-members of the Regiment, under command of Capt. Alexander McRoberts, accompanied by Schreiber's Band, the members of which volunteered their services. As soon as the train arrived Capt. Parr fired a National Salute, which notified the people that the Ellsworth's were really coming. And they responded in their strength, as thousands congregated on the different streets through which the procession was to pass to give the boys a hearty welcome. Major General Robinson, in command of the troops at the Barracks, on the Troy road, having been requested to detail an infantry regiment and the battery stationed there, promptly acceeded [sic] to the request of the Citizen's Committee, and at precisely half-past two o'clock the Twenty-Second Regiment Veteran Reserves, and the Sixteenth Massachusetts Battery, reported to the Marshal. Lieutenant Colonel Rutherford was in command of these troops. Notwithstanding the delay in the arrival of the Ellsworth's, the men waited patiently for their arrival, and when they made their appearance every man was at his post. In this connection it is due to the Twenty-Fifth Regiment to say that they would have paraded had it been definitely known, in time, when the Forty-Fourth would arrive. But, owing to the lateness of the hour when this intelligence arrived, it was utterly impossible to notify the members, and consequently the Twenty-Fifth did not unite in the reception.
The Forty-Fourth, after disembarking, marched through the railroad yard and Dean street to State street, and so on to Broadway, where the veteran troops were drawn up in line to receive them. There was no delay at this point. The Ellsworth's passed the line and halted, and the escort then passed them and the line of march was taken up, the members of the Common Council and the Citizen's Committee preceding the Forty-Fourth. The route of the procession was through Broadway to Clinton avenue, up Clinton avenue to Pearl, down Pearl to Lydius, down Lydius to Broadway, through Broadway to State, up State to Washington avenue, through Washington avenue to Dove, across Dove to State, and down State to the Capitol, where the regiment was formally received by Gov. Seymour.
Colonel Conner and the officers of the regiment visited the Executive Chamber and were personally introduced to Gov. S., after which he welcomed the regiment in a brief but patriotic speech. He alluded to their valuable and dangerous services in the cause of their country, and in behalf of the citizens of New York, whom they represented, extended to them a cordial welcome and hearty thanks.
Col. Conner responded in a few pertinent and exceedingly happy remarks. He thanked the Governor for the kind welcome extended his command, and alluded in the most feeling manner to the losses sustained by the regiment in officers and men. We have seldom listened to a more unassuming and touching speech. Col. C. is not only a good fighting man, but a good speech-maker.
We should have stated that Hon. Erastus Corning and his lady were on the stoop of their residence as the regiment passed up State street, and Col. C. very properly paid them the honor of a marching salute. The same marked attention was bestowed upon the widow of the lamented Gen. Rice, who is stopping at the residence of Archibald McClure, Esq.
After the reception by the Governor the regiment stacked arms in the park, and were then marched to Congress Hall, where they partook of a dinner provided for them by order of the Common Council Committee. It is scarcely necessary to state that the boys relished their rations, and did most ample justice to the good things spread before them by "mine host'' Gen. Mitchell.
At the conclusion of dinner the regiment proceeded to the City Hall, where Col. Conner established his quarters. Mayor Perry directed the building to be thrown open, and such of the members as were not so fortunate as to have friends in the city were comfortably accommodated. Our city boys were permitted to return to their homes, where a hearty greeting, we are sure, awaited each and all of them.
The crowd of people at the ferry landing, and on Broadway, and in fact at every point along the line of march, was immense. Men, women and children crowded every avenue, and on Broadway it was with no little difficulty that the regiment passed through. Everybody was glad to see and receive the war-worn heroes, and we venture the assertion that a more spontaneous outburst of welcome has never been witnessed in our city. It was a fitting tribute to the gallant fellows who fought so bravely for the old flag, and one that they appreciated.
The following concise history of the Ellsworth's we clip from the Journal of last evening:
Few regiments were formed under circumstances attracting greater public interest, in its origin, than this. Soon after the death of Col. Ellsworth in May, 1861, an association of leading citizens was formed in this city for the purpose of organizing a regiment of picked men for the war. As first proposed, one man was chosen from each town in the State, but subsequently this rule was modified, and the city of Albany furnished more than any other locality.
Recruiting was begun August 8th, and on the 21st of October the regiment left the Albany Barracks for the seat of war with 1,061 men, receiving on it way to the steamer upon which it was to embark an elegant flag, the gift of Mrs. Erastus Corning. The first flag having been worn out was returned to the donor, and a new one given in exchange about the 1st of January, 1863.
The regiment remained at the Park Barracks, New York, until the evening of the 23d, and then proceeded to Washington, and was assigned to the brigade commanded by Brig. Gen. Butterfield, in Gen. Fitz John Porter's corps. In the campaign of 1862—3 it formed a part of the Third Brigade, First Division, Fifth Corps.
The Forty-fourth participated in the advance towards Manasses in March, 1862, but soon returned to Alexandria, and on the 21st of March embarked for Fortress Monroe, to share the fortunes of Gen. McClellan's operations against Richmond by way of the Peninsula.
After several weeks spent in picket duties, in making roads and working in the trenches before Yorktown, the regiment went into garrison at that place after its evacuation, and remained until the 19th of May. when they embarked for the White House, and joined the brigade at Tunstal's Station. On the 22d they moved towards Cold Harbor, and on the 26th encamped at Gaines' Mills. They moved the next day to Hanover Court House, falling in with a Rebel force, which, after a fight of several hours, was driven from the field. On the 31st they returned to Gaines' Mills, and remained until the battle of June 27, when they participated in the engagement forming the extreme left of the line. They fought nearly the whole of the afternoon, and lost 20 killed and 45 wounded.
In the subsequent retreat across the peninsula, they were not again engaged with loss, until in the battle of Malvern Hill, where they had 15 killed and 84 wounded. Here, in a charge on one of Magruder's brigades, they put two or three regiments to flight and captured the colors of the 7th Alabama regiment. This charge was led by Lieut. Col. Rice, who afterwards rose to the rank of Brigadier General, and gallantly fell in the discharge of his duty during the last Spring's campaign.
The Forty-fourth was engaged in the second battle of Bull Run, near the centre of the front line, with a loss of 12 killed and 55 wounded, and when it reached Washington soon after, the casualties of war had reduced its numbers to _7 men. It was subsequently, at different times, replenished by recruits to the number of 700.
Porter's corps was held in reserve at the battle of Antietam, and this regiment was engaged at Shepardstown Ford, but without loss.
At the first battle of Fredericksburg it lost 13 killed and 13 wounded. Lieut. Col. Conner was wounded early in the fight, as was also Adjutant Kelley. At Chancellorsville it was not actively engaged, although with the advance.
In the action at Middleburg, June 21, 1863, the loss was 1 killed and two wounded.
At Gettysburg. July 2d, it lost 111 in killed and wounded, among the former were Capt. Larrabee and Lieut. Dunham. The Third brigade in this battle formed the extreme left, and fought Hood's entire division for two hours, repulsing them at every attack.
The regiment has since shared the fortunes of the Fifth Corps, and in the heavy field service of the last summer's campaign, it has had its full share of duty, and has on every occasion fulfilled the expectations of the Generals commanding, and earned for itself a most honorable place in the memory of our citizens.
The Quota of Albany Full.
The Journal says: On the 1st day of August last Albany county was/deficient, on the last call for 2025 men. This large deficiency, after the hard work of the winter and spring, to fill the previous call, was appalling. But there were resolute men among us who believed it practicable to meet this deficiency, fill the quota and avoid the draft. To do so, however, would involve a very heavy outlay, and it was a question whether public sentiment or the Board of Supervisors would sanction it. But this question was very soon settled. The Supervisors did, promptly, what the District Committee asked them to do, and provision was made for the payment of a bounty of $900, and such inducements to outsiders as rendered it an object for them to work.
The result was soon developed. Volunteers came in with a rush—at the rate of fifty and a hundred a day; and last night the last batch was sent off to the rendezvous at Hart's Island.
Thus Albany county is again out of the draft—thanks to the Supervisors, the District Committee, the Banks and such of our citizens as contributed to the Patriotic Fund.
But to the Committee, in conjunction with the County Treasurer, is chiefly due the credit of this handsome result. They have labored indefatigably, and none of them with greater zeal or efficiency than Wm. S. Shepard, Esq., who was added to the Committee during the necessary absence of the writer of this paragraph and who has given his whole time, night and day, to the work. He will have his reward in the assurance that he has done his duty, and that his zeal is appreciated by his fellow citizens.
We shall take an early occasion to write up a full history of the work done, the amount of money raised, the contributions to the Patriotic Fund, and other facts connected with this really great achievement. It will be a record alike honorable to individuals and to the county.
The following are the names of the volunteers sent off last evening—one of whom (John E. Ray escaped by an assault upon the guard, who accompanied him to make some purchases in the afternoon:
In the Cars.—Morris Walker, Barnet V. L. Winne Alex. M. Webster, George Warden, John B. Smith, L. S. Schermerhorn, Samuel D. Stewart, Arthur B. Smith, Charles Reynolds, J. E Ray (escaped), Levi S. Ray, Levi O. C. Ray, Thos. Rielly, Hiram Prosper, John M. Putnam, Alonzo H. Potter, Alanson
B. Osborn, James Osborn, Park V. Nichols, James McManus, Francis D. May, Charles Mondore, Joel Mack, Simon F. Mann, James Maguire, David A. Moak, James Kimamie, James Kennedy, George King, Stephen A. Hoyt, James Hays, Rufus L. Hoyt, Patrick Gateley, Jerome Getter, James J. Gilbert, Wm. H. Gilbert, James George, Thomas Eustace, Thomas Dana, George H. Dawson, Isaac H. Dawson, John Doyle, Francis Duffy, W. W. Cammon, 2d, George R. Curtiss, George W. Calhoun, Andrew Cunningham, George H. Coursen, Stephen N. Cornell, John Carney, Leander Bacon, Chester Allen.
On the Steamboat.—James Merensis, A. H. Zoller, Jerome M. Walker, Cheeney M. Wagner, Thos. C. Warner, Wm. H. Wild, Stephen A Thuslon, J. H. Shear, Geo. F. Shaver, James K. Rhoades, G. W. Rogers, Charles N. Reno, Jeremiah D. Pitcher, Wm. Pickett, Wm. Robinson, Seneca G. Prichard, Thos. Noddins, Christopher Mattice, James Mc- Canna, Matthew Lynch, Martin Low, Michael Lynch, Patrick Keough, Christian Aandy, William Hicking, Wm. Henderson, Chas. Houghtaling, Lawrence Gardiner, Chas. McGraw, James M. C. Gill, Henry G. Fratz, D. J. Frayer, Francis F. Fay, Garret A. Empire, Theroven Eldred, Thos. Donnahue, David N. Doneburgh, Adam H. Doneburgh, Lester Cauright, Alex. Collins, Geo. F. Bacon, C. E. Bacon, Sidney Bombert, Asabil Bell, James W. Austin, Morris Alpaugh, Peter Hiller, Phinon G. Clark, James R. Cutting, Luther Cole.
RETURNED.—Menzo W. Bowen, who enlisted in the Ellsworth (44th N. Y) Regiment, for three years, in August, 1861, returned home on Tuesday last—his term of Service having expired. After having been in the field 7 months, he was taken with typhoid fever and sent to the Hospital at Annapolis, Md. Being somewhat feeble, he was there detailed on duty in the Dispensary, when he returned until the experation [sic] of his time. Menzo is now looking well, and we welcome him back.
FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.—The Albany Journal prints a sketch of this regiment, which has arrived in that city, having completed its term of service. It will be remembered that this city furnished one company for this regiment, commanded by the late Colonel Chapin, and that no better company ever left Buffalo. It would be interesting to know how many of the original one hundred men have survived the fortunes of war. We quote as follows from the Journal:
Soon after the death of Colonel Ellsworth in May, 1861, an association of leading citizens was formed in this city for the purpose of organizing a regiment of picked men for the war. Recruiting was begun August 8th, and on the 21st of October the regiment left the Albany Barracks for the seat of war with 1,061 men, receiving on its way to the steamer upon which it was to embark an elegant flag, the gift of Mrs. Erastus Corning.
The regiment remained at the Park Barracks, New York, until the evening of the 23d, and then proceeded to Washington, and was assigned to the brigade commanded by Brigadier General Butterfield, in General Friz John Porter's corps. In the campaign of 1862-3 it formed a part of the third brigade, first division, fifth corps. The 44th participated in the advance towards Manassas in March, 1862, but soon returned to Alexandria, and on the 21st of March embarked for Fortress Monroe, to share the fortunes of General McClellan's operations against Richmond by way of the Peninsula.
After several weeks spent in picket duties, in making roads and working in the trenches before Yorktown, the regiment went into garrison at that place after its evacuation, and remained until the 19th of May, when they embarked for the White House, and joined the brigade at Tunstal's Station. On the 22d they moved toward Cold Harbor, and on the 26th encamped at Gaines Mills. They moved the next day to Hanover Court House, falling in with a rebel force, which, after a fight of several hours, was driven from the field. On the 31st they returned to Gaines Mills, and remained until the battle of June 27th, when they participated in the engagement, forming the extreme left of the line. They fought nearly the whole of the afternoon, and lost 20 killed and 45 wounded.
In the subsequent retreat across the peninsula they were not again engaged with loss, until in the battle of Malvern Hill, where they had 15 killed and 84 wounded. Here, in a charge on one of Magruder's brigades, they put two or three regiments to flight and captured the colors of the Seventh Alabama Regiment. This charge was led by Lieut. Col. Rice, who afterwards rose to the rank of Brigadier General, and gallantly fell in the discharge of duty during the last spring's campaign.
The Forty-fourth was engaged in the second battle of Bull Run, near the centre of the front line, with a loss of 12 killed and 55 wounded, and when it reached Washington soon after, the casualties of war had reduced its numbers to 87 men. It was subsequently, at different times, replenished by recruits to the number of 700.
Porter's corps was held in reserve at the battle of Antietam, and this regiment was engaged at Shepardstown Ford but without loss. At the first battle of Frederickburg [sic] it lost 13 killed, 13 wounded. Lieut. Col. Conner was wounded early in the fight, as was also Adjt. Kelley. At Chancellorsville it was not actively engaged, although with the advance.
In the action at Middleburg, June 21, 1863, the loss was 1 killed and 2 wounded.
At Gettysburg, July 2d, it lost 111 in killed and wounded, among the former were Capt. Larrabee and Lieut. Dunham. The Third brigade, in this battle formed the extreme left and fought Hood's entire division for two hours, repulsing them at every attack.
The regiment has since shared the fortunes of the Fifth corns, and in the heavy field service of the last summer's campaign, it has had its full share of duty, and has on every occasion fulfilled the expectations of the Generals commanding, and earned for itself a most honorable place in the memory of our citizens.
The veterans of this regiment, who are returning home, number one hundred and seventy men and fourteen officers, whose names are as follows: Lieut.-Col. commanding, F. Connor; Major E. B. Knox; Acting Adjutant, Lieut. J. H. Bothford; Surgeon M. W. Townsend; Quartermaster F. R. Munda, and Capts. N. S. Calen, W. N. Danks, E. A. Nash, B. K. Kimberly, and C. D. Grannis; First Lieuts. C. H. Selman, R. H. McCollie and Charles Kelly; Second Lieut. J. Van Ten Broeck.
The new recruits and re-enlisted veterans, to the number of 300, remain in the field. Nearly 150 of the original rank and file have been promoted into other regiments.
ELLSWORTH AVENGERS.—The above title was given to the Forty-fourth regiment, New York volunteers, who were recruited in this State some three years ago. Having served its time the regiment is now on its way North to be mustered out of service. It was expected to arrive in Albany yesterday afternoon by the Hudson river train, and the citizens, uniting with the authorities of Albany, had made extensive preparations for its reception.—The Governor, Mayor, police and a large body of military, were out to do honor to the brave veterans, who so nobly sustained the integrity of their country on many a bloody field. No finer regiment than the Forty-fourth ever entered the United States service. It was composed of picked men from all parts of the State. Much was expected of it, and we believe the highest expectation have been fully realized. It left the Albany Barracks on the 21st of October, 1861, nearly 1100 strong, and as it marched out amid waving plumes, and deafening huzzas, many a sincere prayer and hearty blessing was invoked in its behalf. On its arrival at Washington it was assigned to duty in Gen. Fitz John Porter's Corps. The Forty-fourth formed a party of the troops which advanced on Manassas in 1862, but soon returned to Alexandria, from thence to Fortress Monroe, where it was incorporated into the Army of the Potomac, with which it suffered the privations and trials, and losses of McClellan's Peninsula Campaign. At the battle of Malvern Hill they fought splendidly, confronting at one time two or three regiments and capturing the colors of the 7th Alabama regiment, losing however quite severely in the fight.
The regiment was engaged in the second battle of Bull Run, in which it lost in killed and wounded about seventy—this added to its previous losses reduced the regiment to a mere skeleton of its former self. Soon after it was recruited up, receiving an addition of five or six hundred men, and placing it again upon a war footing. It was engaged in the battles of Fredericksburg and Gettysburg, in both of which actions it suffered severely. Its whole career has been marked by the highest soldierly qualities. In skill and fortitude and true courage, it has been excelled by no regiment in the service. During the late campaigns of Grant's army, it has shared the fortunes of the Fifth Army Corps, and has on every occasion, fulfilled the expectations of its commanders, and gained for itself an abiding fame, and an honorable distinction among the hosts of our country's defenders. Its first commanders rest with the brave, who have fallen while fighting beneath the old starry banner and of the rank and file who formed its first platoons, but very few remain to share the glory it has won.
THE FORTY-FOURTH.—Capt. B. R. Wood, Jr., put down among the missing of the Forty-fourth New York Volunteers, is reported by Col. Conner as unhurt up to Sunday morning, (the 8th) when the Regiment, being in the extreme front, was suddenly flanked by a large body of Rebels and forced to fall back, leaving the Captain and a number of men, who were too far ahead to hear the order, and who were captured. But Capt. Wood, with others, had the good fortune to be rescued by Gen. Sheridan's cavalry. Col. Conner was shot at this time, probably by some of our own men in the second line. The ball struck him under the arm-pit and passed out over his left breast—fortunately not striking a bone. He is doing finely. Lieut. Col. Knox was hit a few minutes after the Colonel, a piece of shell striking him in the back of the head, inflicting an ugly but not dangerous wound. The Regiment has lost ten officers killed, wounded and missing—out of seventeen, and nearly two-thirds of its men.
Arrival of the 44th New York.
NEW YORK, Sept. 27.—The 44th New York regiment (People's Ellsworth Avengers,) Col. Conner, arrived here this afternoon, having left the trenches across the Weldon Railroad on Saturday morning, and they will leave here at 8:30 to-morrow morning, by the Hudson R. R. for Albany. They number 170 men and 14 officers.
This regiment has participated in all the campaign of the army of the Potomac, and has taken part in some twenty general engagements. When it left New York, it was 1050 strong, and has since received some 700 recruits. 300 men have been left in the field, 200 of whom are new recruits. 140 men have been promoted from the ranks and are mainly attached to other regiments.
Col. Conner was a member of the Ellsworth Chicago Zouaves, and of the 1st N. Y. Fire Zouaves, and went to the field as Captain of Co. D, of his present regiment.
A letter received here yesterday from a member of the 44th (Ellsworth Regiment), dated "near Petersburg, June 17th," says: "We crossed the James river, at Wilcox Landing, at 8 A. M., and marched until 12 o'clock last night. It was a very hard march and terrible dusty. We halted at Prince George Court House, made coffee, and then started on again. Our Corps are in reserve, at least, to-day.—Butler's colored troops took the first line of defences day before yesterday. I went up today to see them. We can see the church spires of Petersburg, the distance being only three miles. We have not had any fighting since I last wrote you. The boys are all well and in the best of spirits. This campaign has been so long that we think it will end in crushing the rebellion. We would like to have a rest to cheer up a little. The country on the north side of the James river is splendid, while it is just the reverse on this side.—The ground now is in our favor—the rebels being on the down-hill side, but they have splendid works. I saw Edward Sickles of the 7th Artillery. His regiment has seen hard fighting. The brigade in which "Ed" is in made a charge and was unsuccessful, and most of them were taken prisoners, besides losing heavily in killed and wounded.
FORTY-FOURTH NEW YORK REGIMENT.—The following is a list of the killed, wounded and missing of the Forty-fourth New York up to Tuesday morning. This regiment went into action three hundred and sixty strong:
Capt. B. R. Wood, missing.
Lieut. E. Bennett, wounded and missing.
Lieut. O. S. Munger, missing.
Capt. Johnson, died of wounds.
Geo. S. Gates, company A, killed.
Isaac Russell, company A, killed.
John H. Wagner, company A, killed.
Ferdinand Burnet, company A, missing.
Lewis Gibney, company B, missing.
Sylvester Long, company B, missing.
E. Blackman, company B, missing.
Thos. R. Sutherly, company C, missing.
George W. Francisco, company C, missing.
W. Boynton, company D, missing.
C. H. Beal, company D, missing.
Harvey Crawford, company E, killed.
John P. Sherwood, company E, missing.
John Mitchell, company F, killed.
John P. Chandler, company F, wounded and missing.
Wm. Thompson, company F, missing.
John Cureton, company F, missing.
Wm. Lasher, company G, killed.
Lewis McCoy, company G, wounded and missing.
Calvin B. Crandall, company H, wounded and missing.
Joel Comstock, company H, missing.
____ McGregor, company H, missing.
Willis Morris, company H, missing.
D. B. Dunham, company I, wounded and missing.
Jas. Bowers, company I, wounded and missing.
Lieut. Col. Conner, left breast.
Major Knox, head.
Capt. J. Fox, severe.
Lieut. Hardenburg, severe.
Lieut. Hoes, severe.
Lieut. Van Broeck, slight.
Lieut. Zielman, slight.
E. R. Goodrich, company A.
Horace Hill, company A.
James McCutcheon, company B.
W. B. Grunwell, company D.
Patrick Conlin, company D.
Perry Thompson, company E.
John Madden, company E.
David Claus, company E.
B. Sheeran, company E.
Hiram S. Rowley, company E.
Patrick Riley, company E.
Philip Ostrander, company F.
Elisha Babcock, company F.
Van Zandt Bradt, company F.
James S. Russell, company B.
Adam Radley, company B.
George A. Hobert, Company C.
E. C. Green, company C.
A. W. Wert, company C.
Stephen P. Dyer, company C.
William A. Herrick, company C.
George R Hunter, company C.
L. S. Ferris, company D.
Charles E. Hoyland, company D.
Cyrus Ingersoll, company G.
William Johnson, company G.
David Long, company G.
Chauncey D. Garvey, company G.
Henry D. Wigg, company G.
George Elliotts, company H.
John Smith, company H.
Harvey C. Hall, company H.
Burt Inman, company H.
Anson Sanh, company K.
Jacob Tobias, company K.
At a meeting of the Officers of the Forty-fourth New York Volunteers, held at Camp near Chickahominy, Va., June 12th, 1864, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That in the death of Capt. SETH F. JOHNSON, killed at the battle of the Wilderness, on the 5th day of May, 1864, we, as individuals, have lost a warm, true hearted friend, the service a gallant and efficient officer, and the country a true patriot—one whose conduct while with us on camp and field has been such as to confer honor upon the Regiment of which he was a member, and to entitle him to the gratitude of his countrymen.
Resolved, That while bowed with grief at the death of our esteemed friend and brother officer, we humbly submit to the overruling Providence which has seen fit to call him from us in the flower of his days, and find consolation in the manner in which he met a soldier's glorious death in his country's righteous cause.
Resolved, That his memory shall ever be green and his name revered among us, and that we hereby tender our most cordial sympathies to his bereaved family and friends.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased; also, that copies to furnished for publication in the Albany Evening Journal, Albany Morning Express, and Times and Courier.
C. Allen, President.
Chas. A. Zeilman, Secretary.
The Forty-Fourth.
A letter to the Rochester Democrat, from Washington, says:—:Among other changes, the 44th—the Ellsworths of a former day—have gone—passed away into a martial memory; and the few, half-filled companies are now consolidated with some other regiment.
FROM THE FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.—The 44th Regiment, N. Y. Volunteers, composed chiefly of Albanians, is attached to the fifth Army Corps, to which was entrusted the important duly of taking possession of the Weldon Railroad, a highly important strategic point, as it severs a portion of the enemy's communications. From a letter received here on Saturday from a member of Company F, 44th, who participated in the movement, we make the following extract. "We broke camp at 3 A. M. on the 18th, marched three miles, formed line of battle, and then marched one mile in line, struck the Weldon Railroad at 9 A. M., near the Yellow Tavern. Our Division having the lead, we halted on the Railroad, and allowed the Second, Third and Fourth Divisions to come up and take position on our right. All was quiet until 4 P. M., when the Rebels came out in good force, but were repulsed with heavy loss. The artillery on our side was used to good advantage, while the enemy had but one battery, and that was some distance on in a fort. The fight lasted about two hours. It rained a great deal during the day. On the 19th heavy cannonading was heard in the direction of our old works; all quiet again until 4 P. M., when the enemy made another attack and attempted to break our line, but met with the same defeat as the day previous. One Division was dispatched on the "double-quick" to the right, but on reaching there our services were not needed. The mud was ankle deep, rendering it severe marching. The Second Division lost heavy. It rained some during the day. On the 20th nothing occurred but a little picket firing in our front. Another good shower in the afternoon. August 21st—I have not time to give an extended account of to-day's doings, but will say the "Johnnies" made another fruitless assault on our works—this time on the left of our line. They were so mistaken in our lines and force that the he assault proved to be a complete victory for us. The engagement commenced about 9 A. M., and lasted two hours. We took between seven and eight hundred prisoners in the front of the First and Fourth Divisions; also three new stand of colors from the 7th North Carolina battalion [sic]. August 22d. All quiet; weather very hot. We still hold possession of the Railroad, and the enemy cannot very easily dislodge us.
Gen. Rice to His Mother.
The following is an extract from the last letter written by Gen. James C. Rice, just before the battles in the Virginia Wilderness, in one of which he lost his life, to his aged mother, who lives in Worthington. It will be found interesting to his wide circle of friends:
" We are about to commence the campaign, the greatest in magnitude, strength and importance since the beginning of the war. God grant that victory may crown our arms; that this wicked rebellion may be crushed, our Union preserved, and peace and prosperity again be restored to our beloved country. My faith and hope and confidence are in God alone, and I know that you feel the same. I trust that God may again graciously spare my life, as He has in the past, and yet one cannot fall too early if, loving Christ, he dies for his country. My entire hope is in the cross of my Saviour. In this hope I am always happy. We pray here in the army, mother, just the same as at home. The same God who watches over you also guards me. I always remember you, mother, in my prayers, and I know you never forget me in yours. All that I am, under God, I owe to you, my dear mother. Do you recollect this passage in the Bible: "Thou shalt keep well the statutes, that it may go well with thee, and thy children after thee." How true this is in respect to your children, mother. I hope you will read the Bible and trust the promise to the last. There is no book like the Bible, for comfort. It is a guide to the steps of the young—a staff to the aged. Well, my dear mother, good bye. We are going again to do our duty, to bravely offer up our life for that of the country, and 'through God we shall do valiantly.' With much love, and many prayers that, whatever may betide us, we may meet in heaven at last, I am your very affectionate son, JAMES."
— The funeral of Gen. RICE will take place from the house of his brother, WILLIAM A. RICE, 160 State street, at eleven o'clock, to-morrow. Dr. SPRAGUE will offer the prayer, and Dr. PALMER will make a short address.
The body will be borne from the house to the Capitol, where it will remain, in state, until four o'clock, when it will be conveyed by the military, to its resting place, in the order elsewhere given.
FUNERAL OBSEQUIES OF GEN. RICE.—The funeral of the late Gen. Rice will take place from the residence of his brother, Wm. A. Rice,
160 State street, this morning at 11 o'clock.—Dr. Sprague will offer up prayer, and Dr. Palmer deliver an address. The body will be taken to the Capitol, where it will remain in state until 4 o'clock this afternoon, when the 25th Regiment, under Col. Church, will take charge of it and escort it to the Cemetery.
THE FUNERAL CEREMONIES OF GEN. RICE.—The funeral of Gen. Rice will take place from the house of his brother, William A. Rice, 160 State street, at eleven o'clock, to-day. Dr. Sprague will offer the prayers, and Dr. Palmer will make a short address. The body will be borne from the house to the Capitol, where it will remain in state, until four o'clock, when it will be conveyed by the military to its resting place. The following order has been promulgated:
General Orders, No. 7.
ALBANY. May 18, 1864
In pursuance of orders from Brigade Headquarters, the 25th Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y., is hereby ordered to assemble at the Regimental Armory on Thursday, May 19, at 4 1/2 o'clock, in the afternoon to attend the funeral of the late lamented General Rice, who fell at the head of his brigade in the late battle in Virginia.
Commandants of Companies will promulgate this Order to their several commands.
Company D, (Captain Shaffer) is detailed as a Guard of Honor.
By order of Col. W. S. Church.
J. M. Kimball, Adjutant.
Funeral Obsequies of General Rice.
Twenty-fifth Regiment as Escort,
Hearse, flanked by Company D, Capt. Shaffer as Guard of Honor.
Governor and Staff.
Mayor and Common Council, Citizens.
The remains will lie in state at the Capitol from 12 to 4 o'clock p. m., during which time they can be viewed by the citizens.
The procession will move at 4 1/2 o'clock p. m. from the Capitol, up Washington avenue to the place of burial. Col. Walter S. Caurca, Grand Marshal.
Funeral Services at Dr. Adams' Church Yesterday.
The funeral services over the remains of Brig.-Gen. James C. Rice took place yesterday, at the church of Rev. Dr. Adams (Madison-avenue.)
Long before the arrival of the cortege, the church was filled to overflowing. At 3 1/2 o'clock the remains encoffined, draped in the national flag, and decorated with wreaths, bearing on it the gloves, hat and sword of the deceased hero, was borne in, escorted by several distinguished officers, among whom were Major-Gen. Dix and Brig.-Gen. HAYS. During its passage up the broad aisle, an appropriate requiem was performed by the organ and choir.
After the reading or the Scriptures by the Rev. Mr. PRENTISS, the Rev. Dr. ADAMS pronounced a touching eulogium over the remains of his friend and fellow-laborer.
This, said he, is a scene solemn and sublime beyond all speech. Solemn and sublime because we bend over the bier of a true Christian, a patriot and a soldier, who died in the discharge of his duty, at the front and at the head of his column, full of faith in his Redeemer and the cause of his country.
Six years since, in this very church, the hero lying here confessed Christ, and here partook of the Communion.
Eighteen months since he stood before this altar and was married, going forth with only a sky of blue and gold; upon that identical spot he lies now, on his way to the grave.
The circumstances attending his death are eloquent; the self sacrifice, his earnestness in the cause of God and his country, all are eloquent. Who would not be in that coffin, covered with the emblem of our nationality, a true patriot and Christian, than be walking alive a supporter of this wicked and outrageous rebellion against the best Government in the world.
Dr. ADAMS then proceeded to a personal sketch of Gen. RICE, reciting feelingly his efforts in our mission schools and in the church, relating also his connection with the Garibaldi Guard, his rapid rise, without political or family influence, to a Brigadier-Generalship. He dwelt feelingly upon his efforts to improve the condition of his command, both spiritually and temporally, his orders against gambling and camp vices.
He read a letter to an evening paper, of this City, descriptive of the General's camp life, giving a life-like portrait of the Christian and soldier in camp.
In answer to the soldier's question, "Shall we be forgotten?" he would answer, "No! your children and your children's children shall say proudly, 'Our ancestors were soldiers in the great war.' If you fall, ever-ready pens shall write down your deeds, and as the historic muse marches down the avenue of time, her scroll shall curtain all your names."
He read a personal letter from the General, written on the eve of the late battles, and an order issued on the 8th by him, congratulating his men on their bravery and good conduct and. their reputation, and praying them to trust in God. It was not necessary to speak of the conduct of the hero in the face of the enemy—always riding before his column. Of 1,800 men in his command there remained at the close of the action in which he lost his life but 600 men.
He described the General's reception of his wife's letter on Tuesday, which was scarcely read when the order to advance was received; his gallant advance at the head of his brigade. After his wound the Commanding General passing dismounted and expressed the hope that the wound would prove but slight.
The reverend gentleman's touching description of the scene at the deathbed of the brave General, drew tears from a great majority of the assemblage.
The hero loved God and his country, and his country because he loved his God. The glory nurtured in religion, honor and immortality is the true glory, great is the man who dies in it, and he believed that he, lying here, died in it. Come death by the earthquake's shock, by the storm at sea, by consumption's long-continued pain, it is terrible, but the soldier's death was a glorious death—a sacrifice to free men. Let us on this day, and in this presence, learn self-sacrifice.
After an impressive prayer by Rev. Dr. Hancock, the assemblage were permitted to view the remains of the heroic General. The body will be taken to Worthington, Mass., to-day, for interment.
FUNERAL OF GEN. RICE.—The private funeral obsequies of General James C. Rice took place at the residence of his brother, Wm. A. Rice, at 11 A. M. yesterday. A large number of the friends of the gallant deceased were present, together with several of our most distinguished citizens. Rev. Dr. Palmer made a most eloquent and appropriate address on the occasion. He sketched the career of Gen. Rice; how, entering the service as a private, he rose rapidly until he reached the high eminence on which he stood at the time of his death; analyzed his character; referred to his brilliant record, and paid a glowing tribute to that spirit of earnestness and heroism that made him so conspicuous among the defenders of our country. He claimed that he was something more than a gallant soldier; he was a Christian hero. He put his trust in God, believed that the war was God's war, and that those who were engaged in it were God's servants. Dr. P. read a letter written by Gen. R. to his wife a few hours before he fell, so eloquent, so earnest, so full of lofty patriotism and earnest piety, that all hearts were touched. Rev. Dr. Sprague followed in an earnest and impressive prayer, closing with a benediction. The body was then conveyed to the Capitol, where it laid in state until half-past five p. m., when the military funeral took place.
The remains were taken to the Albany Receiving Vault, where they will lie for the present. We may add that the mother of the deceased, aged nearly eighty years, arrived in the city Wednesday afternoon, and was able to be present at the funeral. She bears the bereavement with heroic resignation, believing that He who ordained his death "doeth all things well."
The Late General Rice.
The mortuary services ... Gen. James C. Rice, took ... Square Church, New York, yesterday. Gen. Rice was a member of this church. ... pastor delivered the funeral discourse. ... no military display, but there is to be a military escort to the Hudson River cars this morning. The body will reach here this afternoon, and be conveyed to the residence of his brother, William A. Rice, Esq.; and to-morrow or Wednesday morning, under a military escort, as directed by the Governor, it will be conveyed to the eastern cars, and taken to Massachusetts.
Gov. Seymour has issued the following orders:—
ALBANY, May 14, 1864.
General Order No.—
I announce with pain the loss of General James C. Rice.
Young, brave, ardent, enthusiastic, he engaged in the support of the flag of his country, and in the suppression of the rebellion against the constitutional authorities, as a duty demanding the devotion of body and soul and the willing sacrifice of life.
Ever faithful to his trust, he was the gallant leader of his command, and in the midst of a brilliant career, he fell upon the battle-field, leaving to his companions in arms, to his friends and his country, a character of unsullied Christian patriotism.
As a mark of respect for his memory, the National Flag will be displayed at half staff on the Capitol and upon all the Arsenals of the State, on Monday, the 16th inst.
Official: Governor and Commander-in-Chief.
J. I. Johnson, A. A. A. G.
The Evening Post speaking of the undaunted heroism of the Union troops, and their great superiority over the Rebels in its use, thus speaks of the gallant Rice:
The lamented General Rice used to say that if the New England men could be deprived of their cartridges and trained to depend upon the bayonet alone in actual battle, they could march from one end to the other of the continent. He knew whereof he spoke, for he used the bayonet wherever he could, and was never so certain of success as when leading a charge. As an instance of what discipline and courage can effect with men, in a charge or the Forty-fourth at Malvern Hill. General—then Colonel—Rice halted his men four times under the fire of the enemy, and as carefully "aligned" them as though they had been on a dress parade. He charged a brigade of Rebels, took their colors, and more prisoners than he brought men of his own alive out of the charge. It was his opinion, and we have heard the same from others, that the mortal effect of a firm and steady charge is irresistible by the enemy, who must break.
Impressive Ceremonies in Madison Square.
Presbyterian Church—Last Honors in this City.
From the New York Post of Monday.
Funeral services in honor of Brigadier-General James C. Rice took place yesterday in the Madison Square Presbyterian Church. At three o'clock in the afternoon, when the services were announced to begin, the church edifice was crowded to its utmost capacity, and large numbers of persons unable to gain admittance had taken their departure.
At half-past three o'clock the funeral procession, preceded by the officiating clergyman, Rev. Dr. Wm. Adams—who was accompanied by Rev. Dr. Hopkins, President of Williams College; Rev. Professor Hitchcock, and the Rev. Drs. Prentice and Rodgers—entered the broad centre aisle. Following the clergy were the remains, in a coffin of plain rosewood, with silver ornaments, and wrapped in the national colors. Then came the pallbearers, as follows:
Maj.-Gen. J. A. Dix, Maj.-Gen. C. W. Sandford,
Brig.-Gen. Anderson, Brig,-Gen. Charles Yates,
Simeon Draper, Hiram Barney,
Marvelie W. Cooper, Thatcher M. Adams,
Wm. E. Dodge, Jun. Theodore Roosvelt,
Charles Nordhoff, Wm. Curtis Noyes.
The immediate friends and relatives of the deceased entered from the rear of the church.
As the procession slowly advanced towards the pulpit the solemn strains of music from the organ and the choir broke the silence. The coffin was laid near the pulpit. Upon it were wreaths of flowers and the sword, belt and hat which the General had worn.
The services were opened by Rev. Dr. Prentice, who read from the Scriptures.
Rev. Dr. Adams then delivered an eloquent and impressive discourse, speaking principally of the more important facts in the life of the deceased.
In beginning, Dr. Adams said:
This scene needs no mortal voice for its interpretation. All common speeches would but disturb, as by an impertinence, the solemn and sublime sympathies of the hour. We bend over the bier of a true, brave and Christian soldier. He died in the discharge of his duty at the fore-front of the battle, at the head of his column, and with an intense love for his country, and with an intelligent, cordial faith in his divine Lord.
Six years ago this coming June he stood at this very place and made confession of the holy name of Christ. Here he partook of his first communion. Eighteen months ago he stood before this altar and was married to her whose early widowhood were suffused by no ordinary measure of gratitude and pride—the gold and crimson on the edges of the thunder cloud. To-day, in the very spot which, I believe, of all others he would have chosen, lie his remains, on their way to an honored grave.
The cause itself is eloquent; patriotism is eloquent; self-sacrifice is eloquent; religion is eloquent; death is eloquent. Who of us would not rather to-day be sleeping within that coffin with that beautiful emblem of our nationality over us, that untarnished honor as a patriot and Christian, than to be living in mean sensualism and materialism, or walking the earth, having upon his conscience the tremendous guilt of having inauguarted [sic] this causeless cruel and wicked rebellion against the best government on which the sun of Heaven ever shone.
Dr. Adams then gave an exceedingly interesting account of the subject of the discourse, which we necessarily omit; referring particularly to his conscientiousness, his faithfulness to duty, his zeal in the cause of Christianity and his enthusiastic love of his country and free institutions. The speaker noticed in detail the facts of his military career, his bravery in the field; read his last orders to his brigade before it marched into the fight just previous to his death, when of eighteen hundred in all, eight hundred and fifty-seven privates and thirty-two officers fell; and gave a graphic and affecting account of the last services of the General, who went into battle dismounted and among his soldiers; and while leading and encouraging them, fell wounded; was carried into the rear; and on the way was met by Gen. Meade, who, when he heard the name of the wounded officer, dismounted, and taking his hand expressed regret at the occurrence, and the hope that the wound would soon be healed. General Rice answered, with no confidence that such would be the result, that he was quite ready to die if to give his life would serve his country. The facts stated of the last hours of the General produced a profound impression.
Dr. Adams, in concluding his discourse, drew a touching lesson from the circumstances he had mentioned; and paid a just tribute, in passing, to the men in our army who, as the deceased had done here nobly battling for us.
Rev. Dr. Hitchcock offered a prayer; when Rev. Dr. Adams remarked that in his account of the interview of the Commander in-Chief and General Rice, he had forgotten to add that General Meade said to the wounded officer, "I wish all the men of the army had performed their duty as you have performed yours." The congregation united in singing the hymn beginning: "I would not live alway," the benediction was pronounced and the services ended. At the close an opportunity was given to see the remains; and this morning they were conveyed to the cars under the escort of the Fifty-fifth regiment (Garde Lafayette), and taken to Massachusetts for interment.
Captains McRoberts and Van Derlip were wounded, and it is feared, taken prisoners.—Lieutenants Becker and Gaskell were also wounded, and it is thought they are also in the hands of the rebels.
MILITARY FUNERAL OF GEN. RICE.—The Military Funeral of Gen. RICE took place at half past four p. m., yesterday, after the services at the house. The body was borne to the Capitol preceded by the bearers, JAMES MARTIN, WM. CASSIDY, WM. KIDD, WM. BARNES, PAUL CUSHMAN, E. C. BACHELDER, GEORGE B. STEELE, CHAS. CRAFTS, ISAAC EDWARDS, SAMUEL WILLIAMS, ROBERT H. WATERMAN and CHAS. H. STRONG, where it remained until it was borne to the receiving vault. The Military bearers were Generals RATHBONE and DANFORTH, Colonels AINSWORTH and Chamberlain, Lieut. Colonel FRIEDLANDER and Major MCKOWN.
The military pageant was imposing. It consisted of the 25th Regiment, under command of Col. CHURCH, GOV. SEYMOUR and Staff, in uniform, members of the Common Council, prominent citizens and personal friends of the deceased. The procession moved up Washington avenue, and thence to the receiving vault, where a volley was fired over the grave, and an impressive discourse, closing with the following beautiful lines, written by himself, pronounced by Rev. Dr. PALMER:—
On Depositing the Body of Brigadier General James C. Rice in the Tomb.
Rest, Soldier—rest!—thy weary task is done;
Thy God—thy Country—thou hast served them well:
Thine is true glory—glory bravely won;
On lips of men unborn thy name shall dwell.
Rest, Patriot—Christian! Thou hast early died,
But days are measured best by noble deeds;
Brief though thy course, thy name thou hast allied.
To those of whom the WORLD, admiring, reads.
Rest, manly form! Eternal love shall keep
Thy still repose, till breaks the final dawn;
Our Martyr stays not here—He knew no sleep!
On Death's dark shadow burst a cloudless morn!
Live! live on Fame's bright scroll, heroic friend!
Thy memory, now, we to her record give—
To Earth, thy dust: our thoughts to Heaven ascend,
Where, with the immortals, thou dost ever live!
WOUNDED OF Co. A, 44TH REGIMENT.—The following wounded of Co. A, 44th Regt., N. Y. Vols., are new in the hospital at Gettysburg:
Joseph Harnegan, leg; Robert Burnes, thigh; Wm. M. Morris, knee; Henry C. Kenele, eye; Allen J. Herd, neck and breast; John Steel, thigh; S. Cheeseman, foot; Thomas Hunt, leg; Lewis F. Ferram, face; Justan Bennett, back; Julian Rowlton, knee; Jacob Wagner, arm; Wm. Cunningham, shoulder.
Moaning upon the bloody plain,
The young and gallant soldier lay;
And from his failing heart and brain
The life was ebbing swift away.
The restlessness of death was there—
The weariness that longed for rest—
The beaded brow, the matted hair
The hurried pulse, the heaving breast.
"TURN ME," he said, "THAT I MAY DIE
FACE TO THE FOE!" And ready hands
And loyal hearts were waiting by,
To execute his last commands.
Facing the enemy, he died,—
A hero in his latest breath;
And now, with mingled love and pride,
I weep and boast his glorious death.
No braver words than these, my friend,
Have ever sealed a soldier's tongue;
No nobler words hath history penned;
No finer words hath poet sung.
The oak that breaks beneath the blast,
Or fails before the woodman's strokes,
Spreads by its fall the ripened mast
That holds in germ a thousand oaks.
And in the words thy death hath strewn
More than thy fallen life survives;
For o'er the nation they are sown—
Seeds for a thousand noble lives.
A LETTER FROM A MEMBER OF THE ELLSWORTHS.—George A. Barnard, who was reported to have been killed, writes to his mother under date of Richmond, July 13th, as follows:—
" Geo. Watson, or some others, have written to you that I was missing, and perhaps killed. Sergeant Walker, of my company, was taken prisoner several days after I was. He says it was generally believed in the company that I was killed, and such a report may reach Albany. I was captured on Friday, June 27th, in what I believe the Northern papers call the battle of Gaines' Mill.' I will not say anything about the battle, as you have no doubt seen full details before this. There is about twenty of my regiment here in Richmond. For the first two weeks we had not much liberty, but now we have all the liberty we desire, and plenty of exercise. We are, in fact, treated first rate, much better than I anticipated.
" There are a great many prisoners here. Arrangements are being made for our better accommodation, and when completed, from what I know of them, we will have no cause to complain of our lot, go far as our treatment is concerned, I am not wounded, and still have good health."
KILLED AND WOUNDED IN THE 43D AND 44th REGIMENTS.—The following is a list of the killed and wounded in the above regiments as far as heard from:
Forty-Fourth Regiment.—Killed, Capt. S. T. Johnson, Co I; Corporal Burke, Co. K; Corporal J. H. Craike, Co. K; Private Chas. Tylor, Co. I. Wounded, Lieutenants Moore and Sickleman; Sergeant B___, Co. B; Private H. Lanpheir, Co. I; Privates Graham, Cole and Vandenburg, Co. I ; Private King, Co. H; Corporal Lilly, Co. G; Private Davis, Co. D; Private Recely, Co. H; Private Kerwin, Co. F; Corporal Cunningham, Co. A; Private
Swan, Co. E; Private Mallory, Co. F; Private Milligan, Co. F; Private Herbert, Co. G; Private McManus, Co. G; Corporal Miller, Co. G; Private Clover, Co. G; Private Joseph W. Roe, Co. E; Private Stephens, Co. D; David Edmonds, Harvey Miller, Seth T. Cole, Joseph L. King, H. S. Clover, M. S. Eldrid.
Ex-Col. Stryker, late of the 44th (Ellsworth) Regiment, arrived in this city yesterday morning, and is stopping at the Delavan House. The difficulty between General Butterfield and Col. Stryker, which ended in the resignation of the last named officer, is thus explained by one who is familiar with all the circumstances: The day before the battle of Malvern Hill, the Regiment marched upon the field in double column, in line by Brigade, the 44th being the extreme left of the Brigade. General Butterfield was near the right and gave an order to change direction by the left flank. At the same moment he sent Aids to each of the other Regiments, who gave the order to change direction by the right flank. These Regiments did as ordered by the Aids; bat no Aid having repeated the order to the 44th, that Regiment obeyed the original order, issued by the General, and in thus changing direction turned their backs to the enemy. C. L. Stryker, knowing that the order was wrong, ordered his men to "about face;" but a few minutes after, seeing General Butterfield approach, he again placed his men about, for the purpose of showing the General that he had made an erroneous order. The General asked him why he had placed his men in that position, and the Colonel replied that he simply obeyed the order issued by himself. The General denied that he had issued such an order; the Colonel insisted that he had, and the General ordered him under arrest. On this day the Brigade was not in action, the fight being only one of Artillery, and which lasted but a few minutes. Four days after, General Butterfield addressed a note to Colonel Stryker, to the effect that a misunderstanding may have arisen in regard to the order given by him, and he, therefore, released him from arrest, giving him back his sword and restoring him to his command without prejudice. Colonel S., however, refused to accept command again under him, and resigned his commission.
Lieut. McRoberts.—It will be remembered that when the Ellsworths left this city a handsome sword was presented Lieut. MCROBERTS. From the following extract of a letter written by M. WENDELL, Company C, Forty-fourth Regiment, it will be seen that he is making good use of it:—
" I was by the side of Lieut. McRoberts, who was in command of his company, on receiving the first volley, when instantly his sword was unsheathed, and waving it in the air he cautioned his men to stand firm, and return the fire with spirit As the gleam of that sword in the bright sun flashed across my face, I thought of the pledge he made to his friends in Albany on receiving it, and it nerved my arm and infused my heart with courage, to know that that pledge was about to be redeemed. Both he and Lieut. Anthes exhibited the greatest coolness and valor on that occasion, and the men are loud in their praise."
One out of four in Company C were hit, but Mr. M. was among those who escaped.
Resigned.—Lieut. Anthony Graves, of the Forty-fourth Regiment, has resigned his commission and received an honorable discharge from the Government, after three years hard service, during which he has been several times wounded.
THE FORTY-FOURTH.—Capt. B. R. WOOD, Jr., put down among the missing of the Forty-fourth New York Volunteers, is reported by Col. CONNER as unhurt up to Sunday morning, (the 8th) when the Regiment, being in the extreme front, was suddenly flanked by a large body of Rebels and forced to fall back, leaving the Captain and a number of men, who were too far ahead to hear the order, and who were captured. But Capt. WOOD, with others, had the good fortune to be rescued by Gen. Sheridan's cavalry. Col. CONNER was shot at this time, probably, by some of our own men in the second line. The ball struck him under the arm-pit and passed out over his left breast—fortunately not striking a bone. He is doing finely. Lieut. Col. KNOX was hit a few minutes after the Colonel, a piece of shell striking him in the back of the head, inflicting an ugly but not dangerous wound. The Regiment has lost ten officers—killed, wounded and missing —out of seventeen, and nearly two-thirds of its men.
THE FORTY-FOURTH.—Capt. B. R. Wood, Jr., put down among the missing of the Forty-fourth New York Volunteers, is reported by COL. CONNER as unhurt up to Sunday morning, (the 8th) when the Regiment, being in the extreme front, was suddenly flanked by a large body of Rebels and forced to fall back, leaving the Captain and a number of men, who were too far ahead to hear the order, and who were captured. But Capt. WOOD, with others, had the good fortune to be rescued by Gen. SIIERIDAN'S cavalry. Col. Conner was shot at this time, probably by some of our own men in the second line. The ball struck him under the arm-pit and passed out over his left breast—fortunately not striking a bone. He is doing finely. Lieut. Col. KNOX was hit a few minutes after the Colonel, a piece of shell striking him in the back of the head, inflicting an ugly but not dangerous wound. The Regiment has lost ten officers—killed, wounded and missing —out of seventeen, and nearly two-thirds of its men.
Letter from Capt. Bradford E. Wood, Jr., of the Forty-fourth.
The enclosed letter from Capt. B. R. Wood, Jr., of the Forty-fourth N. Y. V., has just been received, and as it may relieve the minds of some who have friends in that Regiment, I send it to you for publication.
ALEXANDRIA, May 17, 1864.
* * * I reached here this afternoon at 4 o'clock on the tug Baltimore from Fortress Monroe. Our Regiment was first engaged in the Wilderness near a place called Wilderness Tavern, on the Fredericksburg and Orange Court House road, the right of the Forty-fourth resting on the road. We were under fire here for about twenty minutes or half an hour, but lost during that time SIXTY killed and wounded. I lost two killed and five wounded from my company. Capt. JOHNSON was badly wounded here, and taken off the field by Capt. Fox and Lieut. TEN BROECK, and died soon after in the arms of the latter. We drove the Rebels back twice, and held our own until relieved.
On the 6th we were placed in position a little to the right of the road, and remained there all day. We lost here eleven wounded by shell and sharpshooters, but were not engaged with the Rebel infantry.
At 10 o'clock Saturday night we commenced our march toward Spottsylvania [sic] Court House, and without halting at any time for more than ten minutes, were ordered to charge the enemy, who were in a strong position on the top of a wooded ridge, and protected by a slight breastwork of rails and timber. We all thought we were charging dismounted cavalry, and were a good deal surprised at the murderous fire we received. I was lying in front of our line, between the fire of our men and the Rebels, but protected by a rise in the ground of about eight inches. I soon knew by the slackened fire of our men that we were getting cut up terribly, but heard no orders to fall back. I saw several of our color bearers shot down a little to my left; and finally some one ran up, grasped the colors and ran to the rear. I knew then we were falling back, and a few moments after I jumped up and ran to the rear, exposed for more than ten yards to the fire of the enemy, when one of my men called me and said there was no use in trying to get back, that the Rebels were all around us; and true enough, the next minute three "Johnnies" jumped up, pointed their guns at me and demanded me to surrender. I had the choice of certain death or a slight chance to live and fight a little longer, and chose the latter.
They threatened to shoot me two or three times after I was taken, but finally concluded not to; and I was even so fortunate as not to be robbed of anything I had, while other officers and men were stripped of everything. I remained with the other prisoners that night near Gen. Lee's headquarters, and Monday we marched all day, without anything to eat, towards Beaver Dam Station, where we were to take the cars for Richmond, but were rescued by Gen. CUSTER'S brigade of cavalry when we were within a quarter of a mile of the Station. Capt. Taylor, of the Second Pennsylvania cavalry, very kindly lent, me a horse, and I found Capt. TREMAINE, of Gen. DAVIES' staff, who very kindly took care of me until we reached the James river, where we were turned over to Gen. Butler and shipped for Alexandria. Gen. DAVIES was also very kind to me, making me one of his Aid de Camp.
We will probably be ordered from here to Camp Distribution to-morrow, and then the men will be formed into companies and battalions, shipped to Belle Plains, and marched from there to the army. I am just about played out, as you may judge; but I think two or three days rest will make me all right.
Yours, B. R. WOOD, Jr.
The following are the names of the officers and men of our regiment who were taken in the charge on Sunday morning. All are here and well except the three wounded:—
Liet. Edward Bennet, Company H; Lieut. and Acting Adjutant O. L. Munger; Sergeant Rudham, Corporal Looker, Private Hockwell, Company E; Sergeant Angus, Privates Rosecrans, wounded badly in right breast and left in hands of the Rebels, Shoefelt, Kyzer, Rankin, Company K; Private Benrnet, Company A; Corporal Bliss, Privates Delong, Miller, Company B ; Privates Haven, Beal, Company D; Private McKoy, Company G; Privates Crandall, wounded in face and arm and left, Stockholm, Comstock, Company H; Privates Nash, Bancroft, Lewis, Company I; Private Thompson, Company F.
Death of Capt. Walsh.—Among those who were killed during the seven days fighting at the Peninsula, was Capt. Walsh, of the Ellsworth Regiment. Capt. Walsh was a true patriot and excellent officer, a gentleman of splendid ability and a great favorite with his men.