102nd New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
The following members of the 102d regiment, (Von Beck Rifles,) are reported wounded:—Serg't Levi S. Deits, of Hurley, in back; Serg't John Rosa, of Marbletown, in breast; Pat. Fearing, of Rondout, in back; Jerry Sullivan, of Hurley Woods, in hand.
The One Hundred and Second Regiment Veteran Volunteers—A Card From Col. Van Buren.
To the Editor of the New-York Times:
The One Hundred and Second Regiment Veteran Volunteers reached here on Sunday afternoon from Chattanooga, where they led the advance in the storming of Lookout Mountain and Ringgold.
Everywhere on the route the reputation of the regiment secured the men warm greetings and kind attentions. On reaching New-York, however, they marched in silence to the Park Barracks, and neither the Corporation, nor citizens, nor the militia, can be induced to give them a reception of any description.
Personal applications have been made to portions of the militia, but not even a company can be persuaded to turn out, although it was offered to defray all the expenses of the music.
An effort has been made to raise a small fund to provide a collation for the regiment, but aside from the writer and an eminent merchant, distinguished for his liberality and patriotism, not one of the fifty bankers and merchants applied to would subscribe a cent. This treatment disheartens and exasperates the men and is doing more to prevent enlisting in New-York than any other one cause. Soldiers can encourage or discourage recruiting more than any other class of men. If motives of patriotism will not induce the citizens of New-York to treat their returning veterans differently, self-interest should.
It is determined by the officers to parade the regiment, independent of all assistance, hoping to meet some citizens in the street whose patriotism is not bounded by the horizon of their pockets.
Colonel 102d N. Y. V.
The One Hundred and Second New-York Volunteers.
The friends of this regiment will be glad to learn that they have, as usual, nobly done their p a r t in the grand movement of SHERMAN'S army upon Atlanta. They participated in the battles of Rocky-faced Ridge, May 7; Resaca, May 16; and of Dallas, May 25. On the morning of May 15, the One Hundred and Second New-York and One Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania Regiments, forming a forlorn hope, were ordered to charge up a hill occupied by the enemy, and capture a battery that was interfering with the movements of our forces. The One Hundred and Second New-York, led by their gallant Colonel, JAMES C. LANE, marched up the hill in line of battle as steadily and in as straight a line as if on a dress parade, although all the way under a severe fire from the enemy. Immediately in front of the battery were rifle pits, occupied by a strong force; but after a severe fight, the enemy were driven out, and the battery, consisting of four guns, captured and sent into our lines. This brilliant operation was considered so hazardous, that officers high in rank who saw it commenced, expected both regiments would be annihilated. After its successful completion, Gen. HOOKER, the Corps Commander, personally complimented Col. LANE and his brave command for the splendid manner in which they had executed the work.
at the battle of Dallas this regiment was in the ex-….
....tors are Admiral DAVIS, U. S. N.; Gen. J. G. BARNARD and Gen. WILLIAM F. BARRY, U. S.A.; Capt. E. C. BOYNTON, Adjutant of West Point Military Academy, &c. The plan of the work includes the discussion of the entire range of war topics, both practical and theoretical, and also the preservation of official intelligence connected with both services. Among the articles that compose the present number, there is scarcely one unworthy of special regard, coming, as they do, from sources that are entitled....
Honors to the One Hundred and Second Regiment.
Yesterday afternoon the grand public reception to this regiment took place at the rooms of the Republican Committee, corner of Broadway and Twenty-third-street.
The room was beautifully decorated with flowers, flags and evergreens. At the south end was a raised platform, behind which the wall was ornamented with flags, and in the centre the portrait of President Lincoln.
A few moments past 3, Lieut.-Col. AVERY, of the One Hundred and Second, who lost his leg at Cedar Mountain, came in on crutches, and was greeted with great applause and enthusiasm; he was conducted to his, seat on the platform by Col. T. B. Van Buren, the first Colonel of the regiment.
About 3 1/2 o'clock, the regiment, 200 strong, marched into the room and were seated around the tables, on which a most bounteous repast had been placed, and to which they done full justice.
Col. Van Buren introduced Maj.-Gen. BURNSIDE, who was enthusiastically received, and who, in turn, introduced Mr. GEO. BANCROFT, the Chairman of the meeting, who met a hearty welcome. Mr. BANCROFT made a speech of some length, speaking of the glorious deeds the regiment had performed at Cedar Mountain, Chancellorsville, Antietam, Lookout Mountain, &c., &c.
Col. VAN BUREN, in response, made some very happy remarks speaking in the highest terms of the regiment he had organized, commanded, and which bore his name, and thanking the ladies for the splendid reception given, and kindness shown them.
Maj. Gen. Burnside made a short, but most excellent and impressive speech, stating the high appreciation in which the soldiers held the many favors and kindnesses bestowed upon them; that they did not feel at all discontented or dissatisfied, but, on the contrary, satisfied and happy. His speech was received with deafening applause.
Mrs. Nevine, who on many a field and in many a hospital, has enlivened the soldiers with her songs and words of cheerfulness, sang two songs, which were most cordially received.
Mr. David Dudley Field, Mr. CHOATE and others made appropriate speeches.
The toasts of "The President," "The President of the United States," "The Ladies of New-York," "John C. Fremont," "White Star Division" and others were received with great warmth.
Mrs. Frederick Rackemann, who in one day secured the assistance of other ladies, such as Mrs. E. Bridgham, Mrs. Henry D. Sedwick, Mrs. John Hopper, Mrs. H. W. BELLOWS, Mrs. D. D. FIELD, ELIZABETH L. SMITH, and HENRIETTA B. HAINES, and provided so really sumptuous and elegant an entertainment, deserve the thanks of all citizens and patriots, and proves beyond question that when the City Government and our male citizens forget their duty toward our brave defenders, the loyal ladies are ready, willing and c a b l e of sustaining the honor of the City. All honor to them.
The Messrs. Chickering kindly furnished the piano for the occasion, which was sent while the dinner was being engaged and on a few moments' notice that it was needed.
The ladies, some two hundred in number, waited on their guests and thus rendered more appetizing the substantials and delicacies provided for them.
The hardy soldiers seemed fully to appreciate all the kindness and attention, and sought in their demeanor to gallantly reciprocate them. When the toast" The Ladies of New-York,'' was given, they sprang to their feet and accepted it with cheers stentorian and prolonged. The assemblage broke up at 5 1/2 P. M., and can be chronicled as the most gratifying, encouraging, and the pleasantest that our veterans have formed part and parcel of.
Regiments to Arrive.
Among the many volunteer regiments soon expected to arrive are the One Hundred and Second New-York, Ninety-fourth New-York, Sixty-fifth New-York, One Hundred and Sixty-ninth New-York and the Fifty-first New-York. All of these commands, except the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth, are city regiments. We append histories of three of them.
THE ONE HUNDRED AND SECOND NEW-YORK was organized in this city in the latter part of 1861, and left the city over 1,000 strong, under command of Col. T. B. Van BUREN.
On arriving at the seat of war the regiment was attached to the command of Gen. MCDOWELL, and after the ordeal of severe but necessary discipline, under Lieut.-Col. HAYWARD, was transferred to the corps of Gen. BANKS, in 1862, then operating in the Shenandoah Valley against "Stonewall" JACKSON. Here the regiment served with marked distinction, participating in the engagements at Harper's Ferry, Bolivar Heights and Winchester, and afterwards under Gen. POPE in the battles of Cedar Mountain, and Sulphur Springs and Chantilly.
After the retreat of Gen. POPE, the regiment was attached to the Second Division of the Twelfth Corps, commanded by Gen. JOHN W. GEARY—Known as the White Star Division—and participated in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam.
For some few weeks subsequently the regiment was encamped on Loudon Heights and at Bolivar, taking part in several reconnoissances. On the 9th of December, 1862, the whole command was ordered forward to the support of BURNSIDE, in the campaign against Fredericksburgh. They reached Dumfries on the 14th, and back to Fairfax on the 19th; thence to Stafford Court-house, Feb. 20, and finally to Aquia Creek. Remained at this last place until the 26th of April. Marched thence to take active part in the battles of 1st, 2d and 3d of May at Chancellorsvine, where the One Hundred and Second and Sixtieth New-York were particularly distinguished. On the 12th June, commenced the laborious and wearisome march, which culminated so gloriously at Gettysburgh, July 1-5, 1863. At Gettysburgh Captain JOHN MEADE and Adjutant J. V. Upham, two of the ablest officers of the One Hundred and Second, were killed.
Adjt. UPHAM was originally First Lieutenant Company C, Seventy-eighth New-York, but was rendered supernumerary by consolidation, and went to the seat of war as First Sergeant Company K, One Hundred and Second.
The regiment passed through Frederick City on the 7th, crossed the Potomac on the 18th, reaching Ellis Ford about the 30th, when it went into camp. On the 5th September the regiment moved to Racoon Ford, on the Rapidan, remaining until the 25th, when orders were issued and immediate preparations made for going West, and on the 27th the transfer to a new field commenced.
It will be remembered that the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps went west under command of Maj.-Gen. JOSEPH HOOKER, now commanding the Department of the East.
On the 28th of October occurred t h e battle of Wauhatchie, in which the division was particularly distinguished. Gen. THOMAS used the following words in speaking of this affair:
" The repulse by Gen. Geary's command, of greatly superior numbers, who attempted to surprise him, will rank among the most distinguished feats of this war."
In this action Gen. GREENE was wounded, and Col. DAVID IRELAND, of the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh New-York, commanded the brigade up to the fall of Atlanta. On the 24th of November took place the memorable battle of Lookout Mountain, or "HOOKER's battle among the clouds." The One Hundred and Second Regiment occupied the advance line. Lieut.-Col. E. AVERY lost a leg, and Major G. M. ELLIOTT was mortally wounded.
On the 25th occurred the action of Mission Ridge, and on the 27th the battle of Ringgold. This last, begun on our side without artillery, was, while it lasted, sharp and terrific. In this action Capt. CHAS. T. GREENE, A. A. G., son of Gen. GREENE, had his leg shot off by a cannon shot, which instantly killed his horse. On the 3d of December the order, of which the following is an extract, was received by the regiment from Gen. GEARY:
" With heartfelt pride he reverts to their prowess in the assaults which made them the heroes of Lookout Mountain, on the 24th; and to their gallant conduct upon Missionary Ridge, on the 25th; Ravine Creek on the 26th; and Ringgold on the 27th. The conquest of Lookout Mountain will, associated with the emblematic ‘white star’ of the conquerors, stand out as prominently in history as do the bristling cliffs of that Titanic eminence upon the horizon."
On the 31st of December, 1863, the regiment reenlisted, and received the usual veteran furlough of thirty days, arriving in New-York on the 24th of January, 1864. On the 3d of March the regiment left again for the front, arriving at Stevenson, Alabama, on the 12th. Here it remained until the 30th of April, when the grand forward movement, of SHERMAN'S army commenced. The history of that movement is the history of the One Hundred and Second. Fighting, marching, skirmishing; marching, skirmishing and fighting. Thus were fought the battles of Mill Creek Gap, Rocky Ridge, Ressaca, New Hope Church, Pine Mountain, Muddy Creek, Noce's Creek, Kolb's Farm, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree Creek, Atlanta and Savannah.
Gen, GEARY, in alluding to these and former engagements, says:
" These, and the labors, exposures and dangers of the Carolina and Georgia campaigns are lettered on your banners, while the part you have bravely borne in scores of actions—small of note in this war, but equal to battles in other days—is attested by hundreds of scars on your own persons and the remembrance of our heroic dead. * * * Your country has been saved, and yours is no small share in the glorious right to be proud of the result. * * * It may safely be asserted that no organization in any army has a prouder record, or has passed through more arduous, varied and bloody campaigns.
On the 12th July, 1864, the Seventy-eighth New-York was consolidated with the One Hundred and Second, and officers absent from wounds and supernumerary, ordered to be mustered out. Since the cessation of hostilities other regiments have been consolidated with it, so that they now number about 600 men. These are commanded by Cot H. J. CHATFIELD, a son of Hon. LEVI S. CHATFIELD, of this city.
As the One Hundred and Second is the only regiment from this city now in service that has been with Gen. SHERMAN throughout his historical march, it is expected that a warm reception will be given the veteran heroes on their arrival home. The only original officers now with the regiment are Lieut. WILBUR, now Major, who has been absent on staff duty most of the time, and Lieut. HOLLAND, now Quartermaster. Nearly all the present officers have been promoted from the ranks.
Field and Staff.—Harvey S. Chatfield, Colonel; Oscar J. Spaulding, Lieutenant-Colonel; Robert H. Wilbur, Major; Charles H. Burbeck, Surgeon; Edwin P. Failing, Assistant Surgeon; Charles C. Wheeler, Quartermaster;
John W. Francisco, Adjutant.
Company Officers—Irvin Carman, First Lieutenant Company A; P. P. Peck, First Lieutenant Company B; H. M. Maguire, Captain Company C; T. D. Cornell, Captain Company D; George A. Wallace, Second Lieutenant Company D; Wm. W, Griffin, Captain Company E; Thomas Parker, First Lieutenant Company E; Lewis O. Conklin, Second Lieutenant Company E; Robert B. Hathaway, Captain Company F; James Tracy, First Lieutenant Company F; Isaac Van Steenburgh; Captain Company G; Alexander Hunt, Second Lieutenant Company G; Eugene Schilling, Captain Company H; John R. Elliott, Captain Company I; Joseph Richardson, First Lieutenant Company I; Joseph L. Bencher, Second Lieutenant Company I; Thatcher W. Root, Captain Company K; Frederick Webber, 1st Lieutenant Company J; Wm. H. Ashwin, Second Lieutenant Company K.
The exhibition of Colonel Grant's light was continued last night at Weehawken, New Jersey, and proved a decided success. In connection with the light there was a trial of off-hand sharpshooting, the result of which somewhat astonished the spectators. A target was placed at a distance of four hundred feet, and the rays of the light thrown full upon it, leaving the marksmen in total darkness, and, therefore, in comparative safety. At the above distance Lieutenant Southwell of Company B, Berdan's Sharpshooters, drove a ball directly through the bull's eye without using anything in the shape of a rest. Captain Bertrand, of Company A of the Calcium regiment did nearly as well, and several others proved themselves unerring shots. The grand combined exhibition will take place to-night at Weehawken Heights, New Jersey.
Colonel Grant is about to proceed to Washington to obtain the necessary apparatus for an exhibition on a grand scale of the principles of his organization of Calcium Light Sharpshooters. The exhibition will be given on the outskirts of Williamsburg, and will embrace all the details of the apparatus, when in a .... service with a masked battery or fort, and rifle pits.
Col. Grant, from present indications, promises to have soon in the field a regiment equaling in character and the soldierly stamina of the men any of the regiments now on the line of the Potomac. Companies are forwarded as fast as uniformed, and at once are made familiar with the use of the calcium light by target practice. He has been specially deputed by the War Department to raise his regiment, and is taking a just pride in its thorough and efficient organization. The regiment is intended for immediate and special service in Virginia.
The head-quarters of the regiment is at No. 400 Broome street, and present encampment at Williamsburg.
This is a first class regiment, organized strictly as light infantry. The officers are gentlemen of experience and military ability, who have returned from the field for the express purpose of organizing this regiment, and making it second to none that has left or will leave for the seat of war It is recognized and accepted by the Governor, and is under the auspices of a well-tried soldier and gentleman, the Hon. Thomas B. Van Buren, Paymaster General of the State of New York, to whom the colonelcy has been tendered. It is being rapidly filled up with good, able-bodied, intelligent men. There are a few vacancies in the line for experienced officers, with full or parts of companies. The head-quarters are at 482 Broadway, where any information may be obtained of Lieut.-Col. McLean, or Major James A. Stevenson.
We learn from Captain W. T. Forbes, who is an Inspector General on the Staff of General Geary, that the 102nd Regt. N. Y. S. Vols. has re-enlisted as Veterans, and are soon to return on a short furlough. This Regiment is one of the noblest in the service. In less than two years it has fought ten battles, among which are the historic names of Cedar Mountain, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburgh, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Ringgold. At Lookout Mountain they were posted upon the extreme right of Hooker's first line-of-battle, and nobly did they sustain the high reputation in which they are held by their commanding General. In this action their Major, Gilbert M. Elliot, was killed, and their Lieut.-Col., Avery, had his leg shattered, so that amputation at the thigh joint was necessary. Little Yates has had representatives in this Regiment, and we trust they will be received with that cordiality due to our brave and patriotic soldiers.
AIR.—"Old Jeff tries to run the blockade."
All you that do want for to hear a good song,
I pray give attention, I wont keep you long;
While I sing of a Regiment so gallant and brave,
As ever went to battle, the Union to save.
CORUS—Too ral ri, too ral ri, too ra la de.
The Regiment I speak of is the One Hundred and Two,
Who planted in Virginia, the Red, White and Blue;
And at Slaughter Mountain caused thousands to fall,
Oh! these are the boys that have conquered Stonewall.
And at Antietam I'm sure your aware,
When General Lee saw them, Oh! how he did stare;
He says: "My friend Jurkram, now what can we do?
Don't you see they're advancing? the One Hundred and Two."
But when our Regiment got orders to fire at will,
It's then you'd see Gray Backs skedaddle up hill;
We drove them through woods, and corn-fields a few,
The gallant and fearless One Hundred and Two.
Though balls flew around us as thick as the rain,
Yet we were led on by our brave Col. Lane.
He acted most nobly—was plain to be seen,
Admitted by all, even Gen. Green.
Another I'll mention who proved himself there,
Was our daring young Adjutant, Wm. Lestare;
He won laurels there like a great many more,
Who I hope yet to see in command of a corps.
As for Sergt. Cooper of Company I,
That day done his best—there is none to deny;
Saying: "Come ahead boys, now steady advance,
We shall capture old Jackson, if there's any chance."
Now this was the day that our leaders done well,
But regretted by all was the death of Cornell;
A Captain so noble, so gallant and true,
That died while defending the Red, White and Blue.
Now the rebels are coming but what if they are,
We'll give them a lesson for commencing this war;
For we'll fight for the Union while we have a man—
Didn't we thresh them out of "My Maryland?"
And at Gettysburg City a short time ago,
Where Ewell, he thought for to cut a great show;
But we drove him pell-mell, though our numbers were few,
The brave and courageous One Hundred and Two.
So now to conclude and to finish my song,
I hope you'll excuse me if I keep you too long;
My name is Bill Macauley of Company I,
And to restore the old Union will conquer or die.
....treme front during the whole fight, and acquitted itself nobly. New-York may justly be proud of the record made in blood by this regiment. The following is a list of the casualties in the One Hundred and Second New-York up to June 2;
Corp Thos Highland, B. John Brophy, B.
Jos. Bowden, B
Abram Lincoln, I—hand.
Sergt Thos S Mahan, C--arm amputated.
John W Albin, H--hand.
Christopher Cruger, H--arm.
Jas H Van Tassel, E—hand.
1st Sergt Nells Christensen B—hand and side.
Ord Sergt Hermann Wesenmuller, D—arm.
This Scantleberry, K—arm;
Robt Benjamin, B—hand.
Corp Chs Steylesale, B—chin and breast.
Archibald Henderson, Co. E Adam Y. Stokes, Co B.
David L. Crosby, Co B.
D Cunningham, A—stomach. Sgt D Shannon, I—head.
E M Heaton, A—hand & arm. Corp R Downs, I—hand.
George Golden, A—hand.
Sgt S D James, C--head.
Charles Reilly, C--arm.
Densil M Gould, B - leg.
Wm Moran, E—arm.
Sgt M Whitbeck, C--head.
Enos Chapin, I—arm.
John Hopkins, I--side.
Corp Edwd Lyons, I--hand.
1st Sgt J Richardson, K--arm.
Corp Geo Harrison, K--leg.
J Brown, K--leg amputated.
1st Sgt W H Nevins, G-- John Colwell, A--since May
since May 25, '64. 25, '64.
L Smith, B--since May 28, '64.
Killed, 3; wounded, 36; missing, 3. Total, 22.
The trial of Professor Grant's calcium light, that was to have taken place on Monday night at Weehawken Heights, New Jersey, was postponed until to-morrow night, in consequence of an accident that happened to one of the cylinders. A short trial was made with the rockets, which proved their utility. To-morrow night a combined trial of the light and rockets will take place, and no doubt a large number will be there to witness it.
....trous campaign on the Peninsula of Virginia, he believed the time had come when duty called him to a practical, steadfast and resolute application of his views. He therefore offered his services to Gov. Morgan, received a colonel's commission, and soon a regiment in the Congressional in which he resided. He devoted himself at once, with conscientious fidelity, to its care, to its interests and its morale. If the intricacies of red tape delayed or prevented any of the supplies necessary to the comfort and efficiency of his men, he obviated them at once by a generous use of his private means. He determined to be the leader not the follower of his men. Therefore, it became necessary to secure the confidence of his men. This, by the kindness of his heart, the dignity of his manner, the strictness of his discipline, united to an active sympathy with all their reasonable wants and wishes, was effectually secured. It was manifested in camps and barrack. It was demonstrated on the fatal field which terminated his earthly career. When his lifeless body, pierced through the heart by a bullet, fell forward toward the foe, more than a score of his brave men fell wounded near him, and two others were subsequently shot dead and three wounded in the attempt to rescue it from the bloody .... of battle which lay between the contending hosts.
A circumstance illustrating the turpitude of his rebel enemies may here be mentioned. At the battle of Spottsylvania, while his regiment, during a lull in the attack, was holding a certain position, several bullets passed near Col. Porter, which seem to have been aimed at him by some concealed foe. Soon one ....