157th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
The 157th Regiment, Col. BROWN, reached the city this morning at 6 o'clock, having marched from Hamilton to Canastota yesterday, and took the cars at the latter place last evening. The Regiment was raised in Madison and Cortland counties, and is, without doubt, one of the very best Regiments in every soldierly quality, which has yet left the State. Col. BROWN combines, with his rich scholarly acquirements, a fine military taste, and has already brought his Regiment to an excellent state of discipline.
After the usual Refreshments, profusely supplied by the Committee entrusted with that duty, the Regiment marched (headed by their brass band) to the residence of the Governor, where, after a formal introduction, the Governor made a brief but effective speech, which was very gratifying to the men, and which was received with enthusiastic cheers.
Governor MORGAN said:—
COLONEL BROWN—I need not say that I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity you have afforded me of seeing the fine Regiment under your command, which has been raised in the counties of Cortland and Madison.
I wish every man in our State could witness the presence of the noble men now standing before me, so that it might not be forgotten hereafter, when paying a marked and deserved compliment to Pennsylvania and Ohio for one hundred thousand men, that New York had furnished two hundred thousand.
Our military authorities think they perform their duty to the Government and country best when they equip and send forth their citizen soldiers without display, but with the greatest degree of promptitude and efficiency. Acting upon this principle, I think it will appear that the number of new troops (I mean those raised since the middle of July) engaged in the late terrible battles in Maryland and located in and near Washington, were greater in number from New York than from all other States combined, and this will, I fear, be shown, as the lists of casualties shall be published.
Soldiers, your mission is a sad one!—but it is a noble one on your part. You go forth and engage in hot strife to conquer a peace. You leave your quiet and happy homes to risk your lives in maintaining the best government on earth. War has been necessary before, it is necessary now.
Your strong hands and determined purpose to conquer or die, will be successful, and may the God of battles be with you, until your safe return to your families and homes, with victory inscribed upon your banners.
GEO. J. J. BARBER, Esq., (the "Father of the Regiment") accompanied it to this city, and goes on with it to New York and perhaps to Washington. He, and every other citizen of Madison and Cortland counties, has a right to be proud of this magnificent Regiment, which will push straight through to the Potomac.
The following is a list of the field, staff and line officers:—
Colonel—Philip P. Brown, Jr.
Lieutenant Colonel—George Arrowsmith.
Major— James C. Carmichael.
Quartermaster—Perrin H. McGraw.
Surgeon—Henry C Hendrick.
First Assistant Surgeon—Frank D. Beebe.
Second Asst. Surgeon—J. Mortimer Crawe.
Chaplain—Charles Barstow.
Company A—Captain, Jonathan Hunt Smith;
First. Lieutenant, George R. Seaton; Second Lieutenant, Julius D. Palmer.
Company B—Captain, Thomas J. Randall; First Lieutenant, Osbert E. Messinger; Second Lieutenant, Justin C. Ware.
Company G—Captain, Frank Place; First Lieutenant, James A. Coffin; Second Lieutenant, Job D. Potter.
Company D—Captain, Walter O. Dunbar; First Lieutenant, Seymour Z. Miner; Second Lieutenant, Luther L. Stillman.
Company E—Captain, Benj. B. Andrews; First Lieutenant, Jason K. Backus; Second Lieutenant, Benj. F . Jones.
Company F—Captain, J. Riley Stone; First Lieutenant, Wm. Alex. Stone; Second Lieutenant, Samuel Wickwire, Jr.
Company G—Captain, Abraham Tuttle; First Lieutenant, Morris D. Bailey; Second Lieutenant, Harrison Frank.
Company H—Captain, William P. Beck; First Lieutenant, Leonard W. Buck; Second Lieutenant, George A. Adams.
Company J—Captain, William Bellinger; First Lieutenant, Thurlow W. Priest; Second Lieutenant, William H. Snyder.
Company K—Captain, Nelson M. Daniels; First Lieutenant, Willie S. Barnum; Second Lieutenant, Samuel N. Kinney.
Madison County Regiment.
Camp Chase, Va., near Washington,
Oct. 3, 1862.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
A few days in camp here furnishes a number of items that may be of interest to your readers, who have friends in the regiment. Camp Chase, named after the Secretary of the Treasury, is some three miles or more from Washington, on Arlington Heights, as the estate formerly owned by the rebel Gen. Lee is called. The land is considerably uneven in every direction, though the Heights are not very high, any of them. It is said the farms were well fenced before the war, but fences long since disappeared, having evaporated in smoke, or become reduced to ashes for the convenience of Union soldiers. A few houses still remain, but one by one they will soon be gone, being appropriated by the "boys" for tent floors and other convenient uses. Some of the fields were planted with corn last spring, but the soldiers have destroyed it—the ears for roasting, the leaves to fill their ticks, or feed horses and mules. Peach orchards abound, but the peaches were not even suffered to harden their pits before they were all non est.
The 157th regiment is on the right of the road leading from the Long Bridge across the Potomac, while the 147th (Oswego regiment) is across the way on the left. Just a little nearer Washington is the 134th N. Y., from Schoharie arid Schenectady, while still nearer is the 12th N. H. V. Other regiments are near us, but their numbers and State I have not learned, probably 50,000 men being encamped within a short distance of our headquarters. More are constantly arriving, several regiments having come in yesterday.
As to fortifications, there seems to be an abundance, six or eight forts being in sight of our encampment, besides any quantity of breastworks. But these forts and camps will only be needed for purposes of instruction during the remainder of the war, as the rebels will never be permitted to menace Washington again, unless our Generals or Government grossly blunders.
Our accommodations [sic], &c., are about as follows. We sleep in tents some seven or eight feet square, occupied by three or six men, as circumstances require, there being eighteen tents for the privates and noncommissioned officers of each company. Most of the tents in Co. F seem to be floored with boards and bushes, on which the men place their empty ticks and a part of their blankets, and when disposed to sleep "pile in," with then knapsacks for pillows, and the remainder of their blankets or their overcoats, for covering. The days are very warm, so far, but it becomes quite cool in the night, making blankets necessary to comfort. We have three meals per day, consisting of bread, beef and coffee for breakfast; bread and beef, and pea and rice soup for dinner; bread and coffee for supper. Our water is not very cold nor in sufficient quantity for so many men.
Only one death has yet occurred in the regiment since our arrival here, but several have been, and more are still very sick.
The emancipation proclamation of the president meet the hearty concurrence of the regiment, and more cheerfully will they assist in crushing out the most infernal rebellion the world ever saw.
We wait the arrival of the HERALD with anxiety.
Yours for freedom, W. B. D.
The Madison County Regiment.
Oct. 12, 1862.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Marching orders were received Friday evening, and Monday morning we leave for Fairfax Court House, at 3 A. M., to be attached to Gen. Sigel's corps. This means active service for the 157th, and very likely we shall soon have our courage and fighting capacity put to the test. Four other regiments, encamped near us, also go forward at the same time, and others will speedily follow. Thirteen regiments have come across the Long Bridge within two days, several of them from New York; and still they come, thousands upon thousands, with firm tread, advancing towards traitorous foes.
Among the new arrivals here, is a Wisconsin German regiment, who are going "mit Sigel" any way. Commands are given in German, and they look as though they could fight. A regiment which, I understand, is from St. Lawrence county, encamped near us yesterday, and will probably follow us to the front in a few days. All this looks like proper activity on the part of the government, and inspires hope that the rebellion may be practically ended by Spring, and those who survive, of us, be permitted to return to the loved scenes of home, to enjoy the society of our families, who never seemed dearer to us.
A pleasant incident transpired in camp, a few evenings since, which will interest your religious readers Among the professed disciples of the Great Captain, are many excellent singers, a company of whom gathered before the Colonel's tent, and sang the following beautifully appropriate hymn, to the delight of many interested listeners:
Live on the field of battle!
Be earnest in the fight;
Stand forthwith manly courage
And struggle for the right!
Live! live! live! live!
On the field of battle—
Watch on the field of battle!
The foe is everywhere.
His fiery darts fly thickly,
Like lightning through the air.
Watch! watch! watch! watch!
On the field of battle.
Pray on the field of battle!
God works with those who pray;
His mighty arm can nerve us,
And make us win the day.
Pray! pray! pray! pray!
On the field of battle.
Die on the field of battle!
'Tis noble thus to die;
God smiles on valiant soldiers—
Their record is on high.
Die! die! die! die!
On the field of battle.
To this noble expression of the feelings of his pious soldiers, the Colonel responded in his happiest terms, assuring us that the sentiments of the lyre found a welcome response in his inmost sympathies, and that he preferred, if duty required, to die on the field of battle, to lingering in a hospital, or being disabled from the service of God and our country. The effect of the serenade was excellent, and gives encouraging assurances for the future. W. B. D.
From the Madison County Regiment in Banks' Expedition.
Steamer Arago, Mississippi River, off Quarantine Station, 75 Miles
Below New Orleans, Dec. 17, '62.
To the Editor of the Utica Daily Observer:
Before you receive this, you will doubtless have learned the destination of Gen. Banks' expedition; but there are many incidents connected with it that probably will not reach the public press.
The order on the 5th of October to break up camp at Baltimore, and go on board of transports for a "distant expedition," was promptly obeyed, and 5,000 soldiers were crowded on board those steamers almost as thick as cattle on freight cars--and were kept on board with occasionally a chance to go ashore a portion of the day, and return to the ships at night, for four weeks before sailing. The number was increased to nearly 12,000, several days before we left Fortress Monroe on our unknown expedition.
On the morning of the 4th of December 15 steamers were in the bay of Fortress Monroe loaded with soldiers and army stores. At 8 o'clock a. m., a signal was seen from the mast-head of the Baltic, (the flag-ship of Gen. Emory,) and soon after it was responded to by all the steamers.— Soon orders came to fall into line, and be off by 10 o'clock. At the time, one after another steamed away through the Capes, and at sundown were out to sea converging into a circle in sight of each other, waiting for the Baltic. Soon she steamed up from the Fortress, and gave the signals for each to take their places in line and bear away to the South. It was a mild, clear evening, and the ships with their living freight moved proudly on over the dark rolling waters of the Atlantic. About the fourth watch of the night, the rushing winds, and the hoarse growling of the troubled deep, gave notice that the "storm king was abroad," and the plunging of the noble steamer Arago, gave us the first lesson of the ocean's lullaby. In the morning it was raining--the breeze stiff and cold, and but four of the largest steamers in sight. During the day it was difficult to walk the deck, and indeed before night most of us had taken freely of old Neptune's emetic. The storm continued the following night with thunder and lightning, but most of us were not in a condition to look out on the storm of the second night.
The next morning (Saturday) was clear, and a cold breeze from the North impelled us onward. On Sunday, the 7th, we were on the southern coast of South Carolina, and past Port Royal, the place we had expected to land. On Monday the weather, still clear, was warm, and gave us the first impressions of the "sunny South." The air was soft and balmy. On Tuesday and Wednesday we sailed along the coast of Florida, and doubling the Cape, passed Key West in the night. On Thursday morning we were steering a westerly course, and plowing the dark rolling waters of the Gulf of Mexico alone.
The four steamers that had kept apace with us upon our starboard bow, had disappeared. Thursday and Friday we had to stem the mighty current of the Gulf stream against a stiff breeze,--nothing but the broad expanse of the turbulent waters of the Gulf for the eye to rest upon.
Many were our speculations as to our destination. Before passing Key West we were confident that Pensacola would be our place of rendezvous, and that we were to operate upon Mobile. But on Thursday we bore south of the Tortugas Islands—and a north-west course told us by our maps that we were going west of Pensacola, and in the direction of Ship Island. We all had a horror of that place, and prayed we might go to Texas—but the compass pointed to Ship Island, and on Saturday morning the 13th inst., we came in sight of it.
Several steamers and other craft were moored on the opposite side of the Island, and, on rounding the head of this barren and desolate spot, we saw that the North Star, the flag-ship of Gen. Banks, was there with several other transports filled with soldiers. We anchored off the Island, and within three hours, the Atlantic, Baltic and United States came up.
We expected orders to land on that barren sandy Island, where there is no vegetation, excepting some clusters of low pines. The Island is about six miles long, and apparently averaging 1/2 a mile wide, and rises but little above the level of the sea. The numerous graves on the Island indicate that the mortal remains of many poor soldiers are deposited there. After waiting some hours in suspense, orders came on board to sail without delay for New Orleans.
This was the first public announcement of our destination. For six weeks we had been in a state of "blissful ignorance."—The order was read with delight. Our steam was up, and we hove away towards the S. W. pass of the Mississippi, and on Sunday morning were within the delta of the "Father of rivers." A pilot came on board, and we entered that celebrated pass, and soon were plowing the turbid waters of the mighty River that divides almost a continent.
There was a general feeling of disappointment among us all at the apparent diminutive size of the river. It seemed as if the narrow banks that appeared like levees on each side were not more than a stone's throw distant. As we ascended, it gradually widened, and the alluvial banks extended from the river, and covered with a tall, rank grass, and low billows with numerous pools, or ponds interspersed, presenting anything else than a pleasing prospect to the eye.
Abut fifty miles up the river we passed Forts Jackson and St. Philipe. It was surprising to us that Com. Farragut could have silenced these Forts without a much greater loss; or that he could have even approached them without being annihilated. The guns from these Forts must have been strangely managed. Ten miles higher up we came to the Quarantine Station, and were soon boarded by the health officer, who, finding many cases of measles on board, and one case of varioloid, we were ordered to stop, discharge our crew, and put our sick in the Quarantine Hospital. We have in the hospital from the Arago about seventy-five cases of sickness. Nearly one-half are measles—the rest are cases of fever, most of them of rather low type, but mild. Since we left Fortress Monroe, there have been four deaths on board—all from the 128th Regiment. One was a Lieutenant from Poughkeepsie, and the others were privates. The body of one was consigned to the deep in the Gulf of Mexico, another was buried on Ship Island, and the third at Quarantine Station. The body of the Lieutenant was embalmed to be sent home. Some of those in the Hospital here will probably die, and it will be a long time before the convalescents are fit for duty.
If these 12,000 men had remained in camp till a day or two before sailing, we should have at this moment at least one thousand more effective men. It is surprising that such an arrangement was made. Who is responsible for it I do not know, but it is a fearful one, and I hope will be made known to the public. The soldiers were crowded on the ships, without the means of washing themselves or clothing for more than five weeks, and a majority covered with lice and having eruptions which strongly resembled the itch.
It is surprising that the soldiers endured such privations with so much patience.—Hardly a perceptible murmur was heard among them. Their food was most of the time salt meats and "hard tacks," and the water drawn from casks on board the ships. When they landed at Quarantine, there were not one hundred out of about 1,300 soldiers who left Fortress Monroe, that could have marched four miles with their knapsacks. A majority of them are now recruiting. The Orange and Lemon Groves within a mile of us have provided lucious [sic] food, and they are recruiting fast. But the mail is closing and I must break off at once.
I will give you further particulars hereafter.
Our accounts from this Regiment are still somewhat meager. They seen to have been engaged in the late battles and to have suffered some of the casualties of war. W. S Owen was reported at first badly wounded. He is since said to be missing. T. T. Peters and John Shafer of Preble, are badly wounded. W. D. Bacon is wounded. Nathaniel Wagner and C. H Sweet of Scott are badly wounded. Charles Baker of East Homer is wounded and perhaps dead. Charles Sweet of Scott is said t o be wounded and is feared to be dead. He is one of three brothers who went to the war. One of them died in hospital about six weeks ago; another has not been beard from since the battle of Antietam. Sergeant Ford of South Cortland, is one of the killed. W. C. Miner, M. F. Brown, D. Hyland, Jno. A. Machler and R. W. Hall are also reported killed. A. B. Fox, R. Rice, O. A. Strobeck, J. Van Slyke, S. Cooper. J . A. Coffin, O. Courtney, J . P. Smith, W. W. Chappel, of company C. S. Z. Miner, Z. M. Blashfield, W. H. Bacon, hand. N. Wagner, arm, of company D. G. E. Douglas, groin, A. Shafer, ankle, W. Davis, R. D. Ballard, A. Baker, of company E, are reported wounded. The whole number of wounded in the Regiment is said to be fifty-nine. We are glad to read the correspondence beteeen Gen. Howard and Carl Schurz.—Our Regiment was in Schurz' Division.
From the Hamilton Republican.—May 21.
The 157th Regiment.
We have received from Col. Brown a list of the killed, wounded and missing of this Regiment, as nearly complete as it could be made at the time. As any news from them is eagerly sought after, we take this liberty of laying Col. Brown's letter before our readers:
May 11, 1863.
Mr. EDITOR:—Enclosed you will fine as complete a list of the killed, wounded and missing of this Regiment, in the action of May 2d, near Chancellorville, as we are able at present to make out. Some of the missing may yet come in I understand arrangements have been made to send over all our wounded left on the field. You can assure the friends of the men named in this that whatever information can be obtained will be sent forward at the earliest possible moment. A full account of the part taken by the 157th in the unfortunate affair will be sent forward, and although some obloquy has been cast upon a portion of the Eleventh Corps, official reports will show that the 157th did its duty fully. My officers proved themselves brave and efficient men, and the behavior of the Regiment was such as to give full confidence for the future. Respectfully,
Col. Com'd'g.
Dr. J. Mortimer Crawe, missing.
1st Lt. Major L Hunt, wounded and missing.
1st Sergt. Carey W Miner, killed.
Private Melville F Brown, "
" Patrick Hyland, jr., "
Corp'r'l Curtis D Burdick, wounded slightly.
Private DeWitt C Clark, " in shoulder.
" Edward M Curtis, " in " & foot.
" Geo H Davis, " " slight.
" Mathew J Hyland, " arm & thigh.
" Warren W Long, " finger, slight.
" Rich'd Nightingale " " "
" Edwin Tucker, " arm & neck.
" Addison M Tucker, "
" D W Van Hovenberg, " face.
" James B Eldridge, missing.
" James A Kelley, "
" Milo A Robbins “
Private Andrew Moochler, killed.
Corp'r'l Edwin Graves, wounded in head, slight.
Drum'r Barney Harp, " leg, "
Private John Wright, " neck, "
" Samuel Ruggles, " head, "
" O H Nichols, " arm "
" H H Whitman, " head
" Nicholas Keenan, "
Sergt S K Pettit, missing.
Corp'r'l C S Hurd, "
Private Jesse Seabrook, "
" Jerome Timmerman, "
" Reuben A Gleason, "
1st Lieut Jas A Coffin, wounded in foot slight
Corporal John P Smith, " leg
" Oscar Courtney, " neck
Private Orson A Strobeck, " leg
" Wm W Chapell, " foot slight
" Arthur B Fox, " arm
" Smith Cooper, " leg
" Russel Rice, " and missing.
" Jay Van Slyke, " "
" Levi W Loomis, missing.
" Orville H Gregory, "
" Albertus J Doran, "
1st Lieut S E Miner, wounded in foot slight
Private Wm A Baker, " hand
" Chas H Sweet, " side
" Nathaniel Wagner " "
" E H Carver, " foot
Corporal W G Owen, " and missing.
" Z M Blashfield, " "
Private Taiman T Peters, " "
" John Shafer, " "
" Smith S Wright, missing.
Sergt Thos P Ford, killed.
Private Geo E Douglass, wounded and missing.
" Waiter Davis, " "
" James Burdick, " "
" E D Dibble, missing.
" C Pudney "
" Norman Higgins "
" Adam Shafer wounded in ankle.
" Richard Ballard " breast
" A Baker " head
1st Lieut L McWilliams missing.
Corporal Richard L Hall killed.
Private Henry J Preston "
Franklin Parkhurst wounded in neck
" Wm M Cady " abdomen
" J Wallace Clark " leg
" Frank McCurly " arm
" John Bisbee " wrist
" Jerome Snyder " side
Corporal J E Berry " head
Private Wm Burney " & missing
Sergeant Wm S Martindale missing
Private John Pfieiger wounded badly.
" Henry Whalin " slightly
" Asa Lawrence " and missing.
" Daniel Brockway missing.
Sergeant C Lansing wounded in leg.
" E E Heath " legs
" J N P Perry " leg
Corporal V Baker "
Private J W Card " leg
" D C Cooper " head
" W Perry " neck
" B Schermerhorn " leg
" H Topping "
" S Clearwood missing
" E Hackett "
" E McChesney "
Private M Kinney wounded in leg.
" Warren Wright " side
Sergeant Robert E Grant missing.
Private Alfred Adagns "
" Francis Barritt "
" Wm Harrison "
" Richard Sartwell "
2d Lieut Henry A Curtis wounded.
1st Serg't Clark Pierce missing.
" Edwin C King "
Corporal Harvey J Stone "
DeWitt C Lyd "
Private Wm B Neff "
Serg't Albert L Boynton wounded in leg badly.
Private Hiram Johnson " hip "
" Greeley Welch " head slight.
" James S Tenant " foot "
List of Casualities [sic] in the 157th Reg't, N. Y. S. V., during the battles of Gettysburg Pa.:
Lieut. Col. Arrowsmith, killed.
Capt. Jason R. Backus, Co. E, killed,
Capt Harrison Frank, Co. G, killed.
Lieut. R. B. Loure, Co. I, killed.
Capt. F. L. Briggs, Co. I. wounded.
Capt. Frank Place, Co. C, missing.
Capt. J. Riley Stone, Co. C, prisoner.
Capt. G. A. Adams, Co. H, wounded.
Lieut. Judson Powers, Co. A, prisoner.
Lieut. Albert Coffin, Co. C, prisoner.
Lieut. Byron Fitch, Co. C, wounded.
Lieut. Atwater, Co. D, wounded.
Lieut. H. O. Waters, Co. E, wounded.
Lieut. J. W. Benjamin, Co. F, wounded
Lieut. Smith, Co. wounded.
Lieut. F. G. Gates, Co. G, wounded.
Adj't. Joseph Henry, wounded.
Lieut. Henry A. Curtice, prisoner.
Serg't Major John Campbell, wounded.
Sergeant R W Bourne, missing; serg't Henry Paddock, missing; Private Frederick Brooks, killed; Simson Rainbow, missing; James Murray, missing; Christian Shevalier, missing; Darius Owen, missing; Isaac Rorabacker, missing; Marcus Livingston, missing; Corporal H. Judson Coffin, missing; Dollas Gazley, missing; Lorenzo Shufelt, missing; Wm. Hopkins, missing; Ira Kenney, missing; Leonard Patchin, missing; Jno. H. Sandy, wounded, arm; Buell Rorapaugh, wounded, arm; Serg't Albert M. Hazelton, leg and foot; Corporal Joseph H. Lyons, hips; Mitchell Sanford, hand and chest; Wm R Jones, hand; Charles Frask, arm; Daniel Pierce, shoulder; Lorenzo Widger, neck; Jerry Johnson, head, mortally; serg't C H Isbell, head; corporal Jno. Smith, arm and hand; M H Ellsworth, shoulder; Stephen W Miner, shoulder; Barney Barners, hip and leg.
(Casualties in company D, were published
last week.—ED)
John Houpt, missing; Jacob Van Hogan, missing; James Hafy, missing; Norman Francis, missing; Edward Delevan, missing; D H Fuller, missing; Abner A Barker, prisoner; serg't I F Wright, wounded, shoulder; Richard D. Hewson, leg; Richard Ballard, side; Thomas Holey, thigh; Henry Locke, foot; Joseph McDorg, leg; Daniel Shapley, thumb; A D Wilson, thumb; Norman Higgins, arm; James J Joyner, chest; Alconder S Waters, leg; Charles Kincord, leg; Serg't Delos Jones, thigh; Charles E Gilbert, side; Corporal H W Douglas, wrist; Corporal Miles Culver, chest; Orville O. Davenport, leg and arm; Woodard Bradley, thigh; Frank Eaton, wounded, thigh; D H Fuller, leg.
Corporal Wm. S Van Bost, wounded, leg; corporal C R Seeber, thigh; Broughton Hough, hips; Dennis B Hicks, hips; Calvin L Hammond; O P Calvin, neck.
157th Regiment.
List of Killed, Wounded and Prisoners of Co. "D" 157th Reg. N. Y. S. V.
KILLED—Serg't T. LeRoy Markham, John B. Owen, Morris I. Shattuck, Amasa C. Topping.
WOUNDED.—Clark Stickney died of his wounds on the morning of the 6th of July.
Serg't G. S. VanHoesen, wounded in the foot.
" C. S. Browne, " " arm.
W. W. Carpenter, leg broken above the knee.
Geo. P. Smith shot wound through fore arm.
Wm. Dyke and George H. Love, the same.
Martin Marble shot wound through face, another in foot,—(nothing serious.)
George W. Conner received a minnie ball in thigh.
J. S. Dorman rec'd minnie ball in shoulder.
C. H. Norton hit above the temple by a piece of shell.
G. M. Babcock, shot wound through calf of leg.
T. J. Getman hit in under jaw.
Murray Aldridge hit in face by a horse-shoe thrown from the horse of Gen. Schimelpfenny's Aid previous to engagement.
J. J . Wagner hit in side by piece of shell.
Nathaniel Wagner shot wound in heel.
Emery Gifford shot wound in knee.
Coryden VanDenburg, shot wound in end of fore finger.
M. W. VanDenburg, shot wound thro' wrist.
A. J. Brogden, hit in knee; Wesley Huffman in thigh.
Elwood Jackson, through hand.
Benj. F. Youngs shot wound thro' shoulder.
Thomas Brayton, 2d, " " calf of leg.
W. H. Clark hit in shoulder by piece of shell.
PRISONERS AND UNHURT.—Serg't G. A. Crofoot, P. H. Moore, W. W. West, Erastus Jones, N. G. Woodward, N. C. Williams. J. N. Churchill.
I think none of the wounded are in any danger of losing life or limb, save W. W. Carpenter in whose case amputation may be found necessary.
Having been hit in the shoulder at the commencement of the engagement of Wednesday.—I was enabled to visit the battle and hospitals thereby accumulating the above information concerning our company which I think will prove nearly correct.
LIEUT. Co. "D" 157th N. Y. V.
Wounded of the 157th.
S. G. Limbeck, writing to the Utica Herald gives the following list of the wounded in the 157th Reg't, in the battles at Gettysburg on the 1st, 2d, and 3d insts. He also gives the following list of killed in Co. B, but was unable to give the list of killed in the whole Reg't:
Eugene W. Campbell, Timothy Dana, Harrison Whitman, Wm. L. Bost.
Henry Ford, arm.
William C. Miner, arm.
William A. Albert, side.
Martin Hanna, hand.
Orrin Holmes, arm.
S. D. Carpenter, lower maxillary region.
Henry O. Ford, arm.
Austin Davis, thigh.
Augustus S. Perry, hip.
James Buyea, neck.
Sergt. Charles H. Green, thigh.
Corp. Henry Ten Eyck, breast.
Homer Meyers, elbow.
Charles McCotter, leg.
Patrick Neville, toe amputated.
Andrew Yaw, head.
Sergt. Wm. Harrington, hip and foot.
Jasper Haines, side.
Geo. Harvey, leg.
James R. Wright, foot.
Christopher Wise, arm.
Corp. James Roanher, foot.
Christian Smith, arm.
J. W. Foley, face.
Corp. John Cahill, leg and foot.
Ira S. Winslow, hip.
Buell Rorapaugh, arm.
Barney Barnes, hip and leg.
John Smith, hand.
Darius Owen, leg.
John H. Sawdy, arm and second finger.
W. R. Jones, finger amputated.
Sergt. Albert M. Hazelton, thigh.
Corp. Joseph H. Lyons, hip.
Solomon Carr, privates.
Lorenzo Shnfelt, arm.
Chauncey Whiting, hand.
John S Dormand, shoulder.
Wesley Hoffman, leg,
Thomas J Gettman, face.
Elwood Jackson, hand.
T J Gilman, lower maxillary region.
Sergt. Charles E Brown, arm.
M W Vandenly, wrist and arm.
Benjamin F Youngs, shoulder.
William Dyke, arm.
George M Babcock, leg.
John O Brown, nurse.
Geo P Smith, arm.
2d Lieut. J C Atwater, shoulder.
Sergt. Charles T Brown, arm.
C W Vandenburg, hand.
Thomas Haley, thigh amputated.
Charles Kinkard, side, leg and arm.
Alexander S. Walters, leg.
Daniel N. Shapley, thumb.
Sergt. John A. Campbell, thigh.
Richard L Huson, leg.
Corp. Richard Ballard, side.
Miles A Culver, lung.
J E McDargh, leg.
H D Locke, foot.
D H Fuller, leg.
Frank Eaton, ear.
O O Davenport, leg.
Elmer J Joyner, lung.
Sergt. J F Wright, breast.
Henry W Douglas, arm.
Sergt. D T Jones, leg.
S M Bismouth, arm.
Lamon Nichols, leg.
D D Chase, hip.
John G Deys, ankle.
Ephreditus Knapp, privates, rifle ball.
2d Lieut. Nelson R Smith, foot amputated.
Edwin McCuslin, arm.
Thomas Riggall, arm.
Color Sergt. Franklin Hays, leg.
Corp. H C Perry, breast.
2d Lieut. F E Gates, groin.
William Pease, shoulder.
Sergt. James B Hooper, shoulder.
Joseph Hart, thigh.
William Miller, hand.
Robert Farrington, arm, slight.
Sergt. Nicholas Bengis, side.
Nicholas Ecker, thigh.
Peter Hayen, thigh.
1st Sergt. J W Benjamin, knee.
John H Roe, Face.
Dennis B Hicks, hip.
Lafayette J Curtis, arm.
A D Kent, elbow.
Corp. James Dowd, leg.
James Beattie, temple.
Edward Hicks, back.
___ Champlin, hip.
Bartholomew Stalter, leg.
Oscar A Babcock.
Adam Howig, foot.
John Kelly, shoulder.
Charles Whittam, thigh.
Capt. F L Briggs, leg, flesh wound.
Corp. Horace Anguish, shoulder compound fracture and resection.
Sergt. Cassius M Casman, thigh.
John Austin, head.
Albert Hatch, head, compound fracture, since dead.
William Draper, shoulder.
John D Fox, arm.
Corp. Ralph D Harvey, right eye out.
Calvin L Hammond, thigh.
Corp. O P Colvin, thumb and throat.
Broughton Hough, hip.
Daniel Hart, ear.
Corp. C R Sabin, thigh.
Hiram Hawley.
Letter from Capt. Van Slyke, Co. B, 157th Regiment.
MIDDLETOWN, MD., July 8th, 1863.
To the Editor of Oneida Dispatch:
As this is the first opportunity I have had to write a few lines since the battle at Gettysburg, I will endeavor to improve it, by giving you a list of the casualties of Co. B, 157th Regt. in the first and second days of July. Our loss in the regiment was very heavy. They were sent by Gen. Schimmelpfennig to flank a rebel Brigade, who were advancing to attack us, and while marching to execute the order, were espied by the Rebel Commander who immediately changed his front toward the regt. and poured in such a tremendous fire of balls, that many fell to breathe no more The regt. immediately returned the fire, and with interest, as the numbers of the rebels who fell testified. After firing 8 or 10 rounds, the Col. ordered the regiment to fall back slowly off the field. I am unable to give you an account of the loss of the regt. at present, as the report has not yet been completed. As to Co. B, I think the annexed report to be nearly correct. These are known to be
Private, Timothy Dane,
" Harrison H. Whitman,
" Eugene W Campbell.
Sergt. Wm Harrington, foot and hip, serious.
" Chas E Green, bullet through both legs, serious.
Corpl. Jasper Homes, do side, serious.
" Henry Ten Eyck, arm, slight.
" Jas Roantree, foot, slight.
Wm Bort, groin, serious.
A Ashley, leg, slight.
Homer Myers, leg and arm, slight.
Ira Northrup, leg, slight
James Wright, leg "
John Cahill, both legs, serious.
James Buyea, jaw, serious.
John W Foly, cheek, slight.
Pat Neville, foot, slight.
Christian Smith, arm, serious.
George Campbell, back.
Chas McCotter, leg, slight.
George Harney, leg "
Andrew Yaw, head "
S G Limebock, leg "
Corpl. C Wise, side, serious.
Sergt. Hubert R Hollenbcck,
Corpl. Edwin Graves,
" Robert Roantree,
John W Seabrook,
Patrick Brown,
Albert Beck.
Corpl. Orville M Palmer,
Andrew Andrus,
Albert Campbell,
Walter Culver,
Henry Harrington,
George A Miller,
Wm Moot,
Walter Timmerman.
Lieut. J S Jenkins, complimented for bravery.
Corpl. John H Snippin,
" Loring Wright,
C E Cary,
Geo Alderman,
Gardner Avery,
Nicholas Keenan,
Jerome Clark,
James Dayle,
Addison Judd,
John Cleveland, cook,
Albert Covey,
D C Hall.
The entire regiment now numbers 105.— Eighty-four, only, carry arms. The Regt. is now doing Provost Duty of the 3d division.—Hoping you will excuse the brevity of this, I remain Respectfully yours,
Capt. Co. B, 157th Regt.
The following additional losses in the 157th Regt., were reported to the Utica Herald:
Dennis B Hicks, Co H, hip.
Joseph Heeney, Adjutant, right thigh,
F E Gates, 2d Lieut, G, groin.
Ralph D Harvey, Corporal, K, right eye out.
Adam Howig, I, foot.
Henry Ford, A, arm.
S. M. Bismouth, F, arm.
Wm Pease, G, shoulder.
John S. Dormand, D, shoulder.
John Kelley, I, shoulder.
Lafayette J. Curtis, H, arm.
Ira S. Winslow, C, hip.
Buel Rosepaugh, C, arm.
Barney Barnes, C, hip and leg.
John Smith, C, hand and arm.
Wm H. Abbert, A, side.
Lanoon Nichols, F, leg.
Thomas Haley, E, thigh amputated.
Jas B Hooper, Sergt G, shoulder.
D D Chase, F, hip.
Darius Owen, C, leg.
Calvin L Hammond, K, thigh.
Martin Hanna, A, hand.
O P Colvin, Corp K, thumb and throat.
Werley Hoffman, D, leg.
A D Kent, H, elbow.
Thos I Gettman, D, face.
James Dowd, Corp H, leg.
Chas Kinkard, E, side, leg and arm.
Alexander S Waters, E, leg.
Charles Whittam, I, thigh.
Joseph Hart, G, thigh.
Daniel N Shapley, E, thumb.
Broughton Hough, K, hip.
F L Briggs, Capt I, leg, flesh wound.
Horace Anguish, Corp I, shoulder, compound fracture and resection.
John G Deys, F, ankle.
Ephroditus Knapp, F, privates, rifle ball.
Cassius M Carman, Sergt I, thigh.
N R Smith, 2d Lieut F, foot amputated.
John H Sawdey, C, arm and second finger.
Elwood Jackson, D, hand.
Wm Miller, G, hand.
Orin Holmes, A, arm.
John Austin, I, head.
Daniel Hart, K, ear.
C R Saber, Corp K, thigh.
S D Carpenter, Sergt A, lower maxilary region.
James Beattie, H, temple.
Edwin McCurlin, F, arm.
John A Campbell, Sergt E, thigh.
Henry O Ford, A, arm.
Thomas Riggall, F, arm.
W R Jones, C, finger amputated.
Robert Farrington, G, arm very slight.
Nicholas Bengls, Sergt G, side.
Nicholas Ecker, G, thigh.
T J Getman, D, Lower maxilary region.
M W Vandemly, D, wrist and arm.
Albert M Harelton, Sergt C, thigh.
Joseph H Lyons, Corp C, hip.
Otis P Colvin, Corp K, thumb and throat.
Edward Hicks, H, back.
____ Chaplain, H, hip.
Benj F Youngs, D, shoulder.
Bartholew Staller, H, leg.
Richard L Huson, E, leg.
Richard Ballard, E, side.
Hiram Hawley, K.
Wm Dyke, D, arm.
Miles A Culver, E, lung.
J E McDargh, E, leg.
H D Locke, E, foot.
D H Fuller, E, leg.
Albert Hatch, I, head, compound fracture, since died.
Frank Eaton, E, ear.
Peter Hagen, G, thigh.
Austin Davis, A, thigh.
Augustus S Perry, A, hip,
Geo M Babcock, D, leg.
Franklin Hays, color sergt F, leg.
Solomon Carr, C, penis.
O O Davenport, E, leg.
Elmer J Joyner, Corp E, lung.
Lorenzo Shufelt, C, arm.
John O Brown, nurse, D.
Geo P Smith, D, arm.
J C Atwater, 2d Lieut D, shoulder.
J W Benjamin, orderly sergeant, G, knee.
William Draper, I, shoulder.
Chas J Brown, Sergt E, arm.
H C Perry, Corp F, breast.
C W Vandenburg, D, hand.
J F Wright, Sergt E breast.
Henry W Douglas, E, arm.
Richard Ballard, Corp E, side.
William Werkle, musician, shoulder.
John D Fox, I, arm.
Wm R Jones, C, hand.
D T Jones, Sergt E, leg.
John H Roe, G, face.
Chancey C. Whitney, nurse, E.
Osar A Babcock, commissary, H.
From the Sullivan Company, 157th regiment--Their Part in the Battles of Getteysburg--Their Movements Since.
The following is a private letter kindly communicated to us for publication:
July 9, 1863.
Dear Father:
I wrote you a few lines on the battle-field at Gettysburg to let you know that I was safe; but it was the hardest contested battle in the present war.
July 1st. We left Emmettsville at 7 o'clock to go to Gettysburg. On the road we heard some firing, and an order came to hurry us up, so we took a double-quick, and arrived there at 11 o'clock, all tired out, but marched through the city out on a large flat and formed in line of battle, and then lay down behind a battery. In about ten minutes there was a rebel battery opened on us. We lay right in range, so that their shot and shell struck in our line. Here we lost one man killed.—We lay there half an hour, when our battery silenced them, and then the commanding officer ordered us forward with the brigade. We advanced a half mile to the line of rebel skirmishers, and drove them back. Here about one hundred of the 5th Alabama Regiment came into our lines and gave themselves up; we then changed our position and moved a little to the right, and advanced into a large wheat field, where the grain stood up to our shoulders. We had advanced about 20 rods when the enemy raised up from the ground and poured into us an awful fire of shot and shell. Here, at this discharge, Lieut. Col. Arrowsmith fell. I was struck with a piece of shell in the side, which so stunned me that I could not get up for a short time; but our men kept firing and advancing, until we lost almost all of our officers, then were ordered to retreat. Among the officers lost at this time were Lieut. R. D. Lower, who was mortally wounded; Capt. Briggs, shot through the thigh—both of Company I. We got off with 80 men out of 350 that went into the fight. Among the killed were Captain Frank, Co. G, and Capt. Backus, Co. E.—With the remnant of our regiment we fell back to the heights back of the town, formed a line, and held it. The rebels took possession of the city and all our wounded prisoners.
July 2d. The enemy opened on us along our whole line at daylight, with artillery, but did not do much damage, and soon got tired of that and quit firing. At this time we of the 157th were on the center; and about 8 o'clock P. M. the rebels commenced shelling us from all directions except the rear. It was awful to see, but did not do much damage to our lines; they kept it up for about three hours, when they advanced on our left. We drove them back with great slaughter. About dark they again charged on our left, and our brigade was ordered to its support. We went half a mile into a piece of woods, when the rebs opened on us, but we drove them back. When we came out of the woods, on the left, we had but 16 men left of the regiment. We went to take our place in the brigade, but the Colonel, P. P. Brown, went to the General and got us detached and turned over to the Provost Marshal for duty as provost guard, which we are doing now. Our men are all in except the killed, wounded, and prisoners. We have got about 100 guns, all told.
July 3d. There was some fighting to-day all along the lines, but our regiment was stationed in the rear to stop stragglers.
July 4th. We went to the front, but the enemy had gone. We staid there until 4 o'clock, and then started for Emmettsville, and marched six miles after dark. It was raining and muddy, and was awful traveling.
July 5th. We arrived at Emmettsville and staid all night.
July 7th. We started at 4 o'clock, and marched to Middletown, 30 miles. It seemed to me the longest day I ever saw; we had to cross a range of mountains. It commenced raining about six o'clock, and was so dark that we could hardly see anything. Some of the boys would fall down in the mud, but get up again laughing and trudge along. We got along to our old camp at Middletown about l0 o'clock. We were in the rear of the division, so we were last in; but we got all of our regiment in a wagoner's shop out of the rain. Only think of it, ten months since we were over 1000 strong, now all have plenty of room in a small sized wagoner's shop. We were tired enough, I assure you, to sleep anywhere. July 8th. Left Middletown for Boonsboro at 3 P. M. There was some fighting here; but as soon as our corps arrived the enemy left, and we are now waiting for orders. Our regiment has got but three commissioned officers left, with the exception of Col. Brown, viz.:
Lieut. Jenkins, Co. B, Lieut. Brown, and Lieut. Tallman.
The 157th at Gettysburg.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
It is well known to all interested in the 157th New York Volunteers, that it did noble service at Gettysburg, adding fresh laurels to those won at Chancellerville, and suffering very severely in the action. But much misapprehension in relation to this exists in the minds of many which a recent interview with Col. Brown enables me to correct.
It is not true that Col. Brown was in command of the brigade at that action, nor that Lieut. Col. Arrowsmith was in command of the regiment on that day; nor that he fell "while gallantly leading on the 157th;" nor that the regiment was thrown into confusion and obliged to fall back in consequence of losing him. All such statements are fictions.
Col. Brown commanded the brigade for about an hour only, on that day, after the engagement. He was with the 157th, and commanded it during the action. While the action was at its height, Gen. Schimelfenig discovered three or four of our regiments retiring in some confusion before a superior force of rebels—which proved to be an entire rebel brigade—and ordered Col. Brown to advance with the 157th, and attack the enemy. Col. Brown obeyed, and for an hour this regiment held the enemy in check, although exposed, for a considerable time, to an enfilading fire from a rebel battery. During the heat of this conflict the brave Lieut. Col. Arrowsmith was killed while faithfully discharging his duties. Here also the ranks lost two-thirds their number.
In this action Maj. Carmichael was not with the regiment, having been detached to act on the staff of a General whose name I have forgotten. Col. Brown and Lieut Col. Arrowsmith dismounted early in the engagement and sent their horses to the rear. At one time Col. Brown saw a rebel officer take a gun from the hands of a private and discharge it with a deliberate aim at himself. Had the rebels charged upon the regiment, they could easily have captured it entire.
On the following Sunday Col. Brown visited the field of action, and saw the bodies of thirty-three of his own men killed in the engagement, I have received from him a list of 158 wounded. (several of whom have since died) and 109 missing. Of about 400 men who went into the action about 140 remain. Only three line officers are left. Adjt. Henry, who was wounded, is understood to have died. C. S.
Letter from Rev. O. H. Seymour.
July 18th, 1863.
MR. EDITOR: When I last wrote you, the 157th had entered Hagerstown as advance skirmishers, led by Maj. Carmichael. Col. Brown was then commanding the brigade, and we did not know but we should wholly lose him. That he is able to wear a star and command a brigade we have not a doubt. His courage and calmness in the conflict of battle are well known beyond his regiment. I have seen it stated that at the battle of Gettysburg Lieut. Col. Arrowsmith was killed while leading on the regiment. This is a mistake, for Col. Brown was there in his place, and led on the regiment. The Lieut. Col. was a brave and beloved man, and led on the right, while the Col. led on the centre and the left. If the 11th corps lost any renown at Chancellorsville, it won more than it ever had, at Gettysburg. But the 11th corps has been meanly belied by interested parties. It did just what any other corps would have done under similar circumstances. Our regiment was compact and obeyed orders while I saw it. Gen. Howard—a good and brave man—worked nobly, regardless of shot and shell. But a body of about twelve thousand, taken by surprise, being flanked from the direction where no breastworks were constructed, and this by Stonewall Jackson, with forty thousand men, it is said, should not be robbed of all praise, because it fell back on other help. The same spirit that exhibits itself in this, is the one that would utterly extinguish Gen. McClellan, or other able men, allowing them not even a shred of virtue or power. I have often heard it said here, since the recent great battle, that when it was announced that Gen. Hooker was removed, had it also been announced that Gen. McClellan was restored to command, a shout of gladness would have gone up from the army that would have re-echoed from all the hills.
Is Gen. Meade to be sacrificed in the same way because he did not annihilate Gen. Lee before crossing the Potomac? We find the greatest Generals cannot do everything. I took pains to go to the bank of the river at Williamsport, and there, found instead of a river so swollen and powerful that pontoons could not live on it, a river so low and moderate, that Gen. Lee's army actually waded across it. Some driving teams across were drowned. The particular bar on which they could wade was not broad enough to allow of a panic in crossing it, and no doubt Gen. Lee did hurry his troops. Williamsport is the sorriest town I have ever seen.—On Wednesday we countermarched, and on Thursday night reached this spot. Those days were very hot, but Thursday night a cold, rain set in and continued through the day yesterday. This morning the sun appeared, and the wet blankets and muddy ground are fast drying. We expect to cross the river towards night, whither we know not. The army is much worn and needs rest and clothing.
I desire to bear testimony to the remarkably cordial and kind reception we met with in most of the Maryland villages through which we have passed. Hagerstown, Middletown, and Myresville are examples, and I should not omit Boonsboro. The country through here is magnificent. The wheat crop is immense. Everything indicates long settlement and great wealth. The barns are especially noteworthy, being mainly built of brick or stone and very large. Fine springs and brooks are abundant. We do not discover many slaves here, though we learn of some.
The fall of Vicksburg, of Port Hudson, and the reported taking of Charleston are almost more than we dare accept as truths. We seem to see the beginning of the end as the subtle Talleyrand said of Napoleon, when he had reached the zenith of his power, and was not content there to rest, and surely from thence he rapidly went down the other side till the bleak St. Helena found him a grave. CHAPLAIN.
Head-of-the-Lake Correspondence.
Owahgena, July 21, 1863.
To the Editor of the Cazenovia Republican:
The list of the wounded of the 157th, in last week's REPUBLICAN, seems to be somewhat imperfect. Besides omissions, many of the names, especially in Co. F, are wrong. Bismouth should be BISBEE, Duas, DEYO; McCurlin, MCCURLEY.
So far as I have heard, only one of. Co. F was killed—DANIEL TORREY, of Peterboro, brother to ROBERT TORREY, of the 35th.—
DANIEL was a worthy young man, and nobly gave his life for his country and the cause of Freedom. I am informed that nearly all of the Company who were in the action at Gettysburg were wounded. Among the names given me, not in your list, are those of Sergt. JOHN A. CAMPBELL, CHARLES H. MILLER, and RINALDO O. COE.
In your list the Adjutant's name is given as Keeney, instead of HEENEY as it should be. In other lists he is called HENRY. Adjt. H. is from Peterboro, and was formerly in the employ of Hon. Gerrit Smith.
In Co A, Albert should be ABERT. But I will not mention other mistakes, as you will have the official statement of casualties before long probably. I trust that will show that the 157th numbers considerably more than "80" though it is sadly reduced undoubtedly.
Yours for freedom,
WASHINGTON, July 30th, 1863.
Editor of Oneida Dispatch:
I very unexpectedly came across an old friend this morning, although he had, since I last saw him, put on a disguise. It was no less than the Oneida SACHEM alias DISPATCH; but the word "Oneida" looked so familiar, I eagerly grasped it to satisfy my curiosity, and prove that my eyes did not deceive me. Sure enough, there was the same old sentinel at his post, and we hastily looked over the "leader" to see how faithfully he was battling for the right. As I expected, I soon discovered the true ring of the metal—no copper.—I was glad to see you kept that vile reptile, the Copperhead, stirred up." The original stock of reptiles would recoil from association with this modern species of vipers. The State of Virginia abound with the natural species, and their namesakes North have brought them in such disrepute that it would do you good to see the Union soldiers despatch [sic] them, as they place the iron heel of Uncle Sam's brogan's on their heads. I was pleased too, to see my old friend Hon. THOMAS BARLOW, still continued to call things by their right name as usual. I read with much pleasure his answer to what I suppose to be the winnings of your Copperhead organ, at some of his remarks.
The hatred of the boys here in the army for the northern traitor, alias
Copperhead, is unbounded, universal. Many of them, as well as myself, lay awake nights to hate them. What a miserable, God-forsaken thing that man is who forgets his country and clings to party at an hour like this! "A tree is known by its fruit," and this Copperhead party have been gathering some of their fruit in the way of murder, arson and burglary by Seymour-Wood-Davis' "excited friends" in New York city. That was but the natural result of the teachings of such men and papers who have continually been finding fault with the Government, since their friends undertook to break it down. The Southern Rebel and the Northern Copperhead are the same species, the only difference being in the more manly position of the rebel in arms showing his colors. We know where to find them; while the Seymour-Wood party are like their namesakes in the grass—a cowardly, mean, sneaking traitor; without courage sufficient to join their Southern friends in arms, they seek to keep off the final victory which awaits our arms, by attempting to embarrass the Government in the prosecution of the war.
Thank God the day for any great mischief by this class of rebels north, has gone by. The "cat in the meal" is two visible, and the strong power that still rallies around the "good old flag," enough for any emergency,—Traitors North, as well as South, will in due time be ground to powder, under the car of freedom, which is getting under motion. There is every sign now, that the day is not far distant when the "Stars and Stripes" will again be unfurled over Sumpter [sic] and
Richmond, and then amid the lamentations of northern Copperheads, and the groans of their brother traitors south, there will be one grand shout for the "Union as it is," with the Rebellion and its cause wiped out forever. And then the doom of the northern traitor will be nigh at hand.—Their winding sheets may be prepared, and their political grave clothes got ready, for the old sexton will insist upon laying them away beyond the reach of resurrection, short of that resurrection when all traitors will receive their final doom.
You and your readers are aware, probably, of the whereabouts of the two great armies in Virginia. Lee has discovered that his route to Richmond, is not altogether a "bed of roses," and he has concluded to stop and look before he leaps. Meade's army is ready, and where he can strike a blow at any time. The 157th, or the small remnant of that noble regiment, is doing provost duty for the 3d Division of the Eleventh Corps. Only eighty-six men are on duty, all told. The history of the rebellion does not show a greater sacrifice of life and limb, and a more patriotic and brave determination to do their whole duty, than that of the 157th. Their history and the record of their heroic deeds is written in blood. Almost every hill-top and valley from the long bridge at Washington to New Baltimore and Warranton, thence back to Centerville, thence to Fredericksburg and back, is marked by a green mound, sacred to the memory of some one or more of our brave boys, who so nobly came out with their lives in their hands, a sacrifice on the altar of their country.
I understand the 11th Corps is now near Fairfax Court House and from thence our army stretches through to Culpepper. For the present, it is probable that Meade will hold his army in the defensive, and only aim to checkmate Lee, and keep his army from flying to Richmond, as he doubtless would be glad to.
The weather is extremely warm at present here, and no army could stand up under the fatigues of battle or even heavy, quick marches. It would be more fatal than the rebel Copperhead bullet.
I had designed to prepare and publish a history of our regiment, but the loss of my notes, I fear may prevent it. I had statistics in daily journal form, which were very valuable, and I fear cannot be restored.
Yours truly, G. R. W.
PETERBORO, August 3d, 1863.
Another of the bravest and best of our young men has fallen a victim to the accursed "Slaveholders' Rebellion." Adjutant JOSEPH T. HENEY, of the 157th Regt. N. Y. Vol's, was badly wounded in the knee in the first day's battle at Gettysburg, Pa. He lay within the enemy's lines for several days without help or notice, and suffered greatly. He was finally reached by our men, and taken to the hospital at Gettysburg.
On the 22d of July the limb was amputated, and he died calmly on the 24th, t he death of a christian and a soldier. His widowed mother and many friends have the great happiness to know, that during the confinement at the hospital, he was nursed, and cared for most tenderly. Mrs. Beckie L. Price of Phoenixville, Chester Co., Pa., one of the noble christian women of our land, who are ministering to the wants of our sick and dying soldiers, found our young friend in his distress, and with kindness, never to be forgotten, watched by his bedside, spoke words of comfort to his soul, and closed his eyes in death.
Adjutant Heney was born in Quebec, L. C, June 22d, 1841. His family moved from thence to Massachusetts, and afterwards to this State. He was for several years in the family of Hon. Gerrit Smith, and was by them most highly esteemed and beloved
Of uncommonly prepossessing manners, much personal beauty, possessing fine talents, he had a host of friends who deeply mourn his loss. His beautiful devotion to his widowed mother, whose main support he was, won for him the silent admiration of all. From the highest motives he volunteered as a private in the ranks about a year since, and rose rapidly to the honorable position of Adjutant of his regiment.
Gerrit Smith sent his son to Gettysburg, but was too late to find our young friend alive.—His remains arrived in Peterboro on Friday evening, July 31st. On Saturday our citizens assembled to pay their heartfelt respects to his memory.
The services took place at the house of Gerrit Smith. The coffin was placed on the lawn in front of the mansion; and the banner of the country, for whose liberty he died, was the pall of the youthful soldier!
Appropriate hymns were sung. A touching prayer was offered by Hon. James Barnett, and some remarks, full of tender reminiscences of the deceased, were made by Gerrit Smith.
At the close a parting hymn was sung, and the honored remains of our dearly beloved young friend were borne away.
The burial took place in the afternoon at the Catholic Cemetery at Oneida. G. W. P.
La Roy Markham, of Preble, County, ... son of Chester Markham, Esq., was killed in the first day's battle at Gettysburg. He was a member of the 157th regiment, and is said to have been a brave soldier and an estimable man.
Killed.—Among the list of killed at Gettysburg, is Lt. Col. Arrowsmith of the 157th N. Y. Volunteers. He was a graduate of Madison University where he was afterwards Tutor. He raised a company for the Twenty-sixth Regiment, from which he was transferred to be Lieut. Colonel of the 157th.
THE 157TH.—The 157th N. Y. (Madison and Cortland) Regiment in the first day's battle at Gettysburg held an isolated position of particular peril. The Regiment lost fifteen out of twenty-six officers and three-fourths of its men. Lieut. Col. ARROWSMITH, a noble officer of this Regiment, was killed.
157th Regiment.
Colonel Brown, of the One Hundred and Fifty-seventh New York, held an isolated position of particular peril. The regiment lost eighteen of twenty-six officers and three-fourth of its men. Lieut. Colonel Arrowsmith, a noble officer of this regiment, was killed.
Captain Harrison Frank, wounded and prisoner; Adjutant Henry, wounded and prisoner; Capt. J. K. Backus, wounded; Capt. J. R. Stone, missing; Capt. G. A. Adams, wounded; Capt. L. F. Briggs, wounded and missing; Lt. Gates, wounded; Lt. J. A. Coffin, wounded and missing; Lt. Fitch, wounded; Lt. Atwater, wounded; Lt. Waters, wounded; Lt. Bowen, missing; Lt. Dorr, wounded and missing; Lt. Pearce, missing.
KILLED IN BATTLE.—Mr. T. Le Roy Markham, of Preble, Cortland County, son of Mr. Chester Markham, was killed in the first day's battle at Gettysburg. He was a member of the 157th regiment.
Acting Brigadier.
The Utica Herald has the following:
"Col. P. P. Brown, of the 157th (Madison Co.) Regiment, has been assigned temporarily to the command of the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 11th Army Corps. The 157th is in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division. This is an honor of which Col. B. may well be proud, to be placed in command of a Brigade attached to another Division than that with which he was connected; and shows that he is already held in high esteem by his superior officers. We are happy to add that the promotion was unsolicited by Col. Brown, and was urged upon him by Gen. Howard, the commander of the corps, and by Gen. Barlow who commands the 1st Division. He succeeds Brig. General Ames.
Col. P. P. Brown, Jr., of the 157th Reg't, having been detailed to take charge of drafted men at Elmira, after reporting at Headquarters there, received permission to visit Hamilton for a few days, as no men were yet congregated at that Depot.
Capt. Briggs, of Co. I, 157th Reg't, who was severely wounded at Gettysburg, has arrived home. His wounds are doing well.
Letters have been received from Lieut. Powers, of the 157th, stating that he was taken prisoner in the Gettysburg battle, and had arrived in Richmond. He was confined in the Libby prison, and was well.
The Commander of the 157th.
As many of the reports of the 157th in the battle of Gettysburg state that Lieut. Col. Arrowsmith was in command, we copy from the Tribune's special correspondent at Washington, D. C., M. D. L.:
"The rumor that Col. P. P. Brown of the 157th New York was not in the Gettysburg fight, arose from the fact during the last part of the engagement, after Lieut. Col. Arrowsmith had been killed and the regiment cut to pieces, the Colonel was ordered to the command of the brigade, which he gallantly handled, saving his men, and reorganized his shattered forces. The report in several papers that Lieut. Col. Arrowsmith was killed while in command of the 157th, was erroneous, as Col. B. at that early stage of the fight was still leading his regiment."
The 157th.—This Regiment is now encamped about twelve miles from Fredericksburg in a woody country. The "boys" are building barracks with boards from buildings and fences, and trying to make themselves comfortable. A large proportion of the regiment are on the sick list. The members of Company A, (so writes Willie Abert to his father,) regret the resignation of Capt. J. Hunt Smith, who was universally liked by the Company. The address of the regiment is: "Shurtz' Division, Sigel's Corps, Washington," [or elsewhere.] That of the 114th: "Littlejohn's Brigade, Banks' Expedition, Washington," [or elsewhere.]
The 157th Regt.
Letters have been received stating that the Division of which the 157th Regiment is apart, has been ordered to Charleston.
157th Regiment of New York Volunteers.
First Sergeant Major L. Hunt; of company A, to be First Lieutenant.
Second Sergeant Judson L. Powers, of company A, to be Second Lieutenant.
Sergeant Major Byron S. Fitch, of company C, to be Second Lieutenant.
First Lieutenant Wm. A. Stone, of company F, to be Adjutant.
First Sergeant Lafayette McWilliams, of company F, to be First Lieutenant.
Second Sergeant Thomas Barnett, of company F, to be Second Lieutenant.
First Lieutenant M. D. Bailey, of company G, to be Captain.
Second Lieutenant Harrison Frank, of company G, to be First Lieutenant.
First Sergeant Marshall Hemstreet, of company G, to be Second Lieutenant.
First Sergeant H. C. Tallman, of company H, to be First Lieutenant.
Acting Commissary Sergeant Geo. L. Warren, of company I, to be Second Lieutenant.
Corporal C. C. Pierce, of company K, to be First Lieutenant.
First Sergeant H. A. Curtis, of company K, to be Second Lieutenant.
SUCIDE OF A SOLDIER.—On Saturday, Frank Kimberly, belonging to the 157th N. Y. regiment, committed suicide in Washington. He went to a man with whom he had left $30 on Saturday morning and got it, buying a revolver with a portion of it and depositing $17 with Mr. Conroy, who keeps the Connecticut House. He told Mr. Conroy to send the money to his wife, and gave him the address, and also stated to him that he and three others had deserted the regiment, and had been afraid to go back because he would be shot, and that he could not go home, but he would go back to his regiment on Thursday. Kimberly left the house, and a few minutes afterwards the report was heard, and on going to the spot Kimberly was found dead, the ball having entered his heart. His remains were buried by the military, and his effects, including the money left in Mr. Conroy's hands, were taken charge of by the coroner.—He leaves a widow and two children in Marathon, Cortland County, N. Y.
PERSONAL.—Lt-Col. Geo. W. Johnson, of the 49th regiment, who is detailed from his regiment on duty connected with the mustering of the conscripts at Elmira, arrived in the city yesterday, and will remain on official business for a few days.
An Honorable Record.
Capt. Charles H. Van Slyke, Co. B, 157th Regt., who was wounded in the late battle of Chancellorville, on Saturday, when Jackon's [sic] forces swooped down upon the 11th Corps, is now at his home in this place, recruiting his physical abilities. His record is a brilliant one, and shows what may be accomplished by a young man of high purpose.
He enlisted in this place as a private, in Co. B, under Capt. Jefferson Randall, and upon the organization of the company was elected First Sergeant. He was shortly afterwards promoted to the position of 2d Lieutenant, and was appointed Provost Marshal, in which capacity he acquitted himself with honor. Upon the resignation of Capt Randall, he was appointed by Col. Brown to fill the vacancy, jumping the office of First Lieutenant. In the late engagement he acted as Aid to Gen. Schurz, carrying orders into the thickest of the fight. A bullet which entered the fleshy part of his leg, also killed his horse, and in falling he received serious injury to his spine. He was placed upon a cassion [sic] and carried to the rear. He is slowly recovering, and ere long will be able to join his regiment. Such is the record of Capt. Charles H. Van. Slyke, who has been in the service of the U. States less than one year. It would be sad if a career commenced so auspiciously, should close without reaching its meridian, but we hope the hand of fate may spare him to add new lustre to his name, and to stamp it indelibly upon the pages of history.
From Capt. Van Slyke we learn that Lieut. Josiah Jenkins lead Co. B, in the fight at Chancellorville, and did it gallantly. The 157th N. Y., and the 61st Ohio were the only regiments in the Howard's Corps that stood their ground and retired in order at the word of command. The Corps was completely taken by surprise, and were engaged in getting their suppers when Stonewall charged upon them in solid columns. The blame would seem to lie with the division commanders who did not keep out sufficient picket force, not expecting an attack upon that wing. Jesse Seabrook, of Co. B, reported as missing in the succeeding list, died from his wounds, on the field.
At a meeting of the Young Men's Bible Class connected with the Baptist Sabbath Scholl of Homer, held on Sabbath, July 19th, 1863, the following, Preamble and Resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased Divine Providence to call from our midst our associate and beloved classmate CLARK STICKNEY, who died in hospital July 12th, 1863, of wounds received at the Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863, while bravely discharging his duty as Sergent [sic] of Co. D, 157 Regt. N. Y. V.
Resolved, That we deeply mourn his loss as a faithful co-worker, a consistent member, a loved friend and an earnest Christian, and one whose presence and cheerful countenance will long be missed by both Teacher and Classmates.
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with his bereaved family in their sad affliction knowing him to have a good and dutiful sun and loving brother trusting that he who has said, "my grace is sufficient for thee," will support and comfort them under this severe bereavement, and enable them to say "Thy will be done."
Resolved, That in token of our respect and sorrow for him whom we mourn, we wear in our class meetings for three consecutive Sabbaths, the usual badge of mourning.
Resolved, That in connection, with this, we take this opportunity to commemorate, with sad hearts, the death of another former member of our class; Lieut. C. CRANDALL Co. G, 76th Regt. N. Y. V., who fell in battle while faithfully performing his duty as a patriot soldier, in our country's great struggle for the cause of right and freedom.
Resolved, That while we deeply mourn the death of these two, we most heartily thank God for the preservation of the life to the present, of the other eleven young men lately members of this Bible class, who have gone into the army as citizens soldiers in support of our Government and defence of our Country.
Resolved, That the above resolutions be forwarded for insertion, to the Cortland County Republican, and that a copy each be sent to the father of Sergant [sic] STICKNEY, and wife of Lieut. CRANDALL.
SAMUEL S. DAY, Teacher.
A letter from Lieut. FRANK E. GATES, of Canastota, to his parents, dated July 1st, is printed in the Utica Herald. Capt. FRANK, of Oneida, who is spoken of by Lieut. GATES, has since died. He says:
"Our regiment (157th) suffered severely, but the boys stood remarkably well. Poor Captain Frank is badly wounded. When he fell, he called to me; I immediately went to him and gave him some water, and got some men to carry him from the battle-field. But I know he is, like myself, a prisoner. I don't feel able to write any more."
—Company E (Capt. Van Slyke, Oneida), lost at Gettysburg 3 killed, 21 wounded, 6 known to have been taken prisoner and paroled, and 8 still missing; total loss 38. There are now on duty with the company Lieut. JENKINS, 2 corporals, 9 privates, and 1 cook.
The entire regiment numbers now 105—84 muskets. It is doing the provost duty of the 3d division, 11th corps. Capt. VAN SLYKE writes of the fight of Wednesday, July 1st, that the 157th "were sent by Gen. SCHIMMELFENIG to flank a rebel Brigade, who were advancing to attack us, and while marching to execute the order, were espied by the Rebel Commander, and immediately changed his front toward the regiment, and poured in such a tremendous fire of balls that many fell to breathe no more. The regiment immediately returned the fire, and with interest, as the numbers of the rebels who fell testified. After firing 8 or 10 rounds, the Colonel ordered the regiment to fall back slowly off the field."
Lieutenant Colonel Arrowsmith.
On the third of July the Harrisburg dispatches contained the brief announcement that Lieut. Colonel Arrowsmith of the 157th New York Volunteers was killed in the first day's fight at Gettysburg. This event should not be allowed to pass without some tribute, however inadequate it may be, to the memory of a brave and gallant officer. George Arrowsmith was a native of Monmouth, a son of Major Thomas Arrowsmith of Holmdel. He entered the Freshman Class in Madison University, Hamilton, N. Y., in 1855 and graduated with the class of 1859, at the age of twenty years. Near the close of his collegiate term he was appointed tutor in the University, in which position he highly distinguished himself as a thorough and successful teacher. Upon taking his first degree he commenced the study of law with the Hon. Judge Mason of Hamilton, in connection with other duties as University Tutor, and also as Editor of one of the village papers. In 1861 he passed a highly creditable legal examination, and was duly admitted to the New York bar. About this time the Rebellion broke out, and soon after he recruited a company in the township of Hamilton of which he received a commission as Captain; not however until he had secured the acquiescence of his parents in the course he was about to pursue, who were reluctant to interpose any obstacle in the way of his own best instinct and judgment. His company was enrolled in the 26th N. Y. Regiment, Col. Christian, and moved for the seat of war in the fall of 1861. In a remarkably short space of time his company was noted as one of the most efficient in the army of the Potomac, the perfection of its organization and drill receiving his strict attention. His men were fondly attached to their commandant, all entertaining the highest respect and admiration for his noble qualities as a man and a soldier. An officer of his company in a letter to a friend thus wrote:
"Captain Arrowsmith is the idol of his soldiers. The influence he wields as an officer is remarkable. There is not a man of them but would cheerfully follow him into the very jaws of death. He seldom has occasion to administer a rebuke. An order of his when once understood he is never compelled to repeat, but has the pleasure of seeing it executed with the utmost alacrity."
For gallant conduct at the fight of Culpupper [sic] he was promoted by General Tower as Assistant Adjutant General of his brigade and chief of staff. At the battles of Thoroughfare Gap, Rappahannock, Cedar Mountain and second Bull Run, he participated and greatly distinguished himself. Relative to facts and incidents of this last mentioned battle we make the following extract from the correspondence of the Tribune, published soon after the engagement:
"General Tower, wounded in the thigh during Saturday's battle, is now staying at Willard's in a very low state. He is said to have been the hero of the fight on the left, and his brigade was the first thrown into the fight by Gen. Ricketts. When shot he was in advance of his brigade and gallantly rallying his men. Capt. George Arrowsmith, formerly of the 26th, but promoted by Gen. Tower as Assistant Adjutant General of his brigade, for gallantry at the fight of Culpepper, showed great bravery on the field. His praise is in the mouth of every one. At one time he is said to have taken Gen. Schenk for a Major, and immediately rode up and led two regiments into the fight amid a shower of grape and cannister."
His escape in this battle without a wound was almost miraculous. One bullet passed through his cap and hair, another perforated his coat, another grazed his saddle, and at the close of the fight divesting his accoutrements, still another rolled out of his blanket.
The 157th N. Y. Vols., was recruited chiefly from Madison county, a little less than a year ago. Professor Brown of Madison University was appointed Colonel, and Capt. Arrowsmith Lieut. Colonel. The regiment arrived in Va., early last fall, and nearly all winter were encamped near Centerville. They were attached to Shimelfindig's brigade, Shurz division. In a private letter of Col. Arrowsmith, written soon after assuming his new command, he says:
"Our lines have truly failed in Dutch places, we being the only Yankee regiment in the Division." The memorable battle of Chancellorsville was the first in which the Division was engaged, where the "Yankee Regiment" was the only regiment of the corps that stood its ground until ordered to retire, and was reported to have suffered terribly in killed and wounded, At Gettysburg the command devolved upon Col. Arrowsmith, where in advance of the brigade, he attacked the enemy, driving them through the town and beyond it. When he was crossing a public road at the head of his Regiment, in the act of cheering on his brave men, he was shot in the forehead by a sharpshooter, who lay concealed not more than twenty steps from him. The Regiment losing its leader, and being unsupported by the remaining portion of the brigade, immediately fell back. Thus out of four hundred and twenty men, with which the 157th entered the battle, eighty only returned, and out of twenty six officers eighteen were lost.
A man of most genial disposition, attractive society and unsullied life, Col. Arrowsmith was deservedly respected and beloved by all who had the happiness of knowing him. He was at the time of his death but twenty-four years of age. Endowed with talent of a high order that insured him eminence had his life been spared, his classmates will bear witness to his rare powers of intuition, enabling him to acquire in a few moments what ordinarily exacts the study of hours.
As a writer, he was gifted in an eminent degree. Those who have read his communications to the Utica Herald and other journals, have been struck with a peculiar freshness of thought, a novelty of expression and a rich vein of humor that permeated his composition. His partiality to whatever savored of a spirit of war was marked from boyhood. The lives of military heroes from the earliest history down to the present time were familiar to him as household words. He was born to command. His men were implicitly under his authority and loved to be so. He possessed that rare faculty conferred upon but very few, of attaching every one to him who was brought within the sphere of his frank, genial nature. Young, gallant and generous, lofty of spirit, earnest of purpose, combining all that youth emulates that manhood loves, Col. Arrowsmith was alike the idol of those who knew him, and foremost in the ranks of those to whom the country looked as the exemplars of its youth and the defenders of its honor. A.
—N. J. Standard.
Contemptible Meanness.
We are sorry to be under the necessity of showing up the contemptible meanness of some of those who dwell in our town, but believe our duty calls upon us to do so, for their "offence is rank."— Every day some new development of disloyalty makes itself known, some outbreak of a sympathizing heart for secession makes itself felt. The last that we have heard of was from a crowd gathered at the Park House, conspicuous amongst which was one Jo Barber, who lately graced the jail of this county by his presence, having been "'sent up" for being drunk, and Judge Eldridge, whose voice is always ready to be raised at the bidding of a. disposition soured by an unsuccessful life, and now grown more peevish and more complaining by childish old age—and several of their compeers. The conversation was commenced upon the then all exciting theme of the arrest of Mr. Kennedy, and turned from that to the riot in New York, and then to the conduct of the general Government, those participating in it abusing the Government, its officers, the soldiers, and everybody and thing that went for sustaining the Country. Lieut. Fitch, of the 157th Reg't. who was wounded at Gettysburg, was present, and those we have named above directed their conversation to him, and finally closed by calling him a coward, a young pimping officer who had sneaked away from his men, leaving them to suffer, while he was enjoying himself here. Lieut. Fitch counld [sic] hardly restrain himself from administering the deserved rebuke by a word and a blow, the blow to come first, but he did at this time, only defending himself by answering their remarks; but soon after, when he had gone to the Wickwire House, Jo Barber coming there partly drunk, and repeating the insult, Lieut. Fitch finally struck him with a brush he held in his hand, and afterward with his fist. In our opinion, Lieut. Fitch would have been perfectly justifiable in knocking any one down with whatever might come to hand, whether he was old or young, who should use such language to him, and such against the Government.
If that is all the support those brave fellows are to have, who fearlessly spill their blood in their Country's defence, to be called cowards and snivelings sneaks, it is time the army turned its face homeward, to sweep from the face of the earth such contemptible ninnies.
For the Visitor
This young man died of nervous fever, Aug. 21, at Carver Hospital, Washington. We are called to mourn the loss of a kind companion, and of a good soldier. None did their duty more willingly; none did it more faithfully.—Very few combine the qualities of a good soldiers in a higher degree than did he. His was a retiring nature, yet firm; thus he gained the love and respect of his companions, and now since he is gone they all cheerfully and gladly bear testimony how he lived and was loved.—
During the latter part of the winter he had a fever which kept him in the hospital at Fairfax Seminary several months; yet, not contented to be idle, he acted as nurse for some time. But when Lee began to develop his plan of penetrating the North, and all good soldiers were needed at their posts, he of his own accord, though still weak from the effects of fever, shouldered his rifle and joined his regiment just in time to participate in their march on the Peninsula and to accompany them back to Washington, as Lee's shattered columns were feeling their way back to the fastnesses of old Virginia. Here commenced a strife for passes and strongholds; long distances were made in short time; the weather was intensely warm, and as was necessary, many gave out, among whom was our friend. He was sent to Carver Hospital with quite a number from this regiment. For a few days he seemed to be doing very well, and for exercise would take the pail and bring water for the nurse. But disease was still lurking in his veins, and suddenly death struck him with his poisonous dart. He was swept away in a few days, before his parents could hasten to him and clasp him in their arms. But he went to the arms of his Saviour, who was waiting to embrace him. There be is free from the toils of the march, and the din and death of battle.—Few can show a life more free from sin and wrong. He died as he had lived, a Christian patriot.
He has left a circle of loving friends to mourn his loss, but they do not mourn him alone; all good people mourn with them, and none more than those who know what he had to endure and what he did cheerfully undergo. He did all he could; he died in the defense of his country, and now rests in his own dear land.
Oh! there is great consolation to know that one may lie where the myrtle and rose will bloom, planted by kindred hands. Even in the roar and fury of battle the thought, unbidden comes; if I fall, where will my last resting place be? And even then it is almost transporting and death seems to have lost its bitter sting, to think that some kind friend will seek and carry you home to be laid in the valley, between your native hills, where the birds sing as they did in years gone by, the flowers bloom, and the heat of hatred will never tread. Thus lies our brother in arms, and all we can say is "sweet be the rest." May others live as he lived and die as he died.
J. H. ROE,
157th N. Y. V.
PETERBORO, August 3d, 1863.
Another of the bravest and best of our young men has fallen a victim of the accursed "Slaveholders' Rebellion." Adjutant JOSEPH T. HENEY, of the l57th Regt. N. Y. Vol's, was badly wounded in the knee in the first day's battle at Gettysburg, Pa. He lay within the enemy's lines for several days without help or notice, and suffered greatly. He was finally reached by our men, and taken to the hospital at Gettysburg.
On the 22d of July the limb was amputated, and he died calmly on the 24th, the death of a christian and a soldier. His widowed mother and many friends have the great happiness to know, that during his confinement at the hospital, he was nursed, and cared for most tenderly. Mrs. Beckie L. Price, of Phoenixville, Chester Co., Pa., one of the noble christian women of our land, who are ministering to the wants of our sick and dying soldiers, found our young friend in his distress, and with kindness, never to be forgotten, watched by his bedside, spoke words of comfort to his soul, and closed his eyes in death. (Aug. 8, 1863)
Adjutant Heney was born in Quebec, L. C., June 22d, 1841. His family moved from thence to Massachusetts, and afterwards to this State. He was for several years in the family of Hon. Gerrit Smith, and was by them most highly esteemed and beloved.
Of uncommonly prepossessing manners, much personal beauty, possessing fine talents, he had a host of friends who deeply mourn his loss. His beautiful devotion to his widowed mother, whose main support he was, won for him the silent admiration of all. From the highest motives he volunteered as a private in the ranks about a year since, and rose rapidly to the honorable position of Adjutant of his regiment.
Gerrit Smith sent his son to Gettysburg, but was too late to find our young friend alive.—His remains arrived in Peterboro on Friday evening, July 31st. On Saturday our citizens assembled to pay their heartfelt respects to his memory.
The services took place at the house of Gerrit Smith. The coffin was placed on the lawn in front of the mansion; and the banner of the country, for whose liberty he died, was the pall of the youthful soldier!
Appropriate hymns were sung. A touching prayer was offered by Hon. James Barnett, and some remarks, full of tender reminiscences of the deceased, were made by Gerrit Smith.
At the close a parting hymn was sung, and the honored remains of our dearly beloved young friend were borne away.
The burial took place in the afternoon at the Catholic Cemetery at Oneida. G. W. P.
also arrived. It was recruited in Cortland and Madison counties, and was mustered in at Hamilton on the 19th of September, l862, ten hundred and forty strong. It returns with three hundred and fifty-six of that number, and four hundred and twenty in all, sixty-four of whom are one year men, &c. It left one hundred and sixty recruits in the field, which were consolidated in the Fifty-fourth. It participated in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. In the last named engagement it lost three hundred and eight men, killed, wounded and missing. Lieut Col. Arrowsmith, who is spoken of by the boys as one of the best of men, was among the killed. The regiment was sent to the Department of the South, where it has served in Folly Island siege of Fort Wagner, John's Island, &c. It distinguished itself in what was one of the last engagements of the war, viz: Sumterville, where it charged through a swamp and brought of two pieces of artillery and a rebel flag. Lieut. Col. Carmicheal [sic] was specially commended for bravery on this occasion, and recommended for a brevet by Gen. Potter. The following are the officers:
Company G—First Lieutenant Jerome Forbes; went out as sergeant.
Company H—Captain, G. S. Van Hoesen; went out as sergeant.
Company I—Captain, D. G. Briggs; went out as Captain. First Lieutenant, John Campbell; went out as corporal.
Company K—Captain, T. E. Yates; went out as sergeant. 1st Lieutenant, H. P. Minor; went out as sergeant.
The regiment went west this forenoon.
The 157th Regiment.
The Albany Evening Journal, in noticing the arrival of this regiment at that place on Friday, the 21st inst., says:
"It was recruited in Cortland and Madison counties, and was mustered in at Hamilton on the 19th of September, 1862, ten hundred and forty strong. It returns with three hundred and fifty-six of that number, and four hundred and twenty in all, sixty-four of whom are one year men, &c. It left one hundred and sixty recruits in the field, which were consolidated in the Fifty-fourth. It participated in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. In the last named engagement it lost three hundred and eight men, killed, wounded and missing. Lieut.-Col. Arrowsmith, who is spoken of by the boys as one of the best of men, was among the killed. The regiment was sent to the Department of the South, where it has served in Folly Island siege of Fort Wagner, John's Island, &c. It distinguished itself in what was one of the last engagements of the war, viz: Sumpterville, where it charged thro' a swamp and brought off two pieces of artillery and a rebel flag. Lieut.-Col. Carmichael was specially commended for bravery on this occasion, and recommended for a brevet by Gen. Potter. The following are the officers:
Lieutenant-Colonel—James C. Carmichael; went out as Major.
Major—Frank Place; went out as Captain.
Adjutant—Charles A. Baldwin; is on Gen. Potter's staff.
Acting Adjutant—Lieut. C. H. Paddock; went out as orderly sergeant.
Surgeon—H. C. Hendrick.
Assistant-Surgeon—B. R. Holcomb.
Acting Quartermaster—Lieut. C. Pierce; went out as sergeant. Chaplain—O. H. Seymour.
Company A—Captain, C. Burlingame; went out as First Lieutenant. First Lieutenant, W. H. Morgan; Second Lieutenant, F. Benjamin; both went out as corporals.
Company B—Captain, C. H. Van Slyke; went out as orderly sergeant.
Company C—Captain, W. H. Saxton; went out as sergeant. First Lieutenant, R. W. Bourne; went out as sergeant.
Company D—Second Lieutenant, D. T. Jones; went out as corporal.
Company E—Captain, George L. Warren; went out as private. First Lieutenant, J. F. Wright; went out as sergeant.
Company F—First Lieutenant, C. M. Palmer; went out as private.
Company G—First Lieut. Jerome Forbes; went out as sergeant.
Company H—Captain, G. S. Van Hoesen; went out as sergeant.
Company I—Captain, D. G. Briggs; went out as Captain. First Lieutenant, John Campbell; went out as corporal.
Company K—Captain, T. E. Yates; went out as sergeant. First Lieutenant, H. Minor; went out as sergeant."
The regiment arrived in Syracuse about 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, where it will remain until discharged. The Standard has the following:
"The regiment was mustered out at Charleston, S. C., and came direct from Hilton Head. They are as fine a looking body of men as one could well wish to see, under capital discipline--an honor to Madison and Cortland counties, where the regiment was raised. They have an excellent Brass band, which discoursed cheerful music as the train arrived. After debarking, line was formed on Railroad street west of the Depot, and arms stacked At 7 o'clock a warm meal was furnished them at the order of our reception committee, after which they went to camp."
Rev. O. H. SEYMOUR, Chaplain, came, down on Thursday morning last, reporting the men to be in good health.
CORTLAND, THURSDAY, July 27, 1865.
Reception OF THE 157th.
The citizens of Homer and Cortland having mutually determined to give the 157th Regiment a fitting reception, held meetings on Monday evening last, and chose a committee of five each to meet at the Fair Grounds on the following morning, for consultation. The joint committee met according to agreement, and, after some discussion, decided that on Wednesday morning the committee should meet again at Homer, when the following gentlemen were selected to act as officers on the day of the reception:
President—Horatio Ballard.
Vice-Presidents—Geo. J. J. Barber, P. H. McGraw, W. H. Chaplin, H. B. Van Hoesen, Stephen Patrick, S. Blanchard, B. F . Tiilinghast, R. B. Arnold, T. Tillinghast, C. L. Hathaway, Capt. A. H. Barber, D. C. Squires, S. W. Nelson, Page Green, O. F. Forbes.
Marshal—J. C. Pomeroy.
Joshua Ballard, Moses Rowley, M. D. Murphey, Leroy Cole, T. M. Dorwin, N. H. Haynes, Zalmon Fairchild, J. T. Barnes, H. A. Randall, Dwight Kingsbury, Mrs. J. C. Pomeroy, Mrs. M. L. Webb, Mrs. H. S. Randall, Mrs. Wm. P. Randall, Mrs. H. Ballard, Mrs. E. H. Doud, Mrs. H. J. Messenger, Mrs. H. Rogers, Miss Julia Cuyler, Miss Jane Wells.
D. H. Hannum and wife, P. C. Kingsbury and wife, C. P, Walrod and wife, D. H. White and wife, I. W. Brown and wife, G. W. Stone and wife, I. M. Bowen, James Ormsby, W. H. Haines, A. H. Bennett, David Munson, Miss Emily Ormsby, Miss Mary Babcock, Miss C. Chittenden.
Scott—Wm. H. Chaplin and Capt. C. Atwater.
Truxton—Stephen Patrick and.G. W. Bliss.
Cuyler—S. Blanchard and Alexander Dunce.
Cincinnatus—B. F. Tillinghast and M. E. Smith.
Willett—R. B. Arnold and G. A. Mooney.
Freetown—Thos. Tillinghast and Melvin Conger.
Solon—C. L. Hathaway and Ransom Warren.
Marathon—Capt. A. H. Barber and A. A. Carley.
Lapeer—D. C. Squires and Royal Johnson.
Harford—S. W. Nelson and P. E. N. Decker.
Virgil—Page Green and Eber Sweet.
Taylor—O. F. Forbes and L. Mallory.
Preble—H. B. Van Hoesen and P. D. Woolston.
The Colonel, Field and Staff Officers of the 157th Regiment, and the members of that regiment from this county, together with the same of the 10th N. Y. Cavalry, have been invited to participate, and will be present.
The reception will take place on the morning of Tuesday next. The train will stop at the crossing, a procession form and march to the Fair Grounds, where the reception address will be delivered by Maj. A. D. WATERS.
A sumptuous dinner will be prepared by the citizens for the invited guests, the officers of the day, and the committee of arrangements. The citizens, generally, in attendance, are expected to enjoy a pic-nic on the Fair
After the dinner, sentiments, toasts, and short speeches, will be received.
A national salute will be fired on the arrival of the train, and the ceremonies enlivened by the firing of cannon, and music by the Band of the 157th Regiment, the Groton Brass Band, and a Martial Band.
The committee will meet again this week, and perfect the arrangements for the reception, which we are confident will be creditable to them and satisfactory to those participating. And let nothing be lacking on the part of our citizens, in the way of contributions, &c., that will aid in giving the 157th a most cordial and joyous welcome.
Reception of the 157th Regiment.
It having been announced throughout the county that the above regiment would arrive from Syracuse on the morning train of Tuesday last, citizens from the neighboring towns came pouring into the village at an early hour, and by nine o'clock our streets presented an appearance like that on the last Fourth of July. Indeed, it seemed as though "our entire population" had accepted the invitation so generously given them by the inhabitants of Homer and Cortland, to be present on the occasion of this most cordial welcome to our returning heroes. Wagon loads after wagon loads of all kinds of eatables were escorted to the Fair Grounds, (and if the escort did frequently examine the victuals to see that they were not spoiling, who cares?) The Groton Brass Band made its appearance, playing a tune that timed with the double-quick of the horses' step, and preparations were fast being made to proceed en masse to the scene of the festivities, when a telegram from Syracuse, signed by Major PLACE, was received, which announced that the regiment, owing to the non-arrival of funds for its payment, would not leave the city that day. Such a multitudinous change from joy to sadness, from excitement to apathy, from eager anticipation to the gloom of disappointment, we have seldom seen; and under the influence of first thoughts, many returned to their homes—the farmers, especially, who had left the newly-mown grass uncared for, so anxious had they felt to manifest their "gratitude to the defenders of the Union." But by far the larger portion of the "gay old crowd" wended its way to the Fair Grounds, where ball-playing, and other amusements, were indulged in, general hilarity acting as commander-in-chief over all. In the afternoon, the various parties gathered together at the Floral Hall, to partake of the pic-nic repast to which they bad been invited, each individual appearing to be determined that nothing should occur to disturb the good-humor which prevailed. About five o'clock the word "homeward-bound" was given, and the crowd dispersed, all willing to acknowledge that a day of more complete happiness was not within their experience.
In the meantime, another telegram, signed by Col. CARMICHAEL, had been received, which gave as a fixed fact the good news that the regiment would leave Syracuse on the evening train. Again all was bustle and preparation. The people in the surrounding country soon learned the facts, and came flocking into the village, determined "to see the end on't." Once more "Smiles beamed on" our gal's face, And dimples added to her "beauty."
About eight o'clock the firemen formed in line, and preceded by a martial band and the Groton Brass Band, the latter of which had been gratifying our music-loving citizens with the performance of some fine pieces, took up its line of march for the Grounds, escorted, at the respectful distance of half a mile ahead, by ourself, we having concluded to swell the gathering by A,—No. 1, and to witness the festivities in honor of the living representatives of the ever-welcome truth, that "Peace and Righteousness have kissed each other." Arriving at the place where the horses trot, we went directly to the Floral Hall, and took a view of the arrangements. The walls were covered with flags, and the tables, notwithstanding the vast quantity eaten during the afternoon, were loaded with almost every variety of edibles known to the cook's vocabulary, while hosts of "fair women" were adding the finishing touches, or waiting to wait on the "brave men," whose arrival was now momentarily expected.
Passing on to the railroad crossing, we found there assembled the bands of music, the firemen, the officers of the day, (night) and a goodly gathering of supernumeraries, the latter of whom we received permission to join.
Passing on to the railroad crossing, we found there assembled the bands of music, the firemen, the officers of the day, (night) and a goodly gathering of supernumeraries, the latter of whom we received permission to join. Soon the whistle of "down brakes" brought the train to a stand-still, and amid repeated cheering, the members, from this county, and the Brass Band of the 157th Regiment, accompanied by a large portion of the citizens of Homer, alighted from the cars. (Parenthetically, we would here observe, that the passengers on board of the train were much disquieted by the stoppage, but were re-quieted by the information that the crossing had lately become a station, the Company not having as yet had time to build a depot.) After a few personal greetings, the men were formed into line, and, preceded by the 157th Band, with Maj. Jas. C. Pomeroy as Marshal, marched past the firemen, (who gave three rousing cheers,) and then halted, when the latter, which had now become a torchlight procession, took the lead as escort, their march enlivened by music and the firing of a national salute. Arriving at the Floral Hall, they were placed in convenient positions, when, after three enthusiastic cheers by one of the largest gatherings we have ever seen in this vicinity, Hon. Horatio Ballard, President of the Day, introduced Maj. A. D. Waters, who delivered, from the balcony, a stirring address of welcome.
The 157th Regimental Band responded by playing, in a superior manner, the "Battle Cry of Freedom," when the men were marshaled into the Hall, and seated before tables which we guess ached to be relieved of their burden, and which the soldiers, with the assistance of the firemen an officers of the day, partially succeeded in relieving. Mr. J. Patten, as master of ceremonies, was the right man in the right place.
Supper over, the following regular toasts were read by Hon. HIRAM CRANDALL:
1. The 157th Reg. N. Y. V.—We remember with gratitude and pride that they enlisted "for the war" when all was darkness and gloom, and fought till the sunshine of Peace wrote, in letters of living light, "The struggle is ended; well done good and faithful."
Response by Col. CARMICHAEL.
2. The 10th N. Y. Vol. Cavalry—The men who first dabbed through the defenses of Richmond, shall have a first place in the hearts of the people whose liberties they helped to save.
3. The War of 1861—Who now declares it a failure?
4. The Women of the North—Mothers, wives and sisters of patriots and heroes. With more than Spartan fidelity you buckled the armor upon your loved ones. We congratulate you on its return unsullied, Response by Rev. Mr. DUTCHER.
5. The Heroes who have fallen!—They have a monument in each of our hearts; and we will build one of granite to proclaim their deeds of devotion to coming ages.
6. "Our Country—'Tis of thee, sweet land of liberty—of thee we sing."
Response by A. D. BLODGETT, who sang "America," in which the audience joined.
7. The Clergy—They preached the defense of the Union, they joined the armies thereof, and fought shoulder to shoulder with our country's defenders for the Union. They have practiced what they preached.
Response by Rev. O. H. SEYMOUR, Chaplain, of the 157th Regiment.
8. The President of the United States—An excellent school master to teach patriotism to the young patriots South.
9. Lieut.-Gen. Grant—Like Ulysses of old, unconquered and unconquerable—except by the ladies.
10. Our Flag—Bound to float from the banks of the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico—from the shores of the Atlantic to the golden sands of the Pacific. The Aegis of protection to all who come beneath its folds.
Response by CHESTER M. CLARK.
This most joyous of assemblies then dispersed, the utmost good-humor having characterized it throughout the entire proceedings. Not an act or word had we seen or heard, that manifested the least ill-feeling. Every one seemed to have forgotten everything in the line of worldly cares and troubles, intent only on the full enjoyment of the hour, while the soldiers were as happy as one could wish to be, their wants bountifully supplied by the ladies and gentlemen in attendance, who fairly vied with each other in doing the most to honor the deserving brave.
Afterwards, the people in attendance received a general invitation to assist in clearing the tables, and the aptitude which they manifested therein was to us but another link in the chain of evidence that they are always in readiness to relieve any committee of arrangements of unnecessary trouble in toting back the provisions. When we took our departure,—about 12 o'clock, there was nothing left but now and then a dish of baked beans and pork, which the crowd doubtless thought a little too hearty to eat at so late an hour.
In the meantime, the soldiers were enjoying a social reunion at Squires' Hall, in this village, many of them, on the final breaking up, accompanying our generous citizens homeward, to partake of their hospitality until ready to depart for home.
To the ladies who contributed so liberally in the way of provisions, and rendered such efficient service at the Fair Grounds, the grateful thanks of the entire county are due. They are first and foremost, never wearying, never tiring, in all such good works; always commanding, always receiving, our increased love and admiration. We give—THE LADIES—heretofore, now, and hereafter, GOD BLESS THEM!
The 157th Regimental Band, by its gentlemanly conduct, and superior skill as musicians, has won from our citizens not only their respect and hearty good-will, but the proud title of being one of the best Bands of music to which they have ever listened. During the forenoon on Wednesday, our village was kept under the influence of pleasurable excitement by the beautiful music which proceeded from the Band, who was playing some farewell pieces on the balcony of the New Messenger Block. In the afternoon it separated, the members departing for their homes, the best wishes of our citizens accompanying them, with the hope that, at some not far distant day they may again be gratified with a repetition of similar performances.
—We are requested to state that, owing to the non-arrival of funds for its payment, the 10th Cavalry has not been discharged, but when it is, our citizens will, if possible, give it a reception. If so, notices of the time and place will be circulated.
Pardon of Soldiers of the 157th.
A letter to the Herald states that the following soldiers, condemned to death, have been pardoned:—Private, G. W. Carpenter, Co. I, 157th New York; Private William Wagoner, Co. I, 157th New York; Private John K. Fees, Co. I, 157th New York; Private Simon Nesler, Co. G, 157th New York; Private Michael Miller, Co. G, 157th New York. In the case of Private Bradford Butler, Co. I, 157th New York, all the evidence goes to show that he is a bad soldier, and was largely instrumental in urging the others to desert.
The following is a private letter from Charles Henry Paddock, 1st. Serg't Co. C, 157th Reg't N. Y. V., to his brother, who consents to its publication, through the solicitations of numerous friends and acquaintances:
Pa., Tuesday, July 1st, 1863.
DEAR BROTHER GENE:—It is now some time since I have written you. I am very sorry so long a time has elapsed, and … an apology, I will try to give you an account of my travels. Saturday, at 2 P. M., about 1,000 men from all Corps left ... Camp Distribution with happy hearts, and went down to Alexandria and took the boat for Washington, where we arrived about dusk. Sunday morning we took the cars and passed the Relay House at noon, and Monday morning we were in Frederick. When I got down in the city I found the army passing through, and that the 11th Corps was about half an hour ahead. So I pressed on with vigor and by noon had left the 12th A. C. far behind, and had got far up into the 3d A. C., when to my great dismay I found the 11th A. C. had turned off on another road to the left, and after weighing the matter well, I concluded to keep on with this Corps, thinking the roads would meet again. So I continued on to Torrey Town, where we halted that night. I had a nice bed in a barn, which I assure you I improved to the best possible advantage, for I had marched 25 miles and was footsore and lame. In the morning I awoke much refreshed, and found the 12th A. C. took the advance.—So I kept in front with them to Littlestown, (9 miles) and having arrived there we found considerable excitement existing, from the fact that the rebel cavalry were two miles out of town in the woods, and that they had fired on our cavalry killing a number of them. However we came on as far as here [2 miles] and halted. Last night I slept on the ground. But the signal has been given to fall in, so I must close by saying that my health is excellent, and that such nice weather for marching we have never had. If I have an opportunity to-day I will mail this. The country we are marching through is beautiful, and seems like home compared with old Virginia.
Wednesday, 2 P. M. I am now 2 miles from Gettysburg. They are fighting very .... I left the 12th A. C. 2 miles back, and have j u s t stopped and eat dinner by a ..ry picket in the road here. About ... rebel prisoners have just gone by, and ... are a lot more coming. Our Corps ... splendid thing in taking them. It is .. advance now, and I shall see fighting.
It is now 5 P. M., and what I have ... through in the last two hours it will
... much longer to relate.
Thursday, July 2d, 8 A. M. I was ... to stop last night, for the robs or-
... us on to this place, where we lay tonight. Yesterday, after writing, I left ... picket and came through the town and ... the 157th supporting the Brigade ..ry. I had just got there when we were ordered forward. The battery was ...ing finely, and we went to the front a little to the left, when we saw they were flanking us on the right and rear. So ... changed front and went forward to ...t them in that direction, and were ... right up in a wheat-field. There was a single brigade against the 157th at a very short distance. Several different boys fell by my side. It was here that Lieut. Col. Arrowsmith fell, and died immediately, hit in the head and chest. By. Fitch was wounded, and Lieut. Coffin fell, wounded in the back. Seeing that it was useless to ...d against such odds, we were ordered to retreat, and we fell back out of immediate range. I got pretty near the town, where I was helping carry Adjt. Henry, when a ball came hitting two of us, and we were obliged to leave him in the edge of the town. The Reg't rallied for some time, but the rebels did not advance there, but were rushing around to cut off our rear. There were but six men of my Co. left including officers. The Col. was there and the colors all right. I was so tired that I could not stand up. Seeing the rebels were getting in the south part of the town we were ordered to retreat in that direction, and such a confusion and hubbub it is hard to imagine. When we got into the center of the town the bullets commenced whistling up and down the streets, and we were ordered to take to the houses. In a few minutes the streets were full of rebels. I was in a garden with a lot of the 1st Corps boys, and the first thing I knew a grey back was ordering us to take off our cartridge boxes, stack guns, &c.—Then they marched us to the rear, where I was writing last night, and not far from the wheat field. Lieut. Coffin came up last night; he said a ball passed through his blanket-roll across his back, coat and belt, and made a hole in his pants large enough for me to put three fingers through, but did not break the skin, though he supposed the ball was in him until a short time before he got here. He washed the blood off from Arrowsmith's face and brought away his sabre and scabbard and belt, &c. He begged the rebs to let him stay but they would not. The last I saw of Col. Brown, he was going up the street with the colors by his side as fast as possible.—There must be 4,000 of us here. We moved a mile further from town this morning. There they offered to parole us and keep the officers. Most of the Rcg'ts accepted it, and while we were disputing about it a heavy fire opened about 3 miles off on our right, which hits kept coming nearer and nearer, and now there is a battery opened on us not more than half a mile off. The rebs scatter to the rear like sheep, but some are wounded.
Friday, 5 P. M., I have just passed through a fiery ordeal. That parole our officers did not like at all. But they were all separated from us yesterday. Well, today the question came to each Reg't in turn. All the boys wanted to know what I was going to do; for you see I am the ranking non-commissioned officer, and have them all to see to.
July 5th. Yesterday was the Fourth. We marched a long distance and it rained a perfect flood. It was awful but not very cold. When we halted last night we cooked up a few flour cakes and roasted some beef on sticks, after disposing of which and putting on some dry clothing, which I was so extremely fortunate as to have in my knapsack, I laid down; but I was soon waked up by one of the boys to draw the rations. After waiting about two hours I obtained a pint and a half of flour per man, but the 1st, 3d and 5th Corps boys got all the beef. The officers march just in front of us, and come back occasionally to see how we are getting on.
Monday morn. I can't realize yesterday was communion at home, for we suffered the hardest marching we have ever had to endure. We started about 8 A. M. The order came before most of us were up. My breakfast consisted of one flour cake the size of my hand, my dinner of hard tack, my supper one canteen of water. We marched until 11 P. M., and are now up on a mountain. Lieut. Coffin is sick. Capt. Place looks as haggard as a ghost. There is a heavy fog and mist wetting us through and making it impossible to look three rods ahead.
Tuesday, P. M. We marched down the mountain several miles in a south-westerly direction to Waterloo and drew rations. At 5 o'clock we were on the march again but something kept halting the column every few rods, so that at one time we made only one mile in two hours. We passed through Waynesboro at 9 p. m., and no signs of camp. We were then marching tolerably fast, but at 11 we commenced that halting again, and finally they made a halt of half an hour, and in a jiff every man was in a snooze. I never suffered so much from mere sleepiness as last night.—At half past twelve we passed Hagerstown. I did not believe they would march us all night, until it began to grow light this morning. It was moonlight and fine marching. The guards are rough as Indians generally, but they divide their last ration with the prisoners. We arrived here —two miles from the river—at 1 p. m.
Thursday, July 9th. It is a beautiful morning. I did not write yesterday, but will try to do so more regularly hereafter. Yesterday we drew no rations until evening, and we were getting pretty hungry I assure you. The boys exchange all kinds of clothing and trinkets for bread. A cake of bread the size of a round pie can hardly be bought for a dollar. I exchanged my wallet for a piece. My shoes are most gone, and I shall be obliged to go barefoot soon. We expect to cross the river today; we should have crossed yesterday but their pontoons were burned.
Friday morn. Once more have I enjoyed the peculiar bliss of resting my weary limbs on the sacred soil of Virginia. We crossed the river at 10 P. M. yesterday.—It was a slow process, having nothing but ferry boats to use. There are some of the boys behind yet. A lady gave me a shortcake in Williamsport just before we crossed. I found a man from the 90th Pa. V., that took off the Lieut. Col.'s shoulder straps. He obtained them just before the rebs came up searching the dead. He would not part with them at first, but finally consented to take a dollar for his trouble and let me have them. The Col. will value them highly, for there is a bullet hole in one of them, cutting off half the leaf.
Saturday Morn. We are on the march again without any thing to eat. It is 60 hours since we have drawn rations. We then drew 6 oz. flour and one lb. of beef per man. We started yesterday at 12 M. and arrived at this camp, two miles beyond Martinsburg after dark; being a distance of 15 miles. I am getting very weak. I have a bad diarrhoea, the result of eating beef without salt, and these heavy flour cakes, &c. Yesterday as we came thro' Martingsburgh [sic], the ladies cheered us, and hoped us back again soon, all right, &c. They would have brought us out bread, but the guards would not let us go and get it, nor allow them to come and bring it to us. But finally they commenced handing it to us between the guards.
Twelve miles from Winchester, 3 P. M. Dear Bro. I was sick this morning, and after marching a while, sat down by the fence with a severe cramp in my bowels, feeling pretty blue. Soon a guard came along and after looking well into my face, handed me a piece of bread, hoping it would help me. I devoured it greedily, and soon caught up, feeling much refreshed, We arrived here about 12 M., and for dinner obtained a small piece of bread and beef each.