4th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

The Fourth Regiment New York State Volunteers
The following has been issued in relation to the arrival of this regiment:-
General Orders no. 13
Headquarters, Twenty Second Regiment
Palace Garden, New York, May 8, 1863.
The Fourth regiment New York Volunteers, Scott Life Guard, Colonel J.B. McGregor, commanding, will probably arrive in this city during the next forty-eight hours. Owing to the difficulty of procuring accurate information as to the precise time of arrival, the Lieutenant Colonel Commanding takes this method of notifying the members of the command to hold themselves in readiness to parade at the shortest notice. The time of parade will be published in orders in the daily papers. 
By order of Lieut. Col. J. Henderson Grant; W.J.A. McGrath, Adjutant

It is the purpose of the friends of Lieut. Colonel Farnsworth, of the Scott Life Guard, to raise funds for the purchase of a horse, saddle, sword, &c., as a suitable testimonial for his courage and valor. All who may feel desirous of aiding the subscription will please address Mr. A. C. Lawrence, No. 346 Broadway.

W. S. Moulton, ex-Lieutenant Fourth regiment (Scott Life Guard) has been authorized by General Ward to get up a silver bust of Genera1 Scott, from the original die, for the veteran members of the Thirty-eighth, New York Volunteers, or Second Scott Life Guard. The medallion is to be worn on the left breast, and is a perfect likeness of the veteran General Scott. All members who have served under General Ward are entitled to wear the medallion, which can be had of the regimental agent, Mr. Wheeler, No. 20 Nassau street.

An election for officers was held by this regiment yesterday, the following gentlemen being chosen to fill the positions opposite their names:—Alfred W. Taylor, Colonel; Wm. Jamison, Major; Wm. Henriques, Adjutant; James M. Bayles, Quartermaster. The regiment is ready to go at any moment, and the men express their desire to meet the foe face to face. They want for nothing in their quarters and spend their time in drill.

LETTER FROM GEN. SCOTT.—The following letter from Gen. Scott must have been highly gratifying to the regiments referred to. The old hero knows well the effect of a word of praise fitly spoken:
NEW YORK, May 26th, 1863.
MY DEAR GENERAL :—The two regiments of New York Volunteers, formed on the basis of the Scott Life Guard, all organized by you, have served in the field with great honor to my name, and, what is better, great honor to our country. I am proud of them, and they are entitled to a nation's gratitude. I am sorry that I shall not be in the city to receive the salute of the Thirty-eighth intended for me, and to shake hands with my brother veterans of Mexico and their noble associates; but I am quite an invalid, and cannot make but two migrations a year between New York and West Point. The promotion, and other honors, the sword and medal you achieved in the field, my dear General, though they have greatly delighted, have not at all surprised me. Hoping you may live long for the benefit of your country,
I remain, very truly yours,
P. S.—My kind regards to Colonel Hayman,
whom I greatly honor. w. s.
To Brig. Gen. J. H. HOBART WARD.

Our firemen yesterday did honor to themselves in the promptness with which they rallied to the reception of the above company of the Life Guard. As previously ordered, the 4th regiment assembled at 1 P. M. at the Arsenal in Centre street, N. Y. and awaited the forming of the escort column, which took place on Canal street, the right resting on Broadway, at 3 o'clock. Shortly after that hour, everything being in readiness, the line moved down Broadway and entered the City Hall Park through the west gate and retired through the opposite entrance. The Mayor and members of the Common Council received the pageant as it filed by. When the regiment had arrived in front of the City Hall the men halted, drawn up in line, and then formed a hollow square, the centre of which was occupied by the Mayor, members of the Common Council, and parties bearing the colors to be returned to the regiment. The colors, it will be recollected, were presented to the old Scott Life Guard by the ladies of New York, and when that company left for the seat of war two years ago were deposited by them in the City Hall for safe keeping until their return. 
The colors were presented by the Mayor and received by Col. McGregor, in the absence of Brig. Gen. J.H. Ward. The department of this district formed the most interesting part of the procession and comprised the following companies: Engines Nos. 6, 9, and 12; Hose, Nos. 5, 6 and 8; and Hook and Ladder No. 2. Apparatus was drawn by Engines Nos. 2 and 9, and Hose No. 6. After the presentation Co. I was escorted to Williamsburgh, and proceeded to the house of Engine Co. No. 12, where a tempting collation was in waiting. Here the demonstrations of delight at the return of old friends, comrades and relatives, were really touching, and many a brawny hand wiped away from the bronzed cheek the tear of joy. Speeches were made, and the re-union generally enjoyed to the fullest rational extent. Of the Company twenty members belong to Co. No. 12, to whom belongs the credit of the reception, although the entire department co-operated heartily in its being a generous welcome.

N. Y. S. V.
Five Regiments Parading Through the Streets--Large Turnout of Military and Firemen- Enthusiastic Display.
At noon a large crowd gathered in the neighborhood of Canal street and Broadway, to witness the parade of the regiments which were ordered to escort the 4th through the principal streets of the city. The Fourth as already stated, arrived at such an early hour yesterday (Sunday) morning that it was impossible to extend to them that popular ovation, accorded to other regiments returning from the seat of war, on their march up Broadway. Hence, they receive to-day, that token of esteem which their bravery on the field entitles them to. Flags displayed from all the public and many private buildings of the city in honor of the occasion. At three o'clock a number of returned volunteer organizations, prominent among whom were the Duryee Zouaves, also the 13th (Brooklyn), 22d and 55th Regiments N. Y. N.G., and various Fire Companies from Williamsburgh, formed line in Canal street, right resting on Broadway, all acting as escort to the gallant Fourth, Colonel John D. McGregor.
The escort was under command of Colonel Cleveland Winslow, and shortly after 3 P.M. marched down Broadway, through the west gate of the Park to the City Hall, where they were reviewed by the Mayor and Common Council. Mayor Opdyke here returned to the 4th the colors of the Veteran Scott Life Guard, left to the custody of the City authorities, on the departure of the regiment. The Mayor, on presenting the colors to the 4th, made a few appropriate remarks, which were enthusiastically applauded by the regiment. The procession then countermarched up Broadway to Madison Square, where they will be reviewed by General Scott, at the Fifth Avenue Hotel.

BROOKLYN,. MAY 7th, 1863.
[General Orders No.5.]
1. This regiment will parade in full uniform, armed and equipped this day (Saturday), for the purpose of receiving and welcoming our former comrades, the 4th Regiment, N.Y. Volunteers, commanded by Colonel J. D. MacGregor.
2. Line will be formed in Monroe Place, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Field and Staff (dismounted), Non-Commissioned Staff and Band, and Captains, with their companies, will report on the ground 15 minutes before that time. Drummers will report to the Captains of their Companies.
3. Returns of delinquents will be made at Headquarters, on Friday evening next, at 8 o'clock. 
By order of
Companies will assemble at the City Armory at
7 o'clock.