140th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
From the 140th Regiment.
Baltimore, Sept. 23, 1862.
ED. DEMOCRAT:—Here we are in possession of what is called the Washington Depot. We arrived here yesterday morning at the Baltimore and Harrisburgh [sic] depot, and marched, headed by Perkins' Band, to the Union Relief Association Buildings, situate at the Washington depot, and partook of a hearty breakfast, having had nothing to eat since we left Rochester. The men did justice to the food, which was good and plenty. The rations which were prepared for us at Camp Porter were unfit to eat, having become spoiled. After refreshing ourselves we were marched to the depot, and a guard placed around the building, where we are to remain until cars can be provided for our transportation.
The depot not being large enough to accommodate a regiment, many of the men were required to sleep on the bare ground, with nothing but their blankets for protection. The night was not cold, and the men slept, as they termed it this morning, "bully." Little rest could be obtained the night before in the cars, and the men were glad to lay down anywhere.
It is not yet certain when we leave here. No cars can be obtained at present, all means of transportation having been used for the transferring of Confederate prisoners. Some fourteen hundred left the city last Saturday for Fort Delaware. They were captured during the recent engagements in Western Maryland, and were guarded by three companies of the 14th New Jersey Infantry.
No accident has befallen any member of the regiment worthy of notice, with the exception of Sergeant Fallis, of Capt. Hollister's company, who came near breaking his arm in alighting from a car, near Williamsport. He is compelled to wear it in a sling, but thinks to have the use of it in a few days. Wm. Gering, of Capt. Spies' company, also had the misfortune to cut his hand badly with a pocket knife, between Rochester and Canandaigua. The wound was sewed up, and it is thought the hand will be ready for the rebels in a few days. Also, a member of Capt. Harmon's company, whose name I could not learn, it is not reported, was knocked from the top of a car while the train was passing over a bridge, near York, in Pennsylvania. His injuries are not serious, though he is not able to attend to duty.
We received our arms at Elmira, ninety rifles only being allowed to a company. Those companies who have 101 men are short of the weapon, much to the dissatisfaction of those who are to go without them.
Change is very scarce here. Dealers refuse to take postage stamps and banknotes of any kind, consequently the soldiers are obliged to exchange the notes for treasury bills, losing fifteen and twenty cents on the dollar.
We expect to leave here to-day, much to the satisfaction of the men. Breakfast is ready at the "Relief," and I must "fall in." More anon.
C. P. K.
— Besides the above we have two other letters from the 140th, giving in great part the same details furnished above. One of them states that about six miles from Harrisburg a man named John Cass, belonging to Capt. Clark's company, fell down between two cars, but was not much hurt. He may be the same person referred to in the letter above, and whom our correspondent supposes to belong to Capt. Harmon's company. A man named McCormick or McCormac, belonging to Company H, was prostrated by sun stroke while marching through the streets of Baltimore.
The regiment suffered for food on the way from Elmira to Baltimore, as the rations put up for the men here, spoiled. Quartermaster Ellis being ill, Quartermaster Sergeant Mann was sent forward to Harrisburg with a requisition for food, but was unable to procure any at that place. He left a note for Lieut. Col. Ernst, stating the fact, and hastened forward to Baltimore, where he arrived early in the morning. He immediately applied at the office of the U. S. Quartermaster, Col. Bulger, but Col. Bulger couldn't be disturbed before 9 o'clock, whether the soldiers went hungry or not. Mr. Munn then went to the Soldiers' Retreat and after a long negotiation succeeded in making arrangements to have the regiment fed in the afternoon. The boys were in condition to do justice to the meal before the time arrived.
One of our correspondents met Capt. T. B. Yale, of the 108th Regiment, in Baltimore. The Captain was on his way to Washington to place himself under the care of a physician. He appeared to be quite ill, and was suffering from an affection of the eyes. He was in the battle of the 17th, with his company, and says his men and the regiment generally behaved splendidly. That is, in fact, the testimony of all who witnessed the conduct of our boys of the 108th. The 140th will no doubt emulate the heroism of the 108th and the 13th.
SOLDIER'S FUNERAL.—The remains of Mr. Aug. Hendricks, of the 140th Regiment, arrived last evening at 5:20. The funeral will take place this (Saturday) morning at 9 o'clock, from the residence of his father on North St. Paul street, and from the German St. Paul's Church, Fitzhugh street, at 10 o'clock.
SMITH, the razor strop man, now in the 140th (Rochester) Regiment, was badly wounded in the leg at Gettysburg. But he has "just one more left."
SMITH, THE RAZOR STROP Man.—A gentleman just from Gettysburg reports that he saw Smith, the razor strop man, lying in the hospital there. He complained somewhat of the quality of the food given to the sick, but was otherwise satisfied and in very good spirits. The gentleman was informed that Smith had suffered amputation of his wounded limb, but of that he was not certain, as he did not converse with him on that subject.
ARRIVAL OF COL. O'ROURKE'S REMAINS.—The remains of Col. O'Rourke arrived this morning at ten o'clock via the N. Y. and Erie railroad. There was no escort and they were conveyed to the residence by the undertaker.—Last evening an escort consisting of a large number of citizens, a band and the Union Blues went to the Depot in expectation of receiving the remains there, but they failed to arrive.
— Since writing the above we learn that the funeral services will be held at the house of his father-in-law, Mr. Edward Bishop, on Ward Street, at 9 o'clock to-morrow. The 54th Regiment will attend in a body if not called elsewhere.
Hon. Aquila Walsh, of Simcoe, C. W., and M. P. P. for the county of Norfolk, is at Congress Hall. The object of his visit is connected with the settlement of his claims to property in the towns of Greece and Hamlin.
Lieut. Pool, of the 140th Regt., is here on leave of absence.
From the 140th Regiment.
CENTERVILLE, June 17, 1863.
We started from the Junction (Manassas) about 3 o'clock this morning, and are now resting in front of the works at Centreville. We will undoubtedly follow the l1th and 1st corps, which passed here last night—probably to cut off Lee.
I wrote of our terrible march day before yesterday. It had a bad effect upon the health of many. These are forced marches, but we will stand them if our object is only successful.
Gen. Weed, of the Weed Battery, has been assigned to this brigade.
Col. O'Rorke is again with us. C. P. K.
THE FALLEN BRAVE.—The remains of Lieut. Hugh McGraw arrived on this morning's train, from Elmira. Lieut. McGraw was struck in the knee by a shell at the battle of Gettysburg, and died soon after amputation. He was a brave fellow, and continued in the service, though being in ill health. He has many friends in this city, who mourn his loss deeply.
August 7th, 1863.
Dear Express:—In my last letter, written near Warrenton, Va., I intimated to you that we were about going into camp, where we were informed by the knowing ones, we would undoubtedly remain for at least one month.—This was, of course, joyful news for the boys.—In the meantime our good General was busily engaged in selecting a fitting place for us to encamp in. The ground selected was a beautiful piece of woods about one mile from Warrenton. Early next morning we immediately set to work erecting our tents, with instructions that they should be built at least _ feet from the ground, in order to admit a sufficient quantity of pure air to keep us from suffocating in this 98 degree weather. About fifteen minutes after our arrival on the new ground the camp presented a very lively appearance. Every man set to work eagerly erecting his own "frail structure" according to his own taste. There seemed to be quite a rivalry existing between them as to who would erect the neatest and most comfortable tent.
Towards evening the work was, with a few exceptions, completed, and the boys collected together in groups discussing the merits and demerits of certain prominent individuals known as paymasters, whose appearance in camp would have been very acceptable, as we were at leisure and fully prepared to receive them.—But how uncertain is a soldier's lot? We had not been engaged in the above mentioned conversation over ten minutes when the bugler sounded the call to strike tents. For a few moments the utmost silence reigned supreme, and we stood eyeing each other in astonishment, wondering if that was actually a fact. So it proved. The order was issued and must be obeyed. Some took it for a joke, while others looked d—n. After being assured, all hands gave three cheers, set to work, and in a few moments those "Beautiful Summer Bowers", were all nipped in the bud, the canvass taken down, rolled up and strapped on the backs of the owners to be transported wherever Uncle Samuel directed. About half past seven we were in line and started at 8 o'clock. We marched until about two o'clock next morning when we halted, and were allowed to remain until [sic] 9 o'clock a. m. of the same day. Another camp ground was selected for as, and we went to work as eagerly as in the first instance, but only to be subjected to the same disappointment. Fortunately, a heavy rain storm came on, and the order was countermanded after the boys had pulled down their tents. I say fortunate, because it is very fortunate for one of us to sleep on a good bed. I was among those who had erected a splendid one, and I tell you that after the order to strike tents came I looked at that bed a long time, and I felt rejoiced when the order was countermanded.
The next morning, at three o'clock, we were ordered to move, which we did, and arrived here about nine, o'clock A. M. of the same day. We are now in camp in a beautiful grove, about two hundred yards from the banks of the Rappahannock, where we intend to remain until the bugler again sounds that disagreeable call of "Strike Tents." The country from here to Warrenton is almost entirely destitute of any kind ... inhabitants can procure means of subsistence, and most of them live on our army altogether, when we are in the vicinity.
A large force of our cavalry are on the south side of the Rappahannock, watching the movements of the enemy, and when an occasion presents itself, they annoy him considerably. They are supported by a column of infantry. The hearth of the regiment is remarkably good at present, and the boys are in good spirits and fast recovering from their wearisome marches.
Lieut. Knox, who has been ill for some time past, was sent from Warrenton to Washington for medical treatment. He accompanied the regiment daring its long and tedious marches, and was present at the battle of Gettysburg, where he acquitted himself with credit. He deserves great praise, as he was unwell during the whole time.
It is with the deepest feeling of regret that I also have to announce to you that our kind and obliging Quartermaster, Lieut. Wm. H. Crennell, who has shared with us the trials and hardships that we have undergone since entering the service, has, through protracted ill health, been compelled to tender his resignation. In losing him we all feel that we have lost a kind and devoted friend—one who exerted himself to his utmost in advancing the interest of this regiment, and leaving no stone unturned, whereby he could make us comfortable and happy. At the battle of Gettysburg he acted as aid to Gen. Weed, and conducted himself with marked credit. In taking leave of him yesterday, we felt that we were losing not only a brave officer, but a gentleman and a kind friend, and our best wishes accompany him for his future welfare and happiness.
Yours, &c., TRUE BLUE.
Personal.—Captain Hoyt, and Lieut. McMullen, of the 140th Regt., with six privates have been detailed for special service at Elmira, in connection with the draft, and are temporarily stopping in Rochester.
In Memoriam.
Herbert C. Taylor,* (died on the field of victory at Gettysburg, July 2d, 1863, aged 20 years.)
For the Democrat and American.
Oh, that is ever a cruel blow,
However it falls in the strife,
Which stops the beat of a manly heart.
And the hopes of an honest life.
"But oh for the touch of a vanished hand
And the sound of a voice that is still!"
There's many a heart in this sorrowing land
These longing words will thrill.
The wished for step, that comes not back
To be heard on the threshold more—
The vacant chair, the unanswered name,
Are waifs for the echoless shore.
Brother, oh Brother! the time that is dead
Can never come back to me,
For an honored name, through me trembling tears,
Is all that returns of thee!
An honored name! for that death-bearing day
Brought victory's smile with its tears;
On the darkest cloud of many a storm
The Bow of the Promise appears.
Joseph Gile. Holley, July 24th, 1863.
* The deceased was a member of the 140th Regiment and was a resident of Holley, where his relative reside.—He was an estimable member of the community, and few who have fallen in the cause of the Union will be more sincerely regretted.
NEW COLONEL FOR THE 140TH.—It is said that Capt. Geo. Ryan has been appointed Colonel of the 140th N. Y. V. Col. Ryan is a native of Massachusetts and entered West Point from Connecticut. He graduated in 1857 and was appointed 2d Lieutenant in the 6th infantry. He has since been promoted and acted as Adjutant on Gen. Syke's staff. He is popular in the army and his appointment will no doubt be satisfactory to the regiment.
A NEW COLONEL FOR THE 140TH REGIMENT.—Lieut. Col. Ernst, who since the battle Gettysburg and the death of the gallant Col. O'Rorke, has been in command of the 140th regiment, returned home on Thursday evening last, having resigned his commission. The regiment was left temporarily in charge of Maj. Force, but Capt. Geo. Ryan, of the 7th U. S. Infantry, had received the appointment of Colonel, and was expected to take command immediately. Col. Ryan is a graduate of West Point, class of 1857, and has been serving for a considerable period as Asst. Adjutant General on the Staff of Gen. Sykes, in whose division and corps the 140th has been serving ever since it went into the field. The boys know their new Colonel very well, therefore, and we understand his appointment is very satisfactory to them.
Arrival of Lieut. Col. Ernst, of the 140th.
Col. Ernst, of the 140th, arrived home last evening, having resigned his commission for reason that his family and business cares needed his attention in this city. When the 140th regiment was organized, Col. Ernst was offered the Lieut. Colonelcy, which he accepted, leaving business and his other relations for the field. He had command of the regiment sometime before Colonel O'Rourke was ready to assume the command. He has proved himself a capable, modest and efficient officer, and is held in high regard by the officers of the regiment, who at a recent meeting, complimented him by a tender of the Colonelcy, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of O'Rourke. Col. Ernst is still Alderman of the 11th Ward, and his brother members of the Board will be glad to meet him in council again.
Capt. Ryan, of the 7th Regulars, has been appointed to the command of the regiment, and the selection has been endorsed by the officers of the 140th. Capt. R. is a graduate of West Point, (class of '56) and an able soldier.
The Late Col. O'Rorke.
The officers of the 140th Regiment adopted a series of resolutions in relation to the death of their commander, Col. O'Rorke, which were brought here for publication by Capt. Hoyt. They are given below, together with a series relating to Lieut. McGraw:
July 15, 1863.
The following resolution was adopted by the officers of the 140th N. Y. Vols. on the day of the above date:
Whereas, Our Colonel, P. H. O'Rorke, was killed on the 2d day of July last at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., while gallantly leading his regiment into action; therefore
Resolved, That in the death of our Colonel this regiment has sustained an irreparable loss, and the service one of its most devoted and accomplished officers. He came to us a comparative stranger, but by his distinguished military bearing, the firm and decided character he displayed in the performance of duty, and by the continued exhibition of those qualities which make the thorough gentleman, which arouse esteem and beget friendship, he immediately won our respect, which soon ripened into unbounded confidence, love and devotion. As a soldier he was the pride and glory of the regiment. At the battle of Chancellorsville. While in command of the brigade, he seemed to choose the most exposed position as a point of observation, and by a remarkable display of bravery he nerved and strengthened us all. And when his clear and musical voice came down that battle line, every man obeyed the command with an alacrity which confidence in and devotion to their leader could alone effect.
And we shall ever remember his conduct on the fatal field of Gettysburg, when plunging forward into the thickest of the battle he called upon his command to follow. Such noble daring, such heroic action as he then exhibited, must linger in the memory of every observer, and fill with admiration all true and loyal breasts.
Aside from those military virtues which have so won our regard, he possessed qualities which attracted all who were thrown into his society. His uniform courtesy, his modesty of demeanor were marked by all who knew him. And that practical knowledge which was so surprising in one so young, expressed with a peculiar richness of language, made him our acknowledged head in every particular.
When off duty, he formed the centre and attraction of our social circle; and when, after the fatigues of a wearisome march, we gathered in the dusk of evening around his camp fire, we were ever confident of a hearty reception, ever sure of a happy meeting. We lament then, the death of him who was not only a brave and efficient officer, but our mutual friend and companion.
No nobler sacrifice has been made upon our country's altar, and "while the tree of freedom puts forth a single shoot, to his name a garland we shall weave," and keep green his memory in our hearts forever.
July 15th, 1863.
At a meeting of the officers of the 140th Regt. N. Y. V., the following resoultions [sic] were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst our late companion and associate Lieut. Hugh McGraw, who died of wounds received at the late battle of Gettysburg, Pa., while in the faithful performance of his duty; therefore,
Resolved, That while we bow in submission to the Divine Will of our Heavenly Father, we deeply and earnestly deplore the loss of one who, from his social qualities, his gentlemanly bearing, and the faithful manner in which he performed the arduous duty imposed upon him, has won the respect and admiration of both officers and men of this regiment, and his loss to us is an irreparable one.
Resolved, That we deeply sympathise [sic] with his aged and widowed mother in her declining years, and most earnestly pray that God will shield and protect her in this her hour of sorrow and bereavement, and aid her to bear up under the sad loss which she has sustained by the death of a noble and dutiful son.
Interesting Particulars of the Late Fight--The March to the Battle Field--The
Heath of Col. O'Rourke--The Enemy Make Five Separate Charges Against the 5th Corps and are Repulsed--The Killed and Wounded in the 140th Regiment.
From Our Own Correspondent.
HANOVER, Pa., July 1st, 1863.
Eds. EXPRESS—After more than two weeks of constant marching, in which the Army of the Potomac has undergone more trials and hardships than any other army has undergone since the commencement of this rebellion, we have at last arrived in the land of civilization, and I have no doubt but that you will be waiting "to hear from the boys." You shall not be kept in suspense long, for, no sooner had we the order to practice squatter sovereignty than your humble correspondent could be found busily engaged, with pen in hand, getting up for you the latest news from our army, or at least that portion of it that comes under his own immediate observation.
We took up our line of march Tuesday, June 30, from Frederick, Md. The day was sultry and the marching was disagreeable on account of the rain storm of the previous night. As we proceeded on our journey through Maryland, the loyalty of the inhabitants all along our line of march, developed itself more and more, until at last we considered ourselves among our friends, and out of the reach, or at least out of the midst of our enemies. Along the turnpike, between this and Frederick, the country is pretty thickly inhabited, and reminds one of home more than anything else, by the small villages between two and three miles apart. At the principal one—Unionville—there are some five or six thousand inhabitants. Here we passed second corps, in which is the 108th Regiment. The boys are looking and feeling well, considering the hard marching. Before reaching the above mentioned place, permit me to state that an incident occurred which it worthy of note, especially to us, as it is a long time since we have had the pleasure of witnessing anything of the kind. At a small village, named Muttonville (very appropriately named I should judge from the number of sheep in the vicinity) were congregated together upon the portico of a neat little cottage, about a dozen beautiful young ladies, who had assembled to witness the passage of our troops through the town. As the large column moved "steadily and with stately tread" before the groups of young ladies, they were greeted with that song, which to us is as the Marsellaise to the French—I mean the Star Spangled Banner—which they sang splendidly. As each regiment moved by they gave three hearty cheers for the Maryland girls, and had we "bellows" enough left we would have remained there cheering them until now. Bully for the gals. I am thinking very strongly of purchasing a small log cabin "not far about here."
We continued our march until 7 o'clock, and encamped in the evening at a small village called Louzetown, about four miles from the Pennsylvania and Maryland line. Four hours previous to our arrival there our cavalry had a brisk skirmish with the enemy's cavalry and succeeded in routing them from the village.—They followed them to this point, when the enemy received reinforcements, and a brisk engagement was the result. Quite a number were killed and wounded on both sides, but the enemy were placed Horace! du combat.
July 3d, 1863.
Through the mercies of an all wise Providence, I have passed safely through the terrible ordeal of the past two days, and knowing the anxiety of many friends at home, I hasten to pen you a few lines in regard to our movements. In order to do so I must go back as far as July the 1st.
We made a forced march of about 28 miles and arrived at Hanover, Pa., where we supposed we were to remain a few days. We had partly pitched our tents when we received an order that there would be an inspection of arms in one hour after our arrival. At the appointed time we formed in line, and no sooner was it done than the Bugler sounded his horn to strike tents. This was rather unexpected, but immediately complied with. Before starting, our gallant little Colonel addressed his men in a few and touching words, informing them that they were to make a forced march of 12 miles to the battle-field; that the hour had now arrived when it was expected that we would annihilate the rebel army, and he expected every man to perform his duty faithfully and honorably. He also called upon the officers to urge their men to the utmost in the performance of their duty. We were, physically, as worn out a set of men as I have ever seen, but in heart, we were strong, and how could we help being so? for all along from Hanover to the battle field we received the greatest kindness from the inhabitants. We passed through two small villages, and at every gate and doorway stood men, women and children with arms full of bread, milk, water, pies, ann [sic] in fact everything that was refreshing for the men. In many instances women would rush out and ask the officers if they would have time to bake some more bread for the men, and when informed that they would not, they were very much disappointed, and excused themselves for not having more on hand. Occasionally I saw elder persons shedding tears, while the young ladies encouraged us with their smiles. A great difference Dear Express from being in an enemy's country. Our boys cheered them all along the route, and finally wound up by singing songs. So we were at the end of our journey before we were aware of it. We marched until 10 o'clock next morning, and were given two hours to rest in—this was Thursday. July 2d.
We started about daybreak and arrived at or near Gettysburg, and immediately formed line of battle—changed our position several times, and finally advanced about one mile and a half, heavy firing going on in our front. As we neared the battle field, shot and shell came flying thick and fast around us—were met by General Warren, who informed the Colonel that our services were needed immediately on the extreme left, where the enemy were endeavoring to flank us; started on a double-quick, led by General Warren, to our position, which was on the summit of the highest hill in this vicinity. Arriving at the top, we discovered the Rebs ascending the south side of the hill in solid columns. Our Colonel immediately moved us forward, he himself leading the way—descended the south and west side, towards which the enemy were advancing. The hill is covered with large rocks, which gave our men great protection. We had not been long in position when it was discovered that the Rebs were getting the best of us on the south side. The Colonel now moved the right wing of the regiment to that point. Fortunately a portion of the First Division of our Corps now came to the rescue, and the Rebs were compelled to leave, losing very heavily.—Here our brave and gallant Colonel received his death wound, while bravely urging the men forward. He died almost instantly. It was not made known to the men until after the firing had ceased. The announcement of his death fell like a weight on our men, and many a tear was shed for the young hero. He was the idol of our Regiment, and the pride of our Brigade.
It was not known by the officers or men of the left wing that the right wing had been deployed, so thick were the rocks on the hill.—The Rebs were now retreating, and the left wing descended the hill, following the enemy, but were halted about the centre of the hill. Here my brave Lieutenant (McGraw) as dangerously wounded. He was by my side urging the men forward, when he was struck in the knee with a piece of shell. He caught hold of me, and told me that he was hurt. I took him in my arms and carried him to the brow of the hill where I left him in charge of some of the men. From this time to the cessation of hostilities our regiment lost men very fast, particularly the right wing. I returned again to the regiment and seated myself near Captain Spies. At this time the whole regiment was laying down and had ceased firing. I sat in front of him but a little to his right when he was shot through the arm, the ball passing through his breast and lodging in his abdomen. We removed him immediately to the rear, but he seemed to be in great agony. The regiment was engaged about two hours, and behaved splendidly. On taking our position General Warren and Sykes informed us that we should hold this point at all hazards, as it was the key of the whole position, and if they were allowed to get possession of it our cause was hopeless. Yesterday they both allowed that we were the means of winning the day. On the highest point of the hill Griffin's old battery was placed in position, and well did they maintain it. From this point they could shell the whole valley, and as the rebs advanced in line of battle they would mow them down in large numbers. Yesterday the battle raged furiously, the cannonading being the most terrible that I have ever heard, it extended the whole length of the line, probably about six miles. It ceased somewhat about noon and then the enemy advanced in line of battle. It was a handsome sight to see them from this point; they came up splendidly, but it was a still greater spectacle to see them retreat in confusion, their line all broken up. They would fall back into the woods and form line again and again advance. Five times did they repeat this and each time they were repulsed with heavy loss. In one instance five brigades advanced in line, and the brigade on the right threw down their arms and ran into our lines. It was at this time that the Rebel General Longstreet was said to have been taken prisoner. I came near forgeting [sic] to let you know that immediately after Col. O'Rorke fell, General Weed, our Brigadier, was shot from his horse. He did not live long after being wounded.
The three last days have been very severe on us as we have not once been relieved from this position, but this morning (4th) we have orders to be in readeness [sic] to move at a moment's notice. Democrat & American.
From the 140th Regiment.
We have been kindly permitted to copy for publication, a few extracts from the daily journal kept by Adjutant Clark, of the 140th Regiment N. Y. V., for his sisters. These extracts cover a portion of the march and battles of the late campaign of Gen. Hooker:
Chancellorville, Va.,
Thursday, April 30, 1863.
You see I change my heading almost every page. It rained this morning, but we had to plod at 6 A. M. After going a couple of miles we were drawn up in line of battle, loaded and primed ready for action, and then turned off to the left toward U. S. Ford, where we understood the enemy were in force to oppose the crossing of some other corps which were to meet us there. We passed along a road through the woods for three or four miles, and so unexpectedly that we "gobbled" the enemy's pickets. They were making preparations to drive us back from Ely's Ford, and has we been one day later we never would have seen this land. They were throwing up fortifications there when we pounced upon them. We found no grey-backs at the Ford, for they ran so precipitately that in one camp their tents were standing and their fires burning. Their tents were built of logs, similar to our own. I rode into one. The Adjutant had left his desk standing, with blanks scattered all around on the ground. Beans and flour barrels furnished a proof of the extreme starvation (?) of our lean foes. A graveyard also testified that the rebels are mortal as well as we. After halting an hour, we countermarched back. Passed a long rifle-pit across the open field, which was thrown up to oppose the advance of our troops from the direction of U. S. Ford. So rapid and curious have been all our movements, that the wary Southerners even are utterly confused. Our boys tore a rebel house all to pieces. It had been abandoned, the fires burning, and dough ready to bake in the kitchen. At five
o'clock we reached Chancellorville, where we are to concentrate. Found the 11th and 12th corps already in. We passed them and moved down the Fredericksburg road, and camped in a wood a mile from a large brick house, where Gen. Hooker makes it his headquarters. Tomorrow we expect a battle.
Friday, May 1st.—At 11 o'clock we received orders to move. Our little division was to take the lead—1st and 2d brigade ahead, and ours behind. The enemy are said to be massed in the open country, with a front 16 miles through on their left, and the river on their right. So Sykes must break through the confederacy. We had gone about a mile when "whew!" went the rebel guns, and shells fell and burst all around us furiously. I never saw such a fire. We fled into a piece of woods, when the terrible missiles came into us, but strange to say we had only one man (A. Gardner, Co. E,) killed, and an officer (Capt. Lieper) wounded in the head. We could not stay there, so out we marched in perfect range of the enemy's batteries. It seemed impossible that but many of us must be torn to pieces, but some strange fatality seems to attend these shells, they never kill many. We formed in three lines of battles, the two regular brigades in front, our regiment on the left of our line. We kept advancing, under fire, about a mile, when we found out the enemy was flanking us on the right—we fell back in good order to our old camp. Hardly had we sat down, when a whole division of rebels came into our brigade pell mell; but we poured volley after volley into them, and drove them back. Our regiment was complimented on this the sharpest and first close fight. They stood up handsomely, every man. We had six wounded and three killed.
SATURDAY, May 2d.—Yesterday was an exciting May day for us, but it was the best possible thing for the regiment. The beatiful [sic] manner in which we repulsed so large a force (three heavy lines coming down the hill opposite) has encouraged and cheered us up. It was almost impossible to stop their firing even after the rebels ran. I passed up and down the line, and stopped twice. The rebels ran up to within a quarter of a mile of us, and began shelling.—The shells tore down the woods, but none struck nearer us than the sand at our side. We lay under arms until two o'clock without sleep, when we marched past the Chancellor House, and took up a position in the woods, (in fact there is nothing else here,) and waited until after daylight. We went to work We have such fortification all around our lines, which are from three to four miles long. Also rifle pits and breastworks made with two rows of logs, and flitted up between with dirt. Our position seems to be on an eminence so that the enemy have not troubled us much with artillery. About five o'clock P. M., a terrific firing broke out all along our center line, with thundering of artillery; the crash of arms rang and tore through the front with a force and volume to make ones blood curdle. A band not far off played Hail Columbia, while our troops cheered lustily. It was a furious attack on the 11th and 12th corps which occupied the center. In fifteen minutes the report that the 11th had given away and was cut to pieces, and with it an order for us to move up. We double quicked it for half a mile through the bushes in the dark, the earth shaking with the thunder of battle. Oh what a spectacle, the ambulances and troops from the 11th corps were running back in utter confusion; it looked as though we had lost the day. The 3d corps (Gen, Sickle's) was sent in a head of us. Our regiment was first drawn up in rear of a battery to support it. Afterward we were stationed along an open field and lay down with the order if the enemy appeared to charge bayonets without firing a shot. But the 3d corps checked the advance and we were not called upon to make the charge. We took no less than four different stations. The fight was just over the hill and everybody was cursing the 11th for its graceful conduct. The fighting continued till two in the morning—the hardest fighting on record in the time of night. You cannot conceive how desperate the fellows were. We were moved back and lay down in the woods.
SUNDAY, May 3.—Before sunrise the ball was opened, with heavy cannonading, and at 5 A. M. the greatest fight of the war commenced. It was all along the centre line, which they seemed bound to break. They took the flower of their army, formed them in a column half a mile long, one line after another, gave them a half a pint of whisky apiece, and drove them in.—They came on out of a piece of woods in front of our artillery, our infantry retiring. They gave one yell, and were answered by a burst of cannon. Grape and cannister mowed them down like chaff. Some of the poor fellows were piled up ten or twelve deep, and yet they coolly closed up and came on; got half way across the field, when our musketry poured into them and the artillery belched a sheet of iron without mercy. It was more than man could withstand. Five different times were the brave men driven back, awfully cut up. The noise and havoc of war never abated until half-past ten, making five and a half hours fighting—the most terrific, all agree, in the history of this war at least. The loss of our enemies must have been immense. All our troops behaved well. The regulars say that the 140th is a "Bully Regiment," We have taken many prisoners.
I never was so touched as in the very hottest of the battle last night, when the sweet notes of a Nightingale struck my ears. The little songster seemed delighted with the noise, and his lay seemed a sound from Heaven, in the midst of Hell's tumult.
We worked all day throwing up fortifications and building abattis. Gen. "Joe" passed us and was greeted with hearty cheers. Our lines, being in form of a triangle, were exposed at the points to a raking fire from rebel batteries, and Gen. Hooker escaped twice, barely with his life. He burned the house and drew in these lines, so that our centre is now in a straight line and much better than before.
The 140th Regiment Beyond the Rappahannock—Incidents of the March
— The First Fight, &c.
The following are extracts from a letter written by Lieutenant Buckley of the 140th to his father, dated near Chancellorville, May 2d, 3d, and 4th:
On Monday we marched from camp and reached Smoky Hill that night. The next day we marched from one P. M. to nine p. m. The third day we marched 25 miles, crossing the Rappahannock on a pontoon at one P. M. At eight p. m. we crossed the Rapidan and another small stream, wading through both in water three feet six inches deep. That night we encamped on a hill about ten miles from Fredericksburg. On Thursday we moved forward again and scared a rebel brigade out of their camp about two miles from this place, and got sight of 300 rebel prisoners which had been captured by our cavalry. They were mostly from North Carolina and said they belonged to Stewart's Cavalry. Thursday night we found ourselves at this place after returning three miles, which we marched in the morning. It is a town with one large brick house and two small ones of wood. We encamped on a field half a mile east of the town and felt certain of a fight the next day.
We staid in camp on Friday till 12 M. Col. Ernst spoke to the regiment, reminded the men of the folks at home, what would be thought of them, &c, and then we started down the road. The artillery on both sides were playing away quite lively. The shells of the rebels were dropping around us as we ran up, but the men did not appear to mind them, but pushed right along till near the hill, where our batteries were stationed. We formed in line of battle in the woods, but did not stay there over fifteen minutes. The shells kept coming faster and faster, wounding eight or ten of the 146th Regiment, which laid in our rear. We got out of there rather quick and double quicked down the road toward our battery.
Capt. Leper, of Co. E, was wounded slightly, and Walton Gardner, a member of his company, was killed by a shell.
The men threw away knapsacks and blankets, and were going in light, every one determined to do his duty. Just as we were going in we saw the 1st and 2d brigades of regulars coming out, and we were sent back—the rebels following up. We got back to the place we had left four hours before, and thought we should have to go still further, but those in command "couldn't see it." We formed and waited till about six and a half o'clock, when our pickets were driven in and the rebels were heard crying out, "Forward; guide centre," &c. Then we knew that something must be done. We waited till the pickets were mostly all in and the rebels got in range. Then commenced the first engagement of the 140th.
We had 47 men in our company in line with guns. They were all firing away. I was in my place as 2d Lieutenant, and near the right of the company, all lying or kneeling. One of our men, Patrick O'Brien, of Buffalo, was right in front of me and was killed. After firing the first round, a rebel ball went through his mouth and lodged in his brain, killing him instantly. I caught him in my arms, dragged him out and laid him on his face, thinking he was only stunned. The men paid no attention to it, but kept on firing till ordered to cease. When the rebels were driven back over the hills, the regiment cheered and felt good generally. They had participated in their first fight, although it did not amount to much, as a success, still it was a confirmation of the expected courage and fighting qualities of the 140th.
Our Surgeon came upon the field and as soon as he saw O'Brien he pronounced him dead. We buried the poor fellow near the road and marked a board which was placed at the head of his grave.
We were kept on the watch till 10 P. M., expecting another attack, but the rebels did not come. We captured two rebels. One came to us thinking it was his own regiment, and the other was taken by our skirmishers.
The loss of O'Brien was the only casualty in our company. Two men who were on picket at the time of the attack did not come in. It is supposed they were taken prisoners. Their names are Nicholas Schmit and Patrick Scully. They may yet come in all right. Others who were thought to be taken came in to-day.
Col. O'Rorke commanded the brigade, and, as usual, did well. Our division was the only one engaged on our left. There was plenty of firing elsewhere along the line, but I believe it was all artillery. After we drove the rebels from the hill their bands commenced playing, bugles blowing, and soon after a part of them marched away. We staid on our battle field till 2 this A. M., and then marched to this place, half a mile east of the field, and our whole corps are dropping down trees for entrenchments or breakers. In some places they are throwing up breastworks. It is said that we are going to hold this place till the rebs come put and fight us. I think we shall not have to wait long, for they seem to be anxious to fight. I hope we shall come out all right, but trust that to God.
SUNDAY, April 3d—12 M.—We were drawn up in line yesterday a number of times, and at 8 o'clock were ordered to the centre of the army.
The 11th army corps, commanded by General Howard, were surprised in their bivouac and driven from their ground, and could not be formed in any shape till they had nearly reached the Rapidan river.
The 3d corps, Gen. Sickles, came on their ground and held it, and the 5th (our corps) was brought over to sustain them. We double quicked about one mile through woods and narrow roads and reached here about nine last night, and were stationed in rear of a battery while it fired a few rounds. As the rebels did not reply, the battery was withdrawn and we laid behind a little breastwork till 2 o'clock in the morning, when we also withdrew and came into the woods to rest and hold the place. We did not sleep much, in fact we have not slept three hours a night since Wednesday, but during the day we made up for it.
This morning at five o'clock the battle commenced again and was kept up till 11 1/2 o'clock, when the rebels had enough for dinner. Gen. Sickles corps fought on our left and lost a great many men and captured many prisoners.
Our corps was not engaged, but is ready in case they come at us again. The troops feel well over the fight, and are confidant of success. Gen. Hooker passed a few minutes ago, and was cheered all along the line. I saw the great siege [sic] at Fredericksburg, and thought there was some hard fighting, but this battle has been harder contested. Both sides play away constantly. The fight has just commenced again. I write this as a kind of history of our movements.
Up to the present moment we have been engaged in firing about fifteen minutes, and under arms since Wednesday. * * * *
MONDAY, April 4.—We still lay here awaiting an attack. Our pickets are firing constantly. It commenced raining about an hour ago. * * *
J. B.
PERSONAL.—Lieut. Crennell, Quartermaster of the 140th Regiment, arrived in Rochester on Saturday, direct from Beverly Ford, where the regiment then was. Lieut. C. had previously tendered his resignation, in consequence of protracted ill health, and important demands upon his personal attention at home. He has proved a successful and popular Quartermaster, and his resignation occasions regret.—There were about 350 men of the 140th fit for duty when Lieut. C. left Beverly Ford.
Death of a Soldier of the 140th Reg't.
DIED at the battle of Gettysburg, on the 2d instant, in the discharge of his duty, by a ball through the head from an enemy's rifle, Sergeant JAMES CLAPP, of Rush, in the 20th year of his age. Sergeant Clapp enlisted in Capt. P. B. Sibley's company of the 140th Regiment; was in the battles of Fredericksburg, Va., and has finally laid down his life in the defense of his country, at Gettysburg. He was truly a promising youth,
a noble young man, and a just pride to his parents. We mourn his loss, and feel to sympathize deeply with his heart-stricken parents and brothers, and regret that the country has lost so good and brave a soldier.
The friends and relatives of the deceased are invited to attend his funeral, at the Christian Church, in North Rush, on Sunday, the 19th inst., at 2 o'clock P. M. COM.
North Rush, July 17, 1863.
PERSONAL.—Captain Hoyt, and Lieut. McMullen, of the 140th Regt., with six privates, have been detailed for special service at Elmira, in connection with the draft, and are temporarily stopping in Rochester.
Hon. Aquila Walsh, of Simcoe, C. W., and M. _. P. for the county of Norfolk, is at Congress Hall. The object of his visit is connected with the settlement of his claims to property in the towns of Greece and Hamlin.
Lieut. Pool, of the 140th Regt., is here on ...
DEATH OF LIEUT. C. P. Klein.—Information was received here this morning that Lieut. C. P. Klein, 140th regiment, who was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, is dead. The body is expected to arrive here this afternoon.
DEATH OF LIEUT. CHAS. P. KLEIN.—The death of this gallant officer, who was wounded at Gettysburg, occurred on Sunday last, and the remains were expected last evening by the Genesee Valley Railroad, attended by his mother and uncle. In a former notice of the deceased, we gave the principal events of his brief but promising career. He was but twenty-one years of age, probably the youngest commissioned officer in the 140th Regiment. His loss will be sincerely regretted by all who knew him, and especially by his brave, surviving comrades
ARRIVAL OF THE REMAINS OF LIEUT. KLEIN—FUNERAL SERVICES—The remains of Lieut. C. P. Klein, of the 140th Regiment, who was wounded at Gettysburg, and died at Baltimore on Sunday last, arrived here on Tuesday night. The remains were accompanied by Mrs. Klein, mother of the deceased, who reached Baltimore before the termination of her son's illness, and had the melancholy pleasure of his personal recognition, and of fulfilling his last requests. Lieut. K. died on Sunday night, giving happy evidence that he was a christian as well as a patriot soldier.
The funeral services will take place this morning, at 9 o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. Klein, No. 9 North Clinton street. The Rev. Dr. Hall will officiate. The remains will be interred at Mt. Hope cemetery.
B. McCormick, arm; A. McCumber, Co. D, ankle; Sergt. F. O. Messenger, Co. I.
Death of a Soldier.—Information has been received here that Sergt. A. E. Banta, Co. E, 140th Regiment, has died of wounds received in the battle of Gettysburg. He was a member of Capt. Abbott's company, 13th Regiment, at the time of its consolidation with the 140th. The brother of deceased, A. J. Banta, starts this evening for Gettysburg to recover the remains and bring them here for burial.
DEATH IN THE 140TH.—Duncan McLeod, a member of Co. D, 140th regiment N. Y. S. V., died on the 13th of July in the Hospital at Germantown, Pa. Mr. McLeod was taken ill with the typhoid fever on the 2d of July, but remained at his post of duty until the 7th. He bravely resisted the attack of the decease, more insidious and deadly than rebel steel; for several days, but was at length compelled to yield and enter the hospital for the sick, and died in a few days. He leaves a widow and two children in this city.
An appropriate discourse will be preached in Calvary Church Sunday morning, July 5th.
EXPECTED DEATH OF LIEUT. C. P. KLIEN.—Mrs. Klien, mother of Lieut. C. P. Klien, 140th regiment, wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, received a dispatch Wednesday evening from Baltimore, stating that the Lieutenant was not expected to survive long and desired that she should go immediately to him. Mrs. Klein started for Baltimore Tuesday evening and it is expected that she reached her son before he expired. Lieut. Klein's wound was in the right thigh, the ball passing upward and into his side. At the time of his enlistment he was a student in the office of Judge Chumasero, and promised to be a useful member of the profession he had chosen. As a member of the 54th Regiment, N. Y. N. G., he acquired a military proficiency which gave him great advantages on entering the volunteer service. By good conduct and gallantry he was promoted from a Second to a First Lieutenancy, and while acting in that capacity, assisting to drive the rebel hordes from Pennsylvania, received the wound, which it is feared will terminate his existence.
Killed—Colonel P. H. O'Rorke.
Wounded—Co. I, J. Hardin; Co. C, M. Burns; Co. F, G. Fight; Co. K, J. Healey; ___ O'Flaherty; Co. A, O. P. Colby; Co. G, Fred. Dace, Jacob Beamer; Co. H, Sergt. Chauncey, John Harpst; Co. G, Geo. Shueff, Jas. McEntee, Capt. Speiss; Co. B, Captain Starks; Co. A, Captain Sibley; Co. G, Lieut. C. P Klein; Co. I, Lieut. McGraw; Co. K, Sergt. Sebastian.
PERSONAL.—Lieutenant Suggett of the 140th has arrived home quite ill. He hopes to recover and return to his place ere long. The reports from the regiment agree that this young officer has acquitted himself remarkably well in the field and camp. We hope he will soon be restored to health and duty.
We find the following additional casualties reported in the New York papers. Some names may be repeated in these reports:
B. McCormick, arm; A. McCumber, Co. D, ankle; Sergt. F. O. Messenger, Co. I.
PERSONAL.—Capt. Starks, of the 140th New York Regiment, who was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, has returned to his home in his village, on a leave of absence until his wounds are sufficiently recovered for him to again take the field. The Captain is looking hearty and well otherwise than his wounds which are such as to clearly indicate the service he saw and his Providential escape with his life at the Gettysburg battle. He evidently does not shrink from the faithful performance of his duty as an officer.
The casualties reported thus far in this regiment are few in addition to those given in our dispatch yesterday:
John Healy, wounded in wrist; ____ O'Flaherty, Co. K, wrist; O. P. Colby, Co. A, leg; Fred. Dace, Co. G, shoulder; Jacob Benner, Co. G, abdomen; Sergt. Chauncey, Co. H, arm and face; John Harpst, Co. H, head; Geo. Shouff, Co. G, head and hip; Jas. McIntire, Co. G, arm amputated; Capt. Speis, Co. B, breast; Capt. Starks, Co. A, four wounds; Capt. Sibley, Co. G, both thighs; Lieut. Kline, Co. I, thigh; Lieut. McGraw, Co. K, thigh; Sergt. Sebastian, Co. K, arm.
Col. P. H. O'Rourke, killed.
Joseph Hardin, Co. I, left arm.
Hugh J. Sharp, Co. D, foot.
J. Grace, Co. H, left shoulder.
____ O'Flaherty, Co. K, wrist.
Michael Burns, Co. C, knee.
Geo. Fight, Co. F, fracture of foot.
O. P. Colby, Co. A, leg.
Fred. Dace, Co. G, shoulder.
Jacob Benner, Co. G, abdomen.
Sergt. Chauncey, Co. H, arm and face.
Jno. Harpist, Co. H, head.
Geo. Shouff, Co. G, head and hip.
Jas. McIntire, Co. G, arm amputated.
Capt. Spies, Co. B. breast.
Capt. Starks, Co. A, four wounds.
Capt. Sibley, Co. G. both thighs.
Lieut. C. P. Kline, Co. I, thigh.
Lieut. McGraw, Co. K, thigh.
Sergt. Sebastion, Co. K, arm.
From the 140th.—The Battle of Gettysburg.
We have received the following letter, hastily written on the battle field of Gettysburg upon the morning of July 3rd, by a member of one of the Companies of the old 13th, now consolidated with the 140th. He says:
My life and health are still preserved. We took a position at 4 p. m. yesterday. It was on the brow of a hill and so open to sharpshooters that our loss was very severe, we were on the left wing and remained on this hill. But the right wing went below, and being exposed to severe cross fires were terribly cut up. Col. O'Rorke was killed immediately, also Brig. Gen. Weed. Four Captains and two Lieutenants were wounded.
Out of 40 men in our company, Co. F, two were killed and 11 wounded. Serg't. Frank Messenger and Serg't. Banta were both slightly wounded. Harry Pool is safe. It is said we drove the enemy yesterday. We have a view of a large part of the battle field. The end is not yet, although nothing very sharp is going on now.
We are more secure than we were yesterday. The men do their duty well, but we deeply feel the loss of Col. O'Rorke, all loved him and his place cannot be filled; no man in military has pleased me so well.
The Death of Lieut. McGraw.
We have been permitted to copy the following letter, addressed to one of our citizens by Sergt. Brown of Co. K, 140th Regiment. We can endorse his sentiment in regard to the brave Lieutenant. He was the support of an aged mother, whom he loved with all the affection of a dutiful son, and but a few days yrevious [sic] to the battle he sent an enclosure of money, and an affectionate letter, bidding her "not to be sparing of it, but to use it freely for her own comfort and convenience."
BALTIMORE, July 13, 1863.
Dear Sir:—Below I send to you the particulars of the death of Lieut. Hugh McGraw, Co. K, 140th Regiment, during whose illness and subsequent sudden and unexpected death, I was attending upon, at the request of Capt. Sullivan, and of the Lieutenant himself. He was wounded on the afternoon of the 3rd, in the leg below the knee breaking the bone. On Saturday the 5th his leg, (the left) was amputated above the knee, and although very weak from loss of blood and exposure he went through the operation bravely and successfully. I attended him night and day until the morning of the 9th, when he died from secondary hemorrhage, the ligatures bursting during what we supposed was sleep, and thus a brave and noble soldier, a kind and intelligent superior, passed noiselessly and without pain from earth, mourned by all who knew him.
In accordance to his wish expressed a few days before his death, I took his body to Gettysburg, five miles, and had it embalmed; and the following day, 11th, took it to Baltimore. Being slightly wounded, I had intended to accompany it home, with Capt. Thomas Bishop who had the charge of the body of our gallant and lamented Colonel, but was compelled to remain behind, and to-morrow shall return to hospital and from there to my Regiment. These particulars I wish you would make known to his bereaved mother, to whom he wrote full of hope the day previous to his death. His sword, belt and hat, are in possession of Sergeant McDermott of his company, who was wounded, and who will bring them home. The 140th fought nobly, have gained a name in the Army of the Potomac for steadiness and courage, second to none in the service; and among its long list of dead and wounded heroes, none are more worthy of respect and praise than my lamented friend Lieut. McGraw, whose untimely death cannot fail of producing among his friends at home, as among us here, sincere sorrow.
BROCKPORT ITEMS.—The Republic of yesterday notices the death of the oldest inhabitant of that village, James Duffy, a native of Ireland, who expired on Monday last at the age of ninety years.
A revival is in progress at the Presbyterian church.
Barton Perrigo, of the 140th Regiment, who lost a leg in the late battle at Fredericksburg is claimed as a former resident of Clarkson. Walton Gardner, who was killed in the same engagement, formerly published a weekly paper in Brockport. His mother still resides there—the remainder of his family are in this city.
An incorrigible fellow named Draper, who had been sentenced to the Penitentiary for assault, &c., was on Wednesday of last week placed in a lock-up to await a train for Rochester. During the time some person handed him in an iron bar through the grated window, with which he broke the locks off from the iron grate to the door, and wooden outside door, escaping, going west when last seen.
Captain Starks, of the 140th New York Regiment, who was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, has returned to his home in Brockport, on leave of absence until his wounds are sufficiently recovered for him to again take the field.
PERSONAL.—Capt. Spies, of Co. B, 140th Regiment, arrived home last evening from Gettysburg. His wound is of a dangerous and troublesome character, but it is hoped that by proper care he will recover.
Capt. Starks reached his home at Brockport yesterday. His wounds are said to be healing.
Capt. Pond, of Co. M, 3d N. Y. Cavalry, arrived home last evening.
Our old townsman Tom Grannis, of Baltimore, was a sojourner here yesterday, and remains over to-day. He is Westward bound.
FROM THE 5TH CORPS.—H. C. Bryan, Sutler of the 140th regiment, arrived home last evening. He is in excellent health and spirits, and looks none the worse for his short sojourn in Richmond. Mr. Bryan came directly from Aquia Creek Monday, the place then being abandoned and it was impossible to get on to his regiment. He expresses fears that the 5th Corps will be cut off.
LIEUT C. P. KLEIN REPORTED DYING.—A telegraph dispatch received on Wednesday evening from Baltimore, directed to Mrs. Klein, stated that her son, Lieut. C. P. Klein, of the 140th Regiment, could not long survive, and desired that Mrs. K. should go immediately to him; but the mother started for Baltimore the evening previous, arriving, it is hoped, at the bedside of her dying son, before the termination of his illness. Lieut. Klein is scarcely twenty-one years of age, and has been for several years the chief support of his widowed mother. At the time of his enlistment he was a law student in the office of Judge Chumasero, and his good business talent, combined with studious application and a correct deportment, gave promise of early success in the profession. As a member of the 54th Regiment, he had acquired a good knowledge of military tactics, and was among the best drilled officers of the 140th Regiment. He had been promoted from the post of 2d to 1st Lieutenant, and filled both positions worthily. At the battle of Gettysburg he behaved with distinguished courage, and was wounded while in the line of duty. The ball entered his right thigh, passing upward, and into his right side. He was conveyed a few days afterwards to Newton University Hospital, where he has since remained. He has been a regular correspondent of this paper, and in that capacity furnished us with early and reliable intelligence, of all important events relating to the 140th. His last communication was dated July 5th, and contained a list of the casualties in that regiment. He expressed the belief that his own wound was not dangerous. We are deeply pained by the last sad announcement, and there are many hearts that will sympathize with his family in their impending bereavement.
Death of Lieut. Klein.
Intelligence has been received here of the death of Lieut. Charles P. Klein, of the 140th Regiment, who was shot through the hip by a Minnie bullet, at the battle of Gettysburg, and died on Sunday. The body left Baltimore last evening, and is expected here to-night.
Lieut. Klein was but twenty-one years of age and was formerly a compositor in this office. He afterwards studied law in the office of Judge Chumasero. At the outbreak of the rebellion he expressed a sincere desire to volunteer, but refrained on account of the anxiety of his mother. When the 140th regiment was raised one year ago, he was offered a Lieutenancy in Co. B, which he accepted. From that time until his wounding, he was always in his place and at the post of duty. He took a lively interest in the cause of the right, and has nobly sacrificed his life in its maintainance [sic]. He has a host of friends in this city who sincerely mourn his untimely loss.
THE SWORD OF COL. O'RORKE.—Yesterday morning Capt. Starks, of the 140th Regiment, arrived in the city with sword of the lamented Col. O'Rorke. Captain Starks was standing not over six feet from his Colonel when he was struck. He was himself wounded in four different places, but fortunately no bones were broken, and he is healing rapidly.—Capt. Starks delivered the sword of Colonel O'Rorke to his family. He also brings intelligence of Lieut. Klein, and thinks his recovery impossible. The Lieutenant was wounded by a rifle ball, which passed through both hips. At first his symptoms were favorable for recovery, but on Sunday he began to grow rapidly worse, being delirious most of the time. During the raging of the dilirium he was constantly drilling his company, and ordering them on to the charge. His sufferings were intense. Captain Sharks left him in the hospital, on Tuesday evening, when his symptoms were more favorable.
THE REMAINS OF COL. O'RORKE.—From a correspondence from Gettysburg it will be seen that the remains of Col. O'Rorke of the 140th Regiment were, July 7th, temporarily interred in the hospital grounds, five miles north-west of Gettysburg. It is probable that the body of the gallant Colonel has, ere this, been recovered, and is on the way here for interment. It may arrive to-day.
Since writing the above we learn that Mrs. O'Rorke arrived home this morning. The body of her husband, it is expected, would be here at 10:30 this forenoon, but it did not arrive. It will probably arrive on the evening train from the East.
THE REMAINS OF COL. O'RORKE.—On Saturday morning the Common Council held a meeting to take action in reference to the preparations for the funeral of the late Col. O'Rorke, of the 140th Regiment. They passed resolutions to attend his funeral, and inviting all military organizations of the District to receive his remains on their arrival, and take part in the funeral ceremonies. It is not yet ascertained at what time his remains will arrive, although they are expected here to-day.
Few men have made a more brilliant reputation in this affair than Colonel O'Rourke, One Hundred and Fortieth New York. Mounted on a rock, he was cheering on his men when a bullet struck him. He knew no fear; his fearlessness made him rash. It was so at the reduction of Fort Pulaski, where he behaved with a gallantry known to everybody. It has been so in every engagement in which he participated. Like many of our officers lost in the present battle, Colonel O'Rourke was a young man, being only twenty-five years old. He graduated at West Point in 1861, standing first in his class. A good portion of the last year he commanded a brigade in the division of regulars. He possessed military talent of a high order, and was eminently prepossessing and courteous to a fault. He had indeed all those shining qualities of heart and intellect that so richly adorn a man, and vouchsafe place, power and love to their possessor.
Sad News from the 140th---Colonel O'Rorke Killed.
It is with sorrow that we record the intelligence received from the scene of the late dreadful battle in Pennsylvania. The Monroe Co. Regiments were engaged and have no doubt sufferred [sic] severely. A special dispatch from New York announces the death of Col. O'Rorke, of the 140th regiment, and gives the names of wounded in same regiment as follows:
Co. I, J. Hardin; Co. C, M. Burns; Co. F, G. Fight; Co. K, J. Healey, ____ O'Flaherty; Co. A, O. P. Colby; Co. G, Fred. Dace, Jacob Reamer; Co. H, Sergt. Chauncey, John Harpst; Co. G, Geo. Shueff, Jas. McEntee, Capt. Speiss; Co. B, Capt. Starks; Co. A, Capt. Sibley; Co. G, Lieut. Klein; Co. I, Lieut. McGraw; Co. K, Sergt. Sebastian.
The above comes in a special dispatch to this paper. We expect to get further lists in our regular report.
The fall of Col. O'Rorke will cause deep sorrow in a large circle of acquaintances and friends. He was a young man of great promise. By his own efforts he worked his way into favorable notice and obtained a cadetship at West Point. There he graduated in June, 1861, at the head of his class. He was assigned to a Lieutenancy in the Regular Army and placed in the Engineer Corps in service at Hilton Head and the works on Savannah River where he distinguished himself.
When the 140th regiment was ready for the field he was assigned to the command and under his command the regiment has acquitted itself handsomely and attained a high degree of discipline. At Chancellorsville Col. O'Rorke commanded a brigade, but subsequently resumed the command of his regiment. He led them northward from Fredericksburg by forced marches when Lee struck out for Pennsylvania, and doubtless took them into action with the same gallantry that has distinguished all his movements, and he has fallen thus early another youthful sacrifice upon the altar of his country, It is but a few months since Col. O'Rorke was married in this city to a daughter of Mr. Edward Bishop. His young wife and his relatives, of which he has a number in this city, will have the warmest sympathy of all who realize how severe is the stroke that afflicts them.
Death of Col. Patrick H. O'Rorke.
All will be saddened upon hearing of the death of this gallant young officer on the field of Gettysburg. A correspondent of the N. Y. Herald says he fell while mounted on a rock cheering on his gallant boys of the 140th N. Y. regiment. One statement is that he had the regimental colors in his hand.
Col. O'Rorke was about twenty-five years of age. He was appointed a cadet at West Point from this congressional district, and graduated at the head of his class in 1861. He was immediately assigned to duty in the corps of Topographical Engineers, and served with distinction on the general staff, during the operations which led to the reduction of Fort Pulaski. When the 140th Regiment was raised here, an application was made to have him detailed from the regular service to become its commander. The request was granted, and he came north soon after the regiment reached the seat of war. During a portion of last winter he commanded a brigade, as senior colonel.
The deceased was not only a brave and capable officer, but a gentleman of courteous manner and genial spirit, as well. He was universally beloved and respected by officers and soldiers.
Col. O'Rorke married, a few months since, a daughter of Mr. Edward Bishop, of this city, who, we believe, is now in Washington. His mother, and we believe also a brother, reside here.
The Late Col. O'Rorke.
The funeral of this distinguished officer took place yesterday forenoon, from St. Bridget's Church, and was attended by a very large concourse of people. The Rev. Father O'Brien officiated. The 54th Regiment were in the procession and accompanied the remains to the cemetery, where the usual military honors were observed. The following tribute to the deceased is from the pen of one of his early schoolmates in District No. 9:
Editor Democrat and American:
From quite an intimate acquaintance with Col. O'Rorke in his more youthful days, I have deemed it proper to make public a few thoughts which his death suggests. I am impelled to this by a high regard for him--a regard fostered by years of intercourse, and constantly increased by ever-renewed indications of real worth. I speak of him mostly as a boy. After all, this is the seed of the man. If good it will produce good fruit, and by its fruit we judge it. When LaFayette was in America he called on the mother of Washington at Fredericksburg, Va. In conversation with her he took occasion to highly compliment her son's military ability, moral qualities and strict honesty; to which she replied, "I am not surprised at what George has done, for he was always a good boy." As Patrick's character developed, I have not wondered, but admired. It would have been strange to me if he had not been great. He was a bud, in which were wrapped up blossoms needing only to burst into being to scatter fragrance, beauty and health all about. I have joined him in many boyhood sports. I love to recall those scenes, for there always appears one form which I can never look on only with pleasure—even the boy O'Rorke—palish, somewhat slender, and always wearing a most bewitching smile.—If I could but go back to old No. 9 campus and enjoy with him one more game of ball, or other youthful sport, I would be truly a happy mortal. He was a rare companion, and all who have enjoyed association with him have been blessed.
It may seem a trifle to mention but I certainly dare say, it if but two or three of the early associates of my life, and of none in the same degree as of Patrick O'Rorke—that I never knew him once to swear, to tell a falsehood— he unkind or ungenerous—or to indulge in any bad habit. As said Father O'Brien of the Catholic Church, that it is very sparing of panegyric, so I feel that it should be; but here is a case where eulogy is not flattery to the dead or mere compliment to the living. On the contrary it is the outstretching of the conscientious heart to arrive at truth—the effort to set forth the noble qualities of the faithful man and Christian soldier.
I have been to funerals where I have deemed it sinful to heap such terms of praise on the dead. All knew they were undeserving, if not actual falsehoods. In the case before us I know it was different. I sympathized with Father O'Brien. Language was top feeble and emotions too intense to speak fittingly, and the whole truth, on the occasion. We all felt that the speaker had not flattered, or eulogized beyond truth. Though he spoke highly, touchingly and eloquently of the Colonel we felt that his remarks were not beyond but actually wanting in reaching the truth of the deceased.
We have attempted in this article to show the elements of character on which were based the excellent public qualities of the departed. Our journals all over the land speak forth his military abilities—the regiment, over which he presided declare his kindness as a man and his bravery as a soldier—our city feels and mourns his loss. As a representative of Public School No. 9, where he received his early education, I am led to declare from a heart feeling and knowing the truth of what I say, that I never, we never, knew his like. I know of no boy of my youthful days so loved and universally cherished as Patrick O'Rorke, and I am not surprised that as Colonel he is so lamented. Though a Protestant I will say a word as to the loyalty of the Catholic Church. Every one who heard Father O'Brien cannot but be convinced he is a sincere, earnest patriot. Of our flag, of our country, of our customs, of our superiority among the nations of the world as to freedom and other respects—he spoke only as a true, thorough and noble-hearted citizen and clergyman could. ORANGE.
The City and Vicinity.
Death of Col. P. H. O'Rorke.
The report of the death of Colonel O'Rorke, of the 140th Regiment, is confirmed. He was struck by a bullet in the battle of Thursday evening at Gettysburg, while at the head of his regiment cheering on his men. His death brings sorrow and mourning to a very large circle of friends and acquaintances here. Col. O'Rorke resided in this city from his earliest boyhood, and was beloved and respected by all who knew him.
He made his way in the world by his own exertions, and was always remarkable for his studious habits. He attracted attention while a pupil in our free public schools by the progress he made in his studies, and graduated from the Free Academy (then the Rochester High School) with the highest distinction, being one of the three pupils of the Public Schools selected that year as free scholars to the University. His filial love stood in the way of his acceptance of the opportunity for a classical education, and he turned aside to a mechanical pursuit in order to support the declining years of his mother.
His appointment to a cadet ship at West Point was procured through the influence of the late Samuel Andrews, who regarded his instrumentality in the advancement of his young protege as a particularly bright spot in his long and useful life. To West Point young O'Rorke carried his fixed habits of attention to his studies, and the business which engaged his time, and he graduated as first in his class in 1861.—He was appointed a Lieutenant in the topographical engineers, and served with credit in the department of the South, taking an active part in the operations which led to the reduction of Port Pulaski.
He was appointed to the command of the 140th Regiment, raised in this city, on the application of the War Committee, and he took command soon after the regiment was sent to the seat of war, now nearly a year since. He has proved himself a brave and capable officer, and won the esteem and love of the officers and men of his regiment. He leaves a young wife, daughter of Mr. Edward Bishop, of this city. She has been in Washington for several days, her anxiety for her husband's safety attracting her as near as possible to the scene of the expected conflict in Pennsylvania. She will receive the sympathies of a large circle of warm friends in her heavy bereavement.
The New York Herald notices Col. O'Rorke's death as follows:
Few men have made a more brilliant reputation in this affair than Col. O'Rourke, One Hundred and Fortieth New York. Mounted on a rock, he was cheering on his men when a bullet struck him. He knew no fear, his fearlessness made him rash. It was at the reduction of Fort Pulaski, where he behaved with a gallantry known to everybody. It has been so in every engagement in which he participated. Like many of our officers lost in the present battle, Colonel O'Rourke was a young man, being only twenty-five years old. He graduated at West Point in 1861, standing first in his class. A good portion of the last year he commanded a brigade in the division of regulars. He possessed military talent of a high order, and was eminently prepossessing and courteous to a fault. He had indeed all those shining qualities of heart and intellect that so richly adorn a man, and vouchsafe place, power and love to their possessor.
From the 140th Regiment.
140TH N. Vols., April 20th, 1863.
DEAR UNION:—It has been a long time since I have troubled you with a letter, detailing the incidents and accidents attending the career of the 140th Regiment, and from present indications it may be some time before I may have an opportunity again, or at least it may be the last one from this camp. Everything around us, aside from orders, indicates that we are to leave this spot where, during the past five months, we have whiled many happy hours away. But all the hours have not been happy. We have had the bitter with the sweet. Many sad memories will linger on our minds in the future, if we are spared—memories of cold winter blasts, where cotton houses alone have protected our heads from the storm—memories of our companions in arms, who have, day after day, and week after week, laid in these houses, racked with pain and disease; and of many of them whose sands of life have in the morning of their day run out, and whose mortal frames have been laid in the dust, for from home, from friends and kindred.
All our extra clothing and baggage accumulated during the winter, has been packed and sent to Washington to be stored during the summer. Lieut. Buckley has been detailed and gone to Washington with them to get a suitable place. Our wagons are loaded with provisions, and the men have eight days rations in their haversacks, and we are expecting to march tomorrow morning. Our men are not to be encumbered with so much extra loading on their backs as in the past. We have recently been called out quite often to be reviewed, accounts of which you have probably had ere this. The President reviewed our Corps on the 7th inst. by Brigades. He passed along our lines the same as with other Brigades, but afterwards he stopped with us sometime, while the 5th N. Y. Zouaves went through their favorite bayonet exercise. It was a splendid sight, and Mr. Lincoln expressed himself very much pleased with it. The next day was the grand review, when the President, his wife and son were present attended by a very numerous suite. Last Sunday the troops and camps of this Corps were inspected by a Swiss General, accompanied by Generals Meade and Sykes. I do not know the name, but his uniform and fixings denoted him an officer of high rank. Yesterday our Division was reviewed again by Gen. Meade. All these reviews and inspections are pretty sure signs of a move. Our good rations of soft bread and potatoes, and onions, &c., will be cut off now, and we must come down again to soldier's fare, that is hard tack, pork and coffee.
Another lot of furlough men have just got back, and another lot are anxiously waiting for their chance. Furloughs will be continued as a permanent institution for the present, to all regiments where good order and discipline is carried out. Our regiment has just been paid four months pay, or up to March 1st, which of course makes us feel much better. Our Chaplain is back with the regiment again, and our medical staff has been filled up to the maximum number. We have a Dr. Dean in the place of Dr. Hall. He is a young man, has been Assistant Surgeon in the 57th N. Y. Vols. He has been here but a few days, and I cannot say yet as to how he will be liked by the boys, but we hope he may meet the wants and wishes both of us and our friends at home. If he does, all's well. We have an Assistant Surgeon, Geo. L. Menzie, in place of Dr. Paine. He is a young man, and a first-rate fellow. I think he will be well liked by the regiment, and will do well for us.
Dr. Lord is here and doing well, and the sick reports of the regiment are diminishing. We have ten men in the Regimental Hospital, and thirteen in Division Hospital at present. If we move some will have to go to General Hospital—fifteen have already been selected for that pur¬pose. Of the future I cannot speak; suffice it to say if we leave here warm work is to be done somewhere, and we shall probably get a chance for our share of it; but I believe we are ready to do the work we bargained for when we joined this grand army.
The two years' men, among them the old 13th, are quite jubilant over the prospect of going home; but if all such regiments are sent away, Uncle Sam must fill up soon with some new ones. There are plenty of them left behind who the boys would like to see down here.
Smith, the razor strop man, is back doing duty in the hospital, same as in Pleasant Valley, Md., where we left him with some sick last Fall. He is just the man for a nurse, infusing new life as it were to the sick and weary sol¬dier. His genial good nature stands out in bold relief all the time. I have thrown together a few disconnected items, and fearing if I put more I spoil the first, I close.
From the Officers of the 140th.
N. Y. V., April 24th, 1863.
To THE EDITOR OF THE ROCHESTER UNION AND ADVERTISER:— Dear Sir:—In your paper of the 16th inst. there appears a report of the proceedings of a public meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Greece, held for the purpose of taking into consideration the military conduct of Mr. Addison N. Whiting, late a First Lieutenant in this regiment. At this meeting a preamble and resolutions were adopted, which are exceedingly unjust to Mr. Whiting, and calculated to injure him seriously in the estimation of the citizens of Monroe county. It is but simple justice to him that we, so lately associated with him as officers in the same regiment and who have had an opportunity of watching his military conduct, should give our testimony as to his military character, and make it as public as the charges against him have been made.
It is stated in the first resolution that Lieut. Whiting resigned his commission and left his company in sight of the enemy, thus giving the impression that he left his command while in the immediate presence of the rebel forces. The facts are, that Lieut. Whiting was honorably discharged from the service in consequence of a wound accidentally received near Falmouth. At the time of his discharge the regiment was lying quietly in camp, without any immediate prospect of meeting the enemy.
In consequence of the illness of Captain Wm. F. Campbell, Lieut. Whiting was in command of his company from its arrival at Sandy Hook, Md., until he recived [sic] the wound which caused his resignation. During this time he discharged his duties faithfully, and to the satisfaction of his superior officers. Scores of officers have been discharged honorably from our armies for similar causes during the past winter without any blame attaching itself to them, and there is no reason why Lieut. Whiting should be made an exception. Respectfully yours,
P. H. O'RORKE, Colonel.
Louis ERNST, Lieut. Colonel.
L. E. Force, Major.
Interesting Account of the Movement---But Two Killed and Eight Wounded
in the Regiment---Letter from True Blue.
Six Miles from Frederickburg [sic],
April 30th, 1863.
Dear Express:—After three days' hard marching I find myself in possession of a few leisure moments, and it being "mighty unsartin" when I can again write you, and thinking that our little experience of the past three days will be of some interest to you, you can have it for what it is worth. In the first place—let me inform you that my writing desk is not such as I would wish it to be in addressing you—it being an inverted frying-pan, resting on one knee, a desk that comes in good play about meal times.
We received marching orders Monday morning, April 27th, and by 10 o'clock a. m. we were under way with eight days' rations in our haversacks and knapsacks—marched about four miles from camp and halted at Cedar Grove for the purpose of giving the 11th and 12th Army Corps an opportunity to pass us. After they had filed by we started in their rear. The roads were so blocked up with the number of troops and artillery that our progress was very slow—halted for the night at Harewood Church, only eight miles from camp. The day was warm and beautiful, and the roads were in a fair condition.
Tuesday morning we again started on our journey—had not gone far before it commenced raining, making the roads bad for us poor pedestrians. We kept on our journey until half-past 9 that evening, and would have continued still later if the men could have held out; but it was almost impossible for them as they had marched so fast all day that when we did halt some of them were so exhausted that they dropped upon the ground without even covering themselves with a blanket or eating any supper. The ground was very wet and some of them caught severe colds.
Wednesday morning we were up early, not feeling much like marching. Before we started there was an order read to us, to the effect that the Commanding General of our Corps was thankful to the men for their patience and endurance of the previous day, and that he wished to inform them that it was necessary that they should make a long and rapid march on that day. Before taking up our line of march we could hear our artillery at work shelling the woods on the opposite side of the river, probably feeling around for the Rebs on that side.—We arrived at Kelly's Ford at five o'clock, and were delayed some time by the vast number of troops that were awaiting their chance to cross the pontoon bridge. It was a grand sight to witness, and on our arrival we had a splendid view of the troops. Upon either side of the Ford is a large flat piece of land, sloping gradually to quite an elevation from the bed of the river. At this point assembled the 5th, 11th, and 12th Army Corps, with all their artillery and quite a force of cavalry, all moving,—some in one direction and some in another, but all pointing to one destination, and what was better, all going in the best of spirits. About two miles farther, we came to Ellis' Ford. They can afford to call this a Ford, for we were compelled to plunge right in, which we did regardless of cost, but it was no very pleasant job, as the water was cold and up to our waists. It was laughable to see the boys plunge in. After crossing we were allowed about fifteen minutes to pull off our shoes and for the purpose of giving them a squeeze. Again we resumed our journey, and about eight o'clock that evening arrived at the Rapidan, we were delayed at this point some time, and were informed that we could also have the pleasure of fording that stream. This seemed rather a damper on the boys, as the evening was wet, and we would be obliged to retire with our clothing soaking wet, but it was necessary and at it we went. We were not long in making the necessary preparations [sic], and were then ordered to advanced on the river each man having every garment that he had on him, tied up and fastened on his shoulders. It was a gay old sight. I would have given a ten dollar greenback if the Express Corps could have seen that crossing. Just imagine 15 or 20 thousand men fording that river, all looking very greek slavish in water up to their necks. The river is pretty wide, the water cold and shoulders deep, and the current quite swift. The men were compelled to be very careful to avoid capsization. In fact their were a few unfortunate cases but they were readily rescued by their comrades. Had Ann been there and caought [sic] one glimpse she would have been a Rapid Ann.
Our object in taking that Ford was for the purpose of assisting General Couch's corps who were coming in an opposite direction to form a junction with us. I came very near forgetting to mention to you the manner in which we had our artillery taken across the Rapadan. We had two pontoons, on them was erected a platform large enough to carry one piece of artillery across the river. At either side were ropes attached to the pontoons and by this means they were drawn from one side to the other. Before crossing, our cavalry came along with thirty prisoners, Rebs that they had captured at Ellis' Ford. They came upon them unawares. They were a fine looking lot of men, and seemed indifferent as to their situation. From the Rapidan we marched rapidly and arrived at the United States Ford which was in possession of a division of Rebel troops. On our approach they skedaddled, but our cavalry captured three companies of them. From there we retraced our steps to wards Fredericksburg.
May 2. 1863.
I wrote you after crossing the Rapidan, but doubtless ere this reaches you, you will have heard of our movements, but as I am aware of the interest and anxiety that our friends at home have regard to the movements of the 140th, I will post you to the best of my knowledge. Thursday night, April 30th, we encamped about one mile from the camp of the enemy and remained undisturbed throughout the night. It was a beautiful night and it seemed as though fortune was smiling upon us and our country.
Half past eleven found us under the fire of the enemy. Gradually advancing, both artillery and infantry, with our division on the advance and our brigade in the second line of battle. In this position we marched about one half mile when we again struck in the woods. Here the enemy got a splended [sic] range of our brigade, sending shell and shot over our heads at a fearful rate. This position was rather hot for us and we filed out in the main road. Here we had one man wounded and one killed. Capt. Leaper, of Co. E, was wounded in the face, but it is not a dangerous affair, and he will be all right in a few days.
Walton Gardner was almost instantly killed. He was a member of Co. E. From this point we passed another piece of open ground, gradually driving the enemy before us, until we came to another piece of woods. Here we remained for about one hour, changing directions first one way and then another. We were then ordered to fall back gradually, which we did in good style, in line of battle, until ordered into the road; we then returned to the camp occupied the previous night, and immediately deployed our skirmishers to the right of us, into the woods. They had not been long in position before they discovered the enemy advancing upon us in pretty strong force. Firing commenced immediately, and our pickets were driven back four times in succession; the last time the enemy advancing in line of battle, seeming very confident of bagging us. When our pickets had all got into our lines, we opened a destructive fire upon the enemy, causing them to fly in confusion through the woods. Our boys captured several prisoners, who informed us that there was a "right smart" force of them advancing in this sally. After that they did not attempt to advance, although firing continued all night be¬tween our pickets. I was on picket, and could plainly hear them giving commands most all night, and seemingly they were moving about in pretty strong force, probably changing their position.
This is a great country to fight in, it is so intersected by woods. Our men would prefer an open field.
In the last engagement, Patrick O'Brien, a private in Co. C, was instantly killed, and James White, of Co. K, received s slight wound in the upper lip. As previously anticipated, our boys behaved splendidly, and settled down to their work like veterans. Col. O'Rorke commanded the brigade, and he proved himself all that we supposed him to be—a brave and cool commander. This morning Gen. Sykes complimented our brigade for their gallantry. It is now about noon, Saturday, May 2d, and we are in waiting for the rebels, who we expect to come out every moment.
The ball opened as we anticipated it would, at an early hour, consequently our troops worked all of Saturday night strengthening their position, every axe and spade that could be raised was used and to very good advantage. The commanding General, "Old Joe," could be seen at all hours of the day and night riding, directing the movements of troops, and to all appearances evidently well pleased with his position, and the good behavior of his troops. From day to day as battle progressed, the men could be heard expressing their confidence in him. And Sunday afternoon after the terrible fighting of that day subsided, he came riding along the lines as smiling as ever. All along the line he was greeted with loud and tremendous cheering. The troops have become greatly attached to him. About 5 o'clock in the morning, Sunday's battle commenced, and continued until about eleven o'clock A. M. Old veterans say that they never heard such terrible musketry. At times the tide of battle would be first on one side and then on the other, at times the Rebs could be seen advancing out of the edge of the woods into an open field where our batteries were planted, they would advance in large numbers but in no order whatever. Our batteries would then open on them with grape and canister, and the slaughter would be terrible. Several times did our men fall back from their intrenchments [sic] for the purpose of drawing them out under the fire of our batteries, and they would follow every time, thinking that they had certainly driven us back, they would rush forward shouting with demonic yells, but our batteries were a stopping place of death for them. And they would retreat in great confusion, our men following them, capturing and killing a great number.
They would attack our centre and press it very hard for about one half hour, working from our centre to our left, feeling for a weak spot in our lines; but Old Joe moved his troops a little too fast to give them a chance to flank us. After going to the left they would then throw their entire force back on our centre with great energy. They manoevered several times in this way and finally captured 13 pieces of our artillery on the left, but we charged them and succeeded in recapturing five pieces. Sunday afternoon all firing ceased with the exception of that going on between our pickets and theirs.—About four o'clock we could hear the booming of cannon in the direction of Fredericksburg,—This was Gen, Sedgwick working his way up with the Sixth Army Corps.
Last night (Sunday) our supplies commenced arriving, and I assure you it was a gratifying sight to see them, as the boys had run short of hard tack. This is our eighth day out, and never have troops borne the hardships that we have with more patience. How are you utter demoralization? or, How are you copperheads?—There is "no such person" in this army at present.
It is now about 10 o'clock Monday morning, and everything is quiet and working lovely.
It is now raining very hard. So far there has been two killed in our regiment, and eight wounded—all slightly with the exception of Barton Perrige, who will have to have his leg amputated.
Patrick Scully and John Swindell, of Capt. Clark's company, who were on the outposts, were taken prisoners.
If this rain continues it will raise the river so as to endanger our supplies. In that event we shall have to recross, satisfied with the havoc already done to the enemy. I will write more tomorrow. Yours, &c., TRUE BLUE.
140th REGIMENT, N. Y. V., Co. D.
Monday, May 4th, 1863.
Dear Parents:—We are now on a reserve back of the battle line of our camp, in the rear of Fredericksburg. Our Regiment has been in the action but were not much engaged. We lost two killed and about thirty wounded and missing. The boys stood well and repulsed the rebels who were attempting to flank us. The army have got the better of the rebels this time and all accounts seem to be favorable to our side. A. S. BOSTWICK.
Letter from Major Force, 140th Regiment.
The following letter from Major I. F. Force, of the 140th Regiment, came to hand last evening. It was very hastily penned, but narrates the first day's experience of Col. O'Rorke's gallant regiment on the south side of the Rappahannock. It appears that they behaved credibly, but what the brave fellows have since had to encounter we have yet to learn. The letter is dated
ON PICKET, May 2d, 1863.
I presume you have been in very great suspense during the last few days, knowing the army are in front of, and have been engaged with the enemy. But I am pleased to announce to you that we have passed through quite a battle. I have been under heavy fire and am still safe and quite well. Yesterday about 9 o'clock we were ordered to attack the enemy, and drive them back if possible. I should have said our division, were ordered to do it. We were quite close to the rebels at the time, and had not moved far before the enemy opened fire on us with artillery and sharpshooters. We had to pass through a terrible shelling for quite a distance, and finally halted in a little grove, and then fearfully the shells came in upon us. The first one burst directly over my head and the pieces fell all around me; still I am unharmed. We were not long in counter-marching and coming into the road; not, however, until one poor fellow in Co. E, named Gardiner, had his jaw knocked off and died instantly, and a Captain was knocked senseless by the explosion of one of these missiles, He is, however, better, but is quite flighty. The next regiment to us had five killed and wounded before we could get out. I was surprised that more of us were not killed, as the tops of the trees were torn off, and fell among us. I am proud to say that our men and officers behaved creditably. I need not tell you that when the order came for us to advance from that place, double quick, on the rebels, we were not long in responding to it. We had not gone far before we had another of our men, a fine fellow, shot through the thigh, who has since had his leg amputated. We remained, more or less, under fire for two hours.
Our batteries did good execution. We drove the enemy back about a mile, into their strongholds. We had accomplished our object—found their position and strength; then we gradually retreated, hoping to draw them out, so as to flank them, but they were too cunning. Another division then relieved us, and we fell back to our previous camp, which is near the picket lines, and scarcely had we formed divisions and just about to break ranks, when very close to us in the roads, a sharp fire opened on us. They made such a yelling as they came on, we did not know what to make of it. They came so suddenly, and were so close before they commenced shooting. But there was no time to be lost. In the twinkling of an eye, we had our line deployed, when out came a lot of fellows running from the woods. Our men were just going to fire on them, when I and two others cried out, "For God's sake hold on, they are our men."—They were our pickets retreating from before a sharp fire of the rebels, who were close behind them, yelling and shouting. I motioned to our men to hurry to the right of them. Such a fire as we opened on the rebels was fearful; it sent them back howling, not, however, without one of our men being killed, and three wounded.—None of the pickets were killed, but several were taken prisoners—we also took two of the grey backs. We have lost in all, two killed, six wounded, and ten missing. There is now very heavy musketry firing just in front and on our right.
Fall in, is the word. We have formed in line of battle, and are waiting orders. Since writing the above, the firing was very heavy for a time, but I think the rebels are driven back. The firing receded, and has now almost ceased. Our Surgeons have been sent for to attend to the wounded, who are now being brought in. We think we have the rebels where we want them; they must either fight in our position, or fall back. They appear terribly exasperated at us, and have attacked us several times to-day. Early this morning they tried to take a battery of ours, but were repulsed with heavy loss. They tried to take the same batte¬ry twice last night. The firing has commenced on the right, and oh how they are going it.—The band is playing Yankee Doodle. Our men are cheering. What a din. We are bound to whip them. A big battle is raging, and I must close. I am informed the mail is stopped, but I will try to send this to Falmouth, hoping you may receive it soon.
From the 140th Regiment.
CAMP OF THE 140th Regiment N. Y. V.,
NEAR FALMOUTH VA., May 9, 1863.
By the heading of this, you will perceive we are back in almost the same spot we started from. Quite a change from the spot I last wrote you from. Then, I had to sit with my back against a tree, with my attention divided between writing and keeping a sharp lookout for a stray shot or shell. Last Sabbath found us lying in a reserve, with two lines of battle in front of us, and at 5 A. M. the ball opened in grand style. The battle raged with great fury till 11 A. M., when the enemy were driven back, and repulsed at every point. A short distance from the left of our regiment several batteries were planted, and on these the rebels charged no less than five times, but were repulsed with awful carnage. We could hear their yells, as they charged, and every man would hold his breath with suspense. Not a shot was fired till they began to pour out of the woods into the open field, like wasps from their nests, then the guns, with their double shotted loads of cannister [sic] and grape, would go crashing through their ranks, and hurl them back. The old soldiers did not feel confident of their repulse till they heard the hoarse booming of a certain battery, then they would cry out "there goes old Weed after them" (meaning Weed's Battery.) Then the Regulars would mount the breastworks and send cheer after cheer of defiance alter their broken column. During the intervals in the battle the sharpshooters on both sides were kept busy.—General Griffin while riding near our regiment, had a splendid horse shot from under him.—General Hooker rode along the lines several times, and his fine grey steed made a good mark, but fortunately no bullet could lay him low.—Our batteries were considerably annoyed by a rebel sharpshooter that was concealed in the woods. A captain of a battery first had his horse shot from under him, but he had no sooner mounted another, than a ball coming from the same direction, shattered his leg. At length one of Berdan's men caught sight of a dark object in an oak tree. He aimed, fired, and down tumbled Mr. Sharpshooter, in the shape and color of a huge mulatto. I suppose, though, it is all right for the rebels to use the negroes to slay our Northern brothers. But Copperheads think it an unpardonable sin if we even use them for digging entrenchments. The firing was kept up at intervals until Tuesday, when it ceased entirely. On Tuesday morning, while getting into line, a minie ball struck Martin W. Haight, company A, badly, shattering his leg below the knee. Though the wound is a severe one, yet the Surgeon thinks the limb will be saved. And here let me say a word in regard to our officers. Wherever our regiment went our surgeons were with us (with the exception of Dr. Lord, who was detailed). In that terrible five days' battle I did not see cooler men than our acting Brigadier and our Colonel. The men have the utmost confidence in all the line and staff officers, and they showed by their attention to orders that they were willing to follow them to victory or death.
On Tuesday evening we were treated to a grand rain storm, with all the old fashioned accompaniments of thunder and lightning. The boys were completely drenched. While it was still raining the order came for a retreat across the river. Our division was to cover the retreat. Here my pen must skip over a blank space.—While standing behind the regiment a ball from the enemy struck your correspondent's gun, glanced and went through the breast of my overcoat, and struck a brass-bound pocket Bible and went under my arm. Some splinters from the gun hit me on the head, and the next recollection I had was, twenty-four hours afterwards, finding myself in "Camp near Falmouth," among the boys again, and nobody hurt.
Thursday we moved camp a few rods to the west of the old one on a gentle rising hill, from which we have a splendid view of the surrounding country.
From the 140th Regiment.
Virginia, May 14th, 1863.
DEAR UNION: —I have sent you all the information I could gather concerning our late excursion to the south side of the Rappahannock, but have this day got a few items to send to our friends at home which will give joy to some while it will send the deep pang of sorrow to others; but the almighty and overruling power which directs and controls our actions and our beings will, I trust, be to them a support, and give them strength and resignation to meet the sad tidings.
I stated in my last letter that Dr. Lord was in the hands of the rebels, or rather, I should say, he was left behind at Chancellorsville, and we knew not if he was a prisoner or killed. This day he has returned to us alive and well, except that he looks rather worse for wear. He has been with our wounded in the rebel lines ever since the great Sunday battle, and was to-day sent over with a train of wounded by the rebels into our lines. He says they were very short of provisions over there, owing to the destruction of property by Stoneman's cavalry, and they had to provide themselves from haversacks which they picked up on the battle field.
The rebels acknowledge that our artillery was too much for them, but they say they don't care for our infantry. Dr. Lord says among the many thousands of wounded rebels he saw, and he tells of 12,000, he did not see hardly any who were wounded in the legs by the musket ball. Nearly all were wounded in the arms, head and breast, while a large proportion of our men are wounded in the legs. That shows what has always been a mistake with our men, they aim too high. If they aimed as low as the rebels do we should make much greater havoc among the enemy than we do. Our muskets at short range, if a man is not careful, are very apt to carry over. So if you aim at a man's legs, and get on a straight line, your chances are good to hit a man somewhere below the top of his head, and allow considerable for carrying over.
The Doctor represents the rebels quite jubilant over their partial success, and Gen. Lee was cheered very heartily and long after the battle. Our wounded who were left in the brick house at Chancellorsville when we fell back with Dr. Lord in charge, remained there until Sunday about noon, when the house was destroyed and the out buildings. The wounded were removed to some other point. Among them was Barton T. Perrigo, who, as I told you before, had amputation performed at the upper third of left thigh. Being short of help, and he feeling full as well, and even better than could be expected for one in his condition, two days after the operation he determined to help himself as much as possible, and be removed to another building about a quarter of a mile distant. With two men assisting him, one holding each arm, he hopped on his one foot to the place. The exertion caused secondary hemorrhage [sic], the ligature became detached from the main artery, and within two minutes he bled to death, and thus was lost to the service as good and brave a fellow as the country needs. He was an amiable and faithful companion, and leaves a large number of friends in the regiment who mourn his loss.
The rest of our wounded are all doing well. Our loss in dead in our first engagement is but three. An overruling Providence has been with us all the way through the past eight months. Our losses when compared with other regiments have been light, from all causes, whether by sickness or battle or anything else. Our regiment is quite healthy since our return. We have nothing more than diarrhoea, which always follows such an expedition as that lately undertaken, We have only two sick in the hospital, and those not seriously. How long we stay here, or what is our next move I cannot say. The folks at home know as much about such things as we do. I see Gen. Hooker has ordered all who write to the papers must sign their own names and not use any more fictitious ones; so I must subscribe myself Respectfully,
Democrat & American.
From the 140th Regiment.
NEAR FALMOUTH, VA., May 15, 1863.
Semiramis stands by the Euphrates, contemplating a palace for herself and a habitation for her people. Alexander, at the head of his column, pierces and crushes under his feet a great city. Leyard burrows in the dusty mound, and compels the yelling Arab to drag forth the winged bulls of by-gone glory. These three illustrate the march of the race. The pioneer, the conqueror and the antiquarian follow and often stumble on one another. The axe which clears away the forest of Yucatan, disentombs the palaces of an extinct race, and amid the chattering of apes, opens the history of a forgotten civilization.
In nature, in man, in the life of nations, in the history of great cities, the law of growth and decay seems absolute and without exception. Like the earth we inhabit, the full round of existence must be half the time in the night. Since the raw material was measured out to us at the beginning, and no additions can be made we must tear down before we can build up, and life would have no meaning were it not for death.
There is a time when the infant nation is rocked in the arms of a few serious men, and if life trembles in the balance, between the shock of the old, with the birth of the, new. There is time when it springs forth in the pride of the conscious strength of manhood, and bids defiance to the world. And there is a time when it gathers itself for the final struggle, and, clothed in the dignity of a completed destiny, considers its heritage to the young heirs at its bed-side. Have no new elements been introduced to change the conditions of national growth? Must we, too, bow to the inexorable law, and write down over against all our hopes and undertakings, "passing away"? If we look no farther than to the teachings of history, if we go for our oracle to the tombs of past ages, if we say, "America must fall," as we say, we must die to-morrow, because our neighbor died yesterday, then our question must be answered in the affirmative.
But what then? We ought not to be alarmed. The crash of our dissolution must be so far removed as not to disturb these—the days of our infancy. For, by every possible deduction from the experience of other peoples, by all the symptoms, by common sense, we are assured that our career, as a nation, is scarcely begun. We must not forget that a body politic cannot be cut down by mere accident, that its growth must be slow, and that if it took Rome a thousand years to rise, and as many more to fall, we need not talk of our national coffin, before we have fairly emerged from our national crib. The first step has not yet been passed—the Pioneer is still driving hard at his task.
But we are of the number of those who believe that all events, principalities, and destinies form parts of one grand mosaic, wherein the purposes of God are perfectly wrought. And when we contemplate the place we occupy in the march of civilization, and the time, and the physical surroundings, and our history hitherto, we cannot but believe that there is, for us, a "manifest destiny," not in our proud, and inflated imaginations, but in the mind of the great Disposer of events.
We imagined ourselves masters of the situation, just at the moment when our destiny slipped from our hands, and took its own flight, in accordance with its own law. Our best reasons and feelings had long warned us that one monstrous obstacle stood over against that destiny. And while we laid our finger on our lips, and frowned on those indiscreet, but perhaps honest, men, who kept crying out in our streets: "unholy! unholy!" we looked anxiously about for the solution of the terrible problem. And then, when this fearful crisis burst upon us, in spite of that reason, and those feelings, we cried out: "unfortunate!" And now, while we sicken, and faint under repeated disaster, and delayed hope, we fail to see that all these have brought us nearer—not to the end of a war, but to the consummation of a grand result. The pillar of cloud and fire has kept steadily on, while we have been clamoring for the flesh pots of Egypt.
Not until our golden calf is broken, and our political Korahs are swallowed up, shall the promise of God towards us be fulfilled.
Let the patriot, the philosopher, the philanthropist take courage. The events of this war have gradually glided from our hands, and beyond our control, and we have become instruments where we thought to be masters. Here is a paradox in history—the lesser evil swallows up the greater. Let us join the almighty, but bloody tide which sets in towards the disenthralment of men—the elevation of man. Now is the time for Regulus to mount his spikes rather than be false to his character as a man—as a Roman. Now is the time for Junius Brutus to pronounce sentence on his own son, if that son prove false to Rome. Now the martyr may sing poesans amid crackling faggots, if the Great Cause be thereby advanced, vindicated, or even glorified. We shall be safe, as a people, if, following the advice of the poet Goethe to his friend, we prove "true to the dream of our youth."
Democrat & American.
From the 140th Regiment.
May 21st, 1863.
To-day we returned from three days picket duty, and they have been by far the most pleasant the Regiment has ever had. For the last week the weather has been beautiful—by day a warm invigorating sun, by night a clear starlight firmament. Flora for a short time has dethroned grim Mars in the woods of old Virginia, and is lavishing upon nature her sweetest smiles. The forests have put on their rich dress, the green fields are gemmed with beautiful wild flowers, while the whipporwill at night and sweeter songsters through the day tell us that Spring has gone and summer has come. The roads are dry and in good condition. When then will the army move? I suppose this is the absorbing question now at the North. "When our commander sees fit to give the order" is the only way we can answer it. After the forced marches we have made, living on scanty half-cooked rations, wearied with the terrible work of the hardest fought battle of the war; after all this the men must have a short period of repose, or human nature can never stand it. Brigades that have been broken up by the departure of two years and nine months men must be consolidated, arms and equipments lost in battle must be replaced, reconnoissances [sic] by which to determine the plan of new campaigns must all be made, and then will the mighty machinery of this army be set in motion again.
Since we returned to camp the old routine of camp life has been carried on. Reveille at 5 A. M. Squad drill at 6. Company drill from 8 to 9. The men are then at liberty till 4 P. M., when we have guard mounting, followed by dress parade and battalion drill. During the middle of the day the heat is almost insufferable. Those who are fortunate enough to possess a cool retreat under their evergreen boughs pass their time. Others take comfort in the cool waters of Potomac creek. This little stream is a perfect God send to our division, and its banks are constantly lined with bathers and amatuer [sic] washer women. Great improvements are being made in our new camp, and in a few days will compare favorably with any in the Army of the Potomac. Streets have been graded, evergreens have been drawn by the teams, and are being set out through the camp. The tents of the line and staff officers have large archways of evergreens built over them. This makes them almost as cool as an ice house. The Regulars set us a good example in laying out camps and adorning them. If you wish to behold a perfect model of neatness and beauty it can be found in the camp of the 1st and 2d brigade of this division. The shelter tents are in straight rows on neatly graded streets, and the wall tents are surrounded by nicely sodded sward and gravelled walks. Over the whole camp long arches of evergreens have been built making it cool and inviting. At a short distance it looks more like a thicket of evergreens than a camp of soldiers.
Since we returned from our last march Col. O'Rourke has been drilling two of the flank companies in the skirmish drill. This is something that we as a regiment have been defficient [sic]. Part of Co. A, of the 46th N. Y., in our brigade, was gobbled up by the rebels, they not understanding their business, when told to deploy as skirmishers.
Last Sabbath morning after reveile [sic] a soldier belonging to the regulars was drummed out of camp with a shaven head and keeping step to the music of the celebrated "Rogues March." Our brigade is to be reinforced by two regiments from Humphrey's division. They are fixing up a camp near us, and they will move into it next week. We hope the next time we write we will have more stirring (to the rebels) scenet to pen. All we can do now is to improve all we can in discipline and drill, and laugh among ourselves as we read in some Northern sheets of this terribly beaten, dispirited and demoralized army. If we have been beaten it was by the sacrifice of the very flower of the rebel army and its bravest and most distinguished chief; but do not think that we are demoralized. Don't disgrace us with the thought of foul eagerness to move upon the enemy before the hottest season of the year approaches. If a devotion to our cause and the oath we took when we enlisted, if a perfect confidence in our commander as a brave, efficient military leader, if all this is demoralization, then, Northern friends, we are demoralized in the very worst sense of the term.
From the 140th.
From our own Correspondent.
Headquarters 140th Regiment.
Potomac Creek, Va., May 30th, '63.
Dear Express: As I have a few leisure moments I will devote them in penning you a few lines, to let you know how we are getting along this warm weather. Yesterday, some of "us officers" of the 140th regiment, started for Brooks' Station, some four miles distant, to witness a horse race, gotten up by two of the most prominent officers of the 8th cavalry. We had not proceeded more than half way when we fell in with a large number who were out to see the sport. After inquiring into the matter a little we learned that it was to come off at Potomac Creek Bridge, and one of the horses, (Capt. M.'s) was on the ground at the appointed time. Here all dismounted, and after waiting patiently for about one half hour, an Orderly was dispatched to Brooks' Station, to inform Major P. that the Captain's horse, and in fact the entire party, were anxiously awaiting his arrival at that place. In the meantime, while the orderly was absent, the officers were invited by an officer of the 4th Michigan regiment to repair to his quarters, about three-fourths of a mile distant, and partake of refreshments, an invitation which the majority of them accepted. After a delay of an hour and a half, the aforesaid Orderly returned, and on his arrival, informed us that Capt. B., of the 8th cavalry, who acted as judge, desired Capt. M. to return with his horse to camp, as there would be no race that day. This announcement disappointed us all, as there was considerable anxiety to see the test, for the animals are considered pretty fast, and I have no doubt that they would make a pretty good show on some of the beautiful avenues around Rochester.
Those who repaired to the camp of the Sixth Michigan were unwilling to lose their days' sport, and on our arrival at the above named camp, we found them engaged in running scrub races. There were some ten or fifteen entries—the distance about eight rods. The day was warm, and the roads were very dusty; consequently when the horses were under way, it was almost impossible to see who came in ahead; but the Judge being a fair-sighted gent, gave his decisions promptly and satisfactory. Three heats were run, and Adjutant M., of the 8th cavalry, won the three—he coming in ahead each time, closely pursued by Quartermaster Sergeant M., of the 140th. The scrub races being ended, all hands resolved to go to their respective quarters, but another race was warmly talked of by two of the party, so back to the ground we went. The judges and referees were chosen, and all necessary arrangements made—the entries being Capt. M. and Capt. G., of the 8th cavalry; distance same as before. Capt. M. came in ahead, won the purse with great ease, on account of the bad behavior of Capt. G.'s horse, who ran off the track into the camp of the 4th regiment.—The rider, although being well experienced, could not control his animal, but had he kept on the course, I have no doubt but that he would have won the purse. Quite a number of spectators assembled to witness the sport, and they manifested a very lively interest in it. Among the vast assemblage was a couple of mule drivers, mounted on their long eared steeds. One of the officers inquired if they would enter their quadrupeds for a purse? They said they would; and we were not long in getting up a purse.—Bets were numerous, the sorrel mule being the favorite, and he proved himself as good as he looked, for he came in ahead about 50 yards.—After paying our respects to the Colonel of the 4th Michigan, we took a parting smile, expressing a hope that we should all meet again shortly. Taking all in all, it is really the best day's sport that I have had since I have been in Dixie—everything passed off very pleasantly, and no accidents happened to any of the party.
There is a movement of some kind going on here at present, but I cannot say exactly what it is; but from what I can learn I should judge that it was no forward movement on our part, but on the part of the revels, the first division of our Corps (the one the Old 13th was in,) passed our camp yesterday, en route for some of the Fords on the Rappahannock, and this morning I learn that all the Fords on the river are being guarded by our troops. This is a pretty fair indication that the rebels are moving in some direction and probably are on the point of attacking us; well let them come, we are all hear yet, and what is more we are all ready to extend to them a warm reception, as all our men are feeling in the best of spirits, having lost no confidence by our late movement against the enemy at Chancellorsville. Yesterday the balloon was up several times on our left, and a little below Fredericksburgh, [sic] but this morning it is up on out right and about two miles above Fredericksburgh [sic]. Yesterday and last night and to-day, their has been one continual train of army wagons passing our camp. It is evident that a considerable portion of our army is on the move, and we have received orders to hold ourselves in readiness to march at a moments notice, and general Sykes has received orders from the Commanding General, (Old Joe) that he would not be required to furnish but one half the number of men heretofore furnished from our division for to perform picket duty, as all the Ford's on the river were well guarded.
Our Camp presents a very lively appearance to-day as the paymaster is in camp, and the boy's are receiving the green backs, and I have no doubt but what it will make the folks at home feel just as well. Some were paid yesterday, and quite a number of them sent home by Lieut. Buckley, who was going up to Washington for the purpose of re-shipping the baggage belonging to the regiment, that was sent to Washington to be stored there, until we returned from Chancellorsville. This looks to me rather queer, and I should infer from it that they are to let our division remain here unless something very urgent should transpire. The health of the Regiment at present is remarkably good, and we have but very few in hospital, though we expected more on account of this warm weather. Four men belonging to the Company of which I have the honor of being a member, returned this week from Division Hospital looking "as fine as a fiddle," and very much delighted at being again in company with their comrades.
In my last letter I was mistaken in the number of one the regiments which lately joined our Brigade--the number is 91 not 54. They started yesterday morning for Stoneman's Switch, to do guard duty along the line of the railroad.
I must now bid you farewell, as it has come my turn to receive the greenbacks, and you know I would not let the Paymaster go away thinking that I would be so ungrateful as not to call on him.
National Hotel, Washington, D. C.
June 5th, 1863.
You will perceive by this date that I am again in the land of civilization, or in other words taking a sail around among the Bloods in Washington. I have leave of absence for four days, but shall not remain as the Regiment in on the move. Washington at present presents a very lively appearance, and the streets are thronged with officers and men, the former being far the most numerous. Fears are being entertained here to some extent that the Rebs will pay the city a visit before long, but I can't see it in that light. I also understand that extensive preparations are being made in Alexandria, as they are in daily expectations of a rebel raid being made there before long.
Wednesday night at 12 o'clock we received marching orders, with three days rations, and to move precisely at 8 o'clock next morning. At 1 o'clock the bugler sounded the assembly, and I assure you that the boys were somewhat surprised at being disturbed from their peaceful slumbers at that time of night, and when they least expected it, for we had all come to the conclusion that we would remain in camp for some time to come. When it was made known to the men that we would move at the appointed hour, they set to work immediately making all the necessary arrangements for a start. Col. O'Rorke and Major Force are absent on leave, and Col. Girard is in command of the brigade. They will probably join the regiment to-morrow.
Lieut. Buckley returned to camp from Washington very sick. He is now, I am happy to state, out of danger. The amount of clothing that our men are carrying will be quite a burden to them, and if we are to march very far they will have to "shuck" a very large portion of it. Our sick were all removed to Sykes' ... were in all about twenty-five, among them were Lieut. Buckley and Adjutant Ira C. Clark. Sickness in the army at present is somewhat on the increase, probably owing to the warm weather we are now having. I understand that our Regiment and Division went to guard the fords on the Rappahannock, United States and Kelley's Ford. The 146th Regiment, who are in our brigade, have received a new uniform (Zouave,) it is a very neat and tasty one, and the men make a very fine appearance. At the last court-martial held in our brigade, three members of the 146th Regiment were tried and convicted of desertion. Two of them were formerly members of the 5th Regiment, N. Y. Zouaves, but at the time that regiment's term of service expired, they were consolidated with the 146th regiment. To-day is the day appointed by the commanding General to carry the sentence into effect, which is, that they are to be shot. I t may in all probability be postponed on account of our movement. Our whole division are to witness the execution. For one, I beg to be excused, for I can see enough of that when I see the Rebs.
Yours, &c., True Blue.
From the 140th Regiment.
June 12, 1863.
From the above you will notice that, contrary to all expectations, we yet remain and are doing picket duty—which follows—at United States Ford. An order, however, is pending to hold ourselves in readiness to march at a moment's notice, which I thought would be put into execution before sunrise this morning, as the sick were taken to Division Hospital late last night, and rumor saying to prepare for long and tedious marching. Should our marches be long and tedious, but two ways remain by which they could be brought about—one over our old route back to Harper's Ferry, into Maryland to meet Lee on the way, should the rebel forces venture to cross, and the other back on to Washington, the one least probable. Hooker has his wits about him, and Lee does well to act cautiously, but to no advantage, for Hooker will take him out of the wet sooner or later. It is not at all probable that another demonstration will be made on our part until we get reinforcements, for Lee outnumbers us. He is supposed to have over 100,000 men, while we, at the most, have but 75,000—the remainder of the Grand Army of the Potomac.
It would be useless to ask where are your drafted men? By the way, should ever such an event occur as a draft in the North, and it would be the fortune for Copperheads or Villain-digham sympathizers to hold so high a position in the army as privates, and they were to express their sentiments, I can inform them that they would be "put," quicker than could be the question, "Where are all those drafted men?" Why, they wouldn't be "dar." Such is the feeling of the Union soldiers toward these would-be loyal men. It is sufficient to sicken one of the cause, for which we are strug¬gling, to read of such demonstrations as the Vallandigham meetings, and these hearkened to in the State of New York. Every soul taking part therein ought to be sent over the lines, that their sympathies might be appreciated by a class far superior to themselves. Not until treason is crushed in the North, will treason be crushed in the South. Mr. Burns, who came down to see his brother-in-law, Let. Buckley, who is sick at the division hospital, paid us a flying visit, and left in company with Mr. Hendricks, a flour merchant of Rochester (who has a son in Co. C.), last eve¬ning, thinking that we would move this morn¬ing. Thomas Buckley is our brigade mail carrier; and this announcement ought to relieve the anxiety of those who fear that "Frank or 'Bub' won't get their letters until the regiment is stationary," for Tom is just the boy to bring it up when put in his charge.
The regiment is in good health, and awaiting patiently orders to move from this lonesome spot.
From the 140th Regiment.
HARTWOOD CHURCH, June 14, 1863.
The day so long expected for a move did come, and with it a tremendous rain shower, putting the roads in as muddy a condition as we have known them to be here on the "sacred soil." The march though short, was as "tough" a one as we have yet experienced; starting at 8 P. M. yesterday, and arriving at 3 1/2 o'clock this morning. The distance is but about five miles, and had there been light enough to see two feet ahead we would have been here four hours earlier, regardless of mud. As it was, it required time for the men to feel their way along and pull themselves out of the mud. On the start, our march seemed like a Wide Awake procession. All those who were fortunate to have candles lit them and thus saved themselves a few duckings. The boys present a pitiful appearance this morning, though if good spirits to continue the "job." All they want is to see the road, and they will get over it. The regiment is awaiting orders to continue the march.
JUNE 15.
We started about 7 A. M., marched to Weavervill Mills, one mile South of Warrenton Junction, in an awful dust and heat.
JUNE 16.
Started from Weaverville about 6 1/2 P. M., passed the 8th California there, and are now (4 P.M.) at Manassas Junction. The heat is terrible. Men have dropped like flies to-day while marching, by sun stroke. We are in line of battle, with artillery in position, awaiting what is to come. We will undoubtedly continue on to Centreville to-morrow. C. P. K.
From the 140th.
[From our own Correspondent.]
Headquarters 140th Regiment,
June 23, 1863.
DEAR EXPRESS:—I mailed you a letter a few days since and now I again find myself intruding on your valuable time. We have now been in this neighborhood for the past 4 or 5 days and I assure you that the boys appreciate it very much as it is the most delightful part of Virginia that we have yet traveled through, but we are kept in suspense from the constant artillery firing that is kept up about four miles in advance of us. Sunday it was very heavy, and we were in expectation of being called upon at any moment as we were all confident that it would ultimately refult [sic] in a general engagement, but yesterday (Monday) there was a lull in the state of affairs. What the final results will be I cannot at present say. There is one thing certain, and that is that we will not remain idle much longer.
Our cavalry are almost daily engaged with the enemy's pickets and some pretty sharp skirmishing has been the result, our men constantly gaining ground, but with far heavier loss than that of the enemy. Our men lay their losses principally to the mounted infantry of the enemy, who dismount the moment that they come within range of our men, and immediately deploy as skirmishers. In this manner they act just as effective as regular infantry, as they have the choice of ground, and can also shelter themselves behind fences and trees, Our cavalry have made several very fine charges, which resulted in capturing quite a number of prisoners, yet they say that it is with great loss of life that they do it, and all admit that they can not compete with the enemy unless they are equipped in the same manner. They also pronounce it a very effective branch of the service and recommend it highly. Yesterday three hundred of the enemy passed by our camp, and were taken prisoners, by our cavalry. Our outposts on the turnpike are now in advance of us for about six miles towards Leesburgh. Occasionally we hear some pretty sharp firings in the direction of Snicker's Gap. There are no troops stationed here with our corps, and we are perfectly ignorant of the whereabouts of the remainder of our army. Some say that the army of the Potomac is lost, and that a very large reward should be offered to learn its whereabouts. In this vicinity the country is somewhat mountainous, and affords good protection to guerillas and it seem that the rebel Captain Moseby has adopted it for his field of operation in which he is assisted to some extent by the inhabitants of this locality. We had not been here 48 hours, when we learned that this notorious fiend was endeavoring to penetrate our lines. Consequently on Monday night a detachment of the 14th regular infantry and a squadron of cavalry were sent out to see if they could not capture him. They were led by a guide who does not live over a thousand miles from here, and whose name I will omit for his own special benefit, for they would certainly murder him if ever they learned that he assisted the Yankees in any manner. The aforesaid party passed through the Picket line of the 140th about one o'clock Monday night and travelled [sic] about four miles when the guide informed them that they should conceal themselves on the edge of the woods, and there remain until Moseby passed, which as he said would be at an early hour in the morning, and true enough, about daylight, Moseby and his band was seen approaching, and all seemed confident that they would either kill or capture him. They waited patiently until he came right opposite to them. The order was given to fire, and every piece was discharged at the Robs, but not one man was unsaddled or captured, but they claim to have wounded several. Moseby himself fired one shot, killing Sergeant Hall of the Fourteenth Infantry, they immediately put spurs to their horses and rode off and thus ended the affair with but very little credit to the party engaged. Last evening another party went out to intercept him, but what the result has been I am not aware of at present. The inhabitants about here are the bitterest kind of secessh that I have yet come across; they make no hesitation in expressing their sympaty [sic] with the south, yet they are very kind to our soldiers and treat them with the greatest respect. Mrs. Hickson who now resides upon the Lacy Farm, seems to be the favorite with the soldiers, probably on account of her hospitality, or it may be on account of her two beautiful daughters who are also very kind to the boys. I have had a great many arguments with them about the war, but they cannot be convinced otherwise that the south is right.—They have a father and two brothers in the rebel service, one of the sons is with Moseby. The oldest of the two girls boasts of being the first lady to make and hoist the confederate flag in this country; she said she did it in presence of the black horse cavalry, and that they had a grand time over it. She seems to think that we would never subjugate the south, and said if we did that they would carry on a guerillia [sic] warfare, and that she herself would don a bloomer costume and shoulder her gun. I told her that after we had them all completely whipped out, that we would place a corporal's guard at every door step in the south, and when the southern ladies or gentleman wished to go out on a visit or have a walk, that they would be compelled to do so with a bayonet pointed at them from the sentinal [sic] in the rear.
Our conversation was interrupted by an invitation from the old lady to dine, which we readily accepted, and in a few moments we were busily engaged in replenishing our appetites. The old lady very kindly tendered us the hospitality of her house as long as we chose to remain.—They all express a wish that the war will soon end, but hope that the North and the South will be two separate powers, as they think we can then live far more peaceably than if they should be compelled to return to the Union.
The health of the regiment is very good, considering the hardships that the men have lately passed through.
Yours truly, TRUE BLUE.
P. S.—There is some talk of consolidating the remaining companies of the 13th with our Regiment, but I cannot say whether it will be done.
T. B.
Resignation of Chaplain Machin.
It will be seen by the following testimonial which has been sent home for publication in the papers of this city, that the Rev. Chas. Machin has resigned the Chaplaincy of the 140th Regiment:
ALDIE, VA., June 24th, 1863.
The Rev. Chas. Machin having been the Chaplain of our Regiment since its organization in September last to the present time, and having resigned his position in consequence of serious illness, we embrace the present opportunity to testify to his worth and efficiency in the discharge of the peculiar and delicate duties which devolve upon a regimental chaplain—to his bravery and worth upon the field of battle in aiding and relieving the wounded, administering to both their spiritual and bodily comforts, and in every way possible, alleviating their sufferings. Since the commencement of our associations he has become endeared to us by the memory of many interesting incidents, and we exceedingly regret to be compelled to sever a connection at once so pleasing and so beneficial.
Should he in the future desire the post of hospital chaplain—a position in which he would not be subjected to the exposure incident to an active campaign, and which his impaired health would permit him to accept—we take great pleasure in asserting that he has the requisite abilities and the right temporal zeal.
P. H. O'Rorke, Col. Commanding; Louis Ernst, Lieut. Col. 140th Regiment; I. F. Force, Major 140th Regiment; Elwell S. Otis, Capt. 140th N. Y. V.; Henry C. Dean, Surgeon 140th N. Y. Vol.; B. F. Harman, Capt. 13th N. Y. V.; J. H. Pool, Jr., Lieut. Co. D.; P. H. Sullivan, Capt, 140th Regiment; W. H. Crennell, R. Q. M., 140th N. Y. V.; A. H. McLeod, 1st Lieut. 140th N. Y. V., and A. A. G.; W. S. Grantsynn, Capt.; J. H. Suggett, 1st Lieut.; J. H. Knox, 1st Lieut. Co. F 140th N. Y. V.; B. Crowley, 1st Lieut. Co. C.; A. S. Grover, 2d Lieut. Co. F.; Hugh McGraw, 1st Lieut. Co. K.; Henry Allen, 2d Lieut. Co. A.; Geo. LeRoy Menzie, Asst. Surg. 140th; M. L. Starks, Co. A., 140th N. Y. G.; Chas. P. Klein, 1st Lieut. Co. I.; Capt, Leiper, Co. E, 140th N. Y. S. V.; H. B. Hoyt, Capt. 140th N. Y. V.; W. J. Clark, Capt. 140th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols.; Jas. H. Bishop, 2d Lieut. Co. G.; P. B. Sibley, Capt, 140th N. Y. Vols.; Porter Farley, Lieut. and Actg. Adjt. 140th N. Y. V.; M. L. Lord, Asst. Surg. 140th N. Y. V.; P. A. McMullin, Lieut. Co. E, 140th
Regt. N. Y. V.; C. Speis, Capt. Co. B.; Frederck Bauer; 2d Lieut. Co. B.; August Myer, 1st Lieut. Co. B; John Buckley, 2d Lieut. Co. C.
The 140th in the Late Fight.
[We are permitted to copy the following interesting letter written by a member of the 140th:]
DEAR FATHER:—Since you last heard from me we have gone through great scenes of soldiers' life. From camp near Falmouth we have marched every day almost without ceasing until to-day, when we are compelled to halt in consequence of the proximity of the Rebels on our front. Our army has been fighting ever since day before yesterday, with decided success as far as gaining ground is concerned. The Rebels are in front of us in force. Yesterday Gen. Weed, our Brigadier, obtained permission to allow his Brigade to go out to the front, and we started about 5 P. M. We marched directly to the front, but as we got there Old General Warren, our former Brigadier, rode up and commanded our Brigade to move by the flank and follow him.—We did so on the double quick. He led us up a steep, rocky cliff, and did not halt until, out of breath, we reached the top, where the bullets flew around us like hail. We had not much time for reflection however, for very soon the Rebels were nearly to the top of the hill before us. If they should get there before us, we are lost, as well as the day, for on that movement depended the success of our day's work. We reached there just in time to front them, and show them the muzzles of our guns. But here was a sad mistake committed. Our Generals did not take the precaution to have our men load before we came into the contest, and so we were delayed a few moments in loading. Gen. Warren then called out to Colonel O'Rourke to bring his regiment to the front of a ledge of rocks, and to cut off the last regiment and send them around take off the Rebels. They did so, and the consequence was that our regiment obtained a great many prisoners. It was about this time that Col. O'Rorke, cheering on his men and acting as he always does, like a brave and good man, fell, pierced through the neck by Rebel bullet. He died almost instantly. You had ought to have seen our boys fight after that—nothing could exceed their bravery. They charged and re-charged, never being in any instance repulsed. Gen. Weed was shot also, and Garrard took command of the Brigade. In this fight we had enlisted men—84 wounded and 25 killed; officers, 5 wounded and one killed.—Among the enlisted men killed was John Evans, son of Evan Evans, who lived across the Square. Quartermaster and myself were the only men from the Regiment who were at the burial of Col. O'Rork and Gen. Weed. We marked the spot, so that if the folks would like to have the bodies sent home, they can easily find them. The Regiment which we drove back was the 5th Texas. After the fight a Lieutenant of our Regiment came to me and told me that a Rochester boy (a prisoner taken by us when we charged) wanted to see me. I thought this kind of strange, but in the afternoon, having a little time, I went down to see my pretended acquaintance, and who should I meet but Ben. Simpson. He was very glad to see me. He says he will try and get paroled, and go home and see the folks, and then join the Rebels again; but I think if he gets home he can be induced to stay. We took his Colonel and a great number of his Regiment prisoners. He says, and his Colonel confirms it, that we are the only Regiment that ever defeated them. He hopes that our Regiment may never meet his again, but that if it does he will turn over and fire the other way. He looks well. We went into the fight 456 strong, end came out 341. It was a dear victory for our Regiment, but it has won us a name among the other Regiments of this army to be coveted. Gens. Warren and Sykes both say that we won the day. I am uninjured, for which I am indebted to God, who has and will watch over us all, if we trust in Him.
J. R. C.
...LY 13, 1863.
Letter from Lieutenant Klein, 140th Regiment.
We are in receipt of a letter dated July 4th, from our old correspondent, Lieut. C. P. Klein, of the 140th Regiment. He was severely wounded at Gettysburg, and at the time of writing was an inmate of the division hospital near that place. He writes that Capt. Speis was dangerously wounded in the breast, Capt. Starks was shot in four different places, Capt. Sibley in both thighs, and Lieut. McGraw would have to suffer the amputation of a leg. The last named has since died.
Lieut. Klein sends us a list of the killed and wounded so far as he could ascertain their names by personal inquiry. The list contains the following names additional to those reported by Sergeant Munn, and published in the DEMOCRAT of Friday:
COMPANY B.—Zelmas Schmidt, ball through length of leg; Anton Paul, five or six fingers gone; Frank Heiltgensetzer, side, slight; Geo. Weidner, under left arm, slight.
COMPANY C—Michael Burns, leg; Henry Helfriger, left hand.
COMPANY D.—Philip Davis (previously reported missing:), thumb off.
COMPANY F.—M. Grogan, three fingers off.
COMPANY G.—George Chapman, calf of leg; Andrew Snyder, flesh wound, arm; Capt. Ogden, shoulder; Sergt. Rohn, arm bruised; Geo. Stripp, side and hand; Aas [sic] W. Deale, shoulder and leg.
COMPANY H.—J. Larouehe, head, dangerous; Robert Russell, side, slight.
Lieut. Klein was himself struck by a rifle bul¬let, which entered his right thigh about six inches from the knee, and came out on his left side. The wound is not considered dangerous. He stated that Robert Russell, who is reported wounded, afterward found a bullet buried in his Bible, which he carried in his blouse pocket.
Capts. Sibley and Starks are both said to be doing remarkably well.
The total number of killed, wounded and missing is set down at 190.
From the 140th Regiment.
The following letter from Henry Brown, son of Dr. James Brown of this city, to his wife, gives some information in regard to the casualties in the 140th Regiment:
July 5, 1863.
Once more I have cause to be thankful that am spared in another fight. The battle of Gettysburg has been fought and won, though at a fearful loss of life to both sides. The battle occupied three days. Our regiment suffered severely. Up to last night, 190 was our loss in killed, wounded and missing.
Our Colonel (O'Rorke) was shot dead at the commencement of the engagement. Captains Sibley, Starks and Spies are wounded—Spies seriously. Lieutenants Klein and McGraw are wounded. McGraw is my Lieutenant. He has had one of his legs amputated above the knee. He is weak, but doing well, I think. I am taking care of him by order of Capt. Sullivan.
About an hour from the commencement of the fight, I was kneeling down, loading, when I was struck on top of the head by a musket ball, which made me senseless. It did not break the skin, but raised a large lump, that is all. I went to the hospital. The next morning I went to the front again, but after staying about two hours the Captain sent me to the rear again, my head being so dizzy that I could hardly stand. I am all right again now, except a headache. I am very lucky in being detailed to take care of the Lieutenant.
Out of 70 men of the 13th who joined the 140th, about 18 are killed and 18 or 20 wounded. It suffered more in proportion than the 140th.
We have succeeded in whipping the rebs, driving them from Gettysburg toward Maryland. Our army is following them up, and although we have suffered awfully, still the rebel army will have a hard time in getting back to
I must close this, as the Doctor is coming to the Lieutenant. I will write more fully shortly.
The Killed and Wounded.
Every mail brings us additional reports of killed and wounded from regiments which went from this city and vicinity. We hope the worst is already known, and that we may be spared the record of any more casualties than those now reported, but there is little ground for such a hope. The New York papers of yesterday bring the following reports:
Lieutenant Colonel Pierce, slight; Lieut. McDonald, slight—he has been reported killed; Lieut. Dutton, slight; ____ Skinner, Co. F.; ____ McVetey, Co. F, thigh; Lieut. Amiet, killed: Capt. Fellman, both legs shot away, dangerous; Lieut. Graham, head, dangerous; Sergeant Welch, killed; Fitzner, Co. F, killed; Meeker, Co. F, severe; Schout, Co. F, slight.
B. McCormick, arm; A. McCumber, Co. D, ankle; Sergt. F. O. Messenger, Co. I.
It was known that Battery L of the 1st New York Artillery was engaged in the Great Battle, but not until last night did we receive any reliable information as to the part it took. Capt. Gilbert H. Reynolds arrived here wounded and gives us interesting information. His Battery was at Gettysburg when the rebels attacked and took the place. It retired with the rest of the army, and continued in the fight that followed not far distant to the end. Capt. Reynolds was wounded by a shell, a piece of which struck the top of his nose and destroyed his left eye as it glanced away. He was also struck in the side by a fragment, but there he was only bruised. He with others wounded were put into buildings at Gettysburg, and when the rebels took the town they were nominally prisoners. Subsequently the rebels retreated and they fell into the Union lines. They were not paroled. The Battery went under command of Lieut. Breck as soon as Capt. Reynolds was wounded, and it was not captured as stated by the Democrat. Only the few wounded men were left at Gettysburg as stated above.
Capt. Reynolds saw Lieut. Breck on Saturday after the battle and received a favorable report of his command after he left them. The officers and men stood up bravely to the work and repelled some terrible assaults of the rebels. Battery L was one of five in a brigade upon which the rebels made repeated charges. In one instance they came so near as to spike a gun in a Pennsylvania battery. One of the gunners killed a rebel with a rammer and another used the bayonet with like result. Reynolds Battery lost 18 horses in this battle, an indication of the nature of the work.
The following is the list of casualties so far as Capt. R. could learn them:
Capt. Reynolds, wounded in left eye, and side, slightly; Edward Costello, killed; Johd Vole_, Oswego, shot in heel; John P. Conn, badly in head; Amos Gibbs, through the wrist; Cranble, (detailed from a Pennsylvania regiment,) in side; Edward Foster, Rochester, slightly; Sergeant Chas. A. Rooney, of Rochester, and Patrick Gray, of Oswego, missing.
Lieut. Wilber had a horse shot under him but was not injured.
Major Reynolds is reported safe.
Killed and Wounded of the 140th Regiment.
A letter was received last night by Mrs. Cooling, of this city, from her husband, M. Cooling, of the 140th Regiment, giving a partial list of the casualties in the regiment.
We are permitted to copy the list. It is a sad picture to work upon, and we hope that it contains all the names, but Mr. C. says there are others than those he reports. His letter was written on the 3d:
The fight was going on when this letter was written, but the list relates to those who fell on the day previous.
Col. O'Rorke, killed.
Capt. Starks, shot in both arms.
Theodore Whipple, left breast—dead.
Kenzie Stottle, left breast.
Hulburt C.Taylor, dead.
Geo. B. Steele and David Allen, dead.
Geo. Hoyt, wounded in bowels.
Oscar P. Colby, in leg—flesh wound.
John Haley, wrist.
Aaron Hamil, wrist.
John Mansler, hip—flesh wound.
Capt. Sibley, wounded in both legs, flesh wounds.
Frederick Doe, sholder [sic].
Jacob Berger, thigh.
John B. Snyder, leg.
Sanford Webb, head, dead.
Jas. McIntyre, wrist.
John Harps, head.
Mathew McFarlin, leg.
Jessie Evarts, shoulder.
Wm. Doran, finger.
D. Rockwell, below the knee.
James Corrigan, thigh.
Jos. Segar, thigh.
____ Huver, wrist.
Roswell Thomas, dead.
William Marsh, wounded.
John Ashdown, do.
____ Banta, breast.
Robt. Baker, hand and breast.
Sergt. Ross, hand.
Valentine Degar, hip.
Jacob Haller, groin.
Stephen Carceck, bowels.
Wm. Warner, bowels.
Sergt. Haslip, back.
Geo. Beaty, leg.
C. Hewitt, arm.
____ Klanch, hip.
John Frider, leg.
____ Kriess, wounded.
____ Lanick, dead.
____ Meing, wounded.
Jacob Phieffler, dead.
R. Russell, side.
Hiram Russell, knee.
____ Kleinhass, dead.
Frederick Leight, dead.
Keron Feehery, breast and side.
Walter Cherry, head.
Peter Agin, leg.
James Whitley, wrist.
Jos. Katzenstein, neck.
Thos. Whitley, both arms.
CO. B.
Capt. Spiess, wounded in bowels.
CO. D.
____ Sabin, in finger.
John Evans—dead.
H. Smith, (razor strop man,) leg.
Robt. Blair, dead.
P. Buckner, dead,
____ Eisenburgh, dead.
C. Spiesburger, dead.
A. Bostwick, wounded.
A. Macomber, wounded.
J. Hall, wounded.
Valentine Gerling. wounded.
Michael Furlong, leg.
Robert Shields, dead.
John Allen, "
John Hindle, "
Mathew Gaffrey, wrist.
Jas. Develin, arm.
Michael Burns, wounded.
Geo. Yost, hand.
Lieut. Klein, leg.
J. Hardy, head.
Woodruff Brown, wounded.
Hall Clark, wounded.
Lieut. McGraw, leg.
The Late Fight---A Rochester Rebel---Neglect of the Wounded---Bare-foot
March to Antietam, &c., &c.
From Our Own Correspondent.
July 10th, 1863.
DEAR EXPRESS:—Our total loss in killed and wounded in the late fight at Gettysburg, will amount to 111. This is pretty severe upon us for the time that we were engaged. Those who were opposed to us caught it with the greatest severity, and their dead and wounded lay in heaps. As soon as circumstances would permit we took charge of their wounded and had them properly cared for.
With their wounded we found a Rochester boy, who has been in the rebel service for some time past, and I am ashamed to say thinks it an honor to him to be fighting for Southern Rights! (Have traitors any rights?) I am glad that the number of Rochester boys so lost to all self respect is remarkably small. His name is Benjamin Simpson, and he belonged to the 5th Texas Regiment. He was impressed in the service at Galveston, and has since become, by association, thoroughly saturated with secesh. He feels proud of the brigade to which he was attached, and says they never failed to carry any point they were ordered to. The only point they gained at Gettysburg was the point of the bayonet. The 5th Texas were located at Suffolk, Va., previous to this fight, where they claimed to have won great distinction for bravery. The following incident, which I can vouch for the truth of, is a specimen of their bravery and chivalric honor, or in other words, their fiendish cruelty:
After the first days fight the dead and wounded of the enemy lay in heaps in the piece of woods at Round Top Point. We were within hearing, and the cries and groans of the wounded were almost unendurable. One poor fellow—a rebel—moaned so piteously, that some of the men belonging to the Pennsylvania Reserves told him that if he would instruct their pickets not to shoot, that they would bring him inside of our lines and have his wounds dressed and properly cared for. The wounded man appealed to his comrades, and they promised faithfully that if our boys would have him brought in and cared for, they would not fire. Upon this assurance a Sergeant belonging to the Reserves started to bring in the wounded rebel, and while in the act of picking up his fallen foe, he was shot through the face by a barbarian ensconced behind a tree. The savage paid the penalty of his inhuman act by his life; for the Sergeant's companion "drew bead" and killed him upon the spot. The wound received by the Sergeant will disfigure him for life—if he recovers.
These are the kind of soldiers that this Simpson boasts of for gallantry and bravery, and it is with these men and their cause that a portion—small though it is—of Northerners sympathize. Simpson has the satisfaction of knowing that his own schoolmates and former companions assisted in giving these vaunted heroes such a sound thrashing. He says that he will go back again and fight for the South. Poor fellow—I am really sorry for him, as my sympathy towards such fellows is mighty large—about as large as a piece of Hemp—with a traitor on the end of it.
It is unnecessary for me to give you any further particulars concerning the great battle of Gettysburg, as you are better posted on that point than I am. Before leaving there I visited the sick several times, and found them in horrible condition, with no care whatever taken of them. They were removed about two miles from the battle-field, into a piece of woods, with no shelter of any kind. A few were fortunate enough to have their shelter tents along with them, which served to shield them from the two days rain storm that we had after the first day's engagement. Those who had no tents were compelled to lie out on the wet ground, without anything under or over them; and what is still worse, there wounds were not even dressed. There those brave fellows lay for three days—some of them four—and when I came away, on the fourth day, some of them were not taken care of then. Now some one must be to blame for this, and I don't believe in letting up on any person that neglects such an important duty as caring for the sick and wounded. We have surgeons enough, if they are properly managed, to care for our wounded; but it seems they are not properly detailed; the fault must certainly lie with our division surgeon—he of course being chief butcher, and all the young butchers are under his charge, and must do as he directs during an engagement. We had our three surgeons with us, and they of course, could not see to the wounded that were constantly coming to the rear; consequently they were picked up and sent to the nearest hospital, and the three aforesaid surgeons had nothing whatever to do but await the arrival of the next poor unfortunate victim, and send him to the rear. Now if those surgeons were properly detailed, at least two of them should be sent to the hospital, where our wounded were constantly arriving; for it was evident to every person in the regiment that one surgeon was sufficient to leave with us on the field, and at times, (in fact the two last days) we could have spared the three of them. We started last Sunday afternoon in pursuit of the retreating rebels. Our cavalry were constantly harrassing [sic] them, and capturing many of their stragglers, giving them battle at every opportunity. We are in full pursuit, and are in hopes that we will catch up to them before they cross the river. Prisoners report them as being in a deplorable condition.—The weather has been very unfavorable for moving, as it has rained almost constantly since the battles, making the roads almost impassible.
Our men are suffering considerably from the want of clothing, more particularly shoes. A great many are barefoot and have marched from Gettysburg through the Blue Ridge and South Mountains without a shoe to their foot. The boys keep up with us without a murmer [sic], knowing that as soon as we locate in camp their wants will be provided for. We also run short of rations, but last night our division trains arrived from Fredrick City, and we were again gladdened with the sight of provender. Haversacks were filled and we started on our way rejoicing. The country about here is beautful [sic] and from the mountain top the scenery is magnificent, presenting a most picturesque and delightful view. The fields are waving with beautiful harvests. Oats and wheat being in abundance.
Our camp is at the present writing between South Mountain and Antietam.
Yours, &c. TRUE BLUE.
From the 140th.
DEAR EXPRESS:—We are here anxiously awaiting our move on the enemy or their move upon us, I cannot exactly conceive which. Yesterday morning we took up our line of march from Bivouac Camp, near South Mountain. Before starting one of the Regimental wagons arrived with shoes for the shoeless, issued for their benefit. The men started on much better pleased.
As we proceeded through Washington County, Md., the inhabitants appeared to be much delighted at our approach, and expressed the wish that we would be successful in driving the invaders back to Rebeldom. They tell sorrowful tales of the depredations committed by the Rebs as they passed through that section of the country. They say that the Rebs would walk into the houses and plunder and abuse the occupants when said occupants did not bring forth whatever the hungry fiends would ask for, and in a great many instances they were just polite enough not to ask for anything, but would go and take it, telling the people that it was nothing in camparison [sic] to what the Federal army had done when they were in Virginia—that we would take the rings from the ladies' fingers, and such other acts as were only fit for the d—n Yanks to perpetrate. All this was credited to us by the hungry hounds, but I am proud to be able to state that I have never known one instance where any of our men have obtained any articles of any kind that they did not pay for, and that too at exorbitant prices.
We arrived here about 3 o'clock P. M. yesterday, and bivouacked for the night on the banks of Antietam Creek, and this morning at eight o'clock we moved forward very cautiously for 1 1/2 miles, deployed in line of battle, with our skirmishers thrown out about three quarters of a mile in advance. We went forward very cautiously, but to all appearances did not discover the enemy; at least there were no demonstration of any kind made, as no exchanges of civilities passed detween [sic] the skirmishers on either side. On our left a party belonging to the second corps, captured eight of the enemy's mounted infantrymen. They were mounted on mules and seemed evidently well satisfied at their capture, for they are perfectly disgusted with Lee's late movements. It is now about 5 o'clock p. m., and there has been no demonstration of any kind that would lead us to the supposition that we were to be engaged to-day.
This morning the strength of our regiment was taken and we numbered 317 men rank and file, but what we have left you can depend on are all bricks and will fight to the last. It is a grand sight to see the columns of infantry as they advance through the meadows and wheat fields, with bayonets glistening in the sun. The country through which we are now passing is very open, having but little timber on it, and affords good facilities for a battle field. The land is somewhat rolling, but void of such hills and mountains as we have lately been accustomed to fighting in.
We have now bivouacked for the night in a splendid wheat field, which, to all appearances, is of no value, as it is trampled under foot by soldiers without any regard to the amount of damage done.
News has just reached here of the death of Lieut. McGraw, of this Regiment, who died two days after our leaving Gettysburg. It took us by surprise, as there was not the slightest doubt but that he was in a fair way of recovery from his wound. In losing him we have lost a good and faithful officer, and one who was loved and respected by both officers and men—especially those of his own company, who were greatly attached to him. We deeply sympathize with his aged and widowed mother in this her hour of sorrow and affliction.
I also learn of the death of Joseph Larue, of Company H, and late of the 13th Regiment, who died of wounds received in the late battle.
Approaching darkness compels me to close. I will drop you a line from our next halting place. Yours, &c., TRUE BLUE.
A Letter from Smith, the "Razor Strop Man."
We are indebted to Mr. JOHN CHAPMAN for permission to copy the following characteristic letter from Mr. SMITH, the famous "Razor Strop Man," who is a member of the 140th Regiment. Mr. SMITH has acted as a hospital nurse almost all the time since the regiment went into the field. He was wounded in the second day's fight at Gettysburg:
We have had some terrible marches for the last ten days, in all of which, to my surprise, I found myself up to the work, not having fallen out in all the marches. I carried a very heavy load; I may say that very few in the regiment carried more. My health has been very good.
On Thursday, July 3, our regiment went into the battle. I was with the Doctor. He keeps close to the regiment, and just as they met the enemy, the bullets flew around us very thick, so we fell behind the rocks and called on them to shelter us. We staid a short time when the rest of the doctor's party fell back further to the rear and established a hospital. I was left alone. As soon as I saw this I came from behind the rocks to go to them, when a ball struck me on the outside of the right leg, just below the knee. Two men carried me off the field. We met a doctor who examined and probed the wound, and said I should not lose my leg. They got me to a house. Here another doctor probed the wound, and felt the ball; tried to get it out with his instruments but could not; said I must take chloroform. At dark I was put into an ambulance and taken to a hospital. Here another Doctor probed my wound with his fingers, and told me I should not lose my leg; said he would take out the ball for me in the morning. The morning came another Doctor; saw my wound; probed it with his fingers, and said I should not lose my leg, &c. I have seen the Doctor a number of times since, who said he would take it (the bail) out for me. He tells me I shall be attended to, but it is eleven days since I was wounded, and the ball is not taken out yet.
There are three poor young fellows close by me who were wounded on the second, and the balls are in yet. Their names are Geo. Chapman, Co. G, aged 21 years; Wm. Marks, Co. E; Woodruff Brown, Co. I, aged 19—all wounded on the 2d of July. Now, my friend, I read in the paper this morning that Governor Curtin had been offered a number of surgeons and he said he was told we had enough. Now is it better that our bullets should remain in or that they should be out? Common sense says out. Then one would think he would send us more doctors, for if three young men and myself are here suffering under my eyes, how many must there be among the many thousands of wounded that are lying in the hospitals of this neighborhood? We had 85 men wounded in the 140th, and no doctors belonging to the regiment to look alter them. The doctor of the 140th Regiment has done all in his power for the boys. His name is Flanders, from Rome, New York.
I see by the Rochester papers a large quantity of things have been sent to the sick—such as eggs, butter, jellies, soft crackers, &c. I will tell you what we have had extra: 1 egg, 1 lemon, 2 slices of bread and butter, a small quantity of chicken soup, one mouthful of chicken, and your mouth must not be large at that. I could have taken a little more in my mouth. The paper stated 100,000 eggs had been sent. The question is, where are the eggs, or does the paper lie? We have had a loaf of bread each to-day. There are 20 wounded left here in this hospital. The rest are dead or taken to some other hospital. Those who could walk to the depot have been sent to Baltimore, and then distributed to the different hospitals, where they have accommodations [sic]. For myself, I have to be carried when I move. How long we shall have to remain here God only knows. I feel in good spirits, but I do not like the treatment. The hospital where I was, on the 3d, was shelled, and one man close to me was killed. This was bad business.
I think I hear you saying, "Are you not sick of the war, SMITH?" I will tell you. I wish, with all my heart, the war was over, but I would not take my discharge if I could get it; and if I was ABRAHAM LINCOLN, I would not give them one pin's point more than he has offered them. I love the country. I have always been well treated, and if I am not worth a cent, it isn't the country's fault.
I have to take morphine every few hours to ease my pains and give me sleep. If the ball was out I believe the pain would leave me. [I have to leave off writing and search my bed. I find five vermin. I feel better now, as I have slain the rebels.] You spoke when you last wrote, of my getting a better position. I thank my good friends, but I want no better position. I love to take by the hand a man whom I have helped when sick but is now well. It is better to be a nurse in a regiment, and be able to fill it properly, than to be a General in the field and not fit for the position.
There is a man with butter, eggs, onions and radishes, at very moderate prices. This makes the boys feel good, after paying such prices to the sutlers. There were five of us that enlisted together in Rochester, at your house, and there is now only Benedict left with the regiment. The rest are either wounded, or discharged on account of sickness. When the 140th left Roch¬ester, we numbered 950 men—since that time we have taken 75 from the old 13th, and now as true as you live, we cannot muster for service more than 350 men. This is a high figure. About one year ago, if you spoke of negro soldiers, some white men would be almost ready to knock you down. But mark what I say—you ask a white man now about negroes fighting, and you find him on the side of letting them fight.
I must tell you what kind of folks we came across. I went into a house in Maryland, saw some fresh rolls; small ones. I asked the woman how much for six. She said twenty-five cents, which was very high. I went out and returned to get six more for Benedict. The woman said she could not sell any more for that price—she must have fifty cents. Did such a one have the love of country at heart, or the dollars? I saw men that said that the damned rebels had stolen horses, money, &c. Then, says I, "Will you fight to help drive them back?" "No." Then says I, "Will you help us on to fight for the Union?" "No. All we want is our horses," &c.
I have had some good fun when marching making speeches to the boys. What is the use of feeling sad? My good friend, how often I have wished I was a good Christian man, so that I could talk to the boys. There is no place in the world where a good man could be of more service than in the army. I mean a good man in all his acts, and here let me tell you, there is no place where a man can do more hurt. Take, for instance, a cold, luke-warm, whisky-drinking minister—for the sinner knows it and despises him, though he is a whisky drinker himself.
We have lost severely since the battle commenced—I mean those who have died of their wounds since taken to the hospitals. I can feel and shed tears with widows, fathers and sisters of the poor fellows I have seen die around me. Your sorrow is my sorrow, your joy is my joy. May God bless their poor mothers, and may God, in His goodness, help them to bear the burthen. There are some bright lights for you. They died true patriots of their country, not traitors; but trying to sustain the best and most humane government on earth.
Please direct your letters to Henry Smith, "Razor Strop Man," 5th Corps, 2d Division, 3d Brigade, United States Hospital, Gettysburg, Penn.
From yours, ever truly,
— The following claims for pension have been admitted and certificates received this day, viz:
George Hartman, late a private in Co. D, 140th Regiment New York Vulunteers [sic]—full pension.
Michael Toal, late a private in Co. D, 13th Reg. New York Vols.—full pension.
Office at Court House.
The Late Col. O'Rorke.
We have received from the 140th Regiment the following preamble and resolutions, adopted by the officers of that regiment, in relation to their late commander, the lamented Col. O'Rorke:
July 15th, 1863.
The following resolution was adopted by the officers of the 140th N. Y. Vols., on the day of the above date:
Whereas, Our Colonel, P. H. O'Rorke, was killed on the 2d day of July last, at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., while gallantly leading his regiment into action, therefore,
Resolved, That in the death of our Colonel this regiment has sustained an irreparable loss, and the service one of its most devoted and accomplished officers. He came to us a comparative stranger, but by his distinguished military bearing, the firm and decided character he displayed in the performance of duty, and by the continued exhibition of those qualities which make the thorough gentleman, which arouse esteem and beget friendship, he immediately won our respect, which soon ripened into unbounded confidence, love and devotion. As a soldier he was the pride and glory of the regiment. At the battle of Chancellorsville, while in command of the brigade, he seemed to choose the most exposed position as a point of observation, and by a remarkable display of bravery he nerved and strengthened us all. And when his clear and musical voice came down that battle line, every man obeyed the command with an alacrity which confidence in, and devotion to their leader could alone effect.
And we shall ever remember his conduct on the fatal field of Gettysburgh [sic], when plunging forward into the thickest of the battle he called upon his command to follow. Such noble daring, such heroic action as he then exhibited, must linger in the memory of every observer, and fill with admiration all true and loyal breasts.
Aside from those military virtues which have so won our regard, he possessed qualities which attracted all who were thrown into his society. His uniform courtesy, his modesty of demeanor were marked by all who knew him. And that practical knowledge which was so surprising in one so young, expressed with a peculiar richness of language, made him our acknowledged head in every particular.
When off duty, he formed the centre and attraction of our social circle; and when, after the fatigues of a wearisome march, we gathered in the dusk of evening around his camp fire, We were ever confident of a hearty greeting, ever sure of a happy meeting. We lament, then, the death of him who was not only a brave and efficient officer, but our mutual friend and companion.
No nobler sacrifice has been made upon our country's altar, and "while the tree of freedom puts forth a single shoot to his name, a garland we shall weave," and keep green his memory in our hearts forever.
— Also the following preamble and resolution, adopted by the same organization with reference to the late Lieut. McGraw, who also fell at the battle of Gettysburg.
July 15th, 1863.
At a meeting of the officers of the 140th Regt. N. Y. V., the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst our late companion and associate Lieut. Hugh McGraw, who died of wounds received at the late battle of Gettysburg, Pa., while in the faithful performance of his duty; therefore,
Resolved, That while we bow in submission to the Divine Will of our Heavenly Father, we, deeply and earnestly deplore the loss of one who, from his social qualities, his gentlemanly bearing, and the faithful manner in which he performed the arduous duty imposed upon him, has won the respect and admiration of both officers and men of this regiment, and his loss to us is an irreparable one.
Resolved, That we deeply sympathise [sic] with his aged and widowed mother in her declining years, and most earnestly pray that God will shield and protect her in this her hour of sorrow and bereavement, and aid her to bear up under the sad loss which she has sustained by the death of a noble and dutiful son.
The Pursuit of Lee--The Fatigues of the March--The Boys Waiting for the
Drafted Men----Resolutions on the Death of Col. O'Rorke.
From our own Correspondent.
July 21st, 1863.
Dear Express:—On the 24th of June we crossed the Potomac, bidding a farewell to old Virginia, and expressing a hope that it would not be necessary for us to ever return to that State, as we had seen about all we wished to of it; but here we are again, after traveling several hundred miles through Virginia, Mary land and Pennsylvania, but thank fortune all our hardships have not been in vain, as we have achieved a glorious victory over our enemy, and succeeded in driving him from Northern soil, and he is now in full retreat towards his fireside, where he will most undoubtedly have to remain until this cruel war is over.
After driving him across the river our corps immediately retraced its steps in the direction of Harper's Ferry, passing through the Blue Ridge mountain and continuing our march along its base until we arrived at a small village by the Potomac side called Berlin. The march was a very severe one as the weather was dreadfully warm and the men were completely worn out.
I have never seen the men fall out of the ranks as much as they did while passing through the mountain, and groups of them could be seen the entire length of our line of march, completely used up. I do not speak of our own men altogether, for there were plenty of representatives from the different regiments in our corps. In fact, the men of our regiment behaved handsomely, and as we passed by this long and continued line of stragglers, they admitted that we were the best pedestrians on the road. Horses, as well as the men, suffered terribly on this march, and many of them lay by the wayside perfectly exhausted and indifferent to the numerous amount of lashes laid on them by the infuriated drivers, who adopted all manner and means in their power to urge them along; but nar'y ago did they go, until they got ready, and many of them did not go at all. For two days we marched in this manner, until it became apparent that if we continued there would be none left to march, but those that are fortunate enough to be mounted. Finally, a halt was ordered when we arrived at the river, and understand it was done by the direction of the Surgeons, who pronounced the men unfit to proceed farther, until they had obtained a little rest. This we thought a wise conclusion, at least I did, as I had dwindled away in statue until I am some three inches shorter than at the time we commenced our march from United States Ford, consequently I would like very much to have a few days to sprout in. Even that is denied us, for the very next day we again find ourselves under way as usual, with the mud up to our knees, it having rained all of the previous night. We crossed the river about 5 o'clock in the evening of the 18th inst., and proceeded about five miles into Virginia, where we bivouacked for the night, with the usual instructions after arriving in the enemy's country, not to take any rails for building our fires, or destroy any property whatever. Now, this is all very fine, but you know that when there is no wood to be found in the vicinity, I am not one of those kind of fellows that will go back on a few rails, especially when I want a cup of coffee pretty bad, and I for one think that a rail from an enemy's fence will burn far better than that of a friend's. During our short halt on the Maryland side of the river, the officers were very busy in making out the pay-rolls, which had been neglected on account of our continued marching.
There is other important business which they cannot at present transact, such as making out descriptive lists for those that are sick and in hospitals, that they might receive their pay, but it cannot be attended to at present, consequently they will have to be patient until there is an opportunity to supply their wants, which we hope will occur soon.
Since the death of our noble Colonel, the command of the regiment has devolved on Lt. Col. Ernst, who discharges his ardupus [sic] duty to the satisfaction of both officers and men.—While on the march it was suggested to some of the officers, by one high in command, the propriety of taking some action in regard to who should be our next Colonel, stating for a reason, that if we did not the first thing we would have some stranger over us, and probably one we did not want. Consequently a meeting was called, and the officers, after a few moments consultation, appointed a committee with instructions to tender the position to Lt. Col. Ernst, which was done, and he first respectfully declined, thanking the officers and the committee for their kindness toward him. The committee having returned and reported the result of their interview with the Colonel, were again sent with instruction that the officers insisted that he should accept the position.—After a few minutes deliberation on the part of the Colonel, he accepted the position, but only until we should have time to select another Colonel(!) I think if he waits until then, he will wait a long time.
It will be pleasing to the numerous friends of Orderly Sergeant James Maloy to know that he has been appointed Lieutenant in Co. K, 140th Regt. This is doing justice to a good and faithful soldier, and it is appreciated by the officers and men of the Regiment, as "Jimmy is a brick."
To-morrow Capt. Hoyt, Lieut. McMullen and Pool, with three Corporals and three Privates, start for Elmira, to take charge of the drafted men that are to be sent to this Regiment. I suppose it will not be necessary for them to carry with them their arms and ammunition, as the Monroe County boys will come along without any resistance. We will treat them well, and send them back when their term of service expires--better and wiser men. There is plenty of room here for them. I can accommodate about three dozen of the biggest and fattest fellows you have got, and will furnish them with good board and suitable rooms, so that there is no danger of their being reduced in dimensions.
Mr. Edward Frost, Nurseryman, of your city has just arrived in camp, and is looking well. We wanted to dress him up in "soger's clothes" immediately, but he says he is not drafted yet.
Enclosed I send you a copy of resolutions drawn up by the officers of the Regiment for publication. Yours, &c., TRUE BLUE.
From the 140th Regiment.
The following is an extract from a private letter from Sergeant Munn, of the 140th Regiment, dated,
WARRENTON, VA., July 26, 1864.
Its [sic] Sunday, and a brighter, lovelier day never dawned over the once beautiful city of Warren¬ton. I have been sitting in front of my tent for the past two hours, watching the movement of the vast number of troops and wagons as they come crowding on from all directions, climb to some elevated spot, and on every side as far as the eye can reach, nothing can be seen except large bodies of men, horses, mules, wagons, &c., &c. We succeeded in getting here safe, and found but few before us. The most of the wagon trains were harrassed [sic] by the guerillas and many were fired into before they were aware of any danger, the party were small, however, and did but lit¬tle danger. Our corps is expected this morning and then we shall have to hitch up again and go to the camp. I don't whether they are to stay here at Warrenton or go to the Junction, some 12 miles below. It makes but little difference which place we stay at, far as comfort is concerned, for both places are completely stripped of everything that would add to the comfort or convenience of a tired, worn-out soldier.
I received a call yesterday afternoon from Edwin Frost. He has been down here several days looking for his Brother Henry, of the 8th Cavalry; he has found their wagon train and remains with Q. M. Pope; they have not heard from their regiment in 5 or 6 days, and know nothing of its whereabouts, I think it must be coming in to-day, for there is a great body of cavalry coming from the rear of the infantry. He thinks this army rather of a large institution, and cant [sic] see how it has been in operation now over two years, and yet people at the north know so little of it. No person visiting the army should be satisfied with less than two visits, one in the summer or fall, when the weather is warm and the ground dry; and another in the winter, when the snow is falling or has fallen to the depth of three or four inches. The first season will show one how many different ways the soldiers have to keep themselves comfortable from the rays of the burning sun in summer, and the snows and frosts in winter.
Every move now seems a repetition of those made last year by McClellan and Burnside.—Only think, now this army must remain here or elsewhere (probably here) till the drafted men are competent to fight, which of course, will be a long time. I am anxious to hear who the drafted men are in Rochester. We shall soon have some of them among us. Our boys are having all sorts of fun in store for the "conscripts," as they call them. I heard some of them saying a few days ago that they weren't going to draw any more new clothes this summer; but would wait till after the C's have marched one day in the hot sun—they would throw away enough clothing so that the others could clothe themselves comfortably without cost.
In Camp near Warrenton, Va.,
July 28th, 1863.
Dear Express:—After driving the Rebs from Manassas Gap, we took up our line of march for this point, where we arrived yesterday, about noon. The town presented a very lively appearance, from the number of soldiers that were constantly roving about, and those that were encamped in the vicinity. Everything seemed to be in a perfect bustle, all evidently making preparations to remain a few days at least. This was a pleasant and agreeable sight to us, as we were in hopes that we would be numbered among the fortunate ones, granted a few days respite from the fatigues of the past two month's active operations. Our hopes were soon realized, for we had not proceeded over two miles from the village when we were marched into a large and beautiful meadow where we received orders to pitch our tents, as prescribed by the regulations. We were then informed that in all probability we would remain four or five days, and the men should make themselves as comfortable as circumstances would permit. They are almost destitute of clothing; in fact, more so than at any time since we have been in the service; but now as we have halted, we are almost confident that this evil will be speedily remedied by a regular issue of clothing. Officers suffered alike with the men in this respect; and yesterday when our Regimental wagons arrived, containing our baggage, it was amusing to see the rapidity with which valleces were displayed about the camp to their respective owners.
Soap and towels were now in great demand, especially the first named article, as it needed considerable to take the rust off from long and arduous marches. Now everything goes on as merry as we could possibly wish for, with but one exception, and that is that we have not received a mail in some time, so that we are almost ignorant in regard to the news outside of our camp. Our mail agent just informd [sic] me, that we will probably receive our mail this afternoon, so that we are anxiously looking forward for "good news from home," and reading matter enough to last us a few days. The health of the regiment at present is remarkably good, considering the season of the year. At Doctor's call this morning, not over one dozen appeared for medical treatment, and but two of the number were pronounced as being unfit for duty; they were sent to Warrenton there to await transportation to Washington. It is very strange to me that more of our men are not taken sick, for they are constantly eating green fruit, and it is next to an impossibility to keep them from it. As I am writing I learn that we have orders to report at Rappahannock Station, about 13 miles distant from this point. We will most undoubtedly start for that point in the morning, so that you see we will once more favor that locality with our presence. It is surmised [sic] by some that we will remain there until we receive reinforcements, but I can't see it. Although I would think it a good plan to await there until we received our 300,000 conscripts, and then make one grand effort to capture Richmond. With a force like this, a failure would be next to an impossibility, while if we advanced with the small force that is now in the field, it may prove a sad calamity and be the means of continuing this war longer than their is any necessity for; so hurry up your conscripts and we will show them the road to Richmond, and also the road to a speedy restoration of peace and the Union.
Col. Girard, of the 146th regiment, who has been in. command of a brigade since the battle of Gettysburg, has received his commission as Brigadier General of the 3d Brigade. He is an officer of long experience, and thoroughly understands his business, being about as good a disciplinarian as there is in the service. He is also a thorough gentleman. We all feel proud of his appointment, as we have the utmost confidence in him as a military commander, and wherever he leads, we will cheerfully follow.
I understand that there is to be another change in our brigade—the two Pennsylvania regiments are to be removed and the 130th N. Y. Vols. are to take their place, so that our entire brigade will be composed of New York troops. Our division at present is probably the smallest in the service, having lost terribly in the last engagement, especially the Regulars, of which the 2d brigade lost 500 out of 800.—Their loss in officers was also very heavy—losing 36 in all. The mail leaves in a few moments, so au revoir,
The Conscription and what is Thought of it in the Army—Sunday in Camp.
WARRENTON, VA., Aug. 2, 1863.
DEAR EXPRESS:—To-day is the Sabbath day and one of the warmest days of the season, consequently the Colonel has dispensed with the usual Sunday inspection, much to the satisfaction of the boys, who are usually required to remain under a burning sun from one to two hours while undergoing an inspection of their arms, ammunition and clothing, and in fact their general appearance as soldiers. Sunday in camp is far different from those observed in your quiet city. Here it is observed in numerous ways. Some are snugly stowed away in some shady nook busily engaged in repairing their torn and tattered garments, others again can be seen collected in groups around some fortunate individual who has been the recipient of a late issue of your valuable sheet, in order to learn the latest and most reliable news from home relative to the enforcement of the Conscription act, which seems to be the most important topic of the day and which is freely discussed by almost every soldier in camp. All seem to agree upon the propriety of its speedy enforcement, as it is the only reliable method of putting an end to this rebellion. Our soldiers, and in fact the entire masses of the troops express themselves perfectly disgusted with the cowardly acts of barbarity that have lately been enacted in the city of New York and other places, by home traitors who are now endeavoring to deprive us of the only reliable means of obtaining the required number of men called for by the President. Our only regret is that we were not called upon to assist in quelling that riot; had we been, you would have seen fine work accomplished, without the aid of kid gloves, or blank cartridges.
But to return to my "Sunday in Camp:" On the banks of a small stream, not far distant from camp, may be seen large groups chiefly engaged in cleaning up, or doing their "week's washing," an occupation which is by no means second nature to the sterner sex. Again there are others who are busily engaged in writing to friends at home. In this there is quite an extensive business done, and the accumulation of mail matter during the day at headquarters is about as much as the mail carrier can conveniently "tote." Last, but not least, we have those among us who have cast aside all of the business pursuits forbidden on the Lord's Day, and have devoted themselves to the reading of their Bibles, and such other religious books as they can conveniently obtain. I have noticed many, more so than at any other time, who are devoting themselves to the study of religious works. To be sure there are others whom I am certain it would not injure in the least to occupy a portion of their time in this manner. Before closing my description allow me to say a few words in regard to the good boys of the Regiment. Such we call "Flankers." Their business is to scour the country in all directions, in search of any article of subsistance [sic] that they can purchase, borrow or "lift." If the article is not to be purchased, they endeavor to persuade the owner that they are really in need of it, and if they are not successful in procuring it, they take it. This we call "lifting"—sometimes they lift pretty hard; for, towards evening they can be seen coming across the country, some with chickens, turkeys, bread, butter, milk, and, in fact, all kinds of produce.
Occasionally you will see a fellow with a small pig on his back making all possible haste for camp, where his pigship is knocked in the head, and in less time than I can describe it to you, he is distributed around upon the different frying pans belonging to those who were fortunate to come in for a share.
This morning we received orders that the first division and second division of our corps, the latter which we have the honor of belonging to, are to go into camp here with the usual instructions. To-morrow we are to commence our routine of camp duty, camp drill twice a day, battalion drill once a day and guard mounting also, brigade drills twice a week. So you will observe that we are not to be allowed to remain idle very long. This will be pretty hard on us, as the weather is getting dreadful warm, and we have scarcely had time to recover from our tedious marches; but as long as those in command think us capable of performing or complying with the above programme, I suppose that it is all right enough, and we have only to pitch right in, regardless of expense. The health of the regiment at present continues remarkably good and the doctors are having but little duty to perform. I hope they will continue idle.
Democrat & American.
From the 140th Regiment.
Correspondence of the Democrat and American.
February 6, 1864.
This is the first idle afternoon for over two months, when I could write; because if off duty, I was too unwell to do more than rest.—The fatigue party did not go out to the fortifications to-day, because of a brigade review; and the review does not come off, because of a very lively rain.
The last connected account of our wanderings must have been on the 21st of Nov. I am not sure that I told you much while the Regiment was lying at Paoli Mills, our Mountain Run. Every brook here is a "run"—Cub Run, Bull Run, Kettle Run, Cedar Run, Mountain Run, Mine Run—and it takes some run out of us boys to run them all down.
The night of the 23d was rainy; the morning of the 24th extremely so. At 4 o'clock the bugle called to "strike tents," and off we went at fair daylight. Mountain Run was howling already; its waters up to the bridge; (said bridge went down stream that afternoon.) In a drenching rain we straggled on some two miles. In a hollow we found the Division—artillery and wagons stuck in the soft bottom. We pushed through the hollow and reached the high land beyond, when, as old Jehu used to drive, so came an Aid. Marching orders were countermanded. "Shoulder arms!" Countermarch, file left!" "Right shoulder shift arms!" "Forward march" and we were going back to camp—and lucky too, though wet to the skin. This march seemed a second edition of Burnside's "stick in the mud," for the special benefit of the new recruits, subs, and cons.
The boys were musical on going back to camp; "Homeward Bound," "We'll be Gay and Happy Still" "Dixie's Land," and the "Happy Land of Cannan," were loudly sung and laughed over.
By the way, I've always heard it said that the regiment never marched so easily, so cheerily, or sang so lively, as during the night of their march from Hanover to Gettysburg, though Col. O'Rourke told them before starting that they were to march all night, and go into battle next day. And during all that Centerville movement, day or night, one might hear some one singing, and from the song you might get the character of the soldier. Here's one—"Johnny fill up the bowl;" or " Old Dog Tray," or "John Brown "—shows more fun than sober thought. Another, more sentimental, is doing full justice to "Hard times, hard times, come again no more." I'll wager his toes were blistered, and he was thinking of home. Another, marching more easily, is singing quite to himself, " 'Tis the grave of Eulalie." That sounds quite prettily in the woods on the night march. Once, straggling to the right of the regiment, I heard several of company A's men singing,
"The dearest idol I have known,
" Whatever that idol be,
Help me to tear it from Thy throne,
And worship only Thee!"
The night was still and warm, the marching good, the movement slow, the branches of the forest trees interlacing overhead—the sentiment and the music were worth a night's march to hear.
But one oftener hears, for they are favorites with the boys, "When this cruel war is over," "Rally round the flag, boys." These they all sing. From the better class of singers you will be more likely to get "Annie Laurie," or "Nellie with the light brown hair;" else some of the beautiful Sunday-school hymns that have become so popular within a few years. Sometimes the march becomes too exhausting for music or mirth; be sure then that the soldier boy is almost "played out." Next to his discipline, the joke and the song cling to the soldier the longest.
On the 26th we were called at 3 A. M., our rat ions made up to eight days, and we started off again at 6 o'clock. Some three miles across lots of indifferent marching brought us out on a very good road, that gave us rapid marching till almost noon. About 12 we were at the Rapidan—at Culpepper Mine Forde. Crossing, we were halted an hour or two, but without a chance for coffee. Just before sundown we had made some miles of crooked road through the woods, then striking the Fredericksburg and Gordonsville Plank Road, how we went! As fast as we could walk, a double quick, hurried up as fast as we could run. The sun went down clear, the stars were out as thick as a swarm of bees, the moon came up, the road was good, and still we ran.
I remember a halt of perhaps a half hour, a short march, and a bivouack [sic] in an old cornfield close by the roadside, where were two extravagantly large oak rail fences. There are several times in my memory when a guard was stationed over any fence which by any possibility might be converted into coffee! But to-night no such farce was enacted; no imposition practiced upon the noble Union defenders. Water, clear and abundant, was running close by, though fifty feet below the level we lay on.—Theodore gave me enough corn meal to make a pudding in my coffee kettle. I never ate a better one. I furnished sugar for his pudding and mine. Levelling [sic] the ground with rails, near 11 o'clock we lay down, two blankets and a poncho over us, a big fire of rails at our feet; no tents up. In the morning the ice was near¬ly an inch thick.
Yours truly, Ansel.
Welcome Tidings to Many in Sorrow.
The mails this morning brought a large number of letters, the first that have been received from our prisoners taken by the Rebels in the recent battles in Virginia. These letters carry joy to many a sorrowful heart, for they bring the welcome news that those mourned as dead are alive. Some who have been set down as positively among the killed, have given their own signatures to attest their existence. The letters are from Lynchburg, where there are some fifty or more from the regiments of this locality. Some are wounded while others are unharmed. All the wounded are doing well and are kindly treated by the Rebels.
Capt. Hamilton, who was reported dead, is wounded, but is doing well and has written to his parents.
Lt. Pool, also reported dead, is suffering from a severe wound, and may lose an arm.
Capt. Henry Hoyt, though wounded, is able to write, and in good spirits. He says Sergts. Strong and Marsh of his company, reported killed, and a dozen more, are with him.
Lt. Shannon is also alive and likely to recover, though shot through the body. He was reported as positively killed, and the intelligence came so direct that his wife had utterly given up all hope. She, like others, had put on mourning weeds for the lost as among the dead.
This shows how unsafe it is to accept the reports that come from the battle field in the midst of excitement. However painful may be the suspense, it is not best to conclude that the missing in battle are dead, until ample time has been given for them to report themselves.
The following letters from Captain Hamilton, are those referred to above:
MILES PROM ORANGE C. H., May 7, '64.
MY DEAR FOLKS:—I will write a few lines in hopes that they may reach you, and relieve all fears on my account. I have no tears to shed, except in sympathy with you in your anxiety about me. Although a prisoner, and a ball having passed through my body, I am in most comfortable circumstances; little pain, every prospect of recovery, and the best of care is given to all. Our enemies are as kind as our friends could be, and we find no cause for complaint. It is quite probable that my wound was reported mortal, as such was my first idea, but I have little weakness except in my limbs.
I have not lost my faith, nor am I doubtful as to God's will in this thing, for if I live I can through him, be a better man.
I am ignorant as to the fate of a large portion of the regiment, but know that many were killed, wounded and taken prisoners.
The following are the few cases I know of—there are other Hospitals:
Capt. Hoyt, wounded in leg above the ankle—can walk.
Lieut. Shannon, wounded in side, slight.
1st Sergt. C. A. Stokes, Co. I, wounded in body, badly. Died yesterday.
Jerry Quick, Co. I, leg, slight.
Corp. W. Beckwith, Co. G, leg; slight.
Pri. Henry Degan, Co. E, body, bad, died today.
Adams, Co. A, leg, slight.
Chapman, Co. G, both legs.
Field, Co. G, leg.
C. H. Durnham, Co. C, thigh.
Daily, Co. G, right leg amputated.
Deitrich, Co. C, arm amputated.
Hollard, Co. E, side.
Jno. Wegman, Co. I, shoulder, slight.
Capt. Hoyt, Jas. C. Claak, David Waffle, Jas. Perrin, C. Henning and Sergt. E. Marsh are reported off for Richmond. Harvy Poole, it is reported, will lose his left arm.
May 11th.—I shall give this to the doctor who will go in a few days,—ordered to Orange C. H.
I am doing well. Send love to you all. Good bye.
Casualties in the Army.
The New York papers bring us a few further names of the sufferers in our regiments in Gen. Grant's army. The reports are still incomplete. The fatalities in the 140th are far less than expected if the report is by any means complete. But the battle is still raging and the men who are able are still engaged.
We have nothing from the cavalry regiments, or the artillery, and but a little from the 108th.
Col. Powers is reported wounded, and the first report said mortally. A later dispatch, we are happy to say, reports that he is not in a dangerous condition.
Lt. Col. Pierce, who so recently went to the field, before having recovered fully from a wound which deprived him of an eye—is again wounded.
Lt. Porter of the same regiment is wounded.
LATER.—Since the above was written we have seen a private dispatch from J. L. Hatch, to a friend in this city which reads as follows:
" Capt. Hoyt mortally wounded and a prisoner. Col. Powers dead. Capt. Hamilton and Lt. Pool killed."
Mr. Hatch is in the Surgeon-General's office at Washington and ought to be in a situation to get information, though we think he is mistaken as to Col. Powers, and as to Capt. Hoyt, it is not likely that anything positive is known as to his fate. The following is the list of casualties as received:
John Harrington, A Christian Suttard, G.
M. Hoy, A Timothy Ratigen, G.
A. Townsend, G Cor. W. S. Mockford, A.
Jho Chuler, G John Mansler, A
A. H. Smith, I G. W. Estes, A
John Ringley, K Wm. Barry, K
Samuel Stubbs, F Barney Elfer, K
O. Everts, F A. Conkite,
Sergt. S. O. Miller, I Capt. Willard Abbot,
Peter Luther, H John Brim,
Philip Ward, H Geo. H. Bolton,
E. J. Randall, H B. McCoy,
John Sharkey, K August Ritz,
Lieut. John Hume, H B. Smith,
A. C. Langworthy, D Sergt. Wm. Doran,
Lewis Smith, H Corp. John J. Detrue,
P. E. Murdin, G Henry Baker,
Sergt. J. Sisger, E Corp. Jonas Esely,
Ser.Maj. M S Meagher, James Roby,
G. W. Wolfe, G J. Russell,
R. E. Dagel, K, John Archibalds,
Lt. J. R. Campbell, P. McGonnes, E,
Wm. Molder, K Capt. W. S. Grantsyn,
C. B. Effras, S'g't. Sherman Streeter, A
Allen H. Smith, I Corp. E. M. Wright, B.
Lt. Hamilton, killed, J. M. Boyce,
D. Austin, Lieut. Davis,
Lieut. Hess.
List of Wounded in Washington Hospitals.
The following is the report of the Relief Committee, sent to see to our wounded soldiers:
Privates Jacob Christian, Co. B.; John Co. D; Henry Barker, Co. E; Corporal James Downer, Co. I; John F. Caldwell, Co. E; Wm. Raul, Co. B; Martin Malone, Co C; Corporal Elnoy F. Sabin, Co. D; Eben Hart, Co. I ; Stewart Young, Co. D.
Sergeant Wm. Donan, Co. E; private M. Furlong, Co. D.
John McGownn, Henry Smith, Co. D; Jacob Klumback, Co. F; E. J. Randall, Co. H; Columbiand; Wm. Bonny, Co. H, Lincoln Hospital; Timothy Ratinger, Co. G; E. Riker, Co. F; Francis F. Clark, Co. A; Waller Canenell, Co. A; Daniel Kenny, Allen Coltem, Co. K; John Dietrick, David Austin, Jacob M. Boyce, Co. D; John Shonkey, James D. McEntee, Corp. Robert E. Doyle, Co. K.
Maurice Mallory, Co. F; Frederick Henwick, Co. D; J. Gross, Co. J; John Cahler, corporal, Co. G; P. Gentle, corpral [sic], Co. G; Jones Esley, corporal, Co. G; C. Sutler, Co. G; William Melter, Co. K; Anson Cronkett; Co. B; John Ronkler, Co. K; Godfrey Stark, Co. K; Barney McCloy, Co. K.
Robert Narry, Co. D.
James O. Cook, Co. K.
O. H. Batten, Co. C; Jonas Lyons, Co. K; Robert Riddle, Co. E; E. Finley, John Honn, Co. C; John A. Dilmore, corporal, Co. C.
Albert Kelsey, Co. G.; Lieut. John Buckley, Capt. Wm. Abbott, Co. G; Erastus D. Davis, Lieut, Co. K, Douglas; Sergeant Wm. Cowan, Co. D.
A. Scott Gonham, Sergt. Co. A; Thomas A. Buckley, Sergeant Co. C; Thomas Remans, Co. G.
Privates Andrew H. Keeble, Co. F; Peter Simon, Co. I; A. Schamtnett, Co. A; Thos. W. Roach, Co. A; Wm. Greenwood, Co. A; Corp. Patrick Coney, Co. I; Christopher Frederick, Co. B.
Arbert J. Mullen, Co. B; Corporal Wm. H. Lewis, Co. A; Randolph Miller, Co. D; Adams Brown, Co. B; John Brown, Co. B; Corporal John Wilachout, Co. G.
Privates Augustus Mano, Co. K; Thomas A. Jones, Co. G; Reuben Stanton, Co. G; Jacob H. Jones, Co. G; Sergeant Joseph Wolb, Co. G; Corporal Elisha Salvis, Co. C, John Comming, Co. C; J. J. Sherman, C. G; Corporal F. Moses, Co. G.
Privates John B Seller, Co. A; Thos. Antley, Co. A; Serg't John Marsh Finley, Co. B; Thos. Kimball, Co. I; John Levine, Co. C; Jos. C. Churchenell, Co. C.
The main list comprises the slightly wounded who were in condition to be brought to this city.
The Fourth Heavy Artillery had, up to last Thursday, suffered but very little in killed or wounded. The wounded at Alexandria were visited by Ex-Mayor Bradstreet yesterday, who found them doing well and comfortably provided for. The 22d N. Y. Cavalry are now doing guard duty at Fredericksburg. Two companies had a lively brush with Guerrillas on Friday, and were highly successful in repulsing and driving them off.
F. L. Durand arrived from Rochester this morning, and the balance of the delegation are expected by next train.
The name of Samuel D. Porter, one of yesterday's arrivals, was unintentionally omitted in my despatch of last night. Mr. Porter went to the front yesterday.
Ex-Mayor Bradstreet sends the following interesting dispatch:
A list of wounded of our regiments is being made for an order for transportation to Rochester, of such as can be removed.
Many are at Fredericksburg, too severely wounded to come forward, among whom are Col. Powers, Capt. Grantsynn, J. R. Campbell and private Hume.
I visited yesterday, at Alexandria, all our wounded in hospitals, and found Capt. Willard Abbott, Capt. John Buckley, Thos. A. Buckley, Patrick Fannell, Augustus Davis, of Chili, Albertus Kelsey and James A. Book—all of the 140th Regiment.
John Buckley is bad off, the others comfortable and will get out soon. Thomas Powers, of Co. G, 140th Regiment, died there on Friday.
All our wounded will be called upon as soon as possible.
A list of the wounded now here, has been sent to Rochester. Six hundred wounded have just come up from Fredericksburg, on the steamer Connecticut, but I could not recognize any among them, as they carne one by one from the boat. Sergeant Clagrem, of Rochester, of the 140th, stood by to assist. His brother, Daniel Clagrem, was killed a few days ago. Lieut. Shannon killed three, when he was shot through the head by a fourth. No wounded of the 3d cavalry are sent here.
All the officers, commissioned and non-commission, of the 140th regiment, are killed or wounded, and only one hundred and six men are left.
(Signed) N. C. BRADSTREET.
From the 140th.
The following has been received from the 140th by an ex-member of the regiment. In giving the names of the wounded, we have erased those previously reported.
FRIEND P.:—I received your kind letter last night. This is the first mail we have received since we left Warrenton Junction, and we have lost a great many of the boys since the fifth of May (the first days' fight) and we have been marching and fighting ever since. While I am writing we are lying in the trenches. I have my tent up behind the breastworks in front of Co. K, or what is left of us. Talk about your your seven days' fight before Richmond, it ain't a grease spot to this fight. Gen. Grant is playing Vicksburg with us. Co. K has lost in killed, wounded and missing, forty men. The Regiment has lost between three and four hundred men and officers. Jimmy Maloy is sick and gone to the hospital. I will give you a list of the loss in our company:
Morris Ritter, May 8th.
Godfrey Clark, Jas. Van Dyke, John Schalfer, John Lenon, Wm. Lavis (has returned,) Serg't P. Fleming.
Serg't P. Doyle and Corp'l John O'Mera, are wounded and missing, Corp'l John Hayes, Serg't A. Graham, Henry Brown, P. Cusack, Edward Canby, Patrick Fordan, D. Feeney, Phillip Ryan, Henry Young, Michael Trip.
James Mines, Jacob Schwartz, John O'Niel, (has returned to duty,) Martin O'Flaherty, Lt. E. D.Davis.
MAY 12.
Hugh McCaffery was struck in the arm by a piece of wood from a canister shot He is doing duty again.
I must tell you a little of Hughy's sharpshooting, for he is a bully soldier. Before we made the first charge, (May 5th) the rebs were plundering our dead and wounded on the skirmish line, and our lamedted [sic] Colonel wanted some of the boys to go out and pick them off, and five men of Co. K went out with Lieut. Cribbin, the only Company that volunteered. Their names are Hugh McCaffery, John Lenon, James Butler, Jacob Schwartz and Frank Jervin. One of the Johnnys came out of the woods and after going through the knapsacks and was returning with his plunder, when McCaffery drew a bead on him and fetched him down in short order.—Jake Richardson brought off the colors in the second charge, May 8th, and still carries them. Poor Morris Ritter was killed while carrying our Colonel off the field. On the 7th of May Morris voluntered [sic] to go out scouting, and fetched in a Johnny that was out on the same business. He got around in his rear and made him come to time.
Our regiment has made four charges on the enemy since the battle commenced. In the first and second we were repulsed with heavy loss. In the first we charged across an open plain and into the woods, and we drove the rebs into their rifle pits. We were fighting them there with no support at all, the Regulars not coming up in time, when the Johnnys came down on our right flank and captured a large number of our regiment. Johnny Hayes was with me until we reached the open plain going back, and that was the last time I saw him. The Johnnys were then coming down the open plain close on to us, yelling out "surrender, Yanks." I expected every step I took to be knocked over. They shot down a great many of our boys coming back. But I did not like to register my name in the Hotel-de-Libby. Johnny O'Mera and Pat Doyle were severely wounded and left on the field. We were complimented by General Ayres twice. The Johnnys called our regiment second edition Duryee Zouaves. Yours, &c., C.
Letter from Fredericksburg—Inquiry for the Missing Officers—Condition of the 140th Regiment.
The following letter from Messrs, Hamilton and Pool of this city, addressed to Ex-Mayor Bradstreet, at Washington, has been sent us by the latter for publication:
Fredericksburg, Va., May 15, 1864.
N. C. Bradstreet, Esq., Washington:
DEAR SIR: We arrived here this afternoon, after walking from Belle Plain, and found the 22d Cavalry in possession of the place; after getting a cup of coffee &c. at Commisary [sic] Tower's hotel, we found some of the officers of the 140th. Adjutant Cambell is badly wounded in the thigh, Lieutenant Hume has had his leg amputated, Captain Grantsynn has a flesh wound below his knee, Colonel Powers is doing very well, Captain Porter has gone on—with a wound in his thigh. The place is full of wounded; it is estimated that there are about 12,000.
We find a great many of the 140th men, but as I did not know that I could write so soon I did not take their names.
It is not known whether Captain Hamilton and Lieutenant Pool are actually dead or not. They were severely wounded and left to the mercy of the enemy. Captain Hamilton had time to give up his watch and pocket book. There are, we understand from the Provost Marshal, in the hands of the enemy about 2,000 of our men, in Ewell's hands, and they are arriving every day by flag of truce. The hope is very faint, but we will wait here just as long as there is any hope, and during that time shall devote our time to our wounded soldiers. There is no such thing as going to the battle ground of the 5th at present, but there may be before long.
I will write again soon and give you all the names I can of our Rochester boys.
Mr. Porter is here making himself very useful, as are the Common Councilmen, but there is room for more.
Yours, truly,
Jos. H. POOL.
Captain Porter Farley has just come in town and he is still safe; he says there are less than 200 muskets left in the regiment (140th).
If you can send any newspapers to us by some one we wish you would, for all soldiers are anxious to hear the news. Send as many as you can to care A. K. Tower, Commissary, 22d N. Y. Cav.
Rochester Democrat.
GOOD NEWS FROM THE 140th.—Yesterday morning a large mail was received from the soldiers of the 140th, at present in the hands of the rebels. It was found that quite a number, who were supposed to have died from wounds received, were yet alive, and with good prospects of speedy restoration to health.
We clip from the Express the following letter from Sergt. E. T. Marsh, of Co. I, 140th:
LYNCHBURG, Va., May 9, 1864.
EDS. EXPRESS: Knowing that friends of those here will be glad to hear of them I give below the names of members of the 140th Regiment, taken prisoners at Locust Grove:
Co. A—Sergt. Chas W. Root, Corp. A. D. Moseley, Corp. D. W. Richards, Privates Isaac Barnes, Albert Linden, Martin Hoy, J. S. Lowery, James Dailey, Geo. Wilson, Simeon LeValley, S. W. Hunt.
Co. B—R. Ovenburg, J. Ovenburg, John Klingel, George Riley, Aug. Hilbert, Fred. Humbierce.
Co. C—Orderly Sergt. R. J. Brown, John Burns, J. Ridoute, R. Barr, John Cochlin, James Feeney, Wm. Shields, Thos. Dickinson, James Sarsfield.
Co. D.—Corp. L. C. Colt, Wm. Riley, Valentine Gerling, Byron Frost, Henry Coleman, James Sidey, wound through shoulder.
Co. E—John O. Day, Color Corporal.
Co. F—Thomas Hamlin, Fred. Schoen, Jas. Chambers.
Co. H—____ Meinig, Wm. Creelman, Jas. Barnes, Jacob Reed.
Co. I—Sergt. Henry E. Story, slight wound in shoulder; E. T. Marsh, Jas. C. Clark, Bradford Kimble, David Waffle, Frank Carpenter, Wm. Reynolds, Jerry Quick, wound in knee, John Wegman, wound in neck.
Co. K—Sergt. Alex. Graham, Corp. John Hayes, Peter Cusick, P. Fordan, Michael Neib, Henry Brown.
I should have mentioned Capt. H. B. Hoyt, of Co. I, but he is not with us—it slipped my mind; he has a slight wound.
Of most of the wounded I know nothing.
Those not mentioned as wounded are unhurt.
Respectfully, E. T. MARSH.
The following is a letter from the same person to his parents:
NEAR LYNCHBURG, Va., May 5th, '64.
My Dear Father, Mother, Sister and Brother:
Knowing you will be anxious to hear from me, I shall try to get a few lines to you, assuring you of my present safety and good health, though a prisoner. I was captured on the 5th inst., with some others of my regiment, at Locust Grove. There are eleven of Co. I here, including D. Waffle and J. C. Clark, of Chili. Capt. Hoyt is also a prisoner, and slightly wounded. I am well, and did not get a scratch. I must close now, for fear they will not send more. Don't worry yourselves about me, I shall come out all right.
Your son, EDWIN T. MARSH, Sergt. Co. I, 140th N. Y. V.
Three letters were also received from Capt. Hamilton of the 140th. His family and friends had about given up all hope of his being yet alive, and their joy on the reception of such unexpectedly good news can only be imagined, not described. We have been permitted to give the following extracts from these letters:
" I will write a few lines in hopes that the same may reach you and relieve all fears on my account. I have no tears to shed except in sympathy with you in your anxiety about me. Although a prisoner, and a ball having passed through my body, I am in most comfortable circumstances, little pain, every prospect of recovery! all. Our enemies are as kind as our friends could be, and we can find no cause for com-plaint. It is quite possible that my wound was reported mortal, as such was my first idea; but I have little weakness except in my limbs."
Then follows a brief list of officers and men of the 140th.
" Capt. Hoyt, wounded in the leg above the ankle, can walk; Lieut. Shannon, side, slight; Sergt. Stokes, I, body, died yesterday; Jerry Finck, F, leg, slight; Corp. W. Beckwith, G, leg, slight; Henry Degen, E, body, died today; Adams, A, leg, slight; Chapman, G, both legs; Field, G, leg; C. H. Dunham, C, thigh, slight; Daily, G, right leg, amputated; Dietrick, C, arm; Hallard, C, side; Wegman, I, shoulder, slight.
These are the few cases I know of. There are other hospitals.
Capt. Hoyt, Jas. C. Clark, David Waffle, Jas. Perine, C. Hemming and Sergt. E. March, are reported off for Richmond.
Harry Pool will lose his left arm, it is reported."
May 11th.—I am doing well. Love to all.
MY DEAR PEOPLE AT HOME:—It will be two weeks to-morrow since I was captured, and I hope that news of my situation has come to you. Dr. Menzie probably wrote, and I have done so myself. My wound is doing well, and we are having the best of care and treatment. Time does not fly as rapidly as it used, but I get along very well. We are looking for an exchange of wounded, and I believe, it may come any day.
Would be quite contented and happy could I hear from you, but trust that you are quite well, and not over-anxious about me. Thinking my wound to be mortal, I gave my watch and pocket book to Sergt. Ringlestine, of our regiment. Do not need much money here, but had a little rather have kept what I had. There are some twelve of us in this ward, and we are all in good spirits. Wish I knew of the welfare of the regiment. Truly life is checkered. God is very kind, and taking excellent care of me. I am confident He is doing the same with you.
P. S.—I do not mail this until the 20th. Am doing well and think of you often. Lieut. Shannon is doing well; tell his wife.
May 25th, 1864.
DEAR FATHER:—I cannot but have faith that news has reached you of me. Have already written twice, but will again state that my wound is a musket ball through the body—a flesh wound. One side is almost healed, and the other is discharging freely. All danger on that score is past, and a few weeks will find me in condition again. * * * * *
Moved from Gordonsville on Sunday, and am now in a pleasant place and having good treatment. we may stay here until our wounds heal. Lieut. Shannon is doing well. Meet many whose acquaintance is pleasant, and treatment kind. Shall be glad to get well even if we then go to prison. Regards to all my friends. God bless you all.
Your affectionate son, H. G. H.
Captain Henry Hoyt writes as follows:
LYNCHBURG, Va., May 11.
I am a prisoner of war, and am slightly wounded. We are treated well, and are more comfortable than I anticipated. * * * There are some forty of our men taken prisoners—thirteen of Co. I, my own company, including Sergeants Story and Marsh.
Lieut. Starr, of the 22d Cavalry, is also a prisoner. I am not allowed to write more."
The wife of Lieut. Shannon, who has been reported among the dead, received also a letter from her husband. Her delight was extreme. She had given up all hope of ever seeing him again, and on Monday donned the habiliments of mourning. The Lieutenant writes that he was shot in the left side, the ball passing out near the spine. He is doing well, and regards his wound as a slight one.
This batch of letters carried joy to many a household which was previously full of mourning. Quite a number who were bewailing the loss of near and dear friends, were surprised by the receipt of letters from the lost ones.
WOUNDED AND PRISONERS OF THE 140th.—The following list of wounded and prisoners we cut from a letter from one of the prisoners published in the Democrat this morning. It gives the names of those of the 140th taken at Locust Grove. The letter is dated Lynchburg, May 9th:
Co. A—Sergt. Chas. W. Root, Corp. A. D. Mosley, Corp. D. W. Richards, Privates Isaac Barnes, Albert Linden, Martin Hoy, J. S. Lowery, James Dailey, Geo. Wilson, Simeon Le Valley, S. W. Hunt.
Co. B—R. Overburg, J. Overburg, John Klingel, George Riley, Augustus Hilbert, Fred Humbierce.
Co. C—Ord Sergt. R. J. Brown, John Burns, J. Ridout, R. Barr, John Cochlin, James Feeney, Wm. Shields, Thos. Dickinson, James Sarsfield.
Co. D—Corp. L. C. Colt, Wm. Riley, Valentine Gerling, Byron Frost, Henry Coleman, Jas. Sidney, wounded through the shoulder.
Co. E—John O. Day, Color Corporal.
Co. F—Thos. Hamlin, Fred, Schoen, James Chambers.
Co. H—____ Meinig, Wm. Creelman, James Barnes, Jacob Reed.
Co. I—Sergt Henry E. Story, slight wound in shoulder, E. T. Marsh, Jas. C. Clark, Bradford Kimble, David Waffle, Frank Carpenter, Wm. Reynolds, Jerry Quick, wound in knee, John Wegman, wound in neck.
Co. K—Sergt. Alex. Graham, Corp. Jno. Hayes, Peter Cusic, P. Fordan, Michael Neib, Henry Brown.
Captain H. Hoyt, of Company I, has a slight wound.
Those not mentioned as wounded are uninjured.
Several Missing 140th Men Heard From.—A letter has been received here directed to the parents of James Minot, written by Sergt. P. H. Walton, of Co. H, 140th Regiment, dated at Fairfax, Va., June 2d. The letter says he with several other 140th men were wounded and taken prisoners by the rebels, he does not say when, but probably in the battles of the Wilderness. Sergt. Walton, although wounded, succeeded in escaping across the Potomac on a raft. He writes that when he left, there were in the rebel hospital at Locust Grove, otherwise called Robinson's Tavern, James Minot, Co. A, 140, wounded in the right foot, not very badly, and was doing well; John B. Snyder, Go. G, 140th, flesh wound in leg; Seth Lovell, of the same company, wounded in the back of neck, and doing well; Andrew Snyder, brother of John B. was brought to the same hospital, and died of his wounds.
From the 140th—Prisoners in Rebel Hands.
The friends of the 140th men, who have been captured by the rebels during the march Richmondward, were gladdened this week by the reception of letters from them. We are permitted to publish the following:
June 5th, 1864.
DEAR MOTHER—I am now a prisoner in "Libby Prison"; was captured on the 7th of June. I am well and all right. There were sixteen captured with me, of our company, and forty out of the regiment. When you direct your letters to me, just write concerning our health and how you are getting along—only a few lines. Here are the names of the boys captured out of our company: 1st Sergt. J. Carson, Corp. I. Goodenough, Corp. J. Brown, Private J. Hine, Sergt. Sperry, S. Brennan, W. Green, Frank Evans. The others were not from Rochester.
L. M. GOULD, Co. D.
June 5th, 1864.
DEAR MOTHER AND SISTERS—I was taken prisoner at Gaines Farm June 2d. I am now in Richmond, and am well at present. I suppose you cannot write to me, and I do not expect to hear from you. I shall write to you to let you know that I am well, when they let me. They took fifteen prisoners of our company.
Good bye. Your loving son and brother,
Capt. Hoyt, who was wounded in his leg a little above the ankle with a musket ball, writes June 10th, that his wound was doing well. He hoped to be able to walk about in a couple of weeks.
The family of Capt. Hamilton have received several letters from him, the last dated July 3d saying that he soon expected to be taken to Macon, Georgia. He was well.
Mr. Frederick Starr has received letters from his sons, Capt. Geo. H. Starr, of the 104th, and Lieut. H. P. Starr, of the 22d Cavalry. They were at Macon, Ga., and were comfortably well. Their accommodations at Macon were more commodious and comfortable than in Richmond.
Further Correspondence from our Prisoners in Danville.—We publish the following, written by members of the 140th, prisoners, the day following their arrival in Danville. Although the letters are dated May 14th, they did not get to Fortress Monroe until the 24th inst. The length of time elapsing between their dates and the dates of the post mark, 24th, at Old Point Comfort, shows the tardiness with which the rebels forward the prisoners' correspondence. They are afraid they may contain some information that shall be useful to our armies. Since these letters were written the prisoners have been transferred to Georgia, for greater safety:
DANVILLE, Va., May 14, 1864.
Dear Mother—As the officers in charge say our letters will go through and that we can receive letters in reply, I thought I would make the trial. We arrived here yesterday after a hard ride from Lynchburg, 54 hours on the road. We are rather crowded, but shall try to make the best of it. We have drawn rations once since we came, of which there were plenty. They tell us we shall have the same each day. I wish we could have a good place to exercise in. You must write short letters and have them unsealed. There are 56 of the 140th here, 12 of Co. I. Keep good courage. Love to all.
Danville, Va., May 14th, '64.
DEAR MOTHER: I WRITE these few lines to let you know that I am well, thank God. We left Lynchburg Wednesday, and got here yesterday. There are five prisons here, close together, and a couple in another part of the city. There are twelve hundred in our squad, put in three buildings, with some who were taken at the battle of Chickamauga, last fall. You can write, or send here. I should like to know how our Regiment came out of that fight. It was the hottest place I was ever in, for twenty minutes. The Richmond papers say that we are the cleanest and nicest lot of men that ever passed through the South. There are six men of our company here, and fifty-six altogether of the Regiment. Direct your letter to William Riley, Co. D, 140th Regiment N. Y. Vols., Prisoner of War, Care of Major Moifet, Danville, Va.
FURTHER CASUALTIES:—We have received the following further list of casualties to Monroe County men:
5th ARMY CORPS, NORFOLK & Petersburg R. R., 2 miles from Petersburg, June 20.
ED. DEMOCRAT:—THE 5th corps crossed the James River safely on Thursday last, and marching 17 miles, reached this vicinity about 11 P. M. of that day. On Friday morning we took a position, and now have possession of the rebel's outer works, very formidable, and shells from our mortars can be thrown into the city of Petersburg. It is reported that General Grant has given the rebels notice to remove non-combatants from the city, which will no doubt be bombarded very soon.
On Saturday P. M. a charge was made along the lines, without accomplishing very much, and with some loss to us. Among the killed was Lieut. Chilson, formerly Adjutant of the 24th Michigan, and a worthy young officer. While acting as aid to Gen. Cutler, he was shot by a rebel sharpshooter. I believe he has relatives in Rochester.
Of the 6th Co. N. Y. Sharpshooters, from Rochester, who were in the charge, are the following casualties:
Killed—Wm. E. Ferrin, Pittsford, shot just above the hip, the ball passing upward, bursting a blood vessel.
Wounded—R. S. Eaton, Henrietta, left leg, not serious; Wm. McNaughton, Caledonia, right groin, do.; Matthee Hennesy, Albion, right leg, bone splintered, leg will be saved.
George N. Goold, acting Sergeant-Major, is missing.
The 140th, 1st Brigade, 2d Division, although not in the charge, have suffered from rebel shell and sharpshooters. For the following list I am indebted to A. Morehouse, Hospital Steward of the regiment:
Killed—Clinton D. Pierce, Co. I.
Wounded—Capt. B. F. Harmon, F, right hand; Corp. Edwin Tripp, I, left leg amputated, doing well; Corp. Daniel Davy, I, left leg; Corp. John Bowen, F, right arm; Corp. Daniel Ringle, G, right hip, slight; Privates Lester Carrington, C, both legs; Wm. Bergher, G, both large toes, one lost; John Ogden, H, right thigh; James Hines, G, mouth; Jacob Megerly, F, left leg, slight; James Kelleher, K, left leg, skight; Ahardt Schwartz, G, right leg, slight; Geo. Whitner, B. right shoulder, slight; Thos. Grace, F, left hand, slight; Patrick Murphy, right shoulder.
Gen. Ayres, in command of the 2d Division, was to-day wounded in the little finger by a sharpshooter, while rubbing his face—a narrow escape.
With no time to give more particulars, I remain, respectfully,
J. T. Farnham.
Casualties in the 140th Regiment.
The friends of the 140th Regiment are in debt to Adjutant Campbell for the following report of the casualties in the Regiment. It will relieve many from anxiety, while others, must necessarily be pained to hear of the suffering of relatives and friends:
August 22, 1864.
EDITOR UNION & ADVERTISER—SIR:—I have the honor to transmit the following list of casualties in the 140th N. Y. Volunteers since the 18th inst.:
Killed, Aug. 19th.—John Spillard, Brigade bugler; David Frazier, pioneer; Amos D. Boyer, private, all of Co. D; private Earl Day, Co. G; private J. H. Armstrong, Co. H.
Wounded, Aug. 18th.—Sergt. Charles H. Bellinger, Corp. Patrick Flynn, privates M. Shannon and George Wright, of Co. A; Corp. Fisher, Co. B; Sergt. F. J. Schlick. Corp. Henry Bercoff, Co. C; Sergt. Joseph Baird, Co. D, thrown from horse; John Adams, Co. D, slightly wounded; August Weiland, Co. G; Corp. Barney Silver, privates R. Randall, Co. H; John Caldwell, Co. I; M. O'Flaherty, Constandt Bohle, James Van Dyke, Co. K, wounded and missing; Sergt. F. J. Irwin, private John Rener, Co. K; privates Walter McGee, Thomas Dawson, Co. E.
Co. A.—Hugh Gleason, Peter Krebs, Charles Stickle.
Co. B.—Sergt. Louis Nolte, private Aug. Ritz.
Co. C.—Sergt. Chas. Rothany, Corp. Joseph Nagel, Corp. Charles Yost, privates P. Clancy, David R. Crane, Wm. Croncy, George L. Hitchcock, David Kaiser, James Robbins, Daniel Shater, John Zipkie.
Co. D.—Corp. T. C. Frost, Privates John Brow, H. B. Smith.
Co. E.—Corp. Charles Maynard, privates Wm. Belwa, Daniel Arnold, Thomas Vanderhof.
Co. F.—Corp. John Bowen, privates P. Griffin and John Rivard.
Co. G—Sergeant Wm. Belger, Corporal J. O'Brien, privates Philip Gentle, Gilbert Church, Benjamin Eseley, P. Gillespie, Benjamin Guagy, R. Hilboth, John Herbst, Jno. Hanley, John Mulally, John Walehly, Jesse Everts.
Co. H—Private Owen Clark.
Co. I—Privates Anthony Wise, J. Hitchcock, Louis Wagner, James Vincent.
Co. K—Private B. McCloy, P. Mahony, P. M. Murray, Ira S. Harran, Thos. Costello, Martin D. Grace.
Lieut. John F. Huntington wounded severely. Colonel Otis is safe.
This comprises all casualties since leaving the works in front of Petersburg, Aug. 18, 1864. The missing are probably all prisoners.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
1st Lieut., Adj. 140th N. Y. V.
CASUALTIES IN THE 140TH REG'T.—The public is indebted to Adjutant Campbell, of the 140th for the following. If other officers of local regiments, holding positions like his would forward similar returns for publication they would confer a great favor upon the friends and relatives of the soldiers:
October 10th, 1864.
I have the honor to transmit the following list of casualties in the 140th N. Y. S. Vols. during ten days ending October 8th, 1864:
Wounded, Oct. 1st, 1864.—Colonel E. S. Otis, by minie ball in face; Privates A. Blinn, Co. F, in arm, slight; Gilbert Utter, Co. H, leg; Sergt. A. J. Ringlestine, Co. H, slight, John Lyons, Co. K, bayonet wound in thigh.
MISSING IN ACTION.—Franz Ruckert, Martin Lanier, Sebastian Flicker, Co. B; Michael Meagher, Co. C; Wm. McGraw, Walter McGee, Co. E; Corporal Edwin Goodenough, Co, F; James White, Co. K.
Oct. 8th, 1864.—Sergt. Keeron Feehery, Co. F, wounded, not dangerous.
At the time the casualties of Oct. 1st occurred the whole regiment was deployed as pickets, and had hardly time to form before the rebel column came down on them.
Col. Otis was in command of our brigade, 2d division 5th corps, when wounded, and his misfortune was the occasion of a general feeling of regret throughout this division and wherever his many and excellent qualifications as an officer and gentleman were known. He is now doing well.
Very respectfully submitted
1st Lieut. and Adjt. 140th N. Y. S. V.
Our Wounded in the Hands of the Rebels.
The Washington Chronicle of Tuesday has a list of the wounded federal soldiers at Locust Grove Hospital, in the Wilderness, in charge of Dr. Donnelly, of the 2d Pa. Reserves, together with a report of the deaths that had occurred. These men are prisoners to the rebels. We copy the names of those belonging to regiments from this locality:
Lloyd D. Culver, D, 76th New York.
Job Meggist, B, 146th New York.
S. H. Smith, C, 146th New York.
Corp. W. H. Davis, B, 146th New York.
W. P. Woodworth, 146th New York.
A. B. Dunbar, F, 146th New York.
Sergt. J. N. Wheeler, I, 146th New York.
Corp. J. Hilmer, D, 146th New York.
C. E. Pierce, I, 146th New York.
A. Smith, A, 146th New York.
Henry Dade, K, 146th New York.
Wm. Cox, I, 146th New York.
Calvin H. Hudson, C, 149th New York; died May 15th.
Corp. W. M. Hodge, E. 146th New York.
Felix McGwire, G, 140th New York.
Lieut. Pool, 140th New York.
George Neam, B, 140th New York.
S. N. Garvin, C, 126th New York.
Wm. Tower, E, 76th New York.
Corp. W. H. Rodgers, A, 146th New York.
Anson Buskirk, F, 140th New York.
Leroy Hammond, G, 146th New York.
Jas. Murray, D, 76th New York.
Louis Liter, E, 140th New York.
Sergt. Francis Thompter, B, 140th New York.
Thos. Webb, K, 146th New York.
Jacob Hay, G, 140th New York.
Wm. Bushard, I, 76th do
J. A. Seism, E, 76th do
Geo. Borner, B, 140th New York.
J. F. Glover, G, 140th New York.
J. W. Ball, A, 76th New York.
Jacob Kingle, D, 140th New York.
J. B. Hedges, D, 76th New York.
A. Wedge, D, 76th New York.
Corp. Stephen McGowen, I, 146th New York.
C. Hotelling, D, 140th New York.
Dennis Feeney, K, 140th New York.
I. J. Aldman, A, 146th New York.
Arthur Stone, I, 146th New York,
G. G. Ashforth, B, 146th New York.
John McLoskey, H, 140th New York.
Sergt. Louis Dougall, F, 146th New York.
Corp. G. W. Gates, I, 140th New York.
Corp. Wm. Redman, K, 140th New York.
S. M. Lovell, I, 140th New York.
James Minet, I, 140th New York.
First Lieut. J. B. Snyder, G, 140th New York.
Anthony Griscoy, G, 140th New York.
Q. M. Sergt. H. L. Richardson, 140th N. Y.; died May 14th.
Edward Conley, K, 140th New York.
S. S. Smith, F, 122d New York.
Dwight Perkins, A, 140th New York.
J. N. Babcock, I, 146th New York.
First Lieut. J. H. Poole, 140th New York.
E. S. Dunning, C, 126th New York.
Tim. Lawmer, 140th New York.
J. Collowell, 146th New York.
Thomas Thred, A, 140th New York.
Henry Slade, K, 146th New York.
Jacob Haller, E, 140th N. Y.; died May 23d.
John Webb, A, 146th do.
Seagt. Amos Ogden, G, 140th New York.
Moses Armstrong, G, 140th do
Silas W. Hunt, A, 140th do
Peter Daily, G, 140th do
George Dietrich, C, 14th New York.
Griffith Williams, I, 146th do
Thomas Healy, A, 146th do
Robert Taylor, F, 146th New York; died May 14th.
John Wagman, I, 140th New York.
Orison J. Barker, G, 146th do
Hamilton B. Woodcock, C, 140th New York.
Joseph Benner, H, 146th do
W H Velzer, C, 146th do
Serg't George F. Williams, 146th do
John Thiell, G, 140th do
Jeremiah Quick, I, 140th do
Samuel Hart, B, 146th do
Timothy Terril, G, 146th do
Robert Pogue, A, l40th do
Sergt C. Stokes, I, 140th New York; died May 6th.
Henry Degan, E, 140th New York; died May 8th.
Stephen Dossonce, H, 140th New York.
Geo. E. Chapman, G, 140th do
John E. Adams, E, 140th New York.
Eugene F. Seymour, G, 146th do
H. R. Van Pelt, G, 140th do
C. H. Dunham, C, do
Corp W. L. Beckwith, G, 140th New York.
Frank Heiligenseiger, B, 140th N. Y.
Lucien S. Tooley, H, 146th N. Y.
Phillip Ryan, K, 140th N. Y.
Norton Sheppard, B, 146th N. Y.
Edward T. Jones, I, do
Thos. Sweeney, C, 140th N. Y.
John Williams, C, do
Second Lieutenant Michael Shannon, G, 140th New York.
Lieutenant Wm. N. Shelton, D, 1st N. Y. Artillery.
1st Lieutenant Henry G. Hamilton, I, 140th N. York.
The above officers were sent to Orange Court House on the 11th. Nurse sent with officers, James M. Boardman, Co. B, 157th N. Y.
John Wagman, I, 140th New York.
Jeremiah Quick, I, 140th New York.
Sergt Amos Ogden, G, 140th New York.
Sergt Charles Stokes, I, 140th do
Henry Degan, E, 140th do
Robert Taylor, F, 146th do
Calvin H. Dunham, C, 140th do
Jacob Haller, E, 140th do
Frank Heiligensetzer, B, 140th do
Lucien S. Tooley, H, 140th New York; died
June 5, 1864.
Casualties.—The following casualties in New York regiments are reported as having occured [sic] in the Welden Railroad fight:
Lieut. J. F. Huntington, 140th, back.
Sergt. Jas. Baird, 140th, side.
Pat Fiynn, A, 140th, leg.
A. Werlort, G, 140th, leg.
Martin Shanan, A, 140th, arm.
John Caldwell, I, 140th thigh.
Wm. Boodyer, I, 94th, shoulder.
Dan Sellen, C, 104th, head, flesh.
Wm. Marvin, G, 94th.
M. Kelly, D, 94th.
Wm. Ely, I, 94th.
Hiram Hickeson, 94th.
Corp. F. Miller, B, 94th.
Richard Keof, H, 104th.
Lieut. F. W. Perry, 14th, left hip.
Lieut. C Foot, 14th, right shoulder, severe.
Lieut. W. S. Weir, 14th, leg.
M. O'Flarity, E, 140th, right hand.
J. College, C, 14th, left foot.
W. L. Day, 140th, shell.
James Davis, 24th Cav., foot.
Isaac Wood, A, wounded.
Cornelius Bryan, B, wounded.
Screeton, K, wounded.
A. J. Gurnsey, G, wounded.
P. A. McEmore, D, wounded.
Geo. Hill, M, wounded, mortally.
Geo. Winslow, M, wounded.
Major, Rufus Scott, 1st N. Y. dragoons, back.
Lawrence Powers, B, 1st, New York dragoons, arm.
Charles E. Armstrong, H, 1st New York dragoons, hand.
Wm. DuWane, E, 1st New York dragoons, thigh.
Corp. Ed. Sotore, H, 1st New York dragoons, ankle.
Corp. J. M. Langworthy, H, 1st New York dragoons, hip.
Sergt. Charles J. Gardner, C, 1st New York dragoons, ankle.
Sergt. Douglass Phelps, C, 1st New York dragoons, thigh.
Joseph Budder, C, 1st New dragoons, leg.
Geo. W. Durfee, I, 1st New York dragoons, breast.
J. B. Litchard, D, 1st New York dragoons, hip.
Capt. Sullivan W. Gibson, D, 1st New York dragoons, thigh.
George Bawell, A, 1st New York dragoons, arm.
B. F. Plaize, A, 1st New York dragoons, side.
David Bushnell, G, 1st New York dragoons, breast.
Ed. Hunt, A, 1st New York dragoons, shoulder and lung.
Sergt. John T. McCabe, A, 1st New York dragoons, neck and side.
John Callihan, I, 1st New York dragoons, thigh.
B. Grev, E, 1st New York dragoons, leg.
Corp. F. W. Egghard, G, 1st New York dragoons, hand.
Sergt. Alphonse Aldrite, F, 1st New York dragoons, thigh.
Lieut. Henry Schlick, 1st New York dragoons, elbow.
The following casualties occurred at Deep Bottom, August 14.
W. H. Westfall, 126th, hip fractured.
Henry Armstrong, 126th, finger.
CASUALTIES IN THE 140TH REGIMENT—CAPT. MONTGOMERY'S DEATH.—Alvah Strong, Esq., has received from his son-in-law, Sidney Munn, the following. Some of the names have been published before:
CUMMINS HOUSE, Va. Feb. 8th, 1865.
I submit the following report of wounded from the 140th N. Y., for the information of friends:
List of killed, wounded and missing, 140th N. Y.:
Company A, Wm. Fader, wounded.
" B, John Oetzel, Geo. Ebert, Phil. Newton, wounded.
" C, Myron R. Schemerhorn, killed.
" D, John Ackmoody and Stuart Young, wounded.
" E, E. Stewart, A. H.Ward, wounded.
" F, J. B. Ingraham, Abner Clark, wounded.
" G, O. J. Smith killed ; J. Cohlcr, Abram Clark, wounded.
" H, Geo. Beattie, Geo. Thompson, wounded.
" I, J. Vanalstine, Henry Ilsop, B. J. Jagger, wounded.
" K, Henry Mozler, slight wound.
Killed 2; wounded, 18.
Lieut. Col. Com’d Regiment.
Captain Montgomery, 5th N. Y., was shot through the head at 4 P. M., on the 6th inst. He was commanding the regiment and was gallantly leading them on in the struggle, when he met with his death wound. His men immediately carried him to the rear, where he only breathed for a few moments, not being conscious any of the time. Everything was done that could be done, but the time had come and he died the death of a brave and noble officer. His body is awaiting his friends, and will be sent to Rochester.
The 5th corps now occupies a new position about six miles from the old one, on what is called the Vaughn Road.
In haste, SIDNEY.
FROM THE 140TH REGIMENT.—The interesting army correspondent of the Soldiers' Aid makes the following reference to the 140th Regiment, in the last number of that paper:
I commenced, and yet have said nothing concerning the Regiment, which, perhaps of all others the good people of Rochester are most interested in, because it is more specifically a Rochester regiment. I refer to the 140th.—Their life and position this winter are very different from what they were last winter. Then it was one of quiet and rest, with comparatively poor quarters to live in; the monotony of camp life broken only a few times during winter, by picket duty. This winter the regiment has a very pleasant location, a pretty camp and good houses, that is, good tight log huts, whose windows are the canvass roofs which cover them. There is a continual routine of duty to perform, consisting of guarding the railroad in this vicinity, and doing picket duty to keep out Mr. Moseby or any other man of his stripe. This place is quite a village, the places of business either built with rough boards, or are tents, and various branches of business being carried on here. Here are Bakers, Barbers, Stationers, Sutlers' Eating Houses, &c., but above all, (and I will promise to close my article with this,) is the Christian Commission Agency. They have erected a large tent here for a Church, and hold meetings regularly every day; twice on the Sabbath, and every night during the week. There are three agents here, good working men in the cause they represent, two of them are preachers of the Gospel, and one distributes reading matter among the soldiers: religious papers, hymn books, testaments, and such reading matter is much sought after by the men.
The funeral services of Lieut. Col. Chas. B. Randall, 140th N. Y., were observed in Syracuse on Tuesday last, with fitting military honors, after which the remains were escorted to the Central depot for transportation to Somerset, Mass., where the burial was to take place yesterday, with Masonic rites. Col. Randall was a son of Rev. Charles Randall, recently of this city.
FUNERAL OF JOHN W. BROWNELL.—The remains of the late John W. Brownell, of the 140th regiment, who died near Brandy Station, Va., arrived here last night. The funeral will be at the Cornhill M. E. Church at 2 p. m., tomorrow, Wednesday.
Additional List of Casualties—Dispatch from Mayor Bradstreet.
The following dispatch was received from Mayor Bradstreet to-day:
To D. D. T. MOORE, Acting Mayor:—
Sir: I have received further casualties in the One Hundred and Fortieth Regiment:
Charles A Stokes, missing; A J Johnson wounded and missing; John McGraw, wounded and here; E H Shedd, do; Charles Yost, wounded and missing; J G Sidey, do; Capt. Hoyt, believed to be dead; George Means, wounded and here; Phillip Deitrick and Andrew Moon of the 151st; Corporal John Cameron arrived on this morning's boat, wounded, also young Parker and Corporal Rience. F L Durand goes to Fredericksburg for Col. Powers to day.
Gen. Wadsworth's body is found and will be here soon.
The wounded just arrived are J Moone, Henry Blazen, of the 140th; George H. Green, 108th; Gorham Scott, 140th; also Thomas O. Hara, Jr., and Hawkins, of the 14th Artillery.
DEATH OF CAPT. P. A. MCMULLEN.—The illness of Captain P. A. McMullen, 140th N. Y. V., which we announced yesterday, resulted in his death. He was regarded as a good soldier, and had served his country bravely and well.
The 140th Regiment.—This Regiment is attached to the 5th corps, and was undoubtedly in the expedition sent out on Friday to destroy the Weldon Railroad. They belonged to the 2d Division, commanded by Gen. Ayers, and held the advance, when surprised by the sudden rebel charge in the afternoon. We fear that many of them are taken prisoners. The Tribune of yesterday publishes a partial list of casualties, but mentions none from the 140th. Those which it publishes are mostly from New Hampshire and Connecticut Regiments.
FROM THE 140TH REGIMENT.—A letter from Corporal Samuel Ballentine, dated near Beverly Ford, Va., Aug. 18th, announces the unwelcome news of the death of Henry Luce, of Pittsford, and formerly a clerk in the hardware store of John H. Hill, in this city. He died from the effects of a wound received in the battle of Gettysburg.
Sutler Bryan had his supplies captured by a guerrilla band on Friday night.
CASUALTIES IN THE 140TH.—A correspondent of the Democrat, besides some names published last Saturday, gives the following list of casualties in the 140th. He writes under date of June 20th from near Petersburg:
Killed—Clinton D. Pierce, Co. I.
Wounded—Capt. B. F. Harmon, F, right hand: Corp. Edwin Tripp, I, left leg amputated, doing well; Corp. Daniel Davy, I, left leg; Corp. John Bowen, F, right arm; Corp. Daniel Ringle, G, right hip, slight; Privates Lester Carrington, C, both legs; Wm. Bergher, G, both large toes, one lost; John Ogden, H, right thigh; James Hines, G, mouth; Jacob Meagerly, F, left leg, slight; James Kelleher, K, left leg, slight; Ahardt Schwartz, G, right leg, slight; Geo. Whitner, B, right shoulder, slight; Thos. Grace, F, left hand, slight; Patrick Murphy, right shoulder.
Death of Capt. Allen McMullen.—A telegram was received this morning by James McMullen, announcing the death of Capt. Allen McMullen, his brother, of the 140th N. Y. V.—He died at Hospital, Georgetown, D. C., yesterday morning, after a serious illness of a number of days. His wife was telegraphed to visit him Monday. She arrived too late to see him alive. Capt. McMullen served during the campaign of the 13th N. Y., whether as a private or Lieut. We are at present unaware. He was a faithful soldier, and was respected by his men.
AGAIN PROMOTED.—We had the pleasure yesterday of meeting Capt. Porter Farley of the 140th N. Y. V., who has returned for a ten days' sojourn among friends, it being his first leave of absence since the departure of his regiment for the seat of war eighteen months ago. The exciting cause of his present relief from duty will be found under the matrimonial head. The festivities incident to the occasion took place at the residence of the bride's father, Thomas C. Bates, Esq., and were shared by an extended circle of relatives and friends. It is Captain F.'s third and final promotion since entering the "volunteer" service, and one upon which we may bespeak for him the hearty congratulations of friends, both in camp and at home.
FROM THE 140TH REGIMENT.—James McGuire, of the 140th, arrived in Rochester yesterday, wearing the new Zouave uniform of that regiment. It is a very tasty and comfortable pattern, and greatly preferred to the old suit of blue. Lieut. Munn writes us, that the 140th is in prime condition, and as usual ready to respond to any military emergency. Colonel Ryan, (the successor of Col. O'Rorke,) is referred to as one of the most gallant and efficient officers in the Army of the Potomac, and it is believed the regiment will lose nothing of its prestige while under his command. He is determined to make it one of the best as one of the most "noticeable" among the New York volunteers.
PERSONAL.—Major I. F. Force, late of the 140th Regiment, returned home about two weeks since, having been discharged from the service in consequence of protracted illness. His return to a more congenial climate, it is hoped, will result in his early and complete recovery.
The Army and Navy Journal says that Assist. Paymaster Henry A. Strong, U. S. N., has been ordered to the steamer Sebago.
FUNERAL OF LIEUT. KLEIN.—The funeral of Lieut. Klein took place this forenoon, Captain Wescott's company acting as escort. The procession was a large one and the ceremonies of a very imposing character.
Smith.—The razor strop man deserves a benefit. He gratuitously offered his services in making war speeches and aided materially in filling the quota of this district. His good humored _hiz, pithy anecdotes, dry jokes, and eloquent speeches rendered him as successful in the latter profession as in the original one of selling razor strops. Smith can tell of their perfections in a manner unequalled by any other man or any other Smith. No good citizen should pass his basket without taking one of the "few more left of the same sort."
DEATH OF CAPT. MEYERS.—We regret to hear as we do by telegraph to-day of the death of Capt. Meyers of the 140th Vols. A dispatch to J. J. Bausch from H. Lamb states that he will arrive with the body of Capt. Meyers on Friday morning. He was a worthy man and a brave soldier.
Death of a Member of the 140th.—Corporal James M. Tait, of the 140th Regiment, (Capt. Otis' Company) died yesterday of chronic diarrhara [sic], contracted in the service of his country. He came home several months since and has been gradually wasting away, in spite of the medical efforts to throw off this almost fatal disease. Corporal Tait enlisted in the 140th, leaving a successful business for the sake of the cause. His old comrades will be pained to hear of this decease.
DIED—In the Hospital at Paoli Mills. Va., on the 18th of November, John W. Brownell, private Co. E, 140th Regt., N. Y. Vols. Another noble patriot has offered his life on its country's altar. In August last he was drafted from your city, and on the 21st of September joined our regiment. Naturally of a generous nature, he soon gathered around him many friends, who deeply feel the sacrifice he was called to make. He met death with a christian hope, and has gone to meet his reward.—We buried him a short distance from our camp neath a large cedar tree, whoso overspeading branches cover his grave, and the autumn wind sinking through its branches, chanted a mournful requiem [sic]. We deeply sympathize with the family whose circle has been so suddenly broken. Sleep in peace dear friend, till the morning of the resurrection, we then shall meet thee and join with thee in singing the song of welcome Lord.
Peacefully he sleeps in the grave where we laid him,
Where the toils of war shall ne'er reach him more;
Yet not there does the eye of our faith now behold him,
But a soldier at rest on the heavenly shore.
DEATH OF LT. HARRY POOL.—Intelligence was received this morning by letter from Lieut. Hamilton, that Lieut. Harry Pool, Quartermaster of the 140th Reg't, died at Gordonsville, Va., on the 17th of July. The letter containing particulars was written on the 23d. Lt. Pool was wounded and made prisoner in one of those terrible battles in the Wilderness, just after Grant commenced his Southward march in May. It appears that he recovered from the wound and was attacked by typhoid fever, of which he died after an illness of a week.
Lieut. Pool was a brave and gallant young man and his friends will hear with deep regret that he is dead. It is painful to see our young men, the flower of our army, thus dying in the prisons of the South, and deprived of the attention and consolation of relatives and friends chiefly because the Federal administration refuse to exchange prisoners upon the terms once agreed upon with the rebel government. The horrors of war and dread of the service are greatly increased by the useless hardships to which prisoners are subjected. If merciful women should offer to mitigate the hardship of the sick and dying prisoners in the South they would probably be denounced and insulted by the ultra secession press just as they are here by such papers as the Rochester Democrat and Elmira Advertiser.
REMAINS OF MAJOR SULLIVAN.—We are requested to state that the remains of the late Major Sullivan will probably arrive in this city via the Valley Road at 11 o'clock this A. M.—The body will be first taken to the residence of the father of deceased on Hunter street, under escort of the Union Blues, and removed to City Hall on Wednesday, where it will lie in state during the day. Notice of the funeral will be given hereafter.
OBSEQUIES OF MAJ. SULLIVAN—UNION BLUES.—The members of the Union Blues will assemble at their armory this (Tuesday) morning at 10 o'clock precisely, in uniform, with Newman's Band, for the purpose of receiving and escorting the remains of the late Major Jerry Sullivan from the Valley depot to the residence of his family on Hunter street.
On Wednesday morning the company and band will assemble at their armory at 7:30 precisely and escort the remains to City Hall, where they will be guarded by a detachment of this company until 10 o'clock, at which hour the funeral will take place.
Captain Commanding.
By order, C. A. BRACKETT, Orderly.
March 15, 1864.
Arrival of Major Sullivan's Remains—His Funeral.
The remains of this brave and lamented soldier arrived here from Baltimore yesterday morning accompanied by his brother, Capt. P. H. Sullivan, of the 140th regiment, and Lieut. Brady, of the 1st Veteran Cavalry. They were met at the depot by the parents and relatives of the deceased, and escorted to the residence of the family on Hunter street by the Union Blues and Alert Hose Company.
The funeral will take place from St Patrick's Church on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. At 8 o'clock on Friday morning the remains will be escorted by the Union Blues to the City Hall where they will lie in state until 10 o'clock when they will be moved to the church.
A battallion [sic] of the 54th Regiment will also form an escort to the funeral, consisting of the following companies: B, Capt. Sellinger; D, Capt. Schoen; F, Capt. Wescott, and B, Capt. Kennedy. An invitation has been extended to all officers and privates of the late 13th Regiment to participate in the funeral obsequies and to assemble for that purpose on Friday morning at 9 o'clock at the armory.
The procession will move from the City Hall to the church at 10 o'clock, where the funeral ceremonies will take place.
Resolutions of the Alert Hose Co. on the Death of Major Sullivan.
ROCHESTER, March 11, 1864.
At a meeting of this company held this evening, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted:
The painful intelligence having reached us that our friend and comrade, Major Jerry A. Sullivan, of the 1st Regiment N. Y. Veteran Cavalry, was killed on the 10th inst., at Snickers' Ford, Va., in a skirmish with the rebel forces, and
Whereas, This is the first occasion in the history of this company that we have been called to mourn the loss of a member by death, it is eminently proper that an expression of the feelings of its members should be made. Therefore,
Resolved, That it is with feelings of the most unalloyed grief that the members of this company have received the sad news that our brother, Major Sullivan, has fallen in defence of the flag of his country; endeared as he has been to every member of the company as to all who knew him, by his gallantry as a soldier, his zeal as a fireman, his eminently genial social qualities, and his warm-hearted and generous sensibilities as a friend and companion.
Resolved, That in the death of Major Sullivan this company has lost a valued member, ever prompt and entirely fearless in the discharge of his duty; its, members have lost a tried comrade and friend, and the Fire Department has cause to mourn the loss of one of its brightest and most cherished representatives in the army of the Union; one who has now fallen on the field of honor under circumstances that lend additional lustre to his name and deeds.
Resolved, That the members of this company tender to the aged bereaved parents and to the surviving relatives of Major Sullivan, the expression of their warmest sympathies with them in the loss which they have sustained in this afflictive dispensation of that Divine Providence which doeth all things wisely, trusting that the same wise power which has ordered this melancholy bereavement, may sanctify it to their hearts and ours. We mourn with them his loss. He was a kind and affectionate son, a noble and generous brother; and deeply as we deplore his loss, we sympathise [sic] with his parents and brothers now in the army, in the feeling that as he was to die for his country and flag, he has fallen as a soldier should fall, gallantly fighting with his face to the enemy.
" He has lived as mothers wish their sons to live,
He has died as fathers wish their sons to die."
Resolved, That the members of this company will attend the funeral obsequies of our brother when they shall be held; that the session room and the apparatus of the company be draped in mourning, and that the members of the company wear crape upon their badges for the period of thirty days.
Resolved, That copies of the foregoing proceedings be suitably engrossed and presented to the parents and also to the brothers of Major Sullivan.
Chas. H. Stilwell, Pres't
H. W. Mathews, Sec'y.
A Dedication to Mrs. P. H. O'Rorke.
In Memory of her Husband, who fell at the Battle of Gettysburg,
Yet one more is taken from us,
In the bloom and pride of life;
Called forth by an all-wise Ruler,
While engaged in war's fierce strife.
In the blooming pride of manhood,
E'er life's sorrows threw their pall
O'er him, he obeyed the summons,
Went forth at his country's call.
For his country he had severed
All the ties to him so dear;
Family, home, friends and kindred,
He had sacrificed while here.
Ever foremost in the contest,
Leading his bold comrades on
With so many brave entreaties,
Till the victory was won.
Thus he fell, that patriot soldier,
Cheering on his little band;
While the flag, which he so cherished,
Falls beneath his trembling hand.
He died the brave, true soldier's death;
Not unprepared was he;
Weep not for him who now looks down
With smiling eyes on ye.
Then, Clara dear, mourn not tor him,
Though sore thy trials be,
And on thy pure and guileless heart
The weight fail heavily.
And though the period of thy bliss,
With him whom thou didst choose
To be the sharer of thy joys,
The solace of thy woes—
Was brief, and filled with anxious cares
For the loved one far away;
Yet knowest thou not that ye will meet
In mansions not of clay?
When He “who doeth all things well,"
Sees fit to take thee home
To never-ending joys and bliss,
And to thy precious boon,—
Then wilt thou, in that land of rest
Receive thy well earned crown,
Where sickness never can find place,
Where man can never frown.
That thou mayst meet just recompense
For all thy grief and care;
When from this earth thy soul spreads wing,
Is my most earnest prayer.
And ever, when I bend the knee
To Him, who reigns on high,
Shall thy name and thy husband's be
Joined with the suppliant's sigh.
Rochester, July 16th, 1863.
THE REMAINS OF COL. O'RORKE.—From correspondence from Gettysburg it will be seen that the remains of Col. O'Rorke of the 140th
Regiment were, July 7th, temporarily interred in the hospital grounds, five miles north-west of Gettysburg. It is probable that the body of the gallant Colonel has, ere this, been recovered, and is on the way here for interment. It may arrive to-day.
Since writing the above we learn that Mrs. O'Rorke arrived home this morning. The body of her husband, it was expected, would be here at 10:30 this forenoon, but it did not arrive. It will probably arrive on the evening train from the East.
Funeral of the Late Col. O'Rorke.
The last rites of religion were performed over the remains of Col. P. H. O'Rorke amidst a vast concourse of people. The solemn service took place in St. Bridget's Church yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, and was conducted with all the solemnity which marks the services of the Catholic Church on such occasions. The sacred edifice was hung in drapery most tastefully arranged, the national flag being everywhere conspicuous. The high altar was decorated with crape, white tassels and other ornaments appropriate to the occasion, and produced an exquisite appearance to the eye of the spectator. These arrangements were all made by the younger members of St. Bridget's Church, under the supervision of the Rev. Pastor, and all of whom were the intimate friends of the deceased and his companions in his school boy days. We do not remember having seen a church where more skill and good taste were displayed.
Long before the hour appointed for the service the streets, in every direction, leading to the church were crowded with people, whilst in its immediate neighborhood were to be seen hundreds of persons all anxious to secure admission. At the appropriate time the solemn cavalcade proceeded from the house of E. Bishop, Esq., to the church, and the coffin was laid on the very spot where, just one year ago, the gallant young hero stood with his excellent bride, their young hearts throbbing with life and hope as the nuptial blessing was imparted to them. The scene yesterday was sadly changed; the husband a lifeless corpse under the glorious flag which waved over him, and which he had sacrificed his precious life defend, and the loving wife by its side, clothed in the widow's weeds, her cheeks bedewed with her tears, and her heart rent in grief! May a merciful God deign to look upon those two holocausts, and forgive the sins of the nation that has extracted them, we say!
When the body was placed upon the bier as we have indicated, the solemn service began. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. W. F. Payne, the pastor of the church, assisted by three priests from St. Joseph's church. The eulogy of the deceased was intrusted [sic] to the Rev. M. O'Brien, and never had that gentleman a more easy task to perform. All who knew the deceased will agree with the writer of this notice that human language is inadequate to the praise he deserves, whether we regard him as a son, a husband, a man, a hero, or a Christian.
After the service in the church terminated, the remains of P. H. O'Rorke were conveyed to their last resting place, near the summit of the Pinnacle. After the usual service at the grave had been sung, the Rev. F. Jacobs of St. Joseph's church delivered an eloquent oration, the aim of which was evidently intended and eminently well calculated to soothe the grief of his amiable widow, relations and friends. The usual salute was fired over the grave, and thus terminated one of the most touching and solemn rites we ever remember to have witnessed.
In concluding this imperfect notice we must not forget the services rendered by the choir. The offertory piece, "Rest, spirit, rest," has an inspiration in it almost divine. It was exquisitely and its appropriateness to the occasion could not but force a tear from the eye. Brigadier General Williams, too, deserves more than a passing notice. He assumed the responsibility of all the arrangements of the funeral outside the church, and well did he perform them. The writer of this notice has often had proof that in the noble form of the General throbs a heart capable of generous impulses. The deceased Colonel, were he yet living, would add his meed of praise to mine. All honor to him for his many generous acts to Col. P. H. O'Rorke whilst living and after death.