134th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
The following is taken from New York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. Frederick Phisterer. Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1912.
THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FOURTH.—A letter from Assistant Adjutant General Clinton C. Brown, dated July 4th, half-past 2, to his brother in this city, gives a few particulars as to the condition of our regiment They were in the First brigade and took active part in the battles of the 1st, 2d and 3d inst., the brigade losing very heavily on the afternoon of the 1st. Among the missing are Capt. S. G. Hamlin and Lieut. Gutland, the latter of company K—both supposed to be prisoners. Lieut. John Kennedy is reported wounded. Capt. Turnbull is unhurt. John J. Carroll, color bearer, was wounded three times; "but," the letter states, "he came in town this morning, happy as a king." A number of the regiment are missing, the most, if not all of whom, it is supposed, were taken prisoners. The writer speaks very highly of the ladies of Gettysburg, not only for their kindness but their bravery. The headquarters of the brigade were in Gettysburg.
— Another letter says that George Van Epps was wounded in the thumb, and Sergeant Henry B. Glenn in the shoulder. Private Harbison is missing. There are six of our boys in the hospital at Baltimore.
Gov. Morgan has designated the village of Cherry Valley as a branch depot for the reception of volunteers for the war, and has appointed Brigadier General G. E. Danforth to take charge of the same. The General has commenced organizing the old 39th Regiment as a Volunteer Regiment. Col. I. D. Shawl is in command. This Regiment will be composed mostly of men from Schorarie and Otsego counties, and the General expects that it can be in motion for the seat of war within six weeks.
ALL RIGHT AGAIN.--Henry Tripp, of Duanesburgh, a member of the 134th Regiment, who was robbed of $50, by two confidence men, is all right again, his loss and something over, having been made good through the exertions of Mr. L. D. Hutchins, who generously started a subscription (by which $50.66 was realized) and presented him with some five dollars worth of clothing.
OUR HONORED DEAD.—The funeral of Jacob Trask, Samuel Swales, and Alonzo Van Arnum, of the 134th Regiment, who were killed at Gettysburg, and whose bodies arrived here Monday, took place the same afternoon from Crane’s Grove, in Mohawkville. It was very largely attended. Re. Mr. Day made most appropriate and excellent remarks. The bodies were buried on a lot contributed for that purpose by Mr. Crane, whose liberality is already well known. A monument is to be erected to the memory of the three heroes.
Sept. 26, 1862
This Regiment, under the command of Col. DANFORTH, was recruited in Schenectady and Schoharie counties. It had been in camp at Schoharie C. H., and left there yesterday morning on foot, for this city. It marched twenty miles yesterday, camping at Knowersville, fourteen miles from this city, and reached the city this afternoon at 4 o'clock.
This Regiment has been recruited under greater disadvantages than any other in the State—its place of rendezvous being remote from any of our public thoroughfares and large cities. But it was taken hold of with zeal and energy by a few indomitable men, and they have their reward in the success which has attended their persevering labors. The men are robust and patriotic; and when opportunity is given them, will prove themselves brave and sturdy soldiers.
They take the cars for New York this evening.
The following is a complete list of the field, staff and line officers:—
Colonel—Geo. C. Danforth.
Lieutenant-Colonel—J. S. de Angela.
Major--G. W. B. Seelye.
Adjutant--Edward W. Groot.
Quarter-Master—A. Y. Carner.
Surgeon--Wilson Fanning.
2d Assistant Surgeon--Wm. H. Hoag.
Company A--Captain, James M. Watkins; First Lieutenant, Henry G. Bradt; Second Lieutenant, Henry J. Palmer.
Company B.—Captain, David H. Hamlin; First Lieutenant, Soloman G. Hamlin; Second Lieutenant, Solomon C. Wilson.
Company C.—Captain, John Materhagan; First Lieutenant, James Glen; Second Lieutenant, Thomas Forest.
Company D—Captain, Albert H. Southwell; First Lieutenant, Smith Mitchell; Second Lieutenant, Chauncey Hinman.
Company E--Captain, John B. Vrooman; First Lieutenant, Sylvester H. Newcomb; Second Lieutenant, Peter Deyo.
Company F—Captain, G. D. Kennedy; First Lieutenant, George A. Turnbull; Second Lieutenant, Clinton C. Brown.
Company G--Captain, Henry C. Cook; First Lieutenant, Henry Parson; Second Lieutenant, Wilber F. Ramsey.
Company H—Captain, Austin A. Yates; First Lieutenant, Gerardus Carley; Second Lieutenant, Marcus A. Herrick.
Company I—Captain, Frank Fletcher; First Lieutenant, Albert G. Washburn; Second Lieutenant, William L. Baldwin.
Company K—Captian, Perry McMasters; First Lieutenant, Henry Fredericks; Second Lieutenant, Joseph W. Burkhart.
SAFE.—Lieutenant C. F. Gutland, of the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth, is, we are glad to learn, safe and sound, though a prisoner. He is now quartered in Libby Prison, Richmond. He was reported missing, it will be remembered, from the battlefield of Gettysburg. We congratulate the gallant Lieutenant and his many friends in this vicinity on his corporeal safety.
Army Correspondence.
Camp of the 134th N. Y. S. V.,
NEAR BERLIN, MD., JULY 17, 1863.
Mr. Mirror--Will you please publish in the Mirror a list of casualities of Company E, of this Regiment, who were engaged in the late battles of Gettsburgh, Pa., in order to relieve the anxiety of those having friends and relatives in the Company; the Company being composed of men from the towns of Gilboa, Conesville and Jefferson, Scho. co., N. Y.
KILLED—Corp. David W. Craighton, Private Hiram Wilbur.
WOUNDED—Corp. Stephen E. Beller, with shell in the face; Corp. Reuben Dingman, foreherd cut with shell, in left leg with minie ball; Corp. Julius D. Eggleston, ball in leg; Corp. John B. Thomas, Color Corp., ball through the bowels, left leg and right arm.
Privates--Isaac P. Nichols, buckshot through the left leg; Chas. Ellerson, musket ball through the knee; G. H. Witbeck, leg broken with shell, amputated; Albert S. Vroman, arm broken with musket ball; J. M. Weed, ball in right shoulder; David Reed, leg with ball; Elias Thompson, head shattered with shell Philip C. Wilbur, ball in leg; Leman Bull, head cut with shell; Wm. L. Reed, leg broken with musket ball; Philip Dana, ball through the leg; Stanton Champlin, ball through the leg; Michael Hubbard, buckshot in under jaw; Jas. Drescoll, leg; Jeremiah Barry, wound in the leg; Andrew Sagendorf, wound in the leg; Jeremiah Jackson, arm broken; Thos. S. Vroman, right lung, seriously; Wm. Finch, in arm.
Missing—Lorenzo D. Birchard.
Prisoners—Sergt. C. G. Tyler; Corp. James Murphy; Miles Eggleston, Jesse A. Crapser, George Crowe, Leander Gavitt, Henry C. Mattice, Dewitt Vanloan.
Most of these men were wounded in the engagement of Wednesday afternoon, July 1st. The contest was severe, and the struggle great. We fought an overwhelming force, yet not a man flinched from the stern duty before him, but fought nobly until compelled to retire from his wounds.
I am respectfully, your obedient servant,
Schoharie "Republican" please copy.
THE TRUTH OF IT.--Lieut. C. F. Gutland, of the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth, writes us from Stafford Court House, that reports which have been circulated in this city with regard to Daniel D. Young, of Company K, are untrue. He says Mr. Young did not attempt to desert at Chancellorsville; also that he was court martialed, as reported, but, instead of being sentenced to be shot, as reported, he was simply reduced in command. Lieut. Gutland further says of Mr. Young:—
" While a Sergeant he was a good and faithful soldier, always performing his duty without a murmur or complaint, and the same now. We all look anxiously forward for the time soon to come, when he will regain his former position.
OUR BOYS AT GETTYSBURG.—Lieut. Ben. F. Sheldon, of the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth, who commanded his company during the late battle, writes home a very interesting letter from which we are permitted to make extracts:
Against three regiments out of our brigade, the 73d Pa., 154th N. Y. S. V., and our own regiment, the 134th, there were two whole brigades of rebel infantry designated as the "Louisiana Tigers." Evidently they deemed themselves sufficiently strong for us as they advanced upon us in splendid style; but, if this was the idea they embraced, they were a little mistaken in their notion, as our boys certainly gave them to understand that free soil was no place for traitors to the time honored flag of our fathers. Among those who are worthy of mention as the heroes of that day, we may mention one well known to our Schenectady friends in the person of Sergeant Henry P. Glen. He fought with determined resistance until unable to fight longer from a wound which he received in the hottest of the fight, and even then he did not leave the field until I ordered him to the rear. As he was passing to the rear in obedience to my order, another ball from the foe passed through the upper portion of his body and he fell with his face to the ground, a corpse. We may also mention another instance which occurred during the raging of the storm. Our Lieutenant Colonel, Allen H. Jackson, being in command of the regiment in consequence of our loved Col. Costar acting as Brigadier General of our brigade, in the absence of its commander, Gen. Bushbeck, displayed great coolness and determination, not leaving the field until he saw the last of his boys making for a more secure position. Then when making for the same place, finding himself surrounded by the "grey jackets" of the South, he ventured to secure himself in one of the houses of the town where he was fortunate enough to obtain a hiding place for two days and nights from the "rebs." Not feeling at home, however, in his place of security, and desiring to be with his gallant boys as soon as possible, he determined upon making his escape without further delay. Feeling thus, he, together with a private in Co. C, by the name of Levi More, who had also secreted himself in the same place, set to work upon their perilous resolve—passing through the streets of the place in disguise and braving a shower of bullets from our men until they had passed safely into the ranks of the Union hosts. I myself was slightly wounded in the arm and taken prisoner by them, but managed to make my escape. On the second day of the fight commenced one of the grandest artillery conflicts perhaps ever witnessed on the Continent. For hours the heavens were dim with smoke, and naught could be seen above us but the smoky billows coursing their way beneath the blue arched canopy, save when the misiles from the booming guns carried on the outset of their journey the propelling fire. Flash after flash was to be seen in all directions as the maddened cannoniers applied the fire to their well aimed pieces and sent the heralds of death on their way to the opposite ranks.—Schenectady Republican.
Thirteen Copperheads have been indicted in Iowa for counseling and threatening resistance to the Draft.
The One Hundred and Thirty-fourth.
Colonel Jackson sends to the Schenectady Republican the following list of killed, wounded and missing of the 134th Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, July 1st, 2d and 3d, at the battle of Gettysburg:
COMPANY A.—WOUNDED—Lieut. G. W. Bishop. KILLED—Corporal P. S. Palmer, Privates John B. Becker, George Chapman, William Hubner, John A. Tolles, Cicero Tolles.--6. WOUNDED.—Corporals Wm. H. Cain, james E. Kettle, Geo. H. Veer, Rudolph Zubler; Privates James Armstrong, Frederic Auer, Lionel Chapman, G. H. Chapman, C. H. Clute, Aaron Green, W. W. Moon, G. A. Peasley, Frederick Smith, Jerome Van Benscoten, Andrew Van Voast, Harmon Weasels, Fred. L. Erhardt.—17;—
Missing.—Sergeants Andrew W. Kelly, Joseph McGraw; Corporals Franklin Robinson, Isaac McGraw, James A. Tulloch; Privates I. V. V. Bohanan, Calvin H. Beebe, John Bradt, Herbert Heddin, Wm. J. McMurrain, Thos. Marshall, James McCann, Geo. Nicklas, Charles Roumans, Philip Ernest. Musician Thomas Hinley.—6.
Company B.—Wounded.—Lieut. B. F. Sheldon, slightly. KILLED—Sergeant Lucius Mead, Corporals Henry Peek, James A. Ferguson; Privates Leroy Hawkins. A. K. Van Zandt, Stephen A. Miles—16. WOUNDED—Sergt. John J. Carroll, Corporal Wm. G. Wilkie, Sergt. Henry P. Glen; Privates Garrett Bradt, Robert Harbison, Benj. Johnson, Joseph Jessup, Anthony Lyall, David Lambert, William Rector, H. Van Patten, Geo. O. Van Epps, Harrison Van Epp—14. Missing—Sergt. James R. Mailer; Privates Geo. Ashton, I. Beverly, F. L. I. Dighens, A. Harmon, M. E. Jones, Ed. Kelly, Ransom Moore, D. Robinson, Cornelius Petiker, A. Van Vranken, R. Wessels, Phineas Neal.— 13.
COMPANY C.—MISSING.—Capt. S. G. Hamlin. KILLED.—Privates Harvey Brown, Jno. A. Manchester, Riley Van Slyke, Edwin Van Dyke—4. WOUNDED—Sergt. Wm. H. Wilson; Corporals Geo. H. Warner, Orin Warner, James H. Swarthout, John L. Hyney; Privates Charles B. Allen, Joseph C. Bradt, Abram D. Clark, Cyrus Guffin, Joseph E. Multer, Ebenezer Rifenburg, Pelet Witbeck, Alonzo McKee—18. MISSING—Benj. Dye, Charles Gunther, Riley Gardiner, John H. Holmes, Charles Hiney, John F. Marsh, Leonard Rasue, William Powers, Washington J. Underhill, Pelet Witbeck, Isaac Warner, Minor Wolford.
COMPANY D.—KILLED—Henry J. Palmer. Privates C. Cosgrove, S. Sweet, I. Watson.
Wounded.—Alonzo Parslow, W. W. Armlin, W. H. Brazee, W. Bevens, R. Cain, A. Chichester, R. H. Stafford, A. Rhinehart, T. V. Thomas, Daniel Teater, G. H. Winewright. MISSING—H. Teater, E. Reynolds, H. I. Tiffany, I. Babcock, L. F. Stanton, I. Brownell, H. W. Meeker, S. Weidman, Michael Hubbard, James Driscoll, J. Barry, A. Sagendorf, J. Jackson, J. W. Vrooman, T. S. Vrooman, W. Finch.
Company E.—KILLED.—Corporal David W. Creighton, Private Hiram Wilber.—
WOUNDED—Corporal Stephen E. Bellar, E. Dingman, J. P. Nichols, Charles Ellenon, G. H. Whitbeck, A. L. Vrooman, James M. Weed, David Reed, Elias Thompson, P. C. Wilber, Leman Rull, Wm. L. Reid, Philip Daney, Stanton Champlin. MISSING—Sergt. C. G. Tyler, Corporal James Murphy, Privates Miles Eggleston, Jesse A. Crasper, Geo. Craw, Leander Gavitt, H. G. Mattice, Dewitt Van Loan, Lorenzo D. Burchard.
Company F.—Lieut. J. W. Kennedy, missing. Killed.—SERGT. J. Trask; Privates D. S. Proper, John Hyatt, L. Van Arnum, Charles Keller; Samuel Swales.
Wounded.— SERGT. H. Cramer, Alex. J. McMillan, Privates H. Auten, J. Myers, Wm. H. White, C. Helderbrant, C. Kohn, H. Battenger, T, Miller, Ben. Carroll, M. Hogan, J. Halpin.—
Missing.—1st Sergt. Wm. S. Howe, J. Fehr, Wm. H. Robinson, F. Piatto, D. W. Young, Edward Cooper, Esau Jones.
Company G.—Lieuts. Otis Guffin, Charles Taylor, wounded. KILLED—Corporal Geo. W. Douglas, Private William Slater. WOUNDED—Sergt. Martin Jones, Sergt. George W. Guernsey, Corporal Robert Vaughn, Charles Parris, Orlando Sperbeck, Cyrus B. Wightman, James Brownlee, James Guffin, R. S. Hummel, Lawrence King, George Mickel, Wm. O. Gorman, Daniel Palmatier. Missing.— Asher D. Bice, Alonzo Driggs, W. W. Earls, David Haner, Martin S. Lake, Jno. H. Parmlee, Barney Roney, Nelson R. Scripture, Martin G. Zeh.
COMPANY H.—Lieut. W. E. Rockwell, missing. KILLED—Private Jesse P. Chamberlain. Wounded.—Sergt. Ezra S. Ackley, Corporals Robert O. Seaman, Henry Preston, Privates Daniel A. Bradt, James H. Barkhuff, Robert D. Corl, Wm. Colton, Daniel Caton, John E. Dougall, Alanson Lester, Henry Rockwell, Andrew J. Wasson, John Connell, Geo. M. Reagles. MISSING—Privates Michael Knights, Peter Van Antwerp, Geo. Bennett.
COMPANY I.—Capt. W. Olcott, and a prisoner. KILLED—Privates Nathan Nichols, J. Jennings. WOUNDED—Sergt. J. Jones, Corporals A. Brand, Wm. Tallarday, Privates P. Friend, J. Ham, J. H. Bunt, W. Welitz, J. C. Spore, J. H. Miller, E. Houghtaling. MISSING.—Corporal Houghtaling, Privates J. Cater, P. Connolly, W. Morenus, J. Wayman, W. N. Earls, T. Quinn, J. Mace, A. Salisbury, E. Dennison.
COMPANY K.—Lieut. Chas. Gutland, missing. KILLED—Sergeant Christian Bentz, Privates Wm. Martin, Joseph Smith, John Sehelkopf. WOUNDED—Sergt. Charles L. S. Ball, Corporals Peter Bieber, Chas. Baldus, Privates Wm. H. Baker, John Buler, Jacob Gaiser, John Grinnim, Oliver Hetten, Fred. Knust, Peter Link, Theodore Schmer, John Rherwish, John Rhode, Adam Schwaizma, George Tigert, John Wagner. MISSING.— Edward Holmes, Joha Keller, Charles Runge.
RECAPITULATION.—Officers killed, 1; men killed, 36; officers wounded, 6; men wounded, 148; officers missing, 5; men missing, 90.
Aggrege loss, 279.
THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTYFOURTH.—From a letter written by John Beverley to his wife we get the following additional names of killed and wounded in the Gettysburg battles:
KILLED.—Private A. Van Zandt, Henry Peek, and S. A. Miles.
WOUNDED.—Corporal William Wilkie, arm; private H. Van Patten, leg and foot; David Lambert, leg; George Rolfe, shoulder; S. Hawkins, head; Benj. Johnson, hip; John Jessup and James Ferguson.
— The following tables are made up from the latest reports:
11th ARMY CORPS.—1st BRIGADE.—2d Divis
Officers | Men | Total | |
Killed | 2 | 31 | 33 |
Wounded Badly | 9 | 145 | 154 |
Wounded Slightly | 0 | 25 | 25 |
Missing | 14 | 434 | 448 |
Aggregate | 660 | ||
The 134th regiment reports: | |||
Killed | 1 | 26 | 27 |
Wounded | 8 | 113 | 121 |
Missing | 2 | 143 | 145 |
Totals | 11 | 282 | 293 |
Capt. Olcott is reported slightly wounded and a prisoner.
— Orderly Sergeant Wm. H. Howe, of Co. F, writes from Gettysburg, July 6th:—
When we got to Gettysburg we went right in the fight and through kind Providence I was spared to come out safe, without a scratch. Our regiment and the 154th fought Stonewall Jackson's brigade and the Louisiana Tigers, only our two regiments against these two brigades, the best troops the rebels have. They fired grape and shell at us and we let them get about sixty yards from us, and then we gave them a volley, but they drove us and when we fell back they killed a great many of our boys. We fought not over one hundred yards from the town. The first volley they fired they shot Jake Trask through the breast and he laid right over and died in five minutes after. Poor Jake!
They took me prisoner and then made me dress the wounds of our boys there. Our first day's fight I was taken prisoner, and there I had to stay right by the battlefield and our men firing shell down there. John Kennedy was taken prisoner and taken to Richmond, and our First Lieutenant, Otis Guffin, was wounded and will probably die. Our regiment numbers now 75 men. The last accounts our company numbers about 20 men; they are with Co. A.
I am now at the 11th Corps Hospital waiting on our boys, but will join my regiment in a day or so and take command of company F. When we went in the fight our Lieutenant Colonel Allen Jackson had command of our regiment. When our men retook the town, I left with the wounded and got away from the rebels; I could not bear the idea of going on to Richmond. Our boys were killed all around me, and I escaped without a scratch. Oh what a great battle this has been, and how many of our poor boys killed. All our men killed were buried where they fell, and in a nice place too, by the fence in a pasture. Our poor Sergeant Jacob Trask was buried in a nice place by himself. He died a brave soldier and a good man, and will be remembered by his comrades. Send word to Bill Ostrom and tell him where he can get Dave Proper's body. He was buried by a brick yard near the gas house. Any of the citizens can tell him where they will find him. Our boys are all buried by one another. I pray God I may never see another such a battlefield. There was at one time about 150 pieces of artillery firing all the afternoon. Our regiment was at one time supporting a battery when they were firing at Stuart's cavalry. Our regiment was on the march for twenty days, and we marched over 220 miles. I think this fight will use up the rebel army. They lost three to our one in this battle. Our cannons piled them in heaps. I heard this morning that our regiment had gone to Baltimore to do Provost duty. I am going to join the regiment when I can hear where they are. These names I give you of the killed and wounded are those I have seen. There are more but I do not know who they are until I get to the regiment. These are only of Co. F:
KILLED—Adjt. Parmer, Jake Trask, Alonzo Van Aernam, David Proper, John Hyert.
WOUNDED, F.—Sergt. Cramer, leg; Sergt. McMillan, arm; T. Miller, leg; Sam Swales, breast; Ben. Carroll, leg; Wm. White head and leg; John Halpin, arm; Charles Heldebrant, hip; Cris Kohn, hip; Henry Battinger, foot; James Van Epps, James Myers, Michael Hogan, both legs. All these privates are wounded.
COL. JACKSON, of the 134th regiment, writes to his friends on Sunday the 5th of July:—"My poor regiment was horribly cut to pieces on the 1st. Every officer in it was wounded except myself and four others. Young Palmer, acting Adjutant, was killed. Capt. Olcott is reported so likewise, and over fifty of the men. A much larger number were wounded and taken prisoners on the field. Out of four hundred whom I carried into the engagement I can now muster but one hundred; of the balance, many are stragglers. I never imagined such a rain of bullets.
The 134th.
The Schenectady Democrat says that Lieut. HENRY Y. BRADT, of the 134th Reg't, is now in that city, recruiting for this regiment, which is in want of a few more men. He is paying a bounty of $100, to all who enlist under him. The Regiment is one of the best in the service, and is commanded by CHARLES R. COSTAR, an officer of the Regular Army, who is in all respects a perfect gentleman, kind and considerate with regard to the comfort and health of his men.
The 154th and ours were sent to the front immediately. On reaching here to hold it against an approaching force that proved of immense superiority. We held the position until ordered to fall back—I was on the extreme right flank and did not receive the order till late; my wing suffered the most in consequence. I was surrounded and nearly captured, but found my way through to a house in the outskirts of the town and afterwards ran the enemy's pickets by night and joined my regiment. The 154th and 134th are now consolidated and under my command; the number is small notwithstanding. My black horse has a ball through the neck and is in a bad condition.
THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTYFOURTH.— The following list of losses and casualties in this regiment at the recent battles of Gettysburg is probably correct as far as it goes:
KILLED.—Lieut. Palmer, Sergeant Alex. McMillan, Orderly Serfgeant Lucius Mead, of Glenville; and Private David Proper.
WOUNDED.—Lieut. Ben. F. Sheldon, arm; Private George Veer, arm; Sergeant Ben.
Bice, shoulder; Private Anthony Lyall, leg; George Van Epps, arm; Private S. Kelly, arm; Private Robert Seaman; and Corporal Corl, foot and shoulder; Harrison Van Epps, arm; Sergeant Ezra S. Ackley, right arm. All of these are only slightly wounded.
Prisoners.—Sergeant Andrew W. Kelly, private Phineas Neal, and nine others of company A. Also, Sergeant Henry P. Glenn, who is also slightly wounded; and Robert Harbison, slightly wounded; Capt. S. G. Hamlin, Lieut. Gutland.
A letter written by Henry F. Teller says: "Our regiment went into the fight about three hundred strong, and came out with twenty-seven men and five officers. Since then, sixty more men have come in which were not in the fight—so now we number eighty-seven men and five officers. We lost about twenty out of one company. Arthur De Golyer was taken prisoner, but got away from the rebels and re-joined the regiment. Jerome Myers, of our company, received a piece of shell in his knapsack, and quietly remarked, "Dey will haf to schoot petter as dat if dey want to kill me." We are hauling the rebels in by hundreds. Arthur had a bullet shot through his cartridge box, but he is fat, ragged and saucy. We gave the rebels an awful flaxing.
Adjutant Carner writes a letter to Postmaster Veeder from which we are permitted to make an extract: I have, thank God! for once the privilege of writing that our Army of the Potomac has been victorious; that a triumphant, overwhelming victory has been won. It has cost us dearly in precious lives: the best in the land have been given a willing sacrifice. Our own 134th has suffered severely. The enemy fly for Virginia and we are in hot pursuit. I am again ordered to move. Five of our officers are wounded, two are prisoners. Palmer is reported killed. S. G. Hamlin is a prisoner. Sheldon is slightly wounded. Capt. D. Hamlin is all right. All that are wounded are but slightly hurt, thank God! The tent must come down and I must close.
A Glenville man--we did not learn his name--has arrived home, having been, as he says, taken prisoner and paroled by the rebels. He tells various singular stories none of which, probably, are entitled to belief. He should have stayed with his regiment, or went back to it after being paroled, if indeed he ever was a prisoner.
— Since the above was written we have learned that Sergeant McMillan, reported killed, has written a letter home, which has just been received, stating that he is only slightly wounded in the arm. He also reports that Sergeant Trask was killed.
Army Correspondence.
CAMP OF THE 134TH N. Y. S. V.,
NEAR BERLIN, MD., July 17, 1863.
Mr. Mirror--Will you please publish in the Mirror a list of casualties of Company E, of this Regiment, who were engaged in the late battles of Gettysburgh, Pa., in order to relieve the anxiety of those having friends and relatives in the Company; the Company being composed of men from the towns of Gilboa, Conesville and Jefferson, Scho. co., N.Y.
KILLED—Corp. David W. Craighton, Private Hiram Wilbur.
WOUNDED—Corp. Stephen E. Beller, with shell in the face; Corp. Reuben Dinginan, foreherd cut with shell, in left leg with minie ball; Corp. Julius D. Eggleston, ball in leg; Corp. John B. Thomas, Color Corp., ball through the bowels, left leg and right arm.
PRIVATES—Isaac P. Nichols, buckshot through the left leg; Chas. E Ellerson, musket ball through the knee; G. H. Witbeck, leg broken with shell, amputated; Albert B. Vroman, arm broken with musket ball; J. M. Weed, ball in right shoulder; David Reed, leg with ball; Elias Thompson, head shattered with shell; Philip G. Wilbur, ball in leg; Leman Rull, head cut with shell; Wm. L. Reed, leg broken with musket ball; Philip Dana, ball through the leg; Stanton Champlin, ball through the leg; Michael Hubbard, buckshot in under jaw; Jas. Drescoll, leg; Jeremiah Barry, wound in the leg; Andrew Sagendorf, wound in the leg; Jeremiah Jackson, arm broken; Thos. S. Vroman, right lung, seriously; Wm. Finch, in arm.
MISSING—Lorenzo D. Birchard.
PRISONERS—Sergt. C. G. Tyler; Corp. James Murphy; Miles Eggleston, Jesse A. Crapser, Georgee Crowe, Leander Gavitt, Henry C. Mattice, Dewitt Vanloan.
Most of these men were wounded in the engagement of Wednesday afternoon, July 1st. The contest was severe, and the struggle great. We fought an overwhelming force, yet not a man flinched from the stern duty before him, but fought nobly until compelled to retire from his wounds.
I am respectfully, your obedient servant,
Schoharie "Republican" please copy.
The 134th Reg't N. Y. S. Vols. At Chancellorsville.
Extracts of a letter from Corp. J. M. Bouton, to the Olean Times, May 22.
This regiment, raised in Catteraugus Co., commanded by Col. Patrick H. Jones, had been 8 months in service without having been engaged in battle. On 28th April, 1863, crossed the Rappahannock in pontoon boats, and deployed as skirmishers to guard the bank while the bridge was being laid. April 30th, with 8 days' provisions, and acting as rear guard to the baggage train, marched upwards of 20 miles and camped about midnight, near Chancellorville. Saturday, May 2d, went into rifle pits thrown up the night previous. At 5 P. M. Stonewall Jackson broke through, on our flank at the extreme right, and attacked the 1st Div. of our Corps. Some regiments had their arms stacked, and were engaged making coffee, and so impetuous was the charge of the enemy, that they broke and run in the utmost confusion, many not even trying to get their arms. Weidrich's and Nicholas Sam's Batteries of our Brigade opened upon them and did terrible execution, until deserted by their support, the 73d and 27th Pa. and the 29th N. Y. Meantime our regiment had taken a position to the rear of the batteries and opposite Gen. Howard's Headquarters.
Before the rear divisions were half unmasked the retreating battery ran through us and scattered us in all directions. The enemy was close upon us, and it was impossible to rally where we were. The Colonel ordered us to fall back to the ride pits. Once we charged their advance and they sought the holes and other places to shelter them from our murderous fire. We had no support, all other forces had left us--infantry, artillery and all. We held out until the enemy had got several rods in rear of us on each flank, when out Lieut. Colonel gave the order to retreat. At this time we met most of our loss. We went in with about 500 men and now have about 300. Our Colonel was wounded in the thigh. Our Adjutant Samuel Noyes was killed, and four of the line officers are missing. Our officers with a few exceptions are worthy men and an honor to their country. Capt. Arthur Hotchkiss [*] deserves particular notice for his gallant conduct and daring courage. He remained with his Company in the pit until all the others had left, and regardless of the terrific shower of death missiles that were flying around him, he stood erect, and waved his sword and cheered his men on through the fight.—If our officers like him could be numbered by thousands, we would have a better army.
[* Capt. H. is a son of ex-Senator Hotchkiss, of Chester.]
The remains of Robert D. Corl and David S. Proper, of the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth, who died of wounds received at Gettysburg, were consigned to their last resting place Friday afternoon. The funeral was large and the exercises unusually interesting. A number of our returned volunteers of the 18th and 30th regiments turned out in uniform, as did also Numbers One and Four of the Fire department. There were a large number of private carriages in the procession, which was led by the Drum Corp. The remains were interred in Vale Cemetary. Brave soldiers! they have yielded up their lives on the alter of their country. They could not have a nobler epitaph than the mere statement of the fact.—Star & Times.
HEADQUARTERS 134th Reg't N. Y. Vols.
1st BRIG,, 2D DIV., 11TH A. C.,
April 5th, 1864.
Lt. Col. A. H. Jackson to be Colonel, Nov. 4, 1853, vice C. R. Costar, resigned.
Capt. Reuben H. Heacock (49th N. Y. Vols.) to be Lieut. Colonel, January 29th, 1864, vice A. H. Jackson promoted.
Asst. Surg. Wm. H. Hoag to be Surgeon, January 9, 1864, vice R. Thomain, failed to report.
Peter M. Murphy to be Asst. Surgeon, March 19th, 1864, vice William H. Hoag, prompted.
Lieut. Edwin Forrest to be Captain, Dec. 30, 1863, vice D. H. Hamlin, resigned.
1st Lieut. George W. Bishop to be Captain, Nov. 1, 1863, vice G. D. Kennedy, promoted.
2d Lieut. Chas. A. Ahreets to be 1st Lieut. July 4, 1864, 1863, vice H. J. Palmer, promoted.
2d Lieut. Alonzo Parslow to be 1st Lieut. Nov. 1st, 1863, vice G. W. Bishop, promoted.
2d Lieut. Charles W. Taylor to be 1st Lieut., Dec. 30, 1863, vice Edwin Forrest, promoted.
James T. Joslin to be 2d Lieut., Feb. 4th, 1864, vice C. A. Ahreets, promoted.
Colonel Commanding.
Death of Capt. Edwin Forrest.
Hon. D. P. Forrest received a despatch yesterday afternoon that his son, Capt. Edwin Forrest, had been mortally wounded in one of the recent engagements near Chattanooga.
Capt. Forrest was formerly connected with the Central Railroad ticket office in this city.
He first entered the service in connection with the Burgesses Corps, of which Company he was a member. On their return he joined the 134th Regiment in the capacity of Lieutenant, and was afterwards promoted to a Captaincy. A popular and accomplished officer, he was conspicuous for his gallantly in the first battles near Chattanooga and the storming of Lookout Mountain. At the age of 27 he falls, in the thickest of the fight, a martyr to the cause of the Union.
DANNIE SMITH, drummer-boy of Company B, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth regiment, arrived home yesterday, so seriously afflicted with rheumatism that he could not walk. He brings with him an honorable discharge from the service.
Dannie is fifteen years old. He went out with the regiment and has been with it in all the battles in which it has been engaged. On long marches he has bravely held his own, his grown-up comrades often carrying his drum and knapsack for him, lifting him out of the mud when he got fast in it, and we don't know but searching for him in the mud when it nearly covered him. There isn't an officer or soldier in the United States who carries more of heroism to the square inch than does Dannie.
(March 16, 1864)
THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTYFOURTH REGIMENT.—The Eleventh and Twelfth army corps, Department of the Mississippi, have been consolidated and will be under command of General Hooker. We take the following from the Chattanooga
EDITOR STAR.—I send you the result of an election held in company B, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth regiment, April 28th, 1864, for the nomination of President. Being dull in camp we thought we would take a vote on the above. The election passed off very quietly. Butterfield's division was brought out and drawn up in line of battle. Fears were at one time prevalent that the Dutch brigade under General Schimflinpinningbuzly would set the ballot boxes, and a messenger despatched for the colored brigade would soon arrived on the ground and cast a shadow over the hopes of the Dutch, who fell back in good disorder on the sutler of the 27th Pennsylvania Vols., who generally supplied them with lager at ten cents a glass. At 11 P. M. nothing could be seen of them. Seven of them were left on the field, one mortally wounded. The wounded recovered so as to inform the others that "We fight mit Sigel," after which all efforts to arouse him were fruitless, and they left him alone in his glory and proceeded to wind up with the following result:
For Abraham Lincoln, 36
" Geo. B. McClellan 3
Total 39
We are coming, Father Abraham. The health of the regiment is good.
Ranse Mooro and Geo. Van Epps were Inspectors of election.
Tenn., April 29th, 1864.
FATAL ACCIDENT, AN OFFICER OF THE 134TH REG’T N. Y. VOLUNTEERS DROWNED.—We have received the following communication from a gentleman in the military service in relation to the death of Lieut. C. T. Hunter of the 134th N. Y. Reg’t on the 11th inst.
NEW YORK, March l4, 1864.
The following account of the death of Lieut. Hunter is taken from the New York Herald:—
We have received the following particulars, of the sad accident which occurred in the east river on Friday, March 11, as they are said to have been reported by Mrs. Schuyler, one of the rescued passengers. The boat started at one o'clock P. M. from Port Morris, containing two boatman (Charles Norman and Walter Wicks) and nine passengers, viz:--First Lieutenant C. T. Hunter, Julia Appie, Eva Appie, Lena Appie, Mrs. Frank Schuyler, Mrs. Peter Keifer, Mrs. Manley and child seven years of age, and one unknown woman. The boat being heavily laden and encountering strong gales, lurched when near the island of North Brothers and was at once filled with water. Lieutenant Hunter commenced to bail it out, when it encountered another gale which so startled the already terrified women that they sprang to the opposite side and immediately all were precipitated into the water. Vigorous efforts were made to rescue the drowning persons, yet the Lieutenant, Mrs. Manley and child, Julia Appie, Eva Appie, Lena Appie, and the unknown woman were drowned, and up to a late hour none of their bodies had been recovered.
The Lieutenant entered the service as a private in the 134th Reg., was afterwards commissioned as Second, and three weeks after as 1st Lieutenant.
He was one of the officers of the general Court Martial of this city during the Winter. Of late he has been the chief commander of the steamer United States, used for the transfer of soldiers south. He was a much esteemed and efficient officer, possessing an irreproachable character; and has left a young wife and a large circle of military friends to mourn his loss.
The One Hundred and Thirty-fourth.
Near Resaca, VA., MAY 16TH, 1864.
DEAR SIR:—Yesterday the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth regiment N. Y. S. Volunteers with the assistance of the other regiments in the brigade, advanced towards the enemy and charged on a fort, in which a great many of our men were wounded— none killed of our regiment that I can learn. I was wounded in the head (slightly) and sent to the hospital, to have it dressed, where I found Lieut. J. T. Josslyn. He wished me to write and inform you that after the fight of Mill Creek Gap, on the 8th inst., he was sent to the hospital completely exhausted. He has followed the regiment since that time in an ambulance. The Doctor (Wm. H. Hoag) says he has the fever and thinks that he is a great deal better this morning. He is being well taken care of and says he would like to be with you all. I think he is a trifle light-headed this morning. I understand that our brigade captured the fort with six brass guns, twelve pounders. The rebels are in full retreat leaving their killed and wounded in our hands. Gen. Hooker is in pursuit. Lieut. Col. Loyd, of the 119th N. Y. Vols., was killed. Lieut. Josslyn wishes to be remembered to all his friends and says you may direct his letters the same as usual to the regiment. I am going to join the regiment in one or two days.
There was but few of our men wounded in this engagement. I will give you the names of those in this hospital: Isaac Cain, private Co. A, slightly; Cornelius Van Dyke, private Co. A, slightly; Jay Rockwell, Corporal Co. H, slightly; Val Horne, Sergeant Co. K, slightly; Andrew Osing, private Co. K, severely; F. Esinmonger, private Co. K, severely; Wm. Brooks, private Co. C, slightly. The officers of the regiment are all well. If you see my father I wish you wound inform him of my safety and you will oblige me much.
Very truly yours,
1st Lieut. Act. Adjt. 134th N. Y. V.
To A. J. THOMSON, Esq., Schenectady.
Correspondence to the "Union."
HEAD QUARTERS 134th Regt., N. Y. Vols. in the Field near Marietta, Georgia June 9, 1864.
Mr. Editor:
Sir.—Though personally unacquainted with you, I thought I would through your invaluable paper, give you a description of what the boys of the 134th Regt. N. Y. Vols. are accomplishing, and their welfare. We left Lookout Valley on the fourth of May last, after being snugly housed in a good camp, for four months and a half. We left buoyant in spirits, earnestly desiring to make some strike which would result in much good towards restoring the Union and maintaining the honor and integrity of our country. On the second day's march we joined our new Division where we had lately been assigned. Our place is now in the twentieth Army Corps Second Division, and Second Brigade.
Our Corps Commander is Gen. Hooker, our Division Commander is Brigadier Gen. J. W. Geary. We marched all the week and on Saturday near dark encamped in a woods, stacked our guns, and quietly laid down behind them, supposing we would rest here in peace at least over Sunday.
But on Sunday, an order to march came near noon. Headed by our noble and brave Colonel A. H. Jackson we were up and soon marching along with our brigade. After marching along about three miles, we came to a clearing, where we had a fair view of a mountain ridge, which we were ordered to scale, and if possible, drive the rebels away from the mountain which they were occupying. Soon two strong lines of battle were formed, the 134th N. Y. regiment forming part of the front line of battle. Then skirmishers were thrown into the front and calmly and deliberately we marched up the mountain to assault the rebel positions. Our pathway was obstructed by massive piles of stone and large rocks projecting from the ground. Those were serious difficulties to us, also the ascent of the mountain was very steep. We made three distinct charges up this mountain. At the first charge we got nearly up to the rebel works, but being unsupported, and our regiment alone, and few in numbers, we could not withstand the volleys of the rebels, so we were forced to fall back.—We tried a second time, but did not go far, a third time we tried it, being supported by two companies of the 33d N. J. Vols., but then the rebels got reinforced and came on us in such force that we were compelled to give up the attempt of taking the mountain. The total loss of the regiment was eleven killed and twenty-four wounded. We were obliged to leave our dead on the mountain side. Together with the fighting we were annoyed by rebel sharpshooters, who unperceived in trees on top of the mountain, kept firing continually on us. So passed the eight day of May. We did picket duty chiefly the remainder of the week and towards the latter part marched towards Ressacca, where our Regiment played a part, just one week after the mountain fight on Sunday, May the fifteenth. Our regiment then assisted in taking two forts, where the rebels had held our forces at bay for some days previous. Our regiment was marched over several lines of battle to occupy a position, which we reached, and fortunately for us, were permitted to occupy, we being protected by a little rise of ground in our front. The rebels poured volleys of grape and cannister at us, but without effect.—The rebel sharpshooters were very busy also. So we passed this day, none of our regiment was killed, and only a few wounded. In the night the rebels left the place, rendering it so that we could record another great victory for our army. Our army commenced following up the rebels the next day, fighting them step by step, but our regiment has not engaged the rebels since, except once in the night while we were lying in a breastwork, nearly two weeks after. On the 20th, 21st and 22nd our regiment rested.—Then we marched till we found them in force, strongly fortified at a place near Dallas. Instead of charging the works we entrenched ourselves around them and so forcing the rebels back, by getting strategetic positions around them, and battering down their fortifications with solid shot.
This is the business of our army now, but we know not the hour when we will be called to do sterner work. The 134th N. Y. regiment is now only a small regiment, but we feel strong and courageous yet. We are sorry to learn there are such things as Copperheads at home, and though we personally wish them no hurt, yet we wish they would amend their manners, and heartily sustain us in serving our common country, and preserving its institutions from downfall.
Very respectfully,
C. W. TAYLOR, 1st. Lieut.
134th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols.
THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT N. Y. S. V. reached this city this morning on the Vanderbilt, about five o'clock. A salute was fired by Captain Bowden, and a lunch was furnished them by the Common Council Committee, after which they proceeded to the barracks on the Troy road.
The regiment was raised in Schenectady and Schoharie counties, and was mustered into the United States service on the 22d of September, 1862, at Schoharie C. H. It joined Gen. Sigel's corps (the 11th) at Fairfax C. H., about the 2d of October following, and served with that corps through the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. In September, 1863, the 11th and 12th Corps left for Tennessee, under Gen. Hooker. On the 28th of October, this command opened "the cracker line" through Lookout Valley, to Rosecrans' army, who were heartily glad to have free communication once more with the outer world. They lay in that Valley until the battle of Lookout Mountain, and Missionary Ridge, in which latter engagement the Regiment participated in the charge and drove the Rebels from their works. Immediately after those battles the Eleventh Corps started for Knoxville, Tenn., to the relief of Gen. Burnside. About the time they reached there, the siege was raised and Longstreet retreated. Without entering the place, the Corps turned about, marched back and encamped in Lookout Valley. During this march the regiment suffered terribly, living entirely on the country, having nothing to eat but flour captured from the enemy, with a little pork. It took no supply trains, and marched on a "dog trot" all the way. It came back fatigued and in rags.
It lay in Lookout Valley until the 4th of May, 1864, suffering terribly from privations of tents and rations, when it broke camp and started on the memorable Atlanta campaign. The regiment was engaged in every battle on the march, the principal of which were Rocky Faced Ridge, where it suffered severely, losing 50 men killed and wounded; Resaca, Dalles, Pine Knob, East Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, and innumerable skirmishes, culminating in the entrance of Atlanta, triumphantly, on the 3d of September 1864. It garrisoned Atlanta while Hood was being driven north, and on the 15th of November started on the Savannah campaign. The only trouble experienced on the march was to force their way through the swamps and forests, and to procure sufficient subsistance off the country.
In December it arrived in front of Savannah, and besieged it for a week, during which it suffered for want of rations, haying nothing but captured rice and beef, the latter of which was more bones than meat. The entry into Savannah took place on the 21st, when the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth pitched its tents near the jail, in which members of its own regiment had once been confined as prisoners of war. It remained there until the 27th of January, 1865, when it started on the famous march through South Carolina, in which, it had a large number of skirmishes, crossed almost impassable swamps, and experienced many privations and hardships. The incidents of this march are very interesting, but we have not space now to recount them.
In the month of March, the regiment arrived at Goldsboro, N. C., and shortly afterwards marched to Raleigh and remained in that section until the surrender of Gen. Johnston, when they took up their line of march for Washington, where they participated in the grand review of Sherman's army. It was mustered out last Saturday, the 10th, and on the following Monday left on its homeward march. It will be paid off in this city.
The following is a list of the field, staff and line officers:—
Lieutenant- Colonel—Allen H. Jackson, commanding.
Major—William H. Hoyt.
Surgeon—George C. Douglas.
Assistant Surgeon—Peter M. Murphy.
Chaplain—Rev. F. Fletcher.
Adjutant—Henry Palmer.
Qurtermaster—Henry Ramsay, Jr.
Company A.—Captain, B. F. Sheldon, commanding; First Lieutenant, James T. Joslin.
Company B.—Lieutenant John W. ____, commanding.
Company C—First Lieutenant James ____, commanding.
Company D—First Lieutenant M. Jones, commanding.
Company E—First Lieutenant John R. Boughton, commanding.
Company F— Captain Charles F. Griffin, commanding; First Lieutenant H. P. Dillion.
Company G—Captain C. W. Taylor, commanding; First Lieutenant N. M. Van Antwerp.
Company H— Captain Delos W. Olcott, commanding.
Company I—Captain B. S. Smith, commanding.
Company K— Captain Perry E. McMaster, commanding.
The regiment went out with about nine hundred men, and returns with two hundred and seventy-five tried and veteran soldiers, with tattered colors, thoroughly riddled, evincing, together with the history and losses of the Regiment, the indomitable bravery and heroism of the true sons of Schenectady and Schoharie.
At the battle of Peach Tree Creek, Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson, while commanding the regiment, was severely wounded, during the furious onslaught made by Hood on the 20th of July, immediately after taking command of the Rebel forces, but assumed command again shortly afterwards. The loss of the rank and file was about fifty men.