131st New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
Death of Col. Smith—Letter from Surgeon Beecher.
The Chenango Union has received the following letter from Assistant Surgeon BEECHER, announcing the death of Col. SMITH. The letter is dated Marine Hospital, New Orleans, June 20th:
" Hoping, though almost against hope, that the report which came down a few days since, that Col. SMITH was mortally wounded, might be incorrect, I have waited to the last possible moment before writing in confirmation of the fact.
" But alas I the evidence is too painfully true. He died at one o'clock Thursday morning last, apparently unconscious of suffering, having previously expressed his willingness to depart, being fully satisfied in his own mind that he could not recover.
" This morning, with a number of deceased officers, his remains were brought down from Port Hudson, and with the Chaplain of the Marine, the
Rev. J. W. WILLIAMS, of the 131st N. Y., who spoke highly in his praise, and knew him well. I have just returned from taking a last view of all that is left of this brave officer and truly good man.
" The body has been placed in the hands of the celebrated undertaker, BOSTHWICK, on Lafayette Street, who has deposited it in a heavy leaden casing, enclosed in a black walnut coffin, with the expectation that it would be sent out on the next steamer, which in the morning sails for New York.
" But considerable change necessarily having taken place, from prudential reasons, it was thought best to retain it for a few days, when, in charge of Lieut. E. P. PELLETT, who has a leave of absence of thirty days for that purpose, it will be taken to the quiet and peaceful resting place of his northern home.
131ST N. Y. VOLS.
Eugene Buffenier, A, killed; Capt. W H. Gorea, E, wounded: 1st Lt R. H Reed, A, killed; Sergt Burns, A, do; C Bremmer, A, do; N Frost, A, do; D Sullivan, A, do; L Welsh, A, do; C Westerford, A, do; Jas. Maguire, B, do: J Ryburg, B, do; Capt. J B Griswold, B, wounded; 1st Lt E. A Hinchmad, B, do; Sgt H Cassimere, B, do; Corp Burns, B, do; E Durif, B, do; G E Sanford, B, do; P Duffy, B, do; Wm Higginson, B, do; D Stevens, B, do; Peter Tie, B, do; 1st Lt J J Plumstead, E, wounded; Sergt Murray, E, do; J Smith, E, do; John Vincent, E, do; A Verner, E, do; J Wilson, E, do; J Zimmerman, E, do; S Edge, F, killed; Sgt H Maine, E, wounded; Sgt Brown, F, do; Corp Winter,
do; P Foley, F, do; Alfred Gregory, F, do; J Doherty, F, do; mark O. Brien, F, do; B Manahan, F, do; 1st Lt Limolat, G, do; 2d Lt Beeck, do; Sgt Kane, G, do; Geo Gibbens, C, killed; Sgt —, Cheshire, C, wounded; 1st Sgt C L Young, C, do; Corp L B Weeks, C, do; Wm Hoffman, C, do; John Henniss, C, do; James Kelly, C, do; Michael McCabe, C, do; Jonn Vruland, C, do; Fred Kumale, D, killed; Louis Briekel, D, wounded; Christian Munster, D, do; Ches Gibson, I, wounded; Dennis Griffin, I, do; Michael Shes, I, do; 2d Lt Arthur Leich, K, do; James Reiley, K, do; John Benson, K, do; Sergt, Abram Howard, G, do; Chas Bogle, G, do, Richard Burke, G, do; John Doran, G, do; Thos Kehoe, G, do; Sergt A Kinke, H, killed; Sergt John H Snededor, H, do; Richard Green, H, wounded; Michael Griffin, H, do; Adam Lickley, I, killed; Sergt Jacob Morse, I, wounded; Corp Samuel D Smith, I, do; John Carter, K, do; Thos Fitzgerald, K, do; Eugene Riley, K, do; Fred Reynolds, K, do; John McGovern, K, do.
Arrival of the One Hundred and Thirty-first New-York—History of the Regiment--Arrival and Departure of the Sixth New Hampshire--Grand Reception To-Day of the Fifty-first, Forty-sixth and One Hundred and Thirty-first New York--Speeches, Dinner and Parades.
The arrivals of discharged and returning troops are again becoming more frequent. During the past week there have not been many regiments passing through the city, but it is understood that several will arrive during the present week.
THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIRST NEW-YORK arrived from Hilton Head yesterday morning, together with a battery belonging to the Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery. The regiment was met by a platoon of police, and by Col. VINCENT COLYER, State Agent, and forthwith escorted to the armory over Centre Market for dinner. The large tables were already laden with an appetizing spread, and the men enjoyed the dinner heartily. While the men were eating passes were issued to them requiring them to report this morning, to take part in the reception which will be accorded them. The regiment numbered 284 men and 21 officers, under command of Col. NICHOLAS W. DAY.
The One Hundred and Thirty-first Regiment New-York Volunteers was raised mostly of city men, by the Metropolitan police during the months of July and August, 1862, and was the first regiment of the Metropolitan Brigade. It started from Riker's Island, N. Y., September 15th, 1862, about 1000 strong, most of the officers hailing from the Seventh Regiment, National Guard. They proceeded to Annapolis, Md., and in November of that year went with the Banks Expedition to Louisiana, and became attached to the famous Nineteenth Army Corps. In the Spring of 1863 it went on the Teche and Port Hudson campaigns, suffering extensively at the seige of Port Hudson. In July, 1864, it left the Department of the Gulf, and Joined Gen. BUTLER at Bermuda Hundred, Va., and shortly after joined Gen SHERIDAN, in the Shenandoah Valley, participating in all his gallant achievements during the Valley campaign, and loosing very heavily at the battle of Winchester, Sept. 19, 1864. January, '65, it went to Savannah, Ga., with Gen. GROVER, and remained there till March, when it went to Morehead City, Newbern, and Goldsboro, N. C, became attached to the (Fort Corps) Tenth Army Corps, and to SHERMAN'S army. In May they went to Augusta, Ga., remained there until the middle of June. Arrived at
Savannah, and were mustered out of service July 26. They have traveled over 10,000 miles by land and water since the organization of the regiment. They are known as the "Fighting Regiment," and have participated in the following battles:
First assault on Port Hudson, La., May 27, 1863.
Second assault on Port Hudson, La., June 10, 1863.
Third assault on Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863.
Cox's Plantation, La., July 14. 1863.
Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864.
Fisher Kill, Va., Sept. 22, 1864.
Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864.
They return from Savannah 254 strong, with the following officers.
Field and Staff.—Colonel, NICHOLAS W. DAY; Lieutenant-Colonel, Wm. M. Rexford; Second Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant; Wm. M. Kinder; Quartermaster, Norman Murray; Surgeon, Wm. P. Buel; Assistant Surgeon, Homer G. Newton; Chaplain, Joseph D. Lane.
Captains—Wm. E. Van Wyck, Company G; Albert Stearns, Company C; J. P. Raymond, Company F; Wm. B. Hunt, Company H; Fred Van Tine, Company I; Thomas Tileston, Company K.
First Lieutenants.—Eugene H. Fales, Company C; John C. Coates, Company H; George E. Abbott, Company K; George E. Pinckney, Company D; James O. Conner, Company I; Robert W. Reid, Company A.
The Seventh New-Hampshire regiment, 342 men, Brevet Brig.-Gen. J. C. ABBOTT, commanding, arrived here by transport Saturday morning from Goldsborough, N. C., and left by the same vessel for New-Haven en route for Concord, N. H., where they will be mustered out. The Seventh was raised by Gen. ABBOTT, by special order of the War Department in 1861, and has been for the past two years in active Service at the front. It led the second assaulting column at Fort Wagner, July 18, 1862; was engaged in the battles of Olustee, Fla., Drury's Bluff, the capture of Fort Fisher, and many other important engagements, and went through all the campaigns in front of Petersburgh and Richmond.
The Fifty-first New-York, Col. WRIGHT commanding; will receive the compliment of a formal reception, both civic and military in its character. The Fourteenth Brooklyn Regiment will parade in honor of the "Shepard Rifles," as also one company of the Eighty-fourth Regiment, and the third company of the Seventh Regiment.
The column will move from Grand-street and the Bowery, marching down Chatham-street, and through the east gate of the Park, up Broadway to Union square, where the veterans will be reviewed by Gen. BURNSIDE and Gen. HOOKER. COL COLYER has been intrusted with the management of providing a suitable collation to the regiment at six o'clock, in front of the Union League Club House. The officers will be received by the members of the club, and a good time generally will be had. Speeches by the friends of the regiment, and a few parting words from Gens. HOOKER and BURNSIDE will be spoken to the men. The following order is published for the information of those concerned.
ORDER NO. 5; The members of this company are hereby ordered to assemble at the Armory on Monday, the 31st inst., in full fatigue uniform (gray trowsers) for the purpose of receiving the Fifty-first Regiment N. Y. S. V., (Shepard Rifles,) Col. JOHN G. WRIGHT, on their return from the war.
Company roll at 2:30 P. M., precisely.
The honorary members and other members of this regiment are respectfully invited to participate with us in the reception, By order of
JOHN W. MURRAY, Captain.
THE FORTY-SIXTH NEW-YORK will parade this morning and be escorted by the Eighth Regiment, Col. VARIAN. The route of march will be the same as that of the Fifty-first. At noon a collation will be served the regiment in front of the Loyal League Club-house and speeches be the order of the day. The Forty-sixth will during the afternoon proceed to Hart's Island for payment.
THE FIRST METROPOLITAN, or One Hundred and Thirty-first New-York, will also parade this morning, and in all probability they will form with the Forty-sixth. A heavy detail of the police will parade in honor of the regiment the department was instrumental in putting into the field. A full battalion will turn out, in their handsome Summer uniforms, consisting of 600 men. The One Hundred and Thirty-first will also be regaled with a collation in Union-square at noon, Bands will be liberally furnished these gallant regiments, and everything is expected to go "as merry as a marriage bell."
N. Y. Times, July 31, 1865.