Civil War Newspaper Clippings
Headquarters 10th New York Cavalry,
Near Warrenton Junction
May 18th 1863.
Mr. Editor:—When I last wrote you we were making extensive preparations for a long march. On the 13th of April the order came, but the wet weather and some other causes delayed us until the 28th of April, when we left our camp at Warrenton Junction, and proceeded toward Kelly's Ford.— We soon came upon large bodies of Infantry and Artillery, pressing on to cross at the same place. When we came in sight of Ford the entire plain before it was one solid mass of troops. We halted here and Fifth and Eleventh Corps passed us and crossed. As I contemplated this scene reflected that the troops before me were, to the great army of the Potomac, but as ''a drop in the bucket," I felt that when our army was thrown in its full force upon the enemy he would be entirely unable to resist its advance; and I believe so now. We crossed the river about noon. No signs of enemy were visible. Immediately after crossing, Averill's Division separating from rest struck off to the right, from towards Culpepper to feel for the enemy in that direction, and we were drawn up in line of battle to await the denounement. We were not kept long in suspense, for soon the sharp report of carbine and musket, and the loud toned cannon, told us that the enemy had been found and engaged not a half mile away, just behind a piece of woods. The engagement proved a short one. The rebels soon skedaddled left the way clear for our ad- vance. Just at night fall we took up our march and after crossing Mountain Creek about midnight, we halted for a night's rest, but were doomed to diappointment. Soon an order came for all officers to report at Head- quarters. Here General Stoneman's plan for the raid was in a measure revealed to the officers. All of our pack mules, poor horses and weak men, were to be sent back. Not a wheel was to accompany us, except a very few artillery wagons. If one became too sick upon the route to ride his horse, he was to be left tender mercies of rebels. All these arrangements being completed it was nearly daylight, and we were soon in saddle and on our way to the Rapidan.
It had been raining since midnight and every countenance was clouded with anxiety for fear our expedition was to be thwarted by rain. On arriving near Rapidan the column halted and a reconnoitering party sent on to Racoon Ford. They returned to- wards sunset, having forced the crossing.— They met with but feeble resistance from rebels who at Ford. They succeeded in taking eleven of them prisoners.— The whole column soon filing away up valley crossing river. It had ceased raining, the clouds cleared away, and the sun shone out in all its beautiful splendor, converting the lingering drops on bush and grass into pearly gems, and giving to the green and blooming fields of the "Sunny South," a splendor indescribable. It was the evening of the day appointed by the President for National Fasting and Prayer. It seemed as if the prayer of the Northern people had prevailed and Providence was smiling upon us in token of his blessing upon our cause. We crossed the river with cheerful, confident hearts and bivouacked upon the heights beyond. The enemy being in the vicinity we were not allowed to unsaddle our horses or to build fires. We were, therefore, obliged to content ourselves with raw pork and dry, hard bread. We were ready to march at midnight and pushed on our course through the day, with but one short halt at about three P. M., at Orange Spring, where we slipped from our horses and hastily warmed some coffee, fried some meat, swallowed, drank, mounted our horses and traveled on again. Night came and still we kept up our march. It was now made known to us that we were before morning to reach and take a small place on the Virginia Central Rail Road, called Louisa Court House.
Just as the gray light of dawn was breaking upon the little village of Louisa Court House, we came in sight of its steeples.—Not a word was spoken along the whole column; but we moved slowly, quietly along until at a preconcerted signal every spur was driven deep into the horse's flank, every voice raised to its highest pitch, every sabre extended to its fullest length and with a thundering tread and a deafening, piercing shout, we entered the village. The enemy's pickets fled in consternation. We charged through the town, took a few prisoners and held quiet possession. Our pioneers were soon at work tearing up the track and setting fire to ties and culverts. The people were terribly frightened, expecting to be robbed and murdered; but finding private property was respected, they soon became more bold and came out and talked with us. They expressed themselves as sick of the war and wished the matter might be compromised.
I visited two stores in the place and priced some articles of merchandise. Calicoes two dollars per yard; boots from fifty to one hundred dollars per pair; low crowned felt hats, thirty dollars; wood lead pencils, one dollar, &c. Desiring to stop at this place a short time to feed and rest our horses, and knowing the enemy to be in force at Gordonsville, I was sent out in that direction to establish a picket. On ariving about one mile town, I left my reserve and proceeded ten men.— Riding along leisurly at the head of column, I was suddenly startled by the omnious bang, bang, bang, of the enemy's carbine, and simultaneously the little leaden messengers came whizzing by my ears and striking in the dust at my horse's feet. Looking up I saw a squad of rebels not twenty rods away. My men came suddenly into line and a volley from their well-directed carbines, soon put the rascals to flight and then came a scene of some of the fastest running I have seen for many a day. The rebels, however, succeeded in reaching the woods where their forces were encamped, and I immediately sent a report to General who at once sent out squadron of the first Maine Cavalry, with orders charge upon the enemy, and if possible free way to Gordonsville. The rebels hidden from us by a piece of woods and from what we could gather from skirmishers four or five hundred strong. The charge was led by the captain of the squadron with twenty-four men, immediately followed by his Lieutenant with twelve more. In attempting to rally seventeen of these were taken prisoners and one killed. The Lieutenant had his arm broken. I again reported to the General and he sent out whole Brigade. We now made short work them, taking a number prisoners among whom was a Major. The force was here divided up. The detachments were to strike at different points on the Virginia Central and Richmond and Fredericksburg Rail Roads, with instruction to tear up track, burn bridges, &c. One detachment was to go down along the James River Canal, destroying: locks, bridges, boats; while one part under command of Col. Kilpatrick instructed to go as near Richmond as possible and keep on through to Gloucester Point. The party with which I traveled struck the Rail Road in the vicinity of Ashland, which they reached evening, the second day after leaving Louisa Court House, after working all night in burning bridges, depots store houses, &c, &c, early in morning commenced our march back again. We had passed through the country, aroused exasperated the enemy, and now greatest feat of all was to effect a safe return. Our horses were jaded and men, exhausted therefore illy prepared for fight. At Yancyville on our return, we were joined by all the detachments except that under command of Col. Kilpatrick, each one having accomplished fully the object of its mission—From this place we started together, the afternoon of the 6th of May.
The rain which had been long threatening us now came down in torrents and every appearance indicated a long storm. The mud soon became deep, as is always the case when any amount of rain falls upon the sacred soil. Night came on and with it the blackest darkness ever beheld. One could not discern the one who proceeded him, unless he chanced be mounted upon a white horse. The men were exhausted exceedingly sleepy and it required all their energies to urge on their jaded horses to keep the column closed up. Still march was kept up throughout that long terrible night. The greatest caution was required, the woods were full of guerrillas who would ride up to the column pretending to be messengers from Gen. Stoneman, endeavoring to turn off in the wrong direction or halt it altogether. The only way to distinguish the genuine from the unposted was by questioning. On one occasion a man rode up pack train which Andrew Lyman of Cortland charge, and gave orders to have the train "turned in." On being questioned by an officer who chanced to be near, he showed himself to be an imposter. Seeing this he fired at the officer and fled; the ball missed the officer but killed his horse. At eight A. M., next morning we stopped an hour to feed our horses and cook our breakfast, and then again took the saddle and jogged on through the day with but one or two slight stops. Another dark rainy night closed around us and still no halt. How much we would have given for the privelege of dropping from our horses and laying down in the wet and rain by the side of the road. But this was impossible. We must reach the Rapidan by daylight. The men slept in their saddles. Our horses were fast giving out and dropping dead by the way. We had with us about two thousand captured horses, and when a man's horse gave out he took one of them and proceeded.
It required the greatest vigilance on the part of the officers to keep the column moving. At daylight we crossed the Rapidan and after feeding struck away for the Rappahannock. We reached Kelly's Ford about ten P. M. We had learned from the inhabitants of Hooker's retreat; saw camp-fires on the other side of the river, and were unable to decide whether they were friends or enemies. The water at the Ford was very high, boiling, foaming, seething along in a manner to forbid our entering it in the dark; we therefore bivouacked for the night, and early in the morning crossed. We were obliged to swim with our horses. Three men were drowned in crossing. Thus ended the greatest Cavalry raid ever made on this Continent. We had been gone ten days and in the entire time traveled about six hundred miles, and performed a work of destruction which will require months to repair. During our absence but twenty hours was allowed us for sleep.
After crossing we passed through a great many infantry camps who were in the last fight. None of them will own themselves whipped, but say they are ready to go in again at any moment. Yours, &c., A. D. W.
Casualties in the Tenth N. Y. Cavalry.
Rev. Joseph H. Bradley, Chaplain of the Tenth N. Y. Cavalry, sends us an account of the recent operations of that regiment (which contains a large number of men from Onondaga and adjacent counties,) and encloses the list of casualties in the battle at Hanovertown, Va., May 28th, as follows:
Private Y. Munroe, A.
Sergeant J. W. Vail, B.
Kelsey Fox, D.
Jonathan Lounsbury, D.
James Van Allen, D.
Addison W. Martin, K.
Casper Hable, G.
Wm. Hunter, G.
Nicholas Myer, C.
Jno. F. Falkenstein, C.
Ballard Kinney, L.
Samuel K. Baker, E.
Brown, B.
Edson F. Quinn, B.
Charles H. Stearns, G.
Capt. W. A. Synder, E, hand, slightly.
Second Lieutenant J. S. Reynolds, H, leg, amputated.
Private James Bogart, A, in hand.
Private Wm. Aspelmlre, A, in arm.
Private John Diddle, A, in thigh.
Private David Weatherby, A, in face and mouth.
Private Cornelius Belden, A, thigh.
Private Simon Francis, B, in leg.
Private George Bosworth, D, side.
Private Edward B. Fields, in thigh.
Private Faucett, D, side.
Private Philan R. Albro, L, groin, serious.
Private Samuel G. Raymond, L, in hip.
Private Thomas L. Stevens, L, in foot.
Sergeant John Robinson, F, in face.
Private Wm. Young, F, in back.
Corporal Wm. B. Secord, M, in thigh.
Private Alexander McGinn, M, in side.
Private George C. Boothe, K, in neck.
Private Rufus Padgett, K, in leg.
Private John J. Porter, G, in shoulder.
Sergeant M. E. Miller, C, in bowels, serious.
Private H. W. Miller, C, in side and arm.
Private Jasper Seely, C, in breast.
Private Bice Graham, H, in foot.
Private Martlow Warner, I, in hip.
Private James H. Whittum, E, in hip and hand.
— Lieut. E. A. CHAPMAN, Adjutant, of this Regiment has been promoted to the Captaincy of Company C, vice Capt. ABELL, prompted to Major, R. J. MCKEE, Sergeant Major, has also been promoted, to a Lieutenancy in the same Company. All are good men, and well deserve their success.
List OF KILLED AND WOUNDED IN THE 10TH N. Y. CAVALRY.—In the severe and closely contested cavalry battle at Aldie, on the 19th ult., the 10th cavalry, including Company K, recruited here, took a prominent part. We have been able to gather only meagre details of the casualties. Lieut. BRONSON BEARDSLEY, of Coventry, received a shot in the right lung; the ball was not extracted, and he was brought to the Emery Hospital, Washington, on Sunday, the 21st, and died the next Tuesday. Lieut. BEARDSLEY was about 47 years of age. PATRICK FARLEY and Uri F. Tyler were brought to the same Hospital, injured by the falling of their horses. Charles F. Holdridge was killed.—Oxford Times.
PROMOTION--Capt. T. H. Weed, of Jordan, lately commanding a company in the Tenth N. Y, Cavalry, has been promoted to Major of that Regiment. This is a well-earned promotion, and will be acceptable to a host of the gallant officer's friends.
—Col. M. H. Avery, of the Tenth N. Y. Cavalry, has been in the State on recruiting service for the past week. He has already secured one full company for his regiment, and has made arrangements for another. Col. Avery is in excellent health. His confidence in Grant's speedy triumph is perfect.
— Lieut. E. A. CHAPMAN, Adjutant of this Regiment has been promoted to the Captaincy of Company C, vice Capt. ABELL, promoted to Major, R. J. McKEE, Sergeant Major, has also been promoted to a Lieutenancy, in the same Company. All are good men, and well deserve their success.
THE SCOUNDRELS GETTING OFF—Capt. Peck, 10th N. Y. Cavalry, left this morning for Baltimore and Washington with seventy-one prisoners. These fellows have for various periods and on various charges,—usually desertion—been confined in the Guard House at Barracks No. Three. A squad of eight were attached to one chain and the remainder were all handcuffed. A sorry set of fellows, engaged in sorry business.
THE 10TH VETERAN CAVALRLY.—This noble regiment, which has for the past two years performed most efficient service and achieved hard earned glory in many a well fought field, is now stationed at Elmira, where it will probably remain until recruited to the maximum. Our townsman Major H. K. Clark and Lieut. Barker, are in the city for the purpose of obtaining volunteers and have their headquarters at the office of Mr. Stellwagen, No. 369 Main street, who is the recruiting Agent for the regiment at this point. Volunteers will find it in every way to their advantage to enlist under officers of experience, and by joining their war fortunes with those of Major Clark they will gain the double advantage of being well officered and connected with one of the first commands in the field.
CAPTAIN PAIGE.—The published report that Captain W. W. Paige, of the 10th N. Y. Cavalry, was dishonorably dismissed from the service is sadly contradicted by the following letter, received by his family in this city, from which it appears that he was either killed or wounded and captured by the enemy while gallantly facing them:
Near Charles City Court House,
June 24th, 1864.
Timothy Paige, Esq., Buffalo, N. Y.
Dear Sir:—It is my painful duty to inform you of the loss of your son Capt. W. W. Paige, in the engagement to-day at St. Mary's Church. As the line was falling back (dismounted) he was seen to fall to the ground, at the same time placing his hands to his head. My experience would lead me to believe that we will hear from him as a prisoner, and perhaps wounded as the reports of what men see in the confusion of a battle are usually very much exaggerated. I am very respectfully,
Your obd't servant,
Lt. Col. Commanding 10th N. Y. Cavalry.
KILLED.—Lieut. Col. WILLIAM IRVINE, of the 10th N. Y. Cavalry was killed in the late fight across the Rappahannock. Mr. Irvine was formerly a resident of this village. He had the reputation of being a brave and capable officer.
The 10th N. Y. Cavalry, 200 strong arrived at the Park Barracks, New York, at 11 o'clock yesterday morning on route for the seat of war. There are over 1200 troops now quartered at the barracks belonging to various regiments.
Death of Lieut. Col. Irvine.
Syracuse, June 12, 1863.
EDITOR OF JOURNAL:—The telegraph brings the news of the death of Lieut. Col. Irvine, of the 10th New York cavalry, killed at the late battle of Beverly's Ford, Va.
Having known Col. Irvine, ever since his connection with this regiment, I cannot allow this opportunity to pass without paying my tribute to the memory of as loyal, devoted, earnest, intelligent and competent an officer as has fallen during this war.
Col. Irvine was a citizen of the village of Corning, a lawyer of high standing, a judge of unsullied reputation, and a gentleman who represented with distinguished ability that district in the Congress of 1859 and '60.
In the early part of the war, he became identified with the military service as Lieut. Col. of the 10th New York cavalry.
Nearly all the time this regiment has been in active service, he has been in command of it, and during this period, he has won for himself a reputation as one of the most reliable and gallant officers in the corps to which he was attached. His patriotism was of the purest and most disinterested kind. Repeatedly he has refused promotion outside of his regiment and the arm of the service to which he belonged, but as repeatedly he has assured the officers of his command that he would stand or fall with them. To him the officers and men of the 10th were singularly attached—they owed him no divided allegiance—he was to them authority in all things. His justice was proverbial, his bravery the theme of praise, his kindness and consideration for the humblest private the remark of all, so that when the hour of danger came, he was always trusted and implicitly obeyed.
In the death of Col. Irvine, the service has lost one of its most gallant and intelligent officers, the country one of its purest and best defenders, the community in which he lived a good citizen, his family one of the kindest and most indulgent of husbands and fathers.
Death of Lieut. Bronson Beardsley.
The following letter was received by the Postmaster at Coventry from Emory Hospital, Washington, giving the particulars of the death of Lieut. BRONSON BEARDSLEY, of the 10th N. Y. Cavalry:
WASHINGTON, June 18, 1863.
Sir:—Lieut. BRONSON BEARDSLEY, 10th, N. Y. Cavalry, died at Emory Hospital to-day at 12 o'clock, while I was there. He was wounded at Aldie in Virginia, in the Cavalry fight on Friday last. A musket or rifle ball struck him in his left breast, near the shoulder, and passed obliquely through his lungs to his right shoulder, and is now lying under his shoulder blade. I was with him half an hour yesterday, and talked with him all I dared to, as it was difficult for him to talk. His left lung is undoubtedly filled with blood, which has caused his death.
Thus has another brave New York man fallen a martyr in a just and holy cause, doing his duty in trying to put down a cursed rebellion against the best Government the world ever saw, a patriot who has given up his life for his beloved country. Would that it had been some vile copperhead, that would sell his country for a mess of pottage. But it was not to be so.
I suppose the Surgeon of the hospital, (Dr. MOSELY,) will write his friends.
They all of them fought like heroes. Some of them threw away all their luggage so that they could fight to better advantage. They charged right into the thickest of the fight, and used nothing but the sabre.
Will you have the goodness to send this to his friends, and tell them he had a good Surgeon, and everything was done for him that could be done, but I could see yesterday that he was not long for this world, and I stood ready to give him all that human aid could give.
Truly yours, JOSIAH S. KELLOGG,
New York Soldiers' Relief Society, also one of the Agents for the State.
The Tenth N. Y. Cavalry—Co. A, from Syracuse.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
It is now all but two years since Co. A of this regiment left the Syracuse & Binghamton Depot, under command of Capt. Avery. Although the good people of Syracuse have doubtless lost sight of this event, it is yet a "green spot" in our memory, and the waving of handkerchiefs, and the hurried shake of hands as the engine's bell tolled the note of departure, will not be soon effaced from our memory. Since that time Co. A has seen many changes. One of its commissioned officers has been promoted to Captain, the other two now hold the rank of Major. Orderly Sergeant Nelson Mitchell and Quartermaster's Sergeant Henry E. Hayes are both Second Lieutenants. Sergeant N. D. Preston is Regimental Commissary, with the rank of First Lieutenant, and Walter Kempster, (who though not properly a member of the company, yet came into the Regimental Non-Commissioned Staff through Major Avery's influence,) is now a First Lieutenant. Not many companies may boast a record like this, in a regiment which bears the name of the "Fighting Tenth," and when again the remaining remnant of old Co. A march beneath the shadow of the spires of the "City of Salt," we hope that it will be remembered that this company was raised with less aid from Syracuse than any other which we can now bring to mind.
Last winter, when the regiment was under command of an officer since resigned, we stood low on the "Inspection Reports," but on the return of Maj. Avery, and under his command, we progressed rapidly in drill and discipline, and when we took the field this spring the "Tenth" was a magnificently efficient body of men, the pride of Kilpatrick's brigade. Through the terrible marches of the Stoneman raid, this regiment had constantly the post of danger and honor, either the front or rear, and was the one specially detailed in the night attack on Louisa Court House.
At Brandy Station we suffered severely, Co. A, among others, having lost its best and bravest soldier, Wm. B. Kinney. Since this time through the Maryland and Pennsylvania campaign, and the battles of Aldie, Middleburg, Upperville and Gettysburg, and the subsequent pursuit of Lee, and the severe though scarcely known battle of Shepardstown, Maj. Avery has been in command of the regiment, and under him it has won a name and fame which we trust has reached the ears of our good friends at home. Last Spring our Colonel resigned and Maj. Avery was paid the high compliment of a recommendation for the Lieutenant Colonelcy from Gens. Stoneman, Gregg and Kilpatrick, at that time his respective Corps, Division and Brigade commanders. At one time we supposed the appointment was consumated, but the law of last Congress relative to regiments below the minimum organization prevented the promotion of Lieut. Col. Wm. Irvine to the Colonelcy, and consequently there was no vacancy. There is now a fair prospect of our being filled up with conscripts, and consequently that a deserving Syracusan will receive his hard-earned and well-merited promotion.
Maj. Weed, formerly Lieutenant in Co. A, is with us again ready to lead a charge in his dashing, impetuous style. May he pass safely through the fights of the coming year and return with us to old Onondaga, trusting before that time rolls around that the Army of the Potomac will have reached the Mecca of its pilgrimage, for which it has so long unsuccessfully striven.
Yours for the War, H.
THE 10TH N. Y. CAVALRY, numbering 300 men. Col. IRVINE commanding, arrived in town last evening. Quarters had been provided at ARNOT'S Warehouse, but had been taken by recruits in the building, contrary to orders from Headquarters. The Cavalry were then put in Fassett's building, next to the Town Hall, lately fitted up as barracks. A company of the 14th N. Y. Artillery, who had occupied Fasset's building were to leave by special train for Baltimore, but no train being provided, they were marched back again, and finding the cavalry in their old place in Fassett's building, Capt. Chester, Quarter Master, when to Holden's Hall, where Prof. L'Amoreaux's dancing School was in progress, and reluctantly requested the use of the Hall, in this emergency, for the troops. Prof L'Amoreaux gave up the Hall with great willingness, on learning the facts. The Hall was not used for the purpose, as it was afterwards learned that the room lately occupied by Capt, Morgan, had just been vacated, to which place they were taken. Capt'n Chester expresses great regret that the sudden exigency compelled him, in order to provide prompt shelter for the men unexpectedly thrown back upon him, to break up the anticipated after dance, of the happy pupils of Prof. L'Amoreaux, and hopes no such exigency will again occur.
The 10th N. Y. Cavalry.
The 10th (Porter Guard) Cavalry, one company of which was recruited in this place and vicinity, came home last week on 30 days furlough. Most of the men have re-enlisted. The company that left here in the fall of 1861, under Capt. W. W. Paige now numbers 40 men, of whom 30 have, reenlisted. About 30 of these are from this county, of whom 11 are from this town.—They re-enlisted on the 31st of December, and add thus much to our quota already more than filled. There is some question about paying these men the county bounty to which, in justice to them, they are fairly entitled. Our quota was filled before intelligence was received of their re-enlistment.
We presume a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors will be necessary before they can be paid a county bounty.
The Company is now under command of 1st Lieutenant H. L. Barker, who has risen from the ranks, and has won his stripes by hard service and bravery in battle. The Lieut. is yet quite young, but has the experience, the intelligence, and the capacity to command, of older heads. His men, with whom we have talked, speak of him in the highest terms.
This company—in fact the whole regiment—desires to fill its ranks with recruits and we hope will be successful. This could have been done much easier before our quota was filled, but we hope less fortunate localities will furnish the required number so that the 10th will return with full rank. Lieut. Barker's head quarters are at Buffalo.
General Kilpatrick Captures an Ambulance Train.
He Takes 967 Prisoners and Two Guns.
FREDERICK, Md., July 6.
Gen. Buford, who set out with the intention of meeting Stuart, had a fight with him to-day somewhere in the vicinity of Boonsboro. He whipped him badly. No further reliable information.
Stuart's Rebel cavalry, 2,000 strong, commanded by himself, passed through Mechanicstown yesterday. He had eight pieces of artillery yesterday, which he sent by another road, through fear of losing them. This is supposed to be the force which met Buford today.
Deserters from the Rebels represent that they are much dispirited and out of ammunition.
It is believed by parties high in position that the Rebels will endeavor to cross at Williamsport and Shepardstown.
Yesterday Gen. Kilpatrick, with his Division of cavalry, attacked an ambulance train of Rebels under a strong guard at Smithburg, eleven miles from Hagerstown. The trains consisted of ambulances and wagons to the number of 160, a great many of which were destroyed. The train extended over a mile in length. He captured over 967 prisoners, among whom are a large number of wounded officers of various grades.
The prisoners arrived here to-day. He also captured two pieces of the enemy's artillery. Our loss is very slight and that of the Rebels heavy.
THE TENTH NEW YORK CAVALRY. The Fight at Hatcher's Run-Death of Lieut.-Col. Tremain.
Extracts from a Private Letter.
February 9th, 1865.
It is a very sad time in camp and I feel almost sick. Our young and brave Lieut.-Col. Tremain is no more. He was wounded in our fight on the 6th and died yesterday at 5:30 P. M.
Last Sunday morning we started from camp and marched all day, passing Reams Station, and reached Dinwiddie Court House, where we captured eighteen army wagons, one Colonel and one Adjutant, with forty men. We failed to connect with the infantry, and fell back to the banks of the Rowanty Creek, and slept on the ground, it raining and snowing all the time. At 1 o'clock A. M. we again started and marched on, passing over Hatcher's Run and stopped for breakfast in an open lot; but soon the enemy opened on us.
Col. Janeway, of the 1st New Jersey Cavalry, commanded our Brigade, as Gen. Davie was absent on leave. The 24th New York Cavalry was advanced as skirmishers, and the 1st New Jersey and 10th New York formed a line and threw up rails as a breast work, and we went in. In a few moments ten men and one Lieutenant of the 24th Cavalry came back on stretchers, some dead and some dying. Next, Col. Janeway fell, and Gen. Davie arrived on the field and took command of his little Brigade. Next, Lieut.-Col. Beaumont, of the 1st New Jersey fell, together with any quantity of men falling around. I stayed close by Col. Avery and Lieut.-Col. Tremain, and we lay behind some rails. The bullets went "pit-pat" into the rails every second. Col. Tremain got up and started for a tree, to look from behind it, and one bullet hit him on the shoulder, while several struck the tree. About this time the 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Second Brigade, came up the road by the right of our line, and with Gen. Davie at their head, made a mounted saber charge. About twenty-five empty saddles came back, and among the number was Gen. Davie's, who was hit in the breast. Col. Avery then took command of the Brigade, and I went on his staff, and we fought until dark. Col. Tremain was hit in the back and walked back several rods. We slept on the field. The cavalry fought on the left and the infantry on the right. Parts of the Fifth, Sixth, Second and Ninth Corps of infantry were present. The Fifth Corps lost some ten or twelve hundred men. I believe the 185th regiment lost some, but the Corps fought very badly, and after making a charge they were driven part way back. The next morning I rode back to a house used as a hospital, to see Col. Tremain, and the sight was beyond description. The upper rooms were used as amputating rooms, and the blood ran down the stairs in a perfect stream; the limbs of the poor men were lying all around, some with boots on. We have extended our lines some six miles, and will soon have the Southside railroad. Then Petersburg will be gone. We started on the 5th at 3 A. M., and returned to camp on the 8th at 11 A. M., with the loss of poor Fred. Tremain. He was young, smart, kind and brave. It seems so hard to take such as these. We all expected he would get well. The regiment has lost an officer beloved by all. G. H. S.