107th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
Lieut. M. C. Wilkinson, formerly of the 107rh, has received his commission as First Lieutenant in the Invalid Corps, and ordered to report immediately, to Col. E. B. Alexander, Assistant Provost Marshal General at St. Louis. He will leave Elmira for his post of duty in a few days. Lieut. Wilkinson is zealous in the cause for which he has already done honorable service, and we congratulate him upon being assigned to further duty in a capacity which will not so severely test his physical strength, which was not equal to the hardships of an active campaign.
From the 107th.--A letter from John Traver, Co. A, 107th regiment, states that the regiment was in the action of Gettysburg.--The only casualities were a wounded man in Co. A, and one in some other company. names of persons were not given.
*** A paragraph stating that Lt. Col. COLBY of the 107th Regiment was dangerously ill with typhoid fever, was mislaid last week. His wife and father were telegraphed to and went at once to the camp near Stafford Court House, Va. We are glad to learn that the fever has abated, and although very much prostrated there is good reason to believe that he is recovering.
** MARTIN W. ELY, of CO. I, 107th Reg't N. Y. Vol., died of consumption, July 21st, in Hornby, at the residence of his father, Caleb Ely, aged about twenty-three years. He enlisted under Capt. Colby at the organization of the company, served until the winter, when he became so ill as to require his removal to the hospital. He remained there until April, when there being no prospect of his recovering, he was discharged and returned home. He was a good soldier, respected by his comrades and by the officers of the company. He has given his life to his country as truly as though he had fallen in battle.
**Lt. Col. COLBY, of the 107th Regiment, arrived in town yesterday. He had an attack of the typhoid fever about two months since, and for some weeks was in a very critical condition, but is now gradually regaining his health.
We learn, from authority which we deem reliable, that Col. DIVEN has resigned the command of the 107th and is now on his way home. We also learn that he has been appointed a major, in the regular service, to be stationed at Elmira, but we do not know for what particular sphere of duty.
D. Jesup, of the 107th N. Y. V., has arrived at his home in Tyrone, sick, on a furlough.
James W. Pinch, nephew of Samuel Pinch, Esq., of this village, and belonging to the 107th, N. Y. Vols., Slocum's division, started for the seat of war last Wednesday. He has been home on furlough, on account of wounds received at the battle of Chancellorsville, where he laid four days on the field before being picked up, and during which time he was robbed of his watch and money by the Rebels.
Recruiting Prospects in the Twenty-seventh District —Elmira Depot to be Re-established.
[Correspondence of the Evening Post.]
Elmira, N. Y., August 13, 1862.
The One Hundred and Seventh regiment—the first to take the field from the Empire State under the new call—entered the cars at four o'clock this morning from this city for Washington, by way of Pittsburgh. It left the barracks, more than a mile up the Chemung river, at one o'clock this morning, so great was the desire of the officers and men in the ranks to proceed at once to the seat of war. Uniforms and equipments were complete, but there were no arms.
The regiment was full. Instead of the seven or eight hundred non-commissioned officers and privates which a few months ago constituted our regiments, one thousand and ten men—the maximum number allowed—marched with the One Hundred and Seventh. In the two days which elapsed from the time the ranks were finally completed, till the regiment began its march, about two hundred additional volunteers asked admission and were refused. Many of them returned to their homes, inasmuch as no authority existed to retain them. No new regiment was authorized.
A great crowd attended the departure of the volunteers, and the scene was much like those which characterized the starting of the first regiments a year ago.
It is understood that the One Hundred and Seventh will go into camp near the federal capital, General Van Valkenburg, the commandant, took the field with his regiment.
Notwithstanding the refusal to receive some of the volunteers, as before stated, recruiting is exceedingly active. Men are constantly coming in from all parts of the district, comprising the counties of Chemung, Steuben and Schuyler. Representations have been made to the Governor and strongly urged to the effect that another regiment could easily be enlisted in the district, and that such a course should be permitted.
I understand that the depot at Elmira, where many thousand troops have been fitted out for the war, is to be re-opened for the accommodation of recruits for the regiments now in the field. For the reason that no sufficient arrangements have been made in Western New York for the enlistment of men for the old regiments, this class of volunteers are comparatively few in number. The subject is, however, popular, and when the proper facilities are offered a very large number of recruits can be at once obtained.
The inhabitants expect to fill the quotas of both calls at an early day by volunteering.
The State Medical Examiner and Post Surgeon at Elmira, Dr. William C. Wey, is performing a large amount of valuable service. He has been connected with the medical department of the Elmira station ever since it was established. Major Lee is the government mustering and disbursing officer. The rush of recruits is by no means diminished. Squads are brought by every train of cars arriving.
The friends of Capt. James A. Creed, at Elmira, on Tuesday evening last, presented him with a splendid belt, sash and sword. Capt. Creed volunteered as a private, in the 107th N. Y. V.; was at the Battle of Chancellorsville, where he was promoted to a Lieutenancy, and has since been made a Captain.
One Hundred and Seventh New York.
KILLED--Henry Harrington, Co. B; P. Gallaghan, Co. D; John Kallahart, Co. G; Jesse E. Stevens, Co. G; William Everett, Co. G; Cyrus T. Covill, Co. H; John H. French, Co. A; Daniel T. Corwine, Co. I; Pat Callahan, Co. D.
WOUNDED--Robert Goldsmith, Co. A; Francis Brown, Co. A; Rufus Harrington, Co. A; John Egbert, Co. A; Charles Kilmer, Co. B; Wm. M. Hurd, Co. B; George W. Davis, Co. B; James Devon, Co. B; Jackson Churchill, Co. B; Elijah Coles, Co. B; William Broas, Co. A; Peter Austen, Co. C; L. W. Osborne, Co. C; David D. Leavenworth, Co. C; Abel D. Bagley, Co. C; Abraham D. Broza, Co. C; Ambrose Morher, Co, G; Schuyler Hall, Co. D; Beach Beardsley, Co. D; David Crow, Co. E; T. G. Bennett, Co. E; Alonzo Johnson, Co. G; Tylor Parish, Co. G; Captain E. C. Clark, Co. H; Amor Fisk, Co. G; Rufus J. Henderson, Co. G; Stephen Edwards, Co, H; Burlington Durfu, Co. H; Owen O. Gardner, Co. H; Mathew S. Dawson, Co. H; George Youngs, Co. I; John M. Brown, Co. I; Howard Caster, Co. I; E. H. Babcock, Co. E; Jacob Jafheth, Co. K; Sylvester Cole, Co. K; Volkut Benedict, Co. G; M. St. Ezra Gleason, Co. G; Josiah S. Gregory, Co. H; Jason J. Tohmans, Co. H; John Lalor, Co. E; Amos Decker, Co. B; Charles Terwilligen, Co. B; John E. Hoag, Co. F; Asa Bronnell, Co. F; Frank Bradenbugh, Co. D; George Burris, Co. D; Benj. F. Rogers, Co. D; Robert Smith, Co. D; Wm. H. Lamphin, Co. K.
Camp 107th Regiment N. Y. Vols. near Falmouth, Va., May 12, '63.
Whatever may be the feelings of our friends at home, concerning the recent engagements in Virginia, the "Army of the Potomac" do not feel disheartened or discouraged, but that they have inflicted upon the rebels a chastisment, from which they can never recover. The fact that we were ordered back across the Rappahannock, does not imply that we suffered a reverse, for facts show that the enemy had retired, previous to that movement of our forces, leaving their dead and wounded uncared for, which in point of numbers all concede to have been three to our one. Every revelation shows the fact that all that men could do, was done at Chancellorsville; that the 12th Army Corps (who did the fighting) maintained every position; that entangled in dense thickets, and exposed to pelting storms, the worst weather to conceive of, and with numbers, too, against them more than twice their number, they fought to the end, retiring in the best of order, after punishing the rebels terribly. Look at the casualties on both sides; the amount of prisoners taken, of cannon captured, of the positions assailed and carried, and the groans which have since emanated from Richmond over their acknowledged heavy losses, and we will have little to dishearten us, while the prospects of the future possess everything to enthusiase. Certainly our own corps is in the very best of spirits, are anxious once more to be led forth against the enemy, and will promise to present an unbroken front, and achieve as handsome results, as it did on the memorable Sunday, at Chancellorsviile.
Since our arrival at this place, several resignations have been tendered by our Officers, and two of them, Col. ALEXANDER S. DIVEN, and Adj't HULL FANTON, have received honorable discharges from the Service. Of Col. DIVEN, I cannot speak in language too warm, of his connection with our Regiment. He assumed the command on Maryland Heights, at the time, the darkest in its history, when disease and death was everywhere in the camp, and by his untiring energy and zeal in behalf of our suffering Regiment, we owe our present welfare and position. Strictly speaking, Col. DIVEN never made pretensions as a strict military tactician, and, yet, such a person as he proved himself to be, is needed in every regiment. To the 107th, he was emphatically "the "Father of the Regiment," always looking to its welfare, always ministering to its wants, always attentive to its requirments.
At the battle of Chancellorsville, Col. DIVEN proved himself to be a brave man, and in the thickest of the fight he did not leave his Regiment, but encouraged and animated the men by his example. Unaided by his field and staff, and assisted by Col. COL. GROVE, of the 27th Indiana, his Regiment stood manfully by him, and would have followed these brave Commanders even to the jaws of death. Col. DIVEN leaves us with the respect, and heartfelt wishes of the Reg't for his future happiness and wellfare, and he will ever have a place in the hearts of his old command.
I understand that the command will devolve upon Lieut. Col. CRANE, of the 23d N. Y. V., now disbanded, their term of office having expired. Col. CRANE is highly spoken of as a military man, and well qualified for the position assigned him. He will find in 107th all the elements necessary to ensure him a vigorous command, and those who will stand by him with heroic fortitude and endurance against the enemies of our country.
To conclude, we are again under marching- orders, and are ready. To those who have our welfare at heart, among your readers, assure them we are alive to every duty devolving upon us, as loyal soldiers; and our motto, is the one adopted by old JOHN HAMPDEN "nulla vestigia retrorsum." Never fear but that it will be lived up to. H. G. D.
Corning Journal.
THURSDAY,.......JUNE 18, 1863.
THE 107TH REGIMENT.—A meeting of the officers and soldiers of the 107th, N. Y. Vols., was held on the 8th at the camp near Suffolk Court House, Va., at which a series of loyal resolutions were passed unanimously. Adresses were made by Capt. J. F. Knox, Lieut. Denniston, Lieut. Van Valkenburgh and Chaplain Crane. We copy the leading Resolutions and omit the preamable for lack of space:
Resolved, That as officers and soldiers of the 107th N. Y. V., of every previous political party, we do deprecate and condemn the actions of traitors in the South, as well as their base and sneaking allies and abettors (the Copperheads) of our own North, and that we recognize in both the same principles of political degradation, and infamy, of crime and treason to our beloved country.
Resolved, That above all else has experience taught us, that the course pursued by these aids and abettors of treason in the North, has tended to nerve and stimulate the rebel arms, while to our own government and army the effect has been to humiliate and dishearten. They have not only embarrassed both but have given aid and comfort to our enemies, giving them assurances of sympathy, where none exists, save in their own rotten and traitorous hearts. And while we, the 107th N.Y.V., are enduring hardships and privations, our numbers becoming decimated on battle fields in conflict for the Union, our mails are freighted with the reports of meetings held in our own State by this vile cabal, breathing a spirit of disloyalty.
Resolved, That we applaud and are thankful to our Government in the sending of such rebel emissaries as Vallandigham, to the rebel lines, out of the sight and hearing of freemen, and hope that the same course may be pursued towards all like him, without an exception, that our volleys and bayonets may be directed against the enemies of our country en masse, instead of suffering by the words of treason openly preached by Copperheads and traitors in our own free North.
Resolved, That the war in which our country is engaged is a most just and righteous one, and that as a loyal Regiment we will pour out our life's blood if it need be, in our country's behalf, and the principles with which the war is carried on by our Government.
Resolved, That if the Government will attend to Copperheads in the North, and those who sympathise with the traitors South, we will lend our every energy in putting down the rebellion, in restoring our union, and in conquering a peace. Relying always upon God and the Righteousness of our cause, for success.—That to do this we offer the record of our past history as a Regiment, for the performance of future duties on the battle field, in behalf of the best Government the sun ever shone upon.
THE 107th.
At a meeting of the .... the 107th Reg't N. Y. Volunteers.... purpose of giving an expression .... ments of the Regiment, in regard .... Peace meetings, now being held by .... heads and small politicians, in the North.... Capt. L. Baldwin was president. Surgeon P. H. Flood, Vice President; and Lieut. H. G. Denniston and Lieut. A. B. Howard, Secretaries.
Capt. Baldwin made some very eloquent and pithy remarks, on taking the chair, stating the object of the gathering, and giving a scathing review of the course of the Copperheads generally. The Committee appointed to draft resolutions, consisting of Capt. John F. Knox, and Lieut's DENNISTON and VAN-VALKENBURGH, then read the following, which they had prepared : Whereas, That while the Government is striving, by every means in its power, to crush out the Rebellion of the South, that would rend our Union in twain, and preserve inviolate the rich blessings Freedom be….
Reception of Co. H, 107th N. Y. Vols.
A Glorious tribute of respect paid to the Returning Heroes!
On Friday evening, 9th inst., the report having gone forth that Co. H, of the 107th N. Y. Regiment, would be received by HULL FANTON, Esq., a generous outpouring of the citizens as assembled at the Depot to welcome the returning heroes, and, escorted by the Havana Brass Band, marched around the square to the north entrance of the Montour House, where their ears met the sound of the National Air, "Red, White and Blue," as sung from the balcony by a party of little girls. Never was the heart of the masses more deeply interested in a ceremony more appropriate, and every eye seemed to glimmer with delight over the return of those battle worn soldiers, whose diminished ranks told a sad tale of the rebel missels of death, for, only 34 of the 100 who left our village three years ago, now return to receive the blessings, and the tribute of gratitude, for the many deeds of valor performed by the good old 107th. Her history is an untarnished one, and her name will ever be held in sacred remembrance.
The table, around which assembled the noble defenders of our country, was beautifully decorated with nature's choicest flowers, and the bountiful repast was just what we could expect from the worthy landlord and hostess of this popular hotel, a rich, choice beverage of everything that pertains to the first tables, and such as would bring from the heart of the soldier an ungovernable gush of gratitude, both to the donor and to those who are his instruments in pleasing the weary travelers, who had fought to defend our rights, and had now returned from their labors, with their mission fully performed. Heartfelt thanks and cheering countenances told well of the result of Adjutant FANTON'S endeavors to entertain and please this honorable assemblage. To the ladies, we must not fail to utter a word of thanksgiving, for their dainty fingers reared volumes in the heart of the soldier, as the beautiful boquets were strewn broadcast before the rank and file of Company H. One soldier exclaimed, "Heaven bless you!" This is the response that comes from the bosom of all who witnessed your demonstrations.
After the supper was over, Adjutant FANTON gave a brief history of the Regiment, as follows:
Remarks of Hull Fanton, Esq., at the supper given to the officers and men of his Company, at the Montour House, Havana, Friday evening, June 9th, 1865.
The preliminary work of enrolling your heroic Company, of the now famous and battle-stained 107th Regiment was commenced on the l7th day of July, 1862. The following day the active co-operation of H. DELOS DONNELLY and LEWIS O. SAYLER, of the town of Hector, was secured, and during the entire work the generous assistance of Hon. CHARLES COOK, who advanced the money to pay the bounties, and that of PETER TRACY, WM. SKELLENGER, ADAM G. CAMPBELL, JOHN CAMPBELL, HENRY C.WINTON and E. CHALMEN CLARK, who contributed towards the funds to pay the expenses incurred. Messrs. A. V. Mekeel, N. M. Mathews, Madison Treman and E. C. Spaulding of Hector; Hon. SAMUEL LAWRENCE and ABRAHAM LAWRENCE, of Catharine; ISAAC H. HILL, A. M. Williams, JOHN MORROW, STEPHEN F. GRIFFITH, of Tyrone; LORENZO WEBBER, of Orange; and many others, whose names do not occur to me, rendered great assistance in the several towns in forwarding enlistments, literally using, not only their time, but giving freely of their means. On Monday evening, July 21st, a staff was raised in front of the Bank of Havana, under which was my office at the time, and flag was run up which had been furnished by Gen. VAN VALKENBURG, the universally designated leader of the new Regiment. Thereafter the spot became the company headquarters, and there the members of the company were sworn into the service, being afterwards mustered at Elmira by Major A. T. LEE, of the Regular Army. Thursday, July 24th, Special Orders No. 487, from the General Headquarters, State of New York, Adjutant General's office, authorized me now formally to enroll; and the next day 64 recruits went to Elmira for examination and muster. The 26th, FRANK M. CONKRITE commenced work in the town of Tyrone; the 29th, the second squad of recruits went forward; the 31st, the third and last; the 30th, commenced paying the bounties from moneys advanced by Mr. COOK. The first days of August were busy ones, getting the enlistment papers in proper shape, and in preparations for mustering into the United States Service. In this work of detail EDWIN WELLAR was efficient, while GEORGE W. JACKSON was quite indispensable. The morning of the 7th, the election for officers was held by order of Col. VAN VALKENBURG, resulting in the election of CLARK, DONNELLY and SAYLER, for the respective positions of Captain, First and Second Lieutenants. In thus relinquishing my charge, I took, as I then supposed, final leave of the Company and its destinies, most strangely though, and unexpectedly, I became connected more intimately with the Regiment, and Providentially have I trust, a small portion of the honor and glory which you and other brave men have won.
Then came the sad leave takings, the parting good-bye, and the start for Washington, by the way of Harrisburg and Baltimore, in the early morning of Thursday the 14th of August, arriving at Washington during the forenoon of the 15th. From thenceforth, the history and recollections of Company H is that of the 107th.
After an informal review by President LINCOLN, accompanied by Secretary SEWARD, the first march was made down Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street to, and across the Long- Bridge, now on to the "sacred soil," continuing until late in the evening, and then conducted by one of Gen. CASEY'S Aids upon field our first bivouac, three or four miles from the South end of Long Bridge, on hights of Arlington, Southwest of Arlington House, and near Fort Albany. The discomforts, as was thought then of that first night in the open air, and the touching thoughts brought up as the next morning was ushered by that now, never to be forgotten first.— Quickly after this, succeeded marching and counter-marching, the camp was changed every few days, and no effort was spared to place matters in shape for that memorable campaign which so soon was heralded by the booming of Rebel guns within hearing the Capitol.— When can we forget "tedious," "awful" "hard," march to Alexandria? And then up the hill to the south of Fort Lyon, and your dreams of "Heavy Artillery drill" therein, or its companion march back to the vicinity Fort Albany, and thunder of the Second Bull Run, as we eagerly watched and listened to the battle roar afar off, which was the next day brought still nearer home, as we mutely, thoughtfully stood by road side gazed at long line of ambulances carrying their precious loads of wounded to Washington hospitals. Then that toughening experience, that actual hard march to Maryland the evening September 6th by the way of Georgetown acqueduct, and thence to Rockville 10 miles the same night, bivouacing about half way only to be routed out with eyes half open an hour afterwards. Comrads, would it require much fancy to catch the echoes of the songs sung to beguile the time that night.—"John Brown's body lies mouldering in the ground," "Six hundred thousand more," and others of a like character, and then that one of Sergeant Whitehorn's that reminded us of home and dear friends there. But follow me still. You were all there, that weary Sabbath day's rest in the beautiful fair grounds at Rockville, and the tiresome week's progress towards Frederick, and that Tuesday morning's triumphal march through city, and the afternoon and night's march "strategically," in a half circle, and the final bivouac on right of the South Mountain battle field, thence a straight line over the hills next day through the "Gap" near where Gen. Reno fell, and our comrads of the gallant 89th under Capt. CORYELL, fought past the line of dead rebels by t he road side, continuing on during the same afternoon through Boonsboro. Can you ever forget the lying of our Brigade cloud in mass the meadow near Keedysville, under the hills, when cannon so grandly thundered, the day before "Antietam?" and when for first time that heart stilling command was given by Gen. Gordon, " load at will!" And then that night's march, crossing the Antietam, and going so silently into the night's bivouac in rear General HOOKER'S position, and not far from house which next day was used by our Corps as a hospital, and to which, the ambulances were so constantly moving even then with the wounded from the picket line on left. Moving at daylight in column by division, through fields and up to the extreme front. I shall never forget how your Company looked as I took Orderly WELLAR'S report, a minute or so before our introduction to the first shell, which fortunately did not explode. Deploying on the first division into line of battle, again as we reached the west of the cornfield, which at night, was so completely covered with our own and the rebel dead. It was just then that Gen. MANSFIELD fell, who but a few minutes before had passed us, when ordered forward from there by Gen. Gordon, who rode up and announced that we were driving the enemy. The 107th advanced through the ploughed field, and into edge of the woods beyond, when the first man fell in Regiment. Cyrus I. Covill of Co. H, being instantly killed, while near him, shortly after, Matthew S. Dawson, Charles Mathews and Ethan Worden, mortally wounded, and Josiah S. Gregory, Stephen Edwards, and I think, James Wilson dangerously, and who after- wards honorably discharged; Edward's re-enlisted into your Company, and died at Savannah last winter, I am informed. You can never forget that day, nor those scenes.— Early in afternoon, Capt. Clark, your first commander, was wounded, falling heroically for himself and for you. Though it was not yours to fire a gun, still the duty done by the Regiment was most important, supporting COTHRAN'S 1st N. Y. Artillery. In front of the guns, when battle ceased, I counted afterwards near 200 rebels, dead and dying, and score of our own men, all so sadly telling fearful obstinate fighting, and the terrible effects of the battle strife. Then our Banner, which you have in keeping to-night, received its badge of honor, having been rent by shell, and there, or near there, fell the eighty dead wounded of our first fight. From daylight till dark, the conflict raged in fury. The ground trembled beneath us, bullets and shells were not scarce. From raw recruits you were transformed with those brave leaders Van Valkenburg, Divin and Smith into veterans, and carries away from that field the pledge seal upon your colors. That 17th day of September was one of battle days of century.
Then came those autumn days at Maryland Heights. Our camp had hardly pitched, before Joseph Couse died. Company H not only lost first man battle, but the first to fall a victim to disease was Corporal Couse.—Ah! that never to be forgotten burial; the muffled drums, the funeral march, the sad and mourning company, as his remains were conveyed to their resting place in the little garden in the rear of old Mr. Wessell's. The desolation of fever, the sick in the open air and the old log barn, the long line of graves above Harper's Ferry on the heights of Bolivar. My old comrades, these things you cannot forget, for you were there and saw them as I did. Then, there in the midst of our utter despair, and heart sickening surroundings Heaven sent us the welcome sight of a pittying woman's face in the brave hearted Mrs. Divin, our Colonel's wife, who faced, as we can truthfully say the pestilence without flinching and proved herself worthy to be a brave soldier's wife. Late in October when the frosts had tipped the mountain hights and the Virginia landscape with their varied colors, we made the march back to, and encamped near Antietam Ford, the "Iron Works," or the "Forge," as it was called, that pleasant camp, and the bluffs upon the Potomac was a pleasant spot, how bravely we set to work at our "Winter Quaters," and resumed work on the "Colonel's oven; only joyful recollections cluster there, for on that spot we left no grave yard. On the 10th of December the line of march was taken up, and we passed again into Virginia, round the base of the Shenandoah and into Louden Valley, and into a succession of winter bivouacs, keeping steadily on through Leesburg, passing Hillsborough and Fairfax Court House, until we halted again in the "Pines" at Fairfax Station. The subsequent reconnisances toWolf-Run Shoals and beyond, and back again to the Station to find our baggage and camp equipage all piled ready for burning, for fear of the "raiders." Those were the days that the "stray chickens" in that vicinity yielded up their innocent lives for refusing to take the oath and "akin" mouths, and the Colonel, and sometimes the Adjutant had something better for dinner than "hard tack." As a matter of course the men of Co. H knew nothing of these proceedings, for were not the "details" always strictly made, and "all men present or accounted for?" while the Virginian farmer sought for his poultry, hogs and so fourth, and swore because he found them not. The middle of January saw us again moving. Passing by Dumfries thence by Acquia to Stafford Court House and Hope Landing. When gazing at the broad Potomac, making ourselves comfortable in the mud, and building "corduroy roads" was the order. Sacred to the memory is the little spot at Hope Landing, where the dead of the 107th lie burried, then by the lone graves, then unknown. You buried Ackuley and Shaw. From there you sent home all that remained of the true soldier George W. Cutler. Towards that lovely spot adorned and beautified by the Regiment went the line of strollers after the Dress Parade.—Around it still clusters a world of memories. "Chancellorsville" not only broke up the home like camp at the Landing, but made busy work with the ranks of the Regiment. Company H there had wounded Johnson, Orr and John Van Loon, while Albert Swallow and John I. Griffeth, who was afterwards killed in front of Atlanta, were returned among the missing.
Many other battle-fields speak of your valor, endurance and courage; but it is hardly fair for me to recount those. Shortly after this time my connection with the Regiment ceased, and others present will speak of them. You were at Gettysburg, and a part of the never-to-be-forgotten campaign west, and in the matchless march of SHERMAN from Atlanta "down to the sea." I was rejoiced when a letter from one of your officers announced to me that the flag of the 107th was the first to wave over the Georgia State House, at Milligeville. Let us hear from Capt. BRIGHAM about these things, who, though a Steuben man, we claim to be one of us by the battles in which he has reclined with you; and to Orderly Weller, Sergeants Conkrite and Kendall, who return Lieutenants, promotions worthily and justly merited and earned. A word from Lieut. Whitehorn, the faithful. It would have been a joy for him to have been with you here to-night, but sudden illness prevents. He sends word by Sergeant Potter to make his regretful acknowledgements.
It is a great pleasure, woven in as it is with sad reminders, old soldier friends and companions, that as many of you come back to us, to be here on this occasion as I see before me. It is a peculiar gratification personally, that your Colonel, the accomplished officer and fearless commander, feels you to be so worthy as to trust to your guardianship and keeping the colors of the Regiment—the battle-flags of the 107th—to display them to us, with your treasured arms, and right welcome faces. This is a day and an occasion in your Company's history not soon to be erased from memory.
Allow me now to call the original Roster of the Company, which has been kindly furnished me from Washington, and let us see how many are present to say "here." When I have finished, our old Chaplain, who always brought us the news, who so frequently executed our commissions in the city, and gave us heedful counsel, will address you. We shall all remember Chaplain Crane. Alas! of the 98 on the list, only 29 to answer to the roll call.
With a heart full of regard for all of you, I bid you welcome here. The great gathering of citizens to night on your arrival, the enthusiasm of their greeting, the shower of flowers from fair hands, and the welcome of song by the little ones, attest that the greeting is alike shared by us all.
It was then proposed, (Mr. FANTON having the original Roster of the Company,) that the name of each man be called, and if present, he should answer. Dear reader, occasionally a man would make manifest his presence, but blank indeed was that original Roster. By far too many of those noble boys sleep beneath the fold of their country s emblem, and the vacant seats around the family altar tell too strong of the devastations of war. "God gave, and God taketh away."
Chaplain Crane, known as the "fighting Parson," was then called upon, and gave a brief history of the Regiment, taking it from the time Adjutant FANTON left off in his remarks, down to a still later day. We had hoped to have been able to give his remarks, but they are not at hand. His associations with the boys, he said, were the happiest days of his life, and his many anecdotes or matter-of-fact stories that occurred during camp-life, were interesting to all, and seemed to recall to the memory of the boys many pleasing reflections, as cheer after cheer would greet him as he spoke.
Our citizens can never forget the battle-scarred banners of the Regiment, which were permitted to accompany this little band to our village. Their tattered shreds and still defiant stripes, added a solemnity to the occasion.
Would they could find words to tell their own story. Color-bearers have fallen beneath their folds not to an unlimited number. One shattered staff spoke in itself of its usage, and those brave boys who have fallen while bearing them onward to victory, are not to be forgotten. Their memory is engraved on the record of our free Republic.
he hour having arrived for the parting, a cordial shake of the hand was given to all; not such a one as was given three years ago, but one of reward for services rendered—Never can the boys forget the reception given them by Adjutant Fanton, and the citizens of this village. The demonstration was gotten up on short notice, and the boys seemed highly entertained, and well repaid for their visit. They went back to Elmira to be mustered out of the service, on the same evening. "HULL," we are aware, is not the man to speak for himself; but we can say without any hesitation, that the boys of Co. H. 107th, express many thanks for his kind reception, and we bear witness that the citizens of Havana are indebted to him, in a great measure, for the complete success of the entertainment.
(Havana Journal. June 17, 1865)
From the 107th Regiment.
107th REG'T, N. Y. VOLS. ON THE
May 27, 1864.
DEAR FAIRMAN;—On Wednesday afternoon the 25th inst., the 107th went into action with 1st Division, 20th Army Corps, and the loss of killed and wounded given below, exhibits the sad record of our engagement of little over an hour.
It was the fiercest encounter our brave men ever met with, the rebels having the advantage of breastworks, and although I state with pride, that we drove the rebels into their works and held the ground taken, and fought until every round of ammunition was exhausted, not only in each man's cartridge box, but also in those of our dead and wounded--it is with the greatest anguish that we look at the fearful loss of life and wounding of the brave and war-worn officers of our noble Regiment. May the God of battles shield us from a like disaster again.
The young and noble Hill is killed and five of our efficient officers seriously wounded. Capt. J. M. Losie lost his right leg above the knee, and Capt. Knox received a terrible wound from a shell in his leg. Lieut. Swain though wounded, still remains with his company, and is doing well. Lt. John Orr, Co. F. seriously wounded is reported doing well.
The 1st Division, 20th Corps was the only one fully engaged on the 25th. Skirmishing and feeling the enemy's position is still going on, and a general engagement of both armies may ensue at any moment, unless the rebels run. Col. M. N. Crane and Adjutant Benedict are well and sound as usual.
Yours, L. BALDWIN,
Major 107th. N. Y. V.
List of the killed and wounded of the 107th N. Y. Vols., at the battle near Dallas, Ga., May 25th, 1864:
Serg't. Cornelius Hammond.
Capt. John M. Losie, right leg amputated.
Serg't Chas. Bolton, " slight.
Edward Seales, " "
*Joseph Boardman, " "
*Martin Glynn, face "
Wm. H. Arnot, " "
Homer Stevens, breast.
*Hay Grieves
*Louis Voeeland,
*Martin McGuire.
1st. Lieut. George Swain, leg slight.
Corp. Marcus M. Munson, hand, thigh, severe
John Bright, testicles
Fred. D. Cooper hand slight
Byron Gage, " "
Orlando Green, foot, severe.
Sevillian Herrington, right knee.
Charles Keener, both legs severe.
Morris Kane, left leg "
Geo. Leach, head, slight
Geo. Leonard, left arm severe.
Corneleius Murray, thigh "
*Edward McNultz, left arm
Levi B. VanGelder, foot severe
*Clement Dreher,
Andrus Brockway,
Francis Steinbek.
Corp. Alex. F. Steinbeck, in thigh severe
Elijah B. Bradley, leg "
*John Collins, arm and leg "
Hiram Crammer, arm
*Wm. DeLancy, leg and arms "
*Joseph Harstrick, inside "
Bryan Mars, leg slight
Frank Mathias, arm
Louis Mathias, "
Giles McMillan, hand
Hiram Paul, leg
*C. F. L. Schaff, side
S. R. Sawyer, hand
Frank Velie, breast severe
William Williams, arm
Sergt. Wm. E. Vanauken.
Lieut. George W. Humphery, in leg slight
*Sergt. Linnus S. Ford, shoulder
Corp. Benj. F. Burgess, hand
Corp. Joseph Faulkner, arm
Henry Armstrong, leg
Wm. H. Barto, arm
Henry Carpenter, hand
Charles Cogane, leg
*Patrick Griffin, in hand
Benj. Rogers, leg
*Jeremiah Usher, "
Sergt. Peter C. Compton, ankle
Corp. Peter Hager, shoulder
*Wm. S. Edwards, foot
*Michael Holohan, shoulder
*Chas. S. Terrill, thigh severe
*James White, breast
2d Lieut. John D. Hill,
*J. Kelley,
James Molson,
Samuel Miller.
Capt. John F. Knox, leg by shell severe
1st Lieut. John Orr, thigh, not serious
Sergt. G. Bemis, in hand
Corp. F. W. Young, groins
Corp. Wm. Bowere
* Corp. Philip Joline, in arm
* Corp. D. Sattourette, arm
James Jones, leg
A. Johnson, both leg
T. Marshall, slight
D. Donahue, in face
J. Nellis, neck
R. Sabins, arm
F. Kinner, slight
J. B. Taft, leg
M. Madden, hand
*W. Lattourette, neck
R. Stevens, right leg below knee
A. Stoddard, arms
V. Parcelle
Corp. Adam Tomer,
David B. Sanford.
Philip Layton, in arm
Edward Smith, "
John H. Wemple, hand
James Herrington, arm broken
Chas. Huber, thigh
*Walter B. Long, hip
*Frederick Lawson, arms
*James Owens, "
*Timothy Downey, hand
*John Morgan, thigh
*Thomas G. Hinman
*Wm. Jackson, in knee
*Richard C. Curran, thigh
Sergt. Benj. Force,
Myron G. Couch,
Johnson B. Margeson.
1st Sergt. Chas. H. Duryea, in neck
Albert B. Dickens, leg
John Lane, "
John D. M. VanVleet, leg, arm; leg amputa'd
Burlington Dufee, in thigh
Hiram G. Morris, "
John J. Griffith, leg slight
Alex. Dunham, face "
*Patrick Hillick, face
James F. Dykeman, leg
Wallace S. Sears, arm and side
Jason J. Emmons, leg
Edgar Hedge, breast
Andrew H. Wager, leg
Levi Carpenter,
John J. Decker,
Chas. Newbury.
Theodore Osborn, face
Thomas Gillmore, lost leg
Elisha Hoag, side
Wm. H. Hauber, lost leg
Joseph Smalley, hand
*Cornelius Walters, wrist
*Daniel McLaughlin, hand
Sam'l H. Reed,
Arthur Veazie, thigh
Serg't Eugene Thatcher,
Corp. Wm. N. Horton.
Sergt. O. W. Marcy, in leg
Sergt. G. W. Wright, hand
Corp. Amos Ketchum, hip severe
Corp. Wm. H. Ballou, shoulder
Chas. Alden, in chest--since died.
Chas. Baker, arm
*Francis Burns, head severe
Chas. Custer, arm
Edward Coleman, hip
Oscar Knight, thigh
W. P. Keyser, leg and hand
Charles Morey, ankle
John Nicholson, leg
Francis White, arm
Total—Commissioned Officers, Killed 1
Commissioned Officers, Wounded 5
Total--Enlisted men Killed 23
Enlisted men Wounded 118
Aggregate Killed, and Wounded 147
Those marked with a * were members of the late 145th N. Y.
Letter from the 107th Regiment.
July 21st, 1864.
Dear Parents:—A terrible battle was fought yesterday, but thank God, I am all right yet and unharmed. The enemy massed in heavy force on the 20th corps and charged with great fury on our lines endeavoring to break through. They were met by the "star boys" of "fighting Joe" and every time repulsed and driven back. The battle raged from 4 o'clock P. M. until sundown. Our brigade was held as reserve and were not engaged. The 2nd division and the 1st and 2d brigades of our division did the most of the fighting. The 141st was badly cut up. They lost their Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel, Major and Adjutant, all wounded and a good many line officers and enlisted men were killed and wounded. Our regiment escaped this time very lucky indeed.
The only casualties are Major L. Baldwin, wounded while on the skirmish line, and one man of company K wounded. Major Baldwin I understand, is doing well this morning.—The Rebels fell back to their entrenchment last night and are quiet this morning except a little picket firing. Our boys threw up breastworks last night and are fully prepared for any attack the enemy may choose to make. We are only four or five miles from Atlanta. McPherson and Schofield are reported much nearer. You will hear good news from here soon. Wait until I get more time and I'll give you the particulars of the fight yesterday. You will know by this that I and many of our Elmira boys are all right. Excuse haste and the lead pencil.
I remain your affectionate son,
LIST OF CASUALTIES in 107th N. Y. V. for month of July, 1864:
July 20th, Major Lathrod Baldwin, wounded in left eye: since died; Private John N. Bonney, Co. K, wounded in left arm, slight.
July 22d, Private Henry C. Howland, Co. B, wounded in body, since died; Private Isaac Middleton, Co. H, killed.
24th, Private John Clark, Co. H, wounded in arm and side, severe; Private Michael Lorden, Co. E, wounded in hand, slight.
26, Serg't. George W. Bragg, Co. I, killed.
30th, Sergt. James Harington, Co. B, wounded in face and side, severe; Capt. Daniel B. Scott, Co. E, wounded in body, badly: since died: Private Benjamin J. Tracy, Co. E, wounded in face; Private Joseph B. Hoyt, Co. E, wounded in arms—amputated—since died; Private Eli Tongue, Co. E, wounded in hand, slight; Private Wm. H. Dickerson, Co. A, wounded in arm; Private James Toles, Co. D, wounded in face, slight; Private *Wm. H Smith, Co. D, wounded in side, slight; Private *John Keefer, Co. G, wounded in head; Private J. J. Griffeth, Co. H, wounded in face and hand, severe; Private *Theodore Smith, Co. I, wounded in leg; Private *Thomas Y. Hinman, Co. G, wounded in hand, severe.
*Late 145th N. Y. V.
LETTER FROM COL. CRANE, 107TH N. Y. VOLS.—We are permitted to copy portions of a private letter just received from Col. N. M. CRANE, 107th N. Y. Vols., dated in front of Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 12th, 1864, as follows:
" My command has suffered terribly. I commenced with the advance of this army last April, with six hundred muskets, and now I have just three hundred and seven fit for duty. I have lost over two hundred and fifty in battle, and am losing more almost every day. I have also lost some of my best and bravest officers, among others Maj. Baldwin. Just now, we are within three hundred yards of the enemy's main line, and are compelled to burrow like tabits to escape the bullets and shells which are aimed at us from every available point and at all hours of day and night. We have laid in the trenches nearly three weeks, and I can assure you, this sort off work is wearing us out very fast—however, we can and do stand it with a good heart. Our army line is now about twelve miles long and I think we are good for the work before us. Hood's army has been very recently strongly reinforced; and how soon we shall take Atlanta I cannot tell, but hope quite strongly."
…queathed us by our fathers; and to effect this it is using its capital without stint, and the blood of its loyal subjects on the battle field, and,
Whereas, Aside from the menaces, and violence done by armed traitors at the South, our Government is threatened and menaced by equally as unprincipled a set of traitors it the North, who, assuming to be "Peace and Union loving" citizens, are, in fact, as graceless a set of political vagbonds as ever cursed a nation; doing all in their power to thwart and defeat the Government in the just exercise of its authority, in restoring the Union and in enforcing violated laws, be it, there fore,
Resolved.—That, as officers and soldier of the 107th Reg't N. Y. V., and good loyal citizens of our Government, of every political proclivity, we do deprecate and condemn the course pursued by the Rebels South, as well as their base allies and abettors (the Copperheads) of the North, and that we recognize in both the same principles of political degredation and infamy of crime and treason to our beloved country.
Resolved.—That above all else has experience taught us, that the course pursued by these Rebel emissaries in the North has tended to nerve and stimulate the Rebel cause in the South, while to our own Army, now in the field, it has been a source of humiliation and discouragement. They have not only embarrassed our Government and Army, but have given, by word of mouth, aid and comfort to the Rebels in assurances of sympathy in the North, when they know that none exists, outside of their own miserable circle.—And while we, as a regiment, are enduring hardships and privations, our numbers becoming decimated on the battle field, in conflict for our country, our mails come to us freighted with their disloyal proceedings, soul-sickning and disheartning.
Resolved.—That we applaud our Government and .... and for the principles with which it is carried on by our Government. That if our Government will attend to the Copperheads in the North, and all who sympathize with rebels and traitor, we will lend our every energy in assisting to put down the Rebellion, in restoring our Union, and in conquering a peace, relying always upon the divine author of us all for success. And we offer the record of our past history as a Regiment, as a guarantee for the performance of future duties on the battlefield, in behalf of the best Government the sun ever shone upon.
Resolved.—That these Resolutions of the 107th Reg't N. Y. Vol's, be published in the newspapers of the 27th Congressional District of New York, of which we are the loyal Representatives; and that we commend their
sentiments to the Copperheads there residing, (if any), as the heartfelt principles of men and neighbors, who are enduring hardships, and shedding their blood in defence of the Government they are so cowardly and outrageously abusing. Capt. JOHN F. KNOX,
The Resolutions were unanimously adopted by the Regiment assembled, and cheer upon cheer went up in approval of them.
The "Union Glee Club" of the Reg't, sang the "Star Spangled Banner," and Chaplain E. F. CRANE, made a stirring and patriotic speech, just as his patriotic heart can always prompt, and he was followed by Lieut's DENNISTON, and VANVALKENBURGH, in the same vein, when the meeting adjourned at a late hour, in the best of feeling and enthusiasm.
We cheerfully publish below a letter from the Press of yesterday morning, giving the good news of a deserved promotion. Joseph E. McWilliams, of our City, for good conduct and excellent military qualifications has been advanced to the position of Lieutenant in a N. Y. Regiment. He is the son of J. A. McWilliams, a long resident of our city, recently a popular railroad Conductor and a most efficient and patriotic member of the Volunteering Committee of the County.
DULLAHOMA, Tenn., March 24, 1864.
There being a probability that Governor Seymour of the State of New York will offer to private Joseph E. McWilliams of the 107th N. Y. Volunteers, a commission as Lieutenant in one of the New York Regiments, the Brigadier General commanding the Division, and his Assistant Adjutant General take great pleasure in certifying to his character and qualifications for the position of an officer. The 107th New York, upon reaching the field a few days previous to the battle of Antietam, was assigned to this Division and took an active part in that battle, and private McWilliams kept his place in the ranks during the hard marches and the action, receiving the commendation of his officers and comrades. A few days after the battle he was detailed as clerk at Brigade headquarters in the office of the Ass't Adj't General.—In April 1863, he was promoted to the office of the A. A. G. at these headquarters, in which he has the charge of morning records, records of endorsements, &c. His cheerfulness and fidelity are marked characteristics, and his private character is most exemplary.
A. S. Williams. Brig. Gen.
Commanding 1st Div. 12th Corps.
S. E. Pittman, Capt. and Ass't. Adj't. Gen.
The friends of the 107th and 14lst Regiments, who belong in the 20th Army Corps will be interested in the following intelligence taken from the New York Herald of last evening.
CHATTANOOGA, April 28, 1864
The greater part of the Twentieth corps is about to make a rapid march in some direction where there will probability of fighting. No transportation will be allowed but barely sufficient to carry the necessary ammunition and ten days' rations of which three will be carried by the soldiers in their haversacks. Surplus transportation, ordinance, &c., has been "turned over," and other preparations made. Scouting parties have already been sent out in the direction of Trenton.
There are various surmises as to the direction to be taken, but it will be where rebels are expected to be found. No tents or baggage whatever are allowed. Officers, except those who have horses will carry their own baggage, being thus on the same footing with the soldiers. Ringgold, Trenton, or Dalton is supposed to be our probable destination. Hot work ahead.
The Second division of the corps has just arrived. The whole three divisions now here.
FROM THE 107TH.—By a private letter received by J. A. McWilliams from his son, dated Capville, Ga., May 20th, we learn the facts stated below. He says: "You have not heard from me for some days past, for the reason that no mail leaves Nashville. But tonight I pen you a word to inform you of the late contest fought at Resaca, on the 13th, 14th and 15th of this month. The victory is ours. The rebels have been on a run ever since the night of the 15th, and we have been in hot pursuit. We drove them from this place last night. They will not probably make another stand until they get to Atlanta, and the fight will be at that place. I think we will have Atlanta before two week's time. This is a beautiful little town of 1,000 inhabitants. Headquarters to-night are in the Court House, and I am now writing on the Judge's stand. Our march since the fight has been rather tedious and very tiresome. The 107th and 141st lost seventy in the fights. The 107th Reg't N. Y. Vols , has been consolidated with the 145th N. Y. Vols. The Col. and Lieut. Col. of the latter have resigned under charges, and all their officers are mustered out.