13th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

The following precincts of Fort Greene was yesterday the scene of one of the most exciting and unanimous demonstrations ever witnessed in this city. Over 50,000 of our best citizens assembled there, animated with the recollections which the sacred ground on which they trod brought vividly to mind of the patriotic struggles of our fathers for Constitutional Liberty, and having but one feeling in common-- that of preserving intact and inviolate the glorious Republican Institutions, which the patriotism of those, who in former days, struggled on those very heights handed down to us. To give an idea of the magnificent scene which was presented yesterday would be impossible. In one immense mass congregated the representations of every condition in life, every phase of patriotic thought, and of every religious principle. All, for the time being casting aside differences of opinion on all matters at issue between them and only animated by the pulsations of one great heart, whose every throb beat responsively to the music of the Union. Thousands of those present had just returned from a perhaps last embrace with those dear to them, who had nobly buckled on their armor and gone forth to show the world that Americans were willing, in the hour of danger to their country, to cast aside every consideration but that of its salvation.
The principal stand was erected on the Myrtle Ave. side of the park and a number of smaller stands were erected on either side.
The meeting was called to order at the principal stand by Ex-Mayor Lambert, who nominated Mayor Powell as Chairman.
On taking his seat his Honor said:
FELLOW-CITIZENS.—We have met for the purpose of renewing our vows of fidelity and adherence to the principles of the constitution of this government, and our undying affection for that glorious flag which now waves above our heads. (Loud cheers.) And I can say to you, fellow-citizens, not in the language of fourth of July orations, but in the language . . . . flag will have to be born aloft through seas of blood, (Renewed cheers.) and I am happy in the assurance I have seen in all directions and in any part of the country, that the blood and the treasure, and everything that this people hold dear shall be sacrificed in sustaining that glorious flag. (Great applause.)
The following Vice-Presidents and Secretaries were then appointed:

A. A. Dow Henry E. Pierrepont
Hon. Wm. Wall A. M. Wood
Hon. James Humphrey Cyrus P. Smith
J. Carson Brevort Hugh McLaughlin
Edmund Driggs Stephen Crowell
Isaac H. Frothingham John Garrison
D. D. Whitney Chas. Stanton
Richard S. Williams E. T. Backhouse
Frederick Scholes John McNamee
Walter S. Griffith E W. Dunham
Martin Breeli John E. Cammeyer
Sam'l McMeeker Martin Kalbfleisch
Coaklib Brush Charles Kiehl,
J. Sullivan Thorne Hosea Webster
Thomas Faye Daniel Chauncey
Thomas Sullivan E. C. Litchfield,
James M. Seabury Effingham H. Nichols
Anthony Walters R. C Brainard
John Rhodes Andrew Cunningham
Wm. S. Herriman Wm. M. Parks
Edwards W. Fiske Samuel Booth
Peter G. Taylor A. F. Krauk
Cornelius Dever Joseph Wilson
J. W. Edwell Thomas D. Hudson
T. C. Callicott A. J. Berry
John J. Studwell Dennis O'Keefe
Barnett Johnson John French
Geo. S. Coe Samuel Smith
Nicholas Luqueer Stephen Haynes
C. H. San Dr. J. B. Jones
Edward Rowe Henry A. Kent
John G. Bergen A. B. Baylis
Cornelius J. Sprauge John Heath
John McCoy Thomas Hoyt
Richard Truss II Lyman S. Burnham
Benjamin Johnson Charles Jones
James Lynch John S Bogart
D. D. Briggs Edward Murphy
D. D. Miller Daniel Maujer
Richard Ternan Chauncey Perry
John Gould Daniel Embree
Sigismund Kaufman L. C. Audrus
C. J. Provost John P. Rolfe
Abijah Mann, Jr. Benj. F. Prince

Albert Woodruff


C. J Shepherd Geo. C. Bennett
Jonathan S. Burr James Sharkey
Chas. Lowery Chas. Condit
Horatio Dorr Joshua W. Palmer
Dr. A. Cook Hull Nathan Lane
James Thorne Wm. Churchil, jr.

The Rev. Dr. Vinton was the first speaker introduced. He said:
Fellow citizens.—Before invoking divine aid let me say a few words to you, expressing my judgment of the crisis that is now upon us.—We are in the midst of a great conflict of two civilizations which are contending together.—(Here a salute was fired in front of the stand which interrupted the Rev. gentleman's remarks, and after which he continued.) Fellow citizens,—I will resume my remarks where I left off when that glorious salute, recognizing still a united country, sounded in our ears. A country founded upon one of those civilizations with which we are now in conflict and one founded on liberty, industry, intelligence, mutual love between man and man, of reverence for things sacred, and adoration for things divine; a civilization that the struggling generations wrought for, and fought for, and died for, without establishing, until our fathers in '76 erected it in this nation; a civilization which has an organic national character, represented in a constitution, acknowledging government as an institution of God; and setting free for its defense and as its symbol the glorious constellation of that flag. (Cheers.) The other a civilization which the tyrants of this world, from Nimrod down to the latest that dares to breathe at Gaeta in the Bay of Naples, establish for the purpose of subduing and crushing humanity down beneath the feet of a tyrants power; a civilization which in history has been known by the name of feudal, consisting of master and servant, lord and serf. And this civilization which has been overthrown, and against which the masses of Europe are now contending with; civilization which has been attempted to be introduced in our country under the name of the Confederated seceded States. Tremendous applause.) A civilization of master and slave, wherein work is done by one class, and the enjoyment of that work, to be had by another, violating God's own decree as at the first, that by the sweat of his brow should every man earn bread; that civilization which has torn asunder or attempted to tear asunder the glorious flag, and obliterate that galaxy of stars, and which is now in arms against the Union, and the civilization of this country. (Enthusiastic cheering.) Fellow citizens, secession, by its law, is disintegration, and disintegration is anarchy, under which no society could exist. The remedy for anarchy is consolidation, and consolidation, where there is no union by attraction, as in the old union of these States, must be consolidation by force—force by the sword, and by the sword that confederacy is to be maintained. (Great cheering.) It becomes anarchy otherwise. And as sure as there be truth in principles you are to contend to-day (cries of "we will") and (through this age and generation, against that which is like Mahommedanism of old, appealing to lust and plunder, and all foul passions of our nature for its support, to be perpetuated by war and the sword. How can such a government exist? Industry is to be destroyed and all the arts of peace set at naught. It has no commerce, no agriculture but of one kind. How is it to be supported? As it has begun— by piracy and plunder; agressive filibusterings in central America and Mexico; and it hopes to come to New York. (Never.) That is the whole of it. And unless you rally for that flag, for life and death, it will reach your shores and invade your sanctuaries.—(Never, never.) It is contrary to God's law; contrary to the Constitution and the Commonwealth, and therefore religion and the church, represented humbly and imperfectly by me, ask you to invoke the God of heaven for his blessings on the right. Let us pray: (The Rev. gentleman was again interrupted by the arrival of soldiers of the 28th Regiment.—After they had taken their places he proceeded.) Twenty-eight Regiment! We were engaged in invoking God in your behalf, and in behalf of the cause for which you are about to battle. We love the soldier, because he goes like the martyr to die. If h e returns his case is the exception; he goes with his life in his hand to die. All his countrymen and all the world have agreed to honor the soldier as they honor the martyr. That flag I was telling you fellow-citizens, is the representative of a civilization that God had ordained, and when men under the influence of low and base passions are attempting to destroy and overthrow, Shall it be? (No, no.) Are you ready to die for that flag? (Yes.) Let us pray.
The Rev. gentleman concluded by offering an eloquent prayer to the Throne of Mercy for the Divine assistance in the present crisis. The vast multitude joined fervently in the prayer, and the sight presented was one of the most impressive that could be imagined.
The following resolutions were read by Alexander McCue, Esq., and received with the most unbounded enthusiasm.
Whereas, the President of the United States has issued his Proclamation, calling upon all American citizens to aid him in enforcing the laws, protecting the property, and preserving the integrity of the Government of the United States;
And, whereas, an armed combination in certain States of this Union has usurped the authority and seized the property of the Federal Government, and threatens to raise its rebellious and traitorous head in the very Capitol of our country;
And whereas, the protection of the liberty secured and transmitted to us by Washington and the other Fathers of our country demands that every patriot should rally to the support of the Government which they established;
Therefore, Resolved, That we recognize in the President's Proclamation a call which every American citizen is bound to obey; that all party differences and distinctions should be forgotten, and that, knowing no North, no East and, no West, we take our stand for the maintenance of the Union and the honor of the National flag.
Resolved, That the doctrine of secession proclaimed by the rebellious States is a heresy not to be tolerated, because it is at war with the very theory of our Union, which was designed and declared to be perpetuated, and must end in the ruin of any Government established upon such s false principle.
Resolved, That the grievances which the Southern States feel have been thrown upon them, admitting them to be true, afford no justification for their unlawful attempts against the integrity of the Government. That our Constitution, which was framed with more than human wisdom, provided a tribunal with ample authority to settle all questions of difference between the States, and that any attempt to obtain redress except through the legitimately constituted tribunals of the country is nothing less than treason.
Resolved, By the glorious heritage if Liberty won for us by the blood of our Fathers; by the immortal names of Washington, Jefferson and Jackson; by the Eternal whose blessings we have so long enjoyed under the Union bequeathed to us, that Union MUST and SHALL be preserved.
Hon. Mr. Van Wyck was next introduced and delivered an eloquent address, and concluded by singing the, "Star Spangled Banner," in which the whole assemblage joined, copies of the song having been distributed around freely.
The Hon. Robert J. Walker was next introduced and delivered a patriotic speech, during which a number of the soldiers from Fort Sumter, bearing with them the flag of the Fort, made their appearance on the stand, and were received with the most tremendous outburst of enthusiasm. Their names are Quartermaster Hanna, First Lieut. E. Sherman, First Lieut. John Ranton, Corporal O. McGwire, Corporal C. Cortelge, Privates F. Rivers, Charles Tozer, William Walker, James Moore, A. H. Strauz, Edward Brady, F. Myers.
Senator Baker, of Oregon, then spoke at some length. His remarks were listened to with a great deal of attention, and frequently interrupted by applause.
The following letter was read from Bishop Loughlin:—

BROOKLYN, April 23, 1861.
DEAR SIR.—I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of the invitation with which I am honored to attend the meeting to be held this evening. As it may be impossible for me to be present, I would say that I conceive it to be my duty, as I am admonished, to "pray for the things that are for peace.'' It has been my hope and fervent prayer that peace and prosperity of every kind might be the portion of our beloved country, and that if, at any time, difficulties should occur to interfere with either, they might be adjusted in a peaceable manner. The idea of resorting to arms for the settlement between the citizens of our great and glorious country, I have endeavored to keep as far as possible from my mind, but now events proclaim its probability, at least, if not its reality. In whatever circumstances our country may be, we owe loyalty to its constitution and laws, and honor to its flag. This I hold to be the duty of every citizen. The conviction that it is mine has grown with my growth, and strengthened with my strength, nor shall time render less imperative the obligations implied in it. I shall continue to pray that peace and union may be restored and permanently established—that the constitution and laws may be respected, and that our flag—the "American flag"—the "flag of the Union"---the "star spangled banner," may be loved and honored at home and abroad. I am respectfully, your obedient servant,
JOHN LOUGHLIN, Bp. of Brooklyn.
A. McCue, Esq., of Executive Com.

The second stand was presided over by Mr. Chittenden, and addresses were made by Mr. Chittenden, Mr. Gilbert, ex-Governor Stanton, Gen. Swift, Mr. Miller, Mr. Cady, and W. A. Gale.
Martin Kalbfleisch, the Mayor elect, presided over the third stand, which was decorated with the silk banner of the Turuverien Society. Speeches were made by Mr. E. T. Wood, W. J. A. Fuller, ex-Alderman Douglas, and others; and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed.
Among the noticeable features of the occasion was the introduction of Capt. Swift, an old gentleman who was one of the defenders of Fort Greene 47 years ago, and also built the fortifications of Fort Greene. The General announced that he had offered his services to the government, and the vast assemblage were filled with the wildest enthusiasm.

The gallant 13th Regiment left yesterday, about 3 o'clock, in the steamship Marion. In consequence of the want of equipments, a large number of the volunteers were necessarily left behind, but as soon as equipments can be procured they will join their companions. The line of march to the ferry was one closely packed mass of human beings and every window was filled with fair faces, who smiled upon the departing heroes. The line of march to the ferry was one continued ovation. We expect to hear a good account of them.
The 28th Regt. has not started yet.—There was some difficulty at the Arsenal yesterday, which at one time threatened to become serious. The men are not well provided for. It wast found upon the arrival at the Arsenal that there was no cartridges and none to be procured immediately.
Most of the companies are rifle men and an order was given that the rifles should be left and muskets taken instead. This caused great excitement and almost a mutiny, the men refusing to give up their rifles. Mr. Thomas W. Field, happened to come into the Arsenal while the trouble was going on and learning the cause, immediately assured the men on his own responsibility that cartridges should be provided, and after seeing things quiet, he went to New York and ordered a supply to be sent as soon as possible.

A large and enthusiastic meeting was held last evening, in the Park, for the purpose of taking the initiatory steps for the formation of an Irish Brigade, to fight in defence of the "Stars and Stripes." Over 5,000 people were present, and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. The Chair was occupied by Mayor Powell, who made an effective and patriotic speech. He was followed by Dr. J. H. Colgan, Capt. Hogan, and others, whose remarks were received with the utmost applause. Over four hundred signatures were obtained to the roll of the Brigade, and it was only for the lack of proper facilities that thrice that number was not had. The headquarters of the Brigade at present, are the Emerald Cottage in Jeralemon street, opposite the City Hall.

A company under the above name, is now being organized by Mr. John Dunne, a veteran who served through the Crimean war. He has already obtained nearly all the number requisite for his command, and we have no doubt that the company under his command will be worthy of Brooklyn.

A large number of citizens held a meeting on Monday evening at the house of Engine Co. No. 12, Graham street, and effected an organization under the name of the "Anderson Home Guard," for the protection of the property of citizens, and for the support of the families of volunteers from the Seventh and Ninth Wards.
Mr. James W. Flinn was unanimously elected Captain, and Mr. Charles Willets, First Lieutenant.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That we hold ourselves in readiness to obey the call of our Mayor, or other authorized officer, to repress sedition, riot, or any disturbance of the peace in any quarter of this city.
The next meeting of the "Anderson Home Guard" is to be held in the same place this (Wednesday) evening at eight o'clock. Invitation to attend the meeting is extended to all good citizens of the Seventh and Ninth Wards, who desire to offer their services, or to contribute to the support of needy families, left behind by the volunteers.
A meeting of the citizens of the Ninth Ward was held at the Three Mile House on yesterday evening, April 23, at 8 P. M., and an organization was effected, called the Home Relief Association, for the purpose of aiding the families of those who have volunteered or shall volunteer, from the Ninth Ward.
The officers of the association were appointed as follows:
President—J. Carson Brevoort.
Vice-Presidents—Richard Ternan, and John J. Anderson.
Secretaries—Richard Newman and Robert D. Benedict.
Treasurer—Charles A. Meigs.
A subscription was started on the spot and, $1,950 subscribed for the purposes of the association.
The names of ten volunteers from the Ninth Ward, all in the 14th Regiment, were handed in, and all who volunteer from the Ward are requested to give their names to the officers of the Association.

The following contributions were given to Company G, 13th Regiment. This is to pay for their outfits:
E. B. Clark & Co., 123 Broad St., N. Y $15 00
C. M. Kellogg & Co., 41 Water St., N.Y 10 00
John J. Marrin, 31 Front St., N.Y 25 00
John V. Cole....... . .. 10 00
J. W. Vail, Shotwell & Co. ... .........................10 00
A. E. Masters 17 South St...............................10 00
Peter Ride & Co., 162 Water St. ....................15 00
J. W. Mason, 63 Pine St. .................................10 00
Pop...., 110 State St...........................................25 00
Alex McDonald & Co.,.....................................20 00
R. Polluck & Co., 29 South St................... 20 00
J. W...egrew.................................................. 10 00
Thomas James............................................... 10 00
Fe....... Melnick, 31 Beaver........................... 10 00
W... Newman .............................. 10 00
Williams & Guton .2 Wall st....................... 15 00
R. Vaughan, 123 Broad st.............................. 3 00
Many of the above have been called upon to give to the other companies, and in all cases have contributed feely.
A great portion of the regiment remain back in consequence of not getting equipped in time, calculating to leave on Friday or Saturday. They require money, also to pay for their equipments, which we hope will be remitted by those making collections.

THE SEVENTH REGIMENT.—The Seventh Regiment arrived at Annapolis on yesterday morning. They were met by a remonstrance from Gov. Hicks against landing. They, with the Massachusetts regiment, landed, and are now upon the government grounds awaiting orders from Washington.
We have direct and positive intelligence that the Seventh Regiment is now in Washington City.
The residents of East Brooklyn held a meeting at the School House in Skillman street, Friday evening, to organize a Home Guard. These Guards are very necessary, and should be organized and armed forthwith. There are Traitors in our midst.

OLD MEN FOR COUNCIL—YOUNG MEN FOR ACTION.—A meeting of the citizens of East Brooklyn, who by reason of their advanced age are exempt from military service, and who are in favor of protecting the Stars and Stripes, will be held at the School Room in Skillman street near Park avenue, on Friday evening, 26th inst., at 8 o'clock. Benj. S. Van Tuyl, John Mason, Henry Martin, Robt. M. Webb,. J. E. Donelson, Geo. Sibell, Fred. Glover, John Van Buren,
Jas. Turnbull, Zera Meriam, Wm. Fenner.

RECRUITING FOR THE THIRTEENTH.—Col. Schoeffel and his party, have enlisted over forty men for the 13th Regiment within the past three weeks, independently of those enlisted by Capt's Abbott and Downey, for new companies. Adjutant Hedges has been able to do but little since he came home, on account of his health, which is quite feeble.

RE-ENLISTING.—The Colonel of The Thirteenth regiment has received authority to recruit his regiment, and will commence at once at Rochester. A large portion of the men have signified their intention to go into the service again, and it is expected the regiment will be in the field at an early day.


The Syracuse Standard of Monday says:--A despatch was sent over the wires this morning from Washington to Elmira ordering the Twelfth regiment, Col. Walrath, and the Thirteenth, Colonel Quimby, to proceed to Washington and Harrisburg, immediately. Colonel Walrath was in this city yesterday, and left here this morning to join the regiment. A number of volunteers were on prior furloughs, but all have returned, and we expect soon to hear that the regiment has departed for the scene of action. Our volunteers are likely soon to have an opportunity to show what kind of stuff they are made of, and we feel certain they will give a good account of themselves. (May 29, 1861)

CAPTAIN ABBOTT'S COMPANY—EDITOR U. & A.— Recruiting is progressing rapidly with Captain Abbott's company o f the 13th Regiment. He has already about sixty men, and others are coming in daily. Although there has been some reduction in bounties, one hundred and sixty-four dollars are still offered--fourteen in advance. Four dollars are paid to every man who brings in a recruit. If the Military Committee and others interested in recruiting would only make an effort this excellent company might be filled in a few days.

PROBABLY A PRISONER—Intelligence from Wm. Churchill of Co. A, 13th Regiment, has been received, which indicates that his brother, Chas. H. Churchill of Co. I, 40th Regiment, is a prisoner in the hands of the rebels. He was last seen on Tuesday, the 1st inst., during the battle which occurred on that day. These two young men are sons of Mr. .... Chruchill of this city.

THE SNYDERS IN THE THIRTEENTH.—We published yesterday morning a partial list of names of men belonging to the 13th Regiment, who are sick in the West Philadelphia Hospital, and among them appeared the name of A. R. Snyder, of Company F. It is therefore certain that he cannot be the Snyder referred to in the special dispatch received by us on Tuesday as being left on the battle field. It was probably Private Schneider, of Capt. Geck's company, that was left.

AUGUST 16, 1862.
News from the Regiments.
The Thirteenth are still drilling at Suffolk. They have buried their Hospital Steward. On the night of August 4th they had a false alarm which called them all from their quarters.
The Seventy-first, at Camp Martin, are suffering under the strictness of martial law. But their health is excellent, and they have plenty of amusements. Base ball is the favorite.
The Twelfth, at Harper's Ferry, are drilling briskly despite the heat. They complain of not having enough liberty; but the best news for their families and friends is that they are all well, and have been paid off.
The Eighth are at Camp Wood. Some of them went up the Chesapeake the other day, on a steamer as was a steamer, with a donkey engine tied up with rope-yarn. They spent a dull Fourth, but are well and in good spirits.
The Second Fire Zouaves, at Camp Lincoln, are looking rather woe-begone. There is no more fun among them, they want to come home and recruit. All should be interested in filling up this gallant corps. Their recruiting office is at 455 Broome street.

ANNAPOLIS, Md., May 17, 1861.
Departure of a Detachment from the Thirteenth Regiment and a Number of Sailors on a Secret Naval Mission. Efficiency of the Thirteenth—The Demeanor of Ross Winans After His Arrest—The Naval Guard of Annapolis Harbor, etc.
Yesterday a propeller started away from this place, having on board fifty of the Thirteenth (Brooklyn) regiment, with some pieces of artillery; also a detachment of sailors from the cutter Forward, under Lieut. Travers; and another from the Alleghany, all under the command of Lieut. Flusser, of the navy, now acting captain of the port. Dr. Eves, of the Forward, accompanied the expedition. They steamed away to the south. Where they went, they know best; but certainly, if one may judge from the appearance of the soldiers and sailors, they will give a good account of themselves in the event of falling in with any of our secession friends.
Too much credit cannot be awarded the Thirteenth regiment at this post. Their evolutions are admirable; the men sanguine and happy. New York has good reason to be proud of this gallant corps. They are bound to be one of the crack regiments in the army. It is worth a trip here to listen to the superb band of the Thirteenth discourse their delightful music.
I was conversing yesterday with a gentleman who made one of the party who carried Ross Winans from this place to Fort McHenry. He states that his demeanor was calm and composed till the fort came in view, when he became nervous and dejected. On his way up the bay he often gazed earnestly over the side of the steamer into the water, and many thought he was meditating a plunge.
Annapolis is dull and uninteresting enough. Maryland has injured herself deeply, and it will take a long course of good behaviour on her part before she is implicitly trusted again. The Union feeling, however, is very strong among her people, but they seem to be tongue-tied.
Gen. Botler is here, pushing matters forward vigorously.
The harbor is efficiently guarded. Capt. Nones, of the Forward, commands the lower bay, and lies opposite Fort Madison, which is strongly garrisoned. The city ice boat lies higher up, with cotton bales along her sides, and her thirty-two pounders smiling grimly over them. Besides these are the Alleghany and a number of smaller vessels, ready at a moment to dash out from their moorings.
All vessels at night have to give an account of themselves before they can enter the port. Woe to the unlucky secessionist who is found in these waters.

THE SYRACUSE REGIMENT (COL. WALRATH) and the Rochester Regiment (Col. Quinby), left Elmira, on Wednesday, for Washington, via Harrisburgh and Baltimore. The men carried two days' rations in Their haversacks - - their canteens full of coffee.

COL. QUINBY, of the 13th , is evidently a fighting man. He led his Regiment "in his shirt sleeves."

THE THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. - - At the annual inspection of the Thirteenth Regiment on Thursday night, Col. John B. Woodward, promoted from the Lieut.-Colonelcy in the place of Col. Robert B. Clark, resigned, took formal command. The appointments on his staff are as follows: 1st Lieut. A. W. McKee, Adjutant; Joseph B. Leggett, Quartermaster; Dr. R. Armiston, Surgeon; Sergeant-Major, Robert B. Woodward; Quartermaster-Sergeant, G. Wheelright; Right General Guide, Richard P. Cornwell.

BOSTON, July 29.
The 13th regiment left for the seat of war about 5 o'clock in the afternoon today. On their arrival from Fort Independence, they partook of a substantial collation provided in Faneuil Hall, and afterwards were escorted to the depot. The regiment was largely recruited from among the best families in Boston, and the prayers and good wishes of our entire community follow them.

DEATH OF A MEMBER OF THE OLD 13TH REGIMENT.—Mr. Thomas Clancy, a former member of Co. I of the old 13th Regiment, died yesterday morning of consumption, at his mother's residence, in this city. He left here with the regiment in April, 1861, and has been in every battle in which it was engaged, and was twice wounded. He ... regimental hospital for several weeks, ... discharge of the regiment , and since his ... was most of the time confined to his house. ...funeral will take place this afternoon at 2o'clock ... the house of his mother, on Mechanics' Alley.—Old members of the13th are requested to meet at the house at 1 o'clock, and attend the funeral of their deceased follow soldier.

SAD CASUALTIES.—Among the casualties reported at Gettysburg last week we notice as killed the name of Cyrus O. Wickes, of Brockport, a young man well spoken of by his acquaintances here. Mr. W. served a year in the 13th Regiment and received an honorable discharge for disability, but having regained his health he again entered the service in the 108th regiment. There are some reasons which lead the father and friends of Mr. W. to think the above report probably incorrect. We hope it may so prove to be.
Also among the list of wounded appears the names of the gallant O'Rourke, of Rochester, and Capt. Starks, of this place, both of whom, are spoken of in the highest terms by their acquaintances as being brave and patriotic officers. —Letters from members of the 13th regiment state that Gen. McClellan has visited their camp, and promised that they should be discharged if they will remain a few days longer. We don't understand what authority Gen. McClellan has to discharge regiments. The men themselves will not deny that they are in State service for two years, and if Gen. McClellan discharges them, it is not to be supposed Gov. Morgan will do so. The people of this State are to be taxed $3,000, 000 in addition to their millions of voluntary contributions for these thirty-eight volunteer regiments, and they cannot afford to have them play poltroon and come home now, when their services are more needed than ever before. It is plain that every resource of the country is to be taxed to its utmost extent before this war is ended, and the enthusiasm and money exhausted on our volunteer army should not be thrown away. The Rochester papers seem to be pressing the return of their regiment. People here don't wish to see deserters.

The 13th Regiment paraded yesterday on the occasion of the public reception given to the Fourth Regiment, N. Y. S. V., Scott Life Guard, which arrived at Falmouth on Sunday, having previously taken part in the battle of Chancellorsville. The 13th assembled at the Armory in Henry Street, at 1 P. M., and crossed over to New York, marched up Fulton and Broadway to canal, when they were formed into line with the other regiments of the escort, after which they were marched down to the City Hall, there reviewed by the Mayor and Common Council of New York and thence were marched up to 23d street and there were reviewed by Gen. Scott and Gen. Anderson, from the balcony of the 5th Avenue Hotel. The escort consisted of a portion of the 56th "French Chasseurs"--5th N. Y. V., Duryee's Zouaves, 22d --a full turn out of the regiment--the 13th and several Fire Companies, including No. 5 Hose from Williamsburgh, the latter bringing up the rear. After the review the 13th marched home again, the day's parade on such a hot day being fatigueing work. The regiment looked and marched well, but the companies were not filled by any means. The band was an excellent one.

[Correspondence of the Evening Post.]
ANNAPOLIS, Md., April 28, 1861.
The Thirteenth Regiment of New York, immediately on their landing here, obtained fine quarters in the Naval (Academy. The Eighth regiment, I regret to say, was not so fortunate, some of the men having to camp out. All of the men, however, are quite well, and as the weather is very pleasant, they suffered no inconvenience—at all events, I have heard no complaint.
The Thirteenth, together with the Sixth, have been garrisoned here, and will probably remain about ten days.
The men are all much pleased with their quarters, and I think have ample provisions. Our quarters are facing the parade-ground, Severn river, and we also have a fine view of the bay. The men are drilled about two hours in the morning and about the some time in the evening. As near as I can tell, there are about twenty-four hundred troops here at present.
The troops are under General Butler, who has charge of the place, and none are permitted to pass through the gates into the city without a permit. None of the men have as yet been molested, though it was rumored last night that the Twelfth Regiment, which left here for Washington yesterday, 25th of April, had been attacked. It was soon ascertained to be quite untrue. Our boys, on hearing of it, were almost wild with excitement, and would have fought their way through almost anything. Each is as anxious for the welfare of the other as if their friendship had been cemented for years, and I would give but little for the life of any secessionist who offered the least harm to one of them.
The Sixty-ninth Regiment left here this morning for Washington, and I was pleased to see the men were relieved of their knapsacks, which were taken on in the baggage wagons. The Seventh, I understand, arrived safe in Washington, and the railroad through is in possession of the United States troops. This state, I am informed, will not secede, and no hostile engagement is anticipated.
The Twenty-fifth Regiment will leave here this afternoon. The Eighth Regiment Artillery are here, but I cannot say how much longer they will remain. Quite a large number of our men have been stationed at different points for the protection of the naval buildings. I am informed some secessionists undermined the railroad truck on Thursday night, April 24th, and when the Seventy-first Regiment passed over it, the engine was thrown from the track. The engineer jumped off, and no person was harmed.
The Engineer Corps of the Thirteenth have just been sent out with those of the United States to rebuild a bridge which had been torn and burnt down by the secessionists a short time since. The telegraph wires have been fixed up, and the Colonel is making preparations to have tracks laid so that the cars can come right up to the Garrison Wharf. Everything will be so arranged that troops may be forwarded without the least detention whatever. All communications for troops, or stores of any kind, will therefore be marked to the care of Thirteenth Regiment, Naval Academy, Annapolis.

Fitz John Porter and the Thirteenth Regiment.
A gentleman of this city, who is a personal friend of Fitz John Porter and who forwarded him a copy of the Union containing an account of the old 13th's reception, furnishes us the following extract from a private letter just received. The 13th served under Porter through-out the Peninsular campaign and up to and through the victory of Antietam:
* * .* "To know that the 13th and other members of my old command bear me in friendly remembrance, is a gratification which, if it existed, would destroy the sting of those who have attempted to injure me.
" I am indeed very glad to know the 13th has reached home to be welcomed as it has been and as it deserved. There has been no regiment from the State whose fortunes have varied as frequently or which has borne more for the sake of our country. There has been none whose comfort and success have excited so much anxiety to those in command, or whose prosperity and glories have been more gratifying. I doubt if any regiment has suffered more from all causes pertaining to the battle field, nor do I believe there is one which can point to a brighter record than its services in its old division and in the 5th army corps. The welcome by its friends is a reward for its sufferings and a patriotic return for its services. History will do it justice. Yours , &c,
" F. J. Porter."

Allotments from Companies A and I, 13th Regiment.
The following is a list of the members of Companies A and I, 13th Regi- ment, who signed allotment rolls directing portions of their pay to be transmitted to Francis Gorton, of the Flour City Bank for distribution. The table also contains the name of the party to whom the money was assigned, the address, and the amount.
The money will be paid at the Flour City Bank. Those who do not call in person for their allotments should be careful to attach a two cent stamp to their orders, as they cannot be paid without:


No. Name Amount to be Reserved Assignees Name Assignees Address
1. William S. Foster $80 A. J. Warren Rochester
2. A. Burroughs 40 E. Burroughs Brockp’rt
3. T. J. M. Jewell 28 W. Jewell Rochester
4. Joseph Neil 40 Eliza Neil Rochester
5. Charles Vayo 48 Eliza Vayo Brockp’rt



No. Name Amount to be Reserved Assignees Name Assignees Address
1. Geo. H. Clark $40.00 W. H. Clark Parma Ct’r
2. A.Wilson 86.00 W. Wilson Kend’l Mills
3. A. Fruin 50.00 Roch Sav Bk  
4. T. Robbins 28.61 M Robbins Hanford’s L
5. J. Bailey 26.90 W. Meyers N Greece
6. A. P. Barringer 80.00 F. Barringer N. Clarks’n
7. J. G. Beadle 100.00 J. E. Beadle Chili Cent’r
8. W. H. Cook 80.00 J. F. Cook Rochester
9. J. Forrester 52.00 T. Wisner Mt. Morris
10. J. Flannigan 28.37 W. Flannigan Rochester
11. J. Glavey 70.00 S. Cribbin Rochester
12. E. Holland 20.00 Roch Sav Bk  
13. E. A. Hall 32.00 Roch Sav Bk  
14. C. Kephart 36.00 Roch Sav Bk  
15. R. T. Logan 36.99 C. E. Logan Pavillion
16. A. Long 21.66 S. Long Unionville
17. Wm. Miller 44.00 J. Chapman Spencerp’t
18. Wm. Morris 87.55 E. W. Cole Parma Ct’r
19. H. Miller 32.45 H. J. Miller Rochester
20. Peter Pear 22.11 P. Pear Rochester
21. W. Rowland 32.58 W. Rowland E. Clarkson
22. R. Senn 37.23 B. Senn E Henrietta
23. F. Saunders 77.00 W. Saunders Parma Cor.
24. S. S. Williams 40.00 C. Williams Pittsford
25. L. Zipkie 33.93 J. Zipkie Rochester

THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. Yesterday morning the officers of the 13th Regiment held a meeting in the Arcade, at which arrangements were made to perfect the muster rolls of the Regiment, which will require several days to do. The Regiment will probably be mustered out and paid off early next week.
Since the above was written, Lieutenant-Colonel Schoeffel has issued the following order:
Rochester, N. Y., May 7, 1863.
General Order No. 12.
The officers and men of this command will report at the Armory of the 54th New York Militia on Exchange street, in this city, on Monday the 11th Inst., at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for muster out of service. First Sergeants will send their morning reports to the Adjutant at 10 ½ o'clock. All absentees will be reported as deserters.
By order of Lieut.-Col. F. A. SCHOEFFEL,
Commanding the 13th N. Y. V.
JOB. C. HEDGES, Adjutant.

Honors and Rewards to the Thirteenth Regiment N. Y. S. V.
The suggestion made by a correspondent below is not new, but is nevertheless timely. It is a duty, as it no doubt will be a pleasure, for the people of Rochester to do honor to her pioneer regiment in the field. We all remember the stirring scenes that transpired in our city two years since when some six hundred gallant men came forth and entered the ranks of the army to represent Rochester without hope of other reward than a soldier's pay. That was a time which tried the courage and the patriotism of men. Those who came forth, entered the ranks and have followed the fortunes of the gallant regiment ever since are entitled to respect and lasting honors. Many of t he noble men have fallen or been disabled for life, but a few survive and in a short time they will return. Let them have such a reception as they merit, and that will be cordial, hearty and generous. There is not a man or woman in Rochester who would not gladly do this regiment honor. Let the suggestions of our correspondent be heeded and action taken at once in reference to the matter:
Dear Sir: I have been looking for some time past to see mention made in our daily papers of an intention on the part of the citizens of Rochester to give the "old 13th" a public reception on their return, but thus far have been disappointed. There was, I believe, some talk of the kind a while since, and I hope the project has not been abandoned. The time for their return is drawing near and there seems to be a marked propriety in such a course. The citizens of Rochester must feel proud of the noble little regiment and incline to do it honor.
While upon this topic I would like to make a suggestion. Do you not think it would be worthy of Rochester to make a suitable present of cash to each one of the 13th who went out before bounties were offered. All those men have been obliged to wait months for their pay in order that the government bounties might be paid to those who went last.
For two long and bloody years they have served their country faithfully and well. Large and generous sums have been raised to draw men into the ranks. Let half such sum as was paid as bounty be given each one of those who return with the regiment who enlisted before bounties were offered.
Not more than two hundred of those men will probably return, and it will not impoverish the city.
Will not some of our generous and influential citizens take hold of this matter and see that it is carried through. Yours truly, C.

The 13th Regiment in Washington homeward Bound!
Our citizens will read the following dispatch with unmixed joy!
Editors Express:
The Regiment is in Washington en route home.
From this it would appear that the Regiment arrived in Washington yesterday afternoon, and will probably be paid off and mustered out today. In that event they will reach here tomorrow night, or Friday morning.
The Committee of the Common Council having this matter in charge are the Mayor, Aldermen Hebing, Darling, D. D. T. Moore, Rowley and Darrow. They have held several meetings, but have not yet fixed upon any definite programme. The Committee however is an efficient one and are capable of preparing a handsome reception, which the veterans of the War deserve.
The Thirteenth have seen as much, (if not more) hard fighting, and tough work as any Regiment in the service. Besides numberless skirmishes they have been in the following pitched battles.
Blackburn's Ford.
Bull Run.
Battle of Yorktown.
Seige of Yorktown.
Hanover Court House.
Seige of Richmond.
Seven days Battles, including the terrific fights at Gaines' Mill and Malvern Hills.
Bull Run No. 2.
South Mountain.
They were, for a wonder, in the reserve at Antietam, but the record they show is one to be proud of. They left the city early in April, 1861, 720 strong. Of the original number there is not 100 left in the regiment (82 we believe is the exact number.) Of course they have not all been killed off, but have become scattered by various means. Some of the companies are commanded by members who were privates when they left the city. Other regiments now in the service have in their line and field officers privates of the OLD 13TH.
Besides the original members returning, are the companies of Capts. Benjamin, Gilbert and Wood, enlisted for the unexpired term. They will number additionally about 130.
The heavy hand of death has fallen upon some of the brave follows, and brought sorrow to more than one household. They could have found no more honorable graves and their memories will be ever green in the hearts of those for whom they sacrificed their lives upon the altar of their country.
LATER.—The Committee met at noon to-day and decided on the following programme for the reception of the THIRTEENTH.
Col. Amsden is to act as Marshall of the day. The approach of the train bearing the Regiment will be announced by a salute of 13 guns, fired by a detachment of the Grays. Upon the discharge of the first gun, the Court House and other bells will be rung, the ringing to continue half an hour.
The train will be met at the depot by a procession composed of the Common Council, headed by Mayor Bradstreet, the 54th Regiment, N. G., other military associations, civic societies, Citizens, &c. Mayor Bradstreet will then deliver an address of welcome to the Thirteenth, when the procession will form, and it the arrival is at the Valley Depot, will move by the following route: Down Exchange street to Court, ...

The 13th Regiment to Arrive this Afternoon.
After a great deal of delay and vexatious uncertainty in reference to the situation of the 13th Regiment at Elmira, a dispatch was received at 12 this day by the Mayor, announcing that, the Regiment would leave Elmira at 12 this day and arrive at Rochester at 5:10 this evening by the Genesee Valley Railroad.
Quarter Master Partridge, Surgeon Little and Capt Sullivan arrived this morning and reported that owing to a misunderstanding of the Federal mustering officer at Elmira, it was uncertain when the Regiment would be mustered out of the service. It is presumed that an order has been received to send the Regiment to this city to be mustered out.
As soon as the telegram was received the City Hall bell was rung to warn out the military, fire companies and all who were to participate in the reception. ...up Court to South Clinton, down Clinton to Main, down Main to St. Paul, down North St. Paul to Andrews, down Andrews and Mumford to State, and thence to the City Hall, where Judge Chumasero will address the Regiment and people. The Regiment will then partake of refreshments which the Committee will provide for them, probably at the National Hotel. The procession will be led by Perkins' and Newman's Bands.
In case the Regiment arrives at the Central depot, via Canandaigua, the route of the procession will be nearly reversed, moving through Mill, Mumford, Andrews, St. Paul, Main, Clinton, Court and Exchange streets to the City Hall.
Ald. Darling being absent from the city, Capt. C. S. Benjamin was substituted for him on the committee. Capt. B. was an officer of the 13 the when it left, and afterward raised a new company for it. His appointment on the committee was very appropriate.
Alds. Hebing and Moore, and Capt. Benjamin will leave this evening for Elmira, to meet the Regiment there, and complete the arrangements for their reception.
The Committee cordially invite all independent military organizations and civic societies to participate in the reception of the gallant men who first left their homes to serve their country in her time of need. All organizations who expect to form a part of the procession are requested by Col. Amsden to report to him immediately, in order that he may arrange a place for them. Col. Barnes, of the 11th Artillery, has been invited with his Regiment to take part in the proceedings, and his command will appear in the procession.
The Thirteenth is expected to arrive in Elmira to-morrow, Thursday, and home either to-morrow evening or on Friday morning. The Committee to-day telegraphed to Washington for farther particulars respecting the coming home of the Regiment, but up to this writing had received no response.
— Since the above was in type we learn that the wife of Lieut. Col. Schoeffel has received a telegram from him, requesting her to meet him at Elmira to morrow, Thursday.
A large crowd assembled at the Central Depot this morning under the impression that the Regiment would come in by Canandaigua. They were disappointed. There will be a large turn out this afternoon, and it is hoped that the train will come in promptly, that the multitude may not be obliged to wait long in the streets. The weather is cold, the wind high and the dust flies in vast clouds, making out of door work disagreeable. Such is the desire to welcome the remnant of the gallant 13th, everybody will be in the streets this afternoon.
The following is the programme for the reception prepared by the Committee:
The Military, Fire Department, and such Civic, Religious, Benevolent and other Societies as purpose uniting in the reception ceremonies will assemble at the Genesee Valley Railroad Depot this (Saturday) afternoon at 4 1/2 o'clock promptly.
On the arrival of the 13th Regiment, and ... immediate reception by the Mayor and Common Council, the escort and procession will be formed and move in the following order:
Chief of Police.
Mayor and Common Council.
City Officers.
General John Williams and Staff.
Newman's Band.
54th Regiment N. G., S. N. Y., Lieut. Col. Miller
13th Regiment N. Y. Volunteers.
Disabled members of the 13th in Carriages.
Perkins' Band.
" Union Blues," Capt. Hill.
11th Heavy Artillery, Col. Barnes.
Social Turnoeverin.
German Mannerchor.
Carpenters' and Joiners' Union.
Such Societies as have not Reported to the Marshal that may be Present,
Fire Department.
Down Exchange street to Court street, through Court street to Clinton street, thence, to Main street, down Main street to North St. Paul street, thence to Andrews street, thence to State street, up State street to Buffalo street, thence to City Hall, where a formal welcome address will be made by Judge Chumasero, upon the conclusion of which the parade will be dismissed—the Thirteenth Regiment remaining to partake of a collation prepared for them within the City Hall building.
An artillery salute by the Union Grays and the ringing of the City Hall and church bells will announce the arrival of the brave and honored regiment.
The Trustees of the several churches are respectfully requested to cause their bells to be rung as above indicated, receiving the signal from the City Hall bell.
The Marshal will be assisted in his duties by Capt. S. W. Updike, Capt. A. W. Preston and Lieut. Thos. Hawks.
By order of the Reception Committee.
C. T. AMSDEN, Marshal.

The Thirteenth Regiment Homeward Bound—Its Reception.
A dispatch to the Democrat from Capt. A. G. Cooper, of the 13th Regiment, conveys the following joyful intelligence:
WASHINGTON, April 28,1863.
The old Thirteenth are here, homeward bound. COOPER.
On hearing of the fact, Mayor Bradstreet telegraphed to Washington to ascertain, if possible, the time of the arrival of the regiment in this city, but up to the time of writing this noon had received no answer to his dispatch.
The committee of the Common Council appointed to make arrangements for a public reception of the 13th on their return, consisting of the Mayor, Ald. Hebing, Darling, D. D. T. Moore, Rowley and Darrow, had a meeting this forenoon at the Mayor's Office, when the following programme was perfected. Col. C. T. Amsden was appointed Marshal of the day.

Newman's and Perkins' Brass Bands.
A salute of thirteen guns to be fired on the approach of the train conveying the regiment to the city. The City Hall and several Church bells to commence ringing on the firing of the first gun, and to continue ringing for half an hour.
On the arrival of the Regiment, they will be received by the Common Council—the 54th Regiment, N. Y. S. M., Mayor Bradstreet making the welcoming address. If the regiment arrives at the Valley Depot, the procession, on being formed, will move through the following Streets:
Down Exchange to Court street, up Court to Clinton, down Clinton to Main, down Main to St. Paul st., down St. Paul to Andrews street, down Andrews to State, up State to Buffalo street, and thence to the City Hall, where Judge Chumasero will deliver an address to the gallant soldiers.
Directly on its conclusion, the regiment will partake of a collation prepared for them.
In case the regiment should arrive by the Central Road, the route of the procession will be nearly reversed from the above, going up Andrews street to St. Paul, thence to Court Street, and thence by Exchange and Buffalo Streets to the City Hall.
An invitation is extended to Col. Barnes' Regiment of Heavy Artillery and all civic societies to join in the procession and all such-societies proposing to do so will inform the Committee immediately. Ald. Hebing, D. D. T. Moore and Darling have been appointed to proceed to Elmira this evening to meet the regiment and escort it to the city. The committee will convey to Elmira the shot riddled colors of the 13th, sent home by them some time since for safe keeping. The colors will be carried by the regiment in its march through the city. It is thought that there are about 125 old members of the regiment who will return.
The Thirteenth was recruited here by Colonel now Brig. Gen. Quinby on the breaking out of the rebellion and took its departure from this City 750 strong for Elmira, on the 3d day of May, 1861. It was sworn into the United States service on the 14th of May and left for Washington on the 28th day of the same month.
The regiment has been in most of the important battles fought on the soil of the State of Virginia and has acquitted itself, as all know, with credit to the members thereof and to the place from which it hails. Many who left the city with the regiment have found a soldiers grave and many are home maimed for life. To the survivors of the gallant band let a proper reception be given on their arrival home after a two years absence in sustaining the "old flag," and let not the recruits of the regiment who remain in Virginia to do battle, be forgotten. Turn out one and all to give the Old Thirteenth a warm and patriotic reception!
Word was received this noon that the Thirteenth would be at Elmira to-morrow. At what hour it leave there for this city, has not yet been ascertained.

The Return of the Thirteenth—Immense Crowd—Enthusiastic Reception.
For some hours on Saturday morning it remained quite uncertain how soon the 13th Regiment might be expected home. About 11 o'clock, however, Mayor Bradstreet received a dispatch from Ald. Hebing and Capt. Benjamin, stating that the command could not be here that day, and notices were circulated accordingly; but at a later hour another dispatch came announcing that the regiment would be here at 5:10 P. M.—coming by way of Avon and the Genesee Valley Railroad. The City Hall bell was immediately rung to give notice of the fact, and preparations were made at once to give the returning soldiers a welcome.
About half past 4 o'clock P. M. the streets began to be thronged with people wending their way to the depot or to some point whence a good view could be obtained of the procession, and by 5 o'clock immense crowds had assembled. At the Genesee Valley depot there were many thousands of spectators, besides the military, fire department, and others who were to take part in the procession. Among them were hundreds of the friends and relatives of the soldiers, whose anxiety and impatience could not be disguised.
For some reason the train was behind time and the interval of waiting was improved by the police to clear a space, where the regiment might form after leaving the cars, to receive the greeting of the Mayor. At twenty minutes before 6 o'clock the approaching train was heard, and immediately the Union Grays commenced firing a salute. At the same time the City Hall bell and the bells of the several churches began to ring.
The excitement of the waiting multitude augmented perceptibly, and immediately after the cars came to a stop and the soldiers began to come forth, the cordon of policemen was broken through and in a moment every semblance of order was at an end. For this no one could be blamed. It would have required a much larger, force than is at the command of our city authorities to prevent the people from mingling with and tendering their personal congratulations to the veteran soldiers of the 13th, who have so nobly represented our city on many hard fought fields.
At length, however, the colors were produced —the old tattered set, which was taken to Elmira by Ald. Hobing and Capt. Benjamin, and the new ones together—and Lieut. Col. Schoeffel having mounted his horse succeeded after some trouble informing the regiment into line in the midst of the throng. Mayor Bradstreet, standing near the colors, then stepped forward and made the following address:

OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS OF THE 13TH NEW YORK.—So fleet is time, that to me it seems scarcely more than a short month ago, that with manly step and patriotic hearts you came forward under the auspices of your city, undisciplined and inexperienced soldiers, to answer the call of your country in the hour of its sudden peril. But when I behold your diminished ranks and the absence of so many honored comrades—when I remember the electric thrills of pride as the lightning has sped the announcement of your valor upon the awful battlefield, which has made your renown as wide as the continent and as enduring as time, I know that to have accomplished all this, to you, the time has been long indeed. Veterans! heroes! Having fulfilled with distinguished credit, your obligations thus far, to your country, and having been honorably discharged by the authorities of your government and sent onward to your homes, we have met you at the portals of your city to greet you and bid you welcome.
The sad and terrible errand upon which you went, drew forth at your departure the sorrowing tears of a city. The lustrous honor with which you return to us to-day, evokes a nation's praise. On behalf of the citizens of Rochester —as its chief Magistrate, and in the name of its authorities—I bid you welcome! Welcome Home!
The regiment was then faced to the right, and marched into the street, where the precession was already formed. The following was the order of march:
Chief of Police.
Mayor and Common Council.
City Officers.
General John Williams and Staff.
Newman's Band.
54th Regiment N.G., S. N. Y., Lieut, Col. Miller Commanding.
13th Regiment N. Y. Volunteers.
Disabled Members of the 13th in Carriages.
Perkins' Band.
Union Blues, Capt. Hill.
11th Heavy Artillery, Col. Barnes.
Civil Societies.
The route of the procession was as follows:
Down Exchange street to Court street, through Court street to Clinton street, thence to Main street, down Main street to North St. Paul st., thence to Andrews street, thence to State St., up State street to Buffalo street, thence to City Hall.
The procession was in charge of Col. C. T. Amsden, Chief Marshal, and Capt. S. W. Updike, and Capt. A. W. Preston, Assistant Marshals.
On arriving in front of City Hall, the 13th was drawn up next to the steps, and the home military took position in its rear. The general crowd gathered further in the rear, completely filling up the square. The spectacle, as witnessed from the portico of the City Hall, was one not soon to he forgotten.
Everything being in readiness, Mayor Bradstreet introduced the Rev. Dr. Pease, of the First Presbyterian Church, who offered a fervent and impressive prayer. Judge Chumasero then came forward and delivered the following address, which was frequently interrupted by applause:
In the name of the good people of Rochester, I greet you! Welcome—thrice welcome—to your homes and firesides. Long have they been desolate, but to-day will they be gladdened by your coming. You come back to us, my brave fellows, not in dishonor or disgrace, but having nobly fulfilled your duty, honored and beloved.
I doubt not out that in many a bloody fray, when your souls sickened as some brave comrade fell from your ranks, mangled and torn, hurling defiance to treason in his dying grasp, amid the din of battle and the shrieks of death, you looked forward, in case God spared your lives, to this day, when you should again be with us, and receive the congratulations of those who bade you God speed on your departure.
When, two years ago, the Common Council of our city were requested by the gallant Quinby, of whose name and heroism Rochester will ever be proud, to furnish suitable shelter and provisions for the regiment he desired to raise—when that regiment was raised and christened the "THIRTEENTH"—when that regiment left us amid the cheers and acclamations of thousands of our citizens—when our Common Council presented you, at Elmira, with the noble banners under which to fight, we felt assured that Rochester would never feel ashamed of that "OLD THIRTEENTH;" but we did not anticipate that the same "THIRTEENTH" would become one of the noblest in the field,—we were not prepared for the heroism they have since displayed. First in the field, the last to leave the fight, her laurels need not droop beside those of the "Old Guard" so dearly won at Austerlitz, Marengo, or Waterloo.
Those noble banners you have guarded well, borne through "the battle and the breeze," tattered and torn, but not dishonored; you bring them hack to us unstained and spotless as you first received them—save with the blood of traitors. We take them at your hands. God bless you for their faithful care! I feel how they inspired you in the fight, flashing in the southern sun, flapping dismay and death to fiendish traitors; each star became a thunderbolt, each stripe a stream of fire. Under their folds you valiantly defied the foe, and rebels fled or bit the dust in death. That flag was not to be disgraced while you defended. God of our fathers! 'twas enough to make you heroes.—The very sight of the old stars and stripes will
" Stir a fever in the blood of age,
And make an infant's sinews strong as steel."
Other emblems may perish, but that flag—never! It may droop at times, and for a season, but it can never be furled in eternal gloom. Nature herself shall as quickly perish:
" Leaves fall, but lo! the young buds peep!
Flowers die, but still their seed shall bloom!
From death the quick young life will leap,
When spring shall come and touch the tomb
The splendid shiver of brave blood
Is thrilling through our country now,
And she who in old times withstood
The tyrant, lifts again her brow.
God's precious charge we sternly, keep
Unto the final victory;
With freedom we will live, or sleep
With our great dead who set us free
God forget us when we forget
To keep the old flag flying yet."

On the bloody fields of Blackburn, Yorktown, Hanover, Gaines' Mills, Richmond, Malvern, South Mountain and Fredericksburg, you nobly did your duty; bright pages for you will be those in our country's history which record those memorable contests.
You return to claim our gratitude. Take it! well earned and cheerfully bestowed; no prouder testimonial could you bear than the one you now receive in this public ex...sion of your fellow citizens.
When the Roman conqueror returned from the field o f glory his brows were cinctured with victorious bays, crowned with the laurel wreath, he was received with tumultuous plaudits, and followed by the slaves of conquest, abject victims whom he had been fighting not to deliver but enthrall. Your crown of glory is a noble guerdon, for it is wreathed in the affections of the people; you bring no slaves to deck your conquest; you fought not to enslave, but stabbed the tyrant despot in his demon hall, and having placed your iron heels upon the monster's neck, there left him writhing in the agonies of Hell.
The cause in which you have been engaged next to the Christian warfare, is one of the noblest and sublimists contests that a world could witness. Human rights, human liberty, the emancipation of mankind, justice, truth, good government and social order are among the many important issues which this mighty conflict will be made to settle, and we shall emerge from it victorious, and all these triumphant, or a pall of death will cover us. Let this rebellion triumph and the Sun of Liberty and human hopes will sink forever and no "Resurgam" shine upon its tomb. Let treason triumph, and the happiness of our race is ended. Annihilation, horror, desolation and despair would hold full sway, and civilization, virtue, truth and justice be blotted out among mankind. But this can never be; trusting in God, we will wage this war so long as a single inch of American territory is polluted by a rebel foot tread, or a single drop of blood courses through the veins of an American citizen!.. Our end is not yet. As a nation we deeply suffer for our sins, as a people we are cast into the fiery furnace, but with true repentance, and an abiding faith, we shall yet be restored to happiness and peace. Though sorely tried, we are not cast off. "God shall bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him."
Congratulating you on your safe return, we cannot forget those who come not with you. All honor to those who remain still fighting for their country; but there are some, alas, who have fought their last battle, whose "path of glory led them to the grave." In the silent cave of death, far from their families and their homes, their ashes rest; no marble marks the spot where they repose; it may, indeed, forever be unknown; but their memories die not; and, as we drop a tear of pity for their loss, in our hearts and best affections shall their cenotaph be reared. Think not, brave men, that in your absence, we had forgotten you. While struggling on field of carnage for your country and the right, full many a prayer, unknown to you, ascended to the Lord of Hosts in your behalf, and, we feel, was answered in your safety; I have said our country will have its future; so, my friends, there will be a future for you. See to it, I beseech you, that it pale not before the happiness and glory of the present.
Returning as you do "without fear and without reproach," remember that the white plume of the Soldier Knight should be emblematic of his purity of soul, the undimmed brightness of his flashing blade symbolic of an unstained conscience. Let no act of yours in future mar the happy recollections of this hour, nor dim the glorious records of your deeds. Having proved yourselves true patriots, be good citizens and honest men. Subjected as you have been to the rigid discipline of a soldier's life, submit yourselves in all things to the law, respecting and sustaining the constituted authorities under which you return to live. Diminish not, I pray you, the high regard with which we now esteem you;—so live, that when you are summoned from the conflicts of Earth to meet your Judge on high, you may go, clad in the armor of righteousness, to greet the Great Captain of your salvation, under his grand review to be approved, and mustered for all eternity among the mighty hosts of Heaven.
I will detain you no longer from the tender love and warm embraces that await you. Go then to your homes; let your dwellings resound with joy; wipe away the tear, kiss the prattling babe, give reins to your affections and your love, and may God Almighty bless you.
The officers and soldiers of the 13th were then invited into City Hall, where a bounteous collation had been prepared for their refreshment.
They were all seated, and the edibles and potables were served to them in their places—the Mayor and the Aldermen doing duty as waiters, along with the force provided by. Mr. Ashley of the Kremlin, and several ladies and gentlemen who volunteered for the occasion. When all were satisfied, the men were dismissed to join their friends, hundreds of whom waited outside during the repast. It was interesting to witness some of the re-unions that took place. A soldier, on emerging from the building, would not unfrequently find himself surrounded by several members of his family, who, amid tears, and smiles and congratulations, would hurry him off toward his home. Previous to the regiment leaving the City Hall, the Mayor requested commandants of companies to report to him the names of such of their men as were not provided with quarters, in order that they might be taken care of at the expense of the city.
There are three hundred and forty of the returned members of the 13th, including officers. The regiment left Rochester May 3d, 1881, and left Elmira for Washington on the 29th of the same month. During its term of service, nearly thirteen hundred men have been attached to it in all. The men who have come home do not include the companies of Captains Downey and Abbott, recruited here last summer and fall, for three years. These companies are now doing duty as Provost guard for the brigade under Gen. Barnes. The returned men have been paid up to March 1st—two month's pay being still due. They have not yet been mustered out of the service of the United States. They left the army on Monday, April 27th, and stacked their arms at Stoneman's Station. On their arrival in Elmira they were met by Ald. Hebing and Capt. Benjamin, who unfurled the old colors sent home some time since, as soon as the train came in, and the boys rallied around them with enthusiasm. Quarters were furnished in the barracks, at the Fair Grounds, but it was found that if the regiment was to wait until orders arrived to pay it off and muster it out, the arrival in Rochester would have to be postponed for some days, and possibly a week. After unavailingly telegraphing to Washington and Albany, in the hope of obtaining permission for the regiment to come home and be paid off here, the committee suggested to Lieut. Col. Schoeffel the idea of coming to Rochester without authority, and as it was found that the men were willing to pay their own railroad fare, they took the cars and came on. They may have to return to Elmira to be paid and mustered out, but an effort will be made to avoid it by application to the War Department.
— The Reception Committee request us to express their obligations to Elwanger & Barry, of the Mt. Hope Nurseries, and Frost & Co., of the Genesee Valley Nurseries, for the beautiful boquets which aided in decorating the City Hall during the entertainment of the 13th Regiment.
— We understand that the members of the 13th are to assemble at the Court House this forenoon, between 10 and 11 o'clock, to hear the result of the application to have them mustered out in Rochester.

A DISAPPOINTED CROWD.—Saturday morning, a crowd numbering-about one thousand persons, gathered at the Central Depots expecting the arrival of the 13th Regiment.—The knowing ones kept away from the Depot, while those who were not posted flocked there in great numbers. Upon the arrival of the train from Canandaigua the crowd was so great that the Police had to make the most strenuous efforts to keep the track clear. The crowd were repeatedly told that the 13th was not to arrive on the train; but they would not believe it. Upon its arrival, and it was ascertained beyond a doubt that the 13th was not aboard, they turned away and dispersed, with a disappointed look.

The 13th Regiment.
The question that everybody asks to-day is "when will the 13th Regiment arrive"—an indication that the public are anxious to give the Veteran volunteers a reception. We hasten to give such information as we have. The following dispatch was received this forenoon:
ELMIRA, May 1st, 1863.
To the Mayor of Rochester:
The 13th Regiment arrived early this morning, 825 strong. Will telegraph this evening what time they will arrive. COMMITTEE.

This dispatch indicates that the 13th will not reach Rochester to-day. The Regiment may be looked for to-morrow. The Committee have perfected arrangements for the reception.
The following has been handed in for publication by the Marshal:
The Committee earnestly request all the military, Civic, Religious and Benevolent organizations and Fire Department, to unite in the ceremonies, by forming a procession that shall do honor to the brave regiment, and be creditable to the city; and all such will without delay report to the Marshal, with the names of their commanding officers.
As soon as definite information is received of the time of the arrival of the Regiment it will be announced. Citizens are respectfully requested to display their National flags during the reception.
Carriages will be provided for disabled members of the Regiment. By order of the Reception Committee. C. T. AMSDEN, Marshal.

The Arrival of the Old Thirteenth.
For the Evening Express.
It was a sunny day in May, all fair the earth did seem.
The sky was of a tranquil blue, the sun did brightly beam,
When people, gathered far and near, and talked in hurried tone,
Hark! hear them shout, the "Old Thirteenth!" to-day are coming home!
Yes it was true, those gallant men, who two short years ago,
Bid all 'twas dear to them farewell to meet the rebel foe,
In thirteen battles fearless stood, when shot and shell did pour
Like rain, when dropping from the clouds, were coming home once more.
Fathers were in that gathering band, and mothers, too, were there,
To welcome back their "soldier boys," with many a thankful prayer.
Wives, and sisters, dear, who wept, and mourned in grief alone,
Were all a-hurrying down the street, to greet their coming home.
And waiting hearts, impatient yet, from out that restless throng,
To clasp their dear ones to their arms, it wont, it wont be long.
E'en as they speak, a distant sound breaks on their listening ear.
The thundering train comes rushing on—they're almost here,—they're here!
Yes, ring the bells in jubilee, and, let the cannon boom,
And stand ye, back ye, loyal men, to give those heroes room.
Let sweetest music fill the air, and float from dome to dome,
To welcome back the "Old Thirteenth,"—for they are welcome home.
They rush up to the stopping train, each one their boy to find:
But why do not they all come forth? Oh! some are left behind;
For they went home a spell before,—went wounded and alone,—
It was not on th's earth below, but to a heavenly home.
Though often as we think of them, the tear drop it may start,
We all shall hold their memory dear to every loyal heart.
And those that now remain on earth, we'll give them three times three;
And hail the day with joy and pride, when all can shout "we're free!"
HENRIETTA, May 1863. V. L. C.

ARRIVED IN BUFFAL-The Old 13th Regiment N. Y. V., Major Williams, arrived in this city, from Rochester, yesterday afternoon. They carried muskets, and numbered about 125 men. Upon reaching the office of Provost Marshal Scroggs, they were brought to a halt, and afterwards took up their line of march for Fort Porter, where they remain as provost Guard during the draft. They looked well, and Rochester should be proud of them.


The Republic shows what has become of Co. K of the 13th regiment, enlisted in that village. It was composed of seventy-nine men. Of these four refused to take the oath at Elmira, three died, (two of wounds,) nineteen deserted, two resigned, twenty were discharged, a few were transferred to other regiments, and twenty returned home last Saturday.

Reception of Colonel Marshall.
Yesterday at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Col. Marshall arrived at the Central Depot, according to expectation. Newman's Band, the Union Blues and between seventy-five and a hundred officers and men of the "Old 13th," were present to receive him. A considerable number of our citizens also gathered to welcome the "fighting Colonel," as his men call him. A barouche, drawn by four splendid bays conveyed the Colonel, accompanied by Gen. Williams, Ex-Mayor Clark and Col. Amsden, City Treasurer, to the Court House, where he was received by the Common Council.
A short address was read by W. C. Rowley, Esq., the Mayor himself being absent. We regret that we are not able to report Mr. Rowley's remarks in full. They referred briefly to the history of the 13th, the interest taken in this regiment, and the fact that by force, of circumstances it had somehow been left to Colonel Marshall to develop, by instruction and discipline, the fighting qualities of our brave men. A high compliment was paid to the skill and gallantry of the Colonel, and the address closed with an earnest wish that he might succeed in his now undertaking of re-organizing his regiment, and promising, every assistance. Colonel Marshall replied briefly, but to the point-being, as he said, much more of a fighting man than a public speaker.
Although not yet recovered entirely from the severe wounds he received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13th, 1862, Colonel Marshall seeks to reorganize his men and return to active service. As a soldier in the field he has few equals, and it is his ambition once more to be at the head of a regiment. At the close of the reception yesterday, he shook each of his old men by the hand, and it was easy to see that he was their favorite commander. They cheered him repeatedly, and also gave cheers for McClellan and the officers of the new regiment-the 14th N. Y. Volunteer Artillery. Colonel Marshall returned to Congress Hall, apparently well-satisfied with the nature of his greeting in Rochester.

THE THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. —The misunderstanding which existed at Albany in reference to three companies of the 13th Regiment has been removed by Adjutant Hedges, who went there on Sunday night, and all the men will be at once mustered out of service and paid off. Capt. Corning is preparing to commence the work of mustering to-day, and Major Sherman pay master, arrived last night, to pay off the men at once. In a day or two the returned volunteers of the 13th will have their money, and cease to be soldiers of the Federal Army.

FOR THE SERVICE AGAIN.—Capt. Jerry A. Sullivan, Senior Captain in the old 13th, again offers his services to the country, and proposes to recruit a company for the 14th Heavy Artillery, under Col. Marshall. The abilities of Capt. Sullivan as a commanding officer, his popularity with his men, and his personal bravery, are too well known to need any comment at our hands. Nearly all of his old company will join him, and other members of the regiment have enlisted in his company. He flings out his banner for company A, and no doubt will have the requisite number at an early date.

The City and Vicinity.
The Mustering Out of the 13th Regiment.
Capt. Corning returned from Albany last night accompanied by a Pay Master, and it has been determined to muster the men out of service to-morrow and pay them off. The old original members, (two year's men) will be paid the bounty of $100, while those afterwards enlisted will be compelled to wait the further action of the authorities. Capt. Corning has authority to to muster out those members who enlisted for the unexpired term of service of the Regiment

THE THIRTEENTH REGIMENT.—Pursuant to notice the 13th Regiment met at the Exchange street Armory yesterday morning for the purpose of being mustered out of the service. Capt. Corning, mustering officer, announced that he had received orders not to muster out any company which had been enlisted subsequent to the organization of the regiment. This order embraced the Dansville company and the companies recruited by the late Col. Gilbert and by Capt. Benjamin. It was shown, however, that the authorizations granted for the enlistment of these companies, respectively, contemplated only a term of service which should expire with that of the regiment. Capt. Corning, therefore, has gone to Albany for further instructions. He was accompanied by the Regimental Adjutant and Capt. Benjamin, who are familiar with all the facts which it is necessary to lay before the Adjutant General. The regiment is ordered to meet at the same place this A. M.

THE DANSVILLE COMPANY OF THE 13TH.—The Advertiser devotes considerable space to the report of the reception of the Dansville Company of the 13th at home, on Tuesday last. A public meeting was held on Monday evening, and a committee of arrangements appointed.
On Tuesday, the Committee with a band, met the volunteers at Wayland Station, and escorted them to the village. Their approach was signaled by the ringing of bells and firing of cannon. The boys were received at Wayland by J. A. Vanderlip, Esq., who addressed them.—
Everybody turned out at Dansville to receive the soldiers, and an immense procession escorted them to the public square, where they were addressed by Col. Pickell, and then by S. D. Faulkner, Esq., who delivered an eloquent address. Adjutant Hedges responded, amid a shower of rain, which did not dampen the enthusiasm of the people in the least.
A dinner to the soldiers was then given at the American Hotel. At three o'clock the company went to the residence of G. G. Wood, Esq., and partook of a collation prepared by Mrs. Wood. The boys then called upon Col. Pickell. At five o'clock there was a banquet at the residence of O. B. Maxwell, Esq., given by the ladies of Dansville, and this closed the festivities of the day. The Dansville people did the reception up brown in all respects.

The 13th reached Rochester on Saturday at 6 P. M., 340 strong. This Regiment has been in nearly every battle fought in Virginia since the first Bull Run fight, and they have always fought bravely. Their reception was worthy their renown. They were welcomed at the Genesee Valley Depot by the Mayor, and at the Court House by Judge Chumasero. Afterwards they took a lunch and then were welcomed by their families, from whom they had been absent two years.
Several members of the Regiment belonged in Brockport, and when they reached the town, they were escorted by music and banners. No heroes ever received a more hearty welcome, and none ever more deserved it.

ROCHESTER, N. Y., May7, 1863.
General Order No. 12.
The officers and men of this command will report at the Armory of the 64th N. York Militia on Exchange street, in this city, on Monday, (11th inst.) at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for muster out of service; First Sergeants will send their morning reports to the Adjutant at 10 1/2 o'clock. All absentees will be reported as deserters.
By order of Lieut. Col. F. A. SCHOEFFEL,
Commanding the 13th N. Y. V.
JOB C. HEDGES, Adjutant.

THE THIRTEENTH REGIMENT TO BE "FILLED UP" AGAIN.—We learn from one of the officers of the 13th Regiment that Col. E. G. Marshall has received authority from the War Department to recruit a new regiment, the nucleus of which shall consist of the two companies enlisted by Captains Abbott and Downey, last summer, for the term of three years. Col. Marshall is still engaged upon a court martial, but it is believed that he will enter upon his new work as soon as practicable. It is not probable, from what we learn, that either Lt. Col. Schoeffel or Major Hyland will engage in this enterprise, but doubtless, there are many others connected with the old regiment, who will cheerfully re-enter the service under their old commander.

TROOPS FROM ROCHESTER.—A detachment of the old 13th Regiment, numbering over one hundred men, arrived in this city yesterday afternoon from Rochester, under the command of Major Williams. They were fine, stalwart looking men, nearly all of whom have seen hard service in the field. After halting in front of the Provost Marshal's office a short time, they look up their line of march for Fort Porter, where they will remain until after the completion of the draft.

ORDER FOR THE 13TH REGIMENT.—Lieut. Col. Schoeffell has issued an order for the officers and men of the 13th Regiment to report at the Armory of the 54th Regiment in this city on Monday the 11th inst., at 10 a. m., for muster out of service. All absentees will be reported as deserters. The order will be found in the advertising columns, and should be attended to by all the men of the 13th.

ARRIVED IN BUFFALO.—The Old 13th Regiment N. Y. V Major Williams, arrived in this city, from Rochester yesterday afternoon. They carried muskets, and numbered about 125 men. Upon reaching the office of Provost Martial Scroggs, they were brought to a halt, and afterward took up their line of march for Fort Porter, where they remain as Provost Guard during the draft. They looked well, and Rochester should be proud of them. [Buffalo Cour.]
~The Courier is slightly wrong in designating the squad and its commander; but the fact that 125 soldiers have gone up from Rochester is the main thing—and it may be taken for granted, therefore, that Rochester is so law-abiding a city that soldiers are not required here to ensure public order and the execution of laws. Moral force is ample for all that, here.

We have been aware for several days that Col. Marshall had authority to re-organize and fill up the 13th regiment with as many of the old members as desire to go in and such new ones as will enlist. It is provided that the two companies now held, those enlisted by Capts. Downey and Abbott shall go with the new regiment under Col. M., and it is further ordered that all the men of the old regiment who re-enlist shall receive the full bounty, and their enlistment and pay shall date back to the time when they were mustered out of the service, so that in fact they will lose no time by coming home.
Col. Marshall is now engaged as a member of a court-martial at Washington. As soon as relieved he will probably return to this city and set about the work of getting up his new regiment. He is a gallant commander and a brave soldier, and just the man under whom many will be glad to enroll themselves.

" What's the matter Johnny,
What's the matter Johnny dear?
And why is it my true love
That you wipe the falling tear ?
" An opposition Soger chap
Is getting all the fellers
Away from us New Regiments,
And that is why I bellers."
" Why don't you come the mustache game.
And threaten like a Turk ?"
" We've tried that on my darling
But it doesn't seem to work."
" I've written to the Governor
To try and make him stop,
With a touching deposition
That he's shutting up our shop."
" But now I'm very fearful
I've been stepping from the frying pan
Quite getting in the fire."
" For if we succeed in breaking
The 'ewdacious' little cuss—
He'll then be irresponsible
And pitch in ten times wuss."

It must be crucifying to the sufferers to be told that New Regiments must be consolidated, and that they cannot pay the Bogus Bounties they offer, but the unpalatable truth must be spoken, without regard to the feelings of the would-be Majors, or possibly Colonels of May-be Regiments.
For exposition of the advantages of ACTUAL over IMAGINARY Regiments, see bills of the 13th N. Y. Cavalry, or apply to CAPT. J. W. PAINE, 19 Gourt-st. Watertown.

~THIRTIETH REGIMENT.—Special order No. 23, issued by Col. Searing of the Thirtieth regiment, dated June 8th, directs as follows:
" Commandants of companies of the Thirtieth regiment will furnish Major Wallace U. S. A. with muster out and pay rolls of their companies (complete) for inspection, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 11th inst. They will also have their commands present at the barracks on Monday morning, the 15th inst., in uniform, to be mustered out of the service of the United States." The Thirteenth Regiment.
The people of Valalie and vicinity are making preparations to welcome home the surviving members of Capt. Pruyn's company who went in the 13th Regiment and have served with honor their time of enlistment.
It is said Hon. Charles L. Beale will deliver the address, and Capt. Hermans, of the Ira Harris Cavalry, who was wounded and taken a prisoner to Richmond, at the last battle of Fredericksburg, and was exchanged a few days since, will act as Chief Marshal on the occasion.

From a Paroled Prisoner Belonging to the Old l3th.
May 28, 1863.
* * * I wrote you lately to say I had been taken prisoner by the rebels at the last battle near Fredericksburg, but not receiving an answer, fear my letter has not reached you. I and five others were on picket duty and got beyond our lines, and before we were aware of it, were surrounded by some of Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry. We were taken to General Lee's headquarters. The General came out and said to his men, "Well, boys, you have got some more Yanks. They are pretty smart looking fellows." He said to us, "Boys, what are you fighting for?" We gave no answer. "You were once," he says "fighting for the glory of the old Union, but now you are fighting for the d----d nigger." He then darted back into his apartment, and we were conducted over the battle-field where the first day's fighting was done, and Oh! What a sickening sight! I will not describe it. We were marched to Richmond and put into that delightful retreat called Libby Prison, then to City Point, Fortress Monroe, and finally to the Parole Camp. On the way to Richmond, three of my companions were cut down by the sabers of the "Home Guard,'' who guarded us, being unable to walk from exhaustion. We came near being starved—for several days all we got daily was one biscuit, like a soda cracker, and a few ounce's of bacon. So you may think I lost some flesh, but hope soon to regain it. It was on Sunday we got to Richmond; the bells were tolling and the flags were at half-mast, for the loss of one of the rebel chieftains, Stonewall Jackson. They say that Virginia has not sustained such a loss since the death of WASHINGTON, and they would rather have lost 80,000 men.
The rebs have to live on one meal a day, and not falter. But they will have to come under yet—starvation will fetch them to.
I was never so blackguarded as I have been on the way to, and in the city of Richmond, particularly by the women, or ladies, as they call them. They would ask, "Where is Joe Hooker now? You are a smart looking set of Yanks," and so on. They like our money better than
their own, and you can buy as much for one dollar of ours as you can for three of theirs.
We had to march ninety-seven miles from Fredericksburg to City Point, and nearly starved. I tell you it was no joke, and I wish that some of the rebel sympathizers at the North were in our place, to get a specimen of being amongst the Southern chivalry.
151st Regiment, N. Y. S. V.
Hemlock Lake, N. Y.

Near Stafford Court House, May 9th.
I have but a few moments respite from necessary duties, which I devote to sending you a complete list of the casualties in our Regiment in the recent engagements, in which it performed its part nobly, and is repaid by the knowledge that it did something for our bleeding country. The regiment is now in good condition and ready for another fight. We are to have a review at one o'clock to-day by Gen. Hooker, and I have no time for further remarks.

List of killed, wounded and missing, of the Thirteenth New Jersey Volunteers, in the battles near Chancellorville, Va., May 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th, 1863.
Major John Grimes, wounded in the thigh, slight.
Adjutant Thomas B Smith, wounded in arm, severe.
Killed—Thomas Doyle.
Wounded—Sergt. Wm A Nicholson, knee, slight; Corp Wm H Smith, foot; Corp John Demarest, leg, severe; Corp John R Williams, hand. Privates—Frank W Dennis, leg, severe; Cornelius Van Arsdale, leg, severe; Thomas Bishop, wrist, slight; Augustus Combs, thigh, severe; Henry C Oakes, arm, slight. Missing—Privates John H Ball, Conrad Huber, Joseph C Stevens, Thomas Montgomery.
Killed—Corp Wm Moffatt—Privates Thomas, Isdell and Wm St Clare.
Wounded—Corp Peter H Slover, side, serious, Privates—Geo C. Woolhopter, shoulder, slight; Thomas Ferris, face, slight; Thomas Cohogan, right thumb shot off; J Howard Titsworth, arm.
Missing—Privates—James Clancy, Jas. McKiernan, Michael McLaughlin, Michael Daly, James Ryan.
Wounded—Orderly Sergeant George Baitzel, leg, slightly; Corp Freeborn Garrison, leg, slightly; Corp Charles B Burris, leg, slightly. Privates—David Burris, hand, slightly; Amzi Brown, arm, severely; Geo H Comer, arm, severely; John C Crawford, leg, slight; Andrew Liece, head, severely; R B Manning, left breast, severely; Jacob Mickler, leg, severely; William Parker, arm, severely; Gilbert Smith, head.
Missing—Privates—Nathaniel Barnes; John Deachant, John Hammer, James Larne, Andrew Van Riper, Cornelius Van Riper.
Killed—Privates—Wm Bartlett, Wm. Vickary, Andrew E Wetzel.
Wounded--2d Lieut George G Whitfield, left lung, severe. Privates—Moses Edger, leg; Wm Lambert, arm; John W Ogden, face, slight; Washington Russel, breast, slight; Anthony C Rindel,.wrist; Wm Taylor, leg and arms; Geo J Vanarsdail, breast, slight.
Missing—Sergt Edman Patterson. Privates—James Love, Charles W Richie.
Killed—Orderly Sergt John B Munn. Private-Samuel P Taylor.
Wounded—Corporals Dewitt C Allen, arm, slightly; Wm B Jacobus, slightly. Privates—Amzi W Baldwin, head, slightly; Wm Jordan, leg, seriously; Bennet Livingston, hand, severely; Wm Sanderson, severely; Joseph Trett, breast, severely; Thomas H Williams, shoulder, slightly; Geo Allenton, slightly; Harmon S Blue, slightly.
Missing—Corporal Michael Bock.
Killed--Moses Nugent.
Wounded-Gottlieb Hanly, foot; Irenaeus P. Howell, arm; Michael Dickerman, breast; John E. Wilson, leg; Stephen Schmidt, side; Corp. George W Moorshouse, shoulder, slight.
Missing—Thomas Collins, Stephen L. Ward.
Killed—Patrick Monaghan.
Wounded—lst Lt. James F. Layton, head, slight; Sgt. Ogden Foxcraft, leg; Corp. Samuel J. Harmon, thigh. Privates - Jacob White, hip; Daniel Christy, hip; Geo. W. Cherry, face; Joseph Baldwin, wrist; Chas B Hemmering, leg , slight.
Killed—Corp Charles H Lathrop.
Wounded—Capt Charles H Bliven, head, slightly.—Privates—George C Haas, shoulder, slightly; Henry Mallen, two fingers shot off before going into action; Thos Hogan, two fingers shot off before going into action; Peter Conners, arm, severe; Augustus Adema—slightly; John Burchill, leg, slightly; James Catfood, thigh, slightly.
Killed—Charles Stout, Michael Dee.
Wounded—Captain Ambrose M Matthews, face, slightly; 1st Sergt Arthur R Edgerton, shot through both legs; Corp Jacob Renzhler; James Behan, arm and groin, badly; Jacob Hoffman, breast, badly; Louis Kochler, head, seriously; John Rosen, head; ... Samson, hand, slightly; Alfred Sharp, two fingers shot off; Geo W Lee; Cornelius Petty, hip, badly.
Wounded—Lt. Heber Wells, hand; Sergt Cornelius Morsoreau, leg, seriously; Corp Henry Speer, arm. Privates—Silas Abbott, ankle; Isaac Clark, hand; Jos E Crowell, hand; William Freeland, leg; Alexander Kidd, hand, slight; Francis Moore, hand; John J Neild, leg; Wm J Post, shoulder, slight; James W Vanderbeck, breast, serious; Stephen Carlaugh, foot; William Lambert, arm, severely.
Missing—F S T Probert (reported killed), Robert Martin.
Killed, 14; wounded (including 7 commissioned officers) 91; missing, 24.
Captain Commanding 13th N. J. V.

Brankermann, Co. F, 21st, right knee; Chas. Woodruff, Co. B, 26th, shoulder.
The following is the loss of Co. C, 15th Regiment, which was raised in Morris County: Killed—Capt. J. J. Lindslay, Corp. O. Brokaw. Private
Wm. Storms; Wounded—Sergt. J. A. Brown, Sergt. Wm F. Parish, Corp E. A. Doty, Privates Wm. Beers, H. R. Brown, E. Barto, S. C. Gage, J. H. Hyler, R. Lyons, P. B. Murphy, G. H. Percy, W. E. Simpson, B. Smack, J. Tison, R. Wittam, H. Wistfall, W. Shipman.

May 7th, 1863.
Here we are, once more in the same old tent sitting by the same old fire-place, after an awfully hard ten days' work. We left the camp on Monday a week ago, and had a pleasant march of 8 or 10 miles to Harwood Church, where we halted. The next day we marched about 13 miles, and halted for the night about 3 miles this side of Kelly's Ford. The next day we crossed the Rappahannock; our corps, the 12th, crossing first, after we had crossed the whole army halted and was concentrated; after which our corps started again and after marching about half a mile halted and were ordered to load. This was done and an attack expected momently, but we marched on seeing no enemy. The brigade had skirmishers thrown out in advance, and we were thus compelled to move very slowly. At length we came to Mountain Run (a small creek between the Rappahannock and Rapidan) which we were compelled to ford, there being no bridge; the water was up to our knees. We then moved on quite rapidly, reaching the Rapidan about noon.—The Brigade was drawn up in line of battle about 3/4 of a mile from the Ford, and had been in that position but a short time when we heard the advanced skirmishers firing and were soon after ordered to "fall in." We had got nearly to the Ford when about 100 prisoners passed us under guard. The 2d Mass. and 3d Wis. surrounded them while building a bridge, and captured the whole, with a loss of only one on our side.
Being unable to find any boats we had to ford the river, which was breast high, and after forming again on the other side, and marching about a mile we rested, with the exception of one of our companies, which was sent out on picket. The next day about 9 A.M., we again started, taking the plank road to Fredericksburg. The travelling was good, we marched rapidly, and reached Chancellorville about 5 P. M., a full surprise to the rebels, who were fortified about three miles further on. Here we halted for the night, and we did not move till 11 o'clock next morning, when we again took the plank road. The first shot was fired about 12 o'clock from our batteries. Then the ball opened. Keeping to the plank road, we marched on for two miles, then filed to the left into a dense woods, directly in front and near the rebel lines. We formed in line faced to the left and passed out of the woods into an open field, and then marched by the right flank or battallion front towards the enemy's position. When we were half way over the field we were halted and ordered to lie down, the men to take off their knapsacks.—
Subsequently one of our companies was pushed further on to within 900 yards of the rebel battery, when some skirmishing ensued. That night we lay on our arms. The following day we cut down trees and built breastworks, and rested quietly till 3 P. M., when we were ordered forward and took a position on a hill till 5 o'clock, at which time the 11th Corps, which had been engaged for about an hour, broke and commenced pouring in over our works panic-stricken and shouting that they were all cut to pieces, &c. The multitude pressing in upon us threw our regiment into some confusion and it retired to the foot of the hill where it was reformed, and resumed its old position.
Then commenced the most terrible cannonading I ever heard, and the line officers having been disabled the command devolved on Capt. Beardsley. We had got into position, perhaps two hours, when the rebels made a charge on the regiment in front of us (it was about 11 o'clock at night) and three of their companies broke and rushing among us created some confusion which, however, was of short duration. About 5 o'clock in the morning the firing was resumed, and at 6 o'clock, we were ordered forward to relieve the 2d Mass., who were engaged. We took their place and the regiment advanced 100 yards farther than any of the brigade and was hotly engaged for more than an hour, when we were relieved; our loss in that time having been 18 killed and 120 wounded and missing.—Capt. Beardsley, who was in command, acted nobly and is deserving of all commendation.—With revolver in hand he kept the men in the ranks and allowed no one to leave them till he was able to show blood. After the engagement we withdrew to a hill with the rest of the brigade and participated in the subsequent retreat of the army without much further loss.

The Union Defending Col. Marshall.
When Capt. Marshal was appointed to the command of the Thirteenth Regiment, we abstained from expressing the opinion entertained of him as an officer, upon the ground that the service ought not to be embarrassed or prejudiced by efforts from any quarter calculated to weaken the confidence of soldiers in those who were to command them. If, contrary to our expectations, Marshall proved worthy of the appointment, it was our purpose to do him justice, and award all the credit to which he might prove himself entitled, and this purpose has remained unchanged. But for some weeks past the evidence has become too strong to be resisted, that the appointment has proved a most unfortunate one for the regiment. Such, at any rate, must be the case if one-half the representatives of those who are in a position to know, are true. Cruelty to soldiers, arrests for trivial causes, ungentlemanly demeanor towards inferior officers and the grossest profanity when addressing his officers and men, are among the charges brought against him. Of these the Union disposes in this way:
Third, the tales told of Col. Marshall—of his cruelty and ill-behavior generally, are quite too large and too absurd to obtain credence anywhere, and even those who do not know him at once reject them and the authors.
There are scores of letters in this city and vicinity which say these "tales'' are true. The writers ought to know how the matter is, and, if they are spreading abroad false reports, should be punished. If they are true, Marshall deserves to be dismissed from the service. We can only say that there are living witnesses in this city, besides many letters, which make the matter a good deal worse than we shall undertake to represent it.
Taking up the points of the Union in reverse order, we quote again from its defence of Marshall:
Second, the animus of the attacks upon Col. Marshall in the Democrat, is well understood.—He was attacked and villified in the columns of that paper for months before he ever thought of taking the post of Colonel in the Thirteenth. It is not strange that after he left and took the field and engaged in combat with the enemy that the attacks should be renewed.
Marshall chose to be affronted at something said in this paper about West Point, and the system of appointments to that institution; but having no idea of modifying our views to please a pretentious and arrogant fellow, who might have been selected as furnishing ample proof of the justness of our strictures, he issued stringent orders that this paper should be proscribed in every way in which his "little brief authority" could effect that end; and it is presumed that it is to this which the Union alludes. Well, if the Union has "hit the nail," let us see if we cannot do as well. That paper, we believe, enjoyed a richer patronage from Marshall, as the disbursing officer of United States funds, than it was ever favored with from any other source, official or unofficial, and richer than was enjoyed by any other paper in this State for similar services.—With this fact in view, are we not authorized to apply the Union's own rule, and say that "the animus" of its frequent laudations of Col. Marshall are "well understood?"
The Union's first point is this:
First, the day has passed for sensation in reference to the Thirteenth. The public mind is prepared to hear of trouble there of any sort without surprise. A sensation rumor from that quarter is of no account. Dislike of a Colonel is no new thing, and as two have been compelled to withdraw, the public hear of complaints against a third with indifference and a reservation of opinion as to where the blame lies.
If this point is "well taken" we do not see the need of the half column of defence of Marshall with which it is followed. It is a pretty broad indictment of the entire regiment, and entirely inconsistent with the portion of one of the letters paraded in Marshall's defence. The Union whistles down the regiment as a pack of confirmed fault-finders, while the letter referred to claims that "both officers and men feel "that they are superior as soldiers to most of "the regiments about them, and the Generals "feel and say so too." We shall not question the justice of this claim, and only remark that it cannot be well founded if the Union's estimate of the regiment is correct. We have, we take this occasion to say, the highest opinion of the patriotism and courage of many of the officers and men of the Thirteenth. As a body we believe they deserve well. And the letter published by the Union—from which we have quoted briefly—claims for them the highest place as volunteer soldiers, while the Union sends them to the very lowest position which soldiers can occupy. First, the Union discredits the charges against Marshall, because nothing coming from the Thirteenth should be accepted as reliable; and second, they are untrue because the regiment is one of the very best and bravest in the service! The Union's indictment of the regiment is so sweeping as even to impeach the very witnesses called to sustain Marshall, and leaves that paper and its pet in a ludicrous position.
The Union is greatly mistaken in its intimation in regard to Colonels Quinby and Pickell. Col. Quinby resigned of his own choice immediately after the battle of Bull Run. There is reason to believe that he was and is held in high estimation by most of the officers and men, and it is well known that Col. Pickell was displaced not "compelled to withdraw"—because of his age and physical infirmities. He has done the country service in his profession, but like others is compelled to yield to the decrees of Time. It is therefore manifestly unfair to cite these cases as evidence of a chronic habit of fault-finding in the Thirteenth, or to uphold the alleged cruelties and ill-behavior of Marshall by reference to matters having no relevancy to them. If he has been maligned, we repeat, let those who have set falsehood afloat be punished, but if the allegations are true it is time that the soldiers ...

LOCAL AFFAIRS. Casualties in the Late Battles.
We find in the New York papers the following additional casualties reported in the 13th Regiment, beside those we have already given: Lieut. C. Dehest, wounded. Doubtless this is Lieut. C. D. Hess.
Capt. Savage is in one place put down among the wounded, and in another as killed.
Florence Schleret, Co. C, wounded in knee.
John Tackney, Co. B, wounded.
Walter S. Reynolds, D, arm.
D. Webster, Co. F, wounded in leg.
J. H. Hall, Co. D, in shoulder.
C. Hollister, Co. B, not stated whether killed or wounded.
Geo. Hare, Co. C, not stated.
F. Robbins, I, in mouth.
John Tuell, E, not stated.
J. J. Peet, wounded in leg.
C. H. Simpson, Co. B, not stated, in Columbia Hospital.
M. G. Youmans, Co. D, not stated. In Hospital .
J. Walker, leg.
John Anderson, Co. B, not stated. In Trinity Hospital, Washington.
The World has the following list of casualties in Co G and H of the 28th Regiment, both of which were raised here:
Co. G—Capt Jennings, mortally wounded and prisoner; M. Ellis, killed; P. M. Bennett, J. E. Dowd, wounded—and 19 missing.
Co. H—Capt. Davis, Sergeant Davis, Corporal Gleason, C. Grace, G. Robinson, John Mare, J. Dane, W. Ragan, P. O'Neil, M. F. Smith, wounded—and 7 missing.
The Tribune has Capt. Jennings and Capt. Davis put down in two places, both as killed and wounded.
We are sorry to find in the New York Times the name of Capt. Chas. Montgomery, of the 5th N. Y. (Duryea Zouaves,) among those "reported killed." The Tribune classes him among the wounded.
Lieut. Wm. Kidd, Jr., of the 2d Regulars, only son of our respected fellow citizen Wm. Kidd, Esq., is numbered among the killed.
There may be other names in the published lists beside the above, of killed and wounded who belong in this vicinity, but we fall to recognize them in looking over the reports. Doubtless there are many more names yet to be procured—particularly of the killed.

COL. MARSHALL.—It was announced in yesterday afternoon's report, that Col. Marshall, of the 13th, was among the killed in the recent battles. Such was not the case, however. A private dispatch received in this city last evening, certifies to Marshall's safety.

Attention "Old Thirteenth."—There will be a meeting of "Old Thirteenth" this (Monday) evening at 7 1/2 o'clock, at the Armory on Exchange street. Every member is requested to be present. By order
W. R. McKINNON, Leut. Com'dg.
L. S. GIBSON, Orderly.

OLD THIRTEENTH MEETING.—At a meeting of the Old Thirteenth at their Drill Rooms, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, The painful intelligence has been communicated to us that Major Job C. Hedges and Sergeant Collins, formerly members of the "Old Thirteenth," have, while doing their duty as soldiers, fighting the battles for the honor of our nation, fallen, pierced by the enemy's bullets; therefore, Resolved, That we, their former companions in the field, deeply mourn their loss, knowing that not only the remaining members of the "Old Thirteenth," and the relatives of the deceased, have lost true and generous associates and kind and loving friends, but also our beloved country has been deprived of the services of two brave and valiant soldiers, who ever knew their duly and never shrank from faithfully performing it.
Resolved, That we sympathize with the relatives and many friends of the deceased, and, as a token of respect, we wear the usual badge of mourning for 30 days.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the near relatives of our late esteemed comrades, and be also published in the daily papers of this city and Dansville.
H. B. WILLIAMS, Secretary.

The members of the "Old Thirteenth" met at the Mayer's Rooms last evening for the purpose of effecting a permanent civil and military organization. The following officers were elected until May 1st, '1864, when the annual election takes place:
Lieut.. Col. Schoeffel, to be Captain.
Major George Hyland, Jr., to be 1st Lieut.
Lieut. Edward Martin, to be 2d Lieut.
Lieut. Daniel Little, to be Surgeon.
Lieut. Wm. R. Lakeman, to be Assistant Surgeon.
Major George Hyland, Jr., President.
Private Chas. Miller, Vice do
Lieut. D. S. Barber, Corresponding Secretary.
Lieut. W. R. McKinnon, Recording do
Capt. C. S. Benjamin, Treasurer.
The Union Blues have kindly conceded the use of their drill rooms for "off" nights, and the "Vets." will before long "present arms" in public. The "Blues" will be compelled to look well to their laurels, for two years campaigning is a school in which they have served. We hope that the drill will be thoroughly pursued, and that in the Blues and the Veterans of the Old Thirteenth, we may be able to boast of two as fine display companies, as the famous Ellsworth Zouaves.
The real objects of the association are benevolent, and they propose to look after the Interests of "their own" and their families, so that none lack for lucrative situations. In this they will be endorsed by our citizens.
The following is the first article of the constitution stating name and object:
This organization shall be known and distinguished as the "Old Thirteenth," and its object shall be the instruction and promotion of the members in martial exercises and military deportment, and the assistance of returned, especially disabled-soldiers, of the families of soldiers in service, and those who have died in the service of their country. Also to cement more firmly the bonds of union of friendship and brotherhood; the veterans of the 13th Regiment New York Volunteers, and membership, shall only expire with the death of the member.
For the purpose of carrying out the object of the above, a Relief Committee was appointed, consisting of one from each ward.
A petition was ordered to be drawn up and placed in the Arcade for signature to-day, petitioning the city and county authorities to bestow such offices as may be in their gift, and now held by able-bodied citizens, upon such disabled soldiers as may be competent to fill the respective positions.
A lecture will be given probably next week, in Corinthian Hall for the benefit of the company.

THE OLD THIRTEENTH.—We published yesterday the officers elected upon the re-organization of "The Old Thirteenth," as an independent military company. A constitution and by-laws were adopted, upon the following basis of organization:
This organization shall be known and distinguished as the Old Thirteenth, and its object shall be the instruction and improvement of the members in martial exercises, and military deportment, and the assistance of returned, especially disabled, soldiers, and the families of soldiers in service and those who have died in the service of the Country. Also to cement more firmly in the bonds of union, friendship, and brotherhood the veterans of the Thirteenth Regiment N. Y. Volunteers. And membership shall only expire with the death of t he member.
To carry out the above object a relief committee has been appointed, consisting of one from each ward.
The Union Blues have tendered the new company the use of their rooms, for drill, &c. It is proposed to raise a fund for the benefit of the company, by public lectures, the first of which will be delivered next week.

Adjurned Meeting of the Old 13th Volunteers—Resolutions on the Death of Major Sullivan--Organization of an Independent Company.
The adjourned meeting of the members of the Old 13th was held last evening, and was organize by appointing Lieut. Col. Schoeffel President, and Dr. W. H. Lakman, Secretary.
The report of the Committee of Arrangements having been submitted, was unanimously adopted.
The resolutions submitted by the Committee were also unanimously adopted—which are as follows:
Whereas, we have heard with unfeigned sorrow and regret of the sudden and unexpected death of our former comrade in arms, Major Jerry A. Sullivan, of the lst. Veteran N. Y. Cavalry, who fell bravely fighting in defense of his country's rights, in a skirmish, on the 10th of March, at Snickersville, Va.; therefore,
Resolved, that in him we have lost a kind and sincere friend, a noble and generous companion; the community an exemplary citizen, an honorable and upright man, and the army an efficient officer, a brave and gallant defender of "Liberty and Union.''
Resolved, That we as a body can bear testimony to his honorable conduct in the camp and his valor in the field of battle, during his service with our old 13th Regiment; of his untiring devotion to the cause for which has so nobly sacrificed his life, and of his cheerful alacrity and earnest zeal in the performance of each and every duty assigned him.
Resolved, in all the relations of life our departed friend was honored and respected by all who knew him, possessing as he eminently did all those qualities of the mind and heart which won and retained for him the esteem of a very large circle of friends, who as they recall his aimiability of disposition, his generous nature and kindness of heart, will, now that he has been removed from earth, experience with us emotions of the profoundest sorrow and regret at his untimely and premature death.
Resolved, That whilst lamenting his untimely end, we must not be unmindful of his bereaved relatives, to whom we tender our sincerest sympathy and condolence in this afflictive dispensation of an Allwise Being, to whose unfailing love and mercy we commend them.
Resolved, That we, in a body, attend the funeral of our lamented Sullivan, and, in token of our respect for his memory as a soldier and a brother, that we wear mourning for the period of thirty-one days; also, that a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family of our deceased brother, and be published in all the dally papers.
C. S. Benjamin,
Wm. H. Lakeman, Committee
Previous to the adjournment of the meeting, the following resolution was submitted and adopted without a dissenting voice, and signed:
Resolved, That we, late members of the 13th Re'gt. N. Y. State Vols., organize ourselves into an independent military company, or association, to be designated and known as the "Old Thirteenth, for the purpose of drill and of still more firmly cementing our bonds of brotherhood, and that this organization only discontinue with the death of the members.

F. A. Schoeffel James Baird
C. S. Benjamin Daniel J. Wilson
David Little M.D., Henry Geck
W. H. Lakeman, M. D. Lodowick M. Wooden
George Mozier Henry Lomb
John Holliday E. P. Becker
James D. Rut Truman Robbins
John J. Brown Conrad Kuhles
Alber Hawken Herman Schubert
James Conners Wm. Brownell
Law S. Gibson D. S. Barber
Asa R. Snyder Kark Homstatt
John Garvey, Enez. Frankenberg
Charles Miller Peter Smith
Henry C. Hammond Edward Searle
James McCauley George A. Hameberger
John Watson Adolph Nolte
Charles J. Starbird John Marks
Thomas A. Jordan Wm. J. Haynes
Robert Sutton W. J. Cochrane
Henry Mlller N. Olifield
Timothy McGinn J. Fisher
Joseph Kohoe B. Fisher
W. D. Cook A. A. Miller
Michael Gill James G. West
John C. Connolly S. W. Solter
W. G. Hawken Ernest B. Seitz
Jerome Bence Samuel W. Davis
Sam S. Partridge Andrew J. Austin
John Cawthra Patrick A. Duffey
Augustus Burroughs A. G. Cooper
James C. Carr W. C. Johnson

[The above list will be left with the Chairman of the Committee on Constitution and By-Laws, Capt. C. S. Benjamin, who may be found at the Evening Express office, and it is requested that all old members residing out of the city send in their names, or call and sign as soon as possible.]
A committee, consisting of Capt. C. S. Benjamin, Capt. Henry Lomb and Lieut. Partridge, were appointed to report a Constitution and By-Law's for a permanent organization.
The meeting then adjourned.
F. A. S c h o e f f e l , Pres't.
W. H. LAKEMAN, Sec'y.

The Old Thirteenth—A Battallion to be Raised.—We understand that the Old Thirteenth have taken in hand the matter of a Home Guard for this city, and propose to raise a battallion, to consist of the old members of the regiment, veteran soldiers and other military men, besides citizens who choose to volunteer. The talk is to raise a battallion, but in our judgment a full regiment of 1100 men could as well raised as not.
It is understood t h a t the Armory has been tendered by Gen. Williams for drill purposes, and there is no reason why we should not have a strong and effective force for home emergency.
By reference to our dispatches it will be seen that Gov. Seymour has given command of the entire northern frontier of this State, from the east line of Monroe county to the west line of the State of Vermont, to Brig. Gen. John A Green, of Syracuse, ostensibly for the protection of the same from marauding incursions having their origin among refugees and other ill-disposed persons collected in Canada.
This order cuts away a portion of the Brigade District of Brig. Gen. Williams, confining him to Monroe County, simply.

GEN. GRANT AND HIS CIGAR.—A private letter from Lieut. James Hutchinson, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, and formerly of the 13th New York Volunteers, furnishes a little incident wherein Gen. Grant was one of the actors. Lieut. Hutchinson is stationed in Washington, and a few days since was on duty as Officer of the Day at the War Department. An order was in force which forbade smoking in the building, and the sentries were instructed to enforce it. It so happened that among those who called to see Gen. Halleck, was Lieut. Gen. Grant, who approached the door confidently, cigar in mouth, expecting, doubtless, to pass without question; but the veteran soldier on guard knew his duty better. Bringing his piece down to a charge, he barred the General out, and informed him, respectfully, that he couldn't go in and keep his cigar! The Lieutenant General is too good a disciplinarian to dispute such a point; so he yielded, threw the obnoxious weed away and went in. After his departure an order came down from Gen. Halleck rescinding the order about smoking, so far as it affected army officers!



Sergt. B. F. Gibson Randal Sturdy
Corp. J. O'Brien Evan J. Beaumont


Sergt. F. M. Hart, arm Henry Tracy, leg
Sergt. W. R McKinnon, head J.Cleaney, leg & miss'g.
  W. Cosgrove, leg, miss.
Sergt, G. H. Soles, arm C. Morgan, sh'der, miss.
Cor. J. Paddock, arm& shoulder. Chas. Odell, leg.
  Chas. Andrews, leg.
John Brae, slightly D. A. Page, chest, miss.
G. W. Coon, head Senator Ralph, hand
Homer Merrill, arm Corp. S. L. Austin, hand
Lt. Wilson, head Jas. H. Snyder, hand
Jas. C. Carr, shoulder Aug. Griffin, both arms
Thos. Clancy, hand F. Raymond, arm, miss.
John Slate, jaw Corp. S Kemp, jaw
C. T. Beau, shoulder B. Karrs, thigh, miss'g
Corp. Gustave Stohver Henry Hassen, leg.
G. Shaffer, shoulder Sgt. John Garvey, thigh
W. Feiack, leg & arm Color Sgt. J. H. Holoday, thigh
Jacob Hoffman, leg  
Lt. Henry Wynkoop, shoulder Edwin Toole, hand
  Barney Tenling, hand
Corp. Hawkins, sh'der Lt. A. S. Lemur, shou'er and missing
Jas. Connors, thigh  
Samuel Hall, head Geo. Buff, hand
Wm. Leland, missing H. Booth, hand, miss'g
John Holand, missing Alfred Luchhurst, neck and missing
C. Belerave, missing  
Wm. Hawkins, sh'der. Sgt. Wm. Martin, foot
Corp. C.F. Boyden, leg James Webb, side
Corp. E. G. Morrison, neck I. Branch, shoulder
  Bart. Noble, foot, miss.
N. Oldfleld, shoulder Jos. Tyler, foot, miss'g.
Killed .... 4  
Wounded 55  
Missing, not mentioned as wounded 44  
Total. 103  

The Original Co. B, 13th N. Y. Volunteers.
We have found among some old papers the following list of officers and men of the first Company sent out from Dansville for the "War for the Union," and we put it on record now as of interest to all of our
Dansville, April 29, 1861.
To His Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief of the Militia of the State of New York:—
In accordance with the provisions of the act passed April 16, 1861, entitled "An act to authorize the embodying and equipment of a Volunteer Militia, and to provide for the public defence," We, the undersigned, citizens of the State of New York, have associated ourselves together as a Company, to constitute a portion of the force authorized by said act, and hereby enlist to serve for the term of two years, unless sooner discharged, and we hereby designate the following persons as Company Officers, and request that they be commissioned as such:
CARL STEPHAN, for Captain.
GEO. HYLAND, JR., for First Lieutenant.
RALPH T. WOOD, for Ensign.
James Adams...........................Wayland.
Jacob Ash ................................So. Dansville.
Chas. F. Avery……………… Wayland.
Samuel Allen………………... Dansville.
Edward C. Alverson................ “
Mark J. Bunnell...... ................ “
Chas. Y. B e a n . . …………. Groveland.
Hiram Brownell.......................Rogersville.
Daniel Cook ............................Haskinsville.
Philip Conrad. ........................Perkinsviile.
Ardin Cobin............................Wayland.
Henry R. Curtiss.....................Dansville.
Oran H. Cook.......................... "
Alfred W. Carpenter ……….. "
Monroe E. Conklin …..……. Conesus.
Wellington C. Dutober...........Dansville.
Chas. W. Dipple...................... "
Chas. Demarit.........................So. Dansville.
Stephen Easterbrook..............Wayland.
John Eldridge..........................Springwater.
Harlo M. Fitch.........................Dansville.
Endress Renstermacher.......... "
Geo. O. Forest.......................... "
Wm. Frances............................Ossian.
Soloman Freed . . …. . . . . . . . “
Wm. Goodwin . . . . . . . . . . . . Dansville.
Patrick Galbraith.....................Groveland.
Geo. W. Hasler ........................Dansville.
Geo. Hyland, Jr....................... "
Andrew J. Hartman "
David G. Hatch……………… Conesus.
John R. Jones........................... Sparta.
John Johnson …………….…..W. Sparta.
Thomas Jones............................Dansville.
Edward Jones........................... "
Geo. O. Kemp........................... "
Adget Kinney............................Sparta.
Richard C. Ketchum................Rogersville.
Geo. E. Ketchum……………... "
DeForrest P. Lozier..................Dansville.
George Lookins......................... "
Fred. G. Lortz ………………..Groveland.
Geo. M. Morris.........................Conesus.
Henry McGinley.......................Sparta.
Lester B. Morris……………... "
Merritt Moose……………….. "
Joseph Morris.......................... "
N. A. Mitchell...........................Springwater.
Geo. M. Morrison....................So. Dansville.
Jacob Opp................................Dansville.
Chas. Prentice . . . . . . . . . "
Lester Ph e l p s . . . . . . . . . . . "
Sidney E Roberts……………Sparta.
Joseph A. Richardson……… Dansville.
Francis M. Roberts . . . . . . . . . "
E. G. Richardson . . . . . . . . . . . "
Chas. Root................................So. Dansville.
Wm. Steffy...............................Rogersville.
D. D. Stilwell………..……… Dansville.
Geo. B. Stanley. . . . . . . . . . . "
John Slate . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. "
Henry C. Scott "
Carl Stephan. . . . . . . . . . . . . "
Samuel E. Shafer................... "
Chas. Seyler, Jr..................... "
Chas. Stout............................. "
Joseph Steffy..........................Sparta.
James F. Snyder....................Springwater.
Manson Sandborn.................Conesus.
Geo. C. Toles..........................Dansville.
Wesley C. Tiffany................. "
Ralph T. Wood...................... "
Miles O. Wright . . . . . . . . . . "
Erasmus Wellington.............So. Dansville.
Geo. Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
Jacob Wert.............................Dansville.
Nathan Wright.......................Ossian.
Louis Westerman . . . . . . . . . Wayland.


Marie E. Bisbee.

It is the martial sound of drum,
The thrilling pipe is heard!
And now alas! the hour has come,
To say the parting word.
Farewell brave youths, to battle field
Thy country calls thee now!
May He who does the widow shield,
Watch o'er thy fervid brow.
Till the hosanna of the free,
Shall o'er Columbia ring!
And future time with pleasure see,
The triumph thou wilt bring.
On, to the glorious field afar,
Let valor nerve thy arm;
Till from the bold triumphal car,
Red, white and blue encharm,
The warlike cry now fills the plain,
Shall Freedom's banner wave?
Or Slavery with her deepest stain,
Blot out the Freeman's grave.
Heroic youths, with conquering power,
Redeem fair Freedom's land!
Columbia with her God-given dower,
Through thee shall ever stand.

May 1st, 1861.