Return of Casualties - 59th New York Infantry Regiment

Of 59th Regt. For 1862.
In Accordance With Circular Of January 21st, 1863.
Transcribed By Michael Mueller

Strength of Regiment January 1st, 1862 Recruits received, during the year Killed in Battle Died from diseases, wounds, other casualties Actions in which the regiment has participated.
Number Present 733 96 52 49 Malvern Hill August 5th, 1862
Chantilly, September 1st, 1862
Number Absent 138 Antietam, September 17, 1862
Fredericksburg, December 12th, 1862
Total Strength 871 Fredericksburg, December 13th, 1862


I certify the above is a correct report of casualties of 59th Regt N.Y. Vols for the year 1862.
George H Crawford
2nd Lt & ... ...
Max A Thoman
Major 59th Reg NYV

Return of Casualties of 59th Regiment N.Y.V.I. for 1862 in accordance with circular of Jany 21st, 1863
Rec'd Feby 18

Certificate issued to Col Rugg, June 8, 1864 signed for Col Doty by E. M. [Ruttenber] an absence of Col D.[Doty]

New York City, June 4, 1864

Col Lockwood L Doty
Chief of the Bureau of Military Statistics
Albany, N.Y.

In compliance with "Section 5" of " An Act in relation to the Bureau of Military Statistics" passed March 21st, 1864, I have the honor to transmit herewith a History of the Flags belonging to the 59th Reg't N.Y. Vols., deposited with you on the ... day of March last.

In consequence of my inability to find access to the Books and papers of the Reg't, which are now with it in the field, this History will [necessarily] be brief.

Hoping at some future and more convenient time, to be able give you a more like the account.

I remain
Very Respectfully
Your most ob't serv't

Horace P Rugg
Lt Col 59 N.Y. Vols.


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