Civil War Newspaper Clippings
From the Rochester Union. (Aug. 1862)
It is well known that the Eighth Cavalry Regiment which had its headquarters at Camp Hillhouse, near this city, was a fine looking body of men, gathered in Western New York. It wanted a head when it left for Washington, and influence at the Capital to insure attention. For the want of these indispensibles it has been neglected and suffered much. But it is needless to go over the history of the regiment. It has now a Colonel and its wants are being well supplied, and it will yet make its mark in the service.
The following letter from an officer in the Eighth, who will be readily recognized by the signature as well as the reading, is addressed to Gov. Morgan. It was sent to this office for delivery. We beg the Governor's pardon for taking the liberty of sending his letter to the public first.
To His Excellency Gov. Morgan, Major General, &c.:
As I stepped to the door of my quarters in our neat shanty—barracks—and looked out this moment on the busy scene of work and drill in camp—two acres swept like a floor—all filth and garbage removed; tents open, clean and aired; officers hard at work in drill; the men busy, orderly and cheerful—I thought of you and intrude upon your time so fully occupied, just to express to you our sense of obligation for the commission to Col. Davis, of the Regular Cavalry, nominated by Gen. Stoneman upon the unanimous petition of our officers—to him, "for an experienced and competent cavalry officer to take us and make something of us."
No man ever had better material to work upon than both the officers and privates of the 8th. All that was wanted was experience won in long service to take us in hands to train and then to lead us. This may be said, and without disparagement to any, that you have given us, and it is a recompense to the orderly and wise decision of our officers to ask not A or B, but a man for the place, to be selected by those competent to judge.
We have our horses now and our equipments. I wish you could look in upon the camp; that you could have seen us yesterday at inspection and at divine service. I know it would have given you hopes of us, which time will realize, and I think if you could talk to our officers and men, you would be satisfied as to what makes a regiment; that it is unquestioning confidence in the skill and competency, and then in the manly impartiality, honor and courage of its head. Without this it can never be a regiment.
You will not think it amiss if I give you the public judgment already pronounced in the 8th Cavalry regiment, upon the qualities of its head. I do it because it is the judgment of men whom experience have qualified to judge, who have always been respectful to superior officers, and whose wish it is to work and to be of use to their country.
It will illustrate my meaning, and carry with it a moral, as I hope. The bearing of our Colonel among us has given us a lofty example of the hard-working soldier and of the man of honor, at home in his work, quiet, thoughtful, cheerful, of few words, and, like the weight and pendulum of a clock, in ceaseless and noiseless influence on all the wheels. His quarters and their furnishings are as plain as those of any of his officers; that is, as plain as plain can be, and no one rises in the morning and finds him abed. That he means to do his duty is evident, and no one is left in doubt that he expects the rest of us to do ours. He had no favors to ask for himself. That is both evident and striking. I dare say your Excellency will recognize that as a peculiarity; but it is also the secret of true dignity and freedom.
To the office of the Chaplain he has shown himself respectful and considerate, in making it useful and impressive, and so have all the officers—to his gray hairs courteous and kind.
In reproof to officers I hear no instance of impatience, and none have been administered in the presence of subordinates. In this record I believe I have the camp's unanimous concurrence. You may believe we are in good spirits. I must not tease you with a long yarn, and so with best wishes for success to your efforts in the good cause, I simply add my
A thousand considerations may prompt or may control the preference or the selection of an officer at home. But experience in camp, on the march and in the field will teach the private soldier that his comfort, his life, and above all, his honor, depend, in active service, on the qualities I have already named in the head of his regiment.
Yours, very respectfully, V.
The Eighth Cavaly [sic]—Harsh Treatment of the Men by Government.
DEAR UNION:—A long time has elapsed since you have received a communication from myself which may seem singular to those who perhaps have expected to see some account of the doings of our regiment during the exciting scenes of the late forward movement of our army. My chief excuse for my negligence consists in the fact that I have not been with the regiment since it left camp near here on the 13th of April. At that time I was quite unwell, and compelled to remain behind with the sick and dismounted men, for our previous picket duty had used up quite a number of horses, as well as men. Since that time there have been from fifty to a hundred of our men remaining here and at the landing, our numbers being varied by receiving from, or sending men to the regiment. The detachment here is under the command of Major Benjamin, though the whole cavalry force at this point is under the charge of Col. Gamble of the 8th Illinois. There are some 850 of the 9th N. Y. here who have been until recently dismounted, their horses having been disabled by severe duty, but within a few days they have been able to mount one or two companies. One regiment was with Averill's division during the late advance and the boys are all regretting that owing to that officer's neglect to join Stoneman, they did not accompany the expedition to Richmond. As it was, they were compelled for nearly a month, to be engaged in constant and severe duty, with frequent skirmishes, loss of sleep, short rations for man and beast, which disabled some of the most vigorous of our men, and horses both. They were not immediately engaged in the late battles, but operating as a check, and watch upon the enemy's movements, and to divert his attention from other movements, of our own, they consequently lost no men in action, though at times exposed to the fire of both skirmishers and artillery. When they first crossed the Rappahannock, on the 15th of April, the brigade suffered severely, the 3d Indiana losing 28 men, killed, wounded and prisoners, Co. I, of our regiment, losing the services of a valuable officer, Lieut. Webster of your county who was severely wounded, and also one private wounded. The regiment is now in camp near Aquia Creek. It is of course uncertain how long they may remain there, as there is but little rest for cavalry at any time, and it is probably the most arduous branch of the service, still the thorough trooper prefers it to any thing else, and considers it a shocking imposition if he is compelled to walk a half mile. I suppose you have been having quite a jubilee in receiving home the two year's regiments, a subject which brings sad reflections to my mind, as it has to many others. Owing, to the cruel and cowardly policy which allowed those regiments to take a prominent position in the battle I owe the loss of a favorite nephew, a brave and noble boy, scarcely nineteen years of age, who having passed safely through all the battles, in which the gallant 27th were engaged from the commencement of the war, and with the sanguine spirit of youth, was confidently expecting in a few days to meet the parents and friends from whom he had been so long separated, was doomed to perish by a fatal shot when apparently his eager wishes were almost realized. I do not believe there is a man of the three year regiments who, if his choice could have been given him, but would have said "place us in the front rank of battle; let the few survivors of those regiments who have passed through the baptism of fire and blood—who are about to return to receive the reward their courage and devotion have so nobly earned—whose friends are waiting with outstretched arms to receive them—let them form the rearguard, only to be called into action in case of extreme necessity." There were men enough and to spare, but the generous and humane spirit was wanting among the leaders of the army, and the opposite course was taken. For one, I have but little regret that such management should meet with an ignominious defeat. It is only of a piece with the whole conduct of the war, in Virginia at least.
A few days since our regiment were paid their arrears up to the first of March, much to the satisfaction of those who had been waiting so long for their dues; but I should be wanting in my duty to my fellow soldiers, if I should omit to mention the following circumstances: At the time our company lost several men last winter while on picket duty, Peter Post, of Parma, one of our best and most faithful soldiers, was thrown from his horse when the guard were fired on at night, owing to the stumbling of the animal over a log in the thick forest when the attack was made. Fortunately he was not hurt materially, but did not return to camp until morning, minus his horse, which was supposed to have been seized by the rebels. When we were paid off he was informed that he could receive nothing, as his horse and equipment were charged to him, and there was still a balance due the government from him. You can imagine the feelings of a man with a family dependent upon him, at hearing such a reply after serving faithfully for three-fourths of a year.
Another and still more gross outrage is the case of Peter Saurberg, who was wounded when the forage party were attacked. His arms were taken from him by the enemy, and he was left apparently to die at a neighboring farm house. Soon after he was recovered by our men and brought to Dumfries, and finally to the hospital at this place, and is now nearly well, though he will not probably ever again be fit for duty or severe labor. He also was told that his arms were charged to him (his horse having returned with the others,) and that he could receive no pay. It is possible that if he receives his discharge, which he is entitled to, he will be paid; if not, they may as well also charge him his surgeon's bill.
The men who were taken prisoners, most of whom have been exchanged and returned to the regiment, also had their horses and equipments charged to them, leaving them considerably in debt to the government, to be worked out in the dog's life of a soldier at thirteen dollars per month. A flattering prospect truly, especially for a poor man, as most of them are. I do not believe that any such injustice can be sustained by any legal or military tribunal. If it can, the sooner there is a new code established the better it will be for the good of the service, as well as for the credit of the country.
We are having extremely warm weather, though as yet the health of the troops in this vicinity seems as good as in the winter. The wounded in the hospitals are said to suffer more in consequence of the heat, and to die off rapidly.
I trust the time will soon arrive when our newspapers will cease to be merely the records of suffering and misery created in the sacred names of Patriotism and Christianity, and that it will not be thought necessary to inflict a vast amount of evil to accomplish an uncertain good.
Hoping that my next may be from the regiment, I am yours, sincerely,
The Affair at Brandy Station.
Captain H. C. WEIR, Assistant Adjutant General Third
Division Cavalry Corps:—
CAPTAIN—I have the honor to make the following report of the part my command took in the action of yesterday. After crossing the river and coming up with Col. Dufie, I turned to the right, and, in obedience to orders from the general commanding, pushed on rapidly to Brandy Station. On arriving at that place I found the enemy strongly posted in the rear and on the right of the station, with batteries planted on the heights near the Barber House.
I immediately formed my command into line of battle, and had the section of artillery attached to it placed in position, and opened on their battery in front of the Barber House.
Observing the enemy breaking away on the left, I ordered a portion of the First Maryland cavalry, led by Major Russell, to charge on the station, which they did in fine style, capturing a number of the enemy, and bringing away an ambulance and four horses, captured by our advance guard. I next ordered the section of artillery to advance, as they had completely silenced the battery they had been firing upon, and at the same time ordered the First New Jersey to charge on a battery stationed in the rear of the Barber House, and the First Pennsylvania reserve corps and the balance of the First Maryland to charge the heights on which the house stands. The whole command moved gallantly forward and nobly accomplished the work assigned them.
The First Maryland, which consisted of little more than a squadron, led by Lieutenant Colonel Deens, charged first, but were met by fully a regiment of the enemy, posted behind the buildings and drawn up in the garden and orchard, and, after a brief and spirited fight, were compelled to fall back. The First Pennsylvania, coming up, charged next. Col. Taylor, leading part of the regiment, struck the enemy in front, while Lieutenant Colonel Gardiner, with the balance, dashed on his flank next to the house, forcing him back at both points, cutting him off from the house, and gaining his rear, drove him from his cover into the open plain below, where he was again met by the First Maryland cavalry, which had rallied. Thus assailed on both sides, his force was completely scattered, a large number being killed, wounded or captured. The charge of the First New Jersey on the battery in the rear of the house I led in person, aided by Lieutenant Colonel Broderick. At the first onset the enemy were driven from their guns. The support coming up was met, and in a few minutes also driven back. Reinforced, it returned and was again repulsed.
My command being now much scattered by the charges it had made. Col. Dufie not coming up to my support, as I expected, and seeing the enemy strongly reinforced, advancing from several points, I was compelled to withdraw. This was done by the greatest part of the command forming on the Brandy Station road, while I collected the balance at the Station, and forming them into a rear guard remained till the field was cleared. The enemy here charged upon my line twice, but were repulsed each time by my carbineers, with heavy loss. Having checked the enemy's advance on my retreating column, I then took across the field to join the head of my command, when a squad of the enemy's cavalry concealed in the weeds fired, wounding me through the leg. I still retained command until five o'clock P. M., when orders were given to retreat, when, becoming very much exhausted from loss of blood, I turned over the command to Colonel Taylor, of the First Pennsylvania reserve cavalry, and left the field. He reports that shortly afterwards he received orders to report to Gen. Buford, and assisted in covering the withdrawal of his command across the river.
In closing my report it affords me no small degree of pleasure to be able to say that all of my command that followed me on the field behaved nobly, standing unmoved under the enemy's artillery fire, and when ordered to charge dashing forward with a spirit and determination that swept all before them. I cannot speak too highly of the manner in which the field officers of my command acted—without exception gallantly and efficiently performing every duty assigned them; and of the line officers I can say the same. I lament to say that Lieut. Col. Broderick and Maj. Shelmire, of the First new Jersey cavalry, were wounded and captured, and Maj. W. T. McEwen, First Pennsylvania cavalry, wounded; Capt. Creager, of First Maryland, killed; Capt. Sawyer, of First New Jersey, missing, and seven other officers wounded or missing, whose names are reported in the list of casualties. Two hundred and seven enlisted men are reported killed, wounded and missing.
Major January, who was doing duty as field officer of the day, and Captain H. S. Thomas, Acting Quartermaster General; Lieutenant W. P. Lloyd, Acting Assistant Adjutant General; Lieutenant Gremlee and Lieutenant Parry, Acting Aid-de-Camp of my staff, all rendered invaluable, service by the prompt and efficient manner in which they had every order executed, and the assistance they afforded in rallying and reforming the different portions of the command. Respectfully submitted,
PERCY WYNDHAM, Commanding Brigade.
SALEM CHURCH, VA., June 5th, 1863.
DEAR UNION: Again I take advantage of a brief opportunity to give you a slight sketch of our movements and actions since leaving the James River.
We left Haxall's Landing on the evening of the 17th ult. and directed our course towards White House Landing, on the Pamunkey, arriving there on the second day without meeting any opposition. Remaining but a little more than one day, and receiving forage and rations brought up by transports, we crossed on the old railroad bridge, which was temporarily repaired for the purpose, and traveled northwesterly as far as Ayletts, on the Mattapony, then turning westward until we reached the Richmond road leading down from Hanover, and after making a reconnoissance towards Richmond to within ten miles, and meeting no serious opposition, we again turned in the direction of Grant's army, which we joined at Chesterfield Station, near the North Anna River. Here we were gladdened by receiving our mail, which we had been longing for some time.
We were much gratified at learning the successful operations of the army during our absence, yet the feeling was sobered by the account of the fearful loss of officers and men it had cost to effect them. Gen. Sedgwick would have been a severe loss to any army the world has ever known, and Gen. Wadsworth's death is also an irreparable loss, not only to the army, but to Western New York, where his services in the cause of agricultural and other branches of public welfare are too well known to need any recapitulation at my hand.
Since joining the main army we have been principally employed in guarding the right flank, where the enemy have made several demonstrations. We have also destroyed a large portion of the track of the Virginia Central RR. The 1st brigade of our division and a portion of the 2d, had some severe fighting near the South Anna, but our own regiment has not been actively engaged until the day before yesterday, at Salem Church, about a mile or two from this point. It was a severe skirmish, and, occurring as it did, mostly in a thick piece of woods, the lines were often within a few yards of each other.
Col. Benjamin, while gallantly leading his men in his usual manner, was severely wounded in the thigh. Lieut. Burrows of Co. I was wounded severely but not dangerously in the breast, and a number of privates were wounded, one killed and one taken prisoner.
The 1st Vermont lost their Colonel and one Captain.
Enclosed you will find a list of our casualties. The name of Carr in my last letter was written Case; he is said to be unhurt.
Yesterday our company was much pleased at beholding the countenance of Capt. H. C. Frost once more among us, but our joy was dampened by the fact that he is assigned to the command of Co. G. You must know that while at Haxall's Landing, Capt. Sayles, formerly connected with the U. S. Light Artillery, was assigned to the command of our company, Lieut. Newton being transferred to the command of Co. E. Hearing that Capt. Frost was on the way to the regiment, we were congratulating ourselves that he would take command of his old company which he had assisted in raising and had always acted with while at the front, but it seems our wishes are disregarded, and a stranger who has no sympathy or personal friendship for any of us, and whose military ideas are derived from the severe and tyrannical school of the Regulars, is retained in command. There is a deep feeling of dissatisfaction at such an arrangement which cannot prove anything but injurious to our organization, if I am any judge of human nature. A volunteer soldier does not consider himself any less entitled to respectful treatment because he has taken up arms in his country's service, and when "forbearance ceases to be a virtue" will vindicate his own self respect at all hazards.
W. H. Benjamin, Colonel, thigh.
H. P. Burrows, Lieut. Co. I, flesh wound in breast.
Fayette Allen, Co. I, fracture left thigh—amputated.
R. McCargo, Co. M, flesh wound left thigh.
Geo. Grass, Co. M, right thigh.
Geo. Matthews, Co, C, contusion of back by shell.
Frank Thompson, Corp. Co. A, great sword wound below right knee.
Saml. N. Combs, Sergt. Co. D, killed.
Saml. Little, Co. M, wounded and a prisoner.
Chas Patterson, Co. D, great sword wound left hand.
Corp. Cook, Co. H, great sword wound leg.
Yours in haste, GENESEE.
The Cavalry Engagement with Stuart
Details of the Affair and List of Casualties.
From the correspondence of Mr. L.L. Crounse, of the Times, under date of Bealeton, Va., June 9, we select the following details of the brilliant cavalry engagement of Monday:— (1863)
About the middle of last week, information of a pretty positive character was received at headquarters, concerning the massing and drilling of a large force of the enemy's cavalry in the vicinity of Culpepper.
The bold reconnoissance across the Rappahannock on Friday last, below Fredericksburg, had more than one object. Its first object was to discover the exact whereabouts of the rebel army, which was accomplished Saturday morning. Its second object was to remain where it was as a diversion, while we hastily gathered together a force to feel of, and, if prudent, to attack this threatening mass of cavalry opposite our extreme right flank.
Saturday evening the composition of our force was determined upon, and all the cavalry that could be made immediately available was detailed for the work under command of General Pleasanton, assisted by Generals Buford and Gregg, and Col. Dufie, as subordinate commanders. In addition, two small brigades of picked infantry, under General Ames, of the 11th corps, and General Russell, of the 6th corps, were detailed to accompany the expedition.
A detail of artillery was made in the proportion of one battery to each brigade, the horse batteries with the cavalry, being in charge of Captain Robertson, chief of artillery on general Pleasanton's staff.
The infantry force selected challenged particular admiration. The regiments were small, but they were reliable--such for instance as the 2d, 3d, and 7th Wisconsin, 2d and 33d Massachusetts, 6th Maine, 86th and 124th New York, and one or two others of like character.
General Pleasanton's cavalry rendezvoused during Saturday and Sunday at Catlett's Station and Warrenton Junction, getting supplies of forage and food from both places, by the Orange and Alexandria railroad. General Ames's infantry moved Saturday evening to the Spotted Tavern, and on Sunday to near Bealeton Station. General Russell's brigade moved on Sunday to Hartwood Church, and on Monday to Kelly's Ford. The plan was to rendezvous the command at the two points on the Rappahannock, Beverly's Ford on the right, and Kelly's Ford in the left, the two being six miles apart, and then move the column forward toward Culpepper, on roads converging at Brandy Station, where a junction of the forces was to be formed, or sooner, if necessary.
On Monday evening, therefore, Gen. Buford's column left Warrenton Junction, and followed by Gen. Ames from Bealeton, bivouacked for the night near the Bowen Mansion, about one mile from Beverly's Ford. Gen. Gregg, taking his own and Col. Dufie's command, moved to the left from the Junction, and encamped for the night in close proximity to Kelly's Ford, where Gen. Russell had already arrived. No fires were allowed and a vigilant watch was kept to prevent disturbances of anything which might give any indication of our presence.
The orders were to arouse the command at 3 A. M., and to make the passage of the river as soon as it was daylight.
At dawn Gen. Buford's command was in motion. Col. Davis's brigade, led by two squadrons of the 8th New York, and supported by the 8th Illinois and 3d Indiana, had the advance.
Our cavalry soon reached the river, dashed up the bank, and were well on the opposite side before the rebels in their fortifications were aware of their presence. The suddenness of the movement completely surprised them, and they at once broke for the first friendly timber, which was about one-fourth of a mile in their rear.
Our cavalry followed rapidly, and in these woods the first severe skirmish occurred, in which we speedily lost one of the most valued officers of the command, Col. B. F. Davis, of the 8th New York cavalry, and captain in the 1st regular cavalry, and the same gallant officer who led the gallant charge out of Harper's Ferry last Fall, and captured Longstreet's ammunition train. When the rebels, who were dismounted reached the woods, they began to skirmish, and detained our force there long enough to give the alarm to Jones's brigade, they being encamped just beyond in the outer edge of the woods. Though their horses were grazing in the fields, yet they speedily fell in and in a very short time two or three squadrons came charging down the road and through the timber.
Hurling their forces upon the 8th New York, they broke it and forced it back, and killed and wounded quite a number. Col. Davis, who was gallantly leading the advance, turned to rally them, and waving his sword to the 8th Illinois, shouted, "come on boys," when a rebel rode out in front of him, and fired three shots from his pistol at him, the last one taking effect in his forehead and inflicting a mortal wound. Quick as thought, Lieut. Parsons, acting A. A. General to Col. Davis, was at the side of the rebel, and raising in his stirrups, with one well directed blow of his sabre, he laid his head open midway between eyes and chin, and the wretch fell dead in the dust at his horse's feet. By this time the 8th Illinois, though meeting with a hot reception, in which Capt. Clark and Capt. Forsyth were both wounded, had charged upon the rebels, and driven them back upon the main body of the enemy, who were now engaged in deploying and forming in the rear of the woods, and just beyond their camp, nearly two miles from the river.
Major Whiting's command now came up to the support of the Illinois and Indiana troops. Gen. Ames also brought his infantry over, and deployed them on the left of the road as skirmishers, and then pushed them out in line of battle to the edge of the woods, in front of which the enemy was drawn up by squadrons, with artillery at the intervals, which omitted no opportunity to shell everything in sight that had motion to it. Thus far the enemy evidently had but one brigade at hand, and a few prisoners taken said they belonged to the 6th, 7th and 12th Virginia cavalry, of Gen. Jones's brigade. When asked if he was "Jones, the guerrilla," they indignantly denied the imputation. Nevertheless he was. Gen. Pleasanton now directed Gen. Buford to make preparations to charge this force in the flank, while the infantry and artillery engaged it in front. It was desirable to do this as soon as possible, as the enemy might be getting reinforcements at any moment.
Gen. Buford having driven the enemy's pickets and skirmishers in the open fields on the right of the road, sent in the 6th Pennsylvania, supported by the 5th and 6th regulars, to charge this line on the flank. The Pennsylvanians came up to their work in splendid style. Steadily they advanced out of the woods, and then dashed across the open field in an oblique direction toward the enemy's guns.—They went up almost to their very muzzles, through a storm of cannister and shell, and would have taken them, when suddenly there dashed out of the woods on their right flank, almost the very spot from which they themselves had issued, two whole regiments of the enemy, on the full charge.
Retreat was cut off, but the regiments now subjected to a fire in front, and on both flanks, charged back, cutting their way out with considerable loss. The 6th regulars came to the rescue, but the fire was so severe that even these veterans could not stand it, and they fell back with some loss. In this charge we lost about the only prisoners captured by the enemy during the day. Major Morris, of the 6th Pennsylvania, was seen to fall from his horse, and is probably wounded and a prisoner. Captain Davis, of the same regiment, was killed. Captain Lieper was wounded, and Major Hazeltine had his horse shot under him. Captain Dahlgren, of Gen. Hooker's staff, charged with the regiments, and his horse was shot in two places. He describes the charge as one of the finest of the war.
The enemy was now being reinforced very rapidly, and in a short time General Pleasanton found that Buford's small division was opposed by three strong brigades of rebels, with artillery to match.
After the repulse of the 6th Pennsylvania, the rebels made two rapid attempts to gain our rear and the approaches to the ford, both on our right and on our left, but particularly on our right. But they were handsomely foiled by Buford, and for two hours there was very sharp skirmishing, rapid shelling and admirable manoeuvering by both sides, in the open and undulating fields on our extreme right. A brigade of the enemy's cavalry came down the road which branches off to the right from Beverley's, and made a dash for the ford. But they were too late. A couple of squadrons and a section of artillery interposed. They never got nearer than a mile to the point, and during the two hours that they remained in position they suffered severely from our shells and skirmishers.
At this stage of the engagement Gen. Pleasanton plainly saw that the division under Gen. Buford was far outnumbered, and much anxiety was expressed to hear from Gen. Gregg, whose column was considerably stronger than Buford's. Matters remained in status quo until twelve o'clock.
At one time, on the left of Gen. Ames's brigade, the rebel cavalry skirmishers had advanced and concealed themselves in some bushes, where they were annoying a body of the 9th New York. Major Mart in of that regiment was finally ordered to take a squadron and drive them out. This he did, though it was right in the teeth of the enemy's artillery, and he was met by a perfect storm of canister. He captured fifty prisoners, but owing to the severity of the enemy's fire, could bring but a portion of them away. The gallant major was himself wounded in the shoulder.
About 1 o'clock Buford again began to press the enemy, and this time he showed evident signs of uneasiness, and soon withdrew his force from our right flank as though he had a fire in the rear.
About the same time we heard Gregg's guns, and some prisoners taken from Robinson's North Carolina brigade just then reported Gen. Russell's infantry advancing through the woods on their right flank and rear. Gen. Gregg, from the sound of the firing, was evidently in the vicinity of Brandy Station. Pleasanton now pushed forward, but the rebels soon gave way, and fell back rapidly. They were in a bad predicament—for Gregg was almost directly in their rear, Russell was on their right flank, and Buford on their front.
They therefore made a hasty retreat, abandoning their old camp entirely, part of which we had already occupied, and two regiments were very near being cut off, as Kilpatrick moved off toward the right, to make connection with Buford. They had but a narrow strip of land, not covered by our force, through which to escape.
Gen. Gregg reported that his two brigades, under Kilpatrick and Wyndham, had been hotly engaged all the morning, but had driven the enemy uniformly from the river back to Brandy station. Our troops, especially the 1st New Jersey, 1st Maine and 10th New York, fought most gallantly, and repulsed the enemy in repeated charges, though losing heavily themselves. The artillery with Gen. Gregg also suffered considerably, and the 6th New York battery was almost totally disabled. It did excellent service, however. In the charges by Gen. Gregg's column, a stand of colors and over one hundred and fifty prisoners were taken. Col. Wyndham's brigade captured the heights commanding Brandy station, and there discovered rebel infantry being brought up by the cars. A portion of it drew up and fired a volley at our cavalry.
Col. Wyndham was shot through the calf of the leg by a bushwacker, but his wound is not serious.
While a junction was being effected with Gregg's column on the left, Buford and Ames were pushing out on the right, and, with Vincent's battery, Buford had by two o'clock carried all the crests occupied by the enemy daring the forenoon, and had forced him back over three miles from the river.
[The following special has been kept back by telegraphic interruptions. As there is much in it of interest we give it entire]
WASHINGTON, June 10, 1863.
The Republican of this evening has the following particulars of the bloody cavalry flight of yesterday on the Upper Rappahannock. No official dispatches have been received at headquarters giving details.
We learn that a large portion of our cavalry, numbering from 5,000 to 6,000 men, were engaged. Gen. Pleasanton took command in person. Gen. E. B. Stuart took command in person about ten o'clock, coming up from Culpepper as soon as he learned that a heavy fight was begun.
It appears that he had made preparations to cross and attack us, but our forces took the initiative and won the first trick. Uwo [sic] mounted officers of the 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry, are at the Ebbett House, Captain Chas. L. Leifer, who was beaten in the head with a pistol stock, and was twice taken prisoner and escaped in charges made by our men, and Lieut. R. Ellis, of Philadelphia, Adjutant of the 6th Pennsylvania regiment, who received a painful wound in his left leg, partially shattering the bone. These officers represent this as the fiercest and bloodiest cavalry fight of the war.
Our troops recrossed the Rappahannock at four o'clock yesterday afternoon, and during the night a few compliments were exchanged between ours and the rebel artillery.
Our officers led charging in squadrons, and the casualties among them are numerous.
Col. Davis, of the 8th New York, was killed almost at the beginning of the fight.
About three o'clock this morning a train arrived, bringing about one hundred and seventy wounded officers and men, from the engagement of yesterday. Ambulances were in waiting, and the men were taken to Lincoln Hospital, and the officers to Seminary Hospital, Georgetown. The following are the wounded officers who have thus far arrived:
Adjutant G. S. Taylor, 3d Ind. cav., right leg; Lieut. F. W. Dickinson, 5th U. S. cav., side, head; Lieut. Gustavus Urban, do., left thigh; Lieut. Luther Horrick, 9th N. Y., shell, right thigh; Capt. A. Clark, 8th Ill., left hand; Major W. B. Martin, 9th N. Y., right shoulder; Capt. J. G. Smith, 8th Ill., left thigh; Lieut. C. McK. Leoser, 2d U. S., right side; Lieut. E. R. Wells, do., abdomen; Surgeon Isaac Walburn, 17th Pa.; Lieut. D. P. Smith, 4th Pa., left knee; Lieut. R. Lennox, 2d U. S., through neck; Lieut. P. Quirk, do., left leg; Capt. G. A. Forsyth, 15th Ill., right thigh; Major J. L. Beveridge, 8th Ill., Lieut. John W. Houston, 12th N. Y., right thigh; Lieut. W. M. Phillips, 6th N. Y., left leg amputated; Lieut. J. E. Reeves, 8th N. Y., through throat; Lieut. B. C. Egner, do., in hip and stomach.
The bodies of Col. Davis of 8th N. Y. Cavalry, Capt. Canfield of the 2d U. S. Cavalry, and Capt. Davis, 6th Pa. Cavalry, Private Supple of the 6th Regiment Pa. Cavalry, and two others whose names we could not learn reached the city this morning and will be forwarded to their friends.
Among the officers wounded are Capt. Lapier, of the 6th Pa., who received a severe saber cut over the left eye; Lt. Ellis, of same command, show wound in leg; Lt. Leissure, of the 2d U. S. Cav., wounded in the breast; Lt. Madin, 6th U.S. Cav., wounded in back by a fragment of shell; Lt. Burke and Lt. Lennon, of 2d U. S. Cav., wounded—the first in the foot, the latter in the neck; Lt. Phillips, of 6th N. Y. Cav., leg amputated, and Lt. Irwin, of same, also wounded in leg.
We had two batteries of artillery engaged, and the enemy the same. Much credit is given our artillery for bravery and efficiency.
In force the enemy far outnumbered us.
From documents that fell into the hands of Gen. Pleasanton, it was ascertained that Stuart was to have started on his intended raid within an hour or two of the time our force came up with him.
A Brilliant Success—Large Number of Prisoners Taken—The Rebels Driven Six Miles.
Gen. Lee, it was pretty well known, had assembled his cavalry, supported by artillery and infantry, between Culpepper Court House and Beverly's Ford with the design to send them upon a raid, and this fact is further proven from a document that fell into Pleasanton's hands, by which it was ascertained that Stuart was to start on his journey within an hour or two of the time our forces came up to him.
Gen. Pleasanton, in view of the above information, was sent with portions of divisions of our cavalry, commanded by Gens. Buford and Gregg, to prevent the consummation of the programme. The force under Buford consists of portions of the 1st, 2d, 5th and 6th Pennsylvania cavalry Regiments, and that under Gen. Gregg of portions of the 8th and 9th New York, 8th Illinois and 3d Indiana. Gen. Buford's force, which was on the right, first met the enemy's pickets half a mile south of the Ford, when a severe engagement commenced; the rebels being in heavy force and resisting the advance of our troops with continuous hand to hand fighting, when Gregg brought his force up to the fight and became engaged. The enemy gradually gave way, disputing every inch of ground.
In this way our men made more than a dozen charges into the midst of the Rebel ranks, relying entirely upon the sabre, which they used with terrible effect. The enemy, on the other hand, repeatedly charged, also relying on their revolvers.
Both sides were repeatedly driven back in the force of the battle, though we succeeded in driving the Rebels, Fitzhugh Lee and Wade Hampton's division of cavalry and artillery all commanded Maj. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, to a point six miles southwest of where their pickets were first encountered, and where Pleasanton found the enemy heavily re-enforced by artillery and cavalry.
6th Pennsylvania regiment lost six officers killed, wounded and missing.
8th New York was in the advance and under the command of Col. Davis, who was killed on the field.
On the return to this side of the river, the enemy skirmished freely with our rear guard.
Our loss is not definitely ascertained. The proportion of horses killed on both sides in this almost unexampled cavalry battle was very large.
The field from where Buford and Gregg first became engaged, throughout the whole distance of five miles over which the enemy was driven back to their lines, was strewn with the dying soldiers.
We had two batteries of artillery engaged, and the Rebels the same.
Much credit is given our men for their bravery.
A train reached here to-day with one hundred and seventy wounded officers and men, after the business of yesterday.
The officers represent this as the fiercest and bloodiest fight of the war.
From the 8th Cavalry.
ALDIE, VA., JUNE 22, 1863.
DEAR UNION:—Since my last we have again passed through some exciting scenes, which, perhaps, may deserve a passing notice. We left Catlett's Station on the 15th, and came up through Centreville, passing over the Bull Run battle field, where we encamped one night. We reached this place on Wednesday evening, coming up just after the fight was over between the 1st Division and the rebel force of Fitzhugh Lee, in which our men were badly cut up, though they succeeded in driving the rebels after a severe contest. Our brigade pushed on and picketed the ground that night, and the next morning went to Montville, where we expected to find the enemy in force. We did not, however, encounter but a small squad, who left in a hurry after exchanging a few shots. We then returned here and resumed picket duty until Sunday morning, when we were called in at two A. M. and left for Ashby's Gap. At Middleburg we joined the 1st Division, also having the 5th Corps following us. The enemy were in strong force at only a short distance, and a line of battle was soon formed, our brigade holding the extreme right, the 8th Illinois holding the advance, and the 3d Indiana next, and our regiment acting as support to a battery, the 1st Division being on the left. We drove the enemy some eight or ten miles, until they entered the Gap, just before sunset. It was a severe and exciting day's work, and we were glad of an opportunity to get our supper and sleep, having been without sleep for nearly forty-eight hours, and without food, except dry hard tack, for twenty-four hours. We encamped for the night near the foot of the ridge and returned this morning to Aldie. There has been considerable firing this afternoon in that direction, and we are in hourly expectation of being ordered out again. We hope not, however, until our supply train comes up, for our horses and selves are in need of provender though the former have the advantage of us, as we are encamped in a large clover field.
The loss in our brigade was very slight in yesterday's struggle in our regiment. I cannot give any account of the loss in the 2d Division as they are not with us. The rebels suffered heavily in killed, wounded and prisoners, our artillery being served with terrible effect. Though the enemy sent a number of shells which scarcely missed our column, we were fortunate enough not to receive any damage from them, though they were some narrow escapes.
This is a most beautiful and fertile section of country, by far the finest I have vet ever seen in Virginia. The fields are large and well fenced, mostly with stone walls. The luxuriant pastures would delight the eyes of our valley farmers, and the soil seems capable of raising any variety of crops in perfection. I do not think the farmers of Loudon co. need fear starvation whatever the rebel army may need. Of course you have heard ere this of the death of Lieut. Effner, the first of our original [sic] Company to fall on the battle-field. He died the death of a soldier in the discharge of his duty. His family and friends have the sympathy of his former comrades in arms in their affliction. May it be long before we shall again suffer a like misfortune. You must excuse a brief and dull letter, for I feel more like sleeping than writing, and the soldier must not lose his opportunities for rest or food in such a stiring time as this.
We have not heard anything from the others of our wounded who were sent to Washington.
Yours in haste, GENESEE.
—In giving the above we do not intend to disobey the order of Gen. Hooker in regard to publishing contraband news. As both armies are now on this side of the river, there can be no harm in publishing details of movements which occurred some days since on the other side of the Potomac, and in which our home soldiery participated.
From the 8th Cavalry —List of Killed and Wounded.
WESTMINSTER, MD., July 4th, 1863.
DEAR UNION:—I do not know of any better method of passing a portion of our National anniversary, than by addressing a brief communication to yourself, giving an abstract of events that have transpired with us since leaving Virginia.
We left Aldie on Friday, June 25th, our division appearing to be the rear guard of the grand army, then moving North to repel the invasion of Pennsylvania. We halted for the night at Leesburg, the county seat of Loudon county, a beautiful town—more resembling our northern villages than any I have yet seen in Virginia. The next morning we crossed the Potomac at Edward's Ferry, and proceeded northwesterly, crossing the Monocacy river and passing through a rich and beautiful agricultural country, camping for the night near Jefferson, a small village of little pretensions or interest.
On Sunday morning we arrived at Middleton, a pleasant village, nestled among the hills, a short distance from the celebrated South Mountain. It was here that the battle commenced on the 11th of September last, and some of the buildings show the marks of bullets fired during the contest. While waiting here for forage and rations, the 3d and 11th Army corps passed through, hurrying forward to take part in the expected battle. We remained until morning, and then left in a northwesterly direction, passing over South Mountain, through Boonsboro, an old-fashioned looking place, of one street, containing many of the square-log buildings built by the early settlers, and from the absence of manifestations otherwise, seeming to be mostly occupied by secessionists.
Bearing northerly, and passing through some small town, we crossed the Pennsylvania line in the afternoon, soon coming again into the mountains, beholding some wild and beautiful scenery, and receiving cordial expressions of pleasure from the inhabitants along the route.
We heard of the movements of the enemy all the way, they having passed through two or three days previous, seizing all the valuable horses they could find, but doing little other damage. We camped near Fountain Dale, and at daybreak started for Emmettsburg, Md., southeasterly, arriving there about ten A. M.; it is a town of considerable size and importance, containing many fine residences; scarcely halting we proceeded rapidly towards Gettysburg, Pa., hearing along the route that a large force of the enemy were in possession of it, variously estimated by the excited citizens at from 3,000 to 15,000. When we came within ten miles of the place we were told that they had just left the town and were preparing to give us battle on the Seminary Hill, a half mile out. We proceeded rapidly through the town, a most beautiful and pleasant place, receiving the most enthusiastic welcome from the citizens, who hailed us as their deliverers; cheers, boquets and refreshments were tendered us on all sides, accompanied in many cases, by the tears of tender-hearted women, for the fate of those soon expected to fall in the deadly strife. Young ladies in groups, were singing Union songs, to cheer the hearts of those who came to punish the invaders. We pushed rapidly through the town fully expecting to engage in a few moments with our foe, but were disappointed, they had left about an hour previous, falling back to meet their reinforcements, thus postponing for a few hours the shock of battle.
The division halted in a large field near the Seminary, where we rested our jaded and hungry horses, who were almost exhausted by their rapid march and insufficient food. After an hour's rest, our squadron, Co's H and M, were ordered to proceed some eight miles out, in an easterly direction, to do picket and patrol duty, as it was expected the enemy would endeavor to cross our lines between York and Westminster; we relieved an infantry force, and fared luxuriously among the substantial farmers, procuring loaves of bread of fabulous size, milk, butter and eggs in abundance, so that we felt compensated for our extra march. The next day we returned to within two or three miles of Gettysburg, posting pickets on the various roads connecting with the Baltimore pike. About nine A. M. the boom of a gun announced that a fight had commenced near Gettysburg, the rebels having returned with a large force and attacked our division very near the place where we had left them; our cavalry fought them with varying success for a long time, until our infantry came up and rendered the contest more equal. All day those peaceful hills echoed to the thunder of cannon, while the different corps of our army came rushing by to "join in the dreadful revelry." Of course you will have received all the particulars before this reaches you. On Thursday morning we rejoined the regiment which was lying some two miles from the town, it was here while we were drawn up in line to support skirmishers, that our company lost one of its faithful and trusty soldiers, Jonathan Macomber of Livingston county, who was nearly directly behind myself, being struck full in the forehead by a bullet, killing him instantly, without a word or a groan. May a just God have more mercy upon him, than erring mortals bestow upon each other. During the day our division left for this point, where supplies are received for the army via the Western Maryland RR.
We are now encamped two miles from the village, engaged in the double duty of picketing and protecting our supply trains, and recruiting ourselves and horses, for constant service and short rations had, to use a common phrase in camp, nearly "played us out." We are anxiously awaiting news from the front, as the battle was raging yesterday with fury. However, we shall undoubtedly soon have an opportunity of renewing our experience, whether our army is defeated or victorious. As I am hoping to get my letter off this morning I will close by giving an account of the casualties in our regiment, also stating that both the brigade and regiment received high commendation from superior officers for their conduct on the field. Our regiment had three killed, forty wounded, and about twenty missing.
Killed—Sergeant Slocum, Co. A; E. Marriet, Co. K; J. Macomber, Co. M.
At present I can only give the names of the wounded of the three new companies:
Co. K—George Brown, shin; Thos. Tygert, knee; Enos Sullivan, keee [sic]; Sergt. W. Wilson, leg; W. Lynn, head; T. Radburn, arm.
Co. I—Sergt. Thos. Farr, in left side near the hip, dangerously.
Capt. Follett, of Co. D, one of our best officers, was left upon the field dangerously wounded, the sudden advance of the enemy rendering it impossible to bring him off. He was undoubtedly taken prisoner.
Yours in haste, GENESEE.
List of Casualties in the Eighth New York Cavalry.
Westminster, Maryland, July 4th, 1863.
EDITORS UNION:—I have the honor to submit the following list of killed, wounded and missing in this regiment in the first day's fight at Gettysburg, Pa.
The cavalry division of Gen. Buford opened the engagement about eight a. m., and held the position until relieved by the infantry about noon. Late in the afternoon our brigade was dismounted to repulse an attack upon the left flank and cover the retreat of a division of the 11th Corps. Most of our losses occurred here in a fight with infantry at short range. The regiment held the position against a rebel brigade until the division had got into position, and received the thanks of General Buford for the "gallant manner in which we withstood the attack, thereby saving an entire division from destruction." At noon on the 2d of July we were relieved and returned to this place for supplies of rations and forage, which had been exhausted three days previous.
I cannot within the limits of this brief communication pay proper tribute to the soldierly virtues and gallantry of those whose names appear below. Those who know them at home will feel as we do that know them here, that our loss cannot he properly estimated by numbers.
Co. A—1st Sergt. E. A. Slocum.
Co. M—Private Jonathan MacComber.
Co. A—Corp. A. H. Edson.
Co. B—Sergeant John Dusinberre, Sergt. J. B. Davis, Corp. Martin Hogan, Privates T. Bradburn, J. Canfield, William Hobbs, J. Shaffer.
Co. C—Sergt. Jacob Zieder.
Co. D—Captain C. D. Follet, Privates D. W. Pullis, John Sollaman.
Co. G—Corp. S. B. Griggs, Private L. L. Brown.
Co. I—Private Patrick Hayes.
Co. K—Sergt. Wm. G. Wilson, Corp. E. W. Mariatt, Privates Wm. A. Lynn, Thomas Tyggart, Geo. Brown, Thomas Radburn, Enos Sullivan.
Co. L—Sergt. Thomas Farr.
Co. B—Sergt. W. H. Cline, Privates Wm. Hobden, J. Weaver.
Co. D—Corp. B. M. Beeman, Priyate Geo. E. Mack.
Co. E—Sheldon Jamison.
Co. G—Wm. Long, H. Travis, Fred Dutch.
Co. I—Wm. Wesley, Levi A. Monger, W. H. Griffin.
Co. K—John Harden, Phillip Wood. Co. L—George Niven, George Rice.
Very respectfully, your ob't servant,
E. M. POPE, MAJOR 8th Cavalry.
From the 8th N. Y. Cavalry.
Orderly Sergeant, Charles Van Dusen, of the 8th cavalry, sends home an interesting diary of events transpiring from the 4th to 11th July inclusive. We present such portions as appear of interest to our readers:
In Camp near Boonsboro,
July 4th, 1863.
Here I am writing to you on a piece of hard tack box.
Now about the battle. I can say it is the hardest fight I was ever in, and I suppose the reason we were called away on the second day was that ourselves and horses had lived five days on two days' rations; but we did well enough, for we bought bread and butter, and had plenty of coffee and sugar, and I bought oats at a farm house for my horse, but the majority of the horses had lived on nothing but grass, and were very near used up. Our troops have taken thousands of prisoners, among them Gen. Fitzhugh Lee and Gen. Archer.
Boonsboro, July 11.—Here I am again, safe through all the hard battles and skirmishes, in which we have been engaged since we left Gettysburg, and they have been numerous. I assure you—in skirmishes or heavy fights almost daily. I wrote a letter from Westminster, July 4th, but the mails did not go, as we were ordered out immediately. I have it yet, and will send it with this. I may as well keep on with my diary, as that is about the best way I know of to give you the news concerning us. Commencing where I left off at Westminster.
JULY 4—After I wrote you, I went to a farm house and got a dinner—chicken, pie, ham mashed potatoes, cold meat, &c., and all for 25 cents! Bought some pies for ten cents each, and went back to camp. Terrible rain storm came up, and we were ordered out. Started about dusk; marched through Salysboro and one or two other small places, and camped for the night about 1 o'clock. Rained all night.
July 5th—We were called out at 2 o'clock; rains very hard yet; started out soon after daylight and marched to Frederick city, and quite a city it is. It being Sunday, everybody was out in their best. The windows and doors were full of ladies, and some of them very good looking, too. Passed through the city and camped for the night in a field of fresh cut hay, a splendid place for our horses; they have had but two rations of grain until to-day, when we ought to have had a dozen or more.
July 6.—Reveille was sounded at 3 o'clock; started out at 5 o'clock A. M.; marched through Middleburg and Boonsboro; met an infantry guard coming in with nearly 1,000 rebel prisoners, and such a starved lot of men I never saw; We shared our tack with them, and they said we were the best lot of fellows they had met.—One old gray haired man said, "You are in good fighting condition boys, if I am a judge," which is very true. We marched nearly to Williamsport, where we had a little skirmish and fight of about three hours, destroyed a wagon train for the enemy, and captured some prisoners, horses and mules. Fought till dark and moved back and camped for the night.
July 7th—Started for Boonesboro; arrived near town in the afternoon, the enemy following us up as far as Antietam creek. We crossed said creek and battle-ground yesterday.
July 8th.—Rained hard all night. Started out and met the enemy at 9 A. M. Skirmished until 4 P. M.; then we were ordered to support our battery. By some mismanagement we were drawn too close to it, and the rebels threw shell into our battery terribly. One shell burst between our squadron and Capt. Smith's, killing and wounding thirteen horses (five from our company), and killed one man and wounded two more in Co. I; out fortunately for us, not a man was injured. Such fire I never stood under before. I looked to see if my horse was struck and found that my breast strap had been torn in pieces by a piece of shell and slightly grazed his skin; but notwithstanding all this, we drove and cut them up terribly. Camped near Boonesboro for the night.
July 9th.—Started out on the Hagerstown road. We lay about two miles from town until 4 P. M., when we moved out and engaged the enemy; fought till dark; drove them two or three miles, and camped for the night; kept our horses saddled; went to bed at 10 o'clock.
July 10th.—Reveille sounded at 3 1/2 o'clock. Moved out and skirmished until 2 or 3 o'clock P. M. Our squadron worked hard all day, as we did the heaviest of the skirmishing. Drove the rebel skirmishers and sharp-shooters on a run for two miles. We took five prisoners, killed and wounded several, and came very near taking a gun from them. The Captain charged on it with twenty dismounted skirmishers, when they limbered up and skedaddled. One of our best men was killed, Silas White, from Penfield, hit by a sharp-shooter. We were relieved about 3 o'clock P. M. The men worked very hard; fired from 40 to 80 rounds apiece.—We then fell back to where we now lie for rest. Hard battle all day; five corps of infantry and an immense force of artillery coming up. We are prepared to give them an awful fight here.
July 11th.—Here we lie, unsaddled, behind in line of battle. I must say one word about our brigade. We have won praise and honor on all sides. We are the 1st brigade, 1st division (Buford's). Tommy Farr is in the hospital at Gettysburg, doing well.
JULY 12.—We laid in camp all day in sight of the enemy's pickets. Had a terrible rain storm. Myself and partner put up a shelter and the rain as it fell did not touch us, but it came in such quantity, that we were soon completely flooded.
July 13.—Reveille at three o'clock. We still lie in camp. We are now, the fourth squadron.
JULY 14.—Reveille as usual at 3 o'clock. Saddled up at 7:30. It rained all night, cleared off this morning, and is now quite warm. We started out at nine o'clock, and found the enemy's earthworks evacuated. They had just left, and their camp fires were still burning. They had erected some very strong earthworks for their field pieces which extended almost as far as the eye could reach. We followed them up keeping out a line off skirmishers from the time we left camp. We had considerable skirmishing and sharpshooting, and some cannonading, but they managed to get across the river, losing some 1,400 or 1,500 prisoners. (The enemy had no cavalry so we had to fight the infantry, and the prisoners say that we are the bravest cavalry they ever saw or heard of, and that Gen. Stuart dare not fight us any more.) It is too bad for Meade to allow them to cross, for if we had only pitched into them on Sunday or Monday we might have prevented it, as we had them nearly surrounded. After we found they had crossed, we fell back to our camp and staid all night.
July 15.—Reveille at 3 o'clock. Started out early; marched to Harper's Ferry—passed through the village and old battle field of Sharpsburg. The fences and trees along the road are completely riddled with bullets, and torn with shells, and there many little mounds of earth which marked the resting places of the poor fellows who fell there. We marched to Harper's Ferry and on through Sandy Hook, and a couple of small villages, and went into camp for the night.
July 16.—We saddled and started out at 8 o'clock, and marched to Petersville. Passed the camp of the 140th Regiment, where we saw Major Force, Captain Hoyt, and many of the boys. I had quite a long visit with them. In the fight at Gettysburg, they lost 126 men in about fifteen minutes. Gray's Sharpshooters and Reynolds' Battery are in camp near us—in fact, the whole army seems to be here.
But I must close. Hoping fortune will favor me in future as it has heretofore, I remain, as ever, yours,
The Eighth Cavalry.
BAKERSVILLE, MD., July 13th, 1863.
DEAR UNION:—The past week has been truly a battle week with us, we having been in action on four different days. We left Westminster on the afternoon of the 4th in the midst of a thunder shower, which continued nearly all night, so that when we arose the next morning we were thoroughly drenched. We passed through Frederick on Sunday evening, and posted our pickets on the Middleton road. On Monday morning we left for Williamsport, passing thro' Middleton and Boonsboro. We reached Williamsport about 5 P. M., and immediately attacked the enemy, who had a large train of wagons there, guarded by a strong force of infantry, also protected by a battery on the opposite side of the river. We drove their skirmishers into the village, but having no infantry to assist us, we could not dislodge their main force. The fight continued until long after dark, when we returned towards Boonsboro, and the next day we took a position just outside the town, as it was expected the enemy would endeavor to force a passage through the Gap at that point.
On Wednesday about 9 A. M., the report of a gun on the Hagerstown road, gave notice that the enemy were coming. Our squadrons were soon in battle array, and the fight continued until dark, by which time we had driven them back some five miles. The losses in our regiment were not great, and none in the new companies, though the bursting of a shell in the ranks of our squadron (now Co's. I and M,) killed one man and wounded two others; also killed six horses of ours, and seven in the squadron behind us.
On Thursday afternoon the action was renewed, and we drove them some two miles farther. On Friday morning the contest was again commenced, our force driving them to the little village of Funkstown, a short distance from Hagerstown. It was during this engagement we were unfortunate enough to lose the services of our brave and kind-hearted Captain, who was wounded in the right shoulder by a bullet supposed to have proceeded from a canister shot from the enemy's artillery. He is now in Baltimore, and may possibly soon be able to return to the Valley city to recover from his wound. I need not say that if the wishes of his officers and men can be granted, he will soon be restored to health and usefulness.
Company L lost one man on the same day Silas White of Rochester, who was killed by one of the enemy's sharpshooters, while acting as a skirmisher.
After being relieved by our infantry, our Division fell back and encamped for the night where we had been the previous one. Yesterday afternoon we came down to this point, which is near the Potomac below Williamsport, and near the extreme left of our line of battle—our army being now in position for another great struggle, which I trust and believe will be the last great battle of the war. Distant firing is heard occasionally, and we are in momentary expectation of being ordered into line to take our part in the conflict, which cannot be far distant, unless our Generals are much deceived. You will therefore make all due allowance for the brevity and emissions of my letters, for I dare not spare the time to make it longer or more interesting.
When we crossed Edward's Ferry, some four or five of our men were left there to make their way to Washington to procure, horses, and we fear they are captured by the enemy, as we do not hear anything from them. Perhaps we shall know with certainty in a few days.
Yours, in haste, GENESEE.
From the 8th New York.
It may be interesting to the many friends of the New York 8th Artillery, (formerly the 129th) to know what part they acted in the recent battles. We copy rather extensively from a letter dated
July 16, 1863,
On Friday, the 10th inst., when all were soundly sleeping save the faithful guards all around our comfortable quarters at Fort Federal Hill,—about 2 o'clock in the morning an orderly from the Headquarters of General Schenck rode into our Fort, bearing an order for us to march. In less than a quarter of an hour every sleeper was awake and rapidly preparing for a departure from this place, which had almost come to seem our home. In less than an hour we were all in line, and a more cheerful set of men it is seldom our lot to see, and no one of the number seemed better pleased than our—highly esteemed Lieut. Colonel Bates, who proposed three rousing cheers for "marching orders," and the boys made the welkin ring in testimony of their readiness and desire to go. Col. Bates then gave the commands, FORWARD-MARCH, and the column formed of Companies, I and B moved out of the Fort and proceeded to Camden st. Depot. Here we rested about an hour when the battalion from Fort McHenry, consisting of Cos. A, C, D, H and K, under Maj. Willett arrived. Soon after Col. Porter, with Cos. E and G, came down from Fort Marshall, and save Co. F, our regiment were once more together—we were soon in the cars and moving along the Washington Railroad for Harper's Ferry, wither we had been ordered. The distance from Baltimore to the ferry is about 85 miles, but owing to the large long trains of artillery and army supplies we were hindered a good deal, so that we did not reach Sandy Hook till after dark that night. Sandy Hook is a little village about a mile below the ferry, and is just now quite an important place as a depot for army stores. Here we alighted from the cars and bivoucked [sic] for the night upon the side of the mountain composing Maryland Heights, and
"On the cold damp ground
We all slept sound."
And there were no Rebs prowling around.
On the morning of the 11th, we had three days rations issued to us and received orders to occupy Maryland Heights. On reaching the Heights we found the ruins of the evacuation which had taken place a short time before. It is a sad right to see the destruction of ordnance stores, on these heights, and the act of evacuation of these fortifications certainly was a great mistake.
Upon these heights we found ourselves in close proximity to the enemy as he was holding Harper's Ferry and Bolivar Heights.—
On reaching the Heights we found the ruins of the evacuation which had taken place a short time before. It is a sad right to see the destruction of the ordnance stores on these heights, and the act of evacuation of these fortifications certainly was a great mistake.
Upon these heights we found ourselves in close proximity to the enemy as he was holding Harper’s Ferry and Bolivar Heights. Our first duty after taking possession here was to gather up the scattered stores of ammunition and ordnance and bring up from the river a new supply of cannon. This accomplished, our next duty was to drive the enemy from the other side of the river back into the country and occupy the place ourselves. Sunday and Monday were occupied in getting things in readiness, and Tuesday morning early a shell was sent over from a small brass howitzer, mounted on the bank of the river at the foot of the mountain, partly to notify the enemy of our advance, and partly to notify the batteries above to commence the bombardment. And soon the iron messengers of death were thundering across the deep valley and bursting in the midst of the rebel dens on the other shore. While this was being done, the 34th Mass. Reg't were sent over in pontoon boats and a detachment deployed as skirmishers advanced on the hill and through the village of Bolivar. At the same time a pontoon bridge was thrown across the river and a body of cavalry went across to penetrate the country farther back. The enemy was found in superior force beyond the heights, and a skirmish ensued in which our cavalry lost the Major commanding and 26 men, taken prisoners. A rebel Colonel, Captain and several men were captured by our forces, when they returned to their reserve camp. Our regiment was not permitted to cross the river but remained on the bank on this side, as a reserve, and marched back to our camp on the top of the mountain during the afternoon. Toward night of the same day the cavalry of Gen. Buford appeared in sight below the mountain, and a large body crossed into Virginia. The 2d and 12th corps of the army of the Potomac came down in the evening, and passing through the village of Sandy Hook the rested in Pleasant valley, where they are to-day. The 3d corps came down the other side of the mountain and is also resting in Pleasant Valley. D. S. P.
WARRENTON JUNCTION, Va., Aug. 1. (1863)
To Col. A. J. Alexander, Chief of Staff of Cavalry Corps:
COLONEL:—In compliance with a letter just received from the headquarters of the Cavalry Corps. of the Army of the Potomac, directing me to give the facts connected with my fight at Falling Waters, I have the honor to state, that at 3 o'clock on the morning of the 14th ult. I learned that the enemy's pickets were retiring on my front. Having been previously ordered to attack at 7 A. M., I was ready to move at once. At daylight I had reached the crest of the hill occupied by the enemy an hour before. At a few moments before 6, Gen. Custer drove the rear guard of the enemy into the river at Williamsport.
Learning from citizens that a portion of the enemy had retreated in the direction of Falling Waters, I at once moved rapidly for that point, and came up with the rear guard of the enemy at 7:30 A. M., at a point two miles distant from Falling Waters. We pressed on, driving them before us, capturing many prisoners and one gun.
When within one and a half miles of Falling Waters, the enemy was found in large force, drawn up in line of battle on the crest of a hill commanding the road on which I was advancing. His left was protected by earthworks and his right extended to the woods far on my left. The enemy was when first seen in two lines of battle, with arms stacked. Within less than 1,000 yards of this large force, a second piece of artillery, with its support, consisting of infantry, was captured, while attempting to get into position. The gun was taken to the rear.
A portion of the 8th Michigan Cavalry, seeing only that portion of the enemy behind the earthworks, charged. This charge, led by Major Weber, was the most gallant ever made. At a trot he passed up the hill, received the fire of the whole line, and the next moment rode over the earthworks, sabreing the rebels along the whole line, and returned with a loss of 30 killed, wounded and missing, including the gallant Weber killed.
I directed Gen. Custer to send forward one regiment as skirmishers. They were repulsed before support could be sent them and driven back, closely followed by the rebels, until checked by the 1st Mich. and a squadron of the 8th N. Y.
The 2d brigade having come up, it was quickly thrown into position, and after a fight of two hours and thirty minutes routed the enemy at all points and drove him toward the river. When within a short distance of the bridge, Gen. Buford's command came up and took the advance.
We lost 15 killed, 20 wounded and 40 missing. We found 150 dead rebels and brought away 50 wounded. A large number of the enemy's wounded were left on the field in charge of their own officers. We captured 2 guns, 3 battle flags and upwards of 1,500 prisoners.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
J. KILPATRICK, Brig. Gen. Vols.,
Commanding Division.
The Eighth Cavalry in its Late Fight Near Culpepper.
August 5, 1863.
DEAR UNION: As you have seen of course before this, our regiment has again passed through the ordeal of battle, meeting with comparatively slight loss considering the obstinacy of the fight; but in our present reduced condition as to numbers, every loss seems large to us.
On the morning of the 1st our division was in the saddle while it was yet dark, but we were obliged to wait until nearly noon before the pontoon bridge was completed so that we could cross. The advance was led by the 2d brigade, our own being the next. The 1st corps of infantry also crossed, but had no share in the contest, as the enemy were driven back so rapidly and so far from the river there was no occasion for their services, though if we had been compelled to recross the river their assistance would have been very essential. We drove the enemy to within less than two miles of Culpepper, when the arrival of strong reinforcements of infantry to their support, and the approach of night, rendered it imprudent to press them further. Our forces, fell back to a short distance east of Brandy Station, and our pickets and those of the enemy, are now confronting each other near that point.
Our loss in the engagement was two killed and eleven wounded and one missing. In our own company, Sergt. John Van Giesen received the only casualty, being shot through the lower part of the knee, inflicting a severe and painful wound, though the surgeons say he will not lose the limb. We can ill spare the services of such a faithful and deserving an officer, especially since our company has lost so many during the recent campaign.
Yesterday about three p. m. our pickets were driven in, causing us to get into our saddles in rather a lively manner, one or two shells coming into the edge of our camp before we could form in line. As before, we drove them rapidly back beyond Brandy Station; but fearing a tra_ and rain and darkness coming on, we returned to our quarters, which we are now occupying. We fully expected a night attack, and kept prepared for such a contingency; but we were undisturbed.
It is said that Lee's army is near Culpepper or rather on the south side of the Rapidan, though it hardly seems to me he would allow us to remain so long unmolested if near in large force.
The railroad bridge across the river at this point has been repaired, and trains can now cross with safety, which is a great advantage to us. The river has been much swollen with the recent rains, and the fords are almost impassable.
Our boys are in good spirits to-day on account of the news of the approach of the paymaster; and if hard service and plenty of fighting deserve them, they are certainly entitled to their greenbacks.
I am glad to hear that you escaped in Rochester any repetition of the unfortunate and disgraceful scenes that occurred in New York city. Though the working of the draft had some odious features, anything is preferable to such scenes of anarchy as there took place.
The health of the regiment continues quite good, considering the heat and the exposure we are subjected to. Thunder showers are frequent, and although we receive many a drenching, the coolness of the air that is produced renders us willing to endure them.
Your paper is eagerly welcomed whenever received, which is but seldom, although we know it is sent; in fact, it is read all to pieces in its transit from one mess to another. Yours truly, GENESEE.
A Soldier's Obituary.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 31, 1863.
DIED—Suddenly, in the camp of the 8th N. Y. Cavalry, Cedar Run, Va., on the night of August 28, 1863, Lieut. W. C. Crafts.
His commanding officer, Major W. H. Benjamin, writes me, Aug. 29: "We were startled this morning at reveille by the more than sad intelligence that Lieut. W. C. Crafts was lying dead in his tent. He is no more. When found he was quite dead. * * * It is a sad affair and has cast a goom [sic] over the whole camp."
According to uniform custom among the officers of this regiment, his body was at once sent to be embalmed and will be conveyed to his sorrowing friends at the expense of the officers' fund.
The sudden event has brought an outburst of generous testimony to the manly and gallant qualities of Lieut. Crafts from his brother officers. They have mournfully dwelt, in my hearing, on his qualities, finding a relief in dilating on them and in uttering their surprise and sorror [sic] at his death, so premature and so mournful. They have spoken of his consciousness and deep seated regard for principle and duty, of his reverent recognition of the high sanctions of religion, of his manly independence of character, his fearless bravery as a soldier, his habitual spirit of respect for authority in his superiors, even when commands were galling or given rudely and without the courtesy which softens the rigor of command—of his strict and prompt regard for pecuniary obligations of which, when pay day replenished his purse, he did not want to be reminded—and saddest, in connection with his end, of the morbid sensitiveness of his nature to whatever might even in opinion cast a shade upon what he meant always to keep bright, his rank among his peers, his honor, his fame.
Of the particulars of his death, I may speak further when fuller opportunity of conference with those around him shall have been afforded me. Meanwhile I have seen his mortal remains committed into the care of kindred affection, and hasten to make this record of the impress he has left upon our sorrowing hearts. J. V.
From the Eighth Cavalry.
CATLETT'S STATION, Sept. 5, 1863.
DEAR UNION: You have not received any communication from myself for some time, owing to the comparative inaction and consequent dearth of news from our division since the battle of Brandy Station.
After doing picket duty on the opposite side of the river for some two weeks, we removed our camp to the vicinity of Bristol, some four miles from this point, where we remained a fortnight or more, doing a little picketing and recruiting ourselves and horses after our arduous campaign. Nothing unusual occurred among us while there, except the death of one valuable member of Co. K—Wm. McNaughton, Commissary Sergeant, formerly of Wheatland—who died of typhoid fever; also the promotion of several non-commissioned officers—among others J. W. Newton, Co. M; Asa Goodrich, Co. K; and Thos. Farr, Co. L—to Lieutenancies.
Lieut. Newton has at present the command of our company in the absence of Capt. Smith and Lieut. Frost, who is on duty at the conscript camp on Riker's Island, N. Y. Lieut. Col. Markell has also been absent some time on the same duty, and the regiment is under command of Major W. H. Benjamin, well known to all residents of the Flour City.
On Monday morning last Gen. Buford started with a portion of our brigade for Falmouth, where we were to guard the river while Gen. Kilpatrick made another movement towards Port Conway to drive the enemy across the river and also capture or destroy the two gunboats recently taken by them. He succeeded fully in both objects, driving their force across in a hurry and also destroying both vessels with his batteries. If he had been assisted by the navy, as was expected, he would have recaptured them without injury; but for some cause the naval force was not present to co-operate with him. In the meantime our brigade was doing picket duty along the river from Falmouth down below Fredericksburg, and for the first time in my experience, if I may use the expression, I saw a little of the romance of war. Our relieves were timed by the town clock of Fredericksburg and our morning and evening hours enlivened by the music of the fine military bands of our adversaries. During the day the opposing pickets kept up almost constant intercourse chatting across the stream, and occasionally some adventurous ones swimming across to exchange newspapers or indulge in a quiet game of old sledge. As I sat upon the bank and witnessed these scenes, some very natural reflections were suggested to my mind. Here were men who entertained not a shadow of personal animosity towards each other any more than to their own comrades, awaiting the orders of men no better or wiser than themselves to level their deadly implements of warfare at each others' bosoms and inflict upon themselves and friends all the misery they were capable of doing. Alas for the dignity of human nature when it can submit to the same treatment that is bestowed upon two bull dogs whose ears are rubbed and they are encouraged to engage in sanguinary strife to gratify the passions of a brutal audience! For myself, I would not have the responsibility of inaugurating and continuing such a strife, not for all the honors that Washington or Richmond could bestow.
Being relieved by Gen. Kilpatrick's command, we returned to this point, which we reached yesterday afternoon, and hope to enjoy a little more rest before another movement is made, though it is possible that Stuart may compel us to take to our saddles sooner than we wish.
Last night's mail brought news to us that pained and surprised every member of the company. William Gleason, formerly of Avon, died at the University Hospital in Baltimore on the 2d instant of acute rheumatism. He went there in the latter part of July, owing to what seemed a mild case of typhoid fever, and our last accounts from himself represented him as nearly well and expecting soon to rejoin the regiment. He was a brave and true soldier, possessing an amiable and generous disposition, and enjoyed the esteem of his officers and comrades to the fullest extent.
Trusting the excuse for my delay in writing is satisfactory, and hoping the next mail may bring us some copies of your paper, I am, as ever, yours, GENESEE.
INTERESTING FROM THE EIGHTH CAVALRY—CASUALTIES, &C., —E. A. Bardwell, of the 8th.N. Y. Cavalry, writes to his father, Butler Bardwell, Esq., some interesting particulars connected with the recent crossing of the Rappahannock. The letter was written on the 17th instant: (September 1863)
On Sunday, the 12th, the 8th broke camp at Catlett's Station, and went forward to the Rappahannock, and crossed the next day. A fight with the rebels at once commenced, and they were driven back to the Rapidan, where the Federals camped on the 13th, after a pretty sharp fight.
All but two squadrons of the 8th had gone to Washington to guard sutlers' teams. Major Benjamin commanded the squadrons remaining in the field.
On the 14th the fight was resumed, and the rebels were driven to their rifle pits. The fighting was desperate. The 8th supported a battery in the fight, and was highly complimented for its bravery. The next day it was ordered to lie still in the woods, and while it was doing so the Captain of the battery it had supported begged to have it sent to his support, as it had done so well the day before.
At two, on the afternoon of the 14th, the squadrons were ordered to go to the river, dismount and skirmish, which they did in a tight place where it was hot work, and remained there till dark.
The following are the casualties:
Louis Zerment, Co. H, wounded by a bullet which fractured two ribs. Sergt. Chas. Cazon, Co. M, wounded on the knee pan by a piece of shell—slight.
Daniel C. Nellis, Co. H, wounded slightly in right side.
Nicholas Miller, left arm amputated.
Corporal Michael Knight, Co. C, wounded in left shoulder.
Henry Marsh, Co. D, wounded in left thigh—the ball passing through his bowels—probably mortal.
FROM THE EIGHTH CAVALRY.—Our townsman Butler Bardwell, Esq., has a letter from his son E. A. Bardwell, of the 8th Cavalry, who was in the recent advance across the Rappahannock, when the fight with the rebels occurred. Mr. B. gives a brief description of the movement and a list of the casualties in the 8th so far, as it will interest our citizens.
On Sunday, the 12th, the 8th broke camp at Catlett's Station, and went forward to the Rappahannock, and crossed the next day. A fight with the rebels at once commenced, and they were driven back to the Rapidan, where the Federals camped on the 13th, after a pretty sharp fight.
All but two squadrons of the 8th had gone to Washington to guard Sutler's teams. Major Benjamin commanded the squadrons remaining in the field.
On the 14th the fight was resumed, and the rebels were driven to their rifle pits. The fighting was desperate. The 8th supported a battery in the fight, and was highly complimented for its bravery. The next day it was ordered to lie still in the woods, and while it was doing so the Captain of the Battery it had supported begged to have it sent to his support, as it had done so well the day before.
At 2 on the afternoon of the 14th the squadrons were ordered to go to the river, dismount and skirmish, which they did in a tight place where it was hot work, and remained there till dark.
The following are the casualties:
Louis Zerment, Co. H, wounded by a bullet which fractured two ribs.
Sergt. Charles Cazon, Co. M, wounded on the knee pan by a piece of shell—slight.
Daniel C. Nellis, Co. H, wounded slightly in right side.
Nicholas Miller, left arm amputated.
Corporal Michael Knight, Co. C, wounded in left shoulder.
Henry Marsh, Co. D, wounded in left thigh—the ball passing through his bowels—probably mortal.
The letter was written on the 17th and the writer says that since the 14th nothing of importance had been done, though a general engagement was expected. The 8th were with the Division at Raccoon Ford and the rebels commanded the position at that time. If any attempt is made to cross there by the cavalry the loss will be heavy no doubt. Yet it was; probable that a crossing would be made soon. Mr. B. sends a letter and a newspaper taken from the Culpepper Post Office when our troops took that place. The paper contains interesting rebel matter but is not of recent date. The Eighth are in good spirits and ready for whatever duty they may be required to perform.
The Eighth Cavalry.
DEAR UNION: When I directed my last letter to you from Fairfax Court House, I did not intend that so long a time should elapse before sending you another. The comparative quiet that has been the rule with the army movements until quite recently, must be my excuse.
After encamping for a few days near Warrenton, our division proceeded to enter upon picket duty near Bealton Station; our first experience, however, was attended with a sharp resistance from the enemy, who were engaged in carrying off the railroad iron they had torn up, in their thorough demolition of the track below Catletts. We suffered no loss, though our little squadron escaped almost miraculously, some thirty shells being thrown at us in the space of about eight minutes, killing one or two horses of the battery we were supporting, but doing no further damage. After doing picket duty, a short distance from the river, for a few days, and in close proximity to our opponents, we were relieved on the morning of the seventh by the infantry, who were advancing to make the attack which resulted so successfully to our arms, and which, of course is fully known to your readers. Our division proceeded northerly to the Sulphur Springs, which are located near the river a few miles from Warrenton, where we encamped for the night. These Springs are among the celebrities of Virginia, and though the main buildings are destroyed, they yet show abundant traces of their former extent, and elegance, and must have been a delightful resort during the days of old Virginia's sanity.
On the morning of the 8th we crossed the river and took our course southwesterly in the direction of Culpepper. We encountered no opposition until late in the afternoon, near the Stone House, some four or five miles north of Culpepper, when we met the enemy, who were advantageously posted to retard our advance. The 3d Indiana and 8th Illinois, who were ahead, ran into the rebel infantry, who were lying down, and met with some loss before they could extricate themselves. A brisk artillery duel then ensued, but the guns of our antagonists being of superior range, they were enabled to hold us at bay until night closed the contest. Our battery had several horses killed, and one Lieutenant wounded, our own regiment being sheltered by a ravine, met with no loss, though the shot and shells cracked through the trees over our heads in a manner more lively than agreeable. At dawn we were again in the saddle, expecting to have a rough day's work before us, but upon advancing we found our nimble foes had left during the night, and our route was unmolested. On arriving at Brandy Station we joined our infantry, who had just come up from their recent encounter, when we learned of their exploits and the sudden retreat of the enemy through Culpepper, after camping on our old ground. We proceeded the next day to a point on the railroad, some two miles south of Culpepper, where our division now has its headquarters and the regiment in detail in guarding the approaches from the Rapidan. Our own regiment came out here yesterday, and our first night's duty was signalized by a most severe thunder storm, the rain falling in torrents, so that we could hardly find a decent place to lie down upon when relieved from our lonesome and dismal posts. To-day is more pleasant, and we are enjoying a little sunshine, though the air is becoming chilly, and we shall probably have no more as warm weather as we have had.
Occasionally during the day we are hearing the sound of cannon, apparently in the direction of Orange Court House, but we are not sufficiently posted to tell what the reality is, but you will undoubtedly have the news, if any of note before this reaches you. We are having rumors of "Onward to Richmond" movements, and, perhaps, there may be some truth in the intent of so doing. Nous verrons. The RR. is again nearly completed to the Rappahannock, and the bridge in process of construction on this side of the river. The track was uninjured. Near Brandy Station the rebels had nearly completed extensive winter quarters, built in a very substantial manner, much better than ours usually are. Whether they will make the attempt to reposses [sic] them remains to be seen. A few days since a vote was taken by our Brigade on the question of re-enlisting in the Veteran Brigade, and every regiment decided in the affirmative, considering that increased bounty and the promise of furloughs would balance the chances of being obliged to serve an extra year. If we can be assured of thirty days' furlough, a large majority will re-enlist, otherwise not. I trust our worthy troopers may have the-much-denied opportunity of again meeting friends and relatives in their beloved State, but it seems too good luck for a soldier to experience. Since the departure of Capt. Barry (who we are pleased to learn is recovering from his wound) our Company has been squadroned with Co. A, under the command of Captain C. McLlean, formerly of Wheatland, and who came out as Lieutenant in Co. K. We were pleased a few days since at receiving intelligence of the fate of Mr. Vaughan, of Mendon, who was acting as Orderly for Col. Chapman, at the time of the passage of the Rapidan, on the 10th of October. He was sent back in charge of two prisoners, near night-fall, and not having reported, it was feared he might have been killed by his charge in an attempt to escape. But a letter dated at Richmond explains the matter, he being surprised and taken near the river and escorted with a large number of others to the rebel capital. His comrades would have been grieved to hear of any more serious disaster having happened to "Billy."
J. H. N. Hicks, of Bloomfield, a member of our own Company, has been missing since about the same time, but we trust we shall yet hear of his safety.
Hoping this may reach you safely and to take the same road ere long in person,
I am as ever, yours sincerely,
From the Eighth Cavalry.
CEDAR MOUNTAIN, Jan 25, 1864.
DEAR UNION:—It is now some time since I have written to you, not for want of inclination, or because holiday festivities have prevented, but simply because of a lack of material that would interest or amuse yourself and readers.
As to the holidays, there is but little to be said. "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Year" to the soldier in the field, as well as to thousands of families in our afflicted land, are but words of bitter mockery.
The circles that once gathered around the homestead table, or met at the parish church, to render thanks and praise for the blessings of the past year, have been rudely broken in multitudes of instances, and thousands have gone to their rest without even the sacred privilege of reposing in their last sleep by the side of the loved ones gone before. It is true that these changes and partings must take place at all times, but not in the fearful ratio of the last three years; not only this, those who still survive have so great risks to encounter that their separation from home and friends seems doubly hard to be borne, both by themselves and those left behind.
During the last few weeks military operations in this vicinity have not been of much consequence, being principally confined to keeping up our picket lines, and in the intervals of duty making ourselves as comfortable as our limited means would allow.
On New Years day our brigade started for Warrenton, to relieve one of Gregg's brigades which had gone to Shenandoah Valley, and a tedious and disagreeable ride we had. In the morning it rained quite hard, and the mud was nearly knee deep in many places, but before night the weather changed to extreme cold, accompanied with as fierce and keen a blast as ever felt in the Empire State. We remained at Warrenton until the 6th, when we returned to our camp ground near Culpepper, only to find our snug cabins, mostly torn down in our absence, by the infantry lying near, who had used the materials to erect quarters for themselves; we immediately went to work and rebuilt them, and as the weather was extremely cold, it was rather a severe joke on us. Since then we have been engaged in our usual routine of picket duty, thus far without any alarms or surprises, or any incidents of peculiar note.
Our reserve is now stationed within a short distance of Cedar, or Slaughter Mountain, the scene of the hard fought battle between Pope's army and the rebels during that disastrous campaign. Yesterday, in company with a brother soldier, I rode over the battle field, and owing to the politeness of an officer, who was present at the battle, was enabled to get a good idea of the position and movements of the opposing forces on that bloody day. Though familiar to a considerable degree with the sights and effects of such an engagement, yet it gave me a feeling of sadness to witness the slight memorials erected over the victims of the struggle, who are buried on different portions of the field, many of them in the adjacent woods, whose shattered boughs and scarred trunks, form fitting monuments to the memory of the sleeping soldiers. We are now having delightful weather, resembling that of the month of April in your section; it is too pleasant to last, and we shall undoubtedly be compelled to pay for the same with cold fingers or drenched clothing before long.
Our veterans have not yet gone, and it is said will not until the return of some of the furloughed soldiers already absent. However, it makes but little difference to us of the new companies, who are not allowed to re-enlist, and in truth if we could be assured that our term would expire with the original term of the regiment, we would have but little desire to form any new contracts, at least until we were clear of the first one. Many of the men who have left families behind them, and who enlisted in the confident assurance that they would save a year's service by entering an old regiment, feel that it would be an outrage on the part of the government to keep them three years separated from their homes, in consequence of the ignorance, or knavery, of its recruiting officers.
The health of the regiment has been remarkably good during the winter thus far, and our surgeons have had comparatively little to do.
A few days since we were gratified with news of a well-deserved promotion of one of our Sergeants, Walter V. Banning, formerly of Ogden, to a Second Lieutenancy in the 15th N. Y. Cavalry. May success and farther promotion still attend him.
As my material is about exhausted I will close by hoping that the present may indeed be a happy New Year and witness the end of our present cruel and unnatural contest and that prosperity may attend yourself and readers, and the surviving sons of the Empire, as well as her sister States, be enabled soon to return to enjoy the rights and blessing of their native residences. Yours as ever,
Battle Flag for the 8th Cavalry.
Notice was made some time since of the presentation of an elegant battle flag to the 8th Cavalry by ladies of Rochester. The flag was sent to the regiment in the field. An acknowledgement of its receipt was returned by Col. Benjamin after he came home wounded. The following is the correspondence:
ROCHESTER, N. Y., May 2d, 1864.
SOLDIERS OF THE EIGHTH CAVALRY—Will you accept this Banner which we, young ladies of Rochester, send you as a testimonial of our high appreciation of your nobleness and bravery. Heroes of more than thirty battles fought in defence of the right, we reverence you. Reenlisted Veterans, still eager to draw the sword to preserve the integrity of our country, we love you—we pray for you. In this great war, when brave men go forth as armed hosts to crush rebellion, and restore union and concord, remember soldiers that women at home are following you with their love and their prayers.
Men of the 8th Cavalry! As you go forward to meet the enemy in the new and exciting campaign before you under the folds of this battle Flag, remember its donors, whose hearts beat warmly and tenderly towards you, who will mark your course anxiously yet hopefully, and pray that God may cover your heads in the day of battle and bring you back to your home and friends victorious and rejoicing.
Be strong then and of good courage; the cause in which you fight is a just one, and holy; and remember, brave soldiers, that trusting in God you may feel as safe on the fiercest battlefield as in the shelter of home, for He can so cause it to be that although a thousand should fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, yet death shall not come nigh you.
God speed and protect you men, men of the 8th Cavalry, gone forth so bravely in this hour of our nation's peril, and accept the accompanying token of our esteem and affection.
Miss H. H, BACKUS,
ROCHESTER, June 19, 1864.
TO THE YOUNG LADIES OF ROCHESTER:—With sincerest gratitude the soldiers of the 8th N. Y. Cavalry thank you for an elegant Battle Flag received and accepted by them at Chesterfield, Va. It floated over our headquarters at sunrise on the 28th of May, 1864. Intrinsically it is beautiful, and its heroic emblems, traced with our regimental name, give flattering personality to its praise. Ideally it is more than beautiful, radient [sic] with suggestions of friendship and fireside.
Though we numbered no more, we were reinforced, for life's most vigorous forces are invisible, and one man can feel the power of five. The blows of our enemy are dealt in the energy of a faith. Mighty, though misguided, and constantly augmented by the nearness or actual presence of those whom they claim to defend, isolation gives color to every circumstance connected with our more distant homes, even magnifying every interest. It is worth much then that as we follow the flag that represents our nation that we can draw inspiration from some visible representation like this beautiful banner, of those who give price for us, to home and country.
You say your prayers follow us. Pray for us still, that God may crown our cause with success and return us in safety, or that our eyes may behold the King in his beauty, and pray also in the light of that recognized inconsistency of our race, that those most needing prayers are least likely to pray for themselves.
We had not opportunity to acknowledge the valued gift before, for it went immediately forward on its mission, and some eyes that gladly greeted its coming sleep the sleep that knows no waking.
We who are left will charge with it, will rally round it, and defend it; we'll gather hope, health and happiness into one bundle, and give all if we must or bring it back to you in peace and triumph if we may.
With renewed thanks in behalf of the regiment, and good wishes for your future.
I am, as ever, very respectfully yours,
Colonel 8th N. Y. Cavalry.
From the Front in Virginia—The Eighth Cavalry.
STEVENSBURG, VA., April 25th, 1864.
DEAR UNION:—When my last, was written it was with the expectation of deferring any other, until after our spring campaign should have made its record in the history of this war, yet as we are now occupying a different position in the new organization of the army, a brief notice of it, may perhaps be of service to those at home who may be anxious to trace our fortunes during the approaching movements.
Gen. Custar, who commanded the 2d Brigade of the 3d Cavalry Division, being assigned to a command in the 1st Division, refused to accept unless he could retain the command of his old Brigade, a fact creditable alike to himself and his men; accordingly our Brigade was assigned to the 3d, and Custar's to the place we had occupied in the 1st. We have now been located near Stevensburg about a week, and have done one tour of picketing upon our old ground near Morton's and Racoon Fords, since we were there however, the enemy have made great additions to their defenses on the Rapidan, lines of entrenchments skirt the river banks, for many miles and from our reserve camps, we could plainly behold our busy opponents, industriously engaged in adding to their works. It does not seem possible for an army to cross in face of such obstacles except at a fearful cost of life, and I trust a diversion can be made which will obviate such a necessity; however General Grant is undoubtedly fully equal to the emergency, and his plans whatever they are, are formed with the sagacity he has displayed on so many and great occasions. Deserters come into our lines quite frequently, and of course bring a variety of intelligence, the most important of which seems to be the reported re-inforcement of Lee by a portion of Longstreet's army, also that Lee has but 45 or 50,000 men with him, however the stories of deserters and intelligent contrabands should be taken with many grains of allowance, especially those of the latter class, as cavalrymen have often found by a toilsome and fruitless midnight ride. Our veterans have returned, most of them with renewed health and spirits, from their visit to the old Empire State. They have not received their horses yet, which causes some dissatisfaction, as they have not been accustomed to infantry exercise for the last two years or more.
With the exception of a heavy rain storm last night, we have had very pleasant weather for several days past, vegetation displaying itself in the form of flowers, grass, and fruit bloosoms [sic] quite rapidly.
During our leisure hours the men amuse themselves with ball playing, quoits, etc., and I will here take occasion to give a brief report of a game of base ball played a few days since, between the commissioned officers, and the men as follows:
Officers:—Major Moore, Pitcher; Capt. Bliss, Catcher; Lt. Gardner, S. S.; J. Playford, 1st B.; Lt. Van Dusen, C. F.; Lt. Newton, 3rd B.; Lt. Brown, Lft F.; J. J. Bloss, 2nd B.; Lt. Matthews, Rt. Fd.—Score 41.
Men: H. Carr, Catcher; Chas. Davis, Pitcher; B. Melvin, 1st B.; L. Willett, 2nd B.; W. G. Wilson, 3rd B.; Brewster, S. S.; Sgt. Wordhems, R. F.; Sgt. McNaughton, L. F.; A. Guthrie, C. F.—Score 22.
So you perceive even the stern presence of war, with all its dread realities, and fearful prospects, cannot entirely obliterate the relish for harmless recreation, we formed in boyhoods happy hours. I trust the day will arrive when human ambition and desires, can be truly satisfied with such peaceful contests, and that good may be inculcated by precept and example only, instead of the resort to brute force. But I must close, the order has just been passed around to be ready to break camp at five to-morrow morning, and I must attend to the little details of preparation. Whether this signifies the coming shock of arms, or only a preliminary movement, you will probably learn 'ere this reaches you.—I will not close without expressing my regret at the accident to Lt. Griffin, formerly of our company, who had the misfortune to break his collarbone by a fall from his horse, just before we left Culpepper. With hopes for his speedy recovery, and best wishes to the Union and its readers.
Yours as Ever, GENESEE.
Henry Frost sends us the following list of casualties in his company (M):
Andrew Kennady, killed June 13, 1864, at White Oak Swamp.
George Grass, wounded near Salem Church, June 2, 1864.
Robert McCargo, wounded severely near Salem Church, June 2, 1864.
Philip Buckly, wounded June 13, at White Oak Swamp.
Cassimer Komber, accidently [sic] wounded in camp, June 18.
David Clark, wounded severely near Blacks and Whites, June 23, and taken prisoner at Reams Station, Va.,
Sergeant H. Hamlin, taken prisoner at Stony Creek Station, June 20.
Corporal Alex. M. Caruthers, taken prisoner at Stony Creek Station, June 29.
Samuel Little, taken prisoner at Salem Church, June 2.
Abram De Clark, taken prisoner on the march, June 23; he was dismounted at the time.
Henry Cline, taken prisoner at Blacks and Whites, June 23.
Frank Zimper, taken prisoner at Blacks and Whites, June 23.
Thomas Shirtcliff, taken prisoner on the march, June 23.
Joseph Dolfner, taken prisoner at Stony Creek Station, June 29.
Jacob Gunther, taken prisoner at Stony Creek Station, June 29.
George Hosmer, taken prisoner at Stony Creek Station, June 29.
Voliny Harris, taken prisoner at Stony Creek Station, June 29.
Albert G. Hotchkiss, taken prisoner at Stony Creek Station, June 29.
Murry McLane, taken prisoner at Stony Creek Station, June 29.
Peter Reddy, taken prisoner at Stony Creek Station, June 29.
John Welch, taken prisoner at Stony Creek Station, June 29.
John Shipper, taken prisoner at Stony Creek Station, June 29.
Casualties in the 8th Cavalry.
Adjutant Van Dusen furnishes the following official list of casualties in the 8th Cavalry in the late raid, from June 22d to July 2d. He says that Major Pope, who was in command of the Regiment, with 50 men, at first cut off from the main body, rejoined the Regiment July 2d, and others of the missing will doubtless come in. The following is the list: (1864)
Co. A—Capt Chas McVean, missing; Private William H. Cummings, do; 1st Sergt E P Follett, do; Sergt Charles M Booth, do; Private H D Bassett, do; J Cain, do; E F Case, do; F A Dodge, do; Ed Casling, do; J Hendrick, do; G L Blauvelt, do; Bart Hallings, do.
Co. B—Corp G M Gilbert, killed; Corp T J Robinson, wounded; Privates William Henry, wounded; C D Weaver, missing and prisoner;
Jas A Wimett, do; Jas Hess, do; I Hickman, missing; Thos H Taylor, (blacksmith), do; John Canfield, do; Wm H Doxey, do; John Witherell, sr., do.
Co. C.—Private Wm I Bailey, wounded; Sergt R N Shipley, missing; John Hall, do; Corp Samuel P Thompson, do; Wm H Taylor, do; E G Trask, do; James Rustin, do.
Co. D.—Sergt L Parsons, killed; Sergt B M Beeman, wounded and prisoner; Chas H Sears, do; Sergt Robert J Tanner, missing; Corp T O Bannister, do; Corp J R Stewart, do; R Arnold, do; B J Harvey, do; J Playford, do; C Spoor, do; Sergt Charles H Church, killed.
Co. B.—Capt James A Sayles, missing; Sergt Charles A Fox, wounded and prisoner; Sergt Samuel C Ward, missing; T W Fearley, (bugler) do; J Van Orman, (blacksmith) do; L S Hunter, do; D F Woodhull, do.
Co. F.—1st Sergt L H Caril, wounded; Sergt James Warner, killed; C A Phillips, wounded; Thos Elsome, do; E A Segar, missing; A Manchester,
do; 1st Lieut Jas P Swain, do; Sergt John Kirby, do; E A Gardinier, do; F E Willett, wounded and prisoner; A waters, missing.
Co G—John Davis, missing; Wm Long, do; Amandas Miller, wounded; F. Tibballs, missing; John Snyder, do; Wm Nutterville, B and F, do; Chas Miller, B and F, do.
Co H—Corp Wm Burnett, wounded and prisoner; Tunis Love, do; H Sweet, missing; B L Curtis, do; S Scott, do; T P Whiting, do; G Brown, do; D H Pierce, do; J Burkhard, do; J Burnett, do.
Co I.—1st Sergt Jos Atwood, missing; Sergt John H Osborn, wounded and prisoner; Corp R White, missing; Privates E Allen, C Carroll, E C Ferry, L Huet, F N Morey, John Perrin, L Pratt, missing; S Shaffer, wounded.
Co K.—Capt A L Goodrich, missing; Sergts Daniel Donohue, John T Raines, D Brooks, missing; Corps Clark White, Jerry Casey, missing; Privates Louis Cox, C Rockafellow, Wm Hall, missing.
Co. L—Capt Jas McNair, killed; Corp Mich'l Doyle, wounded; Private N Ostrander, wounded; Seggt [sic] S E Frisbie, missing; Private E Burch, missing; Corp Wm Logan, missing; Privates George Rice, Wm O Raymond, Thomas Boyle, missing.
Co. M.—Sergt H Hamlin, missing; J Gunther, do; Corp Alex M Caruthers, do; J Huffner, do; George Hosmer, do; Volney Harris, do; Murray McLean, do; J Welch, do; Peter Reddy, do; John Shipper, do; A G Hotchkiss, do; A De Clark, do; T Shirthff, do; Sandford Carrol, wounded; David Clark, wounded and prisoner; Frank Zimber, missing, Henry Cline, do.
Asst Surgeon Oscar H. Adams, missing; Sergt Maj. Chas H Moody, do.
Killed—1 Captain and 4 men. Missing—3 captains, 1 Lieut, 1 Asst Surgeon, and 97 men.—Wounded and prisoners—11 men.
Correspondence of the Courier.
June 2, 1864.
Editor Courier:—Thinking that perhaps those having friends in the 8th N. Y. Cavalry would be pleased to hear from them, I will improve the few moments left me before we leave Camp. I will be brief,—going back as far as the 30th of May, (the time I joined the Regiment,) when our Division was ordered to pass around the right of the Army and destroy the railroad and bridge crossing the South Anna. The column was put in motion at 9 P. M., and arrived near the railroad at daylight. The enemy, not having a large force near them, we proceeded quietly to perform our duty. After destroying some ten miles of track, and burning the bridge, we returned to the vicinity of Salem Church. Here we found a portion of Hampton's Legion, supported by infantry and artillery. We engaged them at 10 A. M., and after eight hours hard fighting, succeeded, in driving the enemy and capturing several prisoners, sustaining a loss of one killed and twenty wounded. We remained on picket until 12th of June, when orders came to move, and at 9 P. M., we crossed the Chickahominy on a log, surprised and drove the enemy's pickets, who fled after firing a few shots. We then joined the Division, which had crossed at Long Bridge, and at daylight commenced marching in the direction of White Oak Swamp. After some six miles rapid marching, we met a large force of the enemy. The 3d Indiana was dismounted and thrown forward as skirmishers, but were driven back by superior numbers. At this juncture, the 3d Battallion [sic], commanded by Capt. H. B. Compson, was dismounted and sent to support the skirmishers. We advanced and found them on the left. As soon as a junction was formed, the command "Forward," "Double-Quick," was given by our Capt., and the men giving a yell, advanced upon the enemy, driving and completely routing them, and holding our ground against several assaults. Our loss was nine wounded, while that of the enemy was very great. (Our Battallion [sic] buried forty-five.) At six orders were given to fall back as far as Harrison's Landing, (to draw rations,) which was done in good order. The morning of the 16th inst., our Regiment was sent out on a reconnoisance, toward Malvern Hill, at which place we met the enemy and drove them from the Hill and held it for two hours, against superior numbers. The object being attained, we fell back and joined the Army, and crossed the James River on the 17th. We are encamped near Petersburg, but expect to leave in one hour. Where we shall go can only be surmised. One thing is certain, an order has been issued to the officers to prepare for a ten day's raid.
A word to our friends at home:--The coming Presidential Campaign will be the most important event in American History. In the contest of 1860, the friends of Slavery, under the banner of J. C. Breckenridge acted avowedly and solely to consummate the division and destruction of the Republic. In the contest of 1864, it is the co-relative; duty of the friends of Freedom, under the flag of Abraham Lincoln, to rebuild and restore the Union. Upon their harmonious and vigorous action, the great work of achieving a permanent peace and honorable reconstruction, chiefly depends. Should faction, or ambition, distract or divide them, an enemy of the war for preservation of our free institutions, will succeed to the Presidential Chair, and in that event the catastrophe of seperation [sic] will be inevitable. Keenly alive to this fact, the armed adversaries of the Union, and those who sympathize with them, will make herculean efforts to sow dissension among the true friends of the Government. Let every true lover of his country put forth every effort in his power, to defeat these combinations in the coming election. We look to the men of Seneca to do their whole duty. We will take care of the enemy in the field. Will you defeat them at home?
P. S.—We receive your valuable paper weekly, and can say that we derive great pleasure in perusing its contents.
Eighth N. Y. Cavalry.
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 3, 1864.
MY DEAR UNION:—It is with great pain that I communicate the following authentic facts in regard to this regiment, just certified to me by Surgeon Ferguson, who was 16 days a Prisoner of War in Libby Prison and Hospital, Richmond.
Killed in action, May 13, on Mechrnicsville road near Richmond—Lieutenant Dick Taylor, Company E. He was seen to fall by his companions, his horse also being shot,—they were unable to rescue him, and Surgeon Ferguson was told that the body, stripped of all but shirt and drawers upon the field, (he was not allowed to go near it,) was that of the only Lieutenant who fell.
Myron Strong, Company "I"—leg amputated. Reached the Hospital exhausted, and soon died. Adelbert Lamphere, Company "H"—lost a leg, and died soon after amputation, at a house close by the scene of battle. I saw C. D. Davis this week at Point Lockout, about and doing well; longing for home.
Surgeon Ferguson was captured in consequence of refusal to leave the men until he had dressed their wounds. Yours.
J. V. V. I.
From t h e Eighth Cavalry—List of Casualties, &c.
June 16, 1864.
DEAR UNION:—Since my last our regiment has been pursuing its usual routine since we crossed the Rapidan, marching and fighting being our almost constant occupation. Since the fight of the 3d inst., at Salem Church, the command of the regiment has devolved upon Lieutenant Colonel Pope, who had fortunately rejoined it a few days previously. It will be recollected that this officer, who was taken prisoner in Maryland nearly a year since, did not receive his release from Richmond until last spring. From his well known reputation for conduct and ability, he having been trained under the immediate supervision of the lamented Davis, I venture to predict that the regiment will lose none of its honors while under his command.
After doing picket duty and patrol in the neighborhood of Bottom's Bridge for a few days, on the night of the 12th our division moved to the fords upon the Chickahominy, farther down the river, and prepared to lead the way for the 2d and 5th Corps to make a crossing. Our regiment was assigned to the task of crossing at an old, dismantled bridge some two miles below Long Bridge, where the pontoons were to be laid. We fully expected to meet with sharp opposition, and made our preparations accordingly. Our ride to the river was made as silently as possible, when the most of the men were dismounted and advanced noiselessly to the ford. The advance guard were fired upon by the enemy pickets; but they immediately fled, and the men hastened to cross before any force should come up to attack us. Some old fallen trees were lying across the stream, which is quite narrow and deep. It was rather amusing to see officers and men astride of the logs, hitching themselves across as fast as possible, at the same time endeavoring to keep their feet and fire arms out of the water. I could not help thinking, with something of a sportsman's instinct, what a beautiful raking shot could have, been had upon us, when twenty or thirty of us would be crossing upon the same log. How ever, we effected our landing upon the opposite bank without molestation, and being immediately deployed as skirmishers, we scoured the country for some distance back from the river and proceeded to join the remainder of the brigade at Long Bridge, where they had been equally fortunate with ourselves. The pontoons were soon laid, and long before sunrise the infantry were pouring across. Our horses were brought down to us, and our brigade took the advance on a road running westerly in the direction of the rebel capital. We had not gone but a few miles when the lion appeared in our path in the form of a strong body of mounted infantry, supported by infantry proper. A severe engagement followed, which lasted until night, our men driving their antagonists for a long distance, when heavy reinforcements came to their assistance, and we gradually fell back. The object of the reconnoissance, however, was fully effected. The wagon trains and most of the infantry were enabled to get a good start towards the James River while we were engaging the attention of the enemy in a different direction. After a hasty feed for ourselves and horses we followed in the direction of the main body, guarding the rear and halting for a few hours rest. The next morning we traveled towards Malvern Heights, passing within the strong earthworks erected by McClellan in the vicinity of Harrison's Landing. We halted upon an extensive field near the river, which was covered with a rich growth of clover, when we unsaddled our weary horses and prepared to enjoy a few hours' rest and draw some much needed rations for man and beast. But alas for the glorious uncertainty of a soldier's life, we were suddenly startled by the order to saddle immediately.—Our pickets had been driven in, and rumors of a large force of the enemy advancing came to our ears.
Our brigade went out on a run to meet them before they should be able to sieze [sic] the earthworks lying in our rear. Our regiment dismounted a portion, and we advanced to punish the audacious intruders upon our rest. It proved to be only a small force of cavalry, who had followed us up either for the purpose of watching our movements or with the hope of capturing some of our brigade train. After pursuing them for some distance, and finding that there was no serious demonstration to be made, we returned, and getting our supplies, again took the road that we had come upon,-and returning a few miles encamped and threw out our pickets to guard against any movements of the enemy that might be made in the direction of the army trains that were moving towards the river in rear of us.
Yesterday the brigade moved out on a reconnaissance towards Haxall's Landing, and found that the Heights in that vicinity which we had occupied when on our raid in May, were now occupied by a strong force of the enemy of all branches of the service, who seemed to be guarding the right of their line, and annoying our gunboats at night.
After some severe skirmishing with them, our force fell back to this position, where we had encamped the night previous, and are now guarding this flank until the main army has passed by on its destination, which you will have learned by the time this reaches you. Annexed is a list of the losses and casualties of the regiment during the late engagements.
And now before I again forget it let me apologize to the ladies of Rochester who procured the beautiful flag for our regiment, for my omission to mention the receipt of it when we rejoined the army on the banks of the North Anna. My excuse must be the wearied state of both mind and body after the severe raid we had just been making, and only the duty as I conceived it to be of giving anxious friends a list of our losses during so dangerous a journey as we had been making, induced me to write at all. I can only say that the regiment appreciate the honor that has been done them, by their beautiful and appropriate gift; and we trust the fair donors shall never have occasion to regret their bestowal of it, and that we may be enabled to bring it back to our much loved city in due season, and return our thanks in person to the kind and patriotic givers.
1st Sergt. John R. Van Tana, Co. A, wounded.
John Hubbard, Co. A, wounded.
Frank Huber, Co. B, wounded.
John H. Green, Co. B, wounded.
Edwin S. Burgess, Co. B, wounded.
Henry Miller, Co. B, wounded.
David Myers, Co. C, wounded and prisoner.
Wm. Green, Co. C, prisoner.
Martin Minters, Co. D, wounded.
John Brown, Co, D, wounded.
Henry L. Priest, Co. F, wounded.
Sergt. Martin A. Reed, Co. H, wounded.
Wm. Grunwell, Co. H, wounded.
H. Howes, Co. H, wounded.
S. H. Remington, Co. K, wounded.
E. L. Gibson, Co. K, wounded.
Noah Sellick, Co. L, wounded and prisoner.
George Miner, Co.L, missing.
L. H. Bailey, Co. L, wounded.
Jacob Wesley, Co. L, wounded.
Phillip Buckley, Co. M, wounded.
A. Kennedy, Co. M, wounded.
JUNE 15.
William Sholes, Co, D, wounded.
Eli F. Pettibone, Co. D, missing.
Charles Ware, Co. E, killed.
James Blair, Co. K, missing.
In regard to Buckley and Kennedy of our own company, I am compelled to say that no two men could have behaved more gallantly,— their conduct eliciting the warmest praise from our Captain, who in common with the whole company regrets their misfortune.
Yours, &c., GENESEE.
Eighth N. Y. Cavalry—List of Casualties—Some of the "Missing" Getting Back From Rebeldom.
The following note from Adjutant Van Dusen of the 8th N. Y. Cavalry, with a list of casualties, will be read with intense interest by the friends of the regiment who have been anxiously awaiting intelligence from that quarter. It is gratifying to hear that the list of missing is constantly diminishing by fresh arrivals in the Federal lines. The Eighth has, however, suffered a considerable loss in this desperate dash into the heart of the rebel country. The regiment must have gone bravely into the work, to have met with so many causualties [sic]: HEADQUARTERS 8TH N. Y. CAVALRY,
NEAR CITY POINT, July 3, 1864.
EDS. UNION AND ADVERTISER:—I have the honor to transmit herewith a list of casualties in our regiment during the late raid through the southern counties of Virginia.
It may be a relief to those who are anxiously awaiting news from their friends in the regiment. We are in hopes that many of those who are reported "missing" may yet come in, as Majors Pope and Moore with 50 men (who were at first cut off with the rest) joined us yesterday, the greater part of the men completely exhausted; but with a little rest they will soon recover. Very respectfully, &c.,
Adjt 8th N. Y. C.
List of Casualties in the 8th N. Y. Cavalry, from June
22d to July 2d.
Capt Chas McVean, missing; Privates William H Cummings, do; 1st Sergt E P Follett, do; Sergt Charles M Booth, do; Privates H D Bassett, do; J. Cain, do; E F C___, do; F A Dodge, do; Ed Casling, do; J Hendrick, do; G L Blauvelt, do; Bart Hallings, do.
Corp G M Gilbert, killed; Corp T J Robinson, wounded; Privates William Henry, wounded; C D Weaver, missing and prisoner; Jas A Wimett, do; Jas Hess, do; J Hickman, missing; Thos H Taylor, (blacksmith) do; John Canfield, do; Wm H Doxey, do; John Witherell, sr., do.
Private Wm I Bailey, wounded; Sergt R N Shipley, missing; Private John Hall, do; Corp Sam; P Thompson, do; Privates Wm H Taylor, do; E G Trask, Do; James Ruston, do.
Sergt L Parsons, killed; Sergt B M Beeman, wounded and prisoner; Private Chas H Sears, do; Sergt Robert J Tanner, missing; Corp T O Bannister, do; Corp J R Stewart, do; Privates R Arnold, do; B J Harvey, do; J Playford, do; C Spoor, do; Sergt Charles H Church, killed.
Capt James A Sayles, missing; Sergt Charles A fox, wounded and prisoner; Sergt Samuel G Ward, missing; T W Frearley, (bugler) do; J Van Orman, (blacksmith) do; Privates L S Hunter, do; D F Woodhull, do.
1st Sergt L H Carll, wounded; Sergt James Warner, killed; Privates C A Phillips, wounded; Thos Elsome, do; E A Segar, missing; A Manchester, do; 1st Lieut Jas P Swain, do; Sergt John Kirby, do; Privates E A Gardinier, do; F E Willett, wounded and prisoner; A Waters, missing.
Privates John Davis, missing; Wm Long, do; Amandas Miller, wounded; F Tibbals, missing; John Snyder, do; Wm Nutterville, B and F, do; Chas Miller, B and F, do.
Corp Wm Burnett, wounded and prisoner; Privates Tunis Lowe, do; H Sweet, missing; B L Curtis, do; S Scott, do; T P Whiting, do; G Brown, do; D H Pierce, do; J Burkhard, do; J Burnett, do.
1st Sergt Jos Atwood, missing; Sergt John H Osborn, wounded and prisoner; Cor R White, missing; Privates E Allen, do; C Carroll, do; E C Ferry, L Huet, do; F N Morey, do; John Perrin, do; L Pratt, do; S Shaffer, wounded.
Capt A L Goodrich, missing; Sergts Daniel Donahue, missing; John Y Raines, do; D Brooks, do; Corps Clark White, do; Jerry Casey, d o ; Privates Louis Cox, do; C Rockafellow, do; Wm Hall, do.
Capt Jas McNair, killed; Cor Michl Doyle, wounded; Private N A Ostrander, do; Sergt S Frisble, missing; Private _ Burch, do; Cor Wm Logan, d o ; Privates George Rice, do; Wm O Raymond, do; Thomas Boyle, do.
Sergt H Hamlin, missing; Private J Gunther, do; Cor Alex M Caruthers, do; Privates J Huffner, do; George Hosmer, do; Volney Harris, do; Murray McLean, do; J Welch, do; Peter Reddy, do; John Shipper, do; A G Hotchkiss, do; A De Clark, do; T Shirtlift, do; Sandford Carroll, wounded; David Clark, wounded and prisoner; Frank Zilmber, missing; Henry Cline, do.
Asst Surgeon Oscar H Adams, missing; Sergt Major Chas H Moody, do.
Killed--1 Captain and 4 men. Missing—3 Captains, 1 Lieutenant, 1 Asst Surgeon, and 97 men.
Interesting Account of the Adventures of a Squadron of the 8th N. Y. Cavalry Cut off from the Wilson Raiding Party.
EDS. UNION & ADVERTISER: I have noticed an account of Wilson's late cavalry raid to Roanoke Station, on the Staunton River, which was not correct in stating the capture of Lieut. Col. Pope, Major Moore, and several other officers of our regiment. Having a few leisure moments I concluded to write a few lines correcting the mistake and letting the numerous readers of your excellent paper know the whereabouts of those supposed to be captured at the time, that is if you will allow a piece clothed in the rough language of an old soldier in your columns. I will pass over the long dusty marches, the fighting in the rear near Ream's Station on the start by Col. Chapman's Brigade, the severe fight near Notaway C. H., the tearing up of near 50 miles of railroad, the fight of Kautz' Division at Roanoke Bridge, and the fight of our Brigade (Col. Chapman's) in the rear with Rooney Lee's Division at the same time, and commence at the fight near Stony Creek on our return home.
The advance of our column met the enemy sundown and at once a heavy fire was opened and kept up till 10 P. M., when our Brigade was ordered to relieve the 1st. On we went at a gallop through a piece of woods dark as Egypt, soon however coming to an open field in which the battery was firing and stray bullets passed over our heads whistling a merry tune.
The order "prepare to fight on foot!" was soon given and all but numbers four dismounted (they remaining to hold the horses) took their carbines, filled their pockets with cartridges and were marched to a position in rear of the 1st Brigade, for it was our intention to withdraw as soon as the rest of the Division moved off. We constructed a light protection of rails, and then the 1st Brigade, taking advantage of a lull in the storm, fell back under cover of the intense darkness, which veiled everything in gloom, mounted and moved off. The enemy, however, soon found out that we were changing our line and opened a heavy fire, though owing to the darkness, it was poorly directed and did no further harm than to keep the boys awake and on the alert. It soon became quiet again, and almost as soon most of the boys fell into a sound slumber, for it was then the sixth day and night that we had been marching, working on the Railroad, or fighting the enemy, with scarcely any rest. But though sleeping soundly, some dreaming of that home and its loved inmates far away, and some snoring with all the energy of desperadoes, the sharp crack of a carbine from one of our pickets would have brought them all to their feet, ready for action.
Just as day began to break through one of the densest fogs I ever saw, the enemy advanced on us. A heavy fire was opened from both sides, and kept up for some time, when, all of a sudden we were startled by the sharp crack of carbines in our rear, with the peculiar "ti-yi" of the Johnies who were charging our rear and left flank with cavalry and our front with infantry. We could have held the front, but the flanking force was heavier than ours and the order was passed along the line to fall back to our horses rapidly. The rebel cavalry had charged so far across our rear that a squad of about 85 men and a number of officers were entirely cut off from the horses and had to take to the woods to save ourselves from being captured by their cavalry who were on every side of us in considerable force. Most of them were from our Regiment and a few from each Regiment in the Brigade. The officers with us were Majors Moore, Capt Compson, Capt. McVean, Capt. Goodrich, Lt Swain, Lt. Metcalf and Lt. Scheels of the 8th N. Y.; two from the 3d Ind. and one from the 22d N. Y., whose names I did not learn.
All that day the rebel cavalry kept hunting us from one hiding place to another, and several times they formed a skirmish line around us thinking to make an easy capture, but just as they got nearly upon us (which they could do without seeing us on account of bushes thickly woven with briars) we would rise, give them a volley, and dash through their lines into the bushes, with the gallant Major and Capt. Compson at the head, keeping on a rapid march til out of their reach, for the time, using every method we could invent to deceive them as to our course.
In one of these attacks Captain McVean, Captain Goodrich, Lieut. Irwin and the two 3d Indiana officers were captured with near thirty men. At last dark, so much wished for, settled on friend and foe alike. The weather was very warm, and we had no water that day except a little we came across in an old dry ditch, which the swine would not wallow in. The day before we had not eaten anything, so that made the second day without food and 24 hours without water. But tired and famished as we were, just as soon as the busy hunters had become quieted for the night, all started, using a little compass for guide, which one of the boys lucidly had in his watch, each man determined that nothing should stop his progress except a bullet or a stronger man than himself. We kept the roads entirely, lest by venturing into an open field we should run upon some of our friends so anxious to introduce us to Miss Libby of Richmond.—These roads were thickly grown with brushwood, and interwoven with a running briar peculiar to Virginia, which made it very hard marching, especially for two or three of the boys who were barefoot. But on we pressed, crossing the Weldon Railroad just at day break, and wading the Little Nottaway river soon after, a short distance above the Railroad bridge, and in sight of a rebel picket reserve. Oh! how good that pure river water tasted, tongue can never tell, nor imagination conceive. Our bath and drink revived us, and on we jogged again undiscovered. About noon we halted in a piece of woods near an open space. A darkey we had as guide went out to see what was ahead, and soon came back with the intelligence that it was the country road, and that Jenkins' Brigade of mounted infantry was passing.
Very pleasant news for us, but we lay low till all was quiet and passed on again. Just at night we halted near a large house; three of the boys and Major Moore went to the house and got some fat bacon, all the eatables they could find except a small hoe-cake that the Major got and divided with the boys as best he could. The bacon being very fat many could not eat it, hungry as they were; though to some, fat and raw as it was, it was a delicacy.
At sundown we crossed the Little Nottaway again, two miles above Jelers Bridge, and very near one of the Johnnies picket reserves, for we could see their horses out grazing; but fortune favoring us again we passed unnoticed. We reached Jones' stream that evening, but could not cross it having no guide, and had to lay in the vicinity all night. At day-break we crossed the stream which was the most dismal part of the journey. It was nearly half a mile in width and from one to three feet deep.
About noon that day we came in sight of a party of blue-jackets parading. To express our joy is more than I can do, though perhaps the reader can imagine what our feelings were. Many dropped on the road perfectly exhausted with hunger and fatigue. Such a forlorn set of men I think you never saw. Some without boots their feet badly swollen, many without hats, others with their clothes torn to shreds, and some with their hands and faces badly scratched, all worn and wasted by hunger and fatigue. But, kind reader, you must excuse us for looking wretched when you remember that we had marched 75 miles through woods and briars, and been three days and nights without nothing to eat, besides having been on almost constant duty for the six days previous. No doubt that many of us would have got through safe alone; but for such a company to get through, there had to be a competent leader, and such an one Major Moore proved himself to be. He exerted himself for the good of the boys, regardless of self two or three times when he went out to reconnoiter, he brought his pockets lull of green apples and distributed them among the boys, which were eaten with relish I can assure you.
Major Moore came out with the regiment as Second Captain, has risen to his present rank and is recognized as one of the bravest and a most efficient officer. Lt. Col. Pope became separated from the rest on the start, but like the brave little fellow, he had worked his way thro' alone I understand, getting in the same day we did.
The next day after we reached our lines, we joined our regiment, and a joyous welcome we received from our old comrades who thought us surely gone. Most respectfully,
W. H. D.
The Eighth Cavalry—Major Pope a Prisoner in the Hands of the Rebels.
BEVERLY FORD, Va., July 28.
DEAR UNION:—As you will perceive by the date of this, we have again planted our footsteps upon the "sacred soil" of Virginia. After holding the enemy in check for nearly a week, between Hagerstown and Williamsport, during which time the cavalry were engaged in almost constant skirmishing, as well as some severe fighting, and when apparently the whole army had arrived, who were to give Lee and his army their quietus, to our astonishment, and I presume that of the rebels also, our forces remained for nearly four days idle spectators of the enemy's lines, who of course were busily engaged in perfecting their means of escape across the Potomac. It is not perhaps for me to criticize [sic] the plans of our generals, but I have not yet seen any one who could give any sort of a reason for the strange delay. The only reason I could give was that they were afraid to attack, with the force at hand; if so, there has been some tremendous lying on the part or the administration papers, and the people and soldiers have been much deceived. Our division took part in the advance on the 14th and did some severe fighting, capturing a large number of prisoners, and our squadron (now again Cos. H. and M.) took a fine 12-pound parrot gun, which Capt. Barry turned upon the enemy by the assistance of a few of his dismounted men and fired several rounds with much effect, rather a novelty, I imagine, in cavalry service. On the 18th we recrossed the river, most of us with heavy hearts, for we felt discouraged with the result of our Maryland expedition, for we had confidently reckoned upon the final blow being given to the enemy, when there seemed apparently so fair a chance for the accomplishment of that object. We passed down through Loudon and Fauquier counties, across the battle fields of Middleburg and Upperville, reaching Chester's Gap on the 21st, but the enemy were about three hours ahead of us, and having both infantry and artillery were too strongly posted to be driven out. During the first day's skirmish Richard Waitland, of our company, was wounded in the right side and arm, though not dangerously, also John Reynolds, of Co. H, was wounded in the foot, which were the only casualties in our regiment. After doing picket and scouting duty for a few days, our division left on the 26th for this point, which we reached yesterday, and we are now encamped near the river, within a mile or two of the ford. The enemy's pickets are in sight, and they have guns planted to resist our crossing. Our infantry are near us and more coming up, and if Lee chooses we may perhaps have a battle here. Lieut. Frost, who worthily filled the post of company commandant since the departure of Capt. Smith, has been obliged to return to Warrenton, being threatened with fever, which is becoming rather a frequent visitor among us. Major Pope, whose fate was in doubt for some time, it is now ascertained was taken prisoner near Funkstown, being ill at a house there when the falling back of the infantry skirmishers gave the rebs an opportunity to take him.
The weather is extremly [sic] warm and very trying for ourselves as well as our horses. Hoping you will excuse a short letter,
Yours as ever, GENESEE.
Sheridan's Activity.
The following extracts from the private letter of a soldier photograph the unresting movements of the forces under the command of Gen. Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. Although the cavalry were engaged in battle as the cavalry of McClellan never were for three weeks, they were almost constantly on the trot, and never made a complaint of being jaded or that the horses had "sore tongues" The letter from which we quote was written by a member of the 8th N. Y. Cavalry, dated near Strasburg, Oct. 12th. (1864)
I will try and give you a synopsis of our three weeks doings. Monday morning, Sept. 19th, at 3 o'clock, our division moved out from Berryville on the pike toward Winchester, in advance of the infantry. About 5 o'clock we crossed Opequan Creek, driving the rebel pickets about a mile when we struck their infantry line. Our brigade came up then and formed in line of battle on the right of the 1st brigade, and then we waited for our infantry which came up about 9 o'clock and commenced forming their line of battle. Meanwhile there was heavy skirmishing and artillery practice between us and the rebels. As soon as the infantry was ready, which was about 11 o'clock, we moved off to the left of the line. As we moved I saw Gens. Sheridan, Wright and Emory talking together. About 12 o’clock our line commenced to advance. From where we were on the left I could plainly see the whole movement. It was a splendid sight to see our men, how bravely they went at the work. The battle raged till about 3 o'clock, our men driving the rebels about a mile, when suddenly on the right the 8th corps and the 1st cavalry division engaged the stubborn Johnnies, who broke and commenced running through Winchester. We then commenced on the left to charge them. In one charge our regiment captured 36 prisoners. You ought to hear us shout and cheer at the "skedaddling" Johnnies. We could see a great dust on the pike where they were running pell mell. We chased them long after dark to Keerstown, and there went into camp for the night, well satisfied with our day's work.
Early the next morning we saddled up and commenced following the routed enemy on the Valley pike. At Newtown our division turned to the left, and we marched as far as Happy Gap toward Front Royal. We camped near the Gap for the night. Next morning at 3 o'clock, in a dense fog, with our regiment in advance, we moved out to cross the river near front Royal. We bravely charged the ford under a sharp fire from the enemy’s cavalry, and drove them away in a hurry. In company with eight others, I was the first to enter Front Royal, and we drove about a dozen rebels out of the town. On a flour mill one of the boys broke open a safe and got $2,000 in confederate money and another $500 in greenbacks. We chased the flying chivalry till dark into the mountain as far as Chester Gap, and camped there for the night. I was on the skirmish line all day.
Next day, the 22d the 1st division advanced on the road towards Millford, and here took a road to the left. We skirmished with the enemy all day, but could not force them out of their entrenched position between the mountains. We moved back at dark and went into camp on the pike towards Millford.
23d.—Marched till about noon back to the railroad and rested till dark, saddled up and marched back the same road till 12 o'clock at night, and camped near Millford. While resting near the railroad a dispatch was read to us, signed by General Torbett, announcing to us Sheridan's second and splendid victory at Fisher's Hill. The whole cavalry was cheering for an hour on receipt of the good news.
24th.—Moved at daylight from our bivouac near Millford, and found the enemy had evacuated their fortified position. We marched all day, the 1st division skirmishing with their rear guard near Luray. We passed by Laury at 3 o'clock and took the pike towards new Market. We camped near the entrance to the Gap.
25th.—Early next morning we packed up and arrived at New Market at 11 o'clock. We there found our train and drew supplies--three days' rations and some clothing. We rested till 2 o'clock and marched till 8 o'clock, and camped at Harrisburgh.
26th—Started at daylight and marched steadily all day and entered Staunton just at dark. Went into camp for the night on the road to Waynesboro. Our squadron went on picket on the pike to Lexington. There were a great many rebel wounded in Staunton whom we paroled. We also burned a great amount of Government property which the rebels had not time to get away.
27th.—Stayed on picket all day till evening, when we joined the regiment and went to Waynesboro and camped about 10 o'clock near the town.
28th.—Rested during the day while some other regiments were destroying the railroad. About 5 o'clock the rebel infantry came through Rockfish gap and drove our men away from the railroad. We had a sharp fight, which ended in our regiment and the 22d N. Y. being cut off from the rest of the command. We expected to be all taken prisoners, but we cut through fields and took a by-road, and gained the rest of the command at Fisherville Station. We passed through Staunton, and took a road to the left of the main pike, marching all night, burning all the hay and grain on our route.
29th.—Marched till 8 o'clock, and camped near the North river, seven miles from Harrisonburgh.
30th.—We lay quiet until 5 o'clock, and then our brigade moved on the pike near Mt. Crawford, and camped near the pike. Gen. Wilson was relieved, and now Gen. Custar commands the 3d Division.
Oct. 1st.—We pay quiet, and did no marching. I went with twenty men to a flour-mill, and got flour for the regiment.
2d.—About 10 o'clock we suddenly saddled up, for the enemy was advancing and was skirmishing with our pickets. We kept our saddles all day, but they did not advance in force. Gen. Custar, with the 1st Brigade, had a pretty sharp fight on the right of us.
3d.—We kept saddled all day in expectation of an attack, but none was made. About noon our supply train arrived, and with it Major Scholefield with his safe, who paid us six months' pay. Rather a surprise to us to get paid when so near the enemy. If they had only known it, I think they would have attacked us. As soon as the Major got through, our squadron guarded him back to Harrisonburgh, and we went in a large livery barn and put up for the night. It was a treat to us to sleep in a barn, I assure you.
4th.—In the morning, as soon as the Major was ready, we guarded him back to the regiment, and rested till evening, when we went on picket towards Mt. Crawford.
5th.—On picket all day, and was relieved by the lst Vermont at dark, and went back into camp.
6th.—At daylight we moved and marched all day, and camped at night near Brock's Gap. On the route we burned every barn that contained hay or grain. The 1st Division did the burning along the pike.
6th.—Burned some splendid barns and once in a while a house caught, and then went furniture and all. The valley was all smoke behind us. As soon as the enemy found out what we were doing they followed us with a vengeance. The 1st brigade had considerable fighting with them in the rear while we went ahead and did the burning. We drove along all the cattle and sheep and a great many of the citizens packed up a few clothes and followed. Our ambulances were full of women and children. Our regiment went on back near the gap at night.
7th.—Started at daylight and marched till about 3 o'clock, when the rebels came on another road and charged on all sides our rear guard, consisting of the 1st Vermont regiment, driving us about a mile and capturing two forges and two ambulances. At one time the Johnnies were so close that they wanted me to surrender but I had too many greenbacks, so I could not stop and accommodate them. My horse gave out and I had to borrow one. We camped at a place called Columbia Furnace seven miles from Woodstock.
8th.—Marched back to Fisher's Hill, and drew up in line but the rebels did not like to attack us in that position, so we quietly went into camp till morning. Fisher's Hill is a position of natural strength and well fortified. Our army done nobly in taking it.
9th.—This day will long be remembered by the 8th N. Y., and Gen. Custer. Instead of falling back as we supposed we should this morning, we moved out to see who those Johnnies were that were following our rear.
We advanced about two miles, the 1st Brigade ahead, and we found them posted in a good position. Our Brigade moved to the right towards Little North Mountain under a severe shelling from the rebel battery. We advanced finely, driving them about a mile, when Gen. Custar rose up with his bugler and sounded the charge, and then you ought to have seen our regiment. We gave them a volley from our carbines, put spurs to our horses, drew our pistols and gave them a yell that told them we were coming, and at them we went. The rebel chivalry could not stand the charge. I had a good horse, and soon caught up with the routed enemy. I fired my revolver into them but could not say whether I hit any one or not. I gobbled one prisoner and started to the rear with him. He rode a splendid mare which I took, and sent him back afoot with some other prisoners. I took his pocket book which contained $20 rebel money, and a half dollar in silver. They would take my pocket book if they had caught me, so I must do the same to them.
As I gobbled my prisoner the rest of the regiment gobbled their whole battery of six guns, which was trying to get away in a narrow road. We chased them four miles pell-mell through the lots. While our regiment took the battery, the 22d New York captured their entire wagon train and ambulances, thirty in number. Some of the wagons were the same ones taken from us on the Wilson raid and also some artillery. We also, in one of the wagons, found Gen. Chapman's valise taken on the Wilson raid. The 1st Division on the left of us, along the pike drove them to Mount Jackson and captured six guns and a lot of wagons. Gen. Custar gives our regiment great praise. Altogether it reflects great credit on our cavalry corps. Our loss in the regiment was one killed and two wounded. In our charge we killed and wounded quite a number of the gray-backs, for we were right at their backs blazing into them. Oh how we did cheer after we had found out what we had captured. A whole battery—horses, caissons, artilleryists and 100 prisoners
by the 8th New York. Glory enough for one day. After we had pursued the flying Chivalry till we could not see them any longer, we retraced our victorious steps and went back to Fisher's Hill and camped. Our regiment went on Picket.
10th.—On picket, and was relieved in the evening. Our train came up and we got some more supplies.
The 11th we rested till noon, when we saddled up and commenced going back. We passed through Strasburg and are at present camped four miles from town. Operations indicate we will go back still further. I hope so; for we don’t get any mail only when the train comes with supplies, nor any papers. We live on slap-jacks and fresh pork or mutton, when we don't draw any rations. Our horses fare very well. We get plenty of corn and hay in the Valley, and we have destroyed a good deal too.
F. M. Parker.
—Sergt. Thos. Farr, of the 8th Cavalry, who was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, during the first day's fight, has returned to this city. His wound is still painful, yet he is likely to recover.
Lieut. GANNON of the 8th, N. Y. Cavalry, writes to DANIEL MCCARTY, of this village, that his son JOHN MCCARTY aged 17 years, was shot through the heart while doing picket duty on Tuesday, May 10th. Mr. McCarty also had a son killed at the battle of Gettysburgh [sic]. He was a member of the old 22d Reg't N. Y. Vols., and was 21 years of age.
THE EIGHTH N. Y. CAVALRY.—Casualties etc.,—The following is the official list of killed, wounded and missing in the Eighth N. Y. Cavalry, during the second day's fight at Gettysburg:
Co. A—1st Sergt. E. A. Slocum.
Co. M—Private Jonathan MacComber.
Co. A—Corp. A. H. Edson.
Co. B—Sergt. John Dusinberre, Sergt. J. B. Davis, Corp. Martin Hogan, Privates T. Bradburn, J. Canfield, Wm. Hobbs, J. Shaffer.
Co. C—Jacob Zieder.
Co. D—Capt. C. D. Follet, Privates D. W. Pullis, John Sollaman.
Co. G—Corp. S. B. Griggs, Private L. L. Brown.
Co. I—Private Patrick Hayes.
Co. K—Sergt. Wm. G. Wilson, Corp, E. W. Mariatt, Privates Wm. A. Lynn, Thomas Tyggart, Geo. Brown, Thomas Radburn, Enos Sullivan.
Co.L—Sergt. Thomas Farr.
Co. B—Sergt. W. H. Cline, Privates William Hobden, J. Weaver.
Co. D—Corp. B. M. Beeman, Private Geo. E. Mack.
Co. E—Sheldon Jamison.
Co. G—Wm. Long, H. Travis, Fred. Duteh.
Co. I—Wm. Wesley, Levi A. Munger, W. H. Griffin.
Co. K—John Harden, Phillip Wood.
Co. L—George Niven, George Rice.
The following are the names of killed and wounded in the same regiment on Thursday last in a severe skirmish with the enemy between Boonesboro and Hagerstown:
KILLED.—SILAS H. WHITE, John Slater, George Townsend, Geo. Pierson, Corporal Oliver.
WOUNDED.—Capt. V. M.Smith, slightly; J. E.Ayres, slightly; E. A. Miner, slightly; Thomas Stronse, leg; Wm. H. Decker, thigh.
SABER PRESENTATION.—C. G. Beech, Esq., Editor of the Orleans Republican, who took an active part in raising recruits for Co. F. 8th N. Y. Cavalry Regiment has presented Lt. Thomas Bell, of that company with a beautiful Service Sword. Mr. Beech in his letter to Lieutenant Bell, says:
"Fervently hoping that the present most deplorable war may have a speedy and glorious termination, that the Flag of our hopes may again float peacefully over every portion of our land, and that you and the brave fellows of your command may return honored and in safety to the homes and the hearts you are now leaving."
Lieutenant Bell in his reply said:
"The Company, in which I have the honor to command, request me to assure the people of Orleans County, that when the conflict of battle shall have arrived, they will not be found wanting, and when peace is once more restored to this distracted land, and the brave men who take, up arms for the protection of this glorious Government and our wholesome laws, shall not be forgotten by those whom they hold so dear."
Personal.—Lieut. Frost, of the 8th Cavalry, who has been home on sick leave, has been ordered to report at Riker's Island, New York, to take charge of conscripts.
THE CONDITION OF CAPTAIN SMITH.—Capt. Vincent M. Smith, of the 8th Cavalry, in accordance with previous announcement, arrived in this city a few days since. He is still confined to the house of his father, E. Darwin Smith, on Washington street, from the effects of a wound received at the battle of Beverly Ford, at which he was engaged in one of the most gallant cavalry charges of the war. He is under the charge of Dr. Montgomery. His wound, although quite painful, is doing well, but it is a question whether he will recover the full use of his arm. Capt. Smith has made a very capable and efficient officer. His many friends will be pleased to hear of his speedy recovery. This is the first time he has been absent from his company since taking them to the field nearly a year since.
Sergt. Thos. Farr, of the 8th Cavalry, who was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, during the first day's fight, has returned to this city. His wound is still painful, yet he is likely to recover.
Lieut. L. V. Griffin, of the 8th New York, who has been here a few days on leave, left last night to rejoin his regiment. His health is measurably restored.
Well-Merited Promotion.—We are pleased to learn that Capt. Caleb Moore, of Co. A, 8th N. Y. Cavalry, has received the appointment of Major in the same command. Major Moore is the youngest son of the late Isaac Moore, of Brighton, and a member of the firm of Moore Brothers, of the Clover Street Nurseries. With the assistance of the late Lieut. Cutler, who fell at Beverly Ford, he recruited the first cavalry troop raised in Monroe county. He has participated in every skirmish, raid and battle in which the 8th Cavalry have been engaged, and has performed some hazardous service. A dashing horseman, a fearless leader, and effective fighter, and a good tactician, he had fully won the confidence and esteem of his late commander, the lamented Col. Davis, one of whose last official acts was to dispatch to the War Department the recommendation for Capt. M.'s promotion. He has many friends in this community who will be gratified to hear of his advancement.
DIED OF HIS WOUNDS.—Intelligence has been received here that Corp. A. H. Edson, of Co, A, 8th Cavalry, who was wounded in the late fight, died at Seminary Hospital, on Saturday, of his wounds. His parents reside on Smith street, in this city, and his loss falls with great weight upon them.
CAPT. VINCENT M. SMITH.—On Saturday last Capt. V. M. Smith, of the 8th Cavalry returned home suffering from a severe wound in the shoulder received in an engagement with the rebels near Hagerstown. The action in which he was wounded is described by a member of his company in a letter published this evening. Capt. Smith is a son of Judge E. Darwin Smith, and has given an excellent report since he went into the service. He has not taken a furlough since he has been in the army till his wound compelled him to leave the field. He is now doing well, though it may be considerable time before he will be able to get into the saddle. The feeling of the men toward Capt. Smith is indicated by the letter.
FURTHER CASUALTIES IN THE 8TH N. Y. CAVALRY.—Thursday night and Friday morning last the 8th N. Y. Cavalry had an engagement with the rebels near Boonsboro. The 8th lost several killed and wounded. We give the list as published in the New York papers:
Killed—Silas H. White, John Slater, Geo. Townsend, Geo. Pierson, Corporal Oliver.
Wounded—Capt. V. M. Smith, slightly; J. E. Ayers, slightly; E. A. Miner, slightly; Thomas Strouse, leg; Wm. H. Decker, thigh.
Mr. Edward A. Frost, who has been to Virginia to see a little of army life and visit his brother, Lieut. Henry C. Frost of the 8th Cavalry, returned home, yesterday, just in time to receive early news of his own success in Uncle Sam's lottery. He did not succeed in reaching his brother's regiment, but while exerting himself to do so learned that the Lieutenant was in hospital at Warrenton, sick with fever. Going thither he found his brother and caused his removal to Washington. The invalid is now in that city, in comfortable quarters, and convalescent.
CASUALTIES IN THE EIGHTH N. Y. CAVALRY.—The following is a list of the casualties occurring in the 8th N. Y. Cavalry at the recent severe skirmish near Culpepper Court House. The 8th is said to have particularly distinguished itself in this engagement. The men reported below had all been conveyed to Washington:
Geo. D. Curtiss, Co. F; Serg't E. A. Scott, G; Thomas F. G. Power, G; Fred. Durgh, G; Israel Mupes, G; W. Davies, F; E. L. Garrison; John C. Vangison, died on the way to hospital.
ANONYMOUS TRIBUTE TO AN OFFICER.—A communication has been sent to this office for publication, in which an officer of the 8th N. Y. Cavalry is extolled for his bravery at the Battle of Beverly Ford. The writer "spreads it on" so thick that we suspect it is a sell. As no bona fide name is given we decline to publish.
NOT KILLED.—Correspondents and others have reported that Edward Marriett, of Co. K, 8th N. Y. cavalry, was among the killed at the late battle of Gettysburg. The parents of Marriett, who reside in the 9th Ward, were unconsolable [sic] over the reported loss of their son, but yesterday their sadness was changed to joy on receiving a letter from Edward announcing that he was in hospital at Westminster. During the battle he was struck by two spent balls which knocked him from his horse and stunned him. He was taken prisoner by the rebels, paroled, and sent to the hospital. Too much reliance should not be placed on the first reports from the battle field—they are frequently erroneous, and people who have friends in the army would do well to await an official list of causulties [sic].
PERSONAL.—Last evening Lieutenant Colonel Jennings left for Utica to return with the two companies from this city who are to be paid off, and mustered out this week. The following are the officers of these companies:
Company G.—Capt., D. Frank Bender. 1st Lieut., John S. Jennings. 2d Lieut., Allen J. Swan.
Company H.—Captain., Edwd. A. Rosslewin. 1st Lieut., JabzeL [sic] Miller. 2d Lieut., Charles Hall, formerly Sergeant, Co. H.
Lieutenant Henry O. Pope, acting Quartermaster of Colonel Davis Cavalry Brigade, arrived in town last evening, and is stopping at the Waverly Hotel. Lieutenant Pope enlisted in the 8th cavalry as a private, and has gradually won his way up to a first Lieutenancy, and his name has been sent in for future promotion.
Among the arrivals yesterday at the Osburn House were the following:
Hon. R. E. Fenton, M. C. Chautauque [sic] county. C. E. Culver, Esq., Chicago. John Kingsbury and wife, Providence, R. I. W. Kelly and wife, Michigan. Doct. L. A. Engles and wife, U. S. Army. F. K. Howard, Esq., Baltimore, Md. Spencer H. Olmstead, Sprague Cavalry, F. Fitzgerald, Capt. 28th N. Y. V.
Fell in battle upon the 9th day of June, Capt. BENJ. F. Foote, 8th N. Y. Cavalry.
The above is similar to the record which every day meets our eye as we glance over the columns of the papers. It is written now to announce the death of a brave man, a good and kind officer, warm-hearted friend, loving husband and father. His company, his fellow officers, his friends and his family, each in their several relations, have met with a loss which none but those who have suffered can appreciate.
He died in the performance of his duty on the battle field, amidst salvos of artillery, rolls of musketry and the shouts of contending hosts —died as he preferred to die. Peace to his ashes.
The funeral of Capt. Foote will be held at his late residence near Johnson's Creek, June 17, at 10 A. M., from which the body will be taken to the church at Johnson's Creek, where the services will be performed.
Personal.—Lieut. Parsons, of the 8th cavalry arrived in town last evening. He accompanied the remains of Col. Davis as far as New York. He remains in town but a few days, meanwhile modestly doffing the blue and avoiding a large share of the "lionization" likely to be bestowed on account of his gallant conduct in the engagement which cost the life of the lamented Col.
Davis and other good men and true.
Col. Daniels, of the 1st Wisconsin cavalry, is in town receiving medical treatment for a severe attack of pneumonia, under which he is laboring. His regiment is at Cape Giradieu, and has been engaged in some of the most sanguinary battles of the war.
THE GALLANT EXPLOIT OF LIEUT. PARSONS. Mr. Crounse of the N. Y. Times, makes allusion to heroic conduct of our former townsman, Lieut. E. B. Parsons, in the following manner: "Col. Davis, who was gallantly leading the advance, turned to rally them and waiving his sword, shouted 'come on boys,' when a rebel rode out in front of him and fired three shots from his pistol, the last one taking effect in his forehead and inflicting a mortal wound—quick as thought, Lieut. Parsons, acting A. A. G. to Col. Davis, was at the side of the rebel and raising in his stirrups, with one well directed blow with his sabre, he laid his head open midway between the eyes and chin, and the wretch fell dead in the dust at his horse's feet. Parsons is but a youth, his adversary was a strong athletic man. Yet the former, though young in years and slight stature, nobly avenged his commander's fall."
Mr. Parsons is a son of the late Mansfield Parsons, and well known in our city.
"SEYMOUR GUARDS."—A new cavalry regiment is to be raised in this State to be called the "Seymour Guards," in honor of the Governor. This is by special authority of the War Department. Major J. W. DICKINSON, late Captain of the Eighth New York Cavalry, will act as general managing and disbursing officer for Western and Central New York; headquarters to be established at Rochester. Col. WEBB, of New York, will command the regiment. Special authority has been given to Major DICKINSON to organize the first battalion. Men of sterling character, and of influence in their respective towns, desirous of being commissioned as captains, lieutenants, or non-commissioned officers should address the Major at Rochester.
DEATH OF SILAS WHITE, OF PENFIELD.—Among the members of the 8th Cavalry mortally wounded in an engagement near Boonesboro, Md., on the 10th of July, was Silas White, of Penfield, son of John White, of that town.—Capt. McNair, in a letter to Mr. White, relates the circumstances of the death of his son, from which we quote: "In a severe engagement with the enemy's skirmishers, your son, as usual, was in the extreme advance. We came suddenly upon a body of the enemy, and it was with difficulty I restrained him from rushing headlong amongst them. I ordered my men to take position behind some trees, and not expose themselves, only to fire. In a moment Silas called out 'Captain, I'm hit; get me out of this.' His noble example induced others to come up, and we soon drove the enemy from their position, having wounded and captured five of them. I immediately ordered Enos Boardman, Jacob Wesley and others to carry off and take care of your son, who, I am grieved to write, lived but an hour. I can only say that since I knew him he has ever been noble, kind and generous to all, and certainly a more brave or better soldier never lived. We buried him near the house of Jacob Schindel, five and a half miles from Hagerstown."
This young soldier, who has nobly and bravely performed his duty to his country, and given his life in defence of liberty and good government, was about 24 years of age, and an only son.—His good deeds will be cherished by his friends and fellow citizens, and the grief of his parents will be shared by all loyal people.
FUNERAL OF LIEUT. B. C. Efner.—The remains of Lieut. B. C. Efner, of the 8th cavalry, arrived here last evening, on the Valley road.
The funeral will take place this afternoon, at 3 1/2 o'clock, from the residence of his father-in-law, P. H. Clute, No. 9 Atwater street. The remains will be taken to Brockport for interment. The burial will not take place until
Thursday, and arrangements have been made for a special car to convey the friends of the deceased who would like to attend the ceremonies, the train leaving at 11 A. M. on Thursday. The obsequies at Brockport will take place from his father's residence.
As many of Lieut. Efner's frieuds [sic] have expressed a desire to see the corpse, (which is embalmed) we are requested to state that his remains can be seen from 9 A.M. until 3 P. M. to-day.
DEATH OF CAPT. B. C. CHEDELL EFNER.—Capt. B. Chedell Efner of the Eighth N. Y. Cavalry, was wounded in an engagement with the rebels on the 8th instant, and died on the 10th. The Rochester Union thus gives in brief the particulars of the affair, together with some facts relative to the promotion of Capt. Efner:
"Mrs. Efner arrived at Washington but a few minutes after her husband expired. He survived his injuries two days. It is stated that when he was shot he had ridden some distance in advance and was quite alone. A rebel fired upon him from a heap of logs and brush in which he had concealed himself.—The ball entered Capt. Ether's thigh, and passing upward went into his stomach. He fell from his horse and the rebel sprang from his cover and mounted the animal to escape. Capt. Efner drew a pistol, fired, and shot the rebel dead from the horse and the animal galloped away riderless. Some time after the men of the Eigth [sic] came to his relief and took him across the river.
Capt. Efner left home a Sergeant and was subsequently made a lieutenant, in which capacity he had commanded a company for some time. But a few days previous to his death he received his commission as Captain."
Capt. Efner was born at Amsterdam, Montgomery county, resided at Buffalo at the time of his enlisting, and was 35 years of age at the time of his death. His parents reside in this village, and here the Capt. had many warm friends who will mourn his decease.
The funeral of Capt. Efner was held at Rochester yesterday afternoon.
The body of Capt. Efner was brought to this village last evening. His funeral here will be held this afternoon at the residence of his father, John Efner, at 1 1/2 o'clock, Rev. Dr. Shaw, of Rochester, officiating.
THE LATE COL. DAVIS.—Col. Davis, of the Eighth New York cavalry, killed in the late cavalry engagement at Beverly's Ford, was a native of Mississippi, which State he left after the passage of the ordinance of secession, to engage in the Union cause, and his devotion to which he has sealed with his life. He was shot through the head while charging at the head of his regiment. The contending squadrons were within three feet of each other, the Union troopers dealing destruction to the enemy with their sabres, and the rebels pouring into our ranks an incessant fire from their revolvers.—While raising his sabre to cut down an officer, a rebel turned upon him and shot him with his revolver. His death was immediately avenged by one of his aids. Seeing his Colonel fall, he leaped his horse to his adversary's side, and felled the officer to the ground with a sabre blow, which clove his skull and killed him instantly. Colonel Davis was to have been soon married to a young lady in Baltimore, to whom he had been engaged for some months. His body was embalmed today, and will be forwarded to West Point for interment. He was a gallant officer, and his loss is a great one to the cause in which he died.
Col. Davis.
The gallant Col. Benj. F. Davis, of the 8th N. Y. Cavalry, who fell on Monday last, while leading a brigade to the charge, was the same officer who, when Harper's Ferry was invested by Stonewall Jackson, withdrew his troops with out loss, capturing a valuable ammunition train of the enemy by the way, and seriously crippling Lee's efficiency, in his subsequent operations, in consequence. Col. Davis was a Mississipian, of the Regular army. Faithful among the faithless, he stood by the Government without flinching, though his State seceded, and his most intimate friends proved disloyal. Davis was appointed a cadet at West Point from the State of
Alabama, in the year 1850. He graduated on the 30th of June, 1854. On the 1st of July, he was appointed brevet second lieutenant of the 5th infantry, and on the 3d of March, 1855, was transferred to the 1st dragoons, with the full rank. He became distinguished in the conflict with Coyotero and Mogollon Apaches in New Mexico on the 27th of June, 1857, in which engagement he was wounded. On the 9th of January, 1866, he was promoted to a first lieutenancy, and, having remained loyal when his State went into rebellion, was, on the 30th of July, 1861, further promoted to a captaincy in the 1st dragoons, now 1st cavalry. He commanded a squadron of the 1st regular cavalry, at the battle of Williamsburg, and so distinguished himself that he was nominated for a brevet of lieutenant colonel for distinguished services. On the 6th of June, 1862, he was placed in command by General McClellan of the 8th regiment New York cavalry, and on the 15th of September was breveted major (appointment confirmed) for his gallant withdrawal of the cavalry from Harper's Ferry.
FURTHER CASUALTIES IN THE 8TH N. Y. CAVALRY.—Thursday night and Friday morning last the 8th N. Y. Cavalry had an engagement with the rebels near Boonsboro. The 8th lost several killed and wounded. We give the list as published in the New York papers:
Killed—Silas H. White, John Slater, Geo. Townsend, Geo. Pierson, Corporal Oliver.
Wounded—Capt. V. M. Smith, slightly; J. E. Ayers, slightly; E. A. Miner, slightly; Thomas Strouse, leg; Wm. H. Decker, thigh.
EIGHTH CAVALRY.—From a letter received from Capt. Mann by his brother of this city, we learn that the Eighth Cavalry took part in the battle of Gettysburg on the 3d and 4th, and suffered severely, being engaged on the left flank, and opposed to infantry. They were complimented on the field by Gen. Buford for their gallant behavior on the occasion. His letter was dated the 4th, and since then probably they have been actively engaged. In the engagements at Aldie and Upperville, Va., he says the regiment did not suffer much. At Gettysburg the regiment lost between forty and fifty. Beyond his own company the Captain could not name the casualties. Capt. Follett he states was killed.
The following are the casualties in Co. "K":
Corporal Edward Maraott, killed.
Sergeant Wm. S. Wilson, wounded, leg below the knee.
Private A. Lyman, of Wheatland, head.
" Thos. Tygart, Caledonia, knee.
" Enos Sullivan, " "
" Thos. Radband, Mumford, arm.
" Geo. Brown, York, leg.
" Linus W. Gibbs, missing.
" Edward Dubois, "
CASUALTIES IN THE EIGHTH N. Y. CAVALRY.—The following is a list of the casualties occurring in the 8th N. Y. Cavalry at the recent severe skirmish near Culpepper Court House. The 8th is said to have particularly distinguished itself in this engagement. The men reported below had all been conveyed to Washington:
Geo. D. Curtiss, Co. F; Serg't E. A. Scott, G; Thomas F. G. Power, G; Fred. Durgh, G; Israel Mupes, G; W. Davies, F; E. L. Garrison; John C. Vangison, died on the way to hospital.
— Lieut. Henry Frost, of the 8th Cavalry, arrived in this city on Thursday, on leave of absence for twenty days. Lieut. Frost has been ill for some time. This is his first visit home since his company left the city, nearly a year since. During this time he has been in several spirited engagements and escaped unharmed.
DEATH OF CORPORAL A. H. Edson.—Mr. E. Edson, father of Corporal A. H. Edson, 8th N. Y. Cavalry, reported killed at the battle Gettysburg, received a letter yesterday from Corporal G. R. Heall confirming the intelligence of his son's death. The deceased enlisted here, and was 19 years of age at the time of his death. He was a true soldier, and voluntarily gave up his life for his country.
The Visit of Jenkins Cavalry to McConnellsburg.
The McConnellsburg (Pa.) Democrat has the following account of the Confederate raid to that place:
"About daybreak on the 18th, a force of about 200 Rebel cavalry made a dash into town and surrounded it in a few seconds. They then commenced their work of plunder, taking horses, negroes, and a large amount of store goods. Scouts were then sent out in all direction, and returned with a large drove of cattle that had been stopping here for the night. We are sorry to state that Capt. States of Bloody Run, had fourteen fine horses taken. A number of our citizens succeeded in getting their horses back again, through pleading of the ladies.
Shortly after the cavalry entered the town, some refugee, it is said, fired a pistol, wounding one of the number, which caused considerable excitement among them. They left town about 9 o'clock in the direction of Hancock. During their stay in town they went to the jail and released a Rebel prisoner that was arrested near Greencastle, and also John Forney, who was in prison for the murder of Lieut. E. N. Ford, of Warren Pa. The Rebels took both of them away.
—Lieut. Henry Frost, of the 8th Cavalry, arrived in this city on Thursday, on leave of absence for twenty days. Lieut. Frost has been ill for some time. This is his first visit home since his company left the city, nearly a year since. During this time he has been in several spirited engagements and escaped unharmed.
—Lieut. Chamberlain, of the 3d Cavalry, arrived in town a day or two since, direct form North Carolina.
THE EIGHTH CAVALRY.—The new York papers contain the following names of wounded in the 8th Cavalry, in the recent engagement, beyond the Rappahannock. The men have been taken to Washington:
Geo. D. Curtis, Co. F; Serg't E. A. Scott, Co. G; Thomas F. G. Power, Co. G; Fred. Durge, Co. G; Israel Mupes, Co. G; W. Davies, Co. F; E. L. Garrison; John C. Vangison, died on the way to hospital.
Co. M. 8TH CAVALRY.—The Democrat has a list of casualties in this company on the Wilson raid as follows:
Killed—Augustus Kennady, June 13th at White Oak Swamp.
Wounded—Geo. Grass, Robert McCargo, severely, Philip Buckley, Cassimer Komber, accidently [sic] in camp, Daniel Clark, severely and taken prisoner.
Prisoners.—Lieut Hamlin, Corp. A. M. Caruthers, Samuel Little, Abram De Clark, Henry Cline, Frank Zimper, Thomas Shirteliff, Joseph Dolfner, Jacob Gunther, George Hosmer. Volney Harris, Albert G. Hotchkiss, Murray Mc-
Lane, Peter Reddy, John Welch, John Shipper.
DEATH OF CORPORAL A. H. EDSON.—Mr. E. Edson, father of Corporal A. H. Edson, 8th N. Y. Cavalry, reported killed at the battle of Gettysburg, received a letter yesterday from Corporal G. R. Heall confirming the intelligence of his son's death. The deceased enlisted here, and was 19 years of age at the time of his death. He was a true soldier, and voluntarily gave up his life for his country.
—Dr. N. D. Ferguson, of the Eighth New York cavalry, formerly of the 117th New York volunteers, who was captured by the enemy, and after sixteen days confinement in Libby prison, was unconditionally surrendered.
SUICIDE.—We mentioned a few days since the death of Lieut. N. Craft, of Co. E, 8th N. Y. Cavalry, and are pained to learn that he came to his death by his own hands, having stabbed himself with a knife. No cause is assigned for the rash act.
—Eugene Buck, son of Theodorus Buck, of Champion, is supposed to be a prisoner. He was in the 8th cavalry, in the great raid west of Petersburg.
ANOTHER CASUALTY IN THE EIGHTH CAVALRY. —Chas. H. Moody, of the 8th cavalry, has written a letter to his father in this city, stating that Mortimer E. Wade, a member of Company K, to which he belongs, was killed in a recent engagement with the rebels. Mr. Moody writes that he saw Mr. Wade fall when shot, and there can hardly be a mistake about the statement.
Mr. Moody writes that Mr. Wade has a mother living in Rochester, and it is presumed that she is not advised of the fate of her son. Mr. Moody, who received the letter, has sought her residence in vain, and requests the publication of the intelligence, hoping that it may reach her in this way.
FURTHER CASUALTIES IN THE 8TH N. Y. CAVALRY.—Thursday night and Friday morning last the 8th N. Y. Cavalry had an engagement with the rebels near Boonsboro. The 8th lost several killed and wounded. We give the list as published in the New York papers:
Killed—Silas H. White, John Slater, Geo. Townsend, Geo. Pierson, Corporal Oliver.
Wounded—Capt. V. M. Smith, slightly; E. Ayers, slightly; E. A. Miner, slightly; Thomas Strouse, leg; Wm. H. Decker, thigh.
DIED—In Washington, Sept.16th, of fever and spinal disease, GEORGE A. DIBBLE, of the 8th New York Cavalry, aged 27 years.
In him has East Bloomfield lost another of her most worthy sons. With excellent business talents, he had already acquired a competency; yet at the call of his country he left all, and a young wife, and enlisted in the ranks; and although for months disabled by painful disease, he did not seek a discharge or murmur against the Government, as many do who are at ease at home. With a patriotism that did him honor, he hoped on until Spring, since which he has done yeoman service among the bravest of the brave in the 8th N. Y. Cavalry. But the fatigues and hardships of the campaign were too much for his slender constitution. He yielded up his young life a sacrifice upon the altar of his country. May his modest, unassuming worth, his self-sacrifising [sic] patriotism, his consistent Christian character be imitated, as they deserve to be, by all! We honor him. We think of none, among the many brave young men we have lost, more worthy of honor. Let us weep with them that weep.
PRISONERS OF THE EIGHTH CAVALRY.—Our townsman Wm. H. Moody has received a letter from his son, Charles H. Moody, of the 8th New York Cavalry, a prisoner in the hands of the rebels. Mr. M. was taken prisoner by the rebels with many others on the great raid made by Wilson in June. But little has been known as to the fate of the prisoners. A letter like this, though dated as long ago as July 4th, affords much relief to anxious friends. Mr. Moody sends the names of his comrades in prison of the 8th Cavalry, that their friends may know where they are. He writes from Columbia, S. C., and is in good spirits, hoping to be liberated some time. He says it is useless to write him, for he would probably never receive the letter.
The following is the list of names sent by Mr. Moody of his comrades of the 8th in prison at Columbia:
Sergt. S. Tollett, Co. A; Sergt. Jerry Hickman, Co. B; Sergt. David Brooks, Co. K; Corp. Clark White, Co. K; Corp. Jerry Casey, Co. K; Corp. Roderick White, Co. K; Privates—C. P. Thompson, Co. C; Wm. Doxy, Co. B; J. W. Playford, T. O. Bannister, Co. D; Frank Tibbles, Co. G; Gilbert Brown, S. D. Scott, J. Buckhardt, James Bennett, Co. H; Eugene Terry, Le Roy Pratt, Co. I; Lewis J. Cox, Co. K; E. Burch, Co. L; Manley McLean, Geo. Hosmer, A. Caruthers, John Welsh, Co. M; A. L. Waters, Co. T.
Our correspondent of the 8th, "Genesee," is among the prisoners at Columbia.
For the Union and Advertiser.
In Memory of Lieut. Henry C. Cutler, of Avon.
Give his corse a welcome home,
For his name in History's tome
Has an honored place with those
Who have fallen fighting foes:—
Foes to Country, Man and God,
Bringing wreck where they have trod;
Foes to Union and the Laws,
Demons in a desperate cause.
In the van of strife he fought,
And the front of danger sought;
But the hand that grasped the sabre,
Now is free from mortal labor.
When his spirit passed away,
In the whirlwind of the fry,
Charging squadrons where he fell
Paid the debt of vengeance well.
As a patriot loves to die,
Greeted was his closing eye
By a glimpse of Stuart's horde,
Routed by the Northern sword.
Let his cap, and battle-blade,
On the coffin-board be laid,
While the dead march, low and sweet,
On the muffled drum is beat.
Solemnly above the dead,
Let our flag of stars be spread;
Never did a grander pall
Grace a warrior's burial.
Never more the trooper's ear
Bugle-call to mount will hear,
But, with boot in stirrup, lead
In the funeral train his steed.
Though it cannot wake the brave,
Fire a volley at the grave;
Thus, by way of tribute, giving
Music that he loved while living.
Friendship knows how weak and vain,
For the lost, this idle strain;
But in sorrow I feel pride,
Thinking how young Cutter died.
In the Pantheon of Fame,
Grandly written is his name;
For his noble heart grew cold
Under Freedom's banner-fold.
On that brow, with mind once bright,
Death has stamped a signet white;
Earth Is hallowed where he fell—
Comrade! warrior! fare thee well.
Avon, June 15th, 1863.
Brush with Guerrillas—The 8th Cavalry.
A correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing from Warrenton, on the 27th inst., gives the following account of a skirmish with guerillas, in which a detachment of the 8th Cavalry was engaged:
Guerrillas, as usual, have followed our footsteps, to pick up stray wagon trains, or stragglers. They have lately succeeded in capturing about a dozen men only. A detachment of 125 cavalry from different regiments, under command of Lieut. Leggett, of the 8th new York, and recently remounted in Berlin, encountered yesterday a body of 20 of these men near Salem, but did not attempt a capture, as an uncertainty existed whether they were not the advance guard of a larger body.
As is the custom with cavalry on a march, our men were walking their horses leisurely along, when, at a turn in the road, the advance guard, consisting of a dozen, discovered the Rebel cavalry, standing silently in line across their path. Their design was to capture horses and prisoners, not to kill, and they neither fired shots or uttered exclamations. Our advance quietly turned, and, unmolested, trotted back to their main body, to report matters. There was no certainty of the enemy not being in force, but no thought of retreat was entertained. The road was bordered on one side by a rich wood, and in a silence, broken only by twittering birds, Lieut. Leggett turned to his halted command:" Men, are your carbines all loaded!" "A good many of us 'aint got none," was the reply. "Some have revolvers, Sir," said a sergeant. "Let those who have carbines take their places in the front," said the lieutenant, who, after throwing out flankers and skirmishers, returned with his advanced guard, and was soon lost in the windings of the route.
With the indifference of habit the main body waited, heedless of coming danger; and in the meantime, Sergeant James Phelan of the 6th New York, in charge of the rear guard and wagon escort, ranged a dozen men as flankers in a line with his front rank, on each side of the road, and also threw out a few skirmishers to range the woods. Several men, armed only with sabres, turned to retreat, but Phelan peremptorily called them back, and threatened to shoot every man that went to the rear. Phelan displayed promptitude and grit in his entire conduct and deserves mention. The wagon was turned, ready for flight, if necessary, and all tranquilly waited.
Presently were heard shots and shouts. Our advance, when within, range, at the usual order of "Give 'em ----!" halted and fired. The rebels returned the volley, and fled. They were pursued a mile by our men, but, turning into a by-path, were not followed. Five breech loading rifles and two hats were dropped in the road by the fugitives, and Lieut. Leggett, finding them not reinforced, judged them to be in no great numbers, and sent an orderly to the main body with directions to advance. These details will furnish those of many other guerrilla encounters. It appears that these guerrillas, or independent scouts, as they are called in the South, receive no pay, but obtain a certain sum from the Confederate Government for every horse, prisoner, or musket captured.