1st New York Light Artillery Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

There are more clippings under the various batteries

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 21, 1864 
PROMOTIONS.—L. W. Scott, who was recently promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant in the 1st N.Y., has again been raised from that position to that of 1st Lieutenant, his promotion dating from July 28, 1864. 1st Sergeant Hiram H. Schell, formerly of Greig, now of the 1st N. Y. A., has also been raised from that position to 2d Lieutenant, his promotion dating July 27, 1864. We rejoice in the success of these worthy young men, and trust they may be spared from the perils of grim-visaged war to yet enjoy the blessings of that peace for which they have so valiantly fought.

Col. L Bailey's Regiment. 
Recruiting Office over Arcade Entrance, 
PERSONS WISHING TO ENLIST INTO this arm of the Service, and especially those having friends in the 1st N. Y. Artillery, now stationed at Camp Barry, Washington, are requested to call on either of the undersigned, one of whom will be found in the office at all times. Bounty, Pay, Rations and Clothing, the same as in other branches of the service. No picket duty. Those enlisting in this Regiment have the advantage of being in a Regiment already organized, which will secure them clothing, pay, and side arms immediately. This is the last call that will be made here for recruits for this excellent regiment. A. BARNES, 1st Lieut. 1st N. Y, Artillery. E. P. WEBB, 2d Lieut, 1st N. Y. Artillery.

First New York - 
Light Artillery 
Lieut. E.P. Newkirk Is authorized to open a Recruiting Office in Oswego, for the several Batteries of this old and well-known organization.
Office near corner of West First and Bridge Streets, in rear of Jacob's Tobacco Store. 
Major 1st New York Artillery. 
Supt. Regtl R.S.

Returned to the War.— 
Capt. Spratt. of the 1st N.Y. Artillery, in which battery are Lt. Mink, Lt. Clark and the Lewis County boys, left for Yorktown where his battery is located, last Thursday. Lt. Frank Smith of Copenhagen, belonging to the 35th regiment, who has been at home on a furlough, has also returned to his Company.

In pursuance of a meeting duly authorized and noticed to be held on the 16th day of July,1861, at the Pavilion Hotel, Elysian Fields, New York, the following officers were unanimously elected as line officers:—Colonel, J. M. Latson; Lieut. Colonel, William Halstead; Major, Wm B. Latson, and Geo. U. M. Mead, Quartermaster. At the election the officers appointed a committee to wait upon each of the officers elected, which committee presented the various candidates, who made some appropriate remarks.

T h e re-enlisted men of Wiedrich's Battery, numbering sixty in all, arrived in this city on Saturday night, about 11 o'clock. They were accompanied by their old commander, Lieut. Colonel Wiedrich. The veterans have a furlough of thirty days, which we hope will be a season of unalloyed enjoyment to them.

Flag PRESENTATION. — Wiedrich’s Battery was presented with a beautiful flag yesterday afternoon at Gillig's Hall, the gift of a number of the friends of that Company.

WOUNDED IN WlEDRICH's BATTERY.—The following is a list of the wounded in Captain Wiedrich's battery in the late battle at Chancellorsville: Sergt. Kappel, privates Betler, Klee, Schell, Kehl and Hartwich.

DESERVED PROMOTIONS.—No promotion has been better earned than that accorded to Capt. (now Major) John A. Reynolds, of the Battery which bears his name. He went into the service nearly two years ago, recruited a company of first class men, (assisted by his subaltern officers,) and has been constantly upon duty, with the exception of a ten days furlough a few weeks since. His battery has been in the hottest engagements of the war, and always so ably managed and effective, that commanding officers have learned to rely upon it, and in the retreat of Hooker, it covered the retiring troops at the crossing of United States Ford. Of course, the officers of the battery will receive promotion according to their present rank; and they deserve this no less than their commander.

COL. WIEDRICH'S WOUND; —A letter from Lieut. Col. Wiedrich, dated in the field, the 17th, brings the gratifying intelligence that his wound, received in the battle of Thursday, on the Weldon Railroad, was slight, and that he expects soon to be able to resume his duties. While passing down the line of his regiment, to encourage the men, he was struck by a rifle ball on the back, below the right shoulder, the ball glancing off and inflicting only a flesh wound. His horse was shot about the same time. Seven officers of his regiment were wounded, two, it is feared, fatally.

PROMOTED.—It is a pleasure to note the military advancement of any of our Jefferson county boys, who by their patriotic spirit, temperate habits, and honest dealing with the government, merit the honors and rewards of high positions. The following order will show that Major T. W. Osborne, of this village has been promoted to the position of Chief of Artillery of the 11th Corps of the Army of the Potomac.

Army of the Potomac near 
Brooke's Station, Va., June 2,1863. 
General Orders No. 13: 
Major T. W. Osborne, 1st New York Artillery, having reported at these Headquarters, pursuant to Special Orders No. 151, from Headquarters Army of the Potomac, is announced as Chief of Artillery of the Corps. 
By order of Major General Howard: 
Asst. Adjt. Gen.

SOLDIERS' REMITTANCES.—The members of Jenny's Battery, now on Morris Island, before Charleston, have sent home a considerable amount of money, which has been received at the office of the American Express Company, where it may be obtained. The soldiers in the South-west from Central New York are sending home large sums of money. One day the past week the packages received by Express here, for distribution in Oswego, Cayuga and Wayne counties, contained over $15,000.

Money Received 
From Battery G. (Capt. Nelson Ames) 1st N.Y. Artillery, by Chandler & Ames, Aug. 14, 1863: Julius Stebbins, $100; Henry E. Bourn, $37; Alson W. March, $60; Orville Whitney, $50; John Dawley, $20; Warren Dawley, $30; Sylvanus D. Wilson, $160; George H. Barse, $25 ; Henry A. Rathbone, $40 ; Charles W. Fogg, $30; Orange Frary, $160 ; Caleb A. Baker, $50; Franklin B. Gregory, $20 ; Almon Johnson, $30; Ira D. Allen, $60; Henry Pierce, $20 ; Judson D. Mattison, $30; George Loomis, $35; Elias Crawford, $25; David E. Fancher, $15; Moses Turney, $25; Daniel Fitzpatrick, $40; George Kline, $130; F.F. Goff, $175; Nelson Ames, $350.

Northern N.Y. Journal - 
Tuesday Evening. September 29, 1863. 
JULY 29th, 1863. 
In the morning before General Slocum had occupied his position and while he was doing so I placed 3 Batteries on the right of the Baltimore Road, commanding the ravine between the two prominent hills on our right. Yet as Gen. Slocum withstood every assault on his lines without assistance, later in the day I withdrew these batteries to the hill. As soon as the enemy developed the position he would probably occupy with his batteries, I placed mine in position commanding them. By the assignment on the hill, Dilger had the right resting next the Baltimore Road and parallel with the Emmittsburg Road; on his left and in order were: Bancroft, Eakin, Wheeler, Hill and Hall; commanding the enemy's Batteries to the right of the town and across the Baltimore Road, I placed Taft in rear and perpendicular to Bancroft, also Huntington in rear and perpendicular to Wheeler but farther in the rear of Wheeler as Taft was of Bancroft, so that Taft's Battery would not obstruct his line of fire. By this assignment of Artillery I commanded with a reputable number of guns every point on which the enemy could place Artillery commanding the Cemetery Hill. I also occupied every point of the hill suitable for Artillery, and during the engagement every gun at different times was used with good effect and the fire of no one gun interfered with the fire of another. A sharp curve in the side of the hill also afforded good and convenient protections for the caissons. Most of the day the firing of the enemy's Artillery was irregular, they scarcely opening more than one battery at a time, and when they did so we readily silenced them. On our entire front the enemy held a fine crest for the protection of the Artillery at a distance of 1000 to 1400 yards from us. But at the time the heavy attack was made on the extreme left of our line the firing was very severe and especially upon the hill. They engaged the greater portion of our whole line, and from both left and right of the town much of the fire was concentrated on our position, but we soon gained a decided advantage over them, and long before the infantry struggle on the left was decided we had silenced most of their guns. In this Artillery fire Lieut. Eakin was wounded in the hip and carried from the field. Between 7 and 8 o'clock in the day a rebel Brigade charged from the town upon Weidrich's Battery. The charge was very impetuous and the infantry at first gave way and the Battery was held for a moment by the enemy, when the cannoniers rallied with the infantry and seizing upon any weapons they could reach, threw themselves upon the enemy and assisted to drive them back. All was done that could be, both before and after the repulse of the enemy by the use of canister upon their ranks. 
Col. Wainwright speaks in highly complimentary terms of both officers and men for their gallant conduct on this occasion. Although the command was much exhausted by the two days' work, most of the night was passed in replenishing the Batteries with ammunition and making repairs. 
On the morning of the 3d, we were in position the same as on the 2nd. But little was done during the A.M., by our Corps. Occasionally a rebel Battery would open upon the Cemetery, evidently with a view to obtain the exact elevation and time to make their fire effective in the P.M. work on our position. At each attempt we silenced them with but little loss to ourselves. About 2 o'clock P.M. they opened with Artillery along our whole front, with an unbroken line of artillery, and also heavily on our right flank, apparently using every description of missiles of Field Artillery. The crest which the enemy occupied, varied from 1000 to 1900 yards distance and afforded an excellent protection. I judge that the guns of not less than one half mile of this front were concentrated on our position, besides several batteries on our right which enfiladed our position, excepting Capts. Taft and Huntington's Batteries. Our Artillery endured this fire with surprising coolness and determination. No Battery ever showed a disposition to retire and several times during the cannonading, we silenced several of their Batteries, but at a moment's cessation on our part they would reopen upon us. The fire was extremely galling and by comparing the rapidity with which the shells fell among and passed our guns, with the rapidity with which our guns replied, the number of guns playing on the hill, was very much greater than the number in position there, probably double. Our guns were worked with great coolness, energy and judgment, but as no satisfactory results were obtained, I ordered all our guns to cease firing and the men to lie down to await development. At the same time the Artillery of our entire front ceased firing and a few moments later, the infantry of the enemy broke over the crest from where their Artillery had been playing and made their grand charge across the plain upon our lines. The left of the charging column rested on a line perpendicular to our front, then stretching away to the right beyond our view, thus offering an excellent front for our Artillery fire. We used according to distance all descriptions of projectiles. The whole force of our Artillery was brought to bear upon this column and the havoc produced upon their ranks was truly surprising. The enemy's advance was most splendid, and for a considerable distance the only hindrance offered it was by the Artillery fire which broke their lines fearfully; as each moment showed that their advance under this concentrated Artillery fire was most difficult and though they made desperate efforts to advance in good order were unable to do so, and I am convinced that the fire from the Hill was one of the main auxiliaries in breaking the force of this grand charge. 
But while the enemy was advancing, and after having been repulsed, I insisted that the Artillery fire should be turned intensely upon the infantry, and no notice whatever was to be taken of their Artillery. I am not able to speak of any one or more Batteries as deserving especial notice over another. Every Battery did its whole duty; the officers proved themselves brave and efficient, and the men on the battlefield were most willing, brave and gallant. In fact the only fault I could mention was too great willingness to use ammunition at small squads of men and on unimportant objects, yet this was not carried to excess. The Artillery of the Reserve proved all that could be expected or even asked of it, without their assistance I do not conceive how I could have maintained the position we held. I feel most thankful for their assistance and the very willing and cordial manner in which it was rendered. I would also speak of Lieut. Geo. W. Freeman, Acting Assistant Adjutant General of the command, for the great assistance he was to me and to the whole command during the engagement. I am unable to give any definite estimate of the amount of ammunition expended during the engagement; after we had exhausted the supply with our Batteries I replenished from our train. Col. Wainwright on the P. M. of the 1st also replenished from our train and after this source was exhausted I drew from the Reserve train of the Army. 
The casualties of this command as follows:
Battery G, 4th United States Artillery, 1st Lieut. B. Wilkeson, mortally wounded, men killed 1, wounded 11, missing 4, horses killed 31. 
Battery I, 1st Ohio Artillery, men killed , wounded 15, missing 1, horses killed 28, one piece disabled. 
Battery K, Lieut. Sheely severely wounded, men killed 2, wounded 10, missing , horses killed 9, one piece lost. 
Battery J, 1st New York Artillery, 1st Lieut. N. Salm and 2nd Lieut. Chas. Stock, severely wounded, men killed 3, wounded 9, missing—, horses killed 18, one piece dismounted. 
13th New York Independent Battery, men killed —, wounded 10, missing 3, horses killed 12, one piece dismounted. 
I am very respectfully, 
Your obedient servant. 
Major Commanding Artillery 11 Corps.