137th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
(Chancellorville, May 1863)
Capt. David S. Russell, of Co. C, of the 137th Regiment, has returned home, having stood up with his gallant company raised in this town through many a hard fight fight [sic] till it was reduced by losses and sickness to 13 effective men. In the battle of Gettysburg he lost 23 out of 36 men who entered the fight. Capt. Russell has done bravely, and all honor to him.
Camp, 137th R. N. Y. V.,
Aug. 12, 1863.
FRIEND SMYTH: In nearly one year's experience, I have found that the life which the soldiers have to live, is composed of lights and shadows, and much depends upon how the soldier takes hold of his duties, and endures his privations. If he always puts the gloom side out, and never looks at the bright future, he will have more shadows then light, while I believe it to be the privilege of every one in the army to have more joy than sorrow, more happiness than misery, yet it is a Bible truth here, as at any other point, "The way of transgressors is hard," and this is the class that is filled with gloom and sorrow, and yet I am glad to know that there are incidents that come dashing along now and then across the pathway of these long-faced, sour-looking specimens of humanity in the shape of soldiers, and shakes up all the foul sediments of gloom and so stirs up their risibilities, that they really get the spirit of laugh upon them, and its effect upon these Hypocondrias is salutary indeed, and much better than our surgeon's stringents, accompanied with an "also" and "continue."
One of these laughable incidents took place while we lay in camp at Edward's Ferry, Virginia. Lieut. Beecher, Dr. Elmore and myself started on a foraging expedition in search of butter. The whole country where our troops could get, had been visited, and everything in the shape of milk and butter purchased. hence, the effort to reach some place where we would be the first purchasers. Our camp being located on a beautiful plot of ground, we could see distant about one mile and a half over a hill and across Goose Creek, the top of a large house, where it was evident in our mind, we should be the first soldiers to cross the creek, and run the risk of a capture by the guerrillas, who were lurking around ready to pick up all stragglers that might dare to venture any distance from camp. But the hope of getting some fresh butter, and our camp being in sight—for our road lay through the fields—after we should cross the creek, we thought the guerrillas would hardly dare make any attempt to capture us.—With pail in hand, we started. Finding a small boat, we soon made a safe passage across the creek, mounted the bank, made our boat fast, when we commenced to climb the hill in the direction of the house spoken of. The summit being reached, a beautiful flat lay stretched out before us. The road in the direction of the house was a little descending, and along by the side of some low scrub oak brush, on reaching a point where the woods ended, we looked off to our left, when to our great surprise we see six men coming up through a meadow towards the house. We came to a dead halt, but our enemies, as we took them to be, saw us about the same time. They stood still for a minute or more, when they dropped down in the grass as if in the act of loading their guns. We scanned them closely, and judging from their dress,—as some had hats on, and all had light colored shirts,—it was clear, in our opinion, that they were rebels. Our position was critical, and no time could be lost. A short council of war was had. To fight was out of the question; for none were armed, save Lieut. Beecher, and then there was six to three. Retreat was the only safe course, and this was agreed upon in the following manner: Dr. Elmore was to hasten back to a given point, get up on the fence and wave his handkerchief as if he would have the rest of our force come up; Lieut. Beecher was to cover the retreat with his revolver; when each of us tool advantage of the protection which the brush afforded us in hiding our retreat until we reached the top of the hill in full view of our own camp. Officers and men were interested in our adventure, and when they saw us coming over the hill on double quick—as if we were closely pressed—and down the hill at the rate of 2:40, it afforded no little amusement to see us run for dear life, and for once the gloom of many minds departed in the merry laugh at our expense.
Safe in camp, we related what we had seen, when some one said that Col. Ireland had passed over Goose Creek early in the morning to station some new picket posts. This being true, it was clear that if the men we see were truly graybacks," the Colonel must have been taken prisoner.
Lieut-Col. VanVoorhis immediately called for thirty volunteers from the regiment to go and make a reconnoisance, and if possible to capture the enemy seen, and re-take the Colonel. The men were in line in less time than I can pen the fact, when under Captain Pierson, and Eldridge, they moved with a light tread and full of hope; but the prisoners captured were sheep, chickens, &c., and not men, the Colonel arriving in camp all safe with twelve pounds of butter tied up in a handkerchief.
So much for the Goose Creek expedition, for many a hearty laugh has been edjoyed [sic] over the retreat,—so well made —from our own men of the regiment, and not rebels. Yours.
Chaplain 137th Reg. N. Y. V.
Names of the Killed and Wounded in the 137th Regiment N. Y. S. V.
Camp Near Gettysburg, Pa.,
July 5, 1863.
KILLED—Sergeant Charles F. Fox; Corp. Lucius D. Vining, Richard Rush, Dean Swift, Peter Hill, Oliver English.
WOUNDED—Corp. John D. Rush, in hand slight; Harrison Slack, in hand severely; Wm. H. McClure, leg amputated; Geo. C. Whittaker, in leg severely; Jas. E. Youngs in arm slightly; Wm. A. Goble, in arm severely; Wm. O. Leonard, in face severely; Nelson Palmatier, in arm slightly; Corp. John Holland, in arm severely; Wm. Humphrey, in hip slightly.
MISSING—(Supposed to be prisoner,) Orderly Sergeant Russell B. Merriam, wounded and missing, Chas. McHugh, do., Francis Guiles.
KILLED—S. Malan, J. Pardee, William W. Wheeler, Horace W. Nichols.
WOUNDED—Sergt. Wm. N. Dodge, in leg slightly, Corp. Albert Hughs, slightly, Corp. Henry VanBuren in bowels dangerously, Jas. Broadfoot, arm amputated, Daniel Spinnings in both feet severely, Theodore Spinnings in leg severely.
MISSING—(Supposed to be prisoners.) H.
J. Vanness, George L. Muckey, Joel D. Brown, Samuel Scovell, Franklin Scovell, Perry M. Winans, Spicer W. Mattison.
KILLED—Venerable Wesley, William Besmer, George Mabee, David Clark.
WOUNDED—Harrison Benjamin in face slightly, George Willis in head slightly, Henry Slaughter in face severely, Henry Stevens in shoulder severely, LeRoy Warden in thigh severely, Thomas Kennelley in back severely, Chas. King in hand severely, Sergt. Charles W. Bixby in arm severely, Corp. Emmett R, Brundage in hand and arm severely.
MISSING—(Supposed to be a prisoner.)—Wm. F. Bennett.
KILLED—Capt. Joseph H. Gregg, George Stirrine, Jacob A. Casade, Lyman Rorick.
WOUNDED—Corp. P. VanMaster in neck severely, James Douglass in mouth severely, L. M. Smith in left shoulder slightly, Huron Stark, in bowels mortal, John Divine in back slightly.
MISSING—(Supposed to be a prisoner.)—George Gansline.
KILLED—Sergt. Jacob W. Brockman, Corp. WallaceFoster, John Lamonte, Frederick A. Archibald, Charles Manning, Frederick Phelps, Timothy Travis, John Cornell, Alexander Stanton.
WOUNDED—Sergt. George L. Kilborn in left leg, amputated, Sergt. Sextus Ross in left breast severely, Corp. Nathaniel Bennett in thigh and foot severely, David Rumph in head slightly, John D. Brundage in head severely, E. Palmateer in foot slightly, George N. Catlin in hip severely, Peter W. Hollister in hand slightly, Elisha Loomis in groin mortal, A. J. Tenbrook in thigh severely.
WOUNDED—Capt. Charles G. Barrager in leg severely, 2d Lieut. George Douglas in back severely, Lafayett Crum in shoulder severely, William Haner in hand severely, Thomas T. Post thumb shot off, Ephriam Bogardus in arm severely, William Tucker in head slightly.
KILLED—2d Lieut. Henry G. Hallett, Sergt. Henry Johnson, John Carnine.
WOUNDED—Henry D. Rummer, Augustine Huosdall in leg severely, Darius Ostin in neck mortal, John W. Young in leg severely, Henry C. Everett in leg severely, Walter Rood in arm and leg slightly, Nathan Katon, in back slightly, Francis J. Bolster in head severely.
MISSING—Orderly Sergeant—James E. Glezen, supposed to be a prisoner.
KILLED—Ira Martin Jr., Corp. Franklin. W. Boice.
WOUNDED—Corp. Hiram D. Moore in arm and breast severely, Edward H. Finch in hip slightly, Elijah Ryant in back severely, Darius Beasdsley in hand severely.
KILLED—Capt. Oscar Williams, Corp. William C. Cole, Ira Lipe, William H. VanVaulkenburgh.
WOUNDED—Lieut. Augustus H. Beecher in face severely, George W. Strong in chest mortally, J. Gee in legs, and missing, Alanson Peet in head and leg severely, John Dooley in hand severely, David Lipe in leg severely, Edward S. Lovell, in face slightly, David Saddlemire in arm slightly, Charles H. Rockwell in leg slightly, Alonzo Whiting in arm slightly, Corp. James E. Wright in side slightly, William H. Morenus in shoulder slightly, Samson Janson in leg slightly.
MISSING—(Supposed to be a prisoner,) Samuel Perry,
KILLED—2d Lieut. John H. Vanemburgh, James H. Mullen, A. T. Coon.
WOUNDED—Orderly Sergt. Samuel A. Smith in head mortally, Leroy R. Titus in hand severely, William T. Sutliff right arm amputated, James H. Tarbox in wrist severely, James W. Tripp through breast mortal, James Dore in bowels mortal, Parley Tilbary in back severely, Charles H. Covert in head slightly, Benjamin F. Mason in hand slightly, Henry R. Hyde in arm slightly, Henry E. Schouten in arm slightly. Yours,
Chaplain 137th Regt. N. Y. S. V.
Correspondence of the Standard.
Letter from the 137th.
[The following letter should have reached us two weeks since but for some reason has been delayed. As it contains many facts of interest, however, we give it a place.—ED]
WILLIAMSPORT, July 11, 1863.
FRIEND CHASE; I am not a prophet, neither the son of a prophet, ye t in the main my prediction proved true, for early Friday morning, June
24th, the 12th corps crossed the Potomac and proceeded up the river towards Harper's Ferry. Wednesday previous the Engineer Corps, built another pontoon bride across the river at Edwards Ferry, and on these the 1st, 3d, and 11th corps, with their artillery and baggage-wagons, crossed, Thursday. It rained most of the day Friday, and consequently we had to trudge along through rain and mud, passing near, and encamped for the night at the mouth of the Monocacy Creek. Across the creek at this point is a massive stone aqueduct, built for the passage of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Saturday morning at 4 1/2 o'clock a. m., on the move, crossing the Monocacy on the aqueduct. Passing via Point of Rocks, we bivouaced for the night within six miles of Harper's Ferry. In the distance we could almost discover our old camp ground where, nine months ago, we, a thousand strong, began to be initiated to a soldier's life. But less than half that number were with us today. They have offered on the altar of their country, health, and many life, a sacrifice that is acceptable to the God of battles. Shed not a tear for the dead; they have nobly fallen, and fill the hero's grave.
Sunday morning we retraced our steps a few miles, and took the pike for Frederick, Md., and encamped in a nice oak grove, one and a half miles from the city. The inhabitants treated us with respect, furnishing us with bread, butter, &c., at reasonable rates. Monday morning it rained. At an early hour we passed through Frederick city, taking the road northward for Pa. A few of the most patriotic in the city were up, and the old stars and stripes waved from their windows, proudly on the morning air. One, an old man whose head was silvered o'er with the snows of many winters, was waving the dear old flag. All honor to the brave old patriot. At sundown we were 21 miles from Frederick and encamped for the night in a grove. The march was very hard for the men to-day, they being obliged to take the fields and sides of the road; the road being filled with cavalry, artillery, and baggage-wagons. Tuesday we marched 12 miles to Littlestown, Pa. The advance of the twelfth corps had a slight skirmish with a few rebel scouts. The inhabitants of Littlestown were overjoyed at our presence, not knowing that we were coming. The ladies came out with water and eatables for the tired and careworn soldiers. They have their reward. Wednesday, July 1st went to Gettysburg. The 1st and 11th corps had been engaged with the enemy, and fallen back to a ridge overlooking the town, before we came up. Early Thursday morning the 12th corps took their position in a wood, on the ridge, forming the right wing of the line of battle. Our position was a strong one by nature, and by noon it was made almost impregnable by good substantial breastworks. The men murmured some at building them, thinking they would be of no avail as on former occasions, but they proved of incalculable benefit. Our batteries could elicit no reply from enemy till about 4 o'clock, p. m., when they opened a fire on our center and left wing. Foiled in their attempt to force our left wing, the enemy hurled a heavy force against our right. The rebels could not plant a battery to play on our right, so the fight was infantry against infantry. At the commencement of the fight, the 1st division went to support the left, leaving only the 2d division in the entrenchments. On came the rebs and made a fearful onslaught on Gen. Greene's brigade, but they were met with a bravery never before equaled. There being no troops on the right of the 137th they were flanked by the rebs, and received a murderous fire in their rear. Twice were they ordered out of the entrenchments and twice rallied and returned, the last time staying till they were relieved and silencing the rebs. Early Friday morning the ball opened, and such a fire did the 12th corps pour into the woods that no living thing that was exposed could live. The left soon became engaged and the roar of the cannon and musketry was fearful beyond description. The fighting continued most of the day, and night found us victors and in posession [sic] of the field. The loss of the 137th was fearful; 32 killed, 84 wounded, and 19 missing. Too much cannot be said in praise of the brave and patriotic Admiral T. Coon, who received wounds Thursday night which proved fatal. Ever ready and willing to do his duty without a word of complaint, helping his comrades when in want, he soon won the respect of officers and fellow soldiers, and we mourn for him as those only can who have lost a loved companion in arms. May we imitate his many noble traits and virtues, and be prepared like him to dwell in peace in the land of spirits.
Saturday we buried our dead, those of the 137th being buried in a separate grave, and a board with the name of the sleeper placed at the head of each, that their friends can readily find the spot where their loved one lies.
Sunday we marched to Littlestown, rested Monday, Tuesday marched 29 miles, within 7 of Frederick, and Wednesday marched to Jefferson, Md. At Frederick, saw a spy hanging from a limb of a tree, who had been there since Sunday. In his boots were found papers, containing an accurate description of our forces, and where situated. Have been feeling our way along through Crampton's Gap, and are now in the face of the enemy, expecting every hour to make an attack. The boys, flushed with victory are confident of success; and before this reaches you we will no doubt gain another great victory.
The Chaplain told me that he would tend to each County paper the list of casualties in our regiment. That is why I have not. We have only 334 men with us fit for duty.
From the diary of an offices in the 137th, sent to his wife, we make the following extracts, giving the movements of the regiment from the battle of Gettysburg to closing date of the diary:]
July 4th. Spent ... burying our dead. 5th Rained hard all the forenoon; finished burying the enemy's dead; at 2 p. m. started for Littlestown—arrived at night—marched ten miles; was sent out on picket; rained hard all night. 6th. Rained all day, and the troops did not move; was relieved at night and returned to camp. 7th. Started for Frederick by same road we came up on; marched 20 miles. 8th. Moved on through rain and mud, a little beyond Jefferson, and camped; marched 18 miles. 9th. Moved on through Crampton's Gap into Pleasant Valley; marched 13 miles. 10th. Moved on up the Valley via Rhorersville, Centreville, Antietam battlefield to Bakersville; found the enemy in force in front; halted and awaited the arrival of reinforcements; marched 10 miles. 11th. Other troops having come up, moved on about three miles toward Williamsport, driving the enemy before us; formed our line of battle and rested. 12th. Was sent out in charge of Cos. B and F as skirmishers; advanced about 1/2 mile ahead of the old line; had pretty sharp firing during the day; was their especial target all day; was called in at dark. 13th. Were called up at one o'clock a. m,; changed our position further to the right; went to intrenching [sic]; worked all day in the rain. 14th. The 1st Division started on a reconnoisance to stir up the rebs; found they had skedaddled in the night; should think some one would feel rather mean about their getting off. 15th. Started for Harper's Ferry, via. Sharpsburg; camped two miles from Ferry; marched 20 miles. 16th. Moved into Pleasant Valley—five miles—and camped so as to get some clothing for the men; worked all day on payrolls. 17th. Finished payrolls; rained all day. You can see by the above that I have traveled some since leaving Aquia Creek; what further travels are in store for us I cannot tell; think we shall not remain here long, but may for some time.
W. N. S.
We were pleased yesterday to see young Frank Bleden, of Richford, who belongs to the 137th. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Chancellorville and taken to Richmond, where he enjoyed the hospitalities of the rebels. He was paroled and returns on a short furlough. He is anxious to return as soon as possible to his regiment. Frank is a brave boy (as yet not over 19 years of age) and has stood nobly for the flag of his country. All honor to him.
Camp in the Field, Near Littersville,
Pa., July 6, 1863.
Capt. Davis—Sir:—After three days hard fighting the Field of Gettysburg is ours.—The loss of the Co. is 15, the Regt. 134, A. T. Coon, Jas. H. Mullen, killed instantly.—Orderly Sergt. S. A. Smith, Parley Tilbarry, James Dore, Wm. T. Sutliff, mortally wounded. Leroy Titus, Charles Covert, B. F. Mason, Henry Schouten, James W. Tripp, H. Hyde, C. Stevens, James Tarbox, are wounded. A. O. Fox, missing.
Our Regt. was flanked and they got in our rear bringing three fires on us. We made two bayonet charges. Capt. Gregg, Lieut. Hallett, Lieut. VanEmburg, late Sergeant-Major, were killed in the charges.—Lieut. Douglass, wounded, Capt. Williams, killed. Second days fight Lieut. Beecher and Capt. Baragar, wounded.
But we drove them from the field. Our Corps was pitted against Ewell's Corps, late Jackson's. I haven’t [sic] time to give any more particulars at present.
CAMP 137TH REG. N. Y. S. V.,
FRIEND SMYTH: It may not be out of place to give the friends at home—of the 25th Congressional District—a short report of our journeying, fighting, and suffering; and, above all, the joy of victory that gladdens our hearts.
On the morning of June 13th, we had orders to strike tents and move to Brooks' Station on the railroad running from Acquia Creek to Fredericksburg.—Report said our duties would be to do picket duty; but one thing the soldier soon learns, after he enters the service of the country, i. e., that many things are uncertain, save that he is a soldier, and military law knows of no compromise, and is only satisfied by strict obedience to orders. The journey of seven miles was soon made, and a beautiful fine grove selected for our camp, which was properly laid out, and tents put up; but only to be taken down, for all of our brave boys were beginning to think of a pleasant night's rest, and the dawn of a quiet Sabbath; with the dream of home, an orderly come riding with great speed to regimental headquarters with orders directing the Colonel to have the men strike tents and be ready to march at a minute's notice. The order was complied with as far as practicable, for many were sick and unable to go any further. These were sent to the hospital, at Washington, while the rest of our regiment fell into line in a few minutes after the first notice to be ready—it now being dark—and marched a short distance when they were halted to wait for our supply trains to pass. The toils of the day had exhausted our men, and no sooner were they halted, than they sunk down in the arms of sleep on the green grass, but how long they remained, I don't know, for nature's sweet restorer had stolen my senses away, and held me so securely, with Drs. Farrington and Elmore, that when the regiment moved we did not awake to obey orders, "forward march." As day dawned, I awoke, looked around, and found all had gone save the two Doctors of whom I spoke and my faithful horse who lay sleeping at my side.
I can assure you no time was lost in waking all sleepers, and giving chase after the regiment, which we found near Stafford Court House, where we halted for our breakfast of coffee and hard tack.—Thirty minutes up, the bugle sounds, "fall in" and we are soon in motion, for Dumfries, the county seat of Prince William county.
Dumfries is one of the ancient towns of Virginia, and at one time a great tobacco port. The brick of which the Court House is built, was imported from England. The town shows the marks of age, and the desolation of war, but even in its best days I should not consider it an inviting home. Three o'clock p. m. found us in camp on the hill a mile or more from the town, in a broiling sun, hungry and tired.
Monday morning 2 1/2 a. m. found us in line and moving in the direction of Fairfax Court House, which place we reached about 8 o'clock that night. I thought I had seen what is called a forced march, but at no time have the men suffered from the extreme heat as they did this day. Many of our own regiment fell out overcome by pure exhaustion and heat, unable longer to keep their places in the ranks.
The town of Fairfax has a few fine buildings in it, and is beautifully located in a rich and once prosperous country, but like other sections of Virginia, it is marked with a desolation which alone follows in the track of a destroying army.
More soon.
Yours, E. F. ROBERTS,
Chaplain 137th Reg. N. Y. S. V.
SEVERELY WOUNDED--G. L. Kilburn, a member of the 137th regiment N. Y. S. V., adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Paddock, of Pulaski in this county, had one leg shot off, and the other wounded in one of the late battles at Gettysburg. The 137th Regiment in the Battle of Gettysburg.
CAMP 137TH REG'T N. Y. V.,
LITTLESTOWN, PA., July 6, 1863.
FRIEND SELKREG:—I send you a list of the killed, wounded and missing in the companies from Tompkins County, during the late engagements at Gettysburg:
KILLED, Co. D.—Venable Wesley, Wm. Besimer and Geo. Mabee. Supposed—David Clark.
WOUNDED, CO. D.—Harrison Benjamin, slightly; Geo. Willis, in head, slightly; Henry Slaughter, in face, severely; Henry Stevens, in shoulder, severely; Leroy Worden, in thigh, severely; Thomas Kennally, in back, severely; Charles King, in hand, severely; Sergt. Chas. W. Bixby, in arm, severely; Corp. Emmett R. Brundage, head and arm, severely.
MISSING, supposed to be a prisoner.—Wm. F. Bennett.
KILLED, CO. I.—Capt. Joseph H. Gregg, Geo. Serrine, Jacob A. Casad and Lyman Rorick.
WOUNDED, CO. I.—Corp. P. VanMater, in neck, severely; James Douglass, in mouth, severely; Huron Stark, in bowels, mortally; L. M. Smith, in left shoulder, slightly; John Devine, in back, slightly.
MISSING, supposed to be a prisoner.—George Gausline.
KILLED, Co. K.—Lieut. Henry G. Hallett, Corp. Franklin W. Boice, Benjamin Clark and Ira Mastin, Jr.
WOUNDED, Co. K.—Corp. Hiram D. Moore, in arm and breast, severely; Elijah Ryant, in back, severely; Darius Beardsley, in hand, severely; Edward H. Finch, in hip, slightly.
I would take this occasion to bear testimony to the gallantry and good conduct of the entire Regiment during the entire fight, and especially to that of the respected and lamented Captain Gregg. He fell mortally wounded while gallantly leading his men to the charge. When the Regiment was thrown into confusion by the turning of our right flank, his voice was heard above all others rallying the men and urging them forward to drive the enemy from our front. His left arm was shattered from the elbow to the shoulder, and was amputated at the shoulder; he also had a severe wound in the breast. When he was borne from the field, he called upon the Colonel and myself to "bear witness that he died game." He survived his injuries twenty hours.
The entire loss of our Regiment was:
KILLED, OR SINCE DIED.—Officers, 4; Enlisted men, 34. WOUNDED.—Officers, 3; Enlisted men, 83—7 of them mortally.
Our loss was great, owing to the whole of our Corps, with the exception of our Brigade, being sent away to support the left wing, which was closely pressed by the enemy. They had been gone but a short time when we were attacked about dusk by Jackson's Old Brigade, 7,000 strong, (so stated by prisoners that we took the next day. Owing to the absence of the first Division our right was left unprotected and was turned, giving them possession of an elevated piece of ground, from which they kept up a raking fire on us all night and a part of the next day. We kept them at bay with our single Brigade, (1, 500 strong) until the return of the rest of our Corps about midnight.
At 4 the next morning they advanced again in line of battle with their accustomed yell, but the first discharge sent them to the rear on the double-quick, and taking shelter behind rocks and trees they kept up a continuous fire until half-past ten, when they retired.
For once the Army of the Potomac has been successful. But it is my honest, opinion that we might have been more successful at Chancellorsville, had we been permitted to have fought it out that Sunday, but from some mysterious cause we were withdrawn just as we were getting ready to go to work in earnest.
Letter from Samuel B. Wheelock, Lieut. Commanding Co. I, and acting Adjutant.
Littletown, Pa., July 6, 1863.
The Army of the Potomac, advancing in three columns, by different roads, began skirmishing with the rebels soon after crossing the Pennsylvania line. The advance, consisting of the First and Eleventh corps, with Bufford's cavalry, came up with Ewell's corps, 30,000 strong, about three miles beyond Gettysburg, on the Chambersburg turnpike, and a heavy engagement took place on the 1st of July. As the rest of the army was not within supporting distance, our forces were compelled to fall back to the heights east of the town. During the battle Gen. Reynolds was killed, and our loss in killed and wounded was heavy. To compensate for this, the First corps captured a large number of prisoners, including General Archer with his whole brigade of ragamuffins.—During the night the balance of the army arrived on the ground, and took position in line of battle. Our corps, the Twelfth, was halting for dinner about five miles from the field of conflict, and immediately hurried to the front, taking position, on the left of the line, and slept on our arms during the night. Early the next morning we changed our position to the extreme right of the line, occupying the ridge of a hill overlooking the town of Gettysburg, and commenced throwing up temporary breastworks. These were soon completed, and carefully concealed by branches and leaves to deceive the enemy. At precisely 4 P. M., the thundering of artillery on the left announced the opening of the engagement, which soon spread along the whole length of the line. The enemy came on in their usual style, massing their forces against those portions of our line which they thought to be weakest, and charged upon our batteries and entrenchments with the fury of despair. The left was hard pressed, and brigade after brigade was drawn from the right to its assistance, until our brigade alone was left to defend the breastworks previously occupied by the whole division. Our regiment and the 149th were posted to guard the line of intrenchments [sic] thrown up by Kane's brigade, thus scattering our small force over a distance four times greater than they originally occupied by us. Just as this disposition of our troops was made, firing in our front announced the advance of the rebels. The pickets made a gallant stand and then fell back to the trenches. The approach of the enemy was met by a rapid and deliberate fire from our men, who stoutly maintained their position until it became so dark that we could no longer discover the movements of the enemy. Then, taking advantage of our want of support on the right, a body of rebels succeeded in turning our right flank and gained a position behind a stout wall directly in our rear, and not more than a hundred yards distant. A murderous fire was opened upon us, and our regiment was ordered to fall back to the left. Owing to the darkness and the nature of the ground, considerable confusion ensued in executing this movement; but as soon as beyond the reach of the fire in their rear the men rallied, charged back with a cheer, drove out the rebels, and resumed their position in the trenches, which they held until relieved by Gen. Kane's brigade.
Thus ended, on the right wing, the engagement of the 2d. It was a close and bloody struggle.—Our loss in officers and men was heavy. Capt. Gregg, of Co. I, fell mortally wounded while bravely leading his men back to the trenches. He behaved throughout with admirable courage and coolness, and his company feel deeply the loss they have experienced in his death. Capt. Barrager, Lieuts. Hallett, Van Amburg, Beecher and Douglass were wounded—Lieuts. Hallett and Van Amburg mortally.
Early in the morning we were again in the trenches, and the conflict was resumed with additional vigor. The assault of the enemy upon our left having been repulsed, the troops that had been withdrawn from our position were returned, the breastworks were fully manned, and for nearly six hours the rattle of musketry was incessant. Not an instant did the firing cease, but as fast as those in the front exhausted their amunition [sic], fresh regiments would come rushing up, cheering and with flags flying, to relieve them. Opposite to us was Stonewall Jackson's old corps, commanded by Ewell, who fully maintained their hard-earned reputation for fighting, by holding their ground for six hours against a storm of lead that plowed through their ranks, causing every man to bite the dust who had the temerity to show himself from behind the trees and rocks in our front. About 9 A. M., a white flag was seen fluttering from some rocks in front of us. Instantly the firing ceased, and a body of of [sic] rebels, about fifty in number, sprang forward, threw down their arms, and surrendered themselves to Capt. Silas Pierson, of Co. K. They declared themselves conscripts, and unable longer to endure the murderous fire from our men, had determined to throw themselves upon our clemency rather than trust to the mercy of their own commanders, should they be compelled to fall back. This forcibly illustrates the despotism that exists in the rebel army.
The firing then became less rapid, and the enemy soon retired, leaving a few sharp-shooters to annoy our men. During the day and night occasional shots were exchanged, but on the morning of the 4th of July the battle field was clear, save of the dead and the dying. The spectacle was hideous. The ground was strewn with the bodies of the dead, with a few from which life had not yet departed. The number of victims bore undisputable testimony to the cool and accurate firing of our men. Over two thousand stand of arms were collected from the field in front of our division.
Of the number of prisoners taken it is difficult to form an estimate. On the left, where the ground was more open than on the right, whole brigades were captured at once while charging on our batteries; some of their best generals were killed, wounded and captured, and thousands of their men blown to pieces by the concentrated fire of our batteries. The official report will probably show the battle of Gettysburg to have been the most destructive to the rebels of any fought since the commencement of the war. Prisoners are being constantly brought in, and our cavalry are in close pursuit. The rebel army of invasion will not return to Richmond with one-half the number of men with which it started.
The behavior of the regiment under fire was creditable to officers and men. Though exposed to a fire from three sides of their position, which killed and wounded nearly one-fourth of the whole number of men in the ranks, they refused to quit the trenches until ordered to do so, and then retuaned [sic] with alacrity that proved them to be the best of soldiers. Col. Ireland and Lieut. Colonal Van Voorhis escaped unhurt, though both carry the marks of bullet-holes through their clothes. Capt. Williams, of Co. G, was killed in the trenches on the 3d of July. The whole number of killed and wounded in the Regiment is 120. A few are still missing, some of whom may be captured, but the majority will probably turn up safe. The aggregate loss in the regiment during the three days' fighting, including the missing, is about 160, or more than one-quarter of the whole number engaged. The wounded are doing well, and will all probably recover. They receive the best of attention, both from the Surgeons and the neighboring citizens. The character of the country in which the engagement took place has been heretofore rather copperish, but I think Gen. Lee has worked a reformation.
The enemy are yet strong, and much fighting will take place before complete success is attained. The appointment of Gen. Meade to succeed Hooker, gives general satisfaction. The latter had become very unpopular in the army. We like action better than bombastic words. That this army will fight has been proved on the field of Gettysburg, and when properly led, they will fight as well else where.
Yours Truly, ULYSSES.
Camp near Acquia Creek, Va.,
May 13th, 1863.
Dear Father: Through the kind care and protection of the Allwise Creator, I once more address you. I have seen some hard times since I wrote you last; something that I was in hopes I should never witness, but which I had no good reason to suppose it would be my fortune to shun. We have been engaged in one of the bloodiest battles that has ever taken place on this continent
To give you a true statement of the part that the 137th took in the affair at Chancellorville, I will trace our march from Acquia to the battle field and back again.
We left out pleasant camp April 27th, and marched towards Stafford Court House, we passed seven miles beyond it and encamped. Co.'s A, D and F, were thrown out as pickets.
We took our line of march very early the next morning, and crossed the Rappahannock without opposition, although we had expected to be opposed.
The 29th, we surprised and captured about 200 rebs, at the Rapidan, and in some other places, and crossed that river the same night. The enemy had got a bridge almost done at that place, in anticipation of another raid into our territory, but this time we were a little too quick for them. The whole of the army passed over that night, and the next morning we moved forward rapidly, had some skirmishers on our flanks, marched until almost night and then formed our line for battle. We slept on our arms. The next day quite early our corps was ordered forward to feel of the enemy, and, if possible, to draw them out. It did not take long to stir them up; we fell back, showing a bold front, to entice them on; retreating along the plank road towards a large brick house, where Gen. Hooker had established his headquarters.
The scamps got our range and sent the hard shot tearing down the road; yet, not a man hurried until the order came. I did not like the idea of their shooting at my back. The command was soon given to double quick into out into our former line of battle, which was done in a soldier-like manner, then quite a severe engagement took place to our left, along the plank road, but our boys had been waiting, and after half an hour's hard fighting they fell back.
All night long we worked with plates, bayonets and everything available, throwing up breastworks in front of our lines, expecting an attack the next morning. About noon Co. F was thrown forward to skirmish, and near the middle of the afternoon, the rebs found out our position, and shelled us pretty briskly for a couple of hours, but did not succeed in driving us in. Just at dark the enemy massed his force, and for two hours assailed our right with all the skill which they possessed. If all our troops had acted in a manlike manner the rebs might have blustered to the present time, but the 11th corps broke and fled, giving the enemy a foothold within our lines; at this critical moment our artillery opened upon them with terrible effect, with shell, grape and cannister.
Pen can never describe the grandeur and horror of that awful conflict. The confused noise which came from the contending armies were enough to appal the stoutest hearts. The cracking of ten thousand muskets, the thunder of one hundred cannon, the shrieks of the shells, and the harsh growling crash of grape shot as it tore through the woods, and the shouts of the combatants, were a combination of sounds truly awful. The light of the bombs, as they went dipping through the air or exploded over the center of the army, was a superb and showy sight.
During all this time we lay watching and listening, expecting every moment that the whole force would come sweeping down our way. But the rebs could not withstand our death dealing batteries, and had to draw off for the night. Early the next morning the enemy in full force made a furious attack on our right. Here, again, the misbehavior of some of the troops, gave the enemy a footing. Our right being hard pressed, a new line was fixed upon, and we fell back, contesting firmly every inch of the ground.
About this time we were called into the trenches, and we had hardly got in before the woods were swarming with the rebs' sharpshooters and skirmishers, this gave us enough to do; these had gained our flank and those were in front. The enemy had found out our position and opened upon us with shells and grape, which came crashing and howling about us, killing and wounding many of our brave fellows. Not a man wavered, all kept pecking away at the enemy, but it was getting very warm, when the order, (which had been given half an hour before,) reached us. At once we arose, formed and marched off the field with the coolness of much older troops. We have been complimented by our Generals for our behavior, but as we left we were greeted with a shower of balls from the woods in our front.
All this time our troops were falling back towards Gen. Hooker's headquarters, and there was a reception for the rebs which they were least expecting. Behind our retreating lines lay our artillery, in one long string, with their black gaping mouths turned ready to seize the approaching foe. There is a momentary pause while our troops pass, then the earth trembles, as those fearful monsters vomit forth the missiles of death upon the exultant pursuers, mowing them down like grass, piling horses and men in one shapeless bleeding mass. That ended the battle. They could not stand it, but got out of range as soon as possible.
In the afternoon we were sent to the left to guard a weak spot. The next day we were ordered forward to feel of the enemy and find their whereabouts. We advanced until we were set to throwing up breastworks. By morning we had quite a formidable line, and finished it up the next day. In the afternoon it commenced raining, we were ordered to fall in, and get ready for a move, but did not start till 3 in the morning, when we once more turned towards the Rappahannock, which we crossed about daylight, May 6th. We got within 5 miles of Strafford and halted for the night. The next day we came on here. We are now encamped 2 miles from our old ground, but under marching orders.
The 137th lost in the battle, 45 men, killed wounded and missing. Rob. D. Cressen, of Windsor, and Willard B. Truesdel, of Colesville, slightly wounded.
My health is good, and I hope to live to see this rebellion put down. The troops are in excellent spirits, anticipating that this campaign will end the war. Your affectionate son,
Z. L. W.
We learn from a private source that Charles Manning, son of Bob Manning, whose untimely death we record in this issue, was killed at the great battle of Gettysburg, and a large number of that Company (Capt. Russell's) was either killed or captured. To Charlie's afflicted and broken-hearted mother we offer our sincere condolence. May God enable her to bear these heavy bereavements. Charlie, for six years previous to his enlistment, was employed in this office and it is with sincere sorrow that we record his death.
We add the following names of killed and wounded, in Co. C, 137th Regiment:
Killed—Sergt. Jacob Brockham, Corp. Walace Foster, F. A. Archibald, John Cornell, Timothy Travis, Charles Manning, F. M. Phelps, Elisha Loomis, A. Stanton.
Wounded—Sergt. G. L. Kilborne, Sergt. Sexton Ross, E. Palmeter, N. Bennett, George Catlin, A. Tenbrook, ___ Holister, D. Rumph, John Brundage, John Lemont, mortally.
Missing—Lewellen Baker.
Losses in the 137th.
This regiment fought bravely and suffered severely in the late battles at Gettysburg. We have been unable to obtain full details, but give below such particulars as we have received. The following private letters will be read with interest:—
Dear H:—I am safe through this terrible battle. My company is sadly cut to pieces. Five are dead and thirteen are wounded. Merriam Humphrey and Lucien Vining are wounded. I don't think that Vining can live; the others, I believe, are not so bad. Our regiment is badly cut up. We fought the 2d and 3d of July like demons; not a man flinched.
* * * Our officers suffered terribly. * * * We have probably lost 150 killed and wounded.* * * My company have suffered severely. I had a ball through my coat. Write immediately to my folks and tell them that I am all right; also that Sergeant Fox was killed; poor brave fellow, he was fighting manfully when he fell. Truly yours, S.
Pa., June 6th, 1863.
CAPT. DAVIS:—Sir—After three days hard fighting the Field of Gettysburg is ours. The loss of the Company is 15; of the Regiment 134.
A. T. Coon and James H. Mullen were killed instantly. Orderly Serg't S. A. Smith, Parley Tilbarry, James Dore, W. T. Sutliff, mortally wounded. Leroy Titus, Charles Covert, B. F. Mason, Henry Schouten, S. W. Tripp, H. Hyde, C. Stevens and J. RTarbox, wounded. A. O. Fox missing.
Our regiment was flanked and they got in our rear, bringing three fires on us. We made two bayonet charges. Capt. Gregg, Lieut. Hallett, Lieut. VanEmburg, late Serg't-Major, were killed in the charges. Lieut. Douglas, wounded and ...
November 26, 1863.
FRIEND SMYTH: The Waterloo of America is now fought, Lookout Mountain is ours. Particulars when the battle is over. This is the fourth day. Victory is ours without doubt. Losses of the Regiment.
KILLED—1st. Lieut. Geo. Owen, Co. A, Corp. Geo. C. Wilson, Co. I, F. Twinings, Co. E, A. Whiting, Co. G.
WOUNDED—Colonel D. Ireland, slight. John Tompkins, Co. I, through body, serious. John J. Persimins, Co. K, slight. John McGovern, Co. K, severe. Wm. J. Foot, Co. D, slightly. Corp, A. Woolverton, Co. H, severely. Sylvester Odell, Co. D, slightly. O. Reynolds, Co. B, severely, M. S. Fuller, Co. H, slight. M. F. Rich, Co. E, slight. W. Yerks, Co. H, slight. G. Randall, Co. E, Mortal.—Sergt. Jesse A. Brink, Co. H, through the Hip, serious. Thomas Sobers, Co. K, severe. Daniel Cline, Co. B, seriously. David Rump, Co, C, severely.
Yours, E. F. ROBERTS,
Chaplain, 137th Regt. N. Y. V.
The Battle Flag of the 137th.
Yesterday we observed the Battle flag of the 137th Regiment N. Y. S. V. displayed from the piazza of the Ahwaga House. It is quite badly tattered, and bears the marks of the many seiges [sic] in which the gallant 137th crowned itself with glory. God bless its defenders, and although their colors are pierced with bullets and besmeared with blood, may they never falter in their country's need, but stand vigorously and manfully battling its enemies, until they and their cause are crushed, never more to rise again. (Jan. 1864)
—The friends of the 137th Regiment will now have a personal interest in the army under Rosecrans, as the 12th Army Corps, from the Army of the Potomac, to which the 137th belongs, has been sent to Chattanooga to help whip Bragg.
Casualties in the 137th.
Chaplain E. F. Roberts sends to the Oswego Times a nearly full list of the casualties in the 137th. We copy a portion of his letter and a list of the losses in the companies from this vicinity:
July 5, 1863.
FRIEND SMYTH: I send you as correct a list as the circumstances will permit of the casualties of the 137th Regiment at the late battle of Gettysburg, Pa.
Nobly did our brave men do their duty in this, the hardest fought battle of the Potomac army, and the greatest victory.
The officers and men of this command deserve, at the hands of all persons, the highest praise, and I question not but they will be truly honored by all patriots as brave defenders of their country. Our loss is great as a regiment, but greater to dear ones at home, with whom I sympathize in their deep affliction. The dead of this brigade were buried in a field near the place where they fell, three-fourths of a mile east of Gettysburg, and one and one-eighth of a mile from the turnpike running from Gettysburg to Little Town.
Killed—Sergt. Charles F. Fox; last words, "Tell me parents I died doing my duty." Corp. Lucius D. Vining, Richard Rush, Dean Swift, Peter Hill, Oliver English.
Wounded—Corp. John D. Rush, in the hand slight; Harrison Stack, in hand severely; Wm. H. McClure, leg amputated; Geo. C. Whittaker, in leg severely; Jas. E. Youngs, in arm, slightly; Wm. H. Goble, in arm, severely; Wm. O. Leonard, in face severely; Nelson Palmatier, in arm slightly; Corp. John Holland, in arm, severely; Wm. Humphrey, in hip, slightly.
Missing—(Supposed to be prisoners.) Orderly Sergt. Russell B. Merriam, wounded and missing, Chas. McCugh, do., Francis Giles.
Killed—2d Lieut. John H. Vanamburgh, Jas. H. Mullen, A. T. Coon.
Wounded—Orderly Sergt. S. A. Smith in head mortally, Leroy R. Titus in hand severely, William T. Sutliff right arm amputated, Jas. H. Tarbox, in wrist severely, Jas. W. Tripp, breast mortal, Jas. Dore in bowels mortal, Parley Tiloary in back severely, Charles H. Covert in head slightly, Benj. F. Mason in hand slightly, Henry R. Hyde, in arm, slightly, Henry E. Schonten in arm, slightly.
Killed—2d Lieut. Henry G. Hallett, Sergt. H. Johnson, John Carnine.
Wounded—Henry D. Rummer, Augustine Hinsdale in leg severely, Darius Orton in neck mortal, John W. Young in leg severely, Henry C. Everett in leg severely, Walter Rood in arm and leg slightly, Nathan Eaton in back slightly, Francis J. Bolster in head severely.
Missing—Orderly Sergt. James E. Glezen, supposed to be a prisoner.
Killed—Malon J. Pardee, William H. Wheeler, Horace W. Nichols.
Wounded—Sergt. William N. Dodge, in leg, slightly, Corp. Albert Hughs, slightly, Corp. H. Van Buren, in bowels, dangerously, Jas. Broadfoot, arm amputated., Daniel Spinnings in both feet, severely, Theodore Spinnings in leg severely.
Missing—(Supposed to be prisoners) H. J. Vanness, Geo. L. Muckey, Joel D. Brown, Samuel Schoville, Franklin Schoville, Perry M. Winans,
Spicer W. Mattison.
Col. Ireland gives the official losses of the entire regiment as follows—Killed, 40; wounded, 90; missing, 10; total, 140.
Thursday, March 24, 1864.
Camp 137th Reg't N. Y. Vols.,
Stevenson, Ala., March 10th, '64.
FRIEND SMYTH: I have been some time thinking of writing you a letter, but my time has been very much occupied with marching and fighting to the entire exclusion of letter writing.
Sept. 12th, 1863 found us under marching orders. We broke camp on the banks of the Rappahannock, Va. Sept. 13th, marched to Bealton Station, we arrived at Bellair C. H., where we stayed over one day, again taking cars. A few days found us in the far-famed city of Nashville, Tenn. Here we encamped in a secesh gentleman's dooryard. The old fellow did not like it much and came round telling of some very fine places to encamp, off on somebody else's land, but Col. Ireland gave him to understand that be knew where he wanted to encamp his regiment without any of his assistance. We stayed in Nashville ten days, when we received orders to guard a wagon train from Nashville to Dechard. The trip was a very hard one, being rainy nearly all the time. From Dechard we marched back to Wartron, there took the cars and run up to Fosterville, where we had orders to guard railroad. We built quarters and stayed four days, when we again received marching orders. Getting aboard the cars, we were transported as far as Bridgeport, when we had the rest of the trip to make on foot.
We stayed in Bridgeport just enough to draw ammunition, when started on our march towards Chattanooga. The night of our second day from Bridgeport found us in Wauhatchie Valley, the Rebs occupying Lookout Mountain and their artillery thundering from the mountain top. We had made a long day's march. Our boys laid down at night foot sore and tired. About 12 o'clock at night were aroused from sleep by musketry. We formed line and marched out of the woods, and were forming line of battle when we were fired on by a large force of rebs drawn up in line of battle within fifteen rods of us. We were somewhat surprised but the Rebs had fired upon a regiment that never gig back under any circumstances. We formed line under fire and our brave boys went at work at the Johnnies with a will. But Rebs were pretty plenty that evening. As near as I can estimate there were about ten of them to one of us. They flanked us right and left, but our rear rank was "about faced" firing to the right and left on line, while the front rank to the Johnnies in the front. Just as we were making up our mind to take a trip to Richmond we hear firing in the rear of the Rebs. The 11th Corps who were about four miles ahead of us had heard the firing and had come to the rescue. The way they skedaddled was a caution when they found their rear was troubled.
The fight being over, we went to looking round to see who was hurt. We found our regiment had lost 15 killed and 75 wounded in about 3 hours fight. I have seen some fighting before, but that night's fight in Wauhatchie Valley was about as dusty a time as I ever saw.
Since then we have seen some warm work at Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Ringgold. At the present time we are engaged guarding railroad at Stevenson, and we call it a pretty fat thing. We get full rations also, which we have no objection to. We will probably have marching orders some of these fine mornings. It has never been our luck to have easy times a great while at a time. Yours in haste,
Capt Co. G, 137th Reg. N. Y. V.
Thursday, July 28, 1864.
Losses in the 137th.
Friend Smyth: I send you a list of the casualties which has taken place in the 137th Reg. N. Y. V., during a campaign of over two months. We have been wonderful spared amid the storms of iron and lead which have swept by on the battle fields of Dallas, Resaca, Dalton, Pine Knob, and Marietta, Ga.
Killed--William G. Reynolds.
Wounded—Jacob Thompson, severely; Wm. N. Pangborn, severely; Corp. John D. Rush, shell, severely; F. C. Luscomb, slightly; Nelson Palmatier, slightly; Andrew Holland, slightly.
Wounded--Wm. J. Smith, severely; Edwin Wright, slightly; Thomas Follay, severely; Henry Tapping, arm amputated; Spicer W. Matteson, slightly.
Wounded--Wilbur Vanorder, seriously; Sergeant G. E. Coy, severely ; G. W. Gardner, severely; G. W. Gray, severely; Henry J. Simpson, foot amputated; Gilbert Pierce, slight; Martin Mabee, slight; Anson J. Walling, severely; Ord. Sergt. James Stanyon, severely; Joel D. Crane, slightly; Chas. A. Bloom, severely; Warren Fowler, severely.
Killed--William DeGroat.
Killed--William S. Brown.
Wounded--Corp. Jas. L. Pierce, since died; Geo. A. Bishop, slight; Francis J. Bolster, since died; Sergt. Vanness McNeil, seriously; Lieut. W. H. Bristol, severely.
KILLED—Andrew K. Gale.
WOUNDED—David Hallett, severely; Leonard Stoddard, severely.
WOUNDED—Joseph Strong, severely; Corp. Baxter Satterlee, severely; Samuel W. Foster, severely; Sewall Pittsley, severely; Wm. Mahar, since died; Fayett Butterfield, since died.
WOUNDED—Ephraim Cline, severely; Enos J. Howard, slightly; Hiram D. Wood, severely.
E. F. ROBERTS, Chaplain.
Correspondence of the Standard.
Letter from the 137th.
137th Regiment N. Y. V.,
In the trenches is getting to be almost a stereotype phrase: the letters that come from Virginia are dated in the trenches; the letters that come from the west are dates in the trenches; and so it has been nearly all summer. We always have more or less of such phrases,--stereotyped in our minds and memories by their off repetition,--each has its day--lives through its time and is gone. There used to be one, if I remember rightly, that ran in this wise: "All quiet on the Potomac"; but that I think is laid away on the musty and time-stained shelves of the past. And we hope and trust that the time will soon come when we can say it is quiet on the Potomac , quiet on the Chattahoochie, quiet on the
Mississippi, and quiet and peaceful over the length and breadth of this whole land, (resulting from the downfall of rebellion.) Little Mac and this army are done sterotyping, and the General himself has been quietly folded up and laid upon the shelf; and I think he will stay there, although some are trying to break up the Cabinet and bring him again before the public.
We are still before Atlanta,—not yet in it; we are still working away, though we have not advanced more than a Sabbath day's journey in the last two weeks; but time rolls on, and the end draweth nigh,—the end of the war and the end of rebellion; but the beginning of the glory, the power and the greatness of these States, of this country,—if this war is prosecuted to the utter suppression of treason and rebellion.—
From Maine, where the storm dashes on the sea shore,
To the Rio Grande, where the Gulf gales roar;
From the bright calm shores of the milder Pacific,
To the rough, dashing coast of the broad Atlantic.
That such may be the grand finale to the present tragic scenes is the earnest desire of every patriot, of every true American citizen, and of every lover of God and the right.
They say we are fighting for the liberation of an oppressed and down-trodden race. We are doing more—we are fighting to keep ourselves from being slaves—fighting to preserve our national life, and for a national existence. We are fighting for our institutions, and to preserve and maintain the laws under which we have lived and been blest; and if, through the working of providence, we cannot do the one directly without doing the other indirectly, we take that as conclusive evidence of God's designs.
To secure all these results we are fully aware that this rebellion must be put down by force of arms; and we are fully persuaded that in order to do this we must elect Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, at the coming Presidential election, and support and stand by them after they are elected.
We know there is a class who oppose the administration, oppose the war, and seem to oppose everything but the rebellion. Some of these men are fools with no bad intent, but not knowing what is for their good; others care not what becomes of the government, the country, or the world if they can only make money, and are not drafted; others are full grown traitors—anxious to betray a glorious legacy—their fathers' trust—the government that has protected and fostered them. We know that the enemies of the nation are numerous, both at home and abroad, under the shadow of the stars and stripes as well as in the Confederate dominion. But we are going to stand up, though it be under the frowning of rebel guns, and vote for Abraham Lincoln, and let copperheads and traitors North scowl and grimace over it as much as they choose.
Mr. Editor: I have stirred pretty deep, for me, in the muddy waters of politics in this article, and as I expect to be responsible for my own words I will attach no sobriquat to this, and your M. and D. will be merged in. M. D. MATTOON.
Morning, August 23, 1864.
Before mailing this I will write a little more. We have had but one man hurt since my last—Jesse Stevens, of Co. D, orderly for Col. Ireland—wounded slightly in left arm.
We are expecting Gen. Slocum here to command us in the place of Gen. Hooker. We are also expecting that the star which has been hovering of late over the shoulders of our worthy and efficient brigade commander, will soon be firmly fixed, where the eagles have rested with so much grace.
Correspondence of the Standard.
Letter from the 137th.
South bank of the Chattahooche, Ga.
August 27, 1864.
[The following letter, it will be seen, was written just as Sherman started on his late brilliant movement]:
Mr. Editor:--We are back to the river, but the whole army is not back. There is no telling exactly where the main army is now, but there is something in the wind, and it is going to drop somewhere, and I guess where it will pretty effectually put a bonnet on Mr. Hood and his traps
On the night of the 24th all the heavy guns were moved from our line, and as soon as dark the next evening (25th), the light artillery moved off quietly with the wheels chained, in order to make no noise.
At 9 o'clock the infantry fell in and moved cautiously away, and as day broke, on the morning of the 16th, our lines were formed and we were chopping and digging the best we could. The enemy soon came up with us, and we had condsiderable [sic] skirmishing yesterday. Here we met Gen. Slocum, who was greeted with a hearty cheer by the boys he once more commands.
Just what Gen. Sherman intends to do, we only give our supposition, for unlike many who scribble for the press, I do not wish to appear as one of Gen. Sherman's confidents and advisers, but rumor says the 20th corps defends the bridges and communications, while the rest of the army with 20 days subsistence, moves suddenly to the rear of Atlanta, and the rebel army. But time generally tells, and I guess it will in this case.
There has been considerable cannonading down at the river this forenoon, but we are securely positioned and well fortified, and I guess, can hold our position--must do it by all means. We are anxiously waiting developments.