123rd New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
THE 123RD.—A letter in the Salem Press, giving an account of the late battle at Fredericksburg, alludes as follows of the men of the 123d, and their gallant Col. A. L. McDougall, who has proved himself in all respects qualified for the position which he holds:
About 3 o'clock our regiment was ordered down a hill, near a piece of woods. As we were going down the rebels would come out in squads and fire on us and dodge back; we were ordered to lie down on the ground; the rebels kept working that way for half an hour, the balls going over and around us—at last about a regiment came out and began to fire into us. We were ordered up into line and exchanged a few shots with them. At that three brigades came out and began to fire into us; it was awful. The Lieut. Col. was then in command. Col. McDougal had got hurt by a mule kicking him. He was back a short distance sitting on his horse—his hand in a sling.—
As the Lieut. Col. fell, Col. McDougal jumped from his horse and took command. We had orders from Gen. Hooker to hold our ground to the last' as our artillery was coming to support us, the bullets came so thick and fast that we began to fall back. Col. McDougal jumped upon a log and waving his sword shouted, "For God's sake, boys stand your ground! Don't let it be said the boys of Washington Co. ran;"—and we did stand our ground for one hour till we were ordered to fall back to the woods. Then our artillery opened on them, and theirs on us; and it was like one constant peal of thunder till night. We worked all night digging rifle pits.
Editor Glen's Falls Messenger—Sir: I notice in your paper of the 29th ult., a paragraph notice of the wounding of Geo. F. Storer and Austin Hazelton of the 123d Regt. N. Y. Vols., in the late battle at Chancellorville. If this Hazelton is the son of Charley Hazelton employed in Vermillia's Meat Market, I have to correct the statement, and I do so in the hope of relieving the minds of his friends in case they have not heard from him. Hazelton was taken prisoner and paroled, and is now in the convalescent camp in this neighborhood; he was one of about 2000 that I took from the landing here to the camp, about three weeks ago. He was then quite well, as I saw him and conversed with him. By inserting this notice in your paper, you will much oblige
Your Obdt. Servt.,
Capt. and Provost Marshal.
Alexandria, Va.
To the Friends of the 123d Regiment.
We presume the public generally have not as perfect an understanding of the changes made in the postal laws the 1st of July last as is desirable, and for the information of all concerned., publish the following from the 1st assistant Post Master General, in reply to an enquiry in relation to the proper charge to be made upon packages sent to soldiers through the mail:
P. O. Department, Appointment Office,
Washington, Dec. 11, 1863.
SIR: In answer to yours of the 10th inst., I have to say, that "articles of clothing or dress," are not mailable matter, and when sent in the mails are subject to letter rates of postage, viz: Three cents for each half ounce —to be prepaid by stamps. The same law applies to boots, tobacco, &c.
Your obedient servant,
1st Ass't P. M. Gen.
Please publish in your county papers.
P. M. Granville, Washington County, N. Y.
We will here say that the postage at "letter rates" upon small packages, is less than express companies are charging— to our Regiment, the 123d.
H. O. WILEY, CAPT. CO. K., 123d N. Y. Volunteers, has been appointed Provost Marshall of Bridgport [sic], Alabama. We have received from him a copy of the oath of allegiance taken by one James Rolf, of Bridgeport, Alabama, who, like the majority of the southern chivalry, as we are informed, do not know how to write their own name.
LT. QUINN.—We regret to learn that Lt. Quinn, of Co. D. 123 Regt., was seriously wounded in a recent engagement. He had two inches of his jaw shot away, but his wound, we are happy to learn, is not considered dangerous. We also learn that a son of Mr. Rowen, of Argyle, a most excellent young man and a brave soldier, was shot through the body at the same time, the ball entering one side and passing out at the other. It is feared that he cannot recover.
COMPLIMENTARY.—A. H. Tanner, late Captain of Co. C., 123d N. Y. V. has been promoted to the position of Major, and to which he is worthily entitled by every qualification necessary to a good officer. At present he is acting Colonel of the Regiment. His friends hereabouts being desirous of giving him some tangible token of their regard, have purchased a fine dark bay horse, which is to be presented to him by J. W. Ingalls, on the field. Mr. Ingalls left Tuesday afternoon for Washington.—Whitehall Chronicle.
AGAIN PROMOTED. —Maj. James C. Rogers, of this place, has been appointed Lt. Col. of the 123d Regiment, in place of the lamented Norton, who fell at the battle at Fredericksburg. After the death of Norton, Mr. Rogers acted in his place, and distinguished himself by his bravery and heroism. Indeed Washington county has reason to be proud of another representative in the army of the Potomac, for one and all have proven themselves good soldiers, ready to face any danger.
Lieut.-Col. of the 123 Regiment.
We understand that Major James C. Rogers, (son of Hon. Chas. Rogers of Sandy Hill,) has been promoted to the Lieut. Colonency of the 123d Regiment, made vacant by the death of Lieut.-Col. Norton. He is spoken of as a young officer of fine promise, a worthy successor of the gallant and lamented Norton.
We are informed that David Rogers, a fighting Quaker, and George Osborn, privates in Co. K., 123d N. Y. V., from this town, have been awarded medals of honor for acts of heroism at the battle of Gettysburgh [sic]. In the second days' fight, as we are informed, the two above named, when the rebels had broken our line and was driving our men from the field, were the last to leave, and waived their hats to the retiring soldiers, and entreated them to return and wipe out the enemies of their country. But it was of no use, and they, too, had to leave.
FUNERALS OF LIEUT.-COL. NORTON. The funeral of Lieut.-Col. Norton, of the 123d regiment, whose remains passed through this city, some days ago, took place at Greenwich, Washington county, on Monday last, and was very largely attended. The returned volunteers, preceded by the Fort Edward Band, Fire Companies from Salem, Schuylerville and Union village, the fraternity of Masons, the relatives of the deceased, members of the County War Committee, invited guests, Committee of Arrangements, and citizens, formed in procession and accompanied the body from the residence of the father of the deceased officer to the R. P. D. Church, and from thence to the grave. The exercises at the grave were conducted by the Masons in accordance with their ritual.
IN MEMORIAM.—At a meeting of the Officers of the One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, held July 15tb, 1864, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:—
Whereas, In the Providence of God our commanding officer, Colonel A. S. MCDOUGALL, has been removed from us by death, from wounds received in action at Dallas, Georgia, on the 25th day of May, 1864—as an expression of our respect and esteem for his memory, Resolved, That we are called upon to deplore in his loss a warm friend, a genial companion, a trusty comrade, an ardent patriot, a brave soldier and skillful officer. At the call of his country he left all the endearments of home, the enjoyments of peaceful life, and the honors and profits of civil office, and a lucrative profession to endure the hardships and face the perils which confront the soldier in the field; and during the term of his service he met them all with a patient fortitude worthy of all praise, struck down in the midst of his career by the fortunes of war while leading men against the enemy, he endured the blow with a cheerful and heroic resignation.
Resolved, That his memory will be cherished amongst us as one of the most deserving of that cloud of witnesses who have already borne testimony with their lives to the heroic resolve of the soldiers of the American army, that our National existence shall be preserved, and that the blessings of free government and civil order shall be perpetuated throughout all our borders, at whatever cost of blood and treasure. We confidently believe that his example will inspire us with a fresh determination and renewed efforts in the discharge of our duties.
Resolved, That we render to his wife and children and other kindred our warmest sympathies; they have laid a large offering upon their country's altar. They are added to that multitude of widows and orphans whose prayers and daily conversation bear testimony that this war can never cease until peace can be established upon the secure foundations of a redeemed and regenerated country.
Resolved, That those resolutions be entered upon the records of this regiment and published in the newspapers of Washington county, and in the Albany Evening Journal, and that a copy thereof, attested by the Chairman and Secretary be sent to the widow of the deceased.
James C. Rogers, Lt. Col., Comd'g 123d N. Y. V., Pres.
Seth C. Carey, Adjutant.
COL. MCDOUGALL'S FUNERAL.—The funeral of the late Col. A. L. McDougall, of the One Hundred and Twenty-third regiment, took place at Salem, Washington county, on Saturday. It was very largely attended, and the procession to the grave was a mile and a half long. The pall-bearers consisted of the members of the bar of the county and the war committee.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Davis, of the Episcopal Church. The oration was delivered by Rev. Mr. Gordon, late Chaplain of the One Hundred and Twenty-third. Col. McDougall's loss occasions much sorrow among his neighbors and friends, and the public feeling was fully attested at the funeral.
FUNERAL OF COL. MCDOUGALL.—Col. A. L. McDougall, of the. 123d N. Y. died of wounds received in battle, and was buried at Salem, Washington Co. on Saturday last.
Col. McDougall was a high-minded honorable and brave man, and it is painful to reflect that his career is closed. But he has laid down his life in the noblest cause for which man ever died—to save his country, and to preserve nationality and freedom.
PERSONAL.—Yesterday morning Dr. J. Chapman, Surgeon of the 123d New York Volunteers, was at Congress Hall. Dr. C. was formerly Assistant Surgeon of the 8th New York Cavalry. His regiment is now at Bridgeport, Alabama. Since leaving the 8th he has passed through the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and Mission Ridge.
In a letter to Rev. H. Brown, from John L. Marshall, of Co. G, 123d regt. N. Y. Vols. in speaking of the battle near Chancellorsville house, the following statements are made concerning the Captain and Lieutenant of said Co., —"Capt. Gray has won high encomiumns from all who saw him on that Sabbath day, as he was cool and steady, and not only did his duty and gave orders in his usual firm and decided manner, but with musket in hand, he called on those near him for catridges [sic] and caps, and they laid a lot of them on the ground, and he did a power of good shooting. Then when the rebels came up to our breastworks on the right he discharged his seven barrel revolver into their ranks with cool and deliberate aim, and then loading it again he gave them seven more. Then when ordered to go over the breastworks he immediately sprang over, and with his usual steady nerve, he formed us in line, and had we been ordered on, he would have been the foremost head man instead of taking his place in the rear. Lieut. Hill too did not forget that a musket is a useful tool at such a time, and he likewise must have done the rebels a good deal of damage. These are the kind of officers to have, and when they call on Co. G. they will find they are ready to follow them."
For the Washington Co. People's Journal.
Attention Salem!
A citizen of Washington County, a noble and patriotic soldier, a brave and accomplished officer, and at the time, the commander of the Washington County Regiment, fell upon the bloody field of Chancellorville. His body was brought to this his native town for interment, and a committee of citizens who were chosen to superintend the obsequies, invited the members of Masonic Lodges and Fire Departments of this and other towns to attend and take part in the funeral pageant on the 18th of May. There was a large attendance of course; everything passed off decently and in order, and no intelligent person present would suppose that any one had just cause for com4 plaint at the manner in which the affair was conducted by the Committee. But some hungry mortal in the ranks of the Salem Fire Company, (a person whom the Union Village Firemen cannot believe to be what he pretends, a member of the Company at whose hands they received such courteous and gentlemanly treatment last Fourth of July); somebody who has doubtless for two or three days previous to the funeral been saving his appetite in anticipation of a Funeral Dinner! an individual ambitious for literary fame, or rather, burning for notoriety which he hoped to purchase cheaply at the expense of Union Village Firemen, seemed to think otherwise; and has accordingly, by a mighty effort, under the billious inspiration of a voracious and disappointed stomach, conceived an extremely witty series of sarcastic and ironical compliments leveled at Union Fire Company No. 1, of this Village, which after boiling and seething and foaming for about a week pent up within the narrow limits of the author's brain, at last found vent and came to light in the columns of the Salem Press one day last week. It appears from the article in question, that the writer thereof believed Fire Co. No 1. of Union Village to be so ignorant of the common rules of propriety and the ordinary usages of civilized society, so destitute of proper respect, or genuine sorrow for the lamented dead, and so utterly regardless of the feelings of his bereaved family and friends, as to be capable of endeavoring to convert the solemn occasion of the 18th of May into a sort of holiday, a time for feasting, revelry and mirth. It seems that he was insensible of the fact that he was attending a funeral, that the immense concourse of people who that day assembled in Union Village, came not on an excursion of pleasure, not to celebrate some glorious or pleasing event, not to make the day one of rejoicing and festivity, but to mourn around the bier of a noble, patriotic, and distinguished officer who had recently fallen for the honor of our flag at the head of a regiment of Washington County men, a regiment of our own brothers and friends, an officer whom Salem should delight to honor no less than Greenwich. It seems that no intelligent friend ever informed him that a funeral is a serious affair; and that it is customary in this age of the world for the assembly to disperse quietly after the solemn rites of burial are performed and retire to their homes in sadness and silence. It affords me great pleasure to enlighten his benighted intellect with the information that he is at least three or four hundred years behind the times, that although during a portion of the darkest period of the Middle Ages it was the custom of some of the most barbarous Nations of the world to feast and revel over the bodies of the dead; the practice, like many other medieval absurdities and barbarities has become extinct under the enlightened civilization of the 19th century. The only thing of modem times that even approximates to it is a custom which travellers tell us is still somewhat prevalent among the bogs of "Swate Erin," called by the Irish peasantry "wakeing the dead." Mr. Fireman was beyond doubt greatly disappointed in not enjoying his anticipated luxury of a good dinner, but he should find no fault with the "Boys of No. 1"; the fault was his, not theirs; he should not come to the "house of mourning" in the expectation that it would prove to be a "house of feasting."
It is sincerely hoped that some charitable person will provide Mr. Fireman with a sufficient quantity of wholesome food to fill his empty stomach, smooth his ruffled temper and repair his well-nigh exhausted energies that suffered so terribly under the fearful mental strain necessary to produce the requisite amount of sarcasm, irony and gas for his brilliant squib of last week.
With this parting kick, I have the pleasure of wishing Mr. Fireman an affectionate farewell.
It is true that Fire Co. No. 1. of this place was very handsomely entertained last year by No. 1. of Salem, and they always have intended and still do intend at the earliest opportunity to testify in a way more substantial than with empty words their high appreciation of the courtesy and kindness extended to them on that occasion; but the Union Village Firemen are gentlemen; they believed their Salem friends to be gentlemen, and therefore did not insult them with an invitation to "eat, drink and be merry," at the funeral of Lieut. Col. Norton. F.
Camp 123d Regt. N. Y. S. Vols.,
Near Stafford Court House,
April 8th, 1863.
Fellow Citizens of Granville—
The past two weeks has been an eventful period to the company raised in your midst, and probably a period of great anxiety to yourselves. Believing that a recital of the scenes we have passed through would be of interest to you and as it was impossible for me to address you all, personally, I have taken the liberty to speak to you through the medium most open to you all.
We started from this place on Monday morning the 27th ult., at 4 o'clock, and marched, without anything of importance occurring until Wednesday afternoon, when we arrived at the New Store Ford on the Rapidan River, there the 2d Mass., in advance of us, found about 100 rebs in rifle pits and look them prisoners, the sight of these put the men in high fighting spirits.
We found the Rapidan waist deep, and the current very rapid, and the men were ordered to wade it, which one brigade did, but when our regiment came up Col. McDougal—who is always looking out for the interest of his men—got permission for our regiment to throw a bridge across, and in about three hours we had a bridge which served for the whole army to cross on. So the 123d in a few hours rendered a service to the army that was invaluable.
We did not get our tents up that night until some time after dark, but we had crossed over the river dry shod. Next morning we started about 6 o'clock, and about noon came to a place where the enemy had a battery planted to shell our column. Our regiment was ordered up, to the woods to hold the place until the train passed. We were shelled as we advanced but no one was hurt. Part of the regiment, among them 20 men of our company, under Lieut. Brown, were sent forward as skirmishers. The enemy perceiving the movement withdrew. So after remaining the appointed time we marched on, overtook the army and camped on the battlefield of Sunday.
Friday morning we heard cannonading towards and a little above the U. S. Ford, and we were ordered to move in that direction. Our division making a feint some ways above the Ford, drawing the enemy's attention towards us, while other troops moved on to the Ford and took it. The enemy shelled us but without damage. Our mission there being accomplished we returned to the old field, when our regiment was sent out on picket duty. This was about 4 o'clock P.M.
Company "I" was sent out as skirmishers, and they were soon engaged with a like party sent out by the Greybacks. The regiment was advanced to the brow of the hill commanding a view of the action, and Company "A" was sent out to support Co. "I." Co.'s G and K being thrown a little in advance and to the left of the regiment, the enemy having been considerably re-enforced, the firing, became quite sharp. The rebs evidently had the largest force, and besides were concealed by the woods, whilst we were in the open field.
Major Rogers went to Gen. Williams for some artillery, but it was refused.—
Our situation now was quite perilous, but we had no notion of giving up, and were just forming to advance once more when Lieut. Col. Norton fell dangerously wounded. This threw us into some confusion, but it was only momentary. We rallied again, but it was too late, the enemy had brought on artillery and we were compelled to retire across the field into the woods, which we did in good order.
I do not know what our loss was in this engagement, but it was heavy, as it included Lieut. Col. Norton, and Sergt. Harrison of Co. A. Henry Welch of my company was slightly wounded in the hand. We reached the old ground again, where we lay about an hour. I was then detailed as officer of the picket, and between 10 and 11 at night I formed the Brigade Picket Line in front of the enemy. Lieut. Baker and myself remained on the line all night.
The next day, Saturday, we threw up breastworks along our front, and other wise prepared for the impending conflict. All day there wad more or less cannonading, and all sorts of rumors. That evening we advanced to flank the enemy, but our Generals did not seem to know the position of things, and our regiment came within an ace of being bagged in a body. We retired as hastily as possible to our old position, but on our way witnessed some of the most splendid cannonading it has ever been my fortune to witness.
We lay behind our breastworks about an hour, when our position was changed about a quarter of a mile to the right, where we worked the rest of the night building a new breastwork.
About four o'clock Sunday morning, May 3d, the ball opened in earnest, and for some three hours such cannonading and musketry I never heard before, and may never again. A real battle field is something that cannot be described.—Victor Hugo comes the nearest to it in his description of Waterloo in 'Les Miserables,' but I confess my poor pen unequal to the task.
It is confessed that our Division done the fighting that day, and no regiment fought better than ours. In fact, it may be said that the 1st Wis., 2d Mass., and the 123d New York, done the fighting that day. Perhaps I might add the 20th Conn. of our brigade. Thrice did we drive the enemy, and thrice were we driven back for want of support. There was no generalship displayed. If the operations had been conducted by Maj. Rogers of our regiment, we sho'd have held our position. Never was there a cooler, braver man, but his advice was overruled and we lost the field, and had to leave the noble fallen to the tender mercies of the enemy.
I will only give you the casualties in our company. Which, as near as I can get at them are as follows:
Edward Tanner, Killed. Horace E. Howard and Albert W. Doane, dangerously, but it is thought not fatally wounded. Samuel Wright, David J. Humphrey, Bazile Rognay, Fayette Wilbur, A. W. Cook and Jas A. Wright wounded and in the hospital doing well. John P. Williams, George H. Cowan and W. A. Tooley, missing. Lawrence Ostrander was wounded slightly in the head, but is with the company.
Our fighting was over as we were drawn from the field, but our hardships had just begun. We were kept marching and building breastworks all the time night and day, until Wednesday night, after a march of twenty-five miles thro' a drenching rain and mud ankle deep we arrived at the old starting point of ten days before.
What was accomplished by this movement I leave for history to tell. I need not add more. The simple recital of these events is enough. But I cannot close without bearing my testimony to the gallant bravery, patient endurance, and noble bearing of the sons of Old Granville. Fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and wives. You have reason to be proud of your relationship. The historian has yet to write a parallel to the cool determination of your friends on the field of battle. A soldier is tried as no other men are tried. Your husbands, sons find brothers have been tried in this severe ordeal and have not been found wanting.
Remember them often and tenderly, but proudly, bear them in your inner hearts, for they are more precious than jewels. Whether our cause is successful or unsuccessful, they have shed their blood gallantly and nobly in its behalf.
Let their welfare be the incense of your prayers. And that I may be worthy of commanding such a company is my highest aspiration.
Very truly yours,
H. O. WILEY, Captain,
Co. K., 123d Regt. N. Y. S. Vols.
From the 123d Regiment.
Kelly's Ford, Va., Aug. 15, 1863.
Friend Crocker:—You doubtless long ere this have come to the conclusion that I had forgotten the promise made you to write you before leaving home, but this is not the case, for I have often thought of it, but have never been situated before so that I could, for I assure you that the 123d has never let the grass grow under their feet since they came out. When in camp we always have plenty of picket duty and drilling to attend to, and the remainder of the time we have been on the road, on the battle-field or some equally fatigueing [sic] place. This is the excuse I have to offer for not writing before.
You are well aware that we have just completed the severest campaign of the war, and I doubt if Napoleon's campaign before Moscow was much harder, and certainly McClellan's campaign before Richmond does not commence with it. But we are amply paid for all the hardships attending it by the glorious victory to our arms. I think "Johnny" Reb" found a man who was in earnest when they found George G. Meade—at least, I think so. I further believe that when we meet the enemy again we will beat them or lose a good many man. All we ask is to meet them again on as fair a field as that at Gettysburg, and we will whip them so quick that they won't know whether they are in Pennsylvania or Virginia, and have ample time to tent to those "copperheads" before time to go into winter quarters. But I am afraid that we shant always have as good ground, neither can we expect it always, especially when we go on their soil.
I can hardly imagine what the campaign for next fall will be. It is talked that we are to have sixty or seventy thousand men from all the Western armies thrown across Tennessee by the Nashville railroad into Western Virginia on Gen. Lee's flank, while we make a slight noise in front, (just to keep him from running over us,) which I think will serve to pretty effectively blot out all of Robert's previous glory. This army once thoroughly rooted out, the rest will be forthcoming I expect before long to hear of the fall of Charleston, and this morning the rumor is current that Fort Waggoner has fallen with a thousand prisoners.
There is nothing particularly exciting in camp just now, except the presence of the paymaster among us. Like an oasis in the barren desert, we now and then have a copy of your welcome paper to cheer us up, for I tell you it is a treat to us to read the home affairs. I earnestly hope there will be none of those copperhead demonstrations in our pretty little village. If they will lend a willing hand and help us a little just now, we will sweep sucession [sic] and the boasted Southern chivalry before us like chaff before the wind; but if they don't feel disposed to do their duty to their country but still enjoy the priviledges [sic] of it, I hope they will be forced to do so. I wish the government will exercise the full power of the law and fetch enough of them down here to completely overwhelm them with numbers without fighting any more. I understand the loyal citizens of your place are arming themselves in case of any disturbance arising from the draft. I hope if it is necessary they will use them as they ought. But I will close, hoping to hear from you soon, while I remain
Yours truly,
De Roy W. Eldridge,
Co. I, 123d Regt. N. Y. Vols.
Meeting of Citizens.
The citizens of Union Village and vicinity held a meeting at the Methodist Episcopal Church on Sunday, the 10th inst., to give expression to their sentiments relative to our Soldiers in the field, and to consider the propriety of sending a committee to the army to convey to our brave men the assurance of our admiration for their heroism, and our sympathy for their sufferings, and to afford such aid to the sick and wounded as might be needed and in their power to extend.
On motion, LEROY MOWRY, Esq., was called to the Chair, and Wm. Van Kirk and James M. Eddy were appointed Secretaries.
After appropriate remarks from Rev. J. O. Mason, D. D., J. T. Masters, Rev. S. Washburn, and others, a Committee of four were appointed to draft Resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, and cause them to be transmitted to our soldiers in the field, and published in the People's Journal, viz: J. T. Masters, Rev. J. O. Mason, D. D., E. Andrews and Rev. S. Washburn.
On motion, Mr. M. Heath, Wm. M. Holmes and E. Andrews were appointed a committee to visit our sick and wounded soldiers at Washington and vicinity, and convey to them our heartfelt sympathy in their sufferings; to extend to them such relief as may be within their power.
On motion, D. D. Haskell, H. Mowry and P. M. Selleck were appointed a committee to circulate a subscription to defray the expenses of the delegation.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Wm. VanKirk, and referred to the committee on Resolutions.
Resolved, That we greatly sympathize with our sick and wounded soldiers who have gone from our midst at their country's call; and deeply mourn the loss of our brave dead.
To LeRoy Mowry, Esq., Chairman of the meeting:
The Committee on Resolutions respectfully report as follows:
Wheras [sic], We have heard with sadness, that some of our fellow-citizens belonging to the 123d Regiment U. S. Volunteers, composed mostly of men from our own county, and of many from our immediate neighborhood, have fallen on the battle-field while nobly contending for their country's cause; and,
Whereas, We have also heard of the gallantry displayed by the said Regiment while engaged in fearful conflict, freely offering their lives a sacrifice upon the altar of their country; therefore,
Resolved, That we deeply mourn the loss of those who sleep in a soldier's grave, and will ever gratefully cherish their memory.
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the families and friends of those who have fallen, in their sad and painful bereavement [sic]; and, while we hereby tender to them our heartfelt sympathy and condolence, we also pledge to them any material aid that their circumstances may require, and our ability will allow.
Resolved, That we send to the Regiment, and especially to Company A, our congratulations on their gallant and heroic behavior on the battlefield bravely contending for freedom, for the rights of humanity, and for our country; and that they have shown themselves worthy of their name, and their country.
Resolved, That we hereby tender our high regards to our gallant townsman, Lt.-Col. Norton, and our deep sympathy with his grievous misfortune.
Resolved, That Messrs. Heath, Holmes and Andrews, the committee appointed to visit the seat of war on behalf of this community, to look after the wounded and administer to their comfort, be also requested to convey to our fellow-citizens still in arms our sympathy and grateful remembrance, and our high appreciation of their soldierly conduct, and the assurance that our blessings shall follow their footsteps, and our prayers commend them to the gracious care and protection of Almighty God.
E. ANDREWS, Comit'ee
Resolved, That the minutes of this meeting, together with the Resolutions, be printed in the Washington Co. People's Journal, and the Troy Times, requesting other papers to copy.
L. MOWRY, Ch'm.
* At the request of the regularly appointed committee, Rev. J. O. Mason, D.
D., and Mr. Wm. H. Norton, were substituted for them, and have gone to Washington.
At a meeting of the Board of Trustees held at Firemen's Hall, May 5th, the
following officers were elected to serve the ensuing year:
President—Simon M. Chubb.
Chief Engineer—Moses White.
Board of Health—D. D. Haskell, Willard
Burdick, Nathan Stewart.
Physician to the Board—Fayette P. Mason.
Wood Inspector—John Lambert.
Weigh Master—John Lambert.
Pound Master—Philip McDonald.
A. H KNAPP, Clerk.
Union Village, May 6, 1863.
At the Annual Meeting of the voters of Union Village, held on the 5th inst., it was
Voted, That three additional lamps be erected, to be located by the Board of Trustees.
Voted, That a tax of $500 be levied for the following purpose: $100 to be paid on land belonging to Firemen's Hall; to pay for 100 feet of hose; the remainder to apply on Corporation expenses.
A. H. KNAPP, Clerk.
May 6, 1863.
Camp of the 123d N. Y. S. V.
Kelley's Ford, Va.,
Aug. 8th, 1863.
EDITOR REGISTER—Since the Army of the Potomac has so signally distinguished itself, in repelling an invader—flushed with the laurels of recent victories—it may not be unmeet to call to your notice the "One Hundred & Twenty Third," and the very important part which IT performed in furnishing material for a history in itself so grand, and replete with stirring and mighty events.
Leaving Stafford Court House on the 13th of June, nothing occurred beyond what is ordinarily attendant upon "forced marches," until the 30th inst., when we find our advance cavalry scout driven in at Littletown, Pa., a small and thriving village about eight miles distant from Gettysburg. Our division being in front went in on a "double quick" and found that "Johnny" had skedaddled, leaving the disputed ground to us without a struggle.
Here our corps bivaucked [sic] for the night. The road is good to Gettysburg, and with the dawn of the following day the One Hundred and Twenty Third—always faithful to its trust, starts up with alacrity at the sound of the reveille. No pen can describe the emotions of joy exhibited by those whose homes we had come to defend.
Eatables in abundance and rare in quality were here scattered gratuitously among the Union Volunteers, while banners waved by fair hands, with a "God bless you!" "God speed you!" were uttered from grateful hearts, drove away the fatigues of a matchless march, and more than recompenced [sic] us for the toils we had endured.
Onward moves our advancing columns and Cemetery Hill, overlooking Gettysburg, soon rises to our view, crowned with the smoke of battle.
Here, on the 3d of July, was rung the death-knell of Lee's hopes and of slavery; its deep bass belched forth from the mouths of more than two hundred Union cannon, while thousands of small arms caught up the inspiration and played the "tenor" and "trebble."
Descending more into detail, we find our works on the morning of the 3d, (partially vacated on the night previous) to re-enforce the left) occupied by the rebels. To our brigade, under command of Col. A. L. McDougal, of the 123d, was assigned the task of regaining the works. The 145th New York, and the 20th Connecticut Regiments had been skirmishing till 10 A. M., when Colonel McDougal ordered in the 123d to relieve with the remark that the next time he should see the regiment he hoped to see us master of the works. The Colonel's hopes were realized; for the works were immediately charged and gained without serious loss.
The severest fighting was had on the afternoon of the 3d of July; this was the time when "Greek met Greek."—The field of Gettysburgh [sic] for many centuries, will be redolent with historical remeniscences [sic] and sacred beyond any soil made red with the blood of freedom's martyrs since the opening of the "Great Rebellion."
The soil of Virginia sacred to the blood of the Union Volunteers', is covered all over with "fields of glory" like an Emperor's shield—"Bull Run," "Cedar Mountain," "Fredericksburgh [sic]," "Chancellorsville," and many others, but they cannot favorably be compared in their results with those of Gettysburgh [sic].
Let us hold in grateful remembrance the lives and deeds of the truly brave who shed their blood while struggling for the Union and the "Flag."
Let us consider that our generation comes early in the Nation's history; its shadow lengthened by the morning light will fall far beyond the scanty span of our narrow existence. While this Rebellion lasts, let us toil unceasingly till the "lamp of secession" is on the decline and the taper burns dim in its socket, let us go forth to the combat, armed, like the youthful "David" with a strength not our own. F. H.
Co. K., 123d Reg't N. Y. S. Vol.
THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1863.
The 123d Regiment.
Our Regiment (the 123d) was engaged in the late movement of Gen. Hooker against the Rebels at Fredericksburg, and from all accounts we judge bore a gallant part in the battle at Chancellorville. In common with many other Regiments engaged in that sanguinary battle, we regret to learn it suffered severely both in killed and wounded. Without being apprised definitely in regard to the extent of the casualties which befell our men, we think we do not err in saying that nearly or quite every Company in the Regiment suffered more or less in killed and wounded. Our Company (A) suffered severely. Besides our townsman, Lt.-Col. Norton, who was, it is feared, mortally wounded, several others from this place were killed and wounded, viz: John Harrison, John Hyde, Oscar F. Baumes and Wm. Bartlett, were killed.
Heretofore our citizens have not been called upon to lament the fall of their own brave sons upon the gory battle-field in defence of the Union which our Fathers bequeathed to us, and the blow falls with crushing weight upon many hearts. May the Lord lighten this fierce blast of adversity to these stricken ones as He tempereth the wind to the shorn lamb, While we lament the loss of these brave defenders of our country, let us try and remember that it is the fate of war—that they have fallen in the noblest of causes, and their blood has not been shed in vain. As the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church, so the blood of the patriot soldier is the food upon which the tree of Liberty thrives and lives!
In view of the sad news from the army, and the disasters which have befallen our own brave Regiment, the citizens of Union Village held an impromtu meeting on Sunday afternoon to take into consideration their duty in regard to the subject. The proceedings of the meeting will be found reported below, to which we refer our readers:—
(Chancellorville, May 1863.)
C. E. Wood, face; C. Marshall, thigh; A. Johnson, side; and arm; V. Gleason, hand; J. A. Perkins, thigh; G. W. Briggs, thigh; Lieut. Marcus Hadley, back; Lieut. Albert Shiland, ankle; Corporal S. L. Skinner, side: J. P. Winks, back; J. Thatcher, head; L. H. Phelps, hand; W. H. Phelps, back; W. Haggerty, back; T. Hennelly, unknown; J. H. Cobb, foot; R. W. Skeilie, thigh; J. Ketchum, side; musician J. A. Lamon, unknown; J. A. Bassett, unknown; R. Galway, unknown; J. Hover, unknown; Sergeant G. H. Dennis, unknown; A. W. Cook, foot; A. W. Doan, leg shot off by shell; D. J. Humphrey, foot; Bazille Rogney, finger; E. Tanner, legs shot off by a shell, killed; F. Wilbur, hand, killed; S. Wright, hand, killed; Lieutenant Colonel Norton, hip and body, killed; Sergeant W. J. Harrison, thigh, killed; W. Bartlett, lungs, killed; O. Barnes, killed; Lieutenant J. C. Corbett, shot through the heart, killed; Sergeant L. J. Gillett, killed; W. Holt, killed; G. Leonard, killed; D. H. Soger, killed; F. Cull, killed; J. Finch, killed; Corporal J. A. Norton, neck, killed; B. Briggs, breast, killed: W. Wood, abdomen, killed; Corporal C. L. Coulter, killed; W. L. Rich, breast, killed; R. K. Bishon, head, killed; J. H. Hyde, abdomen, wounded; H. T. Young, leg and neck; E. Booter, abdomen; W. Manning, leg; J. Pillings, slightly; O. Sparkawk, leg; H. Lampman, abdomen; G. Hay, arm; L. Wright, head; P. K. Clark, leg; C. B. Hefft, foot; M. Shearer, back; G. E. Stover, heel; J. Bennett, cheek; N. Thompson, leg; Franklin Moore, knee; Geo. Horton, body; Corporal George Wright, arm; Sergeant R. W. Farrell, head, slightly; W. P. Lamb, arm. slightly; J. W. Earls, body, slightly; H. T. Blanchard, shoulder; Corporal G. Wells, shell wound; H. Tafft, Jr., ankle; Andrew Tafft, unknown; H. N. Tafft, unknown; Corporal Orville Munhille, side, by shell; J. W. Sherman, head, badly; J. Kilgallon, wrist; G. T. Black; hand; Jno. Carl, unknown; J. Douglass, shoulder; P. L. Cook, unknown; H. F. Johnson, leg; J. Crowley, leg; Sergeant H. Sartwell, arm; J. McNutt, groin; Corporal R. C. Bull, throat; Corporal G. W. Pattison, hip; John Hall, shoulder; Geo. Chase, shell wound; A. McLaughlin, shell wound; A. Walker, hip; Captain N. F. Weir, head, slightly; Sergeant S. B. Weir, slightly; Corporal J. Zollier, severely; Dennis Baker, slightly; Jno. Moon, slightly; W. Murphy, slightly; A. Rhoades, seriously; S. Tanner, seriously; A. Loughland, seriously; D. Wilds, seriously; Sergeant J. Williams, hand and leg; G. L. Taylor, hip: Corporal R. Fullerton, temple; W. Lackey, hand; G. Baker, groin; P. B. Robbins, abdomen; D. M. McClellan, cheek; W. H. Smith, back; G. McKibben, leg; D. R. McDougal, shoulder; W. Brady, arm; J. S. Dobbin, face; C. Carter, leg; W. Skelly, arm; Corporal J. A. Stevenson, thigh; A. Ellis, foot; Corporal H, W. Brown, hip; G. Lambert, leg; J. McCumber, shoulder; Sergeant W. H. Dennison, body; Corporal W. J. Cruikshank, both thighs; Corporal W. H. Stewart, arm; Corporal M. McFarland, neck; Corporal A. Streeter, arm; Corporal Jno. S. Doig, face; D. Peterson, unknown.
Whitehall Chronicle.
The 123d Regiment.
The late battle on the Rapphannock has been brought home to our own doors. The young and brave of our firesides have fallen at the post of duty, as follows:
Killed--Lieut. John Corbet, Sergeant L. Gillett, D. B. Sayer, F. H. Cull, and Wm. Holt.
Wounded--Henny Taft, Hiram Taft, Hiram Taft, Jr., George Black, Orville
Manville, all of Co. C. Also, J. Ketchum, Co. I, A. Streeter and M. McF_____, Co. H. Also, Lieut. Col. Norton, and Assistant Surgeon A. W. Battey.
The above is all the killed and wounded thus far reported on in the 123d, up to our going to press. We hope a more full report will prove more favorable.
Soon after the unwelcome news reached us that the 123d, and especially Co. C, had suffered severely in the late battle, the Town War Committee issued a call for our citizens to meet at Anderson Hall yesterday, at 2 o'clock P.M., to provide for the wounded, and the return of the dead to their friends. At which time a large number assembled. Henry Gibson was chosen Chairman and S. W. Bailey, Secretary.
A Committee, consisting of D. Jones, E. A. Martin, J. T. Buell, E. E. Davis, and S. T. Cook was appointed for the purpose of selecting a Sanitary Commission to visit the battle field to care for the dead and wounded. The Committee reported the names of Taylor ____, John Cull and Paul C. W___. The meeting accepted the report.
A Committee of J. W. Ingalls and Wm. Cook was also appointed to circulate a subscription to raise money to defray the expense of the Commission, in the discharge of the sad but willing duty. Somewhere in the neighborhood of $500 was raised for that purpose.
The Commission left on the first train this morning. A special messenger was sent to Troy and Albany yesterday afternoon, to ... recommendation from Congressman John A. Griswold and Gov. Seymour, so that they would suffer no unnecessary delay in reaching the battle-ground. We hope to have a report from them in time for our next issue.
List of Killed and Wounded in the 123d Regiment.
Dr. Steward, of this place, who was commissioned to go on to Washington by the citizens and friends here immediately after the late battle to look after the wounded, returned here on Tuesday evening last, and has favored us with the following report which we doubt not will be appreciated by those having friends in the army:
Co. I—Lieut. Albert Shiland, ancle [sic]; Kelly Bishop, killed; James Basset, right eye, left on field; John Hover, breast, left on field; Rufus Galloway, head, left on field; John Ketchum, lung, hospital; James Wickes, back, hospital; John H. Cobb, foot, hospital; Josiah Fletcher, forehead, hospital; Lewis Phelps, hand, hospital; Wm. Phelps, back, hospital; John A. Larmon, back, hospital; Thomas Henly, back, hospital; Lieut. Beedle, back, severely, hospital; Wm. Haggerty, back, Acquia Creek.
Co. F.—Robert Williams, missing; John Murrey, missing; Sergt. Jacob Williams, leg and hand; Russel Fullerton, head; James R. Dobbin, face; Duncan C. Robertson, leg; Wm. Brady, arm; Gardner Baker, body; Wm. Lackey, hand; Wm. Skellie, hand; John Fowler; J. Schermerhorn, back; Geo. W. Kibbin, leg; Wm. H. Smith, back; Wm. J. Wood, killed; Duncan R. Mc- Dougal, shoulder; Daniel M. McClellan, face; Geo. L. Taylor, hip; Peter B. Dobbin, body.
Co. G.—Clarance Coulter, killed; John A. Stevenson, thigh, flesh; ____ Bell, thigh, flesh; Alex. Ellis, foot; John McUmber, shoulder; Geo. Lambert, leg; H. W. Brown, hip; Lieut. J. B. Rice, Sylvester R. Warner and James H. Moor have not been heard from. They are supposed to be prisoners.
Co. A.—Dennis Baker; Geo. H. Hay;
Co. C.—W. D. Lamb, fore-arm, fracture; G. T. Black, hand.
Co. K.— ____ Wright, hand.
Co. B.—Aaron Pierson.
Lieut. Colonel Norton is dangerously wounded in the right side, the ball passing just below the liver, and lodged probably in the muscles of the same side near the spine, and has not been extracted. His attending surgeon thinks him improving.
Dr. Steward, speaking of the condition of the wounded, &c., comments as follows:—Nearly all that have been sent to the hospitals in Washington are slight cases, and are doing well. Everything necessary for their comfort is furnished. The hospital arrangements in every respect are all that can be desired. The boys are made as comfortable, I am sure, from careful examination, as it is possible for them to be in their condition. The surgeons and nurses are indefatigable in their attention, and the boys all express themselves well satisfied with their treatment and fare. I was not able to procure a pass to go to the army, but was assured by the proper authorities that the wounded at Acquia Creek and in the Division Hospitals with the army are well cared for. The above list, doubtless quite imperfect, but contains all the names I had been able to collect up to Monday evening when I left Washington.
Aside from Dr. Steward's report in another above, we have gathered the following additional list of killed and wounded from other sources:
C. E. Wood, face; C. Marshall, thigh; A. Johnson, side and arm; E. Gleason,
hand; J. A. Perkins, thigh; G. W. Briggs, thigh; Lieut. Marcus Bradley, back; J. Thacker, head; A. W. Cook, foot; A. W. Doan, leg shot off by shell; D. J. Humphry, foot; Bazille Rogney, finger; E. Tanner, killed; F. Wilber, killed; Sergt. J. W. Harmon, killed; W. Bartlett, killed; O. Barnes, killed; Lieut. J. C. Corbett, killed; Sergt. L. J. Gillett, killed; W. Holt, killed; G. Leonard, killed; D. B. Sayer, killed; F. Cull. killed; J. Finch, killed; Corporal J. A. Norton, killed; B. Briggs, killed; W. L. Rich, killed; J. H. Hyde, abdomen;
H. T. Young, leg and neck; E. Booter, abdomen; W. Manning, leg; J. Pilling, slightly; O. Sparkawk, leg; H. Lampman, abdomin [sic]; L. Wright, head; P. K. Clark, leg; M. Shearer, back; G. E. Stover, heel; J. Bennett, check; N. Thompson, leg; Franklin Moore, Knee; Geo. Horton, body; Sergt. R. W. Farrell, head; J. W. Earls, body; H. T. Blanchard, shoulder; Corporal G. Wells, shell wound; H. Tefft, Jr., ancle [sic]; Andrew Tefft, unknown; H. N. Tefft, unknown; Corporal Orville Manville, side; J. W. Sherman, head badly; J. Kilgallon, wrist; John Carl, unknown; J. Douglas, shoulder; P. L. Cook, unknown; H. F. Johnson, leg; J. Crowley, leg; Sergt. H. Sartwell, arm; J. McNutt, groin; Corp. R. C. Bull, throat; Corp. G. W. Pattison, hip; John Hull, shoulder; Geo. Chase, shell wound; A. McLaughlin, shell wound; A. Walker, hip; Capt. N. Weir, head; Sergt. S. B. Weir, slightly; Cory J. Zollier, severely; Dennis Baker, slightly; John Moor, slightly; W. Murphy, slightly; A. Rhoades, seriously, D. Wolds, seriously; G. L. Taylor, hip; P. B. Robbins, abdomen; W. H. Smith, back; W. Brady, arm; C. Carter, leg; Sergt. W. H. Dennison, body; Corp. W. J. Cruikshank, both thigs; Corp. W. H. Stewart, arm; Corp. M. McFarland, nrck [sic]; Corp. A. Streeter, arm; Corp. J. S. Doig, killed; D. Patterson, unknown; Asst. Surgeon A. W. Beatty, unknown; John Doig, killed; Arch Johnson, killed; O. Baumis, killed.
We have received several communications by telegraph and letter from our brother, B. P. Crocker, who left here for Washington on Tuesday, the 5th inst., where he has since remained devoting his time to looking after and aiding the wounded from this county. The fact that most of the facts reported to us are included in the report of Dr. Steward in our columns, renders their repetition here unnecessary. The telgrams [sic] sent by him first announcing the names of the wounded and the names of a large number ascertained to have come out safe, afforded great relief to many of the friends here. We make the following extract from his letter of the 11th:--"I learn from those present that the 123d did themselves great credit in the late battle, and are now ready for another to try and close up his rebellion. This seems to be the spirit of many other regiments. I met to-day our old friend, your predecessor, E. Gardner, of the Orange Journal. I was happy to meet him, for we have 'made the rounds' of the 'city of magnificent distances' together, and have seen and made ourselves 'on easy terms' with many men of wonderful note here. Our friend Gardner, however, was on sorrowful business here, viz: to procure the remains of Lieut. Loft Bloomfield, his wife's brother, who was killed at the late battle of Fredericksburgh [sic] while sustaining a battery. No one, however, is allowed for the present to enter the enemy's lines, and he will not succeed in procuring it. This is the second brother Mrs. G. has lost in this war, the first having been killed at the Williamsburg battle about a year ago. We are both very anxious to get down to the Rappahannock to see our mutual friend, Col. Crocker, but we fear we shall not succeed. Judging from northern papers and those from there, the feeling is more depressed than it is here. It is not here considered a defeat. I saw a number of rebel prisoners brought here, and about fifty contrabands. The rebs. looked sober, while the contrabands laughed. In reply to the enquiry where they were from, they said 'yah! yah! right from Richmond.' Many of the 'rebs' say they are tired of the war and are anxious to have it closed.
Camp in the Field near Boonsboro, Md.
July 9th, 1863.
MRS. H. WOODWARD, Poultney, Vt.
Madam: I regret that it becomes my painful duty to send you the sad intelligence of the death of your son Nelson. He was shot at Gettysburg, on the morning of July 2d, the ball entering his right temple. We buried him and marked his grave. There he rests on the hillside, a noble sacrifice on the altar of his country. He was a son to be proud of. He possessed qualities which won my highest regard, and I deeply mourn his loss.
I sincerely sympathize with you in this great trial. He was a true soldier and a true man. True in principle to God and his country. I trust you know where to look for that consolation which will alone sustain you in this sorrow.
Please accept my hearty condolence, and I remain
Your, truly,
H. O. WILEY, Capt.,
Co. K., 123d Reg't N. Y. S. Vol.
Our readers will learn with profound regret the death of this brave officer.
Hopes were entertained of his recovery but only to be blasted by subsequent events. His wound proved to be mortal in its character, and our gallant Lieut. Col.,—the pride of the Regt.—the admirer of all who knew him, has gone to receive the reward of the "faithful."
CORRECTION.—A short time since we noticed the awarding of Medals of Honor to privates David W. Rogers and Geo. Osborn, of Co. K, 123d Reg't, N. Y. V. for their bravery at the battle of Gettysburgh [sic]. It should have read Chancellorsville instead.
From the 123d Regiment.
Kelly's Ford, Va., Aug. 15, 1863.
Friend Crocker:—You doubtless long ere this have come to the conclusion that I had forgotten the promise made you to write you before leaving home, but this is not the case, for I have often thought of it, but have never been situated before so that I could, for I assure you that the 123d has never let the grass grow under their feet since they came out. When in camp, we always have plenty of picket duty and drilling to attend to, and the remainder of the time we have been on the road, on the battle-field, or some equally fatigueing [sic] place. This is the excuse I have to offer for not writing before.
You are well aware that we have just completed the severest campaign of the war, and I doubt if Napoleon's campaign before Moscow was much harder, and certainly McClellan's campaign before Richmond does not commence with it. But we are amply paid for all the hardships attending it by the glorious victory to our arms. I think "Johnny Reb" found a man who was in earnest when they found George G. Meade—at least, I think so. I further believe that when we meet the enemy again we will beat them or lose a good many men. All we ask is to meet them again on as fair a field as that at Gettysburg, and we will whip them so quick that they won't know whether they are in Pennsylvania or Virginia, and have ample time to tend to those "copperheads" before time to go into winter quarters. But I am afraid that we shant always have as good ground, neither can we expect it always, especially when we go on their soil.
I can hardly imagine what the campaign for next fall will be. It is talked that we are to have sixty or seventy thousand men from all the Western armies thrown across Tennessee by the Nashville railroad into Western Virginia on Gen. Lee's flank, while we make a slight noise in the front, (just to keep him from running over us,) which I think will serve to pretty effectually blot out all of Robert's previous glory. This army once thoroughly rooted out, the rest will be forthcoming I expect before long to hear of the fall of Charleston, and this morning the rumor is current that Fort Waggoner has fallen with a thousand prisoners.
There is nothing particularly exciting in camp just now, except the presence of the paymaster among us. Like an oasis in the barren desert, we now and then have a copy of your welcome paper to cheer us up, for I tell you it is a treat to us to read the home affairs. I earnestly hope there will be none of those copperhead demonstrations in our pretty little village. If they will lend a willing hand and help us a little just now, we will sweep secession and the boasted Southern chivalry before us like chaff before the wind; but if they don't feel disposed to do their duty to their country but still enjoy the priviledges [sic] of it, I hope they will be forced to do so. I wish the government will exercise the full power of the law and fetch enough of them down here to completely overwhelm them with numbers without fighting any more. I understand the loyal citizen's of your place are arming themselves in case of any disturbance arising from the draft. I hope if it is necessary they will use them as they ought. But I will close, hoping to hear from you soon, while I remain
Yours truly,
DeRoy W. Eldridge,
Co. I, 123d Regt. N. Y. Vols.
HD. QUR'S 123D N. Y. V.,
NEAR STAFFORD C. H. Va., May 7, 1863.
To the Editor of the Sandy-Hill Herald.
Dear Sir--Last night the army of the Potomac was all back in its old quarters, having re-crossed the Rappahannock at United States Ford, yesterday morning, and knowing how anxious a large number of your readers will be to learn the fate of their relatives and friends in the regiment, I enclose you a correct list of our casualties, in the engagements of May 1st, 2d and 3d, without stopping to give you, as I would wish to do had I time, a detailed account of our part in the different battles. Suffice it for the present, to say, that the 123d has done honor to itself and its friends at home, and that its praises are on the lips of all, who were witnesses of, or have heard of its gallantry. In the great fight at Chancellorville, Sunday, May 3d, it was in the front line, its right resting on the plank-road, up which Jackson's corps advanced to the attack, and there under the most terrific fire of Artillery and Infantry that the enginery of war ever poured upon men, with shells from our own batteries massed on the hill behind us, and the enemies in front crashing and splintering the trees, and tearing the ground all around it, and bursting in its ranks, and with minnie balls like the swarming of bees sweeping thro' and about it, the regiment coolly stood its ground, as though all this were an every day exercise, and the air were not crowded with the missiles of death, and the moments fraught with the destinies of a nation, and laden with the dying gasps of countless of her bravest sons.
The regiment was put into position at 3 A. M., and immediately, with what tools it could get, it commenced constructing a kind if defence along its front of fallen trees and brush, which was not by any means finished, when at sunrise the battle began and twice in the heat of the contest did the Rebels with fiendish yells charge in solid columns directly up upon this breastwork. But the storm of grape and canister and bursting shells from our batteries, which plowed the ground along our front, and the murderous volleys from the muskets of our men, nothing mortal could withstand. And soon besides a number of prsoners [sic] and the heaps of dead and wounded, scattered greybacks running for dear life, through the woods to the rear, was all that was left of those compact columns that come so dauntlessly up to the assault. But driven back not conquered from a supply that seemed inexaustable, fresh columns were pushed upon us, to suffer the fate of those that preceded them.
And so the battle waged till past 8 o'clock with the advantage all on our side, but about that time, the troops on the right being hotly pressed, began to give way. Our regiment however, still maintained its position until the Rebels had got possession of one of our batteries, stationed at a little distance on our left, and turned its fire upon us, while at the same time, their infantry had passed us on the right. Then with the enemy on three sides of us, it fell back and formed again near the Chancellorville brick house, which at the time was being torn in peacies [sic] by rebel shells. Had other portions of the line held their ground as well as our regiment, the result of the action would have been very different. The shameful rout of the 11th Corps, the night before however, disconcerted all of Hooker's plans, and gave the enemy every advantage in the battle of Sunday.
It is said that "the army swore terribly in Flander's," but I fear that within a few days that hitherto undisputed maxim of military profanity has been eclipsed by bitterer curses, that were poured down upon the half-moon corps--(the Cresent is the badge of the 11th, as the Star is of the 12th,) when the rest of the army saw and felt how its cowardly Dutchmen had snatched ingloriously from the army of the Potomac its well-earned and otherwise assured victory. The 11th is the largest corps in the service, numbering nearly thirty thousand men, and especially did one experience a feeling of disgust at their cowardice or something more bitter, when as in the early grey of yesterday morning with its whole army repulsed and falling back on their account, assembled at United States Ford, waiting the slow delivery of the positions, we watched these chattering Dutchmen, in numbers (nothing else) an army in themselves, as with flaunting banners which they had disgraced and show of tactical art, which had not delayed their flight, they ployed along the green bottoms at the river's edge and crowded by us, eager to cross.
By nine A. M., the whole army was over and marching towards its old quarters. It had rained all night, and it poured down in torrents all day, so that in crossing the creeks on the road, the men had to wade through water up to their waists. But by dark all the star corps had reached its old camp at Stafford C. House, and was making itself as little miserable as circumstances would permit.
I would I had time, and perhaps by-and- by I will have, to describe to you all the wealth of incident and anecdote contained in the last ten days. The crossing at Kelly's Ford, the brilliant cavalry dash at Germania, by which 120 rebels were surprised and captured—the building of the bridge across the Rapidan, by the 123d—the bee-hive scene and the engagement on Friday, May 1st, in which the 123d opened the ball at Chancellorville, and in which Lt. Col. Norton fell dangerously wounded, at the first volley. His fall was a sad blow to us all, and especially at that time, since we were thereby deprived of his valuable services, through all the desperate scenes which followed. I am happy to be able to state, that he is now in the Armary Hospital, at Washington, doing well, and likely to recover.
Lt. Corbit, of Co. C, was killed in the heat of the battle of Sunday, while gallantly cheering on his men. He died a true soldier's death, the ball passed directly through his heart, and he fell forward on his face without a groan. He was a brave and zealous officer, and long will his loss be mourned in the regiment, and the remembrance of his fresh young life so gallantly ended keep green his place in our hearts.
Lt's Beadle and Shyland, of Co. I, were both badly wounded. They are in the Douglass Hospital at Washington.
We have just received marching orders again, with three days cooked rations in haversacks, and perhaps before this reaches you, we shall be again at work. Yours, etc., J. C. R.
[List of the killed, wounded and missing in the 123d Regt., N. Y. S. Vol's in the battles of Chancellorville, May 1st, 2nd and 3d.
Greenwich. Wm. J. Harrison, sergt., killed; Wm. Bartlett, pr., do; Oscar Baumers, do; J. H. Hyde, pr. wounded in abdomen; Ezra Booter, pr., in abdomen; Wm. Manning, Corp., leg; James Billings, pr., in head slight; Oscar Sparhawk, leg, slight; Henry Lampman, abdomen, fatal; George Hay, arm severely; Leroy Wright, head; Palmer K. Clark, leg; Caleb B. Teft, heel, slight; Martin Sheaver, back slight; Joseph Safford, Sergt.; Alexander Dobin.
Sandy Hill. Leander Pelott, Edwin Pearson.
Glen's falls. George E. Storer, heel slight, Austin Hozleton.
Warrensburgh. Seymour Bennett, pr., in cheek slightly.
Whitehall. John C. Corbett 2d Lieut., Leonard J. Gillett Sergt., William Holt, pr., George Leonard, David H. Sager, Frank Cull, Nathan Thompson, through leg; Franklin Moor, shot through knee missing; George Horton, body; George Wright, Corp., arm; Richard W. Sarwell, Sergt., head slight; Wm. P. Lamb, pr., arm; James W. Earl, through body; Hiram T. Blanchard, shoulder; George Wells, Cporp., bruised by shell; Hiram Taft, Jr., pr., in ankle; Anderson Taft, wounded unknown; Henry N. Taft; Orville Manville, Corp., side by shell; James W. Sherman, pr. head slight; James Killgallan, through wrist; Geo. T. Black, head; John Carl; John Douglas, shoulder; Pascal P. Cook; Henry T. Johnson, leg;; James Crauly, leg; Nathan Leonard; James Herburt.
Fort Ann. Jerry Finch; Henry Sartwell, Sergt., arm; Isaac McNutt, pr., groin; Rice C. Bull, Corp., throat; Geo. W. Patterson, slightly in hip by shell; John Hall, pr., shoulder; Geo. Chase, slightly by shell; Alex. McLaughlin; Amos Walker, Dresden, hip.
Hartford. James A. Norton, Corp.; Byron Briggs, Pr.; Joseph Tellier, Corp., severely; Dennis Baker, pr., slightly; Wm. Murphy, Seymour Tanner, seriously left on the field; James McMurry, Sidney B. Weer, Sergt., slightly.
Hebron. John Moor, Amos Rhodes, seriously, left on the field; Aaron Loughland, Daniel Wilds, William Brady, arm; Chas. E. Wood, face severely; Edward S. Tanner, Amos Rhodes. Argyll. William Wood, Jacob Williams, Sergt., hand and leg; Wm. H. Smith, back; George McRibben, leg; Duncan R. McDougall, shoulder; George L. Taylor, pr., hip severely; Russell Fellerton, Corp., temple; Wm. Lackey, Garner Baker, groin; Peter B. Robins, abdomen. Jackson. Clarence L. Coulter, Corp.; John A. Stevenson, Corp., thigh; Hiram A. Brown, hip; Jerome B. Rice, Sergt., Sylvester R. Warner, James Moore, pr. Salem. William L. Rich, pr.; Alvah Streeter, arm severely; John S. Doig, face, jaw broken; Chas. Marshall, thigh shattered; Archibal Johnson, side & arm by shell servely [sic]; Edward Gleason, finger slightly; John A. Perkins, thigh; Garret W. Briggs, Corp., thigh slightly; Wm. H. Dennison, Sergt. shot through body; Wm. J. Cruickshank, Corp., both thigs [sic], rifle ball; Wm. H. Stuwart, in arm by shell severely; Mitchell McFarland, pr., through neck; Chas. A. Shepherd; John A. Mains, Corp. Cambridge. Roswell K. Bishop, Daniel M. McLellen, cheek; Albert Shiland, 2d Lieut., ankle; Lemual Skinner, Corp., side; Wm. H. Phelps, back; Wm. Hagerty, back; Thomas Henley, Robt. W. Skellie, thigh; John Ketchum, side; John A. Larmon, Musician, unknow, Jas. A. Bassett, pr.; Rufus Gallaway, John Hover. Granville. Hiram T. Young, in leg & neck; A. W. Cook, Back slightly; Albert W. Doane, lost leg by shell; David I. Humphrey, heel; Birill Rogery, finger; Edward Tanner, both legs by shell probably dead; Fayette Wilber, hand; Samuel Wright, hand; Horace E. Howard Sergt.; Wm. H. Fooley, Corp.; Geo. H. Cowen, pr.; Jas. A. Wright, John P. Williams. Easton. Marcus Beadle, 1st Lieut., in back; James P. Wickes, pr., back; Josiah Fletcher, head; Lewis H. Phelps, hand; John H. Cobb, ankle; George L. Dennis, Sergt. White Creek. Alexander Ellis, in foot.
Since the above was received we learn that Lt. Col. Norton died of his wounds, and that his remains have been sent to his friends.
The One Hundred and Twenty-third New York Volunteer Infantry.
To the Editor of the Albany Evening Journal:
This fine regiment was raised eighteen months since in Washington county, and is made up almost entirely of the sons of wealthy farmers of that section. It has in its ranks today, as privates, numbers of college graduates and men worth from twenty to eighty thousand dollars while its Officers are composed of young men, who were selected on account of their eminent fitness by a War Committee appointed for the purpose.
Thus constituted, the regiment went forth with an esprit du corps, which it has never lost. At Chancellorsville, it fought with such unyielding determination and valor, that it attracted the attention and praise of the Commanding General. It lost in that battle one hundred and fifty-seven men. It also distinguished itself at Gettysburgh [sic], and afterwards under Gen. HOOKER in the West, proving upon all occasions that in our volunteer army, at least, the better the men the better the soldiers. It is now stationed at Alisonia, in Middle Tennessee.
Col. MCDOUGALL, who went out in command of the Regiment, has been for six, months in charge of a Brigade of six regiments, and is soon to receive the commission belonging to such a command, Corps, Division, and Brigade commanders having all united in recommending his promotion. Lieut. Col. ROGERS, (son of Hon. CHAS. ROGERS, ex-member of Congress,) who has been in the service since the breaking out of the Rebellion, succeeds to the Colonelcy. Col. R. arrived at his home not long since in charge of a large recruiting party, having been ordered north by Gen. THOMAS to recruit his regiment, now numbering about seven hundred, up to a thousand men. His appeal to the county is being responded to in the most gratifying manner.
At a town meeting held at Sandy Hill, on the 22d instant, the following resolution was passed without a dissenting voice, viz:—
Resolved, That a bounty of $300 be paid by the town of Kingsbury to each volunteer credited upon the quota of said town under the last call for 200.000 additional men, dated March 14th, 1864, and $50 additional to each volunteer so credited who shall select and be mustered into the One Hundred and Twenty-third N. Y. S. Vols.—our County Regiment—the money to be raised as provided by the Board of Supervisors of the County, at a special meeting held at Argyle, on the 14th day of March inst.
After the passage of the resolution, a number of the wealthy men of the place stepped forward and united in signing a note for the whole sum required, and the First National Bank immediately advanced the money. The other towns are taking similar action. In fact, there is no county in the State which has poured out its blood and treasure in support of the country more freely than Old Washington.
Col. R. has also been specially authorized to recruit a Band for his Regiment. Mr. A. PATTEN, Leader of SULLIVAN'S Band, of Troy, has been engaged as Leader, and is now busy in selecting the other members.
A Letter from the 123d Regiment.
Bridgeport, Ala., Dec. 10, 1863.
Dear Parents:
I received your kind letter of the 29th yesterday, the 9th. You say you have written three letters and have nor received an answer from them. I think I have received all the letters you sent me, and I have answered every one of them. I have received postage stamps twice. You say you have got to make out a circular.
I will try and give a little account of my soldiering.
We left Camp Williams, Stafford Court House, the 27th of April, with eight days' rations, and marched towards the rear of Fredericksburg. The 28th we crossed the Rappahannock, and met with opposition at Kelly's Ford. The 29th the rebels undertook to fire on our moving column from a high knoll on this side of the road. Our regiment was sent up to drive them off, and found the 28th P. V. there, who had a smart skirmish with the rebels and drove them farther into the woods. They threw a few shells at us as we were advancing, but no damage was done, and we heard nothing more from them. We waited until our train has passed, and then joined our brigade. Previous to this we crossed the Rapidan, but not until our advanced guard has skirmished with and captured about fifty or sixty rebels, who were building a bridge across the river. We finally reached the town of Chancellorville without losing any men and in good spirits. May 1st, all the forces were on the move, and were skirmishing all day. Toward evening our regiment received a most bitter fire from the forces concealed in the woods near our picket line, and there our gallant Lieut. Colonel was mortally wounded. The firing being too warm—they having our odds in great numbers, having artillery—we finally retired to the woods. Towards night, on Saturday, the 2d, we began to move again, and gave the rebels battle, and then fell back into our abbattis which had been constructed during the day; we soon moved to the edge of a piece of woods where there were no obstructions, and went to work throwing up another abbattis; we lay there all night, and by daylight, Sunday, the third, firing commenced. I will not attempt to picture a battle-field, but we stood the bitter fire from the enemy, and then fell back to the woods in our rear.
None can imagine the scenes that are enacted on the bloody field of battle. Many of my brave companions fell to rise no more, among them Lieut. Corbet and Sergeant Gillett.
We remained near Chancellorville Monday, 4th, and Tuesday, 5th, strongly fortified, and on Wednesday, 6th, we marched back to our old encampment at Stafford Court House. Saturday we were received by Gens. Slocum and Williams. We remained in camp until Saturday, the 13th of June. We were wok up long before daylight with orders to be ready by 5 o'clock to march. We were in line by that time, and by 6 o'clock we were in front of Gen. Williams' headquarters, where we found the brigade.
The day was hot and dusty, but our road being mostly through the woods, and by marching slow, we arrived within about two miles of Brook Station without being much fatigued. We commenced fixing up our quarters in good style, expecting to stay some time; but our expectations were soon to be blasted, for by the time we got things in some kind of shape, orders came for us to pack up and be ready to march the same day by 5 o'clock. We marched all that night and reached Dumfries by 8 o'clock next morning. We remained there all day and until next morning at 3 o'clock, when we took up our march for Fairfax Court House, which we reached about 9 o'clock in the evening. It was dreadful hot and dusty; we were heavily loaded and marched hard; a large number of the brigade felt out--some died on the road side; but I stuck it through. Some call it 18 and some 25 miles from Dumfries to Fairfax C. H. We marched over some of the road that we had marched five times before.
Wednesday we left Fairfax C. H. and encamped on Prospect Hill for the night. Tuesday we marched on again, and finally reached Leesburg. The country on this route is far better than any that I have seen in Virginia. Leesburg is a much larger and prettier town that I had any idea of when we passed through it some six months ago; but it is a most rabid secesh town.
Wednesday, 19th, both divisions were formed into a hollow square to witness the shooting of three deserters; two from a Pennsylvania regiment, the other from a Jersey regiment. After the square was formed the prisoners rode up to their graves—a baggage wagon preceded them with their coffins. They were blindfolded and their hands tied behind them before they were led from the ambulance and seated on their coffins. After prayer they were shot dead. It was a sad sight. After they were put into their coffins the division was inarched around, and gave one look at their lifeless forms.
June 26 we crossed the Potomac at Edward's Ferry, into Maryland, and camped for the night.
June 27th, after a hasty breakfast, we again proceeded on our march. We first crossed the Monoxey Aqueduct, which is a magnificent construction. The Monoxey empties into the Potomac at this point. We arrived at Point of Rocks about noon; then up the Chesapeake and Ohio canal a few miles, and finally crossed under the canal.
June 28, we made another early start, going back on the same road we came, some three miles, and taking the Frederick City road. We passed Centreville, a small town, and encamped about two miles from Frederick City.
June 30, we commenced our march as usual, at three o'clock. We passed through some small towns, the names of which I do not remember. And soon after we got into Pennsylvania. We discovered a commotion far in advance of us, and learned that our cavalry had encountered a body of rebel cavalry. We came to a halt just outside the little town and presently the Artillery came dashing by at full speed. Soon we started and went through the town on a dead run. I felt like exclaiming to the ladies of this town--God bless you. A large collection of the fair sex was congregated on a piazza, singing patriotic songs, while others were standing on the walks with plates and baskets of eatables and others were placing glasses of water on the different stoops; old men were holding pails of water for the weary and exhausted soldiers. As I hurriedly glanced around upon the multitude in our flight through town, I could discern tears trickling down the cheeks of some of the ladies. We encamped about one mile outside of the town.
I must relate one incident: One of the citizens volunteered to show our cavalry where the rebels were; they came upon them, and the old man went into the fight with them; he came to a hand conflict with a rebel and choked and conquered him. Such is the spirit shown in Pennsylvania.
July 2d, we left Littlestown, went back a mile, and took the road leading to Gettysburgh [sic]. We went but a short distance on the road when we heard cannonading. We soon found that our advance forces were engaging the rebels near Gettysburg. We hurried as near the town as to be a reserve, expecting to be engaged every moment. We were marched hither and thither until we were nearly wearied out. Towards night of the 2d of July the contest raged fiercely on the left of the line. We left our position on the right and went to the left, leaving our breastworks. We then started for the right again. Things looking suspicious before we arrived there, we sent out skirmishers up to the breastworks, and they found the enemy occupying them.—They took a Lieutenant by stratagem.—Our regiment raised up to fall back on a hill, and the enemy gave us a volley, and it being dark the regiment behind fired a volley into us. We rested for the night near by in a corn-field.
July 3d, as we lay in the corn-field, the firing commenced early and continued all day, with terrific execution. We lay under one battery, and one of its guns fell short several times, killing one man in our regiment and three or four in the brigade.
In the afternoon we relieved the 20th Connecticut which had stood nobly against the enemy for several hours. We then proceeded to the woods leading to the breastworks, threw out our skirmishers, and advanced. The rebels left, and we gained the breastworks which we had constructed the afternoon before, and which had been for twenty-four hours hotly contested. The rebels lay thick, and it was perfectly sickening to view the scene inside the works. Our artillery made sad havoc among the enemy's ranks. Soon the battle raged fearfully on the left centre; the shells fell in among us, but no damage was done; after a while we started for the left centre, but the battle there had ceased before we arrived, and the enemy completely repulsed. We came back to our breastworks.
July 4th, nothing was seen or heard of the enemy. In the afternoon our regiment with three or four others, went out to support cavalry and artillery on a scouting expedition in search of the enemy. We took a circuit of about eight miles, and coming up through the town of Gettysburg and into the breastworks again without seeing anything of the enemy. We remained there the rest of the day and night. I took a stroll around the field, and such sights as my eyes beheld I hope will never be my lot to behold again. The rebel dead l ay around in all manner of shapes; and over the breastworks the ground was literally covered. I saw several officers, among the slain, and one officer whom they said was Gen. Ewell's Assistant Adjutant General. His horse was full of bullet holes. Our Corps (the 12th) buried 1500 dead rebels.
I would say more concerning the battlefield, but cannot bring it up in its proper place, and will therefore refrain from saying more.
July 5th, we left about noon and marched down to Littlestown and encamped for the night.
July 29th, Captain Tanner takes his place as Major.
July 31st, we arrived at Kelly's Ford; we stopped and pitched our tents on a large field.
August 6th, we are still here and nothing to do but to rest; and if any soldiers ever needed rest, we do.
We have fresh bread to-day for the first time in twp months; we enjoy ourselves well, nothing to do but cook, eat and drink. Gen. Knipe commands our brigade.
Aug. 29th, just at the edge of evening some of the 150th N. Y. boys had a prayer meeting in one of the company streets; soon a large crowd or eager listeners were gathered around, and prayer was offered by one of the strangers. I believe that good may result from it.
The boys enjoyed a good thing the other day at the expense of one of the conscripts. One of these was seen coming along with a shoe in his hand; and coming up to a group of old soldiers, inquired if there was a shoe maker around. The boys answered that there was one by the name of Knipe, over in that large tent, (pointing over to Gen. Knipe's headquarters.) Conscript started for the tent; was halted by the guard. Conscript said he wanted to see Knipe; the guard let him pass. Conscript goes up to the tent where the General sits reading; conscript says he wants to see Knipe. The General says I am the man. Conscript says he wants to see the shoemaker, Knipe. The General rises up angrily and tells conscript to go back to his regiment and not let the old soldiers fool him again. (The General is a shoemaker by trade.)
Sept. 16th, we left Kelly's Ford at daybreak, and after a severe march we reached Stevensburg about 1 o'clock where we halted and stayed over night. Gen Lee's headquarters was at this place not long ago.
Sept. 17th, we started again at daybreak and marched in the direction of Raccoon Ford which we reached after several hours of hot marching; we filed into the wood and halted for rest. We were marching and counter-marching all day and finally halted in the wood and pitched our tents. The pickets kept up firing all the while.
Sept. 20th, yesterday nothing of importance occurred. Towards night we heard some skirmishing, and soon we were ordered to fall in, but the order was countermanded about as soon as it came.
Sept. 24th, we left Racooon Ford, passing Stevensburg, we arrived at Brandy Station.
Saturday morning, the 26th, we took the cars and started for lands then unknown. We reached Alexandria in the afternoon; arrived at Washington towards night; we then took the cars on the Baltimore & Ohio rail road, passing the Relay House, Harper’s Ferry.
Sept. 28th, we passed through several tunnels, one of them three fourths of a mile long. We crossed the Ohio River into Ohio about four miles below Wheeling, Va.
Sept. 30th, we passed a number of small towns, among which was Newark, a very nice place. We passed through Columbus, the Capitol of Ohio, about dark, where we stopped to get bread and coffee. It is a splendid place.
We changed cars at Indianapolis, the Capitol of Indiana, where we got a good dinner at the "Soldiers Home."
We passed several towns, and finally arrived at Jeffersonville, in the night. We took a ferry boat, crossed the Ohio into Louisville, KY.
Oct 2d, we passed Nashville, Tenn., in the night.
Oct. 3d, we arrived at Bridgport, Alabama, where we left the cars and pitched our tents. This is no town, but the Tennessee River is close by. The rebels have burned the rail road bridge at this point, but it is fast being repaired.
They are pushing rations on to the front now at a great rate. There are 3 boats now running between here and Knoxville, and another one almost finished. The cars will be running soon.
I have written all that I think of. I have been writing ever since morning, and it is now 5 o'clock. I am in good health.
I will close by wishing you a "Merry Christmas."
Your affectionate son,
E. S. R.
From the 123d.
Last Thursday, about 5 o'clock, our company was called upon to go and relieve company E, which was stationed at the Water Tank about a mile up the track; to go in search of some of their boys who went out on patrol at 1 o'clock, and had not returned. At half past 5 we had relieved them, and they (Co. E) had just thrown out a few skirmishers to feel along the road to see whether there were any of the enemy concealed; but not finding any, they pushed on farther without seeing any signs of the enemy. They had not proceeded a great distance when a volley of musketry was heard not very far in advance. The Capt. then ordered the company to double-quick; they did so, and in a few moments they reached the scene of excitement, which was caused by 150 Rebel cavalry, who had run the train off, burnt three cars, shot two negroes, and an engineer who was shot through the thigh. A quartermaster was robbed of $600, and a Captain of a Conn. Regiment of $300. There were a number of company G boys who were returning from Tullahoma on the same train; their overcoats were taken including their money and jack-knives; and also relieved the patrol of their overcoats and money, and were in the act of taking them to the rear, when company E came up with a yell, and one volley caused the "Rebs" to retreat in hot haste, killing two and wounding one; not one of company E were hurt.
No more news at present. Everything is all quiet along the road.
Your brother,
(Whitehall Chronicle, July 10, 1864)
For the Chronicle.
From the 123d.
Headquarters 123d Regt. N. Y. S. Vols.,
Cassville, Georgia, May 20, '64.
I gave you some encouragement to expect an occasional note for the "Chronicle," from me, when I should reach the Regiment; and though I have not been able as yet to perform, I have not forgotten my promise.
The paper on which I write is Confederate paper, and was taken from the breast pocket of a dead Rebel, after the late battle of Resacca, perforated, as you see, by a death dealing Yankee bullet. This may give the letter a war-like interest to you.— The 123d had no part in the battle until Sunday afternoon, when they were ordered to the "front," an responded to the order at the double quick, in splendid style.—They were soon under fire in the most trying situation for the courage of a soldier.—They were exposed to a murderous fire from a rebel battery, and forbidden to reply. They endured it with true heroism until they were relieved, having lost but one man, by the explosion of a shell, and several wounded. They were afterward engaged and did good execution, with no loss. The "Rebs" were strongly fortified with every advantage of position, having taken time to intrench [sic] themselves, and secure the best possible place to meet our forces. But they met both superior generalship and superor [sic] numbers, and were handsomely whipped in the place of their own choice. The extent of carnage to them is not known here, but must have been very heavy, both in men and material. The battle at our end of the line was brought to a close by a charge during the night and Monday morning, when a Rebel battery of four brass twelve-pounders was captured and brought into camp with many prisoners.
Early on Monday morning we learned that there was no enemy in front, and immediately started in pursuit of them. The pursuit has been continued with cautious vigor until yesterday, when we discovered signs that we were in their vicinity.
Our pickets soon found their intrenchments [sic] and drove them to Cassville, Cass county, where they made a stand, but after a brief engagement they were dispersed, with small loss on either side.
Cassville is the county seat of Cass Co., Georgia, and is really a very fine village for this section of country. It has been the seat of an educational institution, under the patronage of the Methodist Church, known by the name of the Cassville Female College. The buildings and grounds indicate that the institution has formerly enjoyed considerable prosperity, but at the present time, like every other interest of this unfortunate country, it is in a state of ruin.
Rebel soldiers have made the building their barracks, and the Yankees, who now have possession, have not improved it.
It is enough to sicken the heart of one who appreciates the benefits of civilization, and the blessings of a refined taste, to see the ruin, the wreck, the desolation left by an army on the march. Houses, furniture, poultry, swine, cows, horses, everything is considered lawful plunder by a marching soldier, and often a spirit of mischief manifests itself, in the destruction of property, that can be of no benefit to the army or any individual.
I desire to say for the 123d that my brief acquaintance with them, has led me to the conclusion, that they will not suffer in comparison with any other regiment in this department, in reference to efficiency in any thing that pertains to the character of soldiers. They are kind and courteous in their intercourse with each other, and with their officers. They are cool and prompt in action, and will never do dishonor to old Washington County. Their officers are men who understand and appreciate the objects for which they contend, and confidently trust in the patriotic valor of their men.
Yours, W.
For the Chronicle.
From the 123d Regiment.
Camp near Dallas, Ga.,
May 31, 1864.
Does anybody in the outside world know where we are going? We have marched now most of the time for six weeks through —or in the woods of Georgia something as Abraham left his country and kindred, "not knowing whither he went."
We overtook and engaged Johnson's army at Resacca and routed them in a few days, the First Brigade being engaged only about six hours.
They halted again and we engaged them at Cassville on the 19th, and they retreated after a few hours fighting, and we saw no more of them until our advance ran into their lines and were exposed to the terrible fire of a six gun battery on the 25th inst. In this engagement our division suffered severely, from 1,000 to 2,000 killed and wounded, and among them our gallant Colonel McDougal, who was severely wounded by a musket ball through his leg shattering his knee joint so that amputation became necessary. Thus the service is robbed of a noble officer, a man maimed for life, and a family in affliction.
Here for the first time on this march the enemy seems to have made a decided stand, and here our generals are preparing to give them another lesson on the wickedness and folly of treason.
They made a night attack upon our lines on Saturday night at 11 o'clock, evidently hoping to find our men unprepared, but were disappointed, for though their solid column were allowed to march undisturbed until they reached a point some thirty rods from our line, they then learned by the discharge of 12 and 20-pounders, double-shotted with grape and canister, that Yankees were not asleep. The slaughter was frightful, and what was left of them, after receiving a full volley of musketry from our breastworks, retired to their own fastnesses and were quiet for the balance of the night.
Fighting has been continued with greater less activity all along our line of battle, some eight or ten miles, to the present time, and while I write I hear with different degrees of distinctness the discharge of cannon and musketry, the whistling of shell and all the terrible sounds of war. Army wagons are driven to and fro, ambulances are going in and out, officers are riding rapidly, &c, &c. Such is war. When will it be over? The wounded have been very numerous in this engagement—arms and shoulders have suffered terribly. I saw one poor fellow, a German, who had been wounded by a ball through his right lung so that he breathed through the wound, but after three days had a fair prospect of recovery; but the weather is very warm, and no rail road near, so the poor follow must suffer badly.
More anon. W.
From the 123d.
We are informed by Mr. Walter Skellie, of Cambridge, that his son Robert, a member of Co. "I," Capt. Hall's, of the 123d Regiment was killed in the battle of the 25th, at Altoona Pass, Georgia.
Wm. Tingue, son of Charles Tingue, of this village, a member of the 4th Heavy Artillery, army of the Potomac, was killed in the battle of the 4th inst.
Peter Crombie and George Clark, members of the 123d, reported wounded, have since died.
Killed in Co. G on the 15th of May, at Resaca, private Wm. Martin, shot in the bowels. Wounded, Montrevill Hart, shot in the face.
May 25th, wounded, Capt. James Clark, shot in the face; private Peter Crombie, right arm shot off; Capt. Henry Gray, wounded slightly in the leg; private Peter Henry, in leg; Robert Skellie Co. I, shot through the head, killed instantly.
From the 123d Regt., N. Y. V.
June 23d, 1864.
Seated under a large oak tree in an open field, I will endeavor to pen you a few lines in regard to the proceedings of our Regiment during the past two months, that is, if the rebels, who are opposite me in the woods, will allow me to do so.
While I write the skirmishers are firing quite briskly, and now and then a bullet from the enemy's skirmishers comes whizzing over this way.
I should like to give a strict account of our proceedings during this campaign, but for fear I shall tax your patience I will simply give you a brief account; and should like very much to give you a description of the country from Elk River to Chattanooga, which is very romantic, but time will not permit.
We left Elk River the 27th of April, and reached the vicinity of Chattanooga the 3d of May, without anything remarkable occurring. The 7th we marched in the direction of Dalton, Ga., Gen. Kilpatrick's Cavalry skirmishing with the Rebels and driving them. The 10th we marched to the top of Chattanooga Mountain and threw up breastworks. The 11th we moved off of the Mountain into Snake Creek Gap. The 12th we marched about five miles through the Gap. The 13th we moved about five miles towards Resaca, took a position and built breastworks—some skirmishing on our right. The 14th our Division moved about four miles to the left wing, and arrived just in time to save the line of the Fourth Corps. The object of the Rebels was, it seemed, all the latter part of the day, to break our line, but we arrived just in time to save it, as the Fourth Corps was giving way to a charge of the Rebels who were closed in mass. The 15th, we advanced about one mile, and found the enemy in a strong line of breastworks. Our Regiment's position was on a hill about forty rods from the enemy's breastworks. They opened a gun on us, killing one, and wounding several, some of whom have since died. Hooker,—"Old Joe," as we call him,—displayed great bravery here, being in the thickest of the fight. After dark we threw up breastworks, and lay down in anticipation of a hard fight on the morrow. But the morning of the 16th found the Rebels gone, and many of their dead left on the field. The 16th, 17th and 18th we followed in pursuit. The 19th we found them at Cassville. We moved forward on the "double quick" to support a battery. The artillery plyed in briskly, and was returned likewise by the enemy's batteries. One man in our Regiment was wounded.
We remained in Cassville three days.—The 23d we again started after the Rebels, and on the 25th came up with them. About 5 o'clock P. M., after rapid marching, we came up to Gen. Geary's position. He had been attacked unawares, on Alatoona Ridge, along the road leading to Dallas. As soon as possible our Division formed in line of battle, and advanced in brigade lines very near the enemy's position. After the first line had fired away their ammunition we relieved them, laying flat on the ground, without much firing, but under a terrific fire of grape and cannister, which very fortunately passed mostly over our heads. In advancing, our Colonel was wounded in the leg, and Major Tanner slightly, but the Major kept the field until we were relieved. The fighting was kept up until darkness and a thunder shower closed the bloody scene. We were relieved about 4 o'clock, on the morning of the 26th. Our loss was 1 killed and 17 wounded--some have since died. It is reported our Division lost 1,800 in killed and wounded. We retired a short distance back in the woods where we remained six days without taking any part in the conflict, which was more or less skirmishing. The Rebels attempted to break our lines several times, but were repulsed each time handsomely.
June 1st, we were relieved by the 15th Corps, when we marched about four miles toward the left of the line to support the Corps. The 2d we marched further toward the left, supporting the 23d Corps, which was turning the enemy's flank. We built breastworks and lay behind them all night. The 23d corps moved towards the left leaving us in front. The 5th we moved towards the left about four miles and halted for the night. The 6th we moved about three miles, and acted as support for the other two brigades of our Division. We remained in this position four days. The 11th we moved about one mile and formed a line on the left of the 3d Division of our Corps. The 12th we built breastworks on the line which we formed the day before. There was skirmishing in front, and an attack was expected on the right of the 4th Corps which joined our left. We remained in this position until the15th, when we moved again towards the enemy. There was some hard fighting, but we were not engaged, although we lay exposed to the bullets, and shells of the enemy, expecting every moment to be called upon. The 16th we moved to another position, built breastworks, and lay in them awaiting the movement of the enemy. The 17th we found the enemy had fallen back. We advanced about two miles; and found the rebels intrenched [sic] on a ridge running south from the Kennesaw Mountains and about eight miles from Marietta. They threw a few shells into us as we were advancing, wounding two Lieutenants in our regiment, slightly. Soon a battery passed us, headed by "Old Joe," and the rebel battery was soon silenced.—On the 19th the enemy had fallen back.—We advanced about two miles and threw up breastworks on the picket line; the bullets flew around us pretty thick, but we soon threw up good works, and lay down on our arms to get as much rest as possible. The 20th we were relieved by the 4th Corps, and moved about three miles toward the left, acting as a support to the 2d and 3d Brigades, who threw up breastworks in our front. The 22d we took the front line.—
Our Regiment was deployed as skirmishers. Soon after we were deployed an advance was ordered. We advanced steadily about half a mile, driving the rebel skirmishers before us, until they got on a ridge from which we could not drive them very easily. They made a charge on us and we were compelled to fall back some distance, when we rallied and advanced again steadily, where we held them until about 5 o'clock, when they made another charge on us with a whole Division. We were again compelled to fall back, but not until we had given them a few rounds of lead. Our Brigade opened upon them, and after a short time of hot fighting we repulsed them handsomely. Our artillery mowed them down in large numbers. Our loss was 4 killed, 27 wounded and about 14 missing. Edward Crow was the only one wounded in our Company.
You will perceive that the last two months have been those of active field service fraught with hardships and dangers. The Regiment is ever ready to respond to any call, and when ordered to the front, advance with that coolness and courage which characterize good and brave soldiers. The Regiment holds an honored position in the 20th Corps. We feel confident of success, and are determined to meet Grant at the heart of the rebellion, and have a hand in striking the last blow at the nearly exhausted so-called Southern Confederacy.
The life of a soldier is tedious and monotorious [sic] at best, but it is not all dark and repulsive in the army. There are green spots in this moral desert.
One of the greatest comforts a soldier has is that of letters written to him by loved ones at home. Letters coming to the soldier from those whom he esteems and loves, exhorting him to virtue, valor and patience amid the toils, hardships and dangers of war, are to him sacred things—safeguards to virtue--stimulants to noble deeds.
In writing to the soldier do not descant on the pleasure his presence in the home circle would afford you; do not lament the toils, hardships and dangers he has to encounter ere this "cruel war" will be over; do not count the long days and months and years that he most thus suffer, and wish him back to the happy associations and circumstances of days gone by; but tell him to do his whole duty to his country and to God; exhort him to come home to your embrace--if in Divine Providence he is spared--an honored and brave soldier.
I fear I have already taxed your patience too much. We are now awaiting the movements of the enemy, and cannot tell what an hour may bring forth.
With respect, I remain
Yours, &c.,
Whitehall Chronicle.
From the 123d Regiment.
Field Hospital, near Atlanta, Ga.,
July 23d, 1864.
I snatch a few moments from attentions to the wounded and dying, to relieve your anxiety.
Our whole line was attacked by the enemy on the afternoon of the 20th, and suffered terribly. The First Brigade sustained their reputation. The enemy was repulsed after a vigorous fight of two hours or more. Our Regiment reports the following disasters:
Adjutant Seth C. Carey, leg.
Co. A—Leroy Wright, killed; Corp. Joseph Lapoint, face; James Livingston, missing, (3).
Co. B—1st Sergeant Joseph Middleton, wrist; Corp. James B. Taylor, arm; Wm. O. Atkin, breast; Geo. W. Harrington, hand; Wm. Martindale, missing; (5).
Co. C—Color Sergeant Wm. Hutton, mortally, since dead; Wm. K. Allen, body, since dead; Frank Johnson,* missing; (3).
Co. D—Corp'l Daniel R. Williamson, neck; Barney Shanley, shoulder; Joel Harvey, side; (3).
Co. E—1st Lieut. John H. Daicy, head, since dead; Corp'l Robert C. McEachron, thigh; George Donley, killed; Alvin Gray, thigh; Sam'l Stiles, leg; Darins J. Brown, right hand; (6).
Co. F—Serg't John R. McMillen, arm; Corp'l Russell Fullerton, body; Corp'l Andrew H. McWhorter, arm; Elenezer Kinney, arm; Taylor A. Hopkins, body; Geo. H. Robinson, arm; Jas. M. Stow, arm and breast; Joseph McMurry, arm; John Burns, arm; W. H. Smith, face; (10).
Co. G—Corp'l Henry Arnold, side; Henry Welch, killed; Clark Lawton, head; Henry Colter, arm; Peter Cpwen, arm; Martin Bennet, missing; (6).
Co. H—Michael Hiley, killed; drummer Henry Danforth, leg; Francis Brennan, head; Chester Orcut, leg; Crandal Johnson, missing; (5)
Co. I—Corp'l Frederick Slocum, breast; Jacob Hermon, head; Thomas Henley, arm; Henry Chapman, killed; Geo. Higby, face; James Springer, missing; Edward K__pf, missing; Jas. Pelott, missing; (8).
Co. K—Captain Henry O. Wiley, killed; Corp'l Chauncey L. Guilford, arm and side; Corp'1 Henry Welch, hand; Thos. Donahu, shoulder; Jas. A. Wright, missing; (5).
This is copied from the official report, but may, perhaps, be altered in some of its details.
We are now in easy range of the doomed city, and while I write, I hear the heavy cannonading, which, I learn, awakens no response from the enemy. Our forces will probably take the city within a few days.
* Has since come in.
From the 123d Regt. N. Y. V.
GEORGIA, August 2d, 1864.
Can this be a siege? The people North, or any who were never engaged in this sort of business, have a very faint idea of the labor, the danger, and the unceasing fatigue attending this operation. Men seated in their easy arm-chairs, sipping their iced toddy, and enjoying their Havanas," can easily exclaim, "Why don't the armies move?" &c. This is all very fine to talk about, but let those same individuals be placed in the same position we are, their tone of remarks will be somewhat changed. I wonder how they would like to run the gauntlet of Sharpshooters as we have had to do the past week?
We have been in our present position ten day. We left the scene of our last conflict the 22d of July,—the enemy having evacuated—and taking the Atlanta road, passing their huge breastworks, proceeded about two miles, and found them stationed in their last ditch, on the outskirts of Atlanta. We moved up and took our position in sight of the doomed city, and not over half a mile from the enemy’s entrenchments which are dotted with forts. We commenced throwing up works under quite a heavy artillery fire from the said forts.—We demolished an old mill near by, and with shovels and picks soon had up good works, unmindful of the missiles of death which were flying thick and fast all round us. The audacity of the thing undoubtedly astonished the Rebels—our marching up in plain sight of their massive works, and under the very mouth of their cannon, and all unmindful of their shot and shell which they threw at us with a vengeance, throw up works seemingly as cool as one would be at home digging a ditch or carving a turkey. (But I could not vouch for my coolness in performing the latter.)
Nothing of importance has transpired in our immediate front, with the exception of an advance of the picket line. The morning of the 30th, we were roused up from our visions of roast beef, oysters, and pretty girls, and the boom of an old 20-pounder soon made us realize our situation and we crawled into our pits. The pickets soon advanced stealthily up towards the rebel pickets, and, with a yell, were onto them before they were aware of any movement whatever on our part. They had no time to offer any resistance, and were compelled to surrender. Our division skirmishers captured about two hundred of the enemy's picket, with several officers. Our boys advanced steadily up to within a few yards of one of their forts, and, by firing through their port holes, kept their guns silenced for several hours, until the rebels opened their artillery upon them from other directions. Battery "I" opened upon the rebel guns and very quickly "dried up" one or two of them. Our skirmishers were compelled to fall back a very little, where they threw up works. In our regiment one in company D was slightly wounded, and Albert Potter, of company A, was killed.
Several days ago heavy firing was heard on the left—McPherson's command—and report says that our forces captured some seven or eight hundred prisoners and four hundred negroes, with their trenching tools. We heard heavy firing on the right a few days ago, and we also learn from the same source that we drove the enemy about two miles, they leaving their killed and wounded on the field, and we capturing some several hundred prisoners. So the work goes bravely on. We are gaining little by little every day.
Fighting Joe Hooker has left us, and there is not a soldier who was under him but what regrets his leaving. Ever in battle we could see his noble form among us to cheer and entourage us on to deeds of valor and glory. The boys had studied him so closely that they could always tell when things were progressing finely, or when they were going contrary to his wishes.—At the battle of Resaca, and before the fight commenced, Joe was riding along the line seeing that everything was all right. The boys raised their hats, and were in the act of giving him a cheer, when Joe said, "Keep cool, boys, keep cool, there's a hen on! Of course the boys were whist, for they knew something was up. We have seen him where the battle raged the hottest, on the skirmish line, and in fact he was everywhere. He knew by personal examination where every regiment in his Corps lay. He complimented our regiment very highly for its conduct on the skirmish line the 22d of June.
The view from our breastworks is a beautiful one. In the distance we can see the steeples looming up above the little forest which separates us from the doomed city, as if defying the "Yankee horde" who are hovering around its borders. Near the enemy's earthworks are several very beautiful residences. One large stone mansion is just opposite us, in which our guns have made several very ragged looking holes.—Back of us is a dense forest, broken now and then by plantations, which reaches hundreds of miles back.
The shelling presents a very beautiful sight at night, and reminds one of the 4th of July fireworks in by-gone days; but the enjoyment, under the circumstances, is not the same.
H. O. Warren is now our Captain, and by his courtesy to all, he has become a general favorite with the company.
The weather for a few days past has been quite cool, interspersed now and then with a shower, which operates on the boys something as a refreshing shower does on a young cabbage plant; but, I do not wish you to infer that I call the boys cabbage-heads.
I wonder how it would seem to be out of hearing of a gun for twenty- four hours; and I suppose you wonder how it would seem to be within hearing of these guns for the same length of time.
My partner has just brought in a pail of beans, and I will see if I cannot do justice to a few of them. Dick is "just gay" on getting up a meal, and if any one does not believe it, let him come down here for a soldier and judge for himself. With respect, I remain
Yours, &c.,
Camp of the 123d N. Y. S. V.
Kelley Ford, Va.,
AUGUST 13TH, 1863.
Friend Morris: This is a rainy, dull day, just such a one, as if we were at home we would go fishing, and have warmed our beans and roast pork for dinner, for we never eat fish which we catch ourselves, for the reason that we don't know now to dress them, and our amiable little wife wont. But we are not at home, so we shall not go fishing, etc., etc. So we will write to somebody, and that somebody is no one but yourself, (please draw no inferences.)
The last few months have been stirring times, down here at least. This army has fought two of the greatest battles ever fought on this continent—Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. At the first we were badly beaten, but at the second the enemy were terribly punished. We whipped them at every point with great slaughter. Still we paid dear for that victory. The country lost many men it could ill afford to spare. Among them, not the least in worth, was Capt. Norman F. Weir, of Hartford. All we need to say of him is what we can well say, that he was a true man in every spot and place. I mourn his loss as a personal and valued friend. I have stood and talked with him amid the smoke and roar of battle, and when surrounded with friends in old New York, and he knew no more fear in one place than the other. He was a hero.
Old Washington County, if you have tears left, shed them for such men as he. The sacrifice of such lives makes sacred the soil that nurtured them.
The army is now comparatively inactive, though by no means idle. Our division is just now guarding this Ford.—Our picket line runs along the Rappahannock, while the rebels are just the other side of the Rapidan, leaving a space of ten or fifteen miles as scouting ground for the two armies. There seems to be no immediate prospect for a battle, though we shall probably have another great fight by the first of October, and if the north does its duty, that can just as well be the last battle as not. All we want is proper re-enforcements at the proper time. The men are in good spirits and confident. There never was an army better officered than this, as a general thing. Of course there are exceptions, and officers never led better men than this very army of the Potomac.—There are no copperheads there—no not one. Not that we all believe the policy of the Administration is entirely what it should be. I do not myself, but we do believe that of all times, now is not the one to stop and discuss that policy. The Government at Washington is all that stands between us and national ruin, and until that Government is changed in the lawful and ordinary way, it must be sustained.
This army is not fighting for conquest or to gratify ambition, but for the supremacy of Constitutional law, to perpetuate the most liberal institutions and the most equitable Government mortal man ever lived under. And it will fight for this just as readily in Vermont as in So. Carolina, in New York as in Virginia. Copperheads all over the country should remember this, that the army of the Union is a power, and that the power is a unit in sustaining Abraham Lincoln while he remains the constitutional and legal President of these United States.
Yours truly, H. O. W.
Middle Granville, Aug. 15.
Friend Morris:—While visiting at a friend's house and inquiring of her in regard to her husband now in the army, she read to me a letter just received, of which I begged a copy, and now offer it to you for publication, if you consider it worthy. Yours truly, E.
Army of the Potomac, 123d Reg't,
1st Brig., 2d Div., 12th Corps,
Barnett's Ford, Va., Aug. 9th.
DEAR WIFE:—How vividly comes up before me today my wife and child, and the comforts of that little northern home. One year has passed quickly yet wearily away, since I engaged in this cause—to uphold Liberty and Free Institutions, leaving those I hold most dear on earth—wife and child, parents, brothers and sisters, all the pleasures and comforts of home—offering my life to my country, and the greatest blessing bestowed by God—Human Liberty. The cause is from God, and those that attempt to overthrow it will not succeed any more than Hell can prevail over Heaven. In many instances it has seemed as though all was lost. Yet 'twas but the darkness that heralded the coming dawn. I doubt not but God may have given the battle to the oppressor, in order to punish us as a nation for our sins, and also to show us how much we depend on His all-powerful aid, and that their final overthrow may be the more signal and complete.
At last there comes from all the Union armies the cheering notes of victory; on all sides are the enemies of Liberty put to flight. The dawning of the day has begun. Soon will come the brightness of the day of Peace.
For us soldiers that bear the burdens and endure privations and hardships numberless, how welcome the dawning. The soldier sighs for freedom—not that he dislikes the cause in which he is engaged, for he knows it is an holy one—to its defense he freely offers up his life. But all the attractions of home and the loved ones there serve but to make him chafe under the restraint imposed upon him here. Yes, indeed, will it be a welcome day that Liberty maintained and peace reigning, he may return to his quiet home and beloved friends, free, proud of success and the honors he has dearly won.
It is a very beautiful Sabbath day.—All is quiet about the camps. A soft breeze from the south keeps us cool just now, but most of the time we have very hot weather. The sun fairly seems to burn into ones flesh. We have been in this camp since the second of August, and are getting rested pretty well after the very severe marches and battles we have had since the 13th of June. We are now under the command of Brig. Gen. Knipes again, who makes us drill two hours every day, morning and evening, in order that we may not become demoralized or get rusty by inaction.—We are anxiously looking for the conscripts. We need them, and will give them a hearty welcome.
We all dislike the $300 act by which nearly all get clear. We feel very hopeful for the next draft, which we hope …
Near Kelly's Ford, Va., Aug. 24, 1863.
After a silence of a few months I again intrude on your presence. I would that I were capable of giving you an ___ account of our proceedings during the past few months, but undoubtedly you are posted on all the movements of the army of the Potomac, and the history of said army is the history of the 123d, for we help swell the ranks of this grand army.
I will say but little about our journey into Maryland and Pennsylvania—of our meeting Lee and driving him from our soil—but will say that we have "fetched around," about as I expected, into the old bone yard—Virginia—again.
We left Stafford Court House the 13th of last June, and arrived at this place the 31st of July. During this period we experienced a tough time; days in succession we had hardly time to boil our coffee.—We were kept on the move from daylight until dark, and a great many times all night. But we are now encamped on the beautiful banks of the Rappahannock, and have basked in the sunshine of the sunny South for the past three weeks with the greatest pleasure imaginable, for our tedious campaign had nearly "used us up."
We have been furnished with rations in great abundance, and are now ready to be "up and off" again at a moment's notice.
The health of the Regiment is as good, if not better, than it ever was. All are in good cheer, and I think that if Lee should now meet us, he would find a stubborn set to deal with.
We have received from private sources the names of the "lucky" ones elected to shoulder the musket or "fork over." We will welcome them with, "how are you, conscripts," and endeavor to make time pass off pleasantly, and initiate them in the "mysteries" of camp life. Our Captain (Tanner) has been promoted; he is now Major, and well he deserves the promotion, for a more faithful or braver officer is not in the Regiment.
Such pleasant weather as we are now enjoying—bright, cloudless summer days and beautiful moon-light evenings—tends to draw the soldier's mind back to other days, when the cry of war was unknown to us, and the pleasant home-circle was unbroken. But the dark clouds are breaking, and we believe the day is not far distant when we shall see peace dictated on our own terms. We believe that He who doeth all things well ___ out this unholy rebellion in His own good time.
We are expecting our pay to-morrow, for four months.
We picket on one side of the Rappahannock and the rebels on the other, their conversational powers are not as brilliant as they were before their raid into Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Yours truly,
Kelly's Ford, Aug. 16,1863.
DEAR SIR:—My country never wanted men more than it does at the present time, and if I was at home, with the knowledge that I have of the necessities of my country for men, I should not stay with you long, for I feel as if it was the duty of every able-bodied man that can leave, to answer to the call of the President until the quota is made up. I think if the men who have been called for were furnished without delay, that the Rebellion would be crushed in three months at fartherest, and most likely in sixty days. But it makes me feel bad when I look over the news in regard to the draft, and see how little patriotism is manifested by the people of my native State, and as for that matter, by the people of the North generally, for it is a fact that should be understood, that three hundred thousand men at this time would be worth three times that number six months from this, for the idea of a winter campaign has been demonstrated to be impracticable in this section; and if the men are withheld until it is too late to make a move this fall, it must be done next summer. I wish the people could see the necessity of driving this war ahead, for the harder it is pressed the less men and money it will take. These are facts that should be pressed home on every friend of his country.
Respectfully yours,
Co. H, 123d Reg't.
Whitehall Chronicle.
From the 123d Regt., N. Y. V.
J. B. Rice, acting Adjutant of the 123d, sent a letter (received by Col. Rogers from Lieut. Martin, who was taken prisoner on the 22d of June,) to the S. H. Herald, giving a list of our boys who were taken prisoners at the same time: R. Durham, John Decker, B. F. Smith, B. A. Duel, O. H. Smith, Patrick Malone, John Luddy, David C. Lambert, M. Moneghan, James Morrisy, W. H. Butler, D. R. Ross, J. Cenway, Wm. Welch. I. Hearsing, Co. H., was wounded and died in the confederate hospital. Others are prisoners, but he couldn't learn their names.
(Whitehall Chronicle, Nov. 11, 1864)
From the 123d Regt., N. Y. V.
ATLANTA, GA., Oct. 24, '64.
Having just returned from a foraging expedition, and wishing to while away a few moments before roll-call, I will take the opportunity of informing you of our proceedings during the last four days.
The 21st inst., our Brigade with three others, and two batteries of Artillery, accompanied a train of eight hundred wagons out on a foraging expedition in the vicinity of Stone Mountain, a distance of about twenty-five miles. This completed our first day's labor, with the exception of simply confiscating five pigs and some sweet potatoes which were near by.
The morning of the 22d we commenced loading wagons with ears of corn, after which stalks were piled on top and bound on as we bind on a load of hay, North—The wagons were nearly all loaded, and what were not, were completed by noon of the 23d. In the meantime the boys foraged pretty heavily on their own hook, bringing in pigs, sheep, cows, goats, hens, potatoes, honey, molasses, and in fact everything in the eating line; but nothing was disturbed which was not essential to our own use.—If Hood tampers with our cracker line, (Nashville, Chattanooga and Atlanta R. R.) the Confederacy must suffer the consequence.
This section of country in which we have been foraging is about the richest I have seen. Hundreds of acres of corn are seen all over the country, and a regiment of men can very soon fill a number of wagons.—The teams drive into the corn-field, and the men follow by the side and fill as the wagon moves on. The country abounds in sweet potatoes, (the only kind I have seen) chestnuts, walnuts, peanuts, percimmons, and mandrigs, and I assure you the boys all came in loaded. I wonder what our old farmers up North would say to see a train of eight hundred wagons being filled from their farms, and the boys confiscating their pigs, hens, &c.? I think they would practice the guerrilla warfare more extensively than was carried on here, for in that respect we were not troubled, seeing no guerrillas at all.
The R. R. from Atlanta to Decatur was torn up by McPherson in a most splendid style, the rails being twisted and bent in all shapes. Decatur is a small town about as large as Granville, with one tavern, church, and court-house, and a number of dwellings.
In the afternoon of the 23d, we started from Snap Finger Creek towards Atlanta. The report reached us that the Rebels had a division of cavalry for the purpose of cutting us off. Such disposition was made of the troops as would most effectually guard the train, and we moved off, but very slowly, for our train was about ten miles long! We finally reached Atlanta, this afternoon, without meeting any opposition, and every wagon heavily loaded, to say nothing of private rigs well stocked with potatoes and meats. It was in all a most successful expedition, and I believe will prove more disastrous to the rebel cause than a battle.—The corn was planted by the Rebel government on land hired for the purpose from old planters.
The country is very thinly settled. We saw but very few men; we captured some four or five, supposed to be guerrillas.
Perhaps you would like to hear from the election in our Regiment. I will give you the vote, and you may judge by our Regiment how the soldiers in the Army will vote.
For Abe and Andy, 344
For McClellan and Pendelton, 30
I suppose a great many in Washington county will be surprised at the vote, but could they expect us to vote otherwise than for the good of our country? We are not blind! We cannot support a party who have called us "dogs" for coming down here to defend our country in its hour of peril. We have nothing to influence us here but love of country. Could they expect us to vote for an armistice? and at the very time when it needs but the united support of the people at home, co-operating with the soldiers in the field, to crush the last remaining hope of the Confederacy.—An armistice would be everything to the South, and the utter ruin of the Union.
We acknowledge the receipt of some Albany Journals from Fred Barthel. Papers are ever welcomed by the soldier.
I am, respectfully,
Yours, &c.,
Arrival and Reception of the One Hundred and Thirty-third New-York
(Second Metropolitan)—Grand Turnout of Police—Enthusiastic Greeting to the Veterans by the People—Other Regiments and Commands Arriving,
Yesterday afternoon, the first regular reception of the many returning regiments passing through the streets of our city took place. To the Metropolitan Police force, the credit of thus inaugurating a better state of things belongs.
About 2 o'clock the One Hundred and Thirty-third New-York Volunteers arrived at Jersey City by the afternoon train, where they were met and taken in custody by Inspector CARPENTER and Mr. HASBROUCK. A platoon of police were to readiness at the foot of Cortlandt-street, to escort the regiment to the Battery. A short half-hour sufficed for the gallant One Hundred and Thirty-third to cross the Hudson, which they had crossed nearly three years ago to battle for their country and the right. Forming quickly into line, the command marched in column by the flank up Cortlandt-st. down Broadway, where they entered the barracks, and stacking arms, the regiment were provided with a substantial dinner. Meanwhile, Mr. CARPENTER entertained the officers at the Washington Hotel.
After dinner General Superintendent JOHN A. KENNEDY visited the command, and greeted such of the officers and men as he knew, or who were former members of the police force. News arriving that the special escorts provided by the commissioners were on their way to meet the regiment, the command fell in and took its line of march up Broadway, the men leaving their knapsacks behind, to be conveyed by carts to the boat.
The regiment presented a fine appearance, and numbered 487 muskets and 28 commissioned officers. As the men moved up Broadway their sunburnt faces and travel-stained appearance betokened long and arduous service in their country's defence.
At Fulton-street the regiment was met by the special escort, and as soon as Broadway could be cleared properly the reviewing ceremony was gone through with. The escort consisted of one battalion of police, under the immediate command of Capt COPELAND, numbering in all nearly 600 men. As the police battalion formed in line and came to the "rear open order," the command appeared to great advantage, performing the customary manoeuvres with celerity and precision. The battery was composed of twenty men and two sergeants from each precinct. Nearly all the captains were also present.
As soon as the exchange of salutes had been accomplished, the column marched up Broadway to Twenty-sixth-street, at the foot of which lay the boat which was to convey the regiment to Hart's Island. All along the line of march the returning regiment was heartily received by the crowds that lined the sidewalks or filled the windows. Cheer after cheer rang out upon the air, and the scene was enlivened by the waving clouds of cambrie flung to the breeze by the fair hands of the ladies.
Going up Broadway, from the Park to Bond-street the reception was of the most brilliant character. Seldom has a regiment, so little heralded as was the One Hundred and Thirty-third, been received with such warmth and heartiness.
Every one knows the history of the famous Metropolitan Brigade, raised as it was under the auspices and through the exertions of the policemen of this city, during the Summer and Fall of 1862. That brigade has always performed good and efficient service, as will be seen by the record of the One Hundred and Thirty-third. This regiment, known familiarly as the "Second Metropolitan," was organized at Staten Island, New-York Harbor, August, 1862, and was mustered into the United States service Sept. 11, 1862, by Capt MOTT, U. S. A.
On the fitting out of the Southern Expedition under Gen. BANKS, the One Hundred and Thirty-third was assigned to that General as a part of this command, and accompanied him to New-Orleans, when the Expedition sailed from the Harbor of New-York October, 1862. The following compiled list comprises the complete record of this regiment.
Naval assault on Port Hudson, La., March 15, 1863.
Teche Campaign—Battles of Bisland, April 12 and 13, 1863. Surrender of Opelousas, La., April 20, 1863. Occupation of Alexandria, La., May 9, 1863. Port Hudson Campaign—Port Hudson assaulted May 27 and June 14, 1863. Port Hudson invested May 25; surrendered July 8.
2d Teche Campaign—Vermillion Bayou, (skirmish.)
October 9. Carrion Crow, October 12. Vermillion
Plains, November 11.
Red River Campaign—Alexandria, La., May 1. Mansura Plains, May 16.
Relief of Washington, D. C., July 13, 1864. Snicker's Gap, (skirmish,) July 19, 1864. Sheridan's Campaign in the Valley of the Shenandoah. Bunker Hill, Va., October 26, 1864.
Occupation of Baton Rouge, La., Dec. 17, 1862; Indian Village, Feb. 1863; Rosedale, La., Feb. 1863; Bayou Grosse Tete, Feb. 1863; Bayou Plaquemine Brulee, west of Opelousas, La., April 25 and 27; Sabine
Pass, Sept. 5 and 13.
The regiment was also specially commended by Brig.-Gen. HALBEET E. PAINE for assault on Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863, and by Admiral Porter, in dispatches to the Secretary of the Navy for assisting in building a dam on Red River near Alexandria, La., to enable the iron-clad fleet to pass the rapids, May 10, 1864.
The following the complete roster of the officers at present with the regiment:
Field and Staff Officers—Col. L. DOUGLAS H. CURRIE, Sept. 24, 1862; Lieut.-Col. Anthony J. Allaire, promoted Dec. 24,1864; Major George Washburn, promoted Dec. 24, 1864; Adjt. Decatur W. Frisby, promoted Sept 11, 1864; Surgeon Robert Watts, Sept 15, 1862; Asst. Surgeon Solomon E. Hasbrouck, Dec. 4, 1862; Quartermaster Frank Inman, promoted Nov. 9, 1863.
Non-commissioned Staff.—Sergeant-Major George Hudson; Quartermaster-Sergeant, Charles E. Van Deeuser; Commissary-Sergeant, Wm. M. Sandford; Hospital Steward, M. Smith Hawkins; Principal Musician, Andrew Gilligan
Line Officers.—Co. A—Capt Patrick Oster, promoted Sept. 11,1864; First Lieut. John J. Somers, promoted Sept. 11, 1864; Second Lieut. Thomas Hollland, promoted Feb. 25, 1865. Co, B—Capt. George D. Wiseburn, promoted Jan. 8, 1864; First Lieut. John Haythorn, promoted Aug.. 4, 1864. Co. C—Capt John H. McKee, promoted April 5, 1865; Second-Lieut. Frederick Van Amburgh, promoted April 7, 1865. Co. D—Capt. Richard W. Buttis, promoted Jan. 8, 1864; First Lieut. Arthur S. Gladwin, promoted Feb. 4, 1864. Co. E—Capt. James Hardenburgh, promoted May 27 1865; First Lieut. Morris Lancaster, promoted May 27, 1865. Co. F—Capt. George H. Simpson, promoted Jan. 1, 1864; First Lieut. Bartholomew Griffin, promoted March 2, 1865; Co. G—Capt. John J. Fitzgerald, promoted Feb. 12, 1864; First Lieut. John Woods, promoted Sept. 3, 1864. Co. H—Capt William J. Stewart, promoted Sept. 11, 1864; First Lieut. George Giehl, promoted Sept. 11, 1864. Co. I—Capt. John H. Grear, promoted Jan. 5, 1865; First Lieut. Stephen S. David, promoted Jan. 5, 1865; Second Lieut. James J. Fielding, promoted Jan. 1, 1864. Co. K—Capt. Wm. T. Swift, promoted Feb. 27, 1865; First Lieut. Henry Burnet, promoted April 6, 1865.
Deaths—Lieut.-Col. James A. P. Hopkins, died Nov. 19, 1864: First Lieut. Benj. F. Denton, killed in action at Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863; First Lieut. Geo. B. DeValen, died of wounds April 26, 1863, received in action at the battle of Bisland, La.
Col. Currie is one of the few Colonels from this city who returns with his regiment, just as he went, with the eagles on his shoulder. Despite the seeming fact that he was neglected, Col. Currie remained in the service and was for some time Acting-Brigadier-General of his brigade. While in the Shenandoah Valley the brigade was assigned the honorable post of guarding immense supply trains necessary for the sustenance of Gen. Sheridan's army, but while faithfully performing this dangerous duty, their more fortunate companions in arms were winning glorious laurels upon the fields of Winchester and Cedar Creek. Those two battles brought in a rich harvest of brevet appointments, but none came for Currie's Brigade, although they richly deserved a share of the reward. Col. Currie won golden opinions from leading officers in the Army of the Potomac, for the manner in which he handled his brigade at Deep Bottom, in July, 1864, and has always ranked high as a tactician. The Colonel at one time held a field officer's commission in the British army.
A detachment of 225 men from the Sixty-ninth, Sixty-third, Fifty- second and Eighty-eighth Regiments, New-York Volunteers, under the command of Capt. MAURICE W. WALL, of the Sixty-ninth Regiment, arrived at the Battery Barracks yesterday morning, and proceeded to Hart's Island during the afternoon. This detachment is all that remains of the gallant old Irish Brigade that left this city in 1861 under Meagher. Forming a part of the famous old "Kearny Division," the brigade went into its first fight at Williamsburgh [sic]; and as a component part of the Second and Third Corps, has seen most of the great battles during the war.