76th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
SEVENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.--In addition to the casualties already published, we are furnished the following, belonging to Capt. Swan's
Killed—Privates Geo. Bosworth and Lewis Blackman. Wounded—Serg't. Irvin Baker, leg; M. P. Bishop, Chas. Hoag, John Hickey, Ambrose Embridge, John Van Buren, John Rorick, Robert Welsh, James O'Donnell, John Mecher, leg and breast, seriously; Walter Mahana, and Edward Waters.
The rest of the boys escaped unharmed, although some of them had narrow escapes. B. Phenis received a ball through his knapsack and had his gun knocked from his hand by a cannon shot.
— Among the wounded in the late battles we notice the following members of the 76th Regiment: H. Oswold, Co. G; M. Hannda, and Lewis Bertrand, Co. K.
— Capt. Swan arrived home, in care of his wife, Saturday. He is thin, weak, and quite lame from the effect of his wound, but is in the best of spirits. A few weeks will probably restore his health and strength.
PROMOTED.—Lieut. Charles A. Watkins, of the 76th Regiment N. Y. V., has been promoted to the Captaincy for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Gettysburg.
The 76th Regiment New York State Volunteers, which for some days past has been quartered at the Park Barracks, was yesterday morning ordered to Riker's Island, where the men will be quartered in the barracks formerly occupied by the Hawkins Zouaves and Anderson Zouaves. The regiment, preceded by its drum corps, marched from the barracks down Broadway to Pier No. 1, East River, where the troops embarked on the steamer Catiline and were speedily transferred to the island. The new ... have been made very comfortable.
— We clip the following from a letter published in last week's Cortland County Republican. It was written by a member of the 76th Regiment soon after the recent battles in Virginia:
" The 76th Regiment, as you have heard doubtless by telegraph, have had a heard ....
Enclosed I send you a list of the killed, wounded and missing in our Regiment at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., as I presume there are many who have friends that are anxious to hear of their fate:—
Maj. Andrew J. Grover, Sergt. Major Thos. Martin, Killed; Adjt. Hubert Carpenter, wounded in both legs; Prin. Mus. Charles O. Wood, missing.
Co. A—Corp'l Benj. F. Carpenter, Corp. Herman D. Smith, Privates Wm. C. Fox, James Edwards, Wm. H. Cranston, Chas. F. Smith, killed. Wounded—1st Lieut. N. G. Harmon, leg, 1st Sergt. Ira C. Potter, hip, slight, Privates Wm. H. Bloomer, leg, David C. Beers, ankle, George B. Hill, foot, Eugene E. Johnson, ankle, Albert L. Hilton, side, Melvin O. Smith, throat, John W. Seeber, leg amputated. Missing—Privates M. O. Byington, John Brierly, Frank E. Arnold, Wm. Collier, Wm. Craig, Mus. N. G. Barnum, Bugler O. Hutchings.
Co. B—Private Anson M. Johnson, killed. Wounded—Capt. Robert Storey, leg, severely, 1st Lieut. B. Button, leg, 2d Lieut. A. L. Carter, foot, 1st Sergt. Wm. Cahill, leg, Sergt. Chrs. V. Fuller, leg, slightly, Sergt. A. J. Wildman, ankle, Corpl. Lorenzo Cotton, leg, Benj. F. Eaton, arm, Everett Fuller, leg, Horace G. Fabian; Privates Daniel Fox, leg, Lewis Fox, arm, James W. Burch, leg, Jerome W. Frink, leg, Geo. Thornton, groin, seriously, Charles A. Hyde, groin, seriously, Daniel J. Hill, both feet, Daniel B. Forry, leg, Joseph M. Lane, hip, John Eber, back, James Parks, Christopher Heffron, leg, Missing—John Wood, Robert Parks, Thadeus Bradley, William Thompkins, Edward Greeson, George Cross.
Co. C—Killed—Cor'ls Henry D. Weaver, Daniel Bradley; Privates Hannibal Howell, Lorenzo Tousley. Wounded—2d Lieut. Lucius Davis, hand, Sergts Charles Howard, leg, Peter Cathcart, leg, Corp'ls Daniel Griswold, leg, Privates Charles Hughs, leg, Alvin Wyckoff, leg, slight, John Ornd, hand, Dexter Eldridge, foot, Covell Horton, leg, Charles Thompkins, leg, Thomas M. Cornice, hand, Henry Ryan, leg. Missing—Daniel Raymond, Amos Hicks, Hugh Patterson.
Co. D—Killed—Thomas Colvin. Wounded—2d Lieut. Wm. Buchanan, shoulder, 1st Sergt. Wm. H. Tarbell, both legs, privates John Evans, Simon Tarbell, arm, George Norton, Michael Quinliven, Samuel T. Spencer, leg amputated, Horace G. Stewart, leg. Missing—John Sanigan, Lyman Satterly, Madison Stevens, M. Van Benthusen.
Co. E—Killed—Sergt. Walter B. Wood, Charles E. Persons. Wounded—Corp'ls George L. Northrup, leg, slight, Lorenzo Beaver, head, Thomas Powers, leg, R. E. Spicer, face, Privates James B. Bush, leg, Barney Hill, leg, Henry B. Kenyon, shoulder, Lawis Torango, leg amputated. Missing— Sergt. Newton Smith, Privates James Ash, Peter Ambirk, Eli S. Berry, Peter Cody, Oscar Gibson, Warren Holbrook, Valda S. Kellogg, George Samphear.
Co. F—Killed—Corp'l Benj. F. Holden, Hiram Gilbert, Patrick Smith. 1st Lieut. John W. Fisher, arm broken, 2d Lieut. Rob't G. Noxon, leg, 1st Sergt. Henry Cliff, leg amputated, Color Sergt. D. R. Montgomery, hand and shoulder, Sergt. Ralph E. Tucker, thigh, Corp'ls Geo. H. Peters, hand, Amos Coyswell, side, Privates James J. Card, side, dangerous, Martin Hoy, head, Mason Myers, leg broken, Rulandus Pitts, ankle and shoulder, Scepter Rindgo, leg, George W. Smith, leg and foot. Missing—Phillip Faisch.
Co. G—Killed—Sergt. Franklin Gay, Corp'l Chapin W. Menick, Lyman G. Scriven. Wounded—2d Lieut. Samuel E. Sanders, foot, Sergts George W. Steel, leg, Wm. Miller, hip, Corp'l John L. Seeber, both legs, Privates Henry Cooper, ankle, James Cowlin, arm broken, Wm. H. Galpin, hand, Daniel M. Lane, thigh, Albert Hollenbeck, thigh, Fayette Pender, do., Wm. Poller, leg, George Sweeting, arm broken, John Tripp, breast, mortal, Wm. Volk, head, slight, Wm. Webbie, do., Jas. Weatherhead, arm broken, Orrin Zufelt, hip. Missing—Wm. H. Rankin, bugler.
Co. H—Killed—George Bosworth, Lewis Blackman. Wounded—Capt. Amos L. Swan, shoulder, 1st. Lieut. E. J. Swan, slight, Sergts Irving Baker, leg, Henry Brown, knee, slight, Corp'l Wm. Wait, leg, Privates, Marvin P. Bishop, side, J. Dorson, side and arm, mortal, John Hickey, groin, Henry Lake, slight, John Michor, neck, Walter Mahanna, groin, Harrison Mickle, back, Michael O. Brien, leg, James O'Donnel, slight, John Rorich, leg, John Van Buren, hip, shoulder and arm, James Welch, hand.
Co. I—Killed—Sergt. E. J. Efner, Corp. J. H. Hammond, David Lynes, Uriah Young. Wounded—2d Lieut. Peter S. Clark, slight, Sergt. John Kerney, leg amputated, Corp'ls John J. Bice, John W. Coons, Durius C. Barton, Privates Henry Sperveck, John D. Catur, Chas. S. Mattison, arm amputated, Abram Vausburg, Calvin Traver. Missing—William Momley.
Co. K—Killed—Wm. E. Powell. Wounded— Capt. John W. Young, leg, 2d Lieut. Michael Long, leg, 1st Sergt. Thomas Weldon, hand, Corp'ls Charles Smith, side and leg, Alfred Chapman, hand and leg seriously, Privates John C. Buchanan, leg, Francis Chapman, arm and shoulder, Francis Eggonsberry, leg, Nathan Parish, Geo. Young, leg, Wm. V. Hopkins, hand, Thos. Nichols, leg. Missing—James Yager, Geo. W. Devoe, Joseph Phelps, Walter Watkins, E. H. Whitmore, John Ward, John Buchanan, Augustus Senhart.
Total—killed 29; wounded 129; missing 44. Total lost 202.
On the 1st day of July the 76th Regiment had the dear bought honor to be the advance regiment of the 1st Corps, and nobly did they preserve the honor thus confered upon them. After coming in sight of the town of Gettysburg, our column filed to the left of the town and was forming in line of battle upon an eminence beyond the Seminary. Before our troops were placed in position, the enemy opened upon us a destructive fire with Artillery and Infantry. The 76th being the advance of the Corps, of course were on the extreme right, and subject to the cross fire from the enemy, who had succeeded in flanking us. Our gallant boys now returned their fire with interest as the enemy arose from their cover in a wheat field and charged upon us, supposing we were raw militia, they advanced their line steadily firing as they came. Our officers and men were falling upon every side and it was evident that they meant to surround us by their superior numbers, (the eleventh Corps had not yet arrived,) as we were now completely flanked. At this junction the gallant Major Grover fell mortally wounded, and died in a few moments after. The command now devolved upon Capt. John E. Cook, a brave and efficient officer who by his gallantry has won imperishable laurels. Too much cannot be said in praise of all, both officers and men, and many brave deeds were done which will never see the pages of history. At this time orders came from Gen. Cutler for us to fall back to the cover of a piece of woods. Our line was now re-formed and out of 340 men and 25 officers who entered the engagement only 100 men and 7 officers remained, showing how very destructive was the fire to which we were subjected, as we could not have been exposed more than twenty minutes. We again advanced and occupied our old ground with our skirmishers, but what a sight met our view.—Between our line of skirmishers and our line of battle lay our brave and heroic comrads, many gone to that land from whence no traveller returns, some in the agonies of death, and many of the wounded who were able to raise upon an elbow, cheering us on with: "give it to them boys, never mind us."
After holding our ground for sometime, we were marched in an oblique direction to the right, and took a position upon an eminence where the enemy were again trying their favorite flanking movement with a large force. There is no doubt but that the gallant and heroic 1st corps were now holding in check Lee's entire army. We were here engaged in a very heavy musketry fire, and exposed to a terrible shelling. After expending our sixty rounds of ammunition which told with terrible effect upon the enemy and completely silenced their Infantry fire, we were relieved by fresh troops. From this position we were forced beyond the city to the heights around Cemetry Hill, where the noble army of the Potomac upon the soil of Pennsylvania fully demonstrated to the world the kind of material of which it is composed.
Time and space will not permit me to give any details of the remaining three days fighting, which completely vanquished the invaders.
Yours Respectfully, C. A. WATKINS.
1st Lieut. and Acting Adj't.
A letter from Peter A. Brown, of the 76th Regiment, N. Y. V., furnishes a partial list of the killed and wounded at the battle of Gettysburgh. Sergeant Brown was taken prisoner in the early part of the fight, and is now under parole. The following is the list:
Killed—W. H. Cranston, W. Tompkins.
Wounded—Edward Greason, John Bresley, John Wood, Lewis Torango, John Ebah, James Parks, Lyman Miller, Lieut. Michael Long, Geo. Boucher, Wm. Craig, Frank Eggnesberry, Michael Quinlivan, George Norton, Christopher Heffern, John C. Buchanan.
Paroled Prisoners—Serg't. P. A. Brown, Joseph Haley.
James Manning, prisoner, refused to be paroled.
Other members of the Regiment, residing near Cohoes, were killed or wounded.—Among the former was Capt. B. Everett, of Watervliet, and of the latter, Lieut. Noxon and a soldier named Keller.
Of course, the list is imperfect, and those who have friends in the Regiment from whom they have not heard, will await coming intelligence with deepest anxiety. In the midst of our rejoicings for the victories that our brave men have fought and died to achieve, let us not forget the bleeding hearts with which our community is filled.
Maj. Grover, killed; Capt. Everett, killed; Capt. Swan, shoulder; Capt. Storey, leg, severe; Capt. Noung, leg; 1st Lt. and Adt. Carpenter, legs; 1st Lt. Swan, shoulder; 1st Lt. Fisher, arm; 1st Lt. Button, thigh; 1st lt. Harmon, leg; 1st lt. Keeler, ankle; 2d lt. Clark, leg; 2d Lt. Noqsn, leg ; 2d Lt. Long, foot; 2d Lt. Sanders, foot; 2d Lt. Carter, foot; 2d Lt. Davis, hand; 2d Lt. Buchanan, shoulder.
THE CROMWELLIAN REGIMENT.—Acting Quartermaster Sergeant J. H. POTTER, of Company A, Captain A. J. GROVER, arrived in town yesterday afternoon, from Colonel GREEN'S Seventy- sixth Cortland regiment, now in camp at Cortland. He reports the regiment very nearly full of first-class men, and little or no sickness prevailing in camp, with everything in a flourishing condition. The regiment has had orders to be prepared to march to the seat of war within ten days or two weeks at the most.—The men are all uniformed and expect to be equipped with the Enfield rifles next week.
Mr. POTTER will remain in town a few days, and if any one wishes to enlist in this regiment, they can do so by leaving their names at 165 Genesee street.
The Dead and Wounded at Gettysburg, of the 76th and 134th Regiments.
We have seen a letter from John S. Van Degrif, to his wife in this village, written soon after the battle of Gettysburg. He says, "We are keeping the Fourth of July in burying the dead. We have taken about 15,000 prisoners. All there is left of our Regiment is 85 men--privates, and four officers. Arch. Manchester was shot dead on the ground; Charles Gunther, (the barber) is wounded badly. William Wilson is wounded slightly, Tile Garner is supposed to have been taken prisoner. Daniel Teter is wounded badly. Our Capt. was taken prisoner; our Adjutant, (Palmer,) was shot dead."
Another letter from the same person, gives the following casualties in the 76th Regiment of persons from Middleburgh and Fulton, in Capt. Cook's Company.
Killed: --David Lynes, Erastus Efner, James Hammond, John Slater. Wounded:--Peter S. Clark, Calvin Traver, Charles Madison, Henry Speerbeck, James Cater, Abm. Vosburgh, Wesley Coons.
Death of Major A. J. Grover.
Among the slain at the battle of Gettysburg we find the name of our highly valued friend and correspondent, Rev. A. J. Grover, late of the Oneida Conference. When the war broke out he resigned his station, (Cortland,) where he was greatly beloved, and entered the army at the head of a company in the 76th regiment N. Y. S. V. Last August he was twice dangerously wounded at the battle of Gainesville, and supposing himself permanently disabled, he obtained an honorable discharge from the service. But notwithstanding his mutilated condition, he was appointed major of the regiment, and having recovered beyond his anticipation, he accepted the post. Bro. Grover leaves a wife and two or three daughters. May God sustain them under this crushing bereavement. They have the consolation of knowing that the husband and father who died bravely upon the field of battle has but preceded them to "the Better Land."
Communicated to the Standard.
Letter from the 76th.
DEAR COUSIN: * * * Yesterday a Lieut. Col. came within our lines and gave himself up saying that he had done his last fighting against the Government, with many others of the enemy, who are deserting and coming over all the time. I noticed very plainly when in conversation with the Carolina boys, that they were quite mild in their conversation relative to the "Yanks," and generally seemed tied to the cause they were engaged in. I was somewhat amused when on our march from Gettysburg to this place to hear the citizens tell about the army's not feeling willing to own whipped at the last battle, and their saying they were not whipped; neither were they retreating, but hard run. We tought they were.
Four of the "Johnny's" who were taken this morning (Monday, 13th) after a quiet night passed me and being asked if they intended to give us battle, replied in the affirmative, and remarked that they had concluded to come over into the Union—that there was too much of a fuss for them to stay in the Confederacy any longer. After the battle of Gettysburg, some of the prisoners could not understand why it was that we had been fighting them nearly three years past to bring them into the Union again, and that now they had come into the Union we were fighting them out, and that they never had fought us when we fought harder.
Tuesday, the 14th a general advance was ordered, for in the morning we found that the enemy had disappeared. We drew in upon Williamsport, and found the enemy all safely across the river (except one brigade) to Casson's; and then we learned that the enemy had been crossing ever since Sunday night about midnight and it is a shame that they should have been allowed thus to cross the river with their whole army and stores in the circumstances they were in, according to all accounts, without giving them another battle which must have been their sure destruction, for we outnumbered them in men and artillery by far; and they were short of ammunition, not having enough to have stood them one day's round, and equal ground in most of the line; and if we could have started them back we could have had every advantage, and the boys were never more anxious to engage them than on Saturday, Sunday and Monday; and the question was asked more than once, "why do we not move upon them." Thus was Meade out-Generaled, and in my opinion more effectually whipped than was Lee at Gettysburg; for I claim that our victory at that place was by pure accident, in having great advantage ground, and the result of the well planned moves of Hooker's columns from Fredericksburg to have them all within supporting distance. But here where the whole thing becomes the planning and working of Gen. Meade, the army that we (beyond all doubt here) might have completely destroyed, escapes; and one thing more, I have not heard one man speak of having the least confidence in him as a fit commander of this army, and every one thinks that "Joe" never would have slept Sunday and Monday, while Lee was crossing, when the army was so .... to move .... him. * * *
Your Cousin Orlando.
Death of Major A. J. Grover.
.... as patriot-citizens, called upon to mourn the death of one who went from our midst to join in the great struggle to preserve our national honor. Again do we chronicle the sorrowful news of the loss of a soldier here.
At about the hour of noon on Friday, C. P. COLE, editor of the Gazette and Banner, became the recipent of the following telegram, dated at New York .... "Major Grover, of the 76th was killed and eighteen officers, with three-fourths of the men of the 157th were killed, or wounded." The terrible despatch was given to the bereaved wife and mother in as gentle a manner as possible, but it proved none the less heart-rending. We have since heard COLE pray, that his duty may not .... compel him to become the witness of .... fearful grief. May God and the good angels extend their especial care and kindness over her as her fatherless children!
At Mrs. G's request, our .... started on the Friday evening train) for the battlefield for the purpose of obtaining the remains of the gallant officer. On Tuesday evening, July 7th, we received a letter from him dated at Baltimore, July 5th, in which, after writing that he had spent six hours ere he could obtain a pass to go to the battle-field, for which he intended to start on Monday morning, he adds: "Major GROVER was in command of the 76th Regiment, and was instantly killed while urging his men to the charge. His body, as near as I can learn, was left on the field, and was probably buried by the rebels." Mr. Cole will doubtless notify us of the time of his intended arrival.
Although not referring to the object of his visit to the battle-field, yet, because of it character, we deem it proper to give our readers the remainder of the letter:
" The late battles have been the hardest of the war. The city is filled with wounded officers, all of whom agree that our loss was at least 30,000, and many estimate it as high as 50,000." [Later reports put our loss at about 20,000--Ed. pro tem.] "I saw a Brigadier General for a few moments, who was wounded in the arm, and who says that his brigade lost 1,200 out of 1,600 men.
The 157th Regiment was literally cut to pieces, and it is believed that most of its members were killed; I saw an aid of Gen. Reynolds, who saw Lieut. Col. Arrowsmith fall while leading the regiment, and he says the men fell around him like sheep.
At the last advices, the rebels were on the retreat."
We have since learned, through a returned soldier, who was wounded, taken prisoner by the rebels, and retaken by us, that Major Grover met his death wound in the battle of Gettysburg, on Wednesday afternoon and was buried by our men, one of whom, Orderly Sergeant Wm. Myers, places a slab at the head of the grave.
The COHOES COMPANY of the 76th Regiment was about used up in the first day's fight at Gettysburg. A letter in the Cataract gives the following list:—
Killed—Capt. R. B. Everett, Watervliet, shot through the head; Wm. H. Cranston and Wesley Tompkins, Cohoes; Lawrence Beaver, Boght.
Wounded—Lieut. William Buchanan, in the shoulder, slightly; Lieut. M. Long, foot; Lieut. Noxon, Watervliet, leg; Lieut. Keeler, Albany, ankle; George Norton, hand; C. Hefferon, breast; L. Miller, hip; M. Quinliven, thigh; J. Wood, leg; F. Eggensperry, leg; Barney Hill, leg; Jas. Parks, knee; John Brierly; Edward Greason, leg, breast and bowels; Geo. Boucher, hip; John Ebah, back; John C. Buchanan, both legs; Wm. Collins, hip; Louis Torango, leg amputated—doing well. Most of the other members of the company were taken prisoners.
ARRIVAL OF THE REMAINS OE CAPT. EVERETT.—The remains of Capt. Robert B. Everett, killed at Gettysburg, July, 1st, arrived in this city Wednesday evening, and were taken to Watervliet, his former place of residence. The funeral will take place this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from the Methodist Church, Newtonville.
Capt. Everett was instantly killed by being shot thro' the bead, while leading on his company, in the first day's fight under Gen. Meade, at Gettysburg.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
A TRUE PATRIOT.—The citizens of New York Mills last week honored and recognized the heroism of THOMAS MARTIN, Sergeant Major of the 76th N. Y. S. V. by giving him a military funeral,—that large hearted philanthrophist, Mr. SAMUEL CAMPBELL assuming the heavy expenses incident to procuring the body from Gettysburg, providing music &c. The exercises throughout were of an impressive character. Addresses were delivered on the occasion by Rev. Mr. FITCH of the Mills, and Rev. W. C. Steel of Utica, and the usual military salute was fired over the grave.
Four noble hearted heroes from this locality have already gone down to the soldiers grave. THEODORE HAZELHURST of the 26th, DAVID BEARD of the 14th, and Hugh Ross and THOMAS MARTIN of the 76th—all of them true and brave patriots, but none more so than the last.
THOMAS MARTIN was studious, quiet, and moral—peculiarily a thoughtful young man; hence his patriotism was based on intelligence.
The idea that protection by Government demanded of him the surrender of life itself for the protection of Government seemed to be deeply rooted in his mind. Two or three extracts from letters to his parents will show how pure and holy his patriotism was. He says: "Every man was born for some purpose, and if it is my lot to leave earth on the battle field, I can only say as did BURNS, 'Lord give me grace to endure it. For should I stay at home and see others fighting that I might enjoy privileges equal to them, I should be a coward indeed, and in after life I would have a conscience more guilty than Cain's." Again he says: "Should I remain at home in times like the present and find security only in the blood of others I would be a coward indeed. No! rather would I die, or be a cripple for life, for in after life I will ask no greater honor than to have it said of me, that I once belonged to the Army of the Potomac.
In these days when traitors grow bold, many true ones are timid, let us reverently gaze on this lust of death which liberty now holds in her urn, and as we look, let us renew our vows, and be ready like THOMAS MARTIN to shed our blood for God and Freedom. W. S. C.
Paroled Prisoners—Serg't P, A, Brown, Joseph Haley. James F. Manning, prisoner, refused to be paroled.
Other members of the Regiment, residing near Cohoes, were killed or wounded.—Among the former was Capt. B. Everett, of Watervliet, and of the latter, Lieut. Noxon and a soldier named Keller.
Of course, the list is imperfect, and those who have friends in the Regiment from whom they have not heard, will await coming intelligence with deepest anxiety. In the midst of our rejoicings for the victories that our brave men have fought and dies to achieve, let us not forget the bleeding hearts with which our community is filled.
Letter from John H. Enearl.
Through the kindness of NICHOLAS ENEARL, Esq., we are enabled to publish the following important news from thee Cohoes boys. Those who have friends in the 76th Regiment will read it with interest.
EMMETSBURGH, Md., July 6, '63.
DEAR FATHER :—The Army of the Potomac has fought one of the hardest battles of the war and won a splendid victory. Our Division has suffered a large loss, as they were the first engaged in the first day's fight. I will give you a list so far as I know of the loss of the boys from Cohoes and vicinity:—
Killed—Capt. R. B. Everett, Watervliet, shot through the head; William H. Cranston and Wesley Tompkins, Cohoes; Lawrence Beaver, Boght.
Wounded—Lieut. William Buchanan, in the shoulder, slightly; Lieut. M. Long, foot; Lieut. Noxon, Watervliet, leg; Lieut. Keeler, Albany, ankle; George Norton, hand; C. Hefferon, breast; L. Miller, hip; M. Quinliven, thigh; J. Wood, leg; F. Eggensperry, leg; Barney Hill, leg; James Parks, knee; John Brierly; Edward Greason, leg, breast and bowels; George Boucher, hip; John Ebah, back; John C. Buchanan, both legs; William Collins, hip; Louis Torango, lee amputated—doing well.
I saw the most of these last night, and they are doing quite well, I saw Myron Van Benthuysen, John Hay, Robert Parks, Kyran Agen, James Cole, John Falardo, John Taylor and Henry Runkle since the fight. They came off without a scratch. All not above mentioned are supposed to be prisoners. The above list of killed and wounded is correct. I will write again as soon as I learn anything more of the boys.
Your Son, J. H. ENEARL.
FREDERICK, July 9th.
No mail has left since writing the above. I have since seen of the Cohoes boys. John Winters, Horace Fayben, Abram Sitterly and Michael Dennis, all of whom came out all right. I came to Frederick City after the mail last night, and shall return to Headquarters this morning. The army is after the rebels as fast as possible, and I suppose they are giving it to them by this time. J. H. E.
Westchester, Pa., July 6th.
As soon as we got into Gettysburg, we were ordered to "double quick," and soon brought up in line of battle about a quarter of a mile west of the village. The enemy was seen advancing upon us and we opened fire upon them immediately. Our Brigade was the only one up at this time, the 76th was leading the Brigade so we were the first in the fight. The enemy kept advancing upon us and outnumbered us so much as to out flank us on both right and left, and poured a tremendous cross fire into us. I never before saw men fall so fast. Maj. Grover was killed here. His horse was shot from under him first, and then he took it on foot, cheering on the men until he fell. In our Company, Thomas Colvin of DeRyter, and Horace G. Stewart of Georgetown were killed. Wm. Tarbell, Lyman Tarbell, John Evans og Freetown, Samuel Spencer of Homer, and three others in the regiment were killed or wounded. We were obliged to fall back a little ways toward the town and formed again. The rebels advanced and took possession of the battle field. A short time after this our Division charged upon the ridge driving the rebels from it and taking a good many prisoners. It was in this charge Gen. Reynolds was killed and Wadsworth, I think was wounded then. A great many were taken prisoners while trying to get through town. I was taken there and eight others belonging to our Company, among them N. Smith and J. Stewart of Freetown, and Wm. Chidester of Blodgetts Mills.--About sixty-five of the regiment were taken. We were taken back to the rear and stayed all night in a meadow a mile from the village. There were about three thousand of us in the field all prisoners. The next morning the rebels moved us around to a spot nearly west of the village. There was hard fighting all of that day but neither side gained a great deal. That night Longstreet came up and joined his forces with the rest of Lee's army. The next morning July 3d, the ball opened as soon as daylight and continued all day.--The rebels told us they had succeeded in driving our left but said they could not budge the right or center. That morning we prisoners were got out in line and given our choice to either give our parole or be sent to Richmond. Some were afraid the parole was not good and went to Richmond, but the most of us were glad enough to get out of the rebels lines to get something to eat, for they had no rations to give us. We all consider the parole as binding on us. Fifty of our regiment gave the parole and the others concluded to go to Richmond. All that gave the parole started for Carlisle that night.
The battle of Gettysburg will doubtless prove a great victory for us, but it has been bought with blood. The 76th lost as heavily as any other regiment. I think its number of killed and wounded for the first day's fight was about one hundred and twenty-five.
Yours in hast,
Wm. J. Mantanye.
Gettysburg, Adams Co., Pa.,
July 4, 1863.
MY DEAR PARENTS:--I have sad news to write you. Cousin Charles F. Pratt was mortally wounded in the battle near this village on the 1st day of July, and died the same day. I was not in the battle as I was unable to do duty and march with the Regiment.
He has died in a glorious cause. Our company suffered severely. One of the boys stated that out of thirty men in our company, but six remained, but what was either killed, wounded or taken prisoners, and the whole Regiment was almost annihilated.
Your affectionate Son,
F. F. Pratt.
Another Brave One Fallen—
Again has the shrine of liberty been moistened by the life-blood of one we knew and cherished. Again a family in our midst is called to mourn the untimely death of a near relative—a brave young volunteer. It is the sad yet often repeated tale, "died upon the battle-field."
A letter from Sergt. E. EVANS, in command of Company F, 76 Regt., N. Y. V., informs us that HIRAM GILBERT, brother of Mrs. H. L. STILLMAN of this village, and son of J. H. GILBERT, Esq., formerly of Rome, was shot dead at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1st. This sad intelligence was rendered only more painful to the friends of the deceased by the long and anxious suspense time which has elapsed since that terrible battle on northern soil, and into which they knew his regiment was thrown. Having received no word from him since before that fight, it was feared he had fallen. But now the decisive news that takes away the last cordial from the heart—the last hope that he may yet come back--has been received. HIRAM had many warm friends in this vicinity who will mourn his early death.
The letter announcing his death contained many testimonials of his bravery and life as s soldier. His duty was always cheerfully met. In no instance has he been found guilty of misdemearnor. In the early days of the war, when a flood of patriotism swept over the land, he enlisted. Long and well he has fought for our liberties.—Nobly has he stood by our flag and battled for the government of his birthland.
Of such a hero no panegyrist is worthy to write. No language is fit to enumerate his virtues. Nor marble nor bronze of art could ever perpetuate his memory as happily as the curling moss upon his grave on the hard-fought field of Gettysburg. "Here he fell," will be stamped upon the very petals of the flowers that cluster and blossom to his memory. And although no hand can point to the exact spot of his resting place, his epitaph is not unwritten or his fame unknown.
" Among thousands of heroes he sleeps majestically and sweet."
Mourn not then parents, brothers and sisters, friends, that he reposes in a stranger land. The battle-field is a fitter burial-place for the brave than the marble vault or the quiet churchyard of his native place, for history will know him there.
Army Correspondence.
Mr. Editor: Once more I have the pleasure of corresponding with you, and through your paper with my own personal friends and the friends of the Company. The men are all in good health and fine spirits with two exceptions. We have two sick in our Company, Corporal Chas. H. Guernsey, of East Coblesskill, and Corporal William O. Bishop, of Decatur, both ill with typhoid phmeumonia, which is the prevalent disease in camp in this climate. Col. Green is about to be mustered out of the service, and another and more worthy and competent man appointed in his place. Even while writing I hear that it has been done. Our Orderly Sergeant, J. M. Waterman, has been appointed Hospital Steward, and Peter S. Clark, of your village, has been appointed Orderly Sergeant in his place. A more worthy young man we could not get to fill the place.
We were paid last week for the four months ending April 30th. The amount the Company received was $4,096. Out of this I forwarded $1,600 by express and by draft to the friends of the soldiers. Many of the men sent home money by mail, which is not included in the amount I sent. The day after we were paid we gave three men a pass to go outside of the lines, and they deserted. Their names are Henry Waggoner, of Fulton, Stephen V. S. Sweet, of Cooperstown, and Abram Brezee, of Summit. Their friends will accordingly receive them as such; but we don't want them if they are not true enough to stick to the Stars and Stripes. If they can derive any enjoyment from the name and reputation of a deserter they are most certainly welcome to it. Our men have been just enough exposed to make them hardy and robust, and ready for a little rougher service than they have had heretofore.
We are making preparations to march at present. We start for Richmond on Wednesday the 31st. We go from here to Fortress Monroe, and thence up James River, where we shall join McClellan's army. But it is not certain yet that we go by that route; for we may go by way of Acquia Creek, Fredericksburg and West Point.
We have received everything to make the men as comfortable as possible to-day. The General ordered, among other things, an extra pair of shoes to be given to each man in the Regiment. The sick will be sent to the General Hospital to-morrow (Tuesday). I have distributed 100 rounds of Enfield rifle ball cartridges to each man in the Regiment to-day so that we may be prepared with the requisite medicine for the morbid and pestilential disease of Secessia, for nothing but leaden pills will operate on their disease beneficially, and produce a healthy action of the mind.
We are under the command of a General in whom we have confidence. I refer to Brigadier General Abner Doubleday. He graduated at the Military Academy at West Point July 1st, 1842, and entered the army as Brevet 2d Lieutenant in the 3d Artillery. In 1847, he was promoted 2d Lieutenant; March 3, 1855, to Captain in the 1st Artillery; May 14, 1861, to Major in the 16th Infantry U. S. A.; and still later he was appointed Brigadier General of Volunteers. He served side by side with the lamedted Lieut. Snyder, at Fort Sumter. Among his brother officers in the first artillery were Majors Robert Anderson and E. D. Keyes, and Captains J. H. Winder, John B. Magruder, W. H. French, James B. Ricketts and John M. Brennan, all of whom are now Generals of Volunteers. Winder and Magruder are generals in the Rebel army, the others in the Union army. Lieut. Slemmer was also a member of the same regiment. Truly a brilliant catalogue for one regiment. All who know the man, unite in calling General Doubleday a brave, accomplished and talented officer, and one of whom we might well be proud. A day or two since I saw that able officer, Major Marcus D. L. Simpson, a native of Schoharie Co. He is at present on duty in the Commissary Department in Washington. "Old Schoharie" need not blush at the conduct of her sons in the army. Snyder and Simpson have been tested and proved to be good soldiers—and so with the volunteers. All who have been tried in this war in any skirmish or other duty have done their duty nobly, and can be relied upon in any position. It is my intention, as far as my influence extends, to continue thus, so that in after years it may be said of each and every Schoharie Co. Volunteer that he behaved like a true man and a brave and good soldier. I will endeavor to give you everything of interest that occurs on our march to Richmond or elsewhere. Until then, adieu.
Yours truly,
Co. I, 76th Reg. N. Y. S. V.
War Correspondence.
November 9th, 1802.
Mr. Editor: Once more I am permitted to correspond with you. I left Schoharie on Tuesday, but through delays along the road did not reach Harper's Ferry until Friday 11 o'clock A. M. I found the whole army on the move, crossing the Potomac at six different places. It was a splendid sight to see, thousands upon thousands, with their glittering arms moving along through the sunlight in solid array, while now and then you would hear the rumbling wheels of a battery of artillery passing by. For two days had they been passing thus. Upon inquiry, I found that our regiment had crossed the day before. So I pushed on and overtook it six miles south of the Potomac, where I found them in camp for the night. After delivering the various little messages sent by the friends of the soldiers, and shaking hands all around, I took my supper and lay down for the night. The next morning (Saturday) we marched one mile beyond Wheatland, when our brigade was ordered to the extreme front to reinforce Gen. Pleasanton's advance guard. We had not marched very far before we heard cannonading ahead. We stopped near Philmont over night, where our regiment did picket duty until Sunday morning. When we moved on, we had not gone far before the rebels commenced throwing shell and cannon shot at us. They went harmless over our heads to the rear. Our brigade soon after formed in line of battle, and advanced towards the village of "Union." When we got near the town, Gen. Pleasanton ordered our regiment to halt and support Battery M, 2d U. S. Artillery, but a squadron of cavalry arriving soon after, when they were ordered to support the battery, and our regiment to hold the village and perform picket duty during the night. On Monday we marched to Upperville, driving the rebels before us through the town and Ashby's Gap, beyond the Blue Ridge. In these engagements our brigade lost five killed and ten wounded. The force we encountered was Stuart's cavalry, a few batteries of artillery, and some infantry. We encamped at Upperville until Wednesday morning, when we marched to Salem on the Manassas gap rail road. On Tuesday we marched to Warrenton, when we found that the rebels had evacuated it about two hours before we arrived. Since then we have been encamped about a mile south of the village. Nov. 7th we had a snow storm here and we suffered considerably on account of it, having no shelter but our tents, which are nothing but two pieces of common cotton drilling about five feet square, buttoned together and supported in the centre by a stick, thus forming a small tent with both ends open. This shelters two men, each man carrying a piece of drilling on the march. Yesterday a circular was read on dress parade, from Gen. Pleasanton, thanking us for the aid we gave him in the engagements of Nov. 2d and 3d, and complimenting us on the manner in which we had performed our duty.
Night before last we received the news that gen. McClellan has been removed from the command of the Army of the Potomac and Gen. Burnside ordered to take command in his stead. The news spread like wildfire through the camps, and everywhere you could see groups of three or four men earnestly but angrily discussing the news, many of them cursing bitterly because he was to leave us. Everywhere you could see by the faces of the men and their conversation that they were dispirited and discouraged. The next morning we heard that McClellan was to take Halleck's place as Commander-in- Chief of the Army. They seemed better pleased at this news, but they still were not satisfied, as they wished to have him in the field with them.
To-day we were reviewed by Generals McClellan and Burnside, and as McClellan rode along in front of our lines, the men gave expression to their feelings by cheering him enthusiastically. Just before the review the following farewell order was read to each regiment. We omit the orders, as they have been published in this paper of Nov. 13th.
I could not help but feel sad as I compared the number of men of our division present at this review with the number reviewed by Gen. Pope at Culpepper, Aug. 14th. Only about half the number were present to-day that were then. After the review they marched to their camps more sad than soldiers should be. Imagine a funeral procession returning from the grave after burying some near relative, and you appreciate the feelings of the soldiers of our division after this farewell review by McClellan.
I have the melancholy duty of recording another death in our company. Private Jacob Parsloe, Co. I, 76th Reg. N. Y. S. V., formerly of Middleburgh, N. Y., died October 3d, 1862, at the hospital in Washington, of wounds received at the battle of Gainesville, Aug. 28th.
Yours very truly,
Co. I, 76th Reg. N. Y. S. V.
We hope that every friend of the 76th N. Y. S. V., will attend the fair, next Friday evening, at Clinton Hall, The regiment have done good service, and have proved themselves worthy of any testimonial that may be given them by our towns people. They were allowed to leave this place without colors, and they certainly deserve a banner now, having earned it in many a well-fought battle. The old flag, bloodstained and bullet-pierced, has been sent for, and will probably be on exhibition that evening. It was borne from the field of Gettysburg by one of our boys, after three or four color-bearers had been slain.
Come, one and all, and help to show the noble 76th that they are remembered, and their services appreciated by their friends at home.
New Flag for the 76th Regiment.
The ladies of Cherry Valley, Otsego County, have recently presented the 76th Regiment, the major part of which was raised in Cortland County, with a new and beautiful stand of Regimental Colors, to take place of the old and bullet-proof flag which the Regiment followed for two-years. The following account of the affair we clip from the Albany Evening Journal:
HONOR TO THE BRAVE.—The ladies of Cherry Valley recently presented the Seventy-sixth Regiment of New York Volunteers with a beautiful stand of colors, as a token of their appreciation of the services of the brave men who have periled their lives on the field. The Committee who planned and executed this generous offering, consisted of two young ladies (both orphans from childhood) and one young gentleman, accompanying the gift with a flattering address, rehearsing the part performed by the regiment in the drama of the war, commending its bravery and promising it a warm welcome when it shall have returned from its scenes of conflict and peril. The Committee eloquently add:
And now as we entrust to your keeping this most sacred emblem of all that is most dear to our American heart, we pray you guard it well! Let no star be sundered from its sister stars, but with colors undimmed, and its silken folds unmarred by dishonor, let it be borne with a form and steady hand. And now, let the prayers of all arise to heaven that 'this cruel war may soon be over.' Until then, may the strong arm of Divine love encircle you, stay the hand of the foeman in its deadly work and bring you once more in safety to your homes, where loving hearts are impatiently waiting to welcome you.
Mary Storey,
Eloise Clyde,
George P. Engell,
Col. Cook, in behalf of the Regiment, replied, thanking the generous donors for the interest the presentation evinced in the recipients and in the cause, and assuring then that the colors should not be dishonored.
The Seventy-sixth is one of the historic regiments of the war. It has made for itself an imperishable record. The token of grateful appreciation conferred upon it by the ladies of Cherry Valley, is well deserved. The heroes who are fighting our battles and securing our liberties for us, cannot be too much honored.
From the Cohoes Boys.
Sergeant PETER A. BROWN, of the 76th Reg't., under date of May 8th, writes from Lynchburg as follows:
* * "Although I had two holes shot through my coat and one in my knapsack, I am not wounded. I am a prisoner of war guarded by Confederate soldiers. I was taken at the battle of Locust Grove, on the 5th of May. This is my first experience as a prisoner and I hope it will be the last. There are no Cohoes boys with me. There were 981 men, 3 Colonels, 2 Majors and 41 line officers taken with me."
On the 13th of May he says:-- "I am still at Lynchburg. It has rained for two days and nights, and as the rebs took our tents and rubber blankets, we are entirely without shelter. I wish they would parole or exchange us immediately. They cannot do it too soon to suit me."
Cohoes Heroes.
The Cohoes boys suffered severely in the late battles, in addition to those whose names we published last week, we regret to report the following:—76th Reg't, ALBERT CARPENTER, son of Asahel Carpenter, severely wounded; MARTIN MURPHY, of Harmony Hill, wounded in shoulder, but not seriously. 43d Reg't--SIMON DRISCOLL, AARON COLE and ____ McCABE were wounded. The extent of their injuries we have been unable to learn. BURTON CRANDALL, a member of the 52d N. Y. Reg't, was wounded in the head on the 18th of May, but is now doing well.
— The friends of P. A. BROWN, of the 76th Reg't N. Y. Vols., will be pleased to hear of his promotion to the position of Orderly Sergeant. Peter is a deserving and brave soldier, and wherever he may be placed among the defenders of our flag, will do himself and the country credit. Success to him.
The Cohoes company of the 76th Regiment was about used up in the first day's fight at Gettysburg. A letter in the Cataract gives the following list:
Killed—Capt. R. B. Everett, Watervliet, shot through the head; Wm. H. Cranston and Wesley Tompkins, Cohoes; Lawrence Beaver, Bouht.
Wounded—Lieut. William Buchanan, in the shoulder, slightly; Lieut. M. Long, foot; Lieut. Noxon, Watervliet, leg; Lieut. Keeler, Albany, ankle; George Norton, hand; C. Hefferon, breast; L. Miller, hip; M. Quinliven, thigh; J. Wood, leg; F. Eggensperry, leg; Barney Hill, leg; James Parks, knee; John Brierly; Edward Greason, leg, breast and bowels; Geo. Boucher, hip; John Ebah, back; John C. Buchanan, both legs; Wm. Collins, hip; Louis Torango, leg amputated, doing well. Most of the other members of the company were taken prisoners.
Thousands of soldiers who have stood the brunt of many a hard battle have now been in the service nearly three years.—They entered the army for the monthly pay of thirteen dollars, with no bounty but a nominal one. They had no $300 from towns and double that amount from other sources to swell into an eight or nine hundred dollars bounty. Many of these self-sacrificing men left wife, family and home.
They left property behind subject to taxation. Shall the property of these men be subject to tax and distraint to raise bounty to pay new recruits who could be induced to enter the service only by the force of extravagant bounties? We give a letter on this subject from one of the old 76th. N. Y. V. It speaks for itself.
CULPEPPER, VA., April 6,1864.
MR. EDITOR—Sir:—Through the columns of your most valuable paper, I wish to call the attention of its readers to some things that are in existence, and to ask a question:
First, in the fall of sixty-one, there was a company of volunteers raised in the village of Middleburgh. They came to the seat of war under command of John E. Cook, who has proved himself worthy of his command. A few of that same Company are in the field at the present time, perhaps long forgotten by many.
Those men left homes just as dear to them as homes ever were. Many are today sleeping on the battle fields of Gainsville, Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, and Gettysburg, Those men made a great sacrifice, greater than many people think. We came not as a lot of hirelings for "Three Hundred Dollars," but for $13 per month. We wish the people to think of this. Now, as to the question I wish to ask, is this: Would it be just to these men, who, through economy, have saved a few dollars of their hard earnings, to lay a tax on their little and all to accumulate a fund to pay "Three Hundred Dollars" to each man that is to come and render the same services. Now we wish to know if men that have been in the service two and one-half years should not be exempted from any such taxation. If not, we think it unjust. By the way, if this is an illustration of an assertion that was made in the hearing of the writer last fall when home on furlough, we must come to the conclusion that the bone and sinew of our country has traced out to be nothing more or less than "Three Hundred Dollars."
Yours Truly Interested,
I. W. C., 76th N. Y. V.
Letter from H. W. Pierce.
CAMP OF THE 76TH N. Y. V., Petersburg, Va.,
August 6, 1864.
Mr. Editor: It may not be uninteresting to the numerous readers of your valuable paper, to hear of the casualties in the 76th Regiment, N. Y. Vols., although they may be mostly strangers to the men who constitute it.
I have thought fit to furnish you this list, which, if you deem of sufficient public importance, you are at liberty to spread before them.
I will here say, that this Regiment is attached to the Second Brigade, Fourth Division, Fifth Army Corps. It has been in the front during the whole of our very severe and trying campaign, and has suffered in common with others, severely.
The morning report of May 2d, showed an aggregate of 525 men for duty, with 498 muskets. It will be recollected that our fighting began on the morning of May 5th, and the Fifth Corps was the first one engaged.
I will commence with the Field and Staff, and travel down with the record by Letter Companies, as my time will permit.
Lt. Col. John E. Cook, wounded; Major John W. Young, wounded and a prisoner; Adjutant Hubert Carpenter, wounded and supposed a prisoner. Nothing has been heard from or of him.
Killed—Corporal A. S. Hilton, Privates Orson O. Everett, Joseph ----, A. G. Schevalier, John Benson and John Daniels.
Wounded--Serg'ts Rutger B. Marsh and Alexander Loomis. Corporals Chas. Hutchins and George B. Hill. Privates W. H. Bloomer, Gilbert Brimmer, Joshua W. Bale, Thomas Clark, Lemuel Cline, William Craig, Amos Eldridge, Henry Eastham, Horace W. Graves, Harrison Goldsmith, James M. Hayes, Joseph Lewis, John Muldon, John Mitchell, Miles McGuigen, Spencer Marsh, Joseph Moran, Vincent Penson, William P. Parker, Truman Pinder, Charles Rider, John Schmeeler, Moses Shaw, John Shanley, Abram Strate, and Luther Clark. Of these wounded, privates Bale, Craig, Lewis, Muldon and Mitchell are prisoners.
Second Lieut. William Stringham.
Wounded—Sergeant Albert Weldman.
Privates—Theodore DeBarr and Morris J. Backus.
Prisoners—Capt. James B. Clyde, 1st Lieut. William Cahill, 2d Lieut. James Kesler and forty-nine privates.
This Company was taken prisoners while deployed as skirmishers on the skirmish line, by the enemy passing by their left flank and then coming up in their rear, on the fifth day of May, at the battle of the Wilderness. They were taken to Lynchburg, Va., and after a few days transported to the Rebel prisons in the State of Georgia.
The battle of the Wilderness occurred in a dense pine wood, almost impassable by man. It was one of those gloomy forests eminently suggestive of evil, and it became the theater of a terrible and bloody strife, on the 5th day of May, above mentioned. Hoping to resume this record soon, I remain truly yours,
Capt. 76th, Commanding Co. A.