12th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
On Friday of last week our village presented an unusual lively appearance in consequence of the expected arrival of the remaining members of Co. G; of the 12th Regiment. Several places of business were decorated with national colors, and the streets were alive with people at an early hour.
The arrival of the 5:20 P. M. train (on which the boys were expected) was announced by the booming of cannon and ringing of bells.
The Co. was met at the cars by the Committee of Arrangements, the Canastota Band and the Bruce Guards.
After the usual salutations a procession was formed in the following order:
1st, Committee of Arrangements.
2d, Clergy and Speakers.
3d, Canastota Band.
4th, Bruce Guards under command of Capt. Chas. Crouse.
5th, Returned Volunteers, under Capt. O. T. May, of the 149th Reg. N. Y. V., formerly 1st Lieut. of Co. G. 12th Regt.
The procession marched to the Methodist Church, where, after an opening piece by the Band, a very appropriate Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Stocking. Judge Barlow then delivered the welcoming address in the following language:
Fellow Citizens and Soldiers:
In behalf of the Committee of Reception, I would say, that it is with feelings too deep to be expressed that we welcome your safe return to your homes in our midst. You return from the battle fields of our country with honors never to fade. Two years have passed away since you laid aside the citizen to become the soldier, to exchange the quietude of home for the clamor and carnage of war. You took your lives in your hands and went forth, valiant defenders of the people, against as powerful and relentless' an enemy as ever met Roman or Greek, and you have manifested a courage, honoring not yourselves alone, but your whole country. We claim to share it ourselves, though earned by you at the peril of your blood and lives.
It is due to say that whilst many others stood back with trembling knees when their country called for them, you stepped forth, champions for the strife in which hundreds of thousands have been slain, and made to yourselves a history we all well may envy.
It is not merely in a personal point of view that this subject is to be considered. Whilst you have gained laurels for your own fame, you have aided in proving to the world that we have within ourselves, inherent power to defend against the nations of the earth. You have shown to the world the valor and power of our citizen soldiery, and that our people from their plows and work shops can cope with the standing armies of empires. It is thus that we see in you the grand material of our country's hopes, and feel a pride in conceding to you honors so nobly won.
You have passed through scenes of which we at our quiet homes can have but faint conception. Though many thousands have fallen, carrying mourning through our land, in the providence of God, to whom you bestow your abiding gratitude, you are permitted to return to our midst to assume again the citizen. We welcome, thrice welcome you to our homes."
After Judge Barlow's address, B. F. Chapman, Esq., made a very fitting speech.
A few remarks in behalf of the soldiers were then made by Geo. Ballou, formerly orderly Sergeant in the company, having been discharged in consequence of a wound received in his foot, which disqualified him for further service Though George was not allowed to be present in person with the company during its severest trials, yet his heart was with them, and his claim to being one of their number is not wholely groundless.
Rev. Mr. Wirts next interested the gathering with some very interesting remarks.
Gen. Bruce being present, was called upon and addressed the soldiers and audience, congratulating the warriors on their safe return and exhorting all persons to be energetic in supporting the Government in the prosecution of the war and the maintenance of the Constitution and the Union.
Capt. May being called upon, responded that he could not make a speech, but expressed himself as being highly gratified with the reception given the soldiers by the citizens of Canastota.
Serg't Ballou read the muster roll of the company as it stood when they left here for Syracuse about two years ago. They then numbered eighty-six men, all told, but death, discharges, resignations and desertions having reduced their numbers so that a remnant only of the original company remained to return, ten of them being present on this occasion.
The exercises at the church were concluded with music by the band and three hearty cheers for the returned soldiers.
The procession then re-formed in the order before described, and returned to the Tobey House where it was dismissed.
At 8 o'clock the returned soldiers, together with the Committee of Arrangements, the Speakers and the Clergy, partook of an oyster supper, provided in honor of the occasion, after which the crowd dispersed and the village resumed its former quietude.
THE 12TH TO BE PAID OFF.--The telegraph report yesterday afternoon states that the Paymasters have been sent to Elmira and elsewhere for the purpose of paying off the two years' troops. The old Twelfth will doubtless soon be on their way home.
The Onondaga 12th Regiment returned today from the war, and was welcomed by the citizens of this county with appropriate ceremonies, festivities and rejoicings.
The 51st Regiment and the firemen of Syracuse turned out in large numbers to greet the war worn veterans. An address of welcome was made by Mayor Bookstaver, and was responded to by Col. H. H. Weeks at the Armory, and Hon. T. G. Alvord, responded to Col. H. A. Farnum, at Washington Park.
The public buildings of the city and many private dwellings were beautifully decorated, and evergreen arches with appropriate inscriptions spanned the streets and several points. A grand supper was given by the citizens in the evening at the Voorhees House, in honor of the returned soldiers.
— We have authority from the Governor to reorganize the Old Twelfth Regiment into a cavalry regiment, to be designated the Fifteenth New York Cavalry. The veterans of two years' service will form the nucleus of the organization.
We call upon the patriotic returned volunteers of the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Twenty-first regiments to join us in this pleasant and dashing branch of the service.—The country appreciates your valor, and generously offers the following bounties: for reenlistment, $252; first enlistment, $177.
AUGUSTUS I. ROOT, Lieut. Colonel.
Syracuse, June 1st, 1863.
July 27th, ’63.
MR. Editor:—We the undersigned thinking ourselves unjustly confined, would wish to give a true statement of our case, through the columns of your paper to the public.
We enlisted in the 12th N. Y. S. M. in October 1861, for three years or sooner discharged. After remaining in New York some three months, an order was issued from the War Department, stating that regiments having their full number would be accepted, and they who did not have the number specified by law, were to be disbanded, we being one of the latter, according to the General Order, were disbanded, which information was kept from the men until after being mustered into the 12th N. Y. Volunteers, at Upton's Hill, Va.
We then found that we had been smuggled out of New York by our officers, as 12th N. Y. Militia, when we were not in the service. Our Col. told us we were now the 12th N. Y. Vols., instead of Militia, and our term of service would expire on the 14th of May 1863, the regiments term of service expiring on that date, it being a two years' organization.
We submitted to this, confident that we would be justly dealt with. We went through the Peninsula and Maryland campaign with McClellan, also under Gens. Burnside and Hooker, in Va., and shared the trials and dangers of a soldier's life, as the 12th N. Y. V. up to the 14th of May, 1863.
On the 27th of April the five Militia companies, so called by the companies raised in Syracuse, were ordered to strike tents and form in the color line, in heavy marching order which we did. We then took up our line of march with the brigade to the battle of Chancellorville, leaving the other five companies in camp; we then saw we were to be sold a second time, knowing that the regiments term of service did not expire until the 14th of May. We participated in the battle of Chancellorville, carrying the colors of the 12th N. Y. Volunteers.
We returned to the old camp on the 6th of May, and found our comrades gone with our Col., and all of our field officers, we being commanded by the senior Captain, or would-be Col. Huston. On the 12th he had us taken from the 3rd brigade and put in the 1st, so, he could carry out his plans to the best advantage, the officers of which did not know anything with regard to our case, only as he told them. We were represented by him to the General and officers, as bounty men; which caused them to assist him in his plans, so far as giving him all the bounty men out of the several two year regiments in the division to fill his batallion.
On the 28th of April '63, there was a general order issued from the War Department, No. 108, the paragraphs which relates to our case of the order I enclose, knowing that we were unjustly held by our officers contrary to the above general order from the War Department, we see no way to get redress, only to refuse duty on the 15th of May, our time being justly up on the 14th of said month.
We were ordered under arrest by Capt. Huston where we willingly placed ourselves, awaiting the action of the authorities.
On the 6th of June, Col. Wicks came back from New York; we being under guard he came to see us; we asked him how we became the 12th N. Y. Volunteers, he answered as on previous occasions, that we were disbanded as Militia in New York, and became the 12th Volunteers at Upton's Hill, Va. We did not belong to the service after being disbanded, but were willing to serve in that regiment, which we did up to the date of the said regiment's chart, that being the 14th day of May '63.
The general order mentioned above, showed us that the Government meant we should go home with the regiment but Capt. Huston thinking he could keep us in ignorance of such an order being issued, until he could fasten us in the batallion for three years longer!
We were court-martialed, the sentence not having been read to us, we cannot state here what it is. On the day we left the army at Aldie, Va., to come here, Capt's. Huston and Fowler, Lieut's. Clark, Edie, Corney and Woods were mustered out of service, and the so-called batallion broken up. We give the case as it occurred, to the public. Hoping it will clear us from censure, we remain respectfully yours,
WASHINGTON.—There is no truth in the report that an attempt had been made to poison the New York 12th regiment at Washington. The Colonels of the regiments, however, deem it advisable to exercise the greatest care in purchasing food for their soldiers. There is too much reason to believe that the chivalrous Southron will not scruple to use poison to destroy the defenders of the Union.
RECEPTION OF THE 12TH REGIMENT. The committee of arrangements on the reception of the 12th Regiment N. Y. V., are requested to meet at the Regimental Armory, this (Tuesday) evening, at 7 1/4 o'clock. General Butterfield, of this State, wounded at Gettysburg, is now at his home at West Park, Dutchess county. Major-General Peck is in Syracuse. Admiral Goldsborough has passed through this city Westward.
NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS.—The Colonelcy of the New York Twelfth ought not, as it does, to go begging. It is now offered to Captain Ross, U. S. A. who is at Syracuse on recruiting service.
NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS.—A gentleman direct from Washington, says that the Onondaga Regiment has been notified that they are ranked among the three months volunteers, and will be allowed to return home at the expiration of that term of service, which will be completed on the 16th of next month.
Lieutenant Morgan, U. S. A., a son of Judge Le Roy Morgan, of Syracuse, has been stationed in Utah for several years, but is now daily expected home. It is proposed to tender him the Colonelcy of the Twelfth (Onondaga) Regiment, which now only needs a competent commanding officer.
[Special Correspondence of the N. Y. Sunday Mercury.]
Strength of the Regiment—-How Deserters are to be Served—Ten Thousand Union Cavalry Gone to Culpepper—Uniform for Regulars—Paying Off—A Curious Story.
Falmouth, Va., April 13, 1863.
This morning, our cavalry, under Gen. Stoneman, to the number of 10,000, struck tents, and commenced their march to Culpepper. The men carried three day's rations, and were followed with pack-mules, carrying five days' more. The cavalry is supported by a strong infantry force. The precise nature of the movement is well known. Should this force be successful in its object, I am given to understand that the entire Army will act in concert. Ere this appears in print, it is probable there will be something worth communicating, and the motives for secrecy at an end. The ball now may be said to be opened.
The Regulars are to get a uniform to distinguish them from the Volunteers. The Second Division of this Corps is mostly composed of them. They were paid off to-day and yesterday; so that we soon expect a similar favor. The past week has been warm, indeed, so much so as to render it a little uncomfortable, some finding it necessary to adopt means to woo a cooling current of air through their tents. The weather seems to have regularly taken up, and in a short time mud will be a thing of the past.
Rather a curious story is going the rounds of the camps lately. In the One Hundred and Eighteenth Pennsylvania Regiment—known as the "Corn-Exchange Regiment"—is a supposed young man, who was promoted a Corporal for meritorious conduct at Sheppardstown—being no less than saving the colors of the regiment. This individual was taken sick about a week since, and not being able to leave the tent, the doctor attended the patient there. When the Son of Esculapius retired, it was found he left behind in that tent two, where he found but one on his entrance. The second was a young soldier of some minutes old. The young fellow gave notice of his arrival in camp with huzzas that would not be hushed.
The regiment is in commission by seven or eight months.
Conformably to General Orders, No. 25, a muster of this army was held on the 10th inst. So far as this Regiment is concerned the following facts were elicited, viz:—Strength of Regiment when it left Upton Hill, March, 1862, 1,040; present strength, including recruits since received, 585; of latter number, absent, sick and wounded, 208; present for duty, 317. These figures include officers of line, staff, and field, and are almost equal in two and three years' men. Capt. Cromie, one of our best officers, has received an honorable discharge in consequence of wounds, and Lieuts. Scanlan and Stanton discharges of another kind.
Every day lately brings more or less men from the convalescent camps. Some deserters, too, are coming in, many under the idea of being discharged with the honor of those who have been true to their flag and engagements. But those who have not come forward before the 1st of April will find the scales turned. Two who reported to this regiment behind the days of grace were sentenced by court-martial to serve a future period equal to that absent, and without pay. We wanted examples and stricter discipline, and we are going to have both. Some others, who refused duty, were fined each $50. This is the way to render the army effective and to put down insubordination, desertion, straggling, and running. A—, Color Guard.
RECEPTION AT MARATHON.—Some of the members of the Twelfth reached Marathon last Saturday evening, and were heartily received by the citizens. A supper was given at the Carley House, and a reception speech made by Rev. Mr. Lyon.
The World correspondent, in his letter descriptive of the first affair at Bull's Run, says:
The New York Twelfth (Onondaga county Regiment, Col. Walrath) were rebuked by Col. Richardson for falling back after firing only a single volley. But they were not to blame. Sent in to cover our two howitzers, they advanced within a rod of the enemy's ambuscade, and were then saluted with a continuous stream of the most galling fire experienced during the action. To load, fire, or shelter under such deathful volleys, was impossible. If their Colonel had not ordered them back when he did, few of them would have come out alive.
Twelfth (Onondaga) Regiment.—Ensign Charles B. Randall to be Captain, September 3, 1861, vice J. C. Irish, (of Canastota, Madison county) resigned. Ulysses D. Eddy to be Ensign, September 20, 1861, vice Charles B. Randall, promoted.
[Special Correspondence of the Sunday Mercury.]
Hospital Female Nurses Turning to be Thieves--Reflections—How the Discovery was Made-Other Robberies—A Warning—Temperence Meeting—Its Effect—Officers to Assist in the Draft, etc.
During the past five or six weeks this hospital has been the scene of several thefts. The Ward Master (Sergeant Gaskill) and several of the patients have had sums of money taken from them during the hours of sleep, or whilst insensible from sounds and sickness. More recently, one of the latter had his watch taken, and another a purse and fifteen dollars. Inquiry was instituted in these cases, but without any definite results, though suspicion was attached to parties which recent developments have proved innocent, and which have brought the crime home to those who should, and were thought the least capable of it—the female nurses, Mrs. Margaret Clements and Mrs. Catherine Dougherty. From their mock kindness, sympathy, attentions, and qualifications, they stood high, not only in the opinions of those who were the objects of their seeming solicitude, but also those of the medical gentlemen of the institution. In fact, everything, apparently, was in their favor, and they were the last persons who, from acts and demeanor, could be deemed "wolves in sheep's clothing". Many a depraved nature and guilty conscience are cloaked from the world's view by studied appearances and the assumption of characters as foreign to their true nature as the antipodes. If we could only tear off the false mask from the world, what startling revelations would be made. Think you, if "Honest Abe" were omniscient only for a moment, how many faithful servants to the country and the exchequer could he count? I imagine a number less than the righteous persons of Sodom and Gomorrah. Four, I believe, were found in them; but I think the number here would be limited to the "Disbanded Volunteer". What other inference can we come to, when the homes of the sick and infirm are made the theatre of robbers, and when the articles necessary for their use and comfort become their prey. I don't intend to moralize, but I want to show those persons in their true light, and how they should, in future, be regarded by all who know them—this conduct suggesting so broad an inference, that I found it impossible to pass it by without comment. I hope their shame and disgrace will prove a salutary lesson to others; and now, sir, I will explain how suspicion was excited, and culpability established.
One of the patients imagined he saw Mrs. Clements …
THE 12TH TO BE MUSTERED OUT AND PAID OFF.—An officer under orders to pay off the 13th and 12th Regiments, passed through this city yesterday on his way to Rochester, where he will pay the 13th. He will then proceed to Elmira, and do likewise by the 12th, after which they will be mustered out, and return home, probably on Friday.
Lieut.-Colonel Root has issued the following—
Syracuse, May 12th, 1862.
All Officers and enlisted men are ordered to report to Colonel Weeks, at Elmira, at once.--the Paymaster having passed through this city on his way to Elmira, yesterday. A. I. Root,
Lieutenant-Colonel 12th N. Y. V.
GEN. BUTTERFIELD.—A despatch dated Baltimore 7th, has the following:
Maj. Gen. Butterfield passed through town to-day for his home in New York. His injuries are more severe than at first supposed. He suffers internally and moves about with difficulty. Gen. Warren is now performing the duties of Chief of Staff.
FROM SYRACUSE. Syracuse, N. Y., Thursday, May 2, 1861.
To-day is a gala one for Syracuse. The streets have scarcely ever been so full of people. The Onondaga regiment, ten full companies, 809 men, under command of Col. Walradth, left at 1 p. m. for their rendezvous at Elmira. The Fire Department turned out as an escort with full ranks, with banners, music, cannon, etc. The public enthusiasm is wrought up to the highest pitch. The regiment fills sixteen passenger cars, and go by special train to Canandaigua.
NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS.--Capt. William F. Tully, of the 13th New York Volunteers, (the Rochester Regiment,) has been court-martialed and dismissed from the service.
NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS.—Hon. George Geddes only delays his acceptance of the Colonelcy of the Twelfth Regiment until his physician shall assure him that his health will admit of active service. The commissioned officers of the Twelfth were unanimous in selecting Mr. Geddes for commander. The Syracuse Journal says he is the only man now left in the county, whose education and ability fit him for the position. The Twelfth has now about 400 men left, all of whom have served six months, and are said to be under good discipline. Col. Walrath having resigned, and Major Louis having been killed, the regiment is sadly in need of a head, and it is hoped that Mr. Geddes will soon determine upon his course in the matter.
—Col. Walrath, of the Onondaga regiment, (12th) has been entirely cleared of charges cowardice and incompetency, by the verdict of a Court of Inquiry, which awards to the Colonel high praise for his conduct at Bull's Run. Capt. Locke, of the same regiment, was charged with giving the order to retreat, unauthorized. This charge was not sustained before a Court of Inquiry.
—The commissioned officers of the Onondaga Regiment (12th) have unanimously chosen Hon. George Geddes for Colonel, in place of Walrath in whose hands the regiment has fallen into a deplorable state of demoralization. Desertion has reduced the number from 780 to two or three hundred available men. Recruiting for it has actively commenced, and Col, Geddes will restore the regiment to efficiency if any man can.
Forty members of the Twelfth reached here from Elmira last night, by way of the Binghamton Railroad, and the same number came this morning, by way of Canandaigua and the Central Railroad. They were all heartily welcomed by their friends, and are warmly greeted everywhere. They will return to Elmira to be paid off and mustered out.
— About fifty members of the old Twelfth, reached here last evening via the Binhampton road, and about forty more are on the way, via Canandaigua. They will all return to Elmira to be mustered out. A crowd of several hundred persons gathered about a few of the boys in front of the Globe Hotel and for a few moments there was a scene of pleasurable excitement. They did not, however, appear to be anxious for lionizing and dispersed to their homes as quickly as possible. Without exception those who have returned look well.
—We regret to learn that Hon. George Geddes declines to take command of the Onondaga regiment. He might have done a great deal of good to the country in that capacity—but he is a candidate for State Senator. The Syracuse Journal inquires: "Is this the measure of his patriotism?"
TELEGRAPHIC DESPATCHES of the latest dates, will be found in our columns every morning.
The Twelfth Regiment will leave Elmira this morning at five o'clock and will reach Geneva, via Seneca Lake, at ten o'clock, where they will take the Express train for this city, arriving here at one o'clock. In case the boat should not connect with the train at Geneva, the regiment will take a special train, and reach here an hour later.
As the train bearing the returning regiment enters the city, a salute of thirty-four guns will be fired. The soldiers will be disembarked at Clinton street, where the 51st regiment under Col. Hawley, and the Fire Department under Chief Engineer Welch will be drawn up to receive them. They will then be escorted to the Armory Park where they will be formally welcomed by Mayor Bookstaver. It is expected Lieut.-Col. Root or Lieut.-Col. Richardson, or both, will respond very briefly, after which the procession will re-form and march to Washington Park in the First Ward, where the following exercises will be gone through with:
1. National salute.
2. Prayer—Rev. J. M. Reid.
3. Music.
4. Welcoming Address—Hon. T. G. Alvord.
5. Reply on behalf of the Regiment—Col. H. A. Barnum.
6. Music.
7. Benediction—Rev. Mr. Ball.
8. Refreshments.
Returning the procession will march as follows:
From the Park to Court street, through Court, street to North Salina street, down Salina street to Lodi street, down Lodi street to James street, down James street to Lock street, down Lock street to Genesee street and around Fayette Park, thence to Jefferson street and down Jefferson street to the Armory. The procession will then be dismissed, when a Dress Parade of the 12th and 51st regiments will take place.
A large number of arches are being erected under the direction of the Common Council Committee of Arrangements, the Firemen and others, on the route the regiment will take on its march through the city. They will be as follows: double arches over the Salina street bridge, one in Hanover Square, one on the corner of Genessee and Warren streets, one at the Fayette Park, one on Salina street before the Presbyterian Church and one over the Armory balcony. Flags will be exhibited from the public buildings, residences, places of business, &c.
In the evening a grand dinner to be attended by all the officers and soldiers of the Twelfth and by citizens generally, will be given at the Voorhees Home. Mayor Bookstaver will preside. The public are invited.
It is earnestly requested that citizens do all in their power to honor the heroes of the old Twelfth on their return, by decorating their houses appearing on the streets, &c.
Headquarters 51st Reg't., N. G. S. N. Y.,
Syracuse, May 20th, 1863.
Commandants of Companies A, B, D, E, H and I, are ordered to report themselves with their respective commands, armed and equipped as the law directs, at the Regimental Armory, Thursday, May 21st, at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of receiving the 12th regiment, N. Y. V., upon their arrival, also to serve as an escort in parade.
By order of Col. Hawley.
Geo. A. Ostrander, Ad'jt.
FLING OUT THE FLAGS.--Let every householder who owns a flag, throw it to the breeze this morning, in honor of the returning soldiers of our gallant Twelfth. If you have not a flag throw out the tri-color, or if nothing better can be done borrow your wife's balmoral, and put that where the soldiers can see it. 'Twill do them good!
GEN. BUTTERFIELD.—This gallant officer, formerly Chief of Gen. Hooker's staff, and who was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, passed up on the Hudson River Railroad last evening in the 6:12 train en route for his residence at West Park. The General looks pale, but otherwise feels very well under the circumstances. He is not as was stated seriously injured.
— There is a probability that Lieut. Snyder, of the regular army, who was with Anderson at Sumter, will be made Colonel of the Onondaga regiment, which will then be filled up by the addition of unattached companies from this State, and by recruiting.
We learn that Capt. Ryder of the 12th New-York Volunteers, whose death was reported in our issue of yesterday is only slightly wounded, and bore Gen. Porter's dispatches from the battle-field to the War Department.
— The 12th (Onondaga) regiment have, much to their satisfaction, been transferred from the brigade of Gen. Richardson, of Michigan, to that of Gen. Wadsworth, of New York.
— In one of the skirmishes on McClellan's lines in Virginia on Tuesday, one of the New York 12th (Syracuse) regiment was killed, and two wounded.
The twelfth regiment, New York volunteers, Col. Walrath, left their camp, near Benni... Bridge, later in the afternoon, and went over by way of the Chain Bridge. The boys were "... and happy", at the prospect before them of going into more active duties, and as they marched along) singing "I wish I was in Dixie," they excited a great deal of attention.
NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS.—Surgeon Pease, of the Onondaga regiment, (who by the way, is a physician and gentleman of very high standing,) writes from Washington:
" This war must be conducted on more intelligent principles, or still greater disasters await it. When will men clothed in a little brief authority cease to play fantastic tricks? An idiot ought to know that we can not march twenty miles in six hours, eating but two or three crackers and an ounce or two of raw pork, and then put forth constant, unremitting effort for eight more weary hours—such hours and such work as were assigned to the Twelfth Volunteers on the terrible 18th."
Honor to the Brave,
Yesterday the city of Utica, and County of Oneida, did honor to two regiments of discharged soldiers, the 14th and 26th regiments, recruited for two years service. Stores and places of business generally were closed,— triumphal arches were erected, flags floated from public and private buildings,— bells were rung, cannon fired, and a procession of military, fire companies, and civic societies escorted the returned heroes about the city. That was as it should be. Let the brave be honored. Let those who have imperiled life, suffered the hardships of the march and the camp,—faced the fire of murderous battle, all for love of our glorious institutions, receive the heartfelt welcome of every patriotic individual.
On the 16th of June next, the remnant of our own gallant 34th regiment will be honorably dismissed. During its service, its ranks have been thinned by many bloody battles,—but whether upon the march, in camp or on picket,— standing under a galling fire, or charging upon the enemy, it has borne itself nobly, and confered honor upon our county. Let them be received in a becoming manner, and as they so richly deserve. It is time that a public meeting be called, that delegates from every town in the county may be present. Who will move in the matter?
RECEPTION AT CANASTOTA.—CO. G of the Twelfth is from Canastota, and the returning members are to have a proper reception by the people of that village.
DEATH OF A GALLANT OFFICER.—The Kinderhook Rough Notes chronicles the death of Lieut. Charles L. Van Slyck, who resided in this city for a short time, where he was very well known. He was killed on the 27th of May in a charge of the 12th N. Y. Regiment, upon the fortifications of Port Hudson. Having both legs shot away at the knee, he still continued to fire at the enemy until he received a fatal wound in the breast.
Deceased enlisted as a private under his younger brother, Capt. George Van Slyck, and was promoted by regular graduation to the position of 1st Lieut. His mother has two sons remaining in the service of the Government, one in the army, the other in the ...
THE FLAG OF THE TWELFTH.-The battle-worn flag of the Old Twelfth was taken to Albany by Lieut. Col. Root this morning, and will there be deposited in the State's custody for preservation. A building is to be set apart by the State for the preservation of mementoes of the New York Volunteer regiments, and already many articles, estimated beyond price for their historical value, including a number of the battle-flags, have been deposited. The flag of the Twelfth has an honorable place in the rich collection.
(Sept. 1862)
This favorite regiment, commanded by Colonel H. A. Weeks, which has gained so high a reputation for its bravery and discipline on many a hard fought battle field, is now in want of recruits to fill up its thinned ranks.
Captain Fowler has been detailed for recruiting duty, and has opened offices at 569 Broadway and 546 Pearl street, where he will pay the highest bounty to all recruits who will enlist in the old Twelfth.
SYRACUSE, N. Y., Thursday, May 2.
To-day is a gala one for Syracuse. The streets have scarcely ever been so full of people. The Onondaga Regiment, ten full companies, 809 men, under command of Col. Walrath, left at 1 P. M. for their rendezvous at Elmira. The Fire Department turned out as an escort, with full ranks, with banners, music, cannon, etc. The public enthusiasm is wrought up to the highest pitch. The regiment fills 16 passenger cars, and go by special train to Canandaigua.
Oswego, Thursday, May 2.
Two companies of Oswego Volunteers, Capts. E. M. Paine and Frank Miller, will start from here at 8 o'clock to-morrow, for Elmira. The companies are chiefly composed of well-drilled and efficient men from our city military. Three additional companies are forming. An Oswego regiment will shortly be in the field.
Yesterday afternoon the remains of Thomas Benbow, the member of Company F, of the Twelfth regiment, who died in Washington of congestion of the brain, were conveyed to their last resting place in Greenwood. A large number of the friends of deceased assembled at his late residence, 118 West Twenty-fourth street, all the neighbors congregated round the premises, and Company K of the regiment in which he was a volunteer took their position in the street to escort his body to the cemetery. Thomas Benbow was a smart young man, and very much endeared to his family and friends, as the tears which flowed at his funeral yesterday abundantly attest. He was seventeen years and five months of age at the time of his death, and was the only son of his parents. Thomas, it is said, was determined upon going to the wars; nothing could restrain him; and his determination was the inspiration of patriotism rather than a spirit of reckless adventure; yet he went against the remonstrances of his parents, and those premonitions of danger which some of us receive, and which told them that their son would never return alive, were sadly realized by them. At two o'clock, the house being crowded with mourning and sympathizing relatives and friends, Rev. William Roberts, pastor of the Welsh church, in Thirteenth street, conducted the funeral services. He read the 16th verse of the 22d chapter, of Job:—"When a few years are come then I shall go away, whence I shall not return," which he took as the foundation of a few remarks. Deceased, he said, was born in Llandloes, Montgomeryshire, in Wales, and came to this country when a child. His firm resolution was to sacrifice his life on the altar of the Union, and to ratify the articles of the constitution with deeds of valor to the latest moment of his existence. Mr. Roberts made some spiritual reflections upon death in several of its aspects, and at the close improved the occasion by making an appeal to those present to prepare for it. The friends then passed round and took their last look at the remains. When the family were invited to take the farewell glance, it seemed as if every heart but theirs stood still. Out of the solemn silence which reigned for a moment rose the mourning cries of the bereaved; the little sisters kissed the lips now closely sealed in death, and the mother clung to them, reluctant to part with the lifeless form of her only son. The coffin was covered with the American flag, whose honor the deceased young man had gone forward to defend. Surrounded by every mark of respect, it was placed in the hearse. It was then escorted by company K of the regiment, the friends following in carriages, to Greenwood Cemetery.
A GALLANT SOLDIER.—Among the members of the Twelfth, who have reached here is Sergeant Abram Farnie, the gallant Color-bearer of that regiment. He is most gladly welcomed by his old friends, and many new ones who admired his sturdy bravery while bearing the flag of his regiment over a dozen battle-fields.
From the Elmira Advertiser.
The following lines were written on seeing the old flag brought home by the Twelfth New York Volunteers:
Back from the wars the brave Twelfth came,
With Banner all scarred and torn,
Which once waved gay to many a breeze,
Ere to war it was upborne;
When the war cloud in darkness had settled down,
Like a pall o'er the Union cause,
And scarce its silver lining shown,
Thy folds were flung to the breeze.
Through the battle's smoke and cannon's roar,
Where flashed the shot and shell,
Thou wast borne aloft by patriot hands,
And did thy part bravely and well.
Three cheers then give for the brave old flag,
And they who fought under its folds,
For honors were never more gracefully won,
By this treasure more precious than gold.
Elmira, May 4, 1863. M. J. C.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
I was glad to see in your columns a friendly notice of the New York Twelfth Volunteers. To your next list of gallant Colonels furnished by Oneida county, for the defense of the Government, please to add that of its Lieutenant-Colonel commanding. There is not in the volunteer service a more intelligent and efficient officer than Robert M. Richardson, who was reared at Vernon and is a graduate of Hamilton College. For his indomitable perseverance and self-command, none of his acquaintance will hesitate to vouch. The Regiment has been sifted of its worthless elements and measures taken for its immediate filling up to the maximum standard, and I predict for its future, a career honorable to its officers, and creditable to any locality from which recruits for its ranks may be sent. H. H. T.
THE 12TH—RETURNING MEMBER.—Lieut.-Col. Root, of the Twelfth, issues the following order:
Syracuse, May 12, 1863.
All officers and enlisted men are ordered to report to Col. Weeks at Elmira, at once the Paymaster having passed through this city on his way to Elmira yesterday.
Lieut. Col. 12th N. Y. V.
We publish to-day a full list of the returning members of the Twelfth. It is a Roll of Honor that will interest every loyal citizen of Onondaga county. The list contains two hundred and seventy-five names.
It is now deemed probable that the Twelfth will reach here on Thursday or Friday of this week,—the Paymaster being prepared to settle with them to morrow.
The Committee of Arrangements on their reception are requested to meet at the Regimental Armory this (Tuesday) evening at 7 ½ o'clock.
TO RAISE A COMPANY.--Lieut. Michael Auer, of the Old Twelfth, will open a recruiting office in this city in a few days, for the purpose of recruiting a company for cavalry or artillery service. Lieut. Auer joined the Twelfth as a private, gallantly earned his Lieutenant's commission, and proved himself one of the best officers in the regiment. A large number of the soldiers, from different regiments, recently returned to this city, have expressed a determination to re-enlist, and many of them will doubtless embrace this opportunity to go under a tried officer, whom they know and in whom they have confidence.
Complete List of the Returning Officers and Privates.
Colonel—Henry A. Weeks.
Lieutenant-Colonel—Augustus J. Root.
Adjutant—George F. Watson.
Quartermaster—Porter R. Alger.
Assistant Surgeon—George V. Skiff.
Quartermaster Sergeant—Edwin R. Trull.
Commissary Sergeant—William Michael.
Hospital Steward—James W. Webb.
Captain—Thomas J. Behan.
First Lieutenant—Cortland Clark.
Second Lieutenant—Abram Fairnie
Byron Gilbert
Wm. B. Patterson
Henry Dallman
Geo. B. Pratt
Seymour VanCamp
James A. Phillips
Charles E. Furman
John Taylor
Geo. H. Wright
Chas. R. Vroman
Charles W. Foot
Musician—W. S. Barker.
Hiram S. Allen
Abram Andrews Robert C. Ball
Robert Bell
Harvey Brown
James N. Baker
Willard Bixby
Cephas Barker
James Case
John F. Case
George W. Colwell
George W. Dakin
John Dedell
Patrick Dwire
Lockhart G. Duff
John Edgar
Samuel A. Edgar
Lewis S. Edgar
Samuel J. Edwards
John Ferguson
John Gardner
Leroy Gray
Pearl K. Hall
John Harrison
Wm. W. Harrington
Henry H. Hitchcock
Chas. S. Hyatt
William Hatt
Richard T. Husteed
Joel Jepson
Wm. H. H. Lawton
Charles Mudford
Nirom Morehouse
James Nixon
Frederick Oliver
Edward Otis
Miles Penfield
Edwin Pitts
Kneeland Riggs
John Snyder
Edwin H. Rector
Newton B. Randall
Charles B. Rosegrant
George H. Shearer
Henry Taylor
John Judkins
Horace Hazin
Geo. H. Williamson
Captain—Stephen A. Estes.
Second Lieutenant—F. O. Waters.
Elias E. Van Slyke
Michael Canty
John Gallagher
William Peters
Albert P. Stage.
A. H. Wilkins
Maxwell McCallan
DeWitt Dubois
D. W. Vickery
Thomas Bankhurst
H W. Brooks
John Brown
Isaac Burgduff
Elihu C. Burt
Emory Bridgeford
John C. Beach
John H. Colyer
Henry C. Fiske
John Grider
Ralph Hollenbeck
Joseph Jenks, .
Nelson Kimball.
James Phillips
John Richardson
Geo. H. Reynolds
Moses Sarr
George Snyder
James Thompson
Elisha Veeder
Jeremiah Wermuth
Edward Younglove
Absent sick
Nathan Richardson
Hiram McGonegal
Captain—Peter Straus.
Second Lieutenant—George Boiter.
Silas A. Carpenter
Edward Pointer
William Millerhouse
George Kaufman
Max Fix.
Nichols Becker
Joseph Butler
William Duffin
George Schuder
George Abbott
Wilkins Bridgeford
Jacob Bucha
Albert Beacham
Henry Christia
Pearce Caggay
Elias Case
Joseph Case
George Cook
Horace Day
Antoine Deppert
John Dower
Killean Falstig
Bradley Farnham
James Gibberson
Thomas Hart
Nichols Hennie
George Harr
John Kurtz
Peter Lang
James Lord, .
John Martin
William McMannis
James Osborne,
Lorrin Paulk
William Prindle
John Rutney
George Rollman
Webster Ransom
Lucius Ramsey
Matt. Sharer
Henry Sharer
Peter Sattler
Timothy Shean
Frederick Sidel
Martin Schrader
Cornelius Vanalstine,
Jacob Houck
John Weber
Eldon Wright
Frederick Whicker
James McMath
George Gordon
George Sonder
Captain—Edward Drake.
First Lieutenant—Michael Auer.
Second Lieutenant—Dexter Smith.
Joseph W. Mercer
Alburtis Webb
John H. Leonard
Dennis Whitford
John H. Phillips
D. W. Jones
Charles W. Green
Edward McConville
H. P. Hiscock
Willet H. Britton
Meredith Squares.
Eugene Barber
Charles Babbett
Amos Baldwin
A C. Barker
Joseph Beach
Joseph Behm
R. C. Bishop
J. Bisgrove
R. T. Bush
A. Carney
James Coleman
J. M. Couch
A. J. Donaldson
George C. Dixon
Timothy Dwire
Stephen Hall
H. W. Hitchcock
Edwin M. Hodgkins
Daniel Hodgerman
V. R. Houghtaling
Seth H. Kingsley
E. T. Leahy
John Murphy
H. S. Nearing
Edwin A. Noble
F. H. Orr
P. Ostrander
William Oxley
C. R. Phillips
C. W. Reed
A. R. Radway
James Ryan
Charles Todd
Norman Thompson
E. O. Thompson
George Wilson
E. F. Whitcombe
G. B. Wheele
J. E. Sullivan
E. S. Radway
J. V. Lounsburg
George M. Roe
George Hoyt
L. B. Wood
Captain—Charles B. Randall.
First Lieutenant—S. Dexter Ludden.
Second Lieutenant—John B. Foote.
Michael Foley
James F. Taylor
Joshua P. Taylor
William Stanton
John McGough
H. Ferguson
Wm. Enright
John McGraw
Dennis Kennedy
Edwin Brown
Chas. A. Whipple
Jefferson R. Davis
F. M. Lincoln.
Geo. A. Barnrer
A. G. Bentley
Joseph Bloedt
James Brayley
John Briggs
Richard Burke
John Clark
Zeolotus Colby
James Conway
Chas. F. Davenport
Hugh Davison
Martin W. Dean
Robert Dearlove
Patrick Dervin
Owen Dorsey
Francis Doyle
John Edel
John J. Firth
Wm. Fickland
Edward Follert
Jacob Frietley
John Fox
Ambrose Frederick
Patrick Garrity
Francis Gillespie
Wm. Hallam
Harvey Hedger
Charles A. Hickox
Jacob Heiber
Barney Karker
Henry Kausbahn
George Keeme
Patrick McCue
John McDonell
James McGough
Albert A. Mead
Peter Michlin
Frank Murphy
Wm. H. Nichols
John Nold
John Regan
Joseph Salmon
James Shepard
Bradley Smith
Hiram W. Smith
Timothy Tiernay
G. W. Tuttle
Edward Fitzmaurice
Jerome McLean
James Mahar .
We publish below the eloquent reply of Col. Barnum to the address of welcome to the 12th regiment, delivered in the First Ward by Hon. T. G. Alvord at the reception on Thursday last. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:
We to-day are enacting no common event--Since the day that smiled on Webster, as he took to his bosom for his bride the dark-browed maiden of the forest, and pitched his wigwam on the fertile plains of Onondaga, our country has witnessed no occurrence analagous to that of the present. Cast with me a backward glance adown the long vista of years that have followed each other in solemn procession into the vast eternity of the past, to when the sturdy pioneer halted in his westward march amid these picturesque hills, and we find that his avocation was that of peace. He leveled his trusty rifle only to destroy the rapacious wild beast, or rammed home the lead only to muster out the more dangerous Indian foe. The pioneer's sons followed his pursuits and together the wolf and the savage fled over the western hills to escape the sound of the woodman's axe or the cheerful whistle of the plowboy; and the added industry of our fathers made Onondaga the cultivated, rich and powerful county that she is. Even with us until two short years ago "all our ways were ways of pleasantness, and all our paths were peace." Four score years of patient industry and ardent devotion at the shrine of freedom had reared for us the proud temple of American Liberty. But two short years ago this temple stood in all its perfectness and grandeur. The minstrel's songs of peace, plenty, national harmony and unity, echoed their pleasing tones through all its corridors, and its massive dome was a protecting aegis over the whole of our happy country. Then it was that the insurgent guns aimed at Sumter's devoted walls resounded in our ears "like the falling of an oak in the stillness of the forest." You well remember with what astonishment we beheld a class of desperate men in the frenzy of rage at being deprived of political power by the verdict of a free people, inaugurate aggressive war, and seek to destroy the fair temple of liberty with the avowed purpose of building upon a portion of its ruins a political structure whose corner-stone should be human bondage, whose turrets and dome should wave the black flag of despotism. But the red hand of treason had no sooner been clearly seen above the Southern horizon than the free North resounded with the tread of armed men marching to the defence and for the maintenance of that liberty, which was as dear to the astounded patriots of the South as to the aroused freemen of the North, then it was that the sons of Onondaga, with compressed lips and contracted brows rushed to arms, pausing only to return the farewell pressure of the hand, to snatch yet another kiss from the lips of loved and weeping ones. Eight hundred and thirty-two ardent men left our city and betook themselves to the tented fields. To-day you meet to do honor to the remnant of that gallant band who have escaped the pestilences' wasting breath and the battles' death-dealing missiles. And what have these men done to entitle them to this joyous ovation and this spontaneous welcome at your hands? In that line of bronzed and hardy men you see the representatives of the 12th New York Volunteers, the regiment which you have but just declared you are proud to call your own. They it is who struck the first blow dealt by the Army of the Potomac, and it is they who have participated in the brilliant series of engagements which will give to that army one of the most glowing pages of history. Plunged into a vortex of death at Blackburn's Ford, they emerged from that endowed by the disaster with a determination, amounting almost to desperation, to yet win for themselves a fame in the brilliancy of which their misfortune should be lost, and the county of their home made glorious. How well they have accomplished this purpose, I need not here detail; a glance at that tattered and war worn flag, all glorious in its rags, will tell the tale. Their name will be inseparably, connected with the deeds of the grand army, and history cannot be written without doing them honor. These men, standing elbow to elbow, have been for two years a living breastwork, shielding your liberties and giving peace to your homes. Foremost in the gallant contest at Hanover Court House—firm as adamant at Gaines' Mills, where with their brave comrades of the 3d brigade, they successfully withstood the maddened assaults of thrice ten thousand foes—even cheerful at glorious old Malvern Hill, where the long day through they lay while plunging shot and screeching shell made the field a rich harvest for death, and when night was settling on the scene "At once there rose so wild a yell.
As all the fiends of Heaven that fell, Had raised the banner cry of Hell," which was but the prelude to the fearful onslaught of myriads of desperate rebels, they it was who hastened to meet the coming blow and hurled back in wild confusion the discomfited enemy. Conspicuous at Manassas, Antietam and Frederickburg, and prominent in a score of minor actions, this is the service from which they come. Though now they seek the peaceful walks of life they will hold themselves ever ready to strike the war path in defence of our freedom, and glad would they be I know to shoulder again the musket and buckle on the sword lo punish our foreign foes, and humble the insolent pride of "perfidious Albion."
Let me now commend to your kind care these veteran soldiers. Honor them for their glorious deeds and sustain them in their undertakings. Alas that there are so few to claim your care! How many have gone down in death that shortened line of men will tell, and while I ask for these survivors your kind offices, with earnest fervor I entreat you to care for the friends of those who have fallen. The gushing tear and painful sob that may now be seen and heard all through this vast assembly shows how deep the grief of these who mourn and how numerous are they who seek in vain among these thinned ranks for the loved forms and beaming smiles of those who have gone down in the battles' fray or wasted by disease, have closed their eyes in death dis- tant far from home. O! take these mourners to your heart of hearts, and lighten their griefs by ministering to their needs in place of their natural supporters. And now in the name of the 12th Regiment, I thank you for not only this happy welcome, but also for all your kind remembrances during their absence. As you glory in their brave deeds, so do they glory in loved old Onondaga and the, valued friends of home.
A CANASTOTA VOLUNTEER'S EXPERIENCE IN BATTLE.—The Following letter from Frank Gates, a Volunteer in Col. Walrath's regiment, is communicated by his father for publication:
Washington, July 23, 1861.
DEAR PARENTS:—To relieve your anxiety, I hasten to inform you that Frank is still in the land of the living. We arrived in this city yesterday, and I should have written to you then if I had not been completely exhausted. Until yesterday afternoon I had not received half an hour's sleep for eighty hours; so you may well imagine that I was pretty well worn out when we came here. After reaching this city I made my way straight to the Capitol, where, by the kindness of one of the Congressmen, I was enabled to get a little rest. He took me into a room where nil was quiet, and provided me a good sofa to lie on.
I suppose you are anxious to hear an account of the battle in which I have been engaged; therefore I will begin now to give you a description of it: We left chain bridge last Tuesday afternoon and proceeded on our way to Fairfax, where the rebels had stationed a force (as near as I can ascertain) of about 5,000. At this place they had thrown up breastworks, blockaded the roads, &c. But as soon as they found our troops were advancing, they left as fast as their heels could carry them, and we took possession of the place. We then proceeded some six miles from Fairfax, and stopped for the night.—In the morning we resumed our march, and after going some two miles we came upon a strong rebel battery. Here we expected to have a ....brush, but on examination we found that the rebels had fled and deserted their posts here. So on we went. Thursday, at half-past twelve, we arrived at the place called Bull's Run, which is but a short distance this side of Manassas. As soon as we came here our brigade, consisting of four regiments, which was in the advance of the main column, was drawn up in battle array. At ten minutes past one our regiment received orders to march down to the left to ascertain, if possible, the position of the enemy. We were marched in double quick time through ravines and over hills, until we came to a dense thicket which we immediately entered. Suddenly a heavy volley of musketry was poured in upon us but very fortunately it was aimed so high that the most of passed above our heads. We could not see a person in the direction from which we received the fire, although our left flank had approached within three rods of the spot from which the charge was made. The enemy, some five or six thousand strong, had concealed themselves behind a masked battery, and as soon as they fired, dropped down out of sight, and the only way that we could direct our fire was by aiming at the spot where we saw the flash of their guns. We at once charged upon them and then fell flat upon the ground and loaded again. Before we arose, their second volley was fired, which came a little lower and did us more injury than the first. If we had not fallen upon the ground I am sure we could not have escaped utter destruction. We arose to our feet and again charged upon them, and as before, fell and loaded. At this moment the rebels opened upon us from another battery a terrific fire of grape shot and shell. We charged again and then fell back to the first ravine in our rear. Here we were ordered by the Colonel to form in line again and make another charge upon them, but one of our batteries of flying artillery returned the charge we had received from theirs, and this brought us in range of the fire of both batteries, theirs and ours; therefore it was impossible to carry out our plan, and we were ordered to fall back. A heavy cannonade was kept up from both batteries until near sundown.
Then our whole force formed in a body and marched back to Centerville, a distance of two miles and stopped for the night. Nothing of much importance took place from that time until Sunday, when a hard battle was fought in the morning. Our batteries began to shell the woods for the purpose of routing them out of their strongholds and finding out where they were. During the whole of the fight we tried every possible scheme to draw them out of the woods into an open field, but this could not be done. They have adopted the Indian mode of warfare, and whenever they can be drawn out of their entrenchments and ambuscades they prove themselves the veriest cowards in the world. During the fore part of the day our batteries kept up a constant fire while our infantry scoured the woods off at the right. As soon as we begun the fire, they commenced pouring in reinforcements from Manassas, so that by the middle of the afternoon they had a force which more than doubled ours. But notwithstanding this, we kept driving them back, until our batteries had exhausted their ammunition and were compelled to cease firing. Then they began to follow us, and we saw that they were working to outflank us. To avoid this, we fell back to Centerville and drew up our forces in an open field, planting our batteries on a hill in the center of our troops. Here we expected an attack, but to our surprise they did not stir from the woods. We remained here from sundown until midnight, and then commenced our retreat back to this city. If we could have had more artillery, and plenty of ammunition, this movement would not have been made, but as it was, we could not do otherwise. The loss of life was great on both sides. As near as I can ascertain the loss on our side was between 1,500 and 2,000. Theirs was much greater. Ellsworth's Zouaves suffered more than any other regiment, and about half their number was killed.
[Our loss has since been shown to be much less than here stated.—ED.]
No body of men ever fought more nobly and bravely than they did. They did not leave the field until they had laid one thousand of the rebels dead before them. Their brave Colonel fell from his horse at the first fire. I believe he was not mortally wounded. Beauregard commanded the rebel forces in person. His horse was seen to fall from under him. F. A. Darling stood by my side, and had the crown of his hat torn off by a grape shot. Another struck the bayonet of his gun and broke it off about two inches from the muzzle of his gun. A. Stone, of Peterboro, had a ball pass through his hat. G. Hammond had his gun knocked out of his hand by a grape shot. Several others in our company escaped in the same way, and there was but one killed, this was a young man by the name of John Markham. When we marched into the thicket, he was exactly in front of me, but when we formed a line and made the charge, he was a little to my left. I will now tell you of the narrow escape I had, and then close for the present. I had just entered a little hollow when I heard the whizzing of a cannon ball from one of the rebel's guns; I dropped flat upon my face, when the ball passed directly over me and struck in a bank a few feet back of where I lay. If I had not fallen the instant I heard the sound, it would have torn me in pieces. Preparations are being made to attack them again. Whether it will be done before our time is out, I do not know, but I hope it will, for I want to meet them again.—We will have a much stronger force, both of infantry and artillery, which is the most needed. Give my respects to all my friends.
From your affectionate son,
—We were among those who looked with pride as well as regret upon our departing volunteers, and confidently expected to see them prove the flower of the loyal army—Bayards every one—soldiers without fear and without reproach." We had no anticipations of reading such messages from New York soldiers as this paragraph, written by a private in the Onondaga regiment:
Our regiment, the Rochester regiment, the Buffalo regiment, and four other regiments, have made up their minds to walk up to the Colonels' tents, stack arms, and refuse to do any further duty. Let them put a ball and chain on us; that's all they can do. They dare not shoot us! There will be seven regiments to take this position. It will take at least fourteen more to guard them,—so they will not make much. If we are not allowed to go home before the 13th inst., you will hear of trouble.
These men know that they enlisted for two years; the term of service was explicitly stated in the oath taken when mustered into State service. Though the President's first requisition was for three month's men, our volunteers were none of them ready to take the field until a new requisition was made, calling for men for three years or the war, and a special favor was shown them in mustering them into U. S. service, for two years only, while the troops from other States were swearing in for three years or the war. This favoritism was shown New York, expressly to forestall and provide against any charge being made or any discontent being created by the belief that the Government was attempting to hold men for a longer time than that for which they enlisted. We know that our Fourteenth Regiment went off with the understanding that they were in the service for two years, as they really are. Three or four regiments at Elmira were, it is true, sworn into U. S. service for but three months, but their oath holds them to State service for two years, and the State Volunteer law, (which was duly published,) expressly confers upon the Governor power to turn the State forces over to the National Government (upon requisition of the President) for the full term of enlistment. This has been done. It is stated, also, that the mustering for three months was a blunder of the officer detailed for that duty, and the mistake extends to but three or four regiments, of which the Fourteenth is not one. The Twenty-sixth Regiment is one of them, but has declined to attempt to take advantage of technicalities, and is in for the war. (Hurrah for the Twenty-sixth!) We cannot believe that cowardice lies at the bottom of the insubordination and discontent manifested in so many of the New York volunteer regiments. There are complaints of the officers in some of them, but the Military Board recently authorized by Government will soon remove all just cause of fault-finding on this score. Whatever the cause may be, the fact stands that the troops from this State voluntarily enlisted for two years, and if they come home, as some of them wish to do, before their term expires, and without having been under fire, they will not only tarnish forever the fair fame of the Empire State, but must look to be ever after branded as "fair-weather soldiers"—even if people shall be so considerate as to refrain from the use of a still more dishonorable title.
— Col. R. M. RICHARDSON and Lieut. Col. A. I. ROOT, late of the gallant Twelfth, give notice that they are about to re-organize as the Fifteenth Regiment of Cavalry. They call upon the boys of the late 12th, 13th, 14th, 21st and 28th, to join them in that dashing branch of the service. The Bounties are—for re-enlistments, $252; first enlistment, $177.
The following older is hereby promulgated for the information of the command.
The organization quartered at Palace Garden, in the city of New York, and commanded by Colonel Henry A. Weeks, is hereby consolidated with the Twelfth regiment, New York State Volunteers, and will proceed to Washington on Tuesday, January 28, 1862, and report for duty to the General-in-Charge.
Companies C, D and F of Colonel Weeks' command will retain the same letters they now bear.
Companies B and G are hereby consolidated and will become Company B. Companies E and K are hereby consolidated and will become Company E.
The following persons are appointed officers of the several companies.
Company B—Captain, William Huson; Lieutenant, James A. Boyle; Ensign, Chas. E. Goold.
Company C —Captain, Wm. Fowler; Lieutenant, Robert J. Clarke; Ensign, Ellis Smith.
Company D--Captain, Wm. H. Hoagland; Lieutenant, Henry C. Burton; Ensign, Wm. P. Walton.
Company E—Captain, H. W. Ryder; Lieutenant, Wm. F. Gardner; Ensign, P. A. Oliver.
Company F--Captain, James Cromie; Lieutenant, James A. Bates; Ensign, Henry A. Downing.
Company A of the organization, commanded by Colonel Weeks, is hereby detached therefrom, and will await orders.
Colonel H. A. Weeks is hereby appointed Colonel, and George F. Watson Adjutant of the Twelfth regiment New York State Volunteers.
Surgeon Reese B. Berky is hereby transferred to the First regiment New York Volunteer heavy artillery.
Officers not named above, and hitherto connected with the organization commanded by Colonel Weeks, are rendered supernumerary, and are hereby honorably discharged and mustered out of the service.
Brigadier General Yates is charged with the execution of this order. By order of the Commander-in-Chief.
Thos. Hillhouse, Adjutant General.
Geo. Bliss, Jr., A. D. C.
Meeting of officers at ten A. M. on January 26. By order.
Henry A. Weeks, Colonel Commanding.
Geo. F. Watson, Adjutant.
The Twelfth reorganization have connected themselves with the Twelfth Volunteers, and will immediately repair to the army. The Twelfth numbered about 800 men, which, with the 400 in the old organization, presents a good front. Colonel Weeks assumes command, with Lieut.-Colonel Richardson, of the old Twelfth, as his assistant. Captains Boyle, Fowler, Ryder, Cromie and Hoagland, of the old Twelfth, are in the reorganization; and we regret to say that with the departure of the Twelfth to the war, the Twelfth Militia is entirely disbanded. This is to be regretted by all; yet the heavy drain upon the command for material, with the prestige of their officers and men in the three months' campaign, has produced this result.
The undersigned, having seen an anonymous communication in your edition of Sunday, 26th inst., beg leave to state that the facts referred to could not be more thoroughly perverted. The meeting to which it refers was called by members of the Twelfth regiment, and more than two hundred responded to the call. The object of the meeting having been stated, it was resolved that a committee of ten be appointed, consisting of one from each company, to inquire why the Twelfth received less for their services than other regiments. The committee was appointed accordingly, Drum Major Smith being elected their chairman, and they are now engaged in collating facts and figures to prove that there are considerable moneys due to the members of the Twelfth regiment, which they mean to collect.
C. T. CANNON, Company A.
CHAS. S. TAYLOR, Company D.
No. 40 canal Street, August 26, 1861.
APPOINTMENT AS PAYMASTER.-Captain George Truesdell, late of the 12th regiment N. Y. V., has been appointed to a Paymastership by the Secretary of War. It is a handsome compliment, and is most worthily bestowed. We congratulate Capt. Truesdell.
Lloyd L. Britton, Esq., of the Everett House, has presented to Colonel Butterfield's (Twelfth) regiment, a magnificent United States flag. It is of satin, superbly embroidered. It will go out under charge of Sergeant major E. M. Fisher, who leaves to-day to rejoin his regiment Washington.
Postmaster Sedgwick, of Syracuse, is here on his way to Washington, to pay the twelfth regiment of Onondaga volunteers the sum of $7,000 which he has procured for them from the State Military Board.
UNHEALTHY RATIONS.—On Wednesday last, a Committee of the Twelfth Regiment, N. Y. S. N. G., in uniform, came into our office, and submitted, for inspection, two mess pans, containing a specimen of the "salt horse" which is dealt out at the Park Barracks. These men were kept on guard in the City Hall, and not allowed to go tome, and procure a decent meal; they offered to pay the difference to have meals furnished them at an eating-house. But this was refused. Who is to blame in this matter? It is the duty of Quartermaster Halstead, Colonel Ward, and the Regimental Surgeon, to see that the men are properly fed, and not forced to become sick with neglect and unwholesome rations. It was a useless and unnecessary expense to keep the men on duty at all; but certainly, when they had to do service, those in authority should see they were not forgotten.