Joseph E. Shaw Collection: Letter #7

Donated By Robert Gritman


Camp Scott Nov. 21st, 1861

Dear Ed,

            I received your letter last night and as I have some time I thought I would answer it at once.  I am very glad that you answered it so soon as it is a great pleasure to receive letters fresh from home and the sooner we get them, all the better.  We are enjoying ourselves out here first rate.  We have plenty to eat of fresh meat, potatoes, soup, bakers bread, salt-hoss & etc.  We have had some plenty cold nights out here lately but as we sleep in our clothes we do not feel it so much on that account.  We have had new tents issued to us for our old ones were “gone in”.  Our old ones (as I suppose you know) were the small kind (see engraving) whereas our new ones are the large circular tents.  Each Company has four and there are seventeen men in each except in the Sergeants tent where there are only 13 thirteen consisting of the four Sergeants, four Corporals and five privates.  I am in this tent and we have a good time together.  Our tent has a little sheet-iron stove in it which makes it quite comfortable.  The Quartermaster intended to get stoves for every tent but there are not enough made yet, so the non-commissioned officers are the only ones who have them at present.  Norris has resigned 1st Sergeantship and is now 2nd Sergeant.  He was sick for some time last summer and resigned on that account.  I am afraid that Smuleir (?) is getting himself into trouble.  I have heard three of or four stories connected told of him concerning there or four certain young ladies which if true and if known to the Committee will affect his case considerably.

            I am glad to hear that Gus is a little better and I hope he will soon be well enough to go around again.  I received the papers you sent me the next day after I sent my letter to you.  I also received two more last night.  If it is just as convenient to you to send two papers I would like to have you continue to do so as they are about all the reading matter I get out here.  We had a grand review yesterday on account of which I will write in a letter to George very soon.  Give my love to Julia and the baby and all to folks.

                                                And believe me as ever
                                                Your Affect Brother
                                                J. E. Shaw

Tell Gus I will answer his letter soon.  I received it night before last (Tuesday).  All are well and enjoying themselves first rate – Excuse writing etc.
                                                                        J. E. Shaw