108th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
Recruiting Offices.—We give below the headquarters of some of the companies now recruiting for the Monroe County Regiment, together with their several branch offices:
Captain William H. Andrews' Company headquarters are, at the corner of Front street and Exchange Place. He also has the following branch offices: At Scottsville, Lieutenant Coxe; at Honeoye Falls, Lieutenant Tarbox; at Pittsford, Sergeant Patterson; and at Fairport, Sergeant Evans.
Captain H. B. Williams' Headquarters are behind the Arcade, No. 8 Exchange Place.
Captain Cramer's Headquarters are in the store formerly occupied by George Clarkson, 39 Arcade Gallery. He also has a branch office at Pittsford in charge of Lieutenant Goss.
Captain Deverell's Headquarters are at the corner of Front and Buffalo streets, in Grant's auction store.
Captain Cutler's Headquarters are at No. 76 Main street.
Captain Graebe holds his office at 30 Front street.
Captain F. E. Pierce's Headquarters are at the store formerly occupied by A. J. Brackett, No. 15 Buffalo street.
The Rochester Regiment, Colonel PALMER, reached the city by the Central Road, this morning, soon after 9 o'clock—having left Rochester last evening at 6 o'clock. The Regiment numbered 950 men—fifty or more being left behind. The following are the field officers of the Regiment:
O. H. Palmer, Colonel.
George B. Force, Major.
John T. Chumasero, Adjutant.
Joseph S. Harris, Quartermaster.
J. F. Whitbeck, Surgeon.
Dr. Arner, 1st Assistant Surgeon.
W. S. Ely, 2d Assistant Surgeon.
James Nichols, Chaplain.
The Lieutenant-Colonel is not yet named. It is hoped that an experienced army officer will be detached to take the position.
The Regiment took the Hudson R. R. R. cars, and proceeded to New York, where they will receive their arms and one of the Regimental Flags provided by the Governor for the first four regiments that shall take the field. This honor is to be awarded the Elmira, Albany, Rochester, and (probably) the Oswego Regiments.
A private in the German company of the Regiment was killed a few miles east of Rochester, by his head coming in contact with a bridge.
Death of a Soldier in the 108th.
EDITORS UNION: The following letter from George A. Rowe to his parents destroys the last ray of earthly hope for our beloved brother, Lyan
R. Potter, who was killed in the battle of Antietam on the 17th. He went as a matter of duty, full of hope that he should return again, but it was ordered otherwise. Feeling that it would be a consolation to his numerous friends to know that his remains were properly cared for, with permission I submit the following letter for publication: Yours, E. M. POTTER.
BATTLE FIELD, Near Sharpsburg,
Sept. 19, 1862.
DEAR FRIENDS AT HOME:—Through the providence of God Beecher (G. B. Sperry) and myself are yet alive and well. We have been preserved, while our friends, those that were near and dear, are gone. You doubtless will have heard of the great battle of Wednesday, in which the 108th was engaged, and have seen the list of killed and wounded. Among those killed you will see the name of our dear friend Potter. He was the first in our company (Co. B) to fall, and surely no one was better prepared. Often have I heard him sing that verse, "Die on the Field of Battle," and when I saw him fall I could but sing it too. We could not recover the body until yesterday, when Dr. Ely and Marquis French went for it, and we dug a grave and buried him beneath a black walnut tree. His initials are marked on the tree, and his remains may be removed in cooler weather. Lieutenant Tarbox, Barney Hamiel, James Monroe and William Lee are among the killed in our company. Our Captain was not with us, he being sick at Camp Palmer. He rejoined us this morning. He brings the mail with him, but we have not received it yet, it being left in the wagons. We are still on the battle field, but in no immediate danger. Our trust is in the God of Battles and he will protect us. We have no clothing except what we had on our backs when we left camp. Have been out thirteen days and no change of shirts yet. But I must close by sending love to you all, hoping and trusting that you will pray that God will protect us. Tell friends that they must excuse us from writing as we have no paper or envelopes with us, having left everything at camp. (This letter was written on two leaves of a diary.) I wish you would send me another Testament.
Your affectionate son and brother,
We are all sad at the loss of Lyman.
P. S.—City papers please copy.
From the One Hundred and Eighth Regiment.
The following is a private letter from a member of the 108th Regiment, to a relative in this city:
SHARPSBURG, Md., Sept 20th, 1862.
DEAR COUSIN:—I am very sorry that I have not been able to write to you before, and let you know something of my condition and whereabouts. We left Camp Palmer a week ago last Sunday, and marched nine days in succession.—Our route lay through Rockville, Clarksburg, Frederick and Boonsville. We were in the battle on Wednesday, and a terrible one it was. I can tell you. Our regiment suffered severely, losing a great many in killed and wounded, a great number of whom were officers. It was hard to see the boys lying around on the ground, some with arms, others with legs shot off; but it was harder yet to hear the poor fellows groan. Among the killed, I regret to say, were Major George B. Force, and Lieutenant D. B. Tarbox.
But though the regiment suffered badly, it fought well, it was in the thickest of the fight, and took one hundred and thirty prisoners and three stands of colors. The day after the battle we were ordered out on picket duty, when we had a picker skirmish with the rebels, and drove them, of course.
I have not time at present to give you any further particulars of the battle, but will do so the next time I write, which will be as soon as possible. It is the impression here that we have given the rebels a pretty good drubbing this time. For myself, I consider that I have been very fortunate indeed, for though I was in the hottest of the fight I did not get even a scratch.
We have not received any mail since we left camp, and consequently have heard very little recently from our friends at home. When we set out on our march we supposed that we would not be gone more than two or three days, and so did not take our knapsacks with us. Accordingly, we are at present without that very necessary article, and it's more necessary contents, and what is worse are likely to be so until we go into winter quarters. Those who are expecting to hear from friends in the regiment, would do well to send them something to write on—writing paper, envelopes, and some of your surplus postage stamps, all of which are very scarce here. But I must close here, though I have not said one twentieth part of what I wanted to. Give my love to all the folks, and have them write soon. Hoping that you will excuse the shortness of this letter, and promising to write a longer one next time, I remain your affectionate cousin, HENRY BARONS.
—A letter from E. B. Beck, fifer in Co. E, to his brother in this city, says that Maj. Force was shot in the breast. He gives some other facts most of which are mentioned in the letter of Col. Palmer to Judge Chumasero, and his official report to Col. Morris, published elsewhere.
The One Hundred and Eighth in Battle!
Colonel Palmer's Official Report Complete List of Killed, Wounded and Missing.
We are indebted to Judge CHUMASERO for the following very interesting intelligence from the 108th regiment:
Headquarters of the 108th Regt. N. Y. V.
Sharpsburg, Sept. 20, 1862.
Hon. John O. Chumasero, Chairman Military Committee, Monroe County:
MY DEAR SIR—The battle of Sharpsburg which took place on the 17th, and in which the 108th Regiment participated, was a terrific one, and a great victory. It is my painful duty to transmit to you a statement in detail of the casualties of the 108th, that facts instead of rumours [sic] and surmises may be presented to the friends of the Regiment at home.
I also enclose to you a copy of my official report to Col. Dwight Morris, who was in command of the Brigade, giving a general history of the acts of the 108th in that engagement. This together with the statement in detail will give you about as correct a general history of the fight as you will be likely to obtain, I mean so far as my command was concerned.
With few exceptions, my men who went in fought like tigers. You may say to the friends of those who have suffered, that the conduct of the Regiment was heroic, that eternal praise is due to the memory of the dead, and that those who bear scars, can wear them through life as badges of the highest honor that the earth can bestow.
You can make such use of the report and statement as you deem proper.
I have the honor to be,
Respectfully Your ob't serv't
Near Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 19, 1862.
To Col. D. Morris, Commanding 2d Brigade Gen. French's Division:
I have the honor to report that on the 17th inst. my command left Camp, near Keetysville, about 6 o'clock in the morning, and after marching about two miles, having formed into line of battle, entered into action on the crest of the hill and on the left of the Brigade, in the front line of battle, in front of the cornfield and rifle-pits occupied by the rebels. The action commenced about 7 1/2 o'clock in the morning. My command remained in line and continued in position—firing with great rapidity and energy in the face of a deadly fire of the enemy, who were stationed in the cornfield and rifle-pits, not more than twenty or thirty rods distant, until about half-past 12 o'clock in the afternoon.
During the action a charge was made upon the rifle pits, and my command took 159 rebel privates and non-commissioned officers, three rebel captains and six rebel lieutenants, also one stand of Reg't. Colors, of the 14th North Carolina Reg't. These colors were taken by Henry Niles, in Co. K, of this Reg't., but after taking the colors some officer of another Reg't. told him to give them up, stating that if he carried them he might be fired into by our own men, not knowing any better, he handed them to such officer. The prisoners were taken under guard by Capt. E. P. Fulller [sic], Co. H, of my Reg't., and delived [sic] to an officer of the 8th Ill. Cavalry, guarding at Boonsboro, Md., and a receipt taken, which has been delivered to Col. French.—The prisoners were so taken and delivered by direction of an Aid--de-Camp of Gen. Sumner. My command also took 29 rebel noncommissioned officers and one lieutenant, prisoners, who were placed under guard at the hospital by Lieut. Merrill of Co. A, and Lieut. Cox, of Co. C, and who were subsequently sent to Boonsboro.
At about half past 12 P. M., of the 17th, my command was relieved for a time by the Irish Brigade, by order of Gen. Richardson, it was then ordered to fall back about 100 rods, it did so and was then re-formed upon the colors, but I was only able then to collect about 100 men. I was then ordered by Gen. Richardson to again march into line to the front to fill a gap in the line of battle farther to the left, and in Gen. Richardson's Division, and my command was marched there accordingly and remained there under a severe fire from the enemies batteries until the close of the action at dark. By order of Gen. Hancock my command was then placed on the front line of pickets to do picket duty and remained in that position until 9 o'clock on the morning of the 18th, and until relieved by order of Gen. French. During this picket duty one prisoner was taken by a private in Co. B, and delivered to Gen. Caldwell.
During the action by officers and men, with few exceptions, conducted themselves with gratifying coolness and bravery. My loss have been severe and I regret to report that early in the action my Major, Geo. B. Force, was instantly killed, while in the fearless discharge of his duty. Lieut. D. B. Tarbox, of Co. B, and Lieut. R. F. Holmes, of Co. G, were also killed while leading their commands in action. Lieut. W. W. Bloss, of Co. A, bravely took the colors and while advancing in the face of the enemy, was severely wounded. Lieutenant Porter of Co. F, was shot through the foot while bravely discharging his duty. Twenty-three privates were killed, and one hundred and twenty two non-commissioned officers and privates were wounded. Forty-seven privates are missing, whether killed or wounded I am unable to report. My total loss in killed, wounded, and missing is 195.
I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
O. H. Palmer,
Colonel, 108th Regiment, N. Y. V.
Major George B. Force, killed.
Private Nathan Howe, killed.
Lieutenant W. W. Bloss, wounded,
Serg't Alex Christie, do.
Corp. Samuel Hamilton, do.
" Wm. H. Woodhull, do.
Private Patrick Rooney, do.
" Stephen Eld ridge, do.
" James Moore, do.
" Wm H. McLaughlin, do.
" Frank Weischer, do.
" Thomas Whalen, do.
" Wm. B. Chapman, do.
" Levi Markham, do.
" John Oter, do.
" Michael O. Hallerin, do.
" Henry Wright, missing.
" Timothy Steadman, do.
" Eugene Passage, do.
" Willard Peck, do.
" Fred. Morris, do.
Lieut. D. B. Tarbox, killed.
Private Lyman Potter, do.
" James Monroe, do.
" Barney Hamiel, do.
" Wm. Lee, do.
Serg't S. P. Howard, wounded.
" Theodore Knapp, do.
" Henry McMullen, do.
Corp. Frank Garlock, do.
" E. C. Paine, do.
Private J. Barnhart, do.
" N. Young, do.
" C. Hutchinson, do.
" John Huber, do.
" Thos. Cranston, do.
" Romaine Hart, do.
" Wm. Lawton, do.
" Henry Tripp, do.
" Henry Wilber, do.
" Ch's. Hamlin, do.
" David Evans, do.
" John Evans, do.
" James Lain, do.
" Dennison Hine, do.
" H. Rhodes, do.
" Thomas Shay, do.
" Edward Whiting, do.
" Henry Right, do.
" Ch's. Hannah, do.
Seven missing—names unknown.
Private, Wm. Johnson, killed,
" George Knight, do.
" Belden Bortie, do.
" Chas. Swick, do.
Sergt. Ezra A. Patterson, wounded.
" D D Dietrick, do.
Corp. Edward Whaley, do.
" T B Finch, do.
" Wm. O'Conners, do.
Private, Wm. Martin, do.
" Charles Cone, do.
" Andrew Maine, do.
" Brooks Amsden, do.
" Wm. Robbins, do.
" Wm. Sherman, do.
" Gustavus Gates, do.
" Wm. Sparks, do.
" John G. Smith, do.
" Jonathan Fassett, missing.
" Alonzo Fassett, do.
" Joseph Young, do.
" Mat. Cook, do.
" John McNiel, do.
Private, H Blackmore, killed.
" R. Verrien, do.
" H. Reford, wounded.
" E. Casey, do.
" J. Clark, do.
" J. A Deleveau, do.
" P. Finnegan, do.
" O. S. Haskins, do.
" Wm. Varney, do.
" Wm. Wing, do.
" H. Howe, do.
" C. B. Bradley, missing.
" Leroy Crammell, do.
" R. S. Conger, do.
" Chas. Howard, 2d, do.
" H. A. Shepard, do.
Corp. Frank Johnson, killed.
Private Byron Knowlton, do.
Corp. Michael Bryant, wounded.
" Alex. Balfour, do.
Private Daniel Meech, do.
" Theodore Sands, do.
" Manly Herrick, do.
" Henry Teller, do.
" Patrick Lynch, do.
" Ward Rapaljee, do.
" Ira Washburne, do.
" Squire Boylen, do.
" Reynolds Atwood, do.
" John Ryan, do.
" Thos. Morrison, do.
" Chester C. Kirby, do.
" James Hilton, do.
" H. Morrell, do.
" Adelbert Menter, missing.
" Spencer H_ pp, do.
" Augustus Rowe, do.
" Iretus Dryer, do.
Private Thomas McKibben, killed.
Lieut. Sam Porter, wounded.
Sergant [sic] George R Goff, do.
" Morris Welch, do.
Corp. Thomas Benton, do.
" Eugene F. Seaman, do.
Private Chas. Chase, do.
" Fred Kogle, do.
" Claud. Leonard, do.
" Robert McViete, do.
Lieut. R F. Holmes, killed.
Private Wm. DeForrest, do.
" Byron Holcomb, do.
" Danforth Patten, do.
" Martin Forbes, wounded.
" Edwin Bounds, do.
" Chas. Kinnie, do
" Wm. C. Kueale, do.
" Atwod Merritt, do.
" Albert T. Porter, do.
" Darwin Skinner, do.
" Chas. H. Skellin, do.
" Hubert Tuttle, do.
" James A. Taylor, do.
" Chas. A. Tillotsin, do.
" Peter Ball, do.
" Seymour C. Stairs, missing.
Corp. James W. Snow, killed.
Private, Daniel Warren, do.
" Adam Wager, do.
Sergt. H. Fuller, wounded.
Private, Patrick Callan, do.
" Edward Crouch, do.
" Wm. Casey, do.
" Henry Hull, do.
Private, M. Hartigan, wounded.
" Martin Maher, do.
" Harvey J. Patterson, do.
" Charles Spring, do.
" James McComber, do.
" Patrick Sullivan, do.
" Ozro Willis, do.
" John T. Hull, do.
" Eli Yatter, do.
" Henry Grummell, missing.
" Frank Stevens, do.
Corp. Frank Beckman, killed.
" John Hoffman, wounded.
" Joseph Fisher, do.
" Frank Zorsch, do.
Sergt. J. Woellert, do.
Private, N Suter, do.
" J. Kreps, do.
" J. Reisch, do.
" J. Waibe, do.
" John Siegert, do.
" Henry Liue, missing.
" August Koll, do.
Corp. Samuel B. Pollay, killed.
Private, A. McGuckin, do.
" Ellis Feliz, do.
Sergt, Miles Casey, wounded.
" Joseph Shove, do.
Corp. John Hart, do.
Private, Charles Green, do.
" Wm. Anderson, do.
" John McKenzie, do.
" James Michael, do.
" Francis Raubadau, do.
" Thos. Mackey, do.
" S. B. Polley, do.
" John Brown, missing.
Judge CHUMASERO also received a letter from his son, the Adjutant, stating that he came safely through the fight.
From the One Hundred and Eighth.
August 30th, 1862.
This is a day of excitement in this section—an almost incassant [sic] roar of cannon is heard in camp, and the sky is lurid with the smoke from the battle field. We learn from a messenger from the scene of strife, that the fighting is about twenty miles from us, near Manassas.—Stonewall Jackson is probably making a desperate struggle. In a speech to his troops on Wednesday last, he told them the Confederacy was ruined if the rebel army should be whipped now.
Although our regiment is in close approximation to the rebels, the men with but few exceptions feel as much at home as if they were in Rochester. No fear is manifest, and the desire is to have an opportunity to pick a rebel off.—The health of the regiment is excellent. Slight cases of dysentery occur, but it is soon checked by our Surgeon, Dr. Whitbeck, whose care and attention to the welfare of the men is constant. The regiment is fortunate in having the services of such an able physicians. The Quartermaster's Department is not in smooth order yet, owing to the immense pressure for supplies for the thousands of men that are arriving night and day in Washington. The men are satisfied, and enjoy themselves. Turn the eye in any direction and a sea of tents is visible on every hand. A great number of Rochester people connected with other regiments, &c., have made us visits, and the men feel as if they were "at home again." A great drouth has prevailed| throughout this section, and almost all herbage has a crisped appearance.
The regiment has come down to real work in drilling. We wake at daybreak, turn out to roll call, and drill till seven o'clock. Breakfast is then served. To witness the "Knights of the Blue Jacket," with their pint cups of coffee and tin plates of rice or beans, sitting in their tents a la tailor, is ludicrous. At 10 o'clock battalion drill is had. At 2 o'clock P. M., we are in the field again, and thorough instruction for two hours is given. Evening dress parade is had about dusk, which concludes the labors of the day, and then each man whiles away his time as he may choose until "taps," which takes place at half-past 9 o'clock. Lights are extinguished at 10 o'clock. Fifty men are detailed each night from the regiment for picket duty, whose circuit extends some five miles from camp. The drilling of the regiment is conducted by Major Force, whose discipline is effective and thorough. None of the men are allowed to visit Washington, and the sale of liquor is strictly prohibited in the camp.
Large numbers of prisoners from the rebels have been brought in within two days past.—Yesterday the noted spy of the White Horse was among a batch of such game. He is a tall, guant [sic] appearing specimen of chivalry. To-day 20,000 of Gen. McClellan's forces passed in view of our camp to the aid of Gen. Pope. They were decidedly a tanned set of men in appearance, being a portion of the forces from Harrison's Landing. If it were not for the straps upon the officers' shoulders, it would be difficult to distinguish them from the privates.—They marched on with alacrity, the booming of the cannon creating an eagerness with them to be in the contest. Rumors of the near approach of the rebels to us have prevailed for a week past, and orders require each man to sleep with clothing and boots on, ready at a moment's warning for whatever emergency may arise. We have as yet no Lieutenant Colonel. Capt. Williams and company left camp Thursday night for Falls Church, where they remain up to the present writing.
The firing appears to advance and recede, and is very heavy. An officer who has been engaged in several of the heaviest battles of the present war stated that the cannonading to-day was the most constant and heaviest that he ever heard. The clouds of smoke were plainly visible from our camp. At Falls Church continued volleys of musketry were heard all day long. Numerous rumors as to the result ot the fight prevails in camp. As the telegraph will post you as to the result, I will not narrate rumors.
Sunday Morning, August 31.
This is a dark, rainy morning. You have heard of Virginia mud from those who have waded in it heretofore. It is not only over boots, but its adhesive tendency is superior to Spaulding's Glue. An order for double quick time would be considerably impeded by mud clogs. The men lay on upon their arms last night ready for the long roll if necessary, but no foe appeared, and the camp is quiet. All are anxious to hear the result of the fight. Thousands of men, infantry, cavalry and artillery belonging to McClellan's army, have passed our camp during the night and are still moving onward.
The Rochester papers are eagerly sought for by the men.
As an evidence of the spirit that predominated with the well tried soldiers of McClellan as they were marching along yesterday, while the cannon were roaring, they were elated, and many of them exclaimed, "Now we have got old Stonewall where we want him." "Push on, boys, we have worked a great while for this chance," and they did push ahead, eager for the fray. Such a spirit manifested by veterans in the service inspires us to do likewise.
Perhaps it may be an item of information to state that a boy accompanied the regiment from Rochester, and is with us here. He says his name is Thomas Peet, that he is fourteen years old, and has no parents, that he lived with some people near Mt. Hope, and they do not know that he is with the regiment.
There are a number of men from the Peninsula army who are worn out by the fatigues they have endured, who are following on after their regiments as fast as strength will permit. Their perseverance is unyielding, and they move onward with zeal and courage worthy noble patriots.
PERSONAL.—Col. C. J. Powers, of the 108th N. Y. V., arrived here this morning, having been quite ill and still suffering. Not having seen the Colonel we are not advised by him as to the location and condition of the regiment. We hear, however, that it is somewhere in Western Maryland, detached from the army of the Potomac doing guard duty. It is said that the regiment has now only about one hundred men able to perform duty. It has lost by battle and disease from time to time till there is now scarcely more than sufficient men for a Company.
The wife and daughter of Capt. Fellman, of the 108th regiment, left for Gettysburg yesterday to attend upon him. He has lost a leg but is said to be getting along very well.
FUNERAL OF A SOLDIER.—THE funeral of Corporal William Fairchild, of Co. D, 108th Regiment, and son of Mr. A. H. Fairchild, was attended at North Bloomfield, where his father, resides, on Monday the 20th inst. He was an excellent young man, and had always sustained an unblemished character, both at home and in the army. He was killed at Gettysburg, instantly, by a ball passing, through his head, and within a few yards of Gen. Meade's headquarters. His body was brought home, and, after the services at the church, was borne to the grave, covered by the flag under which he had so honorably served, by a company of soldiers from his own and other regiments. A very large assembly were present to sympathise [sic] with the family, and to show their appreciation for the cause in which he fell.
DEATH OF LIEUT. MCGRAW.—Information has been received that Lieut. McGraw of the 108th Regiment, wounded in the Gettysburg battle, is dead. He suffered amputation of a leg. Due notice of the arrival of his remains here will be given.
Promoted.—ASSISTANT SURGEON W. S. ELY, OF the 108th Regiment N. Y. V., (son of Dr. Ely, of this city,) has received from the President the appointment of Assistant Surgeon U. S. Volunteers. The position is an important one, and only granted to such as pass a very rigid examination. The fact that Surgeon Ely has secured it, upon merit alone, is highly creditable, and will he gratifying to his many friends, in this vicinity. He has performed excellent field service in the 108th for over a year, and we congratulate him upon his deserved promotion.
RESIGNED.—Major H. S. Hogeboom, of the 108th regiment, who tendered his resignation some time since on account of ill health, has received notice of the acceptance of the same and has been honorably discharged.
ON DETACHED SERVICE.—Captains Andrews and Cramer and Lieut. Ostrander, and six privates of the 108th Regiment, have been detailed for special service in connection with the draft, and arrived in Rochester last evening. They are to report at Elmira in a few days, where they will receive instructions. The privates are Timothy Harrington, Elexis Wager, Hugh Craig, Chester Harris, Wilson and Rummel. The gallant 108th is reduced to 115 effective members. The boys are impatient to have their ranks refilled by the conscription.
THE CHRISTIAN COMMISSION AND THE 108TH REGIMENT.—We have received from the 108th Regiment the following resolutions with a request to publish:
February 24.
At a meeting of the officers and men of this regiment the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, The Christian Commission has kindly presented this regiment with a library, chapel tent and stove, and also shown us many other acts of kindness, we, the officers and men of the 108th Regiment, N. Y. V., deem it most suitable that we make some expression of thanks. Therefore,
Resolved, That to the U. S. Christian Commission to the Army are due our most sincere thanks, which we do hereby express; that among our recollections of this war the noble philanthophy [sic] of this truly Christian Society deserves a foremost place; that we regard its work as Christianity in practice, exhibiting the very spirit of the Gospel in ministering with tender sympathy to both the body and soul of those who need such ministrations.
Resolved, That from our experience of the good done by the Christian Commission, we regard it a most generous, conscientious, and sympathizing medium of communicating to the necessities of the soldier in the field, and as such do commend it to the confidence and support of the benevolent.
Resolved, That we cause these resolutions to be published in the daily papers of the city of Rochester, N. Y., and in the Home Journal; also, that we send a copy to George H. Stuart, Chairman of the Commission, to whom we are indebted for especial favor, and whom we regard as the most worthy head of a most noble philanthrophy [sic].
Lieut. CHAS. B. AYERS,
Surgeon O. MUNSON,
Sergt. O. CHILSON.
A Deserved Promotion.—Among the many of our brave officers, who have figured in this war, none are more worthy than Lieut. P. C. Kavanagh, of the 108th N. Y. V. Lieut. K. went into the service at the organization of the 108th as 2d Lieutenant of Capt. Deverell's company. He was afterwards promoted to a 1st Lieutenancy; and now we take pleasure in noting the fact that he has received a Captain's commission, dating back to June 1st, 1863, for deserving conduct on the field. The gallant ___g Captain has many friends in this city to congratulate him.
A PATRIOTIC FAMILY.—The death of the youngest son of the Rev. J. W. Spoor of this city, in the army of the Potomac, was announced at the time in this paper. Another son at the time was a member of Reynolds battery, and is now in the field; another son joined the 108th that recently left this city and still another:—all that is left, of a suitable age—has joined the 180th regiment now in camp at Portage, and the father of these sons holds himself ready to go, when the opportunity shall be offered him for the performance of those duties, for which, as a minister of Jesus Christ, he is peculiarly fitted.
Lieut. C. O. Weeks, of the 108th regiment, wounded at Gettysburg, is also here. He goes back to his regiment on Monday.
Well Represented.—Capt. Graebe, one of the drafted men who had previously "done the State some service" as a member of the 108th Regiment, yesterday obtained a substitute in the person of an old soldier who passed through the Crimean war, and was but lately discharged from military service. His price was $375, and he got it.
MILITARY FUNERALS.—The funeral services upon the remains of Lieuts. Dayton R. Card, Robert Evans and Amiet, of the 108th Regiment, were held yesterday. The obsequies of Lieuts. Card and Evans took place, jointly, at the First Baptist Church, Profs. Northrop and Hotchkiss officiating. The Light Guard and Dragoons, with Perkins' Band, acted as escort. The Benevolent Society to which Lieut. Evans belonged was also in the procession, the members wearing crape on their arms as a token of respect. The ceremonies were very impressive and were witnessed by a large concourse of people. The remains were deposited in the receiving vault and the customary salute fired.
The funeral of Lieut. Amiet was attended by the Union Guard and Turnverein, who marched to the grave and paid the usual honors.
From the 108th Regiment.
A private letter from the 108th, dated Fairfax Court House, June 19th, (Friday last) gives some interesting information respecting the movements of the regiment. The march was begun on Sunday night and continued until Thursday night, when Fairfax was reached. The boys did not expect to tarry long there, and were ready to move on. Guerillas followed the retiring army picking off stragglers. "Several of our boys have been shot," says the writer, "but Co. F has not lost a man yet, and all feel first rate." A rebel farmer on the route of the army, was saucy to the boys, evincing his sympathies for the enemy. The troops were in no mood for such exhibitions of treason, and punished the man severely by destroying his property. This is not the way to punish traitors. They should suffer in their persons rather than their property. To burn houses and barns injures many besides the offending rebel.
Killed and Wounded in the 108th.
The following official list of casualties in the 108th are forwarded by one of the officers:
Co. E—Corporal H. McLean.
Co. D—Private E. Twist.
Co. F—Capt. Byron P. Thrasher, left thigh.
Co. A—Private John O. Fee, shoulder and back; Nathan Parkhurst, right thigh; John Pellett, right arm.
Co. B—Sergeant O. A. Chilson, left hand; Corporal Wm. C. Johnson, left hand; Private H. J. Clow, both legs above the knee, bones not fractured.
Co. C—Sergeant S. Richardson, side of face and neck; Private J. E. Copeland, in neck: Warren Resegue, right knee, slightly; John G. Smith, left ankle, slightly.
Co. D—Corooral L. Burton.
Co. G—Private R. Kedward, left thigh, slightly; Robert McCullough, forehead, ball entered.
Co. H—Private Thomas Harvey, hand; James Hinds, right thumb off; Otho Gash, right hand John Burns, right arm.
Co. I—Sergeant Fred. Ristow, left breast, fatal; Corporal Ed. Fisher, face, badly; Private J. Bruchhauser, hand; Fred. Eller, arm; Mattias
Golden, arm; Peter Roth, left arm, probably amputated; August Woellert, right arm, amputated; Nicholas Sutter.
Co. E—Sergeant John Wright, left thigh; Sergeant James Walker, head, scalp wound; Corporal Irving Armes, left breast, not fatal; Private S. Green, thigh; C. Kenyon, right arm; J. Neary, left leg; M. Riley, right hand: P. Weldon, left foot.
The Death of Capt. Thrasher—Resolutions by his Company.
At a meeting of Company F., 108th N. Y. V., on hearing of the death of Capt. Byron P. Thrasher, the following resolutions were unanily [sic] adopted:
Whereas, Our Captain Byron P. Thrasher, wounded at Chancellorsville, has in the providence of God been removed from us by death, and
Whereas, We as a company are called upon to consign to the tomb one whom we have learned to honor as a brave and gallant officer, therefore
Resolved, That while we lament the loss of our noble leader, who was fearless in the discharge of duty, cheerful amid privations, uniting the graces of a gentleman with the virtues of a soldier, we bow in submission to the mysterious will of heaven, and while cherishing his memory we will emulate his example in the hope that we may rejoin him in another and a better world.
Resolved, That while we deeply sympathise [sic] with his bereaved and stricken family who are thus early called upon to part with a loved husband and father, we pray that He "who doeth all things well" will grant them the consolation of His grace; that in this trial they may recognize His hand who is "too wise to err—too good to be unkind."
Resolved, That we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, and that a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to his family, also that they be published in the daily papers of Rochester.
MEMBERS OF CO. F., 108th N. Y. V.
June 3d, 1863.
Lieut. Dayton T. Card, commanding Co. E., 108th New York, was killed instantly by a shell. His body presented a ghastly sight. He was struck in the middle of the breast by a missile, which exploded and tore him instantly in two. Haft of his face was also torn away by a fragment of a shell.
Charles P. Leclear, Co. E.—killed.
J. Wickman, Co. K.—wounded.
Sergeant A. B. Hadley, do.—wounded.
Sergeant M. C. Bryant, Co. E.—wounded.
J. D. Ansink, Co. E.—wounded.
Lieut. Cyrus O. Wickes, Co. E.—killed.
J. Brownell, C. E.—wounded.
Corp. W. Milgate, Co. E.—wounded.
Wm. Leach, Co. E.—wounded.
D. Lappeus, Co. E.—wounded.
Lieut. Evans—killed.
Lieut. McDonald—killed.
THE MISSING OF THE 108TH REGIMENT.—From a letter received here on Saturday, we learn that the majority of the men missing from the 108th Regiment, after the battle of Gettysburg, have returned to the regiment, and are now with it in pursuit of the enemy. Few, if any were taken prisoners by the rebels.
DUEL IN THE 108TH (ROCHESTER) REGIMENT.—A Tribune correspondent says:
It is not often that we have to chronicle duels here. A one-sided affair of the kind came off yesterday morning at six o'clock in French's Division, 2d Corps. On the night previous Capt. Fuller of the 108th New York became somewhat elated by whisky and slapped the face of Lieut. Porter of the same regiment. —The latter challenged him, and was on the ground with a pistol and second at the appointed hour. Fuller also appeared, but stated that he was unable either to borrow a pistol or procure a second. 'That need not interfere' said Porter; 'we will toss up for the first fire. You, being the challenged party, may select the number of paces. The tossing ensued and Fuller won. He then chose four paces. 'It will be nothing less than murder, said Porter, 'but never mind, blaze away'—Inserting his hands in his pockets, he then quietly faced his antagonist. Fuller fired on one side into the ground, and there the matter ended."
PERSONAL.—CAPT. Cramer, of the 108th, with a detachment of soldiers to attend to the distribution of drafted men, arrived at Elmira last evening.
Capt. Andrews, of the 108th regiment, also, arrived in this city last evening.
FUNERAL OF A SOLDIER.—The funeral services of Fred. Ristow, late of Co. I, 108th Regiment, took place yesterday. The Turnverein, of which deceased was a distinguished member, and the Union Guards, gave escort to the remains.
DEATH OF A GALLANT SOLDIER.—Frank A. Welsher, of Co. A, 108th Regiment, died a few days since in hospital on the Rappahannock. Deceased was from the town of Webster, and had proved himself a brave and faithful soldier. At the battle of Antietam he fought with great coolness and constancy, and when the regiment was finally rallied, scarcely two hundred men remaining, Welsher was still at his post, and fell, severely wounded. He returned home on furlough, recovered, and then went back to participate, with characteristic bravery, in subsequent engagements. After the battle of Fredericksburg No. 2 he was seized with a fatal illness. His father started to visit him, but before he reached his destination, the spirit of the gallant boy had departed. His memory will be long and tenderly cherished by his brave companions-in-arms.
Yesterday the remains of deceased and of Charles E. Moore, arrived in this city via the New York and Erie Railway. The remains of the latter were consigned to the care of Alfred G. Mudge. His friends belong in Fairport.
Promotions in the 108th Regiment.
Lieut. R. E. Evans, of the 108th Regiment, writes us under date of the 1st inst., enclosing the following promotions which were announced on dress parade, the evening previous:
2nd Lieut. D. H. Ostrander, to be 1st Lieut., vice Bloss.
Com. Sergt. A. Wells, to be 2nd Lieut., vice Ostrander.
1st Lieut. Chas. Wilson, to be Captain, vice Hogoboem.
1st Lieut. A. 8. Everett, to be Captain, vice Yale.
2nd Lieut. J. B. Kenndy, to be 1st Lieut., vice Everett.
Orderly Sergt. P. S. Howard, to be 2d Lieut., vice Kennedy.
Sergt. A. D. J. McDonald, to be 1st Lieut., vice Grennville.
2nd Lieut. Wm. F. Dutton, to be 1st Lieut., vice Wilson.
Quartermaster Sergt. P. E. Parsons, to be 2d Lieut., vice Dutton.
2d Lieut. G. Griswold, to be 1st Lieut., vice Davy.
Sergt.-Major C. B. Ayers, to be 2d Lieut., vice Griswold.
1st Lieut. J. R. Fellman, to be Captain, vice Grabe.
2d Lieut. Chas. Amlet, to be 1st Lieut., vice Fellman.
Orderly Sergt Conrad Englehast, to be 2d Lieut., vice Amlet.
The health of the regiment is good, and the men as usual are in lighting trim.
Base Ball in the Army—From the 108th.
FORD, RAPIDAN RIVER, March 19, 1863.
MR. EDITOR:—A pleasant affair came off here on the 17th. The line officers challenged the privates to play a match game of Base Ball, to be
played on our parade ground, which, by the way, is within sight of the battle field of Morton's Ford. The game was somewhat different from the one played at the Ford a few weeks ago, between Jonathan and Jeff. Although two of the officers were wounded, I fancy neither of them will have to go to the hospital. A week's rest will bring them around all right.
You will perceive that when officers associate with the privates in such a manner, the best feeling must prevail between them. Col. Powers kindly consented to be our umpire for the occasion, but he being officer of the day, we were obliged to appoint another, Mr. James Plunket, of company D, whose decisions were agreeable to both officers and men. The following is the score:
Lieut. Cavanaugh, p 2 1 Dickson, p 1 4
" Parker, c 2 2 Cunningham, 3d b 2 3
" Ayers, 1st b 1 1 McMannis, r f 3 2
" Wells, s s 2 1 Ryan, l f 4 1
" Wicks, 3d b 3 0 Barrey, 2d b 2 1
" Daly, 2d b 2 1 Hebron, s s 2 2
" Parsons, r f 2 1 Haly, c 1 2
" Englehart, l f 1 2 Vaughn, c f 1 2
" Lecke, c f 3 0 Edwards, 1sr b 2 1
Total 8 19
Home runs were made by Dickson and Vaughn.
Yesterday, March 18th, we played a match game between the 14th Conn. Vols. and 10th N. Y. Vols., against our regiment. I will not worry you with the score of the game, but merely give you a summary of the game: 14th Conn. And 10th N. Y. score, 8; 108th N. Y. 34. Yours,
G. W. V.
The Casualties—A Sad Record—Colonel O'Rorke's Fall—The Killed and
Wounded of the 108th and 140th.
The reports from the Battle Field of Pennsylvania are coming in, bringing the sad tidings that will carry pain to many an anxious heart, and at the same time afford relief to those who are in suspense and who do not see the names of their friends in the records of the bloody field. The New York papers contain lists of the killed and wounded, from which we extract below.
It is with sorrow that we are compelled to give full credit to the report we published yesterday of the death of Col. O'Rorke, of the 140th. His friends last night clung to the hope that as no tidings had been sent directly to them, that he was still living. The statements as to his fall are too minute to admit a doubt of their correctness.
The New York Herald's correspondent says:
Col. O'Rorke fell at the head of his column, while holding and waving the colors of his regiment. Scores of officers fell, and almost invariably in advance of their command. I have not heard of an officer who failed in his duty, and it was this that kept the men so firm and steadfast.
The Herald adds truly:
Few men have made a more brilliant reputation in this affair than Col. O'Rorke, One Hundred and Fortieth New York. Mounted on a rock, he was cheering on his men when a bullet struck him. He knew no fear; his fearlessness made him rash. It was so at the reduction of Fort Pulaski, where he behaved with a gallantry known to everybody. It has been so in every engagement in which he participated. Like many of our officers lost in the present battle, Col. O'Rorke was a young man, being only twenty-five years old. He graduated at West Point in 1861, standing first in his class. A good portion of the last year he commanded a brigade in the division of regulars. He possessed military talent of a high order, and was eminently prepossessing and courteous to a fault. He had indeed all those shining qualities of heart and intellect that so richly adorn a man, and vouchsafe place, power and love to their possessor.
A letter from the Potomac Army states that Captain Fuller of the 108th New York, became somewhat elated by whiskey, and slapped the face of Lieut. Porter of the same Regiment.—The latter challenged him, and was on the ground with a pistol and second at the appointed hour. Fuller also appeared, but stated that he was unable either to borrow a pistol or procure a second. "That need not interfere," said Porter, "we will toss up for the first fire. You, being the challenged party, may select the number of paces." The tossing ensued, and Fuller won. He then chose four paces.—"It will be nothing less than murder," said Porter, "but never mind, blaze away." Inserting his hands in his pockets, he then quietly faced his antagonist. Fuller fired on one side into the ground, and the matter ended.
REMAINS OF CAPT. THRASHER.—The remains of Capt. Byron P. Thrasher, late of the 108th Regiment, are expected to arrive at the Genesee Valley depot at 5:30 this P.M. The Light Guard (Zouaves), of which deceased was formerly a member, will receive the remains at the depot and give military escort.
108th Regiment.
The following is but a partial list of casualties:
Lieut. Dayton L. Card, commanding Co. E, was killed instantly by a shell. His body presented a ghastly sight. He was struck in the middle of the breast by a missile which exploded and tore him literally in two. Half of his face was also torn away by a fragment of shell.
Charles P. Leclear, Co. E, killed; J. Wickham, Co. E, wounded; Sergeant A. B. Hadley, Co. E, wounded; Sergeant M. C. Bryant, Co. E, wounded; J. D. Ansink, Co. E, wounded; Lieut. Cyrus E. Wickes, Co. E, killed; J. Brownell, Co. E, wounded; Corp. W. Milgate, Co. E, wounded; Wm. Leach, Co. E, wounded; D. Lappens, Co. E, wounded.
Lieutenant Colonel Pierce, slight; Lieut. McDonald, slight—he has been reported killed; Lieut. Dutton, slight; ____ Skinner, Co. F.; ____ McVetey, Co. F, thigh; Lieut. Amiet, killed; Capt. Fellman, both legs shot away, dangerous; Lieut. Graham, head, dangerous; Sergeant Welch, killed; Fitzner, Co. F, killed; Meeker, Co. F, severe; Schout, Co. F, slight; List of Casualties in the Late Battle.
We subjoin a list of the killed, wounded and missing in the late fighting near Gettysburg.—Our losses have been severe, and most of the troops from this vicinity have been engaged.—This is only a partial list, and further accounts will be looked for with intense interest:
Lieut. Dayton T. Card, commanding Co. E, was killed instantly by a shell. His body presented a ghastly sight. He was struck in the middle of the breast by a missle [sic] which exploded and tore him literally in two. Half of his face was also torn away by a fragment of shell.
[The death of Lieut. Card falls with crushing weight upon a young wife, the mother of four small children, and upon his afflicted parents. He followed the occupation of printer, and left his case to take up arms for his country with an earnest and honest patriotism. He enlisted in the 108th, and immediately found promotion through his ability and soldierly qualities.]
Lieut. Evans, killed.
Lieut. McDonald, killed.
Chas. P. Leclear, Co. E, killed.
J. Wickham, Co. E, wounded.
Sergt. A. B. Hadley, Co. E, wounded.
Sergt. M. C. Bryan, Co. E, wounded.
J. D. Ansink, Co. E, wounded.
Lieut. Cyrus O. Wickes, Co. E, killed.
[Lieut. Wickes is well-known in this city.—He enlisted at the outbreak of the rebellion in the 13th, N. T. V., under Capt. Lewis. He afterwards joined the 108th. His parents reside in Albien, and the death of their son will be a sad blow.]
J. Brounell, Co. E, wounded.
Corp. W. Milgate, Co, E, wounded.
Wm. Leach, Co. E, wounded.
D. Lappens, Co. E. wounded.
The Casualties in the 108th Regiment.
The following report of the killed, wounded and missing of the 108th Regiment was prepared by Lieut. Parsons, and is probably correct. The total number of known casualties is 91; missing, 48:
2d Lieut. Robert Evans, 2d Lieut. Dayton T. Card, 1st Lieut. C. W. Amiet.
Sergts. Morris Welch, I. Serger, Max Englert, Corps. Ralph Croft, Wm. Fairchild (Co. D.)
Frank Decendorth, John Hofer, John Cassidy, Charles P. L. Clear, John Fitzner, Henry Comstock.
Lieut. Col. F. E. Pierce, slightly; Capt. John R. Fellman, badly, leg off; Capt. J, Deverell, slightly; Lieut. John B. Kennedy, slightly; Lieut. A. D. J. McDonald, badly, leg; Lieut. Wm. F. Dutton, slightly; Lieut. C. O. Wicks, slightly; Lieut. G. Griswold, slightly; Lieut. J. S. Graham, slightly.
Orderly Sergt. H. W. Dingman, slightly; Ord. Sergt. J. H. Jennings, slightly; Orderly Sergeant F. M. Thrasher, slightly; Sergt. W.H. Woodhull, badly; Sergeant Thos. Gowan, badly; Sergeant Alfred Elwood, slightly; Sergt. A. B. Hadley, badly; Sergeant P. Anger, slightly; Sergt. J. O. Jewell, slightly; Sergeant James Brodie, slightly; Color Sergeant H. P. Smith, badly; Sergeant B. O. Bullock, badly; Corporal James Moore, slightly; Corporal Jonas Taylor, slightly; Corp. P. Kelly, slightly; Corp. Seth Wells, badly; Corp. Milgat, slightly; Corp. John Wickham, slight; Corp. E. K. Miller; badly; Corp. C. S. Bailey, slight; Corp. William Box, slight; Corp. Henry Rice, slight; Corp. Henry Hursh, badly; Corp. George Ewing, slight; Corp. H. J. Patterson, slight; Corporal Henry Buffton, slight.
John Reiker, mortally; Bernard Mather, mortally; Christopher Rohode, mortally; Jacob Staklin, badly; G. M. Feary, badly; Chas. Putnam, slight; Samuel Law, badly; Andrew Mann, slight; John G. Smith, badly; Alfred Potter, badly; Jacob J. Grover, slight; William Hall, slight; Samuel Chapman, slight; Henry Hartman, slightly; John M. Norris, slight; W. M. Seacle, slightly; J. Brownell, do; D. P. Lappins, do; J. D. Ansink, do; Thomas Burns, do; Michael Dokety, do; Robert McVatty, do; Seeley Meeker, do; John Kelson, do; Daniel Short, do; Stephen Gabin, do; John Swager, do; Thos. White, do; Wm. S. Kirrer, do; Patrick Welsh, do; Geo. Moore, do; Wm. Mersey, do; D. M. Stows, do; Geo. Van Schuyver, do; Thos. O'Brien, badly; Horace Kenyon, slight; Jacob Winstow, badly; I. Spring, slight; John Winglin, badly; L. Hassennohr, slight; G. Hoffman, do;
T. McDonald, slight.
Sergeant Levi Coy, Corporal Robert P. Ambrose, Corp. Fred Kreger, Corp. I. Vogler.
Andrew Garlock, M. O. Hallerin, Henry Rhoads, C. A. Keeler, Thomas Ferry, George Elliott, Revee C. Gunn, George W. Green, Wm. Lawton, Edward Whiting, Wm. Seven, John Brocus, Harvey Bisnett, drummer, George B. Tischer, Williams Lyons, J. Plunkett, C. Howard, C. Sewell, H. Barnum, Alex. Blake, Wm. Gilmore, James Foley, G. Kedward, ___ Williams, ___ Van Male, John Burns, Geo. Broken, J. Cunningham, J. H. Ackerman, John Kerr, Robert Rider, Charles Dief, G. Eberle, P. Grieney, H. Dietrich, Chris. ____, G. Behler, Fred Mayer, William Maurer, Theo. ___, Phil. Huter, C. Naiss.
Commissioned officers killed 3
Non-commissioned officers killed 5
Privates killed 6
Commissioned officers wounded 9
Non-commissioned officers wounded 26
Privates wounded 42
Missing 48
... field towards the hospital. Just then General Hays rode up, and ordered me to tell Col. Pierce to take command of the brigade. I started for my horse, and just as I reached him a whole shell passed through him, rendering him, on the whole, a useless horse. I went across the field towards the Colonel, but no more expected to reach him than to fly. My mission, however, was accomplished in safety. At this time the shells were tearing our men fearfully, knocking them all to pieces.
The 108th were distributed between the guns of Woodruff's Battery, as a support, and consequently suffered fearfully. Lieut. Card was killed here, being struck by a piece of shell in the breast, tearing it open and carrying away a portion of his face. I saw him almost at the moment he was struck. Lieut. Amiet was also killed soon after, and Corp. Fairchild, Co. D, was killed nearly at the same time and place. Lieut. Graham was severely wounded. The battery was served most splendidly, throwing shell and solid shot at the rebel batteries with unerring aim. Their ammunition soon gave out leaving them nothing but canister. Out of 60 horses only 20 were left--not enough to move the guns. At the request of Lieut. Woodruff up jumped the 108th, moved the guns back, and then dropped again upon the ground to await the approach of the rebel infantry. Having temporarily silenced our battery, the enemy advanced a whole brigade on our devoted regiment. When within 300 yards of us, the boys moved the battery forward again, and Lieut. Woodruff poured the canister into the ranks of the advancing rebels. The 108th also advanced and gave them their balls. As the regiment advanced, I took Capt. Postle's horse and rode back, being then the only staff officer on the ground. An Orderly with the Brigade flag accompanied me. The bails flew thicker and faster around us, and nothing short of an Omnipotent arm saved us. Up came the rebels, and as they neared our men, seeing that if they persisted [sic] in advancing they would be annihilated [sic], threw down their arms. At this moment the clear voice of Col. Pierce rang out the order "Cease firing," and the rebels ran in and gave themselves up as prisoners. As they ran by our line, I took six swords from the officers, and also a battle flag, which I delivered to the Provost Guard, with the prisoners, 200 in number. The swords were sent to our headquarters to preserve as trophies. Along the line of the whole Brigade the scene was the same, the rebels throwing down their arms as soon as they found themselves in such hot proximity to us. The attacking party was at least four times as large as ours, in fact we have captured as many prisoners as we had men in the command, and the field is strewn with their dead and wounded. Our brave boys fell by hundreds, but the number of the enemy slain far exceeds ours.
Our division captured sixteen stand of colors or battle flags, in the engagement. Our own, second brigade, got ten of them. Our men fought with the utmost coolness and tenacity, determined that no rebel should get beyond our lines, unless unarmed. Lieut. Woodruff was killed just as his battery was delivering their last charge to the enemy. Noble fellow! he was as cool and brave as a man could be, and it seemed sad that he could not have lived to share the honors of a victory he had so gallantly aided to win. At 7 o'clock the firing had nearly subsided, and the dead and wounded must be cared for. Our ambulances have began their trips to the field, and the brave fallen are being rapidly removed. Many of our poor boys lie among the dead batterymen and horses, and I will get a list of their names by morning. Other regiments in the brigade suffered as severely as ours in proportion to their numbers. We have taken many a fraternal grasp of the hand in exchanging congratulations on our escape from personal injury.
I cannot write more to-night.
In a few lines addressed to his father, dated the morning of the 4th, Lieut. P. says: "We have had a terrible battle, as you will see by my diary enclosed. Thanks to a merciful God, I am safe, though I had no expectation of seeing the sun set last night. We are very busy getting returns of killed and wounded, which I will enclose. The 108th fought nobly and suffered terribly, losing 140 men in killed, wounded and missing. The missing consist of those taken prisoners and others who will yet be heard from somewhere. Col. Powers was sick and not in the engagement, as also was Acting Adjutant C. B. Ayers. The rest are all right."
From the 108th Reg't---complete list of Casualties.
We are enabled to-day to lay before our readers the official list of casualties in the 108th Regiment at the battle of Gettysburg. The list was sent by Lieut. Parsons to his father, Geo. W. Parsons. Lieut. Parsons was Aid-de-camp to
Col. Smyth, commanding 2d brigade, 3d division, 2d army corps.
In a diary kept by the Lieutenant he says the boys fought nobly and suffered terribly, losing in killed, wounded and missing, 146 men.
Many of our brave boys have been killed, others are suffering from painful wounds. The great majority of wounded are only slightly so. The publication of the list will carry anguish to many a household.
2d Lieut. Robert Evans, 2d Lieut. Dayton T. Card, 1st Lieut. C. W. Amiet.
Sergt. Morris Welch, Sergt. I. Serger, Sergt. Max Englert, Corp. Ralph Croft, Corp. Wm. Fairchild (Co. D.)
Frank Decendorth, John Hofer, John Cassidy, Charles P. L. Clear, John Fitzner, Henry Comstock.
Lieut. Col. J. E. Pierce, slightly; Capt. John E. Fellman, badly, leg off; Capt. J. Deverell, slightly; Lieut. John B. Kennedy, slightly; Lieut. A. D. J. McDonald, badly, leg; Lieut. Wm. F. Dutton, slightly; Lieut. C.O. Wicks, slightly; Lieut. G. Griswold, slightly; Lieut. J. S. Graham, slightly.
Orderly Sergeant H. W. Dingman, slightly; Orderly Sergeant J. H. Jennings, slightly; Orderly Sergeant, J. W. Thrasher, slightly; Sergeant W. H. Woodhull, badly; Sergeant Thos. Gown, badly; Sergeant Alfred Elwood, slightly; A. B. Hadley, badly; Sergeant P. Anger, slightly; J. O. Jewell, slightly; Sergeant Jas. Brodie, slightly; Color Sergeant H. P. Smith, badly; Sergeant S. O. Bullock, badly; Corp. James Moore, slightly; Corp. Jonas Taylor, slightly; Corp. P. Kelly, slightly; Corp. Seth Wells, badly; Corp. Milgat, slightly; Corp. John Wickham, slight; Corp. E. K. Miller, badly; Corp. C. S. Bailey, slight; Corp. Wm. Box, slight; Corp. Henry Rice, slight; Corp. Henry Hursh, badly; Corp. Geo. Ewing, slight; Corp. H. J, Patterson, slight; Corp. Henry Buffton, slight.
John Reiker, mortally; Bernard, Mather, mortally; Christopher Rohode, mortally; Jacob Staklin, badly; G. M. Feary, badly; Chas. Putnam, slight; Samuel Law, badly; Andrew Man, slight; John G. Smith, badly; Alfred Potter, badly; Jacob J. Grover, slight; William Hall, slight; Sam'l Chapman, slight; Henry Hartman, slightly; John M. Norris, slight; W. M. Seacle, slight; J. Brownell, slight; D. P. Lappins, slight; J. D. Ansink, slight; Thomas Burns, slight; Michael Dokety, slight; Robert McVatty, slight; Seeley Meeker, slight; John Nelson, slight; Dan'l Short, slight; Stephen Sabin, slight; John Swager, slight; Thomas White, slight; Wm. S. Kirrer, slight; Patrick Welsh, slight; George Moore, slight; William Mersey, Blight; D. M. Stows, slight; Geo. Van Schuyver, slight; Thomas O'Brien, badly; Horrce Kenyon, slight; Jacob Winstow, badly; I. Spring, slight; John Winglin, badly; L. Hassennohr, slight; G. Hoffman, slight; T. McDonald, slight.
Sergt. Leyi Coy, Corp. Robert P. Ambrose, Corporal Fred Kreger, Corp. I. Vogler.
Andrew Garlock, M. O. Hallerin, Henry Rhoads, C. A. Keeler, Thomas Ferry, George Elliott, Revee C. Gunn, George W. Green, Wm. Lawton, Edward Whiting. Wm. Seven, John Brocus, Harvey Bisnett, drummer, George B. Tischer, William Lyons. J. Prunkett, C. Howard, C. Sewell, H. Barnum, Alex. Blake, Wm. Gilmore, James Foley, G. Kedward, ___ Williams, ___ Van Male, John Burns, Geo. Broken, J. Cunningham, J. H. Ackerman, John Kerr, Robert Rider, Charles Rief, G. Eberle, P. Grieney, H. Dietrich, Chris. Stien, G. Behler, Fred. Mayer, William Maurer, Theo. Bolivar, Phil. Huter, C. Naiss.
Commissioned Officers killed, 8; non-commissioned officers killed, 5; privates killed, 6. Commissioned officers wounded, 9; non-commissioned officers wounded, 26; privates wounded, 43; missing, 48.
Lieutenant Parsons states that some of the missing are known to be prisoners—the rest will turn up somewhere. Colonel Smyth was wounded, and Lieut. Schaffer on the Colonel's staff was also wounded. Lieut. Parsons had both of his horses killed. Col. Powers and Acting Adj. C. B. Ayers were sick and not in the fight.
Further List of Casualties.
We find the following additional list of killed and wounded in yesterday's New York papers:
108TH REGIMENT.—Lieut. Col. Pierce, slight; Lt. Evans, killed; Lt. McDonald, slight; Lt. Dutton, slightly; Lieut. Hicks, slightly; ___ Skinner, F; ___ McVety, F, thigh; Lt. Amiest, killed; Capt. Fellman, both legs shot away, and dangerous; Lt. Graham, head, dangerous; Sergt, Welsh,* killed; Fitzner, F, killed; Meeker, F, severe; Swager, F, wound; Schont, F, slight.
*Sergt. Morris Welsh was a nephew of Frank J. Ayers, of this city. The news of his death has caused his mother to be frantic with grief.
126TH REGIMENT (WAYNE AND CAYUGA.)—Col. E. Sherrill, killed; Capt. Shimes, Co. F, killed; Capt. O. J. Herrinden, H, killed; Capt. Wheeler, K, killed; Lt. Lawrence, B, wounded; Capt. J. H. Brough, E, wounded; Lt. Brown, C, wounded; Capt. Richardson, D, wounded; Lt. Holmes, G, killed; Lt. Owen, H, wounded; Lt. Hontoon, H, wounded; L t Seamans, K, wounded. Three hundred men killed, wounded and missing.
The correspondent who sends the list, adds:
The above is the noble record of the brave regiment known by their traducers as "Harper's Ferry Cowards." Capt. Brough is severely wounded, but still talks of nothing but fighting and capturing Rebels.
140TH REGIMENT.—B. McCormick, arm.
REYNOLDS' BATTERY.—Capt. Gilbert H. Reynolds, struck by a fragment of shell upon the left eye and side. The sight of the eye is permanently lost, and the lids much hurt and inflamed. This injury was received on Wednesday, when the first corps, under Gen. Reynolds, who was killed at the beginning of the action, took Gettysburg, and was attacked by the rebel army then lying west of the town. Reynolds' Battery and two others were posted on the left line of battle, and here the rebels charged furiously, and succeeded in flanking our line. The first corps was driven back, and the batteries left without infantry supports, were compelled to retire. The horses attached to one of the guns were shot and the gun lost. Another was disabled by the breaking of an axle, but taken off the field. Lt. Wilbur's and Sergt. Rooney's horses were shot under them. Eighteen or twenty horses were lost in all—eight being killed at one time.
During the fighting, the Louisiana Tigers charged on the batteries, rushing up to the muzzles of the guns, and actually spiking one of Capt. Cooper's pieces. The Tigers suffered fearfully and were driven back. One gunner used his rammer, and another seized a musket and bayoneted a daring rebel.
The wounded men belonging to the battery, with their captain, were taken prisoners, and sent to the town, of which the rebels then had possession. On the recapture of the place, they were released and sent to the rear, as the rebels threatened to shell the village.
The casualties in the Battery as far as known by Capt Reynolds, are as follows: Edward Costello, killed; John Valier, Oswego, shot in the heel; John P. Conn, severe head wound; Amos Gibbs, wrist wounded; Conable, (detailed from a Pennsylvania regiment) in the side; Edward Foster, Rochester, slightly; Sergt. Patrick Rooney, Rochester, and Patrick Gray, of Oswego, missing. There are no additional names in the published lists.
Capt. Reynolds says the Battery fought splendidly, the officers were cool and the men brave and efficient. Good service was done during the whole three days's battles.
From the 108th Regiment—Official List of Casualties.
On Saturday we gave an authentic but unofficial list of casualties in the 108th Regiment at the battle of Gettysburg. To-day we are enabled, through the kindness of Lieut. and Acting Adjutant C. B. Ayers, to give an official list of casualties, classified in companies, with the nature and extent of each man's wound.—Where the wounded arc located at present we are not informed.
EDITORS UNION AND ADVERTISER:— I send you a report of the casualties in our regiment during the engagements of the 2d and 3d of July:
Lieut. Col. F. E. Pierce, wounded in arm, slight.
Killed—Frank Deicenroth, John Haffer, Michael O'Halorand, John Rinker. Wounded—Sergt. H.W. Dingman, hand, slight; Barnard Mathers, leg amputated; Sergt. Wm. H. Woodhull, breast, seveve; James Moore, ankle, slight; Christopher Rhoda, arm, slight; Jacob Steaklin, arm, severe; James K. P. Taylor, side, slight.
Wounded—Lieut. J. B. Kennedy, arm, slight; Corp. G. P. Kelly, leg, slight; George Elliott, leg, slight; Geo. Terry, thigh, severe; Thos Terry, thigh, severe; Edward Kecier, finger, slight.
Killed—Lieutenant Robert Evans, Corp. Ralph Croft.
Wounded—Captain W. H. Andrews, head, slight; Lieut. A. D. J. McDonald, left arm, badly; Sergeant Thomas Gorm, leg, severely; Corp. Seth Wells, hip, severely; Corp. Wm. W. West, head, slight; Privates Sam'l P. Chapman, back, slight; Wm. Hall, ankle, severe; Sam'l Law, forearm, severe; Andrew Main, in ankle, slight; Alfred Potter, hip, severe; John G. Smith, back, severe; James Wood, finger, slight: John J. Grower, ankle, slight; Charles Putnam, hip, slight.
Killed—Corporal Wm. Fairchild; Private John Cassidy.
Wounded—Lieut. Wm. F. Dutton, heel, slight; Sergt. John H. Jennings, arm, severe; Sergt. Alfred Elwood, side, slight; Privates John M. Morris, arm, slight; Henry Hartman, hand, slight.
Killed—Charles P. LeClear. Wounded—Lieut. Cyrus
Wickes, face, slight; Sergt. Alfred B. Hadley, face, severe; Sergeant M. C. Bryant, slight; Corporal Milgate, side, slight; Privates John G. Ansink, thigh, slight; Jerome Brownell. shoulder; William Leach, scalp; D. P. Lappers, thigh; slight; John Wickham, back, slight.
Killed—Sergt. Maurice Welch, Privates Henry Comstock, John Fitzner. Wounded—Sergt. F. M. Thrasher, head, slight; Sergt. John O. Jewell, face, slight; Peter Anger, arm, slight; Color Corp. Enoch K. Miller, breast, severe; Corp. Charles Bailey, hip, slight; Private Thos. Burns, leg, slight; Mitchell Dolley, hip, severe; James Fahey, knee, slight; Robert McVety, side, severe; Seeley Meeker, serious; John Nelson, legs, slight; Daniel Schout, leg, slight; Stephen Sabin, ankle, slight; John Swager, shoulder, severe; Wm. Skinner, thigh, slight; Thos. White, head, slight; Patrick Welch, knee, slight.
Wounded—Lieut. Gardner Griswold, foot, slight; Sergt. James Brodie, arm; slight; Corporal Rice, head, slight; Corp. Ewing, toot, slight; Corporal Hursh, arm, severe; Corp. Wm. Box, neck, bad; Privates Morey, shoulder, slight; Stairs, arm, slight; Williams, shoulder, slight; Moore, eye, slight; Van Schuyver, thigh, slight.
Killed—Lieut. Dayton T. Card.
Wounded—Sergeant Samuel Bullock, leg, amputated; Sergt. Henry Smith, breast, severe; Corporal Harvey J. Patterson, shoulder, slight; Thomas O'Brien, leg, slight; Jacob Winslow, head, slight.
Killed—Lieut. Charles V. Amiet, Sergt. Marks Englert, John Senger. Wounded—Capt. John B. Fellman, leg, amputated; Sergt. Christopher Fraugott, slight; Privates Geo. Hoffman, knee, slight; Lorenz Hasenohr, slight; John Wenglin, head, slight; Chris. Steinein, knee, slight; Jacob Spring, face, slight; Chris. Shroeder, slight.
Wounded—Capt. J. Deverell, head, slight; Lieut. John L. Graham, head, severe; Corporal Henry Bufton, heel, slight; Private Patrick McDonald, slight.
Please give the above your earliest notice and oblige your most obedient,
CHARLES B. AYERS, Lieut. and Acting Adj. 108th N. Y. V.
THE LATE CAPT. THRASHER.—The body of the late Capt. Thrasher arrived last night by the Erie Railroad, was received by a detachment of the Light Guard and conveyed to the Undertaking Rooms of Mr. Jeffrey, State street, to be repacked and put in suitable condition for the funeral obsequies which will take place at three this P. M., from the Second Baptist Church, North street. The Union Guard, Capt. Sellinger, will form the escort. Other military companies will attend the funeral.
THE LATE LIEUT. ROBERT EVANS.—This young officer, who was killed in the battle of Gettysburg, as previously stated, was deserving of more than a passing notice. Lieut. E. was in some respects a remarkable character. He will be remembered by many as the young man who on Sunday afternoons, particularly, during the summer months, made public addresses in front of the Court House, from the steps of Centre Market, and other places. He was a very zealous reformer. Slavery, intemperance and irreligion were the ordinary topics of his public discourses, and we think it may be truly said of him that his every day practices were in strict conformity with his professions.
Lieut. Evans was very active in recruiting for the 108th Regiment, in which he enlisted as Orderly Sergeant, but was soon after promoted to Lieutenancy. If he was in stature the smallest officer in the regiment, he was also reckoned one of the bravest. In his moral and political nature he was like the Puritan soldier of the sixteenth century, and possessed all the shining qualities of the true Cromwellian—high patriotic ardor, burning religious zeal, austere morality and indomitable personal courage.—He would have smitten "the enemies of the Lord and of Gideon" even as he desired to unite the rebels, hip and thigh, and to exterminate them, root and branch.
Lieut. E. was a young man of more than ordinary ability. He had for some time prior to entering the army, while in the employ of G. W. Burbank, Esq., as head miller, devoted all his leisure hours to the study of theology. In the conduct of the religious public meetings, and in the temperance cause, he bore his own expenses, such was his enthusiasm in religion and reform. After entering the army, he made a will, appointing Dea. David Dickey his executor. In this will he provided, in the event of death on the battle field, that his body should be brought to this city for interment; and the balance of his funds, more or less, should be equally divided between the Union and Foreign Bible Societies. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of this city, and enjoyed the confidence and respect of all who knew him.
From the 108th Regiment—The Great Battle—Partial List of Sufferers.
Lieutenant Gardner Griswold of the 108th Regiment, who was wounded in the battle of Gettysburg, arrived here last night and gives us the following facts in reference to his regiment: The regiment was engaged during the 2d and 3d days of the battle and suffered severely, and the Lieutenant thinks it lost half—going into the fight 200 strong. It supported Ricketts' old regular battery during the entire fight, and the command owed its safety from capture to this regiment, as he himself said on the field. They suffered most from the artillery of the enemy, which was concentrated at that point. The first day they lost only fifteen, but on the second they were called upon to repulse the enemy, who, supposing the battery deserted, charged upon it but were driven off. The boys turned artillerists on this occasion, and as all the horses were shot, they run up the pieces by hand and dealt out the cannister to the gunners.
The rebels captured said they supposed they were fighting Couch's militia, and their first exclamation was, "God, we are fighting the Army of the Potomac!" The Lieutenant says that he was told by the boys after the fight that opposite them the rebels had left 72 cannon spiked, which they had seen. The regiment lay there during these two days, he says, without any sleep or anything to eat.
As the Lieutenant left the regiment after he was wounded, he cannot give any list of the casualties. He, however, learned the following:
Col. Pierce was struck on the arm with a piece of shell.
Col. Parsons, on Brig. Gen. Hays's staff, had his horse shot.
Capt. Fellman, of this city, was wounded.
Lieuts. Amiette, Card, Evans, Graham and McDonald were also wounded.
Lieut. Griswold was struck in the foot by a piece of shell, making an uncomfortable wound. Lieut. Graham was struck on the head, giving a scalp wound.
ONE OF THE SLAIN.—It is a singular fact that in most cases the first reports that have been received here of casualties in our regiments have come through the New York papers. This may be accounted for by the fact that the telegraph wires are overburthened, so to speak, with business, and it is difficult to get in private messages. The shock of these reports as they come to the ears of friends is often very severe. The papers last night brought among the killed of the 108th the name of Sergt. Welch. His wife, a neice [sic] of Mrs. F. J. Ayres, was in the city and first heard of the death of her husband through the paper. She was greatly shocked and is nearly bereft of reason. Mr. Welch belonged in Riga and was home only a month since, at which time he gave directions in regard to his affairs to meet such a contingency as has occurred. His young wife and child have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.
DISHONORABLE DISMISSED.—Among the list of officers recently dishonorably dismissed from the service, as published elsewhere, will be found the name of Capt. H. P. Merrill, formerly a Lieut. of the 108th Regiment, and latterly of the 11th Heavy Artillery.
THE WOUNDED AT GETTYSBURG—DEATH OF A SOLDIER OF THE 108TH.—F. R. Garlock, a former member of the 108th Regiment, has just returned from a visit to the hospitals at Gettysburg, whither he went to ascertain the condition of Henry Rhodes of the 108th, son of Charles Rhodes, Esq., of Greece. He found that young Rhodes, who was reported missing, died of his wounds on the 3d of August at the 11th Army Corps Hospital in Gettysburg. Mr. Garlock gives us the following list of patients in the Latteman General Hospital, situated about one and a half miles from Gettysburg:
Michael Burns, Co. C, 140th Regiment, died August 3d. Buried in the burying grounds attached to the General Hospital.
A. S. Bostwick, 140th, wounded in the knee. Doing well.
Henry Smith, "Razor Strop Man," right leg amputated. Has "one more left." Doing well.
Andrew McComber, 140th, wounded. Doing well.
George Stripp, 140th, wounded. Doing well.
J. C. Geiger, same regiment, wounded. Doing well.
Samuel J. Bullock, Co. H, 108th Regiment, wounded. Doing well.
Bernard Matters, Co. A, 108th, wounded. Doing well.
Capt. John R. Fellman, Co. I, 108th, leg amputated. Doing well. Attended by his wife and daughter.
Jacob Berger, Co. G, 140th, wounded. Doing well.
Leiso Smith, Co. D, 108th, wounded. Doing well.
J. C. Evarts, Co. G, 140th, wounded in the shoulder. Doing well.
Silas Smith, Co. B, 140th, wounded. Doing well.
Corp. Valentine Degan, Co. E, 140th, wounded. Doing well.
There are over 2,000 wounded men in Hospitals at Gettysburg. Among them are 800 rebels. Nearly all are doing well.
A DECEASED VOLUNTEER.—The body of Sergt. Morris Welsh, of the 108th regiment, killed at Gettysburg, arrived here last night by the Genesee Valley Railroad, and was taken immediately to Churchville for interment. Sergt. Welsh was a brave soldier and his fall will be lamented by all who knew him.
NOT DEAD YET.—The Union a day or two since contained a notice of the death of Seeley Meeker, a member of the 108th Regiment, who was said to have died of wounds received at the battle of Gettysburg. We learn that the friends of Mr. Meeker, at Churchville, where he resided, have received intelligence that he was only wounded, and that he is in a fair way to speedily recover.
From the 108th.
FALMOUTH, VA., Dec. 19, '62.
I have nothing new to communicate. The weather is fine, or has been for three or four days. I have to add to our list of died, Chas. Stadley, Co. A., Merwin Hall, from 3d Ward, Co. G.
Capt. Yale's and Lieut. Geo. F. Loder's resignation have been accepted. Our sick have been removed to the Hospitals at Washington.
Another one of the regiment, whose name does not occur to me now, has also died. Several resignations of officers are pending. Heavy cannonading has been heard during the day.—Have nothing more to add to-night. I hope to date the next letter from another place, from present reports. THUMB.
—Our correspondent furnishes the following list of Co. G. in hospital:
Orderly Sergt. C. E. Sabin.
Sergt. E. S. Hyne—very sick.
G. W. Wright.
Corporal Wm. Box.
G. S. Pendleton.
H. Hurst.
The Late Capt. Byron P. Thrasher—Resolutions by Officers of the 108th
Reg't. N. Y. Vols.
Camp near Falmouth, Va., June 6, '63.
At a meeting of the officers of the 108th Regiment, N. Y. Vols., held on the evening of June 4th, 1863, to express their sorrow for the loss of a brother officer, Capt. Byron P. Thrasher, who died of a wound received at the battle of Chancellorsville, May 3d, 1883, and their sympathies with the relatives and widow of deceased, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted :
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to take from among us in early manhood, an efficient, brave and faithful soldier, Capt. Byron P. Thrasher, who died from the effects of a wound received while bravely battling for his country against armed traitors, the common enemies of Republican Government, and the cause of humanity, therefore
Resolved, That Capt. B. P. Thrasher, by his meritorious and gentlemantly [sic] conduct, rose to an honorable position, and won the respect and esteem of his fellow officers, and that in his death we recognize the chastisement of Divine Power, and bow, deeply deploring our loss.
Resolved, That we tender the widow and relatives of deceased our heartfelt sympathies in their dire affliction, and commend them to Heaven for strength and consolation, in this hour of their deepest saddest bereavement,
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions he sent to the widow of deceased, and also to each of the Rochester daily papers for publication.
Capt. Wm. H. ANDREWS, Pres't.
Lieut. CYRUS O. WICKS, Sec'y.
From the 108th Regiment.
FALMOUTH, Va., June 11, 1863.
We are still in our new camp, which has been metamorphosed from a dense wood of underbrush into a cool and shady grove—neatness and cleanliness being two essential rules to be observed in camp as a preventive against disease. I will report as evidence in support of such observance that, for five weeks after the return of the regiment from Chancellorsville, none were reported sick in the regimental hospital. It will thus be seen that the sanitary condition of our camp ranks high. During the excessive heat of late, several cases arising from that cause, have occurred, but I am not informed that they are of a serious nature.
The telegraph has informed you that this army has been actively on the alert for some days past. So it has, and is. What the programme is, we don't know. The result of movements reach you as soon as we get through with a job. What the morrow may bring forth is out of speculative range. The rebels are up and moving, and so are we. "Look out for stirring events soon." When? Now and then. Cannonading is a daily occurrence in this section, and although it carries death with it yet we have become accustomed to it, knowing that we entered the service to face such music. "Getting used to things." Everybody is obliged to do it, and although war is a terrible business to become accustomed to, yet soldiers must do so—else the folks at home might be, deprived of the comfort, happiness and pleasures they now enjoy.
An amusing scene occurred in camp a day or two since. A "grayback" was discovered perched up in a tree near camp, scanning the movements of the men. Upon being discovered a gun was brought to bear, but no surrender was yielded; therefore a squad of fifteen or twenty men gathered stones and tried the effect of pelting the spy to terms of "Come down." While beating a retreat from one tree to another the victim fell, badly wounded. The prisoner was a beautiful gray squirrel of the largest variety.
The intelligence of the death of Capt. Thrasher caused painful regret throughout the entire regiment. He was a universal favorite, greatly beloved by his own company, and highly regarded by his associate officers. As an officer he was always prompt and efficient in his duties. In action he inspired the men of his command by his heroic example and courage. As a testimonial of their regard for him the company, although reduced in numbers, have raised nearly three hundred dollars, which will be increased by others, for the purpose of erecting a suitable monument to the memory of a brave and chivalrous officer. Resolutions of condolence have been passed by the regimental officers, which utter the sentiments of the entire regiment, copies of which have been forwarded home for publication.
A young man named Welcher, of Co. A, died last week. He was from Webster. His father has been here after his remains.
The recent promotions in the regiment give entire satisfaction, and the men obey their new officers with good will and alacrity.
The weather is unexceptionably hot, and if soldiers can keep cool in the performance of their duties, it is their good luck.
Monroe county men in other regiments visit our camp frequently, and they are warmly welcolmed [sic]. Not long since—supposing there was a "stranger in camp"—it required two or three observations to recognize the features of Capt. Dayton, of that portion of the 105th consolidated with the 94th. The rebuffs he has encountered in his military experience, and overcoming them in gaining his present position, afford good evidence that he is a man of pluck and energy as a soldier. His company is reported one of the best drilled and most efficient in the 94th.
Lieut. Charles B. Ayres is acting Adjutant of the regiment during the absence of Adjutant Williams, who left us severely ill for the quiet and peaceful comforts of "Home," among the health-restoring hills of Henrietta. We all wish him a speedy recovery and a safe return to the brave companions he has left in Virginia.
I send you a list of the present officers of our regiment, which may be of interest to friends at home. But three of the Captains who came out with us, still retain their positions, viz:—Captains Andrews, Cramer, and Deverell.
Colonel—Charles J. Powers.
Lieut. Col.—Frank E. Pierce.
Major—H. S. Hogoboom.
Adjutant—Marvin Williams.
Sergt. Major—Reuben H. Halstead.
Co. A—Capt. W. H. Merrill; 1st Lieut., D. H. Ostrander; 2d Lieut., A. T. Wells.
Co. B—Capt. Charles Wilson; 1st Lieut., J. B. Kennedy; 2d Lieut., S. P. Howard.
Co. C—Capt. W. H. Andrews; 1st Lieut., A. J. M. McDonald; 2d Lieut., R. E. Evans.
Co. D—Capt. J. G. Cramer; 1st Lieut. W. F. Dutton; 2d Lieut., T. E. Parsons.
Co. E—Capt. ___; 1st Lieut., C. O. Wickes; 2d Lieut, J. Kinleyside.
Co. F—Capt ____; 1st Lieut., Samuel Porter; 2d Lieut., A. J. Locke.
Co. G—Capt. A. S. Everett; 1st Lieut., G. Griswold; 2d Lieut., C. J. Ayres.
Co. H—Capt. ____; 1st Lieut., F. B. Hutchinson; 2d Lieut., D. T. Card.
Co. I—Capt J. R. Fellman; 1st Lieut, C. B. Amiet; 2d Lieut, C. Englehart.
Co. K—Capt J. Deverell; 1st Lieut., P. Kavanaugh; 2d Lieut. J. Graham. TRUME.
From the 108th Regiment.
DAYBREAK, June 17, 1863.
We have bidden adieu to Falmouth and the scenes familiar to us in the adjacent country. Sunday morning the train of our corps commenced moving. We arrived at Stafford Court House about noon, when the 6th corps came up and joined us. The old camps about the place looked pleasant, although deserted. The old Court House is sadly dilapidated and looked as if Justice had winged away where more quiet prevails. We traveled all night till broad daylight and halted temporarily. The troops broke camp at tattoo Sunday night and followed on.
Monday morning, the train started on again and continued moving till one o'clock A. M., Tuesday. The day was awful hot, the dust stifling and nearly suffocating, yet necessity demanded that we should push ahead as fast as possible. I learn that the troops suffered terribly from heat and dust. Several officers and men fell down and died from coup de soleil and exhaustion. A number also fell out and are probably prisoners, as the rebels followed our troops up and bagged both men and articles left behind. Two or three of the officers and men of the 108th gave out from exhaustion.
Tuesday, we pushed on to within one mile from Fairfax Station. Men and animals being nearly exhausted, a rest was had for the night. Here, we have first learned of Lee's raid into Pennsylvania. The artillery has pushed on to Washington as rapidly as possible. We move on again soon. We have an immense train, which would no doubt be a great prize to the rebels. There are, however, three corps of troops distributed along with the train, the second bringing up the rear.
The first halt I belive [sic] was at Stafford Court House. Our pickets had a hard time falling back and returning two or three times. The second halt was at Dumfries. Tuesday night the line of defence by the troops was at Ocoquan Creek. We are yet 25 miles from Washington. We surmise that we are wanted in "My Maryland" again, as speedily as we can get there. Our friends at home (except the returned warriors) have but little conception of the severe toils and fatigue men are obliged to endure in marching with speed under a broiling sun and in clouds of dust, climbing mountains and fording streams. It would not be strange if more fell by the way side than have done so.
After our nine months hardship and sufferings since we left Washington last fall, it seems joyful to approach her precincts once more, where we can see civilization and an enlightened people. Nine months! upon the pages of their history, the 108th has recorded terrific battles, dark and dismal days of disease, long and weary marches. Col. Powers and Lieut. Col. Pierce are constant in then efforts to cheer the boys onward in their present severe march. Quartermaster Harris is wide awake in keeping their haversacks well filled. We are again speeding ...
Democrat & American.
From the 108th Regiment.
FALMOUTH, Va., Jnne 13, 1863.
In the list of officers of the 108th Regiment, given in my previous communication, the following were inadvertently omitted:
Surgeon—Owen Munson.
First Assistant Surgeon—Wm. S. Ely.
Second Assistant Surgeon—Francis N. Wafer.
Chaplain—Thomas G. Grassie.
Quartermaster—Joseph S. Harris.
The heat seems to be in affinity with the torrid zone. Cool resorts are much sought for; ice is nowhere, water is warm, and all are in melting condition. Notwithstanding the oppressive heat, troops are constantly moving, and the excitement consequent upon being on the alert is exhilerating. The men are in fine spirits, and ready to go when the command is given.
Yesterday morning the rebel gunners tried their skill in throwing shell at our aeronaut who was up in his balloon taking observations of their camps, numbers, &c. One or two exploded in close proximity to him, and not liking to be made a target of, suspended in air, he descended in haste.
The rebels are very active, and stragetic [sic] movements are schemed upon a large scale, but Hooker is wide awake, and they have been foiled or seriously checked in two of their plans.—First, by our troops crossing below Fredericksburg, and the second, in the recent cavalry fight, in which it appears our gallant 8th suffered severely, in the loss of their brave Colonel and several other meritorious officers.
General Couch having been assigned to the command of the Susquehanna (Pennsylvania) Department, is succeeded in command of the Second Corps by Major-General W. S. Hancock, who has commanded the 1st Division of the corps for a long time.
Whatever may be said against suttlers [sic] in the army generally, we must maintain that our settlers [sic]—the Messrs. Rogers—are an exception against charges so freely vented. Their institution is well stocked with all that a camp village needs, and as their rates are uniform, they have become favorites with neighboring regiments as well as our own.
Every man endeavors to sing some portion of the plantation song wherein occurs in the chorus the words, "When will this cruel war be over," the sentiment of which seems to be in perfect unison with the strongest desire. If their vocal powers will not work, their efforts are made to whistle a strain. In all camps can be heard efforts at vocalizing [sic], "When will this cruel war be over?"
As we are in momentary expectation of moving, my next may be from somewhere else.
From the 108th Regiment.
Here we are about a mile and a half of the uoted [sic] Bull Run. We bivouaced [sic] here last night about 9 o'clock. Evidence that Mars has been claiming this as his domain is seen and smelt on every hand.
We were introduced to this sacred spot last night by a baptism of water; the flood-gates of Heaven were flung open, and for a time the floods descended in torrents; but whether the baptism of blood is ours just now, is doubtful.
Chances, however, are not bad for the Southern chivalry are not in much force this side of Warrenton.
The boys never felt better and more willing to enter into the controversy than to-day. May the God of battles give unto the Army of the Potomac that head, heart and strong arm which shall bring success!
12 1/2 M.—Orders to fall in and take up the march. We pass over the old Bull Run battle field at 3 P. M. Many of our dead are partially uncovered. Evidently they have only had a little earth thrown over them, and the rains have washed it off their extremities—feet, hands and head. We saw one skull in the road. It is a place of great interest to us. Our "Stonewall Jackson" (Col. Powers) was wounded here when with the old 13th.
But we pass on. Halt for the night at Gainesville. We are pretty well soaked—for what the reservoirs of heaven don't pour upon us, we have fording to equal. A few of the streams have measured all some of us had to spare in the leg line. It is heavy marching to-day.
Sunday morning, 6 A. M.—Stopped raining, and promises to clear off. We fell into line of battle at day light. We have a heavy picket out—some batteries planted. A good deal of slow but cautious work before us. R. E.
From the 108th Regiment.
June 21, 1863.
DEAR UNION:—One week ago to-night we left our camp near Falmouth, Va. It has seemed a long week to me, and will always be remembered in my army experience. We have left the comforts which a permanent camp affords us, left the neighborhood of sutlers and purveyors, and now have to ring changes on hard tack, coffee and pork, occasionally varied by a little fresh meat. Once during the week we have obtained soft bread and potatoes. Our cosy [sic] little wall tents too have been superseded by the diminutive shelter tents, and here I am to-day stretched in a prone position under one
of the latter, with my paper on the ground attempting to write a letter. Chaplain G. lies at my left, counting the number of discharges per minute from artillery six or eight miles northwest of us. In a shelter tent the horizontal position is the only one that can be assumed with any comfort. "Four guns per minute." "Five guns per minute," Mr. G. counts. The thunder of artillery has been heard since early morning. Seven guns in a minute we count now. It sounds a great way distant and in the direction of Thoroughfare Gap. Though our march here has been a trying one in many respects, it has had its pleasant features. Prominent among these has been the beautiful scenery or the country through which we have passed. Hill and valley clothed with the ripest verdure as always to be seen, and were it not that a minute inspection of the soil shows it to be almost worthless we should consider the country a paradise. The inhabitants seem like backwoodsmen. The houses are of the plainest kind, and fashion and luxury must here find few notaries.
After crossing Aquia Creek on Monday last, wandered into the woods and discovered some very old graves, with interesting inscriptions. The stones were laid horizontally, and adorned with hideous skull and bone figures cut in them. The name of the dead, engraved on slate and set in the granite, had long ago crumbled and fallen away, while huge forest trees stood all around, marking the lapse of many years since the remains of loved ones were there deposited. Here are some of the inscriptions, the name being lost in the perishable slate: "She was the second daughter of the Lady Baltimore, by Henry Sewall, Esq., Secratarie of Mariland. Her age, 35 years." The stone of an infant read as follows: "Hic jacet Clara, first borne child of George Brent, Esq., by Marie, his 2d wife, obit 10 of March, 1687, statis, 28 days." Another stone placed perpendicularly, bears merely "Flora, 1697." Another reads, "In memory of Patterson Doyle, who departed this life July 18, 1795, aged 50 years and upwards, &c." Maryland was not settled I think by Lord Baltimore until 1632. It could not have been very extensively inhabited in 1687, the date of "Clara's" death.
On Tuesday I was detailed to take charge of the Division ambulance train on the march, to pick up the sick who fell out from their regiments. It was a difficult task, and required my constant attention from 3 A. M. to 7 P. M., to tell who were really sick, and, when the ambulances became full, to order out those least ailing in order to make room for a sicker squad, required all the ability I possessed. Many were the maledictions heaped on me by the rejected ones, and the sense of relief at the close of the day was inexpressible. A great many men blistered there feel so severely that they could only proceed with the greatest difficulty. The burning heat of the sun, and the clouds of dust raised by 10,000 men exhausted completely many who considered themselves proof against such depressing influences, and had never fallen out before.
—Here I am interrupted with an order from the Surgeon-in-Chief to accompany the detail for picket duty.
In fifteen minutes horse is saddled, blankets, overcoat and rubber cloth packed before and behind the saddle, together with shelter tent and rations. Servant and orderly with knapsack are also ready, and away we go at the rear of 150 privates detailed from the different regiments of the brigade. It is wonderful to see how speedily a field, dotted with hundreds of tents, strewn with haversacks, knapsacks and cooking utensils, will be freed of them all at the order to "fall in" on picket line.
We passed over the bull Run battle field yesterday afternoon in our march to this place. We all wished to see more of a field so memorable, but were not halted or allowed to do so. Col. Powers showed us where the 13th stood, and where he himself was wounded. It does not compare in its appearances with the Antietam field. The latter shows far more plainly the terrible destructive force of modern instruments of war. It is 23 months to-day since the last battle of Bull Run.
MONDAY, A. M.—We slept quietly last night and I have heard of no trouble along our picket lines. The 1st and 2d divisions of our corps have gone ahead of us. The 3d (our division) is left for some purpose. Seven thousand cavalry passed us last night. The mail will be gathered in a few moments. Yours,
From the 108th Regiment.
June 22. 1863.
Since writing you last, we have moved onward to the above geographical title of a locality in the Old Dominion. I believe my last communication was dated 17th inst. On Thursday, 18th, the day was oppressively warm and very
dusty—the troops suffered much from heat and their burdens pulled on them heavily. We reached a place called Union Mills, and camped for the night. A heavy shower occurred, which afforded great relief to the jaded troops. We rested till 3 o'clock Friday P. M., then started again, and after marching some five miles, reached Centerville. Here we were upon the Bull Run mountains. A grand view of the country upon all sides was obtained here for miles. Immense earthworks and rifle pits are built upon the heights, seemingly, impregnable against the approach of rebel forces. The fortifications were occupied by the Garibaldi Guards, 111th, 125th, and 126th regiments N. Y. volunteers. The 111th is from Cayuga county, 125th from Troy, and the 126th from Ontario, Wayne, &c. Some of the men thought they had seen hard times, having been on duty then five months. Our boys didn't see it in that light, when compared with service and duty on the Rappahannock.
Saturday noon we started again and marched through the famous battle ground of Bull Run. The afternoon was rainy, but all were eager to view what could be seen of this twice hard-fought historic field. The country is beautiful, and a stranger would not think that terrific struggles had been enacted upon it within the space of two years. The first object of curiosity was the stone bridge, which many of the boys of the old 18th probably well recollect, as being a crowded place in the "git away" from the first Bull Run fight. It must have been twenty or twenty-five feet above the water, over the sides of which were crowded during that flight men, horses, wagons, &c., en masse. The center of the bridge has since been destroyed, having been blown up by the rebels.—We were obliged to ford the Run a short distance below the bridge, and marching along several miles saw many relics of the struggle. The bones of dead horses were numerous. Upon a side hill were a number of mounds of earth. It appeared that the bodies were left lying upon the ground, and dirt thrown over them, which the swine had rooted away, and human bones, consisting of arms, hands, legs, ribs and skulls—some with locks of hair still clinging to them, lay exposed and scattered around. That they were the remains of Union soldiers, was evident from the fact of there being blue fragments of cloth in the dirt; rebel graves were also to be seen, but they had been put under ground much deeper than our men. Old buildings that were completely riddled by cannon and musket balls still stand as evidence of the struggle. Col. Powers pointed out some positions which were very familiar, and reminded him of hot times with the old 13th. Painful emotions were created by witnessing the inhuman exposure of the remains of our soldiers. Their graves are unmarked, and they have mouldered away. We also passed a large tenantless stone house, in which Gen. Corcoran and Capt. Wm. H. Merrill were taken prisoners when wounded. Ruins of what appeared to have been fine country mansions were also to be seen. It is a beautiful section of country. Although now clothed in Nature's summer luxuriance, yet the sad marks of the devastation of war are not obliterated. Our camping place Saturday night and Sunday was at Gainesville, about six miles from Thoroughfare Gap. During Sunday heavy cannonading was heard beyond the Gap. We are evidently coming to close work and a desperate struggle. During the afternoon, a cavalry scrimmage occurred some four or five miles from us. Heavy picket details were sent out.
The week's march has been a severe one. Several of our regiment fell out, and have not yet reported themselves. Five are from Co. G, viz: Orderly Sergeant John Dean, Amos H. Graves, George Pullen, Wm. H. Smith and George Van Schuyver. Warrenton is twelve miles from us. If we move onward to that place again, we shall have succeeded in completing a circuit of about seventy miles in this section since November last, which can be classified a feat. It is about thirty miles from Falmouth, but we were obliged to take the last route to save being extinguished, as we were the last brigade, last division of the last corps that left Falmouth. All the other corps have preceded us, and by the booming of cannon appear to be busy. We cannot tell how soon this corps may be warmly at it again, as close approximations to the rebs in this section are frequent, and the range of mountains afford them many Gaps through which they can gap at us uninvitingly. It has not been the history of this corps yet to have a march which did not culminate in a battle, and then standing the brunt of the same. The 108th being a component regiment of the corps, have thus far been freely treated, on the principle of those that first come are first served. Such treatment has been administered to the boys very forcibly, and they received it unflinchingly. They have Power-fully resisted being pushed back by the foe, and Pierce-d them in a very repugnant manner. TRUME.
The Regiment Takes the Brunt of the Rebel Charges.
[We are permitted to publish the following letter from a member of the 108th Regiment to his father in this city. The writer gives a graphic and interesting account of the terrible fighting in which he shared:]
July 4th, 1863.
DEAR FATHER:—Another great battle has been fought and won. Wednesday night we arrived here from Taneytown, and Thursday morning our Regiment was ordered to the front, to support the 1st Regular Battery. During the day we were shelled occasionally, and a few of our men were wounded. Yesterday forenoon they opened on us again, but were soon silenced by our brass 12-pounders. The enemy could be seen building breastworks, or abatis work, for protection from our shot and shells. In the forenoon companies A and C were sent out as skirmishers, and had 3 killed and 4 wounded. At noon, or near that hour, they were relieved, and came in. About 2 o'clock the enemy opened fire from their batteries, thus getting a partial cross fire on us. Our guns replied in good time and order. Our Regiment were immediately in their rear, and laid down, but very many of them suffered severely; indeed it was the hardest fire the 108th ever experienced—perfectly awful, murderous. Not a second but a shell shot, or ball flew over, or by us. Large limbs were torn from the trunks of the oak trees under which we lay, and precipitated down upon our heads. One shell came shrieking and tearing through the trees, with the velocity of lightning, striking a caisson, causing it to explode, wounding several. Three or four men started to their feet to leave the spot, but Lt. Card drew his sword and commanded them to go back and lay down in their places, which they did. Small trees were cut down, and large ones shattered almost to pieces. Five different cannon balls struck a large oak, three feet in diameter, which stood not five feet from where I lay, and one of them passed entirely through it. A shell struck right at my feet, killing Sergt. Maurice Welch and Private John Fitzner. This destructive and murderous fire continued to pour in upon us for more than an hour—in fact until they silenced our batteries, or rather until we had exhausted ammunition. Very many of our cannoniers were killed or wounded, and the most of the horses. Some of our Regiment had to help them run their pieces back by hand. Gen. French having taken command of the 3d Corps, Brig. Gen. Hayes (a brother of the Hayes of our Brigade, who was taken prisoner at Chancellorsville,) had command of our Division, and I must say I think he is the bravest Division General I ever saw in the saddle. Most of the time he was riding up and down the lines front ot us, exhorting the "boys" to stand fast and fight like men. Shell, shot, nor bullets rebel sharpshooters seemed intimidate him in the least; in fact he paid not the least attention to them, nor did his Staff Officers. Once he rode by and said, "Boys, don't let 'em touch these pieces," and in a few moments he rode back again, laughing, and sung out "Hurrah! boys, we're giving them h—l!" he dashed up to the brow of the hill cheered our skirmishers, who were driving Rebs before them.— Soon after our pieces ceased firing, Rebels slackened theirs also, and then advanced three lines of infantry from the woods and across fields. I never saw troops march out with more military precision. Their lines were strait and unbroken, they looked in the distance like statues. On they came, steady firm, moving like so many antomatons. Our brigade now formed line to receive them, the skirmishers coming in at the same time. The 108th was taken out of the grove, drawn up in line of battle, and then told to kneel down until the word to fire. The 12th New Jersey, was on our left, and the 136th New York on right. Two pieces of the 1st battery were brought up by hand, and when the had advanced about half way across the field, a deadly fire grape and canister was thrown into them, mowing them down like chaff. But still on they came! When within musket range, infantry rose poured such a shower of leaden hail into them, that their lines broke they fell back in great disorder. They formed again, however, with part of the second line and came on once more; their officers waving their swords and telling them to stand fast, and not to break or run. Already had they wounded many of our men who had gone to the rear. We looked about for reinforcements, but they were not to be seen. Our ranks were closed again and we prepared to meet them once more. Lieut. Col. Pierce who had command, (Col. Powers being sick,) was backward and forth along the line, encouraging the boys and cheering them up by his cool example. All remembered the fair name the 3d division had previously won in battle, and the encomiums bestowed upon us, and every man stood ready to do his duty and preserve that name or die there; and indeed many did fall, but in the front rank, facing the enemy.—The second time, as we poured volley after volley into them, their ranks broke and all was confusion for a time; but their officers rallied them again soon, and they marched forward in a body. Our fire was too tremendously hot for them, and the third and last time they were repulsed and completely routed. Many of our troops rushed down into the field and hundreds of prisoners, many stands of colors, and any quantity of arms were taken. And here also did Gen. Hayes again show his courage and bravery. Striking his high spirited steed on the flank with his sabre, he dashed down among the Rebs, seized a stand of colors and carrying them back, he rode at a gallop along the front of our lines, laughing—and trailing the rebel flag in the dust, and then it was that cheer after cheer went up for him, entirely drowning the sound of the shell that were passing over us. No other attempt was made by them to advance to our lines. I hear that Gen. Longstreet was taken prisoner by some of our troops, and Capt. Ellerbeck of the 6th N. Y. cavalry just here, says he thinks we took about 10,000 Rebs in all, and 35 stands of colors. The 108th has suffered seriously. Co. F, lost 19 men, three of whom are killed. I think the total number killed and wounded is 89.
We have driven the enemy from our right. Last evening two divisions passed through the town of Gettysburg and are now following them up. Cannonading is heard in the distance, and no doubt it is our troops engaging them, or else shelling them as they retreat. As it is raining hard I will finish this tomorrow.
SUNDAY, July 5th, 11 a. m.
It rained hard all day yesterday p. m., and all last night. Many of the enemy lay on the field wounded; they would have been brought in but their sharpshooters picked off our men wherever they showed themselves. How much the poor fellows suffer can only be imagined. One of our skirmishers coming in said a Mississippi Captain offered him one hundred dollars in gold to bring him in, but when he would raise, a shower of bullets whistled around him; so he left the poor Captain to his fate. Our men are now roaming over the field to see what they can find, and the prisoners are burying the dead.
I have just learned from good authority that our division—the 3d—captured 32 stand of colors, and our brigade—the 2d—took 1,800 prisoners. The casualties in the 108th are more severe than was at first supposed. The report this morning shows 94 killed and wounded.—So we have but 120 men left now. There are but few regiments in the field that have been cut down to so few in number, in so short a space, though we have won a name that every member is proud of and that other regiments might envy us for. Since the first day we were in the front, and are still here. I have had more narrow escapes than ever before—men fell by my side, before and behind me, and several bullets passed through my clothes; I was also struck by a piece of shell on the calf of my right leg. I kind Providence seemed to watch over me, however, and I escaped unharmed, for which I am truly thankful.
Co. F, 108th N. Y. V.
P. S.—Col. Smyth, our brigade commander being wounded, Lieut. Col. Pierce has now got command of the brigade.
From the 108th Regiment.
Westminster, Md., July 4, 1863.
Monday, June 29—We left camp three miles south-west of Frederick City, at 9 o'clock A. M. The 180th came in from picket duty and reported they evidently had a much more agreeable time than when doing such duty in the barren vastes of Virginia. Farmers furnished them with bread, milk, butter, poultry, &c., over which the boys were not abstemious. The morning was lowery and rainy. We did not pass through the city, but upon a hill from which could be seen all that was beautiful. On the march passed over a bridge which is a grand superstructure over the Monitouc. Its massiveness is similar to the bridge over the river in your city. Upon one end of it was a pedestal, upon which was chiseled the names of the architect, managers, &c., denoting that it is a monument of solidity built years ago. The day's march has excelled all others, having accomplished thirty-five miles at 2 o'clock in the morning. Passed through very pretty places, called Liberty, Union Bridge, &c.; camped at Uniontown.
TUESDAY, 30TH.—Showery. We are now hovering near the rebels. The troops rested to-day after the same jaunt as yesterday. They do not murmur, but all desire to coop the rebels and give them an effectual extinguisher.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 1ST.—Trumpets sound, drums beat, at 6 1/2 A. M. All in readiness. The march is resumed, and the troops approximate closer in forming a cordon around the rebels. The train followed on several miles, but as prospects indicated close work, fell back about twelve miles to a station called Linwood, on the Western Maryland Railroad. The troops moved on to Taneytown, and then pressed onward toward Gettysburg, Pa.
THURSDAY, 2D.—At 6 o'clock in motion again. The vast train moved guardedly, for if the rebels could "bag" it they would secure immense supplies, ammunition, &c. Passed near New Windsor, a pretty little village. Upon an eminence, commanding a sublime view of the surrounding country, was the magnificent Calvert College. Its architecture was beautiful, and presents a finer appearance than our own University. At noon, having accomplished fifteen miles, a halt was made at Westminster. During the afternoon nearly 900 prisoners were brought in. They were stalwart men, but appeared very much jaded and worn, and being padded or encased quite thick in mud-armor, indicated that they had been deploying actively in swamps and got swamped. Very heavy and rapid cannonading was heard all the afternoon, which proved to be a terrible battle raging near Gettysburg, twenty-four miles distant, the particulars of which I shall not undertake to narrate, as you will get them by telegraph.
Friday, 3d.—Cannonding heard at intervals. Prisoners continually arriving. They do not remain here long, but are shipped to Baltimore. This place is the nearest safe point for receiving supplies for the army this side of the rebel army. A wagon supply train has started for the army. The place is guarded from surprise by a strong cavalry force. The trains of the several corps are parked here. A number of wounded officers and men are in hospital here, but up to the present time I learn of none of the 108th or 140th.
In traversing Maryland thus far a country rich in products and abounding in beautiful scenery, is presented—almost unparalleled. To us, who have been accustomed to regard Western New York as unsurpassed in her agricultural productions, we must yield the palm to Western Maryland, in her vast golden fields, cattle, &c. The farmers' residences are model institutions of architectural solidity and comfort. The barns are large, spacious and designed to hold some thousands of bushels and tons of crops. Care and neatness are generally observable. The people are noble and generous hearted. Their gratification upon seeing our troops was unbounded. Women and children hurrah for the Union. Bread and milk and the milk of human kindness, are abundantly offered, and the change is so vast from Virginia that the boys vow it is worth fighting every inch to preserve such a beautiful land from the ravages of the rebel horde. So despicable is Virginia to the troops that during the march men would throw away their overcoats, blankets, &c., to unburden themselves. People along the route would follow and gather them up.—When discovered, our men would take them away and tear them in shreds, vowing that such an ignorant, forsaken, treacherous people, thro' the section we passed, should derive no benefit from their cast off garments. Virginia has beautiful and productive land sections, but the portion the Union troops have occupied is a fit Van Diemans land for Northern Copperheads to nurse their sentiments to a focus. The climate here is not so variable as at the North. It is steady, and a person can sleep out doors rainy nights as well as under shelter without; taking cold, or suffering rheumatic pains for consumptive tendency is far below the ratio North. The streams are clear and limpid, and a bath in them makes one feel as frolicsome as a mermaid.
JULY 4TH—"The day we celebrate." While it may be ushered in at the North by a national salute, and rejoicings prevail, here thousands have been ushered to death. Seventeen hundred rebel prisoners have been brought in. Our wounded are arriving in great numbers. Churches and public buildings are converted into hospitals. The noble women turn out en masse to furnish delicacies and comforts to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded. The loss of officers is reported remarkably large. All I can hear from the 108th is that it is much cut up. Will give you particulars as fast as I can gain them. The slaughter has been terrible. The struggle is not over yet.
Owing to our moving around we have received no mail for nearly two weeks; and through the alertness of our Paymaster, no pay for four months. TRUME.
UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER.—The oration by the Rev. Dr. Peabody, before the Literary Societies last evening, was a masterly discussion of Pantheism, from the points of view suggested by prevailing speculations in science and philosophy. Unfortunately a considerable portion of the audience failed to hear the distinguished scholar by whom it was pronounced. The Poem, by Mr. Taylor, was a sparkling and beautiful production.
THE BERGEN CORNET BAND.—The music for the steamer Ontario on her Fourth of July excursions was furnished by the Bergen Cornet Band, of which S. White, Esq., is the leader, and not Mr. Scott, as was stated yesterday.
From the 108th Regiment—Official List of Casualties.
On Saturday we gave an authentic but unofficial list of casualties in the 108th Regiment at the battle of Gettysburg. To-day we arc enabled, through the kindness of Lieut. and Acting Adjutant C. B. Ayers, to give an official list of casualties, classified in companies, with the nature and extent of each man's wound.—Where the wounded are located at present we are not informed.
EDITORS UNION AND ADVERTISER:—I send you a report of the casualties in our regiment during the engagements of the 2d and 3d of July:
Lieut. Col. F. E. Pierce, wounded in arm, slight.
Killed—Frank Diecenroth, John Haffewr, Michael O'Halorand, John Rinker. Wounded—Sergt. H. W. Dingman, hand, slight; Barnard Mathers, leg amputated; Sergt. Wm. H. Woodhull, breast, severe; James Moore, ankle, slight; Christopher Rhoda, arm, slight; Jacob Steaklin, arm, severe; James K. P. Taylor, side, slight.
Wounded—Lieut. J. B. Kennedy, arm, slight; Corp. G. P. Kelly, leg, slight; George Elliott, leg, slight; Geo. Terry, thigh, severe; Thos Terry, thigh, severe; Edward Keeler, finger, slight.
Killed—Lieutenant Robert Evans, Corp. Ralph Croft.
Wounded—Captain W. H. Andrews, head, slight; Lieut. A. D. J. McDonald, left arm, badly; Sergeant Thomas Gorm, leg, severely; Corp. Seth Wells, hip, severely; Corp. Wm. W. West, head, slight; Privates Sam'l R. Chapman, back, slight; Wm. Hall, ankle, severe; Sam'l Law, forearm, severe; Andrew Main, in ankle, slight; Alfred Potter, hip, severe; Jolm G. Smith, back, severe; James Wood, finger, slight: John J. Grower, ankle, slight; Charles Putnam, hip, slight.
Killed—Corporal Wm. Fairchild; Private John Cassidy.
Wounded — Lieut. Wm. F. Dutton, heel, slight; Sergt. John H. Jennings, arm, severe; Sergt. Alfred Elwood, side, slight; Privates John M. Morris, arm, slight; Henry Hartman, hand, slight.
Killed—Charles P. LeClear. Wounded—Lieut. Cyrus Wickes, face, slight; Sergt. Alfred B. Hadley, face, severe; Sergeant M. C. Bryant; slight; Corporal Milgate, side, slight; Privates John G. Ansink, thigh, slight: Jerome Brownell, shoulder; William Leach, scalp; D. P. Lappers, thigh; slight; John Wickham, back, slight.
Killed—Sergt. Maurice Welch, Privates Henry Cornstock, John Fitzner. Wounded—Sergt. F. M. Thrasher, head, slight; Sergt. John O. Jewell, face, slight; Peter Anger, ann, slight; Color Corp. Enoch K. Miller, breast, severe; Corp. Charles Bailey, hip, slight; Private Thos. Burns, leg, slight; Mitchell Dolley, hip, severe; James Fahey, knee, slight; Robert McVety, side, severe; Seeley Meeker, serious; John Nelson, legs, alight; Daniel Schout, leg, slight; Stephen Sabin, ankle, slight; John Swager, shoulder, severe; Wm. Skinner, thigh, slight; Thos. White, head, slight; Patrick Welch, knee, slight.
Wounded—Lieut. Gardner Griswold, foot, slight; Sergt. James Brodie, arm, slight; Corporal Rice, head, slight; Corp. Ewing, foot, slight; Corporal Hursh, arm, severe; Corp. Wm. Box, neck, bad; Privates Morey, shoulder, slight; Stairs, arm, slight; Williams, shoulder, slight; Moore, eye, slight; Van Schuyver, thigh, slight.
Killed—Lieut. Dayton T. Card. Wounded—Sergeant Samuel Bullock, leg, amputated; Sergt. Henry Smith, breast, severe; Corporal Harvey J. Patterson, shoulder, slight; Thomas O'Brien, leg, slight; Jacob Wlnslow, head, slight.
Killed—Lieut. Charles V. Amiet, Sergt. Marks Englert, John Senger. Wounded—Capt. John R. Fellman, leg amputated; Sergt. Christopher Fraugott, slight; Privates Geo. Hoffman, knee, slight; Lorenz Hasenohr, slight; John Wenglin, head, slight; Chris. Steinein, knee, slight; Jacob Spring, face, slight; Chris. Shroeder, slight.
Wounded—Capt. J. Deverell, head, slight; Lieut. John L. Graham, head, severe; Corporal Henry Bufton, heel, slight; Private Patrick McDonald, slight.
Please give the above your earliest notice and oblige your most obedient,
From the 108th Regiment.
FREDERICK CITY, Md., July 8, 1863
The city is all excitement, and mud is abundant in the streets. Troops and artillery are constantly arriving from the recent battle field, and are pushing ahead for South Moutain [sic] and other sources as rapidly as possible. A heavy rain storm commenced before daylight this morning, and continued to fall in torrents till noon. If the Potomac does not now heave and surge against attempts of Lee and his routed troops to cross, it will not be for lack of water. Everything appears in watery condition; the roads are immense pudding beds. The troops are wet through, and wet over again; they are plastered with mud, but they wade on cheerfully and laugh at their appearance. The 108th are on their way with their renowned comrades, comprising the ever reliable 2d Army Corps, and are expected here to-night or to-morrow forenoon. I am informed the casualties in the regiment will figure up nearly 80. The train of the Corps left Westminster Monday morning amid a heavy rain, which prevailed throughout the day, and reached this city at 6 P. M. of the same day, being twenty-nine miles over roads badly cut up by the heavy trains
Gen. French assumed command of this vicinity Monday, and issued strict orders to be implicitly obeyed. The people thought their liberties somewhat curtailed, but they were given to understand that orders must be obeyed. On Tuesday the General was assigned to the command of the 3d corps. Gen. Wm. Hays assumed command of the 2d corps after Gen. Hancock was wounded. He seemed to be all around among the boys. He sighted the guns, creating terrible havoc among the rebels. Gen. Alex. Hays commanded the third division. You can form but little idea of the appearance of the men as they come in. Every effort is being strained to head Lee. Eleven hundred prisoners were brought in this morning. Universal joy was created by the announcement of the fall of Vicksburg, among the people. As the fatigued troops came in the news quickly spread among them and they cheered lustily.
Monday morning a spy was hung here, I went last evening and saw him swinging from a locust tree. He was to hang forty-eight hours. He appeared to be about 50 years of age. A large number of curiosity seekers visited the spot, and most of them recognized him as having been in the camps to which they belonged, selling maps, stationery, songs, books, &c.—Plans of our camps, roads which our trains were to pass, and other condemning papers were found upon him. He confessed that he had been thus engaged for two years. A drumhead court martial convicted him, and he was soon swinging. He was hung with a rope about the size of a clothes line. His clothing had been torn and cut off by the curious to send home, so that he was entirely nude. The rope by which he hung had also been clipped off link after link. The bark on the tree was also cut off, and possibly the tree was whittled up and the victim cut into piecemeat to gratify the propensity for having something the spy was hung upon. The farmers hereabout are cutting their wheat, but the weather is very unpropitious The country around here is grand. Mountain ridges loom up in the distance and the people here must be proud of their locality.
The 7th New York National Guards arrived here from Baltimore yesterday. They are doing guard duty. I suppose there will be no rest for the boys till the rebel army is cleaned out this side of the Potomac. It has been nearly four weeks of as severe duty as ever man endured, and nothing but the grand and brilliant rout of the rebel army has sustained them. Cannonading is heard again this P. M. in the South Mountain direction, indicating that the flying rebels are catching more grape. I will send a list of casualties as soon as possible if necessary.
JULY 18, 1863.
From the 108th Regiment.
Burkettsville, Md., July 11.
A bright day favors us and we are pushing on to South Mountain. The marching is up and down. From the mountain tops a glorious view of the country is had. Cherries and berries are as abundant as flies about a sugary. Occasional huts of the colored race are seen, with a numerous progeny, from the size of a ten-pin up to mammoth size. Corn appears to stalk upward with wonderful rapidity. As the troops left Frederick the naked spy wag still suspended to a tree. As it is the fourth day he has hung, he must be dead. We marched 16 miles and parked our train at the foot of the mountains Burkettsville. Troops continued upon the mountains with artillery. Sharpsburg is 10 miles from us. Lee's army must fight, swim or surrender, according to present indications. Heavy cannonading prevailed yesterday. Strange as it may seem the rains have not fallen here for two days past. The country is beautiful around this section, but the village is badly faded in beauty. Acres of ground as far as the eye can see are covered with "wheat sheafs." The farmers let the wheat cutters run as unconcernedly as if we brief war settlers were not here. Bread and milk is good, to a hungry soldier, so we thought last night when Ira came in with a six quart pot full of the lacteal, which he said a "mooley give down" for him in a field—a relish was easily acquired. The people through this section are very generally outspoken Union; occasionally a spotted sympathetic spirit of rib tendency is met with. Our chances seem to indicate that we shall soon enter that delectable country, Virginia again. Ugh! TRUME.
From the 108th Regiment.
Westminster, Md., July 5, 1863.
The latest intelligence received from the battle field, relative to the 108th, is up to the afternoon of the 4th. The distance is about 25 miles, and this is the nearest point of communication by telegraph or railroad. Commissary Fisk, who went out with supplies, furnishes the following information:
Our regiment stood their ground unflinchingly, although assailed terribly. The following are the casualties among our officers:
Killed—Lieutenants Evans, Card, and Amiet.
Wounded—Capt. Fellman, leg off; Lieutenants McDonald, arm off; Wickes and Graham.
The bravery of our men is unparalleled [sic]. A battery which they were sustaining was doing such terrible execution among the rebels that they determined to silence it; forming two lines of battle they advanced up to the brow of a hill, when our boys rose and gave a deadly reception. The struggle was terrible at this position. Ninety out of one hundred and twenty horses of the battery were killed, and the men nearly swept off, when the Captain of the Battery asked our men to give him a helping hand. They hauled the guns below the brow of the hill, and when loaded with canister and grape, put their shoulders to the wheels, pushing them up to the brow again. Thus they fought on, creating terrible havoc in the rebel ranks. When the guns were brought into position our men lay down. In this manner a number killed and wounded. Lieut. Card and two men were killed thus by a shell. Card's left side was torn open, and a portion of his left jaw carried away. Lieut. Evans was hit by a ball. He lived about half an hour, but was unconscious. Sergt. Henry E. Smith, color bearer, while gallantly upholding the colors, was wounded in the breast. It is thought he cannot survive. At the same time a shell struck the pole, breaking it in twain. Captain Fellman stood his misfortune with good pluck. When spoke to about his leg, he jocosely remarked. "Well, I shan't have to pay but twenty shillings for boots after this." While our boys were thus bravely struggling, Gen. Hays ordered another regiment to advance to divert the attention of the enemy. Seeing that they wavered, he rode forward, reprimanding them sharply, and pointing to the 108th, said "see that gallant little band fight." One chap who undertook to skulk, had his back laid open by the General's sword. Our Spartan band gave not an inch. The survivors, although their dead comrades lay thick around them, and they had not had subsistence for twenty-four hours, were as plucky as ever. To conquer or die, seemed their chief desire; and well they might feel proud and determined, for rebel prisoners were coming in by thousands. They were in high glee. This was no Virginia reverse. The battle-field is represented as one of the most terrific carnages on record. The dying groans and agony of the rebels, were awful—begging for water and surgical aid—but our men must be served first.
The record of less than a year's history of the 108th is before the people of Monroe county.—Has it done its duty? Mourning and woe will enshroud many happy family circles, but a proud record is left by the brave heroes that have fallen in the ranks of the 108th.
Three thousand prisoners were brought in yesterday, and sent to Baltimore. Among them were about 100 officers. They appeared pretty well played out. One of them upon observing the Stars and Stripes flying, said, "there's the old flag—long may it wave." Another says—" Lee said he would be in Baltimore on the 4th —we shall anyway." Another—"It's the 4th of July—we celebrate it peaceably this time." They generally express themselves as tired of the war, but say they cannot help themselves. Wounded rebel officers say the war has been prolonged by Lee's obstinacy. They also say they did not expect the Army of the Potomac was going to march 30 or 40 miles a day to catch them. They supposed they were going to meet nothing but militia, and would go as they pleased. There are about 6,000 prisoners here this morning, awaiting transportation. They come in like droves of cattle. The "balance of the army is penned up, and must surrender or die.
A heavy rain commenced yesterday afternoon, and fell in torrents during the night. The wounded must suffer indeed. The Potomac will surge against rebel attempts to recross.—The victory is in our grasp. God be praised! Fresh troops have been added to our forces.— The rebels are between two fires. Our lines have proved as impregnable as adamantine.—They have massed their forces against them in vain, falling back, leaving pyramids of victims. I will give a list of casualties as soon as possible. The constant watchfulness over the enemy's movements, burial of the dead, &c., renders it slow process to get full particulars. This place is full of our wounded. The people are unbounded in care and attention. Col. Powers, Lieut. Col. Pierce and Major Hogoboom, are safe. We are now in momentary expectation of learning that the rebel army is entirely annihilated. I have Lieut. Card's sword in charge. The deceased Lieutenants have all proved themselves able and efficient officers.—Lieutenant Card had been in command of his company most of the time since his promotion in February. He was always ready and attentive to his duties—led his men through the Chancellorville fight. The loss of so many of our brave comrades, leaves us few in numbers, yet we have the consolation of knowing that they died heroically.
Monday Morning, 6 A. M.—No further particulars from the battle field. A heavy rain is falling, which must Potomatically seal the attempts of the rebels to cross should they get away. Our trains are running to the new scene of action. The rebels have an immense train of wagons which they calculated to carry away, filled with subsistence, into barren Virginia— but they havn't got away with them. Heavy fighting must yet be done. Trume.
From the 108th Regiment.
PLEASANT VALLEY, Md., July 16, 1863.
The above title is truly applicable to the beautiful valley we are at present temporarily camped in. It is a Paradise Wherein the elixir of rest is fully appreciated by the war worn and weary veterans of the 2d Corps, after the almost constant marching and fighting during the past five weeks. We are about two miles below Harper's Ferry, and one mile from a row of antediluvean [sic] structures, in appearance, which is called Sandy Hook. We can't see the Hook—it is too muddy. The 108th, although reduced in numbers, is still vigorous, and the boys in expressions and appearance are as persevering and indomitable in the determination to assist in wielding crushing blows to rebeldom as heretofore manifested in their previous engagements. They are brushing up and putting on clean clothes, preparatory to another march—which way is not revealed.
The Potomac separates us from a familiar tramping ground, "Virginia." The lofty Loudon Heights are before us. It is all we have any particular desire to see at present. Maryland Heights loom up majestically upon the west side of us. Upon the loftiest pinnacle is visible a large stone fort, from which a broad expanse of country can be seen. There are also extensive fortifications upon Loudon Heights, over which our flag waves gloriously. Harper's Ferry has a neater appearance than when we forded the river last September and made our entree there. Fording the river at present would be a wet undertaking, as well as subjecting those who made such an attempt to a riled bath, and a quiet, gurgling realization for a short time of the old song, "I'm afloat."
Several hundred prisoners have been sent from here to Washington within the last twenty-four hours. The looked like the last run of played-out
humanity—bare-footed, filthy, and mud baked into their clothing and adhereing [sic] to their frame work. Being hungry, they begged for hard-tack, which was given them—the tack they had been engaged to take, had proved the roughest road they ever traveled.
The New York riot creates much feeling among the men, and should an order be issued for any portion of them to proceed to put down such hellish doings, they would move double-quick. No blank cartridges would be fired.—Minies, grape and cannister would be dealt out until the whole crew were relieved of vitality. Such matters are freely discussed and felt by men who are struggling to maintain our National fame, happiness and prosperity, and the moguls who have propagated such a fearful state of affairs, would get a Gettysburg "lick" if an opportunity offered.
A number of bodies of drowned rebels have been seen floating down the river. As the water is high and very rapid, numbers must have perished in crossing the river. While the men were engaged in burying the dead in the recent battle, the body of a female was found in "butternut" uniform, with a gun by her side. She had evidently died in the cause. I don't think any of our boys would have shot a female, but they might a tigress. During the late battle, many incidents occurred which were laughable; and although the mishaps were in many instances of a serious nature, yet the comical was worked in so well by several of those hurt, that the "boys" could not refrain from laughing while they were every second liable to be "tipped over" themselves.
Our men are in hopes (but they may be as distant as heretofore) that the Paymaster will appear to them before moving again. There is nearly five months' pay due them now, and if ever a laborer is worthy his hire, surely the soldiers should be. But some Paymasters are "institutions," that seem to have a bump of don't-carativeness as large as the bump of a camel's back, in regard to paying soldiers—a gutta percha conscience. When the pay comes, then pinch may be eased.
Twenty-four hours has passed, and no rain has fallen in this immediate vicinity. Indications, however, are very favorable for a shower, as the thunders are reverberating among the mountains, which, mingled with the music from several bands now playing, makes the air resonant with tones of grandeur and harmony.
From the 108th Regiment.
Warrenton, Va., July 26.
Since my last communication we have been moving in Virginia aiding and abetting to secure what all desire—the restoration of the Union in glorious compact again. Although rains were almost of daily occurrence, and mud was abundant, yet the soldiers have had so much of such distillations, that they have become used to it, and might be surprised if twenty- four hours passed, without a sprinkling.—Wheat crops stand in the fields yet, and farmers may well think that with war and elements combined, fortune is against them. Our sympathy for them, however, is not very thick, as their proclivities are rank deception, and their ill fortune is brought upon them by their own acts.
SATURDAY, July 18.—While it rained freely orders were received to march. In compliance therewith, tents were struck, and we soon left Pleasant Valley, crossing the Potomac upon a pontoon bridge to Harper's Ferry, and over the Shenandoah on a Suspension bridge to Virginia's shore. Eight miles were accomplished when we halted for the night at Hillsboro, upon the same camping ground occupied by us last November, when enroute for Falmouth. The command of the regiment devolves upon Lieut. Col. Pierce—Col. Powers having gone to Washington for medical treatment. Adjutant Marvin
Williams has resigned on account of ill health. He will be much missed by the regiment, as he was an able and effective officer—always prompt in the discharge of his duties, gentlemanly and courteous to officers and men, rendered him a general favorite.
SUNDAY, July 19—Day of rest in quiet places, but with soldiers the same daily labor. Men were hot surprised by a sprinkling. A reb farmer, about one mile from camp, played a piece of strategy upon several of our volunteers who were out for forage this morning. The decoy was bold. The men were asked what they wanted, the answer was, hay. The reb. told them it was in the barn, to go in and help themselves, but to be particular and fasten the gates, as he did not wish the cattle to get into his corn. To be sure that the gates were fastened, he examined them, himself. The men being in the barn gathering up their bundles, the doors were secured, when several concealed scouts came from the house and bagged the men, with the exception of one who escaped to tell the circumstance. To have another act appended to such play—a detail of men proceeded to the premises, burned the house and barn, and took the bipedal trickster with one or two others into custody, to practice pedestrianism till an opportunity occurs to place them where bars are peered between. It was a severe retribution, but "served him right" was the unanimous expression. The boys may help count on exchange, but the confeds. Have a large job on hand to balance our captures. Marched about six miles and camped near Woodgrove.
MONDAY, 20TH.—Being located near a fine stream, the men freely luxuriated in morning ablutions. The march was resumed. Excepting the movement of the troops, a Sunday-like quietness prevails. The few residents keep out of sight; if for the purpose of lacerating our feelings, it don't hurt any. We make up a sight they don't see every day, though it is presumable they have seen enough. We camped for the night at, Bloomfield, which is a deviation from our route last fall.
TUESDAY, 21ST.—Fine morning. Mountain breezes exhilarating, and men in fine spirits. The men remained in camp for the day. Blackberries are extraordinarily large and abundant, and appear to be the most productive crop in this section. The men quart-ered them freely. The field we occupy is also very lively with game, and if it was full grown out men would form an epicurean taste speedily. It appears to be the brooding ground of quails, and the young chicks circulate in and out of the tents and are quite familiar with the Northerners. We do not receive mail matter, nor can we send any, on account of the danger of capture. About three weeks' mail is due, which we hope to receive at Warrenton (when we get there), where it is said we are to halt and receive that which is greatly needed and desired—pay. Much hard work has been done by the troops during the last six weeks, and they are fully entitled to their hard-earned wages.
WEDNESDAY, 22.—Having four bands of music connected with our (2d) Brigade, those who have an ear for music, get full satisfaction. At 1 P. M, resumed march again under a scalding sun. Much amusement is created upon our leaving camps, to witness numbers of negroes sally forth, eager to gather what the soldiers throw away; coffee and salt are most sought for. Hurriedly they move about, fearing one may secure better picking than the other.—When a good thing is found, a grin of satisfaction illumines their visages. By moonlight we move onward, passing Upperville, and halt for the night at Ashby's Gap, where it will be recollected, Gen. Pleasanton gave Reb. Stuart a serious, discomfiting entertainment, some five weeks since.
THURSDAY, 23.—Troops left the Gap at sunrise. The country, as we approach Warrenton, has a fine appearance, and indicates that people are more thriving than in the territory we have traversed since crossing the Potomac. The mountain scenery is sublime. Ashby's Gap is not a rough gorge through the mountain, as many might infer. The mountain sides gradually slope down to the height of a single hill, which is easy of ascent and descent on both sides. Slow progress was made to-day, on account of the roughness of the roads. The troops tacked off towards Manassas Gap, and during the afternoon and night accomplished the exploit of capturing several hundred prisoners and about 2,000 head of cattle which, added to our army herd, makes a drove. Confiscation is indulged in freely by our men. The leniency that has heretofore been extended to the people through this section has not abated their virulence; on the contrary, they are more haughty and insolent. The women are pertinaciously rank; refuse "greenbacks" when offered for articles, with disdain, and accept their own brown trash with avidity, as their God of Mammon. Hay, sheep, swine, beeves and poultry are taken by our men, without any fear of remorse. Not having the name of the locality the train is packed in, it was called. Mutton Ranche, in memory of the sheep sacrificed in a good cause.
FRIDAY, 24TH.—Very warm and oppressive. Supplies being a substantial power with the army, a tacking about was made and the march resumed. Passed through Rectortown, a small ville. The splendid mountain scenery was a great contrast from the snow and mud view we had on tramp through here last fall. Had the pleasure of meeting Q. M. Crennell and Sid Munn, of the 140th, accompanying the 5th corps train—both were looking well. We halted at White's Plains and obtained supplies.
SATURDAY, 25TH.—About 3 P. M., the troops, having come up, we pushed onward for somewhere else, for it is go when you are led in the army. We soon expect our quota of conscripts to fill up our ranks. Captains Andrews and Cramer, Lieut. Ostrander, and a number of men have been detailed to go North for them. We have now added six weeks to the summer campaign, and would not hesitate to comply with an order to rest a while; the men need the relaxation much.
SUNDAY, 26.—Arrived at Warrenton about midnight. About 10 o'clock a very heavy thunder shower ... the dust, blinding lightning, crashing ... total darkness, and torrents of rain fell for an hour, apparently ... one. As the soldiers do not carry umbrellas, the saturation was complete, and they were undeniably wet; however, the harder it rained, the merrier they were. The church bell's welcome sounds are notifying "Ye followers of the Lord" that the hour approaches to come up to the temples and "Praise God, from whom ell blessings flow." Thus endeth the chapter in the beginning of the seventh week of the summer campaign of the army of the Potomac, and the day tallies one year of the three years of soldiering for ... Trume.
We expect our mails here, the contents of which will prove very palatable.
From the 108th Regiment.
July 29th, 1863.
My desire to keep you posted relative to our movements, while opportunities occur, accounts for this brief letter following one from Warrenton. Contrary to general expectations, the troops did not stop at Warrenton for recuperation, but proceeded onward, Sunday, to the present camp. The distance marched was 20 miles. The weather was very oppressive, and numbers of men were sun struck. They were exhausted, and as they had subsisted upon hardtack and coffee only, for several days, their strength yielded to the severe pressure upon them. The men speak of their trip to Manassas Gap as about the hardest road to travel they have pedestrianated yet. A sideling road upon the side of a mountain filled with rolling stones and jagged rocks, caused the careless to pitch about without ceremony. We have now rested here two days, and being abundantly supplied with rations again an extensive mastication has been busily going on, and the men feel greatly strengthened. Where we are going is not revealed to footmen. We go it per command.—Prisoners are picked up daily around by our pickets and provided with transportation to some safe retreat.
The mails due have arrived and all were made glad by the tidings received. Virginia thunder showers have occurred for two days. It is cracking thunder and forky lightning—accompanied by deluges of water. The men of the 108th are all in cheerful spirits and well. As we are camped in the country we have no village ..ms to communicate. THUMB.
The Wounded at Fort Schuyler—Incidents,
Accidents and Reflections.
SCHUYLER, N. Y., July 31, '63.
MR. EDITOR:—Having at present a plenty of spare time during the long and warm days of July and August, I know of no better way than to while away some of the dreary hours by penning a few lines to the columns of your paper, which is so widely circulated among the many friends of the troops in the field, and also at present in the U. S. Hospitals. And, as usual, I wish to communicate to the friends of members of Regiments herein mentioned. And now, taking the above statement for the foundation of this letter, I will state that I received a letter from the 126th Regiment, N. Y. V., bearing date the 28th inst., from a member of the same, Geo. J. Rose, a former resident of Victor, Ontario Co., New York. The substance of it as regards the regiment, is as follows:
We have been moving south as fast as circumstances would permit. We have passed Harper's Ferry and so on through Loudon Valley; but have now halted for a short time near Warrenton. He farther says that the company (D) is now commanded by Lieut. S. F. Lincoln, in the absence of Capt. Charles A. Richardson. He also states, we have had a very hard time during this long and tedious march, and when near Harper's Ferry we came dum, (or some other word composed nearly of the same letters) nigh starving. And concludes by adding, that most of the boys stood it well, and are all in good spirits.
In regard to those who are here as patients, they all appear to be getting along nicely, and those who appear the worst have friends from home with them, and they are trying to get leave of absence, and as they meet with some encouragement, this gives the patient joy as it would to the thousands of others who are denied the privilege for the present. But they all live in hopes, and in this respect many live in vain and by it are sadly disappointed. By it they are brought to realize how strong the ties are with which they are bound.
As to the members of the 108th who are here there are four from Co. F, who are doing well and appear to enjoy hospital life with the air of true soldiers, obedient and patient.
And now as to the affairs at the hospital in charge of Dr. Barthlon. Everything up to yesterday appeared to be well regulated for the care of the wounded brought from Gettysburg Competent and kind surgeons ready to perform the difficult operations which are always necessary after every battle, especially the one referred to above; good nurses on hand to meet the many wants of the patients; rations issued regularly, and also clothes provided in abundance.
Previous to July 30th the dull monotony of our ward was once in a while broken by the remarks of our friend P. G., a native of Ireland And as "a little fun now and then is relished by the wisest men," I will mention them in order to break the monotony of a letter from an inmate of a hospital. A discussion took place here as to what was the best thing a man could have been before enlisting, provided he lost his left arm. The native spoken of took the side of a "rale, ginuine fiddler." "Well," says another, "how is he going to hold his fiddle?"
"Wid his chin, to be sure,—the same as any other." Up speaks another and wishes to know how he can finger and tune it. "And shure," says P., "and couldn't he git one already tuned?"
As the conversation here often turns upon the way men are used as compared with officers, and as P. G. has a hand generally in all talks of this kind, he said he did not know hut what officers were always considered men until he went once to buy some tobacco of a sutler on a Sunday morning. He stated: "I went to the sutler and asked him if he had any tabackay." He told me had. I asked him to give me two plugs. He speaks up very short, and says, I don't sell any to men. Don't sell any to men, says I; and sure, says I, you don't sell any to women. No, says he, I don't sell only to officers. And why says I, and ain't officers men. And faith and he tells that the "don't view themselves in that light." Ha, ha, says I. Says P. G., I see what ye are. You try to pass me beat some time when I am on guard and I will make ye mark time at the point of the bayonet, until the officer of the guard comes to your rescue.
But now our attention is called from remarks of this kind to the whistle of the boat, which is about to land here with wounded soldiers, who were taken prisoners and paroled at Charleston by the rebels, and sent to Hilton Head and thence to this place for treatment. Three of them are now in our ward. They are all badly wounded and only one of them can live but a few days from all appearances. I find one wounded in the thigh and right elbow joint; another with one foot off and the other waiting for the saw and knife as soon as he is able, and also his right arm; but I fear death will close the operation soon. The third one has a ball through his right lung. I find by conversation with them that one is from your city, out of the 100th, Co. C.; his name is Michael McGuire. The others are from the New England States. The Rochester man is the best off, as he has good spirits, and has money, which is always convenient in hard and needy times. He states that no doubt Charleston will soon fall into our hands; and may this prove true.
But now we hear music, and on looking out of the door notice that a detachment of soldiers, headed by a band of music, are marching in rear of the hospital to the fort to camp awhile. The men looked nearly tired out with fatigue, and were not closed up in very good military style. You would notice among the number a few small boys, seemingly not more than ten years old, carrying a drum and knapsack, which would weigh as much as half their heads and all their body. Along with the same troops you would notice a few of the colored gentry soldiers, but mind you, they were large and healthy looking men, and having but a small load on his back compared with the rest, unless it was a large haversack to hold rations. It is a very common thing, when on a long and weary march, to notice a boy of about 15 years old trudging along with a gun and all the accoutrements, besides the 60 rounds of cartridges, each weighing over an ounce, besides haversack, canteen, and above all, the lung-cramping knapsack. In contrast with this you will also notice the darkey seated on a fine horse, worth, perhaps, $200 or more in greenbacks. The reason of this, perhaps, may be that it is owing to the constitution of the colored race, they being unable to bear the fatigue of the many long and weary marches necessary to be made in the hottest season of the year.
The 108th regiment has awful dislike for darkies. Why it is I will leave it for them to say. Some of the above race came here for protection during the riot in New York city, but they were not frightened so as to change their color, for which I attach no blame to them for being black. But to that party which is so worried as to the condition of the negro race previous to the breaking out of the present rebellion, I do attach the cause in a great measure of our present trouble. I will not enter into a splurge about political parties. But I would like to see how a government knapsack and other war utensils furnished free for a time for the benefit of a man in the United States service, would fit on the backs of such men as Greeley, Beecher, and many others of the same stamp. I think they would find a vast difference between shoving the pen and handling a musket and the accoutrements for the same. I have tried both, and I profess to know. As Smith, the famous razor strop man says, a member of the 140th N. Y. Vols. he has sold razor strops, and handled a musket, and he prefers the former when he can have one more left for only 25 cents. A queer chap (like many others in the army) this Smith is. He saw a man from Monroe county gazing around in the woods, where the hospital was established, at the deadly effects caused by war, he calls out as he was devouring a mammoth Pennsylvania custard pie: "Hallo, Old Brockport, come up here and see a fellow!" Up steps the man. He says: "You need'nt [sic] think I am cheating the government out of this—for I am not; I bought it with my own money, saved by selling honest razor strops." I conclude this Smith must be some relation to the famous John Smith we hear so much about. I notice in looking over the N. Y. Times that seven lawyers of Canandaigua have been drafted, and a few of them with whom I am acquainted. But I am aware that the little $300 clause will keep them safely out for a time. But God knows I pity their next client after they pay it, unless he is one of the rank Abolitionists of the past and present time. And now I would ask, have we no reason to lay a part of the blame on this class of individuals just mentioned? I believe we have, and a pretty strong one, too. Having taken the opportunity to convert with the rebels when a chance was open to me in contact with an aid of General ____ of the rebel army, who was wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Gettysburg, and I can state that this is a fellow of good ...ation and well in- formed upon all subjects connected with the present tumult of the U. S. of America, having been in the service since the first crack on Fort Sumter. He says John Brown was looked upon as a sample of many at the North; ... would do, only give them a chance; and this until the present time seems to be thoroughly instilled into the minds of both officers and men in the Southern army. But some of them said, be this as it may, we may have to come under, as you fellows fight like devils, and we have found out that you can fight if you have the right kind of leaders. But, say they, you change commanders too often. We have al- ways dreaded General George B. McClellan, and this Meade more than all the rest that was ever connected with the Army of the Potomac. He farther states that McClellan was always feared by our generals, and most of them have no fear; and this government should have learned by this time to hold that which is good, and discard that which is false or incompetent for the position in which it is placed.
But now once more music breaks upon my ear, but of a mournful sound, and I find on looking out again, that soldiers are being conveyed to their final resting place with the flag for which we are contending wrapped around them. I learn on making inquiry, that of the number brought here from Hilton Head eight died last night. When a soldier dies here he is taken to the dead house, laid out, and placed in a suitable coffin and sent to New York city for burial.
And as long as this rebellion continues, the result of a battle, when viewed with the naked eye, will ever present scenes too horrible to be placed upon paper. On the battlefield, in every tent, over acres of ground sufficient for a good farm, are sights awful beyond description;—dead unburied, the air filled with effluvia of human and equine bodies, hundreds of decaying bodies all over the battle ground two miles in width by six in length, graves in every field, by the roadsides, in gardens, lanes, meadows, groves and almost everywhere, many so superficially covered that a hand or foot protrudes, and in some cases the eyes, forehead and nose visible. And then in every church and house near by, there are scores of wounded and vast numbers of dying men.
This being the case, the drafted men of Monroe and Ontario counties will be met with a strong welcome in the field by the side of those who have gone before them. That they will see new scenes and behold many strange sights, I am already aware. And many a farmer's boy will be made to think of daddy's best cow and mother's large milkpans.
But as paper is high, and there being no discount on postage stamps, I must bring this to a close.
In conclusion I will state that I have had of late a present from the government, and it is a splendid headed cane; but mind you the word gold, used in the sense of an adjective, does not precede the word headed; but it answers the purpose for which it was intended in and under all circumstances. And may it continue to do so until it becomes useless for want of a person to use it from necessity.
But I must close, earnestly trusting that this once proud Union may be restored, and that too before the cold winds of autumn approach, and the sorrow and dread now existing be removed from ...ing hearts, and which are so plainly sta... many a countenance, never more to be rev...
W. R. C.,
Co. _, 126th N. Y. V.
From the 108th Regiment.
BRISTOW, VA., August 3, 1863.
On the 30th of July, after four days rest—(the lengthiest duration for such refreshment since June 14th—the 108th are again on the march. The respite was fully improved by the men in filling up their wan proportions, sleep and ablutions. The bill of fare to drive away debility and emaciation, consequent from marching and fighting, consisted principally of fresh meat, pork, beans, hard tack, coffee, pickles, &c. Daily showers tempered their genially. The recuperation benefitted [sic] the men very much, and they enjoyed the march with refreshened vigor. Military rules are very strict. Stragglers, and those who venture beyond the limits of their camp without a "Pass the bearer," are provided for by the Provost guard to pass the ordeal of a court martial.
While the men were quietly resting Thursday afternoon expecting to remain in camp the horns sounded the signal to "strike tents," which was quickly done, and at 5 o'clock the Second Corps left camp near Warrenton Junction. The vast plain was soon depopulated, and barrels, boxes, &c., were strewn over it. The proprietor might have considered such property a windfall, notwithstanding their emptiness. Upon the vast field was a lone grave; a rough stone marked the spot, upon which was the rude inscription, "1856, January 8, Here lies the body of Poor Mady." Chaunting "the poor old slave has gone to rest," we left. A moonlight march of 10 miles resulted in a halt at Elktown, a broad extensive section of country rendered fair looking by nature, but in agricultural products, famished.
A delusive hope appears to have prevailed among the people here, founded upon Lee's anticipated success, that they would be enabled to obtain necessary supplies from Fredericksburg, Warrenton, or some other prominent point, to live without sowing or planting to any great extent. As the fallacy of such hopes are being revealed by our retributive levy upon their hay, cattle, &c., they begin to chew the cud of disappointment in their calculations for the coming winter. This third march through their already desolated section, may bring them to a faint realizing sense and squelch in some degree, their guerilla freaks, and create a desire to be "let alone."
FRIDAY, 31ST.—Horns signal march on, and quickly the lengthy column of veterans is moving. A laughable incident occurred this morning. The boys struck a potato patch, and were culling the "murphys" vigorously, when an old vixen pitched into them with her worst rebel expletives. As they did not retreat, and fearing they would also light on her bee-hives, she turned the latter over; the winged assailants charged furiously upon the diggers, causing many of them to fall back hastily with movements indicating that they felt something. Shouts of laughter from their comrades, mingled with good wishes from the old woman, greeted the exploit. Some said "it was a stinging old time." A tramp of 6 miles brought us to a dilapidated place, 14 miles from Falmouth, called Morrisville. The few tenements presented a very open appearance, having been touched frequently by troops passing and repassing in crossing the Rappahannock, which flows near us.
The announcement that Gen. Howard has been assigned to the command of the 2d corps, we think will give general satisfaction. His military abilities as commanding officer of the 2d division in this corps were well known previous to his assuming command in the 11th corps. His christian, moral and temperate character, urbane, generous and courteous manner and treatment of officers and men, win strongly the regard and confidence of those who, knowing him, can appreciate such golden qualifications in a commander.
We are camped upon an eminence in the woods. The moon is magnificently fulfilling its mission as sung, "Roll on, silver moon," &c. Music echoes throughout the woods and we are verifying "Happy are we to-night, boys.
SATURDAY, AUG. 1—The 3d division marched back to Elktown again, it is said, for guard duty at various points. It will be a new thing for the boys to be performing guard duty on highway as they have been kept moving otherwise ever since they entered the arena. Heavy cannonading was heard about sunset, indicating that our forces were not letting the rebs. alone. August has made its entree with super-abundant caloric pressure [sic], causing perspiration to ooze from the system freely. Great difficulty is experienced here in procuring good water—it is mostly milkwarm and brackish, and flows from no crystal fount.
Capt. W. H. Merrill and Lieut. Griswold have been transferred to the Invalid Corps. Lieut. Hutchinson has returned and resumed his command. Capt. Willson has sick leave of absence. Lieut. Col. Pierce is around and sees that the men obey orders implicitly. The lists of those drafted are eagerly perused by the men seeking to learn who among their acquaintances are elected and have a good chance to take a trip to the Old Dominion to view the scenery, &c.—We shall have all eyes open for the lists from old Monroe, and when they come down to join our band we will welcome them.
SUNDAY.—A morning tramp of six miles brought us up with the regiment, who are picketing and guarding the cross-roads at this place (Bristow), which is about five miles from Warrenton Junction. The heat is of a glowing yellow nature, and the melting tendency is general. The country about here is infested with "pizen" guerrillas, and they are very bold and audacious in picking off men. For the week past the transmission of news from Rochester has been accomplished with dispatch. Instance—We have received the Democrat & American the afternoon of the second day after publication.
Our sutlers (Rogers & Co.) arrived here this P. M. from Washington. On their way they had an adventure, which for awhile was not very agreeable. When a mile this side of Fairfax Court House, Capt. Moseby captured them, with others, and made them move according to his orders for about twenty-four hours, when they were fortunately rescued by our forces and relieved from their unpleasant dilemma. Their loss was a blind horse and some small articles.
From a Soldier of the 108th—The March from Washington to Sharpsburg.
The following portion of a letter from a sick soldier belonging to the 108th Regiment, will afford some idea of the severity of the initiation into military life, which the boys of the 108th were called to undergo. The letter is dated, Middeltown, Sept. 18th:
"I had been unwell for some time, but started with them, and stood the tramp until the third day, when I gave out, and the Doctor gave me a pass so that the guards would not molest me. I caught the regiment again after they had camped. The next morning I was scarcely able to stand, and as the ambulances were full, I was left behind with several others on the sick list, but again caught up at night. The next day I managed the same way. On Saturday (the 13th) I stood it out with the rest all day, and on that day we passed through Frederick and camped this side of that town. Sunday we started across the mountains on a forced march, and walked and ran all day with scarcely a minute's rest—halting about 8 o'clock for half an hour, when we again started over fields and ditches until dark. We then came to a creek. It was as dark as it could be, and we all got our feet wet in crossing. Here we lay for two hours in wet grass o n the creek bottom. Then we got on top of the hill about midnight. We expected to stay there till morning, but just as the boys were going to sleep the call sounded to "fall in." Three of the boys stopped here, as they were sick, but I went on about three or four miles to the battle field of the day before, where we all slept on our arms till daylight. I awoke with a high fever, and the Doctor told me I was not fit to go on. He gave me a sick pass, and the Captain told me to go back to the other boys. I managed to find them where we left them, and we all started back. We stayed that night in a barn, and the next morning two of us, Corporals Jewell and Miller, felt better, and started after the regiment. A. H. Seaman and myself attempted to go to Middletown, about two miles distant, but gave out on the way, and so lay in the woods all day and night, in the rain, with nothing but our blankets for cover. Yesterday morning we started again, but were told that the town was so full of wounded that the sick stood no chance; so we stopped at a farm house and put up. We can stay here and sleep in the hayloft, and board at the house, as long as we please, which will be till we get able to travel.
"The people here are all Union, and do all they can for our soldiers. Farmers come in from six or eight miles around, with stuff for the wounded. All the churches—four of them—are full of wounded, and many private houses.—There has been a continual firing four or five days, but I have heard none this morning —How matters have terminated, we do not know."
Killed and Wounded of the 108th N. Y. Volunteers.
The friends of the members of the 108th Regiment will feel grateful to Adjutant Ayers of that Regiment for the following prompt report of its casualties in the battle of the 14th inst. While some will be pained by the intelligence his letter contains, all will be relieved from suspense, which is oftentimes more dreadful then the reality, however bad that may be:
CAMP IN THE FIELD, Oct. 16, 1863.
EDITORS UNION AND ADVERTISER: I send you the following list of men who were killed and wounded in the battle of day before yesterday. We were attacked on the flack, and alter a sharp engagement the enemy were repulsed with the loss of two colors, five guns and 450 prisoners. The following are the casualties in this regiment:
KILLED—Corp. Irving M. Arms, Co. K.
WOUNDED—Lieut. Samuel Porter, Co. F, knee, slight; Orderly Sergeant Theodore E. Knapp, Co. B, knee, slight; Orderly Sergt. Lyman Wolcott, Co. E, leg, slight; Sergt. John Eberhardt, Co, K, head, slight; Corp. Wm. A. Plummer, Co. A, thigh, flesh wound; Corp. James E. Briggs, Co. B, knee, slight; Corp. Harrison Smith, Co. C, ankle, severely; Corp. James Caley,
Co. C, leg, slight; Corp. Henry Rice, Co. G, leg, slight; Corp. George Brokaw, Co. H, breast, slight; Corp. Jacob Holtinger, Co. I, shoulder, slight; Private Lewis Slicker, Co. D, arm, slight; Private Amos Graves, Co. G, index linger right hand, amputated; Private George Hoffman, Co, I, side, slight.
Enlisted men killed 1
Commissioned officers wounded 1
Enlisted men wounded 13
Loss 15
Please give the above your immediate attention, and oblige the friends of the sufferers and Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant and A. Adjutant 108th N. Y. Vols.
PERSONAL.—Capt. Deverill of the 108th, who was wounded some time since, while in command of this regiment, has returned home. He is able to walk with the aid of crutches.
Democrat & American.
From the 108th Regiment.
Since writing my last, nothing of a character to excite wonder or alarm has occurred with our portion of the army to cause us to turn back. We are still encamped upon the same place we pitched tents upon two weeks since.—
The weather has been all that soldiers could desire at this season of the year, with one or two watery exceptions. Spells of Indian summer have favored us, and the men have enjoyed the comforts thereof, as if fully appreciating that it was good to be thus favored, while reading in Northern journals that winds and snow of Arctic tendency predominate. You have heretofore been informed that when rain falls in this section, it is not a slight sprinkle, but a pouring down.
We have had two aqueous visitations here that have reduced our camp to a floating condition. Being upon low land, the water stands upon the surface of the earth, and it may, therefore, be safely conjectured that moving around upon such occasions is not bordering much on the agreeable. Many of the tents which had been dug around for the purpose of "banking up" filled with water, resembling a miniature log castle surrounded by a moat.—Anticipating momentarily orders to move, we have remained where we are, instead of taking a more upland location. The health of our men may he reported good. Those unable to march have been sent to hospitals, and probably before this reaches you we shall be continuing our exploration in Virginia.
On Tuesday morning the troops were aroused before daylight, the morning meal was partataken [sic] of, tents struck, knapsacks slung, and all bustle for a movement. A heavy drizzling rain set in, and it being evident that the soil and water would seriously impede marching and transportation, the order was promulgated to pitch tents again. The vociferous hip, hip, hurrahs! that were given in the various camps were tokens significant that the men were willing to tarry till further orders.
This day, we are aware, is by proclamation "Thanksgiving Day." As the men sit in their tents, or are on duty at their posts, many will sincerely wish the thought and utter the expression—"I wish I was home to-day, gathered around the social table loaded with the good things from an abundant resource." We are not, however, permitted to participate in such luxurious repasts; but will be as thankful as circumstances will allow—upon hard bread, coffee, &c.—thankful that through all the dangers to which soldiers are exposed, we are still spared to march on. A fine roast turkey and a good pumpkin pie would be a feast of reason in this section, a curiosity to gaze upon and a surprise to the most fastidious taste. Turkeys are as scarce here as sparks of loyalty are with Virginia damsels and pumpkins a rare as honor with bushwackers and guerrillas.
Soldiers, besides becoming adapted to the traits of marching and fighting, are also great levellers [sic] of forests—the axe is the next implement to a gun. Place a body of troops in a forest of acres unbounded—no matter how dense, or what the trees may be, but a short time will elapse before an effectual clearing is made. During a winter season thousands of acres of land are thus cleared for the future possessor without cost.
Lieut. John L. Graham has been recently discharged on account of wounds received at Gettysburg. To say that Lieut. Graham was a brave and efficient soldier and officer, ever prompt and attentive to his duties would echo the unanimous sentiment of the 108th. Generous and jovial we regret to lose the lively presence of Honest Jack Graham.
Lieut. Col. Pierce is with us again, and there at the men are greatly pleased.
It is encouraging to note that inducements are being offered in old Monroe by which our depleted ranks may be filled up again. The men of the old 108th will gladly welcome any of the right kind of boys that wish to share their glories with them. Come on and see us in old Virginia.
PERSONAL.—COL. C. J. Powers, of the 108th N. Y. V., arrived here this morning, having been quite ill and still suffering. Not having seen the Colonel we are not advised by him as to the location and condition of the regiment. We hear, however, that it is somewhere in Western Maryland, detached from the army of the Potomac doing guard duty. It is said that the regiment has now only about one hundred men able to perform duty. It has lost by battle and disease from time to time till there is now scarcely more than sufficient men for a company.
The wife and daughter of Capt. Fellman, of the 108th regiment, left for Gettysburg yesterday to attend upon him. He has lost a leg but is said to be getting along very well.
EDITORS DEMOCRAT & AMEBICAN.—In the issue of your paper of the 20th inst. There appeared a letter from me stating that I was unlawfully arrested as a deserter by Policemen Holleran and Rooney; since that time, on careful inquiry, I have ascertained to my satisfaction that the arrest was made at the instigation of some citizen or citizens, stating to said Policemen that my furlough was a forgery. Such being the case, I acquit said Policemen of all blame in the matter.
Company D, 108th N. Y. V.,
Dated, Nov. 23, 1863.
GALLANTRY OF OFFICERS.—The correspondent of the Tribune who is with the Army of the Potomac, gives a chapter of incidents of the late battles. In referring to the gallantry of officers, he says:
Col. Jno. Coons of the 14th Ind., who was killed in the memorable charge by Hancock's corps on Thursday last, was on horseback at the head of his regiment, and was the first of his command to mount the Rebel works and discharge his revolver into the enemy's ranks, He was almost instantly shot dead, his body falling on one side of the works, and his horse, which was also killed, on the other. Col. Charles J. Powers of the 108th N. Y., Col. Smyth commanding the Irish Brigade, Lieut. Col. Davies of the
12th N. J., Lieut. Col. Pierce of the 108th N. Y., Col. Egan, commanding Hayes' Brigade of Birney's Division, and Maj. Chas. C. Baker, then temporarily in command of the 3d Brigade of Gen. Berlow's Division, are ... were conspicuous for noble daring.
Democrat & American.
From the 108th Regiment.
January 18th, 1864.
As some time has elapsed since progress has been reported through your columns from the 108th, perhaps a chapter may not come amiss to the relatives and friends who have representatives in this embodiment of the Army of the Potomac. We are "so far out in the country" that at times the thought may occur, that we are nearly forgotten; but the fact is permanent with the men of the regiment that we are "a band of Brothers" from Old Monroe, and "still exist and have a being," and whenever ordered to proceed, compliance therewith is effected, whether the weather is propitious or unpropitious. The quota of "spells of weather" at present date is overflowing; copious outpourings have prevailed. Streams are swollen, and Virginia mud is so abundant that locomotion is effected by wading, and those who have any distance to go soon present the appearance of wallowing through the mire.
The regiment, like other brother soldiers in organizations from "Home" in this section, has been subject to several vexatious moves.—During the last two months the privilege of moving camp has been our fortune frequently. As to these being delectable affairs or agreeable picnics, the soldiers "couldn't see it."—Huts had been erected, and preparations made for housekeeping for the winter when the bail of the kettle of anticipation was severed "by order." We moved to our present camp on Sunday, December 27th. The boys have a vivid recollection that it rained some that day and that the marching was soft and toilsome, and that the spot camped upon was watery for two or three days following. A tented village however soon appeared, and the inhabitants thereof are now transacting their routine of business methodically.
The huts are arranged in line, with streets intervening. They are constructed of logs, such heighth [sic], length and breadth, as the occupants may choose, roofed with fly tents, and the crevices are filled with clay. A large fire place is made for "fore logs" and "back-logs." The chimneys are tapered off with such architectural taste as may suit the fancy of the builder. The capping is generally a barrel. They smoke badly occasionally, particularly when a mischievous blue jacket puts a board over them, and there is much wonderment "what in thunder makes it smoke so, when the wind don' blow?" Upon the discovery of the cause, there is some windy wishes for somebody. The interior department of the hut is fitted up with bunks and the men's personal effects. The parlor, sitting room and kitchen, are all one room. Soldiers are adepts in the culinary department. They tax their ingenuity to get up new dishes from the same material, and declare each effort is tip-top. A hotel bill of fare stands no comparison with a soldier's. At home such dishes might not be so inviting, and mutterings might be perceptible; hints that the cooks must have been out late, or had made a mistake in their calling.—A soldier who is a married man perfects himself in this art, as well as in the manual of arms, and when the maternal head of the household is indisposed, can handle the frying-pan for the benefit of those to be fed. This may be an inducement for young ladies to secure soldiers, as adepts in cases of emergency.
We can attest the term frequently used, "we are in front," and very much so. The camp is located upon an open field, with woods in the rear and upon each side. To our left is a small mountain, some 70 feet in heighth [sic], to which visitors are escorted and get a sight. The view is grand and expensive. The Rapidan is seen about one mile distant, and the smoke of the rebel camp fires, and their outposts are plainly visible. "Ye crags and peaks" of the Blue Ridge when not obscured by clouds sailing low, loom up grand and majestically. Pony Mountain, about four miles north, also rears high. Culpepper is about ten miles from us.
Rebel deserter come into our lines daily.—Their distressing want is shoes; and they also have a decided aversion to fighting any more.—They have inward lines of pickets to prevent desertions, and many have been shot in attempting to desert. It seems verily, as if they had a "hard time of it."
Many ladies, relatives of the officers, are now availing themselves of the privilege [sic] granted of visiting the army. Undoubtedly it is a great sight to witness such a body of men, their styles of living and military proficiency. It is also cheering to the soldiers to see ladies from the North. The female portion in this section are so bitter, that it is useless to observe them. Some of them however do "wilt" under the attentions of certain gay officers, and come back into the "Union as it is." The health of the regiment is sound. But one death has occurred among the members borne on the roils for several months, and that was Homer J. Richardson of Co. "C," in November. He enlisted in Honeoye Falls.
Our popular and efficient Quarter Master Joseph S. Harris has been honorably discharged the service. Ill health was the cause. He was ever active and alive to the best interests and welfare of the regiment. Gentlemanly and courteous in all transactions, he won the warm esteem and confidence of all the men. Each will sincerely say "God bless him."
The Regimental store fronts Rapidan avenue; (per board thus labelled [sic] and posted). Its stock and variety of articles surpass many country stores. A thriving business is transacted, owing to the gentlemanly proprietor, L.
ROGERS, accountant R. M. STEARNS, and fascinating clerks J. HARVEY LANE and SAM. BURGESS, possessing the tact of knowing how to "keep a store."
The officers and men would be much pleased to see friends from Monroe County among us "to the front."
JANUARY 19TH.—Lieutenant Kennedy arrived this morning. He was on board of one of the trains in the collision, Monday. He fortunately escaped injury.
From the 108th Regiment.
Correspondence of the Democrat and American.
Feb. 9th, 1864.
The telegraph will announce to you that another conflict has occurred on the Rapidan. At an early hour Saturday morning, our Corps moved, for the purpose of feeling of the enemy, across the river. Our (3d) Division forded the river, the water being waist deep—drove and captured a number of the rebel pickets. Having driven them some two miles, their artillery opened upon us briskly with shells. Our men were compelled to lie down upon the wet ground, (for the day was rainy) and thus continued till night fall, when another sharp action occurred, in which the rebels were pushed still further back. The Third Division was the only one over and under fire. Our artillery could not cross nor get in position. The loss in this Division is severe, being near 200. The hospitals and our chapel were filled with wounded and dying.
The 108th are sorely grieved—sadness is upon us. Lieut. Col. Pierce is dangerously wounded, a ball striking him near the outer corner of the left eye, and causing it to protrude outward the size of a hen's egg. Although in great pain, he appears calm. What the result will be we cannot say, but sincerely trust he may be spared to us. The additional wounded, as far as we can learn at the present writing, are as follows: Henry J. Clow, Co. B, abdomen, seriously; John R. W. Chase, Co. B, left shoulder, seriously; Corporal John H. Goodyer, Co. F, left shoulder cap fractured by a ball, seriously; Seeley Meeker, Co. F, ankle, badly fractured.
The regiment has been out all night, and is still out on the river. Fighting has been going on briskly upon our right, and is still going on. The dead are being buried, amputated limbs are seen, and groans of pain and anguish are heard. They rendered the Sabbath doleful. The wounded were immediately stripped of their wet clothing and made as comfortable as possible. Thanks and blessings to Messrs. Rogers, Stearns, Lane and Burgess, of the Sutler department, for their untiring zeal during the night in furnishing hot coffee to the wounded, are duly recorded by the grateful boys themselves. I must close the sad story.
The 126th have also suffered—to what extent I cannot say. In haste,
From the 108th Regiment.
February 10th, 1864.
After severe engagement of Saturday, the 6th inst., it may be asserted that all is quiet on the Rapidan again, in our vicinity, at the present writing. The wounded have been conveyed away to various hospitals. The dead braves have been consigned to their tombs followed by lengthy corteges of sad comrades. Bands have played their mourful [sic] dirges; volleys as requiems to the departed, have been fired over graves, and everything is in readiness to meet the foe again when required.
On Saturday evening after dark, Captain Everett, upon whom the command of the 108th devolved after Lieut.-Col. Pierce was wounded, was ordered to make a charge upon a white house, from which the rebels had annoyed us much "and take it at all hazards." With the 108th and the 15th Battalion, 10th New York, in conjunction with the balance of the brigade, onward the men advanced, through pitchy darkness and rain, over fences and through ravines, engaging in a short and terrific struggle—a hand to hand fight, clubbing and bayoneting the rebels without any compunctions of conscience, and forcing them to fly. The point being gained, after posting a picket under Lt. Ostrander, our troops withdrew to this side of the river. The sight of the contest from our mountain was grand. The flying shells shrieking through the air were thrilling, and the flashing of musketry resembled myriads of fire flies in a summer night. The charge was invigorating to the men as they were obliged to ford the river, which was about 9 A. M., and then hug the wet ground the rest of the day to avoid shells. Notwithstanding this precaution, a number were wounded and killed in the Division. As stated in a previous letter, no other Division was across the river at this point, the balance of the Corps remaining upon this side. On Sunday a Division of the 3d Corps came up, but did not cross.—The men are pleased with the variation from the monotony of the camp, although they say the water was cold and it was rough lying upon the ground nearly all day in the rain.
We are pleased to announce that Lieut.-Col. Pierce though severely wounded, is getting along encouragingly. His wound is very painful.
He will probably be at home soon. We shall miss him much, for he is highly esteemed by every man of the regiment. During the engagement several officers' wives who are present, were spectators of the scene. Two or three officers' wives, of the 14th Connecticut, arrived in camp Saturday afternoon, and their anticipated happy meeting was turned to sorrow by their husbands being brought from the field wounded. What the object of the reconnaissance was, we leave until further enlightened. Capt. Everett is in command of the regiment. Lieut. Samuel Porter fills the position of Acting A. D. C. of the Brigade ably and efficiently.
The rebels have worked like beavers since Sunday, throwing up new entrenchments to dispute another advance. Nature furnishes them very formidable fortifications in rolling hills, and it requires great courage and bravery to advance upon them and drive them back.—They found in the recent engagement that the material for such purpose was not wanting in our boys. How many of them fell, in the darkness, we cannot say, but their loss must have been severe. The rebel sharpshooters plied their vocation lively, and several times during the day their artillery played rapidly, throwing shells at our advancing lines when exposed.—What the aggregate losses in the division are I have not learned. It was a hard day's work, and a sharp conflict.
Our (2d) brigade suffered in loss, killed and wounded, and missing, 141; the 14th Conn. Being very heavy losers.
The weather is cool and pleasant, and the men are feeling well.
From the 108th Regiment.
CAMP 108TH N. Y. VOLS., 2D A. C.,
March 23d, 1864.
If a report of the acts and doings of the 108th, with other themes intermingled, for the past few weeks, is acceptable, here it is—keeping in petto that which is deemed contraband.
For several days past a cold north wind has prevailed. The camp denizens designated it as "white weather," which, elucidated, signifies stinging cold. The elements indicated that a heavy storm was gathering, which, having reached a culminating point, broke loose yesterday with the most violent and blustering snow storm that has occurred in this section the past winter. It seems "rough," (the boys say,) that winter should commence its solstice in the middle of March, with such astern introduction, after the extraordinary fine weather that has prevailed during the season. Comfortable huts and cheerful natures, however, render the men willing to face any weather in their line of duty. The men on picket do not think such equinoctial visitations are agreeable, but still let the weather be what it will, they are fully aware of the vital importance of watching closely the movements of the enemy across the river.
Ball playing and such other amusements as can be devised in camp leisure are fully indulged in. The rebels have also been seen doing likewise. Such amusements, however, would assume a speedy change should either army advance to cross the river. Long lines of armed men would interpose, and if attempted, ball playing of a more serious nature would halt many.
For some days past our settlement has been on the qui vive, consequent upon the movements of the enemy opposite to us. They evidently have been stirring for some coup de main, but have been foiled by the strict vigilance observed by our troops in this section. Every such attempt on their part has been a losing game, as everything was ready to treat them with "something to take." As evidence of the alertness of well-tried soldiers, an incident occurred a few days since verifying the fact. The 108th received sudden orders to "fall in" and move, &c., to repel a reported advance of the rebs. In five minutes after the order was issued, the men were moving off, in gay spirits, hilarious, and eager to render their Minie regards to the enemy. The anticipated engagement, however, was broken by the rebs. failing to appear, and the men returned, having indulged in a "good walk."
The sudden stirring up in camp on several occasions has caused the ladies who have tarried therein for several weeks to retreat to their respective abodes North, where hurrying to and fro is less frequent.
The troops anticipate a very lively and busy campaign the coming summer. Gen. Grant's assuming command of the Army of the Potomac, with his headquarters in the field, is hailed with unbounded satisfaction by the men. His prestige is regarded as a tower of immense strength, and the confidence reposed in him is assurance that the movements of this army will be so conducted as to wield crushing blows to the rebellion. The coming campaign promises to be one of vast interest and momentous importance to the nation. People at home may slightly glance at the fact, but soldiers do not. They feel the great responsibility of the cause they are engaged in, and do not trifle with thoughts not appertaining to the great principle for which they are contending.
On Monday afternoon our division commandant, Gen. Alex. Hays, reviewed the 2d brigade. The men appeared in their neatest gay blue attire. The numbers were many. The sight was grand and imposing. If the members of the 54th could witness the correct sectional lines, the exact step, the perfect wheeling and other evolutions, perhaps they would think ... as to burnish up their ... drill ... troops ... leged. It makes a person's heart thump with huge emotions to witness such scenes.
Our men are strong and healthy, and ready to move at a moment's notice. There has been but little sickness in the regiment during the winter. Subsistence has not abounded with extra varieties, but has been of a substantial nature, forming a sound constitutional basis which will enable the men to extend their travels over this wide-spread Dominion, or elsewhere, with strength and zeal.
For some weeks past much religious feeling has been manifested in this locality. The regimental chapel has been crowded every evening, and from thirty to forty conversions are announced. The work still goes on, and the chaplain does not flag in his efforts to continue its progress.
Much amusement is caused by reading the telegraph announcements in Northern papers of actions and movements purporting to occur hundreds of miles from the inventors.
The appointment of 1st Lieut. Theron E. Parsons as Adjutant of the regiment is unanimously approved by officers and men. This addition to the regimental staff gives more strength to the belief that the "Protective " policy of saving the country intact will be firmly adhered to.
Various camp rumors prevail as to the destination of the 2d corps this summer. It is amusing to hear the conjectures. Some say we are going to Texas; some to North Carolina, and many wherever we are ordered. The latter explanation is probably correct.
The storm has subsided. Snow about eight inches deep. We surmise there must be a gap in the Blue Ridge north of us, through which the storm rushed without hindrance. It will probably quickly disappear and leave an abundance of Virginia mud. Snow-balling has prevailed extensively, it being the first opportunity the men have had to engage in such sport this season—skirmishing, charging and flanking has been practiced, and many had their faces thoroughly washed. So we go—sport at par; duty, above.
Base Ball in the Army—The 108th N. Y. Vols. vs. The 8th N. T. Cav.
The following will interest any friends of either of the above named Regiments. The writer is a well known advocate of "sich things" when he is at home. It would be a gratification to us to hear from him oftener:
HEADQUARTERS 108th N. Y. Vols.,
8d Brigade, 2d Division. 2d Army Corps,
April 26th, 1864.
EDITORS EVENING EXPRESS: By way of reminding our Rochester friends that the regiments known as the 8th Cavalry and 108th N. Y. Vols., continue to flourish, I send you the score of a match game of "National Base Ball," played by "nines" selected from the above named organizations, this afternoon, on the parade ground of the 108th. The fortunes of war have brought the encampments of these Regiments quite near each other, and I believe we are mutually pleased in consequence. Our elder brothers of the 8th are noble boys, and we always delight to meet them everywhere and anywhere. The score indicates a closely contested game, as you will see; indeed, many spectators pronounced the playing excellent; at any rate, the sport was hugely enjoyed by all interested. It is to be hoped that we may display as much skill in our match with Lee this summer, and I predict we shall. All are well in both commands, and ready to "git" at a moment's notice. The following is—
108th N. Y. Vols. H. L. R. 8th N. Y. Cav. H. L. R.
C. B. Dickson, c 3 4 Bliss, c 2 3
P. C. Kavanaugh, p 2 3 Moore, p 3 3
A.T. Wells, ss 4 1 E. B. Parsons, ss 3 2
H. Edwards, 1st b 3 3 Playford, 1st b 4 1
S. Porter, 2d b 3 2 Clayford, 2d b 4 1
T. E. Parsons, 3d b 2 1 Bannister, 3d b 2 1
S. P. Howard, r f 3 1 Bloss, r f 3 1
T. Haley, o f 4 1 Carr, c f 4 0
J. McMannis, l f 5 0 Malbern, l f 3 1
Total 16 Total 14
Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
108th N. Y. 1 0 5 3 3 0 0 4 0
8th Cav. 0 0 2 2 1 3 2 1 3
Home Runs, Kavanaugh and Dickson, 108th N. Y. Vols.
Scorer 8th N. Y. Cav.—Sergt. M. Reid.
" 108th N. Y. Vols.—Sergt. F. M. Thrasher.
Umpire—Col. Chas. J. Powers, 108th N. Y. Vols.
You see we can play ball some, if not more.—Everything is lovely with us. We are all ready for a move, which must be near at hand. The 8th are about a mile from us, in comfortable camps. Col. Benjamin is in command; all are in superb condition. The "little" 108th are as tough and wiry as ever—hard to beat. I hurry this off by the evening mail, wishing to be kindly remembered to mutual friends, and remaining, Yours, sincerely, ADJUTANT.
From the 108th.
May 16, 1864.
EDITORS EXPRESS:—Knowing that many anxiously await the tidings from the front, and that your telegraphic reports are uncertain, I hasten at this, my first opportunity, to lay before the readers of your journal a correct statement of the casualties of our regiment. To describe the battle itself is something that neither the soldier nor historian can do. Those who lived through the battle can tell what happened in their immediate vicinity, but from actual observation, no more. The whole ten days' fighting was done mostly in the woods, and that, too, when the ground was covered with a very extensive growth of small shrubbery and underbrush.
The army broke camp on the night of the 3d inst., and with few exceptions, were on the move until the middle of the afternoon following. The Sixth Corps commenced the battle on the morning of the fifth. But very tow shots
were fired by the artillery and those only to "feel" where the enemy was, and from the moment the battle commenced until after dark, there was one incessant roar of musketry, and if the noise was mitigated at all during the day, it was only for a few moments, and then it would burst forth again with redoubled force and effect.
General Grant, I understand, wanted to engage the enemy somewhat above and back of Todd's Tavern, on the Orange Court House road, and sent the 2d Corps up there for that purpose, but General Lee did not agree with him, and the result was, the fight opened near Chancellorsville, some of our troops occupying the ground the rebs held in the battle of the above name; consequently our corps, (the 2d) had to return over four miles. Our brigade—the third of the 2d Division—was thrown in on the right center about 4 P. M.
As night closed in around us, thus shutting out from view these two vast contending armies, but little ground had been gained by the federals. The firing gradually ceased, and by 10 P. M. all was quiet.
Occasionally, however, during the night, a volley from some regiment, either Confederate or Federal,—caused by some advancing skirmishers—would cause our men to spring up from the ground and grasp their pieces, ready for any emergency.
Shortly after 4 o'clock, the morning of the sixth, the battle again opened, and our forces succeeded in driving the enemy back somewhat more than a mile. At this point they opened on us with a battery, but without success, for we still advanced.
Between six and seven o'clock Lee received reinforcements. General Longstreet came up and throwing his fresh troops against our right, we were compelled to fall back. It was at this where Col. Powers received his wound, which came near being fatal. Col. Pierce, Capt. Porter, Adjutant Parsons, Lieuts. Wells and Howard, were also wounded here.
Our troops fell back but a short distance, when meeting re-inforcements, they rallied, and moving more to the right, engaged the enemy once more. Our men fought bravely, and stuck to it heroically, but overpowering numbers compelled them at last to give way.
Orders were given to fall back slowly, and keep firing. But it soon became a stampede, and every one was on the double quick. Gen. Hancock, with great foresight, had ordered breastworks thrown up on the cross roads, or rather on the one crossing the Fredericksburg and Orange Court House plank-road. At this point those falling back in such disorder, stopped, reformed, and were sent to the right and left. Longstreet did not follow as far. During the forenoon the woods south-east of the cross roads took fire, and all the troops for a mile and a half lay in their breast-works for four or five hours, almost suffocated by, the smoke. In the afternoon men were sent out to squelch the flames, and succeeded. At 3 o'clock the enemy advanced, and charged on the works. They outnumbered us three to one, but our "boys" held on to their position with a pertinacity truly surprising.
Three times were they repulsed, but those remaining from the former advancing lines, rallied to their last line, and made a desperate attempt to force us from our position. At one point near the cross roads they succeeded in reaching the works, and walked right over them amongst our men. There and then those few remaining gave way, fell back to our second line, rallied, and, with a yell of defiance, charged back on the enemy, drove them from the works, and followed them down to the woods. There it was the one long wild shout of victory went up, and was echoed and re-echoed back by the whole of our forces in line. And there too did Gen. Hancock send an aid to Grant, saying that the third brigade had saved the Army of the Potomac from complete rout.
I have neither the space nor time to describe every day's fight. However, I may mention a few of the principal events.
Fighting has been going on constantly at different points along our line. On the 7th, the Fifth Corps had a "right smart" engagement near Spottsylvania, with Stewart's Cavalry, and some infantry here, the 140th N. Y., suffered badly. In fact, I learn from their boys that they have lost about two-thirds of their regiment during the ten days.
The 8th and 6th Cavalry have also suffered very severely, and I regret, exceedingly, that I can not send a true account of their casualties, but my source of information is rather limited.
On the 9th, the 108th was out as flankers and skirmishers all day. The 10th we moved a few miles to the left, entered the woods, and after supporting another line for some time, our brigade made a bayonet charge on the rebel fortifications, which our troops had tried in vain to take half a dozen times. The movement was a failure as was another of the same kind made some time afterwards. They were insurmonnable, and almost impregnable. They next day we were still under fire, and threw up a new line of breast-works.
Towards night a heavy rain set in and has continued up to the present time almost without ceasing. Yesterday was pleasant, but it rained again last night.
At midnight of the 12th we left our position and moved through the rain and mud about four miles to the left. At five o'clock we advanced in line through the woods, down hill and up again, across ditches, &c, for about a mile, when we came upon the enemy's first line of fortifications, just taken by part of our corps, with nearly all the troops therein, amounting to some thousands, and a few pieces of artillery. We charged over them and drove the "Johnies" through the woods nearly a mile, to their next line of works, taking many prisoners on the way.
Hearing rather heavy musketry on our left and rear, the brigade fell back slowly to the fire line, without being immediately followed. Lee threw some shell over us here, but little damage was done as they "flew high." The pieces captured, and two of our own batteries, were got in position and opened heavily on them, and soon succeeded in silencing their guns. Reinforcements came up and were thrown in front of the works, which served as well as would new ones; and then charge after charge was made by the enemy, but they were futile; and their men lay piled in heaps.
That you may have some idea of the severity of our fire, I will mention that an oak tree nearly a foot in diameter, was cut down by our musket and rifle balls. Those who were unfortunate enough to be wounded, suffered untold agonies, for a cold rain prevailed all the time. Those who were wounded in the first three day fight were lucky indeed, i.e., in being hurt before the storm. All the troops suffered from exposure to the inclement weather—lack of sleep, fatigue, &c., &c. Yet but few were discouraged, for they look forward to bright prospects and a speedy end of the rebellion.
Gen. Burnside has done a great deal and accomplished much, bringing all his available force to use against the enemy, leaving his colored troops to guard the trains.
I learn that over 20,000 of our wounded have been sent to Fredericksburg and to Washington.
May 19th—Having sent out no mail since the above, I open it to add a few more interesting items.
Yesterday, Wednesday, the army had another severe engagement near our right center. During the time our forces were engaged the weather was intensely hot, and the troops suffered a great deal. Pretty much of the 2d Corps were in the charge made upon the enemy's works. At this point the rebels had got their batteries in position; when the advance was made they poured a most murderous fire of shot and shell, grape and canister into our ranks. When the pieces first opened, our lines were for a moment staggered by the shower of the deadly missiles thus thrown into their ranks, but 'twas only for a moment, for as the cry of "Forward" rang in their ears, a loud cheer issued from the throats of all, and then the lines pushed forward again, still hopeful and bravely encountering the storm of bullets from behind the rebel earthworks.—On, still on! This line of long-tried veterans still advance. They reach the works, a few get to the top, more follow, the rebs. give way, our men push them hard and follow them close, sending their bullets alter the retreating foe, who reach the second line of fortifications, rally for a few moments, but again retreat before the fast flying bullets of the Yankees.
Many brave men fell here, but their death was avenged almost on the spot.
With Gen. Grant at their head, I think the Army of the Potomac will fight to the last man. All have confidence in his ability and judgment, and feel certain of his success in this great undertaking.
Yours, &c., H.
From the 108th Regiment.
Va., May 21, 1984.
The greatest struggle for supremacy that has ever occurred in the modern history of the world is now transpiring. This county, Spottsylvania, will be one vast hecatomb of dead men's bones. In its limits have occurred the battles of the first and second Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Mine Run, and the awful contest now daily going on. Entire brigades have been annihilated. Regiments have but few survivors, and officers and privates by thousands lie in their final resting places in the wild jungles of Virginia. Throughout the terrible ordeal thus far, the 108th has sustained its part with unblemished courage and honor. Engaged in the heat of the deadliest conflicts, and its ranks sadly riven and shocked, yet the surviving band of Spartans are as ready to rally and battle to the death, as upon the day the struggle commenced.
About 9 o'clock on the evening of the 3d inst., in compliance with orders received, the regiment left winter quarters near Morton's Ford, to join the balance of our (Carroll's) brigade, near Stevensburg, which was effected near midnight. The division (Gibbons'), in conjunction with the other divisions of the old Second Corps, then pushed for Ely's Ford on the Rapidan, which was crossed without opposition from the rebels, although formidable earthworks were thrown up. The immense labor that had been expended upon works at Morton's Ford, Clark Mountain, &c., by them during the winter, had thus been brought to naught. The troops advanced cautiously till about noon of the 5th, when the terrific struggle commenced. The musketry was the heaviest ever heard, and continued incessently.—Mingled with the rapid roll of musketry could be heard the loud battle charge, shrieks and groans, which were agonizing and thrilling beyond the power of description. Thousands of wounded were being brought in maimed in every shocking manner. The fighting raged unceasingly on the 6th. The 108th had suffered heavily. Eight of twelve officers who went into battle were wounded or badly injured. While Col. Powers was gallantly leading his command onward, a ball struck him near the right shoulder, passing through his back, and produced a wound of serious character. Lt. Col. Pierce, who had just returned to us on the 1st inst., was wounded in the right hand; Adjutant Parsons upon the chin; Capt. Porter, Lieuts. Wells, Howard and Englehart were also wounded. Lieut. Ostrander was severely bruised, but resumed command of his company again. He was badly injured on the 12th and obliged to leave the field. Lt. Col. Pierce remained on duty till the 18th, when his wound, which had assumed a serious appearance, obliged him to leave reluctantly. The loss of men was also large—the greater number being wounded. The fighting waged hot and heavy daily. The heat was very oppressive. The wounded were accumulating in hosts, and suffering for care. For several days great difficulty was experienced on account of guerrillas in getting them away for conveyance to Washington, and they were obliged to lie in ambulances and army wagons. The glad news finally was received that Fredericksburg was ours, which place at once became a vast hospital.
On the morning of the 12th, one of the most brilliant affairs of this engagement thus far occurred, in which our (Carroll's) Brigade were prominent participants. On the previous day, several desperate charges had been made by other troops, upon very formidable rifle pits of the rebels, and repulsed. About four A. M., on the morning mentioned, while a heavy mist was prevailing, the line being formed, the boys crept up to the works undiscovered, when with a loud battle cheer they rushed onward, and quickly carried three lines of rifle pits, bagged several thousand prisoners, and captured a number of officers of artillery.
With that job accomplished the boys enjoyed their morning meal of hard tack and coffee with good zest. The most terrific cannonading and musketry prevailed during the day, that has so far occurred. The rebels were slaughtered by legions, and the pressure upon them was evidently too heavy for endurance; that they were badly worsted was confirmed by the prisoners.
We have camped and passed over the old battle ground of Chancellorsville. The walls of the Chancellorsville House, remain standing as a relic of the fierce conflict waged there one year ago. Graves and mounds are numerous, dead men's bones lie strewn around, and every thing indicates war's desolation. Nature strives to hide from our view such scenes of woe, but they are too indelibly impressed to be speedily effaced.
Frequent showers have of late occurred, which have been of great relief to the troops, and also of infinite advantage in checking conflagrations in the woods, caused by bursting shells, suffocating and burning many of the wounded and dead. On Sunday afternoon, the army wagon train reached Fredericksburg, It has been harrassed [sic] continually by guerrillas, watching their opportunity for plunder, but strict vigilance foiled them in their designs. Stragglers, if permitted to live, generally come in pretty effectually fleeced. We now occupy Mary's Heights in the rear of Fredericksburg, rendered memorable on account of the terrible slaughter of our troops in previous conflicts. The examination of the earth-works, the study of the plain below, over which our troops moved, and were cut down, is full of deep interest, particularly to those who participated in and witnessed the struggles.
A costly monument of white marble, erected to Mary, mother of Washington, stands upon a rise of ground below the Heights, The structure is about eight feet square, and twelve or fourteen feet in height. It is a shameful fact to state, that it has been badly disfigured by those who to gratify a morbid, heathenish propensity have chipped off pieces of marble for curiosity's sake. The east face reveals numerous indentations of balls that have struck it in battles.
More or less fighting occurs daily at the front. Up to the 18th the casualties in the 108th footed up 102—9 killed and the balance wounded and missing—about 80 remain—they fully realize the duty devolving upon them. Notwithstanding the labor and fatigue of continued engagements, they evince the same firm determination, to stand their ground fearlessly, that has ever characterised [sic] them heretofore in action. The loss of their commanding officers and comrades is much deplored. Cap't Deverell is in command. The remaining officers on duty are Lieut's Kavanagh, Button and Locke. Being unable to obtain a full list of casualties, I defer sending any, presuming that the same has already been forwarded. Col. Powers, is cheerful notwithstanding the severity of his wound. Lieu't F. B. Hutchinson, is efficiently fulfilling his duties as Quarter Master. Various rumors prevail relative to movements, but the mass are unbelieved, and require official facts to confirm statements.
The wounded of our regiment have been mostly sent to Washington. I forward you a list of the wounded remaining here, as far as ascertained:
Col. Powers and Adjt. Parsons; Sergt. O. A. Chillson, Corpl. Jonathan Reynolds, right arm amputated; Jacob Bowman, badly wounded; H. Hartman, A. G. Newton, John Shepler, Peter Oliver, arm amputated; Corpl. V. P. Kelley, leg amputated; Andrew Darrer, ankle amputated; David Stairs, John Nelson, Wm. Wirtz, August Heldenschmidt, Corpl. Robt. P. Ambrose and Geo. Pullen, dead.
The struggle continues. The fighting is in dense woods and underbrush, which renders the conflict more destructive and obstinate.
—"Trume's" letter contains nothing with reference to general army movements that has not appeared before, but it is interesting nevertheless as giving some idea of the part taken in the struggle by one of our local regiments.
Interesting Letters from the 108th.
A private letter from the 108th says:
* * * "On Friday night the rebels attacked us and were repulsed with severe loss. Our little band lost 19—during the day's fighting—three of them killed. Lt. J. L. Kinleyside was killed in the morning; he had but just returned to the Regiment after an absence of two or months on detached duty. When we made the advance, he handed his sword to one of the boys, and taking a gun, went up to the front and began firing. About half an hour afterwards, a bullet pierced his heart, and he fell without uttering a word, and expired almost instantly. Always cool and self possessed in action, he knew no fear, and as an officer and gentleman he was loved and esteemed by the entire regiment, and his loss is sadly felt by all. James Skinner, of Co. G., and Sergt. Wood, of Co. A., were killed in the afternoon of Friday. Capt. Deverell was wounded during the attack in the evening.
"Last evening (Sunday, 5th,) the rebels opened on us rather heavily, but we are prepared, so let them come! Gen. Grant still has the confidence of the troops, and there are no signs of dissatisfaction with him. One thing is ... instead of having a train so large that it needs half the army to guard it, and filled with ..., tents and baggage, he has dispensed with anything of the kind, and a small train with ammunition and supplies is the extent. The results that the army is fed as they should be, no waiting for rations to come up. The soldiers have plenty to eat, and all the extra baggage has been sent back to Washington, and I have seen Major Generals sleeping under a fly, (or tent cover.) C. L. H.
The Union of yesterday published a letter from Capt. Deverell, giving a list of casualties in the 108th, prepared after his arrival at Field
June 1st—Sergt J Brodie, Co G, wounded in leg, severely.
Private J Kederlie, Co G, wounded in face and breast, slightly.
Private H Edwards, Co F, leg.
Lieut J Kinleyside, E.
Sergt J Wood, A.
Private I Fellows, A.
Private D E Skinner. G.
Sergt J Taylor, A, left arm, severely.
Private S Robbins, A, right arm, amputated.
Private S Stedman, A, arm.
Private John Shepler, B, arm and side, severely.
Private J Wiegert, C, leg.
Private J Plunkett, D, arm, severely.
*Stager, D.
Corp G Brokaw, H, face and shoulder.
Private P Cook, H, foot.
Sergt C Traugott, I, thigh, slightly.
Sergt G Rice, I, face, slightly.
Capt J Deverill, K, hip, severely.
Private F Raubadon, K, hip, severely.
Private H Niles, K, hip, slightly.
*This man was serving with Brigade pioneers, and I did not learn the nature of his wound.
Capt. Andrews and Lieut. Parsons were with the wagon train yesteeday [sic], and on their way to the regiment.
Lieut. Kavanaugh commands in the meantime.
J. DEVERELL, Capt. 108th N. Y. V.
From the 108th Regiment—Casualties.
Correspondence of the Democrat.
June 4th, 1864.
I have the melancholy duty to inform you of the death of Lieut. John S. Kinleyside. He was killed on this skirmish line yesterday morning. Taking a gun and cartridges from one of the men he stepped outside of the defenses, and while in the act of firing, fell a victim to the unerring aim of a rebel sharpshooter. One ball entered his mouth, tearing his tongue to atoms. A ball passed through or into his heart. He was a brave and courageous officer, and had only rejoined the regiment, from recruiting duty, on the 24th ult. In a charge made by our troops early in the morning, a rebel officer was shot by Private Michael Ryan, of Co. F, who secured his sword and belt. Lieut. Kinleyside had but just buckled it on when he went out and fell. Appended please find a list of recent casualties in the 108th:
May 30—Private Chas. E. Allen, Co. E, flesh wound hand; Private Michael Ryan, Co. I, slight wound leg, still on duty.
May 31—Sergeant Jas. Brodie, Co. G, leg bad; Private Jas. Grinder, F, head grazed by ball, still on duty.
June 1—Private Harry Edwards, F, flesh wound leg; Jacob Kederlie, G, nose, still on duty.
June 8—Sergeant Newton Z. Wood, A, killed by a ball through the throat; Private Silas J. Robbins, A, left arm, amputated; Jas. R. P. Taylor, A, left arm severe; Jerome B. Fellows, A, groin, bad, reported dead; James
Plunkett, D, left wrist, bad; Darwin E. Skinner, G, killed, ball through head; Patrick Cook, H, ankle; Sergeant Chris. Fraugott. I, left thigh, flesh wound; Sergeant Geo. Rice, I, lip; Captain Deverell, K, leg; Francis Rubadon, K, leg.
About sunset the rebels made a furious charge on our breastworks, but were repulsed with severe loss. Capt. Deverell was wounded during this assault. The command of the regiment now devolves upon Lieut. P. C. Kavanagh. Lieut. Kinleyside, Sergts. Wood and Skinner are buried side by side. The fighting is terrific, the breastworks of the forces being within 200 hundred yards of each other. The air most of the time is lively with whistling balls and frequent bursting of shells. Several have been killed and a number wounded by them.
Sunday, June 5th.—The day has been wet, and constant firing is going on. It is the fourth day and night our men have been constantly on duty, skirmishing. Private William H. Smith, of Co. G, killed by a ball hitting him in the left shoulder and passing downward through his heart. He was buried by the side of his above mentioned deceased comrades, this P. M.
In my communication dated May 21st, from the names of wounded referred to in Fredericksburg at that time, the inference would be drawn that more were dead than report intends. The dead to report at that time were Corporal Ambrose and Private Geo. Pullen. To this is added Corporal Henry Wilson, of Co. G, who died at hospital in the Wilderness. TRUME.
We have also the following from Capt. Deverell of the 108th:
I send you a list of casualties of the 108th N. Y. V., which was prepared at the Field Hospital after I arrived there wounded.
June 1st—Private J. Kederlie, face and breast slightly.
June 3d—Private T. Stedman, Co. A, arm; Private John Shepler B, arm and side severely; Private J. Wiegert, Co. C. leg; Private Stoger, Co. D; Corporal G. Brokaw, Co. H, face and shoulder severely; Sergeant G. Rice, Co. I, face slightly; Captain J. Deverell, Co. K, thigh severely; Private H. Niles, Co. K, slightly. Private Stoger was serving as brigade pioneer and I have not learned the nature of his wound; Captain Andrews and Lieut. Parsons were with the waggon [sic] train yesterday, on their way to the front. Lieut. Kavanagh commands in the mean time.
J. DEVERELL, Capt. 108th N. Y. V.
Later from the One Hundred and Eighth.
Monday, June 20th.
EDS. EXPRESS:—Having a little leisure I improve it by addressing you a few lines. Grant is still hammering away at Petersburg. Some of the Sixth Corps lay within half a mile of the doomed city, and will undoubtedly enter the place ere long. One thing is certain, General Hancock made a sad mistake in not following up the attack and successful movement of "Baldy"
Smith on the night of the 15th; or even had he (Hancock) charged their works early the morning of the 16th, Petersburg would now be in the hands of the Federalists. I learn from prisoners who were taken the morning following our arrival, as also from some of them captured since, that Beauregard had but a very few men—one line and those mostly "raws" at that time. The Fifth Corps being left across the James River at Malvern Hill and Drury's Bluff, Lee supposed that the larger part of the army was there, and that Grant would make a stand at that point. This accounts for the lack of a strong rebel force here upon our arrival. The line at present is rather crooked; but, on the whole, forms a kind of semicircle. The right has done scarcely any fighting as yet,—all the charges and advances being made by the left and center. The extreme right lays near or across the Appomattox River, and part of that wing on the northeast side, but parallel with it. The river runs through the suburbs of the city and takes a southerly direction. Our centre lays a mile and a half, and the left wing some two or two and a half miles from the place.
Since our arrival the left has gained over a mile, while the centre has advanced about half the distance. It seems that Grant wants to swing his left round so that it will face north instead of southwest, as it does at this present time. That U. S. will have the place ere long is beyond doubt The army coincide perfectly with Mrs. Grant in that the General "is a very obstinate man." If his plow has struck a stump this time, why he can back up and go round it; hence, if he does not succeed on the present line, he will probably move a couple of corps to the left and take Lee on the flank or rear. It is, indeed, a pity that our Generals cannot foresee how "things stand." This movement, like Sheridan's and Butler's, had it been followed up at first, would have resulted in inestimable loss to the enemy and a decided and glorious victory to us. Positions would have been gained that will now cost us thousands of men, millions of money, and much hard labor. We not only get this from rebel journals and prisoners of war, but can see it for ourselves.
There is but little need of my giving detailed accounts of the different battles, for they will reach you by telegraph long before my letter could. Our Brigade (the 3d of 2d Division, 2d Corps,) has suffered considerable loss here, though it has not been actually engaged, having been, for the first time, on the support. It is now in the front again, however, and will probably remain there. The men lost the past three days, have all been hit with balls from rebel sharpshooters' guns. The Brigade have strong earth-works thrown up in front of them, and entrenchments to walk along in. A "right smart" amount of our artillery is with us on o ur line, and it worries the " Johnnies" and others "muchly;" furthermore, they are a decided acquisition in case of an attack, for canister can then be poured into the enemy, without endangering the lives of our own men.
We have lost many men since the rebellion broke out, by the carelessness of artillery officers, who planted their batteries so far in our rear, that the shell exploded inside our own lines; and though this great carelessness has been in a great degree mitigated, it is not entirely done away with yet; for only yesterday, I heard a surgeon remark that he had dressed the wounds of over twenty men, all caused by a battery a little to the right and rear of the 3d Brigade. We are now in quite as close proximity to the Confederates as we were at Cold Harbor—within speaking distance. We have some twenty thousand colored troops here, and a more patriotic set of men 1 never saw. Better men to fight you cannot find. I have never, until this campaign, had a very high opinion of colored troops—i. e., as fighting men—but what I see I must believe. It may be truly said that they fight for their own lives. That the enemy fear them more than our men, I know, for I have had many opportunities, the past few days, of conversing with rebel prisoners, and they state that "the confounded niggers fight better than white men, and we fear them more, because they take no prisoners, but kill us as fast as captured." "But," said I, to one of them, "you do the same by the darkies, do you not?"—"Yes," said he, "but we are ordered to do so by our officers."
The regiment, as well as the army generally, keep up their spirits finely, and having great confidence in Grant, believe that the rebellion will be put down this summer, or, at least, before sixty-five. Our casualties are slight, yet severe for the few of us who are left:
June 18th—David Carter, Co. D, ball through wrist.
Teddy Keefe, Co. K, ball passed through shoulder, and came out of his neck, under the chin.
Corp. Harvey Patterson, hand; lost middle finger.
June 19th—Lieut. Dutton, Co. D, left breast—seriously.
John Bailey, Co. F, abdomen—died this morning.
From the 108th Regiment.
June 20th, 1864.
Since my communication of yesterday, Private John W. Bailey, Co. F, died of his wound. About four o'clock on the evening of the 19th instant, 1st Lt. Wm. Dutton, of Co, D, was seriously wounded, by a ball striking him in the back and coming out of his right breast. His critical condition causes sorrow, as he was much esteemed and regarded as one of our bravest officers. He was ever ready to do his duty fearlessly, in whatever position placed.—Not quite a week since a company of sharpshooter for the brigade was formed from the regiments composing it, of which Lt. Dutton was selected as one of the officers. It was while on duty on the line that he was hit. He is from Honeoye Falls, and was mainly instrumental in raising Co. D of this regiment. He was in the Mexican War.
Lt. Col. Pierce has returned, which affords great satisfaction to the men, who in their bronzed and war-worn appearance, gladly welcome returning comrades. 1st Lt. S. P. Howard has also returned.
Cannonading and skirmishing is continued day and night. People at home have no idea of the taxation of the energies and strength, and the perils the men endure. What sleep the soldiers get is amid the whistling of bullets and the roar of artillery. It is rest, however, and they arise to deal back again to the foe the leaden missiles. The weather continues dry, causing clouds of dust to fly,
JUNE 21,—Private Jacob Kaderli, Co. G, bone of left leg bruised by ball, between knee and ankle. His nose was split by a ball two weeks since. We are on the march again.
The Army Before Petersburg—Movements of Battery L.
June 22d, 1864.
The Army of the Potomac is not in Petersburg, as has been extensively reported by the Northern press, based on an "official announcement,"
but near the town—about two miles distant—between the inner and outer lines of intrenchments, which seem to surround the place. Its church spires and steeples, and some of the buildings are visible; but the city is not ours, though i t lies at the mercy of our cannon, exposed to a furious rain of shot and shell, and rumor has it that Gen. Grant has ordered all the non-combatants to leave the town, as it is his purpose to shell it. I doubt this, however, as the destruction of the place—of its buildings, factories, &c., would not necessarily oblige Lee to evacuate it, and as long as the rebel general holds possession of Petersburg, no particular object is to be gained in the mere destruction of the place. It may be that, if it is taken at all, it will have to be done by a siege. The inner works in front of the city are said to be much stronger than the first or outer line; and I can bear witness that these are of the most formidable nature, consisting of redoubts, salients, traverses, &c., of the greatest thickness, made of sand and clay, and so constructed and covered as to admit of the passage of artillery in and out of them without being seen, and, of course, a protection to the men. And these works, built, I should think, one or two years ago, were taken with comparative ease, and with little loss of life, considering the brilliant achievement accomplished. I have interested myself to learn how it was that they were carried so easily, and the truth, as near as I can ascertain, is that they were taken by a sudden flank movement, encountering not a very stubborn opposition, for the enemy had but a small force behind the works to withstand the superior numbers of Smith's gallant men. And this force, or at least that portion of it attacked by the colored troops, was composed of a great many boys and old men, what we might denominate at the North as home guards, known as the "Wise Legion." They did not exceed five regiments, and taking almost unawares, the colored troops, led by their officers, rushed upon them, capturing, not them, however, but six guns which the enemy abandoned. The Wise Legion escaped. Let us give all due credit to the black soldier for his fighting qualities, but this rendering to Caesar, the things that don't honestly belong to Caesar, and extolling Pompey above the white soldier, for courage and dash, valor, bravery and endurance, may delight some of the devoted worshipers of the ebony idol, but we fail to "see it" ourself. No objection to our darkly-hued "comrades in arms," assaulting the heaviest works, and rushing into the hottest places of attack,—rather he would than not, but don't seek to make him the superior of the American soldier of American or European descent.
The easy and successful capture of the first line of works in front of Petersburg, shows pretty conclusively that Lee was unprepared for Grant's army at this point, otherwise he would have had a much larger force, if not the greater part of his army. The sudden movement to the south side of the James, really appears to have been a surprise to Lee, and in it, I think we may truthfully say, Lee was brilliantly out-generalled by Grant. It was surely a most rapid and brilliant movement, attended with complete success, executed right in the face of Lee's veteran army, almost without particle of serious molestation. The passage of the army across the James, was a magnificent sight, with its heavy columns of infantry, its trains of artillery, white-covered supply and baggage wagons, ambulances and everything pertaining to an immense and mighty war-host. The pontoon bridges over which the army crossed, were probably the longest ever, constructed during the rebellion, being a mile, or nearly that, in length.
By 9 o'clock on Thursday morning of last week, we had crossed the James, and after going into park till 4 p. m., we began moving towards Petersburg. Our route was over excellent roads, very dry, and too dusty for comfort --through a wooded country, though not without many open and clear fields. The soil in this vicinity is sandy, and has not the appearance of being very rich. Our march was a rapid one, continuing all night, with a rest of one hour. Cannonading could be heard in our front nearly all the way. At 5 p. m. on Friday, we had reached within a mile or two of the rebel works, a portion of which they still held, and hotly contended for against the attack of our troops. About noon we were ordered to advance with our battery, and took position on the extreme left of the 5th corps, which constituted the left of the army's line. We soon became engaged with a rebel battery, posted behind a most formidable and well built fort or redoubt, with every advantage on the enemy's side. We fired at different intervals for two or three hours, sustaining no injury, and very likely inflicting none, though we could see the missiles from our guns strike the enemy's works. Part of the time we were engaged in firing at some buildings, to rid them of sharpshooters, who were badly damaging our troops.
On Saturday morning it was discovered that the rebels had evacuated the fort and intrenchments in front of us, and fallen back to the second line of works thus giving our army possession of the entire first. On the discovery of this fact, the 5th corps was pushed forward, Battery L advancing with Gen. Cutler's division, and again becoming engaged with the enemy's guns. We took position at a trot, under fire, in an open field and had a pretty sharp artillery duel. Our troops gradually advanced to the front and left, other batteries taking position, and with our own advancing by section and battery and firing while advancing. Some six or eight batteries, numbering about thirty guns were thus in action, and as they approached nearer and nearer the rebel works flinging their iron projectiles in hot profusion at them, the occasion was not a little exciting. Our infantry drew closer and closer to the works, preparatory to making a charge. Battery L was getting out of ammunition and no more of the kind we used could be obtained then, and so after the expenditure of a few more rounds we had to retire. The charge was made after we left the field and repulsed, though the ground was held that had been gained, a little beyond the Norfolk and Petersburg railroad which is now in our front. In this engagement we were fortunate again in escaping without harm, except in one instance, a member of Battery E, attached to our company, James Reynolds, was wounded by one of our own guns, he very carelessly passing in front of it just as it was fired off. It was a severe flesh wound from which he will doubtless recover.
In my last, I stated that Battery L was in the reserve artillery of the corps. More properly it has been in the advance since we crossed the James, as it was the first to be in action on Friday and Saturday last. Twenty-two of its men, including a part of battery E, men and two noncommissioned officers, have been detailed to serve some Cohorn mortars under command of Lieut. Hazelton of our regiment. The number of mortars is six, but there are men enough to serve only two at present. These mortars are brass, with a bore of five and a half inches in diameter and carry a twenty-four pound shell. They are carried in wagons or carts, and have been used several times during the campaign, with more or less success. Properly worked, they will drop a shell very accurately in the enemy's forts or intrenchments, and must prove demoralizing if not destructive. They are made after the pattern of larger mortars and loaded and fired similarly. Between the serving of 3 inch rifle guns, and 5 1-2 inch mortars, battery L may be said to be doing its share towards the capture of Richmond. The mortars have to be posted in close proximity to the skirmish line where there is generally uninterrupted music of the zipping of bullets.
Another movement is being made by the "left flank" as I now write. The 2nd corps moved yesterday in a northerly direction, followed by the 6th corps last night. The army appears to be swinging around to the west of Petersburg, and probably an attack will be made on that side, above the city, and if successful, will effect every purpose as the capture of Petersburg, so far as severing railroad communication with the rebel capital is concerned. But this movement, I venture to say, is fully known to the enemy, for they could not help seeing our troops in motion from the position they occupy, and then the clouds of dust signaled the moving of heavy columns of troops. A brisk skirmish or picket firing is going on in our front, with now and then the report of cannon.
The losses of our army since it began operating against Petersburg, have been quite heavy, not far from four or five thousand in killed and wounded. The 5th corps has lost about fifteen hundred, and the 2nd corps suffered badly in the engagement of Thursday or Friday last, and was pretty severely handled by Beauregard's troops.
Two officers in the artillery brigade of our corps, have been killed and wounded here, Lieut. Blake, of a Mass. battery, being killed by a sharpshooter on Sunday last, and Lieut. Riddenhouse of Battery D, 5th U. S. Artillery, being severely wounded on the same day by one of their unerring riflemen. This makes fifteen or sixteen officers out of twelve batteries constituting the brigade, who have been killed and wounded since the commencement of the campaign; almost fifty per cent.
Were I to state the total loss of the army up to the time the change of base was made to the north side of the James river, as reported from headquarters of the Provost Marshal General of the army of the Potomac, the statement would certainly appal [sic] my readers. The true figures will come to light one of these days. It doesn't become us to indulge in any comments, but we can't well avoid keeping up a "terrible thinking." The weather continues very pleasant. Occasionally we have the full benefit of Sol's hottest rays, but the temperature is remarkably mild at this season, for this southern clime. I heard an officer remark the other night, who was in McClellan's Richmond campaign, that this campaign as compared with that in point of weather, roads, &c., had been one continual holiday, a real picnic excursion, over beautiful roads, through a magnificent country, under a smiling sun, but alas attended with what fighting, what strife, and carnage, and bloodshed! May the ultimate achievements of the campaign prove commensurate with its cost.
President Lincoln, it is reported, is visiting the army. An officer jocosely remarked to your correspondent that the President had come down to look after the "Copperheads" in the army, of whom there is a large sprinkling, in the thousands of commands, both small and great, composing the army of the Potomac and fighting, and ready to fight till the "bitter death,"—paradoxically it may appear to the real "fanatics" of the land—for the not forgotten "object" which first called them to the field, the Union, the Constitution and the laws, in all their original purity and integrity.
G. B.
From the 108th Regiment.
Some-where in Virginia, Aug. 7, 1864.
DEAR EXPRESS:—Again We are settled down to quiet. Quiet reigns supreme; dull monotonous quiet; hot, sultry quiet; quiet that drives poor "Yanks" to the verge of despair, and poor Generals to the brink of imbecility; quiet that frightens the enemy into more rigid watchfulness, and drives the ever hopeful faith from the hearts of Northern friends. It is also very quiet, every body and every thing, except the flies, and they are so thick that collisions are constantly taking place between themselves. The same as
Niagara keeps up its roar, so do these "birds,"—who have out grown the name of insect—keep up one continual buzz; nor night nor day, nor rain nor shine, nor heat or cold, for a moment deters them from their confounded buzz. No rest here for the wicked, and the righteous need none. Flies of all descriptions; all sizes, all colors; all shapes, all mixed in one conglomerous mass. They blacken the ground and keep down the dust; blacken the air and keep the fierce scorching rays of old Sol from melting us down. Semi-occasionally, however, some poor fellow does go down, unknown, unhonored and unsung, but for the flies, aye! the flies—gentle, kind flies, who with knowing, generous anticipation, rise en masse, and present a barrier to the victims floating away in a delightfully greasy mist. Magnanimous flies, noble, generous, but awfully troublesome flies, black flies, brown flies, little fly, big fly, horse fly, and last, but not least, blue-tailed Virginia flies. Here let us “paws."
We have spoken briefly of the great quiet which prevails, and the flies which abound. Shall we, or shall we not, mention that little commodity,—if I may be allowed the expression —with which we are furnished regardless of expense? I have reference to the beautiful, warm, gushing, cheering, sunshine, or rather that which derives its source from the same fountain head;—the heat, the intolerable, scorching heat; heat which burns, bakes; heat under which any ordinary mortal would sizzle, fry, melt, run down to be slipped in; heat which dries up all nature, and is a sure preventative of all "charges;" heat which turns men's minds, aye, even Generals, (they are men,) and causes their angry passions to rise so high, that they desend [sic] from the alarming height to which their conceit has elevated them, and blow some body or bodies up; heat which is attractive, because there is no alternative; irresistable [sic] heat which places men—not that man, but that other man—in serious, yet comical predicament, where they find it impossible to visit the sutler, or spit over their shirt collar. Shall I speak on that subject that newspaper correspondents have so often mentioned in their letters, to wit: the heat? I think I had better not; but what shall I say? Nothing! I've said it, so I'll "dry up." When received, the papers are read. At present, joy too great, for expression fills our heart.
We notice with pride that our native city has sent forth her son,—not that son, but that "other son,"—we mean the 54th. Noble, brave, patriotic 54th! How willingly that son "girds on his armor," and goes forth at his country's call, to the post of danger, where he will meet the foes of right and justice—barbarians, Southern raiders, men who know no fear (?) and will fight fiercely, savagely, will resist to the bitter end (?) God bless the brave 54th!
"I had a brother once—a noble youth, one on whose face the beard of manhood had hardly sprouted yet," and he went forth brave of heart and firm of step to share the toils and perils— endure the privations—to suffer even death (?) for his country at—Elmira! Guardian angels protect him from commissary missiles, and return him in safety to his "papa," old Monroe, "with bright laurels on his brow."
We "simmer," ORPHANT.
From the 108th Regiment.
Headquarters 108TH REG'T, N. Y. S. Vols.
River, VA., August 19th, 1864.
The past week has been one of thunder, "thunder of the skies," and thunder of artillery have prevailed night and day. The daily publication of "usual quietness prevails in front of Petersburg" has been broken, and salvos of artillery along a line of 20 miles have caused a great shaking up. The thunder of the skies and vivid lightning has been accompanied by copious showers, which are joyfully welcomed by the soldiers after an unparalleled "heated term."
On the afternoon of the 12th inst., orders were received "to pack up &c.," and move immediately; which being complied with we arrived at City Point, twelve miles, in the evening. Anticipations ran high and a rumor was firmly believed that the 2d corps were bound for Washington. All were highly elated, and jocosely remarked, "What a gay time we'll have after the Johnnies in Maryland," &c—On Saturday the embarkation of troops commenced, and at sunset the 2d corps was afloat on the James. As each steamer and propeller received its cargo of human beings they dropped down the river several miles and anchored. About 10 P. M., one by one, the boats headed about and proceeded up stream. There were twelve boats heavily laden, and as they moved silently along, the sight was grand and thrilling. About midnight, rising from my couch, (the top of a water cask,) and looking out, precipitous banks that had a familiar appearance were visible. It was a fixed fact that the 2d corps were at Deep Bottom and Strawberry Plains, the scene of their operations three weeks since, when the distance, twenty miles, was marched in one night.
Sunday morning (14th) the troops were landed, and immediately proceeded to the various positions assigned. The heat was intense and several men were sun-struck and overcome. Of the terrific fighting that has since occurred you will have the particulars ere this reaches you. The troops of the 2d and 10th corps, and cavalry, have withstood the fierce assaults of the enemy, and gave them back "their full change." The 108th, although several times under heavy fire, has thus far fortunately suffered no casualties. We are so near Richmond and present such a threatening attitude to Fort Darling that the rebels are very desperate in their attacks. The huge winrows of their dead left, attesting the fact.
The health of the regiment is excellent notwithstanding the excessive heat that has prevailed, and the liability of miasmatic disease arising from the vast marshes along the James and Appomattox rivers in this section. It will be recollected that the yellow fever nearly depopulated Petersburg several years since. The rancorous subjects there now, are undoubtedly aware of the cause of the present depopulation, which strongly savors of "cannon on the brain."
Two years ago this day the 108th left Rochester. The scene is fresh in the memory of the men. They sit in circles, earnestly relating their experience, and ardently wishing that they may be home one year hence. The only casualty in the regiment to report since my last, is that of private Hugh Craig of Co. B, whose right thumb was shattered by a ball from the rebels while the regiment was on fatigue duty on the night of the 8th inst. Lt. Col. Pierce commands our (3d) brigade—Capt. Andrews the regiment.
Casualties in the 108th.—"Trume," the Democrat's correspondent, gives the following list of casualties in the 108th N. Y. Volunteers, at Reams Station, Va., Aug. 25, 1861:
Co. A—Private Warren T. Card.
Co. B—1st Serg't Thomas H. Downling, Serg't O. A. Chillson, Private L. Davis, wounded and in hospital.
Co. C—1st Serg't Thos. B. Finch, Serg't Geo, W. Provost, Corp' Jno. W. Fassett, Private Sylvester Lynn.
Co. D—1st Serg't John D. Jennings, killed, jugular vein severed by ball.
Co. E—Private Nehemiah Billings, Wm. McDonald.
Co. F—1st Serg't F. M. Thrasher, Corporal Chauneey L. Harris, wounded, Private Fred. Frye.
Co. G—Privates Edward T. Ambrose, George Van Schuyver.
Co. H—Privates S. Boughton, Joseph Hinds, Benj. Godwin.
Co. I—Lieut. C. Englehart, badly wounded in shoulder, in hospital—Privates Charles Reiff, Conrad Now.
Co. K—Serg't Henry Bufton, Privates James Wilson,— Thornton, (recruit.)
Note.—All that are not spoken of otherwise, are noted as missing.
From the 108th.
We are permitted to print the following extract from a private letter from Lieut. Porter, of the 108th Regiment, who has recently returned to his regiment, having recovered from his wound:
CAMP 108TH, Aug. 31, '64.
* * *I found the regiment in good condition and in proportion to its numbers, as effective as at any time during the campaign.
The operations of the last two weeks have been very severe, and the battle of the 20th materially diminished the forces, both of the Regiment and corps, but neither the one nor the other has lost its spirit or that perfect confidence in its own ability, which goes so far towards securing success.
In reference to the fight at Ream's Station, there will doubtless a good deal said, and possibly blame thrown upon Hancock and his corps; but in my opinion the determined manner in which they resisted the repeated attacks of more than double their numbers, and these composed of Lee's best troops, reflects credit, upon both commander and men; and instead of blaming them for the large loss suffered, I think we should praise them that it is not greater.
Our regimental loss is one killed, three wounded and twenty-one missing—a large number for so small a regiment to lose.
John Jennings, of Co. D, was killed. Some few of his things which were taken from his body will be sent home as soon as opportunity permits.
Three of my men are missing, and they were among the very best I had,—Thrasher, Frey and Harris. Harris is known to be wounded in the shoulder, and it is thought that the others may have been taken while helping him from the field.
Died of his Wounds.—News has been received of the death of Corp. Henry Wilson, of Co. G, 108th regiment N. Y. V, who was wounded in the recent battle of the Wilderness, his right leg being shot off, besides a severe wound in the left leg. The deceased was a member of Capt. Yale's company, and was home on furlough five weeks ago.
A JUST TRIBUTE TO THE LATE MAJOR SULLIVAN.—Col. Powers of the 108th N. Y. Vols., in a private letter to Judge Buel, refers to the late Jerry Sullivan in the following language. Col. P., it will be recollected, went to the field with him at the commencement of the Rebellion in the Old 13th, and had ample opportunity to know the man. He says: "The death of Major Sullivan was a sad thing. Rochester has not lost a man, nor the service soldier any braver or more upright or promising than he. I have been with him for nearly three years, all time in the service and always ready for duty; and if the people of Rochester wish to choose from among the many brave soldiers they have had constantly in the front during the Rebellion, one more distinguished than the rest, let him be the man, for he was the best that Rochester ever furnished. And such notice should be paid his death that his memory will not soon be erased from the minds of those youth who should be emulated to follow in his footsteps. He was emphatically a "Rochester boy, and made his own record."
DEATH OF REV. JAMES Nichols.—It is with regret that we announce the death of the Rev. James Nichols of this city. He expired last night after an illness of long duration. Mr. N. went out as Chaplain of the 108th Regiment, a short time before the battle of Antietam, and contracted by exposure the illness which proved fatal. He was attached to the army about eight months, but was compelled by ill health to resign. He was Principal of the Rochester Female Academy before his departure for the war and retained that position till he died. Mrs. Nichols conducted the school during his absence and illness.
Mr. Nichols was a clergyman of the Presbyterian order, and a man much esteemed for his real worth. We have not at hand any data from which to make other than this general notice of deceased.
DEATH OF LIEUT. HOLMES.—Truman Abrams, of the 108th, has addressed to Ald. Holmes a letter, giving the particulars of the death of his nephew, Lt. Holmes, from which we are permitted to extract the following:
"Robert died a brave man. While gallantly waving his sword and cheering his men on in front of his company, he uttered the words "Come boys, come on!" when a ball struck him about the middle of the right jaw, shattering it and his throat so badly that he lived but a short time, unconscious of his; injuries, I assisted in bearing him off the field during the battle and laid him as circumstances permitted at the time. Robert, during his short connection with the company had won the esteem and respect of each man. This estimation of his military knowledge and experience was well founded. His gentlemanly demeanor won the respect and confidence of all his men. The company mourn his loss deeply, and it is almost an hourly expression from some of the members that it is too bad that Lieut. HoImes was killed.
"Owing to the rapid decomposition of the bodies Major Force and Lieuts. Holmes and Tarbox were interred side by side by the commissioned officers of the companies."
Mr. Abrams requests that a notice be made of the death of Wm. F. De Forrest, of Co. G, who was wounded in battle. He has friends in the 7th and 12th Wards, and was married only a fortnight before he left Rochester.
CONDITION OF COLONEL PIERCE.—The injury received by Lieut. Col. Pierce of the 108th Regiment, in the recent action on the Rapidan, is more severe than at first reported, and fears are entertained for his safety. A letter received by Louis Chapin, Esq., from Sergeant Jewell of the same regiment, states that Col. P. was struck by a minie ball, which entered his left temple, about an inch from the eye, forcing it nearly out of the socket, and of course destroying the sight. The ball has not been extracted, although no alarming symptoms are yet presented, a fatal result is not improbable. His cousin, Capt. S. C. Pierce of the 3d cavalry, who was in Rochester at the time of the casualty, has gone to attend him.
Lieut. Col. Pierce went out as Captain of Co. F, and was made Major for his cool and heroic behavior at Antietam, succeeding the lamented Major Force. Afterward, on the resignation of Col. Palmer, he was promoted Lieut. Colonel. No officer in the 108th has enjoyed in a greater degree the respect and confidence of the men, or has proved more worthy of their attachment. We believe he has shared every engagement in which the regiment has participated, and notwithstanding his serious and protracted ill health, which seemed to render his resignation imperative, he steadily persisted in remaining at the post of duty and accompanying the regiment in its last advance. We sincerely trust he may survive his terrible misfortune, but in common with all his friends shall await further tidings with anxiety.
In another place will be found a letter from our correspondent "Trume," giving particulars of the disaster.
PERSONAL.—We had the pleasure yesterday of meeting Lieut. Col. F. E. Pierce, of the 108th Regiment, who returns on a twenty days' leave of absence. He is suffering from serious ill health and, as his appearance indicates, will not soon be in a condition to return to active service.
LIEUT. COL. PIERCE AT HOME.—Our citizens will be pleased to learn that Lieut. Col. Pierce of the 108th arrived home by the Genesee Valley train on Saturday evening, in a much more comfortable condition than might have been expected. Indeed, he seems to consider his wound a comparatively trifling one.—As to that, people will judge for themselves when they know its character. Col. Pierce was shot below the left temple, the ball passing under the eye and lodging beneath the bridge of the nose. The missile was extracted a few minutes after the wound was received. Of course, the sight of the eye is destroyed permanently, and we understand that a surgical operation will probably be necessary to reduce a protrusion of the now useless organ. The fortitude of Col. Pierce may enable him to consider the injury he has received a slight one, but we should call it rather serious. He has reason, however, to be thankful that his life is spared, and that the symptoms of his case are so favorable. Others will rejoice with him in those respects.
The Colonel left the regiment on Friday morning, making the journey home in about thirty-six hours. He traveled entirely alone.—His cousin, Capt. Pierce of the 3d Cavalry, who departed for Washington on Friday morning, must have met him on the way, and gone on, unconscious of the fact. Col. Pierce is able to walk about, but was, of course, considerably fatigued on reaching home. He has a host of friends who would be glad to see him, but they will readily understand that entire quiet is for the present indispensable to his improvement.
LIEUT.-COL. PIERCE.—It will be seen by a letter from a Washington correspondent that Lieut.-Col. Pierce has rejoined his regiment, the 108th, notwithstanding his wound, which would have readily obtained him a furlough. He went to the field before he had fully recovered from his first severe wound which deprived him of an eye, and against the advice of friends, and was shortly wounded again. After less than a week of rest he rejoined his command and is now ready to go in against the rebels again when Gen. Grant shall give the word. Surely none will question the purpose of the Lt.-Col. to fight whenever he can get a chance. He has shown a zeal in this respect that outdoes discretion if he has a regard for his physical condition.
LETTER FROM CAPT. CUTLER.—The friends of Capt. Cutler, of the 108th, have a letter from him written since the battle, descriptive of the part his regiment took in the affair of Wednesday. His description of the movements of the regiment is similar to that given by others whose letters have been published. He says the 130th Penn. and 4th Delaware marched up the hill and retired when they received the fire of the enemy. Just then a General rode up and swinging his sword, shouted, "Forward, 108th, your place is in front!" The boys gave a deafening yell and rushed forward and found a rifle pit full of rebels who poured into thorn a deadly fire from a distance of no more than 150 feet. The 108th returned over the hill after having a few killed, including Major Force, Lieuts. Holmes and Tarbox.
The regiment after a time fixed bayonets and charged on the rifle pit and cleared it, taking two stands of colors from the rebels and 160 prisoners. The charge was made after the 108th had been ordered to withdraw from the field. The 69th followed them in the charge. Gen. McClellan complimented the regiment by saying that he never saw raw troops fight so in his life. Corporal Frank Johnson, of Capt. Cutler's company, was killed within three feet of him on his right, and one of Capt. Fuller's men was killed within four feet of him on the left.
Capt. Cutler says his company suffered most. He had 52 men in the fight, of which 21 were wounded and two killed.
The 108th could only muster 94 men the night after the fight, and has only 500 now.
To the Memory of WM. H. SMITH, CO. G, 108TH REG'T, N. Y. S. V., KILLED AT COLD HARBOR, JUNE 5, 1864.
For the Evening Express.
Down by far Potomac's river,
'Mid the noble fallen brave,
All unmindful of the conflict
Raging fiercely o'er his grave;
Softly sleeping, sweetly sleeping,
Heart all cold and pulses still;
In a soldier's grave they laid him,
Merry hearted, loving Will.
Hearts are aching—hearts are breaking:
All in bitter anguish lost,
For the sleep which knows no waking;
For the loved, and early lost;
Father, Mother, loving Sisters
Waiting—Waiting—all in vain,
Longing still for darling Willie,
Sleeping on the battle plain.
Comes no more his bounding footsteps.
Up the walk and through the door;
Rings no more the merry laughter
Of the voice so loved of yore;
No mors watching, little sisters,
For the absent one to come,
Striving each the first to welcome
Darling brother Willie home.
No more letters, loving Mother,
Where thou read'st with tearful joy,
"Don't forget to pray, dear Mother,
For your absent soldier boy."
We shall miss him—ever miss him—
Gone in all his bright young prime;
By the glowing winter fire-side,
Through the pleasant summer time.
On the far off field of battle,
Sweetly sleeps, beloved one;
O'er thee brightly beams the glory
Of the early setting sun.
Toil and conflict all are over;
Rest and peace to thee have come;
Loudly swells the angel chorus,
Sounding WILLIE'S welcome home.
July 21, 1864.
—In Front of Petersburg, Va.
In the recent reconnoisance towards the Southside Railroad the 2d Division of the 2d, Corps bore a conspicuous part under command of Brigadier General Egan, who has been commanding the Division during the absence of General Gibbon. The 108th as a component part of the Division, had a hand in the day's engagement on the 27th. In the morning, at day-break, the boys forded Wyatt's Creek, which was breast deep in many places, and working through "slashes" (felled trees) charged upon and carried a heavy line of earthworks, and being fired up with a go-a-head principle pressed onward carrying a second line. The rush was too much for the enemy; they could not stand the pressure. During the day very heavy artillery and musketry firing occurred, and the movements were made skillfully and ably in a dense undergrowth of scrub oak. The enemy endeavored to flank and force our men back, but were repulsed heavily. It was one of the most brisk and hardest day's work of the campaign, yet the men stood their ground manfully and heroically—for which glorious conduct they have been warmly praised by Generals Grant, Meade and Hancock, who were present watching the movements with much interest. Darkness put an end to the incessant roll of musketry; and, soon after, one of the most severe storms of wind and rain set in that could fall upon a fatigued soldier. The object of the movement having been accomplished the troops fell back, bringing with them captured flags and several hundred prisoners.
The casualties in the 108th are few when looking at and comparing the hot work of the day. They are as follows:
Capt. D. H. Ostrander, Co. A, wounded in right arm, near shoulder, badly.
Privates John Van Mall, Co. G; Robert Rider, Co. H; J. Frank Geiss, Co. I; Joseph Fricker, Co. I—all slight.
The men are feeling well and hearty, and are ready for a tug with the Johnnies whenever called upon. Our Brigade, (Gen. Smyth's) is now in the front line of works, extending south from Appomattox river. Fighting occurs daily along the line. Petersburg is in view, but the stoppages to our entrance are ponderous and formidable. When we succeed in promenading its avenues the telegraph will announce it. TRUME.
From the 108th Regiment.
Oct. 4, 1864.
The past month has been one of considerable activity with the 2nd Corps, in which the 108th has borne its share of the duties, readily and cheerfully. As a Reserve Corps its feats of travel to the various portions of the line as required, gained it the soubriquet of "Hancock's foot cavalry." Numerous witticisms were indulged in, which served to keep up good cheer and ameliorate the fatigue of marching. If a halt was made, and the query was propounded why it was so, the reply given was, that we were "waiting for the cavalry to catch up." The regiment has also come in for its full share in throwing up breastworks and felling trees, to render it "a hard road to travel" for the enemy, in case they were disposed to try it. In the light of day, and in the murky darkness of night—in rain and mud (of which there has been enough,) the duties arising have been steadily performed. …ous victories achieved during the past month, and the welkin has rung with vociferous cheers along the entire line, from the men who can appreciate truly such jubilant tidings. On the 16th our (3d) brigade started after the "cattle raiders." The rebels however, eluded the halt intended for them, and got the beef; over which they exulted much, and bellowed along their line for several days at our men. The bleat, however, has been knocked out of some scores of them within a few days, and the work "goes bravely on," We remained at Prince George C. H. a week. It has been a pleasant rural resort for the transaction of legal business in days of peace. The buildings consisted of a brick Court House, County Clerk's office, and jail, and an ancient frame tavern of large dimensions. All, however, had been demolished. Old records were scattered around, dating back to the "King Georges of England. While lying at this place, the men were engaged in the construction of a fort and bastion.
Upon returning to the front we relieved the 10th Corps, and since the 24th the 108th has been living under fire of shot and shell—behind works and in gopher holes. It is no desirable or agreeable mode of living this; the bearing by frequently of the shattered remains of comrades causes a shudder, but old soldiers shrink not from the perils of war, and send back the missiles with vengeance. The pyrotechnics (mortar shelling) at night are great and brilliant, but dangerous to the spectators. No stated hour is given as to the time this display will be made—the ball is likely to open at any moment after dark. Soldiers have a great dislike for mortar shells. In the explosion of rifle gun shells the breastworks afford protection, as the pieces fly forward, but mortar shells fly upwards and gracefully curving (rainbow-like) through the air, "call" where they are not expected. There is no staying in tented habitations during such shelling, for everyone is out to watch the course the villainous explosives are liable to take, or see that we don't get more pieces than are "accounted for."
On the 2d instant the 108th with associated regiments moved into Fort Davis, formerly Fort Warren, where we are now taking our regular routine of duty on the skirmish line. Missiles whistle over us and through our tents, yet, tho' firing is kept up, after night-fall the "soldiers sleep." Over the ground gained, mounds are visible, denoting the sepulture of our fallen. On the boards posted I noticed names of the 14th H. A. and 24th Cavalry.
The great struggle has now opened with the Army of the Potomac, and while the political ball is rolling at home briskly, balls are rolling thick and fast in this "dominion." The telegraph gives you the result of balls rolling here thus far.
A pleasing incident occurred this evening which has caused much rejoicing and great cheering throughout the Brigade. Col. Smyth, of the 1st Delaware Veteran Volunteers, who has commanded our Brigade with gallantry and ability, received his "star" as Brigadier General. The enthusiasm was great--so great that the enemy commenced a brisk firing of artillery and musketry, to which they got in return a fitting response.
The only casualty I have to report since my last is that of private Jermiah Howard, Co. A, who was wounded by a piece of shell on the morning of the 2d instant. Trume.
Return of the 108th Regiment.
[Apologetic.—Owing to the somewhat sudden illness of the Editor who presides over this department of the UNION, a notice of the return and reception of the 108th Regiment was inadvertently omitted yesterday. It is hardly necessary to say that no one can regret the omission more than ourselves. Below will be found an account of the interesting affair together with the full Roster of the Regiment.]
Word was received Wednesday that the regiment had left Elmira and would arrive on the 8:10 P. M. train on the Erie road. The report soon spread through the city and every one was anxious to give the returning soldiers a hearty reception, such a one as the brave boys of this regiment deserved. The Common Council Committee having the matter in charge immediately made arrangements for the reception of the regiment. The several military organizations and civil societies were invited to participate, and word was given out that the signal for assembling would be the ringing of the fire bell in the Court House. Major Lee, Mustering and Disbursing Officer, made immediate preparations for the camp of the regiment, and succeeded in getting the County Fair Grounds for that purpose.
The Court House bell was struck at a quarter before seven, and in an incredible short space of time the streets were filled with people all along where it was expected the returning regiment would march. The 54th Regt. N. Y. S. N. G., headed by Newman's Band, and commanded by Col. Clark, the Light Artillery Battalion under Major Lewis, and the Union Blues, under Capt. Waydell, proceeded to the Valley Depot, and were immediately followed by the Common Council, Fire Department and several civic societies. At the appointed time a salute by a detachment of artillery announced the arrival of the train, and it was almost impossible for the police to prevent the crowd from pressing on to and overwhelming the soldiers. They formed on the platform and the column started for the Court House, where they were addressed by His Honor Mayor Moore as follows:
Veterans of the 108th Regiment:
It is my pleasant duty to welcome you home, and to congratulate you upon the glorious battles and victories in which you have participated. After nearly three years of arduous, honorable and patriotic service, you are entitled to all the honors your fellow-citizens may render on this joyful occasion. You have represented us well and nobly, and are entitled to our lasting gratitude. The people of Rochester and Western New York are justly proud of you on account of your sacrifices, gallantry, bravery and heroism, as displayed on many well-contested and bloody fields. You have fought the good fight to perpetuate the Union and save the Republic, and will long be honored therefor. Your Regiment—many of whose members, like our late lamented President, have become martyrs in the sacred cause of Liberty and Right—was among the earliest to enlist and the very first, I believe, that was honorably discharged after the close of the accursed rebellion. It can therefore be truthfully said that you were among the first in War, first in Peace, and first in the hearts of your fellow-citizens who now manifest joy on your return.
In behalf of the municipal authorities I cordially bid you welcome to home, families and friends. As you now return to peaceful, and, I trust, profitable pursuits, may your future be ... sence it has been our duty, as well as pleasure, to make suitable provision for your families—and we now invite you to a substantial repast after the fatigues of your journey.
After the boys had responded by giving three good, hearty cheers, the column was again formed and marched to the Brackett House, where a supper had been prepared for the soldiers. On arriving at the Brackett House they stacked their arms in the passage-way between the hotel and depot, and marching into the depot, sat down to the table. After supper the men were dismissed with orders to report at the Brackett House on Thursday morning.
The reception was very enthusiastic, the crowds seeming never to tire of cheering and waving their handkerchiefs all along the route of the march. The boys have good reason to be proud of the part they have performed in the work of putting down the rebellion, and they are well assured by the reception they received Wednesday evening that their services are appreciated.
Below we give the list of officers and men of this regiment:
Brevet Brig. Gen. Chasrles [sic] J. Powers, commanding.
Lieut. Col. Francis E. Pierce.
Adjutant H. Halsted.
Quartermaster, Franklin B. Hutchinson.
Surgeon Francis M. Wafer.
Asst. Surgeon Robert Stevenson.
Sergt. Major George Rice.
Q. M. Sergt. John C. Harris.
Commissary Sergeant, Greenleaf E. Fish.
Hospital Steward, Charles H. Riley.
Principal Musician, Alex. Lockie.
" " David Norton.
Lieut. Jay W. Smith, Christopher Kohde,
A. H. Christie, Sergt. Nathan Parkhurst,
J. K. P. Gaylen, Sergt Orlow Babcock,
F. C. Husritt, Sergt Henry W. Dingman.
T. H. Steadman,
Capt, J. B. Kennedy, Hugh Craney, Corp.
2d Lt. A. B. Hadding, Sam'l Moulder,
R. Gundry, 1st Sergt, Henry Wright,
Orin A. Chilson, Sergt. John Reed,
Jas Coughlin, Sergt Chas. A. Hamlin,
Orville J. Talman, Marquis H. French,
Geo W Green, Sergt Chas. Field,
Ed Whitney, Corp H. Orman, teamster.
Capt, W. H. Andrews, Jesse R. Squires,
2d Lt. W. H. Raymond, Alfred M. Potter,
John Weigut, Sergt. Jonn A. Proseus,
Wm. W. West, Sergt. Wm. G. Marble,
M. R, Donohue, Sergt. Andrew Main,
Harrison Smith, Corp. Joses Green,
Jno. J. Fassett, Corp. Geo. T. Ball, wagoner.
Marquis Streeter, Wm. A. Jones,
Thos. Flagler, Corp. Jas. Bisnitt,
Geo. Elliott, musician.
Lt. Christian Trangott, Myron C. Fraser,
Benj. Fischer, Sergt. Theodore Gage,
Jas. Plunkett, Sergt. Chas. Howad,
L. Burton, Sergt. Henry Heeg,
Lewis Sleeker, Corp. Isaac L. Inman,
R. S. Conger, Corp. Romayn B. Scaantom,
Jas. McMahon, Corp. Silas E. Stoddard,
Theodore H. Albro, Wm. Willihan,
Henry Barnum, Orville H. Stewger.
Jas. Bownes,
1st Lieut. H. G. Rich- Charles H. Allen.
ardson, James Hilton,
Alb. Horton. 1st Sgt. Wm. Himmel,
M.C. Bryant, Sgt. Chatman C. Hisby,
P. B. Tinny, Sgt. Charles Miller,
John Wickham, Corp. Joseph McMannis,
Elixis Wager, Corp. Wm. H. Moore,
James M. Rose, Corp. Gilbert G. Townsend,
John H. Parmlee, Edwin B. Beck, Mus.
Alvah Atwood, Mus.
Capt Sam'l Porter, James E. Bowman,
Lieut John O. Jewell Alexander Conolly,
Fletcher M. Thrasher, Sam'l T. Covert,
1st Sgt, Claude Leonard,
Peter Anger, Sgt. James McAdams,
David Croft, Sgt. Robert McVety,
C. L. Harris, Sgt. William Pitts,
Albert French, Corp. James Grander,
Michael Ryan, Corp. John Swyting,
John Nelson, Corp. George Smith,
Frederick Grey, Corp. Adam H. Todd,
T. Van Bergh, Corp. George W. Vaughn,
Thomas Bannister, William Welch.
2d Lieut. Alf. Elwood, Edward Cotters,
Norman Westfall, Srgt. Daniel S. Fiske,
Levi Cary, Srgt. Francis Guyon,
Edward Crouch, Srgt. Timothy Haley,
Geo. H. Green, Srgt. Thomas Haney,
Patrick Sullivan, Srgt. James Hinds,
Jas. Dack, Corpl. Robert J. Rider,
Charles Cady, Corpl. Isaac S, Thorn,
Jno. Cunningham, mu. George Vroman,
Jacob Conder, wag'r. Jacob Winslow.
Silas G. Boughton,
1st Lieut. Sol. Fatzer, Mathias Goeden,
Jacob Hottinger, Srgt. Adam Gueldner,
Otto Werner, Srgt. George Hoffman,
Adam Moser, Srgt. Frederick Kung,
H. C. Dietrich, Corpl. Ferdinand Mayer,
C. Schrueder, Corpl. George Wicklas,
Thos. Bohrer, music'n Conrad Peter,
John Geicig, Peter Reinwald,
Jacob Giecig, Christian Suss,
Peter Geicig, Jacob Spring,
Frank J. Giess, George Walther.