124th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

Local & Vicinity News.
From the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth.
A Private Letter, communicated to the Journal:
Saturday, May 2, 1863, 12 1/2 o'clock.
Dear Friend: Your letter of the 19th ultimo received on the 24th. I was very glad to hear from you, and you will please excuse me for this long delay in answering it. And now, after I get this letter wrote, I do not know when I can mail it, as we have had no chance to mail any letters since Wednesday morning, and we have received no mail since Wednesday night. I anticipated, in the evening, when I wrote the last, that I would have time to write a few more lines the next morning before we marched, but I did not.
About nine o'clock a. m., Lieutenant Grier came to me and said the Captain wished me to come and help make out some muster rolls. We were kept busy writing until about four p. m., when the bugle sounded "Attention!" and in a few moments it sounded again to "strike tents." It had been raining all day. We did not have time to finish the muster rolls, but we had to prepare to march in double quick time. We left our overcoats behind. I do not believe that we will ever see them again, or anything else that was left there. It was but a few moments before we had our blankets and piece of tent rolled and strapped upon our knapsacks, and soon our peaceful and quite pleasant encampment wore the appearance of desertion, desolation and ruin; and our regiment was soon on the move for some place unknown to any of us. Of course we had to leave many of our things and conveniences behind us. We marched over as far as General Whipple's headquarters, and here we halted about half an hour, until the rest of our brigade came up, when we moved forward. We marched until about one and a half o'clock at night, when we halted. We were all very tired. We stacked arms and spread our blankets and laid down and slept soudly [sic] until daylight, when we were ordered up; and we rolled our blankets immediately, and then imbibed a cup of coffee and ate our breakfast. There was some firing not far from where we were. We remained here until about nine o'clock, when we proceeded onward. We did not march over a mile before we halted, stacked arms and unslung knapsacks. We were in a large open field. The clouds soon dispersed and the sun came out warm; we laid down, and I had a very good nap. In the afternoon, about three o'clock, it began to cloud up, and threatened a shower. Knapp, Charley and I soon pitched our tent on the side hill, and got some pine boughs and laid in on the ground, and then with our case-knives we dug a trench around our tent to lead the water off. I have mentioned only Knapp, Charley and I as pitching our tents, but of course we were not the only ones, for thousands of tents were soon pitched, and it was not long before it commenced raining, and it continued all night and until near noon next day. We slept dry and soundly, and no water ran under us.
It rained most of Thursday a. m. Our regiment was mustered again, and about noon was on the march, retracing our steps to camp again, or at least as far as Stoneman's Station. As it was now getting pretty near dark, some of us flattered ourselves that perhaps we might stop at our old camp and stay all night; but, alas! there was no such good luck for us, and we crossed the railroad and marched, until one o'clock at night, over the same road that we marched last fall, and then halted in a large field, spread our blankets and laid down.
It was our Company's turn to be on guard. Knapp was Corporal of one relief, and Charley of another. We had marched all the way just as fast as we could march, and with our heavy load to carry, I can assure you we were very tired; and then to sleep only two hours was rather tough. At four o'clock in the morning (Friday) the General ordered the drums to beat reveille, or at least gave the orders to the Colonel, so we had to get up and roll up blankets, &c. I then went about half a mile after some water to make us some coffee, and then had to get it out of a muddy brook; but anything, you know, must answer for a soldier. 
About sunrise we were on the move again. Passed over some bad roads, and about noon crossed the river. Here we saw some of the Rebels' work, in the shape of breastworks and rifle pits; and I can assure you that they had them in a very advantageous position. They were on a side hill in a cleared field above the river, but the Rebels soon left when for there is scarcely anything else here but woods, though we occasionally came to a very fine clearing.
There is some heavy firing in front of us, and I do not know how soon we may he ordered forward. I am too tired to write any more at present. I have my piece of tent spread in the bushes to keep the hot rays of the sun from me, and am lying down and writing on my havresack. I will close for the present. You can scarcely imagine how tired I am, and I can assure you I am not the only one.
The order has just come to fall in, there is no use to murmer or complain, I must go. So for the present, Good-bye. I do not know when I shall he able to write any more. Yours truly, P. P. H.
Monday, p. m., May 4.—Dear Mr. Chatfield and dearest Mother, if I could only see you I could talk to you. I have seen enough to write columns since yesterday morning. Yesterday we were in the severest battle of the war. Our corps, the Third, saved the army, and has covered itself with glory, but at what a cost! I must inform you that your dear Charley is killed, and many others. I am safe. I have not time to write any more. Robert Rush is killed. I will write as soon as I can.
Yours forever, P. P. H.

From our regular Army Correspondent.
The 124th in Battle.
Interesting Letter from "Felix."; THIRD ARMY CORPS.
Hospital, 7th May, 1863.
DEAR SIR: * * We struck tents on the 29th day of April, about 4, P. M.,
and not without regret, and many a longing, lingering look behind did we leave a spot where we spent four months of happy times. The pile of dry goods and furniture that we had to leave was enormous. All the clothes we are allowed to carry is one suit, and one change of undergarments. The knapsacks are filled up with hard tack, coffee and sugar, each man having ... days rations on his back. I had ... a few household gods which I could not think of throwing away—such as ... portfolios, one or two small b... ...ics,
needles, thread, &c., &c.,—... parted with my overcoat, extra pants, shirts, boots, shoes, &c., &c., thinking that they would benefit some genuine old Secesh one of these fine days. Had we not lived to get back, the farmer on whose land we had squatted could have set up a second-hand clothing store and made a fortune. 
When we started there was a heavy fog all over, so that we could neither see nor be seen over a few hundred yards—we marched till after 11, P. M., through woods and brush, and were glad when we came to a stop—our shoulders ached with the straps—our clothes were wet through with sweat, but we cut down some boughs—I spread out our blankets and soon were asleep. In the morning we awoke at day-light to hear the rattle of musketry playing away on our left. This I afterwards learned was between our and the enemy's pickets. The bridges (pontoons) had been laid with the loss of only three men. None of our corps had yet crossed. Our troops were drawn up in two very long parallel lines. Our skirmishers and those of the enemy were almost within speaking distance, and thus the two armies lay for some time. There was a long gully extending the whole length of our line.—The rebels took advantage of it and would doubtless have been successful in butchering our skirmishers if not many more, had it not been, that our balloon discovered their strategical movement in time to prevent any damage to us. They had this gully filled with troops, and their skirmishers instead of being in advance of them were a considerable distance in the rear, on purpose to draw our men into their trap. They would have succeeded had it not been that our balloon was on the alert.
The fog of yesterday enabled us to keep our movement a secret to the enemy, till we were at them and commenced to lay our pontoons—had it been otherwise there would have been many a life lost before a man landed on the other side—but we took them by surprise and were across before many of them knew we had broken camp. I saw one of the Sappers and Miners—employed in laying the bridges here—yesterday morning. He says they carried the boats on their shoulders for over half a mile, and laid them on the water as easy as they could, and it was so foggy at the time that they could only see a few yards ahead. The boats were then filled with troops and rowed across, they landed before the pickets on the bank anything about it—they (the pickets) fired their guns and fled. The officer of the picket came down to see what they were firing at and said, "Boys don't fire any more without orders—what are these d—d Yankees doing now?" The Colonel who was in charge of our men stepped up to him revolver in hand and said— "My young friend, I want you on the other side." The officer was taken all aback, instead of being with his own pickets he was our prisoner—and sent back on the first return trip of the boats. * * * *
On Thursday (April 30th) we moved from our position on the left, and made a forced march of 50 miles or more, that we might get in front of the right. Then we had three hours to rest, after which we were drawn up in line of battle on a muddy field where we remained until we were chilled through. On Saturday our work commenced pretty briskly, but we did not fire a shot till late in the afternoon. A few of our men got wounded, but only a few. On Sabbath morning at day-light all hands fell at the work with a will. Our regiment lay supporting our battery for a good while till the enemy were driving our forces and getting rather near us, then we were ordered to the front and formed our battle line in the woods a little to the right. We had not taken our position long, when the firing commenced in earnest. It was hard work I assure you. The barrel of my gun was so hot I could scarcely touch it. I fired twenty-two rounds when a ball struck me on the head above the right eye. I felt a sting, but thought nothing of it till I saw the blood pouring, then I made up my mind that the ball must have entered the skull, and that the wound was mortal. I dropped my gun, and B. took me to the rear, where I had my wound dressed. It was not so bad as I supposed. The skin was torn, and the skull a wee bit cricked. I was, and still am weak from loss of blood. Yesterday my cheek was quite black; to-day I feel much better.
I have made a narrow escape, but my time had not come, and I hope the same kind hand will lead and guide me till the war is over. I have lost everything but the clothes on my back. Our regiment is terribly cut up. They never flinched in battle. I believe they would have stood till the last man had been cut down, had they not been ordered off.—Hooker was struck with their bravery, and when the 11th Corps ran, there can be no doubt that it was our division that saved the "Grand army." If we had wavered the rebels would have broken through the centre, and cut their way to victory. But daring the whole engagement, no one hesitated or evinced timidity. The privates were as heroic as the officers and the officers as the privates.
You will probably have learnt by this time that we lost over 200 men killed, wounded and missing. A large number of the worst cases are to be sent to Washington. Wm. Milligan and John Hamilton, are in the number. The rest will be sent as quickly as transportation can be had for them. FELIX.

Brief Notes of a Vist [sic] to the Wounded of the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth.
To the Editor of the Journal:
DEAR SIR: It will give me pleasure if I may be able to furnish anything of interest to the public through your columns, and I therefore cheerfully comply with your request.
When the telegraph brought the tidings northward of the late battles near the Rappahannock, the whole country was filled with intense emotion. Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg were centres in which united the hopes, fears and destiny of the nation. Every state, almost every township had its representatives there, so that no part could he uninterested in the scene of carnage which was being a second time enacted near the already blood-dyed Rappahannock. When we learned that the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth N. Y. V. had borne a prominent part in that struggle, you and I, and every one having relatives or friends in that regiment, felt an intense desire for their welfare. Kind friends seconded my desires, and said to me, Go, look after our brothers, husbands and sons. 
With letters of introduction in my pockets which it was hoped would secure me a pass to the army, I joined the tide of travel from all parts of the country, that had set toward Washington. Crossing the ferry to Jersey City, we met a regiment of Zouaves returning to their homes, already happy in the anticipated embrace of their loved friends. On reaching the cars, we witnessed the partings of soldier husbands from their wives, and saw epitomized in their moistened cheeks and sad farewells, the ocean of tears and sorrows which now overwhelms the country with grief. We rode all night, reaching Washington at six and a half on Friday morning, May 8th.
As the day began to dawn the cars were passing through dishonored Baltimore, I fancied I could see the stain of blood on her walls—blood of patriots shed by the hands of ignoble traitors; blood which neither floods of rain such as was then falling, nor the lapse of years, will suffice to efface. The soldier standing sentry, the occasional encampment, the paths beaten by soldiers, the Relay House where the military genius of Butler first began to appear—all admonished us that we were verging to the line where fearful war rules the hour. Soon the dome of the Capitol appeared towering high above every surrounding object. Of it and other public buildings, if you desire, I will write somewhat hereafter.
Near the depot I had a glimpse of the first Butternut boys, alias Rebel prisoners—sorry fellows they seemed to be. On my return home, one of the Eighth Louisiana Volunteers, who had been captured in the late battle, was in the cars. He had taken the oath of allegiance, and was going to Boston. He had been two years and two months in the Rebel service; had been in thirteen battles, and once wounded; said the Louisiana regiments were composed mainly of Creoles and Irishmen. He was an Irishman. In the battles of the Poninsula [sic], his brother, fighting on the side of the Union, was slain. Said he, "They have killed my brother; I have no interest in their strife; I was glad to have an opportunity to take the oath." He was fully of the opinion that the Rebels could not be conquered. Said they have plenty of flour, half rations of meat. Sugar, tea and coffee are hardly seen or very scarce. His suit was homespun, coarse but comfortable. He wore a Yankee blouse, probably purloined from some dead Union soldier. 
After my arrival I made my way immediately to the headquarters of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. A letter from Dr. Bellows introduced my errand.
Mr. Seward also wished me God speed in my mission; but on reaching the office of Lieutenant Colonel Conrad, by whom all passes to visit the army are given, I was confronted by an order from the Secretary of War, issued that day at the request of General Hooker, forbidding the granting of passes to civilians, shutting off even the state agents. All my pleas were unavailing. The best I could do was to look after the wounded who might be brought on to Washington. Some had already arrived. During my stay in Washington I visited several of the hospitals, and saw nearly all of the One hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment who had been brought up from the battle-field. From them I gathered what particulars I could of the fate of their comrades.
I immediately sent an account home, which was published in the Telegraph of Tuesday last, and, except in unimportant particulars, I believe it to be correct.
All the wounded that I saw, were doing well, and are attentively cared for. Most of those reported missing will, I trust, soon be restored to their friends. Alas! that so many have fallen! The terrible conflict of Sunday, May 3d, in which the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth was engaged, will link Orange County and Chancellorsville by sad but imperishable memories. Our heroic dead, whose ashes sleep on that battle field, are worthy of immortal honor. Their wives and orphaned children should be adopted by the county. May our Heavenly Father put it into the hearts of their countrymen to watch over and care for them with paternal solicitude.
To-morrow I may give you some account of the hospitals, and the noble work of the Sanitary Commission. C. S. BROWN.

The most Complete details of the Killed and Wounded in the 124th Regiment.
We are indebted to REV. CHAS. S. BROWN, for the principal items of the annexed list of casualties in the 124th Regiment. MR. BROWN, our readers will remember, left this village immediately after the battles on the Rappahanock [sic], for the purpose of looking after the wounded. He writes:
" I have seen as many of the wounded men who have been brought on to Washington as I possibly could, and have seldom worked harder than I have during the past two days. Most of the casualties occurred in the terrible battle of last Sunday. Many (both rebels and Union) were burned in the woods which had taken fire from the explosion of shells, and in a hospital near by which also took fire.
" An officer who came in here last night, showed me where a ball entered his left breast very near the heart. It went through eight thicknesses of clothing, and struck a crucifix which the Captain showed me. Probably the cross saved his life. This man was of the 3d Army Corps (the 124th is also in that Corps), which did the hardest fighting on that day.
" We should not, perhaps, be particularly uneasy in reference to the wounded and those reported missing. The hospital reports have not come in, and besides the hospitals are spread over considerable distance and are without mail facilities of any kind.—Many who are in hospital, therefore, cannot send word to their friends. I think this will be remedied in a few days."

Private William Odell.
" John H Judson.
Captain Weygant, in temple, slightly.
Corporal J W Taylor, in neck, severely.
" Joseph Davy, in thigh and right cheek severely.
Sergeant Samuel T Rollings, in head, slightly.
Sergeant Peter Rose, slightly.
Private Robert Potter, in left shoulder, severely.
" James Kyle, accidently [sic] shot by one of his own company—leg amputated.
Private R. Rawlings, bruised, slightly.
" Henry Arcularius, in hand.
" John Worford, in breast, slightly.
" Abram Bellowes, slightly.
" Newton Goethius, slightly.
John Lewis.

Captain Henry S. Murray.
Corporal George Shawcross.
Sergeant Robert R Murray, forefinger cut off.
" Coe L Reeve, severely.
" William Valentine, severely.
Corporal Henry O Smith, severely.
Private Dennis McCormick, in thigh, not dangerous.
" Matthew Crawley, in leg, severely.
" George Culver, in leg, not severely.
" Matthew Holbert, in arm, severely.
" Hiram Crans, in arm severely.
" Ezra F Tuthill, severely.
" Edmund N Lane, severely wounded—reported since dead.
Henry O Smith, reported wounded.
William Valentine, do
Frank Lee, do
William Snyder, do
Hugh McShane, do
Edward Mapes, do
Some of these are supposed to have been burned to death in the woods near Chancellorville, or in the hospital near, set on fire by the shells.

Sergeant Thomas Foley, color-bearer, shot dead.
Corporal Charles Chatfield.
Private Robert Rush.
" John W Foley.
" James A Ward.
Corporal Daniel O'Hara, severely. 
" Ephraim Tompkins, slightly. 
" Charles Knapp.
Thomas Rodman,
William Bordenstein.
Albert Wise, slightly.
Samuel Dodge, slightly.
David L Westcott, slightly.
Peter Colliding, slightly.
Daniel S. Gardner, slightly.
Charles H. Goodseil, slightly.
Frederics Dezendorf, slightly.
Andrew Boyd, severely.
Clark Smith, George H. Barnes, 
James D. Tilton, John Thompson.
Corporal Francis Benedict.
Lieutenant Daniel Sayre, in thumb, slightly.
Joseph S. Brooks, severely.
Jonas F. Quackenbush, severely.
Zopher Wilson, severely.
William L. Becraft, slightly.
Johh K. Clark, slightly.
Daniel P. Dugan, slightly.
George W. Decker, slightly.
Jesseniah Dolson, severely.
Norman L. Dill, slightly.
Abram C. Forshee, severely.
Orlando Humphrey, severely.
Carl G. Hoffman, severely.
William McGarrah, slightly.
Joel McCann, severely
Coleman Morris, slightly.
David F. Raymond, slightly.
William H. Tomer, severely.
John Garrison, slightly.
Six of this company are missing, and some of the wounded with whom I have conversed think they were burned in the woods.

Corporal William Daly.
John C Staples.
Charles Newell.
Lieut. Theodore M Robertson, slightly.
Sergeant William Price, severely.
Corporal Hiram Ketchum, slightly.
Judson Kelly, severely.
Adam W Miller, slightly.
Adam W Beakes, severely.
William L Dougherty.
Charles M Everett, hip.
Edward Glenn, breast and arm.
Jonah Harris, body, left.
Abram Rogers, leg.
Moses Crist, knee.

Wm V C Carmer.
Thomas H Jeffrey.
James Cunningham.
Ira Wilcox, wounded—since dead.
Clement B Anderson, in body—reported dead.
Lieutenant Thomas J. Quick, under the eye, slight.
Corporal Charles Peters, in arm, severely.
Job M. Sneed, in hand, slightly.
Henry R. Bodhead, in cheek, slightly.
Bernard F. Kean, in thigh, shot wound.
Charles P. Kirk, contusion, caused by shell.
Corporal Alfred Bartley, in abdomen, severely.
George W. Adams, slightly.
Isaac Gillison, in hand slightly.
Job Sneed, do
Reuben Doty, do
Jacob Garrison, slightly
J. F. Fisher, gone to Philadelphia Hospital
Peter A. F. Hanaka, Andrew J. McCarty.

George Coleman, first to fall, ball went through his head between the eyes.
Peter Higgins.
W illiam Hawkshurst.
William Raker.
H. Trainer, Reported ... wounded,
Grant B Benjamin, Touhey thought they are dead.
Cornelius Hughes,
Sergeant Fred J Wood, in back—reported dead.
Sergeant Horatio J Estabrook, in foot.
Corporal Daniel S White, not severely.
" Lewis P Miller, in knee, severely.
" James Miller, in leg, very severely.
" George W Odell, in finger, slight.
" Alexander Jones, severely.
John H Calyer, in head, not severely.
William E Cannon, in hand.
William Fosberry, not severely.
Patrick Touhey, not severely.
Cyrenus Giles, slightly.
Eli Hughes, leg broken.
Joseph Miller, slightly.
Abram Stalter, in hand.
Alexander Trainer, leg broken.
D S White, not severely.
Corporal Sandford T Estabrook, wounded. Captain Clark reports that he saw him leave the field in ambulance. Fosberry, Touhey, and White were wounded at the same time.
Hector Finney.
John W Bennett.

Corporal David Mould.
" William L Fairchild.
Van Keuren Crist.
Charles A Foster.
George O Fuller.
Joseph Delneater.
Captain David Crist, slightly.
Lieutenant Henry Gowdey, in leg, was in Washington with his brother, did not see him.
Sergeant John Rowland, severely.
" Albert R Rhinehart, severely.
" William H Cox, slightly.
Corporal Benjamin Dutcher, in thigh, flesh wound.
" John R Post, slight—on duty.
William H Brown, above eye—not severe.
Thomas H Baker, in both legs.
John McCann, in arm, badly.
Daniel Carman, in leg, slight.
Andrew Bowman, slight
Jerry M Crist, severely.
Josiah Dawson, slightly.
William H Dawson, severely.
Grandison Judson, slightly.
Charles A McGregor, severely.
Samuel L Youngblood, slightly.
Charles Seaman, Mortally wounded, left on the field—so reported.
Jos Dealmater, " "
Henry Matthews, " "
Theron Bodine.
A Hawley.

George Weygant.
Couriland Bodine.
James Cooper.
Sergeant Charles Stewart, in head, slight.
Corporal William Wallace, severely.
" Andrew P Millspaugh, slight.
William Milligan, not very severely—says he was reported dead—I saw him in hospital.
James Boyel, lost one finger—slight.
William Hamilton, leg amputated.
Joseph Hanna, in head, not dangerous.
John Hamill, in arm, badly.
Anson Hamilton, in foot, slight.
Rensselaer D Baird, in head, slight.
George Scott, in foot, slight.
David Storms, in wrist, slight.
Daniel Loughridge, in shoulder, severe.
James C Haggerty, severely.
John H McAllister, slightly.
James Barrett, slightly.
John P Whiteman, slight.
Robert Wilson, slight.

Lieutenant Jacob E Denton.
" Alanson W Miller.
Corporal Daniel C Carpenter, in arm, pretty badly.
" George Van Sciver, in foot, slight.
" Solomon W Smith, fingers.
Egbert S Puff, arm amputated above the elbow.
Alonzo Price, in shoulder, severe.
Cornelius Herron, in hand, severe.
Nathaniel J Conkling, in hand, slight.
Stephen B Kerr, in hand, severe.
Jacob E Smith, in leg by bayonet.
Nathan B Mullen, in leg, badly.
Wm H H Wood, above knee, badly.
Gordon B Cox, very badly.
Cornelius Crans, hand.
Daniel E Webb, wounded in leg.
Isaac Rainoff, severe.
Samuel Malcolm, in leg.
Robert McCartney, in wrist.
John O'Brien, in foot.
David U Quick, in arm.
Paul Holliday, in hand.
Isaac Kennough.
W W Bailey.
Daniel E Webb, son of Dr Webb, of Ridgsbury.
Sylvanus Grier.

From the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth.
From Captain Clark, of Company I.
One-Half Regiment Killed, Wounded or Missing.
We are permitted, through the kindness of Mrs. Clark, wife of Captain Clark, of Company I, to lay the following letter before our readers:
Monday, May 4, 1863.
I joined the regiment on the 30th of April, but, not being able to walk, rode in an ambulance at the rear, and am now at the corps hospital, looking after the interest of the wounded of my company and regiment. There has been four days of the hardest fighting ever heard of. The One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth is badly cut up. Spencer is all right this morning. Charley has a slight scalp wound, but will be fit for duty again in three or four days.
I have just succeeded in sending the following named members of my company back to the hospital with the ambulances:
Sergeant Charles Stewart, head.
George D. Scott, leg.
Joseph Hanna, leg.
John Hamil, arm.
William Milligan, arm.
Daniel Loughridge, arm.
James Bovell, arm.
Daniel Storms, arm.
E. D. Beard, head, slightly.
J. C. Haggerty, leg.
William Hamilton, leg.
William Wallace, leg.
Samuel McQuaid, arm.
James McAllister, arm.
Patrick Ryan, foot.
The above are all that have yet been brought in from the front who belong to Company I. The following members are
George Weygant.
James Cooper.
Giles Curran.
Cortland Bodine.
It is now raining, and I am standing under a tree, with my hand for a writing desk. The ambulances are bringing in the wounded as fast as possible.
There has been great havoc. It is said the fighting is over, and that we have got the best of them. I don't believe it; but I do believe we will whip them before you get this.
There is to be no mail sent from here to-day, but one of General Whipple's aids is going back to the creek, and he says that if any letters leave the army, this shall.
10.30 a. m.—Colonel Ellis is safe, also Lieutenant Colonel Cumming and Major Cromwell. Captain Murray, Company B, killed. Adjutant Bronson slightly wounded in the leg. * * * *
It will be seen from the list which Captain Clark gives, and which is probably yet imperfect, that the per centage of casualties is a very large one. If our information, that only about forty-five members of the company were present, the proportion of killed and wounded is nearly one-half.
It is feared that Lieutenant Denniston, son of Judge Denniston, of Salisbury Mills, is among the wounded. A "Lieutenant Denton" is so reported, and no person of that name being known to belong to the regiment, it is feared it may mean Denniston. 
We hear that a dispatch has been received stating that Captain Murray is not dead. How reliable this is we do not know.
The following letter was received this morning from Captain Weygant, of Company A:
BATTLE FIELD, May 4, Evening.
DEAR FATHER: I am all right, save a slight wound in the head. The regiment has suffered severely—38 dead, 150 wounded, 100 missing. George Weygant is dead. Loss in my company is 4 killed, 12 wounded. Smith, Jackson, Hart, John Wood, all right. No one in my company from Newburgh killed. Ackerman is well. C. H. W.
A recent letter from the regiment gives the total number of men fit for duty at 550, and if Captain Weygant's total of casualties for the regiment is correct, or nearly so, as it probably is, it shows that more than one-half the whole number of men present were disabled:—a noble but terribly bloody testimony to the valor with which the brave fellows did their work, and a witness to the fiery ordeal through which they passed.
The following is an extract from a private letter received this morning from Lieutenant Cressy, of Company A:
" About seven o'clock on Sunday morning, our regiment went in and engaged the enemy. We suffered very much. Captain Murray was killed. Captains Weygant and Crist, and Lieutenants Quick, Sayre and Gowdey, were slightly wounded. Company A had 6 killed and about 20 wounded. Company I had 4 killed and 26 wounded. We have about 200 men left in the regiment, but a great many are missing. I should think the total loss in killed is about 60, and in wounded and missing from 200 to 300. This is, of course, a rough guess. The Adjutant was wounded in the leg. The Colonel is safe, as are also the Lieutenant Colonel and Major. I am not even scratched. We are lying in trenches. The enemy's sharpshooters have climbed the trees hereabouts, and have shot General Whipple and four more of our men."
We find the following names among a list of wounded arrived at Washington: 
John Rowland, Company H.
B. Dutcher, "
C. McGregor, "
Wm. H. Brown, "
R. R. Murry, Company B.
Immediately upon the fall of the staff officers—for at the same volley the Lieutenant Colonel was wounded in the leg, slightly—the command was assumed by Captain Weygant, as Senior Captain; and, closing up their ranks like veterans, the regiment moved right on to avenge their beloved Colonel and Major. 
Of the subsequent movements of the regiment we have been unable to obtain but little information. Lieutenant Ramsdell asked and obtained leave from Captain Weygant to care for the bodies of the Colonel and Major, and left for Baltimore the same evening. On arriving in New York, the body of Colonel Ellis was taken to his father's residence, from which it will doubtless be buried by the side of the brother who fell on the field of Bull Run. Major Cromwell's remains were expected up this morning on the Armenia, but did not come.
We have obtained the following partial list of killed and wounded:
Killed—Colonel Ellis, Major Cromwell, Captain Isaac Nichols of the Washingtonville Company, Lieutenant Milner Brown of Company I.
Wounded— Lieutenant Colonel Cumming, Lieutenant James Denniston (in the arm), James Finnigan, and Acting Color Sergeant Samuel McQuaid.
McQnaid was shot in the right arm, and the colors fell; he seized them with the left hand and endeavored to raise them, but fainted from pain and loss of blood. Lieutenant Greer then caught the colors, planted them in the ground, and the regiment rallied round them.
The regiment went into the fight on Thursday two hundred and eighty strong, and came out with about eighty, which number will be increased by the return of men separated from their companions by one cause and another.
Major Cromwell leaves a young wife to mourn his heroic but untimely demise.

Soldiers' Letters from the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth.
Co. G, 124th Regiment N. Y. V., 3d Corps,
Stoneman’s Switch, near Falmouth, Va.,
May 8th, 1863. 
William Chambers, Newburgh, N. Y.
DEAR BROTHER: I am well and unharmed. We have had a bloody battle. Our loss is heavy; about two hundred and seventy-five killed, wounded and missing in the regiment, and in my company, G, twenty-four. They fell all around me. I only received a slight bruise on my hand. Our regiment fought like tigers. I told the boys in the battle that Orange County expected every man to do his duty. Colonel Ellis heard it, and said, "Yes, boys, that's right; our country expects it." It was the hardest fought battle of the war. I did all I could for my country. My tent-mate was shot dead. General Hooker was with us in the battle. Tell Mary Emma that I carried the little Testament she sent me in the field of three battles. Give my love to the children. I was pleased to hear you got my check and watch all safe. Give my respects to all who remember me, and tell them you have a brother that you are not ashamed of in the field of battle. No more for the present. Your brother,

CAMP STONEMAN, May 7, 1863.
DEAR FATHER: It was with a sorrowful heart that I entered our old camp. We have had a hard time and a bloody battle; our regiment suffered severely; our loss must be about two hundred in killed and wounded. Our company lost a good many; it does not seem like the same place. I wrote you two letters from the other side the river but I do not know that you will get them. I escaped injury, and have come out all right. We had some very hard marches. The Captain was slightly wounded in the chin; he came to the company to-day. Gowdy is wounded pretty badly in the leg; he is at the Division Hospital, I saw him to-day. We had six killed sure, and I think seven—W. L. Fairchild, Van Keuren Crist, C. Fost, D. Mould, J. Dellamater, Geo. O. Fuller, C. Seaman—the last was badly wounded and I think could not live; eighteen were wounded, J. Rowland was among them, but I cannot give the names tonight as I do not feel like writing. It was a terrible fight, and we had a hard place. They drew us off the ground at last, but we gave them a hard time. Orange County need not be ashamed of the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regiment, braver men never stood before the enemy; they stood till they got their orders to fall back, although the men were falling thick and fast, and then fell back in good order. We made one charge after we fell back, and drove them before us, but they came again in force, and we had to fall back. Our colors were shot down three times. I was struck with a spent ball on the shin, but it did not hurt me any.

Our brigade was the last to leave the breastwork. When the retreat was made we were four miles from the river; we covered the retreat, starting at three o'clock in the morning, roads very muddy, making it the hardest march we have ever had, getting to camp at three o'clock in the afternoon—eighteen miles, and mud very deep.
Your affectionate son, JOHN R. HAYS.
[We have received from Mr. John Chatfield, of Cornwall, permission to publish the following portion of another letter received by him from P. P. H., whose letter, under date of May 2, was printed in Saturday's Daily Journal. We commence our extract at the point where the first letter closed an account of the regiment's movements up to Saturday noon, when orders for a march were received. The regiment was then near Chancellorsville.—Ed. Jour.]

Thursday Evening, May 7, 1863.
We were not to remain here long. Soon the order came for us to fall in, and on we went; and if we were not marched around the remainder of that day until nine or ten o'clock at night, then no troops ever were. I cannot begin to tell you all, nor will I attempt to. Suffice it to say we were all of us nearly exhausted.
We halted in a large field, and a shower of bullets passed over our heads. The One Hundred and Twenty-Second Pennsylvania were out in front of us on picket; but a volley was fired at them and they ran, and we had to take their place. Our videttes were a short distance in front of us in the woods, and they were fired at, and then our whole regiment fired a volley, and then our company loaded and fired again. From that time until morning we remained quiet and undisturbed.
About daylight Sunday morning, the 3d instant, we were ordered up and again on the move. We were cold and tired, sleepy and hungry, and we thought that we were going to be relieved and allowed to get us something to eat and to rest awhile; but alas! alas! it was for the battle field we were traveling. Oh, the bursting shells and booming cannons, and noise of musketry. Oh! I cannot describe i t ; and I would not if I could. The noise of the roaring cannot I can compare to nothing but the continuous roar of thunder. We were led to the battle field, but it was in a thick woods. We loaded and fired as fast as possible. Thick and fast our brave fellows fell. I thought I saw some of the horrors of war at Fredericksburgh [sic], but that was nothing when compared with this.
Poor Charley was shot through the neck, and lived only about fifteen or twenty minutes. Two brothers by the name of Foly, from Newburgh, in our company, were both killed. One was the Color Sergeant; he was shot through the neck, and fell backwards dead. His brother was shot through the head; he lived a short time. I had a small tin cup on the outside of my haversack; a bullet passed through it. That was my narrowest escape. God has yet spared my life, but I know not for how long nor for what purpose. I am very thankful but I fear I am not enough so. Oh, what a day last Sunday was! While you at home were all so peaceful and happy, and allowed to attend church, oh, how little did you think we were on the battle field. Oh! what a day's work that was! And then at night we had to go out on picket again. All day Monday we dug rifle pits and threw up breastworks. Almost every hour you would hear a volley of musketry out in front, and bursting shells, and cannons. Oh! do not imagine the scene. God knows, it was dreadful.
General Hooker said the Third Corps had saved the army, and covered itself with immortal glory. Our regiment did fight bravely, and the poor boys fell nobly doing their duty. On Monday, while at work in our rifle pits, the Rebel sharp shooters were up in trees, and the rifle balls whistled by us fearfully. One ball struck a man in Company F., and, I believe, killed him. Another ball struck a man in our company in the shoulder, and inflicted a severe wound. Another ball struck General Whipple while he was walking about as composedly as possible; he was carried off to the hospital, and it was thought he would recover, but he has since died.
Monday night we were permitted to remain in places, but we were roused up once or twice during the night. When the pickets were firing at each other, we would "fall in" and be in readiness to meet the foe, did he break through our lines. After he would retreat and the firing cease, we would lie down again.
Tuesday forenoon we worked some at our rifle pits. There were two lines of rifle pits in front of us, and a line of picket pits, and we were feeling quite secure. The sun shone quite warm. In the afternoon our regiment all formed in line, stacked arms, and then swept off the ground in front of us up to the rifle pits. We all pitched our tents next, and then worked some more on the earthworks. About four p. m. a shower came up. It rained very hard, and we got wet. It ceased raining a few moments, and then of course we had to clean our guns, and keep ready for action; but in ten or fifteen minutes it commenced raining again, and has rained most of the time since. True it has not rained much to-day, but it is cloudy and cool yet.
At dark, Tuesday night, I boiled me a cup of coffee; and then Dan Rider and Thomas Taft and laid down and were quite comfortable; but of course we were wet and cold, and the ground was all wet under us. We had just got comfortably fixed when the order came to fall in, strike tents, &c. It was raining hard, and was very dark, but orders had to be obeyed; and after a while our brigade got out in the wood. There we stood in the mud, rain, and darkness, wet and cold. My woolen blanket was soaking wet, my rubber blanket was wet, and my piece of tent was wet; and I can assure you that my load was any thing but light to stand under. After standing here about an hour, we "about-faced" and marched back where we started from, and received orders to be in readiness to march at a moment's warning. We laid down, and laid until about two o'clock in the morning, when we were roused up and "fell in," and stood there awhile, and at last we started on the move for the river on the retreat. The rebels had massed their whole force. There were so many troops ahead of us, and the roads were so horrible, that we could move but a few paces at a time. After getting along in this manner for a mile or so, the roads got somewhat clear, and then we had to move forward just as fast was possible, part of the time on the run. Oh, the mud, the mud! I never saw mud before. Never think of mud at home, for there is no mud there. We reached the cleared field near the river, where the pontoon bridge was, and where we had crossed a few days before, and here our regiment was formed in line.
Our regiment now looks about as a company used to look when we were in Goshen. To say there was a multitude of men here at the bridges waiting to cross, would but faintly express the number, and both bridges were constantly crowded. At last our corps began to cross, and finally we were successful in reaching this side, and there was a large number of troops yet to come over. As soon as we reached this side of the river we climbed up a steep hill, almost perpendicular and thickly covered with trees and brush. We reached the top and then marched about in the mud some, halted a few minutes in the woods, then pressed on towards camp. At last we halted in a thick pine woods, and boiled us a cup of coffee, and then on again. We reached camp yesterday afternoon about two or three o'clock, and were glad to get back again. But oh! how lonesome, sad and dreary it looks; so few tents, so still in camp. The thought that so many of our poor fellows fell on the field, is painful indeed. Oh! how much I miss Charley and Knapp, we having been together so long.

The Whig Press.
The Wounded of the 124th Regt.
The condition of some of the wounded among the brave boys of the 124th will be learned from the following letter written by one of the men of that Regiment: 
124th REGT. N. Y. S. V.,
May 20, 1863.
DEAR BROTHER: This afternoon I visited the Third Division Third Corps Hospital, and it is a sight to see the brave fellows there suffering from all manner of wounds, but bearing up heroically under their afflictions. Some of them with an arm and others a leg off, some wounded through the head, others through the body; but very few uttered any complaints unless it was because they could not have revenge.
One poor fellow out of Co. K, who had his right arm off, said that he had just loaded his gun to give them another shot, but it was no use; the bone was shattered, and his arm has since been taken off. He is now the liveliest fellow in the hospital. In one of the wards I saw two fellows playing checkers, and neither of them could turn over or sit up. One of them out of this Co. had his leg taken off, and the other one was shot through the neck, so you may believe it was an interesting game.
Another out of this Co. was shot through the thigh, and the bone was broken so that his leg could not be taken off, and the poor fellow had to lay there in one position all the while with his leg bound up and placed in a sort of sling so as to make it as easy as possible for him. He said he felt very comfortable then, but it sometimes hurt him very much; but he took things very coolly, and you would hear no word of complaint from him.
Another man of this Co. was shot through the eyes, so that one of them had to be cut out, and the other one is very bad, but he will have the use of it after awhile; but he can see but very little out of it now, not enough to recognize any one.
Some of the men curse the rebs. from way back, and want to soon get well so that they can pay them back in lead coin. It is truly a horrible sight to go through the hospital and see the suffering of the wounded. Lieut. Col. Cummings was down there to-day; he is very good to the wounded, giving them money and getting things for them.

From the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth.
A Private Letter, communicated to the Journal.
About five miles from Camp,
Monday, June 1, 1863, 12 1/2 o'clock.
Last Friday afternoon, after we returned to camp from battallion [sic] drill, we received orders to be in readiness for picket the following morning, and at roll-call in the evening we were again warned to be ready. The cooks were ordered to have breakfast ready at five o'clock, and the regiment was to be in line at half past five. Reville sounded early Saturday morning, and breakfast was over in good season, our blankets and tents rolled and strapped upon our knapsacks. The battalion formed, and after waiting about hall an hour for the whole of our division to come up, we moved forward. We were not fortunate enough this time to be left for the grand reserve, but were marched on about two miles, out to the river. Three companies, viz., A, F and C, are posted here as a reserve, and to do patrol duty nights.
We brought two days' rations of soft bread with us, and coffee and sugar and meat, and to-day, Post, our Commissary Sergeant, brought us out some hard tack, and some coffee and sugar, and yesterday's mail. Post is a good fellow, and the boys all like him; he is full of fun and good humor, and he looks out that we have our rations, and that they are No. 1 of what the Division Commissary affords. In a few words, he is "the right man in the right place."
We are posted here on a high elevation, and consequently we have a fine view of Rebeldom for several miles around, and we are also permitted to behold "Johnny Rebs" on the opposite side of the river, and they seem inclined to watch us just as closely as we watch them. We have heard the report of several guns along the line, but have learned nothing in particular regarding them. Perhaps they have been discharged through carelessness. If picket firing had not been forbidden, I presume, ere this time we would have heard the rattle of considerable muskstry [sic], and undoubtedly would have been minus several men in killed and wounded; but as it is, neither party seem to have much dread or fear of the other. The Rebel pickets go into the river bathing on one side, and our men on the opposite side at the same time.
Yesterday one of the Rebel pickets crossed the river and came over on our side, at a post when one of Company G's men was, and promised him that if he could get his comrade to come with him they would both desert and come over during the night, but they did not come over until about noon to-day; they said they did not dare risk it last night for fear we would fire upon them; they told their own pickets that they were coining across to obtain some papers from us, but after reaching this side of the river, they called out to those who were awaiting their return, and told them they had ... them this time." A guard brought them up to the Major's headquarters, and from here they were escorted over to the General's quarters. They belonged to the Ninth Alabama Regiment, one of the regiments that fought us on Sunday at the battle of Chancellorsville. They said they knew we were the regiment they were fighting, by the red tape tied in the button-holes of our coats. They said they had been in the service two years, and had grown tired of it. They informed us that there was a "right smart lot of them there who would like to come over right soon, if they only dared venture the river." The Major says they are deserting along this river at the rate of forty or forty-five per day. Certainly if they keep this up long enough, it will soon weaken their army considerably.
The wind has blown a stiff breeze ever since we have been out here, which makes it very cool and nice; but as I sit here writing in the shade of an apple tree, it is almost impossible for me to keep my paper still, for the moment my hand is off of it the wind doubles it in various shapes.
Saturday night our company went out on patrol from eleven to one o'clock; we marched through fields—I presume I might properly restrict this to the singular number, for there are no fences here to divide one field from another; there is no separation except a wood, or path, or gully. Suffice it to say we marched through these cleared spaces, and through brush and woods, crossed streams, ascended and descended steep embankments, and before we were hardly aware of it, found ourselves up toward Banks' Ford. We then turned about and started in a more direct course for the river, and would occasionally halt and listen. At one time we heard the noise of several axes upon the Rebel side of the river; we conjectured, and I presume truly, that the Rebels were busy in throwing up breastworks. We returned to headquarters at one o'clock, having had a midnight tramp of at least four or five miles, and without capturing any prisoners, or obtaining any very valuable information. Although there were some flying clouds, yet the moon shone brightly and lighted our path so that we could see plainly to choose our footsteps. As we marched along with almost noiseless tread, and only now and then a whisper escaping from our sealed lips, and our shining gun barrels glistening in the moonbeams' light, loaded and primed, it reminded me of a band of midnight assassins prowling about in the dark forest "seeking whom they might devour." But you are aware all these things are required in war times, and numerous others that are far from being pleasant or very agreeable. 
After returning to our quarters we lay down and slept until three o'clock, Company F keeping watch. At three o'clock we were roused up and ordered to remain awake. Saturday evening Sergeant Brewster paid twenty-five cents for a quart of sweet milk, put it in a canteen, and hung it on the ridge pole of our tent, saying that in the morning we would each have a good cup of bread and milk, which would be a great luxury to us. Imagine our surprise yesterday morning at daylight when we emptied the contents of the canteen in our tin cups, and we had about a pint of milk, and that sour and tasting strong of wild onions, which grow in abundance here; but we had to make the best of it, so we sprinkled some salt in the milk, filled up our cups with cold water, broke our bread, and made a very good breakfast. After being relieved from duty we lay down and slept till about noon. I then arose and went ... shade alone, and devoured the reading matter contained in three Newburgh Daily Journals sent me through the kindness of a young friend at home, to whom you will please tender my warmest thanks for keeping me so well supplied with reading matter from home. After reading the papers through, I took a bath in a stream which empties into the Rappahannock a few rods from here; I then came up on the side of a hill and lay down in the shade of an apple tree, and reflected awhile on the past. In imagination I pictured myself at home preparing for church, and longed to exchange my situation and be with you, for here we are denied the privileges of ever seeing a church or hearing sound of a church bell, or of listening to the preaching of God's word; every day here seems alike. After growing wearied with these reflections I wrote a letter, and then gazed awhile on the opposite side of the river where Secessia reigns triumphant. I could see Mr. Rebs walking about, and some officers riding around on horseback just as composedly as if nothing was the matter. There is a fine drove of cattle over there which does not look as if the Rebels were on the point of starvation. After I became tired of these scenes and contemplations, I wended my way to the tent, boiled me a cup of coffee, ate my supper, and a little before nine o'clock in the evening I spread the blankets and laid down for a nap. At one o'clock this morning our company had to get up and remain on watch until three o'clock, and then go off on patrol for two hours. When we reached the bank of the river we discovered a fire on the opposite side, and "Johnny Rebs" standing around it; they did not molest us, and after gazing at them awhile we moved on and left them undisturbed.
Lieutenant Wood, commanding Company E, informed us that the noise of wagon trains and artillery had been heard nearly all night, and it is presumed that a part of the Rebel force here is moving off toward Culpepper, and perhaps are preparing to make a raid down through the Shenandoah Valley. To-day I have seen several wagons and horsemen moving along the road, which, for the distance of a few rods, is plainly visible from here. It is a difficult matter I assure you for General Hooker or any one else to keep posted of their anticipated movements. I think they know better than to cross over here and give us battle, for they are aware that they would meet with too warm a reception.
This is quite a pleasant place; several houses are to be seen about here, and all of them inhabited; there is also a large number of fruit trees, and most of them are well loaded with green fruit, which, if ripe, I fear would disappear rapidly. This seems to have been once quite a farming country, but I see nothing here now pertaining to farming; no ploughing, and no grain fields, and cattle having full range over hundreds of acres.

TUESDAY MORNING, June 2, 1863—7 o'clock.
We are now anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new relief. The officers have their baggage packed up, and the wagon which conveys it is soon to start for camp. Most of the boys have their tents struck and blankets rolled, and are in readiness to "fall in" at short notice. Last night our company kept watch from nine to eleven o'clock, and from three o'clock this morning we have all been up as usual. This morning a portion of a rebel wagon train and some tents are plainly visible to the naked eye, and with the aid of a field glass we saw a long line of rebel cavalry moving down the road towards Fredericksburgh [sic], and we can see squads of rebel soldiers moving about in almost every direction. Some of them come out on the bank of the river in front of us and look over here at us and point with their finger, as if they were describing something in particular to each other.
I can assure you it is almost or even quite enough to disgust and discourage the soldiers which constitute our armies, when they read of the doings and speeches of the Copperheads at home. It does in¬deed seem strange to us that any one, especially at the North, can have sympathy for the Rebels. It does not seem possible to us that they can with a clear conscience uphold and sanction these traitors in their treasonable attempts to overthrow our Government, the best on earth,—a government which their forefathers, with ours, fought and bled, and died to establish and maintain. A government by which they and their property have been protected, and beneath its protecting influence have been per¬mitted to follow whatever profession, or engage in whatever avocation they choose, that was at all proper in the eyes of a civilized and enlightened na¬tion, and thus grow wealthy. And now to think that there is a million of men here on the tented fields, whose feelings are just as sensitive as those who have remained at home, and thousands of them were never inured to privations or hardships more than themselves. And these soldiers are separated far from home and all its dear associations, from families and friends, and for long and weary months have borne the inclemency of the weather, have braved disease and death, with scarcely a murmur escaping from their lips. They have borne these privations and trials in order that our nation might still live, and they are willing to undergo still more in order that she may survive this struggle, and ride triumphantly over these billows of treason. But there is scarcely a paper we receive from home but what brings us some intelligence of maniacal acts performed by the Copperheads, I think the sooner they meet the fate of the notorious rebel and traitor, Vallandigham, and thus clear our country at home of their presence and vile influence, there will be a unity of feeling and a unity of purpose prevailing throughout the entire North, East and West, which will so strengthen our cause and the spirit of our army as to strike terror to the hearts of rebels, and thereby cause them to see that we are united and determined to conquer them.
Any person who has no love of country or who has no sympathy for those who endure the hardships of war, and even risk their lives upon the battle field, and who cannot, or will not, appreciate the blessings of a good government, such a one does not deserve the protection of any government, and the sooner such persons are banished to some lone, desolate and dreary island, and there left, far from home and all enlighted society, the better it will be for all and for our country. For just as long as such persons are allowed to roam through our country, and in the strongest terms which they are capable of belching forth, degrade and denounce our government, which they pretend so bitterly to hate; and while they are permitted to uphold the cause of the Rebels, but take good care that they remain far from their so-called brethren, and instead of joining them and taking their place in the rebel ranks, and fighting as men ought to fight for a cause which they pretend so well to love, and which they esteem so pure, and holy and just—they remain at home where they are sure of safe protection from danger beneath a firm Republican Government.
I must close for the present, as the relief is coming and we have been ordered to "fall in."

Tuesday, June 2, 4 o'clock, P. M.
The One Hundred and Fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers relieved us, and we started for camp about half-past eleven o'clock, reaching here about one this afternoon. The sun shone warm and the roads were quite dusty but a gentle breeze blew steadily and made it comparatively cool marching.
P. P. H.

The 124th at Gettysburgh [sic].
Below will be found an official list of the killed, wounded and missing of the 124th Regiment, (American Guard,) at the Battle of Gettysburg. July 2d, 1863. We copy from the Newburgh Journal:
Colonel A. VAN HORNE ELLIS, killed, shot through the head.
Major JAMES CROMWELL, killed, shot through the breast.
Lieutentant [sic]-Colonel Cummins, wounded slightly.

COMPANY A—Newburgh.
Private Jacob Lent, killed.
" Wesley Morgan, wounded severely.
" Chas. Valentine, wounded and missing
" Isaac Conklin, wounded slightly.
" Michael Hager, wounded severely.

Private Robert J. Holland, killed.
" Wm. Lamoreux, killed,
" Harrison H. Storms, killed.
Captain James Scott, wounded in six places—will get well.
Private Edward M. Carpenter, wounded in hand.
" John Glanx, wounded in hand and arm.
" Wesley Storms, wounded in knee.

COMPANY C—Cornwall.
Sergeant Peter P. Hazen, wounded in face.
Private Fred. Lamoreux, wounded slightly.
" Benj. Flagg, wounded in bowels.
Sergeant Thomas Taff, missing, prisoner.

COMPANY D—Warwick.
Private John W. Leeper, killed.
" James Pembleton, killed.
" Thos. S. Storms, wounded, head, slight.
" Thos. M. Hyatt, wounded, head, slight.
" John C. Degraw, wounded, foot, slight.
Corporal Ezra Hyatt, wounded, leg, slight.
" Gideon H. Pelton, wounded, leg, slight.
Private Geo. B. Kinney, wounded, head, severe.
" John Gannon, wounded, thigh, slight.
" John Edwards, missing.

COMPANY E—Middletown and Mt. Hope.
Corporal John Scott, wounded in breast.
Private H. Harris, wounded in head.
" James Moores, wounded in thigh.
" Matthias Wood, missing, since paroled.

COMPANY F—Port Jervis.
Sergeant John B. Drake, killed.
Corporal O. U. Knapp, killed.
Private A. St. Quick, killed.
Corporal James H. Taylor, wounded in foot.
" James Conner, wounded in head.
Private George Garrett, wounded in face.
" F. S. Goble, wounded in knee.
" Wm. Van Sickle, wounded in hand.
" George Langdon, wounded in arm.
" Ira Gordon, left arm amputated,
" Isaac Gillson, missing.

COMPANY G—Washingtonville.
Captain Isaac Nicoll, killed.
Private Walter Barton, killed.
" James Roak, killed.
" Wm. Campbell, killed.
" Thomas Corbitt, killed.
Lieutenant Jas. O. Denniston, wounded in thigh by one ball and calf of leg by another.
Sergeant Isaac Decker, wounded in hip.
Private Selah Brock, wounded in hip.
" Garrett H Bennett, wounded in ankle.
" Wm. Dawkins, wounded in hip.
" Cornelius Hughes, wounded in side.
" Charles Benjamin, wounded in side.
" Gilbert Piatt, wounded in wrist.

Private James E. Horner, killed.
Sergeant Thomas Bradley, wounded in groin.
" Chas. H. Tindall, wounded in arm.
" Wm. H. Cox, wounded and missing.
Captain Noah B. Kimbark, wounded.
Private Jesse Camp, wounded in arm.
" John E. Kidd, wounded in breast.
" Thomas O. Connell, wounded in leg, amputated.
Private Wm. Hatch, missing, prisoner.

COMPANY I—Newburgh.
Lieutenant Milner Brown, killed.
Private C. S. Allen, killed.
Sergeant Amos Eager, wounded in arm.
Corporal Samuel McQuaid, wounded in breast.
" Samuel Chalmers, wounded in hand.
Private John Gordon, wounded slightly.
" James Partington, wounded mortally.
" N. Jackson, wounded in ankle.
Sergeant A. Vanderline, wounded in hand, slight.
Private J. T. Larue, wounded in shoulder. 
" Wm. Moore, missing.
" Wm. Whan, missing.

COMPANY K—Middletown.
Corporal Isaac Decker, killed
Private Ambrose S. Hurlbut, killed.
" John Carroll, killed.
" George H. Stephens, killed.
Lieut. James Finnegan, wounded in leg and arm.
Sergeant Woodward T. Ogden, slight.
Private Henry W. Smith, wounded slightly.

Field officers killed …....................2
Line officers " .............................2
Enlisted men " ............................19
Total............................................. 23 23
Field officers wounded...................1
Line officers " ................................2
Enlisted men " ..............................52
Total .............................................55 55
Enlisted men missing ......................7 7
Killed, wounded and missing ................85
Two hundred and seventeen muskets and eighteen officers went into the fight.

Local & Vicinity News.
The circulation of the Newburgh Daily Journal now far exceeds that of any other daily published or circulated in the village, and that excess is constantly increasing. No other medium presents so good inducements to advertisers who wish to reach the people of this vicinity.

From the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth.
Rev. Mr. Jack this morning received a letter from Charles Stewart, company I, written on the fourth of July, at Gettysburgh [sic]. The company went into battle with twenty-four men and came out with six. The following are the killed, wounded and missing, so far as given in the letter: Killed—Lieutenant Brown, and C. S. Allen. Wounded—Sergeants Eager and Vanderlyn, Corporals McQuaid and Chambers, and Privates Edwards, Gordon, Jackson, Larve, Partington. Missing—Moore and Whan.
Since writing the above, we have been handed the following letter from a private in Company A, addressed to Mr. William Brown:

NEAR GETTYSBURGH, Pa., July 6, 1863.
When at Frederick, on the 29th ult., I wrote you a note, which I mailed at the same place, informing you of my position. I had to give out on the march, partly used up. I did not reach the regiment until the 3d, just as a terrible battle was going on, which lasted from daylight until six o'clock in the evening. Our right was not then engaged, but before finding it, all that I could hear of it was that it was engaged in the action, and that I would find it in the front. I searched along the front for some two hours, and finally learned that it was at the rear; went to the rear, and found it had been engaged the day before in one of the hardest contested battles ever fought. It stood in a life-and-death struggle for two hours and forty minutes. The brigade was commanded by Colonel Berdan, of the sharpshooters. They kept at bay, during this time, five solid lines of battle of the enemy, estimated by some at ten thousand. Colonel Ward congratulated the boys after coming out, told them they had won the Kearney badge, that he never saw men stand fire so well. Our regiment lost heavily, according to its number—twenty-two killed and fifty-nine wounded. We lost all our field officers—Colonel Ellis and Major Cromwell killed, and Lieutenant-Colonel Cummings wounded. Ellis is a sore loss to us; while he was with us, I consider we had a father, but now he is gone. A braver man never lived. He and the Major both got killed while leading the little regiment on a charge. The last words he was heard to say were, "Give it to them, my tulips!" This, and "my Orange blossoms," were favorite names he always called us by. But now he is gone, no more to be seen at the head of our little regiment that he took so much pride in. His and the Major's bodies were sent home in charge of Lieutenant Ramsdell. Orange County cannot do to their remains too much honor.
But, sir, it was a complete victory. Never during the war was such obstinate fighting done on both sides for three days. Both armies contested the little space of ground in which the fighting took place. The enemy's prisoners say they were led to believe that it was the raw militia they had to contend against. They suffered terribly in killed and wounded. Yesterday I walked over some of the battle-field, and had to pick my steps to avoid walking over their dead. To say they lay thick would be only giving a faint idea of it; mangled masses of flesh, both of men and horses, lay in every direction. Our men were busy all day yesterday in burying the day. The stench of the battle-field is awful.
Most of our army is in pursuit of the enemy. I believe ours is the only corps here at present, and we are all ready to leave as soon as the roads are clear. I just learn that the Rebels are abandoning on their retreat a great deal of their ammunition train, also a number of cannon.
The roads must be bad, as it has rained a great deal lately. It was read to our corps this morning that the enemy's pontoon bridge across the Potomac at Williamsport had been destroyed by General French, thus foiling them in their retreat.
Our troops are in the highest glee over the result of the past few days. We are in hopes that Lee's army is as good as destroyed. He must be in a terrible fix about now. Our boys met him on even footing, and not behind his breastworks as at Fredericksburgh [sic], or in the wilderness at Chancellorsville, and the result is known. He may make another stand. If he does, which I think he will be forced to do, he will find the "Demoralized Army of the Potomac" is anxious and ready to meet him. He boasted some time since that he would spend the fourth of July in Pennsylvania, but that National anniversary found him in full retreat with our shell making music at his rear. Gov. Hyatt is alive and well, though not with the regiment. When we left Falmouth, Collins and L. L. Jackson were left behind sick. Collins, I hear, has died of typhoid fever.
I am writing by spells, in the midst of excite¬ment, and upon Confederate paper from a Rebel's knapsack, found on the battlefield. 
Robert Ritchie, Hiram Leach, and Daniels, are well. Allen's son was killed. Our boys buried him. Captain Weygant now commands our regi¬ment. We now number about one hundred and sixty-five men. It is awful. One or two more fights and it is gone.

Capt. Bush of Co. F, 124th Regiment, is now at home, Port Jervis, on a furlough; also Charles Kirk and Charles H. Peters, the latter of whom was wounded at Chancellorsville.

Major Cromwell.—In memoriam.
Why was it, when the news of victory reached our village, and a load of anxiety too great to be borne lifted from our hearts, that our faces were still sad and our words low and hushed? Truly, we were gratified for the great deliverance; but like that other great deliverance wrought out for our race, it had cost precious blood. Our friends had fallen. Our hearts are too full, our feelings too deep, to find relief in mere plaudits of the gallant 124th. But a handful is left of the brave thousand men who bade us farewell a few short months ago. They made their wills on bloody battle-fields, and have left their County, their State, aye, and their country, a priceless legacy of honor and noble memories.
From among this band of heroes, I would pay a brief tribute to the character of my friend, Major CROMWELL.—Knowing him, as I have, from childhood, it affords me a melancholy pleasure thus to give an honest testimony to his rare worth. Some men are not made of common clay; and whatever may be their rank in a social point of view, God writes Noble Men on their brows, and all men pay involuntary respect. This was specially true of Major Cromwell. Even as a boy there was something so manly and ingenuous in his manner that he seemed very different from his companions. As he grew up to manhood, he seemed elevated by nature above trivial pursuits and unworthy pleasures. At the breaking out of the war, he responded promptly to the call for troops. There are difficulties in the path of every one who would leave the usual routine of his life and encounter the hardships and exposures of the field; and but few can appreciate what it cost Major Cromwell to obey what he felt to be the call of duty. But delicacy bids me pass over this; it is sufficient to say that he did obey the call, and himself and Capt. Silliman were untiring in their efforts to raise a company of cavalry in Col. Morrison's command. Soon a good staunch regiment was at Washington, and kept there for months, when our Secretary of War, with his usual sagacity, dismissed the regiment in a manner that would have made ordinary men enemies to the Government. He had more men, forsooth, than he knew what to do with, and under the brilliant military tactics then prevailing, cavalry was a nuisance. But these two officers were above any petty resentment, and readily distinguished between their Country and the shortsighted official then chancing to be in power. At the earliest opportunity they were again in the service, recruiting men for the 124th. Their record since has been a proud one. At the time Burnside changed his base to the Rappahannock, we had several days of heavy rain.—Riding by a regiment one day, I saw in the rear a man dressed in a large military cloak, plodding along in the rain and mud, with a musket on his shoulder, stopping every now and then to urge on a straggler with a kind word of cheer, or one of firm command, as the case required. It was Major Cromwell. A sick man was riding his horse, and he was carrying the weapons of another. There was no straggling in that regiment. The faithful performance of duty was never unnoticed by him; and I have heard him address kind words of commendation to the men, calling them by name, and this is a rare thing in the army. 
Thus responding to the call of duty and liberty among the first, he was true to their promptings to the last; and at the age of twenty-three he had attained a position commanding the respect of all. How grandly his tall figure looms up amid the smoke and blood of the battle! Patiently and heroically he had borne the heat and burden of the fight with his men—stubbornly they had held their ground amid the iron storm, till the enemy wavered and were giving way—then riding forward, he turned to his men with a glad smile, and called upon them to advance, shouting, Victory! At that moment the fatal shot struck him, but "he came a conqueror to his rest."—Though he then departed, the glad smile still remained upon his features—victory remained; and his noble memory remains, and will ever be one of the most cherished traditions of his native place. In our own, and our children's memories, he will ever be enshrined, as he last stood on that great decisive battle field of the century—a smile upon his face, his sword waving high, and shouting VICTORY! E. P. R.

A Noble Donation by the late Major Cromwell.
The world at large will never know all the many noble, generous impulses by which the late Major Cromwell was governed; and we are only giving a
specimen of his generous acts in remarking, that since he has been in the army, he has devoted one hundred and fifty dollars a year from his salary, for the ... of the families of soldiers from Cornwall. This sum had been punctually paid in instalments [sic], and we believe at the time of his death, the Treasurer of the Society through whose hands it was disbursed had, in an emergency, drawn in advance upon the Major.—Such unostentatious generosity as this marks the character of a man in its true colors.—Newburgh Journal.

The Rev. Mr. Jack received a letter from the 124th Regiment this morning, dated July 4th. It contains, among other items of interest, the following additional list of casualties:
Killed—Private C. S. Allen.
Wounded—Sergeants Eager and Vanderlyn; Corporal Chalmers; Privates
Edwards, Gordon, Jackson, Larve, and Partington.
Missing—Moore and Whan.
— Company I went into battle with 24 muskets, and when they fell back had just 6 men, all told.

The Regiment was in Gen. Ward's Brigade, (the 2d), 1st Division, 3d Corps.—They left Bealton's Station on the 12th of June, and arrived at Gettysburgh [sic] on the evening of Wednesday, July 1st.—Early next morning (Thursday), they took up their position on the extreme left of the army, on a range of hills, with a ravine on their left. The rebels made an attempt to get through this ravine and flank the army, but were repulsed. A charge was then made upon them, the 124th leading. They succeeded in driving the rebels back in confusion. It was in this charge that Col. Ellis and Major Cromwell were killed, Lieut. Ramsdell and the two former being the only mounted officers in front.
The Regiment musters about 110 muskets. 
An officer of the 124th Regiment, who has just arrived in town, hands us the following list of the killed and wounded, belonging to that regiment:

Col. A. Van Horne Ellis.
Maj. James Cromwell.
Capt. Isaac Nicholl.
Lieut. Milner Brown.
Col. Ellis, shot through the head, died in an hour and a half.
Lieut. Col. Cummings, in leg slightly.
Lieut. James O. Denniston, slightly.
Lieut. James Finnegan, slightly.
Acting Color Sergeant Sam. McQuaid.

Death of Col. Ellis.
AUGUSTUS VAN HORNE ELLIS has rendered up his life in the cause of his country. He fell at the battle of Gettysburg, and lived only one hour after receiving his death wound. 
Col. Ellis was born in New-York City, and at the time of his death was about thirty-six years of age. He was a son of Dr. Samuel C. Ellis, of that city. In early manhood he was a sea-faring man; the last vessel he commanded was a California steamer, which was wrecked at sea. Some years since he moved to Orange County, and married a very estimable lady, daughter of Phillip Verplanck, Esq., of New-Windsor.
Col. Ellis was one of the first to offer his services to Gov. Morgan, who gave him a commission as Captain of Company I, 71st Regiment. He was with his Company in the first battle of Bull Run, and those who witnessed his conduct in that unfortunate affair say that when all was confusion and anarchy, he was one of the few who were not carried away by excitement, but did all that human effort could to preserve the lives of his men and bring them safely off the field. He had five brothers in the battle of Bull Run, one of whom fell beside him, mortally wounded. Under the last call for three-years men he was appointed Colonel, and in an almost incredible short time had his regiment mustered in and equipped—the whole regiment being from Orange County, he having refused several companies from Sullivan, which he left as a nucleus for another regiment from that County. At the head of the noble "American Guard," he participated in the battle of Fredericksburg, under Gen. Burnside, and subsequently in that of Chancellorsville, under Gen. Hooker. In the latter engagement his regiment suffered severely, losing a large number of men. His heroic efforts to redeem the day of Chancellorsville, were the subject of universal remark among his soldiers. He withstood all the hardships and trial of long marches and an unfortunate campaign, only to lay his life, ere the meridian of its sun on the altar of his country, at 4 the dear-bought victory of Gettysburg.
Col. Ellis was by nature endowed with those rare qualities which make the true soldier—a sound judgment, calm mind, inflexible will, and a strict disciplinarian, and withal a man of noble and commanding presence. We understand he has repeatedly been called upon to discharge temporarily the duties of Brigadier General, and always to the admiration of his superior officers. If his life had been spared, we are confident he would have won high distinction as a leader.
When victory is bought with such sacrifices as the entire people of Orange county are called upon to make, in the loss of our brave dead, we may well drop tears of sorrow upon the bier of him who, in all the varied duties of life, proved himself an honest man, and a true captain. His more intimate acquaintances have lost a genial friend and amiable neighbor; and when one so loved and respected is gathered to his fathers, we may well exclaim
" Oh! death, where is thy sting, 
Oh! grave, where is thy victory?"

Corporation Proceedings.
Resolutions on the Death of Col. A. Van Horne Ellis.
The regular monthly meeting of the Board was held last evening—all the members being present. 
Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved.
The first business before the meeting was a petition for the building of a sewer running through Lander, Chambers and Second streets, forming a continuous link to the river.
A protest was read against the proposed sewer; but after a rather warm discussion, it was ordered that said sewer be built.
The order passed at a previous meeting for grading Washington street was rescinded, and the usual notice ordered to be given to reconsider the matter.
Ordered that the north side of West-Avenue, from Lander to Concord streets, be graded and sags paved—the grade to be established by the Street
The usual notice ordered given to grade Western Avenue from Concord street to West street.
Ordered that the necessary notice be given to construct a sewer in Grand street from Clinton to Broad; also in Broad street from Water to Liberty streets. 
Ordered that the usual notice be given to lay out and extend First street from
Stone street to West street. 
On motion it was ordered that the necessary notice be given to lay out and open Carpenter Avenue, from the north Plank Road to Western Avenue.
Ordered that the side-walk on the south side of South street, from Lander to Dubois, be flagged. 
The Commissioner's report on grading of Third street from Liberty to Johnston was accepted.
The Street Commissioner's and Field Driver's reports were, on motion, adopted.
The annual report of Water Rents, for 1863, was confirmed.
Alderman Chapman, from the Fire Department Committee, reported the purchase of a lot on the north side of South street, between Liberty and Chambers, for the use of Chapman Hose. 
George Goodman was appointed Night Watchman, in place of S. C. Shaw.
Ordered that the side-walk on each side of Chambers street—75 feet south, and 150 feet north of Third—be graded and graveled [sic].
The following resolutions on the death of Col. Ellis were adopted:
Resolved, That in the death of A. Van Horne Ellis, Colonel of the 124th Regt., of New York State Volunteers, society has lost one of its best citizens, the army one of its most gallant soldiers, and our country one of its most self-sacrificing patriots. In raising his regiment for the war, he displayed great energy and perseverance; and while its commander by his kindness, firmness, and untiring military skill, won the confidence and affection of his men, and inspired them with such courage and determination, that they resolved "never to surrender." While leading his diminished troops to victory he fell, and died as became a hero, winning our admiration for his bravery, while we deeply mourn his loss.
Resolved, That the citizens of this village be requested to close their respective places of business during the hour of his burial—the flags be hung at half-mast, and the bells of our churches be at the same time tolled in honor of his memory.
Resolved, That a committee be appointed to visit the friends of the late
Colonel Ellis in charge of his remains, and request that they be interred, under the direction of the Corporate Authorities of this Village, at Washington's Headquarters.
Resolved, That we mourn the loss of all the brave men who have fallen in the recent battles, and particularly of the gallant Major James Cromwell, who fell by the side of Colonel Ellis and who leaves a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. He has gone to an early and honored grave, but will long be remembered for his many virtues and manly character.
Resolved, That the Board of Trustees of the Village of Newburgh attend the funeral of Col. Ellis in a body. 
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the family and friends of the late Col. Ellis and Major Cromwell.
The President appointed a committee of three—consisting of Messrs. Ramsdell, Chapman and Fowler—to wait on the family of the late Col. Ellis, and request that his remains may be interred at Washington's Headquarters.

Major Cromwell was shot just at the moment the rebels began to break and retreat. He was one of the first to perceive their retrogade [sic] movement, and exclaimed "The day is ours." Just as these words passed his lips, a rifle ball pierced his head, and he fell lifeless to the ground. He bore a very exemplary character as a citizen, father and soldier, and leaves a large circle to mourn his ...

The 124th again in Battle.
Once more have the brave and gallant men of the "American Guard," the pride and boast of Orange County, withstood the shock of battle. In Thursday's fight at Gettysburgh [sic], they were, as usual, called upon to bear the brunt of the strife. The entire Corps was badly cut up, and the 124th especially so. The regiment went into battle with 290 men, and came out with only 80! Their gallant Colonel, Augustus Van Home Ellis, was killed while bravely fighting at the head of his regiment. His remains have been brought on to New York, where his father resides, and will be interred 
to-day (Wednesday.) This is the second son Dr. Ellis has lost in the war. No braver or more intrepid officer has gone forth to fight the battles of his country, or one whose gallant deeds will be held in more lasting remembrance by all coming generations. Col. Ellis was aged 36 years.
Lieut. Col. Cummings, we also learn, was wounded, and Maj. Cromwell killed, Capt. Jackson, of the Middletown Company, was wounded in the eye. The other casualties of the regiment we are yet ignorant of, though doubtless we shall learn something further to-day. All honor and praise to the noble men yet living of the gallant 124th, and ever blessed be the memory of those who are dead.

The Standard announces the death, at Walden, on the 30th ult., of Angus Carman, Co H, 124th Regiment. Disease typhoid fever; age about 24 years.

Killed at the battle of Gettysburg, Col. AUGUSTUS VAN HORNE ELLIS, 124th N. Y. V., eldest son of Dr. Samuel Corp Ellis, of this city, aged 36 years.
The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from St. Mark's Church, Second avenue and Tenth street, on Wednesday, 8th instant, at 1 o'clock, without further invitation.

THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOURTH.—This regiment, which had been in the Third Corps, was transferred, just before the recent movement, to the Second Corps, (General Hancock's) Birney's Division, Ward's Brigade. From this it will be seen that the regiment has again, in all probability, been "tried by fire," inasmuch as the accounts of Thursday's and Friday's battles speak of "The Iron Second Corps" as having endured the brunt of Lee's desperate but fortunately unsuccessful attempt to pierce our lines. We look for particulars of the part taken by our brave boys with painful anxiety, that with confidence that they have given their friends fresh reason to be proud of them.

—Lieut. Charles Stewart, of the 124th Regt., has written a letter from Richmond where he is a prisoner. The letter is dated June 5th. He was taken while in picket, with five others whose names he gives as follows: James Crist, Co. H, (Walden.) Duncan Boyd, and Fred Dezendorf, Co. C, Pat Cuneen and Samuel B. Tidd, Co. K.
— The remains of Capt. Jackson, 124th Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, arrived in this village on Friday last. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church, Rev. Mr. Hepburn, in Hamptonburgh on Sunday. A large concourse of sympathizing friends were in attendance. The remains were interred in the grounds adjoining the Church.

MASONRY AND THE WAR.—An interesting fact is connected with the death of Capt. Isaac Nicoll, of the 124th New York, who fell at Gettysburg, and whose obsequies were recently attended at Washingtonville. Before his departure for the seat of war, Capt. Nicoll was initiated into the masonic fraternity by the Newburg Lodge. After the news arrived of his fall at Gettysburg, friends were dispatched on to seek for the body. It was, unlike many thousands of other victims on that field, readily found, from the fact that a board was placed at the head of the grave, bearing his name, the number of his regiment, and a Masonic symbol. On removing the earth above the body, evergreens were found deposited in the grave. Those engaged in the disinterment knew nothing of the significance connected with this fact, but on their return home, a letter was received from a rebel officer, a Georgian, who stated that a testament was found upon the body of Captain Nicoll, on the fly leaf of which was written his name, some directions in case of his death, and a symbol showing his confraternity. True to the obligations of their brotherhood, though they had met in hostile array on the battle field, the rebels stopped to give decent rites of sepulchre, and left directions with a resident in the vicinity to have the testament forwarded to friends of the deceased. By some accident that was delayed until after the body was found as stated above.

From the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth.
Correspondence of the Newburgh Journal.
August 5, 1863.
* * We have received but three or four mails since we left Falmouth, and we are now within three days' march of the old place again, after traveling over three hundred miles, besides several mountains and other obstacles too numerous to mention.
In its time this has been a splendid place. The hotel is still standing, but the boarding house is in ruins. It was shelled and burnt by our forces the fore part of last fall, just before out regiment came through. As I was strolling through the woods to-day near the springs, I picked up two or three shells. There is one large one in the bath-house, which passed through the roof but did not burst. There is a guard over the spring, but we can get all we want to drink, though none is allowed to be carried away. General Birney puts up at the hotel, or rather in the park, which is all laid out in brick walks.
The weather here is quite warm, and I don't know but what you might call it most ___ hot. At least it is so warm that we lay around in our tents all day, and walk out at night, or rather evening, when it is much pleasanter. It is said that we are to remain here about a month, and I am glad of it; for I have got tired of traveling, having been on the go night and day. The regiment is about two miles in advance of us. They have been out through Manassas Gap again, before coming here. The Lieutenant Colonel is well; Captain Weygant ditto; Captain Jackson a little under the weather; Captain Benedict all right; Lieutenants Mapes, Wood, Hays, Quick, Ramsdell, ditto; Lieutenant Hotchkiss a little ailing; Marshall and Montfort all right.

The 124th Regiment.
Capt. Murry, of Coshen [sic], is rapidly recovering from his wound, and expects to be able to return to duty within a month.
Sergeant Albert R. Rhineheart, of Co. H, died in hospital on the 25th ult., of a wound received at Chancellorsville. He had suffered amputation of t h e leg above the knee. His remains were brought home to Shawangunk, Ulster county, for interment.
Sergt. Alfred S. Barkley, of the Port Jervis company, died in hospital on the 26th, of a wound received at Chancellorsville. He was a son of Mr. Alfred Barkley of Carpenter's Point. Peter A. Ham_aka, of the same Company, died of his wounds on the 23d. John Ogg is severely wounded, and his recovery doubtful. 
Sergt. Wm. Valentine, a member of Company B, died from wounds received in the late battle at Chancellorsville, at Division hospital, on Potomac Creek, on the 29th ult. The deceased was a good officer, and leaves a wife and a large circle of friends to mourn his death. He was 33 years of age.

FROM THE 124TH.—The following extract is from a letter received this morning from Lieut. Cressy, of Company A, 124th Regiment, dated May 4—Monday evening:
" About 7 o'clock on Sunday morning, our regiment went in and engaged the enemy. We suffered much. Captain Murray was killed. Capts. Weygant and Crist, and Lieuts. Quick, Sayres and Gowdy were slightly wounded. Company A had six killed and about twenty wounded.—Company I had four killed and twenty-six wounded and missing. We have about two hundred men left in the Regiment, but a great many are missing. I should think the total loss in killed is about sixty, and in wounded and missing from two to three hundred. This is, of course, a rough guess. The Adjutant was wounded in the leg. I am not even scratched. The Colonel is safe, as are also the Lieutenant-Colonel and Major. We are lying in trenches. The enemy's sharpshooters have climbed the trees hereabouts, and have shot Gen. Whipple, and four more of our men."

We learn by a private letter received by Rev. Mr. Jack from Charles Stewart, of the One hundred and Twenty-Fourth, that he was wounded by a piece of shell on the kneepan, and is now in hospital at Gettysburgh [sic]. He was not at first aware that he had been hit, but the briuse soon became quite painful. Mr. S. speaks well of the hospital arrangements and surgical attendance at Gettysburgh [sic].

SERGEANT CHARLES STEWART, of company I, one hundred and twenty-fourth regiment New York State volunteers, who was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, arrived home last evening. "Charley" is a great favorite, and is well-remembered for his graphic and "spicy" letters that appeared in our daily papers, over the signature of "Felix."—We hope he may be speedily restored to health and active usefulness.

T. B. Peterson & Bros., __ __ Street, Philadelphia, one of the largest cheap Publishing Houses in the country, offers great inducements to agents, book-buyers, &c. See their advertisement in another column.

An old subscriber in Illinois, in remitting his subscription to the PRESS, writes:
" Weather very dry for wheat and oats; great prospect for fruit."

D. M. Freeman, a discharged soldier of Co. B, 143d Regiment N. Y. V., died at the soldiers' Home, Philadelphia, March 2d. He was on his way home to Woodbourne, Sullivan county, where he had a wife and three children.

One of the Truckmen on the Erie Railway was run over by the Express train east, near where it passes the Express train west, between Turner's and Greenwood, on Monday evening of last week, killing him instantly.

The Commissioners of Excise met for the purpose of granting licences [sic], at the Court House in Newburgh, on the ...
Sergeant Horatio J. Estabrook, of company G, 124th Regiment—one of the Estabrook brothers who was wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Chancellorsville—arrived home last evening. He was wounded by a ball in the leg, which remained unextracted four or five weeks. At one time it was thought that amputation would become necessary. He is now able to walk with crutches, although unable to straighten the wounded limb, which has become somewhat contracted. He was paroled, and is now on a furlough.—Newburgh Journal.

Funeral of Col. Ellis.
The funeral of Col. Ellis, formerly of the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteers, took place yesterday afternoon from St. Mark's Church, and was attended by a large number of military officers and friends of the deceased. Col. Ellis was a son of the Rev. Dr. Ellis, of this city, and was very highly respected by all who knew him. The remains were interred in Greenwood Cemetery. 
Colonel Ellis and Major Cromwell, of the 124th Regiment, were killed in the battles near Gettysburgh [sic] on Thursday of last week. Lieut.-Col. Cummings was wounded at the same time. We believe they were all residents of Newburgh, from which place the regiment left for the seat of war nearly a year ago.
The news of the unconditional surrender of Vicksburgh [sic] sent a thrill of joy through the people, which was manifested by the waving of flags, firing of cannon, setting off of fireworks, and in some instances of illumination. In this village the excitement was very great, and "Vicksburg" was the theme of every tongue.

JUNE 4, 1863.
Goshen, Thursday Morning, June 4, 1863.
Again have we been called as a community to draw in mournful sympathy around a place made desolate by the terrible destruction of war. After passing through all the alternations of feeling, from great anxiety to joy over his supposed safety, and then the fluctuations from hope to fear, at last comes the intelligence that William Valentine is dead. In the contest at Chancellorsville he was wounded below the knee. His comrades tore off his strap, made a ligature of it and tightening it with his bayonet left him leaning against a tree for support. For the space eleven days we knew nothing of his fate. When brought this side of the Rappahannock with the injured, the ball had not been extracted, but he appeared to be doing well and it was thought amputation might be avoided. Until a recent date nothing but encouraging reports reached us, until the information of his death, which occurred or Friday the 29th of May. We had hoped to have been spared this announcement, it conveys so much that is painful. He was one of our most estimable citizens, high toned in morals, walking unobtrusively, and silently lending his influence to the promotion of good, by his correct conduct and a life free from reproach. Above all, he was marked by his christian attainments, his deep devotion and fervent piety characterized all his acts, and led him to offer himself a sacrifice to the call of duty. No one, do we believe ever enlisted in our country's service impelled by a truer and more exalted patriotism than William Valentine. He counted himself as nothing if he might but help save the inheritance from ruin. It was a great grief to uncoil the tendrils of affection bound round himself, and stand detached from the place of support he held toward his cherished wife and friends, but his inflexible purpose to help in the day of danger could not be turned aside even by such appeals to his affectionate nature.
Among other motives that moved him irresistibly to go with the regiment, was an earnest desire to help sustain his fellow sol¬diers in their Christian course. His brother¬ly interest, his counsel and prayers were agencies he unceasingly employed, to draw them in the right path, and now he has gone to his reward. We can almost forget our own regrets, and melancholy sense of loss, in the contemplation of his entrance into that permanently blissful abode whither he has gone, and where he doubtless heard from the lips of Him whom he followed, the welcome "Well done good and faithful servant enter into rest."

How Our Orange Boys Fought.
A correspondent of the Newburgh Telegraph, writing from the Army of the Potomac, says:
" The troops that we fought at Chancellorsville, were no less than the famous Stonewall brigade, under Gen. Paxton. During the greatest part of the engagement the 124th held the front and centre, and as I told you in another letter not a man in the regiment turned his back to foe, or gave the slightest indication that he was pigeon-livered. The chief of the battery we were supporting, cautioned his men to look out for their pieces when he saw that it was to be supported by a "green regiment," as he was pleased to call us. We had not fired many rounds when things took a turn, as the pig said on the spit, and he told his men to blaze away, for there was no danger of them as long as the 'Orange Blossoms' lasted. Although our loss was heavy we had the satisfaction of knowing that the rebels paid dearly for that loss. Gen. Paxton was killed, and according to their own account one-third of the brigade was killed or wounded. Our shot was not exactly thrown away. We learned from some prisoners taken by Berdan's Sharp Shooter's that the ground was thickly covered with their killed. They said it was no matter whether they lay or stood up, the fire of the 'red-taped devils' fetched them, alluding to the pieces of orange tape worn by us as a badge. But I do not wish to fill your sheet with self praise—we feel satisfied that we did our duty, and brought no disgrace to Orange County. Our list of killed and wounded tells how well we sustained our reputation.
" By the way, some of you in Newburgh talk and write, as if nothing less would have satisfied you than the taking of Richmond, although it had cost the life of every man in the army—you also try to make it out that our recrossing the river was a defeat more disgraceful than Burnside's; consequently Joe Hooker must be a coward, and not fit to command a division, far less an army. All I have to say on this subject is, that we who have the work to do hereabouts think differently. If Hooker did not accomplish all we expected of him we know he is no coward, and we have lost no confidence in him. All the articles that could be written against him in the State of New York, from now till the fourth of July, could not make us alter our opinion. We do not believe he is a God, or even a man without blemish; but we do believe that he can handle an army well, and that for strategy his equal is not to be found. The army of the Potomac is ready to a man I believe to follow fighting Joe Hooker, whenever and wherever he says 'Come boys.' "

Local & Vicinity News.
From the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth.
We have this morning received permission to publish the following note from Lieutenant Henry P. Ramsdell to his mother. The Lieutenant acted as Aid to Colonel Ellis, who was acting as Brigadier, and a note from whom speaks in very flattering terms of his young Aid's behavior in the fight. The letter is dated
BEALTON STATION, Orange and Alexandria R. R., June 10.
My Dear Mother: We have been in another fight, and the only officer in our command hurt was Second Lieutenant Houston, of Company D. I was not even scratched. Nobody in Company C was hurt. We have whipped them this time very badly. Part of the time I was Aid to Colonel Ellis, and part of the time to General Ames. Our brigade loss was five killed, thirty-two wounded, and thirteen missing. I'll try to do as you want me to, and "not get shot in the back," although that might he excusable in a staff officer, who has to go every way.
Your Son, H. P. RAMSDELL.

The Lieutenant sends some "Secesh papers," picked up in the Rebel encampment. One is a bill of James F. Hart against the Confederate States for fifty-one dollars and seventy-two cents, for pork and flour furnished a detachment of Wade Hampton's Brigade while on detached service. The pork is charged at twelve and a half cents, and the flour at six, per pound—from which, taken in connection with the price current in Richmond papers, we infer that the soldier-man must have "made his own bargain" to have got his provender at so much below the market price. For Mr. James F. Hart's sake, we are glad to say that the bill is properly vouched and payment receipted, thus furnishing evidence that the Confederacy has paid some of its debts; though we must say, that if Mr. Hart had to take his pay in Confederate hotes, as was probably the case, his pork and flour didn't "bring him in" an extravagant profit. 
A second scrap is part of a letter from a wife to her soldier-husband. The spelling and composition would hardly "pass muster " in a grammar school, but the devotion to her soldier-husband's temporal and eternal interests would do credit to any wife. She concludes her letter thus:
It seems that you bin gone for years time nor Distance can make no change in our affection for you. I pray for you and hope that you may be a devoted Christain it is the gratest Bleing that god has Betowed on men it prepares for life and for Death and Judgment I have no news that would interest you at presant I will tell you about your stock I have kept them altogether they look verry well I want you to get a furlow and come it will take me a month to tell you howdy and kiss you all under thirty five are xempt from camp life** 
I must close be sore to write to me when you receive this pray for your companion and children. till deth your affectionate wife,


A correspondent of the Newburgh Telegraphy remarks as follows of the fighting qualities of the 124th Regiment,—and adds a few words in regard to the Army's opinion of Hooker: 
" The troops that we fought at Chancellorsville, were no less than the famous Stonewall brigade, under Gen. Paxton. During the greatest part of the engagement the 124th held the front and centre, and as I told you in another letter not a man in the rgiment [sic] turned his back to foe, or gave the slighest [sic] indication that he was pigeon-livered. The chief of the battery we were supporting, cautioned his men to look out for their pieces when he saw that it was to be supported by a "green regiment," as he was pleased to call us. We had not fired many rounds when things took a turn, as the pig said on the spit, and he told his men to blaze away, for there was no danger of them as long as the "Orange Blossoms" lasted. Altho' our loss was heavy we had the satisfaction of knowing that the rebels paid dearly for that loss. Gen. Paxton was killed, and according t o their own account one third of the brigade was killed or wounded. Our shot was not exactly thrown away. We learned from some prisoners taken by Berdan's Sharp Shooter's that the ground was thickly covered with their killed. They said it was no matter whether they lay or stood up, the fire of the "red-taped devils" fetched them, alluding to the pieces of orange tape worn by us as a badge. But I do not wish to fill your sheet with self praise—we feel satisfied that we did our duty, and brought no disgrace to Orange County. Our list of killed and wounded tells how well we sustained our reputation.
By the way, some of you in Newburgh talk and write, as if nothing less would have satisfied you than the taking of Richmond, although it had cost the life of every man in the army—you also try to make it out that our recrossing the river was a defeat more disgraceful than Burnside's; consequently Jo Hooker must be a coward, and not fit to command a division, far less an army. All I have to say on this subject is, that we who have the work to do hereabouts think differently. If Hooker did not accomplish all we expected of him we know he is no coward, we have lost no confidence in him. All the articles that could be written against him in the State of New York, from now till the fourth of July, could not make us alter our opinion. We do not believe he is a God, or even a man without blemish; but we do believe that he can handle an army as well, and that for strategy his equal is not to be found. The army of the Potomac is ready to a man I believe to follow fighting Joe Hooker, whenever and wherever he says "Come boys."

PROMOTION.—Lieutenant Henry F. Travis, son of Silas L. Travis, Newburgh, who has been connected with the Quartermaster's department of the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regiment, N. Y. S. V., has just received his commission as Captain of Company I. Mr. Travis is a true patriot, and this a most deserved promotion. We trust a bright future awaits him.

Lieutenant Finnegan, wounded at the battle of Gettysburgh [sic], arrived home this morning.

For The Goshen Democrat.
This organization is, as its name purports, a commission having an equal interest in the health of soldiers from every State, gathering in supplies, and disbursing without partiality. This, and the Christian Commission have been consolidated into one, and is acknowledged by the officers of the Army of the United States, after an experience of eighteen months, to be altogether the best and safest channel into which to pour the voluntary offerings of those who desire to aid the soldiers without any risk.
It is authorized by the Government, has the precedence in commanding transportation, and has outlived all the more selfish organizations, has at last absorbed the individual benefactions which so often miscarried, and when, if received, were misapplied. It has branches in our principal cities. In one of the reports from New York, it was stated that of 25,000 boxes sent to the Cooper Union, but one had been lost, while in the store-houses of the Express Companies in Washington, 75,000 boxes were unclaimed. It has been found utterly impracticable to base operations upon any other than the broad National principle; our loyal women must work for Maine or Wisconsin, and they of those States must cast their donations into the same common reservoir. I t may stimulate them to greater efforts in the preparation of delicacies for the sick, especially at this time of ingathering of fruits. To know that the Regiment raised in our County have received incalculable benefits from this Institution, Dr. Thompson who is now home on furlough, recruiting his health, says he cannot ni [sic] language sufficiently strong, express his high appreciation of the benefits conferred by this most humane organization. Their peculiar mission is to act in emergencies, to strain every nerve in reaching the sufferer with appliances, having a tenfold value because of arriving in time. Immediately after the battle of Chancellorsville, they were at work with a cooking stove, making broth and helping the wounded even before they were removed to our Hospitals on this side of the Rappahannock. At Gettysburg, when transportation had been so reduced as to make it impossible to bring a sufficient quantity of Government Hospital Stores, the mortality, he says, would have been appalling, but for the prompt efficiency of the Commission, whose agents had everything at the proper moment, and did all the work until the Government could get in working order. Where there have been imputations of partiality, misapplications, or inefficiency, they have in all cases been traced to the neglect of having made proper requisition, or to a want of indebtedness to this Commission, many being recipients of benefits without knowing the source from which they are derived.
Goshen, July 25, 1863.

I am very happy to have an opportunity of appending my testimany [sic] the value of the United States Sanitary Commission. I have given to Mrs. Redfield (who is one of the two Associate Managers for the County of Orange,) many details in proof of the inestimable benefit our Regiment with others received at the hands of their agents. Before I understood the method of making requisition, I thought disparagingly of them, but I now desire to see my country-women, one and all, giving all the support possible to this most life-saving and humane agency.
Surgeon 124th Regt., N. Y. V.

DESERTER KILLED.—We learn that on Wednesday or Thursday afternoon last, Deputy Provost Marshal Little went into the town of Monroe to arrest a deserter from the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regiment, named David Morgan, who it was ascertained was at work in the coal pits. The officer found him and told him he was a prisoner, when the man exclaimed that he could not take him alive, jumped from the pit and started to run. The officer ordered him to halt or he would shoot, and not being obeyed, fired his revolver. The man ran about as far as a single breath would sustain a man and fell dead, the ball having passed through a vital part and lodged under the shoulder blade. The affair caused considerable excitement in that locality. Morgan is reported to have borne a bad reputation, and to have taken bounties and deserted three or four times. His funeral took place on Friday. 
The citizens of this village have presented t o Lt. Col. F. M. Cummings, 124th Regiment, N. Y. Vols., a splendid sword, he having had the one he used on the occasion of the late battle at Gettysburg broken in two, by a shot.
The new one is a regular "Damascus Blade," "as good as they make 'em," and in the hands of the hero of so many hard-fought battles, we fell assured it will do good execution.

"American Guard" in Battle.
Col. A. Van Horne Ellis, in a letter to Hon. Charles H. Winfield, communicates the following interesting incidents concerning the recent fight at Chancellorsville:
" On Saturday night (previous to the Sunday fight) the regiment lay on picket on the skirts of a wood, and an unknown force of the enemy, the same who had routed the 11thorps, were somewhere concealed within. A rude road ran from each flank of the regiment into this wood. I was ordered by the commanding General to send a party out to explore each road. It was hazardous, and required skillful officers. I sent Capt. Weygant, of Newburgh, Co. A, and ten men, on the right, and Capt. Murray, of Goshen, Co. B, on the left with 8 men. Captain W. presently returned. He had found, about thirty yards in the wood, two caissons and a gun captured from us that afternoon and abandoned by the enemy, and taking possession of them advanced about one-fourth of a mile without meeting the enemy. Capt. Murray came in about an hour after, and reported that deploying his men and keeping in the shadow, he had advanced about a mile, and, unperceived, had come on a large force of the enemy, who were preparing columns of attack or defence. This report was forwarded to the Commanding General, and proved of service in the advance shortly after made by Gen. Birney, who brought in the caissons and gun already referred to. This was a very hazardous scout, and well performed; as the woods were alive with enemies concealed in the darkness, and we subsequently exchange several volleys with them at intervals during the night.
" When the Sunday fight began, it was necessary from the unexpected appearance of a rebel regiment on our right, which was unsupported, to "change front on the centre." The movement was done as on parade, the brave Capt. Silliman, of Cornwall, Co. C, throwing out his guide and dressing his Company to the right in the midst of a heavy fire. But it was amusing to see the men stepping backwards; none would face about and expose his back to the foe even for the few moments necessary for the manoeuver. Captain Silliman, conspicuous for his height, displayed great gallantry; waving his sword above his head, he ever encouraged his men and kept his eye on the colors, of which he had charge, his being the color Company. Thrice were the color-bearers shot down, but the "darling rag" never touched the ground, and was finally taken by Corporal Hazen, of Goshen, Co. B, who bore them gallantly the remainder of the day.
'The Newburgh Co. I, fought with much coolness and deliberate aim, and their commander, little Cressy, son of our New Windsor parson, was dancing around on the broad grin, seemingly amused as well as interested.
" While the regiment were lying down behind and supporting a battery, they were exposed to a perfect storm of bursting shells. Many were hit, but none uttered a sound—those killed died as they lay; and when the regiment arose to advance on the enemy seven of the 'Orange Blossoms' remained prone on their faces! May the great Creator receive their brave souls!
" During the above shelling, Captain Benedict, of Warwick, Co. D, was reclining on his elbow, a discharge of grape, about a bucketful, plowed up the ground and threw some gravel on him. He looked around, shook his head and muttered something, I did not hear what, but he would have moved more if a hen in scratching had thrown a little dirt on him.
" Capt. Weygant, of Newburgh, Co. A, was grazed in the head early in the action, by a ball, which though not dangerous was painful; covered with blood he remained, cheering on his men, and when exhausted by fatigue and loss of blood, got on a yellow pack mule he found and did great service as a kind of adjutant!
" Adjutant Brownson was shot through the leg—the first one hit. I did not see this, being in a different direction at the time. While lying in the rifle-pits we were annoyed by sharp-shooters, firing at a great elevation. We would not hear the report of the gun, only the sharp 'cherp' of the rifle ball, and an occasional 'thud' told that some one was hit. I heard distinctly the ball strike Gen. Whipple. We lost several men here.
" Lieut. Grier, of Cornwall, Co. C, was an object of especial interest to the Rebs. His clothes were pierced over and over but he came off with a whole skin. Grier was one of the original Co. I, 71st Regiment, and fought bravely at Bull Run."

Company D at Gettysburgh [sic].
We are permitted to copy the following letter from Capt. Benedict, of the Warwick Co., concerning his losses at the Battle of Gettysburgh [sic].
July 6th, 1863.
We fought on the 2d. Lost Jas. Pemberton and John W. Leeper, killed; and Ezra Hyatt, Gideon Pelton, Thos. Storms, Thos. M. Hyatt, John C. De Graw, William E. Hyatt, David Curry, slightly wounded, and George B. Kinney and John Gannon badly, but not dangerous. Our Colonel, Major, Capt. Nicoll and Lieut. Brown, were all killed; Lieuts. Finnegan and Denniston were wounded. I am all right. We have gained at least one victory for the Army of the Potomac, but a dearly bought one, I assure you, and a most disastrous one to the enemy. They are retreating—have already spiked all their heavy guns, (70 yesterday,) and we are harrassing [sic] them on all sides. We have as many prisoners as we know what to do with. Co. D. had no skedaddlers this time. John Edwards came in yesterday. Col. Cummins is very slightly wounded. Capt. Weygant is in command; 9 officers and 170 men.

Death of a Middletown Boy.
MILL POINT, 4 Miles from Hagerstown, Md.,
July 11th, 1863.
MR. A. S. HULBERT—SIR: It is my painful duty to inform you of the fate of your son Ambrose, whom we all suppose to be dead, as the last that was seen of him he was very badly wounded, having one leg broken, and it is supposed that he had other wounds, as blood was issuing from his mouth. We were in the fight on Thursday, and the dead were buried on Sunday in that part of the field. It was impossible to recognize many of our dead when we went to bury them, so I have not the least hope of his being alive. We had been on detached duty for some time past and had returned to the company only a few days before the battle in which he fell a brave and noble soldier doing his duty to his country and his country's cause. * * *
Yours, very respectfully,
J. J. Crawford.

Member of Co. K, 124th Regt. N. Y. S. V.
* * * Ambrose Scudder Hulbert was the first recruit of Company K., and did much to fill up its ranks. He was appointed Corporal, and continued to hold
that position until he was detached to assist in the baking department of the Regiment. At the Battle of Gettysburg he again took his place in the ranks, and nobly fought and died to sustain the old flag. He was a model soldier in appearance, straight as an arrow, lithe of limb, and ever ready to do and dare for the good cause. Through him and snch [sic] as he will our country re-establish its independence and live on through countless ages. Peace to his memory.—Ed.

Local & Vicinity News.
The circulation of the Newburgh Daily Journal now far exceeds that of any other daily published or circulated in the village, and that excess is constantly increasing. No other medium presents so good inducements to advertisers who wish to reach the people of this vicinity.

Tribute to Major Cromwell.
In referring to Major Cromwell yesterday afternoon, at Canterbury, the Rev. Mr. Jack is reported to have said: I have been led to make these remarks on "Love of Country," and to discuss the subject at the present time, in view of the death of that distinguished individual who so lately fell upon the field of battle. Of the charity, the generosity, the nobility, the patriotism of the late Major Cromwell I can hardly trust myself to speak; but I pray that God may sanctify to our good a dispensation which has plunged so many of us in the deepest sorrow, and gone like a shot to the heart of all this village.
The loss which the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regimment [sic] has sustained in the death of Major Cromwell may safely be called irreparable. The soldiers who entered the regiment in his company must now remain there deprived of the benefit of his presence. That voice, once so familiar to their ear, they will hear no more on earth. That eye which was wont to beam with such remarkable intelligence, is now closed forever. That form on which they were accustomed to gaze in the camp and in the shock of conflict, now sleeps and moulders in the dust. That mind, in whose clear and steady light they were accustomed to march, has been withdrawn to mingle in the loftier engagements and participate in the higher joys of a sinless world. The loss, I repeat, which that regiment has sustained may safely be called irreparable [sic]. It is only once during the period of its existence that a regiment can boast of such a soldier; and while unwilling to turn the house of God into a place of laudation, I must yet seize the opportunity of saying that the memory of the Major's virtue, consistency, love of country, and zeal for the welfare of the human race should surely stimulate you as American citizens to sustain the dignity of this Republic. Wherefore, taking his coffin for my pulpit, I conjure you "to play the men" for your people and for the cities of our God, so that when summoned from this scene of trial to that scene of triumph, you may depart this life as those who have done their work, who have finished their endeavor, and who are prepared to give to the Judge of all an account of their stewardship. Meanwhile, can I offer for you and for myself a more appropriate petition than this, that like our departed friend, we may all be found faithful to the interests of our country, and that like his ou [sic] sun may go down with undiminished lustre, casting a radiance over the shadows of the tomb, and gathering additional light from the very darkness by which its setting has been succeeded.
I should now leave this desk, having said all that I deem it necessary to say at the present time. You will, however, permit me to add that I did not come here this afternoon to advocate the claims of any party. At this moment I am really not aware with what party the Major held himself identified. But while I do not come here to advocate the claims of any party, I will venture to say that it is the duty of every man to connect himself with some party, or to place himself in such a position that men will know where to find him. In this country, the name of party is too often associated with some ignoble banding. But this is a mistake. Every man who is a man of principle will be associated with some party, or make a party for himself. The love of science, the work of philanthropy, the resolve of liberty, all suppose a party; and if you have a spark of that patriotism which burned in the heart of the gallant Major, you will shake hands and sympathize with every scheme that has for its object the welfare of the land in which you live.
Still further: To connect yourself with a party is not enough. You must endeavor to spring to the front and achieve pre-eminence. In the age in which we live, there are men behind their day, men of these day, men before their day. The men behind their day are dissatisfied with every onward movement, and feel as much sympathy with their times as their times feel for them. The men of their day are doing what they can to leave their footprints on the surface of society, and to promote the welfare of their neighbors. The men before their day are as the ancient prophets, pointing to the future and preparing the world for its arrival. To which of these classes it behooves you to belong, in view of the Major's death, I leave it for you to say. But we need incentives; we need some patterns and exemplars to urge us forward. Some of you may have read of the ancient torch race, in which the Grecian youth were trained to agonize and pant, and run, and pass on the lamp from hand to hand. In the race of generations, your turn has come to seize the lamp of patriotism, and cut your way to victory and to God.
Once more, and finally: As regards those now before me, who are citizens of these United States, their duty, I think, is very plain. If there are any in this assembly who are not citizens, to them I have to say that the meanest thing that any man can do is to live in a country in the time of its prosperity, and forsake it in the time of its adversity. America expects every man in this hour of peril to do his duty, and she has a right to expect it. Major Cromwell has left an empty place in the ranks, and it becomes us to lift up the banner which he has dropped, and step into the place which his death leaves empty. The cry of his regiment at Gettysburgh [sic] was expressed in words like these: "Another man to take the colors." They lay upon the ground, and a gallant young standard-bearer lay bleeding beside them. It was answered, bravely answered. Through the smoke of battle the sun glanced again on the leveled line of muskets, and another volley rang. Again that cry, "Another man to take the colors!" Stepping forth, one pushed through the melee, flung the flag on high in the face of the foe. Yet another volley rang, he too goes down, and a third time the cry arose, terrible above the roar of battle, "Another man to take the colors!" This afternoon I take my stand beside the bodies of the dead, and say "another man to take the colors."
The last words of the Major were prophetic. Waving his sword he was heard to say, "Come boys, come, the day is ours." He had hardly fallen before his words were fulfilled; and who can doubt that the day shall yet be ours; that every enemy of truth and righteousness shall be subdued, and that the great Republic will come forth purified from this sore conflict. Let us believe that all our interests are in God's hand, and that He will guide us safely through. Let us believe that he has married these states to one another. That the silver lake and the ocean strand are the marriage ring. That the tomb of Washington is the signet on that ring. That what God hath joined together, no man shall prevail to put assunder.

The 124th at Gettysburg.
For the following interesting letter giving particulars of the part taken by our boys of the 124th at Gettysburg, we are indebted to S. C. Howell, Esq., of Howel's Depot, who has two sons in the Union service:
BATTLEFIELD, July 5, 1863.
DEAR MOTHER.—Once more we have been engaged in the deadly conflict, but are both unharmed. You will have heard long before this reaches you that we have lost our brave Colonel and Major who are numbered among the slain.
After leaving Taneytown, we marched ten miles and halted near a straw stack, which, with the permission of the owner, we soon turned into beds, and it was a good thing for us, for it had been raining and the ground was wet. The next day we started in the afternoon, after another soaking shower, and marched two miles to Emmetsburg, and turned to the right towards Gettysburg, ten miles distant. We marched up at quick time, but did not arrive in time to save the battlefield where Gen. Reynolds had been fighting during the day. We were posted that night near the battlefield.
The next morning we were taken forward a short distance and our skirmishers sent out to find the position of the enemy. About noon we made another advance of half a mile. They commenced to shell us, but we held our position until after four o'clock without any loss, but the rebs. advanced upon us at "this time and we were hotly engaged for two hours and a half, during which time one column held at least four of the enemy in check; but we had to yield at last, which we did slowly and in good order, taking nearly all of the wounded with us. We had not fallen back more than twenty or thirty rods, when the 2d corps and part of the 5th came to our assistance and speedily retook the ground we had lost and quite a number of prisoners.
The Major's horse carried him at least four rods in front of our line after he was shot, but ...

Correspondence of the Newburgh Journal.
From the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth.
August 5, 1863.
* * W e have received but three or four mails since we left Falmouth, and we are now within three days' march of the old place again, after traveling over three hundred miles, beside several mountains and other obsticles [sic] too numerous to mention.
In its time this has been a splendid place. The hotel is still standing, but the boarding house is in ruins. It was shelled and burnt by our forces the fore part of last fall, just before our regiment came through. As I was strolling through the woods to-day near the springs, I picked up two or three shells.
There is one large one in the bathhouse, which passed through the roof but did not burst. There is a guard over the spring, but we can get all we want to drink, though none is allowed to be carried away. General Birney puts up at the hotel, or rather in the park, which is all laid out in thick walks.
The weather here is quite warm, and I don't know but what you might call it very hot. At least it is so warm that we lay around in our tents all day, and walk out at night, or rather evening, when it is much pleasanter. It is said that we are to remain here about a month, and I am glad of it; for I have
got tired of traveling, having been on the go night and day. The regiment is about two miles in advance of us.—They have been out through Manassas
Gap again, before coming here. The Lieutenant Colonel is well; Captain
Weygant ditto; Captain Jackson a little under the weather; Captain Benedict all right; Lieutenants Mapes, Wood, Hays, Quick, Ramsdell, ditto; Lieutenant Hotchkiss a little ailing; Marshall and Montfort all right.

Record of the 124th Regiment.
The following promotions have been made in the 124th New York Vols. since its organization:
Lieut. Col. F. M. Cummings, to be Colonel, vice A. Van Horn Ellis, killed July 2d, 1863, at Gettysburgh [sic].
Captain Charles H. Weygant, to be Major, vice James Cromwell, killed July 2d, 1863, at Gettysburgh [sic].
Major Charles H. Weygant, to be Lieut. Col. vice F. M. Cummings, promoted July 2d, 1863.
Captain Henry S. Murray, to be Major, vice Charles H. Weygant, promoted July 2d, 1863.
First Lieut Wm. Brownson, to be Adjutant, vice G. D. Arden, promoted to Major 10th N. Y. Artillerry [sic], Dec. 31, 1862.
Q. M. Sergt. Henry F. Travis, to be R. Q. M., vice A. Denniston, resigned Jan. 14, 1863.
Com. Sergt. Ellis Post, to be R. Q. M., vice H. F. Travis, promoted.
First Lieut. Wm. B. Van Houten, to be Adjutant, vice Wm. Brownson, resigned Oct. 17, 1863.

Sergt. Wm. B. Van Houton, to be Sergt. Major, vice James A. Grier, promoted Jan. 1st, 1863.
Sergt. George H. Chandler, to be Q. M. Sergt, vice Henry F. Travis, promoted Jan. 14, 1863.
Isaac Ellison, to be Hospital Steward, vice John Van Horn, discharged.
Sergeant Wm. Uptegrove, to be Com. Sergt., vice Ellis Post, promoted.
Sergt. Thomas G. Mabee, to be Sergt Major, vice Wm. B. Van Houten, promoted.
A. P. Sherman, to be Hospital Steward, vice Isaac Ellison, died.

Co. A—First. Lieut Charles B. Wood, to be Captain, vice Charles H. Weygant, promoted July 2d, 1863.
Co. B—Second Lieut Wm. E. Mapes, to be First Lieut, vice Edward Weygant, resigned. 
Sergt. Gabriel Tuthill, to be 2d Lieut, vice Wm. E. Mapes, promoted.
Co. C—Second Lieut. Henry P. Ramsdell, to be 1st Lieut., vice Wm. Brownson, promoted to Adjutant.
Sergt. Major James A. Grier, to be 2d Lieut., vice Henry P. Ramsdell, promoted.
Co. E—Sergt Theodore M. Robinson, to be 2d Lieut., vice A. Wittenbeecher, dismissed.
Co G—First Lieut James O. Denniston, to be Captain, vice Isaac Nicoll, killed at Gettysburgh [sic], July 2d, 1863.
Sergt. Wm. H. Benjamin, to be 2d Lieut., vice David Gibbs, resigned.
Co. I—Second Lieut. I. Martin, to be 1st Lt., vice I. B. Stanbrough, resigned.
R. Q. M. Henry F. Travis, to be Captain, vice L. Clark, resigned.
J. Milner Brown, to be 2d Lieut, vice Martin, promoted.
Sergt. Major Wm. B. Van Houten, to be 1st Lieut, vice I. Martin, resigned.
Sergt. Charles Stewart, to be 2d Lieut, vice J. Milner Brown, killed July 2d, 1863, at Gettysburgh [sic].
Second Lieut. Charles Stewart, to be 1st Lt., vice Wm. B. Van Houten, promoted to Adjutant.
Co. K—Second Lieut. James Finnegan, to be 1st Lieut, vice J. F. Roosa, resigned March 7, 1863.
Sergt. Jacob Denton, to be 2d Lieut, vice Finnegan, promoted.
Sergt. Lewis S. Wisner, to be 2d Lieut., vice Denton, killed in action, May 3d, 1863.
The following named officers have been recommended for promotions:—
First Lieut Wm. E. Mapes, to be Captain, vice H. S. Murray, promoted.
First Lieut. Daniel Sayer, to be Captain, vice McBurney, resigned.
Second Lieut. John Houston, to be 1st Lieut., vice Sayer, promoted.
First Lieut. Thomas G. Quick, to be Captain, vice J. O. Denniston. resigned.
Second Lieut J. R. Hays, to be 1st Lieut., vice Gowdy, died of wounds, May 10th.
Second Lieut James A. Grier, to be 1st Lieut., vice Ramsdell, resigned Dec. 13th, 1863.
Second Lieut. Theo. M. Roberson, to be 1st Lieut., vice Verplank, discharged.
The 124th Regiment, N. Y. S. V., was mustered into the United States service, at Goshen, N. Y., on the 5th day of September, 1862.—Since that time it has taken part in the following battles and skirmishes:
Manassas Gap, Nov. 6th, 1862.
Fredericksburgh [sic], Dec. l5th, 1862.
Chancellorsville, May 3d, 1863.
Beverly Ford, June 9th, 1863.
Gettysburgh [sic], July 2d and 3d, 1863.
Wapping Heights, July 23d, 1863.
Auburn, Oct 12th, 1863.
Kelly's Ford, Nov. 7th, 1863.
Jones' Cross Roads, Nov. 27th, 1863.
Mine Run, Nov. 30th, 1863.

The casualties of the Regiment have been as follows:
Chancellorsville, Killed and Wounded, 205
Gettysburgh [sic], " " 91
Beverly Ford, " " 13
Wapping Heights, " " 2
Auburn, " " 2
Jones' Cross Roads, " " 13
Mine Run, " " 3
Total, 329; which with 14 prisoners lost in action makes an aggregate of 343. The present strength of the Regiment is:
Officers Men
For duty, 22 261
On extra duty, 8
Present sick, 2 7
On detached service 3 35
With leave (absent) 1 8
Without leave (absent) 1
Absent sick, 1 189
Present in arrest, 1
Absent in arrest, 2
Total, 29 officers, 512 men. The regiment crossed the Potomac on the 10th day of September, 1862, 930 strong.—Republican.

The 124th Regiment.
A new stand of colors is about to be forwarded to t h e 124th Regt., N. Y. S.
V., by the Daughters of Orange. The flag is precisely like the one presented at their organization in September, '62, with the addition of a cluster of Orange blossoms and fruit on the blue ground, added as a memento of the lamented Col. Ellis, who called his "boys" his "Orange Blossoms," and a ribbon of that color is now universally worn by the regiment.
It is due to the many contributors from the towns in the county, to state, in explanation of the delay in presenting these colors, that they were ordered about the 15th of November, and not received until the 30th of December.—The remittances have been almost invariably accompanied with kind wishes for the wellfare [sic] of their favorite regiment, and expressions of thanks for the privilege of contributing in any measure towards procuring a testimonial of appreciation. It is safe to say that scarcely a town has been applied to that would not willingly have furnished the colors if necessary, but it was deemed best to be impartial and allow all a share.
One of the Daughters of Orange.
Goshen, Jan. 6, 1864.

The privilege of furnishing colors to this Regiment, was accorded to the ladies of Orange County, and by them properly appreciated. It may not be generally known, that the old honored relic, perforated by missiles from Rebel hands, was sent to swell the collection of Arms and Trophies at t h e Metropolitan Fair, an exhibition which made every patriot sick at heart, so numerous the evidences of national conspiracy.—Although the new one has as yet received no parricidal thrust, it is needless to say there are tokens of a coming contest, and anxious hearts are turning with deep solicitude to the Army of the Potomac, and praying feverently [sic] for the welfare of country and friends. As individuals instinctively turn to the location of objects most beloved, so do we find our interest concentrating on the little band that rallies round the new flag of the Regiment we delight to call "our own," each man of which we have adopted as a subject of household regard and feel now an increased desire to do them honor in consideration of trials undergone.
The following address expressive of our estimation of their services and the appropriate reply of the Colonel will be read with the interest attaching to parting words.
To the Officers and Men of the 124th Regiment, N. Y. Volunteers.
The Daughters of Orange having heard that the colors they presented to you at the time of your organization have been impaired in battle, take great pleasure in substituting new ones.—Please regard them as renewed tokens of their high appreciation of your services as a Regiment, and as a pledge of their desire to have their interests in this contest identified with your own. You can hardly be expected to know how large a place you have in the hearts of your country-women, how sincera [sic] their regard and sympathy, nor how great the interest they have in the records of the brave American Guard. Continue to keep them unsullied, and make for us such a history as we may with pride and satisfaction deposit with the archives of our country. You have already won a name for courage and efficiency in battles, for fortitude and endurance in wearisome marches; a name that can be still more exalted, if, after having stood the test of intrepid soldiers, you can add to it the crowning virtues of patience and endurance to the end.—Your diminished numbers tell eloquent¬ly what you have already suffered since you left us under the leadership of the able and bold Col. Ellis. Send us back the old revered flag, that it may be placed with the cherished mementoes of your lamented commander and his "immortal braves." Its tarnished hues will affect to sadness those who beheld it unfurled and in his hand held aloft on the day of its presentation, when he declared if he did not bring it back then we might rest assured "the arm that held it would be palsied in death." Return it, to tell us of Gettysburgh [sic], and of the heroes slain in its defence. We want it to remind us of the faith¬ful, undaunted men who followed it with the offering of their lives, amid the strife and carnage of battle, or, beneath its folds have shouted victory over our foes. We will continue to hold in grateful remembrance, not only the dead, but the disabled and scarred survivors. Be assured that you, upon whom rests the future, have no public friends more anxious for your unblem¬ished reputation and honor, or more deeply solicitous for your welfare than the Daughters of Orange.

Culpeper [sic], Va., April 20, 1864.
To the President of the Ladies Society of Orange County:
DEAR MADAM:—In behalf of the officers and men of the 124th Regiment, I take great pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of a beautiful stand of colors with an accompanying address from the Daughters of Orange.
These new silken folds of stars and stripes have already been unfurled before the Regiment in place of those, which a year and a half ago you presented to us. By this change of Regimental colors varied emotions are naturally awakened in the breasts of us all, both as memory in connection with the dear old flag brings back the history of the past eighteen months, and as imagination, prompted by your new gift, calls up the remaining eighteen months of future service.
The old one, at your request, we send back to our County grieving most of all that our lamented Colonel, who received it at your hands, cannot return it, for his arm is palsied in death. On the flag's faded, torn and riddled stripes is written a history, of which, we are glad to learn that you are proud. We believe that you will cherish it, both for the sake of the noble men who have fallen in its defence and of the surviving members of the Regiment who
reverence it with idolatrous devotion. We trust that, after it has served its part at the Sanitary Fairs of the County in awakening an interest in the soldier by reminding of a soldiers work, it may be thought worthy to form part of a new collection to be placed in Washington's Headquarters at Newburgh, side by side with the relics and trophies that are now there. The one collection, to speak eloquently of Liberty gained in the Revolutionary struggle—the other, of Liberty defended against the Great Rebellion.
The new flag we gladly receive as another token of the interest which the Daughters of Orange have ever manifested in our behalf. For it, please accept our heartfelt thanks. On the long weary march and the closely contested battle field it will give courage and strength, by reminding of the warm hearts and the willing hands that at home are cheering us. We promise to bear and rally around that flag where-ever duty and our Country call. No traitorous foe shall trail it in the dust so long as an arm can be raised in its
The signs of the times are cheering. The hearts of all are buoyant with the confidence of coming victory and of final triumph over the enemy. Under the guidance of an able and successful General, the army is about to "advance on the enemies works." Cease not your efforts and your prayers—the Country is worth them all. Resist by your powerful influence the enemy at home and so help us subdue the foe in our front—and, by the blessing of God upon our united labors, we may soon be able to rejoice together over a united, happy, and free country.
With the highest esteem, Madam, I am Yours for our Country's Good, 
Col. 124th Regt. N. Y. V.

A Silver Bugle was presented last month to Moses P. Ross; Chief Bugler of the 124th Regiment, N. Y. S. V. I t bears the following inscription; "Moses P. Ross, Bugler 124th Regiment N. Y. V., by Col. F. M. Cummings.

Letter from the 124th Regiment,
January 17th, 1864.
EDITOR WHIG PRESS:—Our Division has been very busy the past week moving camp. We now lay some three miles from Brandy Station. The weather for a few days past has been fine, but before that it was very cold. Some of our boys have their cabins up, and expect to put up one for Capt. Jackson, Co. K, to-morrow. Co. K are all right. The boys enjoy themselves first best, are getting fat, and not one in the Company sick, I believe.—The Captain looks well; he is in the best of health, and a very nice Captain he is. He is very good to his men. The 124th is No. 1 in battle, and stand right to their post. The men think a great deal of our Colonel.
A man by the name of Bullock, in Philadelphia, has sent on to the First Division woollen [sic] mittens for every man. They are distributing them out to the men, who are much pleased with so useful a present.
Yours, respectfully, H. D. PARET.

Letter from the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth.
NEAR BRANDY STATION, VA., Feb. 18, 1864.
To the Editor of the Journal:
DEAR SIR: Some time ago, the novel idea was suggested to me by a friend, of writing a letter to the Journal concerning the movements, &c., of the Orange Blossoms; but, deeming myself incompetent to get up a letter that would interest my friends when there was nothing to write about but camp life, I have put it off till the present time.
You are all doubtless aware that we have been settled in winter quarters some four weeks, and I might say even longer; for we had our log houses nearly built before we crossed the Rapidan River on the 27th of November, after which we returned to our old position and finished our quarters. But, on account of the scarcity of wood, we were obliged to move about four miles in the direction of Culpepper, to a more bountiful supply; and I will assure you we have no cause to regret the change, but rather to be thankful, for now we have an abundance of the best of wood and water.
Our camp is situated on a slight eminence, with a beautiful brook running at its base. Our company streets are laid out with the strictest care, while our shanties, comparing our present ones with those of last winter, show a decided improvement. But why should they not, since experience is truly allowed to be our best teacher, and we have not lacked its advantages? My present house is the fourth one that I have helped build in Dixie.
Now, in order that you may understand what kind of a house it is that I with three other persons occupy, it will be necessary for me to describe it, so you can judge how much comfort the soldier can take if left alone. It is built up with logs about four feet high, twelve feet long, and seven feet wide, with a bunk in each end sufficiently large to hold two persons, and under which we pile wood and our cooking utensils, &c. Between the two bunks is a space of about five feet, in the centre of which is a fireplace, and directly opposite a door of about the dimensions of those you have often seen in a pig pen. This, covered with our shelter tent, affords a better protection from storm than a person unused to them would suppose. Being situated on an elevated piece of ground renders the health of the regiment generally good. But as we have lately been on a reconnoisance, I thought it might interest you to know something about it. Hoping so, I will attempt a brief description of our march on that occasion.
On Saturday, the 6th instant, roll call sounded at a much earlier hour than usual. Knowing there must be something unusual up, we hastened to get our breakfast, so as to be ready for any emergency, and a few minutes later brought the order to pack up and be ready to move at seven o'clock; and in half an hour we were all ready, waiting for the time to come when the bugle should sound attention. Seven o'clock came, but no further orders, and as it had now commenced raining we thought perhaps we would not have to go; but at ten o'clock we were startled by the boom of artillery—only an occasional shot at first, but soon followed by several others in quick succession. At first we thought they were only shelling the woods to find out whether the enemy was there, but when it was joined with musketry we knew there was trouble somewhere, and we knew, too, that unless the tide of battle favored us we should very soon have to sling our knapsacks and start for the scene of conflict; but time wore on, and still no further orders till four o'clock p. m., when an orderly came hastily into camp, and the next minute the bugle sounded strike tents, and half past four o'clock found us tramping through Virginia mud, for it continued to rain all day, and you know at this season a little rain makes a good deal of mud.
Now you who are enjoying all the comforts of civil life, imagine yourself turned out doors in the rain on a cold winter day, your destination unknown, night is fast approaching, without the slightest prospect of a comfortable shelter when you shall have reached your journey's end, and you will have a faint idea of how we felt on that night, (which by the way is not the only one we have spent in a similar manner), but there is no alternative, so on we move at a rapid rate through fields, over stumps, stones and ditches, till we reach the road leading to Culpepper; on, still on, through that place, beyond which a short distance we cross the Railroad, and again take the fields. Night is now upon us, and one of inky darkness, for there was no moon to light our weary way; and even had there been it would have done but little good. For as my countryman Burns says, in his celebrated poem on Tam O'Shanter,

"And sic a nicht we took the road in,
That nae puir sinner was e'er abroad in."

After five hours' hard marching we halted for the night, or, I should have said, our Colonel halted, but I will not venture to say how many of those who left camp with us were able to keep up. It was impossible for all to do so, for when once out of the ranks in the dark it is no easy matter to find your way back, and equally difficult to find your regiment after it has halted, but every man came up early next morning, when, after a very uncomfortable night's rest, for it had rained nearly all of the time, we were ordered to fall in and take the road leading to Raccoon Ford; and after marching about two miles we were halted in a miserable wet swamp, where we staid about five hours, during which time all was quiet except an occasional gun, when we were ordered back a short distance to a beautiful pine grove, and as Sol was now pouring forth his rays, we took a much needed repose in this place. We remained till near sundown, when we were ordered back to our old quarters, it being ascertained that the First and Second Army Corps had accomplished the work for which they were sent. What that work was I do not exactly know, and therefore will say nothing about it, but eleven o'clock finds those who are able to keep up back to camp. Now as we are going out on Division review this afternoon at three o'clock, I must bring this to a close so as to send it by to-day's mail.
I remain yours, &c, WM. EDGAR.

Letter from the 124th N. Y. V.
April 4, 1864.
FRIEND HASBROUCK: The Third Corps having been broken up, the First Division and Second Division were put in the Second Corps, and the Third Division in the Sixth Corps. Thursday, March 31st, the troops had to pack up and go over near the Second Corps, and take the Third Division's camp, and the Third took the camp of the First.
I tell you, the soldiers are getting used to moving and building quarters. You see we move the last of March instead of the first of April, as they do North.
I suppose there will be something of a draft the middle of April. Well, send on those at home who are having easy times, while we are down here traveling with our knapsack and six or eight days' rations. But the boys are cheerful over it—always in good spirits. If it rains, or the mud is deep, or it is cold, you will see the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth at their post, and as lively as if all was fine and pleasant. They go along as if they were going home from a day's work in the North. 
Our boys say Uncle Abe must settle this war; he is the man for President. Again, there are many that voted against him before who say he is their choice now.
Lee has Grant to face now, and if he is not careful Grant will serve him worse than he did Pemberton at Vicksburgh [sic]. You can look for stirring times down here next month. Then onward to Richmond, and we will go in then, too. 
It has stormed here for two days past. The mountains in sight are white with snow, but it was a nice day here to-day. The One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth is all right and ready for action, but I hope we won't have to go in any more battles. We have done our part, I think. The boys are afraid up North to come into the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth, I believe, because we have been in so many battles.—H. D. P., in Press.

Goshen, Thursday Morning, July 9, 1863.

"Flag of the Free hearts hope and home!
By Angel hands to valor given,
The Stars have lit the welkin dome,
And all thy hues were born in heaven:
Forever float that standard sheet,
Where breathes the foe but falls before us;
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's Banner streaming o'er us."

It is hardly possible to command a degree of composure sufficient to write calmly of the events that have transpired withing [sic] the few days of this birth month of the nation. We had keenly felt the degradation of having our soil polluted b y the tread of malignant ha_ers, coming with t h e bold, defiant front of unconquered rebels, relentless, and determined on a vital thrust at the National heart. Uneasy, and at times depondent [sic] of successfully resisting the attacks of a wily foe, whose approaches were cunningly concealed, and whose designs could not be penetrated, we were the more electrified by news of victory, than we could have been depressed by rumors of defeat. Our hearts once more made buoyant with hope and lifted in gratitude to the God of Battles, for having brought to nought the machinations of those conspiring against us, we nestled for a brief while in the new born luxury of emotion attendant upon triumph; alas, how brief the time, each one can tell by the date of the intelligence next received. When the fate of our cherished regiment became known, the victory was almost forgotten, displaced by the agony of certainty that its brave leader had fallen, his fellow officers many of them slain, its ranks so sadly thinned, and its list of wounded so terribly lengthened. "The brave Col. ELLIS is killed" sounded like a death knell through this town, and strong men shivered with emotion at its repetition. Can it be so? was the question incredulously reiterated from mouth to mouth, and manly hearts sank down in sorrow at thoughts of the bitter separation.—He seemed to have become ours by adoption, his name a household word, a military guardian of so many husbands, sons and brothers. Never can we forget his noble form, as he moved among us during the days of recruiting, or cease to remember the impres¬sive spectacle on the presentation of colors, how he bore the Flag aloft and declared that if it did not come back, it would be because the hand that held it was palsied in death. And so it is, the hand that was raised in our defence is powerless to move, sealed the lips and hushed the voice that was used to command, and that quiverings beating heart, so intent upon great achieve¬ments lies still, while the work of wick¬ed war goes on. We have lost a man of might, an able commander, in our attempt to resist the demands of that blood stained faction "whose houses are built by unrighteousness, and their chambers by wrong, that useth their neighbors' service without wages, and giveth him not for his work."* Let all who would more highly value the sac¬rifice he made, go and see the earthly paradise he left on the banks of the Hudson, to say nothing of the higher attractions in the domestic circle; all for the love he bore his insulted banner. 
At the same time that he fell, and as¬sociated with him in the same work, fell the humane, gentlemanly, polished Cromwell. Had his life alone been asked as a ransom to save from destruc¬tion the hundreds composing the regi¬ment, it would have been costly, and we should have lamented the dreadful necessity, how much more when we know that young Capt. Nicoll too has been added to the gory sacrifice! Who can think of the sudden extinction of these young lives without agitation? or smother his indignation against the assailing hand that has so nearly anni¬hilated our noble regiment.
All honor to the fallen braves that sleep in silence beneath the green turf, or who stand as a living remnant of dauntless courage in the face of the foe, and to those who are separated by com¬pulsion of sickness and wounds from participation in the glorious onset.—They have all learned too well the lessons of enduring courage from the lamented Ellis, ever to shrink in cowardice, or to need any prompting to a steadfast and standfast career. Weep we must, when we turn to the hill now crowned with harvest, and people it again with the representatives of stirring manhood that covered its sloping sides not one year ago, and think of the patriotic aspirations that have been quenched in the darkness of individual graves. They have proved the embodiment of all that is noble. Our enemies themselves being judges, none have exceeded the "Orange Blossoms" in valor and endurance.
At the time we write, we have not the particulars in regard to the casualities [sic] in our regiment, neither do we know the precise manner in which Col. Ellis, Maj. Cromwell and Capt. Nicoll, met their deaths. We only know that they were where the battle raged fiercest, and fell where the true soldier, if fall he must, most delights to fall—at the post of greatest danger in the front with faces to the foe. 
* Jeremiah, 22, 13.

The Newburgh Journal of Monday contains the following in regard to the 124th: 
KILLED—Colonel Ellis, Major Cromwell, Captain Isaac Nichols of the Washingtonville Company, Lieutenant Milner Brown of Company I.
Wounded—Lieutenant-Colonel Cumming, Lieutenant James Denniston (in the arm,) James Finnigan, and Acting Color Sergeant Samuel McQuaid.
McQuaid was shot in the right arm, and the colors fell; he seized them with the left hand and endeavored to raise them, but fainted from pain and loss of blood. Lieutenant Greer then caught the colors, planted them in the ground, and the regiment rallied round them.
The regiment went into the fight on Thursday two hundred and eighty strong, and came out with about eighty—which number will be increased by the return of men separated from their companions by one cause and another.
Major Cromwell leaves a young wife to mourn his heroic but untimely demise.

We take the following extract from private letter, published in a recent number of the Newburgh Journal:
NEAR GETTYSBURGH, Pa., July 3, 1863,
When at Frederick, on the 29th ult., I wrote you a note, which I mailed at the same place, informing you of my position. I had to give out on the march, partly used up. I did not reach the regiment until the 3d, just as a terrible battle was going on, which lasted from daylight until six o'clock in the evening. Our right was not then engaged, but before finding it, all that I could hear of it was that it was engaged in the action, and that I would find it in the front. I searched along the front for some two hours, and finally learned that it was at the rear; went to the rear, and found it had been engaged the day before in one of the hardest contested battles ever fought. It stood in a life-and-death struggle for two hours and forty minutes. The brigade was commanded by Colonel Berdan, of the sharpshooters. They kept at bay, during this time, five solid lines of battle of the enemy, estimated by some at ten thousand. Colonel Ward congratulated the boys after coming out, told them that they had won the Kearney badge, that he never saw men stand fire so well. Our regiment lost heavily, according t o its number—twenty-two killed and fifty-nine wounded. We lost all our field officers—Colonel Ellis and Major Cromwell killed, and Lieutenant-Colonel Cummings wounded. Ellis is a sore loss to us; while he was with us, I consider we had a father, but now he is gone. A braver man never lived. He and the Major both got killed while leading the little regiment on a charge. The last words he was heard to say were, "Give it to them, my tulips!" This, and "my Orange blossoms," were favorite names he always called us by. But now he is gone, no more to be seen at the head of our little regiment that he took so much pride in. His and the Major's bodies were sent home in charge of Lieutenant Ramsdell. Orange County cannot do to their remains too much honor.
But, sir, it was a complete victory.—Never during the war was such obstinate fighting done on both sides for three days. Both armies contested the little space of ground in which the fighting took place. The enemy's prisoners say they were led to believe that it was the raw militia they had to contend against. They suffered terribly in killed and wounded. Yesterday I walked over some of the battle-field, and had to pick my steps to avoid walking over their dead. To say they lay thick, would be only giving a faint idea of it; mangled masses of flesh, both of men and horses, lay in every direction. Our men were busy all day yesterday in burying the dead. The stench of the battle-field is awful.
Our troops are in the highest glee over the result of t h e past few days.—We are in hopes that Lee's army is as good as destroyed. He must be in a terrible fix about now. Our boys met him on even footing, and not behind his breastworks as at Fredericksburgh [sic], or in the wilderness at Chancellorsville, and the result is known. He may make another stand. If he does, which I think he will be forced to do, he will find the "Demoralized Army of the Potomac" is anxious and ready to meet him. He boasted s o m e time since that he would spend the fourth of July in Pennsylvania, but that National anniversary found him in full retreat with our shell making music at his rear.
Captain Weygant now commands our regiment. We now number about one hundred and sixty-five men. It is awful. One or two more fights and it is gone. Yours,

Newburgh, N. Y.

Strike—till the last arm'd foe expires;
Strike—for your altars and your fires;
Strike—for the green graves of your sires,
God, and your Native Land!"

One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth New York Volunteers,
Major Cromwell was acknowledged by all who knew him to be a remarkable man. Acting ever with a high purpose and firm resolve, he had reached a point at the end of twenty-three years to which few attain in three score and ten.
Associating ever with companions older than himself, and spending as he did the last ten years of his life away from home and home influences, he became a man sooner than usual and had acquired at the time of his death wisdom much beyond his years.
So beautiful was his character and so noble his acts, that if I were to describe both worthily the reader perhaps would think this sketch written merely with the purpose of praising. The record of what he did will show plainly enough what he was.
As I think too that most would be more interested in a detailed account of his military career than in that of any other part of his life, and as his boyhood simply showed the germs of those noble qualities which he afterwards displayed in maturity, I shall speak but briefly of the Major's youth.
James Cromwell was born at Cornwall, N. Y., Janury [sic] 4th, 1840. He was the third son of David and Rebecca Cromwell, (Rebecca Bowman before her marriage). His ancestors on both sides were English, his father being descended from a brother of the Protector, and his mother herself an English woman. He was of Quaker parentage, and remained himself a member of that society until he entered the army.
As a boy he was universally beloved, and the leader in all he undertook. Full of daring and spirit, he entered into all youthful sports to their fullest extent. He could ride a horse, row a boat, swim or skate with the smartest of his fellows. Yet though he had all the energy of a frolicksome boy, he early manifested that thoughtfulness for which he was afterwards remarkable. There are some who from their early youth seem to have stamped on their faces the nobleness of their character—the sure promise of future worth. One could hardly glance at James Cromwell without immediately becoming interested in him. His large eyes, high forehead, and the firm expression about his mouth, immediately assured you that there was much beneath so fine an exterior. Every look and act of the boy showed a constant observation and reflection, and all a purity of mind which must in time produce good results. If he was eager for play, he was equally eager for study. Though he led his companions outside of the school room, he led them also within it. A favorite alike with teachers and pupils, his youth was the brightest I have ever known.
An incident of his school days will perhaps most strikingly exemplify his perfect calmness, as well as his unselfish heroism in time of danger. He was skating one day with some classmates upon the Hudson River, when one of their number, venturing too far, broke through the ice. Teachers and pupils alike were in consternation, and it seemed impossible to save the drowning boy. Some skated to the shore for planks and ropes; others were content with shouting words of encouragement, but in the meantime the boy was freezing and must soon sink. Cromwell had no sooner seen the danger than he was resolved to save his friend or perish with him. Throwing himself down upon the ice, he began to creep out. "Go back!" cried the drowning boy; "go back, Jim; you cannot reach me and will only break through yourself." "No, Will," answered the young hero, "I will save you or drown with you." In a few moments Cromwell had reached his friend, drawn him out, and was returning with him to the shore.
At the age of fourteen he was sent away from home to College Hill, Poughkeepsie; there, for the first two years, he devoted himself to the study of language, and acquired by great industry and perseverance a good knowledge of Latin, French and German. During the first term of his third year at this school his eyes became weak, and he was forced to spend the summer of 1857 on his father's farm at Cornwall. There he manifested a fondness for country life which ever after continued to increase and to which he often referred.
On his return to Poughkeepsie the following winter he applied himself to mathematical studies, and during the next year mastered geometry, trigonometry and a part of surveying. He now discovered in himself a taste for mathematics, which both he and his friends wished to indulge. He consequently entered the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy in June, 1858. There he straightway took a high rank in his class, and his topographical and mechanical drawings show unusual ability in the branch of study he had chosen.
Nor did he only stand high in the prescribed studies of an Institute course. Those same qualities which had won respect and esteem throughout his previous life, here made him first in the love of his fellows. If his head was much admired, his heart was more so. He was elected permanent president of his class.
He surely is not the successful student, whose whole life is between the covers of a difficult book. The good scholar should also be a good man; he should remember that there is a nobler aim for God's children than the mere filling of the brain, and that in him as well as others mankind look for "the heart of love and spirit of kindness." This James Cromwell knew, and this he ever kept before him.
It was during his residence at Troy that the subject of this sketch made the acquaintance of Miss Anna W. Barton, to whom he was married shortly after joining the army.
The firing on Fort Sumter aroused in James Cromwell all the indignation natural to a heart so full of truthfulness and patriotism. Firm in his conviction that he ought to fight for a Government he loved so well, he saw the greatest obstacles in his way. On one side was she for whom his love amounted almost to adoration. On the other, a widowed mother nearly three score and ten, together with brothers and sisters whose cup of sorrows had already nearly overflown.
He would also, by entering the army, oppose the teachings of that religion to which his friends adhered, and under whose influence he had been brought up. Nothing bade him go but the call of duty; to him that call was more than all else. "Bid me stay," he often told his friends," and there is an end of the matter; but remember that while I obey you I will be neglecting a solemn call from God and my country, a course which would sadly affect the whole course of my life." One answer could come to such an appeal, and one only,
" Go, and God bless you."
He did go; and of all our noble martyrs that have been called from "works to rewards," none went forth to battle with more Christian purpose or with braver heart than James Cromwell. After once reaching the seat of war, he maintained until his death a cheerful faith in the success of the cause and his own return. 
In a letter to his wife, he says: "Cheer up, my darling, a final success and happy return will reward all our hardships. You are the bravest soldier of the two. 
And again he writes to his mother, "Be of good cheer my dear mother, and try to support my wife; remember if I live, it will be to return home happy in the thought of having performed a high and solemn duty; and if I fall, it will be in the noblest cause the world ever saw, and with the blessings of God and my country upon me." He did fall; and may God grant that the memory of that devoted husband and father, that dutiful son, that noblest brothers be ever with his afflicted friends urging each to follow his course onward and upward and be like him, "a hero in the strife." 
His remains were brought immediately to his home by the great kindness and perseverance of Lieutenant Ramsdell, of Newburgh, and were interred in Friends' Cemetery, Brooklyn, L. I.
Subjoined is a complete account of the Major's military services, by a Captain of his Regiment. 
The late Major James Cromwell, of the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regiment of New York Volunteers, at the breaking out of the great Rebellion in 1861, was a student in the Rensselaer Institute, at Troy, N. Y. Earnest in his belief that the government should be supported and maintained by all the power at his command, and feeling that his mathematical and scientific studies had fitted him for usefulness in the army, by hard study he graduated as civil engineer a month in advance of his class, and eager to draw his sword for all he loved and reverenced, offered his services at once to his country. Beguiled by flattering promises he waited several months, daily expecting to be called to the field, until at length after the disastrous battle of Bull Run, sick of delays, he determined to recruit a company of volunteer cavalry. This was a serious undertaking for a young man who had spent his last ten years in student life, and was consequently remembered and known to the outside world only as a boy, but his energy and perseverance overcame all obstacles, and he became Captain of a fine body of men, recruited in all parts of the State from New York City to the St. Lawrence.
His company was mustered into the service as Company D of the Second Regiment, of New York Cavalry, at Troy, N. Y., and left for the seat of was early in November, 1861. During the ensuing winter his regiment was at camp of instruction near Washington, D. C., where Captain Cromwell was remarkable among his brother officers for his constant attention to the comfort and welfare of his men and the strict justice of his company discipline. 
His leisure hours during that muddy winter were devoted to the study of his new profession, and at the opening of the spring campaign, he was an accomplished soldier, eager to test his merit in the field. At this time, however, recent successes induced the belief that more troops than necessary were already under arms, and a short sighted policy led to the mustering out of several regiments of cavalry not yet mounted, among these was the Second New York, in which Cromwell was Captain—seeing no chance of employment in the cavalry, and still anxious to continue in the service, he made arrangements to secure a Lieutenancy in a battery of light artillery which was in want of men. 
His reputation in his old regiment had enabled him to obtain its best men as recruits for this purpose. But after a visit to the Secretary of War, meeting with no encouragement in his new enterprise, his services being rejected he returned with feelings of bitter disappointment to his home in Cornwall. He had not rested long when his country's sore need roused him again to such action as became the hour. At the President's call for three hundred thousand volunteers, he was made at once a member of the War Committee of his Congressional District, and applied himself vigorously to recruiting a company in his native town.
Strange difficulties were in his way, as several of the leading men of the place were perversely opposed to the success of his patriotic enterprise. Led away by political animosity and prejudice in which Cromwell had no share; and still regarding him perhaps as an enthusiastic boy, they used all their influence to prevent his success, which they supposed they might do with impunity. As soon, however, as their opposition proceeded to overt acts the boy's hand fell heavily on them with the fearless grasp of a man. A cowardly town constable failing him, he personally arrested the most notorious and compelled them to beg his mercy, which he granted after they had taken an oath of allegiance to their Government and rendered substantial aid to the work of recruiting. After this "touch of his quality," the ranks were rapidly filled, and on August 16th, 1862, his full company was mustered in the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regiment of New York Volunteer Infantry, then being organized at Goshen, Orange County, under Colonel A. Van Horne Ellis. Shortly after, with the full approval of Colonel Ellis, he was nominated by the War Committee as Major of the new regiment, and commissioned as such at Albany, August 20th, 1862.
The regiment was filled and mustered into the service on the 5th of September following, and left Goshen the next day en route for Washington. On its arrival it was sent at once into Virginia and stationed a few weeks at Arlington Heights. From there it was sent to Minor's Hill to drill and perform outpost duty along the Leesburgh turnpike, that part of the lines being then threatened as was supposed by Stuart's cavalry. The young Major soon mastered the tactics and details of service of the arm to which he now belonged, and was relied on for the performance of all duties and in all emergencies.
After being about a month at Minor's Hill the regiment joined the Army in the field near Harper's Ferry, and was among the first of the troops to cross the Potomac at Berlin; an incident here strikingly displays the Major's character. The crossing was effected in a severe north east rain storm which continued during the night. The regiment bivouacked in a muddy corn-field and without fires suffered every discomfort imaginable. In a farm-house at no great distance, numbers of officers of adjoining regiments found shelter; but not so with the Major and Colonel Ellis. Resolved to share the hardships and privations of their men, and teach them by example to endure all things cheerfully—the unusual circumstances made no exception to their rule of duty—but without even a tent to shelter them, they slept that night in the open field with the regiment, seeking only such protection as was afforded by their blanket and a bundle of water-soaked cornstalks.
This was characteristic of both of these officers, and their unflinching fortitude cheered the brave hearts that followed them through many a bitter storm and weary march. On the march the Major was always at his post in the rear of the column where no straggler could escape his watchful eye and strict discipline, and his justice was equalled [sic] by his kindness; encouraging the weary and foot-sore, he often dismounted to march in the heat and dust that a sick soldier might ride his horse, and in addition carried the rifle of another too feeble to bear the load.
The only affair of importance on the march from Berlin to Falmouth, Virginia, was a skirmish in Manassas Gap. Here the regiment passed over the Blue Ridge, climbing up and down in single file for five or six miles in order to get in the rear of the enemy stationed in the Gap so as to cut off his retreat, but the movement was unsuccessful, the enemy having retired precepitately.
The One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth was first under heavy fire at Burnside's attack on the heights of Fredericksburgh [sic], but not actively engaged, being held as a reserve to support batteries, &c. It remained on picket on Monday night while the rest of the army re-crossed the river, being the last of all the troops that passed the pontoon bridge next morning after broad daylight.
The succeeding winter was uneventful, except in the famous mud march when Burnside's second attack was foiled by a severe and continuous rain storm which rendered the roads impassable. During the long winter in camp at Falmouth, the Major was constant in the performance of all his duties and in his care for the men. After visiting the sick in the hospital and in their tents, speaking encouragement and providing from his private means the little luxuries which are so grateful to the sick soldier far from home and friends.—Throughout the regiment he was universally respected and beloved. [NOTE.—A correspondent of a Newburgh paper at this time styles him "the father of the regiment."]
As spring advanced, the Major became impatient for the opening of the campaign. With full confidence in the ability of the Army of the Potomac to cope with the enemy, and in the military genius of its leader, he longed for the time when the memory of past defeat should be lost in the glory of victory. With such hopes and feelings he went with the regiment to Chancellorsville, and his spirit seemed to communicate itself to all under his command.
The One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth New York, like most of Whipple's Division of the Third Corps, of which it formed a part, here for the first time met the enemy in desperate conflict, and none fought more fiercely or with more enduring courage in that bloody battle of the 3d of May, 1863; and among those who never flinched in the hottest of the fight, Cromwell showed himself the bravest of the brave. He led a charge on foot full thirty paces in advance of his men, cheering them to gallant deeds. The next day, when the army had retired to a stronger position, the Major superintended the construction of rifle pits under fire of the enemy's sharpshooters, who were concealed in the treetops of the adjoining woods. By their deadly bullets General Whipple was killed at the door of his tent. Numbers of the men were killed or wounded, and every officer who exposed himself was a target for rifles. In this most trying position the Major, unconcerned for his own safety, moved about wherever his presence seemed necessary, standing indifferently in the ditch or on the parapet and directing all as coolly and quietly as if he were overlooking work in a flower garden with war a thousand miles away.
After Hooker's retreat across the Rappahannock, he was President of a Board of Survey to investigate the losses of public property in Whipple's Division. In this his industry and energy displayed themselves as in all else that he undertook.
After resting nearly a month in the old camp at Falmouth watching the now threatening movements of the enemy, Colonel Ellis was sent with five hundred picked men from his own regiment and the Eighty-Sixth New York to accompany General Pleasanton's cavalry expedition against Stuart's forces near Brandy Station, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. By forced marches the infantry reached Bealton Station nearly two days before the requisite cavalry and light artillery were concentrated there, and marched with them on the evening of the 8th of June to a bivouac about two miles from Beverly Ford on the Rappahannock. Early next morning the forces crossed the river, the advanced guard of cavalry concealed by a light mist, dashing through the ford and capturing the Rebel picket on the opposite bank. A complete surprise was effected or our troops could not have passed the ford, as it was commanded by long lines of earthworks and rifle pits. The enemy were driven fully two miles before they could make the least resistance. They then formed a strong line of squadrons with artillery in the intervals, and our advance having disastrously fallen into a deep ditch in which some were lost, had to retire a short distance to the cover of an open wood. At this point the small infantry force was brought up and deployed, while the enemy, hoping to scatter the unfortunate cavalry, dashed down in gallant style.
The men were ordered to lie down and keep themselves concealed with bayonets fixed, and when the charging squadron were within forty yards they suddenly rose, the rear rank firing a volley while the front rank showed their leveled bayonets.
The bold cavaliers sore surprised and discomfited went "fours about" and rode for their lives beyond the range of the avenging fire, and made no other charge upon that portion of the line held by the infantry that day. But the day's work was just begun. General Buford who commanded this division of our forces was opposed by vastly superior numbers, as our other column, which crossed the river at a lower ford had not yet effected a diversion on the enemy's flank. To hold the ground already gained, the cavalry and artillery were disposed in the open country on the flanks while the infantry were ordered to hold at all hazards the wooded centre. This portion of the line was nearly two miles in length, on which account it was necessary to deploy the whole infantry force as skirmishers with extended intervals and but one or two small companies in reserve. The morning reception however, led the enemy to belive [sic] that the woods were held by a strong force, and for several hours they persistently shelled the position i n rear of the skirmish line where they supposed strong reserves were posted. At length they advanced a line of dismounted carbineers who made a desperate attack on the loosely deployed infantry. Cromwell who had been placed in command of the skirmishers, at once saw the danger and how to meet it.
It seemed that our line must give way before the superiority of numbers and weapons, the enemy being armed with breech-loading rifles which could be fired with great rapidity, while those who used them lay concealed in the tall grass not more than thirty paces distant. Several of our men had already fallen, and at one point the line was actually driven back, when the Major, ordering the men to fix bayonets, and regardless of what seemed certain death, rode along the front, almost trampling the carbineers beneath his feet, and cheered his men to a charge. Roused by his gallantry, the skirmishers rushed forward and some of the enemy were actually bayoneted, and having no weapons with which to meet so unexpected an attack, their carbines being without bayonets, and their sabres left with their horses, the enemy had again to run for their lives, hotly pursued for nearly half a mile by the brave Major with his riflemen, and leaving numbers dead and wounded in the hands of the victorious infantry. The line was held during the remainder of the day without molestation except from artillery.
After this exploit, which made the Major the hero of the whole brigade, the regiment performed picket duty for a few days along the river in the vicinity of Rappahannock Station, the Rebel videttes occupying the opposite bank of the river. Here he was charged with the construction of rifle pits extending for half a mile along the stream near the ford, and with about two hundred men the work was done within six hours, during a hot summer's afternoon, interrupted by thunder showers.
From this place the regiment, now attached to the First Division of the Third Corps, marched with the rest of the army to Bull Run and Centreville. The forced marches under the scorching, blinding sun were terrible, and strong men fell dead by the wayside. But here, as ever, the Major by word and deed sustained those whose souls or bodies fainted by the way. This and his eagerness again to meet the enemy were characteristic of him throughout the long and rapid march before the battle of Gettysburgh [sic].
Arriving at Gettysburgh [sic] on the evening of the first day's fight, the Regiment on the 2d of July, as part of Ward's Brigade, occupied a position on a small rocky hill at the extreme left of the line.—Here they remained quietly until the afternoon, when a battery of Parrotts being placed in front of them the Rebels opened a fire of shell, and an artillery duel was kept up for an hour or more, in which the infantry were as much exposed as the cannoniers. At length the enemy appeared in a heavy column of battalions advancing upon us from the opposite woods. As we held the position by a single line of battle unsupported, the enemy's superiority in numbers, as seen at a glance, seemed overwhelming. As they approached they deployed in four distinct lines of battle, and came resolutely on under a rapid fire from our batteries. All seemed lost, but in the steady lines of Third Corps not a man flinched, and among them all none were more ready for the fierce encounter than Major Cromwell.
As the enemy drew near, he and Colonel Ellis had their horses brought up, and mounted. Some of the officers remonstrated against their so exposing themselves. The Major's reply was that "the men must see us to-day," telling then to have their men ready for a charge. The men were ordered to lie down and keep concealed, with fixed bayonets, the Major taking his post at the left of the regiment, and the Colonel in the center. The enemy, with fierce yells, commenced to ascend the hill in front. As they came up Cromwell repeatedly asked the Colonel's permission to charge them. At length, when they were within fifty paces, the Colonel ordered the men to rise and fire, and as the volley was poured in he simply nodded his head to the Major as an order to charge. Springing fiercely to the front the Major flashed his sabre and cheered his men, who rushed after him with ready bayonets. The Colonel looked at him a moment in proud admiration of his officer as he led the foremost, and then dashed with him into the thickest of the fight. The enemy's first line of battle, unable to withstand the onset, broke and fled in headlong terror; but the second line advancing in their rear, opened at once a heavy fire. Flushed with victory and with the smile of triumph on his lips, the Major's fearless heart was pierced by a Rebel bullet, and he fell slowly backward from the saddle, while his horse rushed forward into the enemy's lines. A few moments later Colonel Ellis was struck through the brain, and the men bore their bodies sadly from the field. Thus dying as best becomes a man, fell side by side two as brave as ever wore a sword. 
It is needless to say that the men who had followed them to death, fought long and fiercely to avenge their loss; but no victory could restore the voice that used to ring out so clearly the thrilling words of commend, and the Major, as tender hearted as brave, was mourned for by every private in the ranks as if he had lost his best loved friend, and tears stole down brown cheeks from eyes more used to flash the fires of battle. The hero needs no eulogy. The simple record of his life is sufficient.

Letter from Captain Travis, Company I.
NEAR TODD'S TAVERN, May 8, 1864.
I thought I would write you, as I have a chance to send. We have been fighting for the last three days. My regiment has been engaged twenty-four hours. I have had eight men wounded in the company. I have come out all right so far. Expect to go in again soon. I will give you the names of the boys wounded, and you can have it published:—Sergeants Smith and Vanderlyn, Corporals Hanna and Terwflliger, Privates R. D. Beard, John Gordon, Wm. Milligan. H. F. TRAVIS.
In a subsequent letter, dated the ninth, Capt. Travis says Col. Cummings was shot through the leg, and he fears it will go hard with him.

FREDERICKSBURGH, May 11th and 12th.
I wrote you a long letter last Saturday, 7th, by a man who was going to Washington that day, but I rather think the man, with a good many others, never got to Washington, but was taken prisoner and sent to Richmond, and this being my opinion I will state briefly what I said in the said letter. We broke camp on Tuesday night, May 3d, at 10 o'clock, and marched till next day at noon, when we halted on the old Chancellorsville battleground. We remained there until Thursday morning at 5 o'clock, when we matched till 9, then halted till noon, then marched back the same road we had come until 3 o'clock, when we got into a fight and kept it up till after dark. We lay in front of the enemy all night and at daylight commenced to fight again. At 7 o'clock I gave out and was ordered to the rear. I went to the hospital and have not seen the regiment since. 
On Saturday afternoon the hospital was taken up and all the wounded that could walk were started off on foot. Those that could be provided with a seat in ambulances rode, while a goodly number who could get off by neither of these ways were left and are still there I suppose. I footed and left hospital in the Wilderness about dark on Saturday night. After many ups and downs I got to the city on Monday morning about 7 o'clock, and here I have been ever since. A great many of the wounded were sent away yesterday and to-day to Washington the rest will probably be sent away as soon as possible.
It is possible that I may from here find some way to join my regiment.
Up to the time I left the regiment our loss in killed and wounded was about sixty. I think the only officer seriously wounded was Col. Cummings—he was shot through the thigh.
He is now in the same house with me.
Finnegan got a slight wound in the breast, but although his right arm was paralyzed in consequence, he would not leave the regiment.
Charley Estabrook's brother was shot through the head shortly after the action commenced.
Billy Milligan is wounded in the leg—not seriously. There are no more Newburgh men hurt that I know of. Jo Allwood sprained his ankle and was sent to Washington yesterday.
It is likely before you get this you will see a full account in the papers. Captain Bush of our regiment is my chum here; he is lame from an old wound. We sleep together on the floor in the hall at the head of the stairs. The inhabitants of this place are secesh to the backbone, as a general thing.
Over two hundred our wounded who were smartest, got in ahead of the guard or escort, and the result was that they were first relieved of their greenbacks and other valuables and then toted off to Richmond. 
Some of the participatars of this cruel act were found out and they have paid well for all they took from our men, their houses and stores have been gutted from top to bottom. Many of the boys have a supply of tobacco that would last them a year, if they could only carry it with them. I have visited our battle-ground at Chancellorsville; the dead are not half buried; we found the skeletons of several we knew.
I also went over the fighting ground here, it gave me a sort of melancholy pleasure to visit these places. There is a prospect of us having to leave, last night we were ordered to be ready to leave at any time. When we came here our rations were exhausted and none to be had anywhere. Captain Bush heard he could get supplies at the house where afterwards slept, so he and I went up and got a cup of coffee and some corn bread for which they charged us one dollar a piece. 
They then asked the Captain if he would sleep in the house as a protection to save them from being plundered by our men; he agreed to do so.
Then they had a neighbor, a very nice man, who was afraid his house would also be sacked, as it had been threatened, and asked me if I would make my headquarters there. I agreed to do so, and was glad I did, for I found them nice folks—had a good bed in a nice room and got breakfast next morning for nothing.
I have not heard from the regiment since Sunday morning. Captain Travis was well then. I don't think our brigade has fought any since that time.

I have just got up, and hear that a mail is to be sent from here this morning by the Sanitary Commission. It is cool and stormy to-day, and we have heard a good deal of cannonading since day-light. I see a good many fresh wounded men coming in from the front, so I think it is likely I will join the regiment from this place in a few days.
Since yesterday I feel pretty smart.—Marching in the hot sun bothers me more than anything else. We are supplied now with provisions from our own Commissary and from the Sanitary Commission too; for two days we had nothing.

Letter from the 124th Regiment.
The following is an extract from a letter from a member of Co. K, 124th:
April, 1864.
" In two or three weeks you will probably hear of the Army of the Potomac being in motion, and it cannot move far without finding the 'Johnnys,' and then I believe the decisive battle will be fought. Whichever side gets whipped will be badly beaten.
" The Rebel army is stronger now than it ever will be again, and I should not be surprised if it is as strong as it ever has been, for their sweeping conscription has forced every one into the army capable of bearing arms. I believe they will make a most desperate effort to hold out until after the Presidential election, hoping one of their Northern friends will be elected, who will be willing to give them peace on their own terms. But I think they will have to hold out a great while longer than they have already before such an event takes place. I believe Lincoln will be the Union candidate and will be elected by an overwhelming majority. There is certainly no Union man who will run against him, and none but a true Union man can stand the least chance of success, judging from the late elections in the Eastern States.
" I have the fullest confidence in Gen. Grant, and if he will be allowed to carry out his own plans undisturbed by the authorities in Washington, he will be but a short time in conquering an honorable peace. Every one knows he has an able General to contend with, but Lee has been whipped and Grant never has, and I pray and believe he never will be.
" It is indeed unpleasant to look forward to the coming campaign—to think of the suffering that will be caused, and the many lives sacrificed. But is the sacrifice not well worth making, when the great end to be obtained is kept in view —the rescueing [sic] of our country from the rule of a band of traitors, murderers and slave-drivers?
" I would like to return home: I know I am needed there, but I believe I am needed more here, and if God spares my life I will fight till this cruel war is over. So if it should not be ended by next Fall, you must not be surprised to hear of my reenlisting. But God alone knows the uncertain future, and in Him must our trust be placed. He doeth all things well. H. R. M.

The position in the Army of the Potomac, which has uniformly been assigned to this brave body of our former fellow citizens, the front, has thinned its numbers to such an extent that little more than a full company is now left, fit for duty. As our readers will remember, but a few days elapsed after it reached Washington in the late summer of 1862, with much less time and opportunity for drilling than it is customary to allow to raw recruits, the regiment was added to the Army of the Potomac, and brought face to face with the veterans of the Rebel Army at Fredericksburgh [sic]. From that time on, and up to and including the late desperate contests of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, etc. in Virginia, this regiment has uniformly been placed where the fighting was the most desperate—where determined bravery and unflinching courage could alone withstand the terrible onslaughts of their traitor foes. And nobly have our brave sons and brothers fulfilled their mission—freely have they offered themselves a sacrifice upon the altar of their country, until, (alas that we should be compelled to write it) hardly a tenth of the original number are in a situation to respond at muster call. We knew when they marched forth from this village on that pleasant September afternoon nearly two years ago, what their record would be in the future. We knew they were inspired by the loftiest patriotism—that they were going forth in defense of their beloved country, each one resolved to avoid no danger nor shirk any duty devolving upon them. We realized that their pathway would be thickly strewn with the fallen and the wounded and our heart was deeply saddened as we contemplated the necessity which called them forth, and as we bade them adieu on that September day. As a regiment, we shall probably hear but little more of them in future actions. The "Orange Blossoms" as a distinctive organization, unless indeed, it should be recruited up to the necessary standard from other regiments equally reduced, has fought its last battle.—But it will have a name in history, inscribed high upon the roll of honor, and the descendants of the brave men who filled its ranks of those who commanded it, will point, with pardonable pride to its glorious record.
The following officers are reported wounded, but none of them mortally:
Col. F. M. Cummings, shot wound in leg. 
Lieut-Col. Weygant.
Captain Benedict, Company D.
" Mapes, " B.
“ Wood, " A.
Lieutenant Camack.
" Houston, Company D.
We glean the following names of the privates wounded, from the lists already printed.
V. H. Gray, J. Raymond, S. M. Weeden, Musician.
John H. Blair, Co. C., Campbell Hospital.
G. W. Decker, (foot) Co. D, do.
Wm. T. Quackenhush, Co. D., Lincoln do.
W. W. Rich., Co. B, do do.
Joseph Bross, Co. B, do do.
H. McShane, Co. B, do do.
S. Carr, Co. E, do do.
James McGrath, Co. H, do do.
J . Lewis, Co. B, do do.
John McGrath, Co. H, do do.
Daniel Pine, Co. C, do do.
Thos. Morgan.
Newton Goetchius, Co. A.; Henry Trainer, Co. G.; John Trainner do.; Harvey Bach, do.; D. Carman, Co. H.; C. Ackerman, Co. E; H. Tinney, Co. G.

One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regiment.
Lieutenant Colonel Weygant arrived home this morning. His regiment was among those which led the famous charge by Hancock on the morning of the 12th, and the Colonel was wounded in the calf of the leg while mounting the second line of the enemy's works. The wound will not permanently disable him, and he looks forward to a return to duty in a few weeks. He furnishes us with the following list of casualties, so far as he could obtain them at the time he left. All but Companies I and K are tolerably complete.
Colonel F. M. Cummings, thigh, severe.
Lieutenant Colonel C. H. Weygant, leg, below knee, will be about in a few weeks.
Captain J. W. Benedict, through hips, severe.
Captain Chas. B. Wood, right elbow.
Lieutenant Houston, jaw, severe.
Lieutenan Cormick, arm and side.
Lieutenant Mapes, head, slight.
Captain Finnegan, breast, slight.
Sergeant Major Thomas Mabie, head slight.
Surgeon Thompson is a prisoner.
Company A.--Sergeant S. T. Rollings; Corporal Robert Hunt, breast; Robert Ashmun, thigh, severe; Joseph Brownlee, killed; Wm. Carpenter, hand; F. B. Gallow, hip; C. H. Gallow, left hand amputated, arm and side; James McGrath, hand; John McGrath, hand; Richard Rollins, arm and side; Jabez Odell, leg; L. L. Jackson, arm; Jacob Wilson, neck; Joseph Simpson, thigh; William Sanders, foot.
Company B.—Sergeant Cor. L. Reeves, prisoner; Corporal Bellows; Andrew Messenger, left arm; Samuel Sherman, body, mortally; Patrick Leech, hand; George Boone, killed; Mathew Crawley, leg; James Lewis, back; Martin Everett, head; E. W. Carpenter, foot; J. Morgan, leg; T. Morgan, neck; John Payne, hand; J. H. Birdsall. 
Company C.—Corporal J. Owen, side; Corporal John Finch, breast; Corporal James Moller, side; John Blair, side; Andrew Boyd, missing; Daniel Pine missing.
Company D.—Orderly Sergeant Holbert, neck; W. H. Deyo, shoulder; George W. Decker, foot; Garret Decker; Jeremiah Dolson; Benjamin Gray; Norman Sly, head; Daniel P. Dugan; O. Weymer, leg; Charles Hoffman, leg; S. W. Garrison, foot; Daniel D. Barrett, killed; Wm. H. Gordon, neck; John Degraw, hand; W. H. Morgan, foot; James H. Clark; Michael McMorris, foot and side; John Raymond, hand.
Company E.—Sergeant T. Dolson, side; Corporal W. H. Howell, breast; Corporal Miller, arm and bowells; Wm. H. Wheeler, hand; H. M. Howell, leg; A. Freeman, face; S. Sweet, hand; Lewis Baxter, severe; Joseph H. Johnson, hip, mortal. 
Company F.—Orderly Sergeant back; Sergeant H. Hammond, shoulder; Samuel T. Crawford, head, slight; Jonathan Crawford, arm and side; A. J. McCartney, left hand; Eli Coddington and Thomas Culington, missing.
Company G.—Sergeant Estabrook, head; Sergeant J. Cole, hand, slight; Sergeant Demy, missing; G. R. Fitzgerald; Harvey Brock, leg; John Trainor, arm; John J. Taylor, leg; Gilbert Peet, missing.
Company H. — Orderly Sergeant T. Bradley, left arm; J. Dolson, hand; ____ Carman, both hands; Fairchild, leg; Wm. Brown, arm, slight; Corporal Benjamin Dutcher, killed. 
Company I.—Orderly Sergeant Wm. W. Smith, slight; Sergeant Vanderlyn; Joseph Hanna; Wm. Milligan; Whitmore Terwilliger; R. D. Baird; Mathew Manny; John Gordon; J. Smith; J. N. Knapp, missing; Jed. Millspaugh, missing. 
Company K.—Orderly Sergeant W. W. Parsons, leg, amputated; Sergeant Rich, slightly; Michael Cullen; C. Crans; George Colby and G. W. Parks, missing.

Goshen, Thursday Morning, May 26, 1864.
Lieut-Colonel Weygant of the 124th Regiment, N. Y. Vols., who was among the wounded in the battles of the Wilderness, has returned to his home near
Newburgh, and furnishes the Newburgh Journal with a list of names wounded in our Regiment, additional to those we published last week. We annex them, together with such others as we glean from the lists of killed and wounded published in the city papers:
Capt. Finnegan, breast, slight.
Sergt. Major Thos. Mabie, head, slight.
Company A—Sergt S T Rollings; Corpl Robert Hunt, Breast; Robert Ashmun, thigh, severe; Joseph Brownlee, killed; Wm Carpenter, hand; F B. Gallow, hip; C H Gallow, left band amputated, arm and side; James McGrath, hand; Richard Rollings, arm and side; Jabez Odell, leg; L L Jackson, arm; Jacob Wilson, neck; Joseph Simpson, thigh; Wm Sanders, foot; John McGrath, right hand; John H. Warford, foot; Corporal Henry Arcularius, missing.
Company B—Corpl Bellows; Andrew Messenger, left arm; Samuel Sherman, body, mortally, dead; Patrick Leech, hand; Geo. Boone, killed; Matthew Crawley, leg; James Lewis, back; Martin Everett, head; E W
Carpenter, foot; J Morgan, leg; T Morgan, neck; John Payne, hand; J H Birdsall, hand; Joseph Bross, face; Moses Rumsey, shoulder; Sergeant Chas. A. Wheeler, missing.
Company C—Corpl J Owen, side; Corpl J Finch, breast; Corpl James Moller, side; Jno Blair, side; Andrew Boyd, missing; Daniel Pine, missing; Wm. H. H. Rhodes, head, slight; Chas. P. F. Fisher, missing. 
Company D—Ord'ly Sergt Holbert, neck; W H Deyo, shoulder; Geo W. Decker, foot; Garret Decker; Jeremiah Dolson; Benj Gray; Norman Sly, head; Daniel P Dugan; O Weymer, leg; Charles Hoffman, leg; S W Garrison, foot; Daniel D Barrett, killed; Wm H Gordon, neck; John Degraw, hand; W H Morgan, foot; James H Clark; Michael McMorris, foot and side; John Raymond, hand; Wm. H. Dill, breast; Stephen Garrison, thigh; Joseph Quackenbush,thigh; John Edwards, hand; Sergt. Wm. E. Hyatt, missing.
Company E—Sergt T. Dolson, side; Corpl W H Howell, breast; Corpl Miller, arm and bowels; Wm H Wheeler, hand; H M Howell, leg; A Freeman, face; S Sweet, hand; Lewis Baxter, killed; Joseph H. Johnson, hip, mortal; John J. Scott, killed; Horace Wheeler, both hands.
Company F—Orderly Sergt E M B Peck, slight; Sergt H Hammond, shoulder; Sam'l T Crawford, head, slight; Jonathan Crawford, arm and side; A J McCartney, left hand; Eli Coddington and Thos Culington, missing; Sergt E. M. B. Peck, leg, slight; Floyd Goble, back, slight; Sanford L. Gordon, missing. 
Company G—Sergt Estabrook, head; Sergt J Cole, hand, slight; Sergt Demy, missing; G R Fitzgerald; Harvey Brock, leg; John Trainor, arm; John J Taylor, leg; Gilbert Peet, missing; Wm. H. Trainor, head, slight; Hector Finney, side and arm; Lewis T. Shuttz, arm, slight; Nathan W. Parker, stunned by shell, serious.
Company H—Orderly Sergt T Bradley, left arm; J Dolson, hand; ____ Carman, both hands; Fairchild, leg; Wm Brown, arm, slight; Corpl Benjamin Dutcher, killed; Sergeants. C. W. Tindall and Geo. Butters, missing.
Company I—Orderly Sergt Wm W Smith, slight; Sergt Vanderlyn; Joseph Hannan; Wm Milligan; Whitmore Terwilliger; R D Baird; Mathew Manny; John Gordon; J Smith; J N Knapp, missing; Jed Millspaugh, missing; Wm. Edgar, killed; Jed. Millspaugh, neck; Sergt. A. P . Millspaugh, missing.
Company K—Orderly Sergt W W Parsons, leg, amputated; Sergt Rich, slightly; Michael Cullen; C Crans; George Colby and G W Parks, missing; SErgt. Wood T. Ogden, side, slight; Corp Vermilya, leg, severe; Isaac Kanoff, face; John Studar, arm, slight; Wm. H. Faulkner, missing; Sergeant Major Thos G. Mabie, face and side, slight.
Since the foregoing was in type we have an additional list of killed wounded and missing, from Capt. Murray. As this list varied from the one furnished by Lieut.-Col. Weygant somewhat, we have made the necessary corrections.—Capt. Murray says, in conclusion;
" The One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth crossed the Rapidan at Ely's Ford, on the morning of May 4th, halting for the night on the old battle ground of Chancellorsville. On the afternoon of the 5th were engaged from 3 1-2 to 8 1-2; loss not heavy. Lay on our arms all night and at 4 1-2 a. m. on the 6th commenced advancing under heavy fire. At 10 a. m., fell back to rifle-pits which Longstreet attempted to take but was repulsed with heavy loss. Have been under fire every day since. Took part in the charge on the 12thhere we lost heavy. The regiment has behaved well and sustained its old reputation.
H. S. MURRAY, Capt. Commanding Regiment.

A private letter from a member of the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth, dated the 4th inst., says that Captain Crist was killed on the first inst. while building breastworks, by a sharp-shooter. "We buried him as well as we could, put up a head stone, and had a prayer offered. It was the most solemn thing I ever saw, and was done amid the thundering of artillery and the rattle of musketry—a fit burial for such a noble man. We miss him in the regiment, for he was a kind friend, a noble soldier, and a man whose whole soul was wrapt up in his country's cause. Such was the fall of my brave old friend."
The same letter states that Charley Stewart has undoubtedly fallen into the hands of the enemy. He, with ten others, went out on picket on the night of the first, and all but five of the ten who went with him are supposed to have been captured.

Headquarters, N. Y. Volunteers,
Near Petersburg Va., July 25th, 1864.
As I am continually in receipt of letters inquiring as to the fate of members of this Regiment, you will much oblige me by publishing the enclosed list of casualities [sic] from May 5th to date.
We number at present, about four hundred and fifty men, present and absent, and can turn out about one hundred and forty muskets. 
We hope and trust that the vacant places of our brave men who have fallen in the recent battles may be filled by volunteers from "Old Orange," under the Presidents call for 500,000 men. The flag presented to us by its fair Daughters, though tattered and torn, has never been disgraced, but has been borne where the battle raged the fiercest, guarded as a treasure by the "Blossoms," and ever waving defiance to the foe, and while we feel a just pride in our Country, will not our friends then, feel a corresponding pride and make every exertion in their power to keep up our organization.
We are the only Regiment composed entirely of citizens of Orange, in the field, and are fearful that, unless our reduced ranks are soon filled up, we may be consolidated with some other Regiment, and thus lose our Regimental Organization and name, that has been gained at so fearful a cost, of which we feel proud, not only as reflecting credit on ourselves, but also on our native County. 
Our times expires in September 1865, and the term of service of those volunteering for one year, as we suppose many will, will expire at about the same time, and they would have the proud satisfaction (and it is an event looked forward to, with pride and joy by all the old members of the "American Guard,") of returning with us to our native County to share in the welcome of loved friends at home.
Hoping that you will bring this matter to the attention of the citizens of the County, through the columns of your paper,
I am with Respect, Yours,
Lt.-Col. Com'g 124th N. Y. V.

LIST OF CASUALTIES in 124th N. Y. Vols., from May 5th, 1864, to date.
Francis Cummins, Col. May 6, wounded in leg severe.
Chas. H. Weygant, Lt. Col. May 12th, wounded in ankle, slight.
Thos. G. Mabee, Segt. Major, May 12, wounded in head slight.
Charles B. Wood, Capt. Co. A, May 12, wounded in arm severe.
Joseph Brownley, Private, Co. A, May 12, killed.
Sam'l Potter, " " " "
Jacob Wilson, " " May 5th, wounded.
Leonard Jackson, Private, " " " in arm slight.
Joseph Simpson, " " May 6, wounded through both thighs, severe.
James McGrath, Private, Co. A., May 6, wounded in hand, slight.
John McGrath, " " " " hand, slight.
Charles Gallow, Private Co. A, May 12, wounded in arm, amputated May 12th.
John Worford, Private, Co. A, wounded in foot, slight.
Wm. Carpenter, " " " in hand, severe.
Wm. Sanders, " " " in foot, severe.
Richard Rollings, " " arm severe.
Jabez Odell, " " " knee.
Robert Ashman, " " " thigh.
Robert Hunt, Corpl., Co. A, May 12th, wounded in side and arm slight.
Sam'l Rollings, Sergt. Co, A. May 12th, " slight. 
Daniel Ackerman, Private, Co. A, May 23, wounded in knee, died June 4.
Charles Bodle, Musician, Co. A, June 18th, through body, severe.
Peter Rose, Sergt, Co. A, June 18, wounded in leg, slight.
Henry Arcularius, Corp'l, May 12th, missing in action.
Wm. E. Mapes, 1st Lieut. Co. B., May 12th, wounded in head, slight.
George Boone, Private, Co. B, May 12, killed.
Joseph Bross, Private, Co. B, May 6, wounded in head, slight.
Mathew Crawley, Private, Co. B, May 6, wounded in leg, severe.
James Lewis, Private Co. B, May 6, wounded in side, slight.
H. McShane, Private, Co. B, May 5, wounded in hand and hip.
John Morgan, Private, Co. B, May 6, wounded in leg, severe.
This. Morgan, Private, Co. B, May 6, wounded in head, slight.
John Payne, Private, Co. B, May 6, in hand, slight.
Joseph Hunter, Private, Co. B, May 6, in arm.
Martin Everett, Provate, Co. B, May 9, in head.
Jas. Birdsall, Provate, Co. B, May 10, in hand.
Sam'l Sherman, Private, Co. B, May 12, in side, severe.
Patrick leach, Private, Co. B, May 12, in hand, slight.
A. J. Messenger, Private, Co. B, May 18, in foot, slight.
Edward Carpenter, Provate, Co. B, May 18, in foot, slight.
Daniel Babcock, Private, Co. B, May 24, in shoulder, died of wounds June 4.
Mathew Babcock, Private, Co. B. May 30, in hand, slight.
Jas. Merritt, Private, Co. B, June 30, in shoulder, slight.
John Eckert, Private, Co. B, June 18, in head, slight.
H. Montross, Private, Co. B, June, 19, in hip, "
Chas. A. Wheeler, Sergt., May 12, missing in action.
Jas. P. Moulton, Private, Co. C. May 5, in side, slight.
John H. Blair, Private, Co. C, May 6, in hand "
Wm. R. Owen, Corp'l., Co. C, May 12, through breast, died May 14.
John H. Finch, Private, Co. C, May 6, bruised, severe.
Wm. H. H. Rhodes, Co. C, May 15, in head, slight.
Andrew M. Boyd, Private, Co. C, May 6, wounded and missing.
Charles P. F. Fisher, Co. C, May 12, wounded and missing.
Fred'k. Devendorf. Private, Co. C, June 2, missing in action.
Duncan Boyd, Sergt., Co. C, June 2d, missing in action.
John Tompkins, Private, Co. C, June 22, missing in action.
James W. Bendict, Capt., Co. D, May 12, through both hips, severe.
John W. Houston, 1st Lieut., Co. D, May 12, in face, severe.
D. D. Barrett, Private, Co. D, May 13, killed.
Jesse Dolson, Private, Co. D, May 5, through abdomen, died May 25.
Ebenezer Holbert, Sergt., Co. D, May 5, in neck, severe.
George W. Decker, Private, Co. D, May 5, in foot, slight.
Garrett Decker, Private, Co. D, May 5, in hand, slight.
John Raymond, Private, Co. D, May 5, in finger, slight.
John Edwards, Private, Co. D, May 6, in finger, amputated, died May 30.
Michael McMorris, Private, Co. D, May 6, in leg, amputated, died May 30.
Jas. H. Clark, Private, Co. D, May 6th, in face, severe.
Daniel P. Dugan, Private, Co. D, May 8, in hip, severe.
Wm. H. Dill, Private, Co. D, May 6th, in breast.
Benj. Gray, Private, Co, D, May 6, in neck, severe.
S. W. Garrison, Private, Co. D, May 6, in thigh, "
W. H. Morgan, Private, Co. D, May 10, in foot, slight.
John C. Degraw, Private, Co. D, May 12, in hand, severe.
W. H. Gordon, Private, Co. D, May 12, in neck, severe.
S. Garrison, Private, Co. D, May 12, in foot, slight.
C. G. Hoffman, Private, Co. D, May 12, in leg, severe.
Jas. Quackenbush, Private, Co. D, May 12, in hip, severe.
O. S. Weymer, Private, Co. D, May 12, in hip, severe.
Norman H. Sly, Private, Co. D, May 18, in neck, "
D. F. Raymond, Private, Co. D, May 19, in finger, slight.
T. P. Powell, Provate, Co. D, June 18, in head, slight.
W. E. Hyatt, Sergt., Co. D, May 12, missing in action.

Adam Miller, Corp'l., May 12, killed.
William H. Honel, Corp'l., May 12, killed.
John J. Scott, Private, May 12. killed.
Jas. H. Johnson, Private, May 6, in hip, severe.
Solomon Carr, Private, May 5, in finger, slight.
Lewis W. Baxter, Private, May 12, in body, died May 14.
Henry H. Howell, Private. May 12, in leg, slight.
Simeon Wheat, Private, May 12, in hand, slight.
Horace H. Wheeler, Private, May 12, through both hands, severe.
A. Freeman, Private, May 12, in head, slight.
O. W. Lameroux, Private, June 19, in side, severe.

E. J. Carmick, 1st. Lieut., May 12, in side and arm, slight.
E. M. B. Peek, Sergt., May 5, in leg, slight.
A. J. McCarty, Private, May 5, in thumb, amputa'd.
Horace Hammond, Sergt., May 12, through shoulder, severe.
Jno. S. Crawford, Private, May 12, in side and arm, slight.
S. L. Gordon, Private, May 12, missing in action.
Jerre Sisco, Private, June 1 " "
W. H. Benjamin, 2d Lieut., June 16, in arm, slight.
S. T. Estebrook, Sergt., May 5, in head, severe.
Harvey Brock, Private, May 5, in side, severe.
J. J. Taylor, Private, May 5, in leg, severe.
J. Trainer, Private, May 5, in arm, severe.
W. H. Trainer, Private, May 6, in head, slight.
H Finney, Private, May 6, in hand, and side, slight.
L. T. Shultz, Private, May 12, in arm, slight.
Nathan Parker, Private, May 12, concussion of skull, died.
J Vraddenburgh, Private, May 20, in abdomen, slight.
Daniel Smith, Private, May 24, in arm, slight.
G. Fitzgerald, Corp'l., June 4, in finger, slight.
A. Jines, Private, June 18, in arm, slight.
J. F. Myers, Private, May 21, in arm, slight.
Henry Dill, Private, May 5, missing in action.

David Crist, Capt., May 30, killed.
Benj. Ducher, Corpl, May 6, killed.
Josiah Dawson, Private, May 5, wounded in hand, slight and a prisoner.
Lyman Fairchild, Private, May 5, in leg, died May 18.
Thos. Bradley, Sergt., May 5, in arm, severe.
Daniel Carman, Private, May 6, in hands, slight.
G. M. Legg, Private, May 6, in foot, slight.
Wm. Brown, Corp'l., May 14, in finger, amputated.
Judson B. Lupton, Private, June 17, in leg, severe.
Edward Hunter, Private, May 18, in shoulder, died June 30.
George Butters, Sergt., May 12, missing in action.
Charles W. Tindall, Segt., May 12, " "
Jas. Crist, Private, June 1, " "

Chas. Steward, 1st Lieut., June 1, missing in action.
Wm. W. Smith, Sergt., May 5, wounded in shoulder, slight.
Joseph Hanna, Corpl., May 5, in leg, slight.
W. Terwilliger, Private, May 5, in head, severe.
Wm. Milligan, Private, May 5, in leg, severe.
John Gordon, " " in head slight.
W. F. Vanderlyn, Sergt., May 6, in hack, slight.
D. R. Baird, Private, May 6, finger, slight.
Mathew Manny, Private, May 6, in arm, severe.
A. P. Millspaugh, Sergt., May 10, in back, slight.
I. Millspaugh, Private, May 12, in breast, severe.
Wm. Edgar, Private, May 15, killed.
James Smith, Sergt., May 24, in hand, slight
Patrick Kean, Private, June 18, in arm, amputated.

Wm. A. Jackson, Captain, June 18, killed.
W. W. Parson, Sergt., May 5, in leg, amputated, died July 2d.
C. Crans, Private, May 6, in leg, and Prisoner.
W. F. Ogden, Sergt. May 12, in side, slight.
J. C. Vermillia, Corpl., May 12, in leg, died June.
Isaac Kanoff, Private, May 14, in face, severe.
J. Struder, Private, May 15, in arm, slight.
H. R. Mayette, Corpl., May 23, arm, slight.
Gabriel Colby, Private, May 24, in hip, slight.
Joseph Point, Private, May 24th, in leg, severe.
W. W. Rich, Sergt., June 18, in thigh, severe.
Wm. H. Faulkener, Private, May 12, missing in ac'n.
Patrick Caneen, Private, June 1, missing in action.
Samuel V. Tidd, Private, June 1, " "

The Daily Journal.
Newburgh, N. Y.
A COMPANY FOR THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOURTH.—Captain Robert A. Mahone has received authority from Governor Seymour to recruit a new company for the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regiment. The company will be organized in the town of Wallkill, though men enlisting from any other town may join it. There can he but little doubt but that the company will be filled in a few days. It is to be regretted that some one in Newburgh does not take the matter in hand of sending a new company to the gallant regiment from this town.

The Daily Journal.
Newburgh, N. Y.
From the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regiment.
August 8, 1864.
To the Editor of the Newburgh Journal:
Looking over the columns of your valuable paper I noticed an article in relation to raising a new regiment in order, as it says, to be the quickest and best way to fill the quota of Newburgh. Now then, my dear sir, let me tell you one thing: in the month of September, 1862, the County of Orange sent to the field of war the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth New York Volunteers commanded by the brave Colonel Ellis, numbering in all 960 enlisted men and 30 officers. It has to-day only 420 men present and absent—140 men and 12 officers present for duty. I will not attempt to give you a history of the regiment; that is already known to yourself and readers. Do you not think it would be well for the county to fill up this regiment? Would it not be just—nearly every town in the county is represented by a company—would it not be right for each town to fill up the company from their town, and thus fill up a regiment which has a claim on your generosity. I have no more to say. I am sure the subject need only be mentioned to the good citizens of old Orange.

A MEMBER OF THE 124th N. Y. V.
— We learn that 1st Lieut. John W. Houston, of Co. D, 124th Regt., N. Y. V., has been honorably discharged from the service, on account of a wound received in the battle at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., from which he is now suffering. His discharge is dated August 10th, 1864.

— We are sorry to learn that Capt. Mapes, of Co. B, 124th Regt., N. Y. S. V., was again wounded in the recent engagement at Deep Bottom, Va., and that the wound is of a very serious nature. He was struck by a Minnie Ball, in his right thigh, which shattered the bone so that it was found necessary to amputate the limb about four inches above the knee. The operation was successfully performed by Dr. Thompson, surgeon of the Regiment, and at last accounts he was doing well, although it will be a long time before he can be removed to his home.

Death of Colonel Silliman.
We this morning received the following letter from the Lieutenant Colonel of the Twenty-Sixth U. S. C. T., imparting intelligence of the death of the Colonel from the effect of the wound to which we referred a few days ago. His body, we suppose, arrived in the Arago, at New York, yesterday:
December 20th, 1864.
Colonel Silliman is dead. He was wounded on the 9th, in an attempt to cut the Charleston and Savannah Railroad near Pocotaligo. The first line of the attack, deployed as skirmishers, and consisting of the Marine Battalion, and the One Hundred and Twenty-Seventh New York Volunteers, was commanded by Colonel Silliman. His dispositions were skilfully [sic] made and the line pushed rapidly and gallantly forward, and there is no question but that the object would have been effected but for the untoward accident of the Colonel's wound. This caused delay until the new commander could receive instructions, and the golden opportunity was lost. The Colonel was struck by a bullet above the right knee. The Surgeon who amputated the leg asserts that the missile was an "explosive bullet." The wound was received about nine a. m., the amputation performed at the boat three and a half miles to the rear, at three p. m., and the Colonel reached Beaufort and was removed to quarters about three a. m. of the next day. He was very much exhausted, but rallied rapidly and got along so well that no doubts were entertained of his final recovery. On the seventeenth he went to sleep as usual about noon, after a very comfortable morning, and never woke from it. His body will be sent home by first boat. He was very much respected and loved, and will be missed more than most who have died in this accursed war. He was a worthy pupil of Colonel Ellis, and a worthy friend of Major Cromwells. He will probably be carried to Cornwall forburial, and the Newburgh folks should turn out to do him honor.
We get no news here, but suppose that Sherman has or soon will have Savannah. The Confederacy is reeling and staggering to its last ditch now, and we are all eager to help bury it. I will try and write again before the steamer leaves. In haste, yours, W. B. GUERNSEY.

—Captain J. W. Benedict, 124th Regiment, N. Y. V., arrived at home and is doing well of his wounds. First Lieut. E. H. Holbert, formerly Orderly Sergeant, of Captain Benedict's Company, returned to the front Aug. 1st.

—Lieut. Charles Stewart, of the 124th Regt., has written a letter from Richmond where he is a prisoner. The letter is dated June 5th. He was taken while on picket, with five others whose names he gives as follows: James Crist, Co. H, (Walden) Duncan Boyd, and Fred Dezendorf, Co. C, Pat Cuneen and Samuel B. Tidd, Co. K.

—The remains of Capt. Jackson, 124th Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, arrived in his village on Friday last. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church, Rev. Mr. Hepburn, in Hamptonburgh on Sunday.

One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regiment.
January 27, 1865.
To the Editor of the Journal:
At a meeting of the officers of the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth N. Y. V., January 24, 1865, in view of the departure of our late Adjutant, a committee of three was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. Their report which here follows was adopted, and it was further resolved that a copy be presented to the Adjutant, and also forwarded to the principal papers of Orange County with a request for publication. 
Whereas, Constrained by the dealings of Providence in regard to members of his family, Wm. B. Van Houten, late Adjutant of the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth N. Y. V., has tendered his resignation, and has, in accordance with Special Orders No. 22, Headquarters Army of the Potomac, been honorably discharged the service of the United, States.
Whereas, We desire as members of the regiment to give some expression of our sentiments on his departure from us. Therefore
Resolved, That it is with no ordinary emotion and regret that we part with an old comrade in arms. It affords us the highest pleasure to review his past record as a member of the regiment, and to accord him a well deserved place in its glorious history. Coming out in ranks as Sergeant in Company D, at the first organization of the Regiment, September 5, 1862, promoted successively to the offices of Sergeant Major, First Lieutenant of Company I, and Adjutant, on the ground of merit alone; for the period of more than two years and four months he has faithfully shared its toils and dangers. Although present at his post of duty and danger with the Regiment in its every engagement, battle, skirmishes or raid, numbering upwards of twenty, he has yet been shielded by the hand of God from a single wound.
Resolved, That by his urbanity of manner, his genial temperament, his modest deportment, the efficiency in the discharge of duty, he has won the warm and enduring friendship of all, both officers and privates, and has proved worthy of the confidence, reposed in him and the honors conferred on him.
Resolved, That in his transfer from the field of war to that of civil life, our best wishes and warmest sympathies will follow him. While looking with pride at his past record in his county's service, we also look forward with hope and pleasure to his future career. Our regiment, in parting with him, is mingled with pleasant anticipations of meeting him again in the peaceful scenes of home. And thus hoping the time may soon come, when with the close of this wicked Rebellion, we shall exchange the camp fire with its sad and pleasant memories, for the old and loved firesides of home, with the parting hand we bid him God speed.
T. SCOTT BRADNER, Chaplain 124th N. Y. V.,
R. V. K. MUNTFORT, Ass. Surg. "
JOHN S. KING, 1st Lieut., Co. K. "

On Monday evening, the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth, and a detachment of the One Hundred and Forty-sixth, (Zouaves,) New-York Volunteer Regiments, arrived at the Battery Barracks, where they were furnished quarters during the night, and were yesterday transferred to Hart's Island to await being paid off and mustered out.
The One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment returns with 333 men, after having experienced three years' hard service. It took the field in September, 1862, nearly 1,000 strong. Since that time it has received over 300 recruits, making a total of 1,300 men that have belonged to the organization. Two hundred and twenty-five of the men who took the field with the regiment have passed with it through all the battles of the Army of the Potomac since that time, and return with the organization. Only three of the original officers retain commands in the regiment.
The following is a list of the officers: Lieutenant-Colonel commanding, C. H. WEYGANT; Acting Major, James W. Benedict; Acting Adjutant, A. P. Francisco; Chaplain, J. Scott Bradner; Surgeon, R. V. K. Montfort; Assistant Surgeon, E. C. Fox; Quartermaster, Ellis Post. Co. A—Captain, John C. Wood. Co. B—Captain, Thomas Bradley; Lieutenant, David U. Quick. Co. C—Captain, Thomas Taft. Co. D—Lieutenant, Ebenezer Holbert; Second Lieutenant, Thos. G. Mabey. Co. E—Captain, Daniel Sayer; First Lieutenant, W. H. Bryan. Co. F—Lieutenant, Thomas Hart. Co. G—Captain, Thomas J. Quick; Second Lieutenant, L. G. Shultz. Co. H—Captain, M. Robinson;Lieutenant, S. Dawson. Compani I—Captain, Henry F. Tracy Company K—Captain, Robert A. Malon; Lieutenant, Woodward W. Ogden.
The One Hundred and Twenty-fourth was recruited at Goshen. It is not yet known when it will be disbanded.

A Case of Disinterested Patriotism.
To the Editor of the Journal:
Some three years ago there may have been seen walking from Liberty Street down town, a young man of some nineteen years, son of a gentleman who had retired on ample means from the farm, to spend the rest of his days in our village. The family consisted of the father, mother, and this, their only child, who had been brought up by them more an equal in the family than is usual. They were company for each other; a kind and cheerful disposition in the boy assisted the parents in bringing up a fine young man.
At the breaking out of the war, Thomas felt it his duty to go to the battle-field. The persuations [sic] of his many personal friends kept him back for a while, but after a few months he began to make his declarations more positive. "I am going"—he did go—and, as yet, has not returned. At one time a friend said to him, "I think you are very unwise to go to the war, situated as you are. You get no bounty; your pay will be $13 per month to fight, and go through all the hardships of war, when you have the means to live well under any form of government that may come up." He replied, "I will go, if I never get a cent."
On a time his father was asked if his son expected to enlist. He replied, "Yes. It is very hard for me, and for his mother still worse—but some one must go;" and further said, "one who is not willing to fight when necessary for the maintenance of his liberties, is unworthy of being free."
The young man earnestly said, "I want to go; father is willing, but the hardship for me is to leave my mother." But he went. You may to some extent imagine the anxiety before an engagement, and the dull suspense after it, to these parents, waiting for a letter; but it always came, with the cheering words, "I am all right, God is my protector, don't fear for me." This soldier is one of the very few left of the original One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regiment, Company I, New York State Volunteers. For the first time since that regiment moved from Newburgh, in a day or two he will set his foot again on our shore. We don't hear of his name in the papers, but when the glorious One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth left he was there—when they come back he will be there with them. On the march, with them at the camp, when the bloody strife of battle came, Tom was there "all right." He will soon be here. His friends will greet him, his father will embrace him; his mother, that one whom he so reluctantly left for his country, she will never again embrace her son on earth. 
C. S. L.

They Arrived Last Evening by the Mary Powell.
Ten Thousand People at Washington's Headquarters.
The long looked for and impatiently expected One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regiment have arrived at last. They left Hart's Island—which is situated about sixteen miles from New York up the East River—at eight o'clock on Tuesday morning, June 13th, and arrived at the Desbrosses street pier in New York at about 11 o'clock the same morning. They were transferred during the afternoon to the Mary Powell, whose noble-hearted commander, Captain Anderson, had proffered to the "Orange Blossoms " a free passage to Newburgh. The men were all furnished with arms, two-thirds of them having become possessors of their muskets by the payment to the Government of the nominal sum of six dollars each, and the remainder of the regiment being supplied through the kind forethought of Colonel Weygant, from the armories of the Newburgh militia companies. In fact the Colonel has always seemed to care more for the welfare and comfort of his men than for his own, and it is no wonder that the boys almost idolize him.
When we stepped on board the Powell at Cozzens' we found most of the boys crowded on the forward deck, seeming to enjoy themselves hugely in chatting and laughing and pointing out to each other the familiar features of the scenery along the river. Yet amid the general hilarity reigning on those bronzed and weather beaten faces, the look of sadness and the tear of regret were occasionally seen—tokens of sorrow for the loss of brave comrades who had fallen in battle, and of distress at the thought of meeting their bereaved relatives. 
Some of the boys were lying at full length on the deck, taking their ease and adapting themselves to surrounding circumstances in true soldier-like style.
Going around among the veterans we found the accomplished Surgeon of the regiment, Dr. R. V. K. Montfort, who is every inch a man, and a master of his profession—Captain Travis, the hearty, wholesouled, intrepid "Hank"—the indefatigable Colonel who was everywhere at once and personally superintending everything, his presence acting like oil on the troubled waters—Privates Alwood, Post, Sagar, etc., etc.
When the Powell reached the Cornwall dock the enthusiasm of the boys began to be stirred up afresh; the land looked unmistakably like that of Orange County. They now formed on each side of the boat, preparatory to the march on reaching Newburgh. When the cannon on the long dock began to roar the boys involuntarily set up a shout of delight, as if they had recognized the tones of an old friend. But the belching, bellowing tube sent out no missiles of death among them this time; nothing but the notes of a glorious welcome. The sight that greeted the eyes of those who were on the Powell as she neared our village can hardly ever be forgotten by them. Every place which commanded a view of the river, seemed to be crowded with eager spectators. Flags were flying, bells ringing, cannon booming, innumerable handkerchiefs waving and the whole village seemed bent on making itself seen and heard. The boys looked on all this display with undisguised delight, and gave vent to their feelings in repeated cheers. They were marched to the corner of First and Front streets, through the immense throng which had assembled to do them honor, and between open files of the firemen and Union League, who stood with heads uncovered. The procession was then formed in the following order: First the firemen; then the Trustees of the village and distinguished citizens; then the Union League accompanied by Eastman's splendid band, of Poughkeepsie; then came the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth. The procession then moved as follows: up First street to Water; up Water to South; up South to Grand; down Grand to Western Avenue; up Western Avenue to Liberty; down Liberty to Washington's Headquarters. Every flag was out all along the route, and the sight of the bullet-torn battle-flag of the regiment seemed to be regarded with intense interest. Before the boys got around the route they were tolerably well furnished with bouquets from the hands of the fair ladies of Newburgh. Every soldier had a bouquet in the muzzle of his musket. What a change! Where for the past three years had been issuing the death-dealing bullet, now decorated with the floral tribute of victory and peace! By way of parenthesis, we might say here that "Chronicles"—who seems to have entirely recovered from the "bilious" symptoms of last fall's campaign—was seen to receive from a fair damsel on the corner of Hudson Terrace, a beautiful boquet [sic], for which he returned an equivalent in the shape of—well we will say for short, an osculatory smack. Long may he live to wield his graphic pen in the interests of freedom! 
The firemen and Leaguers on reaching the Headquarters formed in front of the stand in a hollow square, into which the regiment marched. The crowd on the ground was immense, entirely covering the lawn from the house to the eastern limits. There could not have been less than ten thousand persons on the ground; many having come in from the country, from the opposite side of the river, etc. The "oldest inhabitant" solemnly averred that he had never seen so many people on the ground before.
After music by Eastman's band, Judge Taylor addressed the regiment from the stand in terms of welcome as follows:

Colonel Weygant and valiant soldiers of the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, New York Volunteers: On behalf of the citizens of the County of Orange, I bid you a warm and cordial welcame [sic] to your homes again. You come to us war-worn and scar-worn from the hundred battles of the Army of the Potomac, and you come to us at a time, too, when peace rests upon our beloved country. With proud hearts we welcome you. But that pride is mingled somewhat with sadness when we remember the thousand comrades whom you have left upon the battle-fields of the sunny South. We have with great interest read the history of your achievements during the past three years, but it has been saddened by the news of the fall of so many of your brave comrades. How our hearts were stricken with sorrow after the bloody battle of Gettysburgh [sic] when we read of the decease of your gallant Colonel, in whose heart nothing was so dear as his "Orange Blossoms." And besides him a thousand have fallen, to honor the ground on which they have fallen.
It is fit and proper that you should come to this sacred spot to lay down your arms and return to the pursuits of civil life. On this spot the Continental army of Washington was disbanded three quarters of a century ago, and it is fitting that the Orange County soldiers should come here to lay down their arms, no less honorable than those of the Continental army. Just under the foot of that flagstaff lie the remains of the last of Washington's lifeguard. You know how we reverenced him while living and how we mourned him when we deposited his remains beneath that sod. Every one of you is one of the lifeguards of the nation, and we look upon you with something of the same reverence which we feel towards the fathers of our country. And as we cherish the memory of the Revolutionary sires, so to all time will we cherish the memory of those who fought, bled and died, and of those who survived the carnage of Fredericsburg [sic], of Gettysburgh [sic], of the Wilderness, of Spottsylvania [sic], of Beverly's Ford, and of the thousand battle-fields around Richmond.
But, my friends, you have come home to us having completed your work, and completed it nobly. To-day our beloved country, which for four long years has been threatened with destruction, is saved by the valor of your arms, and those glorious institutions which our fathers purchased for us with their blood, have been preserved, though threatened by traitorous hands and Rebel foes. In accomplishing your work of preserving to us our dearly bought privileges and institutions, you have demonstrated to the world that there is no people on the face of this broad earth so strong, so noble and so fortunate in having such a glorious record, as the people of America. [Applause].
But, my follow-citizens, you have accomplished another great object. The old Greek philosophers used to tell us that the greatest knowledge any man could have was to know himself. And we have demonstrated in this rebellion that the greatest power any nation can have is to govern itself. For three quarters of a century we have been able to protect ourselves against the world—against all foreign nations and against the insults of all foreign powers. But our popular form of government was in a measure an experiment, and when traitorous hands and domestic foes threatened our institutions, it was the greatest peril in the history of our country. But you have demonstrated by the valor of your arms that the American people is able to govern itself, to preserve its nationality from domestic as well as foreign foes, and that we think with reason that we are the strongest nation upon the face of the earth, because we have demonstrated that we have the greatest power.
But beyond preserving to us the institutions which our fathers left us, you have presented to us anew our glorious Union, more pure, more elevated more perfect than ever before. [Applause.] You will have enabled us, on the ensuing Fourth of July—the anniversary of our national independence—to celebrate the absolute fact that "all men are born free and equal;" that the stars and stripes wave over nothing but free men. [Applause.]—and that the contradiction which has existed for the last three quarters of a century, that four millions of bondmen were held under the starry flag, no longer exists, but that all, of whatever color, birth or nativity, when they come upon the soil of the United States, under the shadow of the stars and stripes are freemen and entitled to its protection under all circumstances. And I say that in that you have presented us our glorious country purified, disenthralled, emancipated, so that from henceforth it will be a living fact, never again to be called in question, that that motto, inscribed upon that glorious banner, "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable," is true.—[Tremendous applause.]
Colonel Weygant then responded to the speech of welcome with characteristic and soldier-like brevity. He said that the regiment had looked forward with the greatest pleasure to its return to old Orange, and the thought that their efforts in the field had been appreciated—as was unmistakably shown by this demonstration. He most heartily thanked the assembled multitude, in behalf of his regiment, for the interest which they had felt in the regiment.
Judge Taylor then proposed three rousing cheers for the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth, which were given with a will. The regiment then cheered for the speaker, the ladies, etc., till they could cheer no longer.
The precession was then re-formed, the soldiers taking the advance—as they have done so many times before—and marched through Grand street to Ann, down Ann to Colden, through Colden and Water to Second, up Second to People's Hall, where a magnificent entertainment awaited them, prepared for them under the auspices of the Newburgh Loyal League, in their rooms. The regiment marched into the Hall above where they stacked arms, and after a long time the League rooms were cleared of the Hundreds of ladies and gents who had come to visit the rooms and view the supper tables. Upon entering the room immense tables were stretched from one end of the room to the other. The contract for the supper had been given to Mr. B. B. Odell, who, in getting it up, spared no pains. It was a credit to him as well as to the committee having it in charge. The tables were literally load¬ed with the luxuries and substantials of life. The sandwhiches [sic] wore splendid. Cold meats in profusion. A cup of smoking hot coffee at every plate. A dish of strawberries and cream, besides pickles and other dainties [sic]. We were informed that seven hundred and fifty baskets of berries, fourteen hundred sandwiched biscuit and one hundred and fifty gallons of coffee were used on the tables. The ladies had sent in bouquets to dress the tables. And here we must diverge from the supper rooms and allude to the splendid sight on Water street, where Mrs. Travis and other ladies occupied a whole block, each loaded with bouquets for the soldiers. It was truly a beautiful scene, but, as A. Ward would say, we will return to our subject and notice the marching of the veterans into the supper room. This was a treat to see the bronzed heroes as they filed into the rooms and charged in a brilliant style upon the friendly foe before them. After the veterans left the supper rooms for the hall above, hundreds of boys were admitted and had their fill of the good things left. Up stairs the Glee Club attached to the League were on the stage amusing the soldiers, while the galleries were filled until a late hour. Moore was in good singing trim, and he was heartily applauded by the brave boys. He was in good company, for any man with Holdridge, Miller and Taylor in the room cannot help but sing. They are a host at singing the "Battle Cry of Freedom." The whole audience joined in the chorus, which was soul-stirring. It was evident that copper was at a discount among the returned heroes. The rooms up and down stairs were given to them by the League to pass the night in, those who had no homes in town. At the Orange Hotel the officers and ex-officers of the regiment were having a social reunion, and wine and pleasure seemed to be the ruling spirit. Old Bucky was nearly used up, es¬pecially spiritually. The whole thing was a grand success notwithstanding the efforts of the resucitated [sic] Telegraph to throw cold water on the thing.

Many of the boys passed the night with friends in town or a short distance in the country, but the most of them made themselves as comfortable as they could in the Hall, though we fear, from the mischievous propensities of some practical jokers among them, that the boys hardly had a full ration of sleep.
This morning they have been wandering about the streets, waiting to receive the balance due them from Uncle Sam, and calling for anything but benedictions on the head of the dilatory mustering-out officer through whose neglect to make his appear¬ance the boys have had to wait in a penniless condition, in a place which offers so many inducements to spend money. The Colonel, however, dispatched a messenger after him early this morning, and the paying off will commence at four o'clock this afternoon at People's Hall, whether the officer makes his appearance or not. The Paymaster came up with the regiment, and has the money all ready.

The torn and tattered battle-flag of the regiment, and of which the boys feel prouder, as some of them assured us, than of the finest new and unused one which could be made—is the flag which was pre¬sented to the regiment by the ladies of Orange County in the winter of 1863. It has been the ral¬lying point of the regiment in all battles and march¬es in which it has participated since the battle of the Wildernefs [sic] in May, 1864. It was photographed by Remillard this morning, and several hundred copies will be got off at once by him, nearly all the boys wishing to have a copy. The flag will probably he deposited in Washington's Headquarters, where, it will he remembered, their first battle-flag is resting on its laurels.

The incidents of the march were of course almost numberless. One little circumstance which we witnessed was especially worthy of mention. The father of one of the boys marched alongside of him and insisted on carrying his haversack, apparently wishing to relieve his son from any unnecessary burden which he himself could carry, and the tears of joy were rolling down his cheeks at receiving his boy back again alive and well. They belonged in the western part of the county.
We noticed several ladies clad in black and weeping in great distress, when the regiment was marching along Water street. Their grief for their fallen braves seemed to be the more poignant and bitter by contrast with the almost universal feeling of exultation which prevailed.
Many of the residences along the route of march were beautifully ornamented with flags and appropriate devices. Among others that of John C. Adams, Esq., presented a most beautiful appearance, and was particularly remarked by the boys. 
Our friend James C. Taggart, acted as Marshal of the procession, and, of course, acquitted himself with credit.

"Coming Home."
Are they coming? Tell—Oh! tell me!
Are our brave boys coming home?
Shall we soon in rapture greet them?
Are they truly free to come?
Are their weary marches ended?
Is their lonely exile o'er?
Will their browned and radiant faces
Brighten lonely homes once more?

Tell me! Is the struggle over?
Is the last proud victory won?
Is the booming cannon silenced?
Are the traitorous foes undone?
Is the sword now sheathed forever?
Is our banner waving bright,
Over all our glorious country?
Are we saved from sorrow's night?

Aye! they tell me they are coming!
From the gory battle-field
They're returning to our hearth-stone,
Never more the sword to wield.
They are coming! Hark—I hear them!
Hear the hurrying tramp of feet,
See their noble radiant faces,
Eager for the loved to greet.

They are coming—surely coming!
Hear the echoing marshal tread,
They're returning, from the Southland,
But they leave behind—our dead!
They are coming from the conflict,
Proudly wearing battle scars,
They are bearing home our banner,
Bringing back the stripes and stars.

See how proudly it is waving,
Battle-smoked though it may be,
Never a more glorious banner
Floated over land or sea.
Yes, I see them—they are coming,
Coming from the field and camp;
Ah! and many, wan and dying,
Come from out the prisons damn.

Yes—they're coming—some are coming;
Others we shall see no more
Till these transient glories faded,
These life battles all are o'er.
But they see victorious comrades,
Leaving, now the vanquished foe,
And rejoice with songs of gladness,
Songs that only angels know.

They are coming!—Yes they're coming,
Soon they'll mingle with us here!
Hear the joyful shouts of triumph—
As they hear our welcoming cheer;
Welcome—welcome! gallant soldiers!
Welcome! brothers brave and true!
Long we've waited for your coming,
We have greetings glad for you.

THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.— Several of the companies belonging to this regiment went to their homes yesterday, returning here this morning. The Walden company had a grand reception last evening, as we learn from a correspondent. The whole village turned out to receive the returning heroes. A procession was formed, consisting of first the firemen, then the Union League, and last the Walden company of the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth. They marched through the village preceded by the Walden brass-band, and finally brought up at Schofield Hall, which was crammed with people to its utmost capacity. Addresses were made by Rev. Mr. Stewart of the Episcopal Church of Walden, Rev. McNulty, and H. B. Bull, Esq., of Montgomery. The addresses were brimfull of patriotic welcome and were tremendously applauded. The company were then conducted into the basement of the Hall and made a charge on a splendid supper which had been prepared for them.
Officers of the company: Captain, T. M. Robinson; Second Lieutenant, Sylvester Lawson.
The Middletown and Warwick companies also went home. The Warwick company is to have its reception on the Fourth of July next. About half of the men belonging to the Goshen companies visited their homes last evening. The boys are all on hand this morning, the mustering officer is here, and the discharge papers will probably be here in the course of the day, so that the paying off of the regiment will commence this afternoon, occupying about five hours. The men are practically mustered out of the service, their pay having been stopped when they reached Hart's Island. The conduct of the men here has been remarkably good, considering that their officers have had no military right to enforce obedience to their orders. Very little cause for complaint has been given by the "Orange Blossoms." They seem to take pride in behaving themselves just as well as they can. About one hundred of the men belonging to the regiment are from other parts of the state, and all are anxiously awaiting their formal discharge.—Daily of Thursday.

This flag has just been beautifully photographed by Remillard, and underneath the picture is printed the following inscription: Flag of the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Regiment, N. Y. Vols., presented by the ladies of Orange, March, 1864.
Manassas Gap, Wilderness, Po River, Spottsylvania [sic], North Anna, Cold Harbor, Petersburgh [sic], Deep Bottom, Strawberry Plains, Boydton Road, Hatcher's Run, 25th of March, Sailors' Creek.
These are only the names of battles in which the regiment participated after it had received this flag; when its predecessor's likeness is taken there will be another list to be made out. The picture is very neatly and correctly taken—characteristic of ABE—and the brave boys have been flocking in today to secure copies of it. Salmon & Co. have it for sale.
Captain Taft of Company C. has kindly furnished us with a statement of the color-bearers of this regiment, who have been killed or wounded in the discharge of their duty, which list we here subjoin.
The first color-bearer of the regiment was Thos. Foley, who was killed at the battle of Chancellorville, May 3, 1863. The second was Hiram Ketchum, who took the colors after Foley's death and was wounded in the same battle. The third was Wm. H. Hazen, who carried the colors till June 7, 1863. He was left sick at Spotted Tavern. The fourth was Samuel McQuoid, wounded at Gettysburgh [sic], July 2, 1863.
The following are the names of the Color-Corporals, killed and wounded: James P. Moulton, wounded in the side at the Wilderness. W. L. Fairchild, killed at Chancellorsville. Andrew Armstrong wounded at Gettysburgh. Austin Lamereux, wounded June 18th, 1864, and again at the assault of Petersburgh [sic], and died from his wounds. On the morning of the 18th of June, John Acker took the colors, and was shot through the head in the afternoon of the same day. Archibald Freeman, wounded May 12th. On that day, before he was wounded, he captured the colors of the Seventeenth Louisiana Regiment. John Scott, killed at Gettysburgh [sic]. This is as far as our list extends, and we presume is somewhat incomplete, as the statement was drawn up by our informant from memory.

... our troops reached the river. When we reached the top of the hill, we halted, stacked arms, and laid down to rest. The sun was shining very hot, and I can assure you we were nearly exhausted. We thought sure that we were going to have a long rest here, so most of the boys in our brigade soon threw off their things, and laid down to rest, and some to sleep, and some boiled a cup of coffee. Some with sticks and bayonets fixed up a shelter with a piece of tent to shield them from the burning sun but there is but little rest for the wearied and tired soldier when on a forced march. We had rested about twenty minutes when the order came to "fall in," which order of course had to be obeyed. 
We were soon moving forward again and marched I presume about two miles. I became so tired that I could not keep up, so laid down for a few moments, and then pressed on again. The regiment halted a short time, and I caught up; we marched on a short distance, and then halted in a thick wood and rested awhile, but before we reached here we were halted and ordered to load our guns. 
After resting awhile in the woods, about four o'clock our division was ordered to fall in without knapsacks, and we were then marched forward toward the enemy where heavy firing was going on. We marched nearly a mile and halted in the woods again, and then in a few moments crossed the woods and were placed in an open field in a mud hole, or it might almost be called a pond hole; we stood here awhile and then moved forward where it was drier; we remained here until ten or eleven o'clock at night; Captain Silliman and myself spread our rubber blankets on the ground and laid down with a piece of tent, which I had with me, spread over us. About ten or eleven o'clock, we were aroused and ordered to fall in, and then marched back to where our knapsacks were; we laid down and slept till daylight, when we had to get up again and make us a cup of coffee. It was not long before we moved forward and halted again in the woods, ..