Inquiries Relating to the Formation and Movements
Of Regiments, Companies, Or Batteries
Of New York Volunteers,
Submitted By The Bureau Of Military Record
Transcribed By Nathan Thompson
Number of Organization: 34th Battery
Synonyms. (If known by any name other than numerals or letters from that): Hamilton Light Artillery
Arm of service (whether Infantry, Calvary, or Field Artillery): Field Battery
Order for raising: Number ? ? ?
Authorization to raise, to whom given: ?
[Note: the rest of the first page is missing.]
Give any facts connected with payment of bounties:
There were no Bounties paid to my knowledge, to men of this Command on their first enlistment.
With the exception the one Hundred Dollars promised by the government on expiration of their first three years service.
Aid (other than bounties) received from the State of New York, Counties, Cities, Towns, or from Union Defense Committee, Associations, Committees; local contributions, and gifts, with names of Patrons, giving facts, and referring to authorities where further information can be obtained:
The Ladies Aid Associations of Flushing furnished many valuable articles, ? combs, stockings and other necessaries for Camp Life ? Bloodgood sent in 60 Towels at one time. H Clement ? ? ? ? and many others made Capt R. and ? ? ? ? ? saddle Horse fully equipped for the Field $300 & $240.
[The rest of page two is missing.]
Original companies, where and by whom principally raised: (add letters if for artillery or calvary regiments.)
Battery L. By 1st Lieut. Jarod Roemer of Flushing L.I.
If any consolidation of companies took place before muster, please give facts:
Muster in of original companies | ||||
Company | Date of Muster | No. of Men | Place Where Mustered | By Whom Mustered |
Hamilton Light Artillery | October 1st 1861 | 88 | N.Y. City | Capt. F. S. Larned 12th U.S. Infantry |
(If after muster any consolidations of companies took place at rendezvous, or in the field, give date and letters of companies consolidated, as well as any attending facts)
Give date of muster into the United States service as a regiment:
Number of men mustered in:
Place where mustered in:
Name and rank of Mustering Officer:
Number of men mustered as recruits after regimental muster and before regiment left the State:
Give name or names of medical officers who examined recruits at formation of battery.
Dr. Alan B. Mott, U.S. Surgeon City of N.Y.
Give number of received into the Battery after it took the field:
Total number of recruits received 119.
If possible, give date of the arrival of each detachment:
March 21st 1863 _ 1. July 3 – 8 1862
April 15th _ 1 ’63 Fort Schuyler N.Y. 1864 Sept December
17th _1 ’63 March 18th _30 June 2nd _12 23rd _ 1 5th _ 2 64
29th _1 ’63 25th_11 August 19th _1 30th _3 16th _ 1
14th_1 25th_2 October 22nd _1 19th _ 1
May 4th _5 Sept 4th _2 22nd _1 11th _ 1
4th_3 Feb 5th _ 3 65
If a full company or companies of recruits were received, state what letter they assumed and what companies were consolidated to make room for them
Departure from camp. Date, Dec 2nd 1861 Strength of command, 150 men, 5 officers
Departure from state. Date, ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ Strength of command, ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
Ceremonies attending departure from camp or state: Many of the most prominent men of the Town accompanied the Command to N.Y. per Steamer from Flushing and many gifts were offered to the men as tokens of their regard
Destination on first leaving state: Washington D.C.
Route, with dates and incidents or accidents, modes of conveyance, &c: Dec 2nd 1861 from Flushing per Steamer to Amboy and thence per Rail Road to Washington D. C. Men all behaved well on the route. No accidents. Weather pleasant while en route.
Date of arrival at destination: Dec 4th 1861
Inspection upon entering service:
(Give names and rank of Inspecting Officer or Officers and time, place &c. If the organization was previously mustered into State Service, give the date, place, and the name and rank of Mustering-in-Officer, &c.)
Inspected by Brig Genl Barry at Camp Barry east Capitol Hill
Washington D.C. Dec 5th 1861. ---- Chief of Artillery ---- Army of the Potomac
This Command was mustered in the State Service on the 22nd of Sept at the N.Y. Arsenal in White Street 1861, for three years or during the War, But I have no reference, who the officers that mustered the Command.
Ordinance and arms supplied; description of arms furnished, specifying kind, caliber, where when, and from whom received, changes, losses in battle &c:
6 Six splendid 3 inch Rifle ordinances just received from Col Ramsay Washington Arsenal Washington D.C. Feb 1861. _ 2 returned to Washington Arsenal Sept 1862by order of Genl Couch from Poolsville MD. The remaining four pieces turned over to Capt. Buckley 1st Rhode Island Battery, by order of Major Genl Burnside January 17th 1864 Hirodberry? Plain Tenn. previous to leaving Tennessee on our Veteran furlough to the state of N.Y.; our former Capt. had from the state N.Y. 150 One Hundred and Fifty Calvary sabres, 150 One Hundred and Fifty horse pistols also from the state N.Y. the latter he took with him on his discharge from the Command to Flushing N.Y.
After I had been in Command from May 23rd 62 to July 1862 I have had this Experience that the sabres were more of an encumbrance to artillery men than benefit, I turned one to the ordinance officer at Little Washington VA 127 One Hundred and Twenty Seven, of the sabres; I have never lost any guns had several times the apol? shot of the pieces, but always got the pieces off in safety. At Sulpher Springs VA Augt 24th 62, at the Battle of Campbell Station ? Nov 16th 63, April 1864 I drew a new Six Gun Battery at Washington D. C. and returned the same again at Washington after the close of the War June 3rd 1865.
Uniforms first furnished; where and from whom received; their quality:
From Quartermaster N.Y. City Sept 1861. Quality very good not knowing from whom received as no receipts came into my hands.
Horses; number received, and number lost in the service, &c.:
Total number of Horses drawn 395, at various times turned over to the Government 280. Killed in action or died of their wounds 101. Lost by fatigue and other diseases 64.
Assigned to what Brigade, Division, Corps, with dates and changes:
Assigned to Sturges Brigade May 26th 1862 July 7th to 10th Army Corps Genl Banks, Augst 22nd temporarily assigned to 11th Army Corps Siegal Comdg. Sept 5th at Langley Va, ordered to help? out to 10th Army Corps, October 6th 1862 permanently transferred to the 9th Army Corps at Antietam, Md with which the Battery served through all its Campaigns and marches until our final discharge from Service June 24th 1865.
How many flags have been carried by the Battery, and what is the history of each?
(Give a history of each Flag presented to or carried by the Regiment , stating, 1st If presented, by whom presented, with names of donors and time, place, and circumstances, 2d. Whether National or Regimental; 3d, Whether silk or baunting; 4th. . In what battles carried, 5th. How much, and in what part worn or injured, 6th How many bullet holes it shows, 7th Names of Color Bearers and of color guard who were killed or injured in battle; 8th. If lost in battle, give date and circumstances; 9th. If returned to the National or State authorities, give date; 10th. If returned to original donors, give names and place of deposit; 11th. If accompanied by original staff, state if such staff was injured in battle, or if staff was lost, give facts)
3 Three Guidons have been carried by this Command during our 4 Four years service.
First a fine silk swallow tail Guidon marked Hamilton Light Artillery and staff with silver plate in center marked Hamilton Light Artillery organized 1839 & 1861, this is the original staff and carried through out the War.
This beautiful Guidon and staff was presented to the Command at Camp Todd Sept 1861 By Hon. Luther C. Carter of Flushing he showed much patriotism during our organization.
Presentation ceremony, prayers by Rev. Mr. Smith, speech by Hon. L.C. Carter, and Genl Hamilton, a very large audience attending. The flag was handed to Cpt. Robinson and to all the officers and men in succession, each one embracing it separately with uncovered head and to honor that flag so long as life remained that each one finds himself to remain true to the Flag and the Union, if it must be, at the peril of their lives.
This Guidon was not however worn long as part by the Command after our consolidation from Hamilton Light Artillery to Battery L 2nd N.Y. Arty. it became necessary that we should have a Guidon so that the Command would not be mistaken on the field of Battle, therefore this Guidon was taken from its staff and laid by to be replaced by one drawn at Washington, before our departure for the Field of Action May 29th 1862.
This second Guidon is marked Battery L 2nd N.Y. Arty. – Cedar Mountain, Sulpher Springs, Manassas, Fredericksburg, it has much service and participated in the Battles of Cedar Mountain, Sulpher Springs, Gainsville, Manasses of Second Bull Run, Point of Rocks, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss, Blue Springs, Lenoix & Campbell Stations, here Emile Everward the Guidon Carrier, had his horse shot out from under him but saved his Colours, [sic] at the Siege of Knoxville from 17th to the 29th of Nov 1863, the Guidon received considerable damage from the enemy’s severe fire on our works.
The terrible charge on our works Genl Longstreet , Rebel, to capture Knoxville and all its garrison, but they were handsomely repulsed by Burnside’s forces with great losses to the enemy before daylight 29th of Nov 1863.
December 12th & 13th at Rutledge Tenn.
Sent to the State of N.Y. January 17th on our Veteran furlough to Flushing L.I. for reorganization.
February 12th 1864, the Command was presented with a Flag by the Ladies of Flushing, but not being suitable to our arms and was returned the following day.
At Annapolis, Maryland April 3rd, 1864
I received a most splendid silk swallow tailed Guidon donated to the 34th N.Y. Light Indpt Veteran Vol. Battery by Miss Celia L Roe.
of Flushing L.I. N.Y.
34th N.Y. Light Indpt V.V. Battery
Inscribed thereon
Cedar Mountain, Sulpher Springs, Manassas, Fredericksburg, VA Vicksburg & Jackson, Miss, Knoxville, Tenn.
The same day it was presented to the Command in the name of Miss Celia L. Roe of Flushing also the letter accompanying the Guidon was read to the Command.
It was received with much enthusiasm of which a copy is transmitted, and this Guidon as the Maiden herself presented it, it shone with bright lustre [sic] in triumph through all the fierce Battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, North Anna, Gains Farm, Salem Church, Cold Harbor, and before Petersburg with out much injury, until the 30th of July on our exploding the Rebel Fort at Cemetery Hill its upper right corner was carried off by a piece of the enemy’s shell, and the furl at the bottom of the staff while it was planted on the Rampart of Fort Wilcox near the Crater, and several bullets pierced the starry Blue on the upper Left.
September 30th 1864, at the Battle near the Pegram House ------- Richard Beddows, Guidon bearer in the heighth [sic] of the Battle a charge was made on this Battery, and with great perseverance on the part of officer and men the Battery was saved, and in the great tumult of Bursting shot and shell, the Guidon carriers horse became unmanageable rearing and plunging, that Beddows dropped his Guidon he found it impossible to manage his horse and retrace his steps to recover his Colours [sic]. So in the heighth [sic] of the Charge he jumped off his horse and ran within one hundred yards of the advancing enemy’s lines and recovered his Colors without injury to himself.
Have any flags been captured by the Regiment from the enemy? If so, give date of such capture; number of flags captured, and name of regiment or organization from which captured, and other facts:
For which act he was highly recommended from this Command to the Comdg Genl and endorsed by Brevet Major Genl Wilcox Comdg 1st Division Ninth A.C. in accordance with Order No. 364. Army of the Potomac.
December 23rd, 1864
Cpt Roemer, Officers
& members - Flushing Battery
Gents – Having been informed that the “Ensign” presented to your Corps by the Ladies of Flushing was not adapted to the Branch of the service to which you are attached. I would therefore beg your acceptance of this “Guidon,” which may be more appropriate. This emblem is tendered not for its intrinsic value; but as an acknowledgment of the valuable services rendered our common country; and to remind you of the gallant deeds yet to be achieved in order to give blessing and peace to a grateful land.
Confident that this Flag is not committed to cowardly hands; but to those who never have nor ever will falter; nor allow it to become the Guidon assigned to anything inglorious, Bear it then before your “braves.” Unfurl it to the breeze, in the face, and in defiance of every foe, and let your acknowledged skill and courage, assist in making brief the strife, in which our hitherto peaceful land is now involved; and after you have accomplished the noble object of your mission, may “He,” who directs the destiny of nations,” restore you all in safety to your respective homes, to receive the plaudits of the community which you so honorably represent.
Signed Miss Celia L. Roe
Flushing March 30th 1864
I certify on honor that the above is a true copy of the letter accompanying Guidon No. 3 from Miss Celia L. Roe received at Annapolis, Md April 13th 1864.
Jarod Raemen
Comdg 34th N.Y. Indpt V.V. Battery
Did the regiment capture any prisoners of war in battles or otherwise? Give numbers and dates, and other circumstances:
This Command has not captured any prisoners but materially aided in the capture. And especially on the morning of the 25th of March, ’65 when the enemy broke through our line at Fort Steadman before Petersburg, VA.
The Rebels made a charge on Battery No 9 and meant to flank Fort Mac Gilvery, a gun was run upon the parpet [sic] of the Fort and fired over the Fort into the Rebel ranks as they advanced, in the meantime I had some 20 percussion shells thrown in the Norfolk Road, Col. Grant of the 8th Michigan Rgt. Had time to advance and cut the Rebel retreat off, so by this operation we got 319 men and 17 Officers prisoners and 127 dead and wounded in the road.
Fort MacGilvery and Fort Haskell were the last posts for operation they being, the two flanking Forts, at Steadman were captured over 2,200 prisoners, and several hundred dead and wounded before 8 Oclock [sic] that morning.
General Services
1. Strength of Battery. Please give the whole number on Muster Rolls at Quarterly intervals, as shown by Morning Reports of the following dates:
July 1, 1861 | 2 | 20 | October 1, 1863 | 3 | 121 |
October 1, 1861 | 5 | 88 | January 1, 1864. | 2 | 119 |
January 1, 1862 | 5 | 155 | April 1, 1864 | 3 | 112 |
April 1, 1862 | 4 | 151 | July 1, 1864 | 3 | 130 |
July1, 1862 | 4 | 112 | October 1, 1864 | 3 | 131 |
October 1, 1862 | 5 | 125 | January 1, 1865 | 3 | 132 |
January 1, 1863 | 3 | 98 | April 1, 1865 | 4 | 130 |
April 1, 1863 | 3 | 97 | July 1, 1865 | 5 | 129 |
July 1, 1863 | 3 | 93 |
2. Was the Battery changed at any time, as from Infantry to Calvary or Artillery, or from Artillery to Infantry or Calvary, &c., and if so, give date and duration of term of service under such change:
No change took place in this Command from one arm to another.
With this exception, the change of little from Battery L 2nd N.Y. Artillery to that of the 34th N.Y. Indpt V.V. Battery Nov 9th 1863, by order from the War Department and by order No 916, of the Governor of the State of New York February 11th, 1864.
3. Was the Battery at any time on garrison or guard duty, and if so, give dates and places at which service was performed:
This Command was in active service from the 29th of May, 1862 until June 24th 1865, on no garrison or guard duty.
Marches; list of, and names of places through which marched, names of camps, dates &c.
March 29th 1862 Marched from Washington to Tenalley Tenn in camp on the north side of the Tenn, crossed the Potomac June 20th in camp at Fairfax Seminary, July 7th marched to Fairfax Court House bivouacked near the Town, 8th to Centreville, 9th towards little Washington via Manassas reached Washington bivouac in cornfield under a very heavy rain storm, 22nd 3 a,m, marched to Culpeper Court House, 24th in camp on the east side of town, Battery in position, August 8th order to march to Cedar Mountain bivouac in Karmis, 9th Battle Cedar Mountain fell back same day towards Culpeper, 20th crossed Rappahannock, 22th ordered to support Gen’l Siegal, 24th to Sulpher Springs, 25th Waterloo Bridge, 26th Warrenton, 28th Gainesville, 29th & 30th Battle Manassas, Sept 1st to Centreville 2nd & 3rd to Fairfax & Langley, crossed the Potomac Sept 7th in camp near Tenalley Town, 9th to Rockville, 10th to Poolsvile Senneca [sic] River, Point of Rocks, Harpers Ferry, South Mountain, Antietam. Octo 6th Pleasant Valley, recrossed the Potomac Octo 29th , Wheatland, Pa, Nov 1st, Upporville 4th, Orleans 8th, Jefferson, Sulpher Springs, Fayettville, Warrenton Junction, Fredericksburg Nov 12th, ordered to Newport News February 5th, 1863 ordered to be shipped to Fortress (Monroe) for Baltimore, March 26th, per railroad to Cincinattis April 1st to Lexington Ky, 28th to Winchester, Lexington, Nickolowsville 7th Lowell 9th, 24th to Crab Orchard via Hickman Bridge, and Lexington, Stampford, June 3rd ordered to Vicksburg via Hickman Bridge, Nickolowsville, Lexington, Louisville, Ohio river, Cairo, Memphis per steamer Mariner to Haimes Bluff ? June 19th to Jackson Miss, July 4th Jackson, July 11th to 19th ordered to Mulldale Miss, August 9th ordered to Kentucky by steamer via Memphis, Cairo, thence by rail to Cincinnati ordered to Camp Park near Nickolowsville Sept 1st , ordered to Crab Orchard Sept 5th , ordered to Knoxville via Mount Vernon , Camp Pittman, Barkersville, Cumberland Gap, Morristown Knoxville 25th , Octo 7th ordered to Morristown, Blue Springs, Greenville, Rheaburn, 15th, 17th to Knoxville, Greenville, Blue Springs, Morristown, Knoxville, 21st to Lenoir Station Octo 22nd, to Loudon back to Lenoir Station Octo 29th, to Loudon Nov 14th, to Lenoir Station Nov 15th, to Campbell Station Nov 16th, to Knoxville night of the 16th to 17th, to Rutledge Dec 6th, at Rutledge 11th, fell back to Clinch Mountains ? ? ? 14th & 16th encamped under Clinch Mountain to January 17th 1864, orders to report to the Governor of the State of New York, turned over Battery and all equipment, marched to Cumberland Gap to Ky on foot, scarcely one ration, men’s clothing & shoes all tattered and torn, the most of them barefooted, reached Camp Nelson Ky Jan 29th, to Convington Ky 30th here the Command was paid and took rail for Albany N.Y. Feb 9th, reported at Albany 11th, 1864, ordered to Flushing L. I. via N.Y. for reorganization Feb 12th, 71 men Furlough for 30 days, March 14th, assembled at Fort Schuyler, N.Y. Habor, 24th ordered to Annapolis for steamer, bad weather at sea reached destination March 29th, ordered to Washington April 14th, to be equipped anuiew, [sic] 26th, crossed the Potomac with 9th Corps marched to Fairfax, Warrenton Junction, crossed Rapidan May 4th, Wilderness 6th, Gogis Hill 7th, Spotsylvania Va 9th to 13th, North Anna River 22nd, Pamunky River 27th, Salem Church 28th, June 1st ? 2nd Gains Farm, 6th Cold Harbor, Fort Fletcher 10th & 11th, Bristol Station 12th, St. Peter’s Church 13th, Banks of the James River 14th, crossed James River 15th, bivouac on its banks, marched all night and until 4 p.m. on the 16th, arrived before Petersburg, August 26th, ordered towards the left some 7 miles near the Pegrain Farm, October 26th & 27th Hatchers Run, November 29th ordered to Fort Friend on the right of our Lines, March 24th Fort Mac Gilory, April 4th marched to City Point, April 23rd embarked for Alexandria arrived 25th, June 4th ordered to Harts Island via Baltimore and Philadelphia, New York, Flushing L.I. June 7th Harts Island, June 10th 1865, mustered out and sent to Flushing L.I. June 24th 1865. 5 Officers, 118 men.
Battles in which engaged:
[Give the names of each; with date, position to which assigned; time of beginning and end of engagement; particular services, if detached from the main body; number of killed, wounded, prisoners lost, and losses by manner unknown. Also facts relative to the burial of the dead, and the care and disposition of the wounded, the general results of the battle as affecting the organization, and other facts of interest.
First Battle Cedar Mountain August 9th, 62, 12 a.m. first shot lasted until sundown, Batteries position 4 pieces in centre in line of Battle right section on the left wing, 7 horses killed and wounded, fired 750 Rounds, Genl Crawford praise of this Battery, Rappahannock Station 21st & 22nd Augst below the station, Augst 23rd one section with Genl Bayard Calvary scouting, 4 pieces with Genl Siegal, at Sulpher Springs 24th had an engagement fired some 800, one axle broke, several horses wounded, injured piece sent to Washington, Waterloo Bridge 25, Burning of the Bridge drew some 60 rounds of shot, Gainsville 27th & 28th fighting all along the road by section, and skirmishing with the Rebel advance guard lost 4 men Prisoners, Battle Manassas Augt 29th & 30th 4 a.m. in position in centre, 9 a.m. ordered to position extreme right, hand prest [sic] and close watched as the Battery were nearly surrounded by woods, 10 o’clock sent for more support of infantry, which Genl Schurtz sent me held my Position till half past two o’clock, when I was relieved by Hamptons ? Battery to rest men and horses, But most advancing before Genl Siegal sent for my Battery L saying that the left wing was so hard prest [sic] I pleaded for my exhausted men and horses, the Genl answered nevermind Captain about men and horses, how many rounds of ammunition have you yet, 500 out of 1200 was the answer, the Genl turning to Capt Dahlgren said Capt you accompany Capt Roemer immediately to the left, Sherman’s Battery is anihilated [sic] and that position must be held at all hazards, This Command recovered the Forlorn hope of, on the 29th August was much praise to the Command from the Genl Comdg, without any damage to the Batter, August 31st in reserve but 12 o’clock the Battle raged for ? when Genl Schurtz galloped up to Battery saying Roemer we can’t do without you bring your Battery in position, below the house, the rebels are driving our back out of the woods into the gap below, Baty in position opened a brisk fire on the enemy’s lines, but our extreme left had given way, so it became necessary to change my position to my left, to help restore the broken line if possible, I had just gained my new position when we were well peppered with a shower of Canister Bullets, shrapnel, case shot, &c, it did not last over 5 minutes 13 men wounded 1 Sergt mortally, 20 Horses severely, myself & Horse also wounded, but all the horses wounded kept their legs to give the Battery a new position, one of the pieces was struck by a 20 lbs shell on the barrel, but no damage in its use. My Ambulance was struck axle broke one horse killed driven wounded, Officer captured with all – My wounded Sergt was sent to rear, the other 13 men wounded slightly – all doing well, Sept 2nd & 3rd fall back to Langley under a continual fire, no casualties, Battle Antietam 1 section at Point of Rocks with Col. O’Neil, on observation no casualties.
Battle Fredericksburg. Battery L 2nd N.Y. Arty, assigned to 3rd U.S. Battery Benjamin ? & King? to form the right wing of the Grand Army of Potomac near Brian’s Plantation Comd by Brig Genl Hays positions assigned to these four Batteries, Falmouth heighth [sic] on the left bank of the Rappahannock to take position during the night of the 10th Dec, Action command 4 Oclock a.m. 11th Dec. About 10 Oclock a.m. some of the rebel Batteries opened a cannonade on our right wing to find our strength, but to no purpose on damage to us, on the 12th the Battle raged furiously on our Centre & left but the right wing was only occasionally disturbed, until about 5 Oclock p.m. when the enemy opened 26 pieces on us, but no infantry could maneuver between us, fired some 200 rounds, 13th 10 Oclock a.m. received orders from Maj. Gen’l Sumner to repair & report to the Lacy House with the Battery as speedily as possible to stay any pressure that might be made on our lines from the enemy, fired some 400 rounds in all, 2 men slightly wounded and three horses injured in the woods. The siege of Vicksburg Miss from June 19, 63 to July 4th, 63. Siege of Jackson Miss, July 11th to 17th no casualties but men & horses suffered intensely from the heat on the marches ? ? durable, Blue springs Tenn. Oct 10th in action from 4 p.m. till sundown, the Battery had to be brought up on a high mountain, 1 section was brought up with 12 horses apiece, and men with ropes to steady the pieces and prevent them overturning no casualties, 3 men taken prisoners Oct 30th, 63, Lenoir Station Tenn Nov 15th, 63 in action from 5 to 6 p.m. at 9 p.m. a charge on the Battery handsomely repulsed no damage, Campbell station Nov 16th in action from 11 Oclock a.m. till sundown 2 men mortally wounded, drivers not belonging to the Battery only temporarily detailed as extra drivers, 1 of my men slightly wounded, 1 horse killed and 3 wounded 1 axle shattered but the piece brought off in safety, fired 441 rounds Lieut Heasley was ordered with one section 5 a.m. to support Col Humphrey’s Brigade to cover the retreat from Lenoir to Campbell station, he deserves much credit for his skill and perseverance also sergt Rossbach & sergt Starkins, Col Humphrey spoke in the highest terms of the commissioned and also of the non-commissioned officers, he said Capt your have brave men or else who would never have seen your Splendid piece anymore. On several occasions that morning the men actually had to ly [sic] down on their faces and drag the Pieces into a position so that the men could take hold of them before they were shot at from the enemy’s advance guards, but the boys made them shy of their pieces or else they would surely have taken them from us. Many of the officers & men lost their clothing on account of the very many roads the Baggage wagons had to be lightened of their burdens or else fall into the hands of the enemy if not speedily got out of the way, Horses & mules worn out for this was the fourth day in harnis [sic] night and day. Officers & men of the Command received the Genls Congratulations for good behavior in this action and accurate fire in particular. Retreat to Knoxville during the night Siege of Knoxville Nov 17th to 29th 63, at 6 a.m. Battery L 2nd N.Y. Artillery was assigned to take position on East Tennessee College Hill, and improve the late Rebel constructed work, this position is the highest point in the immediate vicinity around Knoxville and full 3 quarters of the compass with good and afective [sic] Ranges with my 4 Rifle Pieces after 6 nights & days hand labor with a very scanty supply of working tool, green hides, Boards, Dogs? &c were taken out of necessity, owing to the scarcity of other materials, to construct Fortifications, men and horses on quarter rations, and these quarter rations consisted of bread made of Rye, nuddling?, Bran, Barley &c this was mixed and made into bread, officers and men facing alike, and with astonishing harmony and perseverance of the men to work as each man was aware of our situation, our only hope was Genl Sherman, to hold out till he could come up from sweet Water and Loudon and by a daily promise for a week, had work night & day to strengthen our works, and constantly watching the enemys line not to allow them to encroach an inch. Left section sent to fort Sanders Nov 20th during the night, I had my works constructed with Traverses around the College Building, to keep the enemy in ignorance of the number of my Pieces in the works, as I could shift them at any time without being observed and fired from all points of the Front, the enemy as afterwards ascertained, firmly believed that we had 7 to 8 Pieces on College Hill Late in the evening of Nov 28th I received a verbal & private order the General is desirous. If things should come to the worst, to disable your horses and guns, so that they cannot be used against us, We had rather to died in any works in preference to being captured. I said that I should not comply with this order but said, tell the Genl I will give the Rebels a shot for every horse and for every spike he wishes me to ? and if I cannot shoot anymore I have the spikes in my pocket, I will spike the Pieces and let her go, at 10 p.m. a faint charge on the whole front men at their post all eight and everything reported for action guns loaded, at 5 a.m. Nov 29th the terrible charge on Fort Sanders which resulted almost in the annihilation of Longstreet’s Army We took nearly 1,000 Prisoners and 3 to 400 killed & wounded I lost several horses killed & wounded, no other losses to this Command - Fired 213 rounds, the loss of this corps was only 9 killed & several wounded here the Command was mentioned in special order No. 71 Dec 12th, 63 from the Comdg Genl to the Troops.
Rutledge Tenn Dec 12th 1863 no casualties.
Wilderness Va, May 6th 1864 from 4 p.m. till sundown no casualties. Spotsylvania Va May 9th to 14th, May 9th in position at Gains Hill 9 a.m. Opined [sic] fire at 10 a.m. ordered forward across the Run engagement lasted till sundown fired 350 rounds, 10th quiet all morning, in action from 4 Oclock till sundown, fired 340 rounds silencing the enemy’s Battery in front of Spotsylvania Court house, fell back during night remained quiet all day, until 5 p.m. on 11th ordered in position near the Beverly House and immediately in front of Spotsylvania Court House, remained in position all night, morning of the 12th very foggy until after 9 a.m. this was the extreme left of our line, the battle raged with the greatest fury, at 10 p.m. having 10 Pieces of artillery against my four, the enemy had just opened 6 Pieces on our extreme left behind a large farm house, by this they had a heavy crossfire on my 4 Pieces. My position became critical until I ordered percussion shells to be thrown into this house to set it a fire if possible, this was effected and the Battery soon withdrew, and turning 4 Pieces on the Rebel 4 Pieces at the Court House, soon made them withdraw also with the Calvary in front of the Court House back into the woods. This raised a great shout from our infantry for Old Battery L. Now called Veteran 34th N.Y. Indpt Battery sent to the centre that I succeeded in dislodging the enemy’s Batteries on my left and front, 2 p.m. the battle was now raging most furiously on centre and right of our Corps, ordered to hasten the 4 Pieces to centre and right, as I arrived I saw a position on knoll, on the right of our Corps, no artillery was posted there, I hid no more and posted my Pieces, when they made a most terrible combined charge to make a break on 9th & 2nd Corps, in this my 4 Pieces did great service, my right section had been under Comd of Lieut Heasley all day on the centre and done well, action until sundown fired 750 rounds, 2 men wounded, 3 horses killed, 4 wounded – Received the highest congratulations from the Genl Comdg 9th Corps and also from our Division Genl Wilcox in his order to the Troops Roemers Veteran Battery has ? itself again.
May 16th fired 18 rounds during this day on our left, 17th quiet all day orders to help ourselves in readiness at 3 a.m. 18th an attack on our flank 5.30 a.m. fired 25 rounds, heavy attack in the afternoon this day fired 287 rounds, 21st & 22nd, cutting wood to repair the breastwork, in the woods near North Anna River, 23rd arrived at North Ann River threw up breastworks during the night, opened fire 8 a.m. 24th lasted all day, principly [sic] at the enemy’s works across the river fired 473 rounds, May 25th opened fire 5 a.m. till 8 73 rounds, 2 horses wounded May 26th fired 49 rounds by order of Genl Warren to shell the woods to assist him to advance on the opposite dies of the river with good effect May 30th in position near Salem Church with 6 Pieces and 7th Maine Battery fired 2 rounds 1 horse wounded.
Salem Church June 2nd at 10 Oclock in position, advanced 5 miles in position, at 2 p.m. heavy engagement from the rear and flank fired 237 rounds June 3rd 64, in same position an advance throwing up works 1 man mortally wounded and several horses 1 killed fired 258 rounds, June 6th Cold Harbor, threw up works during the night, opened fire in the afternoon of the 7th fired 57 rounds 1 horse wounded, 24 rounds after 4 p.m. at 2 a.m. 9th changed position from Fort Clement to Fort Fletcher, Cold Harbor, strengthening works fired at regular intervals during this day, 97 rounds 10th fired 60 rounds with reduced charges from 5 to 6 ounces of Powder with good effect.
June 11th fired 27 rounds 1 man mortally wounded sent to Ninth Corps Hospital, 12th 2 men taken prisoners, withdrew from Fort Fletcher at 8 p.m. 16th before Petersburg 5.30 p.m. threw up works in an open field during the night, opened fire 4 a.m. 1 p.m. advanced some 1,000 yards further out in the open field, threw up some works using the timber from the works, blew up two of the enemy’s Caisons [sic] in rear where Fort Morton now stands, Major Morton killed, the Fort bears his name, fired 160 rounds, advanced during the night June 18th, 1864 advanced at daylight in rear of a skirt of woods, and on same spot where Rebel Caisson [sic] was blown up.
1130 a.m. I was ordered too, and prepared to mask 10 Pieces of artillery 4 of my light and 6 light 12 lbs. of Capt. Twitchell 6th Maine Battery through this woods and on the inner edge of facing Cemetery hill 50 axmen soon cleared the tangled undergrowth, and 30 men from the 24th N.Y. Dismounted Calvary Comd by Capt. Allen assisted me in maneuvering the artillery by hand in this movement, as we were now within a few hundred yards of the enemy’s lines and horses could be all times be used, at 1 Oclock my right gun to be fired the signal for the 9th 2nd and 5th Corps to advance out of the woods and also successfully as the Pieces were fired to be advanced into the open field, at this movement the Battle became general with the 2nd 9th and 5th Corps, about 2 p.m. our Infantry of the 9th Corps had gained the Hill where Fort Morton & Wilcox were afterwards built, and cut off the Norfolk Railroad in order to sustain our Infantry in Cut, one of my rifle Pieces advanced some 250 yards but it being impossible for horses to live, they were unhitched and run back under cover, this piece could not be maneuvered.
I ordered Capt Allen with 13 of his men to assist the Cannoniers, to run the piece some 250 yards more to the front and behind and old Barn, by this I could sweep the Railroad cut in front of the 2nd Corps of the Rebel Infantry who harassed our Infantry very much from the position. The 9th Corps being several hundred yards in advance of the 2nd Corps and our Infantry who were much exposed to heavy flank and front fire, this piece rendered much service with the support of 9 pieces in rear, to our Infantry, Corn stalk logs and earth were used to throw up a hurried shelter for the exposed cannoniers, 3 of my men slightly and 6 of Capt Allens severely wounded. Our 3rd Division 9th Army Corps is said to have lost over 2,200 killed & wounded, Capt Allen & men deserve much praise for their soldiery bearing, threw some 30 rounds in Petersburg, fired 538 rounds, laid out works for the pieces, strengthening pieces in front, by ordering another piece during night 19th fired 123 rounds 2 men and several horses wounded.
June 20th fired into the City and other Rebel Works 72 rounds 2 horses wounded, changed position during night on O’Hares place near Fort Steadman at 3 a.m. 21st, Lieut Thomas Heasley wounded in left shoulder 8 a.m. sent to Hospital, opened fire 3 p.m. on enemy’s lines 300 yards distance fired 51 rounds 1 horse badly wounded. 22nd at 7 a.m. opened fire on enemy’s Baggage Trains 37 rounds, 34th Battery relieved ordered to left and rear of our former positions in an open field and poorly constructed works being to low to fire with any effect over our Infantry, expended some 80 rounds from this position July 5th 1864 preparations to build Fort Wilcox, 4,000 feet of timber from 8 to 10 inches in diameter were cut and hauled in rear of the prominent hill opposite the Crater from which the enemys Line could be overlooked 2nd 9th and 5th Corps, it fronts, immediately on the left of the Norfolk turnpike, 350 Fatigue party and my own Command raised it in two nights, 3 killed and several wounded, July 7th the enemy made a heavy demonstration to silence our guns, and drive us from this position but they were mistaken, fired 100 rounds no casualties, This position was occupied by this Command to August 19th 64, the Crater explosion being one of its principle engagements, but before Fort Morton was built, this was the most important point on our Line. Myself and 7 men were wounded during our occupation fired nearly 2,000 rounds of shot & shell. August 30th 1864 self wounded in left leg again.
Sept 30th in action near Pegram House Va in the afternoon till sundown. Louis Bouneman killed buried on smiths Farm, 2 mortally 3 slightly wounded, 3 horses wounded, The 9th Army Corps suffered very much in prisoners taken, Lieut Heasley & Lieut Alonzo Garretson of this Command deserve much praise for gallant services rendered, especially in saving the Battery from falling into the hands of the enemy, all the men behaved well in repulsing the enemy’s charge upon the Battery. Fort MacGilvery on the right of Fort Steadman.
March 25th 1865, Fort MacGilvery Va 3.30 a.m. guards report occasional firing in the direction of Fort Steadman, 4 Pieces of mine and 2 light 12 lbs. of the 5th U.S. Artillery in Fort MacGilvery 2 of my rifle Pieces in Battery No 5 on my right on the Bank of the Appomattox River 800 yards distance, the right was very dark. 46th N.Y. Regt were my support in MacGilvery and Battery No 5 Col. Elly Comdg 2nd Brigade 1st Div 9th A.C. present in fort MacGilvery, 4 a.m. we became aware that the enemy had broken through our lines at Fort Steadman 2 or 3 aide de Camps were sent to ascertain the facts, but to no effect until we ran at daybreak, artillery firing from Fort Steadman to our rear lines, sent to Col. Elly that the game was up that the enemy had possession of Fort Steadman and what has to be done to rescue our line from the enemy, the Brave old Col turning to me said coolly, Major whatever possible means lay in your power to reserve our lines, then Brave 46th I want you to open all the parts left of the Fort and 3 rifle pieces to bear on Fort Steadman on the supported line of march of the enemy, done with very good effect, daylight had now so far advanced, that men could be discovered filling in the Norfolk cut Road, to out flank our infantry in the front line, and directly in rear of Fort MacGilvery, the Rebels had concentrated all their artillery & mortars on Fort MacGilvery & Haskell the two flanking forts of Steadman.
To dispel this force in the norfolk road, I ordered the front Pieces to the parapet in the rear of the Fort, threw some 20 percussion shell into the advancing enemys Colloumn [sic] with such effect that they soon Retreated, and Col Grant of the 8th Michigan Regt took advantage of this, concentrated his line towards Fort Steadman and took 317 men & 19 Rebel officers Prisoners with 127 dead & wounded in the norfolk Road, the Piece on the parapet suffered much.
John B Bauer killed, self and gunner, and 4 men wounded, M Forgerty J Tracey J Keene the only remaining out of 9 men, of this piece which deserve much credit, also sergt Rossbach & sergt Cornell who commanded the other 3 Pieces, for their accurate firing, Capt Prapmayer of 46th N.Y. Regt also deserves much credit for supplying the Pieces with ammunition and in urging the men after I had been disabled, 1 horse killed, fired 370 rounds from this day till April 3rd the men were on constant duty night & day. The final Capture of Petersburg April 3rd 1865 3 more men wounded, The last shot fired into Petersburg Va 40 minutes after 3 Oclock a.m. April 3rd 1865 – the first June 18th 3 p.m. 1864.
Casualties, &c.
Whole number on rolls of the Regiment:
[Instead of furnishing the statistics above requested, a copy of the Muster-Out Rolls of the Regiment would be preferred. Should the Muster-Out Rolls be furnished they will be copied and returned.]
A copy of Muster Roll furnished
Distinguished Merit:
[Names of officers and privates, who may have received medals, or honorable mention in reports, for meritorious conduct in battles, and by whom mentioned, with copies and references to the order or report. Also those who deserve especial record for honorable services, crosses or medals of merit &c.]
Jacob Reomer Breveted Major, by the President as per Copy of order from Secretary of War No 364, Dec 3rd 64 A. P.
Lieut Alonzo Garretson at Cold Harbor June 11th 1864.
Before Petersburg and Pegram House Sept 30th 1864.
1 Sergt James C Cornell
2 Valentine Rossbach
3 John H Starkins
4 Bugler Casper Steinberg
5 Guidon Carrier Richard Beddows
6 Private Carl Ludwig
7 Sergt Albert Townsend
8 Corpl Patrick Kiernan
9 Private Decatur Fuller
These Officers and men have been Recommended and on several occasions honorably mentioned by Genl Burnside – Feraro Griffin – Wilcox, and endorsed for medals of honor.
January 11th 1864
Head Quarters 1st Division
9th Army Corps
before Petersburg, Va
Date and place of departure from the field:
Clinch Mountains East Tennessee January 17th 1864
Plains Cross Roads
April 5th 1865 before Petersburg to City Point
Date and place muster out:
Lenoir Station East Tennessee November 5th 1863
At Plains Cross Roads
to date from the above day
At Harts Island N.Y. Harbor, June 21st 186.
If the Battery re-enlisted as a Veteran command, please give, As a Veteran Command
1st. The date and place of enlistment: November 15th 1863 Lenoir Station East Tennessee
2d. The number of men who re-enlisted, by companies, - (adding letters for additional companies if for artillery or calvary):
Battery L. N.Y. Artillery
69 men out of 71 re-enlisted
as per orders from War Department Washington D.C.
No 359 Nov 5th, No 376 Nov 21st, ? of 1863
3d. The length of time passed on furlough, and whether such furlough was by the Batteryas an organization,
From the 12th of February 1864, to the 14 of March 1864 by the Command with Officers & men, as a Veteran Command.
4th. If the furlough was by the Battery, give date and place of leaving the field; and also the date and corps, or duty to which assigned on returning to the field:
By Battery or Company with their Officers
Left Clinch Mountains East Tennessee January 17th 1864 Plains Cross Roads
Ordered from Fort Schuyler N.Y. Harbor to report to Col. Hashanft? at Annapolis Md then in Command of the 9th Army Corps
Reported at Head Quarters 9th Army Corps at Annapolis Md with Command March 29th 1864.
Was the Regiment re-organized as a Battalion or did it continue in the field as a Battalion? If so, please five facts are services as a Battery.
1st. Date of re-organization as a Battalion March 14th 1864
2d. Strenght by companies, 71 men
3d. Corps to which assigned: 9 Ninth Army Corps
4th. Battle in which engaged: Accounted for on first Routine
5th. Losses in Killed, wounded, and missing:
2, two Officers wounded
72 Seventy two Men wounded of which seven
Died in action, or thereafter of their wounds.
6th. Date and place of muster out,
June 21st 1865.
At Harts Island New York Harbor
5 five Officers
118 one hundred and eighteen, enlisted men.
If, at the expiration of the original term, the Regiment re-organized under its old number. Please give facts in reference to such re-organization:
As a Veteran Battery facts given in front.
Embracing all commissioned officers of the Battery in order of the commission, and of officers acting under appointments or by brevet:
[Blanks for the personal history of each person from the State engaged in the military services of the government, will be furnished in application to the Bureau].
Jarod Roemer Capt, Brevet Major Dec 2nd 1864 by the President
for meritous [sic] services rendered at Spotsylvania Va May 12th 64.
and before Richmond, Va.
1st Lieut Thomas Heasley – late Asst. Ajt. Genl Artillery Brigade 9 # A.C.
1st Lieut James O Johnson.
2nd Lieut William Balkie.
2nd Lieut George H. Durfee.
Please give an account of receptions extended to the Battery when of furlough, and also at a time of return as a Regiment and as a Battery:
February 12th 1864, Reception at Flushing L.I. N.Y. from the Corporation, as a Company of Flushing Artillery, all Church Bells ringing, Firemen turned out to receive the Command at the Railroad Station.
A fine dinner prepared for the Officers and men at a Cost of $62.
June 17th 1865. on our arrival from the Field en route for Harts Island, previous to being Flushing extended to this Command a most hearty welcome, by the Trustees of the Town, with a fine dinner at Henry Woolley Hotel, speeches by Mr. Kinsdale Rev MacFarland and others. Cost $499.50
Testimonials to officers; give lists, write names, dates and circumstances:
From Genl Siegal to this Command for meritous [sic] services rendered at Manassas August 29th & 30th 1862 From Genl Burnside and Genl Ferraro for services rendered during siege of Knoxville November 17th to 29 1863. Genl Crawford at Cedar Mountain August 9th 1862. Major Genl Burnside & Genl Wilcox at Spotsylvania May 12th, North Anna 24th, Cold Harbor June 6th to 12th and before Petersburg Fort Mac Gilvery March 25th 65 to April 3rd 1865
Please sign here,
Dated atFlushing L.I. Jarod Roemer Late Brevet Major
the June 24th 1866. Comdg 34th Indpt V.V. Battery