Chapter Eleven



[Note. --- The killed and wounded of the regiment number about 800. ----Complete lists of casualties could not be obtained form all the companies.]

Field and Staff
Col. Simeon Sammons, wounded at Olustee and at Petersburg.
Col. N. J. Johnson, wounded at Deep Bottom, Fort Gilmer and at Fort Fisher.
Lt. Col. E. L. Walrath, hit at Olustee, wounded at Deep Bottom.
Adjt. H. S. Sanford, wounded at Coal Harbor.

Company A
Capt. C. N. Ballou, wounded at Olustee, and wounded and captured at Deep Bottom.
Capt. Garret Van Deveer, wounded severely in the leg, and mortally in breast at Olustee.
Second Lieut. John W. Davis, severely wounded and taken prisoner at Olustee.
First Sergt. J. W. Van Arnam, captured at Deep Bottom.
Sergt. James S. Arrmock, wounded at Olustee, and killed at Deep Bottom.
Sergt. Charles Gross, mortally wounded at Coal Harbor.
Sergt. Oliver Lighthall, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
Sergt. Stephen Morris, jr., wounded at Maryland Heights, and mortally wounded through both knees at Olustee.
Corp. Charles Clapson, mortally wounded by the accidental discharge of a gun at Hilton Head.
Corp. John Dutcher, wounded at Olustee.
Corp. Charles Eignbroadt, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
Corp. Silas W. Horning, wounded at Deep Bottom.
Corp. John A. Hubbard, wounded at Harper’s Ferry.
Corp. Alfred J. Kesler, wounded and captured at Deep Bottom.
Corp. John H. Peeler, Mortally wounded at Drury’s Bluff.
Corp. William H. Pratt, wounded at Olustee, and killed at Chesterfield Heights.
Corp. Nicholas Shults, wounded at Petersburg.
Corp. George Smith, wounded at Olustee, and at Deep Bottom. 
Corp. Adolphus H. Tipple, accidentally wounded at Chicago, and wounded and captured at Olustee.
Musician Alvagene Ackett, killed at Fort Fisher.
Robert Baker, captured at Deep Bottom.
George H. Bellows, mortally wounded at Olustee.
Michael Byers, killed at Chesterfield Heights.
David Caier, wounded at Drury’s Bluff. 
James P. Caldwell, wounded at Petersburg.
Elisha Canson, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Cheston C. Cole, wounded at Drury’s Bluff.
Frederick Cromwell, killed at Olustee.
Charles Dennegar, wounded at Deep Bottom, and killed at Fort Fisher.
Charles De Van, killed at Deep Bottom.
Nathan Farrell, wounded at Petersburg.
John Faus, wounded and captured at Olustee.
James Gardner, mortally wounded at Olustee.
Henry Haiser, mortally wounded at Petersburg.
George Hart, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Thomas J. Henry, wounded at Olustee, and captured at Deep Bottom.
John Hogan, wounded at Olustee, and killed at Petersburg.
Patrick Joyce, wounded at Petersburg.
John Kaiser, killed at Fort Gilmer.
Ambrose W. Kirkham, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Joseph Lancaster, wounded at Olustee, and at Deep Bottom.
John Lasher, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Whitney A. Lee, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
Alexander Lenegar, wounded at Petersburg.
John A. Lenegar, killed at Olustee.
Peter Lenagar, killed at Fort Fisher
Solomon Lenegar, wounded at Bermuda Hundreds.
Samuel H. Lust, wounded at Olustee.
John McDowel, killed at Olustee.
John Morsuce, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Henry O’Niel, wounded at Olustee, and at Drury’s Bluff.
Batty Quilty, wounded at Fort Fisher.
Niles Reynolds, wounded at Fort Gilmer.
William Reynolds, wounded at Fort Gilmer.
John Robinson, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Frederick Seller, wounded at Drury’s Bluff.
Joseph Shannon, wounded at Maryland Heights.
John Sherlock, captured at Deep Bottom.
Conrad Smith, mortally wounded at Fort Fisher.
Martin timmins, wounded and captured at Deep Bottom
William Van Allstyne, wounded at Olustee.
John J. Van Brocklin, mortally wounded at Harper’s Ferry.
Lafayette Waterman, wounded at Olustee, and captured at Deep Bottom.
David Worry, wounded and captured at Olustee.

Company B
Capt. John P. Kneeskern, hit at Olustee, and wounded at Fort Fisher.
Capt. Isaac C. Smith, wounded at Olustee.
First Lt. John van Desande, mortally wounded at Deep Bottom.
First Sergt. John Rearden, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.Sergt. Orin H. Brown, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
Sergt. Daniel K. Peacock, wounded at Olustee.
Corp. William Alger, wounded at Olustee.
Corp. Seeley conover, wounded at Deep Bottom.
Corp. James Green, severely wounded and reported dead.
Corp. Lucas W. Mount, wounded and captured at Chesterfield Heights.
Corp. James Sneck, wounded at Deep Bottom, and at Olustee.
Act. Hosp. Steward Jadua Countryman, killed at Fort Fisher.
William Alpaugh, wounded at Olustee.
John Becker, wounded at Petersburgh.
James Bellis, wounded at Olustee.
Jacob B. Brown, wounded at Olustee.
Jacob B. Brown, kissed at Petersburgh..
N. Cook, wounded at Olustee.
John Daley, wounded at Olustee.
Livingston Derrick, wounded at Deep Bottom.
Abram Failing, wounded at Deep Bottom, and at Olustee.
William E. Flint, killed at Olustee.
W. H. Flint, wounded at Darbytown Road.
Daniel Gilday, killed at Olustee.
Henry Goodrich, killed at Coal Harbor.
L. A. Goodrich, wounded at Deep Bottom.
George Hickey, wounded at Coal Harbor.
William Hompkey, wounded at Deep Bottom, and at Fort Fisher.
Henry Hose, wounded at Olustee.
George Hoyt, wounded at Olustee.
W. Hubbs, wounded at Olustee.
A. Kohler, wounded at Darbytown road.
William Lake, wounded at Olustee.
Charles G. Lappie, wounded at Deep Bottom.
John P. Lintner, mortally wounded at Petersburg.
Richard Maxfield, wounded at Olustee. 
August Meyers, wounded and captured at Olustee.
John Miller, wounded at Deep Bottom.
John F. Moyer, wounded at Olustee.
Frank Niederlander, killed at Olustee.
N. Rabis, wounded at Drury’s Bluff.
Nicholas Rupert, killed at Deep Bottom.
Alonzo Smith, killed at Olustee.
George Smith, wounded at Deep Bottom.
Lucius A. smith, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Orian Snell, captured at Deep Bottom, and wounded at Olustee.
Daniel Starring, wounded at Olustee.
D. C. Tompkins, reported killed at Olustee.
Fisher F. Van Epps, captured at Deep Bottom.
Reuben Walrath, mortally wounded at Darbytown Road.
James Weast, wounded at Olustee and Darbytown Road.
George Weaver, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
William Welch, wounded at Olustee.
Daniel Whitney, wounded at Drury’s Bluff.
John Williams, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
Nathan Zeigel, wounded at Olustee.

Company C
Capt. William H. McKittrick, killed at Fort Gilmer.
First Lieut. George H. Curren, wounded at Olustee.
Second Lieut. William Tompkins, killed at Olustee.
First Sergt. Charles S. Fisher, killed at Fort Gilmer.
Sergt. William I. Jennings, wounded at Darbytown Road.
Corp. Alonzo Allen wounded at Olustee.
Corp. J. W. Clark, jr., wounded at Deep Bottom.
Corp Sidney T. Cornell, killed at Olustee.
Corp. Robert Fox, killed at Olustee.
Corp. J. M. Herrick, wounded at Deep Bottom.
Corp. ------------- Mason, wounded at Olustee.
Philip Alback, captured at Olustee, attempted to escape from rebel prisons three times, was twice captured by dogs, and wounded, but the third time succeeded in reaching our lines.
William Backman, killed at Fort Fisher.
Charles N. Baker, wounded at Olustee.
Wesson Benson, killed at Olustee.
Lewis Bertrand, wounded at Coal Harbor, and killed at Fort Gilmer.
John H. Briggs, wounded at Deep Bottom.
Milo E. Burbee, wounded at Deep Bottom.
Peter Butler, killed at Olustee.
Philip S. Christy, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Henry Chute, killed at Fort Fisher.
Mark Cochran, wounded at Olustee, and at Coal Harbor.
George W. Coloney, Jr., captured at Deep Bottom.
Jeremiah Coy, wounded at Fort Fisher.
Charles D. Cozzens, wounded at Olustee, and captured at Drury’s Bluff.
Almonts D. Crater, wounded at Drury’s Bluff.
Maurice I. Drynan, killed at Darbytown Road.
John Duckett, wounded at Olustee.
Albert Dunning, killed at Petersburg.
Elam F. Evans, killed at Olustee.
George M. Evans, missing at Deep Bottom.
Andrew J. Freeman, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
James A. Hanna, killed at Olustee.
Smith Harlow, wounded at Petersburg.
Wendall B. Howe, wounded at Olustee, and killed at Petersburg.
Charles W. Jenkins, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
David W. Jones, missing at Deep bottom.
Henry F. Jones, wounded at Olustee.
Lewis Jones, wounded at Olustee.
Christopher F. Keenholts, mortally wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
Sidney D. Lincoln, mortally wounded at Olustee.
Levi Myers, wounded at Olustee.
Edwin Rhodes, wounded at Deep Bottom.
William Smith, wounded at Fort Fisher.
Charles Spiegal, wounded at Olustee.
Dennis Springer, killed at Fort Gilmer.
George Van Steenbergh, killed at Chesterfield Heights.
George Sullivan, missing at Deep Bottom.
James A. Wager, mortally wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
Waldo Young, wounded at Fort Fisher.

Company D
First Lieut. N. De Graff, slightly wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
First Lieut. Charles Kline, wounded at Fort Gilmer, and hit at Deep Bottom.
First Lieut. Thomas Wayne, hit at Chesterfield Heights.
Sergt. Frank M. Conover, killed at Deep Bottom.
Sergt. Schuyler Gordon, wounded at Deep Bottom.
Sergt. Levi Lingenfelter, killed at Olustee.
Corp. A. J. Casler, missing at Deep bottom.
Corp. Nicholas H. Eaton, wounded at Olustee.
Corp. James Fredendall, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
Corp. Daniel Grant, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Corp. William H. Kelly, wounded at Olustee.
Corp. George Kline, wounded at Olustee, and at Deep Bottom.
Musician James A. Tripp, missing at Deep Bottom.
N. Bance, wounded at Olustee.
Roderick F. Barlow, killed at Olustee.
Myron L. Bemis, mortally wounded at Fort Gilmer.
David H. Brewer, wounded and missing at Deep Bottom.
N. Clark wounded at Olustee.
William Colgrove, captured at Deep Bottom.
James McCollum, killed at Deep bottom.
J. S. Countryman, wounded at Olustee.
Frank Crow, captured at Drury’s Bluff.
James English, wounded at Charleston, the Wilderness, and at the Weldon Railroad.
Peter A. Folmsbee, killed at Olustee.
J. Gillins, wounded and captured at Olustee.
William E. Glover, wounded at Olustee, and mortally wounded at Petersburg.
W. Harvey, wounded at Olustee.
Theodore Kehner, missing at Deep Bottom.
Thomas Lepper, wounded at Olustee.
J. McNally, wounded at Olustee.
Frank Mallery, missing at Deep Bottom.
Frand Moulter, missing at Deep Bottom.
N. newman, wounded at Olustee.
William H. Nutt, wounded at Deep Bottom.
C. Ormnd , wounded and captured at Olustee.
B. Owens, wounded at Olustee.
Martin Simmons, missing at Deep Bottom.
John H. Simpson, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Edward Smith, reported killed at Olustee.
William Thayer, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Daniel Tullock, wounded at Olustee.
John Turner, wounded at Olustee.
James W. Templer, wounded at Coal Harber.
Robert Welch, wounded at Olustee.
N. Wood, wounded at Olustee.

Company E
Capt. William H. Shaw, wounded at Coal Harbor, and at Fort Fisher.
First Sergt. Geo. M. Van Rensselaer, wounded at Olustee, and at Deep Bottom.
Color Sergt. Peter J. Keck, wounded at Olustee, at Chesterfield Heights, at Deep bottom, and at Fort Fisher.
Sergt. M. Van Steenburgh, killed at Olustee.
Corp. C. V. Hall, wounded at Olustee, and at Fort Fisher.
Corp. Eli D. M. Lee, wounded and captured at Deep Bottom.
Corp. Stewart Putman, wounded at Olustee, and at Petersburg.
Corp. W. H. Scorsby, wounded at Olustee, and at Deep Bottom.
Musician J. H. Getman, wounded at Deep Bottom.
Wagoner Wing A. White, wounded at Olustee.
Alfred Allen, wounded at Fort Gilmer.
J. Argersinger, wounded at Fort Gilmer.
F. H. Barker, wounded at Olustee.
H. G. I. Billington, wounded at Drury’s Bluff.
J. Bowman, killed at Olustee.
Eli Brooks, wounded at Fort Fisher.
George W. Buel, wounded and missing at Olustee.
G. Burns, wounded and missing at Olustee.
A. C. Canfield, wounded at Drury’s Bluff, and at Olustee.
Samuel Clemons, mortally wounded at Drury’s Bluff.
J. Covel, wounded at Fort Fisher.
S. Craig, wounded at Olustee.
J. Dooley, wounded at Olustee.
D. B. Doxtater, mortally wounded at Olustee.
Philander Doxtater, wounded at Deep Bottom.
C. Dyre, wounded at Olustee.
Harris Slasburg, wounded at Fort Fisher.
J. Getman, wounded at Darbytown Road.
A. Hanner, wounded at Petersburg.
P. Herman, wounded at Olustee.
H. Hollands, wounded and missing at Olustee.
James R. Jacobey, wounded at Deep Bottom, at Fort Fisher, and at Harper’s Ferry.
Aaron Johnson, wounded at Olustee.
S. .A. Johnson, mortally wounded at Coal Harbor.
Saunders Johnson, wounded and missing at Deep Bottom.
Andrew Keek, wounded at Harper's Ferry.
George Kinnicutt, wounded at Fort Fisher.
Phillip Kinnicutt, wounded at Fort Gilder.
Joshua Lake, wounded at Fort Fisher.
A. Mclaughlan, wounded at Olustee.
Simon P. Little, wounded at Olustee, and at Darbytown Road.
Moses Loucks, wounded at Fort Gilmer.
Cornelius McAlister, wounded at Deep Bottom, and at Olustee.
S. Miller, wounded at Olustee.
J. Montiney, wounded at Olustee.
William Montiney, killed at Darbytown Road.
L. Phillips, wounded at Olustee, and at Fort Gilmer.
A. Rathmyer, killed at Olustee.
Charles Rhodes, wounded and prisoner.
Charles Sauer, wounded twice at Deep Bottom.
Sanford Shaw, wounded and captured at Olustee.
John A.. Smith, wounded and missing at Olustee.
J. N. Taylor, wounded at Olustee.
J. Van Auken, wounded at Olustee.
J. T. W. Ward, wounded at Olustee.
John W. Ward, wounded at Petersburg.
James Welch, killed at Olustee.
J G. Young, wounded at Olustee.

Company F
Capt. W. W. French, wounded at Olustee.
First Lieut. Stephen S. Olney, killed at Fort Fisher.
First Sergt. Lewis L. Bailey, wounded at Olustee.
Sergt. H. F. Adams, wounded at Olustee, and at Chesterfield Heights.
Sergt. Nathan M. Ide, killed at Darbytown Road.
Corp. W. D. Barnes, wounded at Olustee.
Corp. E. A. Steere, killed at Olustee.
Corp. Demis Welch, wounded and missing at Olustee.
Corp. George H. Wildey, wounded at Petersburg.
Thomas H. Adcock, wounded and missing at Olustee.
Henry Baner, wounded and missing at Olustee.
Hugh Bennett, wounded at Olustee.
George Brougham, wounded at Olustee.
George C. Brown, wounded at Drury’s Bluff.
Lewis A. Burdick, wounded at Olustee.
John Burnham, wounded at Olustee.
Henry C. Campbell, wounded at Coal Harbor, and mortally wounded at Deep Bottom.
Noah B. Clark, wounded at Olustee.
William H. Clark, wounded at Olustee.
H. E. Collins, killed at Olustee.
John H. Crook, wounded at Deep Bottom, and at Olustee.
John Donahoe, wounded at Olustee.
Daniel Frasier, wounded and missing at Olustee.
Elijah Garner, wounded at Olustee.
John Gracey, wounded at Olustee.
James Grey, wounded at Olustee.
Edgar Hane, wounded and missing at Chesterfield Heights.
John Hardy, wounded at Olustee.
John Hurley, wounded at Drury’s Bluff.
Peter D. Jeandrean, killed at Olustee.
Hugh Kennedy, wounded at Olustee.
Fred Kirm, wounded and missing at Olustee.
William Lee, wounded at Olustee.
James Lingham, wounded at Olustee.
H. J. Loof, wounded and missing at Chesterfield Heights.
Andy McGuire, wounded at Olustee.
Levi Manning, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
William Mayhar, wounded at Olustee.
Henry W. Mallery, missing at Deep Bottom.
John Merrit, wounded at Olustee.
Handford Myers, wounded at Olustee, and at Petersburg.
William E. Newton, killed at Fort Fisher.
A. H. Osborn, wounded at Darbytown Road.
John S. Osborn, wounded at Olustee.
J. S. Osborn, wounded at Fort Fisher.
Charles L. parker, mortally wounded at Petersburg.
Isaac Richardson, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
J. Simpson, wounded at Olustee.
Michael Smee, wounded at Olustee.
Joshua Stead, wounded and missing at Olustee.
Norval Stewart, wounded at Olustee, and killed at Petersburg
Charles Taylor, wounded and missing at Olustee.
John R. Valantine, wounded at Olustee.
Lloyd Weston, wounded and missing at Olustee.
Myron H. Wilcox, wounded at Olustee.
Bruce Winney, wounded at Petersburg.
John C. Winney, wounded at Olustee.
Jesse Wood, missing at Deep Bottom.
M. B. Wood, wounded at Olustee.

Company G
Capt. S. B. Savage, wounded at Fort Gilmer.
First Lieut. David H. Graves, wounded at Olustee, and at Petersburg.
Second Lieut. Levi Sheffer, killed at Olustee.
First Sergt. Selden C. Clobridge, wounded at Olustee, and at Fort Gilmer.
First Sergt. L. M. Loper, wounded at Olustee, and at Fort Gilmer.
Sergt. Charles Brice, killed at Chesterfield Heights.
Sergt. Patrick Collopy, killed at Olustee.
Sergt. George B. Lyon, wounded at Olustee.
Sergt. W. T. Saulsbery, wounded at Fort Fisher, and at Fort Gilmer.
Corp. Amasa Bartlet, killed at Olustee.
Corp. S. T. Densmore, wounded and missing at Olustee.
Corp. John W. Dubois, killed at Petersburg.
Corp. Morgan L. Purdy, wounded at Olustee.
Charles Bemis, wounded at Olustee.
William H. Blackwood, wounded and missing at Olustee.
N. B. Bryant, wounded at Olustee.
J. Caffery, wounded at Olustee.
M. Castillo, wounded and missing at Olustee.
L. C. Church, wounded at Olustee.
J. Curver, wounded and missing at Olustee.
Stephen Decker, captured.
Martin De Lacatend, killed at Fort Fisher.
Michael Fethers, killed at Olustee.
Thomas H. Hare, killed at Deep Bottom.
John H. Houghton, killed at Proctor’s Creek.
Jeptha Johnson, wounded at Olustee.
John Korber, killed at Olustee.
A. O. Lee, wounded at Olustee.
James Levmiss, killed at Chesterfield Heights.
G. Losch, wounded at Deep Bottom.
Lorenzo Mallery, killed at Fort Fisher.
M. Malomly, wounded at Olustee.
A. N. Price, wounded at Olustee.
H. Ragaden, wounded an Missing at Olustee.
J. Reece, wounded at Olustee.
S. Scott, wounded at Olustee.
John Shaft, wounded at Olustee.
J. C. Smith, wounded and missing at Olustee.
John H. Snook, wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
J. Turner, wounded.
William H. Wiley, wounded and missing.
Hiram Woodcock, wounded and missing.

Company H
Capt. S. P. Smith, hit at Olustee, at Petersburg, and wounded in arm, foot, leg and cheek at Deep Bottom.
1st Lieut. James H. Clark, wounded at Olustee.
2d Lieut. John W. Filkins, wounded at Petersburg
Sergt.-major E. R. Fonda, mortally wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
1st Sergt. George T. Hoag, wounded at Fort Fisher.
Color Sergt. Charles B. Fellows, wounded and captured at Fort Gilmer.
Sergt. Wesley Hayner, wounded at Olustee.
Sergt. George T. Van Husen, wounded at Olustee, and at Petersburg.
Sergt. John R. Watt, wounded at Fort Fisher.
Corp. Peter Butler, wounded at Fort Gilmer.
Corp. James H. Gettings, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Corp. James K. P. Himes, wounded at Olustee, killed at Deep Bottom.
Corp. Charles H. Mulliken, killed at Olustee.
Corp. Abbot C. Musgrove, killed at Deep Bottom.
Corp. Orlando Swartwout, wounded at Olustee, and at Deep Bottom.
Oscar L. Ackley, killed at Olustee.
George Alexander, killed at Darbytown Road.
John Anderson, wounded at Petersburg, and in hand and leg at Fort Gilmer.
Charles Berry, killed at Coal Harbor.
Sidney Bordell, wounded at Petersburg.
John McBride, wounded at Drury’s Bluff.
William Brunswick, wounded at Olustee,
Francis Campbell, wounded at Olustee.
George Carr, wounded at Olustee.
George D. Cole, wounded through the body, both legs and thighs, and captured at Olustee.
John Cudney, wounded at Olustee.
Charles H. De Graff, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Henry B. Dummer, wounded at Olustee.
Ambrose Fowler, wounded in shoulder and leg at Deep Bottom.
Losee Filkins, wounded at Olustee.
Richard Francis, killed at Olustee
Henry Hessel, wounded at Deep Bottom.
George A. Houghtaling, wounded at Olustee and captured at Deep Bottom.
Isaac V. Irish, lost an eye.
Philip Link, killed at Olustee.
Alfred Phenix, hit five times at Olustee.
Thomas Phillips, wounded at Olustee.
Peter Rinehart, wounded at Olustee, and killed at Fort Fisher.
Henry Sampson, wounded at Olustee.
Daniel Secore, wounded at Olustee.
William Smith, killed at Olustee.
William H. Shonts, wounded at Olustee, and at Drury’s Bluff.
Andrew Stewart, mortally wounded and captured at Olustee.
Almon E. Stone, wounded at Petersburg and at Fort Fisher.
Ezra T. Stone, wounded at Olustee.
Charles Streil, wounded at Petersburg, and at Deep Bottom.
William Taylor, wound and captured at Olustee.
Benjamin thackarah, wounded at Petersburg, and 27 pieces of bone came out of his leg.
Joseph N. Tuper, wounded at Drury’s Bluff.
George Vandercook, wounded at Deep Bottom.
James Wilson, killed at Olustee.
Horace Wing, wounded at Olustee.

Company I
Captain David Kettle, hit at Olustee, and wounded at Chesterfeld Heights.
Sergt.-major H. W. Heaton, wounded at Fort Fisher.
Acting Sergt.-major William H. Kane, mortally wounded at Deep Bottom.
First Sergt. Beekman R. Near, wounded at Fort Fisher.
Sergt. Joel S. Alexander, killed at Olustee.
Sergt. A. Price, wounded at Deep bottom
Corp. O. Alexander, wounded at Olustee.
Corp. N. currer, wounded at Olustee.
Corp. John W. Dake, wounded through both hands at Olustee.
Corp. John L. Fort, killed at Fort Gilmer.
Corp. Andrew J. Peckham, mortally wounded at Coal Harbor.
Corp. Fred W. Putser, wounded at Olustee, and captured at Deep Bottom.
Corp. Thomas Stairs, wounded at Deep Bottom.
William H. Alexander, wounded at Fort gilmer.
Henry Billington, mortally wounded at Deep bottom.
R. Crandell, wounded and captured at Olustee.
James H. Core, killed at Petersburg.
N. Disbrow, wounded at Olustee.
Simeon Faulkner, wounded at Chapin’s Farm.
Morgan M. flint, killed at Drury’s Bluff.
H. Johnson, wounded and captured at Olustee.
R. B. Kelly, wounded at Olustee.
Barney McGuire, missing at Deep Bottom.
B. McGuire, wounded at Olustee.
Sylvanus Moyer, killed at Chesterfield Heights.
George Maxon, wounded and captured at Chesterfield Heights.
Daniel Peeler, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Hiram Perkins, wounded and captured at Olustee.
A. Price, wounded at Olustee.
J. Reese, wounded and missing at Olustee.
Peter N. Rightmeyer, wounded and captured at Fort Gilmer.
Richard Shannon, wounded at Olustee.
J. W. Sharff, wounded at Olustee.
J. C. Slocum, wounded at Olustee.
N. Smith, wounded at Olustee.
Alfred G. Snyder, killed at Petersburg.
Clark Southwick, mortally wounded in leg at Olustee.
John G. Steenburrer, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Patrick Sullivan, killed at Petersburg.
Isaac Thorpe, wounded at Fort Fisher.
J. Wager, wounded and captured at Olustee.
Wilbur Wager, captured.
Theodore Whitford, wounded at Olustee.
Frank Willmaster, wounded at Deep Bottom.

Company K
[This company had between 50 and 60 men killed and wounded.]
Capt. William Smith, wounded at Maryland Heights, and hit at Olustee.
First Lieut. Francis H. Francisco, killed at Deep Bottom.
First Sergt. Charles H. Bradt, killed at Olustee.
Sergt. E. Conlen, wounded at Olustee.
Sergt. John R. Clark, wounded and captured at Chesterfield Heights.
Edward Cowles, killed at Coal Harbor.
Corp. Lorenzo E. Bradt, wounded at Olustee.
Corp. James O. Fox, wounded and captured at Chesterfield Heights.
Corp. Alexander Ronald, mortally wounded at Petersburg.
George H. Ackley, captured at Pilatka, Fla.
Jacob M. Arnstead, killed at Deep Bottom.
W. Bailey, wounded at Olustee.
A. B. Barrett, wounded at Deep bottom.
J. Cole, wounded at Olustee.
C. Faling, wounded at Olustee.
Duello Groff, wounded and captured at Deep Bottom.
J. Hunter, wounded at Olustee.
C. M. Johnson, wounded at Olustee.
S. J. Juper, wounded at Olustee.
P. E. Kenbrock, Wounded at Olustee.
Charles Lamb, mortally wounded at Fort Fisher.
Frank Lamb, wounded and captured at Deep Bottom.
Norman W. Lyford, mortally wounded.
W. H. Peck, wounded at Olustee.
N. Pedrick, wounded at Olustee.
Levi Petit, killed at Olustee.
R. A. Sharp, wounded at Olustee.
A. J. Spencer, wounded at Olustee.
Obediah Sprung, mortally wounded at Chesterfield Heights.
George Sullivan, wounded and captured at Deep Bottom.
Joseph Van Derpool, wounded and captured at Olustee.
John Wadsworth, wounded at Olustee.
J. H. Williams, wounded at Olustee.
Joseph Wister, mortally wounded.
M. A. Xorn, wounded at Olustee.
W. S. Young, wounded at Olustee.
Additional Casualties in the Regiment as reported by the Press.
R. S. Bell, I. Cross, G. A. Gardneer, J. Hallyson, C. Humpford, J. Lynn, P. O’Leary, G. row, C. Sapiegle, H. C. Wheeler.
Sergt. C. L. Clark, Sergt. P. I. Rich, Sergt. W. shaw, Sergt. J. A. Swain, Corp. W. H. Conby, Corp. G. B. Harrison, Corp. T. L. Stone, W. Bichman, J. B. Brooks, L. Buckley, J. Cook, N. Cook, J. Gardineer, J. Gillman, J. Gracie, A. Hillibrandt, W. Humphrey, R. Knight, C. Lamb, O. Laroun, F. Lines, W. Little, J. McHarg, C. B. Morrison, Hiram Rhodes, B. Saldfire (missing), J. Savoy, A. Smith, c. smith, W. Smith, C. K. Such, P. Van Loon, S. A. Williams, a. s. Wood, J. R. Wood, W. Young.

Company A. was formed at Fonda, Montgomery Co., and was recruited principally from the towns of Mohawk, Glen, and Palatine. It had four officers during its term of service.

Company B was recruited principally from the towns of Minden, St. Johnsville and Canajogarie, in Montgomery Co., and contained less than half a dozen married men.

Company C was recruited in Ballston and the surrounding towns in Saratoga Co. It was the first color company of the regiment. It had two officers and many men killed.

Company D was raised principally in the towns of Amsterdam, Florida and Charleston, Montgomery Co. total number of man died, discharged, and deserted, 56. Mustered out with company, 34.

Company E was a county organization, being raised in Fulton Co. Many of its men together with its captain had served in the Northern Black Horse Cavalry.

Company F was formed at Saratoga Springs, and was mainly recruited from the northern part of Saratoga Co., although some of its members hailed from Warren county.

Company H was recruited from the towns of Half Moon, Clifton Park, Stillwater and Waterford, Saratoga co., and the village of Cohoes, Albany Co. It had 160 men on its rolls during its term of service.

Company I was formed at Fonda, of men from all parts f the 18th congressional district. It had five officers during the three years.

Company K was a county organization being recruited from Fulton county chiefly, although some of its members were from Hamilton. Total number of men, 152. Died, discharged, and deserted, 60. Mustered out, 44. Transferred and enlisted in navy, 48. Number of wounded, nearly 60.

E. S. Haywood, 1st Sergeant major; E. R. Fonda, 2d Sergeant major; H.W. Heaton, 3d Sergeant major; Washington Vosburg, Quartermaster sergeant; Robert Stewart, Ordnance sergeant; John H. Wendell, Hospital steward; Reuben Parkhurst, Hospital steward; Joab Harlow, Commissary sergeant.

J. W. Ripley, Leader; B. R. Near, F. S. Martin, C. W. Trumble, F. R. Watt, Marius Powerll, John Staples, W. H. Gorham, E. W. Drake, A. Helderbrant, C. Olmstead, Fread. Myer, Henry Clark, Jesse Wood, J. L. Moshier.

M. W. Cole, Drum Major; J. W. Ripley, Fife Major; A. Ackett, R. Blowers, J. M. Dean, Jr., D. R. Hicks, M. Powell, J. L. Moshier, George Trumble, D. H. Chittenden, John Hutchinson, C. Snyder, F. Snyder, J. A. Tripp, John Hale, B. Benson, James Getman, J. C. Winne, Jesse Wood, D. Paul, Charles Trumble, G. E. Brockway, Henry Clark, S. Butler, Philip Shaffer, T. W. Loveland, S. Hurd.