14th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
FIRST IN THE FIELD.—The Citizens' Corps, (minus the few who are out of town taking leave of friends,) mustered at their Armory last night, were inspected by Brigadier-General White, the oath of allegiance administered, and the Company mustered into service for two years, if not sooner discharged. (April 23, 1861)
After this ceremony the numerous spectators were dismissed and the Company proceeded to the election of officers—it being necessary that the names of those elected Captain, 1st Lieutenant, and Ensign, should be forwarded with the muster-roll to Headquarters. The following were elected—the Captain unanimously, and the remainder nearly so:
Captain—James McQuade.
1st Lieutenant—Thomas M. Davies.
Ensign—R. D. Crocker.
1st Sergeant—John F. McQuade; George W. Cone; 3d, D. J. B. Marchisi; 4th, J. A. Curry.
1st Corporal, H. P. Perry; 2d, S. Stocking;
3d, J. H. Douglas; 4th, James Miller.
The names of the commissioned officers, with the muster-roll, were forwarded, and the commissions and marching orders are expected to-day.
The boys are all in fine spirits, proud of their officers, proud of themselves, and their only anxiety is to see that the reputation of the Corps shall stand as high in actual service as in the annals of parade days and musters.
—The Seymour Artillery Volunteers, of whom thirty-seven were yesterday enrolled, have chosen for Captain, LEWIS MICHAEL; for First Lieutenant, ALFRED SEARS; Ensign, EDWARD WARR. They will parade this morning at 10 o'clock in Zouave uniform. They propose to unite with the Corps in the same regiment.
Volunteers.—There are now six companies who take their meals at the City Hall. All persons who desire to furnish provisions will leave their orders with Commissary W. W. LONG at the City Hall, and not at Headquarters as here before. A large amount is needed for to-day; and probably for two or three days longer.
—Capt. H. R. LAHE, of Lowville, was in town yesterday morning on his way to Albany, with a full roll of seventy-seven Lewis County boys, to offer their services in the Volunteer Militia of this State. He is making an effort to get into the Corps Regiment.
—Co. E of the Corps Regiment yesterday elected the following officers:
Captain, M. McQuade, Jr.; Lieutenant, R. J. Cantwell; Ensign, Cassarinus B. Mervine; 1st Sergeant, D. W. Manning; 2d do. Patrick Sweetman; 3d do. Thos. Gray; 4th do. Geo. Higham; 1st Corporal, J. C. Eames; 2d do.
Geo. W. Lewis; 3d do. A. W. Clark; 4th do. Chas. Bradley.
Thirty-eight men of this Company, will leave for Albany at 10 o'clock to-day.
—A company from Norwich of seventy-five men, Capt. TYRRELL, to join the Corps Regiment, will arrive here this afternoon. They tarried at Hamilton last night. The Home Guard are expected to turn out as an escort, and to meet at the armory at the signal of three guns. It is expected the Old Band will furnish the music.
VOLUNTEERS.—Another Company for the Corps Regiment has been formed at Syracuse. Geo. WHITE went up Thursday and mustered them into service, and they elected SAMUEL L. Thompson Captain; HENRY GOSS Lieutenant, and GEORGE G. MORGAN Ensign. The Syracuse Courier announced that they were to go to Albany yesterday afternoon, but they didn't do it.
—Capt. M. McQuade, Jr., is again receiving recruits at the Utica Citizens' Corps Armory.
The Corps Volunteers at Albany.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:—
Since my last letter considerable excitement has been created in our midst, partly on account of the food which was given us, and on account of a row which occurred at the Adams House this afternoon. In regard to the provisions, the feeling among our companies from Utica had become quite strong, and Sunday evening it reached a culminating point. A squad composed mainly of Companies A and B, marched from our quarters to the Adams House, where the meals are provided, all resolved in their minds that if there was no improvement in the food, they would earnestly protest against any more of the same sort. All quietly sat down, but the supper was extremely unsatisfactory, and every man rose to his feet and marched out. It was a fortunate thing for Mr. Roessle, that our boys are advocates of law and order, and that it was Sunday evening, else he would have had a large lot of disabled crockery on hand; but the men held their tempers with commendable firmness, and only broke one plate and spilled a few cups of coffee. After matters had quieted down somewhat, Messrs. Roessle, Quarter Master Van Vechten, the steward, waiters, Albanians, etc., Capt. McQuade, and a number of the Corps and Continentals, went back into the dining room and held an earnest consultation together. Several speeches were delivered, addressed chiefly to Mr. Roessle, and their purport was that if he did not cease speculating on us Volunteers, sudden and decided action would be taken in the matter. Mr. Roessle said something in reply, but it was not extremely satisfactory, and the protestations were continued until Mr. Van Vechten assured us that we should hereafter fare better. To bind the bargain a dozen or so from Utica, sat down and had a good meal after the new style.
This morning the breakfast was miserable again, although better than it had been. All marched out again and paid for their meals at saloons and hotels. As a visible improvement had been made, all expected a very good dinner to-day; but while getting ready to march from our quarters to dinner, Capt. McQuade entered and informed the company that we would not go to dinner, as one of the companies quartered at the lower barracks had mutinied, broken everything in the dining room, pitched one of the waiters out of the window, breaking his leg, and severely bruised several more of the waiters. As trouble was expected, Capt. M. detailed a squad of thirty men, half from the Continentals, and marched them to the lower quarters on Broadway. Capt. McQuade was then given command of the lower quarters, consisting of the Adams' House, and several other large rooms adjoining in the same block, and mounted guard at the different entrances.
The company which had the row was one which arrived here Sunday morning from Owego, Tioga county, consisting of 77 men, with the President of the village, Capt. Catlin in command. They are a good company. They went down to dinner this noon, and in the course of the meal a difficulty occurred between one of the negro waiters and Capt. Catlin, the latter not receiving all the courtesy due him. The result was that Capt. C. knocked the waiter down, and his men resented the insult by "cleaning out" the whole establishment. They had become a good deal dissatisfied with the rations, and it took but a word to raise their blood, although the dinner provided to-day was very good indeed, consisting of baked beans and pork, potatoes, beef, soup, bread and seasoning. But they were excited by the insult given to their Captain, and they literally smashed everything. Scarcely a whole dish was left from a full set for about two hundred men. The tables were ripped up and overturned, windows broken, and everything turned up-side down. The three dining rooms presented a sorry sight after the row. Soup and water were spilled over the floor; meat, potatoes, tumblers, pitchers, mustard, pepper and salt, castors and broken crockery lay scattered about—an indescribable wreck. Capt. Catlin soon gathered his men and marched back to his quarters. Gen. Rathbun, Major DeForrest and Mayor Thatcher were promptly on hand, and Capt. Catlin was arrested and taken to a station house. His hands were badly cut by a knife which the waiter drew on him. He was also partially intoxicated, and when arrested was at the bar of the Delavan drinking a glass of brandy. He is not fit to command a company, and although President of Owego, he was so much intoxicated while drilling his men that he could not walk straight.
Neither our officers nor men countenance such proceedings as those of to-day, although they have felt very indignant towards Mr. Roesslle of the Delavan for not furnishing better fare. In justice to Quarter-Master Van Vechten, I would say that the dinner furnished to-day was such as no one ought to object to, and doubtless all would have gone off smoothly, but for the unfortunate difficulty between Capt. Catlin and the waiter.
The man whose leg is broken is the steward, Alexander Nichols. He has been carried home.
While I write, a strong guard from the Corps and Continentals, under command of Capt. Mc- Quade, is stationed at the quarters. No danger, however, is apprehended at present, nor at all, unless some new trouble arises, which is not probable.
Capt. Michel of the Seymours, was the recipient yesterday of a beautiful sword, presented by Oriental Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, of Utica.
Yours, for our country. D. F. R.
The Corps in Albany—No better proof is needed of the high estimation in which the Corps is held at Albany, than the fact that the Governor called on them to do guard duty and keep in restraint their riotous fellow soldiers; this, too __er the members of the Corps had of themselves __en much worse treated than the rioters.
The Corps Volunteers at Albany.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:—
ALBANY, May 1.
The military spirit is still alive here, and among most of the volunteers is growing stronger each day. Still the gloomy weather of yesterday and the evening before had quite a material effect on the spirits of our men, causing some of them to sit around on mattresses and benches and think sadly of the loved ones' at home, and the pleasant accommodations they had left to endure the hardships and fatigues, the uncertainties and tiresome detentions of a soldier's life. There were, it is true, some homesick ones. Nor is it strange, for the excitement and the pleasant weather which for a few days sustained the spirits of our men, are both gone, and they have only the amusements of the moment, or the strong sense of duty which impelled most of our men to volunteer in the service, to keep their spirits up. But with such dismal weather as we have to-day, it is hard for one to keep his temper and feelings in jubilant condition. Besides, much anxiety is expressed by nearly all to leave Albany and march to the seat of war. This state of uncertainty and suspense is decidedly unfavorable to a patient state of mind.
Quite a large number of troops are quartered here, and they are constantly arriving. The great heart of the loyal North at every throb sends forth a body of willing, eager patriots, ready to redeem the honor of their land, by spilling, if need be, their last drop of blood beneath the stars and stripes, and spending the last breath in a viva for the glorious old flag. Yesterday, Capt. Michael McQuade's company arrived from Utica, and are quartered in the same building with the rest of the Corps regiment. The company under command of Capt. Tyrrell, from Norwich, a re also in the building, making all together six companies. This forenoon we had a dress parade in front of the quarters, which was considered very good indeed. The men have had considerable drilling, and as a general thing are remarkably apt at learning the movements, both in the march and in the manual, although we have but very few guns at present with which to learn the manual. Next week, however, and perhaps before, we shall have both uniforms and arms, and then we will be ready for anything. I am unable to say when the troops from Utica will leave this town, but I hope it will be very soon. A short but thorough campaign would, I think, but suit the spirit of our men and the needs of the times. As far as I am able to learn we will probably go to Maryland or Virginia, there to hold the rebels in check, and prevent their base, tyrannical feet from defiling the free soil of the North. It will never answer to allow our free borders to be made the scene of bloodshed and rapine. These curses must, if they fall at all, be visited upon the ground of the traitor. They, and they alone should suffer from the blighting influence of the civil war which their rebellious arms have entailed upon the country, and in their own territory we are ready to meet the dastards , and mete out to them just and deserved punishment.
A little better satisfaction is given in the matter of victualling since so much excitement has been created about it. The food is still of the plainest character, and none too clean and delicate in its serving, but it is an improvement upon the old style—no thanks to Mr. Roessle, though. He was compelled to do better, or he would have had no soldiers to feed, since the Owego company, under Capt. Catlin, gave the mess room and its colored denizens such a dressing out, the proprietor of the Delavan has been conscious that the soldiers he feeds are not all base plebeians to be trod upon and insulted with impunity. None of us are sorry that Capt. Catlin of Oswego acted the part he did, for it has helped to produce better meals. Capt. C., who appears a perfect gentleman now that he has recovered from the liquor which heated his brain on the day of the row, expresses himself heartily sorry that such a proceeding should have taken place, and has since shown himself willing and anxious to redeem his name from the blemish which this affair cast upon it.
No complaint has since been heard of the behavior of himself or men, and in all probability there will be none hereafter.
The Burgesses Corps left here last evening. The Company numbered about eighty, of which number there was only one private of the old Burgesses Corps. This is rather a hard rub on the old Corps, who have always been considered so fine a company. Most of the officers are from the old company, making altogether fifteen members from the old Burgess Corps who have volunteered.
I know of no sickness among the Oneida county men. Our joker, Harris, was sent up to the Hospital, but returned yesterday, and gave a side-splitting account of his adventures at "the place," and how he got out. He was very lonesome up there, and could not bear to be separated from his company. His sickness was of short duration, but an account of what he saw and did would fill two columns; and it should be heard to be relished. More anon.
Yours for our country, D. F. R.
The Corps Volunteers at Albany.
ALBANY, May 2.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:—
The grand feature of our life in the quarters to-day has been a delicious lunch from Utica, directed to Lieut. Crocker, of the Corps. It came down this morning, in baskets—two good bushels of such edibles and niceties as our Utica ladies know so well how to prepare, and they were received with such smiles of welcome as can only rest on the faces of hungry and grateful volunteers like ourselves. We learned from a private source that the kind donors are young ladles of Utica, and from the same mysterious source we discovered their names to be Annie Peckham, Nellie Gillmore, Emma Cassidy, Sarah Reed and Emma Reed. We beg their pardon for publishing names, but a deed so kind and so gratefully received may not pass unnoticed. Had our lady friends looked in upon us when the tables were spread, and the boys seated around to eat the cold meats, pies, cakes, relishes, etc., which their hands had furnished, they would have beheld a pleasing sight, and one which would at least partially have repaid them for their trouble. All had expected to march down to the hated Adams House for dinner, but the sight of the fat baskets lugged in from the cars dispelled all thoughts of cadness, and threw over each and every face a glow as pleasant as the sunshine left after the passing shadow of a summer cloud. Tables were hauled into order, cloths, napkins, etc., spread, and the victuals arrayed in most tempting order. Then, without extended or tiresome ceremony, all partook.—The most extravagant expressions of satisfaction were made by all in regard to the "style" of the dinner, and unnumbered praises bestowed upon the fair donors. All unite in returning thanks for the kindness of their friends. May they live to see their loved land more than ever blessed, and all their friends returned to them with abundant honors and glory.
The sun again shines brightly to-day, and in conjunction with the good dinner from home, has put the best of spirits into the hearts of the men, and inspired them with new and stronger courage. None are sick, though some are ailing a little. Captain Harrer, of the German Rifles, is not well.
The prospect is good at present for the speedy completion of our Regiment. We have now six companies, and more are expected immediately. The rural districts are just awaking, and send in their contributions of tough and manly yeomanry by almost every train. Capt. A. J. Barney, of Belleville, to-day, reported a company of 91 men ready for action, and Capt. S. J. Mendell, of Adams, a company of 81 men.—Orders have been telegraphed to-day for the inspection of these companies, and they will probably very soon join us here. Capt. Michael McQuade, Jr.'s company has been accepted, as has also the Boonville company, under command of Capt. Miller.
To-morrow, I understand, we will be quartered at the Barracks, some two miles from Stanwix Hall. What our living will be up there I cannot say, but understand that we will not be allowed to fare worse there than we have here. Yesterday fifty muskets were sent to us, and with these we are drilling in the manual. If nothing happens to hinder, we will be a Regiment by the latter part of next week—then, ho, for the sunny South!
Yours for the country, D. F. R.
THE FOURTEENTH REGIMENT.—Yesterday's New York Times has the following:
The Fourteenth Regiment, New York State Volunteers, Col. McQuade, will arrive in this City at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. A very beautiful regimental standard for this regiment was furnished by Tiffany & Co., on Saturday, to the order of gentlemen of our city. It is of the dimensions proscribed by State military regulations—six feet by four and a half, and its material a rich, dark blue silk, heavily fringed in yellow. The staff is of lancewood, mounted in fire-gilt, tipped with a silver spear head, and so constructed as to fold together when not in use. The device of the flag, elegantly embroidered, represents the military arms borne by our New York contingent, the shield containing in one-half the State arms, and in the other the bars of the Federal coat. Over the shield is the State crest, the eagle perched on the globe, and beneath it a graceful garter inscribed Excelsior. Under this motto is the Regimental designation, Fourteenth Regiment, New York Volunteers.
The Fourteenth Regiment has been encamped some weeks at Albany. It is mainly composed of Oneida county men, Utica, Rome, and other towns of the neighborhoods contributing companies. One company, and one that is sure to be efficient, however, is made up entirely of stalwart Welshmen, whom the storm of war has seduced from their farms on the hill-sides of Steuben. The regimental roll shows ten companies, of sixty-four men each, with the officers and drum corps, making up the regulation number—seven hundred and eighty. The Colonel commanding is James McQuade, of Utica, till now Captain of the well-known "Citizen's Corps," of that city. The Lieut.-Colonel and Major went through the Mexican war. The above named company, which was originated in 1836, under the patronage and instruction of the late Bevet-Major E. K. Barnum, at that time situated in the regular service, at Utica, has long held a most honorable position among the independent military organizations of the State, and now volunteering for the war, worthily flanks a regiment, of which it has been in some manner the nucleus.
The Fourteenth is entirely made up of serviceable material, its members generally being well to-do specimens of the farming population of Oneida. The time it has been in camp has not only availed to insure a more than ordinary discipline, but likewise to provide all things essential in the way of furniture and general equipment, so that it is perhaps in better marching order than any corps as yet numbered in the Empire State quota. Two regiments from the same county have preceded it, by way of Elmira. Besides this, the same good county has already given seven commanders of regiments to the cause of the Union.
The Fourteenth Regiment will reach the city by Tuesday's morning boat from Albany. At the landing it will be received by some three hundred natives of Oneida county, now resident in New York. Since the programme of receptions and presentations has been under way, it may be remarked that such an astonishing number of Oneida-born folk has been discovered in our midst, as to warrant the belief that more residents of this metropolis are from that county than from any other in the United States. Measures have already been taken to form a permanent association of the New York sons of Oneida. The Marshal on Tuesday is to be Col. W. W. Backus, the first Captain of the "Utica Citizens' Corps." The regiment will march to the Park, where it will be reviewed by Maj.-Gen. Dix and the Mayor, after which the colors will be presented by Charles Tracy, Esq. Among the sons of Oneida in the escort, the City clergy will be represented by Rev. Dr. Burchard, Rev. Dr. Whedon, Rev. T. L. Harris and others; the legal fraternity by Judges Capron and Maynard, Wm. Curtis Noyes, S. M. Blatchford, Greene C. Brenson, Luther S. Marsh, Charles P. Kirkland, etc.; the editorial by Messrs. Porter and Wilder, of the Post; Eton Comstock, of the Journal of Commerce; Rowley, of Brooklyn; C. Edwards Lester and L. N. Fowler; while the less distinguished men of miscellaneous classifications are too numerous to mention.
Co. D. Fourteenth Regiment.—The company enlisted here by M. McQuade, Jr., as Captain, has been disbanded at Albany, that officer having previously resigned, as we are informed. Lieut. R. J. CANTWELL, on whom then the command devolved, feels aggrieved that the company should be broken up, and charges that it was done in consequence of pique and bitterness on the part of the Colonel towards himself. The body of the company join in the following card of endorsement of Lieut. CANTWELL:
BARRACKS, May 20th, 1861.
We, the undersigned, members of Company D of the 14th Regiment, under Col. McQuade, do hereby affix our respective names to the following statement, viz:
It having been reported at Head Quarters at Albany, and at Utica, "the place where we enlisted to serve our respective officers," reports derogatory to R. J. Cantwell; being members under his commission, we are taken not only with surprise but with indignation, to know that such a report has been thought of much less believed; and not only will we serve him here, but we are willing to serve under him as our leader in this war for one, two or three years, he being the only commissioned Officer who has stuck by us at all times, and under all circumstances, since we left Utica. We respect him as a true soldier, and a man true to himself, his country, and the men entrusted to his care. The balance of the Commissioned Officers will meet their just deserts by their own conscience, when they come to their "sober" thoughts, and think of their career since they left Utica.
D W Manning, his
A G Bice, James X Whalen,
Henry Reynolds, mark
John P Mason, John Patterson,
John C O'Neil, Evan Evans,
Thomas H Gray, John C Evans,
Owen Derley, Watt M O'Kenzie,
Job Mahany, John Hays,
Jas Devin, Charles H Terry,
Frank McGuire, John L Buchanan,
C S Mason, Harlow S Tyler,
George Clifford, John Riley,
N Fitzgerald, John M Howes,
George W Lewis, Gaius J Jones,
Richard P Prichard, Chas A Nims,
John Hompsom, John Sherman,
Joseph Mullen, C G Dimbleby,
Volney Eaton Waffle, John Dally,
William A Brown, Horace Chase,
Geo Higham, George Crawford,
George Ferguson, Peter Morris.
Joel Omans,
Card from Lieut. R. J. Cantwell.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:—
An article appeared editorially in the Evening Telegraph of the 22d inst., clothed in language more befitting a billingsgate pauper than an Editor or Correspondent, and was intended, as I have since learned, to be a reply to a card published in the Herald of the same date, over the signatures of forty members of Company D, denying the false reports that were being circulated, derogatory and defamatory of my character as officer of that company, which was voluntary on their part, unsolicited and entirely unknown by me until I received it, accompanied with a request that it should be published in the daily papers of this city; and as false reports were freely circulated through this city and at Albany, by Col. McQuade, and the few that comprise the body guard of that most worthy officer, calculated to injure me in the estimation of those unacquainted with the facts; and feeling under obligation to them for this testimonial of their kind regards, I caused the same to be published. I did not intend to give it further consideration, but as reports of a "bread pudding" nature were constantly reaching me from head quarters, I have concluded to state a few facts connected with camp life in Albany, and the manner in which business is transacted by the head and front of the 14th Regiment.
Firstly: I volunteered my services as a private in Co. A, or rather as a member of the U. C. C., before we left this city for Albany. Col McQuade told me that he intended forming a Regiment, and that he had a good position in reserve for me, and wished me not to accept any company office that might be offered. Notwithstanding this fair proposal on his part, after we went into quarters at Albany I returned to Utica on a visit, and while here was unanimously elected Lieutenant of Company D, without his knowledge or consent, and returned to Albany, after an absence of three days, with fifty-four as good soldiers as ever shouldered a musket. Immediately on my return I met Col. McQuade, who renewed his assurances, and with his patronizing air applauded my success.
In order that this company should be accepted immediately, and insure to him three more votes for Colonel, he promised to fill up the company himself on the next day, which he did with a few names of members from other companies, and the balance with names of volunteers rejected by the examining surgeon, that were remaining in Albany at the time. These men, as far as service in Company D was concerned, might as well have been John Doe and Richard Roe, for I am certain they never came under my supervision while in command of the company. Company D was accepted, although the handwriting of the "Colonel" was visible in the signatures of one-third of the names. This roll is now on file in the Adjutant General's office, and shows for itself. After he was elected Colonel, and had no further use of the officers for his personal promotion, he desired the company should be disbanded and distributed throughout other companies that were a few short of their complement. To this I took objection, and to which I attribute the first step towards engendering the displeasure of this self-sacrificing soldier.
After giving my individual attention to the wants of my men and to the labor incumbent upon me as acting Captain and Lieutenant, during my stay in Albany, it became necessary for me to return to Utica on business of importance to myself and office with which I had been connected for the past seven years. I met Col. McQuade and told him I desired to return to Utica for a day or two, as business called me there. He told me if I went I need not return, and his manner of speech was such as to convey anything but a friendly feeling with it, which I think was an assumption of authority and a step beyond the ridiculous. I came to Utica, leaving Capt. M. McQuade, Jr., in charge, transacted my business, telegraphed the Colonel that I would return the next day, which I did, and found that upon receipt of my dispatch, he had gone to the barracks and informed the commissioned officers of Company D that I would return the next day. These officers immediately resigned—wherefore I know not, unless it was the good position he held in reserve for me was promised them. He then informed the company that as their Captain and Ensign had resigned, and their Lieutenant had deserted, he, upon the authority in him vested, did then and there declare Company D disbanded.
Since then the position to which Ensign Merviue was to have been promoted has been given to John F. McQuade, (brother of the Colonel) and Ensign M. has been assigned a noncommissioned office. "Consistency! thou art a jewel." On my arrival at Albany I was met by the Colonel, and informed that Company D had been disbanded, and upon my demanding an explanation, was politely informed that if I deigned to address any conversation to his highness, he would "slap my chops," which, upon being invited to do, he ran up the white feather, and concluded that "discretion was the better part of valor," and this being Sunday, he probably betook himself to humiliation and prayer.
This is but a plain statement of the manner in which I deserted from the McQuade Regiment, and this, too, after the Colonel having told a gentleman from this city, in the dining hall of the Delavan House, that he did not intend that I should go with the Regiment in any form; that he could and did intend to disband Company D, and that I, having been Lieutenant, could not consistently go as a private, and would return home. This conversation took place two weeks previous to the disbanding of the company, which but shows a foregone conclusion; and for all this I am stigmatized as a deserter, a milk-sop, coward, public defamer, and writer of people's names—the latter probably infers to the roll of Company D, now on file in Albany above referred to. But the source from which these epithets emanate is unworthy of notice, and has been from its infancy.
I have thus far refrained from any allusion to outside matters connected with the affairs of the Regiment, but "when forbearance ceases to be a virtue," I will let the curtain fall, that the Colonel may "see himself as others see him. R. J. CANTWELL.
THE VOLUNTEERS.—The morning train from Boonville, yesterday brought down a splendid company of men, under command of Captain MULLER, numbering 89. They were headed by the Boonville Brass Band, who patriotically tendered their services as escort to this city.—Boonville turned out en masse to bid them farewell; Hon. RICHARD HULBERT made a soul-stirring speech, and Mr. CHARLES WHEELOCK presented each man with a copy of the Testament—earnestly recommending its daily use.—The generous ladies of Boonville have volunteered to furnish the whole company with shirts, which will be sent to Albany. On their arrival in town they marched to the Corps' Armory, were inspected and sworn in by Gen. WHITE, after which they elected officers. The following is the roll of officers and men:
Captain, Chas F Muller 4th Sergeant, Geo Pike
1st Lieut, Wm A Rowen 1st Corporal, E H Sawyer
Ensign, Delos Cramer 2d Corporal, Myron Blake
1st Sergeant, Geo E Buss 3d Corporal, J Hanserman
2d Sergeant, Wm Yule 4th Corporal, Luke Jones
3d Sergeant, Chas W Seeley
J W Bateman Chas C Johnson J Tweedle
J Otis Butts Robert M Jones Newton J Titus
Karl Batemann John Kirchner A M Van Antwerp
Albert Badou John Loren Richard Vickers
Byron S Bonney Wm Leo Cephas Wood, Jr.
Peter Benson Philander Lane Peter A Waggoner
Wm Barker John W Miller A Walter
Jacob Beebee W W Mather Hiram Whitney
Elijah M Brown Geo W Semmers H Wheeler
Richard Cark Livingston Meeker Aaron Woodcock
William Cark Joel A Merrills Albert Walker
William Clancey Mathew Maloney Wm Yule
Leonard Doig Israel L Mullens Robert Yule
Delevan Devoe C Manning M Obercitzer, Jr.
John Dennis John O'Brien H Griffith
Alex De Peyster Geo Pike John A Gronk
Alex R Edgehill John H Putham Daniel Sullivan
John Farrell C N Phelps Geo E Blake
Charles Francis Newton _hilbrich Geo Widington
Clinton G Grant H H Rockwell Harry W Sedrance
Miles Gookins James Ryan Geo Klink
Edward Galvin Wm Radley Geo Phelps
Wm Hinton Wm A Rowan Wm J Williams
Ezra T Hartley Geo Ransher J W Bellinger
Wm Hubbard F Rathka Henry Clark
Edwin Higby T Shultz John Joslin
Jacob Hanserman D S Stanbury C Seeley
James H Jackson
They left for Albany on the 4 P.M. train where they are to join the Corps Regiment, and be known as Company G. The Home Guard turned out in respectable array and escorted them to the Depot, where their departure was witnessed by a large crowd.
BATAVIA, May 15, 1861.
The third company of volunteers from Genessee county, commanded by Capt. W. L. Cowen, left here at six o'clock P. M. for Albany.
The Fourteenth Regiment.
ALBANY, May 21st, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:—
Much to the disappointment of all interested in the 14th Regiment, H. W. Slocum declined the office of Lieutenant Colonel, to which position he was elected last week. The cause of his declination was a previous appointment as Colonel of one of the Elmira Regiments. A second election was held yesterday morning, and Major Skillin elected Lieut. Colonel, and Lieut. Charles B. Young, of New York, Major. The capabilities of Lieut. Col. Skillin are well known. He will make a good and faithful officer. Maj. Young served as Lieutenant in the New York Mexican Volunteers, under Col. Henry S. Burton, and in that position distinguished himself as an officer. He was thirteen months in actual service on the Pacific coast, his detachment being the only one that saw service in that quarter. During the campaign, Major Young occupied responsible positions, and in all cases discharged his trust satisfactorily. He was Adjutant of his Regiment during the last eight months of his service. All seem satisfied with the choice which has been made, and I doubt not that Major Young will prove himself worthy of the honor conferred on him.
Only part of our uniforms have as yet been received. Quartermaster Bates, by driving matters, has secured the first that will be ready.—The uniform will probably consist of a gray jacket and overcoat, light blue pants, and blue fatigue cap. It makes a neat and durable uniform, but if the gray suit is decided upon, it will be several days before all the uniforms will be ready, as but few have been manufactured.
The staff officers will be sworn in to-day.
Chaplain Hewes preached last Sunday evening at the Green Street Church. His sermon was patriotic, and listened to by a large number of volunteers. Port-Chaplain Rogers, of this city, preached at the barracks Sunday afternoon.
The members of Company A wish to acknowledge the receipt of a large and delicious invoice of provisions from their friends in Utica, Whitesboro, Oriskany, etc.
Capt. Brazie, of Company B, was last week the recipient from his friends in Utica, of a large and beautiful ornamental fruit cake, with his name inscribed upon it. It was as agreeable to the taste as to the eye. While we remain in Albany, our friends are not likely to forget it.
As a general thing the men are enjoying good health; and if any should be unwell, they will be well cared for by our surgeons, Churchill and West, who are here ready to render medical aid to all who require it.
We have not yet received marching orders, and the probabilities are that our Regiment will remain here several weeks.
Yours for our country, D. F. R.
Banner Presentation to the Fourteenth Regiment at Albany, Yesterday.
ALBANY, May 24.
By Telegraph to the Utica Morning Herald:—
The barracks was a scene of excitement today. The 14th Regiment, for the first time, made a dress parade from different points. The suit is a very dark blue, and consists of overcoat, jacket and trousers, with woolen underclothes. After the dress parade, before the companies were dismissed, Messrs. BARNARD and LANE, in behalf of the ladies of Utica, presented Col. MCQUADE the. magnificent banner we have been hearing so much about.
Judge SMITH of Utica, accompanied the presentation with a speech, short but eloquent, and brimming with patriotic sentiments. Colonel MCQUADE, in behalf of the Regiment, gracefully thanked the fair donors, and gave his pledge that it should never fall into the hands of the enemy. The banner was unfurled and floated in the stiff, south wind that was blowing at the time. So will it wave in every southern breeze, while ever borne by the, 14th, determined, carrying with it the undisputable prestige of right, freedom and victory.
A goodly number are present from Utica—among the ladies, Mrs. JAMES MCQUADE. Immediately after the banner was presented, Cos. A and B marched to the front and faced center of the line, when Hon. A. HUBBELL presented Capt. BRAZIE and Lieut. DAGGETT, of Company B, each with a handsome sword, from their friends in Utica. The presentation was accompanied with appropriate remarks both by the donor and recipients. All then assisted in singing the Star Spangled Banner at the conclusion of which Col. MCQUADE proposed three cheers for the ladies of Utica, and forth they came, so loud and hearty that they might have terrified the whole host of Southern traitors and assassins. Rousing cheers were also given for Gen. RATHBONE, the Colonel and the flag.
During the parade the news arrived of Col. ELLSWORTH'S death by assassination, the aggressive movements into Virginia, and that the 14th would probably soon be ordered to the seat of action. The former part of the intelligence caused all hearts to burn with just indignation, and a deep desire to punish the dark crime while the latter was hailed with joy, and every one expressed himself ready to march on the morrow, if necessary. The death of Col. ELLSWORTH is the general subject of conversation here to-night, all surmising a terrible vengeance at the hands of his Fire Zouaves.
Very important military dispatches are expected from Washington to-night. I would not be surprised if we were ordered to march to Washington tomorrow.
Yours for our country, D. F. R.
The Fourteenth Under Orders.
ALBANY, June 13.
Col. McQuade's and Col. Jackson's Regiments, stationed at the Industrial School Barracks, have received orders to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moment's notice.—They are anxiously awaiting the order for departure.
THE FOURTEENTH REGIMENT ORDERED TO THE SEAT OF WAR!—The following is a dispatch received by T. R. McQuade, Esq., last evening. The precise time of marching is not given, but it will be soon:
ALBANY, June 13th, 1861.
The Fourteenth Regiment having been ordered to proceed at once to the seat of war, all furloughs are hereby countermanded. All members must report at Headquarters before Friday, June 14th, at four o'clock, p. m., or be treated as deserters. By order,
DEPARTURE OF THE FOURTEENTH.—At three o'clock yesterday afternoon, Col. MCQUADE'S Regiment left the Industrial School Barracks, where they have been so long pining in restless inaction. They were escorted by Company B., and the Cadet Zouaves, of Albany, and by a hundred or more of Uticans, and numerous citizens from other localities which have furnished companies for the Fourteenth. The people of Albany turned out by thousands to witness the military display, and cry huzza to the brave departing soldiers. The Albany Journal says of the appearance of the troops: "In their dark blue uniform and full accoutrements, with their new muskets, and soldierly bearing, they looked formidable, and massive. Col. MCQUADE has a noble command, and he will lead it bravely to battle.
Fourteenth Regiment at the Seat of War.
The following clever and interesting letter, reaches us under the frank of Congressman Van WYCK, of this State:
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Premising that you have heard all about our reception in New York long ere this, I will omit any description of it, save to say that it was flattering and agreeable to all interested in the Fourteenth. We are now in Washington.
… on the course of the Fourteenth from New York to Washington. We left the metropolis at half-past 3 p. m. Tuesday, rushed at the heels of the iron horse through the classic regions of New Jersey, passing Princeton; the lordly Delaware; Trenton, where the haughty Hessians yielded to a handful of frozen, foot-sore, but God-protected patriots led by our country's Father; past Bordentown, made memorable as the residence for many years of Joseph Bonaparie and other eminent Frenchmen; and passing within sight of William Penn's former residence, on the opposite side of the river. Our route through Jersey is full of historic interest, and at least one of the party enjoyed the ride. The country, especially the lower part, is very fertile and well cultivated, the cars running for miles through luxuriant clover eadows, thrifty peach orchards, and thick waving grain fields. It is a great country, too, for vegetables, supplying the New York and Philadelphia markets with early luxuries.
It was near 9 o'clock when we arrived at Philadelphia. The men were fatigued, hungry and thirsty, and expected to remain so till they reached Washington. But such was not the idea of the ladies of the town. The moment we reached Camden, a signal was given, and forthwith tables were spread in a building fitted up for the purpose close by the depot, and the entire regiment feasted on delicious ham sandwiches and coffee, dealt out mainly by ladies, who manifested the utmost interest in the welfare of the men. In return, the men gave cheers upon cheers for the ladies and philanthropic men of Philadelphia. And this is not a single case.—Every regiment that passes through the city, at whatever time of night or day, is served in the same manner by these patriotic ladies. Let Philadelphia be remembered as filled with men and women whose hearts are gushing with kindness and good will, and whose hands are ready to obey their noble impulses. Remember Philadelphia! The supper was not all. While the men were refreshing themselves, an immense crowd had gathered along the railroad, all apparently eager to say a word of cheer or speak a goodbye. In this crowd the women far outnumbered the men, and were perfectly enthusiastic. It was after 12 o'clock when the long, heavy train started out of the depot, and then came a scene which is only paralleled by the parting scene at Utica, yet of a different nature. In this there were no tears shed—all was wild enthusiasm.—The moon shone brightly in a scene that more resembled some eastern carnival that the departure of a regiment of volunteers. At one end of the train a chorus of our vocalists were singing national songs, surrounded by a crowd of pleased listeners; at the other end, where the men were getting aboard, ladies were giving away aprons, handkerchiefs, pin-cushions, and all sorts of mementoes for the men to bear with them as keepsakes, and asking no remuneration therefor, only to be remembered by the recipients. Kisses—I never saw the market so easy in all my experience. They were given away as if valueless. For full half an hour some of our men, forgetful of past vows, received volley after volley without filtering or showing any signs of discouragement. Our gallant Major—who, by-the-bye, is the most "gallant" Major alive—proved himself a man of iron endurance by attending to at least a hundred "fair ladyes." When at last the train moved away from the depot, it had to slowly plow its way through the surging mass of men and women that heaved back and forth with extended hands and vociferating throats. The side of the train fairly bristled with extended arms grasping hands that were reached in hundreds up for a parting shake. It seemed as if the road was lined for miles with people awaiting the pas-sage of the train. Cannon were fired all the way along through Philadelphia, and not a rod was passed that was not alive with fluttering handkerchiefs and resonant with ringing cheers from stentorian lungs. All this excitement, be it remembered, was between the hours of 12 and 1 in the night, and in a city where regiments are constantly passing through. Is there not something of the French in the American character, which only required such a war as the present to be developed? Where else such outbursts, save in France or America? And who shall say their names will not be synonyms of military power.
About 9 o'clock Thursday we approached the famous town of Baltimore. The first noticeable objects after leaving Havre de Grace, were Federal pickets, mounted and on foot, stationed along the railroad; then wrecks of burned bridges and locomotives, destroyed by the secessionists before driven away by the Federal arms; deserted residences; scattering negroes, who timidly cheered us as we passed along, lifting their hats with an air that said they would if they dared. Very slowly our train entered Baltimore, cheered as it came in by all who had pluck enough. Passing one immense iron foundry, the whole party of workmen came out in their red flannel shirts, and swinging their brawny brown arms in the air, gave cheers, long and lusty, for our regiment. Ah, those dusty, work-begrimed faces, with eyes that burn like the furnaces they rule, there is no mistaking them. They were not born and reared among the vaunted chivalry of the South; their muscles are hardened till they rival the tempered steel, and could smite a Beauregard dead at a single blow; but one of their hearts bums with more true chivalry than could be sifted out of all secessiondom. They were not afraid to show their colors any more than a lot of sailors whom we passed shortly after, as they stood aboard their vessel and held aloft the stars and stripes, cheering us with true sailor heartiness. But as we neared the center of the town, passing between rows of dirty houses, the windows of which were crammed with forlorn looking women and myriad children of all colors, some shouting for Jeff. Davis, and others for the Regiment, all signs of either approbation or dislike gradually diminished, and we were viewed in silence by a ragamuffin crowd. It is very likely that the white tents of the Federal troops encamped within sight of the depot, had much to do with the quiet of our reception in Baltimore. The Regiment was soon formed in regular line, and with drums beating took up its march through Baltimore for the other depot I could not help contrasting our reception in Baltimore, with the one at Philadelphia the previous night. Here, not a word was spoken. All the way to the depot we were followed by a large crowd, but not a cheer for the Flag or the Regiment. Surly looking fellows, whom I took to be "plug uglies," kept close to the line of march, eyeing us all the way with a regular hangdog scrutiny, as if calculating how many thousand of their tribe it would take to whip us. Once in a while a man would step to the ranks and inquire what Regiment this was, but all the way prevailed the same ominous silence. No "stars and stripes," nor flags of any sort, no cheers for either side, but all the way through a silent scrutiny of our men. We were not molested in any manner, but I have not the slightest doubt that were the Federal troops withdrawn, a Northern regiment would have to fight its way through Baltimore. It is the sink-hole of villains and treason-working traitors, and should be treated as one of the enemy's strongholds. Once through the vile town, we sped on our way rejoicing, yet hardly realizing, that we had really passed through Baltimore. From Baltimore to Washington, scarcely a mile of ground was passed that did not reveal a camp of Federal troops, their white tents shining through trees, cresting hilltops and spotting valleys. We reached Washington about 1 o'clock.
On reaching Washington we discovered that Quartermaster Bates had secured a temporary camp on the grounds of President Lincoln, close by the White House, and to this delightful spot the Fourteenth was at once marched. This was a special favor, for which the Regiment is indebted to Mr. Bates, and to the same energetic officer they are also indebted for an extra good supply of camp equipage and for their present magnificent camp ground.
By 7 o'clock in the evening, the Regiment being sufficiently rested, and having been inspected by President Lincoln, marched out of the city about one mile to the place where we are now encamped. We are delightfully located in a wood, on the southern slope of a hill, on the grounds of Col. Stone, a burly, clever man, with a large leghorn hat. This is the same ground occupied by the New York Seventh at one time, and has become interesting from being the scene of a skirmish in the early part of the war. A small brick dwelling on the ground is full of bullet marks, and the trees in some parts of the wood are also marked with bullets. On the grounds is a fine spring with a pump, which supplies the Regiment with excellent water—a very good thing in camp life. We are surrounded by Regiments. Our nearest neighbors are the Ninth N. Y. City Regiment, the Eighteenth New York, a Maine Regiment, an Ohio Regiment, and Col. Christian's Regiment, the Twenty-
Sixth, which later arrived to-day from Elmira. Half-a-dozen other regiments are within sight, but I have not learned where from as yet.
Could some of our Utica artists who have a particular eye for the picturesque but look in upon us, they would find ample employment for pencil or brush, and perhaps for their cacchiunatory muscles. The encampment taken as a whole—the white tents mingling with the deep green of the trees above and around them—is striking, (no pun) and romantic, but once descend into details—once get a clear, microscopic view—and the enchantment vanishes, or at least assumes another form. Could some of our Utica friends behold some of their Fourteenth friends huddling about the Quarter-Master's Provision Depot, and finally, in triumph lugging off a chunk of salt pork or beef, they would, I think, be more struck with the novelty than the romance of the sight. Yet they might well envy us the appetite with which said salt beef or pork is eaten, cooked not quite so delicately as Utica kitchens were wont to prepare us food. All sorts of men are turned cooks. Even your humble servant had the honor of making some beef steak and a cup of tea, to-day, which were pronounced "good" by Surgeon Churchill and Major Young. So I am vain enough to imagine that I could "keep a hotel," under certain circumstances. It is astonishing how proud it makes a man to feel that he can cook a meal of victuals in good style. The best man in the Regiment is he who can best handle a frying-pan, with a steak in it. As a general thing, I believe, the men get along well cooking their own rations, though there are some grumblers, as there must be for variety. The allowance to day consisted of fresh beef, with a small bit of salt pork, bread, coffee and sugar, and salt. Those who have any money can for a few pennies buy enough luxuries to make a very nice meal, and those who live on the bare rations ought not to lose flesh.
The secessionists are but a few miles from here, and we hear daily rumors of their movements across the river. To-night, however, on dress parade, more serious news came. An aid of General Sandford, Col. Hamilton, rode up on a panting horse, while the Regiment was on parade. He brought intelligence that Beauregard was approaching Washington with 20,000 men. Orders were given for the Regiment to hold itself in readiness to march on five minutes' notice. Should such an order come, not a man will be found unprepared or unwilling.
Some excitement was created to night in the camp by the report that a spy had got into the camp, and had been inquiring into business that did not belong to him. He went into Captain Thompson's company, and that officer, suspecting something wrong, called a guard and ordered his arrest, but before the guard arrived the illustrious stranger had vanished. Every effort was made to find him, but he was gone entirely. The camp is on the alert, and double guard is posted. Scouts are busy on every hand, and just this moment a party passed my tent, in the moonlight, remarking to the sentinel that there was a spy somewhere in the camp, and cautioning him to keep special watch. I only hope they'll catch the sneak. It really begins to look like war.—We are prepared.
The weather was very warm yesterday—thermometer up to 100; but the men did not suffer much. The nights are glorious. The moon is full, and such a scene as it shines on here is perfectly enchanting. There is just excitement enough in camp to make one wakeful, and the night is so lovely that he cannot regret his wakefulness. Several times to-night (it is now midnight) I have heard sentinels discharge their pieces in neighboring camps, whether from real or fancied danger, I know not. It sounds like the "rude alarm of war," whether it be or not.
Yours, for our country, D. F. R.
"D. F. R.'S Spy Caught."
See Our Letter from the Fourteenth, on the Preceding Page. WASHINGTON, June 24.
A detachment of the New York 14th Regiment arrested a spy this morning, who had full details of the number of troops, position and strength of the batteries around Washington. There was also found upon him a sketch of a plan of attack upon the city. He had the position of all the mounted cannon in the city.
The scouts of the New Hampshire 2d Regiment wounded a man this morning, who was approaching the lines, and observing carefully the position of the camps and batteries. He pretended to be unable to speak English at first, but recovered his knowledge of the language as soon as he was shot.
Another dispatch says:
Several members of the New York 14th Regiment to-day arrested a suspected spy, among whose effects at the boarding house were plans of camps on the Virginia side, the position of batteries and the number of troops, and other valuable information. He was turned over to the military authorities.
Utica Morning Herald
and Daily Gazette.
The Fourteenth Regiment at Washington.
WASHINGTON, D. C., July 8, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
The Fourteenth Regiment, Colonel James McQuade commanding, is at last fairly settled in camp; and now that it is "at home," is not only ready but anxious to receive "calls." Not a man is here who does not long to hear the order to march into Virginia sounded. Leaving out the "panics," for which our regiment is unrivaled, life begins to grow monotonous. All wish a change, and I imagine no more welcome sound could break on the ears of the majority of us than the midnight booming of the three alarm guns, summoning every soldier to arms, and perhaps to bloody tussle with the rebels. We have attained such a state of discipline and daring that the littlest man in camp can look and laugh "grim-visaged war" in the face.
At present the attention of the men is mainly devoted to the question of rations—a question, too, of large importance, and upon which very much might be said. I will, however, enter into detail only so far as to give the bill of fare furnished by the U. S. Government. I copy it from the printed regulations issued this campaign to the Subsistence Department by Simon Cameron, Secretary of war, It may be of interest to those desirous to know just how their brothers, sons or husbands are faring. The following is the daily ration allowed to each man: Of pork, 12 ounces, or of beef 1 1/2 lbs.; bread, 1 lb.; of beans, 64-hundredths of a gill, or rice 1 ounce and 6-tenths, or dessicated potatoes 1 ounce and 5-tenths, or prepared mixed vegetables 1 ounce; coffee, 1 and 6-tenths ounces; sugar, 2 and 4-tenths ounces; vinegar, less than half a gill; about one-half an adamantine candle; 64-hundredths of an ounce of soap; 16-hundredths of an ounce of salt. Tea is allowed on special requisition, and fresh beef not less than two days in a week, nor more than five. Such has been the draft on Government by troops, that often even these articles could not be furnished when needed by the regiments. In the basement of the Capitol, huge ovens are kept hot night and day, baking from 25,000 to 30,000 loaves of bread daily, yet often falling behind the demand.
Much aversion is felt by the men against eating pork, and it is not strange, for the wallowing, grunting, filthy scavenger of a beast is totally unfit for human food, and should be shunned whenever possible. The fare at the best is rough, and none who are dainty will do to "go for a soldier." They might subsist on "Adams House" delicacies, but here they had better not come. A large number of the men are suffering from bowel complaints, occasioned either by the change of climate and water, or the food, or else all combined.
The greatest, and in fact the only remarkable feature of Independence Day in the Capital of the United States of America, was the parade of the New York State troops in Washington, under Gen. Sandford. It took place early in the forenoon, being all concluded by 10 o'clock. It was a proud sight for a Yorker to behold. At least fifteen thousand men passed in review before Gen. Scott, the President and his Cabinet—tread firm and bayonets glittering—all but a tithe of what the Empire State can and will do if requested. Gen. Scott was overheard by watchful ears to pay the Fourteenth a compliment. Fearing that you will not hear of it unless I tell it, I trust my Regimental egotism will be pardoned, when I say that the old veteran viewed us keenly from under his portentous eyebrows as we passed, then turning to Abraham Lincoln remarked: "That's a fine marching regiment."
This is considered a very long feather. All day long the streets swarmed with soldiers, and the Capital was alive with them. They flocked thither to "see Congress" and the noble pile wherein that august body deliberates. The crowd in the House was fairly smothering, and the Senate Chamber was beset by thousands of eager individuals with straining eyeballs. To the mass the sights were entirely new, and were viewed with insatiable interest. And well might they be. The Capitol is worthy to excite admiration and wonder, with its magnificent marble, its grand stairways, sculptured columns and massive arches, mosaics, mirrors, labyrinthine halls and passages; its paintings and its statuary; its relics, mementoes and memories; and over all, its stately magnitude, so grand, so proud, so firm. The Rotunda, within which one feels so small, attracted many visitors. Here are historic pictures and portraits of emminent [sic] Americans.—Among the portraits is one of Buchanan, which, if its ears could hear, would wither at the execrations cast upon it by the soldiers, who only pause before it long enough to free their minds. Some rude person, not content with verbal expressions of contempt, has hurled a quid of tobacco against the canvass, the result of which is two brown streaks down across the forehead of the old Public Functionary, making him appear as if perspiring in great agony over the recollection of some of his past misdeeds. Next to this portrait is a painting, which more than any other has attracted my attention. It represents the embarkation of Pilgrims from Delft-Haven, Holland, in 1620. The scene is on the deck of the vessel, just before leaving. The group, consisting of about twenty persons, are in the attitude of prayer. In the center, with an open Bible before him, kneels the grey-haired minister, the father of the flock, with his hands meekly clasped imploring the Divine protection, while around him are the fathers and sons, husbands, wives and daughters of the heroic band. The figures in the group which especially pleased me, were those of Miles Standish and his wife Rose. In him the artist has most truthfully conceived and depicted the stern Puritan; in her face and expression he has thrown the soul of a trustful, devoted and devotional wife. There is in the attitude of Rose the most beautiful blending of the elements of religion and love.
In the evening there were displays of fireworks, but none that would compare with those annually let off in Utica. Yet all about the city, on every hill, from hundreds of camps, burned fires and darted rockets. The night was full of baleful lights and shadows. It did not seem to me like a Fourth of July, full of joyous exultations. Every red fire that blazed, blazed fiercely; every rocket that pierced the clouds hissed war; the trembling fires from roman candles told only of tumultuous feelings that held sway in thousands of armed breasts; the very sky seemed lit with lurid lights; while the comet burned like a flashing falchion, overhanging with threatening poise the war-distracted land. Occasionally the air would move with the dull, heavy boom of cannon from away down the Potomac, growling deep threats of vengeance and destruction from their iron throats. The intermediate stillness of the air seemed to embrace some indefinable horror, a vague foreshadowing, that made the soul stand back, afraid. To me the night was a solemn one, and I dreamed of shadowy armies, millions of moving men, black smoke, and thundering cannon.
Soldiering is not play. It is not softening and refining to the disposition and habits of a man. It is one long, stern lesson of discipline, both physical and moral. He who can not endure the bodily stress is unfit for a warrior, and should return honorably to the pursuit of peaceful labors. Upon every one falls, too, a strict and trying moral discipline. A soldier's life, though adopted from the purest motives, is best fitted to call out all that is evil in a man's nature, and blunt the excellent qualities he may possess. The restraints of society are not about him. He is but one in a great crowd, and wrong doing does not stand out so plainly, does not look so repulsive as when he was surrounded by kindred who would look with downcast faces upon the smallest deviation from the path of virtue. I have penned these lines knowing that they may reach those who have brothers and sons in the army, and knowing that they may arouse painful apprehensions in their breasts; but they will not be causelessly aroused. "Demoralization" is a word often used in connection with the army, and justly. While some depart from honor's side, there are many who nobly stand by their principles as bravely as by the flag under which they fight. Such will return from the war with a moral stability that will resist any attack. Yet I can not forbear speaking this word of warning to those who may be forgetful of the trials they are really undergoing. Sisters and mothers can not utter an admonition in their letters to loved ones here, that will not find an acceptable and grateful resting place in the heart of a brother or a son. Temptations come here in almost impenetrable disguises.
General items of interest are rather scarce here just now. Our old friend, Carlincourt is here, still building balloons in the air. He is in the employ of the Government, and is to use his balloon for reconnoitering the enemy's position. His enterprise is very favorably looked upon by Gen. Scott.
Mr. F. M. Ellis, of New Hartford, Oneida county, has recently been employed by Gen. Mansfield, to act in the secret service. Mr. Ellis possesses the peculiar requisites for such a post—ready talent, experience in the country, and courage. He has already rendered himself serviceable to Government.
The telegraph keeps you well posted in military movements, so I will not dilate thereon, except to say that many regiments have crossed the river within a few days, and are constantly moving. As to political prospects and Congressional affairs, you will be too thoroughly posted for me to inform you anything new.
Movements are on foot in Syracuse, started by Capt. Thompson, of Company H, to engage a band for our Regiment.
I close this letter hoping that my next date will be in Virginia.
Our camp was visited yesterday by Hon. Roscoe Conkling and T. S. Faxton. They received many warm greetings.
Yours, for our country, D. F. R.
The Fourteenth Regiment.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
I learn from Utica that the sympathies of some of our good people have been aroused by unfounded rumors to the effect that the men of this regiment are not well provided for. In order to save the expenditure of sympathy where there is no particular cause for it, I desire to say that the rations furnished to the men are abundant and of the best quality. They have fresh bread every day (brought into camp warm,) fresh beef three times a week, salt beef, salt pork, bacon, codfish, biscuit [sic], desiccated potatoes, mixed vegetables, fresh vegetables, beans, rice, vinegar, coffee, tea and sugar. The men, in fact, have more than they can eat. One of the captains informs me that his company sold a barrel of pork saved from their overplus rations, and other companies have disposed of their extra rations in the same way. When we first arrived in camp, the men being entirely unaccustomed to the preparation of food for themselves, undoubtedly concocted mixtures which were somewhat unpalatable; experience, however, has obviated this difficulty, and nobody now complains, except perhaps, a few who are too indolent to cook their food.
The health of the men is good. They were troubled with diarrhea to a considerable extent soon after our arrival, but have nearly all recovered, and there has not been a death in the regiment since we left Albany. Several men who were found incompetent to discharge military duty from various causes, most of which existed before their enlistment, have been discharged from the service. The men are generally contented and happy, notwithstanding the efforts of mischievous outsiders to breed discontent among them. Panics are now of a mushroom character. I understand, also, that rumors are afloat in Utica that there have been other troubles in the regiment. The only one that I know of was a slight difficulty growing out of an order issued by the Colonel preventing the Sutler from selling lager beer. The men were then afflicted with diarrhea, and the Colonel agreeing with me that it was injurious, ordered that the sale should be discontinued. During the illness and absence of the Colonel, some of the bad men of the regiment (and I am glad to say they are few in number,) tried to compel the Sutler to procure lager or liquor, which he refused to do. I merely write this letter so that our friends at home may not be unnecessarily troubled on our account, and for their information I have no objection to your publishing it.
Very respectfully, ALONZO CHURCHILL.
We, the undersigned, Captains in the Fourteenth Regiment N. Y. S. V., fully concur in the sentiments expressed in the above letter.
WASHINGTON, D. C., July 16, 1861.
W. R. BRAZIE, Co. B.
Lewis MICHAELS, Co. E.
Lieut. Goss signed the above in the absence of Capt. Thompson, who is home on leave.
WASHINGTON, July 16th, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
I am tired of dating my letters at Washington. Nothing would afford me more pleasure than to inform the many who watch our movements with deepest interest, that the Regiment of which I am a component part, is marching against Jeff. Davis and his rebel crew. This I cannot do now. We are still in our camp on Meridian Hill, close by the Capital. Why we do not go with the crowd, is more than I can tell. Every day regiments cross the Potomac, leaving us behind. Some have gone over without stopping in Washington at all. Our men are well disciplined, and are fairly pining away for a brush with the enemy. In every respect we are capable to go into action, and I can only wish that we had a brave foe to encounter. This chasing the white-livered "chivalry" from pillar to post will be no more like war than driving hogs. I am not anxious to bathe my hands in the blood of these "brothers," who have brought such deep and dark disgrace upon themselves and their long-forgiving Northern kin, but I would have justice dealt them; and moreover I am ashamed of them that they so poorly support their boast, and ashamed that such cowards should call themselves Americans. I am sorry ...en, or be they braggarts, be they of the same ...ame, or be they as they would wish to be, anther nation, bearing no relationship to Northern boors, they have fulfilled the part of traitors. As such we look upon them, and as such ours is the unpleasant task of flogging them, or chasing them, as the case may be. If they are "our brothers," as some hypocritical Congressmen pathetically assert, it is not our fault. We can only regret being so poorly related. Where is the pater familias who would allow Sambo, his son, whom he has always patted on the head, to whom he gave the nicest chunk of the old farm, who has always had the pick of everything, yet who has greedily taken these gifts and cursed his sire because he did not give him all—where is the "old gentleman" who would not, on learning that the ungrateful wretch of a son had conspired to burn up the house through spite, take him by the nape of the neck and boot him till he repented. Or where is he who would look quietly on and witness the destruction of his family through the treacherous scheming of one base brother? Could they who have come to the Capital to defend its honor have their own way, the treason-spitting Vallandighams, Burnetts, Powells, Bayards, &c., who disgrace its halls by their presence, would be pitched out of the window "neck and heels," no matter how loudly they might screech the word "brother!" Devils and Secessionists often assume the guise of saints to work their mischief in.
I cannot believe that we shall much longer remain here, and can only account for our tarrying thus long by assuming that it has been a part of Gen. Scott's plan to keep a certain number of troops here, and that we have been among the unfortunate ones. The regiment is drilled constantly, and has attained a very marked degree of perfection in battalion evolutions, the manual, and the skirmish drill, the latter a feature of military exercise that has particularly met the approbation of the men. The general health of the regiment is much improved, very few remaining on the sick list at present. In this connection I would say that the hospital department has been well organized and perfected, and received many compliments from visitors. In this department is especially felt the good service rendered by Utica ladies, in furnishing stores and little comforts for the sick. The hospital tent is fitted up with straw mattresses, an article almost indispensable, yet which we would have been without but for the thoughtful care of our dear feminine friends. The men are rapidly becoming acclimated, and as their health improves, a corresponding improvement is observable in their dispositions. They feel a deeper interest in the regiment, and are less inclined to grumble when things do not go just right. There has been a great deal said about the regiment only being enlisted for three months. It is a mistake. We are in for two years. A few discontented spirits there are who would gladly go home at the end of that time, satisfied with the aid they have rendered their country; but I believe the regiment, as a whole, is unanimous for the war. They enlisted to fight, and will not turn back till the work is done. When they have helped to conquer a peace; when the land shall be ridded of traitors, and tyrants driven into the Gulf; when "naked rebellion, with the torch and ax," shall be crushed utterly; when the chief conspirators shall have dangled in the Southern breeze; when the flag floats free from Maine to Louisiana; when law and order, liberty and right prevail South as well as North, then will they willingly, gladly return home—private and high private, Corporal, Captain and Colonel—relinquishing the sword and bayonet as easily as they took them up, and engaging, as of yore, in the peaceful pursuits of citizens.
There are few new phases of camp life. The weather has for the last few days been delightful. Regiments are constantly leaving and coming in all about us, filling the highways with their covered baggage wagons, and the air with their shouts and music. Blackberries are "thick" and luscious in the fields and along the skirts of the woods, affording rare dessert for the soldiers, who pick them by the bushel. They eat them with nice fresh milk, which is procured from obliging cows that pasture in the neighborhood. The men have a habit of "foraging," which brings to camp many delicacies—but its morality is another question. I am told there are hundreds of acres of land about Washington that produce nothing but blackberries. They are the only cheap article in market, selling for a "fip" (sixpence) a quart. In the city, the streets are as lively as ever. Willard's Hotel, which is just now the very center of excitement, is crammed night and day, so that one can hardly find standing room. Here concentrate all military men, hither flock news-seekers, and public men of all kinds. All seem full of business and enthusiasm, discussing war news with great earnestness.
Quartermaster Bates, of our Regiment, has resigned. Mr. Bates has filled the office of Quartermaster in an honorable manner, and has discharged the most arduous duties in such a manner as to deserve great credit. The Regiment has, to my certain knowledge been better provided for than two-thirds of those here, and will certainly miss the services of Mr. B. The position, however, is proverbially a thankless one, and he who occupies it is not to be envied. Mr. Bates will be succeeded by Mr. Brodhead, formerly of Baggs' Hotel, Utica, who will be an efficient officer in this department, having had some experience in the business. It is the intention of Mr. Bates to return to New York and complete the organization of a battery of flying artillery, toward which he has long had an eye. This is a branch of the service that needs strengthening, and is a department of military in which most brilliant success may be attained. That Mr. Bates is fitted for the position, I believe his actions will show.
A little incident occurred a day or two since, that did my heart good. The chief actor on the occasion was Capt. Cowan, Company D, of the Fourteenth Regiment, well known as a former resident of Utica, and lately of Batavia. Capt. C. is a man below the medium height, with jet black hair and beard, bronzed complexion, thin and spare in flesh, but possessed of iron nerve and muscle. He was in the city, busily engaged getting some men discharged who had been pronounced by the Inspector unfit for military duty, and feeling the pangs of hunger, stepped into a restaurant for a lunch. There were several rough looking fellows inside, who eyed him fiercely when he entered. Not noticing them, however, the Captain took his seat at at a small table, directly opposite two or three of them, and quietly called for his lunch. He had hardly seated himself before the villains, who proved to be secessionists, commenced casting slurs upon the volunteer soldiers from the North, and especially insinuating against the officers. The Captain was accompanied by only one man, and he an invalid, and therefore the cowardly wretches were in their glory. He listened quietly but with boiling blood to the insulting language of the rascals, till at last, emboldened by the silence of Capt. C., one who sat across the table from him ventured on a personal insult. This was more than Capt. Cowan's Scotch blood could stand. Quick as thought he seized an earthern [sic] bottle that stood on the table, and rising from his seat, dealt the cowardly traitor such a stunning blow upon the forehead that the blood spattered out, and he fell to the floor senseless. The force of the blow shattered the heavy bottle, and left only the neck in Capt. C.'s hand. But quickly picking up another of the same sort, he stood at bay an instant, expecting the rest of the crew to attack him. It seemed, however, that their pluck was gone, for they paid not further heed to the Captain, but hurriedly ...is their demolished comrade. Perceiving this, Capt. C. quietly paid his bill, and walked off unmolested. A few lessons of this sort administered to secessionists in Washington would do much to quiet their treasonable utterances.
The Twenty-Sixth Regiment, Col. Christian, will, at the end of three months from the time it was sworn in, be disbanded. As many of the men are unwilling to be soldiers any longer, Col. C. is preparing to raise a new regiment for the war. Those who remain of his present regiment will form the nucleus of a new one.
The intelligence of the constant successes of our troops that arrives almost daily is received here with rejoicing, and a universal confidence prevails that our arms are destined to meet with unbroken success all through the campaign. Still, much impatience is manifested that the war is not pushed forward more rapidly. The action and temper of Congress are, as far as I have been, able to learn, received with unconditional approbation by Union men.
Col. McQuade has been suffering lately from the effects of the fever with which he was prostrated before leaving Utica. He has fully recovered now, however, with the exception of a sore throat, and is engaged daily drilling the Regiment.
Among the many visitors to our camp, I was pleased to greet our friend Alvin White, of Utica. He came to visit his son, and see the land of the secessionists.
The city of Utica, I believe, is furnishing more officers than any place of its size in the Union. R. C. Enright, I have just learned, has been appointed Major in the Third New York Irish Regiment. The Regiment, mainly through the exertions of Roscoe Conkling, has been accepted, and will soon enter the service. Major Enright is posted in military matters, and will make an efficient officer.
Washington is crowded with distinguished visitors.
Letters to the Fourteenth will be received at Washington at present, and even after we cross the river into Virginia, they will be directed as heretofore until further notice. Yours for our country, D. F. R.
Willard's Hotel,
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
We are all excitement here. Every one is talking about the war news from Manassas Junction. Messengers have been coming in all day from the other side, bearing intelligence from Gen. McDowell's column. Before this will reach you, full particulars of the conflict will have been telegraphed. The news that our troops have after a prolonged and bloody fight, captured Manassas Junction, and that Beauregard has retreated, is received here with a stern sort of joy. We are told that four regiments of our brave fellows are cut to pieces—two New York, one Massachusetts and one Wisconsin, regiments.—This is sad indeed, and it stirs one's heart terribly to think that so many noble hearts should be stilled by the dastardly rebels. The stories say that our men fought like lions till the day was theirs, and the glorious Stars and Stripes waved over the late stronghold of the secessionists. But the slaughter has been immense. Among the troops quartered here there prevails the strongest desire to listen over and join their brothers in arms. The general opinion here is, that the troops will be pushed directly on to Richmond, and that Virginia will soon be cleared of rebel troops.
Since writing the above, I have learned that the stories relative to the capture of Manassas, are not entirely reliable. Undoubted authority, (the War Department) says, however, that there has been a signal victory achieved at Bull's Run, and that the taking of Manassas is expected within a few hours.
In the 14th there has been considerable excitement for a few days. We have been hourly expecting marching orders, the Colonel having been instructed to hold his Regiment in readiness for any emergency. This morning a fine band came from Batavia, and has joined the Regiment. It was procured by the efforts of Capt. Cowan, and will add immensely to the spirit, style, and spunk of the 14th. Yesterday the U. S. Paymaster commenced paying off the regiment. He paid companies A, B, and C, and the Staff; and to-morrow will finish the rest.
Another good bit of news for you is that we are to have the Enfield rifle. The regiment will be supplied from the lot of 5,000 which left New York city yesterday. I need not assure you that the men are willing enough to make the exchange, although target practice has shown the old musket to be more reliable than it was supposed to be. It is suspected that very soon after our new rifles are received we will have orders to march.
The provision panic has pretty much frittered itself away, notwithstanding severe efforts to keep it up by evil disposed persons. The men have had not only the regular army allowance of rations, but quite a number of extras; such as salt herrings, codfish, onions, and split peas, which are not included in the regular ration. While some regiments here in Washington have been put off with hard biscuit five or six days in succession, we have only had one day's ration of it, and we have had fresh meat every other day nearly all the time since we have been here. The truth is, most of the trouble has been caused by a few individuals who have an especial talent for making trouble. I learn through private letters that some of those sick persons who have returned home are circulating reports corroborating the lies that have been told concerning our late Quartermaster. All statements to the effect that he has not performed his duty while in that position are false. The regiment fared as well under his care as it could possible have fared, unless under the charge of an old hand at the business, I do not known of a single instance when he failed to act fully up to his duty, unless prevented by the lack of stores in the government warehouses.
Mr. Brodhead has entered upon the discharge of his duties, but it will take several days for him to get fairly worked into the harness.
The health of the Regiment is good. For over a week we have had most delightful weather. The air has been cooled by frequent showers, and the sun has moderated his fierce heat so much that it is not unpleasant to go out at midday.
Yours for our country,
D. F. R.
Utica Morning Herald
July 27, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Again we have pitched our tents. This time our tent-pins are driven into the "sacred soil" of Virginia, and there I think they will stick until every rebel tent-pin is withdrawn from the territory of the Old Dominion. We are encamped not far from Fort Corcoran, on Arlington Heights. All about us the hand of the engineer has been busy fortifying the Heights that overlook Washington, completely commanding the city. Forts have been built, breastworks thrown up, and cannon planted on every commanding spot. Forests have been leveled wherever they obstructed the range of batteries, and roads cut in every direction to facilitate the movement of troops. And the labor is still going on. Night and day regiments of men are toiling with the ax, pick and spade. In one night this week our men cleared several acres on timber land. It is intended that Arlington Heights shall be made impregnable, for were they once gained by our enemy, Washington would be lost. I have no idea, however, that they will ever be attacked by the rebels, and if they were, it would be a miracle if they should succeed in taking them. Our camp is in the midst of a peach orchard, not more than a hundred rods from Gen. Lee's former residence, which is situated still farther up the hill, and commands a fine view of Georgetown, Washington, the Potomac and surrounding country. Col. McQuade is placed in command of the ferry and aqueduct across the Potomac from Georgetown to Arlington Heights. A strong guard of our men watch there both night and day, and no person is allowed to cross unless provided with a pass from Gens. Sherman or Mansfield. In some respects our camp is pleasanter than the former one, while in others it is not so agreeable. Here, the position is nearer the scene of action, consequently more exciting, but the ground itself is not so good, although the view is magnificent. The water in our old camp was excellent, here, it is execrable. The men are feeling amazingly well, and scarcely one is in the hospital. They have treble the labor to perform that they had in Washington, but do not murmur. The regiment, I am glad to say, is gaining a good name here, and is in reality becoming thoroughly efficient in all the duties of soldiery. I believe when the Fourteenth is called upon to meet the rebels face to face, they will prove fearless and true.—Wednesday, the remainder of the regiment were paid off. They received $16 50 per man up to the first of July. Out of this amount some of the companies have sent home five and six hundred dollars each. Companies A and B have fitted themselves out with leather leggins and Zouave caps, red and tasselled. It gives them a very fierce and warlike look, and I have no doubt adds to the fierceness of their spirit.
I have heard many stories of the late fight from men who were engaged in it—from members of the 79th, 13th New York, 69th, Wisconsin 2d, and others. They all indicate that had the skill of the officers been equal to the courage and endurance of the men, the record of July 21st, 1861, would have been far different. And even as the battle resulted, it was a victory for the federal troops but for the panic. Our running away was a phenomenon that surprised the rebels far more than the terrible execution of our guns.—They are, judging from all statements, both of their own and our side, the worst whipped of the two, and had the ground that was so valiantly gained been held, as it might have been very easily, it would have been accorded as a brilliant but very natural result of the prowess of our arms. Now, we have the same ground to win over again. The noble blood that has been spilled so freely, the deeds of daring performed, not by individuals alone, but by whole regiments of men. … are they, through the inefficiency of other men, rendered of no avail? I believe the blood has not been spilled in vain, nor the deeds of daring wrought for naught. Although a portion of our army was seized with that ghastly fear that constitutes a panic, they are not defeated. They are only foiled for a time in their purpose, which will only make them more determined when they next undertake to accomplish it. Pages might be written about the incidents of the fight, in which our men maintained the name of Americans, reckless in courage as they are in all else, yet cool, collected and steady, as if merely driving a bargain—till the panic came, then wild and unreasonable as any crowd that ever "run" a bank. Every day diminishes the number of our loss as the stragglers come in. I do not think our total loss will exceed six hundred, while according to the statements of Southern papers their own loss is over a thousand.
A large number of prisoners are quartered here, and—would you believe it?—they are daily risked by friends here in Washington, who furnish them with all kinds of delicacies, condole with them and cheer them in every possible way. These cursed rebels are prominent here, and have been heard to utter their treasonable wishes, before this battle gave them an opportunity to openly manifest their sympathy with secession by thus comforting and cheering their rebel brethren. Kindness shown to prisoners I do not condemn in itself, but when the spirit that prompts these persons to carry wine, champagne and delicacies of all sorts to these rebel prisoners, and to refuse a cup of water to a federal soldier, is known to be a spirit of sympathy with the rebellion, then these acts become treason, and in my opinion should be treated as such. Secessionists flourish in rank profusion right here in the Capital. Hang them, say I. Government thinks differently, and feeds them out of its own crib.
Active preparations are going on for a more determined renewal of the war. Many troops arrive daily. McClellan and his body guard, a noble set of fellows, are in Washington. The utmost confidence is placed in McClellan. Yours for the country, D. F. R.
August 2d, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Notwithstanding everything is quiet here in Washington, no advance movements being made just now, and our camp lying quietly and without fear of molestation on the banks of the Potomac, items enough transpire daily to make even a larger column than that devoted to matters of local interest to the readers of the HERALD. I shall not encroach upon your crowded columns so much as to make an attempt to mention all these interesting little bits of news, but I will endeavor to give all who feel interested in our welfare, a general idea of how we feel, how we look, what we do, what we see, where we go, what for, and will not forget that you are all anxious to have at least a rational word from me occasionally, As no active campaigning is going on, our life is bereft somewhat of the stern aspect which characterized it when we first came across the river. Still the strictest military discipline is maintained in camp, as in fact every camp in the army of the Potomac is subjected to a stricter discipline since Gen. McClellan took command of it. Col. McQuade is still guarding the Aqueduct and the Ferries between Georgetown and Arlington Heights. The most rigid rules are observed concerning passes, and the good effect of such a course is manifest in the rapid dwindling of the crowd of officers and men that before hung about Willard's Hotel, and other public places in Washington. One hundred men are detailed for guard duty daily in our regiment.—There are several principal stations, designated as the aqueduct; the two ferries; the tunnel, a place where the Fairfax road is cut down through the rocks and passes under the canal a few rods from the aqueduct across the Potomac; the redoubt named Fort McQuade, commanding the rear of Fort Corcoran and the road leading to Alexandria; and "the island." The latter post is a small body of land surrounded by the waters of the Potomac, and connected with the Virginia side by an earth and stone bridge several hundred feet long. It is situated directly opposite Georgetown, and forms the western landing place of the ferries. Being so easy of access from the Washington side, it is closely guarded to prevent the lauding of spies or Secessionists. Never having accurately described our camp, I will endeavor to give you some idea of our situation. We are located about halt a mile from the Potomac, half way up the slope that is called Arlington Heights. The river is not more than a quarter of a mile wide here, and on the opposite side from us, on a corresponding slope, is built the village of Georgetown. Standing within our lines and facing the river, revealed at intervals between the intervening forests and hills for several miles below, a floe view is afforded of Georgetown and Washington and the surroundings. Far down the Potomac on the right, so distant that it seems to rest on the surface of the water, stretches like a black thread across the river, the Long Bridge. Away beyond it, and scarcely distinguishable against the dim background of blue hills, can be seen the dark walls and towers of the Government Lunatic Asylum. Conspicuous in front looms the Capitol, with its unfinished rotunda, while like a ghostly sentinel stands on the right of it, the white, square pile of marble, also unfinished, called Washington Monument. A little to the left and nearer the eye, rests on an eminence the Observatory, only its round white roof being visible among the trees that entirely surround it. On this side of the eminence, earthworks are being thrown up which command our position and all parts of Arlington Heights. Still farther to the left extend the streets and residences of Washington. On the extreme left wind the banks of the Potomac, and rests the village of Georgetown. The view on the left is limited by woods and hills to a distance of not more than two miles. As Georgetown and Washington are closely joined, the only distinguishing line of separation being a small creek that runs between and empties into the Potomac, the view in the night is also an interesting one. From the front of my tent I can look out and behold from Georgetown on the left, and in front, for several miles far to the extreme right of the Capital, the darkness thickly gemmed with lights. When the nights are moonlit, the scene is enchanting.
Then the distant walls, roofs, steeples and towers are softly revealed by the quiet moonbeams, the Potomac is smoothly silvered as a sweep of light, while in the background, vague, shadowy and indistinct, lie the dark, wood crowned hills of Maryland. On almost every side of us in our immediate vicinity, the view is met with wastes of fallen forests, the leaves of the prostrate trees withered and dry. Before the war, Arlington Heights was almost entirely covered with woods, but now the axes of the pioneers have made sad havoc with the Virginia oaks, and they lie strewn desolately everywhere. On the crest of the hill, immediately in rear of our camp is Fort Corcoran, which, although now apparently impregnable, is being strengthened every day.—Huge logs are hauled by our camp constantly, and taken up to the Fort to be added to some part of its works.
... have charactered the members of the 14th, both officers and men, they have now the fullest confidence of Gen. Sherman, and. from him have received the very strongest expressions of satisfaction and approbation. I will for a moment consider myself an outsider while I repeat some of the compliments of which Col. McQuade and his regiment have been made the recipients.—Gen. Sherman says the 14th is the best regiment, and it has performed its duty in guarding the ferries, etc., better than any other regiment that had been under his command. And this afternoon, while the regiment was going through dress parade, who should ride up, unexpected and unannounced, but Gen. McClellan himself, with his staff and body guard. He reviewed the regiment and pronounced it the best he had seen. He said to Col. McQuade that they went through all the forms, and looked better than any other, and expressed himself delighted with the drill. This compliment, coming from so strict a disciplinarian and such a thorough soldier as Gen. McClellan, besides taking the regiment by surprise, is really worth a great deal. Gen. McClellan is an earnest, energetic appearing man, apparently about thirty-five. He inspires confidence wherever he goes, and in whomever he approaches. A Division Court-Martial for Gen. McClellan's command has been summoned and commenced to-day. It is held at the head quarters of Brig.-Gen. Richardson, at Fort Albany, about two miles from here on the Alexandria road. The body is composed of twenty Colonels, chosen from the Division, and of this body Colonel McQuade has been made President. I am informed that the court martial will have business sufficient to employ them steadily two or three weeks.
Since there is a probability of our remaining here some time, the camp is gradually becoming thoroughly fitted up. The Hospital is pleasantly, neatly and comfortably arranged. Our surgeons attend closely to the needs of their department, while under the immediate supervision of John B. McQuade, Hospital Steward, and R. L. Dryer, Ward Master, the invalid occupants of the Hospital, have no want compatible with camp life which is not fully met and supplied. We have lately received an addition to our medical corps, by the coming of Edwin Hutchinson, of Utica. He acts in the capacity of volunteer Assistant Surgeon, and will, I am confident, labor efficiently in his important department of the good cause. From the hospital stores supplied by friendly hands, the sick, of whom there are very few now in our regiment, are furnished with nice sheets and clean cotton and linen underclothes to sleep in. No one can appreciate these comforts as thoroughly as a sick soldier, and I'll warrant many a silent prayer is offered from hospital beds for those whose kindly care was ministered to the wants of the sick and wounded soldier.
We have even a barbershop among us, kept by Mr. Wm. Roper, of Company A. He occupies a tent, wherein is placed an impromptu but very easy chair, manufactured from rough boards and cushioned with a blanket. Here the weary soldiers may recline, close their eyes, and as the soothing, creamy lather mesmerizes their tired senses, limbering the raspy beard till it is ready for the swath, and solacing the nasal organ with its unctuous smell, they may fly on the wings of fancy to the odoriferous bowers at Batchelor Brothers, and imagine themselves there at peace with all men, especially the barber. On account of the war and the hard times, Mr. Roper charges only five cents a shave, and will cut your hair so close you can see the grain, just for the fun of the thing—and ten cents.
Night before last, two hundred of our men, in connection with two or three hundred others, went out on a scouting expedition. Owing to a failure in the plan, the expedition failed in it object. It was commanded by Gen. Sherman, and had it not been for some premature firing, probably a large number of secession prisoners would have been taken.
Our new Quartermaster, Mr. Brodhead, is working hard in his department, and gives general satisfaction. No one can take a deeper interest in the welfare of the regiment than he, nor labor more assiduously for its benefit.
A most interesting feature of our camp is the music. It is impossible to imagine what enchantment it lends to the evenings to hear ringing out on the starlit air from a full chorus of such voices as we have here, the old familiar airs and songs of home. I venture to assert that no common band of musicians can surpass our amateur club of vocalists, among whom are many names well known in the musical circles of Utica. Serenades are not unfrequent, and they are carried through in regular style, the inmates of the tent rising and inviting the troubadours to partake of such refreshment as may be afforded. In return the musical revelers [sic] of the night join their voices in harmony, and now in glee, now in plaintive melody, patriotic hymns, or rich swelling choruses, fill the air with music, and carry one back on the wings of song to live over again the days and nights of the past, that furnish to the stern present some of its sweetest, dearest recollections. Nowhere can music fulfill its mission better than on the "tented field," in the midst of the rude alarms and stirring scenes of war. It may in the thrilling strains of the Marseillaise, or Columbia's martial hymns, nerve the patriot till danger and disaster serve but to beckon him on to victory; in the sweet notes of "Home, Sweet Home," or the well remembered, sacred hymns of the church, remind him well of the fireside and the loved religion for which he fights.
The nights here are cool and pleasant but the days are sweltering. Yet most of the men are toughened and brown as Indians, avowing that they never suffered less from the heat than they have this summer. I know of no fatality nor a dangerous illness in the Regiment. Frequent bathing is practiced among them, which I doubt not wards off the hand of disease many times, when it might otherwise have been laid heavily on the form of its victim. Never since it commenced to flow has the noble Potomac received in its bosom the forms of so many Northern freemen. Probably in the estimation of the "chivalry" its waters are disgraced by the sturdy plunges of these Northern boors. But the lordly river moves on as proudly as ever, and sometimes I even fancy that the contact of so many genuine monarchs of the soil, gives to its current a stronger flow and to its waters a vigor and life that they never knew before. But I must close.
Yours for our Country, D. F. R.
The Fourteenth Regiment.
August 6th, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
The largest and most interesting event of this week is a visit that we had Sunday from Prince Napoleon. The first warning that we had of his coming was the announcement by Lieut. Ash, one of Gen. Mansfield's aids, who rode into camp with a detachment of 20 U. S. cavalry, and informed Lieut.-Col. Skillen, commanding the regiment in the temporary absence of Col. McQuade, that the Prince was but a short distance off, and was coming to visit the camp. On so short notice, there was necessarily much bustle created in camp by the active endeavors of the men to get out on the parade ground, as Col. Sherman had selected the Fourteenth as the one from his brigade to be reviewed by the Prince. A large number of the men were absent, and consequently the regiment appeared poorly, compared with what it might have done. In a few moments three carriages appeared in sight, and were announced as the cavalcade of Napoleon. They had no escort save the cavalry and two or three horsemen following at a respectable distance behind, whom I took for reporters of the New York papers, although they may have been Counts or Dukes. The carriages made their way to the parade ground, when the distinguished party alighted. The regiment was already in line, awaiting the approach of the noble visitor. In company with the Prince was Mr. Seward, whose presence always seems so entirely apropos to any great occasion, whatever its character. There was no need to be told which was the Bonaparte, for his resemblance to his great uncle plainly distinguished the Prince from his companions, notwithstanding he was the plainest dressed of the party. He wore a linen suit of small check, and a straw hat. In company with Gen. Sherman he inspected the regiment, which then passed in review before him. The Prince took occasion to speak of the Fourteenth as an intelligent and fine-looking body of men. After some conversation among the officers and the party, and the exhibition to the Prince of a map showing the position of the opposing forces, the party entered their carriages and drove off toward the Arlington House. The selection of our regiment to be reviewed by Prince Napoleon was a high honor, and an especial compliment to its commander. So suddenly was the whole affair commenced and carried through, that some on the ground were not aware of anything of the kind till it was all over.
In regard to the movements of Federal troops, orders have been issued forbidding newspaper correspondents to reveal any knowledge that they may have of such matters. I shall therefore be restrained hereafter from writing as freely as heretofore concerning regimental affairs. A few days since, Gen. Sherman had chosen this regiment to occupy the right of his brigade, consisting of the DeKalb Regiment, the Ninth Massachusetts and Second Maine, with a company of cavalry and a battery of artillery; but since then another panic has broken out in our camp about the time of service, which threatens to deprive us of the confidence of Gen. Sherman, and lose us the post of honor that would otherwise have been given us. The regiment has up to this time enjoyed the perfect confidence of Gens. Sherman and McDowell; but a large number of the regiment are possessed with the idea that Government cannot hold them longer than the 17th of this month, and the discussion of the question has produced a state of demoralization in many of the companies that threatens to destroy in a great measure the usefulness of the regiment, for a time at least. The men will listen to no reason, and although one of the captains was dispatched to Washington to inquire into the matter for the satisfaction of the men, and he ascertained from the War Department that the regiment was legally in for two years, they still persist in believing that they will go home on the 17th of August. I have heard no reasons stated why they desire to return home, and can attribute it to nothing else than that they are tired of the business. It is almost the sole subject talked of here, and I fear unless it ceases before long, some of the men will be court-martialed. Such insubordination at this juncture, when all the troops are needed for a renewed effort against the enemy, m... exceedingly trying to Gen. McClellan. I understand that quite a number of other regiments are in the same trouble.
The Army of the Potomac, under the vigilant eye and untiring discipline of Gen. McClellan, must soon become equal to any emergency. He relaxes not a moment, appearing with his faithful body guard at all times of day, in all parts of the grand line. Early this morning he rode through our camp, having at that time been nearly through his entire command on this side of the river. If victory may be organized, he will certainly do it. In Washington, soldiers are getting to be a rare sight, although a large number of regiments are now encamped about the city.
The heat abates not, but on the contrary seems to be growing stronger. Yesterday the quicksilver crawled up to 111 degrees in the shade. Our present warm jackets will soon, if the regiment behaves itself, be exchanged for the light flannel blouse worn by the United States soldiers, and our caps be superceded [sic] by the regular army hat. Much depends, however, on the conduct of the men.
Our mail is still received at Washington, and transported from there to the camp by Henry Barnard, Esq., who is our acting Postmaster, receiving and delivering all the mail matter of the regiment. Being an old hand at the business, he probably feels as much at home in it here, as when ensconced behind the boxes in the Utica P. O.
The Band that joined us before we left the other side of the river, under the able leadership of Mr. Gardner, is rapidly improving, and furnishes us some very good music for dress parades, guard mounting, serenades, etc.
Yours for our country, D. F. R.
August 8th, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Our camp is still disturbed by the voices of the "17th soldiers." Every effort has been made to conciliate them, and while a portion have become satisfied that they are in for two years, others are as dogged as ever. What the secret of this panic is, remains to be ascertained. I cannot charge it to cowardice, for I believe there are more brave men in this regiment than in any other of its size about Washington. It cannot be for a lack of food, for I hear none but favorable remarks made concerning Quartermaster Brodhead, and although there may be individual cases of enmity against other superior officers, I am not aware that any charge is made against them, the sustaining: of which would justify the present trouble. There are some among us, and I blush to say it, who are in favor of "compromise." One of these individuals gave utterance to his treasonable doctrines recently in presence of a superior officer, who caused him to be arrested and placed in the guard house, where he still remains. He is charged also with using mutinous language among the men, and talking treason in various ways. Besides being a three months man himself, he has endeavored to persuade others to the same conclusion, thus aiding in stirring up trouble in the regiment. I dislike exceedingly to make or reiterate any charges against any member of the regiment, but when treason rears its black head, under whatever circumstances it may be, I shall aim a blow at the monster, however feeble the blow may be. In this case, I believe the instigator of the poisonous, traitorous sentiments that have crept in among us, is the Utica Observer. The person above mentioned as arrested, has been a correspondent of that sheet, and has in what he has spoken, only echoed the opinions of its leaders. The day will come when these covert assassins, who thus secretly aim daggers at the cause of liberty, at the very heart of the Republic, will meet their reward. Let them be assured that, among soldiers at least, they are considered no better, nor half so respectable, as an outright rebel. Persons who will compromise with wrong of one kind will with another, and that black hearted wretch who will talk of "compromise" now, would compromise with the Devil for his soul. I would not risk him with the honor of woman, nor trust him if an opportunity offered for him to cheat his own father out of a crust of bread. In all probability the individual who has ventured to insult the cause for which we are enlisted, will be court-martialed and a proper punishment awarded him. I think his will be the only case of the kind in the regiment.
As to going home on the 17th, I fear the regiment will make itself trouble, for I have it as coming from high authority, that in case the men persist in their determination to go home, the entire regiment will be sent to Pensacola, or some other distant station, where they can be of less trouble, and be brought to a better state of discipline. On the other hand, should the regiment throw aside the question which distracts it at the present time, and conduct itself as it so well knows how to do, and as it should do, it would at once take its place and be ranked among the best regiments in the field. Gen. Sherman considers it the best in his brigade, and would favor it in every fair and honorable way.
A few days since we all received straw hats. They are cool and comfortable this hot weather, and they look very well on parade. Within a few days, however, they have been nearly all labeled by their owners with all sorts of devices and words, mostly iu reference to going home on the 17th. Some are inscribed "17th of August," while others, more patriotic, write on their hats "17th of August, 1863," "1776," "in for the war," and various other mottoes similar in sentiment. The hats were procured through the efforts of Mr. Brodhead. I forgot to mention in my last letter that Mr. B. had received, from his numerous friends in Boston, the present of a splendid set of horse equipments, and a costly and beautiful pair of epauletts [sic]. The present was a surprise to Mr. B., and is an evidence that wherever he is known, his friends are many and true.
The Court martial is still progressing, and as Col. McQuade, as President, and is required to be always present the command of the regiment devolved mainly of late upon Lieut.-Col. Skillen. The pay rolls for the month of August are being made out, and the regiment will probably be paid very soon. Many of the men are suffering from acute ear-ache, produced by injudicious bathing and diving during the heat of the day, and by remaining too long in the water. Otherwise the health of the men is good.
Whatever the requirements of military discipline do not forbid, I will endeavor to keep you informed about, but anything that has a tendency to injure the cause, or that will reveal any intention of our commander, is strictly forbidden to be published. Were not the loyal part of the Union defiled by the presence of secret aiders and abettors of the vile scheme of Secession and its traitorous leaders, then we might talk over our plans freely, but now we are forced to act, surrounded by assassins, and speak cautiously, for fear some sneaking "Compromiser" may be eavesdropping at our elbow.
In the way of rations, Quartermaster Brodhead has just managed to secure for the men a quantity of nice herring, a barrel of syrup, a barrel of pickles, a lot of fresh potatoes, and several bushels of onions. These are all extra issues, and it is seldom that they can be procured. That they are acceptable, I presume will be demonstrated by the concerted action of a few hundred jaws, as soon as the edibles are issued.
I just learned from Lieut. Wood of the 13th, that his regiment expects to return home to-morrow. They are at present about half a mile from us, occupying Fort Bennett. The 13th is one of the Elmira regiments. Col. Quinby, its commander, returned to Rochester a few days since.
Yours, &c.,
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Va., Sept. 2, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
In last Wednesday's HERALD appears a letter from John F. Seymour, Chairman of the Committee on the Volunteer Relief Fund, relative to the families of volunteers in this regiment. In reply to it let me say that I did not intend in my letter to disparage the efforts or the generosity of any one connected with the Relief Association, for I am well aware of the benevolent spirit which sustains them in their arduous labors.—The evidence that I had for making the statements that were made in my letter, was the assertion of some ten members of Capt. Harrer's company, who said that they had received letters from their families, which detailed their sufferings and stated that their weekly allowances had suddenly ceased. This was the cause of much feeling on the part of these men. Since then, however, they have nearly all received letters from home, saying that their families are once more made comfortable by the supplies of the Committee. Only two have failed to receive satisfactory intelligence from their homes, and their names I have forwarded to Mr. Seymour, although it is very probable their wants have been relieved ere this. With the supply furnished by the Relief Committee, added to the monthly earnings of the soldier, there is no good reason why any family should suffer, and I believe it to be true that they are better off than many whose dependence for support rests on the chances of getting labor at home. I am not aware that any dissatisfaction exists here in regard to the action of the Relief Committee. I think all have the fullest confidence in their intention, desire and ability to superintend the fund raised for the families of volunteers, in the manner that will be productive of most good.
Our Brigade has changed commanders. Gen. W. T. Sherman has left for the West, where he is to join Major Anderson. We regretted exceedingly to lose him, and only hope that his successor, Gen. Porter, Provost Marshal, may prove as good and agreeable an officer. On Monday last the Brigade was reviewed by Gen. McClellan, President Lincoln and Secretary Seward. Gen. McClellan rode a dark bay horse, passing close in front of the lines, on a quick walk, and giving the closest scrutiny to the men with an eye that seemed to discern everything at a glance. The Brigade was drawn up on the ground in front of Fort Corcoran, the right (the Fourteenth) resting on a hill nearly half a mile from the fort, and the line extending to within a short distance of the walls of the fort. On the right and front of the line was posted a company of cavalry, and in the rear Carlisle's Battery. It was an imposing array, and looked more like war than anything I have yet seen. After the inspection, Gen. McClellan, accompanied by Gen. Sherman and several aids, rode to the front of the Brigade, where sat Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward in an open barouche, in the shade of some young oaks that grew by the road. The carriage was completely surrounded by soldiers off duty and on the sick list, with whom the President and Secretary of State were laughing and chatting in the easiest and most pleasant manner possible. Immediately after Gen. McClellan joined the group the brigade commenced passing in review, each regiment led by its own band playing spirited music. The President and Mr. Seward stood erect in the carriage, with hats off, the President returning the salutes of the different regiments as they marched past by companies, and closely observing the style of marching and the men. Geo. McClellan sat on his horse, taking off his cap in return to the salute of the various regimental colors. The Fourteenth went by in gallant style, the companies preserving almost perfect lines, and achieving the name of doing best of any. Gen. McClellan spoke particularly of the regiment, and even Mr. Lincoln, unmilitary man that he is, noticed its excellence and observed to Gen. McClellan that he "judged they marched well, for he could look straight through between the men." To which the General replied that it was "not a bad test."—Gen. McClellan said he was well pleased with the discipline of the entire Brigade. He was glad to see the men acquiring that peculiar, easy gait which is so necessary in marching.
Alarms have been frequent of late, and the regiment has been called out several times within a few days. The enemy is not more than three miles from here, and our pickets can easily perceive the rebels dodging about in the woods, peach orchards and cornfields. Some of our men have had exciting adventures while off picketing, often narrowly escaping with their lives. There are but few who have not learned the tune of the bullets, and some claim that they have "killed a rebel."
That facile, traitorous sheet, the Observer, I see still spits its venom whenever its toes are tread on, or its hypocrisy uncovered. Because I lately charged it with exerting an evil influence on this regiment, it ejected a mouthful of its venom toward me, but the foul charge fell short of its mark, and I am not aware that a particle of it rests on my garments. Did I think so, I would bury the clothes till the skunk-like odor should be gone. The Observer facetiously charges me with slandering it. I deny the charge, and declare such a thing impossible. Shades of Tartarus! Can a devil be slandered? Is the truth slander? Prove these two propositions in the affirmative, and I will admit that I have slandered the Observer.
I am glad to notice, however, that it has of late manifested a little less of the treasonable spirit that it exhibited so cunningly after our "terrible (?) defeat" at Bull's Run.'' Well, perhaps salvation is still possible. I am not a believer in total depravity. It may be that the fate of some of its kindred sheets that have recently had their vile shreds scattered to the winds, has had something to do with the change. Though if it continues to harp on the fallacy of "peace," without the restoration of law and order and the Union, I shall charge it still with treason.
The above sheet says, too, that I represent neither officers nor men in the regiment. "Give the devil his due." Therein the Observer tells the truth. Strange as it may seem to the spectacled sages of the Observer, I am not a partisan, I am an American. There is no party in this regiment, unless the Observer has started one, and is nourishing it secretly. I enlisted to serve my country, not to be the mouthpiece of any party or set of men, officers, privates or politicians. The Observer may consider partisan support the just standard by which to measure one's character, but I appeal from any such measurement, though I am prone to believe that I have a few friends in the regiment. But among them are no traitors, nor any three months men. In fact, I do not know that there are many of that ilk in the regiment. If there are, the Observer may claim them among the number of its friends.
In regard to the matter of "desertion," which is such a pleasant theme with the Observer's Quill, the following lines, written by the same Quill some time since, before it had its last chronic fit of "presto! change!" are interesting as showing the "peculiar habits of the animal:"
ALBANY.—On Saturday, quite a number of our Utica volunteers came home on a short leave of absence. Nearly or quite all of them returned to-day. Among them were "W. E. C.," our own correspondent at Albany, and "D. F. R.," of the HERALD. Both give very favorable accounts of the way the men are now getting along at the barracks, * * * * The volunteers who came up are all in good health. "D. F. R."—one of the best members of the regiment—does not seem to have suffered at all from the vile assaults made upon him because of the independent stand which he took previous to the mending of regimental affairs.
The readers of the Observer must often be placed in the painful position of a man endeavoring to walk in two different directions at the same time. In contemplating the gyrations of the Observer, I have often been reminded of a dog's tail. Occupying a position in the rear, it has the same wig-wag, so obedient to every volition of the interest to which it is attached—hither and thither, up or down, fierce or mild, fast, slow, or playful, according to the pressure. Hold "something nice" before the nose of the moving power, and there goes the same eager old wag; and yet the Observer, as much as it wags, is not a "waggish" sheet. Let a large dog come up and threaten to swallow the moving power, and down goes the tail to a place of safety, as natural as life. There may be other points of similarity, but it is unnecessary to elucidate. Finally, let me say in regard to the Observer—let her wag!
Everything is quiet here. The pickets amuse themselves by firing bullets at each other. The rebels occasionally send over a shell or a cannon ball, but have not yet done any particular harm. The news of Butler's victory off Cape Hatteras was read on dress parade last night, and received with cheers that made the woods echo. The best of feeling prevails among the men. Pay day, anxiously awaited, will probably come this week, when we shall receive two months' wages. A fever, peculiar to this locality, prevails moderately affecting the regiment, but no dangerous cases have yet occurred.
Yours, for our country, D. F. R.
September 18, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
The Northern lion is yet couchant. He still crouches in his lair on the banks of the Potomac. But the fire is beginning to blaze most threateningly in his eyes, and you may see the gathering strength in his mighty muscles and ponderous arms. He may spring at any moment, and when the fearful plunge does come, then look out for a crushing of bones, blood and flesh.
Every day brings a new rumor or a dozen of them. Three weeks ago a grand and decisive movement seemed pending and on the verge of execution; but day followed day, till they ran into weeks, and still the Grand Army of the Potomac moved not, and it still rests in imposing dignity on the woody banks of Washington's loved river, to a casual observer little changed in outward appearance or in actual efficiency, yet in reality immensely stronger than it was one month ago. Our home commander, General McClellan, has worked with superhuman energy in preparing the raw regiments for a struggle that shall be written on the pages of history as co-equal in importance with Marathon and Waterloo, Hastings and Saratoga, or other of the world's great and decisive battle fields. And now the world looks on in anxious expectation. None human knows McClellan's plan, except the gray-haired hero Scott, and a few of the chiefs who assemble with them in council. Meanwhile his plan is ripening. It may be days or weeks ere it shall blossom into victory, but that it will ultimate gloriously no one can for a moment doubt.
The rebels are wasting their precious ammunition on our pickets, or practising [sic] gunnery on empty houses along the front. They are getting bold and saucy; but what does their bravado avail them? They lose more men than we, even in their chosen guerrilla warfare, and who shall say that our chief is not well pleased to see them coming on so boldly. May be they are putting their head into the lion's mouth—may be they are being lured more surely into his clutches.—The issue alone will reveal the intent, and till the final, grand, culminating moment of suspense is come; till the thrilling "Forward!" rings in the air, all must silently wait. Forces are working, swords are sharpening, sinews are growing tense and hearts are growing firm. The eventful day is coming, and is not far off.
Several times we have been ordered out within a couple of weeks, when each man went, not simply expecting but hoping a fight. The last affair of any account was that which the papers have already partially revealed. I refer to the slight advance made by the rebels last Friday, and which resulted, according to stories from Utica, in the loss of Arlington Heights, the capture of Washington, and the total extirpation of the Fourteenth. Allow me to state that none of these items are true. Arlington Heights are yet crested with Union soldiers and Union fortifications; the Capitol still proudly floats the Stars and Stripes; and the "gallant Fourteenth" continues to live, as little harmed as ever by the enemy, while daily adding new laurels to its wreath of fame. In the affair ... _day, of which a very meager and vague ... appeared in the telegrams concerning it, a picket guard of the Fourteenth gained great ... for their conduct on the occasion. The picket from this regiment numbered about thirty ... and was the only section where the advance was made that behaved like soldiers. It seemed that some of the men became entangled with a number of the rebel pickets, who opened fire upon them. A few shots were exchanged, when the enemy advanced in considerable force, with one or two cannon, from which they poured a quantity of shot, shell and canister into our pickets, which were stationed on a line with Hall's' House and Ball's Crossroads. Most of the pickets retreated as fast as their legs could carry them, but the men of the Fourteenth nobly stood their ground as long as it was practicable for them to do so and then fell back in good order. The balls flew thick around them, and many had narrow escapes, but none were injured. Private Richardson, of Co. A, with two or three others of another regiment, were in a house owned by one Minion.—The rebels, mistrusting that the house contained some of our men, played on it with their field pieces, and had almost surrounded it, when our men heard the rattling shots, and saw their imminent peril. Richardson proposed that they all run for their lives, but they all declined venturing out into the iron storm that rained about the house. He, however, took the risk, and ran faster than he ever ran before, and escaped unharmed. The three who remained behind were taken prisoners by the rebels. In conducting and managing our pickets, Sergeant Curry, of Co. A., gained the applause of the Colonel and of his comrades, for his coolness and intrepidity. In acknowledgment, of his service, the following order was published on dress parade the following day:
ARLINGTON, SEPT. 14, 1861.
The commanding officer desires to express his gratification at the creditable manner in which the picket guard (with but one exception) under command of Lieutenant Gee, discharged its duty under such trying circumstances yesterday. While all are worthy of praise for their good conduct, as compared with many of the pickets from other regiments, he deems it but just that he should make particular mention of Sergeant Curry, of Company A, for his coolness and self-possession, when the whole detachment was threatened with destruction.
By order of Colonel McQuade.
John P. McQuade, Adjutant.
This afternoon, the division under Gen. Porter, was reviewed by General McClellan. Just as the lines were formed a tremendous shower commenced, and continued till the review was nearly over. Yet it did not disturb the review. The men stood like statues, the rain pouring upon them in perfect torrents, while General McClellan reviewed them entirely unmindful of the drenching storm. Secretary Seward was present with his daughter. After the shower had passed, the sun came out and shone brilliantly, as if smiling on the wet troops for their good behavior. In the east, enclosing within its arch the Capitol, hung a splendid rainbow, prophetic with its promise of good to the cause of Liberty, and the Union.
The men returned to camp in the best of spirits, although scarcely one had a dry thread on him.
The paymaster was expected to day, but as the whole regiment has been detailed for picket duty, it is probable that he will not be here until to-morrow. A heavy fog has hung over the Potomac all the morning, and the air is damp and chill, but I can just discern a growing tinge of yellow in the eastern clouds which indicates that the sun will soon be able to favor us with a few of his rays, although they may be highly diluted with the vapors and mist that intervene between us. The camp is full of animation. Knapsacks are being filled as if for a picnic, while the band adds to the life of the moment by playing one of its liveliest tunes. If there are any young men left around in your vicinity who are fond of enterprise and adventure, let them enlist at once. "Going out on picket," is a duty that has full as many charms as toils, while the dangers that attend it are only a pleasant seasoning, and but add to the enjoyment. Camp life is not all drudgery and moil, especially where we are now. The duties are mostly of an active and exciting nature, and cause the time to fly swiftly.
Of sickness we have comparatively little, there being in hospital out of the entire regiment only about thirty. As this is the most unhealthy month of the whole year, and our camp located in a very unhealthy position, we may be considered as extremely healthy.
Over fifty recruits have reached here within a couple of weeks, and still more are on the way.
Before this reaches you, we may have had a battle, yet it is hardly worth while for you to believe that the 14th is "all cut to pieces," till at least some one has received an honorable wound.
Yours for our Country, D. F. R.
Sept. 29th, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
After many days of patient waiting, after weeks of careful preparation, after getting well ready, the first bold step of an advance has been taken, and Gen. McClellan has set his foot down in the shape of several thousand disciplined soldiers, fairly and squarely, several miles into the enemy's country. To this advance the enemy have offered no resistance. They fled as precipitately as when two months since Gen. McDowell advanced upon Fairfax and Centreville, and thus far they leave no evidences behind to show that they intended to offer determined resistance to an advance of the Federal troops, or that they intend to make anything beside a skirmishing and picket ground of the country as far as the Government forces have already gone. What they have beyond, remains as yet unknown to me, but I do not think a very great battle will be fought this side of Manassas or Bull's Run, and perhaps not even there. The rebels are too wary to risk a contest with our army, unless they are strongly entrenched, and Gen. McClellan will never attempt to push his way through by Manassas unless it can be done with such resistless force that there will be no chance for defeat.
For a few days the Fourteenth has had stirring times. Last Friday about 400 men were detailed for picket duty, and sent out under command of Major Young, with directions to hold their position till Sunday. In accordance with orders each man carried two day's rations in his haversack, and went prepared to bivouac for two days and nights. Saturday afternoon scouting parties were thrown out, and towards night a general advance of the right of our line of pickets was commenced, supported by strong reserves. The brigade under command of Gen. Smith, and that of Gen. Morell, to which we are attached, composed the advance, and the main body of each was pushed forward as a support to the advancing line of pickets. At the same time troops commenced crossing the river, and are occupying the positions lately held by the 14th New York, 9th Massachusetts, 33d Pennsylvania and Gen. Smith's brigade.
Among the regiments that came across last night was the 50th New York Volunteers, a regiment of Engineers, commanded by Col. Stuart, of Geneva. To this regiment is attached Capt. Brainard's Rome Company. The regiment is finely organized, and although comparatively inexperienced in drill, is destined to be one of the first in the service. Every company has at least one practical engineer among its commissioned officers, and the Colonel and Major are both graduates of West Point. Utica is represented in its ranks by John Johnson, who is 1st Lieutenant in Company A. The regiment is mainly composed of men enlisted in Geneva and vicinity, and there is no doubt that the honor of that beautiful and aristocratic village will be kept bright by the achievements of its representative soldiers. As the 50th halted a short time near our camp, opportunity was afforded for many recognitions of friends in Capt. Brainard's and other of the companies, by members of the 14th. The 50th is encamped about half a mile back of us, nearly in front of Fort Corcoran.
From five o'clock yesterday afternoon till this morning, the road leading from the ferries up the hill past Fort Corcoran, was almost constantly filled with batteries and baggage wagons, the former hastening to support the advanced troops, and the latter heavily laden with camp equipage, and lumbering slowly up the hill. Above all the rattle of the heavy wagons arose the shouts and curses of their drivers, made more furious now and then, by the breaking of a harness, or the tumbling down of an exhausted or dissatisfied mule. Add to this bedlam the baying of the last mentioned quadruped, and the fond neighing of cavalry and artillery horses, and the scene becomes of novelty if not of interest.
About midnight orders came for Col. McQuade to bring up all his available men, with supplies of provisions enough for his entire command,—Accordingly, early this morning, all the men remaining in camp were mustered by the Colonel, leaving only enough to attend the sick and guard the camp and fort, and accompanied by two ambulances and a commissariat wagon started for the position occupied by our pickets, who had now advanced some two miles from their former position. They reached here about 10 o'clock, and joining our picket guard of the 14th swelled the company to about six hundred strong. Forthwith the contents of the big covered wagon were dispensed to the men by Quartermaster Broadhead. Enough wheat bread and fresh beef was brought for all, and in less than ten minutes after the wagon reached the bivouac of the 14th, the leafy labyrinths of the forest began to be permeated by the savory smell of beef toasting on wooden spits over numerous camp fires. The attitude of the men cooking their meat on the end of long sticks, reminded me strongly of certain sage looking fishermen that I have seen watching with reflective yet anxious air the end of their motionless rods. In our case, however, the individual was sure of a "bite," while the disciple of old Iziak might perhaps have an opportunity to watch the glassy pool for many an hour without even a "nibble."
Our regiment now rests a short distance this side of Falls Church, having occupied Munson's Hill and all the country in the region roundabout. Falls Church itself is deserted, and a number of our men took breakfast there this morning. No orders to move our camp have yet been received. There is not a Rebel in sight. Whether as part of an arranged plan, or fearing an advance of our entire army, they have fled precipitately, and are nowhere to be seen. We are anxiously waiting orders, expecting soon to pitch our camp in this vicinity or further out.
A sad mistake occurred last night in the advance of the pickets of General Smith's brigade, A party of Baker's California Regiment were, as near as I can learn, out scouting, and came in contact with some of Berdan's sharp shooters. Through some mistake the latter were fired upon by the former several times, losing seven men, and having quite a number badly wounded. What the precise object of this movement is I am unable to say, but should not think it was intended as the beginning of a general advance toward Richmond. Events are not yet ripe for an "onward to Richmond" movement. Something, however, is evidently about to be done, either by the rebels or the federal forces.
Every one here is anxiously surmising and wondering what is to be done next. The best of spirits prevail among the men, and although three days on picket and marching nearly all last night, slowly but surely, they do not exhibit any serious effects on their persons.
The country through here shows very few signs of having been inhabited by soldiers, or else the rebels show much less of a Vandal spirit than is exhibited by our troops, who lay waste the premises of both friend and foe.
To-night the 14th will bivouac again near this place. The most rigid strictness is preserved in regard to passes, and no lookers on will be allowed as at Bull's Run, Moro anon.
Yours for our Country, D. F. R.
News from the Fourteenth.
ARLINGTON, Oct. 4th, 1861.
FRIEND PHILLIPS.—The valley of the Potomac, on the 27th of Sept., was filled with a fog nearly as dense as that of the foggiest of Loudon fogs, when it is impossible to distinguish the lighted end of your cigar from the light above the lamp post, to which you are clinging. The roil of the drums caused us all to spring from our "hammocks of straw," and prepare for picket duty, to which the 14th had been assigned. By eight o'clock we were on the march for Vanderburger's house, a distance of about six miles. The men were commanded by Major Young, the most military looking man in the army, not excepting even Gens. McClelland, Scott or McDowell. Were he a cavalry officer, you would call him the Murat of our army. Six feet high, broad shoulders, and muscular, he is a modern Mars, clad in Wellington boots and the most attractive uniform he can assume. It is evident that he does not fear the balls of the enemy, else he would dress differently before going to battle.
A march of six miles in a drizzly rain over a slippery road, on ordinary occasions is not a very agreeable task.—Between the hilarity of the men and a desire to visit "Secessia," the ront [sic] was passed over without fatigue. The relief pickets are divided into two squads. On arriving at a post two or three, or more if necessary, of our men are detailed to guard that post. Pickets are within sight of each other.
Our pickets are usually stationed in the woods on one side of an open field, and the rebel pickets in a wood on the opposite side of the field. The headquarters of our pickets was at Vanderberger's house. This was, at one time, occupied by the rebels, and on the morning of the 28th was shelled by them.—Lieut. Hazen, Capt. Brazee and myself visited the advance of our pickets, and had the delightful opportunity of seeing the Secessionists.
The report that the rebels are not well armed, equipped and clothed, is false. Some of the DeKalb regiment, a few days ago, put their handkerchiefs on their guns and went over to the enemy; they were received by the rebels with three cheers. A German regiment, having a musical turn of mind, stole a piano from the house of a rebel, the other day.
The most pleasing part of a soldier's life, is on picket. A few sticks and boughs placed against trees served as a shelter from the storm, and to conceal them from the enemy. Straw is the only bed to lie down on. Roasting and eating corn, telling stories and keeping an eye out for the enemy, makes picket duty a relief from the every day routine of camp life.
Yours truly,
W. L. R.
Col. McQuade Under Fire.
Yesterday afternoon a detachment of the New York 14th and 49th regiments, under Colonel McQuade, made a reconnoissance [sic] 2 1/2 miles from Falls Church, on the line of the Leesburg turnpike. They vainly endeavored to draw out a party of rebels concealed in the woods. There was sharp firing on both sides, but certainly without injury to any of our men.
The rebels this afternoon burned the house of the Widow Childs, situated about half way between Falls Church and Lewinsville, to the right of the Leesburg turnpike. A party of the 14th went there to inquire into the cause of the conflagration, when they were surrounded by a largely superior force of rebels. By the prompt use of their rifles, killing two of the enemy, they safely escaped. The rebels soon after advanced their pickets somewhat nearer to our lines. Protection had been promised to the estate by the administrator, who is in the rebel army.
Mr. Barrett, the father of Mrs. Childs, has a fine residence in that vicinity, and it is apprehended the enemy will destroy it, as he is known to be a Union man. He is from the State of New York.
THE FOURTEENTH REGIMENT.—The Washington National Republican, of Monday, in an account of the recent retreat of BEAUREGARD and advance of MCCLELLAN, says:
A detachment of the Fourteenth New York Volunteers, Col. McQuade, by a flank movement in the rear of Munson's Hill, cut off and captured a mounted officer, a lieutenant and six privates. The officers and men were brought in to Fort Corcoran, and one of them, being wounded was brought over to the Georgetown hospital. He declines to tell his name, or give any account of himself. He is a good looking young man, and was dressed in a new uniform. The mounted office rode a very fine horse, and was in full uniform, with a large feather in his hat.
THE FOURTEENTH REGIMENT.—COL. MCQUADE'S regiment now forms the right wing of the Brigade commanded by Gen. MOREL of New York in the Division of General ANDREW PORTER, formerly Provost Marshal of Washington. The Division consists of two Brigades, the first of which is commanded by Gen. MARTINDALE of Rochester. Letters from the Fourteenth speak in the highest terms of Gen. PORTER, but the writers had not yet seen Gen. MOREL. Troops are daily crossing from Washington to Virginia in large numbers, and are rapidly brigaded and thoroughly drilled.
THE FOURTEENTH REGIMENT.— A dispatch to the New York Times of Saturday says:
A supper was given in camp on Thanksgiving Day by the officers of the Fourteenth New York to Gens. Porter and Morrell, with their staffs, and the Colonels of Morrell's Brigade. Speeches were made by the two Generals, by Capt. Locke, Assistant Adjutant-General, and by Cols. McQuade, Woodbury, Case and Black.
Camp Near Yorktown, Pa.,
April 13th, 1862.
MR. ALLGOEVER—Dear Sir:—Since my last letter to you, our regiment has been ordered from our winter quarters, and, as I suppose you are aware, are now performing the more stern duties of the soldier. The gallant 14th—the Flower of the Army, as some term it—are now in range of the big guns of the enemy's fortifications at Yorktown.—We pass compliments with them every day, in the shape of bomb shells, which is music for us. We are in our elements. The picket duty we have had to perform here is more exciting than it used to be. We are sometimes so close to their works that we can hear their conversation. Three nights ago it was our turn for picket. Through the day our reserve was stationed in a grove, and only two or three posts were kept, in a concealed position; but after night had spread her mantle over all around, you might see a little squad of soldiers go forth from the forest gloom into the open field in front, and, six on a post, lie down with their blankets around them to keep their sacred watch. This was company I—the Lewis county boys. Our trick was from 12 until 4 o'clock in the morning, when we withdrew from the field to the shadow of the woods. We could not converse with each other, except in a low whisper. A small party of rebel scouts were out trying to find the position of our posts, and our orders were not to fire unless strictly necessary. They would fire at random to draw us out. Their bullets whistled over our heads. We could hear them say, "The d——d Yankees won't fire." We could plainly hear them waking up their relief guard. The corporal said, "Come, George Roland, get up and go on guard!" He answered, "'What relief?" Corporal said," First relief; hurry up."
Our camp is in a pleasant place, a peach orchard of 3000 trees, all in bloom. It presents a most picturesque sight. The ground is as level as a floor, and of a sandy nature. We have very cool nights, but it is quite hot at midday, though a cool breeze from the river makes it quite comfortable. We are on the right of Porter's division and the whole army. The old breastworks and fortifications of Washington in the Revolution are still visible just outside our camp. Here is where Cornwallis surrendered to Washington, and I think there is a good chance for another surrender, for we have them nearly surrounded if not quite, and if they do not come to terms peaceably I reckon we will teach them a lesson they will long remember to their sorrow. Gen. McClellan is the man, though I hear many slurs upon his name in some of our northern papers, the authors of which ought to share the same fate as the rebels. My life is the same as in his hands, and I have confidence in him as a general, and am certain that whatever he undertakes to accomplish with his little Potomac army will be attended with success. I have stood in the ranks with my comrades as he passed us in review, with raised hat and smiling countenance, and the deafening cheers sent forth by us seemed to set him all aglow with pleasure at such unmistaken confidence which his soldiers placed in him. His piercing black eye is enough to convince me that conquer or die in the glorious cause is his motto. He is not the man to back down, he is competent to the great responsibilities resting upon him.
We hear of victories now at the West, and soon I think the last blow will be struck, in which I must play my part; and I hope if I do not live to see the end, that my comrades will, and return home to greet their friends once more, and wear the laurels of victory I am now certain will be won at the great battle about to be fought at Yorktown. This will be the second victory of our Stars and Stripes at this place—one by noble Washington, the other by our noble McClellan.
I must now close, as I have duty to attend to. This may be my last, though I hope not.
Yours respectfully,
The Battle of Hanover Court House.
The New York Herald's special correspondent gives a full account of the battle of Hanover Court House, won by the Fifth Provisional Army Corps, commanded by Gen. Fitz John Porter. The main work was done by the division of Gen. Morrell, composed of the brigades of Generals Martindale, of Rochester, and Daniel Butterfield and James McQuade, of this city. One of the regiments of Martindale's brigade was commanded by Colonel C. A. Johnson, of this city; one of Gen. Butterfield's regiments was the celebrated Ellsworth (44th) regiment, which has many representatives from this and adjoining counties; in General McQuade's brigade the Fourteenth New York, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Skillin, of Rome. The Herald ... is as follows:
It has been a busy day with some of the troops under Gen. Fitz John Porter, and one of hard work and hard fighting. Three fights with the enemy, three times whipping them, lulling and wounding three times more than were killed and wounded on our side, and capturing thrice three times as many prisoners, is the day's work and victories epitomized. Gen. Fitz John Porter's troops have shown the stuff they were made of, and have added luster to the name they had won in front of Yorktown, and have covered themselves with additional glory. As I essay to-night to write out the day's doings, it is in the midst of the confusion and horrors that always attend the close of a day's battle. Bodies of the dead lie about me, and the groans of the wounded fill the air, and it is impossible to get the names of the sufferers. Division and brigade commanders have no headquarters as yet, and the regimental rolls have not been called, which would enable me to obtain a complete record of the killed, wounded, and missing. In the hurry of sending away my dispatch, and the report of losses not having been made, I am compelled, therefore, to transmit a list only as far as I have been able to make it up from inquiries through most of the regiments known to have suffered, and visits to the various hospitals. I think, however, my list is very nearly complete. Our loss in the three engagements, it is estimated, will not exceed, killed, wounded and missing, one hundred and thirty, while that of the enemy cannot fall short of three hundred. The rebels probably captured about thirty of our men, and we have taken nearly three hundred of theirs.
At about four o'clock A. M. the regiments were up. An hour later they had eaten their breakfasts, packed their haversacks, looked to see that their guns and cartridges were all right, and were moving. The cavalry, artillery, and ambulances moved in their allotted places in the line of march. None knew where they were going, and none cared to ask. The nature of the general order looked like fight, and this compensated for every doubt.
The greater part of the troops thought, however, we were going to Richmond, and looked forward to luxuriating on soft bread and soft beds in the rebel capital. As we increased in the progress of the march so did the distance between our column and Richmond; for instead of making nearer approach to it, the fact became apparent that some outside job had been cut out for us to do by our Commanding General. This piece of outside work was not slow in revealing itself. It had been set apart that our Commander was to cut off the rebel connection between Richmond and Fredericksburg, and do what they could to decimate and destroy the utility of a large body of the enemy known to be encamped in the vicinity of Hanover Court House.
How this fact became known to our Commanding General, it is not for me to state. I can only say this much: that Gen. McClellan knew the capability of this corps to give the enemy trouble. He looked for brilliant deeds on the field by our troops, and he knew he would not be disappointed, and he was not.
During the preliminary march, I should state that if it ever did rain great guns, it rained those war missiles with unprecedented copiousness at the outset of our march, and for nearly three hours afterwards. It had rained, moreover, all night. The state of the roads may be imagined. The quicksand, indigenous to all Virginia roads, became mud, and the mud became deep, and the depth became disgusting. But our boys minded neither the rain, nor the mud, nor its depth.
Leaving camp, we went on the New Bridge road, leading from Coal Harbor, a short distance, and thence took the Hanover turnpike. The country is such as we have seen in our recent marches, here and there large plantations well tilled, large and well shaded houses for the proprietors, floorless, log huts for the slaves, and white flags invoking protection, floating hopefully in the breeze. Dwellings of stinted dimensions and meagre appointments, the habitations of poor white families, were of course scattered at intervals. As usual on all marches, the provost guard stationed guards at each town.
Foremost in the column was a squadron of the Sixth regular cavalry, under command of. Major Williams—two companies advanced as skirmishers. They were followed by a regiment of infantry, who also acted as skirmishers, plunging right and left into the bushes, and keeping a keen eye ahead lest some rebels might suddenly start up from behind some earthwork, or tree, or log, or stone. The batteries and brigades came next.
At McKinsey's Cross Roads, about six miles this side of Hanover Court House, mounted pickets of the enemy were seen. On observing our men they fired several shots, and then put spurs to their horses. One of the shots came whizzing close by the head of Major Williams. Our cavalry pursued and shot one of their men, who fell dead from his horse, and captured two prisoners. They belonged to the Second Virginia cavalry, and were well armed and rode fine horses. No more was seen of the rebel pickets.
A little before noon the advance of our column had turned the corner of the road, which is situated about three miles from Hanover Court House.—Twelve miles had now been marched. Three hours before, the rain had ceased, the clouds broken away, and the march from that time had been under the scorching rays of a torrid sun. Our men were fatigued—as who would not be—and languid; but they soon forgot their weariness and showed no signs of languor in the excitement of the coming engagement.
A correspondent on the south side of the Potomac writes from the camp of the Fourteenth regiment New York State Militia, at Upton Hill, under date of Monday, February 17, as follows:—"The regiment is wild with excitement this evening over the receipt of several telegraphic despatches, the purport of which assures them, first, in the name of Hon. M. F. Odell, that the gallant Colonel A. M. Wood will be released (exchanged) within twelve days; and, second, a despatch from General P. S. Crooke, to the effect that the change of the numerical designation of the regiment, which has long been a vexed question between Governor Morgan and the regiment, cannot legally be effected." This news, together with that of the success of our arms on the coast and at the West, has awakened in the regiment a degree of enthusiasm and patriotic vigor equal only to that manifested upon the occasions of their departure from home for the war, and their gallant action at Bull run
On the 21st inst. an election for officers of the regiment will be held, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Major Jourdan, now Lieutenant Colonel of the Fifty-sixth New York Volunteers—the Tenth Legion.
The regiment, comprising officers and men, held a spirited mass meeting in their large chapel tent this evening, giving vent to their feelings by patriotic speeches and national songs, which echoed far through the hills and valleys of this stick-in-the-mud region.
THE FOURTEENTH REGIMENT. —The Washington National Republican, of Monday, in account of the recent retreat of
Beauregard and advance of McClellan says:
A detachment of the Fourteenth New York Volunteers, Colonel McQuade, by a flank movement in the rear of Munson's Hill, cut off and captured a mounted officer, a lieutenant and six privates. The officers and men were brought into Fort Corcoran, and one of them, being wounded, was brought over to the Georgetown hospital. He declines to tell his name, or give any account of himself. He is a good looking young man, and was dressed in a new uniform. The mounted officer rode a fine horse, and was in full uniform, with a large feather in his hat.
Evening Telegraph.
Our Special Correspondence.
The Fourteenth in the thickest of all the Fights.
Gallant Conduct and Great Decimation of the Brigade.
Bravery and Gallantry of Colonel McQuade.
"Rally on the Colors, Men!"
Names of the Killed and Wounded.
The Brigade, (4 Reg'ts) now numbers only 1,200 Men.
D. C., July 7, 1862.
After many days of silence, and some tribulation, I address myself to the task of writing you a brief resume of the doings of the Army of the Potomac for several days past. I have written you several letters lately, but from some circumstances, I imagine none of them has reached you. All letters, as well as telegraphic despatches, appear to have been suppressed, and the friends of officers and soldiers have been allowed to linger in the most painful suspenses as to their safety. Whether this course is wise or unwise, remains for the authorities to decide for themselves. That it has been the occasion of intense pain and anguish of mind, there is no doubt. Since the 26th I have written you four letters, the reception to the minds of thousands in your vicinity, as they would have assured your readers of the fate of friends and relatives in the army.
On Thursday, the 26th inst., Gen. Porter's division went forth to battle with the foe, at Mechanicsville, in supporting distance of Gen. McCall's division, consisting of what was called the "Pennsylvania Reserve." In that action, which was a very desperate one, the enemy were held in check at night, after a most terrific cannonade of several hours. On that occasion, Michael Delehart, of Co. G, 14th, was killed by a shell, being literally cut in twain.
On account of the overwhelming force of the enemy, which was rapidly increased in the night, it was deemed expedient that our forces should retire next morning, which they commenced doing at daylight, after having destroyed such commissary stores as had not been previously removed. Word came to our camp at 3 A. M., where your correspondent lay sick, to strike tents, pack up, and move with the wagon train across the Chickahominy, to the vicinity of Gen. McClellan's headquarters. This operation was performed as speedily as possible, with the limited means of transportation at hand, most of the wagons being absent, on an expedition to the White House for supplies. On this account, the Commissary stores belonging to the brigade, were destroyed by fire, according to instructions from headquarters. By daybreak, the retiring forces commenced reaching Gaines' Hill, and taking up their position for resisting the attack of the pursuing enemy. Wagon trains filled the roads, droves of cattle the fields, artillery came dashing by, and infantry filed along with perfect deliberation. The battle commenced with artillery, early in the day, and was gradually participated in by the infantry, until our whole force was engaged in different parts of the field. The brunt of the engagement was sustained by the 2d Brigade, nominally commanded by Gen. Griffin, although Col. McQuade was the moving spirit.
In this battle, fought at an odds of at least four to one, with Stonewall Jackson at the head of the opposing forces, the 2d Brigade fought with a valor and desperation scarce ever equaled [sic]. In every part of the field, single regiments were pitted against whole brigades of the enemy, and yet in the end succeeded in prevented any general advance of the enemy, until night fall. The cannonade on this occasion was terrific, and yet, in the face of our fire, the enemy time and again marched up to the attack in columns four deep and were mowed down, as if with the besom of destruction. Their ranks, however, closed up repeatedly, and continually advanced, until compelled at last to fall back in confusion. At other points whole brigades moved up, and each regiment, after delivering its volley, would file off and its place be supplied by a fresh one, and so on through the brigade. To meet such attacks single regiments were pitted for hours before being reinforced. The 14th regiment, as also every other regiment in the Brigade, suffered severely.
It was here that Lieut. Col. Skillen and Col. Black, of the 62d Pa., were killed, and many other officers killed or mortally wounded.—Col. Skillen fell while bravely leading on the right wing of the 14th regiment. He was a gallant officer, and had during the month previous, commanded the regiment, Col. McQuade being in command of the brigade. He was universally liked and respected by the men, and his loss is deeply lamented by all. He has fallen in the defence of the dearest rights of his country, and he will henceforth wear the immortal crown of the patriot and soldier. Peace to his ashes!
The battle lasted until night drew its sable curtain over the scene, and the enemy were repulsed with great slaughter. Being reinforced by Meagher's Irish Brigade, Porter's, Division rested upon the field of battle. As this famous brigade rather unexpectedly came up, an artillery officer was planting some cannon on a commanding eminence, and energetically remarked to his men, "All hell can't drive you from here! Hold your ground, the Irish Brigade is coming." As he finished speaking, Meagher himself rode up, and raising himself in his stirrups cried out, with uplifted sword, "Yes, and it is here!" The announcement was received with deafening cheers, and beneath the galling fire of the artillery, and the impetuosity of the Irish Brigade, the enemy gave up the contest for the night.
A volume would scarce contain the record of the deeds of daring performed by officers and men on this day. They all stood up nobly, forming an impenetrable wall for the opposing forces, notwithstanding death stared them in the face, and overwhelming numbers opposed them. At one time, the colors of the 14th appeared to be wavering, and the column in danger of breaking, when Colonel McQuade rushed forward, and seizing the colors in his own hands, he waved them aloft and yelled out, "Rally on the colors, men! I'll stand by you to the last." The effect was magical; every man planted himself firmly in line, and there was no more wavering on that day.
While the battle was progressing, details of men were assisting the wounded to the rear, and Dr. Churchill was busily engaged in dressing their wounds in a house near by, around which bullets were whistling and shells exploding. The tide of battle coming nearer and nearer, it was thought best to move further off, and Dr. C. was told that the enemy would be there in two minutes. His noble response was, "I can't help it, I shall stay by the wounded." He did stay, and the result was, he, with the wounded at that point, was taken prisoner by the rebels. It was hoped for a day or two that he would be released, but the hope was a vain one. It is with great pleasure I am able to state, however, upon the authority of Dr. W. E. Waters, Brigade Surgeon, that a message has since been received from him, through a rebel prisoner, announcing that he is safe, although in captivity. It will be joyous news to his family, as it was to every man in the regiment. His services as Regimental Surgeon, have been very arduous during his connection with the army, as they have been fully appreciated by all.
Dr. West was not on the battle field at Gaines' Hill, having been detailed by the Brigade Surgeon to superintend the removal across the Chickahominy of the sick soldiers of the brigade.
It was on this night, that I and all the others with the wagon train, heard of the death of Col. Skillen, and also that Col. McQuade was wounded and probably taken prisoner, if not dead, and that Major Davies was missing. The sorrow into which we were all plunged, may be imagined, but not described. Uncertainty, however, still clung around the report, as it was brought by the N. Y. Herald reporter, who so distinguished himself in his description of the battle of Hanover Court House. The possibility that the rumor might prove to be true was depressing in the extreme. That night, we moved in great haste to Savage's Station, and Porter's Division were ordered to take up a new position across the Chicahominy. An attack was also made on Smith's Division during Friday, but it failed of accomplishing any definite result, and the enemy were repulsed. Saturday morning, the joyful intelligence was received that Col. McQuade was uninjured and Maj. Davies not missing. Col. Skillen's body was brought to the Station to be embalmed, preparatory to being sent home, and the wounded found their way thither expecting to be shipped to the White House. A train of cars was loaded with about 1,000 of them, but when about ready to be started word came that the rebels had seized Despatch Station, and cut off telegraphic communication, consequently, the cars were unloaded, and all who could walk, were ordered forward on the Bottom's Bridge road. Most of those unable to walk were taken prisoners.—The wagon trains also received similar orders, and it began to be evident that a retrograde movement was contemplated, or, as it was then called, "a change of front on the James river," was to be effected. This sounded well and was greedily swallowed by the mass, as a grand strategic movement, long thought of, and now successfully to be accomplished.
With the expectation of moving to a parking ground one and a half mile distant, the immense wagon trains were put in motion, and continued moving, with scarce an interruption, until just before sundown, the head of it made a crossing at White's Oak Swamp, seven miles from Savage's Station, and about 16 miles from Richmond. The advanced guard of the army, consisting of Porter's Division, and the Reserve Artillery, made the crossing at the same time. This point it was evident was a strong position, and susceptible of a most successful defense. Sunday morning the division made another onward movement accompanied by the wagon train, their places being supplied by other divisions which came up at the same time. After about four miles travel, a halt was suddenly made, it having been found that a body of rebel cavalry had attacked a body of infantry and cavalry at that point. Cannon were planted, and the infantry drawn up in line of battle, while the country was scoured by a squadron of horse. The wagon train was turned back, and parked in an open space surrounded by woods, and there the Sabbath day was passed in a blissful state of uncertainty. No enemy being found in advance, the infantry pushed on, and reached the James river in safety. In the course of the day, a desperate attack was made by the rebels upon the White Oak position, with artillery and infantry, but they were repulsed and driven back with great slaughter. In the middle of the afternoon, while the wagon trains were resting in supposed security, suddenly, and without the slightest warning, a stampede of large dimensions was created and the cry of "rebels are coming," resounded through the opening. From the direction of the City Point road everybody, and thing, capable of locomotion, was panic-stricken. Men ran and shouted, drivers abandoned their teams, horses broke from their fastenings, mule teams joined in the rout, and in less time than I have been writing, the whole plain was covered with a motley mass, moving away from the supposed advancing rebels. Fear filled every breast, and panic held full sway. It was, however, of short duration. No shots were heard, nor rebels seen. Commissary Broadhead of Utica, who happened to be mounted, saw that there was no danger, and if there was, it could not be escaped from, and accordingly he rode to the only avenue of escape, and brandishing his sword, he threatened to cut down the first man who approached him. A team which was about entering the narrow road, and which, in its haste was being driven exactly across the road, thus effectually cutting off escape from danger, if any, was stopped by Capt. B.'s threats, and gradually the stampede was checked and finally put an end to. The occurrence at Bull Run, could not have been more mixed up, or ludicrous, than that on this occasion. For the one in question, however, there was not the slightest occasion, and it only went to prove, that stampedes can occur, and result seriously, and that it is almost impossible to quell them if they seize hold of a multitude. Shortly after this stampede, a tremendous explosion was heard, which was afterwards ascertained to have been caused by the blowing up of ammunition at Savage's Station, where a desperate battle occurred between the rear guard and the pursuing rebels. Thus the retreat continued across the Peninsula; the rebels following with heavy forces, and our gallant army fighting, and bravely disputing every inch of the way. The retreat was probably the most orderly and deliberate one which ever took place, and the fighting the most desperate, and attended with the greatest loss of life ever known.
The last ... fight took place at what was called the Malvern Hill, near Turkey Bend on James river, on Tuesday, the 1st of July. Porter's division defended the left of the position, and fought the whole day against the most fearful odds. The 14th regiment held the extreme left, and was exposed to a most galling and destructive fire. It was here that Lieut. E. H. Lloyd and Lieut. 'George W. Griffiths were instantly killed. Lieut. Lloyd rose from the ranks to the position he held, being rapidly promoted Corporal, 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut., and when killed, was acting Capt. of Co. C. serving in Capt. Harrar's stead, who was wounded at Gaines' Hill, and afterwards captured by the rebels at Savage's station. Lieut. Lloyd was one of bravest spirits in the 14th regiment, and no man was more respected than he. He was, when in action, cool and resolute, ever ready to lead his command to posts of danger, and when he said "follow," not a man flinched.
The losses sustained by this company in the two battles of Gaines' and Malvern Hill, are the best evidence of the manner in which they fought. Co. C lost in the first battle its Capt. two Corporals, and eight privates, and in the second battle its 1st Lieut., 1st and 2d Serg'ts, two Corporals, and nine privates, (as far as heard from,) or more than one third of its effective force. Surely that company stood up to the rack. I have learned since the battle, that in consequence of the death of Col. Skillen, Maj. Davies is to have the vacant Lieut. Colonelcy, Capt. Michael, of Co. A, the vacant Majorship; and Lieut. Lloyd was to have been appointed Captain of Co. A. These facts show the appreciation in which he was held by his superiors in office, and testify largely to his possession of military abilities of no mean order. In private life he was universally respected and beloved. His death will be a severe blow to his family and friends, and to my self an irreparable loss. He was my best, and most intimate friend, one in whom I trusted and reposed all confidence. A tear dropped for such a friend is surely pardonable. Much to the regret of all, his body was unavoidably left upon the field of battle, but it is hoped that it may receive a decent Christian burial at the hands of the rebels. Unexpectedly, the regiment left that position, expecting again to return, but it was found impracticable. Lieut. Griffiths was also highly respected. Having but recently been appointed 2d Lieut., he already gave promise of great usefulness.
To go back a little. On Monday morning the wagon train was instructed to move, and was headed towards the Charles City road, but subsequently orders came to turn about and take the City Point road, which was immediately done, and swiftly the train sped along making the best time I ever saw such a train make. After traveling fifteen miles through a magnificent farming region, and highly cultivated stretch of country, the broad surface of James River was described and hailed with intense delight. Very heavy cannonading was heard along the whole distance, which proceeded from the battle raging at the White Oak crossing. The train passed on the way the City Point road to the right, and pursued an more properly, I think, Berkley Landing, 24 miles by the road and 50 miles by the river, from Richmond. Here the thousands of wagons were packed in an immense wheat field overlooking the river, and man and beast found that rest they so much needed.
This place was named after the former proprietors, the Berkleys, who for many years owned the immense plantation upon which we encamped. The ancient mansion, constructed of imported brick, of which we see so much in this part of the country, stands on the hill overlooking the river. In front is a beautiful grove of large dimensions, and in the rear, the finest garden I ever saw. It is terraced down and filled with every species of flowering plant, shrub and fruit. The fig and the American pineapple were prominent, while the pear, the apple, the peach, the cherry, &c., &c., were numerous. Vegetables of every variety filled the sauce department, and it was, in short, a paradise of a place. I say was, for now it is little better than a waste. The starving, weary soldiers and wagoners, have appropriated every thing eatable the place contained. The house was, until last March, inhabited by Dr. Starke, who married a descendant of the ancient house of the Berkleys. Since March it has been unoccupied, although the furniture remained and was cared for by the overseer, who remained upon the place. Gen. Keyes' headquarters were taken up near by, and the house, although splendidly furnished from cellar to garret, was appropriated as an hospital. It was soon overrun by officers and soldiers, who indiscriminately possessed themselves of whatever struck their fancy. I must confess I was absolutely dumbfounded to see officers overhauling drawers, closets, wardrobes, libraries, and every nook and corner of the house, for curiosities or valuables. One room in particular, a young lady's boudoir, furnished in elegant style, and from which nothing had been removed, was sadly rummaged, notwithstanding the protests of an aged, colored duenna, who carried the keys. It may be just, however, to the men, to state, that the keys were first demanded by a lady, (?) one of the hospital nurses, who took her first pick among the valuables. The rebels have committed acts of vandalism, which have been greatly condemned by Northerners, but scarcely anything they have done can equal the pillaging of this elegant mansion. While I can excuse the taking of fowls, and other animals fit for food, to sustain nature, I cannot refrain from uttering my protest against acts of vandalism such as were committed on the Berkley place.
The battle at Malvern Hills, on the 1st inst. was the most hotly contested one of the war. Such terrific cannonading as was there belched forth from the mouths of no less than 200 cannon, was probably never before heard, certainly not on this continent. A continuous stream of fire poured death and destruction into the ranks of both armies, and no pen can describe the effect produced. Especially after nightfall was it fearfully grand and solemnly sublime. The air appeared filled with meteors and rockets, moving with the rapidity of lightning from every point of the compass. And yet the continuous roar was not sufficient to drown the shrieks of the wounded and dying, who covered nearly every foot of the ground. The ranks of the 14th, and nearly every other regiment engaged, were here fearfully decimated. The 2d Brigade, notwithstanding its exposed situation, was compelled to remain in position all night, guarding with vigilant eyes against every attempt of the enemy to turn the left wing, so gallantly and successfully defended by them during the day. By this means the men were completely exhausted, and deprived of that rest so much needed. As for eating, that was out of the question, as they had nothing. As a sample of what the army endured, I will state that within one week, the 14th regiment fought four battles, with three days' rations, besides losing their knapsacks, haversacks, tents, and all their camp equipage. The survivors are now as destitute of the necessities of camp life as they were the day they were first enlisted. But the worst remains to be told. Entering the Mechanicsville fight with over 500 effective men, the 14h now numbers probably lees than 250 able to withstand the labors and privations of another campaign. And the Brigade does not number 1,200.
As I have sent you a list of the loss sustained by the regiment in the first day's fight, I will not repeat it, in hopes that it may have reached you. I will, however, send you a statement in figures, of the casualties, viz:—Killed, 9; wounded, 79; missing, 21.
In the fight of the 1st inst., the following casualties occurred:
KILLED.—Wm. P. Cowley, Seneca Falls, Clark M.
Gray, Knox Corners.
WOUNDED—Corporals—McDonough, in the leg, slight; Ed. Downer, in the neck and leg, slight; T. Aiken, of New York, in the hand, slight; H. Purcell, in the leg, slight.
Privates—D. Crossly, seriously; W. Davis, slight; W. Ehle, Fort Plain, in the leg, bad; W. Goucher, in the arm; J. Harvey, of New Hartford, in the hand, slight; Geo. W. Abbey, of Utica, in the breast, very slight; J. Holleran, of Utica, slight; T. Mayborn, of New Hartford, serious; Albert Bocker, slight; D. Ross, Clinton, slight.
KILLED.—Thomas Brown.
WOUNDED—Corporal Perry, in the abdomen. Privates Scott, in the hand; Robert Thomas, flesh wound in the arm; Foster Kelsey, in the leg, severely; Wesley Dimbleby, of Frankfort, slight.
KILLED—1st Lieutenant E. H. Lloyd, of Utica; 1st Sergeant, Dressler, of Syracuse; Corporal C. Behringer, of Utica; Private Julius Sebeil.
Wounded—Privates—Killion Meyers, of Hudson; Wm. Dewaukie, of Sandy Hook; John Sheber, of A1bany; Peter Werner, of Utica; Daniel Agne, of Utica, slightly; Jacob Schn, in the hand; Reese, of Utica; Corporal Mattis, of Utica; Sergeant Dingis, of Utica.
KILLED.—Corporal Martin W. Bliton, Cattaraugus, Alleghany county, N. Y.; Private John Lyon, Bethany, Genesee county, N. Y.
Wounded—Sergeant Artemus Maxon, Bennington, Wyoming county, N. Y.; Corporal Charles H. Tessey, of Utica, Oneida county, N. Y., seriously. Privates.—Mendon Young. Batavia, Genesee county, N. Y., seriously; David Johns, Darian, Genesee county, N. Y., seriously; Geo. Fisher, Pembroke, Genesee county, N. Y., slightly; Almon C. Barnard, Alexander,
Genesee county, N. Y., slightly; Randolph Tubbs, of Pembroke, Genesee county, N. Y., slightly; Jas. Derrick, Batavia, Genesee county, N. Y., slightly; Wm. H. Smith, Penbroke, Genesee county, N. Y., slightly.
KILLED—P. Welch, Utica; James Demsey, Utica.
WOUNDED.—Corporal A. B. Catlin, of Utica, in the breast.
Privates.—Wm. Atkins, of New Berlin, in the thigh; Joel Bancroft, in the leg; J. C. Burn, of Utica, in the neck; L. A. Boyd, of Utica, in the thumb, loses first joint; J. O'Brien, in the left arm, painful.
MISSING.—W. Armstrong.
Killed.—Martin Obereiter; Chas. C. Johnson; Geo. Phelps, of Turin.
Wounded.—Captain Muller, in the thigh, not serious; Corporals Richard Vickers; Elisha M. Brown; Jacob Tweedle.
Privates.—Ezra T. Hartley; Herman Stone; Thos. Gray; Martin A. Vestor; Richard Jones; Byron S. Barney; Frederick Rathka; John Farrell; Newton J. Titus.
Killed.—Corporal Homer L. Farmer.
Wounded.—Lieut. John Stryker, Jr., in the arm; Corporals Edward Marble; Edward Borden; Sergeant Michael Murray.
Privates.—Geo. N. Borben, George Clifford, James Devine, Michael Dunn, George N. Ferguson, Seth Griffin, Frank McCombs, David Marble, Charles West, Francis J. Shalor, George Tracy, Clark Martin, slight; C. J. Tree, slight.
I was unable to procure the list from this company, from the fact of the absence of Capt. Goss and several of his men, who had been detailed for some special duty, but I ascertained that the average number was about the same as the other companies. None were killed with the exception of Lieut. Geo. W. Griffiths of Utica.
Wounded.—Lieut. Hazen, Martinsburg, flesh wound, shoulder; Sergs. Reuben Streeter, New Bremen, slightly in arm; Agustus Shodshanskie, Croghan, Lewis Co., in shoulder; Hiram M. Dailey, Greig, in groin, he is supposed to be a prisoner; Samuel Merrifield, Hudson, slightly in neck; Riley Salmon, Turin, in hand.
Missing.—Joseph Berrier.
Missing….......................... 2
Total …………………...96
Exclusive of the wounded and missing of Co H.
It will thus be seen that in the two battles, this splendid regiment lost in killed, wounded and missing no less than 205 men, or calling the wounded of Co. H 10, a total of 215 men. Many regiments suffered as much as this ...
less, which goes to show as desperate fighting as history can produce.
McClellan's whole effective army probably amounted, on the 25th of June, to no more certainly than 80,000 men, and its loss will doubtless be rather over than under 15,000 men in the six days' fighting, while that of the rebels cannot be less than 50,000. There is another matter which should be taken into consideration, which is, that this long continued fighting was done upon almost empty stomachs, and with parched mouths. Provisions were scarce, and the country almost destitute of drinkable water. Several officers of the 14th informed me that during four days, all they had to eat were five hard crackers, and coffee but twice. The men probably fared some better, as many of them had their haversacks with them partially at least filled with provender.
I can hardly close this rambling letter without making honorable mention of Adjutant C. B. Mervine and Lieut. Lowery, the latter of the 62d Pa. Vol., Col. Black, who served gallantly as aids to Gen. Griffin in the memorable battles, and who were also aids of Acting Gen. McQuade at the battle of Hanover C.H. They rode fearlessly along the lines regardless of shot or shell, and conveyed orders with promptness and clearness.
Lieuts. J. F. McQuade, Batchelor and Williams, of Gen. Porter's staff, also distinguished themselves by their gallant and fearless conduct on the field.
Dr. West, Assistant Surgeon of the 14th regiment, was present at all the battles after that of Gaines' Hill, and worked day and night in binding up wounds and ministering to the sick.
It is a melancholy fact that only those receiving slight wounds escaped from the field, the balance being taken prisoners, or left on the field and in the woods to die perchance, but possibly to drag themselves to a place of safety. It i s to be hoped that they may be kindly cared for by their captors.
The escape of Colonel McQuade from death or injury, is deemed by his command and others to be almost a miracle, as he was constantly in the thickest of the fight, and urging on his men to stand fast. Many of them have said to me that they looked momentarily to see him fall, but he seemed to bear a charmed life and providentially escaped unharmed. He will doubtless be much amused when he reads his obituary notice published in the Herald last week. To say that the officers and men of the 14th regiment did their duty in the trying week, after what I have already written, would be superfluous, and yet I cannot refrain from saying that, as it has always been supposed, this regiment contained some of the best fighting material in the army. It is an honor to old Oneida, and it should be immediately filled up to its original standard. No consolidation with parts of other regiments is wished, and the yeomanry of the county should see to it that it be recruited to the army standard at once.
At 2 A. M. on Wednesday, the 2d inst., the army left the battle field, the enemy having been driven, far off in the rear, and by daylight it also was enabled to behold the waters of the James river. In the night a heavy rain storm commenced, and the roads, which previously had been knee deep almost in dust, were soon as deep in mud. The artillery and wagon trains cut it up terribly, and doubtless hindered the immediate advance of the enemy, even if they were in a condition to do so. If the statement of a captured North Carolinan [sic] is true, they could not follow. He said that his regiment was the last available one they had brought up to that point. Here then, on the high ground overlooking the river, which takes a large sweep, admirably calculated for defense, with the assistance of the gunboats, the army probably rests, although on the day I left, the rebels had advanced their artillery and commenced shelling. Our army at 3 o'clock was drawn up in line of battle ready to resist an attack. No attack was made, although occasional shells were fired which were returned by our artillery, assisted by the gunboats. I learn just as the Commodore sailed, (upon, which I had passage,) that a member of the 14th was wounded by a piece of shell from the enemy's guns. I could not learn his name.
On Tuesday, a meagre reinforcement of 7000 men, said to have been a part of Gen. Shields' late command, arrived on transports, and were pushed up river, where they were landed a short distance above. Wednesday evening the 17th New York, Col. Lansing, and the 18th Massachusetts, Colonel Roberts, together with a mixed number of convalescent soldiers from Old Point, were also landed. The two former regiments had been reported captured. They had been sent out with a detachment of Stoneman's cavalry, towards Hanover Court House, on the Friday previous, and it was thought that they had been cut off, but they made good their escape to the White House, and thence proceeded to Fortress Monroe.
Findind [sic] that there was likely to be no advance made for some time, and being somewhat broken in health, I thought best to change location for a time, and accordingly, I secured a passage on the Commodore, which was loading with wounded men, and am this far on my return home. The steamer left its anchorage on Friday morning the 4th inst., arrived at Fortress Monroe about 11 o'clock, and this city about noon, with 550 wounded men, making 1500 who have reached here within 24 hours. A good many officers will receive short furloughs, and will visit their families. The men are distributed in the different hospitals and hotels in the city. Capt. Muller, of the 14th, and Tuckerman, of the Berdan's, Lieut. Stryker, of the 14th, and Lieut. Egan, of the 101st, are among the number that expect to start for home to-morrow. Capt. Tuckerman informs me that Jas. Winchell of his company, was wounded in the arm, and Charles Buchanan, of New Berlin, was taken prisoner in the battle of the 1st.
I omitted to say that the 32d Mass. Regiment landed at Berkley on Thursday afternoon, and was immediately assigned to the Second Brigade. They looked in singular contrast to the soldiers thereabout, as they licked their way through the mud, half boot deep, with not a spot upon their clothing, and with steady martial tread, to join their Brigade. One day's experience with the Army of the Potomac, will give them new ideas of a military life.
Col. Enright, of your city, has received orders from Secretary Stanton to report for duty to Gen. McClellan, on or before the 9th inst. He leaves to-morrow.
The army now holds a strong position which is to be made a base line for future operations, with the co-operation of the gunboats, to Richmond. On the evening I left it was reported that the army had made an advance movement of ten miles towards Richmond.
Gen McClellan is still the idol of his army. In him they have the most unbounded confidence, notwithstanding the dastardly assaults of his enemies in this city and elsewhere.
DEATH OF COL. MCQUADE.--Among the fallen in that "harvest of death," before Richmond, on Friday last, we are pained to observe the name of Col, James McQuade of Utica. This news will be a terrible shock, not only to the family of which he was the pride, the community in which he was born and reared, but also to hundreds of personal friends throughout the State. Col. McQuade was a young man of more than ordinary talent, and early displayed great aptitude for military command. Our citizens will recollect him as the accomplished Captain of the Utica Citizens' Corps, whose visits to this place, under his auspices, were so warmly welcomed. His death will create a void not easily filled.
COLONEL MCQUADE.—The friends of Col. MCQUADE were seriously alarmed by the dispatch from the New York Times, published in our paper yesterday. A dispatch calculated to quiet their anxiety, was received yesterday by Mrs. MCQUADE, from Adjutant JOHN F. MCQUADE, to the effect that "newspaper rumors as regards the health of the Colonel are unfounded."
LOCAL MILITARY ITEMS.—Colonel MCQUADE'S officers are monopolizing recruits to a great extent hereabouts, at present. They have seventeen men on their books at the office up town, and expect them to be mustered in to-day. On Tuesday, a reinforcement will probably arrive from the west, and together with the Utica recruits, who will number twenty or more by that time, constitute a "squad" to be taken to Washington. Pipe has been laid for more men in this vicinity, the office in the Museum Buildings will be kept open, and recruiting will be carried on by the officers with their accustomed vigor.
THE FOURTEENTH REGIMENT.—CoI. McQuade's regiment lost a couple of faithful and most efficient helpers in this vicinity, yesterday, by the departure of Lieut. DAGGETT, and Corporal E. H. LLOYD, who were recalled to headquarters. They left at four o'clock, P. M. A squad was expected from Batavia to accompany them, but did not arrive. There are three or four men at this office who will go with the western men, when they appear.
—Lieut. DAGGETT and Corporal LLOYD, are working for the Fourteenth regiment at the Trenton Fair to-day. Corporal LLOYD already has hosts of acquaintances and friends in that section, and the gentlemanly Lieutenant can easily make them; so the expedition ought to be successful.
—Lieut. DAGGETT scat away twenty-two recruits, on the train going west at eleven o'clock, yesterday, for Rochester, whence they will be taken to the headquarters of the Regiment.—There were many remarks upon the appearance of the squad, and the remarks were favorable—all stalwart, sober-minded, stern men. Two large boxes of blankets and bedding were sent with the squad, who were in charge of Mr. FRENCH of New Hartford, a member of Co. A. in the Regiment. The names of the men are:
Joseph Cullin, David Evans, Geo. W. French, Nelson J. Houghmaster, Charles Osborn, Charlemagne T. Burly, Arthur McGarity, John Ries,
Cornelius Story, Robert Thomas, Kilburn Van Valkenburgh, John P. Williams, Peter A. Becker, Curtis Eddy, William Griffiths, Frank Jones, Wm. S. Lawrence, Thomas Reiner, Herman Stone, Warren Adams, Benjamin J. Williams.
—Quartermaster GRIFFITHS, of the Fourteenth Regiment, expects to open a Recruiting Office for his Regiment, at Remsen, to-day. Mr. GRIFFITHS is as popular as he is well known in his native town, and he will bring down such a squad of loyal and muscular Cambrians, as shall gladden the hearts of the friends of the Fourteenth.
—Capt. PEASE mustered in seven men for Col. MCQUADE'S Regiment, yesterday, four of whom had just enlisted. After all, there seems to be a "hankering" among muscular men to connect themselves with the Fourteenth, whose reputation as one of the best volunteer regiments in the service extends even to Lynchburgh [sic] and other remote towns in Virginia.
McClellan's Veterans.
No. 40 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y.
RECRUITS WANTED for the Fourteenth Regiment,
This Regiment has been through all the Battles of the Peninsula, and has won imperishable honors for its bravery, endurance, and splendid discipline.
The Pay is as follows:
First Sergeants $20 per month.
Sergeants, 17 per month,
Privates 13 per month.
And $3 50 per month clothing allowance.
The balance of the Bounty of $100 will be paid to each enlisted man when the regiment is mustered out of service, on the 17th day of May, 1863, or before. No Regiment stands higher in drill and efficiency than "The Fourteenth New York."
Apply to G. T. HOLLINGWORTH, Captain Co. B, Fourteenth
Regiment N Y.S V., Recruiting Officer.
Two Hundred and Seventeen Dollars in cash will be paid each man, as follows:
$50 County Bounty,
25 U. S. Advance Bounty,
4 U.S. Premium,
$50 State Bounty.
13 1st month's pay advance, All the above paid on enlisting.
$75 Paid at the end of the Regiment's service, 17th day of
… next.
—The attractions of Lieut. DAGGETT'S headquarters are numerous, and
" 'cruits" are rapidly coming in. Thirteen new names are on the roll for the Fourteenth. The Lieutenant and Corporal LLOYD are delighted to receive visitors, and explain to them the war curiosities—the grape, the shrapnel, the signal rockets, the canister, &c.
PROMOTION.,—Lieut. Geo. C. SPERBROK, formerly of Utica, and late private in Col. MCQUADE'S 14th Regiment, of Utica, N. Y., has been promoted from Lieutenant of 20th Pennsylvania Militia, to Brigade Quartermaster of Pennsylvania Brigade, with the rank of Captain.
See notice of a new Recruiting Office opened in this city by Lieut. JAMES S. Reynolds, of the 14th Regiment, N. Y. S. V. Lieut. Reynolds offers large bounties and prompt pay. We trust he may be successful in recruiting a large number of men.
More Remittances.—Ald. Townsend received $500 yesterday from Capt. LEWIS MICHEL, of the Fourteenth Regiment, the remittances of members of that company to their relatives in this city. The money was all in gold coin, and Ald. T. took great pleasure in distributing it.
The Old Fourteenth.—Capt. Lahe writes that "his boys" are in good health and spirits. Glad to hear it, for they are the heroes of many hard-fought battles. Their regiment is in the division lately commanded by General HOOKER.
The author of the above is "D. F. R.," the correspondent of the HERALD, who, after enlisting in the Fourteenth Regiment, deliberately deserted, while the regiment was at Albany, and was only saved from punishment by the interference of powerful friends.—Observer.
So the Utica Observer belies as pure-hearted and gallant a man as has enlisted under our flag in this war. Mr. RITCHIE, before the Regiment was mustered into the national service and before strict discipline was enforced, left camp without leave, but on being summoned back, returned before the expiration of the limited time. That is the extent of his desertion, and the Observer may make the most of it against a man now in the service of his country, and determined to stand by the flag while the war lasts.
The talk as to punishment, in view of the act and its circumstances, only the Observer would indulge in.
FOURTEENTH REGIMENT.—In accordance with a plan long since announced, Major THOMAS H. BATES has resigned the position of Quarter-Master in the Fourteenth Regiment, and will devote himself to raising a battery of Flying Artillery. He will be succeeded as Quarter-Master by Mr. BRODHEAD, formerly of Bagg's Hotel, a gentleman every way qualified for the position.
RETRIBUTION.—About a month ago we mentioned that MARK J. COWAN, a private in Co. B, Col. MCQUADE'S Regiment, was assaulted in Albany at night by a couple of roughs, who demanded his money, threatening his life. One of them, THOMAS SKEEHAN, was promptly arrested after the occurrence—the other, WILLIAM J. WARREN, was caught next morning. They gave bail, and the trial was set down for Monday last. The Argus of yesterday finishes the story thus:
They were on hand, and, to their surprise, so was the volunteer. However, when the case was called they left. On Tuesday, Cowan was compelled to leave with his Regiment, and making sure of his absence, this time, they presented themselves for trial. As Cowan was the only witness in the case, the trial of course could not go on. But they did not get off as expected; for, on motion of the District Attorney, their bail was declared forfeited, with permission to settle within thirty days, for $350, and they were sent to jail.
THE 14TH REGIMENT.—We are pretty well satisfied that the 14th was in the late battles. We have no particulars, however, as to their losses, but await anxiously returns from the field. We will, doubtless, have a full statement of affairs by to-morrow. In the meantime let us hope for the best.
THE 14TH REGIMENT.—This regiment of brave boys was in the late battle, but none of them were killed. Efforts are being made to have them mustered out of service at Utica instead of Albany. Their term of service expires on the 17th inst., but as that day comes on Sunday, they will be mustered out either on Saturday or Monday. Measures should be taken to give the war-worn veterans a warm reception.
Deserted.—High Sweeney, an alleged deserter from the 14th Regiment, was taken in charge last night by officer Browne, of the 42d precinct police, for robbing the money-drawer of Mr. D. Haids, who keeps a liquor-store in Sands street. As he was about to go to jail for theft, a Provost Marshal stepped up and took him into custody.
PERSONAL.—Capt. H. R. LAHE of the 14th regiment, has been on a visit to his friends in this county. He is looking well, after the many hard fights in which he has participated. He has re-enlisted for the war.
From Co. I, Fourteenth Regiment.—
Capt. Lahe writes to us from Falmouth, as follows: "We are now 'on the wing' for the secesh under our new commander, Joe Hooker. He has taken our regiment specially under his charge. Nothing to eat but hard crackers and pork, and compelled to sleep on the ground these cold nights. Nothing but the ''American Eagle" would keep me here."
THE BRAVE DEAD OF THE 14TH.—Mr. John H. Fisher, Hospital Steward of the 14th Regiment, writes us a letter dated: "Court House Hospital, Gettysburgh [sic], Pa., July 31st," in which he states that Sergeant N. Carlton, of Co. E, died July 28th. His right arm had been amputated. Private George A. Douglass, of Co. F, died on the 31st July from a gun shot wound in the side. "All the remaining members," he adds, "are doing first rate, and will soon be able to be sent home."
From the 14th Reg't.—The following names embrace all of the 14th Reg't who arrived here yesterday and last evening:
Lieut. Stryker, of Rome, shot in left arm, severely; Capt. Muller, of Boonville, in leg—ball yet in wound; Lieut. Hazen, of Martinsburg, shot in shoulder, seriously; John B. Byrne, Elmira, neck; Chester H. Catlin, ankle; James A. McDonough, leg; Jas. Kivlin, sick; Daniel Agne, left arm, Utica; Heman Stone, Leyden, neck; ____ Smith, Springfield, hand; Henry C. Grunert, foot; Richard Vickers, breast; John Warr, Utica, hand, and Chamberlain, Farrel, Ashman, Patterson, Fuller.
E. A. Thurston, hospital attendant, is a prisoner. Capt. Harrer's wound proved to be so serious that amputation of the left leg has been performed—so rumor says. Capt. A. Sears is seriously sick at Harrison's Landing;
T. J. Lewis, formerly clerk in the store of Dickinson, Comstock & Co., is very dangerously wounded in the temple, and is in the hospital.
FROM THE FOURTEENTH.—A letter from an officer of the 14th Regiment, received to-day, states that the regiment musters 645 men. It is the largest old regiment in the service, and there are but few of the new regiments that number as many men. This speaks emphatically in favor of the excellent discipline of, and good treatment received in, the "Fighting Fourteenth." Capt. Lahe, Adj't. Manning and others on leaves of absence, had just returned to camp. There was no one with serious sickness in hospital, and but a few that complained of illness. Altogether; the regiment is in a fine condition.
To the Editor or the Utica Morning Herald:
Did you ever hear of hurting the feelings of a bereaved Widow and Orphan more than the following, to wit?
You are perhaps aware that the late and lamented Capt. Harrer was the founder of the German LaFayette Rifle Co. He has devoted his time any money for eight years to make it a perfect military organization, and succeeded in his endeavours to do so. Two years ago through his untiring energy he procured a new Uniform for his Company. He held the office of Captain with honor to himself and with credit to the Company till this unholy Rebellion broke out, when he at once volunteered his services to his adopted Country. He raised a company for the 14th Regiment, N. Y. S. V., which he gallantly commanded and led towards Richmond, but unfortunately fell in the hands of the enemy, wounded, and subsequently died of the wound, received.
Immediately after the funeral rites which took place here, the company sent to the Widow of Capt. Harrer, and demanded the uniform which her beloved, husband wore while as Captain of said company. With a sorrowful heart, and tears in her eyes, she begged of the company to spare her the pain of seeing the uniform of her husband worn by another; she offered to pay any price for it, however much they may ask for it, but no,—even the orphan, a little girl of about twelve years old, (the pet of her father) offered to pay for it with the money her father sent her from time to time; no, the hearts of those men were harder than stone; nothing would satisfy them but the uniform, the sorrow and tears of a poor forsaken Widow and Orphan did not move them.
A few days ago, a party of the company composed of its officer, and headed by a constable went to the house during the absence of Mrs. Harrer, and tried to break in the door, in order to secure the uniform, but they were prevented by other tenants of the house from doing so, when finally she came home, and gave the uniform up, which she prized so high as a momento of her departed husband; they also demanded the expenses of getting the uniform of her which amounted to $3, and she paid it.
Now Mr. Editor, in justice to the widow, I make this statement public, all our Militia companys [sic] are supported by the public. I would most respectfully call the attention of every candid mind to the foregoing, to me seemingly, mean and contemptable act, and then ask can he respect and patronize such a combination of men. I am sure the public simpathizes [sic] with the widow and orphan, while its scorn will ever be the German Lafayette Rifle Company.
—The citizens of Utica are making extensive preparations for the reception of the 14th arid 26th regiments. A public meeting was held Monday night, at which speeches were made by Mayor Wilson, Hon. Francis Kernan, and others. The following reception committee was appointed:
Annsville, T. B. Allanson, D. B. Danforth; Augusta, Jas. C. Knox, A. Sergeant; Ava, J. H. Edgerton; Boonville, J. Earl Hulbert, Geo. Anderson; Bridgwater, A. M. Perkins, Albert Steel, Camden, Thos. D. Penfield, Dr. Bickford; Deerfield, Geo. P. Weaver, Abram B. Weaver; Florence, John Ballard, Dr. J. M. Brown; Floyd, P. A. Hale, H. E. Wilcox; Kirkland, Jas. K. Avery, O. S. Williams; Lee, J. Townsend, A. S. Clark; Marcy, H. N. Carey, J. Sweet; Marshall, L. Rouse, J. J. Hanchett; New Hartford, R. C. Sherman, W. H. Chapman; Paris, S. A. Millard, G. W. Bagg; Remsen, Didymus Thomas, Joseph Mitchell; Rome, John Stryker, Benj. N. Huntington; Sangerfield, Wm. J. McKown, E. B. Goodman; Steuben, Samuel U. Miller, Wm. Lewis; Trenton, Fred. Billings, Dr. Crane; Utica, 1st Ward, A. Hubbell, Hugh Crocker; 2d, Thos. Van Emberg, J. G. Brown; 3d, John Griffiths, J. H. Prentiss; 4th, Lewis Lawrence, D. P. White; 5th, C. H. Hopkins, Jas. H. Read; 6th, Peter Clogher, N. A. White; 7th, Wm. B. Taylor, L. H. Babcock; Verona, J. P. Goodsell, T. G. Halley; Vernon, H. T. Jenkins, O. Carpenter; Vienna, J. B. Holsted, C. Brodock; Western, Squire Utley, Geo. Williams; Westmoreland, Arthur T. Brown, Mr. Wiley; Whitestown, Samuel Campbell, H. R. Hart.
The Committee met on Saturday at Utica, Hon. John Stryker in the chair. The Chairman stated that firemen and military of Rome and vicinity had taken the initiative steps towards co-operating in the reception. To have the burden of the expenses attendant on the reception fall equally on the whole county, Mr. Babcock moved that Utica contribute $1,000; Rome, $20o; Whitestown, Kirkland, New Hartford, Sangerfield, Paris, Trenton and Boonville, $75 each, and the other towns $40 each. Motion carried. Hugh Crocker, Esq., Treasurer of the City Committee, was appointed Treasurer of the general fund. It was resolved that an effort should be made to have the 14th and 26th come to Utica on the same day, if not, then half of the fund is to be expended on the reception of each regiment.
The following letter, received by Dr. V. Whitbeck, from his son Volkert Whitbeck, Jr., Sergeant of Co. K., 14th Regiment, N. Y. S. V., will be read with interest by our citizens:—
May 7th, 1863.
DEAR FATHER:—We returned yesterday from Chancellorsville, the place of the recent fight. We have had exceedingly rough times and been in very precarious positions, but I have no time to particularize. There was none of our Company hurt. We were not whipped at Chancellorsville, but our object in going there was to cause the evacuation of Fredericksburg, which it did in part; at any rate Gen. Sedgwick took the Heights, but they were retaken by the rebels and strongly reinforced, and for that reason our object in being where we were was gone, and we evacuated without loss, our brigade being the last of the Army to cross the river. That's all now. Look for me soon. Your son,
Our Returning Regiments.
The citizens of Rochester, only a few days since, gave a fitting ovation to one of their returned regiments. Utica, we see, has taken steps to welcome her battle-stained warriors.—Two regiments recruited in that county, the 14th and 26th, were shortly expected to reach their homes. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held at the City Hall on Tuesday evening last, the Mayor of Utica presiding. The firemen and military had already anticipated the movements of the citizens. Committees were appointed to carry out the object of the meeting. Among the speakers were Hon. Francis Kernan, John F. Seymour, L. H. Babcock, C. H. Doolittle and others. At the same meeting a committee of ladies was appointed to make such arrangements as they might deem proper. As yet no stops have been taken by our citizens to welcome the gallant men of the 18th and 30th, and of the other regiments who have periled all they hold dear to sustain the Government and the country. Will not some of our patriotic citizens move in this matter?
Army Correspondence.
[Published by request.]
Camp near Falmouth, Va., March 2d, 1863.
MRS. ELIZABETH BARRY:—Dear Madam:—It is with the feelings of heartfelt sympathy for you and your family that prompts me to write you. When at your house last month I found you all in deep distress under your multiplied afflictions, the greatest of which was the death of your son, John H. Barry. His sudden departure from this world of trouble to a better, which occurred at the Windmill Point Hospital Feb. 1st, when announced to our Company and Regiment, caused universal surrow [sic] and regret. He was a good, brave, christian soldier, and has done his duty well. Now,
"He sleeps his last sleep, he has fought his last battle,
No sound can awake him to glory again."
He was wounded, slightly, at the battle of Fredericksburg. He will ever be remembered by his comrades in arms for his many good qualities; and may He who "tempers the wind to the shorn lamb" be your support and comfort through the great trials God has seen fit, in His wisdom to visit you, is the sincere wishes of myself and Company.
Captain Commanding Co. K.,
14th Regiment N. Y. V.
Returned Soldiers on their Way to Utica:
—About six hundred returned volunteers arrived at East Albany at 6 o'clock last evening, and were received by a committee of citizens who furnished them with refreshments. They were accompanied by Dodworth's band, and also one other full brass band, as well as two drum corps and two cannon. They left in a special train at 9 o'clock, for Utica, to take part in the Union demonstration in that city to-day.
The Fourteenth Regiment.
The 14th (Oneida county) Regiment, commanded by Colonel M'Quade, arrived here at half-past three o'clock yesterday afternoon. Dinner was provided for them at the Delevan House, after which they proceeded to the Capitol Park, where they were welcomed home by the Governor in a brief and eloquent address, acknowledging the indebtedness of the people to them and their brave associates in arms, for their heroic bearing in the field and the noble manner in which they have on all occasions, upheld the dignity and reputation of the State.
From the Park they proceeded to the Barracks, where they will remain until paid off and mustered out.
REGIMENTS—THEIR RECEPTION, &c.—Yesterday was another gala day for the citizens of Albany. At an early hour in the morning, the booming of cannon and the ringing of church bells announced to the people that the Third Regiment had arrived. The regiment came up in the steamer Kennebeck, and landed at the Steamboat Square, where they were met by the Common Council Committee and a delegation of firemen, and escorted to the Delavan House, where they obtained breakfast. Subsequently they were escorted to the Arsenal, where they stacked arms and took a rest until 11 o'clock, when the Fire Department made its appearance. At that hour the line of march was taken up, and the procession moved in the following order: Police under command of Chief Johnson.
Brigade Band.
Chief McQuade and Assistants Lightfoot and Campion.
Tivoli Hose Co. No. 1.
Washington Hose Co. No. 2.
Putnam Hose Co. No. 3.
Phoenix Hose Co. No. 4.
Protection Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1.
Mountaineer Engine Co. No. 5.
Niagara Engine Co. No. 6.
Eagle Engine Co. No. 7.
D. D. Tompkins Engine Co. No. 8.
Neptune Engine Co. No. 10.
Relief Engine Co. No. 11.
Americus Engine Co. No. 13.
Common Council Committee in Carriages.
Third Regiment.
After parading through the principal streets, the procession halted at the Capitol, when his Excellency Gov. Seymour addressed the regiment in a becoming manner. At the conclusion of his remarks, the regiment gave nine hearty cheers. The line was again formed, and the regiment escorted to the Arsenal, where they received their knapsacks, &c., and from thence proceeded to the Barracks.
Thousands of people gathered along the thoroughfares through which the procession passed, who manifested great enthusiasm, the regiment being heartily cheered at several points. Our citizens generally appeared to feel a personal interest in doing proper honor to the regiment which was among the first to respond to our country's call.
The Third Regiment left this city seven hundred and eighty strong, under the command of Col. Townsend, on the 10th of May, 1861, arriving in New York on Sunday the 19th, and remained encamped at the City Hall until the following Tuesday, when they camped on the Battery and remained there until the 1st of June. On that day they left for Fortress Monroe, reaching Camp Hamilton on the 3d. On the night of the 9th, they started for Big Bethel, and were fired into on the way by the Seventh Regiment, in which they lost one killed and twelve wounded. Having no ammunition, the battery was not captured, and the regiment returned in good order to their camp.—On the 2d of July, Col. Townsend was succeeded by Col. Alford, who went out as Lieutenant Colonel. July 30th the regiment left the Fortress for Baltimore, where they remained in camp at Fort McHenry until April 1, 1862, when they relieved the Fifth Zouaves at Fort Federal Hill. They remained there until June 7th, when they embarked for Suffolk, where they were on duty until September 12th, when they again returned to Fortress Monroe, where they have been on garrison duty until they started for home. Their present strength is seven hundred and ninety-six men, four hundred and twenty-two of whom have returned, under command of Major Floyd. The residue—partly new enlistments for three years —remain at the Fortress in the new organization.
The Fourteenth Regiment, Col. McQuade, arrived at this city about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. They came by boat as far as Hudson, where they arrived at an early hour in the morning. They were hospitably entertained by the authorities of Hudson, and the members also speak in the highest terms of praise of the treatment they received at the hands of the citizens of that place. They left Hudson shortly after noon on a special train.
The Fire Department was at once made aware of the fact of the arrival of the regiment, and the Companies preceeded [sic] to the Depot and escorted the regiment to the Delavan House, where dinner was furnished them. After dinner the regiment was escorted to the Capitol, where they were welcomed, in behalf of the State, by his Excellency the Governor. This ceremony being over, the regiment was escorted to the Barracks.
The Fourteenth was recruited in Oneida county. The regiment left with eight hundred men. It returns with four hundred. It has been in eleven battles, and its battered banners and thinned ranks bear honorable evidence of their heroism and sufferings. The regimental flag is pierced by thirty-three bullets, and six of its bearers have fallen. A noble record for a noble regiment.
The 28th (Lockport) Regiment arrived on a special train from New York last evening. The regiment was received at the ferry by the Common Council Committee and the entire Fire Department. After receiving supper, the regiment, preceded by the Fire Department (each of its members bearing a torch), proceeded to the Barracks. The Fire Department deserve the greatest credit for the display made upon this occasion. From early morn till late at night, the firemen have been on the march—a rare occurrence.
The 14th, Col. McQuade.
The "Sons of Oneida" gave the 14th a hearty welcome in New York yesterday. A fine repast was prepared for the Regiment at the Park Barracks, and the officers, with their friends, dined at the Astor House.
After dinner the Regiment formed in the Park, and Hon. CHARLES TRACEY, a "Son of Oneida," made them an eloquent address, in which he appropriately referred to the fact that the Regiment volunteered to remain through the battles of Chancellorsville, after the expiration of their term of enlistment, and that forty-five of their number volunteered to serve a battery, after all its men had been killed or disabled.
The Regiment left with 800 men. It returns with 400. It has been in eleven battles, and its tattered Banners and thinned ranks bear honorable evidence of their heroism and sufferings. The Regimental Flag is pierced by thirty-three bullets, and six of its bearers have fallen.
All honor and welcome to the brave men of the 14th!
The 14th (of Utica)—Colonel McQuade.
As announced yesterday, the 14th arrived at East Albany at 3 o'clock yesterday. The Fire Department was immediately notified of the fact; and, although most of the Companies were at a fire, they promptly responded to the Call to continue their services as an escort—only portions of each Company remaining at the fire.
A sumptuous Dinner was provided for the Regiment at the several Hotels in the neighborhood of the Depot, when the line was formed, and the Regiment was escorted to the Capitol, where
Gov. SEYMOUR welcomed the officers and men in a brief, but feeling and appropriate address. He had already, he said, had the pleasure of welcoming several of the veteran Regiments, who had served their Country faithfully in the field for two years. But he felt peculiar pleasure in welcoming the Fourteenth, from his own County, many of whose Officers and men were his fellow-townsmen and long his personal friends. They had been true to their Country in its hour of peril, and their torn and tattered Banners, and thinned and depleted ranks, bore honorable testimony to their bravery in the field. He welcomed them home, and in the name of the People thanked them for what they had done; and hoped they would all live long to enjoy the blessings of the Government and Union which they had periled their lives to defend and preserve.
The address was cheered by the Regiment, when Col. MCQUADE advanced with one of the worn Banners of the Regiment, and said:
GOVERNOR: I hold in my hand the Regimental Flag presented to us, on our departure, by your honored predecessor. It was then bright and beautiful. It is now soiled and tattered. But it has never been dishonored. I now present it to you, as the Governor of the State, in the name of the Regiment.
Gov. SEYMOUR accepted it, and remarked that the honored Flag would be placed with those of other Regiments, equally honored, in the archives of the State, where, with it, would be preserved a faithful record of the services of the Regiment, and the names of every member of it.
Col. MCQUADE, turning to his Regiment, said: Men: As an expression of our Union sentiments, I propose three cheers for the Commanding General of the army, whether it be MCCLELLAN, BURNSIDE or HOOKER.
The cheers were given with a will, and were united in by the vast throng surrounding the Regiment.
The procession then moved off to the Barracks, where the Regiment will be mustered out of service, and proceed to Utica, if possible, early Monday morning.
This Regiment was raised principally in Oneida county, and organized in this city, May 7, 1861. It was one of the first six formed by the Military Board. It was first brigaded in July, 1861, under Gen. W. F. SHERMAN, at Fort Corcoran, and has remained in the same Brigade, under different commanders, ever since. It guarded the Ferries and Bridges at Georgetown from the battle of Bull Run until the evacuation of Manassas.
It followed MCCLELLAN to the Peninsula, and fired the first shot in that campaign, at Harwood's Mills, April 4, when the army advanced on Yorktown. It was engaged in the seige [sic] of Yorktown, and was in the battles of New Bridge, Hanover Court House, Mechanicsville, Turkey Bend, Malvern Hill, (where it occupied the extreme left, which the enemy tried to turn) Shepardstown, Fredericksburg (under BURNSIDE) and Chancellorsville.
In most of these battles Col. MCQUADE acted as Brigadier General, and the Regiment was under the immediate command of Lieut. Col. DAVIS.
The following is a list of the officers of the Regiment:—
Colonel—James McQuade.
Lieutenant-Colonel—T. M. Daves [sic].
Major—L. Michaels.
Adjutant—T. Manning.
Quartermaster—W. Brodhead.
Surgeon—A. Churchill.
Assistant Surgeons—P. W. Shufelt, W. Ingraham.
Company A—Captain, H. Gass; First Lieutenant, J. Miller; Second Lieutenant, G. W. Abby.
Company B—First Lieutenant Commanding, A. G. Spencer; Second Lieutenant, J. H. Snyder. Company C— Captain, F. M. Butler; First Lieutenant, P. D. Alfater; Second Lieutenant, A. J. Haffron.
Company L—Captain, W. S. Cowan; First Lieutenant, M. McQuade, Jr.; Second Lieutenant, T. S. Ostrom.
Company E—Captain, E. Warr; First Lieutenant, A. B. Grunwell; Second Lieutenant, D. W. Tyrrell.
Company F—Captain, C. W, Muller; First Lieutenant, W. A. Rowan; Second Lieutenant, G. E. Bup.
Company G—Captain, J. Stryker, Jr.; First Lieutenant, W. D. Bowers; Second Lieutenant, H. Duffy.
Company H—Captain, R. H. Foote; First Lieutenant, G. E. Gee; Second Lieutenant, J. Haren.
Company I—Captain, H. A. Lahee; First Lieutenant, S. W. Hazen; Second Lieutenant, W. Edmans.
Company K—Captain, W. H. Seymour; First Lieutenant, W. H. Ellis; Second Lieutenant, J. S. Reynolds.
RECEPTION OF THE 14TH REGIMENT.—The meeting called last evening at the City Hall, to take into consideration the propriety of giving our Brave Boys of the 14th Regiment, who are expected to be mustered out of service this week, a suitable reception, was called to order by the appointment of A. Rossman, Esq., to the Chair, and Wm. Bryan, Esq., as Secretary. The object of the meeting was briefly stated by Hon. J. C. Newkirk, after which patriotic remarks were made by several gentlemen present.
All things considered, the meeting was well attended, and the greatest enthusiasm pervaded the minds of all in attendance. All present seemed intent upon giving the 14th a fine reception. But few Regiments in the service are composed of braver men, or have suffered more severely since the commencement of this unholy Rebellion than the 14th N. Y. S. V., which was recruited in this vicinity, and which is made up principally of Columbia County men.
During the evening it was announced to the meeting that the Common Council had been called together, and had made an appropriation of $200, and appointed a committee of five to co-operate with the committee of citizens, for the purpose of making the necessary arrangements. The committee from the Council, are as follows:—
Alderman Groat.
" Townsend.
" Evans.
On motion a committee of two from each Ward was then appoined [sic] from the meeting, to co-operate with the committee from the Council in making the necessary arrangements. The committee were as follows:
1st Ward—Geo. C. Hubbel, R. F. Clark.
2d Ward—P. S. Wynkoop, Wm. A. Carpenter.
3d Ward—J. C. Newkirk, Sherman Van Ness.
4th Ward—A. Rockefeller, Wm. B. Van Vleck.
To this committee was added the Chairman and Secretary.
After the appointments of these committees, the meeting adjourned for the purpose of giving the two committees an opportunity to meet together and appoint their Marshals, Aides and Sub-committees, which are as follows:—
Marshal.—COL. C. DARLING.
Aides.—C. Bontle, P. Bogabdis.
COM. On Invitation to Regiment.—J. C. Newkirk, G. H. Power, R. F. Clark.
Com. on Music.—G. C. Hubbel, A. Rossman, E. J. Hodge.
On Banners.—G. L. Little, J. N. Townsend, J. C. Newkirk.
On Salutes.—W. A. Carpenter, L. Holmes, H. D. Gage,
On Invitations.—P. S. Wynkoop, S. Van Ness, R. W. Evans.
On Finances—R. F. Clark, G. C. Hubbel, W. A. Carpenter, P. S. Wynkoop, S. Van Ness, J. C. Newkirk, Wm. B. Van Vleck, A. Rockefeller.
On Programme.—Carpenter, Hudson, Clark, Townsend, Hubbel.
Com. of Firemen.—Wm. Hudson, Chief Engineer.
G. L. Little, Asst. "
A. Snyder, " "
E. J. Hodge, No. 1.
John Weaver, No. 2.
A. J. Rowles, No. 3.
Henry Rowley, No. 7.
H. D. Gage, No. 8.
A. Calkins, Hook & Ladder No. 3.
Wm. Mahar, Hyland Hose, No. 1.
The different committees have entered upon their duties, and all the arrangements will be made at once for a fine reception. From a letter which we received to-day from Captain Seymour, and which we publish this afternoon, it will be seen that the Regiment was to leave Falmouth for Albany on Saturday last. If they succeeded in leaving on that day they are now or very soon will be in New York. At any rate we shall know very soon as to when they arrive, and what their arrangements are, as J. T. Waterman, Esq., left this morning in the train for New York in pursuit of the Regiment. Let all prepare themselves to do something towards giving the boys a fine reception. They are richly entitled to it.
Reception Committee.—A final meeting of the Committee of Arrangements for the reception of the 14th and 26th regiments will be held at the office of the Treasurer, Hugh Crocker, Esq., this evening. The accounts will be settled, and a disposition made of the surplus funds. It is understood that a difference of opinion exists as to the manner in which the unexpended sum should be appropriated. Some are in favor of making a dividend to the subscribers; others advocate its contribution to a fund for the erection of a monument to the memory of the honored dead of these regiments. We must confess that the project of making a pro rata division of the money looks to us rather picayunish; while the donation for a monument would be a noble appropriation, which would reflect honor upon the Committee.
UTICA THRONGED.—Yesterday was perhaps the greatest day in the history of Utica. The city was absolutely thronged with crowds from every section to witness the hearty and cheering "Welcome Home," which our Oneida neighbors gave to the returning soldiers of the 14th and 26th regiments.
The arrangements were made on a magnificent scale and the procession was a most beautiful pageant, followed by a dense mass of eager, excited men, women and children. We have not space to even abstract from the descriptions given by the Utica papers. Many of the people from this village and county were present and pronounced the display emphatically a "grand affair."
NOTICE.—The Firemen's, Military and Ward Committees on the reception of the 14th and 26th Regiments, are requested to meet at the Corps Armory this evening, at 8 o'clock. Be punctual.
Arrival of the Fourteenth Regiment.
The 14th (Utica) Regiment, Col. McQuade, arrived here at half past three, yesterday afternoon.
They were received by the Committee and taken to the Delevan House to dinner, after which they were escorted through the principal steets [sic] by the Fire Department. They left here with 800 men, but now number 450; and their appearance, as well as that of their torn banners, indicates that they have seen hard service. They have been in eleven battles; their regimental Flag has thirty-three bullet holes, and six of its bearers have fallen.
The last engagement in which they participated was upon the bloody field of Chancellorsville, where they voluntarily gave their services to the country, their term of enlistment having expired.
Their record is a heroic one, of which the people of Utica and of the whole State may well be proud.
The following is a list of the officers:
Col. James McQuade, Lieut. Col. T. M. Davies; Maj. L. Michaels; Adj. T. Manning; Quartermaster, W. Broadhead; Surgeon, A. Churchill; Assistant Surgeon, P. W. Shufelt; Assistant-Surgeon, W. Ingraham.
Co. A—Capt. H. Gass; First Lieut. J. Miller; Second Lieut. G. W Abby.
Co. B—First Lieut. Commanding, A. G. Spencer; Second Lieut. J. H. Snyder.
Co. C—Capt. F. M. Butler; First Lieut. P. D. Alfater; Second Lieut. A. J. Hafferon.
Co. D—Capt. W. S. Cowan; First Lieut. M. McQuade, jr.; Second Lieut. T. S. Ostrom.
Co. E—Capt. E. Warr; First Lieut. A. B. Grunwell; Second Lieut. D. W. Tyrrell.
Co. F—Capt. C. W. Muller; First Lieut. W. A. Rowen; Second Lieut. G. E. Bup.
Co. G—Capt. J. Stryker, jr.; First Lieut. W. A. Rowen; Second Lieut. H. Duffy.
Co. H—Capt. R. H. Foote; First Lieut. G. E. Gee; Second Lieut. J. Herron.
Co. I—Capt. H. A. Lahee; First Lieut. S. W. Hazen; Second Lieut. W. Edmans.
Co. K—Capt. W. H. Seymour; First Lieut. W. H. Ellis; Second Lieut. J. S. Reynolds.
The Fourteenth Regiment, Col. McQuade, arrived at this city about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. They came by boat as far Hudson, where they arrived at an early hour in the morning. They were hospitably entertained by the authorities of Hudson, and the members also speak in the highest terms of praise of the treatment they received at the hands of the citizens of that place. They left Hudson shortly after noon on a special train.
The Fire Department was at once made aware of the fact of the arrival of the regiment, and the Companies proceeded to the Depot and escorted the regiment to the Delavan House, where dinner was furnished them. After dinner the regiment was escorted to the Capitol, where they were welcomed, in behalf of the State, by his Excellency the Governor. This ceremony being over, the regiment was escorted to the Barracks.
The Fourteenth was recruited in Oneida county. The regiment left with eight hundred men. It returns with four hundred. It has been in eleven battles, and its battered banners and thinned ranks bear honorable evidence of their heroism and sufferings. The regimental flag is pierced by thirty-three bullets, and six of its bearers have fallen. A noble record for a noble regiment.
Hudson Gazette.
Reception of the 14th Regiment.
A telegram just received from Washington, informs us that the 14th Regiment will arrive in this city Saturday morning, by Steamer Connecticut. Extensive preparations are making to give them a hearty and cordial welcome. Let the surrounding country turn out en masse to do honor to our brave boys.
About-Home Matters.
Return of the 14th Regiment.
A citizens' meeting was called at the City Hall on Monday evening, to make arrangements for a fitting reception of the Fourteenth Regiment, Col. MCQUADE, whose term of enlistment expires on the 17th inst. The Regiment leaves Washington this (Thursday) evening, for New York. At that point they will embark on the steamer Connecticut, and arrive in this city on Saturday morning.
Notwithstanding the meeting was suggested extempore at a late hour on the same day, by a few citizens, the attendance was large, and every one present seemed impressed with the duty of doing honor to these pioneer volunteers on their return from the scene of conflict. Had the notice been more extensively circulated, the Hall would doubtless have been crowded.
The Fourteenth contains one full Company enlisted from this city and vicinity, and many members of other Companies in the Regiment belong to this County. It is natural, therefore, that we should feel a desire to honor the whole Regiment on which our hopes and fears were first centered, for their sacrifices in answering the earliest call of their country and the bravery they have shown on the field. We should remember that they entered the service from motives of patriotism. No bounties were offered, and no inducements of pecuniary gain held out to them. They have been almost constantly in active service—they were engaged in the first battle of the Peninsula and the last battle of the Rappahannock—and officers and men have won distinguished honors.
But while we pay deserved tribute to those who have been spared to return to their homes and friends, we must not forget those other brave sons who have fallen from the ranks on the wayside of battle, or been pierced by the shafts of disease in the camp. While we honor the living, let us revere the memory of the dead, and sympathize in our hearts with the grief-stricken who sent away gallant friends, but see them not in the ranks we welcome.
A special meeting of the Common Council, to take action in the same matter, was held in the early part of the evening. A Committee of five was appointed to make the necessary arrangements; and the sum of $200 appropriated to defray the expenses of the reception. We append official Reports of the proceedings of the Council meeting and that of the citizens.
At a meeting of citizens convened at the City Hall on Monday evening, the 11th Inst., ALLEN ROSSMAN was called to the Chair and William Bryan appointed Secretary.
Mr. Wynkoop stated the object of the meeting to be to take measures to secure a fitting reception to our Returning Soldiers.
Ald. Townsend, in behalf of the Common Council stated that they had already held a meeting and appointed a committee of five to act in conjunction with the citizens, and had appropriated $200 towards the expenses of the reception.
On motion of Mr. Fairfield a committee of two from each Ward was appointed to act with the committees on the part of the Common Council and the Firemen, as a Committee of Arrangements. The Chair named Messrs. R. F. Clark, Geo. C. Hubbel, Wm. A. Carpenter, P. S. Wynkoop, J. C. Newkirk, Sherman Van Ness, Wm. B. Van Vleck, Allen Rockefeller said committee.
On motion of Mr. Carpenter the Chairman and Secretary were added to the committee.
Mr. Newkirk moved that the committee invite the entire Regiment to stop at Hudson on their way to Albany. [Carried.
On motion of Mr. Carpenter, a committee from the Fire Department composed of the Chief Engineer and Assistants, and of one member from each Company was invited to act with the Citizens and Council committees.
Mr. Newkirk moved that all members of Company K., heretofore honorably discharged in consequence of wounds or disability, be specially invited to participate in the reception. [Carried.
Mr. Welch moved that the existing Military organizations in the city be also specially invited. [Carried.
Meeting of the Joint Committee.
After the adjournment of the meeting of citizens, the several committees assembled at the Council Room, His Honor, Mayor TEN BROECK in the Chair, with Wm. BRYAN, as Secretary, and proceeded to business. The Joint Committee is composed as follows:
(who was added to the committee on motion of Mr. Newkirk.)
WM. HUDSON, Chief Eng. A. J. ROWLES, No. 3,
GEO. L. LITTLE, Asst. do. HENRY ROWLEY. No. 7,
E. J. HODGE, No. 1, A. CALKINS, H. & L. No. 8,
...N WEAVER, No. 2, WM. MAHAR, Hose 1.
A committee of three was appointed, consisting of J. C. Newkirk, Capt. Geo. H. Power and Richard F. Clark, to invite the 14th Regiment to stop at Hudson on its way to be mustered out of service, and to correspond by telegraph or otherwise, with Col. McQuade and Capt. Seymour in relation to the proposed reception.
Capt. Power stated that he would authorise [sic] the committee to offer the Regiment a free passage from New York to this place, in case arrangements could be made for the whole Regiment to stop on the way to Albany.
On motion of Mr. R. F. Clark, the committee appointed on the part of the citizens of two from each Ward, was constituted a Finance Committee for the purpose of raising additional funds to carry out the arrangements.
On motion of Ald. Townsend, Ald. R. F. Groat was appointed Treasurer of the committee.
The following committees were constituted:
On Finance—Messrs. Clark, Hubbel, Carpenter, Wynkoop, Newkirk, Van Ness, Wm. B. Van Vleck, Rockefeller.
On Banners—Messrs. Little, Townsend, Newkirk.
On Music—Messrs. Hubbel, Rossman, Hodge.
On Firing Salutes—Messrs. Carpenter, Holmes, Gage.
On Invitations—Messrs. Wynkoop, Van Ness, Evans.
Programme—Messrs. Carpenter, Hudson, Clark, Townsend, Hubbel.
On motion of Ald. Townsend, it was—
Resolved, That Col. Charles Darling be requested to act as Grand Marshall, with Messrs Cornelius Portle and Peter Bogardus as Assistant Marshalls [sic], and that they be authorized to appoint such Aids as may be found necessary.
Adjourned to Wednesday evening at 8 o clock.
William Bryan, Secretary.
The Welcome to the 14th Regiment.
Their Arrival and Reception.
The 14th Regiment reached this city this morning at about 6 o'clock, by the Hudson River Railroad, and not by the steamer Oregon as advertised.
They were received at the Hudson River Railroad depot, by the Committee of Arrangments [sic] and a large delegation of citizens. In consequence of the down train being about an hour behind time, it having Schriber's Band on board, the procession did not move from the depot until about 7 o'clock. As soon as the down train arrived they were formed in line, and the officers mounted on horseback, were escorted to the City Hall, where the committee and a large delegation of ladies had prepared them a breakfast, and were in waiting. As they reached the City Hall, they were drawn up in line, the officers dismounted, and on stepping into the Hall they were met by the Committee, and Mayor Ten Broeck, who welcomed them in the following brief speech:—
Col. McQuade—Officers and Soldiers of the 14th Regiment—I, in behalf of the Common Council and citizens of Hudson, welcome and tender you the hospitalities of this city,—feeling that you deserve such for the services you have rendered for your country, in endeavoring to quell this rebellion. We feel it a high pleasure to give you this reception. Once more we welcome you.
To which Col. McQuade replied, and thanked them in behalf of the regiment, for the courtesies extended, and said, that so far as the men of the 14th were concerned, they had fought bravely and done their duty nobly.
The regiment were then marched into the Hall where they were met by a crowd of ladies, who gave them a hearty welcome when Col. McQuade stepped upon the platform, called them to order in a military way, thanked the ladies and citizens generally for this hearty welcome, and then gave the order to secure rations, which were provided in a bountiful manner, and spread upon six tables, that extended the entire length of the Hall.
After breakfast was despatched, the regiment was again formed under the direction of Marshal Darling, and his aids Bortle and Bogardus, and marched according to programme, in the following order:
Marshal and Aids on horseback
Stockport Band
Fireman in full uniform, out in large numbers, and as they passed the Star Office gave us three cheers, for which please accept thanks.
Claverack Baud
Committee, Mayor and Common Council
E. Lee's Band, of Valatie.
Citizens on foot and in carriages
Scriber's Band of Albany
Col. McQuade and Staff heading Regiment, each man keeping time to the music with a soldierly bearing.
The tattered Banners, which had been bourne by the brave Regiment through the Battles of Yorktown, Hanover Court House, Mechanicsville, Gaines Mills, Turkey Band, Malvern Hill, Antietam and Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, '62, and May 3, '63, attracted universal attention. They were literally in shreds, and every shred is a momento of honor.
The enthusiasm inspired by the presence of this remnant of a once strong and compact Regiment, was modified by the recollection of the absent dead, who gave their lives for their Country; and tears were mingled with the plaudits which followed the march of the surviving heroes.
The line of procession was formed on Washington Square, and moved down Union street to Franklin Square, up Front to Warren, up Warren to Eighth, through Eighth to Columbia, down Diamond to Sixth, through Sixth to Union, down Union to West Court, down Allen to Third, through Third to the City Hall where the Regiment was addressed by Hon. Theodore Miller, as follows: Col. McQuade, Officers and Soldiers of the Fourteenth Regiment:
On behalf of the municipal authorities and the citizens of Hudson, I have the honor to tender to you a cordial and hearty welcome to the hospitalities of this city. Scarcely two years have elapsed since you entered into the glorious service of your country, in defence of the Constitution and theUnion. The obligations you then assumed have been fulfilled with a fidelity and zeal which has never faltered in the darkest hour of danger and of trial. At a period of great gloom and disaster, with a full Regiment of hardy, strong and vigorous men, you marched forward to the seat of war, and, from the commencement of your career, have rendered most signal service to the country. With the National Capitol threatened, and an enemy in your immediate vicinity, you materially aided in its defence and protection. You always presented an unbroken and undaunted front to the foes of the country. You rushed with eagerness to the battle fields of the war, and in the memorable seven day's conflicts on the Peninsula, under Gen. McClellan, you won undying honor by your courage, your patriotism, and you steadfastness. You displayed a fortitude and e heroism worthy of veterans, and unsurpassed in the recorded history of any nation. Where, in the bloody annuals of war, has there been exhibited stronger evidences of human fortitude and undying devotion to a grand and just cause? The sanguinary fields, which drank up the blood of some of the choicest and best of companions in arms, bear testimony to your valor in those hours of peril.
While we may each on this joyous occasion drop a tear of sorrow over the early death of many of your chosen band, comprising some of the noblest spirits and the very flowers of the community, yet the deeds of daring exhibited in those bloody conflicts, cannot fail to awaken the liveliest emotions and the greatest admiration from all who prize honor, courage and manliness.
The conflicts at Gaine's Mills and Malvern Hill, consecrated by your blood and toil and suffering, will live forever in the memories of your countrymen in honor of both the living and the dead. From these stirring scenes you passed to other positions of difficulty and trial. At Antietam, although held in reserve, you were ready for the fray. Again, under Gen. Burnside, at Fredericksburgh [sic], you evinced the same indomitable firmness and courage which had so eminently marked your previous conduct.
With characteristic bravery you again participated in the late battles under Gen. Hooker near Fredericksburgh [sic], adding new laurels to the reputation already won, and closing your military career with distinguished honor.
You have passed through some eleven battles, and have won the admiration and applause of your fellow citizens of the country by deeds of noble daring; by submitting cheerfully to privations and sufferings incident to the calamities of war, and by your bearing as soldiers and gentlemen.
Your thinned ranks bears evidence that your service has been no idle task, no glittering ceremony; and although some of you are yet young in years, where are those scarred and war-worn veterans of other lands, whose lives have been devoted to the profession of arms, who can point to a more glorious, more brilliant and undying record, or a more honorable career?
You have, all of you, justly earned an imperishable fame for yourselves and for your posterity; and when you have passed away from earth, your own, with the memories of those of your associates who have gone to their final rest, far away from home and friends, in the din of battle, sealing their devotion to their country by their life blood, will be cherished in grateful recollection.
You will reap the fruits of your labors in the reflections that you have done your whole duty, both as citizens and soldiers, and a grateful country will never forget you.
We greet you on this interesting occasion with heartfelt thanks and with a hearty, thrice hearty welcome, back to the great State of New York, and to your own homes and firesides.
We hope and trust that with the blessings of that kind Providence who has thus far guided your actions you may enjoy, prosperity and happiness as bright as the noble deeds which have crowned your career as soldiers.
At the close of this speech the Regiment was marched into the City Hall, where a fine dinner was in waiting, which they dispatched in good style.
The Officers were then invited to a dinner prepared for them by mine host of the Worth House, when they, in company with the committee, and a few invited guests, spent about an hour very pleasantly, on which occasion the Regiment, Col. McQuade, Capt. Seymour, Capt. Butler, the Clergy, and others, were toasted, which called forth brief replies.
Just at this moment while the company were feeling very pleasant, a despatch was received by the Colonel, announcing that the train was in readiness to convey them to Albany. At this stage of the proceedings Richard F. Clarke offered the following sentiment:
"To the memory of Lieut. Esselstyn, privates Spencer, Lathrop and Storrs, who went forth to battle and return to us no more, except in spirit. May their memories stimulate us to renewed exertion to put down this unholy Rebellion, and again see our country united and happy."
The Boys of the entire Regiment were looking somewhat brown, but they appeared all to be hale and hearty and in fine spirits.
… most every place of business and private residence, and the waiving of handkerchiefs as the procession passed through the route, with the ringing of the bells of the city, rendered the scene one of the greatest enthusiasm and excitement. At 2 o'clock the Regiment took the cars for Albany, amid the cheers of the thousands of spectators.
The turn-out from the country, considering the short notice given, was very large, and the latter part of the day proved exceedingly pleasant.
The following is a correct list of the officers and men of Company K, Capt. Wm. H. Seymour, as published by us on the 7th of May, 1861, to be mustered in at Albany:—
W. H. SEYMOUR—Captain.
LEMAN W. BRADLEY—First Lieutenant.
JOHN W HOLSAPPLE—1st Corporal.
Wm. Haws—3d "
Voleert Whitbeck—4th "
Charles Stickles George H Macy
E Spencer Elmer Wm H Hover
George W Bristol Stephen Austin
Washington Pinder Martin V B Woodworth
John Macky James Hodge
Henry Rogers Frank Carpenter
Nelson Reed John Jacob Bass
Wm M Browne George H Rockefeller
John C Loop Edward Stevens
Henry Mahar A C Schemerhorn
J A Knowles Wm H Schram
Edgar Groat Luthan Stickles
George Millard Frederick Martin
Edward Tynan Nelson Rorabeck
Wm E Spencer David S Cobb
David Van Benschoten Thomas C Hatfield
Newton R Benedict Alexander Firth
Augustus Carter George Brown
Wm H Teal Henry Duffy
Henry Schofield John Kennedy
Jennings Covey Walter Conroe
Wm E Kirkland Luther Bain
Charles Lewis Jacob Decker
Andrew Smith Melville O Nash
Robert Rockefeller Harmon Lasher
Sylvanus Snyder James S Reynolds
Michal Henchy E Bertram New
John Carter J W Dexter
Robert Poultney Robert Rockefeller
Orville Nash Frank Hover
Jacob Hollenbeck James McLoughlin
George Haynor Charles Race
John C Van Deusen George W Bingham
John A Bier Myron Wheeler
Edmond Smith J A Sagendorf
James T Perkins Joseph Stigl
John W Curtis Patrick Morris Roe
Martin Costello August Hoffman
George H Way George Rittig
Dennis Malone Wm Mesick
George H Towner Orlando Bell
David Ashton George Navin
George E Hermance Frank A Keniz
Charles G Raught Thomas Shaw
John Barry Edmund Roe
Joshua Hiseradt David Barr
A Frank B Chace John Wangler
James M Van Baren Abner P Norton
George W Covey John B Collin
The following is a correct list of Co. K, to be mustered out:—
WM H ELLIS—1st Lieutenant
JAMES S Reynolds —2d Lieutenant
Volkert Whitbeck—First Sergeant
George Brown—second do
Henry Duffy—Third do
John W Holsapple—Third do
E Spencer Elmer—First Corporal
John Mackey—Second do
Henry Schofield—Third do
Samuel Pridmore—Fourth do
Andrew Smith—Fifth do
Frank Carpenter—Sixth do
Philip J Payn—Seventh do
George H Macy—Eighth do
Austin, Stephen Kertz, Frank
Alger, Robert G F Kirtland, Wm E
Ashton, David Knowles, Isaac C
Bell, David Lasher, Harmon
Barker, Adlbet Loop, John C
Bruce, Robert Leaham, Robert
Conrow, Harmon McLaughlin, James
Covey, Jennings Mellas, Peter B
Covey, George W Michael, Charles
Cooper, Thomas Naven, George
Cooke, Edward Nordaly, Wm H
Clow, Andrew Pinder, Washington
Cole, William Post, David
Cole, Charles Rose, Charles
Cullen, John K Rowe, Norman S
Decker, Jacob Smith, Edmund
Dingham, Harrison Shultis, Wm H
Fuller, Lotan Stevens, Edward
Firth, Alexander Sheldon, John
Groat, Jacob H Teal, William H
Hayner, George Tyler, Lester
Hollenbeck, Henry E Van Deusen, Henry C
Hubbel, Robert A Van Deusen, Milo S
Kennedy, John Way, George H
The following Poem, written by Anson G. Chester, Esq., of Buffalo, for a like occasion, is, with slight modification, appropriate to the gallant Fourteenth:—
Welcome, Brace Fourteenth.
From the fields of strife and slaughter,
Fields where blood was poured like water,
Where, in swaths, the rebel foemen
Fell before our Northern yoemen;
From a war most just and holy
Though its gold is coined but slowly—
Welcome, brave Fourteenth.
With your frames all bruised and battered;
With your ranks all thin and shattered;
With your torn and shot-scarred banner,
Witness to your dauntless manner;
With a name and fame and glory
Which shall live in song and story—
Welcome, brave Fourteenth
To the friends who smile to meet you;
To the homes which wait to greet you;
To the arms which long to press you;
To the hearts which love and bless you;
To your fathers, children, brothers,
To your sweethearts, wives and mothers—
Welcome, brave Fourteenth
Tears are moistening many faces
As they see the vacant places
In the worn and wasted column—
Ah! but war is sad and solemn!
Yet why weep for those who perished
In the cause they loved and cherished?
They who choose the stoutest burdens
Win the best and proudest guerdons.
From a war most just and holy,
Though its gold is coined but slowly;
With your frames all bruised and battered,
And your ranks all thinned and shattered;
To the friends who smile to meet you,
And the homes which wait to greet you—
Welcome, brave Fourteenth
The citizens of Hudson are requested to meet in mass to receive the 14th Regiment, Col. McQuade, who have returned from their duty, and will arrive in this city tomorrow morning, per steamer Oregon. The Regiment will be escorted from the Boat to the City Hall at 6 o'clock a. m., and I would recommend as many of our citizens as can make it convenient to be on hand and escort them to the City Hall, their Headquarters, and at half past 9 the Procession will form in front of Washington Square, under direction of the Marshal and Aids, when, it is to be hoped, all our citizens will esteem it a privilege and pleasure to join the procession which is to escort the Regiment through our city.
And I would further recommend that all places of business, private residences, &c., be decorated with Flags, Banners, Evergreens, &c., and that the Ladies lend a helping hand in giving them a welcome reception.
At a meeting of the various committees having charge of the reception ceremonies, held last evening at the Common Council Room, a dispatch was read announcing positively that the 14th Regiment, Col. McQuade, would leave New York to-night on the steamer Oregon. It is understood they will arrive here to-morrow morning, and will be meet at the boat by the committee and a delegation of citizens who will escort them to the City Hall, their Headquarters while in this city. It is understood a breakfast will be prepared for them, and if they remain with us till noon, a good dinner. At about 9 o'clock a. m. they are to march through our city, escorted by the Marshal, his Aides and a delegation of citizens.
It is to be hoped that our citizens, one and all, will respond heartily to the recommendations of our Mayor, and turn out and give the noble sons of Hudson, who return with this Regiment from the field of battle, covered with glory and honor, a hearty reception.
Let there be every demonstration to show them a hearty and proper welcome. Let dwellings and places of business be decorated, and boquets be showered amongst them. Let the City Hall be festooned and loaded with the good things of the day for their refreshments. Let one and all devote this one day of preperation [sic] to compliment and please those who have devoted two years in fighting for our glorious country. Let every one who can, do something to help the reception along. The time is short, and it will be utterly impossible for committees to bring all things around unless they receive assistance from all quarters.
As many as can possibly bring things around to meet them at the boat, and escort them to the City Hall, should do so. At 9 o'clock, when the regular procession forms, let every man, woman and child be on hand.
The committee on invitation and music have extended invitations to the Valatie Band, Stockport Band, Copake Band, Claverack Band, and Scrieber's Band of Albany. If they all come, and there is good reason to suppose they will, we shall certainly have a musical time of it.
The Fire Department of this city and also of Athens, the Military Companies of this city, the Cadets of Hudson River Institute, and all the Civic Societies of the city and county have been invited and will probably be present.
Should the weather prove favorable we shall expect to see more people in town to-morrow than can possibly be accommodated with comfortable quarters.
See programme in another column,
Col. MCQUADE, of the 14th Regiment, some of whose soldiers were engaged in the attempt to break up the Vallandigham meeting in Albany, authorises [sic] the Atlas & Argus to say that he sympathises [sic] with the objects of the gathering.—
Troy Times.
The Times coins a base slander against one of the bravest men in the service. Col. McQUADE did not authorize the Atlas & Argus to say that he "sympathises [sic] with the objects of the gathering" Saturday night; nor has that journal asserted that he did. If he gave any "authorization" at all, it was to say that he deprecated the violence complained of; and in saying this he but gave expression to the sentiments of nineteen-twentieths of our soldiers, both privates and officers. So far from having sympathy, he has only scorn and contempt for the cowardly crew who would open a "fire in the rear" while patriots are perilling [sic] their lives in the field.
Official Paper of the City and ...
WM. BRYAN, F. H. WE...
Editors and Proprietors.
Reception of the Fourteenth Regiment
A Hearty Welcome to Brave Soldiers!
Columbia County Honors those who
Honor her.
Two Ample Collations at the City Hall.
Address by Hon. Theo. Miller.
There were many reasons why the return home of our first Volunteers, at the expiration of their term of enlistment, should be signalized by a public demonstration. They went from us at the first call of the Government, uninfluenced by pecuniary reward, seeking only that honorable distinction which every defender of his country is entitled to. They hastened to enroll themselves among the few brave thousands who answered promptly to the demands of an imperilled [sic] Government; and having passed through an arduous season of discipline, were among the first to go into the ordeal of battle. Since then their names are associated with nearly all the memorable engagements of the successive campaigns in Virginia, even down to the advance of Gen. Hooker and his repulse at Chancellorsville. And while the Regiment has uniformly distinguished itself for efficiency and bravery, it is not to much too say that our own Company K has gained an honorable and peculiar reputation by its steadfast courage and gallant conduct on every battle-field. True, to the fickle fortunes of war, it has marvelously escaped in the loss of men actually killed—yet enough of its brave spirits have fallen to seal the devotion and heroism of all.
Such are the men who come back to us after two years of fatigue and hardship and deadly strife, grim with the smoke of battle, brown with exposure, war-worn and weary, with ranks decimated and colors riddled—real veterans in the cause which we advocate and they fight for. And shall we not welcome them home with a generous and heartfelt enthusiasm?
As soon as it was known that the day for mustering the Regiment out of service had been positively fixed, our citizens were called together and arrangements were at once made (see proceedings elsewhere) to extend a befitting reception, not only to our own Company, but to the entire Regiment, if it could be persuaded to stop. The Common Council promptly appropriated the sum of $200, and a committee of citizens was appointed to raise a still larger amount. A messenger was dispatched to Washington, who met the Regiment there and telegraphed an acceptance of the invitation on the part of Col. McQuade.—The Regiment would reach here on Friday morning. Notwithstanding the short notice, the most ample arrangements were made. The ladies, ever on the alert for such occasions, came gladly forward, and in a few hours put the City Hall in a condition to receive the attacks of hungry soldiers. The Mayor issued a proclamation calling upon the citizens unite in tendering a hearty welcome to the returning heroes, and messengers were dispatched to different parts of the County with posters to notify the inhabitants on the intended ceremonies.
Early on Friday morning the city was astir. The Regiment were reported at the Hudson River depot, and now and then a straggling soldier, in soiled uniform, passed along the street. At about 6 o'clock the ladies proceed to the City Hall and completed the arrangements for breakfast. About the same time the Committee of Arrangements and a delegation of citizens met the Regimen at the Depot. At 7 o'clock, the Marshal and aids, with Schrieber's fine band, formed an escort, and the soldiers were marched to the front of the City Hall, where they were drawn up in line. Col. McQuade and a portion of the officers then stepped upon the platform, and were formally welcomed by Mayor Ten Broeck as follows:
Col. McQuade, Officers and Soldiers of the 14th Regiment: On behalf of the Common Council and citizens of Hudson, I welcome you to the hospitalities of the city. We thank you for the noble service you have rendered in the effort to quell this rebellion, and take great pleasure in tendering you a grateful reception home. Again I welcome you to the hospitalities of our city.
To which Col. McQuade responded with equal brevity:
Mr. Mayor, and Citizens of Hudson: We accept with heartfelt pleasure the welcome which you so kindly offer us. The Fourteenth Regiment has endeavored to do its duty. It is perhaps one of the best Regiments in the service; and I may say that among its various Companies there are none more deserving of praise than Company K, of Hudson.
The whole Regiment were then marched into the Hall, where a choice collation, consisting of ham sandwitches [sic], boiled eggs, coffee, pickles, etc. was spread upon half a dozen long tables, and a small regiment of ladies stood ready to wait upon them. At the word of command from their Colonel, the boys opened the assault. It was no longer "hard tack" and "salt junk," but light, fresh biscuit, (some 4000 of which were baked by W. S. & A. J. Rowles for the occasion) nice boiled ham and real coffee. They appeared to relish the change and were loud in their praise of Hudson hospitality, declaring that it was far ahead of anything they had yet experienced.
Soon after breakfast the grand procession formed in the following order:
Marshall and Aids on horseback.
Stockport Band.
Company A, 21st Regt., N. Y. S. M., numbering 25 men.
The Hudson Fire Department.
Claverack Band.
Committee, Mayor and Common Council, on foot.
Schrieber's Band, of Albany.
Col. McQuade and Staff, on horseback.
numbering 400 men,
with their battle-torn banner,
under which it is said six men have been shot,
but which has never fallen into the hands of the enemy,
and never suffered a stain of dishonor.
None could look upon that remnant of a devoted Regiment without a feeling of awe as well as admiration. They seemed invested with a glory which made "every man a hero." In their hands were the same guns, and above their, heads the same banner which they had borne into the battle. Their faded uniforms and bronzed features told of exposures and hardships such as none but soldiers are called upon to experience. It was a spectacle, witnessed for the first time by this generation, long to be remembered.
Suspended across the street at the City Hall was a banner upon which was painted an eagle and the words--"14th Regiment, N. Y. S. V.,--Hanover Court House, Mechanicsville, Savage's Station, Gaines' Mill, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Anteitam, Fredricksburg, Chancellorsville, representing the various battles in which they had participated. This banner, which was painted by Mr. Geo. L. Little, was, on the departure of the Regiment presented to Capt. Seymour.
After marching through the principal streets, greeted all the way with the enthusiasm of ringing bells, colors flying and handkerchiefs waving from almost every house, banners and devices of various kinds, the procession again halted in front of the City Hall and rested on their arms. The bugle summoned the officers together and Hon. Theo. Miller, standing at the entrance of the Hall, delivered the following address:
Col.McQuade, Officers and Soldiers of the Fourteenth Regiment:
On behalf of the municipal authorities and the citizens of Hudson, I have the honor to tender to you a cordial and hearty welcome to the hospitalities of this city. Scarcely two years have elapsed since you entered into the glorious service of your country. In defence of the Constitution and the Union. The obligations you then assumed have been fulfilled with a fidelity and zeal which has never faltered in the darkest hour of danger and trial. At a period of great gloom and disaster, with a full Regiment of hardy, strong and vigorous men, you marched forward to the seat of war, and from the commencement of your career, have rendered most signal service to the country. With the National Capitol threatened, and an enemy in your immediate vicinity, you materially aided in its defence and protection. You always presented an unbroken and undaunted front to the foes of the country. You rushed with eagerness to the seven day's conflicts on the Peninsula, under Gen. McClellan, you won undying honor by your courage, your patriotism, and your steadfastness. You displayed a fortitude and heroism worthy of veterans, and unsurpassed in the recorded history of any nation. Where, in the bloody annals of war, has there been exhibited stronger evidences of human fortitude and undying devotion to a great and just cause? The sanguinary fields, which drank up the blood of some of the choicest and best of your companions in arms, bear testimony to your valor in those hours of peril.
While we may even on this joyous occasion drop a tear of sorrow over the early death of many of your chosen band, comprising some of the noblest spirits and the very flowers of the community, yet the deeds of daring exhibited in those bloody conflicts, cannot fail to awaken the liveliest emotions and the greatest admiration from all who prize honor, courage and manliness. The conflicts at ....
crated by your blood and toil and suffering, will live forever in the memories of your countrymen in honor of both the living and the dead. From these stirring scenes you passed to other positions of difficulty and trial. At Antietam, although held in reserve, you were ready for the fray. Again, under Gen. Burnside, at Fredericksburgh [sic], you evinced the same indomitable firmness and courage which had so eminently marked your previous conduct.
With characteristic bravery you again participated in the late battles under Gen. Hooker near Fredericksburgh [sic], adding new laurels to the reputation already won, and closing your military career with distinguished honor.
You have passed through some eleven battles, and have won the admiration and applause of your fellow citizens of the country by deeds of noble daring; by submitting cheerfully to the privations and sufferings incident to the calmities [sic] of war, and by your bearing as soldiers and gentlemen.
Your thinned ranks bears evidence that your service has been no idle task, no glittering ceremony; and although some of you are yet young in years, where are the scarred and war-worn Veterans of other lands, whose lives have been devoted to the profession of arms, who can point to a more glorious, more brilliant, and enduring record, or to a more honorable career?
You have, all of you, justly earned an imperishable fame for yourselves; and for your posterity; and when you have passed away from earth, your own, with the memories of those of your associates who have gone to their final rest, far away from home and friends, in the din of battle, sealing their devotion to their country by their life blood, will be cherished in grateful recollection.
You will reap the fruits of your labors in the reflections that you have done your whole duty, both as citizens and soldiers, and a grateful country will never forget you.
We greet you on this interesting occasion with heartfelt thanks and with a hearty, thrice hearty welcome back to the great State of New York, and to your own homes and firesides.
We hope and trust that with the blessings of that kind Providence who has thus far guided your actions you may enjoy, prosperity and happiness as bright as the noble deeds which have crowned your career as soldiers.
Col. McQuade responded in a few words which we regret not being near enough to hear so as to report at length. He said it was the duty of a soldier to fight and not to talk, and he should therefore be brief in responding to the highly complimentary remarks which had been made in welcoming the Regiment to Hudson. He declared himself unable to express the gratitude both he and his fellow-officers felt at the generous reception they had met with, and while he acknowledged the justness of the plaudits which the speaker had heaped upon the Regiment, he said the credit was mainly due to the men—the soldiers in the ranks of which it was composed. They had been obedient, brave and faithful, and none more so than those commanded by Capt. W. H. Seymour, of Hudson. Although the 14th Regiment was principally composed of men from other parts of the State, yet there was no Company in the Regiment which had done better service, and to which it was more indebted than Co. K., which was raised in the County of Columbia. He had but tried to do his duty as a soldier, and he had been fully sustained by the men under his command. He said he regretted that he had not been able to bring back all who had gone out with the Regiment, and paid a just tribute to the memories of Esselstyn, Spencer and Lathrop, whose remains now rest in the Southern soil. He again returned his thanks to the authorities and citizens of Hudson, for the highly flattering and enthusiastic reception they had extended to the Regiment.
Cheers were given for the Regiment, for Co. K, and for Capt. Seymour. The soldiers then stacked their arms as in the morning, and were again conducted into the Hall to dinner. This was provided much in the same manner as the breakfast, with the addition of a choice dessert of pies, cake and cheese.
Col. McQuade, the officers of the Regiment, the Committee of Arrangements, Marshals, and Common Council, with several of our citizens, dined at the Worth House, and after the removal of the edibles—
Capt. Geo. H. Power, proposed as a toast:
The 14th Regiment and its distinguished commander—Col. James McQuade.
Col. McQuade responded, expressing a belief founded on no slight acquaintance with others, that no better Regiment had ever entered the service than the 14th, and that his Regiment contained no Company superior to Co. K., of this city, and especially to Capt. Seymour he awarded the highest praise, and whose health he proposed.
Capt. Seymour briefly responded by saying that from the time he entered the service, up to this time he had honestly, earnestly and conscientiously endeavored to do his duty. If any credit was due to Co. K., it belonged to the men and not to him, though it was true he had endeavored to exercise a watchful care over them, and to strengthen and encourage them in the performance of their duty. His animating purpose had been to contribute as far as was in his power to the crushing out of this infernal Rebellion. He confessed that in this contest we had met foeman worthy of our steel—that not so much progress had been made as he had hoped, but yet much had been accomplished, and he had full faith that the right would ultimately triumph, the Rebellion be subdued and the Union restored.
Col. McQuade once more desired to express his gratification and thanks for the cordial and enthusiastic welcome which had been extended to him and the officers and soldiers of his regiment. If himself and his whole regiment had been Columbia County men, it could not have been more spontaneous and hearty. He proposed the health of the gentleman by whom his command had been welcomed to the hospitality of the city, Judge Theodore Miller.
Judge Miller responded at some length in a manner highly complimentary to the Regiment and its officers—a regiment he said which had won imperishable renown at Malvern Hill, at Hanover Court House and on many other well fought fields. Company K, forming a portion of this regiment, the citizens of Columbia County felt a just pride in all its glorious achievements. He alluded feelingly to the patriotic sacrifices of life and limb which had been made in endeavoring to put down the Rebellion, and closed by proposing the health of a gentleman of his own profession, in whose fortunes he had felt a peculiar interest—Capt. F. M. Butler, of Company C.
Capt. Butler responded, expressing much pleasure at the cordial welcome extended to the officers and soldiers of his regiment, by his old friends and townsmen.
Judge Newkirk said that just two years ago when the country was all ablaze with indignation at the attack on Sumter, there was a patriotic assemblage in this city similar to this occasion, but for a far different purpose. It was the occasion of the departure of Capt. Seymour and his company to fight our battles, and it was also the occasion of elevating upon the tower of one of our church edifices, our National Banner—the stars and stripes. In this connection he alluded to the patriotic course of the Clergy in this city in stimulating the zeal of the people in the War for the Union.
Rev. Dr. Demarest said that the Clergy had endeavored to perform their duty to the country. In the early history of the Rebellion the National Flag had been raised over his church. This was felt to be right because under that flag alone there is perfect liberty of worship. Moreover religion is the Corner Stone of our free institutions. The prayers of the church were then pledged in behalf of the country's cause and that pledge we have endeavored to redeem. If any class of citizens has a special interest in the success of our cause it is the clergy. We are thankful it we have been of any service in keeping up the faith and courage of our people, and strengthening their confidence in our Cause and in God. There is a work to be done here as well as on the battle field and each one should do what he can in his sphere. Regularly have those who have led the devotions of worshipping assemblies remembered country, rulers, soldiers, the sick, the wounded, and prisoner, before God. We have taught the people to be thankful to God for victories and be humbled under reverses. We feel thankful if our influence has been felt for good. We believe not the doctrine that ministers must look after the church only, and leave others to take care of the country. It is our country too, and we have our part to do in, taking care of it. We are satisfied if we can contribute anything toward making the people earnest and united in putting down by the strong arm those who are seeking the nation's life. We joyfully unite with our fellow-citizens to-day, in welcoming you, Col. McQuade, and your brave men, to our hospitalities. May God conduct you safely to your homes, guide you ever by His Counsel, and at the last give you the greatest of victories even over death itself.
Rev. Mr. Leavitt arose simply to say amen to what had been remarked by Rev. Dr. Demarest, and to express his hope that no effort on the part of the Clergy would be relaxed until this unholy Rebellion shall be subdued, and peace shall once more smile upon a united, prosperous and happy people.
The entertainment was here brought to an abrupt conclusion by a message from the Station Agent, that the train was in readiness, and would move in a few minutes. As the party was rising the following was proposed by Mr. R. F. Clark:
To the memory of Lieut. Esselstyn, privates Spencer, Lathrop and Storrs, who went forth to battle and return to us no more, except in spirit. May their memories stimulate us to renewed exertions to put down this unholy Rebellion, that we may again see our country united and happy.
[Drank standing and in silence.]
At the close of the ceremonies at the Worth House the officers, committee etc., returned to the Hall, the procession re-formed, and marched directly to the depot, where the train ... which to convey the Regiment to Albany was in waiting. An immense concourse of citizens gathered to see them depart. After taking a cordial leave, they embarked at half past 1 o'clock and, giving three cheers for the people of Hudson, were quickly out of sight.
Thus ended the first reception of returning soldiers that we have had occasion to offer.—The prompt and liberal, even lavish manner in which it was conducted, shows that our citizens entertain a deep feeling of gratitude toward the young men who have been fighting our battles and enduring hardships of which we can form no adequate conception. We trust this feeling is not the result of mere transient enthusiasm, but that the consideration of services such as have been rendered by these brave men will inspire a permanent regard for them and for the holy cause which they have sought to maintain. We must not forget, either, the honored dead of Company K. Their memories come back fresh to us with the return of those who survive. Let us cherish them with the veneration which belongs to the patriot martyrs of our land, and while we crown the living with laurels, plant undying emblems over the graves of the dead.
"Oh, keep our honored dead
Within the folds of thy great-pulsing heart!
Entwine their memory with thy polished love;
Cherish the sacred dust above their bed,
Who sprang to shield thee from the traitor's dart;
Bless evermore, the dead who died for thee."
Following is the present muster roll of Company K. It numbers 65 officers and privates:
W. H. SEYMOUR—Captain
Wm. H. ELLIS—1st Lieutenant
JAMES S. REYNOLDS—2d Lieutenant
Volkert Whitbeck—First Sergeant
George Brown—Second do
Henry Duffy—Third do
Jon. W. Holsapple—Fourth do
E. Spencer Elmer—First Corporal
John Mackey—Second do
Henry Schofield—Third do
Samuel Pridemore—Fourth do
Andrew Smith—Fifth do
Frank Carpenter—Sixth do
Philip J. Payn—Seventh do
George H. Macy—Eighth do
Austin, Stephen Kertz, Frank
Alger, Robert G. F. Kirtland, Wm. E.
Ashton, David Knowles, Isaac C.
Bell, David Bristol, George
Barker, Adelbert Lasher, Harmon
Bruce, Robert Loop, John C.
Conrow, Harmon Leaham, Robert
Covey, Jennings McLaughkin, James
Covey, George W. Melius, Peter, B.
Cooper, Thomas Michael, Charles
Cooke, Edward Naven, George
Clow, Andrew Nordaly, Wm. H.
Cole, William Pinder, Washington
Cole, Charles Post, David
Cullen, John K. Rose, Charles
Decker, Jacob Rowe, Norman, S.
Dingmam, Harrison Smith, Edmund
Fuller, Lotan Shultis, Wm. H.
Firth, Alexander Stevens, Edward
Groat, Jacob H. Sheldon, John
George, Stephen G. Teal, William H.
Hayner, George Tyler, Lester
Hollenbeck, Henry E. Van Deusen, Henry C.
Hubbel, Robert A. Van Deusen, Milo S.
Kennedy, John Way, George H.
The day was pleasant, but the streets very muddy. The honorable gentlemen who escorted the procession rolled up their pantaloons and waded through, shunning only the deepest spots. It was a very pretty sight to see them leading the soldiers on a march at such a sacrifice of blacking and broadcloth!—The soldiers declared it did not compare with Virginia mud. They could easily have made a bed in it. The firemen went through without
Especial credit is due the committee on collation—consisting of Ald. J. K. Townsend, Robt. F. Groat, Hiram D. Gage, and Arthur Calkins. The complete table arrangements were due in a great measure to their prompt and indefatigable exertions.
For the admirable arrangement of the collations at the City Hail, great credit is due the Hudson ladies. They canvassed the city for donations, and obtained more than was needed. The substantials were mostly obtained by purchase. At the tables they were omnipresent, helping the soldiers to abundant rations. Some of the boys, so long denied the blessed ministry of woman at their meals, nearly shed tears at the kindness shown them.
The conduct of the Regiment at the tables was in the highest degree decorous and commendable. Although not under the eye of their officers, they behaved with entire propriety.
Mrs. H. W. Rogers presented the soldiers with "extra rations" of cigars while at dinner.
The remains of the collation, amounting to a considerable quantity, were distributed among the families of some absent volunteers.
Our Firemen, who have a number of comrades in the Regiment, turned out with a right good will. Every Company was represented by a large portion of its members. They formed a highly appropriate and striking feature of the occasion.
We see it stated that Oneida County raised $2,500 by assessments upon the towns to defray the expense of receiving the 14th Regiment.
On reaching Albany the Regiment was provided with a sumptuous dinner at the hotels and then escorted by the Albany Fire Department to the Capital where Governor Seymour welcomed the officers and men in a brief, but feeling and appropriate address. He had already, he said, had the pleasure of welcoming several of the veteran Regiments, who had served their Country faithfully in the field for two years. But he felt peculiar pleasure in welcoming the Fourteenth, from his own County, many of whose Officers and men were his fellow-townsmen and long his personal friends. They had been true to their
Country in its hour of peril, and their torn and tattered Banners, and thinned and depleted ranks, bore honorable testimony to their bravery in the field. He welcomed them home, and in the name of the People thanked them for what they had done; and hoped they would all live to enjoy the blessings of the Government and Union which they had periled their lives to defend and preserve.
The address was cheered by the Regiment, when—
Col. McQuade advanced with one of the worn Banners of the Regiment, and said:
GOVERNOR:—I hold in my hand the Regimental Flag presented to us, on our departure, by your honored predecessor. It was then bright and beautiful.
It is now soiled and tattered. But it has never been dishonored. I now present, it to you, as the Governor of the State, in the name of the Regiment.
Gov. Seymour accepted it, and remarked that the honored Flag would be placed with those of other Regiments, equally honored, in the archives of the State, where, with it, would be preserved a faithful record of the services of the Regiment, and the names of every member of it.
Col. McQuade, turning to his Regiment, said: Men: As an expression of our Union sentiments, I propose three cheers for the Commanding General of the army whether it be McClellan, Burnside or Hooker.
The cheers were given with a will, and were united in by the vast throng surrounding the Regiment.
The procession there moved to the barracks, but the Regiment subsequently went into camp. Several of our soldiers returned the same evening to await the time for mustering out. They returned yesterday to Albany.
Correspondence of the N. Y. Herald.
Departure of the 14th Regiment.
The leading events of the day in this corps has been the departure of the Fourteenth New York Volunteers, Col. McQuade, one of the New York two years regiments, whose term of enlistment expires on the 17th inst. An ovation as cheeing [sic] as it was unexpected attended its departure. No other two years regiment has been the recipient of such honor on its leave-taking of the army, and its spontaneity and heartfelt character express more deeply and truly than any words I can write the high estimation in which the regiment is held and the great regret felt at losing its services—a loss which it is hoped may be only temporary—in the future. The Second brigade, First division, to which the Fourteenth has been attached during its term of service, and of which Col. McQuade has been in command nearly a year past, companied the regiment to the cars as escort.
On the way the Third brigade, Col. Stockton commanding, was drawn up in line, and added to the ovatory demonstration by a continuous sequence of vocal salutations, showing thereby their estimation of the departing regiment. The boys of the Fourteenth answered with appreciative cheers, which were renewed with equal lively enthusiasm in answer to the repeated cheers and tigers of the Second brigade, as the cars bore them swiftly on the wings of steam from sight of their old comrades in arms, from sight of the camp they had occupied so long, and from the heights of Fredricksburg and the far away forests of the Upper Rappahannock, where they had bravely fought and risked their lives in aiding to put an end to the rebellion. Nearly all the Colnels [sic] of the division bore Col. McQuade company to Aquia Creek, and at one p. m. saw him and his regiment on board the steamboat Monitor, and in an hour's time en route for Washington.
[From the N. Y. Daily Times.]
Arrival of the Fourteenth New-York Volunteers.
This favorite regiment—400 men—arrived in the City yesterday, having left Washington at noon the day previous, and Falmouth, Va., on Tuesday. Their presence at the Jersey City terminus of the route was the signal for a large gathering of people, and as the regiment proceeded on board the ferry-boat they were honored with enthusiastic cheers. Since the formation of the Fifth army corps the Fourteenth has been one of its conspicuous regiments. It took an active part in nearly all the engagements on the Peninsula, and subsequently in the battles before Washington, those in Maryland, and the recent terrible conflicts at Fredericksburgh [sic] and Chancellorsville. In every instance the regiment has heroically performed its duty, and achieved imperishable renown. The commander of the Fourteenth, Col. JAMES MCQUADE, has been esteemed from the first for his military ability and daring, and upon more than one occasion has been made the recipient of congratulations from his superior officers. For a long period he was Acting Brigadier-General of a brigade. The regiment yesterday was in command of Lieut. Col. DAVIS, Col. MCQUADE having temporarily yielded the post, in consequence of injuries in the foot, which he recently sustained while riding a fractious horse. The troops were received at the foot of Cortlandt street by a Committee of the Sons of Oneida, and by them escorted to the Park Barracks, where the men were furnished with a good dinner. In the meantime the officers and Committee repaired to the Astor House and partook of a sumptuous repast provided under the auspices of the Sons of Oneida. At 5 P. M., the regiment, headed by a band, marched to the Hudson River Railroad depot and took the cars for Hudson. The following is a list of the officers:
Lieutenant-Colonel—C. T. M. Davis.
Major—L. Michols.
Adjutant—T. Manning.
Quartermaster—W. Brodhead.
Surgeon—A. Churchill.
Ass't. Surg'ns—P. W. Shufelt, W. Ingraham.
Company A—Capt. H. Goss.
Company B—First Lieut. A. G. Spencer.
Company C— Capt. F. M. Butler.
Company D—Capt. W. L. Cowan.
Company E—Capt. E. Warr.
Company F—Capt. C. F. Muller.
Company G—Capt. J. Stryker, Jr.
Company H—Capt. R. H. Foote.
Company I—Capt. H. R. Lahee.
Company K—Capt. W. H. Seymour.
Preliminary Meeting of Citizens.
At a meeting of citizens convened at the City Hall on Monday evening, the 11th inst., ALLEN ROSSMAN was called to the Chair, and William Bryan appointed Secretary.
Mr. Wynkoop stated the object of the meeting to be to take measures to secure a fitting reception to our Returning Soldiers.
Ald. Townsend, in behalf of the Common Council stated that they had already held a meeting, and appointed a committee of five to act in conjunction with the citizens, and had appropriated $200 towards the expenses of the reception.
On motion of Mr. Fairfield a committee of two from each Ward was appointed to act with the committees on the part of the Common Council and the Firemen, as a Committee of Arrangements. The Chair named Messrs. R. F. Clark, Geo. C. Hubbel, Wm. A. Carpenter, P. S. Wynkoop, J. C. Newkirk, Sherman Van Ness, Wm. B. Van Vleck, Allen Rockefeller said committee.
On motion of Mr. Carpenter the Chairman and Secretary were added to the committee.
Mr. Newkirk moved that the committee invite the entire Regiment to stop at Hudson on their way to Albany.
On motion of Mr. Carpenter, a committee from the Fire Department composed of the Chief Engineer and Assistants, and of one member from each Company was invited to act with the Citizens and Council committees.
Mr. Newkirk moved that all members of Company K., heretofore honorably discharged in consequence of wounds or disability, be specially invited to participate in the reception. [Carried.
Mr. Welch moved that the existing Military organizations in the city be also specially invited. [Carried.
ALLEN R0SSMAN, Chairman.
Meeting of the Joint Committee.
After the adjournment of the meeting of citizens, the several committees assembled at the Council Room, His Honor, Mayor TEN BROECK in the Chair, with WM. BRYAN, as Secretary, and proceeded to business. The Joint Committee is composed as follows:
(who was added to the committee on motion of Mr. Newkirk.)
WM. HUDSON, Chief Eng. A J. ROWLES, No. 3,
GEO. L. LITTLE, Asst. do. ENRY KERTZ, No. 7,
ALMON SNYDER, . " H. D. GAGE, No. 8,
E. J. HODGE, No. 1, A. CALKINS, H. & L. No. 3,
JOHN WEAVER, No. 2, WM. MAHAR, Hose 1.
A committee of three was appointed, consisting of J. C. Newkirk, Capt. Geo. H. Power and Richard F. Clark, to invite the 14th Regiment to stop at Hudson on its way to be mustered out of service, and to correspond by telegraph or otherwise, with Col. McQuade and Capt. Seymour in relation to the proposed reception.
Capt. Power stated that he would authorise [sic] the committee to offer the Regiment a free passage from New York to this place, in case arrangements could be made for the whole Regiment to stop on the way to Albany.
On motion of Mr. R. F. Clark, the committee appointed on the part of the citizens of two from each Ward, was constituted a Finance Committee for the purpose of raising additional funds to carry out the arrangements.
On motion of Ald. Townsend, Ald. R. F. Groat was appointed Treasurer of the committee.
The following committees were constituted:
On Finance—Messrs. Clark, Hubbel, Carpenter, Wynkoop, Newkirk, Van Ness, Wm.B. Van Vleck, Rockefeller.
On Banners—Messrs. Little, Townsend, Newkirk.
On Music—Messrs. Hubbel, Rossman, Hodge.
On Firing Salutes—Messrs Carpenter, Holmes, Gage.
On Invitations—Messrs. Wynkoop, Van Ness, Evans.
Sub-Committee of Arrangements, or Committee on Programme—Messrs. Carpenter, Hudson, Clark, Townsend, Hubbel.
On motion of Ald. Townsend, it was—
Resolved, That Col. Charles Darling be requested to act as Grand Marshall, with Messrs. Cornelius Bortle and Peter Bogardus as Assistant Marshalls [sic], and that they be authorized to appoint such Aids as may be found necessary.
Adjourned to Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Adjourned Meeting.
Wednesday Evening, May 13.
In the absence of His Honor, the Mayor, Allen Ross-man, Esq., was chosen Chairman pro tern.
Mr. R. F. Clark from the committee appointed to invite the Regiment, reported that they had dispatched Mr. J. T. Waterman to Washington, and had received a telegram from him to the effect that the whole Regiment would stop on its way to Albany, and would be here on Friday morning.
Mr. Hubbel from the committee on Music, reported that they had engaged Schriber's Band from Albany, and
On motion of Mr. Wynkoop, it was resolved to extend an invitation to the Stockport, Claverack, Valatie and Copake Bands to participate in the reception, and Messrs. Wynkoop, Van Ness and Bortle were appointed a committee thereon.
Mr. Clark moved to include the Military of the City and the Fire Department of the Village of Athens. [Carried.
On motion of Mr. Clark it was resolved to request the Mayor to recommend to the citizens that all who can possibly do so, unite in the procession.
On motion, Messrs. Townsend, Gage, Groat and Calkins were appointed a committee to provide Breakfast for the Regiment at the City Hall, on Friday morning at 7 o'clock.
Adjourned to Thursday evening at half past 7 o'clock. ALLEN ROSSMAN, Ch'n pro tem.
William Bryan, Secretary.
Second Adjourned Meeting. Thursday Evening, May 14.
The committee assembled pursuant to adjournment, Allen Rossman, Esq., in the Chair, and after the trans-action of some informal business, the Finance Committee reported the amount received on subscription from the citizens in the several Wards as follows:
First Ward......$140 00 Third Ward...... $194 00
Second " ...... 102 00 Fourth " ..... 98 05
On motion of Judge Newkirk, it was resolved to request the Mayor to cause the bells of the several churches to be rung during the moving of the procession.
On motion of Mr. Carpenter it, was resolved that the
Treasurer pay only such bills as may be certified by the various committees. Adjourned.
ALLEN ROSSMAN, Chn. pro tem.
William Bryan, Secretary.
Common Council Proceedings.
Special Meeting, May 11, 1863.
Present—Jacob Ten Broeck, Mayor; Ald. Behrens, Burdwin, Evans, Terry, Townsend.
The MAYOR stated that he had convened the Council for the purpose of making arrangements for the reception and welcome of Company K, 14th Regiment of N. Y. S. V.
Ald. TOWNSEND offered the following:
Resolved, That Company K. of the 14th Regiment, N. Y. S. V. be received on its return home by the Common Council of this city, and that a Committee of three be appointed by the Mayor to make the necessary arrangements.
The MAYOR appointed as such Committee Ald. TOWNSEND, GROAT and EVANS.
On motion of Ald. Terry—
Resolved, That for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the reception, the sum of $200 be appropriated and placed in the hands of the finance Committee, to be drawn upon the order of the Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements.
Ald. EVANS moved that the MAYOR and Ald. HOLMES be added to the Committee of Arrangements. [Carried.
On motion of Ald. TOWNSEND, the MAYOR was instructed to cause copies of the Ordinance forbidding Ball Playing in the Streets, to be printed and posted through the city.
Adjourned. HORACE R. PECK, Clerk.
Co. G. 14th Regiment.--As a fitting appendage to the full report which we gave of the reception of the returned Rome volunteers, we subjoin the full muster roll of Co. G., for which we are indebted to the courtesy of 1st Sergeant F. L. Matteson:
Captain—John Stryker, Jr.
1st Lieutenant—W. D. Bowers.
2d " —Hugh Duffy.
Fred. L. Matteson, D. W. Felshaw,
E. A. Marble, M. Murray,
Nicholas Haim.
D. Marble, C. Adams,
E. J. Tice, Chas. West,
C. H. Matteson, C. H. Martin,
P. Perry.
W. Adams, W. W. Adams,
Chas. Aldridge, John L. Buchanan,
Thos. Byrnes, A. P. Bell,
E. Boden, Thos. Curran,
C. J. Chase, A. Conners,
G. Clifford, J. Devine,
E. J. Evans, Charles Edy,
N. Fitzgerald, Seth Griffin,
B. T. Hinkley, B. Meys,
A. P. Pond, John Reiley,
J. Radigan, C. Schnur,
George Tracy, A. G. Vandenburg,
Philip Hennecker, Co. F.
We also append a list so far as we have been able to make it, of the Rome members of the 26th regiment. The 14th, as well as the 26th, has been fully mustered out of service. $70,000 in back pay was disbursed to these two regiments alone during their recent stay in Utica:
Jacob Ulrich, William Smith,
Jacob Bernhard, George Bernhard,
Florin Euper, Chas. Ackerman,
Mathias Loeffler, George Gordon,
B. Watson.
The Fourteenth at Utica.
The Fourteenth Regiment met with a glorious reception at Utica, the home of Col. McQuade, on Wednesday of last week. The Observer and Democrat says of it:
"OUR RETURNING BRAVES.—The reception of the returning soldiers of the 14th Regiment was a far more impressive occasion, than even the elaborate public demonstrations would indicate. The appearance of the bronzed and war-worn veterans produced a feeling that actions, words and cheers were inadequate to express. These were the men who had perilled their lives in defence of the Union and the Constitution; who had stood up manfully amid the deadly bullets that laid so many of their comrades in death; who had endured privations, hardships and exposures, which those of us who remained at home could not possibly appreciate, for two long years. Their bronzed visages and their worn and stained garments were far more expressive than the most gorgeous decorations or holiday attire. Men who had only given encouragement and money for their country, felt how small were their sacrifices compared with those which these men had made.
"We but express the general sentiment when we say that the soldierly bearing, the orderly behavior, and the general good physical condition of the Regiment, are in the highest degree creditable to the men themselves and to those who have had charge of them. The Colonel, Surgeons, and officers generally, could not desire a better certificate of their attention to their duties than the fact that they have brought back their men in so good a condition after so ... and arduous a service."
THE FOURTEENTH REGIMENT.— The members of this regiment were paid off yesterday (Tuesday.) Colonel MCQUADE took command of the brigade on the 12th inst. It numbers 5,200, the largest and finest brigade in the army of the Potomac.
MUSTERED OUT.—Company I, Captain Lahe's Company of our town was mustered out of the U. S. service on Monday morning last. Sixteen members off this company reached this place on the following day.
The Sentinel.
Return of the 14th Regiment.
The excitement in this county during the week is over the anticipated return of the 14th regiment. They arrived in New York Thursday afternoon. The Express says:
The men look hardy and healthy, and are in the very best spirits. The regiment now numbers 450, rank and file, the muster roll calling for about 800 when they passed through the city, two years ago, on their way to war. They have been rather fortunate in their losses, and have suffered comparatively but little in officers. Col. McQuade was slightly wounded at Chancellorville, from the effects of which he is now a little lame. About 150 men, recently recruited for this regiment, were left behind to be disposed of among other regiments—having been sworn in for three years—or the war. Of course they were somewhat sorrowful on the departure of the regiment, as they expected to be mustered out with it.
The Tribune, which yields considerable space to a report of the visit of the Fourteenth says:
They left with 806 men: they return with about 400 men, leaving 80 three years men at the seat of war. 'They have been in service two years, been engaged in 11 battles, having volunteered in the battle of Chancellorville after the expiration of their term of service; and the flag which was carried by them has been perforated by 29 Rebel bullets.
The Regiment arrived in Albany on Friday afternoon. Dinner was provided for them at the Delavan House, after which they proceeded to Capitol Park, where they were welcomed home by the Governor in a brief and eloquent address, acknowledging the indebtedness of the people to them and their brave associates in arms, for their heroic bearing in the field, and the noble manner in which they have, on all occasions, upheld the dignity and reputation of the State. From the Park they proceeded to the Barracks, where they will remain until paid off and mustered out.
Utica is making vast preparations for the reception of the regiment, who are daily expected there. Rome was notified to contribute $200 toward the Utica reception, but it seems that the members of our military and fire companies prefer to give the soldiers of the brave 14th belonging to this vicinity a reception here at home, instead of contributing their funds and their presence to the Utica affair. The preliminary steps taker in this home movement—which commends itself rather more to our local pride, as well as interest, than the idea of contributing $200 to be spent elsewhere—are recounted in the following minutes:
At a meeting called at the armory of the Gansevoort Light Guard, May 13, 1863, it was unanimously concluded that Rome was amply supplied in resources, heart and patriotism to prepare within her own limits an appropriate reception for the brave men with whom she is identified, who are soon to return to their homes, on the expiration of their term of service.
For the purpose of preparing for a reception, the following were appointed as a General Committee:
Lieut. Col. H. S. Armstrong; Major _. C. Case; Capts. L. Roth, J. Smith, M. W. Rowe; Lieut. H. Lewis; J. H. Carroll; _. Singleton, Jr.
The Committee are taking active efficient measures to ensure the reception a success, and Rome will have a gala day on the soldiers' return.
The military and engine companies will adjoin. What the programme will be, or upon what day the reception will take place, can not now definitely be stated, but timely notice of the same will be given.
The time of service of the Fourteenth Regiment will expire about the 17th, and the reception must be soon thereafter.
S. F. Tremain, Ch'n.
C. D. PRESCOTT, Sec'y.
The next day, Thursday, subscription lists were prepared, and carried round by active and responsible parties, that it might be ascertained what practical interest the citizens were ready to evince in the matter.—The response was so favorable that Friday night a meeting was called at the Gansevoort's Armory, by the Chairman of the General Committee, Major Case, to take further action in the matter.
Quite a number of citizens, in addition to those connected with the Military and Fire Department, assembled at the appointed hour.
Owing to the absence of Major Case from town, at the suggestion of Capt. Rowe, Mr. L. E. Elmer was called to the chair.
In reply to an inquiry from the Chairman, for information as to what had been, and what was intended to be, done in the matter,
The Secretary, C. D. Prescott, Esq., gave a recital of the proceedings of the Military meeting. He said it was intended, as a starting point, to get up a reception of the soldiers belonging to the 14th Regiment, who were identified with this part of the county, who it was supposed would desire to come here, and whom all desired to welcome. Utica contemplated expending considerable gun powder over the reception, and had very kindly invited Rome to contribute $200, and go down and see the show. As that was the only invitation that had been extended to this vicinity, it was proposed that we should receive the men belonging here, ourselves. Consequently the military and firemen were called together, and a committee, composed of members of each, appointed to take such measures as might be proper, for the purpose of determining if they could not give a reception appropriate to the occasion. The subscription committee had already raised about $150, and if the amount could be increased to $200, it was resolved to proceed. The present meeting had called for the purpose of enlisting general sympathy in the movement. At the previous meeting Col. H. S. Armstrong, Jas. H. Carroll, and D. B. Prince, had been appointed a committee to procure a dinner and refreshments for the soldiers. Capt. Smith's Delta Artillery had been invited to attend the reception, but no answer had yet been received. It had also been resolved to erect a triumphal arch, and M. W. Rowe, Geo. Batchelor, and T. Flannagan have been detailed to attend thereto.
At the conclusion of the Secretary's recital of the previous proceedings, H. S. Lewis stated the result of his inquiries as to the cost of Music. Propositions had been received from the Camden Band as well as the Rome Band, and on motion of C. M. Dennison, Esq., that matter was left in the hands of Mr. J. H. Carroll and Dr. S. F. Tremain.
The result of the labors of the subscription committee, for the short time which they had had to operate, was announced by W. G. Tremain as $130.15.
On motion of Capt. Rowe, Col. Savery was appointed Marshal, with his military staff as assistants.
A gentleman said that he understood Col. Savery to be very sick and not likely to act as Marshall.
Mr. Dennison said the Col. had that day given him an invitation to visit Fish Creek, on the morrow, and have some good fishing—he did not therefore think the Col. Could be very dangerously ill.
After some further conversation, regarding the probable day on which the reception would take place, and the necessity of enlarging the subscription, the meeting adjourned until the following evening.
The meeting of Saturday evening, after hearing reports from some of the committees, adjourned to Monday evening, when it was expected the whole of the arrangements would be completed.
—The 14th regiment was mustered out and paid at Utica on Saturday, but too late to allow the members of Capt. Thompson's old company to reach home that evening.
City and County Affairs.
Papers for the Soldiers.
Copies of the REPUBLICAN containing full report of the reception of the 14th Regiment may be had gratuitously to send to soldiers in the field, on application at this office.
The 14th Regiment.—The 14th Regiment, Col. McQuade, we understand, are to be paid off and mustered out at Utica, taking their departure from this city at 8 o'clock this morning. Paymaster Richardson informs us that the delay in paying off the troops is owing wholly to the officers—the captains—neglecting to make out their muster rolls.
The 28th Regiment left last evening at 11 o'clock, by the New York Central Railroad, for Lockport.
Duly Mustered out.
The 14th Regiment was duly mustered out of service on Monday of last week, and the Government bounty of $100 promptly paid. Capt. Seymour and the men of Co. K. are now at home enjoying a well deserved period of rest after their arduous campaign of two years.
The boys of Co. K., 14th Regiment, have been mustered out of the service, and are for the most part in our city, enjoying themselves hugely among their friends and old associates. They received one hundred dollars bounty money apiece when discharged, with the exception of those who enlisted after the Regiment left for the seat of war, and some few who deserted and returned after the publication of the President's Proclamation in relation to deserters. We learn that some of the last mentioned were somewhat boisterous when the fact became known that their bounty was not to be paid them, although nothing serious transpired. It seems a little wrong, however, to withhold the bounty from those who enlisted after the Regiment was encamped on the soil of the enemy, inasmuch as they experienced all the hardships, and fought through all the numerous conflicts which the first Volunteers were engaged in.
LECTURE ON THE PENINSULAR CAMPAIGN.—The Rev. C. E. HEWES, late Chaplain of the 14th Regiment of N. Y. Volunteers, will lecture at Concert Hall in this village, on Saturday evening next, on the Peninsular Campaign, and the war in general. Mr. HEWES has not only the advantage of being very generally and favorably known in this vicinity, but brings with him the highest testimonials as to his services in the army, and as to the interest which he imparts to the subject of the Peninsular Campaign in his lecture.—He desires it to be understood that his remarks have no political bearing whatever.—We predict for him a full house, and doubt not that those of our citizens who attend will derive new, valuable and interesting information from the recital of his observations and experience.
We understand that through the liberality of our citizens in subscribing, and the good management of the committee in expending, that two hundred dollars of the money raised to defray the expenses of receiving and entertaining the 14th Regiment, is unexpended, and the committee decide on Tuesday evening next, to what purpose the money shall be appropriated. Different suggestions were made,—to distribute it among the families of the killed, —to appropriate it for the improvement of our streets, —for the erection of a monument in honor of the dead of our city who have died in defence of our country in this its time of peril. This money was raised to do honor to our soldiers from Hudson, and it is proper that for that purpose it should be applied, and should the committee conclude to make the $200 on hand the commencement of a sum sufficient to build a monument to perpetuate the names of the heroic dead, we would suggest that the same be a county affair. It cannot be supposed that each town can, or will raise a town monument, yet all would no doubt do something toward a County memorial. We throw out this suggestion, because we desire to see our county, and our cemetery adorned with an imperishable testimonial of a free people's reverence for those never-to-be-forgotten young men who have so willingly laid down their lives for our country.
ANOTHER NEWS OFFICE.—By reference to a notice in another column, it will be seen that our young fellow townsman, E. Spencer Elmer, one of the returned volunteers of the 14th N. Y. S. V., proposes to open a news office in this city. His office will be on the corner of Third and Warren streets, at the bookstore of his father, E. P. L. Elmer. Mr. Elmer assures us that he has made his arrangements to make it a permanent business. All orders for papers or magazines of all kinds will be promptly attended to.
Boonville.—Capt. MULLER, of Boonville, is procuring the proper papers to recruit a cavalry company, whose headquarters will be at Boonville. A fine chance for enlistment under a popular officer of tried courage and prudence.
The members of Cataract Fire Company, No. 1, of Boonville, will make an excursion to Trenton Falls, on the 20th of August. Arnott's Band, from Utica, will accompany them, and enliven the occasion with their spirit stirring strains.
BOOK BINDERY IN ROME.—For some months past there has been no book bindery in Rome, and the villagers have had to let their files of magazines accumulate unbound, or to send to Utica. Now, however, Mr. W. W. Adams, who carried on a bindery here before the war, has returned home with his companions of Co. G, 14th regiment; and we see by his card in our paper that he has reopened his old place of business. Success to him.
VOLUNTEER RECEPTION COMMITTEE MEETING.—The meeting of the Reception Committee held last Saturday evening was fairly attended. EX-SENAtOR HUBBEL presided.
Mr. BABOOOK from the Committee appointed at the last preceding meeting, to ascertain the cost of printing the proposed Memorial Book,—a record of the 14th and 26th Regiments—reported that the cost of three thousand copies would be $500, and submitted the following resolutions:
Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $500 be, and the same hereby is appropriated out of the surplus funds in the hands of the Treasurer of this Committee, for the purpose of publishing a book containing a history of the 14th and 26th regiments, and an account of their reception in this city, and such other facts with reference to these regiments as the committee appointed to prepare the same may deem proper; and that 3 000 be published, and such numbers thereof as may be necessary be given without charge to the surviving members of the regiment and to the families of such as are dead, as far as practicable; and that the remaining copies be sold at fifty cents each, and the funds thus realized from the sales be paid over to the Treasurer of this Committee as the nucleus of a fund for a monument to be hereafter erected for all the regiments from Oneida county.
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to prepare such book and to carry out this resolution.
After the rejection of several amendments, the resolutions were adopted; and Messrs. LEWIS H. BABCOCK, JAS. D. REID, and HENRY W. CHASE were named as the Committee to procure the preparation and publication
of the volume.
The opinion prevailed at the meeting that, after the distribution of two thousand copies among the soldiers and their families, there would be a demand for one thousand at fifty cents each.—this sale defraying the expense of the publication of the whole edition and therefore leaving still with the Reception Committee the balance on hand.
J. D. Reid, Esq., made a final report from the Commute on Decorations, and received many compliments upon the manner in which he in particular, and his associates in general, had discharged their duties.
The Committee adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman,—first directing the Treasurer to publish in the city papers the amounts received by him from each Town and Ward in the County together with the gross amount expended,—which report, (handed to us this morning) is as follows:—
Utica—1st Ward $205 50 Utica $1,229 00
2d " 280 00 Rome 80 00
3d " 348 00 Whitestown 50 00
4th " 196 00 Waterville 75 00
5th " 40 00 Deerfield 37 00
6th " 37 00 Verona 28 00
7th " 122 50 Western 8 50
______ Marshall 20 00
Total, Utica $1,229 00 Paris 28 00
Trenton 68 00
Boonvllle 70 50
Kirkland 25 00
$1,719 00
Amount of expenditures $1,151 73
Cash on hand 567 27
$1,719 00
Dated Utica, August 3d, 1863.
H. Crocker, Treasurer.
—Pursuant to adjournment, the members of "The Veteran Fourteenth" met at the armory last evening and elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
President—James McQuade.
Vice President—T. M. Davies.
Treasurer—Lewis Michaels.
Secretary—A. B. Grunwell.
Executive Committee—E. Warr, J. Stryker, Jr.
OFFICERS OF "THE VETERAN FOURTEENTH."— Pursuant to adjournment the members of "The Veteran Fourteenth" met at the Armory last evening and elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
President—James McQuade.
Vice President—T. M. Davies.
Treasurer—Lewis Michaels.
Secretary—A. B. Grunwell.
Executive Committee—E. Warr, J. Stryker, Jr., P. D. Altfater, A. G. Spencer, O. M. Wade.
It will be remembered that this is a new association organized for the purpose of perpetuating the record of the brave deeds of the old 14th N. Y. S. V., and the affiliation of its members.
You gave in the list of regimental staff officers (of to-day’s issue) the name of Charles H. Skillon as Major; this is a mistake. Mr. Skillon is Lieutenant Colonel, and Charles B. Young, Major. Major Young served during the Mexican war as Second Lieutenant in the New York First Regiment. of Volunteers.
A large meeting of natives of Oneida county, now residents of this city, was held at the Astor House last evening, at which Hon. C. P. Kirkland, presided. It was unanimously resolved that a stand of colors be presented to the Fourteenth regiment, now on their way to the seat of war, via New York city. Several hundred dollars were subscribed, and the regiment may depend upon a warm greeting form the Oneida boys in New York.
Meeting Last Night—The Organization—A Public Meeting to be Held.
A regular meeting of this Society was held last evening, at Sawyer & Thompson's Hall, No. 50 Fulton avenue, the Vice-President, Major Chas. F. Baldwin, in the Chair.
Communications were received from several gentlemen formerly connected with the regiment in the field, accepting the positions to which they had been chosen at the previous meeting. Among these was a note from Colonel A. M. Wood, signifying, his acceptance of the office of Trustee, in which he expressed a degree of interest in the society which would prompt him to exert himself in promoting its interests to the utmost of his ability.
Lieut.-Col. DeBevoise was present and took occasion to thank them for the honor conferred upon him in placing him at the head of the organization, as Chief, or President. He accepted the office, and would leave nothing undone which he could accomplish for the welfare of the Society.
Sergeant James McLean also communicated his acceptance of the office as a member of the "Finance Committee," in a brief but patriotic letter.
Every meeting of this Society brings forward in person or otherwise some additional members of the regiment who have been lost sight of, and, by some, mourned as among those who have lost their lives; and it is an interesting sight to witness the warmth with which these noble fellows are greeted by their comrades, with whom they have fought through many a battle, but by the uncertain freaks of war have from time to time become separated. It is an interesting fact in this connection, that at this time there are members of the "Fourteenth" scattered from Maine to Louisiana, including, of course, such as have from time to time been discharged from the service.
The names of several of our prominent citizens who have signified their interest in the Society by contributing to its charitable objects, &c, were last night submitted for honorary associate membership.
Lieut.-Col. DeBevoise announced that he had received recent advices from the front, from which he learned that the regiment was at the Rapidan.
The following is an extract of a series of resolutions submitted to the meeting:
"Whereas, The bodies of many of our late companions in arms are now buried in the fields where they fell, and
"Whereas, We deem it right and just that the remains of such should rest near their former homes, that sorrowing friends and relatives should have the privilage [sic] of visiting at times there last resting-place' therefore be it
Resolved, That subscriptions be solicited from our patriotic fellow-citizens to a fund to be called the "Cemetary [sic] Fund of the Fourteenth Regiment," to be left with trustees to be appointed to take charge of the matter,
The subject met with favor, and though the adoption of the article was laid over its objects eventually will be carried into effect without doubt.
It was determined that the next meeting be called at the same place on Friday evening next, and that the public generally be invited to attend.
—Capt. Henry Cross, formerly of the old Fourteenth, now of the Veteran Reserve Corps, and stationed at Alexandria, arrived on a visit to his friends here yesterday.
Fourteenth Regiment Veteran Association.
A business meeting of this Society was held last evening at the rooms of Messrs. Sawyer & Thompson. The principal business transacted related to the late promenade concert, the profits from which it was stated would amount to one thousand dollars. The expenses were as follows:
For Academy $200 For Decorations $56.35
For Music 225 For Printing 284.57
Total $765.92
The Treasurer reported a cash balance on hand in all funds $1,292.98.
The thanks of the Society were tendered to Mr. William Payne, No. 300 Fulton avenue, to Mr. George Seam, to the Fire Department Committee, and to Mr. Peter Forbes, for valuable donations.
The Society may now be regarded as on a sound and permanent basis, with a fund to carry out to some extent the laudable purposes of the organization. But the present fund is only the nucleus, and the full measure of good which the veterans aspire to requires the generous co-operation of the charitable and humane.
The 14th Regiment. —
This regiment is still located near Sheperdstown, Va. A letter from a
private in the regiment, states that it occupies a rebel camp, from which the butternut rascals vamoused in a hurry, leaving a prepared dinner, and several slaughtered beeves, all ready to be cut up. The regiment is filling up, so that it numbers about as many as any of its age in the army. All are well.
Recruiting for the 14th Reg. —
Sergeant E. H. Sawyer, of the famous Fourteenth has been detailed to recruit in this County for that Regiment. Sergeant Sawyer comes highly recommended by Capt. Lahe. There is no better regiment in the service. Its ranks are full of veterans. Head-quarters, Port Leyden. The 14th has only eight months longer to serve. Recruits will receive all the bounties.
Fill up the Fourteenth.
The ranks of the Fourteenth Regiment have been thinned by the casualties of fifteen months' service. To restore to it the efficiency which placed the Fourteenth first among the regiments that composed the famous Army of the Potomac, more men are needed.
There is immediate and pressing necessity for recruits to fill the shattered ranks of the veteran army, which only waits the assistance of the young men of the North to renew the struggle and bring this war to a successful termination.
The Fourteenth needs no commendation in an advertisement; its fame is part of the history of the war.
Will not the young men of Oneida come to the aid of their brothers, anxiously awaiting them on the banks of the James River?
They will be commanded by Porter, Griffin, and McQuade. They will form part of the invincible Porter's Corps, which alone held the entire rebel army in check at Mechanicsville and Gaines' Mills, and at Malvern achieved the splendid victory which was the crowning triumph of the glorious seven days. If the country is to be saved, it must be by the immediate reinforcement of the army in front of Richmond.
Young men! Rally for the salvation of your country.
Rally to the aid of the Army of the Potomac!
Rally to fill up the old Fourteenth!!
Recruiting office No. 166 Genessee street, Utica.
G. T. Hollingworth,
Capt. 14th N. Y. V., Recruiting Officer.
Good for Captain Lahe!
Some evil-minded person having originated the story that Captain Lahe was sick in the hospital during the battles before Richmond, the Captain writes as follows to the Black River Herald:
"Capt. Lahe was not sick in the hospital, during the recent battles before
Richmond,—never was sick in hospital 'or anywhere else,' when there was a chance to fight for the Union. I have not been absent from my company to exceed twenty-four hours, at any time, in nearly fifteen months. Have been in every battle in which the 14th participated since we came into the State of
Virginia. Led my company in every battle—had command of the fifth division for our Regiment in every battle, and fought the enemy to the best of my ability. Whoever originated the story about my being sick in the hospital must be a mortal enemy, and doubtless feels bad because I didn't happen to get killed. You will confer a great favor by publishing the above in your valuable paper.
Yours truly,
Co. I, 14th Reg. N.Y.V."
The Late Captain Mervine.—A correspondent of the New York Herald with the 5th corps, pays the following deserved tribute to the memory of the late Captain CASSARINUS B. MERVINE:
The painful intelligence reached us today of the death at City Point hospital of Capt. Mervine, late Assistant Adjutant General, First division. He had been sick several days; but until a few hours before his death his symptoms were in no way alarming. A more widely known, popular, and efficient officer was not in the corps than Captain Mervine. He came out as Adjutant of the Fourteenth New York volunteers, and took active and gallant part in nearly all the battles fought by the army of the Potomac. He has filled the position of Assistant Adjutant General of the First division for nearly two years. A young man, not yet thirty, tried and capable, a brilliant future lay before him had he lived. He was the son of Commodore Mervine.
The following interesting letter in relation to the late Capt. MERVINE, is from Lieut. WM. FOWLER, son of Dr. FOWLER, of this city, and a fellow member of Gen. GRIFFIN'S staff with Capt. MERVINE.
NEAR PETERSBURG, Aug. 19, 1864.
Dear Father: Capt. Mervine died at City Point hospital at three o'clock on the afternoon of August 17th. He was taken sick about the 8th of the month, and went to the division hospital, but none of us imagined that anything severe was the matter with him. Some one of the staff saw him every day, though the very unsettled state of affairs at our front prevented us from being as much with him as we desired; I saw him last the night before he died. The previous evening he had grown much worse, and then, I think, for the first time the surgeons were anxious about him. When I saw him he was evidently very sick. Gen. Griffin went early the next morning to see him, but the hospital was broken up, and the Captain removed to City Point. We were under marching orders, and the General was therefore unable to go on there. He was very much attached to Mervine, who had been with him all the time since he was made Brigadier, and regrets exceedingly that he did not see him. When the General last visited the hospital Mervine was not dangerously ill, and the surgeon in charge, doubtless from the best of motives, misled him as to his condition. Yesterday morning at four the corps marched for the Weldon railroad, and have had some severe fighting. This morning we heard of Capt. Mervine's death, and of course are unable to go back and attend to his affairs, our staff being so small that we have not enough to attend to the duties here, and we expect an engagement every moment. Our division purveyor, Mr. Boyle, has taken charge of the body, had it embalmed, and will forward it, accompanying it himself or sending some one.
Tell the family that no one could be more regretted here than Mervine is. To me he acted with kindness which I had no reason to expect, and which I shall not soon forget. His record during the war is one that any may envy, and in his official capacity as well as socially he had made warm friends throughout the division. Every officer who was thrown in contact with him, and that comprises the great majority in the command, regarded him with the kindliest feelings. He was always ...
The Killed and Wounded in the 14th Reg.
According to the latest unofficial reports, the 14th Reg., lost 119 killed, wounded and missing. In Capt. Lahe's company, as reported in the annexed list the loss was 13 killed and wounded. This company suffered the most of any in the regiment. O. Pitcher, reported as mortally wounded, is the son of Milton Pitcher, of Martinsburgh. The noble fellows fought bravely, and no stain rests upon their honors. Lewis County may well be proud of the volunteers she has sent to the War for the Union.
Co. I.—Killed—Geo. W. Clark.—
Wounded—Sergeant D. R. Butts, hand; Sergeant W. E. Cunningham, thigh;—Corporal F. Beebe, knee; Corporal Sidney Day, throat; Corporal C. E. Lathrop, leg and arm; Corporal John Murphy, severely in arm, and missing; private Ed. Haggerton, mortally; A. McConchie, head, slightly; O. Pitcher, hip, mortally [sic]; Samuel Cooly, mouth;— B. Gillett, shoulder; Michael Casey,—slightly.
Forty privates and non-commissioned officers missing. Some of them will
undoubtedly come in.
About Home Matters.
Lettered "Co. K."
We find the following poetic waif floating about in the newspapers, without credit or designation. It is such an appropriate tribute to our own "Co. K," of the gallant "Fourteenth," that we transfer it to our local columns, well knowing that many a grief-stricken heart will pour out a grateful benediction on the unknown author:—
There's a cap in the closet,
Old, tattered, and blue,
Of very slight value,
It may be, to you;
But a crown, jewel-studded,
Could not buy it to-day,
With its letters of honor,
Brave "Co. K."
The head that it sheltered
Needs shelter no more!
Dead heroes make holy
The trifles they wore;
So like chaplet of honor,
Of laurel and bay,
Seems the cap of th soldier,
Marked "Co. K."
Bright eyes have looked calmly
Its visor beneath,
O'er the work of the reaper,
Grim Harvester Death!
Let the muster-roll, meagre,
So mournfully say,
How foremost in danger
Went "Co. K."
Whose footsteps unbroken
Came up to the town,
Where rampart and bastion
Looked threateningly down?
Who, closing up breaches,
Still kept on their way,
Till guns, downward pointed,
Faced "Co. K."
Who faltered or shivered?
Who shunned battle-stroke?
Whose fire was uncertain?, ,
Whose battle-line broke?
Go, ask it of History,
Years from to-day,
And the record shall tell you,
Not "Co. K."
Though my darling is sleeping
To-day with the dead,
And daisies and clover
Bloom over his head,
I smile through my tears
As I lay it away—
That battle-worn cap,
Lettered "Co. K."
WASHINGTON, NOV. 18, 1861.
While Generals McDowell and Wadsworth were late this afternoon reviewing the brigade formerly commanded by General Keyes, a stampede occurred among a portion of the Fourteenth regiment, of Brooklyn, who were performing picket duty about a mile and a half left of Fall's Church. The flight was owing to the approach of a large squad of rebel cavalry. One of our men was wounded, but safely brought in. As soon as General McDowell heard of the affair he ordered the Twenty-fourth and Thirtieth New York regiments, and the remainder of the Fourteenth regiment of Brooklyn to support the picket, when the enemy fell back. On a survey of the ground where the skirmish took place there were signs of blood, indicating that some of the rebels were either killed or wounded. Three men have come in since the occurrence, having sought refuge in the woods. There are still some twenty-eight missing in connection with the capture by the rebels on Saturday of a detachment of the foraging party.
All is reported quiet along the lines to-night.
Lt. Col. C. A. Skillen. N. W. Blyton.
Lieut. E. H. Lloyd. John Lyon.
Lieut. G. W. Griffiths. G. W. Crawford.
Serg. Daniel Perry. James Dempsey.
Serg. D. Dressler. Patrick Walch.
Serg. A. P. Norton. Theodore Sheltis.
C'p. C. Berringer. George Phelps.
C'p. D. Beard. Charles C. Johnson.
C'p. Mich'l Delahaunt. Martin Arberiter.
C'p. H. L. Farmer. N. Cravier.
J. P. Cowley. C. L. Adams.
Clark M. Gray. W. O. Hart.
David Crossley. W. Monday.
Theodore Brown. E. A. Porter.
R. Myers. George Clark.
J. H. Sybell. O. Pitcher.
A. O'Neill. O. Bell.
Serg. Geo. W. Abby, Cor. E M. Brown, leg.
chest, slightly. B. Vickers, shoulder.
C'p. T. Aiken, hand. Jacob Tweedle, hand
C'p Ed. Downes, neck. and arm.
C'p. Jas. McDonough, Jacob Beebe, shouldr.
thigh, slightly. A. Depeyster, fingers.
Jos. Aldridge, sk'l frac. J. P. Mullen, chest and
S. E. Richardson, t'gh. shoulder.
J. B. Richardson, hip. G. Roscher, arm & elbw.
W. O. Davis, leg. Geo. Scrafford, arm.
W. Ehle, leg. N. A. Vestres, thigh.
W. Goucher, arm. John Farrell, head.
John Harvey, head. H. Stone, neck.
John Halloran, side. R. Jones, thigh.
Theo. Mayborn, leg. B. Bonney, hand & arm.
H. Percell, side. Thos. Gray, leg.
David Ross, chin. A. T. Hartley, shouldr.
____ Becker, thigh. T Rathka, knee.
Sgt. Jno. Snyder, knee. N. Titus, fingers.
C'p. W. Dimbleby, head. Capt. Ed. Ward, thigh.
Thos. Kenyon, hand. Lt John Stryker, hand
Thos. J, Lewis, head. and arm.
N. B. Gorton, head. Sgt. M. Murray, hand.
Geo. Owens, neck. Cor. E. Bodle, arm.
C. D. Bennett, foot. Cor. E. A. Marble, arm.
W. C. Worden, leg. Wm. Owens, neck.
Patrick Toole, thigh. G. S. Maurin, side.
J. W. Sheldon, arm. Pat. Ryan, abdomen.
Geo. Robertson, leg. A. W. Squires, leg.
A. H. Stowell, leg, miss. J. H. Baldwin, leg.
John Scott, hand, sgtly. James Barber, leg.
Robert Thomas, arm. Geo. Clifford, shoulder.
Foster Kelsey, leg, sev. James Devine, leg.
Capt. Harico, leg, sev. Michael Dunn, face.
Serg. C. Dinges, sh'ldr. S. Griffin, arm.
C'p. J. T. Mattis, thigh. G.N.Ferguson, shoul'r.
and leg, severely. F. McComb, knee.
C'p. ___ Schmidt, thigh D. Marble, arm.
and leg, severely. C. Martin, side.
C'p. ___ Martin, t'gh, leg. F . J. Shaler, hand.
H. Drilling, leg, sev. Chas. West, neck.
John Dedrich, ankle. John Maguire, contu.
Chas. Kanns, thigh. Lt. E. E. Coatsworth,
H. Moelier, br'st, arm. Foot, slightly.
H. Miller, thigh, sev. Cor. R. F. Sprague, hip.
Jos. Paul, leg, slightly. Albert Kinney, thigh.
John Petzholdt, chest. R. Ashman, leg.
Peter Winiger, abdom. J. W. Hays, arm.
W. D Dewanka, legs. R. Johnson, wrist.
Geo. Hartman, leg. G. Burnett, arm.
John Shober, arm, sev. J. Johnson, finger.
John Scholand, ankle. J. Patterson, hand.
Jacob Saul, thigh, sev. Geo. Hinds, leg.
Fred. Sehn, finger. N. V. B. Woodsworth,
John Reiss, finger. upper lip.
Peter Werner, wrist. W. Barlow, hip.
Jacob Brenning, arm. Lt. S. W. Hazen, sh'der.
Daniel Agner, arm. St. R. Streeter, arm
Chas. Martz, arm. and side.
Philip Eckhoff, arm. St. W. E. Cunningham,
D. Hesse, side, sgtly. thigh, severely.
D. Hesley, side, sgtly. St. D. R. Butts, hand.
Lt. R. T. Foot, shoulr. Cor. F. Beebe, knee.
Cor. A. B. Wyman, thi. Cor. S. Day, neck.
Cor. A. Fornelly, thigh. Cor. C. Lathrop, thigh
Cor. C. H. Essey, thigh. and arm.
Cor. A. Maxteu, legs. Cor. J. Murphy, sh'der.
Jas McDurmott, ankle. T. B. Cooley, mouth.
J. H. Grossman, ankle. A. Ringfield, wounded
I. Howe, elbow. and missing.
G. Chamberlain, contu. B. Gillet, contusion.
J. A Bailey, leg, mis. S. Haggerton, ab'n.
N. Young, thigh. A. Maconchie, neck.
W. Smith, fingers. W. Adams, hand.
Geo. Fisher, leg. H. M. Dailey, hip and
Jas. Derrick, arm. side, severly.
A. C. Barnard, arm. S. M. Merrifield, hand.
R Tubbs, shoulder. R. Salmons, hand.
W. H. Randall, side. A. Schodshanskie, sh'r.
D. Johns, arm. St. Chas. Lewis, leg
Lt. F. M. Butler, foot. Cor. S. G. George, m'th.
Cor. A. B. Catlin, abdon. Cor. A. F. B. Chase,
John Johnson, thigh. knee and leg.
E. Mackintire, foot. F. Carpenter, thigh.
M. Mathers, hand. Jacob Ham, contusion.
P. Pickler, hand. George Mavin, arm.
J. Ware, hand. Philip Payne, arm.
W. Atkins, thigh. A. Smith, hip.
Jos. Bancroft, knee. W. E. Spencer, leg.
J. C. Burns, neck. H. Bingham, thigh.
L. A. Boyd, hand. W. Irvin, thigh.
John O'Bryan, arm. W. H. Michael, knee.
A. R. Evans, hand. W. H. Shultis, arm.
Capt. C. F. Muller, thigh. Chas. Cole, knee.
Lt. W. A. Rowan, foot. A. W. Burlington, thigh.
H. Van Deusen, head.
Killed 34
Wounded 177
Missing 15
Total 226
(Official List, July 12, 1862.
Lieut. Col. Sklllen. J. Warr.
Corp. D. Beard. T. Schultes.
G. M. Crawford. Corp. Mich. Delahant.
John Johnson. C. L. Adams.
N. Mathers. N. Craven.
E. McIntire. George W. Clark.
J. Pickly. O. Bell.
Capt. Harer, leg. J. S. Mollin, shoulder.
Capt. Warr, thigh. Geo. Ranhaer, arm.
Lieut. Butler, foot. Geo. Scrafford, shoul'r.
Adj. Foote, shoulder. Priv. G. S. Marvin.
Jos. Aldrich, temple. Priv. J. Omans.
S. E. Richardson, knee. Priv. Patrick P. Ryan.
J. B. Richardson, Priv. F. J. Shaler.
slightly. Priv. A. W. Squires.
Geo. C. Owens, neck. Priv. J. H. Baldwin.
Thos. J. Lewis, temple. Corp. R. F. Sprague.
Wm. C. Worden, leg. R Ashman, leg.
Martin V. Gorton, neck. W. M. Hart, severely.
Patrick Toole, leg. R Johnson.
J. W. Sheldon, arm. A. Kinney, severely.
Thos. Keenan, hand. Serg. D. R. Butts, hand.
Corp. J. H. Snyder, hip. Serg. W. F. Cunning-
C. D. Bennet, foot. ham, thigh.
Corp. Schmidt, leg. Corp. F. Beebe, knee.
Corp. F. Martin, thigh. Corp. S. Day, throat.
Priv. Drilling, leg. Corp. C. E. Lathrop,
Priv. Knouse, leg. leg and arm.
Priv. Miller, breast. Corp. John Murphy,
Henry Miller, body. arm, missing.
Priv. Martz, hand. Ed. Haggerton, mort'y.
J. Paul, leg. A. McConochie, head.
Priv. Petzoldt, breast. O. Pitcher, hip, mort'y.
Priv. Weninger, body. Samuel Cooly, mouth.
Corp. Wyman. B. Gillett, shoulder.
Corp. A. Tunalty. Serg. C. Lewis, leg.
Corp. C. H. Tessy. Cor. S. G. Gurp, mouth.
Priv. J. A. Bailey. Priv. Carpenter, leg.
G. B. Chamberlain, Priv.Naven, wrist.
J. H. Crosson. Priv. Payn, arm.
L. Howe. Priv. A. Smith, groin.
A. O'Neil. Priv. Spencer, leg.
J. Beebe, shoulder.
Dr. A. Churchill, missing, and probably taken prisoner; Capt. A. Sears, probably a prisoner. Forty privates and non-commissioned officers missing. Some of them will undoubtedly come in.
(Battle of the Chickahominy, 1862)
AND DAILY GAZETTE. [Herald Established 1847.
Fourteenth and Twenty-Sixth Regiments.
Home again, Soldiers! Back where the dear hearts are that have throbbed so long and longingly for you. Back where love for you is as deep almost as yours for your country. Back where during two terrible years uncounted tears have been shed and uncounted sighs breathed for you, and where the incense of many prayers has risen morning and evening in your behalf. Back again with sweethearts, wives, mothers, sisters, and all the friends of yore.
It is because our returned soldiers have exhibited, amid the hardships and carnage of war, nobler and more heroic qualities than even the partial affection of near friends and relatives had supposed them to possess, that we have received them with such deep emotion, and accorded to them so glorious a welcome. Had they shown themselves less brave and worthy, we might still have received them with the open arms of love; but had they proved themselves unworthy the name of soldiers, how different the greeting! We could not have shouted for them the enthusiastic cheers of yesterday, and we should not have dared to erect arches of honor, and fling out the waving forest of banners. No children would have sung glad songs as they approached, and the fair ladies who twined the wreaths and prepared the banquet would have wearied of their work, and in place of their welcoming smiles would have been blushes of indignant shame. Ah, Soldiers! now you are thrice glad that you came back to us with riddled and tattered colors, and no record of cowardice written against you in the annals of the war, or upon your foreheads.
After all that has been published, it is scarcely necessary to say that the preparations for the great Welcome were made by our citizens on the most extensive and liberal scale. The people contributed gladly and sufficiently, and many of the ladies and gentlemen of the committees dismissed business of mere personal importance, and devoted themselves almost exclusively to the work of preparation; and to their zeal and efficiency, scarcely less than to the general love of our country and its defenders, is to be attributed the imposing character and success of the Reception. During Tuesday the people were pretty generally engaged in decorating in one way or another, and the demand for bunting and evergreens was brisk from morning till evening, while conversation had almost exclusive reference to the great event of the morrow. This state of things continued until the hour for the arrival of the regiments, when the display was such as to baffle all attempts at description.
What with the display of flags, bunting evergreens and flowers, the beautiful arches of honor, and the mottoes displayed from the buildings and across the streets, our city never in all the past wore so grand and festive an appearance. The beautiful arches, of which the most noticeable were the galleried structures erected and adorned by the Committee, rendered yet much more interesting by their complements of singing children, each presented a picture which will live in the memory forever.
ARCH 1.—An evergreen structure, erected by the Central Railroad men across the foot of Genesee street—a large central and two smaller side arches, very handsomely designed and proportioned, with four columns of tree-work rising above the arches, the two central columns surmounted by flag-staffs, with flags—the whole unique and highly creditable to the architects. This motto on the South:
"Rally on the Colors, Men."
ARCH 2.—Built by the Decorating Committee across Genesee street, just South of Whitesboro—a wooden pillared structure, tri-arched, side arches less than the central, three galleries above for singers corresponding to the three arches, a banner waving over each, and a profusion of evergreen lettering and devices. On the North:
14. 26,"
and within evergreen devices the names of battles in which the regiments have been engaged—Malvern, Gaines Mill, Bull Run, Fredericksburg. Also portraits of WASHINGTON and NAPOLEON. On the South:
The Union Forever."
and the names of further battles—Thoroughfare Gap, Cedar Mountain, Mechanicsville, Hanover Court House, Antietam, Yorktown.
ARCH 3.—Opposite City Hall across Genesee, also erected by the Committee. The general construction entirely similar to Arch 2—three galleries, three banners, etc. On the North the words:
and on the South the words:
with neat evergreen designs and trimings [sic] on both fronts.
ARCH 4.— At the corner of South and West streets, across South, our Corn Hill citizens displayed excellent taste and spirit by a beautiful evergreen erection, tri-arched, gothic, with the __ports prettily festooned, a basket of flowers _pending from the point of the main arch, and a handsome display of flags. On the West front the words:
and on the East:
On the side of the arch was a platform seats raised one above the other for singers, liberally trimmed with evergreens.
ARCH 5.—A large single evergeen [sic] arch, with hangings, across Court street at the Corner of Varick, erected by the patriotic and warm hearted operatives of the Globe Mills—a creditable and fine appearing structure, with the mottoes,
"Welcome HOME"
Time would fail us in an attempt to enumerate a tithe of the other decorations, and we only glance hastily at some of the most noticeable ones. Passing up from the foot of Genesee, we see first the Express and Telegraph Building arrayed from top to bottom with evergreen variously designed hangings, and flags. Over the old Telegraph Office is the Committee's Memorial to the dead of the regiments, as follows:
Whether on the gallows high
Or in the battle's van,
The fittest place for man to die
Is where he dies for man."
CASSIDY gives the greeting,
"How are you, Boys?"
A short distance south of Arch 2 is a huge crayon likeness of Col. MCQUADE. The Telegraph newspaper office and adjoining buildings displays a variety of mottoes of which the most prominent is "OUR COUNTRY."
The HERALD office displays a beautiful national flag, mottoes of Welcome, etc. In front of W. H. DUVAL & CO.'s establishment is a beautiful display of evergeen [sic] hangings, flags and portraits. TAYLOR makes a splendid display of evergreen hangings, and suspends a huge motto:
Welcome, Thrice Welcome."
A fine and neatly arranged display of bunting over PUTNAM & KINCARD'S. Over BREEN & Co.'s the good motto:
"Will ever sing the requiem of every true Patriot who falls in the cause of Liberty."
Above which is a huge harp, evergreen trimmed, with strings of red, white and blue. Across the street from the Bank of Utica is suspended the words:
Stretched across between the Observer and MANCHESTER & PENNY'S, in huge letters:
Genesee Street bridge is adorned with evergreen trees. Over Metropolitan Hall is a motto of welcome to the 14th, with the names of battles in which it has been engaged, and a picture of the American Eagle.
Suspended across the street from Oneida Bank is
A magnificent display of bunting depends from the roofs and windows of the buildings on the West of Franklin Square, the most imposing part of which is over STEWART & LEO'S. An immense
over FALKNER'S. The largest flag of all is suspended over the street opposite the Central Hotel, the balcony of which is profusely adorned with evergreen shrubbery. A number of little flags flatter from every window of LEWIS BROS. establishment. A similar, but larger and more effective display from the Butterfield Block. Another from the old City Hotel. At the Ladies' Seminary are tasteful decorations of evergreen work and flags, prepared by the young ladies, including in the principal device, the word
in large letters of evergreen. Stretched across upper Genesee is an imposing display of red, white and blue, festooned. We should also particularize a huge motto in red and white letters across Fayette from J. GRIFFITHS' establishment to the Mansion House:
Also the liberal and handsome decorations of the Dudley House, where are displayed evergreen circles from each window and along the balconies, and too many flags to count. As to the remaining decorations, we might enumerate by thousands the flags along the route of the Procession, and the mottoes by hundreds; and there are portraits, casts and statues of Generals and the fathers of the Republic displayed, and wreaths, flowers and curious patriotic devices adorning almost every dwelling along the entire route. We are sorry to see in the midst of all this that the Mayor's residence is entirely barren of decorations. The residence of Judge BACON is appropriately dressed in mourning for the loved one lost. But it is time to come to
The day could not have been more auspicious. The sun smiled approvingly and gloriously. Before 9 o'clock the streets in all directions began to be thronged with the coming multitude, which continued to pour in until near noon; and numerous loaded conveyances had come in on the previous evening. It was evident long before the hour for the arrival of the regiments, that we had entered upon a day far surpassing in interest and magnificence any other in the history of Utica and Oneida county. At 11 o'clock we stand at the foot of Genesee, and looking up behold a vast sea of expectant human faces extending to City Hall; and still they come from beyond. We look from the depot down towards the freight house, and there is another sea of faces, nearly as large and much more dense than the other; and still the people are pouring in from the Deerfield road, and from Whitesboro and Main streets. We pass up John street into Broad, and here a vast procession is forming.—
We walk down to the Bridge street crossing. Still the people gather—men, women and children in their best holiday attire; the vacant spaces in the crowd fill up and its limits extend. The Marshal of the Day, Major Priest, makes his appearance mounted on a splendid steed, and in full military dress. The eyes of the people follow him admiringly. Assistants J. D. Reid, L. H. BABCOCK, and others are also at hand to restrain the impulsive movements of the multitude, and make way for the line of carriages approaching, the first of which contains President HUBBELL, the Mayor and the Orators of the Day —And now it is near 12 o'clock, and the hour announced for the arrival of the returning braves has come. Thousands of eyes are strained anxiously East and West, along the track. Ah, yonder comes the train! "They arc coming," is whispered about, and the multitude is silent. There ring the bells! There peal the cannon! The Eastern train is here. "There is the Fourteenth!" is echoed from mouth to mouth; and oh! what cheers went up from the ten thousands! Five minutes more and the Western train is announced, and another mighty cheer, like the sound of many waters, rose heavenward, and welcomed the Twenty-sixth. The veterans are quickly out cars, and formed in line. A rush is then made by the crowd, and the waiting arms of many dear friends are stretched out. But they are pressed back, as this is not the place and time for many greetings and embracing.
The regiments are marched a short distance up Bridge street, when President HUBBELL arises in his carriage and introduces to them Mayor WILSON, who welcomes them as follows:
Colonels McQuade and Richardson, officers and soldiers of the Fourteenth and Twenty-sixth New York State Volunteers: Your fellow-citizens, with whom many of you are connected by consanguinity, and all by the common ties of humanity, have spontaneously come together on this occasion to welcome you home, after having honorably served your country all the time for which you volunteered during this unhappy civil war, such as we believe, in its nature and extent, has no parallel in history. Time would fail me were I to do more than name some of the most sanguinary battles in which you have honorably participated, and in all of which you have nobly and honorably discharged your duty. I think Yorktown, Hanover Court House, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mills, Malvern, Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorville. In most of these engagements with the enemy you were led, I believe, by your able and patriotic Generals, George B. McClellan and Fitz John Porter. (A pause—silence.) They like you deserve, as they will in due time receive, their day of triumph, and the thanks and praise of grateful people.
The familiar faces of many of your gallant comrades, who went forth with you in all the strength and hope and glory of manhood to share the toils and privations of war, we sadly miss from among your number. Some of them possess we as sacred dust, while the bones of others, alas! "lie scattered at the grave's mouth," and
"Wife, nor children, more
Shall they behold; nor friends,
Nor sacred home."
Soldiers! You have nobly done your duty—acted well your part in the dreadful drama of war, and few, if any, regiments have participated in so many battles as you have. You have been honorably discharged from the service; and although the result of your suffering in behalf of our unhappy country in terminating this war, is not what many of your fellow-citizens hoped for and anticipated when you went forth to battle from among us, your decimated ranks and the soiled and tattered blood-stained flag, tell us in language stronger than we can utter that you have been in the battle's van, and heroically discharged your duty. We welcome you, then, brave men, back again to these familiar hills and this smiling valley, so fresh and green and still at this vernal season—and we dare say they never before to your eyes looked so sweet—and to the glad voices of your friends and kindred, who are impatiently awaiting your return, "when no rude sound shall reach your ear," and to enjoy among us the blessings of peace.
"Soldiers, rest! your warfare o'er,
Dream of battle-fields no more,
Days of danger, nights of waking."
What a happy contrast is all this to you who have just left the turmoil of the battle-field, the beat, of the alarming drum, the startling bugle call at early morn, the hurrying to and fro, "mounting in hot haste," the long and weary march, the cold ground for a bed, and an inhospitable sky for its covering, "garments rolled in blood," and all the terrible enginery of war.
"Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them,
Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
White horse and hero fell,
Those that had fought so well,
Came from the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred."
Soldiers!—Fellow-citizens, I must call you now—I am happy in the circumstance of being the organ of our city government and of our fellow-citizen's on this occasion, in tendering to you, which I do in their name, a cordial and hearty welcome home.
At the conclusion of the Mayor's remarks, Col. MCQUADE responded briefly:
No words would convey an adequate idea of the heartfelt gratification of the Regiment at the magnificent reception awarded by our old friends. The officers and men thank the citizens of Utica for this demonstration and hope that their record proves that it is not undeserved. "Forward march!" was the word again, and the begrimed, weather-beaten, war-worn veterans moved on with step and bearing, which rendered apparent their fine discipline. They marched up to Broad, where formed, awaiting their arrival, were the military, fire companies and civic organizations, by whom they were gracefully saluted as they passed along the entire line to John, where the Addresses of Welcome were delivered by the Orators appointed. After a feeling and eloquent prayer by Rev. D. W. BRISTOL, Hon. WARD HUNT addressed the Fourteenth as follows:
Soldiers of the Fourteenth New York Volunteers, Officers and Men: Ancient Rome decreed the honors of a triumph to the successful soldier, returning from a foreign war. Ancient Greece erected temples in honor of the brave defenders of their country, whether the three hundred, who died gloriously in defence of their homes, at the Straits of Thermopylae, or the thousands who fought successfully at Marathon and Platea.
Modern America may rival both examples, may decree the honors of a triumphal entry, may erect temples in the hearts of her citizens more lasting than brass or marble. The American soldier puts on the armor of war to defend a purer democracy than Sparta ever knew, to preserve a higher refinement than Athens ever witnessed, to preserve the unity of a more extended territory, than belonged to the Roman mistress of the world, in the days of her mightiest power.
"Civis Romanus sum " was the boast of the Roman, two thousand years ago. I am a American citizen, has been the proudest tit__ the nineteenth century could furnish—a citizen of that country extending from the frozen regions of the North, to the tropics of the South, from the granite rocks of the East to the golden streams of the Pacific—of that vast territory containing one people, one nation, one government, one constitution—of that proud republic on whose continuance the last experiment of self-government hangs in trembling suspense, of that happy land where every man enjoyed undisturbed the fruits of his industry, where labor was abundantly rewarded, where personal liberty and political rights were so well protected, as to be almost unappreciated.
This it was and this it is, to an American citizen, and when rebels sought to overthrow that government, to trample in the dust the emblem of its greatness, to divide this great united nation, into separate, insignificant, warring, self-destroying confederacies, when rebel cannons battered down the Union forts, and rebel boasting proclaimed that the rebel flag should float upon the Union Capitol, then, boldly, promptly, among the earliest, the Fourteenth Regiment volunteered; volunteered to fight, if need be, to die, in defence of the country they loved. I was a volunteer in the war of 1861. I volunteered to defend my country, to overthrow rebellion—will be the proudest boast of your after years, will be cherished by your children as the distinction of your family.
When this regiment volunteered to aid in crushing the most gigantic and wicked rebellion the world has ever witnessed, it knew that it embarked in no holiday contest; it knew the sternness of the struggle before it. Of the three hundred thousand northern lives exacted by this rebellion, the Fourteenth Regiment and the county of Oneida have furnished their mournful share. Skillen, Lloyd, Griffith, Harrer, Farrer, of the Fourteenth, with Cosselman, Conant, Bacon, Throop and others, gallant and brave, have attested then courage by their lives and in their deaths. The bones of many of them lie in a distant soil, but, thank God, their courage is not forgotten, and their memory will be ever green. Its glorious flag has been borne gallantly through eleven battles, it has been pierced by over one hundred rebel bullets, six men have been shot down while bearing it aloft; once your Colonel himself rushed with it to the front of the column, and never, never has it been dishonored.
Your bronzed and war-worn aspect, the wounds you bring back, your thinned ranks, the comrades you have left behind, attest the courage and devotion, with which you have discharged your duty.
When the battles of Yorktown, Hanover Court House, Mechanicsville, Gaines Hill, Malvern, Fredericksburg in December last, and Fredericksburg in May last, shall be fully described, then and not till then, will the gallantry of the Fourteenth Regiment be fully understood. At Yorktown, Col. McQuade, with Lieut. Col. Davies, of the Fourteenth, were among the first to enter the enemy's works. The battle of Hanover County House was among the severest of the war, in which the Fourteenth arrived on the field at the critical moment to save the Second Maine from destruction, and to aid in the brilliant result by which the rebels were driven in confusion from the field. The battle of Mechanicsville followed rapidly, in which 27,000 troops held at bay 70,000 rebels, among whom was the rebel General Stonewall Jackson. At Antietam the Fourteenth had none men killed, and seventy-nine wounded, and here it was that the Colonel with his own hand seized the wavering colors, and restored the fortunes of the day. Here the brave Lieut. Col. Skillen fell, than whom a more gallant officer did not exist. At Malvern Hill, Lloyd and Griffiths were slain, with fourteen others, all as brave men as ever shouldered a musket or drew a sword.
Its participation in the battle of Antietam, in which the Fourteenth held the honorable position of being among the "Reserves;" in the first battle of Fredericksburg, in which it lay within a half mils of the enemy's guns, their retreat from that exposed position, in the dead hour of the night, and lastly, the battle of Chancellorville, with its many incidents, among which were the volunteering of nearly the whole regiment to man a battery of which its own men had been shot down; its coolness in its post of honor, as forming a part of the brigade which covered the retreat of Hooker's army in its return from the south side of the Rappahannock; its participation in this conflict, when its term of enlistment was on the eve of expiration, are fresh in our recollection.
The share of your regiment in all these contests, forms a part of the history of the war, and will find its place in the permanent records of the country.
Field officers, line officers, non-commissioned officer's and privates, each and all of you have fought the good fight, each and every one has earned the honor and respect of his countrymen, and in the name, and on behalf of the citizens of Oneida County, representing one unanimous public feeling, I assure you of the unbounded gratitude with which you are regarded, and I welcome your return to your families and your homes.
To these remarks Col. MCQUADE briefly replied, expressing again, in behalf of his regiment, his warmest thanks for the glorious Welcome, which far exceeded their expectations.—Hon. C. H. DOOLITTLE then addressed the Twenty-sixth.
COL. RICHARDSON, Officers and Soldiers of the Twenty-Sixth, Veterans of Nine Battles:
The people of Oneida county, with great unanimity, determined to extend to you this public reception as a token of their appreciation of your patriotic services.
The beautiful arches, tastefully trimmed and covered with appropriate expressions of the public sentiment, which span our streets; this military display; this concourse of your free and intelligent fellow citizens, which surrounds you; the thronging multitude that will meet you at every step of your progress through the city with words of gratitude; the stirring strains of music which have greeted you; the Stars and Stripes, the emblem of your country's power and glory, around which you have so fondly gathered in the darkest hour of your trials, which you behold unfurled to the breeze on every hand—these, these attest to you more eloquently than words the greeting this people give you.
From all this display, surrounded with these tokens of the people's gratitude, they have bid me welcome you back to your friends, your homes, and to the enjoyment of these beneficent institutions your valor has so signally aided to maintain, and to express to you their heartfelt gratitude for the services you have rendered in behalf of our common country.
It is engraven on our memories that a little more than two years ago, when our Government had vindicated its wonderful and admirable adaptation to the wants and interests of its people, and to promote the happiness and well-being of man, by the unexampled advancement the nation had made in every department of life, and the individual happiness and prosperity that pervaded every part of the country--at a time when we fondly believed it was the most benign government God had vouchsafed to man, a traitorous band, who had scarcely occasion to know the existence of the Government, except from the blessings it bestowed on them, commenced by violence to rend asunder the glorious Union our fathers established and rob the nation of the blessings it secured. They initiated a cruel war with no cause to justify it—a war only intensified in its wickedness by its parricidal character.
The government, which is but the chosen agency of the people, were driven to resort to arms to maintain the integrity of the nation, and preserve its inestimable blessings. It appealed to the patriotism of the people, to rally around the country's standard and uphold it. The uprising that followed it was one of the grandest exhibitions of patriotism the world has ever witnessed. It evidenced to the world the cause of free government was safe in our hands and would be sustained at all hazards, and at whatever cost.
The appeal was no more to you than to those of your fellow citizens who remained. You had no more interest in maintaining our institutions than we. Their blessings, like the dews of heaven fell alike on us all. All alike the recipients of their blessings: all alike before God and man, under the highest of all human obligations to maintain them. But you, you on the first call of the Republic, you answered the demands of patriotism, and rallied with alacrity to the defense of your country, in the hour of her peril, and from that time to this you have devoted yourselves to her service and perilled [sic] your lives in her cause. It was a timely service to the great cause of humanity. It was an exhibition of that heaven-born patriotism which has in all ages, and ever will call forth the plaudits of the great and good. Our hearts have been with you in all the perils you have encountered. When your active campaigns commenced we watched your progress with deep interest, from Cedar Mountain to the terrible ordeal of Fredericksburg. We sympathized with your misfortunes in that perilous campaign of Gen. Pope in Virginia, the result of which we feel assured no action of yours could have changed. When the rebel hosts, flushed with victory, were with demoniac energy pushing their legions through Maryland for the very heart of the free States, we followed you with breathless interest under your new commander from victory to victory through the short successful campaign of Maryland, which culminated in the signal triumph of Antietam and turned back the tide of invasion. We watched your march back to Fredericksburg in pursuit of the retreating enemy. That the battle of Fredericksburg was not a signal victory instead of the terrible disaster it was, was no fault of the 26th. The officers and men of your regiment engaged in that battle were conspicuous for their valor. When the soul of Bacon winged its way to a better world, and so many of your comrades bore the indubitable marks which heroic bravery so often brings from the battle-field, no stain of that disaster was left on your escutcheon.
From the time you commenced your campaign under Gen. Pope to the close of the battle of Chancellorville, no citizen soldiery in the same period ever had more varied experience, encountered more perils, or exhibited more determined valor and heroic endurance than the army of which you formed a part. That army deserved success by its conduct. Victory belonged to that army, but it was robbed of the just fruits of its endurance and valor by causes over which you had no control.
You went forth to maintain the most sacred cause which has ever been submitted to the arbitrament of battles. Your thinned ranks give mournful, but pregnant evidence of the heroism and valor with which you sustained it. Having discharged the duties of citizen soldiers, and returned to the enjoyment of the institutions you have toiled to maintain, we congratulate you that notwithstanding the casualties of war, and the varying success of battle, your homes have been undisturbed, and those institutions yet remain to invite you to your accustomed avocations and to protect you in their peaceable pursuits.
You went forth about 800 strong; that we are permitted to welcome back to-day only 350, reminds us that God in his inscrutable wisdom, has determined that the sacrifices which were required to achieve our liberties and national existence shall be required to maintain them—that we must emulate the virtues and patriotism of our fathers to be deemed worthy to enjoy the institutions their valor and wisdom bequeathed us.
While we feel a free citizen can lay down his life in no nobler cause than in the defense of his country, we mourn with you the necessity of the sacrifice. We mourn with you the loss of those who have sacrificed their lives upon the altar of their country and will hold their names in grateful remembrance. We feel deep sympathy for their friends to whom they are lost for this world, and would cheerfully do what we can, to alleviate their sorrow. They have been actors in the most momentous period of their country's history, and have acted well. Their fame is secure. Cosselman, Bacon, Palmer, the dead and the wounded of your comrades, all, the nation's blessings and the nation's remembrance is theirs.
History has recorded their patriotic devotion to the cause of their country, and that record will be read by succeeding generations, and their action applauded. Their and your action, and that of all those citizen soldiers in this war, Oneida has fondly called her own, form a part of the history of our country. That record shall be an enduring memorial of your services. In after ages, when thousands upon thousands of your fellow citizens shall be forgotten, that record will be read by millions of admiring people, and be yet more lustrous.
Officers and men of the 26th! Wherever in the Providence of God your lot shall be cast, you will bear with you the grateful remembrance of this people, and may the blessings of Almighty God attend you.
Col. RICHARDSON replied in a few words, expressing thanks for himself and regiment, and their unbounded gratification. The Procession now took up the line of march.
Squad of Police.
Major Z. C. PRIEST, Marshal of the Day.
Marshal Utica Encampment No. 3 K. T. Marshal.
Masonic Order.
Utica Cavalry Company.
Schreiber's Band, of Albany.
Forty-fifth Regiment N. Y. N. G.
Col. I. J. GRAY,
Composed as follows:
Coultis' Martial Band.
Company R, Capt. Meyers.
Company A, Capt. Cogley.
Company C, Capt. Jones.
Company F, Capt. Clark.
Whitestown Seminary Corps, Capt. Winsor.
Company L, Capt, Brand.
Utica Cadets, Capt. J. E. Curran.
Utica German Band.
Marshal. Masonic Order. Marshal.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Tri-mount Encampment No. 24.
Oneida Lodge No. 70.
Shenandoah Lodge No. 95.
Schuyler Lodge No. 147.
Steuben Lodge No. 496.
Utica Degree Lodge No. 18.
Utica City Band.
Orators of the Day and Clergy.
Hon. ALRICK HUBBELL, President of the Day.
Committee of Arrangements in Carriages.
Mayor and Common Council of the city.
Marshal. Chief Engineer J. H. Van Ness. Marshal.
S. Y. Lane, First Assistant.
F. Hitzelberger Second Assistant.
Rescue Hook and Ladder Company No. 1.
Tiger Hose Company No 1,
Excelsior Engine Company No. 2.
Erina Hose Company No. 2.
Protection Hose Company No. 4.
Neptune Engine Company No. 5.
Franklin Hose Company No. 5.
Niagara Hose Company No. 2, of Whiteboro.
Utica Brass Band.
Washington Engine Company No. 7.
Rough and Ready Hose Company No. 7.
Squad of Oneida County Men of the 3d N. Y. V.
Citizens Brass Band, of Little Falls.
Drum Corps of the 14th Regiment.
Drum Corps of the 26th Regiment.
Disabled and Discharged Soldiers of the 14th and 26th Regiments.
The Knights Templar were forty in number, in full regalia, mounted on beautiful horses. They are a fine looking body of men, and made a grand appearance. Of the Odd Fellows in the line the Tri-Mount Encampment and Subordnate [sic] Past Grands, thirty in number, were mounted.—The Fire Companies made a brilliant turnout, and were greatly admired. Rescue's Carriage, bore the motto, "How are You, Vets." Borne before the Tigers were handsome portraits of MCQUADE, Lieut. Col. DAVIS, and Capt. JAMES MILLER, all of the 14th, and all old members of the Company. A stuffed tiger, half couchant, rode on their carriage, with evergreens and flowers beneath. It also bore the words, "Welcome Home, Welcome Home." Excelsior's Engine bore the portrait of Col. MCQUADE, and was handsomely trimmed with evergreens. On Edna's Carriage was a beautiful and life like portrait ot the brave and lamented Adjutant BACON. On that of Protection Hose was a striking likeness of the gallant Major MICHAELS; above, a stuffed American Eagle with spread wings, and the words "Welcome Braves." Neptune's Carriage was handsomely flagged. The Monitor Hose Carriage had a prettily flowered evergreen tree. Rough and Ready's bore a Goddess of Liberty. P. CARMODY, of the gunboat Seneca, carried a flag for Niagara Hose. The number of carriages in the Procession was fifteen, and a carryall for the discharged soldiers.
An attractive object in the line was the beautiful charger of Adjutant BACON, with black network and caparisons.
And now the Grand Procession moves down John and up Genesee. The sidewalks, the tops of the buildings, the doors, the windows, the balconies, and all other available standing and sitting places, as far as the eye can see, are crowded with gazing and shouting people, who wave innumerable banners and handkerchiefs as they pass. Over Arch 2 are 80 young ladies of the First Department of the Advanced School, who, directed by Prof. BANCROFT, sing "Home, Sweet Home," and wave white handkerchiefs as the braves come up. The effect is electrifying, and many of the veterans shed joyful tears. On the balcony of the Devereux Block they are greeted by "Hail Columbia," from 150 boys and misses of the Second Department. Over Arch 3 are 80 misses of the Third Department, also led by Prof. BANCROFT—34 of them in white represent the States—who strke [sic] up "My Country! 'tis of thee," for the third choral greeting. Seated in and before the piazza of the Ladies Summary are about one hundred beautiful young ladies, elegantly dressed, who wave their greetings. Further on an aged man stands out in the center of the street and gives expression to his emotion by uncovering his head as the Procession passes. The line is seen to extend from Baggs Square to Rebecca street, about one mile. On to Oneida Square, to Bridge, to South—bells ringing, bands playing, cannon pealing. At Arch 4 the brave men are again greeted with a choral song—"God Bless our Native Land"—by a large choir of adults and children, and by a bewildering display of flags and handkerchiefs. Three pretty little girls stand in front, dressed one in red, another in white, and the third in blue, with wreaths and sashes to correspond—a charming picture. On through Seymour avenue and Rutger, with crowds still at the windows, doors, and along the sidewalks, and beautiful decorations everywhere. The same through Court, and another song—"The Star Spangled Banner"—choral at the Arch 5. The same through Varick, Fayette, Washington, Whitesboro, and the rest of the course. When Chancellor Square is reached another magnificent picture of faces appears. There is a dense mass of people surrounding the large Square—we should judge ten or fifteen thousand. The soldiers file in, and are soon seated before the bountiful and tempting banquet.
The tables constituted a huge parallelogram within Chancellor Square, 150 by 250 feet, covered with white cloth, and substantial seats for the soldiers. Within, placed at regular intervals, were side tables for the convenience of the willing waiters—that is, the members of the Ladies' and Gentlemen's Committees, who acted in that capacity. In the center was a Coffee House, 20 by 39 feet, containing five stoves, whence about one hundred gallons of the delicious beverage were distributed among the hungry braves. The 14th filed around the West section of the parallelogram and the 26th around the East section, the respective Colonels of the two regiments, with their staffs and the field officers occupying the center of each end. It would be impossible to overpraise the dear ladies who provided the banquet, and trirped prettily to and fro with willing heads and hearts, smiling the while like angels, and talking cheerily to their bronzed guests. Shall we attempt to enumerate the substantials and delicacies provided? There were piles of oranges within evergreen wreaths, biscuits, sandwiches, cold tongue, ham and other meats, beautiful pies of all sorts, uncounted varieties of beautiful cakes, pork and beans, the whole list of pickles, cheese, salads, jellies—but why proceed with the enumeration? The task would be too long. We happened to notice one large frosted cake highly ornate, with cannon on the top, and the motto, in red letters, "Welcome to our Brave Defenders-Union Forever." This beautiful sample of cookery was furnished by Mrs. SCHWAB, of 5th Ward. Pretty bouquets, surmounted by tiny flags, adorned the tables at intervals, and a profusion of flags besides. It did all hearts good to witness the vigorous discussion of the eatables by the soldiers.
All appetites were soon appeased, when the drums beat, the rifles and knapsacks were again shouldered, and the men moved in the direction of the quarters that had been provided for them at the Court House and City Hall by Lieut. CAUSTEN; not, however, before there were many joyful meetings and warm embracings with dear ones in waiting, and old acquaintances. In front of their quarters and at Franklin Square the greetings were continuous. It was a sight worth going a thousand miles to see.
The tattered colors of the regiments were proudly carried and proudly regarded; soldiers and friends were proud of the honorable history they told—gald that their former beauty had given place to the marks of hard-fought battles. The flag of the 26th is pierced with over 50 bullet holes, and has passed through 13 battles. It was first damaged at Bull Run, where a rebel shell tore open the field of stars. The eagle of the staff has been shot off.
The 26th also bore the dingy remnant of a flag, which we found, on inquiry, to be the flag of the brigade to which they were attached—2d Brigade of 2d Division of 1st Army Corps. Eighty bullet holes have been counted in it. We have before stated that the flag of the 14th has been pierced by thirty-three rebel bullets, and that six men have been shot down beneath it. Glorious records are these, boys.
We have published accounts of some of the enthusiastic welcomes received by the 14th along their route from Washington. And we should now state that the course of the 26th has also been a series of triumphs. Crowds turned out to greet them at almost every village between Elmira and Utica. The two regiments are equally brave and worthy, and merit equal honor.
We ought to mention perhaps the presentation to Col. RICHARDSON of a magnificent bouquet, on Chancellor Square, the gift of Mrs. E. N. Gilbert.
We notice that the regiments bring back with them a slight sprinkling of contrabands. The people were pleased with their appearance yesterday.
The festivities of the day were spiritedly kept up until late in the evening. The streets presented every where little groups gathered around returned braves, to render their congratulations and welcome. The hotels were full of visitors eagerly listening to the story of camp and battle field from those who had so recently experienced their privations and dangers, and every where the city showed tokens of animated happiness.
At ten o'clock the Albany Brass Band serenaded Col. MCQUADE with a selection of choice airs beautifully executed. The Colonel gave a sumptuous entertainment, at his residence, to the officers of the returned regiments and a large party of friends.
The day is ended. Its glorious and ever memorable scenes are now history. It has been a day of untold rejoicings, and a few sad, but not bitter remembrances. Scarcely one untoward thing has occurred to mar its happiness. It has been bright, beautiful, sublime. Citizens and soldiers will remember it forever.
We append the names of the officers of the regiments, to which we should also have added those of the privates but that the Adjutants were not prepared to furnish them.
Colonel, R. H. Richardson; Lieutenant Colonel, G. S. Jennings.
Major, E. F. Wetmore.
Surgeon, Walter B. Coventry; Assistant, I. H. Searle.
Adjutant, Charles Ackerman.
Quartermaster, Dewitt C. Starring.
Co. A.—Captain, T. T. Kingsbury; First Lieutenant, William H. Halstead; Second Lieutenant, John Bevines.
Co. B.—Captain, William J. Harlow; First Lieutenant, Martin H. Dunham.
Co. C.—Captain, Enoch Jones; First Lieutenant, William H. Milstcad.
Co. D.—Lieutenant A. D. Lynch, commanding; Second Lieutenant, Oliver Cooley.
Co. E.—Captain, Norman W. Palmer; First Lieutenant, Charles Schmidt; Second Lieutenant, Joseph Kleinfield.
Co. F.—Captain, George A. Blackwell; First Lieutenant, William H. Sanford; Second Lieutenant, Valentine Peters.
Co. G.—Captain, L. Frank Binder; First Lieutenant, John S. Jennings; Second Lieutenant, ____ Swan.
Co. H.—Captain, E. A. Rosslewin; First Lieutenant, Jabez Miller; Second Lieutenant, Chas. HallC. o. I.—Captain, James McLaughlin; First Lieutenant, William G. Gilford.
Co. K.—Captain, Emmett Harder; First Lieutenant, W. G. Halsted; Second Lieutenant, Aaron Adams.
Cos. A, B, C, E, F and I were enlisted from this county; Co. D from Hamilton, Madson county; G and H from Rochester; Co. K from Tioga
Killed.—Captains Cossleman, Davis, Jennings, Adjutant Bacon, Lieutenant Leonard.
Wounded.—Officers and men 365, some of whom have died in hospital.
Men killed and missing, 145. Strength of the regiment, January 1, 1862,
Brought home, May 20, 1863, 350. Some have been left as three years' men.
The following is the list of the Fourteenth: Colonel, James McQuade; Lieutenant Colonel, T. M. Davies.
Major, L. Michel.
Surgeon, A. Churchill; Assistant Surgeons P. W. Shufelt, W. Ingraham.
Adjutant, T. Manning.
Quartermaster, W. Brodhead.
Company A—Captain, H. Goss; First Lieutenant, J. Miller; Second Lieutenant, G. W. Abby.
Company B—First Lieutenant Commanding, A. G. Spencer; Second Lieutenant, J. H. Snyder.
Company C—Captain, F. M. Butler; First Lieutenant, P. D. Alfater; Second Lieutenant, A. J. Heffron.
Company D—Captain, W. L. Cowan; First Lieutenant, M. McQuade, Jr.; Second Lieutenant, T. L. Ostrom.
Company E—Captain, E. Warr; First Lieutenant, A. B. Grunwell; Second Lieutenant, D. F. Tyrrell.
Company F—Captain, C. W. Muller; First Lieutenant, W. A. Rowan; Second Lieutenant G. E. Buss.
Company G—Captain, J. Stryker, Jr.; First Lieutenant, W. D. Bowers, Second Lieutenant, H. Duffy.
Company H, Captain, R. H. Foote; First. Lieutenant, G. E. Gee; Second Lieutenant, J. Herron.
Company I—Captain, H. R. Lahee; First Lieutenant, S. W. Hazen; Second Lieutenant, W. Edmans.
Company K— Captain, W. H. Seymour; First Lieutenant, W. H. Ellis; Second Lieutenant, J. S. Reynolds.
The regiment has lost in killed and died of wounds about 100. It has 275 wounded, and no missing. Its strength January 1st 1862 was 900; it brings home 340 to be permanently mustered out.
—In Troy, a few days ago, a lady aged eighty-one years, was knocked down and fatally injured by two furious cows, which a man was driving in a careless manner. After she fell, the man passed on, taking no notice of the victim of his recklessness.
—The officers and men of the array of the Potomac are compelled to pay ten cents per copy for each of the thirty or forty thousand newspapers of Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York daily circulated in the different corps.
Utica Morning Herald
THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1863.
Yesterday was a great day for Utica, before were so many people gathered ... streets, never before were our buildings ... with decorations, never before was so g... unanimity manifested in a public demonstration. The town kept jubilee, and all the country ... about came in to swell the celebration ... many people were congregated we can not ... we have heard the number estimated ... thousand. Every body who could come ... or boat, by stage or private conveyance, ... and the crowd was altogether the greatest ... assembled here. The pageant was an honor ... our city as well as to the recipients of t... come.
The procession was a splendid success ... Fire Department never made a better show ... local military were out in full force. The ... Templars and Rechabites were prominent ... tures. And the heroes of the day, veterans ... the Virginia and Maryland campaigns, wit... torn and tattered banners, and their clothes and swarthy brows, bore with them ... memory of all their battles, the glories ... their campaigns. Yet imposing as was the ... cession, it faded in the presence of that cone... of people, gay with the colors of female ... filling the streets, crowding every window ... balcony, and crowning the roofs.
The scene was beautiful and it was impressive. It was a spontaneous expression of the he... loyalty of all our people. It was an instinctive indication of the feelings of our community ... of all our neighbors, for the Union and its preservation. For this pageant was to render honor to those who had periled their lives for the Republic. It was an endorsement for the cause ... Volunteers maintained, as well as for their fidelity in its behalf. It was hearty and unanimous; one could stand against the current of patriotism.
This was the great idea of the day: Loyalty. And next to this was the idea: THE MEN WHO FIGHT THE COUNTRY'S BATTLES RECEIVE ITS UNSTINTED HONORS. These were our fellow citizens who went out two years ago. They come home now and are greeted as never before were men welcomed in Central New York. A unanimous people applaud their acts. Old men and fair maidens welcome them; eloquence and beauty praise them; all that is noble and of good repute commend them.
These were the first of our regiments to go forth. They return at the appointed time. We have other regiments in the field. They need help and support. The return of these veterans leaves a sad gap in our army. It needs to be filled. In that vast company that gathered to this proud welcome was the material for several regiments of efficient men. The country requires them. Opportunity is afforded for volunteers. Unless they step forward the conscription must come. Surely there are hundreds of young men ready for a service so heartily approved and so generously rewarded. The pageant to the returning regiments looks forward as well as back wards. It was a recognition of loyalty and fidelity in the past. It was no less an inspiration to new zeal for the Union, and to the organization of new regiments to fill the places of the brave men who return. It was a recognition of duties done; it was an incentive and encouragement to like duties yet before us.