Newspaper Clippings

The Fifteenth Regiment.
The camp of the Fifteenth regiment, Colonel J. McLeod Murphy, at Willett's Point, was the scene of interesting ceremonies yesterday afternoon. 
Bishop Hughes was invited and expected to be present to celebrate mass in a tent beautifully decorated for the purpose by the Colonel's wife. Among the invited guests were Rev. Dr. Thompson, Rev. Dr. Post, Judge Daly and Orestes A. Brownson. 
Rev. Dr. Post invoked a blessing on the banners about to be presented to the regiment, and was followed by Dr. Thompson, who, in an elegant speech charged the soldiers to see to it that the banners should receive no "tarnish of dishonor." To this Colonel Murphy emphatically responded—"So help me God, I will." Mr. Brownson next spoke, declaring that if his own son were a traitor he would be the first to plunge a dagger in his heart. 
Judge Daly then followed in an eloquent speech, which elicited loud applause, when the preliminary exercises were closed with a benediction.
The regiment was then drawn up for dress parade, when Colonel S. D. Bradford, Jun., of the staff of Governor Morgan, in the name of his wife, presented a beautiful banner in the following terms: 
" Fellow Officers and Soldiers: I come to you in behalf of one of your young countrywomen, who, though long confined to her bed by exhausting illness, cannot satisfy her heart without sending to her patriot countrymen some token of her admiration of their self-devoted heroism, and her interest in the noble struggle in which they are called upon to take up arms. In her name, let me present you with this banner, inscribed with symbols which have a thrilling significance for every true American heart. Bear it with you wherever duty may call; and I feel sure that no act of yours will ever dishonor it. A cruel and unjustifiable rebellion, aiming a deadly blow at that beneficent government under whose protection we have attained a result of national prosperity and social advancement, unparalleled elsewhere in the world, has called upon us to exchange the pursuits of peace and peaceful times for the life of the tented field, and at this time, our enemy, who tramples in the dust all rules of honorable warfare, is menacing our national capital and threatening to blot us out as a nation from the face of the earth. This, then, is not the time for many words, but for stern and manly deeds; the heroic age of the country is just dawning upon us, and already we have added to the roll of patriot fame full many a name that was not born to die. Involved with you in the tremendous issues of this conflict, your countrywomen feel, not the less deeply than yourselves, that your losses and your triumphs are theirs also. They are everywhere rushing to your aid in such a manner as their powers leave open to them. Not a soldier will fall without their prayers and their blessing; and, as far as it may be possible, not one will languish under sickness or wounds without being soothed and tended by their gentle care. Take, then, this banner; it shall cheer you in the toils of the camp or in the hot fury of the battle; and whenever your eyes are turned to behold it gleaming against the southern sky, imagine that on its folds is written this inscription: "The hearts of your countrywomen are with you, and their prayers are continually ascending in your behalf.: [Cheers.]
Colonel Murphy returned, in behalf of the Fifteenth Regiment, his sincere thanks. The blue field (it was a state flag) would remind the dying soldier that he has a heaven to hope for. Though there were no stars upon it, they would go to search for the lost Pleiades in our national constellation, and they would come back showing that they had some little knowledge of military astronomy. The banner might come back torn and faded, but he pledged his honor, his life, that it should never return dishonored. For the sick lady whose hands had wrought the banner, the prayers of the regiment would follow her, and when the eyes of the soldier fell for the last time on the sunlight this kind act would be among the last remembered. 
After the parade a clam-bake came off, and 30,000 clams were shortly taken from beneath the embers, which closed the principal exercises of the day at Camp Morgan.

The Late Great Battle. 
Letters have been received from several of the Flushing boys since the last great battle at Chancellorsville. We cannot hear that any of them were hurt. Ebenezer A. Lewis, jr., is missing, but supposed to be a prisoner. Our gallant young friend, Lieut. Daniel A. Higgins, of the 16th Engineers, under date of May 7th, writes:
Our boys have passed through the ordeal of another seven-day fight with various success at different points. On the right our boys entrenched themselves in a splendid position before the rebs found them, and could have held it until Jeff had buried his last man, had it not been for the failure on our left. On the left our boys charged all the great heights, and took them splendidly; but here was a big blunder. Let time tell who was responsible. Had our men been left to hold the heights after taking them, it would have saved many of our brave men, and Jeff would not have had a corporal's guard left of his grand army of butternuts. But when the Sixth corps were led forward in the woods and got lost in darkness, Longstreet came up with 40,000 men, marched around our left, and retook without a shot what cost us so many lives, at the same time surrounding the entire corps. But in this our boys gave the most convincing proof of their bravery, fighting their way through more than three times their numbers, and recrossing the river in spite of all the efforts of the cunning enemy. And after all I guess Jeff would not like to try to capture the Sixth corps again, for he lost two to one at that. The loss of the heights at Fredericksburg, and the late heavy rains, compelled fighting Joe to bring his boys back to get a cup of coffee, repack their haversacks, and pitch in again. He is not whipped; and don't you believe any one or anything that says so. And if the rebs claim it for a victory, they have cause to mourn all such victories, for they lost three men to our one. Before you get this letter, I hope you will hear news from this quarter that will both surprise and please you. We ran some risk in our work, but came out with the loss of one man, (Sgt. Carroll of Co. H,) and not another man being hurt by any means, although we were kept going night and day at the bridges. The laying of the first bridges was the grandest affair that was ever performed, and is as yet a secret to the rebs—and long may it be so. All the Flushing boys are safe.

The Second Regiment of Engineers , (late 15th regiment) as will be seen by advertisement elsewhere, is again in the field and looking for recruits. Capt. H. V. Slosson has opened an office at 473 Grand st., and is receiving recruits rapidly. The bounty is $552. Mechanics and sailors will be preferred, although no one is refused. Sergeants get $34 per month; corporals $20; 1st class privates $17, and 2d class $13. Capt. Slosson was in command of the pontoon train for nearly a year, and will be out again as soon as his company is filled to its full strength, viz., 10 Sergeants, 10 Corporals, (14 first class and 64 second class privates.
Mechanics will be placed in the first class. Major Carmichael, of the 15th New York Regiment, has received the appointment on Gen. Schurz's staff as Commissory of Muster for the Third Division, Eleventh Corps.

[For the N. Y. Sunday Mercury.]
Bridging the Rappahannock,
By The Fifteenth New York Engineers, of the Volunteer Engineer Brigade.
Dedicated to Major Thomas Bogan.
By Sergt. Arthur McManus. (April 1863)

There's a mighty host assembled on the hills beyond the town,
And their camp-fires glow the brighter as the sun sinks deeper down,
And like spectres in a sombre mist, see stealing o'er the sward,
The picket of the wary foe is keeping watch and ward;
And here upon the river's bank the patriot sentinel,
With sleepless eye he guards his post right faithfully and well;
But hark! a low hum strikes his ear, like forests slowly swayed
By the coming blast—'tis the coming of the Engineer Brigade!

The moon is up, but half unvailed, her light is murk and dim, 
The breeze moans through the leafless pines with a low, sepulchral hymn;
No sudden rash of battle, no shrieking fife or drum,
Tell who they are, or what they are, that to the bank have come;
But noiseless as the figures of an o'er-excited dream,
Each boat is launched with steady hands into the silent stream.
Ay, quick and stern, without a pause, silent, but undismayed,
The gallant Fifteenth does its work—the pride of the Brigade!

The night is past—the fiery sun, blood-red, is in the east,
Say, will he smile to-day upon the vulture's human feast?
Yon cloudless sky expanding to embrace the rosy dawn,
Say will it darken with the storm that speak of heroes gone?
Say will this tortuous river rolling onward to the sea,
Bear mingling with its waves to-day the life-blood of the free?
Little they know—and less they care—so that the bridge is laid,
The gallant New York Fifteenth, of the Engineer Brigade!

Haste, haste! my boys, it is the cry, before the sun goes down,
Our gallant Army here must cross, and, holding yonder town,
Will plant upon those tow'ring hills, where trench'd the foeman lie,
The unconquered flag of "Antietam", albeit, ten thousand die!
Ah! little we thought how true in part those idle words would be,
Or that ten thousand men would fall, nor claim a victory!
And "who's to blame"—'tis wailing forth from many an orphan made,
On that dark day—it was not theirs—the Engineer Brigade!

Our work is all but finished—the bridge is nearly o'er—
Another boat will carry it unto the other shore;
And save some gallant fellows who toll with quicken'd pace,
To put the last "chess" firmly down, the last "balk' in its place;
The regiment, drawn up in line of battle, sternly wait
The coming of the stealthy foe, with hearts and hopes elate.
No coward fears unnerve each hand upon the trigger laid,
Of the gallant Fifteenth Regiment, the flower of the Brigade.

But hark! a crash of scattering fire—the foe are on the ridge.
Now, Fifteenth, nobly do your work, protect your men and bridge.
And through the shower of leaden hail our boys take deadly aim.
Hurrah! hurrah! yon crest is cleared by that last sheet of flame.
Hurrah! our job is done at last. 'Tis ready for each corps
Of Franklin's grand division to march in triumph o'er.
And whether our army triumph or recoil in glory's shade,
No blame dare touch the Fifteenth, of the Engineer Brigade.

But half our work is only done. The bridge before the town—
The Fiftieth have fled from it, and we are ordered down,
And down we go, determined all, that, come what will or may,
" New York" must prove victorious, though "Elmira" ran away.
And so it was. The Rebel crew, behind stone fence and wall,
We dashed upon them from our boats, and captured one and all.
The Eighty-ninth New York must share the honors of that raid
With the dashing Fifteenth by the Engineer Brigade?

Our Army cross'd! and bravely fought; but what could
that avail? From right and left, from hill and trench, swept down the murderous hail,
Nor shrub nor shelter had they there, on that extended slope--
Five hundred thousand men might storm those heights without a hope;
And strewn like leaves along the grass upon an autumn day,
Upon its side, in countless groups, our dead and dying lay,
Enough! enough! Our heroic troops fell back, but undismay'd—
" Take up each bridge!" and the work is done of the
Engineer Brigade!

J. McLeod Murphy's 15th New. York regiment has been accepted as an engineer regiment and Col. Murphy is made Colonel of Engineers. They will construct a pontoon bridge across the east branch, near the navy yard on Thursday, in the presence of the President and other distinguished officials.

The fifteenth Regiment, Col. J. McLeod Murphy, now encamped at Willet's Point, was yesterday supplied with medical stores, and a portion of their camp equipments. The troops enjoy the best of health. They will receive their guns next week, and will probably leave before long.

Justice James H. Welsh having been appointed paymaster in Col. McLeod Murphy's Regiment, his associates, Justices Kelly and Osborn, together with the clerks of the Police Courts and Court of Special Sessions, presented him with a beautiful sword, sash, and belt, at the Tombs yesterday morning. On handing him the sword, Justice Osborn said:
Justice Welsh: I am deputed, on behalf of your associates (justices and clerks), to present you, on the eve of your departure for the seat of war, with this token of their respect for you, both in the position which you hold as a civilian and in which you have been honored by the government of your native state and city. To myself, individually, the duty of presenting you with this sword affords more than ordinary gratification. Having known you from your infancy, I have watched your progress in life with more than ordinary interest. Happy as I was in hailing you as an able and efficient assistant, in a subordinate station, I felt satisfied when, by the voice of your fellow-citizens, you were called upon to assume the high position which for several years past you have so honorably filled. 
You go to another field of service, and, your companions, friends, and countrymen have no fear but that, in laying aside for a brief time, as we hope, the mantle of civil authority, you will wield the sword of justice in defense of the flag of your country, with the same alacrity and vigor, which have actuated you in your pacific calling.
Go, then, where duty calls you, and be assured you carry with you the best wishes of untold numbers of sympathizing friends for your health and prosperity, and an earnest desire that the cause which has called you from our midst may be speedily brought to a successful issue.
Judge Welsh made an appropriate response, thanking his associates for the kindly manner in which they had remembered him, and assuring them the gift they had made him should never be disgraced as long as he had a right arm to wield it.

NEW YORK, June 18.
The 15th N. Y. Volunteers returned to this city to-day. It was formerly commanded by Col. McLeod Murphy, and is historical as the engineer regiment which twice has placed pontoons across the Rappahannock in the face of the enemy. Its last service was performed this week in perfecting the withdrawal of stores from Aquia Creek on the 15th, for which Brig. Gen. Warren highly compliments them for voluntarily performing after the expiration of their term.

Official Reception of the Fifteenth Regiment. 
The official reception of the returned Fifteenth Regiment New York Volunteers will take place on Monday next. It will be reviewed by the Mayor and Common Council in front of the City hall, at 5 o'clock P. M., and will proceed thence up Broad- way to the City Assembly Rooms, where an entertainment will be provided by the city authorities. Col. Colgate has issued the following order: 
The regiment parade in light marching order on Monday, the 22d inst. Line will be formed at 3 P. M. in Lafayette Place, right resting on Eighth street, field and staff mounted. C. G. Colgate, Colonel

Army Changes, Etc.
Appointments, Resignations, Etc.
The 15th N.Y. Regiment About to Return 
Washington, June 5.—Among the official changes which have recently been made in the Department of Washington, is the transfer of Capt. Frank H. Barroll from the subsistence Department, Alexandria, to the charge of a branch of the Provost Marshal General's office in Washington.
The resignation of Colonel Stewart, of the 50th New York Engineers, has been accepted; cause continued ill health. Lieutenant-Colonel
Pettes, of the Regiment, will succeed to the command.
Major Spaulding, of the same regiment, has received the appointment of Lieut. Colonel.
The term of service of a large portion of the 15th New York Engineers, will expire in a few days.
Those remaining will preserve the present regimental organization. It is commanded by Colonel Colgate.
These two regiments, together with a battalion of United States Engineers, form the Engineer's Brigade, under the command of Brigadier Gen. Benham.
This Brigade has rendered most efficient service during the late nine days campaign having laid, taken up, transported and relaid, five separate bridges over the Rappahannook, at an extreme distance of twenty miles, one from another.

The resignation of Colonel Stewart, of the Fiftieth New York engineers, has been accepted; cause, continued ill health. Lieut. Colonel Pettes, of the same regiment, will succeed to the command. Major Spaulding, of the same regiment, has received the appointment of lieutenant-colonel.
This brigade has rendered most efficient service during the late nine days' campaign, having laid, taken up, transported and relaid five separate bridges over the Rappahannock, at an extreme distance of twenty miles one from another.
The term of service of a large portion of the Fifteenth New York engineers will expire in a few days, their two years term having expired. Those remaining will preserve the present regimental organization. It is commanded by Colonel Colgate. These two regiments, together with a battalion of United States engineers, form the Engineers' brigade, under the command of Brigadier General Benham.

Promotion in the New York Engineer Corps.
The following promotions have been made in the Corps of Engineers, New York State Volunteers, by his Excellency the Governor, upon the recommendation of Colonel Carroll:
First Lieutenant Biram Farrand, to be captain, to date from February 6, 1863. 
Second Lieutenant E. U. K. Talcott, to be first lieutenant, to date from February 6, 1863.
Quartermaster Sergeant Alex. F. Newman to be second lieutenant and regimental quartermaster, to date from February 6, 1863.

Judge James H. Welsh, Paymaster of the Fifteenth regiment, was married in Harlem on Wednesday evening, to Miss Anna E. Roberts. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. William Gilbert, of the Second avenue (Harlem) Methodist church. The regiment, it is expected, will leave to-day or to-morrow. (June 28, 1861)

Official Reception of the 15th Regiment N. Y. Volunteers.
The official reception of the Fifteenth Regiment, N. Y. Volunteers, took place yesterday afternoon. At three o'clock the regiment formed on Lafayette Place and marched down to the City Hall where they passed in review before the Mayor and Common Council, receiving frequent cheers from the thousands who lined their route and witnessed the review. After leaving the City Hall they proceeded up to the City Assembly Rooms, where a bountiful banquet was provided for the regiment by the Corporation. The banquet was good, the punch was plentiful and the speeches few and short. The entrance of Lieut. Col. O'Keefe, formerly of the Fifteenth, filled the soldiers with enthusiasm.
All passed off in the most pleasant manner and at an early hour the affair was over.

This fine regiment, which has been encamped at Willet's Point for several weeks, did not take its departure yesterday for the seat of war as expected. They will probably leave to-day. (June 28, 1861)

In calling attention to this regiment, we would mention that they have been in the field for the past sixteen months, doing active duty as engineer troops with the Army of the Potomac. Their commander, Colonel Murphy, formerly of the navy, and a graduate of the Naval Academy of Annapolis, is an experienced engineer, whose merit has been often acknowledged. This regiment is now organizing a second battalion, and, having some one thousand two hundred men in the field, recruits must fall in lively, or they will be shut out. Their bounties are as large as any other regiment, and wages higher, viz:—Thirteen, seventeen, twenty and thirty-four dollars per month. This is the chance for mechanics. Their recruiting office is at No. 83 Spring street.

A stand of colors will be presented to the New-York Volunteer Engineer Regiment, by the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, on Thursday afternoon, at the National Guard Armory. The presentation address will be made by Wm. M. Evarts, esq., and a speech may be expected from Joseph Hoxie, esq. Eight companies of this regiment, under the command of Col. E. W. Serrell, are now in service at Port Royal. Major Butt, by whom the colors will be received, will embark in a few days with the remaining two companies of the regiment.

With a view to the consolidation of the various organizations attached to the New-York depot of volunteers, there will be a general inspection of the troops, this week, by Capt. Anthon. The aggregate number of men in the imperfect organizations in and about the city is about. 5,000, and the consolidations will be ordered by Col. Bliss, Assistant Adjutant-General, so soon as he shall have received the official report from Capt. Anthon. Yesterday, the Seward Infantry, 3d German Rifles, Van Buren Light Infantry and Jackson Artillery, at East New-York, were inspected.

Fifteenth N. Y. Volunteers.
This command, which was originally organized by Colonel J. McLeod Murphy, and which has been serving as an engineer force, returned to our city on Thursday morning, their term of service having expired. The command looked exceedingly well, considering their long labors.
They are quartered at the Park barracks.

DIED. (1863)
McCAFFERY.—On the 16th of April, at Camp Falmouth, Va., of fever, after a short but severe illness, Thomas McCaffery, member of Company A, Fifteenth Regiment, N. Y. S. V.
His body was embalmed and sent to his friends in this city. He was respected by all who knew him. His funeral took place on the 29th inst., from his residence in Greenwich street, and was attended by a large concourse of friends.

From the 15th Engineers.
Falmouth, May 9th, 1863.
DEAR _____: We have been on the jump for the last ten days, we were the first to move and the last to fall back, we had to wait until the last man crossed the river be- fore we could take up our bridge, I witness- ed this whole seven days fight. We had to keep on watch for Gen. Sedgwick and his corps to throw a bridge for his men cross over on this side, we were all time on the jump, first on the left, then to right and then to the centre. The rebels threw solid shot and shell at us every chance they could get, one man in our company named Carroll, was cut in two with a ten pound solid shot, the ball hit him in the stomach, and scattering pieces of him in every direction. Last night we started out with the flying bridge train and threw a bridge for Stoneman's cavalry to cross on this side. They had made a raid clear inside of the Richmond defences. In one part of the fight, I saw a brigade break while on a charge. In an instant Joe Hooker rushed out on his horse bare-headed and rallied them, and lead them himself--driving the rebels out of the batteries. He was in the hottest part of the fight several times. The rebels kept reinforcing all the time so Joe thought rather than lose what credit we had gained we had better recross and rest, then, at them again. The whole army is full of fight yet. The rebels lost three to one. G. F.

The 15th Regiment New-York Volunteers, Col. John McLeod Murphy, now encamped at Willett's Point, has received orders to leave for the seat of war, and will accordingly take their departure on Saturday. The steamboat will take the regiment and its equipage from their present camping ground to Elizabethport, N. J., direct, where it will take the New Jersey Central Railroad en route for Washington. Following is an authentic list of the officers of this regiment.
Colonel, John McLeod Murphy; Lieut.-Colonel, Francis B. O'Keefe; Major, C. G. Colgate; Adjutant, Walter L. Cassin; Quartermaster, Edward J. Strang; Engineer and Ordnance Officer, Capt. Stephen Chester; Surgeon, James McNair; Sergeant Major, Jas. W. Drummond; Drum Major, George Schlosser; Fife Major, Mearn; Chaplain, George E. Post, M. D.; Paymaster, James H. Welsh. 
Company A--Captain, J. C. Hicks; Lieutenant, D. R. Smith; Ensign, Wm. W. Horton. 
Company B—Captain, Thos. Bogan; Lieutenant, F. Larkin; Ensign, J. W. Hyatt. 
Company C—Captain, J. J. Reilly (detailed with Lieut. Chas. Bacon to forward supplies); Lieutenant, G. W. DaCunha; Ensign, M. J. Hogan. 
Company D—Captain, James McQueen; Lieutenant, Joseph Wood, jr.; Ensign, Timothy Lubey. 
Company E—Captain, E. C. Perry; Lieutenant, H. V. Slosson; Ensign, M. Howlett. 
Company F--Captain, J. Garrett; Lieutenant, M. P. O'Brien; Ensign, J. B. Thomas. 
Company G--Captain, J. Lalor; Lieutenant, W. A. Brown; Ensign, T. Sandford. 
Company H--Captain,W. A. Ketchum; Lieutenant, H. F. Bronson; Ensign, Theodore Lane. 
Company I—Captain, G. W. Warner; Lieutenant, C. H. Amerman (detailed as Secretary); Ensign, John Farrell. 
Company K--Captain, James Dodd; Lieutenant, A. P. Greene; Ensign, George Murphy.

Police Justice James H. Welsh having been appointed Paymaster in Colonel McLeod Murphy's regiment, his associates--Justices Kelly and Osborne--as well as the clerks of the Police Courts and Special Sessions, resolved to present him with a sword, sash and belt previous to his departure with the regiment. The presentation was made yesterday morning at the Lower Police Court, by Justice Osborne, on behalf of himself and his associates. The regiment to which Mr. Welsh is attached, is now quartered at Fort Schuyler.

Last night the interesting ceremony of presenting a sword to Major Kimball, of Hawkins' Zouaves, was gone through with at the Gotham Saloon, in the Bowery. The sword was the gift of the news agents of this city, with whom Major Kimball was associated some years ago. The Major was also an attache of this office about seven years ago. Major Kimball returned thanks for the handsome present in an appropriate and soldier-like manner. The sword is a gem of art, and reflects credit on the taste of the donors. It was made in Sheffield, England, and is as good a blade as ever was drawn. The scabbard is bronzed, and beautifully gilt. Among those who assisted in the present were ....

Major Colgate arrived in the city yesterday for the purpose of establishing headquarters for recruiting for the Fifteenth (Colonel McLeod Murphy's) regiment. The regiment now, as, indeed, when it left here for the seat of war, only numbers 746 men; but, in pursuance of orders from the Secretary of War, it is immediately to be increased to the standard strength, 1,046 men. The headquarters for recruiting selected by Major Colgate are situated at 473 Grand street and 320 West street—the former in charge of Capt. Perry, the later of Lieut. Larkin. The regiment forms the right of the brigade under Gen. Franklin, a brave and experienced officer of the United States service, and now occupies the advanced posts of the army of the Potomac. Colonel McLeod Murphy and his command are in high repute at general headquarters, and were specially complimented by General McClellan, who remarked at review a few days ago that they well deserved to hold the right of the brigade. Together with performing most important picket duty, the Fifteenth are solely entrusted with reconnoissance duty and furnishing the War Department with plans and maps of the country and the position of the enemy, as they succeed in penetrating the one and discovering the other. Up to the present time not a man has been lost to the regiment either by desertion or death, and not more than ten or a dozen have at any time been absent from duty through sickness. The regiments brigading with the Fifteenth are the Eighteenth, Thirty-first and Thirty-second New York and a squadron of cavalry.
Major Colgate reports the change in the army of the Potomac effected by the appointment of General McClellan to the chief command as surprising as it is gratifying and encouraging. Every department of the service has its own efficient head, but the eye of the General is over all, and thus the well being of the men is scrupulously cared for in the camp and in the field.
Volunteers joining the Fifteenth at either rendezvous—473 Grand street or 320 West street—will be immediately provided with quarters and subsistence, and with the least possible delay mustered for pay and service.
Major Colgate will leave the city to rejoin the regiment on Saturday next, and any letters to the soldiers of the Fifteenth from their friends, left at the recruiting depots he will take in charge, and will see them safely delivered.

The Fifteenth regiment, commanded by Colonel McLeod Murphy, which is now encamped at Fort Schuyler, has recently been under inspection by Captain Smith, of the Topographical Corps, United States Army. The regiment is to act as a Sapper and Miners Corps, and was organized by Colonel Murphy, who is himself a practical engineer. Most of the men are mechanics, and consequently well adapted for service in a corps of this kind. They are a fine healthy looking set of recruits, and their average age is only twenty-seven years. The regiment went into quarters at Fort Schuyler eight days ago. They are now being thoroughly drilled in marching and manoeuvering, and have already acquired considerable skill in these departments. Their uniforms have not yet been furnished, nor have their muskets; and the want of the latter greatly impedes their drill in the manual of arms. About three hundred tents were sent to the regiment yesterday, by order of Commissary General Arthur, and these, with the accommodations previously furnished at the fort, will be amply sufficient to make the men comfortable. (May 31, 1861)

This fine regiment, which has been encamped at Willet's Point for several weeks, did not take its departure yesterday for the seat of war as expected. They will probably leave to-day. (June 28, 1861)

Judge James H. Welsh, Paymaster of the Fifteenth regiment, was married in Harlem on Wednesday evening, to Miss Anna E. Roberts. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. William Gilbert, of the Second avenue (Harlem) Methodist church. The regiment, it is expected, will leave to-day or to-morrow. (June 28, 1861)

Col. Bissell.
Col. Josiah W. Bissell of the Engineer regiment, who accomplished the herculean task of cutting a channel for Gen. Pope's transports through the bayous at Island No. 10, had won a high reputation for energy and mechanical skill before the war broke out being largely connected with the internal improvement of the West, and had distinguished himself and his corps in Missouri by rapid bridge building, before the great success in the twelve mile canal. The Boston Advertiser relates the following anecdote of him:
" Now that Col. Bissell is a hero, we may take the liberty of telling a single characteristic story of his personal life. He sent a photograph portrait of himself to a friend a few days since. The figure was dressed in the working costume of a respectable 'navvy.' Explaining this to his friend, this hard working Colonel said that he had somewhere an elegant Colonel's uniform, but he had never had it on.

MAJOR CARMICHAEL,of the 15th New York Regiment, has received the appointment on Gen. Schurz's staff as Commissory of Muster for the Third Division, Eleventh Corps.

THE RAPPAHANNOCK SALOON.—We know that the many friends of J. M. Sheehan, including all those who read his interesting and graphic letters from the 15th Engineers, will be pleased to learn that he has returned from his two years' experience as a soldier in the army of the Potomac, closing up on the Rappahannock, and that he has anchored his pontoons at No. 217 Genesee street, under the City Hotel, where he intends to keep a first class saloon. All kinds of liquors, and the best brands of ale and cigars, will always be found at his bivouac, also oysters and clams in the shell, and other delicacies in their season. Read John's advertisement and call upon him.

Death of McLeod Murphy.
A telegram was received last evening announcing the death of Col. McLeod Murphy, of the Engineer Regiment, and formerly Senator of this State. Col. Murphy was officer of rare merit. He was all attention to his regiment and spared no pains to increase its discipline and preserve its health. Col. McLeod Murphy has lost fewer men from sickness than any Colonel in the field. His zeal for his regiment broke down his health. In losing Col. Murphy, the State and Nation sustain a last-…

Camp of 1st N. Y. Vol. Engineers, near Petersburg, Va., Sept. 21, 1864.
To the Editor of the Statesman.
For several days past it has been very quiet in front of Petersburg, especially in front of the 10th A. C., with which corps the Engineer Regiment is on duty. 
The work of fortifying is steadily progressing, and every other reparation is being made for a desperate battle, which will occur soon.
The different regiments are being rapidly filled up by recruits and veterans, and corps are beginning to assume their original strength by the addition of new regiments.
Although we are on the eve of battle, warlike subjects appear to vanish, and other subjects of importance and interest take its place. The Presidential contest and its results is the great question, and one in which every soldier takes an interest, and which is proving beyond a doubt the true sentiments of the army since the proceedings of the Chicago Convention has been made public.
Among the more reasonable democrats here, many have been led to consider the importance of studying the motives of that Convention, and, in view of the results that would be likely to follow the success of that party with its platform, openly avow their purpose to change their position. Having enlisted in the war for the Union, they wisely manifest a determination to adhere to the principle of maintaining the Union under all circumstances, and repudiate a party whose sympathies are with the South. The soldiers enter into the spirit of politics with as much zeal and sense as some of the veteran politicians, and I dare say as effectively. In handling the Chicago platform they are somewhat severe, believing that the war has been carried on too long, that too many lives have been sacrificed, and too much treasure expended, for us now to suffer a party to rule our nation who approves conciliation or compromise with traitors.
The determined opposition of the democratic leaders to the Administration has aroused the loyalty and patriotism of the soldiers of all political denominations, and the resolutions of the Convention, tendering their sympathies to the soldiers in the field, is repudiated by us. We accept no sympathies from traitors. We believe their proceedings to be unfavorable to the Union, and as we are fighting to preserve it, we will exercise all our privileges to express the sentiment, from the polls to the battle-field. Mr. Lincoln is on our banner, therefore Mr. Lincoln can count well upon the support of the soldiers in the field.
The prospects of the re-election of Mr. Lincoln, together with the probable success of our armies, inspires in us the belief that the rebellion will soon be conquered, and that peace, an honorable peace, will be ours to enjoy. J. H.C.