35th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
From the Thirty-Fifth Regiment.
AUGUSTA, Aug. 14, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
I enclose to you for publication a letter recently received by Mr. and Mrs. PHILO HOLMES of this town, from their son, now a volunteer in the United States Army, near Washington. Young HOLMES belongs to Co. H, Capt. TODD, of the 35th Regiment N. Y. S. Volunteers, which company was organized under the patronage of Hon. GERRIT SMITH, and was one of the first to declare itself ready to respond to the firing upon Fort Sumpter [sic]. Co. H is made up of rare material, and Mr. HOLMES is at least the peer of any of its members. As he has been well known in this section of Oneida, and in the adjoining portion of Madison county, as a young man of excellent character and promise, his letter will be read with interest. The lowest estimate one can make of him after reading it is, that he is a model soldier. Yours, ____
DEAR FRIENDS AT HOME —Your most welcome letter came to hand this noon. I had not heard from you since one week ago to-day, and I had made up my mind that you were either sick, or my letters had been miscarried, but I am happy to learn that the P. M. was to blame instead of any of you being sick; one week seems a long while to wait. I don't know as I can write much of a letter to-day, as I was on duty most all last night.
Yesterday morning at roll call, the captain told us that he wanted twenty-five Volunteers to take one day's rations, and go out about two miles to stand as picket guard for twenty-four hours. The first name on the list was Wm. S. Holmes—the second, S. Haseltine. The requisite number was soon made out. Some were taken from other companies, and our party numbered forty- five officers and men, and as soon as we had eaten our breakfast, we were ready for the march.
We did not have much to do until after dark. At 9 P. M, about half of us were stationed as guard, while the rest remained at our headquarters, which was a house belonging to Lieutenant Hunter, formerly of the U. S. Navy, but now a General in the Rebel army; his property has been confiscated and belongs to the government. We were stationed two men in a place, and cautioned to keep a sharp lookout, for we didn't know how near the enemy might be, and if they should find us off our guard, it would be certain death to us; neither could we be relieved until daylight, for should the enemy be near, they might easily discover our hiding places, and we would become nice marks for their scouts.
The rebels have a peculiar signal, by which they communicate with each other; it is a cow bell; you can hear it in one portion of the woods at one time, and in a moment it will be answered in another. We could hear them all around us last night, but they kept off at a respectable distance, so that we did not even get sight of them; about 10 o'clock this morning we were relieved and returned to camp. As I was lying there this morning, I could not help thinking how differently how you and I were occupied. The sun rose in all its splendor, the sky was without a cloud, and a soft breeze from the South made it one of the finest mornings of the season. You could rise and find everything quiet and peaceful and you could enjoy the privilege of going to church and numberless other blessings, which are only to be found in the country in times of peace. A person could walk the streets without fear of being stopped by a sentinel, or shot by some lurking foe. But how is it with me; scarcely has the morning dawned, ere the stern roll of the drum is heard calling the sleepy soldier to his duty. While you are preparing for church, I am lying in the bushes, with my gun in my hands, and forty rounds in my cartridge box, watching in almost breathless suspense for the enemy, as an unlucky cough or sneeze, or even the breaking of a twig in the night, might prove my death warrant; or on the other hand, should the unlucky rebel scout come within range of my gun, in less time than it takes to write it, he would be a corpse. What a contrast; while you are enjoying a quiet Sabbath morning, I am watching with an eagle's eye to shoot my fellow man. But such is war; yet do not for one moment think I regret that I am here. I know that I am doing my duty. In times of peace, I would not be hired to join the army, but under present circumstances, it would take a large sum of money to hire me to stay at home. If I were a three months volunteer, I should be ashamed to go home now, for it is just the time we are most needed; yet others can do as they choose. I presume you have heard something near the truth about the sickness in our regiment, but more than one half of it is caused by the carelessness of the men. When I first came here, I found my health was much better to eat only my rations, and now there is not a healthier man in the regiment than I am; most of them might be so if they would do the same.
I was much obliged for those papers; there was a letter in one of them from a man in the New York 26th; the most appropriate name I can give him is a liar—there is not a particle of truth in it. When we crossed the river, we were that night followed by some 4,000 men, besides others that came over during the day. Answer very soon, and be assured the mails are closely watched by us, for a letter from home is a precious thing. I must bid you good bye, for it is most supper time.
Your affectionate brother,
A SOLDIER KILLED—Corporal John Jolly of Company C, (the Theresa Company) was killed on his way home from Washington to Elmira, by standing on top of the car while it was passing under a bridge. He was killed instantly. The reason for getting on top of the car was to escape the great heat inside. The body was recovered, and for warded home.
The deceased was a fine man, a good soldier, and bore a good reputation with all that knew him.
The 35th Regiment.—Corporal L. G. Hubbard writes us from Mount Pleasant Hospital, Washington, that the time of the regiment expires in May next, instead of July, as heretofore published.
—The following appointments have been made:
Thirty-Fifth (Jefferson county) Regiment.—Lieutenant Lorenzo B. Shattuck to be Captain, September 6, 1861, vice G. E. Elwell, resigned. John A. Haddock to be Lieutenant September 3, 1861, vice George Merrill, declined.
FOR THE THIRTY-FIFTH.—That most active and successful of recruiting officers, Lieut. HADDOCK, of Jefferson county, passed through this city, yesterday, with twenty-five good men. Lieut. HADDOCK has raised nearly 400 men for the Thirty-fifth.
LETTER FROM THE FIELD.—The following spicy letter is from a Lewis county boy in the Thirty-Fifth Regiment of New York Volunteers. It was written to Elder S. H. Taft of Martinsburgh:
DIXIE, Sept. 14, 1861.
DEAR SIR:—I have just returned from scouting. We have been out four days, and have had fun, I can assure you. I went close up to the rebel front on Munson Hill, and came back all safe, although I was fired at several times. I found the fort (so far as I could ascertain by the field glass which the Captain lent me) to have three large guns mounted, and nearly a thousand men in camp around it. It will cost some lives to take it, as it is surrounded by rifle pits, and they have men who know how to use the rifle, too. I worked my way up through the woods, taking half a day to go the last mile; some of the time was up in tops of trees and could see the rebel guards all around in the woods. I was all right till I had got nearly back to our men when I came upon what I supposed to be a solitary guard. He saw me just as I took my gun from my back; he fired and missed me, and just as I fired at him I saw thirty men come right out from an ambush; I ran for dear life and won it. They nearly all fired, but did not hit me for the trees. After I had rested a little I led our men back to the place, and we had some fun there.—We brought down five of the rebels, our boys coming off all right, save some few of them who were so scared as not to have slept well since. My Captain promised me and is going to give me a pass to Washington next week.
Now this seems more like a soldier's life than being shut up in camp, making roads or chopping wood. I came precious near going to Richmond, though once, when two men passed me as I lay concealed in some bushes. They had seen me and were searching for me. I did not dare leave the bushes for an hour. I would have fought though if they had found me, but they went by all right.
While out I stopped at a house beyond our lines and asked for something to eat of a young girl. While she was getting it the old man came in and ordered me to leave. I was very hungry, having eaten nothing in thirty hours, not having dared to light a fire; but I had to go, but the girl managed to follow me into the corn field near the house and gave me enough to last a week. I watched that house that night, and about ten o'clock saw the old man's boy come in. He was a rebel soldier. I saw him leave his gun outside the door; then I went in and made him my prisoner. I should have had a hard time to have taken him past the rebel pickets, and I did not wish to kill an unarmed man, so I repaid the girl's kindness by giving her the life of her brother.
A copy of your sermon on the war has found its way into camp. Please send me a few copies, will you. Give my love to all, and believe me your patriot friend, A. S. CLARENCE.
THE 35TH.—It is expected that this regiment will be mustered out of service at Sackets Harbor—so says the latest report concerning them. At least, two weeks will have to elapse before they can be mustered out of service, arising from data, &c., which must be received from Washington. They will bring their guns and be there in a body with all their officers at the time of mustering out.
A Regiment of Cavalry.—It will be seen by a notice which we publish to-day, that Col. Lord has authority to raise a regiment of cavalry, and he proposes doing it at the earliest practicbale [sic] period. The advertisement speaks for itself.
From McDowell's Corps.
Regt N. Y. S. V., near Fredricksburg, Va.
May 24th, 1862.
FRIEND PHILLIPS—We have had no battle yet, though there is considerable excitement from firing between pickets night before last, there was one of our men wounded, he belonged to Co. G., I believe—but I have not learned his name—he was taken to the Hospital, but the wound is not considered dangerous. To-day the 21st N. Y. V. are on picket, and one of their men has been shot and died before the Ambulance reached him—you can be sure that these things do not serve to make us tender-hearted. The President rode through our camp yesterday, attended by Gen. McDowell and the Secretary of War; we hope that his appearance here is the signal for decisive action, and we believe it is. Gen. Shields has joined us and we have orders to be ready to march to-morrow by 10 o'clock.—The 94th are laying across the river in sight of us, but I am afraid that the Rebels are retreating again, as we have this afternoon noticed a dense smoke in the direction of a bridge a few miles distant, which they would have to cross and we fear they have been at their old tricks retreating and burning the bridges behind them. A scene occurred in our camp this morning, entirely new to us. Private Geo. W. House, of Co. K, was dishonorably discharged and drummed out of the Regiment for desertion [sic]—he has a further punishment to suffer of three months in the Penitentiary—we have another man named Piersol, under sentence of dishonorable discharge and five years in the Penitentiary, for desertion and theft, his sentence has not yet been executed; we sincerely hope that these will be last cases of that kind, that we shall have. Our men are in excellent spirits and anxious for the order to move.
Respectfully yours,
L. C. H.
FALLS CHURCH, VA., FEB. 24, 1862.
The weather was mild but rainy—mud in a liquid State, and of the usual depth, say about six inches. The extreme difficulty attending locomotion, kept the soldiers pretty generally in their quarters. At evening parade, a portion of Washington's Farewell Address was read to the regiment. The reading was attentively listened to. At the different camps, in the vicinity of ours, the day was duly observed. The roar of artillery and musketry was almost deafening throughout the day. It was an appropriate way for the soldiers of the army of the Potomac to evince their respect for the memory of Washington. In the evening, the officers of the regiment sat down to a sumptuous collation, prepared under the superintendence of Lieut. Morey, whose success on the occasion has given him, in addition to his reputation as a printer and soldier, that of a cuisine. Gen. Wadsworth and staff, and other prominent officers, were present as guests, and all seemed highly to enjoy the festivities of the evening. The heartiest good feeling prevailed. After the cloth was removed, Col. Lord, presiding, stated that the committee had prepared some toasts appropriate to the occasion, which he proposed to read in the same spirit which had prompted their production. I transcribe the regular toasts, thirteen in number, noting after each in the order they were read, the name of the tune played by the regimental band, under the leadership of George Choate, which was present and as usual discoursed most eloquent music, adding greatly to the spirit of the occasion, also the responses, and by whom made.—The preparation and arrangement of the toasts was attended to by Capt. E. M. Camp, who, in the happiest manner, contributed his efforts to render the entertainment all that could be devised. Patriotic songs were sung, volunteer toasts were offered, and speeches made in response by members of the General's staff and other guests, and by officers of the regiment.
A very happy incident occurred during the evening, interesting, and of rare occurrence, under like circumstances. Many of the friends of the 35th, perhaps, are unaware that it, like many other regiments, has a child by adoption, though we excel other regiments, as far as heard from in that, we have also a child by birth. Borne two months since, in camp, there was born unto the happy parents thereof, whose family name is Cotton, and to the regiment, a fine infant boy. The little stranger was at once considered the child of the regiment—his father being a soldier, and enlisted into the regiment at Elmira—but the formality of his being duly christened had not yet taken place. This was thought to be the proper time for the ceremony to be performed. So the parents and child were sent for, and came in. It was at once agreed that Gen. Wadsworth should furnish the name, and by particular request, and to which he yielded a hearty assent, he prefixed to the name of Cotton, James Wadsworth. The announcement of the name was received with laughter and cheers.—The General caressed and kissed the baby, for which he was again cheered, and addressed some kind words to the mother and father, who appeared to be exceedingly happy. The infant, thus early in life, is being inured to the privations incident to a life in camp; and, although yet too young to have his moral nature corrupted by evil influences around him, it is to be hoped that he will be so reared as not to dishonor the name of the distinguished officer, which has been given him, or the regiment that has adopted him. At a late hour, the company dispersed. The collation and incidents connected therewith, so in keeping with the spirit of the day it was designed to commemorate, constitute an event which will long be remembered by those who were present to enjoy it.
1. The President of the United States.
Music—"Hail Columbia."
2. The memory of Washington.
3. Maj.-Gen. McClellan—The tightening folds of the anaconda now encircling the monster Secessia, soon to terminate its life, illustrate his genius as a commander and fully indicate the wisdom of his policy of "masterly inactivity."
Music—"Hail to the Chief."
4. Gen. McDowell—Our Division Commander, may it be appointed to him to retrieve with his Division the disaster of Bull Run, and upon that blood-stained field achieve a glorious victory for the Union.
Music—"Bowld Soger Boy."
5. Gen. Wadsworth—Our Brigade Commander, the gallant standard-bearer of the Brooklyn 14th at the battle of Bull Run— May he soon have another opportunity to render new and signal services to his country in the field—to reap additional laurels, and to successfully lead his brigade where the storm of battle rages fiercest.
Music—"Grand March."
Responded to by Gen. Wadsworth, in a few patriotic and appropriate remarks.
6. The Army and Navy—The boast of our country—its pillars of strength in the hour of trial and of peril.
Music—"Red, White and Blue."
Responded to by Lieut. E. J. Marsh, in an eloquent and forcible speech.
7. Our Volunteer Forces—Their valor is equaled only by their patriotism. The glorious victories achieved by them at Roanoke Island, Fort Donelson, Mill Spring, Southern Missouri, and at other points, have proven them worthy to be ranked with the best soldiers the world has ever produced. All honor to the Volunteers!
Music—"Yankee Doodle."
Responded to by Lieut.-Col. Winslow, the substance of whose remarks, noted by your correspondent, are given below.
8. The Union—It must and shall be restored.
Music—"The Star-Spangled Banner."
9. The Heroes of the War of '61 and '62—Lyon, the soldier, the man whose name, though he is fallen, is a tower of strength to all true soldiers in the cause of the Union—Baker, the statesman and the soldier. He left the rostrum to fight and to back up the principles to which he held, noble mentor of statesman. Lyon and Baker, the dead, though not forgotten heroes of '61 and '62.
10. The cause for which we fight—None can be better, and, as our faith in its justice is inflexible, so may our arm in its defence [sic] be invincible.
This sentiment was further honored by the singing of the "Marsellaise Hymn" by Sergeant Reates, an intelligent Frenchman, who left his country and came hither to fight for the Union. He is a great favorite in the regiment.
11. The State of New York—In War and in Peace the Empire State. The 100,000 of her sons encamped on the tented field are but the advance guard of the hosts she will send rather than surrender national rights, or give o'er the sacred conflict for the unity of the Union.
Music—"Home, Sweet Home."
12. Our Wives and Sweethearts—Names never to be forgotton [sic], and whether present or absent, we will ever think of and be cheered by them. May they never blush to call us husbands and lovers.
Music—"Girl I left behind me."
Our Guests—May their shadows never be _ess.
Music—"Auld Lang Syne."
The Lieutenant Colonel having been repeatedly called upon said that, though not prepared to respond in fitting terms to the sentiment read, still he could not refrain from paying a tribute, feeble though it would be, to our brave volunteers, especially those who so recently had crowned with victory the army of the Union. With the volunteers for the defence [sic] of the Union, in the mighty struggle now convulsing the land, is the life and hopes of the nation. In proportion as they are active, brave and patriotic, are the pulsations of the national heart strong. The friends of Freedom and of Republican institutions the world over have for long months been watching with abated breath for that exhibition of moral and physical heroism on the part of the people of the loyal States, which alone .... that our national life was to be perpetuated, and with it the glorious institutions bequeathed to us by our fathers. The moral heroism of which he spoke was exhibited when the tocsin sounded that danger menaced the overthrow of the Government—when the preacher left his pulpit, the lawyer his briefs, the printer his types, the physician his practice, the merchant his counting room, the artisan his shop, the farmer his plow—in short, when the representatives of all classes and conditions of men in the North with one accord, animated by a single purpose, rallied around the good old flag, resolved to defend it against the assaults of armed treason or die beneath its folds. The physical heroism alluded to was displayed by the volunteer soldiers of the west, when through mud and mire, exposed to pelting storms of rain and sleet, they pursued their way seeking the foe, and, having found him, though three days and nights without sufficient food, exposed to incessant rain, they bore up against the iron storm hurled upon them by a merciless enemy, until, through persistent heroic effort, the victory was won, and the flag of the Union was unfurled from the ramparts of Fort Donelson. Gentlemen, I congratulate you upon the auspicious result. Humanity breathes freer. The fair form of the Godess of Liberty, but yesterday shrouded in gloom, emerges to-day clothed in robes of the brightest hue. We read in the lightning messages as they are flashed to us from the scene of the recent struggle, besides the glowing account of battles and of victories, the far more significant announcement that the Union is saved. But let us bestow our meed of praise for this grand achievement upon those to whom it especially belongs.—To the gallant volunteer soldiers of Illinois the credit is principally due. God bless her surviving sons, now in the field, and nerve their arms and inspire their hearts to the performance of still greater deeds. Let the nation rejoice; and to-day it does rejoice.—Everywhere over the loyal North the booming cannon proclaims the glad news—the united shouts of millions of freemen have swelled the glad sound into one grand acclaim of victory. Nor is that all. When the news shall be wafted to trans-Atlantic shores, and is heard by the nations of upon which the weight of despotic rule still rests, though it may occasion no outward manifestations of joy, millions of hearts will be lifted in silent praise to the God of battles, that the hope of future deliverance from the tyranny under which they suffer is left to them still. When also the news has penetrated to the thousands of loyal homes in the South, it will awaken similar emotions there. But in the midst of our rejoicings, we experience emotions of sorrow for the loss of so many gallant heroes, whose life blood was the purchase price paid for the victory won. Yet remembering the sacredness of the cause for which they died—that it is the cause of humanity, of constitutional liberty, aye, the cause of God—why should we mourn
"Whether on the scaffold high,
Or in the armies van,
The noblest place for man to die
Is where he dies for man."
These heroes died as they would have wished to die, battling for the right. Their memories will be cherished by a grateful people. Their names, too, will be inscribed upon the roll of the fallen brave—with those of Lyon, Baker, Winthrop and Ellsworth.—But in thus extolling the virtues of our volunteer soldiers, there is no desire to underrate the value of the services of our brethren of the regular army, though the latter seems to have but a limited part to perform in the prosecution of the war. Still, in doing garrison duty along our Northern frontier, and acting as provost guards in the cities of Washington, St. Louis, Baltimore and elsewhere, they are efficient, though Gen. McClellan evidently made a mistake in not attaching the most of them to his staff, so that they could quarter at Willard's. In this position they could be more vigilant in detecting any unlucky volunteers who might linger beyond the time of absence, specifies in their passes, in the city; and, if privates, arrest them and send them to the guard house; if officers, direct them to report themselves under arrest to their immediate commanders. It is true, however, that our brethren of the regular service have sometimes been disposed to be facetious at our expense, by intimating that, as volunteers, we have acted upon the motto,
"That he who fights and runs away,
Will live to fight another day!"
But we will forgive them. For seriously, whatever of success has attended the Union arms since the war begun, has been attained by the volunteers. Their record is before the nation and the world. Their deeds of daring, of heroic endurance, of toil and suffering, have been written thereon in characters of blood. It can never be wholly effaced. The volunteers have proven themselves, as you have expressed it in the sentiment, worthy to be ranked with the best soldiers the world has ever produced. In conclusion, permit me to say that it is meet that on this occasion we should gather around the festive board in commemoration of the anniversary of the birth of the father of his country—of the birth of him who contributed more than any other man of time, talents, money and heroic services to establish the glorious institutions the patriots of to-day are struggling to preserve. Let us here renew our vows of fidelity to that Constitution Washington loved so well—that was the crowning work of his life—that is the embodiment of the largest political wisdom ever attained by man. In emulation of the example of Washington let us labor for the accomplishment of the end in view, with confidence, fortitude and steady courage—ready at all times to perform our several duties cheerfully, or to make any sacrifices the service in which we are engaged may demand. We need no longer grope our way in darkness and doubt. The day is already breaking. The clouds which for a time have veiled the face of the sun of freedom, are rapidly passing away. Soon its rays will shine forth in all their former effulgence and strength. With treason overthrown and peace restored we will return to our homes to resume the quiet pursuits of peaceful life. Then we will contemplate with complacent satisfaction, as being indeed true, what the poet has expressed—
"We have a union of lakes, a union of lands,
A Union none can sever;
A union of hearts, a union of hands,
Around the flag of our Union forever."
May 6, 1863.
Let me try to tell you of a few matters that have passed under my own eye during the eventful week just closed—a week which opened with high promise of great results, but has closed with anguish to every heart that loves its country, and for all who look upon the trials of this army as the trials of the very North itself. I have already written to the Daily Reformer a detailed account of laying the pontoon bridges two miles below Fredericksburgh [sic]. That was on Wednesday, in the early morning. Two days previous to that the great bulk of the army, under (Gen. Hooker, had gone up the river to United States, Banks' and Kelly's Fords—scattered along from 8 to 24 miles above Fredericksburgh [sic]—and had crossed the river about the same time that the demonstration was being made below the city by the 1st, 3d and 6th corps, all under the command of Gen. Sedgwick. Without being too prolix let me say that a part of the force just named, under Sedgwick, crossed over and carried the heights back of the city on Sunday morning. The 1st and 3d corps had moved to our right and joined Hooker on Saturday afternoon and night. We took in the battle right back of the city, near 1000 prisoners, 17 pieces of cannon, and considerable ammunition and small arms. Sedgwick, instead of occupying and holding the forts and rifle pits which he had so gallantly taken, marched straight on to the assistance of Hooker, who had been hard pressed the day before, and needed all the aid he could get. At this time Hooker was near Chancellorsville, nine miles behind Fredericksburgh [sic], on the plank road running to Gordonsville. By this move of Sedgwick, his whole left flank was unprotected, and he soon found the mistake he had made, for four miles beyond the city, the column he was pursuing, (having doubtless been heavily reinforced by troops from the rear of the rebel army, lying partially between Sedgwick and Hooker,) turned and made a desperate fight, penetrating by a flank move on the next day, to Sedgwick's rear, and, before dark on Monday, completely cutting him off from communication with the city, and the bridges on which he had crossed. Of course the town easily fell into the hands of the rebels, but not until we had got out all our wounded and stragglers. From Sunday afternoon until Tuesday morning we heard no more of Sedgwick; but it now appears he was able to get to the river at Banks' ford, and at once crossed to the north shore, never having reached Hooker at all, and losing very heavily in the severe and almost continual fighting to which he was exposed during the time he was trying to connect with his chief. Thus within twenty-four hours we were raised to the highest pitch of enthusiasm by the brilliant exploit of capturing the works, and as suddenly plunged into the most dismal forebodings, when we saw Sedgwick disappear into the gloomy woods beyond the city, with the enemy pounding away at his left flank and rear.
In the meantime how had it fared with Hooker, on our right? He had worked back from the river some seven miles to the place I have named, (Chancellorsville,) where he had entrenched himself in a satisfactory position, and had issued his stirring telegram to the army, which promised a glorious success to our arms. But it now appears that a series of tremendous reverses have overtaken him from day to day; the most serious of all being the wretched cowardice displayed by the 11th corps, nearly all Germans, and formerly commanded by Sigel; and that at last after heroic fighting and deeds of great personal valor and courage upon his own part as well as by others, he has been compelled to withdraw his army, and is this morning (Wednesday) slowly moving across the river on his pontoons, sullenly fighting as he retreats. I am not able to judge of his losses, but believe them to have been very great—not less than 15,000 killed and wounded, and probably 8,000 prisoners, with thirty pieces of cannon. We have taken 3,000 to 4,000 prisoners, 17 pieces of cannon, and have undoubtedly killed and wounded more of the enemy than they have of us.
You understand me as speaking in the most general terms in all of the above. I have neither time nor inclination to go into details. Full enough incidents might be related to fill your paper. Great courage and capacity have been displayed by some troops and shameful cowardice and incompetency by others; which seems to show that the weeding out of officers gone into last winter has not been half thorough enough.
No ONE HERE IS DISCOURAGED; we only feel past down at the sudden reverse that has befallen the fine Army of the Potomac. We have not lost faith for a single moment in our commander. We believe that he has made a splendid fight. He has failed because he has had the whole Southern army to fight. From Charleston, from Richmond, from Suffolk, even from Murfreesboro, the rebels concentrated their forces, and they have out-numbered us nearly two to one.
The 35th were not in any of the fights. The different companies here have had their hands full with guard duty, and the other companies have been put into the line of forts between here and Acquia. The 94th were engaged under Hooker, but I do not know their loss. Osborn's battery lost several men and eleven horses, but brought off all its guns and caissons. The battery was under command of Lieut. Winslow, as Capt. Osborn is chief of ordnance for his division.
The grounded are being brought to this place for transportation to the different corps hospitals. These are situated between Acquia Creek and the line of forts guarded by a portion of our regiment. The locations are airy and healthful, and the poor wounded fellows will have every care that can be bestowed. There are very many slight hurts of the arms and legs, while many of the men are wounded past all hope of surgery. To illustrate the sharp work done by our braves when they charged up the heights back of Fredericksburgh [sic], let me give just two examples: Within the space of a rod square lay the captain, two lieutenants, the 1st and 2d sergeants, a corporal and two privates of a single company in the 5th Wisconsin, shot dead; and just beyond were laying three captains and the Major of the 6th Maine, shot dead. Yet so quick was the move up the heights that we lost not to exceed 500 killed and wounded in carrying them.
Now, more than ever before, has every good citizen a solemn duty to perform—to go straight on and sustain the efforts to put down the rebellion. Either we must put it down, or it will put us down. Can any true-hearted man hesitate what to do? But I fear that you have a few men among you who, will secretly exult over the disaster which has befallen this army; and lying newspapers in New York will not be wanting to spread the poison of disunion through all the ramifications of Northern society. If the North cannot take care of such people and such presses, it must expect to suffer all the evils that follow in the train of infamy and dishonor. If the masses at the North press forward promptly to the aid of the government, this reverse will soon be forgotten, and from it will be derived many salutary lessons, to guide us in the future.
The daily papers will give you the details. Don't feel discouraged over our losses. While we regret them, and mourn for the gallant dead, let us steel our hearts against any cry save that of justice for the innocent blood shed in this cruel war, brought on by the infamous machinations of that South which demanded universal control of the Union as the price of peace.
COL. JOHN G. TODD.—We notice that Col. Todd of Cazenovia, Madison Co., later of the 35th Regiment has arrived in our midst. We had expected to see him in this county before this, thinking he must be more or less interested in seeing the home of that gallant regiment that so often and so faithfully has followed him into the ranks of the enemy.
We extend to the Colonel a most hearty welcome in behalf of our citizens, and the members of the old 35th.
Prospects as to Mustering Out.
ELMIRA, May 23, 1___
To the Editor of the Cazenovia Republican:
Once more, after a lapse of nearly __ years, the 35th hails you from Elmira. We arrived here yesterday, and are now comfortably quartered in barracks on the ___ Ground. I suppose a short account of our trip might be interesting to you readers although, to-day being Saturday, I __ it may not reach you in time for publication next week.
Col. Todd succeeded in getting the regiment all together at Falmouth on Tuesday last, the companies from the other sta__ bivouacking beside the camp of the ___ wing. A farewell dress parade was ____ in the afternoon, at which Gen. Pa___ was present. It was the first time in four months that the regiment had paraded together, and as company after company formed on, swelling the line to nearly __ hundred, and all looking neat and tidy, __ felt prouder than ever of our old 35th. __ the concluding ceremony of the parade
when the officers march up in line to salute the Colonel, the General dismounted and delivered an earnest and feeling address to them, concluding by sh___ hands and bidding good bye to each. ___ remounting, he rode up and down the ranks , scanning the men closely, as ___ view, and then rode away, evidently pleased with our last parade, though __ tear that stood upon his wrinkled brow told of his sorrow at parting.
At 7 o'clock Wednesday morning the regiment was loaded upon the cars and transported to Aquia Creek, where we were taken aboard the steam transport "___tor," and started for Washington, where we arrived at about 3 P. M. Here we ___ with a very cheering reception. C___ Camp, of Co. K, who had been for a time detached as an Aid-de-Camp to ___ Martindale, had engaged a band of ___ and was in waiting at the wharf, to ___ with many other officers and men ___ regiment on detached duty and in ___tals. As the boat neared the wharf, we were greeted by music and cheers made the walkin ring. We immediately debarked, and as soon as the line co__ formed, marched to the Baltimore ___ preceded by the band. At the S___ Retreat, near the depot, we were ___ with a substantial supper, after which we shipped aboard the cars and were aw___ Baltimore a little before sundown. We arrived at the Monumental City at midnight, and marched through to the Harrisburg depot, where we were oblib…
The subscribers to the fund raised to provide for a reception to the 35th Regiment are hereby notified that they will be refunded the money by calling upon L. A. Johnson, at the "Great Wardrobe."
STEALING THE SYRUP OF LIFE.—Dr. Dunlap's Lung Syrup has become so desirable that "thieves break through and steal it. Sunday night his office was broken open and ten bottles of his genuine syrup stolen. A fair test of its popularity.
Sir—The enlisted men of the 35th Regiment N. Y. V. have called upon me to represent their present feelings towards you who have been so long identified with us. As the task rises before me, every hour of our military lives crowds upon my memory, your controlling hand. We remember your efforts in the organization of the regiment. Our identity as an organization is due to you, and we well remember how our hearts rejoiced to see an incompetent Colonel removed and you so unanimously elected in his stead. You soon raised us from an armed mob, as we were, to be a regiment to which Generals Pope and McDowell pointed with pride, and which they declared was the best in the field. Your instructions on the drill ground have governed us on the field of battle. But it is useless to enlarge.
The recollections of the past crowd upon us, and impell us to say to you that every act of your military career meets our approbation. It is true that you have enemies; but who are they? A few office-seeking and backbiting officers. We have watched them and know them, and we defy any man to point to a single engagement that they were in and performed their duties. Two of them have passed through the last stage of dishonor, and are struggling against the pressure of the serious charges and specifications that have been preferred against them. Let them pass. We can but commend them to the people of Jefferson county for treachery, dishonesty and cowardice.
In leaving the service, Col. Lord, we ask you to accept the justly merited esteem of the enlisted men of the 35th Regiment. The kindest wishes of their hearts are with you. You will also accept the beautiful pair of solid silver spurs. The gift is a small one, but from full hearts. Accept this as a testimonial gift in return for and approval of your entire military life.
William D. Staplin,
Private Co. C., 35th N. Y. V.
In behalf of the enlisted men of the Reg't.
BROWNVILLE, N. Y., June 10, 1863.
And the enlisted men of the 35th N. Y. V.—My Friends: I have received your letter and the beautiful gift you have made me, and I take the only medium offered me through which to acknowledge it—the Press of Jefferson county.
I hoped to be able to see you again in line before you separated to return to your homes. I could have told you then more than I will say now, for I cannot write that to pass under the eyes of those who have been so free in their expressions in regard to me as I would have spoken to you!
You have heard what has been said of me, and you have taken this opportunity to show your knowledge of the falsity on those things. I prize your gift far more than its money value. It is incontestable and rebutting evidence of men who served under me, and passed through nine different battles with me, against imputations which have been cast upon me. I prize it for that reason, and because it comes from you who have carried the musket. You alone can confer honor. I triumph in your respect.
What though those who have slept in beds of down and dined at sumptuous tables, when we dropped to rest by the roadside in mud and rain, or munched our single hard-tack, have and will cast scron [sic] upon me, because I left home and its comforts to beggar myself in the cause of my country—to face danger and death. I care not for them. You sustain me. I am content.
The machinations of cowardly, incompetent and dishonest men may follow me even farther yet. They do even now, for I had prepared to organize another command and go back to the field with you--to do as you asked, for I would do anything for you and with you. I am not able to do as you ask. Those men will not allow it. They will neither fight for their country themselves, nor allow you and me to do so. I have no power to overcome them. I have no political influence, and desire none. I belong to no party, and do not propose to have any politics until this unhappy war is over. I cannot go with you, and yet while this is so, do not allow my being compelled to remain at home to influence you who would otherwise return, from going to your country's aid. The cause in which you have been engaged is not the less worthy because such men can influence to its injury. It is none the less worthy because individuals suffer unjustly in its defence, nor because cowards and scoundrels are believed at our homes when they unjustly accuse.
I have suffered many attacks against my character to go uncontradicted, because I would throw no obstacles of a personal kind in the way to unite all true men in the cause in which our liberties are at stake. I can and am willing to suffer. I can suffer the slow torture of seeing you go back to the field without me, and of remaining at home if necessary.
Boys, I thank you for your gift, and for your manifestation of friendship, and in parting with you I pray God may bless you in all your future, whether as citizens or soldiers.
Truly your friend, N. B. LORD.
COMPANY E OF THE 35TH REGIMENT.—A correspondent of the Utica Herald furnishes these particulars concerning this Company which reached home yesterday.
It originally numbered 84 enlisted men. It has had 32 men added to it by recruiting, and comes out with only 43 men—a loss of 68 men, made up as follows:
Transferred, 25; killed in battle and died, 13. deserted, 7; discharged for wounds and physical disability, 23; total, 68.
It has participated in all the battles of its regiment, and has lost more men in battle than any other company of equal numbers in the regiment. The rebel flag captured at Antietam by the 35th, was taken by Stanislaus Berreaux, of this company. The flag is on exhibition at the Great Wardrobe Clothing Store in Watertown.
The final organization of the company was as follows:
Captain, John A. Haddock; First Lieutenant, John Budlong; Second Lieutenant, James H. Cramer; First Sergeant, Minor Moran; Second Sergeant, Henry Baird; Third do., Gustav Porst; Fourth do., James Camron; Fifth do., Thomas Farrell.
Most of the man will re-enlist. Capt. Haddock, it will be remembered, was dismissed from the army on the demand of Lord Lyons, for arresting deserters in Canada. He has remained with his company, however, to the last moment, in order that their muster-out might be satisfactorily completed, and returned to Watertown with them. The President has given Capt. Haddock a new commission as Captain, over his own signature, and he has been assigned to duty under the conscription act.
FROM the 35th REGIMENT.—This regiment was at Falmouth during the late fighting, but so far as we discover they were not engaged in it. The regiment is to be mustered out of service at Elmira, at the expiration of their term, on the 11th of June.
Capts. Angle and Spaldsbury, of the 35th regiment, were in the battle of Bull's Run on their own hook. They say that as they approached the rear of our left wing they met many stragglers, some of whom were injured, others only exhausted. They all inquired eagerly when the reinforcements were coming up, saying without them the battle was lost. "We can whip them," they said, "but we are tired out." Both Captains brought off honorable mementoes of the fight—Captain Angle a cavalry sword, and Captain Spaldsbury a horse and a bullet hole through his cap.
The Cazenovia (Madison county) Republican publishes a letter from the Thirty-fifth regiment, which shows the general spirit of the men, while especially complimenting the popular little Colonel N. B. Lord. We quote:
On Monday last, 18th inst. we had another review of the same force at Bailey's Cross Roads, which was brought to an abrupt termination at about 4 o'clock, by the arrival of a courier with information that the 14th regiment N. Y. S. M. (Brooklyn Chasseurs,) who were on picket between us and Fairfax, were being attacked by rebel cavalry. Our regiment, followed by the 21st, immediately started off on double quick, which soon increased to a run, and filed off into the woods towards Fairfax. Up hill and down hill, over logs and fences, through woods, and swamps, and brooks, and cornfields, without the trace of a path, we went, first on double quick, then on a run, and then, as we came to some almost impassable morass, sobering down to a walk. At one place, where we crossed a deep gully, we found one of the men holding the Colonel's horse. "Where's the Colonel?" came from a dozen at once. "He's ahead, with a musket on his shoulder," was the reply. His horse had refused to leap the gully, and he had dismounted, exchanged his horse for the gun and cartridge-box of a private, and gone on on foot. This little incident gave the panting soldiers new life, and, with shouts, they pushed on faster over the rough, rugged country. Thus we went for four good miles, occasionally meeting a frightened fugitive without gun or cartridge-box, and finally came upon the main body of the pickets, from whom it was learned that the enemy had disappeared in the direction of Fairfax, carrying off a few prisoners. So we had nothing to do but march back to camp, a distance of nearly two miles, where we arrived after dark, a little more tired than we had ever been before. This incident shows of what stuff the 35th is made, and gives evidence that she will not be wanting when needed. We all had our knapsacks and overcoats strapped to our backs, which added much to the fatigue of the march. I might mention that two of our recruits—Hugh Wilson and Samuel A. Tarbell, of South Otselic—who had never been in the ranks, but were present at the review, returned to camp, one and a half miles, procured each a gun and equipments, and rejoined the regiment just as we halted, anxious to participate in the fight. The N. Y. Reformer says:—It seems from an order from the War Department dated May 9th, that Captain J. A. HADDOCK has been dismissed from the service for "violation of the sovereignty of a friendly Foreign State, in arresting Ebenezer Tyler, deserted from the U. S. forces, and bringing him away from within the boundaries of Canada." The fact, while it reflects no discredit on Capt. H. shows that the authorities at Washington mean, if possible, to keep out of a quarrel with Great Britain. Tyler has been discharged from his enlistment.
Colonel Lord writes from the 35th regiment, that he yet needs 106 men to fill up to the maximum grade. The contributions of blankets, &c., from the friends at home, have all come to hand, and there are enough for the regiment. Dr. A. B. Harrington of Henderson, has just returned from the camp of the 35th regiment, and has deposited in Hungerford's Bank, at Adams, some $2,000, to the credit of different persons whose friends are in Company G of the 35th, and in Captain Barney's Company of the 24th; $1,800 has also been deposited in the Union Bank, Watertown, to the credit of different parties.
Thirty-fifth N. Y. Volunteers.
This regiment, commanded by Col. N. B. Lord, is beautifully located at Falls Church, Va. The regiment having been presented with a stand of colors, manufactured by Messrs. Tiffany & Co., of Broadway, and being highly pleased with the articles, have sent the following order, which speaks for itself:
FALLS CHURCH, VA., JAN. 7, 1862.
Messrs. TIFFANY & CO., New York City:
GENTS—Yours was duly received. The colors were obtained yesterday at Adams & Co.'s Express Office, in Washington. We have examined them. They suit us very much. We are pleased with them and think they are a beautiful set. In them you have done no discredit to your fair business fame. We order, and trust to your taste, to get us up a pair of United States flags as Guidons, without any dictation from us whatever, other than "35th Regiment, N. Y. S. V.," on the fly.
When they are ready, you will please send them to my address, per Adams Express.
Truly yours, N. B. LORD,
Col Com'g 35th Regiment, N. Y. S. V.
PROMOTIONS.—The following is a list of promotions, appointments, etc., issued from the Adjutant-General's office, of the 35th, 50t h, 97th regiments of infantry, an the 1st and 5th regiments of artillery. It will be seen that most of the changes have been made in the Lewis county battalion. In many of the other regiments the promotions are for bravery in the field:
Major John G. Todd, to be Lieutenant-Colonel.
Adjutant David M. Evans, to be Major.
1st Lieut. Charles F. Smith, to be captain.
1st Lieut. Albert A. Pitcher, to be captain.
1st Lieut. John A. Haedock [sic], to be Captain.
2d Lieut. Nathan N. Lord, to be 1st Lieutenant.
2d Lieut. John Cudworth, to be 1st Lieutenant.
2d Lieut. John O'Harro, to be 1st Lieutenant.
2d Lieut. John Budlong, to be 1st Lieutenant.
2d Lieut. Edwin Messenger, to be 1st Lieutenant.
Sergeant Seth A. Coolidge, to be 2d Lieutenant.
Sergeant Joseph C. Otis, to be 2d Lieutenant.
Sergeant John E. Pollard, to be 2d Lieutenant.
Sergeant Albert Kendrick, to be 2d Lieutenant.
Sergeant Caleb Slocum, to be 2d Lieutenant.
Sergeant Edwin D. Frink, to be 2d Lieutenant.
Sergeant George W. Wright, to be 2d Lieutenant.
Sergeant Jean Henri Keats, to be 2d Lieutenant.
THE 35TH.—A portion of this regiment have been lately mustered out of service at Elmira. Capt. Haddock with Company E. have returned to Jefferson ...
"HOME AGAIN."—A party of returned soldiers from the 35th regiment, Col. Todd's, passed through here yesterday on their way North to their homes. These boys had been mostly recruited in Adams, Watertown, and Theresa, Jefferson county. They were pretty lively fellows, and cheered heartily for McClellan. One of them, on being asked if he thought of going back again, said that according to his experience "there was a d—d sight more hard work than glory about it to suit him; but if the war must be carried on, he was emphatically in favor of carrying it on vigorously—with the men who vigorously advocated it."
PERSONAL.—JAMES G. CLARK, the popular singer and poet, has enlisted in the Jefferson county (35th) regiment. The depth of his patriotic sentiment is shown in the stirring poem published on the fourth page of this paper. That he can labor as well as sing in behalf of his country, is shown by his patriotic act.
Joseph C. Otis of Denmark, sergeant in Co. B, 35th N. Y. S. V., who has distinguished himself in many a hard-fought battle, has been promoted to a lieutenant-coloncy in his company. "Joe" has conducted himself like a good soldier since the war broke out, and his many friends will be glad to learn of his well deserved promotion.
CAPT. GEORGE W. FLOWER.--Unwittingly, in our issue of June 23d we located Lieut. KEATS in the wrong company.
At the battle of White Sulpher Springs, Capt. GEO. W. FLOWER commanded four companies and Lieut. CUDWORTH was in command of Co. C. As much can be said of other engagements in that campaign.
MADISON COUNTY CAVALRY.--Capt. John H. Keats, late of the Thirty-Fifth N. Y. V., has opened a recruiting office in Cazenovia, with the intention of raising a company for the Corning Light Cavalry, which is to accompany a cavalry expedition ordered to Texas.
It will be seen by his advertisement, that Lt. J. T. Reynolds formerly of the 35th Regt., has opened a law office in this village. He is justice of the peace, elected before the war. He well deserves the encouragement and patronage of our citizens.
Law Office.—Lieut. J. T. Reynolds, of the 35th, has opened a law office in this village. See his card. Lieut. Reynolds is also Justice of the Peace, having been elected before he went to the war. He is deserving of the patronage of the public.
In the Field Again.—The undersigned has a commission in the McClellan Cavalry, Col. N. B. Lord, commanding,—formerly Colonel of the 35th N. Y. Vols., and is authorized to offer large bounties to volunteers. For particulars see posted bills. Any one who may wish to take advantage of this rare chance can get all information by calling on my brother at N. Tunnicliff's store.
Pen Yan, August 10th, 1863.
COPENHAGEN AHEAD!—A correspondent writes: Our company is now nearly full, already numbering 70. This will be the first company from this county. The merchants and clerks in New York, formerly from this county, have offered a prize of $500 to the first company organized in this county. As ours is the first, it will of course take the prize.
The ladies of this place have made a beautiful flag, and it is now streaming from the spire …
—Col. Lord writes home from the Thirty-Fifth camp, that the regiment is in sore need of blankets and quilts. The government can not supply the army with these articles fast enough. The cold nights are coming on, and the warm hearted people of Jefferson will not see their regiment suffer. Articles may be forwarded to Mrs. J. A. Sherman's residence on Stirling street, or to Lieut. Haddock at the recruiting office.
—Inspector General Patrick visited the barracks at Sackets Harbor, on Monday, where the new Jefferson regiment is forming. The full number of companies, ten, having already been raised, it was expected that the organization would take place on Tuesday. But one or two of the companies has the maximum number of men enrolled, but from the indications, all will be filled in a few days.
—Lieut. James G. Clark, the warrior vocalist, and George W. Bungay, the popular writer, are holding war meetings throughout Jefferson county, to aid the 35th regiment.
—Another company of volunteer riflemen, raised in Watertown by Messrs. Tomlinson & Long, left that village for Sacket Harbor barracks on Monday.
The Second Jefferson county regiment will soon have ten companies in camp.
... NE 28, 1861.
The Thirty Fifth Regiment, Col. Browne, is to be mustered into United States service tomorrow. The Regimental Paymaster, Mr. Clark, (son of Col. Clark of Watertown,) passed through this city Wednesday, with over $12,000 received from the State authorities with which to pay off the 35th. Paymaster General Van Buren endorsed Mr. Clark's payrolls as the first correct ones received by him.
MCCLELLAN’S ARMY.—On Wednesday, Lieut. Col. Winslow, of the New York Thirty-fifth, (Jefferson county,) with a scouting party of 25, when four miles northwest of Munson's Hill discovered about a dozen rebel cavalry. He moved cautiously forward in the hope to capture the whole party, but one of the rebels, who was in advance, came upon our scouts and was ordered to surrender. He refused, and turned his horse to run. Lest he should escape and give information to a larger force of rebel cavalry supposed to be in the vicinity, he was fired upon and both himself and horse killed. Our men then retreated to our lines. The practice of shooting pickets has been discouraged by Sen. Wadsworth, and this instance was much regretted.
ELMIRA, N. Y., May 31, 1861.
The Thirty-fifth regiment organized to-day. W. C. Browne, of Watertown, was elected Colonel; S. L. Potter, of same place, Lieutenant Colonel; N. B. Lord, Major. Seven of the ten companies of which the regiment is composed are from Jefferson county. This disposes of all the troops here. Two more regiments have been ordered to Washington immediately. The 35th Regiment.—A dispatch in Monday's New York Times says, the 35th New York Regiment, behaved with great gallantry in Wednesday's battle in Maryland—called the battle Antitam. The Col. lost an arm and all the field officers were wounded except the Major; nine out of the ten Captains were either killed or wounded. The Times calls them "new levies," but we do not know of any other 35th New York Regiment, except the one raised in Jefferson and Lewis Counties. We presume it refers to Col. Lord's 35th Regiment.
Capt. Jno. A. Haddock, of the 35th Regiment has been dismissed from the service for "violation of the sovereignty of a friendly Foreign Power, in arresting Ebeneser Tyler, deserted from the U. S. forces, and bringing him away from within the boundaries of Canada.
General Hooker.
An officer of the 35th, writing home to his friends in Jefferson County, speaks of Gen. Hooker in the following terms:
"I believe that more than any other man in America, he to-day enjoys the respect and love of the soldiers. He is at last, the right man in the right place. When I see a commander-in-chief giving his personal attention to repairs or roads, and rebuking lazy quartermasters and commissaries for the non-performance of their duties I have faith that this army will yet be saved to win for itself fresh laurels on hotly contested fields. Gen. Hooker has been all through his lines, compelling the erection of ovens, that the men may daily have fresh-baked soft bread served to them, and giving token, in a hundred ways, that he is 'alive all over.' Give praise, oh newspaper men, to the General who remembers his private soldiers, and causes them to be treated like men.
WHEELER'S BATTERY.—Capt. Wheeler's Light Battery is progressing finely at present, and will soon have its complement of men. Lieut. Jack Pollard, formerly of the 35th N. Y. V., and Lieut. Kilne, have identified themselves with Captain Wheeler in perfecting the organization. Both gentlemen are well known; and will prove to be valuable accessions to the Battery.
War Correspondence.
Camp of the 36th Regt. N. Y. S. V. near Sharpsburg, Md., Oct. 1st, 1862.
Mr. Phillips—Dear Sir—The noise passed and smoke of the recent battles has passed away, and a comparative quiet reigns upon the fields of Antietam.—Since the 18th inst., our Division (Doubelday's in the absence of Hatch and King) has been encamped near the field of battle, in a grand old piece of oak woodland, where we have enjoyed for the time being, a rest, that even our industrious Gen. Patrick, seems to appreciate as he has not called for a guard nor ordered a drill. Indeed we were sadly in need of rest as our diminished numbers, but too truly attest having been on the march almost constantly for the last six or seven weeks, during which time our Regiment has been under fire on eight different days, including the fierce fought battles of Bull Run, South Mountain, and Sharpsburg or Antietam. We have, I believe, now present for duty some 330 enlisted men, and well, I can't name the number of officers present, but there are many more absent than present. Battlefields do not, it would seem, possess a charm for some of the officers and men of the 35th.—Never a man falls out on the retreat, but on the advance.—Oh! dear, how common it is to see men taken with the gripes. But now we have got well weeded and not a man but would approach the cannon's mouth at his officers bidding. I do not wish to speak unjustly of any one, but it is saying that which is known to be true that there are to-day, and have been for months, a set of men numbering thousands laying about Washington and Alexandria, who are paid for and should be doing duty in the field.
The wounded have been well cared for, the dead have been buried, and many of the dead horses have been burned. After the battles, citizens of the surrounding country came flocking in by hundreds. I saw some that come between thirty and forty miles on foot, many came from the land of Penn, and a broken gun, piece of shell or battered bullet seemed to reward their curiosity. Ladies swept the bloody ground with costly silks, in some instances I know to find that a loved-one had fallen. There are many incidents connected with the battlefield which may live in my memory to speak of hereafter. I will relate one now—a fair haired young man (an Orderly Sergt of a Texas Regiment) was stretched upon his side, his head supported by his left arm, in his right hand was the picture of a dark-eyed young woman, whose countenance was the most expressed of sorrow that I have ever beheld, in the case with the picture was a braid of hair, black as a ravens wing, whether wife, sister or a fonder title still,—looking at the picture, his eyes still unclosed, had darkened and in the attitude of repose, his limbs had stifend [sic] in death. This is but one of thousands of incidents connected with the battle of Sharpsburg.
We have the fullest confidence in McClellan, whenever or whenever he appears among the soldiers, he is greeted with cheers that come from the bottom. Of what is going on outside we know but little, but calculate to come out ahead every time hereafter. Capt. Angle is, and has been with us in the late battles, he is now enjoying good health and has the fullest confidence of his company.
I have just noticed that Gen. Wadsworth has received the Republican nomination for Governor of New York, could the 35th have a say in the matter, every man would go in for 'old Wad!'
Our boys are loud in the praise of Maryland, the loyal bearing of the inhabitants, its quiet, tidy and attractive towns with its beautiful valleys among which are those of the Monocacy and that of Middletown, which latter is one of the most beautiful (as viewed from the South Mountains) that I have ever seen—as compared with Virginia, Maryland is a paradise. We have seen and experienced too many hardships in Va. to see in it any beauties.
Yours Truly,
J. C. Otis.
P. S.—We are happy to learn that Edgar Willis is not dead as was reported, but in Hospital at Washington doing well, he was severely wounded and probably fainted, as one of our men says, that he fell back and died as he was getting off the field at Bull Run. Richard M. Billiags, one of our best soldiers, has died in Hospital, of a wound received at Bull Run. Joe.
Personal.—We have reason to believe that, a few days ago, we did great injustice to James Clark, by alluding to his connection with the 35th regiment. He never held a military commission. He was engaged for several months without pay, in recruiting for the regiment, with the understanding that he might join the regiment if he chose, and on joining would receive a Lieutenant's commission. He did propose to take the field with the regiment, but was prevented by a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs. The publication of his name as "1st Lieut. And Recruiting Officer," was made against his wishes. We are glad to make these statements, for we do not wish to do him or any one else an injustice. Our idea as to his connection with the 35th was derived from members of it, who naturally did not feel very aimiable [sic] toward a man whose name they s aw advertised a s an officer of the regiment, while they knew that no such officer had ever shared their perils and exposure in the field. We must still be allowed to say that we do not like Mr. CLARK'S singing or verses.
From the 35th Regiment.
Chaplain Merrill writes to the N. Y. Reformer as follows, in regard to the killed, wounded and missing of the 35th regiment. Col. Lord, commanding, during the late battles. Company B, was commanded by Capt. Angle, was raised in Copenhagen and vicinity:
The losses of the regiment during the late series of battles is 9 killed; 36 wounded; about 40 missing. Respecting the missing we cannot be very precise, as some are constantly coming in who we thought to be prisoners.
In Comapny A—Killed—J. A. Myers, by a shell. Wounded—Corporal C. Putnam, slightly in leg; James Madden, severely in face; W. C. Middleton, severely in leg; N. W. Stetson, leg broken.
Company B—Killed—Edgar B. Willis. Wounded—James H. Enos; R.
M. Billings, severely in side; Maurice Vaughn, slightly in arm; W. W. Mc-
Laughin, bruised ankle; H. Knowles, slightly in head; Alexander La Due, severely; ___ Myers, finger.
Company C—Wounded—George Seeber, died next morning; Corporal H.
Tasket, breast; Martin L. Willard, head; Levi Spaulding, leg; Richard S. Cummings, foot; H. P. Pierce, hand.
Company D—Wounded—James D. Celton, wrist. Missing—J. O'Brien,
Jerry Mahany, John Lober, Martin West, E. Latour, A. Thompson, Geo. Stiles, John Ashworth, Warren Taylor, John Russell, Michael Farrell.
Company E—Killed—Alex. Lynch, Martin Cone, Cuthbert Heslop. Wounded—A. G. Brown, severely; Linus Tift, William Pierson; Anthony Boylan, leg; W. Ryan, George W. Nevile, Thomas Gleason. Missing—Corporal LaRock.
Company F—Wounded—geo. Frazier, thigh; Corporal Draper, finger.—
Missing—John Gill.
Company G—Wounded—Corporal E. North, right hand amputated; Sergeant O. Staplin, severely; John Myers, slightly; Matt G. Babcock, severely. Missing—George W. Bauder.
Company H—Lieut. Messenger, slightly in the side; Corporal J. H. Courier, severely in thigh; A. Robbinson, shoulder; B. Brown, thigh; S. Hasseltyne, broken arm. Missing —E. O. Pierce.
Company I—Killed—Sylvanus Leasure, W. Dacy. Wounded—Capt. L.
F. Lyttle, slightly; W. B. Ray, severely; Nelson Burnside; Henry Robinson, arm. Missing—Peter Green, Cornelius Garrison, Helon N. Otis, Jas. Ratchford, Duane McNett.
Company K—Killed—W. Shelley, Oliver B. Stevens. Missing—Corporal Wilbur Alexander, hand; Corporal A. Foster, arm; W. Brennan, arm; W.
Bettinger, foot; C. Foster, hand; J. Patrick, arm; George White, arm amputated. Missing—George Allen.
This statement is as correct as I can make it. You shall be notified of any changes.
I would be glad to write to each of those who have lost friends in the late engagements, but time will not permit. Let them look to the Great Comforter for help to endure afflictin [sic].
George Sieber was the only one at whose burial I could be present; but all, or nearly all, of the dead have, I believe, been buried before this.
It is a cause of great joy that none of our regimental officers, and so few of our men, were killed, considering the severe contest in which they were engaged. The hair-breadth escapes were marvelous [sic]. Col. Lord's horse was shot while he was standing near him. Maj. Todd had a ball through his hat.—Lieut. Smith was saved by a diary in his pocket. Sergeant-Major Welles had a severe contusion on his breast, but without permanent injury. And so with many others. I am sorry to say that Welles had the misfortune to shoot himself through the hand on Monday. Bissell of Company G was also wounded in the foot in a like manner.
Our regiment is to-day not far from its old camp near Falls Church, but of course how long we shall remain we have no means of knowing.
Truly yours,
Chaplain 35th Regiment N. Y. S. V.
…town, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1863.
CHARGES AGAINST COLONEL LORD.—Our village has been full of rumors for the last few days of the arrest of Colonel N. B. Lord, of the 35th regiment New York volunteers, and the prospect of his being court martialed [sic]. That various charges of an aggravated character have been preferred against him, is no longer doubtful, as will appear from the formal indictment furnished us, and which we print, as the quickest and most satisfactory way of quieting public curiosity on the subject. Whether these charges are preferred from purely patriotic motives, or from a mixture of patriotism and ambition, or from other motives the sequel will only show. As jouranlists [sic] we give them publicity, as we do other matters of general or local interest, trusting that for his own reputation, the hope, of his friends, and the honor of the service, they will be all proven unfounded on investigation.
The charges, specifications and witnesses are as follows:
Charges and Specifications against Col. Newton B. Lord, Commanding 35th Regiment New York Volunteers.
CHARGE 1ST—Drunkenness while on duty as commanding officer of the 35th regiment New York volunteers [sic].
SPECIFICATION 1ST.—In this, that the said Colonel Newton B. Lord, of the 35th regiment New York volunteers, on or about the 17th day of March, 1862, while forming his regiment for taking up its line of march, was so manifestly intoxicated as to excite fears that he would fall from his horse, he being at that time mounted and swaying from side to side in his saddle. This at the city of Alexandria, in the State of Virginia.
WITNESSES.—KIEUTENANT [sic] ALEXANDER HULL, Quartermaster of the 35th regiment N. Y. V.; Lieut. E. J. March, 35th regiment N. Y. V.; Dewit C. Van Slyck, Surgeon, 35th regiment N. Y. V.; Capt. John A. Haddock, 35th regiment N. Y. V.
SPECIFICATION 2D.—In this, that the said Colonel Newton B. Lord, while drilling his said regiment on or about the 1st day of April, 1862, was manifestly intoxicated—so much so that his condition was apparent to the soldiers then being drilled; and when the said Lord, acting as Colonel commanding, ordered a charge to be made during the said drill, the men did not halt at the command to do so, kept on running until they reached their quarters, and many of them did not return to the drill that day, taking advantage of the condition they had seen the said Colonel Newton B. Lord placed, by reason of his into intoxication. This at the camp of the 35th regiment New York volunteers, near the 4th mile post from the city of Alexandria, Virginia, on the Leesburgh turnpike.
WITNESSES.—Lieut. E. J. Marsh, 35th Regiment N. Y. V.; Capt. John A. Haddock, . . . Sergeant ____, 35th regiment N. Y. V.; Maj. John G. Todd, 35th regiment N. Y. V.
SPECIFICATION 3D.—In this, that between the 25th day of April and the 17th day of June, 1862, the said Colonel Newton B. Lord, of the 35th regiment New York volunteers, was manifestly intoxicated at the headquarters of Brigadier General Rufus King. This at the Phillips House and the Lacy House, near Falmouth, Virginia; at Catletts Station, Va., and at divers other places in the State of Virginia.
WITNESSES.—Brigadier Gen. Rufus King; Capt. B. Chandler, A. A. G. to Gen. King; Lieut. A. A. Pitcher, late A. D. C. to Gen. King, now Captain in the 35th regiment N. Y. V.
SPECIFICATION 4TH.—In this, that the said Colonel Newton B. Lord, commanding the 35th regiment N. Y. volunteers, on the 2d day of January, 1863, became deeply intoxicated, and while thus intoxicated conducted himself most shamefully before his command, and others who were present. He made an indecent exposure of his person in the presence of a lady, and attracted the attention of regiments along the road where he was riding, so manifest was his drnnkenness [sic]. At the same time, and while upon the same ride, he rode his horse into a deep gulley, and was thrown from his back while in a state of beastly intoxication. When he attempted to dismount from his horse at his own quarters, at the conclusion of his ride, he fell headlong and lay helpless from drunkenness until he was aided to get into his tent. This at camp near Cottage Landing, Va.
WITNESSES.—Captain Sidney J. Mendell, 35th regiment N. Y. V.; Capt. J. P. Kimball, A. A. G. to Gen. Patrick.
SPECIFICATION 5TH—In this, that on or about the 3rd day of January, 1883, the said Newton B. Lord, commanding the 35th regiment, N. Y. volunteers, was so drunk as to be disqualified for duty. This at the camp of the 35th regiment N. Y. V., near Cottage Landing, Va.
WITNESSES.—Capt. A. Pitcher, 35th regiment N. Y. V.; ____ Lawrence, Hospital Steward, 35th regiment N. Y. V.
CHARGE 2D—Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, and highly prejudicial to good order and military discipline.
SPECIFICATION 1st.—In this that on or about Sunday, the 3d day of August, 1862, the said Newton B. Lord, Colonel as aforesaid, and then absent from his command in Virginia by reason of Surgeon's certificate of continued disability, and while the people of the neighborhood were passing to and fro the Church, did mount a horse, the said Lord than and there being in the undress of a Colonel of the United States, and rode the said horse into the barroom of a hotel, there demanding from the bar-tender a drink of brandy for both himself and horse. After drinking the brandy ordered for himself, the said Lord pulled a revolver from the holster of his saddle, and fired the revolver near the head of his horse. He then rode said horse out of the hotel into the yard attached thereto where said Lord again fired his pistol, and then rode the horse into and through the said barroom a second time, coming out upon the public street. Here the firing was again resumed, the said Lord continually spurring his horse up and down the street in the presence of a large concourse of men and boys, who had there assembled, attracted thither by the … ___ous and riotous conduct. This state of proceedings was continued near two hours in the heart of the village, which was then in the residence of the said Lord. Col. Lord, as another variation of his proceedings, drew his saber and then and there proceeded to demonstrate to the assembly the cavalry exercise on horseback—cutting and slashing with his saber until quite exhausted. This at the village of Brownville, Jefferson county, N. Y.
WITNESSES.—W. F. Parmerter, private in Capt. Gilmore's battery New York artillery; Clarence Parmerter, son of the above and believed to be in the same battery.
CHARGE 3D.—Cowardice and misbehavior in the face of the enemy.
SPECIFICATION 1ST—In this, that at the battle of South Mountain, Maryland, on the 14th of September, 1862, the said Colonel Newton B. Lord, commanding the 35th regiment New York volunteers, failed to execute the orders of his superior officer, Brig. Gen. Hatch, commanding a division, which orders were duly communicated to him. He manifested evident fear and trepidation and fell back to the rear of his command, thereby absenting himself from his command in the heat of the engagement.
WITNESSES.—Brig Gen. Hatch, Col. Walter Phelps, 22d N. Y. V.; Lieutenant J. W. Schenck, Quartermaster, 22d N. Y. V.; Capt. B. Chandler, A. A. G. to Gen. King; Geo. W. Flower, late Captain 35th N. Y. V., now living in Washington,
CHARGE 4TH.—Embezzling and selling government commissary stores belonging to the United States.
SPECIFICATION 1ST—In this, that the said Colonel Newton B. Lord, commanding the 35th regiment New York volunteers, on or about the 16th day of March, 1862, did sell, without a proper order for that purpose, certain provisions belonging to the United States.
WITNESSES.—William Taylor, of Falls Church, Va.; Dempster Doane, Commissary Sergeant, 35th N. Y. V.; Lieut. John Budlong, 35th N. Y. V.; Capt. W. W. Beckwith, A. D. C. to Gen. Patrick; Capt. John A. Haddock, 35th N. Y. V.
CHARGE 5TH.—Fraud, and signing a false certificate relative to his transportation.
SPECIFICATION 1ST.—In this, that on or about the 1st day of August, 1861, the said Newton B. Lord, then Major in the 35th regiment New York volunteers, did make and subscribe a false certificate, that he had not received transportation from the government in traveling from Brownville, N. Y. to Elmira, N. Y., when in fact and in truth the said Major Lord, of the 35th regiment N. Y. V., had been transported from Brownville to Elmira with his company, he then being a Captain in the 35th regiment N. Y. V.
WITNESSES.—Major Milton J. Stone, Paymaster U. S. A.; Lieut. Alexander Hull, Quartermaster 35th N. Y. V.
1st Lieut. Co. G, 35th N Y. Y.