142nd New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
142D REGIMENT PRESENTATION.—On the evening of the 5th of June the officers and men of the 142d Regt, N. Y. V., presented their Colonel, R. P. Cummins, with a beautiful horse, saddle, bridle, pistols, spurs and equipments complete as a testimonial of their love and esteem for him, both as a gallant and brave officer and a kind hearted man, always having in view the welfare of his command. Capt. Haviland, of his regiment, made the presentation speech, which was short and appropriate, to which the Colonel made a brief and suitable reply. After which the regiment gave the Colonel three hearty cheers and marched to their quarters. This regiment has been in the service nearly ten months. It had originally 950 men, has been in two engagements and has now for duty about 350 men. The Colonel has had three horses shot from under him and each time has escaped unharmed.
One Hundred and Forty-Second New York Volunteers.
A list of the change of officers in this regiment since their entering the field, October, 1862:
N. M. Curtis Colonel, vice R. W. Judson resigned.
Captain A. M. Barney (One Hundred and Sixteenth New York volunteers) Lieutenant Colonel, vice N. M. Curtis promoted.
Jonathan Houghton Captain, vice E. A. Hurlbut, resigned.
Joseph H. Harp First Lieutenant, vice J. Houghton promoted.
First Sergeant George Simpson Second Lieutenant, vice J. H. Hays promoted.
Wm. P. Johnson, Jr., First Lieutenant, vice George P. Taitt, resigned.
Sergeant Major Henry H. Bosworth Second Lieutenant, vice George F. Doolittle resigned.
First Sergeant Amos Wells Second Lieutenant, vice George H. Godden resigned.
First Sergeant Hiram T. French Second Lieutenant vice S. Reynolds resigned.
David H. Wells First Lieutenant, vice H. J. Goodno resigned.
First Sergeant Richard F. Ewart Second Lieutenant, vice D. H. Wells promoted.
First Sergeant James K. Thompson Second Lieutenant, vice Horace Wood deceased.
Sergeant James L. Borne Second Lieutenant, vice H. H. Hogan resigned.
Adjutant George A. Whitney Captain, vice A. Lindsay resigned.
B. B. Keeler Adjutant, vice G. A. Whitney promoted.
R. D. Morehouse First Lieutenant, vice B. B. Keeler promoted.
Sergeant George K. Pond Second Lieutenant, vice R. D. Morehouse promoted.
Wm. Dodge First Lieutenant, vice Charles C. Hill resigned.
First Sergeant Jesse McKee Second Lieutenant, vice Wm. Dodge promoted.
William Dodge Captain, vice L. S. Goodno, resigned.
Ora S. Hurlbut First Lieutenant, vice William Dodge promoted.
First Sergeant Thomas D. Smith Second Lieutenant, vice O. S. Hurlbut promoted.
The One Hundred and Forty Second regiment arrived at Morris Island in Charleston harbor on the 17th.
The 142d Regiment, we hear has moved forward to Manassas Junction. We expect to hear soon that Joe Hooker's army is on the move. This looks like it.
July 9, 1863.
142nd Regiment.
We learn from a letter received from Capt. Wheeler, that this regiment were, on the 1st of July, at Turnstall's Station near Richmond. They were then expecting orders to move in a new direction.
CAPT. JENKINS.—Among the wounded at Gettysburg is Capt, JAMES E. JENKINS, of the Fifth Oneida Regiment. We are happy to state that he is in nice quarters at the Eutaw House in Baltimore, and in the care of Chaplain Erdman. His condition is comfortable. The wound is in his neck.
One Hundred and Forty-Second.
The Ogdensburgh Journal says:— By a private letter from Lieut. D. H. Wells, we learn that on Tuesday morning last, the 142d regiment with others was on transports at West Point, distant about twenty-two miles from Richmond. There were fifteen steamers loaded with soldiers at that place. The men were disembarking as rapidly as possible, preparatory to marching. They are under the command of Brig.-General Gordon.
….Northern Railroad were perfect and satisfactory. At Rouse's Point the convenient and capacious steamboat Canada was in waiting, and in a very short time the regiment was transferred, and the boat was steaming through Lake Champlain. They will obtain their arms at New York.
Below is the official roster of field, staff, and line officers, the Lieutenant Colonel and Major not yet being appointed:
Roscius W. Judson, Colonel; Geo. A. Whitney, Adjutant; Charles P. Morse, Quartermaster; David McFalls, Surgeon; Heman A. Boland, 1st Assistant;
Wesley T. Rice, 2d Assistant; George C. Gordon, Quartermaster Sergeant; Henry H. Bosworth, Sergeant Major; Frederick C. King, Commissary Sergeant.
Company A—Edward A. Hurlburt, Captain; Jonathan Houghton, First Lieutenant; Joseph C. Hayes, Second Lieutenant.
Company B—Daniel D. Johnson, Captain; Geo. P. Fait, First Lieutenant; George F. Doolittle, Second Lieutenant.
Company C—John D. Ransom, Captain; William Dalzell, First Lieutenant; George H. Godden, Second Lieutenant.
Company D—William A. Jones, Captain; William D. Brennan, First Lieutenant; Solon Reynolds, Second Lieutenant.
Company E—William Wheeler, Captain; Hiram J. Goodno, First Lieutenant; David H. Wells, Second Lieutenant.
Company F—John McLaren, Captain; Wm. P. Johnson, Jr., First Lieutenant; Henry H. Hogan, Second Lieutenant.
Company G—Marvin Potter, Captain; Franklin F. Brown, First Lieutenant; Horace Wood, Second Lieutenant.
Company H—Alexander Lindsay, Captain; B. B. Keelar, First Lieutenant; R. D. Morehouse, Second Lieutenant.
Company I—Wm. P. Garvin, Captain; James M. Elliott, First Lieutenant; O. S. Hurlburt, Second Lieutenant.
Company K—Luther S. Goodno, Captain; Charles P. Hill, First Lieutenant; William Dodge, Second Lieutenant.
No man in Northern New York has done as much towards raising volunteers as Col. Judson, and his present honorable position is but a slight earnest of deserts. Success to the 142d Regiment N. Y. S. V. Wherever they go they will honor Northern New York.
One Hundred and Forty-Second.
On Wednesday the 7th of May, 1862, was fought the battle of West Point. It is well known that the Col., then Captain Curtis of the 16th received a very severe wound there—one that well nigh cost him his life—preventing him from re-joining his regiment till the army reached Harrison's Landing in July and then only to be taken with a fever and spend many weary weeks in hospital. One year from that very hour on Thursday, the 7th day of May, 1863, I stood with him on the deck of the S. R. Spaulding—in which his regiment was embarked, and the very same on which his old regiment had arrived here the year before—while as we steamed past the exact spot, he pointed out the battle ground and the house where he had been carried still standing right by the shore. It was fitting indeed, that the anniversary of the day which came so near proving fatal to him, and on which he won his hard earned laurels, should find him in command of a battalion where before he had commanded a company, yet I thought the coincidence a sad one, for it brought to mind again the failures, the mismanagement, the disasters which have left the status of the armies in Virginia so nearly as it was one year ago.
We see Richmond papers here occasionally, and receive New York papers nearly as soon after issue as you do in Malone. The "Richmonders" seem to be much "exercised" about our occupation of West Point, but however, do not seem to be as well posted in regard to this movement as they do of altogether too many others.
Not long since as the mail boat was coming up, and when within 1/2 a mile of the Point, she was fired upon from the right bank, by a concealed battery of some six guns. Only one shot took effect on the boat and that did no damage. The gunboats immediately went down, and the enemy retreated at the second shot from them. The General himself went down with a small party, landed and burned the buildings which had sheltered this party, and others who have fired on us when fishing out in the stream.
Notwithstanding the Richmond papers state that the sand flies, mosquitoes and malaria will do more for them on us than they could do themselves, the health of the men is good and their spirits unequaled. There have been but eighteen deaths in the regiment since we came out in October, which, considering the time and service, is a very small number indeed. The physique of these men cannot be surpassed.—The regiment has often been complimented for this. One fact will attest its superiority in this respect. The days are very warm, the thermometer standing as I write, at 108. Day before yesterday the 143d and 142d were drilling side by side, upon the field, by battalion. Forty men and officers fainted and fell out of the ranks overcome with the great heat, in the 143d. I saw not a sign of weariness on the part of a single man in our regiment. The Franklin Co. boys are all right. Capt Whitney of Co. "H," has resigned. Lieut. Morehouse, my old associate in Co. H, who is well thought of, and in every way worthy, is, I understand, to have the Captaincy. Fred King has received a promotion and is doing as he has always done, well.— No one who knows Capt. Jones, and Lieut. Brennan, now acting Quartermaster, need to be assured that they are "all sound."
Losses in the 142d.—The following are the losses in this regiment during the engagement of May 19th and 20th:
KILLED—Corp. Henry W. Common, Co C Hugh Jenkins, A; George J. Dodge, I; Isaiah Annis, I; John Whetiford, A.
Wounded.—Major N. G. Axtell, slight; Lieut. R. D. Morehouse, slight; Sergt. Robert Stevenson, K, slight; Corp. Wm. Hutchinson, G, slight; Corp. Daniel Gallagher, I, (since died); Corp. John W. Chase, K, slight; Chas. Sayres, A, severe; John Morrison, A, slight: Marion Hill, A, slight; Linden Burdick, C, slight; John Vonyea, D; Samuel G. Bruce, D; Joseph Thomas, F; Wm. Allison, severe, G; Joseph Ames, slight, G; Samuel McCarter, severe, G; Erastus J. Legg, severe, G; John Perro, slight, G; Carney O'Neil, slight, I; David Gravel, severe, I; A. Derosia, slight, I; John Crook, slight, K; Hugh Johnson, slight, G.
The following are the losses in Co. B, 142d N. Y., in the engagement of the 16th and 20th next:
MAY 16th—Private Thomas Hayden, wounded in the wrist; Alex. Holden, shoulder.
MAY 20th—KIILED—Sergeant Maximus L. Loomis; Private Eli Jepson; Oliver King; Wm H. Seaver; Wm. Kenyon; Benj. Parmerter; Robt. Keyes.
Sergt. James W. Willson, hand; Corp. Albert H. Van Namee, arm; Private Geo. W. Lawton, thigh; William Neys, hand; Phirranda Baker, thigh, severe; Joseph Nelson, side; Jeremiah Pettys. head.
The 142d Regiment arrived at Morris Island, Charleston Harbor, on the
7th Inst.
142d Regiment.
The following are the casualties of the 142d Regiment, at the late battle of Cedar Creek: Lieut. A. T. Lafarge, arm; Capt. A. W. Briggs, foot; Sergt. Alex. Campbell, arm; Michael Dongal, D. hand; Jas. P. Lewis, D. breast; Corporal Moses Walker, D. leg; F. M. Cook, D. hand; Corporal Edwin Walker; D. leg; Thomas E. Lewis, D. arm; J. P. Champlin, D. leg; Martin Showers, K. back; Wm. Portens, F. face, severely; John Brow..., E. leg, slightly; John Baxter, ....; Wm. Henry, I. head; Wm. N. .... breast, seriously; Henry Pierce, ....
142d Regiment.
Corpl. J. Labardee, Co. B.
F. Johnson, B. arm.
Geo. Hankins, B. arm and leg,
J. Hoite, C. thigh,
J. Richmond, C. knee,
D. McCoy, E. finger,
J. Gorman, D. foot,
Geo. Spencer, D. hip,
L. S. Vandike, E. head,
V. A. Mason, E. breast,
H. Elliott, C. knee,
James Connally, D. dead,
S. Mcintosh, H. shoulder.
The 142d Regiment came up town from Camp Wheeler on Saturday forenoon, and passed in review in front of the Seymour House, on State St. They went thro' the evolutions in fine style. After the review the regiment was briefly addressed by J. C. SPENCER, S. FOOTE and Col. JUDSON.—
They then marched through several of our streets and returned to Camp Wheeler. The 142d in appearance and drill, is equal to any regiment yet raised in the State. Olds Band and the regimental drum corps furnished the music. Their presence in town called out a large number of spectators, and their fine bearing won the applause of all.
As anything from any of the members of our St. Lawrence County regiments must be of interest to our readers, we publish the following letter from Chas. Marsh of Co. E, (Capt. Wheeler) 142d regiment, by permission of his wife. Mr. Marsh was taken prisoner on the 16th ult., in the engagement under Baldy Smith. The letter is written in prison, two days after the battle.
RICHMOND, Va., May 18.
MY DEAR WIFE:—I will try and let you know where I am, although there is little prospect of this ever reaching you—possibly it may. I am a prisoner; was captured on the 16th, with several others of the regiment. My health is very good and we are treated as well as can be expected. I was slightly wounded in the fight in which I was captured.
When we shall be released, is more than we can tell; we hope, soon.
Co. E, 142d Regt.
Quartermaster MORSE of the One Hundred and Forty-Second regiment, has been presented with a splendid horse by the Ontario Steamboat Co., as a testimonial of their appreciation.
U. S. Paymaster WILLIAM RICHARDSON, arrived in town Saturday night, and commenced to pay off the 142d Regiment yesterday. He is accompanied by Lieut. FOOTE of the Regular Army, who comes to muster the men into the United States Service.
Lieut. FOOTE pronounces the 142d Regiment the best regiment he has seen, both as regards the personal of the men and their discipline. There is a compliment both for the men and their commanding officers.
Col. Judson has won the confidence and affections of the 142d Regiment to a wonderful degree. The men swear by him and are anxious that he shall lead them to the field.
From the 142d.
The 142d Regiment, at last accounts, was at Gloucester Point, on the York River opposite Yorktown. They have probably come up from Charleston to take part in the important movements now being directed from this point towards Richmond. They are within speaking distance of the 98th, and visiting between the two regiments has been quite brisk. The health of our men, so far as we learn, is generally good.
The 142d is at Arlington Heights, Va., and have been assigned to Gen. Casey's Division. Our forces at that point are said to be 40,000 strong. They will probably fight "mit Sigel."
Company D.--Killed--H. Klapgood, Leslie S. Ellis. Wounded—Sergt. Traversie, Corp. Carpenter, Henry Degois, J. Gorman, J. Sullivan, A. Bassett.
Company F.—Killed—Corp. H. C. Cleveland. Wounded—E. B. Ayers, Leslie Potter, E. J. Norris, E. J. Bemus. Missing—A. Grannis, J. Shortsleeve, Nicholas Martin.
Co. G.—Killed—S. Murray. Wounded—W. N. Ellsworth, John White.
Co. H.—Wounded—Enoch Bennett, P. Levin, H. Fetherstone. Missing—1st Lieut. Eben Atwood, Corp. H. G. Foss, H. W. Williams.
Col. CURTIS narrowly escaped, he having his horse killed under him.
Capt. D. A. Nevin, D. S. Griffin, J. H. Hayes, were wounded, but the letter did not state to what companies they were attached.
The One Hundred and Forty-Second.
Affairs at Camp Wheeler are progressing finely. Nearly, if not, quite eight hundred men are mustered in, and there is no doubt that the regiment is full. The men are a splendid set of fellows, fully equal to the One Hundred and Sixth. The eight companies mustered in up to Wednesday night last stood as follows:
Capt. Hurlburt,...101
Capt. Johnson,...99
Capt. Ransom,...101
Capt. Wheeler,...85
Capt. Potter,...85
Capt. McLaren,...85
Capt. Jones,...89
Capt. Lindsay,...84
Col. R. W. JUDSON was presented with a handsome sword and belt on Saturday afternoon, by the line officers of the One Hundred and Forty-Second Regiment. The occasion was a pleasant one. Olds' Band furnished the music.
Mrs. R. Nelson of Lisbon, who had two sons in the Sixtieth, has sent her third and last son to help make up the One Hundred and forty second. Such patriotism is after the old revolutionary pattern and is an honor to any country or people.
The 142d Regiment arrived at Morris Island, Charleston Harbor, on the 17th inst.
From the 142d Regiment.
Wednesday, October 5, 1864.
The following is a complete list of killed, wounded and missing in the 142d N. Y. S. V., at the battle of Chapin's Farm, Va., on the 29th day of Sept. 1864. By publishing the same, you will confer a great favor on many of the
Capt W D Brennan,—foot,—severe.
Sergt B Carver—arm.
Sergt W Brees—wrist.
Corp M Hill—foot.
Private, W D Briggs--left leg, amputated.
Private F H Cole—leg.
Private Seth Rice—leg.
Private Wm Edwards—leg.
Private S. Masters—side.
Private John Washburn,
Private B F Evans—missing.
Private Wm Ormsby—missing.
Sergt J L Krake—hand.
Corp Michl Dulack—missing.
Private George Roe—arm.
Private John Kenville—missing.
Capt J D Ransom-ankle— Severe
Corp Mathew Hughes—hand.
Corp Wm McCraw—hand and thigh
Private David Champion— head
Private H. C Wheeler—leg.
Private F Neeomyer— thigh.
Private H Alguyer—hand.
Private H Rollins—bowels.
Private Wm Hargvave—leg.
Private W T. Short—missing.
Private W H Wagner—hip.
1st Sergt Lyndon K Hutchins—missing.
Corp O S Carpenter—arm and shoulder
Pt. Daniel Keyes—missing.
Private John Killip—missing.
Private Eben Richey—missing.
Private Ephr'm Brockway, ankle.
Private Nelson Rushford—knee.
Private John Sweeney—neck.
Private Michael Mulligan—thigh.
Private Ed Petreo—breast.
Private Mitchel Denny—leg.
Sergt Warren Potter—thigh, severe.
Sergt M D Learned—foot.
Corp J. Thomas—arm and bowels.
Private William Crosier—neck
Private C Meacham—arm.
Private Samuel Drew—missing.
Capt W H Walling—shoulder, severe.
2d Lt W F Eaton—shoulder—slight.
Private John Ross—left arm, amputated.
Private Jos. G. Smithers— leg.
Private Wm Clukey—hand.
Private Norman Bean—missing.
Private James Miller—missing.
Private Samuel Carr—killed.
1st Lt R D Morehouse—hip.
2d Lt & A Adjt. A B Country-man—hip.
Corp D K Darling—missing.|
Corp A Crosby—hand and hip.
Private Albert Brayton—leg.
Private Alfred Eggleston—hand.
Private G S Nash—missing.
Private Joseph Queor—lung.
Private L F Whetman—face.
Private— Crossman, wounded
Private R. Bell—wounded
B O'Neal—missing.
Private D Reed—missing.
Corp W H Rodes—leg.
Private James L Watson—Hand.
Private Lanzo B Clark, thigh.
Private J D Farr—missing.
Private G P Marsh—missing.
The Regiment went into action between 275 and 300 strong,—Com. Officers, wounded (6) six—enlisted men wounded 45—missing 18—known to have been killed 1. Total 70. The Regiment was commanded by Lieut. Col. A. M. Barney, than whom a braver man never led troops into battle.
Yours, &c. FRED. C. KING,
2d Lt. 142d N. Y. S. Y., and A. A.Q. M., 2d Div.
Amb. Corps, 10th A.C.
CAPT. MCKINLOCK.—We published the other day a letter from the 147th regiment, which represented that Capt. MCKINLOCK was sick in Hospital. If so, it was no disgrace, for sickness is liable to afflict anybody. But we have seen letters since which convince us that the original statement was a mistake and that as late as the 17th, Capt. MCKINLOCK was with his men in the field bravely doing his duty. When any man actually fights for his country, he should have the credit of it, and we make the statement as an act of simple justice.
Who Captured the Flag of Fort Fisher?
The correspondent of the Baltimore American, in his account of the expedition against Fort Fisher, says:
As the skirmish line was advancing, Lieut. Wallen, [NOTE: this is almost certainly William Walling. Corrected from information submitted by Stephen R. Allen.], of Capt. Winslow's Company, One Hundred and Forty-second New York Volunteers, who was on the right of the line, toward the rear of the fort, observed that the flag-staff, which had been planted on the outer edge of the glacis of the fort, near the road in the rear, had been cut away by one of our shells, and that the flag was laying upon the slope. The temptation was strong, and the Lieutenant determined to make it his own. He observed that the ditch which ran along the front of the fort toward him did not extend beyond the road, and hastily passing around he gained the road and crawled upon the glacis and seized the prize, and escaped with it in safety.
On this road he observed two pieces of light artillery or howitzers, which had been abandoned by the enemy under the hot fire of the fleet. These he could have secured, but had not men at hand sufficient to bring them off.
From the 142d Regiment.
We noticed a few weeks ago the part taken by the 142d Regiment in the expedition to John's Island, near Charleston. The conduct of the officers and men on that occasion must have been excellent to elicit the special and honorable mention of the General in his Report of the affair, contained in the following extract which has just reached us:
The main difficulty was thus overcome, and the great risk now behind us—the bridge, was taken by the 142d N. Y. Vols., being the advance guard of Col. Van Gilsa's column.
The first two companies rushed resolutely across the bridge. That the enemy was there they knew from seeing the main building lighted up; in what force they did not know. The four companies of skirmishers soon after firmly stood their ground, when attacked by a superior force of the enemy's cavalry and infantry. The enemy's yell they answered and soon relieved by their well directed fire.
The good conduct of this regiment I admire, so much the more as it was here under fire for the first time. Serg't Major G. L. JOHNSON, an old soldier, behaved on this, as well as on other occasions, with extraordinary bravery, and I beg leave to send his name in to the War Department for promotion. He lost an arm when on horseback in the skirmish line.
Lieut. KEELER, adjutant of this regiment, and inspector on my Staff, had his horse killed under him.
From the 142d Regiment.
We have been kindly shown a letter from Adjutant KEEELER of the 142d N. Y. V., giving a list of casualties in that regiment which occurred at the battle of Drury's Bluff, near Fort Darling, Va., on the 17th inst.:
Company D.—Killed—H. Hapgood, Leslie S. Ellis. Wounded—Sergt. Traversie, Corp. Carpenter, Henry Degois, J. Gorman, J. Sullivan, A. Bassett.
Company F.—Killed—Corp. H. C. Cleveland. Wounded—E. B. Ayers, Leslie Potter, E. J. Norris, E. J. Bemus. Missing—A. Grannis, J. Shortsleeve, Nicholas Martin.
Co. G.—Killed—S. Murray. Wounded—W. N. Ellsworth, John White.
Co. H.—Wounded—Enoch Bennett, P. Levin, H. Fetherstone. Missing—1st Lieut. Eben Atwood, Corp. H. G. Foss, H. W. Williams.
Col. CURTIS narrowly escaped, he having his horse killed under him.
Capt. D. A. Nevin, D. S. Griffin, J. H. Hayes, were wounded, but the letter did not state to what companies they were attached.
A correspondent of the N. Y. Times, gives an account of another engagement that took place on the 19th, in which the 142d participated.
The line in front of Gen. Terry was recovered by Col. Howell's brigade, assisted by the 142d New York, Col. Curtis, and the 89th New York, Col. Fairchild. In this effort the rebel Brig. Gen. Wm. S. Walker, commanding the South Carolina brigade, was captured. It was reconnoitering the left of the enemy's line when Col. Howell dashed upon him at the head of his brigade. Walker at first thought our men were his own, but soon discovering his error, put spurs to his horse to get away. A volley brought him down. He received one wound in the left arm and another shot tore off part of his leg. He was quite cool, brave and insolent when Col. Howell approached him. The latter is also brave as Julius Caesar, and as perfect a gentleman as ever breathed. His soft reply to the angry rebel officer turned away his wrath completely. A litter was procured, and he was tenderly conveyed to Gen. Gilmore's headquarters, himself requesting that no operation should be performed on him until he was taken out of the range of the shells. He also asked to see Gen. "Baldy" Smith and Gen. Terry, having known the former before the war, when he was an honored officer of the old army, and having met Gen. Terry several times in the progress of the South Carolina campaign. Walker commanded the forces at Pocataligo when Gen. O. M. Mitchell attempted to cut the railroad. There seems to be little chance of his recovering.
Our losses were considerable. The enemy, however, suffered incomparably more. Our batteries played havoc with them as they were massed in the woods. The 142d and 89th New York both suffered severely. Companies B and G, of the former regiment kept two rebel regiments at bay, and lost 15 in killed. The 89th lost about 150, of whom 30 were killed. Major N. G. Axtell was wounded twice, but not seriously. Lieut. Col. Jackson's horse was shot as he was getting Sager's and the 4th N. J. battery in position.
Troops continue to arrive in the city in large numbers on their homeward march. Many of them merely pass through without stopping, while others make a temporary sojourn at the New-York State Depot, in Howard-street, and the Battery Barracks. Among those arriving yesterday was the One Hundred and Forty-second Regiment, New-York Volunteers, 410 men. The following is a list of the officers:
Colonel—A. M. BARNEY.
Lieutenant-Colonel—W. A. Jones.
Major—W. S. P. Garvin.
Chaplain—L. S. Palmer.
Quartermaster—C. P. Morse.
Captains--M. Potter, W. H. Wolling, H. H. Bosworth, A. Mills, H. C. Winslow, A. B. Contryman.
First Lieutenants—R. D. Morehouse, V. H. Robinson, H. S. Rowley, D. Sergeant, A. Emos, G. Simpson, A. B. Utter, J. Thompson, A. H. Montgomery.
Second Lieutenants—C. Smith, F. W. Eaton, C. A. Bilas, H. A. Miller, E. S. Williams, W. H. Hazelton, J. H. Nott.
The regiment belonged to the Twenty-second Army Corps, under Gen. KEESE, (GORDON'S division,) and afterward to the Army of the Potomac; marched to Warrenton Junction, and was afterward stationed at Folly Island, remaining there until April, 1864; came under Gen. GILLMORE to Hunter's Point, and thence went to Bermuda Hundred; was engaged in the raid on the Petersburgh and Richmond Railroad; in May went under Gen Baldy SMITH to Cold Harbor; thence to Bermuda Hundred, and thence to the front of Petersburgh. On the 20th was engaged in the attack on the famous mine; had a 25-days' skirmish, and was afterward engaged in the attack on Fort Gillmore; On the 27th of October was on the Danville road; on the 7th of December started for Fort Fisher, and was the first regiment landed under Butler. Capt. Wolling was the first to plant the flag on Fort Fisher. The regiment then went to Fort Caswell, thence to Cox's Bridge, and joined Gen. SHERMAN, and went with him to Raleigh and Ogdensburgh, where the regiment reenlisted. The regiment was organized under Gov. MORGAN, Col. Curtis, its first commander, being now Provost-Marshal-General and Chief of Staff in Major-Gen. Terry's Department of Virginia.
(N. Y. Times June 14, 1865)
THE ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SECOND (St. Lawrence county) reached the bar, below the city, on board the Northerner, about 3 o'clock, where it ran aground. This fact becoming known here, Benj. Payn and R. H. Waterman, Esqs., of the Citizens' Committee, called on Jeremiah Austin, Esq., who very generously tendered the barge Joy, stopped its loading, and sent it down after the men. They reached there about twenty minutes past eight, and returned here about nine o'clock. On nearing the landing, Capt. Bowden fired a salute (as he also did on the arrival of the other regiments yesterday.) The Citizens' Committee, with its active and efficient "Chairman, were promptly on hand, and the Heroes of Fort Fisher were taken to the Stanwix, Merchants', Mansion House and Exchange, where well-spread tables awaited them. The Regiment left on a special train, over the Central road, for Rome, and thence to Ogdensburgh.
The Regiment left Ogdensburgh October 6, 1862, 969 strong—it returns with 425. During its absence it has received about 500 recruits, 147 of which were left in the field, and will be consolidated with the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth. The Regiment camped near Washington until the 19th of April, 1863, when it went to Suffolk; thence about four weeks to West Point, and in two weeks more back to Yorktown, from whence it went on the "Blackberry raid" up the Peninsula, at the time of Hooker's advance and the battle of Chancellorsville, accomplishing nothing but hard marching From Yorktown it went to Frederick, Md., arriving in time to follow in the pursuit to Warrenton Junction. From here it was sent to Hilton Head, and was stationed on Folly Island and two adjacent islands. On the 18th of April it left for West Point, and thence back again to Bermuda Hundred, where it engaged in all of Butler's raids on the Petersburg and Richmond railroad.
At Drury's Bluff it was heavily engaged, losing eighty-two. On the 20th of May, in a heavy fight at Bermuda Hundred, it lost forty-two men. Several skirmishes then followed.
It was at various times detached from its position at Bermuda Hundred for special service, returning after each engagement to its old position, where it skirmished with the enemy, and aided in repulsing several attacks. On the 14th of June it was in the column that assaulted Petersburgh Heights, and which captured eight or nine pieces of artillery and three or four hundred men. On the 16th it ... another assault, losing twenty men. It lay for some time with its lines within two hundred yards of the rebel works at Petersburg, and subjected day and night to its sharp-shooters, shot and shell, or whatever missile the Rebels might see fit to throw at them, and lost over one hundred men. It participated in the disastrous mine explosion, which would have resulted still more fearfully, had it not been for their brigade. It lost thirty men here. It did picket duty on the Appomatox in August and September. It participated in the assault on Fort Gibson, losing about eighty-four men, and aided in the repulse of the Rebel attack on the Darby line road, losing 103.
On the 7th of December the One Hundred and Forty-second started with the famous Fort Fisher expedition, landed on the 25th, and made the celebrated attack on the fort, in which Capt. Walling captured the garrison flag. On the second expedition, likewise, it was in the storming party that took the fort. It then stayed in that section until the arrival of Sherman's army in North Carolina, when it pushed up in the country, and joined it at Raleigh. On the 8th of June it left for home. It came on the Northerner from City Point here.
The following are its officers:—
Colonel—A. M. Barney.
Lieutenant-Colonel—W. A. Jones.
Major—W. S. P. Garvin.
Surgeon—David McFalls.
Quartermaster—Charles P. Morse.
Chaplain—L. L. Palmer.
Company A—First Lieutenant, George Simpson; Second Lieutenant, E. S. Williams.
Company B—Captain, Amos Wells; First Lieutenant, G. L. Johnson; Second Lieutenant, H. A. Miller.
Company C—Captain, Wm. H. Walling; First Lieutenant, James Thompson; Second Lieutenant, W. H. Richmond.
Company D—Captain, H. H. Bosworth; First Lieutenant, H. P. Utter; Second Lieutenant, John Galt.
Company E—No officers.
Company F—Captain, Marvin Potter; First Lieutenant, Alexander Amos; Second Lieutenant, Charles Vilas.
Company G—Captain, H. A. Winslow; First Lieutenant, T. H. Robertson; Second Lieutenant, Frank W. Eaton.
Company H—Captain, R. D. Morehouse; First Lieutenant, De Forest Sergeant.
Company I—Captain, A. B. Countryman; First Lieutenant, A. H. Montgomery; Second Lieutenant, Charles Smith.
Company K—First Lieutenant, R. S. Rowley; Second Lieutenant, W. H. Hazleton.
Col. Judson resigned on the 21st of January, 1863, and Lieut.-Col. N. Martin Curtiss was promoted to the vacancy. The present Colonel, who was then a Captain in the Sixteenth New York, was made Lieutenant-Colonel, and on the promotion of Colonel Curtiss to a Brigadiership, became Colonel.
(Alb. Eve. Journal
June 19, 1865)