117th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
A letter received from Perry Miller of the 117th bears the post mark of White House Landing, 18 miles from Richmond. An immediate advance upon the rebel Capital was anticipated.
Strawberry Festival.--A Strawberry Festival was given in Curtis Hall, on Wednesday evening last, by the Musical Association, in support of its aim to procure a musical instrument for the Congregational Church, and was attended by a large number of our citizens. Refreshments, with strawberries and Ice Cream, were followed by an original song by R. S. Ballard, and a number of very finely produced Tableaux. The entertainment was very successful, the sum of fifty dollars, as we understand being the receipts.
Gone to Charleston.--
The 117th, or 4th Oneida Regiment, now under command of Lieut. Col. WHITE, has been sent to Charleston, S. C., at assist Gen. Gillmore in the reduction of that breeding hole of rebeldom. The 117th has thus far seen but little hard fighting, but now if the rebels fight with their usual courage, our
Oneida Co. boys in this regiment will see some fighting on a large scale.
THE FOURTH ONEIDA REGIMENT.--GEN. WHITE has received orders to occupy the Rome Barracks for quarters for his regiment, as soon as organized and mustered in.
CLINTON.—Lieut. WM. BARTHOLOMEW and Mr. GEO. PEARL, of the 117th, have arrived home, having been detailed to report at Elmira to take charge of the drafted men to be apportioned to their regiment. They report considerable sickness in the regiment.
Lieut. WILLIAM D. WENTWORTH is recruiting at Fort Plain for Capt. MERCER'S Company,
Fourth Oneida Regiment.
Fort Franklin, Md., Oct. 6.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Do you ever feel anxious for the Fourth Oneida, and wonder what we are doing, down in this land of glory, privation, plenty, scarcity, and general uncertainty? Presuming you do, I take the liberty to write you a few words, at leisure moments, to tell you what is going on in our little circle that might be interesting to our many friends at the home fireside. Many friends, I say; how many, we begin to realize, now that we are deprived for a time of their society.
Do not think, you who have dear ones among us, that we are now suffering severe privations; that we are in want of food and clothing to make us comfortable. This is not, as yet, the case. Uncle Sam, success to him, provides most bountifully for his "boys." Clothing we have in such quantities, that many in the old regiments, in marching from Washington past our camp, on their way to the Upper Potomac, have thrown aside good overcoats, dress coats, blankets, and other articles, rather than carry them a few miles. For rations we have a whole loaf of good bread daily, besides our other allowances of meat, vegetables, rice, coffee, tea, &c. On long marches, and when we are sent into the field, we shall in some respects fare worse, but at present, our regiment has nothing to complain of in respect to food and clothing. There is one thing though which we ask from our friends. Write to us. Write often, and write good, long letters, such as you would like, were you here, to receive.
I wish you at home could see the eager, inquiring faces, thronging to the Captains' tents as it is announced to the men "the mail has come." You would see those just come in from work, or from a tiresome, hard drill, go away with joy in their eyes as they are handed a letter. You would see husbands smile gladly at the sight of a white envelope with the well known handwriting, and shy youths hastily slip their coveted missive into their breast pockets that they may read them alone. You would see men turn away with a sigh, and walk off with eyes on the ground repeating," why don’t they write to me? I wonder if they have forgotten me." Yes, dear friends, write to the soldiers, even though you do not always receive a prompt answer. Be assured your letters are received thankfully, and if they are not answered, remember that the soldiers have little time to write, that pen, ink, paper, and stamps, are often hard to obtain in camp, and that we must use any piece of board we can find for a writing desk. A single letter from those he loves will often do more to cheer and encourage the soldier than the news of a brilliant victory by our army. Write to the volunteers.
Since we came here we have seen little of the real, hard work of campaigning. We were engaged quite a while in chopping; in clearing off the timber within gunshot of our forts. That is now finished, and there is at present a force of one hundred and fifty men daily detailed to dig rifle pits about the three forts. This will take but a few days. What our next work will be we do not know.
One thing we have reason to rejoice at--the general morality and good conduct of the men. It is the opinion of many with whom I have conversed, that no regiment has been sent into the field with a better character than our own, the Oneida Fourth. We hope to be able to sustain our good reputation, and prove ourselves worthy of the confidence and trust placed in us.
Do you ask why we are not sent at once into the field, why we did not have a hand in some of the great and important battles lately fought within our hearing, above us? This is a puzzle to ourselves. It is a question frequently asked here, why other Regiments, raised and equipped since our own, are sent ahead of us to fight, while we are kept to hold Forts not threatened by the enemy. We can not see why thousands of troops are kept in the vicinity of Washington, doing comparatively nothing, while the brave but exhausted men, engaged so lately with a desperate enemy, are looking in vain for that support and assistance they so sorely need. It seems to us it would be the wisest course to send at once every available man forward, to clear the many tent-covered hills within sight of Washington, and follow up our recent success by victories which will regain our lost ground before the heavy rains set in. Many think our Regiment is to winter where it is. This, I hope, will not be the case. We are now strong, confident, healthy, and well supplied with everything necessary to enable us to stand an active campaign. The longer we stay here the better the Rebels will be prepared to resist our advance, and when once the mud begins, farewell to marching.
Since the hasty retreat of the rebel army across the river, the most ridiculous stories have found ready listeners in Camp, especially the one most actively circulated that we should all be home by New Years. I understand that in one or two cases, bets have been made that the war would be ended before Spring. Of course we all hope it will be so, but it is far from likely. The longer we delay pushing forward our forces towards Richmond, and throwing the strength of the new levy upon the weakened and disappointed traitors, the longer will this immense army of brave men be kept in the field, an increasing expense to the nation. The army wishes to advance.
Saturday afternoon, we were favored with a visit by our General, N. P. Banks. He looks hearty and well, and his appearance bespeaks him the "iron man" and brave officer we know he is. We are happy in being under so accomplished and true a General; one we can depend upon in all cases, Statesman, General and Man. Our big gun, the new 100-pounder Parrott, lately mounted in Fort Alexander, was loaded for the first time since it came, aimed by the General himself up the river, and fired. It threw first a conical shot and then a shell. The latter burst over the water a mile or more above us, with a bright flash, sending off a cloud of white smoke, and startling the pickets along the road, by the unusual sound. It is a splendid piece, and I hope will prove itself so upon the enemy should they be so bold as to make another advance northward.
We are making good advances now in drill, and our Colonel, Lieut. Col., and Major, are daily proving themselves superior officers, and winning the esteem and confidence of the men. So too, as a general thing are the Company Commanders. This is certainly the case with Co. A, which may speak with just pride of its manly officers and the excellent character of the men. On our first battalion [sic] drill the Colonel remarked that he had seen regiments which had drilled a year not do as well in some things, especially in firing, as our own. This shows how the men take hold of the work before them, that they are in earnest and mean to do well.
The weather here has been beautiful and still continues so. We have had no frost, and the foliage is yet as green as in midsummer. With you, I hear, the leaves are already putting on their bright autumn tints. We do not find the weather here very different from that we have been accustomed to. The nights are seemingly cold, but not frosty, and. the days are clear and warm. Fruit has been quite plenty among us, especially peaches and grapes, which grow wild about here in great abundance. From this hill we have a fine view of the camp of Heintzelman's army, across the Potomac.
I was much pleased a few days since to receive a visit from Rev. Mr. Francis, formerly pastor of the Universalist Society in Utica, now chaplain of the 127rh Pennsylvania regiment, under Heintzelman. He is well, and is genial and pleasant as ever, and apparently contented in his noble work. He will be recollected by his numerous friends in Utica for his many excellent qualities. Again we were agreeably surprised on the 28th ult., by a call from ex-Mayor H. H. Fish, accompanied by Hon. O. B. Matteson. It seemed almost a visit home to look upon his kindly, pleasant face. He is as spirited as a boy, and expressed a willingness to volunteer if they would accept him. Would there were more like him.
But I am taking up too much of your time, so good bye. If any of the Utica people come as far South as this let them not forget to visit the 117th, and we will promise them a soldiers reception.
Hundred and Seventeenth.
Camp Morris, near Tennallytown,
Nov. 23, 1862.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
To-day has closed with an event long to be remembered by the 117th. Our banner has come and was presented to the regiment at dress parade this evening. Other presentations of like character may have been attended with more of ostentation, more sounds of instruments and ceremony of speech, but never one in which there was felt a deeper interest or a more lively sympathy with the meaning of the occasion. There had been whispers about camp for a day or two past, that the "banner" had come, and all were restless to see it. So this evening, at retreat parade, the regiment was quickly thrown into a hollow square, and the beautiful banner received and gazed upon with more admiration. The symbol was matchless and radiant, as it spread to the breeze and reflected the last rays of the sun. The things symbolized are priceless and glorious, and these stirred the hearts of the 117th with emotion. The stern, intent face of every soldier saw in the bright emblem a mother’s prayer and admonition, or a sister's cheering God speed, or another promise that he would be as good a soldier as husband. Then the motto of fiery truth, and the design of surpassing skill created within the breasts of each a God-fearing, traitor-hating purpose that will abide and prove terrible in the hour of combat. The moral effect of this banner must be of incalculable good, and the silent vows to return it with honor, went higher than the deafening cheers that greeted its coming.
To the ladies of Utica do we acknowledge our indebtedness for this splendid gift. Our deeds shall be our thanks. Lucian.
From the 4th Oneida.
Camp Haskins, Portsmouth, Va.,
July 2, 1863.
DEAR SIRS: With all the labor, suffering and anxiety we as soldiers have to endure, we often have our fun, and well and right heartily do we enjoy it.
A rather laughable circumstance occurred a short time since in our camp, which I will relate, to show you that the "Oneida 4th" is not entirely gone up, if we are way down here in a Virginia Swamp.
Bob—a very notable and incomprehensible character, withal a most incorrigible wag, was put on guard one dark night, and in a very responsible position at that, but as Bob is as courageous as he is funny he was deemed the man for the place and the occasion. The guard was posted that night by the Major in person, and he gave the most rigid orders that no living thing must pass that beat without the countersign.
Bob took his position at his post determined to be very vigilant, and the sequel shows that he was "right smart" "I reckon," Bob had walked his beat about an hour, when he heard the sound of an approaching object. He listened very attentively for a moment, and then began again to treat his beat as usual. Soon a lusty porker belonging to one of our many neighboring "Secesh" farmers, came lumbering along directly towards Bob's beat, so closely that Bob knew at once what it was that was approaching. But being determined that his orders should be lived up to the very letter, he at once gave the challenge. "Who goes there?" No reply. Mr. Porker waddled along toward the beat as though nothing had happened. Halt! cries Bob, and bringing his gun to a "ready" just as porker was crossing his beat he again called on him to halt, which it did not do. Bang went Bob's gun, and down came Mr. Porker, a victim of his disobedience. The camp was all in a furore [sic] in a second, and down came the Major, officer of the Day, and several more who were anxious to know what had happened, fearful that the Rebs were upon us.
The Major and others soon arrived on the finding Bob quietly standing by Mr. Porker, loading his gun as if nothing had happened. What did you shoot the hog for, said the Major to Bob? I done it, sir, to carry out to a letter my orders. When I was put on post sir, I was ordered by you, sir, to let no living thing pass my beat without the countersign. This thing tryed [sic] to do it, and I put a stop to his impudence, sir, all right, sir, I suppose, sir, said Bob, with imperturbable gravity.
Yes, yes, Bob, all right, but you may let hogs and all dumb beasts pass, hereafter, without the countersign.
Bob very demurely said, ay, ay, sir, always obey orders, sir, military orders, sir.
It will be a long time ere we shall forget Bob's hog adventure.
Nothing new in camp, the same old story,
Very respectfully, &c.
Camp Haskins, Va., near Norfolk,
July 3d, 1862.
Editors Sentinel--Dear Sirs: You will undoubtedly be surprised to learn that the "Oneida 4th" has at last taken the field, and expects to see some active service. The regiment left Camp Haskins, Va., a week ago last Monday, with the brigade, to go "on to Richmond," as it has been confidently expressed by the knowing ones left behind. The brigade embarked at Portsmouth, Va., and went to White House. Since then we have had no official information in regard to it. A returned member of the 103d N. V. Y., who was with the expedition, says that these troops left White House last Tuesday night for Hanover Court House, and were making preparations for an onset upon the rear of Richmond. How true this report may be, or if it is true, how successful the undertaking may be, I know not, and time only will ever explain it.
The Regiment was not in a high state of health when it departed--many being in the hospitals at Portsmouth and in camp, and upwards of eighty were left in camp by orders of the surgeons, as unfit for active service. The health of most of those left behind, I am glad to affirm, is improving very fast, and a majority of these sick ones are convalescent, and very many entirely well again.
Second Lieutenant E. Jones, of this regiment, died in hospital at Portsmouth last Wednesday, of typhoid fever. His brother, who was with him during a greater part of his illness, has had his body embalmed and started with it for his residence in Oneida County. Lieut. Jones was a young and very promising officer, one who had rapidly advanced in rank in the regiment; he enlisted as a private, was promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant, and afterwards to Second Lieutenant of Co. B. We lament his demise, for men of sterling integrity and enterprise are hard to replace when once taken from any position in life.
Major Daggett is also on the "sick list;" his continual fretting t his necessary absence from his regiment is keeping him down. It will be doubtful about his being able to join the regiment in a long time to come.
Col. Pease is absent on a furlough, and was the last we knew of him at Williamsburg, L. I. He is in very poor health; he is troubled with the heart disease. We hope, however, he may be able to join us again soon. We miss him very much here, the head of the family is gone when he is away.
A sad accident happened to private John Wright, of Co. E, to-day. He shot himself in the foot, the ball entering the foot near the joint of the great toe and coming out at the bottom of the foot near the small toe. The Surgeon thought that it would be a miracle if he did not have lockjaw from the effects of the wound.
We (first brigade), 9th army corps) have been at work on the forts which command the main entrances from the Suffolk way to Portsmouth and Norfolk. Suffolk is evacuated There is nothing left there except a few pickets and provost-guards. “Corcoran’s Legion" have left there, and are to occupy these forts we have been building.
There is nothing of importance going on at Portsmouth or Norfolk.
The government is cleaning out the harbor there, and the rivers above, and are raising some of the sunken vessels. The divers are at work every day bringing up more or less of the sunken property from the bottom of the river.
The weather is very warm, and the heat very oppressive.
Respectfully yours, ***
THE LATE SERGEANT N. B. HINCKLEY.—At a meeting held by the members of Company K, 117th Regiment N. Y. S. Vols., at Camp Haskins, Va., July 14th, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted:
Whereas: it has pleased Almighty God in the dispensation of his Providence, to remove by death our late worthy associate and brother comrade, Nathaniel B. Hinckley, one whom we have known as faithful in the discharge of his duties, and whereas, his sterling worth demands from us an expression of feelings, therefore, be it
Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to the decree of an allwise Providence, our hearts are clothed in sorrow at the loss of one who was endeared to us by many ties of friendship and affection, and we sincerely regret that in the spring time of life he has been so suddenly called to that bourne from whence no traveler returns.
Resolved, That in reverently deploring this event we sincerely sympathize with the parents, brothers, and sisters of deceased in the irrepairable [sic] loss they have sustained, and tender to them our affectionate condolence in the affliction they have been called upon to endure.
Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the Clinton Courier and UTICA MORNING HERALD, and a copy of said resolutions, duly authenticated, be sent to the family of the deceased.
Sergeant A. Denton, Chairman.
Sergeant Wm. GOODIER,
Sergeat [sic] JACK SHEPPARD, Committee.
RESPECT —At a meeting of the Home Guard of Company G, 117th Regiment N. Y. S. Vols. held at Knox Corners, Wednesday evening, July 22d, the following resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, By a mysterious dispensation of Divine Providence, our esteemed fellow citizen, Frank M. West, who enlisted August 12, 1862, in Company G, 117th Regiment N. Y. Vols., has been removed from this community and from the service of his county by death,
Resolved, That in this demise the Home Guard has been bereft of one of her devoted sons, and that the loss occasioned by this mournful event can not be repaired.
Resolved, That we have found in Frank an honorable and high minded soldier, a sincere and devoted love of his country, one who was willing not only to abnegate himself from the loved scenes of the domestic
fireside, and the cherished association of his childhood and youth, but if necessary for his country's weal, and the maintenance of her cherished and revered institutions, to sacrifice even life itself upon her sacred altar.
Resolved, That we deeply deplore his early removal from this community and the service of his country and that we tender to his afflicted parents and other relatives our warmest sympathy for the loss of an affectionate son and brother; and that in this hour of heavy gloom it is a solace and consolation to feel that their loved one died as truly for his country as though he had fallen in the mighty conflict.
Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be forwarded to Company G, and duly presented to the parents of the deceased.
Knox Corners, July 22d, 1863.
Death of Lieut. Evan G. Jones.--
At a meeting of the officers of the 117th
N. Y. V., held at Camp Haskins, Va., July 7th, 1863, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, By the recent death of Lieut. Evan G. Jones, of Company B, of this Regiment, we are called to mourn the loss of a most valued and beloved comrade and friend, and feel ourselves impelled to some expression, though inadequate, of our appreciation of his worth, our grief for his departure, and sympathy with his friends in their bereavement.
Therefore, Resolved, That in the conduct and career of Lieut. Jones, in this regiment, we recognize convincing proofs of his possession of a high order of intelligence and ability, an excellent judgment, and honest and thorough devotion to duty, and a lofty and unselfish patriotism; rendering valuable aid in raising the regiment; enlisting as a private soldier, without expectation of promotion; raised subsequently and with no effort or self-seeking on his part, to the position of Quarter-Master Sergeant and Second Lieutenant, he acquitted himself in every capacity most manfully, admirably and honorably, and secured unsought the respect and esteem of every officer and men who knew him.
Resolved, That our personal contact and intercourse with him, have not only confirmed and strengthened our estimate of his character, but have revealed in him an amiability and moderation of temper, and a purity of thought and life that have greatly endeared him to us as a gentleman, an associate.
Resolved, That in respect to the memory of our departed comrade, we will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
Resolved, That as a slight token to his friends, of our sympathy with them in their grief at the death of one of who has lived so well, a copy of these resolutions signed by ... shall be transmitted by mail to his father and relatives, and that a copy of the proceeding of this meeting and of these resolutions, signed by the President and Secretary, be sent to the Utica and Rome papers for publication, with the request that other papers throughout the County of Oneida publish the same.
Capt. Co. C, 117th N. Y. V., President.
Augustus M. Erwin, Lieut. Co. E, 117th N. Y. V., Secretary.
THE 117TH REGIMENT.--The 117th Regiment are now at Camp Haskin, near Portsmouth, Va., and are engaged in building fortifications. The men work from 7 to 11 A. M., and from 3 to 6 1/2 P. M., by reliefs—one half working an hour, and the other half the next, thus giving each man 3 3/4 hours work each day, and avoiding the hottest part of the time. The health of the regiment is good, though the hot weather tells somewhat upon the boys, but not so greatly as was feared. Among our Camden boys, none are sick except Fosket, who is getting slowly better. Jeffreys, Weldron and Phelan, who have been sick, are again on duty.
THE HEALTH OF THE 117TH REGIMENT.—LIST OF THE DEAD.—The following is an extract from a letter from Richard M. Strong, Adjutant 177th Regiment, N. Y. V., dated Bonnet Carre, La., April 18th, 1863, addressed to Col. Frank Chamberlain of this city, and is authentic: "I have no doubt that grossly exaggerated reports will go to Albany regarding the health of the regiment. For the purpose of enabling you to contradict any such rumors, I send you the following statistics. Since the regiment was mustered into service up to this date, twenty-six have died—as follows:
—Christopher J. Sickler, Co. I, Feb. 12th.
Serg't John C. Bridgman, Co. B, Feb. 16th.
Andrew B. Carkner, Co. I, March 2d.
Samuel W. Ferguson, Co. F, March 8th.
William Baker, Co. F, March 14th.
William J. White, Co. F, March 30th.
William Shaver, Co. C, April 6th.
John C. Blackman, Co. C, April 11th.
Geo. M. Smith, Co. C, April 13th.
Stephen McCulloch, Co. I, April 13th.
Peter W. Leg, Co. D, April 17th.
Henry Jagger, Co. I, April 17.
Alonzo Potter, Co. C, April 18th.
H. B. Snyder, Co. C, April 18th.
William Acker, Co. I, Feb. 16th.
George C. Barringer, Co. H, Feb. 16th.
Thomas F. Ray, Co. H, March 5th.
Serg't Chas. H. Fredenrich, Co. B, March 10.
John Bryce, Co. D, March 31st.
Corporal Lansing Hoffman, Co. I, April 12.
Frank Comstock, Co. C, April 13th.
William Ingraham, Co. B, April 16th.
Hugh L. Chipman, Co. E, April 17th.
Edward J. McGoldrick, Co. A, April 18th.
The Surgeons are working hard and doing all in their power to stay the progress of illness in the regiment. The most of the recent deaths resulted from sickness of long standing, a few from disease contracted on the march through the swamps the latter part of the month of March.
In a letter of a later date, the death of Arthur Haswell, of Co. B, April 20th, is announced.
FROM THE 117th.—This regiment is still at Suffolk. A letter from a member of the regiment dated the 18th inst., states that Gen. Corcoran had advanced to the Blackwater with 12,000 men, and that it was expected that the 117th would soon be ordered to follow them. It was the understanding there that an advance on Richmond was to be made by Gen. Peck, in conjunction with a similar movement by Gen. Keyes on the Peninsula. Stirring news from that quarter may be looked for.
The 117th.—The 117th Regt. are again back to their old Camp Haskin, near Norfolk, where nothing but camp duty is anticipated for some time to come. The Camden company last their Lieutenant, Jones, by death in hospital some time since. The boys remaining are generally well.
The funeral of J. M. Miller, son of M. S. Miller, of Oriskany Falls, a member of the 4th Oneida (117th) Regiment, who died recently at Portsmouth, Va., took place on Saturday last, and was largely attended. Deceased was but 20 years of age, and was a favorite in the Regiment.
The 117th.—On the 3d inst. this regiment was at West Point. They were ordered to pack up their blankets, dress coats, and all the baggage they could not carry, and send it home or to Norfolk. The brigade in which the regiment is, says a Herald correspondent, is composed as follows:
Our brigade, the First brigade, Second division, Tenth corps, is now quite large, and made up of good men, in good health and excellent spirits. It consists of the 3d, 89th, 117th, and 142d New York regiments, and the 40th Massachusetts. We are at present under command of Col. Henry, of the latter regiment, our late commander, Col. Alford, of the 3d New York, being in command of the division.
117th REGIMENT.—Col. ALVIN WHITE and Major MEYERS, are still ill the city, and hope to fill up their regiment from the recruits so rapidly enlisting. Before these gentlemen can be mustered into the positions to which they have been recently promoted, their regiment must be filled up to the regulation number—804.— Their friends may aid them by advising recruits to join a regiment organized in Oneida County, and where they will always find friends.
The Fourth Oneida Regiment.
UTICA, Aug. 11.
The 4th Oneida Regiment, Col. Pease, has five companies full and mustered in. We shall have a full regiment and a few hundred to spare by the 15th.
Death of a Utica Soldier.—The sad intelligence of the death of corporal W. H. Oatley, company G, 117th regiment, is received by his friends here. He was wounded quite severely in the legs by a bullet on the 14th of May, but was doing very well until a fee days since, when his friends received intelligence that a dangerous fever had set in. One of his brothers started immediately for his bedside, but information of his death reached here on the same day. He died on the 14th inst.
Fourth Oneida.—Rev. J. D. Jones, has been appointed Chaplain of the 117th regiment, and leaves in a few days for his post of duty. Mr. J. is a graduate of Hamilton College. (1864)
Resignation.—We learn that Col. Alvin White, of the 117th regiment, has resigned his commission, been mustered out of the service, and is now in Washington settling up his accounts. This action is decidedly unexpected, and we have not heard any reason assigned for it. We are sure there cannot be any reason discreditable to the Colonel. (1864)
Yesterday's Third Edition.
Wounded. Among the wounded in the 18th army corps, since June 15th, we find the name of WM. H. HARDAN, CO. G, 117th N. Y., hand. (1864)
From the 117th.--From a private letter received from a member of the 117th yesterday, which is dated Folly Island, S. C., Aug. 9th, we extract the following:
Since I last wrote (on the 5th) the regiment has been on duty on Morris Island in the rifle pits near Fort Wagner, within speaking distance of the rebels. We had to march nine miles from our camp to the pits. Another regiment, which we relieved, told us we would have hot work. After dark the rebels throw 100-pound Marten shells from City Point Battery and Fort Johnson. We have places in the ground where we get when the shells burst over us; but we come out of them again quickly, for they are so hot that we cannot stay in them. The next morning after our arrival we had a fine view of Charleston and the rebel works of the harbor, but soon had to hunt our holes; for the rebel sharpshooters of Fort Wagner commenced firing at us and kept it up all day. Strange to say, they did not hit a man. There are six other regiments with us, and three more that dig in the night. This hint will give you some idea of the size of our parallels. We protect the works during the day and are relieved at night. While I am writing this there are orders to send a detail of 375 men from our regiment to go up to Fort Wagner and watch the rebels. All the regiments are sending men for this purpose. The rebels tried to get into our works last night, but were driven back. We think they will try it again to-night. We heard heavy firing all last night, and the rebel guns disabled some of our wooden vessels; they are being towed past our camp as I write. * * * This is to be the greatest artillery fight of the war, for there is no chance for infantry except as a reserve.
Killed and Wounded New York Soldiers.
Fortress Monroe, Tuesday,
June 21.
The following deaths of New York soldiers occurred in Hampton hospital since last report: Hanry Schaup, 100th, died June 16; Wm. Donegan, 16th artillery, June 16; ,A. Guff, 16th June 16; A. C. Parsons, 3d, June 19; Charles Tillotson, 10th, June 19; Rufus J. Harvey, 142d, June 19; S. R. Lenant, 148th, June 19.
Death in Chesapeake hospital: Michael Fitzgerald, 148th, June 19. Wounded in Chesapeake hospital: Capt. E. D. Gage, 148th, Capt. C. W. Vibbard, 117th, in the hand; Wm. Hitt, 22d, hand; J. C. Debble, 117th, hand; T. J. D. Garlick, 117th; hand; M. Reilly, 5th, face; T. Abell, 5th, head; S. Premo, 98th, hand; C. Winch, 5th, face; Wm. Dobbie, 89th, neck; A. J. Coole, 148th, shoulder; John Foster, 77th, hand; D. Hawkens, 7th, ankle; M. Limbec, 2d, hand; R. Edwards, 1st, foot; Benj. Smith, 24th, leg.
Good for Billy.--The correspondent of the Herald with the 117th says that Capt. Wm. J. Hunt, of Co. D, was in command of the skirmish line that first entered the works before Petersburg, in the late successful assault, capturing many prisoners and some pieces of artillery. Capt. Hunt was a member of the old 14th and does credit to his early training. (1864)
Roonville and Thereabouts.—Joseph Brooks, of Co. I, 117th regiment, was killed before Petersburg on the 14th inst. He was son of Judson Brooks, Esq., of Boonville, who is said to have had six sons in the service.
JOSEPH B. HURLBURT, of Boonville (of what regiment the Herald does not state), is a captive in the hands of the rebels. He was taken prisoner on picket duty. The report, therefore, that he had deserted to the enemy is totally false.
117th Regiment.—The Albany Argus publishes extracts from a letter, written May 21st, at Hampton, Va., from which we learn that "GILMORE remains with BUTLER, with one division only, and this division has but one New York regiment in it, viz: the 100th. This division and the black division remain at the Hundreds. In the active cavalry, we have one regiment, the 3d. There are one, perhaps two of our batteries remaining." This shows that the 117th marched with BALDY SMITH to join GRANT. We have not before had direct evidence of it.
"Hit, but not Conquered."
The Utica herald chronicles the death of Capt. Bingham, of the 117th New York Volunteers, and says that when he fell on the field, mortally wounded, and his company were compelled to leave him, he waved his hat to them, shouting, "Go on boys, and give it to them! I am hit, but not conquered!" Such souls are never conquered.
Promotions in the 117th.--Acting Adjutant EUGENE C. SKINNER, of the 117th regiment, furnishes the following list of promotions in the regiment:
Lieut. Col. Alvin White, promoted to Colonel; Maj. Rufus Daggett promoted to Lieut. Colonel; Capt. F. X. Meyer, promoted to Major.
To be Captains--Edward Warr, appointed; 1st Lieut. E. Downer; 1st Lieut. Harrison Pease; 1st Lieut. David Magill.
To be 1st Lieutenants--2d Lieuts. A. E. Smith, John H. Fairbank, Wm. L. Bartholomew, Geo W. Ross, J. Knox Williams.
To be 2d Lieutenants--lst sergeants Spencer C. Myer, Henry L. Adams, Wm. Appleton, Adelbert Ecker, Alonzo Denton, E. C. Skinner; color sergeant Wm. E. Pease.
Sick and Wounded.--From a list of sick and wounded, from Fortress Monroe the 17th inst., for Connecticut and New York, we find the following names:
Corp. Albert J. Burke, Co. I, Jacob H. Newkirk, Co. A, gunshot wound, Henry Squires, Co. F, 117th N. Y.; Walter Hinney, Co. E, gunshot wound, Wm. Kipler, Co. M, debility, 20th N. Y. cavalry; Thos. Barrett, Co. C, John Gillespie, Co. F, Philo Darling, Co. G, Thomas A. Hays, Co. G, William Hopper, Co. C, John Smith, Co. G, Joseph Hope, Co. B, drummer, Wesley Dexter, Co. F, Richard R. Tyler, Co. H, S. Harrington, Co. H, Silas Cummings, Co. F, 16th heavy artillery; Alonzo Whitmore, Co. K, diarrhea, and Wm. Buckler, Co. M, 22d N. Y. cavalry.
I find a paragraph in your paper last evening, giving a rumor that prevailed in Rome of the death of my son, Lieut. A. M. Erwin, of the 117th regiment N. Y. S. V. I have the great pleasure of saying that the rumor is without foundation. A letter just received from him dated the 5th inst., assures us of his safety and good health. Thanks to our heavenly Father for his preserving care, my sons both yet live to battle for the "dear old flag," and strike, I trust, a few more hard blows
Rome, Aug. 12.
One Hundred and Seventeenth Regiment.
—The following officers have resigned on account of ill health: Charles S. Millard, Adjutant; James M. Latimore, 1st Lieutenant, Co G.; Frank H. Lay, 1st Lieutenant, Co. I; Ammi Marquissee, 2d Lieutenant, Co. I.
THE FOURTH ONEIDA.—Mr. ROBERTS, of the Herald, has just returned from a visit to Gen. Grant's army. He strayed to the camp of the 117th Regiment, of which he writes:
Back from Gen. Butler's headquarters, towards the front as it advances in proximity to the Richmond and Petersburg railroad, lies the 117th regiment, organized by Col. Pease, and since the resignation of Col. White, commanded by lt. Col. Daggett, who has been commissioned, but owing to delay in the arrival of the papers, not yet mustered as Colonel. After some weeks service in the trenches before Petersburg, the regiment is back again holding a part of the earthworks near the James river. In order to greater readiness for this duty, it had encamped only a few yards distant from the work, but when the portion of the corps engaged in the movement on the north of the James returned, the 117th returned to its old camp on an elevation in the adjacent woods. Every day the regiment furnishes a detail of a hundred men or more for picket duty, and every morning from half-past 3 to after sunrise it is under arms in the works, to guard against attacks which are more frequent and more dangerous in the grey of the dawn than at other hours.
It was after a hard shower that we camp upon the camp of the 117th. Sutler Platner was engineering a trench to carry away the surplus water from about his store. The water and the wind had disturbed the symmetry of the camp, while the regiment had been lying in the clearing. Most of the men were still there, but Col. Daggett and Quartermaster Richards and Major Myers and Surgeon Carpenter were readily found, and after a while other officers and scores of men poured in to greet the new chaplain, Rev. J. D. Jones, who had been my traveling companion, and to welcome a visitor from home. Speedily a call was made at the other camp, and it was very pleasant to shake by the hand these veterans of Oneida county. The roll shows eight hundred and forty men in the regiment, and less than forty on the sick list, and none of the cases are serious. On the 16th, Thomas Wichart, of Westmoreland, died of brain fever. On the 17th, Wm. Salisbury, of Rome, was taken prisoner in an unsuccessful attempt to exchange papers with the rebel pickets, and on the 18th E. H. McElwaine, of Utica, was captured in the same way.
117TH REGIMENT.—Col. ALVIN WHITE, of the 117th, and his recruiting assistants, have been ordered to rejoin their regiment on Folly Island, opposite Charleston, and will leave the city for that purpose on Friday next. The Colonel will be glad to take charge of small packages for the men of his command, if their friends will leave them at his residence, 87 Park Avenue.
Fourth Oneida.—Rev. J. D. Jones has been appointed Chaplain of the 117th regiment, and leaves in a few days for his post of duty. Mr. J. is a graduate of Hamilton college.
Personal.—Col. Alvin White, late of the 117th, who recently resigned on account of ill health, arrived home yesterday.
Casualties.—The 117th regiment has had a hand in the fighting under Butler in the recent attack on the fortifications at Drury's Bluff, on Sunday last. Among the list of wounded on that occasion we find the following members of this regiment:
Hezekiah Mowers, Co. I, leg; Everett Williams, Co. B, groin.
Fourth Oneida.—By a letter from Bradford Willis, company B, One Hundred and Seventeenth regiment, now in Libby prison, Richmond, dated August 28, we are able to give the following list of men from that regiment now confined in Libby:
Corporal Monroe Woolnough, Robert Wilson, company A; Bradford Willis,
Frank Troy, B; Casper Rochrig, C; George Russell, Edwin Tubbs, D; Corporal Frederick Irion, David Evans, Dennis Mahanna, Ernest Harder, John France, Samuel Hyde, Delos Mowers, E; Sergeant Thomas Lewis, corp. Michael Connor, F; Roscoe W. Luce, G; Henry Pease, H; James Gibbons, Orinnel Gillett, I.
Prisoners of the 117th.—
The following members of the 117th regiment are now confined in Libby Prison, and are all in good health:
Co. A—Corporal Monroe Woolnough, Robert Wilson; B—Bradford Willis, Frank Troy; C—Casper Rochrig; D—George Russell; Edwin Tubbs; E—Corp. Frederick Erion, David Evans, Dennis Mahanna, Ernest Harder, John France, Samuel Hyde, Delos Mowers; F—Sergt. Thos. Lewis, Corporal Michael Connor; ___ Henry Pease; G—Roscoe W. Luce; I—James Gibbons, Orinne Gillett.
The Ladies' Aid Society acknowledge the receipt of apples from the following persons:
James Dean, of Westmoreland, 35 barrels.—Mr. Dean is worthy of the highest commendation, having solicited by his own personal efforts, the above large quantity of apples from his neighbors. Everett Case, Vernn, 9 barrels, in addition to 40 barrels heretofore acknowledged; Paris Hill, gathered by Mr. J. Bailey, 7 barrels; McConnelsville, 6 barrels, sent in by Lieut. Tuttle, from himself, Mrs. Elias Tuttle, Lansing Tuttle, Mrs. Emily Palma, S. V. Palms, and Mrs. Dibble; from Camden, 1 barrel; from Holland Patent, 1 barrel, from D. Nolton; __ from Madison county, 2 barrels.
MOVEMENTS OF THE 117TH.—We are permitted to publish the following extract from a private letter written by a member of the 117th, under date of May 11th, at Camp near Point of Rocks:
We were off on a little tramp yesterday and day before, and I thought I would write and let you know that I came through all right. Monday afternoon we received orders to be ready to march at four o'clock the next morning. We were routed out at three o'clock, made our coffee and had our breakfast, and started out. We marched to the railroad at Chester Station. A part of our regiment was sent out as skirmishers, while the pioneers and a detachment of engineers destroyed the railroad. We did not stay there more than an hour or so before we received orders to start in another direction, which proved to be down the railroad towards Petersburg. We travelled [sic] the track between two and three miles when we struck the turnpike, and after going about a mile and a half soon found what the matter was. Our fellows were having a little tussel with "Johnny Reb." The Eighty-first were in all day. It was about four o'clock when we came up. We were sent into the woods on the right of the road, where we lay all night. In the morning our brigade was sent out into the front. We lay on a cross road, our left resting near the turnpike. The rebels had a battery which they kept shelling the road with. We did not stay there but a little over an hour when we were ordered back. We mached [sic] back to camp without firing a gun, and without having a man hurt. Our brigade did not lose a single man. I don't know what the loss was; it was very slight. The rebels lost more than we did.
Volunteer Bounties.—
ED. CITIZEN.—Notwithstanding that the County Committee have ceased paying the county bounty to recruits, we will pay to all who enlist with us, the "full bounty," of $677. The 117th is one of the best regiments in the service. The officers are all men of experience, and therefore know how to take care of their men. The regiment has seen service at Suffolk, on the Peninsula and at Charleston. It is now located on Folly Island, five miles from the city of Charleston. The climate is healthy, and the camp is the finest on the Island. Men going in this old regiment have a great advantage, as they go with old soldiers and therefore, are soon initiated in the mysteries of camp life. To all we say, “Come!” Come with your relatives and friends! Come and give us the support of which we stand so much in need! Come and fill up our rank, that we may press on in the conflict with full numbers, and help deal the death-blow to the Confederacy.
Recruiting Office, Beacham Block.
J. P. VanVleck,
T. F. Kenyon, Gov. Recruiting Ag'ts.
Lieut. G. W. Ross,
Serg't C. H. Bailey, Recruiting Officers.
The New Regiment.—The Fourth Oneida Regiment is, probably, full, but enlistments are going on for the purpose of making the thing sure. Six companies have been mustered in to service, and two or three more are almost ready. Capts. WHITE, DAGGETT, MEYERS, STEVES, ROYS, and WALCOTT, are in line with their full complement of men in the order named. The war feeling in the county is so strong that Col. Pease feels confident that if permission were given him, he could raise a brigade in two weeks. This enthusiasm for the cause must not die out.
THE 117TH.—REV. J. D. JONES, a graduate of Hamilton College, and an able and energetic gentleman, has been appointed Chaplain of the 117th regiment. He will leave for the regiment in about ten days, and will be glad to take charge of any small packages for members of the regiment that may be left at the MORNING HERALD office for him within that time.
Their Reception by the Citizens' Committee.
THE ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEENTH (Oneida county) regiment arrived here about nine o'clock yesterday morning, on the steamer Edward Everett. It numbered 350 men. It was under command of Brevet Brigadier-General Daggett, who went out four years ago as a Second Lieutenant, and has earned his promotion to his present position by his undaunted bravery and commanding talents. The history of this regiment is in many respects similar to that of the One Hundred and Forty-second (given below) with which it was most of the time brigaded.
Casualties.—Adjutant Skinner, of the 117th, forwards the following complete list of names of killed, wounded, and missing in that regiment since June 16th:
Company A—Killed—Lieut. Isaac H. Dann. Wounded—Serg't. E. M. Shorey, side, slightly; Corp. O. Comstock, hip, slightly; privates R. Baird, head, slightly; Geo. W. Shorey, leg, slightly. Missing—Privates L. Myler, L. Ford.
Company B—Killed—Captain J. Parsons Stone.
Company C—Wounded—Private Isaac Wallace, head and spine, severely. Missing—Privates Chas. Dell, Thos. Joyce.
Company D—Killed—Corporal W. H. H. Balis. Wounded—Corporal Theodore Garlick, finger, slightly; privates C. Vibbard, slightly; P. Doyle, head, slightly; R. Lloyd, breast and shoulder, severely; R. Philbrick, left leg, amputated.
Company E—Killed—Private W. Servey. Wounded—Privates George B. Meays, thigh, severely; Frank Dennison, head, slightly; James A. Lasher, head and arm, slightly; D. H. Carl, foot, slightly.
Company F—Wounded—Private G. Bears, foot, slightly.
Company G—Wounded—Privates David P. Kent, leg, severely; David H. Grear, leg, severely; W. H. Sherman, leg, severely; Jonas LeRoy, foot, slightly; Linus D. Worden, foot, slightly.
Company H—Wounded—Capt. A. R. Stevens, arm, severely; Privates Jacob Baker, shoulder, severely; Michael Boihmer, shoulder, severely; John W. King, left side, arms and leg, mortally; Judson C. Dibble, finger, slightly; E. Gregory, hand, slightly.
Company I—Wounded—Privates Daniel Corman, severely, arm; Abram Whiter, slightly.
Company K—Killed—Private Michael Carlin.
Apples for the 117th.—The "Ladies" Soldiers Aid Society" acknowledge the following receipts of money and fruit for the Fourth Oneida Regiment:
Money—John Munn, Esq., $10; Mr. Wilson, North bay, $16; Rev. Robert Disney, $10; Anonymous, $2; Anonymous, $1; Mrs. A. J. H., $2, Mrs. George Porter, $1; Anonymous, from Clinton, $1,50; Susan Gray, Rome, $1; Mrs. L. A. S., Boonville, (through Mrs. Dr. Coventry), $5;—total %50.
Apples—Messrs. Campbell & Walcott, New York Mills, 5 barrels; Westmoreland, 4 barrels; Dr. Gray, Asylum, 1 barrel; Vernon, (through E. Case, Esq.) 40 barrels; M. T. Meeker, 1 barrel; Messrs. Howell & Pierce, 1 barrel; William D. Hamlin, 3 barrels; Rev. J. F. Dayan, Ilion, 1 barrel; Jas. Eastman, 1 barrel; Brookfield, 2 barrels; A Lady, 1 barrel; Mrs. Andrews, Main Street, Utica, 1 barrel; Mr. Parker, 1 barrel; Mrs. Lane, half-barrel; Mr. Turner, 1 barrel; Thomas Allen, 2 barrels; Mrs. A. J. Harrington, 1; Lindsay & Crone, 1 barrel; A friend of soldiers, 1 barrel; Westmoreland, 13 barrels; E. D. Palmer, 1 barrel; Clinton, 2 barrels; Mr. Russell, 1 barrel; Mr. Comstock, 1 barrel; I. Hurlbut, 1 barrel; Mrs. Edward Brayton, 1 barrel; Mr. Wadsworth, New Hartford, 1 barrel; Mrs. Judge Denio, 1 barrel; Mrs. Judge Bacon, 1 barrel; Mrs, E. M. Gilbert, 1 barrel; E. A. Graham, 1 barrel; Thomas Hopper, 1 barrel; Mrs. Carey, 2 barrels ; Mrs.
Shaw, 1 barrel; total, 97 barrels. A number of boys from the Corn Hill Public School brought in yesterday four clothes baskets filled with large and luscious apples. The little boys and girls of the Aiken Street School have contributed one bushel.
Health of the 117th.
117th Regiment N. Y. Vols., Folly Island,
S. C., Dec. 12th, 1863.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
I learn from reliable persons who have lately returned from a visit to Oneida county, that our friends at home are ill at ease and unduly anxious concerning the physical welfare of our regiment; made so by the misstatement of certain persons who have withdrawn from the service, and who, I am told, occupy their time in circulating sensation reports to the effect that the regiment" is suffering severely," and that our "men are dying like sheep, at an average of twenty-five daily." Now these reports are simply false, and can do no harm, other than to unnecessarily excite fear and anxiety in the minds of those who have friends and relatives in the regiment.
In order to relieve the minds of those interested, we feel it a duty as well as a privilege to lay before your readers the facts as they are concerning the health and mortality of the regiment since entering service.
Nearly sixteen months ago we left Oneida county with over one thousand men, since which time the regiment has been exposed to the vicissitudes of camp life as much, and in many instances more than many regiments in the field.
During that period we have had upwards of one hundred and thirty cases of typhoid fever and over two hundred cases of diarrhoea and dysentery [sic]. These have been the principal diseases.
The deaths from disease have been forty, which with one killed before the enemy makes a total of forty-one.
Is not this percentage sufficiently small to satisfy the mind of any intelligent person who is at all acquainted with the necessary unavoidable irregularities
imposed by military service?
We sincerely trust that these reports have not been put in circulation from any desire or with the design to discourage those who otherwise would enroll their name among the noble defenders of our beloved country.
Very respectfully yours,
Surgeon, 117th N. Y. V.
We find the following excellent letter from a member of the 117th Regiment
N. Y. Volunteers, in the Utica Morning Herald of the 2d inst., and hope our readers will give it a careful perusal:
FLOYD, Feb. 28th, 1863.--The war, the policy of the Administration, the statutes which have already passed and others that are about to pass the Federal Congress, are undoubtedly the all absorbing topics of conversation among the people of the Northern States. All this is proper, even absolutely necessary, for it is a cardinal principle of our creed that the actions of public men should be thoroughly canvassed. There is, however such a degree of bitterness in the comments of some Northern .... is that there can be no doubt of the disloyalty of their authors, and the spirit manifested in the legislatures of some of the Northern as well Western States, is extremely lamentable. No loyal man, and more especially the loyal soldier, can look and meditate upon these things without feeling the deepest solicitude and indignation. There are men in our rear crying "peace upon any terms, whose very persons are shielded from dangers and indignities by the valor of the devoted patriots who suffer all the privations incident to war without the slightest murmur of discontent. It is well for humanity that there are millions of Americans whose professions of devotion to liberty and their country are genuine and constant. The world will yet witness before the termination of the present contest, the most astounding acts of heroism, and in the protection of that mighty fabric which is the world's best hope. No matter how many traitors may howl in the rear, or how many, more honorable, may arm themselves for the consummation of their internal project--death alone can diminish the ardor of the free born sons of the Republic who are worthy to enjoy the privileges it secures.
The treachery of pretended friends and the dangers which confront us on every direction, will only add fervor to and strengthen the resolution of the true loyalist. He sees in the preservation of the Union intact his only ark of safety, and he will welcome death's struggling for its main entrance rather than drag out a miserable existence without a country that he might claim as his own, or a flag to protect him from insult. Let him who is base enough to accept terms of traitors, reflect before he takes the fatal step. The smoke from our burning cities may darken the heavens, but God forbid that our enemies may ever claim them as their conquest. Better that the war continue for centuries than let this, our own country, be overrun and out temples be profaned by a soldiery more brutal than the Indians and more treacherous than the S_poys—ther phant foals of a relentless despot. No matter what guise secession may assume—whether it be the best allowable peace of the Tribune, or the armistice of the copperheads of Indiana and Illinois, the abettors of treason may rest assured that a residence in a Northern State will not shield them from a just retribution. The army in the main is composed of men whose loyalty is not conditional, who fight for the Constitution as it is against all comers.—Taking the Potomac and the Ohio as basis for supplies, they will meet their enemies from the South and North, and by the help of Providence, vanquish them. The veterans of the Northwest have already advised their old political associates to beware of the vengence [sic] that will follow all acts of disloyalty. Rosecrans and McElroy are earnest men, and they mean all they say. Although many of our best officers are Democrats, opposed to emancipation as a political measure, still their patriotism is stronger than their prejudice, and they will gladly accept aid from whatever source it may come, to restore Union and peace.
The lax discipline which has hitherto been the bane of the army is at end, and a new policy has been inaugurated. Fighting Joe Hooker declares that he can accomplish more with an army of five thousand patriotic men, devoted to the cause than he can with ten thousand discouraged and disaffected. With the view of cheating the army of all whining wheeze officers who are continually finding fault with everything and every body, he has issued an order appointing Boards of Inquiry in every Brigade, and e're long you may expect to see a throng of the billious curs with their face homeward turned. If these Boards of Inquiry perform their duty honestly, they will strengthen the army beyond all calculation. Hooker means to fight for victory when he fights at all, and if I am not greatly mistaken the 117th will very soon be with the army of the Potomac, sharing with it the perils of battle, and I sincerely hope enjoying with it the fruits of a glorious victory. It is very true that many of us must in such an event seal our loyalty with our blood; but we are convinced that whatever is worth fighting for, is worth dying for.
I trust that you of the North who are in reality, loyal, will not allow yourself to despair of success, for an abiding firmness and perseverance are the characteristics of a patriot. Not withstanding the burdens of a taxation which you must inevitably bear, resolve that utter defeat must be to you the companion of death and you will at least deserve success. I know the trial is an awful one, and the idols we must sacrifice are very dear. I know also that I may be the first to falter [sic], but if I do, my conduct will be doubly criminal, for I know my duty. It is by this severe and unexampled test that are to vindicate and make good our title to the privileges and liberties we enjoy, and in failing to do this we prove ourselves less than men. But I must bring this to a close for it is already too long.
Yours for the right
Appeal from the "Fourth Oneida."
CAMP 117th, N. Y. S. V., FOLLY ISLAND,
Oct. 22, 1863.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
May we not, without presuming, conclude that your readers will be attracted by the above caption? To us it seems quite probable that they still feel an interest in the welfare of this regiment. With this expectation we proceed to furnish a short sketch, with the intention of appending to the same a petitionary [sic] conclusion.
On the 3rd of August our regiment landed on this island, generally in good health and spirits. The men are still in good cheer; but they have suffered some in health in consequence of exposure to an untried climate, heavy duty, and an insufficiency of vegetable food. These causes have been productive of an exhaustive form of diarrhoea. The latter cause would seem to be to an extent unavoidable, on account of the difficulty, if not improbability, in bringing fresh vegetables from distant Northern cities, which, as we are isolated from the main and, are our base of supplies.
Situated as are the undersigned, you will almost imagine, and yet you cannot fully of their pain and anxiety when brought to witness the suffering of our soldiers whether the cause be physical or moral. And we can but conclude that your readers also heartily sympathize with them.
Allow us again to allude to the very common cause of camp disease, and one which, from circumstances already mentioned, our regiment is now more than at any time heretofore exposed to, viz., deficiency in the vegetable element of our food, which thus far has been uncomfortable rather than serious. The constitutional demand for vegetable food is indicated by the imperious appetite, and such food is indispensable to health.
Though the Government can and does furnish an abundance of bread, meat, &c., as well as other coarser staple articles, yet the troops in this latitude, if they find no other medium of supply will be annoyingly discommoded by an insufficiency of vegetable food. Now, both from the nature of the circumstance, and also from actual observation, we know there are numbers among you, who already respond mentally to our undeveloped appeal, by saying, What can we do for the comfort and health of our soldiers from this county? Mother's especially say, "I will most cheerfully do anything for my boys and their comrades. I know I have done so; did I not send them a box filled with good things? The three cakes alone cost $5; to say nothing of the preserves, dried beef, &c." Yes, kind-hearted mothers, we were present when your boys received their box; and considering your good intentions as evidenced by the contents of the box, we assure you we felt sad at your failure and the boys' disappointment. The express agent had, through neglect detained the package so long that, when received, the cakes was mouldy, the preserves had escaped from the jar, and distributed itself impartially among the other articles, to the no slight damage of several elaborately wrought articles of dry goods. The cost of that intended favor was not less than $15 or $20, and yet your boys realized from it almost nothing.
We should not thus speak. It was to them another evidence of the never-dying love of dear ones at home, and as such worth fully its cost. Though it would have added much to their and your satisfaction if the articles could have arrived in an unaccepted shape. Considering the gastric susceptibility of our soldiers, the destruction of the articles may have been a blessing in disguise, saving them a fit of sickness.
We now most cheerfully volunteer to furnish the soldiers' friends information which will serve to prevent in future disappointments at home and abroad. We will suggest the transmission of an article which is far cheaper--more palatable, infinitely more healthful, more highly prized, and transported with much less risk, and of itself far less perishable. An article which, when taken separately, is preserved as securely and as well and beautifully enveloped by the hand of nature. We refer to that admirable form of fruit so familiar to us in other days, and known as the apple! the apple, which is less esteemed among you, because it is almost as common as the air you breathe. Its bounteous presence is not an accident but a positive sanitary condition secured to you by a direct Providence, as is the water which rises from the well, or which bubbles from the meadow fountain. And could not the poet wake in the popular mind quite as many touching recollections should he substitute for the "old oaken bucket that hung in the well" the "old Russett apple tree that stood by the gate"? The apple is not only sanitary, but positively medicine. By its light and juicy qualities it overcomes the torpor of the bowels, and by its diuretic properties corrects the opposite disease or condition of the digestive functions. They have frequently been known to do so in this camp, when obtained at the medical price of four for a quarter of a dollar.
How is this demand for fruit created by the causes named, to be supplied in no other way except by contributions from home? And now as we appeal to the friends of the soldiers, and especially the friends of our regiment, for this much needed article of food, we are well satisfied as to the pracicability of the enterprise by which we hope to secure it. It can be accomplished. The God of nature has blessed you with a bountiful harvest. Your orchards have groaned under their burden of rich and ripening fruit. "The Lord hath crowned the year with his goodness."
"But we have disposed of our surplus, and there remains only what we had intended for our home consumption." Suppose you have marketed what you designed to spare, will you not cheerfully divide the balance, and contribute a portion for the gratification and health of the soldier, and he too perhaps a member of your family. Send his share to the army! Take from your well stored cellar a barrel of the rich and luscious [sic] fruit, and forward to the noble men who willingly sacrifice, and cheerfully suffer for the maintenance of the Government which affords you protection. Generously assist in this desirable work, reserving to yourself the satisfaction and pleasure growing out of the consciousness that to render these sacrifices more tolerable and these sufferings less severe you have, to the extent of your ability, contributed.
"Will not the Sanitary meet this demand?" We answer, No! It is already doing much for the army, but its labors are more especially bestowed upon our sick and wounded. We want fruit not only for our sick, but for those in health, for its preventative as well as its curative virtues. We have good reason to think that many who die and make their graves in this far off land might be saved to friends and country by its timely use. Sympathy for our men, and faith in your ability, and cheerful willingness to respond, is the ground of our appeal.
We believe the transportation of fruit from New York to this Island would be attended with but little, if any difficulty. Through the "New York Commissioner," or on Government vessels, it may be forwarded at a nominal expense.
Our well known and efficient Quartermaster, W. E. Richards, we have reason to believe will cheerfully superintend the work of receiving and distributing equally among the men the gift which we so ardently anticipate.
With these considerations we submit whether the enterprise is not a feasible one. Who, then, will act first on these suggestions, and lead in this understanding. We humbly solicit some man or woman whose soul is in sympathy with our soldiers to take the initiative and carry forward the work to a successful result. Ye loyal and true hearted citizens of "Old Oneida," ye who have husbands and sons among the Union Army, we bring this appeal to your head and heart. We earnestly ask to be heard. The health, happiness and lives of our men are imperilled. Right action at this time upon your part will, to a great extent, assist in rescuing them from threatened danger. Mother, here is your son; wife, here is your husband; sister, here is your brother; we speak in their behalf. Send from your county two hundred, five hundred barrels of apples! With warm hearts and willing hand and persistent effort work on until the object is accomplished. Do this, and a few weeks hence your loved ones in the army will gather about the camp fires to think and talk of friends and home, while they enjoy the luxury provided by your generous labor.
J. A. Morris,
1st Asst. Surg. in Charge,
J. T. Crippen, Chaplain.
GENERAL HOSPITAL. St. Augustine, Fla.
Nov. 16, 1863.
DEAR HOME: In my last I bade you adieu on board the good ship "Cosmopolitan." Since then we (I say we because we came here more as adventurers than invalids) have founded our Hospital, taking the handsomest residence in town. We are all progressing rapidly towards health and having a nice time generally. You know this is the oldest town in the United States, and hence there is much to amuse and instruct, add to this the fact of its being the base of supplies during the Florida war, and you perceive we have history both civic and military. I wish you were here to stroll through the town, as you would thus get a much better idea of its quaintness and antiquity than any pen and ink sketch I can give. Approaching it, the first that attracts attention is old Fort Marion, formerly known as Fort Catherine. As a defence [sic] it is worth nothing but as a relic of the past it is rich in everything that interests the traveler. It is build of "Coquina," a formation of shell which is found in great abundance, and of which most of the houses and walls are constructed. As you enter the fortification you perceive over the gateway, roughly cut in sand-stone and nearly effaced by the storms and sunshine of three hundred years, the Spanish coat of arms, bearing date 1561. Passing on you enter the guard-room, just such an one as is described by Scott in the Lady of the Lake, and then comes the yard or enclosure. Here and there are piles of old cannon that once frowned grimly at the sea but have been dismounted to give place to the Parrott and the Columbiad.—Once they were the boasted pride of the haughty Spaniard, but now as they lie covered with the rust of centuries, are but the relics of the past. If we mount the parapet by the semi-circular staircase of twenty steps the beautiful bay lays at our feet the perfect picture of quietness and repose and a fit emblem of the dreamy laziness of the town itself,—but there are other things we have not seen. Far down below, under those solid walls, damp and musty, filled with the decay of ages, are the dungeons, how many I cannot say, but as you grope about by the flickering light of the torch, one easily fancies in the weird shadows that dance along the aisles, the ghostly spirit of the Lutheran prisoners that were wasted and perished to gloat the Sesuit revenge and malice of the bigoted Catholic adventurer of the sixteenth century. Thus the old Fort stands rich in historic fame and now for the third time performing its "role" in the terrible tragedy of war.
As we stepped upon the rough quay, glad to be freed once more from the reeling, rolling grasp of old ocean, my friend Capt. Cooper, of Gen. Gordon's staff, and myself seized the first opportunity to "do" the town. First is the "Plaza," which is nothing more nor less than the village green, and in the center stands an old Coquina monument bearing the inscription "Plaza de la Constitutien." How old I cannot say, but tradition records it to have been erected in commemoration of a certain grant or "constitutien" issued by the king of Spain to the inhabitants of St. Augustine. Although St. Augustine is dignified with the title of city it is in reality but a small village, say about one half the size of Clayville. Its dwellings are erected after the old Spanish style of architecture, with the balconies from the second story and the houses literally in the middle of the streets. They seem have taken a great deal of dislike to door-yards, so much so that but very few have any fence between them and the street, while those which boast of that ornament seem to have erected it for the purpose of displaying a ponderous knocker on the gate gate [sic] thereof. The streets run with irregularity seemingly but all tens towards the Plaza. Think of a Street so narrow that two carriages cannot pass, with no sidewalks and with balconies almost touching overhead, and you have a very correct idea of the lanes of St. Augustine. Immediately we ask where is the beauty? To discover this my friend C. and I raise one of those knockers and at the appearance of a small effeminate man bearing unmistakable evidences of Spanish descent-- asked to see his garden--yes in the rear of all these rickety old houses we found gardens of the Gods. Surrounded with a hedge of orange trees literally loaded with fruit. Guavas on every bush, Dates, Figs, Pomgranates, bananas everywhere, while the kitchen garden is just putting forth its third crop. Lettuce and radishes are in abundance; we are promised green peas on Thanksgiving day. But they cultivate higher sense than that of taste. Everyone has also his flower-garden in which are ever blooming the tropical flowers and plants in profusion. Yes, here in the middle of November the Oleander trees as high as the houses are in blossom, while the rose, lily cactus and others bloom continually.
Without exception the inhabitants are Catholics and as the old Cathedral, rich in statuary and ancient paintings, speaks with its brazen tongued bells, old and young, black and white, are seen going with holiday attire, some with jackets, some with no dress at all for the head, others with no shawls, in short going as they please, while the convent pours forth its hooded nuns, and groups of romping children into that great charnel-house of the soul, to be mocked and leered at by drunken priests, and to profane the ceremonies of a religion which no nearer approximates the true religion than does that of the idol worshippers of Brahma. Here we have been two weeks rolling around in miserable buggy and gothic steed trying to enjoy ourselves and at the same time get a little extra strength for a winter campaign if we have one when I go back to Folly Island. I am under command of the Surgeon at present.
Yours Affectionately,
CHAS. S. MILLARD, Adjt. 117th N. Y. V.
Army Correspondence.
Headquarters 117th N. Y. Vols.,
Folly Island, S. C., Dec. 9, 1863.
To the Editor of the Utica Evening Telegraph:
I have been waiting some time in hopes of being able to send you some information which might be useful and acceptable to your many readers, but I can assure you that this letter will not be overstocked with war news, as that article for the present is missing. Our batteries on Morris Island and the rebel batteries Johnson, Simpkins, and Fort Moultrie, are constantly firing at each other, but they do us very little damage. Hereafter Battery Gregg will be known as Battery Putnam (in honor of Col. Putnam, of the 4th New Hampshire Vols., who lost his life in the last assault on Wagner.) Fort Wagner as Fort Strong, in honor of Brig. Gen. Strong (who lost his life also in the last assault on Wagner.) A new Fort at the south end of Morris Island as Fort Shaw, in honor of Col. Shaw, of the 54th Mass. Vols., also killed at the last assault on Wagner. As there has been considerable change among the officers of our Regiment, I send you the list of the commissioned officers of our regiment:
Alvin White, Colonel.
Rufus Daggett, Lieut. Col.
Francis X. Meyers, Major.
Co. A—Capt., Geo. W. Brigham; 1st Lieut., J. W. Dann; 2d Lieut, W. L. Bartholomew.
Co. B—Capt., J. Parsons Stone; 1st Lieut., Harrison Pease; 2d Lieut., none.
Co. C—Capt., none; 1st Lieut., John Kerrigan; 2d Lieut., none.
Co. D—Capt., none; 1st Lieut, David Magill; 2d Lieut., Geo. W. Ross.
Co. E—Capt., L. K. Brown; 1st Lieut., W. Chappel; 2d Lieut., A. E. Erwin.
Co. F—Capt., L. R. Clark; 1st Lieut., W. J. Hunt; 2d Lieut, J. T. Thomas.
Co. G—Capt., none; 1st Lieut, none; 2d Lieut., A. E. Smith.
Co. H—Capt., A. R Stevens; 1st Lieut., F. Downer; 2d Lieut., B. F. Miller.
Co.I—Capt., Chas. Wheelock; 1st Lieut., F. H. Lay; 2d Lieut., none.
Co. K—Capt., E. Bagg; 1st Lieut., W. L. Hurlbert; 2d Lieut, J. Fairbanks.
Charles S. Millard, Adj't; F. W. Carpenter, Surgeon; J. A. Morris, Ass't Surgeon; W. E. Day, Ass't Surgeon; W. E. Richards, Quartermaster;
J. T. Crippen, Chaplain.
We number, present and absent, 776 men; left Oneida County with 1045 men; have lost by death 40, which is a very small number when we take into consideration the number of our regiment, and the length of time that we have been in the service, (over sixteen months) and I can safely say that that regiment is not in the United States Army that is officered better than our own. Col. W. R. Pease, Lieut's. Lattimore and Marquisse resigned on account of ill health. Lieut. Jones, of Co. B, died of typhoid fever at Portsmouth, on 3d the of July.
We are all greatly indebted to our kind and generous friends at home for those "apples" which arrived last evening and were issued to the members of the regiment to-day, and I can assure you that while Oneida County apples last they will be the first in the eatable line for us. Excuse all, and oblige your obedient servant,
CLARK'S MILLS, N. Y., May 24th, 1864.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
I send you an extract from a letter received from my brother, a member of the 117th New York, or Fourth Oneida regiment. As there are so many relatives and friends of the regiment in the county, I presume that statement of losses and other information contained therein will be interesting to your readers. The letter is dated May 19th and says:
We were sent to the right to assist Heckman, but were too late; they had captured our three gun battery and had a very heavy force of infantry to support them. We lay down nearly under the guns for half an hour, they firing at us, but we were too close to the guns for them to hurt us much. They had us pretty bad with their infantry. We lost three officers and eighty-six men--sixteen killed, four mortally wounded, thirty-four severely wounded, twenty-seven slightly wounded and eight missing. It was a perfect hail storm of bullets; the rebs drove us from our position to Bermuda Hundreds, a distance of five or six miles. They must have suffered severely too, as we had a very heavy infantry fire on them for some time. Our regiment received great praise from the colonels of the 142d New York and 6th Connecticut, and they admit also that if our regiment had broken when in line of battle on the hill, their regiments would have been captured by being cut off from the corps. William B. Fogus and N. J. Vosburg are safe; one of the McNab boys (from New York Mills) was wounded in the leg, not very seriously. The packages sent to the soldiers by their friends, and carried by Col. White, have just been received and delivered.
Letter from the 117th Regiment.
Headquarters 117th Regiment, N. Y. Vols.,
May 24th, 1864.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
DEAR SIR: From Folly Island our regiment was moved to Gloucester Point, Va., opposite Yorktown. Thence, on the 30th ult., our brigade was sent to West Point, and occupied that place until the morning of the 5th inst., as a feint to cover the real movements of our force, which consists of the 18th and 10th Army Corps. This movement was a landing at Bermuda Hundreds, a peninsula formed by the James and Appomattox rivers, near this junction. This landing was effected without opposition, on the 6th inst., our brigade and regiment having meantime come up with the main force. A march of five miles or upwards, nearly due west, that day, brought us to the line across the neck of our little peninsula upon which fortfications [sic] are now erected, behind which we await future developments.
The movement seems to have been a surprise to the enemy. A force was at once advanced towards the line of the Petersburg & Richmond Railroad, and on the 7th a battle occurred, in which, however, our regiment did not participate. On the 9th, a more extensive movement was made, of which we performed our share, assisting in destroying the Railroad from Petersburg to Richmond for a number of miles, and marching to the support of a portion of our forces who had engaged the enemy in the afternoon, near Petersburg, on the Richmond Turnpike.
On the 12th, our forces retired to within our lines. On the 10th they sallied forth again, this time towards Richmond. Of the subsequent operations of this command, fuller accounts than I can give, have already been widely published in the Northern papers, and I shall probably afford your readers greater satisfaction by referring only to the part performed therein by our regiment. It is hardly nexcessary [sic] to say that we have done our full share of work, skirmishing, picketing, and fighting.
On the 13th, we had reached the enemy's outer lone of defences [sic] about Richmond, and just before dark were placed in line in the woods, before a portion of their rifle pits, only a few rods distant from us. While coming into line here, private H. Mowers, of Company I, was severely wounded by a shot from a rebel sharpshooter, and shortly afterwards, Sergt. J. T. Jones, and privates E. E. Williams, and S. F. Putney, of Co. B, were wounded, Williams mortally. We lay here all night, the crack of rifles and whiz of balls continuing until about midnight, at which time the enemy were forced to retire to their second line, by a successful flank movement, made by General Gilmore. On the 14th, we were drawn up between the first and second lines of the enemy's works, just behind a strip of woods, and skirmishing was quite lively all the afternoon and evening. Companies H, K and G were deployed in the advance line of skirmishers in the afternoon, supported by companies E, F and C, and did a splendid service, forcing the enemy's skirmishers back, and keeping silent for a long time, at least one of their guns which had been making our line a little uncomfortable with its shrapnel.
We lost several men in killed and wounded during this afternoon, but I am unable to give you any exact list separate from the losses of the two succeeding days.
All day Sunday, the 15th, our force remained confronting the enemy in substantially the same position, our extreme right resting near James River, perhaps a mile below Fort Darling, and our left extending to or near Chesterfield Court House, west of the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad. Our own regiment and the whole of our (Turner's) Division, lay between the Petersburg Turnpike and the railroad, near a strong rebel earthwork. But little firing was done by either party, but the enemy was heavily reinforced.
We were expecting that after so much calm, we should have a stormy time on Monday, and we were not disappointed. The morning broke heavy with a fog which concealed every object at a distance of a few rods, and which did not rise until after 8 o'clock. In the meantime the fight had commenced to the right of us; Hickman's brigade was surprised and overpowered, and our line there broken and our flank turned. The firing on our right was very heavy for probably an hour; we could judge of the enemy's partial success by the whiz of bullets lengthwise of our line, a stray one of which struck Lieut. Casselmen, of Co. C, wounding him mortally. At nine or a little later, our regiment was moved to the right, and drawn up in line in the rear of the 142d N. Y., which had retaken, and there held under a brisk fire, a position previously lost by the 188th Penn. It soon became evident, however, that this position could not be held. The enemy's success to our right had been too complete. The 142d found a large force moving directly against its right flank, and was withdrawn past us to our rear. Our regiment opened fire upon the enemy's column, seen approaching over and behind a line of earthworks, until the 142d had passed us when we were ordered back, and outside the first line of the enemy's works. Here our colors were advanced to within a few rods of the enemy's position, and the regiment formed upon them on an elevation of land, where we opened and received a hot fire. Both officers and men of the command behaved nobly and heroically. The stand we made here was brief, but it cost us many men, and gave time for other portions of our forces to withdraw from positions now untenable and dangerous. The regiment was soon ordered to retreat, and did so, bearing off the field all or nearly all our killed and wounded.
This was about the fighting of that day's engagement. Our whole force was by nightfall safely and in good order withdrawn to within our line of works at Bermuda Hundreds. Col. White was wounded early in the day, on the left shoulder, and the command of the regiment, during perhaps the hottest work, devolved upon Lieut. Col. Daggett, who, during the entire day, (as he had during Saturday's skirmishing,) did himself great credit by his coolness, courage and efficiency. Capt. Bingham, Co. A, received a mortal wound in the hip and bowels during our stand before the rifle pits, and has since died. Lieut. Pease, Co. B, at about the same time received a minie ball in his right arm, above the elbow, but continued at his post, against the remonstrances of his friends, until long after our fighting was done, when we were well on our way back to Bermuda Hundreds. But as an numeration of all the instances of gallant conduct during that day would involve an account of acts of nearly every officer and man in the 117th regiment, it is better that I conclude the account of this day with the statement that we have certainly done no discredit to old Oneida, and have not sacrificed the generous confidence we have always received from our friends, her people.
Since the 16th little of special interest has occurred to the 117th. We have been kept busy, with all the army here, picketing and strengthening our works, though we have not since been under fire.
The 117th in Battle--List of Casualties.
To the Editor of the Utica Daily Observer:
Bermuda Hundreds, May 26, 1864.
I see that the papers make no mention of the 117th regiment in the late action of the 16th at Drury's Bluffs; hence I infer that we must speak for ourselves if we would be noticed.
Our regiment landed at the junction of the James and Appomatox [sic] rivers, opposite City Point, at a place called "Bermuda Hundreds" the 6th of May. From thence we skirmished in connection with the rest of the army towards Petersburg and Chester Station, where we aided in destroying the Richmond and Petersburg railroad, and in covering the retreat after the objects of the advance in this direction had been accomplished. On the 13th we started again from our established camp, with the entrenchments, near to the point of our landing, in the direction of Fort Darling. On the afternoon of the same day we formed a line of battle in front of the outer line of rebel fortifications reaching from Fort Darling westward. While forming this line, Everet Williams of Co. B, was killed, and three others wounded.
We remained here all night, receiving an occasional shot from the enemy, and in the morning found that the rebels had evacuated these works and fallen back to a second line a half mile in their rear.
Our line was advanced to their front once more, and vigorous skirmish kept up through the day, in which our regiment took a very active part. Companies H, K, and G being sent to a point in front of and within short rifle shot of a battery of two guns. These guns they succeeded in keeping silent until after dark, when the rebels opened a murderous fire of musketry and grape and cannister, accompanied with yells which led us to suppose we were about to be charged, and preparations were made to receive them. Here Wm. Curry of Co. K was killed, and one of the skirmishers wounded.
After the firing had ceased the companies were ordered back, and again joined the regiment, behind a single embankment, within reach of the rebs, but hidden from them by a thin skirting of timber.
When we were aroused on the morning of the 16th, we found a heavy fog resting upon us and completely enveloping the enemy from our sight. The firing upon our right in the 18th Corps was commenced early and was the most vigorous of any we had heard, and we noticed at once that it was back of where it had been the previous day, and that there was much less artillery in use on our front. This was ominous, and we began to nerve ourselves for a severe contest. The 3d N. Y. and the 142d N. Y. regiments of our brigade were early brought into action on our right. They withstood the assault of the enemy manfully until they found that every thing on their right had given way. In the meanwhile we were marched to position in their rear, where we remained inactive until these regiments fell back, when we were wheeled into a position nearly perpendicular to the original line of battle, and placed on outside of a rebel rifle pit, in the line we had taken a day or two, before. Until this time we had supposed that our right was protected by Hickman's Brigade, and of course we would have been safe in our new position, but we found, too late, that our right flank was open, and the enemy occupied the position lately held by our own forces, and were in force in our rear. The rest of the brigade had fallen back, too, and we were exposed on three sides. The enemy, of course, saw our position as soon as we did, and took advantage of it, to our cost, opening upon us from all three directions, with musketry, and turning upon us a section of artillery which but a short time before had been our own. This position we held, giving them as good as we had to send, until we received tardy orders to retire, and form anew a few rods in the rear and almost parallel with the one we were about to leave.
Before we were fairly in our new position, by command the colors were advanced under a galling fire, that disabled three of the color guard, and left the ground strewn with the dead and the dying, to a point of high land directly in front of the enemy. Here their fire was continued with great effect, and here, too, we had a chance to return it with equal effect. But we were only a single regiment against a host, the last on the field, and almost surrounded. We had already lost 17 in killed and 60 in wounded.
To hold this point was found impracticable, though by taking it we had checked the advance of the enemy and given time to other regiments to make good their retreat. We therefore fell back out of sight and away from the entrenched lines of the Rebels, joining the rest of the brigade, where we were not followed.
Not one of the whole command flinched from his duty; not one retired until ordered to do so. While the friends of the regiment mourn for the lost, they can exult in the bravery and good conduct of all.
Colonel White was struck on the shoulder with a ball early in the day, and the command devolved upon Lieut. Col. Daggett, who sustained himself well. Captain Brigham was shot in the abdomen, and was led from the field apparently not much hurt, but he has since died. Lieut. Castleman lingered but a short time after he received his wound. Lieut. Pease remained at his post after being wounded in the arm, and only left on being ordered to do so by his Captain.
Capt. G. W. Brigham, A; Lieut. William C Cassleman, Co D.
Co. A.—Chas. B Shaw.
Co. B.—Michael McKeever, Evert E Williams.
Co. E.—Edward Beaver, Michael Daily.
Co. F.—William H Davis, John Marringer, John McConner.
Co. G.—Francis A. Olin, John Cogswell.
Co. I.—James J Orcott.
Co. K.—Sergt Colet Haywood, Corp Edward Murphy, William Curry, Mansfield Delaney, Rowell Turner.
Lieut Col Alvin White, Lieut Harrison Pease.
Co A.—Samuel Allen, leg; Theodore C Ballou, ankle; B H Balcom, both arms; Wm Cumming, head by spent ball; Anton Lorenz, side; H Newkirk, arm; Giles Pulman, finger.
Co. B.—John T Jones, finger; Color Sergt William E Pease, abdomen; Corp J M Harrington, shoulder; John Dolan, throat; Geo W Foster, finger; R S Langworthy, abdomen; B L McIntire, hip; S F Putney, head, slightly; J N Skinner, leg; Wm Snider, leg.
Co.C.—Sergt Wm Appleton, left eye.
Co. D.—H E B Pardee, side; Chas McNabb, knee.
Co. E.—H Markley, leg; Wm Owens; Corp Geo C Still, leg, since dead; S W Stewart, leg.
Co. F.—Corp Fletcher Simons, arm; H B Covel, finger; C F Clark, foot; Wm Flanigan, arm.
Corp A S Bailey, hip; Corp Thos Gray, shoulder; Corp E B Avery, leg; Corp W H Oatley. leg; Willard Baker, hand; John Pashall, hand; Albert Robbins, groin; Thos Lany, arm.
Co. H.—James Galllagan, knee; Frank RapU, both legs; Howell Williams, arm; Harrison Pangburn, leg.
Co. I—Sergt T B Conklin, leg; Corp Michael Gerhart; Griffith Williams, thigh; Chas Gifford, knee; Morris Marten, both legs; Peter McDonough, finger; Edward Quackenboss, leg; Flavel Murphy, finger; Hezekiah Mowers, leg.
Co. K—Corp Henry Burk, shoulder; LaFayett Madria, wrist; W H Babcock, leg; Wm Dibble, neck; Chas DeGeorgi, leg; Samuel McClure, arm; Wm Powers, arm; Tim Maloney, hand; John Green, shoulder; Thos Joy, hip.
Lieut Frank H Lay, Lieut H D Grant.
Co. A.—Alexander McLean.
Co. D.—Thomas R Jones.
Co. I.—J B Winsor.
Co. K.—Corp Wm KIlkenny, Chas Garlock.
Letter from 117th New York Volunteers.
Near Petersburg, August, 1864.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
We are still here, alternately enduring and enjoying the fortunes of soldier life. There is nothing occurring in the military department which is not promptly and faithfully daguerreotyped by the true press and as promptly perverted by the partizan [sic] painter, so that you can hardly expect this to furnish you with any war news. On referring to one or two numbers of your opposition cotemporary which comes to us occasionally like a moral thistle seed, I find that the northern anti-administrationists are getting the better of their late aversion and apprehensions with reference to the mixing of military and political topics. So far, at least, that the Observer admits to its columns a letter from a homesick soldier, who secures the distinguished favor of a little space by a vehement yet feeble assault on the president, while the same journal editorially, and through its gifted Holland Patent correspondent has embarked in the novel enterprise of distributing malignant obituaries, and it would appear with encouraging results, as they have already severally succeeded in becoming excruciatingly consolatory.
How strange that men whose sense of fitness was formerly shocked at the alleged incongruity of a great national sin, and fervently praying for its removal; I say, how strange that the very men who were horrified at that as an unpardonable mixing of "politics and religion," should now mix detraction with their powerful intercessions in behalf of the widow and orphan. Maledictions and benedictions in the same sentence and uttered in the same breath! Imagine how comforting to the soldier's widow to receive a visit from a sympathetic neighbor, who rudely tears from her heart the treasured consolation that her protector has fallen in the defense of his country; and who tauntingly insinuates that not only was her dear relative ungraced with the virtue of patriotism, but that he was intolerable on account of his credulity, stupidity and consummate folly; and then, would the offender mitigate the insult, if with characteristic vanity, he should parade the whole interview before the public in the next daily paper? The man who will avail himself of a domestic calamity to give vent to his partizan [sic] malice deserves not to be screened from rebuke by the sanctity he has defiled.
But then, after all, may not this disposition on the part of some to depress the soldier in public estimation, if rightly understood, be an encouraging indication? May it not, in a sense, be a palliation of their past and present political delinquency? Are they not, perhaps, vexed at the soldiers' real popularity? If so this attempt to ignore the patriots' laurels, is only a gratifying proof that they prize and covet the honors they never earned. So then, with that view, they are only repeating Reynard's expedient of striving to popularize a deformity it is almost too late to remedy.
No gentlemen of the politico-pathetic depth of the Observer, instead of laboring to vitiate the popular mind, apply yourselves to the work of self-reform--grapple persistently in the depths of your hearts for the expulsion of that personal and political enmity which lies there like a stone in a well, robbing you of present comfort and future peace.-- Rise, so that the new light of a more wholesome moral altitude may dispel from your sordid minds those seditious doctrines which you dare not frankly avow, nor honestly discuss.
In you "politico-military" proceedings always regard as unworthy of your confidence a position which requires the daily appliances of sophistry and whose safety you dare not compromise in a fair field fight.
The bereaved, whom you profess to pity, would I doubt not, be more grateful for cheering counsel and substantial aid than for crocodile tears and harsh upbraidings.
And here, gentlemen, I would interrogatively suggest, whether your acquisition of a greater amount of genuine manliness, might not increase your patriotism and purify your literature? At least, would not the object abundantly justify the trial?
The Fight on Butler's Line.
Headquarter 117th Regt., N. Y. Vols.,
Near Hatches, Va., Aug. 26, 1864.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
I suppose you are ere this at home in good old UTICA, enjoying home fare and a home bed, which is some what different from what you experienced during your visit to the army of the Potomac.--Had you remained with us a few days longer, you eager desire to witness a "brush" with the "Johnnies" would have been gratified. Yesterday morning, about 4 A. M., our ears were saluted with a series of ki-vi-ip's. At first we supposed the noise was made by the braying of mules, but we were soon informed that it came from the rebels who were assaulting our picket line, midway between the James and Appomattox rivers, nearly opposite our camp. They advanced upon us four lines deep, and made a furious attack on our men, who, however, gave them a warmer reception than they anticipated.--Capt. Erwin, recently promoted, had command of our line in this part, having under him about 200 men, aided by Lieut. Denton, of Co. K., on his left. The men fought nobly, driving the rebels back to their lines in confusion. Being reinforced, however, they succeeded in breaking our line, and flanking us on the right and left, capturing a few of our men. But their success was a short-lived one; reinforcements came to us, by the aid of whom the line was retaken--the rebels were in return flanked and about 30 of them captured. Several attempts were afterwards made by them to take our line, but in vain.
It was of vital importance to the rebels to take our line here, as from it we can see what they are up to at the Howlet House Battery on our right, while it would have enabled them to plant a battery to command a mischievous fort of ours in their front. It is said, however, that they did not want to fight, and that their officers had to use some force before they could be led forth. Some twenty of them attempted to come to our line at once, but were fired upon by their own comrades. One prisoner said that his Colonel (white) swore at him terribly for throwing down his gun, and yielding himself a prisoner, when his position was such that he had to be shot or taken. Certain it is that the rebel officers deceived their men, as they informed them that we were going to attack them, instead of they us. The Johnnies have already attacked us in our intrenchments [sic] three times, and the experience they got there was such as not to lead them to repeat the operation in haste. Nothing would please our men more than for them to assault us here, as they all feel confident that a single division only could successfully withstand the whole force of the Confederacy.
I am sorry to sat that the brave Ervin was wounded in the attack of yesterday, a rifle ball passing through his arm a little below the elbow. The would is a troublesome one, but not serious, as no bones were broken, nor arteries injured. He is now at the Point of Rocks Hospital, doing well. Private Evan Evans, Co. G, (Marcy), was also wounded, a ball striking him in the back of the head, as he was reloading his gun, causing a slight depression of the skull. Evans served nearly a year in the 14th New York Volunteers, and has been with this regiment since its organization. If well taken care of, he will soon recover. He is looked upon as one of the bravest boys in the regiment.
Col. Curtiss, commanding the brigade, it is said, complimented our men highly for their bravery, and gave great credit to Capt. Erwin; Lieut. Denton also of Co. K came in for a good word. He had about 90 men under his command, and at one time, during the flanking operations of the enemy, he found himself back of his lines, with only 25 men; while over 70 of the rebels confronted him. Nothing undaunted, however, he called upon his men to follow him, telling them there were only a few of the enemy, and that they could easily be driven back.--Away they all went with a rousing cheer, and in a trice the line was ours again!
I am sorry to say that in addition to the wounded mentioned, the following members of the regiment were taken prisoners: Corporal Woolnough and private R. Wilson, Co. A.; W. B. Willis and Frank Troy, Co. B.; George Russell and Edwin E. Tubbs, Co. D.; Sergeant F. I. Lewis, Corporal M. Conner and private H. Pease, Co. F.; Roscoe Luce, Co. G. One or two others are said to be missing, but they will doubtless turn up.
The boys send their kind greetings to the Editor-in-chief, and would be glad to receive a visit from him again.
A Soldier's Appeal.
Head Quarters, 117th N. Y. V.,
Near Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, Aug. 186_.
To the Editor of the Utica Daily Observer:
Dear Sir: I hope you will excuse the liberty I take in addressing you. I am not going to tell you war news, for you can get plenty of that, nor yet am I going to tell you of the marchings and sufferings of the army, or yet what we are going to do, nor yet do I want to complain; in fact, I am going to ask as a favor, will a generous public do something to keep our suffering and starving families alive, till we, their natural providers and protectors, come home, (if it is GOD'S will) to see to them ourselves. In my possession is a letter dated, July 22d, from a wife and mother to her husband, breathing nothing but patriotism, telling that husband and father to keep his spirits up and in GOD; but that letter also tells us that flour is $14 per barrel, new potatoes $6, old $5, meat 25 cents, butter 50 cents, (what does a soldier's family want with butter?) and everything else in proportion. This woman has four children, and her letter states that she receives $1 50 per week till her husband gets his pay, which won't be long. That money, I am sure, won’t get more than one meal a day for seven days. True, Sir, that man had no right to leave his family, but of such is our regiment composed, and had it not been for just such men, the 117th would not have been so soon filled up. The country called for and needed the men at the time, and in response the men came. Yes, we did receive bounty, and what plenty at that time thought a big bounty, and what did it amount to? Everything went up to a very high price, so that in fact the bounty did not amount to a great deal. Our pay has always been late; and now living is up to almost a fabulous price, so that when we get our pay it don't half feed our families.
Now, sir, I ask in the name of humanity, of Christianity, are our dear ones at home to die of starvation--yes,-starvation--in a land of plenty? I ask in the name of all that is good, remember our families at home are in need, in distress. The winter is at hand, or soon will be. Do something for them, for I tell you, my dear sir, on the lonely picket post, in darkest night, our thoughts go home; on the hot midday march, when the soldier faints, staggers, and often falls to rise no more, our thoughts go to the dear ones; and oh, the agonizing thought comes to him, "oh, God! what will become of my wife and family?"
Now, sir, this is no fancy of mine, for had you been with us on our march from Petersburg on the 31st of July, you would have seen our division bury 19 men on the march, and we halted at noon too. That day I saw men who fell out of the ranks, and all their thoughts were, "what will become of my family?" Well does the soldier know his pay does not begin to support those at home; and if you could only see how the soldier's eye sparkles when he thinks the people are doing what they can to relieve his anxiety, I am sure those at home would not begrudge helping them to get along. I tell you, when a soldier knows his folks are all well and doing well, it makes him do his duty as lightly again, it makes a new man of him.
Sir, this case in Utica is not alone. I am sorry to say my own family does, or I think does suffer, but I don't think to the same extent. We have one more year to serve and how many of us may fall before that time, God only knows; but if we are to fall, let us know that our dear ones will not suffer the pangs of hunger and cold. I know of plenty of men that would be willing to re-enlist if they only knew that those at home would not suffer. We want to get this war finished, and are willing to suffer, but how is it possible for us to stay here knowing that things at home are not right. Friends at home, do what lays in your power and I know you may depend on the 117th doing their duty, both to the country and county; to the county on account of the draft and country on account of the war.
To-day I have received a letter from my wife, and the way my family suffers is not very encouraging for me to re-enlist.
Now, sir, I do not pretend to ask you to publish this in your paper, but if it is possible to wake up the people in Utica or Oneida County, in God's name, let it be done. If it is possible let the families that are in need come forward, enquire into their character, and relieve those that are in want and need. As for our pay, we have heard enough of being paid this last three months; but it has not come yet come, meanwhile our families are suffering. My name can be given, if need be, but if you wish it for your own satisfaction you can have it. I have no hesitation in saying what I have said and I have been with the regiment since it came out.
Yours, &c., J. M.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald.
In Front of Petersburg, Va.,
Near Appomattox River, Aug. 30, 1864.
Since I wrote you last, the 117th has had some of the hard experiences of the war. On Wednesday evening last, we received orders to pack up and be ready to march at a minute's notice; but that minute was a long while coming, for it was only on the morning of Saturday following that we took up our line of march to this place. Our men, in the interval, had to lie near the breastworks in the storm, the rain and mud, with nothing above them but the sky, and nothing under them save their worn-out rubber blankets. The last evening of our stay there was an exciting one to most of us, as we had received some intimations that the enemy intended to play the "blowing up" game on one of our forts, and then make a dash on our lines, and attempt to destroy our pontoon across the Appomattox. This event, however, did not take place, and it was well for the Johnnies they did not attempt to carry out their programme, as they would have received one of those receptions which, from their former experiences, they are not over anxious to see repeated.
Our men now have the charge of the front trenches from the Appomattox on our right toward the left of our line. Some of them are within a quarter of a mile of the streets of Petersburg. Last Sabbath, they could plainly see men and women walking in the streets towards the churches, which are still standing in the city, while the sounds of musical instruments, played upon in the houses, were clear and distinct. It is doubtful, however, whether the rebel citizens--if any of them are left in the city--could enjoy much of the church services, as our "Dictator" continued to send them throughout the day some terribly unwelcome missives, while the "Express" gave its loud amen to each.
The position of our men now is a very dangerous one, as the rebels have a battery on the opposite hills, which can rake the greater part of our line. Last Sunday evening, during a heavy cannonade, to which we are treated every morning and evening, private James McCarthy, Co. F, was killed. He was asleep at the time, when a rebel shell struck him in the head, killing him instantaneously. It then exploded, and terribly shattered his body. He was a recent recruit for the regiment, and was well liked by his comrades. He leaves a family at Forestport.
Last night, the rebel batteries open heavily on our lines, while our own repaid them back with interest. Three of our men were wounded by the enemy's shells. Henry Miller, Co. K, was struck in the left foot, making amputation necessary. A braver and better soldier the regiment cannot boast of. His conduct while being carried to the surgeon was truly heroic. He is now in the 10th Corps field hospital, and is doing well.
Privates Wm. Bournhard, Co. G, and Albert E. Sherman, Co. A, received some severe contusions in the legs by unexploded shells. Had the shells exploded, the three men, and many more, doubtless, would have been shattered to pieces.
The following members of the regiment were among those taken prisoners in the skirmish with the enemy on Tuesday morning last: C. Rolhrig, Co. C.; Corp. Fred. Erion, Co. E.; private D. Mahaney, Co. E.; private D. Mowers, Co. E.; private S. Hyde, Co. E.; private E. Herder, Co. E.; private Q. Gillett, Co. I.; private James Gibbens, Co. I.
We are now anxiously expecting the paymaster with the "stamps" to pay us off. The regiment has not been paid off for six months; and much anxiety has been felt by our men thereby for their suffering families at home. Can't you stir up the married men of the North, to lend money to the Government, and thereby enable it to pay off the soldiers regularly? If anything tends to demoralize our men more than another, it is keep them month after month without their hard earned wages, while their families, it may be, are suffering from sickness and want in consequence thereof.
Note (1.)--The "Dictator" is a huge mortar which throws a thirteen inch shell weighing nearly 300 pounds. Some of these do horrible damage to Petersburg. One of them, last Sunday was heard by our men, crashing through a large building and exploding in the cellar, scattering the whole concern far and wide.
Note (2.)--The "Express" is a thirty pound Parrot, which sends a half-hourly package to the city; causing a sound like that of a train of cars passing through the air, and making itself tell wherever it strikes.
Casualties in the 117th.
Headquarters 117th N. Y. Vols.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald.
The following is the list of casualties in this regiment during the month of August 1864:
Co. A.—Wounded—Privates Albert E. Shearman, thigh, slight; Thomas Wait, face, severe. Captured—Corp. Monroe Woolnough; private Robert Wilson.
Co. B.—Captured—Privates Frank Troy, W. Bradford Willis.
Co. C.—Captured—Privates Edward McElwaine, Casper Roehrig.
Co. D.—Wounded—Private James N. Vosburg, head, slight. Captured—Privates Edwin Tubbs, George R. Russell.
Co. E.—Captured—Corp. Wm. N. Salisbury; privates Frederic Erion, David F. Evans, John France, Dennis Malranney, Delos Mowers, Samuel Hyde, and Ernest Herder.
Co. F.—Killed—Private James McCarthy. Captured—Sergt. Thomas J. Lewis; Corp. Michael Conner; private Henry Pease.
Co. G.—Wounded—Sergt. L. P. Brown, neck, severe; privates Evan Evans, head, severe; Wm. Bomhard, leg, slight. Captured—Private Roscoe W. Luce.
Co. H.—No casualties.
Co. I.—Wounded—Corp. Evan Griffith, head, slight. Captured—Privates Orrimel Gillette, James Valkenburg.
Co. K.—Wounded—Capt. Augustus M. Erwin, arm, slight; Corp. Henry H. Miller, ankle, severe, foot amputated. Missing—Private Wells Van Valkenburg.
Those reported "captured" were, with two exceptions, taken in the attack on our picket line at Bermuda Hundreds, August 25. Capt. Erwin was wounded in the same skirmish.
Very respectfully, Eugene C. Skinner,
Lieut. and Acting Adjutant.
From the Army of the Potomac.
Headquarters 117th N. Y. Vols.
In Front of Petersburg, Va., Sept. 6.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
We are still in front of the doomed city of Petersburg. Our men have to remain in the trenches about four days and nights at a time, when they are relieved for two or three days by other troops. Deep ravines, swamps and marshy plains abound on all sides of us, from which malarial poisons rise, causing much chills and fevers among the troops.
These, together with the hard work and exposure in the trenches, tell heavily on their health. The 117th has now about 100 men on the sick list. Most of these have been removed to one of the few houses in the rear, left undestroyed by the ravages of war, where a convalescent camp has been established. A few days rest will restore them to duty again.
The Sanitary and Christian Commissions do a glorious work here. If the Northern people could hear the blessings of the soldiers for the comforts received through them, they would redouble their efforts to replenish the stores of both Commissions, and thus enable them to supply the large and increasing demands made upon them, which they are now unable to do.
I rode out yesterday to the Tenth Corps Hospital, near Point of Rocks, accompanied by our good hospital nurse, Thomas Williams, and the officers' cart. Stating my wants to the agents of the two Commissions located there, I received as much as they could spare me of their limited supplies, in the shape of reading matter, food, and underclothing for the sick. But no wrappers could be had, as they were entirely out of them. Perhaps the good sisters of Oneida will send us a few. The heavy rains of the past few days have made the trenches horrible to lie in. This, in addition to the vermin which abound in them, makes it necessary for our men to change their underclothing as often as possible, in order to keep up any show of health and strength.
Our regiment has been increased by about 30 recruits, who arrived here Saturday and Sunday last. Our men were glad to see them, and gladder still to know that many more of the sons of Oneida are on the way to reinforce us. This is what we want. If we could get fifty thousand recruits here now to fill our veteran regiments, we could force Lee and his rebellious crew out of both Petersburg and Richmond in a few weeks, and practically end the war during this fall.
Saturday night last about 11 P. M. we were roused from our sleep by such cheers along our lines as only Union soldiers, flushed with victory or good news, can give. Thinking our men were making a grand charge on the rebels, we rushed out from our bunks, en dishabille, each anxious to know what was up. Soon a courier rode by, giving us the glorious news that Atlanta was ours! Then a band of one of the colored brigades on our left struck up the "Star-Spangled Banner;" another band, higher up the line, played "Hail Columbia;" another "The Red, White an Blue," and another "Yankee Doodle." Finally, all the bands played together the latter melody, with all the force they could muster; while our men from the Appomattox on the right, far away towards the Weldon Railroad on the left, doubled and redoubled their cheers. The effect was startling. Even sick men, shaking with chills and burning with fevers, forgot their ailments, and cheered as loud as any; and I firmly believe that if a change had been ordered at that time against the enemy's intrenchments [sic], our sick would have swept onward with the well, and woe would have been to the Johnnies that stood in their way.
The following night, our batteries along the whole line opened against the enemy. For nearly two hours, nothing could have been heard but the fiendish shrieks of shells and solid shot, from Parrott, Whitworth and other guns, whizzing like railway cars through the air, and bursting in the earth. The mortar shell of our monitor "Dictator," followed by the lesser but very telling one of the "Express," crashed through the roofs of Petersburg, making the bricks fly about in every direction, while some of the rebel works got peppered most unmercifully. For a short while the rebels replied to us very briskly, and all of us had to "cover" as closely as possible; but so continuous was the iron hail, poured out of our guns, and so murderous its effects, that even the bragging gunners of "Clifton" were soon glad to seek shelter in their bomb-proofs.
What all this was about it is difficult to tell. Some informed us that Early had returned, and that our guns opened on his troops massing on the other side. It was more probable, however, a "grand salute" on the capture of Atlanta. The scene was awfully sublime, and one not to be forgotten in an age.
The following casualties occurred in the regiment since my last report:
Sergt. Lorenzo P. Brown, Co. G, wounded in the neck, rather dangerously; Thomas Waite, Co. A, in face, slightly; privates Charles Jones, Co. K, and James Lovell, Co. A, killed. The two later were shot through the head by sharpshooters. Jones lived a few hours after he was shot, but was unconscious. Lovell was instantly killed. We buried them side by side on a knoll, a few rods from the right of our line, on the Appomattox. Thus perish the brave. Their graves may soon be unknown, and their names even forgotten; but their deeds will live forever in history, and in the memories and hearts of the lovers of liberty the world over, forever.
Letter from the Hospital.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
The following additional members of the 117th Regiment reached here from the front, by the hospital boat Thomas Powell, October 4th, Lieut. S. C. Myer, Co. G, flesh wound, left arm, slightly; Lieut. A. Denton, Co. K, flesh wound, left leg, slightly. Both these gentlemen are in the same ward with your correspondent, and will be soon able to report for duty.
COMPANY A.—Edward News, two fingers right hand shot off; David W. Nelson, head, slightly.
COMPANY B.—A. M. Barrett, left heel, slightly.
COMPANY C.—R. C. Griffith, ball through left arm, bone, badly broken.
COMPANY D.—Corp. James Morrison, hand, slightly.
COMPANY E.—Corp. Charles Wilson, ball through left breast, penetrating lung, and coming out at back, dangerously; Sergt. Miller, ball through upper part of right arm, coming out at shoulder, severely.
COMPANY K.— Levi T. Boss, flesh wound, right leg, not severely.
All these are at the Hampton Hospital, and are doing as well as might be expected, perhaps, under the circumstances. You will notice that quite a large number of those whose names I have sent you, are badly wounded, which shows the terrible nature of the contest in which they were engaged. The rebels, though taken entirely by surprise, stubbornly contested every inch of our advance; and as we had no artillery, they had the advantage over us in this respect, which they made good use of, doing us almost as much damage as by their small arms, which is not usually the case in battle.
Quite a number of the wounded who could help themselves somewhat, were sent away from the Hampton Hospital last night to the Northern hospitals, probably New York. This was a necessity, to prevent suffering, as several thousand wounded were suddenly sent there, without due preparations having been made to receive them. Some of the members of the 117th and other regiments, complained bitterly to me about the treatment they were receiving, asserting that had it not been for the Christian and Sanitary Commissions, they would have starved to death. This may be somewhat of an exaggeration, but that it is in great part true, I can readily believe. The officers, though paying a dollar per day for their board, do not receive the very best of treatment; they, therefore, must not expect to receive better treatment than their officers, and if they get as good, they would then not be too well off.
Lieut. Bancroft, of the 38th U. S. C. Troops, son of Prof. Bancroft, Utica, formerly a member of the 117th, is here also, wounded. He is doing well, and feeling well, though a little prostrated by his wound and the hard service he has recently gone through.
Rev. Mr. Knox, of Rome, passed through here a few days ago for the front; he is expected back shortly to labor among the sick and wounded at the Hampton Hospital, where a large field of usefullness [sic] awaits him.
Rev. Mr. Erwin, also of Rome, is here now on a flying visit to the agents of the Christian Commission in this department. He leaves for City Point to-morrow, and will visit the 117th at Deep Bottom and the 146th at the Weldon Railroad, if possible. He expects to return with his son, Capt. Erwin, of the 117th, about the close of next week. His visit has been quite a godsend to the boys of the 117th, as through his agency many of their wants have already been relieved, and provision made by which they will receive special attention in the future.
The 117th Regiment.--The Chaplain of this regiment furnishes the following account of the recent losses, sickness, etc., in the 117th regiment to the Herald, from which we quote:
The following named members of the 117th regiment N. Y. Vols., are at present at the Hampton hospital, in this place, under treatment for wounds received at the recent struggles before Richmond:
Company A--Wm. H. Francis, shell wound in forehead, slight; A. S. Carver, left hip, canister shot, body.
Company B--J. M. Skinner, ankle, slightly; S. F. Putney, left thigh, gunshot wound, body; James H. Bushnell, flesh wound, right arm, and side, and foot slightly; Patrick Phalan, shell wound, right heel; corp. I. M. Harrington, shell wound, right leg, slightly; Paul Burnet, flesh wound, right leg, slightly; H. B. Allen, shell wound, right elbow.
Company C--H. A. Hodges, right elbow and left thigh, badly; Joseph Garrett, right thigh, badly; Jesse E. Foster, chest and left wrist, not dangerously.
Company D.--F. VanDreser, foot, slightly; Michael Downs, in groin, dangerously.
Company E.--O. H. Dyer, right leg, canister shot, severely.
Company F.--Serg't Richard D. Edwards, hand by shell, badly; Serg't G. B. Farley, three fingers of right hand shot off by shell; Ernest G. Segar, flesh wound left leg, slightly; Patrick King, gunshot wound left shoulder, dangerously; Richard Smith, slight contusion of right knee by shell.
Company H.--Howell Williams, canister shot in left leg; Carl Hopsecker, foot, slightly; Philo B. Congdon, contusion of right side by shell; Charles Gleasman, left leg amputated above knee; Joseph Barber, gunshot wound right thigh, seriously.
Company I.--John Cameron, right cheek, buckshot wound, slightly; James Cunningham, second finger right hand, slightly; James Fitch, contusion right thigh, by shell; Andrew Williamson, contusion of left knee, by shell; James Billington, flesh wound left thigh, seriously; Stephen Clink, knee joint, slightly; A. Kingsbury, right leg amputated above knee; Addison Satterlee, cannister shot wound in leg.
Company K.—Corp. L. Thorpe, right leg amputated below knee; Wm. L. Bonner, flesh wound, right arm; H. Lowell, contusion of both thighs, by shell; Wm. Howe, flesh wound, right arm; Serg't Grumman, flesh wound, right shoulder, by shell; E. W. Twitchell, flesh wound, left side, by shell.
The following members of the regiment are also here under treatment for wounds and diseases contracted previous to the recent battles.
Captain Erwin flesh wound, in the arm, received in the skirmish on Butler's line in August first.
Capt. Kerrigan, sick, nearly convalescent; expect to go home soon.
Captain Warr, dangerously wounded in right thigh, though the treachery of the chivalry, while at work on his bomb-proof, September 23d. Capt. Warr is gradually recovering, but it will take a long while
before he is fit for duty.
Chaplain J. D. Jones, suffering from remittent (malarial) fever; slowly recovering.
Privates David Wagner, Co. F; Casper Heppally, Co. I; Sergeant Brown, Co. G; Frank Rahn, Co. H; G. H. White, Co. F; John F. Casliey, Co. D.
The following officers and men reported to have been wounded, but have not reached here yet, and perhaps may have been sent north:
Lieutenants Denton, Pease, Myers, Knox Williams (mortally, since dead), and acting Adjutant Skinner. Col. Daggett was also slightly wounded in the leg, and sun struck as well, while gallantly leading the brigade to the charge.
Private Malso Drake, Co, I, had both his legs shot off by a cannon shot, and has probably died. John B. Cameron and corporal Evan Griffith, of the same company, were also badly wounded, the one losing a leg and the other being struck in the thigh with a shell. Sergt. Grimms, of the same company was killed.
Corp. G. Stone and privates John Raymond and Robert Haslock, Co. H, were killed. Sergt. Martin and corporal Smith, of the same company were wounded.
Chauncey B. Clark, Co. B, was killed, and Robert Wentworth seriously wounded in the back.
Sergt. E. A. Miles and privates Elias Roberts, and C. A. Bailey, Co. F, were wounded.
William C. Green, Joseph Madrid, and Levi T. Boss, Co. K, were wounded.
In Co. D, Sylvester Mowers was mortally wounded and is said left dead on the field. David McNab was killed and corporal Morrison wounded in the arm.
Sergt. Miller, Co. E, was also wounded in the shoulder.
David I. Pugh and E. A. Hitchcock, Co. C, were killed, and R. E. Miller and Richard Griffiths wounded—the former in both legs, the latter in the arm.
These are all the names that I have been able to procure, but there are a great many other names to be added to the brave dead and wounded, as the regiment is reported to have lost in all 138 men. Some of the missing will doubtless turn up, and decrease the number, but even then the list of casualties will be a heavy one. The wounded here, on the whole, are doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances.
The regiment and the country have suffered a great loss in the death of Lieut. J. Knox Williams. He was a brave officer, a courteous gentleman and a Christian, which cannot be said of every one who wears shoulder-straps.
From all accounts this was the hardest fight the regiment was ever in; it throws the affair at Drury's Bluff, last May, entirely into the shade.
Headquarters 117th N. Y. Vols.,
October 17th, 1964.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
The following is the full list of the casualties in this Regiment during the month of September:
Co. A—Killed—Private James Lovell. Wounded—1st. Sergt. Chas. T. Adams, leg, severe; Sergt. A. W. Francis, hip, slight; Corp. Wm. H. Francis, head, severe; Corp. Geo. Burkett, severe; privates A. L. Carver, hip, severe; W. Cummings, leg, slight; Eli Doliver, leg, slight; Jas. Garlock, leg, slight; Edward News, hand, slight; David Nelson, head, slight. Missing—Privates Henry Edwards, Albert E. Shearman, William Francis, S. Thomas.
Co. B.—Killed—1st Lieut. J. Knox Williams, private Chauncey B. Clark. Wounded—Corp. J. M. Harrington, leg, severe; Corp. A. M. Barrott, foot, slight; Corp. Paul Bernet, leg, severe; privates H. B. Allen, arm, severe; Jas. H. Bushnell, leg and arm; severe; S. F. Putney, leg, severe; P. Phalan, heel, severe; J. M. Skinner, leg, severe; R. H. Wentworth, back, severe. Missing—Corp.
Co. C—Killed—Private Ed. E. Hitchcock—Wounded—Capt. Ed. Warr, thigh, severe; 2d Lieut. E. G. Skinner, leg, slight; Corporals J. Foster, wrist and breast, severe; T. Jones, leg, severe; privates H. Hodges, arm and leg, severe; R. Griffiths, arm, severe; J. Garrott, side, severe. Missing—Privates Chas. Biggs, P. Phillius.
Co. D—Killed—Private D. McNabb. Wounded—Corp. Jas. Morrison, hand, severe; privates J. H. Vosburgh, head, slight; J. Rogers, head, slight; M. Downs, leg, severe; F. Van Dreser, arm, slight; C. Goebel, leg, severe; H. Baldwin, foot, slight; D. Sayles, foot, slight. Missing—Privates S. S. Powers, H. H. Hughes.
Co. E.—Wounded—1st Sergt. Henry S. Miller, shoulder, severe; Corporals Chas. Wilson, breast, severe; O. H. Dye, leg, severe. Missing—Sergts. Wm. Lasher, Geo. Brown; Corp. R. M. Moulton; privates J. Covell, G. S. Downend, Chas. Evans.
Co. F.—Wounded—Sergeants George R. Farley, hand, severe; R. E. Edwards, hand, severe; E. F. Niles, leg, slight; Corporal A. Graham, face and hand, slight; privates P. King, lungs, severe; E. Seeger, leg, slight; W. Flannigan, head and ankle, slight; W. M. Williams, severe; R. Smith, arm, slight; Wm. A. Bailey, severe; H. Dawyer, side, severe; E. Roberts, back, severe. Missing—1st Sergt. Wm. H. Nelson; Corp. R. D. Jones, 2d; privates W. L. Simonds, A. Knight, Geo. Millington, Wm. Shaft, H. Winslow, S. Clark.
Co. G.—Wounded—1st Lieut. Spencer C. Myer, arm, slight; Corp. Wm. H. Lindsley, severe; private C. P. Pierson, hip and arm, severe. Missing —Private W. W. Beach.
Company H.—Killed—Corp. George C. Stone; Privates R. Haslock, John Raymond. Wounded—Serg't L. A. Martin, leg, severe; Corp. S. C. Smith, leg, severe; Privates—L. Langer, leg and foot, slight; P. B. Congdon, side, slight; Chas. Gleanon, thigh, severe; H. Williams, thigh, severe; J. Barber, thigh, severe; C. Hopsickar, foot, severe.
Company I—Killed—Sergt. S. H. Grems. Privates—M. Drake, John Cameron, D. H. Coonrod. Wounded—Corp. A. W. Sargent, leg, severe. Privates—Jas. Cunningham, finger, slight; J. Fitch, leg, slight; J. Billington, leg, slight; John Cameron, 2d, face, slight; A. Williamson, leg, slight; A. Kingsbury, leg, severe; A. Satterly. leg and arm, severe; M. V. Moon, arm, slight; Wm. Brown, knee, slight; S. Klinck, knee, slight. Missing—Corp. N. P. Stimson. Privates—W. J. Moore, T. Henright.
Company K.—Killed—Corps. Abel Elthorp, John Summers. Privates—Chas. E. Jones, Wm. Green, Jonathan Warner. Wounded—2d Lieut. A. Denton, leg and back, severe; 1st Serg't Chas. Gruman, shoulder, slight. Privates—Levi Boss, leg, slight; Wm. Barr, elbow, slight; Wm. Howe, arm, slight; E. Twitchell, side and arm, severe; H. Lowell, head, slight; J. Madrid, leg, slight. Missing—Sergt. M. Crow; Corp. C. Thompson. Privates—H. Barr, Geo. Bradley, S. E. Holmes; M. Gallagher.
Almost the whole of this loss was sustained by the regiment on the 29th of September, in the desperate assaults upon the enemy's fortifications at Laurel Hill, on the north side of the James, about four miles from Richmond. The last assault being unsuccessful we were compelled to fall back beneath a very severe fire, leaving some of the wounded in the hands of the enemy. Some of those reported "missing" are probably prisoners and others dead.
Very Respectfully,
Eugene C. Skinner,
Lieut. and A. Adjutant.
One Hundred and Seventeenth.—Adjt. Skinner sends a full list of casualties in the One Hundred and Seventeenth regiment during the month of September. We have already published a long list, but there appears to be some new names in this, and we accordingly publish it. Most if not all the names published previously, we have stricken out. Here is the corrected list:
Company A—Killed—Private James Lovell. Wounded—1st Sergt. Charles T. Adams, leg, severe; Sergt. A. W. Francis, hip, slight; Corp. W. H. Burkett, severe; privates W. Cummings, leg, slight; Eli Doliver, leg, slight; Jas. Garlock, leg, slight; Edward News, hand, slight; David Nelson, head, slight. Missing—Privates H. Edwards, Albert E. Shearman, William Francis, S. Thomas.
Company B—Wounded—Corporal A. M. Barrott, foot, slight; P. Phalen, heel, severe. Missing—Corp. Monroe Lawton.
Company C—Wounded—T. Jones, leg, severe. Missing—Privates Charles Biggs, P. Phillius.
Company D—Killed—Private D. McNab. Wounded—Corp. James Morrison, hand, severe; privates J. H. Vosburgh, head slight; J. Rogers, head, slight; C. Goebel, leg, severe; H. Baldwin, foot, slight; D. Sayles, foot, slight. Missing—Privates S. S. Powers, H. H. Hughes.
Company E—Wounded—First Sergeant Henry S. Miller, shoulder, severe; Corp. Charles Wilson, breast, severe. Missing—Sergeants William Lasher, George Brown; Corp. R. M. Moulton; privates J. Covell, G. S. Downend, Charles Evans.
Company F—Wounded—Corp. A. Graham, face and hand slight; W. Flannigan, head and ancle [sic], slight; W. M. Williams, severe; H. Dawyer, side, severe. Missing—1st Sergt. Wm. H. Nelson; Corp. R. D.
Jones, 2d; privates W. L. Simonds, A. Knight, George Millington, Wm. Shaft, D. Winslow, S. Clark.
Company G—Wounded—Corp. W. H. Lindsley, severe; private C. P. Pierson, hip and arm, severe. Missing—Private W. W. Beach.
Company H—Killed—Corp. George C. Stone; privates R. Haslock, John Raymond. Wounded—Sergt. L. A. Martin, leg, severe; Corp. S. C. Smith, leg, severe; private L. Langer, leg and foot, slight.
Company I—Killed—Private A. W. Sargent, leg, severe; M. V. Moon, arm, slight; Wm. Brown, knee, slight. Missing—Corp. N. P. Stimson; privates W. J. Moore, T. Henright.
Company K—Killed—Corps. Abel Elthrop, John Summers; privates, Chas. E. Jones, Jonathan Warner. Wounded—Second Lieut. A. Denton, leg and back, severe; privates Wm. Barr, elbow, slight; H. Lowell, head, slight. Missing—Sergt. M. Crow; corp. C. Thompson; privates H. Barr, Geo. Bradley, S. E. Holmes, M. Gallagher.
Personal.—Lieutenant S. B. Bancroft, of the Thirty-eighth U. S. colored regiment, who was wounded at the battle of New Market heights, and who was at home in this city on sick leave some time since, but who reported at Annapolis, Md., with his wound still unhealed, has been appointed Adjutant at U. S. A. Officers' Hospital, Division No. 1, at that place. The Annapolis Gazette says:
Lieutenant B. entered the service in the One Hundred and Seventeenth N. Y. V., Colonel William R. Pease, U. S. A. After the siege of Suffolk, Va., by Gen. Longstreet, he was placed in the Veteran Reserve corps, at Portsmouth, Virginia; after recovering his health, he was detailed by General Butler on recruiting colored troops, and was commissioned in April, 1864, and has been with the army of the James up to September 29, 1864, and was at the memorable taking of New Market heights. He was wounded in the hip, and received honorable mention for daring and endurance in General Butler's long order. Oct. 11, 1861; and although suffering from effects of wounds, etc., he cannot remain in activity. His genial cheerfulness, we hope, will add many friends to his present host.
Return of the 117th Regiment.
A Collation at the central Depot.
Yesterday was an eventful, if not a gala day in Utica, a day long anticipated by the war-worn heroes of the One Hundred and Seventeenth Regiment, whose years of gallant services were in some degree recognized and commemorated in the efforts to receive them handsomely, which were so generously put forth by the patriotic and benevolent citizens.
The announcement made Saturday afternoon, of the expected arrival of the regiment yesterday, formed an interesting topic of conversation throughout Saturday evening and yesterday morning--the probabilities of their coming were eagerly canvassed in every circle.
Despatches [sic] were received Saturday evening stating positively that the Regiment would not reach this city until to-day, and the Reception Committee and the citizens generally were congratulating themselves upon being able to make ample preparations in the meantime; but a special despatch [sic] received at our office yesterday morning, which was immediately bulletined, announced that the Regiment were then in Albany, eating a good dinner, would leave that city at one o'clock P. M., and would probably arrive in Utica between the hours of five and six.--
This announcement was soon after followed by a bulletin signed by Hon. Alrick Hubbell, the Chairman of the Reception Committee, stating that tables were being put up in the Central Railroad Depot, and requesting citizens to furnish their donations by four o'clock.
As soon as it became generally understood that the Regiment would certainly be in this city yesterday afternoon, everybody was anxious that the noble fellows should have a Reception which would testify an appreciation of that valor which has been exhibited by the expected guests on so many hard-fought fields. After coon church services were almost generally disregarded; the ladies employing the brief time granted them in the preparation of edibles.--The gentlemen composing the reception Committee were also actively employed in erecting tables, building a railing encircling the depot, procuring strawberries, decorating the building and taking such other measures as a kind consideration for the convenience and entertainment of the expected heroes suggested.
Several hours before the time announced for the arrival of the train conveying the veterans, a continual stream of people flowed towards the depot, many of them laden with baskets and pails and packages containing edibles. The ringing of the City Hall bell, however, about four o'clock, was the signal agreed upon to indicate the coming of the brave boys in blue, and was responded to by largely increased throngs of citizens. The space between the depot and the Mohawk river, and extending from the Freight House to Genesee street, was one dense mass of humanity in every available spot where the slightest view could be obtained of the anxiously expected soldiers.
Meanwhile the ladies and gentlemen of the different Ward Reception Committees, had been busily engaged in receiving and arranging the abundant and generous donations that had been furnished. Such an inviting, bountiful tempting table, as was tastefully spread in the Central depot, yesterday afternoon, is seldom seen. Among the edibles so profusely spread, we noticed all kinds of cold meats, sandwiches, eggs, every variety of cake, pies, cold tongue, doughnuts, pigs' feet, onions, radishes, pickles, luscious looking strawberries and strawberry short cake, while boquets [sic], in rich profusion, graced the tables. We were agreeably surprised at the completeness of every detail of the reception and collation, considering the brief time allowed for the various arrangements; and the ladies, particularly, deserve the warmest acknowledgments of all who desired our returning soldier boys to receive a gladdening welcome and hospitable entertainment.
The approach of the train bearing the Regiment was announced by salutes from the old Corps gun, and music by the Utica City Band, who never played "Home, Sweet Home" better, nor under circumstances more calculated to touch tender chords and swell the hearts of spectators.
The train halted a considerable distance east of the depot, but the crowd there, as well as in front of the depot, was so dense that it was with much difficulty that the officers and men could alight, form in line and march up to the feast spread for them. But the soldiers bore the pressure good-naturedly, for those who blocked the way most persistently were the mothers and sisters, the wives and fathers and brothers whom they longed to see and who embraced them with convulsive grasp and streaming eye. The scenes of reunion were in not a few instances truly impressive and touching. "God bless you" was on every lip, and the fervent clasping of the hand showed how heartfelt was the expression.
Finally, Gen. Daggett, leaning on the arm of Col. McQuade, and followed by the officers and men in single file, entered the depot. Their appearance was the signal for one of the most enthusiastic and impressive scenes we have ever witnessed. The waving of hats, caps, handkerchiefs, bonnets--everything available, accompanied by repeated cheering of the assembled thousands, was an unreportable scene, and one never to be forgotten.
When the tattered folds of the bullet-riddled guidon and battle flags were displayed, the enthusiasm of the multitude was manifested in a thousand different ways. The beautiful regimental banner, the gift of the ladies of our city previous to their departure, was scarcely recognized in the mass of almost shapeless, scorched and riddled rags, but the colors were more beautiful in their tatters, than when bright and new, they were entrusted to the keeping of the brave men who have so nobly kept their proud and sacred trust.
After having "presented arms" to the inviting tables, the regiment was briefly welcomed by Hon. Alrick Hubbell, who gracefully introduced
Hon. Roscoe Conkling, who delivered the following formal address of welcome. Mr Conkling's Address of Welcome.
Soldiers and fellow citizens:--The Committee of Arrangements has assigned to me the honor of bidding you welcome home again—welcome to those homes which your valor has defended and preserved. In the name of the people of this city, and of this committee, I assure you these about 250 were transferred to the 40th N. Y. Vols., of which 150 were effective, the others being in hospital sick. Thus it will be seen that the regiment has lost during its term about 1,000 men.
The casualties of the regiment, in some of its prominent battles, were as follows:
Drury's Bluff, May 1864.....................................81
Taking of Petersburg Hights, June 15, 1864..........24
Siege of Petersburg............................................132
Chapin's Farm, Sept. 29, 1864.............................130
Darbytown Road, Oct. 27, 1864..........................52
Fort Fisher, Jan. 15, 1865....................................95
The following are the officers of the One Hundred and Seventeenth at the present time:
Colonal--Rufus Daggett, Brevet Brig. Gen.
Lieutenant Colonel--F. X. Meyers.
Major--Egbert Bagg.
Surgeon--J. A. Mowry.
Chaplain--J. D. Jones.
Assistant Surgeon--W. E. Eay.
Quartermaster--W. E. RICHARDS.
Adjutant--Charles H. Roys, transferred to 48th Regiment N. Y. V. and A. C. M. 25 these about 250 were transferred to the 40th N. Y. Vols., of which 150 were effective, the others being in hospital, sick. This it will be seen that the regiment has lost during its term about 1,000 men.
The casualties of the regiment, in some of its prominent battles, were as follows:
Drury's Bluff, May 1964...............................................81
Taking of Petersburg Hights, June 15, 1864…................24
Siege of Petersburg.....................................................132
Chapin's Farm, Sept. 29, 1864......................................130
Darbytown Road, Oct. 27, 1864...................................52
Fort Fisher, Jan. 15, 1865.............................................95
The following are the officers of the One Hundred and Seventeenth at the present time:
Colonel--Rufus Daggett, brevet Brig. Gen.
Lieutenant Colonel--F. X. Meyers.
Major--Egbert Bagg.
Surgeon--J. A. Mowry.
Chaplain--J. D. Jones.
Assistant Surgeon--W. E. Eay.
Quartermaster--W. E. Richards.
Adjutant--Charles H. Roys, transferred to 48th Regiment N. Y. V. and A. C. M.
Co A--Captain D. B. Magill, home wounded; First Lieutenant G W Ross; Second Lieutenant, E M Shorey, commanding company.
Co B--Captain, Harrison Pease; First Lieutenant, John G. Glazier; Second Lieutenant F W Olmstead.
Co C--First Lieutenant, Eugene Skinner, acting Adjutant; Second Lieutenant, M E Johnson, commanding company.
Co D--Captain, F H Lay; First Lieutenant, H L Adams, on detached service.
Co E--Captain, Wm L Bartholomew; First Lieutenant, Wm E Pease; Second Lieutenant, F E Boden.
Co F--Captain, Wm L Hurlbert, A D C on Major General Terry's staff; First Lieutenant, Adelbert Ecker, commanding company.
Co G--Captain, Algernon E Smith, A D C home wounded.
Co H--Captain, Almon R Stevens; First Lieutenant, J H Fairbanks, commanding company.
Co I--Captain, E Downer, transferred to 48th N Y V; First Lieutenant, L J Carver, commanding Co.; Second Lieutenant H D Grant, transferred to 48th N Y V.
Co K--Captain, A M Erwin, transferred to 48th N Y V, and now A C Musters; First Lieutenant, Robert Bryan, commanding company.
Sergeant Major--G B Fairhead, commissioned Second Lieutenant, but not mustered.
Quartermaster Sergeant--Jos. D Monroe.
Commissary Sergeant--John B Wicks.
Hospital Steward--Henry N Marchisi.
Principal Musician--Jacob Irvin.
Principal Musician--John S Fairhead.
Besides the officers, there are three hundred and fifteen men in the Regiment.
We extend to the boys a heartfelt "Welcome Home!" They have endured the fatigue of the march, and the heat of battle; they have lain in trenches day and night for weeks, and endured the most disagreeable features of an extreme Southern climate; have suffered the numerous inconveniences and hardships incident to a soldier's life in many hard-fought campaigns. And, through all, they have been animated by bright thoughts of home, and beloved friends anxiously awaiting their return. Surely, then, the boys are deserving of every effort we yesterday put forth for their reception. May it ever be a queen spot in their memories! We repeat that she [sic] national service contains no braver men; while their list of lamented dead is long and honorable.
… that the heartiest welcome they can give is offered to you its neighbors and as victorious soldiers of the Republic. Three years ago fear was everywhere. No home was safe; strong men bowed themselves; our government ____, our flag was derided and dishonored on land and sea, and foreign nations were casting lots for our vesture. Then it was, at the country's call that you left fireside and home for the camp, the trench and the hospital--then it was that you went out to defend, on far-distant battlefields, the life and glory of our country. You have done your whole duty. You have passed marches more dreadful than battles. You have conquered in fights that will be historic forever. You have belonged to the most glorious army that ever assembled on earth, and of that army you were the first regiment of all, to plant the glorious ensign of the republic in the battered parapet of Fort Fisher. (Cheers.) In all this career of glory, of duty, and of daring exploit, a common purpose has inspired you, a common hope has led you on. What was it? Peace. Peace, with the Government and the constitution of our fathers established, has been the object of the war, that prayer of every patriot and of every soldier. We have all longed for the time, when you who are fathers, and you who are sons, you who are husbands and you who are brothers, and you who are lovers, should return once more to gladden the places which have been lonesome and desolate without you. That time, at last, has come, and on this burning Sabbath day have gone up, and on every Sabbath will go up, from the christian altars of their land, praises and thanksgivings, that at last the red eye of battle is closed, and prayers that it never again may open, and above all that it may never open on the dis-United States of America. This glorious advent of peace comes of the service rendered by you and your comrades in arms, and you deserve to be decorated with heroic honors for conspicuous bravery on burning battle fields, where all were brave. You deserve, as you receive, the gratitude of your neighbors, the thanks, the blessings and the benedictions of the good, the generous and the true. But I will not detain you. It is the Sabbath day, when, even if you were not weary with travel, rest and quiet would be congenial to you and to those who have come to greet you.
Kind hands have provided such tributes of hospitality and thoughtfulness, as the notice of your coming has allowed; and now in the name of this vast multitude, in the name of the whole people of Utica, in the name of the whole people of Oneida county, I assure you once more, that a welcome and a God bless you is in the hearts, if not on the lips, of all the young and the old.
General Daggett responded, in substance, as follows:
The General said he would not attempt a formal reply, but could not be content to let the occasion pass without acknowledgment of the beautiful reception, the glowing welcome and the graceful and bountiful repast which had been prepared. He said, and speaking for his brother officers and the entire regiment, as well as for himself, that he wished to express to the committee, and through them to the people of the city and county, their warmest acknowledgments for the interest and generosity which had been evinced towards the regiment, not only at this time, but always since its organization. They would all ever cherish and treasure the memory of manifold kindness and courtesies for which the 117th were indebted to the people of Utica and Oneida county.
At the conclusion of Gen. Daggett's response, the boys attacked the accumulated good things with such a will as tired and hungry soldiers only have. The ladies were assiduous in their attentions, working merrily away, seeming to know no fatigue, and only anxious to administer comfort and cheer to the "boys in blue." Every man was helped to an abundance, every man had his share of delicacies, of strawberries, &c.; every man went away satisfied, and we do not exaggerate when we state that out of the generous stores carried to the depot by our citizens, there was enough left to feed three times as many more. When the feast was ended the men mingled with respective family and friends, passing a well-improved half hour in pleasant conversation, and renewing old acquaintances.
The men were regaled with ice water, lemonade and cigars, before their departure. They universally expressed regret that they could not be mustered out in Utica; and it was generally thought that the men would contrive to be left behind on the departure of the train. But to their credit be it said,--nearly all went. "It's hard to part with you now, Jimmie," was the remark of his mother; "But I know you'll soon come home for good." This idea constrained the men and reconciled their departure. They spoke in high terms of the treatment they received in Albany yesterday morning, feeling grateful to the ladies of that city for their generous and unexpected entertainment.
The appearance and behavior of the men excited general attention. Their behavior, without exception, was gentlemanly. None of them were intoxicated, and all seemed worthy of the attention which our citizens bestowed upon them.
Our reporter had a few moments conversation with a number of colored attendants, who styled themselves "waitaw boys," doing the duties of hostler and attendant to the different officers. They excited considerable attention. All appeared contented, if not happy, were generally almost coal black, and pretty bright fellows. The different "darks" were pointed out to us--"Dat boy dah waits on Cap'n Pease, sah." Are you at all acquainted with Adjutant Skinner? "Quainted? Why, sah, he's jus lost without me. I tote his things, I do, sah." All declared they received excellent care, being well fed and clothes in return for their services. Some of them had been in every battle. "Dat ole beast, Ben. Butlah," received some "hard knocks" for his unaccountable and cowardly actions in the first assault on Fort Fisher.
The train, which consisted of two baggage cars and nine passenger cars, and, appropriately enough, was drawn by engine No. 117, moved slowly away at a few minutes before eight o'clock, amid another outburst of enthusiasm. Every car window was filled with the gratified faces of the men, and their hearty cheers showed that the efforts of our citizens had been every way successful and were heartily appreciated by grateful recipients. The Regiment will rendezvous on the old Fair Grounds in Syracuse, where they will doubtless be mustered out during the present week.
The return of the One Hundred and Seventeenth Regiment will ever be a marked day in the history of Utica.
We give below as perfect a historical record as can be at present obtained of the organization, movements and general experience of this
—one of the bravest regiments in the service:
In answer to the call of President Lincoln for 300,000 men, the regiment was organized in the summer of 1862, by the appointment of Capt. WM. R. PEASE, of the regular army, as Colonel, and Alvin White, who raised the first company, as Lieutenant Colonel. The second company was organized by Rufus Daggett, now Brevet Brigadier General Commanding, which was immediately followed by the company of F. X. Meyers, who is at present Lieutenant Colonel. Eight other companies were organized in rapid succession, and on the 25th of August, 1862, the Regiment reported at Washington. The officers at that time were as follows:
Colonel—W. R. Pease, Captain 7th U. S. Infantry.
Lieutenant Colonel—Alvin White, Utica.
Major—Rufus Daggett, Utica.
Adjutant--James M. Latimore, Utica.
Quartermaster--Egbert Bagg.
Surgeon--Dr. Edward Loomis, Westmoreland.
Assistants--Drs. Carpenter, Trenton; Ingram, New London.
Quartermaster Sergeant--W. E. Richards, Utica.
Commissary Sergeant--Benjamin F. Miller, Utica.
Hospital Steward--H. N. March, Utica.
Co A--Captain, G W Brigham, Vernon; First Lieutenant, Isaac H Dann; Second Lieutenant, W L Bartholomew.
Co B--Captain J Parsons Stone, Camden; First Lieutenant, Hiram Pease; Second Lieutenant, W L Hulbert, Utica.
Co C--Captain, F X Meyers; First Lieutenant, John F Kerrigan; Second Lieutenant, Frank H Lay, Utica.
Co D--Captain, Seth J Steves, Oriskany; First Lieutenant, W Ham, Utica; Second Lieutenant, John T Thomas, Trenton.
Co E--Captain, Levi K Brown; First Lieutenant, Morris Chappell; Second Lieutenant, Augustus M Erwin.
Co F--Captain, John M Walcott, Whitestown; First Lieutenant, Edwin Risley, Sangerfield; Second Lieutenant, David B Magin, Whitestown.
Co G--Captain, Charles H Roys; First Lieutenant, Charles S Millard; Second Lieutenant, Algernon E Smith.
Co H--Captain, A R Stevens, Utica; First Lieutenant, Edward Downer, Utica; SEcond Lieutenant, Henry Shedd, Lowell.
Co I--Captain, C H Wheelock; First lieutenant, ___ Clark; Second Lieutenant, A E Marquisee.
Co K--Captain, James A Race; First Lieutenant, Linus R Clark; Second Lieutenant, Samuel M Miller, Clinton.
The Regiment was immediately ordered to the garrison of Fort Alexander, where they remained for the three months following; at the expiration of which time they were sent to Fort Baker. They were stationed at Fort Baker until the 16th of April, 1863, when they were ordered to Suffolk, Virginia, to assist in the defense of that place, which was then being attacked by the rebels under Gen. Longstreet. While lying here considerable skirmishing was done in the vicinity of Nansemond river, about two miles and a half from Suffolk. After the abandonment of the seige [sic] by the enemy the regiment encamped, and assisted in erecting defenses in the vicinity of Norfolk, Virginia. They were shortly after attached to the column, $25,000 strong, which was sent for the purpose of cutting Lee's railroad communications and having for its ultimate object, the capture of the rebel capital. In this, as our readers know, they were unsuccessful, and returning to their old camp, they were shortly afterwards ordered to Folly Island to assist in the seige [sic] of Charleston, S. C., which was then being vigorously carried on. During the active bombardments of Forts Sumpter [sic], Wagner, Gregg, Moultrie and the batteries on Sullivan's island, they were stationed on Morris Island, where they were oft times exposed to the raking fires of these rebel strongholds. After remaining here some nine months, they were ordered to Gloucester Point, Virginia, where on the 17th of April, 1864 they were attached to the army of the James. Shortly after they participated in the unsuccessful attempts to capture Petersburg, were engaged at Cold Harbor, and connected with the 3d division of the 18th Army Corps, successfully covering the flank movement of our army, when it was gaining its position in front of Petersburg. The Regiment passed the winter of 1864-5 in camp at Bermuda Hundreds, and at the opening of the spring campaign distinguished themselves in the battle of Drury's Bluff, where they charged independently, droving back and slaughtering the enemy, and saving the vast army under the imbecile Butler from complete ruin. In this charge alone, the beautiful banner presented by the ladies of Utica, was riddled by fifteen bullet holes. On the 15th of June they gallantly charged the heights of Petersburg, attached to the 18th Corps under command of Gen. Baldy Smith, distinguishing themselves for genuine gallantry.
On the 30th of July, they were in support of the advance line when the terrible explosion of the Petersburg mine occurred, and, although not actively participating, sustained considerable loss from being exposed to the enemy's fire. The Regiment bore an active part in the battle of Chapin's Farm on the 29th of September, the engagement on the Newmarket Road, which was shortly after followed by the battle on the Darbytown Road on the 17th of October. In every engagement in which the regiment participated their actions were distinguished by marked bravery, and the 117th can proudly boast of never having lost their colors in any of their numerous fights or lowered them for a moment on any field.
From the date of the fighting on the Darbytown Road, commences the memorable experience of the siege of Fort Fisher. They were under BUTLER in the first attempt, and although unsuccessful, the responsibility for the failure, as the world knows, has laid upon the since disgraced commander. In this first attempt, the 117th were repeatedly noted for conspicuous bravery. The advancing force was under the command of the gallant General Curtis, who, as a soldier remarked to us yesterday, stationed himself upon the parapet of the Fort where the "leaden rain" was thickest, waved cap and sword and shouted "Come boys!"
The 117th had succeeded in capturing a large number of prisoners, and the guns of the Fort were apparently almost in the possession of the brigade with which they were fighting when the despatch [sic] from BUTLER peremptorily ordered them to re-embark; and the discomfited but unconquered heroes were thus obliged to relinquish their hard-earned victory. Returning to Bermuda Hundreds, they remained until, under the leadership of the victorious General Terry, our boys once more advanced. Everybody is familiar with the every detail of that second memorable siege [sic]. The Union army, under a competent General, and led by the 117th, who first planted the stars and stripes on the hotly contested parapet, were gloriously victorious; and the name of the One Hundred and Seventeenth Regiment of New York State Volunteers will ever be synonomous [sic] with the victorious record of the memorable capture of Fort Fisher.
The Regiment afterwards assisted in the capture of Wilmington, distinguishing themselves in several skirmishes, after which they joined the veterans of SHERMAN'S victorious army then stationed at Raleigh, where, soon after further fighting was rendered unnecessary by the surrender of the rebel Gen. Johnston.
The regiment was commanded by Col. Pease until June, 1863, when he was succeeded by Lieut. Col. ALVIN WHITE. Colonel White resigned in September, 1864, and since that time the Regiment has been under the command of that gallant and popular officer, General Rufus Daggett.
The following are the casualties of the 117th N. Y. Vols., from August, 1863, to June, 1865.
Killed Died Disch'd Missing Transf'd
Co. in of for in to
action. wounds. disability. action. V.R.C. Total
A 6 13 18 1 3 41
B 6 18 10 1 4 39
C 6 11 18 4 6 45
D 6 16 21 5 - 48
E 12 11 16 - 3 42
F 13 12 25 - 4 54
G 7 14 22 2 2 47
H 10 15 19 - - 44
I 11 17 30 2 2 62
K 8 27 19 6 - 60
85 154 198 21 25 482
The 117th left with 1,020 men, and return with 315. At intervals, during '63-4-5, it received about 500 recruits in the aggregate.