57th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
MARCH 16, 1863.)
HISTORY OF THE 57TH REGIMENT.—The 57th Infantry, Col. S. R. Zook commanding, of which the late N. Garrow Throop, of this city, originally commanded a company, and was subsequently promoted to be Major, was organized in New York on the 19th of Oct., 1860, and left for Washington on the 12th of November following, where it remained, awaiting further orders, until the 28th of the same month, when it was ordered into Virginia, into the Camp of Instruction, known as "Camp California," where it was brigaded under the command of Brig. Gen. French, and formed part of Gen. Sumner's division.
March 10th, 1862, when the army moved on Manassas, the 57th composed part of the force occupying that strong-hold on the 13th of the same month. On the 15th, the 57th formed the infantry force of a reconnoissance made by Gen. Stoneman, scouring the country for fifteen miles in advance, and encountering the enemy with whom a skirmish took place, in which 40 were killed and wounded, none of whom were from the 57th. On their return to Manassas, Gen. Stoneman communicated in writing with Col. Zook, thanking him for the good conduct of his command.
On the 26th inst., the army moved to Warrenton, and on the 1st of April, it took up its march for Alexandria, from thence to embark for Fortress Monroe.
On the 4th of April the 57th embarked on a steam transport, and on the 7th inst., landed at York river, Virginia. From this time for a number of days, the regiment was engaged in fatigue duty of various kinds, at Cheeseman's landing and vicinity.
Nothing further of note occurred in which the regiment took part, until the battle of Fair Oaks, fought on Sunday, June 1st, on which occasion it won imperishable honors. Gen. French, in his official record says: "The 57th N.Y. regiment aided so materially, as to change the fortunes of the day."
On the night of the battle of Gaines' Hill, Gen. French and Gen. Meagher's brigades were ordered to cover the retreat accross the Chickahominy, of the troops which fought that battle.
Subsequently, when the change of base was taking place, French's brigade constituted part of the rear guard, and took part in the battles of Peach Orchard, and Savage's Station. During these three actions the 57th lost a few men.
On the night of the 29th of June, the brigade crossed the White Oak swamp, and was there posted to guard that avenue of pursuit from the clutches of the rebel army, which was successfully done. They however, in common with all who occupied that position, sustained a terrific connanade. Having destroyed the bridge, the enemy were kept at bay, and after dark the national troops silently withdrew toward the James river, 16 miles distant, reaching Malvern Hill at 4 A. M., July 1st. In the terrific battle of that day, the 57th was not engaged. The next day they reached Harrison’s Landing, where a period of rest and repose awaited them.
On the 16th of August, it having been decided to evacuate the Peninsula, the army took up its line of march for Fortress Monroe, with Sumner's corps, covering the march.
Arriving at Newport News, the 57th embarked for Alexandria, to reinforce Gen. Pope. As soon as they had disembarked, they marched to Centerviile, making the distance in eight hours, but did not take part in the action. The next day they marched back to Alexandria.
Next morning the column was again in motion, and crossed the Chain Bridge en route for Maryland.
The 57th was not engaged in battle again until that of Antietam was fought, on the 17th of September, although after the battle of South Mountain, French's Brigade had the advance in pursuit:
" At the battle of Antietam, the 57th, and 66th, made one of the most brilliant charges of the War, driving the enemy with fearful loss at all points, the 57th capturing the colors of the 11th Alabama Vols. and more prisoners than it had men. In this engagement the Regiment suffered heavily, losing one third of its officers and men; among the former the brave Lieut.-Colonel P. J. Parison, who was instantly killed while gallantly leading the charge."
Here, also, the lamented Throop received his first wound, while gallantly leading his command. After this battle, the regiment was sent to Harper's Ferry. On the 2d of November, while the advance was taking place, the regiment took part in a skirmish at Snicker's Gap without loss.
On the 17th November, it reached Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg, where, with Pettit's battery, the brigade drove the enemy from the position and occupied it.
On the 11th December, the 57th was detailed to assist in laying the pontoon bridge across the Rappahannock, opposite Fredericksburg.
On the 13th, the memorable slaughter of Fredericksburg took place, in which French's brigade formed the second line of attack, where it fought nobly. The 67th sustained its former reputation, fighting with determination. It lost largely, both in officers and men. Maj. Throop was also wounded in the leg, from the effects of which he shortly after died.
This action closed the record of the campaign of the Army of the Potomac for the year 1862. But few of the gallant soldiers who one year ago represented the 57th, remain to relate the proud history of the Regiment, the reports showing one hundred and eighty-nine officers and men present for duty.
We learn from a telegram received by a personal friend of the late Brigadier General Samuel K. Zook, who was killed at the first day's fight at Gettysburg, that his friends have consented to have his remains sent here for interment. His body will arrive by cars from Philadelphia on Friday afternoon, and will probably remain in state until Monday at the City Hall, and will then be conveyed to Greenwood.
General Zook was formerly Lieutenant Colonel of the Sixth regiment, N. Y. S. M., in which capacity he won golden opinions for his zeal and high military knowledge. He raised the Fifty-seventh regiment, N. Y. S. V., and almost from his arrival on the Potomac with his regiment was acting Brigadier. About six months ago he received his appointment as Brigadier General, wholly for meritorious conduct. He was essentially a military man, and owed his position solely to that fact, having no political friends to advance him. General Zook, although from Pennsylvania, had resided in New York for years and was wholly identified with its interests and success. He received his appointment from New York, and therefore his friends claim that the city should honor his remains.
Company A—Wounded—Walter Thompson, gunshot wound in leg; James Van Amman, near knee joint; Patrick Lowry, gunshot wound in thigh. (Fair Oaks)
Company B—Wounded—Orderly Sergeant Geo. Mitchell, very slight; John Delavan, right arm; Corporal Richard E. Pew, kneejoint, right leg.
Company D—Wounded—Patrick Carroll, right leg.
Company E—Wounded—Orderly Sergeant Henry L. Stewart; McKay, Acting Major of the regiment
Company F—Wounded—Corp. John Loughran, gunshot wound in mouth; James Duff, right leg; John Stamford, gunshot wound in thigh; Alonzo Strickler, right foot.
Company H—Wounded—James McGovern, slight.
Company J—Wounded—Edward Moore, slight; John Keegan, very slight.
Company K—Wounded—Sergeant M. V. Brower, slight. Killed—Thomas R. Ridings, Jordon J. Lee.
Killed, 3; wounded, 15. Total, 18.
Volunteers, Attention!
RECRUITS Wanted for the National Guard Rifles,
Fifty-Seventh Regiment of New York State Volunteers.
This splendid Regiment is now encamped at Springfield Station on the Alexandria Railroad, a few miles out of Alexandria, and needs a few first-class men to fill it up to the maximum standard. It is commanded by Col. S. K. Zook, for many years Lieutenant-Colonel of the Sixth Regiment of Militia in New York city, who served three months last spring and summer with his Regiment, and on his return from the seat of war organized this Regiment, with the aid and countenance of the famous Seventh Regiment of Militia, (the National Guard,) which bestowed its name upon the new organization, and in conjunction with the no less celebrated Seventy-First, furnished it with several of its officers.
The National Guard Rifle Regiment is armed with the Enfield Rifle. Its Colonel bore the reputation of being the most accomplished militia officer in the State; its other field and line officers are in every respect first-class men. It is a new Regiment, having only been organized a few weeks. Men who now enlist will, therefore, be able soon to catch up with their comrades in drill and experience and a large proportion of the non-commissioned officers' places are yet vacant, which will be filled by the most deserving privates.
This is the Regiment to which Capt. N. Garrow Throop's Company, consisting of over one hundred of the finest soldiers ever sent by Oneida county, is attached. Lieut. George W. Brown and Sergeant A. M. Davis, of Captain Throop's Co., and Lieut. James W. Magill, who entered the same Co. in September last as a private, was promoted first to a Sergeancy and is now 2d Lieut. of Capt. Erricson's Co., all three well known citizens of Utica have arrived in town from the camp, and have opened an office where they will enlist men for this Regiment. Pay $13 per month, clothing, subsistence and quarters in addition. Medical attendance gratis, in case of sickness. The right to pension the same as in the Regular Army, and One Hundred Dollars bounty money when discharged. Board and uniforms furnished immediately on enlistment. Men forwarded to Washington as soon as squads of convenient size are enlisted.
Office No. 9 Exchange Buildings, up stairs, over Thomas Foster's hardware store.
Lieut. GEO. W. BROWN,
The funeral of Lieut. Col. Parisen, of the Fifty seventh New York Volunteers, who was killed at the late battle of Antietam, took place yesterday afternoon, from No. 26 Pike street, and was most numerously attended. A great number of army officers and the Masonic confraternity were among those who did honor by their presence to the lamented soldier. The remains were laid out in a fine metalic coffin bearing the following inscription:—
Died September 17, 1862,
Aged 38 years, 4 mos.
Four companies of the Seventy-first regiment acted as a military escort, and proceeded to Greenwood Cemetery with the remains, which were deposited with all the honors.
Remains of Gen. Zook.
Gen. Sandford received a telegram yesterday afternoon, stating that the remains of Gen. Zook will arrive here from Philadelphia on Friday afternoon. They will be received with military honors.
South Salem—In Memoriam.
Among the slain at the battle of Gettysburg was Wm. AMBLER, of the 57th. Regt., N. Y. S. V., a young man from this place. He was killed by the explosion of a shell, a piece going through his body and cutting him nearly in two. He was among the first of the three years' men who responded to their country's call and for two years has served his country most faithfully. Youth, though he was—being but eighteen at the time of his death—he sought the battle-field from no enthusiastic desire of adventure, but because he felt that duty called him, and manfully and courageously did he discharge the obligations devolving upon him as a soldier. The frequent letters he wrote to his widowed mother are unmistakable evidences that he never regretted the path he had chosen; they are characterized by a spirit of lofty patriotism and devotion to the cause of liberty and the right. He was in nearly all of the hard fought battles in which the Potomac army has been engaged, and once only having been wounded. But his battles are over. On the bloody field of Gettysburg death claimed the young hero as his victim, and amid the thousands that fell on those terrible days none died a truer soldier than he. Sleep brave boy in thy early but honored grave! The roar of cannon shall not disturb thee more, and drum and trumpet tone will roll unheeded above thy resting place, for thou sleepest "the sleep that knows no waking."
"But the night dew that falls though in silence it weeps,
Shall brighten with verdure the grave where he sleeps;
And the tear that we shed though in silence it rolls,
Shall long keep his memory green in our souls."
C. F.
The coachman that was so severely injured in Scarsdale, by the falling of the horse he was riding upon him, has since died of his injuries.
CLINTON.—Capt. Jas. C. Bronson, of the 67th reg't N. Y. Y., having been detailed for special duty in New York, is expected in Clinton, today, on a short furlough.——Lieut. W. H. Sandford, formerly of the 26th reg't N. Y. V., has reinlisted, and will go to the wars as Lieut. in Capt. Mercer's Battery, recruiting in this city.—— Eighteen persons have enlisted in Clinton during the past two weeks.—The village clerk calls for all willing to act as special police, to come forward and qualify.——A call is made for sealed proposals for erecting St. James' Episcopal church in this village.
The work of recruiting for this regiment is going on very successfully. Already offers of aid in the matter of money and men are coming in from every side. It is expected that the rolls will be full within the next ten days. This fine corps is to be furnished with the celebrated Enfield rifle, and the uniforms are to be of a superior quality to those ordinarily in use. The officers of the Clinton Rifles are directed to report themselves daily at twelve M, at headquarters, No. 62 William Street, to Captain A. Anthony Gutman, who has been appointed Acting Adjutant by Colonel Page.
Gospel Messenger.
THURSDAY MORNING, Jan. 22, 1863.
Of all the soldiers' funerals we have lately attended, there was one on Friday last that affected us more nearly, and stirred up deeper memories of personal friendship and confidential intercourse than any which has occurred this many a long year. We feel justified on this account in noticing this event in our editorial columns. We can hear witness that Major N. Garrow Throop was of the stuff of which the true soldier is made: manly and brave, generous to a fault, strong in friendship, the very soul of honor, incapable of anything small or mean. His ambition was to be found at the post of duty, and to win his promotion only by a faithful discharge of it, and it was only to this sense of honor and duty that he fell a sacrifice on the altar of his country, on the bloody field of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13th, 1862.
Major Throop was born at Auburn, April 18th, 1835, and christened by the Rev. Mr. Lucas, of St. Peter's Church, in that city. His father was the Hon. George B. Throop, well known for the public stations he held, and the brother of Governor Throop; his mother, still living, and called to feel the full force of this bereavement alone, is a sister of the Hon. Ward Hunt, of this city. Young Garrow received his education in Detroit, chiefly for commercial life, and in 1855 came to this city, where he was connected with the Oneida Bank, until the present war broke out.—Here a new era seemed to dawn upon him,—a fit occasion for the exercise and development of the nobler qualities of his nature. For, independently of the questions that have occasioned wars from time to time in the history of civilized nations, there is something in the school of the soldier which either brings out the highest traits of manliness, or else infinitely degrades the man, according to the nature of the material it has to work upon. For the sake of the discipline of courage, fortitude, and subordination to authority, the Roman Commonwealth made it a necessary part of every young man's education, and hence that peculiar sense of order and honor that distinguished the Roman nation, and which made even St. Paul not ashamed to call himself a "Roman citizen."
In August, 1861, Mr. Throop entered upon the work of raising a company for the 57th Regiment N. Y. V., in which he received material assistance from his brother, Montgomery H. Throop, Esq., of this city. This Company, of which he was made Captain, was composed of an intelligent and able body of men, sons of respectable families thoroughout the County, and many of them school teachers and students in Seminaries, and was said to be one of the best Companies raised in the County. In November, 1861, Captain Throop was ordered with his Company to Camp California, near Alexandria, where he remained till after the evacuation of Manasas, when he advanced with a portion of the Army beyond Manassas, and was engaged in a skirmish with the enemy, which was the first time he was under fire. From thence he went to the Peninsula in McClellan's Army, and went through that whole campaign, attached to French's Brigade, of Richardson's Division in Sumner's Army Corps. He was in close action at the battles of Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, Gaines' Mills, Savage's Station, Peach Orchard, White Oak Swamp, and Malvern Hills. On the retirement of McClellan from the Peninsula, his division was the rearguard of the Army, until embarking at Yorktown, they came to Alexandria, and thence marched to the relief of General Pope, whose retreat they arrived only in time to cover. He was next at the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, at the latter of which he received a severe wound in the arm, at such close quarters that some of the powder even went into the wound.
An artery being severed, he might have bled to death but for a circumstance which seemed almost Providential. At Savage's Station, an explosion of one of the enemy's shells took place among a pile of hospital stores, and among the things thrown about, a field tourniquet happened to fall at his feet, which he picked up and put in his pocket. On the field of Antietam, he fell near Gen. Caldwell and on the latter asking if he could do any thing for him, the Captain answered that if he would turn him over, he would find this tourniquet in his pocket, which the general immediately took and put on in the proper place and had him carried from the field.
Capt. Throop was at home but a short time, during which it was our privilege to visit him. About the 1st of December last, and before his friends and physicians thought he was sufficiently recovered from his wound, so jealously sensitive was he on the subject of officers being absent from their posts, so many cases of which have amounted to absolute shirking, he determined to rejoin his regiment. He did so, and was in the advance at the crossing of the Rappahannock, December 11th. On that day the Lieut. Colonel was wounded, and the Colonel (Zook) being in command of the Brigade, the charge of the Regiment devolved upon Major Throop, who had in the meantime received this promotion for his conduct at Antietam.
In the terrible contest of Fredericksburg on the 13th, Major Throop was wounded by a minnie ball, which passed into his leg, just above the knee, and imbedded itself in the bone. While being carried from the field, a shell burst near him, which killed two of his bearers, and wounded him again in two places in the arm. At the evacuation of Fredericksburg, he was taken across the river with the rest of the wounded, and from thence to the officers' Hospital, at Georgetown Seminary. It was long supposed that both life and limb might be saved. After much difficulty the ball was found and extracted Dec. 27th. January 2d symptoms of pyemia set in. His brother, Montgomery, reached him on the 3d, and was the first to announce to him that he could not live.—His reply was worthy of a true soldier of the Duke of Wellington school. After a short pause of unutterable thoughts, he turned to his brother and said, "Well, do not my friends think that I have done my duty? My regiment was the last on the field." It was not a question of living or lying chiefly, it was whether the duty had been done. These words convey the whole secret of his career and his ambition as connected with the Army. During those weary days of pain and suffering, he spoke with most affectionate remembrance of other days here—and that intercourse of christian friendship which so often inspired the better and nobler promptings of his heart and mind, but which the actualities of life are so continually keeping down. His prayer book was faithfully used in his sick room, and on Sunday, Jan. 4th, he received the Holy Communion at the hands of Dr. Hall, of Washington, in company with Dr. J. N. Merriam, the Assistant Surgeon, and a nurse from Dr. Passevent's Institution of the Sisters of Mercy at Pittsburgh. His mother arrived on the Thursday following, and his spirit took its flight on the morning of Monday the 12th.
His funeral was attended at Grace Church, in this city, on the 16th. The Burial Anthem was chanted by the choir, the lesson was read by the Rev. Dr. Gibson, of St. George's Church, the Hymn given out by the Rev. Mr. Goodrich, of Calvary Church, the discourse preached by the Rev. Mr. Brandegee, of Grace Church, and the concluding prayers said by the Rev. Mr. Leffingwell, of Palmyra, The military of the city and a large concourse of people attended the solemn services. Not withstanding the calamities of this horrible strife, we may bless God for all the instances of true heroism it has brought out, which show that even in these degenerate days, there are many, many men who are capable of the nobler motive of doing their duty.
Brig.-Gen. Samuel K. Zook,
The committee on National Affairs of the Common Council of the City of New York, charged with conducting the funeral obsequies of the late. Brig.-Gen. SAMUEL K. ZOOK, on behalf of the city authorities, have decided upon the following:
The remains of the deceased soldier will be laid in state in the Governor's Room, City Hall, from 8 o'clock, A. M. Sunday, 12th inst., until 3 o'clock P. M., on Monday, when those of our citizens desirous of viewing his remains will be afforded an opportunity of doing so.
A guard of honor will be detailed by Brigadier-General Spicer.
The funeral procession will depart from in front of the City Hall on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Brigadier-General Spicer, pursuant to orders from headquarters, will detail the First and Third Regiments Cavalry as a general escort.
The order of procession will be as follows:
First Regiment N. Y. Cavalry, under command of Colonel Price.
Third Regiment N. Y. Cavalry, under command of Colonel Postley.
Officers of the Regular Army.
Officers of the Volunteer Array.
Officers of the First Division, N. Y. State Militia,
Guard of Honor.
Hon. Edward Haight,
Brig. Gen C. A. Arthur,
Brig. Gen. T. F. Meagher,
Brig. Gen. C. B. Spicer,
Colonel Lewis A. Sayre,
Colonel W. W. Price,
Major E. T. Christensen,
Colonel Robt. Nugent,
Colonel Rush C. Hawkins,
Colonel M. M. Van Buren,
Major M. G. Rathbun,
Officiating Clergyman.
The Mayor and Common Council to carriages, preceded by the Sergeant-at-arms.
Citizens generally.
The procession will move precisely at the appointed time, and will be under the direction and supervision of Major Alexander Hamilton.
The route will be as follows:
Through the East gate of the Park, through Chatham street and the Bowery to Bond street and Broadway, and down Broadway to the South Ferry; from thence to Greenwood the place of interment.
The flags of the City Hall and the other public buildings will be displayed at half-mast from sunrise until sunset on the day set apart for the funeral, and the owners or occupants of public and private buildings and residences in the city and the owners and masters of vessels in the harbor, are respectfully requested to display their flags at halfmast curing the day.
By order of the committee on National Affairs,
A son of Richard Kenyon, an operative in the Steam Woolen Mills, enlisted in Capt. Throop's Company yesterday. Three other sons are already in the country's services--one in the Thirteenth, another in the Fourteenth, and a third in the Navy. The old gentleman is ready to go himself if younger men are backward.
CAPTAIN THROOP'S COMPANY.—Sergeant DAVIS goes to camp Wednesday or Thursday. He will take down letters or small packages, if left at the Franklin House before his departure.
CAPT. THROOP'S COMPANY.—Between forty and fifty men had been enlisted up to last night, six of whom were sworn in yesterday. The uniforms are expected today.
Capt. THROOP'S exertions do not abate in the least. They are directed to securing an extra class of men, and are successful in a high degree. Lieut. BRONSON, who appears to be a favorite in Clinton, is helping on the work in that village, while the Captain, profiting by the example of the Fourteenth, has arranged to combine instruction and amusement with his sterner duties. He displays in front of the Central Bank, under the Stars and Stripes, the famous old Revolutionary War gun, the memories connected with which are enough to excite the war fever in the blood of any patriot, no matter how sluggish it may have coursed before during this rebellion; and, with the aid of the painter's brush, he presents transparencies upon the front of his office which will attract the attention of the most careless passer-by. Capt. THROOP has about a dozen additional men enlisted since his company left, and the Voltigeurs are becoming more and more popular, daily.
— Capt. THROOP'S company lacks only three or four men of the maximum number. This morning at 12:05, Capt. THROOP and Lt. Brown accompanied a squad of over forty to their headquarters on Staten Island. Sergeant Davis will remain for a day or two to accept the few recruits still wanted.
The following are the officers so far as appointed, and the muster roll:
Captain—N. Garrow Throop.
First Lieutenant—James C. Bronson.
Second Lieutenant—George W. Brown.
Sergeants—Andrew M. Davis, Thomas H. Wilson, James W. Magill.
Corporals—Evan Davis, George Benjamin, John W. Carr.
Wagoner—Stephen Lent.
Privates—George Ackert, J. F. Bennett, W. A. Curtiss, W. H. Devoe, John Delivan, J. O. Edwards, John Evans, Edward Fletcher, Samuel Feathers, S. W. Hanson, James Harrington, William Jones, Thomas Lane, Thomas Magill, Michael Mart, Frederick Martin, N. B. March, R. F. Powell, R. E. Pugh, David Bess, Philip Lang, Henry Lang, Charles Tompkius, Hugh Thorman, Henry Weiss, Edward White, E. J. Williams, John Williams, W. R. Thomas, Caspert Thomas, G. W. Hughes. F. L. Hayes, Henry Griffiths, E. R Halsted, James Parker, Patrick Wade, John Lackendy, Samuel Canfield, G. E. Caswell, C. W. Hamlin, John Moll, S. P. White, W. P. Toppin, J. A. Lathrop, Henry Carr, E. P. Whiting, Peter Bice, Alonzo Stauring, John Will, Calvin Jones, Joseph Herder, Archebal McElroy, J. H. Lighthart, John Demare, John Ryan, Robert Thompson, Benjamin Goodman, Patrick Morgan, Albert Lee, Albert Goodman, Benjamin Skinner, W. S. Stockwell, Emmett McEntee, Samuel Hecox, E. H. Shorey, Levi Lent, James Schanbecker, C. B. Hecox, J. J. Bowman, Barney Ridder, Damon Allen, Francello Allen, Joshua Dippy, Frank Mayne, Richard Kenyon, Bartholomew Sullivan, Andrew Haterman, William Dirk, J. E. Cavender, C. E. Savage, Frederick Griffin.
Gentlemen connected with the above corps are requested to report themselves at head-quarters, No. 62 William street, at 12 M., this day, for the transaction of important business. By order.
(June 22, 1861)
FUNERAL OF THE LATE BRIGADIER-GENERAL ZOOK.—The funeral honors of the late Brigadier- General Samuel K. Zook will occur to-day from the City Hall, where the body is now laid in state. General Zook was born at Port Kennedy, Montgomery county, Pa., on the 28th of March, 1822. He was connected for a number of years with the telegraph business, and at one time was superintendent of the People's Line from Louisville to New Orleans. Subsequently he was an officer in the Sixth Regiment of this city. After serving with the Sixth he organized the Fifty-seventh and went out as its commander. During the peninsular campaign Colonel Zook was given the command of a brigade and received a commission Nov. 25, 1862, and performed his duties with honor in many subsequent battles. He was mortally wounded at Gettysburg by a minnie ball from a sharpshooter's rifle, and died in a few hours. On hearing that our army was victorious, he said, "Then I am perfectly satisfied, and ready to die."
The following is the order issued by Major-General Sandford in relation to the funeral:
Special Order No. 36.
The remains of Brigadier-General Samuel B. Zook, formerly colonel of the Fifty-seventh Regiment New-York Volunteers, have arrived here under care of Major Wade, of the division staff.
General Zook was for many years an active and efficient officer of this division, and fell while gallantly leading his brigade in the late victorious battle of Gettysburg.
The funeral will take place on Monday next, the 13th instant, from the City Hall, under the direction of the Committee on National Affairs of the Common Council.
Brigadier-General Spicer will order the parade of such parts of his brigade as remain in the city as the funeral escort. They will form line in front of the City Hall at 2 o'clock P. M. of that day. By order of Major General CHAS. W. SANDFORD.
J. H. Wilcox, Division Inspector.
The Committee on National Affairs of the Common Council of the city of New-York, charged with conducting the obsequies of the late Brigadier-General Samuel K. Zook, on behalf of the city authorities, have decided upon the following:
The remains of the deceased soldier will be laid in state in the Governor's room, City Hall, from 8 o'clock A. M. on Sunday, 13th instant, until 3 o'clock P. M. on Monday, when those of our citizens desirous of viewing his remains will be afforded an opportunity of doing so.
A guard of honor will be detailed by Brigadier-General Spicer.
The funeral procession will depart from and in front of the City Hall on Monday afternoon, at three o'clock.
Brigadier-General Spicer, pursuant to orders from headquarters, will detail the First and Third regiments cavalry as a general escort.
The order of procession will be as follows:
First Regiment New-York Cavalry, under command of Colonel Price.
Third Regiment New-York Cavalry, under command of Colonel Postley.
Officers of the regular army.
Officers of the volunteer army.
Officers of the First Division New-York State Militia.
Guard of honor.
Edward Haight.
Brig.- Gen. C. A. Arthur.
Brig.-Gen. T. F. Meagher.
Brig.-Gen. C. P. Spicer.
Col. H. P. Martin.
Col. Robert Nugent.
Col. Lewis A. Sayre.
Col. Rush C. Hawkins.
Col. W. W. Price.
Col. M. M. VanBuren.
Major B. T. Christensen.
Major M. G. Rathbun.
Officiating Clergyman.
The Mayor and Common Council in carriages, preceded by the Sergeant- at-Arms.
Citizens generally.
The procession will move precisely at the appointed time, and will be under the direction and supervision of Major Alexander Hamilton.
The route will be as follows:
Through the east gate of the Park, through Chatham street and the Bowery to Bond street, to Broadway, and down Broadway to the South ferry, thence to Greenwood, the place of interment.
The work of recruiting for this regiment is going on very successfully. Already offers of aid in the matter of money and men are coming in from every side. It is expected that the rolls will be full within the next ten days. This fine corps is to be furnished with the celebrated Enfield rifle, and the uniforms are to be of a superior quality to those ordinarily in use. The officers of the Clinton Rifles are directed to report themselves daily at twelve M., at headquarters, No. 62 William street, to Captain A. Anthony Gutman, who has been appointed Acting Adjutant by Colonel Page.
(July 17, 1861)
In anticipation of the immediate acceptance of this regiment, several of the companies will go into camp on Thursday, on one of the finest camping grounds in the vicinity of New York. Subsistence will be furnished the troops at once, and a contract has been made for one thousand rifles with sword bayonets. The members of this regiment are directed to report themselves to their several officers immediately. The officers will meet at eleven o'clock to-day, at headquarters, 62 William street.
A FREMONT REGIMENT.—A new regiment, bearing the name of General John C. Fremont, is now in process of organization. It is to consist entirely of German adopted citizens. The regiment is to be commanded by Colonel Rudolph Rosa, formerly in the Prussian army, and late of the United States Coast Survey. He is an engineer officer of great experience. The Lieut.-Colonel is to be Germain Meitenich, esq., favorably known as having seen service in the European Revolutions of 1848 and 1849. Other experienced military men have offered their services. Already 300 men are enlisted, all being intelligent and of sturdy physique.
This regiment of United States riflemen is progressing actively. Colonel Page, who returned from Washington on Monday last, brought an order from General Meigs, requesting Lieutenant Colonel Vinton to contract for the uniform adopted for this regiment. The uniform is that of the French Chasseurs, and will be ready about Monday next. One thousand will be made, so that every recruit will be uniformed on enlisting. Col. Page has ordered the men to be in readiness to leave for Camp Lyon, on Saturday morning, at nine o'clock.
This fine regiment, formed of able bodied men from the interior of this State, and well drilled and equipped, broke up their encampment at Camp Lafayette yesterday evening, according to orders from Washington, directing them to report themselves at the capital. From an early hour in the morning the camp was all bustle and confusion; but the men were all in the best spirits, and highly delighted at the prospect of some real active soldiering. At six o'clock yesterday afternoon everything was on board, and the troops comfortably embarked on the transport Joseph Belknap, which will convey them to the Amboy Railroad, by which they proceed to Washington. The regiment numbers 741 men, under the command of Colonel Zook, an experienced and able officer.
Company A—Wounded—Walter Thompson, gunshot wound in leg; James Van Amman, near knee joint; Patrick Lowry, gunshot wound in thigh.
Company B—Wounded—Orderly Sergeant Geo. Mitchell, very slight; John Delavan, right arm; Corporal Richard E. Pew, kneejoint, right leg.
Company D—Wounded—Patrick Carroll, right leg.
Company E—Wounded—Orderly Sergeant Henry L. Stewart; McKay, Acting Major of the regiment.
Company F—Wounded—Corp. John Loughran, gunshot wound in mouth; James Duff, right leg; John Stamford, gunshot wound in thigh; Alonzo Strickler, right foot.
Company H—Wounded—James McGovern, slight.
Company I—Wounded—Edward Moore, slight; John Keegan, very slight.
Company K—Wounded—Sergeant M. V. Brower, slight. Killed—Thomas R. Ridings, Jordon J. Lee.
Killed, 3; wounded, 15. Total, 18.
Company B—Wounded—Charles Roberts, slightly.
Company D—Wounded—Drummer John Abernethy, slightly.
P-Company H—Wounded—John Fay, slightly. Killed—William Conners.
Company K—Wounded—Joseph Wenk, severely; Augustus Meyers, slightly.
Killed, 1; wounded, 6. Total, 7.
(Fair Oaks, 1862)
The Late Col. Chapman.
Colonel Alford B. Chapman, 57th Regiment N. Y. V., was born in the City of New-York, where he resided and where he was engaged in business at the breaking out of the Rebellion. At the call of his country he abandoned business and home—raised a company and took the field as captain in the regiment at the head of which he lost his life. He had been for many years a member of the 7th Regiment (National Guard), where he acquired a familiarity with military affairs which gave him at once among his brother officers a pre-eminence that was yielded without jealousy. He was soon raised over the heads of several senior officers to be Major, and thence successively to be Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel of his regiment. His business demanding his personal attention, he several weeks ago forwarded his resignation, which was returned disapproved. It was subsequently intimated to him that if he would forward it again it would be accepted, but he declined to take farther steps in the matter until after the close of the campaign in which he met his death. It was "approved" at last by the Great Commander. His remains will be sent here today from Washington.
From the Army of the Potomac.
Dec. 18—Last night about 8 o'clock Passer's brigade of Stuart's Rebel cavalry came upon the Orange and Alexandria Railroad from the South, near Sanger's Station, and destroyed two bridges over Pope's Run. Thence they went northwest, and have probably reached the Blue Ridge before this. No trains have since arrived here from Washington.
The following executions took place to-day:
Wm. H. Devoe, 57th N. Y. V.; John Teue, 5th Vt. V.; John McMann, 11th Regular Infantry; Winslow W. Allen, 76th N. Y. V.; George E Blowers, 2d VT. V. The executions took place in the respective divisions to which the condemned belonged.
CASUALTIES IN THE 5TH.--The following is a correct and complete list of recent casualties in the 57th N. Y. V. up to June 24th:
Officers.—Major Wm. A. Kirk, killed; Capt. G. W. Jones, slightly; Adjt. Geo. C. Case, wounded; Capt. Augustus M. Wright, severely, foot amputated; Capt. J. M. Farill, slightly; Capt. O. F. Middleton, slightly; Capt. R. S. Alcoke, slightly; 1st Lieut. T. Britton, severely; 2d Lieut. M. V. B. Brower, severely; 2d Lieut. C. L. More, slightly.
Company A.—Corporal William, Martin, killed; Corporal Andrew Miller, severely; Chas. Haggerty, slightly.
Company B—Andrew Haberman, killed; Nelson Limebeck, severely.
Company C.—Frank Higbee, slightly; Ludwig Schultz, slightly.
Company D.—Sergt. L. Russell, severely; James Casey, severely; Daniel Kennedy, severely; Frederick Woltman, severely.
Company E.—Matthew Hines, slightly; James B. Stanely, slightly; Hugh O'Connell, slightly; John Riley, killed.
Company F.—Sergt. John Smith, slightly; Corp. Charles Reed, severely.
Company G.—Charles Armstrong, killed; James Williamson, slightly; Benj. F. Oliver, severely; John Glynn, slightly.
Company H.—1st Sergt. W. H. Nichols, slightly; Sergt. T. B. Sherman, missing; Ed. Hugh, severely; Wesley Howard, severely; Aaron W. Turner, severely.
Company I.—1st Sergt. D. Curtiss, severely; Sergt. Millard, slightly; Patrick Barrett, slightly; James Colahan, slightly; Peter Gallager, severely; John McElwee, slightly; Edward Welch, severely; James Tauzey, killed; James Dixon, Pilled;— Church severely; John Daly, slightly; Patrick Morgan, severely; Wm. Parsons, severely; Thomas Ward, killed; Anthony McLaughlin, killed; Corp. George Jepson, slightly.
Company K.—Sergt. W. W. Osborn, severely; Sergt. John McGarty, slightly; Corp. W. McDowell, severely; Wm. H. Mosher, slightly; Michael O'Keefe, slightly; Thomas Tierney, severely. An Alleged Deserter Shot by a U. S. Detective.
At a late hour on Tuesday night, Ernest Brauer, alleged to be a deserter from the Fifty-seventh Regiment, N. Y. S. V., was shot, and fatally shot by a U. S. Detective named William Jenkins, who had arrested him, and from whose custody he was attempting to escape. It appears from what can be learned of the circumstances, that when Jenkins first arrested Brauer he made an attempt to escape but was recaptured. He was then warned not to repeat the attempt, and was informed of the consequences. He thereupon proceeded through Chatham street with the officer who had him in charge very quietly, until they arrived opposite the saloon of Henry Muller, No. 157 Chatham street. Wrenching himself from the grasp of the officer he darted into the saloon followed by Jenkins, who called upon him to halt. The fugitive paid no heed to this, but still kept on. Jenkins thereupon drew his revolver and fired twice at Brauer, missing him both times. Again Jenkins fired, and this time the bullet from his weapon took effect in the back of Brauer's head. He fell to the ground, and was taken to the New York Hospital, where he died at an early hour yesterday morning from the effects of the wound. Jenkins was taken in charge by Officer Hunterfield of the Fourth Precinct, and is detained to await the result of the inquest which will be held to-day by Coroner Ranney.
Among the list of killed and wounded, as reported in the New York papers, we notice the following belonging to Company C, 57th N. Y. V., who were recruited by Capt. Bell in and about Constableville:
Killed—Charles Donnelly, Henry Crofoot, and Theo. P. Taylor.
Wounded—James Snyder, ____ Hughs, ____ Hinton, and James Plumb.
Lieut. Col Chapman of the 57th was also killed.
— The 97th Regiment, raised and organized in the vicinity of Boonville, in which many brave fellows from this county are connected, was pretty badly cut up, and the following list comprises the whole of the list of casualties as far as we have been able to gather:
Killed—O. Dunne, W. Dechano, G. Isadore, W. Lubert, J. Rodell, D. W. Stannard, John Dickins.
Wounded—A. Hill, C. C. Brown, Corp. L. Dean, D. L. Sweet, Sergeant Chauncey, Geo. Morgan, L. T. Burdick, Jos. E. Hughes, L. Steadman, W. A. Sprague, N. L. Williams, F. Slech, G. N. Clion, Sergt. Wm. Arsmtrong, A. White, G. A. Laird, S. Pearl, Corp. G. A. Rohr, F. D. Porter, A. Williams, M. Bennett, Capt. Geo. Alexander, A. Williams, Geo. Feeter, G. M Allen, P. Linsler, H. Wallace, J. E. Williams, Frank White, Henry Scott, John Stroke, J. King, Corp. J. E. Parkhurst, J. D. Conlan, G. W. Bostwick, D. Jackson, Thos. J. Mains, Wm. Dechaus, B. C. McCormick, David Windsor, T. Finnegan, F. Andrews.
Casualties in the Fifty-seventh New York Volunteers—An Official List.
NEAR PETERSBURG, Va., June 24, 1864.
To the Editor of the New-York Times:
As numerous mistakes have occurred in the lists of casualties of this regiment, I herewith send you a correct list, by inserting which in your valuable paper you will confer a favor on the many anxious friends at home.
Our loss in officers has been heavy—ten out of twelve—only a Second Lieutenant and myself remaining.
Yours, respectfully,
Capt. Commanding 57th N. Y. V.
Major Wm A Kirk—killed June 17.
Adjt G C Case—June 16.
Capt A M Wright—foot amputated June 17.
Capt J M Farill—June 17.
Capt O F Middleton—June 16.
Capt G W Jones—June 17.
Capt R S Alcoke—June 16.
1st Lieut T Britton—June 16.
2d Lt M V B Brower—June 16.
2d Lt C L Moore—June 16.
Corp W Martin, A—killed June 16
F Woltman, D—June 21.
M Hines, E--June 16.
Corp A Miller, A—June 16.
J B Stanley, E—June 16.
C Haggerty, A—June 16.
H O'Connell, E—June 18.
A Habermann, B--killed June 16
J Riley, E—killed June 21.
N Limebeck, B—June 16.
F Higbee, C—June 16.
L Schultz, C—June 16.
Sergt L Russell, D—June 18.
James Casey, D—June 16.
D Kennedy, D—June 16.
1st Sergt Wm H Nichols, H—June 16.
Sergt Thos B Sherman, H—missing June 21.
Edwd Hugh, H—June 16.
Wesley Howard, H—June 16.
Aaron W Turner, H—June 16.
1st Sergt Dudley Curtis, I—June i6.
Sergt John E Millerd, I—June 16.
Theo Batcher, I—June 16.
Pat Barrett, I—June 16.
— Church, I—June 16.
Jas Colahan, I—June 16.
John Daly, I—June 16.
Peter Gallagher, I—June 16.
Pat Morgan, I—June 16.
John McElwee, I—June 16.
Sergt J Smith, F—June 16.
Corp C Reed, F—June 16.
Chas Armstrong, G—killed June 16
J Williamson. G—June 16.
B F Oliver, G—June 21.
John Glynn, G—June 16.
Wm Parsons, I—June 16.
Ed Welch, I—June i6.
Thos Ward, I—killed June 22.
Jas Tanzey, I—killed June 21.
Anthony McLaughlan, I— killed June 21.
Jas Dixon, I—killed June 21.
Corp Geo Jepson, I—June 21.
Sergt Wm W Osborne, K—June 16.
Sergt John McCarty, K—June 16.
Corp Wm McDowell, K—June 16.
Wm H Mosher, K—June 16.
Mich'l O'Keefe, K--June 16.
Thos Tierney, K—June 16.