118th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

Col. RICHARDS, of the 118th Regiment having resigned his commission on account of ill health, Lieut.-Col. KEESE has been promoted to his place. Col. KEESE is a good officer and gives general satisfaction.

Arrival and Departure of the One Hundred and Eighteenth New York Volunteers.
This corps of volunteers arrived in this city yesterday morning at two o'clock, and took up their quarters in the City Hall barracks. They came from Plattsburg, and were raised principally in the counties of Warren, Essex and Clinton. They number 1,020 fine looking fellows, who will do good service in the field. The troops traveled [sic] from Plattsburg to Whitehall by steamboat, and from thence to New York by the cars. They received their arms in New York. They are well equipped and carry the Enfield rifle. They appear very enthusiastic on going to the seat of war. Colonel S. T. Richards is a good officer, having already seen much active service. Many of the staff and line officers have experienced the same. After four o'clock yesterday afternoon they left pier No. 3, North river, per the Camden and Amboy Railroad route, for the seat of war. They were headed by their fine band down Broadway. The following is a list of the officers:
Colonel--S. T. Richards.
Lieutenant Colonel--Oliver Keese, Jr.
Major--J. F. Nichols.
Adjutant--Charles E. Pruyn.
Quartermaster--P. K. Delaney.
Chaplain--Rev. Charles Hager.
Surgeon--John H. Mosers.
Sergeant Major--____ ____.
Quartermaster’s Sergeant—J. H. Northrup.
Company A--Captain, J. H. Norris; First Lieutenant, Edward Riggs; Second Lieutenant, W. E. Chamberlane. 
Company B--Captain, L. S. Dominey; First Lieutenant, John L. Carter; Second Lieutenant, W. H. Tinney. 
Company C--Captain, J. H. Pierce; First Lieutenant, S. L. Washman; Second Lieutenant, J. R. Butrick.
Company D--Captain, R. P. Smith; First Lieutenant, C. W. Berge; Second Lieutenant, Henry Smith.
Company E--Captain, J. Palmeter; First Lieutenant, J. R. Seemans; Second Lieutenant, J. K. Brydon.
Company F--Captain, W. R. Livingstone; First Lieutenant, John L. Cunningham; Second Lieutenant, Wm. H. Henderson.
Company G.--Captain, D. Stone; First Lieutenant, ____ Smith; Second Lieutenant, S. Mattoon.
Company H--Captain, W. H. Bailey; First Lieutenant, J. P. Holbrook; Second Lieutenant, M. V. B. Stetson.
Company K--Captain, J. S. Stone; First Lieutenant, J. S. Boynton; Second Lieutenant, Henry M. Mould.

THE NINTH VERMONT went on the 25th from Yorktown, with the 118th N. Y., a squadron of cavalry and a battery, on an expedition to Gloucester Point, as we learn from the Yorktown Cavalier. No rebels were found, though a small party had been there the day before. A few horses and some arms were captured, and a rebel mail with its carrier. The Cavalier says that the 9th Vermont Vols. performed a march of 30 miles without a man dropping from the ranks.
Lieut. Col. Keese.--Our citizens have had the pleasure of welcoming home this gallant officer for a few days. He reports the 118th at Gloucester, and in good health. Col. Keese has been acting Col. since November 1st, and has, by close attention to hid duties, bro't the regiment to a high standard of discipline. 
We understand Col. Keese succeeds Col. Richards, (resigned because of ill health) and this, of course, involves several promotions from the line, which we shall probably give in our next issue.—Keeseville Republican.

TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1863.
We take pleasure in calling attention to the advertisement in another column, of S. C. Rickards, Cately & Co., of No. 102 Nassau street, New York, dealers in stationery, Yankee notions, prize packages, etc. This is an old established and reliable business house, and persons in the army who may transact business with them will be honorably dealt with.

We are among those who attach the highest possible strategetic [sic] importance to both the conception and the results of the late Peninsular campaign of Gen. Dix, which, we notice with regret, is being vigorously assailed by a class of journals in the North, whose type is most aptly shadowed in a leading Philadelphia paper. Gen. Dix and the Government had two objects in view in their recent operations adjacent to Richmond, the so-called Confederate Capital. The first and paramount object in view of the menacing and perilous aspect of military affairs in Pennsylvania was to make a feint in front of the insurgent stronghold, that should be, to all appearances, sufficiently formidable to render the retention of a large; number of rebel troops in and about Richmond sufficiently imperative upon the unrecognized Confederate authorities to prevent the sending of reinforcements to Lee, against whom the gallant Meade was coping with might and main to the end that the Republic might be preserved. That Gen. Dix succeeded in doing this beyond even his own most liberal expectations is abundantly evident from the tone of the press of the rebellious capital previous to and during the late occupancy of the Peninsula by the Union forces. The denizens of the city wherein reposes the mortality of the illustrious Monroe, one of the sainted fathers of this our heritage, and where monuments in commemoration of Washington, Jefferson and Wirt, the mighty beloved of our past history, rise in solemn grandeur and magnificent rebuke, are represented as turning pale in their terror, and outvieing [sic] the aspen leaf in their tremulously miserable emotions at the announcement of the Union approach.
Conscious at one and the same time of their absolute and irretrievable degradation as deliberate traitors to the great principle of self government, having its origin in the united good of all, and their abject servility to an unholy crew of cataline conspirators against the life of the nation with whose growth they had become intellectually, morally and socially stalwart, and in contravention of whose decrees they dare neither speak or act, it was not strange that they should blanch when they learned that an able, profound and sagacious Federal leader was about to beleaguer their wall town and reduce them to a sane sense of their obligations and their oaths. Surely, to frighten legions upon legions of the enemy intrenched [sic] in fortifications; all but impregnable, and send a thrill of permanent terror throughout all the boundaries of a bogus, rebellious and miserable so-called Confederacy, was a result entirely worthy of the genius boldly conceiving and deliberately executing so laudable a purpose. We firmly believe that Richmond was left amply protected by Lee previous to his invasion of the North, and that its defenders felt and thought that they would be invited to give General Dix battle, and that if they had felt that this was not true, Lee Would have indubitably been reinforced by thousands of rebels to aid him in plundering opulent and pinguid Pennsylvania. To prevent this was certainly worthy of all the effort Gen. Dix put forth; and had this been the only result of his undertaking, the country would have found ample compensation for the outlay of life, time and money.
The second object of the campaign was to cut off all connection with Richmond. This it has been, doubtless in good faith, alleged was accomplished. Upon this point we are not able to speak with certainty, not having seen the official reports of Gen. Dix and those under his command. We do know, however, that all communication of the rebel army of Lee with Richmond was temporarily, at least, severed, no trains passing over the Richmond and Fredericksburg road for several days. Although this damage may have been repaired in the course of three or four days, yet a simple knowlege [sic] of this fact may have wrought consternation and confusion to Lee and his invading hordes. Who can tell but that the rapid retreat of Lee from Pennsylvania was caused as much by the whipping he received from Meade as by the information that his communication in the rear was being substantially interfered with at the very gates of his government. At all events the accomplishment of his main object, alone set forth, is alike creditable to the skill, energy and unquestioned ability of Gen. Dix to whom the Government entrusted a most important work, and which he executed in a spirit of wisdom that will cause his name to be honorably remembered by his countrymen.

Letter from the 118th.
Editor of Express & Sentinel:
While the sun is setting behind the Western hills, and I have no better way to while away a lonely hour, I seat myself to give form to a few thoughts which suggest themselves to my mind, as I ponder over the past and contrast with it the present condition of our company. I do no propose to go into details, but yet do most earnestly desire to mention a few particulars connected with us, and a few changes which have taken place since we left the "fondly remembered barracks at Plattsburgh," partly becaause [sic] some of your noble patriotic readers would perhaps take interest in the recital, and partly because by this means I can comply with a request that I would from time to time give information to my friends in Northern New York about the condition and general health of our company, but first I will ask pardon for my long silence. 
When our Regiment was mustered into the service our company numbered 98 as fine, noble-looking fellows (consisting of Yankees, Irish, and French) as ever graced the ranks of our army, and each seemed anxious to outshine his fellow in all things connected with the department of a soldier, and it might not be altogether out of place to mention here, that notwithstanding this strife, a most friendly good-feeling soon manifested itself among them, which has ripened into an affection seldom equaled, and which I believe has not been damped by one unkind word or act up to the present time. I will not dwell upon our passage from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, nor upon the kind reception which we at every point met with along the road. Suffice it to say that men could not have been used better. 
We arrived at Baltimore the night of the 4th of Sept., and got orders to proceed to Monococy Junction, but there not being transportation cars enough on hand, we were obliged to stop until morning, at which time we got guns and accoutrements, with ten rounds of cartridges. This places us on a war footing, and we thought ourselves equal to any force which the enemy could send against us; but, fortunately, our delay prevented our Reg't being taken at the shameful surrender of Gen. Miles. We left Baltimore at 5 P. M., and proceeded by car to Elk-Ridge landing, where we tasted the first reality of a soldier's life, viz: sleeping on the ground with no covering save the canopy of Heaven, the arched roofing of which was studded with the most beautiful stars I ever beheld. 
On the 13th we again moved to camp Wool, about one mile from the first camp, where we remained some time, observing the usual routine of guard, drilling, and other things common for new regiments. About this time we had an opportunity of immortalising [sic] our names, by going out to face a supposed enemy, and lying all night in the rain and fanned by a strong west wind. I will pass over all else up to the time of our leaving Maryland, and mention only the health of the company, which I am sorry to say was quite poor, owing to the low wet land in front of our camp, the fogs which were continually rising from the river, and the amount of drilling which we were obliged to do and which was new to us, together with very hot weather which reduced a large number of our boys, who with fever or some other disease were left behind at the regiment on the 23d of Oct., left for Fort Ethan Allen, Va. We had a cold ride that night to Washington, but a good supper and warm coffee as we prepared ourselves for one more night's repose. On the 24th we started for the Fort, and after a walk of nine miles found ourselves on the "sacred soil" of Virginia. Again we slept in the open air, and in the morning found just time to get our portion of salt junk, pitch tents, and "let it rain." During our stay here nothing beyond the usual amount of drill, guard and picket, save an endless amount of fatigue, occurred which would interest any but a soldier.
The boys soon regained their lost health, and when we were ordered to Washington we were able to number more men than when we left it. But this state of things could not last long. We were doomed to do duty in a filthy city, and the sickness and death which followed was truly heart-rending. Up to this time death had not claimed a victim in Co. I, but upon the 25th of Feb. John P. Evans closed his eyes to this world in camp Adirondac; on the 7th of March, Lewis Guyette died in Campbell Hospital; the 8th, David Lavontine died in camp; on the 31st of the same month Henry R. Barber died in Eckington Hospital, lamented by all who knew him; James Duffy, on the 6th of April, closed his eyes in death, while a number of others narrowly escaped. Thus it was that in a little more than one month five of our best men had been taken away to try the untried realities of eternity. Since that I learn that John E. Lamberton has also gone the way of all the earth. Six deaths in all and 9 discharges; most of the later being given at Washington.
We were now about to leave a place which, it would seem, was infested with a plague, but could we leave it with as light hearts as we entered it? No, for besides the dead and discharged, we were leaving 25 men sick in the hospital, some of which it was not probable we should ever see again. Then how could we be happy?
Massing over the time and incidents from the hour of our departure until we reached Suffolk, I will only mention a few of my thoughts as we came down the noble river and bay. I was sitting in a little state-room, by one of the windows, and gazing musingly and sadly out on the sunset scene on the bay. I had but two companions, and they were asleep, thus giving me ample time to contemplate quietly and truly my situation, but I could not for a time help a feeling of wonder and delight, which as I gazed drew my thoughts from myself and brother soldiers. The long glittering swells of the emerald-tinted billows which followed the vessel, breaking in crests of silvery foam under her prow—their majestic voice as they in unison lifted it up in solemn tones—the graceful sea-gulls, with snowy wings and breasts, wheeling in swift circles above the seething wake, their bright eyes watching the surface for any crumbs that might fall overboard—the distant white sails that seemed moving along on the outer air of the ocean; and above all, the descending sun lighting up ocean and clouds with indescribable glory, were one and all, objects that interested me As I now beheld the sun slowly dip his lower limb into the sea, and gradually descend, lingering a moment in the form of a golden bow before he went down out of sight altogether, and flinging a great scarf of golden glory over the surface of the bay toward the boat, I could not suppress an expression of wondering admiration.
I will close this somewhat uninteresting subject by saying, that since we first went into Barracks our company has never enjoyed as good health as at the present time, and I think this will apply to the regiment as well.
2d SERGT., CO. I, 118TH REGT.

A TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF MAJOR PRUYN.—We are permitted to publish the annexed tribute to the memory of our late young townsman who sacrificed his life on the altar of his country:—
July 29th, 1864.
Mrs Mary Pruyn, Albany, N. Y.:
MADAM--Enclosed I send you extract from General Orders No. 80, Headquarters Department Virginia and North Carolina just received at these headquarters. 
It will assure you that the name of your lamented son is still identified with the struggle towards the success of which he contributed his young life. The nobly fallen have not been forgotten—their memory has been most fittingly honored.
Along our outer lines their names have been set—gems of encouragement to ourselves—signs of warning to the foe.
It shall be our effort to emulate the brightness of their example—their devotion—that their sacrifices may prove to have been in behalf of a cause as gloriously successful as it is gloriously righteous.
I am, Madam, most respectfully,
Captain Commanding 118th N. Y. V.

General Orders No. 80.
In honor of the memory of some of the gallant dead of this army, who having fallen in this campaign, the redoubts and batteries on the lines will hereafter be known as follows, viz:—
Battery No. 6 is named Battery Pruyn, after Major CHARLES E. PRUYN, One Hundred and Eighteenth New York Volunteers. 
By command of Major Gen. B. F. BUTTER.
(Signed) R. S. DAVIS,
Major and Assistant ...

FUNERAL OF MAJ. PRUYN.—The funeral of the late Major Chas. E. Pruyn, One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment, took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of his mother in North Pearl street. Company A, Zouave Cadets, of which deceased was a former member, turned out in strong numbers to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of their departed comrade. The body was escorted to the Rural Cemetery, where the customary firing took place.

MAJOR CHARLES E. PRUYN KILLED.—The New York papers report that Major Chas. E. Pruyn, of the One Hundred and Eighteenth regiment, was killed in one of the fights before Petersburg. He was probably killed on the 15th, as his regiment is in the Eighteenth corps, which was closely engaged with the enemy on that day. Major P. was a son of the late Col. Pruyn, of this city, and a young man of most amiable character. He entered the army as a lieutenant, and earned his promotion by his courage in the field. His death makes desolate the heart of a widowed mother, and saddens a large circle of relatives and friends.

How Major Pruyn Met his Death.—In the engagements of the 15th, before Petersburgh, he was struck in the breast by the fragment of a shell, and died after a few hours' suffering. His body was embalmed and sent to Norfolk, and will be brought to Albany for burial within a week. About three weeks ago, while in action, he received a wound in the foot sufficient to excuse him from service. At the time the 118th Regiment was under his command, and his natural gallantry and pride urged him at any risk to remain at the head of his men in their hour of trial, and it was there that he met his death. Before the enemy, with armor on, battling for honor and duty, God and his native land, so went he to the better world. Maj. Pruyn entered the service at an early period of the war, and remained with the 96th Regiment through great hardships until the 17th of June, 1862. At the battle of Fair Oaks, though seriously ill at the time, he arose from his bed, and participated in the fight, and he received honorable mention in the official report for his coolness and bravery. Col. Fairman, in granting his discharge soon afterwards, took occasion to attest to his courage and devotion, adding: "I shall ever remember you with peculiar interest as a soldier who stood by my side, while one out of four was killed or wounded, and one out of three of our regiment was lost in battle. At a later date the then Lieut. Pruyn was appointed Adjutant of the 118th Regiment, and shortly afterwards was promoted Major, which position he held with honor to himself until the day of his death.
Major Charles E. Pruyn, of the 118th Regiment, N. Y. V., was wounded in the foot in the battle before Richmond, on Friday, 3d of June. The 118th is in the 18th Army Corps, and participated in all the recent battles under Gen. Butler, losing on the 16th of May in killed, wounded and missing, 9 officers and 177 men, among them the Lieut. Colonel, who was in command of the regiment; since which time Major Pruyn has been in command and was wounded while gallantly leading his regiment in a charge in the terrible battle under Gen. Grant on the 3d inst.

JOSEPH WICKHAM, of this village, a member of the 118th N. Y. Regiment, died on Friday, June 10th, 1864, from the effects of a wound in the shoulder, received on the 16th of May, at Bermuda Hundreds, Va.

Yorktown, Va., July 13th, 1863.
The immediate advance from this point, which was anticipated in a recent communication, we have had in earnest. Long before daylight June 26th, we were awakened from quite rest by the confusion of drums and bugles, to behold amid the thick darkness a thousand camp fires lighting the plains of Yorktown. Hastily partaking of a cup of coffee and some hard tack, we hurried on with the brigade, which the day before had been reduced to two regiments, the 99th and the 118th, and placed under the command of acting Brig. Gen. Wardrop, Colonel of the former, to the place of embarkation. After considerable delay, we went on board the transport Kennebec, and steamed up the river, at noon we passed Westpoint and entered the Pamunkey. Of a stream more crooked it is difficult to conceive. The greater portion of the distance is low swamps whose external appearance is anything but inviting. Occasionally the monotony is broken by bluffs rising abruptly from the water's edge, on which, as well as every available eminence, may be seen deserted rifle pits and earthworks, while semi-occasionally upon a gentle sloping plain, a neatly painted farm house surrounded by trees and ripening fields of grain, untouched by the hand of war, seemed to scoff at our passing throng. As the afternoon wore away we came in sight of a convoy of gunboats, transports, tugs and sail, among which, edging our way, a wharf was improvised, and at six o'clock we landed near the desolate ruins of the White House, having traveled forty miles, the distance by land being only eighteen miles. Near our camp was an ingenious rebel construction, by which a battery of heavy guns and a small force could resist almost any advance. Inside this formidable earthwork was a rotating platform, on which a battery was mounted, thus giving commanding range, and, in event of danger, only the attachment of a locomotive was needed to convey the regiments. Making good use of his wheat for forage and beds, we left him to estimate the profits and losses of secession, and humed [sic] on our way at rapid pace. The morning being very warm, we were obliged to halt, which we did in a ravine, by a fine running brook.
Here we prepared our anniversary dinners, in the cool shade, ate, washed, and after issuing extra rounds of cartridges, resumed the march, and crossed the Pamunkey, at Taylor's Bridge. Pausing to let artillery advance, the order was given to load, which being done, we followed the artillery in advance.
At Hanover C. H., a brick building of moderate dimensions, the force was divided and a portion proceeded toward Richmond, another toward the Fredericksburg road, while we passed on in the direction of South Anna Bridge. Crossing the Va. Central Road, we soon began to see evidences of breakers ahead, in the form of horses killed by pickets, and the rapid movements of scouts and skirmishers and cavalry. Night came on and we began to be in vicinity of our destination, when, of a sudden, we were ordered to pass the artillery and halt. Doing so, we were made aware of the presence of the enemy by volleys of musketry and the music of bullets.
Immediately companies A and F were dispatched with instructions to proceed to the South Anna Bridge, supposed to be distant nearly two miles. Clouds have overspread the sky. Not one glimmering star lends its kindly light to cheer them on their way. Tramp, tramp, tramp, through the dark belt of wood and no sound is heard save the returning echoes of their measured tread. They turn neither to the right or left, but expect at every step to receive the murderous fire of the enemy's concealed artillery, or that superior numbers may spring from ambush upon them with resistless fury. An open field is gained and they are greeted with a heavy volley of musketry, which passes harmlessly overhead. Immediately the first platoon of Company A was deployed as skirmishers, to the right of the rail-road, and the first platoon of Company F occupied the same position on the left. In this manner, followed by their respective reserves, they advance, contesting every step of ground. Another step, and in addition to a murderous fire of small arms, a battery opens on the left with shot and shell, which burst over and around them; but, nothing daunted, …
... by the attachment of a locomotive was needed to convey the engine of war, by an intersecting rail, to Richmond. But the enemy were too late, as the cavalry which preceeded [sic] us drove them from their unfinished work, and by the fire of timber intended for a magazine, we boiled our coffee and read the news by the light thereof. Saturday the number of troops increased and large quantities of supplies were landed.
Just before dark the 118th was ordered across the river to Pamunkey island to guard the spoils of Col. Spears cavalry raid, viz: Gen'l Wm. Lee and other rebel officers, about one hundred prisoners, beside a large number of mules, horses, wagons, and contrabands. Soon after crossing, company C re-crossed, escorting the prisoners to the head quarters of Gen. Dix, whose guests for the night they became. Companies A, F, D, I, and H were placed on picket. 
Monday an engine and cars were bought up the river. Tuesday, the 9th, the iron-horse did valuable service by transporting to us ambulances, artillery and munitions of war generally. At 3 o'clock, P. M., the companies before mentioned, were sent out to Lanesville, four miles distant to protect the advance. At dark the remainder of the brigade advanced one and a half miles and took position in a corn-field. During the forenoon of the day following, we joined the passing column and formed the rear guard of the whole force, under command of Gen. Getty, and marching slowly, camped before night, near his headquarters, at King William C. H. The evening was one of beauty, and as the full moon rose, several bands discoursed enchanting strains of music, causing us to forget the vexations of the day and lose ourselves in sleep, preparatory to the morrow.
At an early hour we were passing through a fertile region, and the grain of a thousand acres was nodding to the breeze. No incident worthy of note occurred, and we went into camp at 4 o'clock, near Aquaiton Spa.
Friday the march was protracted till eleven at night and we camped, "way-worn and weary," in a large wheat-field, on a plantation of five thousand acres, owned by a violent rebel named Taylor. He was not backward in expressing his sentiments, and said he had several other plantations, each as valuable, and he would willingly sacrifice all of them could he paralyze as many Yankee shot and shell, which burst over and around them; but, nothing daunted, they press on to a road crossing the track at right angles. The enemy get accurate range and also unmask a heavy battery. A short consultation between Captain Norris, Co. A, and Lieutenant Cunningham, both of whom so coolly and nobly led the advance, and a retreat being an imperative necessity, it is ordered. 
During the same, Lieutenant Cunningham was struck by a musketball and was obliged to retire being entirely disabled. Lieutenant Stevenson, previously commanding the reserve, now leads the advance. At this point Major Nichols rides up, compliments the officers and men and another advance is decided upon. Accordingly, Co. D, of the 118th and one Company of the 99th came up as reinforcements; the first deploy on the left of Co. F, the latter on the right of Co. A. Again they proceed and are met by a larger force and subject to a more galling fire. The officers very quietly give their orders which are promptly obeyed. Shells and shot fly thick and fast. Martin Sherman, Co. A, is struck by a solid shot and horribly mutilated. Grape and cannister are now hurled against them. Co. F succeeds in gaining possession of a rebel defense, near a clump of cedars. Here, partially concealed, they direct their fire against the batteries and sharpshooters. They gain the cedars and decide to charge on the enemy in a ravine, protected by another construction, similar to the first. Lieutenant
S. calls for volunteers and from the large number offered, selects six, who reload, fix bayonets, and, with the yells of demons, following him, rush behind the fortifications. Twelve prisoners are taken; one attempts to escape but is killed by a shot from Lieutenant's revolver. Another is wounded by a shot from the same weapon, for noncompliance to the demand to "surrender." The prisoners are, with difficulty, formed in line and sent to the rear. Orders are received to retreat and the companies join their regiments. A consultation is held by the Generals, and a general retreat toward Hanover C. H., commences at daylight. 
Much dissatisfaction and chagrin is manifest, and all we can do is to keep marching and wondering why? 
Halting after re-crossing the Pamunkey, we take a lunch. The forces being all across, the bridge is burned, just in time to prevent the advance column of the enemy from …

Lieut. J. L. Cunningham, late of Co. F, 118th N. Y. Vol. has recently been promoted to the captaincy of Co. I of that Regt. 
Captain Cunningham has been home for a few weeks past, quite reduced by fever and the effects of injuries received in the affair at South Annia Bridge, in which his company were engaged. He has so far recovered as to return to his regiment. May the same success which he promised as a professional man, attend him in the Army and Navy, a kind Providence return him safely to a large circle of friends, whom his consistent and upright course in life has drawn around him. 
Few young men have more or stronger friends or deserve them better.
He speaks in high terms of the military ability of Col. Keese, to whom he thinks the Regt. is much indebted for their reputation for excellence of Drill and Discipline.

Returned.—Col. S. T. Richards, of the 118th, returned to his home in Warrensburgh, last Friday. The Colonel has been very sadly afflicted with rheumatism since he has been in Virginia, and he returns with a stiff neck and very much emaciated.—Popular with the soldiers, and efficient as an officer, his regiment will greatly regret that his health absolutely forbids his being with them.

THE 118TH.—Our correspondent writes July 1st, "We are progressing slowly in the siege of Petersburgh.—Fighting is going on continually somewhere along the line. There was wounded yesterday, (all since my last:)
Co. B.—Corp W. L. Abare, arm and leg; private Isaac Trombly, hand.
Co. G.—Private James Liddy, side, severely, (dead)
Co. I—Joseph Defoe, foot.
July 4th—Co. I. Sergt. E. B. Forris, morally wounded, since died.
July 6th—Co. C. Selah Randall, mortally wounded; Corp. T. H. Pasco, severely wounded; A. J. Myers, wounded in knee.—
Plattsburgh Sentinel.

Col. Keese of the 118th.
We have been favored with the perusal of a letter from Sergeant Place, of Co. K. 118th, giving a history of the movements of his regiment up to the day before the battle of the 16th ult., in which he lost his life. 
He speaks in high terms of the soldierly bearing of the commanding officer, during the engagements previous to that time, and says:
" Col. Keese was everywhere among the men, encouraging them, and not a braver man lives; the best of all is, he is not rash, but cool as when on drill, the men are not afraid to follow him, and he does not ask us to go where he dare not go himself."

SWORD PRESENTATION—Editor of the Messenger: You will recollect that only about three months ago Lieut. GEO. H. WING, then lately transferred from the 118th N. Y. S. V. to the 14th Regiment, New York Heavy Artillery, and then on a brief visit home, prior to reporting to his new regiment, was presented with a sword, belt and sash, by his many friends here, in token of the good will which the young Lieutenant seems to have a peculiar faculty of drawing out towards himself; and now after a little more than two months' experience in his new service, this peculiar faculty wrought its pleasant work upon those to whom, before that time, he was an utter stranger, as will appear from the following extract written by a friend who was present on the occasion to which it refers. But I will first state that Co. D, of the 14th Artillery N. Y. S. V., to which Lieut. Wing is attached, is now stationed at Willet's Point, New York Harbor, where this second presentation took place on the 14th April inst. And this is the extract:
" It may gratify the friends of Lieut. GEO. H. WING, 14th N. Y. Artillery, formerly of the 118th N. Y. S. Vols., to learn that he was presented with a magnificent sword on the 14th inst. The presentation was made by 1st Sergt. LAMPIRE, in behalf of the Company, who, in a few well-spoken and impressive words, signified the kind regards of the Boys of Co. D, and their hearty appreciation of the lieutenant's services and deportment, for the short period he has been with them. Though taken completely by surprise, the Lieutenant thanked the Company, in glowing words, evincing a degree of unexpected satisfaction, that made the occasion a pleasant one for all parties.

Our Army Correspondence.
CAMP OF 118TH REGT. N. Y. Vols.,
Newport NEWS, Jan. 7th, 1863.
Mr. Editor: Since my last writing, nothing has transpired within the sphere of my observations really worthy of publicity as of interest at home to the readers of army news.
The Holidays passed with the ordinary exhibit of attention and interest common to the field camp. The weather during the week partook of the character of all seasons—the balmy, hazy days of Spring, the more heated Summer's period, the chill air of Autumn and the more intense cold of Winter; all were represented during the Holidays, and even the "rainy period" put in its claims for representation. Christmas was honored at this point by the 23d Massachusetts regiment, in festivities consisting of athletic sports, leaping and running, while the "greased pig" and "sack races" kept the observers in good spirits until the lull in the afternoon's performances preparatory to the "Mock Dress Parade" which was to conclude the amusements. The "sham battalion" turned forth about two hundred strong, privates doing the honors of the commanding officers, all appareled in the most grotesque costumes ingenuity could devise from the material at hand. As usual, the "Drum Major" was the receptacle for the finery and bedizenment of the wardrobe, the selection for that officer of tinsel and airs being admirably made to keep up the satire upon the common pomposity of the position. He was six feet tall, while the addition of an immense paper chapeau did not detract from his high and imposing appearance. In his hand was carried the insignia of office, a baton of strong wood, reaching even above the summit of his head-cover, and surmounted by a large cabbage, which in connection with the fact of its being a caricature, might appear suggestive. The "general orders" promulgated by the Adjutant, though devoid of anything like wit, answered the purpose of exciting the mirth of the crowd. 
New Year's day, each of the regiments composing the brigade of Gen. HECKMAN, indulged in prize target-shooting, the victor of each regiment receiving a silver medal. In the 118th the trophy was conferred upon George Sturgis of "D" company, the accomplishment of skill being an achievement for the Warren county element composing a portion of this command, and although the mentioning of the fact may appear invidious as no distinctions were made in the terms of the trial or in the award of the medal, still the triumph of one's place of nativity will allow an extra amount of feeling which is sure to creep in on most all occasions.
On Wednesday the 30th inst., a steamer came up from Fortress Monroe, displaying the Russian and American flags. She passed slowly around the iron-clad Roanoke, a view of which appeared to be the object of the visit, while a band on board discoursed the "Russian Hymn" alternate with "Hail Columbia." The steamer's passengers were the principal officers of the Russian fleet now lying in Hampton Roades, also some of the high dignitaries of our own army at that point.
It has been for quite a time reported in this department that the Rebels at Richmond were engaged in building an iron-clad for the purpose of meeting our blockaders which lay just off this point employed in blockading the mouth of the James river. Any person who may look upon the proportions of the three-turreted Monitor Roanoke, cannot for a moment feel a doubt as to the result of any encounter which might take place between that vessel and anything which the Confederates may now or hereafter put afloat. 
Gen. Butler since assuming the command of this Department has used all the means in his power to encourage trade and aid in bringing Norfolk up to something like its proper level, at the same time giving it a healthy loyal tone. As in New Orleans, he has rebuilt the wharves, giving business to those who take the oath of allegiance, and taken care of and subsisted the contrabands, many of whom would have starved during the winter had it not been for his careful attention to the dictates of humanity. At the present time he is engaged in maturing a plan for the exchange of our prisoners in Richmond, many of whom are undoubtedly suffering, and who would much more were it not for the supplies forwarded by the Sanitary Commission. 
A. L. S.

March 15th, 1864.
The incidents of the past two weeks have been pleasant, highly credible [sic], thrilling, .... worthy to adorn the historic page of the 118th. Therefore, I present them in brief.
At sunset, March 1st, the Regiment, or seven companies, numbering three hundred and forty-five, rank and file, in light marching order, left camp near Getty's Station, and proceeded in a southerly direction, nine miles, to deep creek. A crossing being effected, a halt was next in order. The stay here was very unpleasant with no protection from the pitiless storm but an occasional shelter tent and Gov. Blanket.
At three A. M. 2d inst., the work was resumed, and after crossing the Dismal Swamp canal, the party proceeded due north, towards Ballyhack Station, a place boasting of a lock an one or two buildings, when obstructions were discovered in the road. Suspicion caused a strategic movement, and the "rebs" wisely left. On arriving at Ballyhack" it was discovered that the retreating foe had distroyed [sic] the bridge. After some delay, the force recrossed the Branch Canal, which, here intersects, at right angles, and continued the pursuit; but being unable to bring on even a skirmish, retreated to the Station and threw up earth works, and placed in position a section of Artillery ... 4th inst. Col. Keese, in command of two hundred colored cavalry, drove the "Gray Jackets" across a stream at South mills, near the borders of the "Old North State." No little pleasure was manifested in camp, as on the afternoon of the 6th instant, the arrival of Jon. O. Kellogg and daughters, Hon. Messrs. Higby, of Cal., and Gay of Clinton Co., Fayette Kellogg Esq. and Son of Wisconsin, was announced. E. D. Brown, Esq., who had visited camp and Regiment, left on this afternoon. On the 7th inst. the tourists visited Ballyhack, returning with an addition of Capt. Livingston and Lieut. Kellogg. A sham Parade occurred during the afternoon, which was well performed, and a rich farce, at the expense of the unsophisticated recruits. 
A scare and a fight occurred at Suffolk on the 9th inst. A force of colored cavalry were surrounded by rebels, while on a scout, and obliged to cut their way through, which they did, with small loss, and retreated to a position held by a small force, among which were three companies of this Regiment, B, H and R. Our forces had no artillery, and being overpowered, a general panic ensued, and a retreat was ordered. As our men passed their camp from which they had advanced in the morning, a seizure of valuables was made, and the route continued amid bursting shells and a shower of leadon compliments from the pursuing enemy, to the vicinity of this place, when reinforcements came up but too late, as a retreat "at will" occurred on the other side. We waited with much anxiety, until we learned of the safety of our friends. Meanwhile, the regiment returned to camp. The next day, a force pushed on and occupied Suffolk. 
The three companies were commanded by Capt. W. H. Bailey, of H Co. 
All concerned are said to behaved with much credit, proving their bravery, maintaining their position with tenacity, until ordered to retreat, which was effected without loss of life, and in good order. Nearly all lost their knapsacks, over-coats and blankets, which have been replaced. 
We moved to our present place of encampment on Saturday last, and are about eleven miles from Portsmouth. Col. O. Keese, Jr., is commandant of the Post. Lieut. Brydon, E. Company, A. A. A. General.
Co. H. joined us Yesterday. Companies B and K are doing duty at ____ Mills.
The band is with us, and are improving rapidly.

2d Brigade, 1st Division, 18th Army Corps,
Mr. Editor:—The permanency of location of a military organization during this great rebellion is not necessarily dependent upon its availability or the cost to the Government of transportation in shifting around in the general grand strife for ease and place.
In my last I gave a synopsis of movements for the previous few months and hoped that sufficient time would be allowed to at least write a record of the movements of the regiment up to date, but am obliged to "slip in a word edgewise" as the saying is. It would seem that we move to fast to keep track of. During our stay at Bower Hill we participated in but one marching expedition, the details of which were published in the New York dailies. We started from our camp on the afternoon of the 14th of April, moving but about eight miles to the bank of the Nansemond river, a few miles above Pig Point, arriving about dark, and being conveyed in ship's launches across the river at daylight the next morning. A couple of gunboats were present to cover the crossing, but no force of the enemy appeared and we moved rapidly on six miles to the village of Chuckatuck, in the county of Isle of Wight. A foraging party detached from the regiment accumulated in this region a large supply of horses, bacon and hams. From this village a hurried march was made for the purpose of connecting with a co-operating force which we joined at Cherry Grove, on Pagan Creek, in the middle of the morning. We had traveled about twenty miles since daylight and here partook of our matutinal coffee and daily "hard tack," while the main force moved a half hour ahead of us, we following as reserve. The whole force was under command of Brig-Gen. GRAHAM. The next halt we made after leaving Cherry Grove was near the "Old Brick Church" which is one of the oldest in the country. On the road between Cherry Grove and the Church one of the 9th New Jersey was shot through both leg by a guerrilla, he in turn being brought down by the wounded man's comrades. A long march was made from the halting ground to the village of Smithfield, we having circled thoroughly through the country. Smithfield is a fine town (for Virginia), situated upon a branch of the Pagan Creek, which here is called Smithfield Creek. The town in the days of peace might have contained 900 inhabitants, and was a favorite resort for excursionists from Norfolk. There are a number of well-appearing stores —judging from the outside—what was once a good wharf, and the buildings, particularly the dwellings, bear the impress of comfort and gentility more than is common outside of the larger cities. There are many fine looking women in Smithfield, and their spirit could easily be discerned in their manner of flirting into the houses upon our approach, and with a look of ineffable disgust upon their countenances appeared to endeavor to annihilate our little force with the glances of their dark eyes. The creek is navigable for vessels of quite large draught, but the unpro¬gressive, effete Southrons did not know it, it being for the Yankees since the war to learn them that the creek which had always flowed within their sight was deep enough for steam¬ers of twice the draught they had ever dared to navigate it with.
We bivouacked just outside the town, and before daybreak were stirring, as two companies of the regiment were to make a trip up the creek in search of the tug which exploded the torpedo on the side of the Minnesota, and which was known to be in the creek above Smithfield. As the day was dawning Co. A as skirmishers with Co. H as their reserve started up the eastern bank of the creek, and as a participant I can speak advisedly of the difficulties of that short expedition. It was necessary that the line of skirmishers should extend from the creek to a hill running parallel with and overlooking it. Those upon the right, nearest the creek, were obliged to wade in slimy mud and wa¬ter, while the center and left struggled through a thicket as nearly impervious to penetration as Nature could readily devise. A thicket in Virginia means impenetrability and consists of running vines, tougher than oak and covered with thorns of a two inch average length, closely interwoven in a thick undergrowth of saplings, possessed of the elacticity of rubber with the redoundant force of a Parrott shot and as tenacious as the blades of Damascus, while beneath is about a foot of mud. Through this natural abattis we wiggled for a couple or miles, bad becoming worse at each step, and heartily glad were we when imperative orders demanded our return. Why we were recalled until the tug should be found is beyond comprehension, as positive knowledge pointed out her whereabouts--gunboats lay in the creek from which their boats could be sent with howitzers as also a number of armed tugs, but in apparently [sic] over anxious haste we embarked on the transports, with their bows pointed towards the James river. The day previous two Naval officers had been killed by guerrillas skulking on the bank.
We steamed down the creek into the James river, thence past Newport News to Portsmouth and by rail to Bower Hill. At Newport News lays the celebrated Rebel ram Atlanta, which the third-rate builders of the South deemed invulnerable, but which delusive belief was exploded by the little Montauk with the simple demonstration of two solid shot piercing her very vitality and rendering her of no value as an offensive weapon to the enemy. She has been repaired and replated and acts as one of the blockade fleet in the mouth of the James river, which blockade, according the testimony of the Negroes we brought away from Smithfield, can scarcely be deemed entirely effective, as they report that scarcely a week passes without a schooner running into the creek loaded with stores.
On the 18th we received marching orders and the following morning broke camp and took cars for Portsmouth, thence by transport to Newport News, and upon the arrival of the remainder of the Brigade marched to this place, arriving at noon on the 21st, and went into Brigade camp. Our Brigade, consisting of the 118th N. Y. V., 10th and 13th N. H. Vols., and 8th Conn, is known as the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 18th Army Corps. Brig.-Gen. BURNHAM commanding Brigade and Major Gen. BROOKS commanding Division, but possibly there may a general re-organization previous to the advance.
Quite a large force has already arrived and each day transports come in loaded. At present probably 15,000 is about the figure. The 10th Army Corps, commanded by Gen. GILLMORE, has nearly all arrived, together with troops and batteries from other Departments. Eastern Virginia is to be the battle-ground of the ensuing season, and such movements as the "blackberry raid" of last summer will under the guidance of Lieut.-Gen. GRANT be effectually eradicated. The force in process of collection here for the coming Peninsula campaign is intended to strike heavy blows at the very center of Rebellion and it is to be hoped may under Maj.-Gen. SMITH deal the death blow to treason.—Among the arrivals of troops with whom we are acquainted are the 96th and 115th N. Y. Vols., while the 169th is daily expected. 
The commander of the forces to move as the army of the peninsula is Maj. Gen. W. F. (Baldy) Smith, though the BUTLER VS SMITH embroglio may enforce a change although I think it hardly possible. Were it not for the fact that a large part of the forces to participate in this movement are of the 18th Corps, the justice or propriety of Gen. BUTLER calling up the question of rank and privilege would appear unnecessary as much so as it would have been uncalled for in the head of this Department at the time MCCLELLAN'S campaign to claim exclusive control of all troops within the limits of his geographical department. As an executive officer Gen. BUTLER is unsurpassed, but in the actual maneuvers of the field in a campaign where hard blows will be dealt, he is as yet untried, and there can be no doubt of the sincerity of the Government in placing in command a well-trained veteran, although at the same time it may place Gen. BUTLER in an embarrassing position to remain, as he words it, as "Major of Old Point Comfort," but the success of a campaign in a good cause should not be dependent upon the upholding of the pride of one man even though he be a Major-General. In the case of the assignment to important commands of officers like Gen'ls BURNSIDE, SMITH, HOOKER and SCHOFIELD; men whose reputation have far preceded them, it would appear as strong testimony that the government was now looking to a near-approaching close of the war to be hastened by the vigor and earnestness of our noble President, HONEST ABRAHAM LINCOLN. A. L. S.

[Since the receipt or the above, which was unavoidably crowded out of last week's issue, the following, from the same correspondent, has reached us:] 
Yorktown, Va., May 3d, 1864.

Mr. Editor:—Reviews have been the order of the week, and a possible necessity for them may be seen in the present case, as of the troops concentrating here for the approaching Peninsular campaign, scarcely the regiments sufficient for the formation of a brigade have been united in such organization since Longstreet's abortional siege of Suffolk, and even then the organization was susceptible of much improvement. Of the 18th Corps, brigades and regiments have been scattered over all parts of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, and the 10th
Corps, likewise concentrating here, have been stationed from Charleston to Florida, while the artillery and cavalry are from all parts of the South. The work of formation of brigades and divisions has steadily progressed as fast as the arrival of regiments admitted of it, and the reviews seem as a species of formal introduction between officers and men, accustoming one to the other, and as it is quite probable that a long time may be passed in each other's military society, the present reviews may be of extreme utility. 
Brigade reviews by Gen. Burnham have been too common to attract much attention. Friday, the 29th, the division was reviewed by Gen. Brooks, but two brigades and five batteries of the division being present, but on the following day, Saturday, four brigades and eight batteries participated in the review, at which Maj. Gen'ls Butler and Smith and Brig. Gen'ls Brooks, Burnham, Heckman, Ledley and others were present. It was a fine parade, the infantry and artillery showing to admirable advantage. The Gen. BUTLER'S appearance upon horseback is far from prepossessing, his short, squat figure exhibiting poorly—no true friend of his would advise him to select the circus arena, where elegance of figure and superiority Of horsemanship make the reputation, as the field of his future labors, as his bald head and unfortunate squint, together with his poorness of horsemanship would never attract the "fractional currency" unless indeed he exhibited in the capacity of Mr. Merriman. Gen. SMITH is a short, heavily constructed man, young looking, with a full, florid complexion and ligtht [sic], sandy imperial. He is distinguished from the other representatives of the SMITH family by the sobrequet of "BALDY," and is considered, I believe, one of the most skillful engineer officers of the service. Whether his selection to this important command is particularly on account of his engineering talent, it is difficult to determine, as the plans of Lieut. Gen'l GRANT are veiled in the completest [sic] secrecy, but the fact that a siege and pontoon train is preparing to accompany us, would tend to establish the belief that the policy of "gradual approach" is to govern the coming campaign. 
No great quantity of cavalry has yet arrived upon this side of the river, but among the number is two regiments of colored cavalry, and in this connection I wish to speak a word of the action of the Government in relation to its levies of colored troops. No one of unbiased mind can for a moment question the propriety and expediency of em¬ploying the blacks as an auxiliary in the present contest, and which if rightly con- ducted is an element of strength which it would be sheer folly not to recognize. But the fact is patent that the white volunteers of the army have been, are, and will be the only real dependence of the Government in this struggle for its own maintenance, and should the better, patriotic feeling of the volunteer be compromised by odious comparison and forced companionship with those who by the immutable laws of progressive civilization he has been taught to recognize of a different caste, although perhaps not naturally inferior, still by education and cir¬cumstances rendered illy adapted for direct society of others outside of their own sphere. With no intention of speaking one word of disparagement to the Negro as a Man, or the principle of Freedom to encompass all people, but only with the desire to place the white Union volunteer upon his own high social level and equality with those of his own choice, and who upon the expiration of his time of serving his country in the field will return to the hordes of civilization and en¬deavor to gain a livelihood and an honorable name—but will the cool, calculating world soon forget that he was placed by the Government he had volunteered to protect and whose honor he had aided in vindicating in all equality with a people who for years had been in utter subjection and abject servitude --a people yet unlettered in the rudiments of unlimited Freedom? The employment of the colored troops meets with the approba¬tion of all classes in the army, but the ming¬ling of the colors in the camp and on the march, creates a bad feeling among the vol¬unteers, and should if possible be eradicated by the employment in departments, specially assigned, of all colored troops. The opinion of the army may be a mistaken one, but still as a prevailing idea of injustice, the cause should be averted as much as possible, it being no more than an act of deference to the opinions of a million of practical sup¬porters of the Government. I can but think that those who have friends in the service whom they respect and whose best interests they desire to advance will view the matter in the same light as those directly concerned. 
This afternoon a member of the 10th N. H. Vols., was drummed through the brigade and thence out of camp. His crime was a modified case of desertion, and as he was un¬fit for a soldier that was his punishment.
Of all abject, dejected, hang dog countenances to be witnessed his was the worst. Between mingled rage and shame he had rather the appearance of a beast than a man.
This morning those unable to march were forwarded to the General Hospital, sixty rounds of ammunition were dealt out, and probably the next you hear from me will be in the course of "On to Richmond" or in Lee's rear ! A. L. S.

Our Army Correspondence.
2d Brigade, 1st Division, 18th Army Corps,
In the Field near Bermuda Hundred, Va.,
May 17th, 1864.
Mr. Editor:—In the bustle and confusion of events with the changing of results, I hasten to give you a list of the loss to this regiment in the battle of yesterday morning at Drury's Bluff, which resulted in the falling back of the army to our old position near the James river. On Thursday the 12th the forces moved, our line of battle extending from the James to the Appomattox rivers.—The enemy were gradually forced back, taking refuge on Saturday in their line of strong fortifications extending from the above named rivers and terminating on the James with Fort Darling. During Saturday the Fort next Fort Darling was unsuccessfully shelled by our light field artillery. The 2nd Brigade occupied a line of unfinished out-works on the Richmond highway, and Sunday passed without raising a finger to strengthen our position, while the enemy were receiving heavy reinforcements. Monday morning dawned foggy—Beauregard massed his army on our center, and the 2d Brigade being left unprotected by the giving way of the right, the Rebels, enfuriated [sic] with drink, having canteens filled with whisky, rushed regardless of loss upon the works, and though mowed down in swaths, poured irresistibly over the low works, until a determined rally of the 118th around their colors, aided by the 10th New Hampshire, in the open field where a line was formed, stemmed the current and saved the army. That afternoon, as an advance was impossible, we fell back to our old position. Although forced back, we are not yet beaten, but far from it, and another movement of greater strength may soon be looked for.

Lt. Col. Geo. F. Nichols, wounded in side slightly; Adjutant Jno. L. Carter, wounded in arm and missing; Serg't Major Robt. W. Turner, wounded in foot slightly.

Killed—John Balfour, Jr., John H. Hall, DeEsting Johnson, Joseph Granger, Henry W. Pearsons. 
Wounded—Adelbert Andrews, badly and missing; Andrew J. Brumighin, mortally, twice wounded; Charles F. Copeland, badly, since died; Hubbard W. Goodrich, head; Wm. Hartman, finger shot off; George R. Thayer, badly in shoulder; John Shippey, in leg; William H. Groomes, shoulder. 
Missing—Amos Collins, wounded and left on field.
Recapitulation—Killed 5, wounded 8, missing 1; total 14.

Killed—Serg't Wesley Kent, Corpl. Albert Van Buskirk, Lyman Manley, Joseph Cassavah, William Cox.
Wounded— 1st Lieut. James S. Garrett, in side; Henry F. Field, leg and head, hit twice; James Reay, severely, left on field; Frank Cassavah, severely, left on field; Stephen Cassavah, legs, severely, left on field; Frank Hulgate, hand; William Burke, thigh, left on field; Lewis Brothers, abdomen, mortally; John Emory, hand, slightly; Allen Case, foot; Charles Harmon, neck; James Nolens, thigh; Lewis LaFayette, arm and thigh, hit twice; Joseph LaPierce, arm; Darius McFaddan, back; Fmerson S. Brown, leg; John Cassavah, hip.
Missing—Daniel C. Brown, Francis La Joir.
Recapitulation—Killed 5, wounded 17, missing 2: total 24.

Killed—Eli F. Arnold, Erastus Levit.
Wounded—Norman J. Arnold, head, slight; John S. Owens, breast, slight; Sergt. A. W. Fay, wrist, slight; george H. Kent, side, severely; Zaphon C. Rich, head, slight; Joseph Lumoy, shoulder.
Missing—Capt. James H. Pierce. 
Recapitulation—Killed 2, wounded 6, missing 1: total 9.

Killed—Hiram Brown.
Wounded—Sergt. Higley, amputation leg and arm, twice wounded; Sergt. Dnell, body, probably mortal; Corpl. Mead, arm; Corpl. Cox, shoulder, probably mortal; Corpl. Lannegan, arm, slightly; W. S. Wickham, amputation finger; E. Bell, hip; J. Calkins, arm; Oscar Dnell, leg; H. Dutton, side; H. F. Camsburgh, forehead and arm, hit twice; J. McCormick, side, slightly; J. Shortsleeves, side, severely; Mallory Tripp, cheek; M. Russell, arm; A.Terrell, side, slight. 
Missing—Lewis Bartiett, A. Miller, Carmin Brown, A. Taylor, Joel Brown.
Recapitulation—Killed 1; wounded 16, missing 5: total 22.

Killed—George Avery, Sylvester Sanborn, A. Walton, Charles S. Wright, Daniel L. French.
Wounded—2nd Lieut. E. M. Wing, badly and missing; 1st. Sergt. J. W. Treadway, neck, badly; Corpl. J. O. Brailey, side; D. H. Brailey, back (shell); C. A. Burge; W. Barton; Edwin M. Daily, left eye; Julius Neddo, right arm; F. Gonis, head; Charles Smith, head; Joseph Wickham, arm; Michael Fernett, wounded and missing; George Fernett; George Burns; Darwin Pandero, foot; John McCanly, hand; John Williams. 
Recapitulation—Killed 5, wounded 17, missing 1: total 23.

Killed—1st Lieut. William H. Stevenson, John G. Pangburn, Corpl. Crasly Groff; Hiram Sargent; Oakley H. Smith, Henry C. Wescott.
Wounded—Capt. R. W. Livingston, shoulder, leg and foot (hit three times); Corpl. Lewis Morse, hip, slight; William D. Hoff; S. S. Flagg, slight; Benjamin Sheehan, shoulder; Albert N. Conger, wounded and left on field; Robert D. Eastman, wounded and left on Field; Joseph D. Hardy, hip, severely; Samuel Mayo, wounded and left on field; George W. Miller, leg shot off, left on field; John Killborn, slight, side.
Missing—Mitchell Carl, Leverette Howard.
Recapitulation—Killed 6, wounded 11, missing 2: total 19.

Killed—Sergt. Roswell Walsh, John A. Grimes, Lewis Aldrich, Richard Bills, Charles C. Sexton.
Wounded—1st Sergt. L. Bennett, hand, slight; Corpl. Wilson Smead, thigh; John Bennett, arm, amputated; William H. Gates, foot; Martin Grandy, wrist; Benj. F. W. Monroe, hand; Lewis McRae, under jaw shot off; J. C. Nolton, hand, slight; William H. Parkis, through body, probably mortal; Benj. B. Perry, thigh; Joseph Reed, arm amputated; Joseph Roch, shoulder; William S. Taylor, head; Charles Fenton, hand, slight; Martin Gardner, hip.
Missing—Capt. Dennis Stone; David Bullis, shot in head and probably dead.
Recapitulation—Killed 5, wounded 15, missing 2: total 22.
Killed—Sergt. Philip Miller, William Mason, Samuel Lavarnway.
Wounded—Sergt. Thomas Timmons, shoulder; Paul Carter, face; James Gough, arm; James June, face; Frank Johnson, hand; William Miner, mouth; Lucius Lattaw, thigh, dangerously; Adolphus Sewall, since died; Francis Banway, face; Thomas Fordham, bowels; John Hays, both legs; John Bule, seriously; Thomas Lavarnway, arm and
side; Joseph Sewall, shoulder; Melvin Harris, seriously wounded and missing; Napoleon Gore, seriously, and missing. 
Missing—2nd Lieut. Jas. H. Pitt, supposed wounded; Samuel J. Moore, Lewis Miner, Enoch Clime.
Recapitulation—Killed 3, wounded 15, Missing 4: total 22.

Killed—Corpl. John Kennedy, Richard D. Parks, Michael Prior.
Wounded—Capt. H. S. Ransom, breast and arm, dangerously; Corpl. Miles Ransom, head; Corpl. George H. Nichols, head; Suffield Welcom, hand; Henry Gonis, leg and left on field; Peter Hammel, hand; Silas Ashley, leg and left on field.
Recapitulation—Killed 3, wounded 7: total 10.

Killed—Capt. John S. Stone, Sergt, George B. Place, F. W. Moore, John Putnam, Myron A. Arnold.
Wounded—1st Lieut. Sam Sherman, foot; Corpl. C. W. Baker, arm and leg, hit twice; H. Blood, wrist; Mark Devins, hand; William M. Moore, leg; Mitchel Wells, legs; L. Matoon, shoulder; J. Gooseberry, arm; A. McDonough, fingers; Silas Dems, body and left on field.
Missing—Sergt. C. H. White, Corpl. E. S. Snell, E. Paro, J. M. Banker.
Recapitulation—Killed 5, wounded 10, missing 4: total 19.

Killed 40, wounded 126, missing 22: total 188. Of which are officers killed 2, wounded 6, missing 4: total 12.
A. L. S.

The following is the list of the casualties in the 118th N. Y. V. June 1st and 2nd at Cold Harbor Va.
1st Lieut. Reynolds, Co. A. 
Emory Haff, Co. K. 
John Holland, Co. I.
Corp. Tredo, Co, B.
L. Mix, Co. F.
Corporal Putnam, Co D. June 11th
Capt. J. Parmenter, Co. E. amputation right leg.
A. Bomyea, Co. F, amputation left leg.
B. Monroe, Co. G, mortally.
Ashley Woods, Co. F, hip.
B. Desotell, side.
Sergt. Clute, leg.
Sergt. Brown, Co. G, slightly.
Sergt Tripp, Co. E. contusion of head.
Oscar Terrill, Co. D, knee.
H. Wade, Co. f, wrist.
S. F. Wilcox, Co. F, foot.
Amasa Hill, Co. I, foot.
J. Pritchard, Co. B, hand.
___ Monty, Co. I, hand.
___ Estes, Co. E, neck.
Wounded, 15.

The Late Major Pruyn.
The news of Monday, in regard to the fate of our young townsman, has met with a sad confirmation. Yesterday morning the family received letters from the Regimental Surgeon, and others, informing them of the manner of the Major's death. In the engagements of the 15th, before Petersburg, he was struck in the breast by the fragment of a shell, and died after a few hours' suffering. His body was embalmed, and sent to Norfolk, and will be brought to Albany for burial within a week.
About three weeks ago, while in action, he received a wound in the foot sufficient to excuse him from service. At the time the One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment was under his command, and his natural gallantry and pride urged him at any risk to remain at the head of his men in their hour of trial, and it was there that he met death. Before the enemy, with armor on, battling for honor and duty, God and his native land, so went he to the better world!
Major PRUYN entered service at an early period of the war, and remained with the Ninety-sixth Regiment through great hardships until the 17th of June 1862. At the battle of Fair Oaks, though seriously ill at the time, he arose from his bed and participated in the fight, and he received honorable mention in the official report for his coolness and bravery. Col. FAIRMAN, in granting his discharge soon afterwards, took occasion to attest to his courage and devotion, adding:—"I shall ever remember you with peculiar interest as a soldier who stood by my side, while one out of four was killed or wounded, and one out of three of our Regiment was lost in battle."
At a later date the then Lieut. Pruyn was appointed Adjutant of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment, and shortly afterwards was promoted Major, which position he held with honor to himself until the day of his death.
Major PRUYN'S life cannot be measured by length of days. But there are few among us hoary with age who have such a record of duty and patriotism. The score of years, and the early death completes his life better than a century of mere existence. To have been a noble boy, a dutiful exemplary son, a Christian man, and a zealous patriot, throws a halo of blessedness and consolation around the sad, untimely death.

The One Hundred and Eighteenth New-York Volunteers.
The arrival of this regiment is expected to-day. The One Hundred and Eighteenth was raised in Essex, Clinton and Warren Counties in July, 1862. Among its officers and in its ranks were some of the most prominent young men of the Sixteenth Senatorial District. It has been in active service since it first entered the field. When it passed through this city for the front it numbered 1,040 enlisted men. Since, some three hundred and fifty recruits, who will be mustered out with the regiment, have been added, but the ravages of war and battle have reduced their original number.
Few regiments have seen such losses as the One Hundred and Eighteenth. It was selected to be armed with "Spencer's Repeating Rifle," and since has always formed the skirmishers, covering the advance of the Third Division, Twenty-fourth Corps. It formed a portion of the advance skirmishers of the Third Division when Richmond was finally occupied, and was the first organized Federal infantry in that city. 
It wears by order on its colors the names of the following battles:
Suffolk, South Ann, Swift Creek, Kingsland Creek, Drury's Bluff, Cold Harbor, Petersburgh Heights, Before Petersburgh, Chapin's Farm, in Capture of Fort Harrison, Fair Oaks and Richmond.
The following is a list of the officers:
Lieutenant-Colonel—Levi S. Dominey.
Major—J. L. Cunningham.
Surgeon—Wm. L. Mansfield.
Adjutant—First-Lieutenant Clifford Hubbar.
Quartermaster—First-Lieutenant H. J. Northrup.
Chaplain—Chas. Hagar.
Company A. —Captain, J. R. Seaman; First-Lieutenant, J. W. Treadway; Second-Lieut. ___ Arnold.
Company B.—Capt. George F. Campbell; Second Lieut. Merville Perry.
Company C—Capt. C. W. Wells; First Lieut. L. S. Bryant; Second Lieut. ___ Arnold.
Company D—Capt. J. W. Angel; Second Lieut. P. V. N. McLean.
Company E—Capt. H. S. Graves; First Lieut. Geo. A. Potter; Second Lieut. W. F. Ridwell.
Company F—Capt. R. W. Livingston, (absent, wounded;) First Lieut. Daniel O'Connor; Second Lieut. Grace.
Company G—First Lieut. James H. Pitt.
Company H—Capt. Daniel F. Dobie; First Lieut. Frank Saunders.
Company I—Capt. M. V. B. Stetson; First Lieut. Nelson J. Gibb.
Company K—Capt. John Brydon; First Lieut. John H. Calkins; Second Lieut. George Vaughn.

THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH arrived about eleven o'clock yesterday, on board the Huguenot. It was raised in Essex, Clinton and Warren counties in July 1862. Among its officers and in its ranks were some of the most prominent young men of the Sixteenth Senatorial District. It has been in active service since it first entered the field. When it passed through this city for the front it numbered 1,040 enlisted men. Since, some three hundred and fifty recruits, who will be mustered out with the regiment, have been added, but the ravages of war and battle have reduced their original number to 298 men. Few regiments have seen such losses as the One Hundred and Eighteenth. It was selected to be armed with "Spencer's Repeating Rifle," and since has always formed the skirmishers, covering the advance of the Third Division, Twenty-fourth Corps. It formed a portion of the advance skirmishers of the Third Division when Richmond was finally occupied, and was the first organized Federal infanty [sic] in that city.
It was formerly of the First Division, Eighteenth Army Corps, and has been specially commended by the fighting General Burnham and Major
General Stannard for their bravery and gallantry on several occasions.
It wears by order on its colors the names of the following battles:—Suffolk, South Ann, Swift Creek, Kingsland Creek, Drury's Bluff, Cold Harbor, Petersburgh Heights, Before Petersburgh, Chapin's Farm, in Capture of Fort Harrison, Fair Oaks and Richmond. In three of these engagements—Drury's Bluff, Chapin's Farm and Fair Oaks—it lost one-half of the men with which it entered each fight.
The following is a list of the officers:—
Colonel—George F. Nichols.
Lieutenant-Colonel—-Levi S. Dominey.
Major—J. L. Cunningham.
Surgeon—Wm. L. Mansfield.
Adjutant—First Lieutenant Clifford Hubbard.
Quartermaster—First Lieutenant H. J. Northrup.
Chaplain—Charles Hagar.
Company A—Captain, J. R. Seaman; First Lieutenant, J. W. Treadway.
Company B—Captain, George F. Campbell; Second Lieutenant, Merville Perry.
Company C—Captain, C. W. Wells; First Lieutenant, L. S. Bryant; Second Lieutenant, ___ Arnold.
Company D—Captain, J. W. Angel; Second Lieutenant, P. V. N. McLean.
Company E—Captain, H. S. Graves; First Lieutenant, George A. Potter; Second Lieutenant, W. F. Bidwell.
Company F—Captain, R. W. Livingston, (absent, wounded;) First Lieutenant, Daniel O'Connor; Second Lieutenant, ___ Grace.
Company G—First Lieutenant, James H. Pitt.
Company H—Captain, D. F. Dobie; First Lieutenant, Frank Saunders.
Company I—Captain, M. V. B. Stetson; First Lieutenant, Nelson J. Gibb.
Company K—Captain, John Brydon; First Lieutenant, John H. Calkins; Second Lieutenant, George Vaughn.
It brings back the remnants of the colors originally received in Albany, and also a new one ordered by General Butler, and inscribed as above.
Its first Adjutant (afterwards Major) was Chas. Pruyn, of Albany, who gallantly fell in the charge on the heights of Petersburg, in June, 1864. But four of its original officers are now with the organization.

THE RECEPTION of these two regiments, which was conducted entirely by the Citizens' Committee, was every way worthy the Capital of the Empire State. Denied admission to the Delavan House (except, perhaps, on extravagant terms,) the Committee next applied to the proprietor of Stanwix Hall, Mr. Rider, who kindly consented to accommodate all he possibly could, on reasonable terms. What could not be entertained there, were received by the proprietors of the Mansion House and Merchants' Hotel in the same patriotic spirit. Here the boys received "a good square meal," substantial and warm, to which they testified their appreciation by doing it ample justice, and afterwards by hearty cheers.
It was found impossible to carry out the original programme, of obtaining Congress Hall, its use being imperatively needed by Mr. Mitchell until he disposes of his furniture. Besides, under the terms obtained, the system adopted can be carried out as reasonably, give general satisfaction, and save the ladies the hard work which they are willing to perform for their brave defenders.
After breakfast, the One Hundred and Eighteenth returned to the boat, and embarked for Troy, where it took the cars for Plattsburg, and the One Hundred and Seventeenth left in a special train for Syracuse, where they will be paid off. (Alb. Evening Journal, June 19, 1865)

At the first re-union of the Surviving Officers of the late Adirondack Regiment (118th N. Y. Vols.) held at Essex Village N. Y., commencing [sic] on the 29th day of Aug, 1866 the Fourth anniversary of its muster in the U. S. service—the following officers were present:
Brig. Gen. RICHARDS, Warrensburgh.
Adjutant CARTER, Ellenburgh.
Chaplain HAGAR, Plattsburgh.
Capt. RANSOM, "
Capt. DOBIE, "
Capt. & Q. M. DELANEY, "
Capt. BAILEY.|
Capt. ADAMS.
Capt. Livingston, Elizabethtown.
Capt. Pierce, Bloomingdale.
Capt. DENNIS STONE, Warrensburgh.
Capt. BRYDON, Crown Point.
Capt. STETSON, Champlain.
Capt. WELLS, Black Brook.
Lt. Dickinson, Warrensburgh.
Lt. BOYNTON, Peru.
Lt. ANGEL, Sciota.
Lt. GARRETT, Glen's Falls.
Lt. TREADWAY, Port Henry.
Lt. MCLEAN, Keesville.
Lt. BIDWELL, Plattsbuagh.
Lt. CALKINS, Peru.
Lt. ARNOLD, Bloomingdale.
Lt. WELCH, Whaltonsburgh.
Capt. MCGUIRE, 153 N. Y. Vols., Keeseville.

Reported by letter:
Col. )Bv't. Brig. Gen'l) Nichols, New York City; Col. KEESE, Titusville, Pa.; Lt. Col. DOMINY, Albany; Surgeon PORTEUS, Luzerne; Quartermaster NORTHRUP, Troy; Lt. POTTER, Wisconsin; Lt. PITT, Tidioute, Pa., Adjutant Hubbard, New York--leaving a large number unheard from. (It might be stated that quite all the officers above named held Brevet Commissions of higher rank than here stated.)
By 6 P. M., of the 29th, all had reached Essex, and the hearty manner of the greeting gave promise of that feeling and interest, which from begining [sic] to end, marked the occasion. In the early evening the officers, their ladies and guests gathered in the parlors of EGGLESTON'S Hotel, and at 8 1/2 o'clock proceeded to the dining hall. The hall was tastefully decorated with flags and flowers, while the table, arranged to form three sides of an oblong square, presented a beautiful and tempting appearance.
Boquets [sic] in profusion and variety of arrangement (the offerings of lady friends) mingled with luscious fruit, to beautify the board and fill the hall with fragrance.
The seats, over fifty in number, were filled when after prayer by Chaplain Hagar, the creditable bill of fare was discussed. It will be sufficient to say that it embraced a greater variety than could have been expected, and as was intended, it was temperance in character.
After a dessert of all the fruits of the season, &c., General RICHARDS, who presided, made some appropriate remarks, during which he said that he had yet to learn that any mistake had ever been made in the selection of officers for the 118th N. Y. Vols.,—that all had ever done their duty—and alluded to the harmony and fraternal feeling which has always existed between them, amounting to a love for each other, which seemed to have reached its extreme on this occasion of re-union. The General then called for the reading of letters, which was done by Maj. CUNNINGHAM, Officer of the Day. Besides the very feeling letters of report from the officers already named, as having so reported, communications were also read from Hon. R. S. we in common with the great body of his constituents, have experienced in his untimely death; therefore, 
Resolved, That in the death of the Hon. Orlando Kellogg, late Representative in Congress from this District, we feel that we have lost a very true and efficient and dear friend, who ever made the interests of the 118th Regiment his own, whose presence always cheered our hearts and whose eloquence roused our patriotism and imflamed military ardor; and that the country has lost a true patriot and valuable public servant.
Remarks were made by Maj. Cunningham, Capts. Delaney, Parmerter, and others when the resolution was unanimously adopted.—Major Cunningham offered the following resolutions which were adopted.
Resolved, That it is due our deceased comrades, officers, rank and file, of our late organization that some fitting monument should be erected in commemoration of their sacrifice.
Resolved, That a committee consisting of an officer from each county of our regimental district be appointed to consider the practibility of the matter and report at our next re-union.
Capts. Jas. H. Pierce of Essex, H. S. Ransom, of Clinton, and Dennis Stone of Warren, were appointed by the chair such committee.
On motion of Major Cunningham and after a general discussion of plans and enjoyment of future "family" gatherings, it was
Resolved, That this meeting proceed to organize an association of the surviving officers of the late 118th N. Y. Vol., to be known as "The Association of the Adirondack Regiment" by the election of a Commandant, Lieut. Commandant, Adjutant and Quartermaster, for the ensuing year, and that a committee of three be appointed to present a Constitution and by-laws at our next re-union. 
The following officers were then elected in accordance therewith:
Commandant, Capt. Livingston; Lt. Commandant, Capt. Ransom; Adjutant, Maj. Cunningham; Quartermaster, Capt. Delaney. The following committee on Constitution and by-laws were appointed: Capt. Dobie, Capt. Brydon and Lt. Garrett. It was then, on motion of Major Cunningham, 
Resolved, That the first annual meeting of this association be at Plattsburgh, N. Y., on the 29th day of August, 1867--the Fifth Anniversary of our muster into the U. S. Service, and all officers ever connected with the 118th are requested to be there, with ladies.
After considerable discussion as to the form and inscription for an association badge, it was 
Resolved, That Capt. Pierce be empowered to design and procure a badge, appropriate to be worn by members of this association on re-union occasions. 
The subject a Regimental History was then discussed—after its design had been agreed upon, and sufficient means guaranteed, it was, on motion of General Richards, 
Resolved, That Brevet Col. J. L. Cunningham and Brevet Major Livingston be authorized and employed to prepare and publish a history of the 118th N. Y. Vols., giving memoranda of every man connected with it if possible to do so.
On motion it was
Resolved, That the Secretaries of this meeting prepare a report of our re-union and business meeting, and furnish each newspaper published in our Regimental District with a copy for publication.
The following resolution was, on motion of Capt. Brydon, adopted:
Resolved, That the proprietors of Brainard's Hotel and of Eggleston's Hotel are entitled to our thanks for their successful efforts to make our visit to their beautiful village pleasant, and long to be remembered.
Communications were read showing that the citizens of Essex had tendered a Brass Band for the occasion, which offer was declined by the committee, because contrary to the plan of a quiet "family" gathering.
A communication was received from Hon. P. E. Havens, tendering the Association a reception that evening at his residence. Owing to the fact that most officers designed leaving at 4 o'clock P. M. this offer could not be accepted by the organization—but was, by those who were to remain.
The hour of dinner arrived when the association adjourned to meet at Plattsburgh, according to regulation.
The rest of the day was spent in visiting with each other, talking over the past; but the burden of the conversation was on the glorious time we had had, all conceding it worth three years of toil and danger for the blessed experience of the past twenty-four hours. Essex will long be remembered as connected with grand association, for we embraced all in our fraternal love.
CHAS. W. WELLS, Secretaries.

… Hale, M. C., Hon, STEPHEN BROWN, Hon. S. M. Weed, Brevet Brig. Gen'l John Hammond, Brevet Brig. Gen'l STEPHEN MOFFITT, Capt. Theo. S. Peck (late 9th Vt.) and others.
The following regular toasts of the evening were then announced in their order.
1st. Our First Re-union: while reviving past associations --mingling and pleasing memories--may it renew the tie of friendship, and strengthen our bond of Union.
Responded to by Major Cunningham. Song and chorus
" We're tenting on the old Camp Ground,"
--Lt. Garrett,
2d. Our Absent Comrades: whether separated by earthly distance or the boundary stream of time--yet with us--Green be the memory of the departed, and all ever ready for a re-union at the final roll call.
Responded to by Chaplain Hagar. During the response many an eye glistened with tears, and there was evidence of deepest feeling and emotion as the names of the forever absent ones were repeated. Chorus.
Auld Lang Syne,
By all standing.
3d Our Flag: torn from Sumter's walls, baptised [sic] in the blood of an hundred battle fields, to float, as now it does and EVER SHALL—the emblem of the free.
Responded to by Hon. William Higby, Representative in Congress from California.
Mr. Higby had shared our bivouac in the heart of the Dismal Swamp. Chorus.
" Star Spangled Banner."
4th. Our Country: she has weathered the storm and rides safely at anchor in the harbor of peace. 
Responded to by Capt. Pierce. Song and Chorus
" A thousand years my own Columbia."
--Capt. Stetson.
5th. All our late local military organizations: "Comrades in marches many--Comrades in battle many"--brothers in storm--brothers in calm--we love them all.
Responded to by Col. W. E. Calkins.
6th. Our Citizen Frieds [sic]: whose hearts were with us and whose eyes were upon us during those years of apprehension and hardship.
Responded to by Hon. P. E. Havens.
7th. The Press of our Regimental District.
Responded to by A. W. Lansing, Esq., of the Plattsburgh Sentinel of the late Volunteer service.
8th. The Ladies: The hope of their approving smile cheered our bivouac, and warmed our hearts when the camp fire burned low--we are doubly rewarded in their presence at this our re-union--an evidence that our hopes were not altogether in vain.
Responded to by Capt. Bailey for the ladies and by Col. Calkins.
Song--Selection from Moore.
Capt. Dickinson.
9th. Our old Regimental mess: --oh what a mess.
Responded to by the reading of an anonymous, humerous, original rhyme called "Hohan's Mess." The laughter during the reading was as hearty as we have ever heard in our old mess tent.
Song--A parody on "Johnny comes marching home, hurrah!"--original.
The toasts having been disposed of--Capt. Ransom offered the following resolution which was adopted:
Resolved, That Col. LJ. L. Cunningham, our committee of one, is deserving our hearty thanks for the responsibility he has assumed, and the labor he has performed in calling us together and preparing for our complete enjoyment of the occasion.
The following resolutions were also adopted:
Resolved, That our thanks be extended to Capt. Eggleston, our efficient acting "Quartermaster and Commissary" for the abundance and excellence of the "rations" he has provided, and for the manner in which they have been served.
Resolved, That our thanks be extended to the ladies of Essex and Willsboro for the profusion of flowers which adorn our table, and so fittingly shadow that charm of beauty ann [sic] delight, which would have been most fully contributed by the presence of the fair donors.
After thanks had been offered to Our Great Captain for the blessing of the occasion, and at a little after 12 o'clock, the tables were deserted for the parlor, where a mysterious document was produced by Capt. Dobie and read to the great amusement of all. It purported to have proceeded from St. Benjamin, of Gospel of Peace notoriety, but some doubted.
It was in the grownignhours of morning that the happy party separated for their respective hotels, to meet for business at 9 A. M.
The officers met promptly at 9 A. M., Aug. 30 '66 at Eggleston's Hotel, and proceeded to business by calling Capt. Livingston to the chair, and appointing Capts. Dickinson and Wells, Secretaries. Capt. Pierce, after remarks eulogistic of the character and patriotism of the late Hon. ORLMNDO [sic] KELLOGG, offered the following preamble and resolution prepared by Capt. Livingston.
Whereas, the 118th Regiment was organized during the last rebellion, just as the second campaign on the peninsula has been declared a failure, and while the second battle of Bull Run and Chantilly were being fought to their unsuccessful conclusion, and while the public mind was depressed by the apparent uselessness of the great sacrifices: and
WHEREAS, We were very materially aided in our efforts to perfect such organization by the influence and energetic labors of the late Hon. Orlando Kellogg as well as cheered on in our path of duty by his words of patriotic encouragement, and during the whole term of service of the regiment we felt that he was zealously guarding our interests while we repeatedly experienced the benefits of his fostering care; and.
WHEREAS, On this our first reunion since the close of our history as an organization, we deem it eminently proper that we express our sense of his great services to us and to the cause we upheld; and the profound grief, ....