61st New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
PERSONAL.—Lieut. Charles A. Fuller, 61st N. Y. V., wounded at Gettysburg, was in the city yesterday, en route for his home in Chenango
County. He has suffered amputation of the left leg.
A letter from Dr. Hitchcock of Fitchburg to George Curtis, Esq., of this city, dated on the 14th inst., says:
This afternoon I succeeded in removing the bullet from Col. Miles' pelvis. If proved to be a 'minie' very much flattened. It had penetrated the pelvis, and I extracted several loose fragments of bone. The operation was more formidable and difficult than at first appeared, but was accomplished successfully, and left the Colonel a happier if not a braver man. I have great confidence that he will recover.
Col. Miles was wounded in the Sunday battle near Chancellorville while acting as Brigadier. He is said to be the youngest officer, in point of age, of his grade in the army, although he has won the fame and honors of a veteran.
ANOTHER COMPANY.—The 12:05 train this morning, took to New York sixty-seven fine looking fellows, from Hamilton, Madison county, under command of Captain W. R. BROOKS, assisted by Lieuts. Keech and Gates. They will join the First Regiment, Clinton Guard, Col. Cone, now in camp on Staten Island. Hamilton has already one company (Capt. Broady's) in this Regiment. The feeling is so favorable in Hamilton, that Capt. Deming, who was associated with Capt. Brooks, is now raising another company, and is meeting with great success. It could be a very fine thing if the eastern end of Madison County could be persuaded to do as well as Hamilton and adjacent towns.
(Chancellorville, July, 1863)
Wounded—Colonel Nelson A. Miles, abdomen, probably mortally; Wm. Hodges, slightly; J. Scully, slightly; Corporal Michael Hays, slightly; Corporal H. Button, slightly; Corporal W. B. Monroe, slightly; Corporal J. Mulligan, severely; Corporal B. D. Long, severely; Corporal B. Fuller, slightly; Patrick Finegan, mortally; John Mullen, R. K. Mulligan, E. Spoulter, B. Mckee, J. Stocker, H. Seitus, J. Crowner. Missing: __Second Lieut. J. Buckley, Sergeant A. Noble, Sergeant J. Crowran, Sergeant M. McMann, Sergeant C. A. Robinson. Corporal J. Drummond, F. E. Foster, J. Foler, S. H. Masher.
Capt. O. K. Broady, of Hamilton, has been promoted. He is now Major of Col. Cone's First Regiment Clinton Guard, which has been organized as the 61st New York Volunteers, and ordered off. W. M. McIntyre, who was Capt. Broady's First Lieutenant, takes command of the company, and Second Lieutenant W. H. Spencer is promoted to the First Lieutenancy. Capt. Demming's company for the same regiment has about 80 men, recruited at Hamilton, and at Fabius, Onondaga county.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
The writer was at Hamilton, yesterday, when "good bye" was exchanged between this noble company of volunteers and their patriotic friends of Hamilton and its immediate vicinity. It was an occasion of the deepest interest. We thought as we listened to the appropriate prayer of the Rev. Pindar Field, that if all the leaders of the rebellion could hear it, their consciences must respond "Amen," even if their stubborn hearts would continue to "secede" from their country, and from the throne of Jehovah. The speech of Stillman, on the presentation of the Flag by the ladies of Hamilton, was eloquence not far from Patrick Henry's style. It was not a speech "cut and dried," but it was an extemporaneous outburst—the breathings of an ardent and roused soul, filled with a mighty theme.
Captain Broady's reply was in words "fitly spoken, like apples of gold in pictures of silver." His looks replied. I stood facing him. It was a blessing to my soul to read his expressive features. As he began to speak, his emotion retarded utterance. Soon he had full command of himself. Then we heard that kind of eloquence which Rev. Lyman Beecher, D. D., had designated as "logic on fire." He represented the great conflict as designed to liberate ten millions who at the South are now "subjugated" by the traitors who have originated this rebellion. More than this, it was an effort to sustain a government of the people, in opposition to the schemes of ambitious aspirants who will, if they can, annihilate all governments which may not succumb to their selfish designs. He represented most vividly all the lovers of freedom, and all the supporters of despotism, as spectators of the " irrepressible conflict." Such a man will discipline his men to right thinking, which will aid the right fighting. Captain Broady has under his command a noble band of soldiers. I conversed with several of them; among them I found members of churches in Hamilton, Sherburne, Smyrna, Marathon, and other places. Many prayers will be offered to "Our Father," for these volunteers, with whom we parted yesterday.
Yours, J. R. Johnson.
Oriskany Falls, Saturday, Sept. 7th, 1861.
Colonel F. G. Barlow, wounded.
COMPANY A.—Wounded--John Fee, Barney Rodgers, John McCoy and John McMann.
COMPANY B.—Killed—Corporal John Sullivan and Hugh Gallagher. Wounded—Charles De Graff, P. Lyons, M. Shay and James Starr.
COMPANY C.—Killed-Julius C. Kelsey. Wounded--Lieutenant Theodore W. Greig, Sergeant Arthur T. Haskall, Fremann Allen, Levi D. Barney, G. P. Richardson and Jacob H. Camcrass.
COMPANY E.—Killed—Captain Manton C. Angel. Wounded—Edward Dayly.
COMPANY F.—Killed—Wm. Rogers. Wounded—Corporal M. Daly. John Caroll, Thomas Clare, Edward Noble, John West.
COMPANY G.—Killed—Samuel Braman. Wounded—Sergeant M. Skinner, C. Kinney, Wm. H. Miller.
COMPANY H. —Wounded--Sergeants Wm. A. Collins and George Turner, Wm. Beunet, A. Freeman, Edward Nolan, Joseph Patrick, John Welsh.
COMPANY K.—Wounded—Sergeant Jacob Hoffmann, Charles Bromly, Christy Smith.
Killed—Officers……………………... 1
Total………………………………… 41
CAPT. BROADY’S COMPANY.--The fine looking company of volunteers enlisted by Capt, Broady in Madison and Chenango counties, principally the villages of Hamilton, Sherburne, Eaton, Morrisville and Madison, arrived in town last night, about half-past eight o'clock. They left Hamilton at half-past two, and were transported hither in two and four horse wagons, receiving more than an ordinary share of ovation upon the route. They reached the city in a severe shower, and by a strange oversight the Central Hotel, where they had arranged to stop, escaped their notice, and they passed to the foot of Genesee street, at the depot, and then, by a skillful maneuver, wheeled and marched back to the Central, all in the densest moisture. Their spirits did not seem to have suffered by the long and fatiguing march; but they betrayed a commendable anxiety for their evening meal. Captain Broady is of Swedish extraction, and formerly served in the Swedish army; is a graduate of Madison University, at Hamilton, and in the ranks of his company may be found a large number of young men who have abandoned a course of study at that institution, to get an insight into the art of war. Capt. Broady commenced the organization of the company immediately after graduating, with honor, at the last commencement, and fifty nine as good looking recruits as can be found in any volunteer regiment in this State, have "flocked to his standard" in a couple of weeks. They will join the First Regiment, Clinton Guard, Col. Cone, the rendezvous for which is at present in New York city. They departed for that city in the Cleveland Express train, at 12:35 this morning. The following is a list of the men:
Captain—K. O. Broady.
First Lieutenant—Wm. McIntyre.
S. Babcock L. D. Barnui.
H Bennett L W Brooks
D Brownell J H Carncross
F A Amias E A Church
A H Coultis Barney Clunan
G E Davis J H Deyo
N H Dutcher E B Edmonds
I O Foote J T Gaskell
J H Grady H H Griffin
R R Hall J W Hurtlin
R H Hascall A F Hascall
J House J H Jacobs
A Jerks G Joice
I Kelloway J C Kelsey
H J Lent L Meyers
C Morgan G R Nearing
H Newton J M Page
H M Peckham Isaac Plumb
L Robbins H P Rowland
R L Rundell J Russell
D W Skinner Chas Smith
L Soles Wm H Spencer
C Thayer G O Trippo
GD Tuckerman T Young
G Van Deusen W E Waters
E J Willard H A Wood
Wm E Webber N Kalfise
Aaron Palmer Delos Haling
Wm Jorn Edwin French
The Sixty-first regiment, Col. Cone, will be presented this afternoon, by their lady friends, with a beautiful set of colors. The ceremony of presenting them will take place at three o'clock, at their camp at Fort Tomkins and before the presentation of the colors the friends of Captain Russell, of Company H, will present him with a complete outfit—sword, sash, and all the other little etceteras—which will be accompanied by a handsomely framed testimonial expressive of their good wishes. There will no doubt be a large crowd present to witness the double presentation.
While this regiment, Col. Hayward, was crossing to Jersey City and entering the cars, on Monday evening, each man received from the American Tract Society an envelope containing the "Orders of Washington and McClellan" on Sabbath observance and against profane swearing; the "Gambler's Balance Sheet" and a soldier's tract, for which the men were thankful, as few had any reading with them.
A magnificent stand of Colors will be presented to the sixty-first regiment, Colonel Cone, at Camp Harris, Staten Island, at three o'clock to-day. The occasion will be quite an interesting one. The regiment is now ready for the field, and only await the order to "march." Colonel Cone appears to be a man admirably fitted for his position, and one on whom his men look with the greatest respect and esteem.
This fine corps of riflemen, under the command of Colonel J. A. Page, is fast preparing for the seat of war. The regiment has been accepted by the government, with orders to get them in immediate readiness to be dispatched to Washington. The main body of the regiment is at present encamped at Camp Scott, on Staten Island, and their headquarters are 62 William street, in this city. A number of recruits are yet wanted to complete it. The regiment will be a first class one, and no doubt will do good execution when brought to the field of action. They are well trained in the rifle practice. The pay, equipments and rations will be first class, and at the expiration of the war a liberal bounty will be given to each man. Yesterday a great many recruits joined the regiment, owing to the encouragement held out, as also from an ardent desire to support the flag and constitution of the Union. The staff officers who have been selected up to the present are Colonel J. A. Page, Lieut. Colonel J. D. Morgan, and Major B. A. Kirk. When the regiment is at its full strength, and the other officers are duly elected, we shall have occasion again to refer to its efficiency and command.
(Aug. 27, 1861)
This regiment, commanded by Colonel Spencer W. Cone, is now in camp at Camp Harris, Forts Tomkins and Richmond, Staten Island. Headquarters, 480 Broadway; principal depot in the city, 360 Pearl street. The regiment has begun to muster in, and during the present week the country companies attached to it are expected to report themselves for muster at Camp Harris. One rather unusual and interesting circumstance is connected with this regiment. The father of its Colonel—the late Rev. Spencer H. Cone—was one of the earliest and most valuable friends of Hamilton College, Madison county, and a company of students from the college have joined Colonel Cone's regiment. They are commanded by Captain Brady, of Madison county. The company, both officers and rank and file, are men of standing and liberal education, and must necessarily give a very high tone to the regiment. Captain Mathias L. V. Hevenor brings in a splendid company of Dutchess county boys this week, and Major M. A. J. Lynch three or four companies, carefully picked from the city regiments of returned three months volunteers.
We print below the official report of Brig. Gen. Caldwell with reference to the conduct of his Brigade during the battles that accompanied the "change of base." The Seventh Regiment referred to is a German Regiment, raised in New York city by Col. Bendix. The Sixty-First Regiment was known as the Clinton Guard, and was raised by Spencer W. Cone. Several of the companies come from Madison county. Col. Barlow, its commander, is one
of the somewhat numerous instances of a civilian who takes to fighting naturally. Captain Miles, so highly commended by Gen. Caldwell, has since been appointed by Gov. Morgan Lieutenant Colonel of the Sixty-First.
We add also an extract from the report of Gen. "PHIL." KEARNEY:
July 6th, 1862.
Lieutenant—I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my Brigade in the actions of June 29th and 30th, and July 1st:— At Allen's Farm, Sunday, the 29th, my Brigade formed the second line behind that of Gen. French, and at that place suffered no loss, excepting three men of the 61st Regiment, New York Volunteers, who were wounded by a ricochet shot. By order of Gen. Richardson, I sent forward the 5th New Hampshire Volunteers to establish the picket line in front of our earthwork. Before arriving at this place they found the enemy in such force that it was deemed imprudent to attack him, and the regiment fell back into the woods and awaited his approach. After a severe skirmish the enemy was repulsed, with considerable loss. In the battle at Savage's Station, my Brigade formed the second line and was not engaged. On the afternoon of Monday, the 30th, the Brigade was exposed to a severe artillery fire at White Oak Swamp, while supporting the batteries of Captains Hazzard and Pettit, and lost several in killed and wounded. Between five and six o'clock the same afternoon I was ordered forward to support Gen. Kearney, who was engaged in a severe battle at Nelson's Farm. We moved forward at double quick, and arrived on the ground in the hottest of the fight. I formed three regiments on the right of the road—the 5th New Hampshire Volunteers on the left. The 5th New Hampshire Volunteers and the 7th New York, beyond a first volley, were not engaged. The enemy's fire had nearly ceased in their immediate front, and darkness soon came on. The 7th New York was soon withdrawn. The 5th New Hampshire was advanced to within a few yards of the enemy, and there remained until withdrawn about 1 o'clock A. M. of Tuesday the first. The brigade was withdrawn about midnight and marched with the rest of the army to their place. In mentioning officers worthy of particular commendation, I cannot fail to award the highest praise to Colonel Barlow, 61st New York Volunteers. It will be remembered that this officer distinguished himself at the battle of Fair Oaks. In every engagement since he has only added to the laurels then acquired. He possesses in an eminent degree all the qualities of a good commander--intelligence, coolness and readiness. Lieut. Colonel Conner, of the 81st Pennsylvania, fought bravely, and was shot dead at the head of his regiment. Colonel Van Schack and Major Gaebel, of the 7th New York, behaved with great coolness and gallantry. During the battles of three days, but two members of my staff were with me, Lieutenant and A. D. C. George W. Scott, and Captain and acting Assistant Adjutant General N. A. Miles. Lieut. Scott was wounded in the thigh on Monday afternoon while the brigade was advancing to the support of Gen. Kearney. Of Captain Miles I cannot speak in terms of sufficient praise. His activity was incessant. On Sunday he volunteered to cut a road through the woods from Allen's Farm to Savage's Station, and collecting axemen from various regiments, soon made a road practicable for artillery, which was undoubtedly the means of saving three batteries. On Monday he most vigorously seconded my efforts, and himself conducted the 81st to the support of the 61st. On Tuesday, although he was my only staff officer, I sent him to Gen. Sumner for reinforcements, which duty he performed in the most speedy and successful manner. Near the close of the engagement he conducted and placed a piece of artillery on the left, which by sending a shower of cannister, silenced a very effective musketry fire of the enemy. During the whole movement his services to me have been invaluable.
I cannot close my report without paying a tribute to the gallant dead and wounded, as well as to the living and present. Men never fought more gallantly and nobly, or endured fatigue, privation, hunger and sleeplessness with a more uncomplaining spirit.
We have never lost a gun or color, or fallen back an inch while the battle lasted. I deem myself honored in leading such gallant men, and claim no other praise, than that inseparable from being the commander of such brave soldiers.
(Signed) JOHN C. Caldwell,
Brigadier-General commanding Brigade.
DEATH OF AN ORPHAN SOLDIER.—We are sorry to learn of the death, in the recent battles, of Capt. T. G. Morrison, of the Sixty-first regiment, whose name has before been mentioned in these columns. He was brought up and educated at the Troy Orphan Asylum, and reflected honor upon that institution. A letter from Lieut. Wren, an officer of the regiment, alludes to him in the following affectionate terms:
" I cannot speak at length of my dear comrade, Thomas. He was my friend, faithful and kind to me. The years of close companionship and intimacy in toil and peril, had endeared him to my heart—knowing him as I do for the patriot and man. I trust that the few words of feeling expressed by me without premeditation, will not prove intrusive on our great grief."
One of the Trustees of the Asylum thus records the appreciation of the deceased by himself and his associates:
" The above letter conveys the sad intelligence to the sister of Capt. Morrison, who is now in the Troy Orphan Asylum. Sad, indeed, will be the news to her, as also to Miss Eastman and the inmates of the Institution, as well as to many of the Trustees with whom he was personally acquainted. He had become much endeared to them all by his occasional visits and his many kind acts, deeming the Asylum his home, as he was reared in the Institution. Immediate steps will be taken to have his remains returned to the Asylum."
PERSONAL.—A. Barton Holcomb, of General Burnside's staff, who has been spending a few weeks at his home in Henrietta and in this city left for the front yesterday.
Lieut. Robert Solomon, of the 61st N. Y. Vol., whose family reside on Greig street, in this city, was wounded in the right arm in the recent fight. He is at the National Hotel, Washington, under treatment.
Capt. B. F. VanTuyl, of the 61st Regiment, started on his return yesterday to Vicksburg, to resume command of his company. We understand his health is considerably improved.
The following additional list of killed, wounded and missing of New York regiments in the battle of Fair Oaks is officially published:
Company C— Ord. Sergt Wesley L. Rolfe.
Company D—Corporal Patrick Berry, John Smith, A. C. Cooney.
Company E—Corp. Chas. Oliver, Corp. John E. Parkins, Nicholas Ford, James Gilbraith.
Company F—James Brady, Robert Bristane, Wm. Clark, Frank Green.
Company H—Martin Nunemaker, William Allen, Theodore Polly, Joseph Rence, James Terry.
Company I—Corporal Nicholas Ford, John Evans, Thomas Greenlie, Valentine Rheene, Joseph Watkins.
Company K—Thos. Creig, Robert Holmes, John Hughes, James Spelacy, 2d Lieut. Geo. F. Rysdyk.
Company A—2d Lieut. Jas. N. Craft, neck; Corp. Samuel Benton, head, side, badly; Lo... Karman, arm and head; Samuel Paisely, arm; Albert Beete, thigh; Leander Dusenbury, ... shots; Frederick Douglass, leg, badly; Richard Fruin, leg, slightly; Edward Harrington, leg, slightly; Thos. McCarthy, breast; John Nagles, leg, slightly; Miles O'Reilly, shoulder; Fred'k Oechsler, leg; Henry Klaelz, breast.
Company B--James H. Stillwell, breast; Philip Snedicor, Corp. Patrick Welsh, Morris Tracey; Rudolphus Purousky, abdomen, slightly; Simeon Costcllo, Benjamin Covert, John Dowling, 1st, George Darregar, John Kelly, 1st, John McCarthy.
Company C—Sergeant John E. Middaugh, thigh; Sergeant Hiall Ford, hip; Sergeant Hille; Corporal George Merriman, head; Corporal Leander Scott; Corporal Phineas Hayward, arm; Faskett F. Black, Wm. Rozenbark, James Rozenbark; Franklin Bartlett, leg; Alex. Craven; Jesse Camac, head; C. H. Cooley, hand; Jesse C. Dewitt, Philip Dwyer, Erastus Finney, Cornelius Ferry; Leonard Hill, mouth and ear; Daniel Meek, Robert Pershall, Albert Richmond, Daniel Sampson, Edward Sawyer, Stephen Wilaudeth, James Woolhiser, Henry R. Taylor, Daniel Smith, Homer Perry; Peter R Lyon, leg; Sergeant-Major Martin Allen, promoted for conduct on field.
Company D—Conrad Selsor, Festus Ross Capt. Henry E. Rainals, right side; Sergt. Henry Goodchilds; Orderly Sergeant Jacob Westlake, forehead; Sergt. James Rowley, Corp. John McClany, Corp. P. Farrington, James Pray, Peter Fox, Alonzo Green, Wm. Hitti, Patrick Kenny, Wm. Leroy, John Mooney, Michael Maugen, James Mack, Jas. Pollock, Christian Routei, Milton C. Smith, George Selford, George Schneider, Charles Weachka.
Company E—2d Lieut Augustus Belknap, left side and arm; Orderly Sergeant George E. Harper, promoted to 2d Lieut for his conduct; Sergeant Robert Matthews, abdomen, slightly; Sergt. Francis Tulitt, ankle; Corp.
Jno. Underwood, Corp. Walter Parry, James Brady, James Bennett, James Cauthorne, Jas. Curtis, David Terry, Francis Hart, William Judge, Owen Slatterly.
Company F.—Captain Henry L Van Ness, arm and lower part of abdomen; Corp. Sam. Shonnard, Corp. James Connelly, John Kelly, Patrick McGuire, Solomon Z. Painter, Richard Pooten, Wm. F. Tuttle.
Company H—Serg. John H. Bogart, Corp. Joel Yau, Corp. Benj. F. Simons, Thomas Barnes, Richard Darling, Patrick Horan, Ignat. Hottenger, Edward Kenaly, John Stevens, John Malsey, Wm. Lomax, William Jewell, John Kelly.
Company I.—Capt. D. R. Sullivan, right thigh and left arm fractured; Sergt. Michael Matthews, Corp. Alfred W. Pasco, Corp. John Gallagher, Christopher Connelly, Edward English, Frederick Miller, Patrick McKenna, Fletcher Tracy, Wm. Taylor, Geo. W. Decker, Thomas Maber.
Company K.—Sergt. J. H. Van Nostrand, wounded slightly—promoted to 2d Lieut. for his conduct on the field; Sergt. Wm. Gibson, taken prisoner—escaped; Corp. Robert Ramsey, John Rush, Ambrose Arnalt, John Anderson, Wm. Capach, James Clements, John Holt, Patrick Murray.
Company A—Michael Medcalf.
Company B—John H. Hayden, guide, supposed to be wounded and a prisoner; George Neiderman, supposed to be a prisoner.
Company F.—John Duross, Wm. Johnston.
Company H.—John F. Harris.
Company I.—James Monehan, Frank Stilwell.
Back Again On Our Old Camp Ground,
Opposite Fredericksburg, Va.,
Sunday, December 21, 1862.
I will try to give you an account of the battle, or so much of it as I saw…..
Mr. Shell would come along, bang into one side and out of the other, as if it were made of paper. Such houses were still tenantable and well ventilated.
The city had been deserted at short notice, and the people of course could not carry their effects away with them, so that in the majority of cases the houses were found just as they had been lived in. I had a fine time through that day going around and trying the pianos, which in the more aristocratic localities were found in every house; as also guitars, flutes and musical
instruments of every kind. In one magnificent dwelling there was a piano, the equal of which, for tone and elaborate workmanship, I never saw—and I have seen a good many. Paintings and statuary abounded in profusion; even provisions in the kitchens had been left, with all the crockery. Our boys were not long in want of cooking utensils, I assure you. I now eat my pork from a beautiful terra cotta plate, with the aid of a silver fork and ivory handled knife, and drink my coffee out of a large china cup having inscribed on it "To my grandmother," a quality of articles I have not used before since my arrival in Virginia.
The long and short of it is, we ransacked the city all that day without being molested by the enemy; while we knew that on the morrow came the bloodiest struggle of the war.