40th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
(June 28, 1861)
This regiment is filling up briskly. Men of good character only are received into its ranks, and sobriety in the applicant one of its indispensable requisites. The officers saw service and are men of the right material. Their headquarters is No 249 William street, where able bodied men presenting themselves for enlistment will be received; as also at the office of Mr. McTighe, No. 195 Broadway, corner Dey street, who is authorized to provide recruits with rations, &c., on signing the roll.
[Special Correspondence of the Sunday Mercury]
On the Move Again--Reaching White Ford—Crossing the Potomac—On Picket—On the March Again—Reaching Leesboro—In Camp Again—Rebel Fort.
By casting your eye at the heading above, you will observe that we have once more trod "the sacred soil" some with unwilling feet, it is true, but the majority of us with a firm resolve never to leave it, unless in pursuit of the enemy, or until this unholy Rebellion is "squelched". Last Tuesday morning, before daylight, the bugle sounded the reveille, and we were turned out, with the order to pack up and get ready to march, which order was not obeyed with the usual alacrity displayed on such occasions, the boys having heard that they were going to cross the Potomac. Now, crossing the Potomac under ordinary circumstances is nothing thought of, but recent heavy rains had swollen it considerably, and caused it to rise a foot and a half in one night; " but it had to be did", and we were the boys to do it. At 9 o'clock, A. M., we started for White Ford, accompanied by two sections of the Sixth Rhode Island Battery, commanded by Captain Randolph, the other section being left on the bluff commanding the Ford, to protect us while crossing. When we got on this side our right was deployed as skirmishers, with a squadron of cavalry ahead as scouts. In this manner we proceeded about three miles, when the skirmishers were called in and the regiment was ordered on picket leaving the rest of the brigade to form camp and await further orders. We remained on picket until yesterday (Friday), when we were ordered to join the brigade, which was marching to Leesburg. We arrived there at sundown and stopped on a hill nearly a mile from the city, where we are encamped for the present. We have a fine view of the surrounding country from our present position, especially the flats stretching off towards the Potomac, which offers an unobstructed range of observation for ten or twelve miles around. On a large hill near camp is an old Rebel fort, called Fort Johnson. It is a dilapidated concern throughout, and would stand a poor chance if exposed to the fire of a section of Parrott guns brought to bear on it. I am glad to see that our old friend, R. McW., is woke up again, as it is a long time since we saw his signature in the SUNDAY MERCURY. Was he under the influence of olive oil at the time?
Yours, etc., PGT.
CAMP NEAR POTOMAC CREEK, Va., April 6, 1863.
At a meeting of the officers of this Regiment, held in camp on the 6th day of April, 1863, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, Fernando Wood of New-York City has on many occasions boasted of his paternity to this Regiment, and, whereas, we, as loyal citizens and soldiers of the United States, desire to escape the ignominy of a suspicion of even the faintest sympathy with the man who declares that loyalty to a republic is a meaningless and indefinite term, we, the officers of the 40th Regiment, New- York Volunteers, originally known as the "Mozart Regiment," do hereby proclaim these resolutions:
Resolved, That we entered the service of the United States, and not of any party, with the full understanding of the obligations we assumed, and the sincere determination to defend our national flag and its authorized Government against all traitors, whether domestic or foreign; that to the last pulsation of our hearts we will maintain the honor of that flag and the territorial limits bequeathed by our fathers against all assailants, and for our fidelity to this trust and this sacred duty we appeal to the blood-stained fields of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Charles City Crossroads, Glendal and Orchards, Malvern Hills, Bull Run, Chantilly, Fredericksburg, and many other minor engagements, and that the loss of over eight hundred of our brothers in arms in these hard-fought fields shall ever inspire us to still warmer devotion and yet nobler sacrifices.
Resolved, That we indignantly repudiate any claim of Fernando Wood's to our sympathy, our obligations or our respect. We declare that he never furnished a man or a dollar for our benefit whatever; that the stand of colors presented to us at Yorktown, before our departure for the seat of war, in July, 1861, and which Farnando Wood assumed the credit of presenting from his own means, were paid for by the citizens of New-York, and never cost Fernando Wood one cent; that we have no sympathy with his principles, no respect for his character, and hopes the day is not far distant when such traitors will be shunned as lepers and outcasts.
Resolved, That our sentiments in respect to this Rebellion are expressed in the speech of Major-General Butler at the Academy of Music, New-York, on the 2d of April, 1863; that we will never hesitate or falter in our support of the Government of our country; that so long as God gives us strength we will wage unrelenting war on every traitor until, if it must be, the last vestige of their race is extinguished.
Colonel T.W. Egan; Lieut. Col. Allen Lindsay; Major Aug. J. Warner; Capt. George Woodward, Company D; Capt. F.A. Johnson, Company A; Capt. G. B. Carse, Company C; Capt. Henry J. Strait, Company F; Capt. Emmon F. Fletcher, Company G; Capt. James R. Stevens, Company D; Capt. George C. Dow, Company K; Capt. Madison M. Cannon, Company E; 1st Lieut. Bernard H. Pond, Company I; 1st Lieut. William H. Warner, Company C; 1st Lieut. Thomas McNamee, Company A; 1st Lieut. William H. Johnson, G; 2d Lieut. Joseph W. Clymer, E; 2d Lieut. Richard H. Ryder, Company B; 1st Lieut. Royal B. Waller, Quartermaster; Adjutant W.H. Gilder.
JULY 21, 1863.
" Hickman Bridge" is the locality selected by Gen. Burnside for a fortification in Central Kentucky. It is situated on the Kentucky River, about one hundred and thirty miles from the Ohio River, and about seventy miles from Cumberland River, on the most direct road leading from Cincinnati to Cumberland Gap. The situation here is an excellent one. The river here makes a turn or bend very nearly the shape of a horse shoe, and its shores are very high and rocky, rendering its natural fortification nearly complete. It is also intended for a depot of stores, and large store houses have been erected for the storeage of ordnance, commissary and quartermaster stores. The government has in operation three steam saw mills, one grist mill, four blacksmith shops, with four forges to each shop. Also, they have wagon making shops, carpenter shops, cabinet shops, making coffins, and fine work for the quartermaster's office, &c., &c.
Hickman is surrounded by a rich and fertile country, abundantly watered by Hickman Creek from which the name of this post arises. A hotel has been built here by Gen. Burnside's nephew, and is doing an extensive business in the line of selling eatables to officers and clerks. The hotel is named "Pratt House," in honor of the worthy post quartermaster, Capt. J. A. Pratt, of Michigan. Board is 7,00 per week, without lodging, but government employees get it for $2,50 per week, allowing the landlord to draw their rations, which all government men are entitled to. Take it all in all, it is a great place for amusement, as well as work, for we have a "Ten Pin Alley" and a "Base Ball Club," that congregate every evening to while away the tedious hours of war.
The fall of Vicksburg, the repulse of Lee's army in Pennsylvania, and the invasion of Indiana by Major General John Morgan, of the Confederate army, came simultaneously upon us, and created much excitement among the soldiers. They say Grant can't be beat. All agree in voting him the "war boss" of the present age.
But John Morgan has run into a mighty hornet's nest, and if ever he gets out of Indiana without surrendering, I, for one, will be very much disappointed, and I hope ere this appears you will hear of the capture of his entire force. They should pay dearly for invading the sacred soil of the free and noble State of Indiana.
A large corps of contrabands are employed on the fortifications, in quarrying stone, chopping cord-wood, &c., &c. Pay day for them happened a few days ago, and the way they showed the "chalk in the eye" by looking at greenbacks, would have made much amusement for the unsophisticated.
I was surprised, a few days ago, to see a government wagon pass along the highway, marked "40th N. Y. S. V." It looked almost like home, and many pleasing remembrances arose to my mind that had transpired on that part of the foot stool.
The blue grass regions of Kentucky, and in fact all of the Western States, have produced abundant harvests of wheat, which have already been gathered. The corn crop promises well, and I see nothing in the road to prosperity but war; but in this case it is a necessary evil.
Gen. Burnside has his headquarters at Cincinnati yet, but will soon be at this post. Gen. Fry, a Kentucky son, is in command at present here.
Truly, J.W.G.
DETACHMENTS.— Twenty-five recruits for the Mozart Regiment, left yesterday afternoon, to join the command. Company E, 57 men, for the Ninth Regiment, N. Y. S. M., recruited by Capt. Classon and Lieut. Smith, will leave for the capital to-day.
A few more men are wanted for this regiment. Apply to Quartermaster Eagan, at the headquarters, No. 564 Broadway. (June 22, 1861)
This excellent organization of real fighting men now numbers 1,048 men, the maximum allowed by government regulations. Since the regiment was first started the members have been actuated by the liveliest enthusiasm for the Union cause, which they are now ready to uphold and defend. Orders were yesterday received for the regiment to proceed to encamp on Riker's Island where they will be submitted to sharp and continuous drill. The desire of the officers is to make the corps as effective as possible; and in order to do this it has been considered advisable to remove the men to a convenient locality, where they may reap the full advantage of the Drill Sergeant's experience. The Union Defence Committee has officially announced to the command that the regiment will be despatched to the seat of war in the early part of the ensuing week. Colonel J. S. Cocks, late of the Twelfth regiment, commands the corps, and is ably assisted by James Lynch, late a candidate for the office of Register, as Lieutenant Colonel. Every man in the regiment is of full size, well developed and full of courage. There was some delay occasioned in the removal of the regiment to Riker's Island, as we learned, in consequence of the removal of another regiment that had been quartered there. The Mozart regiment encampment will be in full blast in a day or two.
Two recruiting offices have been opened up town; one at the corner of Thirty-first street and Second avenue and the other at the corner of Thirty-sixth street and same avenue. There shall be no delay to this regiment, as immediately in signing the roll the men will be under pay and receive their rations. Officers of superior skill will be in command.
The Mozart regiment, under the command of Col. J. S. Cocks, has since the 1st instant been encamped at Yonkers, and now numbers ten hundred and forty-one men, including three companies of Massachusetts volunteers, which have just joined them. The regiment was accepted by the Union Defence Committee on the 26th of May, and expect to be mustered into the service of the United States on Tuesday next. The troops were enlisted under the personal supervision of Quartermaster J. W. Eagan, and are a fine body of men, the average height of three of the company being six feet two inches. It is designed that the equipment of the regiment shall be equal if not superior to that of any regiment which has left the city. In addition to a full equipment of Enfield rifles, an artillery company of twenty men and two twelve-pound rifled cannon have been provided. Twenty-four baggage wagons have been made for the regiment, and an ample supply of powder, shot and shell will be taken with it to the seat of war. The uniforms are handsome and substantial, being of dark blue cloth, with red facings and trimmings, and large gilt buttons; the coat, pants and caps are of the same material, and all trimmed with the same color. They were made by Devlin & Co. and Arnoux & Co., and give entire satisfaction. The woollen blankets are heavy and of a dark gray color. Each soldier is provided with one of these, as well as one of India rubber cloth lined with wool. The officers' dress strictly accords with the army regulations for infantry, and, without belt or side arms, costs from eighty dollars upwards. The tents were furnished by Fox & Polhemus, and are constructed of substantial materials and well made. The regiment was equipped under the authority of the Union Defence Committee, who gave the Quartermaster instructions to see that it was well done. He thinks he has fully carried out those instructions, and at as small cost as that of any well equipped regiment in the service. The regiment is quartered in a large new machine shop, which is of four stories, and affords ample room. The regular garrison and camp duty is daily performed; the reveille, troop, retreat and tattoo are each sounded at the proper time, and mounting and relieving guard and other formalities are all faithfully executed with as much strictness as if on the tented field. The conduct of the troops is highly commended by the best citizens of Yonkers, who show them marked attention, and with their families frequently visit the barracks. The Colonel is a strict disciplinarian and an experienced soldier, he having been in the service for twenty-eight years, and for a long time Colonel of the Twelfth regiment. The following is a list of his officers, as far as completed:—
Field and Staff Officers—John S. Cocks, Colonel; James Lynch, Lieutenant Colonel; Edward J, Riley, Adjutant; S. R. Pinckey, Major; Thomas W. Eagan, Quartermaster; Frederick Bliss, Paymaster; J.H. Thompson, Surgeon;
James E. Dexter, Assistant Surgeon.
Company A—Captain, Morris Stemlear; First Lieutenant, Henry Bitter; Second Lieutenant, William H. Hiles.
Company B—Captain, Henry Ungerer; First Lieutenant, Charles H. Stone; Second Lieutenant, A. M. Raphall.
Company C--Captain, Henry E. Gotleb; First Lieutenant, John Q. Adams; Second Lieutenant, Rupert G Hill.
Company D—Captain, Thomas C. Wray; First Lieutenant, George W. Groves; Second Lieutenant, Frederick Piper.
Company E—Captain, H. Lindsley; First Lieutenant, ______; Second Lieutenant, ____.
Company F—Captain, Ingalls; First Lieutenant, ____; Second Lieutenant,____.
Company G—Captain, Nelson A, Gesner; First Lieutenant, J. H. Gesner; Second Lieutenant, John Horn.
Company H—Captain, A. H. Howe; First Lieutenant, C. Fitzpatrick; Second Lieutenant, ____.
Company I--Captain, Mariott N. Crofts; First Lieutenant, ____ Warner; Second Lieutenant, ____ Strait.
Company K—Captain, Frank T. Foster; First Lieutenant, James W. George; Second Lieutenant, George B. Carse.
Among the above are several who have seen active service. Captain Crofts was with General Scott throughout his Mexican campaigns, and his name is registered with honor in the War Department. Captain Ungerer is a German by birth; and served in the army during the last German revolution. Captain Stemlear was also a soldier in that revolution. Upwards of one hundred and fifty of the men have also seen active service, and Captain Crofts has forty-two of these in his company. The steamboat Champion leaves the foot of Amos street, at half-past three o'clock P. M., daily, for Yonkers, and everything requisite for the use of the regiment is taken by her. The recruiting office and headquarters of the Colonel, when he is in the city, is at No. 564 Broadway.
A regular meeting of this corps will be held this evening at half-past seven o'clock, at Military Hall, 183 Bowery. Business of much importance will be transacted. A dispatch has been received from Quartermaster Braulick, of the De Kalb regiment, accepting the position of Colonel, that has been tendered him by this regiment.
The officers of the above regiment are requested to report at head quarters, No. 249 William street, at ten o'clock A.M., this day, as matters of importance will be transacted. There are several other organizations which are yet in their infancy, and which are rapidly filling up. "To arms, to arms," is the cry throughout the length and of the city, and every one who has means at his disposal is endeavoring to start a military company or a full regiment, The names of these organizations are as follows:—Second Jager regiment, Polish regiment, Berdan Sharpshooters, Fremont regiment, Black Chasseurs, First Washington Greys, United States Vanguard.
Although recruiting in the city of New York at present is an up hill job, still regiments having good officers are rapidly Constitution Guard, Colonel Braulick, which the above assertion the short Colonel Braulick has been at the head of this command numerous additions been made ranks, will not days before the Constitution Guard the numerous regiments under command of Major General McClellan. Colonel Braulick is an officer of great merit and distinction, having held a high and responsible military the Hungarian army, and received several wounds during the revolution of 1847 and 1848. Major Levy is also a good officer, and the regiment having the number our most influential as also being somewhat by Department, surprising Colonel Braulick will regiment scene. The headquarters of the regiment are at 453 Broadway, where recruiting officers are always in attendance.
Sergeant Wills, of Company A, Mozart regiment, who was on picket guard with his company near the rebel encampment on Friday last, was accidentally shot by one of his own men. The Sergeant was universally respected by all who knew him, and the regiment sent his remains to Massachusetts and took up a collection for his widow. Every company in the regiment subscribed, and the amount received was $475, which has been forwarded to her. A committee appointed by the members of the regiment in reference to his death drew up a series of resolutions, highly complimentary to the deceased, both as a soldier and a man, and sent a copy of them to the widow. The resolutions were signed by Col. Riley, Capt. Gotleb and many others of the officers.
ROME.—The friends of Dr. O. J. EVANS, of Rome, will be pleased to hear his health has so much improved that he will start for his regiment (40th N. Y.) Tuesday (to-morrow) morning. When the Doctor came home he was suffering from Gastritis, which had rendered him almost a skeleton.
— A correspondent states that Miss EVANS gave general satisfaction to the friends of temperance in Rome.
A soldier, aged 21, fair complexion, fat, ragged and saucy, desires to open a correspondence with one of the Bloomville Mirror's fair readers, with a view to fun and improvement.
Address, S. S. D., Co. K,
40th Regt., N. Y. Vol.,
Washington, D. C.
The funeral of Henry S. Cornell, the young Fire Zouave, who was shot by the rebels near Alexandria, will take place to-day, at one o'clock P. M., from the residence of his brother in-law, No. 116 Chrystie street.
[From the Washington Star, July 8 ] (1861)
Yesterday a soldier of the Mozart regiment, named Roby, was taken ill in Second street, near Indiana avenue, with violent cramps. He was taken into the tavern at the corner of Indiana avenue and second street, and physicians sent for, who tried all in their power to relieve him; but it was feared for a time that his illness would prove fatal. From his statement it appeared that he went, at the invitation of two persons dressed as citizens, into a restaurant on the avenue, near Second street, and drank with them, and after coming out, he passed around the corner and was suddenly taken with the cramps. He was sent to the government hospital. In the opinion of the physicians he had been poisoned.
THE FORTIETH (MOZART) REGIMENT arrived in this city on Saturday on a thirty days' furlough, having re-enlisted for the war. It was received by the 75th Regiment, and escorted to the Park Barracks. Yesterday the 71st Regiment paraded for the formal reception of the re-enlisted heroes. The Sixty-ninth was expected last night, having also re-enlisted. When it takes the field again it is expected that Col. Nugent will assume the command. Allentown, Pa., Jan. 3.—The 69th Regiment, of New York volunteers, now on its way home, will arrive at Jersey City to-morrow (Monday) morning at daylight. Richard Morey, Capt. Commanding.
ARCHBISHOP HUGHES.—Our citizens were startled on Saturday morning with the rumor that this venerable prelate had breathed his last. Happily the rumor proved incorrect, although his grace was so ill that his demise may be expected at any hour. Up to a late hour last evening he still survived. In attendance upon the Archbishop are Doctors A. Clarke and James E. Wood, and the Very Rev. Father Starrs, Rev. Dr. McNierney, and one or two other clergymen. No one but his immediate attendants are permitted to see him. On Friday some of the clergymen of this city had an interview with him, after which he fell very low. On Saturday he received the last sacrament and realized that his end was near at hand. He manifested more composure than those around him. When the news of the Archbishop's danger was circulated through the city a general feeling of regret prevailed among all classes. Among persons of his own communion, to whom he was the spiritual counsellor and head, the regret was very deep and general. Yesterday prayers were offered up in all the Catholic churches in the city, for his speedy recovery or happy death.
This regiment, at present quartered at Yonkers, has received orders to march. To-morrow at 2 1/2 p.m., a banner will be presented to the regiment at Yonkers by Mayor Wood. On Thursday, the 4th inst., the regiment will leave their quarters, take the cars for New-York, and after parading through the streets, they will at once leave for Washington.
This Regiment, which has been in quarters at Yonkers during the past few weeks, will to-day leave their quarters, and take up the line of march for Washington by the New-Jersey Central Railroad. The regiment will arrive at the Thirtieth-street depot, Hudson River Railroad, and march down to the City Hall where they will be reviewed. After this, they will march to pier No. 1, and embark for Elizabethtown. (July 9, 1861)
A member of Company C, Mozart Regiment, named Robey, was poisoned yesterday about noon, in a house near the Capitol. From what could be gathered from his incoherent remarks, it appears that he was invited into a house by two citizens, where they took some liquor, after which his companions left him. Soon afterward, while walking along, he was prostrated. He was carried into a house near by, and medical attendance at once summoned. The doctors are of the opinion that a powerful dose of poison was administered to him in the liquor, and express little hopes for him. He was removed to the Government Hospital, Georgetown, last evening.
Among the regiments in the field which have re-enlisted are several from this city; and these are now on their way home. The Fortieth (Mozart) regiment will probably arrive to-day; the Sixth New York Cavalry is expected tomorrow, and others hereafter. They come home on a furlough of thirty days to enjoy themselves, visit their families, and enlist recruits enough to fill up their ranks.
Our citizens need only proper notice, to turn out and give these gallant fellows such a welcome home as will make their hearts glad. They deserve the best that New York can give, and we have no doubt they will receive it. Their coming home is an epoch in the war and in our history; their faithful services in the field, for nearly three years, have not tired out their patriotic devotion; they engage to serve their country for another term—while the war lasts; and they doubly deserve the city's thanks—for the service rendered and the service promised.
There are hundreds of ways in which these returning veterans can be made to feel the esteem in which they are held; no citizen but can find the means to do some little kindness to one of them; no child scarcely but what can make one of these gallant soldiers feel that he is honored at home, and thus give him the best reward which a brave man can receive for his toils and deprivations.
But, aside from such manifestations of the popular regard, cannot the city do something to show how it honors those who defend the Union under arms? Our city authorities have often spent the public money to do honor to some titled or eminent personage; they can —with far more appropriateness, and with the good-will and consent of every taxpayer—prepare a formal and proper welcome for these battle-stained soldiers; these gallant heroes of the war who have defended the Union on so many terrible fields.
The Mozart Regiment have already left the front for their return for this city after an absence of three years; during that time they have participated in all the engagements of the Army of the Potomac, from its first organization by Gen. McClellan to the late battle at Coal Harbor under Gen. Grant. The following order has been issued by Gen. Sandford:
NEW YORK, June 18, 1864
SPECIAL ORDER No. 29.—Brig. Gen. Hall will detail the Fifty-fifth Regiment, Col. Le Gal, as the escort for the reception of the Fortieth Regiment New York Volunteers, upon their return from the field, where they have ever been distinguished for their gallantry and endurance.
Colonel Le Gal will make arrangements with the Mayor and Common Council as to the time and place of reception. By order of Major General CHARLES W. SANDFORD.
(N.Y. News - June 20, 1864)
[Special Correspondence to Sunday Mercury.]
SHOOTER'S HILL, VA,, Aug. 14, 1861.
To the Editors of the Sunday Mercury:
Through the interposition of Divine Providence I have been spared the inglorious death of "melting;" and now am of the opinion that if I am spared to die at all before entering the field, it will be by freezing. This morning we all awoke shivering and shaking from head to foot. Overcoats came at once in ready demand; and as we crawled out of the open space in our tents, like so many Esquimaux, we severally inquired of the sergeant if skates would not be furnished us soon. I would suggest that the "Union Defence Committee" take this matter in hand, and reflect seriously upon it; for I would assure them that, if such weather continues long, we will have a chance of drilling in double-quick on the ice. A novel idea, I think. We are hard at work now, preparing ourselves for exhibition drill, before several distinguished generals. There is a prize offered for the best company drill.
Our boys (that is we, of Company I) are exerting themselves tremendously; and I expect, or at least hope, that in my next epistle I shall be able to inform you that we were the recipients of the "big thing." Rain seems to be the order of the day; and it stands not on ceremony, but comes down all the while. Pretty pictures we present here, when we descry a storm coming up in the "ominous west." Frantic individuals, half clad, rush out—spade, bayonet, or some other utensil in their hands—and begin throwing up miniature entrenchments around their tents. Others scramble up the sides of the canvas, and pull and haul at the heterogeneous mass of blankets, overcoats, sh— (I should say underclothing) thereon piled. Some imagine themselves to be proprietors of bathing-saloons, and call out loudly for "those who wish a shower-bath to step out immediately." No sooner called than out they come, like so many Feejee Islanders—drumming on tin-pans, and creating generally a noise that a lunatic asylum might justly be jealous of. So it goes. What camp life would be if it was not for these little exciting and eccentric scenes, I am unable to say; methinks, however, a bore. I heard a fellow offer to bet, yesterday, that he could turn around on his hip bone for an hour, without ceasing, or in the leastwise injuring or bruising said bone. I did not stay to see whether or no he executed the movement; but no doubt exists in my mind about his being able. I think I can perform the same myself. Stones and hard ground do not tend to "soften" the flesh much. We often wonder whether we will ever be able to sit at a table, with a clean, tidy cloth upon it, and eat as we were wont to do in the days of old. It is so long since I have seen a knife, or fork, that I begin to forget how they are made. But so goes the world; and so we will go—thankful, in the meantime, if we have no worse fare, and see no harder times. What a dry letter, to be sure, But, my dear sirs, how can I help it? There is nothing new, and we pursue the daily routine as usual. We live in high anticipations of the future, for we imagine we see a very large thing; whether it will be on "ice" or "lead" I really cannot surmise. All are well, as usual, except your correspondent, who is at present becoming very proficient in the science of pedestrianism and civil engineering; for he is obliged to travel, at least twenty times a day, at a double quick, over a certain distance, which he estimates to be not less than 100 yards. Going under sealed orders, he dares not, therefore, mention for what purpose these hourly trips are taken. Is Gayetty around?
Yours, TORRENS, Company I, Mozart Regiment.
Company A--Killed--Private Walter Wilkinson.
Wounded--Privates N. Wingate, Thomas Connelly, John McFarren.
Company B--Killed--Private A.J. Kenny. Wounded--Privates John McFarren, J. S. Pike.
Company D--Killed--Private Wm. Marley. Wounded--Corporal Wm. Larkey, private J. Sword.
Company E--Wounded--Sergeant G.E. Carpenter.
Company F—Wounded--Lieutenant E. F. Fletcher, Sergeant J. D. Woodward, Corporal E. Bender, privates S. Bender, Wm. Hooker, M. Gowalay.
Company G--Killed—Private F. S. Anderson. Wounded—Sergeant Lewis Blood, privates J. Wyatt, L. Stoddard, George Fisk, R. White.
Company H—Killed—Private A. H. Greenlow.
Company K--Wounded—Privates Felix Duchenay and
___ Regan.
Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total.
Company A l 3 — 4
Company B 1 2 — 3
Company C — — -- —
Company D 1 2 — —
Company E — 1 -- 1
Company F -- 6 — 6
Company G 1 5 — 6
Company H 1 — — 1
Company I — — — —
Company K — 2 — —
Total...... 5 21 — 26