The Thorny Rose: The Americanization Of An Urban, Immigrant, Working Class Regiment In The Civil War.
A Social History Of The 39th New York Volunteer Infantry
Introduction: Carl Schurz, Immigrants, and the New Era - 17 pages
I. Immigrants, Nativists and Republicans - 29 pages
II. A Brief Look at Life in the Immigrant Wards of New York City at Mid Century
- 23 pages
III. Gurkhas and Garibaldians - 32 pages
IV. Mutiny! - 41 pages
V. The Road From Manassas - 40 pages
VI. With Fremont in the Valley - 42 pages
VII. Hell on the Mountaintop: The Battle of Maryland Heights - 45 pages
VIII. Harper's Ferry Cowards - 54 pages
IX. Gettysburg - 16 pages
X. The Trappings of Command: The Strange Career of Frederick George D'Utassy - 38 pages
XI. Conclusions - 10 pages
Appendix A: State Gubernatorial Elections: Selected Years - 3 pages
Copyright by Catherine Catalfamo, 1989