59th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
From the Fifty-Ninth Regiment.
CAMP NEAR FALMOUTH, Va., March 3, 1863.
To the Editor of the Journal & Republican:
Charles E. Hunt of Lowville, has been promoted to 2d Lieutenant in Co. B, 59th regiment New York State volunteers, with rank from 11th October, 1862, vice A. F. Cole, promoted. Lieut. Hunt is a young man of character and ability, and is well deserving the position. He enlisted early in June, 1861, in Capt. P. W. Smith's company, in Lowville, as a
private, and was elected a sergeant by a unanimous vote of his company at its organization in New York city. He was promoted to 1st sergeant immediately after the battle of Antietam, vice Utley, killed. He has taken an active part in all the battles in which the regiment has been engaged. He is respected by both officers and men in the regiment. Success to Lieut. Hunt.
Lieutenant Commanding Company B.
From a letter written by Charles E. Hunt, Co. B, 59th regiment, we learn that 2d Lieut. Ambrose F. Cole has been promoted to be 1st Lieutenant. Lieut. Cole has been with the regiment since its organization, and is known as a trusty and worthy officer.
— The Tribune correspondent says the 59th New York Volunteers, COL. WILLIAM NORTHEDGE, were engaged in the charge upon Fredericksburg hights, on Sunday morning. This regiment contains one Lewis county company, in which are Capt. AMBROSE COLE of Greig, Lieut. MOSES WATERS of Lowville, and many other brave boys. GEORGE GARNSEY of Co. B, was wounded, and is in the Finly Hospital, Washington, D. C. We have not learned the other wounded in the company:
" This regiment, though reduced to about 175 men by the slaughter of Antietam and the Fredericksburg battles of Dec. 11 and 13, conducted itself most gallantly in the charge on Sunday, and sustained considerable loss, though it is impossible at this time to give a complete list." Among the officers wounded is 2d Lieut. Richard Dallamore, who sustained a severe shell wound in the left leg, just where he was wounded in the battle of Antietam.
" Col Northedge, on Sunday morning, captured twenty-three rebels. He took them as prisoners from a house in Fredericksburg, entering the house alone with a pistol."
Another noble spirit has fallen a victim to this cruel rebellion; another martyr is added to the long list so glorious, and yet so sorrowful, of those who have died that the, Republic may live. Lieut. WILLIAM HENRY POHLMAN, Acting Adjutant of the 59th Regiment N. Y. V., was the only son of the Rev. WILLIAM J. POHLMAN, Missionary of the American Board to China. He was quietly pursuing his studies preparatory to the Ministry, at Rutger's College, N. J., when the first gun from Sumter aroused an indignant people to arms.
" He heard his country call, and life's young dreams
Grew dim and faded in his duty's light--
Danger was in the pathway of its beams,
And death perchance; but Freedom's cause and Right."
Having obtained the consent of his guardian, he enlisted as a private in the 1st Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, and hastened to the seat of war. His peculiar qualifications, however, soon pointed him out as fitted for something better than the mere ordinary duties of the camp; and upon the formation of the Signal Corps, he was accordingly transferred to that efficient arm of the service, and with distinction and ability performed the duties incumbent upon him in all the campaigns that followed until December last, when he was promoted to a Lieutenancy in the 59th New York Volunteers. Though a stranger to the regiment, his goodness of heart and firmness of spirit soon made him friends and admirers, and it was not long before they learned to love him, and to anticipate great things from the brave and noble boy. Nor were they disappointed. In the fight at Chancellorvllle they found that they had not misplaced their confidence, and at the battle of Gettysburg, occupying a post of greatest peril.
" The clear and dauntless eye, the lips comprest
Revealed his knightly spirit calm and high."
By the fall of the brave Col. THOMAS, who was wounded on the morning of the 2d, Adjutant POHLMAN was the only remaining officer of the staff, and the command of the Regiment devolved upon himself and the senior captain. And how well and nobly he sustained himself during the battle of the third may be best described by an eyewitness of the fight: "Young POHLMAN was everywhere cheering and inciting his men by his own example to deeds of noble daring. About 4 o'clock, his left arm was shattered by a Minnie ball, and they entreated him to withdraw to the camp, but he answered, 'Not while I have my sword arm left.' In about an hour afterwards his sword arm was disabled by a shot through the wrist, which severed one of the arteries, and faint and bleeding he was reluctantly compelled to retire from the field." The first intimation his friends had of his condition was contained in the following lines written very imperfectly in pencil, and directed to his only surviving sister, dated Camp near Gettysburg, July 4th, 1863:--
" The great battle of the war has been fought. We are successful. The Rebels have been repulsed at every point The list of the killed and wounded give evidence of the severity of the contest. The usual good fortune which has attended me in thirteen battles of the war, has forsaken me in the fourteenth engagement. I bear honorable wounds in my country's cause. The wounds are slight, but still forbid my using a pen at present. I shall soon write again concerning my whereabouts. Until then, farewell!" But, alas, the wounds which he in his unselfishness deemed so slight, proved fatal; and he was obliged to rely upon other hands to convey the intelligence of his whereabouts. But kind friends cared for him; while he gradually sunk into the arms of death; nor were words of Christian comfort and consolation denied as he calmly and quietly yielded up his spirit into the hands of God who gave it on the morning of the 21st in the 21st year of his age.
" Speak his name proudly! 'tis a hero's name,
A patriot hero, strong and true and brave—
Who seeking not reward nor warrior's fame,
Gave heart and hopes and life his land to save."
" Speak his name gently! It is his no more.
But the 'new name' God giveth to the blest;
The struggle and the tumult all are o'er,
He hath sweet peace, and joy and sainted rest."
The remains have arrived, and will be burled on Monday, at 4 o'clock, from the house of Mrs. Jas. McClure, 196 ....
The officers of this regiment, in charge of Colonel Goodwin, their commanding officer, paid a visit yesterday to the Union Defence Committee. They were admitted to the private office of the committee, and paid the compliment of an inspection by the members then present.
Mr. Simeon Draper, the chairman of that body expressed himself to the Colonel as highly pleased at the appearance of his officers, and tendered such assistance within his official power as would further the early completion of the organization. The gentlemen composing the official corps should consider themselves highly complimented in the fact of their receiving an audience, as the multiplicity of business entailed upon the committee precludes its general occurrence. The headquarters of the regiment is at the corner of Nassau and Beekman street.
The organization formerly known as the Cameron Legion is now designated the Sarsfield Rifles; a name bestowed upon it by Archbishop Hughes, under whose special patronage it now is. It has recently been accepted by the general government, and is now rapidly filling. From the indefatigable exortions of Colonel Dunham ... have no doubt this regiment will be equal to any which has left the Empire City.
The President's Life Guard.
Colonel Goodwin has returned from Washington, with an order of the acceptance of his regiment, and proposes to make his complement twenty-five hundred men. Headquarters at 596 Broadway.
Personal.--Lieut. A. F. Cora, of Co. B. 59th Reg., N. Y. V., is now visiting his home in Greig, on leave of absence. Lieut. Cole has worn an honorable record in his regiment.
The Fifty-ninth Regiment New York Volunteers.
A friend sends us the following notice of the services of the 59th Regiment:—
This war-worn and decimated regiment numbering 140 men, went into the late battle of Fredericksburg under command of its Lieut. Col. MAX A. THOMAN, as fine a specimen of the old Knickerbocker race as one could readily find. The regiment is in Col. HALL'S brigade of Gen. GIBBON'S division, which assists Gen. SEDGWICK in capturing the city of Fredericksburg and the old battle-field of December 13th, 1862. Under a galling fire, the 59th charged up the slope, and with other gallant regiments, won imperishable glory, by reducing this acknowledged Gibraltar of Secession. After the fight, Col. HALL'S brigade, consisting of the 7th Michigan, 43d and 59th New York, 19th and 20th Massachusetts, and 127th Pennsylvania volunteer regiments, were left to guard the city and its approaches. Here new laurels were acquired. For twenty-four hours (until all the stores and all the sick and wounded were taken across the river) these brave men, only about 1400 strong, held the city against fearful odds. The greatest praise should be given to Col. HALL, commanding the brigade and all the officers under him. They did nobly. Especial credit is due Lieut. Col. THOMAN, who, without waiting for orders, promptly deployed his regiment the moment he heard that the enemy were upon the city. Early on the morning of Tuesday, May 5th, the brigade withdrew from the city quietly and in good order.
….DAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1862
Fifty-ninth New York.
Company A—Killed—Captain Charles K. Whitney, First Sergeant Michael Judge, Sergeant J. R. Leach, Corporal Dennis Breslin, John Bell, Alfred Ketchill, Thomas Crosbie. Wounded—Corporal Garrett Downing, left side and arm, severely; Corporal James C. Kerrigan, head, dangerously; Thomas Hughes, left groin; Edward Kearney, head, slightly; William Kennedy, right hip; William Doykes, back and head, badly; John McGinnis, left hand; William Smith, left hand; Owen Selender. right hip, badly; Francis Nicholas, head; Corporal Barney Kennedy, wounded and prisoner; Thomas Coffee, wounded and prisoner; Joseph Simpson, prisoner; Robert Clark, prisoner.
Company B.—Killed—Corporal Alvah Gates, Thos. Burns, Samuel Davidson, Theodore Erskine, Chas. Wands. Patrick McMahan. Wounded—First Sergeant Walter Utley, right thigh, since amputated; Sergeant James McCormack, right hand; Sergeant Charles Lovejoy, left arm, slightly--on duty; Sergeant William Grant, right arm; Corporal James Farmer, hand; Corporal Harvey F. Beals, right leg; William Burton, hand; Thomas McHenry, calf of left leg; William Bickford, leg; Abijah Marsellis, left thigh; Barney Kearney, thigh; John Gallagher, side and leg, severely; John Hartney, arm, slightly; Patrick Lally, head, badly; William McKenna, head; John Morrow, ankle and thigh; Henry Fenfree, right shoulder, slightly; Jos. Rodgers, arm, slightly; John Scanlan, right arm; Seth Squires, left arm; Nicholas Woodcock, side, severely; Richard Hess, breast; David Welch., mortally, since dead; Peter Bradbury, wounded and prisoner; Samuel How, wounded and prisoner; John Kochler, wounded and prisoner; Joseph Onderdonk, prisoner; Uriah O'Neil, prisoner.
Company C.—Killed—Jol'y Wagoner, Theodore Lowe, Jacob Miller, Frederick Winterburgh, Joseph Shenck, John Baumgartner. Wounded—Captain Max A. Thoman, neck, severely, by shell; First Sergeant Frederick Schneider, right knee; Sergeant Frederick Cluber, Corporal John Voss, both legs and right arm, since amputated; John Maude, shot through the body; Frederick Noble, chin; John Lutz, left shoulder; Henry Breier, back; John Alexander, John Diebler, Henry Mone, right hand; Henry Beddger, right arm; Anton Lentz, both sides; Gustavus Heisborg, prisoner; Oddo Schal, prisoner.
Company D—Killed.—G. Flinn, Patrick Hannon. Wounded--First Lieutenant B. H. Heitman, both hips, slightly; Second Lieutenant Wm. V. King, left leg and head, slightly; Sergeant Henry Couchman, face; Sergeant Henry Samuels, hand and shoulder; Corp. J. B. Warner, forehead; Daniel Gallagher, right side; Peter Dearp, right leg; Patrick Murphy, left arm; Alexander McLeod, left side; Jerry Davis, left side; Barzilla H. Scoville, knee; John Warring, light leg; Thomas Kelly, prisoner.
Company E.—Killed—Jos. B. Kenny, Horace Thomas, Goodenovgh. Wounded—First Lieut. Stehpen C. Roosa, right thigh, since died; Second Lieutenant B. Vausteinburg, head, canister shot, badly; Sergeant Chas. Plue, ...., Yamiram J. Bassett, John Boone, right ...., ___ Smith, right leg; John Chase, face: Oliver ...., And ___ ___, right hand; John E. ____, ....; .inden Eckert.
The official corps of this regiment paraded on Tuesday as escort to the Garibaldi Guard on their departure for Washington. They made an exceedingly fine turnout and their intelligent appearance and soldier-like bearing created general remark. The Life Guard has become attached to the brigade now forming under General Asboth, one of the most competent and experienced officers in the country. The Garibaldians will also form a part of the same brigade. (May 30, 1861)
From assurances just received from the war Department, there is every reason to believe that this regiment will be speedily called into service. Only one company is said to be wanting to make this regiment complete. Col. Goodwin still keeps his headquarters at 596 Broadway.
This regiment have made arrangements to go into barracks to-day. The building is situated on Fulton avenue, Brooklyn, and is in every respect well adapted for the purpose. The Quartermaster has arranged to have the cooking of the food for the men done on the premises, so that they may receive regularly their rations of good, wholesome food. Fort Green Park is adjacent to the quarters, which will afford an admirable convenience to the regiment for drills and parades. Colonel Goodwin is indefatigable in his efforts to perfect his command for active service. Those desirous of connecting themselves with the organization can apply at any of the recruiting stations, or at headquarters, corner of Nassau and Beekman streets. (June 1, 1861)
This regiment is still encamped at Saltersville, New Jersey, where everything is being done to make cheerful and comfortable the troops. Constituting part of the regiment are three companies of returned militia regiments, whose experience in the service make them an important and valuable acquisition. Colonel Dunham is still in command. Two companies have joined from Connecticut, the native State of the colonel, and where he received a splendid military education. They have recruiting head-quarters at No. 44 Greenwich street.
This regiment has been accepted by the Government, and as soon as the companies have reached the war footing they will be quartered and subsisted by the United States. It is the desire of the officers to make the Vanguard in every respect a crack regiment. The uniform will be that of the United States Army. The arms will be Enfield or Minie rifles, in the use of which every man is to be thoroughly drilled. Col. Tidball has had extensive military experience, both in the State and United States service. He served with distinction in the Mexican war, and was frequently detailed for special and hazardous duty. The officers are selected with regard solely to fitness for the positions assigned them. The headquarters of the regiment are at No. 41 Walker street.
This regiment, now being organized under the direction of Col. Richard D. Goodwin, is intended by its officers to be composed of picked men—soldiers who fought from principle, and therefore, a body of which our citizens may feel proud. It ... independent organization, intended to be presently ...., and has received no aid from either the State authorities or the Union Defence Committee. The expenses so far have mainly been borne by the officers themselves.
In consequence of the character of the corps, the organization was not perfected in time for mastering into the last quota. Col. Goodwin has visited Washington, making acceptance in the forthcoming quota, and after tendering the services of his regiment direct to the President, has received from Mr. Lincoln a letter of acceptance, which insures the calling out of his regiment as the first under the new call. The letter will be found below. Col. Goodwin has secured the services for field and line officers of several gentlemen who have been officers in the United States service. The regiment will be increased from 1,000 men to that of the new army regulation, which will give a favorable opportunity for those of the right stamp to enroll in the corps, and thus be early in the field to fight the battles of liberty and Union. Men of the right kind must apply immediately, at headquarters, 596 Broadway. The regiment must be ready to muster into service by the 18th instant, when they will immediately take their position in line. The President's Life Guard is the only regiment yet accepted of the four hundred thousand called for by the President. Colonel Goodwin intends his corps shall be worthy of its name, and desires the services only of men of moral character and temperate habits. Our citizens will materially aid his efforts by such contributions of clothing, &c , as their benevolence may prompt.
Executive Mansion, July 8, 1861.
Richard D. Goodwin: My Dear Sir—If when Congress shall have acted in the premises and shall so have acted as to authorize me to receive regiments of troops into the United States service, and you shall then have a bona fide regiment on foot, ready and prepared, according to the law that may be, to be mustered into the United States service, present this letter to me without delay, and I will accept our regiment, upon the conditions stated.
Yours, &c. A. LINCOLN.
The officers of this fine regiment have been temporarily checked in their proceedings, owing to the lack of means whereby to transport large number of men from the country, but having now received assistance from the War Department, the regiment will doubtless be filled in a short time. The commanding officer at headquarters yesterday received the most encouraging news from the recruiting officers in the country, and having provided them with the necessary means for the transportation of the men, a large number of bale bodied hardy country lads are looked at headquarters for to-day.
The commanding officers are now prepared to treat liberally with commanders of companies or parts of companies, and parties thus situated should call at once at regimental headquarters, 44 Greenwich street. Recruits wishing to join a first class regiment should apply immediately at headquarters, where they will be sent to the beautiful encampment at Saltersville, New Jersey, after signing the roll.
Will be mustered into the service of the United States today, at No. 586 Broadway, having been accepted into the government. (July 24, 1861)
This regiment was accepted yesterday, and members are requested to assemble at two P.M. to-day, at headquarters, 41 Bowery. M. Tully is Major commanding.
To The Editor of the Herald.
New York, August 26, 1861.
It will be remembered that when I commenced the formation of my regiment I advertised for gentlemen officers, determining to make my regiment a moral one. I was careful in my selections; but did not judge rightly in all cases; I got men whom I found I could not retain in my organization, and when the time came to prune and weed I did so. Your notice in this morning's HERALD is not of my officers, but the voice of some men discharged from the regiment, others under arrest. The character of one may be found in the Police Gazette of July 6. I regret to trouble you, but injustice to myself and command I am compelled to reply. There is not an imaginable crime which I am not charged with. But I can afford to be generous to all my enemies. Knowing myself to be a man of truth, I court inquiry of all my deeds from boyhood, and defy the world to prove a charge unbecoming a man of honor, truth and justice.
There is no man who has tried harder to get up a good and true regiment than I, and I now have trampled down all opposition, without the aid of six hundred dollars from all the earth. Notwithstanding the false reports, my regiment is not yet broken up, nor shall it be, as long as I have one true man to stand by me. I am ready to shoulder my musket and go where duty calls. Would to God the people knew me and those who fight against me; but time will tell the true friends of the Union. I am for the Stars and Stripes, not gold nor empty titles. Yours for truth. Colonel R. D. GOODWIN,
Commanding the President's Life Guard.
Yesterday afternoon there was a grand parade and review of this fine Regiment at their camp in East New York. The Regiment turned out in nearly full strength. Hon. A. C. Kingsland, Ex-Mayor, Col. W. W. Tompkins, and a number of distinguished citizens and ladies attended. After the conclusion of the ceremonies, the Hon. Mr. Kingsland presented to Lt. Col. Joachimson, in command, a beautiful national color, accompanying the gift with the following remarks:
Colonel, officers and men of the Fifty-ninth—It is a pleasant thing to me to present to you this Star Spangled Banner, the flag of your country and mine, the flag of these United States. It is a glorious flag, the emblem of the best government the world ever saw. It has never been dishonored in foreign lands, and it never shall be. What of dishonor it has known has been on the soil over which it has long waved, and from men whose obligations to respect it are beyond the power of language to describe. But that dishonor, thank God, is to be wiped away by brave and willing soldiers like yourselves. Bear this flag proudly, defend it bravely, help to restore it to its original glory, and may kind heaven spare you to come home victorious, to report to your friends here that our bleeding country is healed of her wounds, and to proclaim, "Liberty and Union, one and inseparable, now and forever."
Lieut. Col. Joachimson responded in a suitable manner, and expressed the hope that when the regiment was away—far away from home—the citizens of New York would remember the rank and file who, as patriots, stood by their country and its constitution, and not allow the wives and families of these men to want and suffer.
The regiment are nearly full. Col. Wm. L. Tidball has been appointed the Colonel. Orders have been issued for the march of the regiment to Washington on the 7th inst.
The Vanderbilt Guard, Colonel Raymond, has recently attached itself to this regiment, and will go into camp at Saltersville, New jersey, by Friday next where every preparation is being made for their reception. Owing to the consolidation of these two regiments, Colonel Raymond has accepted the position of Major, which was formerly held by S. J. Dockstader, who on this account resigned by request of Colonel Dunham. Their headquarters still remain at No. 44 Greenwich street.
Post Sacket, East New York, is the camp for the Union Guard and the United States Van Guard. By order of General Yates, the post (named in honor of now Inspector General D. B. Sacket, United States mustering officer), has been placed in command of Colonel P. J. Joachimsen. A dress parade and review took place yesterday, which was witnessed by a great many New Yorkers, as well as by the inhabitants of the village.
The Fifty-ninth regiment, now encamped at Post Sackett, East New York, will positively leave for the seat of war on Tuesday next, the 19th inst. All members absent with or without leave will report themselves immediately. (Nov. 18, 1861)
The Fifty-ninth regiment New York State Volunteers, encamped at East New York, now numbers nine hundred men; and before the day of its departure will have its full complement of one thousand strong. Since the accession of Col. Tidball to the chief command excellent order and discipline have been enforced among the men. The officers are all men of efficiency and experience. The Colonel distinguished himself highly in Mexico; Lieut. Col. P. J. Joachimsen was formerly United States Assistant District Attorney: Major Northedge and Quartermaster Nelson Plato were formerly members of the Seventh regiment, of this city; Adjutant Jeffries is a Western man, thoroughly conversant with the exigencies of frontier life. The line officers have nearly all seen active service. The whole regiment is in good health and spirits, enjoying their camp life in the finely situated and salubrious spot where they are, located, but not the less anxious to strike their tents to-morrow and march to the war.
REGIMENT. (Nov. 18, 1861)
Quite a large number of citizens and ladies assembled at the camp of this regiment, in East New York, on Monday last, to witness a grand parade and review, accompanied with the presentation of a stand of colors to this fine regiment. About four o'clock in the afternoon, after the regiment went through quite a number of evolutions, which were very creditably done, they were formed in line of battle, when the Hon. A. C. Kingsland, ex-Mayor, presented to Lieutenant Colonel Joachimson in command, a splendid national color, accompanying the gift with the following remarks:
COLONEL, OFFICERS AND MEN OF THE FIFTY-NINTH—It is a pleasant thing to me to present to you this Star Spangled Banner, the flag of your country and mine--the flag of this ever great republic. It is a glorious flag, the emblem of the best government the world ever saw. By far, it has never been dishonored in foreign lands, and it never shall be. What of dishonor it has known, has been on the soil over which it has long waved, and from men whose obligations to respect it are beyond the power of human language to describe. But that dishonor, thank God, is to be wiped away by brave and willing soldiers like yourselves. Bear this flag proudly, defend it bravely; help to restore it to its original glory, and may kind heaven spare you to come home victorious, to report to your friends here that our bleeding country is healed of her wounds, and to proclaim "Liberty and Union," one and inseparable, now and forever.
Lieut. Colonel Joachimsen then took the colors and responded in an appropriate manner, and expressed the hope that when the regiment was away—far away from home—the citizens of New York would remember the rank and file, whose patriots stood by their country and its constitution, and he hoped they would not allow the wives and families of those brave soldiers to want and suffer while shedding their blood for their country.
The regiment is now about 800 strong. Colonel Wm. L. Tidball expects to have the required complement by the 7th inst., the day fixed for the march of the regiment to Washington.
Lieut. Ambrose Cole, of the 59th regiment, was wounded in Wednesday's battle near Sharpsburgh, Maryland. Lieut. Cole enlisted from Greig. Lieut. Thomas of Lowville, was wounded in the same battle.
Also, Seth Squires of Watson, was wounded in the same battle.
PERSONAL.—The friends of Lieutenant Charles E. Hunt, 59th Reg. N. Y. V., will be pained to learn that owing to wounds received in the late battles, he has been obliged to suffer the amputation of an arm.
Moses H. Waters of this town, who went into the 59th Regiment, N. Y. Vols., a year ago, has recently beep promoted to a Lieutency in that Regt. Having risen from a Sergeantry in one of its companies. We are glad to hear it, as he is every way worthy to wear the shoulder straps.
— On the 18th of June, says the Albany Journal, while his regiment, the Fifty-ninth, was charging the rebel works at Petersburg, JOHN A. JOHNSTON, of this city, was shot in the head, died instantly, and was buried on the field. He was about seventeen years of age, and it is but a few weeks since he was reciting his lessons at the Latin grammar school and in the Warren Cadets learning the manual of arms. Mr. JOHNSTON was a son of the late JOHN A. JOHNSTON, once the Superintendent of the New York, Albany, and Buffalo Telegraph Company, and well known in this city. He was a scientific telegrapher, and a most competent business manager. We knew him well and have retained the kindliest recollections of him. His son, the deceased, was a much beloved young man.
From a. letter of Hon. LEMUEL STENSON, of Clinton, to a friend in this city, we learn that his son Col. JOHN L. STETSON, of the 59th N. Y. V., fell mortally wounded while gallantly leading his regiment in the terrible battle of Antietam. He was struck in the front by a Minnie ball. Col. STETSON'S regiment went into action with less than 400 men. It lost in killed 47; wounded 143; 13 of 21 officers were killed or wounded. The venerable father, after narrating the mournful incidents of his son's death, utters the following language, worthy of a Roman citizen in the best days of the Republic:
" But I am departing from my purpose—the curse of mankind—war, is upon us; and yet it is only by war—vigorous, earnest, resolute war —war to the knife—war in the minds and hearts of our people at home, as we see and feel he horrors of the front and in the track of battle, that can save our nationality and preserve to us, or recover for us the decent respect of mankind."
Army Correspondence.
Headquarters, 59th N. Y. V., near STEVENBURG,
Va., 3d Brig. 2d Div. 2d Corps, Dec. 25th.
Mr. EDITOR—Dear Sir:—Permit me to say through the columns of the Journal & Republican, for the information of those in Lewis County, who have friends serving in the 59th, that the entire Regiment have re-enlisted for the term of three years or during the war. The regiment will retire within a few days from the front where it has served for over two years, and proceed directly to N. Y. State and report to Brig. Gen. Haze, for furloughs for thirty-five days for the men under General Orders, No. 179 —After which, the regiment will be assigned to the recruiting service in different portions of the State for the Veteran Corps. A detachment from the regiment will rendezvous at Lowville, Lewis County, during the winter months, on special duty.
This regiment has seen much hard service, as well as the Brigade with which it is connected. It has been in nearly all the battles of the army of the Potomac during the last two years, it is composed in part of tough, hardy fellows from Lewis County, who have represented the County nobly in many hot contested battles. It was a favorite regiment with Gen'ls Sumner, Sedgwick and Howard, who commanded the 2d corps at different times during the peculiar changes of the army of the Potomac.
The regiment has never had but few accessions to its noble ranks since its organization, and consequently its numbers at this time are very small, but the few left are valuable soldiers for Uncle Sam, as he pays them a bounty of nearly eight hundred dollars for their re-enlistment during the war. This is a rare chance for veteran soldiers to join this distinguished regiment of veterans.
Most respectfully you obd't serv't.
A. F. C.
Capt., &c., 59th N. Y. V.