72nd New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
We have this week to record the death of two more of the brave heroes of Co. "B," 3d Excelsior. Wm. H. LOVELL was wounded at Gettysburg, had his leg amputated and was doing well, but a few days after was taken with typhoid fever and died on the 26th inst. in the 3d Corps Hospital at Gettysburg. His parents (CYRUS and ADELINE LOVELL) were for many years residents of this town—coming here from Massachusetts about 25 years ago. Here Wm. was born Feb. 8th, 1839. His mother died in 1855; his father is still living in Iowa. Upon receiving news of his injury his sister started to find him which she succeeded in doing; on the 21st, and remained by him until his death, when she had his body embalmed, and brought to this place last Tuesday, with the intention of burying him by the side of his mother, in Busti —his dying request.
William experienced religion when 16 years old and joined the W. M. Church, of this place, of which he continued a consistent member till his death. He was an uncomplaining, brave soldier, a patriot, and had no regrets for his enlisting. He had been with the great Excelsior Brigade through all its hardships and perils, without sickness or injury, until the battle of Gettysburgh. While he was anxious to see the war through with and did not want to leave the service, alive or dead, until then, he seemed ready and willing to go.
KILLED.--Among the list of killed in the recent battles, we are pained to find the name of John S. Austin, Colonel of the Old 3d Excelsior Regiment.
Captain J. L. Chadwick, of the Third regiment of Sickles' Brigade, has removed his headquarters from 500 Broadway to 120 Bowery, corner of Grand street.
FUNERAL OF COLONEL STEVENS.—The Fredonia Censor of Wednesday says: "The body of the lamented Col. Wm. O. Stevens, of the 3d Excelsior Regiment, was received at Dunkirk yesterday, and will be buried today, in Forest Hill Cemetery, in this village, with military and Masonic honors. The funeral services will be held at Dunkirk, commencing at 2 P. M. We understand that the Colonel was alive when he fell into the hands of the enemy, but died on the following Tuesday, and was buried with military honors."
OUR BOYS IN THE LATE FIGHT.--Lt. BISHOP of the 72d arrived on the 10th inst. He was struck on the wind-pipe by a spent minnie ball. The ball did not pierce the wind-pipe but passed through the flesh of the left side of his neck and came out near his shoulder. The wound was very painful, but is not considered dangerous. He is unable to speak aloud and has partially lost the use of his left arm but probably only temporary.
The Journal in its account last week reported Lt. Steward of Panama as wounded in the 2d days fight at Gettysburg. This was a mistake, he was not wounded till the third day. G. F. HANKIN of Co. B. was killed and buried on the battle field.—C. J. LYON received a severe wound in the arm.—S. BRISTOL a slight wound in the arm, LESTER HOBART a slight wound in the leg.
The total loss of the 72d is about 150 and the regiment is reduced to about that amount. It is understood that the drafted men go into fill up vacancies in the old regiments.
FRIEND RICE: The following promotions and transfers were this day promulgated:
1st Lieut. Henry J. McDonough, of Co. A to be Capt. Co. B vice John P. Sanford resigned.
2d Lieut. Hobert H. Savage, of Co. D to be 1st Lieut. Co. A. vice H. J. McDonough, promoted.
1st Serg. Marcus M. Drake, of Co. H, to be 2d Lieut. Co. B. vice R. H. Savage promoted.
Transfers.—Capt. William E. Wheeler. of Co. D, is permanently assigned to Co G. Capt. Patrick Anderson, of Co. G, is permanently assigned to Co. B. Capt. Henry McDonough, of Co. B, is permanently assigned to Co. G.
X. L. C. R.
[Westfield Republican.
ATTENTION LADIES.—We, the undersigned officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, or privates, valiant, gay, and gallant Chautauqua County bark-peelers, having faithfully served our country since the formation of the grand Army of the Potomac, do hereby advertise, through the columns of the local press, as the last resort by which to obtain the much coveted correspondence of some of those noble daughters of Chautauqua, who have so kindly assisted us thus far in our efforts to crush this cruel and unnatural rebellion, that— If any of the above said Ladies, of that noble and patriotic County, "which we have the honor in part to represent," should choose to write, they will receive a hearty response from the subscribers.
Co. "Y" 72d Regt. N. Y. Vols.
Washington, D. C.
RETURN OF Co. B. 72D N. Y.—The Jamestown Journal of the 8th, states that the remnant of this Company, eleven in number, returned to that village on Wednesday last. The Co. left Jamestown 111 strong May 28, 1861. The citizens turned out with an enthusiasm characteristic of that patriotic locality and gave the veterans a reception which must have filled their souls with pride and happiness. A procession of great length, and a dinner at the Allen House were the prominent features of the occasion. [Just think, Ladies, what a chance there is to do something for the cause of humanity.
The spacious mansion of H. C. Silsby, Esq., presented a brilliant scene on Tuesday evening, the occasion being a full-dress party given by Capt. Frank Silsby to his fellow officers of the Seventy-fifth N. Y. V. These heroes of Port Hudson appeared in full military costume, and proved themselves as gallant in the drawing-room as they are brave on the battle-field. The youth and beauty of Seneca Falls and Waterloo were well represented on the occasion, and a fine band of music was in attendance.—[Sen. Falls Cour.
MUSTERED OUT.—The Mayville Sentinel notices the arrival home in that village of Serg't JNO. C. WILLING, who enlisted under Capt. H. J. BLISS, in '61, in Co. G, 72d N. Y. V., consequently having served his time out. Our boys of the "Old Third" will be glad to hear that "Chub" is at home again.
We are permitted, by Mr. RICHARD WILLING, of this village, to publish the following brief letter from his son who is a member of company G. 3d Excelsior Regiment, giving an account of their part in the recent fight at Gettysburg, Pa.
Allow me to give you a brief statement of the gallant Excelsior Brigade of July 2d, where we took part,—of course we could not be left out.
Our Brigade took into the fight 1,700 men,—out of that number there were 774 killed, wounded and missing.
Our Brigade losses are as follows:
1st Excelsior 113.
2d " 91.
3d " 116.
4th " 161.
5th “ 90.
120th Reg. N. Y. V. 203.
Out of 143 Commissioned Officers in the Brigade, there were 65 killed and wounded.
The 3d Regiment lost:—Commissioned Officers, 7 wounded, none killed. Enlisted men, 5 killed, 79 wounded, and 15 missing.
Loss of company G. 3d Regiment:
Sergt. Sprague Harrison, Leg, slightly.
" J. C. Willing, Shoulder,
Corp. Peter Kennish, killed.
Private, Walter Jamison, severe.
" Luman Fuller, leg, slightly.
“ Charles A. Fox, " "
" Thomas Jague, wounded, prisoner.
“ Charles Schruder, "
We only had 20 enlisted men in our company. I only received a scratch, and am able to be with the regiment. Walter will recover, the ball did not hit the bone of the leg.
The strength of Co. G., now with us:—6 privates, 1 corporal and 3 sergeants.
Thomas Horon, of Co. E. captured one Rebel flag from the 8th Florida. J. C. WILLING.
Local & Miscellaneous.
FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1863.
The hope, at first faintly indulged, that Col. STEVENS was only wounded and might recover was dispelled by the speedy announcement of his death on the 5th of May, 1863. He died in the enemy's hands from the wounds received in the battle of Sunday, May 3d, and was buried by them. Subsequently his remains were removed by his friends to his home in Chautauqua, and on Wednesday of last week buried with imposing and affecting ceremonies in "Forest Hill Cemetery," Fredonia. There were 5,000 people present to mourn over the honored patriot.
Col. STEVENS was born in Gardiner, Me., in the year 1827. He was graduated at Yale College with honors in 1848, and commenced the study of law. In 1853 he removed to Dunkirk to practice law. In 1855 he was married to the niece of T. P. Grosvenor, Esq., of Dunkirk. In the fall of 1859 he was elected District Attorney by a flattering majority over the popular and able lawyer, Judge S. P. MARVIN. In this capacity his practice gained him reputation and credit as a shrewd and efficient lawyer and a vigilant official.
His reputation as a military man was established through this and other sections of the State long before the opening of the present war by his interest in the 68th militia regiment, and the conspicuous character of himself and his Company (Co. "E," ) for proficiency of drill and soldierly bearing. In these respects it was unexcelled by any militia company in the State. To his influence is attributable the noticeable martial spirit of Dunkirk, that enabled her to keep up the organization of two militia companies and secured her the location of an armory.
At the commencement of the war he promptly raised a company and joined the Excelsior Brigade, (3d Regt.) on Staten Island in May 1861. At the election for field officers of the Regt., he was elected Major. We were present shortly after and knew how his appointment was received by his company. Their attachment to him was so strong that their unwillingness to part with their Captain almost amounted to an insubordinate demonstration and only his own entreaties and his kindly, attractive influence, for which he was so remarkable, could induce them to consent to be led to battle by any one else. We here quote from the Union:
This Brigade left its camp for the seat of war sometime during the summer of 1861, and for about seven months was stationed some forty miles below Washington on the Maryland side of the Potomac river. His military education and his sagacity as a commanding officer, soon produced an influence with his superior officers and excited the attention of the War Department. In the construction of the important military fortifications near this point, he was selected to oversee and superintend their construction.
The extraordinary discipline and fearless courage of this regiment and of the Sickle's Brigade is principally due to the peculiar ability of its officers. It has become a part of the history of the world—its iron front when presented to the enemy, has always stayed and often rolled back the advancing columns of an insolent opposer. When other brave men wearied and fell by the way, the lofty courage and indomitable will of the officers and men of this regiment, enabled them to pass on with unfaltering trend and unbroken ranks.
Amid the tangled swamps and along the rugged roads of the York and James Rivers, this brave brigade was as a wall of fire to the enemy. At Williamsburgh, Hanover Court House, Fair Oaks and Malvern Hill, they gave evidence of what human courage, directed by a high order of military genius can accomplish. After the withdrawal of the army from the Peninsula under Gen. McClellan, Col. Stevens was commissioned Colonel of the regiment.
We all remember his visit to this section on recruiting business and the universal good opinion that was formed of him, as a man and soldier.
Probably no one more controlled the public admiration than he. In the discharge of those duties he was energetic, assiduous, business-like, and so quiet and gentlemanly that everything moved at his will. His frank, open, generous greeting always called up the best feelings of those he met, and drew volunteers to his command by scores.
On the morning of Sunday, May 3d, the enemy had driven our lines back with over-powering numbers and the Excelsior Brigade was to stay the retreat if possible. Early in the morning the enemy attacked a slight breastwork of logs that our boys had erected during the night, had driven back part of the brigade and were rushing over the works and pouring a raking storm of death on the brave 72d. They were also gaining their rear. Col. Stevens, cool, unappalled, fearless, was arranging his men to meet the new exigencies of this enfilading fire along the whole of his regiment in the midst of a perfect hell of fire and death, waving his sword and cheering his men to face the tempest of bullets. He had just given the order, "Change front to rear on first Company! Boys! FOLLOW ME! turned partly around to head his men, when a ball struck him in the left breast and passed entirely through his body. Throwing his hand to his breast he exclaimed “Oh God!” and fell. “Oh, what a fall was there!” Lieut. YATES was within a few feet of him and immediately stooped to speak to him. He was unconscious, but subsequently spoke to Capt. Bailey. Capts. Bliss and Bailey came to his assistance but were unable to bring him off—Capt. Bliss being wounded and captured in the attempt.
He lived till the following Tuesday, being for a while conscious and leaving directions with a fellow prisoner about his effects, and parting words to his loved wife.
Thus died a Brave man. Noble and honorable as was his career, his death was so glorious that we can truly say—
"Nothing in his life
Become him like the leaving it; he died
As one who had been studied in his death
To throw away the dearest thing he owned
As 't were a careless trifle."
Brave soldier! Noble man! Glorious martyr! Pride of thy country!
We will weep over his grave and cherish his memory when stone and "enduring brass" moulder.
Col. Stevens was in the army, a celebrated man. No Colonel was so widely known, respected and loved. When his loss was announced the Commanding General sent a flag-of-truce specially to recover his body. He received the attention and consideration of a General and had he lived would have left a record of brave and inspired acts second to no one in the country.
His character, combining all the nobility of nature with the accomplishments of culture, can not be better summed up than in the beautiful eulogy bestowed upon "Noble Brutus:" "His life was gentle, and the elements So mixed in him, that Nature might stand up And say to all the world—THIS WAS A MAN!"
The Committee having in charge the funeral solemnities of the late Captain Bliss, in behalf of the friends of the deceased, and the citizens of Westfield generally, tender their warmest thanks to Captain Stedman of Fredonia, and the officers and men of his command, for their attendance as an Escort, and for their generous and efficient aid in carrying out the arrangements for the burial of Captain Bliss.
Correspondence of the Fredonia Censor.
Chautauqua Co. Men in Hospital at
Washington, April 11th, 1864.
Editor Censor--Dear Sir:--Thinking that a few lines from your humble servant, might be acceptable, I will drop in and make you a call, to tell you about how things stand in the Medical Department of this city. The following is a list of men from Chautauqua Regiments (as far as I know they are from there,) now in hospitals in and about Washington:
Charles Wilson, Co. D, 1st Div., Alexandria, Va.
Richard Butchers, H, 3d do do do
Patrick Connell, E, 3d do do do
Onan Griswold, D, Stanton, Washington.
W. W. Clark, B, Augur, near Alexandria.
Stephen Vail, E, 1st Div., Alexandria.
Sergt. Lucius Jones, H, do do
S. E. Sanford, B, do do
Gordon B. Swift, B, do do
C. J. Lyon, B, do do
James Brunson, B, do do
Patrick Murphy, E, do do
John Engles, H, Fairfax Seminary, Va.
Charles Shrader, G, 2d Div., Alexandria.
Frank Richardson, B, do do
Corp. Alvin Borrows, G, do do
John Augurwood, G, do do
George N. Auler, G, do do
Sergt. M. Hamilton, H, 3d Div. do
Martin Weitner, E, do do
Charles North, H, Judiciary Sq., Washington.
Nearly all the sick and wounded have been sent in from the front within the past two weeks. The whole number admitted during that time is about 2,200, nearly all sick. There are from thirteen to fifteen deaths in the hospitals per day.
I do not know what companies out of the 154th are from Chautauqua, and so will not mention any of their names. It is now nearly three years since old Cos. B, D, and E, left old Chautauqua, a set of well and healthy men; but where are they now? Some will come home crippled, some sick and some well, but I think there will be the least of the latter. I for one, am now in hopes of seeing home and the many familiar faces soon. But I shall miss many whom I once knew, and can never return a sound man, as my wounds have already condemned me for field service, but still they hold me, and I am willing now to stay till my time is out.
Yours truly, J. C. B.
A Patriot Soldier.
The following letter does credit to the patriotic head and heart of its author. The writer is claimed by the Democracy of the town from which he volunteered as one of them, and the letter was written in answer to an inquiry on the part of his father in that regard. His sentiments show him to be a true Democrat, but not of the Copperhead brand:
March 29th, 1863.
DEAR FATHER-You wish me to disclose my politics. Now, that is a hard matter for me to reveal; but I will tell you as near as I can how I stand, and you may call it what you will. I am for fighting the traitors to the death, and for backing old Abe in all his undertakings that are in accordance with the Constitution, and in all that our Government considers as military necessities, as long as I can agree with them. I am for fetching our Northern rebels down here and placing them in the front ranks, giving the old veterans a chance to punch them up. Furthermore, any man, not upholding our Government, and not aiding to his utmost to put down the rebellion, (he having control of his mental faculties) is a vile traitor, and should be punished like the rest. In my humble opinion, no man can be neutral. His sympathies are for one side or the other. I say as great men have said—I know no party—no North—no South—but simply Union. It must and shall be preserved. You may construe what I have said as you please. Call it Democracy, or Republicanism, or Abolitionism, those are my sentiments. I shan't trouble myself about any kind of politics, but war as long as war lasts—nor will any good, loyal citizen. I am afraid you people at the North don't realize that there is a war; but if you are not awake before long, you will understand that there has been a deadly struggle for Liberty, while you have been sleeping--when, with your strength added to ours, we could have swept the polluted traitors from existence, and rid ourselves of the greatest curse that ever a nation was plagued with. Why don't the North arise in her majesty and say we will crush the traitors? A few of her brave sons have volunteered, and thousands fallen in defence of the Union, and there is no one to avenge their death. For shame ! From your son.
JOHN F. SNOWBLE, Sargeant of Company H, 72 Regiment, well known in the village, and formerly bar tender for D. Loeb, was wounded in his right leg at Front Royal, and has since had it amputated above the knee. He was doing well when last heard from.
Death of Capt. Harmon J. Bliss,
Co. G, 3d Excelsior.
Capt. Harmon J Bliss, of the 3d Excelsior, died on Saturday afternoon, June 6th, of wounds received at the battle of Chancellorsville, on May 3d. He was left on the battlefield and fell into the hands of the enemy, and remained a prisoner until Wednesday, May 13th, when he was brought to the hospital of the third army corps, within a short distance of the camp of the third Regiment; there he remained until his death.
At a meeting of the officers of the 3d R. held Saturday evening June 6th, Col. Austin in the Chair, the following resolutions were presented and adopted:
Whereas, We are this day called to mourn the death of Capt. Harmon J. Bliss, a fellow officer who has been identified with us for two years, who brought a gallant company to our Regiment, who has ever been found faithful at his post, unshrinking in the discharge of duty, never absent from it in any battle, and who fell wounded at Chancellorsville by the side of our lamented Col., and died after a month of suffering, and
Whereas, We wish to give expression to our feelings of sorrow at his loss, and to tell his family and friends how highly we esteemed him.
Resolved, That while we bow to the will of God, and while we know that our cause demands the sacrifice of precious and noble lives, we cannot but deeply mourn the loss of one who, as a soldier set so bright an example of true service to his country, and who as a man, endeared himself so strongly to us and his associates.
Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be sent to the family of Capt. Bliss, and to the press for publication.
Col. Commanding 3d Regt. Ex. Brig.
Wm. R. Eastman Chaplain, Sec.
PROCESSINGS OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN REGARD TO THE DEATH OF COL. STEVENS.--At a special term of the Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer, held at the Court House in Mayville, May 19,
1863; (Present Noah Davis, Jr., Justice of the Supreme Court; Hon. ABNER HAZELTINE, County Judge, and ZENAS C. Young, and Otis D. Hinckly, Justices:) the following action in regard to the resolutions adopted by the Chautauqua County Bar, was taken:
Mr. GEO. BARKER, Chairman of the meeting of the members of the bar of Chautauqua county held at Dunkirk, May 16, 1863, presented to this Honorable Court the foregoing preamble and resolutions, and in some able and eloquent remarks urged their adoption and record by this Court.
His Honor, Judge Hazeltine, in a feeling manner presented the merits of Col. Stevens, his able and faithful discharge of all the duties entrusted to his charge; his brave and patriotic course in support of the Constitution of our country, and his faithful protection of the wants and interests of the brave men from this county under his command merits the warm approbation of this Court.
His Honor, Judge DAVIS, Justice of the Eighth Judicial District of this State, in a few eloquent remarks on the virtue of the deceased directed that the foregoing preamble and resolutions be entered on the records of this Court as a perpetual memento to the merits and services of Col. Stevens as an officer of this Court, and as a brave and efficient leader of the men, his companions in arms from this county, and that the Clerk of this Court cause a certified copy of the foregoing resolutions and these proceedings to be furnished the family of the deceased.—[Dk. Union.
The funeral services of Capt. Harmon J. Bliss, were held on Thursday afternoon last, and his remains borne to their final resting place by sorrowing friends and neighbors.—The services were conducted with military rites; and a very large concourse of citizens from this and adjoining towns took part in the solemnities of the occasion. Captain Stedman, of Fredonia, with his company, and the Dunkirk Regimental Band, were in attendance. The religious services were held at the Presbyterian Church. Rev. Mr. Eastman, Chaplain of the 3d Excelsior Regiment, who came on with the remains from Washington, was present; and in his remarks, briefly and feelingly alluded to the connection of the deceased with the service; and the cheerful resignation and manifest christian fortitude with which he bore up under his sufferings—hoping almost to the last that he would soon be able to return to the embraces of his beloved family; but the angel of death was hovering over him; the brittle thread of life parted in an unexpected moment, and his brave spirit was gone. Several members of his gallant company, who have from sickness and wounds, been compelled to return home, were in the procession, and carried the Flag that was presented to the Captain and company just before their departure for the war. It had been borne by them for nearly two years in the service; and was a cherished token of the interest taken in their welfare by near and dear friends at home. The religious services were conducted by the clergymen of the several Churches. Rev. Mr. Fisher indulged in a few appropriate remarks. At the grave, the ceremonies were solemn and impressive; and all felt, as the farewell shots resounded over his inanimate form, that one of Westfield's noblest sons had fallen. The Committee are entitled to great credit for the excellent manner in which they conducted mournful rites.
DEAR PARENTS:--I suppose by this time you are anxious to hear from me. Well then, first, I am alive and well, and in good spirits, so be contented. I was taken prisoner by the rebels on Sunday morning, 3d of May, at Chancellorsville. Made a round-about march to Richmond, was lodged there in the famous Libby Prison four days. They starved us almost to death on the march, and many fainted with hunger. When we left the Libby, we went to City Point, via Petersburg 35 miles. We left Richmond about 3 ½ o'clock, reached Petersburg about 11 o'clock at night (23 miles). It rained terribly after dark and thundered and lightened. It was so dark we had to lock arms and hang hold of each other to get along. Still the rebels had no mercy. If the men did not toe the scratch they got the bayonet.
I have been in their hands about two weeks, and have marched about 120 miles with one pound of flour per day, and didn't get that half of the time. Here is the recipie for making rebel grub:
Take 3 spoonsful of flour to 1 pint of water, boil until it becomes thick. No salt.
There you see what we had to live on. The rebel soldiers had half rations of hard crackers, they were almost as hard up as we were. It is true they are destitute of every comfort. I was in Richmond at Stonewall's funeral but did not attend. There are five taken out of our company besides me; Lieut. Bishop among the number. I am, and probably will be until I am exchanged, at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md.
Correspondence of the Journal.
Appointments and Promotions in the Third Excelsior.
CAMP NELSON TAYLOR, May 28th, 1863,
FRIEND BISHOP:—Enclosed you will find a list of appointments that have been forwarded to the Governor of the State of New York for approval, to fill vacancies in the 3d Excelsior caused by the late ….
Lieut. Col. John S. Austin, to be Col., Vice Col. William O. Stevens, killed in action.
Major John Leonard, to be Lieut-Col., Vice John S. Austin, promoted.
Capt. C. R. Abell, to be Major, Vice John Leonard, promoted.
1st Lieut. William E. Wheeler, of Co. B., to be Capt., of Co. D., vice C. B. Abell, promoted.
2d Lieut., Prentice E. Bishop, of Co., B., to be 1st Lieut. of Co. B., vice W. E. Wheeler, promoted.
2d Lieut. Samuel Howell of Co. C., to be 1st Lieut. of Co. K., vice Harrison F. Ellis, killed in action.
2d Lieut. Henry J. Yates, of Co. G., to be 1st Lieut. of Co. D., vice William C. Brooks, killed in action.
2d Lieut. Julius Kessler, of Co. K., to be 1st Lieut. of Co. C., vice Charles H. Hydorn, killed in action.
1st Sergt. John Kriner, of Co. A., to be 2d Lieut. of Co. A., vice Henry C. Steward, promoted.
1st Sergt. John B. Hare, of Co. H., to be 2d Lieut. of Co. F., vice Richard Leonard, resigned.
1st Sergt. Charles Ebersold, of Co. C, to be 2d Lieut. of Co. B., vice Prentice E. Bishop, promoted.
1st Sergt. Charles A. Foss, of Co. D., to be 2d Lieut. of Co. C, vice Samuel Howell, promoted.
1st Sergt. Luke Healey, of Co. F., to be 2d Lieut. of Co. G., vice Henry J. Yates, promoted.
Sergt. Major John McKinley, to be 2d Lieut of Co. K., vice Julius Kesler, promoted.
1st Sergt. J. Myron Lyon, of Co. B., to be Sergt. Major, vice John McKinley, promoted.
Very Respectfully,
For the Journal.
Tribute to the late Col. W. O. Stevens, by the Excelsior Brigade.
May 18, 1863.
At a meeting of the officers of the Excelsior Brigade, held at the Head Quarters 3rd Regiment Excelsior Brigade, Colonel William R. Brewster, Commanding Brigade, presiding, preambles and resolutions were adopted as expressing the feelings of the entire brigade.
Whereas—it has pleased God, in his all wise providence, to remove from us our late Commander, Colonel William O. Stevens, who fell on the morning of May 3d, at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. while nobly performing his duty, we, the surviving officers of the regiment and brigade with which he has so long been connected wish to pay this slight tribute to departed worth, while expressing our heartfelt sympathy for the afflicted family in bereavement.
In the loss of Colonel William O. Stevens, the regiment and the army has been deprived of the services of a most gallant and efficient officer, an accomplished gentleman and a true patriot, who has sealed with his life his devotion to his country, and our highest aspirations for the future shall be to emulate the noble example of fidelity to trust that he has bequeathed to us.
Through all the vicissitudes of the service in which he has been engaged, he has manifested a steady and hopeful bearing, stimulating by an exalted zeal and patriotism the hopes of the wavering, and encouraging all by the noble example to stand firmly in the great struggle, trusting to the righteousness of their cause for the attainment of permanently beneficial results.
To the afflicted family, in their bereavement, words of condolence and sympathy are all we can bestow; our loss has been great, theirs has been greater. A parent now mourns the offering of a second son to the altar of his country, while a devoted wife with her fatherless children deplores the loss of a kind and generous protector. We trust that a Higher Power may sustain them in their bereavement, and enable them to support with becoming fortitude their deep distress, realizing that though he sleeps, his memory will not be forgotten, but will descend to posterity with names of the illustrious dead, which a grateful country will render immortal.
Resolved, That copies of the above be sent to the family of Colonel Stevens, Washington Chronicle, Lawrence Boston Journal, New York Herald, Chicago Times, New York Tribune. Dunkirk Journal, Jamestown Journal and Westfield Republican for publication.
Resolved, That the proceedings of the meeting be placed in the records of the brigade.
WM. E.BREWSTER, Col. 4th Excelsior,
JAS. A. SMITH, Adj't, 3d Excelsior,
From the Dunkirk Journal,
List of the Killed, Wounded and Missing, from the 3d Regiment, Excelsior Brigade.
The following list of the killed, wounded and missing in the 3d Regt. Excelsior Brigade, at the Battle near Gettysburg, has been forwarded to his brother in this village, by Walter Mullett, Esq., Clerk of the Regiment.
John S. Austin, Colonel, wrist, slight.
CO. A.
John Kiner, 2d Lieut. Co. H. shoulder slight
Conrad Houslider, Sergeant side "
Jacob Miller, Corporal, thigh "
Richard Masalle, " leg "
Gotlieb Hearsher, private, leg severely.
Joseph Hampton, “ “ “
Andrew Cross, “ “ slightly.
William Osborne, “ arm “
Henry Rodenbury, “ “ “
CO. B.
Prentice E. Bishop, 1st Lieut. Co. B. neck slightly.
Solomon L. Bristol, corporal, arm, slight.
Lester Holbart, private, leg, “
Elliot Homer, “ “ “
Geo.F. Hankin, " " killed.
W. H. Lovell, " " severely.
Chapin J. Lyon, " arm "
Thomas O'Connell " shoulder.
Charles Parker, " hand.
John W. Thomas, " missing.
CO. C.
John S. Mann, Capt. leg, severely.
Charles A. Foss, 2d Lieut. leg, since amputated.
Isaac Conway, private, leg, severely.
John McGuire, " " "
Thomas Cating, " " "
Josiah Halloway, corporal, leg, missing.
John Wissill, private " "
Abner Currey, " " "
Lewis Aherus, " " "
CO. D.
William E. Wheeler, Capt. hip, slight.
Otis B. Luce, sergeant, face, "
Almond B. Hamilton, corp, knee, severely
Sidneyi Wilson both legs amputated, "
William H. Porter. " " "
James Palmer, Corporal missing.
Edmon Bowyer, Private "
George Johnson, " "
William E. Edenan, " "
Ralph P. Howe, " "
Franklin A. Pickard, " in chest.
Frank Barrows, wounded face, slight.
CO. E.
Michael Gonnelly, killed,
J. Robinson, 2d Lieut., wounded slight.
John Lyons, Sergeant, foot, slight.
Daniel E. Burk, wounded, since died.
Overt Buer, Corporal, " slight.
Michael Shields, " " severely.
Theodore Winters, " mortally.
Patrick Folley, " severely.
Leonard Vanderveil, " slight.
Thomas Congdon, " "
Napoleon Joel, " missing.
Patrick Downs, " "
Joseph Fleck, " "
Jerorniah Fontaine, " "
Christian Harteastein, " "
CO. F.
Peter Dumphreys, Ser't leg severely.
James Coyde, private " slight.
Edward Deavey, " shoulder "
George Weller, " " "
John Clark, " missing.
Thos. Finnegall, " "
Phill. Fanell, " "
Jacob Trienmer, " "
Thomas Powell, " "
CO. G.
Sprague Harrison, Sg't. thigh, severely.
Peter Kinnish, Cor'l, killed.
Lyman Fuller, private, leg, slight.
Uriah Brooks, " " "
Charles Schrepu. " " "
Charles A. Fox, " " "
Walter Jameson, " arm severely.
Thomas Jago, " prisoner.
Joseph Whittier, " missing,
CO. H.
Philip Warner, shoulder, slight.
James D. Hill, private, " "
Erastus Hinman, wounded severely.
Fred Heyl, " "
Jacob Arnold, face "
William Dunn, arm, slight.
Gotlied Erion, head “
Levi D. Frank, leg “
John Hugler, missing.
Christian Johnson, arm, slight.
Allen M. Johnson, hip, “
John Molork, arm, “
Michael McCarty, head, severely.
John Strowyer, hip, slight.
Michael Copil, wounded severely.
Micheal Cronin, missing.
Benjiman Laport, "
CO. I.
A. J. Smith, Segt Wounded, Foot Slight
Daniel Hughes Corp Leg. "
Charles Balloun Priv Foot, "
William Cormack," hip, "
John Haines " leg. “
Michael Miller " "
Samuil Tate, " "
Austin Hager, " missing.
CO. K.
John Colyer, killed.
Gattuk Kossuth, serg arm slight.
John Fitzgerald, Private, hip, "
Martin Ackor, " leg "
Alfred Gordon " arm "
Charles Mill, " head, "
John Dunker, " missing.
Lieut. Pennock is having splendid success in recruiting for this regiment—the object of the recruiting being to bring it up to the war standard. A detachment of men was sent away yesterday, and another will be forwarded in a few days.
This regiment has been stationed since August 9th at Camp Caldwell, near Washington. It was sent down the Potomac, on Friday morning, on a secret expedition. The men and officers composing this regiment are of the best material. The Colonel has passed through the Mexican war, receiving several promotions, and a sojourner in California in its earlier days, has rendered him a very fitting man for the post he occupies. Many of the officers under him have seen service in Europe and this country—the men—it would be difficult to enumerate the number who have smelt powder on hard-fought fields in all quarters of the globe.
Lieutenant Pennock, who has been in the city sometime recruiting for the regiment, is now empowered to raise three new companies to join the regiment. As yet, all the officers have not been selected—an early call on him may secure a post to a well-qualified man. Recruits, anxious of being in the field, would do well to enlist in this regiment, which now numbers some 1300 men, three companies having joined it from the western part of the State—one entire fire company of forty men enrolling at one time. The recruiting office is at No. 600 Broadway.
was the youngest son of JOSEPH and PHIDELIA SLATER, formerly of this town, where he was born Nov. 9th. 1843. His father died in 1857, and his mother in 1860. BERNARD was a member of the glorious old Co, "B," 3d Excelsior. At the battle of Williamsburg, he was taken prisoner, and after three days, paroled. He returned home and remained until exchanged and again called to duty, when he returned to the regiment. He went unharmed through all its subsequent terrible experiences, until the gallant charge at Manassas gap, July 23. where he was wounded, and his leg, in consequence, amputated. He was taken to Mount Pleasant Hospital, where he died on the 31st of the same month.
He was a good soldier—faithful, enduring, and patriotic. His letters all express a determination to see the thing through, and some of them, written in the midst of great sufferings and privations or terrible battle scenes, are cheerful and hopeful of the end. He was intelligent and understood the character of the war and the nature of his duties well. When the retreat was ordered at the battle of Chancellorsville, he wept at the result of what they had hoped to make a decisive victory—such was his disappointment. May he meet a patriot's reward.
Died at Arlington Heights in the Field Hospital, of Measles and Typhoid Fever, Alexander D. Burns, aged 20 years and 8 months, of the 7th N. Y. Sharp Shooters. His remains were brought to this place in charge of his brother, Rufus H. Burns, of Co. B, 72d N. Y. V., and his funeral was held at the M. E. Church, in this place on March 24th.
The deceased was in the service for 18 months, and was with his Company in all the skirmishing at Suffolk. Previous to his last sickness, he had been in the hospital about five months, with fever, but recovered and returned to duty, but after being with his Company one month, was attacked with measles and typhoid fever, which resulted in his death in two weeks.
He was an excellent young man, and had worked somewhat at the printing business in this office. His father is in the 112th. (Chautauqua Democrat)
Correspondence of the Dunkirk Journal.
From the 3d Excelsior.
Near Brandy Station
December 4th. 1863.
MR. EDITOR.: I herewith send you a list of the casualties which occurred in the 3d Reg't, Excelsior Brigade, in the battle of Locust Grove on the 27th ult.
Capt. Henry McDonnough, Co. D, wounded through the Brain; died the following morning; Lieut. Horatio Springer, Co. C, left thigh, flesh wound, severely; Private George Cornroy, Co. F, killed; Private Geo. Schneider, Co. A, abdomen mortally; private Jas. B. Nailer, Co. B, cheek, slight; private Francis Smith, Co. B, head, slight; private John Palmer, breast, severely; private John Ballard, Co. C, left leg; private Patrick Connell, Co. C, arm and elbow; sergeant Jas. Anderson, Co F, breast, flesh; private John McKernan, Co. F, left leg, flesh; Sergeant Edward Dwier, Co. G, thumb; private James Palmer, Co. G, shoulder and lungs, since died; private Alonzo Wyman, Co. H, left breast, severely; private Jas. Durphy, Co. H, right wrist; private Richard Butcher, Co. H, groin and bladder, seriously; private Isaac Babcock, Co. H, foot;—private Robert Marks, Co. H, killed. Total in killed and wounded, 18.
It is gratifying to find that so few have been sacrificed, more particularly, when it is known that the. Regiment was under the most terrific fire, and charged and drove the enemy before them for at least a mile. Cannister was brought to bear by the enemy, but fortunately, they fired too high, doing but little damage. Our army bivouacked on the field, and next morning moved on; the enemy having disappeared from our front, they having failed in their object, which was to prevent our making a connection with the 2d Corps, and also endeavoring themselves to connect with the main portion of their army, from which they were separated by Warren. Had we know fully at the time their position, it is believed a more complete victory could have been gained, but as it was, their furious onslaughts were gallantly met, and each time they were driven to the wall with much greater slaughter than they inflicted on us.
All day on the 29th our Regiment lay in line immediately in front of the most formidable line of fortifications ready to charge the works at a given signal which was momentarily expected. Fortunately for our history, the signal was not given, as the commanding general on learning the true state of affairs declined making the attack and withdrew. Had the attack been made it is believed that but few of our already reduced veteran band would have been left alive, and the general feeling prevails that they were saved from the jaws of death by the change of programme. At present we occupy the same position we left on the 25th inst., but it is not generally supposed that we will remain here long as there can be no advantage to us in holding this already barren country during the coming winter.
I am Sir very respectfully your ob't serv't
Correspondence of the Journal.
Letter from the 3d Excelsior.
March 26, 1864.
Friend Bishop:—Thinking that perhaps there might be some of your readers who would be pleased to hear from the "Old 3d Excelsior," I have seized that mighty weapon, "the Pen," for the express purpose of attempting to gratify their desires, and, although I may not be able to wield it as gracefully or in as interesting a manner as some of the "Patriots" of the 112th, and other Regiments that have emanated from Old Chautauqua, still I may possibly afford a few moment's pleasant gratification to some persons who are so unfortunate as to have friends in that notorious organization called the "Sickles Brigade."
As the weather has about as much to do with Army movements as any other one thing, we will first speak of that. On the afternoon of the 22d it began to grow cold, with every indication of a storm, and before evening the ground was covered with snow. It continued to fall during the night and by day-break was at least eight inches deep. Since that time, and until last evening, it gradually disappeared, when the flood-gates of Heaven were evidently all drawn back, and the rain fell in torrents for several hours. All those who are acquainted with the quality of Virginia mud can form some idea as to the condition the roads are in at the present time, while the rest of your readers will have to remain in ignorance on that point, as I am incapable of describing them in a manner which would do justice to the case.
Lieut.-Gen. Grant arrived here yesterday, and has established his Head Quarters at Culpepper. His arrival is hailed with joy by the soldiers, although they do not expect that he will accomplish such wonders as the people of the North are looking for, and, strange as it may appear to some of your readers, it is the candid opinion of the majority of the Army that Richmond will remain in the hands of the Rebels ten days longer to say the least. The men at home think that because they have drawn their purse strings and given a few dollars in the way of bounties, that our army is increased to unheard of numbers, and that there is no reason why we should not walk through Lee's army like a reaper through a field of grain, scatter it to the four corners of the earth, take Richmond and tear the Confederacy into atoms in a week's time. I am very sorry to say that their hopes and expectations will probably be dashed to the ground, and then I fear the reputation of the hitherto invincible Grant will suffer.
To such of my readers as are looking forward for these things I would say: if you do not believe that the Army of the Potomac can fight, and does fight when there is need of it, shoulder a musket, come down here and march side by side with us through the coming campaign, and you will find that it is no child's play that we are engaged in, and I am confident that you will then be willing to return home to attend to your own business and let the army attend to theirs. Our experience in this matter is a good deal like the Dutchman's at a hotel who became very much disgusted at the manner in which he was served at the table and said, "you calls for vat you wants and den vaits till you gits him."
One thing is very gratifying to us all, and I cannot help congratulating the citizens of Jamestown and vicinity upon the fact that but one man in their community thinks that soldiers are mere machines and not human beings capable of thinking and VOTING for themselves. I trust that the name of that man is not known, for his own thoughts and conscience must certainly trouble him enough without having the finger of scorn pointed at him as he passes along the street.
I am sorry to see that Politics and the coming Presidential Election are engrossing the attention of the North to such an extent that the great cause at issue is for the time being thrust into the shade. Why in the name of all that is great and patriotic will the people allow themselves to be led by a set of crafty and intrigueing office-seekers? Why do they not rise in all their majesty and power, cast aside all parties and party-platforms, and stand forth a firm and united band of brothers, ready to sweep this cursed rebellion from the land and restore our noble Union to its former place at the head of nations. Slavery is but a secondary consideration. If the Union can best be restored by letting it alone for God's sake let it be; but if it is necessary to blot it out before these States can be restored to their former condition, let it be swept away from the face of the land at once. Let the test for the next Presidency be a test of loyalty, and no matter what his political creed has been, let he who shows himself the most capable of holding the reins of Government at the present crisis, take the Presidential Chair as a reward for his deeds.
At last our glorious old 3d Corps has passed away, and is now numbered with the things of the past. This event has been expected for some time, but, notwithstanding all that, when the news came that it was no more, our feelings were those of sorrow, for we felt as though we had lost our dearest and best friend.
The "Diamond" (which was the badge of the 3d Corps,) has been our guiding star on many a hard-fought battle-field, and we felt that in wearing it we were wearing a badge of honor, which to-day is as pure and free from stain and defeat as when we received it. Our two old Divisions, (Hooker's and Kearney's,) are still permitted to retain it, but how long that privilege will be given us we cannot tell. Our family circle is broken--the old homestead has passed into strange hands and we have commenced a new life as a Junior member of the 2d Corps. No murmurings are heard against this order, for a true soldier never questions the acts of his leader, but a quiet and subdued sorrow has settled upon us, which nothing but an active campaign can brush away.
Craving your indulgence for this already too lengthy epistle, I bring it to an abrupt termination.
Correspondence of the Journal.
From the Third Excelsior.
May 14th 1864.
MR. EDITOR:—The following is a list, (nearly complete,) of casualties in the 3d Excelsior, from May 5th to 13th:
I am, Yours Very Truely,
Chaplain 3d Excelsior.
Adj't H. J. Yates, flesh wound across both shoulders.
Sergt.-Major J. M. Lyon, left side.
Co. A.
Fred. Wolf, left arm, slight.
Co. B.
Lieut. H. C. Steward, right hand.—Sergt. O. A. Ross, left thigh. Sergt. A. D. Towns, left shoulder. Corp'l John Conway, left hand. Phillip Ott, right leg. Jas. Malier, right leg. E. B. Barber, left thigh. G. B. Swift, left ankle. Truedell, right thigh.
Co. C.
Killed—Ed. M. Dempsey, L. J. Clark Wounded—Lieut. H. S. Springer, left thigh, slight. Geo. Taylor, neck slight, Jas. McNulty, finger off left hand.
Co. D.
Sergt. Pugh, left foot, slight. Charles Sanborn, left wrist, slight. Milo Bailey, right foot. Geo. Horn, right thigh. W. J. Holt, left hand.
CO. E.
Saunders, right hand. Thomas Horan, left leg. Johnson, left hand. J. Tracy, left thigh. Beck, back, (bruise.) Jas. Mounie, right foot. P. Perkins, left arm. Benson, hip.
Co. F.
Lieut. Luke Healey, ankle. S. Andrews, leg. E. Deary, hip. McEnroe, scalp. Gardner, elbow. Shelly, shoulder. Costello, hand.
Co. G.
Killed—Corpl Oscar F. Watts.
Wounded—Capt. William E. Wheeler, right shoulder. Gagan, arm. A. Northrup, foot. Lewis Hoyt, back.
Co. H.
Killed--Nicholas Keiner.
Wounded—Lieut. John Robinson, left shoulder. Sergt. J. H. Wood, left knee. Eugene Lakin, right hand. Bookhart, left shoulder.
CO. K.
Daniel Chalmers, slightly bruised.
RETURN OF OLD CO. B —The original Third Excelsior having been mustered out, the remnant of old Co. B, are excepted home to-day or to-morrow. At an impromptu gathering held at Jones' Hall Monday evening of this week, Col. A. F. Allen was chosen Chairman, and D. H. Waite Secretary. Remarks were made by Rev. L. W. Norton, C. E. BISHOP, L. B. BROWN, E. BISHOP, AND THE CHAIRman, and on Motion, Messrs. L. B. Brown, C. E. BISHOP and Richard O. Baker, were appointed a Committee on the part of the citizens of Jamestown, to make arrangements for a suitable reception of old Co. B. We are informed this morning by the Committee, that the arrangements for the reception will be in brief as follows:
The Com. will be notified by telegraph of the arrival of the Co. at Salamanca, which will be announced to the public by the ringing of the bells and firing of the cannon.
All returned officers and men of the 72d and returned officers and men of all other regiments, are requested to report themselves to C. E. BISHOP, at the Journal office, immediately if possible, but at any rate to repair upon the signal, to the corner of Main and Third Streets. The returned officers and men of the 72d will wear a white ribbon in their button-holes and act as escort of Co. B and the returned officers and men of other regiments will wear a blue ribbon, and act as guard. Carriages will be furnished for invalid soldiers. The Merchants and business men are requested to close their stores, offices, &c. and with the citizens women and children, repair to the Depot, where a procession will be formed and march under the direction of the Com. to the Allen House.
Let everybody turn out to welcome home again the dozen veterans that represent brave old Co. B OLD COMPANY B.—A remnant of 'Old Co. B.' of the gallant Third Excelsior, consisting of eleven persons, all who were left to be mustered out of service at the expiration or three years from their enlistment, arrived to-day [Wednesday] on the noon train. According to previous notice, the bells were rung and cannon fired, and a large proportion of the population of Jamestown turned out to the Depot to give the Boys a welcome. The reception was enthusiastic and must have been cheering to the hearts of the war-worn veterans of Old Co. B. All honor to the brave Boys, who as our Representatives have upheld our Country's Flag upon the blood-stained battle fields of Malvern Hill, Antietam, Gettysburg and the Wilderness, and have never faltered in the path of glory and of duty. Welcome, Soldiers of the Third Excelsior, thrice welcome! We may drop a tear over your thin and wasted ranks, for those who shall never more return to home and friends, and who, "dead upon the field of honor," freely offered up their lives in the cause of Freedom, but this sorrow shall but chasten the joy of our present welcome, which be assured Soldiers is only an earnest of the respect and veneration that shall be paid you in the future when the noblest in the land shall be proud to do you honor, and to say "My ancestor was a soldier of the Republic in the days of the Great Rebellion.
Return of the 72d Regiment.
The remnant of old companies D and E, belonging to the 72d, N. Y. (3d Excelsior Regiment.) having received an honorable discharge at the expiration of three years term of service, arrived in Dunkirk on Thursday last. The news of their coming having preceded them, a large throng of friends and citizens from Dunkirk and the towns adjoining assembled at the Depot to greet the war-worn heroes on their arrival. The occasion was painfully suggestive of the scene witnessed at the Depot three years before, on the memorable 30th day of May, 1861, when these gallant companies, with full ranks, over 200 strong, left their homes with all their pleasant associations and endearments, to peril their lives in defence of the honor of the National flag. Then, as now, a large throng assembled to witness the event. They were sorrowful, yet hopeful. Could their eyes have then pierced the veil of the future, and followed the career of the devoted band to the finale of its glorious three years of service, keenly as they felt the trial of parting, their anguish would have been yet keener. STEVENS, BARRETT,
DOYLE, and a host of gallant spirits then waved their adieus as the long train swept from the Depot to the gay music of "Girl I left behind me." Of that brave array, the first precious contribution of our County to the cause of the Union, a handful only—some 25 or 30—returned on Thursday last to receive the greetings of their friends, amid old familiar scenes. A few others remain in hospitals, unable to endure the fatigues of the homeward trip, and still another remnant have re-enlisted, animated with a determination to see the struggle through, and are now adding new laurels to the reputations won in the old "Fighting Brigade," in the trenches fronting Petersburg.
The following description of the reception ceremonies we condense from the Dunkirk Journal:
At a little past 3 o'clock, the booming of cannon announced that the train had been signalled, and immediately upon its arrival, the ceremonies of the occasion were put in charge of George M. Abell, Esq., who had been appointed Marshal of the day, assisted by Messrs. Horatio G. Brooks, and T. C. Thompson, and were conducted in the following order:
Procession led by Pioneers on horseback.
Dunkirk Brass Band.
President and Council of Dunkirk.
Chaplain and Orators of the day.
Committee of citizens.
Fire Companies in double column, enclosing the surviving Heroes of Co.'s D. and E.
Citizens and visitors.
The procession marched down Lion street to Front, up Front to Center, up Center to Fourth, down Fourth to Buffalo, up Buffalo to the Park, where a stand had been erected for the village officers, speakers and Chaplain.
The Chaplain, Rev. L. J. Fisher, addressed the Throne of Grace in a most fervent and effective prayer.
Hon. JAMES SHEWARD was then introduced to the assemblage and made a fitting and eloquent speech. [We shall publish it in our next.]
At the conclusion of the speech, the procession marched through several streets to the Depot Dining Saloon, where a sumptuous dinner had been provided for the occasion. Rev. Mr. FISHER, at the request of the Volunteers, expressed their thanks, and high appreciation of the welcome they were receiving. Hon. F. S. EDWARDS, in behalf of the Common Council of Dunkirk, then made a speech of welcome, after which they all fell to heartily upon the comforts for the inner man, provided by JAS. GERRANS, Esq., of the Depot Saloon.