125th Infantry Regiment
Mustered in: August 29, 1862
Mustered out: June 5, 1865
The following is taken from New York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. Frederick Phisterer. Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1912.
Colonel John A. Griswold was authorized, July 28, 1862, to raise this regiment in Rensselaer county; on his resignation, Col. George L. Willard succeeded him August 15, 1862; the regiment was organized at Troy and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years August 27-29, 1862. The men not entitled to be mustered out with the regiment were, June 5, 1865, transferred to the 4th Artillery.
The companies were recruited principally: A at Hoosick Falls; B, D and H at Troy; C at Lansingburg, Troy, Sandlake, Pittstown and Schaghticoke; E at Sandlake, Stephentown, Nassau and Hoag's Corner; F at Troy and Poestenkill; G and I at Troy and New York City, and K at Schaghticoke and Troy.
The regiment left the State August 31, 1862; it served in the 2d Brigade, from September, 1862, at Harper's Ferry, W. Va., where it was surrendered; at Camp Douglas, Chicago, Ill., from September 27, 1862; in the defenses of Washington, in 1st Brigade, Casey's Division, and later 22d Corps, from December, 1862; in the 3d Brigade of the same, from January, 1863; in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Corps, from June, 1863; in the 3d, for a time in the Consolidated, Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, from April, 1864; and, commanded by Col. Joseph Hyde, it was honorably discharged and mustered out June 5, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.
During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 7 officers, 70 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 8 officers, 42 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 115 enlisted men; total, 16 officers, 227 enlisted men; aggregate, 243; of whom 3 officers, 61 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy.
The following is taken from The Union army: a history of military affairs in the loyal states, 1861-65 -- records of the regiments in the Union army -- cyclopedia of battles -- memoirs of commanders and soldiers. Madison, WI: Federal Pub. Co., 1908. volume II.
One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Infantry.—Cols., George L. Wil-lard, Levin Crandell, Joseph Hyde; Lieut.-Cols., Levin Crandell, Aaron B. Myer, Joseph Hyde; Majs., James C. Bush, Aaron B. Myer, Samuel C. Armstrong, Joseph Hyde, Joseph Egolf, Nelson Penfield, William H. H. Brainard. This regiment, recruited in the county of Rensselaer, was organized at Troy, and there mustered into the U. S. service on Aug. 27-29, 1862, for three years. Two days later it left for Harper's Ferry, where it was captured on Sept. 15, at the surrender of that post. The regiment was immediately paroled and was stationed at a paroled camp at Chicago, 111., for two. months, when the men were declared exchanged and returned to Virginia in December. It was encamped at Centerville during the winter and in the spring of 1863 was attached to Gen. Hays' brigade. In June, 1863, the brigade joined the 3d division, 2nd corps, then marching to Gettysburg, Gen. Hays taking command. of the division. At the battle of Gettysburg Col. Willard was killed while in command of the brigade and the loss of the regiment amounted to 26 killed, 104 wounded and 9 missing. It distinguished itself at Bristoe Station in October, both officers and men fighting with dash and extreme gallantry. Its loss in this action was 36 killed, wounded and missing. It was also present at the action of Mitchell's ford, and took part in the Mine Run campaign, with a loss of 41 men. Upon the reorganization of the Army of the Potomac in April, 1864, it was transferred to Barlow's (1st) division, to which it was attached during the remainder of its service. It lost 28 in killed, wounded and missing at the battle of the Wilderness, where Lieut-Col. Myer fell mortally wounded. At the Po river and Spottsylvania its loss was 10 killed, 74 wounded and 6 missing, while further severe losses were sustained at the North Anna, Cold Harbor, and the battles around Petersburg, where its losses aggregated 85 killed, wounded and missing. Recrossing the James it fought at Deep Bottom and Strawberry Plains, and upon returning to the lines around Petersburg it was engaged in the disaster at Reams' station, losing 9 wounded and 13 captured. It was present at Hatcher's run in December, but without loss. Its veteran ranks had been sadly decimated by its hard service and when the final campaign of 1865 opened it could report only 12 officers and 219 men "present for duty," although it still carried 547 names on its rolls. In this campaign the regiment participated in the final assault on Petersburg and the engagements of Deatonsville road, High bridge and Farmville, where it fought its last battle. The loss during the campaign was 32 killed, wounded and missing. The total enrollment of the regiment during service was 1,248, of whom 15 officers and 112 enlisted men were killed and mortally wounded, or 10.1 per cent.; 1 officer and 115 men died of disease and other causes; 3 officers and 61 men died in Confederate prisons; 464 officers and men were killed and wounded. It was mustered out near Alexandria, Va., under Col. Hyde, June 5, 1865, having gloriously earned its title as a fighting regiment.

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NYSMM Online Resources
Battles and Casualties from Phisterer (pdf)
Battles and Casualties from Phisterer (spreadsheet)