Herkimer County, New York Civil War Newspapers

Section 1

To the good People of the County of Herkimer:
I, Seth M. Richmond, Sheriff of said County, hereby give public notice and call upon all loyal citizens, especially those in the larger villages in the county, to make all necessary preparations to defend your homes and to hold your selves in readiness to assist each other promptly in resisting any mob or rioters who may get together for the purpose of murder, robbery and the destruction of property, under pretence of resistence [sic] to the draft.
I also call upon all military organizations in the county to be ready to report for duty, if called upon by the proper authorities, for the purpose of putting down any riot that may spring up in our midst.
All tax-payers are interested in saving life and property, for the county is justly liable to pay for all property or personal damage destroyed or sustained by a riot.
Delay not one moment to arrest any one who breaks the peace and. violates law and order, for no person is safe unless the laws are obeyed.
Dated Little Falls July 20, 1863.

Remarks.—We trust that the proclamation above inserted may, in the event, be proved unnecessary. And while we endorse its suggestions and heartily recommend their adoption, we can but feel a confidence in our citizens which refuses the indulgence of a fear as to the result.
Yet a perusal of descriptions of the terrible scenes that have been enacted in some of our cities proves the importance of a readiness on the part of all true citizens to meet promptly the first appearance of an outbreak. Men of all parties, who will be called upon by the tax-collector to help reimburse any loss that may be sustained by a riot, have a direct interest in the preservation of peace and order, and it may as well be stated here that losses so sustained may be recovered of the County and become a part of the taxation of the County. Where so much is at stake it is well that measures should be quietly taken to meet any emergency which may arise.

The Democracy of Old Herkimer await with impatience the result of the game of chance about to be played at Watertown for conscripts. The fuglemen at the wheel will undoubtedly play high for us.—Gazette.
The above paragraph we copied last week with a remark upon its unfairness and its injurious tendency. The Gazette replies with extracts giving "some of the representations made to the government" as to the "discrepancies" and "disproportionate quotas" of the draft. These "representations" we did not condemn and how, on giving them, the Gazette hopes to make but a defence of the publication of so mischievous and partisan an article we are unable to conceive. In attacking the integrity of our district Provost Marshal and in announcing the probability of unfairness in the expected drawing, soon to take place in Watertown, the Gazette has done the community and itself great injustice.

Washington Correspondence.
WASHINGTON, July 27, 1883 [sic].
Editor Journal:
It would seem from the proclamation of Sheriff RICHMOND, that you are threatened with resistance to the draft, even in Herkimer County. I can not believe that any design of this kind is entertained there by men enough to break the peace and obstruct the public business, although a few disappointed and defeated politicians might gladly vent their animosity against the government, if they had in Little Falls and other towns, a large population of thieves and murderers like those put forward in the New York riot. No such stock in trade exists with you, if I understand the character of the people; and the certain consequences of overt acts of treason and resistance to the execution of the laws, must deter sane men from attempting to destroy by violence, all guaranties of safety to life and property. It is now a well established fact, that our system of government is to be successfully defended against all enemies, whether at home or abroad; for the events of the last month must convince every skeptic and foe, that the American electoral body is equal to any trial of strength and faith to which the whole power of the privileged classes in the world, can subject it. This was an appeal from the ballot-box to the bayonet, and those taking that appeal have been compelled to abide the verdict and the bloody penalty, during the last eventful month. If you have among you a few who could be so heartless towards their countrymen in the field and to their country, as to secretly discourage enlistments of men to defend the good old flag which was consecrated by Washington—the beautiful type and emblem of our Nationality; I say that if you still have with you any of the class who are willing to leave the soldier unsupported when his comrades have fallen, and deny him the right to vote so that he cannot have even that remedy; I do not believe that that they dare resist the draft in Herkimer County. And if they do shed any blood, Providence will provide some way to call them to present account. However bravely the Seymours may talk about the unconstitutionality of a man's defending his own threshhold [sic] against cutthroats, they are too cowardly—all these amphibious patriots—to maintain their treasonable language by openly joining a thieving mob at New York, or going over to and fighting with the Slaveocrats. Your Wood democracy in that county, can not afford to begin the work of hanging and roasting negroes, simply because if they do, the road to the British Provinces—made memorable by the hegira of Vallandigham—will be incontinently closed to them. On these facts may be predicated the opinion that peace will be preserved inviolate with you, while the government calls out a portion of the citizens to aid in putting down the Rebellion.
Drafting for the all forces raised, would have been the fairest and best way of distributing the burdens of this war. A vacillating policy and want of confidence in the people, is an invitation to demagogues and semi-traitors to resist and try to defeat public measures. The Administration has not shown enough of confidence in its own policy, to disarm quasi treason in the loyal States, and to make itself impregnable to political shafts at a crisis like the present. A draft in the first instance would have been almost universally accepted as a necessity, and its justice would have been acknowledged then; especially if the President had presented to the people the great issue before them in an address which should have reached every heart and inspired all loyal minds with that enthusiasm for the great cause which is active or latent in all good citizens. instead of that course, we have pursued a different one and have had useless discussions of topics and theories that had no necessary connection with the one great purpose that pervades the public mind. But we are right now, and must fill up the ranks of our forces in the field, which have been sorely thinned in the recent glorious and decisive battles.
The people of Herkimer will never disgrace their own fair fame by resistance to the laws; or obliterate in deeds of violence upon their own soil, those sacred memories of past achievements recorded in the frontier history of New York; they can not surrender their right of self-government to armed rebels who have slain their sons and brothers without cause or offense; they ought not to falter now, or ...

Section 2

Military Notice.
Notice is also given that the Assessors of the Town of Littte [sic] Falls have completed their Roll of all persons liable to be enrolled, according to the laws of the United States, for the present year, and that a copy thereof is with the undersigned, Henry M. Heath, at his dwelling house in said Town, where the same may be seen and examined by any of the inhabitants of said Town, during twenty days from the date of this Notice; and that the said Assessors will meet at Henry M. Heath's in said Town, on the 20th day of August next, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, to review their enrollment, on the application of any person conceiving himself aggrieved.
Dated Little Falls, July 31st 1863.     Assessors.
It seems to us that, in making out and advertising an "enrollment" of persons liable to do military duty, our town assessors have clearly acted under a mistaken idea of their duties and powers. At least it is very certain that they can make no such roll "according to the laws of the United States," as their posted notices, of which the above is a copy, would indicate that they have attempted to do. Uncle Samuel has manifested an intention thus far of conducting his affairs through his own officers in most localities and we can scarcely believe that the town of Little Falls will be found an exception.
But even under the State Militia Law of 1862, the assessors have nothing whatever to do with the enrollment. Our understanding of the statute is, in brief, as follows:—As often as at least once in two years all persons liable to Military duty are enrolled by the Captain or Commandant of the company district; of this enrollment four copies are made, one of which is retained by the officer, one filed in the town clerk's office, one in the county clerk's office and one in the adjutant general's office. After the list is completed, advertised and corrected, the persons not exempt are warned by public notice of the captain or commandant to assemble, "armed and equipped, for parade and inspection, on the first Monday of September of each year." Those who do not appear are subject to a fine of one dollar each, to be paid to the county treasurer, whose duty it also becomes to report the names of those who neglect to pay their fines to the Board of Supervisors; and by the Board the assessments are made and attached to the rolls of the respective towns. Under the old Militia law this assessment and notice above given would not have been out of place—under the present one it is evidently void and meaningless.
But more than all, in view of an amendment passed last winter, is this action of our Assessors of no effect or virtue. In consideration of the inconsistencies of the statute, after the adoption of several other amendments, the following section was added:
9. The reserve militia shall not be required to assemble for parade and inspection on the first Monday of September next, as provided by section thirteen of said act; and the provisions of said act, so far as relates to the fines for neglect to attend the parade provided in said law for that day, and the collection of the same, are suspended for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-three.
By this it will be seen that we have virtually no militia law in force for the year 1863, There will be, of course, no enrollment, parade, assessment by the Board of Supervisors or liability on the part of those subject to military duty. The amendments passed last winter will appear in the next issue of the JOURNAL.

ILION.—On Saturday, at 5 o'clock P. M., a meeting was held at the armory of E. Remington & Sons, at which all of the employes [sic] and many of the citizens of the village took the constitutional oath. John A. Rasbach was chosen Chairman, and William H. Thomas, Secretary of the meeting. It was unanimously agreed that the night watch should be increased to five times the usual number. In all, 120 names, were appended for that purpose. Without distinction of party, all seemed willing to aid in protecting property so much needed at the present time.—All persons except the watch are forbidden to enter the grounds after sundown. To-morrow a splendid pole will be raised and the stars and stripes will float to the breeze. Union flags and badges are becoming general, and all seem anxious for the welfare of our country.

SALISBURY.—The following articles have been forwarded by the ladies' Aid Society of Salisbury, to the Central Relief Association, 10 Cooper Union, New York:
6 dressing gowns, 9 flannel shirts, 28 cotton shirts, 18 pairs of drawers, 7 pairs of wollen [sic] socks, 28 pairs of slippers, 21 towels, 25 napkins, 11 handkerchiefs, 8 bed quilts, 21 pillows, 22 pillow cases, 1 sheet, 13 lbs. of lint, bandages, 6 pin cushions, 25 lbs. of dried apples, 10 lbs. of dried currants, 7 lbs. of dried berries.
M. L. MUNSON, Sec'y.

The ladies of Little Lakes and vicinity have furnished a box of supplies for hospital use, consisting of the following articles:
13 blankets, 25 cotton flannel hospital shirts, 3 cotton do., 3 double calico wrappers, 11 pairs cotton flannel drawers, 1 pair flannel do., 4 linen sheets, 15 cotton do., 3 comfortables, 2 bed-quilts, 23 pairs cotton pillow cases, 1 pair linen do., 21 linen handkerchiefs, 27 linen towels, 25 pairs woolen socks, 3 pairs cotton do., 9 rolls bandages and a quantity of old linen, 5 feather pillows, 2 bundles of lint, 1 package of tracts, and a quantity of books and papers.
There will be held a war meeting in Newport on next Wednesday evening. Rev. Geo. W. Skinner having been authorized to raise recruits for Prof. Hannah's infantry company, and having enlisted to go with the regiment and company, will take his public leave of the citizens. We understand the citizens are to present him with an army pistol on the occasion. The Newport Cornet Band will furnish music for the meeting. Prof. Hannah, of Fairfield, Rev. Mr. Allen, Hon. J. H. Wooster and others will speak on the great interests at issue in the present conflict.

VOLUNTEERS.—Two companies left Little Falls for Albany yesterday. The officers are: COMPANY A.—Captain, Wells Sponable; 1st Lieutenant, John H. Fralick; Ensign, Irving D. Clark; 1st Sergeant, Lewis M. Clark; 2d, Orrin W. Beach; 3d, Lawrence L. Brown; 4th, Wallace Zuper; 1st Corporal, Warren Van Allen; 2d, A. A. Ferry; 3d, Denis Canaan; 4th, Edwin Redner.
COMPANY B.—Catpain [sic], N. Easterbrooks, Jr.; 1st Lieutenant, Timothy O'Brien; Ensign, O. F. Barnes; 1st Sergeant, Wm. S. Walton; 2d, James T. Hurley; 3d, Benjamin J. Loucks; 4th, Romeyn Roof; 1st Corporal, Wm. Burns; 2d, Henry Traver; 3d, John Johnson; 4th, Charles Lasure.
—A company or Mounted Rangers, has been formed at Brocketts Bridge, in part from the towns of Salisbury and Fairfield. The officers are:
Captain, John Beverly; 1st Lieutenant, Henry B. Chamberlin; Ensign, Emerson S. Northup; 1st Sergeant, Mark Day; 2d, Wm. DeForest; 3d, James N. Green; 4th, James M. Talcott; 1st Corporal, Alonzo K. Haves; 2d, H. B. Greeley; 3d, B. F. Lewis; 4th, Egbert H. Caseier.

HERKIMER.—Two volunteer companies are in process of organization at Herkimer. The commissioned officers are:
COMPANY A.—Captain. B. Laflin; Lieutenant, Charles Riley; Ensign, S. Lepper.
COMPANY B.—Captain, James A. Suiter; Lieutenant, Warren Mack, jr.; Ensign, Michael Shaffner.

—The ladies of Little Falls, hearing that the soldiers in Albany were detained for want of shirts, sent a dispatch saying that as many as were wanted would be sent on twenty-four hours notice. The weaker sex of that village are strong in noble deeds.
—Clinton A. Moon, Esq., lately of Newport has removed to Herkimer and opened a law office.
—The Rector of Christ church (Episcopal) has been donated a very handsome national flag and it now floats over the church.
—There is some trouble in regard to the volunteers at Mohawk. At the election of officers held last week, Humphrey G. Root was chosen Captain, George Warnick, Jr., Lieutenant, Jacob Grants, Ensign, with the full compliment of Sergeants and Corporals. This result appears not to have been satisfactory, and a general explosion followed. The muster roll has been destroyed, and a bad state of affairs generally prevails. It is hoped the differences will be promptly settled.
—A meeting of the citizens of Herkimer was held at the Court House, on Saturday evening the 3d inst., to devise a plan for the relief of families of volunteers from that town. It was decided to raise the sum of $2,000 on a note payable in one year, to be signed by as many persons as were willing to do so, with a stipulation that an effort shall be made to secure the passage of a law making a tax for that sum on the town or county, for its payment; failing which, the signers to become equally and jointly liable. A large number of signatures were obtained, and the money will be advanced by the Mohawk Valley Bank. Dean Burgess, Esq., was made Treasurer of the fund, and Hon. E. Gray and H. G. Crouch, along with the Treasurer were made the Executive Committee to see to its distribution. About fifty women and children are to be cared for.

ILION.—A spirited war meeting was held at Ilion on Thursday evening, which was addressed by the clergymen of the vicinity and others, and several recruits were secured for Col. Pierce's Mohawk regiment.
—Lieut. H. L. Hurlbut is U. S. recruiting officer for Capt. Tuckerman's company in Berdan's regiment of Sharp Shooters. For information, address him by letter or otherwise, at Newport, Herkimer County, New York.

FAIRFIELD SEMINARY.—The rumor that Fairfield Seminary is about to close or suspend school is not correct. About fifteen young men have enlisted, and will doubtless go forward to the war. But this will not interrupt the school.—The Institution is in the midst of a very prosperous term, and though in common with others of the same sort it must sacrifice for the country, it is to continue with scarcely abated prosperity.

—The ladies of Herkimer have sent on for the use of the sick and wounded in our army hospitals: 50 shirts, 14 pair of drawers, 40 sheets, 6 dressing gowns, 29 pairs of socks, 56 towels, 14 pair pillow cases, besides new handkerchiefs, palm-leaf fans, slippers, and a large quantity of scraped lint and soft cloths. The ladies were engaged but a week in making and preparing these articles. They are now preparing a quantity of wines and jellies, to be sent on as soon as possible.
—The dwelling house of Mr. A. Biggs, in South Columbia, was destroyed by fire Monday morning, July 29th, together with a quantity of wheat, tools and his household furniture. A cheese house attached, containing the product of his dairy this season, was also consumed with its contents. His barns were saved by the exertion of neighbors. Loss about $1,500; no insurance. The timber for a new dwelling has been put upon the ground already.
—A supposed poisoning case has created a great deal of excitement in the village of Fairfield for a few days. On the morning of the 2d inst., the entire family of Mr. E. C. Rice, together with two or three visitors who breakfasted there, were taken seriously ill. It would seem that all and only those who ate meat at the breakfast, were taken sick, and one died. Suspicion immediately rested upon the hired girl, who had not that morning taken breakfast with the family. An examination was had before Justice Green on Monday, but there not being evidence enough to point the crime upon her, she was discharged.

Capt. Romeyn B. Ayers, who commanded the Sherman battery in the battle of Bull's Run, and brought it off safely, is a son of Dr. Ayers, of East Creek, town of Manheim, Herkimer county. He is reported among the killed.
—Geo. J. Waterhouse, formerly a compositor in the office of the Little Falls Journal, but more recently a private in the Herkimer county volunteer regiment, was killed by the accidental discharage [sic] of a revolver, in the camp of his regiment, near Washington.
—The Herkimer Co. Journal tells this story of frightful brutality: A woman named Leighe, some fifty years old, residing near the Gulf Bridge in Little Falls, was inhumanly beaten last Friday afternoon, receiving injuries from which she is not expected to recover. A drunken fellow, one John Mitchell, went into the house, and, finding the old lady alone, from some reasons which have not yet fully transpired, commenced beating her with a hoe. She escaped from him, and crawled, screaming, under the bed. The heartless wretch literally hoed her out again, and continued striking her till he supposed she was dead. He then left her, and going out, hung up a chicken by the leg in front of the door, the cries of which aroused the neighbors. The criminal was arrested on Sunday.

War Meeting at Starkville.
STARKVILLE, August 28, 1862.
To the Editor of the Mohawk Courier:
Stark is fully aroused, and will do her whole duty "at every hazard and every cost."
A war meeting of the right stamp convened at the house of E. Champion, in  this village, this evening, pursuant to call of the War Committee of this town. The meeting was called to order by J. E. Hall, Esq., on whose motion
C. T. E. Van Horn was elected Chairman, and on motion seconded, J. R. Hall was chosen Secretary, after which the President in a few pertinent remarks, introduced to the audience Gen. Prescott of Mohawk, who addressed the meeting at length in an eloquent and patriotic appeal in behalf of his country, illustrating in a clear and concise manner the position, wants and necessities of the government. At the conclusion of the address, notwithstanding the lateness of the hour, the meeting resolved to transact other business, and on motion of Mr. Shall, the Chair appointed the following gentlemen Committee on resolutions, &c., viz: Hon. D. Shall, Hon. George Springer, J. R. Hall, Alex. Smith and J. W. Norcross.
On motion it was unanimously resolved that there be raised the sum of four thousand five hundred dollars, by a direct tax levied upon the taxable property of the town of Stark, for the purpose of raising volunteers.
On motion of Mr. Palmer of Van Hornsville it was unanimously
Resolved, That we pay the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars as a town bounty to each and every person who shall hereafter enlist in the quota of volunteers to be supplied by the town of Stark, to fill the two last requisitions of the President, of 300,000 men each. The money to be paid immediately on the recruit's being mustered into the United States' service,
Mr. Shall, chairman of committee on resolutions, presented the following preamble and resolutions, which were adopted, viz:
Whereas, in times of great national danger it is imperatively necessary, that the people should unite in common defense of their civil rights and liberties: and whereas, there now exists in the Republic of these United States, ARMED REBELLION of the most attrocious [sic] character, against the legal authorities of the parent Government, seeking through the agency of civil war, to overthrow its CONSTITUTION and LAWS, and to subvert the most sacred rights of a free and happy people; therefore, be it
Resolved, That as loyal citizens of these United States, scouting the heresy of Secession and believing not only in the RIGHT but in the OBLIGATION of the President to use the whole power of the Government to put down the rebellion and compel obedience to the laws.
Resolved, That in the judgement [sic] of this meeting, the people of this commonwealth are called upon to act promptly, and at once on the most vital question ever submitted to s free people and a candid world. The suppression of this Rebellion in the earliest possible manner and by the most summary means, is paramount, to every other consideration. The UNION must be saved at every hazard, cost what it may in blood and treasure and to this end we pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
Resolved, That we esteem it our highest duty to God and our country to contribute without delay our money and our persons to aid the Government in the prosecution of the war forced upon us, by a set of diabolical conspirators, whose only object is to destroy the best government ever instituted among men.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Mohawk Courier, Mohawk Republican and other county papers.
C.T. E. VAN HORN, Chairman.
J. R. HALL, Secretary.

Our Town Bounty.
At an enthusiastic and large meeting held last Saturday evening, it was resolved to offer a Bounty, of Three Hundred Dollars to every volunteer for this town's quota who will enlist under the last call for 300,000 men. Twenty-one thousand six hundred dollars are required to pay the bounty. The securities for that sum were divided up, $13,600 being apportioned to the agricultural districts, and $8,000 apportioned to this village. Yesteaday [sic] the notes were all signed, the farmers, to a man, placing their names upon them when asked, and our citizens acting with equal promptness.
Now to the work! The Government needs the Regiment as soon as possible, and with proper exertion, it can be ready to march in less than a fortnight. The stirring news from our army, should kindle a blaze in this State, such as has at no previous time distinguished it.—We see the urgent necessity for action, let us be up and doing. The enemy are fighting with desperation and despair. They must conquer quickly or be crushed. We have them in mass, at
a distance from their source of supplies; our boys, in number, about equal them. Let reinforcements be quickly sent to aid them, and Jackson's forces will be driven to the wall. Up young men,—the country calls you, glory awaits, and the blessings of this and future generations will be yours.

LADIES' AID SOCIETY.—The Annual report of the Ladies Aid Society, from April 5th, 1862 until April 5th, 1863, is as follows:—
The Society have sent 4 boxes of hospital supplies, 1 box of delicacies to Washington; 2 boxes to regiments and 2 barrels of lint. The following is the number of articles contained in the several boxes: 127 cotton shirts, 84 flannel shirts, 125 pairs drawers, 50 pairs slippers, 30 pillows, 8 sheets, 5 coats, 1 quilt, 14 comfortable's, 1 dressing gown, 11 pairs socks, 34 napkins, 8 vests, 3 pairs pant, 18 pillow cases, 2 doz. pocket handkerchiefs, 4 collars, a large quantity of lint, old linen bandages, dried fruit; the box of mittens to the 121st, from Little Falls, contained 100 pairs; the box to the 34th regiment, 83 pairs mittens, 43 pairs socks, 3 woolen shirts, 7 pairs socks.
The Treasurer, Miss HELEN E. BROOKS, reports $89,68 now in the treasury. The officers serving for the last two years, were re-elected for the present. Those wishing to assist in preparing another box, will find work at Mrs. S. M. Richmonds.
M. H. SHAW, Sec.

... refuse to strengthen the Presidential arm when one more effort will put an end to those cruel deeds of internecine war which have brought sorrows to every town and hamlet in our beautiful land. It is resolved that peace shall be won without dishonor; and that when this war shall have been closed, the majesty of a free people shall be respected in all time, and then legally expressed will obeyed as the rightful expression of the highest human sovereignty.

We shall publish to-morrow morning, at seven o'clock, a SECOND EDITION of the JOURNAL, containing the names of those drafted from the towns not given this morning. These towns were not reached yesterday but will be taken up at 9 o'clock this morning. Extra papers can be procured of the various Postmasters.

The draft for the 20th Congressional District commenced at Watertown on Tuesday last contrary to our expectation the order of drawing was: Jefferson County first Lewis next, and Herkimer last, and this fact is that which has caused a delay of one day in the appearance of this number.

The morning train brought hundreds of visitors from Herkimer and Lewis County and from the southern part of Jefferson, who came to witness the ceremony of the Draft. The town was quiet. The tables occupy the centre of the office, upon one of which is the wheel, a small, clean, and unstained, rotary churn; with an opening, and lid on one side. It was turned by an iron crank in the presence of Inspectors chosen by the Provost Marshal.
At five minutes to ten precisely, Provost Marshal EMERSON, Commissioner POND, and Surgeon WALKER, made their appearance at the old County Clerk's office on Court St., followed by the Committee of principal citizens who had been designated to examine into the fairness and conduct of the drawing. At this time but a very small crowd had assembled and there was no appearance of any undue excitement. After making some preliminary arrangements the Provost Marshall read the order of the President and Provost Marshal General. To Mr. P. MUNDAY was given the list of names enrolled in order that might be properly checked as drawn, and after being, carefully counted were placed within the wheel.
The oath was then administered by the Marshal to Mr. WILBUR HOUGH, of Watertown, the blind man who had been chosen to draw the names, who was also carefully blindfolded.
Only two soldiers were in sight and these sat near the door with fixed bayonets and evidently not expecting any serious work for day.
Mr. POND now announced that the draft would commence and the wheel was turned by the Marshal. Amid the deepest silence the first card was drawn and contained the name of WM. PEARSON. Three cheers were immediately given with a will, and when the name was announced as that of GEO. P. CLARK, much laughter and merriment was manifested and cheers given.
The crowd at this time in the street was very much increased, yet the most perfect order prevailed.

Throughout the entire drawings the labors of the Provost Marshal and Commissioner were most severe, every opportunity was afforded by thorn for the most careful investigation and the complete readiness in which everything was found greatly facilitated operations. In our acquaintance we have seen no two men who could have performed their duties more satisfactorily.

On Thursday, about 11 o'clock, the drawing for Herkimer County was commenced. The representatives of the County were: E. D. Beckwith, of Columbia; Ed. Simms, Danube; L. L. Powell, R. H. Pomeroy, S. E. Coe, L. L. Merry, E. L. Partridge, J. C. Tower, German Flatts; A. H. Gray, Richard Wilson, Herkimer; Hiram Broat, John Platt, Manheim; James Hart, Oliver LaDue, Little Falls; Seymour C. Gillett, Litchfield; H. L. Hurlburt, Norway; Dr. J. B. Holcomb, Newport; Solomon Graves, Dr. S. R. Millington, A. Carpenter, Russia; James J. Cook, John Ives, Salisbury; Dr. Mower, Schuyler; Daniel Van Horne, Stark; J. M. Hall, Fairfield; Nicholas Shoemaker, Warren.
The reporters for the press were: C. Ackerman, for the Standard Bearer, E.
Chapin, for the Courier, J. R. Stebbins, for the Journal.

Number enrolled, 225; number drawn, 64. Names were drawn in the following order:
Jacob W. Getman, J. Holland. Wm. Tutte, Lorenzo House, Lucius House, Jabez Bliss, John H. Cristman, William D. Gorsline, Conradt Weddel, Bernard Christman, Chauncey Seckner, George Palmer, John Manning, Daniel Merrill, Alonzo House, Oliver B. Gates, James Mills, Joseph Zeigler, Nelson Garner, Henry S. Brown, Daniel Brunner, Merrill Lyman, Henry W. Getman, George Barringer, David Myers, William H. Helmer, Philip H. Sphoon, Thadeus W. Getman, James Waldo, Levi Crisman, Simeon Gage, Henry Mitchell, Andrew Getman, Nelson Shaul, Sylvester Shaul, William G. May, Jefferson Reynolds, John H. Shaul, Walter Getman, Jacob Nichols, Oscar Alfred, George Smith, John Genter, John Nichol, Walter Vrooman, George W. Streeter, John Merrill, Henry Starring, Lyman M. Woodard, Alonzo Gosling, Samuel Jacobson, Perry Tenant, Ezra D. Beckwith, James Helmer, Sandford Miller, Arthur Lyman, Allen Gage, John D. Hunter, John E. Fretts David Edict, George Woodard, Geo. McCrady, Wm. H. Getman, Daniel Beade.

Number enrolled, 105; number drawn, 40.
Levi Countryman, Randolph Landt, James Bellinger, James Owens, John Kosboth, Homer Petrie, Wm. E. Riccard, Nelson Mesick, Reuben Cronkhite, Truman B. Skeels, John G. Smith, William Countryman, Oscar Mover, Moses B. Finehout, Edward Simmus, Abram Waggoner, Darins Green, David Chapman, John Shafer, Stewart P. Jones, Lynes Jones, Frederick Rame, Samuel B. Stafford, Joseph Snell, Lewis H. Honpt, Francis Truax, Varney Yoran, Edwin Decker, Clark Dyslin, Ephraim Miller, Alvah B. Hyde, Thomas R. B. Sholl, Isaac Snell, George Waggoner, Chauncey Delong, Jacob Miller, Irving Fox, Chas. Clark, Sandford Johnson, Isaac Vincent, John J. Waggoner, Harvey Kinne, John Bulger, Wm. Mixter, Albert Randall, Chas. E. Burlingame.

Number enrolled 201; number drawn 56.
William H. Reynolds, Nelson A. Morcy, James B. Pierce, Ebenezer Nickerson, Dennis McDonald, Albert B. Watkins, William W. Moshier, John O. Connor, James Barrett, John Kief, Hiram S. Barnes, Jas. Foran, Westel W. Hadcock, James H. Davis, Chas. L. Earl, Max Rouse, Russel Robbins, James W. Hayes, Wm. Carter, John Carter, Charles Belknap, Washington W. Jackson, Menzo Reno, Michael Murphy, a 34, Augustus S. White, Adam Hartung, Levi A. Lawton, Charles Helmer, Lewis Meredith,
Richard  Berden, Zina K. May, Patrick Flynn, Abram B. Neeley, Patrick Holden, Michael O'Brien, Edward Swain, Joseph W. Ellis, Renselaer S. Tanner, Benj. F. Mil­ler, Lockwood, R. May, James Pickert, Romeyn B.  Ayres, Myron Petrie, James Harris, Charles Neeley, Charles R. Wood, Walter A. Moorey, Wm. Fox, Francis Griswold, Joseph W. Bushnell, Luther Gillett, Jno. W. Miller, Irwin J. Lawton, Michael Callahan, Norton Cristman, Albert Fenner.

Number enrolled 856; number drawn 103.
Henry Nurse, Jas. White, Elon T. Holdridge, Jas. H. Wetmore, Lucius P. Sprague, Chas. E. Starring, Sylvenus Eaton, John Morarity, Giles Van Buren, Lewis Davis, Geo. Holland, Jno. F. Sheldon, Thomas McDermott, Sylvenus Bridenbecker, Orson J Youlyn, Charles G. Austin, Freeman H. Howard, Dennis Morey, Richard L. Brockway, Lemuel L. Lowell, Wm. Grant, Wellington Zoller, William w. Crosby, Alonzo Brown, Jno. Groom, Chas. F. Balde, John Davis, Jas. W. Dunn, Peter W. Van Allen, Peter Wetzel, Chas. E. Holdridge, Rodney House, Jno H. Woodbridge, Saml. Coop, Hannibal Folts, Wm. B. Gates, Henry Dempster, Wm. M. Crossman, George Keeler, John Brockway, Jr., Joseph Balch, George Cross, Peter Bouck, Frederick Dougherty, Wm. Tobin, Chas. W. Wetmore, Albert A. Yonlin, Wm. Lonas, Andrew Folts, Perry A. Eysaman, A. J. Holdridge, Wm. Flagg, Thomas Davis, Robert Jones, Benjamin Stuber, Rufus W. Bennett, Frederick Steele, Homer C. Austin, James M. Alvord, Augustus H. Grossman, Samuel Haslett, Theodore James, Reuben Earl, John B. Reese, Roswell Balch, Henry Hall, Jonathan Jones, Elisha L. Brockway, Simon Peter Weaver, John Lines, Wm, Perkins, Jno. O. Burton, Alphonzo Joslin, John Morris Jr, Dennis N. Lewis, Conrad P. Folts, N. W. Bridenbecker, David Lonas, Benjamin F. Tisdale, John P. Ingersoll, Lewis A. Cole, Geo. R. Lewis, Hiram Bargy, Orin Getman, John O. Richardson, Mrrtin Corcoran, John Esling, Wm. Asling, William Roy, Abraham Blackwell, Otis Inman, Jacob Lints, Michael Drenan, George Atwell, James Noah Perkins. John Costigan, Jedediah Nicholas, Griffith Hartley, Henry Coat, Griffith Jones, Martin Tucker, Henry Kout, John Q. Adams.

Number enrolled 647; number drawn 190.
William Thornley, John Hawley Heath, William Packard, Richard Winnegar, Thomas Cunningham, Henry Greene, Rosel Knapp, John Mosher, Chauncey Heath, George Capron, Amos H. Prescott, Luther Eyraman, Leonard Horr, Monroe Woolever, Michael Kelly, Valentine Walter, John H. Woodward, Albert Stephens, Hiram Jones, Frank Konny Jerry Burke, Frederick Barse, Benjamin Young, Henry Badger, Alpheus Fox, Warren Harrington, F, George Balde, Joseph Honan, George Kirk, Geo. W. Taft, Charles Rasbach, Menaon Bellinger, Lauren Wood, Casper Tyler, Ezra Cawkins, Jr., Martin Doyle, Archibald Livingston, Levi R. Casler, Albert F.  Smith, William Parkhurst, Amos F. Mason, John Johnson, Rodney Rand, Thomas Griffith, Stephen Brown, Henry Felt, William Crim, Daniel A. Morrison, John Wade, Jr., Edward Maggs, David Croan, Michael Conklin, Benj. T. Rasbach, William H. Harrington, Lewis Cutway, Matthew  Diefendorf, Gaylord Steele, John Strange, Thomas Hague, James V. Fox, Richard Getman, Jacob U. Dennison, James Ames, James Gay, James N. Whitfield Geo. W. Cutler, Wellington W. Cole, Henry Warner, Rosel F. Pickert, William Dygert, George Wilkinson, Alonza A. Sherman, John Spear, Daniel Osgood, S. Comvell, Charles Myers, Edward Redway, Sanford Getman, Homer Stebbins, Seth Johnson, Levi Solomon, Jacob H. Crim, Geo. Knapp, John McChesney, Homer Caples, Joseph Scrander, Hubert D. Greene, John Cobert, Sylvester Casler, Franklin Harter, Dolphus Rouse, Jefferson, Clough, Jacob D. Petrie, Seneca Dewell, Alonzo Casler, Alonzo Shoemaker, Wm. Starring, a. 35, Leonard R. Caswell, E. A. Northup, John Hulser, Charles Fisher, Irving Bellinger, Chas. Wilder, Frederick Miller, Irving Steele, Sylvester Sergeant, William Klock, Robert Casler, Morris Locy, James Van Dumpster, John White, Francis Rabath, John Critzer, John Scudder, Joseph Moon, Dewit Shoemaker, Frederick Vanpaten, Sherman W. Day, Isaac Plasterage, Edward Day. John Raizer, Reuben Walker, Wm, Cress, Edward Smith, a20, Daniel Lux, Thomas Burroughs, Tilson Lanat, Philo Ackler, Alanzo Starring, Hiram Randall, Harvey Pyer, Frederick W. Green, Thomas M. McBride, Joseph Acker, Seth C. Pelton, Edward Resback, Sanford House, Albert Hague, Hannibal B. Maben, Levi Warner, Asa Montgomery, Alonzo B. Ely, Chas. Steele, George Ingraham, William Kilzwiller, Neson Watts, Eben Chatfield, Thadeus Hotaling, Clark Ballou, Hiram E. Green, Daniel Orendorf, Addison Fancher. A. O. Mather, Fred. J, Fox, J, W. McGill, Frederick H. Hotchkiss, Noah R. Osgood, Norman Border, Solomon Ford, Chester Loomis, John Thomly, Harvy Jacobs, Frank Hammond, Charles Rees, Peter Brady, Peter Hotaling, Justin Morgen, Levi Rowley, Abraham Caples, Barney Gorey, Frederick D. Rasback, Jacob Cristman, Benjamin Shoemaker, Edwin Stickles, Daniel Smith, Thomas McMahan, John Vincent, Alvin Ford Jr., Chas. Gifford, Lewis Knapp, Geo. Warnie Jr, Lucius Bellinger, Jas. Yule, Chauncey Detrei, George Brown, Peter Orondorf, Jared A. Sherman, Roselle Freeman, William Pooler, Morris Gleason.

Number enrolled, 295; number drawn, 85.
S. A. Farrington, Jno. Miller, a. 28, Smith Harter, Alonzo W. Harter, Theo. A. Griswold, Thos. Milstead, David Shell, Jerry Helmer, Adam M. Folts, Cornelius Snell, Benjamin A. Kast, Jno. F. Farrington, Peter Winkenfelt, Frank Folk, Wm. Bennett, C. H. Batchelder, Ezra J. Graves, Jno. H. Becker, Albert Carpenter, Clark B. Washburne, David Witherstine, Hawley Dryer, Jefferson Taylor, Wm. Mooney, Norman Nellis, Melkhart Small, Jno. Collins, Wm. W. Wilson, Caspor Gloo, John Miller, a. 26, Jno. C. Graves, E. M. Stearns, James Hilts, Jno. Shrank, Julius Wiegand, Wm. Kast, Edward Meter, Daniel Countryman, Wm. D. Grey, Jno. Burns, David H. Helmer, Isaac Piper, Henry Fisher, James M. Brown, James E. Luffman, Chauncey Baum, Fred. Keller, Lorenzo Dow, Thomas Hanley, Henry W. Hyde, Norman A. Smith, Joseph Palmer, Timothy Helmer, Jno. Goellick, Timothy Mobbs, Jacob H. Harter, Jno. Roche, David M. Diefendorf, Arthur D. Ward, John W. Snyder, Perry Myers, Wilber B. Maben, Dennis Daily, Jno. Wiegand, Worth Patrick, Geo. Groverner, Benj. F. Cristman, Thomas Murphy, Wm. N. Smith, A. F. Baum, Geo. H. Kelsey, John Fields, Samuel Earl, Isaac Harter, La Fayette J . Folts, William H. Pronse, Jacob Falls, H. H. Deuel, Jno. Crawford, Wm. Kirby, Dennis McGrath, Giles Griswold, Gaylord Griffin, Philip Gross, Daniel Schermerhorn.

Number enrolled 136; number drawn 80.
Loren Eastwood, Isaac H. Fisk, Charles Hardiman, Kilburn H. Fuller, William H. Brown, Henry Klipple, Delos White, George N. Caswall, Patrick Corcoran, Edward N. Congdon, Samuel S. Woodard, Ezra Joslyn, Stephen Bennett, Emery H. Davis, Juna H. Mosher, Oscar B. Woodard, James L. Schooley Geo F. Johnson, Geo, W. Nuth, Leonard Bennett, John Palmer, Albert H. Combs, John B. Rider, Jas. Jones, Peter Villie, Ezra C. Tennant, Oscar E. Mattison, Richard J. Butcher, Lauren F. Mattison, Leonard Woldruff, Charles P. Eider, Albert L. Holcomb, James J. Wheeler, Nathaniel B. Palmer, Varnum Ball, Clement B. Burch.

Number enrolled, 617; number drawn, 176.
August Halling, James T, Campbell, Anthony Urts, Wm. Spohn, Daniel McGraw, Ed. Sweeney, Jno, Dooley, Archibald Scott, Patrick McCauliffe, Stewart Howe, George L. Bradley, Samuel Galpin, Louis Johnson, Jno.
Shaumburg, Adam H. Casler, Robert Cook, Sidney S, Miller, David Winne, Timothy Maloney, John Gready, John Roach, Austin Marclay, Alonzo H. Steele, Joab Small, Allen G. Jendings, Peter A. Casler, Michael Kylee, Harrison H. Grey, John Wensing, John Connor, Michael Daven, Michael Conolley, Daniel G. Caldwell, John Evans, James L. Rockwell, Henry Walter, Frank Miller, Ed. N. Richmond, Charles A. Breck, Otis Bort, Andrew K. Van Allen, Delos Moyer, Edward Evans, Daniel Haly, Rev. M. L. P. Hill, Geo. H. Hardin, James Stevens, Philip Walter, Marcus Casler, Jno. Caton, Wm. J. Halligan, Wm. W. Reals, Henry Hailing, Daniel Carver, Alex. Crim, John Lillis, John Bateson, John Fitzgerald, Wm. Kana, b.s. J.H. Smith, Peter Turner. Jr., Patrick Rohan, Edward Brother, Philo Ashley, Loton P. Knapp, Jacob Rankins, Henry Whitman, Geo. Allen, Solomon A. Petrie, Dennis McMahan, Patrick Fitzgerald, Stephen Lasher, Thos. Any, Jno. Barse, Wm. Henry Petrie, Anson Casler, Michael O. Loghlin, Martin Cantlin, Patrick Dillon, Franis Guiwite, Benton I. Cooper, Warren Taylor, Jas. Peckham, Wm. Donelly, Jno. Magner, Jas. M. Sterner, Horace L. Greene, Windsor D. Schuyler, Norman Rankins, Geo. Ellis, Thaddeus R. Cook, Chas. E. Vosburg, Wm. H. Bentley, Thomas Murphy, Henry Walrath, Delos Higbie, Jno. Hillard, Chas. Houghton, Sandy Grady, Isaac Chadwick, Fred. Hehr, Alfred Penner, Richard McCarty, David Bailey, Jno. Lambert, Jno. R. Casler, Jas. Welch, Jno. Strait, Charles R. Smith, Stephen A. Brodrick, Jno. Walby, Daniel Rothchilds, Frederick Gorton, Geo. H. Wolcott, Geo. S. Ransom, Patrick Kelley, Isaac Mason, Wm. E. Woodbridge, Horace Rankins, Jas. Casler, Patrick Monks, Peter C. Hilts, Lewis Walter, Thos. Daley, Jas. Johnson, Henry Traver, Geo. W. Bertram, Benj. F. Cooper, Jno._P. Harvey, Chas. H. Alexander, Joseph O. Laghlin, Jno. W. Sterner, Jno. Hakes, Romayn Roof, Warren W. Wakeman, Jas. M. Warcup, Allen Frisby, Alanson, F. Bort, Jno. O'Brien, (30) N'la's Butler, Godfrey Minor, Wm. Haley, Daniel Van Slyke, Lewis H. Dyslin, Levi Harrison, Michael Troy, Jno. Almandinger, Levi Klock, Geo. W. Howard, Michael Switzer, Adam Bower, Jacob Shaffer, Jas. O'Brien, Dennis mcCorty, Ed. D. manChester, Dwight Brodrick, Peter Walter, Carlo L. Dix, George Nelson, Michael O'Rourke, Geo. Chase, Richard Levee, Daniel Murphey, John Byron, Chas L Shepherd, E. W. Norton, Oscar J Allen, Wm. Taylor, Michael Shugrue, Chas. Sharpe, Jno. Keating, Jno. Carr, Frank Decker, Andrew Murray, Normon Flint, Irving Snell.

Number of tickets in the wheel 213; Number of tickets drawn 60.
Joseph Snyder, Elias McCammon, Archibald Walrath, Michael Manning, Galpin Steveson, Robert H. Loucks, Henry Faville,, Erwin A. Davison, Thos. Carey, (33) Morgan Bennett, Patrick Cormick, Jas. Eds, Harrison Ruth, James N. Clock, Chas. Rutt, Morris Welch, David Cramer, Francis Bigsby, Osias Snell, Addison Van Slyck, Mark Faville, Carle Beckley, Wm. W. Ferrel, Joseph Rice, Clark H. Markell, Jno. Dingler, Patrick Kelly. Sidney Saltsman, John Stoll, Jacob Zimmerman, Patrick Carey, Luther L. Benedict, Jacob Stacy, Henry J Shaver, Wm McCammon, John Furber, Joseph House, Horace Brown, Benjamin F. Timmerman, Edward W. Hays, Jacob Rouse, David Mahoney, Wm. Barnes, Andrew vanValkinburg, George Markell, James H. Wetherwax, James Klock, Timothy Kane, Morell D. Beckwith, Henry Spencer, Sherman Butler, Chas. A Van Valkenberg, Harry Davis, Delos Bauder, John Dacy, Ellas Loucks, John Fitzgeralds, (32) James H. Timmerman, Hannable Snell, Chauncey Miller.