Inquiries Relating to the Formation and Movements of Regiments, Companies, or Batteries of New York Volunteers

Submitted By The Bureau Of Military Record 
Transcribed By Nathan Thompson

Ithaca, N.Y. Octo 9th, 1865
Col. L.L. Doty
Herewith I have the Honor of transmitting to the Bureau of Military Records the history of the 137th Regt N.Y. Vols, also the History of the three (3) flags used in the Regt during its time of Service.  The two (2) flags whose History I have first given and numbered 1 & 2 have this day forwarded to you by Expiers(?) The Third is the History of the flag already in your possession and which was forwarded to you from Elmira in July last.
I Am Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
K. S. Van Vorhees 
Late Brevet Col U.S. Vols
Comdg 137th N.Y. Vols


[This blank when filled, should be returned by mail or otherwise, to Col. Lockwood L. Doty, Bureau of Military Record, 173 State Street, Albany N.Y.

Number of Organization:  One Hundred and thirty seven

Synonyms.  (If known by any name other than numerals or letters from that):  Hamilton Light Artillery

Arm of service (whether Infantry, Calvary, or Field Artillery):    Infantry

Order for raising:  Number                  Date                 186

Authorization to raise, by whom granted, whether by Governor of New York, or by the President of the    Secretary of War:   Governor of New York

Authorization to raise, to whom given: War Committee of the 24th Senatorial District

Was it raised for a particular Brigade of for any special services?  If so, state facts:

Place where formed:  Binghamton, Broome County, New York

Name of Camp:  Susquahanna

Name of Commandant of Post where formed:  Col David Rutland

Location and description of Camp or Barracks, where formed:
[Give name of the owner of the property, the use to which previously applied, distance from some well known point in village, &c. Should there have been taken Photographic or other views, please give such references as might enable us to procure copies.]

The Regiment while organizing was quartered in Barracks on the south side of the Susquahanna River without one mile of the Court House in the Town of Binghamton

Volunteering, when begun:  About the 15th of August 1862

Volunteering, when ended:  About September 1862

Branch Camps and Recruiting Stations:  No Branch Camps.  The Regiment was raised in the counties of Tompkins, Tioga, and Broome and Recruiting was carried on, in all the Towns of those three Counties

Name of first Commander:  David Rutland (Colonel)


Regimental Consolidations, if any, during formation and prior to muster as a regiment.

Regimental Consolidations, if any, at any time subsequent to muster.


Original companies, where and by whom principally raised:

A By Captain Stoddard F.A. 1t Lieut. Owen G. B. 2d Lieut. Halleck F.M. mainly in the Town of Binghamton.
B ‘’  ‘’ Davis       ‘’      ‘’    Gale A        ‘’     ‘’     Sweet O.B. in the towns of Binghamton and Windsor in   Broome County.
D ‘’      ‘’        Terry   ? H.   ‘’      ‘’     Mix ?. E.   2d     Lt.    Whitmore in the town of Ithaca Tompkins County
C ‘’       ‘’        Haskins W. L. ‘’    ‘’    Russel D. R. in the town of Owego, Tioga County
E ‘’       ‘’        Eldridge M.B. ‘’   ‘’     Dunn ? E. in nearly all the towns of Broome County
  • ‘’       ‘’        Shipman H. W.  ‘’   ‘’  Sage W. N.  ‘’  ‘’     ‘’   ‘’      ‘’    ‘’    ‘’    ‘’
G ‘’       ‘’      ‘’   ‘’  Reecher A. H. 2d Lt. Abbey W. in the Towns of Newark, Richford and Berkshire Tioga County
H ‘’       ‘’       Roberts E. F.      ‘’    ‘’ Barager ? F. in the towns of Owego and Lander to Spencer Tioga County.
I ‘’    ‘’         Gregg ? H.  ‘’   ‘’          Slawson in the towns of Ulysses, Newfield, and Enfield Tompkins County.
K ‘’    ‘’         Peerson S.  ‘’   ‘’           Taft W. H. 2d Lt.  Marsh E. A. in the towns of Danby, Caroline, and Groton     Tompkins County.



If before muster any consolidations of companies took place, please give facts.


Give names of medical officers who examined recruits at formation of regiments
John M. Farrington and Hunt (?)


Muster in of original companies:

            Date of Muster       No. of Men     Place Where Mustered            By Whom Mustered

A.                          186.
B.                          186.
C.                          186.
D.                          186.
E.                          186.
F.                           186.
G.                          186.
H.                          186.
I.                            186.
K.                          186.



If after muster any consolidations of companies took place after rendezvous, or in the field give date and letters of companies consolidated, as well as any attending facts.


Give date of muster into the United States service as a Regiment:  September 25th 1862.

Number of men mustered in:  Enlisted Men. 985.  Commissioned Officers. 37

Place where mustered in:  Binghamton Broome County New York

Name and rank of Mustering Officer:  David J. Hand(?) Capt. 15th U.S. Infantry

Number of men mustered as recruits after regimental muster and before regiment left the State:


By the United States:   rate per man $100.00 Number of men thus paid. 980
By the State of New York  rate per man $50.00 do do 980
By the County rate per man   do do  
By the City rate per man   do do  
By Town of rate per man   do do  
By Associations, rate per man   do do  
By Individuals, rate per man   do do  

Give any facts connected with payment of bounties:

Local Bounties were paid by all of the towns some $25.00 / Seventy Five dollars, some $50.00 / fifty dollars and some $100.00 One hundred dollars

Aid other than bounties received from the United States , from the State of New-York, from Counties, Cities and Towns, or from Union Defense Committees, Associations Committees; local contributions, and gifts with names of Patrons, giving facts, and referring to authorities where further information can be obtained:

Circumstances and incidents attending organization:
[Give an account of public meetings held; send copies of circulars, handbills, advertisements, and other printed matter relating to organization, enlistment of men, their outfit, maintenance until received into the United States Service, &c. Refer to other sources of information upon these subjects.]

Presentation of flags and banners:
[Give names of donors, time, place, and circumstances.  If the proceedings were published in a pamphlets or newspaper, send copies if possible.]

Have any of the regimental or company flags been rendered unfit for service?  If so, where are they now deposited?  Is it known to you that the State has provided a fire-proof repository in this Bureau for flags no longer in use, where a large number are now deposited?
One State and two National colors have become unfit for use and have all Been forwarded to the Bureau of Military Statistics at Albany N.Y.

Testimonials to officers:
[Give lists, with names, dates, and circumstances.]

Before leaving the state, Colonel David Holand was presented with a horse by the citizens of Binghamton and Lieut. Colonel K. S. Van Vorhees with a horse &Horse Equipment by the citizens of Ithaca.  Nearly all the Line officers received presents of Soards [sic] and Sashes &c. from the citizens of the different Localities where these companies were raised.

Ceremonies attending departure:

Departure from camp.  Date, September 27th 1862 Strength of command, 1008

Departure from State.  Date,        ‘’         ‘’       ‘’    Strength of command,    ‘’

Destination on first leaving the State:  Washington D.C.

Route, with dates and incidents or accidents, modes of conveyance, &c. :  
By Erie Rail Road to Elmira, then to Washington D.C.via Harrisburg, Pva and Baltimore, Md

Date of arrival at destination:  September 29th 1862

Inspection, upon entering service:
[Give names and rank of Inspecting Officer or Officers, and time, place, &c.  If the organization was previously mustered into State Service, give date, place, and term, the name and rank of Mustering-in-officer, &c.]

Assigned to what Brigade, Division, or Corps, with dates and changes:
To 3rd Brigade 2nd Division 12th Army Corps.  In October 1862.
The 11th and 12th Corps were consolidated in March 1864 designated as the 20th Army Corps.  Remained in 20th Army Corps until mustered out.


Give number of recruits received into the regiment after it took the field:
(175)  One Hundred and Seventy Five.

If possible, give date of arrival of each detachment:
March 1864 about (40) forty three years men.
December 1864  ‘’  (100) One Hundred one years men.  The rest came  in scattering.

If a full company or companies of recruits were received, state what letter they assumed and what companies were consolidated to make room for them:
A full company of 98 enlisted and Two Commissioned Officers were mustered in at Elmira N.Y. on the 24th of September 1864 for one year and reached the Regiment the last of December 1864 no consolidation took place, the Company was designated as unassigned Company and mustered out as such.

Give any fact or facts of interest in addition to those especially asked for above, not inconsistent with the regulations of the service:
The Regiment left Washington for Harper’s ferry, Va on Sept. 30th 1862.  Left Harper’s ferry Dec. 10th 1862 and arived [sic] at Fairfax Station Dec. 18th 1862.  Left Fairfax Station January 17th 1863 and arrived at Aquia Creek Jany. 25th  Left Aquia Creek for Chancelorsville [sic] April 26th and was engaged in the Battle of May 1t – 3d.  Returned to Aquia Creek May 7th and left for Gettysburg June 12th was in the battle July 2d & 3d Returned to the Rappahannock river arriving there August 1t.Marchedto the Rappid An [sic] River in September and started for Tennessee Sept 25th arriving at Nashville (Tenn) October 6th.  Marched from Nashville to Wauhatchee Lookout Valley (Tenn), was attacked at Midnight of October 28th by a largely superior force of the enemy who was repolsed [sic].  Was the first to enter the enemy’s works on the point of Lookout Mountain in the battle above the clouds November 24th and was also in the battle of Mission Ridge Nov. 25th to Ringold (Ga) November 27th 1863.  The Reg’t was quartered at Stevenson (Ala) arriving the winter of 1864 and left with Sherman on his Atlanta Campaign May 2d 1864.  Entered Atlanta Sept 2d having been engaged in all the battles of that Campaign.  Left Atlanta Nov. 15th with Sherman on his March to the Sea and was the second Reg’t to enter Savannah Dec 21t 1864  Left Savannah Jan 27th 1865 on the Campaign of the Carolinas and arrived at Raleigh N.C. Apr. 13th   Left Raleigh for Washington via Richmond April 30th and arrived at Alexandria Va May 20th.  Was mustered out of service June 9th.  Left Washington for Elmira N.Y. June 10th and was there paid of and discharged June 19th 1865

Please sign here,
K. S. Van Vorhees 
Late Brevet Col U.S. Vols
Comdg 137th N.Y. Vols

Dated at  Ithaca   NY  
the 9th October 1865

Note – Should the officer to whom this blank is addressed be unable to answer all the inquiries it contains; or should the person detailed by him to prepare the same be unable to ascertain the facts now sought, it is hoped that the inquiries will be answered as fully as possible, as any part of the information will be thankfully received.
The name and address of any person who can furnish additional answers is desired, to the end that the record may be complete for the period covered by these inquiries.


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