41st New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
This fine regiment, from New York city, numbering 1,050 men, arrived here at four o'clock yesterday afternoon. This regiment probably comprises a greater number of officers and men who have seen more service on the battlefield, than any which has yet arrived here. Of the thirty-three officers in the regiment, twenty three have already been under fire; and the proportion will probably hold good for the privates, a large portion of them having been actively engaged in the Prussian army against the Danes, from 1848 to 1851.
Their uniform is that of the Prussian rifles, dark green tunics faced with red, grey pants with red stripes, and dark green caps with red facings. The uniform of company A is that of the original Turcos, consisting of dark blue jacket, (braided with red,) and pantaloons with yellow and black leggings of the Turcos, the blue sash, red fez, and blue tassel. They are armed with the Springfield musket, which they hope to exchange for the Minie rifle before going into active service. Their camp equipage is complete throughout.
They are accompanied by a fine regimental band of twenty-five pieces, and a drum corps of twenty pieces. As the regiment marched up Pennsylvania avenue on their way to their quarters, it attracted much attention by the regular marching and true soldierly bearing of the men. The following is a correct list of the officers:
Colonel, Leopold Von Gilsa.
Lieutenant colonel, Emil Duysing.
Major, Ernest Von Holmstedt.
Adjutant, Otto Kleinschmidt.
Quartermaster, Francis Braulich.
Surgeon, Dr. Samuel Brilliantowski.
Assistant surgeon, Dr. Robert Thomaln.
Sergeant major, Rudolph Peterson.
Quartermaster sergeant, Bernhard Keppelmann.
Commissary sergeant, Paul Bernhard.
Hospital steward, Ernest Vogel.
Drum major, Carl Denniger.
Band master, William Bruns.
Company A—Captain, Adolphus Weiss; first lieutenant, Clemens Knipschelo; second lieutenant, Adalbert Schoenherr.
Company B—Captain, Otto Sibeth; first lieutenant, Edward Neuss; second lieutenant, W. Von Stuelpnagel.
Company C—Captain, Theodore Bracklow; first lieutenant, Ernest Hirschfeld; second lieutenant, Arthur Trainer.
Company D—Captain, Fred. Menshausen; first lieutenant, C. F. M. Schumacker; second lieutenant, R. McNadier.
Company E—Captain, H. Detteo Von Einscedel; first lieutenant, C. E. Erdt; second lieutenant, C. Herzog.
Company F—Captain, Adalbert Von Morozovicz; first lieutenant, Max Cohnheim; second lieutenant, Ferd. Muller.
Company G—Captain, F. Meyer; first lieutenant, August Scholz; second lieutenant, G. Heinrichs.
Company H—Captain, John F. Bauer; first lieutenant, George Fass; second lieutenant, C. Voelcker.
Company I—Captain, John D. Krehbiel; first lieutenant, G. A. Von Mechow; second lieutenant, John Brueck.
Company K—Captain, W. F. Papemeyer; first lieutenant, Chas. Wellenan; second lieutenant, Chas. Bangs.
This regiment formed into line between Eighth and Ninth-avenues. It is composed entirely of Germans, and for stalwart appearance it compares favorably with any other regiment in the City. All the officers, commissioned or non-commissioned, have served in the German army. The regiment paraded yesterday, 780 men; by Monday it is supposed they will number 1,040. Col. L. Von Gilsa is at present in command; beyond this neither Field nor Staff officers have been elected. Annexed are the line officers:
Company A—Captain, Duysing; First-Lieutenant, A. Weiss; Second-Lieutenant, Kimpschild.
Company B—Captain, Sieberth; First-Lieutenant, Weiss.
Company C—Captain, Backlow; First-Lieutenant, Huschfield; Second-Lieutenant, Framer.
Company D—Captain, Menghausen; First-Lieutenant, Schoomacker, Second-Lieutenant, Mcnadeir.
Company E—Captain, Enisiedel; First-Lieutenant, Eidt; Second-Lieutenant, Hergog.
Company F—Captain, Holmstedt; First-Lieutenant, Morosowiz; Second-Lieutenant, Colempeim.
Company G—Captain, Myer; First-Lieutenant, Saholy; Second-Lieutenant, Heinzichs.
Company H—Captain, Bauer; First-Lieutenant, Faas; Second-Lieutenant, Volkers.
Company I—Captain, Krehbrel; First-Lieutenant, Mechow; Second-Lieutenant, Brick.
Company K—Captain, Papemeyer; First-Lieutenant, Parpart; Second-Lieutenant, Welleman.
The right and left companies are Zouaves, and their uniform consists of a fez, black jacket and pantaloons trimmed with red, light blue sash, white gaiters, and yellow leggings laced with black patent leather. How the remaining companies are to be uniformed has not yet been decided upon. This corps will be armed with the Minie rifle. An election for field and staff-officers will take place to-morrow.
Dr. Samuel Brilliantowski is the surgeon and not the assistant surgeon of the De Kalb regiment, as stated in Sunday's edition.
member of the De Kalb Regiment, attached to Company K, who left this city for Washington on Monday afternoon, died soon after reaching Elizabethport, N. J. The body was brought back on the steamer Kill Von Kull, and placed under a shed on Pier No. 2, N. R. No one acquainted with deceased accompanied the remains, and consequently his name and former residence are unknown. A physician's certificate, however, which was forwarded, set forth that the unfortunate soldier's death was the result of drinking copiously of ice-water while overheated, during his march through the City of New York, July 8, 1861. Coroner Jackman was called to hold an inquest, but there was no evidence touching the death of deceased except what was embraced in the certificate. The remains were conveyed to Bellevue Hospital for identification. Deceased was about 22 years of age, and evidently a native of Germany. (July 10, 1861)
By the hands of R.A. Witthaus, Esq., I hereby thankfully acknowledge the receipt of the following, viz:—
James M. McLean, President, check for seven hundred and fifty dollars, with the kind remark: "For the benefit of the DeKalb regiment, for their valuable services in saving and protecting property at the late fire of the Third Avenue Railroad depot," for the following insurance companies:—
Citizens Fire Ins. Co. ...$50 Park Fire Ins. Co....$50
Niagara " " 50 Astor " " 50
Pacific " " 50 Brooklyn " " 50
People's " " 50 Excelsior " " 50
National " " 50 Hope " " 50
Irving " " 50 Hanover " " 50
Commercial " 50 Rutgers " " 50
New York Fire and Marine Insurance Company... 50
From the directors of the Third Avenue Railroad Company,
by Samuel B Isaacs, secretary, the following:—
Resolved, That the thanks of this company are eminently due to the officers and privates of the De Kalb regiment, New York Volunteers, now quartered in Landmann's Hotel, on the Third avenue, for their frank, generous and gallant conduct in saving a considerable portion of their property, and their humanity in rescuing the horses at the late conflagration of their depot and stables, which were totally destroyed, and they herewith tender to the regiment the freedom of passage on their line of road so long as they remain in the city.
By the hands of R. A. Whitthaus, Esq., the following donations:—
Christian G. Gunther ...$50 N.Y. Belt'g & Mfg. Co…....$50
Aug. Weismann ........…50 Camp, Brunson & Cherry ....25
Colonel of De Kalb regiment.
The De Kalb Regiment, exclusively composed of Germans, is encamped at Conrad's and Landmann's Parks, in this city. It numbers over one thousand men, all of whom are well-equipped and in a good state of discipline. Partly owing to its separate existence, having no place among our volunteer militia, and no numerical designation of any kind in any service, this regiment has been comparatively little known to the public.
The life of the soldiers at Conrad's Park is a daily picnic—a continual holiday scene. Having all the surroundings which grace the festivals so agreeable to the taste of our German population, they seem to enjoy to the utmost extent the combination of their national peaceful pleasures with their preparations for war.
The men have no tents nor regular barracks, but substantial and comfortable wooden buildings are fitted up with long rows of straw beds and blankets, which make at this season the most comfortable, sleeping arrangements that could be devised.
There are no mess rooms. The soldiers take their meals on week days upon a platform, extending to the East river, shaded partly by an awning and partly by the foliage of overhanging trees. The officers occupy the tables after the privates. On Sunday, tables on another part of the park are used, and these stand upon the bare "footstool," under the shadow of a few straggling trees.
The food is of excellent quality and plentiful. It is served to the soldiers by waiters carrying plates upon trays, after the manner, if not with the same ceremony, with which the service is performed in ordinary saloons. It is not uncommon for the wives of the soldiers to dine with them.
The men are hardy young Germans, scarcely any of them exceeding thirty years of age, and at least seven hundred of the thousand have seen service in the armies of Europe. The first company—the "De Kalb Zouaves," was the nucleus of the regiment, and was enrolled in this city before the war commenced. Soon after, nine other companies, seven of which enlisted in New York, one in Philadelphia, and the other in Newark, New Jersey, made up the regiment.
Nearly all the men have their uniforms, and enough more are at hand for the remainder. The coat is dark green trimmed with red, and the pantaloons are gray cloth. The uniform fits neatly, and is serviceable and handsome. The Zouave company are dressed in black with red trimmings, wear a blue sash around the waist, and on their heads the original fez-cap. The knapsacks and other accoutrements are on the ground and the regiment, when it receives the expected rifles, will be ready to march. Orders are expected during the present week.
Nearly all of the commissioned officers hive had experience in the field. Colonel Von Gilsa, the commander, is the son of a Prussian nobleman, entered a military school when he was ten years of age, and after passing through various gradations in the service, joined in the last Polish struggle.
Lieutenant-Colonel Duysing was formerly a lieutenant in the regular artillery of Hesse-Cassel, and acquitted himself with credit in the war with the Danes in 1849.
The following is a list of the officers of the regiment:
Colonel—Leopold von Gilsa. Lieutenant-Colonel— Emil Duysing. Major—Ernest Holmstedt. Adjutant— Otto Kleinschmidt. Quartermaster—Francis Braulik. Assistant-Surgeon—Dr. Brillantoski. Sergeant-Major—J. Banks. Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant –Paul Bernhard.
Company A—(Zouaves)—Captain, A. Weiss; First Lieutenant, C. Kuipschild; Second Lieutenant, A. Schonherr.
Company B—Captain, O. Sibeth; First Lieutenant, E. Neuss; Second Lieutenant, A. Von Stulphagel.
Company C—Captain, T. Bracklow; First Lieutenant, E. Hirshfeld; Second Lieutenant, A Trainer.
Company D—Captain, F. Menshausen; First Lieutenant, C. F. M. Schumaker; Second Lieutenant, R. Mcnadier.
Company E—Captain, D. Von Einsidel; First Lieutenant, E. C. Erdt; Second Lieutenant, C. Herzog.
Company F—Captain, A. Von Morozoriev; First Lieutenant, M. Cohnheim; Second Lieutenant, F. Mailer.
Company G—Captain, F. Meyer; First Lieutenant, A. Scholz ; Second Lieutenant, G. Heinrichs.
Company H—Captain, F. Bauer; First Lieutenant, G. Faas; Second Lieutenant, C. Volker.
Company I--Captain, J. Khrebiel; First Lieutenant, A. Von Mechow; Second Lieutenant, J. Breuck.
Company K—Captain, W. Papemeyer; First Lieutenant, E. Parpart; Second Lieutenant, C. Wellenan.
This command, being now thoroughly armed and equipped, are expecting to receive final marching orders every moment. On Wednesday Col. Von Gilsa received the remainder of the muskets from the general government, and is actively engaged in perfecting his men in the manual of arms. A very important feature has taken place in the regiment within a day or two, which was the discharge of about seventy-five men who have families to provide for, in whose places the Colonel recruited single men. Of this latter class so many are offering that an entire regiment could easily be organized in about one week's time.
Yesterday every one of the forty officers was presented with a splendid revolver by R. A. Witthaus, Esq., who also attended to the purchasing of the horses for the field and staff officers. The regiment will leave either on Saturday or Monday certain. The various German societies, including the New York Liederkranz, are actively engaged to arrange an escort to the troops. On the day of the departure the De Kalb regiment will receive an ovation second only to that of the Twentieth regiment Turner Rifles.
In the afternoon, when the fire broke out at the depot of the Third Avenue Railroad, Colonel Von Gilsa caused the long roll to be beaten, and in less than five minutes the battalion of five hundred men, quartered at the Hamilton Park, opposite the depot, was drawn up in line, when they were marched in "double-quick", to the scene of conflagration. The commandant set the example of heroism by pulling off his coat, calling upon his men to follow him. The first move made was to save the horses—upwards of one thousand being inside the burning edifice. After the entire lot was rescued, the sars, harness, and in fact everything moveable incide of the depot, was taken out by the valiant troops. Never before did any one man act as gallantly as the brave Colonel Von Gilsa. To his almost superhuman exertions, and those under him, the Third Avenue Railroad Company owe the preservation of their property. The horses, cars, &c., were rescued almost before the firemen arrived on the ground. The Zouaves belonging to the regiment, learning that the fire was in so close a proximity to their comrades, started from their rendezvous, at the Yorkville Park, and were soon at the scene of destruction. Their services, however, were not brought into requisition. The greatest praise is due to the De Kalb regiment for the promptness with which they responded to the call for their assistance, and if they display such valor (which undoubtedly they will) at a fire of grape and cannister, as they evinced in rushing into a burning building to save property, they will earn laurels for their chivalry.
At nine o'clock the officers of the regiment, by special invitation, attended the Lieder Kranz at Pythagoras Hall, in Canal street, where a general good time was had. Songs, toasts and good dinner were the order of proceedings, and it was not until a late hour the party separated. This association, of which Colonel Von Gilsa is a member, presented him with a superb sabre, as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by his associates; at the same time the regiment received the elegant banners from Mr. Witthaus. Colonel Max Weber, of the Turner rifles, is likewise a member of the Lieder Kranz, as also a number of lieutenant colonels, majors and captains. The concert last evening was conducted by about one hundred ladies and gentlemen singers, and passed off with great eclat.
A RETURNED HEROINE.—About two years ago, Mrs. Mary Seizgle left this City for the seat of war, with the Forty-first regiment New-York Volunteers, of which her husband was a member. She returned on Saturday night last, dressed in a soldier's uniform. The Police took her into custody, under the act which forbids a woman to walk the streets in male apparel. She was taken to the Twenty-seventh Precinct Station-house, where it was satisfactorily shown that she had lost all of her clothing in the late battles of Gettysburg, and that she had no other alternative but to put on a soldier's uniform. It further appeared that during her two years' absence she has rendered herself very useful as hospital nurse.
This fine regiment, Col. Leopold Von Gilsa, held a parade yesterday, and were presented with flags. The presentations took place at the residence of Mr. R. A. Witthaus in Thirty-fourth street. Hon. George Bancroft, the historian, members of the Union Defense Committee, and others were present. A regimental standard, American flag, and set of guide colors were presented, the regimental flag bearing the inscription: "The generous stranger who left his home to water with his blood the tree of our liberty;" also the closing couplet of the "Star-spangled Banner." Mrs. Witthaus made the presentations with some remarks, closing as follows:
But while as instruments in the hands of an avenging God, you go forth to punish and subdue those who, for their own selfish ends, would sacrifice our country, forget not that that same God is also the God of mercy, and as you are his soldiers in battle, so are you also his instruments in the protection of innocence and helplessness, and your efforts may preserve unto us many, who, when these sad troubles shall have passed away, will gladly return like the prodigal of old to the protection of that time-honored flag under whose folds we have become so prosperous a nation. Take then this flag, which I entrust to your hands with unbounded confidence, and feeling certain as I do that it can only return with you from victory, I shall await with anxious heart that happy day. Hoping to meet you again, most if not all of you, in our country's name for the love which you show for it is thus going forth to its rescue, when alas, some of its own misguided members seek to destroy it, becoming, as you will then have done, doubly its sons; sons by adoption, and noble sons, as were our forefathers, who periled their lives, as you are now about to do, in its defense. May God watch over you and crown your efforts with success, so that future generations may honor your names even as we do theirs, and may our flag again wave in triumph and peace over every portion of our beloved country.
Mr. Fredrick Kapp, in behalf of the Liederkranz Society, of which he is president, presented the colonel with a splendid sword, sash and belt, with an appropriate speech. Hon. George Bancroft then introduced Miss Witthaus, the fair donor of the regimental standard, after which Mr. Witthaus made a speech from which we make the following selection:
Officers and soldiers. I see many among you who have left honorable positions of trust and emolument in order to oppose the enemies of our adopted country, and I sincerely hope, when peace is once again restored, and you have placed the wreath of victory upon the brow of the country you have wedded, that many years of honor and prosperity may be the blessings kind Providence will have in store for you. Colonel Leopold von Gilsa, I now close in presenting, in the name of my children, this standard and guides to the De Kalb Regiment; may they prove to each patriotic heart a beacon in the battle-field; may your regiment honor them, guard them and protect them, and when victors, remind them of mercy and humanity; and when the curtain of peace rises, and the .........have disappeared, may the banner of De Kalb fraternize with the glorious flag of the stars and stripes in its full and undiminished constellation, and may the names of De Kalb and Von Gilsa be proud of each other's company.
Songs were then sung, and the regiment returned to their quarters in high spirits. They expect to be ordered to the South soon.
The De Kalb Regiment, Col. Leopold von Gilsa, of which we published some particulars yesterday, took its departure for Washington last evening.
At 3 1/2 o'clock, yesterday afternoon, the regiment started on their weary march from Hamilton Park to Pier No. 2 North River, a distance of about five miles. At 7 1/2 o'clock the regiment gained the pier, and embarked on the steamboat Kill van Kull. At 8:10 o'clock precisely the steamer sailed from the pier for Elizabethport, en route for Washington, via Harrisburg, on the New-Jersey Central Railroad. All the men were in excellent spirits, and, as they left, cheered their friends on shore vociferously.
This regiment, which left New York three years ago for the seat of war, returned on Saturday in the Fulton, from Hilton Head. The command, which originally numbered over a thousand men, returns with 327 men, and the following officers: Colonel Leop. von Gilsa; Surgeon, Dr. Brillantowsky; Assistant Surgeon, Dr. Sattler; Captains, Knipschild, Heinrichs, Bang and Waugner; Lieutenants, Stephens, Warnecke, Barneman, Messeller and Griswold. Five hundred and twenty men, nearly all conscripts are retained at Hilton Head, under Lieut. Col. Von Einsidel. The regiment was in both battles of Bull Run, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg and through Fremont's Virginia campaign. The members of the Forty-first will be received this morning by a committee of Germans, assisted by the Fifth and Eleventh Regiments New York State Militia, and reviewed by the Mayor in front of the City Hall.
(New York News, June 20, 1864)
This regiment—the Forty-first New York Volunteers—which arrived here on Saturday, was tendered a public reception yesterday afternoon by a large number of its friends. The Fifth Regiment, N. Y. S. N. G., Colonel Louis Berger, and a large deputation of German citizens, acted as escort. The line of procession was formed in the Bowery, near Broome street, and the veterans were escorted to the City Hall Park, where they were joined by the Fifth Regiment. It was expected that Mayor Gunther would review the men, but this expectation was not fulfilled, as will be seen by the following communication from the Mayor:
MAYOR'S OFFICE, New York, June 20.
Colonel Von Gilsa:
DEAR SIR: I regret that imperative duties prevent my waiting beyond the specified time to give your command an official reception. I regretted exceedingly the time and occasion that called from this city the fine body of men you commanded, and I am glad to see back what is left of them, knowing that they will return to a sphere of usefulness.
With sentiments of esteem, I remain, very truly
After the veterans had been drawn up in single column in front of the City Hall, Colonel Leopold Von Gilsa, the commandant of the Forty-first, was addressed by Alderman McMahon, in behalf of the Committee on National Affairs. The procession then moved up Broadway, and across to No. 104 Bowery, where the soldiers sat down to a banquet. This regiment returns with about two hundred men.
(News--June 21, 1864)
RECEPTION OF THE FORTY-FIRST (DE KALB) REGIMENT, N.Y.S.V. The Forty-first Regiment, N. Y. S. V., better known as the "De Kalb Regiment," which was recruited in this city, is expected to arrive home in a few days, probably this week, as their term of service will expire in a day or two. The regiment is composed of Germans, and their countrymen are making arrangements to give them a reception. The regiment left the city three years since one thousand and forty strong, out of which number one hundred and fifty only are expected to return. Their friends held a meeting on Saturday night at Liberty Garden, Bowery, at which Capt. Walters presided. Communications were received from the Fifth and Eleventh Regiment N. Y. S. N. G. offering escorts, and from several German Glee Clubs who offered their services. It is proposed to wind up the reception with a festival.
(News--June 13, 1864)
A WARNING TO BULLETIN READERS.—Late on Saturday afternoon, as Mr. Temple Tibbetts, of Tompkins-street, was engaged in reading a bulletin containing the war news, in the Bowery, he suddenly felt a strong pull at his watch-guard. He placed his hand upon his pocket and found his watch gone.
He turned to a young man, named Wilson, and charged him with the theft. The latter denied the charge most emphatically, but a citizen said to Tibbetts, "Wilson has your watch in his hand now—I saw him take it from your pocket." Wilson was searched, and the watch, valued at $75, was recovered from him. Justice Osborne committed the accused in default of $1,000 bail.
The De Kalb regiment (Colonel Von Gilsa), encamped at Yorkville Park and Landmann's, expectto march on Wednesday. The men are fully uniformed and equipped, and lack only arms. Nearly all these volunteers have seen service in Europe.
Arrival of the De Kalb Regiment.
This regiment which left our city about 3 years ago for the seat of war with 1040 men, returned this (Saturday) morning in the Fulton, from the South, where they have been doing duty since August 1863. The command returns with 327 men, and the following officers:
Colonel, Leop. von Gilsa, Surgeon, Dr. Brillantowsky; Assistant Surgeon, Dr. Sattler, Captains, Knipschild, Heinrichs, Bang, and Waugner; Lieutenants Stephans, Warnecke, Barneman, Messelier, and Griswold.
520 men, nearly all conscripts, are retained at Hilton Head, under Lieutenant-Colonel Von Einsidel. The regiment was in both battles of Bull Run, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg, all through Fremont's Virginia campaign. The members of the 41st will be received on Monday morning by a committee of Germans, assisted by the 5th and 11th Regiments N. Y. S. M., and reviewed by the Mayor, in front of the City Hall.
TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1864.
The 41st Regiment, N. Y. S. V., familiarly known as the De Kalb Regiment, Col. Von Gilsa commanding, just returned from active service, met with a hearty welcome and reception yesterday afternoon at the hands of their numerous German friends in this city. Alderman McMahon received the 41st as they passed in front of the City Hall in a brief and appropriate speech, which was responded to by Col. Von Gilsa on behalf of his command. He said he was willing to respond at anytime to any legitimate call for the defense of his adopted country, and he thought that the men he commanded were likewise inclined.
A letter was received from Mayor Gunther, expressing his regret at not receiving the regiment in person, as imperative duties prevented his waiting beyond the specified time. The 41st then marched up Broadway escorted by the 5th N. Y. S. N. G., Col. Berger commanding, and a large body of horsemen. At No. 701 Broadway they were presented with several handsome wreaths of laurel at the hands of Madame Klein and Madame Dietch. From thence they proceeded through Fourteenth street, down Third avenue to the Bowery, stopping at No, 104, where a bountiful feast was awaiting them, and which they did ample justice to.