2006.0160 - DMNA Medal Card Collection
- Cabana, Francis F.
- Cabay, Edward E
- Cabral, Frederick
- Cabrera, Luis A.
- Cacace, Salvatore P.
- Caccavajo, Joseph
- Caccavale, Robert
- Caccavo, Joseph
- Caccia, Albert P.
- Cacciola, Salvatore A
- Cacciuttolo, Michael
- Cachiaunes, Nicholas G
- Cachiaunes, Nicholas G
- Cachiaunes, Nicholas G
- Cacioppo, John R
- Cacioppo, Tony L
- Cadagan, Charles O.
- Caddy, Alafred
- Cade, Frederick D.
- Cadenhead, Theodore L
- Cadicamo, Roland A.
- Cadille, Frederick F
- Cadiz, Richard D
- Cadotte, Damase J
- Cadotte, Damase J
- Cadwallader, Dennis
- Cadwell, Matthew P.
- Cadwell, Robert L
- Cady, Alfred
- Cady, Brian T
- Cady, Charles E
- Cady, Charles E
- Cady, Fay
- Cady, Floyd G
- Cady, Frederick W
- Cady, Michael
- Cady, William B
- Cady, William G
- Cady, William S
- Cady, Willis M
- Cafaro, Pasquale A
- Cafferella, Joseph R
- Cafferty, James M.
- Cafiero, Louis
- Cafiero, Louis
- Cagan, Jack
- Caggiano, Alfonso J
- Caggiano, James
- Caggiano, Louis A.
- Caggiano, Matthew S
- Caggiano, Rocco
- Caggiano, Terry L
- Caggiano, Vincent J.
- Caglioti, Frank
- Cagliuso, Vincent
- Cagliuso, Vincent
- Cagney, Michael
- Cahill, Charles J.
- Cahill, Edward N
- Cahill, Edward R.
- Cahill, James B
- Cahill, James B
- Cahill, James L
- Cahill, John
- Cahill, John
- Cahill, John
- Cahill, Joseph M.
- Cahill, Lawrence
- Cahir, Frank J
- Cahir, Frank J
- Cahjowksi, Philip J
- Caiazzo, Carmine G.
- Caiby, Raphael D.
- Cain, Edmund W
- Cain, Edward E
- Cain, Gregory J.
- Cain, Herbert H
- Cain, Herbert H
- Cain, James S.
- Cain, James T.
- Cain, John
- Cain, John J.
- Cain, John W
- Cain, Melin
- Cain, Robert C.
- Cain, Robert E
- Cain, William T
- Cain, William T
- Caine, Dennis J.
- Caine, Leonard
- Caine, Martin J
- Caines, Charles A
- Cairns, William A
- Cairns, William J.
- Cakebread, William F
- Cakebread, William F
- Cakebread, William F.
- Calabrese, Emedio P.
- Calabrese, Frank L.
- Calabrese, Joseph P
- Calabrese, Nicholas
- Calabro, Bruno J.
- Caladaptro, Joseph
- Calafates, Theodore
- Calamari, Harry
- Calamari, Joseph A
- Calamaro, Joseph A
- Calamia, Jack
- Calantropio, Jerry J
- Calcagno, Francis K.
- Calcagno, Philippo
- Caldarelli, Michael
- Caldecott, Ridgely
- Calderazzo, Frank
- Calderon, Louis
- Calderone, James P.
- Calderwood, Matthew
- Caldicott, Charles E
- Caldicott, John M.
- Caldwell, Allen J
- Caldwell, Charles W
- Caldwell, Frank
- Caldwell, Frank
- Caldwell, Frank
- Caldwell, Frank A
- Caldwell, Garah
- Caldwell, James J.
- Caldwell, John N
- Caldwell, Samuel C
- Caldwell, William
- Caldwell, William
- Calef, Hyman
- Calella, Andrea
- Calemmo, Lawrence J.
- Caley, John
- Calhoun, Douglas A
- Calhoun, Fred W
- Calhoun, Steven B
- Cali, Alfred
- Calianese, Edward J Sr
- Caligiure, Joseph A
- Calisch, Edward
- Calise, Frederic P
- Calisprone, Joseph F
- Calitri, William J.
- Calkins, Charles E
- Calkins, Charles E
- Calkins, Charles E
- Calkins, Charles E
- Calkins, Charles E
- Calkins, Charles E
- Calkins, Donald F
- Calkins, Grant
- Calkins, Herbert E.
- Calkins, James R.
- Calkins, Kenneth L
- Calkins, Newton H
- Call, George H.
- Call, Jerome
- Callaghan, Christopher
- Callaghan, George E.
- Callaghan, John J
- Callahan, Aloysius W.
- Callahan, Cornelius B
- Callahan, Cornelius B
- Callahan, Cornelius B
- Callahan, Edward
- Callahan, Horace N
- Callahan, James D.
- Callahan, James V.
- Callahan, John E
- Callahan, John E
- Callahan, John R
- Callahan, John R
- Callahan, Michael J
- Callahan, Raymond
- Callahan, Raymond B
- Callahan, Raymond F.
- Callahan, Raymond P
- Callahan, Raymond P
- Callahan, Thomas
- Callahan, Thomas G.
- Callahan, Thomas J
- Callahan, Timothy J
- Callahan, Timothy J.
- Callahan, William A
- Callahan, William A
- Callahan, William D.
- Callahan, William J.
- Callahan, William P
- Callan, Albert S
- Callan, Albert S
- Callan, Albert S
- Callan, Douglas T
- Callan, John L.
- Callanan, Arthur F
- Callaway, George S
- Callaway, George S
- Callaway, George S.
- Callegari, John J
- Callens, Edward D.
- Callo, Joseph F.
- Cally, Joseph R.
- Calordino, Alfred J
- Calotta, Charles J
- Calpin, Joseph J
- Caltagirone, Michael
- Calveric, Gregory D
- Calvert, George M.
- Calvert, Norman
- Calvi, Remo J
- Calvin, Max H
- Calzolano, John
- Camacho, Joseph V
- Camacho, Leopold A
- Camacho, Leopold A
- Camacho, Rafael
- Camarane, Joseph
- Camarano, Michael
- Camarda, Dominick J
- Camarda, Vincent
- Camassa, Louis J
- Camasso, Antonio J.
- Cambell, William F
- Camboni, Armando F
- Cambria, George H
- Camerlengo, Joseph V
- Cameron, Alan R.
- Cameron, Alexander
- Cameron, Courtney J
- Cameron, Daniel L.
- Cameron, Darrell A
- Cameron, David
- Cameron, Emanuel
- Cameron, James
- Cameron, John H
- Cameron, John H
- Cameron, John I
- Cameron, Leroy
- Camesas, Pandelis
- Camidge, Malcolm B.
- Camien, Herbert L.
- Caming, Allen
- Caming, Lester
- Cammann, Henry J
- Cammann, Henry J
- Cammann, Henry J
- Cammann, Henry M
- Cammann, James F
- Cammann, James F
- Cammarano, Michael
- Cammarata, Anthonh
- Cammarata, Salvatore
- Camp, Harold A
- Camp, Harold A
- Camp, Lyle D.
- Camp, Millard M
- Camp, Robert
- Camp, Theodore I
- Campagna, John A.
- Campagna, Michael Joseph
- Campagne, Frank M.
- Campana, Jerry
- Campanaro, Frank L
- Campanaro, Fred F
- Campanella, Steve
- Campanelli, Dominick V.
- Campanie, Albert L.
- Campany, Clement G
- Campany, Harold N
- Campbell, Angus P
- Campbell, Angus P
- Campbell, Arthur
- Campbell, Arthur
- Campbell, Brian A.
- Campbell, Charles C
- Campbell, Charles C
- Campbell, Charles H
- Campbell, Charles H
- Campbell, Christopher F
- Campbell, Clewell B
- Campbell, Daniel J
- Campbell, Daniel J
- Campbell, Donald
- Campbell, Donald
- Campbell, Donald
- Campbell, Donald
- Campbell, Donald B
- Campbell, Donald F
- Campbell, Donald F.
- Campbell, Donald P
- Campbell, Dugal G
- Campbell, Duncan
- Campbell, Edward
- Campbell, Edward J
- Campbell, Edward T
- Campbell, Everett H.
- Campbell, Francis P.
- Campbell, Frank J
- Campbell, Frank X
- Campbell, Frank X
- Campbell, Frank X
- Campbell, Frank X
- Campbell, Frank X
- Campbell, Frank X
- Campbell, Frank X
- Campbell, Frank X
- Campbell, Frank X
- Campbell, Frank X
- Campbell, Frank X
- Campbell, Frederick W
- Campbell, George
- Campbell, George E
- Campbell, George R
- Campbell, Harry B
- Campbell, Harry G
- Campbell, Harry S
- Campbell, Haywood
- Campbell, Howard
- Campbell, Howard B
- Campbell, Hugh C.
- Campbell, James A
- Campbell, James C
- Campbell, James E.
- Campbell, James H
- Campbell, James J
- Campbell, James P
- Campbell, James R
- Campbell, John T
- Campbell, Laurence H
- Campbell, Leo
- Campbell, Leo
- Campbell, Leonard E.
- Campbell, Lyle W.
- Campbell, Melvin
- Campbell, Melvin
- Campbell, Melvin
- Campbell, Paul A
- Campbell, Paul B
- Campbell, Peter A
- Campbell, Raymond
- Campbell, Robert
- Campbell, Robert C
- Campbell, Robert D
- Campbell, Robert T
- Campbell, Ronald J
- Campbell, Sandra K
- Campbell, Stephen R.
- Campbell, Vernon S
- Campbell, Vincent F.
- Campbell, Vincent J
- Campbell, Wayne L.
- Campbell, Wilfred S
- Campbell, William J
- Campbell, William M
- Campbell, William P
- Campesi, Dominick J.
- Campesi, Sebastian A
- Campestre, Albert J
- Campiglia, Joseph
- Campiglia, Joseph P
- Campion, Alan J
- Campion, Frank
- Campion, Howard I
- Campion, Howard I
- Campion, James G
- Campion, James G
- Campion, James J.
- Campione, Louis T
- Campise, Robert R.
- Campisi, Anthony J
- Campo, Frank
- Campo, Julius J.
- Camps, Felix O.
- Campton, Patrick J.
- Camuti, Louis J
- Camuti, Louis J
- Canady, Roy B
- Canady, Roy B
- Canale, Anthony J
- Canale, Michael J
- Canale, Victor
- Canale, Victor
- Canale, Victor R.
- Canaley, Burton J
- Canaley, Burton J
- Canamare, George J
- Canan, Harold J
- Canavan, Edward C
- Canavan, James F
- Canavan, James F
- Canavan, John E
- Canavan, Michael
- Canavello, Charles P
- Canavello, Charles P
- Cancelino, Frank A
- Cancelliere, Anthony J.
- Cancelliere, Gennaro M
- Cancellieri, Angleo C
- Canciglia, Rosario
- Canciglia, Rosario
- Candarella, Rosario
- Candell, Anthony
- Candell, Benjamin L
- Candlyn, Donald S
- Candrilli, Charles
- Caner, William F
- Canetti, Issac
- Canfarotta, Charles J
- Canfield, Alan D
- Canfield, Harrison E
- Canfield, Hector J
- Canfield, John J
- Canfield, Joseph W
- Canfield, Julian K
- Canfield, Julian K
- Canfield, Leslie L.
- Canfield, Raymond L.
- Cangro, Peter V.
- Caniano, Anthony J
- Cann, John W
- Cann, Kenneth W
- Cann, Kenneth W
- Cann, Tedford H.
- Cannan, Dennis C
- Cannan, John J.
- Cannastra, Fred J
- Cannata, George A
- Cannata, Joseph
- Cannavo, Angelo M.
- Canning, Austin J
- Canning, Edward F
- Canning, James W
- Canning, John A.
- Canning, John J
- Canning, John J
- Canning, John J
- Cannioto, James J.
- Cannizzaro, Vincent J
- Cannold, Harrison S
- Cannon, John
- Cannon, John J
- Cannon, John L
- Cannon, Richard R.
- Cannon, William T
- Canny, William F
- Cano, Lewis
- Cano, Lewis
- Canonico, Anthony
- Cansdale, Arthur
- Cansdale, Edwin J.
- Cant, Andrew M
- Cant, Andrew M
- Cantamessa, Joseph J
- Cantando, John V.
- Cantarella, Dominic J
- Canterbury, Arthur E
- Canterbury, Arthur E
- Canton, Frank A.
- Cantone, Robert A
- Cantor, Albert
- Cantor, Howard X
- Cantor, Irving
- Cantor, Max
- Cantos, Manuel R.
- Cantwell, Gary L
- Cantwell, John
- Cantwell, John J.
- Cantwell, Joseph P.
- Cantwell, Richard B.
- Cantwell, William P
- Canzoniero, Joseph A
- Cap, Alan Jerome
- Capaldo, Gilbert R
- Caparco, Chester A.
- Caparell, James P.
- Capasso, Michael
- Capasso, Vincent
- Capderoque, Serge L
- Cape, Fred E
- Capeggio, John J
- Capek, Howard
- Capella, Joseph S
- Capelli, Anthony
- Capelli, Anthony
- Capellini, Richard
- Capello, James
- Capello, James
- Capen, Homer L
- Caperna, Joseph J.
- Capers, Lee M
- Capilets, Joseph C
- Capizzi, Tony
- Capizzo, Lawrence I
- Caplan, Lewis L
- Caplan, Louis
- Caplanson, Ernest
- Caplicki, Edmund V
- Caplin, Adolph
- Caplinger, Samuel D Jr
- Capobianco, Cosmo A
- Capobianco, William T.
- Capobinaco, Salvatore J
- Capodacqua, James
- Capodanno, Vincent R
- Capogrosso, Louis E.
- Capone, Albert
- Capone, David
- Capone, Harry
- Caponera, Vincent
- Caporal, George C
- Caporale, Thomas J
- Capozolli, Anthony J.
- Capozza, Edward J
- Capozzi, Domenico M.
- Capozzoli, Armando
- Cappabianca, Nicholas T
- Cappadocia, Louis
- Cappelen, Carl
- Cappell, Harold J.
- Cappelletti, Giacomino P.
- Cappelli, Pietro
- Cappellini, Eugene J
- Cappello, Albert J
- Cappello, Emanuel F
- Cappetta, James A
- Cappetta, Salvatore
- Cappiello, Dante
- Cappiello, Dante
- Cappiello, John V
- Cappolino, John J
- Cappon, Justin F
- Cappozzo, Frank F
- Cappucci, Raymond J
- Cappuccilli, Matteo
- Capra, Vincent
- Capria, Edward F.
- Capriglione, Anthony
- Capriglione, Donald A
- Caprin, William James
- Caprino, Daniel
- Caprio, Michael J
- Capriola, Daniel
- Capron, Leonard L.
- Caprood, Carl J
- Caprood, Walter C
- Captain, Robert W.
- Caputi, Albert V
- Caputo, Alfred
- Caputo, Anthony L
- Caputo, Bruno V
- Caputo, Frank M
- Caputo, Fred M
- Caputo, Frederick
- Caputo, Harry R.
- Caputo, James W
- Caputo, Joseph
- Caputo, Michael R
- Caputo, Rocco P
- Caputo, Thomas
- Caputo, William
- Caputo, William A
- Caraballo, Eliseo
- Carabba, Richard A
- Caraberis, Peterg.
- Carabetta, Joseph J.
- Carabis, Edward J
- Caracappa, Matthew A
- Caraccilo, Anthony J
- Caracciolo, Bastine L.
- Caracciolo, Eastine C.
- Caradonna, William E.
- Caram, John G.
- Caramante, Enrico J.
- Caramore, Frank J
- Caranikas, Constantine C
- Carannante, Joseph A
- Carapezza, Richard A
- Carasa, Mario
- Caravello, Anthony J.
- Caravello, Vincent J
- Caravone, Edward J.
- Carballo, Cesar E
- Carberry, Howard
- Carbino, Fred
- Carbon, Louie
- Carbonara, Frederick M
- Carbonare, Daniel
- Carbonaro, Daniel A.
- Carbonaro, Michael J
- Carbone, John
- Carbone, Joseph
- Carbone, Joseph E
- Carbone, Joseph L
- Carbone, Joseph S
- Carbone, Michele
- Carbone, Nicholas M
- Carbone, Philip
- Carbone, Philip
- Carbone, Ralph
- Carbone, Richard
- Carbone, Vincent
- Carbonella, Salvatore L.
- Carbuto, Anthony M.
- Carcaci, Anthony E
- Carcaramo, Anthony D
- Card, Charles T
- Cardaci, Salvatore P
- Cardarelli, Antonio
- Carddi, Arthur B
- Cardella, Anthony
- Carder, Frank M
- Carder, Frank M
- Cardiello, Conrad
- Cardiello, Conrad
- Cardillo, Luca
- Cardinal, Alfred
- Cardinal, Charles
- Cardinal, David C
- Cardinal, James
- Cardinal, Vincent J
- Cardinale, Michael A
- Cardinale, Michael A
- Cardinale, Paul M
- Cardinale, Robert J
- Cardinale, Rosario C.T.
- Cardinale, Vincent J
- Cardocki, Casimir J
- Cardona, Victor J
- Cardone, John P
- Cardot, John A
- Cardoza, Joseph
- Cardwell, Robert
- Carew, James F
- Carew, Philip
- Carey, Bruce L
- Carey, Denis J
- Carey, Dennis
- Carey, Dennis E.
- Carey, Donald E
- Carey, Donald E
- Carey, Donald E
- Carey, Edward V Jr
- Carey, Francis A.
- Carey, Francis J
- Carey, George J
- Carey, George J
- Carey, Gerald J
- Carey, Hugh L
- Carey, J P
- Carey, John J
- Carey, John J
- Carey, John J
- Carey, John J
- Carey, John J
- Carey, Joseph
- Carey, Joseph M
- Carey, Joseph M
- Carey, Leonard
- Carey, Michael F
- Carey, Norman
- Carey, Philip
- Carey, Thomas
- Carey, Thomas F
- Carey, Thomas P.
- Carey, Thomas W
- Carey, Wilfred H
- Carey, William
- Carey, William D.
- Carey, William J
- Cargille, Fred G
- Caria, Daniel J
- Carilli, Natalino
- Carinci, James V.
- Carinci, Louis
- Carinci, William J.
- Carine, Donald Charles
- Carino, Frank A
- Carkeek, John
- Carkner, Arthur L Jr
- Carl, John
- Carl, Raymond D
- Carleo, Raymond
- Carleton, Charles D
- Carleton, Donald
- Carletta, Charles
- Carley, George A.
- Carlfates, John P
- Carli, Gene E
- Carlin, Edward J.
- Carlin, Howard S
- Carlin, James C
- Carlin, James G
- Carlin, John F
- Carlin, Patrick L
- Carlin, Stephen B
- Carlin, Thomas C
- Carlin, Thomas C
- Carlin, Thomas G.
- Carline, John
- Carlineo, Frank J.
- Carling, Ernest H
- Carlini, Joseph L
- Carlisi, Igantius F
- Carlisle, Thomas G
- Carlisle, William H
- Carll, Duane E
- Carlo, Gilbert
- Carlo, Vincent
- Carlomagno, Salvatore J
- Carloni, James F
- Carlow, John C
- Carlsen, Carl
- Carlson, Albert
- Carlson, Alvin B
- Carlson, Carl E
- Carlson, Carl G. S.
- Carlson, Carl H
- Carlson, Edward
- Carlson, Ernst L
- Carlson, Frederick J
- Carlson, Harold C.
- Carlson, Herbert
- Carlson, John D.
- Carlson, John Daniel
- Carlson, John M
- Carlson, Ralph C.
- Carlson, Richard A
- Carlson, Richard G.
- Carlson, Robert J.
- Carlson, Steven B
- Carlson, Thor W
- Carlson, Vincent H
- Carlson, Wayne L
- Carlson, Wayne R
- Carlucci, Anthony J
- Carlucci, Samuel
- Carlucci, Vito
- Carluzzo, Michael J.
- Carlyle, Robert
- Carlyle, Robert J.
- Carmack, Pierce R
- Carmack, Pierce R
- Carman, Charles H
- Carman, Charles H
- Carman, Charles H
- Carman, Clifford E
- Carman, Clifford E
- Carman, William H
- Carman, William O.
- Carmen, John P
- Carmichael, Donald R.
- Carmichael, Richard J
- Carmody, Arthur A
- Carmody, Clarence G
- Carmody, Harold
- Carmody, Harold
- Carmody, Jan A
- Carmody, John
- Carmody, Mike E
- Carmody, Patrick
- Carmody, Thomas M
- Carmody, Timothy L
- Carmola, James F.
- Carne, Lloyd S
- Carnegie, Douglas
- Carnegie, Douglas
- Carnegie, Douglas
- Carnelia, James F
- Carnelia, James F
- Carner, Frank A
- Carner, Robert W.
- Carneval, Carl
- Carnevale, Louis
- Carney, Andrew
- Carney, Clarence H
- Carney, Donald J
- Carney, Edward C
- Carney, Edward R
- Carney, George D
- Carney, George W
- Carney, J R
- Carney, John M
- Carney, Joseph
- Carney, Matthew F.
- Carney, Patrick J
- Carney, Raymond G.
- Carney, Thomas J
- Carney, Thomas J
- Carney, Thomas J
- Carney, Thomas J.
- Carney, William
- Carney, William G
- Carney, William J
- Carney, William J
- Carney, William J.
- Carnibucci, Joseph
- Carnibucci, Karl
- Carnival, Alfred
- Carnival, Robert M
- Carnivale, Angelo
- Carnwright, Harry G
- Carnwright, Harry G
- Caroff, Abraham
- Carola, Geswald J
- Carolan, George M
- Carolan, George M
- Carolan, James
- Caroli, Anthony F.
- Caroli, Anthony F.
- Carolin, John
- Carollo, Louis R Jr
- Caron, David
- Caron, George R
- Caron, John B
- Caron, Peter E
- Caron, Roland
- Carothers, Charles S
- Carothers, Charles S
- Carpenter, Ansel D
- Carpenter, Archibald D
- Carpenter, Charles B
- Carpenter, Clarence M
- Carpenter, Clifford J
- Carpenter, Coles J.
- Carpenter, David J.
- Carpenter, Edwin F
- Carpenter, George W
- Carpenter, George W
- Carpenter, Harry E
- Carpenter, Joseph C
- Carpenter, Leslie R.
- Carpenter, Lester C
- Carpenter, Lester C
- Carpenter, Lynn B
- Carpenter, Raymond A
- Carpenter, Richard
- Carpenter, Ricky L
- Carpenter, Robert A
- Carpenter, Robert S
- Carpenter, Stanley
- Carpenter, Thomas R.
- Carpenter, Valorus
- Carpenter, Walter A
- Carpenter, William A
- Carpenter, William M
- Carpenter, William P.
- Carpentiere, Enrico A
- Carples, Edmond
- Carr, Charles W
- Carr, Ed D
- Carr, Ed D
- Carr, Eugene E
- Carr, Francis W
- Carr, Francis W
- Carr, Francis W
- Carr, George A
- Carr, James H
- Carr, John E
- Carr, Joseph T
- Carr, Leon E
- Carr, Lon G
- Carr, Michael P
- Carr, Mortimer S.
- Carr, Thomas
- Carr, William J
- Carra, James A
- Carraher, William L
- Carrando, Anthony J.
- Carrano, Frank
- Carrano, Louis A.
- Carrano, Ralph D.
- Carrao, Thomas
- Carras, Thomas P
- Carrasquillo, Robert
- Carraturo, Frederick J
- Carrel, Granville S
- Carrello, Frank L.
- Carrello, Nicholas
- Carrente, Domenico
- Carreras, Antonio
- Carriero, Daniel A.
- Carrigan, Paul E
- Carrigan, Roderick R
- Carrigg, Richard F
- Carrillo, Anthony S
- Carrington, Clement
- Carrington, Richard
- Carrington, William W
- Carrington, William W
- Carrington, William W
- Carrino, Henry
- Carrion, Leslie C
- Carrissimo, Peter Paul Jr
- Carroga, Harry P
- Carrol, Michael J.
- Carroll, Charles A.Jr
- Carroll, Charles F.
- Carroll, Charles R
- Carroll, Charles R
- Carroll, Daniel
- Carroll, Daniel J
- Carroll, Edward
- Carroll, George P
- Carroll, Gerald E
- Carroll, James B.
- Carroll, James E
- Carroll, James E
- Carroll, James H
- Carroll, James Patrick
- Carroll, John J
- Carroll, John T
- Carroll, Joseph B
- Carroll, Joseph M.
- Carroll, Louis P
- Carroll, Louis P
- Carroll, Louis P
- Carroll, Michael
- Carroll, Michael F
- Carroll, Michael F
- Carroll, Patrick A
- Carroll, Patrick A
- Carroll, Patrick A
- Carroll, Patrick J.
- Carroll, Patrick J.
- Carroll, Peter
- Carroll, Philip J
- Carroll, Philip J
- Carroll, Roland B
- Carroll, Thomas D.
- Carroll, Thomas J
- Carroll, Thomas P
- Carroll, Vincent R
- Carroll, Wilfred M
- Carroll, Wilfred M
- Carroll, William E
- Carroll, William F.
- Carroll, William J
- Carroll, William J
- Carroll, William J
- Carroll, William M
- Carroll, William M
- Carroll, William P
- Carrozzoni, Armand J.
- Carruba, Martin C.
- Carrubba, Richard
- Carson, Andrew F
- Carson, Bradley J
- Carson, Charles W
- Carson, Greg V.
- Carson, John B
- Carson, Robert
- Carson, William A
- Carson, William A
- Carson, William A
- Carson, William A
- Carson, William H
- Carsone, Fernand P
- Carstens, Samuel
- Carstons, Frank C
- Carstons, Henry T
- Carstons, Henry T
- Carstons, Henry T
- Carswell, John M
- Cartanzarite, Antonio A.
- Carter, Albert J
- Carter, Albert R
- Carter, Andrew J
- Carter, Arthur
- Carter, Carleton W
- Carter, Charles W
- Carter, Donald C
- Carter, Frank
- Carter, Frank
- Carter, Franklin. W.
- Carter, Gary Lee
- Carter, George W
- Carter, John J
- Carter, John J
- Carter, Joshua
- Carter, Melville
- Carter, Robert P
- Carter, Robert P
- Carter, Roger A
- Carter, Thomas J.
- Carter, William
- Carthy, William H
- Carthy, William H
- Cartier, Charles J
- Cartledge, Archibald
- Carton, Joseph D
- Cartonia, Carmen P
- Cartwright, Robert
- Cartwright, Thomas C
- Carubia, Michael A.
- Carulli, Gaetano C
- Caruso, Anthony
- Caruso, Anthony J.
- Caruso, Benny
- Caruso, Bernard
- Caruso, Frank J
- Caruso, Frank r.
- Caruso, Herman L
- Caruso, Joseph J.
- Caruso, Lawrence J
- Caruso, Louis J
- Caruso, Mario
- Caruso, Nicholas
- Caruso, Nicholas A
- Caruso, Thomas
- Carusone, John A
- Carvell, John P.
- Carver, Clifford H
- Carver, Eric C.
- Carver, Joseph H.
- Carver, Richard M
- Carvin, Royce C
- Carvino, James J.
- Carwsell, Peter N
- Cary, Frank A
- Cary, Fred L Jr
- Casaburi, Joseph A
- Casagrain, Amos
- Casagrande, Ralph
- Casale, Achilles
- Casale, Angelo
- Casale, Angelo
- Casale, Frank J
- Casalinuovo, John S
- Casalone, Celistino
- Casamassima, John T
- Casamento, Anthony
- Casamento, Anthony
- Casanova, Richard L
- Casatelli, Joseph Thomas
- Casazza, Albert J
- Casazza, Edward G
- Casazza, George P
- Casazza, Pasquale
- Casazza, Robert A
- Casbolt, Frank J.
- Cascarano, Ameleto
- Casciano, Gelsomino
- Casciano, John F.
- Casciano, Victor J.
- Cascio, Frank
- Cascio, Joel J
- Cascio, Richard C
- Cascio, Richard C.
- Casciola, Benedict L.
- Cascone, Rosario S.
- Case, Arnold
- Case, Arthur S.
- Case, Clarence J
- Case, Clarence J
- Case, David D
- Case, Edgar R.
- Case, Frank L
- Case, Frank L
- Case, Gordon A.
- Case, Harry R
- Case, Henry H
- Case, Joseph E
- Case, Julius L
- Case, Orsen H
- Case, Philip A
- Case, Robert
- Case, Scott E.
- Case, William W
- Casella, Joseph
- Caselle, Carl
- Casertano, Angelo J.
- Casertano, Nicholas M
- Casesa, Joseph
- Casey, Anthony J
- Casey, Anthony J
- Casey, Cornelius
- Casey, Cornelius
- Casey, Edmund
- Casey, Francis M
- Casey, Harold J
- Casey, Harry A
- Casey, Harry P
- Casey, Harry P
- Casey, Henry E
- Casey, Henry E
- Casey, James J.
- Casey, James R.
- Casey, John F
- Casey, John F
- Casey, John J
- Casey, John J
- Casey, John J
- Casey, John J.
- Casey, Joseph F
- Casey, Mark D.
- Casey, Patrick J.
- Casey, Thomas
- Casey, William
- Cash, Edward F.
- Cashbit, Clifford T
- Cashin, James F
- Cashman, Francis J
- Casier, Francis D.
- Casil, John
- Casilla-Vazquez, Manuel
- Casillo, Carmine
- Casillo, Louis J
- Casimates, George S
- Casimini, Alexander
- Casimiro, Andrew E.
- Casinelli, Melvin S
- Casino, Joe
- Casino, Joe
- Casio, Joseph
- Casko, John
- Caslin, Michael
- Caso, Ralph G.
- Casola, Matteo A
- Casolino, Vincenzo
- Cason, George
- Casper, Alexander D
- Casper, Alexander D
- Casper, Daniel J
- Casper, Daniel J
- Casper, Joseph A
- Casper, Joseph E
- Casper, Vernon O.
- Cass, William D
- Cassagne, Gerard J
- Cassalina, Samuel J.
- Cassano, Vincent N.
- Cassard, James J
- Cassata, Henry
- Cassell, Elmer A
- Cassell, Elmer A
- Cassella, Stephen C
- Cassella, Stephen c
- Cassetta, Francesco
- Cassevah, Randy L
- Cassidty, Joseph
- Cassidy, Alexander
- Cassidy, Alexander
- Cassidy, Alexander
- Cassidy, Alexander
- Cassidy, Daniel J
- Cassidy, Daniel J
- Cassidy, Daniel J
- Cassidy, Donald T
- Cassidy, Frank
- Cassidy, Frank P
- Cassidy, G.
- Cassidy, George E
- Cassidy, Glenn A
- Cassidy, Gregory E
- Cassidy, Harold H
- Cassidy, James R.
- Cassidy, John
- Cassidy, John
- Cassidy, John
- Cassidy, John A
- Cassidy, John A
- Cassidy, John J
- Cassidy, John J
- Cassidy, John J., Jr.
- Cassidy, Lawrence J.
- Cassidy, Patrick J
- Cassidy, Patrick J
- Cassidy, Ralph J
- Cassidy, Raymond S
- Cassidy, Robert
- Cassidy, Thomas
- Cassidy, Thomas H
- Cassidy, Thomas H
- Cassidy, Timothy M
- Cassiello, Charles
- Cassin, Dennis P
- Cassin, John D.
- Cassin, Richard W.
- Cassinera, George P.
- Cassinera, George P.
- Cassio, Elmo
- Casson, Matthew
- Castagna, John
- Castaldo, Frank
- Castaldo, Ignatius
- Castano, Frank F
- Castano, Robert
- Castellana, Edward J.
- Castellana, Henry P
- Castellano, Anthony
- Castellano, Anthony
- Castellano, Anthony
- Castellano, Anthony
- Castellano, Charles J.
- Castellano, Ettore
- Castellano, John
- Castellano, Thomas
- Castellano, Vito J
- Castellanos, Juan C
- Castelli, Eugene A
- Castelli, Robert J
- Castelluccio, Charles
- Caster, Christopher J.
- Caster, Christopher J.
- Castiglia, Anthony
- Castiglione, Fred A.
- Castine, Joseph W.
- Castle, Charles E
- Castle, Ellsworth H
- Castle, Robert T
- Castle, Roy
- Castles, John W
- Castoldi, Raymond C.
- Castorina, Frank
- Castorino, Joseph
- Castoro, Nicholas
- Castrichini, Armond
- Castro, Luis F
- Castro, Magaly
- Castro, Octavio
- Castry, Anthony J.
- Caswell, George D.
- Caswell, James L
- Caswell, Thomas
- Caswell, Thomas
- Catafa, Joseph
- Catalani, Arthur P
- Catalano, Daniel P.
- Catalano, Frank
- Catalano, John F
- Catalano, Michael
- Catalano, Peter
- Catalano, Rosario N.
- Catalano, Salvatore L
- Catalano, Solomon
- Catalano, Vincenzo
- Cataldo, Samuel
- Cataletto, Mauro
- Catalfamo, Anthony P
- Catalfano, Anthony J
- Catalfano, Anthony J.
- Catalfano, Samuel J
- Catallo, Anthony J.
- Catania, Giovanni B
- Catanzariti, Ronnie S
- Catanzaro, Frank J.
- Catanzaro, Michael W
- Catapano, Dominick C.
- Catapano, Joseph F
- Cater, Barent W
- Cater, Barent W
- Cathcart, Ralph M
- Cathcart, Ralph M
- Cathcart, Robin M
- Cathcart, Robin M
- Cather, Terrence J
- Catherman, Robert R
- Catherwood, William S
- Cathie, John L
- Catibilotti, Angelo
- Catizone, Ronald
- Catlin, Almon E
- Catlin, Emmett T
- Catlin, G D
- Catlin, G D
- Catlin, Kevin
- Catlin Jr., William P.
- Caton, Louis H
- Catone, John
- Catozzi, Albert P
- Catronio, Joseph R
- Catterall, Alan D
- Catterino, Leo P
- Catterson, Arthur J.
- Catterson, John
- Cattley, Marshall E.
- Cattus, John C.
- Catuna, Frederick
- Caudell, Otto
- Caudiano, Dominick
- Cauffield, Martin J
- Cauffield, Martin J
- Caufield, Charles H
- Caufield, Charles H
- Caufield, Howard J
- Caughell, John
- Caughill, Frederick
- Caulfield, Charles E
- Caulfield, Edmund A
- Caulfield, Francis T.
- Caulfield, John A
- Caulfield, Thomas A
- Caulfield, Thomas A
- Caulfield, William
- Caulo, Joseph B
- Causgrove, William J
- Caution, Lewis B
- Caution, Lewis B
- Cava, Alfred
- Cava, Frank S
- Cavalartos, George A
- Cavaleri, Paul
- Cavaliere, Carmine L
- Cavalieri, George J
- Cavallaro, Joseph
- Cavallaro, Salvatore
- Cavalli, Thomas P.
- Cavallo, Frank
- Cavallone, Anthony
- Cavaluzzi, Leonard L
- Cavanagh, Francis B
- Cavanagh, Harry
- Cavanagh, James R
- Cavanagh, John J
- Cavanagh, John J
- Cavanagh, John T
- Cavanagh, Kenneth W
- Cavanagh, Sylvester
- Cavanagh, Thomas F
- Cavanagh, William F
- Cavanaugh, Edward H
- Cavanaugh, Francis H
- Cavanaugh, John C
- Cavanaugh, John J
- Cavanaugh, Joseph L
- Cavanaugh, M J
- Cavanaugh, Patrick F.
- Cavanaugh, Thomas
- Cavanaugh, William T
- Cavanaugh, William T
- Cavanaugh, William T
- Cavanaugh, William V
- Cavangh, Arthur
- Cavanna, John J
- Cavaretta, Frank
- Cavarretta, Nicholas J
- Cave, William G
- Cave, William G
- Caven, James J
- Caves, Michael A
- Cavill, Albert M
- Cavill, Albert M
- Cavill, Albert M
- Cavolo, Joseph P
- Cavoto, Paul J
- Cawley, Richard A
- Cayer, Albert J
- Cayer, Albert J
- Cayer, Albert J
- Cayey, Edward C
- Caypless, Edward F
- Caypless, Edward F.
- Caywood, Glan L
- Ceasar, Clifford
- Cebula, Gary S
- Cebula, Sam
- Cebulski, Walter E
- Ceccanti, Albert C.
- Cecce, Alfred R
- Cecere, Nicholas
- Cecil, James H
- Cederborg, Frederick E.
- Cederborg, James W.
- Cederborg, Paul G.
- Cedoline, Peter
- Ceely, Lyman
- Ceerrano, Louis F
- Cefula, John
- Celano, Salvatore J
- Celebi, James W.
- Celentano, Alfred
- Celentano, Henry E.
- Celenze, Leo
- Celetta, Gabriel
- Cella, Louis
- Cella, Louis
- Cella, Ralph J
- Cello, Dominick J
- Celmer, Lawrence J
- Cencora, Walter
- Cendali, John
- Center, Allen G
- Centofanti, Louis M
- Centrella, Michael
- Centrella, Michael
- Cenzer, Julius
- Cepale, Louis
- Cerame, Richard A.
- Cerasella, Carl
- Cerasi, Vincent C
- Cerbone, Frank J
- Cerbone, Robert W.
- Cerbone, Vincent R
- Cerchiara, Attilio
- Cerico, L E
- Cerillo, Ferdinand C
- Cerio, Alexander A
- Cerio, Joseph A
- Cerio, Michael
- Ceritelli, Peter
- Cerkiewicz, Leonard J
- Cerkoff, Irving
- Cerkoff, Irving
- Cernak, John
- Cernohrsky, Stanley
- Cero, Timothy C
- Cerone, Domonic
- Cerone, Domonic
- Cerone, James
- Cerra, Jack
- Cerrentani, James A.
- Cerrillo, Miguel A
- Certa, Lawrence
- Cerullo, Albert C., Jr.
- Cerveny, Charles
- Cerveny, Charles
- Cerveny, Charles
- Cerveny, William F.
- Cervini, Anthony J.
- Cervino, Thomas V
- Cervo, Frank J
- Cesare, Frank
- Cesaro, Donato
- Cesaro, James F
- Cesaro, Rosario
- Cesarski, Paul R
- Cespedes, Edward
- Cesta, Louis
- Cestar, Michael
- Cestare, Joseph A
- Cestari, Felix
- Cestone, Michael F
- Cestra, Angelo
- Ceterski, Matthew
- Cetta, Julio J.
- Cettina, Onorato G
- Cevasco, Anthony A
- Cevasco, Frederick
- Chabot, Loren
- Chabot, Walter
- Chabot, Walter L.
- Chace, Roy L
- Chacona, George P.
- Chadourne, C R
- Chadourne, C R
- Chadourne, C. R.
- Chadourne, William M
- Chadourne, William M
- Chadwick, Albert W
- Chadwick, James R
- Chadwick, Lawrence H
- Chadwick, Sturgis E
- Chadwick, Walter L.
- Chaffer, Ronald J
- Chaiet, Harold
- Chaires, Harland W
- Chait, Jack N
- Chaitov, Issac
- Chajhowski, Anthony J
- Chakalis, Peter W.
- Chakas, John J
- Chalker, Victor H.
- Challenger, Harry E.
- Chaluisan, Carlos
- Chamberlain, Carl E.
- Chamberlain, Dennis L.
- Chamberlain, Edward G.
- Chamberlain, Edward J
- Chamberlain, Edward J
- Chamberlain, Edward J
- Chamberlain, Edward J
- Chamberlain, Edward N
- Chamberlain, John Dowling
- Chamberlain, W H
- Chamberlain, William M
- Chamberlin, Ward B.
- Chambers, Arthur
- Chambers, Arthur D.
- Chambers, Charles E.
- Chambers, Cyril N
- Chambers, James S
- Chambers, James S
- Chambers, Raymond
- Chambers, Robert J.
- Champagne, Richard J.
- Champagne, Robert E.
- Champitto, Felix N
- Champlin, William A
- Champlin, William A
- Chance, Peter
- Chandler, George F
- Chandler, George F
- Chandler, Leon A
- Chandler, Leon A
- Changeux, Jacques L
- Channer, Charles
- Channer, Charles T.
- Chanson, Anthony
- Chapin, Donald R
- Chapin, Edwin K
- Chapin, Elbert B., Jr.
- Chapin, L H
- Chapin, L H
- Chapin, L. H. Paul
- Chapin, Schuyler G
- Chapin, Tracy J
- Chaplin, Marvin
- Chapman, Cecil H
- Chapman, Chauncy E
- Chapman, Edward
- Chapman, Edward F
- Chapman, Gene
- Chapman, James
- Chapman, Jerry K.
- Chapman, Joseph N
- Chapman, Martin
- Chapman, Raymond
- Chapman, Richard K. III
- Chapman, Robert James
- Chapman, Sanford L
- Chapman, Thayer
- Chapp, Louis
- Chappell, Chester H
- Chappell, Chester H
- Chappina, A.
- Chappina, Thomas
- Charbonneau, Lawrence G
- Charbonneau, Vincent
- Charbonneau, Vincent
- Charbonneau, Yvon A
- Chard, George C.
- Charifson, Charles
- Charland, Louis E
- Charland, Louis E
- Charlebois, Harvey O
- Charles, Jay
- Charles, Michael P
- Charles, Raymond B.
- Charlet, Paul F
- Charley, John N.
- Charnis, Samuel
- Charnley, Herbert W
- Charos, Harold B.
- Charritte, Edward
- Charron, Donald J.
- Charsky, Allen J
- Charters, Lloyd S
- Chartier, Ferdinand E.
- Charton, Abraham H.
- Chartres, James A
- Chary, Louis
- Chase, Arthur B
- Chase, Arthur B
- Chase, Daniel H
- Chase, Francis H
- Chase, Fred
- Chase, George J
- Chase, George S
- Chase, George S
- Chase, George S
- Chase, Harold D
- Chase, Harry A.
- Chase, James C., Sr.
- Chase, Kendrick E
- Chase, Raymond J
- Chase, Raymond J
- Chase, Richard W.
- Chase, Robert
- Chase, William M.
- Chase, William R
- Chasin, Benjamin H
- Chasin, Samuel E
- Chasin, Samuel E
- Chasin, Samuel E.
- Chasm, Francis
- Chasm, Frank
- Chasmar, Paul
- Chastek, Daniel J.
- Chatfield, Douglas H
- Chatfield, Douglas H
- Chatillon, Alfred J
- Chatillon, Alfred J
- Chatman, Arthur L
- Chatman, Freddie Lee, Jr.
- Chatt, Elmer L.
- Chatterton, Raymond
- Chatterton, Raymond
- Chatterton, Raymond A
- Chauncey, Alexander W.
- Chayka, Anthony
- Checca, Mario L.
- Cheek, Herbert N.
- Cheeney, Evadne H
- Cheeney, Evadne H
- Cheesbro, Alfred
- Cheesbro, Alfred
- Cheesman, John M
- Chelkonas, Frank J
- Chellis, Vincent
- Cheney, Dick
- Cheney, Gerald M.
- Cheney, Paul R.
- Cheney, Robert D.
- Cheney, William
- Chennel, Charles
- Chennel, Charles
- Cheny, Roy A.
- Cheperuk, Raymond A.
- Cherenzia, Paul T.
- Cherico, William A
- Chermack, John
- Chermack, John
- Chermack, John
- Cherman, Sam
- Chernetzoff, Vladimir
- Chernick, Arthur
- Chernin, Alex
- Chernoff, John
- Chernosky, Edward
- Chero, Hyman
- Cherry, Frederick
- Cherry, Leslie R
- Cherwonsky, Elliot
- Chery, Sanders
- Chesbro, George W
- Chesbro, Jack V.
- Chesler, Max M
- Chesler, Max M
- Chesler, Robert T.
- Chess, Morris
- Chessler, Russell W
- Chest, Daniel
- Chester, James B
- Chester, Reginald
- Chester, Samuel H
- Chester, Samuel H
- Chestnut, Charles W., Sr.
- Chetney, William
- Chew, Beverly
- Chianese, John J.
- Chianilli, Basilio
- Chiappone, Andrew
- Chiappone, Gregory A.
- Chiappone, Robert T.
- Chiarello, Frank
- Chiavaro, Pasquale
- Chichester, Allen James
- Chichester, Donald A,
- Chichester, William
- Chickery, Carl J
- Chicola, Charles
- Chicola, Charles S
- Chido, Gabriel J
- Chieco, Louis
- Chier, Donald Anthony
- Chierico, Michael
- Childs, Egbert J
- Childs, George H
- Childs, George H
- Childs, Robert F
- Chilton, Ralph J
- Chilton, Ralph J
- Chinchiola, Michael
- Chinchiola, Michael
- Chinchiola, Michael
- Chinnery, Michael A
- Chinnery, Michael A
- Chiovitt, Peter
- Chipperfield, John
- Chirarelli, Achille
- Chirarelli, Anthony D
- Chirarelli, Lucien M
- Chirello, Leo Peter
- Chirico, Anthony
- Chisholm, Henry L
- Chittenden, Carlton A.
- Chittendon, Edward E.
- Chmiel, Henry J.
- Chmielewski, Bernard J.
- Choen, Philip
- Choen, Philip
- Chomiszewski, Daniel V
- Chomsky, Joseph
- Chomyk, William
- Chonski, Alexander
- Chopay, Charles A
- Chopay, Charles A
- Chorazy, Stanley
- Chorba, John
- Chorman, Louis O
- Chorman, Louis O
- Chormann, Otto I
- Chormann, Otto I
- Choutka, Frank
- Chowaniec, Matthew G
- Chretien, Raymond
- Chrisman, Frederick W
- Christ, Carl M.
- Christ, George E
- Christ, Henry H
- Christ, John
- Christatos, Nicholas
- Christen, Ronald A
- Christen, Salon
- Christensen, Donald M
- Christensen, Fraley M
- Christensen, Frank P
- Christensen, Joseph A
- Christensen, Richard G.
- Christensen, Robert E.
- Christenson, Fred
- Christern, Wallace
- Christian, Benjamin R
- Christian, Charles R
- Christian, David A
- Christian, George E
- Christian, Ralph S
- Christian, Ralph S
- Christian, William P
- Christian, Willie L
- Christiano, Louis D.
- Christiano, Louis D.
- Christiano, William I.
- Christiansen, George
- Christiansen, Irving L
- Christianson, Enoch
- Christides, Milton
- Christie, George
- Christie, George A
- Christie, George F
- Christie, George V
- Christie, James
- Christie, James
- Christie, Larry E
- Christie, Robert
- Christie, William H
- Christler, David L
- Christler, David L
- Christly, Bruce A.
- Christman, Arthur J
- Christman, Charles A
- Christman, Charles A
- Christman, Clarence R.
- Christman, Dennis L.
- Christman, Elmer J
- Christman, Felix W
- Christman, Felix W
- Christman, Spencer
- Christman, William
- Christman, William
- Christo, Daniel G.
- Christo, Peter E.
- Christopher, Edward J
- Christopher, George F
- Christopher, Joseph H
- Christopher, Robert F.
- Christopherson, Stanley E
- Christow, Stefano
- Christy, James P
- Christy, James V
- Christy, John P
- Chrostowski, Edward J
- Chrzan, Walter
- Chrzanowski, Joseph
- Chu, Edward J
- Chubbuck, Michael F
- Chuck, Raymond W
- Chudnof, Murray
- Chudyk, Joseph P.
- Chuhran, Kenneth J
- Chuisano, Louis F
- Chulwick, Robert M.
- Chunko, Laurence J
- Chunko, Laurence J.
- Chunoweth, George
- Church, Arthur B.
- Church, Dale M.
- Church, Glen W.
- Church, James W
- Church, Leila
- Church, Manley A
- Church, Richard E.
- Churchill, John V.
- Churchill, William M
- ChurchwellCharlesf, Charles
- Churco, Benjamin Joseph
- Churry, Michael A
- Chwatt, Joseph
- Chybion, John A
- Chybion, John A.
- Chylinksi, Eugene
- Ciacalone, Ignatius M.
- Ciaccio, John F
- Ciaffey, Edard F.
- Ciak, Anthony T
- Cialone, Anthony
- Cianculli, Robert R
- Ciaramella, Constantine A
- Ciarcia, Mariano
- Ciarlei, John
- Ciarlo, Frank
- Ciarpelli, Frank J
- Cibelli, Francis
- Ciborowski, Thomas P
- Cicala, George
- Ciccarell, Thomas A
- Ciccarone, Jennings
- Cicchetti, Thomas R.
- Cicchinelli, Raymond L.
- Ciccimarro, Philip F.
- Cicciu, Angelo
- Ciccone, Anthony
- Ciccone, Joseph
- Ciccone, Joseph P
- Cicconi, William A.
- Cicero, James J
- Cichon, Charles E.
- Cichon, Teddy D
- Cichy, Edmund J
- Cicilese, Giovanni F
- Cicio, Robert D
- Ciciollo, Joseph F.
- Cicola, Louis
- Ciecko, Theodore T
- Cielewich, Donald E.
- Cieri, Joseph
- Ciesiel, Edmund K
- Ciesielski, Henry V
- Ciesielski, Richard A
- Ciesielski, Walter J
- Ciesla, Alfred L.
- Ciesla, Joseph M
- Cieslak, Chester V.
- Cieslewitz, Robert
- Cieslik, Joseph M.
- Cieslik, Theodore P
- Cieszynski, Walter
- Cifelli, Dominic J
- Cihak, William G
- Cilmi, Edward R.
- Cilmi, Edward R.
- Cimaglia, Albert J
- Cimine, Philip J
- Ciminelli, Philip A
- Cimino, Anthony R
- Cimino, Gigetto
- Cimino, Michael
- Cimino, Vito
- Cimirro, Alfonso
- Cincinelli, Peter
- Cincotta, Angelo J
- Cincotta, Angelo J
- Cincotta, Angelo J
- Cincotta, Angelo J
- Cincotta, John J
- Cinelli, Camillo
- Cinnamon, Herbert
- Cinnamond, Halburt M
- Cinquanta, Leonard
- Cinque, James N.
- Cinque, Jules G
- Cinquemani, Eugene P
- Cintio, Joseph
- Cintron, Juan J
- Cintron, William
- Ciocci, Ralph F.
- Cioffi, Frank L
- Cioffi, Joseph
- Cioffi, Louis
- Cioffi, Salvatore
- Cioffi, Salvatore
- Ciotti, Bernard
- Ciotti, Karl P.
- Cipolla, Dominic J., Jr.
- Cipolla, Victor
- Cipolli, Wallace
- Cipolli, William J
- Cipresso, Salvatore
- Cipriani, Nicholas
- Cipriano, Albert E
- Cipriano, Noel J
- Cipu, Nicholas L
- Ciraco, Michael M
- Cirami, Dominick
- Ciraolo, Russell R
- Cirillo, Philip M
- Cirina, Joseph R
- Cirnigliaro, Mario L
- Cirone, Michael
- Cirr, Louis
- Cirrito, Vincent
- Cisar, Joseph G
- Cisek, Mark S.
- Cisowski, Joseph
- Ciszewski, Leo
- Ciullo, Ralph R
- Ciurczak, Richard J.
- Ciuros, William
- Cius, Frank
- Civitello, Ernest
- Cizenski, Anthony J
- Claar, Charles F
- Claffey, Richard B
- Clair, Graydon S
- Claire, Dennis D
- Clancey, Martin
- Clancy, Francis
- Clancy, Howard F
- Clancy, John F
- Clancy, John J
- Clancy, Joseph F
- Clancy, Robert W.
- Clancy, William P
- Clapham, Lathrop B
- Clapham, Lathrop B
- Clapham, Lathrop B
- Clapp, Charles E
- Clapp, Parmly S
- Clapper, Charles A
- Clapper, Drexel J
- Clare, Bernard E
- Clare, James
- Clark, Andrew
- Clark, Archie E
- Clark, Charles I
- Clark, Charles J
- Clark, Charles J
- Clark, Chester A
- Clark, David E.
- Clark, Dewey
- Clark, Dewey
- Clark, Donald L.
- Clark, Donald T
- Clark, Donald T.
- Clark, Duane W
- Clark, Earl E.
- Clark, Edgar L
- Clark, Edgar L
- Clark, Edward
- Clark, Ernest D
- Clark, F.
- Clark, Francis D
- Clark, Francis D
- Clark, Francis J
- Clark, Frank W
- Clark, Frederick R
- Clark, George E.
- Clark, George F
- Clark, George L
- Clark, George L
- Clark, George W
- Clark, George W
- Clark, Gilbert L.
- Clark, Glenn W.
- Clark, Halliday, Jr.
- Clark, Harry A
- Clark, Harry P
- Clark, Henry
- Clark, Howard A
- Clark, James A
- Clark, James A
- Clark, James J
- Clark, James J
- Clark, Jerry F
- Clark, John
- Clark, John A
- Clark, John A
- Clark, John H
- Clark, John H
- Clark, John J
- Clark, John J
- Clark, John J
- Clark, John M
- Clark, John T
- Clark, John W
- Clark, Joseph B
- Clark, Keith R.
- Clark, Kenneth
- Clark, Kenneth S
- Clark, Kevin J.
- Clark, Lawrence R
- Clark, Leonard B
- Clark, Leonard J
- Clark, Levi P
- Clark, Levi P
- Clark, Levi P. M.
- Clark, Louis H
- Clark, Louis H
- Clark, Louis H
- Clark, Matthew A
- Clark, Melvin E
- Clark, Nathaniel
- Clark, Neal P.
- Clark, Nelson J
- Clark, Norman A
- Clark, Paul
- Clark, Ralph
- Clark, Ralph
- Clark, Raymond
- Clark, Raymond C
- Clark, Raymond C
- Clark, Raymond C
- Clark, Raymond C
- Clark, Raymond C
- Clark, Raymond E
- Clark, Richard A
- Clark, Robert A.
- Clark, Robert E
- Clark, Robert E
- Clark, Robert J
- Clark, Robert J
- Clark, Robert J.
- Clark, Robert L
- Clark, Robert L.
- Clark, Robert O
- Clark, Robert P
- Clark, Robert P
- Clark, Roger P
- Clark, Roland T
- Clark, Ronald Vincent
- Clark, Rufus
- Clark, Rufus
- Clark, Shelby T.
- Clark, Sherwood J
- Clark, Silas
- Clark, Silas
- Clark, Terry S.
- Clark, Thomas
- Clark, Thomas J
- Clark, Thomas J.
- Clark, Thomas O
- Clark, Thomas W
- Clark, Washington B
- Clark, William
- Clark, William C
- Clark, William G
- Clark, William G
- Clark, William H.
- Clark, William J
- Clark, William J
- Clark, William J
- Clark Jr., John H.
- Clark Jr., Thomas C.
- Clarke, Alexander W
- Clarke, Alexander W
- Clarke, Andrew
- Clarke, Arthur K
- Clarke, Arthur K
- Clarke, Bruce C
- Clarke, Carmen Charles
- Clarke, Charles C
- Clarke, Donald L
- Clarke, Donald R., Sr.
- Clarke, Edward
- Clarke, Edward A
- Clarke, Edward A
- Clarke, George
- Clarke, George
- Clarke, George J
- Clarke, George L
- Clarke, George L
- Clarke, Gilmore D
- Clarke, Gilmore D.
- Clarke, Harold L
- Clarke, Harold S
- Clarke, John
- Clarke, John J
- Clarke, Lawrence P.
- Clarke, Louis M
- Clarke, Philip L
- Clarke, Philip L
- Clarke, Philip L
- Clarke, Richard W
- Clarke, Robert
- Clarke, Roderick W
- Clarke, Thomas
- Clarke, Thomas J
- Clarke, Victor P
- Clarke, Walter
- Clarke, Wayne D.
- Clarke, William
- Clarkin, John J
- Clarkson, Ralph
- Claroni, John M
- Clasen, Elfred J
- Classen, Curtis
- Classen, Curtis
- Classon, William A
- Clauberg, Ferdinand R
- Claudius, John C
- Claus, Edward J
- Claus, George J
- Claus, Robert P
- Claven, John B
- Clavio, Peter A
- Clawson, George T
- Claxton, Lowell E.
- Clay, Alton M
- Clay, John P
- Clay, Joseph D
- Clayman, David
- Claypoole, William H
- Claypoole, William H
- Claypoole, William H
- Clayton, Alfred P
- Clayton, Christopher
- Clayton, Harold N.
- Clayton, Howard D
- Clayton, Irving
- Clayton, Ralph
- Clayton, Russell L
- Clayton, Washington I
- Clayton, Washington I
- Clearwater, Harry J
- Clearwater, Harry J
- Clearwater, Harry J
- Clearwater, Harry J
- Clearwater, Helena
- Clearwater, Norman W
- Cleary, Dennis J.
- Cleary, Eugene F
- Cleary, Francis J
- Cleary, George E
- Cleary, George E
- Cleary, James W
- Cleary, John F
- Cleary, John P.
- Cleary, Maurice H
- Cleary, Michael N.
- Cleary, Richard J
- Cleary, Stephen M.
- Cleary, William R
- Cleary, William T
- Cleater, John
- Cleaven, Thomas L
- Cleaven, Thomas L
- Cleaver, Robert S.
- Cleaver, William K
- Cleeves, Henry W
- Clemens, Casper
- Clemens, Casper
- Clemens, Leo E.
- Clemens, Leo E.
- Clemens, Robert B., Jr.
- Clement, Albert W.
- Clement, August
- Clement, Harold T
- Clement, Harold T
- Clement, Robert A
- Clemente, William J.
- Clementi, Alfred A
- Clementi, Epifanio J.
- Clements, Albert
- Clements, Arthur R
- Clements, Donald H
- Clements, Harold
- Clements, Thomas R.
- Clemishire, Vere W
- Clemishire, Vere W
- Clemons, Gregory M
- Clemons, Robert B.
- Clemons, Robert E.
- Clench, Robert W.
- Clendenin, Johann A
- Clennan, Francis J
- Clerici, Charles C
- Clerici, Felice
- Cleveland, Clinton B
- Cleveland, Donald
- Cleveland, Francis
- Cleveland, James E
- Cleveland, James E
- Cleveland, James E
- Cleveland, John
- Cleveland, Patrick W.
- Cleverly, Irving N.
- Clexton, Edward W
- Cliffe, Albert
- Clifford, Charles
- Clifford, Ernest J
- Clifford, Ernest J
- Clifford, Ernest R
- Clifford, Fayette W
- Clifford, James J
- Clifford, John J
- Clifford, John J.
- Clifford, John J.
- Clifford, John R
- Clifford, Paul J
- Clifford, Richard
- Clifford, William L
- Clifford, William L
- Clifton, David W.
- Clifton, William E.
- Clinch, Warren L
- Cline, Charles R
- Cline, Charles S
- Cline, David D
- Cline, David D.
- Cline, Paul
- Cline, Philip
- Cline, Philip
- Cline, Philip
- Cline, Robert L.
- Clinton, Gary M
- Clinton, Jacob S
- Clinton, Jacob S
- Clinton, Jacob S
- Clinton, James M
- Clinton, Stewart S
- Clinton, Stewart S
- Clive, Ronald L
- Clive, Ronald L
- Clodgo, Arthur J
- Clodgo, Henry M
- Clohessy, Gerard J
- Clohessy, Michael P
- Clookey, George C
- Cloonan, Edward H
- Cloonan, Edward H.
- Cloonan, Peter P
- Cloonan, William N
- Clore, Lee W
- Closario, Rocco
- Close, Charles F
- Close, Ronald A
- Closinski, Roger W.
- Closs, Charles T
- Clothier, Carlos C.
- Cloud, Clifton J.
- Clough, Arthur G
- Clough, Bert L
- Clough, Charles L
- Clough, Jimmie L
- Clough, Peter L.
- Cloughly, David S.
- Cloutier, Paul R.
- Clowe, Charles W
- Clowry, Joseph G
- Clulow, Mark I
- Clum, Archibald J.
- Clune, Brian J
- Clune, Clare William, Jr.
- Clune, Francis J
- Clune, Leo E
- Clune, Patrick H
- Clune, Patrick H
- Clune, Patrick H
- Clute, Elmer R.
- Clute, Michael A
- Clute, Richard E
- Clute, Tracy A
- Clutter, William G
- Clyde, Clifford L
- Clynes, John F
- Coachman, James L
- Coady, John
- Coakley, Arthur J
- Coakley, Thomas F.
- Coakley, Walter A
- Coakley, William
- Coakley, William J
- Coakley, William J
- Coakley, William J
- Coan, Arthur
- Coates, Grant T
- Coates, Paul J
- Coatti, Aldino P., Jr.
- Cobb, Cand L
- Cobb, Edward C
- Cobb, James C
- Cobb, Jerry L
- Cobb, Joseph A
- Cobb, Leonard H
- Cobb, Patricia Jean
- Cobb, William H
- Cobbe, David H
- Coblenz, David
- Coblish, Francis J
- Cocheu, Frank S.
- Cochran, Edmond W
- Cochran, Francis J
- Cochran, Harold R
- Cochran, James J.
- Cochrane, Henry G
- Cochrane, Henry G
- Cochrane, John C.
- Cocks, James D
- Coclanis, James J
- Coco, Leonard Paul, Jr.
- Coda, Enzo F.
- Coddington, Caroline G
- Coddington, William H
- Coddington, William H
- Coder, Clifford F.
- Codington, Charles R
- Codington, Charles R
- Codish, Robert
- Codner, Robert E
- Codwin, Earl F
- Cody, Donald
- Cody, Frederick P
- Cody, Michael A
- Cody, Michael A
- Cody, Michael P., Jr.
- Cody, Patrick J.
- Cody, Stephen
- Cody, Theodore R.
- Cody, Thomas
- Cody, Thomas M.
- Cody, William
- Cody, William J.
- Coe, Alfred W
- Coe, Arthur P.
- Coe, Henry C
- Coe, Henry C
- Coe, Henry C
- Coe, Henry E
- Coe, Robert
- Coe, William C.
- Coene, E.
- Coffey, Edward V
- Coffey, Eugene J
- Coffey, John A
- Coffey, John A
- Coffey, John T
- Coffey, Joseph A
- Coffey, Melvin J.
- Coffey, Philip G
- Coffey, William J
- Coffin, Donald A
- Coffin, Edward
- Coffin, Tristam
- Coffin, Tristam
- Coffino, Thomas P
- Coffman, Albert
- Coffman, Peter D.
- Cofsky, John J
- Cogan, John F
- Cogansparger, Russell E
- Coggins, Gary
- Coggins, Joseph
- Coggins, Percival F
- Coggins, Terrence M.
- Coggins, William
- Coghlin, James W
- Coglitore, Anthony
- Coglitore, Anthony
- Cognato, Joseph
- Cognetta, Victor A
- Cognitore, Joseph J.
- Cogswell, William E
- Cogswell, William E
- Cohar, Paul
- Coheen, Abraham
- Cohen, Abner
- Cohen, Abraham A
- Cohen, Albert
- Cohen, Albert
- Cohen, Albert
- Cohen, Alvin M
- Cohen, Arnold A
- Cohen, Arnold J
- Cohen, Arthur
- Cohen, Benjamin
- Cohen, Benjamin
- Cohen, Benjamin
- Cohen, Bernard
- Cohen, Charles
- Cohen, Daniel
- Cohen, David
- Cohen, David
- Cohen, David
- Cohen, David
- Cohen, David
- Cohen, David
- Cohen, David
- Cohen, David
- Cohen, David
- Cohen, David
- Cohen, Ephraim F
- Cohen, Frederick
- Cohen, George
- Cohen, Gerald
- Cohen, Harold S
- Cohen, Harris H.
- Cohen, Harry
- Cohen, Harry
- Cohen, Herman
- Cohen, Howard
- Cohen, Hyman
- Cohen, Hyman
- Cohen, Hyman
- Cohen, Hyman
- Cohen, Ira
- Cohen, Ira
- Cohen, Irving
- Cohen, Irving
- Cohen, Irving
- Cohen, Jack
- Cohen, Jacob
- Cohen, Jacob
- Cohen, Jacob
- Cohen, Jacob
- Cohen, Jerome D
- Cohen, John
- Cohen, Joseph
- Cohen, Joseph
- Cohen, Joseph
- Cohen, Joseph
- Cohen, Judah
- Cohen, Leo
- Cohen, Leon B
- Cohen, Leslie B
- Cohen, Maurice
- Cohen, Maurice
- Cohen, Max
- Cohen, Max
- Cohen, Max
- Cohen, Max
- Cohen, Merwin R
- Cohen, Meyer M
- Cohen, Morris
- Cohen, Morris
- Cohen, Morry
- Cohen, Mortimer
- Cohen, Moses
- Cohen, Moses I
- Cohen, Moses I
- Cohen, Nathan P
- Cohen, Norman
- Cohen, Philip
- Cohen, Ralph
- Cohen, Robert I.
- Cohen, Rubin
- Cohen, Samuel
- Cohen, Samuel E.
- Cohen, Stanley L
- Cohen, Theodore L
- Cohl, John A
- Cohn, Bernard R
- Cohn, Emil A
- Cohn, Herbert
- Cohn, Herbert A.
- Cohn, Leo
- Cohn, Leonard
- Cohn, Nathan
- Cohn, Stephen P.
- Cohn, Victor
- Coholan, Gerald F
- Cohoon, William M.
- Coia, Geno
- Coit, Edward
- Cokeley, Eugene J
- Coker, Edwin H
- Colaicovo, Alfred V
- Colamonico, Michael J.
- Colan, Vincent J
- Colanero, Alfred J.
- Colangelo, Louis
- Colantti, Edward
- Colantuoni, Frederick J.
- Colarocco, Robert W., Jr.
- Colasacco, John
- Colascco, Vincent
- Colasuonno, Michael V.
- Colasuonno, Richard T.
- Colavito, James J
- Colavito, William
- Colavolpe, Francesco
- Colbert, Michael A
- Colbert, Michael Lee
- Colby, Andrew P.
- Colby, Dwight
- Colby, Harold H
- Colby, Thomas W
- Cole, Charles
- Cole, Chauncey D
- Cole, Daniel R.
- Cole, David V.
- Cole, Donald
- Cole, Francis M.
- Cole, Fred T
- Cole, Fred T
- Cole, Gerald
- Cole, Harold S
- Cole, Harry D
- Cole, Harvey
- Cole, Jack R
- Cole, Jacob R
- Cole, Jacob R
- Cole, John B
- Cole, John J
- Cole, Kenneth D., Sr.
- Cole, Kenneth H
- Cole, Kenneth H
- Cole, Leland P
- Cole, Robert L.
- Cole, Robert M
- Cole, William F
- Cole, William N
- Cole, William N
- Colello, Anthony
- Coleman, Alvin E
- Coleman, Charles C
- Coleman, Charles C
- Coleman, Charles C.
- Coleman, Daniel J
- Coleman, Daniel J
- Coleman, Eugene K
- Coleman, Freddie I., Jr.
- Coleman, Irving
- Coleman, James P
- Coleman, James P
- Coleman, James P.
- Coleman, John
- Coleman, Lawrence
- Coleman, Otto B
- Coleman, Otto B
- Coleman, William H
- Coleman, William H
- Coleman, William L
- Coles, Commodore, Jr.
- Colesanti, Paul
- Coley, Charles
- Coley, Curtis J.
- Colgan, John
- Colgan, Ralph
- Colgan, William
- Colgrove, Ronald
- Colguhoun, William H
- Colguhoun, William H
- Colguhoun, William H
- Colham, Sanford
- Colkin, Jerome
- Coll, Carroll
- Coll, Mary A
- Collabolletta, Albert
- Collado, William
- Collarile, Robert V.
- Colletti, Thomas
- Colley, Glenwood
- Colley, Robert W.
- Collicchio, Michael
- Collicchio, Michael
- Collier, Ernest
- Collier, Louie S
- Collier, Michael J.
- Collier, Norman
- Collier, Robert E
- Colligan, Frederick W
- Colligan, Frnk J.
- Colligan, James T.
- Colligan, William J
- Colligan, William J
- Colligan, William J
- Colligan, William J
- Colligan, William J
- Collin, David H.
- Collin, Jonas E
- Collingham, Lawrence
- Collins, Albert C
- Collins, Albert W
- Collins, Almore E
- Collins, Anthony
- Collins, Arthur
- Collins, Carl G
- Collins, Charles A
- Collins, David J
- Collins, Edmond J
- Collins, Edward M
- Collins, Eugene J., III
- Collins, Eugene R.
- Collins, George
- Collins, Herbert C
- Collins, Howard J
- Collins, James
- Collins, James
- Collins, James
- Collins, James
- Collins, James E
- Collins, James J
- Collins, James J.
- Collins, James W
- Collins, Jeremiah
- Collins, John
- Collins, John
- Collins, John A
- Collins, John E
- Collins, John J
- Collins, John J
- Collins, John J.
- Collins, Joseph
- Collins, Joseph A
- Collins, Joseph F
- Collins, Joseph F
- Collins, Kenneth F
- Collins, Kevin E.
- Collins, Lawrence H.
- Collins, Morrell T.
- Collins, Patrick
- Collins, Peter
- Collins, Robert J.
- Collins, Robert L.
- Collins, Stephen M
- Collins, Thomas
- Collins, Timothy F
- Collins, Timothy J.
- Collins, Timothy L
- Collins, Walter J
- Collins, Walter M
- Collins, Walter T
- Collins, William F.
- Collins, William H
- Collins, William J.
- Collins, William S.
- Collinson, William J
- Collintine, James
- Collintine, James
- Collintine, James
- Collintine, James
- Collis, Harry
- Collis, Joseph P
- Collis, Lloyd
- Collletti, Michael A.
- Collo, Frank P
- Collopy, James J
- Collord, Edward
- Colluci, Daniel
- Collum, Kenneth D
- Collum, Lester T
- Colmer, Arthur
- Coloe, John J
- Colombo, William J.
- Colon, Arthur
- Colon, Frank G
- Colon, Harry J
- Colon, Jorge
- Colon, Juan E
- Colon, Luis A
- Colon, Rene
- Colonell, Robert
- Colonna, Amaday P
- Colonna, Philip G
- Colonnese, Frank P., Jr.
- Colontonio, Ercolino J
- Colorio, Anthony
- Colorio, Joseph
- Colorito, Joseph R.
- Colotti, Joseph L
- Colp, Everett R.
- Colt, Richard S
- Colter, Kenny L
- Colton, Harold
- Colton, Raymond R
- Colton, Raymond R
- Colucci, Joseph S
- Colucci, Louis
- Colucci, Matteo
- Colucco, John A
- Columbo, John C
- Columbus, Joseph
- Colvin, Gene F
- Colwell, Richard E.
- Colyer, Leonard S
- Colyer, Wilbur E.
- Combes, Charles J
- Combes, Frederick
- Combes, J D
- Combes, Richard P
- Comblo, Charles F
- Combs, Joseph
- Combs, Lewis B
- Comeforo, Roy S
- Comella, George J.
- Comella, Vincent J
- Comentale, Anthony J
- Comerford, Edward R
- Comerford, William MJ
- Comery, George F
- Comeskey, John T
- Comfort, Donald E
- Comfort, Roger L
- Comins, John R.
- Comiskey, Jacob J
- Comiskey, Thomas J.
- Comitale, Joseph
- Commerford, William H
- Commins, Williams E.
- Commons, Vivian K
- Compani, Frank T
- Competiello, Anthony J
- Compitello, Anthony E
- Compitello, Donald D
- Compo, Jesse R.
- Composto, Anthony
- Compton, B A
- Compton, Dennison E.
- Compton, Ranufl
- Comstock, Arthur L.
- Comstock, Carl R
- Comstock, Donald
- Comstock, Donald K.
- Comstock, Gardner V.
- Comstock, John L
- Comstock, LeRoy A
- Comstock, Robert
- Comtois, Robert P.
- Comunale, Edwin F
- Cona, Anthony
- Conahey, John F.
- Conance, Joseph P
- Conaty, Frank A
- Conaty, Frank A
- Conaughton, Matthew
- Conaughton, Matthew R
- Conboy, James
- Conboy, James
- Conboy, Michael P
- Concannon, Robert
- Conciardo, James A.
- Conderman, Joseph
- Condon, Arthur D
- Condon, Edward
- Condon, James J
- Condon, John
- Condon, John
- Condon, Robert E
- Condrat, Tobias A
- Condron, John E
- Condy, James
- Cone, Elmer C
- Cone, Kenneth J
- Conefrey, Frank A.
- Conety, Orley J
- Coney, Benjamin, Jr.
- Confalone, Dominick P.
- Confalone, Dominick P., Sr.
- Confalone, Philip
- Confer, Edward W.
- Conforte, Matthew V.
- Conforti, James
- Conforti, Michael C
- Congaro, Billy
- Conger, Charles A.
- Congiglere, Jack J
- Conigliaro, Salvatore
- Conigliaro, Salvatore J
- Coniglio, Benny C.
- Coniglio, William J
- Conington, William F
- Conklin, Albert
- Conklin, Albert
- Conklin, Albert T
- Conklin, Arthur A.
- Conklin, Arthur Aloysious
- Conklin, Bernard
- Conklin, Conklin L
- Conklin, Dale L.
- Conklin, Deane L
- Conklin, Earl J.,Jr.
- Conklin, Francis A
- Conklin, Garwood B
- Conklin, George I
- Conklin, George W
- Conklin, George W
- Conklin, Harold W
- Conklin, Harold W.
- Conklin, John M.
- Conklin, Joseph P
- Conklin, Larry J
- Conklin, LeRoy W
- Conklin, LeRoy W
- Conklin, Lorin S
- Conklin, Norris C
- Conklin, Raymond M
- Conklin, Ronald R
- Conklin, Roscoe S
- Conklin, Wallace
- Conklin, Walter D.
- Conklin, William J
- Conkling, John
- Conlan, Robert E.
- Conley, Gary P
- Conley, Harold P.
- Conley, LeRoy M.
- Conley, Robert J.
- Conley, Thomas F
- Conlin, Edward
- Conlin, John J.
- Conlin, Peter E
- Conlon, Charles B
- Conlon, Joseph F
- Conlon, Joseph F.
- Conlon, Kenneth
- Conlon, Kenneth
- Conlon, Timothy
- Conlon, William C
- Conn, Charles C.
- Connaughton, Edward
- Connaughton, William F
- Connavale, Alphanso
- Connell, Bernard
- Connell, Charles A.
- Connell, James
- Connell, James J
- Connell, John
- Connell, John L.
- Connell, Joseph L
- Connell, Vaughn D
- Connell, William
- Connell, William A
- Connelly, David L
- Connelly, David L
- Connelly, Edward C.
- Connelly, Frank J
- Connelly, James E
- Connelly, John E
- Connelly, John F
- Connelly, Joseph S
- Connelly, Martin J
- Connelly, Neil O
- Connelly, Patrick W
- Connelly, Patrick W
- Connelly, Paul M
- Connelly, Paul S
- Connelly, Thomas
- Connelly, Walter S
- Conner, Mapherson
- Conner, Robert C.
- Conners, David R.
- Conners, Dennis R
- Conners, Harold E.
- Conners, Joseph P
- Conners, Joseph P,
- Conners, Lee A
- Conners, Robbins L.
- Conners, Stephen C.
- Connery, Edward J
- Connery, Frank J
- Connery, Neil J
- Connery, R.
- Connery, Richard F
- Connetta, Robert
- Conney, James
- Conniff, Donald O.
- Conniff, Felix M
- Connolly, Charles G.
- Connolly, Daniel M
- Connolly, Edward P.
- Connolly, George T
- Connolly, James E
- Connolly, John C.
- Connolly, Joseph
- Connolly, Joseph
- Connolly, Joseph A
- Connolly, Joseph P
- Connolly, Mark A
- Connolly, Michael D
- Connolly, Patrick
- Connolly, Peter M
- Connolly, Thomas J.
- Connolly, Thomas P.
- Connor, Charles F
- Connor, John A
- Connor, John M
- Connor, Joseph H.
- Connor, Martin C.
- Connor, Robert F.
- Connor, Samuel J
- Connors, Edward
- Connors, James
- Connors, Peter
- Connors, William E
- Conover, James R
- Conover, John T.
- Conover, Martin L.
- Conover, Willis C
- Conrad, Alan D.
- Conrad, Clarence
- Conrad, Floyd H.
- Conrad, Frank Stanley
- Conrad, George M
- Conrad, Keith A.
- Conrad, Kenneth
- Conrad, Robert C
- Conrad, William G
- Conrady, Frederick
- Conrow, Edmund C
- Conroy, Duddley D.
- Conroy, Francis A
- Conroy, Francis M.
- Conroy, Frederick
- Conroy, Harry A
- Conroy, James
- Conroy, James J
- Conroy, John
- Conroy, John
- Conroy, John J
- Conroy, Michael E.
- Conroy, Paul A., Jr.
- Conroy, Philip
- Conroy, Thomas J
- Conroy, Thomas P
- Conroy, William
- Conroy, William J.
- Consalvi, Carl L
- Consi, Pasquale F
- Considine, Paul C.
- Considine, William H., Jr.
- Consiglio, Gaetano A
- Consiglio, Salvatore
- Consolazio, Gaetano L
- Consolazio, Robert
- Constabile, Frank R.
- Constable, John P., Jr.
- Constantin, Demetrio
- Constantine, James D
- Constantine, Michael J
- Constantineau, Ferreol
- Constantino, Anthony J
- Constantis, Sotery
- Contarino, Morris S.
- Contarino, Thomas
- Conte, Daniel
- Conte, Frederick
- Conte, Joseph
- Content, Harold A.
- Contento, William
- Contess, David
- Conti, Carlo V.
- Conti, Joseph R.
- Contino, Joseph A
- Contino, Joseph A
- Contino, Leopold J.
- Contos, Stephen
- Contrata, Patsy A
- Contrera, John
- Contreras, Anthony H.
- Conty, Charles A
- Contzamanys, George
- Converse, Caleb A.
- Converse, George P
- Convisser, Samuel
- Convoy, Edwin
- Convy, James A.
- Conway, Bernard L.
- Conway, David
- Conway, Edward S
- Conway, Edward S.
- Conway, Frank
- Conway, Harrly L.
- Conway, Jack L.
- Conway, James
- Conway, Jeremiah A
- Conway, John
- Conway, John E
- Conway, John J
- Conway, John J
- Conway, John J.
- Conway, John J.
- Conway, John L
- Conway, Leonard D
- Conway, LeRoy
- Conway, Raymond L
- Conway, Raymond P., Jr.
- Conway, Robert J
- Conway, Robert W
- Conway, Steven R.
- Conway, Thomas J
- Conway, William
- Conwell, Frank J
- Coogan, Harry H
- Coogan, Theodore H
- Coogan, William C.
- Coogan, William J.
- Cook, Albert K.
- Cook, Anthony B
- Cook, Arthur J.
- Cook, Calvin B.
- Cook, Carlton J
- Cook, Charles E.
- Cook, Frank J.
- Cook, George C.
- Cook, Gregory E
- Cook, Henry A.
- Cook, Herbert
- Cook, Herman T
- Cook, Herman T., Jr.
- Cook, James C
- Cook, James O
- Cook, James R
- Cook, Joel H
- Cook, Joel H
- Cook, John B
- Cook, John M
- Cook, John P
- Cook, Joseph A
- Cook, Joseph A
- Cook, Joseph A.
- Cook, Joseph F.
- Cook, Leo G.
- Cook, Lester L.
- Cook, Max L
- Cook, Milford W.
- Cook, Otto F
- Cook, Raymond L
- Cook, Richard R
- Cook, Roger J
- Cook, Roy F.
- Cook, Thomas S
- Cook, Vincent O
- Cook, Walter
- Cook, Warren G
- Cook, William
- Cook, William
- Cook, William J
- Cook, William J.
- Cook, William T.
- Cook, Wison J
- Cooke, David
- Cooke, Donald B.
- Cooke, James H.
- Cooke, James P.
- Cooke, James W.
- Cooke, Paul R
- Cooke, Robert H
- Cooke, Samuel
- Cookingham, John J
- Cookingham, Oakleigh T
- Cookingham, Robert /s.
- Cookingham, Walter S
- Cool, Rozell F.
- Cooley, Edmund A
- Cooley, Edmund L
- Cooley, Emery C
- Cooley, Floyd W.
- Cooley, George A
- Cooley, Harry T
- Cooley, Russell E
- Cooley, Vincent W
- Coolies, Euthymios
- Coombs, Frederick L
- Coombs, Thomas J
- Coon, Carl
- Coon, Carlton L.
- Coon, Charles F.
- Coon, Clarence E.
- Coon, David W
- Coon, George H.
- Coon, Harold W
- Coon, Jerry G.
- Coon, John L
- Coon, Mark A.
- Coon, Roland F.
- Coon, W.
- Coon, William E.
- Cooney, Edwin J.
- Cooney, Eugene A
- Cooney, James A
- Cooney, James A
- Cooney, James A
- Cooney, Leo A
- Cooney, Leo A
- Cooney, Leo A
- Cooney, Michael J
- Cooney, Michael J
- Cooney, Walter E.
- Cooney, William J
- Coonradt, Edward G
- Coonrod, Paul M
- Coons, Douglas E
- Coons, Gary A
- Coons, Henry A
- Coons, Robert W
- Coop, John
- Cooper, Arthur
- Cooper, Benjamin A
- Cooper, Benjamin T
- Cooper, Clarence E
- Cooper, Daniel
- Cooper, Glenn J.
- Cooper, Gustavus
- Cooper, H H
- Cooper, Harold H
- Cooper, Harry A
- Cooper, Henry
- Cooper, Herbert R.
- Cooper, Herman
- Cooper, Heslie C.
- Cooper, Howard
- Cooper, Irving
- Cooper, Jacob L
- Cooper, James R
- Cooper, John
- Cooper, John H.
- Cooper, Joseph H
- Cooper, Justin L
- Cooper, Larry A.
- Cooper, Leland E.
- Cooper, Oren C
- Cooper, Paul L.
- Cooper, Philip L
- Cooper, Raymond G.
- Cooper, Raymond T
- Cooper, Richard C
- Cooper, Richard P
- Cooper, Richard R.
- Cooper, Robert
- Cooper, Robert M
- Cooper, Thomas C.
- Cooper, Thomas O
- Cooper, Thomas P
- Cooper, Victor
- Cooper, Vincent V
- Cooper, Walter H
- Cooper, William B
- Cooper, William C
- Cooper, William K
- Cooperman, Robert
- Cootware, William H
- Copassaki, Andrew
- Cope, Harold R
- Cope, Harold R
- Cope, Harold R
- Cope, Raymond D.
- Copeland, Arthur
- Copeland, Clinton H.
- Copeland, Francis T
- Copeland, Francis T.
- Copeland, John H
- Copertino, Patsy
- Copin, Edward S
- Copin, Edward S
- Coplan, George M
- Copp, LeRoy S
- Coppernoll, Jason B., Jr.
- Coppinger, Wilton J.
- Coppola, Louis A
- Coppola, Michael C
- Coppola, Nicholas
- Coppola, Nicholas P
- Cora, Theodore F
- Coram, Walter H
- Corbe, Peter
- Corben, Joseph
- Corbet, John J
- Corbett, Edward J.
- Corbett, Edward W
- Corbett, John C
- Corbett, John H
- Corbett, Joseph H.
- Corbett, M. Donald Paul, Jr.
- Corbett, Michael Ian
- Corbett, Ralph E
- Corbett, Stratford F.
- Corbin, Calvin
- Corbine, Donald W.
- Corbo, Bruno J
- Corbon, Charles S
- Corcione, Anthony J
- Corcoran, Bert D.
- Corcoran, Edward W
- Corcoran, John J
- Corcoran, John J
- Corcoran, Joseph P
- Corcoran, Laurence M
- Corcoran, Robert F.
- Corcoran, Stephen M.
- Corcoran, Walter J
- Corcoran, William K
- Cordaro, Angelo
- Cordaro, Salvatore
- Cordaro, Salvatore
- Cordasco, Vincent J
- Cordato, Joseph
- Cordean, August F.
- Cordell, James A
- Cordell, John P
- Cordella, Frank M.
- Cordero, David
- Cordero, Fernando A.
- Cordes, Charles F.
- Cordes, Fred
- Cordes, Henry J
- Cordes, John H
- Cordes, William B
- Cordova, Albert
- Cordova, Victor M.
- Cordsen, John K
- Cordts, Bernhard F
- Cordts, Walter J.
- Core, James A
- Coreless, John J
- Corell, Vernon
- Coren, Malvin M
- Corey, Douglas M
- Corey, Frank S
- Corey, George
- Corey, Jermone J
- Corey, Ronald E
- Corey, Samuel
- Cori, Frank V
- Coriello, Peter J
- Corigliano, Philip A.
- Corirossi, Anthony
- Corirossi, Hombert
- Corke, George
- Corker, Edward J
- Corkey, John J
- Corkey, John J
- Corkhill, Norman
- Corl, Charles D
- Corlew, Roy K
- Corley, John G
- Corley, John G
- Corley, John G
- Corley, William O
- Corliss, Michael M
- Cormier, Arthur
- Cornacchia, Joseph
- Cornacchia, Joseph
- Cornelius, Dennis Duane
- Cornell, Albert C
- Cornell, Archie P
- Cornell, Dudley B
- Cornell, Dudley B
- Cornell, Gene A
- Cornell, George R
- Cornell, John J
- Cornell, P. D.
- Cornell, Richard S
- Cornell, Roy
- Cornell, Stanley
- Cornell, Steven T
- Cornell, Thomas E
- Cornett, Solomon
- Corni, Richard A.
- Cornick, Thomas H.
- Corning, Townsend
- Cornish, Francis E.
- Cornish, Larry I
- Cornwall, Leon H
- Cornwall, Leon H
- Cornwell, George
- Cornwell, John B
- Coron, Sidney G
- Corona, Samuel
- Coronato, Thomas V.
- Corr, Howard C.
- Corradi, Ralph R.
- Corrado, Carlo
- Corrado, Louis
- Corrado, Sylvester
- Corrao, Caspara
- Corrao, John
- Corrao, John
- Correa, Michael S
- Correll, Benjamin
- Correll, Frank L
- Corretjer, Diego L.
- Corretto, James P.
- Corrigall, Calvin F.
- Corrigan, Edward J
- Corrigan, Francis
- Corrigan, James J
- Corrigan, John X
- Corrigan, Raymond R
- Corrigan, Robert A.
- Corrigan, Sarah K
- Corrigan, Thomas F
- Corrigan, Thomas F
- Corry, Frank B
- Corsaro, Clyde M.
- Corsaro, Frank
- Corse, Cadwallader C
- Corso, Casper
- Corso, Frank J.
- Corso, Robert
- Corson, Clarence E
- Corson, Sommers
- Cortellino, Charles A.
- Cortelyou, Theodore C
- Cortese, Robert J.
- Cortese, Thomas
- Cortese, Tony
- Cortez, Alanzo
- Cortez, Ruben D.
- Cortright, Irving L
- Cortright, Paul A., Jr.
- Cortright, Rallen A
- Cortright, Robert M.
- Corwin, Oliver P.
- Corzilius, David S.
- Coscia, Angelo J
- Coscione, Anthony F.
- Cosco, William
- Cosentino, Frank J
- Cosentino, John Philip
- Cosentino, Louis F
- Cosenza, Frank
- Cosenzo, Joseph J
- Cosgrove, Edward J
- Cosgrove, Emily M
- Cosgrove, John
- Cosgrove, John F
- Cosgrove, Richard P
- Cosgrove, Ronald F
- Cosgrove, William J
- Cosky, Kenneth L.
- Cosmen, Francis G
- Cosola, Frank
- Cossen, William H
- Costa, Albert J
- Costa, Anthony
- Costa, Bruno F
- Costa, Frank P
- Costa, Frank W
- Costa, Joseph
- Costa, Joseph F.
- Costa, Joseph J
- Costa, Michael J
- Costa, Nicholas J
- Costa, Vincent
- Costabile, Anthony
- Costanza, Anthony J
- Costanza, Joseph A.
- Costanza, Kenneth D
- Costanzo, Anthony
- Costanzo, Charles
- Costanzo, Frank J.
- Costanzo, John
- Costanzo, Thomas L.
- Costello, Frank
- Costello, Harry J.
- Costello, James
- Costello, John J
- Costello, Joseph E
- Costello, Joseph J.
- Costello, Lawrence H
- Costello, Patrick
- Costello, William F.
- Costello, William P.
- Coster Jr., Paul
- Costigan, Daniel E
- Costigan, Laurence J.
- Costikyan, Haig
- Costly, John L
- Coston, Ricky L.
- Cote, Meredith F.
- Cotillis, William
- Cotroneo, Anthony
- Cotroneo, Anthony P
- Cotropia, Joseph A.
- Cotter, Edward D
- Cotter, James E
- Cotter, Richard M.
- Cotter, William
- Cotter, William F
- Cotter, William J
- Cotti, Joseph L
- Cotting, Gordon H
- Cotto, Angel luis
- Cotto, Ismael
- Cotto, Ismael
- Cottom, Henry A
- Cotton, Donald L
- Cotton, John C.
- Cotton, Morton J
- Cotton, William J
- Cottone, Thomas S
- Cotugno, Michael
- Couch, Frederic H.
- Couch, George H
- Couchman, Carl F
- Couchman, Harry A
- Coudert, Frederick R
- Coufal, Gary W.
- Coughenour, Randall
- Coughlan, James F
- Coughlan, James F.
- Coughlen, William
- Coughlin, Charles
- Coughlin, Charles B
- Coughlin, Daniel
- Coughlin, Daniel J
- Coughlin, Daniel J
- Coughlin, Daniel P.
- Coughlin, Francis J
- Coughlin, Francis X
- Coughlin, George A
- Coughlin, James J.
- Coughlin, John
- Coughlin, John M
- Coughlin, Leo P
- Coughlin, Peter J
- Coughlin, Thomas J
- Coughlin, William A
- Coughran, William H
- Coulman, Kevin E.
- Coulon, John
- Coulon, John G
- Coulter, Arthur E
- Coulter, Charles J
- Coulter, David
- Coumbis, Michael
- Counterman, Gerald
- Countermine, Charles I
- Countois, John A
- Countryman, Clarence P.
- Countryman, David S
- Coupe, George
- Coupell, James
- Coupell, John
- Courneen, Bernard J
- Coursen, Melven
- Court, Arthur V
- Court, Jack C
- Court, William S.
- Courtenay, Michael D
- Courtmanche, Frank
- Courtney, Cornelius
- Courtney, Hugh J.
- Courtney, Ralph
- Cousineau, James F
- Cousino, Michael D., Sr.
- Cousland, Richard
- Cousminer, Harold L
- Coussoulis, Peter
- coutant, Ralph A
- Coutant, Willard F
- Coutourxides, Christ
- Coutton, Edward L
- Covais, Jiacomo
- Covart, Leslie A
- Covel, Otis D.
- Covell, Stanley D
- Covell, William C.
- Coveney, Michael J.
- Coveny, David P
- Cover, George C
- Covert, Francis J.
- Covert, John H
- Covert, John H
- Covert, Paul T
- Covet, Frank P
- Covey, Edward C
- Covey, Elwood D., Jr.
- Coviello, James
- Coviello, Vincent
- Cowan, John
- Cowan, John J
- Cowan, John M.
- Cowan, Julian V.
- Cowan, Kenneth
- Cowan, Maurice H
- Cowan, Royal W. B.
- Cowan, Smauel P
- Cowan, William
- Coward, Charles J.
- Cowen, Edwin
- Cowen, Roy F.
- Cowen, Stuart L
- Cowen, Stuart L.
- Cowey, Harold
- Cox, Austin B
- Cox, Bruce U.
- Cox, Charles A.
- Cox, Charles W,
- Cox, Edward B
- Cox, Edwin
- Cox, Frank
- Cox, Gary E.
- Cox, George Brian
- Cox, Grover C
- Cox, Hugh J.
- Cox, John
- Cox, John
- Cox, John F
- Cox, John H
- Cox, Joseph
- Cox, Joseph A
- Cox, Leonard
- Cox, William
- Cox, William F
- Cox, William F
- Coyer, Hubert
- Coyer, Hubert
- Coyer, Hubert E
- Coyle, James
- Coyle, James J.
- Coyle, John A
- Coyle, John A
- Coyle, Michael P.
- Coyne, Edward J
- Coyne, Frank
- Coyne, Frank
- Coyne, Harold J
- Coyne, Michael
- Coyne, Thomas J
- Cozens, Richard L.
- Cozewith, Arthur D.
- Cozine, Arthur
- Cozine, Arthur
- Cozz, Joseph S.
- Cozzette, Anthony
- Cracchiolo, Thomas
- Cracknell, Stuart L.
- Cracolici, Albert
- Cracolici, Salvatore
- Craddock, Francis B
- Craddock, Francis D
- Crager, Walter H
- Crager, Walter H
- Crager, Walter H
- Crahan, Edward F.
- Craig, Donald H
- Craig, Douglas P
- Craig, Edward A.
- Craig, John B
- Craig, Robert J
- Craig, Ronald E
- Craig, William
- Craig, William C
- Crail, Edwin L
- Cram, Donald Q.
- Cramer, Arthur A
- Cramer, Charles M.
- Cramer, Harold F
- Cramer, Herman
- Cramer, Leonard
- Crampton, Joel F
- Crandall, Barrett L
- Crandall, DeWitte H.
- Crandall, Edwin A
- Crandall, James L. III
- Crandall, Keith David
- Crandall, Lyle
- Crandall, Mills B
- Crandall, Wayne S
- Crane, Charles
- Crane, David C
- Crane, Dorr L.
- Crane, Frank
- Crane, Joseph
- Crane, Joseph C
- Crane, Michael D
- Crane, Robert J
- Crane, Theodore
- Crane, Walter B.
- Craner, John T., Jr.
- Cranker, Ronald D
- Cranmer, Walter R
- Crans, Chester F.
- Crans, Joseph
- Crans, Joseph
- Cranston, George
- Crapser, William J.
- Crapsey, Arthur H
- Crapsulli, John B
- Crary, Jesse D.
- Crary, Kenneth H.
- Crast, Kenneth J
- Craven, Herbert W
- Craver, F.
- Craver, Walter L
- Crawford, Conrad
- Crawford, Curtis E
- Crawford, Donald E
- Crawford, Douglas J
- Crawford, Edward A
- Crawford, Edward A.
- Crawford, Francis L.
- Crawford, Gilbert H.
- Crawford, Harold F
- Crawford, Howard C.
- Crawford, James H
- Crawford, John
- Crawford, John D
- Crawford, Lee W
- Crawford, Michael L.
- Crawford, Ralph M
- Crawford, Richard W
- Crawford, Robert
- Crawford, Russell G
- Crawford, Thomas M
- Crawford, Truman J
- Crawford, William T.
- Creagan, James C.
- Creamer, Francis P
- Creamer, John M
- Creamer, John S
- Creamer, Patrick J
- Crean, Nicholas F.
- Crean, Raymond H
- Creed, Francis
- Creed, Francis G
- Creedon, Edward T
- Cregan, George
- Crego, Ralph
- Crego, Ralph
- Crego, Ralph
- Crego, Randall M
- Cregon, Kevin F
- Creighton, Albert
- Creighton, Bernard J
- Creighton, Edward G
- Cremin, Joseph P
- Cremin, Joseph P
- Cremins, Philip R.
- Creola, Leo B
- Crepeau, Victor
- Crescenzi, Anthony C
- Crespo, Jose
- Cresson, Alfred E.
- Cressy, George L
- Cretard, Louis
- Cretaro, EdwardQ
- Cretos, James
- Creutzberger, Edward B
- Crew, David
- Crews, Harry W
- Criaco, Anthony
- Cribbs, John P., Jr.
- Cribbs, Martin J
- Cribbs, Thomas J.
- Criddle, Robert W
- Criddle, Robert W
- Crilley, Lawrence
- Crimmins, John B
- Crimmins, Thomas
- Crisafulli, Charles
- Crisafulli, Cossino
- Crisafulli, Murphy J
- Crisafulli, Nino D
- Crisci, Larry A
- Crisci, Neil
- Crisci, Vincenzo
- Criscione, George
- Criscitello, Frank C
- Criscuola, Matteo
- Crise, Perry R
- Crisell, Ronald James
- Crispell, Donald H
- Crispens, Kenneth S.
- Crispo, Ferdinand C
- Criss, James D.
- Crissell, Earl L
- Crist, David B.
- Crist, James
- Crist, James A
- Crist, John C.
- Crist, Raymond F
- Cristanello, Anthony R.
- Cristman, Myron W
- Critelli, Joseph A.
- Critiano, Frederick
- Crittenden, Augustus
- Crivelli, Barney G
- Croad, Harry
- Croak, Raymond J.
- Crobar, Donald R
- Crobar, James A.
- Croce, Louis J
- Crocetta, Robert P
- Crocetti, Attilio A.
- Crocker, Agustus O.
- Crocker, Douglas S
- Crocker, Frank
- Crocker, Richard
- Croft, Ulysses S
- Croft, Willis, Jr.
- Crofton, William
- Crofton, William M
- Crofts, Edward F
- Crombie, Donald T
- Crombie, Irving
- Cromer, Edward J
- Cromer, James A
- Cromp, Dennie A.
- Cromwell, Robert J
- Cron, Allen Russell
- Cron, John W
- Cronan, Donald G
- Cronauer, Frederick C.
- Cronin, Daniel J
- Cronin, Eugene
- Cronin, Eugene M
- Cronin, Harold M
- Cronin, James
- Cronin, Jeremiah J
- Cronin, John F
- Cronin, John J
- Cronin, John J.
- Cronin, Matthew P.
- Cronin, Michael
- Cronin, Michael
- Cronin, Michael
- Cronin, Philip W.
- Cronin, Raymond A
- Cronin, Thomas A.
- Cronin, Willard
- Cronin, William J.
- Cronin, William T
- Cronk, Donald J.
- Cronk, Leonard E
- Cronk, Leonard E
- Cronk, Leonard E
- Cronk, Richard E.
- Cronkhite, Thomas J.
- Cronson, Disraeli
- Crook, Edward L.
- Crook, Harvey
- Crook, Michael J.
- Crook, William D
- Crooker, Robert J.
- Crooker, William T
- Crookhorn, Henry M
- Crosby, Bruce A
- Crosby, Calvin G.
- Crosby, Francis J
- Crosby, Francis W.
- Crosby, Harry E.
- Crosby, Henry
- Crosby, Henry A
- Crosby, Thoephilus A
- Croskey, Bernard
- Crosley, Charles R
- Cross, Archie W
- Cross, Charles C.
- Cross, Clarence J
- Cross, Eugene F
- Cross, Eugene M.
- Cross, George
- Cross, Gifford A
- Cross, John A
- Cross, John E
- Cross, Neil E.
- Cross, Robert L
- Cross, Thomas J
- Cross, William P
- Crossen, Henry
- Crossett, Newton S
- Crossley, Orman L
- Crosson, Gerald J
- Croston, Daniel M.
- Croto, Donald J
- Crotty, Edward H
- Crotty, John J.
- Crotty, Leslie J
- Crotty, Richard E
- Crouch, Allen F
- Crouch, George F
- Crouch, KevinT.
- Crovat, Charles L.
- Crovatto, Alfred
- Crovitz, Richard A.
- Crovo, Joseph W.
- Crow, Edmund
- Crow, James R.
- Crowe, George P
- Crowe, Harry M.
- Crowe, John F
- Crowe, Patrick
- Crowell, Clarence W
- Crowell, Homer M
- Crowell, Howard W
- Crowley, Cornelius P
- Crowley, Frank
- Crowley, Jerome B
- Crowley, John
- Crowley, John
- Crowley, John E
- Crowley, John J.
- Crowley, John L
- Crowley, Joseph F
- Crowley, Joseph F
- Crowley, Joseph L.
- Crowley, Joseph P
- Crowley, Leon T.
- Crowley, Steven J
- Crowley, Thomas M.
- Crown, William
- Crowningshield, Roger A
- Crozier, Rosewell L., Jr.
- Crozier, William F
- Crudo, Richard F
- Cruger, Edwin
- Cruger, Elmer
- Cruger, Randolph
- Cruger, Thomas John
- Cruger, William
- Cruger, Wm
- Cruice, DeCoury
- Cruisce, Sebastian B
- Cruise, Fred A
- Crumb, Albert F
- Crumb, George S., Jr.
- Crumb, Wilmer A.
- Crumley, John D.
- Crumm, Leo J
- Crummey, William G
- Crump, Erie J.
- Crupi, Joseph A
- Crusie, William M
- Crutchley, Howard H
- Cruz, Cristino
- Cruz, Joshua G.`
- Cruz, Luis
- Cruz, Luis A
- Cruz, Miguel
- Cruz, Norbeto
- Cruz, Ruben G
- Cruz, William
- Cruze, Emile B
- Csaba, John
- Csaba, John
- Csati, Michael J
- Csicsman, Paul
- Csikortos, Raymond
- Csontos, Oliver M.
- Cubbedge, Carlon
- Cubero, Frank
- Cubillas, Joseph A
- Cuccia, Joseph
- Cucco, John A
- Cucola, Lorenzo
- Cucurullo, Constantino S
- Cuddeback, Ronald J.
- Cuddihy, John F
- Cuddy, Harry J
- Cudmore, Fred W
- Cudmore, Fred W
- Cudmore, Fred W
- Cudmore, Fred W
- Cudney, Harry
- Cudworth, Albert W
- Cuer, Harold E
- Cuffe, James P
- Cuffe, William
- Cuffney, Robert V
- Cuilla, Frank B.
- Culbertson, Carl J
- Culbertson, Norman C
- Culella, Salvatore C.
- Culhane, Charles M
- Culhane, John
- Culkin, John
- Culkin, John W
- Cullen, David C.
- Cullen, Francis C
- Cullen, Frank J.
- Cullen, Fred E.
- Cullen, Henry
- Cullen, James H
- Cullen, John C
- Cullen, John P.
- Cullen, Joseph A
- Cullen, Joseph R.
- Cullen, Lawrence V.
- Cullen, Martin J
- Cullen, Michael F
- Cullen, Terence M
- Cullen, Thomas
- Cullen, Thomas J
- Cullen, William
- Cullen, William J.
- Culley, Frank
- Culley, Frank J
- Culligan, Casimir
- Culligan, Eugene P.
- Cullina, Frank P
- Cullinan, Edward J
- Cullinan, Eugene T.
- Cullinan, Michael F.
- Cullinane, Charles J.
- Cullinane, John C
- Cullis, Eric L
- Culotta, Joseph E
- Culotta, Michael H
- Culp, Gary R.
- Culp, Manchester L
- Cultrera, Peter
- Cultreri, Tom
- Culver, Charles A
- Cumberland, Edward A
- CumberlandEdward, Edward
- Cuming, William A
- Cumm, Anthony B
- Cumming, Herbert B.
- Cumming, Milton K
- Cummings, Carl E
- Cummings, Charles E
- Cummings, Daniel F.
- Cummings, Donald A
- Cummings, Doral E.
- Cummings, Frank M
- Cummings, George E.
- Cummings, Harry
- Cummings, James E
- Cummings, John
- Cummings, John J
- Cummings, Keith W
- Cummings, Peter M
- Cummings, Richard B
- Cummings, Samuel
- Cummings, Samuel N
- Cummings, William H
- Cummins, Arthur C.
- Cummins, Edward J
- Cumminskey, Frank W
- Cummiskey, Vincent T
- Cummo, Richard J
- Cummuskey, Joseph A
- Cunliffe, David J
- Cunliffe, Thomas J.
- Cunningham, Alfred J
- Cunningham, Arthur H.
- Cunningham, Charles
- Cunningham, Christopher W
- Cunningham, Clarence B
- Cunningham, Edward
- Cunningham, Edward T
- Cunningham, Eugene M
- Cunningham, Francis J
- Cunningham, Gerald
- Cunningham, James
- Cunningham, James A
- Cunningham, James D
- Cunningham, John
- Cunningham, John J
- Cunningham, John L
- Cunningham, Joseph
- Cunningham, Kevin G
- Cunningham, Lawrence T
- Cunningham, Michael F.
- Cunningham, Murdoch R
- Cunningham, Prince C
- Cunningham, Richard M
- Cunningham, Robert E
- Cunningham, Ronald F.
- Cunningham, Theodore E
- Cunningham, Theodore E.
- Cunningham, Timothy Michael
- Cunningham, Warren E
- Cunningham, William
- Cunningham, William
- Cunningham, William
- Cunningham, William A.
- Cunningham, William H., Jr.
- Cunnion, Michael A
- Cuoco, Daniel J
- Cuphers, George
- Cupito, Edward
- Curcio, Albert W
- Curcio, Bart J.
- Curcio, Domenick E
- Curcio, Edward
- Curcio, Frank C
- Curcio, James J,
- Curcio, Joseph A.
- Curcio, Michael
- Cure, Ulysses S
- Curiello, James
- Curio, Louis
- Curle, Howard J.
- Curley, Clarence B
- Curley, Joseph W
- Curley, Martin J
- Curley, William
- Curley, William
- Curley, William C
- Curling, James
- Curran, Bernard
- Curran, Charles W
- Curran, Clarence P
- Curran, Francis J
- Curran, Frederick M
- Curran, Frederick R
- Curran, George F
- Curran, James R
- Curran, James W.
- Curran, John J
- Curran, Philip
- Curran, Raymond
- Curran, Robert J
- Currao, Joseph
- Curren, Charles J
- Currey, Francis S
- Currie, Clarence W
- Currie, Floyd J
- Currie, George L
- Currie, Thomas S
- Currier, Albert J.
- Currier, Bernard P.
- Currier, Hubert J
- Currier, Lewis W., III
- Currier, Mary A
- Currier, Nelson
- Currin, Robert K
- Curro, Richard
- Curry, Arthur B
- Curry, Charles C
- Curry, Edward J
- Curry, Francis H
- Curry, Francis M
- Curry, James B.
- Curry, John
- Curry, Redmond
- Curry, Thomas
- Curry, Vincent J
- Curry, Wilbur
- Curth, Herbert F.
- Curti, Nicholas
- Curti, Vincent L
- Curtin, Alfred J
- Curtin, Francis R.
- Curtin, Frank S
- Curtin, Frank S
- Curtin, Frank S
- Curtin, Gordon
- Curtin, James J
- Curtin, Joseph
- Curtin, Michael F
- Curtin, Thomas
- Curtis, Clayton N
- Curtis, David A
- Curtis, Donald A
- Curtis, Edward P
- Curtis, George I
- Curtis, James F
- Curtis, James L
- Curtis, John
- Curtis, Lewis A
- Curtis, Ronald E
- Curtis, Walter E., II
- Curtis, William J
- Curtiss, Frank R.
- Curtiss, Summerfield S.
- Curto, Frank J.
- Curwood, James E
- Curzon, George R
- Cusack, Michael J
- Cusak, Charles J
- Cusak, Frank A
- Cusano, Frederick
- Cusano, Frederick J.
- Cusato, Frank J
- Cusato, Raymond M.
- Cushman, George A
- Cushman, Harold E
- Cushman, Joseph R.
- Cusick, Frederick
- Cusick, Michael P
- Cusimano, Anthony
- Cusimano, Joseph, Jr.
- Cusimano, Robert
- Cusumano, Anthony M
- Cutagno, John
- Cuthbert, Joseph B
- Cuthbert, William
- Cuthbertson, Elmer
- Cutilli, Oswaldo T.
- Cutinello, Edward G
- Cutler, Albert
- Cutler, Augustus W.
- Cutler, Cecil D
- Cutler, Earl R.
- Cutler, Leon
- Cutler, Merritt D.
- Cutlere, Frederic, Jr.
- Cutola, Frank
- Cutri, Michael J
- Cutro, Joseph A
- Cutter, Donald A
- Cutting, Arthur R.
- Cutting, Richard A
- Cutway, Bernard A.
- Cuva, Frank J.
- Cybofsky, John
- Cycon, Terry C.
- Cygan, John L.
- Cymerman, Raymond A
- Cynamon, Seymour
- Cyphers, George
- Cyr, Myrton C
- Cyrulik, David W.
- Cyrus, Francis F.
- Cytryn, Morton E.
- Cytryszewski, Steven W
- Cywinski, Eugene C
- Cywinsky, William E
- Czajak, Daniel J
- Czajka, Norman A
- Czajkowski, Richard D
- Czap, Eugene A.
- Czapski, Edward
- Czarkowski, Casimer W
- Czarneck, Leon
- Czarnecki, Edward J.
- Czarnel, Zygmunt
- Czarniak, Stanley F
- Czechlewski, Joseph
- Czechorowski, William
- Czechowski, Frank J
- Czelusniak, Franciszek Pl
- Czenszak, Joseph S
- Czerkies, Walter A.
- Czerniak, Joseph C
- Czerniejewski, Richard R.
- Czerniuk, Edward J
- Czerwinski, Frank P
- Czerwonka, Chester
- Czinner, Richard
- Czirr, William N.
- Czito, Charles
- Czizik, Benjamin S
- Czizik, Benjamin S
- Czombel, John M
- Czop, Joseph W
- Czwakiel, John
- Czyzenski, Edward J.
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