58th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
Under command of Colonel Julian Allen, are fast increasing their numbers, and perfecting themselves in military tactics. One of the companies, mustering seventy-seven men, wearing the crimson Lancer cap, passed our office yesterday on their way to be measured for their uniforms. Each company, as soon as equipped and armed, will go into barracks, the services of the Legion having been already accepted by the government.
(May 1, 1861)
Colonel A. Luiz, of the Holboldt Yagers, and Col. F. Gellman, of the Morgan Rifles, have consolidated their commands for the purpose of effecting a more speedy organization of this regiment. The new organ- zation will bear the name of the Morgan Rifles, his Excellency Governor Morgan having permitted the use of his name and promised the acceptance of the regiment. It is expected that it will be one of the first completed.
The Secretary of War has recently commissioned Col. Koryranowski to form a regiment of rifles. Col. Koryranowski was in the three months' service in the District of Columbia, and was very active in protecting the city and neighborhood in the early part of the rebellion, before the Northern volunteers could arrive. Col. Koryranowski will have in his regiment a couple of companies raised in Washington and Baltimore, composed of men who have served under him. Lieutenant Colonel Leski was formerly an officer in the British army, during the Russian war. For the last five or six years a resident of Washington, he joined the District Volunteers on the first call of the President. The first detachment of volunteers for this regiment will leave to-day for the camp of instruction.
Col. Krzyzanowski, of unfavorable patronymic but undoubtable patriotism, has raised four companies of his regiment. A stand of colors is soon to be presented to them. The recruiting head-quarters are at No. 239 Broadway.
The Fifty-eighth Regiment, Colonel Krzyzanowski, recently encamped at Turtle Bay, broke camp late on Thursday afternoon, and departed for the Seat of War. The men are mostly Italians, Germans, Poles, French, Danes and Russians. The Colonel hails from Washington City, and the Adjutant came all the way from Iowa City, in the State of Iowa. The men are a fine soldierly-looking set of fellows, and well disciplined.
During their march down Broadway they were loudly cheered. Following is a list of the principal officers:
Colonel, W. Krzyzanowski; Lieutenant-Colonel, Fr. Gellman; Major, Theodore Lichtenhein; Adjutant Charles W. Leonherdt; Quartermaster, Abraham Nussbaum; Surgeon, Dr. Hassel; Assistant-Surgeon Dr. Mencke; Chaplain, Frederick A. Hertzberger; Sergeant-Major, Louis Diedrich; Quartermaster's-Sergeant, Julius Amke; Company-Sergeant, Chas. Worms; Hospital-Steward, Theodore Loesch.
N. Y. Express, Nov. 8, 1861
The veterans of the fifty-eighth Regiment, N. Y. S. V., Col. Krynouskey, reached this city yesterday morning from the west en route to New York, where it was recruited and organized. This regiment is composed of Germans, officers and all. There were about three hundred and fifty of them, and their bronzed features indicated the hardships they had passed through and the service they had performed. As they marched up State street to the music of their full drum corps, they won the admiration of all beholders for their manly and soldierly bearing.
Although rough in appearance, they were the finest set of men that have yet returned from the seat of war. They are on their way to New York. Having re-enlisted for the war, they intend fill up their ranks and again return. Their battle flags are literally torn to shreds, having been shot to pieces. So completely riddled are they that the names of the battles in which the regiment has been engaged could not be placed on them, and they are inscribed on a streamer of red, white and blue. Among the conflicts in which the Fifty-eighth took part was that at Lookout Mountain under the clouds, and at Cross Keys.
Presentation of a Sword, Sash and Belt to Col. Kryzanouski of the Fifty- eighth New York Volunteers.
A very interesting ceremony took place last evening at No. 99 First avenue, in the presentation of a magnificent sword, sash and belt, to Col. Kryzanouski, by Mr. S. Stenifeld, who accompanied the gift with a very manly and patriotic speech. He spoke of the gallant Colonel's ennobling qualities as a citizen, a patriot and a military commander. He said he had not failed to remember that when the tocsin of our country's danger was sounded, and the very seat of our federal government threatened with pillage and desecration, the Colonel, with martial energy, called around him a spartan band and threw himself into the breach beneath the eye of our President. He was well aware that ho committed the sword into hands that would never suffer its blade to be sullied, or be sheathed until an honorable peace had been conquered.
The scabbard was of pure gold, and on the hilt was engraved these words on one side:—
From yours,
with the Master Mason's third degree on the other.
A princely repast was laid out, of which the numerous guests partook with great and evident gusto, and which was heightened by the lively strains of a fine band, that played on the stoop some splendid selections from popular melodies, and the whole arrangement passed off with marked success.
REGIMENT ARRIVED.—The 58th Regiment N. Y. S. V., arrived in this city yesterday morning.— They number about 300 strong, and are quartered at the Barracks. The leave for New York to-day.
The remains of the Fifty-eighth and Sixty-eighth regiments New York Volunteers arrived in this city yesterday morning from Chattanooga, where they were located for several months, under the command of Acting Brigadier General Krzyzanowski. The Fifty-eighth numbered two hundred men, and the Sixty-eighth numbered one hundred and sixty, rank and file. They were recruited almost entirely from the German population of this city by Colonel Krzyzanowski and Lieutenant Colonel Steinhausen, and did splendid service in many of the hardest fought battles of the West.
Their return yesterday was the occasion of a grand turnout of the German military organizations to welcome home the brave veterans to a short enjoyment of the comforts of home. The reception was quite enthusiastic, and more than usually so, from the fact that those soldiers have re-enlisted to a man, being here merely on a thirty days furlough.
The Fifth regiment N. Y. S. N. G., under Colonel Christian Burger, the old members of the Fifty-eighth and Sixty eighth regiments, officers of various German military associations, and a large concourse of citizens, formed the escort.
The veterans reached this city about ten o'clock yesterday morning by the Hudson River Railroad, and marched immediately to the City Hall Park, where the escort was in waiting to receive them.
Their appearance was quite excellent, notwithstanding the many hardships they have undergone, and they marched with the precision and spirit of veterans. They were drawn up in line in front of the Hall, and carried the standards which were presented to them on their departure from this city by Mr. James T. Brady.
Mayor Gunther and several members of the Common Council appeared on the steps of the City Hal to review the soldiers. The officers were presented to the Mayor, and, after an interchange of civilities, resumed their places in position for salute, which was given with great accuracy.
Mayor Gunther next addressed the soldiers in a few appropriate remarks, welcoming them to their homes, and eulogizing their conduct while at the seat of war. He expressed himself pleased at the exhibition of public recognition which the large crowds assembled to welcome them manifested.
Colonel Krzyanowski responded in a soldierly speech, short and to the point. They had endeavored to do their duty; they had gone into the fight with full ranks and returned thinned greatly in numbers, after having participated in fifteen desperate battles. They came back only on a short furlough, and intended, he said, to soon again rejoin the army of the Union in active service.
The remarks of the Colonel were enthusiastically received, and at their conclusion the soldiers marched past in review, the Fifth taking the lead. They marched across the Park to Broadway, up to Fourteenth street, and down the Bowery to the Atlantic Garden. Here a substantial dinner was prepared for them, and the soldiers "fell to" in a vigorous manner, demolishing meats, cakes, wines and lager in truly gigantic proportions. During the repast several speeches were made by gentlemen present, and the entertainment passed off in a very satisfactory manner.
Reception of the Fifty-eighth Regiment
(Veterans) To-Day.
This fine old regiment, which has re-enlisted, will arrive in this city to-day, on a thirty days' furlough, from Tennessee, where they have been doing good service in the cause of the Union, and it is the intention of the German population to give them a grand reception. The Fifth regiment, Colonel Burger, Captain Otto's carbineers, together with detachments from a number of organizations in this city, under Colonel Heine, of the One Hundred and Third regiment, will compose the escort. The escort will assemble at the Atlantic Garden, Bowery, which has been beautifully decorated for the occasion, and march to the foot of Cortlandt street to receive the regiment, after which the procession will move up Broadway to the City Hall to be reviewed by Mayor Gunther, proceed along Broadway to Fourteenth street, and down the Bowery to Atlantic Garden, where a splendid collation has been prepared. Mr. James T. Brady will there receive the flag which he presented to the regiment when it left the city for the seat of war, and which, torn and pierced by a hundred bullets, is to be handed over to the city authorities. An address in German will also be delivered by Dr. R. Dulon. (Jan. 26, 1864)
Yesterday morning, the 58th Regiment of N. Y. Volunteers, Col. Krynouskey, a German Regiment, reached here, on the New York Central Railroad, from Chattanooga. There were about 350 of them, and their bronzed features and war-worn flag indicated the hardships they had passed through and the service they had performed. As they marched up State street to the music of their full drum corps, they won the admiration of all beholders for their manly and soldierly bearing. Although rough in appearance, they were the finest set of men that have yet returned from the seat of war.—They are on their way to New York. Having reinlisted for the war, they intend to fill up their ranks and again return.
Yesterday morning the 58th N. Y. V. Regiment passed through this city en route for New York, from Knoxville, Tennessee, on thirty days furlough. The Regiment was raised in New York city early in the summer of 1861, and left for the seat of war over 1,000 strong.—The men were recruited in the Bowery, near the Cooper Institute, and we believe were first called t h e Steuben Rangers. After Gen. Sigel received a command it was placed in his Division, in the 11th Corps. The Regiment was composed entirely of Germans, and wherever the 11th Corps has distinguished itself the 58th has met the foe. These brave and war worn veterans were at t h e battle of Cross Keys, second Bull Run, Chancellorville and Gettysburg. The Regiment was transferred to the Department of the Cumberland, and has latterly been under the command of Gen. Carl Schurz. It was at Knoxville during the attack of Longstreet. The Regiment now numbers but 340 men. About one hundred are in hospital. Of the 240 left all but forty re-enlisted. The remnant of the returning regiment is in command of Lieut. Col. Stemhausen.
This fine corps, at present stationed at Turtle Bay Park, fully equipped with the Enfield rifle, and 900 strong, will leave camp this morning, at eleven o'clock, for the seat of war. It is rather remarkable that this is the only regiment which does not embrace within its ranks English, Irish or Scotch, but is composed of men who have fought and are the descendants of those who have taken part in the European continental wars. [This can he easily perceived by reading over the list of officers.]
The Fifty-eighth is made up of Italians, Germans, Poles, French, Danes and—what no other regiment can boast of that has left for the seat of war--Russians form a strong part of the corps. Strictly speaking it is a Continental European regiment. The Colonel and Adjutant have seen active service on the continent of Europe, and many of the corps, which is a safe guarantee that their discipline is of a very superior kind. When the Adjutant was taking an active part in the Kansas struggle, so ably did he discharge his duties that the invading army offered a reward of $2,000 for the head of the gallant soldier and Senator. An incident worthy of relating is, that both Colonel and Adjutant are married to two Quaker ladies, which testifies their warmth in the cause of freedom, that Christian sect being strongly opposed to war and its ravages. The Colonel hails from Washington City, and the Adjutant came all the way from Iowa City, in the State of Iowa, where he was practising law very successfully. The regiment, as a whole, cannot be surpassed by any other corps. The men are fine, soldierly looking fellows and well disciplined, and they feel no dread in meeting freedom's foe again." A splendid regimental band is attached to the corps, and will accompany it to the seat of war. They leave Turtle Bay Park this morning at eleven o'clock. Following is a list of officers, which has not yet appeared in any print of this city:—
Field--Colonel Krzyzanowski; Lieutenant Colonel, ___ ___; Major, F. Gellman.
Staff—Adjutant, Chas W. Leonherdt; Surgeon, Dr. Hassel; Assistant Surgeon, Dr. Muecke; Chaplain, Frederick A. Herzberger; Quartermaster, Abraham Nussbeum.
Non-Commissioned Staff--Sergeant Major, Louis Dietrich; Quartermaster Sergeant, Julius Ambe; Commissary Sergeant, Charles Worms; Hospital Steward, Feodore Loesch.
Line Officers—Company A—Captain, Wm. Henkel; First Lieutenant, ___ ___; Second Lieutenant, Christian Miller.
Company B—Captain, Peter Koburger; First Lieutenant, August Forster; Second, Charles Koch.
Company C— Captain, Frederick Breun; First Lieutenant, Wm. Galm; Second, Hermann Wohlfort.
Company D—Captain, Frederick Hermann; First Lieutenant, Julius Heischer; Second, Henry Kern.
Company E--Captain, Hermann Baecht; First Lieutenant, —— Bohrer; Second, John Beutel.
Company F---Captain, Edw. Steinel; First Lieutenant, Ernest Kurlbeum; Second, August Kraeuckler.
Company G—Captain, Gottfried Mass; First Lieutenant, Wm. Appernyeller; Second, Daniel Pfeil.
Company H— Captain, M. Pabst; First Lieutenant, Chas. _ock; Second, C. Meyer.
Company I—Captain, G. Roman; First Lieutenant, Cezar Wurtemberg; Second, L. Meuset.
Company K—Captain, M. Esenbaux; First Lieutenant, ___ Bash; Second, W. Koch.