Battery H, 1st Artillery Regiment (Light) - Civil War Newspaper Clippings

COMPLIMENT TO CAPT. MINK - The Cav laier, a neat little journal published at Yorktown, Va., has the following ac-count of a presentation to Capt. Mink, of the 1st N.Y. Artillery, a Company of which was enlisted in Lewis Co. After this, Col. Smith called on Cap- tain C.E. Mink, of Battery H; 1st N. Y. Artillery, to step forward. He, not knowing what was wanted, but anticipa-ting that it might be for a speech, and being entirely unprepared, showed great reluctance and some embarrassment.— When he had approached the field offi-cers of the regiment, Lieut. Col.Wick-ersham drew from beneath his coat a su-perb sword, and in behalf of the regi-ment presented it to him, with a very few eloquent and appropriate remarks. The brave soldier of many battles was for the first time since entering the service taken by surprise, and was completely over-come by his emotion. His looks ex-pressed more forcibly than language co'd have done, his high appreciation of the noble testimonial of regard and confi-dence."
Capt. Chas. E. Mink, mentioned a-bove, is an Albanian, and was formerly an engineer, on one of our river boats, but more recently engaged at Lyons' Falls, N.Y., (Black River country,) in the same capacity, where he resided on the breaking out of the rebellion. He was among the first to offer his services to his country, and received a commis-sion as Lieutenant in the 1st 1st N. Y. Ar-tillery, and has since been promoted to the Captaincy of Battery H., of the same regiment, for gallant services in the field. The high compliment just paid him shows the good feeling between him and his fellow soldiers, and their esteem for him as an officer, as it will also please his many friends here and elsewhere.

We have received a copy of a paper entitled "The Cavalier," a neatly printed sheet which is published at Yorktown, Va. In it we find the following paragraph :
"SWORD PRESENTATIONS.—On Monday of last week, the officers and soldiers of the 169th Regiment Penn. Infantry, presented their Col., L. H. Smith, with a splendid sword. By special invitation, Battery H, 1st N. Y. Artillery and Battery D, 1st Pa. Artillery, were present at the parade and review of the regiment, and took positions one on each flank. At the conclusion of the parade, the regiment and batteries were formed in a square, and Major Wm. Smyth, in behalf of the regiment, made the presentation in a neat and appropriate speech. Col. Smith responded very happily. "
After this, Col. Smith called on Captain C. E. Mink, of Battery H, 1st N.Y. Artillery, to step forward. He, not knowing what was wanted, but anticipating that it might be for a speech, and being entirely unprepared, showed great reluctance and some embarrassment. When he had approached the field officers of the regiment, Lt. Col. Wickersham drew from beneath his coat a superb sword, and in behalf of the regiment presented it to him with a few very eloquent and appropriate remarks. The brave soldier of many battles was for the first time since entering the service taken by surprise, and was completely overcome by his emotion. His looks expressed, more forcibly than language would have done, his high appreciation of the noble testimonial of regard and confidence."
Capt. Chas. E. Mink, mentioned above, is an Albanian, and was formerly an engineer on one o£ our river boats, but more recently engaged at Lyons' Falls, N. Y. (Black River country), in the same capacity, where he resided on the breaking out of the rebellion. He was among the first to offer his services to his country, and received a commission as Lieutenant in the 1st N.Y. Artillery, and has since been promoted to the Captaincy of Battery H, of the same regiment for gallant services in the field. The high compliment just paid him shows the good feeling between him and his fellow soldiers, and their esteem for him as an officer, as it will also please his many friends here and elsewhere.

Battery “H” 1st N. Y. Artillery
In which are the boys from this County, is now at Gloucester Point, opposite Yorktown, Va. As Capt. Spratt is yet unable to resume the command of it. Lieut. Chas. E. Mink is commander.

Personnel- 1st. Lieut. D. F. RITCHIE, of this city, is in command of battery H. First N.Y. artillery, his Captain, CHARLES E.MINK, having been wounded. The battery is attached to the Fifth corps, and has done good service. Lieut. RITCHIE had a horse shot under him a few days ago.

...ant Soldier Lad.
WASHINGTON, D.C., Saturday, Aug. 1,1863. To the Editor of the New-York Times:
Will you allow me space in your valuable journal to record the loss by death of one of our noble soldiers, a native of England, LEWIS H. RUTDGE, Co. H, First N. Y. V. artillery, who died at Armory-square Hospital, from injuries received by falling from the cars, when under orders to proceed to Frederick. His loss is deeply deplored by the whole company, to whom he had endeared himself by his bravery, his strict integrity, honor and amiability of temper. Although young in years, he had endured, since entering the service, hardships and privations which older heads dreaded to encounter. His comrades, as a memento of their brotherly regard and grief at his loss, have placed over his remains, at the "Soldiers' Home," a marble monument, inscribed:
Died July 17, 1863 ; Aged 23. " One of our country's bravest men, Beneath this marble sleeps."
Should any of his friends read this they may be solaced by the thought, that Mr. and Mrs. HUGHES, residents of Washington, were in constant attendance upon him to the last. They had only to see him ere they loved him. The Surgeon in charge, Dr. BLISS, was assiduous in his attentions to him, and felt an especial interest in the poor sufferer, by his patience, cheerfulness and courage under the necessary amputations. The Assistant Surgeons and nurses were alike attentive, as also his companion in arms, S. B. TOWNSEND, who recognized him when carried into the ward, and carefully watched for three days and nights by the bedside of the dying young soldier, although himself an invalid. I must add, I never in my life witnessed more sympathy and interest for any sufferer, than was shown to this brave boy, by all who saw and knew the terrible nature of the wounds, and the resignation and fortitude of our young friend. His commander, Capt. MINK, mourns him as a beloved brother for he knew and esteemed him and acknowledges the loss of a brave and faithful soldier. His come him home at the expiration of his service, the one had been separated from the others upwards of eight years. Alas! how soon has the future been darkened by death, when only a few weeks since all was brightness and joy at the thought that their future years would be solaced and supported by his presence and help. Not one complaint of any kind did he utter, although he was severely injured internally, as well as in his upper and lower limbs, in his body, in his head and face, and in this state lay for several hours until picked up by the guard. He endured amputation of both legs without one word or groan, his only anxiety being for his mother and sisters, and the fear of being reported a deserter, as inthe darkness of the night he was not missed until his company reached Frederick, and he supposed they would be unable to account for his absence. Such is the melancholy death of this noble and promising youth who, in the seven days' fight, before surrendering his guns when overpowered by the enemy, took his comrade, Sergt. GILBERT, and in the face of the enemy, spiked every gun before leaving. Gen. McCLELLAN, noticing the act, complimented them as the "two bravest men in the whole army."
Several friends of the brave and faithful soldier, Corporal L.H. RUTDGZ, who lost his life under most melancholy circumstances at Washington July 17, de-sire to offer their sympathy and condolence to his afflicted mother and sisters under their sad bereavement. It is therefore hoped that all who esteem a noble and faithful soldier will endeavor to alleviate the loss he is to his family as much as possible, and will aid in carrying out the plans which this noble boy had projected for the benefit of his widowed mother.
Any subscription may be forwarded to the office of the St. George's Society, No. 40 Exchange-place, New York.

Camp Topics.—Prospects.
CAMP BARRY, D. C., Oct 3, 1863.
To the editor of the Utica Morning Herald: Government does not intend that Rosecrans shall remain long on the defensive. Reinforcements are rapidly going westward. Gen. Joe. Hooker, it is said, is to command the troops recently sent from here to the west, comprising parts of the 11th and 12th corps of the Potomac army. Other portions of Meade's army are being sent to other quarters, perhaps to strengthen Gillmore. These heavy detentions from the Army in Virginia might cause serious disasters were it not that Lee's army has been correspondingly weakened by reinforcements sent from it to Charleston, to Bragg, and elsewhere. Our army is probably now of equal strength, numerically with Lee's, and is able to hold its ground against it. Neither is in condition to assume the offensive, and for the present there will probably be no fighting between Meade and Lee. Many are crying out impatiently for the capture of Richmond. But it may well be questioned whether this is the most important object to be attained at the present juncture. Is it not possible that the vital point of this rebellion lies at or very near the insignificant hamlet of Chattanooga? Jeff Davis can risk his capitol to defend it. He sends his veterans against Rosecrans, taking them as it were from the very defenses of Richmond.
We cannot afford to have the Army of the Cumberland defeated. Not though by such a sacrifice we should gain the rebel capitol. If, however, Rosecrans can be sufficiently reinforced to enable him to push Bragg backward and gain possession of Atlanta, thus severing the Confederacy in halves, we may well afford to let Meade and Lee lie idle be-fore the gates of their respective strongholds for a few months.
The military situation at this moment is a peculiar one. The rebel government in checking Rosecrans did the only thing feasible for it to do. By it they gain a few months more of miserable existence, although the rebel cause is weakened by this spasmodic effort. It may be questioned why Rosecrans was not reinforced before instead of after his defeat. Perhaps it was impossible to do so, or maybe he was considered strong enough. It is easier to pro-pose than provide reinforcements, for our army is much smaller and weaker than many shrewd civil tacticians imagine. We are, in fact, very nearly at a stand still. Our army in Virginia may just now be regarded as little else than a grand Corps of Observation, watching the movements of Lee, who is ready at any moment to fall back behind the fortifications of Richmond, where it would only defend itself against a much larger force than Meade has now at his command. As far as the armies in the field are concerned, the rebels very nearly match us in strength. Rosecrans is doubtless ere this full as strong as Bragg, and may be able to outwit him.— But suppose Jeff. Davis should suddenly take it into his wily head that Washington would be a nice prize, even if it cost the sacrifice of Atlanta and Macon to attain it—what then? Can Washington be successfully besieged by all the troops Jeff. Davis is able to concentrate against it? Here, in my opinion, lies the only possibility of danger. It is hardly probable though that the rebels will make a demonstration against Washington, unless they gain a decided advantage in the West, which is a most doubtful contingency.
I hardly think there will be any active operations in this department for several months. The army has yet received but comparatively few reinforcements from the draft, although owing to the great bounties now paid for enlistments the recruiting service is quite brisk in some localities. Men get from two to six hundred dollars in bounties in some of the States. A few men in this camp who enlisted in New Jersey a few days ago received over seven hundred dollars apiece.

The spirit of John Brown is certainly "marching on." A few days since a boy came into camp to get permission to sell books, pictures, etc., to the soldiers. On looking over his stock I was pleased to discover a number of fine lithographs of Lewis Ransom's painting of John Brown going to execution, now on exhibition at Goupiel's, New York. This picture already begins to possess historical interest. The lithograph found many purchasers among the soldiers, among whom, the name and history of John Brown and the songs written about him are wonderfully familiar.

But little is heard of this General, lately. Some trifling excitement was gotten up recently over the subscription list which McClellans's friends have been circulating through the army. But the whole thing was such a transparent political humbug that it has fallen harmless to the ground. It has been met almost universally with stunning rebuffs, except in some instances, where the motive was so well concealed as to deceive the unsuspecting. No doubt we shall next have a committee of ''Plug Uglies" soliciting ten cents apiece from the admiring friends of Fitz John Porter. Such demonstrations are an insult to all true men, but it comes from a source too vile for notice.

Preparations are being made for the voting of the Ohio soldiers. This is a privilege denied to the soldiers of New York, and well do they appreciate the fact. Of course the Governor of said State has to bear all the slurs, all the blame, and all the curses It is a very good thing for the Copperheads that they put down the bill allowing soldiers to vote, for the great majority of the men are decidedly opposed to all secession sympathizers, whether in the form of open rebels or concealed under the guise of Seymourites. It is a great pity the soldiers of New York State are not allowed equal privileges with those from other parts of the Union.

If all the ludicrous occurrences of camp life were recorded, they would make a more laughable book than ever Burton compiled. One of the most comical incidents that has occurred lately is in the case of a certain member of Battery H, 1st New York Artillery—one John. John is of a speculative turn of mind, and saving of his wages. But, like too many good men, he will take a drop too much some-times. Having procured a pass the other day, he proceeded to the city, with about fifty dollars in his pocket—a happy soldier. At night he returned, but his face wore an uncertain, bewildered air, as of a man lost in abstruse reckonings. Something was wrong, and John was submitted to a thorough examination. His fifty dollars were gone, every centof it, and John did not like to confess. Finally however, it came out in the testimony of other witnesses that John had been suddenly stricken with a passion for music while on Pennsylvania Avenue, and had struck a bargain with an Organ-grinder for his whole establishment, including an educated monkey and three white mice. By some hocus-pocus, however, in making change, the organist managed to retain the monkey and mice. So the organ was toted off, but John began to get sober as he neared camp, and finally left it at a house for safekeeping. It has not yet appeared in c a m p , John has had to borrow tobacco money, however, since that May.

From the Army of the Potomac
IST Army CORPS, Culpepper, Va.
March 29, 1864
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
A review of the 1st Army Corps by Gen. Grant took place this morning near Culpepper, and at an hour unprecedented for reviews, viz: 8 o'clock. The 1st and 5th Corps are supposed to be merged in one, but owing to inclement weather the camps of neither Corps have been changed, so that the two are still lying some distance apart, the 1st occupying the country about Culpepper. Gen. Warren, the new corps commander, has located his headquarters in Culpepper, near Gen. Grant. Hereafter, the 1st corps, although every soldier in it is allowed to retain his old badge, will be officially known as the 5th, but probably not till the campaign opens will the two corps be united. The troops reviewed today, therefore, consisted only of those belonging to the old 1st corps. They were very promptly in line, and showed to fine advantage formed along a ridge of ground running northwest from Pony Mountain, each regiment of infantry massed in column of divisions, with the artillery on the right of and nearly at right angles with the infantry. The cavalry was formed en masse in the rear of the artillery.
As usual on such occasions, it commenced to rain, which with the accompanying raw east wind, ventured a seat on horseback or a position on foot anything but comfortable. And as a notion prevails that it looks unmilitary to appear on review with overcoat or poncho we had nothing to do but to stand and take the storm. This being the first review at which Gen. Grant has appeared, great curiosity was felt to gain a sight of the highest officer in the American army, the most successful hero of the war.
Presently our wish was gratified. The General started from our right and rode slowly along in front of the line, accompanied by Major Generals Meade and Warren with their respective staffs. As he passed within a few feet of the line, he seemed to scrutinize closely every face, and every eye was bent as earnestly on him in return. It is customary for the reviewing officer to pass at a trot or a gallop, but General Grant rode by at a walk, thus affording every soldier an opportunity to see his face - a: sort of military "introduction," in which the General forms a mental acquaintance with his troops. Now, therefore, we all have the honor of an acquaintance with Gen. Grant "by sight." In all probability we shall be better acquainted before the summer is over.
General Grant's personal appearance is not striking. He is of medium size and height, but appears possessed of great powers of endurance. His physiognomy is of the Saxon cast, light complexion, somewhat browned by exposure, and sandy beard, almost approaching to white near the mouth. His eyes are either light blue or gray. The general expression of the face is cool, calm and thoughtful, with an underlying strata of indomitable energy and determination, indicating more of talent than, genius. General Meade would be considered much the finer-looking man of the two, and much more intellectual. His countenance indicates keener intellect, greater power than Grant's. Meade would be taken for a military genius sooner than Grant, judging by his head and face alone, But there is no questioning the ability of either. Both are heroes, and are already enshrined in the heart of the nation. One wears on his frontlet the proud name of Vicksburg; the crest of the other is adorned with that of Gettysburg. Both possess the confidence of the army. Individually the greatest heroes of the war, how can we but hope and believe that their united efforts will result in the signal discomfiture and destruction of the rebel hosts. The greatest and best tried players in this game of war are now pitted against each other, and this game is the "rubber."
But I have diverged from the review. To resume: Alongside of Gen. Grant rode Gen. Warren, our new corps commander, a younger and totally different officer from either of the above. Gen. Warren is more of the Ellsworth style, with long dark hair, and a restless, impetuous bearing. He has risen rapidly from the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in Duryea's Zouaves, to the proud position of Major- General and corps commander. He superseded Gen. John Newton, and I have no doubt will sustain the reputation which the 1st Corps possessed under its late highly respected and much loved commander. Gen. Warren is the junior corps commander in the army, and Gen. Sedgwick ranks them all. Passing along to the left of the batteries Gen. Grant approached the right of the infantry. The artillery bugles ceased, and the band of the 1st division struck up " Hail to the Chief," the colors gracefully saluting. It was a fine sight, and made one's nerves thrill. Every soldier looked his proudest, for it is worth something to simply meet the approving glance of two such heroes as Grant and Meade. After passing round to the extreme left of the line, the reviewing party turned off to look at the cavalry. Meanwhile a staff officer announced to the artillery and infantry that they could return to their camps, the passing in review being dispensed with, and in a moment batteries and regiments were marching homeward by the shortest route. Thus ended the review commenced and finished before 101/2 o'clock A.M.
The rain which commenced this morning has been falling steadily ever since, and the wind has increased to a perfect gale. But I do not think it will hinder operations here, for there are no indications of a movement on our part. Be convinced nothing will be attempted here until everything is ready. When all the asked-for troops are furnished and marshaled in their appointed places, then operations will commence. The stakes at issue in the coming campaign, involving, as they doubtless do, the destiny of the nation, are too important to be hazarded by hasty or immature plans and undertakings. It will not do to repeat the campaign of 1862, else the mercurial temperament of our Northern brothers may suffer another ebb, and Seymour| No. 2 be foisted into the gubernatorial chair of New York, and McClellan No. 1 enthroned in the White House. Besides, and above all, we are all anxious to close the war, which can be accomplished in no other way than by thorough decisive victories.

From the Army of the Potomac.
April 6th, 1864.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
For a week there has been few changes in the phase of affairs in this department. We have had more warm weather, more hail, snow and sleet during the last two weeks, than in the greater part of the months of March and February, and consequently, had it been the desire of our commanders to commence operations, they would have been frustrated. Whenever the forward movement comes it will be hailed with joy, yet we are content to bide our time, trusting in Providence and Gen. Grant. We know that our Lieutenant General is putting forth every effort to prepare for a decisive campaign, backed up by all the power of the Government.
The consolidation of corps has produced no material change in the troops, most of them, particularly the batteries, being allowed to occupy their old camps for the benefit of their stables. And most of the infantry still occupy their comfortable winter huts along the railroad, on the Rappahannock, at Brandy Station, Culpepper, and toward the Rapidan. Extended as are our lines, the enemy would have a hard task before them if they attempted to whip us, for we are accessible to numerous excellent positions for defense, and could hold our ground against considerable odds. The rebels still maintain their old position on the opposite bank of the Rapidan. Some of their camps are visible from the signal station on Pony Mountain, which commands a view of the country ranging from twenty to thirty miles in different directions. The Rapidan is not more than five miles distant, but flows in so deep a channel and is so thickly shaded with pine forests that its waters are visible in only one place. The signal officers have, however, located the exact position of the various fords, so that any attempt to cross would be known by them quite as soon as by the pickets along the stream.
There is a considerable influx of recruits lately for the artillery. All the batteries are to be raised to the maximum strength, and put in the most complete fighting order. The recruits for the infantry, however, come slowly, and it is hard to conceive what has become of the immense number of troops we have raised on paper. By the latter part of this month or first of May, the greater part of the "veterans" will have returned, and before that time every recruit and conscript should be in his place with a tolerable idea of his duties as a soldier. Every man called for by the President will be needed before the summer is over, and doubtless more. As yet the effect of the late calls for troops is but just beginning to be perceptible in the field. And one fighting man now is worth a dozen three months hence.
We read with joy the glorious news of a Union triumph in Connecticut. Only let New York blot out the disgrace of '62 by giving a Union majority next fall, and we shall be satisfied. The name of "Seymour" appears to have gained but little prestige of late. Why would it not be a good thing to give us soldiers an opportunity to vote for Gen. Wadsworth for our next Governor? Every New York soldier would vote for him, for they know him. Brave as the bravest, staunch as the staunchest, he has been tried and not found wanting in any respect. The men and officers of his Division (1st Division, 1st and 5th Corps) universally love and esteem him; He is a true man, a tried soldier and a thorough patriot, and though his troops would regret to part with him, I do not believe a man in his division would cast a vote against him. I have yet to hear the first word spoken against Gen. Wadsworth by any soldier. With the exception of a few copperheads, who hold their positions in the army through any motive but patriotism, I think the soldiers will vote a straight Union Presidential ticket, and the prevailing sentiment is strongly in favor of Abraham Lincoln. His prudence and sagacity have carried the nation safely through the struggle thus far. A change might be an improvement, but would probably be our loss. President Lincoln is radical enough for the radicals and he is just as conservative as a loyal and true Union man can be. As he is condemned by the extremes of both parties, it is but safe to infer that his position is as near right as it can be. At all events, he is the first man in the heart of the nation to-day.
The storm seems to have wasted its energies at last, and the lowlands about here which were submerged by the flood yesterday, are now rapidly drying up. The sun has ventured to shine a little today, and a few timorous birds have caroled in doubtful strains, as though they hardly knew whether it were best to rejoice yet. The spring comes tardily, but as we have probably had our last snow and sleet, the timid goddess will soon venture forth to gladden the hearts of none more than the hearts of soldiers.
D. F. R.

From the Army of the Potomac.
June 5th, 1864.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald,
Shortly after I dispatched my letter last Thursday, the bullets were flying and cannon shots howling in fearful earnest over the spot where I wrote. It seems that Wright and Hancock had been withdrawn from our extreme right, and shifted to the extreme left of our line, and that Burnside had also partially withdrawn, and was passing toward the left in rear of the 5th Corps. The watchful enemy observed the movement and followed up our pickets so closely that almost before we knew it, they had doubled around on our right, completely enfilading the right of Warren's Corps, while from our front they opened a most murderous artillery fire, raking both our own and Burnside's troops directly in our rear. This was about 5 o'clock P. M. A tremendous storm was raging, adding to the gloomy magnificence of the scene. Very soon the rattling, scattered shots of the retiring skirmishers, increased to steady volleys, and from the sound every soldier knew that the enemy was pressing hard on our right and rear. It was a trying moment. The rebel shells were flying thick and bursting everywhere, among our trains, hospitals and the thickly massed troops. None of Burnside's infantry were in line, and his batteries had all been withdrawn from their position and closely packed directly under the range of the rebel guns. A good portion, too, of Warren's batteries had been withdrawn from his right, and the infantry were preparing to leave, so that for a time the enemy had it all his own way. Part of Griffin's Division, the 146th among them, had already left their first line of intrenchments, and were retiring, wondering what the movement could be, when they were quickly ordered back to their first line. They had scarcely regained this position, the fighting on their right flank growing hotter every moment, when Burnside's pickets came rushing back in their rear, and the rebels following them close, began to pour a heavy enfilading fire into Griffin's line, compelling regiment after regiment to fall back with considerable loss, but in good order. In this manner the enemy drove part of Burnside's and Warren's Corps about half a mile, doing us considerable damage. But they soon came to a stop, for Burnside and Warren hastily formed a strong line nearly at right angles with the former front, and getting the artillery in position opened savagely on the advancing rebels, checking their progress and slaughtering them terribly. By this time, darkness had fallen, and the fight gradually ceased.
Friday the enemy was forced back on our right and our line re-established on its old ground. Our losses on Thursday night and Friday morning were quite heavy. I am informed that the 146th lost about 60 killed, wounded and missing. Lieutenant Chalmers is, I believe, the only officer lost. Lieut. Lowrey, of Utica, received a severe wound in the thigh during the day. While in the picket line, Battery D, 1st N.Y. Artillery, suffered a heavy loss in the death of Lieut. De Mott, the fourth officer lost in the battery during the present campaign. — Lieut. De Mott was but recently promoted from Battery L, and bore an untarnished character, both as an officer and a man. He was killed suddenly by the bursting of a shrapnell while working his guns on the advancing rebel lines.
In regard to Thursday's operations, it is said there is great blame attached to some officers of the picket line in Burnside's Corps, who allowed his skirmishers to come in long before the hour intended, thus exposing the flank movement of our army. It is reported that Balda Smith is on our left, and has formed a junction with Hancock. Night before last there was a heavy cannonading heard to the left and, we hear that it was Hancock repulsing a rebel charge. Yesterday the rebels withdrew from our right and have probably moved down to meet Hancock nearer Richmond. Grant has attempted nothing like another flank movement, and our left must have swung pretty well around toward Richmond by this time. We have Ewell in our immediate front and are holding ground less than a mile from that occupied by our corps one week ago. Then we were on the left, now we are on the extreme right, The army is if possible, in better spirits than ever and fully prepared to do the most stubborn fighting. Notwithstanding its thirty days fighting, its night and day forced marches, its digging and wading, it is just as ready for action as ever, though we are the roughest, ruggedist, dirtiest looking crowd you ever beheld. Many of the men have been and are without shoes, having literally marched them off their feet. But now that our base is so near, Quartermasters are exerting themselves to the utmost to get up supplies of every description. The fighting wilt not be stopped, however, for lack of shoes or anything else. It is understood to be Gen. Grant's intention to have the rebel capital by July 4th, and no d o u b t he will do it. You would be astonished at the amount of digging done by this army since it started. Every position has been intrenched as soon as taken, and though they have been generally abandoned without a shot being fired out of them, the troops no sooner gain a new one than the shovel and pick are busy again.
I am happy to state that Lieut. Fowler, of the 146th, has just received an appointment as A. D. C. on Gen. Griffin's staff.
Capt. James E. Jenkins, of the 146th, has kindly furnished me the subjoined list of casualties in his regiment since Thursday's engagement. All the troops on the right of the regiment having fallen back, there was but one alternative left for it, and it retired. The enemy was so far in its rear that it lost quite a number of prisoners, as the following list shows:
Co. A--Lieut, J. S. Lowrey, wounded in thigh, severely.
Co. B—missing, privates Stephen Weaver, Geo. Wolcot, Francis Coffin.
Co. C—wounded, private M. Godfry, head, slightly.
Co. D—killed, Cor. Z.P. Hoagland. Wounded, 1st Sergt. 0. H. Jones, leg, (prisoner), Cor. Backus, arm slightly, private D. Walley, foot, slightly,— Missing, privates B. Colton, J. Avery, D. Coon, E. Collar, J. Fitch, S. J. Garret, W. Hessee, H. Holloway, F. Leggin, J. Lenox, W. J. Scott, P. Kirchner.
Co. E—killed, private Jesse Thomas. Wounded, Private E. Farnsworth, left lung, Cor. Jno. Hinchman, hip. Missing, Lieut. H. Chalmers, 1st Sergt. Jno. Kenedy, Sergt. Jno. Swanson, Privates C. W. Cook, F. Diamond, L. Empy, L. W. Green, A. B. Gibson, E. Gallott, C. Gaylord, Jno. Hays, J. McGoughlin, J. Morrison, D. Parish, J. Ready, A. Scovill, W. Slout, H. Stowell, L Starkweather.
Co. F—killed, Sergt. H. B. Saunders.
Co. G—missing, Cor. William Taylor, privates A. Burlingame, J. Goodfellow, S. Hyde, E Quinn, D. Williams, E Smith. Wounded, J. Sullivan, fingers, slightly,
Co. H—wounded, Sergt. F. Sittig, neck, slightly.
Co. I—missing, privates J. West, W. Platt.
Co K—missing, privates E. Little, W. D. Lake, Jas. Kelly, Geo. F. Berline, A. Weller. D. F. R.
P. S.—Since writing the above I have learned that our extreme left rests at or near Bottom's Bridge, and that Gen. Smith, with the 18th Corps, has crossed the Chickahominy higher up, and after a gallant fight taken the same fortifications erected by him two years ago, but so precipitately abandoned at the beginning of the Seven Days' fighting before Richmond. So the good work goes bravely on. God grant we may take no backward steps.
D. F. R.

From the Army of the Potomac.
Near Bottom's Bridge, June 11th, 1864.
It seems hard to realize that I am writing on almost the same ground as that occupied by the old " Empire Battery" two years ago. Really, some changes have come over since then, when we stole around through the underbush and low pines to get a sly shot at the rebels across the Chickahominy. And when we opened on a rebel battery, lying on the other end of the railroad bridge, making them " skedaddle" with indecent celerity, we deemed it true that we had certainly done a big thing. And it was quite an achievement for such greenhorns as we were when. It was not till after the bloody baptism of Seven Pines that we realized the idea of battle. And here let me say that I have never experienced anything, even in this campaign of campaigns, which could compare with that fearful struggle. So here we are on the classic grounds of the Chickahominy. Two years have sped by, two crimson years. We have hoped and struggled and bled, and now, like a benighted traveler, we emerge from the wilderness to find ourselves walking in the same path we left but an hour ago. We are no nearer the rebel capital today than we were two years ago. Under ordinary circumstances this fact might be discouraging, but though we are even further from Richmond than we were two years since, we feel, we believe, we know we are nearer the end of the rebellion than at that time. There is naught pleasant in this desolate region, dotted on every knoll and hillock with the graves of our comrades, but there is an expression on the countenance of each bronzed veteran telling a different tale from that look which sat upon many faces in '62, when the Army of the Potomac dragged its slow length along at the rate of a mile a day. We all believe that the doom of t h e rebellion is scaled. We hope that this summer may put Richmond in our hands, and so the army is cheerful, even here in the ill-fated Chickahominy country. The army of the Potomac occupies ground near that held by McClellan in 1862, but it occupies the country in a totally different manner. There is life, energy and action in the army now. It fights and marches in downright earnest. We are in the Chickahominy swamps now, but we shall not lie here all summer, except for a purpose.
It is unnecessary for me to state, even as far as I know, the exact disposition of our troops. Be assured, however, that we do not consider this campaign ended. You may hear of new and unexpected developments at any day. I do not think Lee will act off the defensive, and General Grant will keep him busy. In the vicinity of Cold Harbor our lines are very close to the enemy, so close in fact, that the sharpshooters control every foot of the breastworks. In front of the 2d, 6th, 9th and 18th | corps, earthworks of the strongest kind have been thrown up in opposition to those of the enemy, and everything wears the aspect of a siege. It is not at all probable, however, that the siege of Richmond will be commenced at such a distance from the town, if it is Grant's intention to besiege it at all — The campaign has reached a most important crisis, and must now assume a different character. From the wide field between the Rapidan and Richmond, which afforded scope and range for Grant's splendid genius, the scene of war is transferred to a narrow strip of country corrugated and honeycombed with the productions of military engineering, and these works filled with soldiers and bristling with the most approved and destructive engines of war. Grant's irresistible logic has reduced and sifted the military problem down to the comparatively simple issue of a siege. All the vague, uncertain probabilities and chances which hung like an impending mist over the armies of the Rapidan have vanished like the mist. Then, Lee threatened invasion of the North. He stood on vantage ground, holding in his hands like reins the railroads of Central and Western Virginia. He was accessible to strong strategic points on every hand.— His army had the encouragement of prestige. If not the prestige of victory, the prestige of baffling a powerful foe. All these have gone; and now the boastful Army of Northern Virginia is weltering behind the sand works of Richmond, tired and worn, shorn of prestige, but still desperate and determined. And still, with ceaseless energy and undivided purpose, their terrible enemy keeps pounding at the door of their citadel. The memory of Vicksburg cannot have faded from the memories of the Richmond rebels. True, it will be a different undertaking to capture Richmond, but in no emergency has Grant's genius failed him yet. It may require a long time to accomplish the reduction of Richmond. The allies were many months before Sebastopol. Richmond may prove the Sebastopol of the rebellion, I will not venture to predict the time and manner of its fall, but will only record my full faith in Grant's ability to put a girdle around Richmond. All he needs is the full support of the Government and the people of men and means. Without these, he is helpless.
Since my last letter, the 5th corps has had but little fighting to do, and there have been no general engagements. The enemy baa during the week made several desperate assaults on our position, but has always met with severe repulses. There have been comparatively few casualties, and those mostly from chance shots. The cannonading along the lines his been, at intervals, breaking suddenly the stillness of the night, or bursting forth at midday. All day long we hear the continued cracking of the sharpshooters' rifle's and the popping of skirmishers, while occasionally at night we will suddenly be aroused from sleep by an alarm on the picket, and ugly, spiteful volleys of musketry, fired at un-seen objects in the dark. We listen to the singing of the bullets till our nerves are grown quiet again, then turn over to uneasy slumbers. The days are very tedious. Only once in a great while can we get hold of a paper, and the mails come when they can be brought without interfering with the necessary transportation. But the regularity with which the general details of this army are managed, is perfectly astonishing. Forage has been short sometimes, but that occurred while we were in Winter quarters. Our animals have suffered from the lack of hay, which is never supplied on the march, but look very well indeed. -
A few days since, I had the pleasure of meeting some of the 146th Regiment, which is attached to Gen. Smith's command. They have had hard fighting to do under Butler, but have been in no general engagement in this department. As the regiment still retains the able pen of your correspondent "Gene " to describe its joys and sufferings, I will not enter into details concerning it. Since the engagement of June 2d, I have learned further particulars concerning the part taken in the fight by the 24th N. Y. cavalry, now attached to Gen. Burnside's corps. Had they fought well as mounted cavalry, it would have earned them laurels, but inasmuch as they repulsed three fierce, distinct charges, and held their ground with seven companies against a much larger rebel force, till ordered to withdraw, their cavalrymen acting as infantry, sent out to reinforce Grant in his hardest struggle have thrice earned their laurels. They deserve triple praise at the hands of all, and should, as a reward for their good conduct,, be quickly mustered and allowed to fight in the capacity for which they enlisted. The 24th dismounted Cavalry, composed in good part of Oneida county men, old members of the 14th, 26th, 34tb, 35th, etc, be remembered, can fight on foot for the cause, and facing rebel infantry, beat them back with confusion and slaughter. I have been unable to procure a list of the losses in the 24th, but I know that Lieut; col. Newberry and Capts. Palmer and Coventry are all safe. They are all very anxious to get horses but all face the enemy in any capacity till such time as the Government can procure them their desired outfit.
Yours for our country; D.F.R.

From the First N. Y. Artillery.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
July 1st, 1864.
Since the 18th of June, the lines in front of Petersburg have not been materially changed, except where the miners have dug and moved themselves in some places almost under the muzzles of the rebel guns. I cannot discover that Petersburg is much worse off than when this army first appeared before it. We have taken a portion of the outer and principal line of fortifications, but Petersburg is very far from being invested and our operations here can hardly be considered in the light of a regular siege. The city of Petersburg may in due course of time be taken, but the simple capture of the town is a matter of comparatively little consequence. It may be an indispensable preliminary to the siege of Richmond, but probably not much time will elapse ere new issues will be developed which will materially change the aspect. I cannot but believe that bad it not been contrary to Grant's plan of operations Petersburg would have been ours many days ago, and when General Grant is entirely ready for the capture of Petersburg, it will be taken. Perhaps it was Grant's desire to capture the city and hold the railroads leading out of it, when he first crossed the James River. If so his place has either been frustrated or changed for some reason unknown to sage speculators like your correspondent. The truth of the matter is, our position is an incomprehensible one to most people here. We cannot realize that Petersburg, although it is in our power to burn it any day, is a beleaguered city. Its railroad communications with Richmond and Lynchburg are almost undisturbed, go that as long as there are supplies to be had in the Confederacy, the rebel army at Petersburg need not suffer. Here are the two great armies of Grant and Lee facing each other at a distance of a few hundred yards, both sides impregnably intrenched and fortified, and but little advantage or disadvantage to be discovered for either party. In fact, along the greater part of the lines there exists a perpetual armistice between the solders, and they have not fired a hostile shot for many days. The pickets of both sides walk out in open view within two hundred yards of each other, often conversing together, although this practice has been forbidden lately. So, as we seem to be gaining very slowly, if at all on the rebels here, we look for new developments each day. The confidence hitherto felt in Gen. Grant is still unshaken, and I think on the whole the army is grateful for this comparative respite from its labors. I would not; have you understand that this army is idle now, for every portion of it perform its daily and nightly share of arduous duties. It is a task wearisome and tedious beyond expression, to simply lie idle all day in the hot rifle pits, sweltering and thirsting in the hot sun, even without firing a gun. And this cessation of hostilities only covers a portion of the lines. On the left of Burn-side's corps there is a point where bot night and day since the 18th ult, there has been incessant firing kept up. The position was gained by the 5th corps, on that day, and for several days battery H was in position commanding the rebel guns at a distance of less than five hundred yards. We are now lying back in a park, about three quarters of a mile from the front, and while I write (now midnight) the never-ceasing firing is still going on. The crack of the rifle comes so clear and sharp on the night air, and I hear the hum and whistle of the bullets so plainly that it is hard to realize that the lines are so far away. Every few moments a cannon shot or a bomb is thrown into our lines, but we have become so accustomed to these sounds that unless our attention is called we do not notice them. Still it would afford infinite relief to get out of hearing of cannon and muskets, if only for a few hours
July 2d.—This day has passed like its predecessors for a week. In our immediate front the pickets and sharpshooters have not cessed their firing, and the artillery of both sides has kept up a slow and irregular fire most of the day, some of the shells coming in unpleasant proximity to our quarters.
The subject next in interest among us here is the weather. We have not had rain enough to lay the dust since just one month ago tonight. The drouth Is really terrible, and both men and animals suffer greatly from the need of water. Yet there is astonishingly little sickness in the army. The morale of the army is excellent.
Yours, etc,

From the Army of the Potomac,
AUGUST 1st 1864.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
For a long time it has been supposed that the works of the rebels were being mined by our forces at some point along the lines, but the precise locality was not generally known. There is a certain portion of our line in front of Burnside, where it makes a sudden jog towards the enemy, approaching within a hundred yards of one of his strongest forts. This ground was taken by the First division of the Fifth corps on the 18th of June, and has been tenaciously held ever since by the Ninth corps , there being scarcely a moment's cessation of the firing night or day between the two lines. For several days last week we had been getting heavy guns and mortars in position along the line under cover of the woods and ravines, the whole of the 2d corps had been employed making covered ways and the engineers had been laboring night and day all along our front. It was evident something was brewing for the rebels, but not till Friday night were we informed of the place of attack. Then we received an order detailing the plan of attack and assigning us our special part in the programme. The mine in Gen. Burnside's front would be sprung at daylight the following morning., when a column was to charge the enemy's line through the breach.
All Friday night under cover of the darkness, haze and mist, we worked busily, getting our guns on position on the front line so as to bear directly in the enemy's works and cover as much as possible Burnside's attacking column. Our battery occupying a position in the right wing of the 5th corps very near the expected point of attack. We commanded a fair view of the scene. Everything was conducted with great secrecy, but it was necessary that the artillerists should know when to train their guns, and we were accordingly informed of the position of the mine. It was at the point in the lines designated above, where they approached nearest together about five hundred yards on our right and front. As soon as the mine was sprung we were to open on the enemy's batteries. Through the dim starlight we could discern the outlines of the fort from the ramparts of which the rebels maintained as usual an irregular, spiteful fire all through the night. We could see the sharp flashes; and hear the whining and the "thud" of the bullets, or their cat-like "mew" when they struck a stone or a tree and glanced on through the air. In the stillness of the night the reports of the guns seemed prepossessed of different degrees of hate, as if the passion of the unseen form who pulled the trigger found expression in the tone of his rifle. The flash of a Union or rebel rifle told the position of the line, and the report was loud or low, sharp or dull, according to the formation of the ground. Once in a while a " revengeful cuss" would slyly send a bullet over into the 5th corps where nobody expected it, contrary to all the rules and maxims of civilised warfare and as the ugly things hissed over or among our quiet workmen, curses deep but not loud were bestowed on the sneaking "Johnnies."
By the time the first streak of dawn tinged the east our guns had been unmasked, loaded and pointed on the rebel works, the infantry had been prepared with loaded guns, ready and expectant behind the breastworks. The mine was expected to be sprung at early day light, but it was quite light already. All seemed quiet behind our works, and the rebel lines appeared wrapped in slumber, all save in front of the doomed rebel fort, where the persistent firing never slacked for a moment. The critical moment had arrived, and every eye and ear was strained to catch the first sight or sound of the grand catastrophe. Suddenly the earth trembled, and almost simultaneously came a deep, dull, sullen roar, like underground thunder. The mine had exploded, and in an instant every eye was turned in the direction of the fort. It was a sight terribly magnificent. I can only liken it to a huge fountain. The earthwork covering several hundred square feet of earth, was hurled over a hundred feet into the air an indescribable mass of sand, cannon and human beings. When the great mass settled to the earth, there lay in place of the strong and shapely walls only a heap of smoking, horrible ruins. I could not see a single person moving in its immediate vicinity. For an instant after the explosion not a sound was heard, as if every one were holding his breath in amazement. Then, as suddenly as had been the explosion of the mine, came the "opening roar" of cannon and musketry along our whole line, and the body of infantry made a rush for the breach directly opposite the exploded mine. Almost without firing a shot, or losing a man, they gained the black ruins of the fort and planted the stars and stripes in the highest point of its smoking debris.
Up to this time the affair was a complete success, and all who looked felt that the day was ours, and that Petersburg was likely to be soon, but from this time to the moment when the rebels regained the work in the afternoon, and held it, a curse hangs over the whole operation. The effort in its initiatory parts was a complete success, but as a whole it , was a most lamentable fizzle. It is very easy to criticize and find fault now that the plan has failed, and I do not propose to fix the blame but that it proved a signal failure no one can gainsay.
In this action the colored troops were engaged, and much blame is cast upon their poor shoulders, but I think they did as well as raw troops generally do. Some of the regiments had only had their arms three months. The colored troops were not sent into the fort first. Two or three white regiments went into the ruins of the fort and remained there, while the colored troops were sent in through the breach to do the work, and for a time they did it well, capturing quite a number of prisoners and two lines of works; but they were subsequently charged on by the rebels and driven back, losing many men and all their vantage ground. Let time and the hand of impartial justice develop who is to blame. I have lost no faith in the, value, of colored troops, but they should have at least equal advantages of drill and discipline with white men before they are required to do what has heretofore been expected of only disciplined and veteran soldiers.
The day was full of incidents, and sights which will never quit the memory of those who witnessed the fight. Looking through a powerful glass at the ruins, the ground presented a sight the most awful. All over the surface were strewn the dead and mangled bodies of union and rebel soldiers, the former slain by the flank fire which the rebels poured into them from right and left after they were repulsed, the latter killed by the explosion of the mine. — Some of the poor wretches still lived, and moved their arms and legs. It was a sight too horrible for contemplation.
It is said that only four or five men were taken from the mine unharmed out of a whole regiment that occupied it. One of them told a rather tough story. He was asked by his captors about the colonel who commanded the fort. His reply was the last he saw of the colonel he met him just as he was coming down, and that he had his sword drawn, and yelling at the top of his voice, "Forward men ! forward ! Give it to the d - d Yankees."
The poor fellows who came out of the ruins alive were so blackened and singed as to be hardly recognizable.
During the day, after the rebels charged and recaptured the upper part of the ruins of the fort, they took many of our men prisoners, because they could not fall back without running a terrible gauntlet. The rebels held the upper part of the ruins where they were concealed partially from our fire, and the men only concealed in the holes and crevices and behind the huge chunks of earth to the number of two or three hundred. Many of them preferred running the risk of death to capture, and would suddenly jump up and run for the shelter of our rifle pits. In doing this they had to cross a distance of about a hundred yards exposed to a cross fire from the rebels. We could watch them as they would spring from their cover and scud for dear life down the slope to our pits. The majority of them got through all right, though the bullets struck the earth all about them, while some of the less fortunate ones would suddenly be brought to a stop, throw up their hands and fall. — Others would get almost in, when a bullet would strike them and they would have to crawl or limp the rest of the distance. One poor fellow started with a comrade, and through a storm of bullets they both reached our breastworks, but before they could get over one fell dead. Sometimes they would start in squads of three or four or more and all get in, or one or two fall on the way. We could also see large numbers clambering over the works and giving themselves up as prisoners to the rebels. We watched them with the most intense interest, unable to render assistance.
Although the day began so propitiously, and our hearts were big with hope, yet when night came there were gloomy faces all along our lines. There had been great loss of life and limb, and no advantage had been won. The 5th corps lay on its arms all day expecting to charge, but the lack of success in the 9th prevented. The opportunity seemed such a glorious one that it was hard to see all its advantages wasted, and the army of the Potomac retired to its bomb-proofs in very bad humor the night of July 30th.
Major Fitzhugh, who commanded a portion of the 5th corps batteries, was slightly wounded in the side early in the day. Major F. belongs to the First New York Light Artillery, and every one rejoiced to find that his wound was not serious, and he will be able to return to duty in a few weeks — Major Fitzhugh is one of our best and bravest officers, and is universally esteemed both as an officer and man.
Pardon me for occupying so much of your space.
Yours, etc.,
D. F. R.

From the Front at Petersburg.:
Mink's BATTER Y FIFTH CORPS, Oct. 3, 1864.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Early Friday morning the 5th and 9th corps moved westward from the Weldon railroad and attacked the enemy's position. The 1st and 2d divisions of this corps, commanded by Generals Griffin and Ayres, led the advance, the 9th corps acting as reserve and covering our left. Griffin soon developed the enemy's line of works and promptly charged them, capturing one cannon and a goodly number of prisoners. The rebel position was very strong, and their works contained at least ten or twelve pieces of field artillery which they succeeded in hauling off. But the infantry force was weak, and could not resist the impetuous assault of our troops. It was one of the most gallant and brilliant engagements of the war. The charge of Griffin's division is described as a splendid thing, even the raw recruits behaving very creditably. The 2d division and the 9th corps were not engaged during the forenoon, nor was the artillery of either corps. The enemy used his artillery freely and with effect, but the nature of the ground forbade the use of our batteries till later in the day.
As soon as the troops could be brought up, the rebel line already taken was occupied, and the 9th corps advanced still further to the left, keeping its connection with the 5th corps, which also advanced northward, so that the left wing of the array was gradually swinging around towards the Danville railroad. Here it was discovered that the enemy had a second line of works running southwest from Petersburg and nearly parallel with the Dinwiddie Courthouse Road, and that he had retired to and occupied them. Just as the 9th corps was preparing to charge a portion of this line the enemy massed his troops and advanced against the right of the 9th corps, easily breaking its first line and pushing it back. The advantage thus gained by the rebels was promptly pushed, and for a time there was a terrible state of confusion on our front which threatened to implicate the left of the 5th corps. In this temporary confusion the 34th New York Independent Battery came very near being taken by the enemy, but was finally saved entire.
At this juncture the scene became terribly exciting. The rebels were rapidly advancing on our second line. It was already getting dark and everything indicated that disaster and defeat were in our front. But: the 5th corps yet stood firm. Warren came to the rescue. He rode directly to the front, and at once saw the desperate turn in our affairs. Reinforcements were hurried up, and Griffin closed the gap. Riding up to Captain Mink he asked him if he would take his battery up on the front line. The Captain acquiesced, and up we went at a trot. It was almost dusk, and the rebels had just struck our line. Our infantry had opened fire and were pouring deadly volleys into the rebels. Until our battery came up we had no artillery at work. The sight of our light-twelves coming up on the line encouraged our infantry wonderfully. As we unlimbered and opened the ground most stubbornly. Their artillery kept up a very annoying fire from the left, but it was soon silenced, and the fighting ceased for the night. This was altogether the hardest part of the fight and although we relinquished a portion of the ground gained earlier in the day, yet we inflicted heavy loss on the enemy and repulsed his assault most successfully, while our loss was not heavy.— The 9th corps lost considerably in prisoners.
Friday night our lines were withdrawn to the works first taken from the enemy. Saturday morning the enemy occupied our abandoned line, and there was skirmishing during the day. Sunday morning it was discovered that the enemy had fallen back to their next line of works, and an advance was ordered to develop the result we now occupy the same line that we gained on Friday, and our position is so strongly intrenched that there is no danger of being forced from it. We are about four miles from Petersburg and the same distance from the Danville Railroad. Our left is three or four miles nearer the Danville Road than before. The ground we occupy was precious territory to the enemy, if one may judge by the labor expended in fortifying it and the desperation with which they disputed our advance. In every respect, save the temporary check of Friday evening, our late move may be reckoned a brilliant success, a most important acquisition to our previous gains on the Weldon Railroad, and a very bitter pill for the rebels to swallow. Although our lines may appear somewhat attenuated on the map they are in reality of immense strength. Our army has been largely reinforced, and many of the new recruits are old soldiers, while the rebel army is steadily depleting both in numbers and morale; A great many of the prisoners taken Friday greeted our men with the utmost cordiality, some grasping them by the hand and urging them on. The rebel army is in a very great measure, utterly hopeless, and tired of the war. They do not fight any longer than they are absolutely obliged to, and consider it a streak of good fortune if they are captured. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but the mass of the rebel army would shout for the old flag if they dared, to-day. They are under the heel of despots, and they dare not. When peace is declared, and the stars and-stripes are hoisted in Richmond and through all the South, the bells will ring as gladly in Georgia as in New York.
Our army is in splendid condition and constantly improving. Recruits are still pouring by thousands, j and the "old veterans " soon teach them the art of soldiering with the greatest degree of comfort and convenience. Although many of the old regiments nominally go out of service this fall, yet the majority of their members are re-enlisted veterans and remain here. The old Forty-fourth, the "Ellsworth Avengers," and one of the best regiments in our corps, went home to Albany the other day, and had a fine reception, but the Forty-fourth is also here and made a most gallant charge last Friday. It has several hundred new men who went into the fight like old veterans, although there are some exceptions. Many old officers are retiring from service just now, whose places cannot easily be filled, but promotions from the ranks are frequent, and are doing much to increase the zeal and ambition of the rank and file. Success appears to follow our arms everywhere of late, and even though we should meet with some temporary reverses, this fall's campaign cannot fail to bring peace if it continues to be as vigorously prosecuted as it has been thus far. The weather has been very wet for a day or two, but the roads do not appear to suffer at all.
Lieut. B. F. Fuller, late of Bates' Battery, has been mustered out of service, in accordance with a recent order allowing certain officers to retire.
D. F. R.