42nd New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
The Tammany Regiment.
This volunteer organization, which has been only one month in existence, is complete for service. The regiment is composed of excellent material, numbers 1,000 men, the full army quota, is commanded by Colonel Wm. D. Kennedy, having Lieutenant-Colonel Cogswell, of the army, as second in command. This last named officer has been permitted by the President to accept the Lieutenant-Colonelcy especially on the ground that the material of the regiment being selected with great care, it promises to be one of the most available in the service. Lieutenant-Colonel Cogswell has had years of experience in the army, and his peculiar fitness, as an officer, renders him an able assistant to Colonel Kennedy. The regiment has been quartered at Great Neck, Long Island, the past four weeks, where, by assiduous attention, the rank and file have gained a great deal of necessary information, available in the field. The men and officers are thoroughly equipped, and the Quartermaster's and Commissariat departments are well arranged.
Lieut.-Col. Cogswell takes the position which Col. Doheny had been chosen to, and which by arrangement on Colonel Doheny's part, with Colonel Kennedy, was to be filled by some other party than himself. Colonel Doheny lent his valuable services in organizing the Regiment as Lieut. Col., and ably assisted in bringing it to completion, and regretted much in declining the office. While this is to be regretted, still it was the arrangement between Colonel Kennedy and Colonel Doheny.
Wednesday last the ceremony of presenting a splendid stand of colors, took place at the camp, making it a gala day, when hundreds were present to enjoy the scene. The presentation was made by Elijah F. Purdy on the part of a joint committee of the Tammany Society and of the Tammany Hall General Committee, comprising the following gentlemen:
E. F. Purdy, D. E. Delevan, Isaac Bell, Casper C. Childs, Richard B. Connolly, Thomas Dunlap, John Clancy, Peter B. Sweeney, C. L. Monell, John Houghkirk, M. D. Gale.
The committee arrived at the camp about four o'clock, where a delegation of the Common Council and a large number of prominent politicians and city officials were already assembled. The day was made a general Tammany holiday, and the society and a large congregation of its retainers had evidently made a grand jubilee of the occasion. Colonel Kennedy drew up his regiment in line for review, the officers taking their places in front in the
Elijah F. Purdy, Chairman of the Tammany Hall General Committee, bearing the colors to be presented, aided by Casper C. Childs, Secretary or Scribe of the Tammany Society, bearing the guide colors, then formally presented them, and spoke as follows:
COLONEL KENNEDY AND MEMBERS OF THE JACKSON GUARD:—The Tammany Society and the Democratic General Committee of the City and County of New York have deputed me to present to you, in their name, the stand of colors which I now hold. I assure you that I perform this duty with no ordinary feelings. The cherished recipients, the respected donors, the sacred cause in which you are engaged, and your fine and soldierly appearance, make this presentation a real pleasure. Organized, as your gallant regiment has been, to sustain and defend the national compact, to preserve the national Union, and vindicate the integrity of the United States, it is indeed an honor to be chosen commander of such a regiment.
The Tammany Society, and the General Committee, in common with our citizens, feel proud of such sons. They bid me to say in their name, "God speed you on such a mission. Preserve, sustain, and defend the American Union." To your hands these colors are committed. Bear them proudly onward and upward. Let not one star be obliterated, nor one stripe be severed. Let them not be lowered by defeat, nor a single thread be stained by a traitor's hand, Jackson Guard. You have well chosen an honored name—one that will forever live in the memories of the American nation. Remember, brave officers, and you, gallant soldiers, to you is committed a sacred trust. He whose glorious name you bear uttered the memorable words—"The Union, it must and shall be preserved." These words alone, even if his life had not been devoted to this great principle, have made his name and fame immortal. The people of the great and patriotic city from which you go know you will not falter in your devotion to that Union which you love so well, and to preserve which the great Jackson so often periled his life.
Col. Kennedy, and you, dear friends, take these colors, unfurl them broadly to the breeze, and when you return from the conflict to which you go, such of you as survive will be compensated for the losses you will have sustained, and for the trials through which you will have passed, by the memory that you did your best to preserve and defend the country that gave you birth, which you have adopted, and to which we all owe "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honors."
Col. Kennedy, who is grand Sachem of the Society, received the colors and briefly responded, expressing his fervent thanks for himself, his officers and men. He said that, while deprecating any overweening assumption of military pretensions for himself in the efforts to organize the Tammany Regiment, he nevertheless had entertained the purpose of showing by this
unmistakeable expression the opinion which they all entertained—the perfect unity of the North, and especially of New York City, on the question of maintaining the integrity of the National Government.
John Clancy, Esq., then presented Colonel Kennedy with a splendid sword arid sash on the part of personal friends.
Colonel Kennedy replied in a suitable manner, arid then led the delegation through the open ranks of the Regiment, which was heartily pronounced to be equal to the best regiment organized at the North, and only a few, such as those from Maine and New Hampshire, it was conceded, presented such choice and excellent material in physical appearance.
The officers and visitors next collected at the Great Neck Hotel, adjoining the camp, where they partook of refreshments. Lieut.-Col. Cogswell having responded to a toast, Col. Kennedy took occasion to say that the Major and Adjutant yet to be chosen, would present similar professional credentials to those of the Lieut.-Colonel of the Regiment—that is, they would be regular army or West Point men.
Senator Connolly, being called upon, said that he had first seen the glorious flag of our republic when a boy in the land of his birth (Ireland). He had since ever loved it and cherished it with a fervor and reverence he could compare only to that which he felt for the mother that bore him. He described in impressive eloquence the intense satisfaction which it gave him to witness the presentation of the flag to-day to the regiment which bears the venerable name of old Tammany to the battle-field—a satisfaction which was the more ardently kindled by the preponderating numbers of his countrymen whom he saw in the ample ranks of that regiment.
The Tammany Regiment now comprises about eleven hundred men, has been mustered into the United States service for some weeks, is in an admirable proficiency as to drill and discipline, and is only waiting for arms and orders to be ready for immediate departure. Three splendid flags have been prepared for the presentation—viz.: the national colors, a regimental standard, with the State arms, and a splendid flag with arms of the Tammany Society.
An elegant pistol was also presented to Col. Kennedy by George W. Roome, Esq., Keeper of the City Hall.
Captain J. W. Tobin, of Company F, this regiment, was the recipient, at the close of the banner presentation, of a sword, sash, and belt, the gift of Lieut. Peter C. Tobin and friends, late of the Sixty-ninth Regiment.
Lieut. James H. Conroy, of the same company, received the honor of a like presentation. The kind remembrance of friends parting with friends on a mission of nationality, are true emblems of fraternity.
JULY 27, 1861.
The melancholy demise of this estimable gentleman at Washington, on Monday last, filled our city with funereal gloom. In all classes of society, Colonel Kennedy was well and favorably known, but more particularly in the association of the Democratic party were his manifest qualities appreciated and recognized. The Tammany Society, of which body Colonel Kennedy, at the time of his death, was Grand Sachem, at a large meeting of its members, on Tuesday evening last, adopted the subjoined resolutions, reported by a committee of which Colonel Daniel E. Delevan was Chairman:
Whereas, It has pleased an All-wise Providence to remove from the field of usefulness and honor our beloved Grand Sachem, Col. Wm. D. Kennedy, whose name is identified with the history of our Order, one to whom we have been bound by ties of the closest fraternity, combining manly energy with gentleness, and exhibiting a zeal tempered with discretion; an enthusiasm wisely directed in behalf of objects intended to promote the benefit of our common country, and a lofty patriotism which, while looking upon party organization as a means, desired only the happiness of mankind as the end of his efforts; who, in the crowning labor of a life of unceasing activity, and inspired by the noblest impulses, gathered around him a regiment of citizen soldiers, composed for the most part of members of this Order, and marshaled to the field of action under a banner representing this society;
Resolved, That while it is doubly sad to reflect that we who recently bade our deceased brother God speed on his departure for the scene of duty and of danger, and mingled our regrets at his absence with just pride for his patriotic conduct, should, through the interposition of the Divine hand, at this early day stand as mourners over his remains; yet there exists to us and to those who loved him, a consolation the highest which can temper affliction, that as his life was generous, manly, and just, his death was eminently honorable, and that he leaves as a heritage the record of a spotless name, never to be breathed but with recollections of affection and respect.
Resolved, That the Council Chamber of our great Wigwam be draped with mourning, and also the banners of the Society, for the period of one year, and that the members thereof be requested to wear the usual badge of mourning for six months, and that the members of the Society attend the funeral in a body.
Resolved, That a copy of the above resolutions, duly authenticated, be presented to the family of the deceased.
Resolved, That the above resolutions be published.
Eloquent eulogies on the illustrious deceased were pronounced by Messrs. John E. Devlin, Wilson Small, and other gentlemen.
The General Committee of Tammany Hall, of which body Colonel Kennedy was an active and influential member, met on Wednesday evening, and a full attendance of its members were present. A general appearance of depression was evident in the saddened faces of Col. Kennady's colleagues, and the silence of the Council Chamber for a long time was unbroken by a whisper. All seemed to see the loss the Democracy had sustained, and the many virtues of the deceased were enumerated in sympathetic sorrow.
Hon. Nelson J. Waterbury, in presenting the resolution for adoption, made the following remarks:
Mr. CHAIRMAN: Death has entered into our midst and laid his hand upon us heavily. One of the most useful and honored of our number, Col. Wm. D. Kennedy, is no more. He died in the very prime of manhood, upon the threshold of a new career of usefulness, and in the full flush of hope, and vigor, and patriotism. An irreproachable record in the past reflected its lustre upon him, and the meteor light of glory was bidding him on to a wider fame. It is not necessary, it is almost presumption in one of us to recite here his praises; for who of us all could fail to know and honor his manly spirit, his generous nature, his bold and ready courage, his unyielding tenacity of purpose, and his faithful devotion to principles and friends.
He has fallen; but it is not our privilege, as it is not our desire, to be the sole mourners around his coffin. This whole city joins in the grief of those bound to him by closer ties, and realizes that services are lost forever which had been too valuable to be unfelt. And within the inner circle of his home, how terribly the blow has fallen there! What words of ours could lighten the weight of agony, or atone for the fearful loss of the stricken widow and the fatherless children, from the girl verging on womanhood to the young boy who drew so largely upon the fond pride of the father's heart? We realize that the theme is too sacred for any utterance of ours, but from our hearts will go up the silent prayer that He who noteth even the sparrow's fall will guide, protect, and bless that afflicted household. How truly and how fervently could each of us, who knew him so well, apply to our departed friend and brother the words of the poet:
" When hearts whose truth was proven,
Like thine, are laid in earth,
There should a wreath be woven,
To tell the world their worth."
We cannot now, in the first gush of our grief, braid the coronal for him, but we gather with heavy hearts and blighted hopes to drop into his grave the flowers of affection, and plant on it the evergreens of memory.
Sir, our deceased companion was our representative in the Democratic State Committee, the Grand Sachem of the Tammany Society, and, as we so well know, a leading member of this Committee. He was also the commanding officer of the regiment of volunteers whose headquarters were at Tammany Hall, and who have gone forth as the representatives of this organization, in the contest for the honor and existence of our country, which is to be decided upon the field of battle. In the organization of this regiment, the efforts of its commander were efficient to an extent which cannot be overstated, and he fell a victim to his intense devotion to its service, which, with characteristic ardor, he manifested in utter disregard of self.
The regiment reached Washington on Saturday, and though he had then experienced some of the most fearful and weakening symptoms of disease, he refused to ride, but marched at the head of his regiment nearly five miles in the hot sun; and when expostulated with, said he would not ask his men to do what he would not do himself. A comfortable night's sleep partially restored his health, but at an early hour he proceeded to the camp, which he was obliged to leave in the middle of the day. When he reached the hotel, his arms and legs were already cold. The hand of death was upon him, and he died early the next morning. It is incumbent upon me here, in behalf of this organization, to express our heartfelt thanks to Lieutenant Balch of the Navy, who was a stranger to the deceased, but who gave up voluntarily his own apartments to secure him comfortable quarters, and attended to him in his last hours with the assiduous care of a brother. Nor is our appreciation of this generous kindness lessened by the fact, that when Lieutenant Balch heard that it was the head of the Tammany organization who had been the recipient of his attentions, he replied that it was an organization which was known to him by its age, and by its reputation of never-failing fidelity to the cause of our country.
The positions held by the deceased at the time of his death, attest the greatness of our present loss; it is, however, but one of many of the most serious character which we have met within a few years past, and which would have overthrown any organization unless it was strong within itself, tried by more than half a century's test of fidelity and patriotism, and thoroughly intrenched in the confidence and respect of the people. It seems but as yesterday that we lost our great leader, of whom more than any other man I ever knew it might be justly said:
" None knew him but to love him,
Nor named him but to praise!"
I need not mention the name of Silas Wright. He stood in all the massiveness of granite, with the beauty of the chiselled column; but the column was broken ere a grateful people had been allowed to place upon it the capital which would have given to it completeness. We have since lost hid friend and successor in the affections and confidence of the Democracy of this State, William L. Marcy, who had manifested a wisdom which had secured the respect of two continents for its profundity, and an integrity which rendered his name a watchword of strength to those who seek a pure and honest administration of our Government.
These, however, were losses felt throughout the nation, for there was not a spot inhabited by man in the recesses of the mountains, nor a sequestered nook in any valley, to which there did not come with the tidings of the death of either, a consciousness that a great man had fallen. Devoted as they were, however, to this organization in their lives, and as it was to them, my present purpose is to allude more particularly to our own especial losses. Only five years since Robert Kelly died; ere he had reached the zenith of his career, blessed with an accomplished intellect, with ease and independence, in the fruition of public confidence, thoroughly devoted to Democratic principles in their primal purity—he died when signal honors seemed about to rest upon him. Then we lost Lorenzo B. Shepard, young, eloquent, and gifted, while he was pressing vigorously on in the race of life, faithful in the performance of every duty, and the recognition of every obligation, and struggling; manfully against corruption and wrong. Less than sixty days since, James Conner, the late Grand Sachem, died. To middle age and youth was now added the venerable form of old age; but men of his kindness of heart, simplicity of character, and fidelity to friendship, it is hard indeed to lose, even though their whitened locks mark them as ripe for the reaper. And now his successor is gone—a vigorous brave, with his foot upon the war-path, and his bow bent for his country's enemies. May they all rest in peace.
Each of these four—Kelly, Shepard, Conner, Kennedy—was either Chairman of the Democratic Republican General Committee or Grand Sachem of the Tammany Society. Time would fail me to refer to the many other beloved friends and brothers who have departed during the same period; but there come at once to mind the gallant Col. Vosburgh, devoted in heart and soul to old Tammany, whose body so lately we followed, as it was borne from the camp of his noble regiment to the common resting place of us all; and also honest David Kissner, another member of our Committee, who died only three months since, beloved and respected by all who knew him. We are also, even now, waiting with tremulous anxiety to learn whether another of the cherished members of this Committee, the true-hearted Michael Corcoran, has shared the fate which has overtaken so many of his brave regiment in their valiant struggle to win their country's cause; but we will not anticipate. Our present losses more than fill our hearts, and our hopes whisper to us that we shall again greet him within these walls.
Mr. Chairman, severe as have been our losses, we yet stand together, devoted, faithful, firm. We realize our duties, and they will be performed; and I know that I but give utterance to the common sentiment of us all, when I express the gratification I feel that you are yet spared to us, as we trust you will continue to be for many years. Twenty-five years ago, when a mere boy, I strolled into this hall, I saw you here, a leader of the host. Most of us have grown up to love and respect you; and our prayers will unceasingly ascent to the Giver of all good, that you may long continue to be our guide and counselor, our father, and our friend. Old Tammany, the home of our affections, and the stronghold of our hopes, would be even strange to us without you; for you, as well as all of the departed ones I have named this evening, have always been with Tammany, and for myself, I may say that as in my boyhood I sought her portals, I hope that even should my life be spared until my limbs tremble with age, they will yet continue to bear me within her sacred precincts.
In the notice which I have taken of our departed friend and brethren, I would not say a single word to dampen the ardor of the living. Human progress in these eventful times is a ceaseless mighty, rushing current, which cannot be stayed by the death of any, even of the best, the wisest, and the most useful. At the present crisis in the history of our country, less than ever does it become a patriot to despond. Our country yet survives, and will continue to exist through all time, great, glorious and free, demanding the homage and the service of every true son. In this her hour of danger, Old Tammany has neither hesitated nor faltered, and she will not. Not one reverse nor many can stop the irresistible impulse of the nation's heart, that the Union, the Constitution, and the Flag of this Republic shall again extend, unbroken and triumphant, from the Northern Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic Ocean to the golden shores of the Pacific. I submit, sir, the following preamble and resolutions for adoption:
Whereas, We have received the sad intelligence that Col. Wm. D. Kennedy, an influential member of this Committee, and also a member of the Democratic State Committee, the Grand Sachem of the Tammany Society, and the commanding officer of the Jackson Guard (the Tammany Regiment of Volunteers) died in Washington on Monday morning last, therefore,
Resolved, That in the death of Col. Kennedy this Committee, of which he had been for many years a leading and useful member, this city, to whose welfare and prosperity he had contributed so largely; the great Democratic cause, the ceaseless struggle for sound principles and an honest Government, in which he had been a most faithful soldier; and the existing struggle for the maintenance of our National Union, to which he had rendered great and signal service by the enrolment and organization of a full and noble regiment of men, have sustained an irreparable loss.
Resolved, That all who knew our deceased associate will bear witness to the noble qualities of his heart and the manly impulses of his nature. True, honest, and bold, he was always in the front rank of every contest in which he participated; never overbearing in victory nor disheartened by defeat; self-reliant and careful in his demands upon his friends, but firm and faithful in his attachments, he endeared himself to those bound to him by the ties of common interests, objects, and hopes, with a warmth that was controlling, and a tenacity that could not be severed.
Resolved, That deep and heartfelt as is our own grief under this severe affliction, we realize and feel the far heavier weight with which it falls upon his bereaved family, and we tender to them in this their hour of agony, the expression of our earnest sympathy and of our sincere hopes and wishes for their future welfare.
Resolved, That this Committee and the front of this Hall be draped in mourning, and that the members of this Committee attend the funeral of the deceased in a body on Friday afternoon at two o'clock.
Resolved, That the regiment of which our deceased brother was the gallant leader organized under the auspices of this Committee, representing the sentiments of the great Democratic masses of our City, and bearing the colors of our organization, will continue to be our representatives in the Grand Army of the nation; and while deploring the death of their and our chosen leader in the great struggle for national existence and national honor, we shall watch and sustain each step in the career of our Brothers of the Tammany Regiment with an earnest and devoted interest, confidently relying on them to maintain, with unswerving courage, the principles and precepts of our party in this hour of our country's peril.
Resolved, That the foregoing preamble and resolutions, duly certified by the officers of this Committee, be published, and a copy transmitted to the widow of the deceased, and to the Tammany Regiment.
Addresses were delivered by Hon. E. F. Purdy, John Vance, and other members of the Committee, when the foregoing resolutions were unanimously adopted.
The funeral obsequies were of the most imposing character, and were attended by a large number of our prominent citizens, irrespective of party. Messrs. E. F. Purdy, Edward Cooper, Horace Greeley, Daniel E. Delevan, Thomas B. Tappen, Wilson Small, and Abraham S. Hewitt, acted as pall-bearers. The Eleventh regiment escorted the remains of the deceased, and a full delegation of the Tammany Society and General Committee were in the cortege. In the death of Colonel Kennedy the community has sustained a severe loss, and those who knew his worth, will long cherish his memory.
Col. Kennedy's Death.—Address of Sympathy to his Family.
The untimely death of Col. W. D. Kennedy continues to elicit no common grief. Every day reveals more clearly to the friends who can see him no more on this side of the grave, the extent and serious nature of their loss. Wise in council, firm in friendship, sagacious to plan and bold to conduct every enterprise in which he had once embarked,—we know no man, looking all round our circle of acquaintance, able to supply Col. Kennedy's place, or whose exertions can compensate for the loss this City has sustained in the sudden death of our friend. Subjoined we copy the preamble and resolutions adopted at a meeting of the officers of the Tammany Regiment, in reference to their bereavement:
WASHINGTON, July 23, 1861.
At a special meeting of the commissioned Officers of this regiment, held in consequence of the death of Colonel Kennedy, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God in the dispensation of His will, to remove from his sphere of usefulness our beloved Colonel, William D. Kennedy, therefore
Resolved, That in the death of Colonel Kennedy the officers and men of this regiment have met with an irreparable loss.
Resolved, That during our connection with our late Colonel, as long tried friends, or in a military capacity, he had our love, respect, and esteem, and we mourn his loss as the loss of a brother.
Resolved, That we sympathize with the family of our late Colonel, they in him losing a husband, father and friend.
Resolved, That the officers of this regiment wear the usual badge of mourning six months, and that these resolutions be transmitted to Mrs. Kennedy, and copies be furnished the newspapers for publication,
Other men die and are forgotten save by their immediate families almost before the grave has closed over their ashes; but with the strong and valued men of life—those who have made their influence felt over wide circles of their fellow-men—the hour that strikes them down and removes them from all worldly strife, is often that which most fully reveals their importance, and most brilliantly lights up the controlling elements of their character. Thus, to some extent, has it been with Wm. D. Kennedy, whose worth and talents are more widely acknowledged and recognized to-day than when he stood in the full vigor of life to assert his claims and struggle for the ascendency of his will. In some calmer hour we propose a more extended and careful recurrence to the memory of our lost friend—the subject being one of fruitful reminiscence and deep interest, both social and political.
Sparks from the Tammany Camp Fires.
CAMP LYON, near Poolesville, Md., Nov. 10.
The Tammany Regiment, though seriously crippled in the late slaughter at Ball's Bluff, is still living, and eager to avenge, whenever a fitting opportunity occurs, the loss sustained in that foolhardy affair. It has now quite recovered from the convulsions produced by that disastrous adventure, and though it has lost the wisdom, sagacity and experience of Col. Coggswell, neither disorganization nor discontent, which too often succeed such events, even among veteran soldiers, have manifested themselves. The command now devolves upon Lieut. Col. James J. Mooney. He has no extensive military record to which to refer, but the energy and executive ability he has thus far displayed show clearly that the mantle of Kennedy and Coggswell has not fallen on unworthy shoulders. The command devolved upon him suddenly and unexpectedly at a difficult and tempestuous time. All was disorder and commotion; yet he seized the reins with a firm and determined hand, and has already brought order out of chaos, and everything is cow moving off with a systematized regularity seldom witnessed in any volunteer regiment. The administrative capacity displayed by Col. Mooney in this perplexing dilemma in the career of the Tammany, augurs well for his future usefulness as a military man.
Your readers have doubtless read the foul calumnies heaped upon the Tammany by Col. Hincks of the Massachusetts Nineteenth. Never were more unjust insinuations and aspersions conceived in the brain of man than those contained in the report of Col. Hincks to Gen. Lander, impugning the integrity and valor of Major Bowe and the Tammany Regiment. It was the Tammany Regiment, under Major Bowe, who performed all the labor in transporting troops to the Virginia shore, and it was the Tammany Regiment who brought back the dead and wounded--cared for the disabled, and nourished the wearied. And when at last the means of transportation had failed, Major Bowe learned incidentally that Hincks was accidentally in command of the island, and searched for him for advice. After two long hours he was found in bed beside a wounded man in the hospital! The somnolent colonel could give no advice, except to wait until morning, when, with an indolent yawh, he again fell into the arms of Morpheus. Nor did Major Bowe and his command leave the island the next day, though wearied, hungered and weather beaten, until they were relieved by Brigadier General Hamilton by order of Gen. Banks. These are facts--stern, unyielding facts, which are fully verified by Gen. Stone, who, a few days since, issued an order pointedly rebuking Col. Hincks for his gross misstatements in relation to the Tammany Regiments. Perhaps the Massachusetts colonel thought to feed his own egotism by maligning others; perhaps his deep seated hatred of the Irish, which he was wont to display in the columns of a scurrilous sheet called The Know Nothing, published in Boston, in 1854, has not been entirely eradicated; and perhaps he simply intended it as a cover to his own notorious and ignominious delinquencies on the occasion. Whatever his motive, I envy not the reputation he has gained among military men.
There are many incidents connected with the Ball's Bluff affair, displaying the valor and heroism of those engaged that have not reached the public prints. Among them are the circumstances attending the death of Capt. Garety of Company K. After our ranks had been broken by the constant and terrific fire of the enemy, every man fought on his own hook. Capt. Garety, seizing the musket of a fallen soldier, posted himself behind a tree, and with an aim as cool and deliberate as if firing at a target at home, made a number of Secessionists "bite the dust." His ambush was at last discovered, when three or four shots were directed at him. The leaden messengers performed their mission but too unerringly, and the brave Garety fell. But so enraged were the Rebels at the havoc he had created in their ranks, that they visited their vengeance on his inanimate corpse. A cavalry man rode up and with a blow from his sword nearly severed his head from his body, while the latter was pierced with a score of bayonets.
The individual bravery of Capt. Timothy O'Meara is also the theme of many encomiums. Capt. O'M., in the beginning of the engagement, had placed by the side of the Star Spangled Banner the green flag of his own native isle. The twin emblems seemed to inspire his men with redoubled energy and intrepidity. They charged on the enemy with terrific effect—nor did they give way until all hope was dead. Capt. O'Meara wore on the occasion the old gray uniform furnished us at Great Neck, which bears a strong resemblance to the uniforms usually worn in Secessia. So complete was the simi4B larity that a Confederate officer mistook him for one of their number, and coming up to him, said—
" Say, can you tell me where I can get a shot at one of those d—d Northerners?"
" Yes!" replied the undaunted O'Meara, "here's one!" and as quick as thought
blowed out the brains of the interrogator. O'Meara is now suffering the pangs of imprisonment through his devotion to his men. He swam to the island to procure some kind of a craft to rescue them, but on being curtly told by Col. Hincks of the Massachusetts Nineteenth to "wait till morning," he returned to the Virginia shore, saying he would under no circumstance abandon his men.
The most miraculous and amusing escape was that of Daniel Ferry—a private in Company A. He feigned himself dead. After the battle was over, while still occupying the recumbent position among the slain, two or three Rebel marauders came along, rifled his pockets of some $20, and cut the buttons from his coat. One of them then proposed to tickle his ribs with their bayonets, but the others protested, saying he was dead enough already. After they were gone, Ferry made rapid tracks for the river. They discovered him and fired upon him, inflicting a slight buckshot wound in the back. Bidding them defiance, and telling them they dare not fight us even handed, he swam for the island, which he reached in safety, and he is now in camp rapidly recovering from his injuries.
The Tammany boys consider themselves—and well they may—as peculiarly fortunate. They are supplied with an abundance of good, wholesome rations—clean and well cooked in a style that would not disgrace some eating houses of considerable pretensions in Gotham. True, the bill of fare is not as luxurious as Delmonico's, nor is it served up with as much snobbish style as at the St. Nicholas or the Fifth Avenue, but it is digestible and highly conducive of health.
The regiment has been relieved from picket duty since the battle, and are now undergoing a more rigid system of drill. What will be done with us, none of us know, nor can we conjecture. We are in no brigade, though still attached to Stone's division, and act as his guard. But there are no indications that the regiment will winter here. Wherever we go, rest assured that an honorable post will be assigned us, as we have already earned a high reputation among military men, and have been termed by envious ones as "Stone's pets," on account of the pride he always manifests in the Tammany boys. "SPARKS."
List of Prisoners of the Tammany Regiment at Richmond.
1—Corporal Francis Hughes, 375 West Thirty-ninth street.
2—Private George Sykes, 244 East Thirty-ninth st.
3—Edward Flood, 304 West Thirty-third street.
4—Thomas James, Boston, Mass.
5—Edward Cleary, 114 Tenth avenue.
6—Thomas Duggan, 175 Thirty-second street.
7—John Wilson, Lawrence, Mass.
1—Corporal John Craig, 22 Oliver street.
2—Private Wm. Jamieson, 375 Bleecker street.
3—W. P. Church, Nevesink, Orange County, N. Y,
4—Charles Neghard, 16 Horatio street.
5—John Gorrill, 86 Vandam street.
6—Peter Reilly, 249 Mulberry street.
7—Francis Campbell, 276 First avenue.
8—John Welsh, New Brighton, Staten Island.
9—Louis Peters, 123 Franklin street.
10—John McLaughlin, 86 Vandam street.
1l—Thomas Donnegan, 103 West Eighteenth street.
12—Hugh Gilchrist, 59 Orchard street.
13—Michael Hawkins, 65,Cherry street
14—Robert McMonagle, 63 Gansevoort street.
15—Augustus Cronier, 468 Atlantic street, Brooklyn.
16—John Sullivan, 250 Worth street.
17—John McKenney, 648 Christopher street.
18—Carl Bower, 242 Fulton street.
19—Jacob Hecker, Williamsburg.
20—James H. Dougherty, New York.
21—Thomas Sommerville, Hammond street.
22—James Moore, New York.
23—John Gubble, New York.
24—Christopher Baker, New York.
25—Edward Lindsay, New York.
26—Edward Hicks, New York.
27—Garratt Hyde, New York.
28—Henry Sardy, New York.
1—Sergeants James McConvill, 362 East Tenth st.
2—Thomas Dobbins, 109 Laurens street.
3—Patrick Lynch, Factoryville, Staten Island.
4—Corporals Edward McNally, 60 Spring street.
5—James Kane, 1054 Front street, Philadelphia.
6—John C. Joyer, Fiftieth street and Sixth avenue.
7—Privates Michael McDonough, New York.
8—Lewis Lowry, 466 Sixth avenue.
9—Michael Collins, Boston.
10—Jeremiah Garvin, 454 Water street.
11—Thomas Murphy, Madison street.
12—Patrick McMara, 90 Baxter street.
13—Owen McLaghlin, 595 Greenwich street.
14—Wm. O'Mahoney, 23 Roosevelt street.
15—Michael Brennan, Newark, N. J.
16—Owen McCabe, 10 1-2 California st., Rahway.
17—Francis Kiernan, 80 West Twentieth street.
18—Francis Creely, 170 East Twenty-second street.
19—Michael Cunningham.
20—Wm. Dunham, 494 Hudson street.
21—Denis O'Neil, 69 Crosby street.
22—James Quinn, 63 Park street.
Company H.
1—Corporals John G. Smith, Roxbury, Mass.
2—Thomas McRay, 64 Mergen street, Boston.
3—Privates Nicholas Quinn, Mergen st., Boston.
4—Michael Queenan, do. do.
5—James Byron, do. do.
6—Patrick Moore, do. do.
7—James Monahan, New York.
8—Bernard J. Dolan, Stoneham, Mass.
9—Michael Lynch, West Roxbury, Mass.
10—Horace E. Adams, Oxford, N. H., Conn.
11—Thomas James, East Cambridge, Mass.
12—Augustus Bower, William street, New York.
1—Sergeant James E. Mulligan, 231 Lewis street.
2—Privates Wm. Byrne, 432 West Fifteenth street.
3—Daniel Sullivan, 295 Bowery.
4—Wm. Early, 125 Greenwich street.
5—Thomas Murray, 162 East Thirty-second street.
6—Robert Heany, 42 Whitehall street.
7—James McGeever, New York.
8—Wm. Wallace, 44 Eleventh avenue.
9—Peter West, 108 Bowery.
10—Thomas Carney, 197 East Fourteenth street.
11—Robert Pegman, 211 Avenue A.
12—John Neagle, 104 Bayard street.
13—Michael Clancy, 115 East Twenty-eighth street.
14—Wm. J. Walsh, New York.
15—Wm. Hardy, 470 Pearl street.
16—Adam Hydenoff, 470 Pearl street.
17—Daniel Mahony, 53 Cannon street.
18—Patrick McManus, 129 East Thirty-ninth street.
19—Edward Sullivan, 170 East Twenty-sixth street.
20—Anton Sleshenger, New York.
21—Eugene Sullivan, 154 Eldridge street.
22—Denis Gallagher, 58 West Broadway.
Banner Reception.
On Monday evening last a meeting of the Tammany Society was held at the Old Wigwam, for the special purpose of receiving the banner of the Tammany Regiment, carried on many a battle-field by its gallant defenders—commencing at Ball's Bluff, and in fact throughout the entire campaign. It fell to the fortunate lot of Captain Downing, of the Forty- second (Tammany) Regiment, to be the bearer of the venerated trophy. The meeting being duly organized, a Committee of Three was appointed. It consisted of the Hon. Elijah F. Purdy, J. M. Marsh, and Sheriff Lynch. These gentlemen were the conductors and introducers of Captain Downing, who was accompanied by Capt. James MeGrath, J. W. Tobin, and Lieut. M. Doheny. Immense applause awaited on the appearance of the above-named, and addresses of welcome were delivered by the Grand Sachem, the Hon. Nelson J. Waterbury, on behalf of the Society. Captain Downing responded in the following terms:
I have the honor of being the bearer, from the officers and men of the Tammany Regiment, of that which to soldiers is the most cherished and deeply venerated object, next to God and country, the flag borne by our regiment. It carries with it recollections of the privations and hardships we have undergone since the commencement of the Rebellion. It has been present on every battle field during the peninsular campaign, the Rebel raid into Maryland, and Ball's Bluff; always, I am proud to relate, with honor to our corps, which our diminished numbers sadly attest. When the regiment left this city, under the lamented and devoted Colonel Kennedy, we were 1,100 strong; now we are far short of 200 fighting men. It is this remnant which now, on behalf of their dead comrades, seek a resting place for the emblem they have striven to uphold in the hearts and custody of the donors, our patrons. Of itself, it is a proof of the devotion and patriotism of those who have gone forth, Hearing the name of this honorable and patriotic Society. They hope that you will receive it for this reason, as well that it is the pride of those of us who survive and have performed our duty, and because the memory of our departed comrades hallows every hole and rent of its glorious shreds.
As we have already stated, this flag has been borne throughout the campaign, in association with the greatly thinned ranks of the regiment, and never .... Very properly, therefore, the Society has .... it in safe keeping, with other ancient .... Old Tammany.
By Telegraph
The Wounded at Edward's Ferry.
Washington, Oct. 25.
The following list of wounded in the engagement of Tuesday at Edward's Ferry was received today at headquarters, from Poolsville:
1st California Regiment, Lieut. Col. Wista..., in the right elbow joint; Capt. Lewis Roundsall, of Co. G, contused wound of the head and back; Lieut. Robert Templeton, Co. K, in the right shoulder; Lieut. Frank wade, Co. K, right shoulder; Lieut. J. Templeton, Co. K, left shoulder; Sergt. Maj. Herbert Bastion, Co. K, right side and elbow; Color Sergt. Randall C. Woods, both legs; Sergt. Eldredge Burr, Co. A, right leg; Sergt. John Thatcher, Co. A, in the breast; Corporal John Paul, Co. H, in the right leg; Corporal Frank G. Lambert, Co. H, in the right arm; Corporal Stephen W. Maky, Co. G, right wrist; Corporal William Herkley, company D, in the left wrist; Corporal Fred Piper, Co. P, right hand.
Privates—A. F. Hooker, company A, through the right side, since dead; Geo N Hooper, company A, through the shoulder blade; Sewell Randall, company D, through the left side and leg, since dead; Christian Schaffer, company G, left shoulder; Frank Ellis, company A, right shoulder; Wm Brunel, company G, nose and left eye; John Steanbeck, company G, right leg; Wm Holland, Co. G, right leg; Fill Mahn, Co. G, left knee; C K Dalton, company F, injured internally; Charles W. Kelly, company H, left leg; James Patterson, company D., hip; William Cooles, company G, in foot; Godfrey Chewble, company G, foot; Samuel G Murphy, Co. G, in the leg; Henry Cole, Co. F, in the knee; Henry Rich, Co. D, in the leg; E. B. Taylor, Co. A, right arm; John Harvey, Co. A, stomach; Jacob Lutzie, Co. A. right thigh and cut in the neck; Thos R McKeinley, company L, left thigh and foot; Henry Allen, company A, left leg; Richard P Nichols, company C, ankle and heel; Wm Smith, company G, hip; Lewis Rand, thigh; Chas Pilling, company A, hip; Jasmes H Sloan, company C, back; L G Truman, company C, arm; Patrick L Burke, company G, fractured leg; H John Lipsey, company A, arm; Chas R Smith, leg; Godfrey Shuper, company G, hip; Phillip Smith, company G, superficially; Edward Wisnar, company A, both shoulders; John Stanley, company G, shoulder; Wm Fisher, company G, shoulder; Wm Fisher, company A, finger; John Lippnett, company A, arm; E J Joslin, company H, both buttocks; Richard Hartley, company A, foot; Stiles Bronson, company D, arm; Jas F Allen, company G, leg; Philip Smith, company G, leg; Andrew Mark, company L, foot; Jas Cullingam, company M, finger.
15th Massachusetts—Lieut. Col Geo H Ward, left leg; Capt S S Sloan, company F, left foot; Capt A Walter, company G, right foot; 1st sergeant H P Georgeson, company A, right arm; 1st sergeant Diamond Drane, company F, right side of the head; Sergeant, Geo E Tiffany, company G, right arm and abdomen; Corporal Jas H Adams, company F, side and head; Fred B Robbins, company G, throat; H S Holbrook, company G, right shoulder; Geo F Daniels, company B, right wrist and shoulder; Henry Collar, company H, bullet wound in groin. Privates—L Hale, company H, left shoulder; Frank Marsh, company G, both shoulders; J H Apgood, company A, hip; F Geilen, company I, leg; D L Dara, company H, foot; H H Piegg, company C, shoulder; H Harris, company D, internal injury; T Halney, company H, groin; J Holland, company C, hip; C H Stone, company H, right leg and ankle; R T Fanney, company D, both thighs; Harris Day, company D, left loot; Geo B Simmons, company B, right thigh; Wm L Fuller, company G, right leg; E B Pitts, company H, left thigh; Edward B Brown, company H, neck; Augustus Borick, company I, left chest; A W Condrey, company A, neck and left thigh; Edward Blank, company A, left ankle; Thomas A Senthick, company H, left thigh; Samuel C Smith, company C, right hip; Samuel B King, company K, right thigh; Wm Sawyer, company H, right shoulder; James Kelly, company G, right arm; Dorman C Jude, company H, left leg; Edward C Arnold, company H, right arm; Alonzo B Belknap, company G, right chest; E L Adams, company F, left cheek; Abner H Rice, company G, shot in the abdomen; Edward Harrington, company H, in the wrist; B D Seaver, company D, arm; Simeon Sullivan, company H, left thigh; Charles E Preston, company G, head; Mat Brenan, company E, contusion.
20th Massachusetts--Capt Schmidt, company E, left hip, right thigh and back; Capt Disber, company C, bullet wound in the head; Capt Putam, company H, right arm amputated; Lieut. Putnam, company H, right arm amputated; Lieut. Lowell, company E, right hip; Lt. Holmes, company A, bullet wound in abdomen; Sergt. H M Warren, company E, gun shot wound; ____ Riddle, company I, right leg; Corporal Duier, company A, thigh. Privates—James W. Seaton, company I, ankle; Charles Lowe, company H, arm; James G Warren, company D, gun shot wound; W R Little, company I, right arm; C Pierce, company E, scalp; Wm Grady, company A, finger; John Dolan, company G, left leg; John Riley, company G, gunshot wound; Uriah J Steabury, company E, arm; Pat Mc-Dermott, company A, right knee; Wm Babcock, company A, left shoulder; Wm Hathaway, company H, right side; A Emmons, company I, finger; Jas Bert, company I, through the thigh; R Graves, company H, left shoulder; Geo C Pratt, company I, knee; R Crowley, company G, elbow; Chas Congille, company H, right side, slightly; Albert Sherman, company D, right foot and head; Albert Stackpole, company I, above the right trochanter; Wm Edson, company A, through from the right to the left side; Josiah Proctor, company D, raking wound in the back; Julius Streick, company G, right elbow.
Tammany Regiment--Sergeant Patrick Swords, company K, left side of the head; Corporal T Staplton, company A, contusion of the leg; P McGever, company K, left thigh; Privates—E Gallagher, company K, right arm amputated; E Reed, company K, left breast; John Stager, company A, contusion; Michael Gillingham, company A, wounded; Daniel Finney, company A, back.
Third Rhode Island Battery—Sergeant H A Tucker, right leg. Privates—James W Mardson, leg; N C Hastings, shoulder blade broken; J Aspinwall, shoulder; G R Mardson, left side; P W Matthewson, both legs.
First U. S. Artillery—Privates Archibald Allen, company I, left shoulder; John Nixon, company I, right arm. Cavalry—Privates, Cobb Sears, contusion.
List of killed of the Tammany regiment.—Capt Alden, company H; Corporal Duncan McPhail, company C. Privates—Thos Bailey, company A; Daniel Graham, company B; Jas Darvers, John Sullivan, John Capill, Edward Sullivan, Daniel Graham, all of company K.
The above list contains all who are known to be killed in this regiment, but doubtless some which are in the list of the missing have been killed. No further official report had been received at headquarters to 10 o’clock tonight.
Funeral of Col. E. C. Charles.
The obsequies of Col. Edmund C. Charles, late commandant of the Forty-second or Tammany Regiment, took place yesterday afternoon, from the Governor's Room, City Hall, where the remains have been lying in state since Monday morning, during which period thousands of persons have visited the place to look upon the face of the departed brave. The features of the deceased presented a very natural appearance, scarcely any change being perceptible. The entrance to the City Hall and the Governor's Room were draped in mourning, and everything had been done by the Committee on National Affairs to render a fitting tribute of respect to the memory of the lamented soldier. The coffin bore the following inscription:
Died April 25, 1863,
Aged 47 years,
From the effects of wounds received at the battle of Glendale June 29, 1862, one of the Seven Days' battles.
Company A, Seventy-first Regiment, (Light Guard,) acted as a guard of honor. The Fifth Regiment, assigned as military escort, arrived and formed line in front of the City Hall at 2 o'clock, and shortly after, the coffin was borne from the Governor's Room by the pall-bearers, through files of the Light Guard, and placed in the hearse, Dodworth's band playing a funeral dirge the while and the troops presenting arms. The procession then moved in the following order:
Fifth Regiment, Colonel Burger, with arms reversed.
Detachment of Fourth Regiment, Artillery.
Co. A, Seventy-first Regiment, (Light Guard,) acting as guard of honor, formed in a hollow square, inclosing the hearse, and a carriage containing the officiating clergyman, Rev. Samuel Cook.
General Sandford and officers of the First Division.
Pall-bearers in carriages,
Brig.-Gen. Chas. Yates,
Judge Adj.-Gen. N. J. Waterbury
Col. Geo. W. McLean,
Major Geo. E. Baldwin,
Col. Charles Roome,
Capt. John R. Garland,
Major Peter Bowe.
Capt. Fred. C. Wagner.
Alexander Brandon,
Charles G. Cornell,
Matthew T. Brennan,
John E. Develin,
Peter B. Sweeny,
John Lester Wallack,
Andre Froment,
William M. Tweed,
Daniel E.Delavan.
Immediate relatives and friends of deceased, in carriages,
Officers and Members and ex-Members of the Tammany Regiment, N. Y. S. V., now in the city.
Sergeant at-Arms of the Common Council, with staffs of office, in carriages.
Barouche containing the Mayor of New-York.
Members of the Common Council, with staffs of Office, in barouches.
Heads of Departments, in carriages.
The Tammany Society, of which deceased was a member.
The route of the procession was out of the west gate of the Park and through Broadway, Park Row, Chatham street, and the Bowery, to Bond street, through Bond street to Broadway, and thence down Broadway to the South ferry.
Thousands of people were gathered in the Park and along the rout, to witness the funeral pageant.
NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS.—Col. Cogswell of the Tammany Regiment, who was captured at Edward Ferry, behaved very bravely. When he perceived that the day was going against our troops, he ordered his men to escape to the Maryland shore if possible. With six or eight other officers he manned a cannon and kept the enemy at bay until his men had time to escape. Finally, when it was no longer possible to resist the attack of overwhelming numbers or to drive back the rebel advance, Colonel Cogswell, aided by his gallant companions wheeled his cannon about and rolled it down the bank into the river, having first spiked it with ... remaining hand, to make sure that the enemy should get no advantage from it. This done, it was too late to effect his escape. The enemy was quickly upon him and he was captured. He has fallen into the hands of General Evans, a former friend of his.
Removal from Office of Mr. Addison.
NEW YORK, April 26.
A Washington dispatch of the 25th says:—Mr. Addison has been removed to-day from the Chief Clerkship of the Adjutant General's Office.
Colonel Edmund C. Charles, commanding the 42d (Tammany) Regiment, N. Y. S. V., died on Saturday afternoon, of wounds received on the Peninsula last summer.
to complete the Jackson Guard Regiment, now forming to protect
None but able-bodied men will be accepted.
Regimental Head-quarters —Tammany Hall.
Colonel Commanding.
Timothy O'Meara, Acting Adjutant.
Smith Ele, Jr.,
Edward Cooper,
August Belmont,
Henry W. Genet,
Elijah F. Purdy,
Samuel J. Tilden,
Daniel F. Delevan,
Isaac Bell,
N. J. Waterbury,
Daniel Devlin,
Michael Tuomey,
M. T. Brennan,
Charles J. Chipp,
John Kelly,
Peter D. Sweeny,
Fras. I. A. Boole,
Michael Connolly,
Eman B. Hart,
Wm. M. Tweed,
William Miner,
J. Y. Savage, Jr.,
James B. Nicholson,
O. Ottendorfer,
Horace F. Clark.
Six companies of this regiment, Col. Kennedy, were sworn in yesterday. The remaining companies will be sworn in to-day or to-morrow. (June 22, 1861)
This regiment, under the command of Col. Wm. D. Kennedy, has already enrolled about 300, and a call is published for 500 additional volunteers. The headquarters are at Tammany Hall. This is to be a rifle regiment, and intended for skirmishing duty. Experienced officers will attend to the drilling. One of the peculiarities of this service is the use of the bugle instead of the fife and drain. With the aid of a number of the prominent members of the Tammany organization, some of whom have formed themselves into an Executive Committee, the regiment will be thoroughly equipped, and furnished with a handsome and serviceable uniform. "The Union must and shall be Preserved" is their motto. This will doubtless be one of the crack regiments of the city.
This regiment is now in quarters at Great Neck, Long Island. The men are all happy and contented, for there is no lack of good provisions, comfortable quarters and clothing. One company from the New York British Volunteers has joined this regiment, and it is to be hoped that the order and conduct of the men will equal the order that that regiment has already gained credit for, Captain Hampson, of Company F, has obtained permission of the Central Park contractors to open a recruiting office at their depot, in Fifth avenue and Eighty-sixth street, this morning. Many stalwart sons of old Erie are expected from this quarter.
For the last ten days the Tammany regiment has been encamped at Great Neck, which, by the way, is now known as Camp Tammany. The encampment consists of one hundred and forty-eight tents, including those of the officers. There are now six hundred men there, and the corps is expected to be one thousand strong before many more days elapse. The camp is pitched some three hundred yards from the water, in the most picturesque ground and groups imaginable. The rows of white canvass sugar loaf tents stand out in pleasing relief against a green hillside and greener trees, while the sparkling waters of the Sound form a general background to all. The landscape is also freely dotted with pretty little houses of every color. The regiment spend over six hours every day in drilling, and in this they have made great progress under the tutorship of Adjutant 'O'Meara, who is a gentleman of great military experience, having been a captain in the Mexican army, under Juarez and followed that general through most of the vicissitudes of his military fortune. The bugle calls the men from their slumbers at half-past four A. M. every day, and consigns them to their tents again at a quarter past nine P. M. They are all well and seem to delight in camp life. Colonel Kennedy preserves strict discipline, but is nevertheless pleased that the soldiers should enjoy themselves as much as possible with football and other manly and harmless games. He is a favorite commander among his men. There are always about forty men kept on guard. Few uniforms or muskets have yet reached the regiment, but they are daily expecting both. It has been suggested that there are a great many old muskets in the possession of the State which will never be used, and that these might be placed in the hands of the volunteers, to enable them to drill properly while they are awaiting the receipt of arms to carry to the seat of war. The Sutler's boat, Major Anderson, connects this camp with the city twice a day, and its management, under Mr. Farrel, gives general satisfaction to the officers.
Capt R. E. A. Hampson, late of the Third West Middlesex Militia, England, left this city yesterday, with his first squad for the camp at Great Neck, Long Island. Capt. Hampson has already enrolled a number of men for another regiment now in barracks near this city, but finding a most unnecessary delay in such regiment proceeding to the seat of war, has come forward under the sanction of Col. Kennedy (the Colonel commanding), and enrolled a company for t he Jackson Guard, as it is a regiment under the direct patronage of the Union Defence Committee, and likely to take a prominent part during the present insurrection. A few more men are required to complete this company, and as Lieut. Saunders leaves No. 21 Broadway, at twelve o'clock this day, with the second squad, those desirous of joining for immediate active service should enroll their names.
Captain Lynch, of the Jackson Guard, yesterday reopened his recruiting office at the halls of justice, in Centre street, for the purpose of enlisting a few more men. As soon as the company is full, the members will be equipped and sent to Great neck, L. I., where the regiment is now encamped preparatory to its departure for the seat of war. The regiment is under the command of Colonel Wm. B. Kennedy, one of the Sachems of Tammany Hall.
Company L, Captain Somers, of the Jackson regiment (Excelsior Brigade), not being entirely full, has opened an office at 478 Pearl street, for the purpose of receiving the necessary number of recruits.
A sword, sash, belt, &c, was presented to Capt. James Graham of Company C of the Jackson Guard, by his friends of the Fire Department and City Government. The presentation took place yesterday at the office of Supervisor Tweed, and was made by him for the friends of Capt. Graham. (July 10, 1861)
The ceremony of presenting to the Tammany regiment a splendid stand of colors came off yesterday at the camp at Great Neck, below Fort Schuyler, on the Sound. The presentation was made by Elijah F. Purdy, on the part of a Joint Committee of the Tammany Society and of the Tammany Hall General Committee, comprising the following gentlemen:—
E. F. Purdy, D. E. Delavan, Isaac Bell, Caspar C. Childs, Richard B. Connolly, Thos. Dunlap, John Clancy, Peter B. Sweeney, C. L. Monell, Jno. Houghkirk, M. D. Gale.
The committee arrived at the camp about four o'clock, where a delegation of the Common Council and a large number of prominent politicians and city officials was already assembled. The day was made a general Tammany holiday, and the society and a large congregation of its retainers had evidently made a grand jubilee of the occasion. Colonel Kennedy drew up his regiment in line for review, the officers taking their places in front in the centre.
Elijah F. Purdy, Chairman of the Tammany Hall General Committee, bearing the colors to be presented, aided by Casper C. Childs, Secretary or Scribe of the Tammany Society, bearing the guide colors, then formally presented them, and spoke as follows:—
GUARD:—The Tammany Society and the Democratic General Committee of the city and county of New York have deputed me to present to you, in their name, the stand of colors which I now held. I assure you that I perform this duty with no ordinary feelings. The cherished recipients, the respected donors, the sacred cause in which you are engaged, and your fine and soldierly appearance make this presentation a real pleasure. Organized, as your gallant regiment has been, to sustain and defend the national compact, to preserve the national Union, and vindicate the integrity of the United States, it is indeed an honor to be chosen commander of such a regiment. The Tammany Society and the General Committee, in common with our citizens, feel proud of such sons. They bid me to say in their name "God speed you on such a mission. Preserve, sustain and defend the American Union." To your hands these colors are committed. Bear them proudly onward and upward. Let not one star be obliterated, nor one stripe be severed. Let them not be lowered by defeat, nor a single thread be stained by a traitor's hand, Jackson Guard. You have well chosen an honored name--one that will forever live in the memories of the American nation. Remember, brave officers, and you, gallant soldiers, to you is committed a sacred trust. He whose glorious name you bear uttered the memorable words--'The Union, it must and shall be preserved." These words alone, even if his life had not been devoted to this great principle, have made his name and fame immortal. The people of the great and patriotic city from which you go know you will not falter in your devotion to that Union which you love so well, and to preserve which the great Jackson so often perilled his life. Col. Kennedy, and you, dear friends, take these colors, unfurl them broadly to the breeze, and when you return from the conflict to which you go such of you as survive will be compensated for the losses you will have sustained, and for the trials through which will have passed, by the memory that you did your best to preserve and defend the country that gave you birth, which you have adopted, and to which we all owe "our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honors."
Col. Kennedy, who is Grand Sachem of the society, received the colors and briefly responded, expressing his fervant thanks for himself, his officers, and his men. He said that, while deprecating any overweening assumption of military pretensions for himself in the effort to organize the Tammany regiment, he nevertheless had entertained the purpose of showing by this unmistakable expression the opinion which they all entertained--the perfect unity of the North, and especially of New York city, on the question of maintaining the integrity of the national government.
John Clancy, Esq., then presented Colonel Kennedy with a splendid sword and sash on the part of personal friends. He said he was confident that it would be wielded in the great contest for which Col. Kennedy had volunteered, with a strong arm and a lion heart in defence of the sacred cause with which, for so many years, he had been identified in old Tammany, the defence of the Constitution and the Union from enemies of every class and assaults of whatever nature.
Colonel Kennedy replied in a suitable manner, and then led the delegation through the open ranks of the regiment, which was heartily pronounced to be equal to the best regiment organized at the north, and only a few, such as those from Maine and New Hampshire, it was conceded, presented such choice and excellent material in physical appearance.
The officers and visitors next collected at the great Neck Hotel, adjoining the camp, where they partook of refreshments. Lieut. Col. Cogswell having responded to a toast, Colonel Kennedy took occasion to say that the Major and Adjutant yet to be chosen, would present similar professional credentials to those of the Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment--that is, they would be regular army or West Point men.
Senator Connolly, being called upon, said that he had first seen the glorious flag of our republic when a boy in the land of his birth (Ireland). He had since ever loved it and cherished it with a fervor and reverance he would compare only to that which he felt for the mother who bore him. He described in impressive eloquence the intense satisfaction which it gave him to witness the presentation of the flag to-day to the regiment which bears the venerated name of old Tammany to the battle field--a satisfaction which was the more ardently kindled by the preponderating numbers of his countrymen whom he saw in the ample ranks of that regiment.
The Tammany regiment now comprises about eleven hundred men, has been mustered into the United States service for some weeks, is in an admirable proficiency as to drill and discipline, and is only waiting for arms and orders to be ready for immediate departure. Three splendid flags have been prepared for the presentation to-day, viz: the national colors, a regimental standard, with the State arms, and a splendid flag with arms of the Tammany Society.
On Friday evening last Captain David Hogg, of Company I, of the Jackson Guard, Tammany regiment, was complimented by the presentation of a handsome sword, sash, belt, sword knot and shoulder braces, by his friend John Morrissey, Esq., at the Louisiana Hotel, in Houston street. Quite a number of the Captain's friends were present. The presentation was made by Mr. Morrissey in a few appropriate remarks, which were fitly responded to by Captain Hogg.
Lieutenant Lynch, of the Jackson Guard, was presented on Monday evening with a handsome and costly sword by his friends. The presentation was made by Mr. John Monks, Jr., who took occasion to compliment, in the highest terms, Lieutenant Lynch in the course of his remarks. The recipient of the generous gift responded in a fitting manner, after which Mr. George J. Campbell made a lengthy and patriotic speech appropriate to the occasion, and the balance of the evening was spent in friendly conviviality. The presentation took place in the Club House in Sixth street.
In accordance with previous arrangements the reveille drum t Great neck, yesterday, beat (at 3 a. m.) and the Tammany Regiment, Jackson Guard, was in motion at sunrise, bidding departure to their late encampment. The Kill Von Kull took them direct to Elizabethport; and, so far, the starting was conducted in the most economical, time-saving, military manner possible. This was owing to the forward movement at Washington, and the necessity, as communicated, accompanied by orders to Col. Kennedy, of replenishing the Capital with a respectable army as garrison and reserve force. The regiment, as it left us, numbers 1,046 men, bearing Enfield rifles. Among its officers are Lieut. Coggswell, late U. S. Army, and Major John Hudson, of the same. There were two rifled cannon aboard the train for Elizabethport. From the City Hall Park thirteen wagons, and from the Sixth Avenue Arsenal a considerable quantity of stores, consisting mainly of food, were taken to pier No. 2, N. R., in time to be carried by the regular morning boat to Elizabethport. A very fine horse for Col. Kennedy, presented by his friends, followed his master to the same transportation. Some scores of officers and trusted privates did not leave with the regiment at Great Neck but having stayed in the city over night, took the 11 a. m. train from Jersey City, and overtook their comrades at Elizabeth. The Tammany Regiment, in whatever division or wing of the central army it may in future distinguish itself, can be discerned by its blue regimental flag, the gift of friends, its white guide colors, marked "Jackson Guard," and embellished with the motto of New-York, "Excelsior." Another flag is to be presented by the Sachems of Tammany, who will send a committee to Washington for the purpose, unless Col. Kennedy should meantime receive orders to join the advance before the donation can be completed. It will have on one side the temple of the Columbian Order, and on the other their motto, "The Union must and shall be preserved." We have already published the officers of this regiment.
(July 19, 1861)
This fine regiment, which is composed almost entirely of men who are residents of the city of New York, yesterday afternoon took their departure for the seat of war, having received marching orders only the evening before. The Tammany regiment has been encamped at Great Neck for the past six weeks, and have arrived at a degree of proficiency in military discipline which is truly astonishing. The men composing the regiment are composed of the right material to make a good body of soldiers, and when they come to render an account of themselves amid the carnage of battle, there is no doubt that history will chronicle the Tammany boys as a band of brave soldiers. The uniform of the Tammany regiment is that of the National Guard—gray pantaloons and jackets, and they are armed with the Springfield muskets of '57.
At four o'clock yesterday afternoon they embarked, 1,003 strong, on board the steamer Kill Von Kull, and were then transported to Elizabethport, from whence they will be taken by rail to Washington.
The steamboat Major Anderson, Captain Edward Gorman, on its morning trip to Great Neck, Camp Tammany, was crowded to excess by the friends and relatives of the regiment, but as soon as the boat arrived at the landing, they were forbidden to disembark by the authorities at the camp. Sergeant Copeland, together with ten policemen, was at the camp since Wednesday afternoon, to preserve order, but no disturbance of any consequence occurred. The wildest scene of excitement ensued, on the refusal of the police to allow the passengers of the Major Anderson to land, and the females aboard the boat rent out a piteous cry of wailing, as they viewed their departing friends upon the shore, whom they might never gaze upon again. But notwithstanding this, a positive refusal was carried out by the police, and not a single one on board the boat was allowed to land at Great Neck.
Probably this action was the result of the fear that when the friends of the regiment got on shore a scene of confusion would ensue that would naturally retard the departing movements of the soldiers. Enthusiasm on the part of the regiment was decidedly at the highest pitch, and they seemed glad and willing to depart upon the contest in defence of the Union and the constitution.
The officers of the Tammany regiment, although mostly composed of civilians, still possess the stamina of good and daring fighting men. Some of them have seen service in the Mexican and Florida wars. Lieutenant Colonel Coggswell and Captain O'Meara have both held positions in the regular army, and have distinguished themselves in actual service. Captain J. J. Mooney, of Company A, is well known in the Twentieth ward. The other officers are also equally well known as men of strict honesty and good standing.
The following are the officers of the Tammany regiment: —
Staff—Colonel, W. D. Kennedy; Lieutenant Colonel, M. Coggswell; Adjutant, G. N. Beuford; Major, John H. Edson; Surgeon, John Osborne; Surgeon's Mate, T. Forrard; Quartermaster, Joseph P.Green; Sergeant Major Dennis J. Downing; Colonel's Secretary, James A. Hill.
Company A—Captain, James J. Mooney; First Lieutenant, Henry Harrington; Second Lieutenant, Hugh McClosky.
Company B—Captain, Peter Rome; First Lieutenant, James E. Boyle; Second Lieutenant, Thomas Abbott.
Company C—Captain, James Gallagher; First Lieutenant, Charles McPherson; Second Lieutenant, Sames Gillis.
Company E—Captain Timothy E. O. Hoard; First Lieutenant, M. J. Downing; Second Lieutenant, J. Kelly.
Company F—Captain Walter J. Tobin; First Lieutenant, Leopold Gotthold; Second Lieutenant, M. Conroy.
Company G—Captain John Quinn; First Lieutenant, R. S. Wright; Second Lieutenant, B. Lee.
Company H—Captain C. H. H. Alden; First Lieutenant, R. Keitts; Second Lieutenant, A. Pane.
Company I—Captain David Hogg; First Lieutenant, Thomas A. Lynch: Second Lieutenant, Samuel Giveron.
Company K—Captain Michael Genaty; First Lieutenant, Thomas Reynolds; Second Lieutenant, James McGrath.
Company D—Captain Henry E. Call; First Lieutenant, John P. Bendon; Second Lieutenant, William H. Wallace.
No chaplain or hospital steward goes out with the regiment.
The sudden and melancholy death of Colonel W. D. Kennedy will lead to the promotion of Lieutenant Colonel Cogswell of this regiment. Those who have served with Colonel Coggswell in New Mexico and Texas, when he was first Lieutenant in the Eighth infantry, United States Army, speak in the highest terms of his coolness, courage, ability and kindly disposition. He was always a great favorite with his men, with whom he shared many privations and hardships in harrassing scouts after Indians, and long marches over the plains. The Adjutant of the regiment, Mr. Bomford, is a son of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Isaac V. Bomford, Major Sixth infantry United States Army, who particularly distinguished himself during the Mexican war, being twice breveted. Mr. Bomford was born and reared in the army, and is thoroughly conversant with military details of all kinds. He was a member of the gallant New York Seventh, and previous to his appointment to the Tammany regiment, had been drilling companies in Sickles' brigade, at Camp Scott, Staten Island. Of Major Edson of the Tammany, we have already spoken. He is a brave man and gallant soldier. With three such officers as the Colonel, Major and Adjutant, the Tammany regiment should make itself an enviable name.
Wounded New York Officers.
The following New York officers are in Washington, wounded: Capt. Leach, Capt. Thorp, First Dragoon; Lieut. Woodward, Second Artillery; Assistant Surgeon Sawyer, Forty-second, and Captain Sawyer, Forty-seventh.
DEPARTURE OF THE TAMMANY REGIMENT.—At an early hour yesterday morning the Tammany Regiment, or Jackson Guard, left their encampment at Great Neck, L. I., and, embarking on the Kill von Kull, were transferred to Elizabethport to take the cars for Washington. During the morning there were many applications at Tammany Hall for tickets to visit the camp, but few were given, and as the regiment departed very early they were useless, except to partially satisfy the applicants, many of whom were women, until they found it so.
The list of officers of this regiment is as follow:
Colonel—Wm. D. Kennedy.
Lieutenant-Colonel—M. Coggswell (late Captain of the U. S. A.)
Majors John H. Edson (late Lieut., U. S. A.)
Commissioned Staff,
Quartermaster—Wm. C. Rhodes.
Surgeon—Dr. Quincy Osborn.
Assistant Surgeon—Dr. G. H. Fossard.
Assistant Quartermaster—J. F. Greene.
Non-Commissioned Staff.
Quartermaster-Sergeant—John Abernethy.
Drum-Major—W. A. Jackson (late of the Second Regiment, N. Y. S. M.)
Fife-Major—Wm. Darley.
Line Officers.
Company A—James A. Moore, Captain; Henry Harrington, 1st Lieut.; Hugh McClusky, 2d Lieut.
Company B—Peter Bowe, Captain; James E. Boyle, 1st Lieut.; Thomas Abbott, 2d Lieut.
Company C—James Graham, Captain; C. Macpherson, 1st Lieut.; James Gillis, 2d Lieut.
Company D—H. E. Call, Captain; John Bendon, 1st Lieut.; Wm. Wallace, 2d Lieut.
Company E—T. O'Meara, Captain; P. J. Downing, 1st Lieut.; T. W. Kelly, 2d Lieut.
Company F—Walter Tobin, Captain; Isaac Gotthold, 1st Lieut.; Jas. H. Conroy, 2d Lieut.
Company G—John Quinn, Captain; R. C. Wright, 1st Lieut.; M. H. Lee, 2d Lieut.
Company H—H. H. Olden (late of the Seventh Regiment), Captain; Fred. Skeete, 1st Lieut.; ____ Payne, 2d Lieut.
Company I—David Hogg, Captain; Wm. A. Lynch, 1st Lieut.; Samuel Giberson (late of the Seventh Regiment), 2d Lieut.
Company K—Michael Garrety, Captain; Thos. Reynolds, 1st Lieut.; Jas. McGrath, 2d Lieut.
The regiment numbers about 1,000 men, who have been armed, uniformed and equipped by the Union Defense Committee. Thirteen baggage wagons have recently been given them.
AN OFFICIAL REPORT ABOUT THE EDWARD'S FERRY AFFAIR.—Acting Brig. Gen. Hinks, of Massachusetts, makes the following official report concerning the disaster at Edward's Ferry:
CAMP BENTON, Oct. 23, 1861.
To Brigadier General LANDER:
SIR—Learning that a column of our troops was crossing the Potomac on the 21st Inst., at a point near the center of Harrison's Island, in which the companies of my regiment stationed as pickets upon the river had been ordered to join by General Baker, I hastened thither in anticipation of orders from General Stone.
I arrived there about half past one o'clock P. M., and found among the troops at the point of crossing great confusion, no competent officer seeming to have been left in charge of the transportation, and the progress made in embarking was very slow. I at once took charge at this point, caused a line to be stretched across the river, by which to propel the boats, and forwarded troops in the following order, to wit:
Parts of California regiment not already crossed, the Rhode Island and New York batteries, the New York and Tammany regiments and the Nineteenth Massachusetts. With the latter regiment I proceeded to the island. I learned that General Baker had been killed, and found everything in confusion, our column being entirely routed and in precipitate retreat, throwing away their arms, deserting their killed and wounded, and leaving a large number of prisoners in the hands of the enemy.
I at once took command, arrested as far as possible the progress of the rout, restored order, and to check the advance of the enemy, who threatened to occupy the island, I sent the Nineteenth Massachusetts regiment to the front and placed one gun of the Rhode Island battery in position, supported by the companies of the Massachusetts Twentieth, and so much of the Tammany regiment as was upon the island and could be induced to remain, which disposition being made, and pickets extended upon the Virginia side of the island, I commenced active measures for the gathering of the wounded and the rescue of straggling parties of our troops upon the Virginia shore, by the construction of rafts and the use of small boats, the boats used for crossing to the Virginia shore having been swamped and lost in the precipitate and disorderly retreat. No field officer was on duty upon the island, with the exception of Major Bon, of the New York Tammany regiment.
After the passage of the Nineteenth Massachusetts regiment no reinforcements crossed to the island, although several regiments were upon the towpath on the Maryland side, but returned to their camps during the night. A considerable number of unarmed fugitives, from various regiments, were passed to the Maryland shore during the night, and the transportation of the wounded was continued until noon of the 22d.
On the morning of the 22d I dispatched Lieutenant Dodge, of the Nineteenth Massachusetts, with a flag of truce, to request of the rebel commander permission to remove our wounded, of which numbers lay in view uncared for on the Virginia shore. This request was denied, except in the case of a few apparently mortally wounded. The remainder were taken prisoners. Permission for my surgeon to cross and treat the wounded was also refused, except upon condition that he should remain a prisoner in their hands. Subsequently I dispatched Captain Vaughn, of the Rhode Island battery, with another flag of truce, to obtain permission to bury the dead, which was acceded to, with the stipulation that "no movement of troops should be made from the island to the Maryland shore in retreat while the burying party was employed," and I dispatched Captain Vaughn with a party of ten men for that purpose, who remained until after dark, and succeeded in burying forty-seven bodies, which he reported to be about two-thirds of the number lying upon the ground; but, night coming on, he was unable to bury the remainder.
During the afternoon factions complaint was made by the rebel commander that I had violated the stipulations under which the flag of truce was protected, accompanied by a threat to retain Captain Vaughn and his party as prisoners of war. I at once addressed a note to the rebel commander denying the accusation, threw up new intrenchments and made disposition of troops, with a view of renewing hostilities if the threat was carried into execution. Subsequently, however, Captain Vaughn returned with his party and informed me that my explanation was deemed satisfactory by the rebel commander.
Immediately after Capt. Vaughn returned, under cover of the night, I commenced a retreat, in pursuance of orders previously received from General Hamilton, and transported three pieces of artillery, with caissons and ammunition, thirty-six horses and the eleven companies of infantry under my command, numbering some seven hundred men, in good order to the Maryland shore, without any casualties or loss whatsoever; and, completing the retreat at twelve o'clock, I immediately paid my compliments to the rebel commander,, in the form of four shells from Capt. Vaughn's guns, which had been placed in battery upon the high ground overlooking the canal and river.
During the retreat I was reinforced by five companies of the Massachusetts Second, under the command of Capt. Tucker, who remained upon this side of the river, where I stationed him with his command in support of the battery, and ordered to camp the companies of the Nineteenth and Twentieth, who were greatly exhausted, having been constantly employed in the intrenchments, burying the dead, removing the wounded and transporting the artillery to and from the island.
The enemy known to have been engaged consisted of the Eighth Virginia regiment, under command of Col. Jennifer, and the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Mississippi regiments, with a squadron of horse and battery, the whole under command of Gen. Evans.
Our loss in killed, wounded and missing cannot be determined, as large numbers of wounded and unwounded were drowned when the boats were swamped, as well as in the attempts to swim the river during the night, and no reports as yet have been made to me. The Fifteenth Massachusetts and Twentieth, Baker’s California regiment, and a part of the Tammany regiment, lost a large number of men, who were made prisoners. Col. Lee and Major Revere, of the Twentieth, and Col. Cogswell, of the Tammany regiment, are reported missing. Lieut. Col. Ward, of the Fifteenth Massachusetts, was severely wounded. We have lost two howitzers and one rifled cannon belonging to Capt. Vaughn's Rhode Island battery, and a number of small guns—say 1,500—with equipments. I shall make a further report of the killed that were identified before burial.
I have to report that the remnant of the Tammany regiment, under command of Major Bon, deserted post in the intrenchments on the Island at an early hour in the forenoon of the 22d, and passed to the Maryland shore, in disobedience of orders, while I was engaged in arranging for the removal of the wounded and of the burial of the dead.
I cannot close this report with justice to our troops, who fought valiantly, without commenting upon the causes which led to their defeat and complete rout.
The means of transportation for advance in support, or for a retreat, were criminally deficient, especially when we consider the facility for creating proper means for such purposes at our disposal.—The place for landing upon the Virginia shore was most unfortunately selected, being at a point where the shore rose with great abruptness for a distance of some one hundred and fifty yards at an angle of at least thirty-five degrees, and was studded with trees, being entirely impassable to artillery or infantry in line. At the summit the surface is undulating, where the enemy were placed in force out of view, and cut down our troops with a murderous fire, which we could not return with any effect.—The entire island was also commanded by the enemy's artillery and rifles; in fact, no more unfortunate position could have been forced upon us by the enemy for making an attack, much less selected by ourselves. Within a half mile upon either side of the point selected, a landing could have been effected where we could have been placed upon equal terms with the enemy, if it was necessary to effect a landing from the island. My judgment, however, cannot approve of that policy which multiplies the number of river crossings without any compensation in securing commanding positions thereby.
Respectfully submitted. EDWARD W. HINKS,
Colonel Nineteenth Massachusetts Volunteers,
Commanding Brigade.
Wounded …. . . .……………………………….250
Prisoners …………………………………….. . 500
Total…………………………………… . . . . . . 900
Our dead and many of the wounded were stripped of shoes, coats and caps; and their bodies rifled of valuables by the enemy, Federal troops engaged, about 2,100.
The following general order contains suggestions of use to others than the officer named:
WASHINGTON, April 6, 1863.
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 89-- I. The case of Lieut. J. M. Garland, 42d New-York Volunteers, having been submitted to the Judge-Advocate-General, the following facts appear from his report, viz:
" On the 27th of February last a letter was addressed to the Rev. Elliott H. Thompson, Shanghae, China, and deposited in the Post Office of this city. The stamps upon it, however, amounted to but 36 of the 90 cents required to be prepaid, and it was, in consequence, returned to the General Post Office, to be there examined under the regulations, with a view to its restoration to the writer. On opening it, it was found to be from Lieut. J. M. Garland, of the United States Volunteers, and to disclose on his part a state of feeling toward the Administration, and toward the Rebels making war upon the Government, which seems to be in complete conflict with the duties imposed upon him by the sword he wears.
" After some discussion of political topics and comments upon current events, Lieut. Garland says that 'the Administration have at last shown their hands, and that their principles and their hearts are blacker than the "nigger" they are fighting for;' and he pronounces the President's Proclamation 'as unconstitutional as it is unjust.' He explains to his friend that, while entertaining these sentiments, he does hot resign, though anxious to do so, because 'to tender his resignation now, would be to ask his disgrace,' and for the further reason that, recently, at his own request, he had been transferred from the Quartermaster's Department to the Ambulance Corps, which, he alleges, will prevent him from coming into actual contact with the South,' and will enable him, during an action; 'to render the same assistance to the other side as well as his own men.' He adds: 'At Antietam I had the pleasure of bringing from the field a large number of Confederates, among them some of our old friends all of whom I saw well cared for, and some of whom I have heard from since their return. He further stated that when he saw Fredericksburg bombarded, 'tears ran down his cheeks and he cried like a child.' He appears to have found only sorrow in the service, except where enjoying the 'pleasure' of ministering to the comfort of those who bad been wounded while stabbing at the life of the country whose commission he held.
" It is difficult to conceive of a position of deeper dishonor than that in which this officer has placed himself by the treacherous concealment of his sentiments from the Government whose confidence he was enjoying, and upon whose treasury he was living. Although not seeming to realize this self-inflicted degradation himself, he appears to be conscious that it would be realized by others, were his real opinions and feelings to become known. Hence he says: 'Were it known that these were my sentiments, I would not only be summarily dismissed the service, bat probably boarded, at the expense of Uncle Sam, in Fort Lafayette, or some other seaside prison, for the benefit of my health, until the war is over.' "
It is entirely certain that no public interest can be safe in the hands of an officer so hostile to the Administration charged with the conduct of the war, and so profoundly sympathizing with the Rebels, as Lieut. Garland has confessed himself to be.
Although up to this time, so far as known, his sympathy has manifested itself only in weeping when one of the enemy's strongholds was bombarded, and in rejoicing when ministering to the wants of wounded Rebels, no guaranty exists that at some critical conjuncture in our military movements, this sympathy would not take a more active and manly, and, for the Government, a far more fatal form of development.
First-Lieutenant J. M. Garland of the 42d New-York Volunteers is, therefore, by direction of the President, dishonorably dismissed the service of the United States.
By order of the Secretary of War.
E. D. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant-General.
TAMMANY REGIMENT. (May 25, 1861)
This regiment, sometimes known as the Jackson Guard, appeared on the ground without uniforms or muskets, but nevertheless, making a very good appearance. They number 975. The following are the acting officers: Acting Colonel—Wm. D. Kennedy; Lieutenant-Colonel—Michael Doheny; Major—Geo. W. McLeane; Acting-Adjutant—Tim. O'Mera; Quarter- Master—Wm. C. Rhodes; Assistant-Quarter-Master—J. F. Green; Paymaster—John Richardson; Acting Captains.—Company A—J. J. Mooney, 122 men; Company B—Peter Bowe, 83; Company C—James Graham, 62; Company D—H. Ecoll, 106; Company E—J. B. Lynch, 85; Company F—C. R. Benedict, 62; Company G—John Quinn, 42; Company H—Jno. Mulligan, 95; Company I, John Baker, 26; Company K—Wm. Vail, 28; Company L —C. Fitzgerald, 54; Company M— ____ Wallace, 101; Company N—Farring Hall, 106. Total—973.
The Union Defence Committee have accepted this promising corps, and they will be equipped and dispatched for active duty at the seat of war immediately. The regiment will go into regular barracks, on army rations, and with all necessary supplies, to-day. The beautiful peninsula beyond Flushing Bay, on Long Island, known as Great Neck, has been chosen as their temporary encampment for discipline, inspection and organization.
The hotel at Great Neck has been secured, with all the grounds, buildings, &c., for the "Tammany Encampment." The supplies and supervision of the Jackson Guard are in charge of Messrs. William F. Havemeyer and Isaac Bell, as a special committee of the Union Defence Committee on the subject, until the Jackson Guard shall pass formally into the United States service. Every arrangement which the auspices and influence of old Tammany can command will be lavished upon this new corps. Colonel Kennedy and his friends, both in the Tammany democracy and elsewhere, are determined that the regiment shall have every means and opportunity for rendering it as popular, efficient and prominent in the army of the Union as any other body of volunteers in the service of the country. The regiment will start for their encampment at two o'clock to-day, from Tammany Hall.
The Jackson Guard (Tammany regiment), which was recently accepted by the Union Defence Committee, went into encampment yesterday at Great Neck, a beautiful peninsula in Flushing Bay, about three miles from the village of Flushing, L. I. The place chosen is one of the most suitable spots on the island for camping and drilling purposes. The regiment embarked at four o'clock in the afternoon on board the steamboat Major Anderson, from the foot of East Tenth street. During its stay at Great Neck, the officers and one or two of the companies will occupy a large summer hotel, kept by Captain Samuel Allen, and the rest will be quartered in tents, of which one hundred and twenty five were sent up with the regiment. The troops are supplied with their rations by Messrs. Wm. F. Havemeyer and Issac Bell, the special committee appointed for that purpose by the Union Defence Committee, and this arrangement will continue until the regiment is regularly mustered into service. The recruits say, however, that in case the committee should fail to deal out a liberal supply of rations, they have only to go to the waters edge and "tread for I clams," as Great Neck clams are all the rage. The regiment is raised by Old Tammany for the preservation of the Union, and by it the Sachems wish to show to the Southern rebels that, when the perpetuation of the Union is in question, there is but one party in the North. Although but about two weeks have been expended in getting up the regiment, there have nine hundred and thirty-two men signed the roll as volunteers for the war, and yesterday two more full companies offered to join it. These will probably be accepted and a brigade formed. Sixteen recruiting stations are still open in different parts of the city, and yesterday another one, for Captain Julian's company, was opened at No. 111 South street. These will continue open until a sufficient number of men have been enrolled to form a brigade. The regiment is under command of Colonel Wm. D. Kennedy, one of the Sachems of Tammany Hall, who has been connected with military affairs for about twenty years. Mr. Michael Doheny, the Lieutenant Colonel, was formerly Colonel of a regiment in Ireland, and subsequently Colonel of the Seventy-fifth Rifles of this city. Mr. George W. McLean, the Major, was for eleven or twelve years in the Life Guard of this city, and afterwards Lieutenant Colonel of a regiment Mr. Timothy O'Meara, the Adjutant, served in the Mexican army during the Mexican revolution, as a captain of cavalry, and fought on the side of the liberals. Captain John Quinn, Henry Call, G. H. Wallace, and one other have all been in the regular service, as have also about two hundred of the men. Capt. Wallace served during the Crimean war. It is designed that the Jackson Guard shall be a "crack regiment" in every respect, and Tammany Hall pledges itself to have it so. The men are mostly above the medium size, and none under five feet seven inches in height are enrolled. The Colonel is anxious that three weeks should be allowed to drilling the troops, and by that time he thinks they will present an appearance equal to that of any of the volunteer regiments that have left the city, and be as well prepared in every respect for active service. The committee yesterday furnished the regiment with eight hundred gatta percha and woollen blankets, twenty-two improved cooking stoves, with all the necessary utensils, and many other articles requisite for the comfort of the troops. The uniforms and arms have not as yet been furnished. The headquarters of Colonel Kennedy will be as formerly, in the committee room at Tammany hall, while the different recruiting stations will be in the old places. A steamboat has been chartered by the committee to ply twice each day between the city and the camping ground of the regiment. All recruits are furnished with quarters and rations from the time they sign the roll. (May 30, 1861)